path: root/contrib/perl5/t/lib/db-btree.t
diff options
authormarkm <>2000-06-25 11:04:01 +0000
committermarkm <>2000-06-25 11:04:01 +0000
commit2618fad5bbb2d0182eb31ed805c41b543c513940 (patch)
tree52ba93338b13aefd02a0055304a9eccfa0e049f5 /contrib/perl5/t/lib/db-btree.t
parent77644ee620b6a79cf8c538abaf7cd301a875528d (diff)
Vendor import of Perl 5.006
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/t/lib/db-btree.t')
1 files changed, 613 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/t/lib/db-btree.t b/contrib/perl5/t/lib/db-btree.t
index bf739c8..b13e50ea 100755
--- a/contrib/perl5/t/lib/db-btree.t
+++ b/contrib/perl5/t/lib/db-btree.t
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#!./perl -w
- @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib' ;
+ unshift @INC, '../lib' if -d '../lib' ;
require Config; import Config;
if ($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bDB_File\b/) {
- print "1..0\n";
+ print "1..0 # Skip: DB_File was not built\n";
exit 0;
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ BEGIN {
use DB_File;
use Fcntl;
-print "1..102\n";
+print "1..155\n";
sub ok
@@ -38,7 +38,53 @@ sub lexical
return @a - @b ;
-$Dfile = "dbbtree.tmp";
+ package Redirect ;
+ use Symbol ;
+ sub new
+ {
+ my $class = shift ;
+ my $filename = shift ;
+ my $fh = gensym ;
+ open ($fh, ">$filename") || die "Cannot open $filename: $!" ;
+ my $real_stdout = select($fh) ;
+ return bless [$fh, $real_stdout ] ;
+ }
+ {
+ my $self = shift ;
+ close $self->[0] ;
+ select($self->[1]) ;
+ }
+sub docat
+ my $file = shift;
+ #local $/ = undef unless wantarray ;
+ open(CAT,$file) || die "Cannot open $file: $!";
+ my @result = <CAT>;
+ close(CAT);
+ wantarray ? @result : join("", @result) ;
+sub docat_del
+ my $file = shift;
+ #local $/ = undef unless wantarray ;
+ open(CAT,$file) || die "Cannot open $file: $!";
+ my @result = <CAT>;
+ close(CAT);
+ unlink $file ;
+ wantarray ? @result : join("", @result) ;
+$db185mode = ($DB_File::db_version == 1 && ! $DB_File::db_185_compat) ;
+my $Dfile = "dbbtree.tmp";
unlink $Dfile;
@@ -134,7 +180,6 @@ delete $h{'goner2'};
undef $X ;
# tie to the same file again
ok(26, $X = tie(%h,'DB_File',$Dfile, O_RDWR, 0640, $DB_BTREE)) ;
@@ -609,4 +654,567 @@ EOM
+ # DBM Filter tests
+ use strict ;
+ my (%h, $db) ;
+ my ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ sub checkOutput
+ {
+ my($fk, $sk, $fv, $sv) = @_ ;
+ return
+ $fetch_key eq $fk && $store_key eq $sk &&
+ $fetch_value eq $fv && $store_value eq $sv &&
+ $_ eq 'original' ;
+ }
+ ok(103, $db = tie(%h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_BTREE ) );
+ $db->filter_fetch_key (sub { $fetch_key = $_ }) ;
+ $db->filter_store_key (sub { $store_key = $_ }) ;
+ $db->filter_fetch_value (sub { $fetch_value = $_}) ;
+ $db->filter_store_value (sub { $store_value = $_ }) ;
+ $_ = "original" ;
+ $h{"fred"} = "joe" ;
+ # fk sk fv sv
+ ok(104, checkOutput( "", "fred", "", "joe")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(105, $h{"fred"} eq "joe");
+ # fk sk fv sv
+ ok(106, checkOutput( "", "fred", "joe", "")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(107, $db->FIRSTKEY() eq "fred") ;
+ # fk sk fv sv
+ ok(108, checkOutput( "fred", "", "", "")) ;
+ # replace the filters, but remember the previous set
+ my ($old_fk) = $db->filter_fetch_key
+ (sub { $_ = uc $_ ; $fetch_key = $_ }) ;
+ my ($old_sk) = $db->filter_store_key
+ (sub { $_ = lc $_ ; $store_key = $_ }) ;
+ my ($old_fv) = $db->filter_fetch_value
+ (sub { $_ = "[$_]"; $fetch_value = $_ }) ;
+ my ($old_sv) = $db->filter_store_value
+ (sub { s/o/x/g; $store_value = $_ }) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ $h{"Fred"} = "Joe" ;
+ # fk sk fv sv
+ ok(109, checkOutput( "", "fred", "", "Jxe")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(110, $h{"Fred"} eq "[Jxe]");
+ # fk sk fv sv
+ ok(111, checkOutput( "", "fred", "[Jxe]", "")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(112, $db->FIRSTKEY() eq "FRED") ;
+ # fk sk fv sv
+ ok(113, checkOutput( "FRED", "", "", "")) ;
+ # put the original filters back
