path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest
diff options
authordim <>2010-10-11 17:22:16 +0000
committerdim <>2010-10-11 17:22:16 +0000
commit1fc65a65fe54635d0e564559ba5a7b8a8a42d4d6 (patch)
treede75a464c5dac7eceb2dbbad8b4d4e1479d79e08 /contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest
parentf4f7191cd223adebacee3fad260ed60935be9cb9 (diff)
Remove more unneeded files and directories from contrib/llvm. This
still allows us to build tblgen and clang, and further reduces the footprint in the tree. Approved by: rpaulo (mentor)
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest')
13 files changed, 0 insertions, 1719 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100755
index c45a0c3..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,653 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from pprint import pprint
-import random, atexit, time
-from random import randrange
-import re
-from Enumeration import *
-from TypeGen import *
-class TypePrinter:
- def __init__(self, output, outputHeader=None,
- outputTests=None, outputDriver=None,
- headerName=None, info=None):
- self.output = output
- self.outputHeader = outputHeader
- self.outputTests = outputTests
- self.outputDriver = outputDriver
- self.writeBody = outputHeader or outputTests or outputDriver
- self.types = {}
- self.testValues = {}
- self.testReturnValues = {}
- self.layoutTests = []
- if info:
- for f in (self.output,self.outputHeader,self.outputTests,self.outputDriver):
- if f:
- print >>f,info
- if self.writeBody:
- print >>self.output, '#include <stdio.h>\n'
- if self.outputTests:
- print >>self.outputTests, '#include <stdio.h>'
- print >>self.outputTests, '#include <string.h>'
- print >>self.outputTests, '#include <assert.h>\n'
- if headerName:
- for f in (self.output,self.outputTests,self.outputDriver):
- if f is not None:
- print >>f, '#include "%s"\n'%(headerName,)
- if self.outputDriver:
- print >>self.outputDriver, '#include <stdio.h>'
- print >>self.outputDriver, '#include <stdlib.h>\n'
- print >>self.outputDriver, 'int main(int argc, char **argv) {'
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' int index = -1;'
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' if (argc > 1) index = atoi(argv[1]);'
- def finish(self):
- if self.layoutTests:
- print >>self.output, 'int main(int argc, char **argv) {'
- print >>self.output, ' int index = -1;'
- print >>self.output, ' if (argc > 1) index = atoi(argv[1]);'
- for i,f in self.layoutTests:
- print >>self.output, ' if (index == -1 || index == %d)' % i
- print >>self.output, ' %s();' % f
- print >>self.output, ' return 0;'
- print >>self.output, '}'
- if self.outputDriver:
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' printf("DONE\\n");'
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' return 0;'
- print >>self.outputDriver, '}'
- def getTypeName(self, T):
- if isinstance(T,BuiltinType):
- return
- name = self.types.get(T)
- if name is None:
- name = 'T%d'%(len(self.types),)
- # Reserve slot
- self.types[T] = None
- if self.outputHeader:
- print >>self.outputHeader,T.getTypedefDef(name, self)
- else:
- print >>self.output,T.getTypedefDef(name, self)
- if self.outputTests:
- print >>self.outputTests,T.getTypedefDef(name, self)
- self.types[T] = name
- return name
- def writeLayoutTest(self, i, ty):
- tyName = self.getTypeName(ty)
- tyNameClean = tyName.replace(' ','_').replace('*','star')
- fnName = 'test_%s' % tyNameClean
- print >>self.output,'void %s(void) {' % fnName
- self.printSizeOfType(' %s'%fnName, tyName, ty, self.output)
- self.printAlignOfType(' %s'%fnName, tyName, ty, self.output)
- self.printOffsetsOfType(' %s'%fnName, tyName, ty, self.output)
- print >>self.output,'}'
- print >>self.output
- self.layoutTests.append((i,fnName))
- def writeFunction(self, i, FT):
- args = ', '.join(['%s arg%d'%(self.getTypeName(t),i) for i,t in enumerate(FT.argTypes)])
- if not args:
- args = 'void'
- if FT.returnType is None:
- retvalName = None
- retvalTypeName = 'void'
- else:
- retvalTypeName = self.getTypeName(FT.returnType)
- if self.writeBody or self.outputTests:
- retvalName = self.getTestReturnValue(FT.returnType)
- fnName = 'fn%d'%(FT.index,)
- if self.outputHeader:
- print >>self.outputHeader,'%s %s(%s);'%(retvalTypeName, fnName, args)
- elif self.outputTests:
- print >>self.outputTests,'%s %s(%s);'%(retvalTypeName, fnName, args)
- print >>self.output,'%s %s(%s)'%(retvalTypeName, fnName, args),
- if self.writeBody:
- print >>self.output, '{'
- for i,t in enumerate(FT.argTypes):
- self.printValueOfType(' %s'%fnName, 'arg%d'%i, t)
- if retvalName is not None:
- print >>self.output, ' return %s;'%(retvalName,)
- print >>self.output, '}'
- else:
- print >>self.output, '{}'
- print >>self.output
- if self.outputDriver:
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' if (index == -1 || index == %d) {' % i
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' extern void test_%s(void);' % fnName
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' test_%s();' % fnName
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' }'
- if self.outputTests:
- if self.outputHeader:
- print >>self.outputHeader, 'void test_%s(void);'%(fnName,)
- if retvalName is None:
- retvalTests = None
- else:
- retvalTests = self.getTestValuesArray(FT.returnType)
- tests = map(self.getTestValuesArray, FT.argTypes)
- print >>self.outputTests, 'void test_%s(void) {'%(fnName,)
- if retvalTests is not None:
- print >>self.outputTests, ' printf("%s: testing return.\\n");'%(fnName,)
- print >>self.outputTests, ' for (int i=0; i<%d; ++i) {'%(retvalTests[1],)
- args = ', '.join(['%s[%d]'%(t,randrange(l)) for t,l in tests])
- print >>self.outputTests, ' %s RV;'%(retvalTypeName,)
- print >>self.outputTests, ' %s = %s[i];'%(retvalName, retvalTests[0])
- print >>self.outputTests, ' RV = %s(%s);'%(fnName, args)
- self.printValueOfType(' %s_RV'%fnName, 'RV', FT.returnType, output=self.outputTests, indent=4)
- self.checkTypeValues('RV', '%s[i]' % retvalTests[0], FT.returnType, output=self.outputTests, indent=4)
- print >>self.outputTests, ' }'
- if tests:
- print >>self.outputTests, ' printf("%s: testing arguments.\\n");'%(fnName,)
- for i,(array,length) in enumerate(tests):
- for j in range(length):
- args = ['%s[%d]'%(t,randrange(l)) for t,l in tests]
- args[i] = '%s[%d]'%(array,j)
- print >>self.outputTests, ' %s(%s);'%(fnName, ', '.join(args),)
- print >>self.outputTests, '}'
- def getTestReturnValue(self, type):
- typeName = self.getTypeName(type)
- info = self.testReturnValues.get(typeName)
- if info is None:
- name = '%s_retval'%(typeName.replace(' ','_').replace('*','star'),)
- print >>self.output, '%s %s;'%(typeName,name)
- if self.outputHeader:
- print >>self.outputHeader, 'extern %s %s;'%(typeName,name)
- elif self.outputTests:
- print >>self.outputTests, 'extern %s %s;'%(typeName,name)
- info = self.testReturnValues[typeName] = name
- return info
- def getTestValuesArray(self, type):
- typeName = self.getTypeName(type)
- info = self.testValues.get(typeName)
- if info is None:
- name = '%s_values'%(typeName.replace(' ','_').replace('*','star'),)
- print >>self.outputTests, 'static %s %s[] = {'%(typeName,name)
- length = 0
- for item in self.getTestValues(type):
- print >>self.outputTests, '\t%s,'%(item,)
- length += 1
- print >>self.outputTests,'};'
- info = self.testValues[typeName] = (name,length)
- return info
- def getTestValues(self, t):
- if isinstance(t, BuiltinType):
- if'float':
- for i in ['0.0','-1.0','1.0']:
- yield i+'f'
- elif'double':
- for i in ['0.0','-1.0','1.0']:
- yield i
- elif in ('void *'):
- yield '(void*) 0'
- yield '(void*) -1'
- else:
- yield '(%s) 0'%(,)
- yield '(%s) -1'%(,)
- yield '(%s) 1'%(,)
- elif isinstance(t, EnumType):
- for i in range(0, len(t.enumerators)):
- yield 'enum%dval%d' % (t.index, i)
- elif isinstance(t, RecordType):
- nonPadding = [f for f in t.fields
- if not f.isPaddingBitField()]
- if not nonPadding:
- yield '{ }'
- return
- # FIXME: Use designated initializers to access non-first
- # fields of unions.
