path: root/contrib/texinfo/doc
diff options
authorru <>2000-01-17 10:39:58 +0000
committerru <>2000-01-17 10:39:58 +0000
commit05f7b4b96773cc26ff78d5e68babd66861aa07a8 (patch)
tree523981ba621cd82428ac347585e7631052314d54 /contrib/texinfo/doc
parent15da023077f02380356169c9b5f4a62a6dc51f63 (diff)
Virgin import of GNU texinfo 4.0
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/texinfo/doc')
12 files changed, 4972 insertions, 2437 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/doc/README b/contrib/texinfo/doc/README
index fe8e654..c10fad9 100644
--- a/contrib/texinfo/doc/README
+++ b/contrib/texinfo/doc/README
@@ -1,22 +1,30 @@
This directory contains documentation on the Texinfo system and the TeX
-sources needed to process Texinfo sources. (Use texi2dvi to run a
-Texinfo manual through TeX to produce a DVI file.)
+sources needed to process Texinfo sources. We recommend using the
+texi2dvi included in the distribution to run a Texinfo manual through
+TeX to produce a DVI file.
The .tex files are not installed automatically because TeX installations
vary so widely. Installing them in the wrong place would give a false
sense of security. So, you should simply cp *.tex to the appropriate
place. If your installation follows the TeX Directory Structure
-standard (, this will be the directory
+standard (, this will be the directory
<texmf>/tex/texinfo/ for texinfo.tex and <texmf>/tex/plain/dvips/ for
epsf.tex. If you use the default installation paths, <texmf> will be
-/usr/local/share/texmf. If you have teTeX, you can find <texmf> by
- texconfig confall | grep \^TEXMF=
-(The configure script tries to do this for you.)
+/usr/local/share/texmf. On systems with TeX preinstalled, as most
+GNU/Linux distributions offer, <texmf> will often be something like
+It is also possible to put these .tex files in a `local' place instead
+of overwriting existing ones, but it is more complicated. See your TeX
+documentation in general and the texmf.cnf file in particular for information.
+If you add files to your TeX installations, not just replace existing
+ones, you very likely have to update your ls-R file; do this with the
+mktexlsr command. In older versions, this was named MakeTeXls-R.
You can get the latest texinfo.tex from
+ (and all GNU mirrors)
+ (and all CTAN mirrors)
or on the FSF machines in /home/gd/gnu/doc/texinfo.tex.
If you have problems with the version in this distribution, please check
for a newer version.
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/doc/help2man b/contrib/texinfo/doc/help2man
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d33f7cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/texinfo/doc/help2man
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+# Generate a short man page from --help and --version output.
+# Copyright © 1997, 98, 99 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Written by Brendan O'Dea <>
+use 5.004;
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Text::Tabs qw(expand);
+use POSIX qw(strftime setlocale LC_TIME);
+my $this_program = 'help2man';
+my $this_version = '1.013';
+my $version_info = <<EOT;
+$this_program $this_version
+Copyright (C) 1997, 98, 99 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
+Written by Brendan O'Dea <bod\>
+my $help_info = <<EOT;
+`$this_program' generates a man page out of `--help' and `--version' output.
+Usage: $this_program [OPTION]... EXECUTABLE
+ -n, --name=STRING use `STRING' as the description for the NAME paragraph
+ -s, --section=SECTION use `SECTION' as the section for the man page
+ -i, --include=FILE include material from `FILE'
+ -I, --opt-include=FILE include material from `FILE' if it exists
+ -o, --output=FILE send output to `FILE'
+ -N, --no-info suppress pointer to Texinfo manual
+ --help print this help, then exit
+ --version print $this_program program version number, then exit
+EXECUTABLE should accept `--help' and `--version' options.
+my $section = 1;
+my ($include, $opt_name, $opt_include, $opt_output, $opt_no_info);
+# Parse options.
+GetOptions (
+ 'n|name=s' => \$opt_name,
+ 's|section=s' => \$section,
+ 'i|include=s' => \$include,
+ 'I|opt-include=s' => \$opt_include,
+ 'o|output=s' => \$opt_output,
+ 'N|no-info' => \$opt_no_info,
+ help => sub { print $help_info; exit },
+ version => sub { print $version_info; exit },
+) or die $help_info;
+die $help_info unless @ARGV == 1;
+my %include = ();
+my @include = (); # to retain order
+# Process include file (if given). Format is:
+# [section name]
+# verbatim text
+if ($include or $opt_include)
+ if (open INC, $include || $opt_include)
+ {
+ my $sect;
+ while (<INC>)
+ {
+ if (/^\[([^]]+)\]/)
+ {
+ $sect = uc $1;
+ $sect =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $sect =~ s/\s+$//;
+ next;
+ }
+ # Silently ignore anything before the first
+ # section--allows for comments and revision info.
+ next unless $sect;
+ push @include, $sect unless $include{$sect};
+ $include{$sect} ||= '';
+ $include{$sect} .= $_;
+ }
+ close INC;
+ die "$this_program: no valid information found in `$include'\n"
+ unless %include;
+ # Compress trailing blank lines.
+ for (keys %include)
+ {
+ $include{$_} =~ s/\n+$//;
+ $include{$_} .= "\n" unless /^NAME$/;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "$this_program: can't open `$include' ($!)\n" if $include;
+ }
+# Turn off localisation of executable's ouput.
+@ENV{qw(LANGUAGE LANG LC_ALL)} = ('C') x 3;
+# Turn off localisation of date (for strftime)
+setlocale LC_TIME, 'C';
+# Expand tabs, strip trailing spaces and break into paragraphs
+sub paragraphs { split /\n\n+/, join '', expand @_ }
+# Grab help and version paragraphs from executable
+my @help = paragraphs `$ARGV[0] --help 2>/dev/null`
+ or die "$this_program: can't get `--help' info from $ARGV[0]\n";
+my @version = paragraphs `$ARGV[0] --version 2>/dev/null`
+ or die "$this_program: can't get `--version' info from $ARGV[0]\n";
+my $date = strftime "%B %Y", localtime;
+(my $program = $ARGV[0]) =~ s!.*/!!;
+my $package = $program;
+my $version;
+if ($opt_output)
+ unlink $opt_output
+ or die "$this_program: can't unlink $opt_output ($!)\n"
+ if -e $opt_output;
+ open STDOUT, ">$opt_output"
+ or die "$this_program: can't create $opt_output ($!)\n";
+# The first line of the --version information is assumed to be in one
+# of the following formats:
+# <version>
+# <program> <version>
+# {GNU,Free} <program> <version>
+# <program> ({GNU,Free} <package>) <version>
+# <program> - {GNU,Free} <package> <version>
+# and seperated from any copyright/author details by a blank line.
+$_ = shift @version;
+if (/^(\S+) +\(((?:GNU|Free) +[^)]+)\) +(.*)/ or
+ /^(\S+) +- *((?:GNU|Free) +\S+) +(.*)/)
+ $program = $1;
+ $package = $2;
+ $version = $3;
+elsif (/^((?:GNU|Free) +)?(\S+) +(.*)/)
+ $program = $2;
+ $package = $1 ? "$1$2" : $2;
+ $version = $3;
+ $version = $_;
+$program =~ s!.*/!!;
+# no info for `info' itself
+$opt_no_info = 1 if $program eq 'info';
+# --name overrides --include contents
+$include{NAME} = "$program \\- $opt_name" if $opt_name;
+# Default (useless) NAME paragraph
+$include{NAME} ||= "$program \\- manual page for $program $version";
+# Man pages traditionally have the page title in caps.
+my $PROGRAM = uc $program;
+# Header.
+print <<EOT;
+.\\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by $this_program $this_version.
+.TH $PROGRAM "$section" "$date" "$package $version" FSF
+my $break;
+my $accumulate = 1;
+my @description = ();
+sub convert_option;
+# Output converted --help information.
+for (@help)
+ chomp;
+ if (s/^Usage: +\S+ +(.*)\n?//)
+ {
+ # Turn the usage clause into a synopsis.
+ my $synopsis = '';
+ do {
+ my $syn = $1;
+ $syn =~ s/(([][]|\.\.+)+)/\\fR$1\\fI/g;
+ $syn =~ s/^/\\fI/ unless $syn =~ s/^\\fR//;
+ $syn .= '\fR';
+ $syn =~ s/\\fI( *)\\fR/$1/g;
+ $synopsis .= ".br\n" unless $accumulate;
+ $synopsis .= ".B $program\n";
+ $synopsis .= "$syn\n";
+ $accumulate = 0;
+ } while s/^(?:Usage| *or): +\S+ +(.*)\n?//;
+ # Include file overrides SYNOPSIS.
+ print ".SH SYNOPSIS\n", $include{SYNOPSIS} || $synopsis;
+ # Dump any accumulated description text.
+ print ".SH DESCRIPTION\n";
+ print @description;
+ # Add additional description text from include file.
+ if ($include{DESCRIPTION})
+ {
+ print ".PP\n" unless $include{DESCRIPTION} =~ /^\..P/;
+ print $include{DESCRIPTION};
+ }
+ $break = 1;
+ next unless $_;
+ }
+ # Accumulate text if the synopsis has not been produced yet.
+ if ($accumulate)
+ {
+ push @description, ".PP\n" if @description;
+ push @description, "$_\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ # Convert some standard paragraph names
+ if (s/^(Options|Examples): *\n//)
+ {
+ print qq(.SH \U$1\n);
+ $break = '';
+ next unless length;
+ }
+ # Catch bug report text.
+ if (/^Report bugs |^Email bug reports to /)
+ {
+ print qq(.SH "REPORTING BUGS"\n$_\n);
+ $break = '';
+ next;
+ }
+ # Option subsections have second line indented.
+ if (s/^(\S.*)\n / /)
+ {
+ print qq(.SS "$1"\n);
+ $break = '';
+ }
+ my $output = '';
+ while (length)
+ {
+ my $indent = 0;
+ # Tagged paragraph
+ if (s/^( +(\S.*?) +)(\S.*)\n?//)
+ {
+ $indent = length $1;
+ $output .= ".TP\n$2\n$3\n";
+ $break = 1;
+ }
+ # Indented paragraph
+ elsif (s/^( +)(\S.*)\n?//)
+ {
+ $indent = length $1;
+ $output .= ".IP\n$2\n";
+ $break = 1;
+ }
+ # Left justified paragraph
+ else
+ {
+ s/(.*)\n?//;
+ $output .= ".PP\n" if $break;
+ $output .= "$1\n";
+ $break = 1;
+ }
+ # Continuations
+ $output .= "$1\n" while s/^ {$indent}(\S.*)\n?//;
+ }
+ $_ = $output;
+ # Escape backslashes.
+ s/\\/\\e/g;
+ # Convert options.
+ s/(^| )(-[][\w=-]+)/$1 . convert_option $2/mge;
+ print;
+# Print any include items other than the ones we have already dealt
+# with.
+for (@include)
+ print qq(.SH "$_"\n$include{$_})
+# Refer to the real documentation.
+if ($include{'SEE ALSO'} or !$opt_no_info)
+ print qq(.SH "SEE ALSO"\n);
+ print $include{'SEE ALSO'}, ".PP\n" if $include{'SEE ALSO'};
+ print <<EOT unless $opt_no_info;
+The full documentation for
+.B $program
+is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the
+.B info
+.B $program
+programs are properly installed at your site, the command
+.B info $program
+should give you access to the complete manual.
+# Output converted --version information.
+for (@version)
+ chomp;
+ # Join hyphenated lines.
+ s/([A-Za-z])-\n */$1/g;
+ # Convert copyright symbol or (c) to nroff character.
+ s/Copyright +(?:\xa9|\([Cc]\))/Copyright \\(co/g;
+ # Insert appropriate headings for copyright and author.
+ if (/^Copyright \\/) { print ".SH COPYRIGHT\n" }
+ elsif (/^Written +by/) { print ".SH AUTHOR\n" }
+ else { print ".PP\n"; }
+ # Insert line breaks before additional copyright messages and the
+ # disclaimer.
+ s/(.)\n(Copyright |This is free software)/$1\\n$2/g;
+ print "$_\n";
+# Convert option dashes to \- to stop nroff from hyphenating 'em, and
+# embolden. Option arguments get italicised.
+sub convert_option
+ my $option = '\fB' . shift;
+ $option =~ s/-/\\-/g;
+ unless ($option =~ s/\[=(.*)\]$/\\fR[=\\fI$1\\fR]/)
+ {
+ $option =~ s/=(.)/\\fR=\\fI$1/;
+ $option =~ s/ (.)/ \\fI$1/;
+ $option .= '\fR';
+ }
+ $option;
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/doc/info-stnd.texi b/contrib/texinfo/doc/info-stnd.texi
index 9eb6836d..c08a8a5 100644
--- a/contrib/texinfo/doc/info-stnd.texi
+++ b/contrib/texinfo/doc/info-stnd.texi
@@ -2,18 +2,17 @@
@comment %**start of header
@settitle GNU Info
-@set InfoProgVer 2.11
-@paragraphindent none
-@footnotestyle end
@synindex vr cp
@synindex fn cp
@synindex ky cp
@comment %**end of header
-@comment $Id: info-stnd.texi,v 1.3 1997/07/06 21:49:30 karl Exp $
+@comment $Id: info-stnd.texi,v 1.23 1999/06/25 21:57:04 karl Exp $
+@include version.texi
@dircategory Texinfo documentation system
-* info program: (info-stnd). Standalone Info-reading program.
+* Standalone info program: (info-stnd). Standalone Info-reading program.
@end direntry
@@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ documentation for the Info reader that is part of GNU Emacs. If you do
not know how to use Info, but have a working Info reader, you should
read that documentation first.
-Copyright @copyright{} 1992, 93, 96, 97 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright @copyright{} 1992, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
@@ -50,12 +49,14 @@ approved by the Free Software Foundation.
@end ifinfo
-@title GNU Info User's Guide
-@subtitle For GNU Info version @value{InfoProgVer}
-@author Brian J. Fox (
+@title GNU Info
+@subtitle for version @value{VERSION}, @value{UPDATED}
+@author Brian J. Fox (
@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-Copyright @copyright{} 1992, 1993, 1997 Free Software Foundation
+Copyright @copyright{} 1992, 93, 97, 98, 99 Free Software Foundation
+This manual is for GNU Info version @value{VERSION}, @value{UPDATED}.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
@@ -74,21 +75,23 @@ except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation
approved by the Free Software Foundation.
@end titlepage
-@node Top, What is Info, , (dir)
-@top The GNU Info Program
+@node Top
+@top GNU Info
This file documents GNU Info, a program for viewing the on-line
-formatted versions of Texinfo files, version @value{InfoProgVer}. This
+formatted versions of Texinfo files, version @value{VERSION}. This
documentation is different from the documentation for the Info reader
that is part of GNU Emacs.
-@end ifinfo
+This manual is for Info version @value{VERSION}, updated @value{UPDATED}.
+@end ifnottex
-* What is Info::
-* Options:: Options you can pass on the command line.
+* What is Info:: What is Info?
+* Invoking Info:: Options you can pass on the command line.
* Cursor Commands:: Commands which move the cursor within a node.
-* Scrolling Commands:: Commands for moving the node around
+* Scrolling Commands:: Commands for moving the node around
in a window.
* Node Commands:: Commands for selecting a new node.
* Searching Commands:: Commands for searching an Info file.
@@ -97,30 +100,29 @@ that is part of GNU Emacs.
* Printing Nodes:: How to print out the contents of a node.
* Miscellaneous Commands:: A few commands that defy categories.
* Variables:: How to change the default behavior of Info.
-* GNU Info Global Index:: Global index containing keystrokes,
- command names, variable names,
+* GNU Info Global Index:: Global index containing keystrokes,
+ command names, variable names,
and general concepts.
@end menu
-@node What is Info, Options, Top, Top
-@chapter What is Info?
-This file documents GNU Info, a program for viewing the on-line formatted
-versions of Texinfo files, version @value{InfoProgVer}.
-@end iftex
+@node What is Info
+@chapter What is Info?
@dfn{Info} is a program which is used to view Info files on an ASCII
terminal. @dfn{Info files} are the result of processing Texinfo files
with the program @code{makeinfo} or with one of the Emacs commands, such
as @code{M-x texinfo-format-buffer}. Texinfo itself is a documentation
system that uses a single source file to produce both on-line
-information and printed output. You can typeset and print the
-files that you read in Info.@refill
+information and printed output. You can typeset and print the files
+that you read in Info.
-@node Options, Cursor Commands, What is Info, Top
-@chapter Command Line Options
+@node Invoking Info
+@chapter Invoking Info
+@cindex invoking info
@cindex command line options
+@cindex options, command line
@cindex arguments, command line
GNU Info accepts several options to control the initial node being
@@ -128,24 +130,46 @@ viewed, and to specify which directories to search for Info files. Here
is a template showing an invocation of GNU Info from the shell:
-info [--@var{option-name} @var{option-value}] @var{menu-item}@dots{}
+info [@var{option}]@dots{} [@var{menu-item}@dots{}]
@end example
-The following @var{option-names} are available when invoking Info from
-the shell:
+The program accepts the following options:
@table @code
+@item --apropos=@var{string}
+@cindex Searching all indices
+@cindex Info files@r{, searching all indices}
+@cindex Apropos@r{, in Info files}
+Specify a string to search in every index of every Info file installed
+on your system. Info looks up the named @var{string} in all the indices
+it can find, prints the results to standard output, and then exits. If
+you are not sure which Info file explains certain issues, this option is
+your friend. Note that if your system has a lot of Info files
+installed, searching all of them might take some time.
@cindex directory path
@item --directory @var{directory-path}
@itemx -d @var{directory-path}
-Add @var{directory-path} to the list of directory paths searched when
-Info needs to find a file. You may issue @code{--directory} multiple
-times; once for each directory which contains Info files.
-Alternatively, you may specify a value for the environment variable
-@code{INFOPATH}; if @code{--directory} is not given, the value of
-@code{INFOPATH} is used. The value of @code{INFOPATH} is a colon
-separated list of directory names. If you do not supply @code{INFOPATH}
-or @code{--directory-path}, Info uses a default path.
+Prepend @var{directory-path} to the list of directory paths searched
+when Info needs to find a file. You may issue @code{--directory}
+multiple times; once for each directory which contains Info files. The
+list of directories searched by Info is constructed from the value of
+the environment variable @code{INFOPATH}; @code{--directory} causes the
+named @var{directory-path} to be prepended to that list. The value of
+@code{INFOPATH} is a list of directories usually separated by a colon;
+on MS-DOS/MS-Windows systems, the semicolon is used. If you do not
+define @code{INFOPATH}, Info uses a default path defined when Info was
+built as the initial list of directories. If the value of
+@code{INFOPATH} ends with a colon (or semicolon on MS-DOS/MS-Windows),
+the initial list of directories is constructed by appending the
+build-time default to the value of @code{INFOPATH}.
+@cindex keystrokes, recording
+@cindex remembering user keystrokes
+@item --dribble=@var{dribble-file}
+Specify a file where all user keystrokes will be recorded. This file
+can be used later to replay the same sequence of commands, see the
+@samp{--restore} option below.
@item --file @var{filename}
@itemx -f @var{filename}
@@ -154,23 +178,66 @@ Specify a particular Info file to visit. By default, Info visits
the file @code{dir}; if you use this option, Info will start with
@code{(@var{filename})Top} as the first file and node.
+@cindex relative Info file names
+@cindex file names, relative
+@cindex Info files, relative
+If @var{filename} is an absolute file name, or begins with @file{./} or
+@file{../}, Info looks for @var{filename} only in the directory of the
+specified @var{filename}, and adds the directory of @var{filename} to
+the value of @code{INFOPATH}. In contrast, if @var{filename} is in the
+form of a relative file name, but without the @file{./} or @file{../}
+prefix, Info will only look for it in the directories specified in
+@code{INFOPATH}. In other words, Info does @emph{not} treat file names
+which lack @file{./} and @file{../} prefix as relative to the current
+@cindex compressed Info files
+@cindex files, compressed
+@cindex Info files, compressed
+In every directory Info tries, if @var{filename} is not found, Info
+looks for it with a number of known extensions of Info files@footnote{
+@file{.info}, @file{-info}, @file{/index}, and @file{.inf}.}. For every
+known extension, Info looks for a compressed file, if a regular file
+isn't found. Info supports files compressed with @code{gzip},
+@code{bzip2}, @code{compress} and @code{yabba} programs; it calls
+@code{gunzip}, @code{bunzip2}, @code{uncompress} and @code{unyabba},
+accordingly, to decompress such files. Compressed Info files are
+assumed to have @file{.z}, @file{.gz}, @file{.bz2}, @file{.Z}, or
+@file{.Y} extensions, possibly in addition to one of the known Info
+files extensions@footnote{The MS-DOS version allows for the Info
+extension, such as @code{.inf}, and the short compressed file
+extensions, such as @file{.z} and @file{.gz}, to be merged into a single
+extension, since DOS doesn't allow more than a single dot in the
+basename of a file. Thus, on MS-DOS, if Info looks for @file{bison},
+file names like @file{bison.igz} and @file{bison.inz} will be found and
+decompressed by @code{gunzip}.}.
+@item --help
+@itemx -h
+Produces a relatively brief description of the available Info options.
@item --index-search @var{string}
-@cindex index search, selecting
+@cindex index search, selecting from the command line
@cindex online help, using Info as
-Go to the index entry @var{string} in the Info file specified with
-@samp{--file}. If no such entry, print @samp{no entries found} and exit
-with nonzero status. This can used from another program as a way to
-provide online help.
+After processing all command-line arguments, go to the index in the Info
+file and search for index entries which matche @var{string}. If such an
+entry is found, the Info session begins with displaying the node pointed
+to by the first matching index entry; press @kbd{,} to step through the
+rest of the matching entries. If no such entry exists, print @samp{no
+entries found} and exit with nonzero status. This can be used from
+another program as a way to provide online help, or as a quick way of
+starting to read an Info file at a certain node when you don't know the
+exact name of that node.
@item --node @var{nodename}
@itemx -n @var{nodename}
-@cindex node, selecting
+@cindex node, selecting from the command line
Specify a particular node to visit in the initial file that Info
loads. This is especially useful in conjunction with
@code{--file}@footnote{Of course, you can specify both the file and node
in a @code{--node} command; but don't forget to escape the open and
-close parentheses from the shell as in: @code{info --node
-"(emacs)Buffers"}}. You may specify @code{--node} multiple times; for
+close parentheses and whitespace from the shell as in: @code{info --node
+"(emacs)Buffers"}.}. You may specify @code{--node} multiple times; for
an interactive Info, each @var{nodename} is visited in its own window,
for a non-interactive Info (such as when @code{--output} is given) each
@var{nodename} is processed sequentially.
@@ -184,6 +251,36 @@ Each node that Info visits will be output to @var{filename} instead of
interactively viewed. A value of @code{-} for @var{filename} specifies
the standard output.
+@cindex replaying recorded keystrokes
+@item --restore=@var{dribble-file}
+Read keystrokes from @var{dribble-file}, presumably recorded during
+previous Info session (see the description of the @samp{--dribble}
+option above). When the keystrokes in the files are all read, Info
+reverts its input to the usual interactive operation.
+@cindex command-line options, how to find
+@cindex invocation description, how to find
+@item --show-options
+@itemx --usage
+@itemx -O
+This option causes Info to look for the node that describes how to
+invoke the program and its command-line options, and begin the session
+by displaying that node. It is provided to make it easier to find the
+most important usage information in a manual without the need to wade
+through complex menu hierarchies. The effect is similar to the
+@code{M-x goto-invocation} command (@pxref{goto-invocation}) from inside
+@cindex speech synthesizers
+@item --speech-friendly
+@itemx -b
+On MS-DOS/MS-Windows only, this option causes Info to use standard file
+I/O functions for screen writes. (By default, Info uses direct writes
+to the video memory on these systems, for faster operation and colored
+display support.) This allows the speech synthesizers used by blind
+persons to catch the output and convert it to audible speech.
@item --subnodes
@cindex @code{--subnodes}, command line option
This option only has meaning when given in conjunction with
@@ -192,21 +289,26 @@ the menus of each node being output. Menu items which resolve to
external Info files are not output, and neither are menu items which are
members of an index. Each node is only output once.
-@item --help
-@itemx -h
-Produces a relatively brief description of the available Info options.
@item --version
@cindex version information
Prints the version information of Info and exits.
+@cindex vi-like key bindings
+@cindex Less-like key bindings
+@item --vi-keys
+This option binds functions to keys differently, to emulate the key
+bindings of @code{vi} and Less. The default key bindings are generally
+modeled after Emacs.
@item @var{menu-item}
@cindex menu, following
+@anchor{command-line menu items}
Info treats its remaining arguments as the names of menu items. The
-first argument is a menu item in the initial node visited, while
-the second argument is a menu item in the first argument's node.
-You can easily move to the node of your choice by specifying the menu
-names which describe the path to that node. For example,
+first argument is a menu item in the initial node visited (generally
+@code{dir}), the second argument is a menu item in the first argument's
+node, etc. You can easily move to the node of your choice by specifying
+the menu names which describe the path to that node. For example,
info emacs buffers
@@ -218,9 +320,23 @@ and then selects the menu item @samp{Buffers} in the node
@end table
-@node Cursor Commands, Scrolling Commands, Options, Top
+To avoid searching the @file{dir} files and just show some arbitrary
+file, use @samp{-f} and the filename, as in @samp{info -f ./}.
+The index search and the search for the node which describes program
+invocation and command-line options begins @emph{after} processing all
+the command-line menu items. Therefore, the Info file searched for the
+index or the invocation node is the file where Info finds itself after
+following all the menu items given on the command line. This is so
+@samp{info emacs --show-options} does what you'd expect.
+@c FIXME: the feature with lowercasing the file name isn't documented
+@node Cursor Commands
@chapter Moving the Cursor
@cindex cursor, moving
+@cindex moving the cursor
Many people find that reading screens of text page by page is made
easier when one is able to indicate particular pieces of text with some
@@ -230,7 +346,12 @@ move the cursor about the screen. The notation used in this manual to
describe keystrokes is identical to the notation used within the Emacs
manual, and the GNU Readline manual. @xref{Characters, , Character
Conventions, emacs, the GNU Emacs Manual}, if you are unfamiliar with the
+Here's a short summary. @kbd{C-@var{x}} means press the @kbd{CTRL} key
+and the key @var{x}. @kbd{M-@var{x}} means press the @kbd{META} key and
+the key @var{x}. On many terminals th @kbd{META} key is known as the
+@kbd{ALT} key. @kbd{SPC} is the space bar. The other keys are usually
+called by the names imprinted on them.}.
The following table lists the basic cursor movement commands in Info.
Each entry consists of the key sequence you should type to execute the
@@ -239,8 +360,8 @@ invokes @code{execute-extended-command}. @xref{M-x, , Executing an
extended command, emacs, the GNU Emacs Manual}, for more detailed
information.} command name (displayed in parentheses), and a short
description of what the command does. All of the cursor motion commands
-can take an @dfn{numeric} argument (@pxref{Miscellaneous Commands,
-@code{universal-argument}}), to find out how to supply them. With a
+can take a @dfn{numeric} argument (see @ref{Miscellaneous Commands,
+@code{universal-argument}, to find out how to supply them}. With a
numeric argument, the motion commands are simply executed that
many times; for example, a numeric argument of 4 given to
@code{next-line} causes the cursor to move down 4 lines. With a
@@ -249,59 +370,83 @@ given to the @code{next-line} command would cause the cursor to move
@emph{up} 4 lines.
@table @asis
-@item @code{C-n} (@code{next-line})
+@item @key{C-n} (@code{next-line})
+@itemx @key{DOWN} (an arrow key)
@kindex C-n
+@kindex DOWN (an arrow key)
@findex next-line
Move the cursor down to the next line.
-@item @code{C-p} (@code{prev-line})
+@item @key{C-p} (@code{prev-line})
+@itemx @key{UP} (an arrow key)
@kindex C-p
+@kindex UP (an arrow key)
@findex prev-line
Move the cursor up to the previous line.
-@item @code{C-a} (@code{beginning-of-line})
+@item @key{C-a} (@code{beginning-of-line})
+@itemx @key{Home} (on DOS/Windows only)
@kindex C-a, in Info windows
+@kindex Home
@findex beginning-of-line
Move the cursor to the start of the current line.
-@item @code{C-e} (@code{end-of-line})
+@item @key{C-e} (@code{end-of-line})
+@itemx @key{End} (on DOS/Windows only)
@kindex C-e, in Info windows
+@kindex End
@findex end-of-line
Move the cursor to the end of the current line.
-@item @code{C-f} (@code{forward-char})
+@item @key{C-f} (@code{forward-char})
+@itemx @key{RIGHT} (an arrow key)
@kindex C-f, in Info windows
+@kindex RIGHT (an arrow key)
@findex forward-char
Move the cursor forward a character.
-@item @code{C-b} (@code{backward-char})
+@item @key{C-b} (@code{backward-char})
+@itemx @key{LEFT} (an arrow key)
@kindex C-b, in Info windows
+@kindex LEFT (an arrow key)
@findex backward-char
Move the cursor backward a character.
-@item @code{M-f} (@code{forward-word})
+@item @key{M-f} (@code{forward-word})
+@itemx @kbd{C-@key{RIGHT}} (on DOS/Windows only)
@kindex M-f, in Info windows
+@kindex C-RIGHT
@findex forward-word
Move the cursor forward a word.
-@item @code{M-b} (@code{backward-word})
+@item @key{M-b} (@code{backward-word})
+@itemx @kbd{C-@key{LEFT}} (on DOS/Windows only)
@kindex M-b, in Info windows
+@kindex C-LEFT
@findex backward-word
Move the cursor backward a word.
-@item @code{M-<} (@code{beginning-of-node})
-@itemx @code{b}
+@item @key{M-<} (@code{beginning-of-node})
+@itemx @key{C-@key{Home}} (on DOS/Windows only)
+@itemx @key{b}
+@itemx @key{M-b}, vi-like operation
@kindex b, in Info windows
@kindex M-<
+@kindex C-Home
+@kindex M-b, vi-like operation
@findex beginning-of-node
Move the cursor to the start of the current node.
-@item @code{M->} (@code{end-of-node})
+@item @key{M->} (@code{end-of-node})
+@itemx @key{C-@key{End}} (on DOS/Windows only)
+@itemx @key{e}
@kindex M->
+@kindex e, in Info windows
+@kindex C-End
@findex end-of-node
Move the cursor to the end of the current node.
-@item @code{M-r} (@code{move-to-window-line})
+@item @key{M-r} (@code{move-to-window-line})
@kindex M-r
@findex move-to-window-line
Move the cursor to a specific line of the window. Without a numeric
@@ -319,11 +464,23 @@ current paragraph you are reading is visible on the screen. The
commands detailed in this section are used to shift which part of the
current node is visible on the screen.
+Scrolling commands are bound differently when @samp{--vi-keys} operation
+(@pxref{--vi-keys}) is in effect. These key bindings are designated
+with ``vi-like operation''.
@table @asis
-@item @code{SPC} (@code{scroll-forward})
-@itemx @code{C-v}
+@item @key{SPC} (@code{scroll-forward})
+@itemx @key{NEXT} (an arrow key)
+@itemx @key{C-v}
+@itemx @key{C-f}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @key{f}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @key{M-SPC}, vi-like operation
@kindex SPC, in Info windows
+@kindex NEXT
@kindex C-v
+@kindex C-f, vi-like operation
+@kindex f, vi-like operation
+@kindex M-SPC, vi-like operation
@findex scroll-forward
Shift the text in this window up. That is, show more of the node which
is currently below the bottom of the window. With a numeric argument,
@@ -332,15 +489,99 @@ argument of 4 would shift all of the text in the window up 4 lines
(discarding the top 4 lines), and show you four new lines at the bottom
of the window. Without a numeric argument, @key{SPC} takes the bottom
two lines of the window and places them at the top of the window,
-redisplaying almost a completely new screenful of lines.
-@item @code{DEL} (@code{scroll-backward})
-@itemx @code{M-v}
+redisplaying almost a completely new screenful of lines. If you are at
+the end of a node, SPC takes you to the ``next'' node, so that you can
+read an entire manual from start to finish by repeating SPC.
+The default scroll size is one screen-full, but it can be changed by
+invoking the (@code{scroll-forward-set-window}) command, @samp{z} under
+@samp{--vi-keys}, with a numeric argument.
+@kindex PageDown
+The @key{NEXT} key is known as the @key{PageDown} key on some
+keyboards. When you use @key{NEXT} or @key{PageDown} to scroll, Info
+never scrolls beyond the end of the current node.
+@item @key{z} (@code{scroll-forward-set-window}, vi-like operation)
+@kindex z, vi-like operation
+@findex scroll-forward-set-window
+Scroll forward, like with @key{SPC}, but if a numeric argument is
+specified, it becomes the default scroll size for subsequent
+@code{scroll-forward} and @code{scroll-backward} commands.
+@item @key{DEL} (@code{scroll-backward})
+@itemx @key{PREVIOUS} (arrow key)
+@itemx @key{PRIOR} (arrow key)
+@itemx @key{M-v}
+@itemx @key{b}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @key{C-b}, vi-like operation
@kindex DEL, in Info windows
+@kindex PREVIOUS
@kindex M-v
+@kindex b, vi-like operation
+@kindex C-b, vi-like operation
@findex scroll-backward
Shift the text in this window down. The inverse of
+@code{scroll-forward}. The default scroll size can be changed by
+invoking the(@code{scroll-backward-set-window}) command, @samp{w} under
+@samp{--vi-keys}, with a numeric argument.
+@item @key{w} (@code{scroll-backward-set-window}, vi-like operation)
+@kindex w, vi-like operation
+@findex scroll-backward-set-window
+Scroll backward, like with @key{DEL}, but if a numeric argument is
+specified, it becomes the default scroll size for subsequent
+@code{scroll-forward} and @code{scroll-backward} commands.
+@item @key{C-n} (@code{down-line}, vi-like operation)
+@itemx @key{C-e}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @key{RET}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @key{LFD}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @key{DOWN}, vi-like operation
+@kindex C-n, vi-like operation
+@kindex C-e, vi-like operation
+@kindex RET, vi-like operation
+@kindex LFD, vi-like operation
+@kindex DOWN, vi-like operation
+@findex down-line
+Scroll forward by one line. With a numeric argument, scroll forward
+that many lines.
+@item @key{C-p} (@code{up-line}, vi-like operation)
+@itemx @key{UP}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @key{y}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @key{k}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @key{C-k}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @key{C-y}, vi-like operation
+@kindex C-p, vi-like operation
+@kindex UP, vi-like operation
+@kindex y, vi-like operation
+@kindex k, vi-like operation
+@kindex C-k, vi-like operation
+@kindex C-y, vi-like operation
+@findex up-line
+Scroll backward one line. With a numeric argument, scroll backward that
+many lines.
+@item @key{d} (@code{scroll-half-screen-down}, vi-like operation)
+@itemx @key{C-d}, vi-like operation
+@kindex d, vi-like operation
+@kindex C-d, vi-like operation
+@findex scroll-half-screen-down
+Scroll forward by half of the screen size. With a numeric argument,
+scroll that many lines. If an argument is specified, it becomes the new
+default number of lines to scroll for subsequent @samp{d} and @samp{u}
+@item @key{u} (@code{scroll-half-screen-up}, vi-like operation)
+@itemx @key{C-u}, vi-like operation
+@kindex u, vi-like operation
+@kindex C-u, vi-like operation
+@findex scroll-half-screen-up
+Scroll back by half of the screen size. With a numeric argument,
+scroll that many lines. If an argument is specified, it becomes the new
+default number of lines to scroll for subsequent @samp{u} and @samp{d}
@end table
@cindex scrolling through node structure
@@ -351,8 +592,19 @@ viewing the beginning of a node, what happens is controlled by the
variable @code{scroll-behavior}. @xref{Variables,
@code{scroll-behavior}}, for more information.
+@kindex PageUp
+The @key{PREVIOUS} key is the @key{PageUp} key on many keyboards. Emacs
+refers to it by the name @key{PRIOR}. When you use @key{PRIOR} or
+@key{PageUp} to scroll, Info never scrolls beyond the beginning of the
+current node.
+@kindex BS (backspace)
+If your keyboard lacks the @key{DEL} key, look for a key called
+@key{BS}, or @samp{BackSpace}, sometimes designated with an arrow which
+points to the left, which should perform the same function.
@table @asis
-@item @code{C-l} (@code{redraw-display})
+@item @key{C-l} (@code{redraw-display})
@kindex C-l
@findex redraw-display
Redraw the display from scratch, or shift the line containing the cursor
@@ -361,7 +613,7 @@ the screen, and then redraws its entire contents. Given a numeric
argument of @var{n}, the line containing the cursor is shifted so that
it is on the @var{n}th line of the window.
-@item @code{C-x w} (@code{toggle-wrap})
+@item @kbd{C-x @key{w}} (@code{toggle-wrap})
@kindex C-w
@findex toggle-wrap
Toggles the state of line wrapping in the current window. Normally,
@@ -372,7 +624,8 @@ terminated at the rightmost column by changing the state of line
wrapping in the window with @code{C-x w}. When a line which needs more
space than one screen width to display is displayed, a @samp{$} appears
in the rightmost column of the screen, and the remainder of the line is
+invisible. When long lines are truncated, the modeline displays the
+@samp{$} character near its left edge.
@end table
@node Node Commands, Searching Commands, Scrolling Commands, Top
@@ -383,7 +636,9 @@ This section details the numerous Info commands which select a new node
to view in the current window.
The most basic node commands are @samp{n}, @samp{p}, @samp{u}, and
+@samp{l}. Note that the commands to select nodes are mapped differently
+when @samp{--vi-keys} is in effect; these keybindings are designated
+below as ``vi-like operation''.
When you are viewing a node, the top line of the node contains some Info
@dfn{pointers} which describe where the next, previous, and up nodes
@@ -391,47 +646,78 @@ are. Info uses this line to move about the node structure of the file
when you use the following commands:
@table @asis
-@item @code{n} (@code{next-node})
+@item @key{n} (@code{next-node})
+@itemx @kbd{C-@key{NEXT}} (on DOS/Windows only)
+@itemx @kbd{C-x @key{n}}, vi-like operation
@kindex n
+@kindex C-NEXT
+@kindex C-x n, vi-like operation
@findex next-node
-Select the `Next' node.
+Select the `Next' node.
-@item @code{p} (@code{prev-node})
+@kindex C-PgDn
+The @key{NEXT} key is known as the @key{PgDn} key on some
+@item @key{p} (@code{prev-node})
+@itemx @kbd{C-@key{PREVIOUS}} (on DOS/Windows only)
@kindex p
+@kindex C-PREVIOUS
@findex prev-node
Select the `Prev' node.
-@item @code{u} (@code{up-node})
+@kindex C-PgUp
+The @key{PREVIOUS} key is known as the @key{PgUp} key on some
+@item @key{u} (@code{up-node})
+@itemx @kbd{C-@key{UP}} (an arrow key on DOS/Windows only)
+@itemx @kbd{C-x @key{u}}, vi-like operation
@kindex u
+@kindex C-UP
+@kindex C-x u, vi-like operation
@findex up-node
Select the `Up' node.
@end table
You can easily select a node that you have already viewed in this window
by using the @samp{l} command -- this name stands for "last", and
-actually moves through the list of already visited nodes for this
-window. @samp{l} with a negative numeric argument moves forward through
-the history of nodes for this window, so you can quickly step between
-two adjacent (in viewing history) nodes.
+actually moves backwards through the history of visited nodes for this
+window. This is handy when you followed a reference to another node,
+possibly to read about a related issue, and would like then to resume
+reading at the same place where you started the excursion.
+Each node where you press @samp{l} is discarded from the history. Thus,
+by the time you get to the first node you visited in a window, the
+entire history of that window is discarded.
@table @asis
-@item @code{l} (@code{history-node})
+@item @key{l} (@code{history-node})
+@itemx @key{C-@key{CENTER}} (on DOS/Windows only)
+@itemx @key{'}, vi-like operation
@kindex l
+@kindex C-CENTER
+@kindex ', vi-like operation
@findex history-node
-Select the most recently selected node in this window.
+Pop the most recently selected node in this window from the node
@end table
Two additional commands make it easy to select the most commonly
selected nodes; they are @samp{t} and @samp{d}.
@table @asis
-@item @code{t} (@code{top-node})
+@item @key{t} (@code{top-node})
+@itemx @key{M-t}, vi-like operation
@kindex t
+@kindex M-t, vi-like operation
@findex top-node
Select the node @samp{Top} in the current Info file.
-@item @code{d} (@code{dir-node})
+@item @key{d} (@code{dir-node})
+@itemx @key{M-d}, vi-like operation
@kindex d
+@kindex M-d, vi-like operation
@findex dir-node
Select the directory node (i.e., the node @samp{(dir)}).
@end table
@@ -440,18 +726,27 @@ Here are some other commands which immediately result in the selection
of a different node in the current window:
@table @asis
-@item @code{<} (@code{first-node})
+@item @key{<} (@code{first-node})
+@itemx @key{g}, vi-like operation
@kindex <
+@kindex g, vi-like operation
@findex first-node
Selects the first node which appears in this file. This node is most
-often @samp{Top}, but it does not have to be.
+often @samp{Top}, but it does not have to be. With a numeric argument
+@var{N}, select the @var{N}th node (the first node is node 1). An
+argument of zero is the same as the argument of 1.
-@item @code{>} (@code{last-node})
+@item @key{>} (@code{last-node})
+@itemx @key{G}, vi-like operation
@kindex >
+@kindex G, vi-like operation
@findex last-node
-Select the last node which appears in this file.
+Select the last node which appears in this file. With a numeric argument
+@var{N}, select the @var{N}th node (the first node is node 1). An
+argument of zero is the same as no argument, i.e., it selects the last
-@item @code{]} (@code{global-next-node})
+@item @key{]} (@code{global-next-node})
@kindex ]
@findex global-next-node
Move forward or down through node structure. If the node that you are
@@ -460,7 +755,7 @@ Otherwise, if this node has a menu, the first menu item is selected. If
there is no @samp{Next} and no menu, the same process is tried with the
@samp{Up} node of this node.
-@item @code{[} (@code{global-prev-node})
+@item @key{[} (@code{global-prev-node})
@kindex [
@findex global-prev-node
Move backward or up through node structure. If the node that you are
@@ -475,13 +770,18 @@ You can get the same behavior as @code{global-next-node} and
more information.
@table @asis
-@item @code{g} (@code{goto-node})
+@item @key{g} (@code{goto-node})
+@itemx @kbd{C-x @key{g}}, vi-like operation
@kindex g
+@kindex C-x g, vi-like operation
@findex goto-node
-Read the name of a node and select it. No completion is done while
-reading the node name, since the desired node may reside in a separate
-file. The node must be typed exactly as it appears in the Info file. A
-file name may be included as with any node specification, for example
+Read the name of a node and select it. While reading the node name,
+completion (@pxref{The Echo Area, completion}) is only done for the
+nodes which reside in one of the Info files that were loaded in the
+current Info session; if the desired node resides in some other file,
+you must type the node exactly as it appears in that Info file, and you
+must include the Info file of the other file. For example,
@@ -489,7 +789,61 @@ file name may be included as with any node specification, for example
finds the node @samp{Buffers} in the Info file @file{emacs}.
-@item @code{C-x k} (@code{kill-node})
+@item @key{O} (@code{goto-invocation}
+@itemx @key{I}
+@kindex O
+@kindex I
+@findex goto-invocation
+@cindex finding the Invocation node
+Read the name of a program and look for a node in the current Info file
+which describes the invocation and the command-line options for that
+program. The default program name is derived from the name of the
+current Info file. This command does the same as the
+@samp{--show-options} command-line option (@pxref{--show-options}), but
+it also allows to specify the program name; this is important for those
+manuals which describe several programs.
+If you need to find the Invocation node of a program that is documented
+in another Info file, you need to visit that file before invoking
+@samp{I}. For example, if you are reading the Emacs manual and want to
+see the command-line options of the @code{makeinfo} program, type @kbd{g
+(texinfo) @key{RET}} and then @kbd{I makeinfo @key{RET}}. If you don't
+know what Info file documents the command, or if invoking @samp{I}
+doesn't display the right node, go to the @samp{(dir)} node (using the
+@samp{d} command) and invoke @samp{I} from there.
+@item @key{G} (@code{menu-sequence})
+@kindex G
+@findex menu-sequence
+@cindex menu, following, from inside Info
+Read a sequence of menu entries and follow it. Info prompts for a
+sequence of menu items separated by commas. (Since commas are not
+allowed in a node name, they are a natural choice for a delimiter in a
+list of menu items.) Info then looks up the first item in the menu of
+the node @samp{(dir)} (if the @samp{(dir)} node cannot be found, Info
+uses @samp{Top}). If such an entry is found, Info goes to the node it
+points to and looks up the second item in the menu of that node, etc.
+In other words, you can specify a complete path which descends through
+the menu hierarchy of a particular Info file starting at the
+@samp{(dir)} node. This has the same effect as if you typed the menu
+item sequence on Info's command line, see @ref{command-line menu items,,
+Info command-line arguments processing}. For example,
+ @kbd{G Texinfo,Overview,Reporting Bugs @key{RET}}
+@end example
+displays the node @samp{Reporting Bugs} in the Texinfo manual. (You
+don't actually need to type the menu items in their full length, or in
+their exact letter-case. However, if you do type the menu items
+exactly, Info will find it faster.)
+If any of the menu items you type are not found, Info stops at the last
+entry it did find and reports an error.
+@item @kbd{C-x @key{k}} (@code{kill-node})
@kindex C-x k
@findex kill-node
Kill a node. The node name is prompted for in the echo area, with a
@@ -498,7 +852,7 @@ hard to forget about it, removing it from the list of history nodes kept
for the window where that node is found. Another node is selected in
the window which contained the killed node.
-@item @code{C-x C-f} (@code{view-file})
+@item @kbd{C-x C-f} (@code{view-file})
@kindex C-x C-f
@findex view-file
Read the name of a file and selects the entire file. The command
@@ -510,14 +864,14 @@ is equivalent to typing
@end example
-@item @code{C-x C-b} (@code{list-visited-nodes})
+@item @kbd{C-x C-b} (@code{list-visited-nodes})
@kindex C-x C-b
@findex list-visited-nodes
Make a window containing a menu of all of the currently visited nodes.
This window becomes the selected window, and you may use the standard
Info commands within it.
-@item @code{C-x b} (@code{select-visited-node})
+@item @kbd{C-x @key{b}} (@code{select-visited-node})
@kindex C-x b
@findex select-visited-node
Select a node which has been previously visited in a visible window.
@@ -534,49 +888,111 @@ entire Info file, search through the indices of an Info file, or find
areas within an Info file which discuss a particular topic.
@table @asis
-@item @code{s} (@code{search})
+@item @key{s} (@code{search})
+@itemx @key{/}
@kindex s
+@kindex /
@findex search
-Read a string in the echo area and search for it.
-@item @code{C-s} (@code{isearch-forward})
+Read a string in the echo area and search for it. If the string
+includes upper-case characters, the Info file is searched
+case-sensitively; otherwise Info ignores the letter case. With a
+numeric argument of @var{N}, search for @var{N}th occurrence of the
+string. Negative arguments search backwards.
+@item @key{?} (@code{search-backward}, vi-like operation)
+@kindex ?, vi-like operation
+@findex search-backward
+Read a string in the echo area and search backward through the Info file
+for that string. If the string includes upper-case characters, the Info
+file is searched case-sensitively; otherwise Info ignores the letter
+case. With a numeric argument of @var{N}, search for @var{N}th
+occurrence of the string. Negative arguments search forward.
+@item @key{S} (@code{search-case-sensitively}
+@kindex S
+@findex search-case-sensitively
+@cindex search, case-sensitive
+@cindex case-sensitive search
+Read a string in the echo area and search for it case-sensitively, even
+if the string includes only lower-case letters. With a numeric argument
+of @var{N}, search for @var{N}th occurrence of the string. Negative
+arguments search backwards.
+@item @kbd{C-x @key{n}} (@code{search-next})
+@itemx @key{n}, vi-like operation
+@kindex C-x n
+@kindex n, vi-like operation
+@findex search-next
+@cindex repeated search
+Search for the same string used in the last search command, in the same
+direction, and with the same case-sensitivity option. With a numeric
+argument of @var{N}, search for @var{N}th next occurrence.
+@item @kbd{C-x @key{N}} (@code{search-previous})
+@itemx @key{N}, vi-like operation
+@kindex C-x N
+@kindex n, vi-like operation
+@findex search-previous
+Search for the same string used in the last search command, and with the
+same case-sensitivity option, but in the reverse direction. With a
+numeric argument of @var{N}, search for @var{N}th previous occurrence.
+@item @key{C-s} (@code{isearch-forward})
@kindex C-s
@findex isearch-forward
+@cindex incremental search
Interactively search forward through the Info file for a string as you
-type it.
+type it. If the string includes upper-case characters, the search is
+case-sensitive; otherwise Info ignores the letter case.
-@item @code{C-r} (@code{isearch-backward})
+@item @key{C-r} (@code{isearch-backward})
@kindex C-r
@findex isearch-backward
Interactively search backward through the Info file for a string as
-you type it.
+you type it. If the string includes upper-case characters, the search
+is case-sensitive; otherwise Info ignores the letter case.
-@item @code{i} (@code{index-search})
+@item @key{i} (@code{index-search})
@kindex i
@findex index-search
+@cindex index, searching
+@cindex searching, in the indices
Look up a string in the indices for this Info file, and select a node
where the found index entry points to.
-@item @code{,} (@code{next-index-match})
+@item @key{,} (@code{next-index-match})
@kindex ,
@findex next-index-match
Move to the node containing the next matching index item from the last
@samp{i} command.
@end table
-The most basic searching command is @samp{s} (@code{search}). The
-@samp{s} command prompts you for a string in the echo area, and then
-searches the remainder of the Info file for an occurrence of that string.
-If the string is found, the node containing it is selected, and the
-cursor is left positioned at the start of the found string. Subsequent
-@samp{s} commands show you the default search string within @samp{[} and
-@samp{]}; pressing @key{RET} instead of typing a new string will use the
-default search string.
+The most basic searching command is @samp{s} or @samp{/}
+(@code{search}). The @samp{s} command prompts you for a string in the
+echo area, and then searches the remainder of the Info file for an
+occurrence of that string. If the string is found, the node containing
+it is selected, and the cursor is left positioned at the start of the
+found string. Subsequent @samp{s} commands show you the default search
+string within @samp{[} and @samp{]}; pressing @key{RET} instead of
+typing a new string will use the default search string. Under
+@samp{--vi-keys} (@pxref{--vi-keys}), using the @samp{n} or @samp{N}
+commands is a faster way of searching for the same string.
@dfn{Incremental searching} is similar to basic searching, but the
string is looked up while you are typing it, instead of waiting until
the entire search string has been specified.
+@cindex search, and case-sensitivity
+@cindex case-sensitivity, and search
+Both incremental and non-incremental search by default ignore the case
+of letters when comparing the Info file text with the search string.
+However, an uppercase letter in the search string makes the search
+case-sensitive. You can force a case-sensitive non-incremental search,
+even for a string that includes only lower-case letters, by using the
+@samp{S} command (@code{search-case-sensitively}). The @samp{n} and
+@samp{N} commands operate case-sensitively if the last search command
+was @samp{S}.
@node Xref Commands, Window Commands, Searching Commands, Top
@chapter Selecting Cross References
@@ -645,63 +1061,85 @@ references.
The following table lists the Info commands which operate on menu items.
@table @asis
-@item @code{1} (@code{menu-digit})
-@itemx @code{2} @dots{} @code{9}
+@item @key{1} (@code{menu-digit})
+@itemx @key{2} @dots{} @key{9}
+@itemx @key{M-1}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @key{M-2} @dots{} @key{M-9}, vi-like operation
@cindex 1 @dots{} 9, in Info windows
+@cindex M-1 @dots{} M-9, vi-like operation
@kindex 1 @dots{} 9, in Info windows
+@kindex M-1 @dots{} M-9, vi-like operation
@findex menu-digit
Within an Info window, pressing a single digit, (such as @samp{1}),
selects that menu item, and places its node in the current window.
For convenience, there is one exception; pressing @samp{0} selects the
-@emph{last} item in the node's menu.
+@emph{last} item in the node's menu. When @samp{--vi-keys} is in
+effect, digits set the numeric argument, so these commands are remapped
+to their @samp{M-} varieties. For example, to select the last menu
+item, press @key{M-0}.
-@item @code{0} (@code{last-menu-item})
+@item @key{0} (@code{last-menu-item})
+@itemx @key{M-0}, vi-like operation
@kindex 0, in Info windows
+@kindex M-0, vi-like operation
@findex last-menu-item
Select the last item in the current node's menu.
-@item @code{m} (@code{menu-item})
+@item @key{m} (@code{menu-item})
@kindex m
@findex menu-item
Reads the name of a menu item in the echo area and selects its node.
-Completion is available while reading the menu label.
+Completion is available while reading the menu label. @xref{The Echo
+Area, completion}.
-@item @code{M-x find-menu}
+@item @kbd{M-x find-menu}
@findex find-menu
Move the cursor to the start of this node's menu.
@end table
-This table lists the Info commands which operate on note cross references.
+This table lists the Info commands which operate on cross references.
@table @asis
-@item @code{f} (@code{xref-item})
-@itemx @code{r}
+@item @key{f} (@code{xref-item})
+@itemx @key{r}
+@item @key{M-f}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @kbd{C-x @key{r}}, vi-like operation
@kindex f
@kindex r
+@kindex M-f, vi-like operation
+@kindex C-x r, vi-like operation
@findex xref-item
Reads the name of a note cross reference in the echo area and selects
its node. Completion is available while reading the cross reference
+label. @xref{The Echo Area, completion}.