+ $db->filter_fetch_key ($old_fk);
+ $db->filter_store_key ($old_sk);
+ $db->filter_fetch_value ($old_fv);
+ $db->filter_store_value ($old_sv);
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ $h{"fred"} = "joe" ;
+ ok(114, checkOutput( "", "fred", "", "joe")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(115, $h{"fred"} eq "joe");
+ ok(116, checkOutput( "", "fred", "joe", "")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(117, $db->FIRSTKEY() eq "fred") ;
+ ok(118, checkOutput( "fred", "", "", "")) ;
+ # delete the filters
+ $db->filter_fetch_key (undef);
+ $db->filter_store_key (undef);
+ $db->filter_fetch_value (undef);
+ $db->filter_store_value (undef);
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ $h{"fred"} = "joe" ;
+ ok(119, checkOutput( "", "", "", "")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(120, $h{"fred"} eq "joe");
+ ok(121, checkOutput( "", "", "", "")) ;
+ ($fetch_key, $store_key, $fetch_value, $store_value) = ("") x 4 ;
+ ok(122, $db->FIRSTKEY() eq "fred") ;
+ ok(123, checkOutput( "", "", "", "")) ;
+ undef $db ;
+ untie %h;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ # DBM Filter with a closure
+ use strict ;
+ my (%h, $db) ;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ ok(124, $db = tie(%h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_BTREE ) );
+ my %result = () ;
+ sub Closure
+ {
+ my ($name) = @_ ;
+ my $count = 0 ;
+ my @kept = () ;
+ return sub { ++$count ;
+ push @kept, $_ ;
+ $result{$name} = "$name - $count: [@kept]" ;
+ }
+ }
+ $db->filter_store_key(Closure("store key")) ;
+ $db->filter_store_value(Closure("store value")) ;
+ $db->filter_fetch_key(Closure("fetch key")) ;
+ $db->filter_fetch_value(Closure("fetch value")) ;
+ $_ = "original" ;
+ $h{"fred"} = "joe" ;
+ ok(125, $result{"store key"} eq "store key - 1: [fred]");
+ ok(126, $result{"store value"} eq "store value - 1: [joe]");
+ ok(127, ! defined $result{"fetch key"} );
+ ok(128, ! defined $result{"fetch value"} );
+ ok(129, $_ eq "original") ;
+ ok(130, $db->FIRSTKEY() eq "fred") ;
+ ok(131, $result{"store key"} eq "store key - 1: [fred]");
+ ok(132, $result{"store value"} eq "store value - 1: [joe]");
+ ok(133, $result{"fetch key"} eq "fetch key - 1: [fred]");
+ ok(134, ! defined $result{"fetch value"} );
+ ok(135, $_ eq "original") ;
+ $h{"jim"} = "john" ;
+ ok(136, $result{"store key"} eq "store key - 2: [fred jim]");
+ ok(137, $result{"store value"} eq "store value - 2: [joe john]");
+ ok(138, $result{"fetch key"} eq "fetch key - 1: [fred]");
+ ok(139, ! defined $result{"fetch value"} );
+ ok(140, $_ eq "original") ;
+ ok(141, $h{"fred"} eq "joe");
+ ok(142, $result{"store key"} eq "store key - 3: [fred jim fred]");
+ ok(143, $result{"store value"} eq "store value - 2: [joe john]");
+ ok(144, $result{"fetch key"} eq "fetch key - 1: [fred]");
+ ok(145, $result{"fetch value"} eq "fetch value - 1: [joe]");
+ ok(146, $_ eq "original") ;
+ undef $db ;
+ untie %h;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ # DBM Filter recursion detection
+ use strict ;
+ my (%h, $db) ;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ ok(147, $db = tie(%h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_BTREE ) );
+ $db->filter_store_key (sub { $_ = $h{$_} }) ;
+ eval '$h{1} = 1234' ;
+ ok(148, $@ =~ /^recursion detected in filter_store_key at/ );
+ undef $db ;
+ untie %h;
+ unlink $Dfile;
+ # Examples from the POD
+ my $file = "xyzt" ;
+ {
+ my $redirect = new Redirect $file ;
+ # BTREE example 1
+ ###
+ use strict ;
+ use DB_File ;
+ my %h ;
+ sub Compare
+ {
+ my ($key1, $key2) = @_ ;
+ "\L$key1" cmp "\L$key2" ;
+ }
+ # specify the Perl sub that will do the comparison
+ $DB_BTREE->{'compare'} = \&Compare ;
+ unlink "tree" ;
+ tie %h, "DB_File", "tree", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_BTREE
+ or die "Cannot open file 'tree': $!\n" ;
+ # Add a key/value pair to the file
+ $h{'Wall'} = 'Larry' ;
+ $h{'Smith'} = 'John' ;
+ $h{'mouse'} = 'mickey' ;
+ $h{'duck'} = 'donald' ;
+ # Delete
+ delete $h{"duck"} ;
+ # Cycle through the keys printing them in order.