- if t.isUnion:
- for v in self.getTestValues(nonPadding[0]):
- yield '{ %s }' % v
- return
- fieldValues = map(list, map(self.getTestValues, nonPadding))
- for i,values in enumerate(fieldValues):
- for v in values:
- elements = map(random.choice,fieldValues)
- elements[i] = v
- yield '{ %s }'%(', '.join(elements))
- elif isinstance(t, ComplexType):
- for t in self.getTestValues(t.elementType):
- yield '%s + %s * 1i'%(t,t)
- elif isinstance(t, ArrayType):
- values = list(self.getTestValues(t.elementType))
- if not values:
- yield '{ }'
- for i in range(t.numElements):
- for v in values:
- elements = [random.choice(values) for i in range(t.numElements)]
- elements[i] = v
- yield '{ %s }'%(', '.join(elements))
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError,'Cannot make tests values of type: "%s"'%(t,)
- def printSizeOfType(self, prefix, name, t, output=None, indent=2):
- print >>output, '%*sprintf("%s: sizeof(%s) = %%ld\\n", (long)sizeof(%s));'%(indent, '', prefix, name, name)
- def printAlignOfType(self, prefix, name, t, output=None, indent=2):
- print >>output, '%*sprintf("%s: __alignof__(%s) = %%ld\\n", (long)__alignof__(%s));'%(indent, '', prefix, name, name)
- def printOffsetsOfType(self, prefix, name, t, output=None, indent=2):
- if isinstance(t, RecordType):
- for i,f in enumerate(t.fields):
- if f.isBitField():
- continue
- fname = 'field%d' % i
- print >>output, '%*sprintf("%s: __builtin_offsetof(%s, %s) = %%ld\\n", (long)__builtin_offsetof(%s, %s));'%(indent, '', prefix, name, fname, name, fname)
- def printValueOfType(self, prefix, name, t, output=None, indent=2):
- if output is None:
- output = self.output
- if isinstance(t, BuiltinType):
- if'long long'):
- code = 'lld'
- elif'long'):
- code = 'ld'
- elif' ')[-1] in ('_Bool','char','short','int'):
- code = 'd'
- elif in ('float','double'):
- code = 'f'
- elif == 'long double':
- code = 'Lf'
- else:
- code = 'p'
- print >>output, '%*sprintf("%s: %s = %%%s\\n", %s);'%(indent, '', prefix, name, code, name)
- elif isinstance(t, EnumType):
- print >>output, '%*sprintf("%s: %s = %%d\\n", %s);'%(indent, '', prefix, name, name)
- elif isinstance(t, RecordType):
- if not t.fields:
- print >>output, '%*sprintf("%s: %s (empty)\\n");'%(indent, '', prefix, name)
- for i,f in enumerate(t.fields):
- if f.isPaddingBitField():
- continue
- fname = '%s.field%d'%(name,i)
- self.printValueOfType(prefix, fname, f, output=output, indent=indent)
- elif isinstance(t, ComplexType):
- self.printValueOfType(prefix, '(__real %s)'%name, t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- self.printValueOfType(prefix, '(__imag %s)'%name, t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- elif isinstance(t, ArrayType):
- for i in range(t.numElements):
- # Access in this fashion as a hackish way to portably
- # access vectors.
- if t.isVector:
- self.printValueOfType(prefix, '((%s*) &%s)[%d]'%(t.elementType,name,i), t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- else:
- self.printValueOfType(prefix, '%s[%d]'%(name,i), t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError,'Cannot print value of type: "%s"'%(t,)
- def checkTypeValues(self, nameLHS, nameRHS, t, output=None, indent=2):
- prefix = 'foo'
- if output is None:
- output = self.output
- if isinstance(t, BuiltinType):
- print >>output, '%*sassert(%s == %s);' % (indent, '', nameLHS, nameRHS)
- elif isinstance(t, EnumType):
- print >>output, '%*sassert(%s == %s);' % (indent, '', nameLHS, nameRHS)
- elif isinstance(t, RecordType):
- for i,f in enumerate(t.fields):
- if f.isPaddingBitField():
- continue
- self.checkTypeValues('%s.field%d'%(nameLHS,i), '%s.field%d'%(nameRHS,i),
- f, output=output, indent=indent)
- if t.isUnion:
- break
- elif isinstance(t, ComplexType):
- self.checkTypeValues('(__real %s)'%nameLHS, '(__real %s)'%nameRHS, t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- self.checkTypeValues('(__imag %s)'%nameLHS, '(__imag %s)'%nameRHS, t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- elif isinstance(t, ArrayType):
- for i in range(t.numElements):
- # Access in this fashion as a hackish way to portably
- # access vectors.
- if t.isVector:
- self.checkTypeValues('((%s*) &%s)[%d]'%(t.elementType,nameLHS,i),
- '((%s*) &%s)[%d]'%(t.elementType,nameRHS,i),
- t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- else:
- self.checkTypeValues('%s[%d]'%(nameLHS,i), '%s[%d]'%(nameRHS,i),
- t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError,'Cannot print value of type: "%s"'%(t,)
-import sys
-def main():
- from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
- parser = OptionParser("%prog [options] {indices}")
- parser.add_option("", "--mode", dest="mode",
- help="autogeneration mode (random or linear) [default %default]",
- type='choice', choices=('random','linear'), default='linear')
- parser.add_option("", "--count", dest="count",
- help="autogenerate COUNT functions according to MODE",
- type=int, default=0)
- parser.add_option("", "--min", dest="minIndex", metavar="N",
- help="start autogeneration with the Nth function type [default %default]",
- type=int, default=0)
- parser.add_option("", "--max", dest="maxIndex", metavar="N",
- help="maximum index for random autogeneration [default %default]",
- type=int, default=10000000)
- parser.add_option("", "--seed", dest="seed",
- help="random number generator seed [default %default]",
- type=int, default=1)
- parser.add_option("", "--use-random-seed", dest="useRandomSeed",
- help="use random value for initial random number generator seed",
- action='store_true', default=False)
- parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", metavar="FILE",
- help="write output to FILE [default %default]",
- type=str, default='-')
- parser.add_option("-O", "--output-header", dest="outputHeader", metavar="FILE",
- help="write header file for output to FILE [default %default]",
- type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_option("-T", "--output-tests", dest="outputTests", metavar="FILE",
- help="write function tests to FILE [default %default]",
- type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_option("-D", "--output-driver", dest="outputDriver", metavar="FILE",
- help="write test driver to FILE [default %default]",
- type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_option("", "--test-layout", dest="testLayout", metavar="FILE",
- help="test structure layout",
- action='store_true', default=False)
- group = OptionGroup(parser, "Type Enumeration Options")
- # Builtins - Ints
- group.add_option("", "--no-char", dest="useChar",
- help="do not generate char types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-short", dest="useShort",
- help="do not generate short types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-int", dest="useInt",
- help="do not generate int types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-long", dest="useLong",
- help="do not generate long types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-long-long", dest="useLongLong",
- help="do not generate long long types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-unsigned", dest="useUnsigned",
- help="do not generate unsigned integer types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- # Other builtins
- group.add_option("", "--no-bool", dest="useBool",
- help="do not generate bool types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-float", dest="useFloat",
- help="do not generate float types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-double", dest="useDouble",
- help="do not generate double types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-long-double", dest="useLongDouble",
- help="do not generate long double types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-void-pointer", dest="useVoidPointer",
- help="do not generate void* types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- # Enumerations
- group.add_option("", "--no-enums", dest="useEnum",
- help="do not generate enum types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- # Derived types
- group.add_option("", "--no-array", dest="useArray",
- help="do not generate record types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-complex", dest="useComplex",
- help="do not generate complex types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-record", dest="useRecord",
- help="do not generate record types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-union", dest="recordUseUnion",
- help="do not generate union types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-vector", dest="useVector",
- help="do not generate vector types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-bit-field", dest="useBitField",
- help="do not generate bit-field record members",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-builtins", dest="useBuiltins",
- help="do not use any types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- # Tuning
- group.add_option("", "--no-function-return", dest="functionUseReturn",
- help="do not generate return types for functions",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--vector-types", dest="vectorTypes",
- help="comma separated list of vector types (e.g., v2i32) [default %default]",
- action="store", type=str, default='v2i16, v1i64, v2i32, v4i16, v8i8, v2f32, v2i64, v4i32, v8i16, v16i8, v2f64, v4f32, v16f32', metavar="N")
- group.add_option("", "--bit-fields", dest="bitFields",
- help="comma separated list 'type:width' bit-field specifiers [default %default]",
- action="store", type=str, default="char:0,char:4,unsigned:0,unsigned:4,unsigned:13,unsigned:24")
- group.add_option("", "--max-args", dest="functionMaxArgs",
- help="maximum number of arguments per function [default %default]",
- action="store", type=int, default=4, metavar="N")
- group.add_option("", "--max-array", dest="arrayMaxSize",
- help="maximum array size [default %default]",
- action="store", type=int, default=4, metavar="N")
- group.add_option("", "--max-record", dest="recordMaxSize",
- help="maximum number of fields per record [default %default]",
- action="store", type=int, default=4, metavar="N")
- group.add_option("", "--max-record-depth", dest="recordMaxDepth",
- help="maximum nested structure depth [default %default]",
- action="store", type=int, default=None, metavar="N")
- parser.add_option_group(group)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not opts.useRandomSeed:
- random.seed(opts.seed)
- # Contruct type generator
- builtins = []
- if opts.useBuiltins:
- ints = []
- if opts.useChar: ints.append(('char',1))
- if opts.useShort: ints.append(('short',2))
- if opts.useInt: ints.append(('int',4))
- # FIXME: Wrong size.
- if opts.useLong: ints.append(('long',4))
- if opts.useLongLong: ints.append(('long long',8))
- if opts.useUnsigned:
- ints = ([('unsigned %s'%i,s) for i,s in ints] +
- [('signed %s'%i,s) for i,s in ints])
- builtins.extend(ints)
- if opts.useBool: builtins.append(('_Bool',1))
- if opts.useFloat: builtins.append(('float',4))
- if opts.useDouble: builtins.append(('double',8))
- if opts.useLongDouble: builtins.append(('long double',16))
- # FIXME: Wrong size.
- if opts.useVoidPointer: builtins.append(('void*',4))
- btg = FixedTypeGenerator([BuiltinType(n,s) for n,s in builtins])
- bitfields = []
- for specifier in opts.bitFields.split(','):
- if not specifier.strip():
- continue
- name,width = specifier.strip().split(':', 1)
- bitfields.append(BuiltinType(name,None,int(width)))
- bftg = FixedTypeGenerator(bitfields)
- charType = BuiltinType('char',1)
- shortType = BuiltinType('short',2)
- intType = BuiltinType('int',4)
- longlongType = BuiltinType('long long',8)
- floatType = BuiltinType('float',4)
- doubleType = BuiltinType('double',8)
- sbtg = FixedTypeGenerator([charType, intType, floatType, doubleType])
- atg = AnyTypeGenerator()
- artg = AnyTypeGenerator()
- def makeGenerator(atg, subgen, subfieldgen, useRecord, useArray, useBitField):
- atg.addGenerator(btg)
- if useBitField and opts.useBitField:
- atg.addGenerator(bftg)
- if useRecord and opts.useRecord:
- assert subgen
- atg.addGenerator(RecordTypeGenerator(subfieldgen, opts.recordUseUnion,
- opts.recordMaxSize))
- if opts.useComplex:
- # FIXME: Allow overriding builtins here
- atg.addGenerator(ComplexTypeGenerator(sbtg))
- if useArray and opts.useArray:
- assert subgen
- atg.addGenerator(ArrayTypeGenerator(subgen, opts.arrayMaxSize))
- if opts.useVector:
- vTypes = []
- for i,t in enumerate(opts.vectorTypes.split(',')):
- m = re.match('v([1-9][0-9]*)([if][1-9][0-9]*)', t.strip())
- if not m:
- parser.error('Invalid vector type: %r' % t)
- count,kind = m.groups()
- count = int(count)
- type = { 'i8' : charType,
- 'i16' : shortType,
- 'i32' : intType,
- 'i64' : longlongType,
- 'f32' : floatType,
- 'f64' : doubleType,
- }.get(kind)
- if not type:
- parser.error('Invalid vector type: %r' % t)
- vTypes.append(ArrayType(i, True, type, count * type.size))
- atg.addGenerator(FixedTypeGenerator(vTypes))
- if opts.useEnum:
- atg.addGenerator(EnumTypeGenerator([None, '-1', '1', '1u'], 1, 4))
- if opts.recordMaxDepth is None:
- # Fully recursive, just avoid top-level arrays.
- subFTG = AnyTypeGenerator()
- subTG = AnyTypeGenerator()
- atg = AnyTypeGenerator()
- makeGenerator(subFTG, atg, atg, True, True, True)
- makeGenerator(subTG, atg, subFTG, True, True, False)
- makeGenerator(atg, subTG, subFTG, True, False, False)
- else:
- # Make a chain of type generators, each builds smaller
- # structures.
- base = AnyTypeGenerator()
- fbase = AnyTypeGenerator()
- makeGenerator(base, None, None, False, False, False)
- makeGenerator(fbase, None, None, False, False, True)
- for i in range(opts.recordMaxDepth):
- n = AnyTypeGenerator()
- fn = AnyTypeGenerator()
- makeGenerator(n, base, fbase, True, True, False)
- makeGenerator(fn, base, fbase, True, True, True)
- base = n
- fbase = fn
- atg = AnyTypeGenerator()
- makeGenerator(atg, base, fbase, True, False, False)
- if opts.testLayout:
- ftg = atg
- else:
- ftg = FunctionTypeGenerator(atg, opts.functionUseReturn, opts.functionMaxArgs)
- # Override max,min,count if finite
- if opts.maxIndex is None:
- if ftg.cardinality is aleph0:
- opts.maxIndex = 10000000
- else:
- opts.maxIndex = ftg.cardinality
- opts.maxIndex = min(opts.maxIndex, ftg.cardinality)
- opts.minIndex = max(0,min(opts.maxIndex-1, opts.minIndex))
- if not opts.mode=='random':
- opts.count = min(opts.count, opts.maxIndex-opts.minIndex)
- if opts.output=='-':
- output = sys.stdout
- else:
- output = open(opts.output,'w')
- atexit.register(lambda: output.close())
- outputHeader = None
- if opts.outputHeader:
- outputHeader = open(opts.outputHeader,'w')
- atexit.register(lambda: outputHeader.close())
- outputTests = None
- if opts.outputTests:
- outputTests = open(opts.outputTests,'w')
- atexit.register(lambda: outputTests.close())
- outputDriver = None
- if opts.outputDriver:
- outputDriver = open(opts.outputDriver,'w')
- atexit.register(lambda: outputDriver.close())
- info = ''
- info += '// %s\n'%(' '.join(sys.argv),)
- info += '// Generated: %s\n'%(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),)
- info += '// Cardinality of function generator: %s\n'%(ftg.cardinality,)
- info += '// Cardinality of type generator: %s\n'%(atg.cardinality,)
- if opts.testLayout:
- info += '\n#include <stdio.h>'
- P = TypePrinter(output,
- outputHeader=outputHeader,
- outputTests=outputTests,
- outputDriver=outputDriver,
- headerName=opts.outputHeader,
- info=info)
- def write(N):
- try:
- FT = ftg.get(N)
- except RuntimeError,e:
- if e.args[0]=='maximum recursion depth exceeded':
- print >>sys.stderr,'WARNING: Skipped %d, recursion limit exceeded (bad arguments?)'%(N,)
- return
- raise
- if opts.testLayout:
- P.writeLayoutTest(N, FT)
- else:
- P.writeFunction(N, FT)
- if args:
- [write(int(a)) for a in args]
- for i in range(opts.count):
- if opts.mode=='linear':
- index = opts.minIndex + i
- else:
- index = opts.minIndex + int((opts.maxIndex-opts.minIndex) * random.random())
- write(index)
- P.finish()
-if __name__=='__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100644
index 47e4702..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-"""Utilities for enumeration of finite and countably infinite sets.
-# Countable iteration
-# Simplifies some calculations
-class Aleph0(int):
- _singleton = None
- def __new__(type):
- if type._singleton is None:
- type._singleton = int.__new__(type)
- return type._singleton
- def __repr__(self): return '<aleph0>'
- def __str__(self): return 'inf'
- def __cmp__(self, b):
- return 1
- def __sub__(self, b):
- raise ValueError,"Cannot subtract aleph0"
- __rsub__ = __sub__
- def __add__(self, b):
- return self
- __radd__ = __add__
- def __mul__(self, b):
- if b == 0: return b
- return self
- __rmul__ = __mul__
- def __floordiv__(self, b):
- if b == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError
- return self
- __rfloordiv__ = __floordiv__
- __truediv__ = __floordiv__
- __rtuediv__ = __floordiv__
- __div__ = __floordiv__
- __rdiv__ = __floordiv__
- def __pow__(self, b):
- if b == 0: return 1
- return self
-aleph0 = Aleph0()
-def base(line):
- return line*(line+1)//2
-def pairToN((x,y)):
- line,index = x+y,y
- return base(line)+index
-def getNthPairInfo(N):
- # Avoid various singularities
- if N==0:
- return (0,0)
- # Gallop to find bounds for line
- line = 1
- next = 2
- while base(next)<=N:
- line = next
- next = line << 1
- # Binary search for starting line
- lo = line
- hi = line<<1
- while lo + 1 != hi:
- #assert base(lo) <= N < base(hi)
- mid = (lo + hi)>>1
- if base(mid)<=N:
- lo = mid
- else:
- hi = mid
- line = lo
- return line, N - base(line)
-def getNthPair(N):
- line,index = getNthPairInfo(N)
- return (line - index, index)
-def getNthPairBounded(N,W=aleph0,H=aleph0,useDivmod=False):
- """getNthPairBounded(N, W, H) -> (x, y)
- Return the N-th pair such that 0 <= x < W and 0 <= y < H."""
- if W <= 0 or H <= 0:
- raise ValueError,"Invalid bounds"
- elif N >= W*H:
- raise ValueError,"Invalid input (out of bounds)"
- # Simple case...
- if W is aleph0 and H is aleph0:
- return getNthPair(N)
- # Otherwise simplify by assuming W < H
- if H < W:
- x,y = getNthPairBounded(N,H,W,useDivmod=useDivmod)
- return y,x
- if useDivmod:
- return N%W,N//W
- else:
- # Conceptually we want to slide a diagonal line across a
- # rectangle. This gives more interesting results for large
- # bounds than using divmod.
- # If in lower left, just return as usual
- cornerSize = base(W)
- if N < cornerSize:
- return getNthPair(N)
- # Otherwise if in upper right, subtract from corner
- if H is not aleph0:
- M = W*H - N - 1
- if M < cornerSize:
- x,y = getNthPair(M)
- return (W-1-x,H-1-y)
- # Otherwise, compile line and index from number of times we
- # wrap.
- N = N - cornerSize
- index,offset = N%W,N//W
- # p = (W-1, 1+offset) + (-1,1)*index
- return (W-1-index, 1+offset+index)
-def getNthPairBoundedChecked(N,W=aleph0,H=aleph0,useDivmod=False,GNP=getNthPairBounded):
- x,y = GNP(N,W,H,useDivmod)
- assert 0 <= x < W and 0 <= y < H
- return x,y
-def getNthNTuple(N, W, H=aleph0, useLeftToRight=False):
- """getNthNTuple(N, W, H) -> (x_0, x_1, ..., x_W)
- Return the N-th W-tuple, where for 0 <= x_i < H."""
- if useLeftToRight:
- elts = [None]*W
- for i in range(W):
- elts[i],N = getNthPairBounded(N, H)
- return tuple(elts)
- else:
- if W==0:
- return ()
- elif W==1:
- return (N,)
- elif W==2:
- return getNthPairBounded(N, H, H)
- else:
- LW,RW = W//2, W - (W//2)
- L,R = getNthPairBounded(N, H**LW, H**RW)
- return (getNthNTuple(L,LW,H=H,useLeftToRight=useLeftToRight) +
- getNthNTuple(R,RW,H=H,useLeftToRight=useLeftToRight))
-def getNthNTupleChecked(N, W, H=aleph0, useLeftToRight=False, GNT=getNthNTuple):
- t = GNT(N,W,H,useLeftToRight)
- assert len(t) == W
- for i in t:
- assert i < H
- return t
-def getNthTuple(N, maxSize=aleph0, maxElement=aleph0, useDivmod=False, useLeftToRight=False):
- """getNthTuple(N, maxSize, maxElement) -> x
- Return the N-th tuple where len(x) < maxSize and for y in x, 0 <=
- y < maxElement."""
- # All zero sized tuples are isomorphic, don't ya know.
- if N == 0:
- return ()
- N -= 1
- if maxElement is not aleph0:
- if maxSize is aleph0:
- raise NotImplementedError,'Max element size without max size unhandled'
- bounds = [maxElement**i for i in range(1, maxSize+1)]
- S,M = getNthPairVariableBounds(N, bounds)
- else:
- S,M = getNthPairBounded(N, maxSize, useDivmod=useDivmod)
- return getNthNTuple(M, S+1, maxElement, useLeftToRight=useLeftToRight)
-def getNthTupleChecked(N, maxSize=aleph0, maxElement=aleph0,
- useDivmod=False, useLeftToRight=False, GNT=getNthTuple):
- # FIXME: maxsize is inclusive
- t = GNT(N,maxSize,maxElement,useDivmod,useLeftToRight)
- assert len(t) <= maxSize
- for i in t:
- assert i < maxElement
- return t
-def getNthPairVariableBounds(N, bounds):
- """getNthPairVariableBounds(N, bounds) -> (x, y)
- Given a finite list of bounds (which may be finite or aleph0),
- return the N-th pair such that 0 <= x < len(bounds) and 0 <= y <
- bounds[x]."""
- if not bounds:
- raise ValueError,"Invalid bounds"
- if not (0 <= N < sum(bounds)):
- raise ValueError,"Invalid input (out of bounds)"
- level = 0
- active = range(len(bounds))
- active.sort(key=lambda i: bounds[i])
- prevLevel = 0
- for i,index in enumerate(active):
- level = bounds[index]
- W = len(active) - i
- if level is aleph0:
- H = aleph0
- else:
- H = level - prevLevel
- levelSize = W*H
- if N<levelSize: # Found the level
- idelta,delta = getNthPairBounded(N, W, H)
- return active[i+idelta],prevLevel+delta
- else:
- N -= levelSize
- prevLevel = level
- else:
- raise RuntimError,"Unexpected loop completion"
-def getNthPairVariableBoundsChecked(N, bounds, GNVP=getNthPairVariableBounds):
- x,y = GNVP(N,bounds)
- assert 0 <= x < len(bounds) and 0 <= y < bounds[x]
- return (x,y)
-def testPairs():
- W = 3
- H = 6
- a = [[' ' for x in range(10)] for y in range(10)]
- b = [[' ' for x in range(10)] for y in range(10)]
- for i in range(min(W*H,40)):
- x,y = getNthPairBounded(i,W,H)
- x2,y2 = getNthPairBounded(i,W,H,useDivmod=True)
- print i,(x,y),(x2,y2)
- a[y][x] = '%2d'%i
- b[y2][x2] = '%2d'%i
- print '-- a --'
- for ln in a[::-1]:
- if ''.join(ln).strip():
- print ' '.join(ln)
- print '-- b --'
- for ln in b[::-1]:
- if ''.join(ln).strip():
- print ' '.join(ln)
-def testPairsVB():
- bounds = [2,2,4,aleph0,5,aleph0]
- a = [[' ' for x in range(15)] for y in range(15)]
- b = [[' ' for x in range(15)] for y in range(15)]
- for i in range(min(sum(bounds),40)):
- x,y = getNthPairVariableBounds(i, bounds)
- print i,(x,y)
- a[y][x] = '%2d'%i
- print '-- a --'
- for ln in a[::-1]:
- if ''.join(ln).strip():
- print ' '.join(ln)
-# Toggle to use checked versions of enumeration routines.
-if False:
- getNthPairVariableBounds = getNthPairVariableBoundsChecked
- getNthPairBounded = getNthPairBoundedChecked
- getNthNTuple = getNthNTupleChecked
- getNthTuple = getNthTupleChecked
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- testPairs()
- testPairsVB()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/Makefile.test.common b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/Makefile.test.common
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c208ad..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/Makefile.test.common
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Makefile -*-
-# Usage: make
-# COUNT can be over-ridden to change the number of tests generated per
-# file, and TESTARGS is used to change the type generation. Make sure
-# to 'make clean' after changing either of these parameters.
-TESTARGS := --no-unsigned --no-vector --no-complex --no-bool
-COUNT := 1
-CFLAGS := -std=gnu99
-X_COMPILER := gcc
-X_LL_CFLAGS := -emit-llvm -S
-Y_COMPILER := clang
-Y_LL_CFLAGS := -emit-llvm -S
-CC := gcc
-ifndef VERBOSE
- Verb := @
-.PHONY: temps/test.%.xx.diff temps/test.%.xy.diff temps/test.%.yx.diff temps/test.%.yy.diff
- @ok=1;\
- for t in $^; do \
- if [ -s $$t ]; then \
- echo "TEST $*: $$t failed"; \
- ok=0;\
- fi; \
- done; \
- if [ $$ok -eq 1 ]; then \
- true; \
- else \
- false; \
- fi
-.PHONY: test.%.defs-report
-test.%.defs-report: temps/test.%.defs.diff
- @for t in $^; do \
- if [ -s $$t ]; then \
- echo "TEST $*: $$t failed"; \
- cat $$t; \
- fi; \
- done
-.PHONY: temps/test.%.ref temps/test.%.xx temps/test.%.xy temps/test.%.yx temps/test.%.yy temps/test.%.x.defs temps/test.%.y.defs
- @true
-# Diffs and output
-.PRECIOUS: temps/.dir
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.xx.diff
-temps/test.%.xx.diff: temps/test.%.ref.out temps/test.%.xx.out
- $(Verb) diff $^ > $@ || true
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.xy.diff
-temps/test.%.xy.diff: temps/test.%.ref.out temps/test.%.xy.out
- $(Verb) diff $^ > $@ || true
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.yx.diff
-temps/test.%.yx.diff: temps/test.%.ref.out temps/test.%.yx.out
- $(Verb) diff $^ > $@ || true
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.yy.diff
-temps/test.%.yy.diff: temps/test.%.ref.out temps/test.%.yy.out
- $(Verb) diff $^ > $@ || true
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.defs.diff
-temps/test.%.defs.diff: temps/test.%.x.defs temps/test.%.y.defs
- $(Verb) zipdifflines \
- --replace "%struct.T[0-9]+" "%struct.s" \
- --replace "%union.T[0-9]+" "%struct.s" \
- --replace "byval align [0-9]+" "byval" \
- $^ > $@
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.out
-temps/test.%.out: temps/test.%
- -$(Verb) ./$< > $@
-# Executables
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.ref
-temps/test.%.ref: temps/test.%.driver.ref.o temps/test.%.a.ref.o temps/test.%.b.ref.o
- $(Verb) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.xx
-temps/test.%.xx: temps/test.%.driver.ref.o temps/test.%.a.x.o temps/test.%.b.x.o
- $(Verb) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.xy
-temps/test.%.xy: temps/test.%.driver.ref.o temps/test.%.a.x.o temps/test.%.b.y.o
- $(Verb) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.yx
-temps/test.%.yx: temps/test.%.driver.ref.o temps/test.%.a.y.o temps/test.%.b.x.o
- $(Verb) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.yy
-temps/test.%.yy: temps/test.%.driver.ref.o temps/test.%.a.y.o temps/test.%.b.y.o
- $(Verb) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $^
-# Object files
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.ref.o
-temps/test.%.ref.o: inputs/test.%.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.x.o
-temps/test.%.x.o: inputs/test.%.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(X_COMPILER) -c $(CFLAGS) $(X_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.y.o
-temps/test.%.y.o: inputs/test.%.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(Y_COMPILER) -c $(CFLAGS) $(Y_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.x.defs
-temps/test.%.x.defs: temps/test.%.a.x.ll temps/.dir
- -$(Verb) -grep '^define ' $< > $@
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.y.defs
-temps/test.%.y.defs: temps/test.%.a.y.ll temps/.dir
- -$(Verb) -grep '^define ' $< > $@
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.a.x.ll
-temps/test.%.a.x.ll: inputs/test.%.a.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(X_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(X_LL_CFLAGS) $(X_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.b.x.ll
-temps/test.%.b.x.ll: inputs/test.%.b.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(X_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(X_LL_CFLAGS) $(X_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.a.y.ll
-temps/test.%.a.y.ll: inputs/test.%.a.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(Y_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(Y_LL_CFLAGS) $(Y_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.b.y.ll
-temps/test.%.b.y.ll: inputs/test.%.b.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(Y_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(Y_LL_CFLAGS) $(Y_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-# Input generation
-.PHONY: inputs/test.%.a.c inputs/test.%.b.c inputs/test.%.driver.c
- @true
-.PRECIOUS: inputs/test.%.a.c inputs/test.%.b.c inputs/test.%.driver.c
-inputs/test.%.a.c: test.%.generate
- @true
-inputs/test.%.b.c: test.%.generate
- @true
-inputs/test.%.driver.c: test.%.generate
- @true
-.PHONY: test.%.generate
-.PRECIOUS: inputs/.dir
-test.%.generate: $(ABITESTGEN) inputs/.dir
- $(Verb) $(ABITESTGEN) $(TESTARGS) -o inputs/test.$*.a.c -T inputs/test.$*.b.c -D inputs/test.$*.driver.c --min=$(shell expr $* '*' $(COUNT)) --count=$(COUNT)
-# Cleaning
- $(Verb) rm -rf temps
- $(Verb) rm -rf temps inputs
-# Etc.
- $(Verb) mkdir -p $* > /dev/null
- $(Verb) $(DATE) > $@
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100644
index 40ea791..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-"""Flexible enumeration of C types."""
-from Enumeration import *
-# TODO:
-# - struct improvements (flexible arrays, packed &
-# unpacked, alignment)
-# - objective-c qualified id
-# - anonymous / transparent unions
-# - VLAs
-# - block types
-# - K&R functions
-# - pass arguments of different types (test extension, transparent union)
-# - varargs
-# Actual type types
-class Type:
- def isBitField(self):
- return False
- def isPaddingBitField(self):
- return False
-class BuiltinType(Type):
- def __init__(self, name, size, bitFieldSize=None):
- = name
- self.size = size
- self.bitFieldSize = bitFieldSize
- def isBitField(self):
- return self.bitFieldSize is not None
- def isPaddingBitField(self):
- return self.bitFieldSize is 0
- def getBitFieldSize(self):
- assert self.isBitField()
- return self.bitFieldSize
- def sizeof(self):
- return self.size
- def __str__(self):
- return
-class EnumType(Type):
- def __init__(self, index, enumerators):
- self.index = index
- self.enumerators = enumerators
- def getEnumerators(self):
- result = ''
- for i, init in enumerate(self.enumerators):
- if i > 0:
- result = result + ', '
- result = result + 'enum%dval%d' % (self.index, i)
- if init:
- result = result + ' = %s' % (init)
- return result
- def __str__(self):
- return 'enum { %s }' % (self.getEnumerators())
- def getTypedefDef(self, name, printer):
- return 'typedef enum %s { %s } %s;'%(name, self.getEnumerators(), name)
-class RecordType(Type):
- def __init__(self, index, isUnion, fields):
- self.index = index
- self.isUnion = isUnion
- self.fields = fields
- = None
- def __str__(self):
- def getField(t):
- if t.isBitField():
- return "%s : %d;" % (t, t.getBitFieldSize())
- else:
- return "%s;" % t
- return '%s { %s }'%(('struct','union')[self.isUnion],
- ' '.join(map(getField, self.fields)))
- def getTypedefDef(self, name, printer):
- def getField((i, t)):
- if t.isBitField():
- if t.isPaddingBitField():
- return '%s : 0;'%(printer.getTypeName(t),)
- else:
- return '%s field%d : %d;'%(printer.getTypeName(t),i,
- t.getBitFieldSize())
- else:
- return '%s field%d;'%(printer.getTypeName(t),i)
- fields = map(getField, enumerate(self.fields))
- # Name the struct for more readable LLVM IR.
- return 'typedef %s %s { %s } %s;'%(('struct','union')[self.isUnion],
- name, ' '.join(fields), name)
-class ArrayType(Type):
- def __init__(self, index, isVector, elementType, size):
- if isVector:
- # Note that for vectors, this is the size in bytes.
- assert size > 0
- else:
- assert size is None or size >= 0
- self.index = index
- self.isVector = isVector
- self.elementType = elementType
- self.size = size
- if isVector:
- eltSize = self.elementType.sizeof()
- assert not (self.size % eltSize)
- self.numElements = self.size // eltSize
- else:
- self.numElements = self.size
- def __str__(self):
- if self.isVector:
- return 'vector (%s)[%d]'%(self.elementType,self.size)
- elif self.size is not None:
- return '(%s)[%d]'%(self.elementType,self.size)
- else:
- return '(%s)[]'%(self.elementType,)
- def getTypedefDef(self, name, printer):
- elementName = printer.getTypeName(self.elementType)
- if self.isVector:
- return 'typedef %s %s __attribute__ ((vector_size (%d)));'%(elementName,
- name,
- self.size)
- else:
- if self.size is None:
- sizeStr = ''
- else:
- sizeStr = str(self.size)
- return 'typedef %s %s[%s];'%(elementName, name, sizeStr)
-class ComplexType(Type):
- def __init__(self, index, elementType):
- self.index = index
- self.elementType = elementType
- def __str__(self):
- return '_Complex (%s)'%(self.elementType)
- def getTypedefDef(self, name, printer):
- return 'typedef _Complex %s %s;'%(printer.getTypeName(self.elementType), name)
-class FunctionType(Type):
- def __init__(self, index, returnType, argTypes):
- self.index = index
- self.returnType = returnType
- self.argTypes = argTypes
- def __str__(self):
- if self.returnType is None:
- rt = 'void'
- else:
- rt = str(self.returnType)
- if not self.argTypes:
- at = 'void'
- else:
- at = ', '.join(map(str, self.argTypes))
- return '%s (*)(%s)'%(rt, at)
- def getTypedefDef(self, name, printer):
- if self.returnType is None:
- rt = 'void'
- else:
- rt = str(self.returnType)
- if not self.argTypes:
- at = 'void'
- else:
- at = ', '.join(map(str, self.argTypes))
- return 'typedef %s (*%s)(%s);'%(rt, name, at)
-# Type enumerators
-class TypeGenerator(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.cache = {}
- def setCardinality(self):
- abstract
- def get(self, N):
- T = self.cache.get(N)
- if T is None:
- assert 0 <= N < self.cardinality
- T = self.cache[N] = self.generateType(N)
- return T
- def generateType(self, N):
- abstract
-class FixedTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, types):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.types = types
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.cardinality = len(self.types)
- def generateType(self, N):
- return self.types[N]
-# Factorial
-def fact(n):
- result = 1
- while n > 0:
- result = result * n
- n = n - 1
- return result
-# Compute the number of combinations (n choose k)
-def num_combinations(n, k):
- return fact(n) / (fact(k) * fact(n - k))
-# Enumerate the combinations choosing k elements from the list of values
-def combinations(values, k):
- # From ActiveState Recipe 190465: Generator for permutations,
- # combinations, selections of a sequence
- if k==0: yield []
- else:
- for i in xrange(len(values)-k+1):
- for cc in combinations(values[i+1:],k-1):
- yield [values[i]]+cc
-class EnumTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, values, minEnumerators, maxEnumerators):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.values = values
- self.minEnumerators = minEnumerators
- self.maxEnumerators = maxEnumerators
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.cardinality = 0
- for num in range(self.minEnumerators, self.maxEnumerators + 1):
- self.cardinality += num_combinations(len(self.values), num)
- def generateType(self, n):
- # Figure out the number of enumerators in this type
- numEnumerators = self.minEnumerators
- valuesCovered = 0
- while numEnumerators < self.maxEnumerators:
- comb = num_combinations(len(self.values), numEnumerators)
- if valuesCovered + comb > n:
- break
- numEnumerators = numEnumerators + 1
- valuesCovered += comb
- # Find the requested combination of enumerators and build a
- # type from it.
- i = 0
- for enumerators in combinations(self.values, numEnumerators):
- if i == n - valuesCovered:
- return EnumType(n, enumerators)
- i = i + 1
- assert False
-class ComplexTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, typeGen):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.typeGen = typeGen
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.cardinality = self.typeGen.cardinality
- def generateType(self, N):
- return ComplexType(N, self.typeGen.get(N))
-class VectorTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, typeGen, sizes):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.typeGen = typeGen
- self.sizes = tuple(map(int,sizes))
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.cardinality = len(self.sizes)*self.typeGen.cardinality
- def generateType(self, N):
- S,T = getNthPairBounded(N, len(self.sizes), self.typeGen.cardinality)
- return ArrayType(N, True, self.typeGen.get(T), self.sizes[S])
-class FixedArrayTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, typeGen, sizes):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.typeGen = typeGen
- self.sizes = tuple(size)
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.cardinality = len(self.sizes)*self.typeGen.cardinality
- def generateType(self, N):
- S,T = getNthPairBounded(N, len(self.sizes), self.typeGen.cardinality)
- return ArrayType(N, false, self.typeGen.get(T), self.sizes[S])
-class ArrayTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, typeGen, maxSize, useIncomplete=False, useZero=False):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.typeGen = typeGen
- self.useIncomplete = useIncomplete
- self.useZero = useZero
- self.maxSize = int(maxSize)
- self.W = useIncomplete + useZero + self.maxSize
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.cardinality = self.W * self.typeGen.cardinality
- def generateType(self, N):
- S,T = getNthPairBounded(N, self.W, self.typeGen.cardinality)
- if self.useIncomplete:
- if S==0:
- size = None
- S = None
- else:
- S = S - 1
- if S is not None:
- if self.useZero:
- size = S
- else:
- size = S + 1
- return ArrayType(N, False, self.typeGen.get(T), size)
-class RecordTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, typeGen, useUnion, maxSize):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.typeGen = typeGen
- self.useUnion = bool(useUnion)
- self.maxSize = int(maxSize)
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- M = 1 + self.useUnion
- if self.maxSize is aleph0:
- S = aleph0 * self.typeGen.cardinality
- else:
- S = 0
- for i in range(self.maxSize+1):
- S += M * (self.typeGen.cardinality ** i)
- self.cardinality = S
- def generateType(self, N):
- isUnion,I = False,N
- if self.useUnion:
- isUnion,I = (I&1),I>>1
- fields = map(self.typeGen.get,getNthTuple(I,self.maxSize,self.typeGen.cardinality))
- return RecordType(N, isUnion, fields)
-class FunctionTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, typeGen, useReturn, maxSize):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.typeGen = typeGen
- self.useReturn = useReturn
- self.maxSize = maxSize
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- if self.maxSize is aleph0:
- S = aleph0 * self.typeGen.cardinality()
- elif self.useReturn:
- S = 0