@end table
Finally, the next few commands operate on menu or note references alike:
@table @asis
-@item @code{TAB} (@code{move-to-next-xref})
+@item @key{TAB} (@code{move-to-next-xref})
@kindex TAB, in Info windows
@findex move-to-next-xref
Move the cursor to the start of the next nearest menu item or note
reference in this node. You can then use @key{RET}
(@code{select-reference-this-line}) to select the menu or note reference.
-@item @code{M-TAB} (@code{move-to-prev-xref})
+@item @key{M-TAB} (@code{move-to-prev-xref})
+@itemx @key{Shift-@key{TAB}} (on DOS/Windows only)
@kindex M-TAB, in Info windows
@findex move-to-prev-xref
Move the cursor the start of the nearest previous menu item or note
reference in this node.
-@item @code{RET} (@code{select-reference-this-line})
+@kindex Shift-TAB, in Info windows
+@kindex BackTab, in Info windows
+On DOS/Windows only, the @kbd{Shift-@key{TAB}} key is an alias for
+@kbd{M-@key{TAB}}. This key is sometimes called @samp{BackTab}.
+@item @key{RET} (@code{select-reference-this-line})
+@itemx @key{M-g}, vi-like operation
@kindex RET, in Info windows
+@kindex M-g, vi-like operation
@findex select-reference-this-line
Select the menu item or note reference appearing on this line.
@end table
@@ -744,7 +1182,7 @@ named @file{dir}, showing the node @samp{Top}.
------Info: (dir)Top, 40 lines --Top---------------------------------------
+-----Info: (dir)Top, 40 lines --Top-------------------------------------
^^ ^ ^^^ ^^
(file)Node #lines where
@end group
@@ -756,8 +1194,16 @@ the Info file containing the node has been split into subfiles, the name
of the subfile containing the node appears in the modeline as well:
---zz-Info: (emacs)Top, 291 lines --Top-- Subfile: emacs-1.Z---------------
-@end example
+--zz-Info: (emacs)Top, 291 lines --Top-- Subfile: emacs-1.Z-------------
+@end example
+Truncation of long lines (as opposed to wrapping them to the next
+display line, @pxref{Scrolling Commands, toggle-wrap}) is indicated by a
+@samp{$} at the left edge of the mode line:
+--$--Info: (texinfo)Top, 480 lines --Top-- Subfile: texinfo-1-----------
+@end example
When Info makes a node internally, such that there is no corresponding
info file on disk, the name of the node is surrounded by asterisks
@@ -766,7 +1212,7 @@ are; the sample mode line below shows an internally constructed node
showing possible completions:
------Info: *Completions*, 7 lines --All-----------------------------------
+-----Info: *Completions*, 7 lines --All---------------------------------
@end example
@node Basic Windows, The Echo Area, The Mode Line, Window Commands
@@ -778,7 +1224,7 @@ own mode line (@pxref{The Mode Line}) and history of nodes viewed in that
window (@pxref{Node Commands, , @code{history-node}}).
@table @asis
-@item @code{C-x o} (@code{next-window})
+@item @kbd{C-x @key{o}} (@code{next-window})
@cindex windows, selecting
@kindex C-x o
@findex next-window
@@ -790,12 +1236,12 @@ window on the screen. Given a numeric argument, @samp{C-x o} moves over
that many windows. A negative argument causes @samp{C-x o} to select
the previous window on the screen.
-@item @code{M-x prev-window}
+@item @kbd{M-x prev-window}
@findex prev-window
Select the previous window on the screen. This is identical to
@samp{C-x o} with a negative argument.
-@item @code{C-x 2} (@code{split-window})
+@item @kbd{C-x @key{2}} (@code{split-window})
@cindex windows, creating
@kindex C-x 2
@findex split-window
@@ -806,7 +1252,7 @@ can cause all of the windows on the screen to be resized for you
automatically, please @pxref{Variables, , automatic-tiling} for more
-@item @code{C-x 0} (@code{delete-window})
+@item @kbd{C-x @key{0}} (@code{delete-window})
@cindex windows, deleting
@kindex C-x 0
@findex delete-window
@@ -814,26 +1260,26 @@ Delete the current window from the screen. If you have made too many
windows and your screen appears cluttered, this is the way to get rid of
some of them.
-@item @code{C-x 1} (@code{keep-one-window})
+@item @kbd{C-x @key{1}} (@code{keep-one-window})
@kindex C-x 1
@findex keep-one-window
Delete all of the windows excepting the current one.
-@item @code{ESC C-v} (@code{scroll-other-window})
+@item @kbd{ESC @key{C-v}} (@code{scroll-other-window})
@kindex ESC C-v, in Info windows
@findex scroll-other-window
Scroll the other window, in the same fashion that @samp{C-v} might
scroll the current window. Given a negative argument, scroll the
"other" window backward.
-@item @code{C-x ^} (@code{grow-window})
+@item @kbd{C-x @key{^}} (@code{grow-window})
@kindex C-x ^
@findex grow-window
Grow (or shrink) the current window. Given a numeric argument, grow
the current window that many lines; with a negative numeric argument,
shrink the window instead.
-@item @code{C-x t} (@code{tile-windows})
+@item @kbd{C-x @key{t}} (@code{tile-windows})
@cindex tiling
@kindex C-x t
@findex tile-windows
@@ -858,117 +1304,170 @@ table briefly lists the commands that are available while input is being
read in the echo area:
@table @asis
-@item @code{C-f} (@code{echo-area-forward})
+@item @key{C-f} (@code{echo-area-forward})
+@itemx @key{RIGHT} (an arrow key)
+@itemx @key{M-h}, vi-like operation
@kindex C-f, in the echo area
+@kindex RIGHT, in the echo area
+@kindex M-h, in the echo area, vi-like operation
@findex echo-area-forward
Move forward a character.
-@item @code{C-b} (@code{echo-area-backward})
+@item @key{C-b} (@code{echo-area-backward})
+@itemx @key{LEFT} (an arrow key)
+@itemx @key{M-l}, vi-like operation
+@kindex LEFT, in the echo area
@kindex C-b, in the echo area
+@kindex M-l, in the echo area, vi-like operation
@findex echo-area-backward
Move backward a character.
-@item @code{C-a} (@code{echo-area-beg-of-line})
+@item @key{C-a} (@code{echo-area-beg-of-line})
+@itemx @key{M-0}, vi-like operation
@kindex C-a, in the echo area
+@kindex M-0, in the echo area, vi-like operation
@findex echo-area-beg-of-line
Move to the start of the input line.
-@item @code{C-e} (@code{echo-area-end-of-line})
+@item @key{C-e} (@code{echo-area-end-of-line})
+@itemx @key{M-$}, vi-like operation
@kindex C-e, in the echo area
+@kindex M-$, vi-like operation
@findex echo-area-end-of-line
Move to the end of the input line.
-@item @code{M-f} (@code{echo-area-forward-word})
+@item @key{M-f} (@code{echo-area-forward-word})
+@itemx @key{C-@key{RIGHT}} (DOS/Windows only)
+@itemx @key{M-w}, vi-like operation
@kindex M-f, in the echo area
+@kindex M-w, in the echo area, vi-like operation
@findex echo-area-forward-word
Move forward a word.
-@item @code{M-b} (@code{echo-area-backward-word})
+@kindex C-RIGHT, in the echo area
+On DOS/Windows, @kbd{C-@key{RIGHT}} moves forward by words.
+@item @key{M-b} (@code{echo-area-backward-word})
+@itemx @key{C-@key{LEFT}} (DOS/Windows only)
@kindex M-b, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-backward-word
Move backward a word.
-@item @code{C-d} (@code{echo-area-delete})
+@kindex C-LEFT, in the echo area
+On DOS/Windows, @kbd{C-@key{LEFT}} moves backward by words.
+@item @key{C-d} (@code{echo-area-delete})
+@itemx @key{M-x}, vi-like operation
@kindex C-d, in the echo area
+@kindex M-x, in the echo area, vi-like operation
@findex echo-area-delete
Delete the character under the cursor.
-@item @code{DEL} (@code{echo-area-rubout})
+@item @key{DEL} (@code{echo-area-rubout})
@kindex DEL, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-rubout
Delete the character behind the cursor.
-@item @code{C-g} (@code{echo-area-abort})
+On some keyboards, this key is designated @key{BS}, for
+@samp{BackSpace}. Those keyboards will usually bind @key{DEL} in the
+echo area to @code{echo-area-delete}.
+@item @key{C-g} (@code{echo-area-abort})
+@itemx @key{C-u}, vi-like operation
@kindex C-g, in the echo area
+@kindex C-u, in the echo area, vi-like operation
@findex echo-area-abort
-Cancel or quit the current operation. If completion is being read,
-@samp{C-g} discards the text of the input line which does not match any
-completion. If the input line is empty, @samp{C-g} aborts the calling
+Cancel or quit the current operation. If completion is being read, this
+command discards the text of the input line which does not match any
+completion. If the input line is empty, it aborts the calling function.
-@item @code{RET} (@code{echo-area-newline})
+@item @key{RET} (@code{echo-area-newline})
@kindex RET, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-newline
Accept (or forces completion of) the current input line.
-@item @code{C-q} (@code{echo-area-quoted-insert})
+@item @key{C-q} (@code{echo-area-quoted-insert})
+@itemx @key{C-v}, vi-like operation
@kindex C-q, in the echo area
+@kindex C-v, in the echo area, vi-like operation
@findex echo-area-quoted-insert
Insert the next character verbatim. This is how you can insert control
-characters into a search string, for example.
+characters into a search string, for example, or the @samp{?} character
+when Info prompts with completion.
@item @var{printing character} (@code{echo-area-insert})
@kindex printing characters, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-insert
-Insert the character.
+Insert the character. Characters that have their 8th bit set, and not
+bound to @samp{M-} commands, are also inserted verbatim; this is useful
+for terminals which support Latin scripts.
-@item @code{M-TAB} (@code{echo-area-tab-insert})
+@item @key{M-TAB} (@code{echo-area-tab-insert})
+@itemx @key{Shift-@key{TAB}} (on DOS/Windows only)
@kindex M-TAB, in the echo area
+@kindex Shift-TAB, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-tab-insert
Insert a TAB character.
-@item @code{C-t} (@code{echo-area-transpose-chars})
+@kindex Shift-TAB, in the echo area
+@kindex BackTab, in the echo area
+On DOS/Windows only, the @kbd{Shift-@key{TAB}} key is an alias for
+@kbd{M-@key{TAB}}. This key is sometimes called @samp{BackTab}.
+@item @key{C-t} (@code{echo-area-transpose-chars})
@kindex C-t, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-transpose-chars
Transpose the characters at the cursor.
@end table
The next group of commands deal with @dfn{killing}, and @dfn{yanking}
-text. For an in depth discussion of killing and yanking,
-@pxref{Killing, , Killing and Deleting, emacs, the GNU Emacs Manual}
+Some people are used to calling these operations @dfn{cut} and
+@dfn{paste}, respectively.}. For an in depth discussion of killing and
+yanking, @pxref{Killing, , Killing and Deleting, emacs, the GNU Emacs
@table @asis
-@item @code{M-d} (@code{echo-area-kill-word})
+@item @key{M-d} (@code{echo-area-kill-word})
+@itemx @key{M-X}, vi-like operation
@kindex M-d, in the echo area
+@kindex M-X, in the echo area, vi-like operation
@findex echo-area-kill-word
Kill the word following the cursor.
-@item @code{M-DEL} (@code{echo-area-backward-kill-word})
+@item @key{M-DEL} (@code{echo-area-backward-kill-word})
+@itemx @key{M-@key{BS}}
@kindex M-DEL, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-backward-kill-word
Kill the word preceding the cursor.
-@item @code{C-k} (@code{echo-area-kill-line})
+@kindex M-BS, in the echo area
+On some keyboards, the @code{Backspace} key is used instead of
+@code{DEL}, so @code{M-@key{Backspace}} has the same effect as
+@item @key{C-k} (@code{echo-area-kill-line})
@kindex C-k, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-kill-line
Kill the text from the cursor to the end of the line.
-@item @code{C-x DEL} (@code{echo-area-backward-kill-line})
+@item @kbd{C-x @key{DEL}} (@code{echo-area-backward-kill-line})
@kindex C-x DEL, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-backward-kill-line
Kill the text from the cursor to the beginning of the line.
-@item @code{C-y} (@code{echo-area-yank})
+@item @key{C-y} (@code{echo-area-yank})
@kindex C-y, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-yank
Yank back the contents of the last kill.
-@item @code{M-y} (@code{echo-area-yank-pop})
+@item @key{M-y} (@code{echo-area-yank-pop})
@kindex M-y, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-yank-pop
Yank back a previous kill, removing the last yanked text first.
@end table
+@cindex completion
Sometimes when reading input in the echo area, the command that needed
input will only accept one of a list of several choices. The choices
represent the @dfn{possible completions}, and you must respond with one
@@ -981,14 +1480,14 @@ is called @dfn{completion}.
The following commands are available when completing in the echo area:
@table @asis
-@item @code{TAB} (@code{echo-area-complete})
-@itemx @code{SPC}
+@item @key{TAB} (@code{echo-area-complete})
+@itemx @key{SPC}
@kindex TAB, in the echo area
@kindex SPC, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-complete
Insert as much of a completion as is possible.
-@item @code{?} (@code{echo-area-possible-completions})
+@item @key{?} (@code{echo-area-possible-completions})
@kindex ?, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-possible-completions
Display a window containing a list of the possible completions of what
@@ -1004,13 +1503,14 @@ forget
@end example
-and you have typed an @samp{f}, followed by @samp{?}, the possible
-completions would contain:
+and you have typed an @samp{f}, followed by @samp{?}, Info will pop up a
+window showing a node called @samp{*Completions*} which lists the
+possible completions like this:
+3 completions:
+foliate food
@end group
@end example
@@ -1023,7 +1523,7 @@ Now, typing @samp{l} followed by @samp{TAB} results in @samp{foliate}
appearing in the echo area, since that is the only choice which begins
with @samp{fol}.
-@item @code{ESC C-v} (@code{echo-area-scroll-completions-window})
+@item @key{ESC C-v} (@code{echo-area-scroll-completions-window})
@kindex ESC C-v, in the echo area
@findex echo-area-scroll-completions-window
Scroll the completions window, if that is visible, or the "other"
@@ -1034,19 +1534,29 @@ window if not.
@chapter Printing Out Nodes
@cindex printing
-You may wish to print out the contents of a node as a quick reference
-document for later use. Info provides you with a command for doing
-this. In general, we recommend that you use @TeX{} to format the
-document and print sections of it, by running @code{tex} on the Texinfo
-source file.
+In general, we recommend that you use @TeX{} to format the document and
+print sections of it, by running @code{tex} on the Texinfo source file.
+However, you may wish to print out the contents of a node as a quick
+reference document for later use, or if you don't have @TeX{} installed.
+Info provides you with a command for doing this.
@table @asis
-@item @code{M-x print-node}
+@item @kbd{M-x print-node}
@findex print-node
@cindex INFO_PRINT_COMMAND, environment variable
Pipe the contents of the current node through the command in the
environment variable @code{INFO_PRINT_COMMAND}. If the variable does not
-exist, the node is simply piped to @code{lpr}.
+exist, the node is simply piped to @code{lpr} (on DOS/Windows, the
+default is to print the node to the local printer device, @file{PRN}).
+@cindex printing nodes to the local printer
+@cindex local printer device
+The value of @code{INFO_PRINT_COMMAND} may begin with the @samp{>}
+character, as in @samp{>/dev/printer}, in which case Info treats the
+rest as the name of a file or a device. Instead of piping to a command,
+Info opens the file, writes the node contents, and closes the file,
+under the assumption that text written to that file will be printed by
+the underlying OS.
@end table
@node Miscellaneous Commands, Variables, Printing Nodes, Top
@@ -1055,39 +1565,45 @@ exist, the node is simply piped to @code{lpr}.
GNU Info contains several commands which self-document GNU Info:
@table @asis
-@item @code{M-x describe-command}
+@item @kbd{M-x describe-command}
@cindex functions, describing
@cindex commands, describing
@findex describe-command
Read the name of an Info command in the echo area and then display a
brief description of what that command does.
-@item @code{M-x describe-key}
+@item @kbd{M-x describe-key}
@cindex keys, describing
@findex describe-key
Read a key sequence in the echo area, and then display the name and
documentation of the Info command that the key sequence invokes.
-@item @code{M-x describe-variable}
+@item @kbd{M-x describe-variable}
Read the name of a variable in the echo area and then display a brief
description of what the variable affects.
-@item @code{M-x where-is}
+@item @kbd{M-x where-is}
@findex where-is
Read the name of an Info command in the echo area, and then display
a key sequence which can be typed in order to invoke that command.
-@item @code{C-h} (@code{get-help-window})
-@itemx @code{?}
+@item @key{C-h} (@code{get-help-window})
+@itemx @key{?}
+@itemx @key{F1} (on DOS/Windows only)
+@itemx h, vi-like operation
@kindex C-h
@kindex ?, in Info windows
+@kindex F1
+@kindex h, vi-like operation
@findex get-help-window
Create (or Move into) the window displaying @code{*Help*}, and place
a node containing a quick reference card into it. This window displays
the most concise information about GNU Info available.
-@item @code{h} (@code{get-info-help-node})
+@item @key{h} (@code{get-info-help-node})
+@itemx @key{M-h}, vi-like operation
@kindex h
+@kindex M-h, vi-like operation
@findex get-info-help-node
Try hard to visit the node @code{(info)Help}. The Info file
@file{info.texi} distributed with GNU Info contains this node. Of
@@ -1098,18 +1614,25 @@ placed into the location of your Info directory.
Here are the commands for creating a numeric argument:
@table @asis
-@item @code{C-u} (@code{universal-argument})
+@item @key{C-u} (@code{universal-argument})
@cindex numeric arguments
@kindex C-u
@findex universal-argument
Start (or multiply by 4) the current numeric argument. @samp{C-u} is
a good way to give a small numeric argument to cursor movement or
scrolling commands; @samp{C-u C-v} scrolls the screen 4 lines, while
-@samp{C-u C-u C-n} moves the cursor down 16 lines.
-@item @code{M-1} (@code{add-digit-to-numeric-arg})
-@itemx @code{M-2} @dots{} @code{M-9}
-@kindex M-1 @dots{} M-9
+@samp{C-u C-u C-n} moves the cursor down 16 lines. @samp{C-u} followed
+by digit keys sets the numeric argument to the number thus typed:
+@kbd{C-u 1 2 0} sets the argument to 120.
+@item @key{M-1} (@code{add-digit-to-numeric-arg})
+@itemx @key{1}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @key{M-2} @dots{} @key{M-9}
+@itemx @key{2} @dots{} @key{9}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @key{M-0}
+@itemx @key{0}, vi-like operation
+@kindex M-0 @dots{} M-9
+@kindex 0 @dots{} 9, vi-like operation
@findex add-digit-to-numeric-arg
Add the digit value of the invoking key to the current numeric
argument. Once Info is reading a numeric argument, you may just type
@@ -1126,6 +1649,22 @@ or
@kbd{M-3 2 C-l}
@end example
+@item @key{M--} (@code{add-digit-to-numeric-arg}
+@itemx @key{-}
+@kindex M--
+@kindex -
+@cindex negative arguments
+@cindex arguments, negative
+@cindex numeric arguments, negative
+To make a negative argument, type @kbd{-}. Typing @kbd{-} alone makes a
+negative argument with a value of -1. If you continue to type digit or
+Meta-digit keys after @kbd{-}, the result is a negative number produced
+by those digits.
+@kbd{-} doesn't work when you type in the echo area, because you need to
+be able to insert the @samp{-} character itself; use @kbd{M--} instead,
+if you need to specify negative arguments in the echo area.
@end table
@samp{C-g} is used to abort the reading of a multi-character key
@@ -1133,20 +1672,29 @@ sequence, to cancel lengthy operations (such as multi-file searches) and
to cancel reading input in the echo area.
@table @asis
-@item @code{C-g} (@code{abort-key})
+@item @key{C-g} (@code{abort-key})
+@itemx @key{C-u}, vi-like operation
@cindex cancelling typeahead
@cindex cancelling the current operation
@kindex C-g, in Info windows
+@kindex C-u cancels typeahead, vi-like operation
@findex abort-key
Cancel current operation.
@end table
-The @samp{q} command of Info simply quits running Info.
+The @samp{q} command of Info simply quits running Info. Under
+@samp{--vi-keys} (@pxref{--vi-keys}), you can also exit with @samp{:q}
+or @samp{ZZ}.
@table @asis
-@item @code{q} (@code{quit})
+@item @key{q} (@code{quit})
+@itemx @kbd{C-x C-c}
+@itemx @kbd{:q}, vi-like operation
+@itemx @kbd{ZZ}, vi-like operation
@cindex quitting
@kindex q
+@kindex C-x C-c
+@kindex ZZ, vi-like operation
@findex quit
Exit GNU Info.
@end table
@@ -1156,18 +1704,22 @@ and it is actually only 40 lines tall, here is a way to tell Info that
the operating system is correct.
@table @asis
-@item @code{M-x set-screen-height}
+@item @kbd{M-x set-screen-height}
@findex set-screen-height
@cindex screen, changing the height of
Read a height value in the echo area and set the height of the
displayed screen to that value.
@end table
+On MS-DOS/MS-Windows, this command actually tries to change the
+dimensions of the visible screen to the value you type in the echo
Finally, Info provides a convenient way to display footnotes which might
be associated with the current node that you are viewing:
@table @asis
-@item @code{ESC C-f} (@code{show-footnotes})
+@item @key{ESC C-f} (@code{show-footnotes})
@kindex ESC C-f
@findex show-footnotes
@cindex footnotes, displaying
@@ -1186,17 +1738,17 @@ and thus change the behavior of Info to more closely match your
environment and Info file reading manner.
@table @asis
-@item @code{M-x set-variable}
+@item @kbd{M-x set-variable}
@cindex variables, setting
@findex set-variable
Read the name of a variable, and the value for it, in the echo area and
then set the variable to that value. Completion is available when
-reading the variable name; often, completion is available when reading
-the value to give to the variable, but that depends on the variable
-itself. If a variable does @emph{not} supply multiple choices to
-complete over, it expects a numeric value.
+reading the variable name (@pxref{The Echo Area, completion}); often,
+completion is available when reading the value to give to the variable,
+but that depends on the variable itself. If a variable does @emph{not}
+supply multiple choices to complete over, it expects a numeric value.
-@item @code{M-x describe-variable}
+@item @kbd{M-x describe-variable}
@cindex variables, describing
@findex describe-variable
Read the name of a variable in the echo area and then display a brief
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/doc/info.1 b/contrib/texinfo/doc/info.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f572a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/texinfo/doc/info.1
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.013.
+.TH INFO "1" "September 1999" "GNU texinfo 4.0" FSF
+info \- read Info documents
+.B info
+[\fIOPTION\fR]... [\fIMENU-ITEM\fR...]
+Read documentation in Info format.
+look up SUBJECT in all indices of all manuals.
+remember user keystrokes in FILENAME.
+specify Info file to visit.
+display this help and exit.
+go to node pointed by index entry STRING.
+specify nodes in first visited Info file.
+output selected nodes to FILENAME.
+read initial keystrokes from FILENAME.
+\fB\-\-show\-options\fR, \fB\-\-usage\fR
+go to command-line options node.
+recursively output menu items.
+use vi-like and less-like key bindings.
+display version information and exit.
+The first non-option argument, if present, is the menu entry to start from;
+it is searched for in all `dir' files along INFOPATH.
+If it is not present, info merges all `dir' files and shows the result.
+Any remaining arguments are treated as the names of menu
+items relative to the initial node visited.
+show top-level dir menu
+info emacs
+start at emacs node from top-level dir
+info emacs buffers
+start at buffers node within emacs manual
+info \fB\-\-show\-options\fR emacs
+start at node with emacs' command line options
+info \fB\-f\fR ./
+show file ./, not searching dir
+Email bug reports to,
+general questions and discussion to
+Copyright \(co 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+There is NO warranty. You may redistribute this software
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
+For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/doc/info.5 b/contrib/texinfo/doc/info.5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e7ed48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/texinfo/doc/info.5
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+.\" info(5)
+.\" $Id: info.5,v 1.2 1998/07/31 17:39:31 karl Exp $
+.\" Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+.\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
+.\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
+.\" preserved on all copies.
+.\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
+.\" this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
+.\" the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
+.\" permission notice identical to this one.
+.\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
+.\" manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
+.\" versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
+.\" translation approved by the Foundation.
+.TH INFO 5 "GNU Info" "FSF"
+info \- readable online documentation
+The Info file format is an easily-parsable representation for online
+documents. It can be read by
+.I emacs(1)
+.I info(1)
+among other programs.
+Info files are usually created from
+.I texinfo(5)
+sources by
+.IR makeinfo(1) ,
+but can be created from scratch if so desired.
+For a full description of the Texinfo language and associated tools,
+please see the Texinfo manual (written in Texinfo itself). Most likely,
+running this command from your shell:
+.I info texinfo
+or this key sequence from inside Emacs:
+.I M-x info RET m texinfo RET
+will get you there.
+or any GNU mirror site.
+Please send bug reports to,
+general questions and discussion to
+info(1), install-info(1), makeinfo(1), texi2dvi(1),
+emacs(1), tex(1).
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/doc/info.texi b/contrib/texinfo/doc/info.texi
index f7cb1cd..c81bfd2 100644
--- a/contrib/texinfo/doc/info.texi
+++ b/contrib/texinfo/doc/info.texi
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
-@comment %**start of header
+@comment %**start of header
-@settitle Info 1.0
-@comment %**end of header
-@comment $Id: info.texi,v 1.4 1997/07/10 21:58:11 karl Exp $
+@settitle Info
+@comment %**end of header
+@comment $Id: info.texi,v 1.11 1999/04/19 21:37:23 karl Exp $
@dircategory Texinfo documentation system
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
@end direntry
-This file describes how to use Info,
-the on-line, menu-driven GNU documentation system.
+This file describes how to use Info, the on-line, menu-driven GNU
+documentation system.
-Copyright (C) 1989, 92, 96, 97 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 1989, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
@@ -44,10 +44,9 @@ by the Free Software Foundation.
@author Brian Fox
@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-Copyright @copyright{} 1989, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997 Free Software
+Copyright @copyright{} 1989, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99 Free Software
Foundation, Inc.
@sp 2
Published by the Free Software Foundation @*
59 Temple Place - Suite 330 @*
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
@@ -67,31 +66,20 @@ except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved
by the Free Software Foundation.
@end titlepage
-@node Top, Getting Started, , (dir)
+@node Top
@top Info: An Introduction
Info is a program for reading documentation, which you are using now.
To learn how to use Info, type the command @kbd{h}. It brings you
to a programmed instruction sequence.
-@c Need to make sure that `Info-help' goes to the right node,
-@c which is the first node of the first chapter. (It should.)
-@c (Info-find-node "info"
-@c (if (< (window-height) 23)
-@c "Help-Small-Screen"
-@c "Help")))
-To learn advanced Info commands, type @kbd{n} twice. This brings you to
-@cite{Info for Experts}, skipping over the `Getting Started' chapter.
-@end ifinfo
+@end ifnottex
* Getting Started:: Getting started using an Info reader.
* Advanced Info:: Advanced commands within Info.
-* Create an Info File:: How to make your own Info file.
-* The Standalone Info Program: (
+* Creating an Info File:: How to make your own Info file.
@end menu
@node Getting Started, Advanced Info, Top, Top
@@ -101,7 +89,7 @@ To learn advanced Info commands, type @kbd{n} twice. This brings you to
This first part of the Info manual describes how to get around inside
of Info. The second part of the manual describes various advanced
Info commands, and how to write an Info as distinct from a Texinfo
-file. The third part is about how to generate Info files from
+file. The third part is about how to generate Info files from
Texinfo files.
@@ -110,7 +98,7 @@ try Info commands while reading about them. Reading it on paper is less
effective, since you must take it on faith that the commands described
really do what the manual says. By all means go through this manual now
that you have it; but please try going through the on-line version as
There are two ways of looking at the online version of this manual:
@@ -340,7 +328,7 @@ Info can interpret it. The beginning of a menu is always identified
by a line which starts with @samp{* Menu:}. A node contains a menu if and
only if it has a line in it which starts that way. The only menu you
can use at any moment is the one in the node you are in. To use a
-menu in any other node, you must move to that node first.
+menu in any other node, you must move to that node first.
After the start of the menu, each line that starts with a @samp{*}
identifies one subtopic. The line usually contains a brief name
@@ -427,16 +415,14 @@ what you have entered.
not need to type the argument: you just type a Return, and it stands for
the subtopic of the line you are on.
-Here is a menu to give you a chance to practice.
-* Menu: The menu starts here.
-This menu gives you three ways of going to one place, Help-FOO.
-* Foo: Help-FOO. A node you can visit for fun.@*
-* Bar: Help-FOO. Strange! two ways to get to the same place.@*
-* Help-FOO:: And yet another!@*
+Here is a menu to give you a chance to practice. This menu gives you
+three ways of going to one place, Help-FOO:
+* Foo: Help-FOO. A node you can visit for fun.
+* Bar: Help-FOO. Strange! two ways to get to the same place.
+* Help-FOO:: And yet another!
+@end menu
>> Now type just an @kbd{m} and see what happens:
@@ -559,17 +545,16 @@ to cancel the @samp{f}.
@c It is an accident of the menu updating command.
@node Help-Cross, , , Help-Adv
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@unnumberedsubsec The node reached by the cross reference in Info
+@subsection The node reached by the cross reference in Info
This is the node reached by the cross reference named @samp{Cross}.
While this node is specifically intended to be reached by a cross
-reference, most cross references lead to nodes that ``belong''
-someplace else far away in the structure of Info. So you cannot expect
-the footnote to have a @samp{Next}, @samp{Previous} or @samp{Up} pointing back to
-where you came from. In general, the @kbd{l} (el) command is the only
-way to get back there.
+reference, most cross references lead to nodes that ``belong'' someplace
+else far away in the structure of Info. So you cannot expect the
+footnote to have a @samp{Next}, @samp{Previous} or @samp{Up} pointing
+back to where you came from. In general, the @kbd{l} (el) command is
+the only way to get back there.
>> Type @kbd{l} to return to the node where the cross reference was.
@@ -590,15 +575,15 @@ manner.
@samp{mInfo} and Return, to get to the node about Info and
see what other help is available.
-@node Advanced Info, Create an Info File, Getting Started, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Advanced Info
@chapter Info for Experts
This chapter describes various advanced Info commands, and how to write
an Info as distinct from a Texinfo file. (However, in most cases, writing a
Texinfo file is better, since you can use it @emph{both} to generate an
Info file and to make a printed manual. @xref{Top,, Overview of
-Texinfo, texinfo, Texinfo: The GNU Documentation Format}.)
+Texinfo, texinfo, Texinfo}.)
* Expert:: Advanced Info commands: g, s, e, and 1 - 5.
@@ -639,12 +624,12 @@ type @kbd{s} followed by the string to search for, terminated by
@key{RET}. To search for the same string again, just @kbd{s} followed
by @key{RET} will do. The file's nodes are scanned in the order
they are in in the file, which has no necessary relationship to the
-order that they may be in in the tree structure of menus and @samp{next} pointers.
-But normally the two orders are not very different. In any case,
-you can always do a @kbd{b} to find out what node you have reached, if
-the header is not visible (this can happen, because @kbd{s} puts your
-cursor at the occurrence of the string, not at the beginning of the
+order that they may be in in the tree structure of menus and @samp{next}
+pointers. But normally the two orders are not very different. In any
+case, you can always do a @kbd{b} to find out what node you have
+reached, if the header is not visible (this can happen, because @kbd{s}
+puts your cursor at the occurrence of the string, not at the beginning
+of the node).
If you grudge the system each character of type-in it requires, you
might like to use the commands @kbd{1}, @kbd{2}, @kbd{3}, @kbd{4}, ...
@@ -652,9 +637,9 @@ might like to use the commands @kbd{1}, @kbd{2}, @kbd{3}, @kbd{4}, ...
argument. @kbd{1} goes through the first item in the current node's
menu; @kbd{2} goes through the second item, etc.
-If you display supports multiple fonts, and you are using Emacs' Info
+If your display supports multiple fonts, and you are using Emacs' Info
mode to read Info files, the @samp{*} for the fifth menu item is
-underlines, and so is the @samp{*} for the ninth item; these underlines
+underlined, and so is the @samp{*} for the ninth item; these underlines
make it easy to see at a glance which number to use for an item.
On ordinary terminals, you won't have underlining. If you need to
@@ -678,12 +663,12 @@ Create some nodes, in some file, to document that topic.
Put that topic in the menu in the directory. @xref{Menus, Menu}.
@end enumerate
-Usually, the way to create the nodes is with Texinfo @pxref{Top,, Overview of
-Texinfo, texinfo, Texinfo: The GNU Documentation Format}); this has the
-advantage that you can also make a printed manual from them. However,
-if hyou want to edit an Info file, here is how.
+Usually, the way to create the nodes is with Texinfo (@pxref{Top,,
+Overview of Texinfo, texinfo, Texinfo}); this has the advantage that you
+can also make a printed manual from them. However, if you want to edit
+an Info file, here is how.
- The new node can live in an existing documentation file, or in a new
+The new node can live in an existing documentation file, or in a new
one. It must have a @key{^_} character before it (invisible to the
user; this node has one but you cannot see it), and it ends with either
a @key{^_}, a @key{^L}, or the end of file. Note: If you put in a
@@ -693,12 +678,12 @@ Also, a nicer way to make a node boundary be a page boundary as well
is to put a @key{^L} @emph{right after} the @key{^_}.
The @key{^_} starting a node must be followed by a newline or a
-@key{^L} newline, after which comes the node's header line. The
-header line must give the node's name (by which Info finds it),
-and state the names of the @samp{Next}, @samp{Previous}, and @samp{Up} nodes (if
-there are any). As you can see, this node's @samp{Up} node is the node
-@samp{Top}, which points at all the documentation for Info. The @samp{Next}
-node is @samp{Menus}.
+@key{^L} newline, after which comes the node's header line. The header
+line must give the node's name (by which Info finds it), and state the
+names of the @samp{Next}, @samp{Previous}, and @samp{Up} nodes (if there
+are any). As you can see, this node's @samp{Up} node is the node
+@samp{Top}, which points at all the documentation for Info. The
+@samp{Next} node is @samp{Menus}.
The keywords @dfn{Node}, @dfn{Previous}, @dfn{Up}, and @dfn{Next},
may appear in any order, anywhere in the header line, but the
@@ -728,10 +713,10 @@ node @kbd{*} is to make it possible to make old-fashioned,
unstructured files into nodes of the tree.
The @samp{Node:} name, in which a node states its own name, must not
-contain a filename, since Info when searching for a node does not
-expect one to be there. The @samp{Next}, @samp{Previous} and @samp{Up} names may
-contain them. In this node, since the @samp{Up} node is in the same file,
-it was not necessary to use one.
+contain a filename, since Info when searching for a node does not expect
+one to be there. The @samp{Next}, @samp{Previous} and @samp{Up} names
+may contain them. In this node, since the @samp{Up} node is in the same
+file, it was not necessary to use one.
Note that the nodes in this file have a file name in the header
line. The file names are ignored by Info, but they serve as comments
@@ -741,7 +726,7 @@ to help identify the node for the user.
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
@section How to Create Menus
- Any node in the Info hierarchy may have a @dfn{menu}---a list of subnodes.
+ Any node in the Info hierarchy may have a @dfn{menu}---a list of subnodes.
The @kbd{m} command searches the current node's menu for the topic which it
reads from the terminal.
@@ -766,11 +751,11 @@ short abbreviations. In a long menu, it is a good idea to capitalize
the beginning of each item name which is the minimum acceptable
abbreviation for it (a long menu is more than 5 or so entries).
- The nodes listed in a node's menu are called its ``subnodes'', and
-it is their ``superior''. They should each have an @samp{Up:} pointing at
-the superior. It is often useful to arrange all or most of the
-subnodes in a sequence of @samp{Next} and @samp{Previous} pointers so that someone who
-wants to see them all need not keep revisiting the Menu.
+ The nodes listed in a node's menu are called its ``subnodes'', and it
+is their ``superior''. They should each have an @samp{Up:} pointing at
+the superior. It is often useful to arrange all or most of the subnodes
+in a sequence of @samp{Next} and @samp{Previous} pointers so that
+someone who wants to see them all need not keep revisiting the Menu.
The Info Directory is simply the menu of the node @samp{(dir)Top}---that
is, node @samp{Top} in file @file{.../info/dir}. You can put new entries
@@ -816,7 +801,7 @@ They are just examples. The places they ``lead to'' do not really exist!
You can speed up the access to nodes of a large Info file by giving
it a tag table. Unlike the tag table for a program, the tag table for
-an Info file lives inside the file itself and is used
+an Info file lives inside the file itself and is used
automatically whenever Info reads in the file.
To make a tag table, go to a node in the file using Emacs Info mode and type
@@ -847,24 +832,24 @@ the beginning of the node's header (ending just after the node name),
a Delete character, and the character position in the file of the
beginning of the node.
@node Checking, Emacs Info Variables, Tags, Advanced Info
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
@section Checking an Info File
- When creating an Info file, it is easy to forget the name of a node
-when you are making a pointer to it from another node. If you put in
-the wrong name for a node, this is not detected until someone
-tries to go through the pointer using Info. Verification of the Info
-file is an automatic process which checks all pointers to nodes and
-reports any pointers which are invalid. Every @samp{Next}, @samp{Previous}, and
+When creating an Info file, it is easy to forget the name of a node when
+you are making a pointer to it from another node. If you put in the
+wrong name for a node, this is not detected until someone tries to go
+through the pointer using Info. Verification of the Info file is an
+automatic process which checks all pointers to nodes and reports any
+pointers which are invalid. Every @samp{Next}, @samp{Previous}, and
@samp{Up} is checked, as is every menu item and every cross reference. In
-addition, any @samp{Next} which does not have a @samp{Previous} pointing back is
-reported. Only pointers within the file are checked, because checking
-pointers to other files would be terribly slow. But those are usually
+addition, any @samp{Next} which does not have a @samp{Previous} pointing
+back is reported. Only pointers within the file are checked, because
+checking pointers to other files would be terribly slow. But those are
+usually few.
- To check an Info file, do @kbd{M-x Info-validate} while looking at
-any node of the file with Emacs Info mode.
+To check an Info file, do @kbd{M-x Info-validate} while looking at any
+node of the file with Emacs Info mode.
@node Emacs Info Variables, , Checking, Advanced Info
@section Emacs Info-mode Variables
@@ -894,18 +879,17 @@ The standard directory for Info documentation files. Only used when the
function @code{Info-directory} is called.
@end vtable
-@node Create an Info File, , Advanced Info, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@chapter Creating an Info File from a Makeinfo file
-@code{makeinfo} is a utility that converts a Texinfo file into an Info
-file; @code{texinfo-format-region} and @code{texinfo-format-buffer} are
-GNU Emacs functions that do the same.
+@node Creating an Info File
+@chapter Creating an Info File
+@xref{Top,, Overview of Texinfo, texinfo, Texinfo}, to learn how to
+write a Texinfo file.
-@xref{Create an Info File, , Creating an Info File, texinfo, the Texinfo
-Manual}, to learn how to create an Info file from a Texinfo file.
+@xref{Creating an Info File,,, texinfo, Texinfo}, to learn how to create
+an Info file from a Texinfo file.
-@xref{Top,, Overview of Texinfo, texinfo, Texinfo: The GNU Documentation
-Format}, to learn how to write a Texinfo file.
+@xref{Installing an Info File,,, texinfo, Texinfo}, to learn how to
+install an Info file after you have created one.
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/doc/install-info.1 b/contrib/texinfo/doc/install-info.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2b8c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/texinfo/doc/install-info.1
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.013.
+.TH INSTALL-INFO "1" "September 1999" "GNU texinfo 4.0" FSF
+install-info \- update info/dir entries
+.B install-info
+Install or delete dir entries from INFO-FILE in the Info directory file
+delete existing entries for INFO-FILE from DIR-FILE;
+don't insert any new entries.
+specify file name of Info directory file.
+This is equivalent to using the DIR-FILE argument.
+insert TEXT as an Info directory entry.
+TEXT should have the form of an Info menu item line
+plus zero or more extra lines starting with whitespace.
+If you specify more than one entry, they are all added.
+If you don't specify any entries, they are determined
+from information in the Info file itself.
+display this help and exit.
+specify Info file to install in the directory.
+This is equivalent to using the INFO-FILE argument.
+same as \fB\-\-dir\-file\fR=\fIDIR\fR/dir.
+same as \fB\-\-entry\fR TEXT.
+An Info directory entry is actually a menu item.
+suppress warnings.
+same as \fB\-\-delete\fR.
+put this file's entries in section SEC of the directory.
+If you specify more than one section, all the entries
+are added in each of the sections.
+If you don't specify any sections, they are determined
+from information in the Info file itself.
+display version information and exit.
+Email bug reports to,
+general questions and discussion to
+The full documentation for
+.B install-info
+is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the
+.B info
+.B install-info
+programs are properly installed at your site, the command
+.B info install-info
+should give you access to the complete manual.
+Copyright \(co 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+There is NO warranty. You may redistribute this software
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
+For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/doc/makeinfo.1 b/contrib/texinfo/doc/makeinfo.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62d22b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/texinfo/doc/makeinfo.1
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.013.
+.TH MAKEINFO "1" "September 1999" "GNU texinfo 4.0" FSF
+makeinfo \- translate Texinfo documents
+.B makeinfo
+Translate Texinfo source documentation to various other formats:
+Info files suitable for reading online with Emacs or standalone GNU Info
+(by default); plain text (with \fB\-\-no\-headers\fR); or HTML (with \fB\-\-html\fR).
+allow @ commands in node names.
+\fB\-D\fR VAR
+define a variable, as with @set.
+\fB\-E\fR, \fB\-\-macro\-expand\fR FILE
+output macro-expanded source to FILE.
+quit after NUM errors (default 100).
+break Info lines at NUM characters (default 72).
+output footnotes according to STYLE:
+`separate' to place footnotes in their own node,
+`end' to place the footnotes at the end of the
+node in which they are defined (the default).
+preserve output even if errors.
+display this help and exit.
+output HTML rather than Info format;
+\fB\-I\fR DIR
+append DIR to the @include search path.
+process @ifhtml and @html text even when not
+generating HTML.
+process @ifinfo text even when generating HTML.
+process @iftex and @tex text.
+implies \fB\-\-no\-split\fR.
+suppress Info node separators and Node: lines and
+write to standard output without \fB\-\-output\fR.
+do not process @ifhtml and @html text.
+do not process @ifinfo text.
+do not process @iftex and @tex text.
+suppress splitting of large Info output files or
+generation of one HTML file per node.
+suppress node cross-reference validation.
+suppress warnings (but not errors).
+include chapter, section, etc. numbers in output.
+\fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-output\fR=\fIFILE\fR
+output to FILE, ignoring any @setfilename.
+\fB\-P\fR DIR
+prepend DIR to the @include search path.
+indent Info paragraphs by VAL spaces (default 3).
+if VAL is `none', do not indent;
+if VAL is `asis', preserve existing indentation.
+warn about at most NUM references (default 1000).
+\fB\-U\fR VAR
+undefine a variable, as with @clear.
+\fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
+explain what is being done.
+display version information and exit.
+The defaults for the @if... conditionals depend on the output format:
+if generating HTML, \fB\-\-ifhtml\fR is on and the others are off;
+if generating Info or plain text, \fB\-\-ifinfo\fR is on and the others are off.
+makeinfo foo.texi
+write Info to foo's @setfilename
+makeinfo \fB\-\-html\fR foo.texi
+write HTML to foo's @setfilename
+makeinfo \fB\-\-no\-headers\fR \fB\-o\fR - foo.texi
+write plain text to standard output
+makeinfo \fB\-\-number\-sections\fR foo.texi
+write Info with numbered sections
+makeinfo \fB\-\-no\-split\fR foo.texi
+write one Info file however big
+Email bug reports to,
+general questions and discussion to
+The full documentation for
+.B makeinfo
+is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the
+.B info
+.B makeinfo
+programs are properly installed at your site, the command
+.B info makeinfo
+should give you access to the complete manual.
+Copyright \(co 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+There is NO warranty. You may redistribute this software
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
+For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/doc/texindex.1 b/contrib/texinfo/doc/texindex.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6708829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/texinfo/doc/texindex.1
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.013.
+.TH TEXINDEX "1" "September 1999" "GNU texinfo 4.0" FSF
+texindex \- sort Texinfo index files
+.B texindex
+[\fIOPTION\fR]...\fI FILE\fR...
+Generate a sorted index for each TeX output FILE.
+Usually FILE... is specified as `foo.??' for a document `foo.texi'.
+\fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
+display this help and exit
+\fB\-k\fR, \fB\-\-keep\fR
+keep temporary files around after processing
+do not keep temporary files around after processing (default)
+\fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-output\fR FILE
+send output to FILE
+display version information and exit
+Email bug reports to,
+general questions and discussion to
+The full documentation for
+.B texindex
+is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the
+.B info
+.B texindex
+programs are properly installed at your site, the command
+.B info texindex
+should give you access to the complete manual.
+Copyright \(co 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+There is NO warranty. You may redistribute this software
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
+For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/doc/texinfo.5 b/contrib/texinfo/doc/texinfo.5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd29c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/texinfo/doc/texinfo.5
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+.\" texinfo(5)
+.\" $Id: texinfo.5,v 1.3 1999/03/25 21:28:25 karl Exp $
+.\" Copyright (C) 1998, 99 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+.\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
+.\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
+.\" preserved on all copies.
+.\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
+.\" this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
+.\" the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
+.\" permission notice identical to this one.
+.\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
+.\" manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
+.\" versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
+.\" translation approved by the Foundation.
+.TH TEXINFO 5 "GNU Texinfo" "FSF"
+Texinfo \- software documentation system
+Texinfo is a documentation system that uses a single source file to
+produce both online information and printed output. It is primarily
+designed for writing software manuals.
+For a full description of the Texinfo language and associated tools,
+please see the Texinfo manual (written in Texinfo itself). Most likely,
+running this command from your shell:
+.I info texinfo
+or this key sequence from inside Emacs:
+.I M-x info RET m texinfo RET
+will get you there.
+or any GNU mirror site.
+Please send bug reports to,
+general questions and discussion to
+info(1), install-info(1), makeinfo(1), texi2dvi(1), texindex(1).
+emacs(1), tex(1).
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/doc/texinfo.txi b/contrib/texinfo/doc/texinfo.txi
index c0b7a20..7e0bbd0 100644
--- a/contrib/texinfo/doc/texinfo.txi
+++ b/contrib/texinfo/doc/texinfo.txi
@@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
\input texinfo.tex @c -*-texinfo-*-
-@c $Id: texinfo.txi,v 1.50 1998/02/27 21:21:34 karl Exp $
+@c $Id: texinfo.txi,v 1.162 1999/09/28 19:38:01 karl Exp $
@c %**start of header
@c All text is ignored before the setfilename.
@setfilename texinfo
-@settitle Texinfo @value{edition}
-@c Edition number is now the same as the Texinfo distribution version number.
-@set edition 3.12
-@set update-month February 1998
-@set update-date 27 @value{update-month}
+@include version.texi
+@settitle Texinfo @value{VERSION}
@c Define a new index for options.
@defcodeindex op
@@ -22,20 +19,21 @@
@footnotestyle separate
@paragraphindent 2
-@comment %**end of header
-@c Before release, run C-u C-c C-u C-a (texinfo-all-menus-update with a
-@c prefix arg). This updates the node pointers, which texinfmt.el needs.
+@comment %**end of header
@dircategory Texinfo documentation system
* Texinfo: (texinfo). The GNU documentation format.
-* install-info: (texinfo)Invoking install-info. Updating info/dir entries.
-* texi2dvi: (texinfo)Format with texi2dvi. Printing Texinfo documentation.
-* texindex: (texinfo)Format with tex/texindex. Sorting Texinfo index files.
+* install-info: (texinfo)Invoking install-info. Update info/dir entries.
+* texi2dvi: (texinfo)Format with texi2dvi. Print Texinfo documents.
+* texindex: (texinfo)Format with tex/texindex. Sort Texinfo index files.
* makeinfo: (texinfo)makeinfo Preferred. Translate Texinfo source.
@end direntry
+@c Before release, run C-u C-c C-u C-a (texinfo-all-menus-update with a
+@c prefix arg). This updates the node pointers, which texinfmt.el needs.
@c Set smallbook if printing in smallbook format so the example of the
@c smallbook font is actually written using smallbook; in bigbook, a kludge
@c is used for TeX output. Do this through the -t option to texi2dvi,
@@ -44,17 +42,20 @@
@c set smallbook
@c @@clear smallbook
+@c If you like blank pages. Can add through texi2dvi -t.
+@c setchapternewpage odd
@c Currently undocumented command, 5 December 1993:
@c nwnode (Same as node, but no warnings; for `makeinfo'.)
This file documents Texinfo, a documentation system that can produce
-both on-line information and a printed manual from a single source file.
+both online information and a printed manual from a single source file.
-Copyright (C) 1988, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98
+Copyright (C) 1988, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This edition is for Texinfo version @value{edition}.
+This edition is for Texinfo version @value{VERSION}, @value{UPDATED}.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
@@ -78,7 +79,6 @@ except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved
by the Free Software Foundation.
@end ifinfo
-@setchapternewpage odd
@shorttitlepage Texinfo
@@ -86,25 +86,27 @@ by the Free Software Foundation.
@c use the new format for titles
@title Texinfo
@subtitle The GNU Documentation Format
-@subtitle for Texinfo version @value{edition}
-@subtitle @value{update-month}
+@subtitle for Texinfo version @value{VERSION}, @value{UPDATED}
-@author Robert J.@: Chassell
-@author Richard M.@: Stallman
+@author Robert J. Chassell
+@author Richard M. Stallman
@c Include the Distribution inside the titlepage so
@c that headings are turned off.
@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-Copyright @copyright{} 1988, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98
+Copyright @copyright{} 1988, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This manual is for Texinfo version @value{VERSION}, @value{UPDATED}.
Published by the Free Software Foundation @*
59 Temple Place Suite 330 @*
Boston, MA 02111-1307 @*
USA @*
-ISBN 1-882114-65-5
+ISBN 1-882114-67-1 @c for version 4.0, September 1999.
+@c ISBN 1-882114-65-5 @c for version 3.12, March 1998.
@c ISBN 1-882114-63-9 is for edition 2.20 of 28 February 1995
@c ISBN 1-882114-64-7 is for edition 2.24 of November 1996.
@@ -125,65 +127,22 @@ by the Free Software Foundation.
Cover art by Etienne Suvasa.
@end titlepage
-@node Top, Copying, (dir), (dir)
+@node Top
@top Texinfo
Texinfo is a documentation system that uses a single source file to
-produce both on-line information and printed output.@refill
+produce both online information and printed output.
The first part of this master menu lists the major nodes in this Info
document, including the @@-command and concept indices. The rest of
-the menu lists all the lower level nodes in the document.@refill
-This is Edition @value{edition} of the Texinfo documentation,
-@end ifinfo
+the menu lists all the lower level nodes in the document.
-@c Here is a spare copy of the chapter menu entry descriptions,
-@c in case they are accidently deleted
-Your rights.
-Texinfo in brief.
-How to use Texinfo mode.
-What is at the beginning of a Texinfo file?
-What is at the end of a Texinfo file?
-How to create chapters, sections, subsections,
- appendices, and other parts.
-How to provide structure for a document.
-How to write nodes.
-How to write menus.
-How to write cross references.
-How to mark words and phrases as code,
- keyboard input, meta-syntactic
- variables, and the like.
-How to write quotations, examples, etc.
-How to write lists and tables.
-How to create indices.
-How to insert @@-signs, braces, etc.
-How to indicate results of evaluation,
- expansion of macros, errors, etc.
-How to force and prevent line and page breaks.
-How to describe functions and the like in a uniform manner.
-How to write footnotes.
-How to specify text for either @TeX{} or Info.
-How to print hardcopy.
-How to create an Info file.
-How to install an Info file
-A list of all the Texinfo @@-commands.
-Hints on how to write a Texinfo document.
-A sample Texinfo file to look at.
-Tell readers they have the right to copy
- and distribute.
-How to incorporate other Texinfo files.
-How to write page headings and footings.
-How to find formatting mistakes.
-All about paragraph refilling.
-A description of @@-Command syntax.
-Texinfo second edition features.
-A menu containing commands and variables.
-A menu covering many topics.
-@end ignore
+This is Edition @value{VERSION} of the Texinfo manual, updated @value{UPDATED}.
+@end ifnottex
* Copying:: Your rights.
@@ -206,13 +165,12 @@ A menu covering many topics.
* Breaks:: How to force and prevent line and page breaks.
* Definition Commands:: How to describe functions and the like
in a uniform manner.
-* Footnotes:: How to write footnotes.
* Conditionals:: How to specify text for either @TeX{} or Info.
-* Macros:: Defining new Texinfo commands.
-* Format/Print Hardcopy:: How to convert a Texinfo file to a file
+* Internationalization::
+* Defining New Texinfo Commands::
+* Hardcopy:: How to convert a Texinfo file to a file
for printing and how to print that file.
-* Create an Info File:: Convert a Texinfo file into an Info file.
-* Install an Info File:: Make an Info file accessible to users.
+* Creating and Installing Info Files::
* Command List:: All the Texinfo @@-commands.
* Tips:: Hints on how to write a Texinfo document.
* Sample Texinfo File:: A sample Texinfo file to look at.
@@ -233,18 +191,17 @@ A menu covering many topics.
Overview of Texinfo
-* Using Texinfo:: Create a conventional printed book
- or an Info file.
+* Reporting Bugs:: Submitting effective bug reports.
+* Using Texinfo:: Create printed or online output.
* Info Files:: What is an Info file?
* Printed Books:: Characteristics of a printed book or manual.
