path: root/contrib/ncurses/tack
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authorrafan <>2007-12-30 11:10:17 +0000
committerrafan <>2007-12-30 11:10:17 +0000
commitfa111939911afb0742eae3463d2fb25448a02041 (patch)
tree2353dc2f6988b5a0ff84fda4282959891465e01a /contrib/ncurses/tack
parent787b3107a0a72b5af39fcf1289723a4ab0e05279 (diff)
This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r174996,
which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/ncurses/tack')
23 files changed, 0 insertions, 13001 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/COPYING b/contrib/ncurses/tack/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index b6f92f3..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/HISTORY b/contrib/ncurses/tack/HISTORY
deleted file mode 100644
index 56497fb..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/HISTORY
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Current history:
-2006/11/25 Fixes for ncurses tparm() prototype.
-2006/06/24 1.02 Modify to support ncurses extended string capabilities.
-2003/10/18 1.01 Fix some logic in pad.c, improve bce test.
-2003/09/20 Modified to allow running from compiled-in terminfo.
-2001/10/20 Make menu titles agree with descriptions.
-2000/03/04 Fix a few spelling errors
-1999/09/04 Minor fix to build/link on BeOS
-1999/05/16 Minor fix to build/link on CLIX
-1999/05/09 Update to build/link on NeXT
-1999/04/17 Update to work with ncurses 5.0 beta1 (TERMTYPE struct)
-1999/02/07 Build with ncurses 4.2 981219 (renamed function)
-1998/01/09 1.00 First release under GPL
-1997/12/24 0.02 First version that requires ncurses
-1997/10/29 0.01 Second beta release to the ncurses mailing list.
-1997/10/06 0.00 First beta release to the ncurses mailing list.
-Ancient history: TACK -- the terminfo action checker
- The purpose of this program is to verify the correctness of
-terminfos and to calculate the pads needed for each capability.
-This program is not designed to test curses and therefore uses
-as little of curses as possible.
- This program was originally called TED. In 1991 it was
-released to USENET in comp.sources. TED was originally written to
-test both terminfos and termcaps. The original intent was to
-create a terminfo editor. This code fell quite short of its goal.
-Tests were controlled by command line switches and editing was done
-with pen and paper.
- In 1995 Eric S. Raymond got interested in the program and added
-a first cut at making the program menu driven. He also converted
-the code from K&R C to an ANSI/POSIX-conforming C. He re-christened
-the program TAC (Terminfo Action Checker). Eric also wrote a man
-page for TAC.
- In 1997 I decided to dust off the code and make it easier to
-use by the novice. I totally rewrote the menu system and added
-the editing features I originally planned for TED. I also did
-a total rewrite of the code that does the timings. In the process
-of rewriting the code I changed it to be more tightly coupled
-with ncurses. By this time someone had taken the name TAC so
-I re-christened the program TACK.
-Daniel Weaver
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/ b/contrib/ncurses/tack/
deleted file mode 100644
index 059a702..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-# $Id:,v 1.38 2006/12/17 15:58:32 tom Exp $
-# Copyright (c) 1998-2005,2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. #
-# #
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a #
-# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), #
-# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation #
-# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, distribute #
-# with modifications, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to #
-# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the #
-# following conditions: #
-# #
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #
-# #
-# #
-# Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright #
-# holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, #
-# use or other dealings in this Software without prior written #
-# authorization. #
-# Makefile for tack
-# The variable 'srcdir' refers to the source-distribution, and can be set with
-# the configure script by "--srcdir=DIR".
-# The rules are organized to produce the libraries for the configured models,
-# and the programs with the configured default model.
-# turn off _all_ suffix rules; we'll generate our own
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-THIS = Makefile
-CF_MFLAGS = @cf_cv_makeflags@
-x = @EXEEXT@
-o = .@OBJEXT@
-srcdir = @srcdir@
-prefix = @prefix@
-exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
-bindir = @bindir@
-libdir = @libdir@
-mandir = @mandir@
-includedir = @includedir@
-datadir = @datadir@
-AWK = @AWK@
-LN_S = @LN_S@
-CC = @CC@
-CPP = @CPP@
-INCDIR = $(srcdir)/../include
-CPPFLAGS = -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I../tack -I$(srcdir) @CPPFLAGS@
-REL_VERSION = @cf_cv_rel_version@
-ABI_VERSION = @cf_cv_abi_version@
-LOCAL_LIBDIR = @top_builddir@/lib
-LD = @LD@
-PROGS = tack$x
-# Default library, for linking applications
-all: $(PROGS)
-install: install.tack
-uninstall: uninstall.tack
-# this line simplifies the configure-script
-libs \
-install.libs \
-EDITARGS = $(DESTDIR)$(mandir) $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/*.[0-9]*
-install.tack: $(PROGS) \
- $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) \
- $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)
- $(LIBTOOL_INSTALL) $(INSTALL_PROG) tack$x $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/tack$x
- sh ../ normal installing $(EDITARGS)
- -@$(LIBTOOL_UNINSTALL) rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/tack$x
- -sh ../ normal removing $(EDITARGS)
-$(DESTDIR)$(bindir) \
-$(DESTDIR)$(mandir) :
- sh $(srcdir)/../mkinstalldirs $@
-# Rules for building tack
- $(MODEL)/ansi$o \
- $(MODEL)/charset$o \
- $(MODEL)/color$o \
- $(MODEL)/control$o \
- $(MODEL)/crum$o \
- $(MODEL)/edit$o \
- $(MODEL)/fun$o \
- $(MODEL)/init$o \
- $(MODEL)/menu$o \
- $(MODEL)/modes$o \
- $(MODEL)/output$o \
- $(MODEL)/pad$o \
- $(MODEL)/scan$o \
- $(MODEL)/sync$o \
- $(MODEL)/sysdep$o \
- $(MODEL)/tack$o
-tack$x: $(DEPS_TACK) $(DEPS_CURSES)
-# Utility productions start here
- ctags *.[ch]
-@MAKE_UPPER_TAGS@ etags *.[ch]
-mostlyclean ::
- -rm -f core tags TAGS *~ *.bak *.i *.atac trace
-clean :: mostlyclean
- -sh -c "if test -n '$x' ; then $(MAKE) clean x=''; fi"
- -rm -f $(PROGS)
- -rm -rf .libs
-distclean :: clean
- -rm -f Makefile
-realclean :: distclean
-tack.tar: modules *.[ch] tack.1 HISTORY COPYING
- tar -cvf tack.tar modules *.[ch] tack.1 HISTORY COPYING
-# These rules are used to allow "make -n" to work on a clean directory-tree
-../include/hashsize.h \
-../include/parametrized.h \
-../include/term.h :
- cd ../include; $(MAKE) $(CF_MFLAGS)
- cd ../ncurses; $(MAKE) $(CF_MFLAGS)
- $(LINT) $(LINT_OPTS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(srcdir)/*.c $(LINT_LIBS)
-# The remainder of this file is automatically generated during configuration
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/README b/contrib/ncurses/tack/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 7114704..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
--- $Id: README,v 1.2 2000/03/12 02:39:12 Daniel.Weaver Exp $
-The 'tack' program is a diagnostic that is designed to create and
-verify the correctness of terminfo's. This program can be used to
-create new terminal descriptions that are not included in the standard
-release. Although 'tack' is distributed with ncurses, it is not an
-integral part of ncurses. It may be removed from the release without
-limiting the usefulness of ncurses on those terminals described in the
-terminfo data base. The best way to remove 'tack' from the build is
-to delete or rename the 'tack' directory before running the configure
-Unlike most of ncurses the 'tack' program is covered under the GNU
-Public License.
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/ansi.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/ansi.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bdbd433..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/ansi.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,854 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include <tack.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: ansi.c,v 1.10 2005/09/17 19:49:16 tom Exp $")
- * Standalone tests for ANSI terminals. Three entry points:
- * test_ansi_graphics(), test_ansi_reports() and test_ansi_sgr().
- */
- *
- * Test ANSI status reports
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-/* ASCII control characters */
-#define A_DC1 0x11 /* Control Q */
-#define A_DC3 0x13 /* Control S */
-#define A_ESC 0x1b
-#define A_DCS 0x90
-#define A_CSI 0x9b
-#define A_ST 0x9c
-#define MAX_MODES 256
-static char default_bank[] = "\033(B\017";
-static int private_use, ape, terminal_class;
-static short ansi_value[256];
-static unsigned char ansi_buf[512], pack_buf[512];
-struct ansi_reports {
- int lvl, final;
- const char *text;
- const char *request;
-static struct ansi_reports report_list[] = {
- {0, 'c', "(DA) Primary device attributes", "\033[0c"},
- {1, 0, "(DSR) Terminal status", "\033[5n"},
- {1, 'R', "(DSR) Cursor position", "\033[6n"},
- {62, 0, "(DA) Secondary device attributes", "\033[>0c"},
- {62, 0, "(DSR) Printer status", "\033[?15n"},
- {62, 0, "(DSR) Function key definition", "\033[?25n"},
- {62, 0, "(DSR) Keyboard language", "\033[?26n"},
- {63, 0, "(DECRQSS) Data destination", "\033P$q$}\033\\"},
- {63, 0, "(DECRQSS) Status line type", "\033P$q$~\033\\"},
- {63, 0, "(DECRQSS) Erase attribute", "\033P$q\"q\033\\"},
- {63, 0, "(DECRQSS) Personality", "\033P$q\"p\033\\"},
- {63, 0, "(DECRQSS) Top and bottom margins", "\033P$qr\033\\"},
- {63, 0, "(DECRQSS) Character attributes", "\033P$qm\033\\"},
- {63, 0, "(DECRQSS) Illegal request", "\033P$q@\033\\"},
- {63, 0, "(DECRQUPSS) User pref supplemental set", "\033[&u"},
- {63, 0, "(DECRQPSR) Cursor information", "\033[1$w"},
- {63, 0, "(DECRQPSR) Tab stop information", "\033[2$w"},
- {64, 0, "(DA) Tertiary device attributes", "\033[=0c"},
- {64, 0, "(DSR) Extended cursor position", "\033[?6n"},
- {64, 0, "(DSR) Macro space", "\033[?62n"},
- {64, 0, "(DSR) Memory checksum", "\033[?63n"},
- {64, 0, "(DSR) Data integrity", "\033[?75n"},
- {64, 0, "(DSR) Multiple session status", "\033[?85n"},
- {64, 0, "(DECRQSS) Attribute change extent", "\033P$q*x\033\\"},
- {64, 0, "(DECRQSS) Columns per page", "\033P$q$|\033\\"},
- {64, 0, "(DECRQSS) Lines per page", "\033P$qt\033\\"},
- {64, 0, "(DECRQSS) Lines per screen", "\033P$q*|\033\\"},
- {64, 0, "(DECRQSS) Left and right margins", "\033P$qs\033\\"},
- {64, 0, "(DECRQSS) Local functions", "\033P$q+q\033\\"},
- {64, 0, "(DECRQSS) Local function key control", "\033P$q=}\033\\"},
- {64, 0, "(DECRQSS) Select modifier key reporting", "\033P$q+r\033\\"},
- {64, 0, "(DECRQDE) Window report", "\033[\"v"},
- {0, 0, 0, 0}
-struct request_control {
- const char *text;
- const char *expect;
- const char *request;
- const char *set_mode;
- const char *reset_mode;
-/* Request control function selection or setting */
-static const struct request_control rqss[] = {
- {"Data sent to screen", "0", "$}", "\033[0$}", 0},
- {"Data sent to disabled status line", "0", "$}", 0, 0},
- {"\033[0$~\033[1$}", "\033[0$}", 0, 0, 0},
- {"Data sent to enabled status line", "1", "$}", 0, 0},
- {"\033[2$~\033[1$}", "\033[0$}", 0, 0, 0},
- {"Disable status line", "0", "$~", "\033[0$~", 0},
- {"Top status line", "1", "$~", "\033[1$~", 0},
- {"Bottom status line", "2", "$~", "\033[2$~", 0},
- {"Erasable character", "0", "\"q", "\033[0\"q", 0},
- {"Nonerasable character", "1", "\"q", "\033[1\"q", "\033[0\"q"},
- {"Top and bottom margins", "3;10", "r", "\0337\033[3;10r", 0},
- {"\033[r\0338", 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"Top and bottom margins", "default", "r", "\0337\033[r", "\0338"},
- {"Character attributes, dim, bold", "1", "m", "\033[2;1m", "\033[m"},
- {"Character attributes, bold, dim", "2", "m", "\033[1;2m", "\033[m"},
- {"Character attributes, under, rev", "4;7", "m", "\033[4;7m", "\033[m"},
- {"Character attributes, color", "35;42", "m", "\033[35;42m", "\033[m"},
- {"All character attributes", "", "m", "\033[1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9m", 0},
- {"\033[m", 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-** read_ansi()
-** read an ANSI status report from terminal
-static void
- int ch, i, j, last_escape;
- fflush(stdout);
- read_key((char *)ansi_buf, sizeof(ansi_buf));
- /* Throw away control characters inside CSI sequences.
- Convert two character 7-bit sequences into 8-bit sequences. */
- for (i = j = last_escape = 0; (ch = ansi_buf[i]) != 0; i++) {
- if (ch == A_ESC) {
- if (last_escape == A_ESC) {
- pack_buf[j++] = A_ESC;
- }
- last_escape = A_ESC;
- } else
- if (last_escape == A_ESC && ch >= '@' && ch <= '_') {
- pack_buf[j++] = last_escape = ch + 0x40;
- } else
- if (last_escape != A_CSI || (ch > 0x20 && ch != 0x80)) {
- if (last_escape == A_ESC) {
- pack_buf[j++] = A_ESC;
- }
- if (ch > 0x80 && ch < 0xa0) {
- last_escape = ch;
- }
- pack_buf[j++] = ch;
- }
- }
- if (last_escape == A_ESC) {
- pack_buf[j++] = A_ESC;
- }
- pack_buf[j] = '\0';
- return;
-** valid_mode(expected)
-** read a terminal mode status report and parse the result
-** Return TRUE if we got the expected terminating character.
-static int
-valid_mode(int expected)
- unsigned char *s;
- int ch, terminator;
- read_ansi();
- ape = 0;
- ch = UChar(pack_buf[0]);
- ansi_value[0] = 0;
- if (ch != A_CSI && ch != A_DCS)
- return FALSE;
- s = pack_buf + 1;
- private_use = 0;
- if ((*s >= '<') & (*s <= '?')) {
- private_use = *s++;
- }
- terminator = 0;
- for (; (ch = *s); s++) {
- if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
- ansi_value[ape] = ansi_value[ape] * 10 + ch - '0';
- else if (ch == ';' || ch == ':')
- ansi_value[++ape] = 0;
- else if (ch >= '<' && ch <= '?')
- private_use = ch;
- else if (ch >= ' ')
- terminator = (terminator << 8) | ch;
- else
- break;
- }
- return terminator == expected;
-** read_reports()
-** read all the reports in the ANSI report structure
-static int
- int i, j, k, tc, vcr, lc;
- char *s;
- const char *t;
- lc = 5;
- terminal_class = tc = 0;
- for (i = 0; report_list[i].text; i++, lc++) {
- if (terminal_class < report_list[i].lvl &&
- tc < report_list[i].lvl) {
- put_crlf();
- menu_prompt();
- ptext("/status [q] > ");
- j = wait_here();
- if (j != 'n' && j != 'N')
- return 0;
- tc = report_list[i].lvl;
- lc = 1;
- } else if (lc + 2 >= lines) {
- put_crlf();
- ptext("Hit any key to continue ");
- (void) wait_here();
- lc = 1;
- }
- sprintf(temp, "%s (%s) ", report_list[i].text,
- expand_command(report_list[i].request));
- ptext(temp);
- for (j = strlen(temp); j < 49; j++)
- putchp(' ');
- tc_putp(report_list[i].request);
- vcr = 0;
- if (report_list[i].final == 0) {
- read_ansi();
- } else if (valid_mode(report_list[i].final))
- switch (report_list[i].final) {
- case 'c':
- terminal_class = ansi_value[0];
- break;
- case 'R':
- vcr = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- j = UChar(pack_buf[0]);
- if (j != A_CSI && j != A_DCS) {
- put_crlf();
- t = "*** The above request gives illegal response ***";
- ptext(t);
- for (j = strlen(t); j < 49; j++)
- putchp(' ');
- }
- s = expand((const char *)ansi_buf);
- if (char_count + expand_chars >= columns) {
- put_str("\r\n ");
- lc++;
- }
- putln(s);
- if (vcr) { /* find out how big the screen is */
- tc_putp(report_list[i].request);
- if (!valid_mode('R'))
- continue;
- j = ansi_value[0];
- k = ansi_value[1];
- tc_putp("\033[255B\033[255C\033[6n");
- if (!valid_mode('R'))
- continue;
- sprintf(temp, "\033[%d;%dH", j, k);
- tc_putp(temp);
- ptext("(DSR) Screen size (CSI 6 n)");
- for (j = char_count; j < 50; j++)
- putchp(' ');
- sprintf(temp, "%d x %d", ansi_value[1], ansi_value[0]);
- ptextln(temp);
- }
- }
- menu_prompt();
- ptext("/status r->repeat test, <return> to continue > ");
- return wait_here();
-** request_cfss()
-** Request Control function selection or settings
-static int
- int i, j, k, l, ch;
- char *s;
- put_clear();
- ptextln("Request Expected Received");
- put_crlf();
- for (i = 0; rqss[i].text; i++) {
- ptext(rqss[i].text);
- j = strlen(rqss[i].text) + strlen(rqss[i].expect);
- putchp(' ');
- for (j++; j < 40; j++)
- putchp(' ');
- ptext(rqss[i].expect);
- putchp(' ');
- tc_putp(rqss[i].set_mode);
- sprintf(temp, "\033P$q%s\033\\", rqss[i].request);
- tc_putp(temp);
- read_ansi();
- tc_putp(rqss[i].reset_mode);
- putchp(' ');
- for (j = 0; ansi_buf[j]; j++) {
- if (ansi_buf[j] == 'r') {
- for (k = j++; (ch = UChar(ansi_buf[k])) != 0; k++)
- if (ch == A_ESC) {
- break;
- } else if (ch == A_ST) {
- break;
- }
- ansi_buf[k] = '\0';
- s = expand((const char *)&ansi_buf[j]);
- if (char_count + expand_chars >= columns)
- put_str("\r\n ");
- put_str(s);
- }
- }
- put_crlf();
- }
- /* calculate the valid attributes */
- ptext("Valid attributes: 0");
- j = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
- sprintf(temp, "\033[0;%dm\033P$qm\033\\", i);
- tc_putp(temp);
- (void) valid_mode('m');
- if (ape > 0) {
- j = i;
- sprintf(temp, "\033[0m; %d", i);
- tc_putp(temp);
- }
- }
- put_crlf();
- /* calculate how many parameters can be sent */
- ptext("Max number of parameters: ");
- sprintf(temp, "%dm\033P$qm\033\\", j);
- l = -1;
- if (j > 0)
- for (l = 1; l < 33; l++) {
- tc_putp("\033[0");
- for (ch = 1; ch <= l; ch++)
- put_this(';');
- tc_putp(temp);
- (void) valid_mode('m');
- if (ape == 0)
- break;
- }
- tc_putp("\033[m");
- if (l >= 0) {
- sprintf(temp, "%d", l);
- ptext(temp);
- } else
- ptext("unknown");
- put_crlf();
- return wait_here();
-** mode_display(puc, mode, initial, set, reset)
-** print the mode display entry
-static void
-mode_display(const char *p, int n, int c, char s, char r)
- int k;
- sprintf(temp, "%s%d (%c, %c, %c)", p, n, c, s, r);
- k = strlen(temp);
- if (char_count + k >= columns)
- put_crlf();
- for (; k < 14; k++)
- putchp(' ');
- put_str(temp);
-** terminal_state()
-** test DECRQM status reports
-static void
- static const char *puc[] = {"", "<", "=", ">", "?", 0};
- int i, j, k, l, modes_found;
- char *s;
- char buf[256], tms[256];
- int mode_puc[MAX_MODES], mode_number[MAX_MODES];
- char set_value[MAX_MODES], reset_value[MAX_MODES];
- char current_value[MAX_MODES];
- ptext("Testing terminal mode status. (CSI 0 $ p)");
- tc_putp("\033[0$p");
- modes_found = 0;
- tms[0] = '\0';
- if (valid_mode(('$' << 8) | 'y')) {
- for (i = 0; puc[i]; i++) {
- put_crlf();
- if (i) {
- sprintf(temp, "Private use: %c", puc[i][0]);
- } else {
- strcpy(temp, "Standard modes:");
- }
- k = strlen(temp);
- ptext(temp);
- for (j = 0; j < (int) sizeof(buf); buf[j++] = ' ')
- ;
- for (j = l = 0; j < 255 && j - l < 50; j++) {
- sprintf(temp, "\033[%s%d$p", puc[i], j);
- tc_putp(temp);
- if (!valid_mode(('$' << 8) | 'y')) {
- /* not valid, save terminating value */
- s = expand((const char *)ansi_buf);
- sprintf(tms, "%s%s%d %s ", tms,
- puc[i], j, s);
- break;
- }
- if (private_use != puc[i][0])
- break;
- if (ansi_value[0] != j)
- break;
- if (ansi_value[1]) {
- l = j;
- if (k > 70) {
- buf[k] = '\0';
- put_crlf();
- ptextln(buf);
- for (k = 0; k < (int) sizeof(buf);) {
- buf[k++] = ' ';
- }
- k = 0;
- }
- sprintf(temp, " %d", j);
- ptext(temp);
- k += strlen(temp);
- buf[k - 1] = ansi_value[1] + '0';
- if (modes_found >= MAX_MODES)
- continue;
- current_value[modes_found] =
- ansi_value[1] + '0';
- /* some modes never return */
- if ((i == 0 && j == 13) /* control execution */
- || (puc[i][0] == '?' && j == 2)) /* VT52 */
- set_value[modes_found] =
- reset_value[modes_found] = '-';
- else
- set_value[modes_found] =
- reset_value[modes_found] = ' ';
- mode_puc[modes_found] = i;
- mode_number[modes_found++] = j;
- }
- }
- buf[k] = '\0';
- if (buf[k - 1] != ' ') {
- put_crlf();
- ptext(buf);
- }
- }
- if ((i = modes_found) != 0) {
- put_crlf();
- put_crlf();
- if (tms[0]) {
- ptextln(tms);
- }
- ptext("Hit 'Y' to test mode set/reset states: ");
- i = wait_here();
- }
- if (i == 'y' || i == 'Y')
- while (1) {
- FILE *fp;
-#ifdef TEDANSI
- fp = fopen("ted.ansi", "w");
- fp = fopen("/dev/console", "w");
- for (i = j = 0; j < modes_found; j = ++i >> 1) {
- if (set_value[j] == '-')
- continue;
- k = (current_value[j] ^ i) & 1;
- sprintf(temp, "\033[%s%d%c\033[%s%d$p",
- puc[mode_puc[j]], mode_number[j],
- k ? 'l' : 'h',
- puc[mode_puc[j]], mode_number[j]);
- if (fp) {
- fprintf(fp, "%s\n", expand(temp));
- fflush(fp);
- }
- tc_putp(temp);
- if (!valid_mode(('$' << 8) | 'y'))
- continue;
- if (k) {
- reset_value[j] = ansi_value[1] + '0';
- } else {
- set_value[j] = ansi_value[1] + '0';
- }
- }
- put_str("\033[30l"); /* added for GORT bug
- (WY-185) */
- if (fp)
- fclose(fp);
- tty_set();
- /* print the results */
- put_clear();
- putln("mode (initial, set, reset)");
- for (j = 0; j < modes_found; j++) {
- mode_display(puc[mode_puc[j]], mode_number[j],
- current_value[j], set_value[j], reset_value[j]);
- }
- ptext("\n\nHit 'R' to repeat test. 'S' to sort results: ");
- i = wait_here();
- if (i == 's' || i == 'S') { /* print the same stuff,
- sorted by
- current_value */
- put_crlf();
- for (i = '1'; i <= '4'; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < modes_found; j++) {
- if (current_value[j] == i)
- mode_display(puc[mode_puc[j]],
- mode_number[j], current_value[j],
- set_value[j], reset_value[j]);
- }
- }
- ptext("\n\nHit 'R' to repeat test: ");
- i = wait_here();
- }
- if (i != 'r' && i != 'R')
- break;
- tty_raw(1, char_mask);
- }
- } else {
- tty_set();
- }
-** ansi_report_help()
-** Display the informational data for the ANSI report test.
-static void
- ptext("Begin ANSI status report testing. ");
- ptext(" Parity bit set will be displayed in reverse video. ");
- ptext(" If the terminal hangs, hit any alphabetic key. ");
- ptextln(" Use n to continue testing. Use q to quit.");
- put_crlf();
-** test_ansi_reports()
-** Test the ANSI status report functions
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- put_clear();
- ansi_report_help();
- tty_raw(1, char_mask);
- do {
- i = read_reports();
- if (i != 'r' && i != 'R') {
- *ch = i;
- return;
- }
- } while (i);
- if (terminal_class >= 63) {
- do {
- i = request_cfss();
- } while (i == 'r' || i == 'R');
- *ch = i;
- terminal_state();
- } else {
- tty_set();
- }
-** display_sgr()
-** Test a range of ANSI sgr attributes
-** puc -> Private Use Character
-static void
-display_sgr(int puc)
- int k;
- temp[0] = puc;
- temp[1] = '\0';
- for (k = 0; k < 80; k++) {
- if (char_count + 8 > 80)
- put_crlf();
- else if (char_count + 8 > columns)
- put_crlf();
- else if (k > 0)
- printf(" ");
- printf("\033[%s%dmMode %2d\033[0m", temp, k, k);
- char_count += 8;
- if (puc == '\0') {
- if (k == 19)
- printf("\033[10m");
- if (k == 39)
- printf("\033[37m");
- if (k == 49)
- printf("\033[40m");
- }
- }
- put_crlf();
- if (puc == '<')
- printf("\033[<1m");
- else if (puc)
- printf("\033[%s0m", temp);
- set_attr(0);
-** print_sgr20(on, off)
-** print the sgr line for sgr20()
-static void
-print_sgr20(int on, int off)
- if (char_count > columns - 13) {
- put_crlf();
- } else if (char_count) {
- put_str(" ");
- }
- char_count += 11;
- printf("%d/%d \033[%dmon\033[%dm off\033[0m", on, off, on, off);
-** sgr20(void)
-** display the enter/exit attributes 1-9 and 20-29
-static void
- int k;
- put_crlf();
- ptextln("Test enter/exit attributes 1-9 and 21-29.");
- for (k = 1; k < 10; k++) {
- print_sgr20(k, k + 20);
- }
- print_sgr20(1, 22); /* bold */
- print_sgr20(2, 22); /* dim */
- print_sgr20(8, 22); /* blank */
- printf("\033[0m");
- set_attr(0);
-** tools_sgr(testlist, state, ch)
-** Run the ANSI graphics rendition mode tool
-** Return the last character typed.
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- int k;
- put_clear();
- for (k = 0;;) {
- display_sgr(k);
- put_crlf();
- menu_prompt();
- ptext("/sgr Enter =><?r [<cr>] > ");
- k = wait_here();
- if ((k == 'r') || (k == 'R')) {
- k = 0;
- } else if ((k < '<') || (k > '?')) {
- break;
- }
- }
- sgr20();
- put_newlines(2);
- *
- * Test ANSI graphics
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-** select_bank(bank)
-** select a graphics character set for ANSI terminals
-static void
-select_bank(char *bank)
- tc_putp(bank);
- switch (bank[1] & 3) {
- case 0:
- putchp('O' & 0x1f); /* control O */
- break;
- case 1:
- putchp('N' & 0x1f); /* control N */
- tc_putp("\033~");
- break;
- case 2:
- tc_putp("\033n\033}");
- break;
- case 3:
- tc_putp("\033o\033|");
- break;
- }
-** show_characters(bank, bias)
-** print the ANSI graphics characters
-static void
-show_characters(char *bank, int bias)
- int i;
- sprintf(temp, "G%d GL ", bank[1] & 3);
- ptext(temp);
- select_bank(bank);
- for (i = ' '; i < 0x80; i++) {
- if (char_count >= columns ||
- (i != ' ' && (i & 31) == 0))
- put_str("\n ");
- putchp(i + bias);
- }
- select_bank(default_bank);
- put_str(" DEL <");
- select_bank(bank);
- putchp(0x7f + bias);
- select_bank(default_bank);
- putchp('>');
- put_crlf();
- put_crlf();
-/* ANSI graphics test
- 94 96 character sets
- G0 ( ,
- G1 ) -
- G2 * .
- G3 + /
-Standard Definitions
- A UK
-Dec extended definitions
- 0 Special graphics
- */
-** tools_charset(testlist, state, ch)
-** Run the ANSI alt-charset mode tool
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *chp GCC_UNUSED)
- int j, ch;
- char bank[32];
- put_clear();
- ptext("Enter the bank ()*+,-./ followed by the character set");
- ptext(" 0123456789:;<=>? for private use, and");
- ptextln(" @A...Z[\\]^_`a...z{|}~ for standard sets.");
- strcpy(bank, "\033)0");
- for (; bank[0];) {
- put_crlf();
- show_characters(bank, 0);
- /* G0 will not print in GR */
- if (bank[1] & 3) {
- show_characters(bank, 0x80);
- }
- ptext("bank+set> ");
- for (j = 1; (ch = getchp(char_mask)); j++) {
- if (ch == EOF)
- break;
- putchp(ch);
- if (j == 1 && ch > '/')
- j++;
- bank[j] = ch;
- if (ch < ' ' || ch > '/')
- break;
- if (j + 1 >= (int) sizeof(bank))
- break;
- }
- if (j == 1)
- break;
- if (bank[j] < '0' || bank[j] > '~')
- break;
- bank[j + 1] = '\0';
- }
- put_crlf();
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/charset.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/charset.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9783792..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/charset.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,711 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include <tack.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: charset.c,v 1.11 2006/11/26 00:13:36 tom Exp $")
- Menu definitions for alternate character set and SGR tests.
-static void charset_bel(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void charset_flash(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void charset_civis(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void charset_cvvis(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void charset_cnorm(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void charset_hs(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void charset_status(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void charset_dsl(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void charset_enacs(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void charset_smacs(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void charset_attributes(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void charset_sgr(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-struct test_list acs_test_list[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "e) edit terminfo", 0, &edit_menu},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "bel", 0, 0, charset_bel, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "flash", 0, 0, charset_flash, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "civis", 0, 0, charset_civis, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "cvvis", 0, 0, charset_cvvis, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "cnorm", 0, 0, charset_cnorm, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "hs", 0, 0, charset_hs, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "tsl) (fsl) (wsl", "hs", 0, charset_status, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "dsl", "hs", 0, charset_dsl, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "acsc) (enacs) (smacs) (rmacs", 0, 0, charset_enacs, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "smacs) (rmacs", 0, 0, charset_smacs, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 11, 0, 0, 0, charset_attributes, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 11, "sgr) (sgr0", "ma", 0, charset_sgr, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-const struct mode_list alt_modes[] = {
- {"normal", "(sgr0)", "(sgr0)", 1},
- {"standout", "(smso)", "(rmso)", 2},
- {"underline", "(smul)", "(rmul)", 4},
- {"reverse", "(rev)", "(sgr0)", 8},
- {"blink", "(blink)", "(sgr0)", 16},
- {"dim", "(dim)", "(sgr0)", 32},
- {"bold", "(bold)", "(sgr0)", 64},
- {"invis", "(invis)", "(sgr0)", 128},
- {"protect", "(prot)", "(sgr0)", 256},
- {"altcharset", "(smacs)", "(rmacs)", 512}
-/* On many terminals the underline attribute is the last scan line.
- This is OK unless the following line is reverse video.
- Then the underline attribute does not show up. The following map
- will reorder the display so that the underline attribute will
- show up. */
-const int mode_map[10] = {0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2};
-struct graphics_pair {
- unsigned char c;
- const char *name;
-static struct graphics_pair glyph[] = {
- {'+', "arrow pointing right"},
- {',', "arrow pointing left"},
- {'.', "arrow pointing down"},
- {'0', "solid square block"},
- {'i', "lantern symbol"},
- {'-', "arrow pointing up"},
- {'`', "diamond"},
- {'a', "checker board (stipple)"},
- {'f', "degree symbol"},
- {'g', "plus/minus"},
- {'h', "board of squares"},
- {'j', "lower right corner"},
- {'k', "upper right corner"},
- {'l', "upper left corner"},
- {'m', "lower left corner"},
- {'n', "plus"},
- {'o', "scan line 1"},
- {'p', "scan line 3"},
- {'q', "horizontal line"},
- {'r', "scan line 7"},
- {'s', "scan line 9"},
- {'t', "left tee (|-)"},
- {'u', "right tee (-|)"},
- {'v', "bottom tee(_|_)"},
- {'w', "top tee (T)"},
- {'x', "vertical line"},
- {'y', "less/equal"},
- {'z', "greater/equal"},
- {'{', "Pi"},
- {'|', "not equal"},
- {'}', "UK pound sign"},
- {'~', "bullet"},
- {'\0', "\0"}
-** charset_hs(test_list, status, ch)
-** (hs) test Has status line
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (has_status_line != 1) {
- ptext("(hs) Has-status line is not defined. ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- }
-** charset_status(test_list, status, ch)
-** (tsl) (fsl) (wsl) test Status line
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, max;
- char *s;
- static char m[] = "*** status line *** 123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.";
- if (has_status_line != 1) {
- return;
- }
- put_clear();
- max = width_status_line == -1 ? columns : width_status_line;
- sprintf(temp, "Terminal has status line of %d characters", max);
- ptextln(temp);
- put_str("This line s");
- s = TPARM_1(to_status_line, 0);
- tc_putp(s);
- for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
- putchp(m[i]);
- tc_putp(from_status_line);
- putln("hould not be broken.");
- ptextln("If the previous line is not a complete sentence then (tsl) to-status-line, (fsl) from-status-line, or (wsl) width-of-status-line is incorrect." );
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** charset_dsl(test_list, status, ch)
-** (dsl) test Disable status line
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (has_status_line != 1) {
- return;
- }
- if (dis_status_line) {
- ptextln("Disable status line (dsl)");
- tc_putp(dis_status_line);
- ptext("If you can still see the status line then (dsl) disable-status-line has failed. ");
- } else {
- ptext("(dsl) Disable-status-line is not defined. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-{ /* put a blank if this is not a magic cookie
- terminal */
- if (magic_cookie_glitch < 1)
- putchp(' ');
-put_mode(char *s)
-{ /* send the attribute string (with or without
- % execution) */
- tc_putp(TPARM_0(s)); /* allow % execution */
-set_attr(int a)
-{ /* set the attribute from the bits in a */
- int i, b[32];
- if (magic_cookie_glitch > 0) {
- char_count += magic_cookie_glitch;
- }
- if (a == 0 && exit_attribute_mode) {
- put_mode(exit_attribute_mode);
- return;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
- b[i] = (a >> i) & 1;
- }
- tc_putp(TPARM_9(set_attributes, b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4], b[5],
- b[6], b[7], b[8], b[9]));
-** charset_sgr(test_list, status, ch)
-** (sgr) test Set Graphics Rendition
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!set_attributes) {
- ptext("(sgr) Set-graphics-rendition is not defined. ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (!exit_attribute_mode) {
- ptextln("(sgr0) Set-graphics-rendition-zero is not defined.");
- /* go ahead and test anyway */
- }
- ptext("Test video attributes (sgr)");
- for (i = 0; i < (int) (sizeof(alt_modes) / sizeof(struct mode_list));
- i++) {
- put_crlf();
- sprintf(temp, "%d %-20s", i, alt_modes[i].name);
- put_str(temp);
- set_attr(alt_modes[i].number);
- sprintf(temp, "%s", alt_modes[i].name);
- put_str(temp);
- set_attr(0);
- }
- putln("\n\nDouble mode test");
- for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
- sprintf(temp, " %2d ", mode_map[i]);
- put_str(temp);
- }
- for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
- put_crlf();
- sprintf(temp, "%d", mode_map[i]);
- put_str(temp);
- for (j = 0; j <= 9; j++) {
- eat_cookie();
- set_attr((1 << mode_map[i]) | (1 << mode_map[j]));
- put_str("Aa");
- set_attr(0);
- if (j < 9)
- eat_cookie();
- }
- }
- put_crlf();
-#ifdef max_attributes
- if (max_attributes >= 0) {
- sprintf(temp, "(ma) Maximum attributes %d ", max_attributes);
- ptext(temp);
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** test_one_attr(mode-number, begin-string, end-string)
-** Display one attribute line.
