path: root/contrib/perl5/lib/
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authormarkm <>1998-09-09 07:00:04 +0000
committermarkm <>1998-09-09 07:00:04 +0000
commit4fcbc3669aa997848e15198cc9fb856287a6788c (patch)
tree58b20e81687d6d5931f120b50802ed21225bf440 /contrib/perl5/lib/
Initial import of Perl5. The king is dead; long live the king!
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/lib/')
1 files changed, 461 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..121d261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+package AutoSplit;
+use Exporter ();
+use Config qw(%Config);
+use Carp qw(carp);
+use File::Basename ();
+use File::Path qw(mkpath);
+use strict;
+use vars qw(
+ $Verbose $Keep $Maxlen $CheckForAutoloader $CheckModTime
+ );
+$VERSION = "1.0302";
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(&autosplit &autosplit_lib_modules);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw($Verbose $Keep $Maxlen $CheckForAutoloader $CheckModTime);
+=head1 NAME
+AutoSplit - split a package for autoloading
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ autosplit($file, $dir, $keep, $check, $modtime);
+ autosplit_lib_modules(@modules);
+This function will split up your program into files that the AutoLoader
+module can handle. It is used by both the standard perl libraries and by
+the MakeMaker utility, to automatically configure libraries for autoloading.
+The C<autosplit> interface splits the specified file into a hierarchy
+rooted at the directory C<$dir>. It creates directories as needed to reflect
+class hierarchy, and creates the file F<autosplit.ix>. This file acts as
+both forward declaration of all package routines, and as timestamp for the
+last update of the hierarchy.
+The remaining three arguments to C<autosplit> govern other options to
+the autosplitter.
+=over 2
+=item $keep
+If the third argument, I<$keep>, is false, then any
+pre-existing C<*.al> files in the autoload directory are removed if
+they are no longer part of the module (obsoleted functions).
+$keep defaults to 0.
+=item $check
+fourth argument, I<$check>, instructs C<autosplit> to check the module
+currently being split to ensure that it does include a C<use>
+specification for the AutoLoader module, and skips the module if
+AutoLoader is not detected.
+$check defaults to 1.
+=item $modtime
+Lastly, the I<$modtime> argument specifies
+that C<autosplit> is to check the modification time of the module
+against that of the C<autosplit.ix> file, and only split the module if
+it is newer.
+$modtime defaults to 1.
+Typical use of AutoSplit in the perl MakeMaker utility is via the command-line
+ perl -e 'use AutoSplit; autosplit($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], 0, 1, 1)'
+Defined as a Make macro, it is invoked with file and directory arguments;
+C<autosplit> will split the specified file into the specified directory and
+delete obsolete C<.al> files, after checking first that the module does use
+the AutoLoader, and ensuring that the module is not already currently split
+in its current form (the modtime test).
+The C<autosplit_lib_modules> form is used in the building of perl. It takes
+as input a list of files (modules) that are assumed to reside in a directory
+B<lib> relative to the current directory. Each file is sent to the
+autosplitter one at a time, to be split into the directory B<lib/auto>.
+In both usages of the autosplitter, only subroutines defined following the
+perl I<__END__> token are split out into separate files. Some
+routines may be placed prior to this marker to force their immediate loading
+and parsing.
+=head2 Multiple packages
+As of version 1.01 of the AutoSplit module it is possible to have
+multiple packages within a single file. Both of the following cases
+are supported:
+ package NAME;
+ __END__
+ sub AAA { ... }
+ package NAME::option1;
+ sub BBB { ... }
+ package NAME::option2;
+ sub BBB { ... }
+ package NAME;
+ __END__
+ sub AAA { ... }
+ sub NAME::option1::BBB { ... }
+ sub NAME::option2::BBB { ... }
+C<AutoSplit> will inform the user if it is necessary to create the
+top-level directory specified in the invocation. It is preferred that
+the script or installation process that invokes C<AutoSplit> have
+created the full directory path ahead of time. This warning may
+indicate that the module is being split into an incorrect path.
+C<AutoSplit> will warn the user of all subroutines whose name causes
+potential file naming conflicts on machines with drastically limited
+(8 characters or less) file name length. Since the subroutine name is
+used as the file name, these warnings can aid in portability to such
+Warnings are issued and the file skipped if C<AutoSplit> cannot locate
+either the I<__END__> marker or a "package Name;"-style specification.