* Formatting Commands:: @@-commands are used for formatting.
* Conventions:: General rules for writing a Texinfo file.
-* Comments:: How to write comments and mark regions that
- the formatting commands will ignore.
+* Comments:: Writing comments and ignored text in general.
* Minimum:: What a Texinfo file must have.
* Six Parts:: Usually, a Texinfo file has six parts.
* Short Sample:: A short sample Texinfo file.
-* Acknowledgements::
+* Acknowledgements and History:: Contributors and genesis.
Using Texinfo Mode
@@ -285,7 +242,8 @@ The Texinfo File Header
* setfilename:: Tell Info the name of the Info file.
* settitle:: Create a title for the printed work.
* setchapternewpage:: Start chapters on right-hand pages.
-* paragraphindent:: An option to specify paragraph indentation.
+* paragraphindent:: Specify paragraph indentation.
+* exampleindent:: Specify environment indentation.
* End of Header:: Formatting a region requires this.
The Title and Copyright Pages
@@ -334,8 +292,9 @@ Nodes
* Two Paths:: Different commands to structure
Info output and printed output.
* Node Menu Illustration:: A diagram, and sample nodes and menus.
-* node:: How to write a node, in detail.
-* makeinfo Pointer Creation:: How to create node pointers with @code{makeinfo}.
+* node:: Creating nodes, in detail.
+* makeinfo Pointer Creation:: Letting makeinfo determine node pointers.
+* anchor:: Defining arbitrary cross-reference targets.
The @code{@@node} Command
@@ -384,23 +343,26 @@ Marking Words and Phrases
Indicating Definitions, Commands, etc.
* Useful Highlighting:: Highlighting provides useful information.
-* code:: How to indicate code.
-* kbd:: How to show keyboard input.
-* key:: How to specify keys.
-* samp:: How to show a literal sequence of characters.
-* var:: How to indicate a metasyntactic variable.
-* file:: How to indicate the name of a file.
-* dfn:: How to specify a definition.
-* cite:: How to refer to a book that is not in Info.
-* url:: How to indicate a world wide web reference.
-* email:: How to indicate an electronic mail address.
+* code:: Indicating program code.
+* kbd:: Showing keyboard input.
+* key:: Specifying keys.
+* samp:: Showing a literal sequence of characters.
+* var:: Indicating metasyntactic variables.
+* env:: Indicating environment variables.
+* file:: Indicating file names.
+* command:: Indicating command names.
+* option:: Indicating option names.
+* dfn:: Specifying definitions.
+* cite:: Referring to books not in the Info system.
+* acronym:: Indicating acronyms.
+* url:: Indicating a World Wide Web reference.
+* email:: Indicating an electronic mail address.
Emphasizing Text
* emph & strong:: How to emphasize text in Texinfo.
* Smallcaps:: How to use the small caps font.
* Fonts:: Various font commands for printed output.
-* Customized Highlighting:: How to define highlighting commands.
Quotations and Examples
@@ -409,8 +371,8 @@ Quotations and Examples
* quotation:: How to write a quotation.
* example:: How to write an example in a fixed-width font.
* noindent:: How to prevent paragraph indentation.
-* Lisp Example:: How to illustrate Lisp code.
-* smallexample & smalllisp:: Forms for the @code{@@smallbook} option.
+* lisp:: How to illustrate Lisp code.
+* small:: Forms for @code{@@smallbook}.
* display:: How to write an example in the current font.
* format:: How to write an example that does not narrow
the margins.
@@ -437,7 +399,7 @@ Multi-column Tables
* Multitable Column Widths:: Defining multitable column widths.
* Multitable Rows:: Defining multitable rows, with examples.
-Creating Indices
* Index Entries:: Choose different words for index entries.
* Predefined Indices:: Use different indices for different kinds
@@ -467,6 +429,7 @@ Special Insertions
* math:: How to format a mathematical expression.
* Glyphs:: How to indicate results of evaluation,
expansion of macros, errors, etc.
+* Footnotes:: How to include footnotes.
* Images:: How to include graphics.
Inserting @@ and Braces
@@ -503,12 +466,17 @@ Glyphs for Examples
Glyphs Summary
-* result::
-* expansion::
-* Print Glyph::
-* Error Glyph::
-* Equivalence::
-* Point Glyph::
+* result::
+* expansion::
+* Print Glyph::
+* Error Glyph::
+* Equivalence::
+* Point Glyph::
+* Footnote Commands:: How to write a footnote in Texinfo.
+* Footnote Styles:: Controlling how footnotes appear in Info.
Making and Preventing Breaks
@@ -540,11 +508,6 @@ The Definition Commands
* Abstract Objects:: Commands for object-oriented programming.
* Data Types:: The definition command for data types.
-* Footnote Commands:: How to write a footnote in Texinfo.
-* Footnote Styles:: Controlling how footnotes appear in Info.
Conditionally Visible Text
* Conditional Commands:: Specifying text for HTML, Info, or @TeX{}.
@@ -557,30 +520,45 @@ Conditionally Visible Text
@code{@@set}, @code{@@clear}, and @code{@@value}
* ifset ifclear:: Format a region if a flag is set.
-* value:: Replace a flag with a string.
+* set value:: Expand a flag variable to a string.
* value Example:: An easy way to update edition information.
-Macros: Defining New Texinfo Commands
+* documentlanguage:: Declaring the current language.
+* documentencoding:: Declaring the input encoding.
-* Defining Macros:: Both defining and undefining new commands.
+Defining New Texinfo Commands
+* Defining Macros:: Defining and undefining new commands.
* Invoking Macros:: Using a macro, once you've defined it.
+* Macro Details:: Beyond basic macro usage.
+* alias:: Command aliases.
+* definfoenclose:: Customized highlighting.
-Format and Print Hardcopy
+Formatting and Printing Hardcopy
* Use TeX:: Use @TeX{} to format for hardcopy.
-* Format with tex/texindex:: How to format in a shell.
-* Format with texi2dvi:: A simpler way to use the shell.
+* Format with tex/texindex:: How to format with explicit shell commands.
+* Format with texi2dvi:: A simpler way to format.
* Print with lpr:: How to print.
* Within Emacs:: How to format and print from an Emacs shell.
* Texinfo Mode Printing:: How to format and print in Texinfo mode.
* Compile-Command:: How to print using Emacs's compile command.
* Requirements Summary:: @TeX{} formatting requirements summary.
-* Preparing for TeX:: What you need to do to use @TeX{}.
+* Preparing for TeX:: What to do before you use @TeX{}.
* Overfull hboxes:: What are and what to do with overfull hboxes.
* smallbook:: How to print small format books and manuals.
* A4 Paper:: How to print on European A4 paper.
+* pagesizes:: How to print with customized page sizes.
* Cropmarks and Magnification:: How to print marks to indicate the size
of pages and how to print scaled up output.
+* PDF Output:: Portable Document Format output.
+Creating and Installing Info Files
+* Creating an Info File::
+* Install an Info File::
Creating an Info File
@@ -595,10 +573,11 @@ Creating an Info File
* Batch Formatting:: How to format for Info in Emacs Batch mode.
* Tag and Split Files:: How tagged and split files help Info
to run better.
+* makeinfo html:: Generating HTML output.
Installing an Info File
-* Directory file:: The top level menu for all Info files.
+* Directory File:: The top level menu for all Info files.
* New Info File:: Listing a new info file.
* Other Info Directories:: How to specify Info files that are
located in other directories.
@@ -645,16 +624,19 @@ Finding Badly Referenced Nodes
* Unsplit:: How to create an unsplit file.
* Tagifying:: How to tagify a file.
* Splitting:: How to split a file manually.
-How to Obtain @TeX{}
-* New Texinfo Mode Commands:: The updating commands are especially useful.
-* New Commands:: Many newly described @@-commands.
@end detailmenu
@end menu
-@node Copying, Overview, Top, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@c Reward readers for getting to the end of the menu :).
+@c Contributed by Arnold Robbins.
+Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good; and
+when it is bad, it is better than nothing.
+---Dick Brandon
+@end quotation
+@node Copying
@unnumbered Texinfo Copying Conditions
@cindex Copying conditions
@cindex Conditions for copying Texinfo
@@ -690,100 +672,171 @@ their recipients to know that what they have is not what we distributed,
so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on our
- The precise conditions of the licenses for the programs currently
+The precise conditions of the licenses for the programs currently
being distributed that relate to Texinfo are found in the General Public
-Licenses that accompany them.@refill
+Licenses that accompany them.
-@node Overview, Texinfo Mode, Copying, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Overview
@chapter Overview of Texinfo
@cindex Overview of Texinfo
@cindex Texinfo overview
-@dfn{Texinfo}@footnote{Note that the first syllable of ``Texinfo'' is
-pronounced like ``speck'', not ``hex''. This odd pronunciation is
-derived from, but is not the same as, the pronunciation of @TeX{}. In
-the word @TeX{}, the @samp{X} is actually the Greek letter ``chi''
-rather than the English letter ``ex''. Pronounce @TeX{} as if the
-@samp{X} were the last sound in the name `Bach'; but pronounce Texinfo
-as if the @samp{x} were a `k'. Spell ``Texinfo'' with a capital ``T''
-and write the other letters in lower case.}
-is a documentation system that uses a single source file to produce both
-on-line information and printed output. This means that instead of
-writing two different documents, one for the on-line help or other on-line
-information and the other for a typeset manual or other printed work, you
-need write only one document. When the work is revised, you need revise
-only one document. (You can read the on-line information, known as an
-@dfn{Info file}, with an Info documentation-reading program.)@refill
+@dfn{Texinfo}@footnote{The first syllable of ``Texinfo'' is pronounced
+like ``speck'', not ``hex''. This odd pronunciation is derived from,
+but is not the same as, the pronunciation of @TeX{}. In the word
+@TeX{}, the @samp{X} is actually the Greek letter ``chi'' rather than
+the English letter ``ex''. Pronounce @TeX{} as if the @samp{X} were the
+last sound in the name `Bach'; but pronounce Texinfo as if the @samp{x}
+were a `k'. Spell ``Texinfo'' with a capital ``T'' and the other
+letters in lower case.} is a documentation system that uses a single
+source file to produce both online information and printed output. This
+means that instead of writing two different documents, one for the
+online information and the other for a printed work, you need write only
+one document. Therefore, when the work is revised, you need revise only
+that one document.
-* Using Texinfo:: Create a conventional printed book
- or an Info file.
+* Reporting Bugs:: Submitting effective bug reports.
+* Using Texinfo:: Create printed or online output.
* Info Files:: What is an Info file?
* Printed Books:: Characteristics of a printed book or manual.
* Formatting Commands:: @@-commands are used for formatting.
* Conventions:: General rules for writing a Texinfo file.
-* Comments:: How to write comments and mark regions that
- the formatting commands will ignore.
+* Comments:: Writing comments and ignored text in general.
* Minimum:: What a Texinfo file must have.
* Six Parts:: Usually, a Texinfo file has six parts.
* Short Sample:: A short sample Texinfo file.
-* Acknowledgements::
+* Acknowledgements and History:: Contributors and genesis.
@end menu
-@node Using Texinfo, Info Files, Overview, Overview
-@heading Using Texinfo
-@end ifinfo
+@node Reporting Bugs
+@section Reporting Bugs
+@cindex Bugs, reporting
+@cindex Suggestions for Texinfo, making
+@cindex Reporting bugs
+We welcome bug reports or suggestions for the Texinfo system, both
+programs and documentation. Please email them to
+@email{}. You can get the latest version of Texinfo
+from @uref{} and its mirrors worldwide.
+@cindex Checklist for bug reports
+For bug reports, please include enough information for the maintainers
+to reproduce the problem. Generally speaking, that means:
+@itemize @bullet
+@item the version number of Texinfo and the program(s) or manual(s) involved.
+@item hardware, operating system, and compiler versions.
+@item any unusual options you gave to @command{configure}.
+@item the contents of any input files necessary to reproduce the bug.
+@item a description of the problem and samples of any erroneous output.
+@item anything else that you think would be helpful.
+@end itemize
+When in doubt whether something is needed or not, include it. It's
+better to include too much than to leave out something important.
+Patches are most welcome; if possible, please make them with
+@samp{@w{diff -c}} (@pxref{Top,, Overview, diffutils, Comparing and
+Merging Files}) and include @file{ChangeLog} entries (@pxref{Change
+Log,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}).
+When sending email, please do not encode or split the messages in any
+way if possible; it's much easier to deal with one plain text message,
+however large, than many small ones.
+@uref{, GNU shar} is a convenient way of
+packaging multiple and/or binary files for email.
+@node Using Texinfo
+@section Using Texinfo
+@cindex Using Texinfo in general
+@cindex Texinfo, introduction to
+@cindex Introduction to Texinfo
Using Texinfo, you can create a printed document with the normal
-features of a book, including chapters, sections, cross references,
-and indices. From the same Texinfo source file, you can create a
-menu-driven, on-line Info file with nodes, menus, cross references,
-and indices. You can, if you wish, make the chapters and sections of
-the printed document correspond to the nodes of the on-line
-information; and you use the same cross references and indices for
-both the Info file and the printed work. @cite{The GNU
-Emacs Manual} is a good example of a Texinfo file, as is this manual.@refill
+features of a book, including chapters, sections, cross references, and
+indices. From the same Texinfo source file, you can create a
+menu-driven, online Info file with nodes, menus, cross references, and
+indices. You can also create from that same source file an HTML output
+file suitable for use with a web browser. @cite{The GNU Emacs Manual}
+is a good example of a Texinfo file, as is this manual.
To make a printed document, you process a Texinfo source file with the
-@TeX{} typesetting program. This creates a DVI file that you can
-typeset and print as a book or report. (Note that the Texinfo language
-is completely different from @TeX{}'s usual language, plain @TeX{}.) If
-you do not have @TeX{}, but do have @code{troff} or @code{nroff}, you
-can use the @code{texi2roff} program instead.@refill
-To make an Info file, you process a Texinfo source file with the
-@code{makeinfo} utility or Emacs's @code{texinfo-format-buffer} command;
-this creates an Info file that you can install on-line.@refill
-@TeX{} and @code{texi2roff} work with many types of printers; similarly,
-Info works with almost every type of computer terminal. This power
-makes Texinfo a general purpose system, but brings with it a constraint,
-which is that a Texinfo file may contain only the customary
-``typewriter'' characters (letters, numbers, spaces, and punctuation
-marks) but no special graphics.@refill
-A Texinfo file is a plain @sc{ascii} file containing text and
+@TeX{} typesetting program (but the Texinfo language is very different
+from @TeX{}'s usual language, plain @TeX{}). This creates a DVI file
+that you can typeset and print as a book or report (@pxref{Hardcopy}).
+@pindex makeinfo
+To output an Info file, process your Texinfo source with the
+@code{makeinfo} utility or Emacs's @code{texinfo-format-buffer} command.
+You can install the result in your Info tree (@pxref{Install an Info
+To output an HTML file, process your Texinfo source with @code{makeinfo}
+using the @samp{--html} option. You can (for example) install the
+result on your web site.
+@cindex Output formats, supporting more
+@cindex Docbook output format
+@cindex SGML-tools output format
+If you are a programmer and would like to contribute to the GNU project
+by implementing additional output formats for Texinfo, that would be
+excellent. But please do not write a separate translator texi2foo for
+your favorite format foo! That is the hard way to do the job, and makes
+extra work in subsequent maintenance, since the Texinfo language is
+continually being enhanced and updated. Instead, the best approach is
+modify @code{makeinfo} to generate the new format, as it does now for
+Info and HTML.
+@TeX{} works with virtually all printers; Info works with virtually all
+computer terminals; the HTML output works with virtually all web
+browsers. Thus Texinfo can be used by almost any computer user.
+@cindex Source file
+A Texinfo source file is a plain @sc{ascii} file containing text and
@dfn{@@-commands} (words preceded by an @samp{@@}) that tell the
-typesetting and formatting programs what to do. You may edit a
-Texinfo file with any text editor; but it is especially convenient to
-use GNU Emacs since that editor has a special mode, called Texinfo
-mode, that provides various Texinfo-related features. (@xref{Texinfo
-Before writing a Texinfo source file, you should become familiar with
-the Info documentation reading program and learn about nodes,
-menus, cross references, and the rest. (@inforef{Top, info, info},
-for more information.)@refill
+typesetting and formatting programs what to do. You may edit a Texinfo
+file with any text editor; but it is especially convenient to use GNU
+Emacs since that editor has a special mode, called Texinfo mode, that
+provides various Texinfo-related features. (@xref{Texinfo Mode}.)
-You can use Texinfo to create both on-line help and printed manuals;
-moreover, Texinfo is freely redistributable. For these reasons, Texinfo
-is the format in which documentation for GNU utilities and libraries is
+Before writing a Texinfo source file, you should learn about nodes,
+menus, cross references, and the rest, for example by reading this
-@node Info Files, Printed Books, Using Texinfo, Overview
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+You can use Texinfo to create both online help and printed manuals;
+moreover, Texinfo is freely redistributable. For these reasons, Texinfo
+is the official documentation format of the GNU project. More
+information is available at the @uref{, GNU
+documentation web page}.
+@cindex Man page output, not supported
+From time to time, proposals are made to generate traditional Unix man
+pages from Texinfo source. This is not likely to ever be supported,
+because man pages have a very strict conventional format. Merely
+enhancing @command{makeinfo} to output troff format would be
+insufficient. Generating a good man page therefore requires a
+completely different source than the typical Texinfo applications of
+generating a good user manual or a good reference manual. This makes
+generating man pages incompatible with the Texinfo design goal of not
+having to document the same information in different ways for different
+output formats. You might as well just write the man page directly.
+@pindex help2man
+@cindex O'Dea, Brendan
+If you wish to support man pages, the program @command{help2man} may be
+useful; it generates a traditional man page from the @samp{--help}
+output of a program. In fact, this is currently used to generate man
+pages for the Texinfo programs themselves. It is free software written
+by Brendan O'Dea, available from
+@node Info Files
@section Info files
@cindex Info files
@@ -870,8 +923,20 @@ The @file{dir} file in the @file{info} directory serves as the
departure point for the whole Info system. From it, you can reach the
`Top' nodes of each of the documents in a complete Info system.@refill
-@node Printed Books, Formatting Commands, Info Files, Overview
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@cindex URI syntax for Info
+If you wish to refer to an Info file in a URI, you can use the
+(unofficial) syntax exemplified in the following. This works with
+Emacs/W3, for example:
+@end example
+The @command{info} program itself does not follow URI's of any kind.
+@node Printed Books
@section Printed Books
@cindex Printed book and manual characteristics
@cindex Manual characteristics, printed
@@ -883,9 +948,12 @@ departure point for the whole Info system. From it, you can reach the
A Texinfo file can be formatted and typeset as a printed book or manual.
To do this, you need @TeX{}, a powerful, sophisticated typesetting
program written by Donald Knuth.@footnote{You can also use the
-@code{texi2roff} program if you do not have @TeX{}; since Texinfo is
-designed for use with @TeX{}, @code{texi2roff} is not described here.
-@code{texi2roff} is not part of the standard GNU distribution.}
+@pindex texi2roff@r{, unsupported software}
+@uref{, @code{texi2roff}} program if you
+do not have @TeX{}; since Texinfo is designed for use with @TeX{},
+@code{texi2roff} is not described here. @code{texi2roff} is not part of
+the standard GNU distribution and is not maintained or up-to-date with
+all the Texinfo features described in this manual.}
A Texinfo-based book is similar to any other typeset, printed work: it
can have a title page, copyright page, table of contents, and preface,
@@ -893,18 +961,19 @@ as well as chapters, numbered or unnumbered sections and subsections,
page headers, cross references, footnotes, and indices.@refill
You can use Texinfo to write a book without ever having the intention
-of converting it into on-line information. You can use Texinfo for
+of converting it into online information. You can use Texinfo for
writing a printed novel, and even to write a printed memo, although
this latter application is not recommended since electronic mail is so
much easier.@refill
@TeX{} is a general purpose typesetting program. Texinfo provides a
-file called @file{texinfo.tex} that contains information (definitions or
+file @file{texinfo.tex} that contains information (definitions or
@dfn{macros}) that @TeX{} uses when it typesets a Texinfo file.
(@file{texinfo.tex} tells @TeX{} how to convert the Texinfo @@-commands
to @TeX{} commands, which @TeX{} can then process to create the typeset
document.) @file{texinfo.tex} contains the specifications for printing
-a document.@refill
+a document. You can get the latest version of @file{texinfo.tex} from
Most often, documents are printed on 8.5 inch by 11 inch
pages (216@dmn{mm} by 280@dmn{mm}; this is the default size), but you
@@ -933,7 +1002,8 @@ character-only terminal in Info form and in a typeset book, the
formatting commands that Texinfo supports are necessarily
-@xref{Obtaining TeX, , How to Obtain @TeX{}}.
+To get a copy of @TeX{}, see
+@ref{Obtaining TeX, , How to Obtain @TeX{}}.
@node Formatting Commands, Conventions, Printed Books, Overview
@@ -963,17 +1033,17 @@ numeric characters. Similarly, you can print the output generated by
@TeX{} on a wide variety of printers.@refill
Depending on what they do or what arguments@footnote{The word
-@dfn{argument} comes from the way it is used in mathematics and does
-not refer to a disputation between two people; it refers to the
-information presented to the command. According to the @cite{Oxford
-English Dictionary}, the word derives from the Latin for @dfn{to make
-clear, prove}; thus it came to mean `the evidence offered as proof',
-which is to say, `the information offered', which led to its
-mathematical meaning. In its other thread of derivation, the word
-came to mean `to assert in a manner against which others may make
-counter assertions', which led to the meaning of `argument' as a
-disputation.} they take, you need to write @@-commands on lines of
-their own or as part of sentences:@refill
+@dfn{argument} comes from the way it is used in mathematics and does not
+refer to a dispute between two people; it refers to the information
+presented to the command. According to the @cite{Oxford English
+Dictionary}, the word derives from the Latin for @dfn{to make clear,
+prove}; thus it came to mean `the evidence offered as proof', which is
+to say, `the information offered', which led to its mathematical
+meaning. In its other thread of derivation, the word came to mean `to
+assert in a manner against which others may make counter assertions',
+which led to the meaning of `argument' as a dispute.} they take, you
+need to write @@-commands on lines of their own or as part of
@itemize @bullet
@@ -998,12 +1068,14 @@ wish (but usually within a sentence) with its argument,
marks text as being code.)@refill
-Write a command such as @code{@@example} at the beginning of a line of
-its own; write the body-text on following lines; and write the matching
-@code{@@end} command, @code{@@end example} in this case, at the
-beginning of a line of its own after the body-text. (@code{@@example}
-@dots{} @code{@@end example} indents and typesets body-text as an
+Write a command such as @code{@@example} on a line of its own; write the
+body-text on following lines; and write the matching @code{@@end}
+command, @code{@@end example} in this case, at the on a line of its own
+after the body-text. (@code{@@example} @dots{} @code{@@end example}
+indents and typesets body-text as an example.) It's usually ok to
+indent environment commands like this, but in complicated and
+hard-to-define circumstances the extra spaces cause extra space to
+appear in the output, so beware.
@end itemize
@@ -1026,6 +1098,10 @@ syntax, see @ref{Command Syntax, , @@-Command Syntax}.)@refill
@cindex Syntactic conventions
@cindex Conventions, syntactic
+This section describes the general conventions used in all Texinfo documents.
+@itemize @bullet
All printable @sc{ascii} characters except @samp{@@}, @samp{@{} and
@samp{@}} can appear in a Texinfo file and stand for themselves.
@samp{@@} is the escape character which introduces commands.
@@ -1034,6 +1110,7 @@ certain commands. To put one of these special characters into the
document, put an @samp{@@} character in front of it, like this:
@samp{@@@@}, @samp{@@@{}, and @samp{@@@}}.@refill
It is customary in @TeX{} to use doubled single-quote characters to
begin and end quotations: ` ` and ' ' (but without a space between the
@@ -1044,23 +1121,26 @@ single-quote characters to @sc{ascii} double-quotes: ` ` and ' ' to " .@refill
@end ifinfo
It is customary in @TeX{} to use doubled single-quote characters to
-begin and end quotations: @w{@tt{ `` }} and @w{@tt{ '' }}. This
+begin and end quotations: @w{@t{ `` }} and @w{@t{ '' }}. This
convention should be followed in Texinfo files. @TeX{} converts
doubled single-quote characters to left- and right-hand doubled
quotation marks, ``like this'', and Info converts doubled single-quote
-characters to @sc{ascii} double-quotes: @w{@tt{ `` }} and
-@w{@tt{ '' }} to @w{@tt{ " }}.@refill
+characters to @sc{ascii} double-quotes: @w{@t{ `` }} and
+@w{@t{ '' }} to @w{@t{ " }}.@refill
@end iftex
Use three hyphens in a row, @samp{---}, for a dash---like this. In
@TeX{}, a single or double hyphen produces a printed dash that is
shorter than the usual typeset dash. Info reduces three hyphens to two
for display on the screen.
To prevent a paragraph from being indented in the printed manual, put
the command @code{@@noindent} on a line by itself before the
If you mark off a region of the Texinfo file with the @code{@@iftex}
and @w{@code{@@end iftex}} commands, that region will appear only in
the printed copy; in that region, you can use certain commands
@@ -1071,8 +1151,9 @@ region, you can use Info commands that you cannot use in @TeX{}.
Similarly for @code{@@ifhtml @dots{} @@end ifhtml},
@code{@@ifnothtml @dots{} @@end ifnothtml},
@code{@@ifnotinfo @dots{} @@end ifnotinfo},
-@code{@@ifnottex @dots{} @@end ifnottex},
+@code{@@ifnottex @dots{} @@end ifnottex}.
+@end itemize
@cindex Tabs; don't use!
@@ -1090,9 +1171,6 @@ spaces when you press the @key{TAB} key.@refill
Also, you can run @code{untabify} in Emacs to convert tabs in a region
to multiple spaces.@refill
-Don't use tabs.
@end quotation
@node Comments, Minimum, Conventions, Overview
@@ -1102,7 +1180,7 @@ Don't use tabs.
You can write comments in a Texinfo file that will not appear in
either the Info file or the printed manual by using the
@code{@@comment} command (which may be abbreviated to @code{@@c}).
-Such comments are for the person who reads the Texinfo file. All the
+Such comments are for the person who revises the Texinfo file. All the
text on a line that follows either @code{@@comment} or @code{@@c} is a
comment; the rest of the line does not appear in either the Info file
or the printed manual. (Often, you can write the @code{@@comment} or
@@ -1148,9 +1226,9 @@ within ignored text.
@cindex Texinfo file minimum
By convention, the names of Texinfo files end with one of the
-extensions @file{.texinfo}, @file{.texi}, or @file{.tex}. The longer
-extension is preferred since it describes more clearly to a human
-reader the nature of the file. The shorter extensions are for
+extensions @file{.texinfo}, @file{.texi}, @file{.txi}, or @file{.tex}.
+The longer extension is preferred since it describes more clearly to a
+human reader the nature of the file. The shorter extensions are for
operating systems that cannot handle long file names.@refill
In order to be made into a printed manual and an Info file, a Texinfo
@@ -1252,8 +1330,7 @@ the table of contents, and the @code{@@bye} command on a line of its
@end table
-@node Short Sample, Acknowledgements, Six Parts, Overview
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Short Sample
@section A Short Sample Texinfo File
@cindex Sample Texinfo file
@@ -1264,7 +1341,6 @@ the material is standard boilerplate; when you write a manual, simply
insert the names for your own manual in this segment. (@xref{Beginning a
In the following, the sample text is @emph{indented}; comments on it are
not. The complete file, without any comments, is shown in
@ref{Sample Texinfo File}.
@@ -1282,9 +1358,8 @@ name of the Info file and the title used in the header.
@@c %**start of header
@@settitle Sample Document
-@@c %**end of header
@@setchapternewpage odd
+@@c %**end of header
@end group
@end example
@@ -1393,15 +1468,14 @@ manual.
@subheading Part 6: The End of the Document
-The end segment contains commands both for generating an index in a node
-and unnumbered chapter of its own and for generating the table of
-contents; and it contains the @code{@@bye} command that marks the end of
-the document.@refill
+The end segment contains commands for generating an index in a node and
+unnumbered chapter of its own, (usually) for generating the table of
+contents, and the @code{@@bye} command that marks the end of the
@@node Concept Index, , First Chapter, Top
-@@comment node-name, next, previous, up
@@unnumbered Concept Index
@end group
@@ -1438,41 +1512,61 @@ an Info file; and @TeX{} typesets it for a printed
@end quotation
-@node Acknowledgements, , Short Sample, Overview
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Acknowledgements
+@node Acknowledgements and History
+@section Acknowledgements and History
@cindex Stallman, Richard M.
@cindex Chassell, Robert J.
@cindex Berry, Karl
-Richard M.@: Stallman wrote Edition 1.0 of this manual. @w{Robert J.@:
-Chassell} revised and extended it, starting with Edition 1.1. Karl
-Berry made updates for the Texinfo 3.8 and subsequent releases, starting
-with Edition 2.22.
+Richard M.@: Stallman invented the Texinfo format, wrote the initial
+processors, and created Edition 1.0 of this manual. @w{Robert J.@:
+Chassell} greatly revised and extended the manual, starting with Edition
+1.1. Brian Fox was responsible for the standalone Texinfo distribution
+until version 3.8, and wrote the standalone @command{makeinfo} and
+@command{info}. Karl Berry has made the updates since Texinfo 3.8 and
+subsequent releases, starting with Edition 2.22 of the manual.
@cindex Pinard, Fran@,{c}ois
@cindex Zuhn, David D.
@cindex Weisshaus, Melissa
+@cindex Zaretskii, Eli
+@cindex Schwab, Andreas
+@cindex Weinberg, Zack
Our thanks go out to all who helped improve this work, particularly to
Fran@,{c}ois Pinard and @w{David D.@: Zuhn}, who tirelessly recorded and
reported mistakes and obscurities; our special thanks go to Melissa
Weisshaus for her frequent and often tedious reviews of nearly similar
-editions. Our mistakes are our own.
-Please send suggestions and corrections to:
-@r{Internet address:}
-@end group
-@end example
-Please include the manual's edition number and update date in your messages.
-@node Texinfo Mode, Beginning a File, Overview, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+editions. The indefatigable Eli Zaretskii and Andreas Schwab have
+provided patches beyond counting. Zack Weinberg did the impossible by
+implementing the macro syntax in @file{texinfo.tex}. Dozens of others
+have contributed patches and suggestions, they are gratefully
+acknowledged in the @file{ChangeLog} file. Our mistakes are our own.
+@cindex Scribe
+@cindex Reid, Brian
+@cindex History of Texinfo
+A bit of history: in the 1970's at CMU, Brian Reid developed a program
+and format named Scribe to mark up documents for printing. It used the
+@code{@@} character to introduce commands as Texinfo does and strived to
+describe document contents rather than formatting.
+@cindex Bolio
+@cindex Bo@TeX{}
+Meanwhile, people at MIT developed another, not too dissimilar format
+called Bolio. This then was converted to using @TeX{} as its typesetting
+language: Bo@TeX{}.
+Bo@TeX{} could only be used as a markup language for documents to be
+printed, not for online documents. Richard Stallman (RMS) worked on
+both Bolio and Bo@TeX{}. He also developed a nifty on-line help format
+called Info, and then combined Bo@TeX{} and Info to create Texinfo, a
+mark up language for text that is intended to be read both on line and
+as printed hard copy.
+@node Texinfo Mode
@chapter Using Texinfo Mode
@cindex Texinfo mode
@cindex Mode, using Texinfo
@@ -1509,7 +1603,8 @@ detail.@refill
@end ifinfo
Texinfo mode provides special features for working with Texinfo
+You can:@refill
@itemize @bullet
@@ -1565,12 +1660,12 @@ delimiter, you can jump from chapter title to chapter title with the
The GNU Emacs Manual}, for details about the page commands.)@refill
You may name a Texinfo file however you wish, but the convention is to
-end a Texinfo file name with one of the three extensions
-@file{.texinfo}, @file{.texi}, or @file{.tex}. A longer extension is
-preferred, since it is explicit, but a shorter extension may be
-necessary for operating systems that limit the length of file names.
-GNU Emacs automatically enters Texinfo mode when you visit a file with
-a @file{.texinfo} or @file{.texi}
+end a Texinfo file name with one of the extensions
+@file{.texinfo}, @file{.texi}, @file{.txi}, or @file{.tex}. A longer
+extension is preferred, since it is explicit, but a shorter extension
+may be necessary for operating systems that limit the length of file
+names. GNU Emacs automatically enters Texinfo mode when you visit a
+file with a @file{.texinfo}, @file{.texi} or @file{.txi}
extension. Also, Emacs switches to Texinfo mode
when you visit a
file that has @samp{-*-texinfo-*-} in its first line. If ever you are
@@ -1762,14 +1857,10 @@ cursor in the @file{*Occur*} buffer.@refill
If you call @code{texinfo-show-structure} with a prefix argument by
typing @w{@kbd{C-u C-c C-s}}, it will list not only those lines with the
-@@-commands for @code{@@chapter}, @code{@@section}, and the like,
-but also the @code{@@node} lines. (This is how the
-@code{texinfo-show-structure} command worked without an argument in
-the first version of Texinfo. It was changed because @code{@@node}
-lines clutter up the @samp{*Occur*} buffer and are usually not
-needed.) You can use @code{texinfo-show-structure} with a prefix
-argument to check whether the `Next', `Previous', and `Up' pointers of
-an @code{@@node} line are correct.@refill
+@@-commands for @code{@@chapter}, @code{@@section}, and the like, but
+also the @code{@@node} lines. You can use @code{texinfo-show-structure}
+with a prefix argument to check whether the `Next', `Previous', and `Up'
+pointers of an @code{@@node} line are correct.
Often, when you are working on a manual, you will be interested only
in the structure of the current chapter. In this case, you can mark
@@ -1823,18 +1914,18 @@ node pointers by hand, which is a tedious task.@refill
@subheading The Updating Commands
@end ifinfo
-You can use the updating commands@refill
+You can use the updating commands to:@refill
@itemize @bullet
-to insert or update the `Next', `Previous', and `Up' pointers of a
+insert or update the `Next', `Previous', and `Up' pointers of a
-to insert or update the menu for a section, and@refill
+insert or update the menu for a section, and@refill
-to create a master menu for a Texinfo source file.@refill
+create a master menu for a Texinfo source file.@refill
@end itemize
You can also use the commands to update all the nodes and menus in a
@@ -1856,11 +1947,11 @@ interpose only an @code{@@comment} line or an @code{@@ifinfo} line.
Commands which work on a whole buffer require that the `Top' node be
followed by a node with an @code{@@chapter} or equivalent-level command.
-Note that the menu updating commands will not create a main or master
-menu for a Texinfo file that has only @code{@@chapter}-level nodes! The
-menu updating commands only create menus @emph{within} nodes for lower level
+The menu updating commands will not create a main or master menu for a
+Texinfo file that has only @code{@@chapter}-level nodes! The menu
+updating commands only create menus @emph{within} nodes for lower level
nodes. To create a menu of chapters, you must provide a `Top'
The menu updating commands remove menu entries that refer to other Info
files since they do not refer to nodes within the current buffer. This
@@ -1906,7 +1997,7 @@ This updates all the nodes and menus completely and all at once.@refill
@end table
The other major updating commands do smaller jobs and are designed for
-the person who updates nodes and menus as he or she writes a Texinfo
+the person who updates nodes and menus as he or she writes a Texinfo
@need 1000
@@ -2031,7 +2122,7 @@ In this example, `Comments' is the name of both the node and the
section. The next node is called `Minimum' and the previous node is
called `Conventions'. The `Comments' section is within the `Overview'
node, which is specified by the `Up' pointer. (Instead of an
-@code{@@comment} line, you can write an @code{@@ifinfo} line.)@refill
+@code{@@comment} line, you may also write an @code{@@ifinfo} line.)@refill
If a file has a `Top' node, it must be called @samp{top} or @samp{Top}
and be the first node in the file.@refill
@@ -2040,14 +2131,14 @@ The menu updating commands create a menu of sections within a chapter,
a menu of subsections within a section, and so on. This means that
you must have a `Top' node if you want a menu of chapters.@refill
-Incidentally, the @code{makeinfo} command will create an Info file for
-a hierarchically organized Texinfo file that lacks `Next', `Previous'
-and `Up' pointers. Thus, if you can be sure that your Texinfo file
-will be formatted with @code{makeinfo}, you have no need for the
-`update node' commands. (@xref{Create an Info File, , Creating an
-Info File}, for more information about @code{makeinfo}.) However,
-both @code{makeinfo} and the @code{texinfo-format-@dots{}} commands
-require that you insert menus in the file.@refill
+Incidentally, the @code{makeinfo} command will create an Info file for a
+hierarchically organized Texinfo file that lacks `Next', `Previous' and
+`Up' pointers. Thus, if you can be sure that your Texinfo file will be
+formatted with @code{makeinfo}, you have no need for the update node
+commands. (@xref{Creating an Info File}, for more information about
+@code{makeinfo}.) However, both @code{makeinfo} and the
+@code{texinfo-format-@dots{}} commands require that you insert menus in
+the file.
@node Other Updating Commands, , Updating Requirements, Updating Nodes and Menus
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
@@ -2078,11 +2169,11 @@ For example, the following marks a whole buffer as a region and inserts
C-x h C-u M-x texinfo-insert-node-lines
@end example
-(Note that this command inserts titles as node names in @code{@@node}
-lines; the @code{texinfo-start-menu-description} command
-(@pxref{Inserting, Inserting Frequently Used Commands}) inserts titles
-as descriptions in menu entries, a different action. However, in both
-cases, you need to edit the inserted text.)@refill
+This command inserts titles as node names in @code{@@node} lines; the
+@code{texinfo-start-menu-description} command (@pxref{Inserting,
+Inserting Frequently Used Commands}) inserts titles as descriptions in
+menu entries, a different action. However, in both cases, you need to
+edit the inserted text.
@item M-x texinfo-multiple-files-update
@findex texinfo-multiple-files-update @r{(in brief)}
@@ -2182,7 +2273,7 @@ M-x makeinfo-buffer
For @TeX{} or the Info formatting commands to work, the file @emph{must}
include a line that has @code{@@setfilename} in its header.@refill
-@xref{Create an Info File}, for details about Info formatting.@refill
+@xref{Creating an Info File}, for details about Info formatting.@refill
@node Printing, Texinfo Mode Summary, Info Formatting, Texinfo Mode
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
@@ -2245,7 +2336,7 @@ on a line by itself. (When you use @code{texinfo-tex-region}, you must
surround the @code{@@settitle} line with start-of-header and
end-of-header lines.)@refill
-@xref{Format/Print Hardcopy}, for a description of the other @TeX{} related
+@xref{Hardcopy}, for a description of the other @TeX{} related
commands, such as @code{tex-show-print-queue}.@refill
@node Texinfo Mode Summary, , Printing, Texinfo Mode
@@ -2297,6 +2388,7 @@ C-c C-s @r{List all the headings.}
The @code{texinfo-master-menu} command creates a master menu; and can
be used to update every node and menu in a file as well.@refill
+@c Probably should use @tables in this section.
C-c C-u m
@@ -2398,7 +2490,7 @@ C-c C-t C-l @r{Recenter the output buffer.}
@subheading Other Updating Commands
-The `other updating commands' do not have standard keybindings because
+The remaining updating commands do not have standard keybindings because
they are rarely used.
@@ -2609,12 +2701,13 @@ or else like this:
* setfilename:: Tell Info the name of the Info file.
* settitle:: Create a title for the printed work.
* setchapternewpage:: Start chapters on right-hand pages.
-* paragraphindent:: An option to specify paragraph indentation.
+* paragraphindent:: Specify paragraph indentation.
+* exampleindent:: Specify environment indentation.
* End of Header:: Formatting a region requires this.
@end menu
-@node First Line, Start of Header, Header, Header
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node First Line
@subsection The First Line of a Texinfo File
@cindex First line of a Texinfo file
@cindex Beginning line of a Texinfo file
@@ -2669,8 +2762,7 @@ A start-of-header line looks like this:@refill
The odd string of characters, @samp{%**}, is to ensure that no other
comment is accidentally taken for a start-of-header line.@refill
-@node setfilename, settitle, Start of Header, Header
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node setfilename
@subsection @code{@@setfilename}
@cindex Info file requires @code{@@setfilename}
@findex setfilename
@@ -2688,11 +2780,13 @@ else on the line; anything on the line after the command is considered
part of the file name, including what would otherwise be a
-The @code{@@setfilename} line specifies the name of the Info file to be
-generated. This name should be different from the name of the Texinfo
-file. There are two conventions for choosing the name: you can either
-remove the @samp{.texi} extension from the input file name, or replace
-it with the @samp{.info} extension.
+The @code{@@setfilename} line specifies the name of the output file to
+be generated. This name should be different from the name of the
+Texinfo file. There are two conventions for choosing the name: you can
+either remove the extension (such as @samp{.texi}) from the input file
+name, or replace it with the @samp{.info} extension. When producing
+HTML output, @code{makeinfo} will replace any extension with
+@samp{html}, or add @samp{.html} if the given name has no extension.
Some operating systems cannot handle long file names. You can run into
a problem even when the file name you specify is itself short enough.
@@ -2702,19 +2796,24 @@ short indirect subfiles, and name them by appending @samp{-1},
file name. (@xref{Tag and Split Files, , Tag Files and Split Files}.)
The subfile name @file{}, for example, is too long for
some systems; so the Info file name for this document is @file{texinfo}
-rather than @file{}.
+rather than @file{}. When @code{makeinfo} is running on
+operating systems such as MS-DOS which impose grave limits on file
+names, it will sometimes remove some characters from the original file
+name to leave enough space for the subfile suffix, thus producing files
+named @file{texin-10}, @file{gcc.i12}, etc.
@cindex Ignored before @code{@@setfilename}
+@cindex @samp{\input} source line ignored
The Info formatting commands ignore everything written before the
@code{@@setfilename} line, which is why the very first line of
the file (the @code{\input} line) does not show up in the output.
@pindex texinfo.cnf
The @code{@@setfilename} line produces no output when you typeset a
-manual with @TeX{}, but it nevertheless is essential: it opens the
+manual with @TeX{}, but it is nevertheless essential: it opens the
index, cross-reference, and other auxiliary files used by Texinfo, and
also reads @file{texinfo.cnf} if that file is present on your system
-(@pxref{Preparing for TeX,, Preparing to Use @TeX{}}).
+(@pxref{Preparing for TeX,, Preparing for @TeX{}}).
@node settitle, setchapternewpage, setfilename, Header
@@ -2766,15 +2865,15 @@ You may, if you wish, create your own, customized headings and
footings. @xref{Headings, , Page Headings}, for a detailed discussion
of this process.@refill
-@node setchapternewpage, paragraphindent, settitle, Header
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node setchapternewpage
@subsection @code{@@setchapternewpage}
@cindex Starting chapters
@cindex Pages, starting odd
@findex setchapternewpage
-In a book or a manual, text is usually printed on both sides of the
-paper, chapters start on right-hand pages, and right-hand pages have
+In an officially bound book, text is usually printed on both sides of
+the paper, chapters start on right-hand pages, and right-hand pages have
odd numbers. But in short reports, text often is printed only on one
side of the paper. Also in short reports, chapters sometimes do not
start on new pages, but are printed on the same page as the end of the
@@ -2782,7 +2881,7 @@ preceding chapter, after a small amount of vertical whitespace.@refill
You can use the @code{@@setchapternewpage} command with various
arguments to specify how @TeX{} should start chapters and whether it
-should typeset pages for printing on one or both sides of the paper
+should format headers for printing on one or both sides of the paper
(single-sided or double-sided printing).@refill
Write the @code{@@setchapternewpage} command at the beginning of a
@@ -2799,17 +2898,7 @@ You can specify one of three alternatives with the
@code{@@setchapternewpage} command:@refill
@table @asis
-@item No @code{@@setchapternewpage} command
-If the Texinfo file does not contain an @code{@@setchapternewpage}
-command before the @code{@@titlepage} command, @TeX{} automatically
-begins chapters on new pages and prints headings in the standard
-format for single-sided printing. This is the conventional format for
-single-sided printing.@refill
-The result is exactly the same as when you write
-@code{@@setchapternewpage on}.@refill
-@end ignore
@item @code{@@setchapternewpage off}
Cause @TeX{} to typeset a new chapter on the same page as the last
chapter, after skipping some vertical whitespace. Also, cause @TeX{} to
@@ -2818,9 +2907,9 @@ headers format with the @code{@@headings double} command; see
@ref{headings on off, , The @code{@@headings} Command}.)@refill
@item @code{@@setchapternewpage on}
-Cause @TeX{} to start new chapters on new pages and to typeset page
+Cause @TeX{} to start new chapters on new pages and to format page
headers for single-sided printing. This is the form most often
-used for short reports.@refill
+used for short reports or personal printing.
This alternative is the default.@refill
@@ -2830,13 +2919,11 @@ Cause @TeX{} to start new chapters on new, odd-numbered pages
the form most often used for books and manuals.@refill
@end table
Texinfo does not have an @code{@@setchapternewpage even} command.@refill
-(You can countermand or modify an @code{@@setchapternewpage} command
-with an @code{@@headings} command. @xref{headings on off, , The
-@code{@@headings} Command}.)@refill
+You can countermand or modify the effect on headers of an
+@code{@@setchapternewpage} command with an @code{@@headings} command.
+@xref{headings on off, , The @code{@@headings} Command}.@refill
At the beginning of a manual or book, pages are not numbered---for
example, the title and copyright pages of a book are not numbered.
@@ -2846,62 +2933,100 @@ numerals and not in sequence with the rest of the document.@refill
Since an Info file does not have pages, the @code{@@setchapternewpage}
command has no effect on it.@refill
-Usually, you do not write an @code{@@setchapternewpage} command for
-single-sided printing, but accept the default which is to typeset for
-single-sided printing and to start new chapters on new pages. Usually,
-you write an @code{@@setchapternewpage odd} command for double-sided
+We recommend not including any @code{@@setchapternewpage} command in
+your manual sources at all, since the desired output is not intrinsic to
+the document. Instead, if you don't want the default option (no blank
+pages, same headers on all pages) use the @option{--texinfo} option to
+@command{texi2dvi} to specify the output you want.
-@node paragraphindent, End of Header, setchapternewpage, Header
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node paragraphindent
@subsection Paragraph Indenting
@cindex Indenting paragraphs
@cindex Paragraph indentation
@findex paragraphindent
-The Info formatting commands may insert spaces at the beginning of the
-first line of each paragraph, thereby indenting that paragraph. You
-can use the @code{@@paragraphindent} command to specify the
-indentation. Write an @code{@@paragraphindent} command at the
-beginning of a line followed by either @samp{asis} or a number. The
-template is:@refill
+The Texinfo processors may insert whitespace at the beginning of the
+first line of each paragraph, thereby indenting that paragraph. You can
+use the @code{@@paragraphindent} command to specify this indentation.
+Write an @code{@@paragraphindent} command at the beginning of a line
+followed by either @samp{asis} or a number:
@@paragraphindent @var{indent}
@end example
-The Info formatting commands indent according to the value of
+The indentation is according to the value of @var{indent}:
-@itemize @bullet
-If the value of @var{indent} is @samp{asis}, the Info formatting
-commands do not change the existing indentation.@refill
+@table @asis
+@item @code{asis}
+Do not change the existing indentation (not implemented in @TeX{}).
-If the value of @var{indent} is zero, the Info formatting commands delete
-existing indentation.@refill
+@item 0
+Omit all indentation.
-If the value of @var{indent} is greater than zero, the Info formatting
-commands indent the paragraph by that number of spaces.@refill
-@end itemize
+@item @var{n}
+Indent by @var{n} space characters in Info output, by @var{n} ems in
+@end table
-The default value of @var{indent} is @samp{asis}.@refill
+The default value of @var{indent} is @samp{asis}.
+@code{@@paragraphindent} is ignored for HTML output.
Write the @code{@@paragraphindent} command before or shortly after the
end-of-header line at the beginning of a Texinfo file. (If you write
the command between the start-of-header and end-of-header lines, the
-region formatting commands indent paragraphs as specified.)@refill
+region formatting commands indent paragraphs as specified.)
A peculiarity of the @code{texinfo-format-buffer} and
@code{texinfo-format-region} commands is that they do not indent (nor
fill) paragraphs that contain @code{@@w} or @code{@@*} commands.
-@xref{Refilling Paragraphs}, for a detailed description of what goes
+@xref{Refilling Paragraphs}, for further information.
-@node End of Header, , paragraphindent, Header
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node exampleindent
+@subsection @code{@@exampleindent}: Environment Indenting
+@cindex Indenting environments
+@cindex Environment indentation
+@cindex Example indentation
+@findex exampleindent
+The Texinfo processors indent each line of @code{@@example} and similar
+environments. You can use the @code{@@exampleindent} command to specify
+this indentation. Write an @code{@@exampleindent} command at the
+beginning of a line followed by either @samp{asis} or a number:
+@@exampleindent @var{indent}
+@end example
+The indentation is according to the value of @var{indent}:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{asis}
+Do not change the existing indentation (not implemented in @TeX{}).
+@item 0
+Omit all indentation.
+@item @var{n}
+Indent environments by @var{n} space characters in Info output, by
+@var{n} ems in @TeX{}.
+@end table
+The default value of @var{indent} is 5. @code{@@exampleindent} is
+ignored for HTML output.
+Write the @code{@@exampleindent} command before or shortly after the
+end-of-header line at the beginning of a Texinfo file. (If you write
+the command between the start-of-header and end-of-header lines, the
+region formatting commands indent examples as specified.)
+@node End of Header
@subsection End of Header
@cindex End of header line
@@ -2931,8 +3056,8 @@ variables that you can change.@refill
@xref{Start of Header}.
@end iftex
-@node Info Summary and Permissions, Titlepage & Copyright Page, Header, Beginning a File
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Info Summary and Permissions
@section Summary and Copying Permissions for Info
The title page and the copyright page appear only in the printed copy of
@@ -2959,8 +3084,8 @@ node. This mean that a reader does @emph{not} see this text when
reading the file using Info, except when using the advanced Info command
@kbd{g *}.
-@node Titlepage & Copyright Page, The Top Node, Info Summary and Permissions, Beginning a File
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Titlepage & Copyright Page
@section The Title and Copyright Pages
A manual's name and author are usually printed on a title page.
@@ -2974,6 +3099,12 @@ obscure @TeX{} typesetting commands that cannot be used in an Info file.
In addition, this part of the beginning of a Texinfo file contains the text
of the copying permissions that will appear in the printed manual.@refill
+@cindex Titlepage, for plain text
+You may wish to include titlepage-like information for plain text
+output. Simply place any such leading material between @code{@@ifinfo}
+and @code{@@end ifinfo}; @command{makeinfo} includes this in its plain
+text output. It will not show up in the Info readers.
@xref{Titlepage Permissions, , Titlepage Copying Permissions}, for the
standard text for the copyright permissions.@refill
@@ -2991,6 +3122,7 @@ standard text for the copyright permissions.@refill
and double or single sided printing.
@end menu
@node titlepage, titlefont center sp, Titlepage & Copyright Page, Titlepage & Copyright Page
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
@subsection @code{@@titlepage}
@@ -3003,53 +3135,57 @@ with @code{@@titlepage} on a line by itself and end it with
The @code{@@end titlepage} command starts a new page and turns on page
numbering. (@xref{Headings, , Page Headings}, for details about how to
-generate page headings.) All the material that you want to
-appear on unnumbered pages should be put between the
-@code{@@titlepage} and @code{@@end titlepage} commands. By using the
-@code{@@page} command you can force a page break within the region
-delineated by the @code{@@titlepage} and @code{@@end titlepage}
-commands and thereby create more than one unnumbered page. This is
-how the copyright page is produced. (The @code{@@titlepage} command
-might perhaps have been better named the
-@code{@@titleandadditionalpages} command, but that would have been
-rather long!)@refill
-@c !!! append refill to footnote when makeinfo can handle it.
+generate page headings.) All the material that you want to appear on
+unnumbered pages should be put between the @code{@@titlepage} and
+@code{@@end titlepage} commands. You can force the table of contents to
+appear there with the @code{@@setcontentsaftertitlepage} command
+@findex page@r{, within @code{@@titlepage}}
+By using the @code{@@page} command you can force a page break within the
+region delineated by the @code{@@titlepage} and @code{@@end titlepage}
+commands and thereby create more than one unnumbered page. This is how
+the copyright page is produced. (The @code{@@titlepage} command might
+perhaps have been better named the @code{@@titleandadditionalpages}
+command, but that would have been rather long!)
When you write a manual about a computer program, you should write the
-version of the program to which the manual applies on the title
-page. If the manual changes more frequently than the program or is
-independent of it, you should also include an edition
-number@footnote{We have found that it is helpful to refer to versions
-of manuals as `editions' and versions of programs as `versions';
-otherwise, we find we are liable to confuse each other in conversation
-by referring to both the documentation and the software with the same
-words.} for the manual. This helps readers keep track of which manual
-is for which version of the program. (The `Top' node
-should also contain this information; see @ref{makeinfo top, ,
+version of the program to which the manual applies on the title page.
+If the manual changes more frequently than the program or is independent
+of it, you should also include an edition number@footnote{We have found
+that it is helpful to refer to versions of manuals as `editions' and
+versions of programs as `versions'; otherwise, we find we are liable to
+confuse each other in conversation by referring to both the
+documentation and the software with the same words.} for the manual.
+This helps readers keep track of which manual is for which version of
+the program. (The `Top' node should also contain this information; see
+@ref{makeinfo top, , @code{@@top}}.)