-static void
- int n,
- char *begin_mode,
- char *end_mode)
- int i;
- sprintf(temp, "%-10s %s ", alt_modes[n].name, alt_modes[n].begin_mode);
- ptext(temp);
- for (; char_count < 19;) {
- putchp(' ');
- }
- if (begin_mode) {
- putchp('.');
- put_mode(begin_mode);
- put_str(alt_modes[n].name);
- for (i = strlen(alt_modes[n].name); i < 13; i++) {
- putchp(' ');
- }
- if (end_mode) {
- put_mode(end_mode);
- sprintf(temp, ". %s", alt_modes[n].end_mode);
- } else {
- set_attr(0);
- strcpy(temp, ". (sgr)");
- }
- ptextln(temp);
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < magic_cookie_glitch; i++)
- putchp('*');
- put_str("*** missing ***");
- for (i = 0; i < magic_cookie_glitch; i++)
- putchp('*');
- put_crlf();
- }
-** charset_attributes(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test SGR
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- putln("Test video attributes");
- test_one_attr(1, enter_standout_mode, exit_standout_mode);
- test_one_attr(2, enter_underline_mode, exit_underline_mode);
- test_one_attr(9, enter_alt_charset_mode, exit_alt_charset_mode);
- if (!exit_attribute_mode && !set_attributes) {
- ptextln("(sgr0) exit attribute mode is not defined.");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- test_one_attr(3, enter_reverse_mode, exit_attribute_mode);
- test_one_attr(4, enter_blink_mode, exit_attribute_mode);
- test_one_attr(5, enter_dim_mode, exit_attribute_mode);
- test_one_attr(6, enter_bold_mode, exit_attribute_mode);
- test_one_attr(7, enter_secure_mode, exit_attribute_mode);
- test_one_attr(8, enter_protected_mode, exit_attribute_mode);
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-#define GLYPHS 256
-** charset_smacs(test_list, status, ch)
-** display all possible acs characters
-** (smacs) (rmacs)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, c;
- if (enter_alt_charset_mode) {
- put_clear();
- ptextln("The following characters are available. (smacs) (rmacs)");
- for (i = ' '; i <= '`'; i += 32) {
- put_crlf();
- put_mode(exit_alt_charset_mode);
- for (c = 0; c < 32; c++) {
- putchp(c + i);
- }
- put_crlf();
- put_mode(enter_alt_charset_mode);
- for (c = 0; c < 32; c++) {
- putchp(c + i);
- }
- put_mode(exit_alt_charset_mode);
- put_crlf();
- }
- put_mode(exit_alt_charset_mode);
- put_crlf();
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- }
-static void
- int attr)
-{ /* alternate character set */
- int i, j;
- char valid_glyph[GLYPHS];
- char acs_table[GLYPHS];
- static unsigned char vt100[] = "`afgjklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
- line_count = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < GLYPHS; i++) {
- valid_glyph[i] = FALSE;
- acs_table[i] = i;
- }
- if (acs_chars) {
- sprintf(temp, "Alternate character set map: %s",
- expand(acs_chars));
- putln(temp);
- for (i = 0; acs_chars[i]; i += 2) {
- if (acs_chars[i + 1] == 0) {
- break;
- }
- for (j = 0;; j++) {
- if (glyph[j].c == (unsigned char) acs_chars[i]) {
- acs_table[glyph[j].c] = acs_chars[i + 1];
- valid_glyph[glyph[j].c] = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if (glyph[j].name[0] == '\0') {
- if (isgraph(UChar(acs_chars[i]))) {
- sprintf(temp, " %c",
- acs_chars[i]);
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, " 0x%02x",
- UChar(acs_chars[i]));
- }
- strcpy(&temp[5], " *** has no mapping ***");
- putln(temp);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- ptextln("acs_chars not defined (acsc)");
- /* enable the VT-100 graphics characters (default) */
- for (i = 0; vt100[i]; i++) {
- valid_glyph[vt100[i]] = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (attr) {
- set_attr(attr);
- }
- _nc_init_acs(); /* puts 'ena_acs' and incidentally links acs_map[] */
- for (i = 0; glyph[i].name[0]; i++) {
- if (valid_glyph[glyph[i].c]) {
- put_mode(enter_alt_charset_mode);
- put_this(acs_table[glyph[i].c]);
- char_count++;
- put_mode(exit_alt_charset_mode);
- if (magic_cookie_glitch >= 1) {
- sprintf(temp, " %-30.30s", glyph[i].name);
- put_str(temp);
- if (char_count + 33 >= columns)
- put_crlf();
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, " %-24.24s", glyph[i].name);
- put_str(temp);
- if (char_count + 26 >= columns)
- put_crlf();
- }
- if (line_count >= lines) {
- (void) wait_here();
- put_clear();
- }
- }
- }
- if (char_count > 1) {
- put_crlf();
- }
- maybe_wait(5);
- put_mode(enter_alt_charset_mode);
- put_that(ACS_ULCORNER);
- put_that(ACS_TTEE);
- put_that(ACS_URCORNER);
- put_that(ACS_ULCORNER);
- put_that(ACS_HLINE);
- put_that(ACS_URCORNER);
- char_count += 6;
- put_mode(exit_alt_charset_mode);
- put_crlf();
- put_mode(enter_alt_charset_mode);
- put_that(ACS_LTEE);
- put_that(ACS_PLUS);
- put_that(ACS_RTEE);
- put_that(ACS_VLINE);
- if (magic_cookie_glitch >= 1)
- put_this(' ');
- else {
- put_mode(exit_alt_charset_mode);
- put_this(' ');
- put_mode(enter_alt_charset_mode);
- }
- put_that(ACS_VLINE);
- char_count += 6;
- put_mode(exit_alt_charset_mode);
- put_str(" Here are 2 boxes");
- put_crlf();
- put_mode(enter_alt_charset_mode);
- put_that(ACS_LLCORNER);
- put_that(ACS_BTEE);
- put_that(ACS_LRCORNER);
- put_that(ACS_LLCORNER);
- put_that(ACS_HLINE);
- put_that(ACS_LRCORNER);
- char_count += 6;
- put_mode(exit_alt_charset_mode);
- put_crlf();
-** charset_bel(test_list, status, ch)
-** (bel) test Bell
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (bell) {
- ptextln("Testing bell (bel)");
- tc_putp(bell);
- ptext("If you did not hear the Bell then (bel) has failed. ");
- } else {
- ptext("(bel) Bell is not defined. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** charset_flash(test_list, status, ch)
-** (flash) test Visual bell
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (flash_screen) {
- ptextln("Testing visual bell (flash)");
- tc_putp(flash_screen);
- ptext("If you did not see the screen flash then (flash) has failed. ");
- } else {
- ptext("(flash) Flash is not defined. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** charset_civis(test_list, status, ch)
-** (civis) test Cursor invisible
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (cursor_normal) {
- if (cursor_invisible) {
- ptext("(civis) Turn off the cursor. ");
- tc_putp(cursor_invisible);
- ptext("If you can still see the cursor then (civis) has failed. ");
- } else {
- ptext("(civis) Cursor-invisible is not defined. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- tc_putp(cursor_normal);
- }
-** charset_cvvis(test_list, status, ch)
-** (cvvis) test Cursor very visible
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (cursor_normal) {
- if (cursor_visible) {
- ptext("(cvvis) Make cursor very visible. ");
- tc_putp(cursor_visible);
- ptext("If the cursor is not very visible then (cvvis) has failed. ");
- } else {
- ptext("(cvvis) Cursor-very-visible is not defined. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- tc_putp(cursor_normal);
- }
-** charset_cnorm(test_list, status, ch)
-** (cnorm) test Cursor normal
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (cursor_normal) {
- ptext("(cnorm) Normal cursor. ");
- tc_putp(cursor_normal);
- ptext("If the cursor is not normal then (cnorm) has failed. ");
- } else {
- ptext("(cnorm) Cursor-normal is not defined. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** charset_enacs(test_list, status, ch)
-** test Alternate character set mode and alternate characters
-** (acsc) (enacs) (smacs) (rmacs)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int c, i;
- if (enter_alt_charset_mode || acs_chars) {
- c = 0;
- while (1) {
- put_clear();
- /*
- for terminals that use separate fonts for
- attributes (such as X windows) the line
- drawing characters must be checked for
- each font.
- */
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
- test_acs(alt_modes[c - '0'].number);
- set_attr(0);
- } else {
- test_acs(0);
- }
- while (1) {
- ptextln("[r] to repeat, [012345789] to test with attributes on, [?] for a list of attributes, anything else to go to next test. ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- if (*ch != '?') {
- break;
- }
- for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
- sprintf(temp, " %d %s %s", i, alt_modes[i].begin_mode,
- alt_modes[i].name);
- ptextln(temp);
- }
- }
- if (*ch >= '0' && *ch <= '9') {
- c = *ch;
- } else
- if (*ch != 'r') {
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- ptext("(smacs) Enter-alt-char-set-mode and (acsc) Alternate-char-set are not defined. ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- }
-** charset_can_test()
-** Initialize the can_test data base
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
- can_test(alt_modes[i].begin_mode, FLAG_CAN_TEST);
- can_test(alt_modes[i].end_mode, FLAG_CAN_TEST);
- }
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/color.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/color.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fea231..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/color.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,769 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include <tack.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: color.c,v 1.7 2006/11/26 00:14:25 tom Exp $")
- * Color terminal tests. Has only one entry point: test_color().
- */
-static void color_check(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void color_setf(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void color_matrix(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void color_ncv(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void color_ccc(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void color_bce(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-struct test_list color_test_list[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "e) edit terminfo", 0, &edit_menu},
- {MENU_NEXT, 2, "colors) (pairs", 0, 0, color_check, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 12, "setf) (setb) (scp", 0, 0, color_setf, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 24, "op", 0, 0, color_matrix, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 16, "ncv", 0, 0, color_ncv, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "bce", 0, 0, color_bce, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_CLEAR, 0, "ccc) (initc) (initp", "hls op oc", 0, color_ccc, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-#ifndef COLOR_BLACK
-#define COLOR_BLACK 0
-#define COLOR_BLUE 1
-#define COLOR_GREEN 2
-#define COLOR_CYAN 3
-#define COLOR_RED 4
-#define COLOR_MAGENTA 5
-#define COLOR_YELLOW 6
-#define COLOR_WHITE 7
-struct color_table {
- const char *name;
- int index;
- int r, g, b;
- int h, l, s;
-static struct color_table def_colors[8] = {
- {"black ", COLOR_BLACK, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"blue ", COLOR_BLUE, 0, 0, 1000, 330, 50, 100},
- {"green ", COLOR_GREEN, 0, 1000, 0, 240, 50, 100},
- {"cyan ", COLOR_CYAN, 0, 1000, 1000, 300, 50, 100},
- {"red ", COLOR_RED, 1000, 0, 0, 120, 50, 100},
- {"magenta", COLOR_MAGENTA, 1000, 0, 1000, 60, 50, 100},
- {"yellow ", COLOR_YELLOW, 1000, 1000, 0, 180, 50, 100},
- {"white ", COLOR_WHITE, 1000, 1000, 1000, 0, 100, 0}
-#define MAX_PAIR 256
-static int pairs_used = 8;
-static int a_bright_color, bright_value;
-static int cookie_monster, color_step, colors_per_line;
-static int R, G, B;
-static void reset_colors(void)
- tc_putp(orig_colors);
- tc_putp(TPARM_0(orig_pair));
-static int
-color_trans(int c)
-{ /* translate or load the color */
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < pairs_used; i++) {
- if (fg_color[i] == c) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- if (!can_change) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (pairs_used > max_colors || pairs_used >= MAX_PAIR) {
- pairs_used = 0;
- ptextln("Ran out of colors");
- }
- fg_color[pairs_used] = c;
- bg_color[pairs_used] = c;
- if (hue_lightness_saturation) {
- tc_putp(TPARM_4(initialize_color, pairs_used,
- def_colors[c].h, def_colors[c].l, def_colors[c].s));
- } else {
- tc_putp(TPARM_4(initialize_color, pairs_used,
- def_colors[c].r, def_colors[c].g, def_colors[c].b));
- }
- return pairs_used++;
-static void
- int fg,
- int bg,
- int hungry)
-{ /* change the color to fg and bg. */
- int i;
- if (hungry) {
- eat_cookie();
- }
- if (set_a_foreground) {
- /* set ANSI color (setaf) (setab) */
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_a_foreground, fg));
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_a_background, bg));
- } else if (set_foreground) {
- /* make sure black is zero */
- (void) color_trans(COLOR_BLACK);
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_foreground, color_trans(fg)));
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_background, color_trans(bg)));
- } else { /* set color pair */
- for (i = 0; i < pairs_used; i++) {
- if (fg_color[i] == fg && bg_color[i] == bg) {
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_color_pair, i));
- if (hungry) {
- eat_cookie();
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- if (!can_change) {
- /* try to set just the foreground */
- for (i = pairs_used - 1; i; i--) {
- if (fg_color[i] == fg)
- break;
- }
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_color_pair, i));
- if (hungry) {
- eat_cookie();
- }
- return;
- }
- if (pairs_used > max_pairs || pairs_used >= MAX_PAIR) {
- pairs_used = 0;
- ptextln("Ran out of color pairs");
- }
- fg_color[pairs_used] = fg;
- bg_color[pairs_used] = bg;
- if (hue_lightness_saturation) {
- tc_putp(TPARM_7(initialize_pair, pairs_used,
- def_colors[fg].h, def_colors[fg].l, def_colors[fg].s,
- def_colors[bg].h, def_colors[bg].l, def_colors[bg].s));
- } else {
- tc_putp(TPARM_7(initialize_pair, pairs_used,
- def_colors[fg].r, def_colors[fg].g, def_colors[fg].b,
- def_colors[bg].r, def_colors[bg].g, def_colors[bg].b));
- }
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_color_pair, pairs_used));
- pairs_used++;
- }
- if (hungry) {
- eat_cookie();
- }
-static void
-{ /* set the color_step for the (ccc) display */
- int i;
- for (i = 2; i < 1000; i++) {
- if ((i * i * i) >= max_colors) {
- break;
- }
- }
- color_step = 1000 / (i - 1);
-static void
-rgb_2_hls(int r, int g, int b, int *h, int *l, int *s)
-{ /* convert RGB to HLS system */
- int min, max, t;
- if ((min = g < r ? g : r) > b) {
- min = b;
- }
- if ((max = g > r ? g : r) < b) {
- max = b;
- }
- /* calculate lightness */
- *l = (min + max) / 20;
- if (min == max) { /* black, white and all shades of gray */
- *h = 0;
- *s = 0;
- return;
- }
- /* calculate saturation */
- if (*l < 50) {
- *s = ((max - min) * 100) / (max + min);
- } else {
- *s = ((max - min) * 100) / (2000 - max - min);
- }
- /* calculate hue */
- if (r == max) {
- t = 120 + ((g - b) * 60) / (max - min);
- } else if (g == max) {
- t = 240 + ((b - r) * 60) / (max - min);
- } else {
- t = 360 + ((r - g) * 60) / (max - min);
- }
- *h = t % 360;
-static void
-send_color(int p, int r, int g, int b)
-{ /* send the initialize_color (initc) command */
- int h, l, s;
- if (hue_lightness_saturation) {
- rgb_2_hls(r, g, b, &h, &l, &s);
- tc_putp(TPARM_4(initialize_color, p, h, l, s));
- } else {
- tc_putp(TPARM_4(initialize_color, p, r, g, b));
- }
-static void
-send_pair(int p, int fr, int fg, int fb, int br, int bg, int bb)
-{ /* send the initialize_pair (initp) command */
- int fh, fl, fs, bh, bl, bs;
- if (hue_lightness_saturation) {
- rgb_2_hls(fr, fg, fb, &fh, &fl, &fs);
- rgb_2_hls(br, bg, bb, &bh, &bl, &bs);
- tc_putp(TPARM_7(initialize_pair, p, fh, fl, fs, bh, bl, bs));
- } else {
- tc_putp(TPARM_7(initialize_pair, p, fr, fg, fb, bb, bg, bb));
- }
-static int
-load_palette(int n)
-{ /* load the color palette */
- int rgb;
- for (;;) {
- if (pairs_used >= n) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (set_a_foreground || set_foreground) {
- if (pairs_used >= max_colors) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- send_color(pairs_used, R, G, B);
- rgb = R + G + B;
- if (rgb > bright_value) {
- bright_value = rgb;
- a_bright_color = pairs_used;
- }
- } else {
- if (pairs_used >= max_pairs) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (pairs_used == 0) {
- send_pair(pairs_used, 1000, 1000, 1000, R, G, B);
- } else {
- send_pair(pairs_used, R, G, B, R, G, B);
- }
- }
- pairs_used++;
- if ((B += color_step) > 1000) {
- B = 0;
- if ((G += color_step) > 1000) {
- G = 0;
- if ((R += color_step) > 1000) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-static int
-rainbow(int n)
-{ /* print the programmable color display */
- int i, c, d, palette_full, initial_pair;
- static const struct {
- const char *name;
- char ch;
- } splat[] = {
- {"Bg normal", ' '},
- {"Fg normal", ' '},
- {0, 0}
- };
- if ((set_a_foreground || set_foreground)
- ? pairs_used >= max_colors
- : pairs_used >= max_pairs) {
- ptext("New palette: ");
- (void) wait_here();
- initial_pair = pairs_used = 1;
- bright_value = 0;
- } else if (line_count + 3 >= lines) {
- ptext("Go: ");
- (void) wait_here();
- put_clear();
- initial_pair = pairs_used = 1;
- bright_value = 0;
- n++;
- } else {
- initial_pair = pairs_used;
- n += initial_pair;
- }
- palette_full = load_palette(n);
- for (d = 0; splat[d].name; d++) {
- c = splat[d].ch;
- if (d == 1) {
- put_mode(enter_reverse_mode);
- }
- for (i = initial_pair; i < n; i++) {
- if (i >= pairs_used) {
- break;
- }
- if (set_a_foreground) {
- if (i >= max_colors) {
- break;
- }
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_a_foreground, i));
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_a_background, i));
- } else if (set_foreground) {
- if (i >= max_colors) {
- break;
- }
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_foreground, i));
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_background, i));
- } else {
- if (i >= max_pairs) {
- break;
- }
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_color_pair, i));
- }
- putchp(c);
- }
- if (d == 1) {
- put_mode(exit_attribute_mode);
- }
- if (set_a_foreground) {
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_a_foreground, a_bright_color));
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_a_background, 0));
- } else if (set_foreground) {
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_foreground, a_bright_color));
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_background, 0));
- } else {
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_color_pair, 0));
- }
- put_str(" ");
- put_str(splat[d].name);
- put_crlf();
- }
- return palette_full;
-static void
-ncv_display(int m)
-{ /* print the no_color_video (ncv) test line */
- putchp('0' + m);
- putchp(' ');
- eat_cookie();
- set_attr(1 << m);
- sprintf(temp, "%-11s", alt_modes[m].name);
- put_str(temp);
- put_str("blue");
- put_str("green");
- put_str(alt_modes[m].name);
- eat_cookie();
- set_attr(0);
- reset_colors();
- put_crlf();
-static void
-{ /* display the colors in some esthetic
- pattern */
- static int xmap[8] = {0, 3, 4, 7, 1, 2, 5, 6};
- int i, j, k, xi, xj, width, p, cs;
- int found_one;
- cs = color_step <= 125 ? 125 : color_step;
- width = (1000 / cs) + 1;
- for (xi = 0; xi < 16; xi++) {
- i = (xi & 8) ? xi ^ 15 : xi;
- R = i * cs;
- if (R <= 1000) {
- found_one = FALSE;
- for (xj = 0; xj < 32; xj++) {
- j = ((xj & 8) ? xj ^ 15 : xj) & 7;
- k = xmap[((xi >> 1) & 4) + (xj >> 3)];
- G = j * cs;
- B = k * cs;
- if (G <= 1000 && B <= 1000) {
- p = (k * width + j) * width + i;
- if (set_a_background) {
- if (p >= max_colors) {
- continue;
- }
- send_color(p, R, G, B);
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_a_background, p));
- } else if (set_background) {
- if (p >= max_colors) {
- continue;
- }
- send_color(p, R, G, B);
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_background, p));
- } else {
- if (p >= max_pairs) {
- continue;
- }
- send_pair(p, R, G, B, R, G, B);
- tc_putp(TPARM_1(set_color_pair, p));
- }
- found_one = TRUE;
- putchp(' ');
- putchp(' ');
- }
- }
- if (found_one) {
- put_crlf();
- }
- }
- }
-** color_check(test_list, status, ch)
-** test (colors) and (pairs)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (max_colors <= 0 && max_pairs <= 0) {
- ptext("This is not a color terminal; (colors) and (pairs) are missing. ");
- *state |= MENU_STOP;
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, "This terminal can display %d colors and %d color pairs. (colors) (pairs)",
- max_colors, max_pairs);
- ptextln(temp);
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** color_setf(test_list, status, ch)
-** test (setf) (setb) and (scp)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (max_colors <= 0 && max_pairs <= 0) {
- ptext("This is not a color terminal; (colors) and (pairs) are missing. ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- *state |= MENU_STOP;
- return;
- }
- if ((set_a_foreground == NULL || set_a_background == NULL)
- && (set_foreground == NULL || set_background == NULL)
- && set_color_pair == NULL) {
- ptextln("Both set foreground (setaf/setf) and set color pair (scp) are not present.");
- if (!set_a_background || !set_background) {
- ptextln("(setab/setb) set background not present");
- }
- ptext("These must be defined for color testing. ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- *state |= MENU_STOP;
- return;
- }
- /* initialize the color palette */
- pairs_used = max_colors >= 8 ? 8 : max_colors;
- reset_colors();
- ptextln("(setf) (setb) (scp) The following colors are predefined:");
- ptextln("\n Foreground Background");
- put_crlf();
- j = max_colors > 8 ? 8 : max_colors;
- /*
- * the black on white test is the same as the white on black test.
- */
- for (i = 1; i < j; i++) {
- putchp('0' + def_colors[i].index);
- putchp(' ');
- sprintf(temp, " %s ", def_colors[i].name);
- new_color(def_colors[i].index, COLOR_BLACK, TRUE);
- put_str(temp);
- put_str(" ");
- new_color(COLOR_BLACK, def_colors[i].index, TRUE);
- put_str(temp);
- put_crlf();
- }
- reset_colors();
- put_crlf();
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** color_matrix(test_list, status, ch)
-** test (pairs) (op)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j, matrix_size, matrix_area, brightness;
- matrix_size = max_colors > 8 ? 8 : max_colors;
- sprintf(temp, "(pairs) There are %d color pairs.", max_pairs);
- ptextln(temp);
- for ( ; matrix_size; matrix_size--) {
- if (matrix_size * matrix_size <= max_pairs) {
- break;
- }
- }
- matrix_area = matrix_size * matrix_size;
- for (brightness = 0; brightness < 2; brightness++) {
- put_crlf();
- sprintf(temp,
- "%dx%d matrix of foreground/background colors, bright *o%s*",
- matrix_size, matrix_size, brightness ? "n" : "ff");
- put_str(temp);
- put_str("\n ");
- for (i = 0; i < matrix_size; i++) {
- (void) sprintf(temp, "%-8s", def_colors[i].name);
- put_str(temp);
- }
- for (j = 0; j < matrix_area; j++) {
- if (j % matrix_size == 0) {
- reset_colors();
- put_crlf();
- if (brightness) {
- tc_putp(exit_attribute_mode);
- }
- (void) sprintf(temp, "%-8s", def_colors[j / matrix_size].name);
- put_str(temp);
- if (brightness) {
- put_mode(enter_bold_mode);
- }
- }
- new_color(def_colors[j % matrix_size].index,
- def_colors[j / matrix_size].index,
- put_str(" Hello ");
- }
- reset_colors();
- if (brightness) {
- tc_putp(exit_attribute_mode);
- }
- put_crlf();
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** color_ncv(test_list, status, ch)
-** test (ncv)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- if (no_color_video == -1) {
- /* I have no idea what this means */
- return;
- }
- sprintf(temp, "According to no_color_video (ncv) which is %d, the following attributes should work correctly with color.", no_color_video);
- ptextln(temp);
- put_crlf();
- set_attr(0);
- ncv_display(0);
- for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
- if (((no_color_video >> (mode_map[i] - 1)) & 1) == 0) {
- ncv_display(mode_map[i]);
- }
- }
- if (no_color_video & 0x3ff) {
- ptextln("\nThe following attributes should not work correctly with color. (ncv)\n");
- for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
- if ((no_color_video >> (mode_map[i] - 1)) & 1) {
- ncv_display(mode_map[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- reset_colors();
- put_crlf();
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** color_bce(test_list, status, ch)
-** test (bce) background color erase
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- put_clear();
- put_newlines(2);
- reset_colors();
- ptextln("If the two lines above are blue then back_color_erase (bce) should be true.");
- sprintf(temp, "(bce) is %s in the data base.", back_color_erase ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** color_ccc(test_list, status, ch)
-** test (ccc) color palette test (oc) (op) (initc) (initp)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!can_change) {
- ptextln("Terminal can not change colors (ccc)");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- reset_colors();
- pairs_used = 0;
- sprintf(temp, "Reloading colors (init%c) using %s method",
- set_foreground ? 'c' : 'p',
- hue_lightness_saturation ? "HLS" : "RGB");
- ptextln(temp);
- put_crlf();
- j = max_colors > 7 ? 7 : max_colors;
- /* redisplay the above test with reinitialized colors */
- /* If these colors don't look right to you... */
- for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
- sprintf(temp, " %s ", def_colors[i ^ 7].name);
- new_color(i ^ 7, COLOR_BLACK, TRUE);
- put_str(temp);
- put_str(" ");
- new_color(COLOR_BLACK, i ^ 7, TRUE);
- put_str(temp);
- put_crlf();
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- if (*ch != 0 && *ch != 'n') {
- reset_colors();
- return;
- }
- pairs_used = 0;
- cookie_monster = 0;
- if (magic_cookie_glitch > 0) {
- cookie_monster =
- ((set_a_foreground || set_foreground)
- ? magic_cookie_glitch : 0) +
- ((set_a_background || set_background)
- ? magic_cookie_glitch : 0) +
- (set_color_pair ? magic_cookie_glitch : 0);
- }
- set_color_step();
- colors_per_line = max_colors > max_pairs
- ? max_pairs : max_colors;
- j = (columns - 14) / (cookie_monster + 1);
- if (colors_per_line > j) {
- colors_per_line = (j / i) * i;
- }
- sprintf(temp, "RGB color step %d, cookies %d", color_step,
- cookie_monster);
- ptextln(temp);
- R = G = B = 0;
- pairs_used = 0;
- for (;;) {
- if (rainbow(colors_per_line)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- if (*ch != 0 && *ch != 'n') {
- reset_colors();
- return;
- }
- dump_colors();
- reset_colors();
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/control.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/control.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 360edef..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/control.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,664 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include <tack.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: control.c,v 1.9 2006/06/24 21:27:53 tom Exp $")
-/* terminfo test program control subroutines */
-#define MY_TIMER struct timeval
-#define MY_TIMER time_t
-/* globals */
-int test_complete; /* counts number of tests completed */
-char txt_longer_test_time[80]; /* +) use longer time */
-char txt_shorter_test_time[80]; /* -) use shorter time */
-static int pad_test_duration = 1; /* number of seconds for a pad test */
-int auto_pad_mode; /* run the time tests */
-int no_alarm_event; /* TRUE if the alarm has not gone off yet */
-unsigned long usec_run_time; /* length of last test in microseconds */
-static MY_TIMER stop_watch[MAX_TIMERS]; /* Hold the start timers */
-char txt_longer_augment[80]; /* >) use bigger augment */
-char txt_shorter_augment[80]; /* <) use smaller augment */
-/* caps under test data base */
-int tt_delay_max; /* max number of milliseconds we can delay */
-int tt_delay_used; /* number of milliseconds consumed in delay */
-const char *tt_cap[TT_MAX]; /* value of string */
-int tt_affected[TT_MAX]; /* lines or columns effected (repetition factor) */
-int tt_count[TT_MAX]; /* Number of times sent */
-int tt_delay[TT_MAX]; /* Number of milliseconds delay */
-int ttp; /* number of entries used */
-/* Saved value of the above data base */
-const char *tx_cap[TT_MAX]; /* value of string */
-int tx_affected[TT_MAX]; /* lines or columns effected (repetition factor) */
-int tx_count[TT_MAX]; /* Number of times sent */
-int tx_index[TT_MAX]; /* String index */
-int tx_delay[TT_MAX]; /* Number of milliseconds delay */
-int txp; /* number of entries used */
-int tx_characters; /* printing characters sent by test */
-unsigned long tx_cps; /* characters per second */
-static struct test_list *tx_source; /* The test that generated this data */
-#define RESULT_BLOCK 1024
-static int blocks; /* number of result blocks available */
-static struct test_results *results; /* pointer to next available */
-static struct test_results **pads; /* save pad results here */
-static void
- if (pads == 0) {
- pads = (struct test_results **)calloc(MAX_STRINGS, sizeof(struct test_results *));
- }
-** event_start(number)
-** Begin the stopwatch at the current time-of-day.
-event_start(int n)
- (void) gettimeofday(&stop_watch[n], (struct timezone *)0);
- stop_watch[n] = time((time_t *)0);
-** event_time(number)
-** Return the number of milliseconds since this stop watch began.
-event_time(int n)
- MY_TIMER current_time;
- (void) gettimeofday(&current_time, (struct timezone *)0);
- return ((current_time.tv_sec - stop_watch[n].tv_sec) * 1000000)
- + current_time.tv_usec - stop_watch[n].tv_usec;
- return (time((time_t *)0) - stop_watch[n]) * 1000;
- *
- * Execution control for string capability tests
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-** get_next_block()
-** Get a results block for pad test data.
-static struct test_results *
- if (blocks <= 0) {
- results = (struct test_results *)
- malloc(sizeof(struct test_results) * RESULT_BLOCK);
- if (!results) {
- ptextln("Malloc failed");
- return (struct test_results *) 0;
- }
- blocks = RESULT_BLOCK;
- }
- blocks--;
- return results++;
-** set_augment_txt()
-** Initialize the augment menu selections
- sprintf(txt_longer_augment,
- ">) Change lines/characters effected to %d", augment << 1);
- sprintf(txt_shorter_augment,
- "<) Change lines/characters effected to %d", augment >> 1);
- sprintf(txt_longer_test_time, "+) Change test time to %d seconds",
- pad_test_duration + 1);
- sprintf(txt_shorter_test_time, "-) Change test time to %d seconds",
- pad_test_duration - 1);
- set_augment_txt();
-** msec_cost(cap, affected-count)
-** Return the number of milliseconds delay needed by the cap.
- const char *const cap,
- int affcnt)
- int dec, value, total, star, ch;
- const char *cp;
- if (!cap) {
- return 0;
- }
- total = 0;
- for (cp = cap; *cp; cp++) {
- if (*cp == '$' && cp[1] == '<') {
- star = 1;
- value = dec = 0;
- for (cp += 2; (ch = *cp); cp++) {
- if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
- value = value * 10 + (ch - '0');
- dec *= 10;
- } else
- if (ch == '.') {
- dec = 1;
- } else
- if (ch == '*') {
- star = affcnt;
- } else
- if (ch == '>') {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (dec > 1) {
- total += (value * star) / dec;
- } else {
- total += (value * star);
- }
- }
- }
- return total;
-** liberated(cap)
-** Return the cap without padding
-char *
-liberated(char *cap)
- static char cb[1024];
- char *ts, *ls;
- cb[0] = '\0';
- ls = NULL;
- if (cap) {
- for (ts = cb; (*ts = *cap); ++cap) {
- if (*cap == '$' && cap[1] == '<') {
- ls = ts;
- }
- ++ts;
- if (*cap == '>') {
- if (ls) {
- ts = ls;
- ls = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return cb;
-** page_loop()
-** send CR/LF or go home and bump letter
- if (line_count + 2 >= lines) {
- go_home();
- } else {
- put_crlf();
- }
-** skip_pad_test(test-list-entry, state, ch, text)
-** Print the start test line. Handle start up commands.
-** Return TRUE if a return is requested.
- struct test_list *test,
- int *state,
- int *ch,
- const char *text)
- char rep_text[16];
- while(1) {
- if (text) {
- ptext(text);
- }
- if ((test->flags & MENU_LC_MASK)) {
- sprintf(rep_text, " *%d", augment);
- ptext(rep_text);
- }
- ptext(" [n] > ");
- *ch = wait_here();
- if (*ch == 's') {
- /* Skip is converted to next */
- *ch = 'n';
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (*ch == 'q') {
- /* Quit is converted to help */
- *ch = '?';
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (*ch == '\r' || *ch == '\n' || *ch == 'n' || *ch == 'r') {
- /* this is the only response that allows the test to run */
- *ch = 0;
- }
- if (subtest_menu(pad_test_list, state, ch)) {
- continue;
- }
- return (*ch != 0);
- }
-** pad_done_message(test_list)
-** Print the Done message and request input.
- struct test_list *test,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int default_action = 0;
- char done_message[128];
- char rep_text[16];
- while (1) {
- if ((test->flags & MENU_LC_MASK)) {
- sprintf(rep_text, "*%d", augment);
- } else {
- rep_text[0] = '\0';
- }
- if (test->caps_done) {
- sprintf(done_message, "(%s)%s Done ", test->caps_done,
- rep_text);
- ptext(done_message);
- } else {
- if (rep_text[0]) {
- ptext(rep_text);
- ptext(" ");
- }
- ptext("Done ");
- }
- if (debug_level & 2) {
- dump_test_stats(test, state, ch);
- } else {
- *ch = wait_here();
- }
- if (*ch == '\r' || *ch == '\n') {
- *ch = default_action;
- return;
- }
- if (*ch == 's' || *ch == 'n') {
- *ch = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (strchr(pad_repeat_test, *ch)) {
- /* default action is now repeat */
- default_action = 'r';
- }
- if (subtest_menu(pad_test_list, state, ch)) {
- continue;
- }
- return;
- }
-** sliding_scale(dividend, factor, divisor)
-** Return (dividend * factor) / divisor
- int dividend,
- int factor,
- unsigned long divisor)
- double d = dividend;
- if (divisor) {
- d = (d * (double) factor) / (double) divisor;
- return (int) (d + 0.5);
- }
- return 0;
-** pad_test_startup()
-** Do the stuff needed to begin a test.