+ # Note it is not necessary to sort the keys as
+ # the btree will have kept them in order automatically.
+ foreach (keys %h)
+ { print "$_\n" }
+ untie %h ;
+ unlink "tree" ;
+ }
+ delete $DB_BTREE->{'compare'} ;
+ ok(149, docat_del($file) eq <<'EOM') ;
+ {
+ my $redirect = new Redirect $file ;
+ # BTREE example 2
+ ###
+ use strict ;
+ use DB_File ;
+ use vars qw($filename %h ) ;
+ $filename = "tree" ;
+ unlink $filename ;
+ # Enable duplicate records
+ $DB_BTREE->{'flags'} = R_DUP ;
+ tie %h, "DB_File", $filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_BTREE
+ or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n";
+ # Add some key/value pairs to the file
+ $h{'Wall'} = 'Larry' ;
+ $h{'Wall'} = 'Brick' ; # Note the duplicate key
+ $h{'Wall'} = 'Brick' ; # Note the duplicate key and value
+ $h{'Smith'} = 'John' ;
+ $h{'mouse'} = 'mickey' ;
+ # iterate through the associative array
+ # and print each key/value pair.
+ foreach (keys %h)
+ { print "$_ -> $h{$_}\n" }
+ untie %h ;
+ unlink $filename ;
+ }
+ ok(150, docat_del($file) eq ($db185mode ? <<'EOM' : <<'EOM') ) ;
+Smith -> John
+Wall -> Brick
+Wall -> Brick
+Wall -> Brick
+mouse -> mickey
+Smith -> John
+Wall -> Larry
+Wall -> Larry
+Wall -> Larry
+mouse -> mickey
+ {
+ my $redirect = new Redirect $file ;
+ # BTREE example 3
+ ###
+ use strict ;
+ use DB_File ;
+ use vars qw($filename $x %h $status $key $value) ;
+ $filename = "tree" ;
+ unlink $filename ;
+ # Enable duplicate records
+ $DB_BTREE->{'flags'} = R_DUP ;
+ $x = tie %h, "DB_File", $filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_BTREE
+ or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n";
+ # Add some key/value pairs to the file
+ $h{'Wall'} = 'Larry' ;
+ $h{'Wall'} = 'Brick' ; # Note the duplicate key
+ $h{'Wall'} = 'Brick' ; # Note the duplicate key and value
+ $h{'Smith'} = 'John' ;
+ $h{'mouse'} = 'mickey' ;
+ # iterate through the btree using seq
+ # and print each key/value pair.