Texinfo provides two main methods for creating a title page. One method
uses the @code{@@titlefont}, @code{@@sp}, and @code{@@center} commands
to generate a title page in which the words on the page are
The second method uses the @code{@@title}, @code{@@subtitle}, and
@code{@@author} commands to create a title page with black rules under
the title and author lines and the subtitle text set flush to the
right hand side of the page. With this method, you do not specify any
of the actual formatting of the title page. You specify the text
-you want, and Texinfo does the formatting. You may use either
+you want, and Texinfo does the formatting.
+You may use either method, or you may combine them; see the examples in
+the sections below.
@findex shorttitlepage
-For extremely simple applications, Texinfo also provides a command
-@code{@@shorttitlepage} which takes a single argument as the title.
-The argument is typeset on a page by itself and followed by a blank
+@cindex Bastard title page
+@cindex Title page, bastard
+For extremely simple applications, and for the bastard title page in
+traditional book front matter, Texinfo also provides a command
+@code{@@shorttitlepage} which takes a single argument as the title. The
+argument is typeset on a page by itself and followed by a blank page.
-@node titlefont center sp, title subtitle author, titlepage, Titlepage & Copyright Page
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node titlefont center sp
@subsection @code{@@titlefont}, @code{@@center}, and @code{@@sp}
@findex titlefont
@findex center
@@ -3060,7 +3196,8 @@ commands to create a title page for a printed document. (This is the
first of the two methods for creating a title page in Texinfo.)@refill
Use the @code{@@titlefont} command to select a large font suitable for
-the title itself.@refill
+the title itself. You can use @code{@@titlefont} more than once if you
+have an especially long title.
@need 700
For example:
@@ -3107,10 +3244,10 @@ A template for this method looks like this:@refill
@end group
@end example
-The spacing of the example fits an 8 1/2 by 11 inch manual.@refill
+The spacing of the example fits an 8.5 by 11 inch manual.@refill
-@node title subtitle author, Copyright & Permissions, titlefont center sp, Titlepage & Copyright Page
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node title subtitle author
@subsection @code{@@title}, @code{@@subtitle}, and @code{@@author}
@findex title
@findex subtitle
@@ -3119,9 +3256,8 @@ The spacing of the example fits an 8 1/2 by 11 inch manual.@refill
You can use the @code{@@title}, @code{@@subtitle}, and @code{@@author}
commands to create a title page in which the vertical and horizontal
spacing is done for you automatically. This contrasts with the method
-described in
-the previous section, in which the @code{@@sp} command is needed to
-adjust vertical spacing.@refill
+described in the previous section, in which the @code{@@sp} command is
+needed to adjust vertical spacing.
Write the @code{@@title}, @code{@@subtitle}, or @code{@@author}
commands at the beginning of a line followed by the title, subtitle,
@@ -3129,7 +3265,11 @@ or author.@refill
The @code{@@title} command produces a line in which the title is set
flush to the left-hand side of the page in a larger than normal font.
-The title is underlined with a black rule.@refill
+The title is underlined with a black rule. Only a single line is
+allowed; the @code{@@*} command may not be used to break the title into
+two lines. To handle very long titles, you may find it profitable to
+use both @code{@@title} and @code{@@titlefont}; see the final example in
+this section.
The @code{@@subtitle} command sets subtitles in a normal-sized font
flush to the right-hand side of the page.@refill
@@ -3179,29 +3319,28 @@ A template for this method looks like this:@refill
@end group
@end example
-Contrast this form with the form of a title page written using the
-@code{@@sp}, @code{@@center}, and @code{@@titlefont} commands:@refill
+You may also combine the @code{@@titlefont} method described in the
+previous section and @code{@@title} method described in this one. This
+may be useful if you have a very long title. Here is a real-life example:
-@@sp 10
-@@center @@titlefont@{Name of Manual When Printed@}
-@@sp 2
-@@center Subtitle, If Any
+@@titlefont@{GNU Software@}
@@sp 1
-@@center Second subtitle
-@@sp 2
-@@center Author
-@@end titlepage
+@@title for MS-Windows and MS-DOS
+@@subtitle Edition @@value@{edition@} for Release @@value@{cd-edition@}
+@@author by Daniel Hagerty, Melissa Weisshaus
+@@author and Eli Zaretskii
+@end group
@end example
-@end ifinfo
-@node Copyright & Permissions, end titlepage, title subtitle author, Titlepage & Copyright Page
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+(The use of @code{@@value} here is explained in @ref{value
+Example,,@code{@@value} Example}.)
+@node Copyright & Permissions
@subsection Copyright Page and Permissions
@cindex Copyright page
@cindex Printed permissions
@@ -3248,19 +3387,17 @@ Copyright @copyright{} @var{year} @var{copyright-owner}
@end example
It is customary to put information on how to get a manual after the
-copyright notice, followed by the copying permissions for the
+copyright notice, followed by the copying permissions for the manual.
-Note that permissions must be given here as well as in the summary
-segment within @code{@@ifinfo} and @code{@@end ifinfo} that
-immediately follows the header since this text appears only in the
-printed manual and the @samp{ifinfo} text appears only in the Info
+Permissions must be given here as well as in the summary segment within
+@code{@@ifinfo} and @code{@@end ifinfo} that immediately follows the
+header since this text appears only in the printed manual and the
+@samp{ifinfo} text appears only in the Info file.
@xref{Sample Permissions}, for the standard text.@refill
-@node end titlepage, headings on off, Copyright & Permissions, Titlepage & Copyright Page
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node end titlepage
@subsection Heading Generation
@findex end titlepage
@cindex Headings, page, begin to appear
@@ -3327,6 +3464,7 @@ Turn on page headings appropriate for single-sided printing.
@item @@headings double
+@itemx @@headings on
Turn on page headings appropriate for double-sided printing. The two
commands, @code{@@headings on} and @code{@@headings double}, are
@@ -3365,8 +3503,8 @@ headings.@refill
You can also specify your own style of page heading and footing.
@xref{Headings, , Page Headings}, for more information.@refill
-@node The Top Node, Software Copying Permissions, Titlepage & Copyright Page, Beginning a File
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node The Top Node
@section The `Top' Node and Master Menu
@cindex @samp{@r{Top}} node
@cindex Master menu
@@ -3393,10 +3531,9 @@ strictly speaking, you are not required to enclose these parts between
* Master Menu Parts:: A master menu has three or more parts.
@end menu
-@node Title of Top Node, Master Menu Parts, The Top Node, The Top Node
-@subheading `Top' Node Title
-@end ifinfo
+@node Title of Top Node
+@subsection `Top' Node Title
Sometimes, you will want to place an @code{@@top} sectioning command
line containing the title of the document immediately after the
@@ -3412,7 +3549,7 @@ version information. It looks like this:@refill
@@end titlepage
@@node Top, Copying, , (dir)
@@top Texinfo
@@ -3422,7 +3559,7 @@ Texinfo is a documentation system@dots{}
This is edition@dots{}
-@@end ifinfo
+@@end ifnottex
@end group
@@ -3559,10 +3696,10 @@ Usually, an introduction is put in an @code{@@unnumbered} section.
@cindex File ending
@findex bye
-The end of a Texinfo file should include the commands that create
-indices and generate detailed and summary tables of contents.
-And it must include the @code{@@bye} command that marks the last line
-processed by @TeX{}.@refill
+The end of a Texinfo file should include commands to create indices and
+(usually) to generate detailed and summary tables of contents. And it
+must include the @code{@@bye} command that marks the last line processed
+by @TeX{}.@refill
@need 700
For example:
@@ -3602,7 +3739,7 @@ accumulated. To generate an index, you must include the
@code{@@printindex} command at the place in the document where you
want the index to appear. Also, as part of the process of creating a
printed manual, you must run a program called @code{texindex}
-(@pxref{Format/Print Hardcopy}) to sort the raw data to produce a sorted
+(@pxref{Hardcopy}) to sort the raw data to produce a sorted
index file. The sorted index file is what is actually used to
print the index.@refill
@@ -3662,52 +3799,35 @@ For example:
@@printindex cp
@end group
-@end group
@end smallexample
-(Readers often prefer that the concept index come last in a book,
-since that makes it easiest to find.)@refill
-@c TeX can do sorting, just not conveniently enough to handle sorting
-@c Texinfo indexes. --karl, 5may97.
-In @TeX{}, the @code{@@printindex} command needs a sorted index file
-to work from. @TeX{} does not know how to do sorting; this is a
-deficiency. @TeX{} writes output files of raw index data; use the
-@code{texindex} program to convert these files to sorted index files.
-(@xref{Format/Print Hardcopy}, for more information.)@refill
-@end ignore
+Readers often prefer that the concept index come last in a book,
+since that makes it easiest to find. Having just one index helps
+readers also, since then they have only one place to look
-@node Contents, File End, Printing Indices & Menus, Ending a File
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Contents
@section Generating a Table of Contents
@cindex Table of contents
@cindex Contents, Table of
+@cindex Short table of contents
@findex contents
@findex summarycontents
@findex shortcontents
The @code{@@chapter}, @code{@@section}, and other structuring commands
supply the information to make up a table of contents, but they do not
-cause an actual table to appear in the manual. To do this, you must
-use the @code{@@contents} and @code{@@summarycontents}
+cause an actual table to appear in the manual. To do this, you must use
+the @code{@@contents} and/or @code{@@summarycontents} command(s).
@table @code
@item @@contents
Generate a table of contents in a printed manual, including all
chapters, sections, subsections, etc., as well as appendices and
unnumbered chapters. (Headings generated by the @code{@@heading}
-series of commands do not appear in the table of contents.) The
-@code{@@contents} command should be written on a line by
+series of commands do not appear in the table of contents.)
@item @@shortcontents
@itemx @@summarycontents
@@ -3719,42 +3839,55 @@ chapters (and appendices and unnumbered chapters). Omit sections, subsections
and subsubsections. Only a long manual needs a short table
of contents in addition to the full table of contents.@refill
-Write the @code{@@shortcontents} command on a line by itself right
-@emph{before} the @code{@@contents} command.@refill
@end table
-The table of contents commands automatically generate a chapter-like
-heading at the top of the first table of contents page. Write the table
-of contents commands at the very end of a Texinfo file, just before the
-@code{@@bye} command, following any index sections---anything in the
-Texinfo file after the table of contents commands will be omitted from
-the table of contents.@refill
-When you print a manual with a table of contents, the table of
-contents are printed last and numbered with roman numerals. You need
-to place those pages in their proper place, after the title page,
-yourself. (This is the only collating you need to do for a printed
-manual. The table of contents is printed last because it is generated
-after the rest of the manual is typeset.)@refill
-@need 700
-Here is an example of where to write table of contents commands:@refill
-@end group
-@end example
+Both contents commands should be written on a line by themselves.
+The contents commands automatically generate a chapter-like heading at
+the top of the first table of contents page, so don't include any
+sectioning command such as @code{@@unnumbered} before them.
Since an Info file uses menus instead of tables of contents, the Info
-formatting commands ignore the @code{@@contents} and
-@code{@@shortcontents} commands.@refill
-@node File End, , Contents, Ending a File
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+formatting commands ignore the contents commands. But the contents are
+included in plain text output (generated by @code{makeinfo --no-headers}).
+The contents commands can be placed either at the very end of the file,
+after any indices (see the previous section) and just before the
+@code{@@bye} (see the next section), or near the beginning of the file,
+after the @code{@@end titlepage} (@pxref{titlepage}). The advantage to
+the former is that then the contents output is always up to date,
+because it reflects the processing just done. The advantage to the
+latter is that the contents are printed in the proper place, thus you do
+not need to rearrange the DVI file with @command{dviselect} or shuffle
+paper. However, contents commands at the beginning of the document are
+ignored when outputting to standard output.
+@findex setcontentsaftertitlepage
+@findex setshortcontentsaftertitlepage
+@cindex Contents, after title page
+@cindex Table of contents, after title page
+As an author, you can put the contents commands wherever you prefer.
+But if you are a user simply printing a manual, you may wish to print
+the contents after the title page even if the author put the contents
+commands at the end of the document (as is the case in most existing
+Texinfo documents). You can do this by specifying
+@code{@@setcontentsaftertitlepage} and/or
+@code{@@setshortcontentsaftertitlepage}. The first prints only the main
+contents after the @code{@@end titlepage}; the second prints both the
+short contents and the main contents. In either case, any subsequent
+@code{@@contents} or @code{@@shortcontents} is ignored (unless no
+@code{@@end titlepage} is ever encountered).
+You need to include the @code{@@set@dots{}contentsaftertitlepage}
+commands early in the document (just after @code{@@setfilename}, for
+example). Or, if you're using @command{texi2dvi} (@pxref{Format with
+texi2dvi}), you can use its @option{--texinfo} option to specify this
+without altering the source file at all. For example:
+texi2dvi --texinfo=@@setshortcontentsaftertitlepage foo.texi
+@end example
+@node File End
@section @code{@@bye} File Ending
@findex bye
@@ -3769,8 +3902,8 @@ manual; it is as if text after @code{@@bye} were within @code{@@ignore}
with a local variables list. @xref{Compile-Command, , Using Local
Variables and the Compile Command}, for more information.@refill
-@node Structuring, Nodes, Ending a File, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Structuring
@chapter Chapter Structuring
@cindex Chapter structuring
@cindex Structuring of chapters
@@ -3809,8 +3942,8 @@ heading at the top of each node---but you don't need to.@refill
* Raise/lower sections:: How to change commands' hierarchical level.
@end menu
-@node Tree Structuring, Structuring Command Types, Structuring, Structuring
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Tree Structuring
@section Tree Structure of Sections
@cindex Tree structuring
@@ -3853,9 +3986,9 @@ The chapter structuring commands are described in the sections that
follow; the @code{@@node} and @code{@@menu} commands are described in
following chapters. (@xref{Nodes}, and see @ref{Menus}.)@refill
-@node Structuring Command Types, makeinfo top, Tree Structuring, Structuring
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Types of Structuring Commands
+@node Structuring Command Types
+@section Structuring Command Types
The chapter structuring commands fall into four groups or series, each
of which contains structuring commands corresponding to the
@@ -3900,119 +4033,43 @@ start new pages in the printed manual; the @code{@@heading} commands
do not.@refill
@end itemize
-@need 1000
Here are the four groups of chapter structuring commands:@refill
-@c Slightly different formatting for regular sized books and smallbooks.
-@ifset smallbook
-@sp 1
-{\let\rm=\indrm \let\tt=\indtt
-\halign{\hskip\itemindent#\hfil& \hskip.5em#\hfil& \hskip.5em#\hfil&
-& & & \rm No new pages\cr
-\rm Numbered& \rm Unnumbered& \rm Lettered and numbered& \rm Unnumbered\cr
-\rm In contents& \rm In contents& \rm In contents& \rm Not in contents\cr
-& & & \cr
- & \tt @@top& & \tt @@majorheading\cr
-\tt @@chapter& \tt @@unnumbered& \tt @@appendix& \tt @@chapheading\cr
-\tt @@section& \tt @@unnumberedsec& \tt @@appendixsec& \tt @@heading\cr
-\tt @@subsection&\tt @@unnumberedsubsec&\tt @@appendixsubsec&
-\tt @@subheading\cr
-\tt @@subsubsection& \tt @@unnumberedsubsubsec& \tt @@appendixsubsubsec&
-\tt @@subsubheading\cr}}
-@end tex
-@end ifset
-@ifclear smallbook
-@sp 1
-\halign{\hskip\itemindent\hskip.5em#\hfil& \hskip.5em#\hfil&
-\hskip.5em#\hfil& \hskip.5em #\hfil\cr
-& & & \cr
-& & & \rm No new pages\cr
-\rm Numbered& \rm Unnumbered& \rm Lettered and numbered& \rm Unnumbered\cr
-\rm In contents& \rm In contents& \rm In contents& \rm Not in contents\cr
-& & & \cr
- & \tt @@top& & \tt @@majorheading\cr
-\tt @@chapter& \tt @@unnumbered& \tt @@appendix& \tt @@chapheading\cr
-\tt @@section& \tt @@unnumberedsec& \tt @@appendixsec& \tt @@heading\cr
-\tt @@subsection&\tt @@unnumberedsubsec&\tt @@appendixsubsec&
-\tt @@subheading\cr
-\tt @@subsubsection& \tt @@unnumberedsubsubsec& \tt @@appendixsubsubsec&
-\tt @@subsubheading\cr}}
-@end tex
-@end ifclear
- @r{No new pages}
-@r{Numbered} @r{Unnumbered} @r{Lettered and numbered} @r{Unnumbered}
-@r{In contents} @r{In contents} @r{In contents} @r{Not in contents}
- @@top @@majorheading
-@@chapter @@unnumbered @@appendix @@chapheading
-@@section @@unnumberedsec @@appendixsec @@heading
-@@subsection @@unnumberedsubsec @@appendixsubsec @@subheading
-@@subsubsection @@unnumberedsubsubsec @@appendixsubsubsec @@subsubheading
-@end group
-@end example
-@end ifinfo
+@multitable @columnfractions .19 .30 .29 .22
+@item @tab @tab @tab No new page
+@item Numbered @tab Unnumbered @tab Lettered and numbered
+ @tab Unnumbered
+@item In contents @tab In contents @tab In contents @tab Not in contents
+@item @tab @code{@@top} @tab
+ @tab @code{@@majorheading}
+@item @code{@@chapter} @tab @code{@@unnumbered} @tab @code{@@appendix}
+ @tab @code{@@chapheading}
+@item @code{@@section} @tab @code{@@unnumberedsec} @tab @code{@@appendixsec}
+ @tab @code{@@heading}
+@item @code{@@subsection} @tab @code{@@unnumberedsubsec} @tab @code{@@appendixsubsec}
+ @tab @code{@@subheading}
+@item @code{@@subsubsection} @tab @code{@@unnumberedsubsubsec} @tab @code{@@appendixsubsubsec}
+ @tab @code{@@subsubheading}
+@end multitable
-@c Cannot line up columns properly inside of an example because of roman
-@c proportional fonts.
-@ifset smallbook
- @r{No new pages}
-@r{Numbered} @r{Unnumbered} @r{Lettered and numbered} @r{Unnumbered}
-@r{In contents} @r{In contents} @r{In contents} @r{Not in contents}
- @@top @@majorheading
-@@chapter @@unnumbered @@appendix @@chapheading
-@@section @@unnumberedsec @@appendixsec @@heading
-@@subsection @@unnumberedsubsec @@appendixsubsec @@subheading
-@@subsubsection @@unnumberedsubsubsec @@appendixsubsubsec @@subsubheading
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-@end iftex
-@end ifset
-@ifclear smallbook
- @r{No new pages}
-@r{Numbered} @r{Unnumbered} @r{Lettered and numbered} @r{Unnumbered}
-@r{In contents} @r{In contents} @r{In contents} @r{Not in contents}
- @@top @@majorheading
-@@chapter @@unnumbered @@appendix @@chapheading
-@@section @@unnumberedsec @@appendixsec @@heading
-@@subsection @@unnumberedsubsec @@appendixsubsec @@subheading
-@@subsubsection @@unnumberedsubsubsec @@appendixsubsubsec @@subsubheading
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-@end iftex
-@end ignore
-@node makeinfo top, chapter, Structuring Command Types, Structuring
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node makeinfo top
@section @code{@@top}
The @code{@@top} command is a special sectioning command that you use
only after an @samp{@@node Top} line at the beginning of a Texinfo file.
-The @code{@@top} command tells the @code{makeinfo} formatter
-which node is the `Top'
-node. It has the same typesetting effect as @code{@@unnumbered}
-(@pxref{unnumbered & appendix, , @code{@@unnumbered}, @code{@@appendix}}).
-For detailed information, see
-@ref{makeinfo top command, , The @code{@@top} Command}.@refill
+The @code{@@top} command tells the @code{makeinfo} formatter which node
+is the `Top' node, so it can use it as the root of the node tree if your
+manual uses implicit pointers. It has the same typesetting effect as
+@code{@@unnumbered} (@pxref{unnumbered & appendix, , @code{@@unnumbered}
+and @code{@@appendix}}). For detailed information, see @ref{makeinfo
+top command, , The @code{@@top} Command}.
+The @code{@@top} node and its menu (if any) is conventionally wrapped in
+an @code{@@ifnottex} conditional so that it will appear only in Info and
+HTML output, not @TeX{}.
@node chapter, unnumbered & appendix, makeinfo top, Structuring
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
@@ -4050,9 +4107,8 @@ This kind of stylistic choice is not usually offered by Texinfo.
@c but the Hacker's Dictionary wanted it ...
-@node unnumbered & appendix, majorheading & chapheading, chapter, Structuring
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section @code{@@unnumbered}, @code{@@appendix}
+@node unnumbered & appendix
+@section @code{@@unnumbered} and @code{@@appendix}
@findex unnumbered
@findex appendix
@@ -4347,12 +4403,11 @@ An attempt to raise above `chapters' reproduces chapter commands; an
attempt to lower below `subsubsections' reproduces subsubsection
-@node Nodes, Menus, Structuring, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Nodes
@chapter Nodes
@dfn{Nodes} are the primary segments of a Texinfo file. They do not
-themselves impose a hierarchic or any other kind of structure on a file.
+themselves impose a hierarchical or any other kind of structure on a file.
Nodes contain @dfn{node pointers} that name other nodes, and can contain
@dfn{menus} which are lists of nodes. In Info, the movement commands
can carry you to a pointed-to node or to a node listed in a menu. Node
@@ -4364,17 +4419,17 @@ books.@refill
* Two Paths:: Different commands to structure
Info output and printed output.
* Node Menu Illustration:: A diagram, and sample nodes and menus.
-* node:: How to write a node, in detail.
-* makeinfo Pointer Creation:: How to create node pointers with @code{makeinfo}.
+* node:: Creating nodes, in detail.
+* makeinfo Pointer Creation:: Letting makeinfo determine node pointers.
+* anchor:: Defining arbitrary cross-reference targets.
@end menu
-@node Two Paths, Node Menu Illustration, Nodes, Nodes
-@heading Two Paths
-@end ifinfo
+@node Two Paths
+@section Two Paths
The node and menu commands and the chapter structuring commands are
-independent of each other:
+technically independent of each other:
@itemize @bullet
@@ -4391,26 +4446,26 @@ information for cross references; they do nothing else.@refill
You can use node pointers and menus to structure an Info file any way
you want; and you can write a Texinfo file so that its Info output has a
-different structure than its printed output. However, most Texinfo
-files are written such that the structure for the Info output
-corresponds to the structure for the printed output. It is not
-convenient to do otherwise.@refill
+different structure than its printed output. However, virtually all
+Texinfo files are written such that the structure for the Info output
+corresponds to the structure for the printed output. It is neither
+convenient nor understandable to the reader to do otherwise.@refill
Generally, printed output is structured in a tree-like hierarchy in
which the chapters are the major limbs from which the sections branch
out. Similarly, node pointers and menus are organized to create a
matching structure in the Info output.@refill
-@node Node Menu Illustration, node, Two Paths, Nodes
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Node Menu Illustration
@section Node and Menu Illustration
Here is a copy of the diagram shown earlier that illustrates a Texinfo
file with three chapters, each of which contains two sections.@refill
-Note that the ``root'' is at the top of the diagram and the ``leaves''
-are at the bottom. This is how such a diagram is drawn conventionally;
-it illustrates an upside-down tree. For this reason, the root node is
+The ``root'' is at the top of the diagram and the ``leaves'' are at the
+bottom. This is how such a diagram is drawn conventionally; it
+illustrates an upside-down tree. For this reason, the root node is
called the `Top' node, and `Up' node pointers carry you closer to the
@@ -4426,35 +4481,36 @@ root.@refill
| | | | | |
Section Section Section Section Section Section
1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2
@end group
@end example
-Write the beginning of the node for Chapter 2 like this:@refill
+The fully-written command to start Chapter 2 would be this:
-@@node Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 1, top
+@@node Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 1, Top
@@comment node-name, next, previous, up
@end group
@end example
-This @code{@@node} line says that the name of this node is ``Chapter 2'', the
-name of the `Next' node is ``Chapter 3'', the name of the `Previous'
-node is ``Chapter 1'', and the name of the `Up' node is ``Top''.
+This @code{@@node} line says that the name of this node is ``Chapter
+2'', the name of the `Next' node is ``Chapter 3'', the name of the
+`Previous' node is ``Chapter 1'', and the name of the `Up' node is
+``Top''. You can omit writing out these node names if your document is
+hierarchically organized (@pxref{makeinfo Pointer Creation}), but the
+pointer relationships still obtain.
@strong{Please Note:} `Next' refers to the next node at the same
hierarchical level in the manual, not necessarily to the next node
within the Texinfo file. In the Texinfo file, the subsequent node may
-be at a lower level---a section-level node may follow a chapter-level
-node, and a subsection-level node may follow a section-level node.
-`Next' and `Previous' refer to nodes at the @emph{same} hierarchical
-level. (The `Top' node contains the exception to this rule. Since the
-`Top' node is the only node at that level, `Next' refers to the first
-following node, which is almost always a chapter or chapter-level
+be at a lower level---a section-level node most often follows a
+chapter-level node, for example. `Next' and `Previous' refer to nodes
+at the @emph{same} hierarchical level. (The `Top' node contains the
+exception to this rule. Since the `Top' node is the only node at that
+level, `Next' refers to the first following node, which is almost always
+a chapter or chapter-level node.)@refill
@end quotation
To go to Sections 2.1 and 2.2 using Info, you need a menu inside Chapter
@@ -4507,11 +4563,13 @@ line, an @code{@@chapter} line, and then by indexing lines.@refill
@end group
@end example
-@node node, makeinfo Pointer Creation, Node Menu Illustration, Nodes
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node node
@section The @code{@@node} Command
@cindex Node, defined
+@findex node
A @dfn{node} is a segment of text that begins at an @code{@@node}
command and continues until the next @code{@@node} command. The
definition of node is different from that for chapter or section. A
@@ -4526,19 +4584,23 @@ several nodes, one for each section, subsection, and
To create a node, write an @code{@@node} command at the beginning of a
-line, and follow it with four arguments, separated by commas, on the
-rest of the same line. These arguments are the name of the node, and
-the names of the `Next', `Previous', and `Up' pointers, in that order.
-You may insert spaces before each pointer if you wish; the spaces are
-ignored. You must write the name of the node, and the names of the
-`Next', `Previous', and `Up' pointers, all on the same line. Otherwise,
+line, and follow it with up to four arguments, separated by commas, on
+the rest of the same line. The first argument is required; it is the
+name of this node. The subsequent arguments are the names of the
+`Next', `Previous', and `Up' pointers, in that order, and may be omitted
+if your Texinfo document is hierarchically organized (@pxref{makeinfo
+Pointer Creation}).
+You may insert spaces before each name if you wish; the spaces are
+ignored. You must write the name of the node and the names of the
+`Next', `Previous', and `Up' pointers all on the same line. Otherwise,
the formatters fail. (@inforef{Top, info, info}, for more information
-about nodes in Info.)@refill
+about nodes in Info.)
Usually, you write one of the chapter-structuring command lines
immediately after an @code{@@node} line---for example, an
@code{@@section} or @code{@@subsection} line. (@xref{Structuring
-Command Types, , Types of Structuring Commands}.)@refill
+Command Types}.)
@strong{Please note:} The GNU Emacs Texinfo mode updating commands work
@@ -4550,8 +4612,8 @@ structuring lines. @xref{Updating Requirements}.@refill
references. For this reason, you must write @code{@@node} lines in a
Texinfo file that you intend to format for printing, even if you do not
intend to format it for Info. (Cross references, such as the one at the
-end of this sentence, are made with @code{@@xref} and its related
-commands; see @ref{Cross References}.)@refill
+end of this sentence, are made with @code{@@xref} and related commands;
+see @ref{Cross References}.)@refill
* Node Names:: How to choose node and pointer names.
@@ -4563,11 +4625,11 @@ commands; see @ref{Cross References}.)@refill
* Top Node Summary:: Write a brief description for readers.
@end menu
-@node Node Names, Writing a Node, node, node
-@subheading Choosing Node and Pointer Names
-@end ifinfo
+@node Node Names
+@subsection Choosing Node and Pointer Names
+@cindex Node names, choosing
The name of a node identifies the node. The pointers enable
you to reach other nodes and consist of the names of those nodes.@refill
@@ -4587,8 +4649,14 @@ Also, it is helpful to include a brief description of the manual in the
`Top' node. @xref{First Node}, for information on how to write the
first node of a Texinfo file.@refill
-@node Writing a Node, Node Line Tips, Node Names, node
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+Even when you explicitly specify all pointers, that does not mean you
+can write the nodes in the Texinfo source file in an arbitrary order!
+Because @TeX{} processes the file sequentially, irrespective of node
+pointers, you must write the nodes in the order you wish them to appear
+in the printed output.
+@node Writing a Node
@subsection How to Write an @code{@@node} Line
@cindex Writing an @code{@@node} line
@cindex @code{@@node} line writing
@@ -4616,8 +4684,8 @@ their proper order. The comment line helps you keep track of which
arguments are for which pointers. This comment line is especially useful
if you are not familiar with Texinfo.@refill
-The template for a node line with `Next', `Previous', and `Up' pointers
-looks like this:@refill
+The template for a fully-written-out node line with `Next', `Previous',
+and `Up' pointers looks like this:@refill
@@node @var{node-name}, @var{next}, @var{previous}, @var{up}
@@ -4625,22 +4693,21 @@ looks like this:@refill
If you wish, you can ignore @code{@@node} lines altogether in your first
draft and then use the @code{texinfo-insert-node-lines} command to
-create @code{@@node} lines for you. However, we do not
-recommend this practice. It is better to name the node itself
-at the same time that you
-write a segment so you can easily make cross references. A large number
-of cross references are an especially important feature of a good Info
+create @code{@@node} lines for you. However, we do not recommend this
+practice. It is better to name the node itself at the same time that
+you write a segment so you can easily make cross references. A large
+number of cross references are an especially important feature of a good
+Info file.
After you have inserted an @code{@@node} line, you should immediately
write an @@-command for the chapter or section and insert its name.
Next (and this is important!), put in several index entries. Usually,
you will find at least two and often as many as four or five ways of
referring to the node in the index. Use them all. This will make it
-much easier for people to find the node.@refill
+much easier for people to find the node.
-@node Node Line Tips, Node Line Requirements, Writing a Node, node
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Node Line Tips
@subsection @code{@@node} Line Tips
Here are three suggestions:
@@ -4664,8 +4731,8 @@ section or chapter titles---initial and significant words are
capitalized; others are not.@refill
@end itemize
@node Node Line Requirements, First Node, Node Line Tips, node
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
@subsection @code{@@node} Line Requirements
@cindex Node line requirements
@@ -4673,7 +4740,7 @@ Here are several requirements for @code{@@node} lines:
@itemize @bullet
@cindex Unique nodename requirement
-@cindex Nodename must be unique
+@cindex Node name must be unique
All the node names for a single Info file must be unique.@refill
@@ -4689,13 +4756,15 @@ different.@refill
A pointer name must be the name of a node.@refill
The node to which a pointer points may come before or after the
-node containing the pointer.@refill
+node containing the pointer.
-@cindex @@-command in nodename
-@cindex Nodename, cannot contain
+@cindex @@-commands in nodename
+@cindex Node name, should not contain @@-commands
-You cannot use any of the Texinfo @@-commands in a node name;
-@w{@@-commands} confuse Info.@refill
+@w{@@-commands} used in node names generally confuse Info, so you should
+avoid them. For a few rare cases when this is useful, Texinfo has
+limited support for using @w{@@-commands} in node names; see
+@ref{Pointer Validation}.
@need 750
Thus, the beginning of the section called @code{@@chapter} looks like
@@ -4710,11 +4779,15 @@ this:@refill
@end group
@end smallexample
-@cindex Comma in nodename
-@cindex Apostrophe in nodename
-You cannot use commas or apostrophes within a node name; these
-confuse @TeX{} or the Info formatters.@refill
+@cindex Apostrophe in nodename
+@cindex Colon in nodename
+@cindex Comma in nodename
+@cindex Period in nodename
+@cindex Characters, invalid in node name
+@cindex Invalid characters in node names
+Unfortunately, you cannot use periods, commas, colons or apostrophes
+within a node name; these confuse @TeX{} or the Info formatters.@refill
@need 700
For example, the following is a section title:
@@ -4833,69 +4906,100 @@ include an edition number for the manual. (The title page should also
contain this information: see @ref{titlepage, ,
-@node makeinfo Pointer Creation, , node, Nodes
+@node makeinfo Pointer Creation
@section Creating Pointers with @code{makeinfo}
@cindex Creating pointers with @code{makeinfo}
@cindex Pointer creation with @code{makeinfo}
@cindex Automatic pointer creation with @code{makeinfo}
-The @code{makeinfo} program has a feature for automatically creating
-node pointers for a hierarchically organized file that lacks
+The @code{makeinfo} program has a feature for automatically defining
+node pointers for a hierarchically organized file.
When you take advantage of this feature, you do not need to write the
`Next', `Previous', and `Up' pointers after the name of a node.
However, you must write a sectioning command, such as @code{@@chapter}
or @code{@@section}, on the line immediately following each truncated
-@code{@@node} line. You cannot write a comment line after a node
-line; the section line must follow it immediately.@refill
+@code{@@node} line (except that comment lines may intervene).
-In addition, you must follow the `Top' @code{@@node} line with a line beginning
-with @code{@@top} to mark the `Top' node in the file. @xref{makeinfo
-top, , @code{@@top}}.
+In addition, you must follow the `Top' @code{@@node} line with a line
+beginning with @code{@@top} to mark the `Top' node in the
+file. @xref{makeinfo top, , @code{@@top}}.
Finally, you must write the name of each node (except for the `Top'
node) in a menu that is one or more hierarchical levels above the
-node's hierarchical level.@refill
+node's hierarchical level.
+This node pointer insertion feature in @code{makeinfo} relieves you from
+the need to update menus and pointers manually or with Texinfo mode
+commands. (@xref{Updating Nodes and Menus}.)
+@node anchor
+@section @code{@@anchor}: Defining Arbitrary Cross-reference Targets
-This node pointer insertion feature in @code{makeinfo} is an
-alternative to the menu and pointer creation and update commands in
-Texinfo mode. (@xref{Updating Nodes and Menus}.) It is especially
-helpful to people who do not use GNU Emacs for writing Texinfo
+@findex anchor
+@cindex Anchors
+@cindex Cross-reference targets, arbitrary
+@cindex Targets for cross-references, arbitrary
+An @dfn{anchor} is a position in your document, labeled so that
+cross-references can refer to it, just as they can to nodes. You create
+an anchor with the @code{@@anchor} command, and give the label as a
+normal brace-delimited argument. For example:
+This marks the @@anchor@{x-spot@}spot.
+@@xref@{x-spot,,the spot@}.
+@end example
-@node Menus, Cross References, Nodes, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@noindent produces:
+This marks the spot.
+See [the spot], page 1.
+@end example
+As you can see, the @code{@@anchor} command itself produces no output.
+This example defines an anchor `x-spot' just before the word `spot'.
+You can refer to it later with an @code{@@xref} or other cross-reference
+command, as shown. @xref{Cross References}, for details on the
+cross-reference commands.
+It is best to put @code{@@anchor} commands just before the position you
+wish to refer to; that way, the reader's eye is led on to the correct
+text when they jump to the anchor. You can put the @code{@@anchor}
+command on a line by itself if that helps readability of the source.
+Spaces are always ignored after @code{@@anchor}.
+Anchor names and node names may not conflict. Anchors and nodes are
+given similar treatment in some ways; for example, the @code{goto-node}
+command in standalone Info takes either an anchor name or a node name as
+an argument. (@xref{goto-node,,,info-stnd,GNU Info}.)
+@node Menus
@chapter Menus
@cindex Menus
@findex menu
-@dfn{Menus} contain pointers to subordinate
-nodes.@footnote{Menus can carry you to any node, regardless
-of the hierarchical structure; even to nodes in a different
-Info file. However, the GNU Emacs Texinfo mode updating
-commands work only to create menus of subordinate nodes.
-Conventionally, cross references are used to refer to other
-nodes.} In Info, you use menus to go to such nodes. Menus
-have no effect in printed manuals and do not appear in
+@dfn{Menus} contain pointers to subordinate nodes.@footnote{Menus can
+carry you to any node, regardless of the hierarchical structure; even to
+nodes in a different Info file. However, the GNU Emacs Texinfo mode
+updating commands work only to create menus of subordinate nodes.
+Conventionally, cross references are used to refer to other nodes.} In
+Info, you use menus to go to such nodes. Menus have no effect in
+printed manuals and do not appear in them.
By convention, a menu is put at the end of a node since a reader who
-uses the menu may not see text that follows it.@refill
-A node that has a menu should @emph{not} contain much text. If you
-have a lot of text and a menu, move most of the text into a new
-subnode---all but a few lines.@refill
-@end ifinfo
-@emph{A node that has a menu should not contain much text.} If you
-have a lot of text and a menu, move most of the text into a new
-subnode---all but a few lines. Otherwise, a reader with a terminal
-that displays only a few lines may miss the menu and its associated
-text. As a practical matter, you should locate a menu within 20 lines
-of the beginning of the node.@refill
-@end iftex
+uses the menu may not see text that follows it. Furthermore, a node
+that has a menu should not contain much text. If you have a lot of text
+and a menu, move most of the text into a new subnode---all but a few
+lines. Otherwise, a reader with a terminal that displays only a few
+lines may miss the menu and its associated text. As a practical matter,
+you should locate a menu within 20 lines of the beginning of the
* Menu Location:: Put a menu in a short node.
@@ -4906,6 +5010,7 @@ of the beginning of the node.@refill
* Other Info Files:: How to refer to a different Info file.
@end menu
@node Menu Location, Writing a Menu, Menus, Menus
@heading Menus Need Short Nodes
@@ -4915,14 +5020,6 @@ of the beginning of the node.@refill
@cindex Nodes for menus are short
@cindex Short nodes for menus
-A reader can easily see a menu that is close to the beginning of the
-node. The node should be short. As a practical matter, you should
-locate a menu within 20 lines of the beginning of the node.
-Otherwise, a reader with a terminal that displays only a few lines may
-miss the menu and its associated text.@refill
-@end ifinfo
The short text before a menu may look awkward in a printed manual. To
avoid this, you can write a menu near the beginning of its node and
follow the menu by an @code{@@node} line, and then an @code{@@heading}
@@ -4954,7 +5051,8 @@ For example, the preceding two paragraphs follow an Info-only menu,
The Texinfo file for this document contains more than a dozen
examples of this procedure. One is at the beginning of this chapter;
-another is at the beginning of the ``Cross References'' chapter.@refill
+another is at the beginning of @ref{Cross References}. @refill
@node Writing a Menu, Menu Parts, Menu Location, Menus
@section Writing a Menu
@@ -4980,14 +5078,16 @@ Larger Units of Text
@end group
@end example
-In a menu, every line that begins with an @w{@samp{* }} is a
-@dfn{menu entry}. (Note the space after the asterisk.) A
-line that does not start with an @w{@samp{* }} may also
-appear in a menu. Such a line is not a menu entry but is a
-menu comment line that appears in the Info file. In
-the example above, the line @samp{Larger Units of Text} is a
-menu comment line; the two lines starting with @w{@samp{* }}
-are menu entries.
+In a menu, every line that begins with an @w{@samp{* }} is a @dfn{menu
+entry}. (Note the space after the asterisk.) A line that does not
+start with an @w{@samp{* }} may also appear in a menu. Such a line is
+not a menu entry but is a menu comment line that appears in the Info
+file. In the example above, the line @samp{Larger Units of Text} is a
+menu comment line; the two lines starting with @w{@samp{* }} are menu
+@cindex Spaces, in menus
+entries. Space characters in a menu are preserved as-is; this allows
+you to format the menu as you wish.
@node Menu Parts, Less Cluttered Menu Entry, Writing a Menu, Menus
@section The Parts of a Menu
@@ -5196,20 +5296,20 @@ For example:
not a Texinfo file, but a menu entry looks the same in both types of
-Note that the GNU Emacs Texinfo mode menu updating commands only work
-with nodes within the current buffer, so you cannot use them to create
-menus that refer to other files. You must write such menus by hand.@refill
+The GNU Emacs Texinfo mode menu updating commands only work with nodes
+within the current buffer, so you cannot use them to create menus that
+refer to other files. You must write such menus by hand.
-@node Cross References, Marking Text, Menus, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Cross References
@chapter Cross References
@cindex Making cross references
@cindex Cross references
@cindex References
@dfn{Cross references} are used to refer the reader to other parts of the
-same or different Texinfo files. In Texinfo, nodes are the
-places to which cross references can refer.@refill
+same or different Texinfo files. In Texinfo, nodes and anchors are the
+places to which cross references can refer.
* References:: What cross references are for.
@@ -5235,7 +5335,7 @@ it.@refill
However, in any document, some information will be too detailed for
the current context, or incidental to it; use cross references to
-provide access to such information. Also, an on-line help system or a
+provide access to such information. Also, an online help system or a
reference manual is not like a novel; few read such documents in
sequence from beginning to end. Instead, people look up what they
need. For this reason, such creations should contain many cross
@@ -5250,15 +5350,16 @@ In Info, a cross reference results in an entry that you can follow using
the Info @samp{f} command. (@inforef{Help-Adv, Some advanced Info
commands, info}.)@refill
-The various cross reference commands use nodes to define cross
-reference locations. This is evident in Info, in which a cross
-reference takes you to the specified node. @TeX{} also uses nodes to
-define cross reference locations, but the action is less obvious. When
-@TeX{} generates a DVI file, it records nodes' page numbers and
-uses the page numbers in making references. Thus, if you are writing
-a manual that will only be printed, and will not be used on-line, you
-must nonetheless write @code{@@node} lines to name the places to which
-you make cross references.@refill
+The various cross reference commands use nodes (or anchors,
+@pxref{anchor,,@code{@@anchor}}) to define cross reference locations.
+This is evident in Info, in which a cross reference takes you to the
+specified location. @TeX{} also uses nodes to define cross reference
+locations, but the action is less obvious. When @TeX{} generates a DVI
+file, it records each node's page number and uses the page numbers in making
+references. Thus, if you are writing a manual that will only be
+printed, and will not be used online, you must nonetheless write
+@code{@@node} lines to name the places to which you make cross
@need 800
@node Cross Reference Commands, Cross Reference Parts, References, Cross References
@@ -5359,7 +5460,7 @@ The five possible arguments for a cross reference are:@refill
-The node name (required). This is the node to which the
+The node or anchor name (required). This is the location to which the
cross reference takes you. In a printed document, the location of the
node provides the page reference only for references within the same
@@ -5449,16 +5550,16 @@ or like this
In @TeX{}, a cross reference looks like this:
See Section @var{section-number} [@var{node-name}], page @var{page}.
-@end example
+@end quotation
or like this
See Section @var{section-number} [@var{title-or-topic}], page @var{page}.
-@end example
+@end quotation
The @code{@@xref} command does not generate a period or comma to end
the cross reference in either the Info file or the printed output.
@@ -5536,6 +5637,9 @@ which produces
*Note Tropical Storms::, for more info.
@end example
See Section 3.1 [Tropical Storms], page 24, for more info.
@end quotation
@@ -5583,7 +5687,7 @@ See Section 5.2 [Electrical Effects], page 57.
(Note that in the preceding example the closing brace is followed by a
-period; and that the node name is printed, not the cross reference name.)@refill
+period; and that the node name is printed, not the cross reference name.)
You can write a clause after the cross reference, like this:@refill
@@ -5625,7 +5729,7 @@ within a title or other section will divide it into two arguments. In
a reference, you need to write a title such as ``Clouds, Mist, and
Fog'' without the commas.@refill
-Also, remember to write a comma or period after the closing brace of a
+Also, remember to write a comma or period after the closing brace of an
@code{@@xref} to terminate the cross reference. In the following
examples, a clause follows a terminating comma.@refill
@@ -5875,6 +5979,7 @@ This makes it useful as the last part of a sentence.@refill
For example,
+@cindex Hurricanes
For more information, see @@ref@{Hurricanes@}.
@end example
@@ -5883,7 +5988,7 @@ For more information, see @@ref@{Hurricanes@}.
-For more information, see *Note Hurricanes.
+For more information, see *Note Hurricanes::.
@end example
@@ -5902,6 +6007,7 @@ both the printed and the Info format.@refill
For example,
+@cindex Sea surges
Sea surges are described in @@ref@{Hurricanes@}.
@@ -5925,12 +6031,13 @@ Sea surges are described in *Note Hurricanes::.
@end example
-@strong{Caution:} You @emph{must} write a period or comma immediately
-after an @code{@@ref} command with two or more arguments. Otherwise,
-Info will not find the end of the cross reference entry and its
-attempt to follow the cross reference will fail. As a general rule,
-you should write a period or comma after every @code{@@ref} command.
-This looks best in both the printed and the Info output.@refill
+@strong{Caution:} You @emph{must} write a period, comma, or right
+parenthesis immediately after an @code{@@ref} command with two or more
+arguments. Otherwise, Info will not find the end of the cross reference
+entry and its attempt to follow the cross reference will fail. As a
+general rule, you should write a period or comma after every
+@code{@@ref} command. This looks best in both the printed and the Info
@end quotation
@node pxref, inforef, ref, Cross References
@@ -5975,6 +6082,7 @@ of the output and not the other.@refill
With one argument, a parenthetical cross reference looks like
+@cindex Flooding
@dots{} storms cause flooding (@@pxref@{Hurricanes@}) @dots{}
@end example
@@ -6130,64 +6238,113 @@ refer to printed works for which no Info form exists. @xref{cite, ,
-@node uref, , inforef, Cross References
-@section @code{@@uref@{@var{url}[, @var{displayed-text}]@}}
+@node uref
+@section @code{@@uref@{@var{url}[, @var{text}][, @var{replacement}]@}}
@findex uref
@cindex Uniform resource locator, referring to
@cindex URL, referring to
-@code{@@uref} produces a reference to a uniform resource locator (URL).
-It takes one mandatory argument, the URL, and one optional argument, the
-text to display (the default is the URL itself). In HTML output,
-@code{@@uref} produces a link you can follow. For example:
+@cindex @code{href}, producing HTML
+@code{@@uref} produces a reference to a uniform resource locator (url).
+It takes one mandatory argument, the url, and two optional arguments
+which control the text that is displayed. In HTML output, @code{@@uref}
+produces a link you can follow.
+The second argument, if specified, is the text to display (the default
+is the url itself); in Info and DVI output, but not in HTML output, the
+url is also output.
+@cindex Man page, reference to
+The third argument, on the other hand, if specified is also the text to
+display, but the url is @emph{not} output in any format. This is useful
+when the text is already sufficiently referential, as in a man page. If
+the third argument is given, the second argument is ignored.
+The simple one argument form, where the url is both the target and the
+text of the link:
-The official GNU ftp site is
+The official GNU ftp site is @@uref@{}.
@end example
-@noindent produces (in text):
+@noindent produces:
-The official GNU ftp site is
+The official GNU ftp site is @uref{}.
@end display
-@noindent whereas
+An example of the two-argument form:
-The official
- GNU ftp site@} holds programs and texts.
+The official @@uref@{, GNU ftp site@} holds
+programs and texts.
@end example
-@noindent produces (in text):
+@noindent produces:
-The official @uref{, GNU ftp site} holds
+The official @uref{, GNU ftp site} holds
programs and texts.
@end display
-@noindent and (in HTML):
+@noindent that is, the Info output is this:
-The official <A HREF="">GNU ftp
-site</A> holds programs and texts.
+The official GNU ftp site ( holds
+programs and texts.
@end example
-To merely indicate a URL, use @code{@@url} (@pxref{url, @code{@@url}}).
+@noindent and the HTML output is this:
+The official <a href="">GNU ftp site</a> holds
+programs and texts.
+@end example
-@node Marking Text, Quotations and Examples, Cross References, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+An example of the three-argument form:
+The @@uref@{,,ls(1)@} program @dots{}
+@end example
+@noindent produces:
+The @uref{,,ls(1)} program @dots{}
+@end display
+@noindent but with HTML:
+The <a href="">ls(1)</a> program @dots{}
+@end example
+To merely indicate a url without creating a link people can follow, use
+@code{@@url} (@pxref{url, @code{@@url}}).
+Some people prefer to display url's in the unambiguous format:
+@end display
+@cindex <URL: convention, not used
+You can use this form in the input file if you wish. We feel it's not
+necessary to clutter up the output with the extra @samp{<URL:} and
+@samp{>}, since any software that tries to detect url's in text already
+has to detect them without the @samp{<URL:} to be useful.
+@node Marking Text
@chapter Marking Words and Phrases
@cindex Paragraph, marking text within
@cindex Marking words and phrases
@cindex Words and phrases, marking them
@cindex Marking text within a paragraph
+@cindex Text, marking up
In Texinfo, you can mark words and phrases in a variety of ways.
The Texinfo formatters use this information to determine how to
highlight the text.
You can specify, for example, whether a word or phrase is a
defining occurrence, a metasyntactic variable, or a symbol used in a
-program. Also, you can emphasize text.@refill
+program. Also, you can emphasize text, in several different ways.
* Indicating:: How to indicate definitions, files, etc.
@@ -6212,7 +6369,7 @@ For example, in a printed manual,
code is usually illustrated in a typewriter font;
@code{@@code} tells @TeX{} to typeset this text in this font. But it
would be easy to change the way @TeX{} highlights code to use another
-font, and this change would not effect how keystroke examples are
+font, and this change would not affect how keystroke examples are
highlighted. If straight typesetting commands were used in the body
of the file and you wanted to make a change, you would need to check
every single occurrence to make sure that you were changing code and
@@ -6220,24 +6377,29 @@ not something else that should not be changed.@refill
* Useful Highlighting:: Highlighting provides useful information.
-* code:: How to indicate code.
-* kbd:: How to show keyboard input.
-* key:: How to specify keys.
-* samp:: How to show a literal sequence of characters.
-* var:: How to indicate a metasyntactic variable.
-* file:: How to indicate the name of a file.
-* dfn:: How to specify a definition.
-* cite:: How to refer to a book that is not in Info.
-* url:: How to indicate a world wide web reference.
-* email:: How to indicate an electronic mail address.
+* code:: Indicating program code.
+* kbd:: Showing keyboard input.
+* key:: Specifying keys.
+* samp:: Showing a literal sequence of characters.
+* var:: Indicating metasyntactic variables.
+* env:: Indicating environment variables.
+* file:: Indicating file names.
+* command:: Indicating command names.
+* option:: Indicating option names.
+* dfn:: Specifying definitions.
+* cite:: Referring to books not in the Info system.
+* acronym:: Indicating acronyms.
+* url:: Indicating a World Wide Web reference.
+* email:: Indicating an electronic mail address.
@end menu
@node Useful Highlighting, code, Indicating, Indicating
@subheading Highlighting Commands are Useful
@end ifinfo
-The highlighting commands can be used to generate useful information
+The highlighting commands can be used to extract useful information
from the file, such as lists of functions or file names. It is
possible, for example, to write a program in Emacs Lisp (or a keyboard
macro) to insert an index entry after every paragraph that contains
@@ -6263,14 +6425,17 @@ Indicate text that is a literal example of a sequence of characters.@refill
@item @@var@{@var{metasyntactic-variable}@}
Indicate a metasyntactic variable.@refill
-@item @@url@{@var{uniform-resource-locator}@}
-Indicate a uniform resource locator for the World Wide Web.
+@item @@env@{@var{environment-variable}@}
+Indicate an environment variable.@refill
@item @@file@{@var{file-name}@}
Indicate the name of a file.@refill
-@item @@email@{@var{email-address}[, @var{displayed-text}]@}
-Indicate an electronic mail address.
+@item @@command@{@var{command-name}@}
+Indicate the name of a command.@refill
+@item @@option@{@var{option}@}
+Indicate a command-line option.@refill
@item @@dfn@{@var{term}@}
Indicate the introductory or defining use of a term.@refill
@@ -6278,43 +6443,44 @@ Indicate the introductory or defining use of a term.@refill
@item @@cite@{@var{reference}@}
Indicate the name of a book.@refill
+@item @@acronym@{@var{acronym}@}
+Indicate an acronym.@refill
+@item @@url@{@var{uniform-resource-locator}@}
+Indicate a uniform resource locator for the World Wide Web.
+@item @@email@{@var{email-address}[, @var{displayed-text}]@}
+Indicate an electronic mail address.
@item @@ctrl@{@var{ctrl-char}@}
Use for an @sc{ascii} control character.@refill
@end ignore
@end table
-@node code, kbd, Useful Highlighting, Indicating
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node code
@subsection @code{@@code}@{@var{sample-code}@}
@findex code
+@cindex Syntactic tokens, indicating
Use the @code{@@code} command to indicate text that is a piece of a
program and which consists of entire syntactic tokens. Enclose the
-text in braces.@refill
+text in braces.
+@cindex Expressions in a program, indicating
+@cindex Keywords, indicating
+@cindex Reserved words, indicating
Thus, you should use @code{@@code} for an expression in a program, for
the name of a variable or function used in a program, or for a
-keyword. Also, you should use @code{@@code} for the name of a
-program, such as @code{diff}, that is a name used in the machine. (You
-should write the name of a program in the ordinary text font if you
-regard it as a new English word, such as `Emacs' or `Bison'.)@refill
-Use @code{@@code} for environment variables such as @code{TEXINPUTS},
-and other variables.@refill
-Use @code{@@code} for command names in command languages that
-resemble programming languages, such as Texinfo or the shell.
-For example, @code{@@code} and @code{@@samp} are produced by writing
-@samp{@@code@{@@@@code@}} and @samp{@@code@{@@@@samp@}} in the Texinfo
-source, respectively.@refill
-Note, however, that you should not use @code{@@code} for shell options
-such as @samp{-c} when such options stand alone. (Use @code{@@samp}.)
-Also, an entire shell command often looks better if written using
-@code{@@samp} rather than @code{@@code}. In this case, the rule is to
-choose the more pleasing format.@refill
+keyword in a programming language.