+C<AutoSplit> will also emit general diagnostics for inability to
+create directories or files.
+# for portability warn about names longer than $maxlen
+$Maxlen = 8; # 8 for dos, 11 (14-".al") for SYSVR3
+$Verbose = 1; # 0=none, 1=minimal, 2=list .al files
+$Keep = 0;
+$CheckForAutoloader = 1;
+$CheckModTime = 1;
+my $IndexFile = "autosplit.ix"; # file also serves as timestamp
+my $maxflen = 255;
+$maxflen = 14 if $Config{'d_flexfnam'} ne 'define';
+if (defined (&Dos::UseLFN)) {
+ $maxflen = Dos::UseLFN() ? 255 : 11;
+my $Is_VMS = ($^O eq 'VMS');
+sub autosplit{
+ my($file, $autodir, $keep, $ckal, $ckmt) = @_;
+ # $file - the perl source file to be split (after __END__)
+ # $autodir - the ".../auto" dir below which to write split subs
+ # Handle optional flags:
+ $keep = $Keep unless defined $keep;
+ $ckal = $CheckForAutoloader unless defined $ckal;
+ $ckmt = $CheckModTime unless defined $ckmt;
+ autosplit_file($file, $autodir, $keep, $ckal, $ckmt);
+# This function is used during perl building/installation
+# ./miniperl -e 'use AutoSplit; autosplit_lib_modules(@ARGV)' ...
+sub autosplit_lib_modules{
+ my(@modules) = @_; # list of Module names
+ while(defined($_ = shift @modules)){
+ s#::#/#g; # incase specified as ABC::XYZ
+ s|\\|/|g; # bug in ksh OS/2
+ s#^lib/##; # incase specified as lib/*.pm
+ if ($Is_VMS && /[:>\]]/) { # may need to convert VMS-style filespecs
+ my ($dir,$name) = (/(.*])(.*)/);
+ $dir =~ s/.*lib[\.\]]//;
+ $dir =~ s#[\.\]]#/#g;
+ $_ = $dir . $name;
+ }
+ autosplit_file("lib/$_", "lib/auto",
+ $Keep, $CheckForAutoloader, $CheckModTime);
+ }
+ 0;
+# private functions
+sub autosplit_file {
+ my($filename, $autodir, $keep, $check_for_autoloader, $check_mod_time)
+ = @_;
+ my(@outfiles);
+ local($_);
+ local($/) = "\n";
+ # where to write output files
+ $autodir ||= "lib/auto";
+ if ($Is_VMS) {
+ ($autodir = VMS::Filespec::unixpath($autodir)) =~ s|/$||;
+ $filename = VMS::Filespec::unixify($filename); # may have dirs
+ }
+ unless (-d $autodir){
+ mkpath($autodir,0,0755);
+ # We should never need to create the auto dir
+ # here. installperl (or similar) should have done
+ # it. Expecting it to exist is a valuable sanity check against
+ # autosplitting into some random directory by mistake.
+ print "Warning: AutoSplit had to create top-level " .
+ "$autodir unexpectedly.\n";
+ }
+ # allow just a package name to be used
+ $filename .= ".pm" unless ($filename =~ m/\.pm$/);
+ open(IN, "<$filename") or die "AutoSplit: Can't open $filename: $!\n";
+ my($pm_mod_time) = (stat($filename))[9];
+ my($autoloader_seen) = 0;
+ my($in_pod) = 0;
+ my($def_package,$last_package,$this_package,$fnr);
+ while (<IN>) {
+ # Skip pod text.
+ $fnr++;
+ $in_pod = 1 if /^=/;
+ $in_pod = 0 if /^=cut/;
+ next if ($in_pod || /^=cut/);
+ # record last package name seen
+ $def_package = $1 if (m/^\s*package\s+([\w:]+)\s*;/);
+ ++$autoloader_seen if m/^\s*(use|require)\s+AutoLoader\b/;
+ ++$autoloader_seen if m/\bISA\s*=.*\bAutoLoader\b/;
+ last if /^__END__/;
+ }
+ if ($check_for_autoloader && !$autoloader_seen){
+ print "AutoSplit skipped $filename: no AutoLoader used\n"
+ if ($Verbose>=2);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $_ or die "Can't find __END__ in $filename\n";
+ $def_package or die "Can't find 'package Name;' in $filename\n";
+ my($modpname) = _modpname($def_package);
+ # this _has_ to match so we have a reasonable timestamp file
+ die "Package $def_package ($ does not ".