+ $key = $value = 0 ;
+ for ($status = $x->seq($key, $value, R_FIRST) ;
+ $status == 0 ;
+ $status = $x->seq($key, $value, R_NEXT) )
+ { print "$key -> $value\n" }
+ undef $x ;
+ untie %h ;
+ }
+ ok(151, docat_del($file) eq ($db185mode == 1 ? <<'EOM' : <<'EOM') ) ;
+Smith -> John
+Wall -> Brick
+Wall -> Brick
+Wall -> Larry
+mouse -> mickey
+Smith -> John
+Wall -> Larry
+Wall -> Brick
+Wall -> Brick
+mouse -> mickey
+ {
+ my $redirect = new Redirect $file ;
+ # BTREE example 4
+ ###
+ use strict ;
+ use DB_File ;
+ use vars qw($filename $x %h ) ;
+ $filename = "tree" ;
+ # Enable duplicate records
+ $DB_BTREE->{'flags'} = R_DUP ;
+ $x = tie %h, "DB_File", $filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_BTREE
+ or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n";
+ my $cnt = $x->get_dup("Wall") ;
+ print "Wall occurred $cnt times\n" ;
+ my %hash = $x->get_dup("Wall", 1) ;
+ print "Larry is there\n" if $hash{'Larry'} ;
+ print "There are $hash{'Brick'} Brick Walls\n" ;
+ my @list = sort $x->get_dup("Wall") ;
+ print "Wall => [@list]\n" ;
+ @list = $x->get_dup("Smith") ;
+ print "Smith => [@list]\n" ;
+ @list = $x->get_dup("Dog") ;
+ print "Dog => [@list]\n" ;
+ undef $x ;
+ untie %h ;
+ }
+ ok(152, docat_del($file) eq <<'EOM') ;
+Wall occurred 3 times
+Larry is there
+There are 2 Brick Walls
+Wall => [Brick Brick Larry]
+Smith => [John]
+Dog => []
+ {
+ my $redirect = new Redirect $file ;
+ # BTREE example 5
+ ###
+ use strict ;
+ use DB_File ;
+ use vars qw($filename $x %h $found) ;
+ my $filename = "tree" ;
+ # Enable duplicate records
+ $DB_BTREE->{'flags'} = R_DUP ;
+ $x = tie %h, "DB_File", $filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_BTREE
+ or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n";
+ $found = ( $x->find_dup("Wall", "Larry") == 0 ? "" : "not") ;
+ print "Larry Wall is $found there\n" ;
+ $found = ( $x->find_dup("Wall", "Harry") == 0 ? "" : "not") ;
+ print "Harry Wall is $found there\n" ;
+ undef $x ;
+ untie %h ;
+ }
+ ok(153, docat_del($file) eq <<'EOM') ;
+Larry Wall is there
+Harry Wall is not there
+ {
+ my $redirect = new Redirect $file ;
+ # BTREE example 6
+ ###
+ use strict ;
+ use DB_File ;
+ use vars qw($filename $x %h $found) ;
+ my $filename = "tree" ;
+ # Enable duplicate records
+ $DB_BTREE->{'flags'} = R_DUP ;
+ $x = tie %h, "DB_File", $filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_BTREE
+ or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n";
+ $x->del_dup("Wall", "Larry") ;
+ $found = ( $x->find_dup("Wall", "Larry") == 0 ? "" : "not") ;
+ print "Larry Wall is $found there\n" ;
+ undef $x ;
+ untie %h ;
+ unlink $filename ;
+ }
+ ok(154, docat_del($file) eq <<'EOM') ;
+Larry Wall is not there
+ {
+ my $redirect = new Redirect $file ;
+ # BTREE example 7
+ ###
+ use strict ;
+ use DB_File ;
+ use Fcntl ;
+ use vars qw($filename $x %h $st $key $value) ;
+ sub match
+ {
+ my $key = shift ;
+ my $value = 0;
+ my $orig_key = $key ;
+ $x->seq($key, $value, R_CURSOR) ;
+ print "$orig_key\t-> $key\t-> $value\n" ;
+ }
+ $filename = "tree" ;
+ unlink $filename ;
+ $x = tie %h, "DB_File", $filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_BTREE
+ or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n";
+ # Add some key/value pairs to the file
+ $h{'mouse'} = 'mickey' ;
+ $h{'Wall'} = 'Larry' ;
+ $h{'Walls'} = 'Brick' ;
+ $h{'Smith'} = 'John' ;
+ $key = $value = 0 ;
+ print "IN ORDER\n" ;
+ for ($st = $x->seq($key, $value, R_FIRST) ;
+ $st == 0 ;
+ $st = $x->seq($key, $value, R_NEXT) )
+ { print "$key -> $value\n" }
+ print "\nPARTIAL MATCH\n" ;
+ match "Wa" ;
+ match "A" ;
+ match "a" ;
+ undef $x ;
+ untie %h ;
+ unlink $filename ;
+ }
+ ok(155, docat_del($file) eq <<'EOM') ;
+Smith -> John
+Wall -> Larry
+Walls -> Brick
+mouse -> mickey
+Wa -> Wall -> Larry
+A -> Smith -> John
+a -> mouse -> mickey
+# use strict ;
+# my (%h, $db) ;
+# unlink $Dfile;
+# ok(156, $db = tie(%h, 'DB_File', $Dfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640, $DB_BTREE ) );
+# $h{abc} = 33 ;
+# my $k = "newest" ;
+# my $v = 44 ;
+# my $status = $db->put($k, $v, R_SETCURSOR) ;
+# print "status = [$status]\n" ;
+# ok(157, $status == 0) ;
+# $status = $db->del($k, R_CURSOR) ;
+# print "status = [$status]\n" ;
+# ok(158, $status == 0) ;
+# $k = "newest" ;
+# ok(159, $db->get($k, $v, R_CURSOR)) ;
+# ok(160, keys %h == 1) ;
+# undef $db ;
+# untie %h;
+# unlink $Dfile;
exit ;
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