+Use @code{@@code} for command names in languages that resemble
+programming languages, such as Texinfo. For example, @code{@@code} and
+@code{@@samp} are produced by writing @samp{@@code@{@@@@code@}} and
+@samp{@@code@{@@@@samp@}} in the Texinfo source, respectively.
+@cindex Case, not altering in @code{@@code}
It is incorrect to alter the case of a word inside an @code{@@code}
command when it appears at the beginning of a sentence. Most computer
languages are case sensitive. In C, for example, @code{Printf} is
@@ -6322,24 +6488,8 @@ different from the identifier @code{printf}, and most likely is a
misspelling of it. Even in languages which are not case sensitive, it
is confusing to a human reader to see identifiers spelled in different
ways. Pick one spelling and always use that. If you do not want to
-start a sentence with a command written all in lower case, you should
-rearrange the sentence.@refill
-Do not use the @code{@@code} command for a string of characters shorter
-than a syntactic token. If you are writing about @samp{TEXINPU}, which
-is just a part of the name for the @code{TEXINPUTS} environment
-variable, you should use @code{@@samp}.@refill
-In particular, you should not use the @code{@@code} command when writing
-about the characters used in a token; do not, for example, use
-@code{@@code} when you are explaining what letters or printable symbols
-can be used in the names of functions. (Use @code{@@samp}.) Also, you
-should not use @code{@@code} to mark text that is considered input to
-programs unless the input is written in a language that is like a
-programming language. For example, you should not use @code{@@code} for
-the keystroke commands of GNU Emacs (use @code{@@kbd} instead) although
-you may use @code{@@code} for the names of the Emacs Lisp functions that
-the keystroke commands invoke.@refill
+start a sentence with a command name written all in lower case, you
+should rearrange the sentence.
In the printed manual, @code{@@code} causes @TeX{} to typeset the
argument in a typewriter face. In the Info file, it causes the Info
@@ -6349,30 +6499,73 @@ formatting commands to use single quotation marks around the text.
For example,
-Use @@code@{diff@} to compare two files.
+The function returns @@code@{nil@}.
@end example
-produces this in the printed manual:@refill
+produces this in the printed manual:
-Use @code{diff} to compare two files.
+The function returns @code{nil}.
@end quotation
-and this in the Info file:@refill
+and this in the Info file:
-Use `diff' to compare two files.
+The function returns `nil'.
@end example
@end iftex
+Here are some cases for which it is preferable not to use @code{@@code}:
+@itemize @bullet
+For shell command names such as @command{ls} (use @code{@@command}).
+For shell options such as @samp{-c} when such options stand alone (use
+Also, an entire shell command often looks better if written using
+@code{@@samp} rather than @code{@@code}. In this case, the rule is to
+choose the more pleasing format.
+For environment variable such as @env{TEXINPUTS} (use @code{@@env}).
+For a string of characters shorter than a syntactic token. For example,
+if you are writing about @samp{goto-ch}, which is just a part of the
+name for the @code{goto-char} Emacs Lisp function, you should use
+In general, when writing about the characters used in a token; for
+example, do not use @code{@@code} when you are explaining what letters
+or printable symbols can be used in the names of functions. (Use
+@code{@@samp}.) Also, you should not use @code{@@code} to mark text
+that is considered input to programs unless the input is written in a
+language that is like a programming language. For example, you should
+not use @code{@@code} for the keystroke commands of GNU Emacs (use
+@code{@@kbd} instead) although you may use @code{@@code} for the names
+of the Emacs Lisp functions that the keystroke commands invoke.
+@end itemize
+Since @code{@@command}, @code{@@option}, and @code{@@env} were
+introduced relatively recently, it is acceptable to use @code{@@code} or
+@code{@@samp} for command names, options, and environment variables.
+The new commands allow you to express the markup more precisely, but
+there is no real harm in using the older commands, and of course the
+long-standing manuals do so.
-@node kbd, key, code, Indicating
+@node kbd
@subsection @code{@@kbd}@{@var{keyboard-characters}@}
@findex kbd
-@cindex keyboard input
+@cindex Keyboard input
Use the @code{@@kbd} command for characters of input to be typed by
users. For example, to refer to the characters @kbd{M-a},
@@ -6411,7 +6604,7 @@ Always use the same font for @code{@@kbd} as @code{@@code}.
@item example
Use the distinguishing font for @code{@@kbd} only in @code{@@example}
and similar environments.
-@item example
+@item distinct
(the default) Always use the distinguishing font for @code{@@kbd}.
@end table
@@ -6545,9 +6738,7 @@ To match @samp{foo} at the end of the line, use the regexp
Any time you are referring to single characters, you should use
@code{@@samp} unless @code{@@kbd} or @code{@@key} is more appropriate.
-Use @code{@@samp} for the names of command-line options (except in an
-@code{@@table}, where @code{@@code} seems to read more easily). Also,
-you may use @code{@@samp} for entire statements in C and for entire
+Also, you may use @code{@@samp} for entire statements in C and for entire
shell commands---in this case, @code{@@samp} often looks better than
@code{@@code}. Basically, @code{@@samp} is a catchall for whatever is
not covered by @code{@@code}, @code{@@kbd}, or @code{@@key}.@refill
@@ -6575,8 +6766,8 @@ In English, the vowels are @samp{a}, @samp{e},
@end quotation
-@node var, file, samp, Indicating
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node var
@subsection @code{@@var}@{@var{metasyntactic-variable}@}
@findex var
@@ -6588,26 +6779,30 @@ to that function.@refill
Do not use @code{@@var} for the names of particular variables in
programming languages. These are specific names from a program, so
-@code{@@code} is correct for them. For example, the Emacs Lisp variable
-@code{texinfo-tex-command} is not a metasyntactic variable; it is
-properly formatted using @code{@@code}.@refill
+@code{@@code} is correct for them (@pxref{code}). For example, the
+Emacs Lisp variable @code{texinfo-tex-command} is not a metasyntactic
+variable; it is properly formatted using @code{@@code}.
-The effect of @code{@@var} in the Info file is to change the case of
-the argument to all upper case; in the printed manual, to italicize it.
+Do not use @code{@@var} for environment variables either; @code{@@env}
+is correct for them (see the next section).
+The effect of @code{@@var} in the Info file is to change the case of the
+argument to all upper case. In the printed manual and HTML output, the
+argument is printed in slanted type.
@need 700
For example,
To delete file @@var@{filename@},
-type @@code@{rm @@var@{filename@}@}.
+type @@samp@{rm @@var@{filename@}@}.
@end example
-To delete file @var{filename}, type @code{rm @var{filename}}.
+To delete file @var{filename}, type @samp{rm @var{filename}}.
@end quotation
@@ -6647,11 +6842,32 @@ angle brackets, for example:@refill
However, that is not the style that Texinfo uses. (You can, of
-course, modify the sources to @TeX{} and the Info formatting commands
+course, modify the sources to @file{texinfo.tex} and the Info formatting commands
to output the @code{<@dots{}>} format if you wish.)@refill
-@node file, dfn, var, Indicating
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node env
+@subsection @code{@@env}@{@var{environment-variable}@}
+@findex env
+Use the @code{@@env} command to indicate environment variables, as used
+by many operating systems, including GNU. Do not use it for
+metasyntactic variables; use @code{@@var} instead (see the previous
+@code{@@env} is equivalent to @code{@@code} in its effects.
+For example:
+The @@env@{PATH@} environment variable sets the search path for commands.
+@end example
+@noindent produces
+The @env{PATH} environment variable sets the search path for commands.
+@end quotation
+@node file
@subsection @code{@@file}@{@var{file-name}@}
@findex file
@@ -6676,7 +6892,58 @@ The @file{.el} files are in
the @file{/usr/local/emacs/lisp} directory.
@end quotation
-@node dfn, cite, file, Indicating
+@node command
+@subsection @code{@@command}@{@var{command-name}@}
+@findex command
+@cindex Command names, indicating
+@cindex Program names, indicating
+Use the @code{@@command} command to indicate command names, such as
+@command{ls} or @command{cc}.
+@code{@@command} is equivalent to @code{@@code} in its effects.
+For example:
+The command @@command@{ls@} lists directory contents.
+@end example
+@noindent produces
+The command @command{ls} lists directory contents.
+@end quotation
+You should write the name of a program in the ordinary text font, rather
+than using @code{@@command}, if you regard it as a new English word,
+such as `Emacs' or `Bison'.
+When writing an entire shell command invocation, as in @samp{ls -l},
+you should use either @code{@@samp} or @code{@@code} at your discretion.
+@node option
+@subsection @code{@@option}@{@var{option-name}@}
+@findex option
+Use the @code{@@option} command to indicate a command-line option; for
+example, @option{-l} or @option{--version} or
+@code{@@option} is equivalent to @code{@@samp} in its effects.
+For example:
+The option @@option@{-l@} produces a long listing.
+@end example
+@noindent produces
+The option @option{-l} produces a long listing.
+@end quotation
+In tables, putting options inside @code{@@code} produces a
+more pleasing effect.
+@node dfn
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
@subsection @code{@@dfn}@{@var{term}@}
@findex dfn
@@ -6705,18 +6972,18 @@ term should be a definition of the term. The sentence does not need
to say explicitly that it is a definition, but it should contain the
information of a definition---it should make the meaning clear.
-@node cite, url, dfn, Indicating
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node cite
@subsection @code{@@cite}@{@var{reference}@}
@findex cite
Use the @code{@@cite} command for the name of a book that lacks a
-companion Info file. The command produces italics in the printed
-manual, and quotation marks in the Info file.@refill
+companion Info file. The command produces italics in the printed
+manual, and quotation marks in the Info file.
-(If a book is written in Texinfo, it is better to use a cross reference
+If a book is written in Texinfo, it is better to use a cross reference
command since a reader can easily follow such a reference in Info.
-@xref{xref, , @code{@@xref}}.)@refill
+@xref{xref, , @code{@@xref}}.
@c node ctrl, , cite, Indicating
@@ -6768,27 +7035,50 @@ identify that control character: an uparrow followed by the character
@end ignore
-@node url, email, cite, Indicating
+@node acronym
+@subsection @code{@@acronym}@{@var{acronym}@}
+@findex acronym
+@cindex NASA, as acronym
+@cindex F.B.I., as acronym
+@cindex Abbreviations, tagging
+@cindex Acronyms, tagging
+Use the @code{@@acronym} command for abbreviations written in all
+capital letters, such as `@acronym{NASA}'. The abbreviation is given as
+the single argument in braces, as in @samp{@@acronym@{NASA@}}. As
+a matter of style, or for particular abbreviations, you may prefer to
+use periods, as in @samp{@@acronym@{F.B.I.@}}.
+In @TeX{} and HTML, the argument is printed in a slightly smaller font
+size. In Info or plain text output, this command changes nothing.
+@node url
@subsection @code{@@url}@{@var{uniform-resource-locator}@}
@findex url
@cindex Uniform resource locator, indicating
@cindex URL, indicating
-Use the @code{@@url} to indicate a uniform resource locator on the World
-Wide Web. This is analogous to @code{@@file}, @code{@@var}, etc., and
-is purely for markup purposes. It does not produce a link you can
-follow in HTML output (the @code{@@uref} command does, @pxref{uref,,
-@code{@@uref}}). It is useful for example URL's which do not actually
-exist. For example:
+Use the @code{@@url} command to indicate a uniform resource locator on
+the World Wide Web. This is analogous to @code{@@file}, @code{@@var},
+etc., and is purely for markup purposes. It does not produce a link you
+can follow in HTML output (use the @code{@@uref} command for that,
+@pxref{uref,, @code{@@uref}}). It is useful for url's which do
+not actually exist. For example:
@c Two lines because one is too long for smallbook format.
-For example, the url might be
+For example, the url might be @@url@{}.
@end example
+@noindent which produces:
-@node email, , url, Indicating
+For example, the url might be @url{}.
+@end display
+@node email
@subsection @code{@@email}@{@var{email-address}[, @var{displayed-text}]@}
@findex email
@@ -6807,10 +7097,10 @@ Send bug reports to @@email@{}.
Send suggestions to the @@email@{, same place@}.
@end example
@noindent produces
Send bug reports to @email{}.
Send suggestions to the @email{, same place}.
-@end example
+@end display
@node Emphasis, , Indicating, Marking Text
@@ -6824,27 +7114,24 @@ Most often, this is the best way to mark words.
However, sometimes you will want to emphasize text without indicating a
category. Texinfo has two commands to do this. Also, Texinfo has
several commands that specify the font in which @TeX{} will typeset
-text. These commands have no affect on Info and only one of them,
+text. These commands have no effect on Info and only one of them,
the @code{@@r} command, has any regular use.@refill
* emph & strong:: How to emphasize text in Texinfo.
* Smallcaps:: How to use the small caps font.
* Fonts:: Various font commands for printed output.
-* Customized Highlighting:: How to define highlighting commands.
@end menu
-@node emph & strong, Smallcaps, Emphasis, Emphasis
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node emph & strong
@subsection @code{@@emph}@{@var{text}@} and @code{@@strong}@{@var{text}@}
@cindex Emphasizing text, font for
@findex emph
@findex strong
The @code{@@emph} and @code{@@strong} commands are for emphasis;
-@code{@@strong} is stronger. In printed output, @code{@@emph}
-produces @emph{italics} and @code{@@strong} produces
+@code{@@strong} is stronger. In printed output, @code{@@emph} produces
+@emph{italics} and @code{@@strong} produces @strong{bold}.
@need 800
For example,
@@ -6863,7 +7150,7 @@ files in the directory.
produces the following in printed output:
-@strong{Caution}: @code{rm * .[^.]*} removes @emph{all}
+@strong{Caution}: @samp{rm * .[^.]*} removes @emph{all}
files in the directory.
@end quotation
@@ -6876,7 +7163,7 @@ produces:
@end ifinfo
- *Caution*: `rm * .[^.]*' removes *all*
+ *Caution*: `rm * .[^.]*' removes _all_
files in the directory.
@end example
@@ -6884,31 +7171,25 @@ The @code{@@strong} command is seldom used except to mark what is, in
effect, a typographical element, such as the word `Caution' in the
preceding example.
-In the Info file, both @code{@@emph} and @code{@@strong} put asterisks
-around the text.@refill
+In the Info output, @code{@@emph} surrounds the text with underscores
+(@samp{_}), and @code{@@strong} puts asterisks around the text.
-@strong{Caution:} Do not use @code{@@emph} or @code{@@strong} with the
-word @samp{Note}; Info will mistake the combination for a cross
-reference. Use a phrase such as @strong{Please note} or
-@strong{Caution} instead.@refill
+@strong{Caution:} Do not use @code{@@strong} with the word @samp{Note};
+Info will mistake the combination for a cross reference. Use a phrase
+such as @strong{Please note} or @strong{Caution} instead.
@end quotation
-@node Smallcaps, Fonts, emph & strong, Emphasis
+@node Smallcaps
@subsection @code{@@sc}@{@var{text}@}: The Small Caps Font
@cindex Small caps font
@findex sc @r{(small caps font)}
-Use the @samp{@@sc} command to set text in the printed output in @sc{a
-small caps font} and set text in the Info file in upper case letters.@refill
-@end iftex
-Use the @samp{@@sc} command to set text in the printed output in a
-small caps font and set text in the Info file in upper case letters.@refill
-@end ifinfo
-Write the text between braces in lower case, like this:@refill
+Use the @samp{@@sc} command to set text in the printed and the HTML
+output in @sc{a small caps font} and set text in the Info file in upper
+case letters. Write the text you want to be in small caps (where
+possible) between braces in lower case, like this:
The @@sc@{acm@} and @@sc@{ieee@} are technical societies.
@@ -6923,32 +7204,28 @@ The @sc{acm} and @sc{ieee} are technical societies.
@TeX{} typesets the small caps font in a manner that prevents the
letters from `jumping out at you on the page'. This makes small caps
-text easier to read than text in all upper case. The Info formatting
-commands set all small caps text in upper case.@refill
+text easier to read than text in all upper case---but it's usually
+better to use regular mixed case anyway. The Info formatting commands
+set all small caps text in upper case. In HTML, the text is upper-cased
+and a smaller font is used to render it.
-If the text between the braces of an @code{@@sc} command is upper case,
-@TeX{} typesets in full-size capitals. Use full-size capitals
-@end ifinfo
-If the text between the braces of an @code{@@sc} command is upper case,
-@TeX{} typesets in @sc{FULL-SIZE CAPITALS}. Use full-size capitals
-@end iftex
+If the text between the braces of an @code{@@sc} command is uppercase,
+@TeX{} typesets in FULL-SIZE CAPITALS. Use full-size capitals
+sparingly, if ever, and since it's redundant to mark all-uppercase text
+with @code{@@sc}, @command{makeinfo} warns about such usage.
You may also use the small caps font for a jargon word such as
-@sc{ato} (a @sc{nasa} word meaning `abort to orbit').@refill
+@sc{ato} (a @sc{nasa} word meaning `abort to orbit').
There are subtleties to using the small caps font with a jargon word
such as @sc{cdr}, a word used in Lisp programming. In this case, you
should use the small caps font when the word refers to the second and
subsequent elements of a list (the @sc{cdr} of the list), but you
should use @samp{@@code} when the word refers to the Lisp function of
-the same spelling.@refill
+the same spelling.
-@node Fonts, Customized Highlighting, Smallcaps, Emphasis
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Fonts
@subsection Fonts for Printing, Not Info
@cindex Fonts for printing, not for Info
@findex i @r{(italic font)}
@@ -6992,124 +7269,7 @@ If possible, you should avoid using the other three font commands. If
you need to use one, it probably indicates a gap in the Texinfo
-@node Customized Highlighting, , Fonts, Emphasis
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@subsection Customized Highlighting
-@cindex Highlighting, customized
-@cindex Customized highlighting
-@c I think this whole section is obsolete with the advent of macros
-@c --karl, 15sep96.
-You can use regular @TeX{} commands inside of @code{@@iftex} @dots{}
-@code{@@end iftex} to create your own customized highlighting commands
-for Texinfo. The easiest way to do this is to equate your customized
-commands with pre-existing commands, such as those for italics. Such
-new commands work only with @TeX{}.@refill
-@findex definfoenclose
-@cindex Enclosure command for Info
-You can use the @code{@@definfoenclose} command inside of
-@code{@@ifinfo} @dots{} @code{@@end ifinfo} to define commands for Info
-with the same names as new commands for @TeX{}.
-@code{@@definfoenclose} creates new commands for Info that mark text by
-enclosing it in strings that precede and follow the text.
-@footnote{Currently, @code{@@definfoenclose} works only with
-@code{texinfo-format-buffer} and @code{texinfo-format-region}, not with
-Here is how to create a new @@-command called @code{@@phoo} that causes
-@TeX{} to typeset its argument in italics and causes Info to display the
-argument between @samp{//} and @samp{\\}.@refill
-@need 1300
-For @TeX{}, write the following to equate the @code{@@phoo} command with
-the existing @code{@@i} italics command:@refill
-@@end iftex
-@end group
-@end example
-This defines @code{@@phoo} as a command that causes @TeX{} to typeset
-the argument to @code{@@phoo} in italics. @code{@@global@@let} tells
-@TeX{} to equate the next argument with the argument that follows the
-equals sign.
-@need 1300
-For Info, write the following to tell the Info formatters to enclose the
-argument between @samp{//} and @samp{\\}:
-@@definfoenclose phoo, //, \\
-@@end ifinfo
-@end group
-@end example
-Write the @code{@@definfoenclose} command on a line and follow it with
-three arguments separated by commas (commas are used as separators in an
-@code{@@node} line in the same way).@refill
-@itemize @bullet
-The first argument to @code{@@definfoenclose} is the @@-command name
-@strong{without} the @samp{@@};
-the second argument is the Info start delimiter string; and,
-the third argument is the Info end delimiter string.
-@end itemize
-The latter two arguments enclose the highlighted text in the Info file.
-A delimiter string may contain spaces. Neither the start nor end
-delimiter is required. However, if you do not provide a start
-delimiter, you must follow the command name with two commas in a row;
-otherwise, the Info formatting commands will misinterpret the end
-delimiter string as a start delimiter string.@refill
-After you have defined @code{@@phoo} both for @TeX{} and for Info, you
-can then write @code{@@phoo@{bar@}} to see @samp{//bar\\}
-in Info and see
-@samp{bar} in italics in printed output.
-@end ifinfo
-@i{bar} in italics in printed output.
-@end iftex
-Note that each definition applies to its own formatter: one for @TeX{},
-the other for Info.
-@need 1200
-Here is another example:
-@@definfoenclose headword, , :
-@@end ifinfo
-@@end iftex
-@end group
-@end example
-This defines @code{@@headword} as an Info formatting command that
-inserts nothing before and a colon after the argument and as a @TeX{}
-formatting command to typeset its argument in bold.
-@node Quotations and Examples, Lists and Tables, Marking Text, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Quotations and Examples
@chapter Quotations and Examples
Quotations and examples are blocks of text consisting of one or more
@@ -7131,8 +7291,8 @@ line.@refill
* quotation:: How to write a quotation.
* example:: How to write an example in a fixed-width font.
* noindent:: How to prevent paragraph indentation.
-* Lisp Example:: How to illustrate Lisp code.
-* smallexample & smalllisp:: Forms for the @code{@@smallbook} option.
+* lisp:: How to illustrate Lisp code.
+* small:: Forms for @code{@@smallbook}.
* display:: How to write an example in the current font.
* format:: How to write an example that does not narrow
the margins.
@@ -7141,10 +7301,11 @@ line.@refill
* cartouche:: How to draw cartouches around examples.
@end menu
-@node Block Enclosing Commands, quotation, Quotations and Examples, Quotations and Examples
-@section The Block Enclosing Commands
+@node Block Enclosing Commands
+@section Block Enclosing Commands
-Here are commands for quotations and examples:@refill
+Here are commands for quotations and examples, explained further in the
+following sections:
@table @code
@item @@quotation
@@ -7155,28 +7316,31 @@ printed in a roman font by default.@refill
Illustrate code, commands, and the like. The text is printed
in a fixed-width font, and indented but not filled.@refill
-@item @@lisp
-Illustrate Lisp code. The text is printed in a fixed-width font,
-and indented but not filled.@refill
@item @@smallexample
-Illustrate code, commands, and the like. Similar to
-@code{@@example}, except that in @TeX{} this command typesets text in
-a smaller font for the smaller @code{@@smallbook} format than for the
-8.5 by 11 inch format.@refill
+Same as @code{@@example}, except that in @TeX{} this command typesets
+text in a smaller font for the @code{@@smallbook} format than for the
+default 8.5 by 11 inch format.
+@item @@lisp
+Like @code{@@example}, but specifically for illustrating Lisp code. The
+text is printed in a fixed-width font, and indented but not filled.
@item @@smalllisp
-Illustrate Lisp code. Similar to @code{@@lisp}, except that
-in @TeX{} this command typesets text in a smaller font for the smaller
-@code{@@smallbook} format than for the 8.5 by 11 inch format.@refill
+Is to @code{@@lisp} as @code{@@smallexample} is to @code{@@example}.
@item @@display
Display illustrative text. The text is indented but not filled, and
-no font is specified (so, by default, the font is roman).@refill
+no font is selected (so, by default, the font is roman).@refill
+@item @@smalldisplay
+Is to @code{@@display} as @code{@@smallexample} is to @code{@@example}.
@item @@format
-Print illustrative text. The text is not indented and not filled
-and no font is specified (so, by default, the font is roman).@refill
+Like @code{@@display} (the text is not filled and no font is selected),
+but the text is not indented.
+@item @@smallformat
+Is to @code{@@format} as @code{@@smallexample} is to @code{@@example}.
@end table
The @code{@@exdent} command is used within the above constructs to
@@ -7191,18 +7355,16 @@ paragraph.@refill
You can use the @code{@@cartouche} command within one of the above
constructs to highlight the example or quotation by drawing a box with
-rounded corners around it. (The @code{@@cartouche} command affects
-only the printed manual; it has no effect in the Info file; see
-@ref{cartouche, , Drawing Cartouches Around Examples}.)@refill
+rounded corners around it. @xref{cartouche, , Drawing Cartouches Around
-@node quotation, example, Block Enclosing Commands, Quotations and Examples
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node quotation
@section @code{@@quotation}
@cindex Quotations
@findex quotation
-The text of a quotation is
-processed normally except that:@refill
+The text of a quotation is processed normally except that:
@itemize @bullet
@@ -7244,8 +7406,8 @@ produces
This is a foo.
@end quotation
-@node example, noindent, quotation, Quotations and Examples
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node example
@section @code{@@example}
@cindex Examples, formatting them
@cindex Formatting examples
@@ -7271,10 +7433,9 @@ obtained by indenting each line with five spaces.
@end example
Write an @code{@@example} command at the beginning of a line by itself.
-This line will disappear from the output. Mark the end of the example
+Mark the end of the example
with an @code{@@end example} command, also written at the beginning of a
-line by itself. The @code{@@end example} will disappear from the
+line by itself.@refill
@need 700
For example,
@@ -7292,12 +7453,14 @@ produces
mv foo bar
@end example
-Since the lines containing @code{@@example} and @code{@@end example}
-will disappear, you should put a blank line before the
-@code{@@example} and another blank line after the @code{@@end
-example}. (Remember that blank lines between the beginning
+The lines containing @code{@@example} and @code{@@end example}
+will disappear from the output.
+To make the output look good,
+you should put a blank line before the
+@code{@@example} and another blank line after the @code{@@end example}.
+Note that blank lines inside the beginning
@code{@@example} and the ending @code{@@end example} will appear in
-the output.)@refill
+the output.@refill
@strong{Caution:} Do not use tabs in the lines of an example (or anywhere
@@ -7308,7 +7471,7 @@ convert tabs in a region to multiple spaces.)@refill
@end quotation
Examples are often, logically speaking, ``in the middle'' of a
-paragraph, and the text continues after an example should not be
+paragraph, and the text that continues after an example should not be
indented. The @code{@@noindent} command prevents a piece of text from
being indented as if it were a new paragraph.
@@ -7319,8 +7482,8 @@ being indented as if it were a new paragraph.
embedded within sentences, not set off from preceding and following
text. @xref{code, , @code{@@code}}.)
-@node noindent, Lisp Example, example, Quotations and Examples
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node noindent
@section @code{@@noindent}
@findex noindent
@@ -7377,11 +7540,11 @@ Do not put braces after an @code{@@noindent} command; they are not
necessary, since @code{@@noindent} is a command used outside of
paragraphs (@pxref{Command Syntax}).@refill
-@node Lisp Example, smallexample & smalllisp, noindent, Quotations and Examples
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node lisp
@section @code{@@lisp}
-@cindex Lisp example
@findex lisp
+@cindex Lisp example
The @code{@@lisp} command is used for Lisp code. It is synonymous
with the @code{@@example} command.
@@ -7396,44 +7559,43 @@ regarding the nature of the example. This is useful, for example, if
you write a function that evaluates only and all the Lisp code in a
Texinfo file. Then you can use the Texinfo file as a Lisp
library.@footnote{It would be straightforward to extend Texinfo to work
-in a similar fashion for C, Fortran, or other languages.}@refill
+in a similar fashion for C, Fortran, or other languages.}
Mark the end of @code{@@lisp} with @code{@@end lisp} on a line by
-@node smallexample & smalllisp, display, Lisp Example, Quotations and Examples
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section @code{@@smallexample} and @code{@@smalllisp}
+@node small
+@section @code{@@small@dots{}} Block Commands
@cindex Small book example
@cindex Example for a small book
@cindex Lisp example for a small book
+@findex smalldisplay
@findex smallexample
+@findex smallformat
@findex smalllisp
In addition to the regular @code{@@example} and @code{@@lisp} commands,
-Texinfo has two other ``example-style'' commands. These are the
-@code{@@smallexample} and @code{@@smalllisp} commands. Both these
-commands are designed for use with the @code{@@smallbook} command that
-causes @TeX{} to produce a printed manual in a 7 by 9.25 inch format
-rather than the regular 8.5 by 11 inch format.@refill
-In @TeX{}, the @code{@@smallexample} and @code{@@smalllisp} commands
-typeset text in a smaller font for the smaller @code{@@smallbook}
-format than for the 8.5 by 11 inch format. Consequently, many examples
-containing long lines fit in a narrower, @code{@@smallbook} page
-without needing to be shortened. Both commands typeset in the normal
-font size when you format for the 8.5 by 11 inch size; indeed,
-in this situation, the @code{@@smallexample} and @code{@@smalllisp}
-commands are defined to be the @code{@@example} and @code{@@lisp}
-In Info, the @code{@@smallexample} and @code{@@smalllisp} commands are
-equivalent to the @code{@@example} and @code{@@lisp} commands, and work
-exactly the same.@refill
-Mark the end of @code{@@smallexample} or @code{@@smalllisp} with
-@code{@@end smallexample} or @code{@@end smalllisp},
+Texinfo has ``small'' example-style commands. These are
+@code{@@smalldisplay}, @code{@@smallexample}, @code{@@smallformat}, and
+@code{@@smalllisp}. All of these commands are designed for use with the
+@code{@@smallbook} command (which causes @TeX{} to format a printed book for
+a 7 by 9.25 inch trim size rather than the default 8.5 by 11 inch size).
+In @TeX{}, the @code{@@small@dots{}} commands typeset text in a smaller
+font for the smaller @code{@@smallbook} format than for the 8.5 by 11
+inch format. Consequently, many examples containing long lines fit in a
+narrower, @code{@@smallbook} page without needing to be shortened. Both
+commands typeset in the normal font size when you format for the 8.5 by
+11 inch size. Indeed, in this situation, the @code{@@small@dots{}}
+commands are equivalent to their non-small versions.
+In Info, the @code{@@small@dots{}} commands are also equivalent to their
+non-small companion commands.
+Mark the end of an @code{@@small@dots{}} block with a corresponding
+@code{@@end small@dots{}}. For example, pair @code{@@smallexample} with
+@code{@@end smallexample}.
Here is an example written in the small font used by the
@@ -7444,7 +7606,7 @@ Here is an example written in the small font used by the
% Remove extra vskip; this is a kludge to counter the effect of display
\dots{} to make sure that you have the freedom to
distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source
@@ -7474,21 +7636,21 @@ this text appears in a smaller font.
@end smallexample
@end ifinfo
-The @code{@@smallexample} and @code{@@smalllisp} commands make it
-easier to prepare smaller format manuals without forcing you to edit
-examples by hand to fit them onto narrower pages.@refill
+The @code{@@small@dots{}} commands make it easier to prepare smaller
+format manuals without forcing you to edit examples by hand to fit them
+onto narrower pages.@refill
-As a general rule, a printed document looks better if you write all the
-examples in a chapter consistently in @code{@@example} or in
-@code{@@smallexample}. Only occasionally should you mix the two
+As a general rule, a printed document looks better if you use only one
+of (for example) @code{@@example} or in @code{@@smallexample}
+consistently within a chapter. Only occasionally should you mix the two
@xref{smallbook, , Printing ``Small'' Books}, for more information
about the @code{@@smallbook} command.@refill
-@node display, format, smallexample & smalllisp, Quotations and Examples
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section @code{@@display}
+@node display
+@section @code{@@display} and @code{@@smalldisplay}
@cindex Display formatting
@findex display
@@ -7506,9 +7668,14 @@ and an @code{@@end display} command. The @code{@@display} command
indents the text, but does not fill it.
@end display
-@node format, exdent, display, Quotations and Examples
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section @code{@@format}
+@findex smalldisplay
+Texinfo also provides a command @code{@@smalldisplay}, which is like
+@code{@@display} but uses a smaller font in @code{@@smallbook} format.
+@node format
+@section @code{@@format} and @code{@@smallformat}
@findex format
The @code{@@format} command is similar to @code{@@example} except
@@ -7522,7 +7689,14 @@ from this example,
the @code{@@format} command does not fill the text.
@end format
-@node exdent, flushleft & flushright, format, Quotations and Examples
+@findex smallformat
+Texinfo also provides a command @code{@@smallformat}, which is like
+@code{@@format} but uses a smaller font in @code{@@smallbook} format.
+@node exdent
@section @code{@@exdent}: Undoing a Line's Indentation
@cindex Indentation undoing
@findex exdent
@@ -7632,8 +7806,8 @@ further highlight an example or quotation. For instance, you could
write a manual in which one type of example is surrounded by a cartouche
for emphasis.@refill
-The @code{@@cartouche} command affects only the printed manual; it has
-no effect in the Info file.@refill
+@code{@@cartouche} affects only the printed manual; it has no effect in
+other output files.
@need 1500
For example,
@@ -7685,8 +7859,8 @@ the first column; multi-column tables are also supported.
* Multi-column Tables:: How to construct generalized tables.
@end menu
@node Introducing Lists, itemize, Lists and Tables, Lists and Tables
@heading Introducing Lists
@end ifinfo
@@ -7755,12 +7929,12 @@ Enumerated lists, using numbers or letters.
@item @@table
@itemx @@ftable
@itemx @@vtable
-Two-column tables with indexing.
+Two-column tables, optionally with indexing.
@end table
-@node itemize, enumerate, Introducing Lists, Lists and Tables
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Making an Itemized List
+@node itemize
+@section @code{@@itemize}: Making an Itemized List
@cindex Itemization
@findex itemize
@@ -7768,23 +7942,26 @@ The @code{@@itemize} command produces sequences of indented
paragraphs, with a bullet or other mark inside the left margin
at the beginning of each paragraph for which such a mark is desired.@refill
+@cindex @code{@@w}, for blank items
Begin an itemized list by writing @code{@@itemize} at the beginning of
a line. Follow the command, on the same line, with a character or a
Texinfo command that generates a mark. Usually, you will write
@code{@@bullet} after @code{@@itemize}, but you can use
-@code{@@minus}, or any character or any special symbol that results in
-a single character in the Info file. (When you write @code{@@bullet}
-or @code{@@minus} after an @code{@@itemize} command, you may omit the
+@code{@@minus}, or any command or character that results in a single
+character in the Info file. If you don't want any mark at all, use
+@code{@@w}. (When you write the mark command such as
+@code{@@bullet} after an @code{@@itemize} command, you may omit the
+@samp{@{@}}.) If you don't specify a mark command, the default is
Write the text of the indented paragraphs themselves after the
@code{@@itemize}, up to another line that says @code{@@end
-Before each paragraph for which a mark in the margin is desired, write
-a line that says just @code{@@item}. Do not write any other text on this
@findex item
+Before each paragraph for which a mark in the margin is desired, write a
+line that says just @code{@@item}. It is ok to have text following the
Usually, you should put a blank line before an @code{@@item}. This
puts a blank line in the Info file. (@TeX{} inserts the proper
@@ -7792,8 +7969,8 @@ interline whitespace in either case.) Except when the entries are
very brief, these blank lines make the list look better.@refill
Here is an example of the use of @code{@@itemize}, followed by the
-output it produces. Note that @code{@@bullet} produces an @samp{*} in
-Info and a round dot in @TeX{}.@refill
+output it produces. @code{@@bullet} produces an @samp{*} in Info and a
+round dot in @TeX{}.
@@ -7866,9 +8043,9 @@ Second outer item.
@end itemize
@end quotation
-@node enumerate, Two-column Tables, itemize, Lists and Tables
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Making a Numbered or Lettered List
+@node enumerate
+@section @code{@@enumerate}: Making a Numbered or Lettered List
@cindex Enumeration
@findex enumerate
@@ -7882,18 +8059,18 @@ letter as an option. Without an argument, @code{@@enumerate} starts the
list with the number @samp{1}. With a numeric argument, such as
@samp{3}, the command starts the list with that number. With an upper
or lower case letter, such as @samp{a} or @samp{A}, the command starts
-the list with that letter.@refill
+the list with that letter.
Write the text of the enumerated list in the same way you write an
itemized list: put @code{@@item} on a line of its own before the start
of each paragraph that you want enumerated. Do not write any other text
-on the line beginning with @code{@@item}.@refill
+on the line beginning with @code{@@item}.
You should put a blank line between entries in the list.
-This generally makes it easier to read the Info file.@refill
+This generally makes it easier to read the Info file.
@need 1500
-Here is an example of @code{@@enumerate} without an argument:@refill
+Here is an example of @code{@@enumerate} without an argument:
@@ -8000,8 +8177,8 @@ exhibits, and command-line option summaries.
* itemx:: How to put more entries in the first column.
@end menu
@node table, ftable vtable, Two-column Tables, Two-column Tables
@subheading Using the @code{@@table} Command
Use the @code{@@table} command to produce two-column tables.@refill
@@ -8030,6 +8207,7 @@ commands output the first column entries without added highlighting
listed here. However, you can only use commands that normally take
arguments in braces.)@refill
+@findex item
Begin each table entry with an @code{@@item} command at the beginning
of a line. Write the first column text on the same line as the
@code{@@item} command. Write the second column text on the line
@@ -8037,8 +8215,7 @@ following the @code{@@item} line and on subsequent lines. (You do not
need to type anything for an empty second column entry.) You may
write as many lines of supporting text as you wish, even several
paragraphs. But only text on the same line as the @code{@@item} will
-be placed in the first column.@refill
-@findex item
+be placed in the first column, including any footnote.
Normally, you should put a blank line before an @code{@@item} line.
This puts a blank like in the Info file. Except when the entries are
@@ -8076,8 +8253,8 @@ If you want to list two or more named items with a single block of
text, use the @code{@@itemx} command. (@xref{itemx, ,
-@node ftable vtable, itemx, table, Two-column Tables
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node ftable vtable
@subsection @code{@@ftable} and @code{@@vtable}
@cindex Tables with indexes
@cindex Indexing table entries automatically
@@ -8091,8 +8268,8 @@ functions and @code{@@vtable} automatically enters each of the items in
the first column of the table into the index of variables. This
simplifies the task of creating indices. Only the items on the same
line as the @code{@@item} commands are indexed, and they are indexed in
-exactly the form that they appear on that line. @xref{Indices, ,
-Creating Indices}, for more information about indices.@refill
+exactly the form that they appear on that line. @xref{Indices},
+for more information about indices.@refill
Begin a two-column table using @code{@@ftable} or @code{@@vtable} by
writing the @@-command at the beginning of a line, followed on the same
@@ -8103,8 +8280,7 @@ itself.
See the example for @code{@@table} in the previous section.
-@node itemx, , ftable vtable, Two-column Tables
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node itemx
@subsection @code{@@itemx}
@cindex Two named items for @code{@@table}
@findex itemx
@@ -8116,7 +8292,6 @@ line of its own. Use @code{@@itemx} for all but the first entry;
@code{@@itemx} command works exactly like @code{@@item} except that it
does not generate extra vertical space above the first column text.
-@need 1000
For example,
@@ -8165,7 +8340,7 @@ multitable} completes the table. Details in the sections below.
* Multitable Rows:: Defining multitable rows, with examples.
@end menu
-@node Multitable Column Widths, Multitable Rows, Multi-column Tables, Multi-column Tables
+@node Multitable Column Widths
@subsection Multitable Column Widths
@cindex Multitable column widths
@cindex Column widths, defining for multitables
@@ -8190,7 +8365,7 @@ To specify column widths as fractions of the line length, write
@noindent The fractions need not add up exactly to 1.0, as these do
not. This allows you to produce tables that do not need the full line
+length. You can use a leading zero if you wish.
@cindex Prototype row, column widths defined by
@@ -8220,7 +8395,7 @@ particularly likely to be useful.
@cindex Rows, of a multitable
@findex item
-@cindex tab
+@findex tab
After the @code{@@multitable} command defining the column widths (see
the previous section), you begin each row in the body of a multitable
with @code{@@item}, and separate the column entries with @code{@@tab}.
@@ -8270,9 +8445,8 @@ split that window.
@node Indices, Insertions, Lists and Tables, Top
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@chapter Creating Indices
+@chapter Indices
@cindex Indices
-@cindex Creating indices
Using Texinfo, you can generate indices without having to sort and
collate entries manually. In an index, the entries are listed in
@@ -8408,17 +8582,6 @@ command; that would be a spelling error.
Whichever case convention you use, please use it consistently!
-Concept index entries consist of English text. The usual convention
-is to capitalize the first word of each such index entry, unless that
-word is the name of a function, variable, or other such entity that
-should not be capitalized. However, if your concept index entries are
-consistently short (one or two words each) it may look better for each
-regular entry to start with a lower case letter, aside from proper
-names and acronyms that always call for upper case letters. Whichever
-convention you adapt, please be consistent!
-@end ignore
Entries in indices other than the concept index are symbol names in
programming languages, or program names; these names are usually
case-sensitive, so use upper and lower case as required for them.
@@ -8463,24 +8626,11 @@ Make an entry in the data type index for @var{data type}.@refill
@strong{Caution:} Do not use a colon in an index entry. In Info, a
-colon separates the menu entry name from the node name. An extra
-colon confuses Info.
-@xref{Menu Parts, , The Parts of a Menu},
-for more information about the structure of a menu entry.@refill
+colon separates the menu entry name from the node name, so a colon in
+the entry itself confuses Info. @xref{Menu Parts, , The Parts of a
+Menu}, for more information about the structure of a menu entry.
@end quotation
-If you write several identical index entries in different places in a
-Texinfo file, the index in the printed manual will list all the pages to
-which those entries refer. However, the index in the Info file will
-list @strong{only} the node that references the @strong{first} of those
-index entries. Therefore, it is best to write indices in which each
-entry refers to only one place in the Texinfo file. Fortunately, this
-constraint is a feature rather than a loss since it means that the index
-will be easy to use. Otherwise, you could create an index that lists
-several pages for one entry and your reader would not know to which page
-to turn. If you have two identical entries for one topic, change the
-topics slightly, or qualify them to indicate the difference.@refill
You are not actually required to use the predefined indices for their
canonical purposes. For example, suppose you wish to index some C
preprocessor macros. You could put them in the function index along
@@ -8672,8 +8822,7 @@ You should define new indices within or right after the end-of-header
line of a Texinfo file, before any @code{@@synindex} or
@code{@@syncodeindex} commands (@pxref{Header}).@refill
-@node Insertions, Breaks, Indices, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Insertions
@chapter Special Insertions
@cindex Inserting special characters and symbols
@cindex Special insertions
@@ -8686,12 +8835,17 @@ elements that do not correspond to simple characters you can type.
These are:
@itemize @bullet
-@item Braces, @samp{@@} and periods.
+@item Braces and @samp{@@}.
@item Whitespace within and around a sentence.
@item Accents.
@item Dots and bullets.
@item The @TeX{} logo and the copyright symbol.
+@item The pounds currency symbol.
+@item The minus sign.
@item Mathematical expressions.
+@item Glyphs for evaluation, macros, errors, etc.
+@item Footnotes.
+@item Images.
@end itemize
@end iftex
@@ -8708,6 +8862,7 @@ These are:
* math:: How to format a mathematical expression.
* Glyphs:: How to indicate results of evaluation,
expansion of macros, errors, etc.
+* Footnotes:: How to include footnotes.
* Images:: How to include graphics.
@end menu
@@ -8741,7 +8896,8 @@ output.
Do not put braces after an @code{@@@@} command.
-@node Inserting Braces, , Inserting An Atsign, Braces Atsigns
+@node Inserting Braces
@subsection Inserting @samp{@{} and @samp{@}}with @@@{ and @@@}
@findex @{ @r{(single @samp{@{})}
@findex @} @r{(single @samp{@}})}
@@ -8756,12 +8912,11 @@ Do not put braces after either an @code{@@@{} or an @code{@@@}}
-@node Inserting Space, Inserting Accents, Braces Atsigns, Insertions
+@node Inserting Space
@section Inserting Space
@cindex Inserting space
@cindex Spacing, inserting
-@cindex Whitespace, inserting
The following sections describe commands that control spacing of various
kinds within and after sentences.
@@ -8772,7 +8927,8 @@ kinds within and after sentences.
* dmn:: How to format a dimension.
@end menu
-@node Not Ending a Sentence, Ending a Sentence, Inserting Space, Inserting Space
+@node Not Ending a Sentence
@subsection Not Ending a Sentence
@cindex Not ending a sentence
@@ -8780,13 +8936,13 @@ kinds within and after sentences.
@cindex Periods, inserting
Depending on whether a period or exclamation point or question mark is
inside or at the end of a sentence, less or more space is inserted after
-a period in a typeset manual. Since it is not always possible for
-Texinfo to determine when a period ends a sentence and when it is used
+a period in a typeset manual. Since it is not always possible
+to determine when a period ends a sentence and when it is used
in an abbreviation, special commands are needed in some circumstances.
-(Usually, Texinfo can guess how to handle periods, so you do not need to
+Usually, Texinfo can guess how to handle periods, so you do not need to
use the special commands; you just enter a period as you would if you
were using a typewriter, which means you put two spaces after the
-period, question mark, or exclamation mark that ends a sentence.)
+period, question mark, or exclamation mark that ends a sentence.
@findex : @r{(suppress widening)}
Use the @code{@@:}@: command after a period, question mark,
@@ -8794,7 +8950,6 @@ exclamation mark, or colon that should not be followed by extra space.
For example, use @code{@@:}@: after periods that end abbreviations
which are not at the ends of sentences.
-@need 700
For example,
@@ -8865,8 +9020,7 @@ In the Info file output, @code{@@.}@: is equivalent to a simple
The meanings of @code{@@:} and @code{@@.}@: in Texinfo are designed to
work well with the Emacs sentence motion commands (@pxref{Sentences,,,
-emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}). This made it necessary for them to be
-incompatible with some other formatting systems that use @@-commands.
+emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}).
Do not put braces after any of these commands.
@@ -8876,6 +9030,7 @@ Do not put braces after any of these commands.
@cindex Multiple spaces
@cindex Whitespace, inserting
+@cindex Space, inserting horizontal
@findex (space)
@findex (tab)
@findex (newline)
@@ -8916,7 +9071,7 @@ Other possible uses of @code{@@@kbd{SPACE}} have been subsumed by
Do not follow any of these commands with braces.
-@node dmn, , Multiple Spaces, Inserting Space
+@node dmn
@subsection @code{@@dmn}@{@var{dimension}@}: Format a Dimension
@cindex Thin space between number, dimension
@cindex Dimension formatting
@@ -8928,7 +9083,7 @@ At times, you may want to write @samp{12@dmn{pt}} or
abbreviation for the dimension. You can use the @code{@@dmn} command
to do this. On seeing the command, @TeX{} inserts just enough space
for proper typesetting; the Info formatting commands insert no space
-at all, since the Info file does not require it.@refill
+at all, since the Info file does not require it.
To use the @code{@@dmn} command, write the number and then follow it
immediately, with no intervening space, by @code{@@dmn}, and then by
@@ -8951,10 +9106,10 @@ In these cases, however, the formatters may insert a line break between
the number and the dimension, so use @code{@@w} (@pxref{w}). Also, if
you write a period after an abbreviation within a sentence, you should
write @samp{@@:} after the period to prevent @TeX{} from inserting extra
-whitespace, as shown here. @xref{Inserting Space}.
+whitespace, as shown here. @xref{Not Ending a Sentence}.
-@node Inserting Accents, Dots Bullets, Inserting Space, Insertions
+@node Inserting Accents
@section Inserting Accents
@cindex Inserting accents
@@ -8985,7 +9140,7 @@ possible, since accented characters are very common in some languages.
@findex dotaccent
@cindex Dot accent
@findex H
-@cindex Hungariam umlaut accent
+@cindex Hungarian umlaut accent
@findex ringaccent
@cindex Ring accent
@findex tieaccent
@@ -9053,22 +9208,22 @@ commonly used in languages other than English.
@cindex Es-zet
@cindex Sharp S
@cindex German S
-@multitable {@@questiondown@{@}} {oe,OE} {es-zet or sharp S}
+@multitable {x@@questiondown@{@} } {oe,OE} {es-zet or sharp S}
@item @t{@@exclamdown@{@}} @tab @exclamdown{} @tab upside-down !
@item @t{@@questiondown@{@}} @tab @questiondown{} @tab upside-down ?
-@item @t{@@aa@{@},@@AA@{@}} @tab @aa{},@AA{} @tab A,a with circle
+@item @t{@@aa@{@},@@AA@{@}} @tab @aa{},@AA{} @tab a,A with circle
@item @t{@@ae@{@},@@AE@{@}} @tab @ae{},@AE{} @tab ae,AE ligatures
@item @t{@@dotless@{i@}} @tab @dotless{i} @tab dotless i
@item @t{@@dotless@{j@}} @tab @dotless{j} @tab dotless j
@item @t{@@l@{@},@@L@{@}} @tab @l{},@L{} @tab suppressed-L,l
@item @t{@@o@{@},@@O@{@}} @tab @o{},@O{} @tab O,o with slash
-@item @t{@@oe@{@},@@OE@{@}} @tab @oe{},@OE{} @tab OE,oe ligatures
+@item @t{@@oe@{@},@@OE@{@}} @tab @oe{},@OE{} @tab oe,OE ligatures
@item @t{@@ss@{@}} @tab @ss{} @tab es-zet or sharp S
@end multitable
-@node Dots Bullets, TeX and copyright, Inserting Accents, Insertions
-@section Inserting Ellipsis, Dots, and Bullets
+@node Dots Bullets
+@section Inserting Ellipsis and Bullets
@cindex Dots, inserting
@cindex Bullets, inserting
@cindex Ellipsis, inserting
@@ -9092,9 +9247,10 @@ the braces, the formatters would be confused. @xref{Command Syntax, ,
@end menu
-@node dots, bullet, Dots Bullets, Dots Bullets
-@subsection @code{@@dots}@{@} (@dots{})
+@node dots
+@subsection @code{@@dots}@{@} (@dots{}) and @code{@@enddots}@{@} (@enddots{})
@findex dots
+@findex enddots
@cindex Inserting dots
@cindex Dots, inserting
@@ -9116,7 +9272,7 @@ the dots in the ellipsis.
@end iftex
-@node bullet, , dots, Dots Bullets
+@node bullet
@subsection @code{@@bullet}@{@} (@bullet{})
@findex bullet
@@ -9145,7 +9301,7 @@ braces.@refill
@end menu
-@node tex, copyright symbol, TeX and copyright, TeX and copyright
+@node tex
@subsection @code{@@TeX}@{@} (@TeX{})
@findex tex (command)
@@ -9153,10 +9309,10 @@ Use the @code{@@TeX@{@}} command to generate `@TeX{}'. In a printed
manual, this is a special logo that is different from three ordinary
letters. In Info, it just looks like @samp{TeX}. The
@code{@@TeX@{@}} command is unique among Texinfo commands in that the
-@kbd{T} and the @kbd{X} are in upper case.@refill
+@samp{T} and the @samp{X} are in upper case.@refill
-@node copyright symbol, , tex, TeX and copyright
+@node copyright symbol
@subsection @code{@@copyright}@{@} (@copyright{})
@findex copyright
@@ -9246,7 +9402,7 @@ remember to write the mathematical expression between one or two
@samp{$} (dollar-signs) as appropriate.
-@node Glyphs, Images, math, Insertions
+@node Glyphs
@section Glyphs for Examples
@cindex Glyphs
@@ -9303,12 +9459,12 @@ message.@refill
-* result::
-* expansion::
-* Print Glyph::
-* Error Glyph::
-* Equivalence::
-* Point Glyph::
+* result::
+* expansion::
+* Print Glyph::
+* Error Glyph::
+* Equivalence::
+* Point Glyph::
@end menu
@node result, expansion, Glyphs Summary, Glyphs
@@ -9317,6 +9473,7 @@ message.@refill
@cindex Indicating evaluation
@cindex Evaluation glyph
@cindex Value of an expression, indicating
+@findex result
Use the @code{@@result@{@}} command to indicate the result of
evaluating an expression.@refill
@@ -9344,6 +9501,7 @@ may be read as ``@code{(cdr '(1 2 3))} evaluates to @code{(2 3)}''.
@node expansion, Print Glyph, result, Glyphs
@subsection @code{@@expansion@{@}} (@expansion{}): Indicating an Expansion
@cindex Expansion, indicating it
+@findex expansion
When an expression is a macro call, it expands into a new expression.
You can indicate the result of the expansion with the
@@ -9399,6 +9557,7 @@ five spaces.@refill
@node Print Glyph, Error Glyph, expansion, Glyphs
@subsection @code{@@print@{@}} (@print{}): Indicating Printed Output
@cindex Printed output, indicating it
+@findex print
Sometimes an expression will print output during its execution. You
can indicate the printed output with the @code{@@print@{@}} command.@refill
@@ -9444,6 +9603,7 @@ In a Texinfo source file, this example is written as follows:
@node Error Glyph, Equivalence, Print Glyph, Glyphs
@subsection @code{@@error@{@}} (@error{}): Indicating an Error Message
@cindex Error message, indicating it
+@findex error
A piece of code may cause an error when you evaluate it. You can
designate the error message with the @code{@@error@{@}} command.@refill
@@ -9489,6 +9649,7 @@ Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, x
@node Equivalence, Point Glyph, Error Glyph, Glyphs
@subsection @code{@@equiv@{@}} (@equiv{}): Indicating Equivalence
@cindex Equivalence, indicating it
+@findex equiv
Sometimes two expressions produce identical results. You can indicate the
exact equivalence of two forms with the @code{@@equiv@{@}} command.@refill
@@ -9522,9 +9683,10 @@ This indicates that evaluating @code{(make-sparse-keymap)} produces
identical results to evaluating @code{(list 'keymap)}.
-@node Point Glyph, , Equivalence, Glyphs
+@node Point Glyph
@subsection @code{@@point@{@}} (@point{}): Indicating Point in a Buffer
-@cindex Point, indicating it in a buffer
+@cindex Point, indicating in a buffer
+@findex point
Sometimes you need to show an example of text in an Emacs buffer. In
such examples, the convention is to include the entire contents of the
@@ -9585,17 +9747,207 @@ This is the changed @@point@{@}contents of foo.