- for i in range(1,self.maxSize+1+1):
- S += self.typeGen.cardinality ** i
- else:
- S = 0
- for i in range(self.maxSize+1):
- S += self.typeGen.cardinality ** i
- self.cardinality = S
- def generateType(self, N):
- if self.useReturn:
- # Skip the empty tuple
- argIndices = getNthTuple(N+1, self.maxSize+1, self.typeGen.cardinality)
- retIndex,argIndices = argIndices[0],argIndices[1:]
- retTy = self.typeGen.get(retIndex)
- else:
- retTy = None
- argIndices = getNthTuple(N, self.maxSize, self.typeGen.cardinality)
- args = map(self.typeGen.get, argIndices)
- return FunctionType(N, retTy, args)
-class AnyTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.generators = []
- self.bounds = []
- self.setCardinality()
- self._cardinality = None
- def getCardinality(self):
- if self._cardinality is None:
- return aleph0
- else:
- return self._cardinality
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.bounds = [g.cardinality for g in self.generators]
- self._cardinality = sum(self.bounds)
- cardinality = property(getCardinality, None)
- def addGenerator(self, g):
- self.generators.append(g)
- for i in range(100):
- prev = self._cardinality
- self._cardinality = None
- for g in self.generators:
- g.setCardinality()
- self.setCardinality()
- if (self._cardinality is aleph0) or prev==self._cardinality:
- break
- else:
- raise RuntimeError,"Infinite loop in setting cardinality"
- def generateType(self, N):
- index,M = getNthPairVariableBounds(N, self.bounds)
- return self.generators[index].get(M)
-def test():
- fbtg = FixedTypeGenerator([BuiltinType('char', 4),
- BuiltinType('char', 4, 0),
- BuiltinType('int', 4, 5)])
- fields1 = AnyTypeGenerator()
- fields1.addGenerator( fbtg )
- fields0 = AnyTypeGenerator()
- fields0.addGenerator( fbtg )
-# fields0.addGenerator( RecordTypeGenerator(fields1, False, 4) )
- btg = FixedTypeGenerator([BuiltinType('char', 4),
- BuiltinType('int', 4)])
- etg = EnumTypeGenerator([None, '-1', '1', '1u'], 0, 3)
- atg = AnyTypeGenerator()
- atg.addGenerator( btg )
- atg.addGenerator( RecordTypeGenerator(fields0, False, 4) )
- atg.addGenerator( etg )
- print 'Cardinality:',atg.cardinality
- for i in range(100):
- if i == atg.cardinality:
- try:
- atg.get(i)
- raise RuntimeError,"Cardinality was wrong"
- except AssertionError:
- break
- print '%4d: %s'%(i, atg.get(i))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100755
index 23e34a4..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-set -eu
-if [ $# != 1 ]; then
- echo "usage: $0 <num-tests>"
- exit 1
-for bits in 32 64; do
- for kind in return-types single-args; do
- echo "-- $kind-$bits --"
- (cd $kind-$bits && ../ $1)
- done
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100755
index 602728b..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-set -eu
-if [ $# != 1 ]; then
- echo "usage: $0 <num-tests>"
- exit 1
-dir=$(dirname $0)
-$dir/ $1 &> /dev/null || true
-../ $1 &> fails-x.txt
-cat fails-x.txt
-wc -l fails-x.txt
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100755
index a50d14a..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-set -eu
-if [ $# != 1 ]; then
- echo "usage: $0 <num-tests>"
- exit 1
-make -j $CPUS \
- $(for i in $(seq 0 $1); do echo test.$; done) -k
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/layout/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/layout/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 0520625..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/layout/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# Usage: make
-# COUNT can be over-ridden to change the number of tests generated per
-# file, and TESTARGS is used to change the type generation. Make sure
-# to 'make clean' after changing either of these parameters.
-TESTARGS := --max-args 0 --test-layout
-COUNT := 1000
-CFLAGS := -std=gnu99
-X_COMPILER := llvm-gcc
-Y_COMPILER := clang
-CC := gcc
-ifeq (0, 0)
-X_CFLAGS := -m32
-Y_CFLAGS := -m32
-CC_CFLAGS := -m32
-X_CFLAGS := -m64
-Y_CFLAGS := -m64
-CC_CFLAGS := -m64
-.PHONY: test.%.x.diff test.%.y.diff
- @for t in $^; do \
- if [ -s $$t ]; then \
- echo "TEST $*: $$t failed"; \
- fi; \
- done
-.PHONY: test.%.ref test.%.x test.%.y
- @true
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.x.diff
-test.%.x.diff: test.%.ref.out test.%.x.out
- -diff $^ > $@
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.y.diff
-test.%.y.diff: test.%.ref.out test.%.y.out
- -diff $^ > $@
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.out
-test.%.out: test.%
- -./$< > $@
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.ref
-test.%.ref: test.%.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.x
-test.%.x: test.%.c
- $(X_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(X_CFLAGS) -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.y
-test.%.y: test.%.c
- $(Y_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(Y_CFLAGS) -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.c
-test.%.c: $(ABITESTGEN)
- $(ABITESTGEN) $(TESTARGS) -o $@ --min=$(shell expr $* '*' $(COUNT)) --count=$(COUNT)
- rm -f test.* *~
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/return-types-32/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/return-types-32/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index df1c53f..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/return-types-32/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-X_CFLAGS := -m32
-Y_CFLAGS := -m32
-CC_CFLAGS := -m32
-include ../Makefile.test.common
-TESTARGS += --max-args 0
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/return-types-64/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/return-types-64/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 9616e45..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/return-types-64/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-X_CFLAGS := -m64
-Y_CFLAGS := -m64
-CC_CFLAGS := -m64
-include ../Makefile.test.common
-TESTARGS += --max-args 0
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/single-args-32/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/single-args-32/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ff417f..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/single-args-32/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-X_CFLAGS := -m32
-Y_CFLAGS := -m32
-CC_CFLAGS := -m32
-include ../Makefile.test.common
-TESTARGS += --no-function-return --max-args 1
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/single-args-64/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/single-args-64/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index b8acb70..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/single-args-64/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# Usage: make
-# COUNT can be over-ridden to change the number of tests generated per
-# file, and TESTARGS is used to change the type generation. Make sure
-# to 'make clean' after changing either of these parameters.
-X_CFLAGS := -m64
-Y_CFLAGS := -m64
-CC_CFLAGS := -m64
-include ../Makefile.test.common
-TESTARGS += --no-function-return --max-args 1
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3efb52b..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-set -eu
-if [ $# != 1 ]; then
- echo "usage: $0 <num-tests>"
- exit 1
-for i in $(seq 0 $1); do
- if (! make test.$ &> /dev/null); then
- echo "FAIL: $i";
- fi;
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