+ "match filename $filename"
+ unless ($filename =~ m/\Q$\E$/ or
+ ($^O eq 'dos') or ($^O eq 'MSWin32') or
+ $Is_VMS && $filename =~ m/$;
+ my($al_idx_file) = "$autodir/$modpname/$IndexFile";
+ if ($check_mod_time){
+ my($al_ts_time) = (stat("$al_idx_file"))[9] || 1;
+ if ($al_ts_time >= $pm_mod_time){
+ print "AutoSplit skipped ($al_idx_file newer than $filename)\n"
+ if ($Verbose >= 2);
+ return undef; # one undef, not a list
+ }
+ }
+ print "AutoSplitting $filename ($autodir/$modpname)\n"
+ if $Verbose;
+ unless (-d "$autodir/$modpname"){
+ mkpath("$autodir/$modpname",0,0777);
+ }
+ # We must try to deal with some SVR3 systems with a limit of 14
+ # characters for file names. Sadly we *cannot* simply truncate all
+ # file names to 14 characters on these systems because we *must*
+ # create filenames which exactly match the names used by
+ # This is a problem because some systems silently truncate the file
+ # names while others treat long file names as an error.
+ my $Is83 = $maxflen==11; # plain, case INSENSITIVE dos filenames
+ my(@subnames, $subname, %proto, %package);
+ my @cache = ();
+ my $caching = 1;
+ $last_package = '';
+ while (<IN>) {
+ $fnr++;
+ $in_pod = 1 if /^=/;
+ $in_pod = 0 if /^=cut/;
+ next if ($in_pod || /^=cut/);
+ # the following (tempting) old coding gives big troubles if a
+ # cut is forgotten at EOF:
+ # next if /^=\w/ .. /^=cut/;
+ if (/^package\s+([\w:]+)\s*;/) {
+ $this_package = $def_package = $1;
+ }
+ if (/^sub\s+([\w:]+)(\s*\(.*?\))?/) {
+ print OUT "# end of $last_package\::$subname\n1;\n"
+ if $last_package;
+ $subname = $1;
+ my $proto = $2 || '';
+ if ($subname =~ s/(.*):://){
+ $this_package = $1;
+ } else {
+ $this_package = $def_package;
+ }
+ my $fq_subname = "$this_package\::$subname";
+ $package{$fq_subname} = $this_package;
+ $proto{$fq_subname} = $proto;
+ push(@subnames, $fq_subname);
+ my($lname, $sname) = ($subname, substr($subname,0,$maxflen-3));
+ $modpname = _modpname($this_package);
+ mkpath("$autodir/$modpname",0,0777);
+ my($lpath) = "$autodir/$modpname/$";
+ my($spath) = "$autodir/$modpname/$";
+ my $path;
+ if (!$Is83 and open(OUT, ">$lpath")){
+ $path=$lpath;
+ print " writing $lpath\n" if ($Verbose>=2);
+ } else {
+ open(OUT, ">$spath") or die "Can't create $spath: $!\n";
+ $path=$spath;
+ print " writing $spath (with truncated name)\n"
+ if ($Verbose>=1);
+ }
+ push(@outfiles, $path);
+ print OUT <<EOT;
+# NOTE: Derived from $filename.
+# Changes made here will be lost when autosplit again.
+# See
+package $this_package;
+#line $fnr "$filename (autosplit into $path)"
+ print OUT @cache;
+ @cache = ();
+ $caching = 0;
+ }
+ if($caching) {
+ push(@cache, $_) if @cache || /\S/;
+ } else {
+ print OUT $_;
+ }
+ if(/^\}/) {
+ if($caching) {
+ print OUT @cache;
+ @cache = ();
+ }
+ print OUT "\n";
+ $caching = 1;
+ }
+ $last_package = $this_package if defined $this_package;
+ }
+ print OUT @cache,"1;\n# end of $last_package\::$subname\n";
+ close(OUT);
+ close(IN);
+ if (!$keep){ # don't keep any obsolete *.al files in the directory
+ my(%outfiles);
+ # @outfiles{@outfiles} = @outfiles;
+ # perl downcases all filenames on VMS (which upcases all filenames) so
+ # we'd better downcase the sub name list too, or subs with upper case
+ # letters in them will get their .al files deleted right after they're
+ # created. (The mixed case sub name won't match the all-lowercase
+ # filename, and so be cleaned up as a scrap file)
+ if ($Is_VMS or $Is83) {
+ %outfiles = map {lc($_) => lc($_) } @outfiles;
+ } else {
+ @outfiles{@outfiles} = @outfiles;
+ }
+ my(%outdirs,@outdirs);
+ for (@outfiles) {
+ $outdirs{File::Basename::dirname($_)}||=1;
+ }
+ for my $dir (keys %outdirs) {
+ opendir(OUTDIR,$dir);
+ foreach (sort readdir(OUTDIR)){
+ next unless /\.al$/;
+ my($file) = "$dir/$_";
+ $file = lc $file if $Is83 or $Is_VMS;
+ next if $outfiles{$file};
+ print " deleting $file\n" if ($Verbose>=2);
+ my($deleted,$thistime); # catch all versions on VMS
+ do { $deleted += ($thistime = unlink $file) } while ($thistime);
+ carp "Unable to delete $file: $!" unless $deleted;
+ }
+ closedir(OUTDIR);
+ }
+ }
+ open(TS,">$al_idx_file") or
+ carp "AutoSplit: unable to create timestamp file ($al_idx_file): $!";
+ print TS "# Index created by AutoSplit for $filename\n";
+ print TS "# (file acts as timestamp)\n";
+ $last_package = '';
+ for my $fqs (@subnames) {
+ my($subname) = $fqs;
+ $subname =~ s/.*:://;
+ print TS "package $package{$fqs};\n"
+ unless $last_package eq $package{$fqs};
+ print TS "sub $subname $proto{$fqs};\n";
+ $last_package = $package{$fqs};
+ }
+ print TS "1;\n";
+ close(TS);
+ _check_unique($filename, $Maxlen, 1, @outfiles);
+ @outfiles;
+sub _modpname ($) {
+ my($package) = @_;
+ my $modpname = $package;
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ $modpname =~ s#::#\\#g;
+ } else {
+ $modpname =~ s#::#/#g;
+ }
+ $modpname;
+sub _check_unique {
+ my($filename, $maxlen, $warn, @outfiles) = @_;
+ my(%notuniq) = ();
+ my(%shorts) = ();
+ my(@toolong) = grep(
+ length(File::Basename::basename($_))
+ > $maxlen,
+ @outfiles
+ );
+ foreach (@toolong){
+ my($dir) = File::Basename::dirname($_);
+ my($file) = File::Basename::basename($_);
+ my($trunc) = substr($file,0,$maxlen);
+ $notuniq{$dir}{$trunc} = 1 if $shorts{$dir}{$trunc};
+ $shorts{$dir}{$trunc} = $shorts{$dir}{$trunc} ?
+ "$shorts{$dir}{$trunc}, $file" : $file;
+ }
+ if (%notuniq && $warn){
+ print "$filename: some names are not unique when " .
+ "truncated to $maxlen characters:\n";
+ foreach my $dir (sort keys %notuniq){
+ print " directory $dir:\n";
+ foreach my $trunc (sort keys %{$notuniq{$dir}}) {
+ print " $shorts{$dir}{$trunc} truncate to $trunc\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# test functions so can be applied to itself:
+sub test1 ($) { "test 1\n"; }
+sub test2 ($$) { "test 2\n"; }
+sub test3 ($$$) { "test 3\n"; }
+sub testtesttesttest4_1 { "test 4\n"; }
+sub testtesttesttest4_2 { "duplicate test 4\n"; }
+sub Just::Another::test5 { "another test 5\n"; }
+sub test6 { return join ":", __FILE__,__LINE__; }
+package Yet::Another::AutoSplit;
+sub testtesttesttest4_1 ($) { "another test 4\n"; }
+sub testtesttesttest4_2 ($$) { "another duplicate test 4\n"; }
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