@end example
+@node Footnotes
+@section Footnotes
+@cindex Footnotes
+@findex footnote
+A @dfn{footnote} is for a reference that documents or elucidates the
+primary text.@footnote{A footnote should complement or expand upon
+the primary text, but a reader should not need to read a footnote to
+understand the primary text. For a thorough discussion of footnotes,
+see @cite{The Chicago Manual of Style}, which is published by the
+University of Chicago Press.}@refill
+* Footnote Commands:: How to write a footnote in Texinfo.
+* Footnote Styles:: Controlling how footnotes appear in Info.
+@end menu
+@node Footnote Commands
+@subsection Footnote Commands
+In Texinfo, footnotes are created with the @code{@@footnote} command.
+This command is followed immediately by a left brace, then by the text
+of the footnote, and then by a terminating right brace. Footnotes may
+be of any length (they will be broken across pages if necessary), but
+are usually short. The template is:
+ordinary text@@footnote@{@var{text of footnote}@}
+@end example
+As shown here, the @code{@@footnote} command should come right after the
+text being footnoted, with no intervening space; otherwise, the footnote
+marker might end up starting a line.
+For example, this clause is followed by a sample footnote@footnote{Here
+is the sample footnote.}; in the Texinfo source, it looks like
+@dots{}a sample footnote@@footnote@{Here is the sample
+footnote.@}; in the Texinfo source@dots{}
+@end example
+In a printed manual or book, the reference mark for a footnote is a
+small, superscripted number; the text of the footnote appears at the
+bottom of the page, below a horizontal line.@refill
+In Info, the reference mark for a footnote is a pair of parentheses
+with the footnote number between them, like this: @samp{(1)}. The
+reference mark is followed by a cross-reference link to the footnote's
+In the HTML output, footnote references are marked with a small,
+superscripted number which is rendered as a hypertext link to the
+footnote text.
+By the way, footnotes in the argument of an @code{@@item} command for a
+@code{@@table} must be on the same line as the @code{@@item}
+(as usual). @xref{Two-column Tables}.
+@node Footnote Styles
+@subsection Footnote Styles
+Info has two footnote styles, which determine where the text of the
+footnote is located:@refill
+@itemize @bullet
+@cindex @samp{@r{End}} node footnote style
+In the `End' node style, all the footnotes for a single node
+are placed at the end of that node. The footnotes are separated from
+the rest of the node by a line of dashes with the word
+@samp{Footnotes} within it. Each footnote begins with an
+@samp{(@var{n})} reference mark.@refill
+@need 700
+Here is an example of a single footnote in the end of node style:@refill
+ --------- Footnotes ---------
+(1) Here is a sample footnote.
+@end group
+@end example
+@cindex @samp{@r{Separate}} footnote style
+In the `Separate' node style, all the footnotes for a single
+node are placed in an automatically constructed node of
+their own. In this style, a ``footnote reference'' follows
+each @samp{(@var{n})} reference mark in the body of the
+node. The footnote reference is actually a cross reference
+which you use to reach the footnote node.@refill
+The name of the node with the footnotes is constructed
+by appending @w{@samp{-Footnotes}} to the name of the node
+that contains the footnotes. (Consequently, the footnotes'
+node for the @file{Footnotes} node is
+@w{@file{Footnotes-Footnotes}}!) The footnotes' node has an
+`Up' node pointer that leads back to its parent node.@refill
+Here is how the first footnote in this manual looks after being
+formatted for Info in the separate node style:@refill
+File: Node: Overview-Footnotes, Up: Overview
+(1) The first syllable of "Texinfo" is pronounced like "speck", not
+"hex". @dots{}
+@end group
+@end smallexample
+@end itemize
+A Texinfo file may be formatted into an Info file with either footnote
+@findex footnotestyle
+Use the @code{@@footnotestyle} command to specify an Info file's
+footnote style. Write this command at the beginning of a line followed
+by an argument, either @samp{end} for the end node style or
+@samp{separate} for the separate node style.
+@need 700
+For example,
+@@footnotestyle end
+@end example
+@@footnotestyle separate
+@end example
+Write an @code{@@footnotestyle} command before or shortly after the
+end-of-header line at the beginning of a Texinfo file. (If you
+include the @code{@@footnotestyle} command between the start-of-header
+and end-of-header lines, the region formatting commands will format
+footnotes as specified.)@refill
+If you do not specify a footnote style, the formatting commands use
+their default style. Currently, @code{texinfo-format-buffer} and
+@code{texinfo-format-region} use the `separate' style and
+@code{makeinfo} uses the `end' style.@refill
+@c !!! note: makeinfo's --footnote-style option overrides footnotestyle
+If you use @code{makeinfo} to create the Info file, the
+@samp{--footnote-style} option determines which style is used,
+@samp{end} for the end of node style or @samp{separate} for the
+separate node style. Thus, to format the Texinfo manual in the
+separate node style, you would use the following shell command:@refill
+makeinfo --footnote-style=separate texinfo.texi
+@end example
+To format the Texinfo manual in the end of node style, you would
+makeinfo --footnote-style=end texinfo.texi
+@end example
+@end ignore
+If you use @code{texinfo-format-buffer} or
+@code{texinfo-format-region} to create the Info file, the value of the
+@code{texinfo-footnote-style} variable controls the footnote style.
+It can be either @samp{"separate"} for the separate node style or
+@samp{"end"} for the end of node style. (You can change the value of
+this variable with the @kbd{M-x edit-options} command (@pxref{Edit
+Options, , Editing Variable Values, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}), or
+with the @kbd{M-x set-variable} command (@pxref{Examining, , Examining
+and Setting Variables, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}).@refill
+The @code{texinfo-footnote-style} variable also controls the style if
+you use the @kbd{M-x makeinfo-region} or @kbd{M-x makeinfo-buffer}
+command in Emacs.@refill
+@end ignore
+This chapter contains two footnotes.@refill
+@end ifinfo
@c this should be described with figures when we have them
@c perhaps in the quotation/example chapter.
-@node Images, , Glyphs, Insertions
+@node Images
@section Inserting Images
@cindex Images, inserting
@cindex Pictures, inserting
@findex image
-You can insert an image in an external file with the @code{@@image}
+You can insert an image given in an external file with the
+@code{@@image} command:
@@image@{@var{filename}, @r{[}@var{width}@r{]}, @r{[}@var{height}@r{]}@}
@@ -9605,17 +9957,32 @@ command:
@cindex Image formats
The @var{filename} argument is mandatory, and must not have an
extension, because the different processors support different formats:
+@itemize @bullet
@TeX{} reads the file @file{@var{filename}.eps} (Encapsulated PostScript
-format); @code{makeinfo} uses @file{@var{filename}.txt} verbatim for
-Info output (more or less as if it was an @code{@@example}). HTML
-output requires @file{@var{filename}.jpg}.
+@pindex pdftex@r{, and images}
+PDF@TeX{} reads @file{@var{filename}.pdf} (Adobe's Portable Document Format).
+@code{makeinfo} uses @file{@var{filename}.txt} verbatim for
+Info output (more or less as if it was an @code{@@example}).
+@cindex GIF, unsupported due to patents
+@cindex PNG image format
+@cindex JPEG image format
+@code{makeinfo} producing HTML output tries @file{@var{filename}.png};
+if that does not exist, it tries @file{@var{filename}.jpg}. If that
+does not exist either, it complains. (We cannot support GIF format due
+to patents.)
+@end itemize
@cindex Width of images
@cindex Height of images
@cindex Aspect ratio of images
@cindex Distorting images
The optional @var{width} and @var{height} arguments specify the size to
-scale the image to (they are ignored for Info output). If they are both
+scale the image to (they are ignored for Info output). If neither is
specified, the image is presented in its natural size (given in the
file); if only one is specified, the other is scaled proportionately;
and if both are specified, both are respected, thus possibly distorting
@@ -9665,12 +10032,19 @@ inch vertically, with the width scaled proportionately:
@pindex epsf.tex
For @code{@@image} to work with @TeX{}, the file @file{epsf.tex} must be
-installed somewhere that @TeX{} can find it. This file is included in
-the Texinfo distribution and is available from
+installed somewhere that @TeX{} can find it. (The standard location is
+@file{@var{texmf}/tex/generic/dvips/epsf.tex}, where @var{texmf} is a
+root of your @TeX{} directory tree.) This file is included in the
+Texinfo distribution and is available from
+@code{@@image} can be used within a line as well as for displayed
+figures. Therefore, if you intend it to be displayed, be sure to leave
+a blank line before the command, or the output will run into the
+preceding text.
-@node Breaks, Definition Commands, Insertions, Top
+@node Breaks
@chapter Making and Preventing Breaks
@cindex Making line and page breaks
@cindex Preventing line and page breaks
@@ -9700,13 +10074,10 @@ commands.@refill
* need:: Another way to prevent unwanted page breaks.
@end menu
@node Break Commands, Line Breaks, Breaks, Breaks
-@heading The Break Commands
+@heading Break Commands
@end ifinfo
-@sp 1
-@end iftex
The break commands create or allow line and paragraph breaks:@refill
@@ -9839,8 +10210,7 @@ words match exactly, so give all necessary variants.
Info output is not hyphenated, so these commands have no effect there.
-@node w, sp, - and hyphenation, Breaks
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node w
@section @code{@@w}@{@var{text}@}: Prevent Line Breaks
@findex w @r{(prevent line break)}
@cindex Line breaks, preventing
@@ -9851,38 +10221,40 @@ within @var{text}.@refill
You can use the @code{@@w} command to prevent @TeX{} from automatically
hyphenating a long name or phrase that happens to fall near the end of a
+line. For example:
-You can copy GNU software from @@w@{@@samp@{}@}.
+You can copy GNU software from @@w@{@@samp@{}@}.
@end example
-You can copy GNU software from @w{@samp{}}.
+You can copy GNU software from @w{@samp{}}.
@end quotation
-@strong{Caution:} Do not write an @code{@@refill} command at the end
-of a paragraph containing an @code{@@w} command; it will cause the
-paragraph to be refilled and may thereby negate the effect of the
-@code{@@w} command.@refill
-@end quotation
+@cindex Non-breakable space
+@cindex Unbreakable space
+@cindex Tied space
+You can also use @code{@@w} to produce a non-breakable space:
-@node sp, page, w, Breaks
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+None of the formatters will break at this@@w@{ @}space.
+@end example
+@node sp
@section @code{@@sp} @var{n}: Insert Blank Lines
@findex sp @r{(line spacing)}
-@cindex Spaces (blank lines)
+@cindex Space, inserting vertical
@cindex Blank lines
@cindex Line spacing
A line beginning with and containing only @code{@@sp @var{n}}
generates @var{n} blank lines of space in both the printed manual and
the Info file. @code{@@sp} also forces a paragraph break. For
@@sp 2
@@ -10028,7 +10400,8 @@ This paragraph is preceded by @dots{}
The @code{@@need} command is useful for preventing orphans (single
lines at the bottoms of printed pages).@refill
-@node Definition Commands, Footnotes, Breaks, Top
+@node Definition Commands
@chapter Definition Commands
@cindex Definition commands
@@ -10287,7 +10660,7 @@ produces
These two search commands are similar except @dots{}
@end deffn
-Each of the other definition commands has an `x' form: @code{@@defunx},
+Each definition command has an `x' form: @code{@@defunx},
@code{@@defvrx}, @code{@@deftypefunx}, etc.
The `x' forms work just like @code{@@itemx}; see @ref{itemx, , @code{@@itemx}}.
@@ -10434,8 +10807,8 @@ something like a variable---an entity that records a value. You must
choose a term to describe the category of entity being defined; for
example, ``Variable'' could be used if the entity is a variable.
Write the @code{@@defvr} command at the beginning of a line and
-followed it on the same line by the category of the entity and the
-name of the entity.@refill
+follow it on the same line by the category of the entity and the
+name of the entity.
Capitalize the category name like a title. If the name of the category
contains spaces, as in the name ``User Option'', enclose it in braces.
@@ -10798,7 +11171,7 @@ The template is:
@end table
-@node Abstract Objects, Data Types, Typed Variables, Def Cmds in Detail
+@node Abstract Objects
@subsection Object-Oriented Programming
Here are the commands for formatting descriptions about abstract
@@ -10833,8 +11206,7 @@ name. Thus,@refill
illustrates how you would write the first line of a definition of the
@code{border-pattern} class option of the class @code{Window}.@refill
-The template is
+The template is:
@@defcv @var{category} @var{class} @var{name}
@@ -10852,7 +11224,6 @@ variables in object-oriented programming. @code{@@defivar} is
equivalent to @samp{@@defcv @{Instance Variable@} @dots{}}@refill
The template is:
@@defivar @var{class} @var{instance-variable-name}
@@ -10863,12 +11234,20 @@ The template is:
@code{@@defivar} creates an entry in the index of variables.
+@findex deftypeivar
+@item @@deftypeivar @var{class} @var{data-type} @var{name}
+The @code{@@deftypeivar} command is the definition command for typed
+instance variables in object-oriented programming. It is similar to
+@code{@@defivar} with the addition of the @var{data-type} parameter to
+specify the type of the instance variable. @code{@@deftypeivar} creates an
+entry in the index of variables.
@findex defop
@item @@defop @var{category} @var{class} @var{name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
The @code{@@defop} command is the general definition command for
entities that may resemble methods in object-oriented programming.
-These entities take arguments, as functions do, but are associated
-with particular classes of objects.@refill
+These entities take arguments, as functions do, but are associated with
+particular classes of objects.@refill
For example, some systems have constructs called @dfn{wrappers} that
are associated with classes as methods are, but that act more like
@@ -10900,10 +11279,7 @@ is followed on the same line by the overall name of the category of
operation, the name of the class of the operation, the name of the
operation, and its arguments, if any.@refill
-@need 800
The template is:
@@defop @var{category} @var{class} @var{name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
@@ -10915,23 +11291,34 @@ The template is:
@code{@@defop} creates an entry, such as `@code{expose} on
@code{windows}', in the index of functions.@refill
+@findex deftypeop
+@item @@deftypeop @var{category} @var{class} @var{data-type} @var{name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
+The @code{@@deftypeop} command is the definition command for typed
+operations in object-oriented programming. It is similar to
+@code{@@defop} with the addition of the @var{data-type} parameter to
+specify the return type of the method. @code{@@deftypeop} creates an
+entry in the index of functions.
@item @@defmethod @var{class} @var{name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
@findex defmethod
The @code{@@defmethod} command is the definition command for methods
in object-oriented programming. A method is a kind of function that
implements an operation for a particular class of objects and its
-subclasses. In the Lisp Machine, methods actually were functions, but
+@c ADR: Who cares?!?
+@c KB: Oh, I don't know, I think this info is crucial!
+In the Lisp Machine, methods actually were functions, but
they were usually defined with @code{defmethod}.
+@end ignore
@code{@@defmethod} is equivalent to @samp{@@defop Method @dots{}}.
The command is written at the beginning of a line and is followed by
the name of the class of the method, the name of the method, and its
arguments, if any.@refill
-@need 800
-For example,
+For example:
@@defmethod @code{bar-class} bar-method argument
@@ -10957,6 +11344,7 @@ The template is:
@code{@@defmethod} creates an entry, such as `@code{bar-method} on
@code{bar-class}', in the index of functions.@refill
@item @@deftypemethod @var{class} @var{data-type} @var{name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
@findex defmethod
The @code{@@deftypemethod} command is the definition command for methods
@@ -10967,7 +11355,7 @@ to the @code{@@defmethod} command with the addition of the
@end table
-@node Data Types, , Abstract Objects, Def Cmds in Detail
+@node Data Types
@subsection Data Types
Here is the command for data types:@refill
@@ -11077,7 +11465,6 @@ In the Texinfo source file, this example looks like this:
@@defun apply function &rest arguments
@@code@{apply@} calls @@var@{function@} with
@@var@{arguments@}, just like @@code@{funcall@} but with one
difference: the last of @@var@{arguments@} is a list of
@@ -11112,7 +11499,7 @@ sense in @@code@{apply@}.
An interesting example of using @@code@{apply@} is found
-in the description of @@code@{mapcar@}.@@refill
+in the description of @@code@{mapcar@}.
@@end defun
@end group
@end example
@@ -11125,202 +11512,29 @@ Ordinary variables and user options are described using a format like
that for functions except that variables do not take arguments.
-@node Footnotes, Conditionals, Definition Commands, Top
-@chapter Footnotes
-@cindex Footnotes
-@findex footnote
-A @dfn{footnote} is for a reference that documents or elucidates the
-primary text.@footnote{A footnote should complement or expand upon
-the primary text, but a reader should not need to read a footnote to
-understand the primary text. For a thorough discussion of footnotes,
-see @cite{The Chicago Manual of Style}, which is published by the
-University of Chicago Press.}@refill
-* Footnote Commands:: How to write a footnote in Texinfo.
-* Footnote Styles:: Controlling how footnotes appear in Info.
-@end menu
-@node Footnote Commands, Footnote Styles, Footnotes, Footnotes
-@section Footnote Commands
-In Texinfo, footnotes are created with the @code{@@footnote} command.
-This command is followed immediately by a left brace, then by the text
-of the footnote, and then by a terminating right brace. Footnotes may
-be of any length (they will be broken across pages if necessary), but
-are usually short. The template is:
-ordinary text@@footnote@{@var{text of footnote}@}
-@end example
-As shown here, the @code{@@footnote} command should come right after the
-text being footnoted, with no intervening space; otherwise, the
-formatters the footnote mark might end up starting up a line.
-For example, this clause is followed by a sample
-footnote@footnote{Here is the sample footnote.}; in the Texinfo
-source, it looks like this:@refill
-@dots{}a sample footnote@@footnote@{Here is the sample
-footnote.@}; in the Texinfo source@dots{}
-@end example
-@strong{Warning:} Don't use footnotes in the argument of the
-@code{@@item} command for a @code{@@table} table. This doesn't work, and
-because of limitations of @TeX{}, there is no way to fix it. You must
-put the footnote into the body text of the table.
-In a printed manual or book, the reference mark for a footnote is a
-small, superscripted number; the text of the footnote appears at the
-bottom of the page, below a horizontal line.@refill
-In Info, the reference mark for a footnote is a pair of parentheses
-with the footnote number between them, like this: @samp{(1)}.@refill
+@node Conditionals
+@chapter Conditionally Visible Text
+@cindex Conditionally visible text
+@cindex Text, conditionally visible
+@cindex Visibility of conditional text
+@cindex If text conditionally visible
+Sometimes it is good to use different text for different output formats.
+For example, you can use the @dfn{conditional commands} to specify
+different text for the printed manual and the Info output.
-@node Footnote Styles, , Footnote Commands, Footnotes
-@section Footnote Styles
+Conditional commands may not be nested.
-Info has two footnote styles, which determine where the text of the
-footnote is located:@refill
+The conditional commands comprise the following categories.
@itemize @bullet
-@cindex @samp{@r{End}} node footnote style
+@item Commands for HTML, Info, or @TeX{}.
+@item Commands for not HTML, Info, or @TeX{}.
+@item Raw @TeX{} or HTML commands.
-In the `End' node style, all the footnotes for a single node
-are placed at the end of that node. The footnotes are separated from
-the rest of the node by a line of dashes with the word
-@samp{Footnotes} within it. Each footnote begins with an
-@samp{(@var{n})} reference mark.@refill
-@need 700
-Here is an example of a single footnote in the end of node style:@refill
- --------- Footnotes ---------
-(1) Here is a sample footnote.
-@end group
-@end example
-@cindex @samp{@r{Separate}} footnote style
-In the `Separate' node style, all the footnotes for a single
-node are placed in an automatically constructed node of
-their own. In this style, a ``footnote reference'' follows
-each @samp{(@var{n})} reference mark in the body of the
-node. The footnote reference is actually a cross reference
-which you use to reach the footnote node.@refill
-The name of the node containing the footnotes is constructed
-by appending @w{@samp{-Footnotes}} to the name of the node
-that contains the footnotes. (Consequently, the footnotes'
-node for the @file{Footnotes} node is
-@w{@file{Footnotes-Footnotes}}!) The footnotes' node has an
-`Up' node pointer that leads back to its parent node.@refill
-Here is how the first footnote in this manual looks after being
-formatted for Info in the separate node style:@refill
-File: Node: Overview-Footnotes, Up: Overview
-(1) Note that the first syllable of "Texinfo" is
-pronounced like "speck", not "hex". @dots{}
-@end group
-@end smallexample
+Substituting text for all formats, and testing if a flag is set or clear.
@end itemize
-A Texinfo file may be formatted into an Info file with either footnote
-@findex footnotestyle
-Use the @code{@@footnotestyle} command to specify an Info file's
-footnote style. Write this command at the beginning of a line followed
-by an argument, either @samp{end} for the end node style or
-@samp{separate} for the separate node style.
-@need 700
-For example,
-@@footnotestyle end
-@end example
-@@footnotestyle separate
-@end example
-Write an @code{@@footnotestyle} command before or shortly after the
-end-of-header line at the beginning of a Texinfo file. (If you
-include the @code{@@footnotestyle} command between the start-of-header
-and end-of-header lines, the region formatting commands will format
-footnotes as specified.)@refill
-If you do not specify a footnote style, the formatting commands use
-their default style. Currently, @code{texinfo-format-buffer} and
-@code{texinfo-format-region} use the `separate' style and
-@code{makeinfo} uses the `end' style.@refill
-@c !!! note: makeinfo's --footnote-style option overrides footnotestyle
-If you use @code{makeinfo} to create the Info file, the
-@samp{--footnote-style} option determines which style is used,
-@samp{end} for the end of node style or @samp{separate} for the
-separate node style. Thus, to format the Texinfo manual in the
-separate node style, you would use the following shell command:@refill
-makeinfo --footnote-style=separate texinfo.texi
-@end example
-To format the Texinfo manual in the end of node style, you would
-makeinfo --footnote-style=end texinfo.texi
-@end example
-@end ignore
-If you use @code{texinfo-format-buffer} or
-@code{texinfo-format-region} to create the Info file, the value of the
-@code{texinfo-footnote-style} variable controls the footnote style.
-It can be either @samp{"separate"} for the separate node style or
-@samp{"end"} for the end of node style. (You can change the value of
-this variable with the @kbd{M-x edit-options} command (@pxref{Edit
-Options, , Editing Variable Values, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}), or
-with the @kbd{M-x set-variable} command (@pxref{Examining, , Examining
-and Setting Variables, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}).@refill
-The @code{texinfo-footnote-style} variable also controls the style if
-you use the @kbd{M-x makeinfo-region} or @kbd{M-x makeinfo-buffer}
-command in Emacs.@refill
-@end ignore
-This chapter contains two footnotes.@refill
-@node Conditionals, Macros, Footnotes, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@chapter Conditionally Visible Text
-@cindex Conditionally visible text
-@cindex Text, conditionally visible
-@cindex Visibility of conditional text
-@cindex If text conditionally visible
-Sometimes it is good to use different text for a printed manual and
-its corresponding Info file. In this case, you can use the
-@dfn{conditional commands} to specify which text is for the printed manual
-and which is for the Info file.@refill
* Conditional Commands:: Specifying text for HTML, Info, or @TeX{}.
* Conditional Not Commands:: Specifying text for not HTML, Info, or @TeX{}.
@@ -11330,21 +11544,18 @@ and which is for the Info file.@refill
flag to a string that you can insert.
@end menu
-@node Conditional Commands, Conditional Not Commands, Conditionals, Conditionals
-@heading Conditional Commands
-@end ifinfo
+@node Conditional Commands
+@section Conditional Commands
@findex ifinfo
-@code{@@ifinfo} begins segments of text that should be ignored
-by @TeX{} when it
-typesets the printed manual. The segment of text appears only
-in the Info file.
-The @code{@@ifinfo} command should appear on a line by itself; end
-the Info-only text with a line containing @code{@@end ifinfo} by
-itself. At the beginning of a Texinfo file, the Info permissions are
-contained within a region marked by @code{@@ifinfo} and @code{@@end
-ifinfo}. (@xref{Info Summary and Permissions}.)@refill
+@code{@@ifinfo} begins segments of text that should be ignored by @TeX{}
+when it typesets the printed manual. The segment of text appears only
+in the Info file. The @code{@@ifinfo} command should appear on a line
+by itself; end the Info-only text with a line containing @code{@@end
+ifinfo} by itself. At the beginning of a Texinfo file, the Info
+permissions are contained within a region marked by @code{@@ifinfo} and
+@code{@@end ifinfo}. (@xref{Info Summary and Permissions}.)
@findex iftex
@findex ifhtml
@@ -11363,6 +11574,9 @@ This text will appear only in the printed manual.
However, this text will appear only in Info.
@@end ifinfo
+And this text will only appear in HTML.
+@@end ifhtml
@end example
@@ -11373,18 +11587,16 @@ This text will appear only in the printed manual.
However, this text will appear only in Info.
@end ifinfo
+And this text will only appear in HTML.
+@end ifhtml
-Note how you only see one of the two lines, depending on whether you
-are reading the Info version or the printed version of this
-The @code{@@titlepage} command is a special variant of @code{@@iftex} that
-is used for making the title and copyright pages of the printed
-manual. (@xref{titlepage, , @code{@@titlepage}}.) @refill
+Notice that you only see one of the input lines, depending on which
+version of the manual you are reading.
-@node Conditional Not Commands, Raw Formatter Commands, Conditional Commands, Conditionals
+@node Conditional Not Commands
@section Conditional Not Commands
@findex ifnothtml
@findex ifnotinfo
@@ -11405,7 +11617,8 @@ If the output file is not being made for the given format, the region is
included. Otherwise, it is ignored.
The regions delimited by these commands are ordinary Texinfo source as
-with @code{@@iftex}, not raw formatter source as with @code{@@tex}.
+with @code{@@iftex}, not raw formatter source as with @code{@@tex}
+(@pxref{Raw Formatter Commands}).
@node Raw Formatter Commands, set clear value, Conditional Not Commands, Conditionals
@@ -11437,8 +11650,8 @@ overridden by Texinfo features.
You can enter plain @TeX{} completely, and use @samp{\} in the @TeX{}
commands, by delineating a region with the @code{@@tex} and @code{@@end
tex} commands. (The @code{@@tex} command also causes Info to ignore the
-region, like the @code{@@iftex} command.) The sole exception is that
-@code{@@} chracter still introduces a command, so that @code{@@end tex}
+region, like the @code{@@iftex} command.) The sole exception is that the
+@code{@@} character still introduces a command, so that @code{@@end tex}
can be recognized properly.
@cindex Mathematical expressions
@@ -11472,13 +11685,12 @@ $$ \chi^2 = \sum_{i=1}^N
@findex html
Analogously, you can use @code{@@ifhtml @dots{} @@end ifhtml} to delimit
a region to be included in HTML output only, and @code{@@html @dots{}
-@@end ifhtml} for a region of raw HTML (again, except that @code{@@} is
+@@end html} for a region of raw HTML (again, except that @code{@@} is
still the escape character, so the @code{@@end} command can be
-@node set clear value, , Raw Formatter Commands, Conditionals
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node set clear value
@section @code{@@set}, @code{@@clear}, and @code{@@value}
You can direct the Texinfo formatting commands to format or ignore parts
@@ -11493,12 +11705,12 @@ insert the date in several places in the Texinfo file.@refill
* ifset ifclear:: Format a region if a flag is set.
-* value:: Replace a flag with a string.
+* set value:: Expand a flag variable to a string.
* value Example:: An easy way to update edition information.
@end menu
-@node ifset ifclear, value, set clear value, set clear value
+@node ifset ifclear
@subsection @code{@@ifset} and @code{@@ifclear}
@findex ifset
@@ -11508,8 +11720,10 @@ ifset} commands. When the @var{flag} is cleared, the Texinfo formatting
commands do @emph{not} format the text.
Use the @code{@@set @var{flag}} command to turn on, or @dfn{set}, a
-@var{flag}; a @dfn{flag} can be any single word. The format for the
-command looks like this:@refill
+@var{flag}; a @dfn{flag} name can be any single word, containing
+letters, numerals, hyphens, or underscores.
+The format for the command looks like this:@refill
@findex set
@@ -11613,13 +11827,17 @@ format the text up to the following @code{@@end ifclear}
@end table
-@node value, value Example, ifset ifclear, set clear value
-@subsection @code{@@value}
+@node set value
+@subsection @code{@@set} and @code{@@value}
@findex value
You can use the @code{@@set} command to specify a value for a flag,
-which is expanded by the @code{@@value} command. The value is a string
-a characters.
+which is expanded by the @code{@@value} command. A flag is an
+identifier; for best results, use only letters and numerals in a flag
+name, not @samp{-} or @samp{_}---they will work in some contexts, but
+not all, due to limitations in @TeX{}. The value is just a string of
+characters, the remainder of the input line.
Write the @code{@@set} command like this:
@@ -11628,12 +11846,11 @@ Write the @code{@@set} command like this:
@end example
-This sets the value of @code{foo} to ``This is a string.''
-The Texinfo formatters replace an @code{@@value@{@var{flag}@}} command with
-the string to which @var{flag} is set.@refill
+This sets the value of the flag @code{foo} to ``This is a string.''.
-Thus, when @code{foo} is set as shown above, the Texinfo formatters convert
+The Texinfo formatters then replace an @code{@@value@{@var{flag}@}}
+command with the string to which @var{flag} is set. Thus, when
+@code{foo} is set as shown above, the Texinfo formatters convert
@@ -11655,9 +11872,9 @@ If you write the @code{@@set} command like this:
without specifying a string, the value of @code{foo} is an empty string.
-If you clear a previously set flag with an @code{@@clear @var{flag}}
-command, a subsequent @code{@@value@{flag@}} command is invalid and the
-string is replaced with an error message that says @samp{@{No value for
+If you clear a previously set flag with @code{@@clear @var{flag}}, a
+subsequent @code{@@value@{flag@}} command is invalid and the string is
+replaced with an error message that says @samp{@{No value for
For example, if you set @code{foo} as follows:@refill
@@ -11694,15 +11911,16 @@ It is a @{No value for "how-much"@} wet day.
@end group
@end example
-@node value Example, , value, set clear value
+@node value Example
@subsection @code{@@value} Example
You can use the @code{@@value} command to limit the number of places you
-need to change when you record an update to a manual.
-Here is how it is done in @cite{The GNU Make Manual}:
+need to change when you record an update to a manual. Here is how it is
+done in @cite{The GNU Make Manual}:
-@need 1000
Set the flags:
@@ -11714,8 +11932,7 @@ Set the flags:
@end group
@end example
-@need 750
Write text for the first @code{@@ifinfo} section, for people reading the
Texinfo file:
@@ -11724,12 +11941,11 @@ Texinfo file:
This is Edition @@value@{EDITION@},
last updated @@value@{UPDATED@},
of @@cite@{The GNU Make Manual@},
-for @@code@{make@}, Version @@value@{VERSION@}.
+for @@code@{make@}, version @@value@{VERSION@}.
@end group
@end example
-@need 1000
Write text for the title page, for people reading the printed manual:
@c List only the month and the year since that looks less fussy on a
@c printed cover than a date that lists the day as well.
@@ -11747,8 +11963,7 @@ Write text for the title page, for people reading the printed manual:
(On a printed cover, a date listing the month and the year looks less
fussy than a date listing the day as well as the month and year.)
-@need 750
Write text for the Top node, for people reading the Info file:
@@ -11760,7 +11975,6 @@ for @@code@{make@} Version @@value@{VERSION@}.
@end group
@end example
-@need 950
After you format the manual, the text in the first @code{@@ifinfo}
section looks like this:
@@ -11770,49 +11984,336 @@ This is Edition 0.35 Beta, last updated 14 August 1992,
of `The GNU Make Manual', for `make', Version 3.63 Beta.
@end group
@end example
+@end enumerate
When you update the manual, change only the values of the flags; you do
-not need to rewrite the three sections.
+not need to edit the three sections.
+@node Internationalization
+@chapter Internationalization
+@cindex Internationalization
+Texinfo has some support for writing in languages other than English,
+although this area still needs considerable work.
+For a list of the various accented and special characters Texinfo
+supports, see @ref{Inserting Accents}.
+* documentlanguage:: Declaring the current language.
+* documentencoding:: Declaring the input encoding.
+@end menu
+@node documentlanguage
+@section @code{@@documentlanguage @var{cc}}: Set the Document Language
+@findex documentlanguage
+@cindex Language, declaring
+@cindex Document language, declaring
+The @code{@@documentlanguage} command declares the current document
+language. Write it on a line by itself, with a two-letter ISO-639
+language code following (list is included below). If you have a
+multilingual document, the intent is to be able to use this command
+multiple times, to declare each language change. If the command is not
+used at all, the default is @code{en} for English.
+@cindex @file{txi-@var{cc}.tex}
+At present, this command is ignored in Info and HTML output. For
+@TeX{}, it causes the file @file{txi-@var{cc}.tex} to be read (if it
+exists). Such a file appropriately redefines the various English words
+used in @TeX{} output, such as `Chapter', `See', and so on.
+@cindex Hyphenation patterns, language-dependent
+It would be good if this command also changed @TeX{}'s ideas of the
+current hyphenation patterns (via the @TeX{} primitive
+@code{\language}), but this is unfortunately not currently implemented.
+@cindex ISO 639 codes
+@cindex Language codes
+@cindex African languages
+Here is the list of valid language codes. This list comes from
+@uref{, the free
+translation project}. In the future we may wish to allow the 3-letter
+POV codes described at @uref{}.
+This will be necessary to support African languages.
+@multitable @columnfractions .06 .27 .06 .27 .06 .27
+@code{aa} @tab Afar @tab
+@code{ab} @tab Abkhazian @tab
+@code{af} @tab Afrikaans
+@code{am} @tab Amharic @tab
+@code{ar} @tab Arabic @tab
+@code{as} @tab Assamese
+@code{ay} @tab Aymara @tab
+@code{az} @tab Azerbaijani @tab
+@code{ba} @tab Bashkir
+@code{be} @tab Byelorussian @tab
+@code{bg} @tab Bulgarian @tab
+@code{bh} @tab Bihari
+@code{bi} @tab Bislama @tab
+@code{bn} @tab Bengali; Bangla @tab
+@code{bo} @tab Tibetan
+@code{br} @tab Breton @tab
+@code{ca} @tab Catalan @tab
+@code{co} @tab Corsican
+@code{cs} @tab Czech @tab
+@code{cy} @tab Welsh @tab
+@code{da} @tab Danish
+@code{de} @tab German @tab
+@code{dz} @tab Bhutani @tab
+@code{el} @tab Greek
+@code{en} @tab English @tab
+@code{eo} @tab Esperanto @tab
+@code{es} @tab Spanish
+@code{et} @tab Estonian @tab
+@code{eu} @tab Basque @tab
+@code{fa} @tab Persian
+@code{fi} @tab Finnish @tab
+@code{fj} @tab Fiji @tab
+@code{fo} @tab Faroese
+@code{fr} @tab French @tab
+@code{fy} @tab Frisian @tab
+@code{ga} @tab Irish
+@code{gd} @tab Scots Gaelic @tab
+@code{gl} @tab Galician @tab
+@code{gn} @tab Guarani
+@code{gu} @tab Gujarati @tab
+@code{ha} @tab Hausa @tab
+@code{he} @tab Hebrew
+@code{hi} @tab Hindi @tab
+@code{hr} @tab Croatian @tab
+@code{hu} @tab Hungarian
+@code{hy} @tab Armenian @tab
+@code{ia} @tab Interlingua @tab
+@code{id} @tab Indonesian
+@code{ie} @tab Interlingue @tab
+@code{ik} @tab Inupiak @tab
+@code{is} @tab Icelandic
+@code{it} @tab Italian @tab
+@code{iu} @tab Inuktitut @tab
+@code{ja} @tab Japanese
+@code{jw} @tab Javanese @tab
+@code{ka} @tab Georgian @tab
+@code{kk} @tab Kazakh
+@code{kl} @tab Greenlandic @tab
+@code{km} @tab Cambodian @tab
+@code{kn} @tab Kannada
+@code{ks} @tab Kashmiri @tab
+@code{ko} @tab Korean @tab
+@code{ku} @tab Kurdish
+@code{ky} @tab Kirghiz @tab
+@code{la} @tab Latin @tab
+@code{ln} @tab Lingala
+@code{lt} @tab Lithuanian @tab
+@code{lo} @tab Laothian @tab
+@code{lv} @tab Latvian, Lettish
+@code{mg} @tab Malagasy @tab
+@code{mi} @tab Maori @tab
+@code{mk} @tab Macedonian
+@code{ml} @tab Malayalam @tab
+@code{mn} @tab Mongolian @tab
+@code{mo} @tab Moldavian
+@code{mr} @tab Marathi @tab
+@code{ms} @tab Malay @tab
+@code{mt} @tab Maltese
+@code{my} @tab Burmese @tab
+@code{na} @tab Nauru @tab
+@code{ne} @tab Nepali
+@code{nl} @tab Dutch @tab
+@code{no} @tab Norwegian @tab
+@code{oc} @tab Occitan
+@code{om} @tab (Afan) Oromo @tab
+@code{or} @tab Oriya @tab
+@code{pa} @tab Punjabi
+@code{pl} @tab Polish @tab
+@code{ps} @tab Pashto, Pushto @tab
+@code{pt} @tab Portuguese
+@code{qu} @tab Quechua @tab
+@code{rm} @tab Rhaeto-Romance @tab
+@code{rn} @tab Kirundi
+@code{ro} @tab Romanian @tab
+@code{ru} @tab Russian @tab
+@code{rw} @tab Kinyarwanda
+@code{sa} @tab Sanskrit @tab
+@code{sd} @tab Sindhi @tab
+@code{sg} @tab Sangro
+@code{sh} @tab Serbo-Croatian @tab
+@code{si} @tab Sinhalese @tab
+@code{sk} @tab Slovak
+@code{sl} @tab Slovenian @tab
+@code{sm} @tab Samoan @tab
+@code{sn} @tab Shona
+@code{so} @tab Somali @tab
+@code{sq} @tab Albanian @tab
+@code{sr} @tab Serbian
+@code{ss} @tab Siswati @tab
+@code{st} @tab Sesotho @tab
+@code{su} @tab Sundanese
+@code{sv} @tab Swedish @tab
+@code{sw} @tab Swahili @tab
+@code{ta} @tab Tamil
+@code{te} @tab Telugu @tab
+@code{tg} @tab Tajik @tab
+@code{th} @tab Thai
+@code{ti} @tab Tigrinya @tab
+@code{tk} @tab Turkmen @tab
+@code{tl} @tab Tagalog
+@code{tn} @tab Setswana @tab
+@code{to} @tab Tonga @tab
+@code{tr} @tab Turkish
+@code{ts} @tab Tsonga @tab
+@code{tt} @tab Tatar @tab
+@code{tw} @tab Twi
+@code{ug} @tab Uighur @tab
+@code{uk} @tab Ukrainian @tab
+@code{ur} @tab Urdu
+@code{uz} @tab Uzbek @tab
+@code{vi} @tab Vietnamese @tab
+@code{vo} @tab Volapuk
+@code{wo} @tab Wolof @tab
+@code{xh} @tab Xhosa @tab
+@code{yi} @tab Yiddish
+@code{yo} @tab Yoruba @tab
+@code{za} @tab Zhuang @tab
+@code{zh} @tab Chinese
+@code{zu} @tab Zulu
+@end multitable
+@node documentencoding
+@section @code{@@documentencoding @var{enc}}: Set Input Encoding
+@findex documentencoding
+@cindex Encoding, declaring
+@cindex Input encoding, declaring
+@cindex Document input encoding
+The @code{@@documentencoding} command declares the input document
+encoding. Write it on a line by itself, with a valid encoding
+specification following, such as @samp{ISO-8859-1}.
+@cindex http-equiv, and charset
+@cindex meta HTML tag, and charset
+At present, this is used only in HTML output from @code{makeinfo}. If a
+document encoding @var{enc} is specified, it is used in the
+@samp{<meta>} tag is included in the @samp{<head>} of the output:
-@node Macros, Format/Print Hardcopy, Conditionals, Top
-@chapter Macros: Defining New Texinfo Commands
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=@var{enc}">
+@end example
+@node Defining New Texinfo Commands
+@chapter Defining New Texinfo Commands
@cindex Macros
@cindex Defining new Texinfo commands
@cindex New Texinfo commands, defining
@cindex Texinfo commands, defining new
@cindex User-defined Texinfo commands
+Texinfo provides several ways to define new commands:
+@itemize @bullet
A Texinfo @dfn{macro} allows you to define a new Texinfo command as any
sequence of text and/or existing commands (including other macros). The
macro can have any number of @dfn{parameters}---text you supply each
-time you use the macro. (This has nothing to do with the
-@code{@@defmac} command, which is for documenting macros in the subject
-of the manual; @pxref{Def Cmd Template}.)
+time you use the macro.
+Incidentally, these macros have nothing to do with the @code{@@defmac}
+command, which is for documenting macros in the subject of the manual
+(@pxref{Def Cmd Template}).
+@samp{@@alias} is a convenient way to define a new name for an existing
+@samp{@@definfoenclose} allows you to define new commands with
+customized output in the Info file.
+@end itemize
-* Defining Macros:: Both defining and undefining new commands.
+* Defining Macros:: Defining and undefining new commands.
* Invoking Macros:: Using a macro, once you've defined it.
+* Macro Details:: Beyond basic macro usage.
+* alias:: Command aliases.
+* definfoenclose:: Customized highlighting.
@end menu
-@node Defining Macros, Invoking Macros, Macros, Macros
+@node Defining Macros
@section Defining Macros
@cindex Defining macros
@cindex Macro definitions
+@cindex Definitions, a.k.a.@: macros
@findex macro
-You use the Texinfo @code{@@macro} command to define a macro. For example:
+You use the Texinfo @code{@@macro} command to define a macro, like this:
-@@macro @var{macro-name}@{@var{param1}, @var{param2}, @dots{}@}
+@@macro @var{macroname}@{@var{param1}, @var{param2}, @dots{}@}
@var{text} @dots{} \@var{param1}\ @dots{}
@@end macro
@end example
The @dfn{parameters} @var{param1}, @var{param2}, @dots{} correspond to
arguments supplied when the macro is subsequently used in the document
-(see the next section).
+(described in the next section).
+For a macro to work with @TeX{}, @var{macroname} must consist entirely
+of letters: no digits, hyphens, underscores, or other special characters.
If a macro needs no parameters, you can define it either with an empty
list (@samp{@@macro foo @{@}}) or with no braces at all (@samp{@@macro
@@ -11821,12 +12322,44 @@ foo}).
@cindex Body of a macro
@cindex Mutually recursive macros
@cindex Recursion, mutual
-The definition or @dfn{body} of the macro can contain any Texinfo
-commands, including previously-defined macros. (It is not possible to
-have mutually recursive Texinfo macros.) In the body, instances of a
-parameter name surrounded by backslashes, as in @samp{\@var{param1}\} in
-the example above, are replaced by the corresponding argument from the
-macro invocation.
+The definition or @dfn{body} of the macro can contain most Texinfo
+commands, including previously-defined macros. Not-yet-defined macro
+invocations are not allowed; thus, it is not possible to have mutually
+recursive Texinfo macros. Also, a macro definition that defines another
+macro does not work in @TeX{} due to limitations in the design of
+@cindex Parameters to macros
+In the macro body, instances of a parameter name surrounded by
+backslashes, as in @samp{\@var{param1}\} in the example above, are
+replaced by the corresponding argument from the macro invocation. You
+can use parameter names any number of times in the body, including zero.
+@cindex Backslash in macros
+To get a single @samp{\} in the macro expansion, use @samp{\\}. Any
+other use of @samp{\} in the body yields a warning.
+@cindex Spaces in macros
+@cindex Whitespace in macros
+The newlines after the @code{@@macro} line and before the @code{@@end
+macro} line are ignored, that is, not included in the macro body. All
+other whitespace is treated according to the usual Texinfo rules.
+@cindex Recursive macro invocations
+@findex rmacro
+To allow a macro to be used recursively, that is, in an argument to a
+call to itself, you must define it with @samp{@@rmacro}, like this:
+@@rmacro rmac
+@@end rmacro
+@end example
+This produces the output `a1atextb2b'. With @samp{@@macro} instead of
+@samp{@@rmacro}, an error message is given.
@findex unmacro
@cindex Macros, undefining
@@ -11840,20 +12373,22 @@ For example:
@end example
-@node Invoking Macros, , Defining Macros, Macros
+@node Invoking Macros
@section Invoking Macros
@cindex Invoking macros
+@cindex Expanding macros
+@cindex Running macros
@cindex Macro invocation
After a macro is defined (see the previous section), you can use
(@dfn{invoke}) it in your document like this:
-@@@var{macro-name} @{@var{arg1}, @var{arg2}, @dots{}@}
+@@@var{macroname} @{@var{arg1}, @var{arg2}, @dots{}@}
@end example
@noindent and the result will be just as if you typed the body of
-@var{macro-name} at that spot. For example:
+@var{macroname} at that spot. For example:
@@macro foo @{p, q@}
@@ -11870,17 +12405,34 @@ Together: a & b.
@cindex Backslash, and macros
Thus, the arguments and parameters are separated by commas and delimited
-by braces; any whitespace after (but not before) a comma is ignored. To
-insert a comma, brace, or backslash in an argument, prepend a backslash,
-as in
+by braces; any whitespace after (but not before) a comma is ignored.
+The braces are required in the invocation (but not the definition), even
+when the macro takes no arguments, consistent with all other Texinfo
+commands. For example:
-@@@var{macro-name} @{\\\@{\@}\,@}
+@@macro argless @{@}
+No arguments here.
+@@end macro
+@end example
+@noindent produces:
+No arguments here.
+@end display
+To insert a comma, brace, or backslash in an argument, prepend a
+backslash, as in
+@@@var{macname} @{\\\@{\@}\,@}
@end example
which will pass the (almost certainly error-producing) argument
-@samp{\@{@},} to @var{macro-name}.
+@samp{\@{@},} to @var{macname}.
If the macro is defined to take a single argument, and is invoked
without any braces, the entire rest of the line after the macro name is
@@ -11888,22 +12440,199 @@ supplied as the argument. For example:
@@macro bar @{p@}
-Twice: \p\, \p\.
+Twice: \p\ & \p\.
@@end macro
@@bar aah
@end example
@noindent produces:
+@c Sorry for cheating, but let's not require macros to process the manual.
-Twice: aah, aah.
+Twice: aah & aah.
@end display
+If the macro is defined to take a single argument, and is invoked with
+braces, the braced text is passed as the argument, regardless of
+commas. For example:
-@node Format/Print Hardcopy, Create an Info File, Macros, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@chapter Format and Print Hardcopy
+@@macro bar @{p@}
+Twice: \p\ & \p\.
+@@end macro
+@end example
+@noindent produces:
+Twice: a,b & a,b.
+@end display
+@node Macro Details
+@section Macro Details
+@cindex Macro details
+@cindex Details of macro usage
+Due to unavoidable disparities in the @TeX{} and @command{makeinfo}
+implementations, Texinfo macros have the following limitations.
+@itemize @bullet
+All macros are expanded inside at least one @TeX{} group. This means
+that @set and other such commands will have no effect inside a macro.
+Macros containing a command which must be on a line by itself, such as a
+conditional, cannot be invoked in the middle of a line.
+The @TeX{} implementation cannot construct macros that define macros in
+the natural way. To do this, you must use conditionals and raw @TeX{}.
+For example:
+@@macro ctor @{name, arg@}
+@@macro \name\
+something involving \arg\ somehow
+@@end macro
+@@end macro
+@@end ifinfo
+\gdef\ctorx#1,#2,@{\def#1@{something involving #2 somehow@}@}
+@@end tex
+@end example
+It is best to avoid comments inside macro definitions.
+@end itemize
+@node alias
+@section @samp{@@alias @var{new}=@var{existing}}
+@cindex Aliases, command
+@cindex Command aliases
+@findex alias
+The @samp{@@alias} command defines a new command to be just like an
+existing one. This is useful for defining additional markup names, thus
+preserving semantic information in the input even though the output
+result may be the same.
+Write the @samp{@@alias} command on a line by itself, followed by the
+new command name, an equals sign, and the existing command name.
+Whitespace around the equals sign is ignored. Thus:
+@@alias @var{new} = @var{existing}
+@end example
+For example, if your document contains citations for both books and
+some other media (movies, for example), you might like to define a
+macro @code{@@moviecite@{@}} that does the same thing as an ordinary
+@code{@@cite@{@}} but conveys the extra semantic information as well.
+You'd do this as follows:
+@@alias moviecite = cite
+@end example
+Macros do not always have the same effect due to vagaries of argument
+parsing. Also, aliases are much simpler to define than macros. So the
+command is not redundant. (It was also heavily used in the Jargon File!)
+Aliases must not be recursive, directly or indirectly.
+@node definfoenclose
+@section @samp{definfoenclose}: Customized Highlighting
+@cindex Highlighting, customized
+@cindex Customized highlighting
+@findex definfoenclose
+A @code{@@definfoenclose} command may be used to define a highlighting
+command for Info, but not for TeX. A command defined using
+@code{@@definfoenclose} marks text by enclosing it in strings that
+precede and follow the text. You can use this to get closer control of
+your Info output.
+Presumably, if you define a command with @code{@@definfoenclose} for Info,
+you will create a corresponding command for @TeX{}, either in
+@file{texinfo.tex}, @file{texinfo.cnf}, or within an @samp{@@iftex} in
+your document.
+Write a @code{@@definfoenclose} command on a line and follow it with
+three arguments separated by commas. The first argument to
+@code{@@definfoenclose} is the @@-command name (without the @code{@@});
+the second argument is the Info start delimiter string; and the third
+argument is the Info end delimiter string. The latter two arguments
+enclose the highlighted text in the Info file. A delimiter string may
+contain spaces. Neither the start nor end delimiter is required. If
+you do not want a start delimiter but do want an end delimiter, you must
+follow the command name with two commas in a row; otherwise, the Info
+formatting commands will naturally misinterpret the end delimiter string
+you intended as the start delimiter string.
+If you do a @code{@@definfoenclose} on the name of a pre-defined macro
+(such as @code{@@emph}, @code{@@strong}, @code{@@t}, or @code{@@i}), the
+enclosure definition will override the built-in definition.
+An enclosure command defined this way takes one argument in braces; this
+is intended for new markup commands (@pxref{Marking Text}).
+@findex phoo
+For example, you can write:
+@@definfoenclose phoo,//,\\
+@end example
+near the beginning of a Texinfo file to define @code{@@phoo} as an Info
+formatting command that inserts `//' before and `\\' after the argument
+to @code{@@phoo}. You can then write @code{@@phoo@{bar@}} wherever you
+want `//bar\\' highlighted in Info.
+Also, for TeX formatting, you could write
+@@end iftex
+@end example
+to define @code{@@phoo} as a command that causes TeX to typeset the
+argument to @code{@@phoo} in italics.
+Note that each definition applies to its own formatter: one for TeX,
+the other for @code{texinfo-format-buffer} or
+@code{texinfo-format-region}. The @code{@@definfoenclose} command need
+not be within @samp{@@ifinfo}, but the raw @TeX{} commands do need to be
+in @samp{@@iftex}.
+@findex headword
+Here is another example: write
+@@definfoenclose headword, , :
+@end example
+near the beginning of the file, to define @code{@@headword} as an Info
+formatting command that inserts nothing before and a colon after the
+argument to @code{@@headword}.
+@samp{@@definfoenclose} definitions must not be recursive, directly or
+@node Hardcopy
+@chapter Formatting and Printing Hardcopy
@cindex Format and print hardcopy
+@cindex Printing hardcopy
@cindex Hardcopy, printing it
@cindex Making a printed manual
@cindex Sorting indices
@@ -11916,49 +12645,49 @@ Texinfo file: one for converting the Texinfo file into a file that will be
printed, a second for sorting indices, and a third for printing the
formatted document. When you use the shell commands, you can either
work directly in the operating system shell or work within a shell
-inside GNU Emacs.@refill
+inside GNU Emacs.
If you are using GNU Emacs, you can use commands provided by Texinfo
mode instead of shell commands. In addition to the three commands to
format a file, sort the indices, and print the result, Texinfo mode
offers key bindings for commands to recenter the output buffer, show the
-print queue, and delete a job from the print queue.@refill
+print queue, and delete a job from the print queue.
* Use TeX:: Use @TeX{} to format for hardcopy.
-* Format with tex/texindex:: How to format in a shell.
-* Format with texi2dvi:: A simpler way to use the shell.
+* Format with tex/texindex:: How to format with explicit shell commands.
+* Format with texi2dvi:: A simpler way to format.
* Print with lpr:: How to print.
* Within Emacs:: How to format and print from an Emacs shell.
* Texinfo Mode Printing:: How to format and print in Texinfo mode.
* Compile-Command:: How to print using Emacs's compile command.
* Requirements Summary:: @TeX{} formatting requirements summary.
-* Preparing for TeX:: What you need to do to use @TeX{}.
+* Preparing for TeX:: What to do before you use @TeX{}.
* Overfull hboxes:: What are and what to do with overfull hboxes.
* smallbook:: How to print small format books and manuals.
* A4 Paper:: How to print on European A4 paper.
+* pagesizes:: How to print with customized page sizes.
* Cropmarks and Magnification:: How to print marks to indicate the size
of pages and how to print scaled up output.
+* PDF Output:: Portable Document Format output.
@end menu
-@node Use TeX, Format with tex/texindex, Format/Print Hardcopy, Format/Print Hardcopy
-@heading Use @TeX{}
-@end ifinfo
+@node Use TeX
+@section Use @TeX{}
The typesetting program called @TeX{} is used for formatting a Texinfo
-file. @TeX{} is a very powerful typesetting program and, if used right,
+file. @TeX{} is a very powerful typesetting program and, if used correctly,
does an exceptionally good job. (@xref{Obtaining TeX, , How to Obtain
@TeX{}}, for information on how to obtain @TeX{}.)
The @code{makeinfo}, @code{texinfo-format-region}, and
@code{texinfo-format-buffer} commands read the very same @@-commands
in the Texinfo file as does @TeX{}, but process them differently to
-make an Info file; see @ref{Create an Info File}.@refill
+make an Info file (@pxref{Creating an Info File}).