- int do_clear)
- if (do_clear) {
- put_clear();
- }
- repeats = augment;
- raw_characters_sent = 0;
- test_complete = ttp = char_count = tt_delay_used = 0;
- letter = letters[letter_number = 0];
- if (pad_test_duration <= 0) {
- pad_test_duration = 1;
- }
- tt_delay_max = pad_test_duration * 1000;
- set_alarm_clock(pad_test_duration);
- event_start(TIME_TEST);
-** still_testing()
-** This function is called to see if the test loop should be terminated.
- fflush(stdout);
- test_complete++;
-** pad_test_shutdown()
-** Do the stuff needed to end a test.
- struct test_list *t,
- int crlf)
- int i;
- int counts; /* total counts */
- int ss; /* Save string index */
- int cpo; /* characters per operation */
- int delta; /* difference in characters */
- int bogus; /* Time is inaccurate */
- struct test_results *r; /* Results of current test */
- int ss_index[TT_MAX]; /* String index */
- alloc_arrays();
- if (tty_can_sync == SYNC_TESTED) {
- bogus = tty_sync_error();
- } else {
- bogus = 1;
- }
- usec_run_time = event_time(TIME_TEST);
- tx_source = t;
- tx_characters = raw_characters_sent;
- tx_cps = sliding_scale(tx_characters, 1000000, usec_run_time);
- /* save the data base */
- for (txp = ss = counts = 0; txp < ttp; txp++) {
- tx_cap[txp] = tt_cap[txp];
- tx_count[txp] = tt_count[txp];
- tx_delay[txp] = tt_delay[txp];
- tx_affected[txp] = tt_affected[txp];
- tx_index[txp] = get_string_cap_byvalue(tt_cap[txp]);
- if (tx_index[txp] >= 0) {
- if (cap_match(t->caps_done, strnames[tx_index[txp]])) {
- ss_index[ss++] = txp;
- counts += tx_count[txp];
- }
- }
- }
- if (crlf) {
- put_crlf();
- }
- if (counts == 0 || tty_cps == 0 || bogus) {
- /* nothing to do */
- return;
- }
- /* calculate the suggested pad times */
- delta = usec_run_time - sliding_scale(tx_characters, 1000000, tty_cps);
- if (delta < 0) {
- /* probably should bump tx_characters */
- delta = 0;
- }
- cpo = delta / counts;
- for (i = 0; i < ss; i++) {
- if (!(r = get_next_block())) {
- return;
- }
- r->next = pads[tx_index[ss_index[i]]];
- pads[tx_index[ss_index[i]]] = r;
- r->test = t;
- r->reps = tx_affected[ss_index[i]];
- r->delay = cpo;
- }
-** show_cap_results(index)
-** Display the previous results
-static void
- int x)
- struct test_results *r; /* a result */
- int delay;
- alloc_arrays();
- if ((r = pads[x])) {
- sprintf(temp, "(%s)", strnames[x]);
- ptext(temp);
- while (r) {
- sprintf(temp, "$<%d>", r->delay / 1000);
- put_columns(temp, (int) strlen(temp), 10);
- r = r->next;
- }
- r = pads[x];
- while (r) {
- if (r->reps > 1) {
- delay = r->delay / (r->reps * 100);
- sprintf(temp, "$<%d.%d*>", delay / 10, delay % 10);
- put_columns(temp, (int) strlen(temp), 10);
- }
- r = r->next;
- }
- put_crlf();
- }
-** dump_test_stats(test_list, status, ch)
-** Dump the statistics about the last test
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- char tbuf[32];
- int x[32];
- put_crlf();
- if (tx_source && tx_source->caps_done) {
- cap_index(tx_source->caps_done, x);
- if (x[0] >= 0) {
- sprintf(temp, "Caps summary for (%s)",
- tx_source->caps_done);
- ptextln(temp);
- for (i = 0; x[i] >= 0; i++) {
- show_cap_results(x[i]);
- }
- put_crlf();
- }
- }
- sprintf(tbuf, "%011lu", usec_run_time);
- sprintf(temp, "Test time: %lu.%s, characters per second %lu, characters %d",
- usec_run_time / 1000000UL, &tbuf[5], tx_cps, tx_characters);
- ptextln(temp);
- for (i = 0; i < txp; i++) {
- if ((j = get_string_cap_byvalue(tx_cap[i])) >= 0) {
- sprintf(tbuf, "(%s)", strnames[j]);
- } else {
- strcpy(tbuf, "(?)");
- }
- sprintf(temp, "%8d %3d $<%3d> %8s %s",
- tx_count[i], tx_affected[i], tx_delay[i],
- tbuf, expand(tx_cap[i]));
- putln(temp);
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** longer_test_time(test_list, status, ch)
-** Extend the number of seconds for each test.
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- pad_test_duration += 1;
- sprintf(txt_longer_test_time, "+) Change test time to %d seconds",
- pad_test_duration + 1);
- sprintf(txt_shorter_test_time, "-) Change test time to %d seconds",
- pad_test_duration - 1);
- sprintf(temp, "Tests will run for %d seconds", pad_test_duration);
- ptext(temp);
-** shorter_test_time(test_list, status, ch)
-** Shorten the number of seconds for each test.
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- if (pad_test_duration > 1) {
- pad_test_duration -= 1;
- sprintf(txt_longer_test_time, "+) Change test time to %d seconds",
- pad_test_duration + 1);
- sprintf(txt_shorter_test_time, "-) Change test time to %d seconds",
- pad_test_duration - 1);
- }
- sprintf(temp, "Tests will run for %d second%s", pad_test_duration,
- pad_test_duration > 1 ? "s" : "");
- ptext(temp);
-** longer_augment(test_list, status, ch)
-** Lengthen the number of lines/characters effected
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- augment <<= 1;
- set_augment_txt();
- if (augment_test) {
- t = augment_test;
- }
- sprintf(temp, "The pad tests will effect %d %s.", augment,
- ((t->flags & MENU_LC_MASK) == MENU_lines) ?
- "lines" : "characters");
- ptextln(temp);
-** shorter_augment(test_list, status, ch)
-** Shorten the number of lines/characters effected
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- if (augment > 1) {
- /* don't let the augment go to zero */
- augment >>= 1;
- }
- set_augment_txt();
- if (augment_test) {
- t = augment_test;
- }
- sprintf(temp, "The pad tests will effect %d %s.", augment,
- ((t->flags & MENU_LC_MASK) == MENU_lines) ?
- "lines" : "characters");
- ptextln(temp);
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/crum.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/crum.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cd4069..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/crum.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include <tack.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: crum.c,v 1.5 2006/11/26 00:15:02 tom Exp $")
- * Test cursor movement.
- */
-static void crum_clear(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void crum_home(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void crum_ll(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void crum_move(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static void crum_os(struct test_list *t, int *state, int *ch);
-static char crum_text[5][80];
-struct test_list crum_test_list[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "e) edit terminfo", 0, &edit_menu},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "clear", 0, 0, crum_clear, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "home", 0, 0, crum_home, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "ll", 0, 0, crum_ll, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, crum_text[0], "home cuu1", 0, crum_move, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT + 1, 0, crum_text[1], "cub1 cud1 cuf1 cuu1", 0, crum_move, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT + 2, 0, crum_text[2], "cub cud cuf cuu", 0, crum_move, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT + 3, 0, crum_text[3], "vpa hpa", 0, crum_move, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT + 4, 0, crum_text[4], "cup", 0, crum_move, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "cup", "os", 0, crum_os, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-** move_to(from-row, from-column, to-row, to-column, selection)
-** move the cursor from (rf, cf) to (rt, ct) using sel
-static void
- int rf,
- int cf,
- int rt,
- int ct,
- int sel)
- char *s;
- if (sel & 16) { /* use (cup) */
- s = TPARM_2(cursor_address, rt, ct);
- tputs(s, lines, tc_putch);
- return;
- }
- if (sel & 8) { /* use (hpa) (vpa) */
- if (column_address) {
- s = TPARM_1(column_address, ct);
- tputs(s, 1, tc_putch);
- cf = ct;
- }
- if (row_address) {
- s = TPARM_1(row_address, rt);
- tputs(s, 1, tc_putch);
- rf = rt;
- }
- }
- if (sel & 4) { /* parameterized relative cursor movement */
- if (parm_right_cursor)
- if (cf < ct) {
- s = TPARM_1(parm_right_cursor, ct - cf);
- tputs(s, ct - cf, tc_putch);
- cf = ct;
- }
- if (parm_left_cursor)
- if (cf > ct) {
- s = TPARM_1(parm_left_cursor, cf - ct);
- tputs(s, cf - ct, tc_putch);
- cf = ct;
- }
- if (parm_down_cursor)
- if (rf < rt) {
- s = TPARM_1(parm_down_cursor, rt - rf);
- tputs(s, rt - rf, tc_putch);
- rf = rt;
- }
- if (parm_up_cursor)
- if (rf > rt) {
- s = TPARM_1(parm_up_cursor, rf - rt);
- tputs(s, rf - rt, tc_putch);
- rf = rt;
- }
- }
- if (sel & 2) {
- if (cursor_left)
- while (cf > ct) {
- tc_putp(cursor_left);
- cf--;
- }
- /*
- do vertical motion next. Just in case cursor_down has a
- side effect of changing the column. This could happen if
- the tty handler translates NL to CRNL.
- */
- if (cursor_down)
- while (rf < rt) {
- tc_putp(cursor_down);
- rf++;
- }
- if (cursor_up)
- while (rf > rt) {
- tc_putp(cursor_up);
- rf--;
- }
- if (cursor_right)
- while (cf < ct) {
- tc_putp(cursor_right);
- cf++;
- }
- }
- /* last chance */
- if (rf > rt) {
- if (can_go_home) { /* a bit drastic but ... */
- go_home();
- cf = 0;
- rf = 0;
- } else if (cursor_up) {
- while (rf > rt) {
- tc_putp(cursor_up);
- rf--;
- }
- }
- }
- if (ct == 0 && rt > rf) {
- put_crlf();
- cf = 0;
- rf++;
- }
- if (ct == 0 && cf != 0) {
- put_cr();
- cf = 0;
- }
- while (rf < rt) {
- put_lf();
- rf++;
- }
- while (cf > ct) {
- put_str("\b");
- cf--;
- }
- if (cursor_right) {
- while (cf < ct) {
- tc_putp(cursor_right);
- cf++;
- }
- } else {
- /* go ahead and trash my display */
- while (cf < ct) {
- putchp(' ');
- cf++;
- }
- }
-** display_it(selection, text)
-** print the display using sel
-static void
- int sel,
- char *txt)
- int i, done_line;
- put_clear();
- go_home();
- put_newlines(2);
- ptextln(" The top line should be alternating <'s and >'s");
- ptextln(" The left side should be alternating A's and V's");
- ptext(" Testing ");
- ptext(txt);
- put_cr();
- /* horizontal */
- move_to(done_line = line_count, 0, 0, 2, sel);
- for (i = 4; i < columns - 2; i += 2) {
- putchp('>');
- move_to(0, i - 1, 0, i, sel);
- }
- putchp('>');
- i -= 2;
- move_to(0, i + 1, 0, i - 1, sel);
- for (; i > 2; i -= 2) {
- putchp('<');
- move_to(0, i, 0, i - 3, sel);
- }
- putchp('<');
- /* vertical */
- move_to(0, 2, 0, 0, sel);
- for (i = 2; i < lines - 1; i += 2) {
- putchp('V');
- move_to(i - 2, 1, i, 0, sel);
- }
- putchp('V');
- i -= 2;
- move_to(i, 1, i + 1, 0, sel);
- for (; i > 0; i -= 2) {
- putchp('A');
- move_to(i + 1, 1, i - 1, 0, sel);
- }
- putchp('A');
- move_to(i + 1, 1, 0, 0, sel); /* go home first */
- move_to(0, 0, done_line + 1, 3, sel);
- put_str(txt);
- put_str(" Done. ");
-** crum_clear(test_list, status, ch)
-** (clear) test Clear screen
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- if (clear_screen) {
- for (i = lines; i > 1; i--) {
- putln("garbage");
- }
- put_clear();
- ptextln("This line should start in the home position.");
- ptext("The rest of the screen should be clear. ");
- } else {
- ptextln("(clear) Clear screen is not defined. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** crum_home(test_list, status, ch)
-** (home) test Home cursor
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (cursor_home) {
- put_clear();
- put_newlines(lines / 2);
- go_home();
- put_crlf();
- ptext("The bottom line should have text.");
- go_home();
- put_newlines(lines - 1);
- ptext("This line is on the bottom.");
- go_home();
- ptextln("This line starts in the home position.");
- put_crlf();
- } else {
- ptextln("(home) Home cursor is not defined. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** crum_ll(test_list, status, ch)
-** (ll) test Last line
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- /*
- (ll) may be simulated with (cup). Don't complain if (cup) is present.
- */
- if (cursor_to_ll) {
- put_clear();
- put_str("This line could be anywhere.");
- tc_putp(cursor_to_ll);
- ptext("This line should be on the bottom");
- go_home();
- put_crlf();
- } else
- if (cursor_address) {
- return;
- } else {
- ptextln("(ll) Move to last line is not defined. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** crum_move(test_list, status, ch)
-** (*) test all cursor move commands
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- char buf[80];
- int n;
- switch (n = (t->flags & 15)) {
- case 0:
- sprintf(buf, " (cr) (nel) (cub1)%s",
- cursor_home ? " (home)" : (cursor_up ? " (cuu1)" : ""));
- break;
- case 1:
- sprintf(buf, "%s%s%s%s", cursor_left ? " (cub1)" : "",
- cursor_down ? " (cud1)" : "", cursor_right ? " (cuf1)" : "",
- cursor_up ? " (cuu1)" : "");
- if (buf[0] == '\0') {
- ptext(" (cub1) (cud1) (cuf1) (cuu1) not defined.");
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- sprintf(buf, "%s%s%s%s", parm_left_cursor ? " (cub)" : "",
- parm_down_cursor ? " (cud)" : "",
- parm_right_cursor ? " (cuf)" : "",
- parm_up_cursor ? " (cuu)" : "");
- if (buf[0] == '\0') {
- ptext(" (cub) (cud) (cuf) (cuu) not defined.");
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- sprintf(buf, "%s%s", row_address ? " (vpa)" : "",
- column_address ? " (hpa)" : "");
- if (buf[0] == '\0') {
- ptext(" (vpa) (hpa) not defined.");
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- if (!cursor_address) {
- ptext(" (cup) not defined. ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- strcpy(buf, " (cup)");
- break;
- }
- if (buf[0] == '\0') {
- put_str(" Done. ");
- } else {
- can_test(buf, FLAG_TESTED);
- strcpy(crum_text[n], &buf[2]);
- crum_text[n][strlen(buf) - 3] = '\0';
- display_it(1 << n, buf);
- }
- *ch = wait_here();
- if (*ch != 'r') {
- put_clear();
- }
-** crum_os(test_list, status, ch)
-** (cup) test Cursor position on overstrike terminals
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- if (cursor_address && over_strike) {
- put_clear();
- for (i = 0; i < columns - 2; i++) {
- tc_putch('|');
- }
- for (i = 1; i < lines - 2; i++) {
- put_crlf();
- tc_putch('_');
- }
- for (i = 0; i < columns - 2; i++) {
- tputs(TPARM_2(cursor_address, 0, i), lines, tc_putch);
- tc_putch('+');
- }
- for (i = 0; i < lines - 2; i++) {
- tputs(TPARM_2(cursor_address, i, 0), lines, tc_putch);
- tc_putch(']');
- tc_putch('_');
- }
- go_home();
- put_newlines(3);
- ptext(" All the characters should look the same. ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
- }
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/edit.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/edit.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b23f3ab..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/edit.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,992 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include <tack.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <tic.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: edit.c,v 1.11 2006/06/24 21:22:42 tom Exp $")
- * Terminfo edit features
- */
-static void show_info(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void show_value(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void show_untested(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void show_changed(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-#define SHOW_VALUE 1
-#define SHOW_EDIT 2
-#define SHOW_DELETE 3
-struct test_list edit_test_list[] = {
- {MENU_CLEAR, 0, 0, 0, "i) display current terminfo", show_info, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "w) write the current terminfo to a file", save_info, 0},
- {SHOW_VALUE, 3, 0, 0, "v) show value of a selected cap", show_value, 0},
- {SHOW_EDIT, 4, 0, 0, "e) edit value of a selected cap", show_value, 0},
- {SHOW_DELETE, 3, 0, 0, "d) delete string", show_value, 0},
- {0, 3, 0, 0, "m) show caps that have been modified", show_changed, 0},
- {MENU_CLEAR + FLAG_CAN_TEST, 0, 0, 0, "c) show caps that can be tested", show_report, 0},
- {MENU_CLEAR + FLAG_TESTED, 0, 0, 0, "t) show caps that have been tested", show_report, 0},
- {MENU_CLEAR + FLAG_FUNCTION_KEY, 0, 0, 0, "f) show a list of function keys", show_report, 0},
- {MENU_CLEAR, 0, 0, 0, "u) show caps defined that can not be tested", show_untested, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-static char change_pad_text[MAX_CHANGES][80];
-static struct test_list change_pad_list[MAX_CHANGES] = {
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-static void build_change_menu(struct test_menu *);
-static void change_one_entry(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-struct test_menu change_pad_menu = {
- 0, 'q', 0,
- "Select cap name", "change", 0,
- build_change_menu, change_pad_list, 0, 0, 0
-static TERMTYPE original_term; /* terminal type description */
-static char flag_boolean[BOOLCOUNT]; /* flags for booleans */
-static char flag_numerics[NUMCOUNT]; /* flags for numerics */
-static char *flag_strings; /* flags for strings */
-static int *label_strings;
-static int xon_index; /* Subscript for (xon) */
-static int xon_shadow;
-static int start_display; /* the display has just started */
-static int display_lines; /* number of lines displayed */
-static void
- if (flag_strings == 0) {
- label_strings = (int *)calloc(MAX_STRINGS, sizeof(int));
- flag_strings = (char *)calloc(MAX_STRINGS, sizeof(char));
- }
-** send_info_string(str)
-** Return the terminfo string prefixed by the correct separator
-static void
- const char *str,
- int *ch)
- int len;
- if (display_lines == -1) {
- return;
- }
- len = strlen(str);
- if (len + char_count + 3 >= columns) {
- if (start_display == 0) {
- put_str(",");
- }
- put_crlf();
- if (++display_lines > lines) {
- ptext("-- more -- ");
- *ch = wait_here();
- if (*ch == 'q') {
- display_lines = -1;
- return;
- }
- display_lines = 0;
- }
- if (len >= columns) {
- /* if the terminal does not (am) then this loses */
- if (columns) {
- display_lines += ((strlen(str) + 3) / columns) + 1;
- }
- put_str(" ");
- put_str(str);
- start_display = 0;
- return;
- }
- ptext(" ");
- } else
- if (start_display == 0) {
- ptext(", ");
- } else {
- ptext(" ");
- }
- ptext(str);
- start_display = 0;
-** show_info(test_list, status, ch)
-** Display the current terminfo
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- char buf[1024];
- display_lines = 1;
- start_display = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < BOOLCOUNT; i++) {
- if ((i == xon_index) ? xon_shadow : CUR Booleans[i]) {
- send_info_string(boolnames[i], ch);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NUMCOUNT; i++) {
- if (CUR Numbers[i] >= 0) {
- sprintf(buf, "%s#%d", numnames[i], CUR Numbers[i]);
- send_info_string(buf, ch);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_STRINGS; i++) {
- if (CUR Strings[i]) {
- sprintf(buf, "%s=%s", STR_NAME(i),
- print_expand(CUR Strings[i]));
- send_info_string(buf, ch);
- }
- }
- put_newlines(2);
-** save_info_string(str, fp)
-** Write the terminfo string prefixed by the correct separator
-static void
- const char *str,
- FILE *fp)
- int len;
- len = strlen(str);
- if (len + display_lines >= 77) {
- if (display_lines > 0) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, "\n\t");
- }
- display_lines = 8;
- } else
- if (display_lines > 0) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, " ");
- display_lines++;
- } else {
- (void) fprintf(fp, "\t");
- display_lines = 8;
- }
- (void) fprintf(fp, "%s,", str);
- display_lines += len + 1;
-** save_info(test_list, status, ch)
-** Write the current terminfo to a file
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- FILE *fp;
- time_t now;
- char buf[1024];
- if ((fp = fopen(tty_basename, "w")) == (FILE *) NULL) {
- (void) sprintf(temp, "can't open: %s", tty_basename);
- ptextln(temp);
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- time(&now);
- /* Note: ctime() returns a newline at the end of the string */
- (void) fprintf(fp, "# Terminfo created by TACK for TERM=%s on %s",
- tty_basename, ctime(&now));
- (void) fprintf(fp, "%s|%s,\n", tty_basename, longname());
- display_lines = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < BOOLCOUNT; i++) {
- if (i == xon_index ? xon_shadow : CUR Booleans[i]) {
- save_info_string(boolnames[i], fp);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NUMCOUNT; i++) {
- if (CUR Numbers[i] >= 0) {
- sprintf(buf, "%s#%d", numnames[i], CUR Numbers[i]);
- save_info_string(buf, fp);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_STRINGS; i++) {
- if (CUR Strings[i]) {
- sprintf(buf, "%s=%s", STR_NAME(i),
- _nc_tic_expand(CUR Strings[i], TRUE, TRUE));
- save_info_string(buf, fp);
- }
- }
- (void) fprintf(fp, "\n");
- (void) fclose(fp);
- sprintf(temp, "Terminfo saved as file: %s", tty_basename);
- ptextln(temp);
-** show_value(test_list, status, ch)
-** Display the value of a selected cap
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- struct name_table_entry const *nt;
- char *s;
- int n, op, b;
- char buf[1024];
- char tmp[1024];
- ptext("enter name: ");
- read_string(buf, 80);
- if (buf[0] == '\0' || buf[1] == '\0') {
- *ch = buf[0];
- return;
- }
- if (line_count + 2 >= lines) {
- put_clear();
- }
- op = t->flags & 255;
- if ((nt = _nc_find_entry(buf, _nc_info_hash_table))) {
- switch (nt->nte_type) {
- case BOOLEAN:
- if (op == SHOW_DELETE) {
- if (nt->nte_index == xon_index) {
- xon_shadow = 0;
- } else {
- CUR Booleans[nt->nte_index] = 0;
- }
- return;
- }
- b = nt->nte_index == xon_index ? xon_shadow :
- CUR Booleans[nt->nte_index];
- sprintf(temp, "boolean %s %s", buf,
- b ? "True" : "False");
- break;
- case STRING:
- if (op == SHOW_DELETE) {
- CUR Strings[nt->nte_index] = (char *) 0;
- return;
- }
- if (CUR Strings[nt->nte_index]) {
- sprintf(temp, "string %s %s", buf,
- expand(CUR Strings[nt->nte_index]));
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, "undefined string %s", buf);
- }
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- if (op == SHOW_DELETE) {
- CUR Numbers[nt->nte_index] = -1;
- return;
- }
- sprintf(temp, "numeric %s %d", buf,
- CUR Numbers[nt->nte_index]);
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(temp, "unknown");
- break;
- }
- ptextln(temp);
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, "Cap not found: %s", buf);
- ptextln(temp);
- return;
- }
- if (op != SHOW_EDIT) {
- return;
- }
- if (nt->nte_type == BOOLEAN) {
- ptextln("Value flipped");
- if (nt->nte_index == xon_index) {
- xon_shadow = !xon_shadow;
- } else {
- CUR Booleans[nt->nte_index] = !CUR Booleans[nt->nte_index];
- }
- return;
- }
- ptextln("Enter new value");
- read_string(buf, sizeof(buf));
- switch (nt->nte_type) {
- case STRING:
- _nc_reset_input((FILE *) 0, buf);
- _nc_trans_string(tmp, tmp + sizeof(tmp));
- s = (char *)malloc(strlen(tmp) + 1);
- strcpy(s, tmp);
- CUR Strings[nt->nte_index] = s;
- sprintf(temp, "new string value %s", nt->nte_name);
- ptextln(temp);
- ptextln(expand(CUR Strings[nt->nte_index]));
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &n) == 1) {
- CUR Numbers[nt->nte_index] = n;
- sprintf(temp, "new numeric value %s %d",
- nt->nte_name, n);
- ptextln(temp);
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, "Illegal number: %s", buf);
- ptextln(temp);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-** get_string_cap_byname(name, long_name)
-** Given a cap name, find the value
-** Errors are quietly ignored.
-char *
- const char *name,
- const char **long_name)
- struct name_table_entry const *nt;
- if ((nt = _nc_find_entry(name, _nc_info_hash_table))) {
- if (nt->nte_type == STRING) {
- *long_name = strfnames[nt->nte_index];
- return (CUR Strings[nt->nte_index]);
- }
- }
- *long_name = "??";
- return (char *) 0;
-** get_string_cap_byvalue(value)
-** Given a capability string, find its position in the data base.
-** Return the index or -1 if not found.
- const char *value)
- int i;
- if (value) {
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_STRINGS; i++) {
- if (CUR Strings[i] == value) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- /* search for translated strings */
- for (i = 0; i < TM_last; i++) {
- if (TM_string[i].value == value) {
- return TM_string[i].index;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
-** show_changed(test_list, status, ch)
-** Display a list of caps that have been changed.
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- int i, header = 1, v;
- const char *a;
- const char *b;
- static char title[] = " old value cap new value";
- char abuf[1024];
- for (i = 0; i < BOOLCOUNT; i++) {
- v = (i == xon_index) ? xon_shadow : CUR Booleans[i];
- if (original_term.Booleans[i] != v) {
- if (header) {
- ptextln(title);
- header = 0;
- }
- sprintf(temp, "%30d %6s %d",
- original_term.Booleans[i], boolnames[i], v);
- ptextln(temp);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NUMCOUNT; i++) {
- if (original_term.Numbers[i] != CUR Numbers[i]) {
- if (header) {
- ptextln(title);
- header = 0;
- }
- sprintf(temp, "%30d %6s %d",
- original_term.Numbers[i], numnames[i],
- CUR Numbers[i]);
- ptextln(temp);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_STRINGS; i++) {
- a = original_term.Strings[i] ? original_term.Strings[i] : "";
- b = CUR Strings[i] ? CUR Strings[i] : "";
- if (strcmp(a, b)) {
- if (header) {
- ptextln(title);
- header = 0;
- }
- strcpy(abuf, _nc_tic_expand(a, TRUE, TRUE));
- sprintf(temp, "%30s %6s %s", abuf, STR_NAME(i),
- _nc_tic_expand(b, TRUE, TRUE));
- putln(temp);
- }
- }
- if (header) {
- ptextln("No changes");
- }
- put_crlf();
-** user_modified()
-** Return TRUE if the user has modified the terminfo
- const char *a, *b;
- int i, v;
- for (i = 0; i < BOOLCOUNT; i++) {
- v = (i == xon_index) ? xon_shadow : CUR Booleans[i];
- if (original_term.Booleans[i] != v) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NUMCOUNT; i++) {
- if (original_term.Numbers[i] != CUR Numbers[i]) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_STRINGS; i++) {
- a = original_term.Strings[i] ? original_term.Strings[i] : "";
- b = CUR Strings[i] ? CUR Strings[i] : "";
- if (strcmp(a, b)) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- *
- * Maintain the list of capabilities that can be tested
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-** mark_cap(name, flag)
-** Mark the cap data base with the flag provided.
-static void
- char *name,
- int flag)
- struct name_table_entry const *nt;
- alloc_arrays();
- if ((nt = _nc_find_entry(name, _nc_info_hash_table))) {
- switch (nt->nte_type) {
- case BOOLEAN:
- flag_boolean[nt->nte_index] |= flag;
- break;
- case STRING:
- flag_strings[nt->nte_index] |= flag;
- break;
- case NUMBER:
- flag_numerics[nt->nte_index] |= flag;
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(temp, "unknown cap type (%s)", name);
- ptextln(temp);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, "Cap not found: %s", name);
- ptextln(temp);
- (void) wait_here();
- }
-** can_test(name-list, flags)
-** Scan the name list and get the names.
-** Enter each name into the can-test data base.
-** <space> ( and ) may be used as separators.
- const char *s,
- int flags)
- int ch, j;
- char name[32];
- if (s) {
- for (j = 0; (name[j] = ch = *s); s++) {
- if (ch == ' ' || ch == ')' || ch == '(') {
- if (j) {
- name[j] = '\0';
- mark_cap(name, flags);
- }
- j = 0;
- } else {
- j++;
- }
- }
- if (j) {
- mark_cap(name, flags);
- }
- }
-** cap_index(name-list, index-list)
-** Scan the name list and return a list of indexes.
-** <space> ( and ) may be used as separators.
-** This list is terminated with -1.
- const char *s,
- int *inx)
- struct name_table_entry const *nt;
- int ch, j;
- char name[32];
- if (s) {
- for (j = 0; ; s++) {
- name[j] = ch = *s;
- if (ch == ' ' || ch == ')' || ch == '(' || ch == 0) {
- if (j) {
- name[j] = '\0';
- if ((nt = _nc_find_entry(name,
- _nc_info_hash_table)) &&
- (nt->nte_type == STRING)) {
- *inx++ = nt->nte_index;
- }
- }
- if (ch == 0) {
- break;
- }
- j = 0;
- } else {
- j++;
- }
- }
- }
- *inx = -1;
-** cap_match(name-list, cap)
-** Scan the name list and see if the cap is in the list.
-** Return TRUE if we find an exact match.
-** <space> ( and ) may be used as separators.
- const char *names,
- const char *cap)
- char *s;
- int c, l, t;
- if (names) {
- l = strlen(cap);
- while ((s = strstr(names, cap))) {
- c = (names == s) ? 0 : *(s - 1);
- t = s[l];
- if ((c == 0 || c == ' ' || c == '(') &&
- (t == 0 || t == ' ' || t == ')')) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (t == 0) {
- break;
- }
- names = s + l;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
-** show_report(test_list, status, ch)
-** Display a list of caps that can be tested
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- int i, j, nc, flag;
- const char *s;
- const char **nx = malloc(BOOLCOUNT + NUMCOUNT + MAX_STRINGS);
- alloc_arrays();
- flag = t->flags & 255;
- nc = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < BOOLCOUNT; i++) {
- if (flag_boolean[i] & flag) {
- nx[nc++] = boolnames[i];
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NUMCOUNT; i++) {
- if (flag_numerics[i] & flag) {
- nx[nc++] = numnames[i];
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_STRINGS; i++) {
- if (flag_strings[i] & flag) {
- nx[nc++] = STR_NAME(i);
- }
- }
- /* sort */
- for (i = 0; i < nc - 1; i++) {
- for (j = i + 1; j < nc; j++) {
- if (strcmp(nx[i], nx[j]) > 0) {
- s = nx[i];
- nx[i] = nx[j];
- nx[j] = s;
- }
- }
- }
- if (flag & FLAG_FUNCTION_KEY) {
- ptextln("The following function keys can be tested:");
- } else
- if (flag & FLAG_CAN_TEST) {
- ptextln("The following capabilities can be tested:");
- } else
- if (flag & FLAG_TESTED) {
- ptextln("The following capabilities have been tested:");
- }
- put_crlf();
- for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
- sprintf(temp, "%s ", nx[i]);
- ptext(temp);
- }
- put_newlines(1);
- free (nx);
-** show_untested(test_list, status, ch)
-** Display a list of caps that are defined but cannot be tested.
-** Don't bother to sort this list.
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- alloc_arrays();
- ptextln("Caps that are defined but cannot be tested:");
- for (i = 0; i < BOOLCOUNT; i++) {
- if (flag_boolean[i] == 0 && CUR Booleans[i]) {
- sprintf(temp, "%s ", boolnames[i]);
- ptext(temp);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NUMCOUNT; i++) {
- if (flag_numerics[i] == 0 && CUR Numbers[i] >= 0) {
- sprintf(temp, "%s ", numnames[i]);
- ptext(temp);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_STRINGS; i++) {
- if (flag_strings[i] == 0 && CUR Strings[i]) {
- sprintf(temp, "%s ", STR_NAME(i));
- ptext(temp);
- }
- }
- put_newlines(1);
-** edit_init()
-** Initialize the function key data base
- int i, j, lc;
- char *lab;
- struct name_table_entry const *nt;
- alloc_arrays();
- _nc_copy_termtype(&original_term, &cur_term->type);
- for (i = 0; i < BOOLCOUNT; i++) {
- original_term.Booleans[i] = CUR Booleans[i];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NUMCOUNT; i++) {
- original_term.Numbers[i] = CUR Numbers[i];
- }
- /* scan for labels */
- for (i = lc = 0; i < MAX_STRINGS; i++) {
- original_term.Strings[i] = CUR Strings[i];
- if (strncmp(STR_NAME(i), "lf", 2) == 0) {
- flag_strings[i] |= FLAG_LABEL;
- if (CUR Strings[i]) {
- label_strings[lc++] = i;
- }
- }
- }
- /* scan for function keys */
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_STRINGS; i++) {
- const char *this_name = STR_NAME(i);
- if ((this_name[0] == 'k') && strcmp(this_name, "kmous")) {
- flag_strings[i] |= FLAG_FUNCTION_KEY;
- lab = (char *) 0;
- for (j = 0; j < lc; j++) {
- if (!strcmp(this_name,
- STR_NAME(label_strings[j]))) {
- lab = CUR Strings[label_strings[j]];
- break;
- }
- }
- enter_key(this_name, CUR Strings[i], lab);
- }
- }
- /* Lookup the translated strings */
- for (i = 0; i < TM_last; i++) {
- if ((nt = _nc_find_entry(TM_string[i].name,
- _nc_info_hash_table)) && (nt->nte_type == STRING)) {
- TM_string[i].index = nt->nte_index;
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, "TM_string lookup failed for: %s",
- TM_string[i].name);
- ptextln(temp);
- }
- }
- if ((nt = _nc_find_entry("xon", _nc_info_hash_table)) != 0) {
- xon_index = nt->nte_index;
- }
- xon_shadow = xon_xoff;
- free(label_strings);
-** change_one_entry(test_list, status, ch)
-** Change the padding on the selected cap
-static void
- struct test_list *test,
- int *state,
- int *chp)
- struct name_table_entry const *nt;
- int i, j, x, star, slash, v, dot, ch;
- const char *s;
- char *t, *p;
- const char *current_string;
- char buf[1024];
- char pad[1024];
- i = test->flags & 255;
- if (i == 255) {
- /* read the cap name from the user */
- ptext("enter name: ");
- read_string(pad, 32);
- if (pad[0] == '\0' || pad[1] == '\0') {
- *chp = pad[0];
- return;
- }
- if ((nt = _nc_find_entry(pad, _nc_info_hash_table)) &&
- (nt->nte_type == STRING)) {
- x = nt->nte_index;
- current_string = CUR Strings[x];
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, "%s is not a string capability", pad);
- ptext(temp);
- generic_done_message(test, state, chp);
- return;
- }
- } else {
- x = tx_index[i];
- current_string = tx_cap[i];
- strcpy(pad, STR_NAME(x));
- }
- if (!current_string) {
- ptextln("That string is not currently defined. Please enter a new value, including the padding delay:");
- read_string(buf, sizeof(buf));
- _nc_reset_input((FILE *) 0, buf);
- _nc_trans_string(pad, pad + sizeof(pad));
- t = (char *)malloc(strlen(pad) + 1);
- strcpy(t, pad);
- CUR Strings[x] = t;
- sprintf(temp, "new string value %s", STR_NAME(x));
- ptextln(temp);
- ptextln(expand(t));
- return;
- }
- sprintf(buf, "Current value: (%s) %s", pad, _nc_tic_expand(current_string, TRUE, TRUE));
- putln(buf);
- ptextln("Enter new pad. 0 for no pad. CR for no change.");
- read_string(buf, 32);
- if (buf[0] == '\0' || (buf[1] == '\0' && isalpha(UChar(buf[0])))) {
- *chp = buf[0];
- return;
- }
- star = slash = FALSE;
- for (j = v = dot = 0; (ch = buf[j]); j++) {
- if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
- v = ch - '0' + v * 10;
- if (dot) {
- dot++;
- }
- } else if (ch == '*') {
- star = TRUE;
- } else if (ch == '/') {
- slash = TRUE;
- } else if (ch == '.') {
- dot = 1;
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, "Illegal character: %c", ch);
- ptextln(temp);
- ptext("General format: 99.9*/ ");
- generic_done_message(test, state, chp);
- return;
- }
- }
- while (dot > 2) {
- v /= 10;
- dot--;
- }
- if (dot == 2) {
- sprintf(pad, "%d.%d%s%s", v / 10, v % 10,
- star ? "*" : "", slash ? "/" : "");
- } else {
- sprintf(pad, "%d%s%s",
- v, star ? "*" : "", slash ? "/" : "");
- }
- s = current_string;
- t = buf;
- for (v = 0; (ch = *t = *s++); t++) {
- if (v == '$' && ch == '<') {
- while ((ch = *s++) && (ch != '>'));
- for (p = pad; (*++t = *p++); );
- *t++ = '>';
- while ((*t++ = *s++));
- pad[0] = '\0';
- break;
- }
- v = ch;
- }
- if (pad[0]) {
- sprintf(t, "$<%s>", pad);
- }
- if ((t = (char *)malloc(strlen(buf) + 1))) {
- strcpy(t, buf);
- CUR Strings[x] = t;
- if (i != 255) {
- tx_cap[i] = t;
- }
- }
- generic_done_message(test, state, chp);
-** build_change_menu(menu_list)
-** Build the change pad menu list
-static void
- struct test_menu *m)
- int i, j, k;
- char *s;
- for (i = j = 0; i < txp; i++) {
- if ((k = tx_index[i]) >= 0) {
- s = _nc_tic_expand(tx_cap[i], TRUE, TRUE);
- s[40] = '\0';
- sprintf(change_pad_text[j], "%c) (%s) %s",
- 'a' + j, STR_NAME(k), s);
- change_pad_list[j].flags = i;
- change_pad_list[j].lines_needed = 4;
- change_pad_list[j].menu_entry = change_pad_text[j];
- change_pad_list[j].test_procedure = change_one_entry;
- j++;
- }
- }
- strcpy(change_pad_text[j], "z) enter name");
- change_pad_list[j].flags = 255;
- change_pad_list[j].lines_needed = 4;
- change_pad_list[j].menu_entry = change_pad_text[j];
- change_pad_list[j].test_procedure = change_one_entry;
- j++;
- change_pad_list[j].flags = MENU_LAST;
- if (m->menu_title) {
- put_crlf();
- ptextln(m->menu_title);
- }
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/fun.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/fun.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3788872..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/fun.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,925 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include <tack.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: fun.c,v 1.9 2006/11/26 00:15:53 tom Exp $")
- * Test the function keys on the terminal. The code for echo tests
- * lives here too.
- */
-static void funkey_keys(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void funkey_meta(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void funkey_label(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void funkey_prog(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void funkey_local(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-struct test_list funkey_test_list[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "e) edit terminfo", 0, &edit_menu},
- {MENU_CLEAR + FLAG_FUNCTION_KEY, 0, 0, 0, "f) show a list of function keys", show_report, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_CLEAR, 0, "smkx) (rmkx", 0,
- "k) test function keys", funkey_keys, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 10, "km", "smm rmm", 0, funkey_meta, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 8, "nlab) (smln) (pln) (rmln", "lw lh", 0, funkey_label, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 2, "pfx", 0, 0, funkey_prog, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 2, "pfloc", 0, 0, funkey_local, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-static void printer_on(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void printer_mc0(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-struct test_list printer_test_list[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "e) edit terminfo", 0, &edit_menu},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_CLEAR, 0, "mc4) (mc5) (mc5i", 0, 0, printer_on, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_CLEAR, 0, "mc0", 0, 0, printer_mc0, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-/* local definitions */
-static const char **fk_name;
-static char **fkval;
-static char **fk_label; /* function key labels (if any) */
-static int *fk_tested;
-static int num_strings = 0;
-static int fkmax = 1; /* length of longest key */
-static int got_labels = 0; /* true if we have some labels */
-static int key_count = 0;
-static int end_state;
-/* unknown function keys */
-#define MAX_FK_UNK 50
-static char *fk_unknown[MAX_FK_UNK];
-static int fk_length[MAX_FK_UNK];
-static int funk;
- * Initialize arrays that depend on the actual number of strings.
- */
-static void
- if (num_strings != MAX_STRINGS) {
- num_strings = MAX_STRINGS;
- fk_name = (const char **)calloc(num_strings, sizeof(const char *));
- fkval = (char **)calloc(num_strings, sizeof(char *));
- fk_label = (char **)calloc(num_strings, sizeof(char *));
- fk_tested = (int *)calloc(num_strings, sizeof(int));
- }
-** keys_tested(first-time, show-help, hex-output)
-** Display a list of the keys not tested.
-static void
- int first_time,
- int show_help,
- int hex_output)
- int i, l;
- char outbuf[256];
- alloc_strings();
- put_clear();
- tty_set();
- flush_input();
- if (got_labels) {
- putln("Function key labels:");
- for (i = 0; i < key_count; ++i) {
- if (fk_label[i]) {
- sprintf(outbuf, "%s %s",
- fk_name[i] ? fk_name[i] : "??", fk_label[i]);
- put_columns(outbuf, (int) strlen(outbuf), 16);
- }
- }
- put_newlines(2);
- }
- if (funk) {
- putln("The following keys are not defined:");
- for (i = 0; i < funk; ++i) {
- put_columns(fk_unknown[i], fk_length[i], 16);
- }
- put_mode(exit_attribute_mode);
- put_newlines(2);
- }
- if (first_time) {
- putln("The following keys are defined:");
- } else {
- putln("The following keys have not been tested:");
- }
- if (scan_mode) {
- for (i = 0; scan_down[i]; i++) {
- if (!scan_tested[i]) {
- if (hex_output) {
- strcpy(outbuf, hex_expand_to(scan_down[i], 3));
- } else {
- strcpy(outbuf, expand(scan_down[i]));
- }
- l = expand_chars;
- if (hex_output) {
- strcat(outbuf, hex_expand_to(scan_up[i], 3));
- } else {
- strcat(outbuf, expand(scan_up[i]));
- }
- expand_chars += l;
- l = strlen(scan_name[i]);
- if (((char_count + 16) & ~15) +
- ((expand_chars + 7) & ~7) + l >= columns) {
- put_crlf();
- } else
- if (char_count + 24 > columns) {
- put_crlf();
- } else if (char_count) {
- putchp(' ');
- }
- put_columns(outbuf, expand_chars, 16);
- put_columns(scan_name[i], l, 8);
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < key_count; i++) {
- if (!fk_tested[i]) {
- if (hex_output) {
- strcpy(outbuf, hex_expand_to(fkval[i], 3));
- } else {
- strcpy(outbuf, expand(fkval[i]));
- }
- l = strlen(fk_name[i]);
- if (((char_count + 16) & ~15) +
- ((expand_chars + 7) & ~7) + l >= columns) {
- put_crlf();
- } else
- if (char_count + 24 > columns) {
- put_crlf();
- } else
- if (char_count) {
- putchp(' ');
- }
- put_columns(outbuf, expand_chars, 16);
- put_columns(fk_name[i], l, 8);
- }
- }
- }
- put_newlines(2);
- if (show_help) {
- ptextln("Hit any function key. Type 'end' to quit. Type ? to update the display.");
- put_crlf();
- }
-** enter_key(name, value, label)
-** Enter a function key into the data base
- const char *name,
- char *value,
- char *lab)
- int j;
- alloc_strings();
- if (value) {
- j = strlen(value);
- fkmax = fkmax > j ? fkmax : j;
- /* do not permit duplicates */
- for (j = 0; j < key_count; j++) {
- if (!strcmp(fk_name[j], name)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- fkval[key_count] = value;
- fk_tested[key_count] = 0;
- fk_label[key_count] = lab;
- fk_name[key_count++] = name;
- if (lab) {
- got_labels = TRUE;
- }
- }
-static void
-{ /* clear the line for a new function key line */
- if (over_strike) {
- put_crlf();
- } else {
- put_cr();
- if (clr_eol) {
- tc_putp(clr_eol);
- } else {
- put_str(" \r");
- }
- }
-static int
-end_funky(int ch)
-{ /* return true if this is the end */
- switch (ch) {
- case 'e':
- case 'E':
- end_state = 'e';
- break;
- case 'n':
- case 'N':
- if (end_state == 'e') {
- end_state = 'n';
- } else {
- end_state = 0;
- }
- break;
- case 'd':
- case 'D':
- if (end_state == 'n') {
- end_state = 'd';
- } else {
- end_state = 0;
- }
- break;
- case 'l':
- case 'L':
- if (end_state == 'l') {
- end_state = '?';
- } else {
- end_state = 'l';
- }
- break;
- default:
- end_state = 0;
- break;
- }
- return end_state == 'd';
-static int
-found_match(char *s, int hx, int cc)
-{ /* return true if this string is a match */
- int j, f;
- char outbuf[256];
- alloc_strings();
- if (!*s) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (scan_mode) {
- for (j = f = 0; scan_down[j]; j++) {
- if (scan_length[j] == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp(s, scan_down[j], scan_length[j])) {
- if (!f) { /* first match */
- put_cr();
- if (hx) {
- put_str(hex_expand_to(s, 10));
- } else {
- put_str(expand_to(s, 10));
- }
- f = 1;
- }
- (void) end_funky(scan_name[j][0]);
- put_str(" ");
- put_str(scan_name[j]);
- scan_tested[j] = 1;
- s += scan_length[j];
- if (strncmp(s, scan_up[j], scan_length[j])) {
- put_str(" scan down");
- } else {
- s += scan_length[j];
- }
- if (!*s) {
- break;
- }
- j = -1;
- }
- if (!strncmp(s, scan_up[j], scan_length[j])) {
- if (!f) { /* first match */
- put_cr();
- if (hx) {
- put_str(hex_expand_to(s, 10));
- } else {
- put_str(expand_to(s, 10));
- }
- f = 1;
- }
- put_str(" ");
- put_str(scan_name[j]);
- put_str(" scan up");
- s += scan_length[j];
- if (!*s) {
- break;
- }
- j = -1;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (j = f = 0; j < key_count; j++) {
- if (!strcmp(s, fkval[j])) {
- if (!f) { /* first match */
- put_cr();
- if (hx) {
- put_str(hex_expand_to(s, 10));
- } else {
- put_str(expand_to(s, 10));
- }
- f = 1;
- }
- sprintf(outbuf, " (%s)", fk_name[j]);
- put_str(outbuf);
- if (fk_label[j]) {
- sprintf(outbuf, " <%s>", fk_label[j]);
- put_str(outbuf);
- }
- fk_tested[j] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (end_state == '?') {
- keys_tested(0, 1, hx);
- tty_raw(cc, char_mask);
- end_state = 0;
- }
- return f;
-static int
-found_exit(char *keybuf, int hx, int cc)
-{ /* return true if the user wants to exit */
- int j, k;
- char *s;
- if (scan_mode) {
- if (*keybuf == '\0') {
- return TRUE;
- }
- } else {
- /* break is a special case */
- if (*keybuf == '\0') {
- fresh_line();
- tty_set();
- ptext("Hit X to exit: ");
- if (wait_here() == 'X') {
- return TRUE;
- }
- keys_tested(0, 1, hx);
- tty_raw(cc, char_mask);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* is this the end? */
- for (k = 0; (j = (keybuf[k] & STRIP_PARITY)); k++) {
- if (end_funky(j)) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- j = TRUE; /* does he need an updated list? */
- for (k = 0; keybuf[k]; k++) {
- j &= (keybuf[k] & STRIP_PARITY) == '?';
- }
- if (j || end_state == '?') {
- keys_tested(0, 1, hx);
- tty_raw(cc, char_mask);
- end_state = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- put_cr();
- if (hx) {
- s = hex_expand_to(keybuf, 10);
- } else {
- s = expand_to(keybuf, 10);
- }
- sprintf(temp, "%s Unknown", s);
- put_str(temp);
- for (j = 0; j < MAX_FK_UNK; j++) {
- if (j == funk) {
- fk_length[funk] = expand_chars;
- if ((fk_unknown[funk] = (char *)malloc(strlen(s) + 1))) {
- strcpy(fk_unknown[funk++], s);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (fk_length[j] == expand_chars) {
- if (!strcmp(fk_unknown[j], s)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
-** funkey_keys(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test function keys
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- char keybuf[256];
- if (keypad_xmit) {
- tc_putp(keypad_xmit);
- }
- keys_tested(1, 1, hex_out); /* also clears screen */
- keybuf[0] = '\0';
- end_state = 0;
- if (scan_mode) {
- fkmax = scan_max;
- }
- tty_raw(0, char_mask);
- while (end_state != 'd') {
- read_key(keybuf, sizeof(keybuf));
- fresh_line();
- if (found_match(keybuf, hex_out, 0)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (found_exit(keybuf, hex_out, 0)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (keypad_local) {
- tc_putp(keypad_local);
- }
- keys_tested(0, 0, hex_out);
- ptext("Function key test ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-{ /* print a warning before the meta key test */
- if (not_a_tty) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (initial_stty_query(TTY_8_BIT)) {
- return 0;
- }
- ptext("The meta key test must be run with the");
- ptext(" terminal set for 8 data bits. Two stop bits");
- ptext(" may also be needed for correct display. I will");
- ptext(" transmit 8 bit data but if the terminal is set for");
- ptextln(" 7 bit data, garbage may appear on the screen.");
- return 1;
-** funkey_meta(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test meta key (km) (smm) (rmm)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j, k, len;
- char outbuf[256];
- if (has_meta_key) {
- put_crlf();
- if (char_mask != ALLOW_PARITY) {
- if (tty_meta_prep()) {
- ptext("\nHit any key to continue > ");
- (void) wait_here();
- put_crlf();
- }
- }
- ptext("Begin meta key test. (km) (smm) (rmm) Hit any key");
- ptext(" with the meta key. The character will be");
- ptext(" displayed in hex. If the meta key is working");
- ptext(" then the most significant bit will be set. Type");
- ptextln(" 'end' to exit.");
- tty_raw(1, ALLOW_PARITY);
- tc_putp(meta_on);
- for (i = j = k = len = 0; i != 'e' || j != 'n' || k != 'd';) {
- i = j;
- j = k;
- k = getchp(ALLOW_PARITY);
- if (k == EOF) {
- break;
- }
- if ((len += 3) >= columns) {
- put_crlf();
- len = 3;
- }
- sprintf(outbuf, "%02X ", k);
- put_str(outbuf);
- }
- tc_putp(meta_off);
- put_crlf();
- tty_set();
- put_crlf();
- } else {
- ptext("(km) Has-meta-key is not set. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** funkey_label(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test labels (nlab) (smln) (pln) (rmln) (lw) (lh)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- char outbuf[256];
- if (num_labels == -1) {
- ptextln("Your terminal has no labels. (nlab)");
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, "Your terminal has %d labels (nlab) that are %d characters wide (lw) and %d lines high (lh)",
- num_labels, label_width, label_height);
- ptext(temp);
- ptextln(" Testing (smln) (pln) (rmln)");
- if (label_on) {
- tc_putp(label_on);
- }
- if (label_width <= 0) {
- label_width = sizeof(outbuf) - 1;
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= num_labels; i++) {
- sprintf(outbuf, "L%d..............................", i);
- outbuf[label_width] = '\0';
- tc_putp(TPARM_2(plab_norm, i, outbuf));
- }
- if (label_off) {
- ptext("Hit any key to remove the labels: ");
- (void) wait_here();
- tc_putp(label_off);
- }
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** funkey_prog(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test program function keys (pfx)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, fk;
- char mm[256];
- fk = 1; /* use function key 1 for now */
- if (pkey_xmit) {
- /* test program function key */
- sprintf(temp,
- "(pfx) Set function key %d to transmit abc\\n", fk);
- ptextln(temp);
- tc_putp(TPARM_2(pkey_xmit, fk, "abc\n"));
- sprintf(temp, "Hit function key %d\n", fk);
- ptextln(temp);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- mm[i] = getchp(STRIP_PARITY);
- mm[i] = '\0';
- put_crlf();
- if (mm[0] != 'a' || mm[1] != 'b' || mm[2] != 'c') {
- sprintf(temp, "Error string received was: %s", expand(mm));
- ptextln(temp);
- } else {
- putln("Thank you\n");
- }
- flush_input();
- if (key_f1) {
- tc_putp(TPARM_2(pkey_xmit, fk, key_f1));
- }
- } else {
- ptextln("Function key transmit (pfx), not present.");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** funkey_local(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test program local function keys (pfloc)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int fk;
- fk = 1;
- if (pkey_local) {
- /* test local function key */
- sprintf(temp,
- "(pfloc) Set function key %d to execute a clear and print \"Done!\"", fk);
- ptextln(temp);
- sprintf(temp, "%sDone!", liberated(clear_screen));
- tc_putp(TPARM_2(pkey_local, fk, temp));
- sprintf(temp, "Hit function key %d. Then hit return.", fk);
- ptextln(temp);
- (void) wait_here();
- flush_input();
- if (key_f1 && pkey_xmit) {
- tc_putp(TPARM_2(pkey_xmit, fk, key_f1));
- }
- } else {
- ptextln("Function key execute local (pfloc), not present.");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** printer_on(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test printer on/off (mc4) (mc5) (mc5i)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (!prtr_on || !prtr_off) {
- ptextln("Printer on/off missing. (mc5) (mc4)");
- } else if (prtr_silent) {
- ptextln("Your printer is silent. (mc5i) is set.");
- tc_putp(prtr_on);
- ptextln("This line should be on the printer but not your screen. (mc5)");
- tc_putp(prtr_off);
- ptextln("This line should be only on the screen. (mc4)");
- } else {
- ptextln("Your printer is not silent. (mc5i) is reset.");
- tc_putp(prtr_on);
- ptextln("This line should be on the printer and the screen. (mc5)");
- tc_putp(prtr_off);
- ptextln("This line should only be on the screen. (mc4)");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** printer_mc0(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test screen print (mc0)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (print_screen) {
- ptext("I am going to send the contents of the screen to");
- ptext(" the printer, then wait for a keystroke from you.");
- ptext(" All of the text that appears on the screen");
- ptextln(" should be printed. (mc0)");
- tc_putp(print_screen);
- } else {
- ptext("(mc0) Print-screen is not present. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-static void
-{ /* put up a pattern that will help count the
- number of lines */
- int i, j;
- put_clear();
- if (over_strike) {
- for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- if (i) {
- put_crlf();
- }
- for (j = i / 10; j; j--) {
- put_this(' ');
- }
- put_this('0' + ((i + 1) % 10));
- }
- } else /* I assume it will scroll */ {
- for (i = 100; i; i--) {
- sprintf(temp, "\r\n%d", i);
- put_str(temp);
- }
- }
-static void
-{ /* put up a pattern that will help count the
- number of columns */
- int i, j;
- put_clear();
- for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
- for (j = 1; j < 10; j++) {
- put_this('0' + j);
- }
- put_this('.');
- }
-** report_help()
-** Print the help text for the echo tests
-static void
-report_help(int crx)
- ptextln("The following commands may also be entered:");
- ptextln(" clear clear screen.");
- ptextln(" columns print a test pattern to help count screen width.");
- ptextln(" lines print a test pattern to help count screen length.");
- ptextln(" end exit.");
- ptextln(" echo redisplay last report.");
- if (crx) {
- ptextln(" hex redisplay last report in hex.");
- } else {
- ptextln(" hex toggle hex display mode.");
- }
- ptextln(" help display this list.");
- ptextln(" high toggle forced high bit (0x80).");
- ptextln(" scan toggle scan mode.");
- ptextln(" one echo one character after <cr> or <lf> as is. (report mode)");
- ptextln(" two echo two characters after <cr> or <lf> as is.");
- ptextln(" all echo all characters after <cr> or <lf> as is. (echo mode)");
-** tools_report(testlist, state, ch)
-** Run the echo tool and report tool
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *pch GCC_UNUSED)
- int i, j, ch, crp, crx, high_bit, save_scan_mode, hex_display;
- char buf[1024];
- char txt[8];
- hex_display = hex_out;
- put_clear();
- if ((crx = (t->flags & 255)) == 1) {
- ptext("Characters after a CR or LF will be echoed as");
- ptextln(" is. All other characters will be expanded.");
- report_help(crx);
- } else { /* echo test */
- ptextln("Begin echo test.");
- report_help(crx);
- }
- memset(txt, 0, sizeof(txt));
- save_scan_mode = scan_mode;
- tty_raw(1, char_mask);
- for (i = crp = high_bit = 0;;) {
- ch = getchp(char_mask);
- if (ch == EOF) {
- break;
- }
- if (i >= (int) sizeof(buf) - 1) {
- i = 0;
- }
- buf[i++] = ch;
- buf[i] = '\0';
- for (j = 0; j < (int) sizeof(txt) - 1; j++) {
- txt[j] = txt[j + 1];
- }
- txt[sizeof(txt) - 1] = ch & STRIP_PARITY;
- if (crx == 0) { /* echo test */
- if (hex_display) {
- ptext(hex_expand_to(&buf[i - 1], 3));
- } else {
- tc_putch(ch | high_bit);
- }
- } else /* status report test */
- if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
- put_crlf();
- crp = 0;
- } else if (crp++ < crx) {
- tc_putch(ch | high_bit);
- } else {
- put_str(expand(&buf[i - 1]));
- }
- if (!strncmp(&txt[sizeof(txt) - 7], "columns", 7)) {
- column_pattern();
- buf[i = 0] = '\0';
- crp = 0;
- }
- if (!strncmp(&txt[sizeof(txt) - 5], "lines", 5)) {
- line_pattern();
- buf[i = 0] = '\0';
- crp = 0;
- }
- if (!strncmp(&txt[sizeof(txt) - 5], "clear", 5)) {
- put_clear();
- buf[i = 0] = '\0';
- crp = 0;
- }
- if (!strncmp(&txt[sizeof(txt) - 4], "high", 4)) {
- high_bit ^= 0x80;
- if (high_bit) {
- ptextln("\nParity bit set");
- } else {
- ptextln("\nParity bit reset");
- }
- }
- if (!strncmp(&txt[sizeof(txt) - 4], "help", 4)) {
- put_crlf();
- report_help(crx);
- }
- if (!strncmp(&txt[sizeof(txt) - 4], "echo", 4)) {
- /* display the last status report */
- /* clear bypass condition on Tek terminals */
- put_crlf();
- if (i >= 4) {
- buf[i -= 4] = '\0';
- }
- put_str(expand(buf));
- }
- if (save_scan_mode &&
- !strncmp(&txt[sizeof(txt) - 4], "scan", 4)) {
- /* toggle scan mode */
- scan_mode = !scan_mode;
- }
- if (!strncmp(&txt[sizeof(txt) - 3], "end", 3))
- break;
- if (!strncmp(&txt[sizeof(txt) - 3], "hex", 3)) {
- if (crx) {
- /* display the last status report in hex */
- /* clear bypass condition on Tek terminals */
- put_crlf();
- if (i >= 3) {
- buf[i -= 3] = '\0';
- }
- put_str(hex_expand_to(buf, 3));
- } else {
- hex_display = !hex_display;
- }
- }
- if (!strncmp(&txt[sizeof(txt) - 3], "two", 3))
- crx = 2;
- if (!strncmp(&txt[sizeof(txt) - 3], "one", 3))
- crx = 1;
- if (!strncmp(&txt[sizeof(txt) - 3], "all", 3))
- crx = 0;
- }
- scan_mode = save_scan_mode;
- put_crlf();
- tty_set();
- if (crx) {
- ptextln("End of status report test.");
- } else {
- ptextln("End of echo test.");
- }
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/init.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/init.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e52dbf..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/init.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-/* initialization and wrapup code */
-#include <tack.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: init.c,v 1.7 2006/11/26 00:16:01 tom Exp $")
-#define _nc_get_curterm(p) _nc_get_tty_mode(p)
-FILE *debug_fp;
-char temp[1024];
-char tty_basename[64];
-put_name(const char *cap, const char *name)
-{ /* send the cap name followed by the cap */
- if (cap) {
- ptext(name);
- tc_putp(cap);
- }
-static void
-report_cap(const char *tag, const char *s)
-{ /* expand the cap or print *** missing *** */
- int i;
- ptext(tag);
- for (i = char_count; i < 13; i++) {
- putchp(' ');
- }
- put_str(" = ");
- if (s) {
- putln(expand(s));
- } else {
- putln("*** missing ***");
- }
-{ /* send the reset and init strings */
- int i;
- ptext("Terminal reset");
- i = char_count;
- put_name(reset_1string, " (rs1)");
- put_name(reset_2string, " (rs2)");
- /* run the reset file */
- if (reset_file && reset_file[0]) {
- FILE *fp;
- int ch;
- can_test("rf", FLAG_TESTED);
- if ((fp = fopen(reset_file, "r"))) { /* send the reset file */
- sprintf(temp, " (rf) %s", reset_file);
- ptextln(temp);
- while (1) {
- ch = getc(fp);
- if (ch == EOF)
- break;
- put_this(ch);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, "\nCannot open reset file (rf) %s", reset_file);
- ptextln(temp);
- }
- }
- put_name(reset_3string, " (rs3)");
- if (i != char_count) {
- put_crlf();
- }
- ptext(" init");
- put_name(init_1string, " (is1)");
- put_name(init_2string, " (is2)");
- if (set_tab && clear_all_tabs && init_tabs != 8) {
- put_crlf();
- tc_putp(clear_all_tabs);
- for (char_count = 0; char_count < columns; char_count++) {
- put_this(' ');
- if ((char_count & 7) == 7) {
- tc_putp(set_tab);
- }
- }
- put_cr();
- }
- /* run the initialization file */
- if (init_file && init_file[0]) {
- FILE *fp;
- int ch;
- can_test("if", FLAG_TESTED);
- if ((fp = fopen(init_file, "r"))) { /* send the init file */
- sprintf(temp, " (if) %s", init_file);
- ptextln(temp);
- while (1) {
- ch = getc(fp);
- if (ch == EOF)
- break;
- put_this(ch);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, "\nCannot open init file (if) %s", init_file);
- ptextln(temp);
- }
- }
- if (init_prog) {
- can_test("iprog", FLAG_TESTED);
- (void) system(init_prog);
- }
- put_name(init_3string, " (is3)");
- fflush(stdout);
-** display_basic()
-** display the basic terminal definitions
- put_str("Name: ");
- putln(ttytype);
- report_cap("\\r ^M (cr)", carriage_return);
- report_cap("\\n ^J (ind)", scroll_forward);
- report_cap("\\b ^H (cub1)", cursor_left);
- report_cap("\\t ^I (ht)", tab);
-/* report_cap("\\f ^L (ff)", form_feed); */
- if (newline) {
- /* OK if missing */
- report_cap(" (nel)", newline);
- }
- report_cap(" (clear)", clear_screen);
- if (!cursor_home && cursor_address) {
- report_cap("(cup) (home)", TPARM_2(cursor_address, 0, 0));
- } else {
- report_cap(" (home)", cursor_home);
- }
-#ifdef user9
- report_cap("ENQ (u9)", user9);
-#ifdef user8
- report_cap("ACK (u8)", user8);
- sprintf(temp, "\nTerminal size: %d x %d. Baud rate: %u. Frame size: %d.%d",
- columns, lines,
- tty_baud_rate,
- tty_frame_size >> 1,
- (tty_frame_size & 1) * 5);
- putln(temp);
-** curses_setup(exec_name)
-** Startup ncurses
- char *exec_name)
- int status;
- static TERMTYPE term;
- char tty_filename[2048];
- tty_init();
- /**
- See if the terminal is in the terminfo data base. This call has
- two useful benefits, 1) it returns the filename of the terminfo entry,
- and 2) it searches only terminfo's. This allows us to abort before
- ncurses starts scanning the termcap file.
- **/
- if ((status = _nc_read_entry(tty_basename, tty_filename, &term)) == 0) {
- const TERMTYPE *fallback = _nc_fallback(tty_basename);
- if (fallback) {
- term = *fallback;
- sprintf(tty_filename, "(fallback)%s", tty_basename);
- status = 1;
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "Terminal not found: TERM=%s\n", tty_basename);
- show_usage(exec_name);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- if (status == -1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Terminfo database is inaccessible\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /**
- This call will load the terminfo data base and set the cur-term
- variable. Only terminals that actually exist will get here so its
- OK to ignore errors. This is a good thing since ncurses does not
- permit (os) or (gn) to be set.
- **/
- setupterm(tty_basename, 1, &status);
- /**
- Get the current terminal definitions. This must be done before
- getting the baudrate.
- **/
- _nc_get_curterm(&cur_term->Nttyb);
- tty_baud_rate = baudrate();
- tty_cps = (tty_baud_rate << 1) / tty_frame_size;
- /* set up the defaults */
- replace_mode = TRUE;
- scan_mode = 0;
- char_count = 0;
- select_delay_type = debug_level = 0;
- char_mask = (meta_on && meta_on[0] == '\0') ? ALLOW_PARITY : STRIP_PARITY;
- /* Don't change the XON/XOFF modes yet. */
- select_xon_xoff = initial_stty_query(TTY_XON_XOFF) ? 1 : needs_xon_xoff;
- fflush(stdout); /* flush any output */
- tty_set();
- go_home(); /* set can_go_home */
- put_clear(); /* set can_clear_screen */
- if (send_reset_init) {
- reset_init();
- }
- /*
- I assume that the reset and init strings may not have the correct
- pads. (Because that part of the test comes much later.) Because
- of this, I allow the terminal some time to catch up.
- */
- fflush(stdout); /* waste some time */
- sleep(1); /* waste more time */
- charset_can_test();
- can_test("lines cols cr nxon rf if iprog rmp smcup rmcup", FLAG_CAN_TEST);
- edit_init(); /* initialize the edit data base */
- if (send_reset_init && enter_ca_mode) {
- tc_putp(enter_ca_mode);
- put_clear(); /* just in case we switched pages */
- }
- put_crlf();
- ptext("Using terminfo from: ");
- ptextln(tty_filename);
- put_crlf();
- if (tty_can_sync == SYNC_NEEDED) {
- verify_time();
- }
- display_basic();
-** bye_kids(exit-condition)
-** Shutdown the terminal, clear the signals, and exit
-bye_kids(int n)
-{ /* reset the tty and exit */
- ignoresig();
- if (send_reset_init) {
- if (exit_ca_mode) {
- tc_putp(exit_ca_mode);
- }
- if (initial_stty_query(TTY_XON_XOFF)) {
- if (enter_xon_mode) {
- tc_putp(enter_xon_mode);
- }
- } else if (exit_xon_mode) {
- tc_putp(exit_xon_mode);
- }
- }
- if (debug_fp) {
- fclose(debug_fp);
- }
- if (log_fp) {
- fclose(log_fp);
- }
- tty_reset();
- fclose(stdin);
- fclose(stdout);
- fclose(stderr);
- if (not_a_tty)
- sleep(1);
- exit(n);
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/menu.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/menu.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b4c8c05..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/menu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include <tack.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: menu.c,v 1.3 2005/09/17 19:49:16 tom Exp $")
- Menu control
- */
-static void test_byname(struct test_menu *, int *, int *);
-struct test_list *augment_test;
-char prompt_string[80]; /* menu prompt storage */
-** menu_prompt()
-** Print the menu prompt string.
- ptext(&prompt_string[1]);
-** menu_test_loop(test-structure, state, control-character)
-** This function implements the repeat test function.
-static void
- struct test_list *test,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int nch, p;
- if ((test->flags & MENU_REP_MASK) && (augment_test != test)) {
- /* set the augment variable (first time only) */
- p = (test->flags >> 8) & 15;
- if ((test->flags & MENU_REP_MASK) == MENU_LM1) {
- augment = lines - 1;
- } else
- if ((test->flags & MENU_ONE_MASK) == MENU_ONE) {
- augment = 1;
- } else
- if ((test->flags & MENU_LC_MASK) == MENU_lines) {
- augment = lines * p / 10;
- } else
- if ((test->flags & MENU_LC_MASK) == MENU_columns) {
- augment = columns * p / 10;
- } else {
- augment = 1;
- }
- augment_test = test;
- set_augment_txt();
- }
- do {
- if ((test->flags | *state) & MENU_CLEAR) {
- put_clear();
- } else
- if (line_count + test->lines_needed >= lines) {
- put_clear();
- }
- nch = 0;
- if (test->test_procedure) {
- /* The procedure takes precedence so I can pass
- the menu entry as an argument.
- */
- can_test(test->caps_done, FLAG_TESTED);
- can_test(test->caps_tested, FLAG_TESTED);
- test->test_procedure(test, state, &nch);
- } else
- if (test->sub_menu) {
- /* nested menu's */
- menu_display(test->sub_menu, &nch);
- *state = 0;
- if (nch == 'q' || nch == 's') {
- /* Quit and skip are killed here */
- nch = '?';
- }
- } else {
- break; /* cya */
- }
- if (nch == '\r' || nch == '\n' || nch == 'n') {
- nch = 0;
- break;
- }
- } while (nch == 'r');
- *ch = nch;
-** menu_display(menu-structure, flags)
-** This function implements menu control.
- struct test_menu *menu,
- int *last_ch)
- int test_state = 0, run_standard_tests;
- int hot_topic, ch = 0, nch = 0;
- struct test_list *mt;
- struct test_list *repeat_tests = 0;
- int repeat_state = 0;
- int prompt_length;
- prompt_length = strlen(prompt_string);
- if (menu->ident) {
- sprintf(&prompt_string[prompt_length], "/%s", menu->ident);
- }
- hot_topic = menu->default_action;
- run_standard_tests = menu->standard_tests ?
- menu->standard_tests[0] : -1;
- if (!last_ch) {
- last_ch = &ch;
- }
- while (1) {
- if (ch == 0) {
- /* Display the menu */
- put_crlf();
- if (menu->menu_function) {
- /*
- this function may be used to restrict menu
- entries. If used it must print the title.
- */
- menu->menu_function(menu);
- } else
- if (menu->menu_title) {
- ptextln(menu->menu_title);
- }
- for (mt = menu->tests; (mt->flags & MENU_LAST) == 0; mt++) {
- if (mt->menu_entry) {
- ptext(" ");
- ptextln(mt->menu_entry);
- }
- }
- if (menu->standard_tests) {
- ptext(" ");
- ptextln(menu->standard_tests);
- ptextln(" r) repeat test");
- ptextln(" s) skip to next test");
- }
- ptextln(" q) quit");
- ptextln(" ?) help");
- }
- if (ch == 0 || ch == REQUEST_PROMPT) {
- put_crlf();
- ptext(&prompt_string[1]);
- if (hot_topic) {
- ptext(" [");
- putchp(hot_topic);
- ptext("]");
- }
- ptext(" > ");
- /* read a character */
- ch = wait_here();
- }
- if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
- ch = hot_topic;
- }
- if (ch == 'q') {
- break;
- }
- if (ch == '?') {
- ch = 0;
- continue;
- }
- nch = ch;
- ch = 0;
- /* Run one of the standard tests (by request) */
- for (mt = menu->tests; (mt->flags & MENU_LAST) == 0; mt++) {
- if (mt->menu_entry && (nch == mt->menu_entry[0])) {
- if (mt->flags & MENU_MENU) {
- test_byname(menu, &test_state, &nch);
- } else {
- menu_test_loop(mt, &test_state, &nch);
- }
- ch = nch;
- if ((mt->flags & MENU_COMPLETE) && ch == 0) {
- /* top level */
- hot_topic = 'q';
- ch = '?';
- }
- }
- }
- if (menu->standard_tests && nch == 'r') {
- menu->resume_tests = repeat_tests;
- test_state = repeat_state;
- nch = run_standard_tests;
- }
- if (nch == run_standard_tests) {
- if (!(mt = menu->resume_tests)) {
- mt = menu->tests;
- }
- if (mt->flags & MENU_LAST) {
- mt = menu->tests;
- }
- /* Run the standard test suite */
- for ( ; (mt->flags & MENU_LAST) == 0; ) {
- if ((mt->flags & MENU_NEXT) == MENU_NEXT) {
- repeat_tests = mt;
- repeat_state = test_state;
- nch = run_standard_tests;
- menu_test_loop(mt, &test_state, &nch);
- if (nch != 0 && nch != 'n') {
- ch = nch;
- break;
- }
- if (test_state & MENU_STOP) {
- break;
- }
- }
- mt++;
- }
- if (ch == 0) {
- ch = hot_topic;
- }
- menu->resume_tests = mt;
- menu->resume_state = test_state;
- menu->resume_char = ch;
- if (ch == run_standard_tests) {
- /* pop up a level */
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- *last_ch = ch;
- prompt_string[prompt_length] = '\0';
-** generic_done_message(test_list)
-** Print the Done message and request input.
- struct test_list *test,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- char done_message[128];
- if (test->caps_done) {
- sprintf(done_message, "(%s) Done ", test->caps_done);
- ptext(done_message);
- } else {
- ptext("Done ");
- }
- *ch = wait_here();
- if (*ch == '\r' || *ch == '\n' || *ch == 'n') {
- *ch = 0;
- }
- if (*ch == 's') {
- *state |= MENU_STOP;
- *ch = 0;
- }
-** menu_clear_screen(test, state, ch)
-** Just clear the screen.
- struct test_list *test GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch GCC_UNUSED)
- put_clear();
-** menu_reset_init(test, state, ch)
-** Send the reset and init strings.
- struct test_list *test GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch GCC_UNUSED)
- reset_init();
- put_crlf();
-** subtest_menu(test, state, ch)
-** Scan the menu looking for something to execute
-** Return TRUE if we found anything.
- struct test_list *test,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- struct test_list *mt;
- if (*ch) {
- for (mt = test; (mt->flags & MENU_LAST) == 0; mt++) {
- if (mt->menu_entry && (*ch == mt->menu_entry[0])) {
- *ch = 0;
- menu_test_loop(mt, state, ch);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
-** menu_can_scan(menu-structure)
-** Recursively scan the menu tree and find which cap names can be tested.
- const struct test_menu *menu)
- struct test_list *mt;
- for (mt = menu->tests; (mt->flags & MENU_LAST) == 0; mt++) {
- can_test(mt->caps_done, FLAG_CAN_TEST);
- can_test(mt->caps_tested, FLAG_CAN_TEST);
- if (!(mt->test_procedure)) {
- if (mt->sub_menu) {
- menu_can_scan(mt->sub_menu);
- }
- }
- }
-** menu_search(menu-structure, cap)
-** Recursively search the menu tree and execute any tests that use cap.
-static void
- struct test_menu *menu,
- int *state,
- int *ch,
- char *cap)
- struct test_list *mt;
- int nch;
- for (mt = menu->tests; (mt->flags & MENU_LAST) == 0; mt++) {
- nch = 0;
- if (cap_match(mt->caps_done, cap)
- || cap_match(mt->caps_tested, cap)) {
- menu_test_loop(mt, state, &nch);
- }
- if (!(mt->test_procedure)) {
- if (mt->sub_menu) {
- menu_search(mt->sub_menu, state, &nch, cap);
- }
- }
- if (*state & MENU_STOP) {
- break;
- }
- if (nch != 0 && nch != 'n') {
- *ch = nch;
- break;
- }
- }
-** test_byname(menu, state, ch)
-** Get a cap name then run all tests that use that cap.
-static void
- struct test_menu *menu,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- int test_state = 0;
- char cap[32];
- if (tty_can_sync == SYNC_NOT_TESTED) {
- verify_time();
- }
- ptext("enter name: ");
- read_string(cap, sizeof(cap));
- if (cap[0]) {
- menu_search(menu, &test_state, ch, cap);
- }
- *ch = '?';
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/modes.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/modes.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b202fa0..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/modes.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,913 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include <tack.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: modes.c,v 1.3 2006/11/26 00:16:21 tom Exp $")
- * Tests boolean flags and terminal modes.
- */
-static void subtest_os(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_rmam(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_smam(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_am(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_ul(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_uc(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_bw(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_xenl(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_eo(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_xmc(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_xhp(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_mir(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_msgr(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_tbc(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_xt(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_hts(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_cbt(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_in(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void subtest_dadb(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-struct test_list mode_test_list[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "e) edit terminfo", 0, &edit_menu},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "os", 0, 0, subtest_os, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 1, "rmam", 0, 0, subtest_rmam, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 1, "smam", 0, 0, subtest_smam, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 1, "am", 0, 0, subtest_am, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "ul", 0, 0, subtest_ul, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "uc", 0, 0, subtest_uc, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "bw", 0, 0, subtest_bw, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 4, "xenl", 0, 0, subtest_xenl, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "eo", 0, 0, subtest_eo, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "xmc", 0, 0, subtest_xmc, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "xhp", 0, 0, subtest_xhp, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 6, "mir", 0, 0, subtest_mir, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 6, "msgr", 0, 0, subtest_msgr, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_CLEAR, 0, "tbc", "it", 0, subtest_tbc, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_CLEAR, 0, "hts", "it", 0, subtest_hts, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 4, "xt", "it", 0, subtest_xt, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 1, "cbt", "it", 0, subtest_cbt, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 6, "in", 0, 0, subtest_in, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 1, "da) (db", 0, 0, subtest_dadb, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-** subtest_os(test_list, status, ch)
-** test over strike mode (os)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- ptext("(os) should be true, not false.");
- put_cr();
- ptextln("(os) should be false.");
- sprintf(temp, "(os) over-strike is %s in the data base. ",
- over_strike ? "true" : "false");
- ptext(temp);
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** subtest_rmam(test_list, status, ch)
-** test exit automatic margins mode (rmam)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int j;
- if (!exit_am_mode) {
- ptext("(rmam) not present. ");
- } else
- if (!can_go_home) {
- ptext("(rmam) not tested, no way to home cursor. ");
- } else
- if (over_strike) {
- put_clear();
- go_home();
- tc_putp(exit_am_mode);
- ptext("\n(rmam) will reset (am)");
- go_home();
- for (j = 0; j < columns; j++)
- put_this(' ');
- ptext("(rmam) will not reset (am)");
- go_home();
- put_newlines(2);
- } else {
- put_clear();
- go_home();
- tc_putp(exit_am_mode);
- ptext("\n(rmam) will reset (am)");
- go_home();
- for (j = 0; j < columns; j++)
- put_this(' ');
- ptext("(rmam) will not reset (am) ");
- go_home();
- put_str(" ");
- go_home();
- put_newlines(2);
- }
- ptext("Exit-automatic-margins ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** subtest_smam(test_list, status, ch)
-** test enter automatic margins mode (smam)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!enter_am_mode) {
- ptext("(smam) not present. ");
- } else
- if (!can_go_home) {
- ptext("(smam) not tested, no way to home cursor. ");
- } else
- if (over_strike) {
- put_clear();
- go_home();
- tc_putp(enter_am_mode);
- ptext("\n(smam) will ");
- i = char_count;
- ptext("not set (am)");
- go_home();
- for (j = -i; j < columns; j++)
- put_this(' ');
- put_str("@@@");
- put_newlines(2);
- } else {
- put_clear();
- go_home();
- tc_putp(enter_am_mode);
- ptext("\n(smam) will not set (am)");
- go_home();
- for (j = 0; j < columns; j++)
- put_this(' ');
- ptext("(smam) will set (am) ");
- go_home();
- put_str(" ");
- put_newlines(2);
- }
- ptext("Enter-automatic-margins ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** subtest_am(test_list, status, ch)
-** test automatic margins (am)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!can_go_home) {
- ptextln("(am) not tested, no way to home cursor. ");
- } else
- if (over_strike) {
- put_clear();
- go_home();
- ptext("\n(am) should ");
- i = char_count;
- ptext("not be set");
- go_home();
- for (j = -i; j < columns; j++)
- put_this(' ');
- put_str("@@@");
- go_home();
- put_newlines(2);
- sprintf(temp, "(am) is %s in the data base",
- auto_right_margin ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- } else {
- put_clear();
- go_home();
- ptext("\n(am) should not be set");
- go_home();
- for (j = 0; j < columns; j++)
- put_this(' ');
- ptext("(am) should be set ");
- go_home();
- put_str(" \n\n");
- sprintf(temp, "(am) is %s in the data base",
- auto_right_margin ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- }
- ptext("Automatic-right-margin ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-/* Note: uprint() sends underscore back-space character, and
- ucprint() sends character back-space underscore. */
-** uprint(string)
-** underline string for (ul) test
-static void
-uprint(const char *s)
- if (s) {
- while (*s) {
- put_str("_\b");
- putchp(*s++);
- }
- }
-** ucprint(string)
-** underline string for (uc) test
-static void
-ucprint(const char *s)
- if (s) {
- while (*s) {
- putchp(*s++);
- putchp('\b');
- tc_putp(underline_char);
- }
- }
-** subtest_ul(test_list, status, ch)
-** test transparent underline (ul)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (!over_strike) {
- /* (ul) is used only if (os) is reset */
- put_crlf();
- sprintf(temp, "This text should %sbe underlined.",
- transparent_underline ? "" : "not ");
- uprint(temp);
- put_crlf();
- ptextln("If the above line is not underlined the (ul) should be false.");
- sprintf(temp, "(ul) Transparent-underline is %s in the data base",
- transparent_underline ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- }
-** subtest_uc(test_list, status, ch)
-** test underline character (uc)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (!over_strike) {
- if (underline_char) {
- ucprint("This text should be underlined.");
- put_crlf();
- ptextln("If the above text is not underlined the (uc) has failed.");
- ptext("Underline-character ");
- } else {
- ptext("(uc) underline-character is not defined. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- }
-** subtest_bw(test_list, status, ch)
-** test auto left margin (bw)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (over_strike) {
- /* test (bw) */
- ptext("\n(bw) should ");
- i = char_count;
- ptextln("not be set.");
- for (j = i; j < columns; j++)
- put_str("\b");
- put_str("@@@");
- put_crlf();
- sprintf(temp, "(bw) Auto-left-margin is %s in the data base",
- auto_left_margin ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- } else {
- /* test (bw) */
- ptextln("(bw) should not be set.");
- for (i = 12; i < columns; i++)
- put_str("\b");
- if (delete_character) {
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- tc_putp(delete_character);
- } else {
- put_str(" ");
- }
- put_crlf();
- sprintf(temp, "(bw) Auto-left-margin is %s in the data base",
- auto_left_margin ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** subtest_tbc(test_list, status, ch)
-** test clear tabs (tbc)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int tabat; /* the tab spacing we end up with */
- int i;
- if (clear_all_tabs && !set_tab) {
- ptext("(tbc) Clear-all-tabs is defined but (hts) set-tab is not. ");
- ptext("Once the tabs are cleared there is no way to set them. ");
- } else
- if (clear_all_tabs) {
- tabat = set_tab ? 8 : init_tabs;
- tc_putp(clear_all_tabs);
- ptext("Clear tabs (tbc)");
- go_home();
- put_crlf();
- putchp('\t');
- putchp('T');
- go_home();
- put_newlines(2);
- for (i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
- if (i == tabat) {
- putchp('T');
- } else {
- putchp('.');
- }
- }
- go_home();
- ptext("\n\n\nIf the above two lines have T's in the same column then (tbc) has failed. ");
- } else {
- ptext("(tbc) Clear-all-tabs is not defined. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** subtest_hts(test_list, status, ch)
-** (ht) and set tabs with (hts)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int tabat; /* the tab spacing we end up with */
- int i;
- tabat = init_tabs;
- if (set_tab) {
- ptext("Tabs set with (hts)");
- put_crlf();
- for (i = 1; i < columns; i++) {
- if (i % 8 == 1) {
- tc_putp(set_tab);
- }
- putchp(' ');
- }
- tabat = 8;
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, "(hts) Set-tabs not defined. (it) Initial-tabs at %d", init_tabs);
- ptext(temp);
- }
- go_home();
- put_newlines(2);
- if (tabat <= 0) {
- tabat = 8;
- }
- for (i = tabat; i < columns; i += tabat) {
- putchp('\t');
- putchp('T');
- }
- go_home();
- put_newlines(3);
- for (i = 1; i < columns; i++) {
- putchp('.');
- }
- go_home();
- put_newlines(3);
- for (i = tabat; i < columns; i += tabat) {
- putchp('\t');
- putchp('T');
- }
- go_home();
- put_newlines(4);
- putchp('.');
- for (i = 2; i < columns; i++) {
- if (i % tabat == 1) {
- putchp('T');
- } else {
- putchp('.');
- }
- }
- go_home();
- put_newlines(5);
- if (set_tab) {
- ptextln("If the last two lines are not the same then (hts) has failed.");
- } else
- if (init_tabs > 0) {
- ptextln("If the last two lines are not the same then (it) is wrong.");
- } else {
- ptextln("If the last two lines are the same then maybe you do have tabs and (it) should be changed.");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** subtest_xt(test_list, status, ch)
-** (xt) glitch
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int tabat; /* the tab spacing we end up with */
- int cc;
- tabat = set_tab ? 8 : init_tabs;
- if (!over_strike && (tabat > 0)) {
- ptext("(xt) should not ");
- put_cr();
- ptext("(xt) should");
- cc = char_count;
- while (cc < 16) {
- putchp('\t');
- cc = ((cc / tabat) + 1) * tabat;
- }
- putln("be set.");
- sprintf(temp, "(xt) Destructive-tab is %s in the data base.",
- dest_tabs_magic_smso ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- }
-** subtest_cbt(test_list, status, ch)
-** (cbt) back tab
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- if (back_tab) {
- put_clear();
- ptext("Back-tab (cbt)");
- go_home();
- put_crlf();
- for (i = 1; i < columns; i++) {
- putchp(' ');
- }
- for (i = 0; i < columns; i += 8) {
- tc_putp(back_tab);
- putchp('T');
- tc_putp(back_tab);
- }
- go_home();
- put_newlines(2);
- for (i = 1; i < columns; i++) {
- if (i % 8 == 1) {
- putchp('T');
- } else {
- putchp(' ');
- }
- }
- go_home();
- put_newlines(3);
- ptextln("The preceding two lines should be the same.");
- } else {
- ptextln("(cbt) Back-tab not present");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** subtest_xenl(test_list, status, ch)
-** (xenl) eat newline glitch
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j, k;
- if (over_strike) {
- /* test (xenl) on overstrike terminals */
- if (!can_go_home || !can_clear_screen) {
- ptextln("(xenl) Newline-glitch not tested, can't home cursor and clear.");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- put_clear();
- /*
- this test must be done in raw mode. Otherwise UNIX will
- translate CR to CRLF.
- */
- if (stty_query(TTY_OUT_TRANS))
- tty_raw(1, char_mask);
- ptext("\nreset (xenl). Does ");
- i = char_count;
- put_str("not ignore CR, does ");
- k = char_count;
- put_str("not ignore LF");
- go_home();
- for (j = 0; j < columns; j++)
- put_this(' ');
- put_cr();
- for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
- putchp(' ');
- put_str("@@@\n@@");
- go_home();
- for (j = 0; j < columns; j++)
- put_this(' ');
- put_lf();
- for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
- putchp(' ');
- put_str("@@@\r@@");
- tty_set();
- go_home();
- put_newlines(4);
- sprintf(temp, "(xenl) Newline-glitch is %s in the data base",
- eat_newline_glitch ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- } else {
- /* test (xenl) when (os) is reset */
- if (!can_go_home) {
- ptextln("(xenl) Newline-glitch not tested, can't home cursor");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- /* (xenl) test */
- put_clear();
- /*
- this test must be done in raw mode. Otherwise
- UNIX will translate CR to CRLF.
- */
- if (stty_query(TTY_OUT_TRANS))
- tty_raw(1, char_mask);
- for (j = 0; j < columns; j++)
- put_this(' ');
- put_cr();
- ptext("(xenl) should be set. Does not ignore CR");
- go_home();
- put_crlf();
- for (j = 0; j < columns; j++)
- put_this(' ');
- put_lf(); /* test (cud1) */
- ptext("(xenl) should be set. Ignores (cud1)");
- go_home();
- put_newlines(3);
- if (scroll_forward && cursor_down &&
- strcmp(scroll_forward, cursor_down)) {
- for (j = 0; j < columns; j++)
- put_this(' ');
- put_ind(); /* test (ind) */
- ptext("(xenl) should be set. Ignores (ind)");
- go_home();
- put_newlines(5);
- }
- tty_set();
- ptextln("If you don't see text above telling you to set it, (xenl) should be false");
- sprintf(temp, "(xenl) Newline-glitch is %s in the data base",
- eat_newline_glitch ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** subtest_eo(test_list, status, ch)
-** (eo) erase overstrike
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (transparent_underline || over_strike || underline_char) {
- ptext("(eo) should ");
- if (underline_char) {
- ucprint("not");
- } else {
- uprint("not");
- }
- put_cr();
- ptextln("(eo) should be set");
- sprintf(temp, "\n(eo) Erase-overstrike is %s in the data base",
- erase_overstrike ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- }
-** subtest_xmc(test_list, status, ch)
-** (xmc) magic cookie glitch
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (enter_standout_mode) {
- sprintf(temp, "\n(xmc) Magic-cookie-glitch is %d in the data base", magic_cookie_glitch);
- ptextln(temp);
- j = magic_cookie_glitch * 8;
- for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
- put_str(" ");
- }
- ptextln(" These two lines should line up.");
- if (j > 0) {
- char_count += j;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- put_mode(enter_standout_mode);
- putchp(' ');
- put_mode(exit_standout_mode);
- putchp(' ');
- }
- ptextln("These two lines should line up.");
- ptext("If they don't line up then (xmc) magic-cookie-glitch should be greater than zero. ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- }
-** subtest_xhp(test_list, status, ch)
-** (xhp) erase does not clear standout mode
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (enter_standout_mode) {
- put_crlf();
- put_mode(enter_standout_mode);
- put_str("Stand out");
- put_mode(exit_standout_mode);
- put_cr();
- ptextln("If any part of this line is standout then (xhp) should be set.");
- sprintf(temp, "(xhp) Erase-standout-glitch is %s in the data base",
- ceol_standout_glitch ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- }
-** subtest_mir(test_list, status, ch)
-** (mir) move in insert mode
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- char *s;
- if (enter_insert_mode && exit_insert_mode && cursor_address) {
- put_clear();
- i = line_count;
- put_str("\nXXX\nXXX\nXXX\nXXX");
- tc_putp(enter_insert_mode);
- s = TPARM_2(cursor_address, i + 1, 0);
- tputs(s, lines, tc_putch);
- putchp('X');
- s = TPARM_2(cursor_address, i + 2, 1);
- tputs(s, lines, tc_putch);
- putchp('X');
- s = TPARM_2(cursor_address, i + 3, 2);
- tputs(s, lines, tc_putch);
- putchp('X');
- s = TPARM_2(cursor_address, i + 4, 3);
- tputs(s, lines, tc_putch);
- putchp('X');
- tc_putp(exit_insert_mode);
- put_newlines(2);
- ptextln("If you see a 4 by 4 block of X's then (mir) should be true.");
- sprintf(temp, "(mir) Move-in-insert-mode is %s in the data base",
- move_insert_mode ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- } else {
- ptext("(mir) Move-in-insert-mode not tested, ");
- if (!enter_insert_mode) {
- ptext("(smir) ");
- }
- if (!exit_insert_mode) {
- ptext("(rmir) ");
- }
- if (!cursor_address) {
- ptext("(cup) ");
- }
- ptext("not present. ");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** subtest_msgr(test_list, status, ch)
-** (msgr) move in sgr mode
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- if (cursor_address &&
- ((enter_standout_mode && exit_standout_mode) ||
- (enter_alt_charset_mode && exit_alt_charset_mode))) {
- put_crlf();
- i = line_count + 1;
- tputs(TPARM_2(cursor_address, i, 0), lines, tc_putch);
- put_mode(enter_alt_charset_mode);
- put_crlf();
- /*
- some versions of the wy-120 can not clear lines or
- screen when in alt charset mode. If (el) and (ed)
- are defined then I can test them. If they are not
- defined then they can not break (msgr)
- */
- tc_putp(clr_eos);
- tc_putp(clr_eol);
- put_mode(exit_alt_charset_mode);
- put_mode(enter_standout_mode);
- putchp('X');
- tputs(TPARM_2(cursor_address, i + 2, 1), lines, tc_putch);
- putchp('X');
- tputs(TPARM_2(cursor_address, i + 3, 2), lines, tc_putch);
- putchp('X');
- tputs(TPARM_2(cursor_address, i + 4, 3), lines, tc_putch);
- putchp('X');
- put_mode(exit_standout_mode);
- put_crlf();
- tc_putp(clr_eos); /* OK if missing */
- put_crlf();
- ptextln("If you see a diagonal line of standout X's then (msgr) should be true. If any of the blanks are standout then (msgr) should be false.");
- sprintf(temp, "(msgr) Move-in-SGR-mode is %s in the data base",
- move_standout_mode ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- } else {
- ptextln("(smso) (rmso) (smacs) (rmacs) missing; (msgr) Move-in-SGR-mode not tested.");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** subtest_in(test_list, status, ch)
-** (in) insert null glitch
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (enter_insert_mode && exit_insert_mode) {
- ptextln("\nTesting (in) with (smir) and (rmir)");
- putln("\tIf these two lines line up ...");
- put_str("\tIf these two lines line up ...");
- put_cr();
- tc_putp(enter_insert_mode);
- putchp(' ');
- tc_putp(exit_insert_mode);
- ptext("\nthen (in) should be set. ");
- sprintf(temp,
- "(in) Insert-null-glitch is %s in the data base.",
- insert_null_glitch ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- }
-** subtest_dadb(test_list, status, ch)
-** (da) (db) data above, (db) data below
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (can_clear_screen && scroll_reverse && scroll_forward) {
- put_clear();
- if (scroll_reverse)
- ptext("(da) Data-above should be set\r");
- home_down();
- if (scroll_forward)
- ptext("(db) Data-below should be set\r");
- tc_putp(scroll_forward);
- go_home();
- tc_putp(scroll_reverse);
- tc_putp(scroll_reverse);
- home_down();
- tc_putp(scroll_forward);
- go_home();
- ptextln("\n\n\n\n\nIf the top line is blank then (da) should be false.");
- ptextln("If the bottom line is blank then (db) should be false.");
- sprintf(temp, "\n(da) Data-above is %s, and (db) Data-below is %s, in the data base.",
- memory_above ? "true" : "false",
- memory_below ? "true" : "false");
- ptextln(temp);
- line_count = lines;
- } else {
- ptextln("(da) Data-above, (db) Data-below not tested, scrolls or (clear) is missing.");
- }
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/modules b/contrib/ncurses/tack/modules
deleted file mode 100644
index 14a8209..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/modules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1998-1999,2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. #
-# #
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a #
-# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), #
-# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation #
-# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, distribute #
-# with modifications, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to #
-# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the #
-# following conditions: #
-# #
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #
-# #
-# #
-# Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright #
-# holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, #
-# use or other dealings in this Software without prior written #
-# authorization. #
-# $Id: modules,v 1.5 2006/04/22 22:37:18 tom Exp $
-@ base
-ansi progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-charset progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-color progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-control progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-crum progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-edit progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h $(INCDIR)/tic.h
-fun progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-init progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-menu progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-modes progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-output progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-pad progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-scan progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-sync progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-sysdep progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
-tack progs $(srcdir) $(srcdir)/tack.h ../include/term.h
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/output.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/output.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a3d0f4..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/output.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,818 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-/* screen formatting and I/O utility functions */
-#include <tack.h>
-#include <time.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: output.c,v 1.11 2006/11/26 00:16:49 tom Exp $")
-/* globals */
-long char_sent; /* number of characters sent */
-int char_count; /* counts characters */
-int line_count; /* counts line feeds */
-int expand_chars; /* length of expand() string */
-int replace_mode; /* used to output replace mode padding */
-int can_go_home; /* TRUE if we can fashion a home command */
-int can_clear_screen; /* TRUE if we can somehow clear the screen */
-int raw_characters_sent; /* Total output characters */
-static int log_count; /* Number of characters on a log line */
-/* translate mode default strings */
-#define TM_carriage_return TM_string[0].value
-#define TM_cursor_down TM_string[1].value
-#define TM_scroll_forward TM_string[2].value
-#define TM_newline TM_string[3].value
-#define TM_cursor_left TM_string[4].value
-#define TM_bell TM_string[5].value
-#define TM_form_feed TM_string[6].value
-#define TM_tab TM_string[7].value
-struct default_string_list TM_string[TM_last] = {
- {"cr", "\r", 0},
- {"cud1", "\n", 0},
- {"ind", "\n", 0},
- {"nel", "\r\n", 0},
- {"cub1", "\b", 0},
- {"bel", "\007", 0},
- {"ff", "\f", 0},
- {"ht", "\t", 0}
-static const char *c0[32] = {
- "NUL", "SOH", "STX", "ETX", "EOT", "ENQ", "ACK",
- "BEL", "BS", "HT", "LF", "VT", "FF", "CR", "SO", "SI",
- "DLE", "DC1", "DC2", "DC3", "DC4", "NAK", "SYN", "ETB",
- "CAN", "EM", "SUB", "ESC", "FS", "GS", "RS", "US"
-static const char *c1[32] = {
- "", "", "", "", "IND", "NEL", "SSA", "ESA",
- "HTS", "HTJ", "VTS", "PLD", "PLU", "RI", "SS2", "SS3",
- "DCS", "PU1", "PU2", "STS", "CCH", "MW", "SPA", "EPA",
- "", "", "", "CSI", "ST", "OSC", "PM", "APC"
-getnext(int mask)
-{ /* get the next character without scan mode
- conversion */
- int ch;
- unsigned char buf;
- tc_putp(req_for_input);
- fflush(stdout);
- if (nodelay_read)
- while (1) {
- ch = read(fileno(stdin), &buf, 1);
- if (ch == -1)
- return EOF;
- if (ch == 1)
- return buf;
- }
- ch = getchar();
- if (ch == EOF)
- return EOF;
- return ch & mask;
-getchp(int mask)
-{ /* read a character with scan mode conversion */
- if (scan_mode) {
- tc_putp(req_for_input);
- fflush(stdout);
- return scan_key();
- } else
- return getnext(mask);
-** tc_putch(c)
-** Output one character
-tc_putch(int c)
- char_sent++;
- raw_characters_sent++;
- putchar(c);
- if ((raw_characters_sent & 31) == 31) {
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- if (log_fp) {
- /* terminal output logging */
- c = UChar(c);
- if (c < 32) {
- fprintf(log_fp, "<%s>", c0[c]);
- log_count += 5;
- } else
- if (c < 127) {
- fprintf(log_fp, "%c", c);
- log_count += 1;
- } else {
- fprintf(log_fp, "<%02x>", c);
- log_count += 4;
- }
- if (c == '\n' || log_count >= 80) {
- fprintf(log_fp, "\n");
- log_count = 0;
- }
- }
- return (c);
-** tt_tputs(string, reps)
-** Output a string with tputs() translation.
-** Use this function inside timing tests.
-tt_tputs(const char *string, int reps)
- int i;
- if (string) {
- for (i = 0; i < TT_MAX; i++) {
- if (i >= ttp) {
- tt_cap[i] = string;
- tt_affected[i] = reps;
- tt_count[i] = 1;
- tt_delay[i] = msec_cost(string, reps);
- ttp++;
- break;
- }
- if (string == tt_cap[i] && reps == tt_affected[i]) {
- tt_count[i]++;
- tt_delay_used += tt_delay[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- (void) tputs(string, reps, tc_putch);
- }
-** tt_putp(string)
-** Output a string with tputs() translation.
-** Use this function inside timing tests.
-tt_putp(const char *string)
- tt_tputs(string, 1);
-** tt_putparm(string, reps, arg1, arg2)
-** Send tt_tputs(tparm(string, args1, arg2), reps)
-** Use this function inside timing tests.
- NCURSES_CONST char *string,
- int reps,
- int arg1,
- int arg2)
- int i;
- if (string) {
- for (i = 0; i < TT_MAX; i++) {
- if (i >= ttp) {
- tt_cap[i] = string;
- tt_affected[i] = reps;
- tt_count[i] = 1;
- tt_delay[i] = msec_cost(string, reps);
- ttp++;
- break;
- }
- if (string == tt_cap[i] && reps == tt_affected[i]) {
- tt_count[i]++;
- tt_delay_used += tt_delay[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- (void) tputs(TPARM_2((NCURSES_CONST char *)string, arg1, arg2), reps, tc_putch);
- }
-** tc_putp(string)
-** Output a string with tputs() translation.
-** Use this function instead of putp() so we can track
-** the actual number of characters sent.
-tc_putp(const char *string)
- return tputs(string, 1, tc_putch);
-put_this(int c)
-{ /* output one character (with padding) */
- tc_putch(c);
- if (char_padding && replace_mode)
- tt_putp(char_padding);
- if (translate_mode && carriage_return) {
- tt_putp(carriage_return);
- } else {
- tt_putp(TM_carriage_return);
- }
- char_count = 0;
-{ /* send a linefeed (only works in RAW or
- CBREAK mode) */
- if (translate_mode && cursor_down) {
- tt_putp(cursor_down);
- } else {
- tt_putp(TM_cursor_down);
- }
- line_count++;
-{ /* scroll forward (only works in RAW or
- CBREAK mode) */
- if (translate_mode && scroll_forward) {
- tt_putp(scroll_forward);
- } else {
- tt_putp(TM_scroll_forward);
- }
- line_count++;
-** put_crlf()
-** Send (nel) or <cr> <lf>
- if (translate_mode && newline) {
- tt_putp(newline);
- } else {
- tt_putp(TM_newline);
- }
- char_count = 0;
- line_count++;
-** put_new_lines(count)
-** Send a number of newlines. (nel)
-put_newlines(int n)
- while (n-- > 0) {
- put_crlf();
- }
-** putchp(character)
-** Send one character to the terminal.
-** This function does translation of control characters.
-putchp(int c)
- switch (c) {
- case '\b':
- if (translate_mode && cursor_left) {
- tt_putp(cursor_left);
- } else {
- tt_putp(TM_cursor_left);
- }
- char_count--;
- break;
- case 7:
- if (translate_mode && bell) {
- tt_putp(bell);
- } else {
- tt_putp(TM_bell);
- }
- break;
- case '\f':
- if (translate_mode && form_feed) {
- tt_putp(form_feed);
- } else {
- tt_putp(TM_form_feed);
- }
- char_count = 0;
- line_count++;
- break;
- case '\n':
- put_crlf();
- break;
- case '\r':
- put_cr();
- break;
- case '\t':
- if (translate_mode && tab) {
- tt_putp(tab);
- } else {
- tt_putp(TM_tab);
- }
- char_count = ((char_count / 8) + 1) * 8;
- break;
- default:
- put_this(c);
- char_count++;
- break;
- }
-put_str(const char *s)
-{ /* send the string to the terminal */
- for (; *s; putchp(*s++));
-putln(const char *s)
-{ /* output a string followed by a CR LF */
- for (; *s; putchp(*s++));
- put_crlf();
-put_columns(const char *s, int len, int w)
-{ /* put out s in column format */
- int l;
- if (char_count + w > columns) {
- put_crlf();
- }
- l = char_count % w;
- if (l) {
- while (l < w) {
- putchp(' ');
- l++;
- }
- }
- if (char_count && char_count + len >= columns) {
- put_crlf();
- }
- l = char_count;
- put_str(s);
- char_count = l + len;
-** ptext(string)
-** Output a string but do not assume the terminal will wrap to a
-** new line. Break the line at a word boundary then send a CR LF.
-** This is more esthetic on 40 column terminals.
-ptext(const char *s)
- const char *t;
- while (*s) {
- for (t = s + 1; *t > ' '; t++);
- if ((char_count != 0) && ((t - s) + char_count >= columns)) {
- put_crlf();
- while (*s == ' ')
- s++;
- }
- while (s < t) {
- putchp(*s++);
- }
- }
-put_dec(char *f, int i)
-{ /* print a line with a decimal number in it */
- char tm[128];
- sprintf(tm, f, i / 10, i % 10);
- ptext(tm);
-three_digit(char *tx, int i)
-{ /* convert the decimal number to a string of
- at least 3 digits */
- if (i < 1000)
- sprintf(tx, "%d.%d", i / 10, i % 10);
- else
- sprintf(tx, "%d", i / 10);
-ptextln(const char *s)
-{ /* print the text using ptext() then add a CR
- LF */
- ptext(s);
- put_crlf();
-static void
-expand_one(int ch, char **v)
-{ /* expand one character */
- char *t = *v;
- if (ch & 0x80) { /* dump it in octal (yuck) */
- *t++ = '\\';
- *t++ = '0' + ((ch >> 6) & 3);
- *t++ = '0' + ((ch >> 3) & 7);
- *t++ = '0' + (ch & 7);
- expand_chars += 4;
- } else if (ch == 127) { /* DEL */
- *t++ = '^';
- *t++ = '?';
- expand_chars += 2;
- } else if (ch >= ' ') {
- *t++ = ch;
- expand_chars++;
- } else { /* control characters */
- *t++ = '^';
- *t++ = ch + '@';
- expand_chars += 2;
- }
- *v = t;
-char *
-expand(const char *s)
-{ /* convert the string to printable form */
- static char buf[4096];
- char *t, *v;
- int ch;
- if (magic_cookie_glitch <= 0 && exit_attribute_mode) {
- v = enter_reverse_mode;
- } else {
- v = NULL;
- }
- expand_chars = 0;
- t = buf;
- if (s) {
- for (; (ch = *s); s++) {
- if ((ch & 0x80) && v) { /* print it in reverse video
- mode */
- strcpy(t, liberated(TPARM_0(v)));
- for (; *t; t++);
- expand_one(ch & 0x7f, &t);
- strcpy(t, liberated(TPARM_0(exit_attribute_mode)));
- for (; *t; t++);
- } else {
- expand_one(ch, &t);
- }
- }
- }
- *t = '\0';
- return buf;
-char *
-print_expand(char *s)
-{ /* convert the string to 7-bit printable form */
- static char buf[4096];
- char *t;
- int ch;
- expand_chars = 0;
- t = buf;
- if (s) {
- for (; (ch = *s); s++) {
- expand_one(ch, &t);
- }
- }
- *t = '\0';
- return buf;
-char *
-expand_to(char *s, int l)
-{ /* expand s to length l */
- char *t;
- for (s = t = expand(s); *t; t++);
- for (; expand_chars < l; expand_chars++) {
- *t++ = ' ';
- }
- *t = '\0';
- return s;
-char *
-hex_expand_to(char *s, int l)
-{ /* expand s to length l in hex */
- static char buf[4096];
- char *t;
- for (t = buf; *s; s++) {
- sprintf(t, "%02X ", UChar(*s));
- t += 3;
- if (t - buf > (int) sizeof(buf) - 4) {
- break;
- }
- }
- for (; t - buf < l;) {
- *t++ = ' ';
- }
- *t = '\0';
- expand_chars = t - buf;
- return buf;
-char *
-expand_command(const char *c)
-{ /* expand an ANSI escape sequence */
- static char buf[256];
- int i, j, ch;
- char *s;
- s = buf;
- for (i = FALSE; (ch = UChar(*c)) != 0; c++) {
- if (i) {
- *s++ = ' ';
- }
- i = TRUE;
- if (ch < 32) {
- j = UChar(c[1]);
- if (ch == '\033' && j >= '@' && j <= '_') {
- ch = j - '@';
- c++;
- for (j = 0; (*s = c1[ch][j++]); s++);
- } else
- for (j = 0; (*s = c0[ch][j++]); s++);
- } else {
- *s++ = ch;
- j = UChar(c[1]);
- if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' &&
- j >= '0' && j <= '9') {
- i = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- *s = '\0';
- return buf;
-** go_home()
-** Move the cursor to the home position
- int i;
- if (cursor_home)
- tt_putp(cursor_home);
- else if (cursor_address)
- tt_putparm(cursor_address, lines, 0, 0);
- else if (row_address) { /* use (vpa) */
- put_cr();
- tt_putparm(row_address, 1, 0, 0);
- } else if (cursor_up && cursor_to_ll) {
- tt_putp(cursor_to_ll);
- for (i = 1; i < lines; i++) {
- tt_putp(cursor_up);
- }
- } else {
- can_go_home = FALSE;
- return;
- }
- char_count = line_count = 0;
- can_go_home = TRUE;
-{ /* move the cursor to the lower left hand
- corner */
- int i;
- if (cursor_to_ll)
- tt_putp(cursor_to_ll);
- else if (cursor_address)
- tt_putparm(cursor_address, lines, lines - 1, 0);
- else if (row_address) { /* use (vpa) */
- put_cr();
- tt_putparm(row_address, 1, lines - 1, 0);
- } else if (cursor_down && cursor_home) {
- tt_putp(cursor_home);
- for (i = 1; i < lines; i++)
- tt_putp(cursor_down);
- } else
- return;
- char_count = 0;
- line_count = lines - 1;
-{ /* clear the screen */
- int i;
- if (clear_screen)
- tt_tputs(clear_screen, lines);
- else if (clr_eos && can_go_home) {
- go_home();
- tt_tputs(clr_eos, lines);
- } else if (scroll_forward && !over_strike && (can_go_home || cursor_up)) {
- /* clear the screen by scrolling */
- put_cr();
- if (cursor_to_ll) {
- tt_putp(cursor_to_ll);
- } else if (cursor_address) {
- tt_putparm(cursor_address, lines, lines - 1, 0);
- } else if (row_address) {
- tt_putparm(row_address, 1, lines - 1, 0);
- } else {
- for (i = 1; i < lines; i++) {
- tt_putp(scroll_forward);
- }
- }
- for (i = 1; i < lines; i++) {
- tt_putp(scroll_forward);
- }
- if (can_go_home) {
- go_home();
- } else {
- for (i = 1; i < lines; i++) {
- tt_putp(cursor_up);
- }
- }
- } else {
- can_clear_screen = FALSE;
- return;
- }
- char_count = line_count = 0;
- can_clear_screen = TRUE;
-** wait_here()
-** read one character from the input stream
-** If the terminal is not in RAW mode then this function will
-** wait for a <cr> or <lf>.
- char ch, cc[64];
- char message[16];
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < (int) sizeof(cc); i++) {
- cc[i] = ch = getchp(STRIP_PARITY);
- if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
- put_crlf();
- char_sent = 0;
- return cc[i ? i - 1 : 0];
- }
- if (ch >= ' ') {
- if (stty_query(TTY_CHAR_MODE)) {
- put_crlf();
- char_sent = 0;
- return ch;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (ch == 023) { /* Control S */
- /* ignore control S, but tell me about it */
- while (ch == 023 || ch == 021) {
- ch = getchp(STRIP_PARITY);
- if (i < (int) sizeof(cc))
- cc[++i] = ch;
- }
- put_str("\nThe terminal sent a ^S -");
- for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
- sprintf(message, " %02X", cc[j] & 0xFF);
- put_str(message);
- }
- put_crlf();
- i = -1;
- } else if (ch != 021) { /* Not Control Q */
- /* could be abort character */
- spin_flush();
- if (tty_can_sync == SYNC_TESTED) {
- (void) tty_sync_error();
- } else {
- put_str("\n? ");
- }
- }
- }
- return '?';
-** read_string(buffer, length)
-** Read a string of characters from the input stream.
- char *buf,
- int length)
- int ch, i;
- for (i = 0; i < length - 1; ) {
- ch = getchp(STRIP_PARITY);
- if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
- break;
- }
- if (ch == '\b' || ch == 127) {
- if (i) {
- putchp('\b');
- putchp(' ');
- putchp('\b');
- i--;
- }
- } else {
- buf[i++] = ch;
- putchp(ch);
- }
- }
- buf[i] = '\0';
- put_crlf();
- char_sent = 0;
-** maybe_wait(lines)
-** wait if near the end of the screen, then clear screen
-maybe_wait(int n)
- if (line_count + n >= lines) {
- if (char_sent != 0) {
- ptext("Go? ");
- (void) wait_here();
- }
- put_clear();
- } else {
- put_crlf();
- }
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/pad.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/pad.c
deleted file mode 100644
index da1e3d7..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/pad.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1958 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include <tack.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: pad.c,v 1.6 2005/09/17 19:49:16 tom Exp $")
-/* test the pad counts on the terminal */
-static void pad_standard(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void init_xon_xoff(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void init_cup(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_rmxon(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_home1(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_home2(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_clear(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_ech(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_el1(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_el(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_smdc(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_dch(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_dch1(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_smir(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_ich(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_ich1(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_xch1(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_rep(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_cup(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_hd(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_hu(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_rin(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_il(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_indn(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_dl(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_xl(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_scrc(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_csrind(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_sccsrrc(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_csr_nel(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_csr_cup(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_ht(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_smso(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_smacs(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void pad_crash(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
- Any command found in this list, executed from a "Done" prompt
- will force the default action to repeat rather than next.
-const char *pad_repeat_test = {"ep-+<>"};
-struct test_list pad_test_list[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "e) edit terminfo", 0, &edit_menu},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "p) change padding", 0, &change_pad_menu},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "@) display statistics about the last test", dump_test_stats, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "c) clear screen", menu_clear_screen, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "i) send reset and init", menu_reset_init, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, txt_longer_test_time, longer_test_time, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, txt_shorter_test_time, shorter_test_time, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, txt_longer_augment, longer_augment, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, txt_shorter_augment, shorter_augment, 0},
- /***
- Phase 1: Test initialization and reset strings.
- (rs1) (rs2) (rs3) (is1) (is2) (is3) are very difficult to test.
- They have no defined output. To make matters worse, the cap
- builder could partition (rs1) (rs2) (rs3) by length, leaving the
- terminal in some unknown state between (rs1) and (rs2) or between
- (r2) and (rs3). Some reset strings clear the screen when done.
- We have no control over this. The only thing we can do for
- certain is to test the pad times by checking for overruns.
- ***/
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "rs1", 0, 0, pad_standard, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "rs2", 0, 0, pad_standard, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "rs3", 0, 0, pad_standard, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_INIT, 0, 0, 0, 0, init_xon_xoff, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "is1", 0, 0, pad_standard, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "is2", 0, 0, pad_standard, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "is3", 0, 0, pad_standard, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "rmxon", "smxon", 0, pad_rmxon, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_INIT, 0, 0, 0, 0, init_cup, 0},
- /*
- Phase 2: Test home, screen clears and erases.
- */
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "home", 0, 0, pad_home1, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "home) (nel", 0, 0, pad_home2, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | 1, 0, "clear", 0, 0, pad_clear, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_LM1, 0, "ed", 0, 0, pad_clear, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_80c, 0, "ech", 0, 0, pad_ech, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_80c, 0, "el1", "cub1 nel", 0, pad_el1, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_10c, 0, "el", "nel", 0, pad_el, 0},
- /*
- Phase 3: Character deletions and insertions
- */
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "smdc) (rmdc", 0, 0, pad_smdc, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_80c, 0, "dch", "smdc rmdc", 0, pad_dch, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_80c, 0, "dch1", "smdc rmdc", 0, pad_dch1, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "smir) (rmir", 0, 0, pad_smir, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_90c, 0, "ich) (ip", "smir rmir", 0, pad_ich, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_90c, 0, "ich1) (ip", "smir rmir", 0, pad_ich1, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 4, "ich1) (dch1", "smir rmir", 0, pad_xch1, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_90c, 0, "rep", 0, 0, pad_rep, 0},
- /*
- Phase 4: Test cursor addressing pads.
- */
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "cup", 0, 0, pad_cup, 0},
- /*
- Phase 5: Test scrolling and cursor save/restore.
- */
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "hd", 0, 0, pad_hd, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "hu", 0, 0, pad_hu, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_LM1 | 1, 0, "rin", 0, 0, pad_rin, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "ri", 0, 0, pad_rin, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_LM1 | 1, 0, "il", 0, 0, pad_il, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "il1", 0, 0, pad_il, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_LM1 | 1, 0, "indn", 0, 0, pad_indn, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "ind", 0, 0, pad_indn, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_LM1 | 1, 0, "dl", 0, 0, pad_dl, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "dl1", 0, 0, pad_dl, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "il1) (dl1", 0, 0, pad_xl, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "sc) (rc", 0, 0, pad_scrc, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT | MENU_50l, 0, "csr) (ind", 0, 0, pad_csrind, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "sc) (csr) (rc", 0, 0, pad_sccsrrc, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "csr) (nel", "sc rc", 0, pad_csr_nel, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "csr) (cup", 0, 0, pad_csr_cup, 0},
- /*
- Phase 6: Test tabs.
- */
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "ht", 0, 0, pad_ht, 0},
- /*
- Phase 7: Test character-set-switch pads.
- */
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "smso) (rmso", 0, 0, pad_smso, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, "smacs) (rmacs", 0, 0, pad_smacs, 0},
- /*
- Phase 8: Tests for miscellaneous mode-switch pads.
- */
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "flash", 0, 0, pad_standard, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "smkx", 0, 0, pad_standard, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "rmkx", 0, 0, pad_standard, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "smm", 0, 0, pad_standard, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 3, "rmm", 0, 0, pad_standard, 0},
- /*
- Phase 9: Test crash-and-burn properties of unpadded (clear).
- */
- {0, 0, "clear", "xon", "k) run clear test with no padding", pad_crash, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-/* globals */
-static int hzcc; /* horizontal character count */
-char letter; /* current character being displayed */
-int letter_number; /* points into letters[] */
-int augment, repeats; /* number of characters (or lines) effected */
-char letters[] = "AbCdefghiJklmNopQrStuVwXyZ";
-static char every_line[] = "This text should be on every line.";
-static char all_lines[] = "Each char on any line should be the same. ";
-static char above_line[] = "The above lines should be all Xs. ";
-static char no_visual[] = "This loop test has no visual failure indicator. ";
-** pad_standard(test_list, status, ch)
-** Run a single cap pad test.
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- const char *long_name;
- char *cap;
- int l = 2, i;
- char tbuf[128];
- if ((cap = get_string_cap_byname(t->caps_done, &long_name))) {
- sprintf(tbuf, "(%s) %s, start testing", t->caps_done,
- long_name);
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch, tbuf)) {
- return;
- }
- i = 1;
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- if (i >= columns) {
- page_loop();
- l++;
- i = 1;
- }
- tt_putp(cap);
- putchp(letter);
- i++;
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- if (l >= lines) {
- home_down();
- } else {
- put_crlf();
- }
- ptextln(no_visual);
- } else {
- /* Note: get_string_cap_byname() always sets long_name */
- sprintf(temp, "(%s) %s, not present. ", t->caps_done,
- long_name);
- ptext(temp);
- }
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** init_xon_xoff(test_list, status, ch)
-** Initialize the xon_xoff values
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch GCC_UNUSED)
- /* the reset strings may dink with the XON/XOFF modes */
- if (select_xon_xoff == 0 && exit_xon_mode) {
- tc_putp(exit_xon_mode);
- }
- if (select_xon_xoff == 1 && enter_xon_mode) {
- tc_putp(enter_xon_mode);
- }
-** pad_rmxon(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (rmxon) exit XON/XOFF mode
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (select_xon_xoff == 0 && exit_xon_mode) {
- pad_standard(t, state, ch);
- }
-** init_cup(test_list, status, ch)
-** Send the initialization strings for XON/XOFF and (smcup)
-** Stop pad testing if clear screen is missing.
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- init_xon_xoff(t, state, ch);
- if (enter_ca_mode) {
- tc_putp(enter_ca_mode);
- }
- if (!can_clear_screen) {
- ptext("(clear) clear screen not present,");
- ptext(" pad processing terminated. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- if (*ch == 0 || *ch == 'n' || *ch == 's' || *ch == 'r') {
- *ch = '?';
- }
- return;
- }
-** pad_home1(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (home) when (am) is set.
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int j, k;
- if (can_go_home && auto_right_margin) {
- /*
- truly brain damaged terminals will fail this test because
- they cannot accept data at full rate
- */
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch, "(home) Home start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- go_home();
- for (j = 1; j < lines; j++) {
- for (k = 0; k < columns; k++) {
- if (k & 0xF) {
- put_this(letter);
- } else {
- put_this('.');
- }
- }
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- ptext("All the dots should line up. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
- }
-** pad_home2(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (home) and (nel). (am) is reset.
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int j, k;
- if (can_go_home) {
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(home) Home, (nel) newline start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- go_home();
- for (j = 1; j < lines; j++) {
- for (k = 2; k < columns; k++) {
- if (k & 0xF) {
- put_this(letter);
- } else {
- put_this('.');
- }
- }
- put_crlf(); /* this does the (nel) */
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- ptext("All the dots should line up. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
- }
-** pad_clear(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (clear) and (ed)
-** run the clear screen tests (also clear-to-end-of-screen)
-** 0) full page
-** 1) sparse page
-** 2) short lines
-** 3) one full line
-** 4) one short line
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- const char *end_message = 0;
- const char *txt;
- int j, k, is_clear;
- int clear_select; /* select the test number */
- is_clear = t->flags & 1;
- clear_select = auto_right_margin ? 0 : 1;
- if (is_clear) {
- txt = "(clear) clear-screen start testing";
- } else {
- if (!clr_eos) {
- ptext("(ed) erase-to-end-of-display, not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- txt = "(ed) erase-to-end-of-display start testing";
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch, txt)) {
- return;
- }
- if (enter_am_mode) {
- tc_putp(enter_am_mode);
- clear_select = 0;
- }
- for (; clear_select < 5; clear_select++) {
- if (augment > lines || is_clear || !cursor_address) {
- augment = lines;
- } else {
- if (augment <= 1) {
- augment = 2;
- }
- if (augment < lines) {
- put_clear();
- tt_putparm(cursor_address, 1,
- lines - augment - 1, 0);
- ptextln("This line should not be erased (ed)");
- }
- }
- repeats = augment;
- switch (clear_select) {
- case 0:
- end_message = "Clear full screen. ";
- break;
- case 1:
- end_message = "Clear sparse screen. ";
- if (cursor_down) {
- break;
- }
- clear_select++;
- /* FALLTHRU */
- case 2:
- end_message = "Clear one character per line. ";
- if (newline) {
- break;
- }
- clear_select++;
- /* FALLTHRU */
- case 3:
- end_message = "Clear one full line. ";
- break;
- case 4:
- end_message = "Clear single short line. ";
- break;
- }
- pad_test_startup(0);
- do {
- switch (clear_select) {
- case 0: /* full screen test */
- for (j = 1; j < repeats; j++) {
- for (k = 0; k < columns; k++) {
- if (k & 0xF) {
- put_this(letter);
- } else {
- put_this('.');
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 1: /* sparse screen test */
- for (j = columns - repeats; j > 2; j--) {
- put_this(letter);
- }
- for (j = 2; j < repeats; j++) {
- tt_putp(cursor_down);
- put_this(letter);
- }
- break;
- case 2: /* short lines */
- for (j = 2; j < repeats; j++) {
- put_this(letter);
- tt_putp(newline);
- }
- put_this(letter);
- break;
- case 3: /* one full line */
- for (j = columns - 5; j > 1; j--) {
- put_this(letter);
- }
- break;
- case 4: /* one short line */
- put_str("Erase this!");
- break;
- }
- if (is_clear) {
- put_clear();
- } else {
- if (augment == lines) {
- go_home();
- } else {
- tt_putparm(cursor_address, 1,
- lines - repeats, 0);
- }
- tt_tputs(clr_eos, repeats);
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 1);
- ptext(end_message);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- if (*ch != 0 && *ch != 'n') {
- return;
- }
- }
-** pad_ech(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (ech) erase characters
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!erase_chars) {
- ptext("(ech) Erase-characters, not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(ech) Erase-characters start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- if (augment > columns - 2) {
- augment = columns - 2;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- go_home();
- for (i = 2; i < lines; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j <= repeats; j++) {
- putchp(letter);
- }
- put_cr();
- tt_putparm(erase_chars, repeats, repeats, 0);
- put_crlf();
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= repeats; i++) {
- putchp(' ');
- }
- putchp(letter);
- put_crlf();
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- ptext(all_lines);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
-** pad_el1(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (el1) erase to start of line also (cub1) and (nel)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!clr_bol) {
- ptext("(el1) Erase-to-beginning-of-line, not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(el1) Erase-to-beginning-of-line start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- if (augment > columns - 2) {
- augment = columns - 2;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- go_home();
- for (i = 2; i < lines; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j <= repeats; j++) {
- putchp(letter);
- }
- tt_putp(cursor_left);
- tt_putp(cursor_left);
- tt_tputs(clr_bol, repeats);
- put_crlf();
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= repeats; i++) {
- putchp(' ');
- }
- putchp(letter);
- put_crlf();
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- ptext(all_lines);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
-** pad_el(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (el) clear to end of line also (nel)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!clr_eol) {
- ptext("(el) Clear-to-end-of-line, not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(el) Clear-to-end-of-line start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- hzcc = columns * 8 / 10; /* horizontal character count */
- if (augment > hzcc) {
- augment = hzcc;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- go_home();
- for (i = 2; i < lines; i++) {
- for (j = -1; j < augment; j++) {
- putchp(letter);
- }
- put_cr();
- putchp(letter);
- tt_putp(clr_eol);
- put_crlf();
- }
- putchp(letter);
- put_crlf();
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- ptext(all_lines);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
-** pad_smdc(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (smdc) (rmdc) Delete mode
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- if (!enter_delete_mode) {
- ptext("(smdc) Enter-delete-mode");
- if (!exit_delete_mode) {
- ptext(", (rmdc) Exit-delete-mode");
- }
- ptext(", not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(smdc) (rmdc) Enter/Exit-delete-mode start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- page_loop();
- for (i = 1; i < columns; i++) {
- tt_putp(enter_delete_mode);
- tt_putp(exit_delete_mode);
- putchp(letter);
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- home_down();
- ptext(no_visual);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
-** pad_dch(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (smdc) (rmdc) Delete mode and (dch)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!parm_dch) {
- ptext("(dch) Delete-characters, not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(dch) Delete-characters start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- hzcc = columns * 8 / 10; /* horizontal character count */
- if (augment > hzcc) {
- augment = hzcc;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- go_home();
- for (i = 2; i < lines; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j <= repeats; j++) {
- putchp(letter);
- }
- put_cr();
- tt_putp(enter_delete_mode);
- tt_putparm(parm_dch, repeats, repeats, 0);
- tt_putp(exit_delete_mode);
- put_crlf();
- }
- putchp(letter);
- put_crlf();
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- home_down();
- ptext(all_lines);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
-** pad_dch1(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (smdc) (rmdc) Delete mode and (dch1)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!delete_character) {
- if (parm_dch) {
- /* if the other one is defined then its OK */
- return;
- }
- ptext("(dch1) Delete-character, not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(dch1) Delete-character start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- hzcc = columns * 8 / 10; /* horizontal character count */
- if (augment > hzcc) {
- augment = hzcc;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- go_home();
- for (i = 2; i < lines; i++) {
- for (j = -1; j < augment; j++) {
- putchp(letter);
- }
- put_cr();
- tt_putp(enter_delete_mode);
- for (j = 0; j < augment; j++) {
- tt_putp(delete_character);
- }
- tt_putp(exit_delete_mode);
- put_crlf();
- }
- putchp(letter);
- put_crlf();
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- ptext(all_lines);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
-** pad_smir(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (smir) (rmir) Insert mode
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- if (!enter_insert_mode) {
- ptext("(smir) Enter-insert-mode");
- if (!exit_insert_mode) {
- ptext(", (rmir) Exit-insert-mode");
- }
- ptext(", not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(smir) (rmir) Enter/Exit-insert-mode start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- page_loop();
- for (i = 1; i < columns; i++) {
- tt_putp(enter_insert_mode);
- tt_putp(exit_insert_mode);
- putchp(letter);
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- home_down();
- ptext(no_visual);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
-** pad_ich(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (smir) (rmir) Insert mode and (ich) and (ip)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!parm_ich) {
- ptext("(ich) Insert-characters, not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(ich) Insert-characters, (ip) Insert-padding start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- j = columns * 9 / 10;
- if (augment > j) {
- augment = j;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- go_home();
- for (i = 2; i < lines; i++) {
- putchp(letter);
- put_cr();
- tt_putp(enter_insert_mode);
- replace_mode = 0;
- tt_putparm(parm_ich, repeats, repeats, 0);
- tt_putp(exit_insert_mode);
- replace_mode = 1;
- put_crlf();
- }
- for (i = 0; i < repeats; i++) {
- putchp(' ');
- }
- putchp(letter);
- put_crlf();
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- ptext(all_lines);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- tc_putp(exit_insert_mode);
-** pad_ich1(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (smir) (rmir) Insert mode and (ich1) and (ip)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!insert_character) {
- ptext("(ich1) Insert-character, not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(ich1) Insert-character, (ip) Insert-padding start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- if (augment > columns - 2) {
- augment = columns - 2;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- put_clear();
- for (i = 2; i < lines; i++) {
- putchp(letter);
- put_cr();
- tt_putp(enter_insert_mode);
- replace_mode = 0;
- if (!insert_padding && !insert_character) {
- /* only enter/exit is needed */
- for (j = 0; j < augment; j++) {
- putchp('.');
- }
- } else {
- for (j = 0; j < augment; j++) {
- tt_putp(insert_character);
- putchp('.');
- tt_putp(insert_padding);
- }
- }
- tt_putp(exit_insert_mode);
- replace_mode = 1;
- put_crlf();
- }
- for (j = 0; j < augment; j++) {
- putchp('.');
- }
- putchp(letter);
- put_crlf();
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- ptext(all_lines);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- tc_putp(exit_insert_mode);
-** pad_xch1(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (ich1) (ip) (dch1)
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- static char xch1[] =
- "This line should not be garbled. It should be left justified.";
- if (enter_insert_mode || exit_insert_mode ||
- enter_delete_mode || exit_delete_mode ||
- !insert_character || !delete_character) {
- /* this test is quietly ignored */
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(ich1) Insert-character, (dch1) Delete-character start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- put_crlf();
- ptext(xch1);
- put_cr();
- pad_test_startup(0);
- do {
- tt_putp(insert_character);
- tt_putp(delete_character);
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 1);
- ptextln(xch1);
- ptext("The preceding two lines should be the same. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** pad_rep(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (rep) repeat character
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!repeat_char) {
- ptext("(rep) Repeat-character, not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(rep) Repeat-character start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- if (augment > columns - 2) {
- augment = columns - 2;
- }
- if (augment < 2) {
- augment = 2;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- go_home();
- for (i = 2; i < lines; i++) {
- tt_putparm(repeat_char, repeats, letter, repeats);
- put_crlf();
- }
- for (j = 0; j < repeats; j++) {
- putchp(letter);
- }
- put_crlf();
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- ptextln(all_lines);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** pad_cup(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (cup) Cursor address
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j, l, r, c;
- if (!cursor_address) {
- ptext("(cup) Cursor-address not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(cup) Cursor-address start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- put_clear();
- ptext("Each line should be filled with the same letter. There should");
- ptext(" be no gaps, or single letters scattered over the screen. ");
- if (char_count + 15 > columns) {
- put_crlf();
- }
- if (((lines - line_count) & 1) == 0) {
- /* this removes the gap in the middle of the test when the
- number of lines is odd. */
- put_crlf();
- }
- r = line_count;
- c = char_count;
- l = (columns - 4) >> 1;
- pad_test_startup(0);
- do {
- for (i = 1; i + i + r < lines; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j <= l; j++) {
- tt_putparm(cursor_address, 1, r + i, j);
- putchp(letter);
- tt_putparm(cursor_address, 1, r + i, l + l + 1 - j);
- putchp(letter);
- tt_putparm(cursor_address, 1, lines - i, j);
- putchp(letter);
- tt_putparm(cursor_address, 1, lines - i, l + l + 1 - j);
- putchp(letter);
- }
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- tt_putparm(cursor_address, 1, line_count = r, char_count = c);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
-** pad_hd(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (hd) Half down
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j, k;
- if (!down_half_line) {
- ptext("(hd) Half-line-down not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(hd) Half-line-down start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- for (i = 1; i < columns; i += 2) {
- for (j = 1; j < i; ++j) {
- putchp(' ');
- }
- tt_putp(down_half_line);
- for (k = lines + lines; k > 4; k--) {
- if (j++ >= columns) {
- break;
- }
- tt_putp(down_half_line);
- putchp(letter);
- }
- go_home();
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
-** pad_hu(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (hu) Half line up
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j, k;
- if (!up_half_line) {
- ptext("(hu) Half-line-up not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(hu) Half-line-up start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- for (i = 1; i < columns; i += 2) {
- home_down();
- for (j = 1; j < i; ++j) {
- putchp(' ');
- }
- tt_putp(up_half_line);
- for (k = lines + lines; k > 4; k--) {
- if (j++ >= columns) {
- break;
- }
- tt_putp(up_half_line);
- putchp(letter);
- }
- }
- go_home();
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
-** pad_rin(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (rin) and (ri) Reverse index
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- const char *start_message;
- if (t->flags & 1) {
- /* rin */
- if (!parm_rindex) {
- ptext("(rin) Scroll-reverse-n-lines not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- start_message = "(rin) Scroll-reverse-n-lines start testing";
- } else {
- /* ri */
- if (!scroll_reverse) {
- ptext("(ri) Scroll-reverse not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- start_message = "(ri) Scroll-reverse start testing";
- augment = 1;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch, start_message)) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- sprintf(temp, "%d\r", test_complete);
- put_str(temp);
- if (scroll_reverse && repeats == 1) {
- tt_putp(scroll_reverse);
- } else {
- tt_putparm(parm_rindex, repeats, repeats, 0);
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- put_str("This line should be on the bottom.\r");
- if (scroll_reverse && augment == 1) {
- for (i = 1; i < lines; i++) {
- tt_putp(scroll_reverse);
- }
- } else {
- tt_putparm(parm_rindex, lines - 1, lines - 1, 0);
- }
- putln("The screen should have text on the bottom line.");
- sprintf(temp, "Scroll reverse %d line%s. ", augment,
- augment == 1 ? "" : "s");
- put_str(temp);
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
-** pad_il(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (il) and (il1) Insert line
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- const char *start_message;
- if (t->flags & 1) {
- /* il */
- if (!parm_insert_line) {
- ptext("(il) Insert-lines not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- start_message = "(il) Insert-lines start testing";
- } else {
- /* il1 */
- if (!insert_line) {
- ptext("(il1) Insert-line not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- start_message = "(il1) Insert-line start testing";
- augment = 1;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch, start_message)) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- sprintf(temp, "%d\r", test_complete);
- put_str(temp);
- if (insert_line && repeats == 1) {
- tt_putp(insert_line);
- } else {
- tt_putparm(parm_insert_line, repeats, repeats, 0);
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- put_str("This line should be on the bottom.\r");
- if (insert_line && augment == 1) {
- for (i = 1; i < lines; i++) {
- tt_putp(insert_line);
- }
- } else {
- tt_putparm(parm_insert_line, lines - 1, lines - 1, 0);
- }
- putln("The screen should have text on the bottom line.");
- sprintf(temp, "Insert %d line%s. ", augment,
- augment == 1 ? "" : "s");
- put_str(temp);
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_clear();
-** pad_indn(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (indn) and (ind) Scroll forward
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- const char *start_message;
- if (t->flags & 1) {
- /* indn */
- if (!parm_index) {
- ptext("(indn) Scroll-forward-n-lines not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- start_message = "(indn) Scroll-forward-n-lines start testing";
- } else {
- /* ind */
- if (!scroll_forward) {
- ptext("(ind) Scroll-forward not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (over_strike) {
- ptext("(ind) Scroll-forward not tested on overstrike terminals. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- start_message = "(ind) Scroll-forward start testing";
- augment = 1;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch, start_message)) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- /* go to the bottom of the screen */
- home_down();
- do {
- sprintf(temp, "%d\r", test_complete);
- put_str(temp);
- if (scroll_forward && repeats == 1) {
- put_ind();
- } else {
- tt_putparm(parm_index, repeats, repeats, 0);
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- put_str("This line should be on the top.\r");
- if (scroll_forward && augment == 1) {
- for (i = 1; i < lines; i++) {
- put_ind();
- }
- } else {
- tt_putparm(parm_index, lines - 1, lines - 1, 0);
- }
- go_home();
- sprintf(temp, "\nScroll forward %d line%s. ", augment,
- augment == 1 ? "" : "s");
- put_str(temp);
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** pad_dl(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (dl) and (dl1) Delete lines
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i = 0;
- const char *start_message;
- if (t->flags & 1) {
- /* dl */
- if (!parm_delete_line) {
- ptext("(dl) Delete-lines not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- start_message = "(dl) Delete-lines start testing";
- } else {
- /* dl1 */
- if (!delete_line) {
- ptext("(dl1) Delete-line not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- start_message = "(dl1) Delete-line start testing";
- augment = 1;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch, start_message)) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- sprintf(temp, "%d\r", test_complete);
- if (augment < lines - 1) {
- go_home();
- putln(temp);
- }
- put_str(temp);
- if (delete_line && repeats == 1) {
- tt_putp(delete_line);
- } else {
- tt_putparm(parm_delete_line, repeats, repeats, 0);
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- home_down();
- put_str("This line should be on the top.");
- go_home();
- if (delete_line && augment == 1) {
- for (i = 1; i < lines; i++) {
- tt_putp(delete_line);
- }
- } else {
- tt_putparm(parm_delete_line, lines - 1, lines - 1, 0);
- }
- sprintf(temp, "\nDelete %d line%s. ", augment,
- augment == 1 ? "" : "s");
- put_str(temp);
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** pad_xl(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (il1) Insert and (dl1) Delete lines
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- if (!insert_line && !delete_line) {
- /* quietly skip this test */
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(il1) Insert-line, (dl1) Delete-line start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- put_clear();
- putln("\rThis text is written on the first line.");
- ptext("This sentence begins on the second line. As this");
- ptext(" test runs the bottom part of this paragraph will");
- ptext(" jump up and down. Don't worry, that's normal. When");
- ptext(" the jumping stops, the entire paragraph should");
- ptext(" still be on the screen and in the same place as when");
- ptext(" the test started. If this paragraph has scrolled");
- ptext(" off the top or bottom of the screen then the test");
- ptext(" has failed. Scrolling off the top of the screen");
- ptext(" usually means that the delete line capability is");
- ptext(" working better than the insert line capability. If");
- ptext(" the text scrolls off the bottom then delete line may");
- ptext(" be broken. If parts of the text are missing then");
- ptext(" you should get professional help.");
- put_crlf();
- go_home();
- put_newlines(2);
- pad_test_startup(0);
- do {
- tt_putp(insert_line);
- put_cr();
- tt_putp(delete_line);
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- home_down();
- ptext("The top of the screen should have a paragraph of text. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** pad_scrc(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (sc) (rc) Save/restore cursor
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- if (!save_cursor || !restore_cursor) {
- if (save_cursor) {
- ptext("(rc) Restore-cursor");
- } else
- if (restore_cursor) {
- ptext("(sc) Save-cursor");
- } else {
- ptext("(sc) Save-cursor, (rc) Restore-cursor");
- }
- ptext(" not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(sc) (rc) Save/Restore-cursor start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- page_loop();
- for (i = 1; i < columns; i++) {
- tt_putp(save_cursor);
- putchp(letter);
- tt_putp(restore_cursor);
- putchp('X');
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- home_down();
- ptext(above_line);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** pad_csrind(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (csr) and (ind) Change scroll region and index.
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- if (!change_scroll_region) {
- ptext("(csr) Change-scroll-region not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(csr) Save/Restore-cursor, (ind) index start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- if (augment < 2) {
- augment = 2;
- }
- if (augment > lines - 1) {
- augment = lines - 1;
- }
- put_clear();
- ptext("This text is on the top line.");
- tt_putparm(change_scroll_region, 1, lines - augment, lines - 1);
- /* go to the bottom of the screen */
- home_down();
- pad_test_startup(0);
- do {
- sprintf(temp, "%d\r", test_complete);
- put_str(temp);
- put_ind();
- } while(still_testing());
- ptextln("(csr) is broken.");
- for (i = augment; i > 1; i--) {
- put_ind();
- }
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- ptext("All but top and bottom lines should be blank. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- tt_putparm(change_scroll_region, 1, 0, lines - 1);
- put_clear();
-** pad_sccsrrc(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (sc) (csr) and (rc) Save/Change/Restore scroll region
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i;
- if (!save_cursor || !change_scroll_region || !restore_cursor) {
- /* quietly ignore this test */
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(sc) (csr) (rc) Save/Change/Restore-cursor, start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- page_loop();
- for (i = 1; i < columns; i++) {
- tt_putp(save_cursor);
- putchp(letter);
- tt_putparm(change_scroll_region, 1, 0, lines - 1);
- tt_putp(restore_cursor);
- putchp('X');
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- home_down();
- ptext(above_line);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- tt_putparm(change_scroll_region, 1, 0, lines - 1);
-** pad_csr_nel(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (sc) (csr) (nel) and (rc) Save/Change/Restore scroll region
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!save_cursor || !change_scroll_region || !restore_cursor) {
- /* quietly ignore this test */
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(csr) Change-scroll-region, (nel) newline start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
- for (j = lines - i; j > 0; j--) {
- put_crlf();
- }
- tt_putp(save_cursor);
- tt_putparm(change_scroll_region, 1, i, lines - 1);
- tt_putp(restore_cursor);
- put_str(every_line);
- }
- tt_putp(save_cursor);
- tt_putparm(change_scroll_region, 1, 0, lines - 1);
- tt_putp(restore_cursor);
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- put_str(" ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- tt_putparm(change_scroll_region, 1, 0, lines - 1);
-** pad_csr_cup(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (csr) (cup) Change scroll region and cursor address
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!change_scroll_region || !cursor_address) {
- /* quietly ignore this test */
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(csr) Change-scroll-region, (cup) cursor-address start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
- for (j = lines - i; j > 0; j--) {
- put_crlf();
- }
- tt_putparm(change_scroll_region, 1, i, lines - 1);
- tt_putparm(cursor_address, 1, lines - 1, 0);
- put_str(every_line);
- }
- tt_putparm(change_scroll_region, 1, 0, lines - 1);
- tt_putparm(cursor_address, 1, lines - 1, (int) strlen(every_line));
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- put_str(" ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- tt_putparm(change_scroll_region, 1, 0, lines - 1);
-** pad_ht(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (ht) Tabs
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!set_tab && init_tabs <= 0) {
- ptext("(ht) Tab not tested. (hts) Set-tabs and (it) initial-tabs not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch, "(ht) Tab start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- /*
- it is not always possible to test tabs with caps
- that do not already have padding. The following
- test uses a mixed bag of tests in order to avoid
- this problem. Note: I do not scroll
- */
- if (auto_right_margin && can_go_home)
- for (i = 1, go_home(); i < lines - 2; i++) {
- for (j = 8; j < columns; j += 8) {
- putchp('\t');
- }
- put_str("A ");
- }
- if (cursor_down && can_go_home)
- for (i = 1, go_home(); i < lines - 2; i++) {
- for (j = 8; j < columns; j += 8) {
- putchp('\t');
- }
- put_str("D\r");
- tt_putp(cursor_down);
- }
- if (cursor_address)
- for (i = 1; i < lines - 2; i++) {
- tt_putparm(cursor_address, 1, i - 1, 0);
- for (j = 8; j < columns; j += 8) {
- putchp('\t');
- }
- put_str("C");
- }
- go_home();
- for (i = 1; i < lines - 2; i++) {
- for (j = 8; j < columns; j += 8) {
- putchp('\t');
- }
- putln("N");
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- ptextln("Letters on the screen other than Ns at the right margin indicate failure.");
- ptext("A-(am) D-(cud1) C-(cup) N-(nel) ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** pad_smso(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (smso) (rmso) Enter/exit mode
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- if (!enter_standout_mode || !exit_standout_mode) {
- ptext("(smso) (rmso) Enter/Exit-standout-mode not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(smso) (rmso) Enter/Exit-standout-mode start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- /*
- In terminals that emulate non-hidden attributes with hidden
- attributes, the amount of time that it takes to fill the screen
- with an attribute is nontrivial. The following test is designed to
- catch those delays
- */
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- page_loop();
- j = magic_cookie_glitch > 0 ? magic_cookie_glitch : 0;
- for (i = 2 + j + j; i < columns;) {
- put_mode(enter_standout_mode);
- i += j + j + 2;
- putchp('X');
- put_mode(exit_standout_mode);
- putchp('X');
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- home_down();
- ptext(above_line);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_mode(exit_standout_mode);
-** pad_smacs(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (smacs) (rmacs) Enter/exit altcharset mode
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int i, j;
- /* test enter even if exit is missing */
- if (!enter_alt_charset_mode) {
- ptext("(smacs) Enter-altcharset-mode not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(smacs) (rmacs) Enter/Exit-altcharset-mode start testing")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- page_loop();
- j = magic_cookie_glitch > 0 ? magic_cookie_glitch : 0;
- for (i = 2 + j + j; i < columns;) {
- put_mode(enter_alt_charset_mode);
- i += j + j + 2;
- putchp(letter);
- put_mode(exit_alt_charset_mode);
- putchp(letter);
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- home_down();
- ptext("Every other character is from the alternate character set. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- put_mode(exit_alt_charset_mode);
-** pad_crash(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test (clear) without padding
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int save_xon_xoff;
- if (!clear_screen) {
- ptext("(clear) Clear-screen not present. ");
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- ptext("If you would like to see if the terminal will really lock up.");
- ptextln(" I will send the clear screen sequence without the pads.");
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(clear) Clear-screen start crash testing")) {
- return;
- }
- save_xon_xoff = xon_xoff;
- xon_xoff = 1;
- pad_test_startup(0);
- do {
- put_str("Erase this!");
- tt_putp(clear_screen);
- } while(still_testing());
- xon_xoff = save_xon_xoff;
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 1);
- pad_done_message(t, state, ch);
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/scan.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/scan.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dbe684b..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/scan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-/* scan mode keyboard support */
-#include <tack.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: scan.c,v 1.5 2005/09/17 19:49:16 tom Exp $")
-unsigned scan_max; /* length of longest scan code */
-char **scan_up, **scan_down, **scan_name;
-unsigned *scan_tested, *scan_length;
-static unsigned *scan_value;
-static int shift_state;
-static char *str;
-static int debug_char_count;
-#define SHIFT_KEY 0x100
-#define CONTROL_KEY 0x200
-#define META_KEY 0x400
-#define CAPS_LOCK 0x800
-static const struct {
- const char *name;
- unsigned type;
-} scan_special[] = {
- {"<shift>", SHIFT_KEY},
- {"<left shift>", SHIFT_KEY},
- {"<right shift>", SHIFT_KEY},
- {"<control>", CONTROL_KEY},
- {"<left control>", CONTROL_KEY},
- {"<right control>", CONTROL_KEY},
- {"<meta>", META_KEY},
- {"<left meta>", META_KEY},
- {"<right meta>", META_KEY},
- {"<caps lock>", CAPS_LOCK},
- {"<tab>", '\t'},
- {"<space>", ' '},
- {"<return>", '\r'},
- {"<linefeed>", '\n'},
- {"<formfeed>", '\f'},
- {"<backspace>", '\b'},
- {0, 0}
-static void
-{ /* scan past the white space */
- while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t')
- str++;
-static char *
-{ /* convert a string to hex */
- char *s, *t;
- int ch, i, j;
- t = s = str;
- for (i = 0; (ch = *str); str++) {
- if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
- j = ch - '0';
- else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
- j = 10 - 'a' + ch;
- else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
- j = 10 - 'A' + ch;
- else if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t')
- break;
- else
- continue;
- if (i) {
- *s |= j;
- s++;
- } else
- *s = j << 4;
- i ^= 1;
- }
- *s = '\0';
- return t;
-scan_init(char *fn)
-{ /* read the scan mode key definitions */
- char *s, *sl;
- FILE *fp;
- int ch, i, j;
- unsigned len;
- char home[512];
- if ((str = getenv("HOME")))
- strcpy(home, str);
- else
- home[0] = '\0';
- fp = NULL;
- if ((str = getenv("KEYBOARD"))) {
- if (!(fp = fopen(str, "r")) && home[0]) {
- sprintf(temp, "%s/.scan.%s", home, str);
- fp = fopen(temp, "r");
- }
- }
- if (!fp) {
- sprintf(temp, ".scan.%s", fn);
- fp = fopen(temp, "r");
- }
- if (!fp && home[0]) {
- sprintf(temp, "%s/.scan.%s", home, fn);
- fp = fopen(temp, "r");
- }
- if (!fp) {
- ptext("Unable to open scanfile: ");
- ptextln(temp);
- bye_kids(1);
- return;
- }
- /*
- scan file format:
- <down value> <up value> <name>
- values are in hex. <name> may be any string of characters
- */
- scan_up = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * MAX_SCAN);
- scan_down = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * MAX_SCAN);
- scan_name = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * MAX_SCAN);
- scan_tested = (unsigned *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned *) * MAX_SCAN);
- scan_length = (unsigned *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned *) * MAX_SCAN);
- scan_value = (unsigned *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned *) * MAX_SCAN);
- scan_up[0] = scan_down[0] = scan_name[0] = (char *) 0;
- str = (char *) malloc(4096); /* buffer space */
- sl = str + 4000; /* an upper limit */
- scan_max = 1;
- for (i = 0;;) {
- for (s = str; (ch = getc(fp)) != EOF;) {
- if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
- break;
- *s++ = ch;
- }
- *s++ = '\0';
- if (ch == EOF)
- break;
- if (*str == '#' || *str == '\0')
- continue;
- scan_down[i] = smash();
- scan_blanks();
- scan_up[i] = smash();
- scan_blanks();
- scan_name[i] = str;
- scan_length[i] = strlen(scan_down[i]);
- len = strlen(scan_up[i]) + scan_length[i];
- if (len > scan_max)
- scan_max = len;
- scan_value[i] = UChar(scan_name[i][0]);
- if (scan_name[i][1]) /* multi-character name */
- for (j = 0; scan_special[j].name; j++) {
- if (!strcmp(scan_name[i], scan_special[j].name)) {
- scan_value[i] = scan_special[j].type;
- break;
- }
- }
- i++;
- if (str > sl) {
- str = (char *) malloc(4096);
- sl = str + 4000;
- } else
- str = s;
- }
- fclose(fp);
-#ifdef notdef
- for (i = 0; scan_down[i]; i++) {
- put_str(hex_expand_to(scan_down[i], 3));
- put_str(hex_expand_to(scan_up[i], 3));
- put_str(" ");
- put_str(scan_name[i]);
- put_crlf();
- }
- (void) wait_here();
-{ /* read a key and translate scan mode to
- ASCII */
- unsigned i;
- int j, ch;
- char buf[64];
- for (i = 1;; i++) {
- ch = getchar();
- if (ch == EOF)
- return EOF;
- if (debug_fp) {
- fprintf(debug_fp, "%02X ", ch);
- debug_char_count += 3;
- if (debug_char_count > 72) {
- fprintf(debug_fp, "\n");
- debug_char_count = 0;
- }
- }
- buf[i - 1] = ch;
- buf[i] = '\0';
- if (buf[0] & 0x80) { /* scan up */
- for (j = 0; scan_up[j]; j++) {
- if (i == scan_length[j] &&
- !strcmp(buf, scan_up[j])) {
- i = 0;
- shift_state &= ~scan_value[j];
- break;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- for (j = 0; scan_down[j]; j++) {
- if (i == scan_length[j] && !strcmp(buf, scan_down[j])) {
- i = 0;
- shift_state |= scan_value[j];
- ch = scan_value[j];
- if (ch == CAPS_LOCK)
- shift_state ^= SHIFT_KEY;
- if (ch >= 256)
- break;
- if (shift_state & SHIFT_KEY) {
- if (ch >= 0x60)
- ch -= 0x20;
- else if (ch >= 0x30 && ch <= 0x3f)
- ch -= 0x10;
- }
- if (shift_state & CONTROL_KEY) {
- if ((ch | 0x20) >= 0x60 &&
- (ch | 0x20) <= 0x7f)
- ch = (ch | 0x20) - 0x60;
- }
- if (shift_state & META_KEY)
- ch |= 0x80;
- return ch;
- }
- }
- if (i > scan_max)
- i = 1;
- }
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/sync.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/sync.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f9358bb..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/sync.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include <tack.h>
-#include <time.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: sync.c,v 1.9 2006/05/06 20:45:48 tom Exp $")
-/* terminal-synchronization and performance tests */
-static void sync_home(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void sync_lines(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void sync_clear(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void sync_summary(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static struct test_list sync_test_list[] = {
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, 0, 0, "b) baud rate test", sync_home, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, 0, 0, "l) scroll performance", sync_lines, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, 0, 0, "c) clear screen performance", sync_clear, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, 0, 0, "p) summary of results", sync_summary, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, txt_longer_test_time, longer_test_time, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, txt_shorter_test_time, shorter_test_time, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-struct test_menu sync_menu = {
- 0, 'n', 0,
- "Performance tests", "perf", "n) run standard tests",
- sync_test, sync_test_list, 0, 0, 0
-int tty_can_sync; /* TRUE if tty_sync_error() returned FALSE */
-static int tty_newline_rate; /* The number of newlines per second */
-static int tty_clear_rate; /* The number of clear-screens per second */
-unsigned long tty_cps; /* The number of characters per second */
-#define TTY_ACK_SIZE 64
-static int ACK_terminator; /* terminating ACK character */
-static int ACK_length; /* length of ACK string */
-static const char *tty_ENQ; /* enquire string */
-static char tty_ACK[TTY_ACK_SIZE]; /* ACK response, set by tty_sync_error() */
- *
- * Terminal synchronization.
- *
- * These functions handle the messy business of enq-ack handshaking
- * for timing purposes.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- int ch, trouble, ack;
- trouble = FALSE;
- for (;;) {
- tt_putp(tty_ENQ); /* send ENQ */
- ch = getnext(STRIP_PARITY);
- event_start(TIME_SYNC); /* start the timer */
- /*
- The timer doesn't start until we get the first character.
- After that I expect to get the remaining characters of
- the acknowledge string in a short period of time. If
- that is not true then these characters are coming from
- the user and we need to send the ENQ sequence out again.
- */
- for (ack = 0; ; ) {
- if (ack < TTY_ACK_SIZE - 2) {
- tty_ACK[ack] = ch;
- tty_ACK[ack + 1] = '\0';
- }
- if (ch == ACK_terminator) {
- return trouble;
- }
- if (++ack >= ACK_length) {
- return trouble;
- }
- ch = getnext(STRIP_PARITY);
- if (event_time(TIME_SYNC) > 400000) {
- break;
- }
- }
- set_attr(0); /* just in case */
- put_crlf();
- if (trouble) {
- /* The terminal won't sync. Life is not good. */
- return TRUE;
- }
- put_str(" -- sync -- ");
- trouble = TRUE;
- }
-** flush_input()
-** Throw away any output.
- if (tty_can_sync == SYNC_TESTED && ACK_terminator >= 0) {
- (void) tty_sync_error();
- } else {
- spin_flush();
- }
-** probe_enq_ok()
-** does the terminal do enq/ack handshaking?
-static void
- int tc, len, ulen;
- put_str("Testing ENQ/ACK, standby...");
- fflush(stdout);
- can_test("u8 u9", FLAG_TESTED);
-#ifdef user9
- tty_ENQ = user9 ? user9 : "\005";
- tty_ENQ = "\005";
- tc_putp(tty_ENQ);
- event_start(TIME_SYNC); /* start the timer */
- read_key(tty_ACK, TTY_ACK_SIZE - 1);
- if (event_time(TIME_SYNC) > 400000 || tty_ACK[0] == '\0') {
- /* These characters came from the user. Sigh. */
- tty_can_sync = SYNC_FAILED;
- ptext("\nThis program expects the ENQ sequence to be");
- ptext(" answered with the ACK character. This will help");
- ptext(" the program reestablish synchronization when");
- ptextln(" the terminal is overrun with data.");
- ptext("\nENQ sequence from (u9): ");
- putln(expand(tty_ENQ));
- ptext("ACK received: ");
- putln(expand(tty_ACK));
-#ifdef user8
- len = user8 ? strlen(user8) : 0;
- len = 0;
- sprintf(temp, "Length of ACK %d. Expected length of ACK %d.",
- (int) strlen(tty_ACK), len);
- ptextln(temp);
-#ifdef user8
- if (len) {
- temp[0] = user8[len - 1];
- temp[1] = '\0';
- ptext("Terminating character found in (u8): ");
- putln(expand(temp));
- }
- return;
- }
- tty_can_sync = SYNC_TESTED;
- if ((len = strlen(tty_ACK)) == 1) {
- /* single character acknowledge string */
- ACK_terminator = tty_ACK[0];
- ACK_length = 4096;
- return;
- }
- tc = tty_ACK[len - 1];
-#ifdef user8
- if (user8) {
- ulen = strlen(user8);
- if (tc == user8[ulen - 1]) {
- /* ANSI style acknowledge string */
- ACK_terminator = tc;
- ACK_length = 4096;
- return;
- }
- }
- /* fixed length acknowledge string */
- ACK_length = len;
- ACK_terminator = -2;
-** verify_time()
-** verify that the time tests are ready to run.
-** If the baud rate is not set then compute it.
- int status, ch;
- if (tty_can_sync == SYNC_FAILED) {
- return;
- }
- probe_enq_ok();
- put_crlf();
- if (tty_can_sync == SYNC_TESTED) {
- put_crlf();
- if (ACK_terminator >= 0) {
- ptext("ACK terminating character: ");
- temp[0] = ACK_terminator;
- temp[1] = '\0';
- ptextln(expand(temp));
- } else {
- sprintf(temp, "Fixed length ACK, %d characters",
- ACK_length);
- ptextln(temp);
- }
- }
- if (tty_baud_rate == 0) {
- sync_home(&sync_test_list[0], &status, &ch);
- }
- *
- * Terminal performance tests
- *
- * Find out how fast the terminal can:
- * 1) accept characters
- * 2) scroll the screen
- * 3) clear the screen
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-** sync_home(test_list, status, ch)
-** Baudrate test
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int j, k;
- unsigned long rate;
- if (!cursor_home && !cursor_address && !row_address) {
- ptext("Terminal can not home cursor. ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(home) Start baudrate search")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(1);
- do {
- go_home();
- for (j = 1; j < lines; j++) {
- for (k = 0; k < columns; k++) {
- if (k & 0xF) {
- put_this(letter);
- } else {
- put_this('.');
- }
- }
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, auto_right_margin == 0);
- /* note: tty_frame_size is the real framesize times two.
- This takes care of half bits. */
- rate = (tx_cps * tty_frame_size) >> 1;
- if (rate > tty_baud_rate) {
- tty_baud_rate = rate;
- }
- if (tx_cps > tty_cps) {
- tty_cps = tx_cps;
- }
- sprintf(temp, "%lu characters per second. Baudrate %d ", tx_cps, j);
- ptext(temp);
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** sync_lines(test_list, status, ch)
-** How many newlines/second?
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int j;
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(nel) Start scroll performance test")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(0);
- repeats = 100;
- do {
- sprintf(temp, "%d", test_complete);
- put_str(temp);
- put_newlines(repeats);
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- j = sliding_scale(tx_count[0], 1000000, usec_run_time);
- if (j > tty_newline_rate) {
- tty_newline_rate = j;
- }
- sprintf(temp, "%d linefeeds per second. ", j);
- ptext(temp);
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** sync_clear(test_list, status, ch)
-** How many clear-screens/second?
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- int j;
- if (!clear_screen) {
- ptext("Terminal can not clear-screen. ");
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
- return;
- }
- if (skip_pad_test(t, state, ch,
- "(clear) Start clear-screen performance test")) {
- return;
- }
- pad_test_startup(0);
- repeats = 20;
- do {
- sprintf(temp, "%d", test_complete);
- put_str(temp);
- for (j = 0; j < repeats; j++) {
- put_clear();
- }
- } while(still_testing());
- pad_test_shutdown(t, 0);
- j = sliding_scale(tx_count[0], 1000000, usec_run_time);
- if (j > tty_clear_rate) {
- tty_clear_rate = j;
- }
- sprintf(temp, "%d clear-screens per second. ", j);
- ptext(temp);
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** sync_summary(test_list, status, ch)
-** Print out the test results.
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state,
- int *ch)
- char size[32];
- put_crlf();
- ptextln("Terminal size characters/sec linefeeds/sec clears/sec");
- sprintf(size, "%dx%d", columns, lines);
- sprintf(temp, "%-10s%-11s%11lu %11d %11d", tty_basename, size,
- tty_cps, tty_newline_rate, tty_clear_rate);
- ptextln(temp);
- generic_done_message(t, state, ch);
-** sync_test(menu)
-** Run at the beginning of the pad tests and function key tests
- struct test_menu *menu)
- control_init();
- if (tty_can_sync == SYNC_NOT_TESTED) {
- verify_time();
- }
- if (menu->menu_title) {
- put_crlf();
- ptextln(menu->menu_title);
- }
-** sync_handshake(test_list, status, ch)
-** Test or retest the ENQ/ACK handshake
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch GCC_UNUSED)
- tty_can_sync = SYNC_NOT_TESTED;
- verify_time();
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/sysdep.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/sysdep.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 78ae095..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/sysdep.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
- * Operating system dependent functions. We assume the POSIX API.
- * Note: on strict-POSIX systems (including BSD/OS) the select_delay_type
- * global has no effect.
- */
-#include <ncurses_cfg.h>
-#include <signal.h> /* include before curses.h to work around glibc bug */
-#include <tack.h>
-#include <term.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#if defined(__BEOS__)
-#undef false
-#undef true
-#include <OS.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/select.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: sysdep.c,v 1.15 2005/09/17 19:49:16 tom Exp $")
-extern int errno;
-#ifdef TERMIOS
-#define PUT_TTY(fd, buf) tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, buf)
-#define PUT_TTY(fd, buf) stty(fd, buf)
-/* globals */
-int tty_frame_size; /* asynch frame size times 2 */
-unsigned tty_baud_rate; /* baud rate - bits per second */
-int not_a_tty; /* TRUE if output is not a tty (i.e. pipe) */
-int nodelay_read; /* TRUE if NDELAY is set */
-#ifdef TERMIOS
-#define TTY_IS_NOECHO !(new_modes.c_lflag & ECHO)
-#define TTY_IS_OUT_TRANS (new_modes.c_oflag & OPOST)
-#define TTY_IS_CHAR_MODE !(new_modes.c_lflag & ICANON)
-#define TTY_WAS_CS8 ((old_modes.c_cflag & CSIZE) == CS8)
-#define TTY_WAS_XON_XOFF (old_modes.c_iflag & (IXON|IXOFF))
-#define TTY_IS_NOECHO !(new_modes.sg_flags & (ECHO))
-#define TTY_IS_OUT_TRANS (new_modes.sg_flags & (CRMOD))
-#define TTY_IS_CHAR_MODE (new_modes.sg_flags & (RAW|CBREAK))
-#define TTY_WAS_CS8 (old_modes.sg_flags & (PASS8))
-#define TTY_WAS_XON_XOFF (old_modes.sg_flags & (TANDEM|MDMBUF|DECCTQ))
-static TTY old_modes, new_modes;
-void catchsig(void);
- * These are a sneaky way of conditionalizing bit unsets so strict-POSIX
- * systems won't see them.
- */
-#ifndef XCASE
-#define XCASE 0
-#ifndef OLCUC
-#define OLCUC 0
-#ifndef IUCLC
-#define IUCLC 0
-#ifndef TABDLY
-#define TABDLY 0
-#ifndef IXANY
-#define IXANY 0
-tty_raw(int minch GCC_UNUSED, int mask)
-{ /* set tty to raw noecho */
- new_modes = old_modes;
-#ifdef TERMIOS
- new_modes.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
- new_modes.c_cc[VMIN] = minch;
- new_modes.c_cc[VTIME] = 2;
- new_modes.c_lflag &=
-#ifdef LOBLK
- new_modes.c_lflag &= ~LOBLK;
- new_modes.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST | OLCUC | TABDLY);
- if (mask == ALLOW_PARITY) {
- new_modes.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB | HUPCL);
- new_modes.c_cflag |= CS8;
- }
- new_modes.c_iflag &=
- new_modes.sg_flags |= RAW;
- if (not_a_tty)
- return;
- PUT_TTY(fileno(stdin), &new_modes);
-{ /* set tty to special modes */
- new_modes = old_modes;
-#ifdef TERMIOS
- new_modes.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
- new_modes.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;
- new_modes.c_lflag &= ~(ISIG | ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL);
-#if defined(ONLCR) && defined(OCRNL) && defined(ONLRET) && defined(OFILL)
- new_modes.c_oflag &= ~(ONLCR | OCRNL | ONLRET | OFILL);
- new_modes.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST);
- if (char_mask == ALLOW_PARITY)
- new_modes.c_iflag &= ~ISTRIP;
- switch (select_xon_xoff) {
- case 0:
- new_modes.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF);
- break;
- case 1:
-#if defined(sequent) && sequent
- /* the sequent System V emulation is broken */
- new_modes = old_modes;
- new_modes.c_cc[VEOL] = 6; /* control F (ACK) */
- new_modes.c_iflag |= IXON | IXOFF;
- break;
- }
- switch (select_delay_type) {
- case 0:
-#ifdef NLDLY
- new_modes.c_oflag &=
-#endif /* NLDLY */
- break;
- case 1:
-#ifdef NLDLY
- new_modes.c_oflag &=
-#endif /* NLDLY */
-#ifdef NL1
- new_modes.c_oflag |= NL1 | CR2;
-#endif /* NL1 */
- break;
- }
- if (!(new_modes.c_oflag & (unsigned long) ~OPOST))
- new_modes.c_oflag &= (unsigned long) ~OPOST;
- new_modes.sg_flags |= RAW;
- if (not_a_tty)
- return;
- PUT_TTY(fileno(stdin), &new_modes);
-{ /* reset the tty to the original modes */
- fflush(stdout);
- if (not_a_tty)
- return;
- PUT_TTY(fileno(stdin), &old_modes);
-{ /* ATT terminal init */
-#if defined(F_GETFL) && defined(O_NDELAY)
- int flags;
- flags = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_GETFL, 0);
- nodelay_read = flags & O_NDELAY;
- nodelay_read = FALSE;
- not_a_tty = FALSE;
- if (GET_TTY(fileno(stdin), &old_modes) == -1) {
- if (errno == ENOTTY) {
- tty_frame_size = 20;
- not_a_tty = TRUE;
- return;
- }
- printf("tcgetattr error: %d\n", errno);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* if TAB3 is set then setterm() wipes out tabs (ht) */
- new_modes = old_modes;
-#ifdef TERMIOS
-#ifdef TABDLY
- new_modes.c_oflag &= ~TABDLY;
-#endif /* TABDLY */
- if (PUT_TTY(fileno(stdin), &new_modes) == -1) {
- printf("tcsetattr error: %d\n", errno);
- exit(1);
- }
-#ifdef sequent
- /* the sequent ATT emulation is broken soooo. */
- old_modes.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | CSTOPB);
- old_modes.c_cflag |= CS7 | PARENB;
- catchsig();
-#ifdef TERMIOS
- switch (old_modes.c_cflag & CSIZE) {
-#if defined(CS5) && (CS5 != 0)
- case CS5:
- tty_frame_size = 10;
- break;
-#if defined(CS6) && (CS6 != 0)
- case CS6:
- tty_frame_size = 12;
- break;
-#if defined(CS7) && (CS7 != 0)
- case CS7:
- tty_frame_size = 14;
- break;
-#if defined(CS8) && (CS8 != 0)
- case CS8:
- tty_frame_size = 16;
- break;
- }
- tty_frame_size += 2 +
- ((old_modes.c_cflag & PARENB) ? 2 : 0) +
- ((old_modes.c_cflag & CSTOPB) ? 4 : 2);
- tty_frame_size = 6 +
- (old_modes.sg_flags & PASS8) ? 16 : 14;
-** stty_query(question)
-** Does the current driver settings have this property?
-stty_query(int q)
- switch (q) {
- case TTY_NOECHO:
- return TTY_IS_NOECHO;
- return TTY_IS_OUT_TRANS;
- return TTY_IS_CHAR_MODE;
- }
- return (-1);
-** initial_stty_query(question)
-** Did the initial driver settings have this property?
-initial_stty_query(int q)
- switch (q) {
- case TTY_8_BIT:
- return TTY_WAS_CS8;
- case TTY_XON_XOFF:
- return TTY_WAS_XON_XOFF;
- }
- return (-1);
-#if HAVE_SELECT && defined(FD_ZERO)
-static int
- int n;
- fd_set ifds;
- struct timeval tv;
- FD_ZERO(&ifds);
- FD_SET(fileno(stdin), &ifds);
- tv.tv_sec = 0;
- tv.tv_usec = 200000;
- n = select(fileno(stdin)+1, &ifds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
- return (n != 0);
-#ifdef FIONREAD
- int i, j;
- /* the following loop has to be tuned for each computer */
- for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
- ioctl(fileno(stdin), FIONREAD, &i);
- if (i)
- return i;
- }
- return i;
-#if defined(__BEOS__)
- int n = 0;
- int howmany = ioctl(0, 'ichr', &n);
- return (howmany >= 0 && n > 0);
-#define char_ready() 1
-** spin_flush()
-** Wait for the input stream to stop.
-** Throw away all input characters.
- unsigned char buf[64];
- fflush(stdout);
- event_start(TIME_FLUSH); /* start the timer */
- do {
- if (char_ready()) {
- (void) read(fileno(stdin), &buf, sizeof(buf));
- }
- } while (event_time(TIME_FLUSH) < 400000);
-** read_key(input-buffer, length-of-buffer)
-** read one function key from the input stream.
-** A null character is converted to 0x80.
-read_key(char *buf, int max)
- int got, ask, i, l;
- char *s;
- *buf = '\0';
- s = buf;
- fflush(stdout);
- /* ATT unix may return 0 or 1, Berkeley Unix should be 1 */
- while (read(fileno(stdin), s, 1) == 0);
- ++s;
- --max;
- while (max > 0 && (ask = char_ready())) {
- if (ask > max) {
- ask = max;
- }
- if ((got = read(fileno(stdin), s, (unsigned) ask))) {
- s += got;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- max -= got;
- }
- *s = '\0';
- l = s - buf;
- for (s = buf, i = 0; i < l; i++) {
- if ((*s & 0x7f) == 0) {
- /* convert nulls to 0x80 */
- *(unsigned char *)s = 128;
- } else {
- /* strip high order bits (if any) */
- *s &= char_mask;
- }
- }
- /* ignore signals */
- signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
- signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
- signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
- signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
- /*
- onintr( )
- is the interrupt handling routine onintr turns off interrupts while doing
- clean-up
- onintr always exits fatally
- */
-onintr(int sig GCC_UNUSED)
- ignoresig();
- tty_reset();
- exit(1);
- /*
- catchsig( )
- set up to field interrupts (via function onintr( )) so that if interrupted
- we can restore the correct terminal modes
- catchsig simply returns
- */
- if ((signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN)) == SIG_DFL)
- signal(SIGINT, onintr);
- if ((signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN)) == SIG_DFL)
- signal(SIGHUP, onintr);
- if ((signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN)) == SIG_DFL)
- signal(SIGQUIT, onintr);
- if ((signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN)) == SIG_DFL)
- signal(SIGTERM, onintr);
-** alarm_event(sig)
-** Come here for an alarm event
-static void
- int sig GCC_UNUSED)
- no_alarm_event = 0;
-** set_alarm_clock(seconds)
-** Set the alarm clock to fire in <seconds>
- int seconds)
- signal(SIGALRM, alarm_event);
- no_alarm_event = 1;
- (void) alarm((unsigned) seconds);
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/tack.1 b/contrib/ncurses/tack/tack.1
deleted file mode 100644
index dcab18f..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/tack.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-.\" Copyright (c) 1998-2005,2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. *
-.\" *
-.\" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *
-.\" copy of this software and associated documentation files (the *
-.\" "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including *
-.\" without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, *
-.\" distribute, distribute with modifications, sublicense, and/or sell *
-.\" copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is *
-.\" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *
-.\" *
-.\" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *
-.\" in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *
-.\" *
-.\" *
-.\" Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright *
-.\" holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the *
-.\" sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written *
-.\" authorization. *
-.\" $Id: tack.1,v 1.3 2006/04/22 22:26:55 tom Exp $
-.TH tack 1M ""
-.ds n 5
-.ds d @TERMINFO@
-\fBtack\fR - \fIterminfo\fR action checker
-\fBtack\fR [-itV] [term]
-The \fBtack\fR program has three purposes:
-(1) to help you build a new terminfo entry describing an unknown terminal,
-(2) to test the correctness of an existing entry, and
-(3) to develop the correct pad timings needed to ensure that screen updates
-don't fall behind the incoming data stream.
-\fBTack\fR presents a series of screen-painting and interactive
-tests in ways which are intended to make any mismatches between the
-terminfo entry and reality visually obvious.
-\fBTack\fR also provides tools that can help in understanding how
-the terminal operates.
-.I "\-i"
-Usually \fBtack\fR will send the reset and init strings to the terminal
-when the program starts up. The \fI-i\fR option will inhibit the
-terminal initialization.
-.I "\-t"
-Tell \fBtack\fR to override the terminfo settings for basic terminal
-functions. When this option is set \fBtack\fR will translate
-(cr) to \\r, (cud1) to \\n, (ind) to \\n, (nel) to \\r\\n,
-(cub1) to \\b, (bel) to \\007, (ff) to \\f and (ht) to \\t.
-.I "\-V"
-Display the version information and exit.
-.I "term"
-Terminfo terminal name to be tested. If not present then the $TERM
-environment variable will be used.
-Since \fBtack\fR is designed to test terminfo's it is not possible
-to rely on the correctness of the terminfo data base. Because of this
-the menuing system used with \fBtack\fR is vary primitive. When a
-menu is printed it will scroll the entire screen. To compensate
-for this verbose menu system \fBtack\fR permits menu selection
-type ahead.
-If you already know what action you would like \fBtack\fR to perform
-then you can enter that value immediately and avoid the menu display.
-When in doubt the question mark (?) is a good character to type.
-A carriage return will execute the default action. These default
-actions are designed to run all the standard tests.
-When \fBtack\fR first comes up it will display some basic information
-about the terminal. Take some time to verify this information.
-If it is wrong many of the subsequent tests will fail. The most
-important item is the screen size. If the screen size is wrong there
-is no point in proceeding. (home) and (clear) are also critical
-to the success of subsequent tests. The values of (cr) (ind)
-(cub1) and (ht) may effect the tests if they are defined incorrectly.
-If they are undefined \fBtack\fR will set them to reasonable defaults.
-The last two entries on the display are the enquire and acknowledge strings.
-These strings are taken from the user strings (u9) and (u8).
-By now you must be wondering why the terminfo names are enclosed
-in parenthesis. This has no profound meaning other than it makes
-them stand out. The \fBtack\fR program uses this convention any time
-it displays a terminfo name. Remember \fBtack\fR is designed to
-rely on as little of the terminfo entry as possible.
-\fBTack\fR has a number of tools that are designed to help gather
-information about the terminal. Although these functions are not
-dependent on terminal type, you may wish to execute \fBtack\fR
-with options \fI\-it\fR. This will turn off initialization
-and default the standard entries.
-These tools may be reached from the main menu by selecting
-the 'tools' entry.
-\fBEcho tool\fR: All data typed from the keyboard will be echoed back
-to the terminal. Control characters are not translated to the up arrow format
-but are sent as control characters. This allows you to test an escape
-sequence and see what it actually does. You may also elect to
-\fBenable hex output on echo tool\fR this will echo the characters in
-hexadecimal. Once the test is running you may enter the 'lines'
-or 'columns' keywords which will display a pattern that will help
-you determine your screen size. A complete list of keywords will
-be displayed when the test starts. Type 'help' to redisplay
-the list of available commands.
-\fBReply tool\fR: This tool acts much like the echo tool, but
-control characters that are sent from the terminal more than one character
-after a carriage return will be expanded to the up arrow format. For example
-on a standard ANSI terminal you may type:
- CR ESC [ c
-and the response will be echoed as something like:
- ^[ [ ? 6 c
-\fBANSI sgr display\fR: This test assumes you have an ANSI terminal. It
-goes through attribute numbers 0 to 79, displaying each in turn and using that
-SGR number to write the text. This shows you which of the SGR
-modes are actually implemented by the terminal. Note: some terminals (such as
-Tektronix color) use the private use characters to augment the functionality of
-the SGR command. These private use characters may be interjected into the
-escape sequence by typing the character ( <, =, >, ? ) after the original
-display has been shown.
-\fBANSI status reports\fR: This test queries the terminal in standard
-ANSI/VT-100 fashion. The results of this test may help
-determine what options are supported by your terminal.
-\fBANSI character sets\fR: This test displays the character sets
-available on a ANSI/VT-100 style terminal.
-Character sets on a real VT-100 terminal are usually defined
-with smacs=\\E(0 and rmacs=\\E(B. The first character after the
-escape defines the font bank. The second character defines the
-character set. This test allows you to view any of the possible
-combinations. Private use character sets are defined by the digits.
-Standard character sets are located in the alphabetic range.
-You can verify the correctness of an entry with the `begin testing'
-function. This entry is the default action and will be chosen
-if you hit carriage return (or enter). This will bring up a
-secondary menu that allows you to select more specific tests.
-The general philosophy of the program is, for each capability, to send an
-appropriate test pattern to the terminal then send a description of
-what the user should expect. Occasionally (as when checking function-key
-capabilities) the program will ask you to enter input for it to check.
-If the test fails then you have the option of dynamically changing
-the terminfo entry and re-running the test. This is done with
-the 'edit terminfo' menu item. The edit submenu allows you to change
-the offending terminfo entry and immediately retest the capability.
-The edit menu lets you do other things with the terminfo, such as;
-display the entire terminfo entry,
-display which caps have been tested and display which caps cannot
-be tested. This menu also allows you to write the newly modified
-terminfo to disc. If you have made any modifications to the
-terminfo \fBtack\fR will ask you if you want to save the file
-to disc before it exits. The filename will be the same as the terminal name.
-After the program exits you can run the tic(1M) compiler on the
-new terminfo to install it in the terminfo data base.
-.SS Theory of Overruns and Padding
-Some terminals require significant amounts of time (that is, more than one
-transmitted-character interval) to do screen updates that change large
-portions of the screen, such as screen clears, line insertions,
-line deletions, and scrolls (including scrolls triggered by line feeds
-or a write to the lowest, right-hand-most cell of the screen).
-If the computer continues to send characters to the terminal while one
-of these time-consuming operations is going on, the screen may be garbled.
-Since the length of a character transmission time varies inversely with
-transmission speed in cps, entries which function at lower speeds may
-break at higher speeds.
-Similar problems result if the host machine is simply sending characters at a
-sustained rate faster than the terminal can buffer and process them. In either
-case, when the terminal cannot process them and can't tell the host to stop
-soon enough, it will just drop them. The dropped characters could be text,
-escape sequences or the escape character itself, causing some really
-strange-looking displays. This kind of glitch is called an \fIoverrun\fR.
-In terminfo entries, you can attach a \fBpad time\fR to each string capability
-that is a number of milliseconds to delay after sending it. This will give
-the terminal time to catch up and avoid overruns.
-If you are running a software terminal emulator, or you are on an X pseudo-tty,
-or your terminal is on an RS-232C line which correctly handles RTS/CTS
-hardware flow control, then pads are not strictly necessary. However, some
-display packages (such as ncurses(3X)) use the pad counts to calculate
-the fastest way to implement certain functions.
-For example: scrolling the screen may be faster than deleting the top line.
-One common way to avoid overruns is with XON/XOFF handshaking.
-But even this handshake may have problems at high baud rates.
-This is a result of the way XON/XOFF works. The terminal tells
-the host to stop with an XOFF. When the host gets this character, it stops
-sending. However, there is a small amount of time between the stop request and
-the actual stop. During this window, the terminal must continue to accept
-characters even though it has told the host to stop. If the terminal sends
-the stop request too late, then its internal buffer will overflow. If it sends
-the stop character too early, then the terminal is not getting the most
-efficient use out of its internal buffers. In a real application at high baud
-rates, a terminal could get a dozen or more characters before the host gets
-around to suspending transmission. Connecting the terminal over a network
-will make the problem much worse.
-(RTS/CTS handshaking does not have this problem because the UARTs are
-signal-connected and the "stop flow" is done at the lowest level, without
-software intervention).
-.SS Timing your terminal
-In order to get accurate timings from your terminal \fBtack\fR
-needs to know when the terminal has finished processing all the
-characters that were sent. This requires a different type of handshaking
-than the XON/XOFF that is supported by most terminals. \fBTack\fR
-needs to send a request to the terminal and wait for its reply.
-Many terminals will respond with an ACK when they receive an ENQ.
-This is the preferred method since the sequence is short.
-ANSI/VT-100 style terminals can mimic this handshake with the
-escape sequence that requests 'primary device attributes'.
- ESC [ c
-The terminal will respond with a sequence like:
- ESC [ ? 1 ; 0 c
-\fBTack\fR assumes that (u9) is the enquire sequence and that (u8) is the
-acknowledge string. A VT-100 style terminal could set u9=\\E[c
-and u8=\\E[?1;0c.
-Acknowledge strings fall into two categories.
-1) Strings with a unique terminating character and,
-2) strings of fixed length.
-The acknowledge string for the VT-100 is of the first type since
-it always ends with the letter 'c'. Some Tektronics terminals
-have fixed length acknowledge strings. \fBTack\fR supports both
-types of strings by scanning for the terminating character until
-the length of the expected acknowledge string has arrived.
-(u8) should be set to some typical acknowledge that will be
-returned when (u9) is sent.
-\fBTack\fR will test this sequence before running any of the pad
-tests or the function key tests. \fBTack\fR will ask you the following:
- Hit lower case g to start testing...
-After it sends this message it will send the enquire string.
-It will then read characters from the terminal until it sees the
-letter g.
-.SS Testing and Repairing Pad Timings
-The pad timings in distributed terminfo entries are often incorrect. One
-major motivation for this program is to make it relatively easy to tune these
-You can verify and edit the pad timings for a terminal with
-the `test string capabilities'
-function (this is also part of the `normal test sequence' function).
-The key to determining pad times is to find out the effective baud rate of
-the terminal. The effective baud rate determines the number of characters
-per second that the terminal can accept without either handshaking or
-losing data. This rate is frequently less than the nominal cps rate on the
-RS-232 line.
-\fBTack\fR uses the effective baud rate to judge the duration of the test and
-how much a particular escape sequence will perturb the terminal.
-Each pad test has two associated variables that can be tweaked to help verify
-the correctness of the pad timings. One is the pad test length. The other is
-the pad multiplier, which is used if the pad prefix includes `*'. In curses
-use, it is often the first parameter of the capability (if there is one).
-For a capability like (dch) or (il) this will be the number of character
-positions or lines affected, respectively.
-\fBTack\fR will run the pad tests and display the results to the terminal.
-On capabilities that have multipliers \fBtack\fR will not tell you
-if the pad needs the multiplier or not. You must make this decision
-yourself by rerunning the test with a different multiplier.
-If the padding changes in proportion to the multiplier than the
-multiplier is required. If the multiplier has little or no effect on
-the suggested padding then the multiplier is not needed.
-Some capabilities will take several runs to get a good feel for
-the correct values. You may wish to make the test longer
-to get more accurate results. System load will also effect the
-results (a heavily loaded system will not stress the
-terminal as much, possibly leading to pad timings that are too short).
-The tests done at the beginning of the program are assumed to be correct later
-in the code. In particular, \fBtack\fR displays the number of lines and
-columns indicated in the terminfo entry as part of its initial output.
-If these values are wrong a large number of tests will fail or give incorrect
-.TP 12
-If logging is enabled then all characters written to the terminal
-will also be written to the log file. This gives you the ability
-to see how the tests were performed. This feature is disabled by default.
-.TP 12
-.I "term"
-If you make changes to the terminfo entry \fBtack\fR will save
-the new terminfo to a file. The file will have the same name
-as the terminal name.
-\fBterminfo\fR(\*n), \fBncurses\fR(3X), \fBtic\fR(1M), \fBinfocmp\fR(1M).
-You should also have the documentation supplied by the terminal
-If the screen size is incorrect, many of the tests will fail.
-Concept, design, and original implementation by
-Daniel Weaver <>. Portions of the code and
-documentation are by Eric S. Raymond <>.
-.\"# The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS
-.\"# Local Variables:
-.\"# mode:nroff
-.\"# fill-column:79
-.\"# End:
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/tack.c b/contrib/ncurses/tack/tack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 946a2fb..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/tack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include <tack.h>
-MODULE_ID("$Id: tack.c,v 1.4 2005/09/17 19:49:16 tom Exp $")
- This program is designed to test terminfo, not curses. Therefore
- I have used as little of curses as possible.
- Pads associated with the following capabilities are used to set
- delay times in the handler: (cr), (ind), (cub1), (ff), (tab).
- I use the (nxon) capability to set the tty handler with/without
- xon/xoff. If (smxon)/(rmxon) is defined I will change the terminal
- too.
- (xon) inhibits the sending of delay characters in putp().
- If the terminal is defined with no padding then the (xon) boolean
- is a don't care. In this case I recommend that it be reset.
- */
- *
- * Option processing
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-/* options and modes */
-int debug_level; /* debugging level */
-int translate_mode; /* translate tab, bs, cr, lf, ff */
-int scan_mode; /* use scan codes */
-int char_mask; /* either 0xFF else 0x7F, eight bit data mask */
-int select_delay_type; /* set handler delays for <cr><lf> */
-int select_xon_xoff; /* TTY driver XON/XOFF mode select */
-int hex_out; /* Display output in hex */
-int send_reset_init; /* Send the reset and initialization strings */
-FILE *log_fp; /* Terminal logfile */
- *
- * Menu definitions
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-static void tools_hex_echo(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void tools_debug(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static char hex_echo_menu_entry[80];
-static struct test_list tools_test_list[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "s) ANSI status reports", tools_status, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "g) ANSI SGR modes (bold, underline, reverse)", tools_sgr, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "c) ANSI character sets", tools_charset, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, hex_echo_menu_entry, tools_hex_echo, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "e) echo tool", tools_report, 0},
- {1, 0, 0, 0, "r) reply tool", tools_report, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "p) performance testing", 0, &sync_menu},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "i) send reset and init", menu_reset_init, 0},
- {0, 0, "u8) (u9", 0, "u) test ENQ/ACK handshake", sync_handshake, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "d) change debug level", tools_debug, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-static struct test_menu tools_menu = {
- 0, 'q', 0, "Tools Menu", "tools",
- 0, 0, tools_test_list, 0, 0, 0
-static void tty_width(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void tty_delay(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void tty_xon(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void tty_trans(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void tty_show_state(struct test_menu *);
-static char tty_width_menu[80];
-static char tty_delay_menu[80];
-static char tty_xon_menu[80];
-static char tty_trans_menu[80];
-static char enable_xon_xoff[] = {"x) enable xon/xoff"};
-static char disable_xon_xoff[] = {"x) disable xon/xoff"};
-static struct test_list tty_test_list[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0, tty_width_menu, tty_width, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, tty_delay_menu, tty_delay, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, tty_xon_menu, tty_xon, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, tty_trans_menu, tty_trans, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-static struct test_menu tty_menu = {
- 0, 'q', 0, "Terminal and driver configuration",
- "tty", 0,
- tty_show_state, tty_test_list, 0, 0, 0
-struct test_menu edit_menu = {
- 0, 'q', 0, "Edit terminfo menu",
- "edit", 0,
- 0, edit_test_list, 0, 0, 0
-static struct test_menu mode_menu = {
- 0, 'n', 0, "Test modes and glitches:",
- "mode", "n) run standard tests",
- 0, mode_test_list, 0, 0, 0
-static struct test_menu acs_menu = {
- 0, 'n', 0,
- "Test alternate character set and graphics rendition:",
- "acs", "n) run standard tests",
- 0, acs_test_list, 0, 0, 0
-static struct test_menu color_menu = {
- 0, 'n', 0,
- "Test color:",
- "color", "n) run standard tests",
- 0, color_test_list, 0, 0, 0
-static struct test_menu crum_menu = {
- 0, 'n', 0,
- "Test cursor movement:",
- "move", "n) run standard tests",
- 0, crum_test_list, 0, 0, 0
-static struct test_menu funkey_menu = {
- 0, 'n', 0,
- "Test function keys:",
- "fkey", "n) run standard tests",
- sync_test, funkey_test_list, 0, 0, 0
-static struct test_menu printer_menu = {
- 0, 'n', 0,
- "Test printer:",
- "printer", "n) run standard tests",
- 0, printer_test_list, 0, 0, 0
-static void pad_gen(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static struct test_menu pad_menu = {
- 0, 'n', 0,
- "Test padding and string capabilities:",
- "pad", "n) run standard tests",
- sync_test, pad_test_list, 0, 0, 0
-static struct test_list normal_test_list[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "e) edit terminfo", 0, &edit_menu},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "i) send reset and init", menu_reset_init, 0},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, 0, 0, "x) test modes and glitches", 0, &mode_menu},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, 0, 0, "a) test alternate character set and graphic rendition", 0, &acs_menu},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, 0, 0, "c) test color", 0, &color_menu},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, 0, 0, "m) test cursor movement", 0, &crum_menu},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, 0, 0, "f) test function keys", 0, &funkey_menu},
- {MENU_NEXT, 0, 0, 0, "p) test padding and string capabilities", 0, &pad_menu},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "P) test printer", 0, &printer_menu},
- {MENU_MENU, 0, 0, 0, "/) test a specific capability", 0, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "t) auto generate pad delays", pad_gen, &pad_menu},
- {0, 0, "u8) (u9", 0, 0, sync_handshake, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-static struct test_menu normal_menu = {
- 0, 'n', 0, "Main test menu",
- "test", "n) run standard tests",
- 0, normal_test_list, 0, 0, 0
-static void start_tools(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void start_modes(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void start_basic(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static void start_log(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-static char logging_menu_entry[80] = "l) start logging";
-static struct test_list start_test_list[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "b) display basic information", start_basic, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "m) change modes", start_modes, 0},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "t) tools", start_tools, 0},
- {MENU_COMPLETE, 0, 0, 0, "n) begin testing", 0, &normal_menu},
- {0, 0, 0, 0, logging_menu_entry, start_log, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-static struct test_menu start_menu = {
- 0, 'n', 0, "Main Menu", "tack", 0,
- 0, start_test_list, 0, 0, 0
-static struct test_list write_terminfo_list[] = {
- {0, 0, 0, 0, "w) write the current terminfo to a file", save_info, 0},
- {MENU_LAST, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
- *
- * Menu command interpretation.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-** tools_hex_echo(testlist, state, ch)
-** Flip the hex echo flag.
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch GCC_UNUSED)
- if (hex_out) {
- hex_out = FALSE;
- strcpy(hex_echo_menu_entry,
- "h) enable hex output on echo tool");
- } else {
- hex_out = TRUE;
- strcpy(hex_echo_menu_entry,
- "h) disable hex output on echo tool");
- }
-** tools_debug(testlist, state, ch)
-** Change the debug level.
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- char buf[32];
- ptext("Enter a new value: ");
- read_string(buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (buf[0]) {
- sscanf(buf, "%d", &debug_level);
- }
- sprintf(temp, "Debug level is now %d", debug_level);
- ptext(temp);
-** start_tools(testlist, state, ch)
-** Run the generic test tools
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch GCC_UNUSED)
- if (hex_out) {
- strcpy(hex_echo_menu_entry,
- "h) disable hex output on echo tool");
- } else {
- strcpy(hex_echo_menu_entry,
- "h) enable hex output on echo tool");
- }
- menu_display(&tools_menu, 0);
-** tty_show_state()
-** Display the current state on the tty driver settings
-static void
- struct test_menu *menu GCC_UNUSED)
- put_crlf();
- (void) sprintf(temp,
- "Accepting %d bits, UNIX delays %d, XON/XOFF %sabled, speed %u, translate %s, scan-code mode %s.",
- (char_mask == ALLOW_PARITY) ? 8 : 7,
- select_delay_type,
- select_xon_xoff ? "en" : "dis",
- tty_baud_rate,
- translate_mode ? "on" : "off",
- scan_mode ? "on" : "off");
- ptextln(temp);
- put_crlf();
-** tty_width(testlist, state, ch)
-** Change the character width
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch GCC_UNUSED)
- if (char_mask == STRIP_PARITY) {
- char_mask = ALLOW_PARITY;
- strcpy(tty_width_menu, "7) treat terminal as 7-bit");
- } else {
- char_mask = STRIP_PARITY;
- strcpy(tty_width_menu, "8) treat terminal as 8-bit");
- }
-** tty_delay(testlist, state, ch)
-** Change the delay for <cr><lf> in the TTY driver
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch GCC_UNUSED)
- if (select_delay_type) {
- select_delay_type = FALSE;
- strcpy(tty_delay_menu,
- "d) enable UNIX tty driver delays for <cr><lf>");
- } else {
- select_delay_type = TRUE;
- strcpy(tty_delay_menu,
- "d) disable UNIX tty driver delays for <cr><lf>");
- }
-** tty_xon(testlist, state, ch)
-** Change the XON/XOFF flags in the TTY driver
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch GCC_UNUSED)
- if (select_xon_xoff) {
- if (needs_xon_xoff) {
- ptextln("This terminal is marked as needing XON/XOFF protocol with (nxon)");
- }
- if (exit_xon_mode) {
- tc_putp(exit_xon_mode);
- }
- xon_xoff = select_xon_xoff = FALSE;
- strcpy(tty_xon_menu, enable_xon_xoff);
- } else {
- if (enter_xon_mode) {
- tc_putp(enter_xon_mode);
- }
- xon_xoff = select_xon_xoff = TRUE;
- strcpy(tty_xon_menu, disable_xon_xoff);
- }
- tty_set();
-** tty_trans(testlist, state, ch)
-** Change the translation mode for special characters
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch GCC_UNUSED)
- if (translate_mode) {
- translate_mode = FALSE;
- strcpy(tty_trans_menu,
- "t) use terminfo values for \\b\\f\\n\\r\\t");
- } else {
- translate_mode = TRUE;
- strcpy(tty_trans_menu,
- "t) override terminfo values for \\b\\f\\n\\r\\t");
- }
-** pad_gen(testlist, state, ch)
-** Menu function for automatic pad generation
-static void
- struct test_list *t,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- control_init();
- if (tty_can_sync == SYNC_NOT_TESTED) {
- verify_time();
- }
- auto_pad_mode = TRUE;
- menu_display(t->sub_menu, ch);
- auto_pad_mode = FALSE;
-** start_modes(testlist, state, ch)
-** Change the TTY modes
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch GCC_UNUSED)
- if (select_delay_type) {
- strcpy(tty_delay_menu,
- "d) disable UNIX tty driver delays for <cr><lf>");
- } else {
- strcpy(tty_delay_menu,
- "d) enable UNIX tty driver delays for <cr><lf>");
- }
- if (char_mask == ALLOW_PARITY) {
- strcpy(tty_width_menu,
- "7) treat terminal as 7-bit");
- } else {
- strcpy(tty_width_menu,
- "8) treat terminal as 8-bit");
- }
- if (select_xon_xoff) {
- strcpy(tty_xon_menu, disable_xon_xoff);
- } else {
- strcpy(tty_xon_menu, enable_xon_xoff);
- }
- if (translate_mode) {
- strcpy(tty_trans_menu,
- "t) override terminfo values for \\b\\f\\n\\r\\t");
- } else {
- strcpy(tty_trans_menu,
- "t) use terminfo values for \\b\\f\\n\\r\\t");
- }
- menu_display(&tty_menu, 0);
- tty_set();
-** start_basic(testlist, state, ch)
-** Display basic terminal information
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch)
- display_basic();
-** start_log(testlist, state, ch)
-** Start/stop in logging function
-static void
- struct test_list *t GCC_UNUSED,
- int *state GCC_UNUSED,
- int *ch GCC_UNUSED)
- if (logging_menu_entry[5] == 'a') {
- ptextln("The log file will capture all characters sent to the terminal.");
- if ((log_fp = fopen("tack.log", "w"))) {
- ptextln("Start logging to file: tack.log");
- strcpy(logging_menu_entry, "l) stop logging");
- } else {
- ptextln("File open error: tack.log");
- }
- } else {
- if (log_fp) {
- fclose(log_fp);
- log_fp = 0;
- }
- ptextln("Terminal output logging stopped.");
- strcpy(logging_menu_entry, "l) start logging");
- }
-** show_usage()
-** Tell the user how its done.
- char *name)
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-itV] [term]\n", name);
-** print_version()
-** Print version and other useful information.
- printf("tack version %d.%02d\n", MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION);
- printf("Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n");
- printf("Tack comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n");
- printf("You may redistribute copies of Tack under the terms of the\n");
- printf("GNU General Public License. For more information about\n");
- printf("these matters, see the file named COPYING.\n");
- *
- * Main sequence
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- int i, j;
- char *term_variable;
- /* scan the option flags */
- send_reset_init = TRUE;
- translate_mode = FALSE;
- term_variable = getenv("TERM");
- tty_can_sync = SYNC_NOT_TESTED;
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
- for (j = 1; argv[i][j]; j++) {
- switch (argv[i][j]) {
- case 'V':
- print_version();
- return (1);
- case 'i':
- send_reset_init = FALSE;
- break;
- case 't':
- translate_mode = FALSE;
- break;
- default:
- show_usage(argv[0]);
- return (0);
- }
- }
- } else {
- term_variable = argv[i];
- }
- }
- (void) strcpy(tty_basename, term_variable);
- curses_setup(argv[0]);
- menu_can_scan(&normal_menu); /* extract which caps can be tested */
- menu_display(&start_menu, 0);
- if (user_modified()) {
- sprintf(temp, "Hit y to save changes to file: %s ? ",
- tty_basename);
- ptext(temp);
- if (wait_here() == 'y') {
- save_info(write_terminfo_list, &i, &j);
- }
- }
- put_str("\nTerminal test complete\n");
- bye_kids(0);
- return (0);
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/tack/tack.h b/contrib/ncurses/tack/tack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 933f542..0000000
--- a/contrib/ncurses/tack/tack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-** This file is part of TACK.
-** TACK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-** any later version.
-** TACK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with TACK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-** Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-/* $Id: tack.h,v 1.16 2006/11/25 23:45:00 tom Exp $ */
-#ifndef NCURSES_TACK_H_incl
-#define NCURSES_TACK_H_incl 1
-/* terminfo action checker include file */
-#define MAJOR_VERSION 1
-#define MINOR_VERSION 1
-#include <ncurses_cfg.h>
-#define RETSIGTYPE void
-#define GCC_UNUSED /*nothing*/
-#define HAVE_SELECT 1
-#define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H 1
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <curses.h>
-#include <term_entry.h>
-#include <nc_tparm.h>
-#define MODULE_ID(id) static const char Ident[] = id;
-#define MODULE_ID(id) /*nothing*/
-extern char *_nc_strstr(const char *, const char *);
-#define strstr(h,n) _nc_strstr(h,n)
-#define CUR_TP (&(cur_term->type))
-#define STR_NAME(n) ExtStrname(CUR_TP,n,strnames)
-#define UChar(c) ((unsigned char)(c))
-extern FILE *log_fp;
-extern FILE *debug_fp;
-extern int debug_level;
-extern char temp[];
-extern char tty_basename[];
-extern char tty_shortname[];
-#define SYNC_FAILED 0
-#define SYNC_TESTED 1
-#define SYNC_NOT_TESTED 2
-#define SYNC_NEEDED 3
-extern int tty_can_sync;
-extern int total_pads_sent; /* count pad characters sent */
-extern int total_caps_sent; /* count caps sent */
-extern int total_printing_characters; /* count printing characters sent */
-extern int no_alarm_event; /* TRUE if the alarm has not gone off yet */
-extern unsigned long usec_run_time; /* length of last test in microseconds */
-extern int raw_characters_sent; /* Total output characters */
-/* Stopwatch event timers */
-#define TIME_TEST 0
-#define TIME_SYNC 1
-#define TIME_FLUSH 2
-#define MAX_TIMERS 3
-/* definitions for pad.c */
-#define EXIT_CONDITION (no_alarm_event && (tt_delay_used < tt_delay_max))
-#define SLOW_TERMINAL_EXIT if (!test_complete && !EXIT_CONDITION) { break; }
-#define CAP_NOT_FOUND if (auto_pad_mode) return
-extern char letters[26+1];
-#define NEXT_LETTER letter = letters[letter_number =\
- letters[letter_number + 1] ? letter_number + 1 : 0]
-extern int test_complete; /* counts number of tests completed */
-extern char letter;
-extern int letter_number;
-extern int augment, repeats;
-extern long char_sent;
-extern const char *pad_repeat_test; /* commands that force repeat */
-extern int replace_mode;
-extern int char_count, line_count, expand_chars;
-extern int can_go_home, can_clear_screen;
-extern int translate_mode, scan_mode;
-extern int auto_pad_mode; /* TRUE for auto time tests */
-extern int char_mask;
-extern int hex_out; /* Display output in hex */
-/* Parity bit macros */
-#define STRIP_PARITY 0x7f
-#define ALLOW_PARITY 0xff
-/* select_delay_type: 0 -> reset all delays
- 1 -> force long delays
- 2 -> do not change the delays */
-extern int select_delay_type;
-/* select_xon_xoff: 0 -> reset xon/xoff
- 1 -> set xon/xoff
- 2 -> do not change xon/xoff */
-extern int select_xon_xoff;
-extern int tty_frame_size;
-extern unsigned tty_baud_rate;
-extern unsigned long tty_cps; /* The number of characters per second */
-extern int not_a_tty, nodelay_read;
-extern int send_reset_init;
-/* definitions for stty_query() and initial_stty_query() */
-#define TTY_CHAR_MODE 0
-#define TTY_NOECHO 1
-#define TTY_OUT_TRANS 2
-#define TTY_8_BIT 3
-#define TTY_XON_XOFF 4
-/* scan code definitions */
-#define MAX_SCAN 256
-/* translate mode default strings */
-struct default_string_list {
- const char *name; /* terminfo name */
- const char *value; /* value of default string */
- int index; /* index into the strfname[] array */
-#define TM_last 8
-extern struct default_string_list TM_string[TM_last];
-/* attribute structure definition */
-struct mode_list {
- const char *name;
- const char *begin_mode;
- const char *end_mode;
- int number;
-extern const struct mode_list alt_modes[];
-extern const int mode_map[];
-/* Test data base */
-#define FLAG_CAN_TEST 1
-#define FLAG_TESTED 2
-#define FLAG_LABEL 4
-/* caps under test data base */
-#define TT_MAX 8
-#define MAX_CHANGES (TT_MAX+2)
-extern int tt_delay_max; /* max number of milliseconds we can delay */
-extern int tt_delay_used; /* number of milliseconds consumed in delay */
-extern const char *tt_cap[TT_MAX]; /* value of string */
-extern int tt_affected[TT_MAX]; /* lines or columns effected (repetition
- factor) */
-extern int tt_count[TT_MAX]; /* Number of times sent */
-extern int tt_delay[TT_MAX]; /* Number of milliseconds delay */
-extern int ttp; /* number of entries used */
-extern const char *tx_cap[TT_MAX]; /* value of string */
-extern int tx_affected[TT_MAX]; /* lines or columns effected (repetition
- factor) */
-extern int tx_count[TT_MAX]; /* Number of times sent */
-extern int tx_delay[TT_MAX]; /* Number of milliseconds delay */
-extern int tx_index[TT_MAX]; /* String index */
-extern int txp; /* number of entries used */
-extern int tx_characters; /* printing characters sent by test */
-extern unsigned long tx_cps; /* characters per second */
- Menu control for tack.
-struct test_results {
- struct test_results *next; /* point to next entry */
- struct test_list *test; /* Test which got these results */
- int reps; /* repeat count */
- int delay; /* delay times 10 */
-struct test_list {
- int flags; /* Test description flags */
- int lines_needed; /* Lines needed for test (0->no action) */
- const char *caps_done; /* Caps shown in Done message */
- const char *caps_tested; /* Other caps also being tested */
- const char *menu_entry; /* Menu entry text (optional) */
- /* Function that does testing */
- void (*test_procedure)(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
- struct test_menu *sub_menu; /* Nested sub-menu */
-struct test_menu {
- int flags; /* Menu feature flag */
- int default_action; /* Default command if <cr> <lf> entered */
- const char *menu_text; /* Describe this test_menu */
- const char *menu_title; /* Title for the menu */
- const char *ident; /* short menu name */
- const char *standard_tests; /* Standard test text */
- /* print current settings (optional) */
- void (*menu_function)(struct test_menu *);
- struct test_list *tests; /* Pointer to the menu/function pairs */
- struct test_list *resume_tests; /* Standard test resume point */
- int resume_state; /* resume state of test group */
- int resume_char; /* resume ch of test group */
-/* menu flags */
-#define MENU_100c 0x00001a00 /* Augment 100% of columns */
-#define MENU_90c 0x00001900 /* Augment 90% of columns */
-#define MENU_80c 0x00001800 /* Augment 80% of columns */
-#define MENU_70c 0x00001700 /* Augment 70% of columns */
-#define MENU_60c 0x00001600 /* Augment 60% of columns */
-#define MENU_50c 0x00001500 /* Augment 50% of columns */
-#define MENU_40c 0x00001400 /* Augment 40% of columns */
-#define MENU_30c 0x00001300 /* Augment 30% of columns */
-#define MENU_20c 0x00001200 /* Augment 20% of columns */
-#define MENU_10c 0x00001100 /* Augment 10% of columns */
-#define MENU_LM1 0x00002e00 /* Augment lines - 1 */
-#define MENU_100l 0x00002a00 /* Augment 100% of lines */
-#define MENU_90l 0x00002900 /* Augment 90% of lines */
-#define MENU_50l 0x00002500 /* Augment 50% of lines */
-#define MENU_lines 0x00002000 /* Augment of lines */
-#define MENU_columns 0x00001000 /* Augment of columns */
-#define MENU_LC_MASK 0x00003000 /* Augment mask for lines and columns */
-#define MENU_1L 0x00002f00 /* Augment == one */
-#define MENU_1C 0x00001f00 /* Augment == one */
-#define MENU_ONE 0x00000f00 /* Augment == one */
-#define MENU_ONE_MASK 0x00000f00 /* Augment == one mask */
-#define MENU_REP_MASK 0x00003f00 /* Augment mask */
-#define MENU_CLEAR 0x00010000 /* clear screen */
-#define MENU_INIT 0x00020000 /* Initialization function */
-#define MENU_NEXT 0x00040000 /* Next test in sequence */
-#define MENU_LAST 0x00080000 /* End of menu list */
-#define MENU_STOP 0x00100000 /* Stop testing next-in-sequence */
-#define MENU_COMPLETE 0x00200000 /* Test complete after this */
-#define MENU_MENU 0x00400000 /* Pass the menu name not test name */
-#define REQUEST_PROMPT 256
-/* tack.c */
-extern struct test_menu edit_menu;
-extern void show_usage(char *);
-extern void print_version(void);
-/* output.c */
-extern char *expand(const char *);
-extern char *expand_command(const char *);
-extern char *expand_to(char *, int);
-extern char *hex_expand_to(char *, int);
-extern char *print_expand(char *);
-extern int getchp(int);
-extern int getnext(int);
-extern int tc_putch(int);
-extern int tc_putp(const char *);
-extern int wait_here(void);
-extern void go_home(void);
-extern void home_down(void);
-extern void maybe_wait(int);
-extern void ptext(const char *);
-extern void ptextln(const char *);
-extern void put_clear(void);
-extern void put_columns(const char *, int, int);
-extern void put_cr(void);
-extern void put_crlf(void);
-extern void put_dec(char *, int);
-extern void put_ind(void);
-extern void put_lf(void);
-extern void put_newlines(int);
-extern void put_str(const char *);
-extern void put_this(int);
-extern void putchp(int);
-extern void putln(const char *);
-extern void read_string(char *, int);
-extern void three_digit(char *, int);
-extern void tt_putp(const char *);
-extern void tt_putparm(NCURSES_CONST char *, int, int, int);
-extern void tt_tputs(const char *, int);
-#define put_that(n) put_this((int) (n))
-/* control.c */
-extern struct test_list color_test_list[];
-extern char *liberated(char *);
-extern char txt_longer_augment[80];
-extern char txt_longer_test_time[80];
-extern char txt_shorter_augment[80];
-extern char txt_shorter_test_time[80];
-extern int msec_cost(const char *const, int);
-extern int skip_pad_test(struct test_list *, int *, int *, const char *);
-extern int sliding_scale(int, int, unsigned long);
-extern int still_testing(void);
-extern long event_time(int);
-extern void control_init(void);
-extern void dump_test_stats(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-extern void event_start(int);
-extern void longer_augment(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-extern void longer_test_time(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-extern void pad_test_shutdown(struct test_list *, int);
-extern void pad_test_startup(int);
-extern void page_loop(void);
-extern void set_augment_txt(void);
-extern void shorter_augment(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-extern void shorter_test_time(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-/* charset.c */
-extern struct test_list acs_test_list[];
-extern void set_attr(int);
-extern void eat_cookie(void);
-extern void put_mode(char *);
-/* crum.c */
-extern struct test_list crum_test_list[];
-/* ansi.c */
-extern void tools_status(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-extern void tools_charset(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-extern void tools_sgr(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-/* edit.c */
-extern struct test_menu change_pad_menu;
-extern struct test_list edit_test_list[];
-extern char *get_string_cap_byname(const char *, const char **);
-extern int cap_match(const char *names, const char *cap);
-extern int get_string_cap_byvalue(const char *);
-extern int user_modified(void);
-extern void can_test(const char *, int);
-extern void cap_index(const char *, int *);
-extern void edit_init(void);
-extern void save_info(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-extern void show_report(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-/* fun.c */
-extern struct test_list funkey_test_list[];
-extern struct test_list printer_test_list[];
-extern void enter_key(const char *, char *, char *);
-extern int tty_meta_prep(void);
-extern void tools_report(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-/* init.c */
-extern void reset_init(void);
-extern void display_basic(void);
-extern void put_name(const char *, const char *);
-extern void charset_can_test(void);
-extern void curses_setup(char *);
-extern void bye_kids(int);
-/* scan.c */
-extern char **scan_up, **scan_down, **scan_name;
-extern int scan_key(void);
-extern unsigned scan_max; /* length of longest scan code */
-extern unsigned *scan_tested, *scan_length;
-extern void scan_init(char *fn);
-/* sysdep.c */
-extern int initial_stty_query(int);
-extern int stty_query(int);
-extern void ignoresig(void);
-extern void read_key(char *, int);
-extern void set_alarm_clock(int);
-extern void spin_flush(void);
-extern void tty_init(void);
-extern void tty_raw(int, int);
-extern void tty_reset(void);
-extern void tty_set(void);
-/* menu.c */
-extern char prompt_string[80]; /* menu prompt storage */
-extern int subtest_menu(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-extern struct test_list *augment_test;
-extern void generic_done_message(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-extern void menu_can_scan(const struct test_menu *);
-extern void menu_clear_screen(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-extern void menu_display(struct test_menu *, int *);
-extern void menu_prompt(void);
-extern void menu_reset_init(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-extern void pad_done_message(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-/* modes.c */
-extern struct test_list mode_test_list[];
-/* pad.c */
-extern struct test_list pad_test_list[];
-/* sync.c */
-extern struct test_menu sync_menu;
-extern int tty_sync_error(void);
-extern void flush_input(void);
-extern void sync_handshake(struct test_list *, int *, int *);
-extern void sync_test(struct test_menu *);
-extern void verify_time(void);
-#endif /* NCURSES_TACK_H_incl */
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