-@node Format with tex/texindex, Format with texi2dvi, Use TeX, Format/Print Hardcopy
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Format using @code{tex} and @code{texindex}
+@node Format with tex/texindex
+@section Format with @code{tex} and @code{texindex}
@cindex Shell formatting with @code{tex} and @code{texindex}
@cindex Formatting with @code{tex} and @code{texindex}
@cindex DVI file
@@ -11973,19 +12702,20 @@ tex foo.texi
@noindent @TeX{} will produce a @dfn{DVI file} as well as several auxiliary
files containing information for indices, cross references, etc. The
DVI file (for @dfn{DeVice Independent} file) can be printed on virtually
-any printe (see the following sections).
+any device (see the following sections).
@pindex texindex
The @code{tex} formatting command itself does not sort the indices; it
writes an output file of unsorted index data. (The @code{texi2dvi}
-command automatically generates indices; see @ref{Format with texi2dvi,,
-Format using @code{texi2dvi}}.) To generate a printed index after
+command automatically generates indices; @pxref{Format with texi2dvi,,
+Format with @code{texi2dvi}}.) To generate a printed index after
running the @code{tex} command, you first need a sorted index to work
from. The @code{texindex} command sorts indices. (The source file
@file{texindex.c} comes as part of the standard Texinfo distribution,
among other places.)@refill
@cindex Names of index files
+@cindex Index file names
The @code{tex} formatting command outputs unsorted index files under
names that obey a standard convention: the name of your main input file
with any @samp{.tex} (or similar, @pxref{tex invocation,,, web2c,
@@ -11993,14 +12723,14 @@ Web2c}) extension removed, followed by the two letter names of indices.
For example, the raw index output files for the input file
@file{foo.texinfo} would be @file{foo.cp}, @file{foo.vr}, @file{foo.fn},
@file{}, @file{} and @file{}. Those are exactly the
-arguments to give to @code{texindex}.@refill
+arguments to give to @code{texindex}.
@need 1000
@cindex Wildcards
@cindex Globbing
Instead of specifying all the unsorted index file names explicitly, you
can use @samp{??} as shell wildcards and give the command in this
texindex foo.??
@@ -12012,13 +12742,13 @@ including any that you have defined yourself using @code{@@defindex}
or @code{@@defcodeindex}. (You may execute @samp{texindex foo.??}
even if there are similarly named files with two letter extensions
that are not index files, such as @samp{foo.el}. The @code{texindex}
-command reports but otherwise ignores such files.)@refill
+command reports but otherwise ignores such files.)
For each file specified, @code{texindex} generates a sorted index file
whose name is made by appending @samp{s} to the input file name. The
-@code{@@printindex} command knows to look for a file of that name
+@code{@@printindex} command looks for a file with that name
(@pxref{Printing Indices & Menus}). @code{texindex} does not alter the
-raw index output file.@refill
+raw index output file.
After you have sorted the indices, you need to rerun the @code{tex}
formatting command on the Texinfo file. This regenerates the DVI file,
@@ -12027,7 +12757,7 @@ this time with up-to-date index entries.
Finally, you may need to run @code{tex} one more time, to get the page
numbers in the cross-references correct.
-To summarize, this is a four step process:
+To summarize, this is a five step process:
@@ -12045,43 +12775,84 @@ file, this time with indices and defined cross-references, but with page
numbers for the cross-references from last time, generally incorrect.
+Sort the indices again, with @code{texindex}.
Run @code{tex} one last time. This time the correct page numbers are
written for the cross-references.
@end enumerate
@pindex texi2dvi
-Alternatively, it's a one-step process: run @code{texi2dvi}.
+Alternatively, it's a one-step process: run @code{texi2dvi}
+(@pxref{Format with texi2dvi}).
You need not run @code{texindex} each time after you run @code{tex}. If
you do not, on the next run, the @code{tex} formatting command will use
whatever sorted index files happen to exist from the previous use of
-@code{texindex}. This is usually ok while you are
+@code{texindex}. This is usually ok while you are debugging.
+@cindex Auxiliary files, avoiding
+@findex novalidate
+@cindex Pointer validation, suppressing
+@cindex Chapters, formatting one at a time
+Sometimes you may wish to print a document while you know it is
+incomplete, or to print just one chapter of a document. In that case,
+the usual auxiliary files that @TeX{} creates and warnings @TeX{} gives
+when cross-references are not satisfied are just nuisances. You can
+avoid them with the @code{@@novalidate} command, which you must give
+@emph{before} the @code{@@setfilename} command
+(@pxref{setfilename,,@code{@@setfilename}}). Thus, the beginning of
+your file would look approximately like this:
+\input texinfo
+@end example
-@node Format with texi2dvi, Print with lpr, Format with tex/texindex, Format/Print Hardcopy
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Format using @code{texi2dvi}
+@noindent @code{@@novalidate} also turns off validation in
+@code{makeinfo}, just like its @code{--no-validate} option
+(@pxref{Pointer Validation}).
+@node Format with texi2dvi
+@section Format with @code{texi2dvi}
@pindex texi2dvi @r{(shell script)}
The @code{texi2dvi} command automatically runs both @code{tex} and
@code{texindex} as many times as necessary to produce a DVI file with
-up-to-date, sorted indices. It simplifies the
-@code{tex}---@code{texindex}---@code{tex} sequence described in the
-previous section.
+sorted indices and all cross-references resolved. It simplifies the
+@code{tex}---@code{texindex}---@code{tex}---@code{tex} sequence
+described in the previous section.
-The syntax for @code{texi2dvi} is like this (where @samp{prompt$} is your
-shell prompt):@refill
+To run @code{texi2dvi} on an input file @file{foo.texi}, do this (where
+@samp{prompt$ } is your shell prompt):
-prompt$ @kbd{texi2dvi @var{filename}@dots{}}
+prompt$ @kbd{texi2dvi foo.texi}
@end example
-For a list of options, run @samp{texi2dvi --help}.
+As shown in this example, the input filenames to @code{texi2dvi} must
+include any extension (@samp{.texi}, @samp{.texinfo}, etc.). Under
+MS-DOS and perhaps in other circumstances, you may need to run @samp{sh
+texi2dvi foo.texi} instead of relying on the operating system to invoke
+the shell on the @samp{texi2dvi} script.
+Perhaps the most useful option to @code{texi2dvi} is
+@samp{--texinfo=@var{cmd}}. This inserts @var{cmd} on a line by itself
+after the @code{@@setfilename} in a temporary copy of the input file
+before running @TeX{}. With this, you can specify different printing
+formats, such as @code{@@smallbook} (@pxref{smallbook}),
+@code{@@afourpaper} (@pxref{A4 Paper}), or @code{@@pageparams}
+(@pxref{pagesizes}), without actually changing the document source.
+(You can also do this on a site-wide basis with @file{texinfo.cnf};
+@pxref{Preparing for TeX,,Preparing for @TeX{}}).
-@node Print with lpr, Within Emacs, Format with texi2dvi, Format/Print Hardcopy
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+For a list of other options, run @samp{texi2dvi --help}.
+@node Print with lpr, Within Emacs, Format with texi2dvi, Hardcopy
@section Shell Print Using @code{lpr -d}
@pindex lpr @r{(DVI print command)}
@@ -12090,7 +12861,7 @@ installation, but @samp{lpr -d} is common. The command may require the
DVI file name without any extension or with a @samp{.dvi}
extension. (If it is @samp{lpr}, you must include the @samp{.dvi}.)
-The following commands, for example, will (probably) suffice to sort the
+For example, the following commands, will (perhaps) suffice to sort the
indices, format, and print the @cite{Bison Manual}:
@@ -12116,8 +12887,41 @@ lpr -d bison.dvi
@end group
@end example
-@node Within Emacs, Texinfo Mode Printing, Print with lpr, Format/Print Hardcopy
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@cindex Shell printing, on MS-DOS/MS-Windows
+@cindex Printing DVI files, on MS-DOS/MS-Windows
+@pindex lpr@r{-d, replacements on MS-DOS/MS-Windows}
+@code{lpr} is a standard program on Unix systems, but it is usually
+absent on MS-DOS/MS-Windows. Some network packages come with a
+program named @code{lpr}, but these are usually limited to sending files
+to a print server over the network, and generally don't support the
+@samp{-d} option. If you are unfortunate enough to work on one of these
+systems, you have several alternative ways of printing DVI files:
+@itemize @bullet{}
+@item Find and install a Unix-like @code{lpr} program, or its clone.
+If you can do that, you will be able to print DVI files just like
+described above.
+@item Send the DVI files to a network printer queue for DVI files.
+Some network printers have special queues for printing DVI files. You
+should be able to set up your network software to send files to that
+queue. In some cases, the version of @code{lpr} which comes with your
+network software will have a special option to send a file to specific
+queues, like this:
+lpr -Qdvi -hprint.server.domain bison.dvi
+@end example
+@item Convert the DVI file to a Postscript or PCL file and send it to your
+local printer. @xref{dvips invocation,,, dvips, Dvips}, and the man
+pages for @code{dvilj}, for detailed description of these tools. Once
+the DVI file is converted to the format your local printer understands
+directly, just send it to the appropriate port, usually @samp{PRN}.
+@end itemize
+@node Within Emacs
@section From an Emacs Shell
@cindex Print, format from Emacs shell
@cindex Format, print from Emacs shell
@@ -12127,8 +12931,8 @@ lpr -d bison.dvi
You can give formatting and printing commands from a shell within GNU
Emacs. To create a shell within Emacs, type @kbd{M-x shell}. In this
-shell, you can format and print the document. @xref{Format/Print
-Hardcopy, , Format and Print Hardcopy}, for details.@refill
+shell, you can format and print the document. @xref{Hardcopy, , Format
+and Print Hardcopy}, for details.
You can switch to and from the shell buffer while @code{tex} is
running and do other editing. If you are formatting a long document
@@ -12150,7 +12954,8 @@ lpr -d gcc.dvi
and printing in Texinfo mode.@refill
@end ifinfo
-@node Texinfo Mode Printing, Compile-Command, Within Emacs, Format/Print Hardcopy
+@node Texinfo Mode Printing, Compile-Command, Within Emacs, Hardcopy
@section Formatting and Printing in Texinfo Mode
@cindex Region printing in Texinfo mode
@cindex Format and print in Texinfo mode
@@ -12193,7 +12998,7 @@ number shown by a preceding @kbd{C-c C-t C-q} command
@item C-c C-t C-k
@itemx M-x tex-kill-job
-Kill the currently running @TeX{} job started by
+Kill the currently running @TeX{} job started by either
@code{texinfo-tex-region} or @code{texinfo-tex-buffer}, or any other
process running in the Texinfo shell buffer.@refill
@@ -12257,8 +13062,17 @@ emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}), with the @kbd{M-x set-variable} command
Emacs Manual}), or with your @file{.emacs} initialization file
(@pxref{Init File, , , emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}).@refill
-@node Compile-Command, Requirements Summary, Texinfo Mode Printing, Format/Print Hardcopy
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@cindex Customize Emacs package
+@findex Development/Docs/Texinfo Customize group
+Beginning with version 20, GNU Emacs offers a user-friendly interface,
+called @dfn{Customize}, for changing values of user-definable variables.
+@xref{Easy Customization, , Easy Customization Interface, emacs, The GNU
+Emacs Manual}, for more details about this. The Texinfo variables can
+be found in the @samp{Development/Docs/Texinfo} group, once you invoke
+the @kbd{M-x customize} command.
+@node Compile-Command, Requirements Summary, Texinfo Mode Printing, Hardcopy
@section Using the Local Variables List
@cindex Local variables
@cindex Compile command for formatting
@@ -12286,8 +13100,7 @@ This technique is most often used by programmers who also compile programs
this way; see @ref{Compilation, , , emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}.@refill
-@node Requirements Summary, Preparing for TeX, Compile-Command, Format/Print Hardcopy
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Requirements Summary
@section @TeX{} Formatting Requirements Summary
@cindex Requirements for formatting
@cindex Minimal requirements for formatting
@@ -12313,7 +13126,7 @@ processing and forces out unfinished pages:
@end example
Strictly speaking, these lines are all a Texinfo file needs to be
-processed successfully by @TeX{}.
+processed successfully by @TeX{}.
Usually, however, the beginning includes an @code{@@settitle} command to
define the title of the printed manual, an @code{@@setchapternewpage}
@@ -12321,31 +13134,20 @@ command, a title page, a copyright page, and permissions. Besides an
@code{@@bye}, the end of a file usually includes indices and a table of
contents. (And of course most manuals contain a body of text as well.)
-For more information, see
-@ref{settitle, , @code{@@settitle}},
-@ref{setchapternewpage, , @code{@@setchapternewpage}},
-@ref{Headings, ,Page Headings},
-@ref{Titlepage & Copyright Page},
-@ref{Printing Indices & Menus}, and
-@end iftex
-For more information, see@*
-@ref{settitle, , @code{@@settitle}},@*
-@ref{setchapternewpage, , @code{@@setchapternewpage}},@*
-@ref{Headings, ,Page Headings},@*
-@ref{Titlepage & Copyright Page},@*
-@ref{Printing Indices & Menus}, and@*
-@end ifinfo
+For more information, see:
+@itemize @bullet
+@item @ref{settitle, , @code{@@settitle}}
+@item @ref{setchapternewpage, , @code{@@setchapternewpage}}
+@item @ref{Headings, ,Page Headings}
+@item @ref{Titlepage & Copyright Page}
+@item @ref{Printing Indices & Menus}
+@item @ref{Contents}
+@end itemize
-@node Preparing for TeX, Overfull hboxes, Requirements Summary, Format/Print Hardcopy
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Preparing to Use @TeX{}
-@cindex Preparing to use @TeX{}
+@node Preparing for TeX
+@section Preparing for @TeX{}
+@cindex Preparing for @TeX{}
@cindex @TeX{} input initialization
@cindex @code{TEXINPUTS} environment variable
@@ -12378,14 +13180,14 @@ distribution. This file is needed to support the @code{@@image} command
@cindex Customizing of @TeX{} for Texinfo
@cindex Site-wide Texinfo configuration file
Optionally, you may create an additional @file{texinfo.cnf}, and install
-it as well. This file is read by @TeX{} at the @code{@@setfilename}
-command (@pxref{setfilename,, @code{@@setfilename}}). You can put any
-commands you like there according to local site-wide conventions, and
-they will be read by @TeX{} when processing any Texinfo document. For
-example, if @file{texinfo.cnf} contains the a single line
-@samp{@@afourpaper} (@pxref{A4 Paper}), then all Texinfo documents will
-be processed with that page size in effect. If you have nothing to put
-in @file{texinfo.cnf}, you do not need to create it.
+it as well. This file is read by @TeX{} when the @code{@@setfilename}
+command is executed (@pxref{setfilename,, @code{@@setfilename}}). You can put any
+commands you like there, according to local site-wide conventions. They
+will be read by @TeX{} when processing any Texinfo document. For
+example, if @file{texinfo.cnf} contains the line @samp{@@afourpaper}
+(@pxref{A4 Paper}), then all Texinfo documents will be processed with
+that page size in effect. If you have nothing to put in
+@file{texinfo.cnf}, you do not need to create it.
If neither of the above locations for these system files suffice for
@@ -12420,14 +13222,45 @@ export TEXINPUTS
@end group
@end example
+On MS-DOS/MS-Windows, you would say it like this@footnote{Note the use
+of the @samp{;} character, instead of @samp{:}, as directory separator
+on these systems.}:
+set TEXINPUTS=.;d:/home/me/mylib;c:/usr/lib/tex/macros
+@end group
+@end example
-This would cause @TeX{} to look for @file{\input} file first in the current
-directory, indicated by the @samp{.}, then in a hypothetical user's
-@file{me/mylib} directory, and finally in a system directory.
+It is customary for DOS/Windows users to put such commands in the
+@file{autoexec.bat} file, or in the Windows Registry.@refill
+These settings would cause @TeX{} to look for @file{\input} file first
+in the current directory, indicated by the @samp{.}, then in a
+hypothetical user's @file{me/mylib} directory, and finally in a system
+directory @file{/usr/lib/tex/macros}.
-@node Overfull hboxes, smallbook, Preparing for TeX, Format/Print Hardcopy
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@cindex Dumping a .fmt file
+@cindex Format file, dumping
+Finally, you may wish to dump a @file{.fmt} file (@pxref{Memory dumps,,,
+web2c, Web2c}) so that @TeX{} can load Texinfo faster. (The
+disadvantage is that then updating @file{texinfo.tex} requires
+redumping.) You can do this by running this command, assuming
+@file{epsf.tex} is findable by @TeX{}:
+initex texinfo @@dump
+@end example
+(@code{@@dump} is a @TeX{} primitive.) You'll then need to move
+@file{texinfo.fmt} to wherever your @code{.fmt} files are found;
+typically this will be in the subdirectory @file{web2c} of your @TeX{}
+installation, for example, @file{/usr/local/share/tex/web2c}.
+@node Overfull hboxes
@section Overfull ``hboxes''
@cindex Overfull @samp{hboxes}
@cindex @samp{hboxes}, overfull
@@ -12437,46 +13270,67 @@ directory, indicated by the @samp{.}, then in a hypothetical user's
the right margin. This can occur when @TeX{} comes upon what it
interprets as a long word that it cannot hyphenate, such as an
electronic mail network address or a very long title. When this
-happens, @TeX{} prints an error message like this:@refill
+happens, @TeX{} prints an error message like this:
-Overfull \hbox (20.76302pt too wide)
+Overfull @@hbox (20.76302pt too wide)
@end example
+@findex hbox
(In @TeX{}, lines are in ``horizontal boxes'', hence the term, ``hbox''.
-The backslash, @samp{\}, is the @TeX{} equivalent of @samp{@@}.)@refill
+@samp{@@hbox} is a @TeX{} primitive not needed in the Texinfo language.)
@TeX{} also provides the line number in the Texinfo source file and
the text of the offending line, which is marked at all the places that
-@TeX{} knows how to hyphenate words.
+@TeX{} considered hyphenation.
@xref{Debugging with TeX, , Catching Errors with @TeX{} Formatting},
-for more information about typesetting errors.@refill
+for more information about typesetting errors.
If the Texinfo file has an overfull hbox, you can rewrite the sentence
so the overfull hbox does not occur, or you can decide to leave it. A
small excursion into the right margin often does not matter and may not
-even be noticeable.@refill
+even be noticeable.
+If you have many overfull boxes and/or an antipathy to rewriting, you
+can coerce @TeX{} into greatly increasing the allowable interword
+spacing, thus (if you're lucky) avoiding many of the bad line breaks,
+like this:
+@findex \emergencystretch
+\global\emergencystretch = .9\hsize
+@@end tex
+@end example
+(You can adjust the fraction as needed.) This huge value for
+@code{\emergencystretch} cannot be the default, since then the typeset
+output would generally be of noticeably lower quality. The default
+value is @samp{.15\hsize}. @code{\hsize} is the @TeX{} dimension
+containing the current line width.
@cindex Black rectangle in hardcopy
-@cindex Rectangle, ugly, black in hardcopy
-However, unless told otherwise, @TeX{} will print a large, ugly, black
-rectangle beside the line that contains the overfull hbox. This is so
-you will notice the location of the problem if you are correcting a
+@cindex Rectangle, black in hardcopy
+@cindex Box, ugly black in hardcopy
+@cindex Ugly black rectangles in hardcopy
+For what overfull boxes you have, however, @TeX{} will print a large,
+ugly, black rectangle beside the line that contains the overfull hbox
+unless told otherwise. This is so you will notice the location of the
+problem if you are correcting a draft.
-@need 1000
@findex finalout
To prevent such a monstrosity from marring your final printout, write
the following in the beginning of the Texinfo file on a line of its own,
-before the @code{@@titlepage} command:@refill
+before the @code{@@titlepage} command:
@end example
-@node smallbook, A4 Paper, Overfull hboxes, Format/Print Hardcopy
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node smallbook
@section Printing ``Small'' Books
@findex smallbook
@cindex Small book size
@@ -12495,43 +13349,35 @@ file, before the title page:@refill
@end example
-(Since regular sized books are often about 7 by 9.25 inches, this
-command might better have been called the @code{@@regularbooksize}
-command, but it came to be called the @code{@@smallbook} command by
-comparison to the 8.5 by 11 inch format.)@refill
+(Since many books are about 7 by 9.25 inches, this command might better
+have been called the @code{@@regularbooksize} command, but it came to be
+called the @code{@@smallbook} command by comparison to the 8.5 by 11 inch format.)
If you write the @code{@@smallbook} command between the
start-of-header and end-of-header lines, the Texinfo mode @TeX{}
region formatting command, @code{texinfo-tex-region}, will format the
region in ``small'' book size (@pxref{Start of Header}).@refill
-The Free Software Foundation distributes printed copies of @cite{The GNU
-Emacs Manual} and other manuals in the ``small'' book size.
-@xref{smallexample & smalllisp, , @code{@@smallexample} and
-@code{@@smalllisp}}, for information about commands that make it easier
-to produce examples for a smaller manual.@refill
+@xref{small}, for information about
+commands that make it easier to produce examples for a smaller manual.
-Alternatively, to avoid embedding this physical paper size in your
-document, use @code{texi2dvi} to format your document (@pxref{Format
-with texi2dvi}), and supply @samp{-t @@smallbook} as an argument. Then
-other people do not have to change the document source file to format it
+@xref{Format with texi2dvi}, and @ref{Preparing for TeX,,Preparing for
+@TeX{}}, for other ways to format with @code{@@smallbook} that do not
+require changing the source file.
-@node A4 Paper, Cropmarks and Magnification, smallbook, Format/Print Hardcopy
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node A4 Paper
@section Printing on A4 Paper
@cindex A4 paper, printing on
@cindex Paper size, European A4
@cindex European A4 paper
@findex afourpaper
-You can tell @TeX{} to typeset a document for printing on European size
+You can tell @TeX{} to format a document for printing on European size
A4 paper with the @code{@@afourpaper} command. Write the command on a
-line by itself between @code{@@iftex} and @code{@@end iftex} lines near
-the beginning of the Texinfo file, before the title page:@refill
-For example, this is how you would write the header for this manual:@refill
+line by itself near the beginning of the Texinfo file, before the title
+page. For example, this is how you would write the header for this
@@ -12539,35 +13385,70 @@ For example, this is how you would write the header for this manual:@refill
@@c %**start of header
@@setfilename texinfo
@@settitle Texinfo
-@@syncodeindex vr fn
-@@end iftex
@@c %**end of header
@end group
@end example
-Alternatively, to avoid embedding this physical paper size in your
-document, use @code{texi2dvi} to format your document (@pxref{Format
-with texi2dvi}), and supply @samp{-t @@afourpaper} as an argument. Then
-other people do not have to change the document source file to format it
+@xref{Format with texi2dvi}, and @ref{Preparing for TeX,,Preparing for
+@TeX{}}, for other ways to format with @code{@@afourpaper} that do not
+require changing the source file.
-@pindex texinfo.cnf
-Another alternative: put the @code{@@afourpaper} command in the file
-@file{texinfo.cnf} that @TeX{} will read. (No need for @code{@@iftex}
-there.) This will automatically typeset all the Texinfo documents at
-your site with that paper size in effect.
+@findex afourlatex
+You may or may not prefer the formatting that results from the command
+@code{@@afourlatex}. There's also @code{@@afourwide} for A4 paper in
+wide format.
-@node Cropmarks and Magnification, , A4 Paper, Format/Print Hardcopy
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Cropmarks and Magnification
+@node pagesizes
+@section @code{@@pagesizes} [@var{width}][, @var{height}]: Custom page sizes
+@findex pagesizes
+@cindex Custom page sizes
+@cindex Page sizes, customized
+@cindex Text width and height
+@cindex Width of text area
+@cindex Height of text area
+@cindex Depth of text area
+You can explicitly specify the height and (optionally) width of the main
+text area on the page with the @code{@@pagesizes} command. Write this
+on a line by itself near the beginning of the Texinfo file, before the
+title page. The height comes first, then the width if desired,
+separated by a comma. Examples:
+@@pagesizes 200mm,150mm @c for b5 paper
+@end example
+@noindent and
+@@pagesizes 11.5in @c for legal paper
+@end example
+@cindex B5 paper, printing on
+@cindex Legal paper, printing on
+This would be reasonable for printing on B5-size paper. To emphasize,
+this command specifies the size of the @emph{text area}, not the size of
+the paper (which is 250@dmn{mm} by 177@dmn{mm} for B5, 14@dmn{in} by
+8.5@dmn{in} for legal).
+@cindex Margins on page, not controllable
+To make more elaborate changes, such as changing any of the page
+margins, you must define a new command in @file{texinfo.tex} (or
+@file{texinfo.cnf}, @pxref{Preparing for TeX,,Preparing for @TeX{}}).
+@xref{Format with texi2dvi}, and @ref{Preparing for TeX,,Preparing for
+@TeX{}}, for other ways to specify @code{@@pagesizes} that do not
+require changing the source file.
+@code{@@pagesizes} is ignored by @code{makeinfo}.
+@node Cropmarks and Magnification
+@section Cropmarks and Magnification
@findex cropmarks
@cindex Cropmarks for printing
@cindex Printing cropmarks
-You can attempt to direct @TeX{} to print cropmarks at the corners of
+You can (attempt to) direct @TeX{} to print cropmarks at the corners of
pages with the @code{@@cropmarks} command. Write the @code{@@cropmarks}
command on a line by itself between @code{@@iftex} and @code{@@end
iftex} lines near the beginning of the Texinfo file, before the title
@@ -12587,8 +13468,8 @@ book set to 7 by 9.25 inches with the @code{@@smallbook} command.
(Printers will not produce cropmarks for regular sized output that is
printed on regular sized paper.) Since different printing machines work
in different ways, you should explore the use of this command with a
-spirit of adventure. You may have to redefine the command in the
-@file{texinfo.tex} definitions file.@refill
+spirit of adventure. You may have to redefine the command in
@findex mag @r{(@TeX{} command)}
@cindex Magnified printing
@@ -12604,7 +13485,7 @@ write this command between @code{@@tex} and @code{@@end tex}
Follow the @code{\mag} command with an @samp{=} and then a number that
is 1000 times the magnification you desire. For example, to print pages
at 1.2 normal size, write the following near the beginning of the
-Texinfo file, before the title page:@refill
+Texinfo file, before the title page:
@@ -12615,27 +13496,69 @@ Texinfo file, before the title page:@refill
@end example
With some printing technologies, you can print normal-sized copies that
-look better than usual by using a larger-than-normal master.@refill
+look better than usual by giving a larger-than-normal master to your
+print shop. They do the reduction, thus effectively increasing the
-Depending on your system, @code{\mag} may not work or may work only at
-certain magnifications. Be prepared to experiment.@refill
+Depending on your system, DVI files prepared with a
+nonstandard-@code{\mag} may not print or may print only with certain
+magnifications. Be prepared to experiment.
-@node Create an Info File, Install an Info File, Format/Print Hardcopy, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@chapter Creating an Info File
+@node PDF Output
+@section PDF Output
+@cindex PDF output
+@pindex pdftex
+You can generate a PDF output file from Texinfo source by using the
+@command{pdftex} program to process your file instead of plain
+@command{tex}. Just run @samp{pdftex foo.texi} instead of @samp{tex
+foo.texi}, or give the @samp{--pdf} option to @command{texi2dvi}.
+PDF stands for Portable Document Format, and was invented by Adobe
+Systems. The
+@uref{, file format
+definition} is freely available, as is a
+@uref{, free viewer} for the X window
+system. Since PDF is a binary format, there is no @samp{@@ifpdf} or
+@samp{@@pdf} command by analogy with the other output formats.
+Despite the `portable' in the name, PDF files are nowhere near as
+portable in practice as the plain ASCII formats (Info, HTML) Texinfo
+also supports (portability relative to DVI is arguable). They also tend
+to be much larger and do not support the bitmap fonts used by @TeX{} (by
+default) very well. Nevertheless, a PDF file does preserve an actual
+printed document on a screen as faithfully as possible, unlike HTML,
+say, so have their place.
+PDF support in Texinfo is fairly rudimentary.
+@node Creating and Installing Info Files
+@chapter Creating and Installing Info Files
+This chapter describes how to create and install info files. @xref{Info
+Files}, for general information about the file format itself.
+* Creating an Info File::
+* Install an Info File::
+@end menu
+@node Creating an Info File
+@section Creating an Info File
@cindex Creating an Info file
-@cindex Info, creating an on-line file
+@cindex Info, creating an online file
@cindex Formatting a file for Info
-@code{makeinfo} is a utility that converts a Texinfo file into an Info
-file; @code{texinfo-format-region} and @code{texinfo-format-buffer} are
-GNU Emacs functions that do the same.@refill
-A Texinfo file must contain an @code{@@setfilename} line near its
-beginning, otherwise the Info formatting commands will fail.
+@code{makeinfo} is a program that converts a Texinfo file into an Info
+file, HTML file, or plain text. @code{texinfo-format-region} and
+@code{texinfo-format-buffer} are GNU Emacs functions that convert
+Texinfo to Info.
-For information on installing the Info file in the Info system, see
-@ref{Install an Info File}.@refill
+For information on installing the Info file in the Info system,
+@pxref{Install an Info File}.
* makeinfo advantages:: @code{makeinfo} provides better error checking.
@@ -12649,21 +13572,22 @@ For information on installing the Info file in the Info system, see
* Batch Formatting:: How to format for Info in Emacs Batch mode.
* Tag and Split Files:: How tagged and split files help Info
to run better.
+* makeinfo html:: Generating HTML output.
@end menu
-@node makeinfo advantages, Invoking makeinfo, Create an Info File, Create an Info File
-@heading @code{makeinfo} Preferred
-@end ifinfo
+@node makeinfo advantages
+@subsection @code{makeinfo} Preferred
The @code{makeinfo} utility creates an Info file from a Texinfo source
file more quickly than either of the Emacs formatting commands and
provides better error messages. We recommend it. @code{makeinfo} is a
C program that is independent of Emacs. You do not need to run Emacs to
use @code{makeinfo}, which means you can use @code{makeinfo} on machines
-that are too small to run Emacs. You can run @code{makeinfo} in
-any one of three ways: from an operating system shell, from a shell
-inside Emacs, or by typing a key command in Texinfo mode in Emacs.
+that are too small to run Emacs. You can run @code{makeinfo} in any one
+of three ways: from an operating system shell, from a shell inside
+Emacs, or by typing the @kbd{C-c C-m C-r} or the @kbd{C-c C-m C-b}
+command in Texinfo mode in Emacs.
The @code{texinfo-format-region} and the @code{texinfo-format-buffer}
@@ -12671,13 +13595,12 @@ commands are useful if you cannot run @code{makeinfo}. Also, in some
circumstances, they format short regions or buffers more quickly than
-@node Invoking makeinfo, makeinfo options, makeinfo advantages, Create an Info File
-@section Running @code{makeinfo} from a Shell
+@node Invoking makeinfo
+@subsection Running @code{makeinfo} from a Shell
To create an Info file from a Texinfo file, type @code{makeinfo}
followed by the name of the Texinfo file. Thus, to create the Info
file for Bison, type the following to the shell:
-is the prompt):@refill
makeinfo bison.texinfo
@@ -12698,9 +13621,9 @@ makeinfo --version
@end ifinfo
-@node makeinfo options, Pointer Validation, Invoking makeinfo, Create an Info File
+@node makeinfo options
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Options for @code{makeinfo}
+@subsection Options for @code{makeinfo}
@cindex @code{makeinfo} options
@cindex Options for @code{makeinfo}
@@ -12737,24 +13660,37 @@ The options are:
Cause the variable @var{var} to be defined. This is equivalent to
@code{@@set @var{var}} in the Texinfo file (@pxref{set clear value}).
+@item --commands-in-node-names
+@opindex --commands-in-node-names
+Allow @code{@@}-commands in node names. This is not recommended, as it
+can probably never be implemented in @TeX{}. It also makes
+@code{makeinfo} much slower. Also, this option is ignored when
+@samp{--no-validate} is used. @xref{Pointer Validation}, for more
@item --error-limit=@var{limit}
+@itemx -e @var{limit}
@opindex --error-limit=@var{limit}
+@opindex -e @var{limit}
Set the maximum number of errors that @code{makeinfo} will report
before exiting (on the assumption that continuing would be useless);
default 100.
-@need 150
@item --fill-column=@var{width}
+@itemx -f @var{width}
@opindex --fill-column=@var{width}
+@opindex -f @var{width}
Specify the maximum number of columns in a line; this is the right-hand
edge of a line. Paragraphs that are filled will be filled to this
width. (Filling is the process of breaking up and connecting lines so
that lines are the same length as or shorter than the number specified
as the fill column. Lines are broken between words.) The default value
-is 72.
+is 72. Ignored with @samp{--html}.
@item --footnote-style=@var{style}
+@itemx -s @var{style}
@opindex --footnote-style=@var{style}
+@opindex -s @var{style}
Set the footnote style to @var{style}, either @samp{end} for the end
node style (the default) or @samp{separate} for the separate node style.
The value set by this option overrides the value set in a Texinfo file
@@ -12762,45 +13698,78 @@ by an @code{@@footnotestyle} command (@pxref{Footnotes}). When the
footnote style is @samp{separate}, @code{makeinfo} makes a new node
containing the footnotes found in the current node. When the footnote
style is @samp{end}, @code{makeinfo} places the footnote references at
-the end of the current node.
+the end of the current node. Ignored with @samp{--html}.
@item --force
+@itemx -F
@opindex --force
+@opindex -F
Ordinarily, if the input file has errors, the output files are not
created. With this option, they are preserved.
@item --help
+@itemx -h
@opindex --help
+@opindex -h
Print a usage message listing all available options, then exit successfully.
+@item --html
+Generate HTML output rather than Info. @xref{makeinfo html}.
@item -I @var{dir}
@opindex -I @var{dir}
-Add @code{dir} to the directory search list for finding files that are
-included using the @code{@@include} command. By default,
-@code{makeinfo} searches only the current directory.
+Append @var{dir} to the directory search list for finding files that
+are included using the @code{@@include} command. By default,
+@code{makeinfo} searches only the current directory. If @var{dir} is
+not given, the current directory @file{.} is appended. Note that
+@var{dir} can actually be a list of several directories separated by the
+usual path separator character (@samp{:} on Unix, @samp{;} on
+@item --macro-expand=@var{file}
+@itemx -E @var{file}
+Output the Texinfo source with all the macros expanded to the named
+file. Normally, the results of macro expansion are used internally by
+@code{makeinfo} and then discarded. This option is used by
+@command{texi2dvi} if you are using an old version of @file{texinfo.tex}
+that does not support @code{@@macro}.
@item --no-headers
@opindex --no-headers
-Do not include menus or node lines in the output. This results in an
-@sc{ascii} file that you cannot read in Info since it does not contain
-the requisite nodes or menus. It is primarily useful to extract certain
-pieces of a manual into separate files to be included in a distribution,
-such as @file{INSTALL} files.
+@cindex Plain text output
+@cindex ASCII text output
+@cindex Generating plain text files
+@cindex @file{INSTALL} file, generating
+For Info output, do not include menus or node lines in the output and
+write to standard output (unless @option{--output} is specified). This
+results in an @sc{ascii} file that you cannot read in Info since it does
+not contain the requisite nodes or menus. It is primarily useful to
+extract certain pieces of a manual into separate files to be included in
+a distribution, such as @file{INSTALL} files.
+@cindex Navigation links, omitting
+For HTML output, if @samp{--no-split} is also specified, do not include a
+navigation links at the top of each node. @xref{makeinfo html}.
@item --no-split
@opindex --no-split
+@cindex Splitting of output files
+@cindex Output file splitting
Suppress the splitting stage of @code{makeinfo}. By default, large
output files (where the size is greater than 70k bytes) are split into
-smaller subfiles, each one approximately 50k bytes.
+smaller subfiles. For Info output, each one is approximately 50k bytes.
+For HTML output, each file contains one node (@pxref{makeinfo html}).
@item --no-pointer-validate
@itemx --no-validate
@opindex --no-pointer-validate
@opindex --no-validate
-Suppress the pointer-validation phase of @code{makeinfo}. Normally,
-after a Texinfo file is processed, some consistency checks are made to
-ensure that cross references can be resolved, etc.
-@xref{Pointer Validation}.@refill
+@cindex Pointer validation, suppressing
+Suppress the pointer-validation phase of @code{makeinfo}. This can also
+be done with the @code{@@novalidate} command (@pxref{Use TeX,,Use
+@TeX{}}). Normally, after a Texinfo file is processed, some consistency
+checks are made to ensure that cross references can be resolved, etc.
+@xref{Pointer Validation}.
@item --no-warn
@opindex --no-warn
@@ -12809,6 +13778,10 @@ want this if the file you are creating has examples of Texinfo cross
references within it, and the nodes that are referenced do not actually
+@item --number-sections
+@opindex --number-sections
+Output chapter, section, and appendix numbers as in printed manuals.
@item --no-number-footnotes
@opindex --no-number-footnotes
Suppress automatic footnote numbering. By default, @code{makeinfo}
@@ -12822,15 +13795,20 @@ current footnote number to 1 at the start of each node.
Specify that the output should be directed to @var{file} and not to the
file name specified in the @code{@@setfilename} command found in the
Texinfo source (@pxref{setfilename}). If @var{file} is @samp{-}, output
-goes to standard output and @samp{--no-split} is implied.
+goes to standard output and @samp{--no-split} is implied. For split
+HTML output, @var{file} is the name of the output file for the top node
+(@pxref{makeinfo html}).
@item -P @var{dir}
@opindex -P @var{dir}
-Prepend @code{dir} to the directory search list for @code{@@include}.
+Prepend @var{dir} to the directory search list for @code{@@include}.
+If @var{dir} is not given, the current directory @file{.} is prepended.
See @samp{-I} for more details.
@item --paragraph-indent=@var{indent}
+@itemx -p @var{indent}
@opindex --paragraph-indent=@var{indent}
+@opindex -p @var{indent}
Set the paragraph indentation style to @var{indent}. The value set by
this option overrides the value set in a Texinfo file by an
@code{@@paragraphindent} command (@pxref{paragraphindent}). The value
@@ -12844,11 +13822,13 @@ Preserve any existing indentation at the starts of paragraphs.
Delete any existing indentation.
@item @var{num}
-Indent each paragraph by that number of spaces.
+Indent each paragraph by @var{num} spaces.
@end table
@item --reference-limit=@var{limit}
+@itemx -r @var{limit}
@opindex --reference-limit=@var{limit}
+@opindex -r @var{limit}
Set the value of the number of references to a node that
@code{makeinfo} will make without reporting a warning. If a node has more
than this number of references in it, @code{makeinfo} will make the
@@ -12865,21 +13845,24 @@ Normally, @code{makeinfo} only outputs messages if there are errors or
@item --version
+@itemx -V
@opindex --version
+@opindex -V
Print the version number, then exit successfully.
@end table
-@node Pointer Validation, makeinfo in Emacs, makeinfo options, Create an Info File
-@section Pointer Validation
+@node Pointer Validation
+@subsection Pointer Validation
@cindex Pointer validation with @code{makeinfo}
@cindex Validation of pointers
-If you do not suppress pointer-validation, @code{makeinfo} will check
-the validity of the final Info file. Mostly, this means ensuring that
-nodes you have referenced really exist. Here is a complete list of what
-is checked:@refill
+If you do not suppress pointer validation with the @samp{--no-validate}
+option or the @code{@@novalidate} command in the source file (@pxref{Use
+TeX,,Use @TeX{}}), @code{makeinfo} will check the validity of the final
+Info file. Mostly, this means ensuring that nodes you have referenced
+really exist. Here is a complete list of what is checked:
@@ -12889,15 +13872,16 @@ node in the current file and is not an external reference such as to
In every node, if the `Previous' node is different from the `Up' node,
-then the `Previous' node must also be pointed to by a `Next' node.@refill
+then the node pointed to by the `Previous' field must have a `Next'
+field which points back to this node.@refill
Every node except the `Top' node must have an `Up' pointer.@refill
-The node referenced by an `Up' pointer must contain a reference to the
-current node in some manner other than through a `Next' reference.
-This includes menu entries and cross references.@refill
+The node referenced by an `Up' pointer must itself reference the current
+node through a menu item, unless the node referenced by `Up'
+has the form `(@var{file})'.
If the `Next' reference of a node is not the same as the `Next' reference
@@ -12905,10 +13889,62 @@ of the `Up' reference, then the node referenced by the `Next' pointer
must have a `Previous' pointer that points back to the current node.
This rule allows the last node in a section to point to the first node
of the next chapter.@refill
+Every node except `Top' should be referenced by at least one other node,
+either via the `Previous' or `Next' links, or via a menu or a
@end enumerate
-@node makeinfo in Emacs, texinfo-format commands, Pointer Validation, Create an Info File
-@section Running @code{makeinfo} inside Emacs
+@cindex @@-commands in @@node, limited support
+Some Texinfo documents might fail during the validation phase because
+they use commands like @code{@@value} and @code{@@definfoenclose} in
+node definitions and cross-references inconsistently. Consider the
+following example:
+@@set nodename Node 1
+@@node @@value@{nodename@}, Node 2, Top, Top
+This is node 1.
+@@node Node 2, , Node 1, Top
+This is node 2.
+@end group
+@end example
+Here, the node ``Node 1'' was referenced both verbatim and through
+By default, @code{makeinfo} fails such cases, because node names are not
+fully expanded until they are written to the output file. You should
+always try to reference nodes consistently; e.g., in the above example,
+the second @code{@@node} line should have also used @code{@@value}.
+However, if, for some reason, you @emph{must} reference node names
+inconsistently, and @code{makeinfo} fails to validate the file, you can
+use the @samp{--commands-in-node-names} option to force @code{makeinfo}
+to perform the expensive expansion of all node names it finds in the
+document. This might considerably slow down the program, though;
+twofold increase in conversion time was measured for large documents
+such as the Jargon file.
+@cindex @@value in @@node lines
+The support for @code{@@}-commands in @code{@@node} directives is not
+general enough to be freely used. For example, if the example above
+redefined @code{nodename} somewhere in the document, @code{makeinfo}
+will fail to convert it, even if invoked with the
+@samp{--commands-in-node-names} option.
+@samp{--commands-in-node-names} has no effect if the @samp{--no-validate}
+option is given.
+@node makeinfo in Emacs
+@subsection Running @code{makeinfo} inside Emacs
@cindex Running @code{makeinfo} in Emacs
@cindex @code{makeinfo} inside Emacs
@cindex Shell, running @code{makeinfo} in
@@ -12959,8 +13995,8 @@ output.@refill
@item C-c C-m C-k
@itemx M-x makeinfo-kill-job
@findex makeinfo-kill-job
-Kill the current running @code{makeinfo} job created by
-@code{makeinfo-region} or @code{makeinfo-buffer}.@refill
+Kill the current running @code{makeinfo} job
+(from @code{makeinfo-region} or @code{makeinfo-buffer}).@refill
@item C-c C-m C-l
@itemx M-x makeinfo-recenter-output-buffer
@@ -12993,8 +14029,8 @@ For example, you could write the following in your @file{.emacs} file:@refill
@c three references to the same named manual, which looks strange.
For more information, see @ref{makeinfo options, , Options for
-@code{makeinfo}}, as well as ``Editing Variable Values,''``Examining and
-Setting Variables,'' and ``Init File'' in the @cite{The GNU Emacs
+@code{makeinfo}}, as well as ``Editing Variable Values,'' ``Examining
+and Setting Variables,'' and ``Init File'' in @cite{The GNU Emacs
@end iftex
@@ -13006,9 +14042,9 @@ For more information, see@*
@ref{makeinfo options, , Options for @code{makeinfo}}.
@end ifinfo
-@node texinfo-format commands, Batch Formatting, makeinfo in Emacs, Create an Info File
+@node texinfo-format commands
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section The @code{texinfo-format@dots{}} Commands
+@subsection The @code{texinfo-format@dots{}} Commands
@findex texinfo-format-region
@findex texinfo-format-buffer
@@ -13043,9 +14079,9 @@ procedures are described in an appendix; see @ref{Catching Mistakes}.
However, the @code{makeinfo} program is often faster and
provides better error checking (@pxref{makeinfo in Emacs}).@refill
-@node Batch Formatting, Tag and Split Files, texinfo-format commands, Create an Info File
+@node Batch Formatting
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Batch Formatting
+@subsection Batch Formatting
@cindex Batch formatting for Info
@cindex Info batch formatting
@@ -13075,9 +14111,9 @@ you can continue working in it. (When you run
@code{texinfo-format-region} or @code{texinfo-format-buffer}, you cannot
use that Emacs for anything else until the command finishes.)@refill
-@node Tag and Split Files, , Batch Formatting, Create an Info File
+@node Tag and Split Files
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Tag Files and Split Files
+@subsection Tag Files and Split Files
@cindex Making a tag table automatically
@cindex Tag table, making automatically
@@ -13093,8 +14129,8 @@ bytes, @code{texinfo-format-buffer} and @code{makeinfo} split the
large Info file into shorter @dfn{indirect} subfiles of about 50,000
bytes each. Big files are split into smaller files so that Emacs does
not need to make a large buffer to hold the whole of a large Info
-file; instead, Emacs allocates just enough memory for the small, split
-off file that is needed at the time. This way, Emacs avoids wasting
+file; instead, Emacs allocates just enough memory for the small, split-off
+file that is needed at the time. This way, Emacs avoids wasting
memory when you run Info. (Before splitting was implemented, Info
files were always kept short and @dfn{include files} were designed as
a way to create a single, large printed manual out of the smaller Info
@@ -13104,16 +14140,16 @@ Reference Manual}, in which each chapter is a separate file.)@refill
When a file is split, Info itself makes use of a shortened version of
the original file that contains just the tag table and references to
-the files that were split off. The split off files are called
+the files that were split off. The split-off files are called
@dfn{indirect} files.@refill
-The split off files have names that are created by appending @w{@samp{-1}},
+The split-off files have names that are created by appending @w{@samp{-1}},
@w{@samp{-2}}, @w{@samp{-3}} and so on to the file name specified by the
@code{@@setfilename} command. The shortened version of the original file
continues to have the name specified by @code{@@setfilename}.@refill
At one stage in writing this document, for example, the Info file was saved
-as @file{test-texinfo} and that file looked like this:@refill
+as the file @file{test-texinfo} and that file looked like this:@refill
@@ -13143,7 +14179,7 @@ Node: conventions^?6855
(But @file{test-texinfo} had far more nodes than are shown here.) Each of
-the split off, indirect files, @file{test-texinfo-1},
+the split-off, indirect files, @file{test-texinfo-1},
@file{test-texinfo-2}, and @file{test-texinfo-3}, is listed in this file
after the line that says @samp{Indirect:}. The tag table is listed after
the line that says @samp{Tag table:}. @refill
@@ -13153,7 +14189,7 @@ records the cumulative number of bytes in the preceding indirect files,
not counting the file list itself, the tag table, or the permissions
text in each file. In the tag table, the number following the node name
records the location of the beginning of the node, in bytes from the
+beginning of the (unsplit) output.
If you are using @code{texinfo-format-buffer} to create Info files,
you may want to run the @code{Info-validate} command. (The
@@ -13165,9 +14201,50 @@ validate the structure of the nodes, see @ref{Using
-@node Install an Info File, Command List, Create an Info File, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@chapter Installing an Info File
+@node makeinfo html
+@subsection Generating HTML
+@cindex HTML
+As an alternative to the normal Info format output you can use the
+@samp{--html} option to generate output in HTML format, for installation
+on a web site (for example). In this release, HTML output from
+@code{makeinfo} is monolithic, splitting the output by chapter or node
+is not supported. We hope to implement this feature soon.
+The HTML output file is named according to @code{@@setfilename}, but
+with any @samp{.info} extension replaced with @samp{.html}.
+Texinfo input marked up with the @code{@@ifhtml} command will produce
+output only with the @samp{--html} option supplied. Input marked up
+with the @code{@@html} is passed literally to the output (suppressing
+the normal escaping of input @samp{<}, @samp{>} and @samp{&} characters
+which have special significance in HTML).
+The @samp{--footnote-style} option is currently ignored for HTML output;
+footnotes are hyperlinked at the end of the output file.
+The HTML generated is mostly standard (i.e., HTML 2.0, RFC1866). The
+exception is that HTML 3.2 tables are generated from the
+@code{@@multitable} command, but tagged to degrade as well as possible
+in browsers without table support. Please report output from an
+error-free run of @code{makeinfo} which violates the HTML 3.2 DTD as a
+Navigation bars are inserted at the start of nodes, similarly to Info
+output. The @samp{--no-headers} option will suppress this if used with
+@samp{--no-split}. Header @code{<link>} elements in split output can
+support info-like navigation with browsers like Lynx and @w{Emacs W3}
+which implement this @w{HTML 1.0} feature. You still won't normally get
+the multi-file regexp and index search facilities provided by Info
+readers. Otherwise, hyperlinks are generated from Texinfo commands
+where appropriate. @samp{@@xref} commands to other documents are
+generated assuming the other document is available in HTML form too, and
+@samp{.html} is appended to the @samp{@@xref} Info file name. This
+presumably will often not work.
+@node Install an Info File
+@section Installing an Info File
@cindex Installing an Info file
@cindex Info file installation
@cindex @file{dir} directory for Info installation
@@ -13177,7 +14254,7 @@ Info files using the standalone Info program or the Info reader built
into Emacs. (@inforef{Top, info, info}, for an introduction to Info.)
-* Directory file:: The top level menu for all Info files.
+* Directory File:: The top level menu for all Info files.
* New Info File:: Listing a new info file.
* Other Info Directories:: How to specify Info files that are
located in other directories.
@@ -13186,10 +14263,9 @@ into Emacs. (@inforef{Top, info, info}, for an introduction to Info.)
* Invoking install-info:: @code{install-info} options.
@end menu
-@node Directory file, New Info File, Install an Info File, Install an Info File
-@heading The @file{dir} File
-@end ifinfo
+@node Directory File
+@subsection The Directory File @file{dir}
For Info to work, the @file{info} directory must contain a file that
serves as a top level directory for the Info system. By convention,
@@ -13204,7 +14280,6 @@ this:@refill
* Menu:
* Info: (info). Documentation browsing system.
* Emacs: (emacs). The extensible, self-documenting
text editor.
@@ -13234,21 +14309,17 @@ File: emacs Node: Top, Up: (DIR), Next: Distrib
@end example
-(Note that in this case, the @file{dir} file name is written in upper
-case letters---it can be written in either upper or lower case. Info
-has a feature that it will change the case of the file name to lower
-case if it cannot find the name as written.)@refill
-@c !!! Can any file name be written in upper or lower case,
-@c or is dir a special case?
-@c Yes, apparently so, at least with Gillespie's Info. --rjc 24mar92
+In this case, the @file{dir} file name is written in upper case
+letters---it can be written in either upper or lower case. This is not
+true in general, it is a special case for @file{dir}.
-@node New Info File, Other Info Directories, Directory file, Install an Info File
-@section Listing a New Info File
+@node New Info File
+@subsection Listing a New Info File
@cindex Adding a new info file
@cindex Listing a new info file
@cindex New info file, listing it in @file{dir} file
-@cindex Info file, listing new one
+@cindex Info file, listing a new
@cindex @file{dir} file listing
To add a new Info file to your system, you must write a menu entry to
@@ -13268,25 +14339,26 @@ followed by a period. The third part is the description.
The name of an Info file often has a @file{.info} extension. Thus, the
Info file for GDB might be called either @file{gdb} or @file{}.
The Info reader programs automatically try the file name both with and
-without @file{.info}; so it is better to avoid clutter and not to write
-@samp{.info} explicitly in the menu entry. For example, the GDB menu
-entry should use just @samp{gdb} for the file name, not @samp{}.
+without @file{.info}@footnote{On MS-DOS/MS-Windows systems, Info will
+try the @file{.inf} extension as well.}; so it is better to avoid
+clutter and not to write @samp{.info} explicitly in the menu entry. For
+example, the GDB menu entry should use just @samp{gdb} for the file
+name, not @samp{}.
-@node Other Info Directories, Installing Dir Entries, New Info File, Install an Info File
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@section Info Files in Other Directories
+@node Other Info Directories
+@subsection Info Files in Other Directories
@cindex Installing Info in another directory
@cindex Info installed in another directory
@cindex Another Info directory
+@cindex @file{dir} files and Info directories
If an Info file is not in the @file{info} directory, there are three
ways to specify its location:@refill
-@itemize @bullet
-Write the pathname in the @file{dir} file as the second part of the
+Write the pathname in the @file{dir} file as the second part of the menu.
If you are using Emacs, list the name of the file in a second @file{dir}
@@ -13294,58 +14366,63 @@ file, in its directory; and then add the name of that directory to the
@code{Info-directory-list} variable in your personal or site
initialization file.
-This tells Emacs where to look for @file{dir} files. Emacs merges the
-files named @file{dir} from each of the listed directories. (In Emacs
-version 18, you can set the @code{Info-directory} variable to the name
-of only one directory.)@refill
+This variable tells Emacs where to look for @file{dir} files (the files
+must be named @file{dir}). Emacs merges the files named @file{dir} from
+each of the listed directories. (In Emacs version 18, you can set the
+@code{Info-directory} variable to the name of only one
Specify the Info directory name in the @code{INFOPATH} environment
variable in your @file{.profile} or @file{.cshrc} initialization file.
(Only you and others who set this environment variable will be able to
-find Info files whose location is specified this way.)@refill
-@end itemize
+find Info files whose location is specified this way.)
+@end enumerate
-For example, to reach a test file in the @file{/home/bob/manuals}
+For example, to reach a test file in the @file{/home/bob/info}
directory, you could add an entry like this to the menu in the
-@file{dir} file:@refill
+standard @file{dir} file:@refill
-* Test: (/home/bob/manuals/info-test). Bob's own test file.
+* Test: (/home/bob/info/info-test). Bob's own test file.
@end example
In this case, the absolute file name of the @file{info-test} file is
written as the second part of the menu entry.@refill
-@vindex Info-directory-list
Alternatively, you could write the following in your @file{.emacs}
+@vindex Info-directory-list
+(require 'info)
(setq Info-directory-list
- '("/home/bob/manuals"
- "/usr/local/info"))
+ (cons (expand-file-name "/home/bob/info") Info-directory-list))
@end group
@end example
-@c reworded to avoid overfill hbox
This tells Emacs to merge the @file{dir} file from the
-@file{/home/bob/manuals} directory with the @file{dir} file from the
-@file{/usr/local/info} directory. Info will list the
-@file{/home/bob/manuals/info-test} file as a menu entry in the
-@file{/home/bob/manuals/dir} file.@refill
+@file{/home/bob/info} directory with the system @file{dir} file. Info
+will list the @file{/home/bob/info/info-test} file as a menu entry in
+the @file{/home/bob/info/dir} file. Emacs does the merging only
+when @kbd{M-x info} is first run, so if you want to set
+@code{Info-directory-list} in an Emacs session where you've already run
+@code{info}, you must @code{(setq Info-dir-contents nil)} to force Emacs
+to recompose the @file{dir} file.
@vindex INFOPATH
Finally, you can tell Info where to look by setting the @code{INFOPATH}
-environment variable in your @file{.cshrc} or @file{.profile} file. If
-you use a Bourne-compatible shell such as @code{sh} or @code{bash} for
-your shell command interpreter, you set the @code{INFOPATH} environment
-variable in the @file{.profile} initialization file; but if you use
-@code{csh} or @code{tcsh}, you must set the variable in the
-@file{.cshrc} initialization file. The two types of shells use
-different syntax.
+environment variable in your shell startup file, such as @file{.cshrc},
+@file{.profile} or @file{autoexec.bat}. If you use a Bourne-compatible
+shell such as @code{sh} or @code{bash} for your shell command
+interpreter, you set the @code{INFOPATH} environment variable in the
+@file{.profile} initialization file; but if you use @code{csh} or
+@code{tcsh}, you set the variable in the @file{.cshrc} initialization
+file. On MS-DOS/MS-Windows systems, you must set @code{INFOPATH} in
+your @file{autoexec.bat} file or in the Registry. Each type of shell
+uses a different syntax.
@itemize @bullet
@@ -13353,7 +14430,7 @@ In a @file{.cshrc} file, you could set the @code{INFOPATH}
variable as follows:@refill
-setenv INFOPATH .:~/manuals:/usr/local/emacs/info
+setenv INFOPATH .:~/info:/usr/local/emacs/info
@end smallexample
@@ -13361,21 +14438,35 @@ In a @file{.profile} file, you would achieve the same effect by
@end smallexample
+@pindex autoexec.bat
+In a @file{autoexec.bat} file, you write this command@footnote{Note the
+use of @samp{;} as the directory separator, and a different syntax for
+using values of other environment variables.}:
+set INFOPATH=.;%HOME%/info;c:/usr/local/emacs/info
+@end smallexample
@end itemize
The @samp{.} indicates the current directory as usual. Emacs uses the
@code{INFOPATH} environment variable to initialize the value of Emacs's
-own @code{Info-directory-list} variable.
-@cindex @samp{:} @r{last in @code{INFOPATH}}
-However you set @code{INFOPATH}, if its last character is a colon, this
+own @code{Info-directory-list} variable. The stand-alone Info reader
+merges any files named @file{dir} in any directory listed in the
+@env{INFOPATH} variable into a single menu presented to you in the node
+called @samp{(dir)Top}.
+@cindex @samp{:} @r{last in @env{INFOPATH}}
+However you set @env{INFOPATH}, if its last character is a
+colon@footnote{On MS-DOS/MS-Windows systems, use semi-colon instead.}, this
is replaced by the default (compiled-in) path. This gives you a way to
augment the default path with new directories without having to list all
-the standard places. For example (using @code{sh} syntax:
+the standard places. For example (using @code{sh} syntax):
@@ -13386,9 +14477,16 @@ export INFOPATH
will search @file{/local/info} first, then the standard directories.
Leading or doubled colons are not treated specially.
+@cindex @file{dir} file, creating your own
+When you create your own @file{dir} file for use with
+@code{Info-directory-list} or @env{INFOPATH}, it's easiest to start by
+copying an existing @file{dir} file and replace all the text after the
+@samp{* Menu:} with your desired entries. That way, the punctuation and
+special CTRL-_ characters that Info needs will be present.
@node Installing Dir Entries, Invoking install-info, Other Info Directories, Install an Info File
-@section Installing Info Directory Files
+@subsection Installing Info Directory Files
When you install an Info file onto your system, you can use the program
@code{install-info} to update the Info directory file @file{dir}.
@@ -13398,11 +14496,12 @@ after copying the Info file into its proper installed location.
@findex dircategory
@findex direntry
In order for the Info file to work with @code{install-info}, you should
-use the commands @code{@@dircategory} and @code{@@direntry} in the
-Texinfo source file. Use @code{@@direntry} to specify the menu entry to
-add to the Info directory file, and use @code{@@dircategory} to specify
-which part of the Info directory to put it in. Here is how these
-commands are used in this manual:
+use the commands @code{@@dircategory} and
+@code{@@direntry}@dots{}@code{@@end direntry} in the Texinfo source
+file. Use @code{@@direntry} to specify the menu entries to add to the
+Info directory file, and use @code{@@dircategory} to specify which part
+of the Info directory to put it in. Here is how these commands are used
+in this manual:
@@dircategory Texinfo documentation system
@@ -13434,38 +14533,50 @@ command. If you use them later on in the input, @code{install-info}
will not notice them.
If you use @code{@@dircategory} more than once in the Texinfo source,
-each usage specifies one category; the new menu entry is added to the
-Info directory file in each of the categories you specify. If you use
-@code{@@direntry} more than once, each usage specifies one menu entry;
-each of these menu entries is added to the directory in each of the
-specified categories.
+each usage specifies the `current' category; any subsequent
+@code{@@direntry} commands will add to that category.
+Here are some recommended @code{@@dircategory} categories: `GNU
+packages', `GNU programming tools', `GNU programming documentation',
+`GNU Emacs Lisp', `GNU libraries', `Linux', `TeX', `Individual
+utilities'. The idea is to include the `invoking' node for every
+program installed by a package under `Individual utilities', and an
+entry for the manual as a whole in the appropriate other category.
-@node Invoking install-info, , Installing Dir Entries, Install an Info File
-@section Invoking install-info
+@node Invoking install-info
+@subsection Invoking install-info
@pindex install-info
@code{install-info} inserts menu entries from an Info file into the
top-level @file{dir} file in the Info system (see the previous sections
for an explanation of how the @file{dir} file works). It's most often
-run as part of software installation, or when constructing a dir file
+run as part of software installation, or when constructing a @file{dir} file
for all manuals on a system. Synopsis:
install-info [@var{option}]@dots{} [@var{info-file} [@var{dir-file}]]
@end example
-If @var{info-file} or @var{dir-file} are not specified, the various
-options (described below) that define them must be. There are no
-compile-time defaults, and standard input is never used.
-@code{install-info} can read only one info file and write only one dir
-file per invocation.
+If @var{info-file} or @var{dir-file} are not specified, the options
+(described below) that define them must be. There are no compile-time
+defaults, and standard input is never used. @code{install-info} can
+read only one Info file and write only one @file{dir} file per invocation.
@cindex @file{dir}, created by @code{install-info}
If @var{dir-file} (however specified) does not exist,
@code{install-info} creates it if possible (with no entries).
+@cindex Compressed files, reading
+@cindex Dir files, compressed
+If any input file is compressed with @code{gzip} (@pxref{Invoking
+gzip,,,gzip, Gzip}), @code{install-info} automatically uncompresses it
+for reading. And if @var{dir-file} is compressed, @code{install-info}
+also automatically leaves it compressed after writing any changes.
+If @var{dir-file} itself does not exist, @code{install-info} tries to
+open @file{@var{dir-file}.gz}.
@table @code
@@ -13476,12 +14587,16 @@ name in the entry in @var{dir-file} must be @var{info-file} (except for
an optional @samp{.info} in either one). Don't insert any new entries.
@item --dir-file=@var{name}
+@itemx -d @var{name}
@opindex --dir-file=@var{name}
+@opindex -d @var{name}
Specify file name of the Info directory file. This is equivalent to
using the @var{dir-file} argument.
@item --entry=@var{text}
+@itemx -e @var{text}
@opindex --entry=@var{text}
+@opindex -e @var{text}
Insert @var{text} as an Info directory entry; @var{text} should have the
form of an Info menu item line plus zero or more extra lines starting
with whitespace. If you specify more than one entry, they are all
@@ -13489,17 +14604,24 @@ added. If you don't specify any entries, they are determined from
information in the Info file itself.
@item --help
+@itemx -h
@opindex --help
+@opindex -h
Display a usage message listing basic usage and all available options,
then exit successfully.
@item --info-file=@var{file}
+@itemx -i @var{file}
@opindex --info-file=@var{file}
+@opindex -i @var{file}
Specify Info file to install in the directory.
-This is equivalent to using the @var{info-file} argument.
+Equivalent to using the @var{info-file} argument.
@item --info-dir=@var{dir}
+@itemx -D @var{dir}
@opindex --info-dir=@var{dir}
+@opindex -D @var{dir}
+Specify the directory where @file{dir} resides.
Equivalent to @samp{--dir-file=@var{dir}/dir}.
@item --item=@var{text}
@@ -13512,33 +14634,40 @@ a menu item.
Suppress warnings.
@item --remove
+@itemx -r
@opindex --remove
+@opindex -r
Same as @samp{--delete}.
@item --section=@var{sec}
+@itemx -s @var{sec}
@opindex --section=@var{sec}
+@opindex -s @var{sec}
Put this file's entries in section @var{sec} of the directory. If you
specify more than one section, all the entries are added in each of the
sections. If you don't specify any sections, they are determined from
information in the Info file itself.
@item --version
+@itemx -V
@opindex --version
+@opindex -V
@cindex version number, finding
Display version information and exit successfully.
@end table
-@node Command List, Tips, Install an Info File, Top
+@node Command List
@appendix @@-Command List
@cindex Alphabetical @@-command list
@cindex List of @@-commands
@cindex @@-command list
+@cindex Reference to @@-commands
Here is an alphabetical list of the @@-commands in Texinfo. Square
brackets, @t{[}@w{ }@t{]}, indicate optional arguments; an ellipsis,
-@samp{@dots{}}, indicates repeated text.@refill
+@samp{@dots{}}, indicates repeated text.
@sp 1
@table @code
@@ -13575,10 +14704,10 @@ Indicate to @TeX{} that an immediately preceding period, question
mark, exclamation mark, or colon does not end a sentence. Prevent
@TeX{} from inserting extra whitespace as it does at the end of a
sentence. The command has no effect on the Info file output.
-@xref{Not Ending a Sentence}.@refill
+@xref{Not Ending a Sentence}.
@item @@=
-Generate a macro (bar) accent over the next character, as in @=o.
+Generate a macron (bar) accent over the next character, as in @=o.
@xref{Inserting Accents}.
@item @@?
@@ -13603,7 +14732,7 @@ Stands for a left brace, @samp{@{}.
Stands for a right-hand brace, @samp{@}}.@*
@xref{Braces Atsigns, , Inserting @@ and braces}.
-@item @@=
+@item @@~
Generate a tilde accent over the next character, as in @~N.
@xref{Inserting Accents}.
@@ -13612,15 +14741,27 @@ Generate a tilde accent over the next character, as in @~N.
Generate the uppercase and lowercase Scandinavian A-ring letters,
respectively: @AA{}, @aa{}. @xref{Inserting Accents}.
+@item @@acronym@{@var{abbrev}@}
+Tag @var{abbrev} as an acronym, that is, an abbreviation written in all
+capital letters, such as `NASA'. @xref{acronym,, @code{acronym}}.
@item @@AE@{@}
@itemx @@ae@{@}
Generate the uppercase and lowercase AE ligatures, respectively:
@AE{}, @ae{}. @xref{Inserting Accents}.
-@item @@afourpaper
-Change page dimensions for the A4 paper size.
-Only allowed inside @code{@@iftex} @dots{} @code{@@end iftex}.
-@xref{A4 Paper}.
+@item @@afourlatex
+@itemx @@afourpaper
+@itemx @@afourwide
+Change page dimensions for the A4 paper size. @xref{A4 Paper}.
+@item @@alias @var{new}=@var{existing}
+Make the command @samp{@@@var{new}} an alias for the existing command
+@samp{@@@var{existing}}. @xref{alias}.
+@item @@anchor@{@var{name}@}
+Define @var{name} as the current location for use as a cross-reference
+target. @xref{anchor,, @code{@@anchor}}.
@item @@appendix @var{title}
Begin an appendix. The title appears in the table
@@ -13724,10 +14865,14 @@ and @code{@@end ifset} commands, and preventing
Highlight text that is an expression, a syntactically complete token
of a program, or a program name. @xref{code, , @code{@@code}}.@refill
+@item @@command@{@var{command-name}@}
+Indicate a command name, such as @command{ls}.
+@xref{command,, @code{@@command}}.
@item @@comment @var{comment}
Begin a comment in Texinfo. The rest of the line does not appear in
either the Info file or the printed manual. A synonym for @code{@@c}.
-@xref{Comments, , Comments}.@refill
@item @@contents
Print a complete table of contents. Has no effect in Info, which uses
@@ -13767,12 +14912,9 @@ entity, and its arguments, if any. @xref{Definition Commands}.@refill
Define a new index and its indexing command. Print entries in a roman
font. @xref{New Indices, , Defining New Indices}.@refill
-@c Unused so far as I can see and unsupported by makeinfo -- karl, 15sep96.
-@item @@definfoenclose @var{new-command}, @var{before}, @var{after},
-Create new @@-command for Info that marks text by enclosing it in
-strings that precede and follow the text. Write definition inside of
-@code{@@ifinfo} @dots{} @code{@@end ifinfo}. @xref{Customized
+@item @@definfoenclose @var{newcmd}, @var{before}, @var{after},
+Create new @@-command @var{newcmd} for Info that marks text by enclosing
+it in strings that precede and follow the text. @xref{definfoenclose}.
@item @@defivar @var{class} @var{instance-variable-name}
@itemx @@defivarx @var{class} @var{instance-variable-name}
@@ -13781,8 +14923,8 @@ object-oriented programming. The command is equivalent to @samp{@@defcv
@{Instance Variable@} @dots{}}. @xref{Definition Commands}, and
@ref{deffnx,, Def Cmds in Detail}.
-@item @@defmac @var{macro-name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
-@itemx @@defmacx @var{macro-name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
+@item @@defmac @var{macroname} @var{arguments}@dots{}
+@itemx @@defmacx @var{macroname} @var{arguments}@dots{}
Format a description for a macro. The command is equivalent to
@samp{@@deffn Macro @dots{}}. @xref{Definition Commands}, and
@ref{deffnx,, Def Cmds in Detail}.
@@ -13801,7 +14943,7 @@ Format a description for an operation in object-oriented programming.
@code{@@defop} takes as arguments the overall name of the category of
operation, the name of the class of the operation, the name of the
operation, and its arguments, if any. @xref{Definition
-Commands}, and @ref{deffnx,, Def Cmds in Detail}.
+Commands}, and @ref{Abstract Objects}.
@item @@defopt @var{option-name}
@itemx @@defoptx @var{option-name}
@@ -13820,7 +14962,7 @@ and @ref{deffnx,, Def Cmds in Detail}.
Format a description for a data type. @code{@@deftp} takes as arguments
the category, the name of the type (which is a word like @samp{int} or
@samp{float}), and then the names of attributes of objects of that type.
-@xref{Definition Commands}, and @ref{deffnx,, Def Cmds in Detail}.
+@xref{Definition Commands}, and @ref{Data Types}.
@item @@deftypefn @var{classification} @var{data-type} @var{name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
@itemx @@deftypefnx @var{classification} @var{data-type} @var{name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
@@ -13834,16 +14976,29 @@ entity, and its arguments, if any. @xref{Definition Commands}, and
@itemx @@deftypefunx @var{data-type} @var{function-name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
Format a description for a function in a typed language.
The command is equivalent to @samp{@@deftypefn Function @dots{}}.
-@xref{Definition Commands},
-and @ref{deffnx,, Def Cmds in Detail}.
+@xref{Definition Commands}, and @ref{deffnx,, Def Cmds in Detail}.
+@item @@deftypeivar @var{class} @var{data-type} @var{variable-name}
+@itemx @@deftypeivarx @var{class} @var{data-type} @var{variable-name}
+Format a description for a typed instance variable in object-oriented
+programming. @xref{Definition Commands}, and @ref{Abstract Objects}.
@item @@deftypemethod @var{class} @var{data-type} @var{method-name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
@itemx @@deftypemethodx @var{class} @var{data-type} @var{method-name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
Format a description for a typed method in object-oriented programming.
-Takes as arguments the name of the class of the method, the return type
-of the method, the name of the method, and its arguments, if any.
@xref{Definition Commands}, and @ref{deffnx,, Def Cmds in Detail}.
+@item @@deftypeop @var{category} @var{class} @var{data-type} @var{name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
+@itemx @@deftypeopx @var{category} @var{class} @var{data-type} @var{name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
+Format a description for a typed operation in object-oriented programming.
+@xref{Definition Commands}, and @ref{Abstract Objects}.
+@item @@deftypevar @var{data-type} @var{variable-name}
+@itemx @@deftypevarx @var{data-type} @var{variable-name}
+Format a description for a variable in a typed language. The command is
+equivalent to @samp{@@deftypevr Variable @dots{}}. @xref{Definition
+Commands}, and @ref{deffnx,, Def Cmds in Detail}.
@item @@deftypevr @var{classification} @var{data-type} @var{name}
@itemx @@deftypevrx @var{classification} @var{data-type} @var{name}
Format a description for something like a variable in a typed
@@ -13852,12 +15007,6 @@ classification of entity being described, the type, and the name of the
entity. @xref{Definition Commands}, and @ref{deffnx,, Def Cmds in
-@item @@deftypevar @var{data-type} @var{variable-name}
-@itemx @@deftypevarx @var{data-type} @var{variable-name}
-Format a description for a variable in a typed language. The command is
-equivalent to @samp{@@deftypevr Variable @dots{}}. @xref{Definition
-Commands}, and @ref{deffnx,, Def Cmds in Detail}.
@item @@defun @var{function-name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
@itemx @@defunx @var{function-name} @var{arguments}@dots{}
Format a description for functions. The command is equivalent to
@@ -13877,7 +15026,7 @@ as arguments the category of the entity and the name of the entity.
@xref{Definition Commands},
and @ref{deffnx,, Def Cmds in Detail}.
-@item @@detailmenu@{@}
+@item @@detailmenu
Avoid @code{makeinfo} confusion stemming from the detailed node listing
in a master menu. @xref{Master Menu Parts}.
@@ -13890,22 +15039,29 @@ Specify a part of the Info directory menu where this file's entry should
go. @xref{Installing Dir Entries}.
@item @@direntry
-Begin the Info directory menu entry for this file.
-@xref{Installing Dir Entries}.
+Begin the Info directory menu entry for this file. Pair with
+@code{@@end direntry}. @xref{Installing Dir Entries}.
-@need 100
@item @@display
-Begin a kind of example. Indent text, do not fill, do not select a
-new font. Pair with @code{@@end display}. @xref{display, ,
+Begin a kind of example. Like @code{@@example} (indent text, do not
+fill), but do not select a new font. Pair with @code{@@end display}.
+@xref{display, , @code{@@display}}.
@item @@dmn@{@var{dimension}@}
Format a unit of measure, as in 12@dmn{pt}. Causes @TeX{} to insert a
thin space before @var{dimension}. No effect in Info.
-@xref{dmn, , @code{@@dmn}}.@refill
+@xref{dmn, , @code{@@dmn}}.
+@item @@documentencoding @var{enc}
+Declare the input encoding as @var{enc}.
+@xref{documentencoding,, @code{@@documentencoding}}.
+@item @@documentlanguage @var{CC}
+Declare the document language as the two-character ISO-639 abbreviation
+@var{CC}. @xref{documentlanguage,, @code{@@documentlanguage}}.
@item @@dotaccent@{@var{c}@}
-Generate a dot accent over the character @var{c}, as in @dotaccent{oo}.
+Generate a dot accent over the character @var{c}, as in @dotaccent{o}.
@xref{Inserting Accents}.
@item @@dots@{@}
@@ -13914,9 +15070,8 @@ Insert an ellipsis: @samp{@dots{}}.
@item @@email@{@var{address}[, @var{displayed-text}]@}
Indicate an electronic mail address.
-@xref{email, , @code{@@email}}.@refill
+@xref{email, , @code{@@email}}.
-@need 100
@item @@emph@{@var{text}@}
Highlight @var{text}; text is displayed in @emph{italics} in printed
output, and surrounded by asterisks in Info. @xref{Emphasis, ,
@@ -13926,18 +15081,20 @@ Emphasizing Text}.
Ends @var{environment}, as in @samp{@@end example}. @xref{Formatting
+@item @@env@{@var{environment-variable}@}
+Indicate an environment variable name, such as @env{PATH}.
+@xref{env,, @code{@@env}}.
@item @@enddots@{@}
Generate an end-of-sentence of ellipsis, like this @enddots{}
-@need 100
@item @@enumerate [@var{number-or-letter}]
Begin a numbered list, using @code{@@item} for each entry.
Optionally, start list with @var{number-or-letter}. Pair with
@code{@@end enumerate}. @xref{enumerate, ,
-@need 100
@item @@equiv@{@}
Indicate to the reader the exact equivalence of two forms with a
glyph: @samp{@equiv{}}. @xref{Equivalence}.@refill
@@ -13962,6 +15119,10 @@ Begin an example. Indent text, do not fill, and select fixed-width font.
Pair with @code{@@end example}. @xref{example, ,
+@item @@exampleindent @var{indent}
+Indent example-like environments by @var{indent} number of spaces
+(perhaps 0). @xref{exampleindent,, Paragraph Indenting}.
@item @@exclamdown@{@}
Produce an upside-down exclamation point. @xref{Inserting Accents}.
@@ -13982,12 +15143,10 @@ Highlight the name of a file, buffer, node, or directory. @xref{file, ,
Prevent @TeX{} from printing large black warning rectangles beside
over-wide lines. @xref{Overfull hboxes}.@refill
-@need 100
@item @@findex @var{entry}
Add @var{entry} to the index of functions. @xref{Index Entries, ,
Defining the Entries of an Index}.@refill
-@need 200
@item @@flushleft
@itemx @@flushright
Left justify every line but leave the right end ragged.
@@ -13996,7 +15155,6 @@ Leave font as is. Pair with @code{@@end flushleft}.
@xref{flushleft & flushright, , @code{@@flushleft} and
-@need 200
@item @@footnote@{@var{text-of-footnote}@}
Enter a footnote. Footnote text is printed at the bottom of the page
by @TeX{}; Info may format in either `End' node or `Separate' node style.
@@ -14008,10 +15166,9 @@ node style or @samp{separate} for the separate node style.
@item @@format
-Begin a kind of example. Like @code{@@example} or @code{@@display},
-but do not narrow the margins and do not select the fixed-width font.
-Pair with @code{@@end format}. @xref{example, ,
+Begin a kind of example. Like @code{@@display}, but do not narrow the
+margins. Pair with @code{@@end format}. @xref{example,,
@item @@ftable @var{formatting-command}
Begin a two-column table, using @code{@@item} for each entry.
@@ -14154,16 +15311,15 @@ respectively: @L{}, @l{}.
@item @@lisp
Begin an example of Lisp code. Indent text, do not fill, and select
-fixed-width font. Pair with @code{@@end lisp}. @xref{Lisp Example, ,
+fixed-width font. Pair with @code{@@end lisp}. @xref{lisp, , @code{@@lisp}}.
@item @@lowersections
Change subsequent chapters to sections, sections to subsections, and so
on. @xref{Raise/lower sections, , @code{@@raisesections} and
-@item @@macro @var{macro-name} @{@var{params}@}
-Define a new Texinfo command @code{@@@var{macro-name}@{@var{params}@}}.
+@item @@macro @var{macroname} @{@var{params}@}
+Define a new Texinfo command @code{@@@var{macroname}@{@var{params}@}}.
Only supported by @code{makeinfo} and @code{texi2dvi}. @xref{Defining
@@ -14194,7 +15350,7 @@ Start a new page in a printed manual if fewer than @var{n} mils
(thousandths of an inch) remain on the current page. @xref{need, ,
-@item @@node @var{name, next, previous, up}
+@item @@node @var{name}, @var{next}, @var{previous}, @var{up}
Define the beginning of a new node in Info, and serve as a locator for
references for @TeX{}. @xref{node, , @code{@@node}}.@refill
@@ -14202,6 +15358,10 @@ references for @TeX{}. @xref{node, , @code{@@node}}.@refill
Prevent text from being indented as if it were a new paragraph.
@xref{noindent, , @code{@@noindent}}.@refill
+@item @@novalidate
+Suppress validation of node references, omit creation of auxiliary files
+with @TeX{}. Use before @code{@@setfilename}. @xref{Pointer Validation}.
@item @@O@{@}
@itemx @@o@{@}
Generate the uppercase and lowercase O-with-slash letters, respectively:
@@ -14218,15 +15378,21 @@ How to Make Your Own Headings}.@refill
Generate the uppercase and lowercase OE ligatures, respectively:
@OE{}, @oe{}. @xref{Inserting Accents}.
+@item @@option@{@var{option-name}@}
+Indicate a command-line option, such as @option{-l} or @option{--help}.
+@xref{option,, @code{@@option}}.
@item @@page
Start a new page in a printed manual. No effect in Info.
@xref{page, , @code{@@page}}.@refill
+@item @@pagesizes [@var{width}][, @var{height}]
+Change page dimensions. @xref{pagesizes}.
@item @@paragraphindent @var{indent}
-Indent paragraphs by @var{indent} number of spaces; delete indentation
-if the value of @var{indent} is 0; and do not change indentation if
-@var{indent} is @code{asis}. @xref{paragraphindent, , Paragraph
+Indent paragraphs by @var{indent} number of spaces (perhaps 0); preserve
+source file indentation if @var{indent} is @code{asis}.
+@xref{paragraphindent,, Paragraph Indenting}.
@item @@pindex @var{entry}
Add @var{entry} to the index of programs. @xref{Index Entries, , Defining
@@ -14266,7 +15432,6 @@ or imaginary work. Write command on a line of its own. Pair with
@code{@@end quotation}. @xref{quotation, ,
-@need 100
@item @@r@{@var{text}@}
Print @var{text} in @r{roman} font. No effect in Info.
@@ -14276,20 +15441,17 @@ Change subsequent sections to chapters, subsections to sections, and so
on. @xref{Raise/lower sections, , @code{@@raisesections} and
-@need 300
@item @@ref@{@var{node-name}, [@var{entry}], [@var{topic-or-title}], [@var{info-file}], [@var{manual}]@}
Make a reference. In a printed manual, the reference does not start
with a `See'. Follow command with a punctuation mark. Only the first
argument is mandatory. @xref{ref, , @code{@@ref}}.@refill
-@need 300
@item @@refill
In Info, refill and indent the paragraph after all the other processing
has been done. No effect on @TeX{}, which always refills. This command
is no longer needed, since all formatters now automatically refill.
@xref{Refilling Paragraphs}.@refill
-@need 300
@item @@result@{@}
Indicate the result of an expression to the reader with a special
glyph: @samp{@result{}}. @xref{result, , @code{@@result}}.@refill
@@ -14319,17 +15481,26 @@ Make @var{flag} active, causing the Texinfo formatting commands to
format text between subsequent pairs of @code{@@ifset @var{flag}} and
@code{@@end ifset} commands. Optionally, set value of @var{flag} to
-@xref{set clear value, , @code{@@set} @code{@@clear} @code{@@value}}.@refill
+@xref{set clear value, , @code{@@set} @code{@@clear} @code{@@value}}.
@item @@setchapternewpage @var{on-off-odd}
Specify whether chapters start on new pages, and if so, whether on
odd-numbered (right-hand) new pages. @xref{setchapternewpage, ,
+@item @@setcontentsaftertitlepage
+Put the table of contents after the @samp{@@end titlepage} even if the
+@code{@@contents} command is not there. @xref{Contents}.
@item @@setfilename @var{info-file-name}
Provide a name to be used by the Info file. This command is essential
for @TeX{} formatting as well, even though it produces no output.
-@xref{setfilename, , @code{@@setfilename}}.@refill
+@xref{setfilename, , @code{@@setfilename}}.
+@item @@setshortcontentsaftertitlepage
+Place the short table of contents after the @samp{@@end titlepage}
+command even if the @code{@@shortcontents} command is not there.
@item @@settitle @var{title}
Provide a title for page headers in a printed manual.
@@ -14341,40 +15512,45 @@ menus rather than tables of contents. A synonym for
@code{@@summarycontents}. @xref{Contents, , Generating a Table of
-@item @@shorttitlepage@{@var{title}@}
+@item @@shorttitlepage @var{title}
Generate a minimal title page. @xref{titlepage,,@code{@@titlepage}}.
-@need 400
@item @@smallbook
Cause @TeX{} to produce a printed manual in a 7 by 9.25 inch format
rather than the regular 8.5 by 11 inch format. @xref{smallbook, ,
-Printing Small Books}. Also, see @ref{smallexample & smalllisp, ,
-@code{@@smallexample} and @code{@@smalllisp}}.@refill
+Printing Small Books}. Also, see @ref{small}.
+@item @@smalldisplay
+Begin a kind of example. Like @code{@@smallexample} (indent text, no
+filling), but do not select the fixed-width font. In @code{@@smallbook}
+format, print text in a smaller font than with @code{@@display}. Pair
+with @code{@@end smalldisplay}. @xref{small}.
-@need 400
@item @@smallexample
Indent text to indicate an example. Do not fill, select fixed-width
font. In @code{@@smallbook} format, print text in a smaller font than
with @code{@@example}. Pair with @code{@@end smallexample}.
-@xref{smallexample & smalllisp, , @code{@@smallexample} and
+@item @@smallformat
+Begin a kind of example. Like @code{@@smalldisplay}, but do not narrow
+the margins and do not select the fixed-width font.
+In @code{@@smallbook} format, print text in a smaller font than
+with @code{@@format}. Pair with @code{@@end smallformat}.
-@need 400
@item @@smalllisp
Begin an example of Lisp code. Indent text, do not fill, select
fixed-width font. In @code{@@smallbook} format, print text in a
-smaller font. Pair with @code{@@end smalllisp}. @xref{smallexample &
-smalllisp, , @code{@@smallexample} and @code{@@smalllisp}}.@refill
+smaller font. Pair with @code{@@end smalllisp}. @xref{small}.
-@need 700
@item @@sp @var{n}
Skip @var{n} blank lines. @xref{sp, , @code{@@sp}}.@refill
@item @@ss@{@}
Generate the German sharp-S es-zet letter, @ss{}. @xref{Inserting Accents}.
-@need 700
-@item @@strong @var{text}
+@item @@strong @{@var{text}@}
Emphasize @var{text} by typesetting it in a @strong{bold} font for the
printed manual and by surrounding it with asterisks for Info.
@xref{emph & strong, , Emphasizing Text}.@refill
@@ -14416,19 +15592,16 @@ menus rather than tables of contents. A synonym for
@code{@@shortcontents}. @xref{Contents, , Generating a Table of
-@need 300
@item @@syncodeindex @var{from-index} @var{into-index}
Merge the index named in the first argument into the index named in
the second argument, printing the entries from the first index in
@code{@@code} font. @xref{Combining Indices}.@refill
-@need 300
@item @@synindex @var{from-index} @var{into-index}
Merge the index named in the first argument into the index named in
the second argument. Do not change the font of @var{from-index}
entries. @xref{Combining Indices}.@refill
-@need 100
@item @@t@{@var{text}@}
Print @var{text} in a @t{fixed-width}, typewriter-like font.
No effect in Info. @xref{Fonts}.@refill
@@ -14436,7 +15609,6 @@ No effect in Info. @xref{Fonts}.@refill
@item @@tab
Separate columns in a multitable. @xref{Multitable Rows}.
-@need 400
@item @@table @var{formatting-command}
Begin a two-column table, using @code{@@item} for each entry. Write
each first column entry on the same line as @code{@@item}. First
@@ -14480,21 +15652,18 @@ Not relevant to Info, which does not have title pages. @xref{title
subtitle author, , The @code{@@title} @code{@@subtitle} and
@code{@@author} Commands}.@refill
-@need 400
@item @@titlefont@{@var{text}@}
In a printed manual, print @var{text} in a larger than normal font.
Not relevant to Info, which does not have title pages.
@xref{titlefont center sp, , The @code{@@titlefont} @code{@@center}
and @code{@@sp} Commands}.@refill
-@need 300
@item @@titlepage
Indicate to Texinfo the beginning of the title page. Write command on
a line of its own. Pair with @code{@@end titlepage}. Nothing between
@code{@@titlepage} and @code{@@end titlepage} appears in Info.
@xref{titlepage, , @code{@@titlepage}}.@refill
-@need 150
@item @@today@{@}
Insert the current date, in `1 Jan 1900' style. @xref{Custom
Headings, , How to Make Your Own Headings}.@refill
@@ -14544,9 +15713,9 @@ chapter. The title appears in the table of contents of a printed
manual. In Info, the title is underlined with periods.
@xref{subsubsection, , The `subsub' Commands}.@refill
-@item @@uref@{@var{url}[, @var{displayed-text}@}
+@item @@uref@{@var{url}[, @var{displayed-text}][, @var{replacement}@}
Define a cross reference to an external uniform resource locator for the
-World Wide Web. @xref{url, , @code{@@url}}.@refill
+World Wide Web. @xref{uref, , @code{@@uref}}.@refill
@item @@url@{@var{url}@}
Indicate text that is a uniform resource locator for the World Wide
@@ -14566,12 +15735,10 @@ Highlight a metasyntactic variable, which is something that stands for
another piece of text. @xref{var, , Indicating Metasyntactic
-@need 400
@item @@vindex @var{entry}
Add @var{entry} to the index of variables. @xref{Index Entries, ,
Defining the Entries of an Index}.@refill
-@need 400
@item @@vskip @var{amount}
In a printed manual, insert whitespace so as to push text on the
remainder of the page towards the bottom of the page. Used in
@@ -14580,7 +15747,6 @@ formatting the copyright page with the argument @samp{0pt plus
only in contexts ignored for Info. @xref{Copyright & Permissions, ,
The Copyright Page and Printed Permissions}.@refill
-@need 400
@item @@vtable @var{formatting-command}
Begin a two-column table, using @code{@@item} for each entry.
Automatically enter each of the items in the first column into the
@@ -14588,13 +15754,11 @@ index of variables. Pair with @code{@@end vtable}. The same as
@code{@@table}, except for indexing. @xref{ftable vtable, ,
@code{@@ftable} and @code{@@vtable}}.@refill
-@need 400
@item @@w@{@var{text}@}
Prevent @var{text} from being split across two lines. Do not end a
paragraph that uses @code{@@w} with an @code{@@refill} command.
@xref{w, , @code{@@w}}.@refill
-@need 400
@item @@xref@{@var{node-name}, [@var{entry}], [@var{topic-or-title}], [@var{info-file}], [@var{manual}]@}
Make a reference that starts with `See' in a printed manual. Follow
command with a punctuation mark. Only the first argument is
@@ -14602,7 +15766,7 @@ mandatory. @xref{xref, , @code{@@xref}}.@refill
@end table
-@node Tips, Sample Texinfo File, Command List, Top
+@node Tips
@appendix Tips and Hints
Here are some tips for writing Texinfo documentation:@refill
@@ -14665,9 +15829,8 @@ Lisp.
Write the indexing commands that refer to a whole section immediately
after the section command, and write the indexing commands that refer to
-the paragraph before the paragraph.
+a paragraph before that paragraph.
-@need 1000
In the example that follows, a blank line comes after the index
entry for ``Leaping'':
@@ -15045,7 +16208,7 @@ Write notes for yourself at the very end of a Texinfo file after the
@end itemize
-@node Sample Texinfo File, Sample Permissions, Tips, Top
+@node Sample Texinfo File
@appendix A Sample Texinfo File
@cindex Sample Texinfo file, no comments
@@ -15123,9 +16286,10 @@ manual.
@end example
-@node Sample Permissions, Include Files, Sample Texinfo File, Top
+@node Sample Permissions
@appendix Sample Permissions
@cindex Permissions
+@cindex Sample permissions
@cindex Copying permissions
Texinfo files should contain sections that tell the readers that they
@@ -15149,7 +16313,7 @@ of how the copying conditions provide you with rights. @refill
@node Inserting Permissions, ifinfo Permissions, Sample Permissions, Sample Permissions
-@appendixsec Inserting Permissions
+@section Inserting Permissions
@end ifinfo
In a Texinfo file, the first @code{@@ifinfo} section usually begins
@@ -15183,18 +16347,18 @@ To make it simple to insert a permission notice into each section of
the Texinfo file, sample permission notices for each section are
reproduced in full below.@refill
-Note that you may need to specify the correct name of a section
-mentioned in the permission notice. For example, in @cite{The GDB
-Manual}, the name of the section referring to the General Public
-License is called the ``GDB General Public License'', but in the
-sample shown below, that section is referred to generically as the
-``GNU General Public License''. If the Texinfo file does not carry a
-copy of the General Public License, leave out the reference to it, but
-be sure to include the rest of the sentence.@refill
+You may need to specify the correct name of a section mentioned in the
+permission notice. For example, in @cite{The GDB Manual}, the name of
+the section referring to the General Public License is called the ``GDB
+General Public License'', but in the sample shown below, that section is
+referred to generically as the ``GNU General Public License''. If the
+Texinfo file does not carry a copy of the General Public License, leave
+out the reference to it, but be sure to include the rest of the
@node ifinfo Permissions, Titlepage Permissions, Inserting Permissions, Sample Permissions
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendixsec @samp{ifinfo} Copying Permissions
+@section @samp{ifinfo} Copying Permissions
@cindex @samp{ifinfo} permissions
In the @code{@@ifinfo} section of a Texinfo file, the standard Free
@@ -15203,7 +16367,7 @@ Software Foundation permission notice reads as follows:@refill
This file documents @dots{}
-Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim
copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and
@@ -15235,7 +16399,7 @@ translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.
@node Titlepage Permissions, , ifinfo Permissions, Sample Permissions
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendixsec Titlepage Copying Permissions
+@section Titlepage Copying Permissions
@cindex Titlepage permissions
In the @code{@@titlepage} section of a Texinfo file, the standard Free
@@ -15265,7 +16429,7 @@ translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.
@end example
-@node Include Files, Headings, Sample Permissions, Top
+@node Include Files
@appendix Include Files
@cindex Include files
@@ -15290,7 +16454,7 @@ conveniently small parts.@refill
@end menu
@node Using Include Files, texinfo-multiple-files-update, Include Files, Include Files
-@appendixsec How to Use Include Files
+@section How to Use Include Files
@findex include
To include another file within a Texinfo file, write the
@@ -15331,7 +16495,7 @@ Texinfo mode command, @code{texinfo-multiple-files-update}, that is
designed for @code{@@include} files.@refill
@node texinfo-multiple-files-update, Include File Requirements, Using Include Files, Include Files
-@appendixsec @code{texinfo-multiple-files-update}
+@section @code{texinfo-multiple-files-update}
@findex texinfo-multiple-files-update
GNU Emacs Texinfo mode provides the @code{texinfo-multiple-files-update}
@@ -15407,7 +16571,7 @@ updates @strong{every} pointer and menu in @strong{all} the files and then inser
master menu.@refill
@node Include File Requirements, Sample Include File, texinfo-multiple-files-update, Include Files
-@appendixsec Include File Requirements
+@section Include File Requirements
@cindex Include file requirements
@cindex Requirements for include files
@@ -15433,7 +16597,7 @@ should @emph{not} contain any nodes besides the single `Top' node. The
@node Sample Include File, Include Files Evolution, Include File Requirements, Include Files
-@appendixsec Sample File with @code{@@include}
+@section Sample File with @code{@@include}
@cindex Sample @code{@@include} file
@cindex Include file sample
@cindex @code{@@include} file sample
@@ -15463,7 +16627,7 @@ would insert a main or master menu:@refill
@@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-Copyright @@copyright@{@} 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright @@copyright@{@} 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@end titlepage
@end group
@@ -15504,7 +16668,7 @@ The full contents of @file{concept-index.texinfo} might be as simple as this:
-@@node Concept Index, , Second, Top
+@@node Concept Index
@@unnumbered Concept Index
@@printindex cp
@@ -15518,7 +16682,7 @@ files.@refill
@node Include Files Evolution, , Sample Include File, Include Files
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendixsec Evolution of Include Files
+@section Evolution of Include Files
When Info was first created, it was customary to create many small
Info files on one subject. Each Info file was formatted from its own
@@ -15557,7 +16721,7 @@ you can write menus and cross references without naming the different
Texinfo files.@refill
-@node Headings, Catching Mistakes, Include Files, Top
+@node Headings
@appendix Page Headings
@cindex Headings
@cindex Footings
@@ -15616,7 +16780,7 @@ right part is set flushright.@refill
@node Heading Format, Heading Choice, Headings Introduced, Headings
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendixsec Standard Heading Formats
+@section Standard Heading Formats
Texinfo provides two standard heading formats, one for manuals printed
on one side of each sheet of paper, and the other for manuals printed
@@ -15685,7 +16849,7 @@ manual.@refill
@node Heading Choice, Custom Headings, Heading Format, Headings
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendixsec Specifying the Type of Heading
+@section Specifying the Type of Heading
@TeX{} does not begin to generate page headings for a standard Texinfo
file until it reaches the @code{@@end titlepage} command. Thus, the
@@ -15722,22 +16886,25 @@ Texinfo lacks an @code{@@setchapternewpage even} command.@refill
@node Custom Headings, , Heading Choice, Headings
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendixsec How to Make Your Own Headings
+@section How to Make Your Own Headings
You can use the standard headings provided with Texinfo or specify
your own. By default, Texinfo has no footers, so if you specify them,
the available page size for the main text will be slightly reduced.
-@c Following paragraph is verbose to prevent overfull hboxes.
Texinfo provides six commands for specifying headings and
-footings. The @code{@@everyheading} command and
-@code{@@everyfooting} command generate page headers and footers
-that are the same for both even- and odd-numbered pages.
-The @code{@@evenheading} command and @code{@@evenfooting}
-command generate headers and footers for even-numbered
-(left-hand) pages; and the @code{@@oddheading} command and
-@code{@@oddfooting} command generate headers and footers for
-odd-numbered (right-hand) pages.@refill
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{@@everyheading} @code{@@everyfooting} generate page headers and
+footers that are the same for both even- and odd-numbered pages.
+@code{@@evenheading} and @code{@@evenfooting} command generate headers
+and footers for even-numbered (left-hand) pages.
+@code{@@oddheading} and @code{@@oddfooting} generate headers and footers
+for odd-numbered (right-hand) pages.
+@end itemize
Write custom heading specifications in the Texinfo file immediately
after the @code{@@end titlepage} command. Enclose your specifications
@@ -15869,7 +17036,7 @@ Beware of overlong titles: they may overlap another part of the
header or footer and blot it out.@refill
-@node Catching Mistakes, Refilling Paragraphs, Headings, Top
+@node Catching Mistakes
@appendix Formatting Mistakes
@cindex Structure, catching mistakes in
@cindex Nodes, catching mistakes
@@ -15925,7 +17092,7 @@ may want to use the tools described in this appendix.@refill
@node Debugging with Info, Debugging with TeX, makeinfo Preferred, Catching Mistakes
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendixsec Catching Errors with Info Formatting
+@section Catching Errors with Info Formatting
@cindex Catching errors with Info formatting
@cindex Debugging with Info formatting
@@ -16112,7 +17279,7 @@ Manual}, for more information.@refill
@node Debugging with TeX, Using texinfo-show-structure, Debugging with Info, Catching Mistakes
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendixsec Catching Errors with @TeX{} Formatting
+@section Catching Errors with @TeX{} Formatting
@cindex Catching errors with @TeX{} formatting
@cindex Debugging with @TeX{} formatting
@@ -16194,9 +17361,8 @@ You can tell @TeX{} to stop this run by typing @kbd{x @key{RET}}
at the @samp{?} prompt.@refill
@end enumerate
-Please note that if you are running @TeX{} inside Emacs, you need to
-switch to the shell buffer and line at which @TeX{} offers the @samp{?}
+If you are running @TeX{} inside Emacs, you need to switch to the shell
+buffer and line at which @TeX{} offers the @samp{?} prompt.
Sometimes @TeX{} will format a file without producing error messages even
though there is a problem. This usually occurs if a command is not ended
@@ -16242,7 +17408,7 @@ directly with @TeX{}, not with Texinfo.)@refill
@node Using texinfo-show-structure, Using occur, Debugging with TeX, Catching Mistakes
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendixsec Using @code{texinfo-show-structure}
+@section Using @code{texinfo-show-structure}
@cindex Showing the structure of a file
@findex texinfo-show-structure
@@ -16314,7 +17480,7 @@ or left out a section, you can correct the mistake.@refill
@node Using occur, Running Info-Validate, Using texinfo-show-structure, Catching Mistakes
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendixsec Using @code{occur}
+@section Using @code{occur}
@cindex Occurrences, listing with @code{@@occur}
@findex occur
@@ -16354,7 +17520,7 @@ for more information.@refill
@node Running Info-Validate, , Using occur, Catching Mistakes
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendixsec Finding Badly Referenced Nodes
+@section Finding Badly Referenced Nodes
@findex Info-validate
@cindex Nodes, checking for badly referenced
@cindex Checking for badly referenced nodes
@@ -16383,7 +17549,7 @@ if you write an Info file from scratch.@refill
@end menu
@node Using Info-validate, Unsplit, Running Info-Validate, Running Info-Validate
-@appendixsubsec Running @code{Info-validate}
+@subsection Running @code{Info-validate}
@cindex Running @code{Info-validate}
@cindex Info validating a large file
@cindex Validating a large file
@@ -16396,9 +17562,9 @@ M-x Info-validate
@end example
-(Note that the @code{Info-validate} command requires an upper case
+Note that the @code{Info-validate} command requires an upper case
`I'. You may also need to create a tag table before running
-@code{Info-validate}. @xref{Tagifying}.)@refill
+@code{Info-validate}. @xref{Tagifying}.
If your file is valid, you will receive a message that says ``File appears
valid''. However, if you have a pointer that does not point to a node,
@@ -16432,17 +17598,16 @@ This is because every `Next' pointer should be matched by a
@code{Info-validate} also checks that all menu entries and cross references
point to actual nodes.@refill
-Note that @code{Info-validate} requires a tag table and does not work
-with files that have been split. (The @code{texinfo-format-buffer}
-command automatically splits large files.) In order to use
-@code{Info-validate} on a large file, you must run
-@code{texinfo-format-buffer} with an argument so that it does not split
-the Info file; and you must create a tag table for the unsplit
+@code{Info-validate} requires a tag table and does not work with files
+that have been split. (The @code{texinfo-format-buffer} command
+automatically splits large files.) In order to use @code{Info-validate}
+on a large file, you must run @code{texinfo-format-buffer} with an
+argument so that it does not split the Info file; and you must create a
+tag table for the unsplit file.
@node Unsplit, Tagifying, Using Info-validate, Running Info-Validate
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendixsubsec Creating an Unsplit File
+@subsection Creating an Unsplit File
@cindex Creating an unsplit file
@cindex Unsplit file creation
@@ -16479,7 +17644,7 @@ a tag table for it. @refill
@cindex Tag table, making manually
@node Tagifying, Splitting, Unsplit, Running Info-Validate
-@appendixsubsec Tagifying a File
+@subsection Tagifying a File
After creating an unsplit Info file, you must create a tag table for
it. Visit the Info file you wish to tagify and type:@refill
@@ -16517,14 +17682,14 @@ table and split the file manually.@refill
@node Splitting, , Tagifying, Running Info-Validate
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendixsubsec Splitting a File Manually
+@subsection Splitting a File Manually
@cindex Splitting an Info file manually
@cindex Info file, splitting manually
You should split a large file or else let the
@code{texinfo-format-buffer} or @code{makeinfo-buffer} command do it
for you automatically. (Generally you will let one of the formatting
-commands do this job for you. @xref{Create an Info File}.)@refill
+commands do this job for you. @xref{Creating an Info File}.)@refill
The split-off files are called the indirect subfiles.@refill
@@ -16567,10 +17732,11 @@ The primary file still functions as an Info file, but it contains just
the tag table and a directory of subfiles.@refill
-@node Refilling Paragraphs, Command Syntax, Catching Mistakes, Top
+@node Refilling Paragraphs
@appendix Refilling Paragraphs
@cindex Refilling paragraphs
@cindex Filling paragraphs
+@cindex Paragraphs, filling
@findex refill
The @code{@@refill} command refills and, optionally, indents the first
@@ -16606,10 +17772,11 @@ the ends of paragraphs that contain @code{@@*} or @w{@code{@@w@{ @dots{}@}}}
and therefore do not refill or indent them.@refill
-@node Command Syntax, Obtaining TeX, Refilling Paragraphs, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Command Syntax
@appendix @@-Command Syntax
@cindex @@-command syntax
+@cindex Syntax, of @@-commands
+@cindex Command syntax
The character @samp{@@} is used to start special Texinfo commands.
(It has the same meaning that @samp{\} has in plain @TeX{}.) Texinfo
@@ -16670,7 +17837,7 @@ Emacs paragraph commands because it cannot appear at the beginning of
a line.@refill
-@node Obtaining TeX, Command and Variable Index, Command Syntax, Top
+@node Obtaining TeX
@appendix How to Obtain @TeX{}
@cindex Obtaining @TeX{}
@cindex @TeX{}, how to obtain
@@ -16693,16 +17860,8 @@ available distributions:
@end example
The Free Software Foundation provides a core distribution on its Source
-Code CD-ROM suitable for printing Texinfo manuals; the University of
-Washington maintains and supports a tape distribution; the @TeX{} Users
-Group co-sponsors a complete CD-ROM @TeX{} distribution.
-@itemize @bullet
-For the FSF Source Code CD-ROM, please contact:
+Code CD-ROM suitable for printing Texinfo manuals. To order it, contact:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -16717,53 +17876,6 @@ Free Dial Fax (in Japan):
Electronic mail: @code{}
@end group
@end display
-@end iftex
-Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-59 Temple Place Suite 330
-Boston, MA @w{ } 02111-1307
-Telephone: @w{+1-617-542-5942}
-Fax: (including Japan) @w{+1-617-542-2652}
-Free Dial Fax (in Japan):
-@w{ } @w{ } @w{ } 0031-13-2473 (KDD)
-@w{ } @w{ } @w{ } 0066-3382-0158 (IDC)
-Electronic mail: @code{}
-@end group
-@end display
-@end ifinfo
-To order a complete distribution on CD-ROM, please see
-@uref{}. (This distribution is also
-available by FTP; see the URL's above.)
-To order a full distribution from the University of Washington on either
-a 1/4@dmn{in} 4-track QIC-24 cartridge or a 4@dmn{mm} DAT cartridge,
-send $210 to:
-Pierre A. MacKay
-Denny Hall, Mail Stop DH-10
-University of Washington
-Seattle, WA @w{ } 98195
-Telephone: +1-206-543-2268
-Electronic mail: @code{}
-@end group
-@end display
-@noindent Please make checks payable to the University of Washington.
-Checks must be in U.S.@: dollars, drawn on a U.S.@: bank. Overseas
-sites: please add to the base cost, if desired, $20.00 for shipment via
-air parcel post, or $30.00 for shipment via courier.
-@end itemize
Many other @TeX{} distributions are available; see
@@ -16771,7 +17883,8 @@ Many other @TeX{} distributions are available; see
@c These are no longer ``new'', and the explanations
@c are all given elsewhere anyway, I think. --karl, 25apr97.
-@ignore (the entire appendix)
+@c So ignore the entire appendix.
@c node New Features, Command and Variable Index, Obtaining TeX, Top
@c appendix Second Edition Features
@@ -16789,10 +17902,10 @@ edition.@refill
Here is a brief description of the new commands.@refill
+@c menu
* New Texinfo Mode Commands:: The updating commands are especially useful.
* New Commands:: Many newly described @@-commands.
-@end menu
+@c end menu
@c node New Texinfo Mode Commands, New Commands, Obtaining TeX, Obtaining TeX
@c appendixsec New Texinfo Mode Commands
@@ -16980,8 +18093,8 @@ Indent descriptions in menus.
Insert node pointers in strict sequence.
@end table
-@c node New Commands, , New Texinfo Mode Commands, Obtaining TeX
-@c appendixsec New Texinfo @@-Commands
+@c New Commands, , New Texinfo Mode Commands, Obtaining TeX
+@c appendix.sec New Texinfo @@-Commands
The second edition of the Texinfo manual describes more than 50
commands that were not described in the first edition. A third or so
@@ -17258,8 +18371,8 @@ Insert the current date.
@end tex
@end ignore
-@node Command and Variable Index, Concept Index, Obtaining TeX, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+@node Command and Variable Index
@unnumbered Command and Variable Index
This is an alphabetical list of all the @@-commands, assorted Emacs Lisp
@@ -17269,12 +18382,10 @@ commands are listed without their preceding @samp{@@}.@refill
@printindex fn
-@node Concept Index, , Command and Variable Index, Top
+@node Concept Index
@unnumbered Concept Index
@printindex cp
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/doc/version.texi b/contrib/texinfo/doc/version.texi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d7c149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/texinfo/doc/version.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+@set UPDATED 28 September 1999
+@set EDITION 4.0
+@set VERSION 4.0
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud