diff options
authorobrien <>1999-04-05 05:37:27 +0000
committerobrien <>1999-04-05 05:37:27 +0000
commitc33391678f3d59265daeef12c989f1f25917e8bb (patch)
parent26216b12ae7556753bddb773035dcf9ba5722aed (diff)
libg++ is OBE.
635 files changed, 0 insertions, 132638 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/COPYING b/contrib/libg++/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index a43ea21..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/COPYING.LIB b/contrib/libg++/COPYING.LIB
deleted file mode 100644
index eb685a5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/COPYING.LIB
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-[This is the first released version of the library GPL. It is
- numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.]
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
-free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
- This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some
-specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any
-other libraries whose authors decide to use it. You can use it for
-your libraries, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if
-you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
-or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
-you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
-code. If you link a program with the library, you must provide
-complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them
-with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling
-it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
- Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright
-the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal
-permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
- Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-library. If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original
-version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on
-the original authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free
-software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect
-transforming the program into proprietary software. To prevent this,
-we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's
-free use or not licensed at all.
- Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary
-GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs. This
-license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain
-designated libraries. This license is quite different from the ordinary
-one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is
-the same as in the ordinary license.
- The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that
-they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a
-program and simply using it. Linking a program with a library, without
-changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is
-analogous to running a utility program or application program. However, in
-a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a
-derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License
-treats it as such.
- Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General
-Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software
-sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries. We
-concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better.
- However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the
-users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the
-libraries themselves. This Library General Public License is intended to
-permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while
-preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free
-libraries that are incorporated in them. (We have not seen how to achieve
-this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards
-changes in the actual functions of the Library.) The hope is that this
-will lead to faster development of free libraries.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
-"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
-former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only
-works together with the library.
- Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary
-General Public License rather than by this special one.
- 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which
-contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized
-party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library
-General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is
-addressed as "you".
- A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
-prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
-(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
- The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
-which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
-Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
-copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
-portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
-straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
-included without limitation in the term "modification".)
- "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
-all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
-interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
-and installation of the library.
- Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
-such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
-on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
-writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
-and what the program that uses the Library does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
-complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
-you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
-appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
-all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
-warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
- You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
-and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
- b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
- charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
- d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
- table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
- the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
- is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
- in the event an application does not supply such function or
- table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
- its purpose remains meaningful.
- (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
- a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
- application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
- application-supplied function or table used by this function must
- be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
- root function must still compute square roots.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Library.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
-with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
-License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
-this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
-that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
-instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
-ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
-that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
-these notices.
- Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
-that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
-subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
- This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
-the Library into a program that is not a library.
- 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
-derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
-under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
-it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
-must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
-medium customarily used for software interchange.
- If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
-from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
-source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
-distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
-Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
-linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
-work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
-therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
- However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
-creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
-contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
-library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
-Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
- When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
-that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
-derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
-Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
-linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
-threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
- If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
-structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
-functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
-file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
-work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
-Library will still fall under Section 6.)
- Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
-distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
-Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
-whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
- 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or
-link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
-work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
-under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
-modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
-engineering for debugging such modifications.
- You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
-Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
-this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
-during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
-copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
-directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
-of these things:
- a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
- machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
- changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
- Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
- with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
- uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
- user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
- executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
- that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
- Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
- to use the modified definitions.)
- b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
- least three years, to give the same user the materials
- specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
- than the cost of performing this distribution.
- c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
- from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
- specified materials from the same place.
- d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
- materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
- For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
-Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
-reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
-the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally
-distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
-components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
-which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
-the executable.
- It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
-restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
-accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
-use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
- 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
-Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
-facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
-library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
-the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
-permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
- a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
- based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
- facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
- Sections above.
- b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
- that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
- where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
- 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
-the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
-attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
-distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
-rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
-or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
-terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
- 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Library or works based on it.
- 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
-subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
-particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
-and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
-an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
-so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
-excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
-written in the body of this License.
- 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
-versions of the Library General Public License from time to time.
-Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
-but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
-"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
-conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
-the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
-license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
-the Free Software Foundation.
- 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
-write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
-copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
-Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
-decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
-of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
-and reuse of software generally.
- Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
- If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
-everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting
-redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
-ordinary General Public License).
- To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is
-safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
-"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
- library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/include/ChangeLog b/contrib/libg++/include/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 228edd5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/include/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,990 +0,0 @@
-Tue Jun 4 18:58:16 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Add notice_all field.
-Fri Apr 26 10:33:12 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * demangle.h (#ifdef IN_GCC): #include "gansidecl.h".
- (PROTO,PTR,const): Delete.
-Mon Apr 22 17:27:42 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Add traditional_format field.
-Mon Apr 15 15:16:56 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * libiberty.h (choose_temp_base): Add prototype.
-Tue Mar 12 17:29:46 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (bfd_wrapped_link_hash_lookup): Declare.
- (struct bfd_link_info): Add wrap_hash field.
-Wed Feb 14 16:49:17 1996 Martin Anantharaman <>
- * ieee.h (ieee_record_enum_type): Define
- ieee_external_reference_info_enum.
-Fri Feb 2 17:09:25 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * dis-asm.h (DISASM_RAW_INSN): Delete.
-Tue Jan 23 09:21:47 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * dis-asm.h (INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO): Set endian to BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN.
- New argument FPRINTF_FUNC.
-Mon Jan 22 16:37:59 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * dis-asm.h (disassemble_info): New members arch, mach, endian.
- (INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO): Initialize them.
-Thu Jan 18 11:32:38 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * demangle.h (cplus_demangle_opname): Change opname parameter to
- const char *.
- (cplus_mangle_opname): Change return type and opname parameter to
- const char *.
-Fri Jan 5 00:01:22 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * ieee.h (enum ieee_record): Add ieee_asn_record_enum,
- ieee_at_record_enum, ieee_ty_record_enum, ieee_atn_record_enum,
- ieee_bb_record_enum, and ieee_be_record_enum.
-Wed Jan 3 13:12:09 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * obstack.h: Update copyright to 1996.
- (_obstack_memory_used): Declare.
- (obstack_memory_used): Define macro.
-Thu Dec 28 11:42:12 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * libiberty.h (xstrdup): Declare.
-Thu Dec 21 14:47:17 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * wait.h: Protect all macros with #ifndef.
-Tue Oct 24 21:45:40 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Add static_link field.
-Tue Sep 12 16:28:04 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Add symbol parameter to
- warning callback.
-Fri Sep 1 13:11:51 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Change warning callback
- to take BFD, section, and address arguments.
-Thu Aug 31 16:45:12 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Remove PE stuff.
-Tue Aug 22 03:18:23 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * libiberty.h: Declare xstrerror. From Pat Rankin.
-Mon Aug 21 18:11:36 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Remove PE stuff.
-Wed Aug 2 08:14:12 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * dis-asm.h (print_insn_sparc64): Declare.
-Mon Jul 10 13:26:49 1995 Eric Youngdale <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Add new field symbolic.
-Sun Jul 2 17:48:40 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Change type of base_file to
- PTR.
-Thu Jun 29 00:02:45 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Added base_file member.
-Tue Jun 20 16:40:04 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * ansidecl.h: win32s is ANSI enough.
-Thu May 18 04:25:50 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- Wed May 10 14:28:16 1995 Richard Earnshaw (
- * dis-asm.h (print_insn_arm): Delete declaration.
- (print_insn_{little,big}_arm): New declarations.
- * floatformat.h (floatformat_arm_ext): Declare.
-Sat May 13 10:14:08 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * coff/pe.h: New file.
- * bfdlink.h (subsytem, stack_heap_parameters): New.
- * coff/internal.h (internal_filehdr): New fields for PE.
- (internal_aouthdr): New fields for PE.
-Thu May 4 14:36:42 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * demangle.h: Don't include ansidecl.h if IN_GCC.
-Tue Feb 21 00:37:28 1995 Jeff Law (
- * hp-symtab.h: Don't use bitfield enumerations, the HP C compiler
- does not handle them correctly.
-Thu Feb 9 14:20:27 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * libiberty.h (basename): Don't declare parameter type; some
- systems have this in their header files.
-Wed Feb 8 17:35:38 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_hash_entry): Change format of common
- symbol information, to remove restrictions on maximum size and
- alignment power, by using a pointer to a structure instead.
-Mon Feb 6 14:55:32 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (enum bfd_link_hash_type): Rename bfd_link_hash_weak
- to bfd_link_hash_undefweak. Add bfd_link_hash_defweak.
-Mon Jan 16 21:00:23 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * dis-asm.h (GDB_INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO, etc): Remove all
- GDB-specific definitions.
-Sun Jan 15 18:39:35 1995 Steve Chamberlain <sac@splat>
- * dis-asm.h (print_insn_w65): Declare.
-Thu Jan 12 17:51:17 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * libiberty.h (hex_p): Fix sense of test.
-Wed Jan 11 22:36:40 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * libiberty.h (_hex_array_size, _hex_bad, _hex_value, hex_init,
- hex_p, hex_value): New macros and declarations, for hex.c.
-Fri Jan 6 17:44:14 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * dis-asm.h: Make idempotent.
-Wed Dec 14 13:08:43 1994 Stan Shebs <>
- * progress.h: New file, empty definitions for progress macros.
-Fri Nov 25 00:14:05 1994 Jeff Law (
- * hp-symtab.h: New file describing the debug symbols emitted
- by the HP C compilers.
-Fri Nov 11 15:48:37 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_hash_entry): Change u.c.size from 24
- to 26 bits, and change u.c.alignment_power from 8 to 6 bits. 6
- bit in the alignment power is enough for a 64 bit address space.
-Mon Oct 31 13:02:51 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * demangle.h (cplus_mangle_opname): Declare.
-Tue Oct 25 11:38:02 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Fix comments for
- multiple_common field.
-Sun Sep 04 17:58:10 1994 Richard Earnshaw (
- * aout/aout64.h: Only define QMAGIC if it isn't already defined.
- * dis-asm.h: Add support for the ARM.
-Wed Aug 10 12:51:41 1994 Doug Evans (
- * libiberty.h (strsignal): Document its existence even if we
- can't declare it.
-Tue Aug 2 14:40:03 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * os9k.h: Remove u_int16, u_int32, and owner_id typedefs and
- expand their uses. Those names conflict with Mach headers.
-Fri Jul 22 14:17:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_hash_entry): Change u.c.size into a
- bitfield. Add field u.c.alignment_power.
-Sun Jul 10 00:26:39 1994 Ian Dall (
- * dis-asm.h: Add print_insn_ns32k declaration.
-Mon Jun 20 17:13:29 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (bfd_link_hash_table): Make creator a const pointer.
-Sat Jun 18 16:09:32 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * demangle.h (cplus_demangle_opname): Declare.
-Thu Jun 16 15:19:03 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_info): Add new field shared.
-Mon Jun 6 14:39:44 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_hash_entry): Remove written field:
- not needed for all backends.
-Thu Apr 28 19:06:50 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * dis-asm.h (disassembler): Declare.
-Fri Apr 1 00:38:17 1994 Jim Wilson (
- * obstack.h: Delete use of IN_GCC to control whether
- stddef.h or gstddef.h is included.
-Tue Mar 22 13:06:02 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (enum bfd_link_order_type): Add bfd_data_link_order.
- (struct bfd_link_order): Add data field to union.
-Mon Mar 21 18:45:26 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Change bitsize argument
- to add_to_set to reloc. Remove bitsize argument from constructor.
- Comment that reloc_overflow, reloc_dangerous and unattached_reloc
- must handle NULL pointers for reloc location.
- (enum bfd_link_order_type): Add bfd_section_reloc_link_order and
- bfd_symbol_reloc_link_order.
- (struct bfd_link_order): Add reloc field to union.
- (struct bfd_link_order_reloc): Define.
-Mon Mar 14 12:27:50 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ieee-float.h: Removed; no longer used.
-Tue Mar 1 18:10:49 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * os9k.h: os9000 target specific header file, the header of the
- object file is used now.
-Sun Feb 27 21:52:26 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * floatformat.h: New file, intended to replace ieee-float.h.
-Sun Feb 20 17:15:42 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ansidecl.h (ANSI_PROTOTYPES): Define if using ANSI prototypes.
-Wed Feb 16 01:07:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * libiberty.h: Don't declare strsignal, to avoid conflicts with
- Solaris system header files.
-Sat Feb 12 22:11:32 1994 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * libiberty.h (xexit): Use __volatile__ to avoid losing if
- compiling with gcc -traditional.
-Thu Feb 10 14:05:41 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * libiberty.h: New file. Declares functions provided by
- libiberty.
-Tue Feb 8 05:19:52 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- Handle obstack_chunk_alloc returning NULL. This allows
- obstacks to be used by libraries, without forcing them
- to call exit or longjmp.
- * obstack.h (struct obstack): Add alloc_failed flag.
- _obstack_begin, _obstack_begin_1): Declare to return int, not void.
- (obstack_finish): If alloc_failed, return NULL.
- (obstack_base, obstack_next_free, objstack_object_size):
- If alloc_failed, return 0.
- (obstack_grow, obstack_grow0, obstack_1grow, obstack_ptr_grow,
- obstack_int_grow, obstack_blank): If alloc_failed, do nothing that
- could corrupt the obstack.
-Mon Jan 24 15:06:05 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Add name, reloc_name and
- addend argments to reloc_overflow callback.
-Fri Jan 21 19:13:12 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * dis-asm.h (print_insn_big_powerpc, print_insn_little_powerpc,
- print_insn_rs6000): Declare.
-Thu Jan 6 14:15:55 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h (struct bfd_link_callbacks): Add bitsize argument to
- add_to_set field. Add new callback named constructor.
-Thu Dec 30 10:44:06 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfdlink.h: New file for new BFD linker backend routines.
-Mon Nov 29 10:43:57 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * dis-asm.h (enum dis_insn_tyupe): Remove non-ANSI trailing comma.
-Sat Oct 2 20:42:26 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dis-asm.h: Move comment to right place.
-Mon Aug 9 19:03:35 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * obstack.h (obstack_chunkfun, obstack_freefun): Add defns from
- previous version. Are these Cygnus local changes?
-Fri Aug 6 17:05:47 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * getopt.h, obstack.h: Update to latest FSF version.
-Mon Aug 2 16:37:14 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * coff/i386.h: Add Lynx magic number.
-Mon Aug 2 14:45:29 1993 John Gilmore (
- * dis-asm.h: Move enum outside of struct defn to avoid warnings.
-Mon Aug 2 08:49:30 1993 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * wait.h (WEXITSTATUS, WSTOPSIG): Mask down to 8 bits. This is
- for systems that store stuff into the high 16 bits of a wait
- status.
-Fri Jul 30 18:38:02 1993 John Gilmore (
- * dis-asm.h: Add new fields insn_info_valid, branch_delay_insns,
- data_size, insn_type, target, target2. These are used to return
- information from the instruction decoders back to the calling
- program. Add comments, make more readable.
-Mon Jul 19 22:14:14 1993 Fred Fish (
- * nlm: New directory containing NLM/NetWare includes.
-Thu Jul 15 12:10:04 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * dis-asm.h (struct disassemble_info): New field application_data.
-Thu Jul 15 12:41:15 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * dis-asm.h: Added declaration of print_insn_m88k.
-Thu Jul 8 09:05:26 1993 Doug Evans (
- * opcode/h8300.h: Lots of little fixes for the h8/300h.
-Fri Jul 2 10:31:59 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ansidecl.h: Use ANSI macros if __mips and _SYSTYPE_SVR4 are
- defined, since RISC/OS cc handles ANSI declarations in SVR4 mode
- but does not define __STDC__.
-Sun Jun 20 18:27:52 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * dis-asm.h: Don't need to include ansidecl.h any more.
-Fri Jun 18 03:22:10 1993 John Gilmore (
- * oasys.h: Eliminate "int8_type", "int16_type", "int32_type", and
- their variants. These changes are coordinated with corresponding
- changes in ../bfd/oasys.c.
-Wed Jun 16 10:43:08 1993 Fred Fish (
- * bfd.h: Note that it has been removed.
-Tue Jun 8 12:16:03 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- Support for H8/300-H
- * dis-asm.h (print_insn_h8300, print_insn_h8300h): Declare it.
- * coff/h8300.h: New magic number.
- * coff/internal.h: New relocations.
- * opcode/h8300.h: Lots of new opcodes.
-Tue Jun 1 07:35:03 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * ansidecl.h (const): Don't define it if it's already defined.
-Thu May 27 18:19:51 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * dis-asm.h (print_insn_hppa): Declare it.
- * bfd.h: Moved to bfd directory. Small stub here includes it
- without requiring "-I../bfd".
-Thu Apr 29 12:06:13 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * bfd.h: Updated with BSF_FUNCTION.
-Mon Apr 26 18:15:50 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * bfd.h, dis-asm.h: Updated with Hitachi SH.
-Fri Apr 23 18:41:38 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * bfd.h: Updated with alpha changes.
- * dis-asm.h: Added alpha.
-Fri Apr 16 17:35:30 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * bfd.h: Update for signed bfd_*get_*.
-Thu Apr 15 09:24:21 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * bfd.h: Updated for file_truncated error.
-Thu Apr 8 10:53:47 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ansidecl.h: If no ANSI, define const to be empty.
-Thu Apr 1 09:00:10 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dis-asm.h: Declare a29k and i960 print_insn_*.
- * dis-asm.h: Add print_address_func and related stuff.
- * dis-asm.h (dis_asm_read_memory): Fix prototype.
-Wed Mar 31 17:40:16 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dis-asm.h: Add print_insn_sparc.
-Wed Mar 31 17:51:42 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.h: Updated for BFD_RELOC_MIPS_GPREL and bfd_[gs]et_gp_size
- prototypes.
-Wed Mar 31 16:35:12 1993 Stu Grossman (
- * dis-asm.h: (disassemble_info): Fix typo in prototype of
- dis_asm_memory_error().
-Tue Mar 30 19:09:23 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * dis-asm.h (disassembler_info): Add read_memory_func,
- memory_error_func, buffer, and length.
- print_insn_*: Remove second argument.
-Tue Mar 30 14:48:55 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * bfd.h: Update for lma field of section.
-Tue Mar 30 12:22:55 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * ansidecl.h: Use ANSI versions on AIX regardless of __STDC__.
-Fri Mar 19 14:49:49 1993 Steve Chamberlain (
- * dis-asm.h: Add h8500.
-Thu Mar 18 13:49:09 1993 Per Bothner (
- * ieee-float.h: Moved from ../gdb.
- * dis-asm.h: New file. Interface to dis-assembler.
-Thu Mar 11 10:52:57 1993 Fred Fish (
- * demangle.h (DMGL_NO_OPTS): Add define (set to 0) to use
- in place of bare 0, for readability reasons.
-Tue Mar 2 17:50:11 1993 Fred Fish (
- * demangle.h: Replace all references to cfront with ARM.
-Tue Feb 23 12:21:14 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.h: Update for new elements in JUMP_TABLE.
-Tue Feb 16 00:51:30 1993 John Gilmore (
- * bfd.h: Update for BFD_VERSION 2.1.
-Tue Jan 26 11:49:20 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.h: Update for SEC_IS_COMMON flag.
-Tue Jan 19 12:25:12 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.h: Update for bfd_asymbol_value bug fix.
-Fri Jan 8 16:37:18 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.h: Update to include ECOFF tdata and target_flavour.
-Sun Dec 27 17:52:30 1992 Fred Fish (
- * bfd.h: Add declaration for bfd_get_size().
-Tue Dec 22 22:42:46 1992 Fred Fish (
- * demangle.h: Protect file from multiple inclusions with
- #if !defined(DEMANGLE_H)...#define DEMANGLE_H...#endif.
-Mon Dec 21 21:25:50 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * bfd.h: Update to get hppa_core_struct from bfd.c.
-Thu Dec 17 00:42:35 1992 John Gilmore (
- * bfd.h: Update to get tekhex tdata name change from bfd.
-Mon Nov 9 23:55:42 1992 John Gilmore (
- * ansidecl.h: Update comments to discourage use of EXFUN.
-Thu Nov 5 16:35:44 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * bfd.h: Update to bring in SEC_SHARED_LIBRARY.
-Thu Nov 5 03:21:32 1992 John Gilmore (
- * bfd.h: Update to match EXFUN, bfd_seclet_struct, and SDEF
- cleanups in bfd.
-Wed Nov 4 07:28:05 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * bout.h (N_CALLNAME, N_BALNAME): Define as char-type values, so
- widening works consistently.
-Fri Oct 16 03:17:08 1992 John Gilmore (
- * getopt.h: Update to Revised Standard FSF Version.
-Thu Oct 15 21:43:22 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.h (struct option): use the provided enum for has_arg.
- LUCID_DEMANGLING): ultrix compilers require enums to be
- enums and ints to be ints and casts where they meet. cast some
- enums into ints.
-Thu Oct 15 04:35:51 1992 John Gilmore (
- * bfd.h: Update after comment changes.
-Thu Oct 8 09:03:02 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * bfd.h (bfd_get_symbol_leading_char): new macro for getting in xvec
-Thu Sep 3 09:10:50 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * bfd.h (struct reloc_howto_struct): size needs to be signed if
- it's going to hold negative values.
-Sun Aug 30 17:50:27 1992 Per Bothner (
- * demangle.h: New file, moved from ../gdb. Made independent
- of gdb. Allow demangling style option to be passed as a
- parameter to cplus_demangle(), but using the
- current_demangling_style global as the default.
-Sat Aug 29 10:07:55 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.h: Merge comment change from current FSF version.
-Thu Aug 27 12:59:29 1992 Brendan Kehoe (
- * bfd.h: add we32k
-Tue Aug 25 15:07:47 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * bfd.h: new after Z8000 stuff
-Mon Aug 17 09:01:23 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * bfd.h: Regenerated after page/segment size changes.
-Sat Aug 1 13:46:31 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.h: Merge changes from current FSF version.
-Mon Jul 20 21:06:23 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.h (area_id, flags): Remove, replace with extra_arg,
- use_extra_arg, and maybe_empty_object.
- Remove, replaced by maybe_empty_object and use_extra_arg bitfields.
- * obstack.h (obstack_full_begin, _obstack_begin): Remove area_id
- and flags arguments.
- * obstack.h (obstack_alloc_arg): New macro to set extra_arg.
-Thu Jul 16 08:12:44 1992 Steve Chamberlain (
- * bfd.h: new after adding BFD_IS_RELAXABLE
-Sat Jul 4 03:22:23 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * bfd.h: Regen after adding BSF_FILE.
-Mon Jun 29 14:18:36 1992 Fred Fish (fnf at sunfish)
- * obstack.h: Convert bcopy() use to memcpy(), which is more
- portable, more standard, and can take advantage of gcc's builtin
- functions for increased performance.
-Thu Jun 25 04:46:08 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * ansidecl.h (PARAMS): Incorporate this macro from gdb's defs.h.
- It's a cleaner way to forward-declare function prototypes.
-Fri Jun 19 15:46:32 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * bfd.h: HPPA merge.
-Tue Jun 16 21:30:56 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.h: gratuitous white space changes merged from other prep
- releases.
-Thu Jun 11 01:10:55 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * bfd.h: Regen'd from bfd.c after removing elf_core_tdata_struct.
-Mon May 18 17:29:03 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.h: merged changes from make-3.62.11.
- * getopt.h: merged changes from grep-1.6 (alpha).
-Fri May 8 14:53:32 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.h: merged changes from bison-1.18.
-Sat Mar 14 17:25:20 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.h: Add "area_id" and "flags" members to obstack
- structure. Add obstack_chunkfun() and obstack_freefun() to
- set functions explicitly. Convert maybe_empty_object to
- a bit in "flags".
-Thu Feb 27 22:01:02 1992 Per Bothner (
- * wait.h (WIFSTOPPED): Add IBM rs6000-specific version.
-Fri Feb 21 20:49:20 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * obstack.h: Add obstack_full_begin.
- * bfd.h, obstack.h: Protolint.
-Thu Jan 30 01:18:42 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * bfd.h: Remove comma from enum declaration.
-Mon Jan 27 22:01:13 1992 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * bfd.h : new target entr, bfd_relax_section
-Wed Dec 18 17:19:44 1991 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * bfd.h, ieee.h, opcode/m68k.h, opcode/sparc.h: ANSIfy enums.
-Thu Dec 12 20:59:56 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * fopen-same.h, fopen-bin.h: New files for configuring
- whether fopen distinguishes binary files or not. For use
- by host-dependent config files.
-Sat Nov 30 20:46:43 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * bfd.h: change the documentation format.
- * created coff, elf and opcode and aout directories. Moved:
- aout64.h ==> aout/aout64.h
- ar.h ==> aout/ar.h
- a.out.encap.h ==> aout/encap.h
- ==> aout/host.h
- a.out.hp.h ==> aout/hp.h
- a.out.sun4.h ==> aout/sun4.h
- ranlib.h ==> aout/ranlib.h
- reloc.h ==> aout/reloc.h
- stab.def ==> aout/stab.def
- stab.gnu.h ==> aout/stab_gnu.h
- coff-a29k.h ==> coff/a29k.h
- coff-h8300.h ==> coff/h8300.h
- coff-i386.h ==> coff/i386.h
- coff-i960.h ==> coff/i960.h
- internalcoff.h ==> coff/internal.h
- coff-m68k.h ==> coff/m68k.h
- coff-m88k.h ==> coff/m88k.h
- coff-mips.h ==> coff/mips.h
- coff-rs6000.h ==> coff/rs6000.h
- elf-common.h ==> elf/common.h
- dwarf.h ==> elf/dwarf.h
- elf-external.h ==> elf/external.h
- elf-internal.h ==> elf/internal.h
- a29k-opcode.h ==> opcode/a29k.h
- arm-opcode.h ==> opcode/arm.h
- h8300-opcode.h ==> opcode/h8300.h
- i386-opcode.h ==> opcode/i386.h
- i860-opcode.h ==> opcode/i860.h
- i960-opcode.h ==> opcode/i960.h
- m68k-opcode.h ==> opcode/m68k.h
- m88k-opcode.h ==> opcode/m88k.h
- mips-opcode.h ==> opcode/mips.h
- np1-opcode.h ==> opcode/np1.h
- ns32k-opcode.h ==> opcode/ns32k.h
- pn-opcode.h ==> opcode/pn.h
- pyr-opcode.h ==> opcode/pyr.h
- sparc-opcode.h ==> opcode/sparc.h
- tahoe-opcode.h ==> opcode/tahoe.h
- vax-opcode.h ==> opcode/vax.h
-Wed Nov 27 10:38:31 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * internalcoff.h: (internal_scnhdr) took out #def dependency, now
- s_nreloc and s_nlnno are always long. (internal_reloc): allways
- has an offset field now.
-Fri Nov 22 08:12:58 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * coff-rs6000.h: Lint; use unsigned chars for external fields.
- * internalcoff.h: Lint; cast storage classes to signed char.
-Thu Nov 21 21:01:05 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * stab.def: Remove the GNU extended type codes (e.g. N_SETT).
- * aout64.h: The heuristic for distinguishing between
- sunos-style and bsd-style ZMAGIC files (wrt. where the
- text segment starts) is moved into (the default definition of)
- the macro N_HEADER_IN_TEXT. This definition is only used
- if no other definition is used - e.g. bfd/newsos3.c defines
- N_HEADER_IN_TEXT(x) to be always 0 (as before).
-Thu Nov 21 11:53:03 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * aout64.h (N_TXTADDR, N_TXTOFF, N_TXTSIZE): New definitions
- that should handle all uses. LOGICAL_ versions deleted.
- Eliminate N_HEADER_IN_TEXT, using a_entry to determine which
- kind of zmagic a.out file we are looking at.
- * coff-rs6000.h: Typo.
-Tue Nov 19 18:43:37 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- (Note: This is a revised entry, as was aout64.h.)
- * aout64.h: Some cleanups of N_TXTADDR and N_TXTOFF:
- Will now work for both old- and new-style ZMAGIC files,
- depending on N_HEADER_IN_TEXT macro.
- that don't count the exec header as part
- of the text segment, to be consistent with bfd.
- * a.out.sun4.h: Simplified/fixed for previous change.
-Mon Nov 18 00:02:06 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * dwarf.h: Update to DWARF draft 5 version from gcc2.
-Thu Nov 14 19:44:59 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * stab.def: Added defs for extended GNU symbol types,
- such as N_SETT. These are normally ifdef'd out (because
- of conflicts with a.out.gnu.h), but are used by bfb_stab_name().
-Thu Nov 14 19:17:03 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * elf-common.h: Add defines to support ELF symbol table code.
-Mon Nov 11 19:01:06 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * elf-internal.h, elf-external.h, elf-common.h: Add support for
- note sections, which are used in ELF core files to hold copies
- of various /proc structures.
-Thu Nov 7 08:58:26 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- * internalcoff.h: took out the M88 dependency in the lineno
- struct.
- * coff-m88k.h: defines GET_LINENO_LNNO and PUT_LINENO_LNNO to use
- 32bit linno entries.
- * a29k-opcode.h: fixed encoding of mtacc
-Sun Nov 3 11:54:22 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * bfd.h: Updated from ../bfd/bfd-in.h (q.v).
-Fri Nov 1 11:13:53 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * internalcoff.h: Add x_csect defines.
-Fri Oct 25 03:18:20 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * Rename COFF-related files in `coff-ARCH.h' form.
- coff-a29k.h, coff-i386.h, coff-i960.h, coff-m68k.h, coff-m88k.h,
- coff-mips.h, coff-rs6000.h to be exact.
-Thu Oct 24 22:11:11 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- RS/6000 support, by Metin G. Ozisik, Mimi Phûông-Thåo Võ, and
- John Gilmore.
- * a.out.gnu.h: Update slightly.
- * bfd.h: Add new error code, fix doc, add bfd_arch_rs6000.
- * internalcoff.h: Add more F_ codes for filehdr. Add
- rs/6000-dependent fields to aouthdr. Add storage classes
- to syments. Add 6000-specific auxent. Add r_size in reloc.
- * rs6000coff.c: New file.
-Thu Oct 24 04:13:20 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * dwarf.h: New file for dwarf support. Copied from gcc2
- distribution.
-Wed Oct 16 13:31:45 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * aout64.h: Remove PAGE_SIZE defines; they are target-dependent.
- Add N_FN_SEQ for N_FN symbol type used on Sequent machines.
- * stab.def: Include N_FN_SEQ in table.
- * bout.h: External formats of structures use unsigned chars.
-Fri Oct 11 12:40:43 1991 Steve Chamberlain (steve at
- * bfd.h:upgrade from bfd.c
- * internalcoff.h: add n_name, n_zeroes and n_offset macros
- * amdcoff.h: Define OMAGIC and AOUTHDRSZ.
-Fri Oct 11 10:58:06 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Change SEGMENT_SIZE to 0x1000 for Sony.
- * bfd.h (align_power): Add (actually move) comment.
-Tue Oct 8 15:29:32 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * sys/h-rtbsd.h: Define MISSING_VFPRINT (for binutils/bucomm.c).
-Sun Oct 6 19:24:39 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * aout64.h: Move struct internal_exec to ../bfd/libaout.h so
- it can be shared by all `a.out-family' code. Rename
- for nlist members, and make strx integral rather than pointer.
- More commentary on n_type values.
- * bout.h: Provide a struct external_exec rather than an
- internal_exec.
- * m68kcoff.h: Remove `tagentries' which snuck in from the i960
- COFF port.
-Fri Oct 4 01:25:59 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * h8300-opcode.h: Remove `_enum' from the typedef for an enum.
- * bfd.h: Update to match bfd changes.
- * sys/h-i386mach.h, sysdep.h: Add 386 Mach host support.
-Tue Oct 1 04:58:42 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * bfd.h, elf-common.h, elf-external.h, elf-internal.h:
- Add preliminary ELF support, sufficient for GDB, from Fred Fish.
- * sysdep.h, sys/h-amix.h: Support Amiga SVR4.
- * sys/h-vaxult.h: Make it work. (David Taylor <>)
- * a.out.vax.h: Remove unused and confusing file.
-Mon Sep 30 12:52:35 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * sysdep.h: Define NEWSOS3_SYS, and use it.
-Fri Sep 20 13:38:21 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * a.out.gnu.h (N_FN): Its value *really is* 0x1F.
- Fix it, and add comments warning about or-ing N_EXT with it
- and/or N_WARNING.
- * aout64.h (N_FN): Fix value, add comments about N_EXT.
- * stab.def (table at end): Update to show all the type
- values <0x20, including low order bits. Move N_FN to
- its rightful place.
-Tue Sep 17 17:41:37 1991 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * sys/h-irix3.h: sgi/irix support.
-Tue Sep 17 07:52:59 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * stab.def (N_DEFD): Add GNU Modula-2 debug stab, from Andrew
- Beers.
-Thu Sep 12 14:12:59 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * internalcoff.h (SYMNMLEN, FILNMLEN, DIMNUM): Define these
- for internalcoff, separately from the various external coff's.
- * amdcoff.h, bcs88kcoff.h, i386coff.h, intel-coff.h, m68kcoff.h,
- m88k-bcs.h: Prefix SYMNMLEN, FILNMLEN, and DIMNUM with E_'s for
- the external struct definitions.
- * ecoff.h: Remove these #define's, kludge no longer needed.
- * sys/h-ultra3.h: Add new Ultracomputer host.
- * sysdep.h: Add ULTRA3_SYM1_SYS and use it.
-Tue Sep 10 10:11:46 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * i386coff.h (LINESZ): Always 6, not based on sizeof().
- (Fix from Peter Schauer <>.)
-Wed Sep 4 08:58:37 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * a.out.gnu.h, aout64.h: Add N_WARNING. Change N_FN to 0x0E,
- to match SunOS and BSD. Add N_COMM as 0x12 for SunOS shared lib
- support.
- * stab.def: Add N_COMM to table, fix overlap comment.
-Tue Sep 3 06:29:20 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- Merge with latest FSF versions of these files.
- * stab.gnu.h: Add LAST_UNUSED_STAB_CODE.
- * stab.def: Update to GPL2. Move N_WARNING out, since not a
- debug symbol. Change comments, and reorder table to numeric
- order. Update final table comment.
- (N_DSLINE, N_BSLINE): Renumber from 0x66 and 0x68, to 0x46 and 0x48.
- * obstack.h: GPL2. Merge.
-Fri Aug 23 01:54:23 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * a.out.gnu.h, a.out.sun4.h: Make SEGMENT_SIZE able to depend
- on the particular a.out being examined.
- * a.out.sun4.h: Define segment sizes for Sun-3's and Sun-4's.
- * FIXME: a.out.gnu.h is almost obsolete.
- * FIXME: a.out.sun4.h should be renamed a.out.sun.h now.
-Wed Aug 21 20:32:13 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * Start a ChangeLog for the includes directory.
- * a.out.gnu.h (N_FN): Fix value -- was 15, should be 0x1E.
- * stab.def: Update allocation table in comments at end,
- to reflect reality as I know it.
-Local Variables:
-mode: indented-text
-left-margin: 8
-fill-column: 74
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/include/ansidecl.h b/contrib/libg++/include/ansidecl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index be04e42..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/include/ansidecl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-/* ANSI and traditional C compatability macros
- Copyright 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of the GNU C Library.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* ANSI and traditional C compatibility macros
- ANSI C is assumed if __STDC__ is #defined.
- Macro ANSI C definition Traditional C definition
- ----- ---- - ---------- ----------- - ----------
- PTR `void *' `char *'
- LONG_DOUBLE `long double' `double'
- VOLATILE `volatile' `'
- SIGNED `signed' `'
- PTRCONST `void *const' `char *'
- ANSI_PROTOTYPES 1 not defined
- CONST is also defined, but is obsolete. Just use const.
- DEFUN (name, arglist, args)
- Defines function NAME.
- ARGLIST lists the arguments, separated by commas and enclosed in
- parentheses. ARGLIST becomes the argument list in traditional C.
- ARGS list the arguments with their types. It becomes a prototype in
- ANSI C, and the type declarations in traditional C. Arguments should
- be separated with `AND'. For functions with a variable number of
- arguments, the last thing listed should be `DOTS'.
- DEFUN_VOID (name)
- Defines a function NAME, which takes no arguments.
- obsolete -- EXFUN (name, (prototype)) -- obsolete.
- Replaced by PARAMS. Do not use; will disappear someday soon.
- Was used in external function declarations.
- In ANSI C it is `NAME PROTOTYPE' (so PROTOTYPE should be enclosed in
- parentheses). In traditional C it is `NAME()'.
- For a function that takes no arguments, PROTOTYPE should be `(void)'.
- PARAMS ((args))
- We could use the EXFUN macro to handle prototype declarations, but
- the name is misleading and the result is ugly. So we just define a
- simple macro to handle the parameter lists, as in:
- static int foo PARAMS ((int, char));
- This produces: `static int foo();' or `static int foo (int, char);'
- EXFUN would have done it like this:
- static int EXFUN (foo, (int, char));
- but the function is not external...and it's hard to visually parse
- the function name out of the mess. EXFUN should be considered
- obsolete; new code should be written to use PARAMS.
- For example:
- extern int printf PARAMS ((CONST char *format DOTS));
- int DEFUN(fprintf, (stream, format),
- FILE *stream AND CONST char *format DOTS) { ... }
- void DEFUN_VOID(abort) { ... }
-#ifndef _ANSIDECL_H
-#define _ANSIDECL_H 1
-/* Every source file includes this file,
- so they will all get the switch for lint. */
-#if defined (__STDC__) || defined (_AIX) || (defined (__mips) && defined (_SYSTYPE_SVR4)) || defined(WIN32)
-/* All known AIX compilers implement these things (but don't always
- define __STDC__). The RISC/OS MIPS compiler defines these things
- in SVR4 mode, but does not define __STDC__. */
-#define PTR void *
-#define PTRCONST void *CONST
-#define LONG_DOUBLE long double
-#define AND ,
-#define NOARGS void
-#define CONST const
-#define VOLATILE volatile
-#define SIGNED signed
-#define DOTS , ...
-#define EXFUN(name, proto) name proto
-#define DEFUN(name, arglist, args) name(args)
-#define DEFUN_VOID(name) name(void)
-#define PROTO(type, name, arglist) type name arglist
-#define PARAMS(paramlist) paramlist
-#else /* Not ANSI C. */
-#define PTR char *
-#define LONG_DOUBLE double
-#define AND ;
-#define NOARGS
-#define CONST
-#ifndef const /* some systems define it in header files for non-ansi mode */
-#define const
-#define VOLATILE
-#define SIGNED
-#define DOTS
-#define EXFUN(name, proto) name()
-#define DEFUN(name, arglist, args) name arglist args;
-#define DEFUN_VOID(name) name()
-#define PROTO(type, name, arglist) type name ()
-#define PARAMS(paramlist) ()
-#endif /* ANSI C. */
-#endif /* ansidecl.h */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/include/demangle.h b/contrib/libg++/include/demangle.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b0254af..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/include/demangle.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* Defs for interface to demanglers.
- Copyright 1992, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#if !defined (DEMANGLE_H)
-#define DEMANGLE_H
-#ifdef IN_GCC
-#include "gansidecl.h"
-#else /* ! IN_GCC */
-#include <ansidecl.h>
-#endif /* IN_GCC */
-/* Options passed to cplus_demangle (in 2nd parameter). */
-#define DMGL_NO_OPTS 0 /* For readability... */
-#define DMGL_PARAMS (1 << 0) /* Include function args */
-#define DMGL_ANSI (1 << 1) /* Include const, volatile, etc */
-#define DMGL_AUTO (1 << 8)
-#define DMGL_GNU (1 << 9)
-#define DMGL_LUCID (1 << 10)
-#define DMGL_ARM (1 << 11)
-/* If none of these are set, use 'current_demangling_style' as the default. */
-/* Enumeration of possible demangling styles.
- Lucid and ARM styles are still kept logically distinct, even though
- they now both behave identically. The resulting style is actual the
- union of both. I.E. either style recognizes both "__pt__" and "__rf__"
- for operator "->", even though the first is lucid style and the second
- is ARM style. (FIXME?) */
-extern enum demangling_styles
- unknown_demangling = 0,
- auto_demangling = DMGL_AUTO,
- gnu_demangling = DMGL_GNU,
- lucid_demangling = DMGL_LUCID,
- arm_demangling = DMGL_ARM
-} current_demangling_style;
-/* Define string names for the various demangling styles. */
-/* Some macros to test what demangling style is active. */
-#define CURRENT_DEMANGLING_STYLE current_demangling_style
-extern char *
-cplus_demangle PARAMS ((const char *mangled, int options));
-extern int
-cplus_demangle_opname PARAMS ((const char *opname, char *result, int options));
-extern const char *
-cplus_mangle_opname PARAMS ((const char *opname, int options));
-/* Note: This sets global state. FIXME if you care about multi-threading. */
-extern void
-set_cplus_marker_for_demangling PARAMS ((int ch));
-#endif /* DEMANGLE_H */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/include/floatformat.h b/contrib/libg++/include/floatformat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 01e3dcb..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/include/floatformat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-/* IEEE floating point support declarations, for GDB, the GNU Debugger.
- Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GDB.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#if !defined (FLOATFORMAT_H)
-#define FLOATFORMAT_H 1
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-/* A floatformat consists of a sign bit, an exponent and a mantissa. Once the
- bytes are concatenated according to the byteorder flag, then each of those
- fields is contiguous. We number the bits with 0 being the most significant
- (i.e. BITS_BIG_ENDIAN type numbering), and specify which bits each field
- contains with the *_start and *_len fields. */
-enum floatformat_byteorders { floatformat_little, floatformat_big };
-enum floatformat_intbit { floatformat_intbit_yes, floatformat_intbit_no };
-struct floatformat
- enum floatformat_byteorders byteorder;
- unsigned int totalsize; /* Total size of number in bits */
- /* Sign bit is always one bit long. 1 means negative, 0 means positive. */
- unsigned int sign_start;
- unsigned int exp_start;
- unsigned int exp_len;
- /* Amount added to "true" exponent. 0x3fff for many IEEE extendeds. */
- unsigned int exp_bias;
- /* Exponent value which indicates NaN. This is the actual value stored in
- the float, not adjusted by the exp_bias. This usually consists of all
- one bits. */
- unsigned int exp_nan;
- unsigned int man_start;
- unsigned int man_len;
- /* Is the integer bit explicit or implicit? */
- enum floatformat_intbit intbit;
-/* floatformats for IEEE single and double, big and little endian. */
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_ieee_single_big;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_ieee_single_little;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_ieee_double_big;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_ieee_double_little;
-/* floatformats for various extendeds. */
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_i387_ext;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_m68881_ext;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_i960_ext;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_m88110_ext;
-extern const struct floatformat floatformat_arm_ext;
-/* Convert from FMT to a double.
- FROM is the address of the extended float.
- Store the double in *TO. */
-extern void
-floatformat_to_double PARAMS ((const struct floatformat *, char *, double *));
-/* The converse: convert the double *FROM to FMT
- and store where TO points. */
-extern void
-floatformat_from_double PARAMS ((const struct floatformat *,
- double *, char *));
-#endif /* defined (FLOATFORMAT_H) */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/include/getopt.h b/contrib/libg++/include/getopt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index abf9153..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/include/getopt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-/* Declarations for getopt.
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-#ifndef _GETOPT_H
-#define _GETOPT_H 1
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* For communication from `getopt' to the caller.
- When `getopt' finds an option that takes an argument,
- the argument value is returned here.
- Also, when `ordering' is RETURN_IN_ORDER,
- each non-option ARGV-element is returned here. */
-extern char *optarg;
-/* Index in ARGV of the next element to be scanned.
- This is used for communication to and from the caller
- and for communication between successive calls to `getopt'.
- On entry to `getopt', zero means this is the first call; initialize.
- When `getopt' returns EOF, this is the index of the first of the
- non-option elements that the caller should itself scan.
- Otherwise, `optind' communicates from one call to the next
- how much of ARGV has been scanned so far. */
-extern int optind;
-/* Callers store zero here to inhibit the error message `getopt' prints
- for unrecognized options. */
-extern int opterr;
-/* Set to an option character which was unrecognized. */
-extern int optopt;
-/* Describe the long-named options requested by the application.
- The LONG_OPTIONS argument to getopt_long or getopt_long_only is a vector
- of `struct option' terminated by an element containing a name which is
- zero.
- The field `has_arg' is:
- no_argument (or 0) if the option does not take an argument,
- required_argument (or 1) if the option requires an argument,
- optional_argument (or 2) if the option takes an optional argument.
- If the field `flag' is not NULL, it points to a variable that is set
- to the value given in the field `val' when the option is found, but
- left unchanged if the option is not found.
- To have a long-named option do something other than set an `int' to
- a compiled-in constant, such as set a value from `optarg', set the
- option's `flag' field to zero and its `val' field to a nonzero
- value (the equivalent single-letter option character, if there is
- one). For long options that have a zero `flag' field, `getopt'
- returns the contents of the `val' field. */
-struct option
-#if __STDC__
- const char *name;
- char *name;
- /* has_arg can't be an enum because some compilers complain about
- type mismatches in all the code that assumes it is an int. */
- int has_arg;
- int *flag;
- int val;
-/* Names for the values of the `has_arg' field of `struct option'. */
-#define no_argument 0
-#define required_argument 1
-#define optional_argument 2
-#if __STDC__
-#if defined(__GNU_LIBRARY__)
-/* Many other libraries have conflicting prototypes for getopt, with
- differences in the consts, in stdlib.h. To avoid compilation
- errors, only prototype getopt for the GNU C library. */
-extern int getopt (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *shortopts);
-#else /* not __GNU_LIBRARY__ */
-extern int getopt ();
-#endif /* not __GNU_LIBRARY__ */
-extern int getopt_long (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *shortopts,
- const struct option *longopts, int *longind);
-extern int getopt_long_only (int argc, char *const *argv,
- const char *shortopts,
- const struct option *longopts, int *longind);
-/* Internal only. Users should not call this directly. */
-extern int _getopt_internal (int argc, char *const *argv,
- const char *shortopts,
- const struct option *longopts, int *longind,
- int long_only);
-#else /* not __STDC__ */
-extern int getopt ();
-extern int getopt_long ();
-extern int getopt_long_only ();
-extern int _getopt_internal ();
-#endif /* not __STDC__ */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _GETOPT_H */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/include/libiberty.h b/contrib/libg++/include/libiberty.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e29012..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/include/libiberty.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-/* Function declarations for libiberty.
- Written by Cygnus Support, 1994.
- The libiberty library provides a number of functions which are
- missing on some operating systems. We do not declare those here,
- to avoid conflicts with the system header files on operating
- systems that do support those functions. In this file we only
- declare those functions which are specific to libiberty. */
-#ifndef LIBIBERTY_H
-#define LIBIBERTY_H
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-/* Build an argument vector from a string. Allocates memory using
- malloc. Use freeargv to free the vector. */
-extern char **buildargv PARAMS ((char *));
-/* Free a vector returned by buildargv. */
-extern void freeargv PARAMS ((char **));
-/* Return the last component of a path name. */
-extern char *basename ();
-/* Concatenate an arbitrary number of strings, up to (char *) NULL.
- Allocates memory using xmalloc. */
-extern char *concat PARAMS ((const char *, ...));
-/* Check whether two file descriptors refer to the same file. */
-extern int fdmatch PARAMS ((int fd1, int fd2));
-/* Get the amount of time the process has run, in microseconds. */
-extern long get_run_time PARAMS ((void));
-/* Choose a temporary directory to use for scratch files. */
-extern char *choose_temp_base PARAMS ((void));
-/* Allocate memory filled with spaces. Allocates using malloc. */
-extern const char *spaces PARAMS ((int count));
-/* Return the maximum error number for which strerror will return a
- string. */
-extern int errno_max PARAMS ((void));
-/* Return the name of an errno value (e.g., strerrno (EINVAL) returns
- "EINVAL"). */
-extern const char *strerrno PARAMS ((int));
-/* Given the name of an errno value, return the value. */
-extern int strtoerrno PARAMS ((const char *));
-/* ANSI's strerror(), but more robust. */
-extern char *xstrerror PARAMS ((int));
-/* Return the maximum signal number for which strsignal will return a
- string. */
-extern int signo_max PARAMS ((void));
-/* Return a signal message string for a signal number
- (e.g., strsignal (SIGHUP) returns something like "Hangup"). */
-/* This is commented out as it can conflict with one in system headers.
- We still document its existence though. */
-/*extern const char *strsignal PARAMS ((int));*/
-/* Return the name of a signal number (e.g., strsigno (SIGHUP) returns
- "SIGHUP"). */
-extern const char *strsigno PARAMS ((int));
-/* Given the name of a signal, return its number. */
-extern int strtosigno PARAMS ((const char *));
-/* Register a function to be run by xexit. Returns 0 on success. */
-extern int xatexit PARAMS ((void (*fn) (void)));
-/* Exit, calling all the functions registered with xatexit. */
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-extern void xexit PARAMS ((int status));
-typedef void libiberty_voidfn PARAMS ((int status));
-__volatile__ libiberty_voidfn xexit;
-/* Set the program name used by xmalloc. */
-extern void xmalloc_set_program_name PARAMS ((const char *));
-/* Allocate memory without fail. If malloc fails, this will print a
- message to stderr (using the name set by xmalloc_set_program_name,
- if any) and then call xexit.
- FIXME: We do not declare the parameter type (size_t) in order to
- avoid conflicts with other declarations of xmalloc that exist in
- programs which use libiberty. */
-extern PTR xmalloc ();
-/* Reallocate memory without fail. This works like xmalloc.
- FIXME: We do not declare the parameter types for the same reason as
- xmalloc. */
-extern PTR xrealloc ();
-/* Copy a string into a memory buffer without fail. */
-extern char *xstrdup PARAMS ((const char *));
-/* hex character manipulation routines */
-#define _hex_array_size 256
-#define _hex_bad 99
-extern char _hex_value[_hex_array_size];
-extern void hex_init PARAMS ((void));
-#define hex_p(c) (hex_value (c) != _hex_bad)
-/* If you change this, note well: Some code relies on side effects in
- the argument being performed exactly once. */
-#define hex_value(c) (_hex_value[(unsigned char) (c)])
-#endif /* ! defined (LIBIBERTY_H) */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/include/obstack.h b/contrib/libg++/include/obstack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 416b8bf..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/include/obstack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
-/* obstack.h - object stack macros
- Copyright (C) 1988, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
-later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
-/* Summary:
-All the apparent functions defined here are macros. The idea
-is that you would use these pre-tested macros to solve a
-very specific set of problems, and they would run fast.
-Caution: no side-effects in arguments please!! They may be
-evaluated MANY times!!
-These macros operate a stack of objects. Each object starts life
-small, and may grow to maturity. (Consider building a word syllable
-by syllable.) An object can move while it is growing. Once it has
-been "finished" it never changes address again. So the "top of the
-stack" is typically an immature growing object, while the rest of the
-stack is of mature, fixed size and fixed address objects.
-These routines grab large chunks of memory, using a function you
-supply, called `obstack_chunk_alloc'. On occasion, they free chunks,
-by calling `obstack_chunk_free'. You must define them and declare
-them before using any obstack macros.
-Each independent stack is represented by a `struct obstack'.
-Each of the obstack macros expects a pointer to such a structure
-as the first argument.
-One motivation for this package is the problem of growing char strings
-in symbol tables. Unless you are "fascist pig with a read-only mind"
---Gosper's immortal quote from HAKMEM item 154, out of context--you
-would not like to put any arbitrary upper limit on the length of your
-In practice this often means you will build many short symbols and a
-few long symbols. At the time you are reading a symbol you don't know
-how long it is. One traditional method is to read a symbol into a
-buffer, realloc()ating the buffer every time you try to read a symbol
-that is longer than the buffer. This is beaut, but you still will
-want to copy the symbol from the buffer to a more permanent
-symbol-table entry say about half the time.
-With obstacks, you can work differently. Use one obstack for all symbol
-names. As you read a symbol, grow the name in the obstack gradually.
-When the name is complete, finalize it. Then, if the symbol exists already,
-free the newly read name.
-The way we do this is to take a large chunk, allocating memory from
-low addresses. When you want to build a symbol in the chunk you just
-add chars above the current "high water mark" in the chunk. When you
-have finished adding chars, because you got to the end of the symbol,
-you know how long the chars are, and you can create a new object.
-Mostly the chars will not burst over the highest address of the chunk,
-because you would typically expect a chunk to be (say) 100 times as
-long as an average object.
-In case that isn't clear, when we have enough chars to make up
-so we just point to it where it lies. No moving of chars is
-needed and this is the second win: potentially long strings need
-never be explicitly shuffled. Once an object is formed, it does not
-change its address during its lifetime.
-When the chars burst over a chunk boundary, we allocate a larger
-chunk, and then copy the partly formed object from the end of the old
-chunk to the beginning of the new larger chunk. We then carry on
-accreting characters to the end of the object as we normally would.
-A special macro is provided to add a single char at a time to a
-growing object. This allows the use of register variables, which
-break the ordinary 'growth' macro.
- We allocate large chunks.
- We carve out one object at a time from the current chunk.
- Once carved, an object never moves.
- We are free to append data of any size to the currently
- growing object.
- Exactly one object is growing in an obstack at any one time.
- You can run one obstack per control block.
- You may have as many control blocks as you dare.
- Because of the way we do it, you can `unwind' an obstack
- back to a previous state. (You may remove objects much
- as you would with a stack.)
-/* Don't do the contents of this file more than once. */
-#ifndef __OBSTACK_H__
-#define __OBSTACK_H__
-/* We use subtraction of (char *)0 instead of casting to int
- because on word-addressable machines a simple cast to int
- may ignore the byte-within-word field of the pointer. */
-#ifndef __PTR_TO_INT
-#define __PTR_TO_INT(P) ((P) - (char *)0)
-#ifndef __INT_TO_PTR
-#define __INT_TO_PTR(P) ((P) + (char *)0)
-/* We need the type of the resulting object. In ANSI C it is ptrdiff_t
- but in traditional C it is usually long. If we are in ANSI C and
- don't already have ptrdiff_t get it. */
-#if defined (__STDC__) && ! defined (offsetof)
-#if defined (__GNUC__) && defined (IN_GCC)
-/* On Next machine, the system's stddef.h screws up if included
- after we have defined just ptrdiff_t, so include all of stddef.h.
- Otherwise, define just ptrdiff_t, which is all we need. */
-#ifndef __NeXT__
-#define __need_ptrdiff_t
-#include <stddef.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#define PTR_INT_TYPE ptrdiff_t
-#define PTR_INT_TYPE long
-struct _obstack_chunk /* Lives at front of each chunk. */
- char *limit; /* 1 past end of this chunk */
- struct _obstack_chunk *prev; /* address of prior chunk or NULL */
- char contents[4]; /* objects begin here */
-struct obstack /* control current object in current chunk */
- long chunk_size; /* preferred size to allocate chunks in */
- struct _obstack_chunk* chunk; /* address of current struct obstack_chunk */
- char *object_base; /* address of object we are building */
- char *next_free; /* where to add next char to current object */
- char *chunk_limit; /* address of char after current chunk */
- PTR_INT_TYPE temp; /* Temporary for some macros. */
- int alignment_mask; /* Mask of alignment for each object. */
- struct _obstack_chunk *(*chunkfun) (); /* User's fcn to allocate a chunk. */
- void (*freefun) (); /* User's function to free a chunk. */
- char *extra_arg; /* first arg for chunk alloc/dealloc funcs */
- unsigned use_extra_arg:1; /* chunk alloc/dealloc funcs take extra arg */
- unsigned maybe_empty_object:1;/* There is a possibility that the current
- chunk contains a zero-length object. This
- prevents freeing the chunk if we allocate
- a bigger chunk to replace it. */
- unsigned alloc_failed:1; /* chunk alloc func returned 0 */
-/* Declare the external functions we use; they are in obstack.c. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-extern void _obstack_newchunk (struct obstack *, int);
-extern void _obstack_free (struct obstack *, void *);
-extern int _obstack_begin (struct obstack *, int, int,
- void *(*) (), void (*) ());
-extern int _obstack_begin_1 (struct obstack *, int, int,
- void *(*) (), void (*) (), void *);
-extern int _obstack_memory_used (struct obstack *);
-extern void _obstack_newchunk ();
-extern void _obstack_free ();
-extern int _obstack_begin ();
-extern int _obstack_begin_1 ();
-extern int _obstack_memory_used ();
-#ifdef __STDC__
-/* Do the function-declarations after the structs
- but before defining the macros. */
-void obstack_init (struct obstack *obstack);
-void * obstack_alloc (struct obstack *obstack, int size);
-void * obstack_copy (struct obstack *obstack, void *address, int size);
-void * obstack_copy0 (struct obstack *obstack, void *address, int size);
-void obstack_free (struct obstack *obstack, void *block);
-void obstack_blank (struct obstack *obstack, int size);
-void obstack_grow (struct obstack *obstack, void *data, int size);
-void obstack_grow0 (struct obstack *obstack, void *data, int size);
-void obstack_1grow (struct obstack *obstack, int data_char);
-void obstack_ptr_grow (struct obstack *obstack, void *data);
-void obstack_int_grow (struct obstack *obstack, int data);
-void * obstack_finish (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_object_size (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_room (struct obstack *obstack);
-void obstack_1grow_fast (struct obstack *obstack, int data_char);
-void obstack_ptr_grow_fast (struct obstack *obstack, void *data);
-void obstack_int_grow_fast (struct obstack *obstack, int data);
-void obstack_blank_fast (struct obstack *obstack, int size);
-void * obstack_base (struct obstack *obstack);
-void * obstack_next_free (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_alignment_mask (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_chunk_size (struct obstack *obstack);
-int obstack_memory_used (struct obstack *obstack);
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-/* Non-ANSI C cannot really support alternative functions for these macros,
- so we do not declare them. */
-/* Pointer to beginning of object being allocated or to be allocated next.
- Note that this might not be the final address of the object
- because a new chunk might be needed to hold the final size. */
-#define obstack_base(h) ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : (h)->object_base)
-/* Size for allocating ordinary chunks. */
-#define obstack_chunk_size(h) ((h)->chunk_size)
-/* Pointer to next byte not yet allocated in current chunk. */
-#define obstack_next_free(h) ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : (h)->next_free)
-/* Mask specifying low bits that should be clear in address of an object. */
-#define obstack_alignment_mask(h) ((h)->alignment_mask)
-#define obstack_init(h) \
- _obstack_begin ((h), 0, 0, \
- (void *(*) ()) obstack_chunk_alloc, (void (*) ()) obstack_chunk_free)
-#define obstack_begin(h, size) \
- _obstack_begin ((h), (size), 0, \
- (void *(*) ()) obstack_chunk_alloc, (void (*) ()) obstack_chunk_free)
-#define obstack_specify_allocation(h, size, alignment, chunkfun, freefun) \
- _obstack_begin ((h), (size), (alignment), \
- (void *(*) ()) (chunkfun), (void (*) ()) (freefun))
-#define obstack_specify_allocation_with_arg(h, size, alignment, chunkfun, freefun, arg) \
- _obstack_begin_1 ((h), (size), (alignment), \
- (void *(*) ()) (chunkfun), (void (*) ()) (freefun), (arg))
-#define obstack_chunkfun(h, newchunkfun) \
- ((h) -> chunkfun = (struct _obstack_chunk *(*)()) (newchunkfun))
-#define obstack_freefun(h, newfreefun) \
- ((h) -> freefun = (void (*)()) (newfreefun))
-#define obstack_1grow_fast(h,achar) (*((h)->next_free)++ = achar)
-#define obstack_blank_fast(h,n) ((h)->next_free += (n))
-#define obstack_memory_used(h) _obstack_memory_used (h)
-#if defined (__GNUC__) && defined (__STDC__)
-#if __GNUC__ < 2
-#define __extension__
-/* For GNU C, if not -traditional,
- we can define these macros to compute all args only once
- without using a global variable.
- Also, we can avoid using the `temp' slot, to make faster code. */
-#define obstack_object_size(OBSTACK) \
- __extension__ \
- ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- __o->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (unsigned) (__o->next_free - __o->object_base); })
-#define obstack_room(OBSTACK) \
- __extension__ \
- ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- (unsigned) (__o->chunk_limit - __o->next_free); })
-#define obstack_grow(OBSTACK,where,length) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- int __len = (length); \
- if (__o->next_free + __len > __o->chunk_limit) \
- _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len); \
- if (!__o->alloc_failed) \
- { \
- bcopy (where, __o->next_free, __len); \
- __o->next_free += __len; \
- } \
- (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_grow0(OBSTACK,where,length) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- int __len = (length); \
- if (__o->next_free + __len + 1 > __o->chunk_limit) \
- _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len + 1); \
- if (!__o->alloc_failed) \
- { \
- bcopy (where, __o->next_free, __len); \
- __o->next_free += __len; \
- *(__o->next_free)++ = 0; \
- } \
- (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_1grow(OBSTACK,datum) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- if (__o->next_free + 1 > __o->chunk_limit) \
- _obstack_newchunk (__o, 1); \
- if (!__o->alloc_failed) \
- *(__o->next_free)++ = (datum); \
- (void) 0; })
-/* These assume that the obstack alignment is good enough for pointers or ints,
- and that the data added so far to the current object
- shares that much alignment. */
-#define obstack_ptr_grow(OBSTACK,datum) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- if (__o->next_free + sizeof (void *) > __o->chunk_limit) \
- _obstack_newchunk (__o, sizeof (void *)); \
- if (!__o->alloc_failed) \
- *((void **)__o->next_free)++ = ((void *)datum); \
- (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_int_grow(OBSTACK,datum) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- if (__o->next_free + sizeof (int) > __o->chunk_limit) \
- _obstack_newchunk (__o, sizeof (int)); \
- if (!__o->alloc_failed) \
- *((int *)__o->next_free)++ = ((int)datum); \
- (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_ptr_grow_fast(h,aptr) (*((void **)(h)->next_free)++ = (void *)aptr)
-#define obstack_int_grow_fast(h,aint) (*((int *)(h)->next_free)++ = (int)aint)
-#define obstack_blank(OBSTACK,length) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- int __len = (length); \
- if (__o->chunk_limit - __o->next_free < __len) \
- _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len); \
- if (!__o->alloc_failed) \
- __o->next_free += __len; \
- (void) 0; })
-#define obstack_alloc(OBSTACK,length) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK); \
- obstack_blank (__h, (length)); \
- obstack_finish (__h); })
-#define obstack_copy(OBSTACK,where,length) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK); \
- obstack_grow (__h, (where), (length)); \
- obstack_finish (__h); })
-#define obstack_copy0(OBSTACK,where,length) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK); \
- obstack_grow0 (__h, (where), (length)); \
- obstack_finish (__h); })
-/* The local variable is named __o1 to avoid a name conflict
- when obstack_blank is called. */
-#define obstack_finish(OBSTACK) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o1 = (OBSTACK); \
- void *value; \
- if (__o1->alloc_failed) \
- value = 0; \
- else \
- { \
- value = (void *) __o1->object_base; \
- if (__o1->next_free == value) \
- __o1->maybe_empty_object = 1; \
- __o1->next_free \
- = __INT_TO_PTR ((__PTR_TO_INT (__o1->next_free)+__o1->alignment_mask)\
- & ~ (__o1->alignment_mask)); \
- if (__o1->next_free - (char *)__o1->chunk \
- > __o1->chunk_limit - (char *)__o1->chunk) \
- __o1->next_free = __o1->chunk_limit; \
- __o1->object_base = __o1->next_free; \
- } \
- value; })
-#define obstack_free(OBSTACK, OBJ) \
-__extension__ \
-({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \
- void *__obj = (OBJ); \
- if (__obj > (void *)__o->chunk && __obj < (void *)__o->chunk_limit) \
- __o->next_free = __o->object_base = __obj; \
- else (obstack_free) (__o, __obj); })
-#else /* not __GNUC__ or not __STDC__ */
-#define obstack_object_size(h) \
- (unsigned) ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : (h)->next_free - (h)->object_base)
-#define obstack_room(h) \
- (unsigned) ((h)->chunk_limit - (h)->next_free)
-/* Note that the call to _obstack_newchunk is enclosed in (..., 0)
- so that we can avoid having void expressions
- in the arms of the conditional expression.
- Casting the third operand to void was tried before,
- but some compilers won't accept it. */
-#define obstack_grow(h,where,length) \
-( (h)->temp = (length), \
- (((h)->next_free + (h)->temp > (h)->chunk_limit) \
- ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp), 0) : 0), \
- ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (bcopy (where, (h)->next_free, (h)->temp), \
- (h)->next_free += (h)->temp)))
-#define obstack_grow0(h,where,length) \
-( (h)->temp = (length), \
- (((h)->next_free + (h)->temp + 1 > (h)->chunk_limit) \
- ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp + 1), 0) : 0), \
- ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (bcopy (where, (h)->next_free, (h)->temp), \
- (h)->next_free += (h)->temp, \
- *((h)->next_free)++ = 0)))
-#define obstack_1grow(h,datum) \
-( (((h)->next_free + 1 > (h)->chunk_limit) \
- ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), 1), 0) : 0), \
- ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (*((h)->next_free)++ = (datum))))
-#define obstack_ptr_grow(h,datum) \
-( (((h)->next_free + sizeof (char *) > (h)->chunk_limit) \
- ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), sizeof (char *)), 0) : 0), \
- ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (*((char **)(((h)->next_free+=sizeof(char *))-sizeof(char *))) = ((char *)datum))))
-#define obstack_int_grow(h,datum) \
-( (((h)->next_free + sizeof (int) > (h)->chunk_limit) \
- ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), sizeof (int)), 0) : 0), \
- ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (*((int *)(((h)->next_free+=sizeof(int))-sizeof(int))) = ((int)datum))))
-#define obstack_ptr_grow_fast(h,aptr) (*((char **)(h)->next_free)++ = (char *)aptr)
-#define obstack_int_grow_fast(h,aint) (*((int *)(h)->next_free)++ = (int)aint)
-#define obstack_blank(h,length) \
-( (h)->temp = (length), \
- (((h)->chunk_limit - (h)->next_free < (h)->temp) \
- ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp), 0) : 0), \
- ((h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- ((h)->next_free += (h)->temp)))
-#define obstack_alloc(h,length) \
- (obstack_blank ((h), (length)), obstack_finish ((h)))
-#define obstack_copy(h,where,length) \
- (obstack_grow ((h), (where), (length)), obstack_finish ((h)))
-#define obstack_copy0(h,where,length) \
- (obstack_grow0 ((h), (where), (length)), obstack_finish ((h)))
-#define obstack_finish(h) \
-( (h)->alloc_failed ? 0 : \
- (((h)->next_free == (h)->object_base \
- ? (((h)->maybe_empty_object = 1), 0) \
- : 0), \
- (h)->temp = __PTR_TO_INT ((h)->object_base), \
- (h)->next_free \
- = __INT_TO_PTR ((__PTR_TO_INT ((h)->next_free)+(h)->alignment_mask) \
- & ~ ((h)->alignment_mask)), \
- (((h)->next_free - (char *)(h)->chunk \
- > (h)->chunk_limit - (char *)(h)->chunk) \
- ? ((h)->next_free = (h)->chunk_limit) : 0), \
- (h)->object_base = (h)->next_free, \
- __INT_TO_PTR ((h)->temp)))
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#define obstack_free(h,obj) \
-( (h)->temp = (char *)(obj) - (char *) (h)->chunk, \
- (((h)->temp > 0 && (h)->temp < (h)->chunk_limit - (char *) (h)->chunk)\
- ? (int) ((h)->next_free = (h)->object_base \
- = (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk) \
- : (((obstack_free) ((h), (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk), 0), 0)))
-#define obstack_free(h,obj) \
-( (h)->temp = (char *)(obj) - (char *) (h)->chunk, \
- (((h)->temp > 0 && (h)->temp < (h)->chunk_limit - (char *) (h)->chunk)\
- ? (int) ((h)->next_free = (h)->object_base \
- = (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk) \
- : (_obstack_free ((h), (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk), 0)))
-#endif /* not __GNUC__ or not __STDC__ */
-#endif /* not __OBSTACK_H__ */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/ChangeLog b/contrib/libg++/libg++/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 506a841..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2271 +0,0 @@
-Tue Jun 18 18:36:58 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * Version 2.7.2.
-Fri Dec 1 15:35:03 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * libg++.texi: Don't document 'and' function etc, since they
- are no longer available if __STRICT__ANSI__.
- * Generate g++FAQ.txt and g++FAQ.html from g++FAQ.texi.
- (diststuff): Also build g++FAQ.txt.
- * (REAL_CLEAN): Remove g++FAQ.{txt,html}.
- * g++FAQ.txt: Removed - now generated automatically.
- * (configdirs): Remove old-stream.
-Fri Apr 19 17:24:51 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * Version 2.8.0b3.
-Wed Apr 10 02:30:52 1996 Jason Molenda (
- * g++FAQ.texi, g++FAQ.txt: Update to April 5 version.
-Mon Apr 8 15:04:37 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Permit --enable-shared to specify a list of
- directories.
-Wed Mar 27 11:54:08 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * Version 2.8.0b2.
-Wed Feb 28 10:00:24 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * Version 2.8.0b1.
- * *, config/*: Remove references to curses stuff.
- * g++FAQ.txt (Subject): Update to February 15 version.
-Tue Dec 19 15:13:08 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/ (SHFLAGS): Add -Wl,-unix.
-Sun Dec 17 00:26:54 1995 Jeffrey A Law (
- * (install): Make sure shared libraries
- are installed with mode 555.
-Mon Dec 4 14:07:02 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/ HPUX has shared libcurses.
- * (install): Make symbolic links relative.
-Tue Nov 28 14:26:49 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * (piclist): Use test instead of the left bracket, to
- avoid problems with some versions of make.
-Sat Nov 25 11:47:26 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * Delete changing LIBIBERTY to xiberty if cross.
- * (install): Fix setting of rootme.
-Tue Nov 21 14:16:35 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Check ${with_cross_host} rather than comparing
- ${host} and ${target}.
-Tue Nov 14 01:34:06 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * (RX_OBJ): Delete MULTITOP reference.
- (SHLIB, ../librx/rx.o): Likewise.
- * Delete call to Call
- instead of
- * src/ (XCINCLUDES): Delete MULTITOP reference.
- ( Call instead of
- * src/depend: Regenerated.
-Sun Nov 12 16:28:06 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * g++FAQ.texi, g++FAQ.txt: Update to September 15 version.
- * (VERSION), README: Update to 2.7.1.
-Thu Nov 9 17:45:00 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/*.ml: Don't include -lcurses in LIBS. Tweak.
- * (MOSTLYCLEAN): Add piclist.
-Wed Nov 8 17:02:42 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (piclist): Don't include CursesW.o for targets that
- lack a shared libcurses.
-Mon Nov 6 14:18:16 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/ Be sure to get the right libstdc++.
-Thu Oct 26 22:51:44 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (VERSION): Increase to
-Tue Oct 24 15:53:59 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * config/ New file, to pass -R to links.
- * For solaris2*, use instead of
-Tue Sep 26 15:22:31 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/ Pass -rpath to links.
-Fri Sep 15 00:24:52 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/ Conform to Linux shared library numbering scheme.
- * Ditto.
-Mon Aug 21 11:46:03 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (install): Make shared library executable and
- non-writable. Tidy.
-Sat Jul 22 14:00:26 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * (list): Add multilib support.
- ($(SHLIB), rx.o, install): Likewise.
- * Likewise.
- * src/ (install): Likewise.
- * src/ (XCINCLUDES): Likewise.
- * src/depend: Regenerated.
-Wed Jun 28 13:45:24 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * g++FAQ.texi, g++FAQ.txt: New versions from Joe Buck.
-Tue Jun 27 01:56:34 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * config/ (SHFLAGS): Use $(PICFLAG), not $(LIBCFLAGS).
-Fri Jun 23 16:54:17 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (SHLINK): Force link.
- (install): Ditto.
- * (SHARLIB): Provide a default value.
-Fri Jun 16 15:35:33 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * g++FAQ.texi, g++FAQ.txt: New files: Joe Buck's FAQ for G++.
-Thu Jun 15 21:01:10 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (VERSION): Set to 2.7.0
-Fri Jun 16 13:57:22 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/ Build both shared and archive libraries.
-Wed Jun 14 21:44:21 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (frags): Use for Linux/ELF.
- * config/ New file.
-Wed Jun 7 11:13:32 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (MOSTLYCLEAN): Remove stamp-picdir.
-Mon Jun 5 18:41:03 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (piclist): New rule.
- (SHLIB): Use it.
- * (MOSTLYCLEAN): Remove pic.
- (frags): Use toplevel pic frags.
- * config/*.ml: Build both shared and archive libraries.
-Mon May 22 23:36:42 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (VERSION): Bump to 2.6.90.
- (install): Re-format; add missing semi-colon.
-Wed May 10 05:07:45 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/ New file.
- * (enable_shared): Support enable_shared under AIX.
- * (SHARLIB): New variable and rule for building an
- archive library containing a single shared object (for AIX).
-Wed Apr 19 23:22:36 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/ (SHDEPS): Link with -lstdc++.
- * (SHLIB): Don't link with -lstdc++.
-Sun Apr 16 17:54:28 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * README: Minor updates.
- * libg++.texi: Fix two typos.
-Wed Mar 8 16:34:44 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/ (LIBS): Also link with libstdc++.
- * config/ Ditto.
- * config/ (LIBS): Pass -rpath to linker.
-Thu Feb 16 00:13:44 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- *, config/*.ml: Generate shared library on most hosts
- as$(VERSION), with a symlink to, so that
- multiple versions can coexist.
-Fri Jan 20 01:34:04 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (list): Don't include files from libio and libiberty.
- (SHLIB): Link with libstdc++.
- * README.SHLIB: Add note about setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
-Mon Dec 5 19:45:21 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * README: Add note about AIX.
- * NEWS: Mention STL and shared library support.
-Wed Nov 9 01:24:09 1994 Jason Merrill <>
- * README.SHLIB: Update for new shared library support.
-Mon Nov 7 16:22:44 1994 Jason Merrill <>
- *, config/*.ml: Handle --enable-shared.
- (ALL): Reference 'libs' now.
- (MOSTLYCLEAN): Handle 'list'.
- (CLEAN): $(BUILD_LIBS) replaces $(TARGETLIB).
- * (ALL, CHECK, TARGET_LIB): Remove.
- (ARLIB): libg++.a.
- (SHLIB):
- (SHFLAGS): flags used when building $(SHLIB).
- (SHDEPS) : libraries linked when building $(SHLIB).
- (LIBIBERTY_OBJECTS_TO_GET): Reference file in other directory.
- (list): Build master list of objects.
- (libg++.a): Use it.
- ( Ditto.
- (install): Only ranlib $(ARLIB).
-Sat Nov 5 16:09:24 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * (VERSION): Update to 2.6.2.
- * Support for adding in ../libio/rx.o into libg++.a
- moved here from src/
- * NEWS, README: Update. Libstdc++ is now enabled by default.
-Fri Nov 4 17:14:09 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * NEWS, TODO: Fix typos.
-Mon Oct 24 15:43:09 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * Remove no-longer-used NOSTDINC setting.
- * utils/etags.c: Removed. The one in emacs-19 is better maintained.
- * utils/, utils/, README: Removed etags stuff.
-Thu Oct 20 17:07:53 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * README, NEWS: Note libstdc++. Other updates.
- * README.SHLIB: Update from Joseph E. Sacco <>.
-Tue Oct 18 17:52:42 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * README: Minor improvements.
- * README.SHLIB: New file. (Notes on building shared libraries.)
- * utils/c++-mode.el: Removed.
-Thu Oct 13 18:29:02 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * (install): Warn if we detect headers from a pre-2.5
- installation.
- * README: Add more information about problems from old
- installations.
-Wed Aug 24 12:54:04 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * Change i[34]86-*-linux to i[345]86-*-linux.
-Sat Aug 20 12:12:01 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (VERSION): Increase to 2.6.1.
- * NEWS: Note use of librx.
-Fri Jul 22 00:09:06 1994 Per Bothner (
- * utils/etags.c: Replace index -> strchr and rindex -> strrchr.
- Protect extern definitions of strchr, strrchr, strcpy, strncpy,
- and strcmp by #ifndef's in case they are macros.
- (This is a problem under AIX-3.2.5, as reported by
- Tom McConnell <>.)
- Remove commented-out definitions of index and rindex.
-Wed Jul 13 12:56:43 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (VERSION): Increase to 2.6.
- * README, NEWS, TODO: Some updating.
-Mon Jul 11 18:56:59 1994 Per Bothner (
- * README: Update libg+.texinfo -> libg++.texi,
- Take out Doug Lea's prominent address.
-Tue May 31 09:25:41 1994 Mike Stump (
- * utils/etags.c: Add #include <string.h>, to avoid warning on alpha.
-Mon May 30 17:34:39 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (install): Various cleaning up.
- Move commands to install include files to src/
-Wed May 25 16:00:55 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (VERSION): Set to 2.5.4.
-Thu Mar 17 22:35:05 1994 Per Bothner (
- * Always set NOSTDINC in Makefiles. (Don't try
- to determine if C++ compiler can handle it. We can't really
- do that with the current configure setup.)
- * README: Recommend build using 'make all "CC=gcc -O"'.
- Note "make NOSTDIC=" is needed if using non-g++.
-Mon Mar 7 13:51:57 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (.stmp-tests): Don't recurse into tests directory if
- it does not exist.
-Sun Dec 19 19:04:12 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (VERSION): Set to 2.5.3.
- * README.386bsd: Removed.
-Fri Nov 26 19:07:36 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (VERSION): Set to 2.5.2.
-Thu Nov 4 16:58:40 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (VERSION): Update to version 2.5.1.
- * (install): Remove code to install g++-include.
- * Restore code to set NOSTDINC.
-Wed Nov 3 11:50:21 1993 Per Bothner (
-Mon Nov 1 17:56:05 1993 Per Bothner (
- * g++-include directory: Removed. (We assume fixproto now.)
-Mon Oct 25 21:08:33 1993 Per Bothner (
- * libg++.texi: Fix typo Slater -> [Daliel] Sleator.
- Reported by Nathan Loofbourrow <>.
-Sat Oct 23 22:06:00 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (VERSION): Update to version 2.5.
- * README, NEWS: Various updates.
-Thu Oct 14 16:04:10 1993 Karen Christiansen (
- * changed mv to mv -f
-Mon Oct 11 12:43:51 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Bump version number to 2.4.90.
- * README, NEWS: Update.
- * Remove iostream references.
-Mon Oct 4 17:47:51 1993 Per Bothner (
- * libg++.texi: Note NIHCL availability and status.
- * Bump version number to 2.4.8.
-Wed Aug 25 13:00:55 1993 Per Bothner (
- * config/{,,,}:
- Moved to ../libio/config (since they affect _G_config.h).
- * Don't set my_target for sco/hpux/isc/aix.
-Wed Aug 18 12:23:19 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Use FOO.list files instead of SUBDIR/stamp.
-Tue Aug 17 18:36:08 1993 Per Bothner (
- Set up for using ../libio instead of ./iostream.
- * (SUBDIRS): Don't include IO_DIR.
- * utils/gen-params: Moved to ../libio.
- * Don't build or use _G_config.h; use ../libio.
- * (stamp-libg++.a, libg++.a): Re-do to use
- $(IO_DIR)/iostream-files, where IO_DIR defaults to ../libio.
- * config.shared: Now just a stub that invokes ../libio/config.shared.
- * utils/ (srctrigger): gen-params ->
-Wed Aug 4 17:29:14 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * (install): add some 'else true' clauses for the
- dain-bramaged DECstation Bourne shell
-Tue Aug 3 11:41:27 1993 Per Bothner (
- * config.shared: Change INSTALL to use ../ -c.
- * Removed setting of INSTALL*.
- * Removed reference to
- * config/ Removed; no longer needed.
- * config/{,,,,}:
- Removed no-longer-needed setting of INSTALL*, NOSTDINC,
-Sun Jul 25 19:21:45 1993 Per Bothner (bothner@kalessin)
- * config.shared: Set WRAP_C_INCLUDES to no longer search
- g++-include, now that gcc has the fixproto script.
- * Don't need -nostdinc++ flag any more,
- now that we're not using g++-include (with its #include_nexts).
- * config.shared: Restructure *clean rules, partly to
- avoid some duplication.
- * README: Various clarifications.
-Wed Jul 7 15:33:39 1993 Brendan Kehoe (
- * utils/gen-params (DOLLAR_IN_LABEL): Look for `7filebuf' instead
- of just `filebuf' on the vtable name.
-Tue Jun 29 13:02:39 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (VERSION): Set to 2.4 (yeah!).
- * Makefile (install): Don't depend on all.
- * config.shared: Undo change of Jun 25.
- * Handle *-*-solaris like *-*-solaris2.
-Fri Jun 25 12:23:22 1993 Per Bothner (
- * config.shared: Make install-info depend on info.
-Wed Jun 23 12:56:23 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Define VERSION (for cd ..; make taz).
- * Set to version 2.3.91.
- * (diststuff): Needed for distributions.
- * Makefile (dts): Rip out. Subsumed by stuff in ../
-Tue Jun 22 13:16:30 1993 Per Bothner (
- * README.386bsd: Patches for 386bsd.
- * utils/etags.c: Add AIX alloca support.
- * config.shared (CXXINCLUDES): Fix quoting bug.
- * libg++.texi: Document Integer methods fits_in_long(),
- as_long(), fits_in_double(), as_long().
-Tue Jun 15 11:54:42 1993 Per Bothner (
- * config.shared (CLEAN): Default to ${TARGETPROG} ${TARGETLIB}.
- * (DISTCLEAN): Add target-mkfrag.
-Mon Jun 7 13:13:27 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Increase version number to 2.3.90.
- * Always automatically generate a target Makefile
- fragment, and then posibly append the one in config/*.mt.
- This means the config/*.mt only needs to contain what is
- different from the normal case, which should ease updates.
- * config/ Replace by (for buggy AIX 3.1),
- and (for more recent versions).
- * config/ New file.
- * Update for above config/*.mt changes.
-Tue Jun 1 16:53:14 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (stamp-$(TARGETLIB)): Delegate adding the
- files from $(IODIR) to the sub-Makefile, invoking latter
- with target add-to-targetlib.
- * (_G_config.h): Set CC=$(CXX) when invoking
- utils/gen-params, to "force" use of C++ compiler.
- * no-stream/ (add-to-targetlib): New rule.
- * utils/gen-params: Remove OLD_PLACEMENT support.
-Fri Jun 4 14:14:39 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (installcheck): Pass CXXFLAGS to test-install.
- * config.shared: It's .SUFFIXES, not SUFFIXES.
-Thu Jun 3 00:53:03 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * (install): split off the running of the installation
- tests into a new target, installcheck
-Wed May 12 13:39:46 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * utils/ (etags.o, etags): Build etags via etags.o,
- rather than directly from etags.c.
-Tue May 11 16:32:31 1993 Brendan Kehoe (
- * utils/gen-params: Look for new types `int32_t' and `uint32_t'.
-Mon May 10 09:57:25 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * Create target-mkfrag using move-if-change.
-Thu May 6 09:24:21 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (install): If TEST_INSTALL was overridden by
-, don't try to install the test-install directory.
- * If cross, take gperf, test-install and utils out
- of configdirs. Otherwise they wind up in subdirs and get built.
- Override TEST_INSTALL to be empty rather than Makefile.
-Mon May 3 18:55:19 1993 Per Bothner (
- * If cross, use sed to hack Makefile, rather
- than appending to target_makefile_frag, since that doesn't
- work if there is a pre-existing fragment.
- * Re-order INSTALLDIR.
-Mon May 3 11:45:41 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * config.shared: Added missing quotes around TOUCH_ON_COMPILE.
-Fri Apr 30 15:12:36 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (tooldir): New definition.
- * (install): Install _G_config in $(tooldir)/include,
- since it is the only include file that is target-dependent.
- * (dist-fix-Makefile): Remove no-longer-needed kludge.
- * config.shared: If TOUCH_ON_COMPILE is defined (at configure
- time), make sure to 'touch stamp' on every compile.
- This prevents unneeded re-builing of libg++.a.
-Wed Apr 28 11:44:05 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * config.shared (MAKEOVERRIDES): Define to be empty.
-Tue Apr 27 15:52:19 1993 Per Bothner (
- * config.shared (FLAGS_TO_PASS): Also pass INSTALL, INSTALL_DATA,
- * Remove duplicate definition of FLAGS_TO_PASS.
- Replace uses of BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS by FLAGS_TO_PASS.
-Tue Apr 27 11:09:04 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * config.shared: info depends on .info files, not .texi files.
-Fri Apr 23 11:31:01 1993 Brendan Kehoe (
- * (target_makefile_frag): If there was one in srcdir,
- then reset it to include ${srcdir} so we'll copy it properly.
-Sun Apr 18 23:54:45 1993 Per Bothner (
- * and all directories, config.shared:
- Revamped configure scheme. See libg++/NEWS.
- * README: Some extra information, including a note
- about what it means when test-install fails.
- * libg++.texinfo: Renamed to libg++.texi.
- * gen-params: Minor improvements (we hope) here and there.
-Tue Mar 23 00:14:33 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * minimal support for installcheck (FIXME), some
- support for dvi target
-Fri Mar 19 10:35:32 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * david d `zoo' zuhn's patches for ARG_MAX:
- (BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS): New variable.
- (info, install-info, install): Use BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS.
- (subdir_do): Don't echo FLAGS_TO_PASS.
-Fri Mar 12 18:35:02 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * recognize *-*-solaris2* instead of *-*-solaris2
-Fri Mar 5 11:41:15 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (MAKEOVERRIDES): Override GNU make 3.63 default
- definition in order to reduce length of command line.
-Wed Feb 17 05:28:51 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * when making include files non-executable, make them
- world readable as well
-Mon Jan 25 14:40:28 1993 Brendan Kehoe (
- * config/ New file, for DEC's Alpha family.
-Wed Jan 13 21:17:26 1993 Mike Stump (
- * .../, utils/gen-params, Change .../gcc
- to .../xgcc.
-Tue Jan 5 02:38:37 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * get the xiberty kludge "working"
-Wed Dec 30 14:15:31 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * (info): added -I to command line, for @include
-Tue Dec 29 08:54:13 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * utils/gen-params: Define _G_MATH_H_INLINES. Based only on
- arguments to gen-params; no test yet.
- * config/, config/ (G_CONFIG_ARGS): pass
- * pass $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) to all calls to make.
-Mon Dec 28 12:07:11 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * utils/gen-params: added check for CURSES_FORMAT_ARG, which
- differs from system to system.
- * for SCO 3.2v4 use sco4.
- * config/ new file: SCO header files are C++ ready, and
- SCO curses doesn't work with libg++ curses.
-Tue Dec 22 14:58:04 1992 Per Bothner (
- * utils/gen-params: At end, delete all temporary files.
- * Don't bother linking lgpl.texinfo.
- Clean up temp.o when done.
- * Set version number to 2.3.1.
- * (*clean rules): Use ALL_SUBDIRS, which includes
- old-stream and no-stream.
- * Add dependencies for libg++.a, to support
- parallel makes.
-Tue Dec 15 14:45:05 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * configure based on target, instead of host. This
- was a simple text substitution, which also involved renaming:
- * config/{,,,}: renamed from .mh
-Sat Dec 12 00:05:42 1992 Per Bothner (
- * No longer use HAVE_CPLUS_EXTERN; we can use
- WRAP_C_INCLUDES instead. This should be somewhat more robust,
- since we only depend on WRAP_C_INCLUDES being over-ridden.
- * Don't generate HAVE_CPLUS_EXTERN.
-Wed Dec 9 15:08:34 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Set version to 2.3.
- * README, NEWS, TODO: Various updates.
-Fri Dec 4 17:44:40 1992 Per Bothner (
- * (install): Pass CXX to test-install, not CC.
- * (dist): Use new ../etc directory for config stuff.
-Thu Dec 3 20:03:05 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Bump to version 2.2.95.
- * (distclean, realclean): Don't delete
- Makefile until *after* recursive makes.
- * Add a kludge to reconcile FSF/Cygnus conflict.
-Fri Nov 20 15:34:27 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * (install): don't change permissions on all info files,
- just the ones that get installed by this Makefile
-Fri Nov 20 14:34:52 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Add etc/fib to subdirs.
- *, config/{linux,solaris2}.mh: Fix typo
-Tue Nov 17 21:48:10 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Bump to 2.2.92.
- * (install): Use $(FLAGS_TO_PASS).
- * utils/gen-params: More "robust" sed patterns for extracting
- type definitions.
-Sat Nov 7 19:45:42 1992 Per Bothner (
- * config/ New file, for Sun's Solaris2 OS.
- * Use it.
-Thu Nov 5 18:45:53 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Bump to version 2.1.91.
- *, */, etc: Replace ${C++} and
- ${C++FLAGS} by ${CXX} and ${CXXFLAGS}. (Some versions of
- 'make' do not like '+' in variable names.)
- * (install): Fix typo (chmod directory).
-Mon Nov 2 13:20:54 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Don't pass $(NOSTDINC) as part of $(CC).
- * (dist): include/demangle.h is also needed.
-Sun Nov 1 16:25:00 1992 Per Bothner (
- *, */, etc: Use ${C++} (and ${C++FLAGS})
- to compile C++ programs, not ${CC}.
- * Bump to version 2.2.90.
- * Use FLAGS_TO_PASS more consistently.
-Sat Oct 31 19:24:05 1992 Per Bothner (
- * libg++.texinfo: Fix a number of typos (from
- (Jim Meyering)).
-Fri Oct 9 16:44:30 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at PersSony)
- * Fixed rule for building libg++.a to not do
- anything if everyting is up-to-date, using a stamp-libg++.a
- indicator file.
-Tue Sep 29 15:47:05 1992 Per Bothner (
- * COPYING, COPYING-LIB: Removed (- use versions in ..).
- * README: Update accordingly.
-Fri Sep 25 11:28:24 1992 Per Bothner (
- * utils/gen-params: Define the type names (such as _G_size_t)
- using typedefs, not macros.
- * utils/gen-params: Add commented-out hook for turning
- off use of templates (for old compilers).
-Thu Oct 1 23:53:29 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * use cpu-vendor-os triple instead of nested cases
-Tue Sep 29 12:07:35 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * utils/gen-params: do the stdarg test with C++, not C, since
- otherwise a type incompatibility is only a warning.
-Tue Sep 15 15:43:35 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (install): install libg++.a in $(INSTALLDIR), which
- defaults to $(libdir), not $(tooldir). Default $(gxx_includedir)
- to $(tooldir/g++-include; the g++-include directory is currently
- target dependent because of the _G_config.h file. Also, gcc now
- looks in $(tooldir) by default.
- if cross-compiling, override $(INSTALLDIR) to
- $(tooldir)/lib.
-Fri Sep 11 16:05:08 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- *, When cross-compiling, don't build
- gperf, or the utils directory, or test-install.
-Thu Sep 10 22:49:34 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * utils/gen-params: test for existence of curses.h. It's not in
- newlib. Also corrected a couple of typos.
-Wed Sep 9 12:34:00 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * try to get correct version of nm for target for
- gen-params.
-Mon Aug 31 16:14:34 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Bump to version 2.2.3.
- * Convert ${readme} to be `pwd`/ (with a
- trailing slash) (as done in iostream).
-Mon Aug 17 17:15:06 1992 Per Bothner (
- * utils/gen-params: Allow command-line (e.g. HAVE_UNISTD=0)
- to override feature testing for various include files.
- * Pass $(NOSTDINC) to gen-params.
- Turn off execute permission after installing data.
-Wed Aug 12 00:33:09 1992 Per Bothner (
- * utils/c++-mode.el: New version.
- * Change to version 2.2.1.
- * Remove some old junk.
- Let 'install' depend on 'all'.
- Let 'install' also install gperf.
- * utils/gen-params: Test for Posix-compatible (or rather
- iostream/procbuf.C-compatible) sys/wait.h by compiling
- C++ test program, not C. Fixes NeXT problem, I hope.
- Also, fix typo when predefined DOLLAR_IN_LABEL (fixes hpux).
-Mon Aug 10 11:38:14 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * always create installation directories.
-Fri Jun 26 12:26:35 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Change to version 2.2.
- * Don't `cd ../libiberty; make'; since this
- may cause some confusion (with old versions of GNU make
- passing the wrong environment); instead assume that
- ../Makefile takes care of it.
- *, config/ hpux support.
- * utils/etags.c: stat fixes for Posix and SVR3.
- * utils/gen-params: Minor fixes.
-Mon Jun 22 23:54:31 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Increase to version 2.1.92.
- * utils/gen-params. Add some paranoia when trying to
- figure out a type for _G_ssize_t - make sure it doesn't
- conflict with read().
-Fri Jun 19 23:15:13 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Increase to version 2.1.91.
- * utils/etags.c: New version, from emacs-19.
- * utils/ New etags needs GNU getopt.
- * utils/gen-params: Take out _G_HAVE_UNION_WAIT testing.
- Instead, check that wait() will accept an (int*) - as
- Posix and tradition (but not NeXT) says it should -
- if it doesn't, say that we don't HAVE_SYS_WAIT.
-Wed Jun 17 18:48:16 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Increase version number to 2.1.90.
- * no-stream/ New directory and file.
- Useful for building libg++ *without* iostreams.
- *, */ Cleanup *clean rules,
- following standards.texi.
- * utils/gendepend: Remove tempoary file depend.tmp.
- * utils/gen-params: Check if <sys/wait.h> defines union wait.
- * WHATS.NEW: Merge old stuff from (deleted) etc/release.log.
- * Check that we find an install that works;
- for SYSV, also try /usr/ucb/install.
- * TODO, README, libg++.texinfo: Minor changes.
-Wed Jun 3 23:10:20 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Set version number to 2.1.
- * utils/gen-params: If ${NAMES_HAVE_UNDERSCORE} is non-null,
- use that value; don't bother trying to deduce it.
- Ditto for ${DOLLAR_IN_LABEL}.
- Replace sed-idiom -n -e 1,1p by -e '2,$d', because the
- former doesn't work in GNU sed.
- Add sigset_t to the list of types searched for.
- Look for <sys/wait.h> and defined _G_HAVE_SYS_WAIT appropriately.
- * vms/{_G_config.h,AAAREADME.TXT}: New versions from Youngdale.
- * libg++.texinfo: Note failure behavior for String::before().
- * Use FLAGS_TO_PASS variable to be more
- consistent about flags to pass to sub-makes.
- Add some hooks for people with unusual environments:
- Unually powerful C-libraries, or they don't want iostreams
- to be part of libg++.a.
- * Test for Linux configuration.
- Avoid confusing error message when looking for ranlib.
-Fri May 29 13:08:12 1992 Per Bothner (
- * utils/gen-params: Remove TMP before running a sed which
- writes to it (GNU sed supposedly has a bug where in that it
- doesn't truncate a file before writing to it).
- * Include strerror.o strsignal.o (from libiberty).
- * Bump to version 2.0.91.
- * etags.c: #undef TRUE and FALSE before defining, to
- avoid collisions. (These inevitable collisions make it
- a mistake to define TRUE and FALSE in the first place.)
- * gen-params: Test for <dirent.h>.
- Use ${SED} instead of sed, since GNU sed may be broken.
- Check if the type we found for va_list works, and have
- a fall-back plan for when it doesn't.
- * gen-params: Check for sprintf return type.
- Don't emit unneeded _G_const.
- * config/mt-*: Remove unused and obsolete files.
- * vms directory: Updates from Eric Youngdale.
- * README: Minor fixes.
-Thu May 14 12:29:29 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Set version to 2.0.90.
- * Pass new flags to test-install, now that
- test-install has been changed to to use ../libg++.a etc;
- override that to use -lg++ etc to get inststalled versions.
- * COPYING: Replace by version 2 GPL.
- * README: Explain what copyrights apply to what.
- * libg++.texinfo: Remove comments about gperf, since it
- is not part of libg++ proper (and is GPL, not LGPL).
- * util/gen-params: Re-order in a logical order.
- Change _G_NO_UNISTD_H to _G_HAVE_UNISTD for consistency.
- Add test for _G_FRIEND_BUG (if the compiler barfs on
- extern "C" functions as friends).
-Wed May 13 12:06:57 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Make sure to append 'depend' (if it exists)
- to each Makefile.
-Sat May 9 12:43:38 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Bump version to 2.0.9.
- * WHATS.NEW: Be more expansive.
- * Fix some typos.
- * Various's: Pass $(NOSTDINC) when compiling.
- Also, fix some other CFLAGS problems.
-Wed May 6 11:48:32 1992 Per Bothner (
- * utils/gen-params: Also #include <time.h> in dummy.c,
- so we can get clock_t.
- * utils/gen-params: Moved argument evaluation to start.
- Pass -I${gccdir}/include if using ${gccdir}/gcc.
- * Pass $(XTRAFLAGS) to gen-params.
- * vms directory: Renamed _G_CONFIG.H to _G_config.h.
-Sat May 2 16:48:07 1992 Per Bothner (
- * vms directory: New files from Eric Youngdale.
-Thu Apr 30 13:42:59 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Bump to version 2.0.8 for "progressive" release.
- * every Replace gcc -O by just gcc, for constiency.
- * utils/gen-params: Rename every temp.c -> dummy.c.
- Add test for sys/resource.h, and use that instead of the
- no-longer-meaning test for sysv.
- * Install sys/*.h from g++-include, not src.
- Fix so that 'make libg++.a' does the right thing.
-Mon Apr 20 14:59:59 1992 Per Bothner (
- * utils/gen-params: Add introductory commentary.
- Replace tabs by space in dummy.out, so following
- sed scripts don't have to worry about tabs.
-Thu Apr 30 09:06:32 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * add .NOEXPORT so that subdirs don't inherit
- bad definitions. Notably, so that libiberty doesn't inherit
- host_makefile_frag.
-Fri Apr 17 13:50:41 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Use new 'subdirs' feature of configure,
- to configure all sub-directories in one invocation of
- 'configure'. This means we can get rid of all subdir
- files, and we can share configuration files.
- * If there is no host makefile fragment.
- generate one.
- *, */, etc: Use new configure scheme.
- Also, define CC using a test for ../gcc/gcc, not just
- a ../gcc directory. Similar for AR etc.
- * utils/gen-params: New shell script to generate a .h
- file with various system-specific parameters.
- * New rule to generate _G_config.h using
- utils/gen-params. All Makefiles include the top-level
- directory in the include search path, to make sure they
- get _G_config.h (which is the the libg++ build directory,
- not the srcdir).
-Mon Mar 23 16:46:01 1992 Per Bothner (
- * libg++.texinfo: Remove references to itoa and similar
- deprecated functions that return a pseudo-static buffer
- (allocated by AllocRings). Replace by reference
- to (new) printon() methods.
-Tue Mar 10 18:06:49 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Bump to version 2.0.
- * (dist): Fix to avoid symlink cycles.
-Sat Mar 7 19:36:35 1992 Per Bothner (
- * (dist): Handle '.' as a srcdir.
-Sat Mar 7 00:03:05 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * Make.defs: removed.
- * libg++.texinfo: added menu item hook.
-Fri Mar 6 16:51:58 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * bump version to 1.99.
-Fri Mar 6 15:53:13 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Remove some obsolete stuff.
- * README, WHATS.NEW: Update.
- * PROBLEMS renamed to TODO.
-Thu Mar 5 00:18:15 1992 Heinrich G. Seidl (
- *, use `g++' as compiler for the library
- as does the user.
- * Make.defs: use again awk for depend rules, since sed
- has too many bugs (sun's and GNU).
- utils/ print each dependency on one line
-Wed Mar 4 12:04:45 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Don't pass $(MAKE_ENVIRON) to test-install,
- since we're trying to test the *installed* compiler.
- Also, install-progs before the test-install.
-Tue Mar 3 23:01:05 1992 Per Bothner (
- * PROBLEMS: Added to list of things to do.
-Tue Mar 3 21:06:38 1992 Heinrich G. Seidl (
- * Created `utils' directory and moved "progs" from
- `etc' into `utils'.
- `all' builds only programs and the libary,
- `check' builds all in `tests' and `etc' and
- runs the tests.
- Some minor bug fixes to Makefiles.
-Tue Mar 3 16:58:38 1992 Per Bothner (
- * vms directory: New files from
- Eric Youngdale <>.
-Sun Mar 1 17:17:54 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Added 'check' and 'etc-tests' rules.
-Thu Feb 27 17:05:49 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Make.defs: Change GXX from g++ to gcc, since g++
- passes -lg++ to ld, which may not be installed yet.
-Wed Feb 26 18:04:40 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- *, removed traces of namesubdir,
- -subdirs, $(subdir), $(unsubdir), some rcs triggers. Forced
- copyrights to '92, changed some from Cygnus to FSF.
-Wed Feb 26 12:46:49 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Make.defs: Change IDIR to use libdir instead of
- datadir, to be compatible with FSF's gcc-2.0.
- * Removed bogus '@' prefix in rule.
-Wed Feb 26 01:24:34 1992 Michael Tiemann (tiemann at
- * Make.defs: Propagate XTRAFLAGS into MAKE_ENVIRON.
-Wed Feb 19 23:23:02 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Make.defs: Add IO_SRCDIR macro to name source
- of either isotream or old-stream. This allows
- an independent iostream distribution.
- * Make.defs (depend rule): Create empty file if no sources.
- * README: Move change summary to WHATS.NEW.
- * WHATS.NEWS: Minor updates (and merge).
- * COPYING-LIB: New file defining Library Licence.
-Sat Feb 15 13:06:50 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * (dist): Add some more top-level (above
- libg++) files to the distribution.
- * Bumped LIBG++_DIST_VERSION to 1.91.
- * README: Made some very inadequate updates.
-Mon Feb 10 11:28:19 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * libg++.texinfo: Discourage use of AllocRings,
- and encourage care using String::operator const char *.
- (The latter has just now been changed to not copy
- using an AllocRing.)
-Fri Feb 7 11:46:18 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Added LIBG++_DIST_VERSION; set it to 1.90.
- Added 'dist' rule to make distribution tar file.
- * libg++.texinfo: Preliminary changes to document
- new iostream facilities.
-Fri Jan 31 17:13:11 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * WHATS.NEW: New file, to document recent changes.
-Wed Jan 29 12:54:10 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Make.defs: Change LIBDIR and IDIR so that libg++.a and
- g++-include/* go info $(libdir) and $(datadir)/g++-include.
- Thus we don't have to worry about gcc's $(libsubdir)
- depending on gcc's version number.
- Also, add compilation rules for *.C.
-Sat Jan 25 15:59:01 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at PersSony)
- * Make.defs, all files: Centralize rules for
- depend, FORCE, and Makefile in MAke.defs. Remove such
- rules from every
- * Don't pass GXXFLAGS or EH_FILES to sub-makes.
-Fri Jan 17 15:32:01 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Make.defs: Make iostream be the default value of IO_DIR.
- Removed duplicate -I$(SRCIDIR) from macro.
-Sun Jan 5 00:23:20 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- *, Make.defs, old-stream/
- Fix install-include-files rule.
- *, Make.defs: Move installation directory
- names and INSTALL defines from former to latter.
- * Add test-install directory.
- *, Make.defs: Move stuff from former to latter.
- * Make.defs: Allow switching between old stream and new
- iostream library. Allow use from any sub-directory.
- * Add old-stream and gperf sub-directories.
-Fri Jan 3 16:36:31 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Complex.h, Fix.h, String.h, gen/DLList.ccP, gen/SLList.ccP,
- gen/Plex.ccP, gen/Vec.hP: Add #include <builtin.h> as needed.
- It was included by the old stream.h, but not by the new iostream.h.
- * String.h: Fix some portabilty problems that depended
- on the old stream code.
-Thu Jan 2 21:07:04 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * (info, install-info, clean-info): Handle info files.
- (assorted): Clean up unused macros, etc.
- * libg++.texinfo: Minor lint found by makeinfo and tex.
-Tue Dec 31 18:16:12 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- Changes that allow makes to take be made either from here,
- or directly in a sub-directory.
- * Make.defs: New file to contain defiitions shared between
- libg++ sub-directories.
- * Removed stuff now in Make.defs.
- * Add iostream to configdirs.
- Define host_makefile_frag to pull in Make.defs.
-Tue Feb 19 06:41:00 1991 Doug Lea (dl at
- * malloc.c: Don't override use of libg++ version of bcopy
- for SYSV users
- * Removed ifdefs for tek4300, since they are reported
- not to be necessary or useful
- * CursesW.h, curses.h: removed touchline and touchoverlap,
- since they are apparently nonstandard, and aren't supported
- in most C curses libraries.
- * Removed test0 and twrapper from tests, since
- they are not fully supported in g++-1.39.0
-Sat Jan 26 05:24:22 1991 Doug Lea (dl at
- * signal.h: Reinstate full path name of C version of signal.h
-Fri Jan 25 08:45:09 1991 Doug Lea (dl at
- * BitSet.h, BitString.h: pos and index fns inlined regardless
- of __OPTIMIZE__, since needed elsewhere.
- * RNG.h killed redundant #ifdef __GNU__
-Fri Dec 28 06:31:03 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * FPQueue.hP, FPStack.hP: removed defaults from defs (kept in decls)
-Sat Dec 22 14:51:40 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- *; atoIntRep: pulled sgn assignment out of loop
-Fri Dec 14 16:43:04 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Fixed pow(Complex, Complex), and added
- pow(Complex, double), from
-Wed Dec 12 11:47:51 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * malloc.c: Killed prototype decls of fputs, fprintf;
- just use whatever stdio.h gives.
-Thu Nov 29 13:02:32 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * better bounds for workspace arrays
-Wed Nov 7 05:53:36 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * function LCG marked as static
-Sun Oct 28 05:32:30 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * std.h: ioctl decl now has void*, not char* as last param, since
- sometimes need to pass in structs.
-Sat Oct 20 05:51:21 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * sys/socket.h: added getpeername decl
-Tue Oct 16 08:00:14 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * (div) Overallocate `r' if necessary to ensure
- trailing 0.
-Mon Oct 15 05:11:09 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * EH2.c: Added __raise_exception from tiemann
-Thu Oct 11 05:50:34 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * VHMap.ccP, CHMap.ccP. Base initializers explicitly name base
- classes in constructors
-Sat Oct 6 08:56:56 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * `volatile' added for vars that might have
- greater precision in FP hardware than in memory, to
- force comparisons to be done with memory versions,
- thus avoiding rounding error.
- * Incorporated patches for graph from
- * CHMap.hP: Fixed ifdef name to match class name for <T><C>CHNode
-Sun Sep 30 06:50:45 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * removed redundant tests
-Tue Sep 4 15:07:35 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Don't die when someone declares Regex(0).
-Mon Aug 27 06:06:08 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * curses.h, CursesW: added vax to list of implementations not
- supporting touchline & touchoverlap
-Thu Aug 23 05:46:16 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * std.h, resource.h more changes for i386
- * sys/wait.h: Include <sys/resource.h>, not <resource.h>
- * MPlex.hP: low() now returns lowest valid index. Similar
- changes elsewhere.
- * (stdio.h, math.h...) Installed patches for HPUX 7.0
-Mon Aug 13 08:17:29 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * istream.h: ctor istream(int filedesc, char* buf, int buflen,
- int sk, ostream* t = 0) -- made sk non-default to
- prevent ambiguous matches.
- * Makefiles: rearrangements, patches from Ron Guillmette
- to enable compiles of etc and gperf files without install
- * Added swap.h, from Ron Guilmette. Apparently needed for
- Hansen's C++ answer book code.
- * String.h: String operator() made a synonym for at(int, int),
- for compatibilty with Hansen's classes.
- * ostream.h: added ostream << (const void * p) to print p in hex.
- * std.h: qsort should return void; srand takes unsigned arg
- (required under USG, doesn't matter for others).
- * Added complex.h, to include Complex.h & typedef Complex complex;
- similarly with strclass.h
- * builtin.h: Added min & max inlines; added min.h, max.h,
- minmax.h, and abs.h to just include builtin.h
- * values.h: defined HIBITS, HIBITL
- * CursesW.h, curses.h: sequent patches from
- * streambuf.h: sputback renamed sputbackc for AT&T 1.2 compatibility
-Sat Aug 11 08:01:00 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * MPlex.ccP: fixed off by one errors reported by
- * stdio.h: more patches from
- * made #pragma implementation files for ctype, MIN, MAX, std,
- curses, compare, math. Changed .h files accordingly
-Thu Aug 9 06:19:17 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * SmplHist.h: fixed bad #include
-Wed Aug 8 09:49:56 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Shortened all .h and .cc file names to work for SYSV,
- even ones preoviously OK because they were in own subdir.
- Necessary for #pragma interface. Yuck.
-Mon Aug 6 09:54:23 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * stdio.h, math.h, etc., added masscomp support from
- * twrapper, tgwrapper: killed now-unnecessary deletes
-Wed Jul 25 10:05:13 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * stdio.h: new #defines for i386
- * DLList.ccP (ins_after). Prepend if null pix, as stated in doc.
- * installed malloc.c revisions
-Fri Jul 20 12:00:05 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * ostream.h (put) prevent sign extension comparing against EOF
-Tue Jul 17 10:06:12 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * libg++.texinfo updated
-Thu Jul 12 08:10:07 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * added Maxima.h from Igor Metz <>
-Fri Jul 6 06:19:32 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * etc/PlotFile3D: updates from ngo
- * time.h don't include /usr/include/time.h on NeXT
-Mon Jul 2 07:48:51 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * installed VMS patches from Eric Youngdale
- <>
- * (underflow) only reset iobuf ptrs if successful
- * (overflow) loop ::write's in case whole
- request can't be satisfied in one
-Sat Jun 23 12:18:54 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * added bcopy.c, compiled ifdef USG, to guarantee compatibility,
- from Eric Newton. Changed corresponding std.h declarations.
- * std.h: added declarations for re_comp, re_exec
- * (.h's, .hP's) added conditional compilation of
- inlines under optimization only for all files
- with #pragma interface
-Thu Jun 7 08:23:10 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * killed all g++ prefix const member functions, since they
- are no longer supported in g++.
- * (everywhere) added support for #pragma interface
- and #pragma implementation; undid .il files since these
- will be done via same mecahnism in g++.
-Fri May 25 10:39:18 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * (open) O_WRONLY added to append mode flags
-Sun May 6 09:27:06 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * operator /(Complex&) replaced with that from
- romine, that avoids potential under & overflow.
- * std.h; Commented out declaration for umask, pending a better
- fix, since it is wrong for SunOS4.1
- *, patches to work with vsscanf from bothner
-Tue May 1 07:45:29 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * math.h #include <math-68881.h> belongs inside extern "C"
-Fri Apr 27 06:15:32 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * (ncopy0): null terminate even if same source
-Thu Apr 19 07:29:24 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Map.ccP (Map::error): error message reads "Map", not "Set"
-Tue Apr 17 10:32:25 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Stack, Queue, Set, Bag, Map .hP : added virtual destructors
-Fri Apr 6 07:05:31 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * List.hP (pop) patch from dsouza
-Wed Apr 4 12:21:29 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Makefiles: use make var AR, not just ar
- * (setbuf) delete old base if one was allocated
-Tue Apr 3 08:07:45 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * time.h, std.h: changes for convex from schmidt
- * installed new malloc.c, with valloc & memalign added.
-Thu Mar 29 08:28:16 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * stddef.h : added offsetof macro.
-Tue Mar 20 11:24:41 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Confidence intervals now call t with degrees of freedom,
- (n-1), not n.
-Sat Mar 17 10:17:02 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * All genclass-able files moved to g++-include/gen.
- script file changed accordingly.
- * (Everywhere) All X.h file inlines moved to il/,
- and only inlcuded when optimizing. Backup libg++.a
- versions now generated via src/ files.
- Exceptions: ctype.h, and std.h (for SysV->Bsd conv (like bcopy))
- * Regex.h now a separate file from String.h
-Mon Mar 12 06:53:57 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- *<T>RPlex:: <T>RPlex(int l, int chunksize). Fixed
- incorrect biasing of initial chunk indices.
-Sun Mar 11 05:40:29 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * ifdef USG -> if defined(USG) || defined(tek4300)
-Wed Feb 28 05:27:15 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * gperf: patches from schmidt
- * Makefiles: removed dependencies on /usr/include files
-Tue Feb 27 05:21:22 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Installed c++-mode.el update from detlefs
-Mon Feb 26 08:03:32 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Incremental.h now includes a default destructor to avoid linking
- problems. Thanks to eirik@elf.TN.Cornell.EDU.
- * all `error' routines now have const char*, not char* args.
- * Plex classes revamped to support const Plexes. Also,
- removed `changes', `changed', since they aren't necessary anymore
-Sat Feb 24 05:56:13 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * File.h verbose_error_handler, et al now have const char*, not
- char* args
- * Installed in src
-Mon Feb 19 08:34:51 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * installed Ngo's PlotFile3D in libg++/etc
-Sat Feb 17 05:28:25 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * installed Schmidt's gperf, trie-gen, and Patricia revisions
- * pos <= 0 should be pos < 0
-Tue Feb 13 08:21:11 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Itolong ( patch from
-Mon Feb 12 08:21:07 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * allowed separate inclusion of ostream.h, istream.h and/or stream.h
-Thu Feb 8 07:02:49 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * PlotFile: patches from ngo for Convex byte-ordering.
-Tue Feb 6 06:29:11 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Vec.ccP: sort() killed goto, replaced with nested if's,
- since g++ complains about binding contours.
-Sat Feb 3 08:30:06 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Getopt.h: opterr is public, not private
- *,, broken into little pieces
- * std.h getpgrp, setpgrp now have (...) signatures, since
- some versions on some systems have arguments.
- * put in malloc revision
- * prepend-header: globbing changes via ngo's patches
- * Plex: fixed declaration mismatches for fill
-Tue Jan 30 10:22:35 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * modified to use libg++ GetOpt, not libc getopt
-Wed Jan 24 05:47:53 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * broke out struct xyzzy from into its own file in /src
-Sun Jan 21 09:44:10 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * sys/types.h: protect wchar_t and ptrdiff_t from /usr/include version
- * stddef.h: wchar_t now defaults as unsigned short
-Sat Jan 20 08:51:01 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * sys/file.h KERNEL now defined only if ultrix.
- Also a typo: file_f should be file_h
-Fri Jan 19 05:18:03 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * malloc.c: added #ifndef NO_NEW_HANDLER, so malloc.c
- compilable in C environments with no new handlers, and
- other #ifdefs to make it C++-compilable as well.
-Tue Jan 16 04:54:27 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * libg++-1.36.3 released.
- * etc/benchmarks: enabled various options, now that
- g++ works with them.
- * values.h vax MAX/MINFLOAT changed to be same as expected by gcc.
- * Filebuf::overflow(): Fp->eof() is not an
- error condition.
- * std.h, stdio.h: more extern C fns declared as
- returning int, not void when not specified as void by ANSI
- or C man pages.
-Sat Jan 13 13:41:29 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * stdio.h: puts returns int
-Fri Jan 12 05:49:09 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * etc/lf/Dirent.h closedir returns void on some system, so
- Dirent versions do too.
-Wed Jan 10 10:01:15 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Rational.h: 175 typo
-Mon Jan 8 09:43:14 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * file.h: more protection against getting bad fn declarations
- from /usr/include
- * removed dependency on float.h
- * String.h Join, replicate need to be friends
-Sat Jan 6 08:48:18 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * from rfg: minor DGUX accomodations in std.h, stdio.h,
- math.h
-Fri Jan 5 06:41:02 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * from Widen: added warning about tCurses needing linefeeds
- on broken libcurses, fixed misc typos, added cfree() to malloc.c
- * math.h -- added inline defs of isnan and isinf for sequents
-Wed Jan 3 08:29:43 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Deleted global _libgxx_io_oblast: no longer needed
- killed extern decls of it elsewhere.
- * Strings, Integers: finished/cleaned up previous changes
-Tue Jan 2 10:43:29 1990 Doug Lea (dl at
- * isolated copy and clear calls to allocation fns
- * Strings: Removed StrTmp class, added double concatenation
-Mon Dec 11 08:31:48 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * op &= plugged little memory leak: when u is exhausted,
- but t isn't, delete rest of t.
- * AVLMap: _delete: cont field wasn't copied in a case it should
- have been
- * merged tSet2 back into tSet and tBag2 back into tBag
- * (BitSetCompl) ensure all 1's in s[0] when
- complementing empty set
- * (return_elapsd_time, set_timer) No longer #ifdef'ed
- for machines -- new .h organization should work for all.
- * (lg) redeclared as unsigned->long
- * DGUX patches from rfg installed
-Tue Dec 5 11:58:51 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * BitSet, Integer, Rational: added constness, removed Tmp
- classes, and used named return values
-Sat Dec 2 06:21:12 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * (dtoa) #if _IEEE != 0 handle isnan, isinf
- * (itoa) force unsigned division in case
- num == MININT
-Fri Dec 1 10:08:21 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * istream::operator>> clear eof if at eof but got something valid
- * String::match and Regex::match return -1 on failure, since
- 0 could be a legal value
- * gnulib3.c: Commented out ON_EXIT stuff. On Suns, for some
- reason, on_exit routines don't link into libraries right.
- * std.h: fixed getopt proto
- * stat.h : added fn protos
- * installed Schmidt's reorganization of etc
- * math-68881.h fix paren error noted on bug-gcc list
- * CursesWindow(WINDOW*) initialize sib
- * Renamed AllocQueue to AllocRing
- * #ifdefs for MIPSEL
- * Plex::del_chunk() delete the chunk, not just the chunk's data
-Sat Nov 25 12:50:06 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * VStack, VQueue: add operator =()
- * Obstack::Obstack don't allocate on constructor, just on
- first use
- * String::_gsub: don't build new rep if no matches
- * builtin.h: added more versions of abs
- * installed new malloc, and new.{h, cc}
-Thu Nov 23 06:20:17 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * added Schmidt's g++dep to etc
- * math.h: additions for anint(), etc., HP HAVE_FPU
-Wed Nov 22 14:48:24 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Added Schmidt's trie-gen to libg++/etc
-Tue Nov 21 08:50:47 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * streambuf: eptr is now the pointer to the last valid
- char in buffer, not the fence pointer, for AT&T compatibilty
- * stream, streambuf : Added line buffered put's as default
- must #define NO_LINE_BUFFER_STREAMBUF to override
-Mon Nov 20 09:52:47 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Plex: finish previous change: add_low, add_high don't introduce
- straggling chunks
- * new.h: typo, plus add default placement version of new()
- * PlotFile, BitString, Fix16 .h's: more cfrontisms
-Sun Nov 19 07:38:36 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * removed File::operator FILE*() because it can lead
- to ambiguities.
- * incorporated cfront-dependent #ifdefs, etc. from Schmidt
- * Fix24: integrated patches from wang
-Sat Nov 18 07:17:04 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * XPlex, RPlex, MPlex (del_low, del_high) old straggling
- empty chunks weren't being deleted. fixed.
-Thu Nov 16 05:56:43 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * resource.h: added getrlimit, setrlimit
-Wed Nov 15 05:54:46 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * String.h: typo const& Regex => const Regex&
-Fri Nov 10 06:45:55 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Makefile: force submakes in non-gnumake fashion
-Thu Nov 9 09:32:21 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- *, curses.h, ctype.h: patches based on darrlyo's stuff.
- * : *Correctly* installed ++i patch!
-Wed Nov 8 06:19:39 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * stdio.h now is now sub-included in other .h's needing USG-based
- info.
- * new etc/c++-mode.el from detlefs
- * etc/Makefile: -DETAGS for etags.c
- * more HPUX patches from darrylo and mike fion
-Tue Nov 7 07:23:25 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Fix.{h, cc}: cleanup in search of memory leaks
- * Added -DNO_GNULIB3 option in top-level Makefile
-Mon Nov 6 05:53:42 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * std.h, stdio.h, ctype.h.... HPUX and DGUX patches from
- cole & darrylo
- * tests/Makefile tCurses taken out of checktests
- * fixed underallocation in BitSettoa according to
- patch from
-Sun Nov 5 06:45:26 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * gnulib3, Incremental.h, patched
- via Eirik Fuller's incremental loading fixes
-Fri Nov 3 11:22:39 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * 1.36.0 released, after misc cleanup
-Tue Oct 31 09:44:32 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * added Rich Murphey's graph program to libg++/etc
-Mon Oct 30 10:13:07 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * sys/file.h: include types.h & maybe fcntl.h Some folks need them
- * std.h: index, bcopy, etc. now inline, not macro if USG
- * streambuf.h: sputback returns success;
- stream.h istream::putback/unget: set(_fail) if bad
-Tue Oct 24 16:53:05 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * stddef.h -- now really defines size_t. OK via new sys/types.h
- fake-out.
- * time.h -- now includes //usr/include/time.h too
-Sun Oct 22 07:58:36 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * String.h, cc: reworked to allow proper operation for consts
- (some new stuff #ifdef'ed out because of g++ problems)
-Sat Oct 21 15:29:55 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * (new_Fix) cure for d < 0 problem from eirik fuller
- * added dtoa
- * AllocQueue.h,cc: added it & use elsewhere for building
- formatting & ascii conversions
-Wed Oct 18 05:37:11 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- *, Fixed operator / per wang's suggestions
-Tue Oct 17 06:47:25 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- *, istream op >>, fixed to not read
- after EOF when decoding numbers
-Mon Oct 16 15:33:11 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * added ostream << long long, and itoa's to handle
- * values.h, stdio.h,, things for convex from
- convex!
-Sat Oct 14 07:19:30 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * time.h: typedef'ed timezone to c_proto_timezone if not USG
-Wed Oct 11 09:42:39 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Makefiles: fixed various typos
- * misc: cleaned up enum clashes reported with -Wenum-clash
- * Added #ifdefs to use filebufs for standard streams
- if Filebufs give people trouble.
-Tue Oct 3 07:02:56 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * setjmp.h: now #includes host /usr/include/setjmp.h
-Mon Oct 2 16:00:59 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * commented out gcc constness in revised Complex.h since
- it's still officially illegal to declare fns with refs(ptrs)
- as const
- * incorporated new gperf from schmidt
- * added dhrystone benchmark to etc
-Sat Sep 30 09:02:07 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Complex.h: revamped to use const, etc.
-Fri Sep 29 06:58:56 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * added src/ from tiemann
- * SLList.hP now #include's the <T>.defs file
- * CHSet, CHBag, CHMap, VHSet, VHBag, VHMap -- changed ints
- to unsigned ints to ensure unsigned operations throughout.
-Mon Sep 25 07:32:11 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * added new.h
-Sun Sep 24 05:31:50 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * added init_nil to avoid crashes on exit.
- * other miscellaneous cleanup (fixed enum/int clashes, etc.) to
- adapt to latest g++-1.36.0-
- * bool enum now in bool.h
-Thu Sep 14 06:18:46 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * sys/socket.h: select must have void* args, since different
- systems use int* or fd_set*
-Wed Sep 13 11:38:19 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * added unsigned versions of itoa, hex, dec, oct
-Tue Sep 12 09:28:01 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * more misc. cleanup to avoid warnings: removed redundant
- type information from declarations of all coercion operators.
-Sat Sep 9 06:25:03 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * (everywhere) miscellaneous aesthetic cleanup to minimize g++
- warning messages.
- * (lots of files) used 'virtual fn() = 0' for pure virtual
- functions, removing old `error(unimplemented...)' constructs.
- allowed deletion of Stack.ccP, Queue.ccP, Deque.ccP files
- which did only this.
- * took all defines out of libconfig.h, and killed it
- HAVE_VPRINTF, etc -> stdio.h
- CHAR_PER_LONG, etc ->
- SHOULD_FREE_TO_REALLOC -> (no longer needed, killed)
- USG -> people should run g++ with -DUSG now
-Fri Sep 8 06:48:58 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * added Clark's version of etags that handles c++, to etc/
- * moved special sparc alloca decl from libconfig.h to std.h
- * std.h, math.h, ... killed `overload' declarations
- * etc/getopt* => src/, g++-include/GetOpt.h, with
- various corresponding changes
-Wed Sep 6 09:15:50 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * math.h renamed `struct exception' to `libm_exception'
- * regex.c converted to use prototypes, etc. from schmidt
-Tue Sep 5 06:43:37 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * new c++-mode.el from detlefs
- * added sys/param.h, which #undefs common macros, but keeps
- needed constants
- * Integer.h: rearranged ordering of some inlines to please g++
- * Fix.h: need new constructor Fix(int, _Frep*) to please g++
- * added __xyzzy hack from tiemann to
- * added gnulib3 from tiemann
-Thu Aug 31 07:36:42 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * more USG stuff from Klossner (stdio.h, libconfig.h,
- values.h, ctype.h)
-Sun Aug 27 08:30:15 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * genclass: changed to take output filename prefix argument
- to avoid long file names on SYSV; tests files change accordingly
- * installed gperf update from schmidt
- * tests: added runtests, checktests to Makefile. Some tests
- modified to suit.
-Sat Aug 26 09:00:14 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Plex, PHPQ files: deleted const qualifiers for some params
- as temporary measure until all containers revised to use
- const qualifiers as needed.
- * curses.h macros converted into inlines
- * added RankedAVLMap, based on code from
- * moved non-ANSI stuff (TRUE, etc., ) from stddef.h to builtin.h
- * added more USG stuff sent from rfg, grandi, cole, to standard headers
- * std.h: added #ifdef USG section for USG->BSD conversions
- * Makefiles: made more things adjustable, better USG support
- * PHPQ.ccP: (preallocate) added missing size argument to vector delete
-Fri Aug 25 12:25:12 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * dumb error in filebuf::overflow
-Thu Aug 24 11:46:16 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * libconfig.h, values.h: #defines for sony from jkp
-Wed Aug 23 06:54:43 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Fix16.h, Fix32.h: declared op* as friends correctly
- * String.h: declared StrTmp op + as friends of String
-Mon Aug 21 07:02:53 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Poisson.h, Lognormal.h: add missing `public'
- * assert.h: abort() declared volatile
- * Vec.ccP: made gsort static
- * std.h: added rewind & bsearch
- * Makefiles: deleted -fchar-charconst
-Thu Aug 10 07:31:37 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * builtin.{h, cc}: added str(const char*, int width = 0)
- * init_streambuf_ptrs: postpone action if fp->_cnt 0
- (apparently needed for some USG systems)
- * get, getline: match AT&T 1.2 _fail conditions
-Sun Aug 6 07:16:19 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- *, get(char[], int, char) read too many chars
-Thu Jul 20 09:42:44 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * adapted more C-compatibility .h files from Interviews
-Wed Jul 19 09:23:27 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * installed more C-compatibilty files: pwd.h, grp.h time.h
-Mon Jul 17 07:37:35 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * installed Interviews/et++ compatible (I hope) signal.h
- * installed new version of gperf from schmidt
- * std.h: declared abort() and exit() as volatile
- * typo in gcd
- * math.h: added overload decl for atan, etc
- * removed assumption that operator = returns value.
- * Makefiles: default dir is /usr/gnu/... not /usr/local
- * setjmp.h: fixed constants for sun to match those in
- sun /usr/include files, added ns32000
- * BSTSet.ccP added new linear-time rebalancing algorithm
- * SYSV versions of timing stuff from ron cole
- * File.{h,cc} fixed File::tell, added O_CREAT to exclusive
- access open, added fill(), flush(char).
- * incorporated new streams: stream.{h,cc}, streambuf.{h, cc},
- libg++.texinfo
-Sat May 20 07:42:11 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * math.h,math-68881.h: incorporated Fyfe's fixes to extern "C" problems
-Tue May 16 05:52:33 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * ifdef _IEEE_ fixed to if _IEEE == 1
- * Installed Staelin's prototype Makefile updates
-Mon May 15 06:25:12 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * BitString.h: g++ optimizer bug workaround in left_trim
- * math-68881.h - fgetman (not fgetmant) fix from widen
-Sat May 13 11:00:35 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * changes from tiemann for constructs of form X::f()
- changed to this->X::f(), necessary now that static members
- are implemented. [postscript: no, it wasn't necessary]
- * libg++.texinfo: misc documentation updates
-Fri May 12 05:06:06 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * (lots of places) added friends and other minor changes
- to adapt to new ``correct'' (but losing) g++ interpretation
- of `protected:'
- * re-inserted `overload' in .h files -- tiemann
- says that gdb needs these for now
- * eatwhite was inline by mistake. fixed.
-Thu May 11 07:31:06 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * List.ccP: initializer class for Nil, since can't always use
- { ... } initializer. Also made `head' a synonym for `get',
- per request.
- * installed changes to etc files from schmidt
- * Scopy: return &NilSrep, not 0 for null
- * added math-68881.h to g++-include (from grunwald)
-Sun May 7 08:38:10 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * catch-up day!:
- converted header files to use extern "C" and #pragma once
- killed `overload' declarations everywhere
- renamed test files
- added the beginnings of SYSV (USG) support
- included some useful stuff for Suns in top Makefile (from Guilmette)
- cleaned up other Makefiles
- added File::gets (from Schmidt)
- moved gperf from etc to a top level subdir
- added the useless char* chr(ch) to builtin.h
- genclass puts dots in file names to use Staelins GNU Makefile stuff
- (also added his `prepend-header' utility)
- added Schmidt's getopt stuff into etc.
- New versions of fixpoint classes from Baudendistel
- (needed to change set_overflow_handler to
- set_{FixXX}_overflow_handler
- for each FixXX, since overloads clash on typedef'ed fn types)
- Adapted Schmidt's new quicksort for Vec class
-Fri Apr 28 16:26:17 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * fixed ~ACG per grunwald
-Thu Apr 20 05:22:46 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * List.hP: first for nil list now returns null Pix
- * rshift fixed problem with 0 shifts
-Mon Apr 10 05:17:04 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * stream.h, PlotFile.h added explicit `private' for subclasses
-Sat Mar 18 06:08:30 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * String.[h,cc]: added Regex::match_info
-Fri Mar 17 14:37:12 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * stream.h: istream >> char now eats whitespace.
- * builtin.h: overloaded `even', `odd'
-Thu Mar 9 06:43:43 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Map.ccP: typo in Map::contents <T> => <C>
- * stdio.h : inserted coercion in putc macro to avoid incorrect
- sign extension.
-Tue Mar 7 05:35:52 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * List.hP: List::push no longer incorrectly calls dereference
- * Inserted patches to etc stuff from Doug Schmidt
-Sun Mar 5 07:57:01 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * stream.h: added File::check_state to public functions
- * longtoBitSet: Fixed typo
-Sat Mar 4 10:06:24 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * installed CursesWindow files
- * miscellaneous corrections to test files in light of
- g++-1.34 changes
-Fri Mar 3 06:07:37 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * incorporated new version of Doug Schmidt's gperf
- * fixed reverse searching
-Sun Feb 26 05:44:28 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * assert : killed old, adapted gcc assert.h
-Sat Feb 25 09:23:35 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * tests, libg++.texinfo: miscellaneous updates
- * stddef.h NULL is now just `0', not (void*)0
- * Makefile: added `prefix' as in g++ Makefile
- * put a new c++-mode.el from david detlefs in etc
- * BitString.[h,cc] BitSet[h,cc] now use unsigned short arrays instead
- of unsigned longs to avoid long i; i >> 32, which does not
- work on Sun4s and probably other machines. Simplified
- a few shift & mask constructs accordingly.
- * values.h, libconfig.h: support for sequent from
- Johan Widen <mcvax!!jw@uunet.UU.NET>
- * Fix.h: repaired type mismatches
- * String.[cc,h] gsub now returns number of matches
- * gsub(Regex...): repaired using patches
- from kadmon!
- * stream.h scan didn't return *this if fail -- fixed.
- * get(char*...): get of an empty line not a _fail condition
- * RNG.[h,cc] installed new code from grunwald
-Tue Feb 7 05:53:23 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Integer.h,cc Added optional base to atoI via code from per bothner
- * String.h,cc Added `freq' method in String to count occurrences
- using code from john willis
-Mon Feb 6 07:25:06 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * <=, < now work if first arg shorter than second;
- clear() fixed.
- * stream.h, made ostream<<(char*) non-inline
-Sun Feb 5 05:31:36 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * typo c.empty fixed to c.empty()
-Tue Jan 31 05:51:36 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * String.h: contains(Regex) return fact that search returns >= 0,
- not just raw result.
- * Fix.h: correct protection problem in op*
- * replace regex.c with emacs 18.52 version
-Fri Jan 27 06:29:20 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * AVLSet.ccP, AVLMap.ccP - check to see if root
- is null before trying to delete elements
- * libg++/Makefile - change install of libg++ to cd to src
-Sat Jan 14 06:03:33 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * fixed info node pointers in libg++.texinfo
-Wed Jan 11 06:20:37 1989 Doug Lea (dl at
- * libg++-1.32.0 released
- * Starting to use ChangeLog as of today
-Local Variables:
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f6d7e0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for GNU C++ class library (libg++)
-# Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# written by Doug Lea (
-#This file is part of GNU libg++.
-#GNU libg++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-#any later version.
-#GNU libg++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#GNU General Public License for more details.
-#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#along with GNU libg++; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-#Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-srcdir = .
-# We specify exactly what we want to pass down; don't let GNU make
-# 3.63 overload the command line.
-# Directories, paths, compilation flags and program names.
-# If a macro needs to have a different value, then change it in the
-# site/architecture specific makefile in the directory config !
-# This file contains the documentation for the macros and possible values.
-# Don't remove them even, if they are only comments !
-VERSION = 2.7.2
-# ------- System-dependent defines
-# g++ so specific flags
-# ld or ld++ os specific libraries
-# Comment out the next line to disable incremental linking test
-# (this test NOT included in 1.39.0, so don't re-enable) ??? H.S.
-# targets for test-install
-TEST_INSTALL = test-90S-then-clean # test-90D-then-clean
-VERIFY_GXX_INSTALLATION = foo_main # dfoo_main
-# You can override gperf to not build it at all
-GPERF = gperf
-NON_IO_SUBDIRS = genclass src $(GPERF) utils tests etc test-install
-ALL_SUBDIRS = $(NON_IO_SUBDIRS) old-stream no-stream
-UTILS = # utils
-# C++ compiler to use when testing that installation has succeeded.
-ARLIB = libg++.a
-SHARLIB = libg++-sh.a
-MSHLINK = foo
-SHDEPS = -L../libstdc++ -lstdc++ -lm
-RX_OBJ = ../librx/rx.o
-#### package, host, target, and site dependent Makefile fragments come in here.
-tooldir = $(exec_prefix)/$(target)
-INSTALLDIR = $(libdir)
-# compilation actions
-.PHONY: rest-in-parallel
-rest-in-parallel: .stmp-genclass .stmp-tests .stmp-etc .stmp-gperf .stmp-utils
-libs: $(BUILD_LIBS)
-# FIXME: Need to multilib librx.
-list: src/libgxx.list $(RX_OBJ)
- -rm -f tlist
- touch tlist
- for f in `cat src/libgxx.list`; do \
- echo "src/$$f" >> tlist ; \
- done
- echo "$(RX_OBJ)" >> tlist
- mv tlist list
-piclist: list
- -rm -f piclist
- if [ -z "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- cp list piclist; \
- else \
- sed 's,\([0-9A-Za-z_]*\.o\),pic/\1,g' list > piclist ; \
- fi
-$(ARLIB): list
- -rm -f t$(ARLIB)
- $(AR) $(AR_FLAGS) t$(ARLIB) `cat list`
- mv t$(ARLIB) $(ARLIB)
-$(SHLIB): piclist ../libstdc++/piclist
- $(CXX) $(SHFLAGS) -shared -o $(SHLIB) `cat piclist` $(SHDEPS)
- -rm -f t$(SHARLIB)
- ln -s -f $(SHLIB) $(SHLINK)
- ln -s -f $(SHLIB) $(MSHLINK)
-src/libgxx.list: force
- @rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; cd src ; \
- $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) libgxx.list
-../librx/rx.o: $(srcdir)/../librx/rx.c
- rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; cd ../librx; \
- $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) rx.o
-.PHONY: installcheck
-installcheck: check
-.stmp-genclass: $(BUILD_LIBS)
- @rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; cd genclass ; \
- $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) "gxx_includedir=$(gxx_includedir)"
- touch $@
-.stmp-tests: $(BUILD_LIBS)
- @if [ -f tests/Makefile ]; then \
- rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; cd tests ; \
- else true; fi
- touch $@
-.stmp-etc: $(BUILD_LIBS)
- @rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; cd etc ; \
- touch $@
-.stmp-gperf: $(BUILD_LIBS)
- @if [ "x$(GPERF)" != "x" ]; then \
- rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; cd $(GPERF) ; \
- else true; fi
- touch $@
-.stmp-utils: $(BUILD_LIBS)
- @if [ "x$(UTILS)" != "x" ]; then \
- rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; cd $(UTILS) ; \
- else true; fi
- touch $@
-# Installation
-.PHONY: install
- @if [ -f $(gxx_includedir)/unistd.h ] ; then echo; \
- echo '*** You seem to have files in $(gxx_includedir)/g++-include'; \
- echo '*** left over from an old release of libg++. These must be removed.'; \
- echo '*** Please see $(srcdir)/README for more information.'; \
- echo; \
- else \
- true; \
- fi
- rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; \
- for FILE in $(BUILD_LIBS) ; do \
- if [ $$FILE = $(SHLINK) ] || [ $$FILE = $(MSHLINK) ]; then \
- elif [ $$FILE = $(SHLIB) ]; then \
- : On the HP, shared libraries must be mode 555. ;\
- chmod 555 $(INSTALLDIR)$(MULTISUBDIR)/$$FILE ; \
- else \
- chmod a-x $(INSTALLDIR)$(MULTISUBDIR)/$$FILE ; \
- fi ; \
- done
- @for D in src genclass $(UTILS) ; do \
- if [ -d $$D ] ; then \
- (rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; cd $$D;\
- $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) "gxx_includedir=$(gxx_includedir)" install) ; \
- else true ; \
- fi ; \
- done
- if [ "x$(GPERF)" != "x" ]; then \
- rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; cd gperf ;\
- $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) install; \
- else true; fi
- @rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; \
- $(MULTIDO) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) multi-do DO=install
- if [ "x$(TEST_INSTALL)" != "x" ]; then \
- cd test-install; $(MAKE) $(TEST_INSTALL) \
- COMPILE_FLAGS="" LIBS=-lg++; \
- else true; fi
-$(DIST_NAME).tar.gz: dist
-# Making a dist:
-# cvs rtag libgxx-x-yy libg++
-# cvs co -r libgxx-x-yy libg++
-# Sanitize
-# cd {HERE}/..
-# make -f libg++.tar.gz
-diststuff: info g++FAQ.txt
-g++FAQ.txt: $(srcdir)/g++FAQ.texi
- $(MAKEINFO) --no-split --no-headers $< -o - \
- | sed -e '/^Concept Index/,$$d' \
- -e 's|Making info file `[---]|Making info file `g++FAQ.txt|' \
- >$@
-# Preprocess the texi file so that the final document will have
-# hyperlinks.
-# It would be nice if texi2html could do something like this itself.
-# Assumption 1: the FAQ puts all http: and ftp: links in a @file{...}.
-# Assumption 2: email addresses match the regexp shown.
-g++FAQ.html: $(srcdir)/g++FAQ.texi
- mkdir work
- sed -e 's?@file{\([fth]*p://[^}]*\)}?@strong{<A HREF="\1">\1</A>}?' \
- -e 's?\([.+a-zA-Z0-9-]*@@[.a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]\)?<A HREF="mailto:\1">\1</A>?' \
- $< > work/g++FAQ.texi
- cd work; texi2html g++FAQ.texi
- mv work/*.html .
- rm -r work
-.PHONY: $(SUBDIRS) dist force
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/NEWS b/contrib/libg++/libg++/NEWS
deleted file mode 100644
index 43983b6..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/NEWS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,573 +0,0 @@
-(Also check ../libio/NEWS.)
-*** Major changes in libg++ version 2.7.2:
-* The CursesW code is no longer built or supported (though the source is
- still included). This is due to portability and shared library problem.
- CursesW is now distributed with ncurses, the new curses library
- used by BSD and Linux.
-*** Major changes in libg++ version 2.7.1:
-* Include the g++ FAQ.
-*** Major changes in libg++ 2.7.0:
-* New configure scheme.
-*** Major changes in libg++ version 2.6.2:
-* A first release of the "GNU Standard C++ Library" is in the libstdc++
-directory. Building it requires gcc-2.6.1. See ./README. This library
-will contain classes and functions according to the ANSI/ISO standard.
-The copyright conditions are those of libio, not those of libg++ proper.
-[This was announced as being in 2.6.1, but got left out.]
-* The new libstc++ also includes a hacked-up version of the
-HP's Standard Template Library. This will eventually replace the
-container classes in libg++/src/gen. See ../libstdc++/stl/README.
-* Makefile support for building libg++ as a shared library.
-*** Major changes in libg++ version 2.6.1:
-* The Regex class no longer uses the old GNU regex functions.
-Instead it uses the new GNU rx library (librx), written by Tom Lord.
-(The rx library is also used in new versions of GNU sed.)
-The rx library lazily constructs a deterministic finite-state
-automaton, so it seldom has to do backtracking.
-*** Major changes in libg++ version 2.6:
-* There is a new set of bit*.c and bit*.h files in the src directory.
-This is a preliminary version of language-independent library for
-general low-level manipulation of bitstrings. The BitString class
-has been (partially) re-written to use the new functions.
-(What kind of copyright to use for this library has not been
-decided yet. It will at least be OK to treat it as LGPL code.)
-*** Major changes in libg++ version 2.5:
-* The iostream directory is gone. It has been replaced by ../libio.
-The latter is a major re-write. One major change is that libiostream.a
-(which is built in ../libio) can be used independently of libg++,
-which is interesting because you may find its licensing conditions
-less onerous. See ../libio/README.
-Also, the guts of the code has been re-written in C instead of C++.
-This is so that you can build a C stdio implementation without
-a C++ compiler (as was needed before). However, this is not 100% done.
-* There is (preliminary) iostream manual (in ../libio/iostream.texi).
-* The files in libg++/g++-include are now obsolete. Instead, it
-is the compiler's responsibility to generate "fixed" copies of your
-existing C header files (such as /usr/include/stdio.h). These copies
-(together with a g++ compiler modification) provide C++ access
-to the standard C library. See the fixproto script in the gcc-2.5
-*** Major changes in libg++ version 2.4:
-* The configuration scheme has been largely re-vamped.
-Instead of the definitions that are common to all (or many) of
-the Makefiles being duplicated in each, they have
-now been moved into a shell script libg++/config.shared, which
-generates these standard definitions and rules.
-Most of libg++/tests/Makefile, which had a lot of regularity,
-is now generated by the libg++/tests/ shell script.
-Also libg++ no longer uses configure's 'subdirs' mechanism.
-Instead, it uses the 'configdirs' mechanism that most Cygnus
-packages use. This means that each directory has its own, and each directory can be independently re-configured.
-* Lots of fixes have been made so libg++ can be compiled by compilers
-other than g++ (specifically cfront), though there are still lots of
-warnings. You may still have to edit some Makefiles etc; this
-will probably become easier in the next release. Many of the
-changes involved not depending on g++ extensions. However, some changes
-turned out to be that libg++ was depending on bugs in g++'s overload
-resolution. These bugs in g++ are being fixed; this will cause some
-difficulties for libg++. In some cases, we have decided that the
-cleanest fix is removing some libg++ functionality. Specifically,
-the coersions Integer::operator long and Integer::operator double
-have been replaced by explicit methods Integer::as_long and
-Integer::as_double. This means you may need to change your code.
-Please let us know if this is problematial.
-*** Changes in libg++ version 2.3:
-* iostream classes use multiple inheritance and virtual base classes.
-This is a little more complicated and slightly less efficient,
-but saves a slight amount of code duplication. More importantly,
-it improves compatibility with other iostream implementations.
-* A few of pseudo-template classes have been converted to use
-real templates. The style used emphasizes sharing code for
-multiple template instatiations at the cost of somewhat more
-complex internal logic. No promise is implied about when/if
-the remaining ones will be converted. Using the template classes
-assumes gcc-2.3 or similar compiler.
-* Added stdiobuf class which provides a streambuf wrapper around
-a stdio (FILE*). This can be useful when mixing C and C++ code.
-* streambuf sputn/sgetn virtuals have been made renamed to xsputn/xsgetn,
-and sputn/sgetn addedas inline methods. This change is to be compatible
-with AT&T and ANSI; it could require changes to user code if you have
-written your own streambuf sub-classes.
-* New utils/c++-mode.el (for editing C++ in emacs).
-* Lots of little fixes all over.
-*** Changes in libg++ version 2.2:
-* Accurate input and output of floating-point numbers
-* 'make clean' and its variants have been made more consistent.
-* Improved portability (SVR4, NeXT, ...)
-*** Changes in libg++ version 2.1:
-* "Class" include files in g++-include moved to src
-Those include files that are just wrappers around C header files
-(e.g. signal.h) remain in g++-include, while the header files
-that are specific to libg++ (or C++) have been moved to src.
-If your system includes "C++-ready" C header files (as in SVR4 or
-Linux), you don't need to use the wrappers in g++-include.
-* Portability
-A lot of effort has gone into making libg++ more portable.
-Code that depends on internals of "traditional" implementations
-had been made more portable. The 'libiberty' library is incorporated
-into libg++; this supplies (if needed) many functions that may be
-missing on particular hosts.
-* Auto-configuration
-New scripts automaticly figure out various properties of the
-system (and compiler) you use. While these scripts are not
-foolproof, the intent is that on most systems you will no longer
-have to edit Makefiles or build special configuration files.
-* Iostream bug-fixes
-There have been numerous bug-fixes and enhancements in the
-iostream code. Lots of rough edges in the streambuf and filebuf
-classes have been fixed.
-There are still some rough edges of the protocol (as in what the
-streambuf class should do, and what sub-classes such as filebuf
-should handle).
-* iostream enhancements for lexing/parsing.
-You can now create a 'streammarker' object, which is a "remembered"
-position is a streambuf. Later, you can backtrack to that position.
-This is supposed to work, even if the streambuf is unbuffered and
-otherwise unseekable, because the streambuffer never throws away
-any data following an extant streammarker. This feature will be
-used to build various scanning/parsing facilities (with backup).
-(See iostream.texi for an example.)
-* stdio library
-Now supports all of ANSI's functionality.
-*** Changes in libg++ version 2.0:
-* iostream classes
-The major change is that input/output uses the new iostream library.
-The design is based on (but not identical to) iostreams from
-AT&T C++ release 2.x, and the ANSI X3J16/WG21 draft C++ standard.
-The iostream classes replace the old stream. The new
-package provides some compatibility hooks. Including the
-obsolete <stream.h> (or defining _STREAM_COMPAT) makes
-more obsolete methods and features available. However,
-you will probably have to change your code if you have used
-any libg++-specific extensions (such as the File class).
-If you want stick with the old stream classes, change the
-definition of IO_DIR in Make.defs (to old-stream). You will
-also need to 'make depend' in directories that contain depend,
-and then re-configure everything. Note that the old-stream
-classes are *not* supported and *will* go away in a future release.
-* Use g++ version 2 features (if available)
-The main one is that an include file g++-include/FOO.h
-that is a wrapper for a standard C include file will now
-#include_next <FOO.h> instead of #include "/usr/include/FOO.h".
-This provides more flexibility wrt to using alternate C libraries
-(such as GNU libc), but it is not without its own problems.
-For example, if you compile libg++.a with a g++ that has old
-incompatible g++-include files in its path, these will be
-read (and then in turn read the /usr/include file). If there
-are conflicts, you can remove the previously installed include files,
-or try something like 'make XTRAFLAGS=-I/usr/include' (or whatever
-include path gcc uses by default).
-* Major Makefile changes.
-You can now 'make' from any subdirectory.
-* Use of 'configure'.
-* Copyrights changed to use the Library license version 2.0.
-(Some files have not been updated yet; we'll try to finish it for 2.1.)
-* The prototype class SplayNode was put into a separate include file
-(g++-include/gen/SplayNode.hP). This is to avoid duplication.
-It will require you to generate the approriate SplayNode file
-if you use SplayBag, SplaySet, or SplayPQ.
-* You can now use inline functions in header files without
-having to use either -O or _DUSE_LIBGXX_INLINES. (The #ifdef
-that depended on these has been removed, so inline functions
-are inline independent of -O).
-* Numerous minor bug-fixes and enhancements.
-*** Changes in libg++-1.39.0 from libg++-1.37.0
- * All files use the new g++ #pragma interface / #pragma implementation
- convention, which minimies duplication of `outlined' inlines
- and vtables. This also causes no inlines to be used at
- all when not compiling with `-O', which speeds compilation
- and simplifies debugging.
- * Many .h header file names had to be shortened so as to simulaneously
- work with SYSV and with #pragma interface (since .h and .cc file
- base names must match.) Sorry!
- * All genclass-able files have been moved to g++-include/gen.
- * various and sundry bug fixes, minor enhancements, and/or portability
- improvements as described in the ChangeLog.
-*** changes from libg++-1.36.3 to libg++-1.37.0
- * Most utility classes and functions are now in stand-alone .cc and/or .h
- files. This should generate smaller exectuables, and, sometimes
- faster compilation. In particular, istream.h, and ostream.h are
- now separately includable. If you only need one, you don't have
- to get the other.
- * The Plex classes now understand `const'. The `changes' and `changed'
- member functions were removed, since it is now possible to
- avoid changes in Plex structures by using const versions.
- * class RandomInteger is available, courtesy of John Reidl.
- * PlotFile3D, a 3D plot class is in libg++/etc. It will be
- incorporated into libg++ proper for the next release, perhaps
- with a few changes. Thanks to Tom Ngo.
- * various and sundry bug fixes, minor enhancements, and/or portability
- improvements as described in the ChangeLog.
- * The file etc/HINTS is an emacs RMAIL file that contains recent
- bug-lib-g++ list mail and related messages that may be useful.
-*** changes from libg++-1.36.1 to libg++-1.36.3
- * `Tmp' classes have been eliminated from Strings, Integers, etc.
- (Via some retuning of the main classes, Tmp classes were found
- to not significantly impact performance one way or the other,
- so they were removed.)
- * There is now a version of malloc, directly supporting operator
- new, etc. It may be faster and better suited to C++ applications
- than your libc malloc. You should be able to use it unless you need
- a special malloc for a distributed shared memory environment or
- the like. If you can't use it, edit the appropriate flag in
- the top-level Makefile. I would very much appreciate feedback
- about whether this malloc makes any difference in time or space
- efficiency than whatever you are now using.
- * By default, output is now line-buffered. Use the
- NO_LINE_BUFFER_STREAMBUF define in the Makefile to override
- * Otherwise, the stream classes remain C++-1.2 compatible.
- C++-2.0-compatible versions are still in the works.
- * various and sundry bug fixes, minor enhancements, and/or portability
- improvements as described in the ChangeLog.
-*** changes from libg++-1.35.0 & 1.35.1 to 1.36.1
- * various and sundry bug fixes, minor enhancements, and/or portability
- improvements as described in the ChangeLog.
- * Most everything should now work on most SystemV machines. Let me
- know if they don't.
- * genclass now allows an optional prefix to be used instead of type
- name concatenation in order to help minimize filename
- lengths for SYSV users. This is not a great solution, but
- is A solution to filename length problems for SYSV users.
- * Some, but not all classes now behave well with respect to
- the new 2.0 const specifications. Some uncertainties about
- how g++ will interpret gcc-based const function qualifiers
- (to indicate lack of side effects) versus C++-2.0 const member
- functions has held up the conversion of some classes to use
- const in either or both of these ways.
- * A version of etags suitable for use with c++ is in etc/
- (courtesy of J. Clark)
- * `graph', a unix graph(1) work-alike is in libg++/etc, courtesy
- of Rich Murphey.
- * RAVLMap (Ranked AVLs) prototypes.
- * The GetOpt class & support has been moved from etc/ into libg++.a
- * Streams have been redone to be nearly 100% AT&T 1.2 compatible.
- One minor possible incompatibility exists (ostream<< char)
- that can be eliminated via #define NO_OUTPUT_CHAR at the
- top of stream.h. This is probably necessary in order to
- compile et++. See libg++.texinfo for more details.
- The new stream implementation is not particulary pretty.
- Its main virtue is that it avoids some of the worst things
- about both AT&T streams and old libg++ streams. A much
- superior AT&T 2.0-iostream superset is in the works
- for future release.
-*** changes from libg++-1.25.0 to libg++-1.32.0
- * Nearly all data and methods previously declared as `private'
- are now declared as `protected' to make subclassing from
- library classes easier.
- * Most classes now contain a method `OK()' that checks to
- make sure that an objects internal data is in a valid state.
- See the documentation for further details
- * Mosts tests in ./tests now contain various kinds of assert
- statements. If tests execute without assertion failures,
- and without any other errors that cause aborted execution,
- you may consider them successful. The test files now include
- nearly all of my internal tests, which in turn have been
- made more extensive.
- * Plex classes are available.
- A bit of propaganda about these:
- Plexes are very attractive replacements for arrays
- in many contexts. Try them!
- * `shrink' and `contains' have been added to Obstack
- * Files and streams have not yet been revamped (a complete
- reworking awaits the AT&T 2.0 stream specification), but
- have been adjusted to provide slightly faster IO in some
- cases, and now support the use of a user-supplied string
- to read or write from instead of an actual IO source.
- * Rationals are now normalized when input via `>>'.
- * atoI is fixed.
- * variable-length representations in String, Integer, etc., are
- now completely different. See the documentation for details.
- * New String functions:
- * readline -- read in a line from an istream as a String
- * prepend -- prepend stuff to a String
- * through -- make a SubString from beginning to match point
- * from -- make a SubString from match point to end
- * s[i] -- now returns the char by reference
- * BitVec's are no longer supported, since their capabilities
- are now incorporated in the revised BitString class.
- * stdarg.h and regex.h are revised to support the Sun4
- * Several interesting and/or useful examples of libg++
- class use are in ./etc, mainly courtesy of Doug Schmidt.
- * .cc file names are now all less than 15 characters. Some
- .h file names are longer, but this should not present
- problems on SYSV systems.
- * pseudo-generic `proto' classes have been thoroughly revised:
- * The prototype file names now end in `P', not `.proto'
- and are in the g++-include directory
- * A single, simple-to-use collection traversal mechanism
- via pseudo-indices (`Pix') is used instead of particular
- traversal friend classes.
- * `Bag' prototypes are included
- * Base classes are now supplied, so that all implementations
- of Sets, Bags, are derived, allowing programmers to
- mix and match implementations.
- * They are now simpler to create: all comparison operators
- and the like are now defined as macros in a `defs' file
- which uses some reasonable defaults.
- * The `Dictionary' versions of Set prototypes are not now
- supported. Revised versions of such classes are forthcoming.
- * Class prototypes previously labelled as `Assoc' are now
- called `Maps', with slightly different capabilities.
- * Splay tree prototypes are available.
- A bit more propaganda: Consider using Splay tree
- based containers (Set, Bag, Map, PQ). They are often
- the most efficient structures when performing mixtures
- of operations (adds, deletes, searches...)
- * Fixed precision reals are available, courtesy of Kurt Baudendistel
- * An ordered hash Set prototype (VOHSet) is available,
- courtesy of Doug Schmidt.
- * MLCG now allows access and modifications to the seeds.
- * The Normal random generator is fixed.
- * SampleStatistic now allows any prob value for confidence
- intervals.
- * some simple timer routines are in, courtesy of Doug Schmidt
- * While the Vec class prototypes are still available, they are
- currently undergoing revision in order to correspond to
- the forthcoming Matrix package (which should be available
- in the next libg++ release).
- * A C++ version of GPERF, a perfect hash function generator
- program is also available in ./etc, courtesy of Doug Schmidt.
-*** changes from libg++-1.22.2 to libg++-1.25.0
- * All reported errors from the previous release are fixed, and many
- suggested modifications have been performed. Thanks to all who
- have sent bug reports and comments, including those with mail
- addresses that I have not been able to reply to. (My mail connections
- are sometimes more than a little fragile. If you send me mail and
- I have not replied within a few days, you may want to try again. Sorry.)
- * A serious problem in the use of Obstacks by conversion functions
- has been repaired.
- * A bug in maintaining reference counts on `find' and related operations
- in List prototype classes has been fixed.
- * Strings now support self case manipulation in addition to the
- functional versions.
- * Some new functions have been added to builtin.[]. All are now
- documented in libg++.texinfo
- * Overload declarations are now performed in std.h and math.h,
- rather than builtin.h, to eliminate some include file ordering
- problems.
- * Random, RNG, and SampleStatistic classes are available,
- thanks to Dirk Grunwald.
- * A BitVec class is available.
- * The are many new generic container class prototype files. These
- support container classes based on elementary data structures
- (and a couple of non-elementary ones). Please read the documentation.
- * Class prototype OSet has been modified and renamed OLSet.
- * The genclass utility has been modified
-*** changes from libg++-1.22.1 to 1.22.2
- * Tests files are now in a separate directory.
- * Several minor errors (Complex unary -, several BitString functions)
- have been repaired.
- * pow(0,0) returns 1 for all versions of pow.
- * An experimental generic class prototyping feature is provided,
- including prototypes for lisp-style lists and ordered list-based sets.
- * several include files with the same names as those in AT&T CC
- are provided. These simply #include other files. OOPS should now
- compile using only g++-include files. See, however, the note
- about struct exception in file math.h
- * Some rearrangement of files containing char* conversion has been
- done to eliminate linking of unnecessary classes.
- * The inline-only-when-optimizing feature is still not supported.
-* New Random number generator classes are not yet available. Stubs for
- these files are in this directory. They should be available for next
- release.
-*** changes from libg++-1.21.1 to 1.22.0
- * All documentation is in a stand-alone texinfo file, libg++.texinfo,
- and is on its way to becoming a decent piece of documentation.
- * All reported errors from the previous release are fixed, and many
- suggested modifications have been performed. Thanks to all who
- have sent bug reports and comments, including those with mail
- addresses that I have not been able to reply to. (My mail connections
- are sometimes more than a little fragile. If you send me mail and
- I have not replied within a few days, you may want to try again. Sorry.)
- * New Complex, BitSet, and BitString classes are available. You will
- be performing a valuable service if you try these out and report
- back any bugs/comments/suggestions about these or any other classes.
- * File `values.h' has been added. This contains various system
- constants like the number of bits per long, etc. It contains
- much of the same information as sun <values.h>, although a
- few names and things differ slightly.
- * Files `builtin.h', `', and `' have been added.
- `builtin' contains common inline and non-inline functions on
- builtin types (like `abs'). `convert' contains code for performing
- IO and char* conversions, mainly via Obstacks. Most of these
- functions are not new -- they have been collected from other .h
- and .cc files.
- * Files `std.h' and `math.h' now declare all libc.a C functions
- in a way that allows any of them to be overloaded in C++.
- * Strings and Integers now perform expansion via realloc() --
- see libconfig.h about whether you should #define SHOULD_FREE_TO_REALLOC.
- * `eatwhite' is supported for istreams.
- * File::getline(String, ...) and get(String) have been removed in order to
- maintain greater independence of different classes.
- * Strings now provide substring matching via new versions of
- `contains' and `matches', `common_prefix' and `common_suffix'.
- Also, there is more support for case operations via `fcompare', etc.
- The versions of `decompose' that do not deal with Regexes have
- been deleted since they provide little functionality over other
- operations. Also, a few special case functions dealing with char*'s
- have been deleted since the required constructors are necessary
- anyway. Several other corrections have been made in,
- including the elimination of a few aliasing problems.
- * The implementations of Integers and Rationals are now both much
- more efficient and well-tested, while remaining machine independent.
- A few minor visible features have been added and/or changed.
- * The `box' command in PlotFile is now simulated, whether or not
- it is present in libplot.a
- * The inlining-only-if-optimizing feature is still not fully implemented.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/README b/contrib/libg++/libg++/README
deleted file mode 100644
index e3231ad..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-This is version 2.7.2 of libg++, the GNU C++ class library.
-Release date June 1996 by Cygnus Support
-* Please skim through this once BEFORE attempting to make and install libg++.
-* You probably want to at least skim ./g++FAQ.txt.
-* Contents
- * g++ source files (with their include files) are in the ./src directory
- * Some simple tests and demo programs are in ./tests
- * documentation is in ./libg++.texi.
- * A perfect hash function generator is in ./gperf.
- * Some miscellaneous files of possible interest are in ./etc
- (These files are not officially a part of the libg++ distribution,
- and are subject to arbitrary changes, deletions, etc. from release
- to release.)
-* Copyright restrictions
-The GNU Library General Public License (which is in the file
-../COPYING.LIB) covers all libraries (specificly libg++.a) and
-include files that get installed (by 'make install').
-Other parts of the libg++ *distribution* that are not part the libg++
-*library* per se have the GNU General Public License (which is in the
-file ../COPYING).
-Individual files should bear the appropriate Copyright (let us know
-if you think there is a mistake). But specificly, if your application
-only uses files that are installed by the normal build+install
-procedure, then it is bound by the restrictions of the GNU Library
-General Public License, but not those of the GNU General Public License.
-* Pre-installation
- * This version of libg++ requires gcc-2.7.2 or newer.
- It assume that gcc is responsible for fixing standard C include
- files (such as stdio.h) so that they are suitable for C++
- (Using the fixproto script that is part of gcc).
- * You can compile libg++ using a gcc that you haven't installed.
- The most convenient way to do that is to make a symlink named
- gcc in the top-level directory (i.e. libg++-2.7.2) that points to
- the directory containing the new gcc. (You should end up with
- libg++/../gcc/xgcc being a valid filename for the uninstalled gcc.)
- * With only trivial modifications (like changing file extensions,
- etc.) most things should compile and run with any modern C++ compiler.
- However, notice that libg++ may depend on recent (ANSI/ISO) changes
- to C++. If libg++ depends on a g++ feature that is not specified
- by the C++ draft standard *or* if there is a simple and clean
- work-around that would make it more portable, please let me know.
-* Installation (see libg++.texi for more details)
- * For VMS, cd to ./vms, and read AAAREADME.TXT
- [NOTE: The VMS support is obsolete. We need a volunteer to fix it.]
- * For Linux, things are complicated because the Linux C library is
- based on ../libio. Unfortunately, there is no publicly available
- version of libc that will work quite right with this release of
- libg++ and libio.
- The latest released version of libg++ for Linux is
- To use it you need to upgrade your C library to 5.2.15 or higher; the
- latest released version is
- This release of libio will mostly work with libc 5.2.18, but a few
- things break; getopt, for instance.
- To get beta releases, you may want to join the Linux Gcc developer's
- mailing list; send mail to with the text
- "subscribe linux-gcc" in the message body.
- * To build shared libraries, see README.SHLIB.
- * Make sure your sed is *not* GNU sed version 1.12.
- Most other versions (including GNU sed 1.13) should be OK.
- (It has been reported at GNU sed 3.0 fails.)
- * Go to the directory *above* libg++ (i.e.. libg++-2.7.2).
- * Run './configure' to configure the tree and create Makefiles.
- Typical example:
- ./configure [SYSTEM] --prefix=/usr/gnu
- The prefix says that installation should be into
- /usr/gnu/lib, /usr/gnu/bin, etc as appropriate.
- The SYSTEM indicates what machine configuration you're
- running on. If you don't specify it, the system can usually
- guess a default.
- IMPORTANT: The configure options (including SYSTEM and
- --prefix) must match those used to configure gcc, otherwise
- g++ may fail to find libg++.
- See etc/cfg-paper.texi for more details. (This paper is
- in texinfo format; see the section below on Installing
- the Documentation on how to make it more readable.)
- * Type `make all "CC=gcc -O2"'.
- (Builds libg++.a and some other things.) (The "CC=gcc -O2"
- is optional. It forces use of gcc to compile C programs.
- Set CXX to specify the C++ compiler, though it defaults to gcc.)
- * Optionally, type `make check' to make and run some tests/demos of libg++.
- * Before installing, if you have an old version that was installed
- into the same directory(s), you should probably remove it.
- (There is currently no clean mechanism to do that.
- You should at least remove $(prefix)/lib/g++-include/*.h,
- where $(prefix) is by default /usr/local.)
- If the previous version was libg++ 2.4 or older, you *must* remove
- the old includes. Prior to version 2.5, libg++ installed its own
- versions of certain standard headers for use on systems where the
- vendor headers don't include prototypes. Versions 2.5 and later of
- gcc add prototypes to vendor headers that don't have them, so
- the libg++ versions are no longer useful, and are harmful when
- they conflict with the vendor version.
- * Type `make install' to install
- libg++.a (from .)
- include files (from src and ../libio)
- prototype files (from src/gen)
- gperf (from gperf)
- some other stuff
- * Install the documentation
- If you are a systems administrator installing libg++ for others,
- please make the documentation available to users!
- The libg++.texi file may be formatted as a paper document by
- * Get a copy of texinfo.tex.
- This file defines various tex macros used in libg++.texi
- One is in the gcc release.
- You can temporarily copy it into the current directory.
- * Run tex on libg++.texi
- and do whatever you normally do from there to print it.
- It may be made into an emacs info file:
- * use the 'makeinfo' program (from the texinfo distribution).
- * Copy these files into your emacs info directory
- (normally somewhere like /usr/gnu/emacs/info).
- * If you have not done so before, edit the emacs/info/dir file
- to add a libg++ node, by inserting a line like
- * Libg++: (libg++). The GNU C++ Library
- to the bottom of the file.
- * (Optional) Install, from ./utils
- g++dep (a version of mkdep that understands c++)
-* Notes on compiling and running libg++/tests
-It is a very good idea to also cd to the test directory and run tests
-manually, to see what they do.
-Compiling and running the tests consumes a fair amount of time and
-disk space!
-Some reported diffs may be perfectly reasonable, owing to things like
-floating point precision differences: The expected.out file was created
-on a Sun4/110.
- Some tRational and tFix results depend on floating point precision
- and may generate slightly different output on different machines.
- tRandom seeds some random-numbers in a way that also relies on
- floating-point representations -- Your output should be numerically
- similar, but probably not identical.
-* Changes since previous versions(s).
- See the file NEWS.
-* Known bugs and problems
- * If "make install" fails with the error message:
- Static constructor test failed - see libg++.README
- this indicates an error in installing gcc.
- C++ needs special linker support beyond that needed for C, to make
- sure that static objects get initialized and destroyed properly.
- Some linkers (including the GNU linker as well as linkers for
- the Elf object file format) already provide the needed support.
- In other cases, gcc (or g++) uses the "collect2" linker driver.
- Gcc should by default do the right thing, but if you tell
- gcc to assum the GNU linker (with the --with-gnu-linker option),
- and then fail to correctly install GNU ld, you will lose.
-* Lots of other information is in the libg++.texi file. It really is
- very important to actually read the documentation before using
- library classes. Examination of the demo files in the test directory
- may also be useful. (Note however, that the demo files are merely
- designed to test examples of each class capability,
- and are not especially good examples of client functions that might
- use these classes.)
-* There is now a gnu libg++ mailing list ( and
- associated usenet gnu news group (gnu.g++.lib.bug). (It is preferred
- that messages be sent to the mailing list, rather than posted to
- newsgroup.) To subscribe or unsubscribe to the mailing list,
- send a request to
-* You will be performing a valuable service if you use libg++
- classes and report back any comments, and suggestions, or bugs,
- preferably to the bug-lib-g++ list. Your feedback is extremely
- helpful in efforts to make libg++ as useful and reliable as possible.
-* We continue to solicit
- * bug reports.
- * suggestions.
- * comments.
- * questions about installing and using libg++
- * other contributions to be incorporated into libg++.
- * sample programs using libg++.
- Often, the best place to send such things is,
- although direct mail is also welcome.
-* Good luck!
-Doug Lea <> designed and implemented most of the classes,
-and was the original maintainer and "owner" of libg++.
-He has handed over "ownership" to Cygnus Support.
-Per Bothner <> of Cygnus Support is now
-maintaining libg++, with much help from the rest of the
-Cygnus G++ team (Jason Merrill, Mike Stump, Brendan Kehoe).
-Cygnus Support, 1937 Landings Drive, Mountain View, CA 94043
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/README.SHLIB b/contrib/libg++/libg++/README.SHLIB
deleted file mode 100644
index 087e569..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/README.SHLIB
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-A shared library version of libg++-2.7.2 can be built using gcc-2.7.2 or
-above on the following platforms:
-x86 Linux (using the ELF toolchain)
-Sparc running SunOS 4.x
-Alpha running OSF/1
-SGI running IRIX 5.x and up
-HPPA running HPUX 9.x and up
-All SVR4 targets (tested on Sparc Solaris and i486 UnixWare)
-RS/6000 or PowerPC running AIX (requires GNU ld 2.7 or newer)
-To build a shared version of libg++ on one of these platforms, pass the
---enable-shared flag to configure, and be sure to compile with gcc.
-In order to run a program built with your new shared library (including
-gperf and the tests), you may have to set the environment variable
-LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the directory where it lives.
-Many shared library implementations have an idiosyncracy [bug ???] which
-requires anything that is declared in a shared library to be defined even
-if it isn't used. and contain a number of classes
-which use the math library. Consequently, if a shared libm does not exist
-(it does under Linux, OSF/1, IRIX, HPUX and Solaris, but not the others),
-either the math library must to added to the link command or you must
-compile with a flag that tells the linker to ignore unresolved references
-(-Wl,-assert,nodefinitions for SunOS, -Wl,-z,nodefs for SVR4).
-The `g++' program now adds -lm by default, so you may not have to worry
-about this.
-Jason Merrill (
-Thanks to Dr. Joseph E. Sacco ( for the original version of
-this note.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/TODO b/contrib/libg++/libg++/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index c1e12b8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-* See iostream/TODO for iostream-specific issues
-* Update README.
-* Add 'return 0' to end of tests.
-[Not needed, if ANSI makes that implicit.]
-* Undo gcc-2.3.2-specific kludge in test-install/
-* Remove use of _libgxx_io_ob from
-* Since the libg++ include files in gxx_includedir aren't architecture
- dependent, they belong under $(datadir) not $(libdir).
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/g++FAQ.texi b/contrib/libg++/libg++/g++FAQ.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index dfed495..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/g++FAQ.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1986 +0,0 @@
-\input texinfo.tex @c -*-texinfo-*-
-@c %**start of header
-@settitle Frequently asked questions about the GNU C++ compiler
-@setchapternewpage off
-@c version: @(#)g++FAQ.texi 1.46 6/20/96
-@c %**end of header
-@end iftex
-@title G++ FAQ
-@subtitle Frequently asked questions about the GNU C++ compiler
-@subtitle June 19, 1996
-@sp 1
-@author Joe Buck
-@end titlepage
-@node Top, new stuff, (dir), (dir)
-@unnumbered FAQ for g++ and libg++, by Joe Buck (
-@end ifinfo
-@cindex FAQ for g++, latest version
-@cindex Archive site for FAQ lists
-@cindex Joe Buck <>
-@cindex FAQ for C++
-This is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) for g++ users; thanks to
-all those who sent suggestions for improvements. Thanks to Marcus Speh
-for doing the index. A hypertext version is available on the World Wide
-Web at @file{}.
-Please send updates and corrections to the FAQ to
-@code{}. Please do @emph{not} use me as a resource
-to get your questions answered; that's what @file{} is for and I
-don't have the time to support the net's use of g++.
-Many FAQs, including this one, are available on the archive site
-``''; see @*
-This FAQ may be found in the subdirectory g++-FAQ.
-@cindex Marshall Cline
-@cindex comp.lang.c++
-@cindex C++ FAQ
-This FAQ is intended to supplement, not replace, Marshall Cline's
-excellent FAQ for the C++ language and for the newsgroup
-@file{comp.lang.c++}. Especially if g++ is the first C++
-compiler you've ever used, the question ``How do I do <X> with g++?''
-is probably really ``How do I do <X> in C++?''.
-You can find this FAQ at
-or in HTML form at @file{}.
-* new stuff:: The latest poop -- gcc-2.7.x
-* getting g++:: Obtaining Source Code
-* installation:: Installation Issues and Problems
-* User Problems:: User Problems
-* legalities:: What are the rules for shipping code built with g++ and libg++?
-* index:: Concept Index
- --- The Detailed Node Listing ---
-New Stuff: The Latest Poop -- Gcc-2.7.x
-* version 2.7:: What's new in version 2.7.x of gcc/g++
-* libstdc++:: The GNU Standard C++ Library
-Obtaining Source Code
-* latest versions:: What is the latest version of gcc, g++, and libg++?
-* g++ for Unix:: How do I get a copy of g++ for Unix?
-* g++ for HP:: Getting gcc/g++ for the HP Precision Architecture
-* g++ for Solaris 2.x:: Getting gcc/g++ binaries for Solaris 2.x
-* g++ for other platforms:: How do I get a copy of g++ for (some other platform)?
-* 1.x vs 2.x versions:: But I can only find g++-1.42!
-Installation Issues and Problems
-* gcc-2 + g++-1:: I can't build g++ 1.x.y with gcc-2.x.y!
-* what else do I need?:: OK, I've obtained gcc; what else do I need?
-* repository:: How do I use the new template repository code?
-* repo bugs:: Known bugs and problems with the repo patch
-* libstdc++:: The GNU Standard C++ Library
-* use GNU linker?:: Should I use the GNU linker, or should I use "collect"?
-* Use GNU assembler?:: Should I use the GNU assembler, or my vendor's assembler?
-* Use GNU C library?:: Should I use the GNU C library?
-* Global constructor problems:: Global constructors aren't being called
-* Strange assembler errors:: Strange assembler errors when linking C++ programs
-* Other problems building libg++::
-* Rebuild libg++?:: Do I need to rebuild libg++ to go with my new g++?
-* co-existing versions:: I want several versions of g++ and libg++ to co-exist
-* Installing on Linux:: Trouble installing g++ and libg++ on Linux
-* Linux Slackware 3.0:: Problems with g++ on Linux Slackware 3.0
-User Problems
-* missing virtual table:: Linker complains about missing virtual table
-* for scope:: gcc-2.7.0 breaks declarations in "for" statements!
-* const constructor:: g++ seems to want a const constructor. What's that?
-* unused parameter warnings:: How to silence ``unused parameter'' warnings
-* jump crosses initialization:: g++ objects to a declaration in a case statement
-* Demangler:: Where can I find a demangler?
-* static data members:: Linker reports undefined symbols for static data members
-* internal compiler error:: What does ``internal compiler error'' mean?
-* bug reports:: I think I have found a bug in g++.
-* porting to g++:: Porting programs from other compilers to g++
-* name mangling:: Why does g++ mangle names differently from other C++ compilers?
-* problems linking with other libraries:: Why can't g++ code link with code from other C++ compilers?
-* documentation:: What documentation exists for g++ 2.x?
-* templates:: Problems with the template implementation
-* undefined templates:: I get undefined symbols when using templates
-* redundant templates:: I get multiply defined symbols when using templates
-* Standard Template Library:: Does g++ support the Standard Template Library?
-* exceptions:: Problems and limitations with exceptions
-* namespaces:: Does g++ support namespaces?
-* agreement with standards:: What are the differences between g++ and the ARM specification of C++?
-* compiling standard libraries:: Will g++ compile InterViews? NIHCL? Rogue Wave?
-* debugging on SVR4 systems:: Debugging on SVR4 systems
-* debugging problems on Solaris:: debugging problems on Solaris
-* X11 conflicts with libg++:: Conflict over meaning of String
-* assignment to streams:: Why can't I assign one stream to another?
-@end menu
-@node new stuff, getting g++, Top, Top
-@chapter The latest poop -- gcc-2.7.x
-This section is intended to describe more recent changes to g++, libg++,
-and such. Some things in this section will eventually move elsewhere.
-@strong{News:} as I write this (late February 1996) the gateway
-connecting the bug-g++ mailing list and the @file{gnu.g++.bug} newsgroup
-is broken. Please mail, do not post bug reports.
-* version 2.7:: What's new in version 2.7.x of gcc/g++
-* libstdc++:: The GNU Standard C++ Library
-@end menu
-@node version 2.7, libstdc++, , new stuff
-@section What's new in version 2.7.x of gcc/g++
-The current version of gcc/g++ is 2.7.2; the current libg++ is 2.7.1.
-By the time you read this, two minor bug-fix releases, gcc 2.7.3
-and libg++ 2.7.2, may be available. These new releases are mainly
-intended to fix platform-specific bugs and do not affect the C++
-``front end'' of the compiler.
-The 2.7.x releases represent a great deal of work on the part of the g++
-maintainers to fix outstanding bugs and move the compiler closer to the
-current ANSI/ISO standards committee's working paper, including
-supporting many of the new features that have been added to the
-language. I recommend that everyone read the NEWS file contained in the
-distribution (and that system administrators make the file available to
-their users). I've borrowed liberally from this file here.
-@cindex C++ working paper
-If any features seem unfamiliar, you will probably want to
-look at the recently-released public review copy of the C++ Working
-@itemize @bullet
-PostScript and PDF (Adobe Acrobat):
-see @file{}.
-HTML and ASCII versions: see @file{}.
-World Wide Web: see
-@end itemize
-Here are the main points:
-@itemize @bullet
-@cindex for scope
-As described above, the scope of variables declared in the
-initialization part of a for statement has been changed; such variables
-are now visible only in the loop body. Use @code{-fno-for-scope} to get
-the old behavior. You'll need this flag to build groff version 1.09,
-Ptolemy, and many other free software packages.
-@cindex vtable duplication
-Code that does not use #pragma interface/implementation will most
-likely shrink dramatically, as g++ now only emits the vtable for a
-class in the translation unit where its first non-inline, non-abstract
-virtual function is defined.
-@cindex automatic template instantiation
-Support for automatic template instantiation has @emph{not} been enabled
-in the official distribution, due to a disagreement over design philosophies.
-But you can get a patch from Cygnus to turn it on; retrieve the patch
-from @file{} to patch
-gcc-2.7.2 (there are also patches for earlier gcc versions).
-@cindex exception handling, 2.7.0
-@cindex run-time type identification
-Support for Run-Time Type Identification has been added with @code{-frtti}.
-This support is still in alpha; one major restriction is that any file
-compiled with @code{-frtti} must include @code{<typeinfo>} (@emph{not}
-@code{typeinfo.h} as the NEWS file says).
-Also, all code you link with (including libg++) has to be built with
-@code{-frtti}, so it's still tricky to use.
-@cindex compiler-generated operators
-Synthesis of compiler-generated constructors, destructors and
-assignment operators is now deferred until the functions are used.
-@cindex assignment in conditional expressions
-The parsing of expressions such as @code{a ? b : c = 1}
-has changed from
-@code{(a ? b : c) = 1} to @code{a ? b : (c = 1)}. This is a new C/C++
-incompatibility brought to you by the ANSI/ISO standards committee.
-@cindex new operator keywords
-The operator keywords and, and_eq, bitand, bitor, compl, not, not_eq,
-or, or_eq, xor and xor_eq are now supported. Use @code{-ansi} or
-@code{-foperator-names} to enable them.
-@cindex explicit keyword
-The @code{explicit} keyword is now supported. @code{explicit} is used to mark
-constructors and type conversion operators that should not be used
-@cindex user-defined type conversion
-Handling of user-defined type conversion has been improved.
-@cindex explicit template instantiation
-Explicit instantiation of template methods is now supported. Also,
-@code{inline template class foo<int>;}
-can be used to emit only the vtable
-for a template class.
-@cindex -fcheck-new
-With -fcheck-new, g++ will check the return value of all calls to
-operator new, and not attempt to modify a returned null pointer.
-collect2 now demangles linker output, and c++filt has become part of
-the gcc distribution.
-Improvements to template instantiation: only members actually used
-are instantiated. (Actually this is not quite true: some inline
-templates that are not successfully inlined may be expanded even
-though they are not needed).
-@end itemize
-@node libstdc++, , version 2.7, new stuff
-@section The GNU Standard C++ Library
-The GNU Standard C++ Library (also called the ``GNU ANSI C++ Library''
-in places in the code) is not libg++, though it is included in the
-libg++ distribution. Rather, it contains classes and functions
-required by the ANSI/ISO standard. The copyright conditions are the
-same as those for for the iostreams classes; the LGPL is not used
-This library, libstdc++, is in the libg++ distribution in versions 2.6.2
-and later. It requires at least gcc 2.6.3 to build the libg++-2.6.2
-version; use at least gcc 2.7.0 to build the libg++ 2.7.0 version. It
-contains a hacked-up version of HP's implementation of the Standard
-Template Library (see @xref{Standard Template Library}). I've
-successfully used this Standard Template Library version to build
-a number of the demos you'll see on various web pages.
-As of version 2.7.0, the streams classes are now in libstdc++ instead of
-libg++, and libiostream is being phased out (don't use it). The g++
-program searches this library.
-@node getting g++, installation, new stuff, Top
-@chapter Obtaining Source Code
-@cindex Source code
-* latest versions:: What is the latest version of gcc, g++, and libg++?
-* g++ for Unix:: How do I get a copy of g++ for Unix?
-* g++ for HP:: Getting gcc/g++ for the HP Precision Architecture
-* g++ for Solaris 2.x:: Getting gcc/g++ binaries for Solaris 2.x
-* g++ for other platforms:: How do I get a copy of g++ for (some other platform)?
-* 1.x vs 2.x versions:: But I can only find g++-1.42!
-@end menu
-@node latest versions, g++ for Unix, , getting g++
-@section What is the latest version of gcc, g++, and libg++?
-@cindex gcc/g++, version date
-The latest "2.x" version of gcc/g++ is 2.7.2, released November 26, 1995.
-The latest version of libg++ is 2.7.1, released November 12, 1995.
-Don't use 2.5.x, with x less than 5, for C++ code; there were some
-serious bugs that didn't have easy workarounds. 2.5.8 is the most
-solid 2.5.x release. 2.6.3 is the most solid 2.6.x release.
-For some non-Unix platforms, the latest port of gcc may be an earlier
-version (2.5.8, say). You'll need to use a version of libg++ that
-has the same first two digits as the compiler version, e.g. use libg++
-2.5.x (for the latest x you can find) with gcc version 2.5.8.
-The latest "1.x" version of gcc is 1.42, and the latest "1.x" version of
-g++ is 1.42.0.
-While gcc 1.42 is quite usable for C programs,
-I recommend against using g++ 1.x except in special circumstances
-(and I can't think of any such circumstances).
-@node g++ for Unix, g++ for HP, latest versions, getting g++
-@section How do I get a copy of g++ for Unix?
-First, you may already have it if you have gcc for your platform;
-g++ and gcc are combined now (as of gcc version 2.0).
-@cindex GNU gcc, version
-@cindex GNU g++ and gcc
-You can get g++ from a friend who has a copy, by anonymous FTP or
-UUCP, or by ordering a tape or CD-ROM from the Free Software
-@cindex g++, ordering
-@cindex g++, getting a copy
-The Free Software Foundation is a nonprofit organization that
-distributes software and manuals to raise funds for more GNU
-development. Getting your copy from the FSF contributes directly to
-paying staff to develop GNU software. CD-ROMs cost $400 if an
-organization is buying, or $100 if an individual is buying. Tapes
-cost around $200 depending on media type. I recommend asking for
-version 2, not version 1, of g++.
-@cindex FSF [Free Software Foundation]
-@cindex GNU [GNU's not unix]
-For more information about ordering from the FSF, contact, phone (617) 542-5942 or anonymous ftp file
-@file{} (you can
-also use one of the sites listed below if you can't get into ``prep'').
-@cindex FSF, contact <>
-Here is a list of anonymous FTP archive sites for GNU software.
-If no directory is given, look in @file{/pub/gnu}.
-@cindex GNUware, anonymous FTP sites
-AUSTRALIA: (archie.oz or for ACSnet)
-@end example
-The ``official site'' is, but your transfer will probably
-go faster if you use one of the above machines.
-@cindex gzip
-Most GNU utilities are compressed with ``gzip'', the GNU compression
-utility. All GNU archive sites should have a copy of this program,
-which you will need to uncompress the distributions.
-@cindex UUNET
-@cindex UUCP
-UUNET customers can get GNU sources from UUNET via UUCP.
-UUCP-only sites can get GNU sources by ``anonymous UUCP'' from site
-"osu-cis" at Ohio State University. You pay for the long-distance call
-to OSU; the price isn't too bad on weekends at 9600 bps. Send mail to or osu-cis!uucp for more information.
-OSU lines are often busy. If you're in the USA, and are willing to spend
-more money, you can get sources via UUCP from UUNET using their 900 number:
-1-900-GOT-SRCS (900 numbers don't work internationally). You will be
-billed $0.50/minute by your phone company.
-@cindex libg++
-Don't forget to retrieve libg++ as well!
-@node g++ for HP, g++ for Solaris 2.x, g++ for Unix, getting g++
-@section Getting gcc/g++ for the HP Precision Architecture
-@cindex HP Precision Architecture
-@cindex Hewlett-Packard
-@cindex GNU GAS
-@cindex GNU gdb
-If you use the HP Precision Architecture (HP-9000/7xx and HP-9000/8xx)
-and you want to use debugging, you'll need to use the GNU assembler, GAS
-(version 2.3 or later). If you build from source, you must tell the
-configure program that you are using GAS or you won't get debugging
-support. A non-standard debug format is used, since until recently HP
-considered their debug format a trade secret. Thanks to the work of
-lots of good folks both inside and outside HP, the company has seen the
-error of its ways and has now released the required information. The
-team at the University of Utah that did the gcc port now has code that
-understands the native HP format.
-Some enhancements for the HP that haven't been integrated back into the
-official GCC are available from the University of Utah, site You can retrieve sources and prebuilt binaries for
-GCC, GDB, binutils,and libg++; see the directory @file{/dist}.
-The libg++ version is actually the same as the FSF 2.6. The Utah
-version of GDB can now understand both the GCC and HP C compiler debug
-formats, so it is no longer necessary to have two different GDB versions.
-I recommend that HP users use the Utah versions of the tools (see
-above), though at this point the standard FSF versions will work well.
-HP GNU users can also find useful stuff on the site in the
-@file{/pub/UNIX/GNU-HP} directory.
-Jeff Law is leaving the University of Utah, so the Utah prebuilt
-binaries may be discontinued.
-@node g++ for Solaris 2.x, g++ for other platforms, g++ for HP, getting g++
-@section Getting gcc/g++ binaries for Solaris 2.x
-``Sun took the C compiler out of Solaris 2.x. Am I stuck?''
-@cindex Solaris
-@cindex gcc/g++ binaries for Solaris
-No; and its mirror sites provide GCC binaries for
-Solaris. As a rule, these binaries are not updated as often as the
-sources are, so if you want the very latest version of gcc/g++, you
-may need to grab and install binaries for an older version and use it to
-bootstrap the latest version from source.
-@cindex gzip
-The latest gcc binaries on and its mirror sites are for
-version 2.5.6 for Solaris on the Sparc, and version 2.4.5 for Solaris on
-Intel 386/486 machines (the Solaris/Intel binaries seem to be gone from
-prep but still exist on some mirrors).
-There are also binaries for ``gzip'', the GNU compression utility, which
-you'll need for uncompressing the binary distribution. On any GNU
-archive site, look in subdirectories @file{i486-sun-solaris2} or
-@cindex Solaris pkgadd utility
-The ftp directory @file{}
-contains various
-GNU and freeware programs for Solaris2.X running on the sparc. These are
-packaged to enable installation using the Solaris ``pkgadd'' utility.
-These include GNU emacs 19.27, gcc (and g++) 2.6.0, Perl 4.036, and others.
-@node g++ for other platforms, 1.x vs 2.x versions, g++ for Solaris 2.x, getting g++
-@section How do I get a copy of g++ for (some other platform)?
-@cindex Windows NT support
-As of gcc-2.7.x, there is Windows NT support in gcc. Some special
-utilities are required. See the INSTALL file from the distribution.
-If you're interested in GNU tools on Windows NT, see
-@file{} on the WWW, or the
-anonymous FTP directory
-@cindex VMS support
-@cindex VAX
-@cindex VMS, g++/libg++ precompiled
-The standard gcc/g++ distribution includes VMS support. Since the
-FSF people don't use VMS, it's likely to be somewhat less solid than
-the Unix version. Precompiled copies of g++ and libg++ in VMS-installable
-form are available by FTP from
-@cindex MS-DOS support
-@cindex Delorie's gcc/g++
-@cindex DJGPP
-@cindex EMX
-There are two different versions of gcc/g++ for MS-DOS: EMX and DJGPP.
-EMX also works for OS/2 and is described later.
-DJGPP is DJ Delorie's port. It can be found on many FTP archive
-sites; try
-or, for a complete list, see
-The latest version of DJGPP is 1.12.maint4, a port of gcc-2.6.3 plus
-support software. This version runs under Windows 3.x. There's
-also a beta-2.00 version.
-FSF sells floppies with DJGPP on them; see above for ordering software
-from the FSF.
-DJGPP has its own newsgroup: @file{comp.os.msdos.djgpp}.
-@cindex Amiga support
-For information on Amiga ports of gcc/g++, retrieve the file @*
-@file{} @*
-or write
-to Markus M. Wild <>, who I hope won't be too upset
-that I mentioned his name here.
-@cindex Atari ST support
-A port of gcc to the Atari ST can be found at @*
-along with many
-other GNU programs. This version is usually the same as the latest FSF
-release. See the ``Software FAQ'' for the Usenet group
-@file{} for more information.
-@cindex EMX port
-@cindex gcc/2
-@cindex OS/2 support
-There are two different ports of gcc to OS/2, the
-so-called EMX port (which also runs on MS-DOS), and a port called
-``gcc/2''. The latter port is no longer supported, since the EMX
-port includes all of its functionality.
-The EMX port's C library attempts to provide a Unix-like environment.
-For more information ask around on @file{comp.os.os2.programmer.misc}.
-The EMX port is available by FTP from
-@end example
-Eberhard Mattes did the EMX port. His address is
-@cindex Apple support
-@cindex Macintosh support
-I'm looking for more information on gcc/g++ support on the Apple
-Macintosh. Until recently, this FAQ did not provide such information,
-but FSF is no longer boycotting Apple as the League for Programming
-Freedom boycott has been dropped.
-Versions 1.37.1 and 2.3.3 of gcc were ported by Stan Shebs and are available
-at @*
-They are both interfaced to MPW.
-Stan is working on a version using the current (post-2.7) sources, contact
-him directly ( for more information.
-@node 1.x vs 2.x versions, ,g++ for other platforms, getting g++
-@section But I can only find g++-1.42!
-``I keep hearing people talking about g++ 2.7.2 (or some other number
-starting with 2), but the latest version I can find is g++ 1.42.
-Where is it?''
-@cindex Objective-C
-@cindex g++, version number
-As of gcc 2.0, C, C++, and Objective-C as well are all combined into a
-single distribution called gcc. If you get gcc you already have g++. The
-standard installation procedure for any gcc version 2 compiler will
-install the C++ compiler as well.
-One could argue that we shouldn't even refer to "g++-2.x.y" but it's a
-convention. It means ``the C++ compiler included with gcc-2.x.y.''
-@node installation, User Problems, getting g++, Top
-@chapter Installation Issues and Problems
-* gcc-2 + g++-1:: I can't build g++ 1.x.y with gcc-2.x.y!
-* what else do I need?:: OK, I've obtained gcc; what else do I need?
-* use GNU linker?:: Should I use the GNU linker, or should I use "collect"?
-* Use GNU assembler?:: Should I use the GNU assembler, or my vendor's assembler?
-* repository:: How do I use the new template repository code?
-* repo bugs:: Known bugs and problems with the repo patch
-* Use GNU C library?:: Should I use the GNU C library?
-* Global constructor problems:: Global constructors aren't being called
-* Strange assembler errors:: Strange assembler errors when linking C++ programs
-* Other problems building libg++:: Other problems building libg++
-* More size_t problems:: But I'm still having problems with size_t!
-* Rebuild libg++?:: Rebuild libg++ to go with my new g++?
-* co-existing versions:: I want several versions of g++ and libg++ to co-exist
-* Installing on Linux:: Trouble installing g++ and libg++ on Linux
-* Linux Slackware 3.0:: On my Linux system, the "hello world" program fails
-@end menu
-@node gcc-2 + g++-1, what else do I need?, , installation
-@section I can't build g++ 1.x.y with gcc-2.x.y!
-``I obtained gcc-2.x.y and g++ 1.x.y and I'm trying to build it, but
-I'm having major problems. What's going on?''
-@cindex g++, building
-If you wish to build g++-1.42, you must obtain gcc-1.42 first. The
-installation instructions for g++ version 1 leave a lot to be desired,
-unfortunately, and I would recommend that, unless you have a special
-reason for needing the 1.x compiler, that C++ users use the latest
-g++-2.x version, as it
-is the version that is being actively maintained.
-@cindex g++, template support
-@cindex Templates
-@cindex ANSI draft standard
-There is no template support in g++-1.x, and it is generally much further
-away from the ANSI draft standard than g++-2.x is.
-@node what else do I need?, use GNU linker?, gcc-2 + g++-1, installation
-@section OK, I've obtained gcc; what else do I need?
-@cindex libg++
-First off, you'll want libg++ as you can do almost nothing without it
-(unless you replace it with some other class library).
-@cindex GNU GAS
-@cindex GNU GAS [assembler]
-Second, depending on your platform, you may need "GAS", the GNU assembler,
-or the GNU linker (see next question).
-@cindex GNU gdb
-Finally, while it is not required, you'll almost certainly want the GNU
-debugger, gdb. The latest version is 4.15.1, released November 4, 1995. Other
-debuggers (like dbx, for example) will normally not be able to
-understand at least some of the debug information produced by g++.
-@node use GNU linker?, Use GNU assembler?, what else do I need?, installation
-@section Should I use the GNU linker, or should I use "collect"?
-@cindex Linker
-@cindex System VR3, linker
-@cindex System VR4, linker
-First off, for novices: special measures must be taken with C++ to arrange
-for the calling of constructors for global or static objects before the
-execution of your program, and for the calling of destructors at the end.
-(Exception: System VR3 and System VR4 linkers, Linux/ELF, and some other
-systems support user-defined
-segments; g++ on these systems requires neither the GNU linker nor
-collect. So if you have such a system, the answer is that you don't
-need either one).
-@cindex AT&T cfront
-@cindex Cfront-end
-@cindex collect program
-@cindex GNU linker
-@cindex GNU binutils
-If you have experience with AT&T's "cfront", this function is performed
-there by programs named "patch" or "munch". With GNU C++, it is performed
-either by the GNU linker or by a program known as "collect". The collect
-program is part of the gcc-2.x distribution; you can obtain the GNU linker
-separately as part of the "binutils" package. The latest version of
-binutils is 2.5.2, released November 2, 1994.
-(To be technical, it's "collect2"; there were originally several
-alternative versions of collect, and this is the one that survived).
-There are advantages and disadvantages to either choice.
-Advantages of the GNU linker:
-@cindex GNU linker, advantages
-@cindex GNU ld
-@cindex ld [GNU linker]
-It's faster than using collect -- collect basically runs the standard Unix
-linker on your program twice, inserting some extra code after the first
-pass to call the constructors. This is a sizable time penalty for large
-programs. The GNU linker does not require this extra pass.
-GNU ld reports undefined symbols using their true names, not the mangled
-names (but as of 2.7.0 so does collect).
-If there are undefined symbols, GNU ld reports which object file(s) refer to
-the undefined symbol(s).
-As of binutils version 2.2, on systems that use the so-called "a.out"
-debug format (e.g. Suns running SunOS 4.x), the GNU linker compresses
-the debug symbol table considerably.
-@cindex collect linker, advantages
-Advantages of collect:
-@cindex Shared libraries
-If your native linker supports shared libraries, you can use shared
-libraries with collect. This used to be a strong reason @emph{not}
-to use the GNU linker, but recent versions of GNU ld support linking
-with shared libraries on many platforms, and creating shared libraries
-on a few (such as Intel x86 systems that use ELF object format).
-Note: using existing shared libraries (X and libc, for example) works
-very nicely. Generating shared libraries from g++-compiled code is
-another matter, generally requiring OS-dependent tricks if it is
-possible at all. But progress has been made recently.
-As of 2.7.0, building C++ shared libraries should work fine on supported
-platforms (HPUX 9+, IRIX 5+, DEC UNIX (formerly OSF/1), SunOS 4,
-and all targets using SVR4-style ELF shared libraries).
-@cindex Shared version of libg++
-However, as of libg++ 2.6.2, the libg++ distribution contains some
-patches to build libg++ as a shared library on some OSes (those listed
-above). Check the file @file{README.SHLIB} from that distribution.
-@cindex GNU linker, porting
-The GNU linker has not been ported to as many platforms as g++ has, so you
-may be forced to use collect.
-If you use collect, you don't need to get something extra and figure out
-how to install it; the standard gcc installation procedure will do it for you.
-In conclusion, I don't see a clear win for either alternative at this
-point. Take your pick.
-@node Use GNU assembler?, repository, use GNU linker?, installation
-@section Should I use the GNU assembler, or my vendor's assembler?
-@cindex Assembler
-@cindex GNU GAS
-This depends on your platform and your decision about the GNU linker. For
-most platforms, you'll need to use GAS if you use the GNU linker. For
-some platforms, you have no choice; check the gcc installation notes to
-see whether you must use GAS. But you can usually use the vendor's
-assembler if you don't use the GNU linker.
-The GNU assembler assembles faster than many native assemblers; however,
-on many platforms it cannot support the local debugging format.
-If you want to build shared libraries from gcc/g++ output and you are on
-a Sun, you must @emph{not} use GNU as, as it cannot do
-position-independent code correctly yet. @emph{Note}: I've been
-told that this problem has been fixed in the most recent binutils
-release, but I haven't checked this yet.
-On HPUX or IRIX, you must use GAS (and configure gcc with the
-@code{--with-gnu-as} option) to debug your programs. GAS is
-strongly recommended particularly on the HP platform because of
-limitations in the HP assembler.
-The GAS distribution has recently been merged with the binutils
-distribution, so the GNU assembler and linker are now together in
-this package (as of binutils version 2.5.1).
-@node repository, repo bugs, Use GNU assembler?, installation
-@section How do I use the new repository code?
-@cindex repo patch
-Because there is some disagreement about the details of the template
-repository mechanism, you'll need to obtain a patch from Cygnus Support
-to enable the 2.7.2 repository code. You can obtain the patch by
-anonymous FTP: @file{}.
-There are patches for 2.7.0 and 2.7.1 in the same directory, though
-if you're going to rebuild the compiler you should use the latest one.
-@cindex repo patch for BSD
-If you're running NetBSD or BSDI, the Cygnus repo patch is not quite
-correct. Tim Liddelow has made an alternate version available at
-After you've applied the patch, the @code{-frepo} flag will enable the
-repository mechanism. The flag works much like the existing
-@code{-fno-implicit-templates} flag, except that auxiliary files, with
-an @file{.rpo} extension, are built that specify what template
-expansions are needed. At link time, the (patched) collect program
-detects missing templates and recompiles some of the object files
-so that the required templates are expanded.
-Note that the mechanism differs from that of cfront in that template
-definitions still must be visible at the point where they are to be
-expanded. No assumption is made that @file{foo.C} contains template
-definitions corresponding to template declarations in @file{foo.h}.
-@cindex closure with repo
-@cindex template closure
-Jason Merrill writes: ``To perform closure on a set of objects, just try
-to link them together. It will fail, but as a side effect all needed
-instances will be generated in the objects.''
-@node repo bugs, Use GNU C library?, repository, installation
-@section Known bugs and problems with the repo patch
-``The @code{-frepo} won't expand templated friend functions!''
-This is a known bug; currently you'll have to explicitly instantiate
-friend functions when using @code{-frepo} due to this bug (in 2.7.0
-through 2.7.2 at least).
-With earlier versions of the repo patch, there was a bug that happens
-when you have given a quoted command line switch, something like
--D'MESSAGE="hello there"'
-@end example
-The repo code tries to recompile files using the same flags you
-originally specified, but doesn't quote arguments that need quoting,
-resulting in failures in some cases. This is no longer a problem
-with the 2.7.2 patch.
-@node Use GNU C library?, Global constructor problems, repo bugs, installation
-@section Should I use the GNU C library?
-@cindex GNU C library
-@cindex libg++
-At this point in time, no. The GNU C library is still very young, and
-libg++ still conflicts with it in some places. Use your native C library
-unless you know a lot about the gory details of libg++ and gnu-libc. This
-will probably change in the future.
-@node Global constructor problems, Strange assembler errors, Use GNU C library?, installation
-@section Global constructors aren't being called
-@cindex global constructors
-``I've installed gcc and it almost works, but constructors and
-destructors for global objects and objects at file scope aren't being
-called. What did I do wrong?''
-@cindex collect program
-It appears that you are running on a platform that requires you to
-install either "collect2" or the GNU linker, and you have done neither.
-For more information, see the section discussing the GNU linker
-(@xref{use GNU linker?}).
-@cindex constructor problems on Solaris
-@cindex Solaris, constructor problems
-On Solaris 2.x, you shouldn't need a collect program and GNU ld doesn't run.
-If your global constructors aren't being called, you may need to install
-a patch, available from Sun, to fix your linker. The number of the
-``jumbo patch'' that applies is 101409-03. Thanks to Russell Street
-( for this info.
-@cindex IRIX, installing collect
-It appears that on IRIX, the collect2 program is not being installed
-by default during the installation process, though it is required;
-you can install it manually by executing
-make install-collect2
-@end example
-from the gcc source directory after installing the compiler. (I'm
-not certain for which versions of gcc this problem occurs, and whether
-it is still present).
-@node Strange assembler errors, Other problems building libg++, Global constructor problems, installation
-@section Strange assembler errors when linking C++ programs
-``I've installed gcc and it seemed to go OK, but when I attempt to link
-any C++ program, I'm getting strange errors from the assembler! How
-can that be?''
-The messages in question might look something like
-as: "/usr/tmp/cca14605.s", line 8: error: statement syntax
-as: "/usr/tmp/cca14605.s", line 14: error: statement syntax
-@end example
-(on a Sun, different on other platforms). The important thing is that
-the errors come out at the link step, @emph{not} when a C++ file is
-being compiled.
-@cindex nm program
-@cindex GNU nm program
-Here's what's going on: the collect2 program uses the Unix ``nm''
-program to obtain a list of symbols for the global constructors and
-destructors, and it builds a little assembly language module that
-will permit them all to be called. If you're seeing this symptom,
-you have an old version of GNU nm somewhere on your path. This old
-version prints out symbol names in a format that the collect2 program
-does not expect, so bad assembly code is generated.
-The solution is either to remove the old version of GNU nm from your
-path (and that of everyone else who uses g++), or to install a newer
-version (it is part of the GNU "binutils" package). Recent versions
-of GNU nm do not have this problem.
-@node Other problems building libg++, More size_t problems, Strange assembler errors, installation
-@section Other problems building libg++
-@cindex libg++ on Ultrix
-@cindex libg++ on SunOS
-``I am having trouble building libg++. Help!''
-On some platforms (for example, Ultrix), you may see errors complaining
-about being unable to open dummy.o. On other platforms (for example,
-SunOS), you may see problems having to do with the type of size_t.
-The fix for these problems is to make libg++ by saying "make CC=gcc".
-According to Per Bothner, it should no longer be necessary to specify
-"CC=gcc" for libg++-2.3.1 or later.
-``I built and installed libg++, but g++ can't find it. Help!''
-The string given to @file{configure} that identifies your system must
-be the same when you install libg++ as it was when you installed gcc.
-Also, if you used the @code{--prefix} option to install gcc somewhere
-other than @file{/usr/local}, you must use the same value for
-@code{--prefix} when installing libg++, or else g++ will not be able
-to find libg++.
-@cindex patch for libg++-2.6.2
-The toplevel Makefile in the libg++ 2.6.2 distribution is broken, which
-along with a bug in g++ 2.6.3 causes problems linking programs that use the
-libstdc++ complex classes. A patch for this is available from
-@node More size_t problems, Rebuild libg++?, Other problems building libg++, installation
-@section But I'm @emph{still} having problems with @code{size_t}!
-@cindex Type of size_t
-``I did all that, and I'm @emph{still} having problems with disagreeing
-definitions of size_t, SIZE_TYPE, and the type of functions like
-@cindex _G_config.h
-The problem may be that you have an old version of @file{_G_config.h}
-lying around. As of libg++ version 2.4, @file{_G_config.h}, since it is
-platform-specific, is inserted into a different directory; most include
-files are in @file{$prefix/lib/g++-include}, but this file now lives in
-@file{$prefix/$arch/include}. If, after upgrading your libg++, you find that
-there is an old copy of @file{_G_config.h} left around, remove it,
-otherwise g++ will find the old one first.
-@node Rebuild libg++?, co-existing versions, More size_t problems, installation
-@section Do I need to rebuild libg++ to go with my new g++?
-``After I upgraded g++ to the latest version, I'm seeing undefined
-``If I upgrade to a new version of g++, do I need to reinstall libg++?''
-@cindex Incompatibilities between g++ versions
-As a rule, the first two digits of your g++ and libg++ should be the
-same. Normally when you do an upgrade in the ``minor version number''
-(2.5.7 to 2.5.8, say) there isn't a need to rebuild libg++, but there
-have been a couple of exceptions in the past.
-@node co-existing versions, Installing on Linux, Rebuild libg++?, installation
-@section I want several versions of g++ and libg++ to co-exist.
-I recommend against using the @code{-V} flag to make multiple versions
-of gcc/g++ co-exist, unless they are different minor releases that can use
-the same compiled version of libg++. The reason is that all these
-versions will try to use the same libg++ version, which usually will
-not work.
-Instead, use the @code{--prefix} flag when configuring gcc. Use a
-different value of @code{--prefix} for each gcc version. Use the
-same value of @code{--prefix} when configuring libg++. You can then
-have any number of co-existing gcc/libg++ pairs. Symbolic links can
-be used so that users don't need to put all these different directories
-on their paths.
-One possible system to use is to set @code{--prefix} to
-@file{/usr/local/gcc-2.x.y} for version 2.x.y of gcc, and to link
-whichever version of gcc you wish to be the default into
-@file{/usr/local/bin/gcc} and @file{/usr/local/bin/g++}.
-@node Installing on Linux, Linux Slackware 3.0, co-existing versions, installation
-@section Trouble installing g++ and libg++ on Linux
-``I've downloaded the latest g++ and libg++ and I'm trying to install
-them on Linux, and I'm having lots of problems.''
-@cindex Linux
-FSF releases of libg++ won't install on Linux unchanged, since Linux
-uses are part of the libio library from libg++ for its standard C
-library, only this is changed in a way that it clashes with libg++.
-This means that you'll need a patched version of libg++ for it to
-If you want to upgrade to a new gcc/libg++ combination, the easiest
-thing to do is to grab the prebuilt versions of gcc and libg++ for Linux
-from @file{}. Follow the
-directions carefully. If you want to build from source, you'll need
-a patch for libg++; the Linux developers have named the patched libg++
-version libg++- and there is a patch file in the above-named
-See @file{},
-the Linux GCC FAQ (though it may be a bit out of date; the Linux
-community moves quickly).
-@node Linux Slackware 3.0, , Installing on Linux, installation
-@section Problems with g++ on Linux Slackware 3.0
-@cindex Slackware
-@cindex Linux Slackware
-``When I try to compile the traditional Hello, world program on Linux,
-the compiler can't find @file{iostream.h}. What's the deal?''
-You probably have the Slackware 3.0 release. There's an error in the
-setup. It's easy to fix, though; log in as root, and make a symbolic
-ln -s /usr/lib/g++-include /usr/include/g++
-@end example
-@node User Problems, legalities, installation, Top
-@chapter User Problems
-* missing virtual table:: Linker complains about missing virtual table
-* for scope:: gcc-2.7.0 breaks declarations in "for" statements!
-* const constructor:: g++ seems to want a const constructor. What's that?
-* unused parameter warnings:: How to silence ``unused parameter'' warnings
-* jump crosses initialization:: g++ objects to a declaration in a case statement
-* Demangler:: Where can I find a demangler?
-* static data members:: Linker reports undefined symbols for static data members
-* internal compiler error:: What does ``internal compiler error'' mean?
-* bug reports:: I think I have found a bug in g++.
-* porting to g++:: Porting programs from other compilers to g++
-* name mangling:: Why does g++ mangle names differently from other C++ compilers?
-* problems linking with other libraries:: Why can't g++ code link with code from other C++ compilers?
-* documentation:: What documentation exists for g++ 2.x?
-* templates:: Problems with the template implementation
-* undefined templates:: I get undefined symbols when using templates
-* redundant templates:: I get multiply defined symbols when using templates
-* Standard Template Library:: Does g++ support the Standard Template Library?
-* exceptions:: Problems and limitations with exceptions
-* namespaces:: Does g++ support namespaces?
-* agreement with standards:: What are the differences between g++ and the ARM specification of C++?
-* compiling standard libraries:: Will g++ compile InterViews? NIHCL? Rogue Wave?
-* debugging on SVR4 systems:: Debugging on SVR4 systems
-* debugging problems on Solaris:: debugging problems on Solaris
-* X11 conflicts with libg++:: Conflict over meaning of String
-* assignment to streams:: Why can't I assign one stream to another?
-@end menu
-@node missing virtual table, for scope, , User Problems
-@section Linker complains about missing virtual table
-``I'm getting a message complaining about an undefined virtual table. Is
-this a compiler bug?''
-(On platforms that run neither collect nor the GNU linker, like Solaris,
-you may see an odd undefined symbol like "_vt.3foo", where foo is a
-class name).
-This is probably because you are missing a definition for the first
-(non-inline) virtual function of the class. Since gcc-2.7.0, g++ uses
-a trick borrowed from cfront: the .o file containing the definition for
-the first non-inline virtual function for the class will also contain
-the virtual function table.
-@node for scope, const constructor, missing virtual table, User Problems
-@section gcc-2.7.0 breaks declarations in "for" statements!
-@cindex declarations in for statements
-@cindex for statements: declarations
-gcc-2.7.0 implements the new ANSI/ISO rule on the scope of variables
-declared in for loops.
-for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) @{
- // do something here
-@end example
-In the above example, most existing C++ compilers would pass the
-value 11 to the function @code{foo}. In gcc 2.7 and in the ANSI/ISO
-working paper, the scope of @code{i} is only the for loop body, so
-this is an error. So that old code can be compiled, the new gcc has
-a flag @code{-fno-for-scope} that causes the old rule to be used.
-@cindex -fno-for-scope
-As of 2.7.1, the compiler attempts to issue warnings about code that
-has different meanings under the two sets of rules, but the code is
-not perfect: the intent was that code that has valid, but different,
-meanings under the ARM rules and the working paper rules would give
-warnings but have the new behavior, and this doesn't seem to happen.
-The @code{-ffor-scope} flag under 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 gives the 2.7.0 behavior.
-@node const constructor, unused parameter warnings, for scope, User Problems
-@section g++ seems to want a const constructor. What's that?
-gcc-2.7.1 introduced a bug that causes the compiler to ask for a
-const constructor (there's no such thing in C++) in certain situations
-where a const object appears in a template class. Most cases have been
-fixed in gcc-2.7.2, but unfortunately not all. Still, if you're running
-gcc-2.7.1 and have this problem, upgrade to 2.7.2; it is a vast improvement.
-@cindex ObjectSpace<STL>
-The default constructor for the template @code{pair} in ObjectSpace's
-implementation of STL triggers the bug in one place, for gcc 2.7.2. If
-you're using ObjectSpace<STL> and having this problem, simply
-change the default constructor from
-os_pair () : first (T1 ()), second (T2 ()) @{@}
-@end example
-to just
-os_pair () @{@}
-@end example
-Once this is done, ObjectSpace<STL> works fairly well.
-@node unused parameter warnings, jump crosses initialization, const constructor,User Problems
-@section How to silence ``unused parameter'' warnings
-@cindex -Wall
-@cindex -Wunused
-``When I use @code{-Wall} (or @code{-Wunused}), g++ warns about
-unused parameters. But the parameters have to be there, for use
-in derived class functions. How do I get g++ to stop complaining?''
-The answer is to simply omit the names of the unused parameters when
-defining the function. This makes clear, both to g++ and to readers
-of your code, that the parameter is unused. For example:
-int Foo::bar(int arg) @{ return 0; @}
-@end example
-will give a warning for the unused parameter @code{arg}. To suppress
-the warning write
-int Foo::bar(int) @{ return 0; @}
-@end example
-@node jump crosses initialization, Demangler, unused parameter warnings, User Problems
-@section g++ objects to a declaration in a case statement
-``The compiler objects to my declaring a variable in one of the branches
-of a case statement. Earlier versions used to accept this code. Why?''
-The draft standard does not allow a goto or a jump to a case label to
-skip over an initialization of a variable or a class object. For
-switch ( i ) @{
- case 1:
- Object obj(0);
- ...
- break;
- case 2:
- ...
- break;
-@end example
-The reason is that @code{obj} is also in scope in the rest of the switch
-As of version 2.7.0, the compiler will object that the jump to the
-second case level crosses the initialization of @code{obj}. Older
-compiler versions would object only if class Object has a destructor.
-In either case, the solution is to add a set of curly braces around
-the case branch:
- case 1:
- @{
- Object obj(0);
- ...
- break;
- @}
-@end example
-@node Demangler, static data members, jump crosses initialization, User Problems
-@section Where can I find a demangler?
-@cindex demangler program
-A g++-compatible demangler named @code{c++filt} can be found in the
-@file{binutils} distribution. This distribution (which also contains
-the GNU linker) can be found at any GNU archive site.
-As of version 2.7.0, @code{c++filt} is included with gcc and is
-installed automatically. Even better, it is used by the @code{collect}
-linker, so you don't see mangled symbols anymore (except on platforms
-that use neither collect nor the GNU linker, like Solaris).
-@node static data members, internal compiler error, Demangler, User Problems
-@section Linker reports undefined symbols for static data members
-@cindex Static data members
-``g++ reports undefined symbols for all my static data members when I link,
-even though the program works correctly for compiler XYZ. What's going on?''
-The problem is almost certainly that you don't give definitions for
-your static data members. If you have
-class Foo @{
- ...
- void method();
- static int bar;
-@end example
-you have only declared that there is an int named Foo::bar and a member
-function named Foo::method that is defined somewhere. You still need to
-define @emph{both} method() and bar in some source file. According to
-the draft ANSI standard, you must supply an initializer, such as
-int Foo::bar = 0;
-@end example
-in one (and only one) source file.
-@node internal compiler error, bug reports, static data members, User Problems
-@section What does ``Internal compiler error'' mean?
-It means that the compiler has detected a bug in itself. Unfortunately,
-g++ still has many bugs, though it is a lot better than it used to be.
-If you see this message, please send in a complete bug report (see next
-@node bug reports, porting to g++, internal compiler error, User Problems
-@section I think I have found a bug in g++.
-@cindex Bug in g++, newly found
-``I think I have found a bug in g++, but I'm not sure. How do I know,
-and who should I tell?''
-@cindex Manual, for gcc
-First, see the excellent section on bugs and bug reports in the gcc manual
-(which is included in the gcc distribution). As a short summary of that
-section: if the compiler gets a fatal signal, for any input, it's a bug
-(newer versions of g++ will ask you to send in a bug report when they
-detect an error in themselves). Same thing for producing invalid
-assembly code.
-When you report a bug, make sure to describe your platform (the type of
-computer, and the version of the operating system it is running) and the
-version of the compiler that you are running. See the output of the
-command @code{g++ -v} if you aren't sure. Also provide enough code
-so that the g++ maintainers can duplicate your bug. Remember that the
-maintainers won't have your header files; one possibility is to send
-the output of the preprocessor (use @code{g++ -E} to get this). This
-is what a ``complete bug report'' means.
-I will add some extra notes that are C++-specific, since the notes from
-the gcc documentation are generally C-specific.
-@cindex g++ bug report
-First, mail your bug report to "". You may also
-post to @file{gnu.g++.bug}, but it's better to use mail, particularly if you
-have any doubt as to whether your news software generates correct reply
-addresses. Don't mail C++ bugs to
-@strong{News:} as I write this (late February 1996) the gateway
-connecting the bug-g++ mailing list and the @file{gnu.g++.bug} newsgroup
-is (temporarily?) broken. Please mail, do not post bug reports.
-@cindex libg++ bug report
-If your bug involves libg++ rather than the compiler, mail to If you're not sure, choose one, and if you
-guessed wrong, the maintainers will forward it to the other list.
-@cindex C++, reference books
-@cindex ARM [Annotated C++ Ref Manual]
-Second, if your program does one thing, and you think it should do
-something else, it is best to consult a good reference if in doubt.
-The standard reference is the draft working paper from the ANSI/ISO
-C++ standardization committee, which you can get on the net.
-For PostScript and PDF (Adobe Acrobat) versions, see the
-archive at @file{}. For HTML and ASCII
-versions, see @file{}. On the World Wide Web, see
-An older
-standard reference is "The Annotated C++ Reference Manual", by Ellis and
-Stroustrup (copyright 1990, ISBN #0-201-51459-1). This is what they're
-talking about on the net when they refer to ``the ARM''. But you should
-know that changes have been made to the language since then.
-The ANSI/ISO C++ standards committee have adopted some changes to the
-C++ language since the publication of the original ARM, and newer
-versions of g++ (2.5.x and later) support some of these changes, notably
-the mutable keyword (added in 2.5.0), the bool type (added in 2.6.0),
-and changes in the scope of variables defined in for statements (added
-in 2.7.0).
-You can obtain an addendum to the ARM explaining many of these changes by FTP
-from @file{}.
-@cindex AT&T cfront
-Note that the behavior of (any version of) AT&T's "cfront" compiler is
-NOT the standard for the language.
-@node porting to g++, name mangling, bug reports, User Problems
-@section Porting programs from other compilers to g++
-``I have a program that runs on <some other C++ compiler>, and I want
-to get it running under g++. Is there anything I should watch out
-@cindex Porting to g++
-Note that g++ supports many of the newer keywords that have recently
-been added to the language. Your other C++ compiler may not support
-them, so you may need to rename variables and members that conflict
-with these keywords.
-There are two other reasons why a program that worked under one compiler
-might fail under another: your program may depend on the order of
-evaluation of side effects in an expression, or it may depend on the
-lifetime of a temporary (you may be assuming that a temporary object
-"lives" longer than the standard guarantees). As an example of the
-void func(int,int);
-int i = 3;
-@end example
-@cindex Order of evaluation, problems in porting
-Novice programmers think that the increments will be evaluated in strict
-left-to-right order. Neither C nor C++ guarantees this; the second
-increment might happen first, for example. func might get 3,4, or it
-might get 4,3.
-@cindex Classes, problems in porting
-@cindex Problems in porting, class
-The second problem often happens with classes like the libg++ String
-class. Let's say I have
-String func1();
-void func2(const char*);
-@end example
-and I say
-@end example
-because I know that class String has an "operator const char*". So what
-really happens is
-@end example
-@cindex temporaries
-where I'm pretending I have a convert() method that is the same as the
-cast. This is unsafe in g++ versions before 2.6.0, because the
-temporary String object may be deleted after its last use (the call to
-the conversion function), leaving the pointer pointing to garbage, so by
-the time func2 is called, it gets an invalid argument.
-@cindex ANSI draft standard
-Both the cfront and the old g++ behaviors are legal according to the ARM,
-but the powers that be have decided that compiler writers were given
-too much freedom here.
-The ANSI C++ committee has now come to a resolution of the lifetime of
-temporaries problem: they specify that temporaries should be deleted at
-end-of-statement (and at a couple of other points). This means that g++
-versions before 2.6.0 now delete temporaries too early, and cfront
-deletes temporaries too late. As of version 2.6.0, g++ does things
-according to the new standard.
-@cindex Scope, problems in porting
-@cindex Problems in porting, scope
-For now, the safe way to write such code is to give the temporary a name,
-which forces it to live until the end of the scope of the name. For
-String& tmp = func1();
-@end example
-Finally, like all compilers (but especially C++ compilers, it seems),
-g++ has bugs, and you may have tweaked one. If so, please file a bug
-report (after checking the above issues).
-@node name mangling, problems linking with other libraries, porting to g++, User Problems
-@section Why does g++ mangle names differently from other C++ compilers?
-See the answer to the next question.
-@cindex Mangling names
-@node problems linking with other libraries, documentation, name mangling, User Problems
-@section Why can't g++ code link with code from other C++ compilers?
-``Why can't I link g++-compiled programs against libraries compiled by
-some other C++ compiler?''
-@cindex Mangling names
-@cindex Cygnus Support
-Some people think that,
-if only the FSF and Cygnus Support folks would stop being
-stubborn and mangle names the same way that, say, cfront does, then any
-g++-compiled program would link successfully against any cfront-compiled
-library and vice versa. Name mangling is the least of the problems.
-Compilers differ as to how objects are laid out, how multiple inheritance
-is implemented, how virtual function calls are handled, and so on, so if
-the name mangling were made the same, your programs would link against
-libraries provided from other compilers but then crash when run. For this
-reason, the ARM @emph{encourages} compiler writers to make their name mangling
-different from that of other compilers for the same platform.
-Incompatible libraries are then detected at link time, rather than at run
-@cindex ARM [Annotated C++ Ref Manual]
-@cindex Compiler differences
-@node documentation, templates, problems linking with other libraries, User Problems
-@section What documentation exists for g++ 2.x?
-@cindex g++, documentation
-Relatively little.
-While the gcc manual that comes with the distribution has some coverage
-of the C++ part of the compiler, it focuses mainly on the C compiler
-(though the information on the ``back end'' pertains to C++ as well).
-Still, there is useful information on the command line options and the
-#pragma interface and #pragma implementation directives in the manual,
-and there is a useful section on template instantiation in the 2.6 version.
-There is a Unix-style manual entry, "g++.1", in the gcc-2.x
-distribution; the information here is a subset of what is in the manual.
-You can buy a nicely printed and bound copy of this manual from the FSF;
-see above for ordering information.
-For versions 2.6.2 and later, the gcc/g++ distribution contains the
-gcc manual in PostScript. Also,
-Postscript versions of GNU documentation in U.S. letter format
-are available by anonymous FTP from @file{}.
-The same, in A4 format, are on @*
-A draft of a document describing the g++ internals appears in the gcc
-distribution (called g++int.texi); it is incomplete but gives lots of
-@node templates, undefined templates, documentation, User Problems
-@section Problems with the template implementation
-@cindex g++, template support
-@cindex Templates
-g++ does not implement a separate pass to instantiate template functions
-and classes at this point; for this reason, it will not work, for the most
-part, to declare your template functions in one file and define them in
-another. The compiler will need to see the entire definition of the
-function, and will generate a static copy of the function in each file
-in which it is used.
-(The experimental template repository code (see @xref{repository}) that
-can be added to 2.7.0 or later does implement a separate pass, but there
-is still no searching of files that the compiler never saw).
-@cindex -fno-implicit-templates
-For version 2.6.0, however, a new switch @code{-fno-implicit-templates}
-was added; with this switch, templates are expanded only under user
-control. I recommend that all g++ users that use templates read the
-section ``Template Instantiation'' in the gcc manual (version 2.6.x
-and newer). g++ now supports explicit template expansion using the
-syntax from the latest C++ working paper:
-template class A<int>;
-template ostream& operator << (ostream&, const A<int>&);
-@end example
-@cindex template limitations
-As of version 2.6.3, there are still a few limitations in the template
-implementation besides the above (thanks to Jason Merrill for this info):
-These are still present in version 2.7.2, but a new implementation of
-templates planned for version 2.8 will eliminate them.
-@enumerate 1
-Static data member templates are not supported. You can work around
-this by explicitly declaring the static variable for each template
-template <class T> struct A @{
- static T t;
-template <class T> T A<T>::t = 0; // gets bogus error
-int A<int>::t = 0; // OK (workaround)
-@end example
-(still a limitation in 2.7.2)
-Template member names are not available when defining member function
-template <class T> struct A @{
- typedef T foo;
- void f (foo);
- void g (foo arg) @{ ... @}; // this works
-template <class T> void A<T>::f (foo) @{ @} // gets bogus error
-@end example
-Templates are instantiated using the parser. This results in two
-a) Class templates are instantiated in some situations where such
-instantiation should not occur.
-template <class T> class A @{ @};
-A<int> *aip = 0; // should not instantiate A<int> (but does)
-@end example
-b) Function templates cannot be inlined at the site of their
-template <class T> inline T min (T a, T b) @{ return a < b ? a : b; @}
-void f () @{
- int i = min (1, 0); // not inlined
-void g () @{
- int j = min (1, 0); // inlined
-@end example
-A workaround that works in version 2.6.1 and later is to specify
-extern template int min (int, int);
-@end example
-before @code{f()}; this will force it to be instantiated (though not
-Member function templates are always instantiated when their containing
-class is. This is wrong.
-@end enumerate
-@node undefined templates, redundant templates, templates, User Problems
-@section I get undefined symbols when using templates
-(Thanks to Jason Merrill for this section).
-@cindex template instantiation
-g++ does not automatically instantiate templates defined in other files.
-Because of this, code written for cfront will often produce undefined
-symbol errors when compiled with g++. You need to tell g++ which template
-instances you want, by explicitly instantiating them in the file where they
-are defined. For instance, given the files
-template <class T>
-class A @{
- void f ();
- T t;
-template <class T> void g (T a);
-@end example
-#include "templates.h"
-template <class T>
-void A<T>::f () @{ @}
-template <class T>
-void g (T a) @{ @}
-@end example
-#include "templates.h"
-main ()
- A<int> a;
- a.f ();
- g (a);
-@end example
-compiling everything with @code{g++} will result in
-undefined symbol errors for @samp{A<int>::f ()} and @samp{g (A<int>)}. To
-fix these errors, add the lines
-template class A<int>;
-template void g (A<int>);
-@end example
-to the bottom of @samp{} and recompile.
-@node redundant templates, Standard Template Library, undefined templates, User Problems
-@section I get multiply defined symbols using templates
-You may be running into a bug that was introduced in version 2.6.1
-(and is still present in 2.6.3) that generated external linkage
-for templates even when neither @code{-fexternal-templates} nor
-@code{-fno-implicit-templates} is specified. There is a patch for
-this problem at @*
-I recommend either applying the patch or
-using @code{-fno-implicit-templates}
-together with explicit template instantiation as described in previous
-This bug is fixed in 2.7.0.
-@node Standard Template Library, exceptions, redundant templates, User Problems
-@section Does g++ support the Standard Template Library?
-From Per Bothner:
-@cindex STL
-@cindex Standard Template Library
-The Standard Template Library (STL) uses many of the extensions that the
-ANSI/ISO committee has made to templates, and g++ doesn't support
-some of these yet. So if you grab HP's free implementation of STL it
-isn't going to work. However, starting with libg++-2.6.2 libg++ contains a
-hacked version of STL, based on work by Carsten Bormann, which permits
-g++ to compile at least the containers. A full implementation is
-going to need improved template support, which will take a while yet
-(2.8.0 will compile the HP version successfully, except for a couple
-of easily fixed places where the HP code violates the draft standard).
-Actually, the hacked STL and gcc-2.7.2 work quite well; I've succeeded
-in making significant use of it.
-Almost all of the ObjectSpace examples (a set of
-over 200 simple examples of STL usage) now work.
-There are several commercial suppliers of STL implementations;
-ObjectSpace's version supports gcc-2.7.x.
-Mumit Khan has produced an ``STL newbie guide'' with lots of information
-on using STL with gcc. See
-@node exceptions, namespaces, Standard Template Library, User Problems
-@section Problems and limitations with exceptions
-Recent g++ versions provide limited support for exceptions. You must
-provide the @code{-fhandle-exceptions} flag to enable exception
-handling. As of version 2.7.2, exceptions may not work properly
-(and you may get odd error messages when compiling) if you turn
-on optimization (the @code{-O} flag).
-You must give the @code{-frtti} switch to enable catching
-of derived exception objects with handlers for the base exception class;
-if @code{-frtti} is not given, only exact type matching works.
-For exception handling to work with 2.7.0 your CPU must be a SPARC,
-RS6000/PowerPC, 386/486/Pentium, or ARM. Release 2.7.1 added support
-for the Alpha, and ``m68k is rumored to work on some platforms''
-and ``VAX may also work'' (according to Mike Stump).
-@emph{It still doesn't work on HP-PA or MIPS platforms.}
-@node namespaces, agreement with standards, exceptions, User Problems
-@section Does g++ support namespaces?
-As of version 2.7.2, g++ recognizes the keywords @code{namespace} and
-@code{using}, and there is some rudimentary code present, but almost
-nothing connected with namespaces works yet. It appears that this will
-still be true when 2.8.0 is released.
-@node agreement with standards, compiling standard libraries, namespaces, User Problems
-@section What are the differences between g++ and the ARM specification of C++?
-@cindex ARM [Annotated C++ Ref Manual]
-@cindex exceptions
-As of version 2.7.0, g++ has exception support on most but not all
-(no support on MIPS-based platforms yet), but
-it doesn't work right if optimizaton is enabled, which means the
-implementation is still
-not really ready for production use.
-@cindex mutable
-Some features that the ANSI/ISO standardization committee has voted in
-that don't appear in the ARM are supported, notably the @code{mutable}
-keyword, in version 2.5.x. 2.6.x adds support for the built-in boolean
-type @code{bool}, with constants @code{true} and @code{false}. The
-beginnings of run-time type identification are present, so there are
-more reserved words: @code{typeid}, @code{static_cast},
-@code{reinterpret_cast}, @code{const_cast}, and @code{dynamic_cast}.
-@cindex g++ bugs
-As with any beta-test compiler, there are bugs. You can help improve
-the compiler by submitting detailed bug reports.
-One of the weakest areas of g++ other than templates is the resolution
-of overloaded functions and operators in complex cases. The usual
-symptom is that in a case where the ARM says that it is ambiguous which
-function should be chosen, g++ chooses one (often the first one
-declared). This is usually not a problem when porting C++ code from
-other compilers to g++, but shows up as errors when code developed under
-g++ is ported to other compilers. (I believe this is no longer a
-significant problem in 2.7.0).
-[A full bug list would be very long indeed, so I won't put one here.
-I may add a list of frequently-reported bugs and "non-bugs" like the
-static class members issue mentioned above].
-@node compiling standard libraries, debugging on SVR4 systems, agreement with standards, User Problems
-@section Will g++ compile InterViews? The NIH class library? Rogue Wave?
-@cindex NIH class library
-@cindex NIHCL with g++
-The NIH class library uses a non-portable, compiler-dependent hack
-to initialize itself, which makes life difficult for g++ users.
-It will not work without modification, and I don't know what modifications
-are required or whether anyone has done them successfully.
-In short, it's not going to happen any time soon (previous FAQs referred
-to patches that a new NIHCL release would hopefully contain, but this
-hasn't happened).
-@strong{Note:} I thought I saw an item indicating that someone
-@emph{had} patched NIHCL to work with g++. Any pointers?
-@cindex InterViews
-I think that as of version 2.5.6, the standard g++ will compile the
-standard 3.1 InterViews completely successfully.
-Note that you'll need the @code{-fno-for-scope} flag
-if you use gcc-2.7.0; with 2.7.2 you may be able to omit this flag
-but you'll get warnings.
-@cindex Rogue Wave
-According to Jason Merrill, gcc-2.7.0 and newer works with Rogue
-Wave's @code{tools.h++} class library, but you may want to grab
-@file{}. Again,
-you'll need the @code{-fno-for-scope} flag since Rogue Wave hasn't
-fixed their code to comply with the new standard yet.
-@node debugging on SVR4 systems, debugging problems on Solaris, compiling standard libraries, User Problems
-@section Debugging on SVR4 systems
-@cindex System VR4, debugging
-``How do I get debugging to work on my System V Release 4 system?''
-Most systems based on System V Release 4 (except Solaris) encode symbolic
-debugging information in a format known as `DWARF'.
-Although the GNU C compiler already knows how to write out symbolic debugging
-information in the DWARF format, the GNU C++ compiler does not yet have this
-feature, nor is it likely to in the immediate future.
-Ron Guilmette has done a great deal of work to try to get the GNU C++ compiler
-to produce DWARF format symbolic debugging information (for C++ code)
-but he gave up on the project because of a lack of funding and/or interest
-from the g++ user community. If you have a strong desire to see this project
-completed, contact Ron at <>.
-@cindex stabs
-@cindex --with-stabs
-In the meantime, you @emph{can} get g++ debugging under SVR4 systems by
-configuring gcc with the @code{--with-stabs} option. This causes gcc to
-use an alternate debugging format, one more like that used under SunOS4.
-You won't need to do anything special to GDB; it will always understand
-the ``stabs'' format.
-@node debugging problems on Solaris, X11 conflicts with libg++, debugging on SVR4 systems, User Problems
-@section debugging problems on Solaris
-``I'm on Solaris, and gdb says it doesn't know about some of my local
-symbols. Help!''
-This problem was introduced in gcc 2.7.2, I believe; debug symbols for
-locals that aren't declared at the beginning of a block come out in the
-wrong order, and gdb can't find such symbols.
-There are several patches floating around to correct this problem. It
-is, however, fixed in gcc-2.7.3, which should be available very shortly
-(it may already be available by the time you read this).
-@node X11 conflicts with libg++, assignment to streams, debugging problems on Solaris, User Problems
-@section X11 conflicts with libg++ in definition of String
-@cindex String, conflicts in definition
-``X11 and Motif define String, and this conflicts with the String class
-in libg++. How can I use both together?''
-One possible method is the following:
-#define String XString
-#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
-/* include other X11 and Motif headers */
-#undef String
-@end example
-and remember to use the correct @code{String} or @code{XString} when
-you declare things later.
-@node assignment to streams, ,X11 conflicts with libg++, User Problems
-@section Why can't I assign one stream to another?
-[ Thanks to Per Bothner and Jerry Schwarz for this section. ]
-Assigning one stream to another seems like a reasonable thing to do, but
-it's a bad idea. Usually, this comes up because people want to assign
-to @code{cout}. This is poor style, especially for libraries, and is
-contrary to good object-oriented design. (Libraries that write directly
-to @code{cout} are less flexible, modular, and object-oriented).
-The iostream classes do not allow assigning to arbitrary streams, because
-this can violate typing:
-ifstream foo ("foo");
-istrstream str(...);
-foo = str;
-foo->close (); /* Oops! Not defined for istrstream! */
-@end example
-@cindex assignment to cout
-The original cfront implementation of iostreams by Jerry Schwarz allows
-you to assign to @code{cin}, @code{cout}, @code{cerr}, and @code{clog},
-but this is not part of the draft standard for iostreams and generally
-isn't considered a good idea, so standard-conforming code shouldn't use
-this technique.
-The GNU implementation of iostream did not support assigning to
-@code{cin}, @code{cout}, @code{cerr}, and @code{clog}
-for quite a while, but it now does, for backward
-compatibility with cfront iostream (versions 2.6.1 and later of libg++).
-The ANSI/ISO C++ Working Paper does provide ways of changing the
-streambuf associated with a stream. Assignment isn't allowed;
-there is an explicit named member that must be used.
-However, it is not wise to do this, and the results are confusing. For
-example: @code{fstream::rdbuf} is supposed to return the @emph{original}
-filebuf, not the one you assigned. (This is not yet implemented in GNU
-iostream.) This must be so because @code{fstream::rdbuf} is defined to
-return a @code{filebuf *}.
-@node legalities, index, User Problems, Top
-@chapter What are the rules for shipping code built with g++ and libg++?
-@cindex Shipping rules
-@cindex GPL [GNU Public License]
-``Is it is possible to distribute programs for profit that are created
-with g++ and use the g++ libraries?''
-I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice. In any case, I have
-little interest in telling people how to violate the spirit of the
-GNU licenses without violating the letter. This section tells you
-how to comply with the intention of the GNU licenses as best I understand
-@cindex FSF [Free Software Foundation]
-The FSF has no objection to your making money. Its only interest is that
-source code to their programs, and libraries, and to modified versions of
-their programs and libraries, is always available.
-The short answer is that you do not need to release the source to
-your program, but you can't just ship a stripped executable either,
-unless you use only the subset of libg++ that includes the iostreams
-classes (see discussion below) or the new libstdc++ library (available
-in libg++ 2.6.2 and later).
-Compiling your code with a GNU compiler does not affect its copyright;
-it is still yours. However, in order to ship code that links in a GNU
-library such as libg++ there are certain rules you must follow. The
-rules are described in the file COPYING.LIB that accompanies gcc
-distributions; it is also included in the libg++ distribution.
-See that file for the exact rules. The agreement is called the
-Library GNU Public License or LGPL. It is much "looser" than the
-GNU Public License, or GPL, that covers must GNU programs.
-@cindex libg++, shipping code
-Here's the deal: let's say that you use some version of libg++,
-completely unchanged, in your software, and you want to ship only
-a binary form of your code. You can do this, but there are several
-special requirements. If you want to use libg++ but ship only object
-code for your code, you have to ship source for libg++ (or ensure
-somehow that your customer already has the source for the exact
-version you are using), and ship your application in linkable form.
-You cannot forbid your customer from reverse-engineering or extending
-your program by exploiting its linkable form.
-@cindex libg++, modifying
-Furthermore, if you modify libg++ itself, you must provide source
-for your modifications (making a derived class does not count as
-modifying the library -- that is "a work that uses the library").
-@cindex special copying conditions for iostreams
-For certain portions of libg++ that implement required parts of the C++
-language (such as iostreams and other standard classes), the FSF has
-loosened the copyright requirement still more by adding the ``special
-exception'' clause, which reads as follows:
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with GCC to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-@end quotation
-If your only use of libg++ uses code with this exception, you may ship
-stripped executables or license your executables under different
-conditions without fear of violating an FSF copyright. It is the intent
-of FSF and Cygnus that, as the other classes required by the ANSI/ISO
-draft standard are developed, these will also be placed under this
-``special exception'' license.
-The code in the new libstdc++ library, intended to implement standard
-classes as defined by ANSI/ISO, is also licensed this way.
-To avoid coming under the influence of the LGPL, you can link with
-@file{-liostream} rather than @file{-lg++} (for version 2.6.x and
-earlier), or @file{-lstdc++} now that it is available. In version 2.7.0
-all the standard classes are in @file{-lstdc++}; you can do the link
-step with @code{c++} instead of @code{g++} to search only the
-@file{-lstdc++} library and avoid the LGPL'ed code in @file{-lg++}.
-If you wish to discuss legal issues connected with GNU software on the
-net, please use @file{gnu.misc.discuss}, not the technical newsgroups.
-@node index, , legalities, Top
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-@appendix Concept Index
-@printindex cp
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/ChangeLog b/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cc1241..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Thu Nov 4 11:18:05 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (install): Use INSTALL_PROGRAM for genclass.
-Wed Aug 12 12:52:16 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Don't use RCS id as version number. Instead
- use libg++ version number.
- * (genclass): Hackery to extract libg++ version
- number from ../Makefile and insert it into genclass script.
-Mon Aug 10 11:38:48 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * always create installation directories.
-Thu May 14 15:10:18 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Move comments inside sed script (which is
- not supported by all versions of sed) outside.
- * Update IDIR->gxx_includedir.
-Wed Feb 26 18:04:40 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- *, removed traces of namesubdir,
- -subdirs, $(subdir), $(unsubdir), some rcs triggers. Forced
- copyrights to '92, changed some from Cygnus to FSF.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/
deleted file mode 100644
index c6a04f5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for g++ library genclass test
-srcdir = .
-#### package, host, target, and site dependent Makefile fragments come in here.
-genclass: $(srcdir)/
- echo "/^PROTODIR=/c\\" > sedscript
- echo "PROTODIR=$$\{PROTODIR-$(gxx_includedir)/gen\}" >> sedscript
- sed <../Makefile -n -e '/VERSION/s/LIBG++_DIST_VERSION *= *\(.*\)/s|<VERSION>|\1|/p' >> sedscript
- sed -f sedscript < $(srcdir)/ > genclass.tmp
- chmod 0755 genclass.tmp
- rm -f sedscript
- mv genclass.tmp genclass
-gentest: $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/expected.out
- $(srcdir)/ > my.out 2>&1
- diff $(srcdir)/expected.out my.out
-.PHONY: install
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) genclass $(bindir)/genclass
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e237d7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# This file is a shell script fragment that supplies the information
-# necessary to tailor a template configure script into the configure
-# script appropriate for this directory. For more information, check
-# any existing configure script.
-srcname="old libg++ template expander"
-# per-host:
-# per-target:
-CLEAN='genclass *.h *.cc my.out'
-(. ${srcdir}/../config.shared) >${package_makefile_frag}
-# post-target:
-rm -f ${package_makefile_frag}
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/expected.out b/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/expected.out
deleted file mode 100644
index cecc3cd..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/expected.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1027 +0,0 @@
----------- genclass -usage ----------
- genclass -list [proto ...]
- genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
----------- genclass -version ----------
-genclass: version 2.1
----------- genclass -requires ----------
----------- genclass -catalog ----------
-Catalog of genclass class templates
-directories searched:
- /usr/latest/lib/gcc/sun4/1.95.01/g++-include/gen
- /play/hgs/libg++-1.90/gentests
-selecting: all
-classes available:
- AVLMap AVLSet AVec BSTSet Bag CHBag CHMap CHSet DLDeque DLList
- Deque FPQueue FPStack FPlex List MPlex Map OSLBag OSLSet OXPBag
- OXPSet PHPQ PQ Plex Queue RAVLMap RPlex SLBag SLList SLQueue
- SLSet SLStack Set SplayBag SplayMap SplayPQ SplaySet Stack VHBag
- VHMap VHSet VOHSet VQueue VStack Vec XPBag XPDeque XPPQ XPQueue
- XPSet XPStack XPlex defs
----------- genclass -list ----------
----------- genclass -catalog PQ Set ----------
-Catalog of genclass class templates
-directories searched:
- /usr/latest/lib/gcc/sun4/1.95.01/g++-include/gen
- /play/hgs/libg++-1.90/gentests
-selecting: PQ Set
-classes available:
- SplaySet VHSet VOHSet XPPQ XPSet
----------- genclass -list Map Stack ----------
-Generating: genclass int ref AVLMap
-genclass: the AVLMap class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type
- genclass -list [proto ...]
- genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-Generation for int-AVLMap failed
-genclass int ref AVLMap fig
-genclass: the AVLMap class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type
- genclass -list [proto ...]
- genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-Generation for int-AVLMap failed
-Generating: genclass int ref AVLSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.AVLSet.h
-genclass int ref AVLSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figAVLSet.h
-Generating: genclass int ref AVec
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.AVec.h
-genclass int ref AVec fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figAVec.h
-Generating: genclass int ref BSTSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.BSTSet.h
-genclass int ref BSTSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figBSTSet.h
-Generating: genclass int ref Bag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.Bag.h
-genclass int ref Bag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figBag.h
-Generating: genclass int ref CHBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.CHBag.h
-genclass int ref CHBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figCHBag.h
-Generating: genclass int ref CHMap
-genclass: the CHMap class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type
- genclass -list [proto ...]
- genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-Generation for int-CHMap failed
-genclass int ref CHMap fig
-genclass: the CHMap class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type
- genclass -list [proto ...]
- genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-Generation for int-CHMap failed
-Generating: genclass int ref CHSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.CHSet.h
-genclass int ref CHSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figCHSet.h
-Generating: genclass int ref DLDeque
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.DLDeque.h
-genclass int ref DLDeque fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figDLDeque.h
-Generating: genclass int ref DLList
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.DLList.h
-genclass int ref DLList fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figDLList.h
-Generating: genclass int ref Deque
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.Deque.h
-genclass int ref Deque fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figDeque.h
-Generating: genclass int ref FPQueue
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.FPQueue.h
-genclass int ref FPQueue fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figFPQueue.h
-Generating: genclass int ref FPStack
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.FPStack.h
-genclass int ref FPStack fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figFPStack.h
-Generating: genclass int ref FPlex
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.FPlex.h
-genclass int ref FPlex fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figFPlex.h
-Generating: genclass int ref List
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.List.h
-genclass int ref List fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figList.h
-Generating: genclass int ref MPlex
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.MPlex.h
-genclass int ref MPlex fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figMPlex.h
-Generating: genclass int ref Map
-genclass: the Map class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type
- genclass -list [proto ...]
- genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-Generation for int-Map failed
-genclass int ref Map fig
-genclass: the Map class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type
- genclass -list [proto ...]
- genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-Generation for int-Map failed
-Generating: genclass int ref OSLBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.OSLBag.h
-genclass int ref OSLBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figOSLBag.h
-Generating: genclass int ref OSLSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.OSLSet.h
-genclass int ref OSLSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figOSLSet.h
-Generating: genclass int ref OXPBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.OXPBag.h
-genclass int ref OXPBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figOXPBag.h
-Generating: genclass int ref OXPSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.OXPSet.h
-genclass int ref OXPSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figOXPSet.h
-Generating: genclass int ref PHPQ
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.PHPQ.h
-genclass int ref PHPQ fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figPHPQ.h
-Generating: genclass int ref PQ
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.PQ.h
-genclass int ref PQ fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figPQ.h
-Generating: genclass int ref Plex
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.Plex.h
-genclass int ref Plex fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figPlex.h
-Generating: genclass int ref Queue
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.Queue.h
-genclass int ref Queue fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figQueue.h
-Generating: genclass int ref RAVLMap
-genclass: the RAVLMap class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type
- genclass -list [proto ...]
- genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-Generation for int-RAVLMap failed
-genclass int ref RAVLMap fig
-genclass: the RAVLMap class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type
- genclass -list [proto ...]
- genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-Generation for int-RAVLMap failed
-Generating: genclass int ref RPlex
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.RPlex.h
-genclass int ref RPlex fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figRPlex.h
-Generating: genclass int ref SLBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.SLBag.h
-genclass int ref SLBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSLBag.h
-Generating: genclass int ref SLList
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.SLList.h
-genclass int ref SLList fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSLList.h
-Generating: genclass int ref SLQueue
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.SLQueue.h
-genclass int ref SLQueue fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSLQueue.h
-Generating: genclass int ref SLSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.SLSet.h
-genclass int ref SLSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSLSet.h
-Generating: genclass int ref SLStack
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.SLStack.h
-genclass int ref SLStack fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSLStack.h
-Generating: genclass int ref Set
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.Set.h
-genclass int ref Set fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSet.h
-Generating: genclass int ref SplayBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.SplayBag.h
-genclass int ref SplayBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSplayBag.h
-Generating: genclass int ref SplayMap
-genclass: the SplayMap class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type
- genclass -list [proto ...]
- genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-Generation for int-SplayMap failed
-genclass int ref SplayMap fig
-genclass: the SplayMap class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type
- genclass -list [proto ...]
- genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-Generation for int-SplayMap failed
-Generating: genclass int ref SplayPQ
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.SplayPQ.h
-genclass int ref SplayPQ fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSplayPQ.h
-Generating: genclass int ref SplaySet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.SplaySet.h
-genclass int ref SplaySet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSplaySet.h
-Generating: genclass int ref Stack
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.Stack.h
-genclass int ref Stack fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figStack.h
-Generating: genclass int ref VHBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.VHBag.h
-genclass int ref VHBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figVHBag.h
-Generating: genclass int ref VHMap
-genclass: the VHMap class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type
- genclass -list [proto ...]
- genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-Generation for int-VHMap failed
-genclass int ref VHMap fig
-genclass: the VHMap class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type
- genclass -list [proto ...]
- genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-Generation for int-VHMap failed
-Generating: genclass int ref VHSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.VHSet.h
-genclass int ref VHSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figVHSet.h
-Generating: genclass int ref VOHSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.VOHSet.h
-genclass int ref VOHSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figVOHSet.h
-Generating: genclass int ref VQueue
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.VQueue.h
-genclass int ref VQueue fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figVQueue.h
-Generating: genclass int ref VStack
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.VStack.h
-genclass int ref VStack fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figVStack.h
-Generating: genclass int ref Vec
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.Vec.h
-genclass int ref Vec fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figVec.h
-Generating: genclass int ref XPBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.XPBag.h
-genclass int ref XPBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPBag.h
-Generating: genclass int ref XPDeque
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.XPDeque.h
-genclass int ref XPDeque fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPDeque.h
-Generating: genclass int ref XPPQ
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.XPPQ.h
-genclass int ref XPPQ fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPPQ.h
-Generating: genclass int ref XPQueue
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.XPQueue.h
-genclass int ref XPQueue fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPQueue.h
-Generating: genclass int ref XPSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.XPSet.h
-genclass int ref XPSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPSet.h
-Generating: genclass int ref XPStack
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.XPStack.h
-genclass int ref XPStack fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPStack.h
-Generating: genclass int ref XPlex
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.XPlex.h
-genclass int ref XPlex fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPlex.h
-Generating: genclass int ref defs
-genclass: warning, class has a .h but no .cc file
-Checking for badsub
-egrep: No such file or directory
-removing int.defs.h
-rm: No such file or directory
-genclass int ref defs fig
-genclass: warning, class has a .h but no .cc file
-Checking for badsub
-egrep: No such file or directory
-removing figdefs.h
-rm: No such file or directory
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val AVLMap
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.AVLMap.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val AVLMap fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figAVLMap.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val AVLSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.AVLSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val AVLSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figAVLSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val AVec
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.AVec.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val AVec fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figAVec.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val BSTSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.BSTSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val BSTSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figBSTSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Bag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.Bag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Bag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val CHBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.CHBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val CHBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figCHBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val CHMap
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.CHMap.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val CHMap fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figCHMap.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val CHSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.CHSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val CHSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figCHSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val DLDeque
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.DLDeque.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val DLDeque fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figDLDeque.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val DLList
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.DLList.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val DLList fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figDLList.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Deque
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.Deque.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Deque fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figDeque.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val FPQueue
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.FPQueue.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val FPQueue fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figFPQueue.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val FPStack
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.FPStack.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val FPStack fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figFPStack.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val FPlex
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.FPlex.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val FPlex fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figFPlex.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val List
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.List.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val List fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figList.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val MPlex
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.MPlex.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val MPlex fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figMPlex.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Map
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.Map.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Map fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figMap.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val OSLBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.OSLBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val OSLBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figOSLBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val OSLSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.OSLSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val OSLSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figOSLSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val OXPBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.OXPBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val OXPBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figOXPBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val OXPSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.OXPSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val OXPSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figOXPSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val PHPQ
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.PHPQ.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val PHPQ fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figPHPQ.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val PQ
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.PQ.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val PQ fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figPQ.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Plex
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.Plex.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Plex fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figPlex.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Queue
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.Queue.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Queue fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figQueue.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val RAVLMap
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.RAVLMap.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val RAVLMap fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figRAVLMap.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val RPlex
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.RPlex.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val RPlex fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figRPlex.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SLBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.SLBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SLBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSLBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SLList
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.SLList.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SLList fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSLList.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SLQueue
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.SLQueue.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SLQueue fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSLQueue.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SLSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.SLSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SLSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSLSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SLStack
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.SLStack.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SLStack fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSLStack.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Set
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.Set.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Set fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SplayBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.SplayBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SplayBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSplayBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SplayMap
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.SplayMap.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SplayMap fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSplayMap.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SplayPQ
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.SplayPQ.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SplayPQ fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSplayPQ.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SplaySet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.SplaySet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val SplaySet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figSplaySet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Stack
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.Stack.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Stack fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figStack.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val VHBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.VHBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val VHBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figVHBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val VHMap
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.VHMap.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val VHMap fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figVHMap.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val VHSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.VHSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val VHSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figVHSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val VOHSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.VOHSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val VOHSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figVOHSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val VQueue
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.VQueue.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val VQueue fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figVQueue.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val VStack
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.VStack.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val VStack fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figVStack.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Vec
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.Vec.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val Vec fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figVec.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPBag
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.XPBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPBag fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPBag.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPDeque
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.XPDeque.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPDeque fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPDeque.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPPQ
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.XPPQ.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPPQ fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPPQ.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPQueue
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.XPQueue.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPQueue fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPQueue.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPSet
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.XPSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPSet fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPSet.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPStack
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.XPStack.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPStack fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPStack.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPlex
-Checking for badsub
-removing int.char.XPlex.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val XPlex fig
-Checking for badsub
-removing figXPlex.h
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val defs
-genclass: warning, class has a .h but no .cc file
-Checking for badsub
-egrep: No such file or directory
-removing int.char.defs.h
-rm: No such file or directory
-Generating: genclass -2 int ref char val defs fig
-genclass: warning, class has a .h but no .cc file
-Checking for badsub
-egrep: No such file or directory
-removing figdefs.h
-rm: No such file or directory
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/genclass.1 b/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/genclass.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 4988cd6..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/genclass.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-.\" $Id$
-.TH GENCLASS 1 "\*(Dt" "GNU Tools" "GNU Tools"
-genclass \- generate c++ classes from prototypes
-.B genclass -list [proto ...]
-.B genclass -catalog [proto ...]
-.B genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-.B genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref, val} proto [out_prefix]
-.B genclass [-usage] [-version]
-Specific classes may be generated via the
-.B genclass
-shell script
-program. This program has arguments specifying the kinds of base
-types(s) to be used. Specifying base types requires two arguments. The
-first is the name of the base type, which may be any named type, like
-`int' or `String'. Only named types are supported; things like `int*'
-are not accepted. However, pointers like this may be used by supplying
-the appropriate typedefs (e.g., editing the resulting files to include
-`typedef int* intp;'). The type name must be followed by one of the
-words `val' or `ref', to indicate whether the base elements should be
-passed to functions by-value or by-reference.
-You can specify basic container classes using `genclass base
-[val,ref] proto', where `proto' is the name of the class being
-generated. Container classes like dictionaries and maps that require
-two types may be specified via `genclass -2 keytype [val, ref],
-basetype [val, ref] proto', where the key type is specified first and
-the contents type second. The resulting classnames and filenames are
-generated by prepending the specified type names to the prototype names,
-and separating the filename parts with dots. For example, `genclass
-int val List' generates class `intList' residing in files `int.List.h'
-and `'. `genclass -2 String ref int val VHMap' generates
-(the awkward, but unavoidable) class name `StringintVHMap'. Of course,
-programmers may use `typedef' or simple editing to create more
-appropriate names. The existence of dot seperators in file names
-allows the use of GNU make to help automate configuration and
-recompilation. An example Makefile exploiting such capabilities may be
-found in the `libg++/proto-kit' directory.
-.B genclass
-utility operates via simple text substitution using
-`sed'. All occurrences of the pseudo-types `<T>' and `<C>' (if there
-are two types) are replaced with the indicated type, and occurrences of
-`<T&>' and `<C&>' are replaced by just the types, if `val' is
-specified, or types followed by "&" if `ref' is specified.
-/usr/share/libg++/ standard g++ prototype directory
-PROTODIR standard g++ prototype directory if defined
-.BR g++(1)
-The GNU C++ library Texinfo documentation, file:/usr/share/info/libg++
-Doug Lea (, Wendell C. Baker.
-This Manpage based on the GNU C++ library Texinfo documentation.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/
deleted file mode 100755
index 08d5107..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# genclass program enhanced by Wendell C. Baker
-# (original by Doug Lea (
-#This file is part of GNU libg++.
-#GNU libg++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-#any later version.
-#GNU libg++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#GNU General Public License for more details.
-#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#along with GNU libg++; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-#the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-# genclass -list [proto ...]
-# genclass -catalog [proto ...]
-# genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-# genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref, val} proto [out_prefix]
-# Generate classes from prototypes
-name=genclass ;
- $name -list [proto ...]
- $name -catalog [proto ...]
- $name type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- $name -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]" ;
-case "$1" in
- #
- # -usage
- #
- echo "usage: $usage" 1>&2 ;
- exit 0;
- ;;
- #
- # -version
- #
- # <VERSION> is substituted by the build process.
- # We currently use the libg++ version number (extracted from ../Makefile).
- echo "$name: version <VERSION>" ;
- exit 0;
- ;;
- #
- # -requires
- #
- # The following line should contain any nonstandard programs
- # which must be in the users's path (i.e. not referenced by a
- # fullpath);it allows one to check a script for dependencies
- # without exhaustively testing its usages.
- # ... in this case genclass depends on nothing else.
- echo ;
- exit 0;
- ;;
-esac ;
-# pull it in from the environment
-[ "$TRACE" = "" ] || set -xv
-# Search in standard g++ prototype directory and in the current directory
-# NOTE: this variable is edited by the install process
-case "$1" in
- #
- # genclass -catalog [proto ...]
- # genclass -list [proto ...]
- #
- option="$1" ;
- shift ;
- case $# in
- 0)
- #
- # -catalog
- # -list
- #
- select=all ;
- select_pattern=p ;
- ;;
- *)
- #
- # -catalog proto ...
- # -list proto ...
- #
- select="$@" ;
- select_pattern= ;
- for i in $@ ; do
- select_pattern="\
-/.*$i\$/ p
-" ;
- done ;
- ;;
- esac ;
- #
- # select_pattern is now a (possibly-vacuous) newline-
- # separated list of patterns of the form:
- #
- # /.*Proto1$/ p
- # /.*Proto2$/ p
- # /.*Proto3$/ p
- #
- # or select_pattern is simply ``p'' to select everything
- # Hmmm... not all systems have a fmt program; should we
- # just go ahead and use ``nroff -Tcrt | cat -s'' here?
- fmt='nroff -Tcrt | cat -s'
- #fmt=fmt ;
- case "$option" in
- -catalog*)
- #
- # -catalog [proto ...]
- #
- echo "\
-Catalog of ${name} class templates
-directories searched:
- $pwd
-selecting: $select
-classes available:" ;
- ;;
- -list*)
- #
- # -list [proto ...]
- #
- # no need to do anything (the list is coming out next)
- ;;
- esac ;
-# The sed script does the following:
-# - If it does not end in a .ccP or .hP then
-# it's not a template and we are not intereseted.
-# - Get rid of pathname components [s;.*/;;]
-# - Just take the template names
-# - change quoting conventions and select off what we want to see
-# -if it did not pass the patterns, kill it
- ls $pwd $PROTODIR | sed -e '
-/\.ccP$/ !{
- /\.hP$/ !{
- d
- }
-' -e "$select_pattern
-" | sort -u | case "$option" in
- -catalog*)
- # The library catalog information preceded the list
- # format the list, and tab in in a bit to make it readable.
- # Re-evaluate $fmt because it might contain a shell command
- eval $fmt | sed -e 's/.*/ &/' ;
- ;;
- -list*)
- # nothing special, just let the sorted list dribble out
- # we must use cat to receive (and reproduce) the incoming list
- cat ;
- ;;
- esac ;
- exit 0;
- ;;
- #
- # genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- #
- N=2 ;
- case $# in
- 6) # genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto
- ;;
- 7) # genclass -2 type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto out_prefix
- ;;
- *)
- echo "usage: $usage" 1>&2 ;
- exit 1;
- esac ;
- shift ;
- ;;
- #
- # genclass type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- #
- N=1 ;
- case $# in
- 3) # genclass type1 {ref|val} proto
- ;;
- 4) # genclass type1 {ref|val} proto out_prefix
- ;;
- *)
- echo "usage: $usage" 1>&2 ;
- exit 1;
- esac ;
- ;;
-# Args are now (the point being the leading ``-2'' is gone)
-# type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-# type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
-# Quote all of the $1 $2 etc references to guard against
-# dynamic syntax errors due to vacuous arguments (i.e. '')
-# as sometimes occurs when genclass is used from a Makefile
-T1NAME="$T1." ;
-T1SEDNAME="$T1" ;
-case "$2" in
- T1ACC="\&" ;
- ;;
- T1ACC=" " ;
- ;;
- echo "${name}: Must specify type1 access as ref or val" 1>&2 ;
- echo "usage: $usage" 1>&2 ;
- exit 1;
- ;;
-# N is either 1 or 2
-case $N in
- #
- # type1 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- #
- class="$3" ;
- T2="" ;
- T2ACC="" ;
- ;;
- #
- # type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto [out_prefix]
- #
- class="$5" ;
- T2="$3";
- T2NAME="$T2." ;
- T2SEDNAME="$T2" ;
- case "$4" in
- ref)
- T2ACC="\&" ;
- ;;
- val)
- T2ACC=" " ;
- ;;
- *)
- echo "${name}: Must specify type2 access: ref or val" 1>&2 ;
- echo "usage: $usage" 1>&2 ;
- exit 1;;
- esac;
- ;;
-defaultprefix="$T1NAME$T2NAME" ;
-case $# in
-3) # type1 {ref|val} proto
- replaceprefix="N" ;
- prefix="$defaultprefix" ;
- ;;
-5) # type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto
- replaceprefix="N" ;
- prefix="$defaultprefix" ;
- ;;
-4) # type1 {ref|val} proto out_prefix
- prefix="$4" ;
- replaceprefix="Y" ;
- ;;
-6) # type1 {ref|val} type2 {ref|val} proto out_prefix
- prefix="$6" ;
- replaceprefix="Y" ;
- ;;
- echo "${name}: too many arguments" 1>&2 ;
- echo "usage: $usage" 1>&2 ;
- exit 1;
- ;;
-esac ;
-out_cc=$prefix$ ;
-# Note #1: The .h and .cc parts are done separately
-# in case only a .h exists for the prototype
-# Note #2: Bind the .h and .cc parts to the fullpath
-# directories at the same time to ensure consistency.
-if [ -f $pwd/$src_h ] ; then
- fullsrc_h=$pwd/$src_h ;
- fullsrc_cc=$pwd/$src_cc ;
-elif [ -f $PROTODIR/$src_h ] ; then
- fullsrc_h=$PROTODIR/$src_h ;
- fullsrc_cc=$PROTODIR/$src_cc ;
- echo "${name}: there is no prototype for class $class - file $src_h" 1>&2 ;
- $0 -list ;
- exit 1;
-CASES="$N$replaceprefix" ;
-# CASES is one of { 2Y 2N 1Y 1N }
-# WATCHOUT - we have no way of checking whether or not
-# the proper case type is being used with the prototype.
-# For example, we have no way of ensuring that any of
-# Map variants are specified with the -2 argument set
-# Further, we have no way of ensuring that -2 is not
-# used with the prototypes which require only one.
-# The second problem is not serious because it still
-# results in correctly-generated C++ code; the first
-# problem is serious because it results in C++ code that
-# still has ``<C>'' and ``<C&>'' syntax inside it. Such
-# code of course will not compile.
-# SO THE BEST WE CAN DO - is check for the presence of
-# <C> and <C&> AFTER the thing has been generated.
-case $CASES in
-2Y) # Two output substitutions, change the prefix
- sed < $fullsrc_h > $out_h -e "
-" ;
- ;;
-2N) # Two output substitutions, use the default prefix
- sed < $fullsrc_h > $out_h -e "
-" ;
- ;;
-1Y) # One output substitution, change the prefix
- sed < $fullsrc_h > $out_h -e "
-" ;
- ;;
-1N) # One output substitution, use the default prefix
- sed < $fullsrc_h > $out_h -e "
-" ;
- ;;
-if egrep '<C&?>' $out_h > /dev/null ; then
- echo "${name}: the $class class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type" 1>&2 ;
- echo "usage: $usage" 1>&2 ;
- # the user does not get to see the mistakes (he might try to compile it)
- rm $out_h ;
- exit 1;
-fi ;
-if [ ! -f $fullsrc_cc ] ; then
- echo "${name}: warning, class has a .h but no .cc file" 1>&2 ;
- exit 0;
-case $CASES in
-2Y) # Two output substitutions, change the prefix
- sed < $fullsrc_cc > $out_cc -e "
- ;;
-2N) # Two output substitutions, use the default prefix
- sed < $fullsrc_cc > $out_cc -e "
- ;;
-1Y) # One output substitution, change the prefix
- sed < $fullsrc_cc > $out_cc -e "
- ;;
-1N) # One output substitution, use the default prefix
- sed < $fullsrc_cc > $out_cc -e "
- ;;
-if egrep '<C&?>' $out_h $out_cc > /dev/null ; then
- echo "${name}: the $class class requires the -2 syntax for the 2nd type" 1>&2 ;
- echo "usage: $usage" 1>&2 ;
- # the user does not get to see the mistakes (he might try to compile it)
- rm $out_h $out_cc ;
- exit 1;
-fi ;
-exit 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/
deleted file mode 100755
index f3e2348..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/genclass/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# genclass test program by Wendell C. Baker
-#This file is part of GNU libg++.
-#GNU libg++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-#any later version.
-#GNU libg++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#GNU General Public License for more details.
-#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#along with GNU libg++; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-#the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-usage="$name" ;
-case "$1" in
- #
- # -usage
- #
- echo "usage: $usage" 1>&2 ;
- exit 0;
- ;;
- #
- # -version
- #
- version="`expr '$Revision: 1.3 $' : '.*Revision: \(.*\) .*'`" ;
- echo "$name: version $version" ;
- exit 0;
- ;;
- #
- # -requires
- #
- echo genclass ;
- exit 0;
- ;;
- #
- shift; genclass=$1
- ;;
-esac ;
-# pull it in from the environment
-[ "$TRACE" = "" ] || set -xv
-if [ "${genclass}" = "" ]
- genclass="./genclass"
-for arg in -usage -version -requires -catalog -list ; do
- echo "---------- genclass $arg ----------"
- ${genclass} $arg
- echo "-----------"
-done ;
-arg="-catalog PQ Set"
-echo "---------- genclass $arg ----------"
-${genclass} $arg
-echo "-----------"
-arg="-list Map Stack"
-echo "---------- genclass $arg ----------"
-${genclass} $arg
-echo "-----------"
-std1=int ;
-std2=char ;
-# Do all of them with the single-type syntax
-# The Map-based classes are expected to fail (good)
-for proto in `${genclass} -list` ; do
- file_h=$std1.$proto.h
- file_cc=$std1.$
- files="$file_h $file_cc" ;
- echo "Generating: genclass $std1 ref $proto"
- ${genclass} $std1 ref $proto
- if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
- echo "Generation for $std1-$proto failed"
- else
- echo "Checking for badsub"
- egrep '<[TC]&?>' $files
- echo "removing $files"
- rm $files
- fi ;
- echo ""
- nonstd1=fig
- file_h=$nonstd1$proto.h
- file_cc=$nonstd1$
- files="$file_h $file_cc" ;
- echo "genclass $std1 ref $proto $nonstd1"
- ${genclass} $std1 ref $proto $nonstd1
- if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
- echo "Generation for $std1-$proto failed"
- else
- echo "Checking for badsub"
- egrep '<[TC]?>' $files
- echo "removing $files"
- rm $files
- fi ;
- echo ""
-done ;
-# Do them all again with the -2 syntax
-# None are expected to fail because there is no
-# way to tell something that requires the single-type syntax
-for proto in `${genclass} -list` ; do
- file1_h=$std1.$proto.h
- file1_cc=$std1.$
- files1="$file1_h $file1_cc";
- file2_h=$std1.$std2.$proto.h
- file2_cc=$std1.$std2.$
- files2="$file2_h $file2_cc" ;
- files="$file1_h $file1_cc $file2_h $file2_cc" ;
- echo "Generating: genclass -2 $std1 ref $std2 val $proto"
- ${genclass} -2 $std1 ref $std2 val $proto
- if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
- echo "Generation for $std1-$std2-$proto failed"
- else
- echo "Checking for badsub"
- if [ -f $file1_h ] ; then
- # then $file1_cc is expected to exist
- egrep '<[TC]&?>' $files1
- echo "removing $files1"
- rm $files1
- else
- # then [ -f $file2_h ]
- # and $file2_cc is expected to exist
- egrep '<[TC]&?>' $files2
- echo "removing $files2"
- rm $files2
- fi ;
- fi ;
- echo ""
- nonstd=fig
- file_h=$nonstd$proto.h
- file_cc=$nonstd$
- files="$file_h $file_cc" ;
- echo "Generating: genclass -2 $std1 ref $std2 val $proto $nonstd"
- ${genclass} -2 $std1 ref $std2 val $proto $nonstd
- if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
- echo "Generation for $std1-$std2-$proto failed"
- else
- echo "Checking for badsub"
- egrep '<[TC]&?>' $files
- echo "removing $files"
- rm $files
- fi ;
- echo ""
-done ;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/libg++.texi b/contrib/libg++/libg++/libg++.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index 4153a7a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/libg++.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4803 +0,0 @@
-\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
-@settitle User's Guide to the GNU C++ Class Library
-* Libg++: (libg++). The g++ class library.
-@end format
-@end ifinfo
-This file documents the features and implementation of The GNU C++ library
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to process this file through @TeX{} and print the
-results, provided the printed document carries copying permission
-notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph
-(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
-@end ignore
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
-section entitled ``GNU Library General Public License'' is included exactly as
-in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is
-distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
-except that the section entitled ``GNU Library General Public License'' and
-this permission notice may be included in translations approved by the
-Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.
-@end ifinfo
-@c @smallbook
-@c @cropmarks
-@end iftex
-@setchapternewpage odd
-@title User's Guide
-@title to the GNU C++ Library
-@sp 3
-@subtitle last updated April 29, 1992
-@subtitle for version 2.0
-@author Doug Lea (
-@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-Copyright @copyright{} 1988, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
-section entitled ``GNU Library General Public License'' is included exactly as
-in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is
-distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
-except that the section entitled ``GNU Library General Public License'' may be
-included in a translation approved by the author instead of in the original
-@strong{Note: The GNU C++ library is still in test release. You will
-be performing a valuable service if you report any bugs you encounter.}
-@end titlepage
-@node Top, Copying, , (DIR)
-This manual documents how to install and use the GNU C++ library.
-@end ifinfo
-* Copying:: GNU Library Public License says how you can copy
- and share the GNU C++ library.
-* Contributors:: People who have contributed to GNU C++ library.
-* Installation:: How to configure, compile and install GNU C++ library
-* Trouble:: If you have trouble installing GNU C++ library.
-* General:: Aims, objectives, and limitations of the GNU C++ library
-* Conventions:: Stylistic conventions
-* OK:: Support for representation invariants
-* Proto:: Introduction to container class prototypes
-* Pix:: Pseudo-indexes
-* Representations:: How variable-sized objects are represented
-* Expressions:: Some guidance on programming expression-oriented classes
-* Headers:: Header files and other support for interfacing C++ to C
-* Builtin:: Utility functions for builtin types
-* New:: Library dynamic allocation primitives
-* IOStream:(iostream)Top.
- The input/output library (istreams and ostreams).
-* Stream:: obsolete I/O library
-* Obstack:: Obstacks and their uses.
-* AllocRing:: A place to store objects for a while
-* String:: String, SubString, and Regex classes.
-* Integer:: Multiple precision Integer class.
-* Rational:: Multiple precision Rational class
-* Complex:: Complex number class
-* Fix:: Fixed point proportion classes
-* Bit:: BitSet and BitString classes
-* Random:: Random number generators
-* Data:: SampleStatistic and related classes for data collection
-* Curses:: CursesWindow class
-* List:: Lisp-like List prototype
-* LinkList:: Singly and doubly linked list class prototypes
-* Vector:: Vector prototypes
-* Plex:: Plex (adjustable array) prototypes
-* Stack:: Stack prototypes
-* Queue:: Queue prototypes
-* Deque:: Double ended queue prototypes
-* PQ:: Heap (priority queue) class prototypes
-* Set:: Set class prototypes
-* Bag:: Bag class prototypes
-* Map:: Map (Associative array) prototypes
-* GetOpt:: C++ class-based version of the GNU/UNIX getopt function
-* Projects:: Things Still Left to do
-@end menu
-@node Copying, Contributors, Top, Top
-@include lgpl.texinfo
-@node Contributors, Installation, Copying, Top
-@unnumbered Contributors to GNU C++ library
-Aside from Michael Tiemann, who worked out the front end for GNU C++, and
-Richard Stallman, who worked out the back end, the following people (not
-including those who have made their contributions to GNU CC) should not go
-@itemize @bullet
-Doug Lea contributed most otherwise unattributed classes.
-Per Bothner contributed the iostream I/O classes.
-Dirk Grunwald contributed the Random number generation classes,
-and PairingHeaps.
-Kurt Baudendistel contributed Fixed precision reals.
-Doug Schmidt contributed ordered hash tables, a perfect
-hash function generator, and several other utilities.
-Marc Shapiro contributed the ideas and preliminary code for Plexes.
-Eric Newton contributed the curses window classes.
-Some of the I/O code is derived from BSD 4.4,
-and was developed by the University of California, Berkeley.
-The code for converting accurately between floating point numbers
-and their string representations was written by David M. Gay of AT&T.
-@end itemize
-@node Installation, Trouble, Contributors, Top
-@chapter Installing GNU C++ library
-Read through the README file and the Makefile. Make sure that all
-paths, system-dependent compile switches, and program names are correct.
-Check that files @file{values.h}, @file{stdio.h},
-and @file{math.h} declare and define values appropriate for your
-Type @samp{make all} to compile the library, test, and install.
-Current details about contents of the tests and utilities are in the
-@file{README} file.
-@end enumerate
-@node Trouble, General, Installation, Top
-@chapter Trouble in Installation
-Here are some of the things that have caused trouble for people installing
-GNU C++ library.
-Make sure that your GNU C++ version number is at least as high as your
-libg++ version number. For example, libg++ 1.22.0 requires g++ 1.22.0 or
-later releases.
-Double-check system constants in the header files mentioned above.
-@end enumerate
-@node General, Conventions, Trouble, Top
-@chapter GNU C++ library aims, objectives, and limitations
-The GNU C++ library, libg++ is an attempt to provide a variety of C++
-programming tools and other support to GNU C++ programmers.
-Differences in distribution policy are only part of the difference
-between libg++.a and AT&T libC.a. libg++ is not intended to be an
-exact clone of libC. For one, libg++ contains bits of code that depend
-on special features of GNU g++ that are either different or lacking in
-the AT&T version, including slightly different inlining and overloading
-strategies, dynamic local arrays, etc. All of these
-differences are minor. For example, while the AT&T and GNU stream
-classes are implemented in very different ways, the vast majority of
-C++ programs compile and run under either version with no visible
-difference. Additionally, all g++-specific constructs are conditionally
-compiled; The library is designed to be compatible with any 2.0 C++
-libg++ has also contained workarounds for some limitations in g++: both
-g++ and libg++ are still undergoing rapid development and testing---a
-task that is helped tremendously by the feedback of active users. This
-manual is also still under development; it has some catching up to do
-to include all the facilities now in the library.
-libg++ is not the only freely available source of C++ class libraries.
-Some notable alternative sources are Interviews and NIHCL.
-(InterViews has been available on the X-windows X11 tapes and also
-from NIHCL is available by anonymous
-ftp from GNU archives (such as the pub directory of,
-although it is not supported by the FSF - and needs some work
-before it will work with g++.)
-As every C++ programmer knows, the design (moreso than the
-implementation) of a C++ class library is something of a challenge.
-Part of the reason is that C++ supports two, partially incompatible,
-styles of object-oriented programming -- The "forest" approach,
-involving a collection of free-standing classes that can be mixed and
-matched, versus the completely hierarchical (smalltalk style)
-approach, in which all classes are derived from a common ancestor. Of
-course, both styles have advantages and disadvantages. So far, libg++
-has adopted the "forest" approach. Keith Gorlen's OOPS library adopts
-the hierarchical approach, and may be an attractive alternative for C++
-programmers who prefer this style.
-Currently (and/or in the near future) libg++ provides support for a
-few basic kinds of classes:
-The first kind of support provides an interface between C++ programs and
-C libraries. This includes basic header files (like @file{stdio.h}) as
-well as things like the File and stream classes. Other classes that
-interface to other aspects of C libraries (like those that maintain
-environmental information) are in various stages of development; all
-will undergo implementation modifications when the forthcoming GNU libc
-library is released.
-The second kind of support contains general-purpose basic classes that
-transparently manage variable-sized objects on the freestore. This
-includes Obstacks, multiple-precision Integers and Rationals,
-arbitrary length Strings, BitSets, and BitStrings.
-Third, several classes and utilities of common interest (e.g.,
-Complex numbers) are provided.
-Fourth, a set of pseudo-generic prototype files are available
-as a mechanism for generating common container classes. These
-are described in more detail in the introduction to container
-prototypes. Currently, only a textual substitution
-mechanism is available for generic class creation.
-@node Conventions, OK, General, Top
-@chapter GNU C++ library stylistic conventions
-@itemize @bullet
-C++ source files have file extension @file{.cc}. Both C-compatibility
-header files and class declaration files have extension @file{.h}.
-C++ class names begin with capital letters, except for @code{istream}
-and @code{ostream}, for AT&T C++ compatibility. Multi-word class
-names capitalize each word, with no underscore separation.
-Include files that define C++ classes begin with capital letters
-(as do the names of the classes themselves). @file{stream.h} is
-uncapitalized for AT&T C++ compatibility.
-Include files that supply function prototypes for other C
-functions (system calls and libraries) are all lower case.
-All include files define a preprocessor variable _X_h, where X
-is the name of the file, and conditionally compile only if this
-has not been already defined. The @code{#pragma once} facility
-is also used to avoid re-inclusion.
-Structures and objects that must be publicly defined,
-but are not intended for public use have names beginning
-with an underscore. (for example, the @code{_Srep} struct, which
-is used only by the String and SubString classes.)
-The underscore is used to separate components of long function
-names, @*e.g., @code{set_File_exception_handler()}.
-When a function could be usefully defined either as a
-member or a friend, it is generally a member if it modifies
-and/or returns itself, else it is a friend. There are cases
-where naturalness of expression wins out over this rule.
-Class declaration files are formatted so that it is easy
-to quickly check them to determine function names, parameters,
-and so on. Because of the different kinds of things that may
-appear in class declarations, there is no perfect way to do
-this. Any suggestions on developing a common class
-declaration formatting style are welcome.
-All classes use the same simple error (exception) handling strategy.
-Almost every class has a member function named @code{error(char* msg)}
-that invokes an associated error handler function via a pointer to that
-function, so that the error handling function may be reset by
-programmers. By default nearly all call @code{*lib_error_handler}, which
-prints the message and then aborts execution. This system is subject
-to change. In general, errors are assumed to be non-recoverable:
-Library classes do not include code that allows graceful continuation
-after exceptions.
-@end itemize
-@node OK, Proto, Conventions, Top
-@chapter Support for representation invariants
-Most GNU C++ library classes possess a method named @code{OK()},
-that is useful in helping to verify correct performance of class
-The @code{OK()} operations checks the ``representation invariant'' of a
-class object. This is a test to check whether the object is in a valid
-state. In effect, it is a (sometimes partial) verification of the
-library's promise that (1) class operations always leave objects in
-valid states, and (2) the class protects itself so that client functions
-cannot corrupt this state.
-While no simple validation technique can assure that all operations
-perform correctly, calls to @code{OK()} can at least verify that
-operations do not corrupt representations. For example for @code{String
-a, b, c; ... a = b + c;}, a call to @code{a.OK();} will guarantee that
-@code{a} is a valid @code{String}, but does not guarantee that it
-contains the concatenation of @code{b + c}. However, given that @code{a}
-is known to be valid, it is possible to further verify its properties,
-for example via @code{a.after(b) == c && a.before(c) == b}. In other
-words, @code{OK()} generally checks only those internal representation
-properties that are otherwise inaccessible to users of the class. Other
-class operations are often useful for further validation.
-Failed calls to @code{OK()} call a class's @code{error} method if
-one exists, else directly call @code{abort}. Failure indicates
-an implementation error that should be reported.
-With only rare exceptions, the internal support functions for a class
-never themselves call @code{OK()} (although many of the test files
-in the distribution call @code{OK()} extensively).
-Verification of representational invariants can sometimes be
-very time consuming for complicated data structures.
-@node Proto, Representations, OK, Top
-@chapter Introduction to container class prototypes
-As a temporary mechanism enabling the support of generic classes, the GNU
-C++ Library distribution contains a directory (@file{g++-include}) of files
-designed to serve as the basis for generating container classes of
-specified elements. These files can be used to generate @file{.h} and
-@file{.cc} files in the current directory via a supplied shell script
-program that performs simple textual substitution to create specific
-While these classes are generated independently, and thus share no code,
-it is possible to create versions that do share code among subclasses. For
-example, using @code{typedef void* ent}, and then generating a
-@code{entList} class, other derived classes could be created using the
-@code{void*} coercion method described in Stroustrup, pp204-210.
-This very simple class-generation facility is useful enough to serve
-current purposes, but will be replaced with a more coherent mechanism for
-handling C++ generics in a way that minimally disrupts current usage.
-Without knowing exactly when or how parametric classes might be
-added to the C++ language, provision of this simplest possible
-mechanism, textual substitution, appears to be the safest strategy,
-although it does require certain redundancies and awkward constructions.
-Specific classes may be generated via the @file{genclass} shell script
-program. This program has arguments specifying the kinds of base types(s)
-to be used. Specifying base types requires two arguments. The first is the
-name of the base type, which may be any named type, like @code{int} or
-@code{String}. Only named types are supported; things like @code{int*} are
-not accepted. However, pointers like this may be used by supplying the
-appropriate typedefs (e.g., editing the resulting files to include
-@code{typedef int* intp;}). The type name must be followed by one of the
-words @code{val} or @code{ref}, to indicate whether the base elements
-should be passed to functions by-value or by-reference.
-You can specify basic container classes using @code{genclass base
-[val,ref] proto}, where @code{proto} is the name of the class being
-generated. Container classes like dictionaries and maps that require
-two types may be specified via @code{genclass -2 keytype [val, ref],
-basetype [val, ref] proto}, where the key type is specified first and
-the contents type second. The resulting classnames and filenames are
-generated by prepending the specified type names to the prototype names,
-and separating the filename parts with dots. For example,
-@code{genclass int val List} generates class @code{intList} residing in
-files @file{int.List.h} and @file{}. @code{genclass -2 String
-ref int val VHMap} generates (the awkward, but unavoidable) class name
-@code{StringintVHMap}. Of course, programmers may use @code{typedef} or
-simple editing to create more appropriate names. The existence of dot
-seperators in file names allows the use of GNU make to help automate
-configuration and recompilation. An example Makefile exploiting such
-capabilities may be found in the @file{libg++/proto-kit} directory.
-The @code{genclass} utility operates via simple text substitution using
-@code{sed}. All occurrences of the pseudo-types @code{<T>} and @code{<C>}
-(if there are two types) are replaced with the indicated type, and
-occurrences of @code{<T&>} and @code{<C&>} are replaced by just the types,
-if @code{val} is specified, or types followed by ``&'' if @code{ref} is
-Programmers will frequently need to edit the @file{.h} file in order to
-insert additional @code{#include} directives or other modifications. A
-simple utility, @file{prepend-header} to prepend other @file{.h} files
-to generated files is provided in the distribution.
-One dubious virtue of the prototyping mechanism is that, because sources files,
-not archived library classes, are generated, it is relatively simple for
-programmers to modify container classes in the common case where slight
-variations of standard container classes are required.
-It is often a good idea for programmers to archive (via @code{ar})
-generated classes into @file{.a} files so that only those class
-functions actually used in a given application will be loaded.
-The test subdirectory of the distribution shows an example of this.
-Because of @code{#pragma interface} directives, the @file{.cc} files
-should be compiled with @code{-O} or @code{-DUSE_LIBGXX_INLINES}
-Many container classes require specifications over and above the base
-class type. For example, classes that maintain some kind of ordering of
-elements require specification of a comparison function upon which to
-base the ordering. This is accomplished via a prototype file
-@file{defs.hP} that contains macros for these functions. While these
-macros default to perform reasonable actions, they can and should be
-changed in particular cases. Most prototypes require only one or a few
-of these. No harm is done if unused macros are defined to perform
-nonsensical actions. The macros are:
-@table @code
-The initial capacity for containers (e.g., hash tables) that require
-an initial capacity argument for constructors.
-Default: 100
-@item <T>EQ(a, b)
-return true if a is considered equal to b for the purposes of
-locating, etc., an element in a container.
-Default: (a == b)
-@item <T>LE(a, b)
-return true if a is less than or equal to b
-Default: (a <= b)
-@item <T>CMP(a, b)
-return an integer < 0 if a<b, 0 if a==b, or > 0 if a>b.
-Default: (a <= b)? (a==b)? 0 : -1 : 1
-@item <T>HASH(a)
-return an unsigned integer representing the hash of a.
-Default: hash(a) ; where extern unsigned int hash(<T&>).
-(note: several useful hash functions are declared in builtin.h
-and defined in
-@end table
-Nearly all prototypes container classes support container
-traversal via @code{Pix} pseudo indices, as described elsewhere.
-All object containers must perform either a @code{X::X(X&)} (or
-@code{X::X()} followed by @code{X::operator =(X&)}) to copy objects into
-containers. (The latter form is used for containers built from C++
-arrays, like @code{VHSets}). When containers are destroyed, they invoke
-@code{X::~X()}. Any objects used in containers must have well behaved
-constructors and destructors. If you want to create containers that
-merely reference (point to) objects that reside elsewhere, and are not
-copied or destroyed inside the container, you must use containers
-of pointers, not containers of objects.
-All prototypes are designed to generate @emph{HOMOGENOUS} container
-classes. There is no universally applicable method in C++ to support
-heterogenous object collections with elements of various subclasses of
-some specified base class. The only way to get heterogenous structures
-is to use collections of pointers-to-objects, not collections of objects
-(which also requires you to take responsibility for managing storage for
-the objects pointed to yourself).
-For example, the following usage illustrates a commonly encountered
-danger in trying to use container classes for heterogenous structures:
-class Base @{ int x; ...@}
-class Derived : public Base @{ int y; ... @}
-BaseVHSet s; // class BaseVHSet generated via something like
- // `genclass Base ref VHSet'
-void f()
- Base b;
- s.add(b); // OK
- Derived d;
- s.add(d); // (CHOP!)
-@end smallexample
-At the line flagged with @samp{(CHOP!)}, a @code{Base::Base(Base&)} is
-called inside @code{Set::add(Base&)}---@emph{not}
-@code{Derived::Derived(Derived&)}. Actually, in @code{VHSet}, a
-@code{Base::operator =(Base&)}, is used instead to place the element in
-an array slot, but with the same effect. So only the Base part is
-copied as a @code{VHSet} element (a so-called chopped-copy). In this
-case, it has an @code{x} part, but no @code{y} part; and a Base, not
-Derived, vtable. Objects formed via chopped copies are rarely
-To avoid this, you must resort to pointers:
-typedef Base* BasePtr;
-BasePtrVHSet s; // class BaseVHSet generated via something like
- // `genclass BasePtr val VHSet'
-void f()
- Base* bp = new Base;
- s.add(b);
- Base* dp = new Derived;
- s.add(d); // works fine.
- // Don't forget to delete bp and dp sometime.
- // The VHSet won't do this for you.
-@end smallexample
-@section Example
-The prototypes can be difficult to use on first attempt. Here is an
-example that may be helpful. The utilities in the @file{proto-kit}
-simplify much of the actions described, but are not used here.
-Suppose you create a class @code{Person}, and want to make an Map that
-links the social security numbers associated with each person. You start
-off with a file @file{Person.h}
-#include <String.h>
-class Person
- String nm;
- String addr;
- //...
- const String& name() @{ return nm; @}
- const String& address() @{ return addr; @}
- void print() @{ ... @}
- //...
-@end example
-And in file @file{SSN.h},
-typedef unsigned int SSN;
-@end example
-Your first decision is what storage/usage strategy to use. There are
-several reasonable alternatives here: You might create an ``object
-collection'' of Persons, a ``pointer collection'' of
-pointers-to-Persons, or even a simple String map, housing either copies
-of pointers to the names of Persons, since other fields are unused for
-purposes of the Map. In an object collection, instances of class Person
-``live'' inside the Map, while in a pointer collection, the instances
-live elsewhere. Also, as above, if instances of subclasses of Person are
-to be used inside the Map, you must use pointers. In a String Map, the
-same difference holds, but now only for the name fields. Any of these
-choices might make sense in particular applications.
-The second choice is the Map implementation strategy. Either a tree
-or a hash table might make sense. Suppose you want an AVL tree Map.
-There are two things to now check. First, as an object collection,
-the AVLMap requires that the elsement class contain an @code{X(X&)}
-constructor. In C++, if you don't specify such a constructor, one
-is constructed for you, but it is a very good idea to always do this
-yourself, to avoid surprises. In this example, you'd use something like
-class Person
-@{ ...;
- Person(const Person& p) :nm(p.nm), addr(p.addr) @{@}
-@end example
-Also, an AVLMap requires a comparison function for elements in order
-to maintain order. Rather than requiring you to write a particular
-comparison function, a @file{defs} file is consulted to determine how to
-compare items. You must create and edit such a file.
-Before creating @file{Person.defs.h}, you must first make one additional
-decision. Should the Map member functions like @code{m.contains(p)}
-take arguments (@code{p}) by reference (i.e., typed as
-@code{int Map::contains(const Person& p)} or by value (i.e., typed as
-@code{int Map::contains(const Person p)}. Generally, for user-defined
-classes, you want to pass by reference, and for builtins and pointers,
-to pass by value. SO you should pick by-reference.
-You can now create @file{Person.defs.h} via @code{genclass Person ref defs}.
-This creates a simple skeleton that you must edit. First, add
-@code{#include "Person.h"} to the top. Second, edit the @code{<T>CMP(a,b)}
-macro to compare on name, via
-#define <T>CMP(a, b) ( compare(, )
-@end example
-which invokes the @code{int compare(const String&, const String&)}
-function from @file{String.h}. Of course, you could define this in any
-other way as well. In fact, the default versions in the skeleton turn
-out to be OK (albeit inefficient) in this particular example.
-You may also want to create file @file{SSN.defs.h}. Here, choosing
-call-by-value makes sense, and since no other capabilities (like
-comparison functions) of the SSNs are used (and the defaults are OK
-anyway), you'd type
-genclass SSN val defs
-@end example
-and then edit to place @code{#include "SSN.h"} at the top.
-Finally, you can generate the classes. First, generate the base
-class for Maps via
-genclass -2 Person ref SSN val Map
-@end example
-This generates only the abstract class, not the implementation, in file
-@file{Person.SSN.Map.h} and @file{}. To create the
-AVL implementation, type
-genclass -2 Person ref SSN val AVLMap
-@end example
-This creates the class @code{PersonSSNAVLMap}, in
-@file{Person.SSN.AVLMap.h} and @file{}.
-To use the AVL implementation, compile the two generated @file{.cc} files, and
-specify @samp{#include "Person.SSN.AVLMap.h"} in the application program.
-All other files are included in the right ways automatically.
-One last consideration, peculiar to Maps, is to pick a reasonable
-default contents when declaring an AVLMap. Zero might be appropriate
-here, so you might declare a Map,
-PersonSSNAVLMap m((SSN)0);
-@end example
-Suppose you wanted a @code{VHMap} instead of an @code{AVLMap} Besides
-generating different implementations, there are two differences in
-how you should prepare the @file{defs} file. First, because a VHMap
-uses a C++ array internally, and because C++ array slots are initialized
-differently than single elements, you must ensure that class Person
-contains (1) a no-argument constructor, and (2) an assignment operator.
-You could arrange this via
-class Person
-@{ ...;
- Person() @{@}
- void operator = (const Person& p) @{ nm = p.nm; addr = p.addr; @}
-@end smallexample
-(The lack of action in the constructor is OK here because @code{Strings}
-possess usable no-argument constructors.)
-You also need to edit @file{Person.defs.h} to indicate a usable hash
-function and default capacity, via something like
-#include <builtin.h>
-#define <T>HASH(x) (hashpjw(
-@end example
-Since the @code{hashpjw} function from @file{builtin.h} is
-appropriate here. Changing the default capacity to a value
-expected to exceed the actual capacity helps to avoid
-``hidden'' inefficiencies when a new VHMap is created without
-overriding the default, which is all too easy to do.
-Otherwise, everything is the same as above, substituting
-@code{VHMap} for @code{AVLMap}.
-@node Representations, Expressions, Proto, Top
-@chapter Variable-Sized Object Representation
-One of the first goals of the GNU C++ library is to enrich the kinds of
-basic classes that may be considered as (nearly) ``built into'' C++. A good
-deal of the inspiration for these efforts is derived from considering
-features of other type-rich languages, particularly Common Lisp and Scheme.
-The general characteristics of most class and friend operators and
-functions supported by these classes has been heavily influenced
-by such languages.
-Four of these types, Strings, Integers, BitSets, and BitStrings (as well as
-associated and/or derived classes) require representations suitable for
-managing variable-sized objects on the free-store. The basic technique used
-for all of these is the same, although various details necessarily differ
-from class to class.
-The general strategy for representing such objects is to create chunks of
-memory that include both header information (e.g., the size of the object),
-as well as the variable-size data (an array of some sort) at the end
-of the chunk. Generally the maximum size of an object is limited to
-something less than all of addressable memory, as a safeguard. The minimum
-size is also limited so as not to waste allocations expanding very small
-chunks. Internally, chunks are allocated in blocks well-tuned to the
-performance of the @code{new} operator.
-Class elements themselves are merely pointers to these chunks.
-Most class operations are performed via inline ``translation''
-functions that perform the required operation on the corresponding
-representation. However, constructors and assignments operate by
-copying entire representations, not just pointers.
-No attempt is made to control temporary creation in expressions
-and functions involving these classes. Users of previous versions
-of the classes will note the disappearance of both ``Tmp'' classes
-and reference counting. These were dropped because, while they
-did improve performance in some cases, they obscure class
-mechanics, lead programmers into the false belief that they need not
-worry about such things, and occasionally have paradoxical behavior.
-These variable-sized object classes are integrated as well as possible
-into C++. Most such classes possess converters that allow automatic
-coercion both from and to builtin basic types. (e.g., char* to and from
-String, long int to and from Integer, etc.). There are pro's and con's
-to circular converters, since they can sometimes lead to the conversion
-from a builtin type through to a class function and back to a builtin
-type without any special attention on the part of the programmer, both
-for better and worse.
-Most of these classes also provide special-case operators and functions
-mixing basic with class types, as a way to avoid constructors in cases
-where the operations do not rely on anything special about the
-representations. For example, there is a special case concatenation
-operator for a String concatenated with a char, since building the
-result does not rely on anything about the String header. Again, there
-are arguments both for and against this approach. Supporting these cases
-adds a non-trivial degree of (mainly inline) function proliferation, but
-results in more efficient operations. Efficiency wins out over parsimony
-here, as part of the goal to produce classes that provide sufficient
-functionality and efficiency so that programmers are not tempted to try
-to manipulate or bypass the underlying representations.
-@node Expressions, Pix, Representations, Top
-@chapter Some guidelines for using expression-oriented classes
-The fact that C++ allows operators to be overloaded for user-defined
-classes can make programming with library classes like @code{Integer},
-@code{String}, and so on very convenient. However, it is worth
-becoming familiar with some of the inherent limitations and problems
-associated with such operators.
-Many operators are @emph{constructive}, i.e., create a new object
-based on some function of some arguments. Sometimes the creation
-of such objects is wasteful. Most library classes supporting
-expressions contain facilities that help you avoid such waste.
-For example, for @code{Integer a, b, c; ...; c = a + b + a;}, the
-plus operator is called to sum a and b, creating a new temporary object
-as its result. This temporary is then added with a, creating another
-temporary, which is finally copied into c, and the temporaries are then
-deleted. In other words, this code might have an effect similar to
-@code{Integer a, b, c; ...; Integer t1(a); t1 += b; Integer t2(t1);
-t2 += a; c = t2;}.
-For small objects, simple operators, and/or non-time/space critical
-programs, creation of temporaries is not a big problem. However, often,
-when fine-tuning a program, it may be a good idea to rewrite such
-code in a less pleasant, but more efficient manner.
-For builtin types like ints, and floats, C and C++ compilers already
-know how to optimize such expressions to reduce the need for
-temporaries. Unfortunately, this is not true for C++ user defined
-types, for the simple (but very annoying, in this context) reason that
-nothing at all is guaranteed about the semantics of overloaded operators
-and their interrelations. For example, if the above expression just
-involved ints, not Integers, a compiler might internally convert the
-statement into something like @code{ c = a; c += b; c+= a; }, or
-perhaps something even more clever. But since C++ does not know that
-Integer operator += has any relation to Integer operator +, A C++
-compiler cannot do this kind of expression optimization itself.
-In many cases, you can avoid construction of temporaries simply by
-using the assignment versions of operators whenever possible, since
-these versions create no temporaries. However, for maximum flexibility,
-most classes provide a set of ``embedded assembly code'' procedures
-that you can use to fully control time, space, and evaluation strategies.
-Most of these procedures are ``three-address'' procedures that take
-two @code{const} source arguments, and a destination argument. The
-procedures perform the appropriate actions, placing the results in
-the destination (which is may involve overwriting old contents). These
-procedures are designed to be fast and robust. In particular, aliasing
-is always handled correctly, so that, for example
-@code{add(x, x, x); } is perfectly OK. (The names of these procedures
-are listed along with the classes.)
-For example, suppose you had an Integer expression
-@code{ a = (b - a) * -(d / c); }
-This would be compiled as if it were
-@code{ Integer t1=b-a; Integer t2=d/c; Integer t3=-t2; Integer t4=t1*t3; a=t4;}
-But, with some manual cleverness, you might yourself some up with
-@code{ sub(a, b, a); mul(a, d, a); div(a, c, a); }
-A related phenomenon occurs when creating your own constructive
-functions returning instances of such types. Suppose you wanted
-to write function
-@code{Integer f(const Integer& a) @{ Integer r = a; r += a; return r; @}}
-This function, when called (as in @code{ a = f(a); }) demonstrates a
-similar kind of wasted copy. The returned value r must be copied
-out of the function before it can be used by the caller. In GNU
-C++, there is an alternative via the use of named return values.
-Named return values allow you to manipulate the returned object
-directly, rather than requiring you to create a local inside
-a function and then copy it out as the returned value. In this
-example, this can be done via
-@code{Integer f(const Integer& a) return r(a) @{ r += a; return; @}}
-A final guideline: The overloaded operators are very convenient, and
-much clearer to use than procedural code. It is almost always a good
-idea to make it right, @emph{then} make it fast, by translating
-expression code into procedural code after it is known to be correct.
-@node Pix, Headers, Expressions, Top
-@chapter Pseudo-indexes
-Many useful classes operate as containers of elements. Techniques for
-accessing these elements from a container differ from class to class.
-In the GNU C++ library, access methods have been partially standardized
-across different classes via the use of pseudo-indexes called
-@code{Pixes}. A @code{Pix} acts in some ways like an index, and in some
-ways like a pointer. (Their underlying representations are just
-@code{void*} pointers). A @code{Pix} is a kind of ``key'' that is
-translated into an element access by the class. In virtually all cases,
-@code{Pixes} are pointers to some kind internal storage cells. The
-containers use these pointers to extract items.
-@code{Pixes} support traversal and inspection of elements in a
-collection using analogs of array indexing. However, they are
-pointer-like in that @code{0} is treated as an invalid @code{Pix}, and
-unsafe insofar as programmers can attempt to access nonexistent elements
-via dangling or otherwise invalid @code{Pixes} without first checking
-for their validity.
-In general it is a very bad idea to perform traversals in the the midst
-of destructive modifications to containers.
-Typical applications might include code using the idiom
-for (Pix i = a.first(); i != 0; use(a(i));
-@end example
-for some container @code{a} and function @code{use}.
-Classes supporting the use of @code{Pixes} always contain the following
-methods, assuming a container @code{a} of element types of @code{Base}.
-@table @code
-@item Pix i = a.first()
-Set i to index the first element of a or 0 if a is empty.
-advance i to the next element of a or 0 if there is no next element;
-@item Base x = a(i); a(i) = x;
-a(i) returns a reference to the element indexed by i.
-@item int present = a.owns(i)
-returns true if Pix i is a valid Pix in a. This is often a
-relatively slow operation, since the collection must usually
-traverse through elements to see if any correspond to the Pix.
-@end table
-Some container classes also support backwards traversal via
-@table @code
-@item Pix i = a.last()
-Set i to the last element of a or 0 if a is empty.
-@item a.prev(i)
-sets i to the previous element in a, or 0 if there is none.
-@end table
-Collections supporting elements with an equality operation possess
-@table @code
-@item Pix j =
-sets j to the index of the first occurrence of x, or 0 if x is
-not contained in a.
-@end table
-Bag classes possess
-@table @code
-@item Pix j =, Pix from = 0)
-sets j to the index of the next occurrence of x following i,
-or 0 if x is not contained in a. If i == 0, the first occurrence
-is returned.
-@end table
-Set, Bag, and PQ classes possess
-@table @code
-@item Pix j = a.add(x) (or a.enq(x) for priority queues)
-add x to the collection, returning its Pix. The Pix of an item
-can change in collections where further additions and deletions
-involve the actual movement of elements (currently in OXPSet,
-OXPBag, XPPQ, VOHSet), but in all other cases, an item's Pix may
-be considered a permanent key to its location.
-@end table
-@node Headers, Builtin, Pix, Top
-@chapter Header files for interfacing C++ to C
-The following files are provided so that C++ programmers may
-invoke common C library and system calls. The names and contents
-of these files are subject to change in order to be compatible
-with the forthcoming GNU C library. Other files, not listed
-here, are simply C++-compatible interfaces to corresponding C
-library files.
-@table @file
-@item values.h
-A collection of constants defining the numbers of bits in builtin
-types, minimum and maximum values, and the like. Most names are
-the same as those found in @file{values.h} found on Sun systems.
-@item std.h
-A collection of common system calls and @file{libc.a} functions.
-Only those functions that can be declared without introducing
-new type definitions (socket structures, for example) are
-provided. Common @code{char*} functions (like @code{strcmp}) are among
-the declarations. All functions are declared along with their
-library names, so that they may be safely overloaded.
-@item string.h
-This file merely includes @file{<std.h>}, where string function
-prototypes are declared. This is a workaround for the fact that
-system @file{string.h} and @file{strings.h} files often differ
-in contents.
-@item osfcn.h
-This file merely includes @file{<std.h>}, where system function
-prototypes are declared.
-@item libc.h
-This file merely includes @file{<std.h>}, where C library function
-prototypes are declared.
-@item math.h
-A collection of prototypes for functions usually found in
-libm.a, plus some @code{#define}d constants that appear to be
-consistent with those provided in the AT&T version. The value
-of @code{HUGE} should be checked before using. Declarations of
-all common math functions are preceded with @code{overload}
-declarations, since these are commonly overloaded.
-@item stdio.h
-Declaration of @code{FILE} (@code{_iobuf}), common macros (like
-@code{getc}), and function prototypes for @file{libc.a}
-functions that operate on @code{FILE*}'s. The value
-@code{BUFSIZ} and the declaration of @code{_iobuf} should be
-checked before using.
-@item assert.h
-C++ versions of assert macros.
-@item generic.h
-String concatenation macros useful in creating generic classes.
-They are similar in function to the AT&T CC versions.
-@item new.h
-Declarations of the default global operator new, the two-argument
-placement version, and associated error handlers.
-@end table
-@node Builtin, New, Headers, Top
-@chapter Utility functions for built in types
-Files @file{builtin.h} and corresponding @file{.cc} implementation
-files contain various convenient
-inline and non-inline utility functions. These include useful
-enumeration types, such as @code{TRUE}, @code{FALSE} ,the type
-definition for pointers to libg++ error handling functions, and
-the following functions.
-@table @code
-@item long abs(long x); double abs(double x);
-inline versions of abs. Note that the standard libc.a version,
-@code{int abs(int)} is @emph{not} declared as inline.
-@item void clearbit(long& x, long b);
-clears the b'th bit of x (inline).
-@item void setbit(long& x, long b);
-sets the b'th bit of x (inline)
-@item int testbit(long x, long b);
-returns the b'th bit of x (inline).
-@item int even(long y);
-returns true if x is even (inline).
-@item int odd(long y);
-returns true is x is odd (inline).
-@item int sign(long x); int sign(double x);
-returns -1, 0, or 1, indicating whether x is less than, equal to, or
-greater than zero (inline).
-@item long gcd(long x, long y);
-returns the greatest common divisor of x and y.
-@item long lcm(long x, long y);
-returns the least common multiple of x and y.
-@item long lg(long x);
-returns the floor of the base 2 log of x.
-@item long pow(long x, long y); double pow(double x, long y);
-returns x to the integer power y using via the iterative O(log y)
-``Russian peasant'' method.
-@item long sqr(long x); double sqr(double x);
-returns x squared (inline).
-@item long sqrt(long y);
-returns the floor of the square root of x.
-@item unsigned int hashpjw(const char* s);
-a hash function for null-terminated char* strings using the
-method described in Aho, Sethi, & Ullman, p 436.
-@item unsigned int multiplicativehash(int x);
-a hash function for integers that returns the lower bits of
-multiplying x by the golden ratio times pow(2, 32).
-See Knuth, Vol 3, p 508.
-@item unsigned int foldhash(double x);
-a hash function for doubles that exclusive-or's the first and
-second words of x, returning the result as an integer.
-@item double start_timer()
-Starts a process timer.
-@item double return_elapsed_time(double last_time)
-Returns the process time since last_time.
-If last_time == 0 returns the time since the last start_timer.
-Returns -1 if start_timer was not first called.
-@end table
-File @file{Maxima.h} includes versions of @code{MAX, MIN}
-for builtin types.
-File @file{compare.h} includes versions of @code{compare(x, y)}
-for builtin types. These return negative if the first argument
-is less than the second, zero for equal, and positive for greater.
-@node New, Stream, Builtin, Top
-@chapter Library dynamic allocation primitives
-Libg++ contains versions of @code{malloc, free, realloc} that were
-designed to be well-tuned to C++ applications. The source file
-@file{malloc.c} contains some design and implementation details.
-Here are the major user-visible differences from most system
-malloc routines:
-These routines @emph{overwrite} storage of freed space. This
-means that it is never permissible to use a @code{delete}'d
-object in any way. Doing so will either result in trapped
-fatal errors or random aborts within malloc, free, or realloc.
-The routines tend to perform well when a large number
-of objects of the same size are allocated and freed. You
-may find that it is not worth it to create your
-own special allocation schemes in such cases.
-The library sets top-level @code{operator new()} to call malloc and
-@code{operator delete()} to call free. Of course, you may override these
-definitions in C++ programs by creating your own operators that will
-take precedence over the library versions. However, if you do so, be
-sure to define @emph{both} @code{operator new()} and @code{operator
-These routines do @emph{not} support the odd convention, maintained by
-some versions of malloc, that you may call @code{realloc} with a pointer
-that has been @code{free}'d.
-The routines automatically perform simple checks on @code{free}'d
-pointers that can often determine whether users have accidentally
-written beyond the boundaries of allocated space, resulting in a fatal
-The function @code{malloc_usable_size(void* p)} returns the number of
-bytes actually allocated for @code{p}. For a valid pointer (i.e., one
-that has been @code{malloc}'d or @code{realloc}'d but not yet
-@code{free}'d) this will return a number greater than or equal to the
-requested size, else it will normally return 0. Unfortunately, a
-non-zero return can not be an absolutely perfect indication of lack of
-error. If a chunk has been @code{free}'d but then re-allocated for a
-different purpose somewhere elsewhere, then @code{malloc_usable_size}
-will return non-zero. Despite this, the function can be very valuable
-for performing run-time consistency checks.
-@code{malloc} requires 8 bytes of overhead per allocated chunk, plus a
-mmaximum alignment adjustment of 8 bytes. The number of bytes of usable
-space is exactly as requested, rounded to the nearest 8 byte boundary.
-The routines do @emph{not} contain any synchronization support for
-multiprocessing. If you perform global allocation on a shared
-memory multiprocessor, you should disable compilation and use
-of libg++ malloc in the distribution @file{Makefile} and use your
-system version of malloc.
-@end enumerate
-@node IOStream
-@chapter The new input/output classes
-The iostream classes implement most of the features of AT&T
-version 2.0 iostream library classes, and most of the features
-of the ANSI X3J16 library draft (which is based on the AT&T design).
-These classes are available in @code{libg++} for convenience and for
-compatibility with older releases; however, since the iostream classes
-are licensed under less stringent terms than @code{libg++}, they are now
-also available in a separate library called @code{libio}---and
-documented in a separate manual, corresponding to that library.
-@xref{Introduction,,Introduction,, The GNU C++ Iostream
-@end iftex
-@node Stream, Obstack, New, Top
-@chapter The old I/O library
-WARNING: This chapter describes classes that are @emph{obsolete}.
-These classes are normally not available when libg++
-is installed normally. The sources are currently included
-in the distribution, and you can configure libg++ to use
-these classes instead of the new iostream classes.
-This is only a temporary measure; you should convert your
-code to use iostreams as soon as possible. The iostream
-classes provide some compatibility support, but it is
-very incomplete (there is no longer a @code{File} class).
-@section File-based classes
-The @code{File} class supports basic IO on Unix files. Operations are
-based on common C stdio library functions.
-@code{File} serves as the base class for istreams, ostreams, and other
-derived classes. It contains the interface between the Unix stdio file
-library and these more structured classes. Most operations are implemented
-as simple calls to stdio functions. @code{File} class operations are also fully
-compatible with raw system file reads and writes (like the system
-@code{read} and @code{lseek} calls) when buffering is disabled (see below).
-The @code{FILE*} stdio file pointer is, however maintained as protected.
-Classes derived from File may only use the IO operations provided by File,
-which encompass essentially all stdio capabilities.
-The class contains four general kinds of functions: methods for binding
-@code{File}s to physical Unix files, basic IO methods, file and buffer
-control methods, and methods for maintaining logical and physical file
-Binding and related tasks are accomplished via @code{File} constructors and
-destructors, and member functions @code{open, close, remove, filedesc,
-name, setname}.
-If a file name is provided in a constructor or open, it is
-maintained as class variable @code{nm} and is accessible
-via @code{name}. If no name is provided, then @code{nm} remains
-null, except that @code{Files} bound to the default files stdin,
-stdout, and stderr are automatically given the names
-@code{(stdin), (stdout), (stderr)} respectively.
-The function @code{setname} may be used to change the
-internal name of the @code{File}. This does not change the name
-of the physical file bound to the File.
-The member function @code{close} closes a file. The
-@code{~File} destructor closes a file if it is open, except
-that stdin, stdout, and stderr are flushed but left open for
-the system to close on program exit since some systems may
-require this, and on others it does not matter. @code{remove}
-closes the file, and then deletes it if possible by calling the
-system function to delete the file with the name provided in
-the @code{nm} field.
-@section Basic IO
-@itemize @bullet
-@code{read} and @code{write} perform binary IO via stdio
-@code{fread} and @code{fwrite}.
-@code{get} and @code{put} for chars invoke stdio @code{getc}
-and @code{putc} macros.
-@code{put(const char* s)} outputs a null-terminated string via
-stdio @code{fputs}.
-@code{unget} and @code{putback} are synonyms. Both call stdio
-@end itemize
-@section File Control
-@code{flush}, @code{seek}, @code{tell}, and @code{tell} call the
-corresponding stdio functions.
-@code{flush(char)} and @code{fill()} call stdio @code{_flsbuf}
-and @code{_filbuf} respectively.
-@code{setbuf} is mainly useful to turn off buffering in cases
-where nonsequential binary IO is being performed. @code{raw} is a
-synonym for @code{setbuf(_IONBF)}. After a @code{f.raw()}, using
-the stdio functions instead of the system @code{read, write},
-etc., calls entails very little overhead. Moreover, these become
-fully compatible with intermixed system calls (e.g.,
-@code{lseek(f.filedesc(), 0, 0)}). While intermixing @code{File}
-and system IO calls is not at all recommended, this technique
-does allow the @code{File} class to be used in conjunction with
-other functions and libraries already set up to operate on file
-descriptors. @code{setbuf} should be called at most once after a
-constructor or open, but before any IO.
-@section File Status
-File status is maintained in several ways.
-A @code{File} may be checked for accessibility via
-@code{is_open()}, which returns true if the File is bound to a
-usable physical file, @code{readable()}, which returns true if
-the File can be read from (opened for reading, and not in a
-_fail state), or @code{writable()}, which returns true if the
-File can be written to.
-@code{File} operations return their status via two means: failure and
-success are represented via the logical state. Also, the
-return values of invoked stdio and system functions that
-return useful numeric values (not just failure/success flags)
-are held in a class variable accessible via @code{iocount}.
-(This is useful, for example, in determining the number of
-items actually read by the @code{read} function.)
-Like the AT&T i/o-stream classes, but unlike the description in
-the Stroustrup book, p238, @code{rdstate()} returns the bitwise
-OR of @code{_eof}, @code{_fail} and @code{_bad}, not necessarily
-distinct values. The functions @code{eof()}, @code{fail()},
-@code{bad()}, and @code{good()} can be used to test for each of
-these conditions independently.
-@code{_fail} becomes set for any input operation that could not
-read in the desired data, and for other failed operations. As
-with all Unix IO, @code{_eof} becomes true only when an input
-operations fails because of an end of file. Therefore,
-@code{_eof} is not immediately true after the last successful
-read of a file, but only after one final read attempt. Thus, for
-input operations, @code{_fail} and @code{_eof} almost always
-become true at the same time. @code{bad} is set for unbound
-files, and may also be set by applications in order to communicate
-input corruption. Conversely, @code{_good} is defined as 0 and
-is returned by @code{rdstate()} if all is well.
-The state may be modified via @code{clear(flag)}, which,
-despite its name, sets the corresponding state_value flag.
-@code{clear()} with no arguments resets the state to @code{_good}.
-@code{failif(int cond)} sets the state to @code{_fail} only if
-@code{cond} is true.
-Errors occuring during constructors and file opens also invoke the
-function @code{error}. @code{error} in turn calls a resetable error
-handling function pointed to by the non-member global variable
-@code{File_error_handler} only if a system error has been generated.
-Since @code{error} cannot tell if the current system error is actually
-responsible for a failure, it may at times print out spurious messages.
-Three error handlers are provided. The default,
-@code{verbose_File_error_handler} calls the system function
-@code{perror} to print the corresponding error message on standard
-error, and then returns to the caller. @code{quiet_File_error_handler}
-does nothing, and simply returns. @code{fatal_File_error_handler}
-prints the error and then aborts execution. These three handlers, or any
-other user-defined error handlers can be selected via the non-member
-function @code{set_File_error_handler}.
-All read and write operations communicate either logical or
-physical failure by setting the @code{_fail} flag. All further
-operations are blocked if the state is in a @code{_fail} or@code{_bad}
-condition. Programmers must explicitly use @code{clear()} to
-reset the state in order to continue IO processing after
-either a logical or physical failure. C programmers who are
-unfamiliar with these conventions should note that, unlike
-the stdio library, @code{File} functions indicate IO success,
-status, or failure solely through the state, not via return values of
-the functions. The @code{void*} operator or @code{rdstate()}
-may be used to test success. In particular, according to c++
-conversion rules, the @code{void*} coercion is automatically
-applied whenever the @code{File&} return value of any @code{File}
-function is tested in an @code{if} or @code{while}. Thus,
-for example, an easy way to copy all of stdin to stdout until
-eof (at which point @code{get} fails) or some error is
-@code{char c; while(cin.get(c) && cout.put(c));}.
-@section The istream and ostream classes
-Some of these are supported by incorporating additional,
-mainly virtual, functions into streambufs:
-@table @code
-@item streambuf::open([various args])
-attaches the streambuf to a file, if applicable
-@item streambuf::close()
-detaches the streambuf from a file, if applicable.
-@item streambuf::sputs(const char* s)
-outputs null-terminated string s in a generally faster way
-than repeated @code{sputcs}.
-@item streambuf::sputsn(const char* s, int n)
-outputs the first n characters of s in a generally faster way
-than repeated @code{sputcs}.
-@end table
-@end ignore
-The current version of istreams and ostreams differs significantly
-from previous versions in order to obtain compatibility with
-AT&T 1.2 streams. Most code using previous versions should still
-work. However, the following features of @code{File} are not
-incorporated in streams (they are still present in @code{File}):
-@code{scan(const char* fmt...), remove(), read(), write(),
-setbuf(), raw()}. Additionally, the feature of previous streams
-that allowed free intermixing of stream and stdio input and output
-is no longer guaranteed to always behave as desired.
-@node Obstack, AllocRing, Stream, Top
-@chapter The Obstack class
-The @code{Obstack} class is a simple rewrite of the C obstack macros and
-functions provided in the GNU CC compiler source distribution.
-Obstacks provide a simple method of creating and maintaining a string
-table, optimized for the very frequent task of building strings
-character-by-character, and sometimes keeping them, and sometimes
-not. They seem especially useful in any parsing application. One of the
-test files demonstrates usage.
-A brief summary:
-@table @code
-@item grow
-places something on the obstack without committing to wrap
-it up as a single entity yet.
-@item finish
-wraps up a constructed object as a single entity,
-and returns the pointer to its start address.
-@item copy
-places things on the obstack, and @emph{does} wrap them up.
-@code{copy} is always equivalent to first grow, then finish.
-@item free
-deletes something, and anything else put on the obstack since its creation.
-@end table
-The other functions are less commonly needed:
-@table @code
-@item blank
-is like grow, except it just grows the space by size units
-without placing anything into this space
-@item alloc
-is like @code{blank}, but it wraps up the object and returns its starting
-@item chunk_size, base, next_free, alignment_mask, size, room
-returns the appropriate class variables.
-@item grow_fast
-places a character on the obstack without checking if there is enough room.
-@item blank_fast
-like @code{blank}, but without checking if there is enough room.
-@item shrink(int n)
-shrink the current chunk by n bytes.
-@item contains(void* addr)
-returns true if the Obstack holds the address addr.
-@end table
-Here is a lightly edited version of the original C documentation:
-These functions operate a stack of objects. Each object starts life
-small, and may grow to maturity. (Consider building a word syllable
-by syllable.) An object can move while it is growing. Once it has
-been ``finished'' it never changes address again. So the ``top of the
-stack'' is typically an immature growing object, while the rest of the
-stack is of mature, fixed size and fixed address objects.
-These routines grab large chunks of memory, using the GNU C++ @code{new}
-operator. On occasion, they free chunks, via @code{delete}.
-Each independent stack is represented by a Obstack.
-One motivation for this package is the problem of growing char strings
-in symbol tables. Unless you are a ``fascist pig with a read-only mind''
-[Gosper's immortal quote from HAKMEM item 154, out of context] you
-would not like to put any arbitrary upper limit on the length of your
-In practice this often means you will build many short symbols and a
-few long symbols. At the time you are reading a symbol you don't know
-how long it is. One traditional method is to read a symbol into a
-buffer, @code{realloc()}ating the buffer every time you try to read a
-symbol that is longer than the buffer. This is beaut, but you still will
-want to copy the symbol from the buffer to a more permanent
-symbol-table entry say about half the time.
-With obstacks, you can work differently. Use one obstack for all symbol
-names. As you read a symbol, grow the name in the obstack gradually.
-When the name is complete, finalize it. Then, if the symbol exists already,
-free the newly read name.
-The way we do this is to take a large chunk, allocating memory from
-low addresses. When you want to build a symbol in the chunk you just
-add chars above the current ``high water mark'' in the chunk. When you
-have finished adding chars, because you got to the end of the symbol,
-you know how long the chars are, and you can create a new object.
-Mostly the chars will not burst over the highest address of the chunk,
-because you would typically expect a chunk to be (say) 100 times as
-long as an average object.
-In case that isn't clear, when we have enough chars to make up
-the object, @emph{they are already contiguous in the chunk} (guaranteed)
-so we just point to it where it lies. No moving of chars is
-needed and this is the second win: potentially long strings need
-never be explicitly shuffled. Once an object is formed, it does not
-change its address during its lifetime.
-When the chars burst over a chunk boundary, we allocate a larger
-chunk, and then copy the partly formed object from the end of the old
-chunk to the beginning of the new larger chunk. We then carry on
-accreting characters to the end of the object as we normally would.
-A special version of grow is provided to add a single char at a time
-to a growing object.
-@itemize @bullet
-We allocate large chunks.
-We carve out one object at a time from the current chunk.
-Once carved, an object never moves.
-We are free to append data of any size to the currently growing object.
-Exactly one object is growing in an obstack at any one time.
-You can run one obstack per control block.
-You may have as many control blocks as you dare.
-Because of the way we do it, you can `unwind' a obstack back to a
-previous state. (You may remove objects much as you would with a stack.)
-@end itemize
-The obstack data structure is used in many places in the GNU C++ compiler.
-Differences from the the GNU C version
-The obvious differences stemming from the use of classes and
-inline functions instead of structs and macros. The C
-@code{init} and @code{begin} macros are replaced by constructors.
-Overloaded function names are used for grow (and others),
-rather than the C @code{grow}, @code{grow0}, etc.
-All dynamic allocation uses the the built-in @code{new} operator.
-This restricts flexibility by a little, but maintains compatibility
-with usual C++ conventions.
-There are now two versions of finish:
-finish() behaves like the C version.
-finish(char terminator) adds @code{terminator}, and then calls
-@code{finish()}. This enables the normal invocation of @code{finish(0)} to
-wrap up a string being grown character-by-character.
-@end enumerate
-There are special versions of grow(const char* s) and
-copy(const char* s) that add the null-terminated string @code{s}
-after computing its length.
-The shrink and contains functions are provided.
-@end enumerate
-@node AllocRing, String, Obstack, Top
-@chapter The AllocRing class
-An AllocRing is a bounded ring (circular list), each of whose elements
-contains a pointer to some space allocated via @code{new
-char[some_size]}. The entries are used cyclicly. The size, n, of the
-ring is fixed at construction. After that, every nth use of the ring
-will reuse (or reallocate) the same space. AllocRings are needed in
-order to temporarily hold chunks of space that are needed transiently,
-but across constructor-destructor scopes. They mainly useful for storing
-strings containing formatted characters to print across various
-functions and coercions. These strings are needed across routines, so
-may not be deleted in any one of them, but should be recovered at some
-point. In other words, an AllocRing is an extremely simple minded
-garbage collection mechanism. The GNU C++ library used to use one
-AllocRing for such formatting purposes, but it is being phased out,
-and is now only used by obsolete functions.
-These days, AllocRings are probably not very useful.
-Support includes:
-@table @code
-@item AllocRing a(int n)
-constructs an Alloc ring with n entries, all null.
-@item void* mem = a.alloc(sz)
-moves the ring pointer to the next entry, and reuses the space
-if their is enough, also allocates space via new char[sz].
-@item int present = a.contains(void* ptr)
-returns true if ptr is held in one of the ring entries.
-@item a.clear()
-deletes all space pointed to in any entry. This is called
-automatically upon destruction.
-@item* ptr)
-If ptr is one of the entries, calls delete of the pointer,
-and resets to entry pointer to null.
-@end table
-@node String, Integer, AllocRing, Top
-@chapter The String class
-The @code{String} class is designed to extend GNU C++ to support
-string processing capabilities similar to those in languages like
-Awk. The class provides facilities that ought to be convenient
-and efficient enough to be useful replacements for @code{char*}
-based processing via the C string library (i.e., @code{strcpy,
-strcmp,} etc.) in many applications. Many details about String
-representations are described in the Representation section.
-A separate @code{SubString} class supports substring extraction
-and modification operations. This is implemented in a way that
-user programs never directly construct or represent substrings,
-which are only used indirectly via String operations.
-Another separate class, @code{Regex} is also used indirectly via String
-operations in support of regular expression searching, matching, and the
-like. The Regex class is based entirely on the GNU Emacs regex
-functions. @xref{Regexps, Syntax of Regular Expressions, Syntax of
-Regular Expressions,, GNU Emacs Manual}, for a full
-explanation of regular expression syntax. (For implementation details,
-see the internal documentation in files @file{regex.h} and
-@section Constructors
-Strings are initialized and assigned as in the following examples:
-@table @code
-@item String x; String y = 0; String z = "";
-Set x, y, and z to the nil string. Note that either 0 or "" may
-always be used to refer to the nil string.
-@item String x = "Hello"; String y("Hello");
-Set x and y to a copy of the string "Hello".
-@item String x = 'A'; String y('A');
-Set x and y to the string value "A"
-@item String u = x; String v(x);
-Set u and v to the same string as String x
-@item String u =,4); String v(,4));
-Set u and v to the length 4 substring of x starting at position 1
-(counting indexes from 0).
-@item String x("abc", 2);
-Sets x to "ab", i.e., the first 2 characters of "abc".
-@item String x = dec(20);
-Sets x to "20". As here, Strings may be initialized or assigned
-the results of any @code{char*} function.
-@end table
-There are no directly accessible forms for declaring SubString
-The declaration @code{Regex r("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*");} creates
-a compiled regular expression suitable for use in String
-operations described below. (In this case, one that matches any
-C++ identifier). The first argument may also be a String.
-Be careful in distinguishing the role of backslashes in quoted
-GNU C++ char* constants versus those in Regexes. For example, a Regex
-that matches either one or more tabs or all strings beginning
-with "ba" and ending with any number of occurrences of "na"
-could be declared as @code{Regex r = "\\(\t+\\)\\|\\(ba\\(na\\)*\\)"}
-Note that only one backslash is needed to signify the tab, but
-two are needed for the parenthesization and virgule, since the
-GNU C++ lexical analyzer decodes and strips backslashes before
-they are seen by Regex.
-There are three additional optional arguments to the Regex constructor
-that are less commonly useful:
-@table @code
-@item fast (default 0)
-@code{fast} may be set to true (1) if the Regex should be
-"fast-compiled". This causes an additional compilation step that
-is generally worthwhile if the Regex will be used many times.
-@item bufsize (default max(40, length of the string))
-This is an estimate of the size of the internal compiled
-expression. Set it to a larger value if you know that the
-expression will require a lot of space. If you do not know,
-do not worry: realloc is used if necessary.
-@item transtable (default none == 0)
-The address of a byte translation table (a char[256]) that
-translates each character before matching.
-@end table
-As a convenience, several Regexes are predefined and usable in
-any program. Here are their declarations from @file{String.h}.
-extern Regex RXwhite; // = "[ \n\t]+"
-extern Regex RXint; // = "-?[0-9]+"
-extern Regex RXdouble; // = "-?\\(\\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*\\)\\|
- // \\([0-9]+\\)\\|
- // \\(\\.[0-9]+\\)\\)
- // \\([eE][---+]?[0-9]+\\)?"
-extern Regex RXalpha; // = "[A-Za-z]+"
-extern Regex RXlowercase; // = "[a-z]+"
-extern Regex RXuppercase; // = "[A-Z]+"
-extern Regex RXalphanum; // = "[0-9A-Za-z]+"
-extern Regex RXidentifier; // = "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*"
-@end smallexample
-@section Examples
-Most @code{String} class capabilities are best shown via example.
-The examples below use the following declarations.
- String x = "Hello";
- String y = "world";
- String n = "123";
- String z;
- char* s = ",";
- String lft, mid, rgt;
- Regex r = "e[a-z]*o";
- Regex r2("/[a-z]*/");
- char c;
- int i, pos, len;
- double f;
- String words[10];
- words[0] = "a";
- words[1] = "b";
- words[2] = "c";
-@end example
-@section Comparing, Searching and Matching
-The usual lexicographic relational operators (@code{==, !=, <, <=, >, >=})
-are defined. A functional form @code{compare(String, String)} is also
-provided, as is @code{fcompare(String, String)}, which compares
-Strings without regard for upper vs. lower case.
-All other matching and searching operations are based on some form of the
-(non-public) @code{match} and @code{search} functions. @code{match} and
-@code{search} differ in that @code{match} attempts to match only at the
-given starting position, while @code{search} starts at the position, and
-then proceeds left or right looking for a match. As seen in the following
-examples, the second optional @code{startpos} argument to functions using
-@code{match} and @code{search} specifies the starting position of the
-search: If non-negative, it results in a left-to-right search starting at
-position @code{startpos}, and if negative, a right-to-left search starting
-at position @code{x.length() + startpos}. In all cases, the index returned
-is that of the beginning of the match, or -1 if there is no match.
-Three String functions serve as front ends to @code{search} and @code{match}.
-@code{index} performs a search, returning the index, @code{matches} performs
-a match, returning nonzero (actually, the length of the match) on success,
-and @code{contains} is a boolean function performing either a search or
-match, depending on whether an index argument is provided:
-@table @code
-@item x.index("lo")
-returns the zero-based index of the leftmost occurrence of
-substring "lo" (3, in this case). The argument may be a
-String, SubString, char, char*, or Regex.
-@item x.index("l", 2)
-returns the index of the first of the leftmost occurrence of "l"
-found starting the search at position x[2], or 2 in this case.
-@item x.index("l", -1)
-returns the index of the rightmost occurrence of "l", or 3 here.
-@item x.index("l", -3)
-returns the index of the rightmost occurrence of "l" found by
-starting the search at the 3rd to the last position of x,
-returning 2 in this case.
-@item pos ="leo", 3, len, 0)
-returns the index of r in the @code{char*} string of length 3,
-starting at position 0, also placing the length of the match
-in reference parameter len.
-@item x.contains("He")
-returns nonzero if the String x contains the substring "He". The
-argument may be a String, SubString, char, char*, or Regex.
-@item x.contains("el", 1)
-returns nonzero if x contains the substring "el" at position 1.
-As in this example, the second argument to @code{contains},
-if present, means to match the substring only at that position,
-and not to search elsewhere in the string.
-@item x.contains(RXwhite);
-returns nonzero if x contains any whitespace (space, tab, or
-newline). Recall that @code{RXwhite} is a global whitespace Regex.
-@item x.matches("lo", 3)
-returns nonzero if x starting at position 3 exactly matches "lo", with
-no trailing characters (as it does in this example).
-@item x.matches(r)
-returns nonzero if String x as a whole matches Regex r.
-@item int f = x.freq("l")
-returns the number of distinct, nonoverlapping matches to the argument
-(2 in this case).
-@end table
-@section Substring extraction
-Substrings may be extracted via the @code{at}, @code{before},
-@code{through}, @code{from}, and @code{after} functions.
-These behave as either lvalues or rvalues.
-@table @code
-@item z =, 3)
-sets String z to be equal to the length 3 substring of String x
-starting at zero-based position 2, setting z to "llo" in this
-case. A nil String is returned if the arguments don't make sense.
-@item, 2) = "r"
-Sets what was in positions 2 to 3 of x to "r", setting x to
-"Hero" in this case. As indicated here, SubString assignments may
-be of different lengths.
-@item"He") = "je";
-x("He") is the substring of x that matches the first occurrence of
-it's argument. The substitution sets x to "jello". If "He" did
-not occur, the substring would be nil, and the assignment would
-have no effect.
-@item"l", -1) = "i";
-replaces the rightmost occurrence of "l" with "i", setting x to
-@item z =
-sets String z to the first match in x of Regex r, or "ello" in this
-case. A nil String is returned if there is no match.
-@item z = x.before("o")
-sets z to the part of x to the left of the first occurrence of
-"o", or "Hell" in this case. The argument may also be a String,
-SubString, or Regex. (If there is no match, z is set to "".)
-@item x.before("ll") = "Bri";
-sets the part of x to the left of "ll" to "Bri", setting x to
-@item z = x.before(2)
-sets z to the part of x to the left of x[2], or "He" in this
-@item z = x.after("Hel")
-sets z to the part of x to the right of "Hel", or "lo" in this
-@item z = x.through("el")
-sets z to the part of x up and including "el", or "Hel" in this case.
-@item z = x.from("el")
-sets z to the part of x from "el" to the end, or "ello" in this case.
-@item x.after("Hel") = "p";
-sets x to "Help";
-@item z = x.after(3)
-sets z to the part of x to the right of x[3] or "o" in this case.
-@item z = " ab c"; z = z.after(RXwhite)
-sets z to the part of its old string to the right of the first
-group of whitespace, setting z to "ab c"; Use gsub(below) to
-strip out multiple occurrences of whitespace or any pattern.
-@item x[0] = 'J';
-sets the first element of x to 'J'. x[i] returns a reference to
-the ith element of x, or triggers an error if i is out of range.
-@item common_prefix(x, "Help")
-returns the String containing the common prefix of the two Strings
-or "Hel" in this case.
-@item common_suffix(x, "to")
-returns the String containing the common suffix of the two Strings
-or "o" in this case.
-@end table
-@section Concatenation
-@table @code
-@item z = x + s + ' ' +"w") + y.after("w") + ".";
-sets z to "Hello, world."
-@item x += y;
-sets x to "Helloworld"
-@item cat(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x + y.
-@item cat(z, y, x, x)
-Double concatenation; A faster way to say x = z + y + x.
-@item y.prepend(x);
-A faster way to say y = x + y.
-@item z = replicate(x, 3);
-sets z to "HelloHelloHello".
-@item z = join(words, 3, "/")
-sets z to the concatenation of the first 3 Strings in String
-array words, each separated by "/", setting z to "a/b/c" in this
-case. The last argument may be "" or 0, indicating no separation.
-@end table
-@section Other manipulations
-@table @code
-@item z = "this string has five words"; i = split(z, words, 10, RXwhite);
-sets up to 10 elements of String array words to the parts of z
-separated by whitespace, and returns the number of parts actually
-encountered (5 in this case). Here, words[0] = "this", words[1] =
-"string", etc. The last argument may be any of the usual.
-If there is no match, all of z ends up in words[0]. The words array
-is @emph{not} dynamically created by split.
-@item int nmatches x.gsub("l","ll")
-substitutes all original occurrences of "l" with "ll", setting x
-to "Hellllo". The first argument may be any of the usual,
-including Regex. If the second argument is "" or 0, all
-occurrences are deleted. gsub returns the number of matches
-that were replaced.
-@item z = x + y; z.del("loworl");
-deletes the leftmost occurrence of "loworl" in z, setting z to
-@item z = reverse(x)
-sets z to the reverse of x, or "olleH".
-@item z = upcase(x)
-sets z to x, with all letters set to uppercase, setting z to "HELLO"
-@item z = downcase(x)
-sets z to x, with all letters set to lowercase, setting z to "hello"
-@item z = capitalize(x)
-sets z to x, with the first letter of each word set to uppercase,
-and all others to lowercase, setting z to "Hello"
-@item x.reverse(), x.upcase(), x.downcase(), x.capitalize()
-in-place, self-modifying versions of the above.
-@end table
-@section Reading, Writing and Conversion
-@table @code
-@item cout << x
-writes out x.
-@item cout <<, 3)
-writes out the substring "llo".
-@item cin >> x
-reads a whitespace-bounded string into x.
-@item x.length()
-returns the length of String x (5, in this case).
-@item s = (const char*)x
-can be used to extract the @code{char*} char array. This
-coercion is useful for sending a String as an argument to any
-function expecting a @code{const char*} argument (like
-@code{atoi}, and @code{File::open}). This operator must be
-used with care, since the conversion returns a pointer
-to @code{String} internals without copying the characters:
-The resulting @code{(char*)} is only valid until
-the next String operation, and you must not modify it.
-(The conversion is defined to return a const
-value so that GNU C++ will produce warning and/or error
-messages if changes are attempted.)
-@end table
-@node Integer, Rational, String, Top
-@chapter The Integer class.
-The @code{Integer} class provides multiple precision integer arithmetic
-facilities. Some representation details are discussed in the
-Representation section.
-@code{Integers} may be up to @code{b * ((1 << b) - 1)} bits long, where
-@code{b} is the number of bits per short (typically 1048560 bits when
-@code{b = 16}). The implementation assumes that a @code{long} is at least
-twice as long as a @code{short}. This assumption hides beneath almost all
-primitive operations, and would be very difficult to change. It also relies
-on correct behavior of @emph{unsigned} arithmetic operations.
-Some of the arithmetic algorithms are very loosely based on those
-provided in the MIT Scheme @file{bignum.c} release, which is
-Copyright (c) 1987 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Their use
-here falls within the provisions described in the Scheme release.
-Integers may be constructed in the following ways:
-@table @code
-@item Integer x;
-Declares an uninitialized Integer.
-@item Integer x = 2; Integer y(2);
-Set x and y to the Integer value 2;
-@item Integer u(x); Integer v = x;
-Set u and v to the same value as x.
-@end table
-@deftypefn Method long Integer::as_long() const
-Used to coerce an @code{Integer} back into longs via the @code{long}
-coercion operator. If the Integer cannot fit into a long, this returns
-MINLONG or MAXLONG (depending on the sign) where MINLONG is the most
-negative, and MAXLONG is the most positive representable long.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int Integer::fits_in_long() const
-Returns true iff the @code{Integer} is @code{< MAXLONG} and @code{> MINLONG}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method double Integer::as_double() const
-Coerce the @code{Integer} to a @code{double}, with potential
-loss of precision.
-@code{+/-HUGE} is returned if the Integer cannot fit into a double.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int Integer::fits_in_double() const
-Returns true iff the @code{Integer} can fit into a double.
-@end deftypefn
-All of the usual arithmetic operators are provided (@code{+, -, *, /,
-%, +=, ++, -=, --, *=, /=, %=, ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=}). All operators
-support special versions for mixed arguments of Integers and regular
-C++ longs in order to avoid useless coercions, as well as to allow
-automatic promotion of shorts and ints to longs, so that they may be
-applied without additional Integer coercion operators. The only
-operators that behave differently than the corresponding int or long
-operators are @code{++} and @code{--}. Because C++ does not
-distinguish prefix from postfix application, these are declared as
-@code{void} operators, so that no confusion can result from applying
-them as postfix. Thus, for Integers x and y, @code{ ++x; y = x; } is
-correct, but @code{ y = ++x; } and @code{ y = x++; } are not.
-Bitwise operators (@code{~}, @code{&}, @code{|}, @code{^}, @code{<<},
-@code{>>}, @code{&=}, @code{|=}, @code{^=}, @code{<<=}, @code{>>=}) are
-also provided. However, these operate on sign-magnitude, rather than
-two's complement representations. The sign of the result is arbitrarily
-taken as the sign of the first argument. For example, @code{Integer(-3)
-& Integer(5)} returns @code{Integer(-1)}, not -3, as it would using
-two's complement. Also, @code{~}, the complement operator, complements
-only those bits needed for the representation. Bit operators are also
-provided in the BitSet and BitString classes. One of these classes
-should be used instead of Integers when the results of bit manipulations
-are not interpreted numerically.
-The following utility functions are also provided. (All arguments
-are Integers unless otherwise noted).
-@deftypefun void divide(const Integer& @var{x}, const Integer& @var{y}, Integer& @var{q}, Integer& @var{r})
-Sets @var{q} to the quotient and @var{r} to the remainder of @var{x} and @var{y}.
-(@var{q} and @var{r} are returned by reference).
-@end deftypefun
-@deftypefun Integer pow(const Integer& @var{x}, const Integer& @var{p})
-Returns @var{x} raised to the power @var{p}.
-@end deftypefun
-@deftypefun Integer Ipow(long @var{x}, long @var{p})
-Returns @var{x} raised to the power @var{p}.
-@end deftypefun
-@deftypefun Integer gcd(const Integer& @var{x}, const Integer& @var{p})
-Returns the greatest common divisor of @var{x} and @var{y}.
-@end deftypefun
-@deftypefun Integer lcm(const Integer& @var{x}, const Integer& @var{p})
-Returns the least common multiple of @var{x} and @var{y}.
-@end deftypefun
-@deftypefun Integer abs(const Integer& @var{x}
-Returns the absolute value of @var{x}.
-@end deftypefun
-@deftypefn Method void Integer::negate()
-Negates @code{this} in place.
-@end deftypefn
-@table @code
-@item Integer sqr(x)
-returns x * x;
-@item Integer sqrt(x)
-returns the floor of the square root of x.
-@item long lg(x);
-returns the floor of the base 2 logarithm of abs(x)
-@item int sign(x)
-returns -1 if x is negative, 0 if zero, else +1.
-Using @code{if (sign(x) == 0)} is a generally faster method
-of testing for zero than using relational operators.
-@item int even(x)
-returns true if x is an even number
-@item int odd(x)
-returns true if x is an odd number.
-@item void setbit(Integer& x, long b)
-sets the b'th bit (counting right-to-left from zero) of x to 1.
-@item void clearbit(Integer& x, long b)
-sets the b'th bit of x to 0.
-@item int testbit(Integer x, long b)
-returns true if the b'th bit of x is 1.
-@item Integer atoI(char* asciinumber, int base = 10);
-converts the base base char* string into its Integer form.
-@item void Integer::printon(ostream& s, int base = 10, int width = 0);
-prints the ascii string value of @code{(*this)} as a base @code{base}
-number, in field width at least @code{width}.
-@item ostream << x;
-prints x in base ten format.
-@item istream >> x;
-reads x as a base ten number.
-@item int compare(Integer x, Integer y)
-returns a negative number if x<y, zero if x==y, or positive if x>y.
-@item int ucompare(Integer x, Integer y)
-like compare, but performs unsigned comparison.
-@item add(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x + y.
-@item sub(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x - y.
-@item mul(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x * y.
-@item div(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x / y.
-@item mod(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x % y.
-@item and(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x & y.
-@item or(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x | y.
-@item xor(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x ^ y.
-@item lshift(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x << y.
-@item rshift(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x >> y.
-@item pow(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = pow(x, y).
-@item complement(x, z)
-A faster way to say z = ~x.
-@item negate(x, z)
-A faster way to say z = -x.
-@end table
-@node Rational, Complex, Integer, Top
-@chapter The Rational Class
-Class @code{Rational} provides multiple precision rational
-number arithmetic. All rationals are maintained in simplest
-form (i.e., with the numerator and denominator relatively
-prime, and with the denominator strictly positive).
-Rational arithmetic and relational operators are provided
-(@code{+, -, *, /, +=, -=, *=, /=, ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=}).
-Operations resulting in a rational number with zero denominator
-trigger an exception.
-Rationals may be constructed and used in the following ways:
-@table @code
-@item Rational x;
-Declares an uninitialized Rational.
-@item Rational x = 2; Rational y(2);
-Set x and y to the Rational value 2/1;
-@item Rational x(2, 3);
-Sets x to the Rational value 2/3;
-@item Rational x = 1.2;
-Sets x to a Rational value close to 1.2. Any double precision value
-may be used to construct a Rational. The Rational will possess
-exactly as much precision as the double. Double values that do
-not have precise floating point equivalents (like 1.2) produce
-similarly imprecise rational values.
-@item Rational x(Integer(123), Integer(4567));
-Sets x to the Rational value 123/4567.
-@item Rational u(x); Rational v = x;
-Set u and v to the same value as x.
-@item double(Rational x)
-A Rational may be coerced to a double with potential
-loss of precision. +/-HUGE is returned if it will not fit.
-@item Rational abs(x)
-returns the absolute value of x.
-@item void x.negate()
-negates x.
-@item void x.invert()
-sets x to 1/x.
-@item int sign(x)
-returns 0 if x is zero, 1 if positive, and -1 if negative.
-@item Rational sqr(x)
-returns x * x.
-@item Rational pow(x, Integer y)
-returns x to the y power.
-@item Integer x.numerator()
-returns the numerator.
-@item Integer x.denominator()
-returns the denominator.
-@item Integer floor(x)
-returns the greatest Integer less than x.
-@item Integer ceil(x)
-returns the least Integer greater than x.
-@item Integer trunc(x)
-returns the Integer part of x.
-@item Integer round(x)
-returns the nearest Integer to x.
-@item int compare(x, y)
-returns a negative, zero, or positive number signifying whether x is
-less than, equal to, or greater than y.
-@item ostream << x;
-prints x in the form num/den, or just num if the denominator is one.
-@item istream >> x;
-reads x in the form num/den, or just num in which case the
-denominator is set to one.
-@item add(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x + y.
-@item sub(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x - y.
-@item mul(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x * y.
-@item div(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x / y.
-@item pow(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = pow(x, y).
-@item negate(x, z)
-A faster way to say z = -x.
-@end table
-@node Complex, Fix, Rational, Top
-@chapter The Complex class.
-Class @code{Complex} is implemented in a way similar to that
-described by Stroustrup. In keeping with libg++ conventions,
-the class is named @code{Complex}, not @code{complex}.
-Complex arithmetic and relational operators are provided
-(@code{+, -, *, /, +=, -=, *=, /=, ==, !=}).
-Attempted division by (0, 0) triggers an exception.
-Complex numbers may be constructed and used in the following ways:
-@table @code
-@item Complex x;
-Declares an uninitialized Complex.
-@item Complex x = 2; Complex y(2.0);
-Set x and y to the Complex value (2.0, 0.0);
-@item Complex x(2, 3);
-Sets x to the Complex value (2, 3);
-@item Complex u(x); Complex v = x;
-Set u and v to the same value as x.
-@item double real(Complex& x);
-returns the real part of x.
-@item double imag(Complex& x);
-returns the imaginary part of x.
-@item double abs(Complex& x);
-returns the magnitude of x.
-@item double norm(Complex& x);
-returns the square of the magnitude of x.
-@item double arg(Complex& x);
-returns the argument (amplitude) of x.
-@item Complex polar(double r, double t = 0.0);
-returns a Complex with abs of r and arg of t.
-@item Complex conj(Complex& x);
-returns the complex conjugate of x.
-@item Complex cos(Complex& x);
-returns the complex cosine of x.
-@item Complex sin(Complex& x);
-returns the complex sine of x.
-@item Complex cosh(Complex& x);
-returns the complex hyperbolic cosine of x.
-@item Complex sinh(Complex& x);
-returns the complex hyperbolic sine of x.
-@item Complex exp(Complex& x);
-returns the exponential of x.
-@item Complex log(Complex& x);
-returns the natural log of x.
-@item Complex pow(Complex& x, long p);
-returns x raised to the p power.
-@item Complex pow(Complex& x, Complex& p);
-returns x raised to the p power.
-@item Complex sqrt(Complex& x);
-returns the square root of x.
-@item ostream << x;
-prints x in the form (re, im).
-@item istream >> x;
-reads x in the form (re, im), or just (re) or re in which case the
-imaginary part is set to zero.
-@end table
-@node Fix, Bit, Complex, Top
-@chapter Fixed precision numbers
-Classes @code{Fix16}, @code{Fix24}, @code{Fix32}, and @code{Fix48}
-support operations on 16, 24, 32, or 48 bit quantities that are
-considered as real numbers in the range [-1, +1). Such numbers are
-often encountered in digital signal processing applications. The classes
-may be be used in isolation or together. Class @code{Fix32}
-operations are entirely self-contained. Class @code{Fix16} operations
-are self-contained except that the multiplication operation @code{Fix16
-* Fix16} returns a @code{Fix32}. @code{Fix24} and @code{Fix48} are
-similarly related.
-The standard arithmetic and relational operations are supported
-(@code{=}, @code{+}, @code{-}, @code{*}, @code{/}, @code{<<}, @code{>>},
-@code{+=}, @code{-=}, @code{*=}, @code{/=}, @code{<<=}, @code{>>=},
-@code{==}, @code{!=}, @code{<}, @code{<=}, @code{>}, @code{>=}).
-All operations include provisions for special handling in cases where
-the result exceeds +/- 1.0. There are two cases that may be handled
-separately: ``overflow'' where the results of addition and subtraction
-operations go out of range, and all other ``range errors'' in which
-resulting values go off-scale (as with division operations, and
-assignment or initialization with off-scale values). In signal
-processing applications, it is often useful to handle these two cases
-differently. Handlers take one argument, a reference to the integer
-mantissa of the offending value, which may then be manipulated. In
-cases of overflow, this value is the result of the (integer) arithmetic
-computation on the mantissa; in others it is a fully saturated (i.e.,
-most positive or most negative) value. Handling may be reset to any of
-several provided functions or any other user-defined function via
-@code{set_overflow_handler} and @code{set_range_error_handler}. The
-provided functions for @code{Fix16} are as follows (corresponding
-functions are also supported for the others).
-@table @code
-@item Fix16_overflow_saturate
-The default overflow handler. Results are ``saturated'': positive results
-are set to the largest representable value (binary 0.111111...), and
-negative values to -1.0.
-@item Fix16_ignore
-Performs no action. For overflow, this will allow addition and
-subtraction operations to ``wrap around'' in the same manner
-as integer arithmetic, and for saturation, will leave values saturated.
-@item Fix16_overflow_warning_saturate
-Prints a warning message on standard error, then saturates the results.
-@item Fix16_warning
-The default range_error handler. Prints a warning message
-on standard error; otherwise leaving the argument unmodified.
-@item Fix16_abort
-prints an error message on standard error, then aborts execution.
-@end table
-In addition to arithmetic operations, the following are provided:
-@table @code
-@item Fix16 a = 0.5;
-Constructs fixed precision objects from double precision values.
-Attempting to initialize to a value outside the range invokes
-the range_error handler, except, as a convenience,
-initialization to 1.0 sets the variable to the most positive
-representable value (binary 0.1111111...) without invoking the handler.
-@item short& mantissa(a); long& mantissa(b);
-return a * pow(2, 15) or b * pow(2, 31) as an integer. These
-are returned by reference, to enable ``manual'' data manipulation.
-@item double value(a); double value(b);
-return a or b as floating point numbers.
-@end table
-@node Bit, Random, Fix, Top
-@chapter Classes for Bit manipulation
-libg++ provides several different classes supporting the use
-and manipulation of collections of bits in different ways.
-@itemize @bullet
-Class @code{Integer} provides ``integer'' semantics. It supports
-manipulation of bits in ways that are often useful when treating bit arrays
-as numerical (integer) quantities. This class is described elsewhere.
-Class @code{BitSet} provides ``set'' semantics. It supports operations
-useful when treating collections of bits as representing potentially
-infinite sets of integers.
-Class @code{BitSet32} supports fixed-length BitSets holding exactly
-32 bits.
-Class @code{BitSet256} supports fixed-length BitSets holding exactly
-256 bits.
-Class @code{BitString} provides ``string'' (or ``vector'') semantics.
-It supports operations useful when treating collections of bits as
-strings of zeros and ones.
-@end itemize
-These classes also differ in the following ways:
-@itemize @bullet
-BitSets are logically infinite. Their space is dynamically altered to
-adjust to the smallest number of consecutive bits actually required to
-represent the sets. Integers also have this property. BitStrings are
-logically finite, but their sizes are internally dynamically managed to
-maintain proper length. This means that, for example, BitStrings are
-concatenatable while BitSets and Integers are not.
-BitSet32 and BitSet256 have precisely the same properties as BitSets,
-except that they use constant fixed length bit vectors.
-While all classes support basic unary and binary operations @code{~, &,
-|, ^, -}, the semantics differ. BitSets perform bit operations that
-precisely mirror those for infinite sets. For example, complementing an
-empty BitSet returns one representing an infinite number of set bits.
-Operations on BitStrings and Integers operate only on those bits
-actually present in the representation. For BitStrings and Integers,
-the the @code{&} operation returns a BitString with a length equal to
-the minimum length of the operands, and @code{|, ^} return one with
-length of the maximum.
-Only BitStrings support substring extraction and bit pattern matching.
-@end itemize
-@section BitSet
-BitSets are objects that contain logically infinite sets of nonnegative
-integers. Representational details are discussed in the Representation
-chapter. Because they are logically infinite, all BitSets possess a
-trailing, infinitely replicated 0 or 1 bit, called the ``virtual bit'', and
-indicated via 0* or 1*.
-BitSet32 and BitSet256 have they same properties, except they are
-of fixed length, and thus have no virtual bit.
-BitSets may be constructed as follows:
-@table @code
-@item BitSet a;
-declares an empty BitSet.
-@item BitSet a = atoBitSet("001000");
-sets a to the BitSet 0010*, reading left-to-right. The ``0*''
-indicates that the set ends with an infinite number of zero
-(clear) bits.
-@item BitSet a = atoBitSet("00101*");
-sets a to the BitSet 00101*, where ``1*'' means that the set ends
-with an infinite number of one (set) bits.
-@item BitSet a = longtoBitSet((long)23);
-sets a to the BitSet 111010*, the binary representation of decimal 23.
-@item BitSet a = utoBitSet((unsigned)23);
-sets a to the BitSet 111010*, the binary representation of decimal 23.
-@end table
-The following functions and operators are provided (Assume the
-declaration of BitSets a = 0011010*, b = 101101*, throughout, as
-@table @code
-@item ~a
-returns the complement of a, or 1100101* in this case.
-@item a.complement()
-sets a to ~a.
-@item a & b; a &= b;
-returns a intersected with b, or 0011010*.
-@item a | b; a |= b;
-returns a unioned with b, or 1011111*.
-@item a - b; a -= b;
-returns the set difference of a and b, or 000010*.
-@item a ^ b; a ^= b;
-returns the symmetric difference of a and b, or 1000101*.
-@item a.empty()
-returns true if a is an empty set.
-@item a == b;
-returns true if a and b contain the same set.
-@item a <= b;
-returns true if a is a subset of b.
-@item a < b;
-returns true if a is a proper subset of b;
-@item a != b; a >= b; a > b;
-are the converses of the above.
-@item a.set(7)
-sets the 7th (counting from 0) bit of a, setting a to 001111010*
-@item a.clear(2)
-clears the 2nd bit bit of a, setting a to 00011110*
-@item a.clear()
-clears all bits of a;
-@item a.set()
-sets all bits of a;
-@item a.invert(0)
-complements the 0th bit of a, setting a to 10011110*
-@item a.set(0,1)
-sets the 0th through 1st bits of a, setting a to 110111110*
-The two-argument versions of clear and invert are similar.
-@item a.test(3)
-returns true if the 3rd bit of a is set.
-@item a.test(3, 5)
-returns true if any of bits 3 through 5 are set.
-@item int i = a[3]; a[3] = 0;
-The subscript operator allows bits to be inspected and changed
-via standard subscript semantics, using a friend class BitSetBit.
-The use of the subscript operator a[i] rather than a.test(i)
-requires somewhat greater overhead.
-@item a.first(1) or a.first()
-returns the index of the first set bit of a (2 in this case),
-or -1 if no bits are set.
-@item a.first(0)
-returns the index of the first clear bit of a (0 in this case),
-or -1 if no bits are clear.
-@item, 1) or
-returns the index of the next bit after position 2 that is set (3
-in this case) or -1. @code{first} and @code{next} may be used as
-iterators, as in
-@code{for (int i = a.first(); i >= 0; i =}.
-@item a.last(1)
-returns the index of the rightmost set bit, or -1 if there or no set
-bits or all set bits.
-@item a.prev(3, 0)
-returns the index of the previous clear bit before position 3.
-@item a.count(1)
-returns the number of set bits in a, or -1 if there are
-an infinite number.
-@item a.virtual_bit()
-returns the trailing (infinitely replicated) bit of a.
-@item a = atoBitSet("ababX", 'a', 'b', 'X');
-converts the char* string into a bitset, with 'a' denoting false,
-'b' denoting true, and 'X' denoting infinite replication.
-@item a.printon(cout, '-', '.', 0)
-prints @code{a} to @code{cout} represented with
-@code{'-'} for falses, @code{'.'} for trues, and no replication marker.
-@item cout << a
-prints @code{a} to @code{cout} (representing lases by @code{'f'},
-trues by @code{'t'}, and using @code{'*'} as the replication marker).
-@end table
-@section BitString
-BitStrings are objects that contain arbitrary-length strings of
-zeroes and ones. BitStrings possess some features that make them
-behave like sets, and others that behave as strings. They are
-useful in applications (such as signature-based algorithms) where
-both capabilities are needed. Representational details are
-discussed in the Representation chapter. Most capabilities are
-exact analogs of those supported in the BitSet and String
-classes. A BitSubString is used with substring operations along
-the same lines as the String SubString class. A BitPattern class
-is used for masked bit pattern searching.
-Only a default constructor is supported. The declaration
-@code{BitString a;} initializes a to be an empty BitString.
-BitStrings may often be initialized via @code{atoBitString}
-and @code{longtoBitString}.
-Set operations (@code{ ~, complement, &, &=, |, |=, -, ^, ^=})
-behave just as the BitSet versions, except that there is no
-``virtual bit'': complementing complements only those bits in the
-BitString, and all binary operations across unequal length
-BitStrings assume a virtual bit of zero. The @code{&} operation
-returns a BitString with a length equal to the minimum length of
-the operands, and @code{|, ^} return one with length of the
-Set-based relational operations (@code{==, !=, <=, <, >=, >})
-follow the same rules. A string-like lexicographic comparison
-function, @code{lcompare}, tests the lexicographic relation between
-two BitStrings. For example, lcompare(1100, 0101) returns 1,
-since the first BitString starts with 1 and the second with 0.
-Individual bit setting, testing, and iterator operations
-(@code{set, clear, invert, test, first, next, last, prev})
-are also like those for BitSets. BitStrings are automatically
-expanded when setting bits at positions greater than their
-current length.
-The string-based capabilities are just as those for class String.
-BitStrings may be concatenated (@code{+, +=}), searched
-(@code{index, contains, matches}), and extracted into
-BitSubStrings (@code{before, at, after}) which may be assigned and
-otherwise manipulated. Other string-based utility functions
-(@code{reverse, common_prefix, common_suffix}) are also provided.
-These have the same capabilities and descriptions as those
-for Strings.
-String-oriented operations can also be performed with a mask via
-class BitPattern. BitPatterns consist of two BitStrings, a
-pattern and a mask. On searching and matching, bits in the pattern
-that correspond to 0 bits in the mask are ignored. (The mask may
-be shorter than the pattern, in which case trailing mask bits are
-assumed to be 0). The pattern and mask are both public variables,
-and may be individually subjected to other bit operations.
-Converting to char* and printing (@code{(atoBitString,
-atoBitPattern, printon, ostream <<)}) are also as in BitSets,
-except that no virtual bit is used, and an 'X' in a BitPattern means
-that the pattern bit is masked out.
-The following features are unique to BitStrings.
-Assume declarations of BitString a = atoBitString("01010110") and b =
-@table @code
-@item a = b + c;
-Sets a to the concatenation of b and c;
-@item a = b + 0; a = b + 1;
-sets a to b, appended with a zero (one).
-@item a += b;
-appends b to a;
-@item a += 0; a += 1;
-appends a zero (one) to a.
-@item a << 2; a <<= 2
-return a with 2 zeros prepended, setting a to 0001010110. (Note
-the necessary confusion of << and >> operators. For consistency
-with the integer versions, << shifts low bits to high, even though
-they are printed low bits first.)
-@item a >> 3; a >>= 3
-return a with the first 3 bits deleted, setting a to 10110.
-@item a.left_trim(0)
-deletes all 0 bits on the left of a, setting a to 1010110.
-@item a.right_trim(0)
-deletes all trailing 0 bits of a, setting a to 0101011.
-@item cat(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x + y.
-@item diff(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x - y.
-@item and(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x & y.
-@item or(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x | y.
-@item xor(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x ^ y.
-@item lshift(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x << y.
-@item rshift(x, y, z)
-A faster way to say z = x >> y.
-@item complement(x, z)
-A faster way to say z = ~x.
-@end table
-@node Random, Data, Bit, Top
-@chapter Random Number Generators and related classes
-The two classes @code{RNG} and @code{Random} are used together to
-generate a variety of random number distributions. A distinction must
-be made between @emph{random number generators}, implemented by class
-@code{RNG}, and @emph{random number distributions}. A random number
-generator produces a series of randomly ordered bits. These bits can be
-used directly, or cast to other representations, such as a floating
-point value. A random number generator should produce a @emph{uniform}
-distribution. A random number distribution, on the other hand, uses the
-randomly generated bits of a generator to produce numbers from a
-distribution with specific properties. Each instance of @code{Random}
-uses an instance of class @code{RNG} to provide the raw, uniform
-distribution used to produce the specific distribution. Several
-instances of @code{Random} classes can share the same instance of
-@code{RNG}, or each instance can use its own copy.
-@section RNG
-Random distributions are constructed from members of class @code{RNG},
-the actual random number generators. The @code{RNG} class contains no
-data; it only serves to define the interface to random number
-generators. The @code{RNG::asLong} member returns an unsigned long
-(typically 32 bits) of random bits. Applications that require a number
-of random bits can use this directly. More often, these random bits are
-transformed to a uniform random number:
- //
- // Return random bits converted to either a float or a double
- //
- float asFloat();
- double asDouble();
-@end smallexample
-using either @code{asFloat} or @code{asDouble}. It is intended that
-@code{asFloat} and @code{asDouble} return differing precisions;
-typically, @code{asDouble} will draw two random longwords and transform
-them into a legal @code{double}, while @code{asFloat} will draw a single
-longword and transform it into a legal @code{float}. These members are
-used by subclasses of the @code{Random} class to implement a variety of
-random number distributions.
-@section ACG
-Class @code{ACG} is a variant of a Linear Congruential Generator
-(Algorithm M) described in Knuth, @emph{Art of Computer Programming, Vol
-III}. This result is permuted with a Fibonacci Additive Congruential
-Generator to get good independence between samples. This is a very high
-quality random number generator, although it requires a fair amount of
-memory for each instance of the generator.
-The @code{ACG::ACG} constructor takes two parameters: the seed and the
-size. The seed is any number to be used as an initial seed. The
-performance of the generator depends on having a distribution of bits
-through the seed. If you choose a number in the range of 0 to 31, a
-seed with more bits is chosen. Other values are deterministically
-modified to give a better distribution of bits. This provides a good
-random number generator while still allowing a sequence to be repeated
-given the same initial seed.
-The @code{size} parameter determines the size of two tables used in the
-generator. The first table is used in the Additive Generator; see the
-algorithm in Knuth for more information. In general, this table is
-@code{size} longwords long. The default value, used in the algorithm in
-Knuth, gives a table of 220 bytes. The table size affects the period of
-the generators; smaller values give shorter periods and larger tables
-give longer periods. The smallest table size is 7 longwords, and the
-longest is 98 longwords. The @code{size} parameter also determines the
-size of the table used for the Linear Congruential Generator. This value
-is chosen implicitly based on the size of the Additive Congruential
-Generator table. It is two powers of two larger than the power of two
-that is larger than @code{size}. For example, if @code{size} is 7, the
-ACG table is 7 longwords and the LCG table is 128 longwords. Thus, the
-default size (55) requires 55 + 256 longwords, or 1244 bytes. The
-largest table requires 2440 bytes and the smallest table requires 100
-bytes. Applications that require a large number of generators or
-applications that aren't so fussy about the quality of the generator may
-elect to use the @code{MLCG} generator.
-@section MLCG
-The @code{MLCG} class implements a @emph{Multiplicative Linear
-Congruential Generator}. In particular, it is an implementation of the
-double MLCG described in @emph{``Efficient and Portable Combined Random
-Number Generators''} by Pierre L'Ecuyer, appearing in
-@emph{Communications of the ACM, Vol. 31. No. 6}. This generator has a
-fairly long period, and has been statistically analyzed to show that it
-gives good inter-sample independence.
-The @code{MLCG::MLCG} constructor has two parameters, both of which are
-seeds for the generator. As in the @code{MLCG} generator, both seeds are
-modified to give a ``better'' distribution of seed digits. Thus, you can
-safely use values such as `0' or `1' for the seeds. The @code{MLCG}
-generator used much less state than the @code{ACG} generator; only two
-longwords (8 bytes) are needed for each generator.
-@section Random
-A random number generator may be declared by first declaring a
-@code{RNG} and then a @code{Random}. For example, @code{ACG gen(10, 20);
-NegativeExpntl rnd (1.0, &gen);} declares an additive congruential
-generator with seed 10 and table size 20, that is used to generate
-exponentially distributed values with mean of 1.0.
-The virtual member @code{Random::operator()} is the common way of
-extracting a random number from a particular distribution. The base
-class, @code{Random} does not implement @code{operator()}. This is
-performed by each of the subclasses. Thus, given the above declaration
-of @code{rnd}, new random values may be obtained via, for example,
-@code{double next_exp_rand = rnd();} Currently, the following subclasses
-are provided.
-@section Binomial
-The binomial distribution models successfully drawing items from
-a pool. The first parameter to the constructor, @code{n}, is the
-number of items in the pool, and the second parameter, @code{u},
-is the probability of each item being successfully drawn. The
-member @code{asDouble} returns the number of samples drawn from
-the pool. Although it is not checked, it is assumed that
-@code{n>0} and @code{0 <= u <= 1}. The remaining members allow
-you to read and set the parameters.
-@section Erlang
-The @code{Erlang} class implements an Erlang distribution with
-mean @code{mean} and variance @code{variance}.
-@section Geometric
-The @code{Geometric} class implements a discrete geometric
-distribution. The first parameter to the constructor,
-@code{mean}, is the mean of the distribution. Although it is not
-checked, it is assumed that @code{0 <= mean <= 1}.
-@code{Geometric()} returns the number of uniform random samples
-that were drawn before the sample was larger than @code{mean}.
-This quantity is always greater than zero.
-@section HyperGeometric
-The @code{HyperGeometric} class implements the hypergeometric
-distribution. The first parameter to the constructor,
-@code{mean}, is the mean and the second, @code{variance}, is the
-variance. The remaining members allow you to inspect and change
-the mean and variance.
-@section NegativeExpntl
-The @code{NegativeExpntl} class implements the negative
-exponential distribution. The first parameter to the constructor
-is the mean. The remaining members allow you to inspect and
-change the mean.
-@section Normal
-The @code{Normal}class implements the normal distribution. The
-first parameter to the constructor, @code{mean}, is the mean and
-the second, @code{variance}, is the variance. The remaining
-members allow you to inspect and change the mean and variance.
-The @code{LogNormal} class is a subclass of @code{Normal}.
-@section LogNormal
-The @code{LogNormal}class implements the logarithmic normal
-distribution. The first parameter to the constructor,
-@code{mean}, is the mean and the second, @code{variance}, is the
-variance. The remaining members allow you to inspect and change
-the mean and variance. The @code{LogNormal} class is a subclass
-of @code{Normal}.
-@section Poisson
-The @code{Poisson} class implements the poisson distribution.
-The first parameter to the constructor is the mean. The
-remaining members allow you to inspect and change the mean.
-@section DiscreteUniform
-The @code{DiscreteUniform} class implements a uniform random variable over
-the closed interval ranging from @code{[low..high]}. The first parameter
-to the constructor is @code{low}, and the second is @code{high}, although
-the order of these may be reversed. The remaining members allow you to
-inspect and change @code{low} and @code{high}.
-@section Uniform
-The @code{Uniform} class implements a uniform random variable over the
-open interval ranging from @code{[low..high)}. The first parameter to
-the constructor is @code{low}, and the second is @code{high}, although
-the order of these may be reversed. The remaining members allow you to
-inspect and change @code{low} and @code{high}.@refill
-@section Weibull
-The @code{Weibull} class implements a weibull distribution with
-parameters @code{alpha} and @code{beta}. The first parameter to
-the class constructor is @code{alpha}, and the second parameter
-is @code{beta}. The remaining members allow you to inspect and
-change @code{alpha} and @code{beta}.
-@section RandomInteger
-The @code{RandomInteger} class is @emph{not} a subclass of Random,
-but a stand-alone integer-oriented class that is dependent on the
-RNG classes. RandomInteger returns random integers uniformly from
-the closed interval @code{[low..high]}. The first parameter to the
-constructor is @code{low}, and the second is @code{high}, although
-both are optional. The last argument is always a generator.
-Additional members allow you to inspect and change @code{low} and
-@code{high}. Random integers are generated using @code{asInt()} or
-@code{asLong()}. Operator syntax (@code{()}) is also available as a
-shorthand for @code{asLong()}. Because @code{RandomInteger} is often
-used in simulations for which uniform random integers are desired over
-a variety of ranges, @code{asLong()} and @code{asInt} have @code{high}
-as an optional argument. Using this optional argument produces a
-single value from the new range, but does not change the default
-@node Data, Curses, Random, Top
-@chapter Data Collection
-Libg++ currently provides two classes for @emph{data collection}
-and analysis of the collected data.
-@section SampleStatistic
-Class @code{SampleStatistic} provides a means of accumulating
-samples of @code{double} values and providing common sample statistics.
-Assume declaration of @code{double x}.
-@table @code
-@item SampleStatistic a;
-declares and initializes a.
-@item a.reset();
-re-initializes a.
-@item a += x;
-adds sample x.
-@item int n = a.samples();
-returns the number of samples.
-@item x = a.mean;
-returns the means of the samples.
-@item x = a.var()
-returns the sample variance of the samples.
-@item x = a.stdDev()
-returns the sample standard deviation of the samples.
-@item x = a.min()
-returns the minimum encountered sample.
-@item x = a.max()
-returns the maximum encountered sample.
-@item x = a.confidence(int p)
-returns the p-percent (0 <= p < 100) confidence interval.
-@item x = a.confidence(double p)
-returns the p-probability (0 <= p < 1) confidence interval.
-@end table
-@section SampleHistogram
-Class @code{SampleHistogram} is a derived class of
-@code{SampleStatistic} that supports collection and display of samples
-in bucketed intervals. It supports the following in addition to
-@code{SampleStatisic} operations.
-@table @code
-@item SampleHistogram h(double lo, double hi, double width);
-declares and initializes h to have buckets of size width from lo to hi.
-If the optional argument width is not specified, 10 buckets are
-created. The first bucket and also holds samples less than lo,
-and the last one holds samples greater than hi.
-@item int n = h.similarSamples(x)
-returns the number of samples in the same bucket as x.
-@item int n = h.inBucket(int i)
-returns the number of samples in bucket i.
-@item int b = h.buckets()
-returns the number of buckets.
-@item h.printBuckets(ostream s)
-prints bucket counts on ostream s.
-@item double bound = h.bucketThreshold(int i)
-returns the upper bound of bucket i.
-@end table
-@node Curses, List, Data, Top
-@chapter Curses-based classes
-The @code{CursesWindow} class is a repackaging of standard
-curses library features into a class. It relies on @file{curses.h}.
-The supplied @file{curses.h} is a fairly conservative declaration
-of curses library features, and does not include features like
-``screen'' or X-window support. It is, for the most part, an
-adaptation, rather than an improvement of C-based @file{curses.h}
-files. The only substantive changes are the declarations of
-many functions as inline functions rather than macros, which
-was done solely to allow overloading.
-The @code{CursesWindow} class encapsulates curses window functions
-within a class. Only those functions that control windows are included:
-Terminal control functions and macros like @code{cbreak} are not part
-of the class. All @code{CursesWindows} member functions have names
-identical to the corresponding curses library functions, except that the
-``w'' prefix is generally dropped. Descriptions of these functions may
-be found in your local curses library documentation.
-A @code{CursesWindow} may be declared via
-@table @code
-@item CursesWindow w(WINDOW* win)
-attaches w to the existing WINDOW* win. This is constructor is normally
-used only in the following special case.
-@item CursesWindow w(stdscr)
-attaches w to the default curses library standard screen window.
-@item CursesWindow w(int lines, int cols, int begin_y, int begin_x)
-attaches to an allocated curses window with the indicated size and
-screen position.
-@item CursesWindow sub(CursesWindow& w,int l,int c,int by,int bx,char ar='a')
-attaches to a subwindow of w created via the curses `subwin' command.
-If ar is sent as `r', the origin (by, bx) is relative to the parent
-window, else it is absolute.
-@end table
-The class maintains a static counter that is used in order to
-automatically call the curses library @code{initscr} and @code{endscr}
-functions at the proper times. These need not, and should not be
-called ``manually''.
-@code{CursesWindow}s maintain a tree of their subwindows. Upon
-destruction of a @code{CursesWindow}, all of their subwindows are
-also invalidated if they had not previously been destroyed.
-It is possible to traverse trees of subwindows via the following
-member functions
-@table @code
-@item CursesWindow* w.parent()
-returns a pointer to the parent of the subwindow, or 0 if there is none.
-@item CursesWindow* w.child()
-returns the first child subwindow of the window, or 0 if there is none.
-@item CursesWindow* w.sibling()
-returns the next sibling of the subwindow, or 0 if there is none.
-@end table
-For example, to call some function @code{visit} for all subwindows
-of a window, you could write
-void traverse(CursesWindow& w)
- visit(w);
- if (w.child() != 0) traverse(*w.child);
- if (w.sibling() != 0) traverse(*w.sibling);
-@end example
-@node List, LinkList, Curses, Top
-@chapter List classes
-The files @file{g++-include/List.hP} and @file{g++-include/List.ccP}
-provide pseudo-generic Lisp-type List classes. These lists are homogeneous
-lists, more similar to lists in statically typed functional languages like
-ML than Lisp, but support operations very similar to those found in Lisp.
-Any particular kind of list class may be generated via the @code{genclass}
-shell command. However, the implementation assumes that the base class
-supports an equality operator @code{==}. All equality tests use the
-@code{==} operator, and are thus equivalent to the use of @code{equal}, not
-@code{eq} in Lisp.@refill
-All list nodes are created dynamically, and managed via reference counts.
-@code{List} variables are actually pointers to these list nodes.
-Lists may also be traversed via Pixes, as described in the section
-describing Pixes. @xref{Pix}
-Supported operations are mirrored closely after those in Lisp. Generally,
-operations with functional forms are constructive, functional operations,
-while member forms (often with the same name) are sometimes
-procedural, possibly destructive operations.
-As with Lisp, destructive operations are supported. Programmers
-are allowed to change head and tail fields in any fashion, creating
-circular structures and the like. However, again as with Lisp, some
-operations implicitly assume that they are operating on pure lists, and
-may enter infinite loops when presented with improper lists. Also, the
-reference-counting storage management facility may fail to reclaim
-unused circularly-linked nodes.
-Several Lisp-like higher order functions are supported (e.g., @code{map}).
-Typedef declarations for the required functional forms are provided
-int the @file{.h} file.
-For purposes of illustration, assume the specification of class
-@code{intList}. Common Lisp versions of supported operations are shown
-in brackets for comparison purposes.
-@section Constructors and assignment
-@table @code
-@item intList a; [ (setq a nil) ]
-Declares a to be a nil intList.
-@item intList b(2); [ (setq b (cons 2 nil)) ]
-Declares b to be an intList with a head value of 2, and a nil tail.
-@item intList c(3, b); [ (setq c (cons 3 b)) ]
-Declares c to be an intList with a head value of 3, and b as its tail.
-@item b = a; [ (setq b a) ]
-Sets b to be the same list as a.
-@end table
-Assume the declarations of intLists a, b, and c in the following.
-@section List status
-@table @code
-@item a.null(); OR !a; [ (null a) ]
-returns true if a is null.
-@item a.valid(); [ (listp a) ]
-returns true if a is non-null. Inside a conditional test, the
-@code{void*} coercion may also be used as in @code{if (a) ...}.
-@item intList(); [ nil ]
-intList() may be used to null terminate a list, as in
-@code{intList f(int x) @{if (x == 0) return intList(); ... @} }.
-@item a.length(); [ (length a) ]
-returns the length of a.
-@item a.list_length(); [ (list-length a) ]
-returns the length of a, or -1 if a is circular.
-@end table
-@section heads and tails
-@table @code
-@item a.get(); OR a.head() [ (car a) ]
-returns a reference to the head field.
-@item a[2]; [ (elt a 2) ]
-returns a reference to the second (counting from zero) head field.
-@item a.tail(); [ (cdr a) ]
-returns the intList that is the tail of a.
-@item a.last(); [ (last a) ]
-returns the intList that is the last node of a.
-@item a.nth(2); [ (nth a 2) ]
-returns the intList that is the nth node of a.
-@item a.set_tail(b); [ (rplacd a b) ]
-sets a's tail to b.
-@item a.push(2); [ (push 2 a) ]
-equivalent to a = intList(2, a);
-@item int x = a.pop() [ (setq x (car a)) (pop a) ]
-returns the head of a, also setting a to its tail.
-@end table
-@section Constructive operations
-@table @code
-@item b = copy(a); [ (setq b (copy-seq a)) ]
-sets b to a copy of a.
-@item b = reverse(a); [ (setq b (reverse a)) ]
-Sets b to a reversed copy of a.
-@item c = concat(a, b); [ (setq c (concat a b)) ]
-Sets c to a concatenated copy of a and b.
-@item c = append(a, b); [ (setq c (append a b)) ]
-Sets c to a concatenated copy of a and b. All nodes of a are
-copied, with the last node pointing to b.
-@item b = map(f, a); [ (setq b (mapcar f a)) ]
-Sets b to a new list created by applying function f to each node
-of a.
-@item c = combine(f, a, b);
-Sets c to a new list created by applying function f to successive
-pairs of a and b. The resulting list has length the shorter of a
-and b.
-@item b = remove(x, a); [ (setq b (remove x a)) ]
-Sets b to a copy of a, omitting all occurrences of x.
-@item b = remove(f, a); [ (setq b (remove-if f a)) ]
-Sets b to a copy of a, omitting values causing function f to
-return true.
-@item b = select(f, a); [ (setq b (remove-if-not f a)) ]
-Sets b to a copy of a, omitting values causing function f to
-return false.
-@item c = merge(a, b, f); [ (setq c (merge a b f)) ]
-Sets c to a list containing the ordered elements (using the
-comparison function f) of the sorted lists a and b.
-@end table
-@section Destructive operations
-@table @code
-@item a.append(b); [ (rplacd (last a) b) ]
-appends b to the end of a. No new nodes are constructed.
-@item a.prepend(b); [ (setq a (append b a)) ]
-prepends b to the beginning of a.
-@item a.del(x); [ (delete x a) ]
-deletes all nodes with value x from a.
-@item a.del(f); [ (delete-if f a) ]
-deletes all nodes causing function f to return true.
-@item; [ (delete-if-not f a) ]
-deletes all nodes causing function f to return false.
-@item a.reverse(); [ (nreverse a) ]
-reverses a in-place.
-@item a.sort(f); [ (sort a f) ]
-sorts a in-place using ordering (comparison) function f.
-@item a.apply(f); [ (mapc f a) ]
-Applies void function f (int x) to each element of a.
-@item a.subst(int old, int repl); [ (nsubst repl old a) ]
-substitutes repl for each occurrence of old in a. Note the
-different argument order than the Lisp version.
-@end table
-@section Other operations
-@table @code
-@item a.find(int x); [ (find x a) ]
-returns the intList at the first occurrence of x.
-@item a.find(b); [ (find b a) ]
-returns the intList at the first occurrence of sublist b.
-@item a.contains(int x); [ (member x a) ]
-returns true if a contains x.
-@item a.contains(b); [ (member b a) ]
-returns true if a contains sublist b.
-@item a.position(int x); [ (position x a) ]
-returns the zero-based index of x in a, or -1 if x does not occur.
-@item int x = a.reduce(f, int base); [ (reduce f a :initial-value base) ]
-Accumulates the result of applying int function f(int, int) to
-successive elements of a, starting with base.
-@end table
-@node LinkList, Vector, List, Top
-@chapter Linked Lists
-SLLists provide pseudo-generic singly linked lists. DLLists provide
-doubly linked lists. The lists are designed for the simple maintenance
-of elements in a linked structure, and do not provide the more extensive
-operations (or node-sharing) of class @code{List}. They behave similarly
-to the @code{slist} and similar classes described by Stroustrup.@refill
-All list nodes are created dynamically. Assignment is performed via
-Class @code{DLList} supports all @code{SLList} operations, plus
-additional operations described below.
-For purposes of illustration, assume the specification of class
-@code{intSLList}. In addition to the operations listed here,
-SLLists support traversal via Pixes. @xref{Pix}
-@table @code
-@item intSLList a;
-Declares a to be an empty list.
-@item intSLList b = a;
-Sets b to an element-by-element copy of a.
-@item a.empty()
-returns true if a contains no elements
-@item a.length();
-returns the number of elements in a.
-@item a.prepend(x);
-places x at the front of the list.
-@item a.append(x);
-places x at the end of the list.
-@item a.join(b)
-places all nodes from b to the end of a, simultaneously destroying b.
-@item x = a.front()
-returns a reference to the item stored at the head of the list,
-or triggers an error if the list is empty.
-@item a.rear()
-returns a reference to the rear of the list, or triggers an error if the
-list is empty.
-@item x = a.remove_front()
-deletes and returns the item stored at the head of the list.
-@item a.del_front()
-deletes the first element, without returning it.
-@item a.clear()
-deletes all items from the list.
-@item a.ins_after(Pix i, item);
-inserts item after position i. If i is null, insertion is at the front.
-@item a.del_after(Pix i);
-deletes the element following i. If i is 0, the first item is deleted.
-@end table
-@section Doubly linked lists
-Class @code{DLList} supports the following additional operations,
-as well as backward traversal via Pixes.
-@table @code
-@item x = a.remove_rear();
-deletes and returns the item stored at the rear of the list.
-@item a.del_rear();
-deletes the last element, without returning it.
-@item a.ins_before(Pix i, x)
-inserts x before the i.
-@item a.del(Pix& iint dir = 1)
-deletes the item at the current position, then advances forward
-if dir is positive, else backward.
-@end table
-@node Vector, Plex, LinkList, Top
-@chapter Vector classes
-The files @file{g++-include/Vec.ccP} and @file{g++-include/AVec.ccP}
-provide pseudo-generic standard array-based vector operations. The
-corresponding header files are @file{g++-include/Vec.hP} and
-@file{g++-include/AVec.hP}. Class @code{Vec} provides operations
-suitable for any base class that includes an equality operator. Subclass
-@code{AVec} provides additional arithmetic operations suitable for base
-classes that include the full complement of arithmetic operators.
-@code{Vecs} are constructed and assigned by copying. Thus, they should
-normally be passed by reference in applications programs.
-Several mapping functions are provided that allow programmers to
-specify operations on vectors as a whole.
-For illustrative purposes assume that classes @code{intVec} and
-@code{intAVec} have been generated via @code{genclass}.
-@section Constructors and assignment
-@table @code
-@item intVec a;
-declares a to be an empty vector. Its size may be changed via resize.
-@item intVec a(10);
-declares a to be an uninitialized vector of ten elements (numbered 0-9).
-@item intVec b(6, 0);
-declares b to be a vector of six elements, all initialized to zero. Any
-value can be used as the initial fill argument.
-@item a = b;
-Copies b to a. a is resized to be the same as b.
-@item a =, 4)
-constructs a from the 4 elements of b starting at b[2].
-@end table
-Assume declarations of @code{intVec a, b, c} and @code{int i, x} in
-the following.
-@section Status and access
-@table @code
-@item a.capacity();
-returns the number of elements that can be held in a.
-@item a.resize(20);
-sets a's length to 20. All elements are unchanged, except that if
-the new size is smaller than the original, than trailing elements
-are deleted, and if greater, trailing elements are uninitialized.
-@item a[i];
-returns a reference to the i'th element of a, or produces an error
-if i is out of range.
-@item a.elem(i)
-returns a reference to the i'th element of a. Unlike the @code{[]} operator,
-i is not checked to ensure that it is within range.
-@item a == b;
-returns true if a and b contain the same elements in the same order.
-@item a != b;
-is the converse of a == b.
-@end table
-@section Constructive operations
-@table @code
-@item c = concat(a, b);
-sets c to the new vector constructed from all of the elements of
-a followed by all of b.
-@item c = map(f, a);
-sets c to the new vector constructed by applying int function f(int)
-to each element of a.
-@item c = merge(a, b, f);
-sets c to the new vector constructed by merging the elements of
-ordered vectors a and b using ordering (comparison) function f.
-@item c = combine(f, a, b);
-sets c to the new vector constructed by applying int function f(int, int)
-to successive pairs of a and b. The result has length the shorter of
-a and b.
-@item c = reverse(a)
-sets c to a, with elements in reverse order.
-@end table
-@section Destructive operations
-@table @code
-@item a.reverse();
-reverses a in-place.
-@item a.sort(f)
-sorts a in-place using comparison function f. The sorting method is a
-variation of the quicksort functions supplied with GNU emacs.
-@item a.fill(0, 4, 2)
-fills the 2 elements starting at a[4] with zero.
-@end table
-@section Other operations
-@table @code
-@item a.apply(f)
-applies function f to each element in a.
-@item x = a.reduce(f, base)
-accumulates the results of applying function f to successive elements
-of a starting with base.
-@item a.index(int targ);
-returns the index of the leftmost occurrence of the target, or -1,
-if it does not occur.
-@item a.error(char* msg)
-invokes the error handler. The default version prints the error message,
-then aborts.
-@end table
-@section AVec operations.
-AVecs provide additional arithmetic operations. All vector-by-vector
-operators generate an error if the vectors are not the same length. The
-following operations are provided, for @code{AVecs a, b} and
-base element (scalar) @code{s}.
-@table @code
-@item a = b;
-Copies b to a. a and b must be the same size.
-@item a = s;
-fills all elements of a with the value s. a is not resized.
-@item a + s; a - s; a * s; a / s
-adds, subtracts, multiplies, or divides each element of a with the scalar.
-@item a += s; a -= s; a *= s; a /= s;
-adds, subtracts, multiplies, or divides the scalar into a.
-@item a + b; a - b; product(a, b), quotient(a, b)
-adds, subtracts, multiplies, or divides corresponding elements of a and b.
-@item a += b; a -= b; a.product(b); a.quotient(b);
-adds, subtracts, multiplies, or divides corresponding elements of b into a.
-@item s = a * b;
-returns the inner (dot) product of a and b.
-@item x = a.sum();
-returns the sum of elements of a.
-@item x = a.sumsq();
-returns the sum of squared elements of a.
-@item x = a.min();
-returns the minimum element of a.
-@item x = a.max();
-returns the maximum element of a.
-@item i = a.min_index();
-returns the index of the minimum element of a.
-@item i = a.max_index();
-returns the index of the maximum element of a.
-Note that it is possible to apply vector versions other arithmetic
-operators via the mapping functions. For example, to set vector b
-to the cosines of doubleVec a, use @code{b = map(cos, a);}.
-This is often more efficient than performing the operations
-in an element-by-element fashion.
-@end table
-@node Plex, Stack, Vector, Top
-@chapter Plex classes
-A ``Plex'' is a kind of array with the following properties:
-@itemize @bullet
-Plexes may have arbitrary upper and lower index bounds. For example
-a Plex may be declared to run from indices -10 .. 10.
-Plexes may be dynamically expanded at both the lower and upper bounds
-of the array in steps of one element.
-Only elements that have been specifically initialized or added may
-be accessed.
-Elements may be accessed via indices. Indices are always checked for
-validity at run time. Plexes may be traversed via simple variations of
-standard array indexing loops.
-Plex elements may be accessed and traversed via Pixes.
-Plex-to-Plex assignment and related operations on entire Plexes
-are supported.
-Plex classes contain methods to help programmers check the validity
-of indexing and pointer operations.
-Plexes form ``natural'' base classes for many restricted-access data
-structures relying on logically contiguous indices, such as array-based
-stacks and queues.
-Plexes are implemented as pseudo-generic classes, and must be generated
-via the @code{genclass} utility.
-@end itemize
-Four subclasses of Plexes are supported: A @code{FPlex} is a Plex that
-may only grow or shrink within declared bounds; an @code{XPlex} may
-dynamically grow or shrink without bounds; an @code{RPlex} is the
-same as an @code{XPlex} but better supports indexing with poor
-locality of reference; a @code{MPlex} may grow
-or shrink, and additionally allows the logical deletion and restoration
-of elements. Because these classes are virtual subclasses of the
-``abstract'' class @code{Plex}, it is possible to write user code
-such as @code{void f(Plex& a) ...} that operates on any kind of
-Plex. However, as with nearly any virtual class, specifying the
-particular Plex class being used results in more efficient code.
-Plexes are implemented as a linked list of @code{IChunks}. Each chunk
-contains a part of the array. Chunk sizes may be specified within Plex
-constructors. Default versions also exist, that use a @code{#define'd}
-default. Plexes grow by filling unused space in existing chunks, if
-possible, else, except for FPlexes, by adding another chunk. Whenever
-Plexes grow by a new chunk, the default element constructors (i.e.,
-those which take no arguments) for all chunk elements are called at
-once. When Plexes shrink, destructors for the elements are not called
-until an entire chunk is freed. For this reason, Plexes (like C++
-arrays) should only be used for elements with default constructors and
-destructors that have no side effects.
-Plexes may be indexed and used like arrays, although traversal
-syntax is slightly different. Even though Plexes maintain elements
-in lists of chunks, they are implemented so that iteration and
-other constructs that maintain locality of reference require very
-little overhead over that for simple array traversal
-Pix-based traversal is also supported. For example, for a plex, p,
-of ints, the following traversal methods could be used.
-for (int i = p.low(); i < p.fence(); use(p[i]);
-for (int i = p.high(); i > p.ecnef(); p.prev(i)) use(p[i]);
-for (Pix t = p.first(); t != 0; use(p(i));
-for (Pix t = p.last(); t != 0; p.prev(t)) use(p(i));
-@end smallexample
-Except for MPlexes, simply using @code{++i} and @code{--i} works just as
-well as @code{} and @code{p.prev(i)} when traversing by index.
-Index-based traversal is generally a bit faster than Pix-based
-@code{XPlexes} and @code{MPlexes} are less than optimal for applications
-in which widely scattered elements are indexed, as might occur when
-using Plexes as hash tables or ``manually'' allocated linked lists.
-In such applications, @code{RPlexes} are often preferable. @code{RPlexes}
-use a secondary chunk index table that requires slightly greater,
-but entirely uniform overhead per index operation.
-Even though they may grow in either direction, Plexes are normally
-constructed so that their ``natural'' growth direction is upwards,
-in that default chunk construction leaves free space, if present,
-at the end of the plex. However, if the chunksize arguments to
-constructors are negative, they leave space at the beginning.
-All versions of Plexes support the following basic capabilities.
-(letting @code{Plex} stand for the type name constructed via the
-genclass utility (e.g., @code{intPlex}, @code{doublePlex})). Assume
-declarations of @code{Plex p, q}, @code{int i, j}, base element
-@code{x}, and Pix @code{pix}.
-@table @code
-@item Plex p;
-Declares p to be an initially zero-sized Plex with low index of zero,
-and the default chunk size. For FPlexes, chunk sizes represent maximum
-@item Plex p(int size);
-Declares p to be an initially zero-sized Plex with low index of zero,
-and the indicated chunk size. If size is negative, then the Plex
-is created with free space at the beginning of the Plex,
-allowing more efficient add_low() operations. Otherwise, it
-leaves space at the end.
-@item Plex p(int low, int size);
-Declares p to be an initially zero-sized Plex with low index of low,
-and the indicated chunk size.
-@item Plex p(int low, int high, Base initval, int size = 0);
-Declares p to be a Plex with indices from low to high, initially
-filled with initval, and the indicated chunk size if specified,
-else the default or (high - low + 1), whichever is greater.
-@item Plex q(p);
-Declares q to be a copy of p.
-@item p = q;
-Copies Plex q into p, deleting its previous contents.
-@item p.length()
-Returns the number of elements in the Plex.
-@item p.empty()
-Returns true if Plex p contains no elements.
-@item p.full()
-Returns true if Plex p cannot be expanded. This always returns
-false for XPlexes and MPlexes.
-@item p[i]
-Returns a reference to the i'th element of p. An exception (error) occurs
-if i is not a valid index.
-@item p.valid(i)
-Returns true if i is a valid index into Plex p.
-@item p.low(); p.high();
-Return the minimum (maximum) valid index of the Plex, or the high (low)
-fence if the plex is empty.
-@item p.ecnef(); p.fence();
-Return the index one position past the minimum (maximum) valid index.
-@item; i = p.prev(i);
-Set i to the next (previous) index. This index may not be within bounds.
-@item p(pix)
-returns a reference to the item at Pix pix.
-@item pix = p.first(); pix = p.last();
-Return the minimum (maximum) valid Pix of the Plex, or 0
-if the plex is empty.
-@item; p.prev(pix);
-set pix to the next (previous) Pix, or 0 if there is none.
-@item p.owns(pix)
-Returns true if the Plex contains the element associated with pix.
-@item p.Pix_to_index(pix)
-If pix is a valid Pix to an element of the Plex,
-returns its corresponding index, else raises an exception.
-@item ptr = p.index_to_Pix(i)
-if i is a valid index, returns a the corresponding Pix.
-@item p.low_element(); p.high_element();
-Return a reference to the element at the minimum (maximum) valid index.
-An exception occurs if the Plex is empty.
-@item p.can_add_low(); p.can_add_high();
-Returns true if the plex can be extended one element downward (upward).
-These always return true for XPlex and MPlex.
-@item j = p.add_low(x); j = p.add_high(x);
-Extend the Plex by one element downward (upward). The new minimum
-(maximum) index is returned.
-@item j = p.del_low(); j = p.del_high()
-Shrink the Plex by one element on the low (high) end. The new
-minimum (maximum) element is returned. An exception occurs if the
-Plex is empty.
-@item p.append(q);
-Append all of Plex q to the high side of p.
-@item p.prepend(q);
-Prepend all of q to the low side of p.
-@item p.clear()
-Delete all elements, resetting p to a zero-sized Plex.
-@item p.reset_low(i);
-Resets p to be indexed starting at low() = i. For example.
-if p were initially declared via @code{Plex p(0, 10, 0)},
-and then re-indexed via @code{p.reset_low(5)},
-it could then be indexed from indices 5 .. 14.
-@item p.fill(x)
-sets all p[i] to x.
-@item p.fill(x, lo, hi)
-sets all of p[i] from lo to hi, inclusive, to x.
-@item p.reverse()
-reverses p in-place.
-@item p.chunk_size()
-returns the chunk size used for the plex.
-@item p.error(const char * msg)
-calls the resettable error handler.
-@end table
-MPlexes are plexes with bitmaps that allow items to be logically
-deleted and restored. They behave like other plexes, but
-also support the following additional and modified capabilities:
-@table @code
-@item p.del_index(i); p.del_Pix(pix)
-logically deletes p[i] (p(pix)). After deletion, attempts to access p[i]
-generate a error. Indexing via low(), high(), prev(),
-and next() skip the element. Deleting an element never changes the
-logical bounds of the plex.
-@item p.undel_index(i); p.undel_Pix(pix)
-logically undeletes p[i] (p(pix)).
-@item p.del_low(); p.del_high()
-Delete the lowest (highest) undeleted element, resetting the
-logical bounds of the plex to the next lowest (highest) undeleted
-index. Thus, MPlex del_low() and del_high() may shrink the bounds
-of the plex by more than one index.
-@item p.adjust_bounds()
-Resets the low and high bounds of the Plex to the indexes of
-the lowest and highest actual undeleted elements.
-@item int i = p.add(x)
-Adds x in an unused index, if possible, else performs add_high.
-@item p.count()
-returns the number of valid (undeleted) elements.
-@item p.available()
-returns the number of available (deleted) indices.
-@item int i = p.unused_index()
-returns the index of some deleted element, if one exists,
-else triggers an error. An unused element may be reused via undel.
-@item pix = p.unused_Pix()
-returns the pix of some deleted element, if one exists, else 0.
-An unused element may be reused via undel.
-@end table
-@node Stack, Queue, Plex, Top
-@chapter Stacks
-Stacks are declared as an ``abstract'' class. They are currently
-implemented in any of three ways.
-@table @code
-@item VStack
-implement fixed sized stacks via arrays.
-@item XPStack
-implement dynamically-sized stacks via XPlexes.
-@item SLStack
-implement dynamically-size stacks via linked lists.
-@end table
-All possess the same capabilities. They differ only in constructors.
-VStack constructors require a fixed maximum capacity argument.
-XPStack constructors optionally take a chunk size argument.
-SLStack constructors take no argument.
-Assume the declaration of a base element @code{x}.
-@table @code
-@item Stack s; or Stack s(int capacity)
-declares a Stack.
-@item s.empty()
-returns true if stack s is empty.
-@item s.full()
-returns true if stack s is full. XPStacks and SLStacks never become full.
-@item s.length()
-returns the current number of elements in the stack.
-@item s.push(x)
-pushes x on stack s.
-@item x = s.pop()
-pops and returns the top of stack
-returns a reference to the top of stack.
-@item s.del_top()
-pops, but does not return the top of stack. When large items are held
-on the stack it is often a good idea to use @code{top()} to inspect and use
-the top of stack, followed by a @code{del_top()}
-@item s.clear()
-removes all elements from the stack.
-@end table
-@node Queue, Deque, Stack, Top
-@chapter Queues
-Queues are declared as an ``abstract'' class. They are currently
-implemented in any of three ways.
-@table @code
-@item VQueue
-implement fixed sized Queues via arrays.
-@item XPQueue
-implement dynamically-sized Queues via XPlexes.
-@item SLQueue
-implement dynamically-size Queues via linked lists.
-@end table
-All possess the same capabilities; they differ only in constructors.
-@code{VQueue} constructors require a fixed maximum capacity argument.
-@code{XPQueue} constructors optionally take a chunk size argument.
-@code{SLQueue} constructors take no argument.
-Assume the declaration of a base element @code{x}.
-@table @code
-@item Queue q; or Queue q(int capacity);
-declares a queue.
-@item q.empty()
-returns true if queue q is empty.
-@item q.full()
-returns true if queue q is full. XPQueues and SLQueues are never full.
-@item q.length()
-returns the current number of elements in the queue.
-@item q.enq(x)
-enqueues x on queue q.
-@item x = q.deq()
-dequeues and returns the front of queue
-@item q.front()
-returns a reference to the front of queue.
-@item q.del_front()
-dequeues, but does not return the front of queue
-@item q.clear()
-removes all elements from the queue.
-@end table
-@node Deque, PQ, Queue, Top
-@chapter Double ended Queues
-Deques are declared as an ``abstract'' class. They are currently
-implemented in two ways.
-@table @code
-@item XPDeque
-implement dynamically-sized Deques via XPlexes.
-@item DLDeque
-implement dynamically-size Deques via linked lists.
-@end table
-All possess the same capabilities. They differ only in constructors.
-XPDeque constructors optionally take a chunk size argument.
-DLDeque constructors take no argument.
-Double-ended queues support both stack-like and queue-like capabilities:
-Assume the declaration of a base element @code{x}.
-@table @code
-@item Deque d; or Deque d(int initial_capacity)
-declares a deque.
-@item d.empty()
-returns true if deque d is empty.
-@item d.full()
-returns true if deque d is full.
-Always returns false in current implementations.
-@item d.length()
-returns the current number of elements in the deque.
-@item d.enq(x)
-inserts x at the rear of deque d.
-@item d.push(x)
-inserts x at the front of deque d.
-@item x = d.deq()
-dequeues and returns the front of deque
-@item d.front()
-returns a reference to the front of deque.
-@item d.rear()
-returns a reference to the rear of the deque.
-@item d.del_front()
-deletes, but does not return the front of deque
-@item d.del_rear()
-deletes, but does not return the rear of the deque.
-@item d.clear()
-removes all elements from the deque.
-@end table
-@node PQ, Set, Deque, Top
-@chapter Priority Queue class prototypes.
-Priority queues maintain collections of objects arranged for fast
-access to the least element.
-Several prototype implementations of priority queues are supported.
-@table @code
-@item XPPQs
-implement 2-ary heaps via XPlexes.
-@item SplayPQs
-implement PQs via Sleator and Tarjan's (JACM 1985)
-splay trees. The algorithms use a version of ``simple top-down
-splaying'' (described on page 669 of the article). The simple-splay
-mechanism for priority queue functions is loosely based on the one used
-by D. Jones in the C splay tree functions available from volume 14 of
-the archives.
-@item PHPQs
-implement pairing heaps (as described by Fredman and
-Sedgewick in @cite{Algorithmica}, Vol 1, p111-129). Storage for heap elements
-is managed via an internal freelist technique. The constructor allows an
-initial capacity estimate for freelist space. The storage is automatically
-expanded if necessary to hold new items. The deletion technique is a fast
-``lazy deletion'' strategy that marks items as deleted, without reclaiming
-space until the items come to the top of the heap.
-@end table
-All PQ classes support the following operations, for some PQ class
-@code{Heap}, instance @code{h}, @code{Pix ind}, and base class
-variable @code{x}.
-@table @code
-@item h.empty()
-returns true if there are no elements in the PQ.
-@item h.length()
-returns the number of elements in h.
-@item ind = h.enq(x)
-Places x in the PQ, and returns its index.
-@item x = h.deq()
-Dequeues the minimum element of the PQ into x, or generates an error
-if the PQ is empty.
-@item h.front()
-returns a reference to the minimum element.
-@item h.del_front()
-deletes the minimum element.
-@item h.clear();
-deletes all elements from h;
-@item h.contains(x)
-returns true if x is in h.
-@item h(ind)
-returns a reference to the item indexed by ind.
-@item ind = h.first()
-returns the Pix of first item in the PQ or 0 if empty.
-This need not be the Pix of the least element.
-advances ind to the Pix of next element, or 0 if there are no more.
-@item ind =
-Sets ind to the Pix of x, or 0 if x is not in h.
-@item h.del(ind)
-deletes the item with Pix ind.
-@end table
-@node Set, Bag, PQ, Top
-@chapter Set class prototypes
-Set classes maintain unbounded collections of items containing
-no duplicate elements.
-These are currently implemented in several ways, differing in
-representation strategy, algorithmic efficiency, and appropriateness for
-various tasks. (Listed next to each are average (followed by worst-case,
-if different) time complexities for [a] adding, [f] finding (via seek,
-contains), [d] deleting, elements, and [c] comparing (via ==, <=) and
-[m] merging (via |=, -=, &=) sets).
-@table @code
-@item XPSets
-implement unordered sets via XPlexes.
-([a O(n)], [f O(n)], [d O(n)], [c O(n^2)] [m O(n^2)]).
-@item OXPSets
-implement ordered sets via XPlexes.
-([a O(n)], [f O(log n)], [d O(n)], [c O(n)] [m O(n)]).
-@item SLSets
-implement unordered sets via linked lists
-([a O(n)], [f O(n)], [d O(n)], [c O(n^2)] [m O(n^2)]).
-@item OSLSets
-implement ordered sets via linked lists
-([a O(n)], [f O(n)], [d O(n)], [c O(n)] [m O(n)]).
-@item AVLSets
-implement ordered sets via threaded AVL trees
-([a O(log n)], [f O(log n)], [d O(log n)], [c O(n)] [m O(n)]).
-@item BSTSets
-implement ordered sets via binary search trees. The trees may
-be manually rebalanced via the O(n) @code{balance()} member function.
-([a O(log n)/O(n)], [f O(log n)/O(n)], [d O(log n)/O(n)], [c O(n)] [m O(n)]).
-@item SplaySets
-implement ordered sets via Sleator and Tarjan's (JACM 1985)
-splay trees. The algorithms use a version of ``simple top-down
-splaying'' (described on page 669 of the article).
-(Amortized: [a O(log n)], [f O(log n)], [d O(log n)], [c O(n)] [m O(n log n)]).
-@item VHSets
-implement unordered sets via hash tables.
-The tables are automatically resized when their capacity is exhausted.
-([a O(1)/O(n)], [f O(1)/O(n)], [d O(1)/O(n)], [c O(n)/O(n^2)] [m O(n)/O(n^2)]).
-@item VOHSets
-implement unordered sets via ordered hash tables
-The tables are automatically resized when their capacity is exhausted.
-([a O(1)/O(n)], [f O(1)/O(n)], [d O(1)/O(n)], [c O(n)/O(n^2)] [m O(n)/O(n^2)]).
-@item CHSets
-implement unordered sets via chained hash tables.
-([a O(1)/O(n)], [f O(1)/O(n)], [d O(1)/O(n)], [c O(n)/O(n^2)] [m O(n)/O(n^2)]).
-@end table
-The different implementations differ in whether their constructors
-require an argument specifying their initial capacity. Initial
-capacities are required for plex and hash table based Sets. If none is
-given @code{DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY} (from @file{<T>defs.h}) is
-Sets support the following operations, for some class @code{Set},
-instances @code{a} and @code{b}, @code{Pix ind}, and base
-element @code{x}. Since all implementations are virtual derived classes
-of the @code{<T>Set} class, it is possible to mix and match operations
-across different implementations, although, as usual, operations
-are generally faster when the particular classes are specified
-in functions operating on Sets.
-Pix-based operations are more fully described in the section
-on Pixes. @xref{Pix}
-@table @code
-@item Set a; or Set a(int initial_size);
-Declares a to be an empty Set. The second version is allowed in
-set classes that require initial capacity or sizing specifications.
-@item a.empty()
-returns true if a is empty.
-@item a.length()
-returns the number of elements in a.
-@item Pix ind = a.add(x)
-inserts x into a, returning its index.
-@item a.del(x)
-deletes x from a.
-@item a.clear()
-deletes all elements from a;
-@item a.contains(x)
-returns true if x is in a.
-@item a(ind)
-returns a reference to the item indexed by ind.
-@item ind = a.first()
-returns the Pix of first item in the set or 0 if the Set is empty.
-For ordered Sets, this is the Pix of the least element.
-advances ind to the Pix of next element, or 0 if there are no more.
-@item ind =
-Sets ind to the Pix of x, or 0 if x is not in a.
-@item a == b
-returns true if a and b contain all the same elements.
-@item a != b
-returns true if a and b do not contain all the same elements.
-@item a <= b
-returns true if a is a subset of b.
-@item a |= b
-Adds all elements of b to a.
-@item a -= b
-Deletes all elements of b from a.
-@item a &= b
-Deletes all elements of a not occurring in b.
-@end table
-@node Bag, Map, Set, Top
-@chapter Bag class prototypes
-Bag classes maintain unbounded collections of items potentially
-containing duplicate elements.
-These are currently implemented in several ways, differing in
-representation strategy, algorithmic efficiency, and appropriateness for
-various tasks. (Listed next to each are average (followed by worst-case,
-if different) time complexities for [a] adding, [f] finding (via seek,
-contains), [d] deleting elements).
-@table @code
-@item XPBags
-implement unordered Bags via XPlexes.
-([a O(1)], [f O(n)], [d O(n)]).
-@item OXPBags
-implement ordered Bags via XPlexes.
-([a O(n)], [f O(log n)], [d O(n)]).
-@item SLBags
-implement unordered Bags via linked lists
-([a O(1)], [f O(n)], [d O(n)]).
-@item OSLBags
-implement ordered Bags via linked lists
-([a O(n)], [f O(n)], [d O(n)]).
-@item SplayBags
-implement ordered Bags via Sleator and Tarjan's (JACM 1985)
-splay trees. The algorithms use a version of ``simple top-down
-splaying'' (described on page 669 of the article).
-(Amortized: [a O(log n)], [f O(log n)], [d O(log n)]).
-@item VHBags
-implement unordered Bags via hash tables.
-The tables are automatically resized when their capacity is exhausted.
-([a O(1)/O(n)], [f O(1)/O(n)], [d O(1)/O(n)]).
-@item CHBags
-implement unordered Bags via chained hash tables.
-([a O(1)/O(n)], [f O(1)/O(n)], [d O(1)/O(n)]).
-@end table
-The implementations differ in whether their constructors
-require an argument to specify their initial capacity. Initial
-capacities are required for plex and hash table based Bags. If none is
-given @code{DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY} (from @file{<T>defs.h}) is used.@refill
-Bags support the following operations, for some class @code{Bag},
-instances @code{a} and @code{b}, @code{Pix ind}, and base
-element @code{x}. Since all implementations are virtual derived classes
-of the @code{<T>Bag} class, it is possible to mix and match operations
-across different implementations, although, as usual, operations
-are generally faster when the particular classes are specified
-in functions operating on Bags.
-Pix-based operations are more fully described in the section
-on Pixes. @xref{Pix}
-@table @code
-@item Bag a; or Bag a(int initial_size)
-Declares a to be an empty Bag. The second version is allowed in
-Bag classes that require initial capacity or sizing specifications.
-@item a.empty()
-returns true if a is empty.
-@item a.length()
-returns the number of elements in a.
-@item ind = a.add(x)
-inserts x into a, returning its index.
-@item a.del(x)
-deletes one occurrence of x from a.
-@item a.remove(x)
-deletes all occurrences of x from a.
-@item a.clear()
-deletes all elements from a;
-@item a.contains(x)
-returns true if x is in a.
-@item a.nof(x)
-returns the number of occurrences of x in a.
-@item a(ind)
-returns a reference to the item indexed by ind.
-@item int = a.first()
-returns the Pix of first item in the Bag or 0 if the Bag is empty.
-For ordered Bags, this is the Pix of the least element.
-advances ind to the Pix of next element, or 0 if there are no more.
-@item ind =, Pix from = 0)
-Sets ind to the Pix of the next occurrence x, or 0 if there are none.
-If from is 0, the first occurrence is returned, else the following from.
-@end table
-@node Map, GetOpt, Bag, Top
-@chapter Map Class Prototypes
-Maps support associative array operations (insertion, deletion, and
-membership of records based on an associated key). They require
-the specification of two types, the key type and the contents type.
-These are currently implemented in several ways, differing in
-representation strategy, algorithmic efficiency, and appropriateness for
-various tasks. (Listed next to each are average (followed by worst-case,
-if different) time complexities for [a] accessing (via op [],
-contains), [d] deleting elements).
-@table @code
-@item AVLMaps
-implement ordered Maps via threaded AVL trees
-([a O(log n)], [d O(log n)]).
-@item RAVLMaps
-Similar, but also maintain ranking information, used via
-@code{ranktoPix(int r)}, that returns the @code{Pix} of the
-item at rank r, and @code{rank(key)} that returns the
-rank of the corresponding item.
-([a O(log n)], [d O(log n)]).
-@item SplayMaps
-implement ordered Maps via Sleator and Tarjan's (JACM 1985)
-splay trees. The algorithms use a version of ``simple top-down
-splaying'' (described on page 669 of the article).
-(Amortized: [a O(log n)], [d O(log n)]).
-@item VHMaps
-implement unordered Maps via hash tables.
-The tables are automatically resized when their capacity is exhausted.
-([a O(1)/O(n)], [d O(1)/O(n)]).
-@item CHMaps
-implement unordered Maps via chained hash tables.
-([a O(1)/O(n)], [d O(1)/O(n)]).
-@end table
-The different implementations differ in whether their constructors
-require an argument specifying their initial capacity. Initial
-capacities are required for hash table based Maps. If none is
-given @code{DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY} (from @file{<T>defs.h}) is
-All Map classes share the following operations (for some Map class,
-@code{Map} instance @code{d}, @code{Pix ind} and key variable @code{k},
-and contents variable @code{x}).
-Pix-based operations are more fully described in the section
-on Pixes. @xref{Pix}
-@table @code
-@item Map d(x); Map d(x, int initial_capacity)
-Declare d to be an empty Map. The required argument, x, specifies
-the default contents, i.e., the contents of an otherwise
-uninitialized location. The second version, specifying
-initial capacity is allowed for Maps with an initial capacity
-@item d.empty()
-returns true if d contains no items.
-@item d.length()
-returns the number of items in d.
-@item d[k]
-returns a reference to the contents of item with key k. If no
-such item exists, it is installed with the default contents.
-Thus d[k] = x installs x, and x = d[k] retrieves it.
-@item d.contains(k)
-returns true if an item with key field k exists in d.
-@item d.del(k)
-deletes the item with key k.
-@item d.clear()
-deletes all items from the table.
-@item x = d.dflt()
-returns the default contents.
-@item k = d.key(ind)
-returns a reference to the key at Pix ind.
-@item x = d.contents(ind)
-returns a reference to the contents at Pix ind.
-@item ind = d.first()
-returns the Pix of the first element in d, or 0 if d is empty.
-advances ind to the next element, or 0 if there are no more.
-@item ind =
-returns the Pix of element with key k, or 0 if k is not in d.
-@end table
-@node GetOpt, Projects, Map, Top
-@chapter C++ version of the GNU getopt function
-The GetOpt class provides an efficient and structured mechanism for
-processing command-line options from an application program. The sample
-program fragment below illustrates a typical use of the GetOpt class
-for some hypothetical application program:
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <GetOpt.h>
-int debug_flag, compile_flag, size_in_bytes;
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- // Invokes ctor `GetOpt (int argc, char **argv,
- // char *optstring);'
- GetOpt getopt (argc, argv, "dcs:");
- int option_char;
- // Invokes member function `int operator ()(void);'
- while ((option_char = getopt ()) != EOF)
- switch (option_char)
- @{
- case 'd': debug_flag = 1; break;
- case 'c': compile_flag = 1; break;
- case 's': size_in_bytes = atoi (getopt.optarg); break;
- case '?': fprintf (stderr,
- "usage: %s [dcs<size>]\n", argv[0]);
- @}
-@end smallexample
-Unlike the C library version, the libg++ GetOpt class uses its
-constructor to initialize class data members containing the argument
-count, argument vector, and the option string. This simplifies the
-interface for each subsequent call to member function @code{int operator
-The C version, on the other hand, uses hidden static variables to retain
-the option string and argument list values between calls to
-@code{getopt}. This complicates the @code{getopt} interface since the
-argument count, argument vector, and option string must be passed as
-parameters for each invocation. For the C version, the loop in the
-previous example becomes:
- while ((option_char = getopt (argc, argv, "dcs:")) != EOF)
- // ...
-@end smallexample
-which requires extra overhead to pass the parameters for every call.
-Along with the GetOpt constructor and @code{int operator ()(void)},
-the other relevant elements of class GetOpt are:
-@table @code
-@item char *optarg
-Used for communication from @code{operator ()(void)} to the caller.
-When @code{operator ()(void)} finds an option that takes an argument, the
-argument value is stored here.
-@item int optind
-Index in @code{argv} of the next element to be scanned.
-This is used for communication to and from the caller
-and for communication between successive calls to @code{operator ()(void)}.
-When @code{operator ()(void)} returns EOF, this is the index of the
-first of the non-option elements that the caller should itself scan.
-Otherwise, @code{optind} communicates from one call to the next how much
-of @code{argv} has been scanned so far.
-@end table
-The libg++ version of GetOpt acts like standard UNIX @code{getopt} for
-the calling routine, but it behaves differently for the user, since it
-allows the user to intersperse the options with the other arguments.
-As GetOpt works, it permutes the elements of @code{argv} so that, when
-it is done, all the options precede everything else. Thus all
-application programs are extended to handle flexible argument order.
-Setting the environment variable _POSIX_OPTION_ORDER disables
-permutation. Then the behavior is completely standard.
-((Left out because it is not part of libg++ proper, and does not
-use the library copyright.))
-@node Gperf, Projects, GetOpt, Top
-@chapter A Perfect Hash Function Generator
-GNU GPERF is a utility program that automatically generates perfect hash
-functions from a list of keywords. The GNU C, GNU C++, GNU Pascal, GNU
-Modula 3 compilers and the GNU indent code formatting program all
-utilize reserved word recognizer routines generated by GPERF. Complete
-documentation and source code is available in the ./gperf subdirectory
-in the libg++ distribution. A paper describing GPERF in detail is
-available in the proceedings of the USENIX Second C++ Conference.
-@end ignore
-@node Projects, , GetOpt, Top
-@chapter Projects and other things left to do
-@section Coming Attractions
-Some things that will probably be available in libg++ in the near future:
-@itemize @bullet
-Revamped C-compatibility header files that will be compatible with
-the forthcoming (ANSI-based) GNU libc.a
-A revision of the File-based classes that will use the GNU stdio library,
-and also be 100% compatible (even at the streambuf level) with the AT&T
-2.0 stream classes.
-Additional container class prototypes.
-generic Matrix class prototypes.
-A task package probably based on Dirk Grunwald's threads package.
-@end itemize
-@section Wish List
-Some things that people have mentioned that they would like to
-see in libg++, but for which there have not been any offers:
-@itemize @bullet
-A method to automatically convert or incorporate libg++ classes
-so they can be used directly in Gorlen's OOPS environment.
-A class browser.
-A better general exception-handling strategy.
-Better documentation.
-@end itemize
-@section How to contribute
-Programmers who have written C++ classes that they believe to
-be of general interest are encourage to write to dl at
-Contributing code is not difficult. Here are some general guidelines:
-@itemize @bullet
-FSF must maintain the right to accept or reject potential contributions.
-Generally, the only reasons for rejecting contributions are cases where
-they duplicate existing or nearly-released code, contain unremovable
-specific machine dependencies, or are somehow incompatible with the
-rest of the library.
-Acceptance of contributions means that the code is accepted for adaptation
-into libg++. FSF must reserve the right to make various editorial changes
-in code. Very often, this merely entails formatting, maintenance of various
-conventions, etc. Contributors are always given authorship credit and shown
-the final version for approval.
-Contributors must assign their copyright to FSF via a form sent out
-upon acceptance. Assigning copyright to FSF ensures that the code
-may be freely distributed.
-Assistance in providing documentation, test files, and debugging
-support is strongly encouraged.
-@end itemize
-Extensions, comments, and suggested modifications of existing libg++
-features are also very welcome.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index b8a3c89..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <ACG.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-// This is an extension of the older implementation of Algorithm M
-// which I previously supplied. The main difference between this
-// version and the old code are:
-// + Andres searched high & low for good constants for
-// the LCG.
-// + theres more bit chopping going on.
-// The following contains his comments.
-// agn@UNH.CS.CMU.EDU sez..
-// The generator below is based on 2 well known
-// methods: Linear Congruential (LCGs) and Additive
-// Congruential generators (ACGs).
-// The LCG produces the longest possible sequence
-// of 32 bit random numbers, each being unique in
-// that sequence (it has only 32 bits of state).
-// It suffers from 2 problems: a) Independence
-// isnt great, that is the (n+1)th number is
-// somewhat related to the preceding one, unlike
-// flipping a coin where knowing the past outcomes
-// dont help to predict the next result. b)
-// Taking parts of a LCG generated number can be
-// quite non-random: for example, looking at only
-// the least significant byte gives a permuted
-// 8-bit counter (that has a period length of only
-// 256). The advantage of an LCA is that it is
-// perfectly uniform when run for the entire period
-// length (and very uniform for smaller sequences
-// too, if the parameters are chosen carefully).
-// ACGs have extremly long period lengths and
-// provide good independence. Unfortunately,
-// uniformity isnt not too great. Furthermore, I
-// didnt find any theoretically analysis of ACGs
-// that addresses uniformity.
-// The RNG given below will return numbers
-// generated by an LCA that are permuted under
-// control of a ACG. 2 permutations take place: the
-// 4 bytes of one LCG generated number are
-// subjected to one of 16 permutations selected by
-// 4 bits of the ACG. The permutation a such that
-// byte of the result may come from each byte of
-// the LCG number. This effectively destroys the
-// structure within a word. Finally, the sequence
-// of such numbers is permuted within a range of
-// 256 numbers. This greatly improves independence.
-// Algorithm M as describes in Knuths "Art of Computer Programming",
-// Vol 2. 1969
-// is used with a linear congruential generator (to get a good uniform
-// distribution) that is permuted with a Fibonacci additive congruential
-// generator to get good independence.
-// Bit, byte, and word distributions were extensively tested and pass
-// Chi-squared test near perfect scores (>7E8 numbers tested, Uniformity
-// assumption holds with probability > 0.999)
-// Run-up tests for on 7E8 numbers confirm independence with
-// probability > 0.97.
-// Plotting random points in 2d reveals no apparent structure.
-// Autocorrelation on sequences of 5E5 numbers (A(i) = SUM X(n)*X(n-i),
-// i=1..512)
-// results in no obvious structure (A(i) ~ const).
-// Except for speed and memory requirements, this generator outperforms
-// random() for all tests. (random() scored rather low on uniformity tests,
-// while independence test differences were less dramatic).
-// AGN would like to..
-// thanks to M.Mauldin, H.Walker, J.Saxe and M.Molloy for inspiration & help.
-// And I would (DGC) would like to thank Donald Kunth for AGN for letting me
-// use his extensions in this implementation.
-// Part of the table on page 28 of Knuth, vol II. This allows us
-// to adjust the size of the table at the expense of shorter sequences.
-static randomStateTable[][3] = {
-{3,7,16}, {4,9, 32}, {3,10, 32}, {1,11, 32}, {1,15,64}, {3,17,128},
-{7,18,128}, {3,20,128}, {2,21, 128}, {1,22, 128}, {5,23, 128}, {3,25, 128},
-{2,29, 128}, {3,31, 128}, {13,33, 256}, {2,35, 256}, {11,36, 256},
-{14,39,256}, {3,41,256}, {9,49,256}, {3,52,256}, {24,55,256}, {7,57, 256},
-{19,58,256}, {38,89,512}, {17,95,512}, {6,97,512}, {11,98,512}, {-1,-1,-1} };
-// spatial permutation table
-// RANDOM_PERM_SIZE must be a power of two
-#define RANDOM_PERM_SIZE 64
-_G_uint32_t randomPermutations[RANDOM_PERM_SIZE] = {
-0xffffffff, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 3210
-0x0000ffff, 0x00ff0000, 0x00000000, 0xff000000, // 2310
-0xff0000ff, 0x0000ff00, 0x00000000, 0x00ff0000, // 3120
-0x00ff00ff, 0x00000000, 0xff00ff00, 0x00000000, // 1230
-0xffff0000, 0x000000ff, 0x00000000, 0x0000ff00, // 3201
-0x00000000, 0x00ff00ff, 0x00000000, 0xff00ff00, // 2301
-0xff000000, 0x00000000, 0x000000ff, 0x00ffff00, // 3102
-0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, // 2103
-0xff00ff00, 0x00000000, 0x00ff00ff, 0x00000000, // 3012
-0x0000ff00, 0x00000000, 0x00ff0000, 0xff0000ff, // 2013
-0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000, // 1032
-0x00000000, 0x0000ff00, 0xffff0000, 0x000000ff, // 1023
-0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // 0321
-0x00ffff00, 0xff000000, 0x00000000, 0x000000ff, // 0213
-0x00000000, 0xff000000, 0x0000ffff, 0x00ff0000, // 0132
-0x00000000, 0xff00ff00, 0x00000000, 0x00ff00ff // 0123
-// SEED_TABLE_SIZE must be a power of 2
-#define SEED_TABLE_SIZE 32
-static _G_uint32_t seedTable[SEED_TABLE_SIZE] = {
-0xbdcc47e5, 0x54aea45d, 0xec0df859, 0xda84637b,
-0xc8c6cb4f, 0x35574b01, 0x28260b7d, 0x0d07fdbf,
-0x9faaeeb0, 0x613dd169, 0x5ce2d818, 0x85b9e706,
-0xab2469db, 0xda02b0dc, 0x45c60d6e, 0xffe49d10,
-0x7224fea3, 0xf9684fc9, 0xfc7ee074, 0x326ce92a,
-0x366d13b5, 0x17aaa731, 0xeb83a675, 0x7781cb32,
-0x4ec7c92d, 0x7f187521, 0x2cf346b4, 0xad13310f,
-0xb89cff2b, 0x12164de1, 0xa865168d, 0x32b56cdf
-// The LCG used to scramble the ACG
-// LC-parameter selection follows recommendations in
-// "Handbook of Mathematical Functions" by Abramowitz & Stegun 10th, edi.
-// LC_A = 251^2, ~= sqrt(2^32) = 66049
-// LC_C = result of a long trial & error series = 3907864577
-static const _G_uint32_t LC_A = 66049;
-static const _G_uint32_t LC_C = 3907864577;
-static inline _G_uint32_t LCG(_G_uint32_t x)
- return( x * LC_A + LC_C );
-ACG::ACG(_G_uint32_t seed, int size)
- register int l;
- initialSeed = seed;
- //
- // Determine the size of the state table
- //
- for (l = 0;
- randomStateTable[l][0] != -1 && randomStateTable[l][1] < size;
- l++);
- if (randomStateTable[l][1] == -1) {
- l--;
- }
- initialTableEntry = l;
- stateSize = randomStateTable[ initialTableEntry ][ 1 ];
- auxSize = randomStateTable[ initialTableEntry ][ 2 ];
- //
- // Allocate the state table & the auxillary table in a single malloc
- //
- state = new _G_uint32_t[stateSize + auxSize];
- auxState = &state[stateSize];
- reset();
-// Initialize the state
- register _G_uint32_t u;
- if (initialSeed < SEED_TABLE_SIZE) {
- u = seedTable[ initialSeed ];
- } else {
- u = initialSeed ^ seedTable[ initialSeed & (SEED_TABLE_SIZE-1) ];
- }
- j = randomStateTable[ initialTableEntry ][ 0 ] - 1;
- k = randomStateTable[ initialTableEntry ][ 1 ] - 1;
- register int i;
- for(i = 0; i < stateSize; i++) {
- state[i] = u = LCG(u);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < auxSize; i++) {
- auxState[i] = u = LCG(u);
- }
- k = u % stateSize;
- int tailBehind = (stateSize - randomStateTable[ initialTableEntry ][ 0 ]);
- j = k - tailBehind;
- if (j < 0) {
- j += stateSize;
- }
- lcgRecurr = u;
- assert(sizeof(double) == 2 * sizeof(_G_int32_t));
- if (state) delete state;
- state = 0;
- // don't delete auxState, it's really an alias for state.
-// Returns 32 bits of random information.
- _G_uint32_t result = state[k] + state[j];
- state[k] = result;
- j = (j <= 0) ? (stateSize-1) : (j-1);
- k = (k <= 0) ? (stateSize-1) : (k-1);
- short int auxIndex = (result >> 24) & (auxSize - 1);
- register _G_uint32_t auxACG = auxState[auxIndex];
- auxState[auxIndex] = lcgRecurr = LCG(lcgRecurr);
- //
- // 3c is a magic number. We are doing four masks here, so we
- // do not want to run off the end of the permutation table.
- // This insures that we have always got four entries left.
- //
- register _G_uint32_t *perm = & randomPermutations[result & 0x3c];
- result = *(perm++) & auxACG;
- result |= *(perm++) & ((auxACG << 24)
- | ((auxACG >> 8)& 0xffffff));
- result |= *(perm++) & ((auxACG << 16)
- | ((auxACG >> 16) & 0xffff));
- result |= *(perm++) & ((auxACG << 8)
- | ((auxACG >> 24) & 0xff));
- return(result);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ACG.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ACG.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aa1d259..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ACG.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _ACG_h
-#define _ACG_h 1
-#include <RNG.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-// Additive number generator. This method is presented in Volume II
-// of The Art of Computer Programming by Knuth. I've coded the algorithm
-// and have added the extensions by Andres Nowatzyk of CMU to randomize
-// the result of algorithm M a bit by using an LCG & a spatial
-// permutation table.
-// The version presented uses the same constants for the LCG that Andres
-// uses (chosen by trial & error). The spatial permutation table is
-// the same size (it's based on word size). This is for 32-bit words.
-// The ``auxillary table'' used by the LCG table varies in size, and
-// is chosen to be the the smallest power of two which is larger than
-// twice the size of the state table.
-class ACG : public RNG {
- _G_uint32_t initialSeed; // used to reset generator
- int initialTableEntry;
- _G_uint32_t *state;
- _G_uint32_t *auxState;
- short stateSize;
- short auxSize;
- _G_uint32_t lcgRecurr;
- short j;
- short k;
- ACG(_G_uint32_t seed = 0, int size = 55);
- virtual ~ACG();
- //
- // Return a long-words word of random bits
- //
- virtual _G_uint32_t asLong();
- virtual void reset();
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deleted file mode 100644
index 883288a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <std.h>
-#include <AllocRing.h>
-#include <new.h>
-AllocRing::AllocRing(int max)
- :nodes(new AllocQNode[max]), n(max), current(0)
- for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- {
- nodes[i].ptr = 0;
- nodes[i].sz = 0;
- }
-int AllocRing::find(void* p)
- if (p == 0) return -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- if (nodes[i].ptr == p)
- return i;
- return -1;
-void AllocRing::clear()
- for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- {
- if (nodes[i].ptr != 0)
- {
- delete(nodes[i].ptr);
- nodes[i].ptr = 0;
- }
- nodes[i].sz = 0;
- }
- current = 0;
-void AllocRing::free(void* p)
- int idx = find(p);
- if (idx >= 0)
- {
- delete nodes[idx].ptr;
- nodes[idx].ptr = 0;
- }
- clear();
-int AllocRing::contains(void* p)
- return find(p) >= 0;
-static inline unsigned int good_size(unsigned int s)
- unsigned int req = s + 4;
- unsigned int good = 8;
- while (good < req) good <<= 1;
- return good - 4;
-void* AllocRing::alloc(int s)
- unsigned int size = good_size(s);
- void* p;
- if (nodes[current].ptr != 0 &&
- nodes[current].sz >= int(size) &&
- nodes[current].sz < int(4 * size))
- p = nodes[current].ptr;
- else
- {
- if (nodes[current].ptr != 0) operator delete (nodes[current].ptr);
- p = operator new (size);
- nodes[current].ptr = p;
- nodes[current].sz = size;
- }
- ++current;
- if (current >= n) current = 0;
- return p;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/AllocRing.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/AllocRing.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fc8b30c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/AllocRing.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _AllocRing_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _AllocRing_h 1
- An AllocRing holds the last n malloc'ed strings, reallocating/reusing
- one only when the queue wraps around. It thus guarantees that the
- last n allocations are intact. It is useful for things like I/O
- formatting where reasonable restrictions may be made about the
- number of allowable live allocations before auto-deletion.
-class AllocRing
- struct AllocQNode
- {
- void* ptr;
- int sz;
- };
- AllocQNode* nodes;
- int n;
- int current;
- int find(void* p);
- AllocRing(int max);
- ~AllocRing();
- void* alloc(int size);
- int contains(void* ptr);
- void clear();
- void free(void* p);
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index 8e2b56d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <Random.h>
-#include <Binomial.h>
-double Binomial::operator()()
- int s = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < pN; i++) {
- if (pGenerator -> asDouble() < pU) {
- s++;
- }
- }
- return(double(s));
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Binomial.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Binomial.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 58afa85..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Binomial.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Binomial_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Binomial_h 1
-#include <Random.h>
-class Binomial: public Random {
- int pN;
- double pU;
- Binomial(int n, double u, RNG *gen);
- int n();
- int n(int xn);
- double u();
- double u(double xu);
- virtual double operator()();
-inline Binomial::Binomial(int n, double u, RNG *gen)
-: Random(gen){
- pN = n; pU = u;
-inline int Binomial::n() { return pN; }
-inline int Binomial::n(int xn) { int tmp = pN; pN = xn; return tmp; }
-inline double Binomial::u() { return pU; }
-inline double Binomial::u(double xu) { double tmp = pU; pU = xu; return tmp; }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 15096e2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1104 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- BitSet class implementation
- */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <BitSet.h>
-#include <std.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <Obstack.h>
-#include <AllocRing.h>
-#include <new.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strstream.h>
-#undef OK
-void BitSet::error(const char* msg) const
- (*lib_error_handler)("BitSet", msg);
-// globals & constants
-BitSetRep _nilBitSetRep = { 0, 1, 0, {0} }; // nil BitSets point here
-#define ONES ((_BS_word)(~0L))
-#define MASK1(BITNO) ((_BS_word)1 << (BITNO))
-#define MAXBitSetRep_SIZE (((_BS_word)1 << (sizeof(unsigned short)*CHAR_BIT - 1)) - 1)
-#define MINBitSetRep_SIZE (sizeof(_BS_word)*CHAR_BIT)
-// break things up into .s indices and positions
-// mask out bits from left
-static inline _BS_word lmask(int p)
- return ONES << p;
-// mask out high bits
-static inline _BS_word rmask(int p)
- return ONES >> (BITSETBITS - 1 - p);
-inline static BitSetRep* BSnew(int newlen)
- unsigned int siz = sizeof(BitSetRep) + newlen * sizeof(_BS_word)
- unsigned int allocsiz = MINBitSetRep_SIZE;;
- while (allocsiz < siz) allocsiz <<= 1;
- allocsiz -= MALLOC_MIN_OVERHEAD;
- if (allocsiz >= MAXBitSetRep_SIZE * sizeof(_BS_word))
- (*lib_error_handler)("BitSet", "Requested length out of range");
- BitSetRep* rep = new (operator new (allocsiz)) BitSetRep;
- memset(rep, 0, allocsiz);
- rep->sz = (allocsiz - sizeof(BitSetRep) + sizeof(_BS_word)) / sizeof(_BS_word);
- return rep;
-BitSetRep* BitSetalloc(BitSetRep* old, const _BS_word* src, int srclen,
- int newvirt, int newlen)
- if (old == &_nilBitSetRep) old = 0;
- BitSetRep* rep;
- if (old == 0 || newlen >= old->sz)
- rep = BSnew(newlen);
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = newlen;
- rep->virt = newvirt;
- if (srclen != 0 && src != rep->s)
- memcpy(rep->s, src, srclen * sizeof(_BS_word));
- // BUG fix: extend virtual bit! 20 Oct 1992 Kevin Karplus
- if (rep->virt)
- memset(&rep->s[srclen], (char)ONES,
- (newlen - srclen) * sizeof(_BS_word));
- if (old != rep && old != 0) delete old;
- return rep;
-BitSetRep* BitSetresize(BitSetRep* old, int newlen)
- BitSetRep* rep;
- if (old == 0 || old == &_nilBitSetRep)
- {
- rep = BSnew(newlen);
- rep->virt = 0;
- }
- else if (newlen >= old->sz)
- {
- rep = BSnew(newlen);
- memcpy(rep->s, old->s, old->len * sizeof(_BS_word));
- rep->virt = old->virt;
- // BUG fix: extend virtual bit! 20 Oct 1992 Kevin Karplus
- if (rep->virt)
- memset(&rep->s[old->len], (char)ONES,
- (newlen - old->len) * sizeof(_BS_word));
- delete old;
- }
- else
- {
- rep = old;
- if (rep->len < newlen)
- memset(&rep->s[rep->len],
- rep->virt ? (char)ONES : (char)0,
- (newlen - rep->len) * sizeof(_BS_word));
- }
- rep->len = newlen;
- return rep;
-// same, for straight copy
-BitSetRep* BitSetcopy(BitSetRep* old, const BitSetRep* src)
- BitSetRep* rep;
- if (old == &_nilBitSetRep) old = 0;
- if (src == 0 || src == &_nilBitSetRep)
- {
- if (old == 0)
- rep = BSnew(0);
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = 0;
- rep->virt = 0;
- }
- else if (old == src)
- return old;
- else
- {
- int newlen = src->len;
- if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz)
- {
- rep = BSnew(newlen);
- if (old != 0) delete old;
- }
- else
- rep = old;
- memcpy(rep->s, src->s, newlen * sizeof(_BS_word));
- rep->len = newlen;
- rep->virt = src->virt;
- }
- return rep;
-// remove unneeded top bits
-inline static void trim(BitSetRep* rep)
- int l = rep->len;
- _BS_word* s = &(rep->s[l - 1]);
- if (rep->virt == 0)
- while (l > 0 && *s-- == 0) --l;
- else
- while (l > 0 && *s-- == ONES) --l;
- rep->len = l;
-int operator == (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y)
- if (x.rep->virt != y.rep->virt)
- return 0;
- int xl = x.rep->len;
- int yl = y.rep->len;
- const _BS_word* xs = x.rep->s;
- const _BS_word* ys = y.rep->s;
- if (xl < yl) {
- if (memcmp((void*)xs, (void*)ys, xl * sizeof(_BS_word)))
- return 0;
- ys+=xl;
- const _BS_word* topy = &(ys[yl]);
- while (ys<topy)
- if (x.rep->virt?((*ys++)!=ONES):((*ys++)!=0))
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- if (memcmp((void*)xs, (void*)ys, yl * sizeof(_BS_word)))
- return 0;
- if (xl > yl) {
- xs+=yl;
- const _BS_word* topx = &(xs[xl]);
- while (xs<topx)
- if (y.rep->virt?((*xs++)!=ONES):((*xs++)!=0))
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-int operator <= (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y)
- if (x.rep->virt > y.rep->virt)
- return 0;
- int xl = x.rep->len;
- int yl = y.rep->len;
- const _BS_word* xs = x.rep->s;
- const _BS_word* ys = y.rep->s;
- const _BS_word* topx = &(xs[xl]);
- const _BS_word* topy = &(ys[yl]);
- while (xs < topx && ys < topy)
- {
- _BS_word a = *xs++;
- _BS_word b = *ys++;
- if ((a | b) != b)
- return 0;
- }
- if (xl < yl) {
- if (x.rep->virt) {
- while (ys<topy)
- if ((*ys++)!=ONES)
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else if (xl > yl) {
- if (!y.rep->virt) {
- while (xs<topx)
- if ((*xs++)!=0)
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-int operator < (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y)
- if (x.rep->virt > y.rep->virt)
- return 0;
- int xl = x.rep->len;
- int yl = y.rep->len;
- _BS_word* xs = x.rep->s;
- _BS_word* ys = y.rep->s;
- _BS_word* topx = &(xs[xl]);
- _BS_word* topy = &(ys[yl]);
- int one_diff = 0;
- while (xs < topx && ys < topy)
- {
- _BS_word a = *xs++;
- _BS_word b = *ys++;
- _BS_word c = a | b;
- if (c != b)
- return 0;
- else if (c != a)
- one_diff = 1;
- }
- if (xl < yl) {
- if (x.rep->virt) {
- if (!one_diff)
- return 0;
- while (ys<topy)
- if ((*ys++)!=ONES)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- if (one_diff || y.rep->virt)
- return 1;
- while (ys<topy)
- if ((*ys++)!=0)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else if (xl > yl) {
- if (y.rep->virt) {
- if (one_diff || !x.rep->virt)
- return 1;
- while (xs<topx)
- if ((*xs++)!=ONES)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- if (!one_diff)
- return 0;
- while (xs<topx)
- if ((*xs++)!=0)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else
- return one_diff || x.rep->virt < y.rep->virt;
-int lcompare(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y)
- int xl = x.rep->len;
- int yl = y.rep->len;
- const _BS_word* xs = x.rep->s;
- const _BS_word* ys = y.rep->s;
- const _BS_word* topx = &(xs[xl]);
- const _BS_word* topy = &(ys[yl]);
- while (xs < topx && ys < topy)
- {
- _BS_word a = *xs++;
- _BS_word b = *ys++;
- if (a!=b) {
-#if 0
- // Faster but opinable
- return (a<b) ? -1 : 1;
- _BS_word diff=(a^b); // one's where different
- _BS_word mask=diff&~(diff-1); // first bit different
- return (a&mask)?1:-1;
- }
- if (a<b)
- return -1;
- if (a>b)
- return 1;
- }
- if (xl < yl) {
- if (x.rep->virt) {
- while (ys<topy)
- if ((*ys++)!=ONES)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- while (ys<topy)
- if ((*ys++)!=0)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else if (xl > yl) {
- if (y.rep->virt) {
- while (xs<topx)
- if ((*xs++)!=ONES)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- while (xs<topx)
- if ((*xs++)!=0)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-int BitSet::empty() const
- if (rep->virt == 1)
- return 0;
- _BS_word* bots = rep->s;
- _BS_word* s = &(bots[rep->len - 1]);
- while (s >= bots) if (*s-- != 0) return 0;
- return 1;
-int BitSet::count(int b) const
- if (b == rep->virt)
- return -1;
- int l = 0;
- _BS_word* s = rep->s;
- _BS_word* tops = &(s[rep->len]);
- if (b == 1)
- {
- while (s < tops)
- {
- _BS_word a = *s++;
- for (int i = 0; i < BITSETBITS && a != 0; ++i)
- {
- if (a & 1)
- ++l;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- _BS_word maxbit = MASK1 (BITSETBITS - 1);
- while (s < tops)
- {
- _BS_word a = *s++;
- for (int i = 0; i < BITSETBITS; ++i)
- {
- if ((a & maxbit) == 0)
- ++l;
- a <<= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- return l;
-BitSetRep* BitSetcmpl(const BitSetRep* src, BitSetRep* r)
- r = BitSetcopy(r, src);
- r->virt = !src->virt;
- _BS_word* rs = r->s;
- _BS_word* topr = &(rs[r->len]);
- if (r->len == 0)
- *rs = ONES;
- else
- {
- while (rs < topr)
- {
- _BS_word cmp = ~(*rs);
- *rs++ = cmp;
- }
- }
- trim(r);
- return r;
-BitSetRep* BitSetop(const BitSetRep* x, const BitSetRep* y,
- BitSetRep* r, char op)
- int xrsame = x == r;
- int yrsame = y == r;
- int xv = x->virt;
- int yv = y->virt;
- int xl = x->len;
- int yl = y->len;
- int rl = (xl >= yl)? xl : yl;
- r = BitSetresize(r, rl);
- _BS_word* rs = r->s;
- _BS_word* topr = &(rs[rl]);
- int av, bv;
- const _BS_word* as;
- const _BS_word* topa;
- const _BS_word* bs;
- const _BS_word* topb;
- if (xl <= yl)
- {
- as = (xrsame)? r->s : x->s;
- av = xv;
- topa = &(as[xl]);
- bs = (yrsame)? r->s : y->s;
- bv = yv;
- topb = &(bs[yl]);
- }
- else
- {
- as = (yrsame)? r->s : y->s;
- av = yv;
- topa = &(as[yl]);
- bs = (xrsame)? r->s : x->s;
- bv = xv;
- topb = &(bs[xl]);
- if (op == '-') // reverse sense of difference
- op = 'D';
- }
- switch (op)
- {
- case '&':
- r->virt = av & bv;
- while (as < topa) *rs++ = *as++ & *bs++;
- if (av)
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = *bs++;
- else
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = 0;
- break;
- case '|':
- r->virt = av | bv;
- while (as < topa) *rs++ = *as++ | *bs++;
- if (av)
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = ONES;
- else
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = *bs++;
- break;
- case '^':
- r->virt = av ^ bv;
- while (as < topa) *rs++ = *as++ ^ *bs++;
- if (av)
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = ~(*bs++);
- else
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = *bs++;
- break;
- case '-':
- r->virt = av & ~(bv);
- while (as < topa) *rs++ = *as++ & ~(*bs++);
- if (av)
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = ~(*bs++);
- else
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = 0;
- break;
- case 'D':
- r->virt = ~(av) & (bv);
- while (as < topa) *rs++ = ~(*as++) & (*bs++);
- if (av)
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = 0;
- else
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = *bs++;
- break;
- }
- trim(r);
- return r;
-void BitSet::set(int p)
- if (p < 0) error("Illegal bit index");
- int index = BitSet_index(p);
- int pos = BitSet_pos(p);
- if (index >= rep->len)
- {
- if (rep->virt)
- return;
- else
- rep = BitSetresize(rep, index+1);
- }
- rep->s[index] |= MASK1 (pos);
-void BitSet::clear()
- if (rep->len > 0) memset(rep->s, 0, rep->sz * sizeof(_BS_word));
- rep->len = rep->virt = 0;
-void BitSet::clear(int p)
- if (p < 0) error("Illegal bit index");
- int index = BitSet_index(p);
- if (index >= rep->len)
- {
- if (rep->virt == 0)
- return;
- else
- rep = BitSetresize(rep, index+1);
- }
- rep->s[index] &= ~MASK1(BitSet_pos(p));
-void BitSet::invert(int p)
- if (p < 0) error("Illegal bit index");
- int index = BitSet_index(p);
- if (index >= rep->len) rep = BitSetresize(rep, index+1);
- rep->s[index] ^= MASK1(BitSet_pos(p));
-void BitSet::set(int from, int to)
- if (from < 0 || from > to) error("Illegal bit index");
- int index1 = BitSet_index(from);
- int pos1 = BitSet_pos(from);
- if (rep->virt && index1 >= rep->len)
- return;
- int index2 = BitSet_index(to);
- int pos2 = BitSet_pos(to);
- if (index2 >= rep->len)
- rep = BitSetresize(rep, index2+1);
- _BS_word* s = &(rep->s[index1]);
- _BS_word m1 = lmask(pos1);
- _BS_word m2 = rmask(pos2);
- if (index2 == index1)
- *s |= m1 & m2;
- else
- {
- *s++ |= m1;
- _BS_word* top = &(rep->s[index2]);
- *top |= m2;
- while (s < top)
- *s++ = ONES;
- }
-void BitSet::clear(int from, int to)
- if (from < 0 || from > to) error("Illegal bit index");
- int index1 = BitSet_index(from);
- int pos1 = BitSet_pos(from);
- if (!rep->virt && index1 >= rep->len)
- return;
- int index2 = BitSet_index(to);
- int pos2 = BitSet_pos(to);
- if (index2 >= rep->len)
- rep = BitSetresize(rep, index2+1);
- _BS_word* s = &(rep->s[index1]);
- _BS_word m1 = lmask(pos1);
- _BS_word m2 = rmask(pos2);
- if (index2 == index1)
- *s &= ~(m1 & m2);
- else
- {
- *s++ &= ~m1;
- _BS_word* top = &(rep->s[index2]);
- *top &= ~m2;
- while (s < top)
- *s++ = 0;
- }
-void BitSet::invert(int from, int to)
- if (from < 0 || from > to) error("Illegal bit index");
- int index1 = BitSet_index(from);
- int pos1 = BitSet_pos(from);
- int index2 = BitSet_index(to);
- int pos2 = BitSet_pos(to);
- if (index2 >= rep->len)
- rep = BitSetresize(rep, index2+1);
- _BS_word* s = &(rep->s[index1]);
- _BS_word m1 = lmask(pos1);
- _BS_word m2 = rmask(pos2);
- if (index2 == index1)
- *s ^= m1 & m2;
- else
- {
- *s++ ^= m1;
- _BS_word* top = &(rep->s[index2]);
- *top ^= m2;
- while (s < top)
- {
- _BS_word cmp = ~(*s);
- *s++ = cmp;
- }
- }
-int BitSet::test(int from, int to) const
- if (from < 0 || from > to) return 0;
- int index1 = BitSet_index(from);
- int pos1 = BitSet_pos(from);
- if (index1 >= rep->len)
- return rep->virt;
- int index2 = BitSet_index(to);
- int pos2 = BitSet_pos(to);
- if (index2 >= rep->len)
- {
- if (rep->virt)
- return 1;
- else
- {
- index2 = rep->len - 1;
- pos2 = BITSETBITS - 1;
- }
- }
- _BS_word* s = &(rep->s[index1]);
- _BS_word m1 = lmask(pos1);
- _BS_word m2 = rmask(pos2);
- if (index2 == index1)
- return (*s & m1 & m2) != 0;
- else
- {
- if (*s++ & m1)
- return 1;
- _BS_word* top = &(rep->s[index2]);
- if (*top & m2)
- return 1;
- while (s < top)
- if (*s++ != 0)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
-int BitSet::next(int p, int b) const
- ++p;
- int index = BitSet_index(p);
- int pos = BitSet_pos(p);
- int l = rep->len;
- if (index >= l)
- {
- if (rep->virt == b)
- return p;
- else
- return -1;
- }
- int j = index;
- _BS_word* s = rep->s;
- _BS_word a = s[j] >> pos;
- int i = pos;
- if (b == 1)
- {
- for (; i < BITSETBITS && a != 0; ++i)
- {
- if (a & 1)
- return j * BITSETBITS + i;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- for (++j; j < l; ++j)
- {
- a = s[j];
- for (i = 0; i < BITSETBITS && a != 0; ++i)
- {
- if (a & 1)
- return j * BITSETBITS + i;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- }
- if (rep->virt)
- return j * BITSETBITS;
- else
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- for (; i < BITSETBITS; ++i)
- {
- if ((a & 1) == 0)
- return j * BITSETBITS + i;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- for (++j; j < l; ++j)
- {
- a = s[j];
- if (a != ONES)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < BITSETBITS; ++i)
- {
- if ((a & 1) == 0)
- return j * BITSETBITS + i;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!rep->virt)
- return j * BITSETBITS;
- else
- return -1;
- }
-int BitSet::prev(int p, int b) const
- if (--p < 0)
- return -1;
- int index = BitSet_index(p);
- int pos = BitSet_pos(p);
- _BS_word* s = rep->s;
- int l = rep->len;
- if (index >= l)
- {
- if (rep->virt == b)
- return p;
- else
- {
- index = l - 1;
- pos = BITSETBITS - 1;
- }
- }
- int j = index;
- _BS_word a = s[j];
- int i = pos;
- _BS_word maxbit = MASK1(pos);
- if (b == 1)
- {
- for (; i >= 0 && a != 0; --i)
- {
- if (a & maxbit)
- return j * BITSETBITS + i;
- a <<= 1;
- }
- maxbit = MASK1(BITSETBITS - 1);
- for (--j; j >= 0; --j)
- {
- a = s[j];
- for (i = BITSETBITS - 1; i >= 0 && a != 0; --i)
- {
- if (a & maxbit)
- return j * BITSETBITS + i;
- a <<= 1;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (a != ONES)
- {
- for (; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- if ((a & maxbit) == 0)
- return j * BITSETBITS + i;
- a <<= 1;
- }
- }
- maxbit = MASK1(BITSETBITS - 1);
- for (--j; j >= 0; --j)
- {
- a = s[j];
- if (a != ONES)
- {
- for (i = BITSETBITS - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- if ((a & maxbit) == 0)
- return j * BITSETBITS + i;
- a <<= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
-int BitSet::last(int b) const
- if (b == rep->virt)
- return -1;
- else
- return prev((rep->len) * BITSETBITS, b);
-extern AllocRing _libgxx_fmtq;
-const char* BitSettoa(const BitSet& x, char f, char t, char star)
- trim(x.rep);
- int wrksiz = (x.rep->len + 1) * BITSETBITS + 2;
- char* fmtbase = (char *) _libgxx_fmtq.alloc(wrksiz);
- ostrstream stream(fmtbase, wrksiz);
- x.printon(stream, f, t, star);
- stream << ends;
- return fmtbase;
-BitSet shorttoBitSet(unsigned short i)
- BitSet r;
- _BS_word w = i;
- r.rep = BitSetalloc(0, &w, 1, 0, 2); trim(r.rep);
- return r;
-BitSet longtoBitSet(unsigned long i)
- BitSet r;
-#if 1
- _BS_word w = i;
- r.rep = BitSetalloc(0, &w, 1, 0, 2);
- _BS_word u[2];
- u[0] = i & ((_BS_word)(~(0)));
- u[1] = sizeof(long) <= sizeof(_BS_word) ? 0 : i >> BITSETBITS;
- r.rep = BitSetalloc(0, &u[0], 2, 0, 3);
- trim(r.rep);
- return r;
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(_G_NO_NRV)
-BitSet atoBitSet(const char* s, char f, char t, char star) return r
- int sl = strlen(s);
- if (sl != 0)
- {
- r.rep = BitSetresize(r.rep, sl / BITSETBITS + 1);
- _BS_word* rs = r.rep->s;
- _BS_word a = 0;
- _BS_word m = 1;
- char lastch = 0;
- unsigned int i = 0;
- unsigned int l = 1;
- for(;;)
- {
- char ch = s[i];
- if (ch == t)
- a |= m;
- else if (ch == star)
- {
- if ((r.rep->virt = (lastch == t)))
- *rs = a | ~(m - 1);
- else
- *rs = a;
- break;
- }
- else if (ch != f)
- {
- *rs = a;
- break;
- }
- lastch = ch;
- if (++i == sl)
- {
- *rs = a;
- break;
- }
- else if (i % BITSETBITS == 0)
- {
- *rs++ = a;
- a = 0;
- m = 1;
- ++l;
- }
- else
- m <<= 1;
- }
- r.rep->len = l;
- trim(r.rep);
- }
- return;
-BitSet atoBitSet(const char* s, char f, char t, char star)
- BitSet r;
- int sl = strlen(s);
- if (sl != 0)
- {
- r.rep = BitSetresize(r.rep, sl / BITSETBITS + 1);
- _BS_word* rs = r.rep->s;
- _BS_word a = 0;
- _BS_word m = 1;
- char lastch = 0;
- unsigned int i = 0;
- unsigned int l = 1;
- for(;;)
- {
- char ch = s[i];
- if (ch == t)
- a |= m;
- else if (ch == star)
- {
- if (r.rep->virt = lastch == t)
- *rs = a | ~(m - 1);
- else
- *rs = a;
- break;
- }
- else if (ch != f)
- {
- *rs = a;
- break;
- }
- lastch = ch;
- if (++i == sl)
- {
- *rs = a;
- break;
- }
- else if (i % BITSETBITS == 0)
- {
- *rs++ = a;
- a = 0;
- m = 1;
- ++l;
- }
- else
- m <<= 1;
- }
- r.rep->len = l;
- trim(r.rep);
- }
- return r;
-ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const BitSet& x)
- if (s.opfx())
- x.printon(s);
- return s;
-void BitSet::printon(ostream& os, char f, char t, char star) const
-// FIXME: Does not respect s.width()!
- trim(rep);
- register streambuf* sb = os.rdbuf();
- const _BS_word* s = rep->s;
- const _BS_word* top = &(s[rep->len - 1]);
- while (s < top)
- {
- _BS_word a = *s++;
- for (int j = 0; j < BITSETBITS; ++j)
- {
- sb->sputc((a & 1)? t : f);
- a >>= 1;
- }
- }
- if (!rep->virt)
- {
- _BS_word a = *s;
- if (rep->len != 0)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < BITSETBITS && a != 0; ++j)
- {
- sb->sputc((a & 1)? t : f);
- a >>= 1;
- }
- }
- sb->sputc(f);
- }
- else
- {
- _BS_word a = *s;
- _BS_word mask = ONES;
- _BS_word himask = MASK1(BITSETBITS - 1) - 1;
- if (rep->len != 0)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < BITSETBITS && a != mask; ++j)
- {
- sb->sputc((a & 1)? t : f);
- a = (a >> 1) & himask;
- mask = (mask >> 1) & himask;
- }
- }
- sb->sputc(t);
- }
- sb->sputc(star);
-int BitSet::OK() const
- int v = rep != 0; // have a rep
- v &= rep->len <= rep->sz; // within bounds
- v &= rep->virt == 0 || rep->virt == 1; // valid virtual bit
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/BitSet.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/BitSet.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ff982a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/BitSet.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _BitSet_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _BitSet_h 1
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <bitprims.h>
-#undef OK
-#define BITSETBITS (sizeof(_BS_word) * CHAR_BIT)
-struct BitSetRep
- unsigned short len; // number of _BS_word in s
- unsigned short sz; // allocated slots
- unsigned short virt; // virtual 0 or 1
- _BS_word s[1]; // bits start here
-extern BitSetRep* BitSetalloc(BitSetRep*, const _BS_word*,
- int, int, int);
-extern BitSetRep* BitSetcopy(BitSetRep*, const BitSetRep*);
-extern BitSetRep* BitSetresize(BitSetRep*, int);
-extern BitSetRep* BitSetop(const BitSetRep*, const BitSetRep*,
- BitSetRep*, char);
-extern BitSetRep* BitSetcmpl(const BitSetRep*, BitSetRep*);
-extern BitSetRep _nilBitSetRep;
-class BitSet;
-class BitSetBit
- BitSet* src;
- unsigned long pos;
- public:
- BitSetBit(BitSet* v, int p);
- BitSetBit(const BitSetBit& b);
- ~BitSetBit();
- operator int() const;
- int operator = (int b);
- int operator = (const BitSetBit& b);
-class BitSet
- BitSetRep* rep;
- enum BS_op {
- BS_and = (int) '&',
- BS_or = (int) '|',
- BS_xor = (int) '^',
- BS_diff = (int) '-',
- BS_inv = (int) '~'
- };
- BitSet(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, enum BS_op op)
- { rep = BitSetop (x.rep, y.rep, NULL, (char) op); }
- BitSet(const BitSet& x, enum BS_op /* op */)
- { rep = BitSetcmpl (x.rep, NULL); }
-// constructors
- BitSet();
- BitSet(const BitSet&);
- ~BitSet();
- BitSet& operator = (const BitSet& y);
-// equality & subset tests
- friend int operator == (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend int operator != (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend int operator < (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend int operator <= (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend int operator > (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend int operator >= (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend int lcompare(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
-// operations on self
- BitSet& operator |= (const BitSet& y);
- BitSet& operator &= (const BitSet& y);
- BitSet& operator -= (const BitSet& y);
- BitSet& operator ^= (const BitSet& y);
- void complement();
-// functional operators
- friend BitSet operator & (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend BitSet operator | (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend BitSet operator ^ (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend BitSet operator - (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend BitSet operator ~ (const BitSet& x);
-// individual bit manipulation
- void set(int pos);
- void set(int from, int to);
- void set(); // set all
- void clear(int pos);
- void clear(int from, int to);
- void clear(); // clear all
- void invert(int pos);
- void invert(int from, int to);
- int test(int pos) const;
- int test(int from, int to) const;
- BitSetBit operator [] (int i);
-// iterators
- int first(int b = 1) const;
- int last(int b = 1) const;
- int next(int pos, int b = 1) const;
- int prev(int pos, int b = 1) const;
- int previous(int pos, int b = 1) const /* Obsolete synonym */
- { return prev(pos, b); }
-// status
- int empty() const;
- int virtual_bit() const;
- int count(int b = 1) const;
-// convertors & IO
- friend BitSet atoBitSet(const char* s,
- char f='0', char t='1', char star='*');
- // BitSettoa is deprecated; do not use in new programs.
- friend const char* BitSettoa(const BitSet& x,
- char f='0', char t='1', char star='*');
- friend BitSet shorttoBitSet(unsigned short w);
- friend BitSet longtoBitSet(unsigned long w);
- friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const BitSet& x);
- void printon(ostream& s,
- char f='0', char t='1', char star='*') const;
-#ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__
- // procedural versions of operators
- // The first three of these are incompatible with ANSI C++ digraphs.
- // In any case, it's not a great interface.
- friend void and(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r);
- friend void or(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r);
- friend void xor(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r);
- friend void diff(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r);
- friend void complement(const BitSet& x, BitSet& r);
-// misc
- void error(const char* msg) const;
- int OK() const;
-typedef BitSet BitSetTmp;
-// These are inlined regardless of optimization
-inline int BitSet_index(int l)
- return (unsigned)(l) / BITSETBITS;
-inline int BitSet_pos(int l)
- return l & (BITSETBITS - 1);
-inline BitSet::BitSet() : rep(&_nilBitSetRep) {}
-inline BitSet::BitSet(const BitSet& x) :rep(BitSetcopy(0, x.rep)) {}
-inline BitSet::~BitSet() { if (rep != &_nilBitSetRep) delete rep; }
-inline BitSet& BitSet::operator = (const BitSet& y)
- rep = BitSetcopy(rep, y.rep);
- return *this;
-inline int operator != (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y) { return !(x == y); }
-inline int operator > (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y) { return y < x; }
-inline int operator >= (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y) { return y <= x; }
-#ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__
-inline void and(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r)
- r.rep = BitSetop(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep, '&');
-inline void or(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r)
- r.rep = BitSetop(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep, '|');
-inline void xor(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r)
- r.rep = BitSetop(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep, '^');
-inline void diff(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r)
- r.rep = BitSetop(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep, '-');
-inline void complement(const BitSet& x, BitSet& r)
- r.rep = BitSetcmpl(x.rep, r.rep);
-inline BitSet operator & (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y)
- return BitSet::BitSet(x, y, BitSet::BS_and);
-inline BitSet operator | (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y)
- return BitSet::BitSet(x, y, BitSet::BS_or);
-inline BitSet operator ^ (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y)
- return BitSet::BitSet(x, y, BitSet::BS_xor);
-inline BitSet operator - (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y)
- return BitSet::BitSet(x, y, BitSet::BS_diff);
-inline BitSet operator ~ (const BitSet& x)
- return BitSet::BitSet(x, BitSet::BS_inv);
-inline BitSet& BitSet::operator &= (const BitSet& y)
- rep = BitSetop(rep, y.rep, rep, '&');
- return *this;
-inline BitSet& BitSet::operator |= (const BitSet& y)
- rep = BitSetop(rep, y.rep, rep, '|');
- return *this;
-inline BitSet& BitSet::operator ^= (const BitSet& y)
- rep = BitSetop(rep, y.rep, rep, '^');
- return *this;
-inline BitSet& BitSet::operator -= (const BitSet& y)
- rep = BitSetop(rep, y.rep, rep, '-');
- return *this;
-inline void BitSet::complement()
- rep = BitSetcmpl(rep, rep);
-inline int BitSet::virtual_bit() const
- return rep->virt;
-inline int BitSet::first(int b) const
- return next(-1, b);
-inline int BitSet::test(int p) const
- if (p < 0) error("Illegal bit index");
- int index = BitSet_index(p);
- return (index >= rep->len)? rep->virt :
- ((rep->s[index] & ((_BS_word)1 << BitSet_pos(p))) != 0);
-inline void BitSet::set()
- rep = BitSetalloc(rep, 0, 0, 1, 0);
-inline BitSetBit::BitSetBit(const BitSetBit& b) :src(b.src), pos(b.pos) {}
-inline BitSetBit::BitSetBit(BitSet* v, int p)
- src = v; pos = p;
-inline BitSetBit::~BitSetBit() {}
-inline BitSetBit::operator int() const
- return src->test(pos);
-inline int BitSetBit::operator = (int b)
- if (b) src->set(pos); else src->clear(pos); return b;
-inline int BitSetBit::operator = (const BitSetBit& b)
- int i = (int)b;
- *this = i;
- return i;
-inline BitSetBit BitSet::operator [] (int i)
- if (i < 0) error("illegal bit index");
- return BitSetBit(this, i);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32568fa..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1608 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- BitString class implementation
- */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <BitString.h>
-#include <std.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <Obstack.h>
-#include <AllocRing.h>
-#include <new.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <strstream.h>
-#undef OK
-void BitString::error(const char* msg) const
- (*lib_error_handler)("BitString", msg);
-// globals
-BitStrRep _nilBitStrRep = { 0, 1, {0} };
-BitString _nil_BitString;
-#define MINBitStrRep_SIZE 8
-#define MAXBitStrRep_SIZE ((1 << (sizeof(short)*CHAR_BIT - 1)) - 1)
-#define ONES ((_BS_word)(~0L))
-#define MAXBIT (((_BS_word)1) << (BITSTRBITS - 1))
- * bit manipulation utilities
-// break things up into .s indices and positions
-inline static int BitStr_len(int l)
- return (unsigned)(l) / BITSTRBITS + 1;
-// mask out low bits
-static inline _BS_word lmask(int p)
- return ONES _BS_RIGHT p;
-// mask out high bits
-static inline _BS_word rmask(int p)
- int s = BITSTRBITS - 1 - p;
- if (s <= 0)
- return ONES;
- else
- return ONES _BS_LEFT s;
-// mask out unused bits in last word of rep
-inline static void check_last(BitStrRep* r)
- int bit_len_mod = r->len & (BITSTRBITS - 1);
- if (bit_len_mod)
- r->s[r->len / BITSTRBITS] &= ONES _BS_LEFT (BITSTRBITS - bit_len_mod);
-// merge bits from next word
-static inline _BS_word borrow_hi(const _BS_word a[], int ind,
- int maxind, int p)
- if (p == 0)
- return a[ind];
- else if (ind < maxind)
- return (a[ind] _BS_LEFT p) | (a[ind+1] _BS_RIGHT (BITSTRBITS - p));
- else
- return (a[ind] _BS_LEFT p);
-// merge bits from prev word
-static inline _BS_word borrow_lo(const _BS_word a[], int ind,
- int minind, int p)
- _BS_word word = a[ind] _BS_RIGHT (BITSTRBITS - 1 - p);
- if (ind > minind)
- word |= (a[ind-1] _BS_LEFT (p + 1));
- return word;
-// same with bounds check (for masks shorter than patterns)
-static inline _BS_word safe_borrow_hi(const _BS_word a[], int ind,
- int maxind, int p)
- if (ind > maxind)
- return 0;
- else if (p == 0)
- return a[ind];
- else if (ind == maxind)
- return a[ind] _BS_LEFT p;
- else
- return (a[ind] _BS_LEFT p) | (a[ind+1] _BS_RIGHT (BITSTRBITS - p));
-// allocate a new rep; pad to near a power of two
-inline static BitStrRep* BSnew(int newlen)
- unsigned int siz = sizeof(BitStrRep) + BitStr_len(newlen) * sizeof(_BS_word)
- unsigned int allocsiz = MINBitStrRep_SIZE;;
- while (allocsiz < siz) allocsiz <<= 1;
- allocsiz -= MALLOC_MIN_OVERHEAD;
- if (allocsiz >= MAXBitStrRep_SIZE * sizeof(_BS_word))
- (*lib_error_handler)("BitString", "Requested length out of range");
- BitStrRep* rep = new (operator new (allocsiz)) BitStrRep;
- memset(rep, 0, allocsiz);
- rep->sz =
- (allocsiz - sizeof(BitStrRep) + sizeof(_BS_word)) / sizeof(_BS_word);
- return rep;
-inline void
-copy_bits (_BS_word* pdst, _BS_size_t dstbit,
- const _BS_word* psrc, _BS_size_t srcbit,
- _BS_size_t length)
- _BS_NORMALIZE (pdst, dstbit);
- _BS_NORMALIZE (psrc, srcbit);
- _BS_copy (pdst, dstbit, psrc, srcbit, length);
-BitStrRep* BStr_alloc(BitStrRep* old, const _BS_word* src,
- int startpos, int endp, int newlen)
- if (old == &_nilBitStrRep) old = 0;
- if (newlen < 0) newlen = 0;
- int news = BitStr_len(newlen);
- BitStrRep* rep;
- if (old == 0 || news > old->sz)
- rep = BSnew(newlen);
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = newlen;
- if (src != 0 && endp > 0 && (src != rep->s || startpos > 0))
- copy_bits (rep->s, 0, src, startpos, endp - startpos);
- check_last(rep);
- if (old != rep && old != 0) delete old;
- return rep;
-BitStrRep* BStr_resize(BitStrRep* old, int newlen)
- BitStrRep* rep;
- if (newlen < 0) newlen = 0;
- int news = BitStr_len(newlen);
- if (old == 0 || old == &_nilBitStrRep)
- {
- rep = BSnew(newlen);
- }
- else if (news > old->sz)
- {
- rep = BSnew(newlen);
- memcpy(rep->s, old->s, BitStr_len(old->len) * sizeof(_BS_word));
- delete old;
- }
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = newlen;
- check_last(rep);
- return rep;
-BitStrRep* BStr_copy(BitStrRep* old, const BitStrRep* src)
- BitStrRep* rep;
- if (old == src && old != &_nilBitStrRep) return old;
- if (old == &_nilBitStrRep) old = 0;
- if (src == &_nilBitStrRep) src = 0;
- if (src == 0)
- {
- if (old == 0)
- rep = BSnew(0);
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- int newlen = src->len;
- int news = BitStr_len(newlen);
- if (old == 0 || news > old->sz)
- {
- rep = BSnew(newlen);
- if (old != 0) delete old;
- }
- else
- rep = old;
- memcpy(rep->s, src->s, news * sizeof(_BS_word));
- rep->len = newlen;
- }
- check_last(rep);
- return rep;
-int operator == (const BitString& x, const BitString& y)
- return x.rep->len == y.rep->len &&
- memcmp((void*)x.rep->s, (void*)y.rep->s,
- BitStr_len(x.rep->len) * sizeof(_BS_word)) == 0;
-int operator <= (const BitString& x, const BitString& y)
- unsigned int xl = x.rep->len;
- unsigned int yl = y.rep->len;
- if (xl > yl)
- return 0;
- const _BS_word* xs = x.rep->s;
- const _BS_word* topx = &(xs[BitStr_len(xl)]);
- const _BS_word* ys = y.rep->s;
- while (xs < topx)
- {
- _BS_word a = *xs++;
- _BS_word b = *ys++;
- if ((a | b) != b)
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-int operator < (const BitString& x, const BitString& y)
- unsigned short xl = x.rep->len;
- unsigned short yl = y.rep->len;
- if (xl > yl)
- return 0;
- const _BS_word* xs = x.rep->s;
- const _BS_word* ys = y.rep->s;
- const _BS_word* topx = &(xs[BitStr_len(xl)]);
- const _BS_word* topy = &(ys[BitStr_len(yl)]);
- int one_diff = 0;
- while (xs < topx)
- {
- _BS_word a = *xs++;
- _BS_word b = *ys++;
- _BS_word c = a | b;
- if (c != b)
- return 0;
- else if (c != a)
- one_diff = 1;
- }
- if (one_diff)
- return 1;
- else
- {
- while (ys < topy)
- if (*ys++ != 0)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
-int lcompare(const BitString& x, const BitString& y)
- return _BS_lcompare_0 (x.rep->s, x.rep->len, y.rep->s, y.rep->len);
-int BitString::count(unsigned int b) const
- int count = _BS_count (rep->s, 0, rep->len);
- if (!b)
- count = rep->len - count;
- return count;
-BitStrRep* cmpl(const BitStrRep* src, BitStrRep* r)
- r = BStr_copy(r, src);
- _BS_word* rs = r->s;
- _BS_word* topr = &(rs[BitStr_len(r->len)]);
- while (rs < topr)
- {
- _BS_word cmp = ~(*rs);
- *rs++ = cmp;
- }
- check_last(r);
- return r;
-BitStrRep* and(const BitStrRep* x, const BitStrRep* y, BitStrRep* r)
- int xrsame = x == r;
- int yrsame = y == r;
- unsigned int xl = x->len;
- unsigned int yl = y->len;
- unsigned int rl = (xl <= yl)? xl : yl;
- r = BStr_resize(r, rl);
- _BS_word* rs = r->s;
- _BS_word* topr = &(rs[BitStr_len(rl)]);
- const _BS_word* xs = (xrsame)? rs : x->s;
- const _BS_word* ys = (yrsame)? rs : y->s;
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = *xs++ & *ys++;
- check_last(r);
- return r;
-BitStrRep* or(const BitStrRep* x, const BitStrRep* y, BitStrRep* r)
- unsigned int xl = x->len;
- unsigned int yl = y->len;
- unsigned int rl = (xl >= yl)? xl : yl;
- int xrsame = x == r;
- int yrsame = y == r;
- r = BStr_resize(r, rl);
- _BS_word* rs = r->s;
- const _BS_word* xs = (xrsame)? rs : x->s;
- const _BS_word* topx = &(xs[BitStr_len(xl)]);
- const _BS_word* ys = (yrsame)? rs : y->s;
- const _BS_word* topy = &(ys[BitStr_len(yl)]);
- if (xl <= yl)
- {
- while (xs < topx) *rs++ = *xs++ | *ys++;
- if (rs != ys) while (ys < topy) *rs++ = *ys++;
- }
- else
- {
- while (ys < topy) *rs++ = *xs++ | *ys++;
- if (rs != xs) while (xs < topx) *rs++ = *xs++;
- }
- check_last(r);
- return r;
-BitStrRep* xor(const BitStrRep* x, const BitStrRep* y, BitStrRep* r)
- unsigned int xl = x->len;
- unsigned int yl = y->len;
- unsigned int rl = (xl >= yl)? xl : yl;
- int xrsame = x == r;
- int yrsame = y == r;
- r = BStr_resize(r, rl);
- _BS_word* rs = r->s;
- const _BS_word* xs = (xrsame)? rs : x->s;
- const _BS_word* topx = &(xs[BitStr_len(xl)]);
- const _BS_word* ys = (yrsame)? rs : y->s;
- const _BS_word* topy = &(ys[BitStr_len(yl)]);
- if (xl <= yl)
- {
- while (xs < topx) *rs++ = *xs++ ^ *ys++;
- if (rs != ys) while (ys < topy) *rs++ = *ys++;
- }
- else
- {
- while (ys < topy) *rs++ = *xs++ ^ *ys++;
- if (rs != xs) while (xs < topx) *rs++ = *xs++;
- }
- check_last(r);
- return r;
-BitStrRep* diff(const BitStrRep* x, const BitStrRep* y, BitStrRep* r)
- unsigned int xl = x->len;
- unsigned int yl = y->len;
- int xrsame = x == y;
- int yrsame = y == r;
- r = BStr_resize(r, xl);
- _BS_word* rs = r->s;
- const _BS_word* xs = (xrsame)? rs : x->s;
- const _BS_word* topx = &(xs[BitStr_len(xl)]);
- const _BS_word* ys = (yrsame)? rs : y->s;
- const _BS_word* topy = &(ys[BitStr_len(yl)]);
- if (xl <= yl)
- {
- while (xs < topx) *rs++ = *xs++ & ~(*ys++);
- }
- else
- {
- while (ys < topy) *rs++ = *xs++ & ~(*ys++);
- if (rs != xs) while (xs < topx) *rs++ = *xs++;
- }
- check_last(r);
- return r;
-BitStrRep* cat(const BitStrRep* x, const BitStrRep* y, BitStrRep* r)
- unsigned int xl = x->len;
- unsigned int yl = y->len;
- unsigned int rl = xl + yl;
- int xrsame = x == r;
- int yrsame = y == r;
- if (yrsame)
- {
- if (xrsame)
- {
- r = BStr_resize(r, rl);
- copy_bits (r->s, xl, r->s, 0, yl);
- }
- else
- {
- BitStrRep* tmp = BStr_copy(0, y);
- r = BStr_resize(r, rl);
- _BS_copy_0(r->s, x->s, xl);
- copy_bits (r->s, xl, tmp->s, 0, yl);
- delete tmp;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- r = BStr_resize(r, rl);
- if (!xrsame) _BS_copy_0(r->s, x->s, xl);
- copy_bits (r->s, xl, y->s, 0, yl);
- }
- check_last(r);
- return r;
-BitStrRep* cat(const BitStrRep* x, unsigned int bit, BitStrRep* r)
- unsigned int xl = x->len;
- int xrsame = x == r;
- r = BStr_resize(r, xl+1);
- if (!xrsame)
- _BS_copy_0(r->s, x->s, xl);
- if (bit)
- r->s[BitStr_index(xl)] |= _BS_BITMASK(BitStr_pos(xl));
- else
- r->s[BitStr_index(xl)] &= ~(_BS_BITMASK(BitStr_pos(xl)));
- check_last(r);
- return r;
-BitStrRep* lshift(const BitStrRep* x, int s, BitStrRep* r)
- int xrsame = x == r;
- int xl = x->len;
- int rl = xl + s;
- if (s == 0)
- r = BStr_copy(r, x);
- else if (rl <= 0)
- {
- r = BStr_resize(r, 0);
- r->len = 0;
- r->s[0] = 0;
- }
- else if (s > 0)
- {
- r = BStr_resize(r, rl);
- const _BS_word* xs = (xrsame)? r->s : x->s;
- copy_bits (r->s, s, xs, 0, xl);
- _BS_clear (r->s, 0, s);
- }
- else if (xrsame)
- {
- r = BStr_resize(r, xl);
- r->len = rl;
- copy_bits (r->s, 0, r->s, -s, xl + s);
- }
- else
- {
- r = BStr_resize(r, rl);
- copy_bits (r->s, 0, x->s, -s, xl + s);
- }
- check_last(r);
- return r;
-void BitString::set(int p)
- if (p < 0) error("Illegal bit index");
- if ((unsigned)(p) >= rep->len) rep = BStr_resize(rep, p + 1);
- rep->s[BitStr_index(p)] |= _BS_BITMASK(BitStr_pos(p));
-void BitString::assign(int p, unsigned int bit)
- if (p < 0) error("Illegal bit index");
- if ((unsigned)(p) >= rep->len) rep = BStr_resize(rep, p + 1);
- if (bit)
- rep->s[BitStr_index(p)] |= _BS_BITMASK(BitStr_pos(p));
- else
- rep->s[BitStr_index(p)] &= ~(_BS_BITMASK(BitStr_pos(p)));
-void BitString::clear(int p)
- if (p < 0) error("Illegal bit index");
- if ((unsigned)(p) >= rep->len) rep = BStr_resize(rep, p + 1);
- rep->s[BitStr_index(p)] &= ~(_BS_BITMASK(BitStr_pos(p)));
-void BitString::clear()
- if (rep == &_nilBitStrRep) return;
- _BS_clear (rep->s, 0, rep->len);
-void BitString::set()
- if (rep == &_nilBitStrRep) return;
- _BS_word* s = rep->s;
- _BS_word* tops = &(s[BitStr_len(rep->len)]);
- while (s < tops) *s++ = ONES;
- check_last(rep);
-void BitString::invert(int p)
- if (p < 0) error("Illegal bit index");
- if ((unsigned)(p) >= rep->len) rep = BStr_resize(rep, p + 1);
- rep->s[BitStr_index(p)] ^= _BS_BITMASK(BitStr_pos(p));
-void BitString::set(int from, int to)
- if (from < 0 || from > to) error("Illegal bit index");
- if ((unsigned)(to) >= rep->len) rep = BStr_resize(rep, to+1);
- _BS_size_t len = to - from + 1;
- _BS_word* xs = rep->s;
- _BS_NORMALIZE (xs, from);
- _BS_invert (xs, from, len);
-void BitString::clear(int from, int to)
- if (from < 0 || from > to) error("Illegal bit index");
- if ((unsigned)(to) >= rep->len) rep = BStr_resize(rep, to+1);
- _BS_size_t len = to - from + 1;
- _BS_word* xs = rep->s;
- _BS_NORMALIZE (xs, from);
- _BS_clear (xs, from, len);
-void BitString::invert(int from, int to)
- if (from < 0 || from > to) error("Illegal bit index");
- if ((unsigned)(to) >= rep->len) rep = BStr_resize(rep, to+1);
- _BS_size_t len = to - from + 1;
- _BS_word* xs = rep->s;
- _BS_NORMALIZE (xs, from);
- _BS_invert (xs, from, len);
-int BitString::test(int from, int to) const
- if (from < 0 || from > to || (unsigned)(from) >= rep->len) return 0;
- _BS_size_t len = to - from + 1;
- _BS_word* xs = rep->s;
- _BS_NORMALIZE (xs, from);
- return _BS_any (xs, from, len);
-int BitString::next(int p, unsigned int b) const
- if ((unsigned)(++p) >= rep->len)
- return -1;
- int ind = BitStr_index(p);
- int pos = BitStr_pos(p);
- int l = BitStr_len(rep->len);
- int j = ind;
- const _BS_word* s = rep->s;
- _BS_word a = s[j] >> pos;
- int i = pos;
- if (b != 0)
- {
- for (; i < BITSTRBITS && a != 0; ++i)
- {
- if (a & 1)
- return j * BITSTRBITS + i;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- for (++j; j < l; ++j)
- {
- a = s[j];
- for (i = 0; i < BITSTRBITS && a != 0; ++i)
- {
- if (a & 1)
- return j * BITSTRBITS + i;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- int last = BitStr_pos(rep->len);
- if (j == l - 1)
- {
- for (; i < last; ++i)
- {
- if ((a & 1) == 0)
- return j * BITSTRBITS + i;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- for (; i < BITSTRBITS; ++i)
- {
- if ((a & 1) == 0)
- return j * BITSTRBITS + i;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- for (++j; j < l - 1; ++j)
- {
- a = s[j];
- if (a != ONES)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < BITSTRBITS; ++i)
- {
- if ((a & 1) == 0)
- return j * BITSTRBITS + i;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- a = s[j];
- for (i = 0; i < last; ++i)
- {
- if ((a & 1) == 0)
- return j * BITSTRBITS + i;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- return -1;
- }
-int BitString::prev(int p, unsigned int b) const
- if (--p < 0)
- return -1;
- int ind = BitStr_index(p);
- int pos = BitStr_pos(p);
- const _BS_word* s = rep->s;
- if ((unsigned)(p) >= rep->len)
- {
- ind = BitStr_index(rep->len - 1);
- pos = BitStr_pos(rep->len - 1);
- }
- int j = ind;
- _BS_word a = s[j];
- int i = pos;
- _BS_word maxbit = ((_BS_word)1) << pos;
- if (b != 0)
- {
- for (; i >= 0 && a != 0; --i)
- {
- if (a & maxbit)
- return j * BITSTRBITS + i;
- a <<= 1;
- }
- maxbit = ((_BS_word)1) << (BITSTRBITS - 1);
- for (--j; j >= 0; --j)
- {
- a = s[j];
- for (i = BITSTRBITS - 1; i >= 0 && a != 0; --i)
- {
- if (a & maxbit)
- return j * BITSTRBITS + i;
- a <<= 1;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (a != ONES)
- {
- for (; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- if ((a & maxbit) == 0)
- return j * BITSTRBITS + i;
- a <<= 1;
- }
- }
- maxbit = ((_BS_word)1) << (BITSTRBITS - 1);
- for (--j; j >= 0; --j)
- {
- a = s[j];
- if (a != ONES)
- {
- for (i = BITSTRBITS - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- if ((a & maxbit) == 0)
- return j * BITSTRBITS + i;
- a <<= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
-int BitString::search(int startx, int lengthx,
- const _BS_word* ys, int starty, int lengthy) const
- const _BS_word* xs = rep->s;
- int ylen = lengthy - starty;
- int righty = lengthy - 1;
- int rev = startx < 0;
- if (rev)
- {
- int leftx = 0;
- int rightx = lengthx + startx;
- startx = rightx - ylen + 1;
- if (ylen == 0) return startx;
- if (starty < 0 || righty < 0 || startx < 0 || startx >= lengthx) return -1;
- int xind = BitStr_index(startx);
- int xpos = BitStr_pos(startx);
- int yind = BitStr_index(starty);
- int ypos = BitStr_pos(starty);
- int rightxind = BitStr_index(rightx);
- _BS_word x = borrow_hi(xs, xind, rightxind, xpos);
- int rightyind = BitStr_index(righty);
- int rightypos = BitStr_pos(righty);
- _BS_word y = borrow_hi(ys, yind, rightyind, ypos);
- _BS_word ymask;
- if (yind == rightyind)
- ymask = rmask(rightypos);
- else if (yind+1 == rightyind)
- ymask = rmask(BITSTRBITS - ypos + rightypos + 1);
- else
- ymask = ONES;
- int p = startx;
- for (;;)
- {
- if ((x & ymask) == y)
- {
- int xi = xind;
- int yi = yind;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (++yi > rightyind || ++xi > rightxind)
- return p;
- _BS_word tx = borrow_hi(xs, xi, rightxind, xpos);
- _BS_word ty = borrow_hi(ys, yi, rightyind, ypos);
- if (yi == rightyind)
- tx &= rmask(rightypos);
- else if (yi+1 == rightyind)
- tx &= rmask(BITSTRBITS - ypos + rightypos + 1);
- if (tx != ty)
- break;
- }
- }
- if (--p < leftx)
- return -1;
- if (--xpos < 0)
- {
- xpos = BITSTRBITS - 1;
- --xind;
- }
- x = borrow_hi(xs, xind, rightxind, xpos);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int rightx = lengthx - 1;
- if (ylen == 0) return startx;
- if (starty < 0 || righty < 0 || startx < 0 || startx >= lengthx) return -1;
- int xind = BitStr_index(startx);
- int xpos = BitStr_pos(startx);
- int yind = BitStr_index(starty);
- int ypos = BitStr_pos(starty);
- int rightxind = BitStr_index(rightx);
- _BS_word x = borrow_hi(xs, xind, rightxind, xpos);
- _BS_word nextx = (xind >= rightxind) ? 0 : (xs[xind+1] >> xpos);
- int rightyind = BitStr_index(righty);
- int rightypos = BitStr_pos(righty);
- _BS_word y = borrow_hi(ys, yind, rightyind, ypos);
- _BS_word ymask;
- if (yind == rightyind)
- ymask = rmask(rightypos);
- else if (yind+1 == rightyind)
- ymask = rmask(BITSTRBITS - ypos + rightypos + 1);
- else
- ymask = ONES;
- int p = startx;
- for (;;)
- {
- if ((x & ymask) == y)
- {
- int xi = xind;
- int yi = yind;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (++yi > rightyind || ++xi > rightxind)
- return p;
- _BS_word tx = borrow_hi(xs, xi, rightxind, xpos);
- _BS_word ty = borrow_hi(ys, yi, rightyind, ypos);
- if (yi == rightyind)
- tx &= rmask(rightypos);
- else if (yi+1 == rightyind)
- tx &= rmask(BITSTRBITS - ypos + rightypos + 1);
- if (tx != ty)
- break;
- }
- }
- if (++p > rightx)
- return -1;
- if (++xpos == BITSTRBITS)
- {
- xpos = 0;
- x = xs[++xind];
- nextx = (xind >= rightxind) ? 0 : xs[xind+1];
- }
- else
- {
- x >>= 1;
- if (nextx & 1)
- x |= MAXBIT;
- nextx >>= 1;
- }
- }
- }
-int BitPattern::search(const _BS_word* xs, int startx, int lengthx) const
- const _BS_word* ys = pattern.rep->s;
- const _BS_word* ms = mask.rep->s;
- int righty = pattern.rep->len - 1;
- int rightm = mask.rep->len - 1;
- int rev = startx < 0;
- if (rev)
- {
- int leftx = 0;
- int rightx = lengthx + startx;
- startx = rightx - righty;
- if (righty < 0) return startx;
- if (startx < 0 || startx >= lengthx) return -1;
- int xind = BitStr_index(startx);
- int xpos = BitStr_pos(startx);
- int rightxind = BitStr_index(rightx);
- int rightmind = BitStr_index(rightm);
- int rightyind = BitStr_index(righty);
- _BS_word x = safe_borrow_hi(xs, xind, rightxind, xpos);
- _BS_word m = safe_borrow_hi(ms, 0, rightmind, 0);
- _BS_word y = safe_borrow_hi(ys, 0, rightyind, 0) & m;
- int p = startx;
- for (;;)
- {
- if ((x & m) == y)
- {
- int xi = xind;
- int yi = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (++yi > rightyind || ++xi > rightxind)
- return p;
- _BS_word tm = safe_borrow_hi(ms, yi, rightmind, 0);
- _BS_word ty = safe_borrow_hi(ys, yi, rightyind, 0);
- _BS_word tx = safe_borrow_hi(xs, xi, rightxind, xpos);
- if ((tx & tm) != (ty & tm))
- break;
- }
- }
- if (--p < leftx)
- return -1;
- if (--xpos < 0)
- {
- xpos = BITSTRBITS - 1;
- --xind;
- }
- x = safe_borrow_hi(xs, xind, rightxind, xpos);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int rightx = lengthx - 1;
- if (righty < 0) return startx;
- if (startx < 0 || startx >= lengthx) return -1;
- int xind = BitStr_index(startx);
- int xpos = BitStr_pos(startx);
- int rightxind = BitStr_index(rightx);
- int rightmind = BitStr_index(rightm);
- int rightyind = BitStr_index(righty);
- _BS_word x = safe_borrow_hi(xs, xind, rightxind, xpos);
- _BS_word m = safe_borrow_hi(ms, 0, rightmind, 0);
- _BS_word y = safe_borrow_hi(ys, 0, rightyind, 0) & m;
- _BS_word nextx = (xind >= rightxind) ? 0 : (xs[xind+1] >> xpos);
- int p = startx;
- for (;;)
- {
- if ((x & m) == y)
- {
- int xi = xind;
- int yi = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (++yi > rightyind || ++xi > rightxind)
- return p;
- _BS_word tm = safe_borrow_hi(ms, yi, rightmind, 0);
- _BS_word ty = safe_borrow_hi(ys, yi, rightyind, 0);
- _BS_word tx = safe_borrow_hi(xs, xi, rightxind, xpos);
- if ((tx & tm) != (ty & tm))
- break;
- }
- }
- if (++p > rightx)
- return -1;
- if (++xpos == BITSTRBITS)
- {
- xpos = 0;
- x = xs[++xind];
- nextx = (xind >= rightxind) ? 0 : xs[xind+1];
- }
- else
- {
- x >>= 1;
- if (nextx & 1)
- x |= MAXBIT;
- nextx >>= 1;
- }
- }
- }
-int BitString::match(int startx, int lengthx, int exact,
- const _BS_word* ys, int starty, int yl) const
- const _BS_word* xs = rep->s;
- int ylen = yl - starty;
- int righty = yl - 1;
- int rightx;
- int rev = startx < 0;
- if (rev)
- {
- rightx = lengthx + startx;
- startx = rightx - ylen + 1;
- if (exact && startx != 0)
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- rightx = lengthx - 1;
- if (exact && rightx - startx != righty)
- return 0;
- }
- if (ylen == 0) return 1;
- if (righty < 0 || startx < 0 || startx >= lengthx) return 0;
- int xi = BitStr_index(startx);
- int xpos = BitStr_pos(startx);
- int yi = BitStr_index(starty);
- int ypos = BitStr_pos(starty);
- int rightxind = BitStr_index(rightx);
- int rightyind = BitStr_index(righty);
- int rightypos = BitStr_pos(righty);
- for (;;)
- {
- _BS_word x = borrow_hi(xs, xi, rightxind, xpos);
- _BS_word y = borrow_hi(ys, yi, rightyind, ypos);
- if (yi == rightyind)
- x &= rmask(rightypos);
- else if (yi+1 == rightyind)
- x &= rmask(BITSTRBITS - ypos + rightypos + 1);
- if (x != y)
- return 0;
- else if (++yi > rightyind || ++xi > rightxind)
- return 1;
- }
-int BitPattern::match(const _BS_word* xs, int startx,
- int lengthx, int exact) const
- const _BS_word* ys = pattern.rep->s;
- int righty = pattern.rep->len - 1;
- _BS_word* ms = mask.rep->s;
- int rightm = mask.rep->len - 1;
- int rightx;
- int rev = startx < 0;
- if (rev)
- {
- rightx = lengthx + startx;
- startx = rightx - righty;
- if (exact && startx != 0)
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- rightx = lengthx - 1;
- if (exact && rightx - startx != righty)
- return 0;
- }
- if (righty < 0) return 1;
- if (startx < 0 || startx >= lengthx) return 0;
- int xind = BitStr_index(startx);
- int xpos = BitStr_pos(startx);
- int yind = 0;
- int rightxind = BitStr_index(rightx);
- int rightyind = BitStr_index(righty);
- int rightmind = BitStr_index(rightm);
- for(;;)
- {
- _BS_word m = safe_borrow_hi(ms, yind, rightmind, 0);
- _BS_word x = safe_borrow_hi(xs, xind, rightxind, xpos) & m;
- _BS_word y = safe_borrow_hi(ys, yind, rightyind, 0) & m;
- if (x != y)
- return 0;
- else if (++yind > rightyind || ++xind > rightxind)
- return 1;
- }
-BitSubString& BitSubString::operator = (const BitString& y)
- if (&S == &_nil_BitString)
- return *this;
- BitStrRep* targ = S.rep;
- unsigned int ylen = y.rep->len;
- int sl = targ->len - len + ylen;
- if (y.rep == targ || ylen > len)
- {
- BitStrRep* oldtarg = targ;
- targ = BStr_alloc(0, 0, 0, 0, sl);
- _BS_copy (targ->s, 0, oldtarg->s, 0, pos);
- copy_bits (targ->s, pos, y.rep->s, 0, ylen);
- copy_bits (targ->s, pos + ylen, oldtarg->s, pos+len, oldtarg->len-pos-len);
- delete oldtarg;
- }
- else if (len == ylen)
- copy_bits (targ->s, pos, y.rep->s, 0, len);
- else if (ylen < len)
- {
- copy_bits (targ->s, pos, y.rep->s, 0, ylen);
- copy_bits (targ->s, pos + ylen, targ->s, pos + len, targ->len - pos - len);
- targ->len = sl;
- }
- check_last(targ);
- S.rep = targ;
- return *this;
-BitSubString& BitSubString::operator = (const BitSubString& y)
- if (&S == &_nil_BitString)
- return *this;
- BitStrRep* targ = S.rep;
- if (len == 0 || pos >= targ->len)
- return *this;
- int sl = targ->len - len + y.len;
- if (y.S.rep == targ || y.len > len)
- {
- BitStrRep* oldtarg = targ;
- targ = BStr_alloc(0, 0, 0, 0, sl);
- _BS_copy_0(targ->s, oldtarg->s, pos);
- copy_bits (targ->s, pos, y.S.rep->s, y.pos, y.len);
- copy_bits (targ->s, pos + y.len, oldtarg->s, pos+len,
- oldtarg->len-pos-len);
- delete oldtarg;
- }
- else if (len == y.len)
- copy_bits (targ->s, pos, y.S.rep->s, y.pos, y.len);
- else if (y.len < len)
- {
- copy_bits (targ->s, pos, y.S.rep->s, y.pos, y.len);
- copy_bits (targ->s, pos + y.len, targ->s, pos + len,
- targ->len - pos - len);
- targ->len = sl;
- }
- check_last(targ);
- S.rep = targ;
- return *this;
-BitSubString BitString::at(int first, int len)
- return _substr(first, len);
-BitSubString BitString::before(int pos)
- return _substr(0, pos);
-BitSubString BitString::after(int pos)
- return _substr(pos + 1, rep->len - (pos + 1));
-BitSubString BitString::at(const BitString& y, int startpos)
- int first = search(startpos, rep->len, y.rep->s, 0, y.rep->len);
- return _substr(first, y.rep->len);
-BitSubString BitString::before(const BitString& y, int startpos)
- int last = search(startpos, rep->len, y.rep->s, 0, y.rep->len);
- return _substr(0, last);
-BitSubString BitString::after(const BitString& y, int startpos)
- int first = search(startpos, rep->len, y.rep->s, 0, y.rep->len);
- if (first >= 0) first += y.rep->len;
- return _substr(first, rep->len - first);
-BitSubString BitString::at(const BitSubString& y, int startpos)
- int first = search(startpos, rep->len, y.S.rep->s, y.pos, y.len);
- return _substr(first, y.len);
-BitSubString BitString::before(const BitSubString& y, int startpos)
- int last = search(startpos, rep->len, y.S.rep->s, y.pos, y.len);
- return _substr(0, last);
-BitSubString BitString::after(const BitSubString& y, int startpos)
- int first = search(startpos, rep->len, y.S.rep->s, y.pos, y.len);
- if (first >= 0) first += y.len;
- return _substr(first, rep->len - first);
-BitSubString BitString::at(const BitPattern& r, int startpos)
- int first =>s, startpos, rep->len);
- return _substr(first, r.pattern.rep->len);
-BitSubString BitString::before(const BitPattern& r, int startpos)
- int first =>s, startpos, rep->len);
- return _substr(0, first);
-BitSubString BitString::after(const BitPattern& r, int startpos)
- int first =>s, startpos, rep->len);
- if (first >= 0) first += r.pattern.rep->len;
- return _substr(first, rep->len - first);
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(_G_NO_NRV)
-#define RETURN(r) return
-#define RETURNS(r) return r;
-#define RETURN_OBJECT(TYPE, NAME) /* nothing */
-#define USE_UNSIGNED 1 /* probably correct */
-#else /* _G_NO_NRV */
-#define RETURN(r) return r
-#define RETURNS(r) /* nothing */
-#define USE_UNSIGNED 0 /* probably old bug */
-common_prefix (const BitString& x, const BitString& y, int startpos)
- RETURN_OBJECT(BitString, r);
- unsigned int xl = x.rep->len;
- unsigned int yl = y.rep->len;
- unsigned int startx, starty;
- if (startpos < 0)
- {
- startx = xl + startpos;
- starty = yl + startpos;
- }
- else
- startx = starty = startpos;
- if (startx >= xl || starty >= yl)
- RETURN(r);
- const _BS_word* xs = &(x.rep->s[BitStr_index(startx)]);
- _BS_word a = *xs++;
- unsigned int xp = startx;
- const _BS_word* ys = &(y.rep->s[BitStr_index(starty)]);
- _BS_word b = *ys++;
- unsigned int yp = starty;
- for(; xp < xl && yp < yl; ++xp, ++yp)
- {
- _BS_word xbit = ((_BS_word)1) << (BitStr_pos(xp));
- _BS_word ybit = ((_BS_word)1) << (BitStr_pos(yp));
- if (((a & xbit) == 0) != ((b & ybit) == 0))
- break;
- if (xbit == MAXBIT)
- a = *xs++;
- if (ybit == MAXBIT)
- b = *ys++;
- }
- r.rep = BStr_alloc(0, x.rep->s, startx, xp, xp - startx);
- RETURN(r);
-common_suffix (const BitString& x, const BitString& y, int startpos)
- RETURN_OBJECT(BitString, r);
- unsigned int xl = x.rep->len;
- unsigned int yl = y.rep->len;
- unsigned int startx, starty;
- if (startpos < 0)
- {
- startx = xl + startpos;
- starty = yl + startpos;
- }
- else
- startx = starty = startpos;
- if (startx >= xl || starty >= yl)
- RETURN(r);
- const _BS_word* xs = &(x.rep->s[BitStr_index(startx)]);
- _BS_word a = *xs--;
- int xp = startx;
- const _BS_word* ys = &(y.rep->s[BitStr_index(starty)]);
- _BS_word b = *ys--;
- int yp = starty;
- for(; xp >= 0 && yp >= 0; --xp, --yp)
- {
- _BS_word xbit = ((_BS_word)1) << (BitStr_pos(xp));
- _BS_word ybit = ((_BS_word)1) << (BitStr_pos(yp));
- if (((a & xbit) == 0) != ((b & ybit) == 0))
- break;
- if (xbit == 1)
- a = *xs--;
- if (ybit == 1)
- b = *ys--;
- }
- r.rep = BStr_alloc(0, x.rep->s, xp+1, startx+1, startx - xp);
- RETURN(r);
-BitString reverse (const BitString& x)
- RETURN_OBJECT(BitString, r);
- unsigned int yl = x.rep->len;
- BitStrRep* y = BStr_resize(0, yl);
- if (yl > 0)
- {
- const _BS_word* ls = x.rep->s;
- _BS_word lm = 1;
- _BS_word* rs = &(y->s[BitStr_index(yl - 1)]);
- _BS_word rm = ((_BS_word)1) << (BitStr_pos(yl - 1));
- for (unsigned int l = 0; l < yl; ++l)
- {
- if (*ls & lm)
- *rs |= rm;
- if (lm == MAXBIT)
- {
- ++ls;
- lm = 1;
- }
- else
- lm <<= 1;
- if (rm == 1)
- {
- --rs;
- rm = MAXBIT;
- }
- else
- rm >>= 1;
- }
- }
- r.rep = y;
- RETURN(r);
-atoBitString (const char* s, char f, char t)
- RETURNS(res)
- RETURN_OBJECT(BitString, res);
- int sl = strlen(s);
- BitStrRep* r = BStr_resize(0, sl);
- if (sl != 0)
- {
- unsigned int rl = 0;
- _BS_word* rs = r->s;
- _BS_word a = 0;
- _BS_word m = 1;
- unsigned int i = 0;
- for(;;)
- {
- char ch = s[i];
- if (ch != t && ch != f)
- {
- *rs = a;
- break;
- }
- ++rl;
- if (ch == t)
- a |= m;
- if (++i == sl)
- {
- *rs = a;
- break;
- }
- else if (i % BITSTRBITS == 0)
- {
- *rs++ = a;
- a = 0;
- m = 1;
- }
- else
- m <<= 1;
- }
- r = BStr_resize(r, rl);
- }
- res.rep = r;
- RETURN(res);
-atoBitPattern (const char* s, char f,char t,char x)
- RETURN_OBJECT(BitPattern, r);
- int sl = strlen(s);
- if (sl != 0)
- {
- unsigned int rl = 0;
- r.pattern.rep = BStr_resize(r.pattern.rep, sl);
- r.mask.rep = BStr_resize(r.mask.rep, sl);
- _BS_word* rs = r.pattern.rep->s;
- _BS_word* ms = r.mask.rep->s;
- _BS_word a = 0;
- _BS_word b = 0;
- _BS_word m = 1;
- unsigned int i = 0;
- for(;;)
- {
- char ch = s[i];
- if (ch != t && ch != f && ch != x)
- {
- *rs = a;
- *ms = b;
- break;
- }
- ++rl;
- if (ch == t)
- {
- a |= m;
- b |= m;
- }
- else if (ch == f)
- {
- b |= m;
- }
- if (++i == sl)
- {
- *rs = a;
- *ms = b;
- break;
- }
- else if (i % BITSTRBITS == 0)
- {
- *rs++ = a;
- *ms++ = b;
- a = 0;
- b = 0;
- m = 1;
- }
- else
- m <<= 1;
- }
- r.pattern.rep = BStr_resize(r.pattern.rep, rl);
- r.mask.rep = BStr_resize(r.mask.rep, rl);
- }
- RETURN(r);
-extern AllocRing _libgxx_fmtq;
-void BitString::printon (ostream& os, char f, char t) const
- unsigned int xl = rep->len;
- const _BS_word* ptr = rep->s;
- register streambuf *sb = os.rdbuf();
- _BS_word a = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xl; ++i)
- {
- if (i % BITSTRBITS == 0)
- a = *ptr++;
- sb->sputc((a & 1)? t : f);
- a >>= 1;
- }
-const char* BitStringtoa(const BitString& x, char f, char t)
- int wrksiz = x.length() + 2;
- char* fmtbase = (char *) _libgxx_fmtq.alloc(wrksiz);
- ostrstream stream(fmtbase, wrksiz);
- x.printon(stream, f, t);
- stream << ends;
- return fmtbase;
-ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const BitString& x)
- if (s.opfx())
- x.printon(s);
- return s;
-const char* BitPatterntoa(const BitPattern& p, char f,char t,char x)
- unsigned int pl = p.pattern.rep->len;
- unsigned int ml = p.mask.rep->len;
- unsigned int l = (pl <= ml)? pl : ml;
- int wrksiz = l + 2;
- char* fmtbase = (char *) _libgxx_fmtq.alloc(wrksiz);
- ostrstream stream(fmtbase, wrksiz);
- p.printon(stream, f, t, x);
- stream << ends;
- return fmtbase;
-void BitPattern::printon(ostream& s, char f,char t,char x) const
- unsigned int pl = pattern.rep->len;
- unsigned int ml = mask.rep->len;
- unsigned int l = (pl <= ml)? pl : ml;
- register streambuf *sb = s.rdbuf();
- const _BS_word* ps = pattern.rep->s;
- const _BS_word* ms = mask.rep->s;
- _BS_word a = 0;
- _BS_word m = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l; ++i)
- {
- if (i % BITSTRBITS == 0)
- {
- a = *ps++;
- m = *ms++;
- }
- if (m & 1)
- sb->sputc((a & 1)? t : f);
- else
- sb->sputc(x);
- a >>= 1;
- m >>= 1;
- }
-ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const BitPattern& x)
- if (s.opfx())
- x.printon(s);
- return s;
-int BitString::OK() const
- int v = rep != 0; // have a rep;
- v &= BitStr_len(rep->len) <= rep->sz; // within allocated size
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
-int BitSubString::OK() const
- int v = S.OK(); // valid BitString
- v &= pos + len <= S.rep->len; // within bounds of targ
- if (!v) S.error("BitSubString invariant failure");
- return v;
-int BitPattern::OK() const
- int v = pattern.OK() && mask.OK();
- if (!v) pattern.error("BitPattern invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/BitString.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/BitString.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f3f2d8c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/BitString.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,763 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _BitString_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _BitString_h 1
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#undef OK
-#include <bitprims.h>
-struct BitStrRep
- unsigned int len; // length in bits
- unsigned short sz; // allocated slots
- _BS_word s[1]; // bits start here
-extern BitStrRep* BStr_alloc(BitStrRep*, const _BS_word*, int, int,int);
-extern BitStrRep* BStr_resize(BitStrRep*, int);
-extern BitStrRep* BStr_copy(BitStrRep*, const BitStrRep*);
-extern BitStrRep* cmpl(const BitStrRep*, BitStrRep*);
-extern BitStrRep* and(const BitStrRep*, const BitStrRep*, BitStrRep*);
-extern BitStrRep* or(const BitStrRep*, const BitStrRep*, BitStrRep*);
-extern BitStrRep* xor(const BitStrRep*, const BitStrRep*, BitStrRep*);
-extern BitStrRep* diff(const BitStrRep*, const BitStrRep*, BitStrRep*);
-extern BitStrRep* cat(const BitStrRep*, const BitStrRep*, BitStrRep*);
-extern BitStrRep* cat(const BitStrRep*, unsigned int, BitStrRep*);
-extern BitStrRep* lshift(const BitStrRep*, int, BitStrRep*);
-class BitString;
-class BitPattern;
-class BitStrBit
- BitString& src;
- unsigned int pos;
- public:
- BitStrBit(BitString& v, int p);
- BitStrBit(const BitStrBit& b);
- ~BitStrBit();
- operator unsigned int() const;
- int operator = (unsigned int b);
-class BitSubString
- friend class BitString;
- friend class BitPattern;
- BitString& S;
- unsigned int pos;
- unsigned int len;
- BitSubString(BitString& x, int p, int l);
- BitSubString(const BitSubString& x);
- ~BitSubString();
- BitSubString& operator = (const BitString&);
- BitSubString& operator = (const BitSubString&);
- int length() const;
- int empty() const;
- int OK() const;
-class BitString
- friend class BitSubString;
- friend class BitPattern;
- BitStrRep* rep;
- int search(int, int, const _BS_word*, int, int) const;
- int match(int, int, int, const _BS_word*,int,int) const;
- BitSubString _substr(int first, int l);
-// constructors
- BitString();
- BitString(const BitString&);
- BitString(const BitSubString& y);
- ~BitString();
- BitString& operator = (unsigned int bit);
- BitString& operator = (const BitString& y);
- BitString& operator = (const BitSubString& y);
-// equality & subset tests
- friend int operator == (const BitString&, const BitString&);
- friend int operator != (const BitString&, const BitString&);
- friend int operator < (const BitString&, const BitString&);
- friend int operator <= (const BitString&, const BitString&);
- friend int operator > (const BitString&, const BitString&);
- friend int operator >= (const BitString&, const BitString&);
-// procedural versions of operators
- friend void and(const BitString&, const BitString&, BitString&);
- friend void or(const BitString&, const BitString&, BitString&);
- friend void xor(const BitString&, const BitString&, BitString&);
- friend void diff(const BitString&, const BitString&, BitString&);
- friend void cat(const BitString&, const BitString&, BitString&);
- friend void cat(const BitString&, unsigned int, BitString&);
- friend void lshift(const BitString&, int, BitString&);
- friend void rshift(const BitString&, int, BitString&);
- friend void complement(const BitString&, BitString&);
- friend int lcompare(const BitString&, const BitString&);
-// assignment-based operators
-// (constuctive versions decalred inline below
- BitString& operator |= (const BitString&);
- BitString& operator &= (const BitString&);
- BitString& operator -= (const BitString&);
- BitString& operator ^= (const BitString&);
- BitString& operator += (const BitString&);
- BitString& operator += (unsigned int b);
- BitString& operator <<=(int s);
- BitString& operator >>=(int s);
- void complement();
-// individual bit manipulation
- void set(int pos);
- void set(int from, int to);
- void set();
- void clear(int pos);
- void clear(int from, int to);
- void clear();
- void invert(int pos);
- void invert(int from, int to);
- int test(int pos) const;
- int test(int from, int to) const;
- void assign(int p, unsigned int bit);
-// indexing
- BitStrBit operator [] (int pos);
-// iterators
- int first(unsigned int bit = 1) const;
- int last(unsigned int b = 1) const;
- int next(int pos, unsigned int b = 1) const;
- int prev(int pos, unsigned int b = 1) const;
- int previous(int pos, unsigned int b = 1) const
- { return prev(pos, b); } /* Obsolete synonym */
-// searching & matching
- int index(unsigned int bit, int startpos = 0) const ;
- int index(const BitString&, int startpos = 0) const;
- int index(const BitSubString&, int startpos = 0) const;
- int index(const BitPattern&, int startpos = 0) const;
- int contains(const BitString&) const;
- int contains(const BitSubString&) const;
- int contains(const BitPattern&) const;
- int contains(const BitString&, int pos) const;
- int contains(const BitSubString&, int pos) const;
- int contains(const BitPattern&, int pos) const;
- int matches(const BitString&, int pos = 0) const;
- int matches(const BitSubString&, int pos = 0) const;
- int matches(const BitPattern&, int pos = 0) const;
-// BitSubString extraction
- BitSubString at(int pos, int len);
- BitSubString at(const BitString&, int startpos = 0);
- BitSubString at(const BitSubString&, int startpos = 0);
- BitSubString at(const BitPattern&, int startpos = 0);
- BitSubString before(int pos);
- BitSubString before(const BitString&, int startpos = 0);
- BitSubString before(const BitSubString&, int startpos = 0);
- BitSubString before(const BitPattern&, int startpos = 0);
- BitSubString after(int pos);
- BitSubString after(const BitString&, int startpos = 0);
- BitSubString after(const BitSubString&, int startpos = 0);
- BitSubString after(const BitPattern&, int startpos = 0);
-// other friends & utilities
- friend BitString common_prefix(const BitString&, const BitString&,
- int pos = 0);
- friend BitString common_suffix(const BitString&, const BitString&,
- int pos = -1);
- friend BitString reverse(const BitString&);
- void right_trim(unsigned int bit);
- void left_trim(unsigned int bit);
-// status
- int empty() const ;
- int count(unsigned int bit = 1) const;
- int length() const;
-// convertors & IO
- friend BitString atoBitString(const char* s, char f='0', char t='1');
- // BitStringtoa is deprecated; do not use in new programs!
- friend const char* BitStringtoa(const BitString&, char f='0', char t='1');
- void printon(ostream&, char f='0', char t='1') const;
- friend BitString shorttoBitString(unsigned short);
- friend BitString longtoBitString(unsigned long);
- friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const BitString&);
-// misc
- void error(const char* msg) const;
-// indirect friends
- friend BitPattern atoBitPattern(const char* s,
- char f='0',char t='1',char x='X');
- friend const char* BitPatterntoa(const BitPattern& p,
- char f='0',char t='1',char x='X');
- int OK() const;
-class BitPattern
- BitString pattern;
- BitString mask;
- BitPattern();
- BitPattern(const BitPattern&);
- BitPattern(const BitString& p, const BitString& m);
- ~BitPattern();
- friend const char* BitPatterntoa(const BitPattern& p,
- char f/*='0'*/,char t/*='1'*/,char x/*='X'*/);
- void printon(ostream&, char f='0',char t='1',char x='X') const;
- friend BitPattern atoBitPattern(const char* s, char f,char t, char x);
- friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const BitPattern&);
- int search(const _BS_word*, int, int) const;
- int match(const _BS_word* xs, int, int, int) const;
- int OK() const;
-BitString operator & (const BitString& x, const BitString& y);
-BitString operator | (const BitString& x, const BitString& y);
-BitString operator ^ (const BitString& x, const BitString& y);
-BitString operator << (const BitString& x, int y);
-BitString operator >> (const BitString& x, int y);
-BitString operator - (const BitString& x, const BitString& y);
-BitString operator + (const BitString& x, const BitString& y);
-BitString operator + (const BitString& x, unsigned int y);
-BitString operator ~ (const BitString& x);
-int operator != (const BitString& x, const BitString& y);
-int operator>(const BitString& x, const BitString& y);
-int operator>=(const BitString& x, const BitString& y);
-extern BitStrRep _nilBitStrRep;
-extern BitString _nil_BitString;
-// primitive bit extraction
-// These must be inlined regardless of optimization.
-inline int BitStr_index(int l) { return (unsigned)(l) / BITSTRBITS; }
-inline int BitStr_pos(int l) { return l & (BITSTRBITS - 1); }
-// constructors & assignment
-inline BitString::BitString() :rep(&_nilBitStrRep) {}
-inline BitString::BitString(const BitString& x) :rep(BStr_copy(0, x.rep)) {}
-inline BitString::BitString(const BitSubString& y)
- :rep (BStr_alloc(0, y.S.rep->s, y.pos, y.pos+y.len, y.len)) {}
-inline BitString::~BitString()
- if (rep != &_nilBitStrRep) delete rep;
-inline BitString shorttoBitString(unsigned short w)
- BitString r;
- _BS_word ww = w;
- abort();
- r.rep = BStr_alloc(0, &ww, 0, 8 * sizeof(short), 8 * sizeof(short));
- return r;
-inline BitString longtoBitString(unsigned long w)
- BitString r;
-#if 1
- _BS_word u = w;
- r.rep = BStr_alloc(0, &u, 0, BITSTRBITS, BITSTRBITS);
- unsigned short u[2];
- u[0] = w & ((unsigned short)(~(0)));
- u[1] = w >> BITSTRBITS;
- r.rep = BStr_alloc(0, &u[0], 0, 2*BITSTRBITS, 2*BITSTRBITS);
- return r;
-inline BitString& BitString::operator = (const BitString& y)
- rep = BStr_copy(rep, y.rep);
- return *this;
-inline BitString& BitString::operator = (unsigned int b)
- _BS_word bit = b;
- rep = BStr_alloc(rep, &bit, 0, 1, 1);
- return *this;
-inline BitString& BitString::operator=(const BitSubString& y)
- rep = BStr_alloc(rep, y.S.rep->s, y.pos, y.pos+y.len, y.len);
- return *this;
-inline BitSubString::BitSubString(const BitSubString& x)
- :S(x.S), pos(x.pos), len(x.len) {}
-inline BitSubString::BitSubString(BitString& x, int p, int l)
- : S(x), pos(p), len(l) {}
-inline BitSubString::~BitSubString() {}
-inline BitPattern::BitPattern(const BitString& p, const BitString& m)
- :pattern(p), mask(m) {}
-inline BitPattern::BitPattern(const BitPattern& b)
- :pattern(b.pattern), mask(b.mask) {}
-inline BitPattern::BitPattern() {}
-inline BitPattern::~BitPattern() {}
-// procedural versions of operators
-inline void and(const BitString& x, const BitString& y, BitString& r)
- r.rep = and(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep);
-inline void or(const BitString& x, const BitString& y, BitString& r)
- r.rep = or(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep);
-inline void xor(const BitString& x, const BitString& y, BitString& r)
- r.rep = xor(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep);
-inline void diff(const BitString& x, const BitString& y, BitString& r)
- r.rep = diff(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep);
-inline void cat(const BitString& x, const BitString& y, BitString& r)
- r.rep = cat(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep);
-inline void cat(const BitString& x, unsigned int y, BitString& r)
- r.rep = cat(x.rep, y, r.rep);
-inline void rshift(const BitString& x, int y, BitString& r)
- r.rep = lshift(x.rep, -y, r.rep);
-inline void lshift(const BitString& x, int y, BitString& r)
- r.rep = lshift(x.rep, y, r.rep);
-inline void complement(const BitString& x, BitString& r)
- r.rep = cmpl(x.rep, r.rep);
-// operators
-inline BitString& BitString::operator &= (const BitString& y)
- and(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline BitString& BitString::operator |= (const BitString& y)
- or(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline BitString& BitString::operator ^= (const BitString& y)
- xor(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline BitString& BitString::operator <<= (int y)
- lshift(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline BitString& BitString::operator >>= (int y)
- rshift(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline BitString& BitString::operator -= (const BitString& y)
- diff(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline BitString& BitString::operator += (const BitString& y)
- cat(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline BitString& BitString::operator += (unsigned int y)
- cat(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline void BitString::complement()
- ::complement(*this, *this);
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(_G_NO_NRV)
-inline BitString operator & (const BitString& x, const BitString& y) return r
- and(x, y, r);
-inline BitString operator | (const BitString& x, const BitString& y) return r
- or(x, y, r);
-inline BitString operator ^ (const BitString& x, const BitString& y) return r
- xor(x, y, r);
-inline BitString operator << (const BitString& x, int y) return r
- lshift(x, y, r);
-inline BitString operator >> (const BitString& x, int y) return r
- rshift(x, y, r);
-inline BitString operator - (const BitString& x, const BitString& y) return r
- diff(x, y, r);
-inline BitString operator + (const BitString& x, const BitString& y) return r
- cat(x, y, r);
-inline BitString operator + (const BitString& x, unsigned int y) return r
- cat(x, y, r);
-inline BitString operator ~ (const BitString& x) return r
- complement(x, r);
-#else /* NO_NRV */
-inline BitString operator & (const BitString& x, const BitString& y)
- BitString r; and(x, y, r); return r;
-inline BitString operator | (const BitString& x, const BitString& y)
- BitString r; or(x, y, r); return r;
-inline BitString operator ^ (const BitString& x, const BitString& y)
- BitString r; xor(x, y, r); return r;
-inline BitString operator << (const BitString& x, int y)
- BitString r; lshift(x, y, r); return r;
-inline BitString operator >> (const BitString& x, int y)
- BitString r; rshift(x, y, r); return r;
-inline BitString operator - (const BitString& x, const BitString& y)
- BitString r; diff(x, y, r); return r;
-inline BitString operator + (const BitString& x, const BitString& y)
- BitString r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
-inline BitString operator + (const BitString& x, unsigned int y)
- BitString r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
-inline BitString operator ~ (const BitString& x)
- BitString r; complement(x, r); return r;
-// status, matching
-inline int BitString::length() const
- return rep->len;
-inline int BitString::empty() const
- return rep->len == 0;
-inline int BitString::index(const BitString& y, int startpos) const
- return search(startpos, rep->len, y.rep->s, 0, y.rep->len);
-inline int BitString::index(const BitSubString& y, int startpos) const
- return search(startpos, rep->len, y.S.rep->s, y.pos, y.pos+y.len);
-inline int BitString::contains(const BitString& y) const
- return search(0, rep->len, y.rep->s, 0, y.rep->len) >= 0;
-inline int BitString::contains(const BitSubString& y) const
- return search(0, rep->len, y.S.rep->s, y.pos, y.pos+y.len) >= 0;
-inline int BitString::contains(const BitString& y, int p) const
- return match(p, rep->len, 0, y.rep->s, 0, y.rep->len);
-inline int BitString::matches(const BitString& y, int p) const
- return match(p, rep->len, 1, y.rep->s, 0, y.rep->len);
-inline int BitString::contains(const BitSubString& y, int p) const
- return match(p, rep->len, 0, y.S.rep->s, y.pos, y.pos+y.len);
-inline int BitString::matches(const BitSubString& y, int p) const
- return match(p, rep->len, 1, y.S.rep->s, y.pos, y.pos+y.len);
-inline int BitString::contains(const BitPattern& r) const
- return>s, 0, rep->len) >= 0;
-inline int BitString::contains(const BitPattern& r, int p) const
- return r.match(rep->s, p, rep->len, 0);
-inline int BitString::matches(const BitPattern& r, int p) const
- return r.match(rep->s, p, rep->len, 1);
-inline int BitString::index(const BitPattern& r, int startpos) const
- return>s, startpos, rep->len);
-inline int BitSubString::length() const
- return len;
-inline int BitSubString::empty() const
- return len == 0;
-inline int operator != (const BitString& x, const BitString& y)
- return !(x == y);
-inline int operator>(const BitString& x, const BitString& y)
- return y < x;
-inline int operator>=(const BitString& x, const BitString& y)
- return y <= x;
-inline int BitString::first(unsigned int b) const
- return next(-1, b);
-inline int BitString::last(unsigned int b) const
- return prev(rep->len, b);
-inline int BitString::index(unsigned int bit, int startpos) const
- if (startpos >= 0)
- return next(startpos - 1, bit);
- else
- return prev(rep->len + startpos + 1, bit);
-inline void BitString::right_trim(unsigned int b)
- int nb = (b == 0)? 1 : 0;
- rep = BStr_resize(rep, prev(rep->len, nb) + 1);
-inline void BitString::left_trim(unsigned int b)
- int nb = (b == 0)? 1 : 0;
- int p = next(-1, nb);
- rep = BStr_alloc(rep, rep->s, p, rep->len, rep->len - p);
-inline int BitString::test(int i) const
- return ((unsigned)(i) >= rep->len)? 0 :
- ((rep->s[BitStr_index(i)] & (1 << (BitStr_pos(i)))) != 0);
-// subscripting
-inline BitStrBit::BitStrBit(const BitStrBit& b) :src(b.src), pos(b.pos) {}
-inline BitStrBit::BitStrBit(BitString& v, int p) :src(v), pos(p) {}
-inline BitStrBit::~BitStrBit() {}
-inline BitStrBit::operator unsigned int() const
- return src.test(pos);
-inline int BitStrBit::operator = (unsigned int b)
- src.assign(pos, b); return b;
-inline BitStrBit BitString::operator [] (int i)
- if ((unsigned)(i) >= rep->len) error("illegal bit index");
- return BitStrBit(*this, i);
-inline BitSubString BitString::_substr(int first, int l)
- if (first < 0 || l <= 0 || (unsigned)(first + l) > rep->len)
- return BitSubString(_nil_BitString, 0, 0) ;
- else
- return BitSubString(*this, first, l);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ChangeLog b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 76693b7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1213 +0,0 @@
-Tue Jun 18 18:31:28 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * BitSet.h (BitSet): Comment out parameter name 'op' in second
- constructor.
-Tue Jun 18 11:07:32 1996 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * (AllocRing): Fix order of init of N and CURRENT.
-Mon Jun 17 14:15:01 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * (Regex::~Regex): Fix memory leak.
- * BitSet.h: If __STRICT_ANSI__, do not define and, or, xor, diff,
- and complement, since the first 3 conflict with ANSI C++ digraphs.
- Re-implement operator& etc to not use 'and' etc and be more efficient.
- * Integer.h: Likewise, fix for __STRICT_ANSI__.
- * Add casts in length arguments to memset.
- * bitlcomp.c, bitprims.h (_BS_lcompare_0): Add const.
-Tue Jun 11 13:42:29 1996 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * (AllocRing): Reorder init of NODES and N to match
- declaration order.
-Wed May 1 14:48:50 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * malloc.c: New version from Doug Lea.
- * gen/Vec.ccP (gsort): Re-do Mar 30 fix.
-Wed Apr 24 10:58:05 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * depend: Regenerated.
-Wed Mar 27 15:06:11 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * Binomial.h (Binominal::u): Fix parameter from int to double.
- From John Hasler <uunet!hasler!root>.
-Sun Mar 24 21:46:28 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * Subtract chars giving int (not signed char) to avoid
- truncation. From Emmanuel Giguet <>.
-Mon Feb 5 19:32:49 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * gen/VHMap.ccP: Add missing [] in delete.
- From Dirk Bonne <>.
-Sat Mar 30 15:31:49 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * gen/Vec.ccP (gsort): Fix stack/loop fence-post error.
-Wed Jan 24 18:26:20 1996 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * (OBJS): Take out CursesW.o.
-Fri Dec 22 17:41:20 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (common_prefix, common_suffix): Fix Nov 9 bad fix.
-Tue Dec 12 19:34:02 1995 Jason Molenda (
- * (OBJS): add sqrt.o not sqrt..o.
-Tue Dec 12 17:18:41 1995 Per Bothner <>
- *,, Moved str() and chr() to libio.
-Thu Nov 30 13:21:58 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * BitSet.h, Fixed problem on Alpha where 1 was being
- shifted, rather than (_BS_word)1.
- Problem diagnosed by Robin Williams <>.
- * (MASK1): New macro, to save code duplication.
-Wed Nov 22 15:49:01 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * malloc.c (realloc): Old copy if we failed to allocate.
- Also, use memcpy to copy.
- (calloc): Don't zero memory if malloc failed. Also, use memset.
- Fix from Raymond Nijssen <>.
-Sun Nov 12 16:41:56 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (EXTRA_DISTCLEAN): Add rx.h.
-Thu Nov 9 17:43:04 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (common_prefix, common_suffix): Fix for scoping for
- non-NRV case.
- * (MOSTLYCLEAN): Add pic and stamp-picdir.
- From (Alan Modra).
-Thu Nov 2 21:54:45 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (shorttoBitsSet, longtoBitSet): Re-implement for
- new word-length.
-Wed Sep 27 10:18:03 1995 Roberto Bagnara <>
- * several bug fixes, mainly concerning the treatment
- (especially in comparison operators) of non-normalized reps
- (e.g. with trailing zeros).
- * bitlcomp.c (_BS_lcompare_0): was completely wrong, fixed.
- * BitSet.h: added lexical comparison function on BitSets
- int lcompare(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y).
- * BitSet.h: now makes use of the _BS_* macros of bitprims.h.
-Tue Sep 5 23:08:05 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * depend: Updated now that libstdc++ doesn't have a string.h.
-Fri Sep 1 13:22:47 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * bitprims.h (_BS_BITMASK): Cast 1 to _BS_word.
- Fix from Curtis A. Snyder <>.
-Tue Aug 29 21:53:34 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * builtin.h: Remove 'noreturn' attribute from error handler typedefs.
-Tue Aug 22 15:11:46 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (default_one_arg_error_handler): Lose uses of
- _VOLATILE_VOID and NoReturnFunc.
- * builtin.h: Replace use of _VOLATILE_VOID with __attribute__
- ((noreturn)).
-Mon Aug 21 12:41:20 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * builtin.h: Lose definitions of abs(float), abs(double) and
- abs(long).
- * std.h: Use C++ names of standard headers.
- * Complex.h: Use complex<double> from libstdc++.
- * Remove.
- * Forget about Complex.o.
-Wed Aug 2 17:19:12 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * gen/AVLSet.hP. gen/BSTSet.hP, gen/CHMap.hP, gen/CHNode.hP,
- gen/DLList.hP, gen/RAVLMap.hP, gen/SLList.hP, gen/SplayMap.hP,
- gen/SplayNode.hP: Re-order constructor args to avoid -Wall warnings.
- * gen/BSTSet.ccP (T>BSTSet::add): Re-arrange to avoid warning.
- * gen/MPlex.ccP: Make constant unsigned to avoid warning.
- * gen/PHPQ.ccP: Add parentheses to avoid warning from -Wall.
-Sun Jun 25 13:58:25 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * gen/CHMap.hP, gen/AVLSet.hP: Re-order constructor args,
- to avoid warnings. Reported by Per Cederqvist <>.
- * RndInt.h: Likewise. Reported by Ralf Stephan <>.
-Tue Jun 20 20:27:23 1995 Paul Eggert <>
- * CursesW.h (_begx, _begy, _maxx, _maxy):
- Define to be their _-less equivalents
- if __bsdi__, __NetBSD__, or __FreeBSD__ is defined,
- to work around an incompatibility with 4.4 BSD curses.
-Tue Jun 20 16:49:36 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * SmplStat.h, gen/*.hP: Declare inline virtuals accordingly in class.
-Wed Jun 14 21:45:44 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (OK): Define if not already defined.
-Mon Jun 5 18:42:04 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (libgxx.list): Depend on stamp-picdir.
-Mon May 22 23:46:34 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * bitprims.h: Rewrite __GNUC__ test to work with gcc-1.xx.
-Fri May 5 17:25:17 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * timer.c: #include <sys/types.h> also if we have <sys/resource.h>.
-Fri May 5 13:04:17 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * Move `for' decl out of `for' statement.
-Thu Apr 27 01:03:42 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * Fix24.h: Move definition of ~Fix48 up.
- * Fix16.h: Move definition of ~Fix32 up.
-Wed Apr 26 13:01:30 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (XCINCLUDES): Rename to work with config.shared change.
-Mon Apr 17 16:59:17 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * BitSet.h: Remove duplicate (forward) decls of inline functions.
-Sun Apr 16 12:47:53 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * CursesW.h: Make return type explicit instead of implicit int.
- Reported by Ulrich Drepper <>.
- * SLList.h (BaseSLNode): Force double alignment of derived fields.
-Thu Mar 30 18:09:58 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (alloc): Call operator new/delete directly.
- * (Snew): Use placement new to create the new rep.
- * (BSnew): Ditto.
- * (BSnew): Ditto.
- * (_new_Fix): Ditto.
- * (newchunk): Ditto.
- * (Inew): Ditto.
- (printon): Use array delete to match array new.
-Fri Feb 17 16:33:39 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * timer.c: If _G_HAVE_SYS_TIMES is 0, define USE_CLOCK. Add
- USE_CLOCK cases where needed which call the ANSI function clock.
- * BitSet.h: Add #undef OK after including system header files, to
- avoid problems on VxWorks.
- * BitString.h, DLList.h, Integer.h, Obstack.h: Likewise.
- * Rational.h, Regex.h, SLList.h, String.h: Likewise.
- *,,, Likewise.
- * Likewise.
- * SmplStat.h: Add #undef min and #undef max after including system
- header files.
- * timer.c (return_elapsed_time): Fix syntax of #if 0 case.
-Mon Feb 6 20:10:35 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (OBJS): Don't include EH support anymore.
- * except.c: Move code to libstdc++/
-Thu Jan 26 13:16:09 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * Fix.h: Add Fix(_G_uint16_t) for targets where _G_uint16_t does
- not promote to int.
-Fri Jan 20 01:36:37 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (OBJS): Remove new.o and math.o.
- * std.h: Include std/stddef.h instead of defines.h.
- * complex.h: Remove (replaced by libstdc++ version).
- * defines.h: Remove (replaced by libstdc++ std/stddef.h).
- * new.{cc,h}: Remove (replaced by libstdc++ and std/new.h).
- * drt0.c, dynamic_lib.c, init.c, init_main.c: Remove (obsolete).
- *, Remove (obsolete).
- * depend: Update.
-Wed Dec 14 18:41:11 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * gen/VQueue.ccP (VQueue::resize): Fix thinko. Reported by
- Jocelyn Serot <>.
-Tue Dec 13 17:05:02 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * gen/AVLMap.hP: Re-order base initializer to avoid warning.
- Patch from Gustavo Chaves <>.
-Tue Nov 29 12:58:44 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * gen/Map.hP (Map::empty, Map::length): Make const.
- Patch from Gustavo Chaves <>.
-Sat Nov 5 19:13:17 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * (LIBDIR): Set.
-Sat Nov 5 16:23:02 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * (REGEX_OBJ): Remove ../../librx/rx.o.
- This is now the responsibility of ../
-Fri Nov 4 21:46:30 1994 Paul Eggert <>
- * bitprims.h (__P): Change argument name spelling from
- `paramlist' to `protos' for compatibility with BSDI 1.1.
-Mon Oct 24 16:06:44 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * CursesW.h (box): Slightly more complicated "wrapper" to turn
- box macro into inline function, needed for Solaris2
- (which defines box with no arguments as box32).
-Fri Oct 14 16:36:56 1994 Per Bothner (
- * CursesW.h: Wrap #include <curses.h> by extern "C" { ... },
- because even systems with "C++-ready" header files often miss curses.h.
- * (BaseDLList::del): Fix memory leak.
- Patch from Mark Stankus <>.
-Thu Oct 13 16:57:08 1994 Per Bothner (
- * gen/List.hP, gen/List.ccP (copy): Take const argument.
- (List::seekK): Make const.
- (const <T>& operator () (Pix p) const): Added.
- * gen/List.hP (operator!=): Add missing inline.
- * gen/List.hP (new): Take const argument.
- * gen/List.ccP (List::del): Defer deleting.
- Patches from Klamer Schutte <>.
-Wed Oct 12 13:49:27 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (Sresize): Make static.
- * String.h, (String::alloc): Don't change length, only size.
- Bug reported by Mark Stankus <>.
- * (join): Use Sresize, not (changed) String::alloc.
- Also, merge NO_NRV and named return value versions.
-Thu Sep 29 03:23:24 1994 Philippe De Muyter (
- * timer.c: include <sys/types.h> before <sys/times.h>
-Tue Sep 27 13:27:17 1994 Mike Stump (
- *, depend, except.c: New support routines for EH.
-Sun Sep 4 14:22:25 1994 Per Bothner (
- * Remove unneeded #include <regex.h>.
-Thu Sep 1 16:34:33 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (#define ABORT): Add missing parentheses.
- *, regex.h: Removed.
-Wed Aug 31 10:32:57 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * SLList.h: Make BaseSLList::{error,owns,OK} const, create const
- SLList::{first,next}.
- * DLList.h: Similarly.
-Fri Aug 26 18:44:43 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * SLList.h: Make SLList::first and SLList::next const, create
- const SLList::operator().
- * DLList.h: Similarly.
-Tue Aug 16 11:41:43 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (Regex::Regex): Add missing 'const'.
- * (rx.h): Add link to ../../librx/rx.h.
-Mon Aug 15 16:41:30 1994 Per Bothner (
- *, Change to use Tom Lord'd rx library,
- instead of (a very old version of) the regex library.
-Fri Aug 12 12:05:39 1994 Brendan Kehoe (
- Improve Alpha support a bit more.
- * (Fix::shift): Cast Y to _G_int32_t, not long.
- (Fix::printon): Use _G_int32_t, not long.
- * Fix16.h: Declare all methods to take/return _G_{u,}int32_t, not long
- or unsigned long.
- (Fix32_fs, Fix32_msb, Fix32_m_max, Fix32_m_min): Cast to _G_{,u}int32_t
- not long/unsigned long.
- (class Fix32): Make member M _G_int32_t. Declare methods round,
- assign, both mantissa, overflow, and range_error to use _G_int32_t.
- * Likewise.
- (operator*, operator/): Declare stuff to be _G_uint32_t, not unsigned
- long.
- * Fix24.h (twolongs): Make them _G_{,u}int32_t, not long/unsigned long.
- (class Fix24): Same as above for Fix32.
- * As in
- * RNG.h (RNG::asLong): Make its return value _G_uint32_t.
- * MLCG.h (MLCG::asLong): Likewise.
- * (MLCG::asLong): Likewise.
- * ACG.h (ACG): Make members initialSeed, state, auxState, and
- lcgRecurr to be _G_uint32_t.
- (ACG::ACG): Declare SEED to be _G_uint32_t.
- (ACG::asLong): Declare return value to be _G_uint32_t.
- * (ACG::reset): Check _G_int32_t, not long, against double.
- Define local variable U to be _G_uint32_t, not unsigned long.
- (randomPermutations): Define as _G_uint32_t, not unsigned long.
- (seedTable): Likewise.
- (LC_A, LC_C, LCG): Likewise.
- (ACG::ACG): Define SEED argument to be _G_uint32_t, not unsigned
- long. Create a _G_uint32_t for STATE, not an unsigned long.
- (ACG::asLong): Declare return to be _G_uint32_t. Make local
- variables RESULT, AUXACG, and PERM also be _G_uint32_t.
-Tue Aug 2 00:53:01 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * defines.h (enum capacity): Define.
-Fri Jul 22 17:31:37 1994 Per Bothner (
- * String.h (String::operator[](int) const): New method,
- added to allow indexing of const Strings. Patch
- from Klamer Schutte <>.
-Thu Jul 21 23:41:36 1994 Per Bothner (
- * builtin.h: Remove unneeded forward declarations. (Compiling
- with -Wall complains because they are missing "inline".)
- Reported by Michael Haggerty <>.
-Wed Jul 20 14:54:50 1994 Per Bothner (
- * String.h: Add "inline" to friend declarations, and remove
- some unneeded forward references, to avoid complaints from -Wall.
- Patch from Klamer Schutte <>.
-Tue Jul 19 12:35:13 1994 Per Bothner (
- * Complex.h: Remove unneeded forward declarations. (Compiling
- with -Wall complains because they are missing "inline".)
- Reported by John Eaton <>.
-Mon Jul 18 18:15:17 1994 Per Bothner (
- * String.h, Add const to some parameter types,
- to fix to const violations.
-Fri Jul 1 11:20:34 1994 Brendan Kehoe (
- * (seedTable): Declare to be a _G_int32_t, not a long.
- (MLCG::MLCG): Make its arguments likewise.
- (MLCG::reset): Also make SEED1 and SEED2 _G_int32_t.
- (MLCG::asLong): Likewise for local variables K and Z.
- * MLCG.h (class MLCG): Declare members to be _G_int32_t, not long.
- Make constructor and other mothod args and return type match the
- way we've adjusted them.
- * (RNG::RNG): Check against _G_uint32_t, not unsigned long.
- * RNG.h: Include _G_config.h.
- (PrivateRNGSingleType, PrivateRNGDoubleType): Adjust U member the
- same way...use _G_uint32_t, not unsigned long.
-Tue Jun 28 03:04:13 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * gen/List.*: Add some 'const's.
- * gen/Vec.*: Ditto.
- * gen/AVec.* (Vec): Add additional vec() method for const AVecs,
- which returns a const pointer. The operand of operator = is a
- const reference.
-Mon Jun 27 17:49:25 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * Fix.*: Add lots of 'const's. Lose _Fix typedef for _Frep*, as
- it caused confusion like thinking that 'const _Fix' was meaningful
- and declaring references to _Fix. Move _Frep inside of Fix and
- rename it to Rep. Move lots of associated functions and variables
- inside Fix. Use _G_int16_t instead of uint16. Put function names
- flush left.
- * gen/List.* (operator =): Make parameter a const reference.
- * Fix.h (operator =): Make parameter a const reference.
-Wed Jun 15 10:50:35 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (Scapitalize): Don't consider '\'' a word break.
-Tue May 31 09:18:10 1994 Mike Stump (
- * Make more portable to machines where sizeof(int)
- != sizeof(long). Cures warnings on Alpha.
-Mon May 30 17:31:18 1994 Per Bothner (
- * bitcount.c: #define inline as empty if compiled
- by a non-GNU C compiler.
- * (install): Install include files.
- (This used to be done by ../
-Sun May 29 19:07:29 1994 Per Bothner (
- * bitdo2.h: Fix typo/thinko: srcbit -> dstbit.
-Wed May 25 15:45:37 1994 Per Bothner (
- * SLList.h (SLList<T>::empty): Move up the hierarchy (to become
- BaseSLList::empty), and make const.
- * DLList.h, (BaseDLList::empty, BaseDLList::length):
- Make const.
-Sun May 22 17:13:24 1994 Per Bothner (
- * bitand.c, bitany.c, bitblt.c, bitclear.c, bitcopy.c, bitcount.c,
- bitdo1.h, bitdo2.h, bitinvert.c, bitlcomp.c, bitprims.h, bitset1.c,
- bitxor.c: Preliminary version of language-independent (sub-)library
- for general low-level manipulation of bistrings.
- * BitString.h,, Partially re-written
- BitString class using the new library.
- * sysent.h: New file, provided for compatibility with other C++
- compilers, and so Fresco can compile.
-Thu May 19 23:00:26 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * gen/PHPQ.ccP (<T>PHPQ::OK): Set int variable to INT_MAX, not
-Fri May 13 14:14:47 1994 Mike Stump (
- * bool.h: Use builtin bool, true, and false, if compiler supports
- them.
-Wed May 11 00:31:12 1994 Jason Merrill (
- Make libg++ build with gcc -ansi -pedantic-errors
- * ?LList.*: Add 'const' as necessary to make conformant.
- * {BitSet,BitString,Integer,Rational,String}.*: Change NO_NRV to
- _G_NO_NRV.
- * {Fix,Integer,Rational}.*: Protect uses of <? and >? with #ifndef
- * generic.h: Put /* */ around #endif comment.
- * Remove comma at end of enumerator list.
-Fri May 6 14:25:15 1994 Per Bothner (
- * SLList.h, (BaseSLList::length): Make const.
-Thu May 5 14:28:30 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * defines.h: Avoid multiple definition of wint_t.
-Sat Apr 30 14:49:02 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * defines.h: New file as per 17.3.1 of the WP.
- * new.h: include defines.h instead of std.h.
- (new[]): Add default placement version of opeator new[].
- * std.h: include defines.h instead of stddef.h.
-Mon Apr 25 14:05:57 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * Fix24.h (operator>>): Cast mask to long explicitly, since it
- doesn't fit in a long.
-Sun Mar 27 18:45:20 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * BitSet.h (BitSetBit): operator int() is const.
-Mon Mar 14 10:46:26 1994 Per Bothner (
- * BitSet.h, BitString.{h,cc}, Integer.h, Rational.h, String.h:
- Make operator= and similar operators return a reference to lhs.
- Patches from Martin Pottendorfer <>.
- * Re-do int -> char* convertsion (using pointer
- subtraction as in the C version of obstack.h) to avoid problems
- on 64-bits machines like the Alpha.
- * (operator>>): Return stream, not 0.
- * CursesW.h (box, scroll, touchwin): If these are macros (as
- they can be in the SYSV-based nurses.h), convert to inlines.
- * Fix.h (Fix::Fix(int, const _Fix)): Use named constants instead
- of integer literals. Patch from Andreas Schwab
- <>.
-Thu Feb 10 16:36:37 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (BitSetresize): When newlen is greater than the
- old->len (but < old->sz), clear out new words.
-Fri Feb 4 12:07:23 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * new.h: Wrap g++-specific things in #ifdef __GNUG__.
- (NEW): Use parens now.
- (new): Remove definition of realloc-ish new, as it doesn't belong
- in a standard header.
-Wed Dec 29 22:52:43 1993 Mike Stump (
- * BitSet.h (BitSetBit): Add int operator = (const BitSetBit& b),
- because the default op= would have the wrong semantics.
-Mon Dec 6 14:14:52 1993 Per Bothner (
- * math-68881.h: Removed.
-Sun Dec 5 19:15:01 1993 Brendan Kehoe (
- * (cvtItoa): Delete unused var `gap'.
- * (Fix::printon): Delete unused var `format'.
-Thu Nov 18 16:51:49 1993 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * gen/*: Replace all occurences of <values.h> with <limits.h>.
- Replace MAXLONG with LONG_MAX.
-Thu Nov 4 17:00:20 1993 Per Bothner (
- * gen/List.hP: Re-arrange #includes. Patch submitted
- by (Christian Iseli).
- * osfcn.h: #include <sys/time.h> before <sys/resource.h>.
-Wed Nov 3 12:56:28 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Move functions that convert between Integer and
- double from here to ...
- * (new file): Here. Improves modularity, and lessens
- need for linking with libm.a on some systems (e.g. SunOS4).
- * Integer.hP: New file. Integer internals.
- * Integer.h, Associated changes.
-Mon Oct 25 19:16:19 1993 Per Bothner (
- * timer.c (return_elapsed_time): Make K&R-(not C++-)compatible.
- * Define CINCLUDES (to get _G_config.h).
- * -> timer.c: Convert to reduce some portability
- problems with getrusage.
- * builtin.h (start_timer, return_elapsed_time): Now extern "C".
-Sat Oct 23 22:29:16 1993 Per Bothner (
- * gen/SplaySet.hP (<T>SplaySet::operator =): Added.
- (Many other classes also need operator=. FIXME.)
-Sun Oct 10 15:02:22 1993 Per Bothner (
- * gen/VOHSet.ccP: Patch from Doug Lea <>, fixing
- a bug reported by David Einstein <>.
-Thu Aug 26 18:02:51 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (operator>>(istream&, Integer&): Fixed some logic
- problems (single "0" dropped when base is unknown) by copying
- algorithm from istream::operator>>(int &).
-Wed Aug 18 12:03:52 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Add libgxx.list, for use by libg++/Makefile.
- * No longer need TOUCH_ON_COMPILE magic.
- * (MOSTLYCLEAN): Add libgxx.list.
- * CursesW.h: Remove re-definition of wattrset from macro to inline.
- Doesn't work under Solaris (wattrset is parameterless), and isn't
- needed (there are no conflicting definitions of wattrset in CursesW.*).
-Sat Aug 14 14:01:04 1993 Per Bothner (
- * malloc.c: New version from Doug Lea.
-Thu Jul 29 13:25:31 1993 Per Bothner (bothner@kalessin)
- * (abort prototype): Removed (can conflict with stdlib.h).
- * (ABORT): New macro, to call abort(), but with a cast
- to avoid g++ warning about volatile function returning.
- * (default_one_arg_error_handler,
- default_two_arg_error_handler): Use ABORT macro.
-Wed Jul 28 15:40:29 1993 Per Bothner (
- *,,,
- Remove unneeded #include <values.h>.
- *,, Replace non-standard #include
- <values.h> by ANSI <limits.h>, and macro MAXLONG by LONG_MAX.
- * (OBJS): Remove dtoa.o: It is obsolete and non-portable.
- * std.h: Remove #include of non-standard <memory.h>.
-Sat Jul 24 17:57:51 1993 Per Bothner (bothner@kalessin)
- * (LogNormal::operator()): Call exp (foo) instead
- of pow (M_E, foo), thus avoiding use of non-ANSI M_E macro
- (and probably being more efficient).
- * Don't #include <osfcn.h>.
- Do #include <sys/time.h> before #include <sys/resource.h>.
-Mon Jun 28 18:34:41 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (STORE_NUMBER): Add cast to avoid g++ warning.
- * Fix16.h (Fix32_m_max): Add cast to avoid g++ warning.
-Tue Jun 22 14:08:23 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Integer.h: Remove Integer::operator long and
- Integer::operator double. They cuase ambiguities, and this
- seems the cleanest fix, though it does break compatibility.
- * regex.h, Remove defs of re_comp and re_exec.
-Fri Jun 4 18:06:54 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (setbit): Do Iresize also when x.rep initially NULL.
- Fixes bug reported by Marco Franzen <>.
- * (clearbit): No need to resize to clear bits!
-Tue Jun 1 16:06:23 1993 Per Bothner (
- * BitSet.h, Complex.h, SmplHist.h: #include <iostream.h>,
- not obsolete <stream.h>.
- * Fix.h (Fix::Fix(double&), Fix::operator=): Take double, not double&.
- * Fix.h,, Fix16.h,, Fix24.h,
- Make operands be const, where appropriate. (Incoplete.)
- * (mantissa, multiply), (SubString::OK):
- Minor changes to avoid ambiguity complaints from cfront.
- *,,,,
- Avoid non-standard iostream operations (ios::set, _fail).
- * (pow): Use Integer::as_long().
- * (ceil, floor, round): Use prefix ++ and --
- instead of (the missing) postfix versions.
- * Rational.h (Rational::Rational): Add some more overloaded
- versions, to avoid cfront ambiguity complaints.
- * Integer.h (Integer::opertor long, Integer::operator double):
- Disable these, unless using g++. These cause lots of
- ambiguities, which g++ tolerates, but shouldn't.
- * Integer.h (Integer::as_long, Integer::as_double):
- Substitues for above conversions.
- * gen/MPlex.ccP, gen/RPlex.ccP: ANSIfy bzero->memset, bcopy->memcpy.
- *, #ifdef sparc, add declaration
- __builtin_alloca; needed when compiling on Solaris2 with cfront.
- * (re_match_2): Add extra cast, to make cfront happy.
- * (add-to-targetlib): New rule.
-Fri May 28 14:25:47 1993 Per Bothner (
- * BitSet.h (BitSetBit::operator==, BitSetBit::operator!=),
- BitString.h (BitStrBit::operator==, BitStrBit::operator!=):
- Remove redundant operators.
- * builtin.h (chr, str): Moved to ../iostream/stream.h.
- * (CursesWindow::printw, CursesWindow::mvprintw):
- Assume existence of vsprintf. (Will be provided by
- libiberty, at worst.)
- * (CursesWindow::scanw, CursesWindow::mvscanw):
- Re-do logic for missing vsscanf: Provide an implementation,
- unless we're using GNU iostreams.
-Wed May 26 15:09:49 1993 Per Bothner (
- * CursesW.h: Also "convert" wstandend, wstandout, and wattrset
- from macros to inlines. Needed for Coherent 4.0.
- Patch from Jim West <>.
-Thu May 6 15:52:40 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (Rational::fits_in_float, Rational::fits_in_double):
- Add explicit double->Rational conversion; else cfront complains.
- * SLList.h (SLNode::SLNode), DLList.h (DLNode::DLNode):
- Don't use mem-initializers for members of a base class.
- * DLList.h (DLList::remove_front, DLList::remove_rear), SLList.h
- (SLList::remove_front): Use base class qualifiers to avoid ambiguity.
- * gen/AVLMap.ccP, gen/AVLSet.ccP, gen/RAVLMap.ccP: Cfront
- complains about jumps past initializer (in switch statement).
- Fix by adding block around such statements.
-Fri Apr 30 15:03:12 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (BitSet::printon): Fix name clash (rename s -> os).
- * (dtoa): #ifdef out unless __GNUC__, since cfront
- can't compile it (variable-sized array), and it's obsolete anyway.
- * Set TOUCH_ON_COMPILE to cause stamp file to
- be touched on every compile.
-Mon Apr 19 00:48:10 1993 Per Bothner (
- * gen/Plex.ccP (Plex::del_chunk): Delete unused local variable.
- *, Re-vamped configure scheme.
- * CursesW.h: #undef lines to avoid clash on SCO.
-Fri Apr 16 15:25:39 1993 Per Bothner (
- * BitSet.{h,cc}, BitString.{h,cc}: Rename BitSet::previous()
- and BitString::pvreious() to prev() for the sake of consistency
- with other libg++ classes. Keep previous() as a synonym
- for compatibility.
-Fri Mar 5 17:25:59 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (Icopy_zero): Make sure we don't trash
- a STATIC_IntRep object.
- * #include <math.h> after <limits.h> and <float.h>
- to avoid some conflict I don't remember.
-Tue Jan 5 20:52:29 1993 Brendan Kehoe (
- * (floor, ceil, round): Use prefix ++ and --, not
- postfix, since the Integer class only has prefix defined.
-Tue Dec 29 13:15:59 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * builtin.h: Check _G_MATH_H_INLINES rather than __hpux.
- * CursesW.h: Undef "lines" to avoid problems on SCO 3.2v4.
-Mon Dec 21 18:57:41 1992 Per Bothner (
- * SLList.h: Fix typo.
- * osfcn.h: Don't include non-Posix <sys/time.h>.
- * Integer.h, String.h: #include <iostream.h>, not old <stream.h>.
- *, Update _fail->ios::failbit,
- _eof->ios::eofbit.
- * CursesW.h: #include <_G_config.h> before testing _H_HAVE_CURSES.
- * gen/{XPBag,OXPBag}.h: Add #undef remove, to avoid conflicts
- with systems where stdio.h defines remove as a macro.
-Wed Dec 9 14:36:37 1992 Per Bothner (
- * gen/Bag.hP, gen/List.hP: #undef remove, in case some
- version of stdio.h defines remove as a macro.
- * gen/MPlex.ccP, gen/RPlex.ccP: Use ANSI memset/memcpy
- instead of bzero/bcopy.
-Thu Dec 3 15:37:17 1992 Per Bothner (
- * (operator ==): Fixed version from
- (Kevin Karplus).
- * (compare, operator>>): Two small patches from
- Doug Lea.
- *,,,,
- Replace bcopy/bzero/cmp by ANSI functions memcpy/memset/memcmp.
- * gen/List.ccP: Use <T>EQ macro instead of ==, as appropriate.
- * SLList.h, DLList.h: Fix destructors so that clear() is
- called directly in the SLList<T>/DLList<T> destructor, not
- in the BaseSLList/BaseDLList destructor, since the vtable
- pointer gets reset by the time the latter is called.
-Thu Nov 19 17:54:43 1992 Per Bothner (
- *, Use ANSI byte-string functions
- instead of BSD ones: bcmp->memcmp, bzero->memset, bcopy->memcpy.
-Tue Nov 17 21:50:09 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Use standard fabs() in preference to inline
- overloaded function abs() defined in builtin.h.
- * DLList.h, SLList.h: Make destructors virtual, to shut up
- a warning.
-Thu Oct 29 16:06:38 1992 Per Bothner (
- * GetOpt.h (GetOpt): Make GetOpt::ordering be a regular field,
- not a static member. (No reason it should be static.)
- * Remove no-longer-needed dedinition of
- GetOpt::ordering (- which had visibility problems).
-Tue Oct 27 14:50:52 1992 Per Bothner (
- *,,, Replace
- non-ANSI HUGE by standard HUGE_VAL or DBL_MAX as appropriate.
-Wed Oct 21 15:22:32 1992 Per Bothner (
- * (BitSetalloc, BitSetresize): Merged in a bug fix
- from Kevin Karplus <>.
- * BitSet.ccANSI-fy: bcopy -> memcpy, bzero -> memset.
- * Integer.h: Un-optimize non-working operator %=.
-Fri Oct 16 15:35:51 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Obstack.h: ANSI-fy: bcopy -> memcpy.
- * builtin.h: Supposedly, HPUX defines __hpux, not hpux.
-Fri Sep 25 11:13:53 1992 Per Bothner (
- * (Obstack::_free): Use delete [], not plain delete.
- * {SLList,DLList}.{h,cc}: New template-based versions derived
- from gen/{SLList,DLList}.{h,cc}P.
- * Make {SLList,DLList}.o.
-Thu Sep 10 22:48:49 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * CursesW.h, don't do anything if the new
- configuration flag _G_HAVE_CURSES is zero.
-Mon Aug 31 22:52:17 1992 Brendan Kehoe (
- * BitString.h (BitPattern::BitPatterntoa): Fix comments around
- default parameters.
-Mon Aug 31 15:44:07 1992 Per Bothner (
- * gen/Vec.ccP (<T>Vec::index): Use EQ instead of ==.
- * BitString.h (BitPatterntoa friend of BitPattern):
- Comment out default parameters to avoid duplication (that
- cfront -and ANSI- frown on).
- * String.h (SubString::contains) Fix parameter list
- passed to String::search.
- * generic.h: Comment out genericerror() declaration, since
- we don't support it.
-Mon Aug 10 15:05:42 1992 Per Bothner (
- * gen/defs.hP: New macro HASHTABLE_TOO_CROWDED to decide
- when to rehash a hash table (specifically, when 7/8 full).
- * gen/{VHSet.ccP,VHBag.ccP,vHMap.ccP}: Use HASHTABLE_TOO_CROWDED
- to control when hash table needs to grow.
- * (GetOpt::operator()): Replace index() -> strchr().
- * Integer.{h,cc}: Add Integer::Integer(unsigned long)
- constructor in addition to Integer::Integer(long).
- * Rational.h: Add Rational constructors taking (unsigned long).
- * (XTRAFLAGS): Fix.
-Mon Jul 13 06:52:57 1992 Michael Tiemann (
- * (Regex::Regex): Cast malloc calls, since G++ no longer
- freely converts void* to char* (in accordance with dpANSI spec).
-Fri Jun 26 11:23:32 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Replace bcopy->memmove;
- add const to cast; remove two unused variables.
- * CursesW.h, builtin.h: Kludges for hpux.
- * Replace MAXLONG/MINLONG by ANSI standard
- * Integer.h,, builtin.h: Protect setbit function
- name from macro-expansion (on systems that define setbit as
- a macro is sys/param.h) by putting parentheses around it.
- * Obstack.h, Use proper const-ness in casts,
- * std.h: #include <_G_config.h>, since it may not be
- included otherwise if we're not using ../g++-include.
-Sat Jun 13 20:05:24 1992 Per Bothner (
- * gen/List.ccP: Remove redundant 'inline'.
- * gen/{SLList,DLList}.{hP,ccP}: Make 'copy-ee' arg of copy
- constructors and 2nd arg of operator= be const.
- * CursesW.h: Make more robust wrt const vs. non-const
- formal parameters to support SVR4.
- *, EH2.c: Removed (since currently not used).
- * alloca() kludges.
- * {BitSet,BitString}.{cc,h},, Remove
- dependence on non-standard <values.h> in favor of standard
- CHAR_BIT from <limits.h>
- * Fix *clean stuff.
- * math-68881.h: Updated versions form gcc2.
- * #include <sys/param.h> before <sys/times.h>.
-Mon Jun 15 19:57:45 1992 Mike Stump (mrs at
- * (re_compile_pattern): Add const to p, p1, pend and p1.
-Wed Jun 3 16:49:51 1992 Per Bothner (
- * (Fix::printon): Fix fmtflags -> ios::fmtflags.
- * Hook (for Linux) for not putting regex.o into lib.
- * (Regex::Regex): Replace cast.
- * regex.h (RE_DUP_MAX): Gross hack for AIX.
- * regex.h,, Regex.c: Change 2nd arg of
- re_compile_pattern from (char*) to (const char*).
- * Use explicit USE_TIMES to control use of
- times() instead of getrusage(). Supposedly, some systems
- have <sys/resource.h>, but not getrusage().
-Fri May 29 11:51:44 1992 Per Bothner (
- * (Fix::printon):: Re-write to use operator<< instead
- of the non-standard ostream::form.
- * builtin.h: Removed redundant declarations of min() and max()
- (available in minmax.h).
- * malloc.c, Replace #ifdef USG by #ifdef _G_SYSV.
- * math-68881.h: Update from gcc (should be removed!),
- * minmax.h: Removed redundant 'signed' qualifiers.
- Add (char) versiosn of min and max, and made the (signed
- char) version conditional #ifndef _G_BROKEN_SIGNED_CHAR.
- * Better definitions of SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR.
- * Change //-comment to /*comment*/ for old cpp-s.
- * Binomial.h, DiscUnif.h, Erlang.h, Geom.h, HypGeom.h, LogNorm.h,
- NegExp.h, Normal.h, Poisson.h, Uniform.h, Weibull.h,
- gen/{AVLMap.hP,AVec.hP,RAVLMap.hP,SplayMap.hP}: Replace
- anachronistic base constructor syntax :(args) with :Base(args).
- * gen/stdlib.h (_do_treeify): #include <stdlib.h> (for abort()).
- * gen/{CHNode,SplayNode,Vec}.hP: Include <T>.defs.h.
- * gen/{FPlex,RPlex,XPlex}.{h,cc}P: Remove redundant (and
- conflicting - according to cfront) append and prepend methods.
- * gen/SkipBag.ccP (SKipBag::seek): Add cast (for cfront's sake).
- * gen/SkipMap.hP: Fixed visibilty bug.
- * gen/Vec.ccP (operator==): Use EQ macro, instead of !=.
-Thu May 14 00:07:29 1992 Per Bothner (
- * (operator>> and readline): Clean up setting
- of ios::flags().
- * osfcn.h: Only #include sys/socket.h and sys/resource.h
- if these are available (according to _G_config.h).
- * If HZ is undefined, define it as CLK_TCK (Posix, sort of).
- * gen/Lisp.hP: #include "<T>.defs.h", as done elsewhere.
-Sat May 9 12:34:09 1992 Per Bothner (
- * std.h: Add strcasecmp().
-Wed May 6 01:33:05 1992 Per Bothner (
- * gen/SLList.{hP,ccP}: Make argument of copy constructor
- be const.
- * CursesW.h: Add more kludges to convert macros into inline
- functions. This is so we can use /usr/include/curses.h.
- * CursesW.h: Replace uses of old cbool typedef by int.
- * bool.h: Add a comment deprecating its use.
-Tue May 5 15:19:24 1992 Per Bothner (
- * CursesW.h: Fix typo.
- * Removed: No longer needed.
- * Don't build curses.o.
-Sat May 2 16:42:28 1992 Per Bothner (
- VMS changes from Eric Youngdale.
- *, Remove some a VMS hack that
- is no longer needed.
- *, regex.h: More VMS stuff.
-Thu Apr 30 13:52:30 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Use the more specific _G_HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE
- instead of the vague _G_SYSV.
- * Redundant with gcc/libgcc.2.c.
- * malloc.c: Remove junk that is now in gcc/libgcc2.c.
-Thu Apr 30 09:11:21 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * make CFLAGS work from command line to make.
-Mon Apr 20 14:42:34 1992 Per Bothner (
- * (String::OK): Re-arrange to avoid
- not-reached warning.
- * Make 'touch stamp' not print out.
-Fri Apr 17 12:01:33 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at PersSony)
- * Integer.h, ...: Moved from ../g++-include. The plan
- is that ../g++-include only contains wrappers around
- standard C headers. It would not be needed on systems
- where the C header already support C++ (e.g. SVR4, Linux).
- * gen: Directory moved from ../g++-include.
- * CursesW.h, Handle using /usr/include/curses.h.
- * {Integer,Rational}.{h,cc}: Add a convention that an IntRep
- whose sz==0 is staticly allocated and should not be deleted
- when an Integer is destroyed. Define static INtReps for -1, 0,
- and 1, and use those where appropriate (including default
- constructors for Integer and Rational).
- *,, Make Integer::OK(),
- Rational::OK() and String::OK() more robust.
- * Don't give RNG::{single,double}Mantissa initial
- values, since that may be too late if there is a static
- RNG. Instead, initialize them in RNG::RNG.
- * Removed (use libiberty version).
- * Include <_G_config.h> to get __G_SYSV definition.
-Tue Mar 24 16:15:40 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Added Rational::fits_in_float() and
- fits_in_double() methods. Suggested/requested by
- Wendell Craig Baker <>/
-Mon Mar 23 16:34:16 1992 Per Bothner (
- *,, Add printon() methods,
- and changed operator<< functions to use printon().
- Deprecate use of *toa-style functions that use AllocRing;
- the new printon() methods do not.
- * Added Integer::printon; fixed up operator<<
- to use opfx() as it's supposed to.
-Fri Mar 6 15:25:55 1992 Per Bothner (
- * gnulib3.c: Removed obsolete file.
-Thu Mar 5 16:40:09 1992 Per Bothner (
- * *.cc: Experiemnted with for each, adding
- '#define _COMPILING_Foo' to control compilation of inlines in
- Foo.h, then undid that change (see discussion in
- ../g_++-include/ChangeLog). Net difference is thus some
- minor tweaking.
- * Tweaks to remove warnings.
-Tue Mar 3 17:23:57 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Move BitSet::clear() here from BitSet.h,
- and make non-inlined.
-Sun Mar 1 16:26:07 1992 Per Bothner (
- *,,,,
- Make error() methods return void, not volatile void, since
- sometimes these error handlers *do* return.
- * Fix parenthesization error.
-Sat Feb 29 14:07:32 1992 Michael Tiemann (
- * (re_compile_pattern): Back out source code change that
- was used to workaround a bug in g++.
-Wed Feb 26 18:04:40 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- *, removed traces of namesubdir,
- -subdirs, $(subdir), $(unsubdir), some rcs triggers. Forced
- copyrights to '92, changed some from Cygnus to FSF.
-Wed Feb 26 12:37:43 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- *,,,,
-, Use new _VOLATILE_VOID macro (from
- builtin.h) (to allow compilation by other C++ compilers).
- *, #include <string.h>.
-Thu Feb 20 21:46:17 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- *, Add some needed casts.
-Wed Feb 19 23:32:38 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Include sys/types.h, since it is no
- longer automatically included by time.h.
- * Added a comment about being based on regex.c.
-Tue Feb 11 11:24:18 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Only skip ws if appropriate.
- *,,,
- Apply fix below to other cases of operator>>.
- (And if the format is bad, set failbit, not badbit.)
- * (String::operator>>, readline):
- Use ipfx(0) instead of good() (unless _OLD_STREAMS).
- Thus make sure to set the failbit (to prevent
- infinite loops if eofbit is set without failbit).
-Mon Feb 10 11:20:13 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * String.C (String::operator const char*): Don't
- use the str() function to copy into an AllocRing
- (since we're phasing out use of AllocRings).
-Wed Jan 29 12:51:05 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Rename #included files to current names.
-Fri Jan 24 15:51:50 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- *, Some common rules moved to Make.defs.
- *, Include stdlib.h instead of obsolete malloc.h.
-Fri Jan 17 15:03:28 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- Merge in Doug Lea's latest version; other fixes.
- * Most files: Replaced copyright notice (the old
- ones claimed to be part of GNU CC).
- * (depend): Tweak it.
- *,,,,,
-, Minor improvements.
- *,,, Change (int)
- to (unsigned int) various places, inspired by gcc-2 warnings.
- *,,,,,
- Various changes to allow use with either the
- old stream facility or the new iostream facility.
- * Use 'new char[]' instead of 'malloc()'.
- * Minor changes. Rename bcopy -> libgxx_bcopy.
- * malloc.c: Use size_t consistently.
- * New version from FSF (C++ -ified).
- * New file.
- *,, Removed.
-Sat Jan 11 14:44:17 1992 Michael Tiemann (tiemann at
- *, Don't declare any static class members
- `static' at top-level.
-Sun Jan 5 00:12:05 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- *, Automated 'make depend' support.
- * For now, use _bad instead of ios::badbit.
- *,,,,,
- Moved to ../old-stream.
- * Move rules for Making the stream stuff to
- ../old-stream/
-Fri Jan 3 17:00:40 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- *,,,
- Add #include <builtin.h> as needed. It was included by the
- old stream.h, but not by the new iostream.h.
- * Merged in Doug Lea's changes to avoid
- signed/unsigned warnings.
- *, Fix some portabilty problems that
- depended on the old stream code.
-Tue Dec 31 18:19:15 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Move common definitions to ../Make.defs.
- * Define host_makefile_frag to pull in Make.defs.
-Sat Dec 28 16:47:38 1991 Michael Tiemann (tiemann at
- * (re_compile_pattern,re_comp,main): Use `malloc' instead
- of `new char[]' since we need to call realloc, and that doesn't
- work with arrays allocated by new.
- * (Regex::Regex): Ditto.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Complex.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Complex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 242f06e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Complex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-#ifndef _Complex_h
-#define _Complex_h
-// Use the ANSI complex number template.
-#include <complex>
-typedef complex<double> Complex;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index c80f33d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Free Software Foundation
- written by Eric Newton (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#ifndef _OLD_STREAMS
-#include <strstream.h>
-// Include CurseW.h and/or curses.h *after* iostream includes,
-// because curses.h defines a clear macro that conflicts with iostream. Sigh.
-#include <CursesW.h>
-#ifndef OK
-#define OK (1)
-int CursesWindow::count = 0;
- * C++ interface to curses library.
- *
- */
-#if !defined(_IO_MAGIC) && !defined(HAVE_VSCANF) &&!defined vsscanf
-extern "C" int _doscan(FILE *, const char*, va_list args);
-static int vsscanf(char *buf, const char * fmt, va_list args)
- FILE b;
-#ifdef _IOSTRG
- b._flag = _IOREAD|_IOSTRG;
- b._flag = _IOREAD;
- b._base = (unsigned char*)buf;
- b._ptr = (unsigned char*)buf;
- b._cnt = BUFSIZ;
- return _doscan(&b, fmt, args);
- * varargs functions are handled conservatively:
- * They interface directly into the underlying
- * _doscan, _doprnt and/or vfprintf routines rather than
- * assume that such things are handled compatibly in the curses library
- */
-int CursesWindow::scanw(const char * fmt, ...)
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
-#ifdef VMS
- int result = wscanw(w , fmt , args);
-#else /* NOT VMS */
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- int result = wgetstr(w, buf);
- if (result == OK) {
-#ifdef _IO_MAGIC /* GNU iostreams */
- strstreambuf ss(buf, BUFSIZ);
- result = ss.vscan(fmt, args);
- result = vsscanf(buf, fmt, args);
- }
-#endif /* !VMS */
- va_end(args);
- return result;
-int CursesWindow::mvscanw(int y, int x, const char * fmt, ...)
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- int result = wmove(w, y, x);
- if (result == OK)
-#ifdef VMS
- result=wscanw(w , fmt , args);
-#else /* !VMS */
- {
- result = wgetstr(w, buf);
- if (result == OK) {
-#ifdef _IO_MAGIC /* GNU iostreams */
- strstreambuf ss(buf, BUFSIZ);
- result = ss.vscan(fmt, args);
- result = vsscanf(buf, fmt, args);
- }
- }
-#endif /* !VMS */
- va_end(args);
- return result;
-int CursesWindow::printw(const char * fmt, ...)
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
- va_end(args);
- return waddstr(w, buf);
-int CursesWindow::mvprintw(int y, int x, const char * fmt, ...)
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- int result = wmove(w, y, x);
- if (result == OK)
- {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
- result = waddstr(w, buf);
- }
- va_end(args);
- return result;
-CursesWindow::CursesWindow(int lines, int cols, int begin_y, int begin_x)
- if (count==0)
- initscr();
- w = newwin(lines, cols, begin_y, begin_x);
- if (w == 0)
- {
- (*lib_error_handler)("CursesWindow", "Cannot construct window");
- }
- alloced = 1;
- subwins = par = sib = 0;
- count++;
-CursesWindow::CursesWindow(WINDOW* &window)
- if (count==0)
- initscr();
- w = window;
- alloced = 0;
- subwins = par = sib = 0;
- count++;
-CursesWindow::CursesWindow(CursesWindow& win, int l, int c,
- int by, int bx, char absrel)
- if (absrel == 'r') // relative origin
- {
- by += win.begy();
- bx += win.begx();
- }
- // Even though we treat subwindows as a tree, the standard curses
- // library needs the `subwin' call to link to the root in
- // order to correctly perform refreshes, etc.
- CursesWindow* root = &win;
- while (root->par != 0) root = root->par;
- w = subwin(root->w, l, c, by, bx);
- if (w == 0)
- {
- (*lib_error_handler)("CursesWindow", "Cannot construct subwindow");
- }
- par = &win;
- sib = win.subwins;
- win.subwins = this;
- subwins = 0;
- alloced = 1;
- count++;
-void CursesWindow::kill_subwindows()
- for (CursesWindow* p = subwins; p != 0; p = p->sib)
- {
- p->kill_subwindows();
- if (p->alloced)
- {
- if (p->w != 0)
- ::delwin(p->w);
- p->alloced = 0;
- }
- p->w = 0; // cause a run-time error if anyone attempts to use...
- }
- kill_subwindows();
- if (par != 0) // Snip us from the parent's list of subwindows.
- {
- CursesWindow * win = par->subwins;
- CursesWindow * trail = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (win == 0)
- break;
- else if (win == this)
- {
- if (trail != 0)
- trail->sib = win->sib;
- else
- par->subwins = win->sib;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- trail = win;
- win = win->sib;
- }
- }
- }
- if (alloced && w != 0)
- delwin(w);
- --count;
- if (count == 0)
- endwin();
- else if (count < 0) // cannot happen!
- {
- (*lib_error_handler)("CursesWindow", "Too many windows destroyed");
- }
-#endif /* _G_HAVE_CURSES */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/CursesW.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/CursesW.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bff08d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/CursesW.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation
- written by Eric Newton (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _CursesWindow_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _CursesWindow_h
-#include <_G_config.h>
-#if defined(__bsdi__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
-#define _begx begx
-#define _begy begy
-#define _maxx maxx
-#define _maxy maxy
-// Even many system which mostly have C++-ready header files,
-// do not have C++-ready curses.h.
-extern "C" {
-#include <curses.h>
-/* SCO 3.2v4 curses.h includes term.h, which defines lines as a macro.
- Undefine it here, because CursesWindow uses lines as a method. */
-#undef lines
-// "Convert" macros to inlines, if needed.
-#ifdef addch
-inline int (addch)(char ch) { return addch(ch); }
-#undef addch
-#ifdef addstr
-/* The (char*) cast is to hack around missing const's */
-inline int (addstr)(const char * str) { return addstr((char*)str); }
-#undef addstr
-#ifdef clear
-inline int (clear)() { return clear(); }
-#undef clear
-#ifdef clearok
-inline int (clearok)(WINDOW* win, int bf) { return clearok(win, bf); }
-#undef clearok
-extern "C" int clearok(WINDOW*, int);
-#ifdef clrtobot
-inline int (clrtobot)() { return clrtobot(); }
-#undef clrtobot
-#ifdef clrtoeol
-inline int (clrtoeol)() { return clrtoeol(); }
-#undef clrtoeol
-#ifdef delch
-inline int (delch)() { return delch(); }
-#undef delch
-#ifdef deleteln
-inline int (deleteln)() { return deleteln(); }
-#undef deleteln
-#ifdef erase
-inline int (erase)() { return erase(); }
-#undef erase
-#ifdef flushok
-inline int (flushok)(WINDOW* _win, int _bf) { return flushok(_win, _bf); }
-#undef flushok
-#define _no_flushok
-#ifdef getch
-inline int (getch)() { return getch(); }
-#undef getch
-#ifdef getstr
-inline int (getstr)(char *_str) { return getstr(_str); }
-#undef getstr
-#ifdef getyx
-inline void (getyx)(WINDOW* win, int& y, int& x) { getyx(win, y, x); }
-#undef getyx
-#ifdef inch
-inline int (inch)() { return inch(); }
-#undef inch
-#ifdef insch
-inline int (insch)(char c) { return insch(c); }
-#undef insch
-#ifdef insertln
-inline int (insertln)() { return insertln(); }
-#undef insertln
-#ifdef leaveok
-inline int (leaveok)(WINDOW* win, int bf) { return leaveok(win, bf); }
-#undef leaveok
-extern "C" int leaveok(WINDOW* win, int bf);
-#ifdef move
-inline int (move)(int x, int y) { return move(x, y); }
-#undef move
-#ifdef refresh
-inline int (rfresh)() { return refresh(); }
-#undef refresh
-#ifdef scrollok
-inline int (scrollok)(WINDOW* win, int bf) { return scrollok(win, bf); }
-#undef scrollok
-#ifndef hpux
-extern "C" int scrollok(WINDOW*, int);
-extern "C" int scrollok(WINDOW*, char);
-#ifdef standend
-inline int (standend)() { return standend(); }
-#undef standend
-#ifdef standout
-inline int (standout)() { return standout(); }
-#undef standout
-#ifdef wstandend
-inline int (wstandend)(WINDOW *win) { return wstandend(win); }
-#undef wstandend
-#ifdef wstandout
-inline int (wstandout)(WINDOW *win) { return wstandout(win); }
-#undef wstandout
-#ifdef winch
-inline int (winch)(WINDOW* win) { return winch(win); }
-#undef winch
-/* deal with conflicting macros in ncurses.h which is SYSV based*/
-#ifdef box
-inline int _G_box(WINDOW* win, chtype v, chtype h) {return box(win, v, h); }
-#undef box
-inline int box(WINDOW* win, chtype v, chtype h) {return _G_box(win, v, h); }
-#ifdef scroll
-inline int (scroll)(WINDOW* win) { return scroll(win); }
-#undef scroll
-#ifdef touchwin
-inline int (touchwin)(WINDOW* win) { return touchwin(win); }
-#undef touchwin
-#ifdef mvwaddch
-inline int (mvwaddch)(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char ch)
-{ return mvwaddch(win, y, x, ch); }
-#undef mvwaddch
-#ifdef mvwaddstr
-inline int (mvwaddstr)(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const char * str)
-{ return mvwaddstr(win, y, x, (char*)str); }
-#undef mvwaddstr
-#ifdef mvwdelch
-inline int (mvwdelch)(WINDOW *win, int y, int x) { return mvwdelch(win, y, x);}
-#undef mvwdelch
-#ifdef mvwgetch
-inline int (mvwgetch)(WINDOW *win, int y, int x) { return mvwgetch(win, y, x);}
-#undef mvwgetch
-#ifdef mvwgetstr
-inline int (mvwgetstr)(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char *str)
-{return mvwgetstr(win,y,x, str);}
-#undef mvwgetstr
-#ifdef mvwinch
-inline int (mvwinch)(WINDOW *win, int y, int x) { return mvwinch(win, y, x);}
-#undef mvwinch
-#ifdef mvwinsch
-inline int (mvwinsch)(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char c)
-{ return mvwinsch(win, y, x, c); }
-#undef mvwinsch
-#ifdef mvaddch
-inline int (mvaddch)(int y, int x, char ch)
-{ return mvaddch(y, x, ch); }
-#undef mvaddch
-#ifdef mvaddstr
-inline int (mvaddstr)(int y, int x, const char * str)
-{ return mvaddstr(y, x, (char*)str); }
-#undef mvaddstr
-#ifdef mvdelch
-inline int (mvdelch)(int y, int x) { return mvdelch(y, x);}
-#undef mvdelch
-#ifdef mvgetch
-inline int (mvgetch)(int y, int x) { return mvgetch(y, x);}
-#undef mvgetch
-#ifdef mvgetstr
-inline int (mvgetstr)(int y, int x, char *str) {return mvgetstr(y, x, str);}
-#undef mvgetstr
-#ifdef mvinch
-inline int (mvinch)(int y, int x) { return mvinch(y, x);}
-#undef mvinch
-#ifdef mvinsch
-inline int (mvinsch)(int y, int x, char c)
-{ return mvinsch(y, x, c); }
-#undef mvinsch
- *
- * C++ class for windows.
- *
- *
- */
-class CursesWindow
- static int count; // count of all active windows:
- // We rely on the c++ promise that
- // all otherwise uninitialized
- // static class vars are set to 0
- WINDOW * w; // the curses WINDOW
- int alloced; // true if we own the WINDOW
- CursesWindow* par; // parent, if subwindow
- CursesWindow* subwins; // head of subwindows list
- CursesWindow* sib; // next subwindow of parent
- void kill_subwindows(); // disable all subwindows
- CursesWindow(WINDOW* &window); // useful only for stdscr
- CursesWindow(int lines, // number of lines
- int cols, // number of columns
- int begin_y, // line origin
- int begin_x); // col origin
- CursesWindow(CursesWindow& par, // parent window
- int lines, // number of lines
- int cols, // number of columns
- int by, // absolute or relative
- int bx, // origins:
- char absrel = 'a'); // if `a', by & bx are
- // absolute screen pos,
- // else if `r', they are
- // relative to par origin
- ~CursesWindow();
-// terminal status
- int lines(); // number of lines on terminal, *not* window
- int cols(); // number of cols on terminal, *not* window
-// window status
- int height(); // number of lines in this window
- int width(); // number of cols in this window
- int begx(); // smallest x coord in window
- int begy(); // smallest y coord in window
- int maxx(); // largest x coord in window
- int maxy(); // largest x coord in window
-// window positioning
- int move(int y, int x);
-// coordinate positioning
- void getyx(int& y, int& x);
- int mvcur(int sy, int ey, int sx, int ex);
-// input
- int getch();
- int getstr(char * str);
- int scanw(const char *, ...);
-// input + positioning
- int mvgetch(int y, int x);
- int mvgetstr(int y, int x, char * str);
- int mvscanw(int, int, const char*, ...);
-// output
- int addch(const char ch);
- int addstr(const char * str);
- int printw(const char * fmt, ...);
- int inch();
- int insch(char c);
- int insertln();
-// output + positioning
- int mvaddch(int y, int x, char ch);
- int mvaddstr(int y, int x, const char * str);
- int mvprintw(int y, int x, const char * fmt, ...);
- int mvinch(int y, int x);
- int mvinsch(int y, int x, char ch);
-// borders
- int box(char vert, char hor);
-// erasure
- int erase();
- int clear();
- int clearok(int bf);
- int clrtobot();
- int clrtoeol();
- int delch();
- int mvdelch(int y, int x);
- int deleteln();
-// screen control
- int scroll();
- int scrollok(int bf);
- int touchwin();
- int refresh();
- int leaveok(int bf);
-#ifndef _no_flushok
- int flushok(int bf);
- int standout();
- int standend();
-// multiple window control
- int overlay(CursesWindow &win);
- int overwrite(CursesWindow &win);
-// traversal support
- CursesWindow* child();
- CursesWindow* sibling();
- CursesWindow* parent();
-inline int CursesWindow::begx()
- return w->_begx;
-inline int CursesWindow::begy()
- return w->_begy;
-inline int CursesWindow::maxx()
- return w->_maxx;
-inline int CursesWindow::maxy()
- return w->_maxy;
-inline int CursesWindow::height()
- return maxy() - begy() + 1;
-inline int CursesWindow::width()
- return maxx() - begx() + 1;
-inline int CursesWindow::box(char vert, char hor)
- return ::box(w, vert, hor);
-inline int CursesWindow::overlay(CursesWindow &win)
- return ::overlay(w, win.w);
-inline int CursesWindow::overwrite(CursesWindow &win)
- return ::overwrite(w, win.w);
-inline int CursesWindow::scroll()
- return ::scroll(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::touchwin()
- return ::touchwin(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::addch(const char ch)
- return ::waddch(w, ch);
-inline int CursesWindow::addstr(const char * str)
- // The (char*) cast is to hack around prototypes in curses.h that
- // have const missing in the parameter lists. [E.g. SVR4]
- return ::waddstr(w, (char*)str);
-inline int CursesWindow::clear()
- return ::wclear(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::clrtobot()
- return ::wclrtobot(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::clrtoeol()
- return ::wclrtoeol(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::delch()
- return ::wdelch(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::deleteln()
- return ::wdeleteln(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::erase()
- return ::werase(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::getch()
- return ::wgetch(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::getstr(char * str)
- return ::wgetstr(w, str);
-inline int CursesWindow::inch()
- return winch(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::insch(char c)
- return ::winsch(w, c);
-inline int CursesWindow::insertln()
- return ::winsertln(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::move(int y, int x)
- return ::wmove(w, y, x);
-inline int CursesWindow::mvcur(int sy, int ey, int sx, int ex)
- return ::mvcur(sy, ey, sx,ex);
-inline int CursesWindow::mvaddch(int y, int x, char ch)
- return (::wmove(w, y, x)==ERR) ? ERR : ::waddch(w, ch);
-inline int CursesWindow::mvgetch(int y, int x)
- return (::wmove(w, y, x)==ERR) ? ERR : ::wgetch(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::mvaddstr(int y, int x, const char * str)
- return (::wmove(w, y, x)==ERR) ? ERR : ::waddstr(w, (char*)str);
-inline int CursesWindow::mvgetstr(int y, int x, char * str)
- return (::wmove(w, y, x)==ERR) ? ERR : ::wgetstr(w, str);
-inline int CursesWindow::mvinch(int y, int x)
- return (::wmove(w, y, x)==ERR) ? ERR : ::winch(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::mvdelch(int y, int x)
- return (::wmove(w, y, x)==ERR) ? ERR : ::wdelch(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::mvinsch(int y, int x, char ch)
- return (::wmove(w, y, x)==ERR) ? ERR : ::winsch(w, ch);
-inline int CursesWindow::refresh()
- return ::wrefresh(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::clearok(int bf)
- return ::clearok(w,bf);
-inline int CursesWindow::leaveok(int bf)
- return ::leaveok(w,bf);
-inline int CursesWindow::scrollok(int bf)
- return ::scrollok(w,bf);
-#ifndef _no_flushok
-inline int CursesWindow::flushok(int bf)
- return ::flushok(w, bf);
-inline void CursesWindow::getyx(int& y, int& x)
- ::getyx(w, y, x);
-inline int CursesWindow::standout()
- return ::wstandout(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::standend()
- return ::wstandend(w);
-inline int CursesWindow::lines()
- return LINES;
-inline int CursesWindow::cols()
- return COLS;
-inline CursesWindow* CursesWindow::child()
- return subwins;
-inline CursesWindow* CursesWindow::parent()
- return par;
-inline CursesWindow* CursesWindow::sibling()
- return sib;
-#endif /* _G_HAVE_CURSES */
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6e15408..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _G_NO_TEMPLATES
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-//#pragma implementation
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "DLList.h"
-void BaseDLList::error(const char* msg) const
- (*lib_error_handler)("DLList", msg);
-int BaseDLList::length() const
- int l = 0;
- BaseDLNode* t = h;
- if (t != 0) do { ++l; t = t->fd; } while (t != h);
- return l;
-// Note: This is an internal method. It does *not* free old contents!
-void BaseDLList::copy(const BaseDLList& a)
- if (a.h == 0)
- h = 0;
- else
- {
- BaseDLNode* p = a.h;
- BaseDLNode* t = copy_node(p->item());
- h = t;
- p = p->fd;
- while (p != a.h)
- {
- BaseDLNode* n = copy_node(p->item());
- t->fd = n;
- n->bk = t;
- t = n;
- p = p->fd;
- }
- t->fd = h;
- h->bk = t;
- return;
- }
-void BaseDLList::clear()
- if (h == 0)
- return;
- BaseDLNode* p = h->fd;
- h->fd = 0;
- h = 0;
- while (p != 0)
- {
- BaseDLNode* nxt = p->fd;
- delete_node(p);
- p = nxt;
- }
-BaseDLList& BaseDLList::operator = (const BaseDLList& a)
- if (h != a.h)
- {
- clear();
- copy(a);
- }
- return *this;
-Pix BaseDLList::prepend(const void *datum)
- BaseDLNode* t = copy_node(datum);
- if (h == 0)
- t->fd = t->bk = h = t;
- else
- {
- t->fd = h;
- t->bk = h->bk;
- h->bk->fd = t;
- h->bk = t;
- h = t;
- }
- return Pix(t);
-Pix BaseDLList::append(const void *datum)
- BaseDLNode* t = copy_node(datum);
- if (h == 0)
- t->fd = t->bk = h = t;
- else
- {
- t->bk = h->bk;
- t->bk->fd = t;
- t->fd = h;
- h->bk = t;
- }
- return Pix(t);
-Pix BaseDLList::ins_after(Pix p, const void *datum)
- if (p == 0) return prepend(datum);
- BaseDLNode* u = (BaseDLNode*) p;
- BaseDLNode* t = copy_node(datum);
- t->bk = u;
- t->fd = u->fd;
- u->fd->bk = t;
- u->fd = t;
- return Pix(t);
-Pix BaseDLList::ins_before(Pix p, const void *datum)
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- BaseDLNode* u = (BaseDLNode*) p;
- BaseDLNode* t = copy_node(datum);
- t->bk = u->bk;
- t->fd = u;
- u->bk->fd = t;
- u->bk = t;
- if (u == h) h = t;
- return Pix(t);
-void BaseDLList::join(BaseDLList& b)
- BaseDLNode* t = b.h;
- b.h = 0;
- if (h == 0)
- h = t;
- else if (t != 0)
- {
- BaseDLNode* l = t->bk;
- h->bk->fd = t;
- t->bk = h->bk;
- h->bk = l;
- l->fd = h;
- }
-int BaseDLList::owns(Pix p) const
- BaseDLNode* t = h;
- if (t != 0 && p != 0)
- {
- do
- {
- if (Pix(t) == p) return 1;
- t = t->fd;
- } while (t != h);
- }
- return 0;
-void BaseDLList::del(Pix& p, int dir)
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- BaseDLNode* t = (BaseDLNode*) p;
- if (t->fd == t)
- {
- h = 0;
- p = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (dir < 0)
- {
- if (t == h)
- p = 0;
- else
- p = Pix(t->bk);
- }
- else
- {
- if (t == h->bk)
- p = 0;
- else
- p = Pix(t->fd);
- }
- t->bk->fd = t->fd;
- t->fd->bk = t->bk;
- if (t == h) h = t->fd;
- }
- delete_node(t);
-void BaseDLList::del_after(Pix& p)
- if (p == 0)
- {
- del_front();
- return;
- }
- BaseDLNode* b = (BaseDLNode*) p;
- BaseDLNode* t = b->fd;
- if (b == t)
- {
- h = 0;
- p = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- t->bk->fd = t->fd;
- t->fd->bk = t->bk;
- if (t == h) h = t->fd;
- }
- delete_node(t);
-void BaseDLList::remove_front(void *dst)
- if (h == 0)
- error("remove_front of empty list");
- else {
- BaseDLNode* t = h;
- copy_item(dst, t->item());
- if (h->fd == h)
- h = 0;
- else
- {
- h->fd->bk = h->bk;
- h->bk->fd = h->fd;
- h = h->fd;
- }
- delete_node(t);
- }
-void BaseDLList::del_front()
- if (h == 0)
- error("del_front of empty list");
- BaseDLNode* t = h;
- if (h->fd == h)
- h = 0;
- else
- {
- h->fd->bk = h->bk;
- h->bk->fd = h->fd;
- h = h->fd;
- }
- delete_node(t);
-void BaseDLList::remove_rear(void *dst)
- if (h == 0)
- error("remove_rear of empty list");
- else
- {
- BaseDLNode* t = h->bk;
- copy_item(dst, t->item());
- if (h->fd == h)
- h = 0;
- else
- {
- t->fd->bk = t->bk;
- t->bk->fd = t->fd;
- }
- delete_node(t);
- }
-void BaseDLList::del_rear()
- if (h == 0)
- error("del_rear of empty list");
- BaseDLNode* t = h->bk;
- if (h->fd == h)
- h = 0;
- else
- {
- t->fd->bk = t->bk;
- t->bk->fd = t->fd;
- }
- delete_node(t);
-int BaseDLList::OK() const
- int v = 1;
- if (h != 0)
- {
- BaseDLNode* t = h;
- long count = LONG_MAX; // Lots of chances to find h!
- do
- {
- count--;
- v &= t->bk->fd == t;
- v &= t->fd->bk == t;
- t = t->fd;
- } while (v && count > 0 && t != h);
- v &= count > 0;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/DLList.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/DLList.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3723c5c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/DLList.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _DLList_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-//#pragma interface
-#define _DLList_h 1
-#undef OK
-#include <Pix.h>
-struct BaseDLNode {
- BaseDLNode *bk;
- BaseDLNode *fd;
- void *item() {return (void*)(this+1);} //Return ((DLNode<T>*)this)->hd
-template<class T>
-class DLNode : public BaseDLNode
- public:
- T hd;
- DLNode() { }
- DLNode(const T& h, DLNode* p = 0, DLNode* n = 0)
- : hd(h) { bk = p; fd = n; }
- ~DLNode() { }
-class BaseDLList {
- protected:
- BaseDLNode *h;
- BaseDLList() { h = 0; }
- void copy(const BaseDLList&);
- BaseDLList& operator= (const BaseDLList& a);
- virtual void delete_node(BaseDLNode*node) = 0;
- virtual BaseDLNode* copy_node(const void* datum) = 0;
- virtual void copy_item(void *dst, void *src) = 0;
- virtual ~BaseDLList() { }
- Pix prepend(const void*);
- Pix append(const void*);
- Pix ins_after(Pix p, const void *datum);
- Pix ins_before(Pix p, const void *datum);
- void remove_front(void *dst);
- void remove_rear(void *dst);
- void join(BaseDLList&);
- public:
- int empty() const { return h == 0; }
- int length() const;
- void clear();
- void error(const char* msg) const;
- int owns(Pix p) const;
- int OK() const;
- void del(Pix& p, int dir = 1);
- void del_after(Pix& p);
- void del_front();
- void del_rear();
-template <class T>
-class DLList : public BaseDLList {
- //friend class <T>DLListTrav;
- virtual void delete_node(BaseDLNode *node) { delete (DLNode<T>*)node; }
- virtual BaseDLNode* copy_node(const void *datum)
- { return new DLNode<T>(*(const T*)datum); }
- virtual void copy_item(void *dst, void *src) { *(T*)dst = *(T*)src; }
- public:
- DLList() : BaseDLList() { }
- DLList(const DLList<T>& a) : BaseDLList() { copy(a); }
- DLList<T>& operator = (const DLList<T>& a)
- { BaseDLList::operator=((const BaseDLList&) a); return *this; }
- virtual ~DLList() { clear(); }
- Pix prepend(const T& item) {return BaseDLList::prepend(&item);}
- Pix append(const T& item) {return BaseDLList::append(&item);}
- void join(DLList<T>& a) { BaseDLList::join(a); }
- T& front() {
- if (h == 0) error("front: empty list");
- return ((DLNode<T>*)h)->hd; }
- T& rear() {
- if (h == 0) error("rear: empty list");
- return ((DLNode<T>*)h->bk)->hd;
- }
- const T& front() const {
- if (h == 0) error("front: empty list");
- return ((DLNode<T>*)h)->hd; }
- const T& rear() const {
- if (h == 0) error("rear: empty list");
- return ((DLNode<T>*)h->bk)->hd;
- }
- T remove_front() { T dst; BaseDLList::remove_front(&dst); return dst; }
- T remove_rear() { T dst; BaseDLList::remove_rear(&dst); return dst; }
- T& operator () (Pix p) {
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((DLNode<T>*)p)->hd;
- }
- const T& operator () (Pix p) const {
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((DLNode<T>*)p)->hd;
- }
- Pix first() const { return Pix(h); }
- Pix last() const { return (h == 0) ? 0 : Pix(h->bk); }
- void next(Pix& p) const
- { p = (p == 0 || p == h->bk)? 0 : Pix(((DLNode<T>*)p)->fd); }
- void prev(Pix& p) const
- { p = (p == 0 || p == h)? 0 : Pix(((DLNode<T>*)p)->bk); }
- Pix ins_after(Pix p, const T& item)
- {return BaseDLList::ins_after(p, &item); }
- Pix ins_before(Pix p, const T& item)
- {return BaseDLList::ins_before(p, &item);}
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 950d9f9..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <Random.h>
-#include <DiscUnif.h>
-double DiscreteUniform::operator()()
- long tmp = long(floor(delta * pGenerator -> asDouble()));
- return( double(pLow + tmp) );
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/DiscUnif.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/DiscUnif.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8633db2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/DiscUnif.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _DiscreteUniform_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _DiscreteUniform_h 1
-#include <Random.h>
-// The interval [lo..hi)
-class DiscreteUniform: public Random {
- long pLow;
- long pHigh;
- double delta;
- DiscreteUniform(long low, long high, RNG *gen);
- long low();
- long low(long x);
- long high();
- long high(long x);
- virtual double operator()();
-inline DiscreteUniform::DiscreteUniform(long low, long high, RNG *gen)
-: Random(gen)
- pLow = (low < high) ? low : high;
- pHigh = (low < high) ? high : low;
- delta = (pHigh - pLow) + 1;
-inline long DiscreteUniform::low() { return pLow; }
-inline long DiscreteUniform::low(long x) {
- long tmp = pLow;
- pLow = x;
- delta = (pHigh - pLow) + 1;
- return tmp;
-inline long DiscreteUniform::high() { return pHigh; }
-inline long DiscreteUniform::high(long x) {
- long tmp = pHigh;
- pHigh = x;
- delta = (pHigh - pLow) + 1;
- return tmp;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a73021..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <Random.h>
-#include <Erlang.h>
-double Erlang::operator()()
- double prod = 1.0;
- for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
- prod *= pGenerator -> asDouble();
- }
- return(-log(prod)/a);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Erlang.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Erlang.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f2b3ed..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Erlang.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Erlang_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Erlang_h 1
-#include <Random.h>
-class Erlang: public Random {
- double pMean;
- double pVariance;
- int k;
- double a;
- void setState();
- Erlang(double mean, double variance, RNG *gen);
- double mean();
- double mean(double x);
- double variance();
- double variance(double x);
- virtual double operator()();
-inline void Erlang::setState() {
- k = int( (pMean * pMean ) / pVariance + 0.5 );
- k = (k > 0) ? k : 1;
- a = k / pMean;
-inline Erlang::Erlang(double mean, double variance, RNG *gen) : Random(gen)
- pMean = mean; pVariance = variance;
- setState();
-inline double Erlang::mean() { return pMean; }
-inline double Erlang::mean(double x) {
- double tmp = pMean; pMean = x; setState(); return tmp;
-inline double Erlang::variance() { return pVariance; }
-inline double Erlang::variance(double x) {
- double tmp = pVariance; pVariance = x; setState(); return tmp;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f68f82..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,670 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// : variable length fixed point data type class functions
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <Fix.h>
-#include <std.h>
-#include <Obstack.h>
-#include <AllocRing.h>
-#include <strstream.h>
-#include <new.h>
-// member constants
-const _G_uint16_t Fix::min_length;
-const _G_uint16_t Fix::max_length;
-const double Fix::min_value;
-const double Fix::max_value;
-// default parameters
-_G_uint16_t Fix::default_length = 16;
-int Fix::default_print_width = 8;
-Fix::PEH Fix::overflow_handler = Fix::overflow_saturate;
-Fix::Rep Fix::Rep_0 = { 16, 1, 1, { 0 } };
-Fix::Rep Fix::Rep_m1 = { 16, 1, 1, { 0x8000 } };
-Fix::Rep Fix::Rep_quotient_bump = { 16, 1, 1, { 0x4000 } };
-// error handling
-Fix::default_error_handler(const char* msg)
- cerr << "Fix: " << msg << "\n";
- abort();
-Fix::default_range_error_handler(const char* msg)
- cerr << "Fix: range error in " << msg << "\n";
- //abort();
- Fix::error_handler = Fix::default_error_handler,
- Fix::range_error_handler = Fix::default_range_error_handler;
-Fix::set_error_handler(one_arg_error_handler_t f)
- one_arg_error_handler_t old = error_handler;
- error_handler = f;
- return old;
-Fix::set_range_error_handler(one_arg_error_handler_t f)
- one_arg_error_handler_t old = range_error_handler;
- range_error_handler = f;
- return old;
-Fix::error(const char* msg)
- error_handler(msg);
-Fix::range_error(const char* msg)
- range_error_handler(msg);
-// Fix::Rep allocation and initialization functions
-static inline Fix::Rep*
-_new_Fix(_G_uint16_t len)
- int siz = (((_G_uint32_t) len + 15) >> 4);
- if (siz <= 0) siz = 1;
- unsigned int allocsiz = (sizeof(Fix::Rep) + (siz - 1) * sizeof(_G_uint16_t));
- Fix::Rep* z = new (operator new (allocsiz)) Fix::Rep;
- memset(z, 0, allocsiz);
- z->len = len;
- z->siz = siz;
- z->ref = 1;
- return z;
-Fix::new_Fix(_G_uint16_t len)
- return _new_Fix(len);
-Fix::new_Fix(_G_uint16_t len, const Rep* x)
- Rep* z = _new_Fix(len);
- return copy(x,z);
-Fix::new_Fix(_G_uint16_t len, double d)
- Rep* z = _new_Fix(len);
- if ( d == max_value )
- {
- z->s[0] = 0x7fff;
- for ( int i=1; i < z->siz; i++ )
- z->s[i] = 0xffff;
- }
- else if ( d < min_value || d > max_value )
- range_error("declaration");
- else
- {
- if (d < 0)
- d += 2.0;
- d *= 32768;
- for ( int i=0; i < z->siz; i++ )
- {
- z->s[i] = (_G_uint16_t )d;
- d -= z->s[i];
- d *= 65536;
- }
- if ( d >= 32768 )
- z->s[z->siz-1]++;
- }
- mask(z);
- return z;
-// convert to a double
-value(const Fix& x)
- double d = 0.0;
- for ( int i=x.rep->siz-1; i >= 0; i-- )
- {
- d += x.rep->s[i];
- d *= 1./65536.;
- }
- d *= 2.;
- return d < 1. ? d : d - 2.;
-// extract mantissa to Integer
-mantissa(const Fix& x)
- Integer a = 1, b=1;
- for ( int i=0; i < x.rep->siz; i++ )
- {
- a <<= 16;
- a += x.rep->s[i];
- b <<= 16;
- }
- return a-b;
-// comparison functions
-inline static int
-docmp(const _G_uint16_t* x, const _G_uint16_t* y, int siz)
- int diff = (_G_int16_t )*x - (_G_int16_t )*y;
- while ( --siz && !diff )
- diff = (_G_int32_t )(_G_uint32_t )*++x - (_G_int32_t )(_G_uint32_t )*++y;
- return diff;
-inline static int
-docmpz(const _G_uint16_t* x, int siz)
- while ( siz-- )
- if ( *x++ ) return 1;
- return 0;
-Fix::compare(const Rep* x, const Rep* y)
- if ( x->siz == y->siz )
- return docmp(x->s, y->s, x->siz);
- else
- {
- int r;
- const Rep* longer, *shorter;
- if ( x->siz > y->siz )
- {
- longer = x;
- shorter = y;
- r = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- longer = y;
- shorter = x;
- r = -1;
- }
- int diff = docmp(x->s, y->s, shorter->siz);
- if ( diff )
- return diff;
- else if ( docmpz(&longer->s[shorter->siz], longer->siz-shorter->siz) )
- return r;
- else
- return 0;
- }
-// arithmetic functions
-Fix::add(const Rep* x, const Rep* y, Rep* r)
- _G_uint16_t xsign = x->s[0], ysign = y->s[0];
- const Rep* longer, *shorter;
- if ( x->len >= y->len )
- longer = x, shorter = y;
- else
- longer = y, shorter = x;
- if ( r == NULL )
- r = new_Fix(longer->len);
- int i;
- for ( i=r->siz-1; i >= longer->siz; i-- )
- r->s[i] = 0;
- for ( ; i >= shorter->siz; i-- )
- r->s[i] = longer->s[i];
- _G_uint32_t sum = 0, carry = 0;
- for ( ; i >= 0; i-- )
- {
- sum = carry + (_G_uint32_t )x->s[i] + (_G_uint32_t )y->s[i];
- carry = sum >> 16;
- r->s[i] = sum;
- }
- if ( (xsign ^ sum) & (ysign ^ sum) & 0x8000 )
- overflow_handler(r);
- return r;
-Fix::subtract(const Rep* x, const Rep* y, Rep* r)
- _G_uint16_t xsign = x->s[0], ysign = y->s[0];
- const Rep* longer, *shorter;
- if ( x->len >= y->len )
- longer = x, shorter = y;
- else
- longer = y, shorter = x;
- if ( r == NULL )
- r = new_Fix(longer->len);
- int i;
- for ( i=r->siz-1; i >= longer->siz; i-- )
- r->s[i] = 0;
- for ( ; i >= shorter->siz; i-- )
- r->s[i] = (longer == x ? x->s[i] : -y->s[i]);
- _G_int16_t carry = 0;
- _G_uint32_t sum = 0;
- for ( ; i >= 0; i-- )
- {
- sum = (_G_int32_t )carry + (_G_uint32_t )x->s[i] - (_G_uint32_t )y->s[i];
- carry = sum >> 16;
- r->s[i] = sum;
- }
- if ( (xsign ^ sum) & (~ysign ^ sum) & 0x8000 )
- overflow_handler(r);
- return r;
-Fix::multiply(const Rep* x, const Rep* y, Rep* r)
- if ( r == NULL )
- r = new_Fix(x->len + y->len);
- int xsign = x->s[0] & 0x8000,
- ysign = y->s[0] & 0x8000;
- Fix X(x->len), Y(y->len);
- if ( xsign )
- x = negate(x,X.rep);
- if ( ysign )
- y = negate(y,Y.rep);
- int i;
- for ( i=0; i < r->siz; i++ )
- r->s[i] = 0;
- for ( i=x->siz-1; i >= 0; i-- )
- {
- _G_uint32_t carry = 0;
- for ( int j=y->siz-1; j >= 0; j-- )
- {
- int k = i + j + 1;
- _G_uint32_t a = (_G_uint32_t )x->s[i] * (_G_uint32_t )y->s[j];
- _G_uint32_t b = ((a << 1) & 0xffff) + carry;
- if ( k < r->siz )
- {
- b += r->s[k];
- r->s[k] = b;
- }
- if ( k < (int)r->siz + 1 )
- carry = (a >> 15) + (b >> 16);
- }
- r->s[i] = carry;
- }
- if ( xsign != ysign )
- negate(r,r);
- return r;
-Fix::multiply(const Rep* x, int y, Rep* r)
- if ( y != (_G_int16_t )y )
- range_error("multiply by int -- int too large");
- if ( r == NULL )
- r = new_Fix(x->len);
- int i;
- for ( i=r->siz-1; i >= x->siz; i-- )
- r->s[i] = 0;
- _G_int32_t a, carry = 0;
- for ( ; i > 0; i-- )
- {
- a = (_G_int32_t) (_G_uint32_t )x->s[i] * y + carry;
- r->s[i] = a;
- carry = a >> 16; // assumes arithmetic right shift
- }
- a = (_G_int32_t) (_G_int16_t )x->s[0] * y + carry;
- r->s[0] = a;
- a &= 0xffff8000L;
- if ( a != (_G_int32_t)0xffff8000L && a != (_G_int32_t)0L ) {
- r->s[0] = 0x8000 ^ x->s[0] ^ y;
- overflow_handler(r);
- }
- return r;
-Fix::divide(const Rep* x, const Rep* y, Rep* q, Rep* r)
- int xsign = x->s[0] & 0x8000,
- ysign = y->s[0] & 0x8000;
- if ( q == NULL )
- q = new_Fix(x->len);
- copy(&Rep_0,q);
- if ( r == NULL )
- r = new_Fix(x->len + y->len - 1);
- if ( xsign )
- negate(x,r);
- else
- copy(x,r);
- Fix Y(y->len);
- Rep* y2 = ( ysign ? negate(y,Y.rep) : copy(y,Y.rep) );
- if ( !compare(y2) )
- range_error("division -- division by zero");
- else if ( compare(x,y2) >= 0 )
- if ( compare(x,y2) == 0 && (xsign ^ ysign) != 0 )
- {
- copy(&Rep_m1,q);
- copy(&Rep_0,r);
- }
- else
- range_error("division");
- else
- {
- Rep* t;
- Fix S(r->len),
- W(q->len,&Rep_quotient_bump);
- for ( int i=1; i < q->len; i++ )
- {
- shift(y2,-1,y2);
- subtract(r,y2,S.rep);
- int s_status = compare(S.rep);
- if ( s_status == 0 )
- {
- t = r, r = S.rep, S.rep = t;
- break;
- }
- else if ( s_status > 0 )
- {
- t = r, r = S.rep, S.rep = t;
- add(q,W.rep,q);
- }
- shift(W.rep,-1,W.rep);
- }
- if ( xsign ^ ysign )
- negate(q,q);
- }
- return q;
-Fix::shift(const Rep* x, int y, Rep* r)
- if ( r == NULL )
- r = new_Fix(x->len);
- if ( y == 0 )
- {
- copy (x, r);
- return r;
- }
- int ay = abs((_G_int32_t) y),
- ayh = ay >> 4,
- ayl = ay & 0x0f;
- int xl, u, ilow, ihigh;
- _G_uint16_t *rs;
- const _G_uint16_t *xsl, *xsr;
- if ( y > 0 )
- {
- rs = r->s;
- xsl = x->s + ayh;
- xsr = xsl + 1;
- xl = ayl;
- u = 1;
- ihigh = x->siz - ayh - 1;
- ilow = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- rs = &r->s[r->siz - 1];
- xsr = &x->s[r->siz - 1] - ayh;
- xsl = xsr - 1;
- xl = 16 - ayl;
- u = -1;
- ihigh = r->siz - ayh - 1;
- ilow = ihigh - x->siz;
- }
- int xr = 16 - xl;
- _G_uint16_t xrmask = 0xffffL >> xr;
- int i;
- for ( i=0; i < ilow; i++, rs+=u, xsl+=u, xsr+=u )
- *rs = 0;
- for ( ; i < ihigh; i++, rs+=u, xsl+=u, xsr+=u )
- *rs = (*xsl << xl) + ((*xsr >> xr) & xrmask);
- *rs = (y > 0 ? (*xsl << xl) : ((*xsr >> xr) & xrmask));
- rs += u;
- for ( ; ++i < r->siz; rs+=u )
- *rs = 0;
- return r;
-Fix::negate(const Rep* x, Rep* r)
- if ( r == NULL )
- r = new_Fix(x->len);
- _G_uint32_t carry = 1;
- int i;
- for ( i=r->siz-1; i >= x->siz; i-- )
- r->s[i] = 0;
- for ( ; i >= 0; i-- )
- {
- _G_uint32_t a = (_G_uint16_t )~x->s[i] + carry; // bug work-around
- r->s[i] = a;
- carry = a >> 16;
- }
- return r;
-// io functions
-atoF(const char* a, int len)
- return Fix(len,atof(a));
-extern AllocRing _libgxx_fmtq;
-Fix::printon(ostream& s, int width) const
- double val = value(*this);
- int old_precision = s.precision(width-3);
- _G_int32_t old_flags = s.setf(ios::fixed, ios::fixed|ios::scientific);
- if (val >= 0)
- s << ' ';
- s.width(width-2);
- s << val;
- s.precision(old_precision);
- s.flags(old_flags);
-Ftoa(Fix& x, int width)
- int wrksiz = width + 2;
- char *fmtbase = (char *) _libgxx_fmtq.alloc(wrksiz);
- ostrstream stream(fmtbase, wrksiz);
- x.printon(stream, width);
- stream << ends;
- return fmtbase;
-extern Obstack _libgxx_io_ob;
-Fix::operator %= (int y)
- Fix r((int )rep->len + y, *this); return *this = r;
-operator >> (istream& s, Fix& y)
- int got_one = 0;
- if (!s.ipfx(0))
- {
- s.clear(ios::failbit|s.rdstate()); // Redundant if using GNU iostreams.
- return s;
- }
- char sign = 0, point = 0;
- char ch;
- s >> ws;
- if (!s.good())
- {
- s.clear(ios::failbit|s.rdstate());
- return s;
- }
- while (s.get(ch))
- {
- if (ch == '-')
- {
- if (sign == 0)
- {
- sign = 1;
- _libgxx_io_ob.grow(ch);
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if (ch == '.')
- {
- if (point == 0)
- {
- point = 1;
- _libgxx_io_ob.grow(ch);
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
- {
- got_one = 1;
- _libgxx_io_ob.grow(ch);
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- char * p = (char*)(_libgxx_io_ob.finish(0));
- if (s.good())
- s.putback(ch);
- if (!got_one)
- s.clear(ios::failbit|s.rdstate());
- else
- y = atoF(p);
- return s;
-show(const Fix& x)
- cout << "len = " << x.rep->len << "\n";
- cout << "siz = " << x.rep->siz << "\n";
- cout << "ref = " << x.rep->ref << "\n";
- cout << "man = ";
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- cout << Itoa(mantissa(x),16,4*x.rep->siz);
- int old_flags = cout.setf(ios::hex, ios::hex|ios::dec|ios::oct);
- cout.width(4*x.rep->siz);
- cout << mantissa(x);
- cout.setf(old_flags, ios::hex|ios::dec|ios::oct);
- cout << "\n";
- cout << "val = " << value(x) << "\n";
-// parameter setting operations
-Fix::PEH Fix::set_overflow_handler(PEH new_handler)
- PEH old_handler = overflow_handler;
- overflow_handler = new_handler;
- return old_handler;
-Fix::set_default_length(int newlen)
- _G_uint16_t oldlen = default_length;
- if ( newlen < min_length || newlen > max_length )
- error("illegal length in Fix::set_default_length");
- default_length = newlen;
- return oldlen;
-// overflow handlers
-Fix::overflow_saturate(Rep* r)
- if ( (_G_int16_t) r->s[0] > 0 )
- {
- r->s[0] = 0x8000;
- for ( int i=1; i < r->siz; i++ )
- r->s[i] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- r->s[0] = 0x7fff;
- for ( int i = 1; i < (int)r->siz; i++ )
- r->s[i] = 0xffff;
- mask(r);
- }
-Fix::overflow_warning_saturate(Rep* r)
- overflow_warning(r);
- overflow_saturate(r);
- cerr << "Fix: overflow warning\n";
- cerr << "Fix: overflow error\n";
- abort();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Fix.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Fix.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ae9b904..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Fix.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// Fix.h : variable length fixed point data type
-#ifndef _Fix_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Fix_h 1
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <std.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <Integer.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-class Fix
- struct Rep // internal Fix representation
- {
- _G_uint16_t len; // length in bits
- _G_uint16_t siz; // allocated storage
- _G_int16_t ref; // reference count
- _G_uint16_t s[1]; // start of ushort array represention
- };
- typedef void (*PEH)(Rep*);
- Rep* rep;
- Fix(Rep*);
- Fix(int, const Rep*);
- void unique();
- static const _G_uint16_t min_length = 1;
- static const _G_uint16_t max_length = 65535;
- static const double min_value = -1.0;
- static const double max_value = 1.0;
- static _G_uint16_t default_length;
- static int default_print_width;
- static Rep Rep_0;
- static Rep Rep_m1;
- static Rep Rep_quotient_bump;
- // internal class functions
- static void mask(Rep*);
- static int compare(const Rep*, const Rep* = &Rep_0);
- static Rep* new_Fix(_G_uint16_t);
- static Rep* new_Fix(_G_uint16_t, const Rep*);
- static Rep* new_Fix(_G_uint16_t, double);
- static Rep* copy(const Rep*, Rep*);
- static Rep* negate(const Rep*, Rep* = NULL);
- static Rep* add(const Rep*, const Rep*, Rep* = NULL);
- static Rep* subtract(const Rep*, const Rep*, Rep* = NULL);
- static Rep* multiply(const Rep*, const Rep*, Rep* = NULL);
- static Rep* multiply(const Rep*, int, Rep* = NULL);
- static Rep* divide(const Rep*, const Rep*, Rep* = NULL,
- Rep* = NULL);
- static Rep* shift(const Rep*, int, Rep* = NULL);
- static one_arg_error_handler_t error_handler;
- static one_arg_error_handler_t range_error_handler;
- static PEH overflow_handler;
- Fix();
- Fix(const Fix&);
- Fix(double);
- Fix(int);
- Fix(_G_uint16_t);
- Fix(int, const Fix&);
- Fix(int, double);
- ~Fix();
- Fix operator = (const Fix&);
- Fix operator = (double);
- friend int operator == (const Fix&, const Fix&);
- friend int operator != (const Fix&, const Fix&);
- friend int operator < (const Fix&, const Fix&);
- friend int operator <= (const Fix&, const Fix&);
- friend int operator > (const Fix&, const Fix&);
- friend int operator >= (const Fix&, const Fix&);
- Fix& operator + ();
- Fix operator - ();
- friend Fix operator + (const Fix&, const Fix&);
- friend Fix operator - (const Fix&, const Fix&);
- friend Fix operator * (const Fix&, const Fix&);
- friend Fix operator / (const Fix&, const Fix&);
- friend Fix operator * (const Fix&, int);
- friend Fix operator * (int, const Fix&);
- friend Fix operator % (const Fix&, int);
- friend Fix operator << (const Fix&, int);
- friend Fix operator >> (const Fix&, int);
-#if defined (__GNUG__) && ! defined (__STRICT_ANSI__)
- friend Fix operator <? (const Fix&, const Fix&); // min
- friend Fix operator >? (const Fix&, const Fix&); // max
- Fix operator += (const Fix&);
- Fix operator -= (const Fix&);
- Fix operator *= (const Fix&);
- Fix operator /= (const Fix&);
- Fix operator *= (int);
- Fix operator %= (int);
- Fix operator <<=(int);
- Fix operator >>=(int);
- friend char* Ftoa(const Fix&, int width = default_print_width);
- void printon(ostream&, int width = default_print_width) const;
- friend Fix atoF(const char*, int len = default_length);
- friend istream& operator >> (istream&, Fix&);
- friend ostream& operator << (ostream&, const Fix&);
- // built-in functions
- friend Fix abs(Fix); // absolute value
- friend int sgn(const Fix&); // -1, 0, +1
- friend Integer mantissa(const Fix&); // integer representation
- friend double value(const Fix&); // double value
- friend int length(const Fix&); // field length
- friend void show(const Fix&); // show contents
- // error handlers
- static void error(const char* msg); // error handler
- static void range_error(const char* msg); // range error handler
- static one_arg_error_handler_t set_error_handler(one_arg_error_handler_t f);
- static one_arg_error_handler_t
- set_range_error_handler(one_arg_error_handler_t f);
- static void default_error_handler (const char *);
- static void default_range_error_handler (const char *);
- // non-operator versions for user
- friend void negate(const Fix& x, Fix& r);
- friend void add(const Fix& x, const Fix& y, Fix& r);
- friend void subtract(const Fix& x, const Fix& y, Fix& r);
- friend void multiply(const Fix& x, const Fix& y, Fix& r);
- friend void divide(const Fix& x, const Fix& y, Fix& q, Fix& r);
- friend void shift(const Fix& x, int y, Fix& r);
- // overflow handlers
- static void overflow_saturate(Fix::Rep*);
- static void overflow_wrap(Fix::Rep*);
- static void overflow_warning_saturate(Fix::Rep*);
- static void overflow_warning(Fix::Rep*);
- static void overflow_error(Fix::Rep*);
- static PEH set_overflow_handler(PEH);
- static int set_default_length(int);
-// function definitions
-inline void
- if ( rep->ref > 1 )
- {
- rep->ref--;
- rep = new_Fix(rep->len,rep);
- }
-inline void
-Fix::mask (Fix::Rep* x)
- int n = x->len & 0x0f;
- if ( n )
- x->s[x->siz - 1] &= 0xffff0000 >> n;
-inline Fix::Rep*
-Fix::copy(const Fix::Rep* from, Fix::Rep* to)
- _G_uint16_t *ts = to->s;
- const _G_uint16_t *fs = from->s;
- int ilim = to->siz < from->siz ? to->siz : from->siz;
- int i;
- for ( i=0; i < ilim; i++ )
- *ts++ = *fs++;
- for ( ; i < to->siz; i++ )
- *ts++ = 0;
- mask(to);
- return to;
-Fix::Fix(Rep* f)
- rep = f;
- rep = new_Fix(default_length);
-Fix::Fix(int len)
- if ( len < min_length || len > max_length )
- error("illegal length in declaration");
- rep = new_Fix((_G_uint16_t) len);
-Fix::Fix(_G_uint16_t len)
- if ( len < min_length || len > max_length )
- error("illegal length in declaration");
- rep = new_Fix(len);
-Fix::Fix(double d)
- rep = new_Fix(default_length,d);
-Fix::Fix(const Fix& y)
- rep = y.rep; rep->ref++;
-Fix::Fix(int len, const Fix& y)
- if ( len < Fix::min_length || len > Fix::max_length )
- error("illegal length in declaration");
- rep = new_Fix((_G_uint16_t) len,y.rep);
-Fix::Fix(int len, const Rep* fr)
- if ( len < Fix::min_length || len > Fix::max_length )
- error("illegal length in declaration");
- rep = new_Fix((_G_uint16_t) len,fr);
-Fix::Fix(int len, double d)
- if ( len < Fix::min_length || len > Fix::max_length )
- error("illegal length in declaration");
- rep = new_Fix((_G_uint16_t) len,d);
- if ( --rep->ref <= 0 ) delete rep;
-inline Fix
-Fix::operator = (const Fix& y)
- if ( rep->len == y.rep->len ) {
- ++y.rep->ref;
- if ( --rep->ref <= 0 ) delete rep;
- rep = y.rep;
- }
- else {
- unique();
- copy(y.rep,rep);
- }
- return *this;
-inline Fix
-Fix::operator = (double d)
- int oldlen = rep->len;
- if ( --rep->ref <= 0 ) delete rep;
- rep = new_Fix(oldlen,d);
- return *this;
-inline int
-operator == (const Fix& x, const Fix& y)
- return Fix::compare(x.rep, y.rep) == 0;
-inline int
-operator != (const Fix& x, const Fix& y)
- return Fix::compare(x.rep, y.rep) != 0;
-inline int
-operator < (const Fix& x, const Fix& y)
- return Fix::compare(x.rep, y.rep) < 0;
-inline int
-operator <= (const Fix& x, const Fix& y)
- return Fix::compare(x.rep, y.rep) <= 0;
-inline int
-operator > (const Fix& x, const Fix& y)
- return Fix::compare(x.rep, y.rep) > 0;
-inline int
-operator >= (const Fix& x, const Fix& y)
- return Fix::compare(x.rep, y.rep) >= 0;
-inline Fix&
-Fix::operator + ()
- return *this;
-inline Fix
-Fix::operator - ()
- Rep* r = negate(rep); return r;
-inline Fix
-operator + (const Fix& x, const Fix& y)
- Fix::Rep* r = Fix::add(x.rep, y.rep); return r;
-inline Fix
-operator - (const Fix& x, const Fix& y)
- Fix::Rep* r = Fix::subtract(x.rep, y.rep); return r;
-inline Fix
-operator * (const Fix& x, const Fix& y)
- Fix::Rep* r = Fix::multiply(x.rep, y.rep); return r;
-inline Fix
-operator * (const Fix& x, int y)
- Fix::Rep* r = Fix::multiply(x.rep, y); return r;
-inline Fix
-operator * (int y, const Fix& x)
- Fix::Rep* r = Fix::multiply(x.rep, y); return r;
-inline Fix
-operator / (const Fix& x, const Fix& y)
- Fix::Rep* r = Fix::divide(x.rep, y.rep); return r;
-inline Fix
-Fix::operator += (const Fix& y)
- unique(); Fix::add(rep, y.rep, rep); return *this;
-inline Fix
-Fix::operator -= (const Fix& y)
- unique(); Fix::subtract(rep, y.rep, rep); return *this;
-inline Fix
-Fix::operator *= (const Fix& y)
- unique(); Fix::multiply(rep, y.rep, rep); return *this;
-inline Fix
-Fix::operator *= (int y)
- unique(); Fix::multiply(rep, y, rep); return *this;
-inline Fix
-Fix::operator /= (const Fix& y)
- unique(); Fix::divide(rep, y.rep, rep); return *this;
-inline Fix
-operator % (const Fix& x, int y)
- Fix r((int) x.rep->len + y, x); return r;
-inline Fix
-operator << (const Fix& x, int y)
- Fix::Rep* rep = Fix::shift(x.rep, y); return rep;
-inline Fix
-operator >> (const Fix& x, int y)
- Fix::Rep* rep = Fix::shift(x.rep, -y); return rep;
-inline Fix
-Fix::operator <<= (int y)
- unique(); Fix::shift(rep, y, rep); return *this;
-inline Fix
-Fix::operator >>= (int y)
- unique(); Fix::shift(rep, -y, rep); return *this;
-#if defined (__GNUG__) && ! defined (__STRICT_ANSI__)
-inline Fix
-operator <? (const Fix& x, const Fix& y)
- if ( Fix::compare(x.rep, y.rep) <= 0 ) return x; else return y;
-inline Fix
-operator >? (const Fix& x, const Fix& y)
- if ( Fix::compare(x.rep, y.rep) >= 0 ) return x; else return y;
-inline Fix
-abs(Fix x)
- Fix::Rep* r = (Fix::compare(x.rep) >= 0 ? Fix::new_Fix(x.rep->len,x.rep) :
- Fix::negate(x.rep));
- return r;
-inline int
-sgn(const Fix& x)
- int a = Fix::compare(x.rep);
- return a == 0 ? 0 : (a > 0 ? 1 : -1);
-inline int
-length(const Fix& x)
- return x.rep->len;
-inline ostream&
-operator << (ostream& s, const Fix& y)
- if (s.opfx())
- y.printon(s);
- return s;
-inline void
-negate (const Fix& x, Fix& r)
- Fix::negate(x.rep, r.rep);
-inline void
-add (const Fix& x, const Fix& y, Fix& r)
- Fix::add(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep);
-inline void
-subtract (const Fix& x, const Fix& y, Fix& r)
- Fix::subtract(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep);
-inline void
-multiply (const Fix& x, const Fix& y, Fix& r)
- Fix::multiply(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep);
-inline void
-divide (const Fix& x, const Fix& y, Fix& q, Fix& r)
- Fix::divide(x.rep, y.rep, q.rep, r.rep);
-inline void
-shift (const Fix& x, int y, Fix& r)
- Fix::shift(x.rep, y, r.rep);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index dddab24..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Kurt Baudendistel (gt-eedsp!
- adapted for libg++ by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// : fixed precision class support functions
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <Fix16.h>
-// basic operators too large to be inline
-short Fix16::assign(double d)
- if (d == 1.0)
- return Fix16_m_max;
- else if (d > Fix16_max)
- {
- short i = Fix16_m_max;
- range_error(i);
- return i;
- }
- else if (d < Fix16_min)
- {
- short i = Fix16_m_min;
- range_error(i);
- return i;
- }
- else
- return round(Fix16_mult * d);
-_G_int32_t Fix32::assign(double d)
- if (d == 1.0)
- return Fix32_m_max;
- else if (d > Fix32_max)
- {
- _G_int32_t i = Fix32_m_max;
- range_error(i);
- return i;
- }
- else if (d < Fix32_min)
- {
- _G_int32_t i = Fix32_m_min;
- range_error(i);
- return i;
- }
- else
- return round(Fix32_mult * d);
-Fix32 operator * (const Fix32& a, const Fix32& b)
-// break a and b into lo and hi parts, and do a multiple-precision
-// multiply, with rounding
- int apos = (a.m >= 0);
- _G_uint32_t ua = (apos)? a.m : - a.m;
- ua <<= 1; // ua is biased so result will be 31 bit mantissa, not 30:
- _G_uint32_t hi_a = (ua >> 16) & ((1 << 16) - 1);
- _G_uint32_t lo_a = ua & ((1 << 16) - 1);
- int bpos = (b.m >= 0);
- _G_uint32_t ub = (bpos)? b.m : -b.m;
- _G_uint32_t hi_b = (ub >> 16) & ((1 << 16) - 1);
- _G_uint32_t lo_b = ub & ((1 << 16) - 1);
- _G_uint32_t r = lo_a * lo_b + (1 << 15);
- r = (r >> 16) + hi_a * lo_b + lo_a * hi_b + (1 << 15);
- r = (r >> 16) + hi_a * hi_b;
- _G_int32_t p = (apos != bpos)? -r : r;
- return Fix32(p);
-Fix16 operator / (const Fix16& a, const Fix16& b)
- short q;
- int apos = (a.m >= 0);
- _G_int32_t la = (apos)? a.m : -a.m;
- _G_int32_t scaled_a = la << 15;
- int bpos = (b.m >= 0);
- short sb = (bpos)? b.m: -b.m;
- if (la >= sb)
- {
- q = (apos == bpos)? Fix16_m_max: Fix16_m_min;
- a.range_error(q);
- }
- else
- {
- q = scaled_a / sb;
- if ((scaled_a % sb) >= (sb / 2)) ++q;
- if (apos != bpos) q = -q;
- }
- return Fix16(q);
-Fix32 operator / (const Fix32& a, const Fix32& b)
- _G_int32_t q;
- int apos = (a.m >= 0);
- _G_uint32_t la = (apos)? a.m : -a.m;
- int bpos = (b.m >= 0);
- _G_uint32_t lb = (bpos)? b.m: -b.m;
- if (la >= lb)
- {
- q = (apos == bpos)? Fix32_m_max: Fix32_m_min;
- a.range_error(q);
- }
- else // standard shift-based division alg
- {
- q = 0;
- _G_int32_t r = la;
- for (int i = 32; i > 0; i--)
- {
- if ((unsigned)(r) > lb) {
- q = (q << 1) | 1;
- r -= lb;
- }
- else
- q = (q << 1);
- r <<= 1;
- }
- if (apos != bpos) q = -q; // Fix sign
- }
- return Fix32(q);
-// error handling
-void Fix16::overflow(short& i) const
- (*Fix16_overflow_handler)(i);
-void Fix32::overflow(_G_int32_t& i) const
- (*Fix32_overflow_handler)(i);
-void Fix16::range_error(short& i) const
- (*Fix16_range_error_handler)(i);
-void Fix32::range_error(_G_int32_t& i) const
- (*Fix32_range_error_handler)(i);
-// data definitions
-Fix16_peh Fix16_overflow_handler = Fix16_overflow_saturate;
-Fix32_peh Fix32_overflow_handler = Fix32_overflow_saturate;
-Fix16_peh Fix16_range_error_handler = Fix16_warning;
-Fix32_peh Fix32_range_error_handler = Fix32_warning;
-//function definitions
-Fix16_peh set_Fix16_overflow_handler(Fix16_peh new_handler) {
- Fix16_peh old_handler = Fix16_overflow_handler;
- Fix16_overflow_handler = new_handler;
- return old_handler;
-Fix32_peh set_Fix32_overflow_handler(Fix32_peh new_handler) {
- Fix32_peh old_handler = Fix32_overflow_handler;
- Fix32_overflow_handler = new_handler;
- return old_handler;
-void set_overflow_handler(Fix16_peh handler16, Fix32_peh handler32) {
- set_Fix16_overflow_handler(handler16);
- set_Fix32_overflow_handler(handler32);
-Fix16_peh set_Fix16_range_error_handler(Fix16_peh new_handler) {
- Fix16_peh old_handler = Fix16_range_error_handler;
- Fix16_range_error_handler = new_handler;
- return old_handler;
-Fix32_peh set_Fix32_range_error_handler(Fix32_peh new_handler) {
- Fix32_peh old_handler = Fix32_range_error_handler;
- Fix32_range_error_handler = new_handler;
- return old_handler;
-void set_range_error_handler(Fix16_peh handler16, Fix32_peh handler32) {
- set_Fix16_range_error_handler(handler16);
- set_Fix32_range_error_handler(handler32);
-void Fix16_overflow_saturate(short& i)
- { i = (i > 0 ? Fix16_m_min : Fix16_m_max); }
-void Fix16_ignore(short&) {}
-void Fix16_warning(short&)
- { cerr << "warning: Fix16 result out of range\n"; }
-void Fix16_overflow_warning_saturate(short& i)
- { cerr << "warning: Fix16 result out of range\n";
- Fix16_overflow_saturate(i); }
-void Fix16_abort(short&)
- { cerr << "error: Fix16 result out of range\n"; abort(); }
-void Fix32_ignore(_G_int32_t&) {}
-void Fix32_overflow_saturate(_G_int32_t& i)
- { i = (i > 0 ? Fix32_m_min : Fix32_m_max); }
-void Fix32_warning(_G_int32_t&)
- { cerr << "warning: Fix32 result out of range\n"; }
-void Fix32_overflow_warning_saturate(_G_int32_t& i)
- { cerr << "warning: Fix32 result out of range\n";
- Fix32_overflow_saturate(i); }
-void Fix32_abort(_G_int32_t&)
- { cerr << "error: Fix32 result out of range\n"; abort(); }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Fix16.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Fix16.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f1336b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Fix16.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,648 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Kurt Baudendistel (gt-eedsp!
- adapted for libg++ by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Fix16_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Fix16_h 1
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <std.h>
-// constant definitions
-#define Fix16_fs ((double)((unsigned)(1 << 15)))
-#define Fix16_msb (1 << 15)
-#define Fix16_m_max ((1 << 15) - 1)
-#define Fix16_m_min ((short)(1 << 15))
-#define Fix16_mult Fix16_fs
-#define Fix16_div (1./Fix16_fs)
-#define Fix16_max (1. - .5/Fix16_fs)
-#define Fix16_min (-1.)
-#define Fix32_fs ((double)((_G_uint32_t)(1 << 31)))
-#define Fix32_msb ((_G_uint32_t)(1 << 31))
-#define Fix32_m_max ((_G_int32_t)((1 << 31) - 1))
-#define Fix32_m_min ((_G_int32_t)(1 << 31))
-#define Fix32_mult Fix32_fs
-#define Fix32_div (1./Fix32_fs)
-#define Fix32_max (1. - .5/Fix32_fs)
-#define Fix32_min (-1.)
-// Fix16 class: 16-bit Fixed point data type
-// consists of a 16-bit mantissa (sign bit & 15 data bits).
-class Fix16
- friend class Fix32;
- short m;
- short round(double d);
- short assign(double d);
- Fix16(short i);
- Fix16(int i);
- operator double() const;
- Fix16();
- Fix16(const Fix16& f);
- Fix16(double d);
- Fix16(const Fix32& f);
- ~Fix16();
- Fix16& operator=(const Fix16& f);
- Fix16& operator=(double d);
- Fix16& operator=(const Fix32& f);
- friend short& mantissa(Fix16& f);
- friend const short& mantissa(const Fix16& f);
- friend double value(const Fix16& f);
- Fix16 operator + () const;
- Fix16 operator - () const;
- friend Fix16 operator + (const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g);
- friend Fix16 operator - (const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g);
- friend Fix32 operator * (const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g);
- friend Fix16 operator / (const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g);
- friend Fix16 operator << (const Fix16& f, int b);
- friend Fix16 operator >> (const Fix16& f, int b);
- Fix16& operator += (const Fix16& f);
- Fix16& operator -= (const Fix16& f);
- Fix16& operator *= (const Fix16& );
- Fix16& operator /= (const Fix16& f);
- Fix16& operator <<=(int b);
- Fix16& operator >>=(int b);
- friend int operator == (const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g);
- friend int operator != (const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g);
- friend int operator >= (const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g);
- friend int operator <= (const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g);
- friend int operator > (const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g);
- friend int operator < (const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g);
- friend istream& operator >> (istream& s, Fix16& f);
- friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const Fix16& f);
- void overflow(short&) const;
- void range_error(short&) const;
- friend Fix16 operator * (const Fix16& f, int g);
- friend Fix16 operator * (int g, const Fix16& f);
- Fix16& operator *= (int g);
-// Fix32 class: 32-bit Fixed point data type
-// consists of a 32-bit mantissa (sign bit & 31 data bits).
-class Fix32
- friend class Fix16;
- _G_int32_t m;
- _G_int32_t round(double d);
- _G_int32_t assign(double d);
- Fix32(_G_int32_t i);
- operator double() const;
- Fix32();
- Fix32(const Fix32& f);
- Fix32(const Fix16& f);
- Fix32(double d);
- ~Fix32();
- Fix32& operator = (const Fix32& f);
- Fix32& operator = (const Fix16& f);
- Fix32& operator = (double d);
- friend _G_int32_t& mantissa(Fix32& f);
- friend const _G_int32_t& mantissa(const Fix32& f);
- friend double value(const Fix32& f);
- Fix32 operator + () const;
- Fix32 operator - () const;
- friend Fix32 operator + (const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g);
- friend Fix32 operator - (const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g);
- friend Fix32 operator * (const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g);
- friend Fix32 operator / (const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g);
- friend Fix32 operator << (const Fix32& f, int b);
- friend Fix32 operator >> (const Fix32& f, int b);
- friend Fix32 operator * (const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g);
- Fix32& operator += (const Fix32& f);
- Fix32& operator -= (const Fix32& f);
- Fix32& operator *= (const Fix32& f);
- Fix32& operator /= (const Fix32& f);
- Fix32& operator <<=(int b);
- Fix32& operator >>=(int b);
- friend int operator == (const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g);
- friend int operator != (const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g);
- friend int operator >= (const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g);
- friend int operator <= (const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g);
- friend int operator > (const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g);
- friend int operator < (const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g);
- friend istream& operator >> (istream& s, Fix32& f);
- friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const Fix32& f);
- void overflow(_G_int32_t& i) const;
- void range_error(_G_int32_t& i) const;
- friend Fix32 operator * (const Fix32& f, int g);
- friend Fix32 operator * (int g, const Fix32& f);
- Fix32& operator *= (int g);
-// active error handler declarations
-typedef void (*Fix16_peh)(short&);
-typedef void (*Fix32_peh)(_G_int32_t&);
-extern Fix16_peh Fix16_overflow_handler;
-extern Fix32_peh Fix32_overflow_handler;
-extern Fix16_peh Fix16_range_error_handler;
-extern Fix32_peh Fix32_range_error_handler;
-#if defined(SHORT_NAMES) || defined(VMS)
-#define set_overflow_handler sohndl
-#define set_range_error_handler srnghdl
-// error handler declarations
-extern Fix16_peh set_Fix16_overflow_handler(Fix16_peh);
-extern Fix32_peh set_Fix32_overflow_handler(Fix32_peh);
-extern void set_overflow_handler(Fix16_peh, Fix32_peh);
-extern Fix16_peh set_Fix16_range_error_handler(Fix16_peh);
-extern Fix32_peh set_Fix32_range_error_handler(Fix32_peh);
-extern void set_range_error_handler(Fix16_peh, Fix32_peh);
-extern void
- Fix16_ignore(short&),
- Fix16_overflow_saturate(short&),
- Fix16_overflow_warning_saturate(short&),
- Fix16_warning(short&),
- Fix16_abort(short&);
-extern void
- Fix32_ignore(_G_int32_t&),
- Fix32_overflow_saturate(_G_int32_t&),
- Fix32_overflow_warning_saturate(_G_int32_t&),
- Fix32_warning(_G_int32_t&),
- Fix32_abort(_G_int32_t&);
-inline Fix16::~Fix16() {}
-inline Fix32::~Fix32() {}
-inline short Fix16::round(double d)
- return short( (d >= 0)? d + 0.5 : d - 0.5);
-inline Fix16::Fix16(short i)
- m = i;
-inline Fix16::Fix16(int i)
- m = i;
-inline Fix16::operator double() const
- return Fix16_div * m;
-inline Fix16::Fix16()
- m = 0;
-inline Fix16::Fix16(const Fix16& f)
- m = f.m;
-inline Fix16::Fix16(double d)
- m = assign(d);
-inline Fix16& Fix16::operator=(const Fix16& f)
- m = f.m;
- return *this;
-inline Fix16& Fix16::operator=(double d)
- m = assign(d);
- return *this;
-inline Fix32::Fix32()
- m = 0;
-inline Fix32::Fix32(_G_int32_t i)
- m = i;
-inline Fix32:: operator double() const
- return Fix32_div * m;
-inline Fix32::Fix32(const Fix32& f)
- m = f.m;
-inline Fix32::Fix32(const Fix16& f)
- m = _G_int32_t(f.m) << 16;
-inline Fix32::Fix32(double d)
- m = assign(d);
-inline Fix16::Fix16(const Fix32& f)
- m = f.m >> 16;
-inline Fix16& Fix16::operator=(const Fix32& f)
- m = f.m >> 16;
- return *this;
-inline Fix32& Fix32::operator=(const Fix32& f)
- m = f.m;
- return *this;
-inline Fix32& Fix32::operator=(const Fix16& f)
- m = _G_int32_t(f.m) << 16;
- return *this;
-inline Fix32& Fix32::operator=(double d)
- m = assign(d);
- return *this;
-inline short& mantissa(Fix16& f)
- return f.m;
-inline const short& mantissa(const Fix16& f)
- return f.m;
-inline double value(const Fix16& f)
- return double(f);
-inline Fix16 Fix16::operator+() const
- return m;
-inline Fix16 Fix16::operator-() const
- return -m;
-inline Fix16 operator+(const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g)
- short sum = f.m + g.m;
- if ( (f.m ^ sum) & (g.m ^ sum) & Fix16_msb )
- f.overflow(sum);
- return sum;
-inline Fix16 operator-(const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g)
- short sum = f.m - g.m;
- if ( (f.m ^ sum) & (-g.m ^ sum) & Fix16_msb )
- f.overflow(sum);
- return sum;
-inline Fix32 operator*(const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g)
- return Fix32( _G_int32_t( _G_int32_t(f.m) * _G_int32_t(g.m) << 1));
-inline Fix16 operator<<(const Fix16& a, int b)
- return a.m << b;
-inline Fix16 operator>>(const Fix16& a, int b)
- return a.m >> b;
-inline Fix16& Fix16:: operator+=(const Fix16& f)
- return *this = *this + f;
-inline Fix16& Fix16:: operator-=(const Fix16& f)
- return *this = *this - f;
-inline Fix16& Fix16::operator*=(const Fix16& f)
- return *this = *this * f;
-inline Fix16& Fix16:: operator/=(const Fix16& f)
- return *this = *this / f;
-inline Fix16& Fix16:: operator<<=(int b)
- return *this = *this << b;
-inline Fix16& Fix16:: operator>>=(int b)
- return *this = *this >> b;
-inline int operator==(const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g)
- return f.m == g.m;
-inline int operator!=(const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g)
- return f.m != g.m;
-inline int operator>=(const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g)
- return f.m >= g.m;
-inline int operator<=(const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g)
- return f.m <= g.m;
-inline int operator>(const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g)
- return f.m > g.m;
-inline int operator<(const Fix16& f, const Fix16& g)
- return f.m < g.m;
-inline istream& operator>>(istream& s, Fix16& f)
- double d;
- s >> d;
- f = d;
- return s;
-inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Fix16& f)
- return s << double(f);
-inline Fix16 operator*(const Fix16& f, int g)
- return Fix16(short(f.m * g));
-inline Fix16 operator*(int g, const Fix16& f)
- return f * g;
-inline Fix16& Fix16::operator*=(int g)
- return *this = *this * g;
-inline _G_int32_t Fix32::round(double d)
- return _G_int32_t( (d >= 0)? d + 0.5 : d - 0.5);
-inline _G_int32_t& mantissa(Fix32& f)
- return f.m;
-inline const _G_int32_t& mantissa(const Fix32& f)
- return f.m;
-inline double value(const Fix32& f)
- return double(f);
-inline Fix32 Fix32::operator+() const
- return m;
-inline Fix32 Fix32::operator-() const
- return -m;
-inline Fix32 operator+(const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g)
- _G_int32_t sum = f.m + g.m;
- if ( (f.m ^ sum) & (g.m ^ sum) & Fix32_msb )
- f.overflow(sum);
- return sum;
-inline Fix32 operator-(const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g)
- _G_int32_t sum = f.m - g.m;
- if ( (f.m ^ sum) & (-g.m ^ sum) & Fix32_msb )
- f.overflow(sum);
- return sum;
-inline Fix32 operator<<(const Fix32& a, int b)
- return a.m << b;
-inline Fix32 operator>>(const Fix32& a, int b)
- return a.m >> b;
-inline Fix32& Fix32::operator+=(const Fix32& f)
- return *this = *this + f;
-inline Fix32& Fix32::operator-=(const Fix32& f)
- return *this = *this - f;
-inline Fix32& Fix32::operator*=(const Fix32& f)
- return *this = *this * f;
-inline Fix32& Fix32::operator/=(const Fix32& f)
- return *this = *this / f;
-inline Fix32& Fix32::operator<<=(int b)
- return *this = *this << b;
-inline Fix32& Fix32::operator>>=(int b)
- return *this = *this >> b;
-inline int operator==(const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g)
- return f.m == g.m;
-inline int operator!=(const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g)
- return f.m != g.m;
-inline int operator>=(const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g)
- return f.m >= g.m;
-inline int operator<=(const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g)
- return f.m <= g.m;
-inline int operator>(const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g)
- return f.m > g.m;
-inline int operator<(const Fix32& f, const Fix32& g)
- return f.m < g.m;
-inline istream& operator>>(istream& s, Fix32& f)
- double d;
- s >> d;
- f = d;
- return s;
-inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Fix32& f)
- return s << double(f);
-inline Fix32 operator*(const Fix32& f, int g)
- return Fix32(_G_int32_t(f.m * g));
-inline Fix32 operator*(int g, const Fix32& f)
- return f * g;
-inline Fix32& Fix32::operator*=(int g)
- return *this = *this * g;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 41878bb..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Kurt Baudendistel (gt-eedsp!
- adapted for libg++ by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// : fixed precision class support functions
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <Fix24.h>
-// basic operators too large to be inline
-_G_int32_t Fix24::assign(double d)
- if (d == 1.0)
- return Fix24_m_max;
- else if (d > Fix24_max)
- {
- _G_int32_t i = Fix24_m_max;
- range_error(i);
- return i;
- }
- else if (d < Fix24_min)
- {
- _G_int32_t i = Fix24_m_min;
- range_error(i);
- return i;
- }
- else {
- // Round to 24 bits
- d = (_G_int32_t) (d * (1 << 24) + ((d >= 0)? 0.5 : -0.5));
- /* Convert to integer format */
- return ((_G_int32_t) d) << (Fix24_shift - 24);
- }
-twolongs Fix48::assign(double d)
- if (d == 1.0)
- return Fix48_m_max;
- else if (d > Fix48_max)
- {
- twolongs i = Fix48_m_max;
- range_error(i);
- return i;
- }
- else if (d < Fix48_min)
- {
- twolongs i = Fix48_m_min;
- range_error(i);
- return i;
- }
- else {
- twolongs i;
- int sign = (d < 0);
-/* First, convert the absolute value of d to a 48-bit integer format */
- if (d < 0) d = -d;
- i.u = ((_G_int32_t)(d *= Fix24_mult)) & 0xffffff00;
- i.l = ((_G_uint32_t)((d - i.u)* (Fix24_mult / (1 << 7)))) & 0xffffff00;
-/* Calculate the two's complement if d was negative */
- if (sign) {
- _G_uint32_t oldlower = i.l;
- i.l = (~i.l + 1) & 0xffffff00;
- i.u = (~i.u + (((oldlower ^ i.l) & Fix24_msb)? 0 : 1)) & ~0xffL;
- }
- return i;
- }
-Fix48 operator * (const Fix24& a, const Fix24& b)
-// break a and b into lo and hi parts, and do a multiple-precision
-// multiply, with rounding
- int apos = (a.m >= 0);
- _G_uint32_t ua = (apos)? a.m : - a.m;
- ua <<= 1; // ua is biased so result will be 47 bit mantissa, not 46:
- _G_uint32_t hi_a = (ua >> 16) & ((1 << 16) - 1);
- _G_uint32_t lo_a = ua & ((1 << 16) - 1);
- int bpos = (b.m >= 0);
- _G_uint32_t ub = (bpos)? b.m : -b.m;
- _G_uint32_t hi_b = (ub >> 16) & ((1 << 16) - 1);
- _G_uint32_t lo_b = ub & ((1 << 16) - 1);
- _G_uint32_t
- hi_r = hi_a * hi_b,
- mi_r = hi_a * lo_b + lo_a * hi_b,
- lo_r = lo_a * lo_b,
- rl = ((hi_r << 16) & 0x00ffffffL) + (mi_r & 0x00ffffffL) + (lo_r >> 16);
- twolongs r;
- r.u = (hi_r & 0xffffff00L) + ((mi_r >> 16) & 0x0000ff00L)
- + ((rl >> 16) & 0x0000ff00L);
- r.l = rl << 8;
- if ( apos != bpos ) {
- _G_uint32_t l = r.l;
- r.l = -r.l;
- r.u = (~r.u + ((l ^ r.l) & Fix24_msb ? 0 : Fix24_lsb)) & 0xffffff00;
- }
- return r;
-Fix24 operator / (const Fix24& a, const Fix24& b)
- _G_int32_t q;
- int apos = (a.m >= 0);
- _G_uint32_t la = (apos)? a.m : -a.m;
- int bpos = (b.m >= 0);
- _G_uint32_t lb = (bpos)? b.m: -b.m;
- if (la >= lb)
- {
- q = (apos == bpos)? Fix24_m_max: Fix24_m_min;
- a.range_error(q);
- }
- else // standard shift-based division alg
- {
- q = 0;
- _G_int32_t r = la;
- for (int i = 32; i > 0; i--)
- {
- if ((unsigned)(r) > lb) {
- q = (q << 1) | 1;
- r -= lb;
- }
- else
- q = (q << 1);
- r <<= 1;
- }
- q += 0x80; // Round result to 24 bits
- if (apos != bpos) q = -q; // Fix sign
- }
- return (q & ~0xff);
-Fix48 operator + (const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g)
- _G_int32_t lo_r = (f.m.l >> 8) + (g.m.l >> 8);
- twolongs r;
- r.u = f.m.u + g.m.u + (lo_r & 0x01000000L ? 0x00000100L : 0);
- r.l = lo_r << 8;
- if ( (f.m.u ^ r.u) & (g.m.u ^ r.u) & Fix24_msb )
- f.overflow(r);
- return r;
-Fix48 operator - (const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g)
- unsigned lo_r = (f.m.l >> 8) - (g.m.l >> 8);
- twolongs r;
- r.u = f.m.u - g.m.u - (lo_r & 0x01000000L ? 0x00000100L: 0);
- r.l = lo_r << 8;
- if ( ((f.m.u ^ r.u) & (-g.m.u ^ r.u) & Fix24_msb) && g.m.u )
- f.overflow(r);
- return r;
-Fix48 operator * (const Fix48& a, int b)
- twolongs r;
- int bpos = (b >= 0);
- unsigned ub = (bpos)? b : -b;
- if ( ub >= 65536L ) {
- r = (bpos)? Fix48_m_max : Fix48_m_min;
- a.range_error(r);
- }
- else {
- _G_uint32_t
- lo_r = (a.m.l & 0xffff) * ub,
- mi_r = ((a.m.l >> 16) & 0xffff) * ub,
- hi_r = a.m.u * ub;
- r.l = lo_r + (mi_r << 16);
- r.u = hi_r + ((mi_r >> 8) & 0x00ffff00L);
- if ( !bpos ) {
- _G_uint32_t l = r.l;
- r.l = -r.l & 0xffffffff;
- r.u = ~r.u + ((l ^ r.l) & Fix24_msb ? 0 : Fix24_lsb);
- }
- }
- return r;
-Fix48 operator << (const Fix48& a, int b)
- twolongs r; r.u = 0; r.l = 0;
- if ( b >= 0 )
- if ( b < 24 ) {
- r.u = (a.m.u << b) + ((a.m.l >> (24 - b)) & 0xffffff00L);
- r.l = a.m.l << b;
- }
- else if ( b < 48 ) {
- r.u = a.m.l << (b - 24);
- }
- return r;
-Fix48 operator >> (const Fix48& a, int b)
- twolongs r; r.u = 0; r.l = 0;
- if ( b >= 0 )
- if ( b < 24 ) {
- r.l = ((a.m.u << (24 - b)) & 0xffffffffL) + ((a.m.l >> b) & 0xffffff00L);
- r.u = (a.m.u >> b) & ~0xffL;
- }
- else if ( b < 48 ) {
- r.l = (a.m.u >> (b - 24)) & 0xffffff00L;
- r.u = (a.m.u >> 24) & ~0xffL;
- }
- else {
- r.l = (a.m.u >> 24) & ~0xffL;
- r.u = r.l;
- }
- return r;
-// error handling
-void Fix24::overflow(_G_int32_t& i) const
- (*Fix24_overflow_handler)(i);
-void Fix48::overflow(twolongs& i) const
- (*Fix48_overflow_handler)(i);
-void Fix24::range_error(_G_int32_t& i) const
- (*Fix24_range_error_handler)(i);
-void Fix48::range_error(twolongs& i) const
- (*Fix48_range_error_handler)(i);
-// data definitions
-Fix24_peh Fix24_overflow_handler = Fix24_overflow_saturate;
-Fix48_peh Fix48_overflow_handler = Fix48_overflow_saturate;
-Fix24_peh Fix24_range_error_handler = Fix24_warning;
-Fix48_peh Fix48_range_error_handler = Fix48_warning;
-//function definitions
-Fix24_peh set_Fix24_overflow_handler(Fix24_peh new_handler) {
- Fix24_peh old_handler = Fix24_overflow_handler;
- Fix24_overflow_handler = new_handler;
- return old_handler;
-Fix48_peh set_Fix48_overflow_handler(Fix48_peh new_handler) {
- Fix48_peh old_handler = Fix48_overflow_handler;
- Fix48_overflow_handler = new_handler;
- return old_handler;
-void set_overflow_handler(Fix24_peh handler24, Fix48_peh handler48) {
- set_Fix24_overflow_handler(handler24);
- set_Fix48_overflow_handler(handler48);
-Fix24_peh set_Fix24_range_error_handler(Fix24_peh new_handler) {
- Fix24_peh old_handler = Fix24_range_error_handler;
- Fix24_range_error_handler = new_handler;
- return old_handler;
-Fix48_peh set_Fix48_range_error_handler(Fix48_peh new_handler) {
- Fix48_peh old_handler = Fix48_range_error_handler;
- Fix48_range_error_handler = new_handler;
- return old_handler;
-void set_range_error_handler(Fix24_peh handler24, Fix48_peh handler48) {
- set_Fix24_range_error_handler(handler24);
- set_Fix48_range_error_handler(handler48);
-void Fix24_overflow_saturate(_G_int32_t& i)
- { i = (i > 0 ? Fix24_m_min : Fix24_m_max); }
-void Fix24_ignore(_G_int32_t&) {}
-void Fix24_warning(_G_int32_t&)
- { cerr << "warning: Fix24 result out of range\n"; }
-void Fix24_overflow_warning_saturate(_G_int32_t& i)
- { cerr << "warning: Fix24 result out of range\n";
- Fix24_overflow_saturate(i); }
-void Fix24_abort(_G_int32_t&)
- { cerr << "error: Fix24 result out of range\n"; abort(); }
-void Fix48_ignore(twolongs&) {}
-void Fix48_overflow_saturate(twolongs& i)
- { i = (i.u > 0 ? Fix48_m_min : Fix48_m_max); }
-void Fix48_warning(twolongs&)
- { cerr << "warning: Fix48 result out of range\n"; }
-void Fix48_overflow_warning_saturate(twolongs& i)
- { cerr << "warning: Fix48 result out of range\n";
- Fix48_overflow_saturate(i); }
-void Fix48_abort(twolongs&)
- { cerr << "error: Fix48 result out of range\n"; abort(); }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Fix24.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Fix24.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 215ded9..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Fix24.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,597 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Kurt Baudendistel (gt-eedsp!
- adapted for libg++ by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Fix24_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Fix24_h 1
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <std.h>
-// extra type definitions
-typedef struct {
- _G_int32_t u;
- _G_uint32_t l;
-} twolongs;
-// constant definitions
-static const int
- Fix24_shift = 31;
-static const double
- Fix24_fs = 2147483648., // 2^Fix24_shift
- Fix24_mult = Fix24_fs,
- Fix24_div = 1./Fix24_fs,
- Fix24_max = 1. - .5/Fix24_fs,
- Fix24_min = -1.;
-static const _G_uint32_t
- Fix24_msb = 0x80000000L,
- Fix24_lsb = 0x00000100L,
- Fix24_m_max = 0x7fffff00L,
- Fix24_m_min = 0x80000000L;
-static const double
- Fix48_fs = 36028797018963968., // 2^(24+Fix24_shift)
- Fix48_max = 1. - .5/Fix48_fs,
- Fix48_min = -1.,
- Fix48_div_u = 1./Fix24_fs,
- Fix48_div_l = 1./Fix48_fs;
-static const twolongs
- Fix48_msb = { 0x80000000L, 0L },
- Fix48_lsb = { 0L, 0x00000100L },
- Fix48_m_max = { 0x7fffff00L, 0xffffff00L },
- Fix48_m_min = { 0x80000000L, 0L };
-// Fix24 class: 24-bit Fixed point data type
-// consists of a 24-bit mantissa (sign bit & 23 data bits).
-class Fix24
- friend class Fix48;
- _G_int32_t m;
- _G_int32_t assign(double d);
- operator double() const;
- Fix24(long i);
- Fix24(int i);
- Fix24();
- Fix24(const Fix24& f);
- Fix24(double d);
- Fix24(const Fix48& f);
- ~Fix24();
- Fix24& operator=(const Fix24& f);
- Fix24& operator=(double d);
- Fix24& operator=(const Fix48& f);
- friend _G_int32_t& mantissa(Fix24& f);
- friend const _G_int32_t& mantissa(const Fix24& f);
- friend double value(const Fix24& f);
- Fix24 operator + () const;
- Fix24 operator - () const;
- friend Fix24 operator + (const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g);
- friend Fix24 operator - (const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g);
- friend Fix48 operator * (const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g);
- friend Fix24 operator * (const Fix24& f, int g);
- friend Fix24 operator * (int g, const Fix24& f);
- friend Fix24 operator / (const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g);
- friend Fix24 operator << (const Fix24& f, int b);
- friend Fix24 operator >> (const Fix24& f, int b);
- Fix24& operator += (const Fix24& f);
- Fix24& operator -= (const Fix24& f);
- Fix24& operator *= (const Fix24& f);
- Fix24& operator *= (int b);
- Fix24& operator /= (const Fix24& f);
- Fix24& operator <<=(int b);
- Fix24& operator >>=(int b);
- friend int operator == (const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g);
- friend int operator != (const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g);
- friend int operator >= (const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g);
- friend int operator <= (const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g);
- friend int operator > (const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g);
- friend int operator < (const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g);
- friend istream& operator >> (istream& s, Fix24& f);
- friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const Fix24& f);
- void overflow(_G_int32_t&) const;
- void range_error(_G_int32_t&) const;
-// Fix48 class: 48-bit Fixed point data type
-// consists of a 48-bit mantissa (sign bit & 47 data bits).
-class Fix48
- friend class Fix24;
- twolongs m;
- twolongs assign(double d);
- operator double() const;
- Fix48(twolongs i);
- Fix48();
- Fix48(const Fix48& f);
- Fix48(const Fix24& f);
- Fix48(double d);
- ~Fix48();
- Fix48& operator = (const Fix48& f);
- Fix48& operator = (const Fix24& f);
- Fix48& operator = (double d);
- friend twolongs& mantissa(Fix48& f);
- friend const twolongs& mantissa(const Fix48& f);
- friend double value(const Fix48& f);
- Fix48 operator + () const;
- Fix48 operator - () const;
- friend Fix48 operator + (const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g);
- friend Fix48 operator - (const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g);
- friend Fix48 operator * (const Fix48& f, int g);
- friend Fix48 operator * (int g, const Fix48& f);
- friend Fix48 operator << (const Fix48& f, int b);
- friend Fix48 operator >> (const Fix48& f, int b);
- friend Fix48 operator * (const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g);
- Fix48& operator += (const Fix48& f);
- Fix48& operator -= (const Fix48& f);
- Fix48& operator *= (int b);
- Fix48& operator <<=(int b);
- Fix48& operator >>=(int b);
- friend int operator == (const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g);
- friend int operator != (const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g);
- friend int operator >= (const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g);
- friend int operator <= (const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g);
- friend int operator > (const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g);
- friend int operator < (const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g);
- friend istream& operator >> (istream& s, Fix48& f);
- friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const Fix48& f);
- void overflow(twolongs& i) const;
- void range_error(twolongs& i) const;
-// active error handler declarations
-typedef void (*Fix24_peh)(_G_int32_t&);
-typedef void (*Fix48_peh)(twolongs&);
-extern Fix24_peh Fix24_overflow_handler;
-extern Fix48_peh Fix48_overflow_handler;
-extern Fix24_peh Fix24_range_error_handler;
-extern Fix48_peh Fix48_range_error_handler;
-// error handler declarations
-#if defined(SHORT_NAMES) || defined(VMS)
-#define set_overflow_handler sohndl
-#define set_range_error_handler srnghdl
-extern Fix24_peh set_Fix24_overflow_handler(Fix24_peh);
-extern Fix48_peh set_Fix48_overflow_handler(Fix48_peh);
-extern void set_overflow_handler(Fix24_peh, Fix48_peh);
-extern Fix24_peh set_Fix24_range_error_handler(Fix24_peh);
-extern Fix48_peh set_Fix48_range_error_handler(Fix48_peh);
-extern void set_range_error_handler(Fix24_peh, Fix48_peh);
-extern void
- Fix24_ignore(_G_int32_t&),
- Fix24_overflow_saturate(_G_int32_t&),
- Fix24_overflow_warning_saturate(_G_int32_t&),
- Fix24_warning(_G_int32_t&),
- Fix24_abort(_G_int32_t&);
-extern void
- Fix48_ignore(twolongs&),
- Fix48_overflow_saturate(twolongs&),
- Fix48_overflow_warning_saturate(twolongs&),
- Fix48_warning(twolongs&),
- Fix48_abort(twolongs&);
-inline Fix24::~Fix24() {}
-inline Fix48::~Fix48() {}
-inline Fix24::Fix24(long i)
- m = i;
-inline Fix24::Fix24(int i)
- m = i;
-inline Fix24::operator double() const
- return Fix24_div * m;
-inline Fix24::Fix24()
- m = 0;
-inline Fix24::Fix24(const Fix24& f)
- m = f.m;
-inline Fix24::Fix24(double d)
- m = assign(d);
-inline Fix24::Fix24(const Fix48& f)
- m = f.m.u;
-inline Fix24& Fix24::operator=(const Fix24& f)
- m = f.m;
- return *this;
-inline Fix24& Fix24::operator=(double d)
- m = assign(d);
- return *this;
-inline Fix24& Fix24::operator=(const Fix48& f)
- m = f.m.u;
- return *this;
-inline _G_int32_t& mantissa(Fix24& f)
- return f.m;
-inline const _G_int32_t& mantissa(const Fix24& f)
- return f.m;
-inline double value(const Fix24& f)
- return double(f);
-inline Fix24 Fix24::operator+() const
- return m;
-inline Fix24 Fix24::operator-() const
- return -m;
-inline Fix24 operator+(const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g)
- _G_int32_t sum = f.m + g.m;
- if ( (f.m ^ sum) & (g.m ^ sum) & Fix24_msb )
- f.overflow(sum);
- return sum;
-inline Fix24 operator-(const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g)
- _G_int32_t sum = f.m - g.m;
- if ( (f.m ^ sum) & (-g.m ^ sum) & Fix24_msb )
- f.overflow(sum);
- return sum;
-inline Fix24 operator*(const Fix24& a, int b)
- return a.m * b;
-inline Fix24 operator*(int b, const Fix24& a)
- return a * b;
-inline Fix24 operator<<(const Fix24& a, int b)
- return a.m << b;
-inline Fix24 operator>>(const Fix24& a, int b)
- return (a.m >> b) & ~0xff;
-inline Fix24& Fix24:: operator+=(const Fix24& f)
- return *this = *this + f;
-inline Fix24& Fix24:: operator-=(const Fix24& f)
- return *this = *this - f;
-inline Fix24& Fix24::operator*=(const Fix24& f)
- return *this = *this * f;
-inline Fix24& Fix24:: operator/=(const Fix24& f)
- return *this = *this / f;
-inline Fix24& Fix24:: operator<<=(int b)
- return *this = *this << b;
-inline Fix24& Fix24:: operator>>=(int b)
- return *this = *this >> b;
-inline Fix24& Fix24::operator*=(int b)
- return *this = *this * b;
-inline int operator==(const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g)
- return f.m == g.m;
-inline int operator!=(const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g)
- return f.m != g.m;
-inline int operator>=(const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g)
- return f.m >= g.m;
-inline int operator<=(const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g)
- return f.m <= g.m;
-inline int operator>(const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g)
- return f.m > g.m;
-inline int operator<(const Fix24& f, const Fix24& g)
- return f.m < g.m;
-inline istream& operator>>(istream& s, Fix24& f)
- double d;
- s >> d;
- f = d;
- return s;
-inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Fix24& f)
- return s << double(f);
-inline Fix48::Fix48(twolongs i)
- m = i;
-inline Fix48:: operator double() const
- * Note: can't simply do Fix48_div_u * m.u + Fix48_div_l * m.l, because
- * m.u is signed and m.l is unsigned.
- */
- return (m.u >= 0)? Fix48_div_u * m.u + Fix48_div_l * m.l :
- (Fix48_div_u * ((_G_uint32_t)(m.u & 0xffffff00))
- + Fix48_div_l * m.l) - 2;
-inline Fix48::Fix48()
- m.u = 0;
- m.l = 0;
-inline Fix48::Fix48(const Fix48& f)
- m = f.m;
-inline Fix48::Fix48(const Fix24& f)
- m.u = f.m;
- m.l = 0;
-inline Fix48::Fix48(double d)
- m = assign(d);
-inline Fix48& Fix48::operator=(const Fix48& f)
- m = f.m;
- return *this;
-inline Fix48& Fix48::operator=(const Fix24& f)
- m.u = f.m;
- m.l = 0;
- return *this;
-inline Fix48& Fix48::operator=(double d)
- m = assign(d);
- return *this;
-inline twolongs& mantissa(Fix48& f)
- return f.m;
-inline const twolongs& mantissa(const Fix48& f)
- return f.m;
-inline double value(const Fix48& f)
- return double(f);
-inline Fix48 Fix48::operator+() const
- return m;
-inline Fix48 Fix48::operator-() const
- twolongs n;
- n.l = -m.l;
- n.u = ~m.u + ((n.l ^ m.l) & Fix24_msb ? 0 : Fix24_lsb);
- return Fix48(n);
-inline Fix48 operator*(int b, const Fix48& a)
- return a * b;
-inline Fix48& Fix48::operator+=(const Fix48& f)
- return *this = *this + f;
-inline Fix48& Fix48::operator-=(const Fix48& f)
- return *this = *this - f;
-inline Fix48& Fix48::operator*=(int b)
- return *this = *this * b;
-inline Fix48& Fix48::operator<<=(int b)
- return *this = *this << b;
-inline Fix48& Fix48::operator>>=(int b)
- return *this = *this >> b;
-inline int operator==(const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g)
- return f.m.u == g.m.u && f.m.l == g.m.l;
-inline int operator!=(const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g)
- return f.m.u != g.m.u || f.m.l != g.m.l;
-inline int operator>=(const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g)
- return f.m.u >= g.m.u || (f.m.u == g.m.u && f.m.l >= g.m.l);
-inline int operator<=(const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g)
- return f.m.u <= g.m.u || (f.m.u == g.m.u && f.m.l <= g.m.l);
-inline int operator>(const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g)
- return f.m.u > g.m.u || (f.m.u == g.m.u && f.m.l > g.m.l);
-inline int operator<(const Fix48& f, const Fix48& g)
- return f.m.u < g.m.u || (f.m.u == g.m.u && f.m.l < g.m.l);
-inline istream& operator>>(istream& s, Fix48& f)
- double d;
- s >> d;
- f = d;
- return s;
-inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Fix48& f)
- return s << double(f);
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3e6372e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <Random.h>
-#include <Geom.h>
-double Geometric::operator()()
- int samples;
- for (samples = 1; pGenerator -> asDouble() < pMean; samples++);
- return((double) samples);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Geom.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Geom.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 064849a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Geom.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Geometric_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Geometric_h
-#include <Random.h>
-class Geometric: public Random {
- double pMean;
- Geometric(double mean, RNG *gen);
- double mean();
- double mean(double x);
- virtual double operator()();
-inline Geometric::Geometric(double mean, RNG *gen) : Random(gen)
- pMean = mean;
-inline double Geometric::mean() { return pMean; }
-inline double Geometric::mean(double x) {
- double tmp = pMean; pMean = x; return tmp;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dc54a1..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-Getopt for GNU.
-Copyright (C) 1987, 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-(Modified by Douglas C. Schmidt for use with GNU G++.)
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-/* AIX requires the alloca decl to be the first thing in the file. */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define alloca __builtin_alloca
-#elif defined(sparc)
-#include <alloca.h>
-extern "C" void *__builtin_alloca(...);
-#elif defined(_AIX)
-#pragma alloca
-char *alloca ();
-#include <GetOpt.h>
-char* GetOpt::nextchar = 0;
-int GetOpt::first_nonopt = 0;
-int GetOpt::last_nonopt = 0;
-GetOpt::GetOpt (int argc, char **argv, const char *optstring)
- :opterr (1), nargc (argc), nargv (argv), noptstring (optstring)
- /* Initialize the internal data when the first call is made.
- Start processing options with ARGV-element 1 (since ARGV-element 0
- is the program name); the sequence of previously skipped
- non-option ARGV-elements is empty. */
- first_nonopt = last_nonopt = optind = 1;
- optarg = nextchar = 0;
- /* Determine how to handle the ordering of options and nonoptions. */
- if (optstring[0] == '-')
- ordering = RETURN_IN_ORDER;
- else if (getenv ("_POSIX_OPTION_ORDER") != 0)
- ordering = REQUIRE_ORDER;
- else
- ordering = PERMUTE;
-GetOpt::exchange (char **argv)
- int nonopts_size
- = (last_nonopt - first_nonopt) * sizeof (char *);
- char **temp = (char **) alloca (nonopts_size);
- /* Interchange the two blocks of data in argv. */
- memcpy (temp, &argv[first_nonopt], nonopts_size);
- memcpy (&argv[first_nonopt], &argv[last_nonopt],
- (optind - last_nonopt) * sizeof (char *));
- memcpy (&argv[first_nonopt + optind - last_nonopt], temp,
- nonopts_size);
- /* Update records for the slots the non-options now occupy. */
- first_nonopt += (optind - last_nonopt);
- last_nonopt = optind;
-/* Scan elements of ARGV (whose length is ARGC) for option characters
- given in OPTSTRING.
- If an element of ARGV starts with '-', and is not exactly "-" or "--",
- then it is an option element. The characters of this element
- (aside from the initial '-') are option characters. If `getopt'
- is called repeatedly, it returns successively each of theoption characters
- from each of the option elements.
- If `getopt' finds another option character, it returns that character,
- updating `optind' and `nextchar' so that the next call to `getopt' can
- resume the scan with the following option character or ARGV-element.
- If there are no more option characters, `getopt' returns `EOF'.
- Then `optind' is the index in ARGV of the first ARGV-element
- that is not an option. (The ARGV-elements have been permuted
- so that those that are not options now come last.)
- OPTSTRING is a string containing the legitimate option characters.
- A colon in OPTSTRING means that the previous character is an option
- that wants an argument. The argument is taken from the rest of the
- current ARGV-element, or from the following ARGV-element,
- and returned in `optarg'.
- If an option character is seen that is not listed in OPTSTRING,
- return '?' after printing an error message. If you set `opterr' to
- zero, the error message is suppressed but we still return '?'.
- If a char in OPTSTRING is followed by a colon, that means it wants an arg,
- so the following text in the same ARGV-element, or the text of the following
- ARGV-element, is returned in `optarg. Two colons mean an option that
- wants an optional arg; if there is text in the current ARGV-element,
- it is returned in `optarg'.
- If OPTSTRING starts with `-', it requests a different method of handling the
- non-option ARGV-elements. See the comments about RETURN_IN_ORDER, above. */
-GetOpt::operator () (void)
- if (nextchar == 0 || *nextchar == 0)
- {
- if (ordering == PERMUTE)
- {
- /* If we have just processed some options following some non-options,
- exchange them so that the options come first. */
- if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt && last_nonopt != optind)
- exchange (nargv);
- else if (last_nonopt != optind)
- first_nonopt = optind;
- /* Now skip any additional non-options
- and extend the range of non-options previously skipped. */
- while (optind < nargc
- && (nargv[optind][0] != '-'
- || nargv[optind][1] == 0))
- optind++;
- last_nonopt = optind;
- }
- /* Special ARGV-element `--' means premature end of options.
- Skip it like a null option,
- then exchange with previous non-options as if it were an option,
- then skip everything else like a non-option. */
- if (optind != nargc && !strcmp (nargv[optind], "--"))
- {
- optind++;
- if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt && last_nonopt != optind)
- exchange (nargv);
- else if (first_nonopt == last_nonopt)
- first_nonopt = optind;
- last_nonopt = nargc;
- optind = nargc;
- }
- /* If we have done all the ARGV-elements, stop the scan
- and back over any non-options that we skipped and permuted. */
- if (optind == nargc)
- {
- /* Set the next-arg-index to point at the non-options
- that we previously skipped, so the caller will digest them. */
- if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt)
- optind = first_nonopt;
- return EOF;
- }
- /* If we have come to a non-option and did not permute it,
- either stop the scan or describe it to the caller and pass it by. */
- if (nargv[optind][0] != '-' || nargv[optind][1] == 0)
- {
- if (ordering == REQUIRE_ORDER)
- return EOF;
- optarg = nargv[optind++];
- return 0;
- }
- /* We have found another option-ARGV-element.
- Start decoding its characters. */
- nextchar = nargv[optind] + 1;
- }
- /* Look at and handle the next option-character. */
- {
- char c = *nextchar++;
- char *temp = (char *) strchr (noptstring, c);
- /* Increment `optind' when we start to process its last character. */
- if (*nextchar == 0)
- optind++;
- if (temp == 0 || c == ':')
- {
- if (opterr != 0)
- {
- if (c < 040 || c >= 0177)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: unrecognized option, character code 0%o\n",
- nargv[0], c);
- else
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: unrecognized option `-%c'\n",
- nargv[0], c);
- }
- return '?';
- }
- if (temp[1] == ':')
- {
- if (temp[2] == ':')
- {
- /* This is an option that accepts an argument optionally. */
- if (*nextchar != 0)
- {
- optarg = nextchar;
- optind++;
- }
- else
- optarg = 0;
- nextchar = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is an option that requires an argument. */
- if (*nextchar != 0)
- {
- optarg = nextchar;
- /* If we end this ARGV-element by taking the rest as an arg,
- we must advance to the next element now. */
- optind++;
- }
- else if (optind == nargc)
- {
- if (opterr != 0)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: no argument for `-%c' option\n",
- nargv[0], c);
- c = '?';
- }
- else
- /* We already incremented `optind' once;
- increment it again when taking next ARGV-elt as argument. */
- optarg = nargv[optind++];
- nextchar = 0;
- }
- }
- return c;
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/GetOpt.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/GetOpt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c554cac..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/GetOpt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-/* Getopt for GNU.
- Copyright (C) 1987, 1989, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- (Modified by Douglas C. Schmidt for use with GNU G++.)
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-/* This version of `getopt' appears to the caller like standard Unix `getopt'
- but it behaves differently for the user, since it allows the user
- to intersperse the options with the other arguments.
- As `getopt' works, it permutes the elements of `argv' so that,
- when it is done, all the options precede everything else. Thus
- all application programs are extended to handle flexible argument order.
- Setting the environment variable _POSIX_OPTION_ORDER disables permutation.
- Then the behavior is completely standard.
- GNU application programs can use a third alternative mode in which
- they can distinguish the relative order of options and other arguments. */
-#ifndef GetOpt_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define GetOpt_h 1
-#include <std.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-class GetOpt
- /* The next char to be scanned in the option-element
- in which the last option character we returned was found.
- This allows us to pick up the scan where we left off.
- If this is zero, or a null string, it means resume the scan
- by advancing to the next ARGV-element. */
- static char *nextchar;
- /* Describe how to deal with options that follow non-option ARGV-elements.
- UNSPECIFIED means the caller did not specify anything;
- the default is then REQUIRE_ORDER if the environment variable
- _OPTIONS_FIRST is defined, PERMUTE otherwise.
- REQUIRE_ORDER means don't recognize them as options.
- Stop option processing when the first non-option is seen.
- This is what Unix does.
- PERMUTE is the default. We permute the contents of `argv' as we scan,
- so that eventually all the options are at the end. This allows options
- to be given in any order, even with programs that were not written to
- expect this.
- RETURN_IN_ORDER is an option available to programs that were written
- to expect options and other ARGV-elements in any order and that care about
- the ordering of the two. We describe each non-option ARGV-element
- as if it were the argument of an option with character code zero.
- Using `-' as the first character of the list of option characters
- requests this mode of operation.
- The special argument `--' forces an end of option-scanning regardless
- of the value of `ordering'. In the case of RETURN_IN_ORDER, only
- `--' can cause `getopt' to return EOF with `optind' != ARGC. */
- OrderingEnum ordering;
- /* Handle permutation of arguments. */
- /* Describe the part of ARGV that contains non-options that have
- been skipped. `first_nonopt' is the index in ARGV of the first of them;
- `last_nonopt' is the index after the last of them. */
- static int first_nonopt;
- static int last_nonopt;
- void exchange (char **argv);
- /* For communication from `getopt' to the caller.
- When `getopt' finds an option that takes an argument,
- the argument value is returned here.
- Also, when `ordering' is RETURN_IN_ORDER,
- each non-option ARGV-element is returned here. */
- char *optarg;
- /* Index in ARGV of the next element to be scanned.
- This is used for communication to and from the caller
- and for communication between successive calls to `getopt'.
- On entry to `getopt', zero means this is the first call; initialize.
- When `getopt' returns EOF, this is the index of the first of the
- non-option elements that the caller should itself scan.
- Otherwise, `optind' communicates from one call to the next
- how much of ARGV has been scanned so far. */
- int optind;
- /* Callers store zero here to inhibit the error message
- for unrecognized options. */
- int opterr;
- int nargc;
- char **nargv;
- const char *noptstring;
- GetOpt (int argc, char **argv, const char *optstring);
- int operator () (void);
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deleted file mode 100644
index a283cad..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <Random.h>
-#include <HypGeom.h>
-double HyperGeometric::operator()()
- double d = (pGenerator -> asDouble() > pP) ? (1.0 - pP) : (pP);
- return(-pMean * log(pGenerator -> asDouble()) / (2.0 * d) );
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/HypGeom.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/HypGeom.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0aeeb7d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/HypGeom.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _HyperGeometric_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _HyperGeometric_h
-#include <Random.h>
-class HyperGeometric: public Random {
- double pMean;
- double pVariance;
- double pP;
- void setState();
- HyperGeometric(double mean, double variance, RNG *gen);
- double mean();
- double mean(double x);
- double variance();
- double variance(double x);
- virtual double operator()();
-inline void HyperGeometric::setState() {
- double z = pVariance / (pMean * pMean);
- pP = 0.5 * (1.0 - sqrt((z - 1.0) / ( z + 1.0 )));
-inline HyperGeometric::HyperGeometric(double mean, double variance, RNG *gen)
-: Random(gen) {
- pMean = mean; pVariance = variance;
- setState();
-inline double HyperGeometric::mean() { return pMean; };
-inline double HyperGeometric::mean(double x) {
- double t = pMean; pMean = x;
- setState(); return t;
-inline double HyperGeometric::variance() { return pVariance; }
-inline double HyperGeometric::variance(double x) {
- double t = pVariance; pVariance = x;
- setState(); return t;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Incremental.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Incremental.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 267970a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Incremental.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef Incremental_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define Incremental_h
-static void USER_INIT_FUNCTION (); extern void (*_initfn)(); \
-static struct xyzzy { xyzzy () {_initfn = USER_INIT_FUNCTION;}; \
-~xyzzy () {};} __2xyzzy;
-#error Incremental.h was not the first file included in this module
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 065175b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1993 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// Routines for converting between Integers and doubles.
-// Split up into a separate file to avoid Integer.o's need
-// for libm.a on some systems (including SunOS 4).
-#include <Integer.h>
-#include "Integer.hP"
-#include <float.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#ifndef HUGE_VAL
-#ifdef HUGE
-#define HUGE_VAL HUGE
-// convert to a double
-double Itodouble(const IntRep* rep)
- double d = 0.0;
- double bound = DBL_MAX / 2.0;
- for (int i = rep->len - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- unsigned short a = I_RADIX >> 1;
- while (a != 0)
- {
- if (d >= bound)
- return (rep->sgn == I_NEGATIVE) ? -HUGE_VAL : HUGE_VAL;
- d *= 2.0;
- if (rep->s[i] & a)
- d += 1.0;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- }
- if (rep->sgn == I_NEGATIVE)
- return -d;
- else
- return d;
-// see whether op double() will work-
-// have to actually try it in order to find out
-// since otherwise might trigger fp exception
-int Iisdouble(const IntRep* rep)
- double d = 0.0;
- double bound = DBL_MAX / 2.0;
- for (int i = rep->len - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- unsigned short a = I_RADIX >> 1;
- while (a != 0)
- {
- if (d > bound || (d == bound && (i > 0 || (rep->s[i] & a))))
- return 0;
- d *= 2.0;
- if (rep->s[i] & a)
- d += 1.0;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-// real division of num / den
-double ratio(const Integer& num, const Integer& den)
- Integer q, r;
- divide(num, den, q, r);
- double d1 = q.as_double();
- if (d1 >= DBL_MAX || d1 <= -DBL_MAX || sign(r) == 0)
- return d1;
- else // use as much precision as available for fractional part
- {
- double d2 = 0.0;
- double d3 = 0.0;
- int cont = 1;
- for (int i = den.rep->len - 1; i >= 0 && cont; --i)
- {
- unsigned short a = I_RADIX >> 1;
- while (a != 0)
- {
- if (d2 + 1.0 == d2) // out of precision when we get here
- {
- cont = 0;
- break;
- }
- d2 *= 2.0;
- if (den.rep->s[i] & a)
- d2 += 1.0;
- if (i < r.rep->len)
- {
- d3 *= 2.0;
- if (r.rep->s[i] & a)
- d3 += 1.0;
- }
- a >>= 1;
- }
- }
- if (sign(r) < 0)
- d3 = -d3;
- return d1 + d3 / d2;
- }
-Integer::as_double () const
- return Itodouble (rep);
-Integer::fits_in_double () const
- return Iisdouble(rep);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 926b28a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2282 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Some of the following algorithms are very loosely based on those from
- MIT C-Scheme bignum.c, which is
- Copyright (c) 1987 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- with other guidance from Knuth, vol. 2
- Thanks to the creators of the algorithms.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <Integer.h>
-#include <std.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <Obstack.h>
-#include <AllocRing.h>
-#include <new.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "Integer.hP"
-#undef OK
-IntRep _ZeroRep = {1, 0, 1, {0}};
-IntRep _OneRep = {1, 0, 1, {1}};
-IntRep _MinusOneRep = {1, 0, 0, {1}};
-// utilities to extract and transfer bits
-// get low bits
-inline static unsigned short extract(unsigned long x)
- return x & I_MAXNUM;
-// transfer high bits to low
-inline static unsigned long down(unsigned long x)
- return (x >> I_SHIFT) & I_MAXNUM;
-// transfer low bits to high
-inline static unsigned long up(unsigned long x)
- return x << I_SHIFT;
-// compare two equal-length reps
-inline static int docmp(const unsigned short* x, const unsigned short* y, int l)
- int diff = 0;
- const unsigned short* xs = &(x[l]);
- const unsigned short* ys = &(y[l]);
- while (l-- > 0 && (diff = (*--xs) - (*--ys)) == 0);
- return diff;
-// figure out max length of result of +, -, etc.
-inline static int calc_len(int len1, int len2, int pad)
- return (len1 >= len2)? len1 + pad : len2 + pad;
-// ensure len & sgn are correct
-inline static void Icheck(IntRep* rep)
- int l = rep->len;
- const unsigned short* p = &(rep->s[l]);
- while (l > 0 && *--p == 0) --l;
- if ((rep->len = l) == 0) rep->sgn = I_POSITIVE;
-// zero out the end of a rep
-inline static void Iclear_from(IntRep* rep, int p)
- unsigned short* cp = &(rep->s[p]);
- const unsigned short* cf = &(rep->s[rep->len]);
- while(cp < cf) *cp++ = 0;
-// copy parts of a rep
-static inline void scpy(const unsigned short* src, unsigned short* dest,int nb)
- while (--nb >= 0) *dest++ = *src++;
-// make sure an argument is valid
-static inline void nonnil(const IntRep* rep)
- if (rep == 0)
- (*lib_error_handler)("Integer", "operation on uninitialized Integer");
-// allocate a new Irep. Pad to something close to a power of two.
-inline static IntRep* Inew(int newlen)
- unsigned int siz = sizeof(IntRep) + newlen * sizeof(short) +
- unsigned int allocsiz = MINIntRep_SIZE;
- while (allocsiz < siz) allocsiz <<= 1; // find a power of 2
- allocsiz -= MALLOC_MIN_OVERHEAD;
- if (allocsiz >= MAXIntRep_SIZE * sizeof(short))
- (*lib_error_handler)("Integer", "Requested length out of range");
- IntRep* rep = new (operator new (allocsiz)) IntRep;
- rep->sz = (allocsiz - sizeof(IntRep) + sizeof(short)) / sizeof(short);
- return rep;
-// allocate: use the bits in src if non-null, clear the rest
-IntRep* Ialloc(IntRep* old, const unsigned short* src, int srclen, int newsgn,
- int newlen)
- IntRep* rep;
- if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz)
- rep = Inew(newlen);
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = newlen;
- rep->sgn = newsgn;
- scpy(src, rep->s, srclen);
- Iclear_from(rep, srclen);
- if (old != rep && old != 0 && !STATIC_IntRep(old)) delete old;
- return rep;
-// allocate and clear
-IntRep* Icalloc(IntRep* old, int newlen)
- IntRep* rep;
- if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz)
- {
- if (old != 0 && !STATIC_IntRep(old)) delete old;
- rep = Inew(newlen);
- }
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = newlen;
- rep->sgn = I_POSITIVE;
- Iclear_from(rep, 0);
- return rep;
-// reallocate
-IntRep* Iresize(IntRep* old, int newlen)
- IntRep* rep;
- unsigned short oldlen;
- if (old == 0)
- {
- oldlen = 0;
- rep = Inew(newlen);
- rep->sgn = I_POSITIVE;
- }
- else
- {
- oldlen = old->len;
- if (newlen > old->sz)
- {
- rep = Inew(newlen);
- scpy(old->s, rep->s, oldlen);
- rep->sgn = old->sgn;
- if (!STATIC_IntRep(old)) delete old;
- }
- else
- rep = old;
- }
- rep->len = newlen;
- Iclear_from(rep, oldlen);
- return rep;
-// same, for straight copy
-IntRep* Icopy(IntRep* old, const IntRep* src)
- if (old == src) return old;
- IntRep* rep;
- if (src == 0)
- {
- if (old == 0)
- rep = Inew(0);
- else
- {
- rep = old;
- Iclear_from(rep, 0);
- }
- rep->len = 0;
- rep->sgn = I_POSITIVE;
- }
- else
- {
- int newlen = src->len;
- if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz)
- {
- if (old != 0 && !STATIC_IntRep(old)) delete old;
- rep = Inew(newlen);
- }
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = newlen;
- rep->sgn = src->sgn;
- scpy(src->s, rep->s, newlen);
- }
- return rep;
-// allocate & copy space for a long
-IntRep* Icopy_long(IntRep* old, long x)
- int newsgn = (x >= 0);
- IntRep* rep = Icopy_ulong(old, newsgn ? x : -x);
- rep->sgn = newsgn;
- return rep;
-IntRep* Icopy_ulong(IntRep* old, unsigned long x)
- unsigned short src[SHORT_PER_LONG];
- unsigned short srclen = 0;
- while (x != 0)
- {
- src[srclen++] = extract(x);
- x = down(x);
- }
- IntRep* rep;
- if (old == 0 || srclen > old->sz)
- {
- if (old != 0 && !STATIC_IntRep(old)) delete old;
- rep = Inew(srclen);
- }
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = srclen;
- rep->sgn = I_POSITIVE;
- scpy(src, rep->s, srclen);
- return rep;
-// special case for zero -- it's worth it!
-IntRep* Icopy_zero(IntRep* old)
- if (old == 0 || STATIC_IntRep(old))
- return &_ZeroRep;
- old->len = 0;
- old->sgn = I_POSITIVE;
- return old;
-// special case for 1 or -1
-IntRep* Icopy_one(IntRep* old, int newsgn)
- if (old == 0 || 1 > old->sz)
- {
- if (old != 0 && !STATIC_IntRep(old)) delete old;
- return newsgn==I_NEGATIVE ? &_MinusOneRep : &_OneRep;
- }
- old->sgn = newsgn;
- old->len = 1;
- old->s[0] = 1;
- return old;
-// convert to a legal two's complement long if possible
-// if too big, return most negative/positive value
-long Itolong(const IntRep* rep)
- if ((unsigned)(rep->len) > (unsigned)(SHORT_PER_LONG))
- return (rep->sgn == I_POSITIVE) ? LONG_MAX : LONG_MIN;
- else if (rep->len == 0)
- return 0;
- else if ((unsigned)(rep->len) < (unsigned)(SHORT_PER_LONG))
- {
- unsigned long a = rep->s[rep->len-1];
- if (SHORT_PER_LONG > 2) // normally optimized out
- {
- for (int i = rep->len - 2; i >= 0; --i)
- a = up(a) | rep->s[i];
- }
- return (rep->sgn == I_POSITIVE)? a : -((long)a);
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned long a = rep->s[SHORT_PER_LONG - 1];
- if (a >= I_MINNUM)
- return (rep->sgn == I_POSITIVE) ? LONG_MAX : LONG_MIN;
- else
- {
- a = up(a) | rep->s[SHORT_PER_LONG - 2];
- if (SHORT_PER_LONG > 2)
- {
- for (int i = SHORT_PER_LONG - 3; i >= 0; --i)
- a = up(a) | rep->s[i];
- }
- return (rep->sgn == I_POSITIVE)? a : -((long)a);
- }
- }
-// test whether op long() will work.
-// careful about asymmetry between LONG_MIN & LONG_MAX
-int Iislong(const IntRep* rep)
- unsigned int l = rep->len;
- if (l < SHORT_PER_LONG)
- return 1;
- else if (l > SHORT_PER_LONG)
- return 0;
- else if ((unsigned)(rep->s[SHORT_PER_LONG - 1]) < (unsigned)(I_MINNUM))
- return 1;
- else if (rep->sgn == I_NEGATIVE && rep->s[SHORT_PER_LONG - 1] == I_MINNUM)
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SHORT_PER_LONG - 1; ++i)
- if (rep->s[i] != 0)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-// comparison functions
-int compare(const IntRep* x, const IntRep* y)
- int diff = x->sgn - y->sgn;
- if (diff == 0)
- {
- diff = x->len - y->len;
- if (diff == 0)
- diff = docmp(x->s, y->s, x->len);
- if (x->sgn == I_NEGATIVE)
- diff = -diff;
- }
- return diff;
-int ucompare(const IntRep* x, const IntRep* y)
- int diff = x->len - y->len;
- if (diff == 0)
- {
- int l = x->len;
- const unsigned short* xs = &(x->s[l]);
- const unsigned short* ys = &(y->s[l]);
- while (l-- > 0 && (diff = (*--xs) - (*--ys)) == 0);
- }
- return diff;
-int compare(const IntRep* x, long y)
- int xl = x->len;
- int xsgn = x->sgn;
- if (y == 0)
- {
- if (xl == 0)
- return 0;
- else if (xsgn == I_NEGATIVE)
- return -1;
- else
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- int ysgn = y >= 0;
- unsigned long uy = (ysgn)? y : -y;
- int diff = xsgn - ysgn;
- if (diff == 0)
- {
- diff = xl - SHORT_PER_LONG;
- if (diff <= 0)
- {
- unsigned short tmp[SHORT_PER_LONG];
- int yl = 0;
- while (uy != 0)
- {
- tmp[yl++] = extract(uy);
- uy = down(uy);
- }
- diff = xl - yl;
- if (diff == 0)
- diff = docmp(x->s, tmp, xl);
- }
- if (xsgn == I_NEGATIVE)
- diff = -diff;
- }
- return diff;
- }
-int ucompare(const IntRep* x, long y)
- int xl = x->len;
- if (y == 0)
- return xl;
- else
- {
- unsigned long uy = (y >= 0)? y : -y;
- int diff = xl - SHORT_PER_LONG;
- if (diff <= 0)
- {
- unsigned short tmp[SHORT_PER_LONG];
- int yl = 0;
- while (uy != 0)
- {
- tmp[yl++] = extract(uy);
- uy = down(uy);
- }
- diff = xl - yl;
- if (diff == 0)
- diff = docmp(x->s, tmp, xl);
- }
- return diff;
- }
-// arithmetic functions
-IntRep* add(const IntRep* x, int negatex,
- const IntRep* y, int negatey, IntRep* r)
- nonnil(x);
- nonnil(y);
- int xl = x->len;
- int yl = y->len;
- int xsgn = (negatex && xl != 0) ? !x->sgn : x->sgn;
- int ysgn = (negatey && yl != 0) ? !y->sgn : y->sgn;
- int xrsame = x == r;
- int yrsame = y == r;
- if (yl == 0)
- r = Ialloc(r, x->s, xl, xsgn, xl);
- else if (xl == 0)
- r = Ialloc(r, y->s, yl, ysgn, yl);
- else if (xsgn == ysgn)
- {
- if (xrsame || yrsame)
- r = Iresize(r, calc_len(xl, yl, 1));
- else
- r = Icalloc(r, calc_len(xl, yl, 1));
- r->sgn = xsgn;
- unsigned short* rs = r->s;
- const unsigned short* as;
- const unsigned short* bs;
- const unsigned short* topa;
- const unsigned short* topb;
- if (xl >= yl)
- {
- as = (xrsame)? r->s : x->s;
- topa = &(as[xl]);
- bs = (yrsame)? r->s : y->s;
- topb = &(bs[yl]);
- }
- else
- {
- bs = (xrsame)? r->s : x->s;
- topb = &(bs[xl]);
- as = (yrsame)? r->s : y->s;
- topa = &(as[yl]);
- }
- unsigned long sum = 0;
- while (bs < topb)
- {
- sum += (unsigned long)(*as++) + (unsigned long)(*bs++);
- *rs++ = extract(sum);
- sum = down(sum);
- }
- while (sum != 0 && as < topa)
- {
- sum += (unsigned long)(*as++);
- *rs++ = extract(sum);
- sum = down(sum);
- }
- if (sum != 0)
- *rs = extract(sum);
- else if (rs != as)
- while (as < topa)
- *rs++ = *as++;
- }
- else
- {
- int comp = ucompare(x, y);
- if (comp == 0)
- r = Icopy_zero(r);
- else
- {
- if (xrsame || yrsame)
- r = Iresize(r, calc_len(xl, yl, 0));
- else
- r = Icalloc(r, calc_len(xl, yl, 0));
- unsigned short* rs = r->s;
- const unsigned short* as;
- const unsigned short* bs;
- const unsigned short* topa;
- const unsigned short* topb;
- if (comp > 0)
- {
- as = (xrsame)? r->s : x->s;
- topa = &(as[xl]);
- bs = (yrsame)? r->s : y->s;
- topb = &(bs[yl]);
- r->sgn = xsgn;
- }
- else
- {
- bs = (xrsame)? r->s : x->s;
- topb = &(bs[xl]);
- as = (yrsame)? r->s : y->s;
- topa = &(as[yl]);
- r->sgn = ysgn;
- }
- unsigned long hi = 1;
- while (bs < topb)
- {
- hi += (unsigned long)(*as++) + I_MAXNUM - (unsigned long)(*bs++);
- *rs++ = extract(hi);
- hi = down(hi);
- }
- while (hi == 0 && as < topa)
- {
- hi = (unsigned long)(*as++) + I_MAXNUM;
- *rs++ = extract(hi);
- hi = down(hi);
- }
- if (rs != as)
- while (as < topa)
- *rs++ = *as++;
- }
- }
- Icheck(r);
- return r;
-IntRep* add(const IntRep* x, int negatex, long y, IntRep* r)
- nonnil(x);
- int xl = x->len;
- int xsgn = (negatex && xl != 0) ? !x->sgn : x->sgn;
- int xrsame = x == r;
- int ysgn = (y >= 0);
- unsigned long uy = (ysgn)? y : -y;
- if (y == 0)
- r = Ialloc(r, x->s, xl, xsgn, xl);
- else if (xl == 0)
- r = Icopy_long(r, y);
- else if (xsgn == ysgn)
- {
- if (xrsame)
- r = Iresize(r, calc_len(xl, SHORT_PER_LONG, 1));
- else
- r = Icalloc(r, calc_len(xl, SHORT_PER_LONG, 1));
- r->sgn = xsgn;
- unsigned short* rs = r->s;
- const unsigned short* as = (xrsame)? r->s : x->s;
- const unsigned short* topa = &(as[xl]);
- unsigned long sum = 0;
- while (as < topa && uy != 0)
- {
- unsigned long u = extract(uy);
- uy = down(uy);
- sum += (unsigned long)(*as++) + u;
- *rs++ = extract(sum);
- sum = down(sum);
- }
- while (sum != 0 && as < topa)
- {
- sum += (unsigned long)(*as++);
- *rs++ = extract(sum);
- sum = down(sum);
- }
- if (sum != 0)
- *rs = extract(sum);
- else if (rs != as)
- while (as < topa)
- *rs++ = *as++;
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned short tmp[SHORT_PER_LONG];
- int yl = 0;
- while (uy != 0)
- {
- tmp[yl++] = extract(uy);
- uy = down(uy);
- }
- int comp = xl - yl;
- if (comp == 0)
- comp = docmp(x->s, tmp, yl);
- if (comp == 0)
- r = Icopy_zero(r);
- else
- {
- if (xrsame)
- r = Iresize(r, calc_len(xl, yl, 0));
- else
- r = Icalloc(r, calc_len(xl, yl, 0));
- unsigned short* rs = r->s;
- const unsigned short* as;
- const unsigned short* bs;
- const unsigned short* topa;
- const unsigned short* topb;
- if (comp > 0)
- {
- as = (xrsame)? r->s : x->s;
- topa = &(as[xl]);
- bs = tmp;
- topb = &(bs[yl]);
- r->sgn = xsgn;
- }
- else
- {
- bs = (xrsame)? r->s : x->s;
- topb = &(bs[xl]);
- as = tmp;
- topa = &(as[yl]);
- r->sgn = ysgn;
- }
- unsigned long hi = 1;
- while (bs < topb)
- {
- hi += (unsigned long)(*as++) + I_MAXNUM - (unsigned long)(*bs++);
- *rs++ = extract(hi);
- hi = down(hi);
- }
- while (hi == 0 && as < topa)
- {
- hi = (unsigned long)(*as++) + I_MAXNUM;
- *rs++ = extract(hi);
- hi = down(hi);
- }
- if (rs != as)
- while (as < topa)
- *rs++ = *as++;
- }
- }
- Icheck(r);
- return r;
-IntRep* multiply(const IntRep* x, const IntRep* y, IntRep* r)
- nonnil(x);
- nonnil(y);
- int xl = x->len;
- int yl = y->len;
- int rl = xl + yl;
- int rsgn = x->sgn == y->sgn;
- int xrsame = x == r;
- int yrsame = y == r;
- int xysame = x == y;
- if (xl == 0 || yl == 0)
- r = Icopy_zero(r);
- else if (xl == 1 && x->s[0] == 1)
- r = Icopy(r, y);
- else if (yl == 1 && y->s[0] == 1)
- r = Icopy(r, x);
- else if (!(xysame && xrsame))
- {
- if (xrsame || yrsame)
- r = Iresize(r, rl);
- else
- r = Icalloc(r, rl);
- unsigned short* rs = r->s;
- unsigned short* topr = &(rs[rl]);
- // use best inner/outer loop params given constraints
- unsigned short* currentr;
- const unsigned short* bota;
- const unsigned short* as;
- const unsigned short* botb;
- const unsigned short* topb;
- if (xrsame)
- {
- currentr = &(rs[xl-1]);
- bota = rs;
- as = currentr;
- botb = y->s;
- topb = &(botb[yl]);
- }
- else if (yrsame)
- {
- currentr = &(rs[yl-1]);
- bota = rs;
- as = currentr;
- botb = x->s;
- topb = &(botb[xl]);
- }
- else if (xl <= yl)
- {
- currentr = &(rs[xl-1]);
- bota = x->s;
- as = &(bota[xl-1]);
- botb = y->s;
- topb = &(botb[yl]);
- }
- else
- {
- currentr = &(rs[yl-1]);
- bota = y->s;
- as = &(bota[yl-1]);
- botb = x->s;
- topb = &(botb[xl]);
- }
- while (as >= bota)
- {
- unsigned long ai = (unsigned long)(*as--);
- unsigned short* rs = currentr--;
- *rs = 0;
- if (ai != 0)
- {
- unsigned long sum = 0;
- const unsigned short* bs = botb;
- while (bs < topb)
- {
- sum += ai * (unsigned long)(*bs++) + (unsigned long)(*rs);
- *rs++ = extract(sum);
- sum = down(sum);
- }
- while (sum != 0 && rs < topr)
- {
- sum += (unsigned long)(*rs);
- *rs++ = extract(sum);
- sum = down(sum);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else // x, y, and r same; compute over diagonals
- {
- r = Iresize(r, rl);
- unsigned short* botr = r->s;
- unsigned short* topr = &(botr[rl]);
- unsigned short* rs = &(botr[rl - 2]);
- const unsigned short* bota = (xrsame)? botr : x->s;
- const unsigned short* loa = &(bota[xl - 1]);
- const unsigned short* hia = loa;
- for (; rs >= botr; --rs)
- {
- const unsigned short* h = hia;
- const unsigned short* l = loa;
- unsigned long prod = (unsigned long)(*h) * (unsigned long)(*l);
- *rs = 0;
- for(;;)
- {
- unsigned short* rt = rs;
- unsigned long sum = prod + (unsigned long)(*rt);
- *rt++ = extract(sum);
- sum = down(sum);
- while (sum != 0 && rt < topr)
- {
- sum += (unsigned long)(*rt);
- *rt++ = extract(sum);
- sum = down(sum);
- }
- if (h > l)
- {
- rt = rs;
- sum = prod + (unsigned long)(*rt);
- *rt++ = extract(sum);
- sum = down(sum);
- while (sum != 0 && rt < topr)
- {
- sum += (unsigned long)(*rt);
- *rt++ = extract(sum);
- sum = down(sum);
- }
- if (--h >= ++l)
- prod = (unsigned long)(*h) * (unsigned long)(*l);
- else
- break;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if (loa > bota)
- --loa;
- else
- --hia;
- }
- }
- r->sgn = rsgn;
- Icheck(r);
- return r;
-IntRep* multiply(const IntRep* x, long y, IntRep* r)
- nonnil(x);
- int xl = x->len;
- if (xl == 0 || y == 0)
- r = Icopy_zero(r);
- else if (y == 1)
- r = Icopy(r, x);
- else
- {
- int ysgn = y >= 0;
- int rsgn = x->sgn == ysgn;
- unsigned long uy = (ysgn)? y : -y;
- unsigned short tmp[SHORT_PER_LONG];
- int yl = 0;
- while (uy != 0)
- {
- tmp[yl++] = extract(uy);
- uy = down(uy);
- }
- int rl = xl + yl;
- int xrsame = x == r;
- if (xrsame)
- r = Iresize(r, rl);
- else
- r = Icalloc(r, rl);
- unsigned short* rs = r->s;
- unsigned short* topr = &(rs[rl]);
- unsigned short* currentr;
- const unsigned short* bota;
- const unsigned short* as;
- const unsigned short* botb;
- const unsigned short* topb;
- if (xrsame)
- {
- currentr = &(rs[xl-1]);
- bota = rs;
- as = currentr;
- botb = tmp;
- topb = &(botb[yl]);
- }
- else if (xl <= yl)
- {
- currentr = &(rs[xl-1]);
- bota = x->s;
- as = &(bota[xl-1]);
- botb = tmp;
- topb = &(botb[yl]);
- }
- else
- {
- currentr = &(rs[yl-1]);
- bota = tmp;
- as = &(bota[yl-1]);
- botb = x->s;
- topb = &(botb[xl]);
- }
- while (as >= bota)
- {
- unsigned long ai = (unsigned long)(*as--);
- unsigned short* rs = currentr--;
- *rs = 0;
- if (ai != 0)
- {
- unsigned long sum = 0;
- const unsigned short* bs = botb;
- while (bs < topb)
- {
- sum += ai * (unsigned long)(*bs++) + (unsigned long)(*rs);
- *rs++ = extract(sum);
- sum = down(sum);
- }
- while (sum != 0 && rs < topr)
- {
- sum += (unsigned long)(*rs);
- *rs++ = extract(sum);
- sum = down(sum);
- }
- }
- }
- r->sgn = rsgn;
- }
- Icheck(r);
- return r;
-// main division routine
-static void do_divide(unsigned short* rs,
- const unsigned short* ys, int yl,
- unsigned short* qs, int ql)
- const unsigned short* topy = &(ys[yl]);
- unsigned short d1 = ys[yl - 1];
- unsigned short d2 = ys[yl - 2];
- int l = ql - 1;
- int i = l + yl;
- for (; l >= 0; --l, --i)
- {
- unsigned short qhat; // guess q
- if (d1 == rs[i])
- qhat = I_MAXNUM;
- else
- {
- unsigned long lr = up((unsigned long)rs[i]) | rs[i-1];
- qhat = lr / d1;
- }
- for(;;) // adjust q, use docmp to avoid overflow problems
- {
- unsigned short ts[3];
- unsigned long prod = (unsigned long)d2 * (unsigned long)qhat;
- ts[0] = extract(prod);
- prod = down(prod) + (unsigned long)d1 * (unsigned long)qhat;
- ts[1] = extract(prod);
- ts[2] = extract(down(prod));
- if (docmp(ts, &(rs[i-2]), 3) > 0)
- --qhat;
- else
- break;
- };
- // multiply & subtract
- const unsigned short* yt = ys;
- unsigned short* rt = &(rs[l]);
- unsigned long prod = 0;
- unsigned long hi = 1;
- while (yt < topy)
- {
- prod = (unsigned long)qhat * (unsigned long)(*yt++) + down(prod);
- hi += (unsigned long)(*rt) + I_MAXNUM - (unsigned long)(extract(prod));
- *rt++ = extract(hi);
- hi = down(hi);
- }
- hi += (unsigned long)(*rt) + I_MAXNUM - (unsigned long)(down(prod));
- *rt = extract(hi);
- hi = down(hi);
- // off-by-one, add back
- if (hi == 0)
- {
- --qhat;
- yt = ys;
- rt = &(rs[l]);
- hi = 0;
- while (yt < topy)
- {
- hi = (unsigned long)(*rt) + (unsigned long)(*yt++) + down(hi);
- *rt++ = extract(hi);
- }
- *rt = 0;
- }
- if (qs != 0)
- qs[l] = qhat;
- }
-// divide by single digit, return remainder
-// if q != 0, then keep the result in q, else just compute rem
-static int unscale(const unsigned short* x, int xl, unsigned short y,
- unsigned short* q)
- if (xl == 0 || y == 1)
- return 0;
- else if (q != 0)
- {
- unsigned short* botq = q;
- unsigned short* qs = &(botq[xl - 1]);
- const unsigned short* xs = &(x[xl - 1]);
- unsigned long rem = 0;
- while (qs >= botq)
- {
- rem = up(rem) | *xs--;
- unsigned long u = rem / y;
- *qs-- = extract(u);
- rem -= u * y;
- }
- int r = extract(rem);
- return r;
- }
- else // same loop, a bit faster if just need rem
- {
- const unsigned short* botx = x;
- const unsigned short* xs = &(botx[xl - 1]);
- unsigned long rem = 0;
- while (xs >= botx)
- {
- rem = up(rem) | *xs--;
- unsigned long u = rem / y;
- rem -= u * y;
- }
- int r = extract(rem);
- return r;
- }
-IntRep* div(const IntRep* x, const IntRep* y, IntRep* q)
- nonnil(x);
- nonnil(y);
- int xl = x->len;
- int yl = y->len;
- if (yl == 0) (*lib_error_handler)("Integer", "attempted division by zero");
- int comp = ucompare(x, y);
- int xsgn = x->sgn;
- int ysgn = y->sgn;
- int samesign = xsgn == ysgn;
- if (comp < 0)
- q = Icopy_zero(q);
- else if (comp == 0)
- q = Icopy_one(q, samesign);
- else if (yl == 1)
- {
- q = Icopy(q, x);
- unscale(q->s, q->len, y->s[0], q->s);
- }
- else
- {
- IntRep* yy = 0;
- IntRep* r = 0;
- unsigned short prescale = (I_RADIX / (1 + y->s[yl - 1]));
- if (prescale != 1 || y == q)
- {
- yy = multiply(y, ((long)prescale & I_MAXNUM), yy);
- r = multiply(x, ((long)prescale & I_MAXNUM), r);
- }
- else
- {
- yy = (IntRep*)y;
- r = Icalloc(r, xl + 1);
- scpy(x->s, r->s, xl);
- }
- int ql = xl - yl + 1;
- q = Icalloc(q, ql);
- do_divide(r->s, yy->s, yl, q->s, ql);
- if (yy != y && !STATIC_IntRep(yy)) delete yy;
- if (!STATIC_IntRep(r)) delete r;
- }
- q->sgn = samesign;
- Icheck(q);
- return q;
-IntRep* div(const IntRep* x, long y, IntRep* q)
- nonnil(x);
- int xl = x->len;
- if (y == 0) (*lib_error_handler)("Integer", "attempted division by zero");
- unsigned short ys[SHORT_PER_LONG];
- unsigned long u;
- int ysgn = y >= 0;
- if (ysgn)
- u = y;
- else
- u = -y;
- int yl = 0;
- while (u != 0)
- {
- ys[yl++] = extract(u);
- u = down(u);
- }
- int comp = xl - yl;
- if (comp == 0) comp = docmp(x->s, ys, xl);
- int xsgn = x->sgn;
- int samesign = xsgn == ysgn;
- if (comp < 0)
- q = Icopy_zero(q);
- else if (comp == 0)
- {
- q = Icopy_one(q, samesign);
- }
- else if (yl == 1)
- {
- q = Icopy(q, x);
- unscale(q->s, q->len, ys[0], q->s);
- }
- else
- {
- IntRep* r = 0;
- unsigned short prescale = (I_RADIX / (1 + ys[yl - 1]));
- if (prescale != 1)
- {
- unsigned long prod = (unsigned long)prescale * (unsigned long)ys[0];
- ys[0] = extract(prod);
- prod = down(prod) + (unsigned long)prescale * (unsigned long)ys[1];
- ys[1] = extract(prod);
- r = multiply(x, ((long)prescale & I_MAXNUM), r);
- }
- else
- {
- r = Icalloc(r, xl + 1);
- scpy(x->s, r->s, xl);
- }
- int ql = xl - yl + 1;
- q = Icalloc(q, ql);
- do_divide(r->s, ys, yl, q->s, ql);
- if (!STATIC_IntRep(r)) delete r;
- }
- q->sgn = samesign;
- Icheck(q);
- return q;
-void divide(const Integer& Ix, long y, Integer& Iq, long& rem)
- const IntRep* x = Ix.rep;
- nonnil(x);
- IntRep* q = Iq.rep;
- int xl = x->len;
- if (y == 0) (*lib_error_handler)("Integer", "attempted division by zero");
- unsigned short ys[SHORT_PER_LONG];
- unsigned long u;
- int ysgn = y >= 0;
- if (ysgn)
- u = y;
- else
- u = -y;
- int yl = 0;
- while (u != 0)
- {
- ys[yl++] = extract(u);
- u = down(u);
- }
- int comp = xl - yl;
- if (comp == 0) comp = docmp(x->s, ys, xl);
- int xsgn = x->sgn;
- int samesign = xsgn == ysgn;
- if (comp < 0)
- {
- rem = Itolong(x);
- q = Icopy_zero(q);
- }
- else if (comp == 0)
- {
- q = Icopy_one(q, samesign);
- rem = 0;
- }
- else if (yl == 1)
- {
- q = Icopy(q, x);
- rem = unscale(q->s, q->len, ys[0], q->s);
- }
- else
- {
- IntRep* r = 0;
- unsigned short prescale = (I_RADIX / (1 + ys[yl - 1]));
- if (prescale != 1)
- {
- unsigned long prod = (unsigned long)prescale * (unsigned long)ys[0];
- ys[0] = extract(prod);
- prod = down(prod) + (unsigned long)prescale * (unsigned long)ys[1];
- ys[1] = extract(prod);
- r = multiply(x, ((long)prescale & I_MAXNUM), r);
- }
- else
- {
- r = Icalloc(r, xl + 1);
- scpy(x->s, r->s, xl);
- }
- int ql = xl - yl + 1;
- q = Icalloc(q, ql);
- do_divide(r->s, ys, yl, q->s, ql);
- if (prescale != 1)
- {
- Icheck(r);
- unscale(r->s, r->len, prescale, r->s);
- }
- Icheck(r);
- rem = Itolong(r);
- if (!STATIC_IntRep(r)) delete r;
- }
- rem = abs(rem);
- if (xsgn == I_NEGATIVE) rem = -rem;
- q->sgn = samesign;
- Icheck(q);
- Iq.rep = q;
-void divide(const Integer& Ix, const Integer& Iy, Integer& Iq, Integer& Ir)
- const IntRep* x = Ix.rep;
- nonnil(x);
- const IntRep* y = Iy.rep;
- nonnil(y);
- IntRep* q = Iq.rep;
- IntRep* r = Ir.rep;
- int xl = x->len;
- int yl = y->len;
- if (yl == 0)
- (*lib_error_handler)("Integer", "attempted division by zero");
- int comp = ucompare(x, y);
- int xsgn = x->sgn;
- int ysgn = y->sgn;
- int samesign = xsgn == ysgn;
- if (comp < 0)
- {
- q = Icopy_zero(q);
- r = Icopy(r, x);
- }
- else if (comp == 0)
- {
- q = Icopy_one(q, samesign);
- r = Icopy_zero(r);
- }
- else if (yl == 1)
- {
- q = Icopy(q, x);
- int rem = unscale(q->s, q->len, y->s[0], q->s);
- r = Icopy_long(r, rem);
- if (rem != 0)
- r->sgn = xsgn;
- }
- else
- {
- IntRep* yy = 0;
- unsigned short prescale = (I_RADIX / (1 + y->s[yl - 1]));
- if (prescale != 1 || y == q || y == r)
- {
- yy = multiply(y, ((long)prescale & I_MAXNUM), yy);
- r = multiply(x, ((long)prescale & I_MAXNUM), r);
- }
- else
- {
- yy = (IntRep*)y;
- r = Icalloc(r, xl + 1);
- scpy(x->s, r->s, xl);
- }
- int ql = xl - yl + 1;
- q = Icalloc(q, ql);
- do_divide(r->s, yy->s, yl, q->s, ql);
- if (yy != y && !STATIC_IntRep(yy)) delete yy;
- if (prescale != 1)
- {
- Icheck(r);
- unscale(r->s, r->len, prescale, r->s);
- }
- }
- q->sgn = samesign;
- Icheck(q);
- Iq.rep = q;
- Icheck(r);
- Ir.rep = r;
-IntRep* mod(const IntRep* x, const IntRep* y, IntRep* r)
- nonnil(x);
- nonnil(y);
- int xl = x->len;
- int yl = y->len;
- if (yl == 0) (*lib_error_handler)("Integer", "attempted division by zero");
- int comp = ucompare(x, y);
- int xsgn = x->sgn;
- if (comp < 0)
- r = Icopy(r, x);
- else if (comp == 0)
- r = Icopy_zero(r);
- else if (yl == 1)
- {
- int rem = unscale(x->s, xl, y->s[0], 0);
- r = Icopy_long(r, rem);
- if (rem != 0)
- r->sgn = xsgn;
- }
- else
- {
- IntRep* yy = 0;
- unsigned short prescale = (I_RADIX / (1 + y->s[yl - 1]));
- if (prescale != 1 || y == r)
- {
- yy = multiply(y, ((long)prescale & I_MAXNUM), yy);
- r = multiply(x, ((long)prescale & I_MAXNUM), r);
- }
- else
- {
- yy = (IntRep*)y;
- r = Icalloc(r, xl + 1);
- scpy(x->s, r->s, xl);
- }
- do_divide(r->s, yy->s, yl, 0, xl - yl + 1);
- if (yy != y && !STATIC_IntRep(yy)) delete yy;
- if (prescale != 1)
- {
- Icheck(r);
- unscale(r->s, r->len, prescale, r->s);
- }
- }
- Icheck(r);
- return r;
-IntRep* mod(const IntRep* x, long y, IntRep* r)
- nonnil(x);
- int xl = x->len;
- if (y == 0) (*lib_error_handler)("Integer", "attempted division by zero");
- unsigned short ys[SHORT_PER_LONG];
- unsigned long u;
- int ysgn = y >= 0;
- if (ysgn)
- u = y;
- else
- u = -y;
- int yl = 0;
- while (u != 0)
- {
- ys[yl++] = extract(u);
- u = down(u);
- }
- int comp = xl - yl;
- if (comp == 0) comp = docmp(x->s, ys, xl);
- int xsgn = x->sgn;
- if (comp < 0)
- r = Icopy(r, x);
- else if (comp == 0)
- r = Icopy_zero(r);
- else if (yl == 1)
- {
- int rem = unscale(x->s, xl, ys[0], 0);
- r = Icopy_long(r, rem);
- if (rem != 0)
- r->sgn = xsgn;
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned short prescale = (I_RADIX / (1 + ys[yl - 1]));
- if (prescale != 1)
- {
- unsigned long prod = (unsigned long)prescale * (unsigned long)ys[0];
- ys[0] = extract(prod);
- prod = down(prod) + (unsigned long)prescale * (unsigned long)ys[1];
- ys[1] = extract(prod);
- r = multiply(x, ((long)prescale & I_MAXNUM), r);
- }
- else
- {
- r = Icalloc(r, xl + 1);
- scpy(x->s, r->s, xl);
- }
- do_divide(r->s, ys, yl, 0, xl - yl + 1);
- if (prescale != 1)
- {
- Icheck(r);
- unscale(r->s, r->len, prescale, r->s);
- }
- }
- Icheck(r);
- return r;
-IntRep* lshift(const IntRep* x, long y, IntRep* r)
- nonnil(x);
- int xl = x->len;
- if (xl == 0 || y == 0)
- {
- r = Icopy(r, x);
- return r;
- }
- int xrsame = x == r;
- int rsgn = x->sgn;
- long ay = (y < 0)? -y : y;
- int bw = ay / I_SHIFT;
- int sw = ay % I_SHIFT;
- if (y > 0)
- {
- int rl = bw + xl + 1;
- if (xrsame)
- r = Iresize(r, rl);
- else
- r = Icalloc(r, rl);
- unsigned short* botr = r->s;
- unsigned short* rs = &(botr[rl - 1]);
- const unsigned short* botx = (xrsame)? botr : x->s;
- const unsigned short* xs = &(botx[xl - 1]);
- unsigned long a = 0;
- while (xs >= botx)
- {
- a = up(a) | ((unsigned long)(*xs--) << sw);
- *rs-- = extract(down(a));
- }
- *rs-- = extract(a);
- while (rs >= botr)
- *rs-- = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- int rl = xl - bw;
- if (rl < 0)
- r = Icopy_zero(r);
- else
- {
- if (xrsame)
- r = Iresize(r, rl);
- else
- r = Icalloc(r, rl);
- int rw = I_SHIFT - sw;
- unsigned short* rs = r->s;
- unsigned short* topr = &(rs[rl]);
- const unsigned short* botx = (xrsame)? rs : x->s;
- const unsigned short* xs = &(botx[bw]);
- const unsigned short* topx = &(botx[xl]);
- unsigned long a = (unsigned long)(*xs++) >> sw;
- while (xs < topx)
- {
- a |= (unsigned long)(*xs++) << rw;
- *rs++ = extract(a);
- a = down(a);
- }
- *rs++ = extract(a);
- if (xrsame) topr = (unsigned short*)topx;
- while (rs < topr)
- *rs++ = 0;
- }
- }
- r->sgn = rsgn;
- Icheck(r);
- return r;
-IntRep* lshift(const IntRep* x, const IntRep* yy, int negatey, IntRep* r)
- long y = Itolong(yy);
- if (negatey)
- y = -y;
- return lshift(x, y, r);
-IntRep* bitop(const IntRep* x, const IntRep* y, IntRep* r, char op)
- nonnil(x);
- nonnil(y);
- int xl = x->len;
- int yl = y->len;
- int xsgn = x->sgn;
- int xrsame = x == r;
- int yrsame = y == r;
- if (xrsame || yrsame)
- r = Iresize(r, calc_len(xl, yl, 0));
- else
- r = Icalloc(r, calc_len(xl, yl, 0));
- r->sgn = xsgn;
- unsigned short* rs = r->s;
- unsigned short* topr = &(rs[r->len]);
- const unsigned short* as;
- const unsigned short* bs;
- const unsigned short* topb;
- if (xl >= yl)
- {
- as = (xrsame)? rs : x->s;
- bs = (yrsame)? rs : y->s;
- topb = &(bs[yl]);
- }
- else
- {
- bs = (xrsame)? rs : x->s;
- topb = &(bs[xl]);
- as = (yrsame)? rs : y->s;
- }
- switch (op)
- {
- case '&':
- while (bs < topb) *rs++ = *as++ & *bs++;
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = 0;
- break;
- case '|':
- while (bs < topb) *rs++ = *as++ | *bs++;
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = *as++;
- break;
- case '^':
- while (bs < topb) *rs++ = *as++ ^ *bs++;
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = *as++;
- break;
- }
- Icheck(r);
- return r;
-IntRep* bitop(const IntRep* x, long y, IntRep* r, char op)
- nonnil(x);
- unsigned short tmp[SHORT_PER_LONG];
- unsigned long u;
- int newsgn;
- if (newsgn = (y >= 0))
- u = y;
- else
- u = -y;
- int l = 0;
- while (u != 0)
- {
- tmp[l++] = extract(u);
- u = down(u);
- }
- int xl = x->len;
- int yl = l;
- int xsgn = x->sgn;
- int xrsame = x == r;
- if (xrsame)
- r = Iresize(r, calc_len(xl, yl, 0));
- else
- r = Icalloc(r, calc_len(xl, yl, 0));
- r->sgn = xsgn;
- unsigned short* rs = r->s;
- unsigned short* topr = &(rs[r->len]);
- const unsigned short* as;
- const unsigned short* bs;
- const unsigned short* topb;
- if (xl >= yl)
- {
- as = (xrsame)? rs : x->s;
- bs = tmp;
- topb = &(bs[yl]);
- }
- else
- {
- bs = (xrsame)? rs : x->s;
- topb = &(bs[xl]);
- as = tmp;
- }
- switch (op)
- {
- case '&':
- while (bs < topb) *rs++ = *as++ & *bs++;
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = 0;
- break;
- case '|':
- while (bs < topb) *rs++ = *as++ | *bs++;
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = *as++;
- break;
- case '^':
- while (bs < topb) *rs++ = *as++ ^ *bs++;
- while (rs < topr) *rs++ = *as++;
- break;
- }
- Icheck(r);
- return r;
-IntRep* compl(const IntRep* src, IntRep* r)
- nonnil(src);
- r = Icopy(r, src);
- unsigned short* s = r->s;
- unsigned short* top = &(s[r->len - 1]);
- while (s < top)
- {
- unsigned short cmp = ~(*s);
- *s++ = cmp;
- }
- unsigned short a = *s;
- unsigned short b = 0;
- while (a != 0)
- {
- b <<= 1;
- if (!(a & 1)) b |= 1;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- *s = b;
- Icheck(r);
- return r;
-void (setbit)(Integer& x, long b)
- if (b >= 0)
- {
- int bw = (unsigned long)b / I_SHIFT;
- int sw = (unsigned long)b % I_SHIFT;
- int xl = x.rep ? x.rep->len : 0;
- if (xl <= bw)
- x.rep = Iresize(x.rep, calc_len(xl, bw+1, 0));
- x.rep->s[bw] |= (1 << sw);
- Icheck(x.rep);
- }
-void clearbit(Integer& x, long b)
- if (b >= 0)
- {
- if (x.rep == 0)
- x.rep = &_ZeroRep;
- else
- {
- int bw = (unsigned long)b / I_SHIFT;
- int sw = (unsigned long)b % I_SHIFT;
- if (x.rep->len > bw)
- x.rep->s[bw] &= ~(1 << sw);
- }
- Icheck(x.rep);
- }
-int testbit(const Integer& x, long b)
- if (x.rep != 0 && b >= 0)
- {
- int bw = (unsigned long)b / I_SHIFT;
- int sw = (unsigned long)b % I_SHIFT;
- return (bw < x.rep->len && (x.rep->s[bw] & (1 << sw)) != 0);
- }
- else
- return 0;
-// A version of knuth's algorithm B / ex.
-// A better version that doesn't bother shifting all of `t' forthcoming
-IntRep* gcd(const IntRep* x, const IntRep* y)
- nonnil(x);
- nonnil(y);
- int ul = x->len;
- int vl = y->len;
- if (vl == 0)
- return Ialloc(0, x->s, ul, I_POSITIVE, ul);
- else if (ul == 0)
- return Ialloc(0, y->s, vl, I_POSITIVE, vl);
- IntRep* u = Ialloc(0, x->s, ul, I_POSITIVE, ul);
- IntRep* v = Ialloc(0, y->s, vl, I_POSITIVE, vl);
-// find shift so that both not even
- long k = 0;
- int l = (ul <= vl)? ul : vl;
- int cont = 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < l && cont; ++i)
- {
- unsigned long a = (i < ul)? u->s[i] : 0;
- unsigned long b = (i < vl)? v->s[i] : 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < I_SHIFT; ++j)
- {
- if ((a | b) & 1)
- {
- cont = 0;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- ++k;
- a >>= 1;
- b >>= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (k != 0)
- {
- u = lshift(u, -k, u);
- v = lshift(v, -k, v);
- }
- IntRep* t;
- if (u->s[0] & 01)
- t = Ialloc(0, v->s, v->len, !v->sgn, v->len);
- else
- t = Ialloc(0, u->s, u->len, u->sgn, u->len);
- while (t->len != 0)
- {
- long s = 0; // shift t until odd
- cont = 1;
- int tl = t->len;
- for (int i = 0; i < tl && cont; ++i)
- {
- unsigned long a = t->s[i];
- for (int j = 0; j < I_SHIFT; ++j)
- {
- if (a & 1)
- {
- cont = 0;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- ++s;
- a >>= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (s != 0) t = lshift(t, -s, t);
- if (t->sgn == I_POSITIVE)
- {
- u = Icopy(u, t);
- t = add(t, 0, v, 1, t);
- }
- else
- {
- v = Ialloc(v, t->s, t->len, !t->sgn, t->len);
- t = add(t, 0, u, 0, t);
- }
- }
- if (!STATIC_IntRep(t)) delete t;
- if (!STATIC_IntRep(v)) delete v;
- if (k != 0) u = lshift(u, k, u);
- return u;
-long lg(const IntRep* x)
- nonnil(x);
- int xl = x->len;
- if (xl == 0)
- return 0;
- long l = (xl - 1) * I_SHIFT - 1;
- unsigned short a = x->s[xl-1];
- while (a != 0)
- {
- a = a >> 1;
- ++l;
- }
- return l;
-IntRep* power(const IntRep* x, long y, IntRep* r)
- nonnil(x);
- int sgn;
- if (x->sgn == I_POSITIVE || (!(y & 1)))
- sgn = I_POSITIVE;
- else
- sgn = I_NEGATIVE;
- int xl = x->len;
- if (y == 0 || (xl == 1 && x->s[0] == 1))
- r = Icopy_one(r, sgn);
- else if (xl == 0 || y < 0)
- r = Icopy_zero(r);
- else if (y == 1 || y == -1)
- r = Icopy(r, x);
- else
- {
- int maxsize = ((lg(x) + 1) * y) / I_SHIFT + 2; // pre-allocate space
- IntRep* b = Ialloc(0, x->s, xl, I_POSITIVE, maxsize);
- b->len = xl;
- r = Icalloc(r, maxsize);
- r = Icopy_one(r, I_POSITIVE);
- for(;;)
- {
- if (y & 1)
- r = multiply(r, b, r);
- if ((y >>= 1) == 0)
- break;
- else
- b = multiply(b, b, b);
- }
- if (!STATIC_IntRep(b)) delete b;
- }
- r->sgn = sgn;
- Icheck(r);
- return r;
-IntRep* abs(const IntRep* src, IntRep* dest)
- nonnil(src);
- if (src != dest)
- dest = Icopy(dest, src);
- dest->sgn = I_POSITIVE;
- return dest;
-IntRep* negate(const IntRep* src, IntRep* dest)
- nonnil(src);
- if (src != dest)
- dest = Icopy(dest, src);
- if (dest->len != 0)
- dest->sgn = !dest->sgn;
- return dest;
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(_G_NO_NRV)
-Integer sqrt(const Integer& x) return r(x)
- int s = sign(x);
- if (s < 0) x.error("Attempted square root of negative Integer");
- if (s != 0)
- {
- r >>= (lg(x) / 2); // get close
- Integer q;
- div(x, r, q);
- while (q < r)
- {
- r += q;
- r >>= 1;
- div(x, r, q);
- }
- }
- return;
-Integer lcm(const Integer& x, const Integer& y) return r
- if (!x.initialized() || !y.initialized())
- x.error("operation on uninitialized Integer");
- Integer g;
- if (sign(x) == 0 || sign(y) == 0)
- g = 1;
- else
- g = gcd(x, y);
- div(x, g, r);
- mul(r, y, r);
-Integer sqrt(const Integer& x)
- Integer r(x);
- int s = sign(x);
- if (s < 0) x.error("Attempted square root of negative Integer");
- if (s != 0)
- {
- r >>= (lg(x) / 2); // get close
- Integer q;
- div(x, r, q);
- while (q < r)
- {
- r += q;
- r >>= 1;
- div(x, r, q);
- }
- }
- return r;
-Integer lcm(const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r;
- if (!x.initialized() || !y.initialized())
- x.error("operation on uninitialized Integer");
- Integer g;
- if (sign(x) == 0 || sign(y) == 0)
- g = 1;
- else
- g = gcd(x, y);
- div(x, g, r);
- mul(r, y, r);
- return r;
-IntRep* atoIntRep(const char* s, int base)
- int sl = strlen(s);
- IntRep* r = Icalloc(0, sl * (lg(base) + 1) / I_SHIFT + 1);
- if (s != 0)
- {
- char sgn;
- while (isspace(*s)) ++s;
- if (*s == '-')
- {
- sgn = I_NEGATIVE;
- s++;
- }
- else if (*s == '+')
- {
- sgn = I_POSITIVE;
- s++;
- }
- else
- sgn = I_POSITIVE;
- for (;;)
- {
- long digit;
- if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') digit = *s - '0';
- else if (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'z') digit = *s - 'a' + 10;
- else if (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z') digit = *s - 'A' + 10;
- else break;
- if (digit >= base) break;
- r = multiply(r, base, r);
- r = add(r, 0, digit, r);
- ++s;
- }
- r->sgn = sgn;
- }
- return r;
-extern AllocRing _libgxx_fmtq;
-char* Itoa(const IntRep* x, int base, int width)
- int fmtlen = (x->len + 1) * I_SHIFT / lg(base) + 4 + width;
- char* fmtbase = (char *) _libgxx_fmtq.alloc(fmtlen);
- char* f = cvtItoa(x, fmtbase, fmtlen, base, 0, width, 0, ' ', 'X', 0);
- return f;
-ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const Integer& y)
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- return s << Itoa(y.rep);
- if (s.opfx())
- {
- int base = (s.flags() & ios::oct) ? 8 : (s.flags() & ios::hex) ? 16 : 10;
- int width = s.width();
- y.printon(s, base, width);
- }
- return s;
-void Integer::printon(ostream& s, int base /* =10 */, int width /* =0 */) const
- int align_right = !(s.flags() & ios::left);
- int showpos = s.flags() & ios::showpos;
- int showbase = s.flags() & ios::showbase;
- char fillchar = s.fill();
- char Xcase = (s.flags() & ios::uppercase)? 'X' : 'x';
- const IntRep* x = rep;
- int fmtlen = (x->len + 1) * I_SHIFT / lg(base) + 4 + width;
- char* fmtbase = new char[fmtlen];
- char* f = cvtItoa(x, fmtbase, fmtlen, base, showbase, width, align_right,
- fillchar, Xcase, showpos);
- s.write(f, fmtlen);
- delete [] fmtbase;
-char* cvtItoa(const IntRep* x, char* fmt, int& fmtlen, int base, int showbase,
- int width, int align_right, char fillchar, char Xcase,
- int showpos)
- char* e = fmt + fmtlen - 1;
- char* s = e;
- *--s = 0;
- if (x->len == 0)
- *--s = '0';
- else
- {
- IntRep* z = Icopy(0, x);
- // split division by base into two parts:
- // first divide by biggest power of base that fits in an unsigned short,
- // then use straight signed div/mods from there.
- // find power
- int bpower = 1;
- unsigned short b = base;
- unsigned short maxb = I_MAXNUM / base;
- while (b < maxb)
- {
- b *= base;
- ++bpower;
- }
- for(;;)
- {
- int rem = unscale(z->s, z->len, b, z->s);
- Icheck(z);
- if (z->len == 0)
- {
- while (rem != 0)
- {
- char ch = rem % base;
- rem /= base;
- if (ch >= 10)
- ch += 'a' - 10;
- else
- ch += '0';
- *--s = ch;
- }
- if (!STATIC_IntRep(z)) delete z;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < bpower; ++i)
- {
- char ch = rem % base;
- rem /= base;
- if (ch >= 10)
- ch += 'a' - 10;
- else
- ch += '0';
- *--s = ch;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (base == 8 && showbase)
- *--s = '0';
- else if (base == 16 && showbase)
- {
- *--s = Xcase;
- *--s = '0';
- }
- if (x->sgn == I_NEGATIVE) *--s = '-';
- else if (showpos) *--s = '+';
- int w = e - s - 1;
- if (!align_right || w >= width)
- {
- while (w++ < width)
- *--s = fillchar;
- fmtlen = e - s - 1;
- return s;
- }
- else
- {
- char* p = fmt;
- for (char* t = s; *t != 0; ++t, ++p) *p = *t;
- while (w++ < width) *p++ = fillchar;
- *p = 0;
- fmtlen = p - fmt;
- return fmt;
- }
-char* dec(const Integer& x, int width)
- return Itoa(x, 10, width);
-char* oct(const Integer& x, int width)
- return Itoa(x, 8, width);
-char* hex(const Integer& x, int width)
- return Itoa(x, 16, width);
-istream& operator >> (istream& stream, Integer& val)
- if (!stream.ipfx0())
- return stream;
- int sign = ' ';
- register streambuf* sb = stream.rdbuf();
- int base = 10;
- int ndigits = 0;
- register int ch = sb->sbumpc();
- while (ch != EOF && isspace(ch))
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- if (ch == '+' || ch == '-')
- {
- sign = ch;
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- while (ch != EOF && isspace(ch))
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- }
- if (ch == EOF) goto eof_fail;
- if (!(stream.flags() & ios::basefield))
- {
- if (ch == '0')
- {
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF) { }
- else if (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X')
- {
- base = 16;
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF) goto eof_fail;
- }
- else
- {
- sb->sputbackc(ch);
- base = 8;
- ch = '0';
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((stream.flags() & ios::basefield) == ios::hex)
- base = 16;
- else if ((stream.flags() & ios::basefield) == ios::oct)
- base = 8;
- val.rep = Icopy_zero(val.rep);
- for (;;)
- {
- if (ch == EOF)
- break;
- int digit;
- if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
- digit = ch - '0';
- else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
- digit = ch - 'A' + 10;
- else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
- digit = ch - 'a' + 10;
- else
- digit = 999;
- if (digit >= base)
- {
- sb->sputbackc(ch);
- if (ndigits == 0)
- goto fail;
- else
- goto done;
- }
- ndigits++;
- switch (base)
- {
- case 8:
- val <<= 3;
- break;
- case 16:
- val <<= 4;
- break;
- default:
- val *= base;
- break;
- }
- val += digit;
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- }
- fail:
- stream.set(ios::failbit);
- done:
- if (sign == '-')
- val.negate();
- return stream;
- eof_fail:
- stream.set(ios::failbit|ios::eofbit);
- return stream;
-int Integer::OK() const
- if (rep != 0)
- {
- int l = rep->len;
- int s = rep->sgn;
- int v = l <= rep->sz || STATIC_IntRep(rep); // length within bounds
- v &= s == 0 || s == 1; // legal sign
- Icheck(rep); // and correctly adjusted
- v &= rep->len == l;
- v &= rep->sgn == s;
- if (v)
- return v;
- }
- error("invariant failure");
- return 0;
-void Integer::error(const char* msg) const
- (*lib_error_handler)("Integer", msg);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Integer.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Integer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b98a349..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Integer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1134 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Integer_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Integer_h 1
-#include <iostream.h>
-#undef OK
-struct IntRep // internal Integer representations
- unsigned short len; // current length
- unsigned short sz; // allocated space (0 means static).
- short sgn; // 1 means >= 0; 0 means < 0
- unsigned short s[1]; // represented as ushort array starting here
-// True if REP is staticly (or manually) allocated,
-// and should not be deleted by an Integer destructor.
-#define STATIC_IntRep(rep) ((rep)->sz==0)
-extern IntRep* Ialloc(IntRep*, const unsigned short *, int, int, int);
-extern IntRep* Icalloc(IntRep*, int);
-extern IntRep* Icopy_ulong(IntRep*, unsigned long);
-extern IntRep* Icopy_long(IntRep*, long);
-extern IntRep* Icopy(IntRep*, const IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* Iresize(IntRep*, int);
-extern IntRep* add(const IntRep*, int, const IntRep*, int, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* add(const IntRep*, int, long, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* multiply(const IntRep*, const IntRep*, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* multiply(const IntRep*, long, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* lshift(const IntRep*, long, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* lshift(const IntRep*, const IntRep*, int, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* bitop(const IntRep*, const IntRep*, IntRep*, char);
-extern IntRep* bitop(const IntRep*, long, IntRep*, char);
-extern IntRep* power(const IntRep*, long, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* div(const IntRep*, const IntRep*, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* mod(const IntRep*, const IntRep*, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* div(const IntRep*, long, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* mod(const IntRep*, long, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* compl(const IntRep*, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* abs(const IntRep*, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* negate(const IntRep*, IntRep*);
-extern IntRep* pow(const IntRep*, long);
-extern IntRep* gcd(const IntRep*, const IntRep* y);
-extern int compare(const IntRep*, const IntRep*);
-extern int compare(const IntRep*, long);
-extern int ucompare(const IntRep*, const IntRep*);
-extern int ucompare(const IntRep*, long);
-extern char* Itoa(const IntRep* x, int base = 10, int width = 0);
-extern char* cvtItoa(const IntRep* x, char* fmt, int& fmtlen, int base,
- int showbase, int width, int align_right,
- char fillchar, char Xcase, int showpos);
-extern IntRep* atoIntRep(const char* s, int base = 10);
-extern long Itolong(const IntRep*);
-extern int Iislong(const IntRep*);
-extern long lg(const IntRep*);
-extern IntRep _ZeroRep, _OneRep, _MinusOneRep;
-class Integer
- IntRep* rep;
- Integer();
- Integer(int);
- Integer(long);
- Integer(unsigned long);
- Integer(IntRep*);
- Integer(const Integer&);
- ~Integer();
- Integer& operator = (const Integer&);
- Integer& operator = (long);
-// unary operations to self
- Integer& operator ++ ();
- Integer& operator -- ();
- void negate(); // negate in-place
- void abs(); // absolute-value in-place
- void complement(); // bitwise complement in-place
-// assignment-based operations
- Integer& operator += (const Integer&);
- Integer& operator -= (const Integer&);
- Integer& operator *= (const Integer&);
- Integer& operator /= (const Integer&);
- Integer& operator %= (const Integer&);
- Integer& operator <<=(const Integer&);
- Integer& operator >>=(const Integer&);
- Integer& operator &= (const Integer&);
- Integer& operator |= (const Integer&);
- Integer& operator ^= (const Integer&);
- Integer& operator += (long);
- Integer& operator -= (long);
- Integer& operator *= (long);
- Integer& operator /= (long);
- Integer& operator %= (long);
- Integer& operator <<=(long);
- Integer& operator >>=(long);
- Integer& operator &= (long);
- Integer& operator |= (long);
- Integer& operator ^= (long);
-// (constructive binary operations are inlined below)
-#if defined (__GNUG__) && ! defined (__STRICT_ANSI__)
- friend Integer operator <? (const Integer& x, const Integer& y); // min
- friend Integer operator >? (const Integer& x, const Integer& y); // max
-// builtin Integer functions that must be friends
- friend long lg (const Integer&); // floor log base 2 of abs(x)
- friend double ratio(const Integer& x, const Integer& y);
- // return x/y as a double
- friend Integer gcd(const Integer&, const Integer&);
- friend int even(const Integer&); // true if even
- friend int odd(const Integer&); // true if odd
- friend int sign(const Integer&); // returns -1, 0, +1
- friend void (setbit)(Integer& x, long b); // set b'th bit of x
- friend void clearbit(Integer& x, long b); // clear b'th bit
- friend int testbit(const Integer& x, long b); // return b'th bit
-// procedural versions of operators
- friend void abs(const Integer& x, Integer& dest);
- friend void negate(const Integer& x, Integer& dest);
- friend void complement(const Integer& x, Integer& dest);
- friend int compare(const Integer&, const Integer&);
- friend int ucompare(const Integer&, const Integer&);
- friend void add(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void sub(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void mul(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void div(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void mod(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void divide(const Integer& x, const Integer& y,
- Integer& q, Integer& r);
-#ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__
- friend void and(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void or(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void xor(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void lshift(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void rshift(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void pow(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend int compare(const Integer&, long);
- friend int ucompare(const Integer&, long);
- friend void add(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest);
- friend void sub(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest);
- friend void mul(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest);
- friend void div(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest);
- friend void mod(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest);
- friend void divide(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& q, long& r);
-#ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__
- friend void and(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest);
- friend void or(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest);
- friend void xor(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest);
- friend void lshift(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest);
- friend void rshift(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest);
- friend void pow(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest);
- friend int compare(long, const Integer&);
- friend int ucompare(long, const Integer&);
- friend void add(long x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void sub(long x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void mul(long x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
-#ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__
- friend void and(long x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void or(long x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend void xor(long x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest);
- friend Integer operator & (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- friend Integer operator & (const Integer&, long);
- friend Integer operator & (long, const Integer&);
- friend Integer operator | (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- friend Integer operator | (const Integer&, long);
- friend Integer operator | (long, const Integer&);
- friend Integer operator ^ (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- friend Integer operator ^ (const Integer&, long);
- friend Integer operator ^ (long, const Integer&);
-// coercion & conversion
- int fits_in_long() const { return Iislong(rep); }
- int fits_in_double() const;
- long as_long() const { return Itolong(rep); }
- double as_double() const;
- friend char* Itoa(const Integer& x, int base = 10, int width = 0);
- friend Integer atoI(const char* s, int base = 10);
- void printon(ostream& s, int base = 10, int width = 0) const;
- friend istream& operator >> (istream& s, Integer& y);
- friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const Integer& y);
-// error detection
- int initialized() const;
- void error(const char* msg) const;
- int OK() const;
-// (These are declared inline)
- int operator == (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- int operator == (const Integer&, long);
- int operator != (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- int operator != (const Integer&, long);
- int operator < (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- int operator < (const Integer&, long);
- int operator <= (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- int operator <= (const Integer&, long);
- int operator > (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- int operator > (const Integer&, long);
- int operator >= (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- int operator >= (const Integer&, long);
- Integer operator - (const Integer&);
- Integer operator ~ (const Integer&);
- Integer operator + (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- Integer operator + (const Integer&, long);
- Integer operator + (long, const Integer&);
- Integer operator - (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- Integer operator - (const Integer&, long);
- Integer operator - (long, const Integer&);
- Integer operator * (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- Integer operator * (const Integer&, long);
- Integer operator * (long, const Integer&);
- Integer operator / (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- Integer operator / (const Integer&, long);
- Integer operator % (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- Integer operator % (const Integer&, long);
- Integer operator << (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- Integer operator << (const Integer&, long);
- Integer operator >> (const Integer&, const Integer&);
- Integer operator >> (const Integer&, long);
- Integer abs(const Integer&); // absolute value
- Integer sqr(const Integer&); // square
- Integer pow(const Integer& x, const Integer& y);
- Integer pow(const Integer& x, long y);
- Integer Ipow(long x, long y); // x to the y as Integer
-extern char* dec(const Integer& x, int width = 0);
-extern char* oct(const Integer& x, int width = 0);
-extern char* hex(const Integer& x, int width = 0);
-extern Integer sqrt(const Integer&); // floor of square root
-extern Integer lcm(const Integer& x, const Integer& y); // least common mult
-typedef Integer IntTmp; // for backward compatibility
-inline Integer::Integer() :rep(&_ZeroRep) {}
-inline Integer::Integer(IntRep* r) :rep(r) {}
-inline Integer::Integer(int y) :rep(Icopy_long(0, (long)y)) {}
-inline Integer::Integer(long y) :rep(Icopy_long(0, y)) {}
-inline Integer::Integer(unsigned long y) :rep(Icopy_ulong(0, y)) {}
-inline Integer::Integer(const Integer& y) :rep(Icopy(0, y.rep)) {}
-inline Integer::~Integer() { if (rep && !STATIC_IntRep(rep)) delete rep; }
-inline Integer& Integer::operator = (const Integer& y)
- rep = Icopy(rep, y.rep);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator = (long y)
- rep = Icopy_long(rep, y);
- return *this;
-inline int Integer::initialized() const
- return rep != 0;
-// procedural versions
-inline int compare(const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- return compare(x.rep, y.rep);
-inline int ucompare(const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- return ucompare(x.rep, y.rep);
-inline int compare(const Integer& x, long y)
- return compare(x.rep, y);
-inline int ucompare(const Integer& x, long y)
- return ucompare(x.rep, y);
-inline int compare(long x, const Integer& y)
- return -compare(y.rep, x);
-inline int ucompare(long x, const Integer& y)
- return -ucompare(y.rep, x);
-inline void add(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = add(x.rep, 0, y.rep, 0, dest.rep);
-inline void sub(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = add(x.rep, 0, y.rep, 1, dest.rep);
-inline void mul(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = multiply(x.rep, y.rep, dest.rep);
-inline void div(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = div(x.rep, y.rep, dest.rep);
-inline void mod(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = mod(x.rep, y.rep, dest.rep);
-#ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__
-inline void and(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = bitop(x.rep, y.rep, dest.rep, '&');
-inline void or(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = bitop(x.rep, y.rep, dest.rep, '|');
-inline void xor(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = bitop(x.rep, y.rep, dest.rep, '^');
-inline void lshift(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = lshift(x.rep, y.rep, 0, dest.rep);
-inline void rshift(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = lshift(x.rep, y.rep, 1, dest.rep);
-inline void pow(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = power(x.rep, Itolong(y.rep), dest.rep); // not incorrect
-inline void add(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = add(x.rep, 0, y, dest.rep);
-inline void sub(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = add(x.rep, 0, -y, dest.rep);
-inline void mul(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = multiply(x.rep, y, dest.rep);
-inline void div(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = div(x.rep, y, dest.rep);
-inline void mod(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = mod(x.rep, y, dest.rep);
-#ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__
-inline void and(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = bitop(x.rep, y, dest.rep, '&');
-inline void or(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = bitop(x.rep, y, dest.rep, '|');
-inline void xor(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = bitop(x.rep, y, dest.rep, '^');
-inline void lshift(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = lshift(x.rep, y, dest.rep);
-inline void rshift(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = lshift(x.rep, -y, dest.rep);
-inline void pow(const Integer& x, long y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = power(x.rep, y, dest.rep);
-inline void abs(const Integer& x, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = abs(x.rep, dest.rep);
-inline void negate(const Integer& x, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = negate(x.rep, dest.rep);
-inline void complement(const Integer& x, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = compl(x.rep, dest.rep);
-inline void add(long x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = add(y.rep, 0, x, dest.rep);
-inline void sub(long x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = add(y.rep, 1, x, dest.rep);
-inline void mul(long x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = multiply(y.rep, x, dest.rep);
-#ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__
-inline void and(long x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = bitop(y.rep, x, dest.rep, '&');
-inline void or(long x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = bitop(y.rep, x, dest.rep, '|');
-inline void xor(long x, const Integer& y, Integer& dest)
- dest.rep = bitop(y.rep, x, dest.rep, '^');
-// operator versions
-inline int operator == (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- return compare(x, y) == 0;
-inline int operator == (const Integer& x, long y)
- return compare(x, y) == 0;
-inline int operator != (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- return compare(x, y) != 0;
-inline int operator != (const Integer& x, long y)
- return compare(x, y) != 0;
-inline int operator < (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- return compare(x, y) < 0;
-inline int operator < (const Integer& x, long y)
- return compare(x, y) < 0;
-inline int operator <= (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- return compare(x, y) <= 0;
-inline int operator <= (const Integer& x, long y)
- return compare(x, y) <= 0;
-inline int operator > (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- return compare(x, y) > 0;
-inline int operator > (const Integer& x, long y)
- return compare(x, y) > 0;
-inline int operator >= (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- return compare(x, y) >= 0;
-inline int operator >= (const Integer& x, long y)
- return compare(x, y) >= 0;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator += (const Integer& y)
- add(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator += (long y)
- add(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator ++ ()
- add(*this, 1, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator -= (const Integer& y)
- sub(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator -= (long y)
- sub(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator -- ()
- add(*this, -1, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator *= (const Integer& y)
- mul(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator *= (long y)
- mul(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator &= (const Integer& y)
- rep = bitop(rep, y.rep, rep, '&');
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator &= (long y)
- rep = bitop(rep, y, rep, '&');
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator |= (const Integer& y)
- rep = bitop(rep, y.rep, rep, '|');
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator |= (long y)
- rep = bitop(rep, y, rep, '|');
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator ^= (const Integer& y)
- rep = bitop(rep, y.rep, rep, '^');
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator ^= (long y)
- rep = bitop(rep, y, rep, '^');
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator /= (const Integer& y)
- div(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator /= (long y)
- div(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator <<= (const Integer& y)
- lshift(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator <<= (long y)
- lshift(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator >>= (const Integer& y)
- rshift(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator >>= (long y)
- rshift(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-#if defined (__GNUG__) && ! defined (__STRICT_ANSI__)
-inline Integer operator <? (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- return (compare(x.rep, y.rep) <= 0) ? x : y;
-inline Integer operator >? (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- return (compare(x.rep, y.rep) >= 0)? x : y;
-inline void Integer::abs()
- ::abs(*this, *this);
-inline void Integer::negate()
- ::negate(*this, *this);
-inline void Integer::complement()
- ::complement(*this, *this);
-inline int sign(const Integer& x)
- return (x.rep->len == 0) ? 0 : ( (x.rep->sgn == 1) ? 1 : -1 );
-inline int even(const Integer& y)
- return y.rep->len == 0 || !(y.rep->s[0] & 1);
-inline int odd(const Integer& y)
- return y.rep->len > 0 && (y.rep->s[0] & 1);
-inline char* Itoa(const Integer& y, int base, int width)
- return Itoa(y.rep, base, width);
-inline long lg(const Integer& x)
- return lg(x.rep);
-// constructive operations
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(_G_NO_NRV)
-inline Integer operator + (const Integer& x, const Integer& y) return r
- add(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator + (const Integer& x, long y) return r
- add(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator + (long x, const Integer& y) return r
- add(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator - (const Integer& x, const Integer& y) return r
- sub(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator - (const Integer& x, long y) return r
- sub(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator - (long x, const Integer& y) return r
- sub(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator * (const Integer& x, const Integer& y) return r
- mul(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator * (const Integer& x, long y) return r
- mul(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator * (long x, const Integer& y) return r
- mul(x, y, r);
-inline Integer sqr(const Integer& x) return r
- mul(x, x, r);
-inline Integer operator & (const Integer& x, const Integer& y) return r
- r.rep = bitop(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep, '&');
-inline Integer operator & (const Integer& x, long y) return r
- r.rep = bitop(x.rep, y, r.rep, '&');
-inline Integer operator & (long x, const Integer& y) return r
- r.rep = bitop(y.rep, x, r.rep, '&');
-inline Integer operator | (const Integer& x, const Integer& y) return r
- r.rep = bitop(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep, '|');
-inline Integer operator | (const Integer& x, long y) return r
- r.rep = bitop(x.rep, y, r.rep, '|');
-inline Integer operator | (long x, const Integer& y) return r
- r.rep = bitop(y.rep, x, r.rep, '|');
-inline Integer operator ^ (const Integer& x, const Integer& y) return r
- r.rep = bitop(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep, '^');
-inline Integer operator ^ (const Integer& x, long y) return r
- r.rep = bitop (x.rep, y, r.rep, '^');
-inline Integer operator ^ (long x, const Integer& y) return r
- r.rep = bitop (y.rep, x, r.rep, '^');
-inline Integer operator / (const Integer& x, const Integer& y) return r
- div(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator / (const Integer& x, long y) return r
- div(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator % (const Integer& x, const Integer& y) return r
- mod(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator % (const Integer& x, long y) return r
- mod(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator << (const Integer& x, const Integer& y) return r
- lshift(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator << (const Integer& x, long y) return r
- lshift(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator >> (const Integer& x, const Integer& y) return r;
- rshift(x, y, r);
-inline Integer operator >> (const Integer& x, long y) return r
- rshift(x, y, r);
-inline Integer pow(const Integer& x, long y) return r
- pow(x, y, r);
-inline Integer Ipow(long x, long y) return r(x)
- pow(r, y, r);
-inline Integer pow(const Integer& x, const Integer& y) return r
- pow(x, y, r);
-inline Integer abs(const Integer& x) return r
- abs(x, r);
-inline Integer operator - (const Integer& x) return r
- negate(x, r);
-inline Integer operator ~ (const Integer& x) return r
- complement(x, r);
-inline Integer atoI(const char* s, int base) return r
- r.rep = atoIntRep(s, base);
-inline Integer gcd(const Integer& x, const Integer& y) return r
- r.rep = gcd(x.rep, y.rep);
-#else /* NO_NRV */
-inline Integer operator + (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; add(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator + (const Integer& x, long y)
- Integer r; add(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator + (long x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; add(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator - (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; sub(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator - (const Integer& x, long y)
- Integer r; sub(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator - (long x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; sub(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator * (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; mul(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator * (const Integer& x, long y)
- Integer r; mul(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator * (long x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; mul(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer sqr(const Integer& x)
- Integer r; mul(x, x, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator & (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; and(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator & (const Integer& x, long y)
- Integer r; and(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator & (long x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; and(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator | (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; or(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator | (const Integer& x, long y)
- Integer r; or(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator | (long x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; or(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator ^ (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; r.rep = bitop(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep, '^'); return r;
-inline Integer operator ^ (const Integer& x, long y)
- Integer r; r.rep = bitop(x.rep, y, r.rep, '^'); return r;
-inline Integer operator ^ (long x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; r.rep = bitop(y.rep, x, r.rep, '^'); return r;
-inline Integer operator / (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; div(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator / (const Integer& x, long y)
- Integer r; div(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator % (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; mod(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator % (const Integer& x, long y)
- Integer r; mod(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator << (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; lshift(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator << (const Integer& x, long y)
- Integer r; lshift(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator >> (const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; rshift(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator >> (const Integer& x, long y)
- Integer r; rshift(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer pow(const Integer& x, long y)
- Integer r; pow(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer Ipow(long x, long y)
- Integer r(x); pow(r, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer pow(const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; pow(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Integer abs(const Integer& x)
- Integer r; abs(x, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator - (const Integer& x)
- Integer r; negate(x, r); return r;
-inline Integer operator ~ (const Integer& x)
- Integer r; complement(x, r); return r;
-inline Integer atoI(const char* s, int base)
- Integer r; r.rep = atoIntRep(s, base); return r;
-inline Integer gcd(const Integer& x, const Integer& y)
- Integer r; r.rep = gcd(x.rep, y.rep); return r;
-#endif /* NO_NRV */
-inline Integer& Integer::operator %= (const Integer& y)
- *this = *this % y; // mod(*this, y, *this) doesn't work.
- return *this;
-inline Integer& Integer::operator %= (long y)
- *this = *this % y; // mod(*this, y, *this) doesn't work.
- return *this;
-#endif /* !_Integer_h */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Integer.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Integer.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index b8a8039..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Integer.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// Stuff used to implement the Integer class.
-// WARNING: Its internals WILL change!
- Sizes of shifts for multiple-precision arithmetic.
- These should not be changed unless Integer representation
- as unsigned shorts is changed in the implementation files.
-#define I_SHIFT (sizeof(short) * CHAR_BIT)
-#define I_RADIX ((unsigned long)(1L << I_SHIFT))
-#define I_MAXNUM ((unsigned long)((I_RADIX - 1)))
-#define I_MINNUM ((unsigned long)(I_RADIX >> 1))
-#define I_POSITIVE 1
-#define I_NEGATIVE 0
-/* All routines assume SHORT_PER_LONG > 1 */
-#define SHORT_PER_LONG ((unsigned)(((sizeof(long) + sizeof(short) - 1) / sizeof(short))))
-#define CHAR_PER_LONG ((unsigned)sizeof(long))
- minimum and maximum sizes for an IntRep
-#define MINIntRep_SIZE 16
-#define MAXIntRep_SIZE I_MAXNUM
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 446a9fe..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <Random.h>
-#include <Normal.h>
-#include <LogNorm.h>
-// See Simulation, Modelling & Analysis by Law & Kelton, pp260
-double LogNormal::operator()()
- return exp (this->Normal::operator()() );
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/LogNorm.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/LogNorm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 18fc1f1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/LogNorm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _LogNormal_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _LogNormal_h
-#include <Normal.h>
-class LogNormal: public Normal {
- double logMean;
- double logVariance;
- void setState();
- LogNormal(double mean, double variance, RNG *gen);
- double mean();
- double mean(double x);
- double variance();
- double variance(double x);
- virtual double operator()();
-inline void LogNormal::setState()
- double m2 = logMean * logMean;
- pMean = log(m2 / sqrt(logVariance + m2) );
-// from
-// (was pVariance = log((sqrt(logVariance + m2)/m2 )); )
- pStdDev = sqrt(log((logVariance + m2)/m2 ));
-inline LogNormal::LogNormal(double mean, double variance, RNG *gen)
- : Normal(mean, variance, gen)
- logMean = mean;
- logVariance = variance;
- setState();
-inline double LogNormal::mean() {
- return logMean;
-inline double LogNormal::mean(double x)
- double t=logMean; logMean = x; setState();
- return t;
-inline double LogNormal::variance() {
- return logVariance;
-inline double LogNormal::variance(double x)
- double t=logVariance; logVariance = x; setState();
- return t;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e62477..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <MLCG.h>
-// SEED_TABLE_SIZE must be a power of 2
-#define SEED_TABLE_SIZE 32
-static _G_int32_t seedTable[SEED_TABLE_SIZE] = {
-0xbdcc47e5, 0x54aea45d, 0xec0df859, 0xda84637b,
-0xc8c6cb4f, 0x35574b01, 0x28260b7d, 0x0d07fdbf,
-0x9faaeeb0, 0x613dd169, 0x5ce2d818, 0x85b9e706,
-0xab2469db, 0xda02b0dc, 0x45c60d6e, 0xffe49d10,
-0x7224fea3, 0xf9684fc9, 0xfc7ee074, 0x326ce92a,
-0x366d13b5, 0x17aaa731, 0xeb83a675, 0x7781cb32,
-0x4ec7c92d, 0x7f187521, 0x2cf346b4, 0xad13310f,
-0xb89cff2b, 0x12164de1, 0xa865168d, 0x32b56cdf
-MLCG::MLCG(_G_int32_t seed1, _G_int32_t seed2)
- initialSeedOne = seed1;
- initialSeedTwo = seed2;
- reset();
- _G_int32_t seed1 = initialSeedOne;
- _G_int32_t seed2 = initialSeedTwo;
- //
- // Most people pick stupid seed numbers that do not have enough
- // bits. In this case, if they pick a small seed number, we
- // map that to a specific seed.
- //
- if (seed1 < 0) {
- seed1 = (seed1 + 2147483561);
- seed1 = (seed1 < 0) ? -seed1 : seed1;
- }
- if (seed2 < 0) {
- seed2 = (seed2 + 2147483561);
- seed2 = (seed2 < 0) ? -seed2 : seed2;
- }
- if (seed1 > -1 && seed1 < SEED_TABLE_SIZE) {
- seedOne = seedTable[seed1];
- } else {
- seedOne = seed1 ^ seedTable[seed1 & (SEED_TABLE_SIZE-1)];
- }
- if (seed2 > -1 && seed2 < SEED_TABLE_SIZE) {
- seedTwo = seedTable[seed2];
- } else {
- seedTwo = seed2 ^ seedTable[ seed2 & (SEED_TABLE_SIZE-1) ];
- }
- seedOne = (seedOne % 2147483561) + 1;
- seedTwo = (seedTwo % 2147483397) + 1;
-_G_uint32_t MLCG::asLong()
- _G_int32_t k = seedOne % 53668;
- seedOne = 40014 * (seedOne-k * 53668) - k * 12211;
- if (seedOne < 0) {
- seedOne += 2147483563;
- }
- k = seedTwo % 52774;
- seedTwo = 40692 * (seedTwo - k * 52774) - k * 3791;
- if (seedTwo < 0) {
- seedTwo += 2147483399;
- }
- _G_int32_t z = seedOne - seedTwo;
- if (z < 1) {
- z += 2147483562;
- }
- return( (unsigned long) z);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/MLCG.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/MLCG.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ae817c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/MLCG.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _MLCG_h
-#define _MLCG_h 1
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include <RNG.h>
-#include <math.h>
-// Multiplicative Linear Conguential Generator
-class MLCG : public RNG {
- _G_int32_t initialSeedOne;
- _G_int32_t initialSeedTwo;
- _G_int32_t seedOne;
- _G_int32_t seedTwo;
- MLCG(_G_int32_t seed1 = 0, _G_int32_t seed2 = 1);
- //
- // Return a long-words word of random bits
- //
- virtual _G_uint32_t asLong();
- virtual void reset();
- _G_int32_t seed1();
- void seed1(_G_int32_t);
- _G_int32_t seed2();
- void seed2(_G_int32_t);
- void reseed(_G_int32_t, _G_int32_t);
-inline _G_int32_t
- return(seedOne);
-inline void
-MLCG::seed1(_G_int32_t s)
- initialSeedOne = s;
- reset();
-inline _G_int32_t
- return(seedTwo);
-inline void
-MLCG::seed2(_G_int32_t s)
- initialSeedTwo = s;
- reset();
-inline void
-MLCG::reseed(_G_int32_t s1, _G_int32_t s2)
- initialSeedOne = s1;
- initialSeedTwo = s2;
- reset();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index d675060..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for libg++.a
-# Copyright (C) 1988, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation
-# originally written by Doug Lea (
-# This file is part of libg++, the GNU C++ library.
-# GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
-# accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
-# or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
-# unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU CC General Public
-# License for full details.
-# Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
-# GNU CC, but only under the conditions described in the
-# GNU CC General Public License. A copy of this license is
-# supposed to have been given to you along with GNU CC so you
-# can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
-# file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
-# and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
-srcdir = .
-# declarations from here on should not normally need to be changed
-# in order to compile libg++.a
-# library sources
-STREAM_OBJS = File.o ostream.o istream.o streambuf.o filebuf.o Filebuf.o \
- PlotFile.o SFile.o
-BIT_OBJS = bitand.o bitany.o bitblt.o bitclear.o bitcopy.o bitcount.o\
- bitinvert.o bitlcomp.o bitset1.o bitxor.o
-OBJS = AllocRing.o Obstack.o builtin.o \
- $(REGEX_OBJ) Regex.o String.o Intdouble.o Integer.o Rational.o \
- Random.o BitSet.o BitString.o LogNorm.o SmplHist.o SmplStat.o \
- Normal.o NegExp.o Weibull.o Erlang.o DiscUnif.o \
- Uniform.o Poisson.o HypGeom.o Geom.o Binomial.o \
- RNG.o ACG.o MLCG.o RndInt.o \
- Fix.o Fix16.o Fix24.o GetOpt.o \
- error.o gcd.o hash.o \
- lg.o fmtq.o ioob.o pow.o sqrt.o timer.o \
- compare.o $(BIT_OBJS) \
- SLList.o DLList.o
-DEPEND_SOURCES = $(srcdir)/*.cc
-#### host, target, and site dependent Makefile fragments come in here.
-.PHONY: add-to-targetlib
-# Invoked from other directories, overriding $(TARGETLIB).
-# This is invoked by the top-level libg++ Makefile, to:
-# a) make sure $(OBJS) are up-to-date, and
-# b) make a list of those files that should be added to libg++.a.
-libgxx.list: stamp-picdir $(OBJS)
- @echo "$(OBJS)" >libgxx.list
- if [ -z "$(MULTISUBDIR)" ]; then \
- for FILE in `(cd ${srcdir}; echo *.h gen/*.ccP gen/*.hP)`; do \
- rm -f $(gxx_includedir)/$$FILE ; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ${srcdir}/$$FILE $(gxx_includedir)/$$FILE \
- || exit 1; \
- chmod a-x,a+r $(gxx_includedir)/$$FILE ; \
- done ; \
- else true ; \
- fi
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index f07769a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <Random.h>
-#include <NegExp.h>
-double NegativeExpntl::operator()()
- return(-pMean * log(pGenerator -> asDouble()));
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/NegExp.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/NegExp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 08f17af..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/NegExp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _NegativeExpntl_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _NegativeExpntl_h 1
-// Negative Exponential Random Numbers
-#include <Random.h>
-class NegativeExpntl: public Random {
- double pMean;
- NegativeExpntl(double xmean, RNG *gen);
- double mean();
- double mean(double x);
- virtual double operator()();
-inline NegativeExpntl::NegativeExpntl(double xmean, RNG *gen)
-: Random(gen) {
- pMean = xmean;
-inline double NegativeExpntl::mean() { return pMean; }
-inline double NegativeExpntl::mean(double x) {
- double t = pMean; pMean = x;
- return t;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29219b4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <Random.h>
-#include <Normal.h>
-// See Simulation, Modelling & Analysis by Law & Kelton, pp259
-// This is the ``polar'' method.
-double Normal::operator()()
- if (haveCachedNormal == 1) {
- haveCachedNormal = 0;
- return(cachedNormal * pStdDev + pMean );
- } else {
- for(;;) {
- double u1 = pGenerator -> asDouble();
- double u2 = pGenerator -> asDouble();
- double v1 = 2 * u1 - 1;
- double v2 = 2 * u2 - 1;
- double w = (v1 * v1) + (v2 * v2);
-// We actually generate two IID normal distribution variables.
-// We cache the one & return the other.
- if (w <= 1) {
- double y = sqrt( (-2 * log(w)) / w);
- double x1 = v1 * y;
- double x2 = v2 * y;
- haveCachedNormal = 1;
- cachedNormal = x2;
- return(x1 * pStdDev + pMean);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Normal.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Normal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e19f7a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Normal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Normal_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Normal_h
-#include <Random.h>
-class Normal: public Random {
- char haveCachedNormal;
- double cachedNormal;
- double pMean;
- double pVariance;
- double pStdDev;
- Normal(double xmean, double xvariance, RNG *gen);
- double mean();
- double mean(double x);
- double variance();
- double variance(double x);
- virtual double operator()();
-inline Normal::Normal(double xmean, double xvariance, RNG *gen)
-: Random(gen) {
- pMean = xmean;
- pVariance = xvariance;
- pStdDev = sqrt(pVariance);
- haveCachedNormal = 0;
-inline double Normal::mean() { return pMean; };
-inline double Normal::mean(double x) {
- double t=pMean; pMean = x;
- return t;
-inline double Normal::variance() { return pVariance; }
-inline double Normal::variance(double x) {
- double t=pVariance; pVariance = x;
- pStdDev = sqrt(pVariance);
- return t;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index abef732..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <Obstack.h>
-#include <new.h>
-/* We use subtraction of (char *)0 instead of casting to int
- because on word-addressable machines a simple cast to int
- may ignore the byte-within-word field of the pointer. */
-#ifndef __PTR_TO_INT
-#define __PTR_TO_INT(P) ((P) - (char *)0)
-#ifndef __INT_TO_PTR
-#define __INT_TO_PTR(P) ((P) + (char *)0)
-Obstack::Obstack(int size, int alignment)
- alignmentmask = alignment - 1;
- chunksize = size;
- chunk = 0;
- nextfree = objectbase = 0;
- chunklimit = 0;
-void Obstack::_free(void* obj)
- _obstack_chunk* lp;
- _obstack_chunk* plp;
- lp = chunk;
- while (lp != 0 && ((void*)lp > obj || (void*)(lp)->limit < obj))
- {
- plp = lp -> prev;
- delete [] (char*)lp;
- lp = plp;
- }
- if (lp)
- {
- objectbase = nextfree = (char *)(obj);
- chunklimit = lp->limit;
- chunk = lp;
- }
- else if (obj != 0)
- (*lib_error_handler)("Obstack", "deletion of nonexistent obj");
-void Obstack::newchunk(int size)
- _obstack_chunk* old_chunk = chunk;
- _obstack_chunk* new_chunk;
- long new_size;
- int obj_size = nextfree - objectbase;
- new_size = (obj_size + size) << 1;
- if (new_size < chunksize)
- new_size = chunksize;
- new_chunk = chunk = new (operator new (new_size)) _obstack_chunk;
- new_chunk->prev = old_chunk;
- new_chunk->limit = chunklimit = (char *) new_chunk + new_size;
- memcpy((void*)new_chunk->contents, (void*)objectbase, obj_size);
- objectbase = new_chunk->contents;
- nextfree = objectbase + obj_size;
-void* Obstack::finish()
- void* value = (void*) objectbase;
- nextfree = __INT_TO_PTR (__PTR_TO_INT (nextfree + alignmentmask)
- & ~alignmentmask);
- if (nextfree - (char*)chunk > chunklimit - (char*)chunk)
- nextfree = chunklimit;
- objectbase = nextfree;
- return value;
-int Obstack::contains(void* obj) // true if obj somewhere in Obstack
- _obstack_chunk* ch;
- for (ch = chunk;
- ch != 0 && (obj < (void*)ch || obj >= (void*)(ch->limit));
- ch = ch->prev);
- return ch != 0;
-int Obstack::OK()
- int v = chunksize > 0; // valid size
- v &= alignmentmask != 0; // and alignment
- v &= chunk != 0;
- v &= objectbase >= chunk->contents;
- v &= nextfree >= objectbase;
- v &= nextfree <= chunklimit;
- v &= chunklimit == chunk->limit;
- _obstack_chunk* p = chunk;
- // allow lots of chances to find bottom!
- long x = LONG_MAX;
- while (p != 0 && x != 0) { --x; p = p->prev; }
- v &= x > 0;
- if (!v)
- (*lib_error_handler)("Obstack", "invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Obstack.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Obstack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dd9d09..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Obstack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Obstack_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Obstack_h 1
-#include <std.h>
-#undef OK
-class Obstack
- struct _obstack_chunk
- {
- char* limit;
- _obstack_chunk* prev;
- char contents[4];
- };
- long chunksize;
- _obstack_chunk* chunk;
- char* objectbase;
- char* nextfree;
- char* chunklimit;
- int alignmentmask;
- void _free(void* obj);
- void newchunk(int size);
- Obstack(int size = 4080, int alignment = 4); // 4080=4096-mallocslop
- ~Obstack();
- void* base();
- void* next_free();
- int alignment_mask();
- int chunk_size();
- int size();
- int room();
- int contains(void* p); // does Obstack hold pointer p?
- void grow(const void* data, int size);
- void grow(const void* data, int size, char terminator);
- void grow(const char* s);
- void grow(char c);
- void grow_fast(char c);
- void blank(int size);
- void blank_fast(int size);
- void* finish();
- void* finish(char terminator);
- void* copy(const void* data, int size);
- void* copy(const void* data, int size, char terminator);
- void* copy(const char* s);
- void* copy(char c);
- void* alloc(int size);
- void free(void* obj);
- void shrink(int size = 1); // suggested by
- int OK(); // rep invariant
-inline Obstack::~Obstack()
- _free(0);
-inline void* Obstack::base()
- return objectbase;
-inline void* Obstack::next_free()
- return nextfree;
-inline int Obstack::alignment_mask()
- return alignmentmask;
-inline int Obstack::chunk_size()
- return chunksize;
-inline int Obstack::size()
- return nextfree - objectbase;
-inline int Obstack::room()
- return chunklimit - nextfree;
-inline void Obstack:: grow(const void* data, int size)
- if (nextfree+size > chunklimit)
- newchunk(size);
- memcpy(nextfree, data, size);
- nextfree += size;
-inline void Obstack:: grow(const void* data, int size, char terminator)
- if (nextfree+size+1 > chunklimit)
- newchunk(size+1);
- memcpy(nextfree, data, size);
- nextfree += size;
- *(nextfree)++ = terminator;
-inline void Obstack:: grow(const char* s)
- grow((const void*)s, strlen(s), 0);
-inline void Obstack:: grow(char c)
- if (nextfree+1 > chunklimit)
- newchunk(1);
- *(nextfree)++ = c;
-inline void Obstack:: blank(int size)
- if (nextfree+size > chunklimit)
- newchunk(size);
- nextfree += size;
-inline void* Obstack::finish(char terminator)
- grow(terminator);
- return finish();
-inline void* Obstack::copy(const void* data, int size)
- grow (data, size);
- return finish();
-inline void* Obstack::copy(const void* data, int size, char terminator)
- grow(data, size, terminator);
- return finish();
-inline void* Obstack::copy(const char* s)
- grow((const void*)s, strlen(s), 0);
- return finish();
-inline void* Obstack::copy(char c)
- grow(c);
- return finish();
-inline void* Obstack::alloc(int size)
- blank(size);
- return finish();
-inline void Obstack:: free(void* obj)
- if (obj >= (void*)chunk && obj<(void*)chunklimit)
- nextfree = objectbase = (char *) obj;
- else
- _free(obj);
-inline void Obstack:: grow_fast(char c)
- *(nextfree)++ = c;
-inline void Obstack:: blank_fast(int size)
- nextfree += size;
-inline void Obstack:: shrink(int size) // from
- if (nextfree >= objectbase + size)
- nextfree -= size;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Pix.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Pix.h
deleted file mode 100644
index be90525..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Pix.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _Pix_h
-#define _Pix_h 1
-typedef void* Pix;
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deleted file mode 100644
index b7fac8f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <Random.h>
-#include <Poisson.h>
-double Poisson::operator()()
- double bound = exp(-1.0 * pMean);
- int count = 0;
- for (double product = 1.0;
- product >= bound;
- product *= pGenerator -> asDouble()) {
- count++;
- }
- return(count - 1);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Poisson.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Poisson.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2566de5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Poisson.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Poisson_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Poisson_h
-#include <Random.h>
-class Poisson: public Random {
- double pMean;
- Poisson(double mean, RNG *gen);
- double mean();
- double mean(double x);
- virtual double operator()();
-inline Poisson::Poisson(double mean, RNG *gen)
-: Random(gen) {
- pMean = mean;
-inline double Poisson::mean() { return pMean; }
-inline double Poisson::mean(double x) {
- double t = pMean;
- pMean = x;
- return t;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 81f55a0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <RNG.h>
-// These two static fields get initialized by RNG::RNG().
-PrivateRNGSingleType RNG::singleMantissa;
-PrivateRNGDoubleType RNG::doubleMantissa;
-// The scale constant is 2^-31. It is used to scale a 31 bit
-// long to a double.
-//static const double randomDoubleScaleConstant = 4.656612873077392578125e-10;
-//static const float randomFloatScaleConstant = 4.656612873077392578125e-10;
-static char initialized = 0;
- if (!initialized)
- {
- assert (sizeof(double) == 2 * sizeof(_G_uint32_t));
- //
- // The following is a hack that I attribute to
- // Andres Nowatzyk at CMU. The intent of the loop
- // is to form the smallest number 0 <= x < 1.0,
- // which is then used as a mask for two longwords.
- // this gives us a fast way way to produce double
- // precision numbers from longwords.
- //
- // I know that this works for IEEE and VAX floating
- // point representations.
- //
- // A further complication is that gnu C will blow
- // the following loop, unless compiled with -ffloat-store,
- // because it uses extended representations for some of
- // of the comparisons. Thus, we have the following hack.
- // If we could specify #pragma optimize, we wouldn't need this.
- //
- PrivateRNGDoubleType t;
- PrivateRNGSingleType s;
-#if _IEEE == 1
- t.d = 1.5;
- if ( t.u[1] == 0 ) { // sun word order?
- t.u[0] = 0x3fffffff;
- t.u[1] = 0xffffffff;
- }
- else {
- t.u[0] = 0xffffffff; // encore word order?
- t.u[1] = 0x3fffffff;
- }
- s.u = 0x3fffffff;
- volatile double x = 1.0; // volatile needed when fp hardware used,
- // and has greater precision than memory doubles
- double y = 0.5;
- do { // find largest fp-number < 2.0
- t.d = x;
- x += y;
- y *= 0.5;
- } while (x != t.d && x < 2.0);
- volatile float xx = 1.0; // volatile needed when fp hardware used,
- // and has greater precision than memory floats
- float yy = 0.5;
- do { // find largest fp-number < 2.0
- s.s = xx;
- xx += yy;
- yy *= 0.5;
- } while (xx != s.s && xx < 2.0);
- // set doubleMantissa to 1 for each doubleMantissa bit
- doubleMantissa.d = 1.0;
- doubleMantissa.u[0] ^= t.u[0];
- doubleMantissa.u[1] ^= t.u[1];
- // set singleMantissa to 1 for each singleMantissa bit
- singleMantissa.s = 1.0;
- singleMantissa.u ^= s.u;
- initialized = 1;
- }
-float RNG::asFloat()
- PrivateRNGSingleType result;
- result.s = 1.0;
- result.u |= (asLong() & singleMantissa.u);
- result.s -= 1.0;
- assert( result.s < 1.0 && result.s >= 0);
- return( result.s );
-double RNG::asDouble()
- PrivateRNGDoubleType result;
- result.d = 1.0;
- result.u[0] |= (asLong() & doubleMantissa.u[0]);
- result.u[1] |= (asLong() & doubleMantissa.u[1]);
- result.d -= 1.0;
- assert( result.d < 1.0 && result.d >= 0);
- return( result.d );
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/RNG.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/RNG.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cb3fbfb..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/RNG.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _RNG_h
-#define _RNG_h 1
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <_G_config.h>
-union PrivateRNGSingleType { // used to access floats as unsigneds
- float s;
- _G_uint32_t u;
-union PrivateRNGDoubleType { // used to access doubles as unsigneds
- double d;
- _G_uint32_t u[2];
-// Base class for Random Number Generators. See ACG and MLCG for instances.
-class RNG {
- static PrivateRNGSingleType singleMantissa; // mantissa bit vector
- static PrivateRNGDoubleType doubleMantissa; // mantissa bit vector
- RNG();
- //
- // Return a long-words word of random bits
- //
- virtual _G_uint32_t asLong() = 0;
- virtual void reset() = 0;
- //
- // Return random bits converted to either a float or a double
- //
- float asFloat();
- double asDouble();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 572a602..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <Random.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Random.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Random.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a6d0ee..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Random.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Random_h
-#define _Random_h 1
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include <math.h>
-#include <RNG.h>
-class Random {
- RNG *pGenerator;
- Random(RNG *generator);
- virtual double operator()() = 0;
- RNG *generator();
- void generator(RNG *p);
-inline Random::Random(RNG *gen)
- pGenerator = gen;
-inline RNG *Random::generator()
- return(pGenerator);
-inline void Random::generator(RNG *p)
- pGenerator = p;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 07bcd4f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <Rational.h>
-#include <std.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <float.h>
-#undef OK
-void Rational::error(const char* msg) const
- (*lib_error_handler)("Rational", msg);
-static const Integer _Int_One(1);
-void Rational::normalize()
- int s = sign(den);
- if (s == 0)
- error("Zero denominator.");
- else if (s < 0)
- {
- den.negate();
- num.negate();
- }
- Integer g = gcd(num, den);
- if (ucompare(g, _Int_One) != 0)
- {
- num /= g;
- den /= g;
- }
-void add(const Rational& x, const Rational& y, Rational& r)
- if (&r != &x && &r != &y)
- {
- mul(x.num, y.den, r.num);
- mul(x.den, y.num, r.den);
- add(r.num, r.den, r.num);
- mul(x.den, y.den, r.den);
- }
- else
- {
- Integer tmp;
- mul(x.den, y.num, tmp);
- mul(x.num, y.den, r.num);
- add(r.num, tmp, r.num);
- mul(x.den, y.den, r.den);
- }
- r.normalize();
-void sub(const Rational& x, const Rational& y, Rational& r)
- if (&r != &x && &r != &y)
- {
- mul(x.num, y.den, r.num);
- mul(x.den, y.num, r.den);
- sub(r.num, r.den, r.num);
- mul(x.den, y.den, r.den);
- }
- else
- {
- Integer tmp;
- mul(x.den, y.num, tmp);
- mul(x.num, y.den, r.num);
- sub(r.num, tmp, r.num);
- mul(x.den, y.den, r.den);
- }
- r.normalize();
-void mul(const Rational& x, const Rational& y, Rational& r)
- mul(x.num, y.num, r.num);
- mul(x.den, y.den, r.den);
- r.normalize();
-void div(const Rational& x, const Rational& y, Rational& r)
- if (&r != &x && &r != &y)
- {
- mul(x.num, y.den, r.num);
- mul(x.den, y.num, r.den);
- }
- else
- {
- Integer tmp;
- mul(x.num, y.den, tmp);
- mul(y.num, x.den, r.den);
- r.num = tmp;
- }
- r.normalize();
-void Rational::invert()
- Integer tmp = num;
- num = den;
- den = tmp;
- int s = sign(den);
- if (s == 0)
- error("Zero denominator.");
- else if (s < 0)
- {
- den.negate();
- num.negate();
- }
-int compare(const Rational& x, const Rational& y)
- int xsgn = sign(x.num);
- int ysgn = sign(y.num);
- int d = xsgn - ysgn;
- if (d == 0 && xsgn != 0) d = compare(x.num * y.den, x.den * y.num);
- return d;
-Rational::Rational(double x)
- num = 0;
- den = 1;
- if (x != 0.0)
- {
- int neg = x < 0;
- if (neg)
- x = -x;
- const long shift = 15; // a safe shift per step
- const double width = 32768.0; // = 2^shift
- const int maxiter = 20; // ought not be necessary, but just in case,
- // max 300 bits of precision
- int expt;
- double mantissa = frexp(x, &expt);
- long exponent = expt;
- double intpart;
- int k = 0;
- while (mantissa != 0.0 && k++ < maxiter)
- {
- mantissa *= width;
- mantissa = modf(mantissa, &intpart);
- num <<= shift;
- num += (long)intpart;
- exponent -= shift;
- }
- if (exponent > 0)
- num <<= exponent;
- else if (exponent < 0)
- den <<= -exponent;
- if (neg)
- num.negate();
- }
- normalize();
-Integer trunc(const Rational& x)
- return x.num / x.den ;
-Rational pow(const Rational& x, const Integer& y)
- long yy = y.as_long();
- return pow(x, yy);
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(_G_NO_NRV)
-Rational operator - (const Rational& x) return r(x)
- r.negate();
-Rational abs(const Rational& x) return r(x)
- if (sign(r.num) < 0) r.negate();
-Rational sqr(const Rational& x) return r
- mul(x.num, x.num, r.num);
- mul(x.den, x.den, r.den);
- r.normalize();
-Integer floor(const Rational& x) return q
- Integer r;
- divide(x.num, x.den, q, r);
- if (sign(x.num) < 0 && sign(r) != 0) --q;
-Integer ceil(const Rational& x) return q
- Integer r;
- divide(x.num, x.den, q, r);
- if (sign(x.num) >= 0 && sign(r) != 0) ++q;
-Integer round(const Rational& x) return q
- Integer r;
- divide(x.num, x.den, q, r);
- r <<= 1;
- if (ucompare(r, x.den) >= 0)
- {
- if (sign(x.num) >= 0)
- ++q;
- else
- --q;
- }
-// power: no need to normalize since num & den already relatively prime
-Rational pow(const Rational& x, long y) return r
- if (y >= 0)
- {
- pow(x.num, y, r.num);
- pow(x.den, y, r.den);
- }
- else
- {
- y = -y;
- pow(x.num, y, r.den);
- pow(x.den, y, r.num);
- if (sign(r.den) < 0)
- {
- r.num.negate();
- r.den.negate();
- }
- }
-Rational operator - (const Rational& x)
- Rational r(x); r.negate(); return r;
-Rational abs(const Rational& x)
- Rational r(x);
- if (sign(r.num) < 0) r.negate();
- return r;
-Rational sqr(const Rational& x)
- Rational r;
- mul(x.num, x.num, r.num);
- mul(x.den, x.den, r.den);
- r.normalize();
- return r;
-Integer floor(const Rational& x)
- Integer q;
- Integer r;
- divide(x.num, x.den, q, r);
- if (sign(x.num) < 0 && sign(r) != 0) --q;
- return q;
-Integer ceil(const Rational& x)
- Integer q;
- Integer r;
- divide(x.num, x.den, q, r);
- if (sign(x.num) >= 0 && sign(r) != 0) ++q;
- return q;
-Integer round(const Rational& x)
- Integer q;
- Integer r;
- divide(x.num, x.den, q, r);
- r <<= 1;
- if (ucompare(r, x.den) >= 0)
- {
- if (sign(x.num) >= 0)
- ++q;
- else
- --q;
- }
- return q;
-Rational pow(const Rational& x, long y)
- Rational r;
- if (y >= 0)
- {
- pow(x.num, y, r.num);
- pow(x.den, y, r.den);
- }
- else
- {
- y = -y;
- pow(x.num, y, r.den);
- pow(x.den, y, r.num);
- if (sign(r.den) < 0)
- {
- r.num.negate();
- r.den.negate();
- }
- }
- return r;
-ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const Rational& y)
- if (y.denominator() == 1L)
- s << y.numerator();
- else
- {
- s << y.numerator();
- s << "/";
- s << y.denominator();
- }
- return s;
-istream& operator >> (istream& s, Rational& y)
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- if (!s.good())
- {
- return s;
- }
- if (!s.ipfx(0))
- {
- s.clear(ios::failbit|s.rdstate()); // Redundant if using GNU iostreams.
- return s;
- }
- Integer n = 0;
- Integer d = 1;
- if (s >> n)
- {
- char ch = 0;
- s.get(ch);
- if (ch == '/')
- {
- s >> d;
- }
- else
- {
- s.putback(ch);
- }
- }
- y = Rational(n, d);
- return s;
-int Rational::OK() const
- int v = num.OK() && den.OK(); // have valid num and denom
- if (v)
- {
- v &= sign(den) > 0; // denominator positive;
- v &= ucompare(gcd(num, den), _Int_One) == 0; // relatively prime
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
-Rational::fits_in_float() const
- return Rational (FLT_MIN) <= *this && *this <= Rational (FLT_MAX);
-Rational::fits_in_double() const
- return Rational (DBL_MIN) <= *this && *this <= Rational (DBL_MAX);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Rational.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Rational.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6542c49..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Rational.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Rational_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Rational_h 1
-#include <Integer.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#undef OK
-class Rational
- Integer num;
- Integer den;
- void normalize();
- Rational();
- Rational(double);
- Rational(int n);
- Rational(long n);
- Rational(int n, int d);
- Rational(long n, long d);
- Rational(long n, unsigned long d);
- Rational(unsigned long n, long d);
- Rational(unsigned long n, unsigned long d);
- Rational(const Integer& n);
- Rational(const Integer& n, const Integer& d);
- Rational(const Rational&);
- ~Rational();
- Rational& operator = (const Rational& y);
- friend int operator == (const Rational& x, const Rational& y);
- friend int operator != (const Rational& x, const Rational& y);
- friend int operator < (const Rational& x, const Rational& y);
- friend int operator <= (const Rational& x, const Rational& y);
- friend int operator > (const Rational& x, const Rational& y);
- friend int operator >= (const Rational& x, const Rational& y);
- friend Rational operator + (const Rational& x, const Rational& y);
- friend Rational operator - (const Rational& x, const Rational& y);
- friend Rational operator * (const Rational& x, const Rational& y);
- friend Rational operator / (const Rational& x, const Rational& y);
- Rational& operator += (const Rational& y);
- Rational& operator -= (const Rational& y);
- Rational& operator *= (const Rational& y);
- Rational& operator /= (const Rational& y);
-#if defined (__GNUG__) && ! defined (__STRICT_ANSI__)
- friend Rational operator <? (const Rational& x, const Rational& y); // min
- friend Rational operator >? (const Rational& x, const Rational& y); // max
- friend Rational operator - (const Rational& x);
-// builtin Rational functions
- void negate(); // x = -x
- void invert(); // x = 1/x
- friend int sign(const Rational& x); // -1, 0, or +1
- friend Rational abs(const Rational& x); // absolute value
- friend Rational sqr(const Rational& x); // square
- friend Rational pow(const Rational& x, long y);
- friend Rational pow(const Rational& x, const Integer& y);
- const Integer& numerator() const;
- const Integer& denominator() const;
-// coercion & conversion
- operator double() const;
- friend Integer floor(const Rational& x);
- friend Integer ceil(const Rational& x);
- friend Integer trunc(const Rational& x);
- friend Integer round(const Rational& x);
- friend istream& operator >> (istream& s, Rational& y);
- friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const Rational& y);
- int fits_in_float() const;
- int fits_in_double() const;
-// procedural versions of operators
- friend int compare(const Rational& x, const Rational& y);
- friend void add(const Rational& x, const Rational& y, Rational& dest);
- friend void sub(const Rational& x, const Rational& y, Rational& dest);
- friend void mul(const Rational& x, const Rational& y, Rational& dest);
- friend void div(const Rational& x, const Rational& y, Rational& dest);
-// error detection
- void error(const char* msg) const;
- int OK() const;
-typedef Rational RatTmp; // backwards compatibility
-inline Rational::Rational() : num(&_ZeroRep), den(&_OneRep) {}
-inline Rational::~Rational() {}
-inline Rational::Rational(const Rational& y) :num(y.num), den(y.den) {}
-inline Rational::Rational(const Integer& n) :num(n), den(&_OneRep) {}
-inline Rational::Rational(const Integer& n, const Integer& d) :num(n),den(d)
- normalize();
-inline Rational::Rational(long n) :num(n), den(&_OneRep) { }
-inline Rational::Rational(int n) :num(n), den(&_OneRep) { }
-inline Rational::Rational(long n, long d) :num(n), den(d) { normalize(); }
-inline Rational::Rational(int n, int d) :num(n), den(d) { normalize(); }
-inline Rational::Rational(long n, unsigned long d) :num(n), den(d)
- normalize();
-inline Rational::Rational(unsigned long n, long d) :num(n), den(d)
- normalize();
-inline Rational::Rational(unsigned long n, unsigned long d) :num(n), den(d)
- normalize();
-inline Rational& Rational::operator = (const Rational& y)
- num = y.num; den = y.den;
- return *this;
-inline int operator == (const Rational& x, const Rational& y)
- return compare(x.num, y.num) == 0 && compare(x.den, y.den) == 0;
-inline int operator != (const Rational& x, const Rational& y)
- return compare(x.num, y.num) != 0 || compare(x.den, y.den) != 0;
-inline int operator < (const Rational& x, const Rational& y)
- return compare(x, y) < 0;
-inline int operator <= (const Rational& x, const Rational& y)
- return compare(x, y) <= 0;
-inline int operator > (const Rational& x, const Rational& y)
- return compare(x, y) > 0;
-inline int operator >= (const Rational& x, const Rational& y)
- return compare(x, y) >= 0;
-inline int sign(const Rational& x)
- return sign(x.num);
-inline void Rational::negate()
- num.negate();
-inline Rational& Rational::operator += (const Rational& y)
- add(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Rational& Rational::operator -= (const Rational& y)
- sub(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Rational& Rational::operator *= (const Rational& y)
- mul(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline Rational& Rational::operator /= (const Rational& y)
- div(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline const Integer& Rational::numerator() const { return num; }
-inline const Integer& Rational::denominator() const { return den; }
-inline Rational::operator double() const { return ratio(num, den); }
-#if defined (__GNUG__) && ! defined (__STRICT_ANSI__)
-inline Rational operator <? (const Rational& x, const Rational& y)
- if (compare(x, y) <= 0) return x; else return y;
-inline Rational operator >? (const Rational& x, const Rational& y)
- if (compare(x, y) >= 0) return x; else return y;
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(_G_NO_NRV)
-inline Rational operator + (const Rational& x, const Rational& y) return r
- add(x, y, r);
-inline Rational operator - (const Rational& x, const Rational& y) return r
- sub(x, y, r);
-inline Rational operator * (const Rational& x, const Rational& y) return r
- mul(x, y, r);
-inline Rational operator / (const Rational& x, const Rational& y) return r
- div(x, y, r);
-#else /* NO_NRV */
-inline Rational operator + (const Rational& x, const Rational& y)
- Rational r; add(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Rational operator - (const Rational& x, const Rational& y)
- Rational r; sub(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Rational operator * (const Rational& x, const Rational& y)
- Rational r; mul(x, y, r); return r;
-inline Rational operator / (const Rational& x, const Rational& y)
- Rational r; div(x, y, r); return r;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
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index 642fd88..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Regex class implementation
- */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <std.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <new.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-extern "C" {
-#if 1
-#include <rx.h>
-#include <regex.h>
-#include <Regex.h>
- if (buf->buffer) free(buf->buffer);
- if (buf->fastmap) free(buf->fastmap);
- if (buf->translate) free (buf->translate);
- if (reg->start)
- free (reg->start);
- if (reg->end)
- free (reg->end);
- delete(buf);
- delete(reg);
-Regex::Regex(const char* t, int fast, int bufsize,
- const char* transtable)
- int tlen = (t == 0)? 0 : strlen(t);
- buf = new re_pattern_buffer;
- memset (buf, 0, sizeof(re_pattern_buffer));
- reg = new re_registers;
- reg->start = 0;
- reg->end = 0;
- if (fast)
- buf->fastmap = (char*)malloc(256);
- else
- buf->fastmap = 0;
- buf->translate = (unsigned char*)transtable;
- if (tlen > bufsize)
- bufsize = tlen;
- buf->allocated = bufsize;
- buf->buffer = (char *)malloc(buf->allocated);
- const char* msg = re_compile_pattern((const char*)t, tlen, buf);
- if (msg != 0)
- (*lib_error_handler)("Regex", msg);
- else if (fast)
- re_compile_fastmap(buf);
-int Regex::match_info(int& start, int& length, int nth) const
- if ((unsigned)(nth) >= RE_NREGS)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- start = reg->start[nth];
- length = reg->end[nth] - start;
- return start >= 0 && length >= 0;
- }
-int Regex::search(const char* s, int len, int& matchlen, int startpos) const
- int matchpos, pos, range;
- if (startpos >= 0)
- {
- pos = startpos;
- range = len - startpos;
- }
- else
- {
- pos = len + startpos;
- range = -pos;
- }
- matchpos = re_search_2(buf, 0, 0, (char*)s, len, pos, range, reg, len);
- if (matchpos >= 0)
- matchlen = reg->end[0] - reg->start[0];
- else
- matchlen = 0;
- return matchpos;
-int Regex::match(const char*s, int len, int p) const
- if (p < 0)
- {
- p += len;
- if (p > len)
- return -1;
- return re_match_2(buf, 0, 0, (char*)s, p, 0, reg, p);
- }
- else if (p > len)
- return -1;
- else
- return re_match_2(buf, 0, 0, (char*)s, len, p, reg, len);
-int Regex::OK() const
-// can't verify much, since we've lost the original string
- int v = buf != 0; // have a regex buf
- v &= buf->buffer != 0; // with a pat
- if (!v) (*lib_error_handler)("Regex", "invariant failure");
- return v;
- some built-in Regular expressions
-const Regex RXwhite("[ \n\t\r\v\f]+", 1);
-const Regex RXint("-?[0-9]+", 1);
-const Regex RXdouble("-?\\(\\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*\\)\\|\\([0-9]+\\)\\|\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)\\)\\([eE][---+]?[0-9]+\\)?", 1, 200);
-const Regex RXalpha("[A-Za-z]+", 1);
-const Regex RXlowercase("[a-z]+", 1);
-const Regex RXuppercase("[A-Z]+", 1);
-const Regex RXalphanum("[0-9A-Za-z]+", 1);
-const Regex RXidentifier("[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*", 1);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Regex.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Regex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 47f9a85..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Regex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Regex_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Regex_h 1
-#undef OK
-#if defined(SHORT_NAMES) || defined(VMS)
-#define re_compile_pattern recmppat
-#define re_pattern_buffer repatbuf
-#define re_registers reregs
-struct re_pattern_buffer; // defined elsewhere
-struct re_registers;
-class Regex
- Regex(const Regex&) {} // no X(X&)
- void operator = (const Regex&) {} // no assignment
- re_pattern_buffer* buf;
- re_registers* reg;
- Regex(const char* t,
- int fast = 0,
- int bufsize = 40,
- const char* transtable = 0);
- ~Regex();
- int match(const char* s, int len, int pos = 0) const;
- int search(const char* s, int len,
- int& matchlen, int startpos = 0) const;
- int match_info(int& start, int& length, int nth = 0) const;
- int OK() const; // representation invariant
-// some built in regular expressions
-extern const Regex RXwhite; // = "[ \n\t\r\v\f]+"
-extern const Regex RXint; // = "-?[0-9]+"
-extern const Regex RXdouble; // = "-?\\(\\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*\\)\\|
- // \\([0-9]+\\)\\|\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)\\)
- // \\([eE][---+]?[0-9]+\\)?"
-extern const Regex RXalpha; // = "[A-Za-z]+"
-extern const Regex RXlowercase; // = "[a-z]+"
-extern const Regex RXuppercase; // = "[A-Z]+"
-extern const Regex RXalphanum; // = "[0-9A-Za-z]+"
-extern const Regex RXidentifier; // = "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index c09f1e5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <RndInt.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/RndInt.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/RndInt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a73aee..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/RndInt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation
- adapted from a submission from John Reidl <>
-GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
-accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
-or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
-unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU CC General Public
-License for full details.
-Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
-GNU CC, but only under the conditions described in the
-GNU CC General Public License. A copy of this license is
-supposed to have been given to you along with GNU CC so you
-can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
-file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _RandomInteger_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _RandomInteger_h 1
-// RandomInteger uses a random number generator to generate an integer
-// in a specified range. By default the range is 0..1. Since in my
-// experience random numbers are often needed for a wide variety of
-// ranges in the same program, this generator accepts a new low or high value
-// as an argument to the asLong and operator() methods to temporarily
-// override stored values
-#include <math.h>
-#include <RNG.h>
-class RandomInteger
- protected:
- RNG *pGenerator;
- long pLow;
- long pHigh;
- long _asLong(long, long);
- public:
- RandomInteger(long low, long high, RNG *gen);
- RandomInteger(long high, RNG *gen);
- RandomInteger(RNG *gen);
-// read params
- long low() const;
- long high() const;
- RNG* generator() const;
-// change params
- long low(long x);
- long high(long x);
- RNG* generator(RNG *gen);
-// get a random number
- long asLong();
- long operator()(); // synonym for asLong
- int asInt(); // (possibly) truncate as int
-// override params for one shot
- long asLong(long high);
- long asLong(long low, long high);
- long operator () (long high); // synonyms
- long operator () (long low, long high);
-inline RandomInteger::RandomInteger(long low, long high, RNG *gen)
- : pGenerator(gen),
- pLow((low < high) ? low : high),
- pHigh((low < high) ? high : low)
-inline RandomInteger::RandomInteger(long high, RNG *gen)
- : pGenerator(gen),
- pLow((0 < high) ? 0 : high),
- pHigh((0 < high) ? high : 0)
-inline RandomInteger::RandomInteger(RNG *gen)
- : pGenerator(gen),
- pLow(0),
- pHigh(1)
-inline RNG* RandomInteger::generator() const { return pGenerator;}
-inline long RandomInteger::low() const { return pLow; }
-inline long RandomInteger::high() const { return pHigh; }
-inline RNG* RandomInteger::generator(RNG *gen)
- RNG *tmp = pGenerator; pGenerator = gen; return tmp;
-inline long RandomInteger::low(long x)
- long tmp = pLow; pLow = x; return tmp;
-inline long RandomInteger:: high(long x)
- long tmp = pHigh; pHigh = x; return tmp;
-inline long RandomInteger:: _asLong(long low, long high)
- return (pGenerator->asLong() % (high-low+1)) + low;
-inline long RandomInteger:: asLong()
- return _asLong(pLow, pHigh);
-inline long RandomInteger:: asLong(long high)
- return _asLong(pLow, high);
-inline long RandomInteger:: asLong(long low, long high)
- return _asLong(low, high);
-inline long RandomInteger:: operator () ()
- return _asLong(pLow, pHigh);
-inline long RandomInteger:: operator () (long high)
- return _asLong(pLow, high);
-inline long RandomInteger:: operator () (long low, long high)
- return _asLong(low, high);
-inline int RandomInteger:: asInt()
- return int(asLong());
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 564e599..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1992 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _G_NO_TEMPLATES
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-//#pragma implementation
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "SLList.h"
-void BaseSLList::error(const char* msg) const
- (*lib_error_handler)("SLList", msg);
-int BaseSLList::length() const
- int l = 0;
- BaseSLNode* t = last;
- if (t != 0) do { ++l; t = t->tl; } while (t != last);
- return l;
-void BaseSLList::clear()
- if (last == 0)
- return;
- BaseSLNode* p = last->tl;
- last->tl = 0;
- last = 0;
- while (p != 0)
- {
- BaseSLNode* nxt = p->tl;
- delete_node(p);
- p = nxt;
- }
-// Note: This is an internal method. It does *not* free old contents!
-void BaseSLList::copy(const BaseSLList& a)
- if (a.last == 0)
- last = 0;
- else
- {
- BaseSLNode* p = a.last->tl;
- BaseSLNode* h = copy_node(p->item());
- last = h;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (p == a.last)
- {
- last->tl = h;
- return;
- }
- p = p->tl;
- BaseSLNode* n = copy_node(p->item());
- last->tl = n;
- last = n;
- }
- }
-BaseSLList& BaseSLList::operator = (const BaseSLList& a)
- if (last != a.last)
- {
- clear();
- copy(a);
- }
- return *this;
-Pix BaseSLList::prepend(const void *datum)
- return prepend(copy_node(datum));
-Pix BaseSLList::prepend(BaseSLNode* t)
- if (t == 0) return 0;
- if (last == 0)
- t->tl = last = t;
- else
- {
- t->tl = last->tl;
- last->tl = t;
- }
- return Pix(t);
-Pix BaseSLList::append(const void *datum)
- return append(copy_node(datum));
-Pix BaseSLList::append(BaseSLNode* t)
- if (t == 0) return 0;
- if (last == 0)
- t->tl = last = t;
- else
- {
- t->tl = last->tl;
- last->tl = t;
- last = t;
- }
- return Pix(t);
-void BaseSLList::join(BaseSLList& b)
- BaseSLNode* t = b.last;
- b.last = 0;
- if (last == 0)
- last = t;
- else if (t != 0)
- {
- BaseSLNode* f = last->tl;
- last->tl = t->tl;
- t->tl = f;
- last = t;
- }
-Pix BaseSLList::ins_after(Pix p, const void *datum)
- BaseSLNode* u = (BaseSLNode*)p;
- BaseSLNode* t = copy_node(datum);
- if (last == 0)
- t->tl = last = t;
- else if (u == 0) // ins_after 0 means prepend
- {
- t->tl = last->tl;
- last->tl = t;
- }
- else
- {
- t->tl = u->tl;
- u->tl = t;
- if (u == last)
- last = t;
- }
- return Pix(t);
-void BaseSLList::del_after(Pix p)
- BaseSLNode* u = (BaseSLNode*)p;
- if (last == 0 || u == last) error("cannot del_after last");
- if (u == 0) u = last; // del_after 0 means delete first
- BaseSLNode* t = u->tl;
- if (u == t)
- last = 0;
- else
- {
- u->tl = t->tl;
- if (last == t)
- last = u;
- }
- delete_node(t);
-int BaseSLList::owns(Pix p) const
- BaseSLNode* t = last;
- if (t != 0 && p != 0)
- {
- do
- {
- if (Pix(t) == p) return 1;
- t = t->tl;
- } while (t != last);
- }
- return 0;
-int BaseSLList::remove_front(void *dst, int signal_error)
- if (last)
- {
- BaseSLNode* t = last->tl;
- copy_item(dst, t->item());
- if (t == last)
- last = 0;
- else
- last->tl = t->tl;
- delete_node(t);
- return 1;
- }
- if (signal_error)
- error("remove_front of empty list");
- return 0;
-void BaseSLList::del_front()
- if (last == 0) error("del_front of empty list");
- BaseSLNode* t = last->tl;
- if (t == last)
- last = 0;
- else
- last->tl = t->tl;
- delete_node(t);
-int BaseSLList::OK() const
- int v = 1;
- if (last != 0)
- {
- BaseSLNode* t = last;
- long count = LONG_MAX; // Lots of chances to find last!
- do
- {
- count--;
- t = t->tl;
- } while (count > 0 && t != last);
- v &= count > 0;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
-#endif /*!_G_NO_TEMPLATES*/
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/SLList.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/SLList.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 072f249..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/SLList.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1992 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _SLList_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-//#pragma interface
-#define _SLList_h 1
-#undef OK
-#include <Pix.h>
-struct BaseSLNode
- union {
- struct BaseSLNode *tl;
- double dummy; /* To force correct alignment */
- };
- void *item() {return (void*)(this+1);} // Return ((SLNode<T>*)this)->hd
-template<class T>
-class SLNode : public BaseSLNode
- public:
- T hd; // Data part of node
- SLNode() { }
- SLNode(const T& h, SLNode* t = 0)
- : hd(h) { tl = t; }
- ~SLNode() { }
-extern int __SLListLength(BaseSLNode *ptr);
-class BaseSLList {
- protected:
- BaseSLNode *last;
- virtual void delete_node(BaseSLNode*node) = 0;
- virtual BaseSLNode* copy_node(const void* datum) = 0;
- virtual void copy_item(void *dst, void *src) = 0;
- virtual ~BaseSLList() { }
- BaseSLList() { last = 0; }
- void copy(const BaseSLList&);
- BaseSLList& operator = (const BaseSLList& a);
- Pix ins_after(Pix p, const void *datum);
- Pix prepend(const void *datum);
- Pix append(const void *datum);
- int remove_front(void *dst, int signal_error = 0);
- void join(BaseSLList&);
- public:
- int length() const;
- int empty() const { return last == 0; }
- void clear();
- Pix prepend(BaseSLNode*);
- Pix append(BaseSLNode*);
- int OK() const;
- void error(const char* msg) const;
- void del_after(Pix p);
- int owns(Pix p) const;
- void del_front();
-template <class T>
-class SLList : public BaseSLList
- private:
- virtual void delete_node(BaseSLNode *node) { delete (SLNode<T>*)node; }
- virtual BaseSLNode* copy_node(const void *datum)
- { return new SLNode<T>(*(const T*)datum); }
- virtual void copy_item(void *dst, void *src) { *(T*)dst = *(T*)src; }
- SLList() : BaseSLList() { }
- SLList(const SLList<T>& a) : BaseSLList() { copy(a); }
- SLList<T>& operator = (const SLList<T>& a)
- { BaseSLList::operator=((const BaseSLList&) a); return *this; }
- virtual ~SLList() { clear(); }
- Pix prepend(const T& item) {return BaseSLList::prepend(&item);}
- Pix append(const T& item) {return BaseSLList::append(&item);}
- Pix prepend(SLNode<T>* node) {return BaseSLList::prepend(node);}
- Pix append(SLNode<T>* node) {return BaseSLList::append(node);}
- T& operator () (Pix p) {
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((SLNode<T>*)(p))->hd; }
- const T& operator () (Pix p) const {
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((SLNode<T>*)(p))->hd; }
- inline Pix first() const { return (last == 0) ? 0 : Pix(last->tl); }
- void next(Pix& p) const
- { p = (p == 0 || p == last) ? 0 : Pix(((SLNode<T>*)(p))->tl); }
- Pix ins_after(Pix p, const T& item)
- { return BaseSLList::ins_after(p, &item); }
- void join(SLList<T>& a) { BaseSLList::join(a); }
- T& front() {
- if (last == 0) error("front: empty list");
- return ((SLNode<T>*)last->tl)->hd; }
- T& rear() {
- if (last == 0) error("rear: empty list");
- return ((SLNode<T>*)last)->hd; }
- const T& front() const {
- if (last == 0) error("front: empty list");
- return ((SLNode<T>*)last->tl)->hd; }
- const T& rear() const {
- if (last == 0) error("rear: empty list");
- return ((SLNode<T>*)last)->hd; }
- int remove_front(T& x) { return BaseSLList::remove_front(&x); }
- T remove_front() { T dst; BaseSLList::remove_front(&dst, 1); return dst; }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ac3b1c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <SmplStat.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <float.h>
-#ifndef HUGE_VAL
-#ifdef HUGE
-#define HUGE_VAL HUGE
-// error handling
-void default_SampleStatistic_error_handler(const char* msg)
- cerr << "Fatal SampleStatistic error. " << msg << "\n";
- exit(1);
-one_arg_error_handler_t SampleStatistic_error_handler = default_SampleStatistic_error_handler;
-one_arg_error_handler_t set_SampleStatistic_error_handler(one_arg_error_handler_t f)
- one_arg_error_handler_t old = SampleStatistic_error_handler;
- SampleStatistic_error_handler = f;
- return old;
-void SampleStatistic::error(const char* msg)
- (*SampleStatistic_error_handler)(msg);
-// t-distribution: given p-value and degrees of freedom, return t-value
-// adapted from Peizer & Pratt JASA, vol63, p1416
-double tval(double p, int df)
- double t;
- int positive = p >= 0.5;
- p = (positive)? 1.0 - p : p;
- if (p <= 0.0 || df <= 0)
- t = HUGE_VAL;
- else if (p == 0.5)
- t = 0.0;
- else if (df == 1)
- t = 1.0 / tan((p + p) * 1.57079633);
- else if (df == 2)
- t = sqrt(1.0 / ((p + p) * (1.0 - p)) - 2.0);
- else
- {
- double ddf = df;
- double a = sqrt(log(1.0 / (p * p)));
- double aa = a * a;
- a = a - ((2.515517 + (0.802853 * a) + (0.010328 * aa)) /
- (1.0 + (1.432788 * a) + (0.189269 * aa) +
- (0.001308 * aa * a)));
- t = ddf - 0.666666667 + 1.0 / (10.0 * ddf);
- t = sqrt(ddf * (exp(a * a * (ddf - 0.833333333) / (t * t)) - 1.0));
- }
- return (positive)? t : -t;
- n = 0; x = x2 = 0.0;
- maxValue = -HUGE_VAL;
- minValue = HUGE_VAL;
-SampleStatistic::operator+=(double value)
- n += 1;
- x += value;
- x2 += (value * value);
- if ( minValue > value) minValue = value;
- if ( maxValue < value) maxValue = value;
- if ( n > 0) {
- return (x / n);
- }
- else {
- return ( 0.0 );
- }
- if ( n > 1) {
- return(( x2 - ((x * x) / n)) / ( n - 1));
- }
- else {
- return ( 0.0 );
- }
- if ( n <= 0 || this -> var() <= 0) {
- return(0);
- } else {
- return( (double) sqrt( var() ) );
- }
-SampleStatistic::confidence(int interval)
- int df = n - 1;
- if (df <= 0) return HUGE_VAL;
- double t = tval(double(100 + interval) * 0.005, df);
- if (t == HUGE_VAL)
- return t;
- else
- return (t * stdDev()) / sqrt(double(n));
-SampleStatistic::confidence(double p_value)
- int df = n - 1;
- if (df <= 0) return HUGE_VAL;
- double t = tval((1.0 + p_value) * 0.5, df);
- if (t == HUGE_VAL)
- return t;
- else
- return (t * stdDev()) / sqrt(double(n));
-#include <SmplHist.h>
-const int SampleHistogramMinimum = -2;
-const int SampleHistogramMaximum = -1;
-SampleHistogram::SampleHistogram(double low, double high, double width)
- if (high < low) {
- double t = high;
- high = low;
- low = t;
- }
- if (width == -1) {
- width = (high - low) / 10;
- }
- howManyBuckets = int((high - low) / width) + 2;
- bucketCount = new int[howManyBuckets];
- bucketLimit = new double[howManyBuckets];
- double lim = low;
- for (int i = 0; i < howManyBuckets; i++) {
- bucketCount[i] = 0;
- bucketLimit[i] = lim;
- lim += width;
- }
- bucketLimit[howManyBuckets-1] = HUGE_VAL; /* from math.h */
- if (howManyBuckets > 0) {
- delete bucketCount;
- delete bucketLimit;
- }
-SampleHistogram::operator+=(double value)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < howManyBuckets; i++) {
- if (value < bucketLimit[i]) break;
- }
- bucketCount[i]++;
- this->SampleStatistic::operator+=(value);
-SampleHistogram::similarSamples(double d)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < howManyBuckets; i++) {
- if (d < bucketLimit[i]) return(bucketCount[i]);
- }
- return(0);
-SampleHistogram::printBuckets(ostream& s)
- for(int i = 0; i < howManyBuckets; i++) {
- if (bucketLimit[i] >= HUGE_VAL) {
- s << "< max : " << bucketCount[i] << "\n";
- } else {
- s << "< " << bucketLimit[i] << " : " << bucketCount[i] << "\n";
- }
- }
- this->SampleStatistic::reset();
- if (howManyBuckets > 0) {
- for (register int i = 0; i < howManyBuckets; i++) {
- bucketCount[i] = 0;
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dbe2c7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <SmplHist.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#ifndef HUGE_VAL
-#ifdef HUGE
-#define HUGE_VAL HUGE
-#include <float.h>
-const int SampleHistogramMinimum = -2;
-const int SampleHistogramMaximum = -1;
-SampleHistogram::SampleHistogram(double low, double high, double width)
- if (high < low) {
- double t = high;
- high = low;
- low = t;
- }
- if (width == -1) {
- width = (high - low) / 10;
- }
- howManyBuckets = int((high - low) / width) + 2;
- bucketCount = new int[howManyBuckets];
- bucketLimit = new double[howManyBuckets];
- double lim = low;
- for (int i = 0; i < howManyBuckets; i++) {
- bucketCount[i] = 0;
- bucketLimit[i] = lim;
- lim += width;
- }
- bucketLimit[howManyBuckets-1] = HUGE_VAL; /* from math.h */
- if (howManyBuckets > 0) {
- delete bucketCount;
- delete bucketLimit;
- }
-SampleHistogram::operator+=(double value)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < howManyBuckets; i++) {
- if (value < bucketLimit[i]) break;
- }
- bucketCount[i]++;
- this->SampleStatistic::operator+=(value);
-SampleHistogram::similarSamples(double d)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < howManyBuckets; i++) {
- if (d < bucketLimit[i]) return(bucketCount[i]);
- }
- return(0);
-SampleHistogram::printBuckets(ostream& s)
- for(int i = 0; i < howManyBuckets; i++) {
- if (bucketLimit[i] >= HUGE_VAL) {
- s << "< max : " << bucketCount[i] << "\n";
- } else {
- s << "< " << bucketLimit[i] << " : " << bucketCount[i] << "\n";
- }
- }
- this->SampleStatistic::reset();
- if (howManyBuckets > 0) {
- for (register int i = 0; i < howManyBuckets; i++) {
- bucketCount[i] = 0;
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/SmplHist.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/SmplHist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 959d6d4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/SmplHist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef SampleHistogram_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define SampleHistogram_h 1
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <SmplStat.h>
-extern const int SampleHistogramMinimum;
-extern const int SampleHistogramMaximum;
-class SampleHistogram : public SampleStatistic
- short howManyBuckets;
- int *bucketCount;
- double *bucketLimit;
- SampleHistogram(double low, double hi, double bucketWidth = -1.0);
- ~SampleHistogram();
- virtual void reset();
- virtual void operator+=(double);
- int similarSamples(double);
- int buckets();
- double bucketThreshold(int i);
- int inBucket(int i);
- void printBuckets(ostream&);
-inline int SampleHistogram:: buckets() { return(howManyBuckets); };
-inline double SampleHistogram:: bucketThreshold(int i) {
- if (i < 0 || i >= howManyBuckets)
- error("invalid bucket access");
- return(bucketLimit[i]);
-inline int SampleHistogram:: inBucket(int i) {
- if (i < 0 || i >= howManyBuckets)
- error("invalid bucket access");
- return(bucketCount[i]);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9db3caa..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <SmplStat.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#ifndef HUGE_VAL
-#ifdef HUGE
-#define HUGE_VAL HUGE
-#include <float.h>
-// error handling
-void default_SampleStatistic_error_handler(const char* msg)
- cerr << "Fatal SampleStatistic error. " << msg << "\n";
- exit(1);
-one_arg_error_handler_t SampleStatistic_error_handler = default_SampleStatistic_error_handler;
-one_arg_error_handler_t set_SampleStatistic_error_handler(one_arg_error_handler_t f)
- one_arg_error_handler_t old = SampleStatistic_error_handler;
- SampleStatistic_error_handler = f;
- return old;
-void SampleStatistic::error(const char* msg)
- (*SampleStatistic_error_handler)(msg);
-// t-distribution: given p-value and degrees of freedom, return t-value
-// adapted from Peizer & Pratt JASA, vol63, p1416
-double tval(double p, int df)
- double t;
- int positive = p >= 0.5;
- p = (positive)? 1.0 - p : p;
- if (p <= 0.0 || df <= 0)
- t = HUGE_VAL;
- else if (p == 0.5)
- t = 0.0;
- else if (df == 1)
- t = 1.0 / tan((p + p) * 1.57079633);
- else if (df == 2)
- t = sqrt(1.0 / ((p + p) * (1.0 - p)) - 2.0);
- else
- {
- double ddf = df;
- double a = sqrt(log(1.0 / (p * p)));
- double aa = a * a;
- a = a - ((2.515517 + (0.802853 * a) + (0.010328 * aa)) /
- (1.0 + (1.432788 * a) + (0.189269 * aa) +
- (0.001308 * aa * a)));
- t = ddf - 0.666666667 + 1.0 / (10.0 * ddf);
- t = sqrt(ddf * (exp(a * a * (ddf - 0.833333333) / (t * t)) - 1.0));
- }
- return (positive)? t : -t;
- n = 0; x = x2 = 0.0;
- maxValue = -HUGE_VAL;
- minValue = HUGE_VAL;
-SampleStatistic::operator+=(double value)
- n += 1;
- x += value;
- x2 += (value * value);
- if ( minValue > value) minValue = value;
- if ( maxValue < value) maxValue = value;
- if ( n > 0) {
- return (x / n);
- }
- else {
- return ( 0.0 );
- }
- if ( n > 1) {
- return(( x2 - ((x * x) / n)) / ( n - 1));
- }
- else {
- return ( 0.0 );
- }
- if ( n <= 0 || this -> var() <= 0) {
- return(0);
- } else {
- return( (double) sqrt( var() ) );
- }
-SampleStatistic::confidence(int interval)
- int df = n - 1;
- if (df <= 0) return HUGE_VAL;
- double t = tval(double(100 + interval) * 0.005, df);
- if (t == HUGE_VAL)
- return t;
- else
- return (t * stdDev()) / sqrt(double(n));
-SampleStatistic::confidence(double p_value)
- int df = n - 1;
- if (df <= 0) return HUGE_VAL;
- double t = tval((1.0 + p_value) * 0.5, df);
- if (t == HUGE_VAL)
- return t;
- else
- return (t * stdDev()) / sqrt(double(n));
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/SmplStat.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/SmplStat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 441692f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/SmplStat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef SampleStatistic_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define SampleStatistic_h 1
-#include <builtin.h>
-#undef min
-#undef max
-class SampleStatistic {
- int n;
- double x;
- double x2;
- double minValue, maxValue;
- public :
- SampleStatistic();
- inline virtual ~SampleStatistic();
- virtual void reset();
- virtual void operator+=(double);
- int samples();
- double mean();
- double stdDev();
- double var();
- double min();
- double max();
- double confidence(int p_percentage);
- double confidence(double p_value);
- void error(const char* msg);
-// error handlers
-extern void default_SampleStatistic_error_handler(const char*);
-extern one_arg_error_handler_t SampleStatistic_error_handler;
-extern one_arg_error_handler_t
- set_SampleStatistic_error_handler(one_arg_error_handler_t f);
-inline SampleStatistic:: SampleStatistic(){ reset();}
-inline int SampleStatistic:: samples() {return(n);}
-inline double SampleStatistic:: min() {return(minValue);}
-inline double SampleStatistic:: max() {return(maxValue);}
-inline SampleStatistic::~SampleStatistic() {}
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index cda8273..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1307 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- String class implementation
- */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <String.h>
-#include <std.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <new.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#undef OK
-void String::error(const char* msg) const
- (*lib_error_handler)("String", msg);
-String::operator const char*() const
- return (const char*)chars();
-// globals
-StrRep _nilStrRep = { 0, 1, { 0 } }; // nil strings point here
-String _nilString; // nil SubStrings point here
- the following inline fcts are specially designed to work
- in support of String classes, and are not meant as generic replacements
- for libc "str" functions.
- inline copy fcts - I like left-to-right from->to arguments.
- all versions assume that `to' argument is non-null
- These are worth doing inline, rather than through calls because,
- via procedural integration, adjacent copy calls can be smushed
- together by the optimizer.
-// copy n bytes
-inline static void ncopy(const char* from, char* to, int n)
- if (from != to) while (--n >= 0) *to++ = *from++;
-// copy n bytes, null-terminate
-inline static void ncopy0(const char* from, char* to, int n)
- if (from != to)
- {
- while (--n >= 0) *to++ = *from++;
- *to = 0;
- }
- else
- to[n] = 0;
-// copy until null
-inline static void scopy(const char* from, char* to)
- if (from != 0) while((*to++ = *from++) != 0);
-// copy right-to-left
-inline static void revcopy(const char* from, char* to, short n)
- if (from != 0) while (--n >= 0) *to-- = *from--;
-inline static int slen(const char* t) // inline strlen
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- const char* a = t;
- while (*a++ != 0);
- return a - 1 - t;
- }
-// minimum & maximum representable rep size
-#define MAXStrRep_SIZE ((1 << (sizeof(short) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) - 1)
-#define MINStrRep_SIZE 16
-// The basic allocation primitive:
-// Always round request to something close to a power of two.
-// This ensures a bit of padding, which often means that
-// concatenations don't have to realloc. Plus it tends to
-// be faster when lots of Strings are created and discarded,
-// since just about any version of malloc (op new()) will
-// be faster when it can reuse identically-sized chunks
-inline static StrRep* Snew(int newsiz)
- unsigned int siz = sizeof(StrRep) + newsiz + MALLOC_MIN_OVERHEAD;
- unsigned int allocsiz = MINStrRep_SIZE;
- while (allocsiz < siz) allocsiz <<= 1;
- allocsiz -= MALLOC_MIN_OVERHEAD;
- if (allocsiz >= MAXStrRep_SIZE)
- (*lib_error_handler)("String", "Requested length out of range");
- StrRep* rep = new (operator new (allocsiz)) StrRep;
- rep->sz = allocsiz - sizeof(StrRep);
- return rep;
-// Do-something-while-allocating routines.
-// We live with two ways to signify empty Sreps: either the
-// null pointer (0) or a pointer to the nilStrRep.
-// We always signify unknown source lengths (usually when fed a char*)
-// via len == -1, in which case it is computed.
-// allocate, copying src if nonull
-StrRep* Salloc(StrRep* old, const char* src, int srclen, int newlen)
- if (old == &_nilStrRep) old = 0;
- if (srclen < 0) srclen = slen(src);
- if (newlen < srclen) newlen = srclen;
- StrRep* rep;
- if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz)
- rep = Snew(newlen);
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = newlen;
- ncopy0(src, rep->s, srclen);
- if (old != rep && old != 0) delete old;
- return rep;
-// reallocate: Given the initial allocation scheme, it will
-// generally be faster in the long run to get new space & copy
-// than to call realloc
-static StrRep*
-Sresize(StrRep* old, int newlen)
- if (old == &_nilStrRep) old = 0;
- StrRep* rep;
- if (old == 0)
- rep = Snew(newlen);
- else if (newlen > old->sz)
- {
- rep = Snew(newlen);
- ncopy0(old->s, rep->s, old->len);
- delete old;
- }
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = newlen;
- return rep;
-String::alloc (int newsize)
- unsigned short old_len = rep->len;
- rep = Sresize(rep, newsize);
- rep->len = old_len;
-// like allocate, but we know that src is a StrRep
-StrRep* Scopy(StrRep* old, const StrRep* s)
- if (old == &_nilStrRep) old = 0;
- if (s == &_nilStrRep) s = 0;
- if (old == s)
- return (old == 0)? &_nilStrRep : old;
- else if (s == 0)
- {
- old->s[0] = 0;
- old->len = 0;
- return old;
- }
- else
- {
- StrRep* rep;
- int newlen = s->len;
- if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz)
- {
- if (old != 0) delete old;
- rep = Snew(newlen);
- }
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = newlen;
- ncopy0(s->s, rep->s, newlen);
- return rep;
- }
-// allocate & concatenate
-StrRep* Scat(StrRep* old, const char* s, int srclen, const char* t, int tlen)
- if (old == &_nilStrRep) old = 0;
- if (srclen < 0) srclen = slen(s);
- if (tlen < 0) tlen = slen(t);
- int newlen = srclen + tlen;
- StrRep* rep;
- if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz ||
- (t >= old->s && t < &(old->s[old->len]))) // beware of aliasing
- rep = Snew(newlen);
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = newlen;
- ncopy(s, rep->s, srclen);
- ncopy0(t, &(rep->s[srclen]), tlen);
- if (old != rep && old != 0) delete old;
- return rep;
-// double-concatenate
-StrRep* Scat(StrRep* old, const char* s, int srclen, const char* t, int tlen,
- const char* u, int ulen)
- if (old == &_nilStrRep) old = 0;
- if (srclen < 0) srclen = slen(s);
- if (tlen < 0) tlen = slen(t);
- if (ulen < 0) ulen = slen(u);
- int newlen = srclen + tlen + ulen;
- StrRep* rep;
- if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz ||
- (t >= old->s && t < &(old->s[old->len])) ||
- (u >= old->s && u < &(old->s[old->len])))
- rep = Snew(newlen);
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = newlen;
- ncopy(s, rep->s, srclen);
- ncopy(t, &(rep->s[srclen]), tlen);
- ncopy0(u, &(rep->s[srclen+tlen]), ulen);
- if (old != rep && old != 0) delete old;
- return rep;
-// like cat, but we know that new stuff goes in the front of existing rep
-StrRep* Sprepend(StrRep* old, const char* t, int tlen)
- char* s;
- int srclen;
- if (old == &_nilStrRep || old == 0)
- {
- s = 0; old = 0; srclen = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- s = old->s; srclen = old->len;
- }
- if (tlen < 0) tlen = slen(t);
- int newlen = srclen + tlen;
- StrRep* rep;
- if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz ||
- (t >= old->s && t < &(old->s[old->len])))
- rep = Snew(newlen);
- else
- rep = old;
- rep->len = newlen;
- revcopy(&(s[srclen]), &(rep->s[newlen]), srclen+1);
- ncopy(t, rep->s, tlen);
- if (old != rep && old != 0) delete old;
- return rep;
-// string compare: first argument is known to be non-null
-inline static int scmp(const char* a, const char* b)
- if (b == 0)
- return *a != 0;
- else
- {
- int diff = 0;
- while ((diff = *a - *b++) == 0 && *a++ != 0);
- return diff;
- }
-inline static int ncmp(const char* a, int al, const char* b, int bl)
- int n = (al <= bl)? al : bl;
- int diff;
- while (n-- > 0) if ((diff = *a++ - *b++) != 0) return diff;
- return al - bl;
-int fcompare(const String& x, const String& y)
- const char* a = x.chars();
- const char* b = y.chars();
- int al = x.length();
- int bl = y.length();
- int n = (al <= bl)? al : bl;
- int diff = 0;
- while (n-- > 0)
- {
- char ac = *a++;
- char bc = *b++;
- if ((diff = ac - bc) != 0)
- {
- if (ac >= 'a' && ac <= 'z')
- ac = ac - 'a' + 'A';
- if (bc >= 'a' && bc <= 'z')
- bc = bc - 'a' + 'A';
- if ((diff = ac - bc) != 0)
- return diff;
- }
- }
- return al - bl;
-// these are not inline, but pull in the above inlines, so are
-// pretty fast
-int compare(const String& x, const char* b)
- return scmp(x.chars(), b);
-int compare(const String& x, const String& y)
- return scmp(x.chars(), y.chars());
-int compare(const String& x, const SubString& y)
- return ncmp(x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-int compare(const SubString& x, const String& y)
- return ncmp(x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-int compare(const SubString& x, const SubString& y)
- return ncmp(x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-int compare(const SubString& x, const char* b)
- if (b == 0)
- return x.length();
- else
- {
- const char* a = x.chars();
- int n = x.length();
- int diff;
- while (n-- > 0) if ((diff = *a++ - *b++) != 0) return diff;
- return (*b == 0) ? 0 : -1;
- }
- index fcts
-int String::search(int start, int sl, char c) const
- const char* s = chars();
- if (sl > 0)
- {
- if (start >= 0)
- {
- const char* a = &(s[start]);
- const char* lasta = &(s[sl]);
- while (a < lasta) if (*a++ == c) return --a - s;
- }
- else
- {
- const char* a = &(s[sl + start + 1]);
- while (--a >= s) if (*a == c) return a - s;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-int String::search(int start, int sl, const char* t, int tl) const
- const char* s = chars();
- if (tl < 0) tl = slen(t);
- if (sl > 0 && tl > 0)
- {
- if (start >= 0)
- {
- const char* lasts = &(s[sl - tl]);
- const char* lastt = &(t[tl]);
- const char* p = &(s[start]);
- while (p <= lasts)
- {
- const char* x = p++;
- const char* y = t;
- while (*x++ == *y++) if (y >= lastt) return --p - s;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- const char* firsts = &(s[tl - 1]);
- const char* lastt = &(t[tl - 1]);
- const char* p = &(s[sl + start + 1]);
- while (--p >= firsts)
- {
- const char* x = p;
- const char* y = lastt;
- while (*x-- == *y--) if (y < t) return ++x - s;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
-int String::match(int start, int sl, int exact, const char* t, int tl) const
- if (tl < 0) tl = slen(t);
- if (start < 0)
- {
- start = sl + start - tl + 1;
- if (start < 0 || (exact && start != 0))
- return -1;
- }
- else if (exact && sl - start != tl)
- return -1;
- if (sl == 0 || tl == 0 || sl - start < tl || start >= sl)
- return -1;
- int n = tl;
- const char* s = &(rep->s[start]);
- while (--n >= 0) if (*s++ != *t++) return -1;
- return tl;
-void SubString::assign(const StrRep* ysrc, const char* ys, int ylen)
- if (&S == &_nilString) return;
- if (ylen < 0) ylen = slen(ys);
- StrRep* targ = S.rep;
- int sl = targ->len - len + ylen;
- if (ysrc == targ || sl >= targ->sz)
- {
- StrRep* oldtarg = targ;
- targ = Sresize(0, sl);
- ncopy(oldtarg->s, targ->s, pos);
- ncopy(ys, &(targ->s[pos]), ylen);
- scopy(&(oldtarg->s[pos + len]), &(targ->s[pos + ylen]));
- delete oldtarg;
- }
- else if (len == ylen)
- ncopy(ys, &(targ->s[pos]), len);
- else if (ylen < len)
- {
- ncopy(ys, &(targ->s[pos]), ylen);
- scopy(&(targ->s[pos + len]), &(targ->s[pos + ylen]));
- }
- else
- {
- revcopy(&(targ->s[targ->len]), &(targ->s[sl]), targ->len-pos-len +1);
- ncopy(ys, &(targ->s[pos]), ylen);
- }
- targ->len = sl;
- S.rep = targ;
- * substitution
- */
-int String::_gsub(const char* pat, int pl, const char* r, int rl)
- int nmatches = 0;
- if (pl < 0) pl = slen(pat);
- if (rl < 0) rl = slen(r);
- int sl = length();
- if (sl <= 0 || pl <= 0 || sl < pl)
- return nmatches;
- const char* s = chars();
- // prepare to make new rep
- StrRep* nrep = 0;
- int nsz = 0;
- char* x = 0;
- int si = 0;
- int xi = 0;
- int remaining = sl;
- while (remaining >= pl)
- {
- int pos = search(si, sl, pat, pl);
- if (pos < 0)
- break;
- else
- {
- ++nmatches;
- int mustfit = xi + remaining + rl - pl;
- if (mustfit >= nsz)
- {
- if (nrep != 0) nrep->len = xi;
- nrep = Sresize(nrep, mustfit);
- nsz = nrep->sz;
- x = nrep->s;
- }
- pos -= si;
- ncopy(&(s[si]), &(x[xi]), pos);
- ncopy(r, &(x[xi + pos]), rl);
- si += pos + pl;
- remaining -= pos + pl;
- xi += pos + rl;
- }
- }
- if (nrep == 0)
- {
- if (nmatches == 0)
- return nmatches;
- else
- nrep = Sresize(nrep, xi+remaining);
- }
- ncopy0(&(s[si]), &(x[xi]), remaining);
- nrep->len = xi + remaining;
- if (nrep->len <= rep->sz) // fit back in if possible
- {
- rep->len = nrep->len;
- ncopy0(nrep->s, rep->s, rep->len);
- delete(nrep);
- }
- else
- {
- delete(rep);
- rep = nrep;
- }
- return nmatches;
-int String::_gsub(const Regex& pat, const char* r, int rl)
- int nmatches = 0;
- int sl = length();
- if (sl <= 0)
- return nmatches;
- if (rl < 0) rl = slen(r);
- const char* s = chars();
- StrRep* nrep = 0;
- int nsz = 0;
- char* x = 0;
- int si = 0;
- int xi = 0;
- int remaining = sl;
- int pos, pl = 0; // how long is a regular expression?
- while (remaining > 0)
- {
- pos =, sl, pl, si); // unlike string search, the pos returned here is absolute
- if (pos < 0 || pl <= 0)
- break;
- else
- {
- ++nmatches;
- int mustfit = xi + remaining + rl - pl;
- if (mustfit >= nsz)
- {
- if (nrep != 0) nrep->len = xi;
- nrep = Sresize(nrep, mustfit);
- x = nrep->s;
- nsz = nrep->sz;
- }
- pos -= si;
- ncopy(&(s[si]), &(x[xi]), pos);
- ncopy(r, &(x[xi + pos]), rl);
- si += pos + pl;
- remaining -= pos + pl;
- xi += pos + rl;
- }
- }
- if (nrep == 0)
- {
- if (nmatches == 0)
- return nmatches;
- else
- nrep = Sresize(nrep, xi+remaining);
- }
- ncopy0(&(s[si]), &(x[xi]), remaining);
- nrep->len = xi + remaining;
- if (nrep->len <= rep->sz) // fit back in if possible
- {
- rep->len = nrep->len;
- ncopy0(nrep->s, rep->s, rep->len);
- delete(nrep);
- }
- else
- {
- delete(rep);
- rep = nrep;
- }
- return nmatches;
- * deletion
- */
-void String::del(int pos, int len)
- if (pos < 0 || len <= 0 || (unsigned)(pos + len) > length()) return;
- int nlen = length() - len;
- int first = pos + len;
- ncopy0(&(rep->s[first]), &(rep->s[pos]), length() - first);
- rep->len = nlen;
-void String::del(const Regex& r, int startpos)
- int mlen;
- int first =, length(), mlen, startpos);
- del(first, mlen);
-void String::del(const char* t, int startpos)
- int tlen = slen(t);
- int p = search(startpos, length(), t, tlen);
- del(p, tlen);
-void String::del(const String& y, int startpos)
- del(search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length()), y.length());
-void String::del(const SubString& y, int startpos)
- del(search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length()), y.length());
-void String::del(char c, int startpos)
- del(search(startpos, length(), c), 1);
- * substring extraction
- */
-SubString String::at(int first, int len)
- return _substr(first, len);
-SubString String::operator() (int first, int len)
- return _substr(first, len);
-SubString String::before(int pos)
- return _substr(0, pos);
-SubString String::through(int pos)
- return _substr(0, pos+1);
-SubString String::after(int pos)
- return _substr(pos + 1, length() - (pos + 1));
-SubString String::from(int pos)
- return _substr(pos, length() - pos);
-SubString String::at(const String& y, int startpos)
- int first = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
- return _substr(first, y.length());
-SubString String::at(const SubString& y, int startpos)
- int first = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
- return _substr(first, y.length());
-SubString String::at(const Regex& r, int startpos)
- int mlen;
- int first =, length(), mlen, startpos);
- return _substr(first, mlen);
-SubString String::at(const char* t, int startpos)
- int tlen = slen(t);
- int first = search(startpos, length(), t, tlen);
- return _substr(first, tlen);
-SubString String::at(char c, int startpos)
- int first = search(startpos, length(), c);
- return _substr(first, 1);
-SubString String::before(const String& y, int startpos)
- int last = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
- return _substr(0, last);
-SubString String::before(const SubString& y, int startpos)
- int last = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
- return _substr(0, last);
-SubString String::before(const Regex& r, int startpos)
- int mlen;
- int first =, length(), mlen, startpos);
- return _substr(0, first);
-SubString String::before(char c, int startpos)
- int last = search(startpos, length(), c);
- return _substr(0, last);
-SubString String::before(const char* t, int startpos)
- int tlen = slen(t);
- int last = search(startpos, length(), t, tlen);
- return _substr(0, last);
-SubString String::through(const String& y, int startpos)
- int last = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
- if (last >= 0) last += y.length();
- return _substr(0, last);
-SubString String::through(const SubString& y, int startpos)
- int last = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
- if (last >= 0) last += y.length();
- return _substr(0, last);
-SubString String::through(const Regex& r, int startpos)
- int mlen;
- int first =, length(), mlen, startpos);
- if (first >= 0) first += mlen;
- return _substr(0, first);
-SubString String::through(char c, int startpos)
- int last = search(startpos, length(), c);
- if (last >= 0) last += 1;
- return _substr(0, last);
-SubString String::through(const char* t, int startpos)
- int tlen = slen(t);
- int last = search(startpos, length(), t, tlen);
- if (last >= 0) last += tlen;
- return _substr(0, last);
-SubString String::after(const String& y, int startpos)
- int first = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
- if (first >= 0) first += y.length();
- return _substr(first, length() - first);
-SubString String::after(const SubString& y, int startpos)
- int first = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
- if (first >= 0) first += y.length();
- return _substr(first, length() - first);
-SubString String::after(char c, int startpos)
- int first = search(startpos, length(), c);
- if (first >= 0) first += 1;
- return _substr(first, length() - first);
-SubString String::after(const Regex& r, int startpos)
- int mlen;
- int first =, length(), mlen, startpos);
- if (first >= 0) first += mlen;
- return _substr(first, length() - first);
-SubString String::after(const char* t, int startpos)
- int tlen = slen(t);
- int first = search(startpos, length(), t, tlen);
- if (first >= 0) first += tlen;
- return _substr(first, length() - first);
-SubString String::from(const String& y, int startpos)
- int first = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
- return _substr(first, length() - first);
-SubString String::from(const SubString& y, int startpos)
- int first = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
- return _substr(first, length() - first);
-SubString String::from(const Regex& r, int startpos)
- int mlen;
- int first =, length(), mlen, startpos);
- return _substr(first, length() - first);
-SubString String::from(char c, int startpos)
- int first = search(startpos, length(), c);
- return _substr(first, length() - first);
-SubString String::from(const char* t, int startpos)
- int tlen = slen(t);
- int first = search(startpos, length(), t, tlen);
- return _substr(first, length() - first);
- * split/join
- */
-int split(const String& src, String results[], int n, const String& sep)
- String x = src;
- const char* s = x.chars();
- int sl = x.length();
- int i = 0;
- int pos = 0;
- while (i < n && pos < sl)
- {
- int p =, sl, sep.chars(), sep.length());
- if (p < 0)
- p = sl;
- results[i].rep = Salloc(results[i].rep, &(s[pos]), p - pos, p - pos);
- i++;
- pos = p + sep.length();
- }
- return i;
-int split(const String& src, String results[], int n, const Regex& r)
- String x = src;
- const char* s = x.chars();
- int sl = x.length();
- int i = 0;
- int pos = 0;
- int p, matchlen;
- while (i < n && pos < sl)
- {
- p =, sl, matchlen, pos);
- if (p < 0)
- p = sl;
- results[i].rep = Salloc(results[i].rep, &(s[pos]), p - pos, p - pos);
- i++;
- pos = p + matchlen;
- }
- return i;
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(_G_NO_NRV)
-#define RETURN(r) return
-#define RETURNS(r) return r;
-#define RETURN_OBJECT(TYPE, NAME) /* nothing */
-#else /* _G_NO_NRV */
-#define RETURN(r) return r
-#define RETURNS(r) /* nothing */
-String join(String src[], int n, const String& separator) RETURNS(x)
- String sep = separator;
- int xlen = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- xlen += src[i].length();
- xlen += (n - 1) * sep.length();
- x.rep = Sresize (x.rep, xlen);
- int j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
- {
- ncopy(src[i].chars(), &(x.rep->s[j]), src[i].length());
- j += src[i].length();
- ncopy(sep.chars(), &(x.rep->s[j]), sep.length());
- j += sep.length();
- }
- ncopy0(src[i].chars(), &(x.rep->s[j]), src[i].length());
- RETURN(x);
- misc
-StrRep* Sreverse(const StrRep* src, StrRep* dest)
- int n = src->len;
- if (src != dest)
- dest = Salloc(dest, src->s, n, n);
- if (n > 0)
- {
- char* a = dest->s;
- char* b = &(a[n - 1]);
- while (a < b)
- {
- char t = *a;
- *a++ = *b;
- *b-- = t;
- }
- }
- return dest;
-StrRep* Supcase(const StrRep* src, StrRep* dest)
- int n = src->len;
- if (src != dest) dest = Salloc(dest, src->s, n, n);
- char* p = dest->s;
- char* e = &(p[n]);
- for (; p < e; ++p) if (islower(*p)) *p = toupper(*p);
- return dest;
-StrRep* Sdowncase(const StrRep* src, StrRep* dest)
- int n = src->len;
- if (src != dest) dest = Salloc(dest, src->s, n, n);
- char* p = dest->s;
- char* e = &(p[n]);
- for (; p < e; ++p) if (isupper(*p)) *p = tolower(*p);
- return dest;
-StrRep* Scapitalize(const StrRep* src, StrRep* dest)
- int n = src->len;
- if (src != dest) dest = Salloc(dest, src->s, n, n);
- char* p = dest->s;
- char* e = &(p[n]);
- for (; p < e; ++p)
- {
- int at_word;
- if (at_word = islower(*p))
- *p = toupper(*p);
- else
- at_word = isupper(*p) || isdigit(*p);
- if (at_word)
- {
- while (++p < e)
- {
- if (isupper(*p))
- *p = tolower(*p);
- /* A '\'' does not break a word, so that "Nathan's" stays
- "Nathan's" rather than turning into "Nathan'S". */
- else if (!islower(*p) && !isdigit(*p) && (*p != '\''))
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return dest;
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(_G_NO_NRV)
-String replicate(char c, int n) return w;
- w.rep = Sresize(w.rep, n);
- char* p = w.rep->s;
- while (n-- > 0) *p++ = c;
- *p = 0;
-String replicate(const String& y, int n) return w
- int len = y.length();
- w.rep = Sresize(w.rep, n * len);
- char* p = w.rep->s;
- while (n-- > 0)
- {
- ncopy(y.chars(), p, len);
- p += len;
- }
- *p = 0;
-String common_prefix(const String& x, const String& y, int startpos) return r;
- const char* xchars = x.chars();
- const char* ychars = y.chars();
- const char* xs = &(xchars[startpos]);
- const char* ss = xs;
- const char* topx = &(xchars[x.length()]);
- const char* ys = &(ychars[startpos]);
- const char* topy = &(ychars[y.length()]);
- int l;
- for (l = 0; xs < topx && ys < topy && *xs++ == *ys++; ++l);
- r.rep = Salloc(r.rep, ss, l, l);
-String common_suffix(const String& x, const String& y, int startpos) return r;
- const char* xchars = x.chars();
- const char* ychars = y.chars();
- const char* xs = &(xchars[x.length() + startpos]);
- const char* botx = xchars;
- const char* ys = &(ychars[y.length() + startpos]);
- const char* boty = ychars;
- int l;
- for (l = 0; xs >= botx && ys >= boty && *xs == *ys ; --xs, --ys, ++l);
- r.rep = Salloc(r.rep, ++xs, l, l);
-String replicate(char c, int n)
- String w;
- w.rep = Sresize(w.rep, n);
- char* p = w.rep->s;
- while (n-- > 0) *p++ = c;
- *p = 0;
- return w;
-String replicate(const String& y, int n)
- String w;
- int len = y.length();
- w.rep = Sresize(w.rep, n * len);
- char* p = w.rep->s;
- while (n-- > 0)
- {
- ncopy(y.chars(), p, len);
- p += len;
- }
- *p = 0;
- return w;
-String common_prefix(const String& x, const String& y, int startpos)
- String r;
- const char* xchars = x.chars();
- const char* ychars = y.chars();
- const char* xs = &(xchars[startpos]);
- const char* ss = xs;
- const char* topx = &(xchars[x.length()]);
- const char* ys = &(ychars[startpos]);
- const char* topy = &(ychars[y.length()]);
- int l;
- for (l = 0; xs < topx && ys < topy && *xs++ == *ys++; ++l);
- r.rep = Salloc(r.rep, ss, l, l);
- return r;
-String common_suffix(const String& x, const String& y, int startpos)
- String r;
- const char* xchars = x.chars();
- const char* ychars = y.chars();
- const char* xs = &(xchars[x.length() + startpos]);
- const char* botx = xchars;
- const char* ys = &(ychars[y.length() + startpos]);
- const char* boty = ychars;
- int l;
- for (l = 0; xs >= botx && ys >= boty && *xs == *ys ; --xs, --ys, ++l);
- r.rep = Salloc(r.rep, ++xs, l, l);
- return r;
-// IO
-istream& operator>>(istream& s, String& x)
- if (!s.ipfx(0) || (!(s.flags() & ios::skipws) && !ws(s)))
- {
- s.clear(ios::failbit|s.rdstate()); // Redundant if using GNU iostreams.
- return s;
- }
- int ch;
- int i = 0;
- x.rep = Sresize(x.rep, 20);
- register streambuf *sb = s.rdbuf();
- while ((ch = sb->sbumpc()) != EOF)
- {
- if (isspace(ch))
- break;
- if (i >= x.rep->sz - 1)
- x.rep = Sresize(x.rep, i+1);
- x.rep->s[i++] = ch;
- }
- x.rep->s[i] = 0;
- x.rep->len = i;
- int new_state = s.rdstate();
- if (i == 0) new_state |= ios::failbit;
- if (ch == EOF) new_state |= ios::eofbit;
- s.clear(new_state);
- return s;
-int readline(istream& s, String& x, char terminator, int discard)
- if (!s.ipfx(0))
- return 0;
- int ch;
- int i = 0;
- x.rep = Sresize(x.rep, 80);
- register streambuf *sb = s.rdbuf();
- while ((ch = sb->sbumpc()) != EOF)
- {
- if (ch != terminator || !discard)
- {
- if (i >= x.rep->sz - 1)
- x.rep = Sresize(x.rep, i+1);
- x.rep->s[i++] = ch;
- }
- if (ch == terminator)
- break;
- }
- x.rep->s[i] = 0;
- x.rep->len = i;
- if (ch == EOF) s.clear(ios::eofbit|s.rdstate());
- return i;
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const SubString& x)
- const char* a = x.chars();
- const char* lasta = &(a[x.length()]);
- while (a < lasta)
- s.put(*a++);
- return(s);
-// from John.Willis@FAS.RI.CMU.EDU
-int String::freq(const SubString& y) const
- int found = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
- if (match(i,length(),0,y.chars(), y.length())>= 0) found++;
- return(found);
-int String::freq(const String& y) const
- int found = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
- if (match(i,length(),0,y.chars(),y.length()) >= 0) found++;
- return(found);
-int String::freq(const char* t) const
- int found = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
- if (match(i,length(),0,t) >= 0) found++;
- return(found);
-int String::freq(char c) const
- int found = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
- if (match(i,length(),0,&c,1) >= 0) found++;
- return(found);
-int String::OK() const
- if (rep == 0 // don't have a rep
- || rep->len > rep->sz // string oustide bounds
- || rep->s[rep->len] != 0) // not null-terminated
- error("invariant failure");
- return 1;
-int SubString::OK() const
- int v = S != (const char*)0; // have a String;
- v &= S.OK(); // that is legal
- v &= pos + len >= S.rep->len;// pos and len within bounds
- if (!v) S.error("SubString invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/String.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/String.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b3bfd70..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/String.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1284 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _String_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _String_h 1
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <Regex.h>
-#undef OK
-struct StrRep // internal String representations
- unsigned short len; // string length
- unsigned short sz; // allocated space
- char s[1]; // the string starts here
- // (at least 1 char for trailing null)
- // allocated & expanded via non-public fcts
-// primitive ops on StrReps -- nearly all String fns go through these.
-StrRep* Salloc(StrRep*, const char*, int, int);
-StrRep* Scopy(StrRep*, const StrRep*);
-StrRep* Scat(StrRep*, const char*, int, const char*, int);
-StrRep* Scat(StrRep*, const char*, int,const char*,int, const char*,int);
-StrRep* Sprepend(StrRep*, const char*, int);
-StrRep* Sreverse(const StrRep*, StrRep*);
-StrRep* Supcase(const StrRep*, StrRep*);
-StrRep* Sdowncase(const StrRep*, StrRep*);
-StrRep* Scapitalize(const StrRep*, StrRep*);
-// These classes need to be defined in the order given
-class String;
-class SubString;
-class SubString
- friend class String;
- String& S; // The String I'm a substring of
- unsigned short pos; // starting position in S's rep
- unsigned short len; // length of substring
- void assign(const StrRep*, const char*, int = -1);
- SubString(String& x, int p, int l);
- SubString(const SubString& x);
-// Note there are no public constructors. SubStrings are always
-// created via String operations
- ~SubString();
- SubString& operator = (const String& y);
- SubString& operator = (const SubString& y);
- SubString& operator = (const char* t);
- SubString& operator = (char c);
-// return 1 if target appears anywhere in SubString; else 0
- int contains(char c) const;
- int contains(const String& y) const;
- int contains(const SubString& y) const;
- int contains(const char* t) const;
- int contains(const Regex& r) const;
-// return 1 if target matches entire SubString
- int matches(const Regex& r) const;
-// IO
- friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const SubString& x);
-// status
- unsigned int length() const;
- int empty() const;
- const char* chars() const;
- int OK() const;
-class String
- friend class SubString;
- StrRep* rep; // Strings are pointers to their representations
-// some helper functions
- int search(int, int, const char*, int = -1) const;
- int search(int, int, char) const;
- int match(int, int, int, const char*, int = -1) const;
- int _gsub(const char*, int, const char* ,int);
- int _gsub(const Regex&, const char*, int);
- SubString _substr(int, int);
-// constructors & assignment
- String();
- String(const String& x);
- String(const SubString& x);
- String(const char* t);
- String(const char* t, int len);
- String(char c);
- ~String();
- String& operator = (const String& y);
- String& operator = (const char* y);
- String& operator = (char c);
- String& operator = (const SubString& y);
-// concatenation
- String& operator += (const String& y);
- String& operator += (const SubString& y);
- String& operator += (const char* t);
- String& operator += (char c);
- void prepend(const String& y);
- void prepend(const SubString& y);
- void prepend(const char* t);
- void prepend(char c);
-// procedural versions:
-// concatenate first 2 args, store result in last arg
- friend inline void cat(const String&, const String&, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const String&, const SubString&, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const String&, const char*, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const String&, char, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const SubString&, const String&, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const SubString&, const SubString&, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const SubString&, const char*, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const SubString&, char, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*, const String&, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*, const SubString&, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*, const char*, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*, char, String&);
-// double concatenation, by request. (yes, there are too many versions,
-// but if one is supported, then the others should be too...)
-// Concatenate first 3 args, store in last arg
- friend inline void cat(const String&,const String&, const String&,String&);
- friend inline void cat(const String&,const String&,const SubString&,String&);
- friend inline void cat(const String&,const String&, const char*, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const String&,const String&, char, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const String&,const SubString&,const String&,String&);
- inline friend void cat(const String&,const SubString&,const SubString&,String&);
- friend inline void cat(const String&,const SubString&, const char*, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const String&,const SubString&, char, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const String&,const char*, const String&, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const String&,const char*, const SubString&, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const String&,const char*, const char*, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const String&,const char*, char, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*, const String&, const String&,String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*,const String&,const SubString&,String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*,const String&, const char*, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*,const String&, char, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*,const SubString&,const String&,String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*,const SubString&,const SubString&,String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*,const SubString&, const char*, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*,const SubString&, char, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*,const char*, const String&, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*,const char*, const SubString&, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*,const char*, const char*, String&);
- friend inline void cat(const char*,const char*, char, String&);
-// searching & matching
-// return position of target in string or -1 for failure
- int index(char c, int startpos = 0) const;
- int index(const String& y, int startpos = 0) const;
- int index(const SubString& y, int startpos = 0) const;
- int index(const char* t, int startpos = 0) const;
- int index(const Regex& r, int startpos = 0) const;
-// return 1 if target appears anyhere in String; else 0
- int contains(char c) const;
- int contains(const String& y) const;
- int contains(const SubString& y) const;
- int contains(const char* t) const;
- int contains(const Regex& r) const;
-// return 1 if target appears anywhere after position pos
-// (or before, if pos is negative) in String; else 0
- int contains(char c, int pos) const;
- int contains(const String& y, int pos) const;
- int contains(const SubString& y, int pos) const;
- int contains(const char* t, int pos) const;
- int contains(const Regex& r, int pos) const;
-// return 1 if target appears at position pos in String; else 0
- int matches(char c, int pos = 0) const;
- int matches(const String& y, int pos = 0) const;
- int matches(const SubString& y, int pos = 0) const;
- int matches(const char* t, int pos = 0) const;
- int matches(const Regex& r, int pos = 0) const;
-// return number of occurences of target in String
- int freq(char c) const;
- int freq(const String& y) const;
- int freq(const SubString& y) const;
- int freq(const char* t) const;
-// SubString extraction
-// Note that you can't take a substring of a const String, since
-// this leaves open the possiblility of indirectly modifying the
-// String through the SubString
- SubString at(int pos, int len);
- SubString operator () (int pos, int len); // synonym for at
- SubString at(const String& x, int startpos = 0);
- SubString at(const SubString& x, int startpos = 0);
- SubString at(const char* t, int startpos = 0);
- SubString at(char c, int startpos = 0);
- SubString at(const Regex& r, int startpos = 0);
- SubString before(int pos);
- SubString before(const String& x, int startpos = 0);
- SubString before(const SubString& x, int startpos = 0);
- SubString before(const char* t, int startpos = 0);
- SubString before(char c, int startpos = 0);
- SubString before(const Regex& r, int startpos = 0);
- SubString through(int pos);
- SubString through(const String& x, int startpos = 0);
- SubString through(const SubString& x, int startpos = 0);
- SubString through(const char* t, int startpos = 0);
- SubString through(char c, int startpos = 0);
- SubString through(const Regex& r, int startpos = 0);
- SubString from(int pos);
- SubString from(const String& x, int startpos = 0);
- SubString from(const SubString& x, int startpos = 0);
- SubString from(const char* t, int startpos = 0);
- SubString from(char c, int startpos = 0);
- SubString from(const Regex& r, int startpos = 0);
- SubString after(int pos);
- SubString after(const String& x, int startpos = 0);
- SubString after(const SubString& x, int startpos = 0);
- SubString after(const char* t, int startpos = 0);
- SubString after(char c, int startpos = 0);
- SubString after(const Regex& r, int startpos = 0);
-// deletion
-// delete len chars starting at pos
- void del(int pos, int len);
-// delete the first occurrence of target after startpos
- void del(const String& y, int startpos = 0);
- void del(const SubString& y, int startpos = 0);
- void del(const char* t, int startpos = 0);
- void del(char c, int startpos = 0);
- void del(const Regex& r, int startpos = 0);
-// global substitution: substitute all occurrences of pat with repl
- int gsub(const String& pat, const String& repl);
- int gsub(const SubString& pat, const String& repl);
- int gsub(const char* pat, const String& repl);
- int gsub(const char* pat, const char* repl);
- int gsub(const Regex& pat, const String& repl);
-// friends & utilities
-// split string into array res at separators; return number of elements
- friend int split(const String& x, String res[], int maxn,
- const String& sep);
- friend int split(const String& x, String res[], int maxn,
- const Regex& sep);
- friend String common_prefix(const String& x, const String& y,
- int startpos = 0);
- friend String common_suffix(const String& x, const String& y,
- int startpos = -1);
- friend String replicate(char c, int n);
- friend String replicate(const String& y, int n);
- friend String join(String src[], int n, const String& sep);
-// simple builtin transformations
- friend inline String reverse(const String& x);
- friend inline String upcase(const String& x);
- friend inline String downcase(const String& x);
- friend inline String capitalize(const String& x);
-// in-place versions of above
- void reverse();
- void upcase();
- void downcase();
- void capitalize();
-// element extraction
- char& operator [] (int i);
- const char& operator [] (int i) const;
- char elem(int i) const;
- char firstchar() const;
- char lastchar() const;
-// conversion
- operator const char*() const;
- const char* chars() const;
-// IO
- friend inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const String& x);
- friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const SubString& x);
- friend istream& operator>>(istream& s, String& x);
- friend int readline(istream& s, String& x,
- char terminator = '\n',
- int discard_terminator = 1);
-// status
- unsigned int length() const;
- int empty() const;
-// preallocate some space for String
- void alloc(int newsize);
-// report current allocation (not length!)
- int allocation() const;
- void error(const char* msg) const;
- int OK() const;
-typedef String StrTmp; // for backward compatibility
-// other externs
-int compare(const String& x, const String& y);
-int compare(const String& x, const SubString& y);
-int compare(const String& x, const char* y);
-int compare(const SubString& x, const String& y);
-int compare(const SubString& x, const SubString& y);
-int compare(const SubString& x, const char* y);
-int fcompare(const String& x, const String& y); // ignore case
-extern StrRep _nilStrRep;
-extern String _nilString;
-// status reports, needed before defining other things
-inline unsigned int String::length() const { return rep->len; }
-inline int String::empty() const { return rep->len == 0; }
-inline const char* String::chars() const { return &(rep->s[0]); }
-inline int String::allocation() const { return rep->sz; }
-inline unsigned int SubString::length() const { return len; }
-inline int SubString::empty() const { return len == 0; }
-inline const char* SubString::chars() const { return &(S.rep->s[pos]); }
-// constructors
-inline String::String()
- : rep(&_nilStrRep) {}
-inline String::String(const String& x)
- : rep(Scopy(0, x.rep)) {}
-inline String::String(const char* t)
- : rep(Salloc(0, t, -1, -1)) {}
-inline String::String(const char* t, int tlen)
- : rep(Salloc(0, t, tlen, tlen)) {}
-inline String::String(const SubString& y)
- : rep(Salloc(0, y.chars(), y.length(), y.length())) {}
-inline String::String(char c)
- : rep(Salloc(0, &c, 1, 1)) {}
-inline String::~String() { if (rep != &_nilStrRep) delete rep; }
-inline SubString::SubString(const SubString& x)
- :S(x.S), pos(x.pos), len(x.len) {}
-inline SubString::SubString(String& x, int first, int l)
- :S(x), pos(first), len(l) {}
-inline SubString::~SubString() {}
-// assignment
-inline String& String::operator = (const String& y)
- rep = Scopy(rep, y.rep);
- return *this;
-inline String& String::operator=(const char* t)
- rep = Salloc(rep, t, -1, -1);
- return *this;
-inline String& String::operator=(const SubString& y)
- rep = Salloc(rep, y.chars(), y.length(), y.length());
- return *this;
-inline String& String::operator=(char c)
- rep = Salloc(rep, &c, 1, 1);
- return *this;
-inline SubString& SubString::operator = (const char* ys)
- assign(0, ys);
- return *this;
-inline SubString& SubString::operator = (char ch)
- assign(0, &ch, 1);
- return *this;
-inline SubString& SubString::operator = (const String& y)
- assign(y.rep, y.chars(), y.length());
- return *this;
-inline SubString& SubString::operator = (const SubString& y)
- assign(y.S.rep, y.chars(), y.length());
- return *this;
-// Zillions of cats...
-inline void cat(const String& x, const String& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const String& x, const SubString& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const String& x, const char* y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y, -1);
-inline void cat(const String& x, char y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), &y, 1);
-inline void cat(const SubString& x, const String& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const SubString& x, const SubString& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const SubString& x, const char* y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y, -1);
-inline void cat(const SubString& x, char y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), &y, 1);
-inline void cat(const char* x, const String& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, x, -1, y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const char* x, const SubString& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, x, -1, y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const char* x, const char* y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, x, -1, y, -1);
-inline void cat(const char* x, char y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, x, -1, &y, 1);
-inline void cat(const String& a, const String& x, const String& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a.chars(), a.length(), x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const String& a, const String& x, const SubString& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a.chars(), a.length(), x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const String& a, const String& x, const char* y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a.chars(), a.length(), x.chars(), x.length(), y, -1);
-inline void cat(const String& a, const String& x, char y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a.chars(), a.length(), x.chars(), x.length(), &y, 1);
-inline void cat(const String& a, const SubString& x, const String& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a.chars(), a.length(), x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const String& a, const SubString& x, const SubString& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a.chars(), a.length(), x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const String& a, const SubString& x, const char* y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a.chars(), a.length(), x.chars(), x.length(), y, -1);
-inline void cat(const String& a, const SubString& x, char y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a.chars(), a.length(), x.chars(), x.length(), &y, 1);
-inline void cat(const String& a, const char* x, const String& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a.chars(), a.length(), x, -1, y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const String& a, const char* x, const SubString& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a.chars(), a.length(), x, -1, y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const String& a, const char* x, const char* y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a.chars(), a.length(), x, -1, y, -1);
-inline void cat(const String& a, const char* x, char y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a.chars(), a.length(), x, -1, &y, 1);
-inline void cat(const char* a, const String& x, const String& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a, -1, x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const char* a, const String& x, const SubString& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a, -1, x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const char* a, const String& x, const char* y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a, -1, x.chars(), x.length(), y, -1);
-inline void cat(const char* a, const String& x, char y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a, -1, x.chars(), x.length(), &y, 1);
-inline void cat(const char* a, const SubString& x, const String& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a, -1, x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const char* a, const SubString& x, const SubString& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a, -1, x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const char* a, const SubString& x, const char* y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a, -1, x.chars(), x.length(), y, -1);
-inline void cat(const char* a, const SubString& x, char y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a, -1, x.chars(), x.length(), &y, 1);
-inline void cat(const char* a, const char* x, const String& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a, -1, x, -1, y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const char* a, const char* x, const SubString& y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a, -1, x, -1, y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void cat(const char* a, const char* x, const char* y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a, -1, x, -1, y, -1);
-inline void cat(const char* a, const char* x, char y, String& r)
- r.rep = Scat(r.rep, a, -1, x, -1, &y, 1);
-// operator versions
-inline String& String::operator +=(const String& y)
- cat(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline String& String::operator +=(const SubString& y)
- cat(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline String& String::operator += (const char* y)
- cat(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-inline String& String:: operator +=(char y)
- cat(*this, y, *this);
- return *this;
-// constructive concatenation
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(_G_NO_NRV)
-inline String operator + (const String& x, const String& y) return r;
- cat(x, y, r);
-inline String operator + (const String& x, const SubString& y) return r;
- cat(x, y, r);
-inline String operator + (const String& x, const char* y) return r;
- cat(x, y, r);
-inline String operator + (const String& x, char y) return r;
- cat(x, y, r);
-inline String operator + (const SubString& x, const String& y) return r;
- cat(x, y, r);
-inline String operator + (const SubString& x, const SubString& y) return r;
- cat(x, y, r);
-inline String operator + (const SubString& x, const char* y) return r;
- cat(x, y, r);
-inline String operator + (const SubString& x, char y) return r;
- cat(x, y, r);
-inline String operator + (const char* x, const String& y) return r;
- cat(x, y, r);
-inline String operator + (const char* x, const SubString& y) return r;
- cat(x, y, r);
-inline String reverse(const String& x) return r;
- r.rep = Sreverse(x.rep, r.rep);
-inline String upcase(const String& x) return r;
- r.rep = Supcase(x.rep, r.rep);
-inline String downcase(const String& x) return r;
- r.rep = Sdowncase(x.rep, r.rep);
-inline String capitalize(const String& x) return r;
- r.rep = Scapitalize(x.rep, r.rep);
-#else /* NO_NRV */
-inline String operator + (const String& x, const String& y)
- String r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
-inline String operator + (const String& x, const SubString& y)
- String r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
-inline String operator + (const String& x, const char* y)
- String r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
-inline String operator + (const String& x, char y)
- String r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
-inline String operator + (const SubString& x, const String& y)
- String r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
-inline String operator + (const SubString& x, const SubString& y)
- String r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
-inline String operator + (const SubString& x, const char* y)
- String r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
-inline String operator + (const SubString& x, char y)
- String r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
-inline String operator + (const char* x, const String& y)
- String r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
-inline String operator + (const char* x, const SubString& y)
- String r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
-inline String reverse(const String& x)
- String r; r.rep = Sreverse(x.rep, r.rep); return r;
-inline String upcase(const String& x)
- String r; r.rep = Supcase(x.rep, r.rep); return r;
-inline String downcase(const String& x)
- String r; r.rep = Sdowncase(x.rep, r.rep); return r;
-inline String capitalize(const String& x)
- String r; r.rep = Scapitalize(x.rep, r.rep); return r;
-// prepend
-inline void String::prepend(const String& y)
- rep = Sprepend(rep, y.chars(), y.length());
-inline void String::prepend(const char* y)
- rep = Sprepend(rep, y, -1);
-inline void String::prepend(char y)
- rep = Sprepend(rep, &y, 1);
-inline void String::prepend(const SubString& y)
- rep = Sprepend(rep, y.chars(), y.length());
-// misc transformations
-inline void String::reverse()
- rep = Sreverse(rep, rep);
-inline void String::upcase()
- rep = Supcase(rep, rep);
-inline void String::downcase()
- rep = Sdowncase(rep, rep);
-inline void String::capitalize()
- rep = Scapitalize(rep, rep);
-// element extraction
-inline char& String::operator [] (int i)
- if (((unsigned)i) >= length()) error("invalid index");
- return rep->s[i];
-inline const char& String::operator [] (int i) const
- if (((unsigned)i) >= length()) error("invalid index");
- return rep->s[i];
-inline char String::elem (int i) const
- if (((unsigned)i) >= length()) error("invalid index");
- return rep->s[i];
-inline char String::firstchar() const
- return elem(0);
-inline char String::lastchar() const
- return elem(length() - 1);
-// searching
-inline int String::index(char c, int startpos) const
- return search(startpos, length(), c);
-inline int String::index(const char* t, int startpos) const
- return search(startpos, length(), t);
-inline int String::index(const String& y, int startpos) const
- return search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline int String::index(const SubString& y, int startpos) const
- return search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
-inline int String::index(const Regex& r, int startpos) const
- int unused; return, length(), unused, startpos);
-inline int String::contains(char c) const
- return search(0, length(), c) >= 0;
-inline int String::contains(const char* t) const
- return search(0, length(), t) >= 0;
-inline int String::contains(const String& y) const
- return search(0, length(), y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
-inline int String::contains(const SubString& y) const
- return search(0, length(), y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
-inline int String::contains(char c, int p) const
- return match(p, length(), 0, &c, 1) >= 0;
-inline int String::contains(const char* t, int p) const
- return match(p, length(), 0, t) >= 0;
-inline int String::contains(const String& y, int p) const
- return match(p, length(), 0, y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
-inline int String::contains(const SubString& y, int p) const
- return match(p, length(), 0, y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
-inline int String::contains(const Regex& r) const
- int unused; return, length(), unused, 0) >= 0;
-inline int String::contains(const Regex& r, int p) const
- return r.match(chars(), length(), p) >= 0;
-inline int String::matches(const SubString& y, int p) const
- return match(p, length(), 1, y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
-inline int String::matches(const String& y, int p) const
- return match(p, length(), 1, y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
-inline int String::matches(const char* t, int p) const
- return match(p, length(), 1, t) >= 0;
-inline int String::matches(char c, int p) const
- return match(p, length(), 1, &c, 1) >= 0;
-inline int String::matches(const Regex& r, int p) const
- int l = (p < 0)? -p : length() - p;
- return r.match(chars(), length(), p) == l;
-inline int SubString::contains(const char* t) const
- return, pos+len, t) >= 0;
-inline int SubString::contains(const String& y) const
- return, pos+len, y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
-inline int SubString::contains(const SubString& y) const
- return, pos+len, y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
-inline int SubString::contains(char c) const
- return, pos+len, c) >= 0;
-inline int SubString::contains(const Regex& r) const
- int unused; return, len, unused, 0) >= 0;
-inline int SubString::matches(const Regex& r) const
- return r.match(chars(), len, 0) == len;
-inline int String::gsub(const String& pat, const String& r)
- return _gsub(pat.chars(), pat.length(), r.chars(), r.length());
-inline int String::gsub(const SubString& pat, const String& r)
- return _gsub(pat.chars(), pat.length(), r.chars(), r.length());
-inline int String::gsub(const Regex& pat, const String& r)
- return _gsub(pat, r.chars(), r.length());
-inline int String::gsub(const char* pat, const String& r)
- return _gsub(pat, -1, r.chars(), r.length());
-inline int String::gsub(const char* pat, const char* r)
- return _gsub(pat, -1, r, -1);
-inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const String& x)
- s << x.chars(); return s;
-// a zillion comparison operators
-inline int operator==(const String& x, const String& y)
- return compare(x, y) == 0;
-inline int operator!=(const String& x, const String& y)
- return compare(x, y) != 0;
-inline int operator>(const String& x, const String& y)
- return compare(x, y) > 0;
-inline int operator>=(const String& x, const String& y)
- return compare(x, y) >= 0;
-inline int operator<(const String& x, const String& y)
- return compare(x, y) < 0;
-inline int operator<=(const String& x, const String& y)
- return compare(x, y) <= 0;
-inline int operator==(const String& x, const SubString& y)
- return compare(x, y) == 0;
-inline int operator!=(const String& x, const SubString& y)
- return compare(x, y) != 0;
-inline int operator>(const String& x, const SubString& y)
- return compare(x, y) > 0;
-inline int operator>=(const String& x, const SubString& y)
- return compare(x, y) >= 0;
-inline int operator<(const String& x, const SubString& y)
- return compare(x, y) < 0;
-inline int operator<=(const String& x, const SubString& y)
- return compare(x, y) <= 0;
-inline int operator==(const String& x, const char* t)
- return compare(x, t) == 0;
-inline int operator!=(const String& x, const char* t)
- return compare(x, t) != 0;
-inline int operator>(const String& x, const char* t)
- return compare(x, t) > 0;
-inline int operator>=(const String& x, const char* t)
- return compare(x, t) >= 0;
-inline int operator<(const String& x, const char* t)
- return compare(x, t) < 0;
-inline int operator<=(const String& x, const char* t)
- return compare(x, t) <= 0;
-inline int operator==(const SubString& x, const String& y)
- return compare(y, x) == 0;
-inline int operator!=(const SubString& x, const String& y)
- return compare(y, x) != 0;
-inline int operator>(const SubString& x, const String& y)
- return compare(y, x) < 0;
-inline int operator>=(const SubString& x, const String& y)
- return compare(y, x) <= 0;
-inline int operator<(const SubString& x, const String& y)
- return compare(y, x) > 0;
-inline int operator<=(const SubString& x, const String& y)
- return compare(y, x) >= 0;
-inline int operator==(const SubString& x, const SubString& y)
- return compare(x, y) == 0;
-inline int operator!=(const SubString& x, const SubString& y)
- return compare(x, y) != 0;
-inline int operator>(const SubString& x, const SubString& y)
- return compare(x, y) > 0;
-inline int operator>=(const SubString& x, const SubString& y)
- return compare(x, y) >= 0;
-inline int operator<(const SubString& x, const SubString& y)
- return compare(x, y) < 0;
-inline int operator<=(const SubString& x, const SubString& y)
- return compare(x, y) <= 0;
-inline int operator==(const SubString& x, const char* t)
- return compare(x, t) == 0;
-inline int operator!=(const SubString& x, const char* t)
- return compare(x, t) != 0;
-inline int operator>(const SubString& x, const char* t)
- return compare(x, t) > 0;
-inline int operator>=(const SubString& x, const char* t)
- return compare(x, t) >= 0;
-inline int operator<(const SubString& x, const char* t)
- return compare(x, t) < 0;
-inline int operator<=(const SubString& x, const char* t)
- return compare(x, t) <= 0;
-// a helper needed by at, before, etc.
-inline SubString String::_substr(int first, int l)
- if (first < 0 || (unsigned)(first + l) > length() )
- return SubString(_nilString, 0, 0) ;
- else
- return SubString(*this, first, l);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0592b6d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <Random.h>
-#include <Uniform.h>
-double Uniform::operator()()
- return( pLow + delta * pGenerator -> asDouble() );
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Uniform.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Uniform.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a365b9..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Uniform.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Uniform_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Uniform_h 1
-#include <Random.h>
-// The interval [lo..hi]
-class Uniform: public Random {
- double pLow;
- double pHigh;
- double delta;
- Uniform(double low, double high, RNG *gen);
- double low();
- double low(double x);
- double high();
- double high(double x);
- virtual double operator()();
-inline Uniform::Uniform(double low, double high, RNG *gen) : Random(gen)
- pLow = (low < high) ? low : high;
- pHigh = (low < high) ? high : low;
- delta = pHigh - pLow;
-inline double Uniform::low() { return pLow; }
-inline double Uniform::low(double x) {
- double tmp = pLow;
- pLow = x;
- delta = pHigh - pLow;
- return tmp;
-inline double Uniform::high() { return pHigh; }
-inline double Uniform::high(double x) {
- double tmp = pHigh;
- pHigh = x;
- delta = pHigh - pLow;
- return tmp;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index d7987f5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <Random.h>
-#include <Weibull.h>
-// See Simulation, Modelling & Analysis by Law & Kelton, pp259
-// This is the ``polar'' method.
-double Weibull::operator()()
- return( pow(pBeta * ( - log(1 - pGenerator -> asDouble()) ), pInvAlpha) );
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Weibull.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Weibull.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fd064d5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/Weibull.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _Weibull_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _Weibull_h
-#include <Random.h>
-class Weibull: public Random {
- double pAlpha;
- double pInvAlpha;
- double pBeta;
- void setState();
- Weibull(double alpha, double beta, RNG *gen);
- double alpha();
- double alpha(double x);
- double beta();
- double beta(double x);
- virtual double operator()();
-inline void Weibull::setState() {
- pInvAlpha = 1.0 / pAlpha;
-inline Weibull::Weibull(double alpha, double beta, RNG *gen) : Random(gen)
- pAlpha = alpha;
- pBeta = beta;
- setState();
-inline double Weibull::alpha() { return pAlpha; }
-inline double Weibull::alpha(double x) {
- double tmp = pAlpha;
- pAlpha = x;
- setState();
- return tmp;
-inline double Weibull::beta() { return pBeta; };
-inline double Weibull::beta(double x) {
- double tmp = pBeta;
- pBeta = x;
- return tmp;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitand.c b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitand.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 149a8ab..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitand.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU BitString Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#include "bitprims.h"
-/* Copy LENGTH bits from (starting at SRCBIT) into pdst starting at DSTBIT.
- This will work even if psrc & pdst overlap. */
-_BS_and (pdst, dstbit, psrc, srcbit, length)
- register _BS_word* pdst;
- int dstbit;
- register const _BS_word* psrc;
- int srcbit;
- _BS_size_t length;
-#define COMBINE(dst, src) (dst) & (src)
-#include "bitdo2.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitany.c b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitany.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a978d0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitany.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU BitString Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#include "bitprims.h"
-_BS_any (ptr, offset, length)
- register const _BS_word *ptr;
- int offset;
- _BS_size_t length;
-#undef DOIT
-#define DOIT(WORD, MASK) if ((WORD) & (MASK)) return 1;
-#include "bitdo1.h"
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitblt.c b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitblt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b38fd3d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitblt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU BitString Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner (
- Based on ideas in the X11 MFB server. */
-#include "bitprims.h"
-#define ONES ((_BS_word)(~0))
-/* Copy LENGTH bits from (starting at SRCBIT) into pdst starting at DSTBIT.
- This will work even if psrc & pdst overlap. */
-_BS_blt (op, pdst, dstbit, psrc, srcbit, length)
- enum _BS_alu op;
- register _BS_word* pdst;
- int dstbit;
- register const _BS_word* psrc;
- int srcbit;
- _BS_size_t length;
- _BS_word ca1, cx1, ca2, cx2;
- switch (op)
- {
- case _BS_alu_clear:
- _BS_clear (pdst, dstbit, length);
- return;
- case _BS_alu_and:
- _BS_and (pdst, dstbit, psrc, srcbit, length);
- return;
- case _BS_alu_andReverse:
- ca1 = ONES; cx1 = 0; ca2 = ONES; cx2 = 0;
- break;
- case _BS_alu_copy:
- _BS_copy (pdst, dstbit, psrc, srcbit, length);
- return;
- case _BS_alu_andInverted:
- ca1 = ONES; cx1 = ONES; ca2 = 0; cx2 = 0;
- break;
- case _BS_alu_noop:
- return;
- case _BS_alu_xor:
- _BS_xor (pdst, dstbit, psrc, srcbit, length);
- return;
- case _BS_alu_or:
- ca1 = ONES; cx1 = ONES; ca2 = ONES; cx2 = 0;
- break;
- case _BS_alu_nor:
- ca1 = ONES; cx1 = ONES; ca2 = ONES; cx2 = ONES;
- break;
- case_BS_alu_equiv:
- ca1 = 0; cx1 = ONES; ca2 = ONES; cx2 = ONES;
- break;
- case _BS_alu_invert:
- _BS_invert (pdst, dstbit, length);
- return;
- case _BS_alu_orReverse:
- ca1 = ONES; cx1 = ONES; ca2 = 0; cx2 = ONES;
- break;
- case _BS_alu_copyInverted:
- ca1 = 0; cx1 = 0; ca2 = ONES; cx2 = ONES;
- break;
- case _BS_alu_orInverted:
- ca1 = ONES; cx1 = 0; ca2 = ONES; cx2 = ONES;
- break;
- case _BS_alu_nand:
- ca1 = ONES; cx1 = 0; ca2 = 0; cx2 = ONES;
- break;
- case _BS_alu_set:
- _BS_set (pdst, dstbit, length);
- return;
- }
- {
-#define COMBINE(dst, src) ((dst) & ((src) & ca1 ^ cx1) ^ ((src) & ca2 ^ cx2))
-#include "bitdo2.h"
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitclear.c b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitclear.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dd9405..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitclear.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU BitString Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#include "bitprims.h"
-_BS_clear (ptr, offset, length)
- register _BS_word *ptr;
- int offset;
- _BS_size_t length;
-#undef DOIT
-#define DOIT(WORD, MASK) ((WORD) &= ~(MASK))
-#include "bitdo1.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitcopy.c b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitcopy.c
deleted file mode 100644
index aa48730..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitcopy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU BitString Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#include "bitprims.h"
-/* Copy LENGTH bits from (starting at SRCBIT) into pdst starting at DSTBIT.
- This will work even if psrc & pdst overlap. */
-_BS_copy (pdst, dstbit, psrc, srcbit, length)
- register _BS_word* pdst;
- int dstbit;
- register const _BS_word* psrc;
- int srcbit;
- _BS_size_t length;
-#define COMBINE(dst, src) (src)
-#include "bitdo2.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitcount.c b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitcount.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9583a82..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitcount.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU BitString Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#include "bitprims.h"
-/* bit_count[I] is number of '1' bits in I. */
-static const unsigned char
-four_bit_count[16] = {
- 0, 1, 1, 2,
- 1, 2, 2, 3,
- 1, 2, 2, 3,
- 2, 3, 3, 4};
-#if !defined(inline) && !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__cplusplus)
-#define inline
-static inline int
-_BS_count_word (word)
- register _BS_word word;
- register int count = 0;
- while (word > 0)
- {
- count += four_bit_count[word & 15];
- word >>= 4;
- }
- return count;
-_BS_count (ptr, offset, length)
- register const _BS_word *ptr;
- int offset;
- _BS_size_t length;
- register int count = 0;
-#undef DOIT
-#define DOIT(WORD, MASK) count += _BS_count_word ((WORD) & (MASK));
-#include "bitdo1.h"
- return count;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitdo1.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitdo1.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c234d41..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitdo1.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ONES
-#define ONES ((_BS_word)(~0L))
- register int nwords;
- register _BS_word mask;
- if (offset == 0)
- ;
- else if (offset + length >= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD)
- {
- mask = ONES _BS_RIGHT offset;
- DOIT(*ptr++, mask);
- length -= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD - offset;
- }
- else
- {
- mask = (ONES _BS_RIGHT (_BS_BITS_PER_WORD - length))
- _BS_LEFT (_BS_BITS_PER_WORD - length - offset);
- DOIT(*ptr, mask);
- goto done;
- }
- nwords = _BS_INDEX(length);
- while (--nwords >= 0)
- {
- DOIT(*ptr++, ONES);
- }
- length = _BS_POS (length);
- if (length)
- {
- mask = ONES _BS_LEFT (_BS_BITS_PER_WORD - length);
- DOIT(*ptr, mask);
- }
- done: ;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitdo2.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitdo2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e99523..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitdo2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ONES
-#define ONES ((_BS_word)(~0L))
-#ifndef DOIT_SOLID
-#ifdef DOIT
-#define DOIT_SOLID(dst, src) DOIT(dst, src, (_BS_word)(~0))
-#define DOIT_SOLID(dst, src) (dst) = (COMBINE(dst, src))
-#ifndef DOIT
-#define DOIT(dst, src, mask) \
- (dst) = ((COMBINE(dst, src)) & (mask)) | ((dst) & ~(mask))
- _BS_word word0, mask;
- int shift0, shift1;
- if (length == 0)
- goto done;
- shift0 = srcbit - dstbit;
- /* First handle the case that only one destination word is touched. */
- if (length + dstbit <= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD)
- {
- _BS_word mask
- = (ONES _BS_LEFT (_BS_BITS_PER_WORD - length)) _BS_RIGHT dstbit;
- _BS_word word0 = *psrc++;
- if (shift0 <= 0) /* dstbit >= srcbit */
- {
- word0 = word0 _BS_RIGHT (-shift0);
- }
- else
- {
- word0 = word0 _BS_LEFT shift0;
- if (length + srcbit > _BS_BITS_PER_WORD)
- word0 = word0 | (*psrc _BS_RIGHT (_BS_BITS_PER_WORD - shift0));
- }
- DOIT(*pdst, word0, mask);
- goto done;
- }
- /* Next optimize the case that the source and destination are aligned. */
- if (shift0 == 0)
- {
- _BS_word mask;
- if (psrc > pdst)
- {
- if (srcbit)
- {
- mask = ONES _BS_RIGHT srcbit;
- DOIT(*pdst, *psrc, mask);
- pdst++; psrc++;
- length -= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD - srcbit;
- }
- for (; length >= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD; length -= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD)
- {
- DOIT_SOLID(*pdst, *psrc);
- pdst++; psrc++;
- }
- if (length)
- {
- mask = ONES _BS_LEFT (_BS_BITS_PER_WORD - length);
- DOIT(*pdst, *psrc, mask);
- }
- }
- else if (psrc < pdst)
- {
- _BS_size_t span = srcbit + length;
- pdst += span / (_BS_size_t)_BS_BITS_PER_WORD;
- psrc += span / (_BS_size_t)_BS_BITS_PER_WORD;
- span %= (_BS_size_t)_BS_BITS_PER_WORD;
- if (span)
- {
- mask = ONES _BS_LEFT (_BS_BITS_PER_WORD - span);
- DOIT(*pdst, *psrc, mask);
- length -= span;
- }
- pdst--; psrc--;
- for (; length >= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD; length -= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD)
- {
- DOIT_SOLID(*pdst, *psrc);
- pdst--; psrc--;
- }
- if (srcbit)
- {
- mask = ONES _BS_RIGHT srcbit;
- DOIT(*pdst, *psrc, mask);
- }
- }
- /* else if (psrc == pdst) --nothing to do--; */
- goto done;
- }
- /* Now we assume shift!=0, and more than on destination word is changed. */
- if (psrc >= pdst) /* Do the updates in forward direction. */
- {
- _BS_word word0 = *psrc++;
- _BS_word mask = ONES _BS_RIGHT dstbit;
- if (shift0 > 0)
- {
- _BS_word word1 = *psrc++;
- shift1 = _BS_BITS_PER_WORD - shift0;
- DOIT(*pdst, (word0 _BS_LEFT shift0) | (word1 _BS_RIGHT shift1), mask);
- word0 = word1;
- }
- else /* dstbit > srcbit */
- {
- shift1 = -shift0;
- shift0 += _BS_BITS_PER_WORD;
- DOIT(*pdst, word0 _BS_RIGHT shift1, mask);
- }
- pdst++;
- length -= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD - dstbit;
- for ( ; length >= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD; length -= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD)
- {
- register _BS_word word1 = *psrc++;
- DOIT_SOLID(*pdst,
- (word0 _BS_LEFT shift0) | (word1 _BS_RIGHT shift1));
- pdst++;
- word0 = word1;
- }
- if (length > 0)
- {
- _BS_size_t mask = ONES _BS_LEFT (_BS_BITS_PER_WORD - length);
- word0 = word0 _BS_LEFT shift0;
- if (length > shift1)
- word0 = word0 | (*psrc _BS_RIGHT shift1) ;
- DOIT (*pdst, word0, mask);
- }
- }
- else /* Do the updates in backward direction. */
- {
- _BS_word word0;
- /* Make (psrc, srcbit) and (pdst, dstbit) point to *last* bit. */
- psrc += (srcbit + length - 1) / _BS_BITS_PER_WORD;
- srcbit = (srcbit + length - 1) % _BS_BITS_PER_WORD;
- pdst += (dstbit + length - 1) / _BS_BITS_PER_WORD;
- dstbit = (dstbit + length - 1) % _BS_BITS_PER_WORD;
- shift0 = srcbit - dstbit;
- word0 = *psrc--;
- mask = ONES _BS_LEFT (_BS_BITS_PER_WORD - 1 - dstbit);
- if (shift0 < 0)
- {
- _BS_word word1 = *psrc--;
- shift1 = -shift0;
- shift0 += _BS_BITS_PER_WORD;
- DOIT (*pdst, (word0 _BS_RIGHT shift1) | (word1 _BS_LEFT shift0),
- mask);
- word0 = word1;
- }
- else
- {
- shift1 = _BS_BITS_PER_WORD - shift0;
- DOIT(*pdst, word0 _BS_LEFT shift0, mask);
- }
- pdst--;
- length -= dstbit + 1;
- for ( ; length >= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD; length -= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD)
- {
- register _BS_word word1 = *psrc--;
- DOIT_SOLID(*pdst,
- (word0 _BS_RIGHT shift1) | (word1 _BS_LEFT shift0));
- pdst--;
- word0 = word1;
- }
- if (length > 0)
- {
- _BS_size_t mask = ONES _BS_RIGHT (_BS_BITS_PER_WORD - length);
- word0 = word0 _BS_RIGHT shift1;
- if (length > shift0)
- word0 = word0 | (*psrc _BS_LEFT shift0) ;
- DOIT (*pdst, word0, mask);
- }
- }
- done: ;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitinvert.c b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitinvert.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 558c397..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitinvert.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU BitString Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#include "bitprims.h"
-_BS_invert (ptr, offset, length)
- register _BS_word *ptr;
- int offset;
- _BS_size_t length;
-#undef DOIT
-#define DOIT(WORD, MASK) ((WORD) ^= (MASK))
-#include "bitdo1.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitlcomp.c b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitlcomp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fbfdb7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitlcomp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU BitString Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#include "bitprims.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* Return -1, 0, 1 depending on whether (ptr0, len0) is
- lexicographically less than, equal, or greater than (ptr1, len1).
- Both bitstrings must be left-aligned. */
-_BS_lcompare_0 (ptr0, len0, ptr1, len1)
- register const _BS_word *ptr0;
- _BS_size_t len0;
- register const _BS_word *ptr1;
- _BS_size_t len1;
- _BS_size_t nwords0 = len0 / _BS_BITS_PER_WORD;
- _BS_size_t nwords1 = len1 / _BS_BITS_PER_WORD;
- register _BS_word word0, word1;
- _BS_size_t nwords = nwords0 > nwords1 ? nwords1 : nwords0;
- for (; nwords != 0; nwords--)
- {
- word0 = *ptr0++;
- word1 = *ptr1++;
- if (word0 != word1)
- {
- return (word0 < word1) ? -1 : 1;
- {
- _BS_word diff=(word0^word1); /* one's where different */
- _BS_word mask=diff&~(diff-1); /* first bit different */
- return (word0&mask)?1:-1;
- }
- }
- }
- len0 -= nwords0 * _BS_BITS_PER_WORD;
- len1 -= nwords1 * _BS_BITS_PER_WORD;
- if (len0 == 0 || len1 == 0)
- return (len1 == 0) - (len0 == 0);
- len0 &= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD - 1;
- len1 &= _BS_BITS_PER_WORD - 1;
- word0 = *ptr0++ & ~((_BS_word)(~0) _BS_RIGHT len0);
- word1 = *ptr1++ & ~((_BS_word)(~0) _BS_RIGHT len1);
- if (word0 == word1)
- return len0 == len1 ? 0 : len0 < len1 ? -1 : 1;
- return (word0 < word1) ? -1 : 1;
- {
- _BS_word diff=(word0^word1); /* one's where different */
- _BS_word mask=diff&~(diff-1); /* first bit different */
- return (word0&mask)?1:-1;
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitprims.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitprims.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 25b809b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitprims.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _BS_PRIMS
-#define _BS_PRIMS
-/* A bitstring is an array of _BS_word. */
-typedef unsigned long _BS_word;
-#define _BS_CHAR_BIT 8
-#define _BS_BITS_PER_WORD (_BS_CHAR_BIT*sizeof(_BS_word))
-/* For now, we number the bits in a _BS_word in little-endian order.
- Later, might use machine order. */
-#ifdef CHILL_LIB
-#include "config.h"
-#define _BS_BIGENDIAN 0
-/* By "left" we mean where bit number 0 is.
- Hence, so left shift is << if we're numbering the bits in big-endian oder,
- and >> if we're numbering the bits in little-endian order.
- Currently, we always use little-endian order.
- Later, we might use machine-endian order. */
-#define _BS_LEFT <<
-#define _BS_RIGHT >>
-#define _BS_LEFT >>
-#define _BS_RIGHT <<
-#define _BS_BITMASK(BITNO) ((_BS_word)1 << (_BS_BITS_PER_WORD - 1 - (BITNO)))
-#define _BS_BITMASK(BITNO) ((_BS_word)1 << (BITNO))
-/* Given a PTR which may not be aligned on a _BS_word boundary,
- set NEW_PTR to point to (the beginning of) the corresponding _BS_word.
- Adjust the bit-offset OFFSET to compensate for the difference. */
- ( (NEW_PTR) = (_BS_word*)(((char*)(PTR)-(char*)0) & ~(sizeof(_BS_word)-1)), \
- (OFFSET) += (char*)(PTR) - (char*)(NEW_PTR) )
-/* Given a bit pointer (PTR, OFFSET) normalize it so that
-{ _BS_size_t __tmp_ind = _BS_INDEX (OFFSET); \
- (PTR) += __tmp_ind; \
- (OFFSET) -= __tmp_ind * _BS_BITS_PER_WORD; }
-#define _BS_INDEX(I) ((unsigned)(I) / _BS_BITS_PER_WORD)
-#define _BS_POS(I) ((I) & (_BS_BITS_PER_WORD -1 ))
-#ifndef _BS_size_t
-#if __GNUC__ > 1
-#define _BS_size_t __SIZE_TYPE__
-#define _BS_size_t unsigned long
-#ifndef __P
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#define __P(protos) protos
-#define __P(protos) ()
-#endif /*!__P*/
-#if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(const)
-#define const
-#if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(void)
-#define void int
-/* The 16 2-operand raster-ops:
- These match the correspodning GX codes in X11. */
-enum _BS_alu {
- _BS_alu_clear = 0 /* 0 */,
- _BS_alu_and = 1 /* src & dst */,
- _BS_alu_andReverse = 2 /* src & ~dst */,
- _BS_alu_copy = 3 /* src */,
- _BS_alu_andInverted = 4 /* ~src & dst */,
- _BS_alu_noop = 5 /* dst */,
- _BS_alu_xor = 6 /* src ^ dst */,
- _BS_alu_or = 7 /* src | dst */,
- _BS_alu_nor = 8 /* ~src & ~dst */,
- _BS_alu_equiv = 9 /* ~(src ^ dst) */,
- _BS_alu_invert = 10 /* ~dst */,
- _BS_alu_orReverse = 11 /* src | ~dst */,
- _BS_alu_copyInverted = 12 /* ~src */,
- _BS_alu_orInverted = 13 /* ~src | dst */,
- _BS_alu_nand = 14 /* ~src | d~st */,
- _BS_alu_set = 15 /* ~src | dst */
-#define _BS
-#define _BS
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-extern void _BS_and __P((_BS_word*,int, const _BS_word*, int, _BS_size_t));
-extern void _BS_blt __P((enum _BS_alu,
- _BS_word*,int, const _BS_word*,int, _BS_size_t));
-extern void _BS_copy __P((_BS_word*,int, const _BS_word*,int, _BS_size_t));
-#define _BS_copy_0(DS, SS, LENGTH) _BS_copy(DS, 0, SS, 0, LENGTH)
-extern int _BS_count __P((const _BS_word*, int, _BS_size_t));
-extern int _BS_any __P((const _BS_word*, int, _BS_size_t));
-extern void _BS_clear __P((_BS_word*, int, _BS_size_t));
-extern void _BS_set __P((_BS_word*, int, _BS_size_t));
-extern void _BS_invert __P((_BS_word*, int, _BS_size_t));
-int _BS_lcompare_0 __P((const _BS_word*, _BS_size_t,
- const _BS_word*, _BS_size_t));
-extern void _BS_xor __P((_BS_word*,int, const _BS_word*,int, _BS_size_t));
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* !_BS_PRIMS */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitset1.c b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitset1.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bf0dd8d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitset1.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU BitString Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#include "bitprims.h"
-_BS_set (ptr, offset, length)
- register _BS_word *ptr;
- int offset;
- _BS_size_t length;
-#undef DOIT
-#define DOIT(WORD, MASK) ((WORD) |= (MASK))
-#include "bitdo1.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitxor.c b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitxor.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7690419..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bitxor.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU BitString Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#include "bitprims.h"
-/* Copy LENGTH bits from (starting at SRCBIT) into pdst starting at DSTBIT.
- This will work even if psrc & pdst overlap. */
-_BS_xor (pdst, dstbit, psrc, srcbit, length)
- register _BS_word* pdst;
- int dstbit;
- register const _BS_word* psrc;
- int srcbit;
- _BS_size_t length;
-#define COMBINE(dst, src) (dst) ^ (src)
-#include "bitdo2.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bool.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 40a2956..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/bool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// Defining TRUE and FALSE is usually a Bad Idea,
-// because you will probably be inconsistent with anyone
-// else who had the same clever idea.
-// Therefore: DON'T USE THIS FILE.
-#ifndef _bool_h
-#define _bool_h 1
-#include <_G_config.h>
-#undef TRUE
-#undef FALSE
-#define TRUE true
-#define FALSE false
-#undef FALSE
-#undef TRUE
-#undef true
-#undef false
-enum bool { FALSE = 0, false = 0, TRUE = 1, true = 1 };
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b9abe5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/builtin.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/builtin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d38082..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/builtin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1992 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- arithmetic, etc. functions on built in types
-#ifndef _builtin_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _builtin_h 1
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <std.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-#define __attribute__(x)
-typedef void (*one_arg_error_handler_t)(const char*);
-typedef void (*two_arg_error_handler_t)(const char*, const char*);
-long gcd(long, long);
-long lg(unsigned long);
-double pow(double, long);
-long pow(long, long);
-extern "C" double start_timer();
-extern "C" double return_elapsed_time(double last_time = 0.0);
-char* dtoa(double x, char cvt = 'g', int width = 0, int prec = 6);
-unsigned int hashpjw(const char*);
-unsigned int multiplicativehash(int);
-unsigned int foldhash(double);
-extern void default_one_arg_error_handler(const char*) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
-extern void default_two_arg_error_handler(const char*, const char*) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
-extern two_arg_error_handler_t lib_error_handler;
-extern two_arg_error_handler_t
- set_lib_error_handler(two_arg_error_handler_t f);
-#if !defined(IV)
-inline short abs(short arg)
- return (arg < 0)? -arg : arg;
-inline int sign(long arg)
- return (arg == 0) ? 0 : ( (arg > 0) ? 1 : -1 );
-inline int sign(double arg)
- return (arg == 0.0) ? 0 : ( (arg > 0.0) ? 1 : -1 );
-inline long sqr(long arg)
- return arg * arg;
-#if ! _G_MATH_H_INLINES /* hpux and SCO define this in math.h */
-inline double sqr(double arg)
- return arg * arg;
-inline int even(long arg)
- return !(arg & 1);
-inline int odd(long arg)
- return (arg & 1);
-inline long lcm(long x, long y)
- return x / gcd(x, y) * y;
-inline void (setbit)(long& x, long b)
- x |= (1 << b);
-inline void clearbit(long& x, long b)
- x &= ~(1 << b);
-inline int testbit(long x, long b)
- return ((x & (1 << b)) != 0);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index aae8409..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <compare.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/compare.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/compare.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fb72074..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/compare.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _compare_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _compare_h 1
-#include <builtin.h>
-int compare(int a, int b);
-int compare(short a, short b);
-int compare(unsigned long a, unsigned long b);
-int compare(unsigned int a, unsigned int b);
-int compare(unsigned short a, unsigned short b);
-int compare(unsigned char a, unsigned char b);
-int compare(signed char a, signed char b);
-int compare(float a, float b);
-int compare(double a, double b);
-int compare(const char* a, const char* b);
-inline int compare(int a, int b)
- return a - b;
-inline int compare(short a, short b)
- return a - b;
-inline int compare(signed char a, signed char b)
- return a - b;
-inline int compare(unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
- return (a < b)? -1 : (a > b)? 1 : 0;
-inline int compare(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
- return (a < b)? -1 : (a > b)? 1 : 0;
-inline int compare(unsigned short a, unsigned short b)
- return (a < b)? -1 : (a > b)? 1 : 0;
-inline int compare(unsigned char a, unsigned char b)
- return (a < b)? -1 : (a > b)? 1 : 0;
-inline int compare(float a, float b)
- return (a < b)? -1 : (a > b)? 1 : 0;
-inline int compare(double a, double b)
- return (a < b)? -1 : (a > b)? 1 : 0;
-inline int compare(const char* a, const char* b)
- return strcmp(a,b);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b1abbf..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# This file is a shell script fragment that supplies the information
-# necessary to tailor a template configure script into the configure
-# script appropriate for this directory. For more information, check
-# any existing configure script.
-srcname="main libio sources files"
-# per-host:
-# per-target:
-MOSTLYCLEAN='*.o pic stamp-picdir core libgxx.list'
-(. ${srcdir}/../config.shared) >${package_makefile_frag}
-# post-target:
-rm -f ${package_makefile_frag}
-# We need multilib support.
-case ${srcdir} in
- if [ "${with_target_subdir}" != "." ] ; then
- . ${srcdir}/${with_multisrctop}../../../
- else
- . ${srcdir}/${with_multisrctop}../../
- fi
- ;;
- . ${srcdir}/../../
- ;;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/depend b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/depend
deleted file mode 100644
index 6934ef42..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/depend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,849 +0,0 @@
-ACG.o: \
- $(srcdir)/ACG.h $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h
-AllocRing.o: \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/AllocRing.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/new.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/new.h
-Binomial.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Random.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- $(srcdir)/Binomial.h
-BitSet.o: \
- $(srcdir)/BitSet.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/bitprims.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/Obstack.h \
- $(srcdir)/AllocRing.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/new.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/new.h \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/strstream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/strfile.h
-BitString.o: \
- $(srcdir)/BitString.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/bitprims.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/Obstack.h \
- $(srcdir)/AllocRing.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/new.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/new.h \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/strstream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/strfile.h
-CursesW.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/strstream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/strfile.h \
- $(srcdir)/CursesW.h
-DLList.o: \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/DLList.h \
- $(srcdir)/Pix.h
-DiscUnif.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Random.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- $(srcdir)/DiscUnif.h
-Erlang.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Random.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- $(srcdir)/Erlang.h
-Fix.o: \
- $(srcdir)/Fix.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h $(srcdir)/std.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/Integer.h \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Obstack.h \
- $(srcdir)/AllocRing.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/strstream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/strfile.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/new.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/new.h
-Fix16.o: \
- $(srcdir)/Fix16.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h $(srcdir)/std.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h
-Fix24.o: \
- $(srcdir)/Fix24.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h $(srcdir)/std.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h
-Geom.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Random.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- $(srcdir)/Geom.h
-GetOpt.o: \
- $(srcdir)/GetOpt.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h
-HypGeom.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Random.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- $(srcdir)/HypGeom.h
-Intdouble.o: \
- $(srcdir)/Integer.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h $(srcdir)/Integer.hP
-Integer.o: \
- $(srcdir)/Integer.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h $(srcdir)/std.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/Obstack.h \
- $(srcdir)/AllocRing.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/new.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/new.h \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Integer.hP
-LogNorm.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Random.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- $(srcdir)/Normal.h \
- $(srcdir)/LogNorm.h
-MLCG.o: \
- $(srcdir)/MLCG.h $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h
-NegExp.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Random.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- $(srcdir)/NegExp.h
-Normal.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Random.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- $(srcdir)/Normal.h
-Obstack.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Obstack.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/new.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/new.h
-Poisson.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Random.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- $(srcdir)/Poisson.h
-RNG.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h
-Random.o: \
- $(srcdir)/Random.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h
-Rational.o: \
- $(srcdir)/Rational.h \
- $(srcdir)/Integer.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h
-Regex.o: \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/new.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/new.h \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- rx.h $(srcdir)/Regex.h
-RndInt.o: \
- $(srcdir)/RndInt.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h
-SLList.o: \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/SLList.h \
- $(srcdir)/Pix.h
-Sample.o: \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h $(srcdir)/SmplStat.h \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/SmplHist.h
-SmplHist.o: \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h $(srcdir)/SmplHist.h \
- $(srcdir)/SmplStat.h \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h
-SmplStat.o: \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h $(srcdir)/SmplStat.h \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h
-String.o: \
- $(srcdir)/String.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libio/libio.h \
- ../../libio/_G_config.h $(srcdir)/Regex.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/new.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/new.h \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h
-Uniform.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Random.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- $(srcdir)/Uniform.h
-Weibull.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/Random.h \
- $(srcdir)/RNG.h \
- $(srcdir)/Weibull.h
-builtin.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h
-compare.o: \
- $(srcdir)/compare.h \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h
-dtoa.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/AllocRing.h
-error.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h
-fmtq.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h \
- $(srcdir)/AllocRing.h
-gcd.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h
-hash.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h
-ioob.o: \
- $(srcdir)/Obstack.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h
-lg.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h
-minmax.o: \
- $(srcdir)/minmax.h ../../libio/_G_config.h
-pow.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h
-sqrt.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtin.h \
- $(srcdir)/std.h ../../libio/_G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/stddef \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/stddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstddef.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdlib \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstring \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstring.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cstdio \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cstdio.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cerrno \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cerrno.h \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/cmath \
- $(srcdir)/$(MULTISRCTOP)../../libstdc++/std/cmath.h
-bitand.o: bitand.c \
- $(srcdir)/bitprims.h \
- $(srcdir)/bitdo2.h
-bitany.o: bitany.c \
- $(srcdir)/bitprims.h \
- $(srcdir)/bitdo1.h
-bitblt.o: bitblt.c \
- $(srcdir)/bitprims.h \
- $(srcdir)/bitdo2.h
-bitclear.o: bitclear.c \
- $(srcdir)/bitprims.h \
- $(srcdir)/bitdo1.h
-bitcopy.o: bitcopy.c \
- $(srcdir)/bitprims.h \
- $(srcdir)/bitdo2.h
-bitcount.o: bitcount.c \
- $(srcdir)/bitprims.h \
- $(srcdir)/bitdo1.h
-bitinvert.o: bitinvert.c \
- $(srcdir)/bitprims.h \
- $(srcdir)/bitdo1.h
-bitlcomp.o: bitlcomp.c \
- $(srcdir)/bitprims.h
-bitset1.o: bitset1.c \
- $(srcdir)/bitprims.h \
- $(srcdir)/bitdo1.h
-bitxor.o: bitxor.c \
- $(srcdir)/bitprims.h \
- $(srcdir)/bitdo2.h
-malloc.o: malloc.c
-timer.o: timer.c ../../libio/_G_config.h
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index cdc6920..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <values.h>
-#include <AllocRing.h>
-extern AllocRing _libgxx_fmtq;
-#ifdef __GNUC__ /* cfront cannot compile this routine */
-char* dtoa(double fpnum, char cvt, int width, int prec)
- // set up workspace
- // max possible digits <= those need to show all of prec + exp
- // <= ceil(log10(HUGE)) plus space for null, etc.
- const int worksiz = int((M_LN2 / M_LN10) * DMAXEXP) + 8;
- // for fractional part
- char fwork[worksiz];
- char* fw = fwork;
- // for integer part
- char iwork[worksiz];
- char* iworkend = &iwork[sizeof(iwork) - 1];
- char* iw = iworkend;
- *iw = 0;
- // for exponent part
- const int eworksiz = int(M_LN2 * _DEXPLEN) + 8;
- char ework[eworksiz];
- char* eworkend = &ework[sizeof(ework) - 1];
- char* ew = eworkend;
- *ew = 0;
-#if (_IEEE != 0)
- if (isinf(fpnum))
- {
- char* inffmt = (char *) _libgxx_fmtq.alloc(5);
- char* inffmtp = inffmt;
- if (fpnum < 0)
- *inffmtp++ = '-';
- strcpy(inffmtp, "Inf");
- return inffmt;
- }
- if (isnan(fpnum))
- {
- char* nanfmt = (char *) _libgxx_fmtq.alloc(4);
- strcpy(nanfmt, "NaN");
- return nanfmt;
- }
- // grab sign & make non-negative
- int is_neg = fpnum < 0;
- if (is_neg) fpnum = -fpnum;
- // precision matters
- if (prec > worksiz - 2) // can't have more prec than supported
- prec = worksiz - 2;
- double powprec;
- if (prec == 6)
- powprec = 1.0e6;
- else
- powprec = pow(10.0, (long) prec);
- double rounder = 0.5 / powprec;
- int f_fmt = cvt == 'f' ||
- ((cvt == 'g') && (fpnum == 0.0 || (fpnum >= 1e-4 && fpnum < powprec)));
- int iwidth = 0;
- int fwidth = 0;
- int ewidth = 0;
- if (f_fmt) // fixed format
- {
- double ipart;
- double fpart = modf(fpnum, &ipart);
- // convert fractional part
- if (fpart >= rounder || cvt != 'g')
- {
- fpart += rounder;
- if (fpart >= 1.0)
- {
- ipart += 1.0;
- fpart -= 1.0;
- }
- double ffpart = fpart;
- double ifpart;
- for (int i = 0; i < prec; ++i)
- {
- ffpart = modf(ffpart * 10.0, &ifpart);
- *fw++ = '0' + int(ifpart);
- ++fwidth;
- }
- if (cvt == 'g') // inhibit trailing zeroes if g-fmt
- {
- for (char* p = fw - 1; p >= fwork && *p == '0'; --p)
- {
- *p = 0;
- --fwidth;
- }
- }
- }
- // convert integer part
- if (ipart == 0.0)
- {
- if (cvt != 'g' || fwidth < prec || fwidth < width)
- {
- *--iw = '0'; ++iwidth;
- }
- }
- else if (ipart <= double(MAXLONG)) // a useful speedup
- {
- long li = long(ipart);
- while (li != 0)
- {
- *--iw = '0' + (li % 10);
- li = li / 10;
- ++iwidth;
- }
- }
- else // the slow way
- {
- while (ipart > 0.5)
- {
- double ff = modf(ipart / 10.0, &ipart);
- ff = (ff + 0.05) * 10.0;
- *--iw = '0' + int(ff);
- ++iwidth;
- }
- }
- // g-fmt: kill part of frac if prec/width exceeded
- if (cvt == 'g')
- {
- int m = prec;
- if (m < width)
- m = width;
- int adj = iwidth + fwidth - m;
- if (adj > fwidth)
- adj = fwidth;
- if (adj > 0)
- {
- for (char* f = &fwork[fwidth-1]; f >= fwork && adj > 0; --adj, --f)
- {
- --fwidth;
- char ch = *f;
- *f = 0;
- if (ch > '5') // properly round: unavoidable propagation
- {
- int carry = 1;
- for (char* p = f - 1; p >= fwork && carry; --p)
- {
- ++*p;
- if (*p > '9')
- *p = '0';
- else
- carry = 0;
- }
- if (carry)
- {
- for (p = iworkend - 1; p >= iw && carry; --p)
- {
- ++*p;
- if (*p > '9')
- *p = '0';
- else
- carry = 0;
- }
- if (carry)
- {
- *--iw = '1';
- ++iwidth;
- --adj;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else // e-fmt
- {
- // normalize
- int exp = 0;
- while (fpnum >= 10.0)
- {
- fpnum *= 0.1;
- ++exp;
- }
- double almost_one = 1.0 - rounder;
- while (fpnum > 0.0 && fpnum < almost_one)
- {
- fpnum *= 10.0;
- --exp;
- }
- double ipart;
- double fpart = modf(fpnum, &ipart);
- if (cvt == 'g') // used up one digit for int part...
- {
- --prec;
- powprec /= 10.0;
- rounder = 0.5 / powprec;
- }
- // convert fractional part -- almost same as above
- if (fpart >= rounder || cvt != 'g')
- {
- fpart += rounder;
- if (fpart >= 1.0)
- {
- fpart -= 1.0;
- ipart += 1.0;
- if (ipart >= 10.0)
- {
- ++exp;
- ipart /= 10.0;
- fpart /= 10.0;
- }
- }
- double ffpart = fpart;
- double ifpart;
- for (int i = 0; i < prec; ++i)
- {
- ffpart = modf(ffpart * 10.0, &ifpart);
- *fw++ = '0' + int(ifpart);
- ++fwidth;
- }
- if (cvt == 'g') // inhibit trailing zeroes if g-fmt
- {
- for (char* p = fw - 1; p >= fwork && *p == '0'; --p)
- {
- *p = 0;
- --fwidth;
- }
- }
- }
- // convert exponent
- char eneg = exp < 0;
- if (eneg) exp = - exp;
- while (exp > 0)
- {
- *--ew = '0' + (exp % 10);
- exp /= 10;
- ++ewidth;
- }
- while (ewidth < 2) // ensure at least 2 zeroes
- {
- *--ew = '0';
- ++ewidth;
- }
- *--ew = eneg ? '-' : '+';
- *--ew = 'e';
- ewidth += 2;
- // convert the one-digit integer part
- *--iw = '0' + int(ipart);
- ++iwidth;
- }
- // arrange everything in returned string
- int showdot = cvt != 'g' || fwidth > 0;
- int fmtwidth = is_neg + iwidth + showdot + fwidth + ewidth;
- int pad = width - fmtwidth;
- if (pad < 0) pad = 0;
- char* fmtbase = (char *) _libgxx_fmtq.alloc(fmtwidth + pad + 1);
- char* fmt = fmtbase;
- for (int i = 0; i < pad; ++i) *fmt++ = ' ';
- if (is_neg) *fmt++ = '-';
- for (i = 0; i < iwidth; ++i) *fmt++ = *iw++;
- if (showdot)
- {
- *fmt++ = '.';
- fw = fwork;
- for (i = 0; i < fwidth; ++i) *fmt++ = *fw++;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < ewidth; ++i) *fmt++ = *ew++;
- *fmt = 0;
- return fmtbase;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d163d6..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-void default_one_arg_error_handler(const char* msg)
- fputs("Error: ", stderr);
- fputs(msg, stderr);
- fputs("\n", stderr);
- abort();
-void default_two_arg_error_handler(const char* kind, const char* msg)
- fputs(kind, stderr);
- fputs(" Error: ", stderr);
- fputs(msg, stderr);
- fputs("\n", stderr);
- abort();
-two_arg_error_handler_t lib_error_handler = default_two_arg_error_handler;
-two_arg_error_handler_t set_lib_error_handler(two_arg_error_handler_t f)
- two_arg_error_handler_t old = lib_error_handler;
- lib_error_handler = f;
- return old;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a01073..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <AllocRing.h>
-// AllocRings are used for output operations
-// We guaranteee that the last _libgxx_maxfmt formats
-// will be intact
-static const int _libgxx_maxfmt = 20;
-AllocRing _libgxx_fmtq(_libgxx_maxfmt);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 602b55f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
- common functions on built-in types
-long gcd(long x, long y) // euclid's algorithm
- long a = abs(x);
- long b = abs(y);
- long tmp;
- if (b > a)
- {
- tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;
- }
- for(;;)
- {
- if (b == 0)
- return a;
- else if (b == 1)
- return b;
- else
- {
- tmp = b;
- b = a % b;
- a = tmp;
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVLMap.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVLMap.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e2c635..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVLMap.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include "<T>.<C>.AVLMap.h"
- constants & inlines for maintaining balance & thread status in tree nodes
-#define AVLBALANCED 0
-#define LTHREADBIT 4
-#define RTHREADBIT 8
-static inline int bf(<T><C>AVLNode* t)
- return t->stat & AVLBALANCEMASK;
-static inline void set_bf(<T><C>AVLNode* t, int b)
- t->stat = (t->stat & ~AVLBALANCEMASK) | (b & AVLBALANCEMASK);
-static inline int rthread(<T><C>AVLNode* t)
- return t->stat & RTHREADBIT;
-static inline void set_rthread(<T><C>AVLNode* t, int b)
- if (b)
- t->stat |= RTHREADBIT;
- else
- t->stat &= ~RTHREADBIT;
-static inline int lthread(<T><C>AVLNode* t)
- return t->stat & LTHREADBIT;
-static inline void set_lthread(<T><C>AVLNode* t, int b)
- if (b)
- t->stat |= LTHREADBIT;
- else
- t->stat &= ~LTHREADBIT;
- traversal primitives
-<T><C>AVLNode* <T><C>AVLMap::leftmost()
- <T><C>AVLNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->lt != 0) t = t->lt;
- return t;
-<T><C>AVLNode* <T><C>AVLMap::rightmost()
- <T><C>AVLNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->rt != 0) t = t->rt;
- return t;
-<T><C>AVLNode* <T><C>AVLMap::succ(<T><C>AVLNode* t)
- <T><C>AVLNode* r = t->rt;
- if (!rthread(t)) while (!lthread(r)) r = r->lt;
- return r;
-<T><C>AVLNode* <T><C>AVLMap::pred(<T><C>AVLNode* t)
- <T><C>AVLNode* l = t->lt;
- if (!lthread(t)) while (!rthread(l)) l = l->rt;
- return l;
-Pix <T><C>AVLMap::seek(<T&> key)
- <T><C>AVLNode* t = root;
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- int cmp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- return Pix(t);
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- if (lthread(t))
- return 0;
- else
- t = t->lt;
- }
- else if (rthread(t))
- return 0;
- else
- t = t->rt;
- }
- The combination of threads and AVL bits make adding & deleting
- interesting, but very awkward.
- We use the following statics to avoid passing them around recursively
-static int _need_rebalancing; // to send back balance info from rec. calls
-static <T>* _target_item; // add/del_item target
-static <T><C>AVLNode* _found_node; // returned added/deleted node
-static int _already_found; // for deletion subcases
-void <T><C>AVLMap:: _add(<T><C>AVLNode*& t)
- int cmp = <T>CMP(*_target_item, t->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- _found_node = t;
- return;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- if (lthread(t))
- {
- ++count;
- _found_node = new <T><C>AVLNode(*_target_item, def);
- set_lthread(_found_node, 1);
- set_rthread(_found_node, 1);
- _found_node->lt = t->lt;
- _found_node->rt = t;
- t->lt = _found_node;
- set_lthread(t, 0);
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- }
- else
- _add(t->lt);
- if (_need_rebalancing)
- {
- switch(bf(t))
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- return;
- {
- <T><C>AVLNode* l = t->lt;
- if (bf(l) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- {
- if (rthread(l))
- t->lt = l;
- else
- t->lt = l->rt;
- set_lthread(t, rthread(l));
- l->rt = t;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- t = l;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- <T><C>AVLNode* r = l->rt;
- set_rthread(l, lthread(r));
- if (lthread(r))
- l->rt = r;
- else
- l->rt = r->lt;
- r->lt = l;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_lthread(t, rthread(r));
- if (rthread(r))
- t->lt = r;
- else
- t->lt = r->rt;
- r->rt = t;
- set_rthread(r, 0);
- if (bf(r) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- if (bf(r) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- set_bf(l, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- t = r;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (rthread(t))
- {
- ++count;
- _found_node = new <T><C>AVLNode(*_target_item, def);
- set_rthread(t, 0);
- set_lthread(_found_node, 1);
- set_rthread(_found_node, 1);
- _found_node->lt = t;
- _found_node->rt = t->rt;
- t->rt = _found_node;
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- }
- else
- _add(t->rt);
- if (_need_rebalancing)
- {
- switch(bf(t))
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- return;
- {
- <T><C>AVLNode* r = t->rt;
- if (bf(r) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- {
- if (lthread(r))
- t->rt = r;
- else
- t->rt = r->lt;
- set_rthread(t, lthread(r));
- r->lt = t;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- t = r;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- <T><C>AVLNode* l = r->lt;
- set_lthread(r, rthread(l));
- if (rthread(l))
- r->lt = l;
- else
- r->lt = l->rt;
- l->rt = r;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_rthread(t, lthread(l));
- if (lthread(l))
- t->rt = l;
- else
- t->rt = l->lt;
- l->lt = t;
- set_lthread(l, 0);
- if (bf(l) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- if (bf(l) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- set_bf(r, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- t = l;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-<C>& <T><C>AVLMap::operator [] (<T&> item)
- if (root == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- root = new <T><C>AVLNode(item, def);
- set_rthread(root, 1);
- set_lthread(root, 1);
- return root->cont;
- }
- else
- {
- _target_item = &item;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- _add(root);
- return _found_node->cont;
- }
-void <T><C>AVLMap::_del(<T><C>AVLNode* par, <T><C>AVLNode*& t)
- int comp;
- if (_already_found)
- {
- if (rthread(t))
- comp = 0;
- else
- comp = 1;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(*_target_item, t->item);
- if (comp == 0)
- {
- if (lthread(t) && rthread(t))
- {
- _found_node = t;
- if (t == par->lt)
- {
- set_lthread(par, 1);
- par->lt = t->lt;
- }
- else
- {
- set_rthread(par, 1);
- par->rt = t->rt;
- }
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- return;
- }
- else if (lthread(t))
- {
- _found_node = t;
- <T><C>AVLNode* s = succ(t);
- if (s != 0 && lthread(s))
- s->lt = t->lt;
- t = t->rt;
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- return;
- }
- else if (rthread(t))
- {
- _found_node = t;
- <T><C>AVLNode* p = pred(t);
- if (p != 0 && rthread(p))
- p->rt = t->rt;
- t = t->lt;
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- return;
- }
- else // replace item & find someone deletable
- {
- <T><C>AVLNode* p = pred(t);
- t->item = p->item;
- t->cont = p->cont;
- _already_found = 1;
- comp = -1; // fall through below to left
- }
- }
- if (comp < 0)
- {
- if (lthread(t))
- return;
- _del(t, t->lt);
- if (!_need_rebalancing)
- return;
- switch (bf(t))
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- return;
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- {
- <T><C>AVLNode* r = t->rt;
- switch (bf(r))
- {
- if (lthread(r))
- t->rt = r;
- else
- t->rt = r->lt;
- set_rthread(t, lthread(r));
- r->lt = t;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- set_bf(r, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- t = r;
- return;
- if (lthread(r))
- t->rt = r;
- else
- t->rt = r->lt;
- set_rthread(t, lthread(r));
- r->lt = t;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- t = r;
- return;
- {
- <T><C>AVLNode* l = r->lt;
- set_lthread(r, rthread(l));
- if (rthread(l))
- r->lt = l;
- else
- r->lt = l->rt;
- l->rt = r;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_rthread(t, lthread(l));
- if (lthread(l))
- t->rt = l;
- else
- t->rt = l->lt;
- l->lt = t;
- set_lthread(l, 0);
- if (bf(l) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- if (bf(l) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- set_bf(r, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- t = l;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (rthread(t))
- return;
- _del(t, t->rt);
- if (!_need_rebalancing)
- return;
- switch (bf(t))
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- return;
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- {
- <T><C>AVLNode* l = t->lt;
- switch (bf(l))
- {
- if (rthread(l))
- t->lt = l;
- else
- t->lt = l->rt;
- set_lthread(t, rthread(l));
- l->rt = t;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- set_bf(l, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- t = l;
- return;
- if (rthread(l))
- t->lt = l;
- else
- t->lt = l->rt;
- set_lthread(t, rthread(l));
- l->rt = t;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- t = l;
- return;
- {
- <T><C>AVLNode* r = l->rt;
- set_rthread(l, lthread(r));
- if (lthread(r))
- l->rt = r;
- else
- l->rt = r->lt;
- r->lt = l;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_lthread(t, rthread(r));
- if (rthread(r))
- t->lt = r;
- else
- t->lt = r->rt;
- r->rt = t;
- set_rthread(r, 0);
- if (bf(r) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- if (bf(r) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- set_bf(l, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- t = r;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void <T><C>AVLMap::del(<T&> item)
- if (root == 0) return;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- _already_found = 0;
- _found_node = 0;
- _target_item = &item;
- _del(root, root);
- if (_found_node)
- {
- delete(_found_node);
- if (--count == 0)
- root = 0;
- }
-void <T><C>AVLMap::_kill(<T><C>AVLNode* t)
- if (t != 0)
- {
- if (!lthread(t)) _kill(t->lt);
- if (!rthread(t)) _kill(t->rt);
- delete t;
- }
-<T><C>AVLMap::<T><C>AVLMap(<T><C>AVLMap& b) :<T><C>Map(b.def)
- root = 0;
- count = 0;
- for (Pix i = b.first(); i != 0;
- (*this)[b.key(i)] = b.contents(i);
-int <T><C>AVLMap::OK()
- int v = 1;
- if (root == 0)
- v = count == 0;
- else
- {
- int n = 1;
- <T><C>AVLNode* trail = leftmost();
- <T><C>AVLNode* t = succ(trail);
- while (t != 0)
- {
- ++n;
- v &= <T>CMP(trail->item, t->item) < 0;
- trail = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- v &= n == count;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVLMap.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVLMap.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index a5c0884..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVLMap.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T><C>AVLMap_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T><C>AVLMap_h 1
-#include "<T>.<C>.Map.h"
-struct <T><C>AVLNode
- <T><C>AVLNode* lt;
- <T><C>AVLNode* rt;
- <T> item;
- <C> cont;
- char stat;
- <T><C>AVLNode(<T&> h, <C&> c,
- <T><C>AVLNode* l=0, <T><C>AVLNode* r=0);
- ~<T><C>AVLNode();
-inline <T><C>AVLNode::<T><C>AVLNode(<T&> h, <C&> c,
- <T><C>AVLNode* l, <T><C>AVLNode* r)
- :lt(l), rt(r), item(h), cont(c), stat(0) {}
-inline <T><C>AVLNode::~<T><C>AVLNode() {}
-typedef <T><C>AVLNode* <T><C>AVLNodePtr;
-class <T><C>AVLMap : public <T><C>Map
- <T><C>AVLNode* root;
- <T><C>AVLNode* leftmost();
- <T><C>AVLNode* rightmost();
- <T><C>AVLNode* pred(<T><C>AVLNode* t);
- <T><C>AVLNode* succ(<T><C>AVLNode* t);
- void _kill(<T><C>AVLNode* t);
- void _add(<T><C>AVLNode*& t);
- void _del(<T><C>AVLNode* p, <T><C>AVLNode*& t);
- <T><C>AVLMap(<C&> dflt);
- <T><C>AVLMap(<T><C>AVLMap& a);
- inline ~<T><C>AVLMap();
- <C>& operator [] (<T&> key);
- void del(<T&> key);
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& key(Pix i);
- inline <C>& contents(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> key);
- inline int contains(<T&> key);
- inline void clear();
- Pix last();
- void prev(Pix& i);
- int OK();
-inline <T><C>AVLMap::~<T><C>AVLMap()
- _kill(root);
-inline <T><C>AVLMap::<T><C>AVLMap(<C&> dflt) :<T><C>Map(dflt)
- root = 0;
-inline Pix <T><C>AVLMap::first()
- return Pix(leftmost());
-inline Pix <T><C>AVLMap::last()
- return Pix(rightmost());
-inline void <T><C>AVLMap::next(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(succ((<T><C>AVLNode*)i));
-inline void <T><C>AVLMap::prev(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(pred((<T><C>AVLNode*)i));
-inline <T>& <T><C>AVLMap::key(Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T><C>AVLNode*)i)->item;
-inline <C>& <T><C>AVLMap::contents(Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T><C>AVLNode*)i)->cont;
-inline void <T><C>AVLMap::clear()
- _kill(root);
- count = 0;
- root = 0;
-inline int <T><C>AVLMap::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVLSet.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVLSet.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 98c07d1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVLSet.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,892 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include "<T>.AVLSet.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
- constants & inlines for maintaining balance & thread status in tree nodes
-#define AVLBALANCED 0
-#define LTHREADBIT 4
-#define RTHREADBIT 8
-static inline int bf(<T>AVLNode* t)
- return t->stat & AVLBALANCEMASK;
-static inline void set_bf(<T>AVLNode* t, int b)
- t->stat = (t->stat & ~AVLBALANCEMASK) | (b & AVLBALANCEMASK);
-static inline int rthread(<T>AVLNode* t)
- return t->stat & RTHREADBIT;
-static inline void set_rthread(<T>AVLNode* t, int b)
- if (b)
- t->stat |= RTHREADBIT;
- else
- t->stat &= ~RTHREADBIT;
-static inline int lthread(<T>AVLNode* t)
- return t->stat & LTHREADBIT;
-static inline void set_lthread(<T>AVLNode* t, int b)
- if (b)
- t->stat |= LTHREADBIT;
- else
- t->stat &= ~LTHREADBIT;
- traversal primitives
-<T>AVLNode* <T>AVLSet::leftmost()
- <T>AVLNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->lt != 0) t = t->lt;
- return t;
-<T>AVLNode* <T>AVLSet::rightmost()
- <T>AVLNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->rt != 0) t = t->rt;
- return t;
-<T>AVLNode* <T>AVLSet::succ(<T>AVLNode* t)
- <T>AVLNode* r = t->rt;
- if (!rthread(t)) while (!lthread(r)) r = r->lt;
- return r;
-<T>AVLNode* <T>AVLSet::pred(<T>AVLNode* t)
- <T>AVLNode* l = t->lt;
- if (!lthread(t)) while (!rthread(l)) l = l->rt;
- return l;
-Pix <T>AVLSet::seek(<T&> key)
- <T>AVLNode* t = root;
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- int cmp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- return Pix(t);
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- if (lthread(t))
- return 0;
- else
- t = t->lt;
- }
- else if (rthread(t))
- return 0;
- else
- t = t->rt;
- }
- The combination of threads and AVL bits make adding & deleting
- interesting, but very awkward.
- We use the following statics to avoid passing them around recursively
-static int _need_rebalancing; // to send back balance info from rec. calls
-static <T>* _target_item; // add/del_item target
-static <T>AVLNode* _found_node; // returned added/deleted node
-static int _already_found; // for deletion subcases
-static <T>AVLNode** _hold_nodes; // used for rebuilding trees
-static int _max_hold_index; // # elements-1 in _hold_nodes
-void <T>AVLSet:: _add(<T>AVLNode*& t)
- int cmp = <T>CMP(*_target_item, t->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- _found_node = t;
- return;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- if (lthread(t))
- {
- ++count;
- _found_node = new <T>AVLNode(*_target_item);
- set_lthread(_found_node, 1);
- set_rthread(_found_node, 1);
- _found_node->lt = t->lt;
- _found_node->rt = t;
- t->lt = _found_node;
- set_lthread(t, 0);
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- }
- else
- _add(t->lt);
- if (_need_rebalancing)
- {
- switch(bf(t))
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- return;
- {
- <T>AVLNode* l = t->lt;
- if (bf(l) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- {
- if (rthread(l))
- t->lt = l;
- else
- t->lt = l->rt;
- set_lthread(t, rthread(l));
- l->rt = t;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- t = l;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>AVLNode* r = l->rt;
- set_rthread(l, lthread(r));
- if (lthread(r))
- l->rt = r;
- else
- l->rt = r->lt;
- r->lt = l;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_lthread(t, rthread(r));
- if (rthread(r))
- t->lt = r;
- else
- t->lt = r->rt;
- r->rt = t;
- set_rthread(r, 0);
- if (bf(r) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- if (bf(r) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- set_bf(l, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- t = r;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (rthread(t))
- {
- ++count;
- _found_node = new <T>AVLNode(*_target_item);
- set_rthread(t, 0);
- set_lthread(_found_node, 1);
- set_rthread(_found_node, 1);
- _found_node->lt = t;
- _found_node->rt = t->rt;
- t->rt = _found_node;
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- }
- else
- _add(t->rt);
- if (_need_rebalancing)
- {
- switch(bf(t))
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- return;
- {
- <T>AVLNode* r = t->rt;
- if (bf(r) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- {
- if (lthread(r))
- t->rt = r;
- else
- t->rt = r->lt;
- set_rthread(t, lthread(r));
- r->lt = t;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- t = r;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>AVLNode* l = r->lt;
- set_lthread(r, rthread(l));
- if (rthread(l))
- r->lt = l;
- else
- r->lt = l->rt;
- l->rt = r;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_rthread(t, lthread(l));
- if (lthread(l))
- t->rt = l;
- else
- t->rt = l->lt;
- l->lt = t;
- set_lthread(l, 0);
- if (bf(l) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- if (bf(l) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- set_bf(r, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- t = l;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-Pix <T>AVLSet::add(<T&> item)
- if (root == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- root = new <T>AVLNode(item);
- set_rthread(root, 1);
- set_lthread(root, 1);
- return Pix(root);
- }
- else
- {
- _target_item = &item;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- _add(root);
- return Pix(_found_node);
- }
-void <T>AVLSet::_del(<T>AVLNode* par, <T>AVLNode*& t)
- int comp;
- if (_already_found)
- {
- if (rthread(t))
- comp = 0;
- else
- comp = 1;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(*_target_item, t->item);
- if (comp == 0)
- {
- if (lthread(t) && rthread(t))
- {
- _found_node = t;
- if (t == par->lt)
- {
- set_lthread(par, 1);
- par->lt = t->lt;
- }
- else
- {
- set_rthread(par, 1);
- par->rt = t->rt;
- }
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- return;
- }
- else if (lthread(t))
- {
- _found_node = t;
- <T>AVLNode* s = succ(t);
- if (s != 0 && lthread(s))
- s->lt = t->lt;
- t = t->rt;
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- return;
- }
- else if (rthread(t))
- {
- _found_node = t;
- <T>AVLNode* p = pred(t);
- if (p != 0 && rthread(p))
- p->rt = t->rt;
- t = t->lt;
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- return;
- }
- else // replace item & find someone deletable
- {
- <T>AVLNode* p = pred(t);
- t->item = p->item;
- _already_found = 1;
- comp = -1; // fall through below to left
- }
- }
- if (comp < 0)
- {
- if (lthread(t))
- return;
- _del(t, t->lt);
- if (!_need_rebalancing)
- return;
- switch (bf(t))
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- return;
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- {
- <T>AVLNode* r = t->rt;
- switch (bf(r))
- {
- if (lthread(r))
- t->rt = r;
- else
- t->rt = r->lt;
- set_rthread(t, lthread(r));
- r->lt = t;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- set_bf(r, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- t = r;
- return;
- if (lthread(r))
- t->rt = r;
- else
- t->rt = r->lt;
- set_rthread(t, lthread(r));
- r->lt = t;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- t = r;
- return;
- {
- <T>AVLNode* l = r->lt;
- set_lthread(r, rthread(l));
- if (rthread(l))
- r->lt = l;
- else
- r->lt = l->rt;
- l->rt = r;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_rthread(t, lthread(l));
- if (lthread(l))
- t->rt = l;
- else
- t->rt = l->lt;
- l->lt = t;
- set_lthread(l, 0);
- if (bf(l) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- if (bf(l) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- set_bf(r, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- t = l;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (rthread(t))
- return;
- _del(t, t->rt);
- if (!_need_rebalancing)
- return;
- switch (bf(t))
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- return;
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- {
- <T>AVLNode* l = t->lt;
- switch (bf(l))
- {
- if (rthread(l))
- t->lt = l;
- else
- t->lt = l->rt;
- set_lthread(t, rthread(l));
- l->rt = t;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- set_bf(l, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- t = l;
- return;
- if (rthread(l))
- t->lt = l;
- else
- t->lt = l->rt;
- set_lthread(t, rthread(l));
- l->rt = t;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- t = l;
- return;
- {
- <T>AVLNode* r = l->rt;
- set_rthread(l, lthread(r));
- if (lthread(r))
- l->rt = r;
- else
- l->rt = r->lt;
- r->lt = l;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_lthread(t, rthread(r));
- if (rthread(r))
- t->lt = r;
- else
- t->lt = r->rt;
- r->rt = t;
- set_rthread(r, 0);
- if (bf(r) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- if (bf(r) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- set_bf(l, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- t = r;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void <T>AVLSet::del(<T&> item)
- if (root == 0) return;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- _already_found = 0;
- _found_node = 0;
- _target_item = &item;
- _del(root, root);
- if (_found_node)
- {
- delete(_found_node);
- if (--count == 0)
- root = 0;
- }
-// build an ordered array of pointers to tree nodes back into a tree
-// we know that at least one element exists
-static <T>AVLNode* _do_treeify(int lo, int hi, int& h)
- int lh, rh;
- int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
- <T>AVLNode* t = _hold_nodes[mid];
- if (lo > mid - 1)
- {
- set_lthread(t, 1);
- if (mid == 0)
- t->lt = 0;
- else
- t->lt = _hold_nodes[mid-1];
- lh = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- set_lthread(t, 0);
- t->lt = _do_treeify(lo, mid-1, lh);
- }
- if (hi < mid + 1)
- {
- set_rthread(t, 1);
- if (mid == _max_hold_index)
- t->rt = 0;
- else
- t->rt = _hold_nodes[mid+1];
- rh = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- set_rthread(t, 0);
- t->rt = _do_treeify(mid+1, hi, rh);
- }
- if (lh == rh)
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- h = lh + 1;
- }
- else if (lh == rh - 1)
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- h = rh + 1;
- }
- else if (rh == lh - 1)
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- h = lh + 1;
- }
- else // can't happen
- abort();
- return t;
-static <T>AVLNode* _treeify(int n)
- <T>AVLNode* t;
- if (n == 0)
- t = 0;
- else
- {
- int b;
- _max_hold_index = n-1;
- t = _do_treeify(0, _max_hold_index, b);
- }
- delete _hold_nodes;
- return t;
-void <T>AVLSet::_kill(<T>AVLNode* t)
- if (t != 0)
- {
- if (!lthread(t)) _kill(t->lt);
- if (!rthread(t)) _kill(t->rt);
- delete t;
- }
-<T>AVLSet::<T>AVLSet(<T>AVLSet& b)
- if ((count = b.count) == 0)
- {
- root = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- _hold_nodes = new <T>AVLNodePtr [count];
- <T>AVLNode* t = b.leftmost();
- int i = 0;
- while (t != 0)
- {
- _hold_nodes[i++] = new <T>AVLNode(t->item);
- t = b.succ(t);
- }
- root = _treeify(count);
- }
-int <T>AVLSet::operator == (<T>AVLSet& y)
- if (count != y.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- <T>AVLNode* t = leftmost();
- <T>AVLNode* u = y.leftmost();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == 0)
- return 1;
- else if (!(<T>EQ(t->item, u->item)))
- return 0;
- else
- {
- t = succ(t);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- }
- }
-int <T>AVLSet::operator <= (<T>AVLSet& y)
- if (count > y.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- <T>AVLNode* t = leftmost();
- <T>AVLNode* u = y.leftmost();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == 0)
- return 1;
- else if (u == 0)
- return 0;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(t->item, u->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- t = succ(t);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- }
-void <T>AVLSet::operator |=(<T>AVLSet& y)
- <T>AVLNode* t = leftmost();
- <T>AVLNode* u = y.leftmost();
- int rsize = count + y.count;
- _hold_nodes = new <T>AVLNodePtr [rsize];
- int k = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == 0)
- {
- while (u != 0)
- {
- _hold_nodes[k++] = new <T>AVLNode(u->item);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- break;
- }
- else if (u == 0)
- {
- while (t != 0)
- {
- _hold_nodes[k++] = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- break;
- }
- int cmp = <T>CMP(t->item, u->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- _hold_nodes[k++] = t;
- t = succ(t);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- _hold_nodes[k++] = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- else
- {
- _hold_nodes[k++] = new <T>AVLNode(u->item);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- }
- root = _treeify(k);
- count = k;
-void <T>AVLSet::operator &= (<T>AVLSet& y)
- <T>AVLNode* t = leftmost();
- <T>AVLNode* u = y.leftmost();
- int rsize = (count < y.count)? count : y.count;
- _hold_nodes = new <T>AVLNodePtr [rsize];
- int k = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == 0)
- break;
- if (u == 0)
- {
- while (t != 0)
- {
- <T>AVLNode* tmp = succ(t);
- delete t;
- t = tmp;
- }
- break;
- }
- int cmp = <T>CMP(t->item, u->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- _hold_nodes[k++] = t;
- t = succ(t);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- <T>AVLNode* tmp = succ(t);
- delete t;
- t = tmp;
- }
- else
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- root = _treeify(k);
- count = k;
-void <T>AVLSet::operator -=(<T>AVLSet& y)
- <T>AVLNode* t = leftmost();
- <T>AVLNode* u = y.leftmost();
- int rsize = count;
- _hold_nodes = new <T>AVLNodePtr [rsize];
- int k = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == 0)
- break;
- else if (u == 0)
- {
- while (t != 0)
- {
- _hold_nodes[k++] = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- break;
- }
- int cmp = <T>CMP(t->item, u->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- <T>AVLNode* tmp = succ(t);
- delete t;
- t = tmp;
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- _hold_nodes[k++] = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- else
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- root = _treeify(k);
- count = k;
-int <T>AVLSet::owns(Pix i)
- if (i == 0) return 0;
- for (<T>AVLNode* t = leftmost(); t != 0; t = succ(t))
- if (Pix(t) == i) return 1;
- return 0;
-int <T>AVLSet::OK()
- int v = 1;
- if (root == 0)
- v = count == 0;
- else
- {
- int n = 1;
- <T>AVLNode* trail = leftmost();
- <T>AVLNode* t = succ(trail);
- while (t != 0)
- {
- ++n;
- v &= <T>CMP(trail->item, t->item) < 0;
- trail = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- v &= n == count;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVLSet.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVLSet.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index c1aa8fa..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVLSet.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>AVL_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>AVL_h 1
-#include "<T>.Set.h"
-struct <T>AVLNode
- <T>AVLNode* lt;
- <T>AVLNode* rt;
- <T> item;
- char stat;
- <T>AVLNode(<T&> h, <T>AVLNode* l=0, <T>AVLNode* r=0);
- ~<T>AVLNode();
-inline <T>AVLNode::<T>AVLNode(<T&> h, <T>AVLNode* l, <T>AVLNode* r)
-:lt(l), rt(r), item(h), stat(0) {}
-inline <T>AVLNode::~<T>AVLNode() {}
-typedef <T>AVLNode* <T>AVLNodePtr;
-class <T>AVLSet : public <T>Set
- <T>AVLNode* root;
- <T>AVLSet(<T>AVLNode* p, int l);
- <T>AVLNode* leftmost();
- <T>AVLNode* rightmost();
- <T>AVLNode* pred(<T>AVLNode* t);
- <T>AVLNode* succ(<T>AVLNode* t);
- void _kill(<T>AVLNode* t);
- void _add(<T>AVLNode*& t);
- void _del(<T>AVLNode* p, <T>AVLNode*& t);
- <T>AVLSet();
- <T>AVLSet(<T>AVLSet& a);
- inline ~<T>AVLSet();
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- int owns(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item);
- Pix last();
- void prev(Pix& i);
- void operator |= (<T>AVLSet& b);
- void operator -= (<T>AVLSet& b);
- void operator &= (<T>AVLSet& b);
- int operator == (<T>AVLSet& b);
- int operator != (<T>AVLSet& b);
- int operator <= (<T>AVLSet& b);
- int OK();
-inline <T>AVLSet::~<T>AVLSet()
- _kill(root);
-inline <T>AVLSet::<T>AVLSet()
- root = 0;
- count = 0;
-inline <T>AVLSet::<T>AVLSet(<T>AVLNode* p, int l)
- root = p;
- count = l;
-inline int <T>AVLSet::operator != (<T>AVLSet& b)
- return ! ((*this) == b);
-inline Pix <T>AVLSet::first()
- return Pix(leftmost());
-inline Pix <T>AVLSet::last()
- return Pix(rightmost());
-inline void <T>AVLSet::next(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(succ((<T>AVLNode*)i));
-inline void <T>AVLSet::prev(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(pred((<T>AVLNode*)i));
-inline <T>& <T>AVLSet::operator () (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T>AVLNode*)i)->item;
-inline void <T>AVLSet::clear()
- _kill(root);
- count = 0;
- root = 0;
-inline int <T>AVLSet::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVec.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVec.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 57a9270..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVec.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.AVec.h"
- The following brought to you by the department of redundancy department
-<T>AVec& <T>AVec::operator = (const <T>AVec& v)
- if (len != 0 && len != v.capacity())
- error("nonconformant vectors.");
- if (len == 0)
- s = new <T> [len = v.capacity()];
- if (s != v.vec())
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- s[i] = v.vec()[i];
- }
- return *this;
-<T>AVec& <T>AVec::operator = (<T&> f)
- for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) s[i] = f;
- return *this;
-<T>AVec concat(<T>AVec & a, <T>AVec & b)
- int newl = a.capacity() + b.capacity();
- <T>* news = new <T> [newl];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.vec()[a.capacity()]);
- <T>* t = a.vec();
- while (t < top) *p++ = *t++;
- top = &(b.vec()[b.capacity()]);
- t = b.vec();
- while (t < top) *p++ = *t++;
- return <T>AVec(newl, news);
-<T>AVec combine(<T>Combiner f, <T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b)
- int newl = (a.capacity() < b.capacity())? a.capacity() : b.capacity();
- <T>* news = new <T> [newl];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.vec()[newl]);
- <T>* t = a.vec();
- <T>* u = b.vec();
- while (t < top) *p++ = (*f)(*t++, *u++);
- return <T>AVec(newl, news);
-<T>AVec reverse(<T>AVec& a)
- <T>* news = new <T> [a.capacity()];
- if (a.capacity() != 0)
- {
- <T>* lo = news;
- <T>* hi = &(news[a.capacity() - 1]);
- while (lo < hi)
- {
- <T> tmp = *lo;
- *lo++ = *hi;
- *hi-- = tmp;
- }
- }
- return <T>AVec(a.capacity(), news);
-<T>AVec map(<T>Mapper f, <T>AVec& a)
- <T>* news = new <T> [a.capacity()];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.vec()[a.capacity()]);
- <T>* t = a.vec();
- while(t < top) *p++ = (*f)(*t++);
- return <T>AVec(a.capacity(), news);
-<T>AVec <T>AVec::at(int from, int n)
- int to;
- if (n < 0)
- {
- n = len - from;
- to = len - 1;
- }
- else
- to = from + n - 1;
- if ((unsigned)from > (unsigned)to)
- range_error();
- <T>* news = new <T> [n];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* t = &(s[from]);
- <T>* top = &(s[to]);
- while (t <= top) *p++ = *t++;
- return <T>AVec(n, news);
-<T>AVec merge(<T>AVec & a, <T>AVec & b, <T>Comparator f)
- int newl = a.capacity() + b.capacity();
- <T>* news = new <T> [newl];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* topa = &(a.vec()[a.capacity()]);
- <T>* as = a.vec();
- <T>* topb = &(b.vec()[b.capacity()]);
- <T>* bs = b.vec();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (as >= topa)
- {
- while (bs < topb) *p++ = *bs++;
- break;
- }
- else if (bs >= topb)
- {
- while (as < topa) *p++ = *as++;
- break;
- }
- else if ((*f)(*as, *bs) <= 0)
- *p++ = *as++;
- else
- *p++ = *bs++;
- }
- return <T>AVec(newl, news);
-<T>AVec operator + (<T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b)
- a.check_len(b.capacity());
- <T>* news = new <T> [a.capacity()];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.vec()[a.capacity()]);
- <T>* t = a.vec();
- <T>* u = b.vec();
- while (t < top) *p++ = *t++ + *u++;
- return <T>AVec(a.capacity(), news);
-<T>AVec operator - (<T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b)
- a.check_len(b.capacity());
- <T>* news = new <T> [a.capacity()];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.vec()[a.capacity()]);
- <T>* t = a.vec();
- <T>* u = b.vec();
- while (t < top) *p++ = *t++ - *u++;
- return <T>AVec(a.capacity(), news);
-<T>AVec product (<T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b)
- a.check_len(b.capacity());
- <T>* news = new <T> [a.capacity()];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.vec()[a.capacity()]);
- <T>* t = a.vec();
- <T>* u = b.vec();
- while (t < top) *p++ = *t++ * *u++;
- return <T>AVec(a.capacity(), news);
-<T>AVec quotient(<T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b)
- a.check_len(b.capacity());
- <T>* news = new <T> [a.capacity()];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.vec()[a.capacity()]);
- <T>* t = a.vec();
- <T>* u = b.vec();
- while (t < top) *p++ = *t++ / *u++;
- return <T>AVec(a.capacity(), news);
-<T>AVec operator + (<T>AVec& a, <T&> b)
- <T>* news = new <T> [a.capacity()];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.vec()[a.capacity()]);
- <T>* t = a.vec();
- while (t < top) *p++ = *t++ + b;
- return <T>AVec(a.capacity(), news);
-<T>AVec operator - (<T>AVec& a, <T&> b)
- <T>* news = new <T> [a.capacity()];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.vec()[a.capacity()]);
- <T>* t = a.vec();
- while (t < top) *p++ = *t++ - b;
- return <T>AVec(a.capacity(), news);
-<T>AVec operator * (<T>AVec& a, <T&> b)
- <T>* news = new <T> [a.capacity()];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.vec()[a.capacity()]);
- <T>* t = a.vec();
- while (t < top) *p++ = *t++ * b;
- return <T>AVec(a.capacity(), news);
-<T>AVec operator / (<T>AVec& a, <T&> b)
- <T>* news = new <T> [a.capacity()];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.vec()[a.capacity()]);
- <T>* t = a.vec();
- while (t < top) *p++ = *t++ / b;
- return <T>AVec(a.capacity(), news);
-<T>AVec <T>AVec::operator - ()
- <T>* news = new <T> [len];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) *p++ = -(*t++);
- return <T>AVec(len, news);
-<T>AVec& <T>AVec::operator += (<T>AVec& b)
- check_len(b.capacity());
- <T>* u = b.vec();
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) *t++ += *u++;
- return *this;
-<T>AVec& <T>AVec::operator -= (<T>AVec& b)
- check_len(b.capacity());
- <T>* u = b.vec();
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) *t++ -= *u++;
- return *this;
-<T>AVec& <T>AVec::product(<T>AVec& b)
- check_len(b.capacity());
- <T>* u = b.vec();
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) *t++ *= *u++;
- return *this;
-<T>AVec& <T>AVec::quotient(<T>AVec& b)
- check_len(b.capacity());
- <T>* u = b.vec();
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) *t++ /= *u++;
- return *this;
-<T>AVec& <T>AVec::operator += (<T&> b)
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) *t++ += b;
- return *this;
-<T>AVec& <T>AVec::operator -= (<T&> b)
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) *t++ -= b;
- return *this;
-<T>AVec& <T>AVec::operator *= (<T&> b)
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) *t++ *= b;
- return *this;
-<T>AVec& <T>AVec::operator /= (<T&> b)
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) *t++ /= b;
- return *this;
-<T> <T>AVec::max()
- if (len == 0)
- return 0;
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- <T> res = *t++;
- for (; t < top; ++t) if (*t > res) res = *t;
- return res;
-int <T>AVec::max_index()
- if (len == 0)
- return -1;
- int ind = 0;
- for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i)
- if (s[i] > s[ind])
- ind = i;
- return ind;
-<T> <T>AVec::min()
- if (len == 0)
- return 0;
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- <T> res = *t++;
- for (; t < top; ++t) if (*t < res) res = *t;
- return res;
-int <T>AVec::min_index()
- if (len == 0)
- return -1;
- int ind = 0;
- for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i)
- if (s[i] < s[ind])
- ind = i;
- return ind;
-<T> <T>AVec::sum()
- <T> res = 0;
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) res += *t++;
- return res;
-<T> <T>AVec::sumsq()
- <T> res = 0;
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- for (; t < top; ++t) res += *t * *t;
- return res;
-<T> operator * (<T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b)
- a.check_len(b.capacity());
- <T>* top = &(a.vec()[a.capacity()]);
- <T>* t = a.vec();
- <T>* u = b.vec();
- <T> res = 0;
- while (t < top) res += *t++ * *u++;
- return res;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVec.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVec.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index c59720e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/AVec.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>AVec_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>AVec_h 1
-#include "<T>.Vec.h"
-class <T>AVec : public <T>Vec
- void check_len(int l);
- <T>* vec();
- const <T>* vec() const;
- <T>AVec(int l, <T>* d);
- public:
- <T>AVec ();
- <T>AVec (int l);
- <T>AVec (int l, <T&> fill_value);
- <T>AVec (<T>AVec&);
- ~<T>AVec ();
- <T>AVec& operator = (const <T>AVec& a);
- <T>AVec& operator = (<T&> fill_value);
-// vector by scalar -> vector operations
- friend <T>AVec operator + (<T>AVec& a, <T&> b);
- friend <T>AVec operator - (<T>AVec& a, <T&> b);
- friend <T>AVec operator * (<T>AVec& a, <T&> b);
- friend <T>AVec operator / (<T>AVec& a, <T&> b);
- <T>AVec& operator += (<T&> b);
- <T>AVec& operator -= (<T&> b);
- <T>AVec& operator *= (<T&> b);
- <T>AVec& operator /= (<T&> b);
-// vector by vector -> vector operations
- friend <T>AVec operator + (<T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b);
- friend <T>AVec operator - (<T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b);
- <T>AVec& operator += (<T>AVec& b);
- <T>AVec& operator -= (<T>AVec& b);
- <T>AVec operator - ();
- friend <T>AVec product(<T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b);
- <T>AVec& product(<T>AVec& b);
- friend <T>AVec quotient(<T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b);
- <T>AVec& quotient(<T>AVec& b);
-// vector -> scalar operations
- friend <T> operator * (<T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b);
- <T> sum();
- <T> min();
- <T> max();
- <T> sumsq();
-// indexing
- int min_index();
- int max_index();
-// redundant but necesssary
- friend <T>AVec concat(<T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b);
- friend <T>AVec map(<T>Mapper f, <T>AVec& a);
- friend <T>AVec merge(<T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b, <T>Comparator f);
- friend <T>AVec combine(<T>Combiner f, <T>AVec& a, <T>AVec& b);
- friend <T>AVec reverse(<T>AVec& a);
- <T>AVec at(int from = 0, int n = -1);
-inline <T>AVec::<T>AVec() {}
-inline <T>AVec::<T>AVec(int l) :<T>Vec(l) {}
-inline <T>AVec::<T>AVec(int l, <T&> fill_value) : <T>Vec (l, fill_value) {}
-inline <T>AVec::<T>AVec(<T>AVec& v) :<T>Vec(v) {}
-inline <T>AVec::<T>AVec(int l, <T>* d) :<T>Vec(l, d) {}
-inline <T>AVec::~<T>AVec() {}
-inline <T>* <T>AVec::vec()
- return s;
-inline const <T>* <T>AVec::vec() const
- return s;
-inline void <T>AVec::check_len(int l)
- if (l != len)
- error("nonconformant vectors.");
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/BSTSet.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/BSTSet.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index da7d73a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/BSTSet.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include "<T>.BSTSet.h"
- traversal primitives
-<T>BSTNode* <T>BSTSet::leftmost()
- <T>BSTNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->lt != 0) t = t->lt;
- return t;
-<T>BSTNode* <T>BSTSet::rightmost()
- <T>BSTNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->rt != 0) t = t->rt;
- return t;
-<T>BSTNode* <T>BSTSet::succ(<T>BSTNode* t)
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- if (t->rt != 0)
- {
- t = t->rt;
- while (t->lt != 0) t = t->lt;
- return t;
- }
- else
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t->par == 0 || t == t->par->lt)
- return t->par;
- else
- t = t->par;
- }
- }
-<T>BSTNode* <T>BSTSet::pred(<T>BSTNode* t)
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- else if (t->lt != 0)
- {
- t = t->lt;
- while (t->rt != 0) t = t->rt;
- return t;
- }
- else
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t->par == 0 || t == t->par->rt)
- return t->par;
- else
- t = t->par;
- }
- }
-Pix <T>BSTSet::seek(<T&> key)
- <T>BSTNode* t = root;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- int comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- if (comp == 0)
- return Pix(t);
- else if (comp < 0)
- t = t->lt;
- else
- t = t->rt;
- }
-Pix <T>BSTSet::add(<T&> item)
- if (root == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- root = new <T>BSTNode(item);
- return Pix(root);
- }
- <T>BSTNode* t = root;
- <T>BSTNode* p = root;
- for (;;)
- {
- int comp = <T>CMP(t->item, item);
- if (comp == 0)
- return Pix(t);
- else if (comp > 0)
- t = t->lt;
- else
- t = t->rt;
- if (t == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- t = new <T>BSTNode(item);
- if (comp > 0)
- p->lt = t;
- else
- p->rt = t;
- t->par = p;
- return Pix(t);
- }
- p = t;
- }
-void <T>BSTSet::del(<T&> key)
- <T>BSTNode* t = root;
- <T>BSTNode* p = root;
- int comp;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == 0)
- return;
- comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- if (comp == 0)
- {
- --count;
- <T>BSTNode* repl;
- if (t->lt == 0)
- repl = t->rt;
- else if (t->rt == 0)
- repl = t->lt;
- else
- {
- <T>BSTNode* prepl = t;
- repl = t->lt;
- while (repl->rt != 0)
- {
- prepl = repl;
- repl = repl->rt;
- }
- if (prepl != t)
- {
- prepl->rt = repl->lt;
- if (prepl->rt != 0) prepl->rt->par = prepl;
- repl->lt = t->lt;
- if (repl->lt != 0) repl->lt->par = repl;
- }
- repl->rt = t->rt;
- if (repl->rt != 0) repl->rt->par = repl;
- }
- if (t == root)
- {
- root = repl;
- if (repl != 0) repl->par = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (t == p->lt)
- p->lt = repl;
- else
- p->rt = repl;
- if (repl != 0) repl->par = p;
- }
- delete t;
- return;
- }
- p = t;
- if (comp < 0)
- t = t->lt;
- else
- t = t->rt;
- }
-void <T>BSTSet::_kill(<T>BSTNode* t)
- if (t != 0)
- {
- _kill(t->lt);
- _kill(t->rt);
- delete t;
- }
-<T>BSTNode* <T>BSTSet::_copy(<T>BSTNode* t)
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- <T>BSTNode* u = new <T>BSTNode(t->item, _copy(t->lt), _copy(t->rt));
- if (u->lt != 0) u->lt->par = u;
- if (u->rt != 0) u->rt->par = u;
- return u;
- }
-int <T>BSTSet::operator == (<T>BSTSet& y)
- if (count != y.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- <T>BSTNode* t = leftmost();
- <T>BSTNode* u = y.leftmost();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == 0)
- return 1;
- else if (!<T>EQ(t->item, u->item))
- return 0;
- else
- {
- t = succ(t);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- }
- }
-int <T>BSTSet::operator <= (<T>BSTSet& y)
- if (count > y.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- <T>BSTNode* t = leftmost();
- <T>BSTNode* u = y.leftmost();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == 0)
- return 1;
- else if (u == 0)
- return 0;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(t->item, u->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- t = succ(t);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- }
-// linear-time, zero space overhead binary tree rebalancing from
-// Stout & Warren, ``Tree rebalancing in linear space and time''
-// CACM, Sept, 1986, p902.
-void <T>BSTSet::balance()
- if (count <= 2) return; // don't bother --
- // also we assume non-null root, below
- // make re-attaching the root easy via trickery
- struct _fake_node { _fake_node *lt, *rt, *par; } fake_root;
- fake_root.rt = (_fake_node*)root;
- fake_root.par = 0;
- <T>BSTNode* pseudo_root = (<T>BSTNode*)&fake_root;
- // phase 1: tree-to-vine
- <T>BSTNode* vine_tail = pseudo_root;
- <T>BSTNode* remainder = root;
- while (remainder != 0)
- {
- if (remainder->lt == 0)
- {
- vine_tail = remainder;
- remainder = remainder->rt;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>BSTNode* tmp = remainder->lt;
- remainder->lt = tmp->rt;
- if (remainder->lt != 0) remainder->lt->par = remainder;
- tmp->rt = remainder;
- remainder->par = tmp;
- vine_tail->rt = remainder = tmp;
- }
- }
- // phase 2: vine-to-tree
- // Uses the slightly simpler version adapted from
- // Day ``Balancing a binary tree'' Computer Journal, Nov. 1976,
- // since it's not generally important whether the `stray' leaves are
- // on the left or on the right.
- unsigned int spines = count - 1;
- while (spines > 1)
- {
- int compressions = spines >> 1; // compress every other node
- spines -= compressions + 1; // halve for next time
- <T>BSTNode* scanner = pseudo_root;
- while (compressions-- > 0)
- {
- <T>BSTNode* child = scanner->rt;
- <T>BSTNode* grandchild = child->rt;
- scanner->rt = grandchild;
- grandchild->par = scanner;
- child->rt = grandchild->lt;
- if (child->rt != 0) child->rt->par = child;
- grandchild->lt = child;
- child->par = grandchild;
- scanner = grandchild;
- }
- }
- root = pseudo_root->rt;
- root->par = 0;
-int <T>BSTSet::OK()
- int v = 1;
- if (root == 0)
- v = count == 0;
- else
- {
- int n = 1;
- <T>BSTNode* trail = leftmost();
- <T>BSTNode* t = succ(trail);
- while (t != 0)
- {
- ++n;
- v &= <T>CMP(trail->item, t->item) < 0;
- trail = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- v &= n == count;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/BSTSet.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/BSTSet.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 79a3dd3..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/BSTSet.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>BSTSet_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>BSTSet_h 1
-#include "<T>.Set.h"
-#ifndef _<T>BSTNode
-#define _<T>BSTNode 1
-struct <T>BSTNode
- <T>BSTNode* lt;
- <T>BSTNode* rt;
- <T>BSTNode* par;
- <T> item;
- <T>BSTNode(<T&> h, <T>BSTNode* l=0, <T>BSTNode* r=0,
- <T>BSTNode* p = 0);
- ~<T>BSTNode();
-inline <T>BSTNode::<T>BSTNode(<T&> h, <T>BSTNode* l, <T>BSTNode* r,
- <T>BSTNode* p)
-:lt(l), rt(r), par(p), item(h) {}
-inline <T>BSTNode::~<T>BSTNode() {}
-typedef <T>BSTNode* <T>BSTNodePtr;
-class <T>BSTSet : public <T>Set
- <T>BSTNode* root;
- <T>BSTNode* leftmost();
- <T>BSTNode* rightmost();
- <T>BSTNode* pred(<T>BSTNode* t);
- <T>BSTNode* succ(<T>BSTNode* t);
- void _kill(<T>BSTNode* t);
- <T>BSTNode* _copy(<T>BSTNode* t);
- <T>BSTSet();
- <T>BSTSet(<T>BSTSet& a);
- inline ~<T>BSTSet();
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item);
- Pix last();
- void prev(Pix& i);
- int operator == (<T>BSTSet& b);
- int operator != (<T>BSTSet& b);
- int operator <= (<T>BSTSet& b);
- void balance();
- int OK();
-inline <T>BSTSet::~<T>BSTSet()
- _kill(root);
-inline <T>BSTSet::<T>BSTSet()
- root = 0;
- count = 0;
-inline <T>BSTSet::<T>BSTSet(<T>BSTSet& a)
- count = a.count;
- root = _copy(a.root);
-inline int <T>BSTSet::operator != (<T>BSTSet& b)
- return ! (*this == b);
-inline Pix <T>BSTSet::first()
- return Pix(leftmost());
-inline Pix <T>BSTSet::last()
- return Pix(rightmost());
-inline void <T>BSTSet::next(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(succ((<T>BSTNode*)i));
-inline void <T>BSTSet::prev(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(pred((<T>BSTNode*)i));
-inline <T>& <T>BSTSet::operator () (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T>BSTNode*)i)->item;
-inline void <T>BSTSet::clear()
- _kill(root);
- count = 0;
- root = 0;
-inline int <T>BSTSet::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Bag.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Bag.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f9f06c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Bag.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.Bag.h"
-// error handling
-void <T>Bag::error(const char* msg)
- (*lib_error_handler)("Bag", msg);
-Pix <T>Bag::seek(<T&> item, Pix i)
- if (i == 0)
- i = first();
- else
- next(i);
- for (;i != 0 && (!(<T>EQ((*this)(i), item))); next(i));
- return i;
-int <T>Bag::owns(Pix p)
- if (p == 0) return 0;
- for (Pix i = first(); i != 0; next(i)) if (i == p) return 1;
- return 0;
-void <T>Bag::remove(<T&> item)
- int i = nof(item);
- while (i-- > 0) del(item);
-int <T>Bag::nof(<T&> item)
- int n = 0;
- for (Pix p = first(); p; next(p)) if (<T>EQ((*this)(p), item)) ++n;
- return n;
-void <T>Bag::clear()
- Pix i = first();
- while (i != 0)
- {
- del((*this)(i));
- i = first();
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Bag.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Bag.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index de6dc5c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Bag.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>Bag_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>Bag_h 1
-#include <Pix.h>
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-class <T>Bag
- int count;
- inline virtual ~<T>Bag();
- int length(); // current number of items
- int empty();
- virtual Pix add(<T&> item) = 0; // add item; return Pix
- virtual void del(<T&> item) = 0; // delete 1 occurrence of item
-#undef remove
- virtual void remove(<T&> item); // delete all occurrences
- virtual void clear(); // delete all items
- inline virtual int contains(<T&> item); // is item in Bag?
- virtual int nof(<T&> item); // how many in Bag?
- virtual Pix first() = 0; // Pix of first item or 0
- virtual void next(Pix& i) = 0; // advance to next or 0
- virtual <T>& operator () (Pix i) = 0; // access item at i
- virtual Pix seek(<T&> item, Pix from=0); // Pix of next occurrence
- virtual int owns(Pix i); // is i a valid Pix ?
- void error(const char* msg);
- virtual int OK() = 0; // rep invariant
-inline <T>Bag::~<T>Bag() {}
-inline int <T>Bag::length()
- return count;
-inline int <T>Bag::empty()
- return count == 0;
-inline int <T>Bag::contains(<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHBag.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHBag.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 22c9d70..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHBag.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.CHBag.h"
-// The nodes are linked together serially via a version
-// of a trick used in some vtables: odd pointers are
-// actually links to the next table entry.
-// Not terrible, but not wonderful either
-static inline int goodCHptr(<T>CHNode* t)
- return ((((unsigned)t) & 1) == 0);
-static inline <T>CHNode* index_to_CHptr(int i)
- return (<T>CHNode*)((i << 1) + 1);
-static inline int CHptr_to_index(<T>CHNode* t)
- return ( ((unsigned) t) >> 1);
-<T>CHBag::<T>CHBag(unsigned int sz)
- tab = (<T>CHNode**)(new <T>CHNodePtr[size = sz]);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) tab[i] = index_to_CHptr(i+1);
- count = 0;
-<T>CHBag::<T>CHBag(<T>CHBag& a)
- tab = (<T>CHNode**)(new <T>CHNodePtr[size = a.size]);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) tab[i] = index_to_CHptr(i+1);
- count = 0;
- for (Pix p = a.first(); p; add(a(p));
-Pix <T>CHBag::seek(<T&> key, Pix i)
- <T>CHNode* p = (<T>CHNode*)i;
- if (p == 0 || !<T>EQ(p->hd, key))
- {
- unsigned int h = <T>HASH(key) % size;
- for (<T>CHNode* t = tab[h]; goodCHptr(t); t = t->tl)
- if (<T>EQ(key, t->hd))
- return Pix(t);
- }
- else
- {
- for (p = p->tl; goodCHptr(p); p = p->tl)
- if (<T>EQ(p->hd, key))
- return Pix(p);
- }
- return 0;
-int <T>CHBag::nof(<T&> key)
- int n = 0;
- unsigned int h = <T>HASH(key) % size;
- for (<T>CHNode* t = tab[h]; goodCHptr(t); t = t->tl)
- if (<T>EQ(key, t->hd)) ++n;
- return n;
-Pix <T>CHBag::add(<T&> item)
- unsigned int h = <T>HASH(item) % size;
- <T>CHNode* t = new <T>CHNode(item);
- t->tl = tab[h];
- tab[h] = t;
- ++count;
- return Pix(t);
-void <T>CHBag::del(<T&> key)
- unsigned int h = <T>HASH(key) % size;
- <T>CHNode* t = tab[h];
- <T>CHNode* trail = t;
- while (goodCHptr(t))
- {
- if (<T>EQ(key, t->hd))
- {
- if (trail == t)
- tab[h] = t->tl;
- else
- trail->tl = t->tl;
- delete t;
- --count;
- return;
- }
- trail = t;
- t = t->tl;
- }
-void <T>CHBag::remove(<T&> key)
- unsigned int h = <T>HASH(key) % size;
- <T>CHNode* t = tab[h];
- <T>CHNode* trail = t;
- while (goodCHptr(t))
- {
- if (<T>EQ(key, t->hd))
- {
- --count;
- if (trail == t)
- {
- tab[h] = t->tl;
- delete t;
- t = trail = tab[h];
- }
- else
- {
- trail->tl = t->tl;
- delete t;
- t = trail->tl;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- trail = t;
- t = t->tl;
- }
- }
-void <T>CHBag::clear()
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- <T>CHNode* p = tab[i];
- tab[i] = index_to_CHptr(i+1);
- while (goodCHptr(p))
- {
- <T>CHNode* nxt = p->tl;
- delete(p);
- p = nxt;
- }
- }
- count = 0;
-Pix <T>CHBag::first()
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) if (goodCHptr(tab[i])) return Pix(tab[i]);
- return 0;
-void <T>CHBag::next(Pix& p)
- if (p == 0) return;
- <T>CHNode* t = ((<T>CHNode*)p)->tl;
- if (goodCHptr(t))
- p = Pix(t);
- else
- {
- for (unsigned int i = CHptr_to_index(t); i < size; ++i)
- {
- if (goodCHptr(tab[i]))
- {
- p = Pix(tab[i]);
- return;
- }
- }
- p = 0;
- }
-int <T>CHBag::OK()
- int v = tab != 0;
- int n = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- <T>CHNode* p;
- for (p = tab[i]; goodCHptr(p); p = p->tl) ++n;
- v &= CHptr_to_index(p) == i + 1;
- }
- v &= count == n;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHBag.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHBag.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index b2fe61f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHBag.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>CHBag_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>CHBag_h 1
-#include "<T>.Bag.h"
-#include "<T>.CHNode.h"
-class <T>CHBag : public <T>Bag
- <T>CHNode** tab;
- unsigned int size;
- <T>CHBag(unsigned int sz = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T>CHBag(<T>CHBag& a);
- inline ~<T>CHBag();
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- void remove(<T&>item);
- int nof(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- void clear();
- Pix first();
- void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item, Pix from = 0);
- int OK();
-inline <T>CHBag::~<T>CHBag()
- clear();
- delete tab;
-inline int <T>CHBag::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
-inline <T>& <T>CHBag::operator () (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T>CHNode*)i)->hd;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHMap.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHMap.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index af28fc3..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHMap.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.<C>.CHMap.h"
-// The nodes are linked together serially via a version
-// of a trick used in some vtables: odd pointers are
-// actually links to the next table entry.
-// Not terrible, but not wonderful either
-static inline int goodCHptr(<T><C>CHNode* t)
- return ((((unsigned)t) & 1) == 0);
-static inline <T><C>CHNode* index_to_CHptr(int i)
- return (<T><C>CHNode*)((i << 1) + 1);
-static inline int CHptr_to_index(<T><C>CHNode* t)
- return ( ((unsigned) t) >> 1);
-<T><C>CHMap::<T><C>CHMap(<C&> dflt, unsigned int sz)
- :<T><C>Map(dflt)
- tab = (<T><C>CHNode**)(new <T><C>CHNodePtr[size = sz]);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) tab[i] = index_to_CHptr(i+1);
- count = 0;
-<T><C>CHMap::<T><C>CHMap(<T><C>CHMap& a) :<T><C>Map(a.def)
- tab = (<T><C>CHNode**)(new <T><C>CHNodePtr[size = a.size]);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) tab[i] = index_to_CHptr(i+1);
- count = 0;
- for (Pix p = a.first(); p; (*this)[a.key(p)] = a.contents(p);
-Pix <T><C>CHMap::seek(<T&> key)
- unsigned int h = <T>HASH(key) % size;
- for (<T><C>CHNode* t = tab[h]; goodCHptr(t); t = t->tl)
- if (<T>EQ(key, t->hd))
- return Pix(t);
- return 0;
-<C>& <T><C>CHMap::operator [](<T&> item)
- unsigned int h = <T>HASH(item) % size;
- <T><C>CHNode* t;
- for (t = tab[h]; goodCHptr(t); t = t->tl)
- if (<T>EQ(item, t->hd))
- return t->cont;
- t = new <T><C>CHNode(item, def, tab[h]);
- tab[h] = t;
- ++count;
- return t->cont;
-void <T><C>CHMap::del(<T&> key)
- unsigned int h = <T>HASH(key) % size;
- <T><C>CHNode* t = tab[h];
- <T><C>CHNode* trail = t;
- while (goodCHptr(t))
- {
- if (<T>EQ(key, t->hd))
- {
- if (trail == t)
- tab[h] = t->tl;
- else
- trail->tl = t->tl;
- delete t;
- --count;
- return;
- }
- trail = t;
- t = t->tl;
- }
-void <T><C>CHMap::clear()
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- <T><C>CHNode* p = tab[i];
- tab[i] = index_to_CHptr(i+1);
- while (goodCHptr(p))
- {
- <T><C>CHNode* nxt = p->tl;
- delete(p);
- p = nxt;
- }
- }
- count = 0;
-Pix <T><C>CHMap::first()
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) if (goodCHptr(tab[i])) return Pix(tab[i]);
- return 0;
-void <T><C>CHMap::next(Pix& p)
- <T><C>CHNode* t = ((<T><C>CHNode*)p)->tl;
- if (goodCHptr(t))
- p = Pix(t);
- else
- {
- for (unsigned int i = CHptr_to_index(t); i < size; ++i)
- {
- if (goodCHptr(tab[i]))
- {
- p = Pix(tab[i]);
- return;
- }
- }
- p = 0;
- }
-int <T><C>CHMap::OK()
- int v = tab != 0;
- int n = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- <T><C>CHNode* p;
- for (p = tab[i]; goodCHptr(p); p = p->tl) ++n;
- v &= CHptr_to_index(p) == i + 1;
- }
- v &= count == n;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHMap.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHMap.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b4e25a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHMap.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T><C>CHMap_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T><C>CHMap_h 1
-#include "<T>.<C>.Map.h"
-#ifndef _<T><C>CHNode_h
-#define _<T><C>CHNode_h 1
-struct <T><C>CHNode
- <T><C>CHNode* tl;
- <T> hd;
- <C> cont;
- <T><C>CHNode();
- <T><C>CHNode(<T&> h, <C&> c, <T><C>CHNode* t = 0);
- ~<T><C>CHNode();
-inline <T><C>CHNode::<T><C>CHNode() {}
-inline <T><C>CHNode::<T><C>CHNode(<T&> h, <C&> c, <T><C>CHNode* t)
- : tl(t), hd(h), cont(c) {}
-inline <T><C>CHNode::~<T><C>CHNode() {}
-typedef <T><C>CHNode* <T><C>CHNodePtr;
-class <T><C>CHMap : public <T><C>Map
- <T><C>CHNode** tab;
- unsigned int size;
- <T><C>CHMap(<C&> dflt,unsigned int sz=DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T><C>CHMap(<T><C>CHMap& a);
- inline ~<T><C>CHMap();
- <C>& operator [] (<T&> key);
- void del(<T&> key);
- Pix first();
- void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& key(Pix i);
- inline <C>& contents(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> key);
- inline int contains(<T&> key);
- void clear();
- int OK();
-inline <T><C>CHMap::~<T><C>CHMap()
- clear();
- delete tab;
-inline int <T><C>CHMap::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
-inline <T>& <T><C>CHMap::key(Pix p)
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T><C>CHNode*)p)->hd;
-inline <C>& <T><C>CHMap::contents(Pix p)
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T><C>CHNode*)p)->cont;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHNode.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHNode.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index b9a1e17..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHNode.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1992 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.CHNode.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHNode.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHNode.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index af3acd1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHNode.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1982 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>CHNode_h
-#define _<T>CHNode_h 1
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-struct <T>CHNode
- <T>CHNode* tl;
- <T> hd;
- <T>CHNode();
- <T>CHNode(<T&> h, <T>CHNode* t = 0);
- ~<T>CHNode();
-inline <T>CHNode::<T>CHNode() {}
-inline <T>CHNode::<T>CHNode(<T&> h, <T>CHNode* t) :tl(t), hd(h) {}
-inline <T>CHNode::~<T>CHNode() {}
-typedef <T>CHNode* <T>CHNodePtr;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHSet.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHSet.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a3727b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHSet.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.CHSet.h"
-// A CHSet is implemented as an array (tab) of buckets, each of which
-// contains a pointer to a list of <T>CHNodes. Each node contains a
-// pointer to the next node in the list, and a pointer to the <T>.
-// The end of the list is marked by a next node pointer which is odd
-// when considered as an integer (least significant bit = 1). The
-// assumption is that CHNodes will all begin on even addresses. If
-// the odd pointer is right-shifted by one bit, it becomes the index
-// within the tab array of the next bucket (that is, bucket i has
-// next bucket pointer 2*(i+1)+1).
-// The bucket pointers are initialized by the constructor and
-// used to support the next(Pix&) method.
-// This implementation is not portable to machines with different
-// pointer and integer sizes, or on which CHNodes might be aligned on
-// odd byte boundaries, but allows the same pointer to be used for
-// chaining within a bucket and to the next bucket.
-static inline int goodCHptr(<T>CHNode* t)
- return ((((unsigned)t) & 1) == 0);
-static inline <T>CHNode* index_to_CHptr(int i)
- return (<T>CHNode*)((i << 1) + 1);
-static inline int CHptr_to_index(<T>CHNode* t)
- return ( ((unsigned) t) >> 1);
-<T>CHSet::<T>CHSet(unsigned int sz)
- tab = (<T>CHNode**)(new <T>CHNodePtr[size = sz]);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) tab[i] = index_to_CHptr(i+1);
- count = 0;
-<T>CHSet::<T>CHSet(<T>CHSet& a)
- tab = (<T>CHNode**)(new <T>CHNodePtr[size = a.size]);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) tab[i] = index_to_CHptr(i+1);
- count = 0;
- for (Pix p = a.first(); p; add(a(p));
-Pix <T>CHSet::seek(<T&> key)
- unsigned int h = <T>HASH(key) % size;
- for (<T>CHNode* t = tab[h]; goodCHptr(t); t = t->tl)
- if (<T>EQ(key, t->hd))
- return Pix(t);
- return 0;
-Pix <T>CHSet::add(<T&> item)
- unsigned int h = <T>HASH(item) % size;
- <T>CHNode* t;
- for (t = tab[h]; goodCHptr(t); t = t->tl)
- if (<T>EQ(item, t->hd))
- return Pix(t);
- ++count;
- t = new <T>CHNode(item, tab[h]);
- tab[h] = t;
- return Pix(t);
-void <T>CHSet::del(<T&> key)
- unsigned int h = <T>HASH(key) % size;
- <T>CHNode* t = tab[h];
- <T>CHNode* trail = t;
- while (goodCHptr(t))
- {
- if (<T>EQ(key, t->hd))
- {
- if (trail == t)
- tab[h] = t->tl;
- else
- trail->tl = t->tl;
- delete t;
- --count;
- return;
- }
- trail = t;
- t = t->tl;
- }
-void <T>CHSet::clear()
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- <T>CHNode* p = tab[i];
- tab[i] = index_to_CHptr(i+1);
- while (goodCHptr(p))
- {
- <T>CHNode* nxt = p->tl;
- delete(p);
- p = nxt;
- }
- }
- count = 0;
-Pix <T>CHSet::first()
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) if (goodCHptr(tab[i])) return Pix(tab[i]);
- return 0;
-void <T>CHSet::next(Pix& p)
- if (p == 0) return;
- <T>CHNode* t = ((<T>CHNode*)p)->tl;
- if (goodCHptr(t))
- p = Pix(t);
- else
- {
- for (unsigned int i = CHptr_to_index(t); i < size; ++i)
- {
- if (goodCHptr(tab[i]))
- {
- p = Pix(tab[i]);
- return;
- }
- }
- p = 0;
- }
-int <T>CHSet::operator == (<T>CHSet& b)
- if (count != b.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- <T>CHNode* p;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- for (p = tab[i]; goodCHptr(p); p = p->tl)
- if (>hd) == 0)
- return 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < b.size; ++i)
- for (p =[i]; goodCHptr(p); p = p->tl)
- if (seek(p->hd) == 0)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
-int <T>CHSet::operator <= (<T>CHSet& b)
- if (count > b.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- for (<T>CHNode* p = tab[i]; goodCHptr(p); p = p->tl)
- if (>hd) == 0)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
-void <T>CHSet::operator |= (<T>CHSet& b)
- if (&b == this || b.count == 0)
- return;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < b.size; ++i)
- for (<T>CHNode* p =[i]; goodCHptr(p); p = p->tl)
- add(p->hd);
-void <T>CHSet::operator &= (<T>CHSet& b)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- <T>CHNode* t = tab[i];
- <T>CHNode* trail = t;
- while (goodCHptr(t))
- {
- <T>CHNode* nxt = t->tl;
- if (>hd) == 0)
- {
- if (trail == tab[i])
- trail = tab[i] = nxt;
- else
- trail->tl = nxt;
- delete t;
- --count;
- }
- else
- trail = t;
- t = nxt;
- }
- }
-void <T>CHSet::operator -= (<T>CHSet& b)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- <T>CHNode* t = tab[i];
- <T>CHNode* trail = t;
- while (goodCHptr(t))
- {
- <T>CHNode* nxt = t->tl;
- if (>hd) != 0)
- {
- if (trail == tab[i])
- trail = tab[i] = nxt;
- else
- trail->tl = nxt;
- delete t;
- --count;
- }
- else
- trail = t;
- t = nxt;
- }
- }
-int <T>CHSet::OK()
- int v = tab != 0;
- int n = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- <T>CHNode* p;
- for (p = tab[i]; goodCHptr(p); p = p->tl) ++n;
- v &= CHptr_to_index(p) == i + 1;
- }
- v &= count == n;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHSet.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHSet.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fc2c8e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/CHSet.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>CHSet_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>CHSet_h 1
-#include "<T>.Set.h"
-#include "<T>.CHNode.h"
-class <T>CHSet : public <T>Set
- <T>CHNode** tab;
- unsigned int size;
- <T>CHSet(unsigned int sz = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T>CHSet(<T>CHSet& a);
- inline ~<T>CHSet();
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- void clear();
- Pix first();
- void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item);
- void operator |= (<T>CHSet& b);
- void operator -= (<T>CHSet& b);
- void operator &= (<T>CHSet& b);
- int operator == (<T>CHSet& b);
- int operator != (<T>CHSet& b);
- int operator <= (<T>CHSet& b);
- int OK();
-inline <T>CHSet::~<T>CHSet()
- clear();
- delete tab;
-inline int <T>CHSet::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
-inline <T>& <T>CHSet::operator () (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T>CHNode*)i)->hd;
-inline int <T>CHSet::operator != (<T>CHSet& b)
- return ! ((*this) == b);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/DLDeque.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/DLDeque.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index d5a0db7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/DLDeque.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.DLDeque.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/DLDeque.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/DLDeque.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d8cc70..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/DLDeque.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>DLDeque_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>DLDeque_h
-#include "<T>.DLList.h"
-#include "<T>.Deque.h"
-class <T>DLDeque : public <T>Deque
- <T>DLList p;
- <T>DLDeque();
- <T>DLDeque(const <T>DLDeque& d);
- inline ~<T>DLDeque();
- void operator = (const <T>DLDeque&);
- inline void push(<T&> item); // insert at front
- inline void enq(<T&> item); // insert at rear
- inline <T>& front();
- inline <T>& rear();
- inline <T> deq();
- inline void del_front();
- inline void del_rear();
- inline void clear();
- inline int empty();
- inline int full();
- inline int length();
- inline int OK();
-inline <T>DLDeque::<T>DLDeque() : p() {}
-inline <T>DLDeque::<T>DLDeque(const <T>DLDeque& d) : p(d.p) {}
-inline <T>DLDeque::~<T>DLDeque() {}
-inline void <T>DLDeque::push(<T&>item)
- p.prepend(item);
-inline void <T>DLDeque::enq(<T&>item)
- p.append(item);
-inline <T> <T>DLDeque::deq()
- return p.remove_front();
-inline <T>& <T>DLDeque::front()
- return p.front();
-inline <T>& <T>DLDeque::rear()
- return p.rear();
-inline void <T>DLDeque::del_front()
- p.del_front();
-inline void <T>DLDeque::del_rear()
- p.del_rear();
-inline void <T>DLDeque::operator =(const <T>DLDeque& s)
- p.operator = (s.p);
-inline int <T>DLDeque::empty()
- return p.empty();
-inline int <T>DLDeque::full()
- return 0;
-inline int <T>DLDeque::length()
- return p.length();
-inline int <T>DLDeque::OK()
- return p.OK();
-inline void <T>DLDeque::clear()
- p.clear();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/DLList.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/DLList.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index c870dc1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/DLList.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-// WARNING: This file is obsolete. Use ../, if you can.
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.DLList.h"
-// error handling
-void <T>DLList::error(const char* msg)
- (*lib_error_handler)("DLList", msg);
-int <T>DLList::length()
- int l = 0;
- <T>DLListNode* t = h;
- if (t != 0) do { ++l; t = t->fd; } while (t != h);
- return l;
-<T>DLList::<T>DLList(const <T>DLList& a)
- if (a.h == 0)
- h = 0;
- else
- {
- <T>DLListNode* p = a.h;
- <T>DLListNode* t = new <T>DLListNode(p->hd);
- h = t;
- p = p->fd;
- while (p != a.h)
- {
- <T>DLListNode* n = new <T>DLListNode(p->hd);
- t->fd = n;
- n->bk = t;
- t = n;
- p = p->fd;
- }
- t->fd = h;
- h->bk = t;
- return;
- }
-<T>DLList& <T>DLList::operator = (const <T>DLList& a)
- if (h != a.h)
- {
- clear();
- if (a.h != 0)
- {
- <T>DLListNode* p = a.h;
- <T>DLListNode* t = new <T>DLListNode(p->hd);
- h = t;
- p = p->fd;
- while (p != a.h)
- {
- <T>DLListNode* n = new <T>DLListNode(p->hd);
- t->fd = n;
- n->bk = t;
- t = n;
- p = p->fd;
- }
- t->fd = h;
- h->bk = t;
- }
- }
- return *this;
-void <T>DLList::clear()
- if (h == 0)
- return;
- <T>DLListNode* p = h->fd;
- h->fd = 0;
- h = 0;
- while (p != 0)
- {
- <T>DLListNode* nxt = p->fd;
- delete(p);
- p = nxt;
- }
-Pix <T>DLList::prepend(<T&> item)
- <T>DLListNode* t = new <T>DLListNode(item);
- if (h == 0)
- t->fd = t->bk = h = t;
- else
- {
- t->fd = h;
- t->bk = h->bk;
- h->bk->fd = t;
- h->bk = t;
- h = t;
- }
- return Pix(t);
-Pix <T>DLList::append(<T&> item)
- <T>DLListNode* t = new <T>DLListNode(item);
- if (h == 0)
- t->fd = t->bk = h = t;
- else
- {
- t->bk = h->bk;
- t->bk->fd = t;
- t->fd = h;
- h->bk = t;
- }
- return Pix(t);
-Pix <T>DLList::ins_after(Pix p, <T&> item)
- if (p == 0) return prepend(item);
- <T>DLListNode* u = (<T>DLListNode*) p;
- <T>DLListNode* t = new <T>DLListNode(item, u, u->fd);
- u->fd->bk = t;
- u->fd = t;
- return Pix(t);
-Pix <T>DLList::ins_before(Pix p, <T&> item)
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- <T>DLListNode* u = (<T>DLListNode*) p;
- <T>DLListNode* t = new <T>DLListNode(item, u->bk, u);
- u->bk->fd = t;
- u->bk = t;
- if (u == h) h = t;
- return Pix(t);
-void <T>DLList::join(<T>DLList& b)
- <T>DLListNode* t = b.h;
- b.h = 0;
- if (h == 0)
- h = t;
- else if (t != 0)
- {
- <T>DLListNode* l = t->bk;
- h->bk->fd = t;
- t->bk = h->bk;
- h->bk = l;
- l->fd = h;
- }
-int <T>DLList::owns(Pix p)
- <T>DLListNode* t = h;
- if (t != 0 && p != 0)
- {
- do
- {
- if (Pix(t) == p) return 1;
- t = t->fd;
- } while (t != h);
- }
- return 0;
-void <T>DLList::del(Pix& p, int dir)
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- <T>DLListNode* t = (<T>DLListNode*) p;
- if (t->fd == t)
- {
- h = 0;
- p = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (dir < 0)
- {
- if (t == h)
- p = 0;
- else
- p = Pix(t->bk);
- }
- else
- {
- if (t == h->bk)
- p = 0;
- else
- p = Pix(t->fd);
- }
- t->bk->fd = t->fd;
- t->fd->bk = t->bk;
- if (t == h) h = t->fd;
- }
- delete t;
-void <T>DLList::del_after(Pix& p)
- if (p == 0)
- {
- del_front();
- return;
- }
- <T>DLListNode* b = (<T>DLListNode*) p;
- <T>DLListNode* t = b->fd;
- if (b == t)
- {
- h = 0;
- p = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- t->bk->fd = t->fd;
- t->fd->bk = t->bk;
- if (t == h) h = t->fd;
- }
- delete t;
-<T> <T>DLList::remove_front()
- if (h == 0)
- error("remove_front of empty list");
- <T>DLListNode* t = h;
- <T> res = t->hd;
- if (h->fd == h)
- h = 0;
- else
- {
- h->fd->bk = h->bk;
- h->bk->fd = h->fd;
- h = h->fd;
- }
- delete t;
- return res;
-void <T>DLList::del_front()
- if (h == 0)
- error("del_front of empty list");
- <T>DLListNode* t = h;
- if (h->fd == h)
- h = 0;
- else
- {
- h->fd->bk = h->bk;
- h->bk->fd = h->fd;
- h = h->fd;
- }
- delete t;
-<T> <T>DLList::remove_rear()
- if (h == 0)
- error("remove_rear of empty list");
- <T>DLListNode* t = h->bk;
- <T> res = t->hd;
- if (h->fd == h)
- h = 0;
- else
- {
- t->fd->bk = t->bk;
- t->bk->fd = t->fd;
- }
- delete t;
- return res;
-void <T>DLList::del_rear()
- if (h == 0)
- error("del_rear of empty list");
- <T>DLListNode* t = h->bk;
- if (h->fd == h)
- h = 0;
- else
- {
- t->fd->bk = t->bk;
- t->bk->fd = t->fd;
- }
- delete t;
-int <T>DLList::OK()
- int v = 1;
- if (h != 0)
- {
- <T>DLListNode* t = h;
- long count = LONG_MAX; // Lots of chances to find h!
- do
- {
- count--;
- v &= t->bk->fd == t;
- v &= t->fd->bk == t;
- t = t->fd;
- } while (v && count > 0 && t != h);
- v &= count > 0;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/DLList.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/DLList.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d1a3f4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/DLList.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-// WARNING: This file is obsolete. Use ../DLList.h, if you can.
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>DLList_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>DLList_h 1
-#include <Pix.h>
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-#ifndef _<T>DLListNode_h
-#define _<T>DLListNode_h 1
-struct <T>DLListNode
- <T>DLListNode* bk;
- <T>DLListNode* fd;
- <T> hd;
- <T>DLListNode();
- <T>DLListNode(const <T&> h,
- <T>DLListNode* p = 0,
- <T>DLListNode* n = 0);
- ~<T>DLListNode();
-inline <T>DLListNode::<T>DLListNode() {}
-inline <T>DLListNode::<T>DLListNode(const <T&> h, <T>DLListNode* p,
- <T>DLListNode* n)
- :bk(p), fd(n), hd(h) {}
-inline <T>DLListNode::~<T>DLListNode() {}
-typedef <T>DLListNode* <T>DLListNodePtr;
-class <T>DLList
- friend class <T>DLListTrav;
- <T>DLListNode* h;
- <T>DLList();
- <T>DLList(const <T>DLList& a);
- ~<T>DLList();
- <T>DLList& operator = (const <T>DLList& a);
- int empty();
- int length();
- void clear();
- Pix prepend(<T&> item);
- Pix append(<T&> item);
- void join(<T>DLList&);
- <T>& front();
- <T> remove_front();
- void del_front();
- <T>& rear();
- <T> remove_rear();
- void del_rear();
- <T>& operator () (Pix p);
- Pix first();
- Pix last();
- void next(Pix& p);
- void prev(Pix& p);
- int owns(Pix p);
- Pix ins_after(Pix p, <T&> item);
- Pix ins_before(Pix p, <T&> item);
- void del(Pix& p, int dir = 1);
- void del_after(Pix& p);
- void error(const char* msg);
- int OK();
-inline <T>DLList::~<T>DLList()
- clear();
-inline <T>DLList::<T>DLList()
- h = 0;
-inline int <T>DLList::empty()
- return h == 0;
-inline void <T>DLList::next(Pix& p)
- p = (p == 0 || p == h->bk)? 0 : Pix(((<T>DLListNode*)p)->fd);
-inline void <T>DLList::prev(Pix& p)
- p = (p == 0 || p == h)? 0 : Pix(((<T>DLListNode*)p)->bk);
-inline Pix <T>DLList::first()
- return Pix(h);
-inline Pix <T>DLList::last()
- return (h == 0)? 0 : Pix(h->bk);
-inline <T>& <T>DLList::operator () (Pix p)
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T>DLListNode*)p)->hd;
-inline <T>& <T>DLList::front()
- if (h == 0) error("front: empty list");
- return h->hd;
-inline <T>& <T>DLList::rear()
- if (h == 0) error("rear: empty list");
- return h->bk->hd;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Deque.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Deque.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 79a9b72..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Deque.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.Deque.h"
-<T>Deque::~<T>Deque() {}
-void <T>Deque::error(const char* msg)
- (*lib_error_handler)("Deque", msg);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Deque.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Deque.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 3576432..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Deque.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>Deque_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>Deque_h
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-class <T>Deque
- <T>Deque() { }
- virtual ~<T>Deque();
- virtual void push(<T&> item) = 0; // insert at front
- virtual void enq(<T&> item) = 0; // insert at rear
- virtual <T>& front() = 0;
- virtual <T>& rear() = 0;
- virtual <T> deq() = 0;
- virtual void del_front() = 0;
- virtual void del_rear() = 0;
- virtual int empty() = 0;
- virtual int full() = 0;
- virtual int length() = 0;
- virtual void clear() = 0;
- virtual int OK() = 0;
- void error(const char*);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPQueue.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPQueue.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index a358cac..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPQueue.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.FPQueue.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPQueue.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPQueue.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index adf7e8d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPQueue.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>FPQueue_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>FPQueue_h
-#include "<T>.FPlex.h"
-#include "<T>.Queue.h"
-class <T>FPQueue : public <T>Queue
- <T>FPlex p;
- <T>FPQueue(int chunksize = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T>FPQueue(const <T>FPQueue& q);
- ~<T>FPQueue();
- void operator = (const <T>FPQueue&);
- void enq(<T&> item);
- <T> deq();
- <T>& front();
- void del_front();
- void clear();
- int empty();
- int full();
- int length();
- int OK();
-inline <T>FPQueue::<T>FPQueue(int chunksize) : p(chunksize) {}
-inline <T>FPQueue::<T>FPQueue(const <T>FPQueue& q) : p(q.p) {}
-inline <T>FPQueue::~<T>FPQueue() {}
-inline void <T>FPQueue::enq(<T&>item)
- p.add_high(item);
-inline <T> <T>FPQueue::deq()
- <T> res = p.low_element();
- p.del_low();
- return res;
-inline <T>& <T>FPQueue::front()
- return p.low_element();
-inline void <T>FPQueue::del_front()
- p.del_low();
-inline void <T>FPQueue::operator =(const <T>FPQueue& s)
- p = s.p;
-inline int <T>FPQueue::empty()
- return p.empty();
-inline int <T>FPQueue::full()
- return p.full();
-inline int <T>FPQueue::length()
- return p.length();
-inline int <T>FPQueue::OK()
- return p.OK();
-inline void <T>FPQueue::clear()
- p.clear();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPStack.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPStack.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 9549911..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPStack.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.FPStack.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPStack.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPStack.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index de13104..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPStack.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>FPStack_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>FPStack_h
-#include "<T>.FPlex.h"
-#include "<T>.Stack.h"
-class <T>FPStack : public <T>Stack
- <T>FPlex p;
- <T>FPStack(int chunksize = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T>FPStack(const <T>FPStack& s);
- ~<T>FPStack();
- void operator = (const <T>FPStack&);
- void push(<T&> item);
- <T> pop();
- <T>& top();
- void del_top();
- int empty();
- int full();
- int length();
- void clear();
- int OK();
-inline <T>FPStack::<T>FPStack(int chunksize) : p(chunksize) {}
-inline <T>FPStack::<T>FPStack(const <T>FPStack& s) : p(s.p) {}
-inline <T>FPStack::~<T>FPStack() {}
-inline void <T>FPStack::push(<T&>item)
- p.add_high(item);
-inline <T> <T>FPStack::pop()
- <T> res = p.high_element();
- p.del_high();
- return res;
-inline <T>& <T>FPStack::top()
- return p.high_element();
-inline void <T>FPStack::del_top()
- p.del_high();
-inline void <T>FPStack::operator =(const <T>FPStack& s)
- p = s.p;
-inline int <T>FPStack::empty()
- return p.empty();
-inline int <T>FPStack::full()
- return p.full();
-inline int <T>FPStack::length()
- return p.length();
-inline int <T>FPStack::OK()
- return p.OK();
-inline void <T>FPStack::clear()
- p.clear();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPlex.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPlex.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 980870d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPlex.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.FPlex.h"
-<T>FPlex:: <T>FPlex()
- lo = fnc = 0;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- hd = new <T>IChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, csize);
-<T>FPlex:: <T>FPlex(int maxsize)
- if (maxsize == 0) error("invalid constructor specification");
- lo = fnc = 0;
- if (maxsize > 0)
- {
- csize = maxsize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- hd = new <T>IChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, csize);
- }
- else
- {
- csize = -maxsize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- hd = new <T>IChunk(data, maxsize, lo, fnc, fnc);
- }
-<T>FPlex:: <T>FPlex(int l, int maxsize)
- if (maxsize == 0) error("invalid constructor specification");
- lo = fnc = l;
- if (maxsize > 0)
- {
- csize = maxsize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- hd = new <T>IChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, csize+lo);
- }
- else
- {
- csize = -maxsize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- hd = new <T>IChunk(data, maxsize+lo, lo, fnc, fnc);
- }
-<T>FPlex:: <T>FPlex(int l, int hi, const <T&> initval, int maxsize)
- lo = l;
- fnc = hi + 1;
- if (maxsize >= 0)
- {
- csize = maxsize;
- if (csize < fnc - lo)
- csize = fnc - lo;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- hd = new <T>IChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, csize);
- }
- else
- {
- csize = -maxsize;
- if (csize < fnc - lo)
- csize = fnc - lo;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- hd = new <T>IChunk(data, -csize, lo, fnc, fnc);
- }
- fill(initval);
-<T>FPlex::<T>FPlex(const <T>FPlex& a)
- lo = a.lo;
- fnc = a.fnc;
- csize = fnc - lo;
- if (csize < a.csize) csize = a.csize;
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- hd = new <T>IChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, lo+csize);
- for (int i = a.low(); i < a.fence(); (*this)[i] = a[i];
-void <T>FPlex::operator= (const <T>FPlex& a)
- if (&a != this)
- {
- del_chunk(hd);
- lo = a.lo;
- fnc = a.fnc;
- csize = fnc - lo;
- if (csize < a.csize) csize = a.csize;
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- hd = new <T>IChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, lo+csize);
- for (int i = a.low(); i < a.fence(); (*this)[i] = a[i];
- }
-void <T>FPlex::reverse()
- <T> tmp;
- int l = lo;
- int h = fnc - 1;
- while (l < h)
- {
- tmp = (*this)[l];
- (*this)[l] = (*this)[h];
- (*this)[h] = tmp;
- next(l);
- prev(h);
- }
-void <T>FPlex::fill(const <T&> x)
- for (int i = lo; i < fnc; ++i) (*this)[i] = x;
-void <T>FPlex::fill(const <T&> x, int lo, int hi)
- for (int i = lo; i <= hi; ++i) (*this)[i] = x;
-void <T>FPlex::clear()
- if (fnc != lo)
- {
- hd->clear(lo);
- fnc = lo;
- }
-int <T>FPlex::OK () const
- int v = hd != 0; // hd exists
- v &= hd-><T>IChunk::OK(); // and is OK
- v &= fnc - lo <= hd->size(); // and has enough space
- v &= lo <= fnc; // plex indices consistent
- v &= lo == hd->low_index(); // and match those
- v &= fnc == hd->fence_index(); // of chunk
- v &= one_chunk(); // and only one chunk
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPlex.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPlex.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 03cf96d2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/FPlex.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>FPlex_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>FPlex_h 1
-#include "<T>.Plex.h"
-class <T>FPlex : public <T>Plex
- <T>FPlex(); // set low = 0;
- // fence = 0;
- // csize = default
- <T>FPlex(int maxsize); // low = 0;
- // fence = 0;
- // csize = maxsize
- <T>FPlex(int lo, // low = lo;
- int maxsize); // fence=lo
- // csize = maxsize
- <T>FPlex(int lo, // low = lo
- int hi, // fence = hi+1
- const <T&> initval,// fill with initval,
- int maxsize = 0); // csize = maxsize
- // or fence - lo if 0
- <T>FPlex(const <T>FPlex&); // X(X&)
- inline ~<T>FPlex();
- void operator= (const <T>FPlex&);
-// virtuals
- inline <T>& high_element ();
- inline <T>& low_element ();
- inline const <T>& high_element () const;
- inline const <T>& low_element () const;
- inline Pix first() const;
- inline Pix last() const;
- inline void prev(Pix& ptr) const;
- inline void next(Pix& ptr) const;
- inline int owns(Pix p) const;
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix p);
- inline const <T>& operator () (Pix p) const;
- inline int low() const;
- inline int high() const;
- inline int valid(int idx) const;
- inline void prev(int& idx) const;
- inline void next(int& x) const;
- inline <T>& operator [] (int index);
- inline const <T>& operator [] (int index) const;
- inline int Pix_to_index(Pix p) const;
- inline Pix index_to_Pix(int idx) const;
- inline int can_add_high() const;
- inline int can_add_low() const;
- inline int full() const;
- inline int add_high(const <T&> elem);
- inline int del_high ();
- inline int add_low (const <T&> elem);
- inline int del_low ();
- void fill(const <T&> x);
- void fill(const <T&> x, int from, int to);
- void clear();
- void reverse();
- int OK () const;
-inline int <T>FPlex::valid (int idx) const
- return idx >= lo && idx < fnc;
-inline int <T>FPlex::low() const
- return lo;
-inline int <T>FPlex::high() const
- return fnc - 1;
-inline Pix <T>FPlex::first() const
- return (Pix)(hd-><T>IChunk::first_pointer());
-inline void <T>FPlex::prev(Pix& p) const
- p = Pix(hd-><T>IChunk::pred((<T>*) p));
-inline void <T>FPlex::next(Pix& p) const
- p = Pix(hd-><T>IChunk::succ((<T>*) p));
-inline Pix <T>FPlex::last() const
- return Pix(hd-><T>IChunk::last_pointer());
-inline int <T>FPlex::full () const
- return fnc - lo == csize;
-inline void <T>FPlex::prev(int& idx) const
- --idx;
-inline void <T>FPlex::next(int& idx) const
- ++idx;
-inline <T>& <T>FPlex:: operator [] (int idx)
- if (idx < lo || idx >= fnc) index_error();
- return *(hd->pointer_to(idx));
-inline <T>& <T>FPlex:: operator () (Pix p)
- return *((<T>*)p);
-inline <T>& <T>FPlex::low_element ()
- if (empty()) index_error();
- return *(hd->pointer_to(lo));
-inline <T>& <T>FPlex::high_element ()
- if (empty()) index_error();
- return *(hd->pointer_to(fnc - 1));
-inline const <T>& <T>FPlex:: operator [] (int idx) const
- if (idx < lo || idx >= fnc) index_error();
- return *(hd->pointer_to(idx));
-inline const <T>& <T>FPlex:: operator () (Pix p) const
- return *((const <T>*)p);
-inline const <T>& <T>FPlex::low_element () const
- if (empty()) index_error();
- return *(hd->pointer_to(lo));
-inline const <T>& <T>FPlex::high_element () const
- if (empty()) index_error();
- return *(hd->pointer_to(fnc - 1));
-inline int <T>FPlex::can_add_high() const
- return hd->can_grow_high();
-inline int <T>FPlex::can_add_low() const
- return hd->can_grow_low();
-inline int <T>FPlex::add_high(const <T&> elem)
- if (!can_add_high()) full_error();
- *((hd-><T>IChunk::grow_high())) = elem;
- return fnc++;
-inline int <T>FPlex::del_high ()
- if (empty()) empty_error();
- hd-><T>IChunk::shrink_high();
- return --fnc - 1;
-inline int <T>FPlex::add_low (const <T&> elem)
- if (!can_add_low()) full_error();
- *((hd-><T>IChunk::grow_low())) = elem;
- return --lo;
-inline int <T>FPlex::del_low ()
- if (empty()) empty_error();
- hd-><T>IChunk::shrink_low();
- return ++lo;
-inline int <T>FPlex::owns (Pix p) const
- return hd->actual_pointer((<T>*)p);
-inline int <T>FPlex::Pix_to_index(Pix p) const
- if (!hd->actual_pointer((const <T>*)p)) index_error();
- return hd->index_of((const <T>*)p);
-inline Pix <T>FPlex::index_to_Pix(int idx) const
- if (idx < lo || idx >= fnc) index_error();
- return Pix(hd->pointer_to(idx));
-inline <T>FPlex::~<T>FPlex() {}
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/List.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/List.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index f672cf2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/List.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,972 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.List.h"
-<T>ListNode Nil<T>ListNode;
-class init_Nil<T>ListNode
- init_Nil<T>ListNode()
- {
- Nil<T> = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- Nil<T>ListNode.ref = -1;
- }
-static init_Nil<T>ListNode Nil<T>ListNode_initializer;
-<T>List& <T>List::operator = (const <T>List& a)
- reference(a.P);
- dereference(P);
- P = a.P;
- return *this;
-<T> <T>List::pop()
- <T> res = P->hd;
- <T>ListNode* tail = P->tl;
- reference(tail);
- dereference(P);
- P = tail;
- return res;
-void <T>List::set_tail(<T>List& a)
- reference(a.P);
- dereference(P->tl);
- P->tl = a.P;
-<T>List <T>List::nth(int n)
- <T>ListNode* p;
- for ( p = P; n-- > 0; p = p->tl);
- reference(p);
- return <T>List(p);
-<T>List <T>List::last()
- <T>ListNode* p = P;
- if (p != &Nil<T>ListNode) while (p->tl != &Nil<T>ListNode) p = p->tl;
- reference(p);
- return <T>List(p);
-void <T>List::append(<T>List& l)
- <T>ListNode* p = P;
- <T>ListNode* a = l.P;
- reference(a);
- if (p != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- while (p->tl != &Nil<T>ListNode) p = p->tl;
- p->tl = a;
- }
- else
- P = a;
-int <T>List::length()
- int l = 0;
- for (<T>ListNode* p = P; p != &Nil<T>ListNode; p = p->tl) ++l;
- return l;
-<T>& <T>List::operator [] (int n)
- <T>ListNode* p;
- for ( p = P; n-- > 0; p = p->tl);
- return (p->hd);
-int operator == (const <T>List& x, const <T>List& y)
- <T>ListNode* a = x.P;
- <T>ListNode* b = y.P;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (a == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return b == &Nil<T>ListNode;
- else if (b == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return 0;
- else if (<T>EQ(a->hd, b->hd))
- {
- a = a->tl;
- b = b->tl;
- }
- else
- return 0;
- }
-void <T>List::apply(<T>Procedure f)
- for(<T>ListNode* p = P; p != &Nil<T>ListNode; p = p->tl)
- (*f)((p->hd));
-void <T>List::subst(<T&> old, <T&> repl)
- for(<T>ListNode* p = P; p != &Nil<T>ListNode; p = p->tl)
- if (<T>EQ(p->hd, old))
- p->hd = repl;
-<T> <T>List::reduce(<T>Combiner f, <T&> base)
- <T> r = base;
- for(<T>ListNode* p = P; p != &Nil<T>ListNode; p = p->tl)
- r = (*f)(r, (p->hd));
- return r;
-int <T>List::position(<T&> targ)
- int l = 0;
- <T>ListNode* p = P;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (p == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return -1;
- else if (<T>EQ(p->hd, targ))
- return l;
- else
- {
- ++l;
- p = p->tl;
- }
- }
-int <T>List::contains(<T&> targ)
- <T>ListNode* p = P;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (p == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return 0;
- else if (<T>EQ(p->hd, targ))
- return 1;
- else
- p = p->tl;
- }
-<T>List <T>List::find(<T&> targ)
- <T>ListNode* p = P;
- while (p != &Nil<T>ListNode && !<T>EQ(p->hd, targ))
- p=p->tl;
- reference(p);
- return <T>List(p);
-Pix <T>List::seek(<T&> targ) const
- const <T>ListNode* p = P;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (p == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return 0;
- else if (<T>EQ(p->hd, targ))
- return Pix(p);
- else
- p = p->tl;
- }
-int <T>List::owns(Pix i)
- <T>ListNode* p = P;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (p == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return 0;
- else if (Pix(p) == i)
- return 1;
- else
- p = p->tl;
- }
-<T>List <T>List::find(<T>List& target)
- <T>ListNode* targ = target.P;
- if (targ == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return <T>List(targ);
- <T>ListNode* p = P;
- while (p != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- if (<T>EQ(p->hd, targ->hd))
- {
- <T>ListNode* a = p->tl;
- <T>ListNode* t = targ->tl;
- for(;;)
- {
- if (t == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- reference(p);
- return <T>List(p);
- }
- else if (a == &Nil<T>ListNode || !<T>EQ(a->hd, t->hd))
- break;
- else
- {
- a = a->tl;
- t = t->tl;
- }
- }
- }
- p = p->tl;
- }
- return <T>List(&Nil<T>ListNode);
-int <T>List::contains(<T>List& target)
- <T>ListNode* targ = target.P;
- if (targ == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return 0;
- <T>ListNode* p = P;
- while (p != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- if (<T>EQ(p->hd, targ->hd))
- {
- <T>ListNode* a = p->tl;
- <T>ListNode* t = targ->tl;
- for(;;)
- {
- if (t == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return 1;
- else if (a == &Nil<T>ListNode || !<T>EQ(a->hd, t->hd))
- break;
- else
- {
- a = a->tl;
- t = t->tl;
- }
- }
- }
- p = p->tl;
- }
- return 0;
-void <T>List::del(<T&> targ)
- <T>ListNode* h = P;
- // Former bug: targ can be a reference to a element in this list
- // So do not dereference a element if targ is the element,
- // until targ is no longer needed, as dereferencing it may destroy it.
- <T>ListNode* to_be_dereferenced = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (h == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- P = h;
- if (to_be_dereferenced)
- dereference(to_be_dereferenced);
- return;
- }
- else if (<T>EQ(h->hd, targ))
- {
- <T>ListNode* nxt = h->tl;
- reference(nxt);
- if ((&targ == &h->hd) && (to_be_dereferenced == 0))
- to_be_dereferenced = h;
- else
- dereference(h);
- h = nxt;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- <T>ListNode* p = h->tl;
- while (p != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- if (<T>EQ(p->hd, targ))
- {
- <T>ListNode* nxt = p->tl;
- reference(nxt);
- if ((&targ == &p->hd) && (to_be_dereferenced == 0))
- to_be_dereferenced = p;
- else
- dereference(p);
- trail->tl = nxt;
- p = nxt;
- }
- else
- {
- trail = p;
- p = p->tl;
- }
- }
- P = h;
- if (to_be_dereferenced)
- dereference(to_be_dereferenced);
-void <T>List::del(<T>Predicate f)
- <T>ListNode* h = P;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (h == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- P = h;
- return;
- }
- else if ((*f)(h->hd))
- {
- <T>ListNode* nxt = h->tl;
- reference(nxt);
- dereference(h);
- h = nxt;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- <T>ListNode* p = h->tl;
- while (p != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- if ((*f)(p->hd))
- {
- <T>ListNode* nxt = p->tl;
- reference(nxt);
- dereference(p);
- trail->tl = nxt;
- p = nxt;
- }
- else
- {
- trail = p;
- p = p->tl;
- }
- }
- P = h;
-void <T>List::select(<T>Predicate f)
- <T>ListNode* h = P;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (h == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- P = h;
- return;
- }
- else if (!(*f)(h->hd))
- {
- <T>ListNode* nxt = h->tl;
- reference(nxt);
- dereference(h);
- h = nxt;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- <T>ListNode* p = h->tl;
- while (p != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- if (!(*f)(p->hd))
- {
- <T>ListNode* nxt = p->tl;
- reference(nxt);
- dereference(p);
- trail->tl = nxt;
- p = nxt;
- }
- else
- {
- trail = p;
- p = p->tl;
- }
- }
- P = h;
-void <T>List::reverse()
- <T>ListNode* l = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- <T>ListNode* p = P;
- while (p != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- <T>ListNode* nxt = p->tl;
- p->tl = l;
- l = p;
- p = nxt;
- }
- P = l;
-<T>List copy(const <T>List& x)
- const <T>ListNode* a = x.P;
- if (a == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return <T>List(&Nil<T>ListNode);
- else
- {
- <T>ListNode* h = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- for(a = a->tl; a != &Nil<T>ListNode; a = a->tl)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- trail->tl = n;
- trail = n;
- }
- trail->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- return <T>List(h);
- }
-<T>List subst(<T&> old, <T&> repl, <T>List& x)
- <T>ListNode* a = x.P;
- if (a == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return <T>List(a);
- else
- {
- <T>ListNode* h = new <T>ListNode;
- h->ref = 1;
- if (<T>EQ(a->hd, old))
- h->hd = repl;
- else
- h->hd = a->hd;
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- for(a = a->tl; a != &Nil<T>ListNode; a = a->tl)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new <T>ListNode;
- n->ref = 1;
- if (<T>EQ(a->hd, old))
- n->hd = repl;
- else
- n->hd = a->hd;
- trail->tl = n;
- trail = n;
- }
- trail->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- return <T>List(h);
- }
-<T>List combine(<T>Combiner f, <T>List& x, <T>List& y)
- <T>ListNode* a = x.P;
- <T>ListNode* b = y.P;
- if (a == &Nil<T>ListNode || b == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return <T>List(&Nil<T>ListNode);
- else
- {
- <T>ListNode* h = new<T>ListNode((*f)(a->hd, b->hd));
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- a = a->tl;
- b = b->tl;
- while (a != &Nil<T>ListNode && b != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new<T>ListNode((*f)(a->hd, b->hd));
- trail->tl = n;
- trail = n;
- a = a->tl;
- b = b->tl;
- }
- trail->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- return <T>List(h);
- }
-<T>List reverse(<T>List& x)
- <T>ListNode* a = x.P;
- if (a == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return <T>List(a);
- else
- {
- <T>ListNode* l = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- l->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- for(a = a->tl; a != &Nil<T>ListNode; a = a->tl)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- n->tl = l;
- l = n;
- }
- return <T>List(l);
- }
-<T>List append(<T>List& x, <T>List& y)
- <T>ListNode* a = x.P;
- <T>ListNode* b = y.P;
- reference(b);
- if (a != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- <T>ListNode* h = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- for(a = a->tl; a != &Nil<T>ListNode; a = a->tl)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- trail->tl = n;
- trail = n;
- }
- trail->tl = b;
- return <T>List(h);
- }
- else
- return <T>List(b);
-void <T>List::prepend(<T>List& y)
- <T>ListNode* b = y.P;
- if (b != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- <T>ListNode* h = new<T>ListNode(b->hd);
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- for(b = b->tl; b != &Nil<T>ListNode; b = b->tl)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new<T>ListNode(b->hd);
- trail->tl = n;
- trail = n;
- }
- trail->tl = P;
- P = h;
- }
-<T>List concat(<T>List& x, <T>List& y)
- <T>ListNode* a = x.P;
- <T>ListNode* b = y.P;
- if (a != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- <T>ListNode* h = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- for(a = a->tl; a != &Nil<T>ListNode; a = a->tl)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- trail->tl = n;
- trail = n;
- };
- for(;b != &Nil<T>ListNode; b = b->tl)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new<T>ListNode(b->hd);
- trail->tl = n;
- trail = n;
- }
- trail->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- return <T>List(h);
- }
- else if (b != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- <T>ListNode* h = new<T>ListNode(b->hd);
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- for(b = b->tl; b != &Nil<T>ListNode; b = b->tl)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new<T>ListNode(b->hd);
- trail->tl = n;
- trail = n;
- }
- trail->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- return <T>List(h);
- }
- else
- return <T>List(&Nil<T>ListNode);
-<T>List select(<T>Predicate f, <T>List& x)
- <T>ListNode* a = x.P;
- <T>ListNode* h = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- while (a != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- if ((*f)(a->hd))
- {
- h = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- for(a = a->tl; a != &Nil<T>ListNode; a = a->tl)
- {
- if ((*f)(a->hd))
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- trail->tl = n;
- trail = n;
- }
- }
- trail->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- break;
- }
- else
- a = a->tl;
- }
- return <T>List(h);
-<T>List remove(<T>Predicate f, <T>List& x)
- <T>ListNode* a = x.P;
- <T>ListNode* h = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- while (a != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- if (!(*f)(a->hd))
- {
- h = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- for(a = a->tl; a != &Nil<T>ListNode; a = a->tl)
- {
- if (!(*f)(a->hd))
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- trail->tl = n;
- trail = n;
- }
- }
- trail->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- break;
- }
- else
- a = a->tl;
- }
- return <T>List(h);
-<T>List remove(<T&> targ, <T>List& x)
- <T>ListNode* a = x.P;
- <T>ListNode* h = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- while (a != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- if (!(<T>EQ(a->hd, targ)))
- {
- h = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- for(a = a->tl; a != &Nil<T>ListNode; a = a->tl)
- {
- if (!<T>EQ(a->hd, targ))
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new<T>ListNode(a->hd);
- trail->tl = n;
- trail = n;
- }
- }
- trail->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- break;
- }
- else
- a = a->tl;
- }
- return <T>List(h);
-<T>List map(<T>Mapper f, <T>List& x)
- <T>ListNode* a = x.P;
- <T>ListNode* h = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- if (a != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- h = new<T>ListNode((*f)(a->hd));
- <T>ListNode* trail = h;
- for(a = a->tl; a != &Nil<T>ListNode; a = a->tl)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new<T>ListNode((*f)(a->hd));
- trail->tl = n;
- trail = n;
- }
- trail->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- }
- return <T>List(h);
-<T>List merge(<T>List& x, <T>List& y, <T>Comparator f)
- <T>ListNode* a = x.P;
- <T>ListNode* b = y.P;
- if (a == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- if (b == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return <T>List(&Nil<T>ListNode);
- else
- return copy(y);
- }
- else if (b == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return copy(x);
- <T>ListNode* h = new <T>ListNode;
- h->ref = 1;
- if ((*f)(a->hd, b->hd) <= 0)
- {
- h->hd = a->hd;
- a = a->tl;
- }
- else
- {
- h->hd = b->hd;
- b = b->tl;
- }
- <T>ListNode* r = h;
- for(;;)
- {
- if (a == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- while (b != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new <T>ListNode;
- n->ref = 1;
- n->hd = b->hd;
- r->tl = n;
- r = n;
- b = b->tl;
- }
- r->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- return <T>List(h);
- }
- else if (b == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- while (a != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new <T>ListNode;
- n->ref = 1;
- n->hd = a->hd;
- r->tl = n;
- r = n;
- a = a->tl;
- }
- r->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- return <T>List(h);
- }
- else if ((*f)(a->hd, b->hd) <= 0)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new <T>ListNode;
- n->ref = 1;
- n->hd = a->hd;
- r->tl = n;
- r = n;
- a = a->tl;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = new <T>ListNode;
- n->ref = 1;
- n->hd = b->hd;
- r->tl = n;
- r = n;
- b = b->tl;
- }
- }
-void <T>List::sort(<T>Comparator f)
- // strategy: place runs in queue, merge runs until done
- // This is often very fast
- if (P == &Nil<T>ListNode || P->tl == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return;
- int qlen = 250; // guess a good queue size, realloc if necessary
- <T>ListNode** queue = (<T>ListNode**)malloc(qlen * sizeof(<T>ListNode*));
- <T>ListNode* h = P;
- <T>ListNode* a = h;
- <T>ListNode* b = a->tl;
- int qin = 0;
- while (b != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- if ((*f)(a->hd, b->hd) > 0)
- {
- if (h == a) // minor optimization: ensure runlen >= 2
- {
- h = b;
- a->tl = b->tl;
- b->tl = a;
- b = a->tl;
- }
- else
- {
- if (qin >= qlen)
- {
- qlen *= 2;
- queue = (<T>ListNode**)realloc(queue, qlen * sizeof(<T>ListNode*));
- }
- queue[qin++] = h;
- a->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
- h = a = b;
- b = b->tl;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- a = b;
- b = b->tl;
- }
- }
- int count = qin;
- queue[qin] = h;
- if (++qin >= qlen) qin = 0;
- int qout = 0;
- while (count-- > 0)
- {
- a = queue[qout];
- if (++qout >= qlen) qout = 0;
- b = queue[qout];
- if (++qout >= qlen) qout = 0;
- if ((*f)(a->hd, b->hd) <= 0)
- {
- h = a;
- a = a->tl;
- }
- else
- {
- h = b;
- b = b->tl;
- }
- queue[qin] = h;
- if (++qin >= qlen) qin = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (a == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- h->tl = b;
- break;
- }
- else if (b == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- h->tl = a;
- break;
- }
- else if ((*f)(a->hd, b->hd) <= 0)
- {
- h->tl = a;
- h = a;
- a = a->tl;
- }
- else
- {
- h->tl = b;
- h = b;
- b = b->tl;
- }
- }
- }
- P = queue[qout];
- free(queue);
-int <T>List::list_length()
- <T>ListNode* fast = P;
- if (fast == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return 0;
- <T>ListNode* slow = fast->tl;
- if (slow == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return 1;
- fast = slow->tl;
- int n = 2;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (fast == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return n;
- else if (fast->tl == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- return n+1;
- else if (fast == slow)
- return -1;
- else
- {
- n += 2;
- fast = fast->tl->tl;
- slow = slow->tl;
- }
- }
-void <T>List::error(const char* msg)
- (*lib_error_handler)("List", msg);
-int <T>List::OK()
- int v = P != 0; // have a node
- // check that all nodes OK, even if circular:
- <T>ListNode* fast = P;
- if (fast != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- v &= fast->ref != 0;
- <T>ListNode* slow = fast->tl;
- v &= slow->ref != 0;
- if (v && slow != &Nil<T>ListNode)
- {
- fast = slow->tl;
- v &= fast->ref != 0;
- while (v)
- {
- if (fast == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- break;
- else if (fast->tl == &Nil<T>ListNode)
- break;
- else if (fast == slow)
- break;
- else
- {
- v &= fast->ref != 0 && slow->ref != 0;
- fast = fast->tl->tl;
- slow = slow->tl;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!v) error ("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/List.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/List.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 4551e3e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/List.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>List_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>List_h 1
-#include <Pix.h>
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-#ifndef _<T>_typedefs
-#define _<T>_typedefs 1
-typedef void (*<T>Procedure)(<T&>);
-typedef <T> (*<T>Mapper)(<T&>);
-typedef <T> (*<T>Combiner)(<T&>, <T&>);
-typedef int (*<T>Predicate)(<T&>);
-typedef int (*<T>Comparator)(<T&>, <T&>);
-struct <T>ListNode
- <T>ListNode* tl;
- short ref;
- <T> hd;
-extern <T>ListNode Nil<T>ListNode;
-class <T>List
- <T>ListNode* P;
- <T>List(<T>ListNode* p);
- <T>List();
- <T>List(<T&> head);
- <T>List(<T&> head, const <T>List& tl);
- <T>List(<T>List& a);
- <T>List(Pix p);
- ~<T>List();
- <T>List& operator = (const <T>List& a);
- int null();
- int valid();
- operator const void* ();
- int operator ! ();
- int length();
- int list_length();
- <T>& get();
- <T>& head();
- <T>& operator [] (int n);
- <T>List nth(int n);
- <T>List tail();
- <T>List last();
- <T>List find(<T&> targ);
- <T>List find(<T>List& targ);
- int contains(<T&> targ);
- int contains(<T>List& targ);
- int position(<T&> targ);
- friend <T>List copy(const <T>List& a);
- friend <T>List concat(<T>List& a, <T>List& b);
- friend <T>List append(<T>List& a, <T>List& b);
- friend <T>List map(<T>Mapper f, <T>List& a);
- friend <T>List merge(<T>List& a, <T>List& b, <T>Comparator f);
- friend <T>List combine(<T>Combiner f, <T>List& a, <T>List& b);
- friend <T>List reverse(<T>List& a);
- friend <T>List select(<T>Predicate f, <T>List& a);
-#undef remove
- friend <T>List remove(<T&> targ, <T>List& a);
- friend <T>List remove(<T>Predicate f, <T>List& a);
- friend <T>List subst(<T&> old, <T&> repl, <T>List& a);
- void push(<T&> x);
- <T> pop();
- void set_tail(<T>List& p);
- void append(<T>List& p);
- void prepend(<T>List& p);
- void del(<T&> targ);
- void del(<T>Predicate f);
- void select(<T>Predicate f);
- void subst(<T&> old, <T&> repl);
- void reverse();
- void sort(<T>Comparator f);
- void apply(<T>Procedure f);
- <T> reduce(<T>Combiner f, <T&> base);
- friend int operator == (const <T>List& a, const <T>List& b);
- friend inline int operator != (const <T>List& a, const <T>List& b);
- Pix first();
- void next(Pix& p);
- Pix seek(<T&> item) const;
- <T>& operator () (Pix p);
- const <T>& operator () (Pix p) const;
- int owns(Pix p);
- void error(const char*);
- int OK();
-inline void reference(<T>ListNode* p)
- if (p->ref >= 0) ++p->ref;
-inline void dereference(<T>ListNode* p)
- while (p->ref > 0 && --p->ref == 0)
- {
- <T>ListNode* n = p->tl;
- delete(p);
- p = n;
- }
-inline <T>ListNode* new<T>ListNode(const <T&> h)
- <T>ListNode* p = new <T>ListNode;
- p->ref = 1;
- p->hd = h;
- return p;
-inline <T>ListNode* new<T>ListNode(<T&> h, <T>ListNode* t)
- <T>ListNode* p = new <T>ListNode;
- p->ref = 1;
- p->hd = h;
- p->tl = t;
- return p;
-inline <T>List::~<T>List()
- dereference(P);
-inline <T>List::<T>List()
- P = &Nil<T>ListNode;
-inline <T>List::<T>List(<T>ListNode* p)
- P = p;
-inline <T>List::<T>List(<T&> head)
- P = new<T>ListNode(head);
- P->tl = &Nil<T>ListNode;
-inline <T>List::<T>List(<T&> head, const <T>List& tl)
- P = new<T>ListNode(head, tl.P);
- reference(P->tl);
-inline <T>List::<T>List(<T>List& a)
- reference(a.P);
- P = a.P;
-inline <T>& <T>List::get()
- return P->hd;
-inline <T>& <T>List::head()
- return P->hd;
-inline <T>List <T>List::tail()
- reference(P->tl);
- return <T>List(P->tl);
-inline int <T>List::null()
- return P == &Nil<T>ListNode;
-inline int <T>List::valid()
- return P != &Nil<T>ListNode;
-inline <T>List::operator const void* ()
- return (P == &Nil<T>ListNode)? 0 : this;
-inline int <T>List::operator ! ()
- return (P == &Nil<T>ListNode);
-inline void <T>List::push(<T&> head)
- <T>ListNode* oldp = P;
- P = new<T>ListNode(head, oldp);
-inline int operator != (const <T>List& x, const <T>List& y)
- return !(x == y);
-inline Pix <T>List::first()
- return (P == &Nil<T>ListNode)? 0 : Pix(P);
-inline <T>& <T>List::operator () (Pix p)
- return ((<T>ListNode*)p)->hd;
-inline const <T>& <T>List::operator () (Pix p) const
- return ((const <T>ListNode*)p)->hd;
-inline void <T>List::next(Pix& p)
- if (p != 0)
- {
- p = Pix(((<T>ListNode*)p)->tl);
- if (p == &Nil<T>ListNode) p = 0;
- }
-inline <T>List::<T>List(Pix p)
- P = (<T>ListNode*)p;
- reference(P);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/MPlex.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/MPlex.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c306b5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/MPlex.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,848 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.MPlex.h"
-// <T>MChunk support
-<T>MChunk::<T>MChunk(<T>* d,
- int baseidx,
- int lowidx,
- int fenceidx,
- int topidx)
- : <T>IChunk(d, baseidx, lowidx, fenceidx, topidx)
- unused = fence - low;
- unsigned msize = (top - base)/_MAP_BITS + 1;
- map = (unsigned long *) (new long[msize]);
- memset((void*)map, 0, msize * sizeof(long));
-void <T>MChunk:: shrink_high ()
- if (fence <= low) empty_error();
- --fence;
- if (!valid(fence))
- --unused;
- else
- free(fence);
- reset_high();
-void <T>MChunk:: shrink_low ()
- if (fence <= low) empty_error();
- if (!valid(low))
- --unused;
- else
- free(low);
- ++low;
- reset_low();
-void <T>MChunk::clear(int lo)
- int s = top - base;
- low = base = fence = lo;
- top = base + s;
- unused = 0;
- memset((void*)map, 0, ((top - base)/_MAP_BITS + 1) * sizeof(long));
-void <T>MChunk::cleardown(int hi)
- int s = top - base;
- low = top = fence = hi;
- base = top - s;
- unused = 0;
- memset((void*)map, 0, ((top - base)/_MAP_BITS + 1) * sizeof(long));
-int <T>MChunk::del(int idx)
- if (idx < low || idx >= fence) index_error();
- int v = valid(idx);
- if (v)
- {
- free(idx);
- ++unused;
- }
- return v;
-int <T>MChunk::undel(int idx)
- if (idx < low || idx >= fence) index_error();
- int v = valid(idx);
- if (!v)
- {
- mark(idx);
- --unused;
- }
- return v;
-int <T>MChunk::unused_index() const
- if (unused_indices() == 0) index_error();
- int slot;
- if (low == base) // can traverse 32 slots at a time
- {
- int blk = 0;
- while (map[blk] == ~0UL) ++blk;
- slot = blk * _MAP_BITS + base;
- }
- else
- slot = low;
- while(valid(slot)) ++slot;
- return slot;
-int <T>MChunk::first_index() const
- if (empty()) return fence;
- int slot;
- if (low == base)
- {
- int blk = 0;
- while (map[blk] == 0) ++blk;
- slot = blk * _MAP_BITS + base;
- }
- else
- slot = low;
- while(!valid(slot)) ++slot;
- return slot;
-int <T>MChunk::last_index() const
- if (empty()) return low - 1;
- int slot;
- if (top == fence)
- {
- int blk = (top - base) / _MAP_BITS;
- while (map[blk] == 0) --blk;
- slot = blk * _MAP_BITS + base + _MAP_BITS - 1;
- }
- else
- slot = fence - 1;
- while(!valid(slot)) --slot;
- return slot;
-int <T>MChunk:: OK() const
- int v = data != 0; // have some data
- v &= map != 0; // and a map
- v &= base <= low; // ok, index-wise
- v &= low <= fence;
- v &= fence <= top;
- v &= ((<T>MChunk*)(nxt->prev())) == this; // and links are OK
- v &= ((<T>MChunk*)(prv->next())) == this;
- int bitcount = 0; // and unused count correct
- for (int i = low; i < fence; ++i) if (!valid(i)) ++bitcount;
- v &= unused == bitcount;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return(v);
-<T>* <T>MChunk::succ(<T>* p) const
- int i = ((int) p - (int) data) / sizeof(<T>) + base + 1;
- if (p == 0 || i < low) return 0;
- while (i < fence && !valid(i)) ++i;
- if (i >= fence) return 0;
- return pointer_to(i);
-<T>* <T>MChunk::pred(<T>* p) const
- int i = ((int) p - (int) data) / sizeof(<T>) + base - 1;
- if (p == 0 || i >= fence) return 0;
- while (i >= low && !valid(i)) --i;
- if (i < low) return 0;
- return pointer_to(i);
-<T>* <T>MChunk::first_pointer() const
- if (empty()) return 0;
- int slot;
- if (low == base)
- {
- int blk = 0;
- while (map[blk] == 0) ++blk;
- slot = blk * _MAP_BITS + base;
- }
- else
- slot = low;
- while(!valid(slot)) ++slot;
- return pointer_to(slot);
-<T>* <T>MChunk::last_pointer() const
- if (empty()) return 0;
- int slot;
- if (top == fence)
- {
- int blk = (top - base) / _MAP_BITS;
- while (map[blk] == 0) --blk;
- slot = blk * _MAP_BITS + base + _MAP_BITS - 1;
- }
- else
- slot = fence - 1;
- while(!valid(slot)) --slot;
- return pointer_to(slot);
-<T>MPlex:: <T>MPlex()
- unused = 0;
- lo = fnc = 0;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- hd = ch = new <T>MChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, lo+csize);
-<T>MPlex:: <T>MPlex(int chunksize)
- if (chunksize == 0) error("invalid constructor specification");
- unused = 0;
- lo = fnc = 0;
- if (chunksize > 0)
- {
- csize = chunksize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- hd = ch = new <T>MChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, csize);
- }
- else
- {
- csize = -chunksize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- hd = ch = new <T>MChunk(data, chunksize, lo, fnc, fnc);
- }
-<T>MPlex:: <T>MPlex(int l, int chunksize)
- if (chunksize == 0) error("invalid constructor specification");
- unused = 0;
- lo = fnc = l;
- if (chunksize > 0)
- {
- csize = chunksize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- hd = ch = new <T>MChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, csize+lo);
- }
- else
- {
- csize = -chunksize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- hd = ch = new <T>MChunk(data, chunksize+lo, lo, fnc, fnc);
- }
-void <T>MPlex::make_initial_chunks(int up)
- int need = fnc - lo;
- hd = 0;
- if (up)
- {
- int l = lo;
- do
- {
- int sz;
- if (need >= csize)
- sz = csize;
- else
- sz = need;
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- <T>MChunk* h = new <T>MChunk(data, l, l, l+sz, l+csize);
- if (hd != 0)
- h->link_to_next(hd);
- else
- hd = h;
- l += sz;
- need -= sz;
- } while (need > 0);
- }
- else
- {
- int hi = fnc;
- do
- {
- int sz;
- if (need >= csize)
- sz = csize;
- else
- sz = need;
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- <T>MChunk* h = new <T>MChunk(data, hi-csize, hi-sz, hi, hi);
- if (hd != 0)
- h->link_to_next(hd);
- hd = h;
- hi -= sz;
- need -= sz;
- } while (need > 0);
- }
- ch = (<T>MChunk*) hd;
-<T>MPlex:: <T>MPlex(int l, int hi, const <T&> initval, int chunksize)
- lo = l;
- fnc = hi + 1;
- if (chunksize == 0)
- {
- csize = fnc - l;
- make_initial_chunks(1);
- }
- else if (chunksize < 0)
- {
- csize = -chunksize;
- make_initial_chunks(0);
- }
- else
- {
- csize = chunksize;
- make_initial_chunks(1);
- }
- unused = fnc - lo;
- for (int i=lo; i<fnc; ++i)
- undel_index(i);
- fill(initval);
-<T>MPlex::<T>MPlex(const <T>MPlex& a)
- lo = a.lo;
- fnc = a.fnc;
- csize = a.csize;
- unused = fnc - lo;
- hd = 0;
- const <T>IChunk* p = a.hd;
- do
- {
- <T>* data = new <T> [p->size()];
- <T>MChunk* h = new <T>MChunk(data, p->base_index(),
- p->low_index(), p->fence_index(), p->top_index());
- if (hd != 0)
- h->link_to_next(hd);
- else
- hd = h;
- p = p->next();
- } while (p != a.hd);
- ch = (<T>MChunk*) hd;
- for (int i = a.low(); i < a.fence();
- {
- undel_index(i);
- (*this)[i] = a[i];
- }
-void <T>MPlex::operator= (const <T>MPlex& a)
- if (&a != this)
- {
- invalidate();
- lo = a.lo;
- fnc = a.fnc;
- csize = a.csize;
- unused = fnc - lo;
- hd = 0;
- const <T>IChunk* p = a.hd;
- do
- {
- <T>* data = new <T> [p->size()];
- <T>MChunk* h = new <T>MChunk(data, p->base_index(),
- p->low_index(), p->fence_index(),
- p->top_index());
- if (hd != 0)
- h->link_to_next(hd);
- else
- hd = h;
- p = p->next();
- } while (p != a.hd);
- ch = (<T>MChunk*) hd;
- for (int i = a.low(); i < a.fence();
- {
- undel_index(i);
- (*this)[i] = a[i];
- }
- }
-int <T>MPlex::valid(int idx) const
- const <T>MChunk* tail = (<T>MChunk*)tl();
- const <T>MChunk* t = ch;
- while (idx >= t->fence_index())
- {
- if (t == tail) return 0;
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->next()));
- }
- while (idx < t->low_index())
- {
- if (t == (<T>MChunk*)(hd)) return 0;
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->prev()));
- }
- set_cache(t);
- return t-><T>MChunk::valid_index(idx);
-void <T>MPlex::cache(int idx) const
- const <T>MChunk* tail = (<T>MChunk*)tl();
- const <T>MChunk* t = ch;
- while (idx >= t->fence_index())
- {
- if (t == tail) index_error();
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->next()));
- }
- while (idx < t->low_index())
- {
- if (t == (<T>MChunk*)hd) index_error();
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->prev()));
- }
- if (!t-><T>MChunk::valid_index(idx)) index_error();
- set_cache(t);
-void <T>MPlex::cache(const <T>* p) const
- const <T>MChunk* old = ch;
- const <T>MChunk* t = ch;
- while (!t->actual_pointer(p))
- {
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->next()));
- if (t == old) index_error();
- }
- if (!t-><T>MChunk::valid_pointer(p)) index_error();
- set_cache(t);
-int <T>MPlex::owns(Pix px) const
- <T>* p = (<T>*)px;
- const <T>MChunk* old = ch;
- const <T>MChunk* t = ch;
- while (!t->actual_pointer(p))
- {
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->next()));
- if (t == old) return 0;
- }
- set_cache(t);
- return t-><T>MChunk::valid_pointer(p);
-int <T>MPlex::add_high(const <T&> elem)
- <T>MChunk* t = ((<T>MChunk*) tl());
- if (!t->can_grow_high())
- {
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- t = (new <T>MChunk(data, fnc,fnc,fnc,fnc+csize));
- t->link_to_prev(tl());
- }
- *((t-><T>MChunk::grow_high())) = elem;
- set_cache(t);
- return fnc++;
-int <T>MPlex::add_low (const <T&> elem)
- <T>MChunk* t = ((<T>MChunk*) hd);
- if (!t->can_grow_low())
- {
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- hd = new <T>MChunk(data, lo-csize, lo, lo, lo);
- hd->link_to_next(t);
- t = ((<T>MChunk*) hd);
- }
- *((t-><T>MChunk::grow_low())) = elem;
- set_cache(t);
- return --lo;
-void <T>MPlex::adjust_bounds()
- <T>MChunk* t = ((<T>MChunk*) tl());
- // clean up tail
- t->reset_high();
- while (t-><T>MChunk::empty() && !one_chunk())
- {
- <T>MChunk* pred = (<T>MChunk*)(t->prev());
- del_chunk(t);
- pred->reset_high();
- t = (pred);
- }
- if (one_chunk())
- t->reset_high();
- int oldfnc = fnc;
- fnc = t->fence_index();
- unused -= oldfnc - fnc;
- // and head..
- t = ((<T>MChunk*) hd);
- t->reset_low();
- while (t-><T>MChunk::empty() && !one_chunk())
- {
- hd = (<T>MChunk*)(t->next());
- del_chunk(t);
- t = ((<T>MChunk*) hd);
- t->reset_low();
- }
- int oldlo = lo;
- lo = t->low_index();
- unused -= lo - oldlo;
- set_cache(t);
-int <T>MPlex::del_high ()
- if (empty()) empty_error();
- <T>MChunk* t = ((<T>MChunk*) tl());
- while (t-><T>MChunk::empty() && !one_chunk()) // possible stragglers
- {
- <T>MChunk* pred = (<T>MChunk*)(t->prev());
- del_chunk(t);
- pred->reset_high();
- t = (pred);
- }
- t-><T>MChunk::shrink_high();
- while (t-><T>MChunk::empty() && !one_chunk())
- {
- <T>MChunk* pred = (<T>MChunk*)(t->prev());
- del_chunk(t);
- pred->reset_high();
- t = (pred);
- }
- int oldfnc = fnc;
- fnc = t->fence_index();
- unused -= oldfnc - fnc - 1;
- set_cache(t);
- return fnc - 1;
-int <T>MPlex::del_low ()
- if (empty()) empty_error();
- <T>MChunk* t = ((<T>MChunk*) hd);
- while (t-><T>MChunk::empty() && !one_chunk())
- {
- hd = (<T>MChunk*)(t->next());
- del_chunk(t);
- t = ((<T>MChunk*) hd);
- t->reset_low();
- }
- t-><T>MChunk::shrink_low();
- while (t-><T>MChunk::empty() && !one_chunk())
- {
- hd = (<T>MChunk*)(t->next());
- del_chunk(t);
- t = ((<T>MChunk*) hd);
- t->reset_low();
- }
- int oldlo = lo;
- lo = t->low_index();
- unused -= lo - oldlo - 1;
- set_cache(t);
- return lo;
-int <T>MPlex::add(const <T&> elem)
- if (unused == 0)
- return add_high(elem);
- <T>MChunk* t;
- for (t = ch;
- t->unused_indices() == 0;
- t = (<T>MChunk*)(t->prev()))
- ;
- int i = t->unused_index();
- set_cache(t);
- undel_index(i);
- (*this)[i] = elem;
- return i;
-int <T>MPlex::unused_index() const
- if (unused == 0) index_error();
- <T>MChunk* t;
- for (t = ch;
- t->unused_indices() == 0;
- t = (<T>MChunk*)(t->prev()))
- ;
- set_cache(t);
- return t->unused_index();
-Pix <T>MPlex::unused_Pix() const
- if (unused == 0) return 0;
- <T>MChunk* t;
- for (t = ch;
- t->unused_indices() == 0;
- t = (<T>MChunk*)(t->prev()))
- ;
- set_cache(t);
- return t->pointer_to(t->unused_index());
-int <T>MPlex::del_index(int idx)
- if (idx < lo || idx >= fnc) index_error();
- if (<T>MPlex::valid(idx))
- {
- ++unused;
- ch-><T>MChunk::del(idx);
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-int <T>MPlex::dopred(int idx) const
- if (idx >= fnc) idx = fnc;
- if (idx <= lo) return lo - 1;
- const <T>MChunk* t = ch;
- while (idx > t->fence_index())
- {
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->next()));
- }
- while (idx <= t->low_index())
- {
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->prev()));
- }
- int i = t-><T>MChunk::pred(idx);
- while (i < t->low_index() && i >= lo)
- {
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->prev()));
- i = t-><T>MChunk::last_index();
- }
- set_cache(t);
- return i;
-int <T>MPlex::dosucc(int idx) const
- if (idx < lo) idx = lo;
- if (idx >= fnc - 1) return fnc;
- const <T>MChunk* t = ch;
- while (idx >= t->fence_index())
- {
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->next()));
- }
- while (idx < t->low_index())
- {
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->prev()));
- }
- int i = t-><T>MChunk::succ(idx);
- while (i >= t->fence_index() && i < fnc)
- {
- t = (<T>MChunk*)(t->next());
- i = t-><T>MChunk::first_index();
- }
- set_cache(t);
- return i;
-void <T>MPlex::prev(Pix& i) const
- if (i == 0) return;
- <T>* p = (<T>*) i;
- const <T>MChunk* old = ch;
- const <T>MChunk* t = ch;
- while (!t->actual_pointer(p))
- {
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->prev()));
- if (t == old)
- {
- i = 0;
- return;
- }
- }
- <T>* q = t-><T>MChunk::pred(p);
- while (q == 0 && t != (<T>MChunk*)hd)
- {
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->prev()));
- q = t-><T>MChunk::last_pointer();
- }
- i = Pix(q);
- set_cache(t);
- return;
-void <T>MPlex::next(Pix& i) const
- if (i == 0) return;
- <T>* p = (<T>*) i;
- const <T>MChunk* tail = (<T>MChunk*)(tl());
- const <T>MChunk* old = ch;
- const <T>MChunk* t = ch;
- while (!t->actual_pointer(p))
- {
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->next()));
- if (t == old)
- {
- i = 0;
- return;
- }
- }
- <T>* q = t-><T>MChunk::succ(p);
- while (q == 0 && t != tail)
- {
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->next()));
- q = t-><T>MChunk::first_pointer();
- }
- i = Pix(q);
- set_cache(t);
- return;
-void <T>MPlex::undel_index(int idx)
- if (idx < lo || idx >= fnc) index_error();
- <T>MChunk* t = ch;
- while (idx >= t->fence_index())
- {
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->next()));
- }
- while (idx < t->low_index())
- {
- t = ((<T>MChunk*)(t->prev()));
- }
- int was_present = t-><T>MChunk::undel(idx);
- if (!was_present)
- {
- --unused;
- }
- set_cache(t);
- return;
-void <T>MPlex::clear()
- if (fnc != lo)
- {
- <T>MChunk* t = ((<T>MChunk*)tl());
- while (t != hd)
- {
- <T>MChunk* prv = (<T>MChunk*)(t->prev());
- del_chunk(t);
- t = prv;
- }
- t-><T>MChunk::clear(lo);
- set_cache(t);
- fnc = lo;
- unused = 0;
- }
-int <T>MPlex::OK () const
- int v = hd != 0; // at least one chunk
- int found_ch = 0; // to make sure ch is in list;
- int count = 0; // to count unused slots
- const <T>MChunk* t = (<T>MChunk*)(hd);
- int gap = t->low_index() - lo;
- v &= gap == 0; // hd lo not less than lo.
- count += gap;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == ch) ++found_ch;
- v &= t-><T>MChunk::OK(); // each chunk is OK
- count += t->unused_indices();
- if (t == (<T>MChunk*)(tl()))
- break;
- else // and has indices less than succ
- {
- gap = t->next()->base_index() - t->top_index();
- v &= gap == 0;
- count += gap;
- if (t != (<T>MChunk*)hd) // internal chunks can't grow
- v &= !t->can_grow_low() && !t->can_grow_high();
- t = (const <T>MChunk*)(t->next());
- }
- }
- gap = fnc - t->fence_index();
- v &= gap == 0;
- count += gap;
- v &= count == unused; // chunk counts agree with plex
- v &= found_ch == 1;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/MPlex.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/MPlex.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index c257f43..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/MPlex.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>MPlex_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>MPlex_h 1
-#include "<T>.Plex.h"
-// Number of bits per long, used in MChunk bit map operations
-#define _MAP_BITS 32
-class <T>MChunk : public <T>IChunk
- unsigned long* map; // bitmap of slots
- int unused; // number of unused internal slots
- inline void mark(int); // bitmap operations
- inline void free(int);
- inline int valid(int) const;
- <T>MChunk(<T>* d, // ptr to array of elements
- int base_idx, // initial indices
- int low_idx, // & initially clear map
- int fence_idx,
- int top_idx);
- inline ~<T>MChunk();
-// virtuals
- int first_index() const;
- int last_index() const;
- inline int succ(int idx) const;
- inline int pred(int idx) const;
- <T>* first_pointer() const;
- <T>* last_pointer() const;
- <T>* succ(<T>*) const;
- <T>* pred(<T>*) const;
- inline int empty() const;
- inline int full() const;
- inline int valid_index(int i) const;
- inline int valid_pointer(const <T>* p) const;
- inline <T>* grow_high ();
- inline <T>* grow_low ();
- void shrink_high ();
- void shrink_low ();
- void clear(int);
- void cleardown(int);
- int OK() const;
-// extensions
- int unused_indices() const; // how many free slot in low..fence?
- int unused_index() const; // return index of free slot
- int del(int i); // delete data indexed by i
- // return true if was present
- int undel(int idx); // un-delete data indexed by i
- // return true if already present
- void reset_low(); // reset low = lowest valid index;
- void reset_high(); // same for high
-class <T>MPlex: public <T>Plex
- <T>MChunk* ch; // cached chunk
- int unused; // # of free slots between low & fence
- void make_initial_chunks(int up = 1);
- void cache(int idx) const;
- void cache(const <T>* p) const;
- int dopred(int) const;
- int dosucc(int) const;
- void set_cache(const <T>MChunk* t) const; // logically,
- // not physically const
- <T>MPlex(); // set low = 0;
- // fence = 0;
- // csize = default
- <T>MPlex(int ch_size); // low = 0;
- // fence = 0;
- // csize = ch_size
- <T>MPlex(int lo, // low = lo;
- int ch_size); // fence=lo
- // csize = ch_size
- <T>MPlex(int lo, // low = lo
- int hi, // fence = hi+1
- const <T&> initval,// fill with initval,
- int ch_size = 0); // csize= ch_size
- // or fence-lo if 0
- <T>MPlex(const <T>MPlex&);
- void operator= (const <T>MPlex&);
-// virtuals
- inline <T>& high_element ();
- inline <T>& low_element ();
- inline const <T>& high_element () const;
- inline const <T>& low_element () const;
- inline Pix first() const;
- inline Pix last() const ;
- void prev(Pix& ptr) const;
- void next(Pix& ptr) const;
- int owns(Pix p) const;
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix p);
- inline const <T>& operator () (Pix p) const;
- inline int low() const;
- inline int high() const;
- int valid(int idx) const;
- inline void prev(int& idx) const;
- inline void next(int& x) const;
- inline <T>& operator [] (int index);
- inline const <T>& operator [] (int index) const;
- inline int Pix_to_index(Pix p) const;
- inline Pix index_to_Pix(int idx) const;
- inline int can_add_high() const;
- inline int can_add_low() const;
- inline int full() const;
- int add_high(const <T&> elem);
- int del_high ();
- int add_low (const <T&> elem);
- int del_low ();
- void clear();
- int OK () const;
-// extensions
- int count() const; // # valid elements
- int available() const; // # deleted elements
- int unused_index()const; // return index of a deleted elem
- Pix unused_Pix() const; // return Pix of a deleted elem
- int del_index(int idx); // logically delete at idx;
- // return true if was present
- int del_Pix(Pix p); // delete at p
- void undel_index(int idx); // undelete at idx;
- void undel_Pix(Pix p); // undelete at p;
- void adjust_bounds(); // reset lo, hi to lowest &
- // highest valid indices
- int add(const <T&> elem); // add anywhere
-inline <T>MChunk:: ~<T>MChunk()
- delete map;
-inline void <T>MChunk::mark(int idx)
- unsigned int i = idx - base;
- map[i / _MAP_BITS] |= 1 << (i & (_MAP_BITS - 1));
-inline void <T>MChunk::free(int idx)
- unsigned int i = idx - base;
- map[i / _MAP_BITS] &= ~(1 << (i & (_MAP_BITS - 1)));
-inline int <T>MChunk::valid(int idx) const
- unsigned int i = idx - base;
- return map[i / _MAP_BITS] & (1 << (i & (_MAP_BITS - 1)));
-inline int <T>MChunk:: valid_index(int i) const
- return i >= low && i < fence && valid(i);
-inline int <T>MChunk:: valid_pointer(const <T>* p) const
- int i = ((int)p - (int)data) / sizeof(<T>);
- return i >= 0 && i < (fence - base) &&
- (map[(unsigned)i / _MAP_BITS] & (1 << (i & (_MAP_BITS - 1))));
-inline int <T>MChunk::empty() const
- return fence - low - unused == 0;
-inline int <T>MChunk::full() const
- return unused + (top - fence) + (low - base) == 0;
-inline int <T>MChunk::succ(int idx) const
- int i = (idx < low)? low : idx + 1;
- while (i < fence && !valid(i)) ++i;
- return i;
-inline int <T>MChunk::pred(int idx) const
- int i = (idx > fence)? (fence - 1) : idx - 1;
- while (i >= low && !valid(i)) --i;
- return i;
-inline int <T>MChunk::unused_indices() const
- return unused;
-inline <T>* <T>MChunk:: grow_high ()
- if (!can_grow_high()) full_error();
- mark(fence);
- return &(data[fence++ - base]);
-inline <T>* <T>MChunk:: grow_low ()
- if (!can_grow_low()) full_error();
- mark(--low);
- return &(data[low - base]);
-inline void <T>MChunk::reset_low()
- while (low < fence && !valid(low))
- {
- --unused;
- ++low;
- }
-inline void <T>MChunk::reset_high()
- while (fence > low && !valid(fence - 1))
- {
- --unused;
- --fence;
- }
-inline int <T>MPlex::full () const
- return 0;
-inline int <T>MPlex::can_add_high() const
- return 1;
-inline int <T>MPlex::can_add_low() const
- return 1;
-inline int <T>MPlex::available() const
- return unused;
-inline int <T>MPlex::count() const
- return fnc - lo - unused;
-inline void <T>MPlex::set_cache(const <T>MChunk* t) const
- ((<T>MPlex*)(this))->ch = (<T>MChunk*)t;
-inline <T>& <T>MPlex:: operator [] (int idx)
- if (!ch-><T>MChunk::valid_index(idx)) cache(idx);
- return * (ch->pointer_to(idx));
-inline const <T>& <T>MPlex:: operator [] (int idx) const
- if (!ch-><T>MChunk::valid_index(idx)) cache(idx);
- return * ((const <T>*)(ch->pointer_to(idx)));
-inline int <T>MPlex::Pix_to_index(Pix p) const
- if (!ch-><T>MChunk::valid_pointer((<T>*)p)) cache((<T>*)p);
- return ch->index_of((<T>*)p);
-inline int <T>MPlex::high() const
- return (((const <T>MChunk*)tl())-><T>MChunk::valid_index(fnc-1)) ?
- fnc-1 : dopred(fnc-1);
-inline int <T>MPlex::low() const
- return (((const <T>MChunk*)hd)-><T>MChunk::valid_index(lo))? lo : dosucc(lo);
-inline <T>& <T>MPlex::low_element ()
- return (*this)[low()];
-inline const <T>& <T>MPlex::low_element () const
- return (*this)[low()];
-inline <T>& <T>MPlex::high_element ()
- return (*this)[high()];
-inline const <T>& <T>MPlex::high_element () const
- return (*this)[high()];
-inline Pix <T>MPlex::index_to_Pix(int idx) const
- if (!ch-><T>MChunk::valid_index(idx)) cache(idx);
- return Pix(ch->pointer_to(idx));
-inline void <T>MPlex::next(int& idx) const
- idx = (ch-><T>MChunk::valid_index(idx+1))? idx+1 : dosucc(idx);
-inline void <T>MPlex::prev(int& idx) const
- idx = (ch-><T>MChunk::valid_index(idx-1))? idx-1 : dopred(idx);
-inline Pix <T>MPlex::first() const
- return index_to_Pix(low());
-inline Pix <T>MPlex::last() const
- return index_to_Pix(high());
-inline void <T>MPlex::undel_Pix(Pix p)
- undel_index(Pix_to_index(p));
-inline int <T>MPlex::del_Pix(Pix p)
- return del_index(Pix_to_index(p));
-inline <T>& <T>MPlex:: operator () (Pix p)
- return *((<T>*)p);
-inline const <T>& <T>MPlex:: operator () (Pix p) const
- return *((const <T>*)p);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Map.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Map.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 146a2d2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Map.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.<C>.Map.h"
-Pix <T><C>Map::seek(<T&> item)
- Pix i;
- for (i = first(); i != 0 && !(<T>EQ(key(i), item)); next(i));
- return i;
-int <T><C>Map::owns(Pix idx)
- if (idx == 0) return 0;
- for (Pix i = first(); i; next(i)) if (i == idx) return 1;
- return 0;
-void <T><C>Map::clear()
- Pix i = first();
- while (i != 0)
- {
- del(key(i));
- i = first();
- }
-int <T><C>Map::contains (<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
-void <T><C>Map::error(const char* msg)
- (*lib_error_handler)("Map", msg);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Map.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Map.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 13a3fb1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Map.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T><C>Map_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T><C>Map_h 1
-#include <Pix.h>
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-class <T><C>Map
- int count;
- <C> def;
- <T><C>Map(<C&> dflt);
- inline virtual ~<T><C>Map();
- int length() const; // current number of items
- int empty() const;
- virtual int contains(<T&> key); // is key mapped?
- virtual void clear(); // delete all items
- virtual <C>& operator [] (<T&> key) = 0; // access contents by key
- virtual void del(<T&> key) = 0; // delete entry
- virtual Pix first() = 0; // Pix of first item or 0
- virtual void next(Pix& i) = 0; // advance to next or 0
- virtual <T>& key(Pix i) = 0; // access key at i
- virtual <C>& contents(Pix i) = 0; // access contents at i
- virtual int owns(Pix i); // is i a valid Pix ?
- virtual Pix seek(<T&> key); // Pix of key
- <C>& dflt(); // access default val
- void error(const char* msg);
- virtual int OK() = 0; // rep invariant
-inline <T><C>Map::~<T><C>Map() {}
-inline int <T><C>Map::length() const
- return count;
-inline int <T><C>Map::empty() const
- return count == 0;
-inline <C>& <T><C>Map::dflt()
- return def;
-inline <T><C>Map::<T><C>Map(<C&> dflt) :def(dflt)
- count = 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OSLBag.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OSLBag.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 285c2cf..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OSLBag.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.OSLBag.h"
-Pix <T>OSLBag::seek(<T&> item, Pix i)
- if (i == 0) i = p.first(); else next(i);
- for (; i != 0;
- {
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp == 0)
- return i;
- else if (cmp < 0)
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
-int <T>OSLBag::nof(<T&> item)
- int n = 0;
- for (Pix i = p.first(); i != 0;
- {
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp == 0)
- ++n;
- else if (cmp < 0)
- break;
- }
- return n;
-Pix <T>OSLBag::add(<T&> item)
- Pix i = p.first();
- if (i == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- return p.prepend(item);
- }
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp <= 0)
- {
- ++count;
- return p.prepend(item);
- }
- else
- {
- Pix trail = i;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (i == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- return p.append(item);
- }
- cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp <= 0)
- {
- ++count;
- return p.ins_after(trail, item);
- }
- else
- {
- trail = i;
- }
- }
- }
-void <T>OSLBag::del(<T&> item)
- Pix i = p.first();
- if (i == 0)
- return;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp < 0)
- return;
- else if (cmp == 0)
- {
- --count;
- p.del_front();
- }
- else
- {
- Pix trail = i;
- while (i != 0)
- {
- cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp < 0)
- return;
- else if (cmp == 0)
- {
- --count;
- p.del_after(trail);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- trail = i;
- }
- }
- }
-void <T>OSLBag::remove(<T&> item)
- Pix i = p.first();
- if (i == 0)
- return;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp < 0)
- return;
- else if (cmp == 0)
- {
- do
- {
- --count;
- p.del_front();
- i = p.first();
- } while (i != 0 && <T>EQ(item, p(i)));
- }
- else
- {
- Pix trail = i;
- while (i != 0)
- {
- cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp < 0)
- return;
- else if (cmp == 0)
- {
- do
- {
- --count;
- p.del_after(trail);
- i = trail;
- next(i);
- } while (i != 0 && <T>EQ(item, p(i)));
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- trail = i;
- }
- }
- }
-int <T>OSLBag::OK()
- int v = p.OK();
- v &= count == p.length();
- Pix trail = p.first();
- if (trail == 0)
- v &= count == 0;
- else
- {
- Pix i = trail; next(i);
- while (i != 0)
- {
- v &= <T>CMP(p(trail), p(i)) <= 0;
- trail = i;
- next(i);
- }
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OSLBag.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OSLBag.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a657f0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OSLBag.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>OSLBag_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>OSLBag_h 1
-#include "<T>.Bag.h"
-#include "<T>.SLList.h"
-class <T>OSLBag : public <T>Bag
- <T>SLList p;
- <T>OSLBag();
- <T>OSLBag(const <T>OSLBag&);
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- void remove(<T&>item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- int nof(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- inline int owns(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item, Pix from = 0);
- int OK();
-inline <T>OSLBag::<T>OSLBag() : p() { count = 0; }
-inline <T>OSLBag::<T>OSLBag(const <T>OSLBag& s) : p(s.p) { count = s.count; }
-inline Pix <T>OSLBag::first()
- return p.first();
-inline void <T>OSLBag::next(Pix & idx)
-inline <T>& <T>OSLBag::operator ()(Pix idx)
- return p(idx);
-inline void <T>OSLBag::clear()
- count = 0; p.clear();
-inline int <T>OSLBag::owns (Pix idx)
- return p.owns(idx);
-inline int <T>OSLBag::contains(<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OSLSet.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OSLSet.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 937d915..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OSLSet.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.OSLSet.h"
-Pix <T>OSLSet::seek(<T&> item)
- for (Pix i = p.first(); i != 0;
- {
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp == 0)
- return i;
- else if (cmp < 0)
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
-Pix <T>OSLSet::add(<T&> item)
- Pix i = p.first();
- if (i == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- return p.prepend(item);
- }
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp == 0)
- return i;
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- ++count;
- return p.prepend(item);
- }
- else
- {
- Pix trail = i;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (i == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- return p.append(item);
- }
- cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp == 0)
- return i;
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- ++count;
- return p.ins_after(trail, item);
- }
- else
- {
- trail = i;
- }
- }
- }
-void <T>OSLSet::del(<T&> item)
- Pix i = p.first();
- if (i == 0)
- return;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp < 0)
- return;
- else if (cmp == 0)
- {
- --count;
- p.del_front();
- }
- else
- {
- Pix trail = i;
- while (i != 0)
- {
- cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp < 0)
- return;
- else if (cmp == 0)
- {
- --count;
- p.del_after(trail);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- trail = i;
- }
- }
- }
-int <T>OSLSet::operator <= (<T>OSLSet& b)
- if (count > b.count) return 0;
- Pix i = first();
- Pix j = b.first();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (i == 0)
- return 1;
- else if (j == 0)
- return 0;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(p(i), b.p(j));
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- next(i);;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- }
-int <T>OSLSet::operator == (<T>OSLSet& b)
- if (count != b.count) return 0;
- if (count == 0) return 1;
- Pix i = p.first();
- Pix j = b.p.first();
- while (i != 0)
- {
- if (!<T>EQ(p(i),b.p(j))) return 0;
- next(i);
- }
- return 1;
-void <T>OSLSet::operator |= (<T>OSLSet& b)
- if (&b == this || b.count == 0)
- return;
- else
- {
- Pix j = b.p.first();
- Pix i = p.first();
- Pix trail = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (j == 0)
- return;
- else if (i == 0)
- {
- for (; j != 0;
- {
- ++count;
- p.append(b.p(j));
- }
- return;
- }
- int cmp = <T>CMP(p(i), b.p(j));
- if (cmp <= 0)
- {
- if (cmp == 0);
- trail = i;
- next(i);
- }
- else
- {
- ++count;
- if (trail == 0)
- trail = p.prepend(b.p(j));
- else
- trail = p.ins_after(trail, b.p(j));
- }
- }
- }
-void <T>OSLSet::operator -= (<T>OSLSet& b)
- if (&b == this)
- clear();
- else if (count != 0 && b.count != 0)
- {
- Pix i = p.first();
- Pix j = b.p.first();
- Pix trail = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (j == 0 || i == 0)
- return;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(p(i), b.p(j));
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- --count;
- if (trail == 0)
- {
- p.del_front();
- i = p.first();
- }
- else
- {
- next(i);
- p.del_after(trail);
- }
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- trail = i;
- next(i);
- }
- else
- }
- }
-void <T>OSLSet::operator &= (<T>OSLSet& b)
- if (b.count == 0)
- clear();
- else if (&b != this && count != 0)
- {
- Pix i = p.first();
- Pix j = b.p.first();
- Pix trail = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (i == 0)
- return;
- else if (j == 0)
- {
- if (trail == 0)
- {
- p.clear();
- count = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- while (i != 0)
- {
- --count;
- next(i);
- p.del_after(trail);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- int cmp = <T>CMP(p(i), b.p(j));
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- trail = i;
- next(i);
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- --count;
- if (trail == 0)
- {
- p.del_front();
- i = p.first();
- }
- else
- {
- next(i);
- p.del_after(trail);
- }
- }
- else
- }
- }
-int <T>OSLSet::OK()
- int v = p.OK();
- v &= count == p.length();
- Pix trail = p.first();
- if (trail == 0)
- v &= count == 0;
- else
- {
- Pix i = trail; next(i);
- while (i != 0)
- {
- v &= <T>CMP(p(trail), p(i)) < 0;
- trail = i;
- next(i);
- }
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OSLSet.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OSLSet.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 02ace58..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OSLSet.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>OSLSet_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>OSLSet_h 1
-#include "<T>.Set.h"
-#include "<T>.SLList.h"
-class <T>OSLSet : public <T>Set
- <T>SLList p;
- <T>OSLSet();
- <T>OSLSet(const <T>OSLSet&);
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- inline int owns(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item);
- void operator |= (<T>OSLSet& b);
- void operator -= (<T>OSLSet& b);
- void operator &= (<T>OSLSet& b);
- int operator == (<T>OSLSet& b);
- int operator != (<T>OSLSet& b);
- int operator <= (<T>OSLSet& b);
- int OK();
-inline <T>OSLSet::<T>OSLSet() : p() { count = 0; }
-inline <T>OSLSet::<T>OSLSet(const <T>OSLSet& s) : p(s.p) { count = s.count; }
-inline Pix <T>OSLSet::first()
- return p.first();
-inline void <T>OSLSet::next(Pix & idx)
-inline <T>& <T>OSLSet::operator ()(Pix idx)
- return p(idx);
-inline void <T>OSLSet::clear()
- count = 0; p.clear();
-inline int <T>OSLSet::contains (<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
-inline int <T>OSLSet::owns (Pix idx)
- return p.owns(idx);
-inline int <T>OSLSet::operator != (<T>OSLSet& b)
- return !(*this == b);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OXPBag.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OXPBag.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index b81c3a0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OXPBag.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.OXPBag.h"
-Pix <T>OXPBag::seek(<T&> item, Pix i)
- if (i == 0)
- {
- int l = p.low();
- int h = p.high();
- while (l <= h)
- {
- int mid = (l + h) / 2;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p[mid]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- while (mid > p.low() && <T>EQ(item, p[mid - 1])) --mid;
- return p.index_to_Pix(mid);
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- h = mid - 1;
- else
- l = mid + 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p(i));
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- next(i);
- return (<T>EQ(item, p(i)))? i : 0;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- int ind = p.Pix_to_index(i);
- int l = ind;
- int h = p.high();
- while (l <= h)
- {
- int mid = (l + h) / 2;
- cmp = <T>CMP(item, p[mid]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- while (mid > ind && <T>EQ(item, p[mid - 1])) --mid;
- return p.index_to_Pix(mid);
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- h = mid - 1;
- else
- l = mid + 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-int <T>OXPBag::nof(<T&> item)
- int l = p.low();
- int h = p.high();
- while (l <= h)
- {
- int mid = (l + h) / 2;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p[mid]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- l = h = mid;
- while (l > p.low() && <T>EQ(item, p[l - 1])) --l;
- while (h < p.high() && <T>EQ(item, p[h + 1])) ++h;
- return h - l + 1;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- h = mid - 1;
- else
- l = mid + 1;
- }
- return 0;
-Pix <T>OXPBag::add(<T&> item)
- if (count == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- return p.index_to_Pix(p.add_high(item));
- }
- int l = p.low();
- int h = p.high();
- while (l <= h)
- {
- int mid = (l + h) / 2;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p[mid]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- l = mid;
- break;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- h = mid - 1;
- else
- l = mid + 1;
- }
- // add on whichever side is shortest
- ++count;
- if (l == p.fence())
- return p.index_to_Pix(p.add_high(item));
- else if (l == p.low())
- return p.index_to_Pix(p.add_low(item));
- else
- {
- if (p.high() - l < l - p.low())
- {
- h = p.add_high(p.high_element());
- for (int i = h - 1; i > l; --i) p[i] = p[i-1];
- }
- else
- {
- --l;
- h = p.add_low(p.low_element());
- for (int i = h + 1; i < l; ++i) p[i] = p[i+1];
- }
- p[l] = item;
- return p.index_to_Pix(l);
- }
-void <T>OXPBag::del(<T&> item)
- int l = p.low();
- int h = p.high();
- while (l <= h)
- {
- int mid = (l + h) / 2;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p[mid]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- --count;
- if (p.high() - mid < mid - p.low())
- {
- for (int i = mid; i < p.high(); ++i) p[i] = p[i+1];
- p.del_high();
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = mid; i > p.low(); --i) p[i] = p[i-1];
- p.del_low();
- }
- return;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- h = mid - 1;
- else
- l = mid + 1;
- }
-void <T>OXPBag::remove(<T&> item)
- int l = p.low();
- int h = p.high();
- while (l <= h)
- {
- int mid = (l + h) / 2;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p[mid]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- l = h = mid;
- while (l > p.low() && <T>EQ(item, p[l - 1])) --l;
- while (h < p.high() && <T>EQ(item, p[h + 1])) ++h;
- int n = h - l + 1;
- count -= n;
- if (p.high() - h < l - p.low())
- {
- h = p.high() - n;
- for (int i = l; i <= h; ++i) p[i] = p[i+n];
- while (n-- > 0) p.del_high();
- }
- else
- {
- l = p.low() + n;
- for (int i = h; i >= l; --i) p[i] = p[i-n];
- while (n-- > 0) p.del_low();
- }
- return;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- h = mid - 1;
- else
- l = mid + 1;
- }
-int <T>OXPBag::OK()
- int v = p.OK();
- v &= count == p.length();
- for (int i = p.low(); i < p.high(); ++i) v &= <T>CMP(p[i], p[i+1]) <= 0;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OXPBag.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OXPBag.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index c7a2514..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OXPBag.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _<T>OXPBag_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>OXPBag_h 1
-#include "<T>.Bag.h"
-#include "<T>.XPlex.h"
-class <T>OXPBag : public <T>Bag
- <T>XPlex p;
- <T>OXPBag(int chunksize = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T>OXPBag(const <T>OXPBag&);
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
-#undef remove
- void remove(<T&>item);
- int nof(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- inline int owns(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item, Pix from = 0);
- int OK();
-inline <T>OXPBag::<T>OXPBag(int chunksize)
- : p(chunksize) { count = 0; }
-inline <T>OXPBag::<T>OXPBag(const <T>OXPBag& s) : p(s.p) { count = s.count; }
-inline Pix <T>OXPBag::first()
- return p.first();
-inline void <T>OXPBag::next(Pix & idx)
-inline <T>& <T>OXPBag::operator ()(Pix idx)
- return p(idx);
-inline void <T>OXPBag::clear()
- count = 0; p.clear();
-inline int <T>OXPBag::owns (Pix idx)
- return p.owns(idx);
-inline int <T>OXPBag::contains(<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OXPSet.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OXPSet.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 397c2c9..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OXPSet.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.OXPSet.h"
-Pix <T>OXPSet::seek(<T&> item)
- int l = p.low();
- int h = p.high();
- while (l <= h)
- {
- int mid = (l + h) / 2;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p[mid]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- return p.index_to_Pix(mid);
- else if (cmp < 0)
- h = mid - 1;
- else
- l = mid + 1;
- }
- return 0;
-Pix <T>OXPSet::add(<T&> item)
- if (count == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- return p.index_to_Pix(p.add_high(item));
- }
- int l = p.low();
- int h = p.high();
- while (l <= h)
- {
- int mid = (l + h) / 2;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p[mid]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- return p.index_to_Pix(mid);
- else if (cmp < 0)
- h = mid - 1;
- else
- l = mid + 1;
- }
- // add on whichever side is shortest
- ++count;
- if (l == p.fence())
- return p.index_to_Pix(p.add_high(item));
- else if (l == p.low())
- return p.index_to_Pix(p.add_low(item));
- else
- {
- if (p.fence() - l < l - p.low())
- {
- h = p.add_high(p.high_element());
- for (int i = h - 1; i > l; --i) p[i] = p[i-1];
- }
- else
- {
- --l;
- h = p.add_low(p.low_element());
- for (int i = h + 1; i < l; ++i) p[i] = p[i+1];
- }
- p[l] = item;
- return p.index_to_Pix(l);
- }
-void <T>OXPSet::del(<T&> item)
- int l = p.low();
- int h = p.high();
- while (l <= h)
- {
- int mid = (l + h) / 2;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, p[mid]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- --count;
- if (p.high() - mid < mid - p.low())
- {
- for (int i = mid; i < p.high(); ++i) p[i] = p[i+1];
- p.del_high();
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = mid; i > p.low(); --i) p[i] = p[i-1];
- p.del_low();
- }
- return;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- h = mid - 1;
- else
- l = mid + 1;
- }
-int <T>OXPSet::operator <= (<T>OXPSet& b)
- if (count > b.count) return 0;
- int i = p.low();
- int j = b.p.low();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (i >= p.fence())
- return 1;
- else if (j >= b.p.fence())
- return 0;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(p[i], b.p[j]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- ++i; ++j;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- ++j;
- }
-int <T>OXPSet::operator == (<T>OXPSet& b)
- int n = count;
- if (n != b.count) return 0;
- if (n == 0) return 1;
- int i = p.low();
- int j = b.p.low();
- while (n-- > 0) if (!<T>EQ(p[i++], b.p[j++])) return 0;
- return 1;
-void <T>OXPSet::operator |= (<T>OXPSet& b)
- if (&b == this || b.count == 0)
- return;
- else if (b.count <= 2) // small b -- just add
- for (Pix i = b.first(); i; add(b(i));
- else
- {
- // strategy: merge into top of p, simultaneously killing old bottom
- int oldfence = p.fence();
- int i = p.low();
- int j = b.p.low();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (i == oldfence)
- {
- while (j < b.p.fence()) p.add_high(b.p[j++]);
- break;
- }
- else if (j == b.p.fence())
- {
- while (i++ < oldfence)
- {
- p.add_high(p.low_element());
- p.del_low();
- }
- break;
- }
- int cmp = <T>CMP(p[i], b.p[j]);
- if (cmp <= 0)
- {
- ++i;
- if (cmp == 0) ++j;
- p.add_high(p.low_element());
- p.del_low();
- }
- else
- p.add_high(b.p[j++]);
- }
- count = p.length();
- }
-void <T>OXPSet::operator -= (<T>OXPSet& b)
- if (&b == this)
- clear();
- else if (count != 0 && b.count != 0)
- {
- int i = p.low();
- int k = i;
- int j = b.p.low();
- int oldfence = p.fence();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (i >= oldfence)
- break;
- else if (j >= b.p.fence())
- {
- if (k != i)
- while (i < oldfence) p[k++] = p[i++];
- else
- k = oldfence;
- break;
- }
- int cmp = <T>CMP(p[i], b.p[j]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- ++i; ++j;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- if (k != i) p[k] = p[i];
- ++i; ++k;
- }
- else
- j++;
- }
- while (k++ < oldfence)
- {
- --count;
- p.del_high();
- }
- }
-void <T>OXPSet::operator &= (<T>OXPSet& b)
- if (b.count == 0)
- clear();
- else if (&b != this && count != 0)
- {
- int i = p.low();
- int k = i;
- int j = b.p.low();
- int oldfence = p.fence();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (i >= oldfence || j >= b.p.fence())
- break;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(p[i], b.p[j]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- if (k != i) p[k] = p[i];
- ++i; ++k; ++j;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- ++i;
- else
- ++j;
- }
- while (k++ < oldfence)
- {
- --count;
- p.del_high();
- }
- }
-int <T>OXPSet::OK()
- int v = p.OK();
- v &= count == p.length();
- for (int i = p.low(); i < p.high(); ++i) v &= <T>CMP(p[i], p[i+1]) < 0;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OXPSet.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OXPSet.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa0f15..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/OXPSet.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>OXPSet_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>OXPSet_h 1
-#include "<T>.Set.h"
-#include "<T>.XPlex.h"
-class <T>OXPSet : public <T>Set
- <T>XPlex p;
- <T>OXPSet(int chunksize = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T>OXPSet(const <T>OXPSet&);
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- inline int owns(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item);
- void operator |= (<T>OXPSet& b);
- void operator -= (<T>OXPSet& b);
- void operator &= (<T>OXPSet& b);
- int operator == (<T>OXPSet& b);
- int operator != (<T>OXPSet& b);
- int operator <= (<T>OXPSet& b);
- int OK();
-inline <T>OXPSet::<T>OXPSet(int chunksize)
- : p(chunksize) { count = 0; }
-inline <T>OXPSet::<T>OXPSet(const <T>OXPSet& s) : p(s.p) { count = s.count; }
-inline Pix <T>OXPSet::first()
- return p.first();
-inline void <T>OXPSet::next(Pix & idx)
-inline <T>& <T>OXPSet::operator ()(Pix idx)
- return p(idx);
-inline void <T>OXPSet::clear()
- count = 0; p.clear();
-inline int <T>OXPSet::contains (<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
-inline int <T>OXPSet::owns (Pix idx)
- return p.owns(idx);
-inline int <T>OXPSet::operator != (<T>OXPSet& b)
- return !(*this == b);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PHPQ.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PHPQ.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index ae8cde6..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PHPQ.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
- adapted for libg++ by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <limits.h>
-#include "<T>.PHPQ.h"
-// This defines a Pairing Heap structure
-// See ``The Pairing Heap: A New Form of Self-Adjusting Heap''
-// Fredman, Segdewick et al,
-// Algorithmica (1986) 1:111-129
-// In particular, this implements the pairing heap using the circular
-// list.
-<T>PHPQ::<T>PHPQ(int sz)
- storage = 0;
- root = 0;
- count = 0;
- size = 0;
- prealloc(sz);
- storage = 0;
- root = 0;
- count = 0;
- size = 0;
- prealloc(a.size);
- for (Pix i = a.first(); i != 0; enq(a(i));
-void <T>PHPQ::prealloc(int newsize)
- ++newsize; // leave a spot for freelist
- if (size != 0)
- {
- int news = size;
- while (news <= newsize) news = (news * 3) / 2;
- newsize = news;
- }
- // see if indices are OK
- <T>PHPQNode test;
- test.sibling = 0;
- test.sibling = ~test.sibling;
- if ((unsigned long)newsize > (unsigned long)(test.sibling))
- error("storage size exceeds index range");
- if (storage == 0)
- {
- storage = new <T>PHPQNode[size = newsize];
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- storage[i].sibling = i + 1;
- storage[i].valid = 0;
- }
- storage[size-1].sibling = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>PHPQNode* newstor = new <T>PHPQNode[newsize];
- for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i)
- newstor[i] = storage[i];
- delete [] storage;
- storage = newstor;
- for (int i = size; i < newsize; ++i)
- {
- storage[i].sibling = i + 1;
- storage[i].valid = 0;
- }
- storage[newsize-1].sibling = 0;
- storage[0].sibling = size;
- size = newsize;
- }
-void <T>PHPQ::clear()
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- storage[i].sibling = i + 1;
- storage[i].valid = 0;
- }
- storage[size-1].sibling = 0;
- root = 0;
- count = 0;
-Pix <T>PHPQ::enq(<T&> item)
- ++count;
- if (storage[0].sibling == 0)
- prealloc(count);
- int cell = storage[0].sibling;
- storage[0].sibling = storage[cell].sibling;
- storage[cell].sibling = 0;
- storage[cell].children = 0;
- storage[cell].item = item;
- storage[cell].valid = 1;
- if (root == 0)
- {
- root = cell;
- return Pix(root);
- }
- else
- {
- int parent;
- int child;
- if (<T>LE(storage[root].item, storage[cell].item))
- {
- parent = root; child = cell;
- }
- else
- {
- parent = cell; child = root;
- }
- int popsKid = storage[parent].children;
- if (popsKid == 0)
- {
- storage[parent].children = child;
- storage[child].sibling = child;
- }
- else
- {
- int temp = storage[popsKid].sibling;
- storage[popsKid].sibling = child;
- storage[child].sibling = temp;
- storage[parent].children = child;
- }
- root = parent;
- return Pix(cell);
- }
-// Item removal is the most complicated routine.
-// We remove the root (should there be one) and then select a new
-// root. The siblings of the root are in a circular list. We continue
-// to pair elements in this list until there is a single element.
-// This element will be the new root.
-void <T>PHPQ::del_front()
- int valid = 0;
- do
- {
- if (root == 0) return;
- if ((valid = storage[root].valid))
- --count;
- storage[root].valid = 0;
- int child = storage[root].children;
- storage[root].sibling = storage[0].sibling;
- storage[0].sibling = root;
- if (child == 0)
- {
- root = 0;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- while(storage[child].sibling != child)
- {
- // We have at least two kids, but we may only have
- // two kids. So, oneChild != child, but it is possible
- // that twoChild == child.
- int oneChild = storage[child].sibling;
- int twoChild = storage[oneChild].sibling;
- // Remove the two from the sibling list
- storage[child].sibling = storage[twoChild].sibling;
- storage[oneChild].sibling = 0;
- storage[twoChild].sibling = 0;
- int bestChild;
- int worstChild;
- if (<T>LE(storage[oneChild].item, storage[twoChild].item))
- {
- bestChild = oneChild; worstChild = twoChild;
- }
- else
- {
- bestChild = twoChild; worstChild = oneChild;
- }
- int popsKid = storage[bestChild].children;
- if (popsKid == 0)
- {
- storage[bestChild].children = worstChild;
- storage[worstChild].sibling = worstChild;
- }
- else
- {
- int temp = storage[popsKid].sibling;
- storage[popsKid].sibling = worstChild;
- storage[worstChild].sibling = temp;
- storage[bestChild].children = worstChild;
- }
- if (twoChild == child)
- {
- // We have reduced the two to one, so we'll be exiting.
- child = bestChild;
- storage[child].sibling = child;
- }
- else
- {
- // We've removed two siblings, now we need to insert
- // the better of the two
- storage[bestChild].sibling = storage[child].sibling;
- storage[child].sibling = bestChild;
- child = storage[bestChild].sibling;
- }
- }
- root = child;
- }
- } while ( !valid );
-void <T>PHPQ::del(Pix p)
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- int i = int(p);
- if (storage[i].valid)
- {
- if (i == root)
- del_front();
- else
- {
- storage[i].valid = 0;
- --count;
- }
- }
-Pix <T>PHPQ::seek(<T&> key)
- for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i)
- if (storage[i].valid && <T>EQ(storage[i].item, key))
- return Pix(i);
- return 0;
-Pix <T>PHPQ::first()
- for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i)
- if (storage[i].valid)
- return Pix(i);
- return 0;
-void <T>PHPQ::next(Pix& p)
- if (p == 0) return;
- for (int i = int(p)+1; i < size; ++i)
- if (storage[i].valid)
- {
- p = Pix(i);
- return;
- }
- p = 0;
-int <T>PHPQ::OK()
- int v = storage != 0;
- int n = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) if (storage[i].valid) ++n;
- v &= n == count;
- v &= check_sibling_list(root);
- int ct = INT_MAX;
- n = 0;
- int f = storage[0].sibling;
- while (f != 0 && ct-- > 0)
- {
- f = storage[f].sibling;
- ++n;
- }
- v &= ct > 0;
- v &= n <= size - count;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
-int <T>PHPQ::check_sibling_list(int t)
- if (t != 0)
- {
- int s = t;
- long ct = LONG_MAX; // Lots of chances to find self!
- do
- {
- if (storage[s].valid && !check_sibling_list(storage[s].children))
- return 0;
- s = storage[s].sibling;
- } while (ct-- > 0 && s != t && s != 0);
- if (ct <= 0) return 0;
- }
- return 1;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PHPQ.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PHPQ.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 1964ba4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PHPQ.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Dirk Grunwald (
- adapted for libg++ by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef <T>PHPQ_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define <T>PHPQ_h 1
-#include "<T>.PQ.h"
-#ifndef <T>PHPQIndex
-#define <T>PHPQIndex unsigned short
-struct <T>PHPQNode
- <T>PHPQIndex sibling;
- <T>PHPQIndex children;
- <T> item;
- char valid;
-class <T>PHPQ : public <T>PQ
- <T>PHPQNode* storage; // table -- freelist in storage[0].sibling
- int root;
- int size;
- void prealloc(int);
- int check_sibling_list(int);
- <T>PHPQ(<T>PHPQ&);
- inline ~<T>PHPQ();
- Pix enq(<T&> item);
- inline <T> deq();
- inline <T>& front();
- void del_front();
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- void clear();
- Pix first();
- void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- void del(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item);
- int OK(); // rep invariant
-inline <T>PHPQ::~<T>PHPQ()
- delete [] storage;
-inline <T> <T>PHPQ::deq()
- if (count == 0) error("deq of empty PQ");
- <T> x = storage[root].item;
- del_front();
- return x;
-inline <T>& <T>PHPQ::front()
- if (count == 0) error("front of empty PQ");
- return storage[root].item;
-inline int <T>PHPQ::contains(<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
-inline <T>& <T>PHPQ::operator() (Pix p)
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- return storage[int(p)].item;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PQ.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PQ.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index ec3bd06..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PQ.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.PQ.h"
-<T> <T>PQ::deq()
- <T> x = front();
- del_front();
- return x;
-Pix <T>PQ::seek(<T&> item)
- Pix i;
- for (i = first(); i != 0 && !(<T>EQ((*this)(i), item)); next(i));
- return i;
-int <T>PQ::owns(Pix idx)
- if (idx == 0) return 0;
- for (Pix i = first(); i; next(i)) if (i == idx) return 1;
- return 0;
-void <T>PQ::clear()
- while (count != 0) del_front();
-int <T>PQ::contains (<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
-void <T>PQ::error(const char* msg)
- (*lib_error_handler)("PQ", msg);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PQ.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PQ.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index efe18f8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PQ.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>PQ_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>PQ_h 1
-#include <Pix.h>
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-class <T>PQ
- int count;
- <T>PQ();
- inline virtual ~<T>PQ();
- int length(); // current number of items
- int empty();
- virtual Pix enq(<T&> item) = 0; // add item; return Pix
- virtual <T> deq(); // return & remove min
- virtual <T>& front() = 0; // access min item
- virtual void del_front() = 0; // delete min item
- virtual int contains(<T&> item); // is item in PQ?
- virtual void clear(); // delete all items
- virtual Pix first() = 0; // Pix of first item or 0
- virtual void next(Pix& i) = 0; // advance to next or 0
- virtual <T>& operator () (Pix i) = 0; // access item at i
- virtual void del(Pix i) = 0; // delete item at i
- virtual int owns(Pix i); // is i a valid Pix ?
- virtual Pix seek(<T&> item); // Pix of item
- void error(const char* msg);
- virtual int OK() = 0; // rep invariant
-inline <T>PQ::<T>PQ() :count(0) {}
-inline <T>PQ::~<T>PQ() {}
-inline int <T>PQ::length()
- return count;
-inline int <T>PQ::empty()
- return count == 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PSList.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PSList.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index eacb34d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PSList.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* : Light weight list: This will simply reuse code from a VoidP List, which
-was genclassed from the SLList libg++ class. The classes generated from this file
-will all be derived classes from class VoidSLList or intSLList. Note that class SLList does not
-offer all the functionality of List classes, such as sharing of sub-lists.
-However, no additional code is needed at all and no .cc file is generated. So it costs nothing
-to use these type-safe lists. Only member functions needing type casting are re-defined */
-#ifndef _<T>SList_h
-#define _<T>SList_h 1
-#include "VoidP.SLList.h"
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-class <T>SList : public VoidPSLList
- <T>SList() {}
- <T>SList(<T>SList& a) : (a) {}
- ~<T>SList() {}
- <T>SList& operator = (<T>SList& a) {
- return (<T>SList&) VoidPSLList::operator= (a); }
- <T>& operator () (Pix p) { return (<T>&) (VoidPSLList::operator() (p)); }
- <T>& front() { return (<T>&) VoidPSLList::front(); }
- <T>& rear() { return (<T>&) VoidPSLList::rear(); }
- <T> remove_front() { return (<T>) VoidPSLList::remove_front(); }
-#endif /* conditional include */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PVec.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PVec.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index de32482..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/PVec.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-/* : light weight Vector: This will simply reuse code from */
-/* a VoidP Vec, which was genclassed from the Vec libg++ class. */
-/* The classes generated from this file will all be derived classes */
-/* from class VoidVec or intVec. No .cc file is generated. So */
-/* it costs nothing to use these type-safe Vectors. Only member */
-/* functions needing type casting are re-defined. */
-/* */
-#ifndef _<T>Vec_h
-#define _<T>Vec_h 1
-#include "VoidP.Vec.h"
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-#ifndef _<T>_typedefs
-#define _<T>_typedefs 1
-typedef void (*<T>Procedure)(<T> );
-typedef <T> (*<T>Mapper)(<T> );
-typedef <T> (*<T>Combiner)(<T> , <T> );
-typedef int (*<T>Predicate)(<T> );
-typedef int (*<T>Comparator)(<T> , <T> );
-class <T>Vec : public VoidPVec
- <T>Vec(int l, <T>* d) : (l, (VoidP*) d) {};
- <T>Vec() {};
- <T>Vec(int l) : (l) {};
- <T>Vec(int l, <T&> fill_value) : (l, fill_value) {};
- <T>Vec(<T>Vec& v) : (v) {};
- <T>Vec(VoidPVec& v) {fake_copy(v, s, len);}
- ~<T>Vec() {};
- <T>Vec& operator = (<T>Vec& a)
- {return (<T>Vec&) VoidPVec::operator= (a);}
- <T>Vec at(int from, int n) {return (<T>Vec) VoidPVec::at(from, n);}
- <T>& operator [] (int n) {return (<T>&)VoidPVec::operator[] (n);}
- <T>& elem(int n) {return (<T>&)VoidPVec::elem(n);}
- friend <T>Vec concat(<T>Vec& a, <T>Vec& b);
- friend <T>Vec map(<T>Mapper f, <T>Vec & a);
- friend <T>Vec merge(<T>Vec & a, <T>Vec & b, <T>Comparator f);
- friend <T>Vec combine(<T>Combiner f, <T>Vec & a, <T>Vec & b);
- friend <T>Vec reverse(<T>Vec& a);
- void sort(<T>Comparator f);
- void apply(<T>Procedure f);
- <T> reduce(<T>Combiner f, <T> base);
-inline <T>Vec concat(<T>Vec& a, <T>Vec& b)
-{return (<T>Vec)concat((VoidPVec&)a, (VoidPVec&)b);}
-inline <T>Vec map(<T>Mapper f, <T>Vec & a) {
- return (<T>Vec)map((VoidPMapper)f, (VoidPVec&)a); }
-inline <T>Vec merge(<T>Vec & a, <T>Vec & b, <T>Comparator f) {
- return (<T>Vec)merge((VoidPVec&)a, (VoidPVec&)b, (VoidPComparator)f); }
-inline <T>Vec combine(<T>Combiner f, <T>Vec & a, <T>Vec & b) {
- return (<T>Vec)combine((VoidPCombiner)f, (VoidPVec&)a, (VoidPVec&)b); }
-inline <T>Vec reverse(<T>Vec& a) {
- return (<T>Vec)reverse((VoidPVec&)a);}
-inline void <T>Vec::sort(<T>Comparator f) {
- VoidPVec::sort((VoidPComparator) f); }
-inline void <T>Vec::apply(<T>Procedure f) {
- VoidPVec::apply((VoidPProcedure) f); }
-inline <T> <T>Vec::reduce(<T>Combiner f, <T> base) {
- return (<T>)VoidPVec::reduce((VoidPCombiner)f, base);}
-#endif /* conditional include */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Plex.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Plex.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a62571..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Plex.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.Plex.h"
-// IChunk support
-void <T>IChunk::error(const char* msg) const
- (*lib_error_handler)("<T>IChunk", msg);
-void <T>IChunk::index_error() const
- error("attempt to use invalid index");
-void <T>IChunk::empty_error() const
- error("invalid use of empty chunk");
-void <T>IChunk::full_error() const
- error("attempt to extend chunk beyond bounds");
-<T>IChunk:: ~<T>IChunk() {}
-<T>IChunk::<T>IChunk(<T>* d,
- int baseidx,
- int lowidx,
- int fenceidx,
- int topidx)
- if (d == 0 || baseidx > lowidx || lowidx > fenceidx || fenceidx > topidx)
- error("inconsistent specification");
- data = d;
- base = baseidx;
- low = lowidx;
- fence = fenceidx;
- top = topidx;
- nxt = prv = this;
-void <T>IChunk:: re_index(int lo)
- int delta = lo - low;
- base += delta;
- low += delta;
- fence += delta;
- top += delta;
-void <T>IChunk::clear(int lo)
- int s = top - base;
- low = base = fence = lo;
- top = base + s;
-void <T>IChunk::cleardown(int hi)
- int s = top - base;
- low = top = fence = hi;
- base = top - s;
-int <T>IChunk:: OK() const
- int v = data != 0; // have some data
- v &= base <= low; // ok, index-wise
- v &= low <= fence;
- v &= fence <= top;
- v &= nxt->prv == this; // and links are OK
- v &= prv->nxt == this;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return(v);
-// error handling
-void <T>Plex::error(const char* msg) const
- (*lib_error_handler)("Plex", msg);
-void <T>Plex::index_error() const
- error("attempt to access invalid index");
-void <T>Plex::empty_error() const
- error("attempted operation on empty plex");
-void <T>Plex::full_error() const
- error("attempt to increase size of plex past limit");
-// generic plex ops
-<T>Plex:: ~<T>Plex()
- invalidate();
-void <T>Plex::append (const <T>Plex& a)
- for (int i = a.low(); i < a.fence(); add_high(a[i]);
-void <T>Plex::prepend (const <T>Plex& a)
- for (int i = a.high(); i > a.ecnef(); a.prev(i)) add_low(a[i]);
-void <T>Plex::reverse()
- <T> tmp;
- int l = low();
- int h = high();
- while (l < h)
- {
- tmp = (*this)[l];
- (*this)[l] = (*this)[h];
- (*this)[h] = tmp;
- next(l);
- prev(h);
- }
-void <T>Plex::fill(const <T&> x)
- for (int i = lo; i < fnc; ++i) (*this)[i] = x;
-void <T>Plex::fill(const <T&> x, int lo, int hi)
- for (int i = lo; i <= hi; ++i) (*this)[i] = x;
-void <T>Plex::del_chunk(<T>IChunk* x)
- if (x != 0)
- {
- x->unlink();
- <T>* data = (<T>*)(x->invalidate());
- delete [] data;
- delete x;
- }
-void <T>Plex::invalidate()
- <T>IChunk* t = hd;
- if (t != 0)
- {
- <T>IChunk* tail = tl();
- while (t != tail)
- {
- <T>IChunk* nxt = t->next();
- del_chunk(t);
- t = nxt;
- }
- del_chunk(t);
- hd = 0;
- }
-int <T>Plex::reset_low(int l)
- int old = lo;
- int diff = l - lo;
- if (diff != 0)
- {
- lo += diff;
- fnc += diff;
- <T>IChunk* t = hd;
- do
- {
- t->re_index(t->low_index() + diff);
- t = t->next();
- } while (t != hd);
- }
- return old;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Plex.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Plex.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index d756167..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Plex.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>Plex_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>Plex_h 1
-#include <std.h>
-#include <Pix.h>
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-// Plexes are made out of <T>IChunks
-#include <stddef.h>
-class <T>IChunk
-//public: // kludge until C++ `protected' policies settled
- <T>* data; // data, from client
- int base; // lowest possible index
- int low; // lowest valid index
- int fence; // highest valid index + 1
- int top; // highest possible index + 1
- <T>IChunk* nxt; // circular links
- <T>IChunk* prv;
-// constructors
- <T>IChunk(<T>* d, // ptr to array of elements
- int base_idx, // initial indices
- int low_idx,
- int fence_idx,
- int top_idx);
- virtual ~<T>IChunk();
-// status reports
- int size() const; // number of slots
- inline virtual int empty() const ;
- inline virtual int full() const ;
- int can_grow_high () const ; // there is space to add data
- int can_grow_low () const;
- int base_index() const; // lowest possible index;
- int low_index() const; // lowest actual index;
- inline virtual int first_index() const; // lowest valid index or fence if none
- inline virtual int last_index() const; // highest valid index or low-1 if none
- int fence_index() const; // highest actual index + 1
- int top_index() const; // highest possible index + 1
-// indexing conversion
- int possible_index(int i) const; // i between base and top
- int actual_index(int i) const; // i between low and fence
- inline virtual int valid_index(int i) const; // i not deleted (mainly for mchunks)
- int possible_pointer(const <T>* p) const; // same for ptr
- int actual_pointer(const <T>* p) const;
- inline virtual int valid_pointer(const <T>* p) const;
- <T>* pointer_to(int i) const ; // pointer to data indexed by i
- // caution: i is not checked for validity
- int index_of(const <T>* p) const; // index of data pointed to by p
- // caution: p is not checked for validity
- inline virtual int succ(int idx) const; // next valid index or fence if none
- inline virtual int pred(int idx) const; // previous index or low - 1 if none
- inline virtual <T>* first_pointer() const; // pointer to first valid pos or 0
- inline virtual <T>* last_pointer() const; // pointer to first valid pos or 0
- inline virtual <T>* succ(<T>* p) const; // next pointer or 0
- inline virtual <T>* pred(<T>* p) const; // previous pointer or 0
-// modification
- inline virtual <T>* grow_high (); // return spot to add an element
- inline virtual <T>* grow_low ();
- inline virtual void shrink_high (); // logically delete top index
- inline virtual void shrink_low ();
- virtual void clear(int lo); // reset to empty ch with base = lo
- virtual void cleardown(int hi); // reset to empty ch with top = hi
- void re_index(int lo); // re-index so lo is new low
-// chunk traversal
- <T>IChunk* next() const;
- <T>IChunk* prev() const;
- void link_to_prev(<T>IChunk* prev);
- void link_to_next(<T>IChunk* next);
- void unlink();
-// state checks
- <T>* invalidate(); // mark self as invalid; return data
- // for possible deletion
- virtual int OK() const; // representation invariant
- void error(const char*) const;
- void empty_error() const;
- void full_error() const;
- void index_error() const;
-// <T>Plex is a partly `abstract' class: few of the virtuals
-// are implemented at the Plex level, only in the subclasses
-class <T>Plex
- <T>IChunk* hd; // a chunk holding the data
- int lo; // lowest index
- int fnc; // highest index + 1
- int csize; // size of the chunk
- void invalidate(); // mark so OK() is false
- void del_chunk(<T>IChunk*); // delete a chunk
- <T>IChunk* tl() const; // last chunk;
- int one_chunk() const; // true if hd == tl()
-// constructors, etc.
- <T>Plex(); // no-op
- virtual ~<T>Plex();
-// Access functions
- virtual <T>& operator [] (int idx) = 0; // access by index;
- virtual <T>& operator () (Pix p) = 0; // access by Pix;
- virtual <T>& high_element () = 0; // access high element
- virtual <T>& low_element () = 0; // access low element
-// read-only versions for const Plexes
- virtual const <T>& operator [] (int idx) const = 0; // access by index;
- virtual const <T>& operator () (Pix p) const = 0; // access by Pix;
- virtual const <T>& high_element () const = 0; // access high element
- virtual const <T>& low_element () const = 0; // access low element
-// Index functions
- virtual int valid (int idx) const = 0; // idx is an OK index
- virtual int low() const = 0; // lowest index or fence if none
- virtual int high() const = 0; // highest index or low-1 if none
- int ecnef() const; // low limit index (low-1)
- int fence() const; // high limit index (high+1)
- virtual void prev(int& idx) const= 0; // set idx to preceding index
- // caution: pred may be out of bounds
- virtual void next(int& idx) const = 0; // set to next index
- // caution: succ may be out of bounds
- virtual Pix first() const = 0; // Pix to low element or 0
- virtual Pix last() const = 0; // Pix to high element or 0
- virtual void prev(Pix& pix) const = 0; // preceding pix or 0
- virtual void next(Pix& pix) const = 0; // next pix or 0
- virtual int owns(Pix p) const = 0; // p is an OK Pix
-// index<->Pix
- virtual int Pix_to_index(Pix p) const = 0; // get index via Pix
- virtual Pix index_to_Pix(int idx) const = 0; // Pix via index
-// Growth
- virtual int add_high(const <T&> elem) =0;// add new element at high end
- // return new high
- virtual int add_low(const <T&> elem) = 0; // add new low element,
- // return new low
-// Shrinkage
- virtual int del_high() = 0; // remove the element at high end
- // return new high
- virtual int del_low() = 0; // delete low element, return new lo
- // caution: del_low/high
- // does not necessarily
- // immediately call <T>::~<T>
-// operations on multiple elements
- virtual void fill(const <T&> x); // set all elements = x
- virtual void fill(const <T&> x, int from, int to); // fill from to to
- virtual void clear() = 0; // reset to zero-sized Plex
- virtual int reset_low(int newlow); // change low index,return old
- virtual void reverse(); // reverse in-place
- virtual void append(const <T>Plex& a); // concatenate a copy
- virtual void prepend(const <T>Plex& a); // prepend a copy
-// status
- virtual int can_add_high() const = 0;
- virtual int can_add_low() const = 0;
- int length () const; // number of slots
- int empty () const; // is the plex empty?
- virtual int full() const = 0; // it it full?
- int chunk_size() const; // report chunk size;
- virtual int OK() const = 0; // representation invariant
- void error(const char* msg) const;
- void index_error() const;
- void empty_error() const;
- void full_error() const;
-// <T>IChunk ops
-inline int <T>IChunk:: size() const
- return top - base;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: base_index() const
- return base;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: low_index() const
- return low;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: fence_index() const
- return fence;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: top_index() const
- return top;
-inline <T>* <T>IChunk:: pointer_to(int i) const
- return &(data[i-base]);
-inline int <T>IChunk:: index_of(const <T>* p) const
- return ((int)p - (int)data) / sizeof(<T>) + base;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: possible_index(int i) const
- return i >= base && i < top;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: possible_pointer(const <T>* p) const
- return p >= data && p < &(data[top-base]);
-inline int <T>IChunk:: actual_index(int i) const
- return i >= low && i < fence;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: actual_pointer(const <T>* p) const
- return p >= data && p < &(data[fence-base]);
-inline int <T>IChunk:: can_grow_high () const
- return fence < top;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: can_grow_low () const
- return base < low;
-inline <T>* <T>IChunk:: invalidate()
- <T>* p = data;
- data = 0;
- return p;
-inline <T>IChunk* <T>IChunk::prev() const
- return prv;
-inline <T>IChunk* <T>IChunk::next() const
- return nxt;
-inline void <T>IChunk::link_to_prev(<T>IChunk* prev)
- nxt = prev->nxt;
- prv = prev;
- nxt->prv = this;
- prv->nxt = this;
-inline void <T>IChunk::link_to_next(<T>IChunk* next)
- prv = next->prv;
- nxt = next;
- nxt->prv = this;
- prv->nxt = this;
-inline void <T>IChunk::unlink()
- <T>IChunk* n = nxt;
- <T>IChunk* p = prv;
- n->prv = p;
- p->nxt = n;
- prv = nxt = this;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: empty() const
- return low == fence;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: full() const
- return top - base == fence - low;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: first_index() const
- return (low == fence)? fence : low;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: last_index() const
- return (low == fence)? low - 1 : fence - 1;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: succ(int i) const
- return (i < low) ? low : i + 1;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: pred(int i) const
- return (i > fence) ? (fence - 1) : i - 1;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: valid_index(int i) const
- return i >= low && i < fence;
-inline int <T>IChunk:: valid_pointer(const <T>* p) const
- return p >= &(data[low - base]) && p < &(data[fence - base]);
-inline <T>* <T>IChunk:: grow_high ()
- if (!can_grow_high()) full_error();
- return &(data[fence++ - base]);
-inline <T>* <T>IChunk:: grow_low ()
- if (!can_grow_low()) full_error();
- return &(data[--low - base]);
-inline void <T>IChunk:: shrink_high ()
- if (empty()) empty_error();
- --fence;
-inline void <T>IChunk:: shrink_low ()
- if (empty()) empty_error();
- ++low;
-inline <T>* <T>IChunk::first_pointer() const
- return (low == fence)? 0 : &(data[low - base]);
-inline <T>* <T>IChunk::last_pointer() const
- return (low == fence)? 0 : &(data[fence - base - 1]);
-inline <T>* <T>IChunk::succ(<T>* p) const
- return ((p+1) < &(data[low - base]) || (p+1) >= &(data[fence - base])) ?
- 0 : (p+1);
-inline <T>* <T>IChunk::pred(<T>* p) const
- return ((p-1) < &(data[low - base]) || (p-1) >= &(data[fence - base])) ?
- 0 : (p-1);
-// generic Plex operations
-inline <T>Plex::<T>Plex() {}
-inline int <T>Plex::chunk_size() const
- return csize;
-inline int <T>Plex::ecnef () const
- return lo - 1;
-inline int <T>Plex::fence () const
- return fnc;
-inline int <T>Plex::length () const
- return fnc - lo;
-inline int <T>Plex::empty () const
- return fnc == lo;
-inline <T>IChunk* <T>Plex::tl() const
- return hd->prev();
-inline int <T>Plex::one_chunk() const
- return hd == hd->prev();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Queue.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Queue.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index fb48d95..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Queue.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.Queue.h"
-<T>Queue::~<T>Queue() {}
-// error handling
-void <T>Queue::error(const char* msg)
- (*lib_error_handler)("Queue", msg);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Queue.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Queue.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index c7e05ac6..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Queue.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>Queue_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>Queue_h
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-class <T>Queue
- <T>Queue() { }
- virtual ~<T>Queue();
- virtual void enq(<T&> item) = 0;
- virtual <T> deq() = 0;
- virtual <T>& front() = 0;
- virtual void del_front() = 0;
- virtual void clear() = 0;
- virtual int empty() = 0;
- virtual int full() = 0;
- virtual int length() = 0;
- void error(const char*);
- virtual int OK() = 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/RAVLMap.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/RAVLMap.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 9477250..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/RAVLMap.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,690 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include "<T>.<C>.RAVLMap.h"
- constants & inlines for maintaining balance & thread status in tree nodes
-#define AVLBALANCED 0
-#define LTHREADBIT 4
-#define RTHREADBIT 8
-static inline int bf(<T><C>RAVLNode* t)
- return t->stat & AVLBALANCEMASK;
-static inline void set_bf(<T><C>RAVLNode* t, int b)
- t->stat = (t->stat & ~AVLBALANCEMASK) | (b & AVLBALANCEMASK);
-static inline int rthread(<T><C>RAVLNode* t)
- return t->stat & RTHREADBIT;
-static inline void set_rthread(<T><C>RAVLNode* t, int b)
- if (b)
- t->stat |= RTHREADBIT;
- else
- t->stat &= ~RTHREADBIT;
-static inline int lthread(<T><C>RAVLNode* t)
- return t->stat & LTHREADBIT;
-static inline void set_lthread(<T><C>RAVLNode* t, int b)
- if (b)
- t->stat |= LTHREADBIT;
- else
- t->stat &= ~LTHREADBIT;
- traversal primitives
-<T><C>RAVLNode* <T><C>RAVLMap::leftmost()
- <T><C>RAVLNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->lt != 0) t = t->lt;
- return t;
-<T><C>RAVLNode* <T><C>RAVLMap::rightmost()
- <T><C>RAVLNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->rt != 0) t = t->rt;
- return t;
-<T><C>RAVLNode* <T><C>RAVLMap::succ(<T><C>RAVLNode* t)
- <T><C>RAVLNode* r = t->rt;
- if (!rthread(t)) while (!lthread(r)) r = r->lt;
- return r;
-<T><C>RAVLNode* <T><C>RAVLMap::pred(<T><C>RAVLNode* t)
- <T><C>RAVLNode* l = t->lt;
- if (!lthread(t)) while (!rthread(l)) l = l->rt;
- return l;
-Pix <T><C>RAVLMap::seek(<T&> key)
- <T><C>RAVLNode* t = root;
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- int cmp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- return Pix(t);
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- if (lthread(t))
- return 0;
- else
- t = t->lt;
- }
- else if (rthread(t))
- return 0;
- else
- t = t->rt;
- }
-int <T><C>RAVLMap::rankof(<T&> key)
- int r;
- <T><C>RAVLNode* t = root;
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- for (r=t->rank; t != 0; r+=t->rank)
- {
- int cmp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- return r;
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- if (lthread(t))
- return 0;
- else
- {
- r -= t->rank;
- t = t->lt;
- }
- }
- else if (rthread(t))
- return 0;
- else
- {
- t = t->rt;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-Pix <T><C>RAVLMap::ranktoPix(int i)
- int r;
- <T><C>RAVLNode* t = root;
- if ((i<1)||(i>count))
- return 0;
- for (r=t->rank; r!=i; r+=t->rank)
- {
- if (r>i)
- {
- r -= t->rank;
- t = t->lt;
- }
- else
- t = t->rt;
- }
- return Pix(t);
- The combination of threads and AVL bits make adding & deleting
- interesting, but very awkward.
- We use the following statics to avoid passing them around recursively
-static int _need_rebalancing; // to send back balance info from rec. calls
-static <T>* _target_item; // add/del_item target
-static <T><C>RAVLNode* _found_node; // returned added/deleted node
-static int _already_found; // for deletion subcases
-static int _rank_changed; // for rank computation
-void <T><C>RAVLMap:: _add(<T><C>RAVLNode*& t)
- int cmp = <T>CMP(*_target_item, t->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- _found_node = t;
- return;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- if (lthread(t))
- {
- ++count;
- _found_node = new <T><C>RAVLNode(*_target_item, def);
- set_lthread(_found_node, 1);
- set_rthread(_found_node, 1);
- _found_node->lt = t->lt;
- _found_node->rt = t;
- t->lt = _found_node;
- set_lthread(t, 0);
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- _rank_changed = 1;
- }
- else
- _add(t->lt);
- if (_rank_changed) ++t->rank;
- if (_need_rebalancing)
- {
- switch(bf(t))
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- return;
- {
- <T><C>RAVLNode* l = t->lt;
- if (bf(l) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- {
- t->rank -= l->rank;
- if (rthread(l))
- t->lt = l;
- else
- t->lt = l->rt;
- set_lthread(t, rthread(l));
- l->rt = t;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- t = l;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- <T><C>RAVLNode* r = l->rt;
- r->rank += l->rank;
- t->rank -= r->rank;
- set_rthread(l, lthread(r));
- if (lthread(r))
- l->rt = r;
- else
- l->rt = r->lt;
- r->lt = l;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_lthread(t, rthread(r));
- if (rthread(r))
- t->lt = r;
- else
- t->lt = r->rt;
- r->rt = t;
- set_rthread(r, 0);
- if (bf(r) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- if (bf(r) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- set_bf(l, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- t = r;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (rthread(t))
- {
- ++count;
- _found_node = new <T><C>RAVLNode(*_target_item, def);
- set_rthread(t, 0);
- set_lthread(_found_node, 1);
- set_rthread(_found_node, 1);
- _found_node->lt = t;
- _found_node->rt = t->rt;
- t->rt = _found_node;
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- _rank_changed = 1;
- }
- else
- _add(t->rt);
- if (_need_rebalancing)
- {
- switch(bf(t))
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- return;
- {
- <T><C>RAVLNode* r = t->rt;
- if (bf(r) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- {
- r->rank += t->rank;
- if (lthread(r))
- t->rt = r;
- else
- t->rt = r->lt;
- set_rthread(t, lthread(r));
- r->lt = t;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- t = r;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- <T><C>RAVLNode* l = r->lt;
- r->rank -= l->rank;
- l->rank += t->rank;
- set_lthread(r, rthread(l));
- if (rthread(l))
- r->lt = l;
- else
- r->lt = l->rt;
- l->rt = r;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_rthread(t, lthread(l));
- if (lthread(l))
- t->rt = l;
- else
- t->rt = l->lt;
- l->lt = t;
- set_lthread(l, 0);
- if (bf(l) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- if (bf(l) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- set_bf(r, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- t = l;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-<C>& <T><C>RAVLMap::operator [] (<T&> item)
- if (root == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- root = new <T><C>RAVLNode(item, def);
- set_rthread(root, 1);
- set_lthread(root, 1);
- return root->cont;
- }
- else
- {
- _target_item = &item;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- _rank_changed = 0;
- _add(root);
- return _found_node->cont;
- }
-void <T><C>RAVLMap::_del(<T><C>RAVLNode* par, <T><C>RAVLNode*& t)
- int comp;
- if (_already_found)
- {
- if (rthread(t))
- comp = 0;
- else
- comp = 1;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(*_target_item, t->item);
- if (comp == 0)
- {
- if (lthread(t) && rthread(t))
- {
- _found_node = t;
- if (t == par->lt)
- {
- set_lthread(par, 1);
- par->lt = t->lt;
- }
- else
- {
- set_rthread(par, 1);
- par->rt = t->rt;
- }
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- _rank_changed = 1;
- return;
- }
- else if (lthread(t))
- {
- _found_node = t;
- <T><C>RAVLNode* s = succ(t);
- if (s != 0 && lthread(s))
- s->lt = t->lt;
- t = t->rt;
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- _rank_changed = 1;
- return;
- }
- else if (rthread(t))
- {
- _found_node = t;
- <T><C>RAVLNode* p = pred(t);
- if (p != 0 && rthread(p))
- p->rt = t->rt;
- t = t->lt;
- _need_rebalancing = 1;
- _rank_changed = 1;
- return;
- }
- else // replace item & find someone deletable
- {
- <T><C>RAVLNode* p = pred(t);
- t->item = p->item;
- t->cont = p->cont;
- _already_found = 1;
- comp = -1; // fall through below to left
- }
- }
- if (comp < 0)
- {
- if (lthread(t))
- return;
- _del(t, t->lt);
- if (_rank_changed) --t->rank;
- if (!_need_rebalancing)
- return;
- switch (bf(t))
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- return;
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- {
- <T><C>RAVLNode* r = t->rt;
- switch (bf(r))
- {
- r->rank += t->rank;
- if (lthread(r))
- t->rt = r;
- else
- t->rt = r->lt;
- set_rthread(t, lthread(r));
- r->lt = t;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- set_bf(r, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- t = r;
- return;
- r->rank += t->rank;
- if (lthread(r))
- t->rt = r;
- else
- t->rt = r->lt;
- set_rthread(t, lthread(r));
- r->lt = t;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- t = r;
- return;
- {
- <T><C>RAVLNode* l = r->lt;
- r->rank -= l->rank;
- l->rank += t->rank;
- set_lthread(r, rthread(l));
- if (rthread(l))
- r->lt = l;
- else
- r->lt = l->rt;
- l->rt = r;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_rthread(t, lthread(l));
- if (lthread(l))
- t->rt = l;
- else
- t->rt = l->lt;
- l->lt = t;
- set_lthread(l, 0);
- if (bf(l) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- if (bf(l) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- set_bf(r, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- t = l;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (rthread(t))
- return;
- _del(t, t->rt);
- if (!_need_rebalancing)
- return;
- switch (bf(t))
- {
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- return;
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- return;
- {
- <T><C>RAVLNode* l = t->lt;
- switch (bf(l))
- {
- t->rank -= l->rank;
- if (rthread(l))
- t->lt = l;
- else
- t->lt = l->rt;
- set_lthread(t, rthread(l));
- l->rt = t;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- set_bf(l, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- t = l;
- return;
- t->rank -= l->rank;
- if (rthread(l))
- t->lt = l;
- else
- t->lt = l->rt;
- set_lthread(t, rthread(l));
- l->rt = t;
- set_rthread(l, 0);
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- t = l;
- return;
- {
- <T><C>RAVLNode* r = l->rt;
- r->rank += l->rank;
- t->rank -= r->rank;
- set_rthread(l, lthread(r));
- if (lthread(r))
- l->rt = r;
- else
- l->rt = r->lt;
- r->lt = l;
- set_lthread(r, 0);
- set_lthread(t, rthread(r));
- if (rthread(r))
- t->lt = r;
- else
- t->lt = r->rt;
- r->rt = t;
- set_rthread(r, 0);
- if (bf(r) == AVLLEFTHEAVY)
- set_bf(t, AVLRIGHTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(t, AVLBALANCED);
- if (bf(r) == AVLRIGHTHEAVY)
- set_bf(l, AVLLEFTHEAVY);
- else
- set_bf(l, AVLBALANCED);
- set_bf(r, AVLBALANCED);
- t = r;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void <T><C>RAVLMap::del(<T&> item)
- if (root == 0) return;
- _need_rebalancing = 0;
- _already_found = 0;
- _found_node = 0;
- _rank_changed = 0;
- _target_item = &item;
- _del(root, root);
- if (_found_node)
- {
- delete(_found_node);
- if (--count == 0)
- root = 0;
- }
-void <T><C>RAVLMap::_kill(<T><C>RAVLNode* t)
- if (t != 0)
- {
- if (!lthread(t)) _kill(t->lt);
- if (!rthread(t)) _kill(t->rt);
- delete t;
- }
-<T><C>RAVLMap::<T><C>RAVLMap(<T><C>RAVLMap& b) :<T><C>Map(b.def)
- root = 0;
- count = 0;
- for (Pix i = b.first(); i != 0;
- (*this)[b.key(i)] = b.contents(i);
-int <T><C>RAVLMap::OK()
- int v = 1;
- if (root == 0)
- v = count == 0;
- else
- {
- int n = 1;
- <T><C>RAVLNode* trail = leftmost();
- v &= rankof(trail->item) == n;
- <T><C>RAVLNode* t = succ(trail);
- while (t != 0)
- {
- ++n;
- v &= <T>CMP(trail->item, t->item) < 0;
- v &= rankof(t->item) == n;
- trail = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- v &= n == count;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/RAVLMap.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/RAVLMap.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 1009ef1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/RAVLMap.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- ranking code from Paul Anderson (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T><C>RAVLMap_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T><C>RAVLMap_h 1
-#include "<T>.<C>.Map.h"
-struct <T><C>RAVLNode
- <T><C>RAVLNode* lt;
- <T><C>RAVLNode* rt;
- <T> item;
- <C> cont;
- int rank;
- char stat;
- <T><C>RAVLNode(<T&> h, <C&> c,
- <T><C>RAVLNode* l=0, <T><C>RAVLNode* r=0, int k=1);
- ~<T><C>RAVLNode();
-inline <T><C>RAVLNode::<T><C>RAVLNode(<T&> h, <C&> c,
- <T><C>RAVLNode* l, <T><C>RAVLNode* r, int k)
- :lt(l), rt(r), item(h), cont(c), rank(k), stat(0) {}
-inline <T><C>RAVLNode::~<T><C>RAVLNode() {}
-typedef <T><C>RAVLNode* <T><C>RAVLNodePtr;
-class <T><C>RAVLMap : public <T><C>Map
- <T><C>RAVLNode* root;
- <T><C>RAVLNode* leftmost();
- <T><C>RAVLNode* rightmost();
- <T><C>RAVLNode* pred(<T><C>RAVLNode* t);
- <T><C>RAVLNode* succ(<T><C>RAVLNode* t);
- void _kill(<T><C>RAVLNode* t);
- void _add(<T><C>RAVLNode*& t);
- void _del(<T><C>RAVLNode* p, <T><C>RAVLNode*& t);
- <T><C>RAVLMap(<C&> dflt);
- <T><C>RAVLMap(<T><C>RAVLMap& a);
- inline ~<T><C>RAVLMap();
- <C>& operator [] (<T&> key);
- void del(<T&> key);
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& key(Pix i);
- inline <C>& contents(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> key);
- inline int contains(<T&> key);
- Pix ranktoPix(int i);
- int rankof(<T&> key);
- inline void clear();
- Pix last();
- void prev(Pix& i);
- int OK();
-inline <T><C>RAVLMap::~<T><C>RAVLMap()
- _kill(root);
-inline <T><C>RAVLMap::<T><C>RAVLMap(<C&> dflt) :<T><C>Map(dflt)
- root = 0;
-inline Pix <T><C>RAVLMap::first()
- return Pix(leftmost());
-inline Pix <T><C>RAVLMap::last()
- return Pix(rightmost());
-inline void <T><C>RAVLMap::next(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(succ((<T><C>RAVLNode*)i));
-inline void <T><C>RAVLMap::prev(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(pred((<T><C>RAVLNode*)i));
-inline <T>& <T><C>RAVLMap::key(Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T><C>RAVLNode*)i)->item;
-inline <C>& <T><C>RAVLMap::contents(Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T><C>RAVLNode*)i)->cont;
-inline void <T><C>RAVLMap::clear()
- _kill(root);
- count = 0;
- root = 0;
-inline int <T><C>RAVLMap::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/RPlex.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/RPlex.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 1707b5d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/RPlex.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.RPlex.h"
-typedef <T>IChunk* _<T>IChunk_ptr;
-<T>RPlex:: <T>RPlex()
- lo = fnc = 0;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- set_cache(new <T>IChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, lo+csize));
- hd = ch;
- maxch = MIN_NCHUNKS;
- lch = maxch / 2;
- fch = lch + 1;
- base = ch->base_index() - lch * csize;
- chunks = new _<T>IChunk_ptr[maxch];
- chunks[lch] = ch;
-<T>RPlex:: <T>RPlex(int chunksize)
- if (chunksize == 0) error("invalid constructor specification");
- lo = fnc = 0;
- if (chunksize > 0)
- {
- csize = chunksize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- set_cache(new <T>IChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, csize+lo));
- hd = ch;
- }
- else
- {
- csize = -chunksize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- set_cache(new <T>IChunk(data, chunksize+lo, lo, fnc, fnc));
- hd = ch;
- }
- maxch = MIN_NCHUNKS;
- lch = maxch / 2;
- fch = lch + 1;
- base = ch->base_index() - lch * csize;
- chunks = new _<T>IChunk_ptr[maxch];
- chunks[lch] = ch;
-<T>RPlex:: <T>RPlex(int l, int chunksize)
- if (chunksize == 0) error("invalid constructor specification");
- lo = fnc = l;
- if (chunksize > 0)
- {
- csize = chunksize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- set_cache(new <T>IChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, lo+csize));
- hd = ch;
- }
- else
- {
- csize = -chunksize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- set_cache(new <T>IChunk(data, chunksize+lo, lo, fnc, fnc));
- hd = ch;
- }
- maxch = MIN_NCHUNKS;
- lch = maxch / 2;
- fch = lch + 1;
- base = ch->base_index() - lch * csize;
- chunks = new _<T>IChunk_ptr[maxch];
- chunks[lch] = ch;
-void <T>RPlex::make_initial_chunks(int up)
- int count = 0;
- int need = fnc - lo;
- hd = 0;
- if (up)
- {
- int l = lo;
- do
- {
- ++count;
- int sz;
- if (need >= csize)
- sz = csize;
- else
- sz = need;
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- <T>IChunk* h = new <T>IChunk(data, l, l, l+sz, l+csize);
- if (hd != 0)
- h->link_to_next(hd);
- else
- hd = h;
- l += sz;
- need -= sz;
- } while (need > 0);
- }
- else
- {
- int hi = fnc;
- do
- {
- ++count;
- int sz;
- if (need >= csize)
- sz = csize;
- else
- sz = need;
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- <T>IChunk* h = new <T>IChunk(data, hi-csize, hi-sz, hi, hi);
- if (hd != 0)
- h->link_to_next(hd);
- hd = h;
- hi -= sz;
- need -= sz;
- } while (need > 0);
- }
- set_cache((<T>IChunk*)hd);
- maxch = MIN_NCHUNKS;
- if (maxch < count * 2)
- maxch = count * 2;
- chunks = new _<T>IChunk_ptr[maxch];
- lch = maxch / 3;
- fch = lch + count;
- base = ch->base_index() - csize * lch;
- int k = lch;
- do
- {
- chunks[k++] = ch;
- set_cache(ch->next());
- } while (ch != hd);
-<T>RPlex:: <T>RPlex(int l, int hi, const <T&> initval, int chunksize)
- lo = l;
- fnc = hi + 1;
- if (chunksize == 0)
- {
- csize = fnc - l;
- make_initial_chunks(1);
- }
- else if (chunksize < 0)
- {
- csize = -chunksize;
- make_initial_chunks(0);
- }
- else
- {
- csize = chunksize;
- make_initial_chunks(1);
- }
- fill(initval);
-<T>RPlex::<T>RPlex(const <T>RPlex& a)
- lo = a.lo;
- fnc = a.fnc;
- csize = a.csize;
- make_initial_chunks();
- for (int i = a.low(); i < a.fence(); (*this)[i] = a[i];
-void <T>RPlex::operator= (const <T>RPlex& a)
- if (&a != this)
- {
- invalidate();
- lo = a.lo;
- fnc = a.fnc;
- csize = a.csize;
- make_initial_chunks();
- for (int i = a.low(); i < a.fence(); (*this)[i] = a[i];
- }
-void <T>RPlex::cache(const <T>* p) const
- const <T>IChunk* old = ch;
- const <T>IChunk* t = ch;
- while (!t->actual_pointer(p))
- {
- t = (t->next());
- if (t == old) index_error();
- }
- set_cache(t);
-int <T>RPlex::owns(Pix px) const
- <T>* p = (<T>*)px;
- const <T>IChunk* old = ch;
- const <T>IChunk* t = ch;
- while (!t->actual_pointer(p))
- {
- t = (t->next());
- if (t == old) return 0;
- }
- set_cache(t);
- return 1;
-<T>* <T>RPlex::dosucc(const <T>* p) const
- if (p == 0) return 0;
- const <T>IChunk* old = ch;
- const <T>IChunk* t = ch;
- while (!t->actual_pointer(p))
- {
- t = (t->next());
- if (t == old) return 0;
- }
- int i = t->index_of(p) + 1;
- if (i >= fnc) return 0;
- if (i >= t->fence_index()) t = (t->next());
- set_cache(t);
- return t->pointer_to(i);
-<T>* <T>RPlex::dopred(const <T>* p) const
- if (p == 0) return 0;
- const <T>IChunk* old = ch;
- const <T>IChunk* t = ch;
- while (!t->actual_pointer(p))
- {
- t = (t->prev());
- if (t == old) return 0;
- }
- int i = t->index_of(p) - 1;
- if (i < lo) return 0;
- if (i < t->low_index()) t = (t->prev());
- set_cache(t);
- return (t->pointer_to(i));
-int <T>RPlex::add_high(const <T&> elem)
- <T>IChunk* t = tl();
- if (!t->can_grow_high())
- {
- if (t-><T>IChunk::empty() && one_chunk())
- {
- t->clear(fnc);
- base = t->base_index() - lch * csize;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- t = (new <T>IChunk(data, fnc, fnc, fnc,fnc+csize));
- t->link_to_prev(tl());
- if (fch == maxch)
- {
- maxch *= 2;
- <T>IChunk** newch = new _<T>IChunk_ptr [maxch];
- memcpy(newch, chunks, fch * sizeof(_<T>IChunk_ptr));
- delete chunks;
- chunks = newch;
- }
- chunks[fch++] = t;
- }
- }
- *((t-><T>IChunk::grow_high())) = elem;
- set_cache(t);
- return fnc++;
-int <T>RPlex::del_high ()
- if (empty()) empty_error();
- <T>IChunk* t = tl();
- if (t-><T>IChunk::empty()) // kill straggler first
- {
- <T>IChunk* pred = t->prev();
- del_chunk(t);
- t = (pred);
- --fch;
- }
- t-><T>IChunk::shrink_high();
- if (t-><T>IChunk::empty() && !one_chunk())
- {
- <T>IChunk* pred = t->prev();
- del_chunk(t);
- t = (pred);
- --fch;
- }
- set_cache(t);
- return --fnc - 1;
-int <T>RPlex::add_low (const <T&> elem)
- <T>IChunk* t = hd;
- if (!t->can_grow_low())
- {
- if (t-><T>IChunk::empty() && one_chunk())
- {
- t->cleardown(lo);
- base = t->base_index() - lch * csize;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- hd = new <T>IChunk(data, lo-csize, lo, lo, lo);
- hd->link_to_next(t);
- t = ( hd);
- if (lch == 0)
- {
- lch = maxch;
- fch += maxch;
- maxch *= 2;
- <T>IChunk** newch = new _<T>IChunk_ptr [maxch];
- memcpy(&(newch[lch]), chunks, lch * sizeof(_<T>IChunk_ptr));
- delete chunks;
- chunks = newch;
- base = t->base_index() - (lch - 1) * csize;
- }
- chunks[--lch] = t;
- }
- }
- *((t-><T>IChunk::grow_low())) = elem;
- set_cache(t);
- return --lo;
-int <T>RPlex::del_low ()
- if (empty()) empty_error();
- <T>IChunk* t = hd;
- if (t-><T>IChunk::empty())
- {
- hd = t->next();
- del_chunk(t);
- t = hd;
- ++lch;
- }
- t-><T>IChunk::shrink_low();
- if (t-><T>IChunk::empty() && !one_chunk())
- {
- hd = t->next();
- del_chunk(t);
- t = hd;
- ++lch;
- }
- set_cache(t);
- return ++lo;
-void <T>RPlex::reverse()
- <T> tmp;
- int l = lo;
- int h = fnc - 1;
- <T>IChunk* loch = hd;
- <T>IChunk* hich = tl();
- while (l < h)
- {
- <T>* lptr = loch->pointer_to(l);
- <T>* hptr = hich->pointer_to(h);
- tmp = *lptr;
- *lptr = *hptr;
- *hptr = tmp;
- if (++l >= loch->fence_index()) loch = loch->next();
- if (--h < hich->low_index()) hich = hich->prev();
- }
-void <T>RPlex::fill(const <T&> x)
- for (int i = lo; i < fnc; ++i) (*this)[i] = x;
-void <T>RPlex::fill(const <T&> x, int lo, int hi)
- for (int i = lo; i <= hi; ++i) (*this)[i] = x;
-void <T>RPlex::clear()
- for (int i = lch + 1; i < fch; ++i)
- del_chunk(chunks[i]);
- fch = lch + 1;
- set_cache(chunks[lch]);
- ch-><T>IChunk::clear(lo);
- fnc = lo;
-int <T>RPlex::reset_low(int l)
- int old = lo;
- int diff = l - lo;
- if (diff != 0)
- {
- lo += diff;
- fnc += diff;
- <T>IChunk* t = hd;
- do
- {
- t->re_index(t->low_index() + diff);
- t = t->next();
- } while (t != hd);
- }
- base = hd->base_index() - lch * csize;
- return old;
-int <T>RPlex::OK () const
- int v = hd != 0 && ch != 0; // at least one chunk
- v &= fnc == tl()->fence_index(); // last chunk fnc == plex fnc
- v &= lo == hd-><T>IChunk::low_index(); // first lo == plex lo
- v &= base == hd->base_index() - lch * csize; // base is correct;
- v &= lch < fch;
- v &= fch <= maxch; // within allocation;
-// loop for others:
- int k = lch; // to cross-check nch
- int found_ch = 0; // to make sure ch is in list;
- const <T>IChunk* t = (hd);
- for (;;)
- {
- v &= chunks[k++] == t; // each chunk is at proper index
- if (t == ch) ++found_ch;
- v &= t-><T>IChunk::OK(); // each chunk is OK
- if (t == tl())
- break;
- else // and has indices contiguous to succ
- {
- v &= t->top_index() == t->next()->base_index();
- if (t != hd) // internal chunks full
- {
- v &= !t->empty();
- v &= !t->can_grow_low();
- v &= !t->can_grow_high();
- }
- t = t->next();
- }
- }
- v &= found_ch == 1;
- v &= fch == k;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/RPlex.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/RPlex.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 546adaa..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/RPlex.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>RPlex_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>RPlex_h 1
-#include "<T>.Plex.h"
-// minimum number of chunks to index
-#ifndef MIN_NCHUNKS
-#define MIN_NCHUNKS 16
-class <T>RPlex: public <T>Plex
- int base; // base index of lowest chunk
- int lch; // index of lowest used chunk
- int fch; // 1 + index of highest used chunk
- int maxch; // max chunks in array
- <T>IChunk** chunks; // array of chunks
- <T>IChunk* ch; // cached chunk
- void make_initial_chunks(int up = 1);
- void cache(int idx) const;
- void cache(const <T>* p) const;
- <T>* dopred(const <T>* p) const;
- <T>* dosucc(const <T>* p) const;
- inline void set_cache(const <T>IChunk* t) const; // logically,
- // not physically const
- <T>RPlex(); // set low = 0;
- // fence = 0;
- // csize = default
- <T>RPlex(int ch_size); // low = 0;
- // fence = 0;
- // csize = ch_size
- <T>RPlex(int lo, // low = lo;
- int ch_size); // fence=lo
- // csize = ch_size
- <T>RPlex(int lo, // low = lo
- int hi, // fence = hi+1
- const <T&> initval,// fill with initval,
- int ch_size = 0); // csize= ch_size
- // or fence-lo if 0
- <T>RPlex(const <T>RPlex&);
- inline ~<T>RPlex();
- void operator= (const <T>RPlex&);
-// virtuals
- inline <T>& high_element ();
- inline <T>& low_element ();
- inline const <T>& high_element () const;
- inline const <T>& low_element () const;
- inline Pix first() const;
- inline Pix last() const;
- inline void prev(Pix& ptr) const;
- inline void next(Pix& ptr) const;
- int owns(Pix p) const;
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix p);
- inline const <T>& operator () (Pix p) const;
- inline int low() const;
- inline int high() const;
- inline int valid(int idx) const;
- inline void prev(int& idx) const;
- inline void next(int& x) const;
- inline <T>& operator [] (int index);
- inline const <T>& operator [] (int index) const;
- inline int Pix_to_index(Pix p) const;
- inline Pix index_to_Pix(int idx) const;
- inline int can_add_high() const;
- inline int can_add_low() const;
- inline int full() const;
- int add_high(const <T&> elem);
- int del_high ();
- int add_low (const <T&> elem);
- int del_low ();
- void fill(const <T&> x);
- void fill(const <T&> x, int from, int to);
- void clear();
- void reverse();
- int reset_low(int newlow);
- int OK () const;
-inline void <T>RPlex::prev(int& idx) const
- --idx;
-inline void <T>RPlex::next(int& idx) const
- ++idx;
-inline int <T>RPlex::full () const
- return 0;
-inline int <T>RPlex::can_add_high() const
- return 1;
-inline int <T>RPlex::can_add_low() const
- return 1;
-inline int <T>RPlex::valid (int idx) const
- return idx >= lo && idx < fnc;
-inline int <T>RPlex::low() const
- return lo;
-inline int <T>RPlex::high() const
- return fnc - 1;
-inline void <T>RPlex::set_cache(const <T>IChunk* t) const
- ((<T>RPlex*)(this))->ch = (<T>IChunk*)t;
-inline void <T>RPlex::cache(int idx) const
- if (idx < lo || idx >= fnc) index_error();
- set_cache(chunks[(idx - base) / csize]);
-inline <T>& <T>RPlex::low_element ()
- cache(lo); return *(ch->pointer_to(lo));
-inline <T>& <T>RPlex::high_element ()
- cache(fnc-1); return *(ch->pointer_to(fnc - 1));
-inline const <T>& <T>RPlex::low_element () const
- cache(lo); return *((const <T>*)(ch->pointer_to(lo)));
-inline const <T>& <T>RPlex::high_element () const
- cache(fnc-1); return *((const <T>*)(ch->pointer_to(fnc - 1)));
-inline int <T>RPlex::Pix_to_index(Pix px) const
- <T>* p = (<T>*)px;
- if (!ch->actual_pointer(p)) cache(p);
- return ch->index_of(p);
-inline Pix <T>RPlex::index_to_Pix(int idx) const
- if (!ch->actual_index(idx)) cache(idx);
- return (Pix)(ch->pointer_to(idx));
-inline Pix <T>RPlex::first() const
- return Pix(hd-><T>IChunk::first_pointer());
-inline Pix <T>RPlex::last() const
- return Pix(tl()-><T>IChunk::last_pointer());
-inline void <T>RPlex::prev(Pix& p) const
- Pix q = Pix(ch-><T>IChunk::pred((<T>*)p));
- p = (q == 0)? Pix(dopred((<T>*)p)) : q;
-inline void <T>RPlex::next(Pix& p) const
- Pix q = Pix(ch-><T>IChunk::succ((<T>*)p));
- p = (q == 0)? Pix(dosucc((<T>*)p)) : q;
-inline <T>& <T>RPlex:: operator () (Pix p)
- return *((<T>*)p);
-inline <T>& <T>RPlex:: operator [] (int idx)
- cache(idx); return *(ch->pointer_to(idx));
-inline const <T>& <T>RPlex:: operator () (Pix p) const
- return *((const <T>*)p);
-inline const <T>& <T>RPlex:: operator [] (int idx) const
- cache(idx); return *((const <T>*)(ch->pointer_to(idx)));
-inline <T>RPlex::~<T>RPlex()
- delete chunks;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLBag.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLBag.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b7c0fa..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLBag.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.SLBag.h"
-int <T>SLBag::OK()
- int v = p.OK();
- v &= count == p.length();
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
-Pix <T>SLBag::seek(<T&> item, Pix i)
- if (i == 0) i = first(); else next(i);
- for (; i != 0 && (!(<T>EQ(p(i), item)));;
- return i;
-int <T>SLBag::nof(<T&> item)
- int n = 0;
- for (Pix p = first(); p; next(p)) if (<T>EQ((*this)(p), item)) ++n;
- return n;
-void <T>SLBag::del(<T&> item)
- Pix i = p.first();
- if (i == 0)
- return;
- else if (<T>EQ(p(i), item))
- {
- --count;
- p.del_front();
- }
- else
- {
- Pix trail = i;
- while (i != 0)
- {
- if (<T>EQ(p(i), item))
- {
- --count;
- p.del_after(trail);
- return;
- }
- trail = i;
- }
- }
-void <T>SLBag::remove(<T&> item)
- Pix i = p.first();
- while (i != 0 && <T>EQ(p(i), item))
- {
- --count;
- p.del_front();
- i = p.first();
- }
- if (i != 0)
- {
- Pix trail = i;
- while (i != 0)
- {
- if (<T>EQ(p(i), item))
- {
- --count;
- p.del_after(trail);
- i = trail;
- }
- else
- {
- trail = i;
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLBag.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLBag.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bab7db..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLBag.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>SLBag_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>SLBag_h 1
-#include "<T>.Bag.h"
-#include "<T>.SLList.h"
-class <T>SLBag : public <T>Bag
- <T>SLList p;
- <T>SLBag();
- <T>SLBag(const <T>SLBag&);
- inline Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- void remove(<T&>item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- int nof(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- inline int owns(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item, Pix from = 0);
- int OK();
-inline <T>SLBag::<T>SLBag() : p() { count = 0; }
-inline <T>SLBag::<T>SLBag(const <T>SLBag& s) : p(s.p) { count = s.count; }
-inline Pix <T>SLBag::first()
- return p.first();
-inline void <T>SLBag::next(Pix & idx)
-inline <T>& <T>SLBag::operator ()(Pix idx)
- return p(idx);
-inline void <T>SLBag::clear()
- count = 0; p.clear();
-inline int <T>SLBag::owns (Pix idx)
- return p.owns(idx);
-inline Pix <T>SLBag::add(<T&> item)
- ++count;
- return p.append(item);
-inline int <T>SLBag::contains(<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLList.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLList.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dbe22f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLList.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-// WARNING: This file is obsolete. Use ../, if you can.
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.SLList.h"
-void <T>SLList::error(const char* msg)
- (*lib_error_handler)("SLList", msg);
-int <T>SLList::length()
- int l = 0;
- <T>SLListNode* t = last;
- if (t != 0) do { ++l; t = t->tl; } while (t != last);
- return l;
-<T>SLList::<T>SLList(const <T>SLList& a)
- if (a.last == 0)
- last = 0;
- else
- {
- <T>SLListNode* p = a.last->tl;
- <T>SLListNode* h = new <T>SLListNode(p->hd);
- last = h;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (p == a.last)
- {
- last->tl = h;
- return;
- }
- p = p->tl;
- <T>SLListNode* n = new <T>SLListNode(p->hd);
- last->tl = n;
- last = n;
- }
- }
-<T>SLList& <T>SLList::operator = (const <T>SLList& a)
- if (last != a.last)
- {
- clear();
- if (a.last != 0)
- {
- <T>SLListNode* p = a.last->tl;
- <T>SLListNode* h = new <T>SLListNode(p->hd);
- last = h;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (p == a.last)
- {
- last->tl = h;
- break;
- }
- p = p->tl;
- <T>SLListNode* n = new <T>SLListNode(p->hd);
- last->tl = n;
- last = n;
- }
- }
- }
- return *this;
-void <T>SLList::clear()
- if (last == 0)
- return;
- <T>SLListNode* p = last->tl;
- last->tl = 0;
- last = 0;
- while (p != 0)
- {
- <T>SLListNode* nxt = p->tl;
- delete(p);
- p = nxt;
- }
-Pix <T>SLList::prepend(<T&> item)
- <T>SLListNode* t = new <T>SLListNode(item);
- if (last == 0)
- t->tl = last = t;
- else
- {
- t->tl = last->tl;
- last->tl = t;
- }
- return Pix(t);
-Pix <T>SLList::prepend(<T>SLListNode* t)
- if (t == 0) return 0;
- if (last == 0)
- t->tl = last = t;
- else
- {
- t->tl = last->tl;
- last->tl = t;
- }
- return Pix(t);
-Pix <T>SLList::append(<T&> item)
- <T>SLListNode* t = new <T>SLListNode(item);
- if (last == 0)
- t->tl = last = t;
- else
- {
- t->tl = last->tl;
- last->tl = t;
- last = t;
- }
- return Pix(t);
-Pix <T>SLList::append(<T>SLListNode* t)
- if (t == 0) return 0;
- if (last == 0)
- t->tl = last = t;
- else
- {
- t->tl = last->tl;
- last->tl = t;
- last = t;
- }
- return Pix(t);
-void <T>SLList::join(<T>SLList& b)
- <T>SLListNode* t = b.last;
- b.last = 0;
- if (last == 0)
- last = t;
- else if (t != 0)
- {
- <T>SLListNode* f = last->tl;
- last->tl = t->tl;
- t->tl = f;
- last = t;
- }
-Pix <T>SLList::ins_after(Pix p, <T&> item)
- <T>SLListNode* u = (<T>SLListNode*)p;
- <T>SLListNode* t = new <T>SLListNode(item);
- if (last == 0)
- t->tl = last = t;
- else if (u == 0) // ins_after 0 means prepend
- {
- t->tl = last->tl;
- last->tl = t;
- }
- else
- {
- t->tl = u->tl;
- u->tl = t;
- if (u == last)
- last = t;
- }
- return Pix(t);
-void <T>SLList::del_after(Pix p)
- <T>SLListNode* u = (<T>SLListNode*)p;
- if (last == 0 || u == last) error("cannot del_after last");
- if (u == 0) u = last; // del_after 0 means delete first
- <T>SLListNode* t = u->tl;
- if (u == t)
- last = 0;
- else
- {
- u->tl = t->tl;
- if (last == t)
- last = u;
- }
- delete t;
-int <T>SLList::owns(Pix p)
- <T>SLListNode* t = last;
- if (t != 0 && p != 0)
- {
- do
- {
- if (Pix(t) == p) return 1;
- t = t->tl;
- } while (t != last);
- }
- return 0;
-<T> <T>SLList::remove_front()
- if (last == 0) error("remove_front of empty list");
- <T>SLListNode* t = last->tl;
- <T> res = t->hd;
- if (t == last)
- last = 0;
- else
- last->tl = t->tl;
- delete t;
- return res;
-int <T>SLList::remove_front(<T>& x)
- if (last == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- <T>SLListNode* t = last->tl;
- x = t->hd;
- if (t == last)
- last = 0;
- else
- last->tl = t->tl;
- delete t;
- return 1;
- }
-void <T>SLList::del_front()
- if (last == 0) error("del_front of empty list");
- <T>SLListNode* t = last->tl;
- if (t == last)
- last = 0;
- else
- last->tl = t->tl;
- delete t;
-int <T>SLList::OK()
- int v = 1;
- if (last != 0)
- {
- <T>SLListNode* t = last;
- long count = LONG_MAX; // Lots of chances to find last!
- do
- {
- count--;
- t = t->tl;
- } while (count > 0 && t != last);
- v &= count > 0;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLList.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLList.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index cd89dee..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLList.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-// WARNING: This file is obsolete. Use ../SLList.h, if you can.
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>SLList_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>SLList_h 1
-#include <Pix.h>
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-#ifndef _<T>SLListNode_h
-#define _<T>SLListNode_h 1
-struct <T>SLListNode
- <T>SLListNode* tl;
- <T> hd;
- <T>SLListNode() { }
- <T>SLListNode(const <T&> h, <T>SLListNode* t = 0);
- ~<T>SLListNode() { }
-inline <T>SLListNode::<T>SLListNode(const <T&> h, <T>SLListNode* t)
-:tl(t), hd(h) {}
-typedef <T>SLListNode* <T>SLListNodePtr;
-class <T>SLList
- <T>SLListNode* last;
- <T>SLList();
- <T>SLList(const <T>SLList& a);
- ~<T>SLList();
- <T>SLList& operator = (const <T>SLList& a);
- int empty();
- int length();
- void clear();
- Pix prepend(<T&> item);
- Pix append(<T&> item);
- void join(<T>SLList&);
- Pix prepend(<T>SLListNode*);
- Pix append(<T>SLListNode*);
- <T>& operator () (Pix p);
- Pix first();
- void next(Pix& p);
- int owns(Pix p);
- Pix ins_after(Pix p, <T&> item);
- void del_after(Pix p);
- <T>& front();
- <T>& rear();
- <T> remove_front();
- int remove_front(<T>& x);
- void del_front();
- void error(const char* msg);
- int OK();
-inline <T>SLList::~<T>SLList()
- clear();
-inline <T>SLList::<T>SLList()
- last = 0;
-inline int <T>SLList::empty()
- return last == 0;
-inline Pix <T>SLList::first()
- return (last == 0)? 0 : Pix(last->tl);
-inline void <T>SLList::next(Pix& p)
- p = (p == 0 || p == last)? 0 : Pix(((<T>SLListNode*)(p))->tl);
-inline <T>& <T>SLList::operator () (Pix p)
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T>SLListNode*)(p))->hd;
-inline <T>& <T>SLList::front()
- if (last == 0) error("front: empty list");
- return last->tl->hd;
-inline <T>& <T>SLList::rear()
- if (last == 0) error("rear: empty list");
- return last->hd;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLQueue.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLQueue.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a5935b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLQueue.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.SLQueue.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLQueue.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLQueue.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 84683b8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLQueue.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>SLQueue_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>SLQueue_h
-#include "<T>.SLList.h"
-#include "<T>.Queue.h"
-class <T>SLQueue : public <T>Queue
- <T>SLList p;
- <T>SLQueue();
- <T>SLQueue(const <T>SLQueue& q);
- inline ~<T>SLQueue();
- void operator = (const <T>SLQueue&);
- inline void enq(<T&> item);
- inline <T> deq();
- inline <T>& front();
- inline void del_front();
- inline void clear();
- inline int empty();
- inline int full();
- inline int length();
- inline int OK();
-inline <T>SLQueue::<T>SLQueue() :p() {}
-inline <T>SLQueue::<T>SLQueue(const <T>SLQueue& q) : p(q.p) {}
-inline <T>SLQueue::~<T>SLQueue() {}
-inline void <T>SLQueue::enq(<T&>item)
- p.append(item);
-inline <T> <T>SLQueue::deq()
- return p.remove_front();
-inline <T>& <T>SLQueue::front()
- return p.front();
-inline void <T>SLQueue::del_front()
- p.del_front();
-inline void <T>SLQueue::operator =(const <T>SLQueue& s)
- p = s.p;
-inline int <T>SLQueue::empty()
- return p.empty();
-inline int <T>SLQueue::full()
- return 0;
-inline int <T>SLQueue::length()
- return p.length();
-inline int <T>SLQueue::OK()
- return p.OK();
-inline void <T>SLQueue::clear()
- p.clear();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLSet.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLSet.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d2ac58..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLSet.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.SLSet.h"
-int <T>SLSet::OK()
- int v = p.OK();
- v &= count == p.length();
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
-Pix <T>SLSet::seek(<T&> item)
- Pix i;
- for (i = p.first(); i != 0 && !<T>EQ(p(i),item);;
- return i;
-Pix <T>SLSet::add(<T&> item)
- Pix i = seek(item);
- if (i == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- i = p.append(item);
- }
- return i;
-void <T>SLSet::del(<T&> item)
- Pix i = p.first();
- if (i == 0)
- return;
- else if (<T>EQ(p(i), item))
- {
- --count;
- p.del_front();
- }
- else
- {
- Pix trail = i;
- while (i != 0)
- {
- if (<T>EQ(p(i), item))
- {
- --count;
- p.del_after(trail);
- return;
- }
- trail = i;
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLSet.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLSet.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index fa94bb8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLSet.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>SLSet_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>SLSet_h 1
-#include "<T>.Set.h"
-#include "<T>.SLList.h"
-class <T>SLSet : public <T>Set
- <T>SLList p;
- <T>SLSet();
- <T>SLSet(const <T>SLSet&);
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- inline int owns(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item);
- int OK();
-inline <T>SLSet::<T>SLSet() : p() { count = 0; }
-inline <T>SLSet::<T>SLSet(const <T>SLSet& s) : p(s.p) { count = s.count; }
-inline Pix <T>SLSet::first()
- return p.first();
-inline void <T>SLSet::next(Pix & idx)
-inline <T>& <T>SLSet::operator ()(Pix idx)
- return p(idx);
-inline void <T>SLSet::clear()
- count = 0; p.clear();
-inline int <T>SLSet::contains (<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
-inline int <T>SLSet::owns (Pix idx)
- return p.owns(idx);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLStack.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLStack.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 3996b41..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLStack.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.SLStack.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLStack.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLStack.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 466cfee..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SLStack.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>SLStack_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>SLStack_h 1
-#include "<T>.SLList.h"
-#include "<T>.Stack.h"
-class <T>SLStack : public <T>Stack
- <T>SLList p;
- <T>SLStack();
- <T>SLStack(const <T>SLStack& s);
- inline ~<T>SLStack();
- void operator = (const <T>SLStack&);
- inline void push(<T&> item);
- inline <T> pop();
- inline <T>& top();
- inline void del_top();
- inline int empty();
- inline int full();
- inline int length();
- inline void clear();
- inline int OK();
-inline <T>SLStack::<T>SLStack() :p() {}
-inline <T>SLStack::<T>SLStack(const <T>SLStack& a) : p(a.p) {}
-inline <T>SLStack::~<T>SLStack() {}
-inline void <T>SLStack::push(<T&> item)
- p.prepend(item);
-inline <T> <T>SLStack::pop()
- return p.remove_front();
-inline <T>& <T>SLStack::top()
- return p.front();
-inline void <T>SLStack::del_top()
- p.del_front();
-inline void <T>SLStack::operator =(const <T>SLStack& s)
- p = s.p;
-inline int <T>SLStack::empty()
- return p.empty();
-inline int <T>SLStack::full()
- return 0;
-inline int <T>SLStack::length()
- return p.length();
-inline int <T>SLStack::OK()
- return p.OK();
-inline void <T>SLStack::clear()
- p.clear();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Set.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Set.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index b072339..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Set.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.Set.h"
-Pix <T>Set::seek(<T&> item)
- Pix i;
- for (i = first(); i != 0 && !(<T>EQ((*this)(i), item)); next(i));
- return i;
-int <T>Set::owns(Pix idx)
- if (idx == 0) return 0;
- for (Pix i = first(); i; next(i)) if (i == idx) return 1;
- return 0;
-void <T>Set::clear()
- Pix i = first();
- while (i != 0)
- {
- del((*this)(i));
- i = first();
- }
-int <T>Set::contains (<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
-int <T>Set::operator <= (<T>Set& b)
- if (count > b.count) return 0;
- if (count == 0) return 1;
- for (Pix i = first(); i; next(i)) if (*this)(i)) == 0) return 0;
- return 1;
-int <T>Set::operator == (<T>Set& b)
- int n = count;
- if (n != b.count) return 0;
- if (n == 0) return 1;
- Pix i = first();
- Pix j = b.first();
- while (n-- > 0)
- {
- if ((*this)(i)) == 0) || (seek(b(j)) == 0)) return 0;
- next(i);
- }
- return 1;
-int <T>Set::operator != (<T>Set& b)
- return !(*this == b);
-void <T>Set::operator |= (<T>Set& b)
- if (&b != this)
- for (Pix i = b.first(); i; add(b(i));
-void <T>Set::operator -= (<T>Set& b)
- if (&b == this)
- clear();
- else
- for (Pix i = b.first(); i; del(b(i));
-void <T>Set::operator &= (<T>Set& b)
- if (&b != this)
- {
- Pix i = first();
- Pix n = i;
- while (i != 0)
- {
- next(n);
- if (*this)(i)) == 0) del((*this)(i));
- i = n;
- }
- }
-void <T>Set::error(const char* msg)
- (*lib_error_handler)("Set", msg);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Set.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Set.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dd99e5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Set.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>Set_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>Set_h 1
-#include <Pix.h>
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-class <T>Set
- int count;
- inline virtual ~<T>Set();
- int length(); // current number of items
- int empty();
- virtual Pix add(<T&> item) = 0; // add item; return Pix
- virtual void del(<T&> item) = 0; // delete item
- virtual int contains(<T&> item); // is item in set?
- virtual void clear(); // delete all items
- virtual Pix first() = 0; // Pix of first item or 0
- virtual void next(Pix& i) = 0; // advance to next or 0
- virtual <T>& operator () (Pix i) = 0; // access item at i
- virtual int owns(Pix i); // is i a valid Pix ?
- virtual Pix seek(<T&> item); // Pix of item
- void operator |= (<T>Set& b); // add all items in b
- void operator -= (<T>Set& b); // delete items also in b
- void operator &= (<T>Set& b); // delete items not in b
- int operator == (<T>Set& b);
- int operator != (<T>Set& b);
- int operator <= (<T>Set& b);
- void error(const char* msg);
- virtual int OK() = 0; // rep invariant
-inline <T>Set::~<T>Set() {}
-inline int <T>Set::length()
- return count;
-inline int <T>Set::empty()
- return count == 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipBag.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipBag.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 9711d85..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipBag.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- * Bags implemented via William Pugh SkipList algorithms.
- * CACM, June 1990, p 668-676.
- *
- */
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "<T>.SkipBag.h"
-MLCG* <T>SkipBag::gen = 0;
-int <T>SkipBaginit::count = 0;
-static int countbits(long bits)
- int n = 0;
- while(bits>>=1L) n++;
- return n;
-<T>SkipBag::<T>SkipBag(long size)
-: level(0),
- header(new <T>SkipBagNode (countbits(size)+1)),
- max_levels (countbits(size)+1),
- random_bits(gen->asLong()),
- randoms_left(BITS_IN_RANDOM / 2)
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr *buffer_start = header->forward;
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr *trav = &header->forward[max_levels];
- count = 0;
- while (trav > buffer_start)
- *--trav = (<T>SkipBagNodePtr) header;
-<T>SkipBag::<T>SkipBag(<T>SkipBag& b)
-: level (0),
- header (new <T>SkipBagNode (b.max_levels)),
- max_levels (b.max_levels),
- random_bits (gen->asLong()),
- randoms_left (BITS_IN_RANDOM / 2)
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr *buffer_start = header->forward;
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr *trav = &header->forward[max_levels];
- count = 0;
- while (trav > buffer_start)
- *--trav = (<T>SkipBagNodePtr)header;
- for (<T>SkipBagNodePtr t = b.leftmost(); t; t = b.succ(t))
- add(t->item);
-Pix <T>SkipBag::add (<T&> item)
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr *update = new <T>SkipBagNodePtr[max_levels+1];
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr curr = (<T>SkipBagNodePtr) this->header;
- int l = level;
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr temp;
- do
- {
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=header &&
- <T>CMP(temp->item, item) < 0)
- curr = temp;
- update[l] = curr;
- }
- while (--l >= 0);
- if ((l = random_level ()) > level)
- {
- l = ++level;
- update[l] = (<T>SkipBagNodePtr)header;
- };
- temp = new <T>RealSkipBagNode (item, l);
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr *temp_forward = temp->forward;
- do
- {
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr *curr_forward = update[l]->forward;
- temp_forward[l] = curr_forward[l];
- curr_forward[l] = temp;
- }
- while (--l >= 0);
- count++;
- delete update;
- return Pix(temp);
-void <T>SkipBag::del(<T&> key)
- int l = level;
- int curr_level = level;
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr *update = new <T>SkipBagNodePtr[max_levels+1];
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr curr = (<T>SkipBagNodePtr)header;
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr temp;
- do
- {
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=header
- && <T>CMP(temp->item,key) < 0)
- curr = temp;
- update[l] = curr;
- }
- while (--l >= 0);
- if (<T>CMP(temp->item,key)==0)
- {
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr *temp_forward = temp->forward;
- for (l = 0;
- l <= curr_level && (curr = update[l])->forward[l] == temp;
- l++)
- curr->forward[l] = temp_forward[l];
- delete temp;
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr *forward = header->forward;
- while (forward[curr_level]==header && curr_level > 0)
- curr_level--;
- level = curr_level;
- count--;
- delete update;
- return;
- }
-<T>SkipBagNodePtr <T>SkipBag::rightmost()
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr temp;
- <T>SkipBagNode* curr = header;
- int l = level;
- do
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=header)
- curr = temp;
- while (--l >= 0);
- return temp==header ? 0 : temp;
-<T>SkipBagNodePtr <T>SkipBag::pred(<T>SkipBagNodePtr t)
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr temp, curr = (<T>SkipBagNodePtr) header;
- int l = level;
- do
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=t)
- curr = temp;
- while (--l >= 0);
- return curr == header ? 0 : curr;
-void <T>SkipBag::_kill()
- <T>SkipBagNode *p = this->header->forward[0];
- while (p != header)
- {
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr q = p->forward[0];
- delete p;
- p = q;
- }
-void <T>SkipBag::clear()
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr *buffer_start = header->forward;
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr *trav = &header->forward[level+1];
- _kill();
- count = 0;
- while (trav > buffer_start)
- *--trav = (<T>SkipBagNodePtr)header;
-Pix <T>SkipBag::seek(<T&> key, Pix i)
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr temp;
- <T>SkipBagNode *curr = header;
- int l = level;
- if (i)
- curr = (<T>SkipBagNode *)i;
- do
- {
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=header &&
- <T>CMP(temp->item, key) < 0)
- curr = temp;
- }
- while (--l >= 0);
- if (<T>CMP(temp->item, key) != 0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- return Pix(temp);
- }
-int <T>SkipBag::nof(<T&> item)
- int n = 0;
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr t = (<T>SkipBagNodePtr)(seek(item));
- if (t != 0)
- {
- do
- {
- ++n;
- t = succ(t);
- } while (t != 0 && <T>EQ(item, t->item));
- }
- return n;
-void <T>SkipBag::remove(<T&> key)
- Pix t = seek(key);
- while (t != 0)
- {
- del(key);
- t = seek(key);
- }
- * random function for probabilistic balancing
- *
- * Hardwired for p = .25. Not too flexible,
- * but fast. Changing this would require a constructor
- * that would accept a different value for p, etc.
- * Perhaps someone else would like to implement this?
- *
- */
-int <T>SkipBag::random_level (void)
- int rlevel = 0;
- int b;
- do
- {
- b = random_bits & 3L;
- if (!b)
- rlevel++;
- random_bits >>= 2;
- if (--randoms_left == 0)
- {
- random_bits = gen->asLong();
- randoms_left = BITS_IN_RANDOM / 2;
- };
- }
- while (!b);
- return rlevel > max_levels ? max_levels : rlevel;
-int <T>SkipBag::OK()
- int v = 1;
- if (header == 0)
- v = 0;
- else
- {
- int n = 0;
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr trail = leftmost();
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr t = 0;
- if (trail) t = succ(trail);
- if (t) n++;
- while (t != 0)
- {
- ++n;
- v &= <T>CMP(trail->item, t->item) < 0;
- trail = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- v &= n == count;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
- if (!count)
- <T>SkipBag::gen = new MLCG(time(0));
- count++;
- count--;
- if (!count)
- delete <T>SkipBag::gen;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipBag.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipBag.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 647711d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipBag.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- * Bags implemented via William Pugh SkipList algorithms.
- * CACM, June 1990, p 668-676.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _<T>SkipBag_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>SkipBag_h 1
-#include "<T>.Bag.h"
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <MLCG.h>
-class <T>SkipBag;
-class <T>RealSkipBagNode;
-class <T>SkipBagNode
-friend class <T>SkipBag;
- private:
- <T>RealSkipBagNode * * forward;
- <T>SkipBagNode(int size);
-class <T>RealSkipBagNode : public <T>SkipBagNode
-friend class <T>SkipBag;
- private:
- <T> item;
- <T>RealSkipBagNode(<T&> h, int size);
-typedef <T>RealSkipBagNode* <T>SkipBagNodePtr;
-inline <T>SkipBagNode::<T>SkipBagNode(int size)
-: forward(new <T>SkipBagNodePtr[size+1])
-inline <T>RealSkipBagNode::<T>RealSkipBagNode(<T&> h, int size)
-: item(h),
- <T>SkipBagNode(size)
-class <T>SkipBag : public <T>Bag
-friend class <T>SkipBaginit;
- protected:
- <T>SkipBagNode* header;
- int level;
- int max_levels;
- int randoms_left;
- long random_bits;
- static MLCG* gen;
- int random_level(void);
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr leftmost(void);
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr rightmost(void);
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr pred(<T>SkipBagNodePtr t);
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr succ(<T>SkipBagNodePtr t);
- void _kill(void);
- private:
- public:
- <T>SkipBag(<T>SkipBag& a);
- ~<T>SkipBag(void);
- Pix add(<T&> i);
- void del(<T&> i);
- void remove(<T&>i);
- int nof(<T&> i);
- int contains(<T&> i);
- void clear(void);
- Pix first(void);
- void next(Pix& i);
- <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> i, Pix from = 0);
- Pix last(void);
- void prev(Pix& i);
- int OK(void);
-inline <T>SkipBagNodePtr <T>SkipBag::leftmost(void)
- return header->forward[0];
-inline <T>SkipBagNodePtr <T>SkipBag::succ(<T>SkipBagNodePtr t)
- <T>SkipBagNodePtr result = 0;
- if (t->forward[0]!=header) result = t->forward[0];
- return result;
-inline Pix <T>SkipBag::first(void)
- return Pix(leftmost());
-inline Pix <T>SkipBag::last(void)
- return Pix(rightmost());
-inline void <T>SkipBag::next(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(succ((<T>SkipBagNodePtr)i));
-inline <T>& <T>SkipBag::operator () (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T>SkipBagNodePtr)i)->item;
-inline void <T>SkipBag::prev(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(pred((<T>SkipBagNodePtr)i));
-inline int <T>SkipBag::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
-inline <T>SkipBag::~<T>SkipBag()
- _kill();
- delete header;
-static class <T>SkipBaginit
- public:
- <T>SkipBaginit();
- ~<T>SkipBaginit();
- private:
- static int count;
-} <T>skipBaginit;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipMap.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipMap.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d86ad4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipMap.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "<T>.<C>.SkipMap.h"
- * Bags implemented via William Pugh SkipList algorithms.
- * CACM, June 1990, p 668-676.
- *
- */
-MLCG* <T><C>SkipMap::gen = 0;
-int <T><C>SkipMapinit::count = 0;
-static int countbits(long bits)
- int n = 0;
- while(bits>>=1) n++;
- return n;
-<T><C>SkipMap::<T><C>SkipMap(<C&> dflt, long size)
-: <T><C>Map(dflt),
- level(0),
- header(new <T><C>SkipMapNode (countbits(size)+1)),
- max_levels (countbits(size)+1),
- random_bits(gen->asLong()),
- randoms_left(BITS_IN_RANDOM / 2)
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr *buffer_start = header->forward;
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr *trav = &header->forward[max_levels];
- count = 0;
- while (trav > buffer_start)
- *--trav = (<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr) header;
-<T><C>SkipMap::<T><C>SkipMap(<T><C>SkipMap& b)
-: <T><C>Map(b.def),
- level (0),
- header (new <T><C>SkipMapNode (b.max_levels)),
- max_levels (b.max_levels),
- random_bits (gen->asLong()),
- randoms_left (BITS_IN_RANDOM / 2)
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr *buffer_start = header->forward;
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr *trav = &header->forward[max_levels];
- count = 0;
- while (trav > buffer_start)
- *--trav = (<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr)header;
- for (<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr t = b.leftmost(); t; t = b.succ(t))
- (*this)[t->item] = t->cont;
-<C>& <T><C>SkipMap::operator [] (<T&> item)
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr *update = new <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr[max_levels+1];
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr curr =
- (<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr) this->header;
- int l = level;
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr temp;
- do
- {
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=header &&
- <T>CMP(temp->item, item) < 0)
- curr = temp;
- update[l] = curr;
- }
- while (--l >= 0);
- if (temp != header && <T>CMP(temp->item, item) == 0)
- {
- delete update;
- return temp->cont;
- }
- if ((l = random_level ()) > level)
- {
- l = ++level;
- update[l] = (<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr)header;
- };
- temp = new <T><C>RealSkipMapNode (item, def, l);
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr *temp_forward = temp->forward;
- do
- {
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr *curr_forward = update[l]->forward;
- temp_forward[l] = curr_forward[l];
- curr_forward[l] = temp;
- }
- while (--l >= 0);
- count++;
- delete update;
- return temp->cont;
-void <T><C>SkipMap::del(<T&> key)
- int l = level;
- int curr_level = level;
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr *update = new <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr[max_levels+1];
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr curr = (<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr)header;
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr temp;
- do
- {
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=header
- && <T>CMP(temp->item,key) < 0)
- curr = temp;
- update[l] = curr;
- }
- while (--l >= 0);
- if (<T>CMP(temp->item,key)==0)
- {
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr *temp_forward = temp->forward;
- for (l = 0;
- l <= curr_level && (curr = update[l])->forward[l] == temp;
- l++)
- curr->forward[l] = temp_forward[l];
- delete temp;
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr *forward = header->forward;
- while (forward[curr_level]==header && curr_level > 0)
- curr_level--;
- level = curr_level;
- count--;
- delete update;
- return;
- }
-<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr <T><C>SkipMap::rightmost()
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr temp;
- <T><C>SkipMapNode* curr = header;
- int l = level;
- do
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=header)
- curr = temp;
- while (--l >= 0);
- return temp==header ? 0 : temp;
-<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr <T><C>SkipMap::pred(<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr t)
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr temp, curr = (<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr) header;
- int l = level;
- do
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=t)
- curr = temp;
- while (--l >= 0);
- return curr == header ? 0 : curr;
-void <T><C>SkipMap::_kill()
- <T><C>SkipMapNode *p = this->header->forward[0];
- while (p != header)
- {
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr q = p->forward[0];
- delete p;
- p = q;
- }
-void <T><C>SkipMap::clear()
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr *buffer_start = header->forward;
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr *trav = &header->forward[level+1];
- _kill();
- count = 0;
- while (trav > buffer_start)
- *--trav = (<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr)header;
-Pix <T><C>SkipMap::seek(<T&> key)
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr temp;
- <T><C>SkipMapNode *curr = header;
- int l = level;
- do
- {
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=header &&
- <T>CMP(temp->item, key) < 0)
- curr = temp;
- }
- while (--l >= 0);
- if (<T>CMP(temp->item, key) != 0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- return Pix(temp);
- }
- * random function for probabilistic balancing
- *
- * Hardwired for p = .25. Not too flexible,
- * but fast. Changing this would require a constructor
- * that would accept a different value for p, etc.
- * Perhaps someone else would like to implement this?
- *
- */
-int <T><C>SkipMap::random_level (void)
- int rlevel = 0;
- int b;
- do
- {
- b = random_bits & 3L;
- if (!b)
- rlevel++;
- random_bits >>= 2;
- if (--randoms_left == 0)
- {
- random_bits = gen->asLong();
- randoms_left = BITS_IN_RANDOM / 2;
- };
- }
- while (!b);
- return rlevel > max_levels ? max_levels : rlevel;
-int <T><C>SkipMap::OK()
- int v = 1;
- if (header == 0)
- v = 0;
- else
- {
- int n = 0;
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr trail = leftmost();
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr t = 0;
- if (trail) t = succ(trail);
- if (t) n++;
- while (t != 0)
- {
- ++n;
- v &= <T>CMP(trail->item, t->item) < 0;
- trail = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- v &= n == count;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
- if (!count)
- <T><C>SkipMap::gen = new MLCG(time(0));
- count++;
- count--;
- if (!count)
- delete <T><C>SkipMap::gen;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipMap.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipMap.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b48cf9..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipMap.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- * Bags implemented via William Pugh SkipList algorithms.
- * CACM, June 1990, p 668-676.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _<T><C>SkipMap_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T><C>SkipMap_h 1
-#include "<T>.<C>.Map.h"
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <MLCG.h>
-class <T><C>SkipMap;
-class <T><C>RealSkipMapNode;
-class <T><C>SkipMapNode
-friend class <T><C>SkipMap;
- private:
- <T><C>RealSkipMapNode * * forward;
- protected:
- <T><C>SkipMapNode(int size);
-class <T><C>RealSkipMapNode : public <T><C>SkipMapNode
-friend class <T><C>SkipMap;
- private:
- <T> item;
- <C> cont;
- <T><C>RealSkipMapNode(<T&> h, <C&> i, int size);
-typedef <T><C>RealSkipMapNode* <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr;
-inline <T><C>SkipMapNode::<T><C>SkipMapNode(int size)
-: forward(new <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr[size+1])
-inline <T><C>RealSkipMapNode::<T><C>RealSkipMapNode(<T&> h, <C&> i, int size)
-: item(h), cont(i),
- <T><C>SkipMapNode(size)
-class <T><C>SkipMap : public <T><C>Map
-friend class <T><C>SkipMapinit;
- protected:
- <T><C>SkipMapNode* header;
- int level;
- int max_levels;
- int randoms_left;
- long random_bits;
- static MLCG* gen;
- int random_level(void);
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr leftmost();
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr rightmost();
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr pred(<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr t);
- <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr succ(<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr t);
- void _kill();
- private:
- public:
- <T><C>SkipMap( <C&> dflt, long size=DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T><C>SkipMap(<T><C>SkipMap& a);
- ~<T><C>SkipMap();
- <C>& operator [] (<T&> key);
- void del(<T&> key);
- Pix first();
- void next(Pix& i);
- <T>& key(Pix i);
- <C>& contents(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> key);
- int contains(<T&> key);
- void clear();
- Pix last();
- void prev(Pix& i);
- int OK();
-inline <T><C>SkipMap::~<T><C>SkipMap()
- _kill();
- delete header;
-inline <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr <T><C>SkipMap::leftmost()
- return header->forward[0]==header ? 0 : header->forward[0];
-inline Pix <T><C>SkipMap::first()
- return Pix(leftmost());
-inline Pix <T><C>SkipMap::last()
- return Pix(rightmost());
-inline <T><C>SkipMapNodePtr <T><C>SkipMap::succ(<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr t)
- return t->forward[0]==header ? 0 : t->forward[0];
-inline void <T><C>SkipMap::next(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(succ((<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr)i));
-inline void <T><C>SkipMap::prev(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(pred((<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr)i));
-inline <T>& <T><C>SkipMap::key (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr)i)->item;
-inline <C>& <T><C>SkipMap::contents (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T><C>SkipMapNodePtr)i)->cont;
-inline int <T><C>SkipMap::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
-static class <T><C>SkipMapinit
- public:
- <T><C>SkipMapinit();
- ~<T><C>SkipMapinit();
- private:
- static int count;
-} <T><C>skipMapinit;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipSet.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipSet.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 97525be..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipSet.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- * Sets implemented via William Pugh SkipList algorithms.
- * CACM, June 1990, p 668-676.
- *
- */
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "<T>.SkipSet.h"
-MLCG* <T>SkipSet::gen = 0;
-int <T>SkipSetinit::count = 0;
-static int countbits(long bits)
- int n = 0;
- while(bits>>=1L) n++;
- return n;
-<T>SkipSet::<T>SkipSet(long size)
-: level(0),
- header(new <T>SkipSetNode (countbits(size)+1)),
- max_levels (countbits(size)+1),
- random_bits(gen->asLong()),
- randoms_left(BITS_IN_RANDOM / 2)
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr *buffer_start = header->forward;
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr *trav = &header->forward[max_levels];
- count = 0;
- while (trav > buffer_start)
- *--trav = (<T>SkipSetNodePtr) header;
-<T>SkipSet::<T>SkipSet(<T>SkipSet& b)
-: level (0),
- header (new <T>SkipSetNode (b.max_levels)),
- max_levels (b.max_levels),
- random_bits (gen->asLong()),
- randoms_left (BITS_IN_RANDOM / 2)
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr *buffer_start = header->forward;
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr *trav = &header->forward[max_levels];
- count = 0;
- while (trav > buffer_start)
- *--trav = (<T>SkipSetNodePtr)header;
- for (<T>SkipSetNodePtr t = b.leftmost(); t; t = b.succ(t))
- add(t->item);
-/* relationals */
-int <T>SkipSet::operator == (<T>SkipSet& y)
- if (count != y.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr t = leftmost();
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr u = y.leftmost();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == 0)
- return 1;
- else if (!<T>EQ(t->item, u->item))
- return 0;
- else
- {
- t = succ(t);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- }
- }
-int <T>SkipSet::operator <= (<T>SkipSet& y)
- if (count > y.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr t = leftmost();
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr u = y.leftmost();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == 0)
- return 1;
- else if (u == 0)
- return 0;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(t->item, u->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- t = succ(t);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- }
-void <T>SkipSet::operator |=(<T>SkipSet& y)
- if (&y == this) return;
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr u = y.leftmost();
- while (u != 0)
- {
- add(u->item);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
-void <T>SkipSet::operator &= (<T>SkipSet& y)
- if (y.count == 0)
- clear();
- else if (&y != this && count != 0)
- {
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr t = leftmost();
- while (t != 0)
- {
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr s = succ(t);
- if (>item) == 0) del(t->item);
- t = s;
- }
- }
-void <T>SkipSet::operator -=(<T>SkipSet& y)
- if (&y == this)
- clear();
- else if (y.count != 0)
- {
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr t = leftmost();
- while (t != 0)
- {
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr s = succ(t);
- if (>item) != 0) del(t->item);
- t = s;
- }
- }
-Pix <T>SkipSet::add (<T&> i)
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr *update = new <T>SkipSetNodePtr[max_levels+1];
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr curr = (<T>SkipSetNodePtr) this->header;
- int l = level;
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr temp;
- do
- {
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=header &&
- <T>CMP(temp->item, i) < 0)
- curr = temp;
- update[l] = curr;
- }
- while (--l >= 0);
- if (temp != header && <T>CMP(temp->item, i) == 0)
- return Pix(temp);
- if ((l = random_level ()) > level)
- {
- l = ++level;
- update[l] = (<T>SkipSetNodePtr)header;
- };
- temp = new <T>RealSkipSetNode (i, l);
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr *temp_forward = temp->forward;
- do
- {
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr *curr_forward = update[l]->forward;
- temp_forward[l] = curr_forward[l];
- curr_forward[l] = temp;
- }
- while (--l >= 0);
- count++;
- delete update;
- return Pix(temp);
-void <T>SkipSet::del(<T&> key)
- int l = level;
- int curr_level = level;
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr *update = new <T>SkipSetNodePtr[max_levels+1];
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr curr = (<T>SkipSetNodePtr)header;
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr temp;
- do
- {
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=header
- && <T>CMP(temp->item,key) < 0)
- curr = temp;
- update[l] = curr;
- }
- while (--l >= 0);
- if (<T>CMP(temp->item,key)==0)
- {
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr *temp_forward = temp->forward;
- for (l = 0;
- l <= curr_level && (curr = update[l])->forward[l] == temp;
- l++)
- curr->forward[l] = temp_forward[l];
- delete temp;
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr *forward = header->forward;
- while (forward[curr_level]==header && curr_level > 0)
- curr_level--;
- level = curr_level;
- count--;
- delete update;
- return;
- }
-<T>SkipSetNodePtr <T>SkipSet::rightmost()
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr temp;
- <T>SkipSetNode* curr = header;
- int l = level;
- do
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=header)
- curr = temp;
- while (--l >= 0);
- return temp==header ? 0 : temp;
-<T>SkipSetNodePtr <T>SkipSet::pred(<T>SkipSetNodePtr t)
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr temp, curr = (<T>SkipSetNodePtr) header;
- int l = level;
- do
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=t)
- curr = temp;
- while (--l >= 0);
- return curr == header ? 0 : curr;
-void <T>SkipSet::_kill()
- <T>SkipSetNode *p = this->header->forward[0];
- while (p != header)
- {
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr q = p->forward[0];
- delete p;
- p = q;
- }
-void <T>SkipSet::clear()
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr *buffer_start = header->forward;
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr *trav = &header->forward[level+1];
- _kill();
- count = 0;
- while (trav > buffer_start)
- *--trav = (<T>SkipSetNodePtr)header;
-Pix <T>SkipSet::seek(<T&> key)
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr temp;
- <T>SkipSetNode *curr = header;
- int l = level;
- do
- {
- while ((temp = curr->forward[l])!=header &&
- <T>CMP(temp->item, key) < 0)
- curr = temp;
- }
- while (--l >= 0);
- if (<T>CMP(temp->item, key) != 0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- return Pix(temp);
- }
- * random function for probabilistic balancing
- *
- * Hardwired for p = .25. Not too flexible,
- * but fast. Changing this would require a constructor
- * that would accept a different value for p, etc.
- * Perhaps someone else would like to implement this?
- *
- */
-int <T>SkipSet::random_level (void)
- int rlevel = 0;
- int b;
- do
- {
- b = random_bits & 3L;
- if (!b)
- rlevel++;
- random_bits >>= 2;
- if (--randoms_left == 0)
- {
- random_bits = gen->asLong();
- randoms_left = BITS_IN_RANDOM / 2;
- };
- }
- while (!b);
- return rlevel > max_levels ? max_levels : rlevel;
-int <T>SkipSet::OK()
- int v = 1;
- if (header == 0)
- v = 0;
- else
- {
- int n = 0;
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr trail = leftmost();
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr t = 0;
- if (trail) t = succ(trail);
- if (t) n++;
- while (t != 0)
- {
- ++n;
- v &= <T>CMP(trail->item, t->item) < 0;
- trail = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- v &= n == count;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
- if (!count)
- <T>SkipSet::gen = new MLCG(time(0));
- count++;
- count--;
- if (!count)
- delete <T>SkipSet::gen;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipSet.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipSet.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index d4b782b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SkipSet.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- * Sets implemented via William Pugh SkipList algorithms.
- * CACM, June 1990, p 668-676.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _<T>SkipSet_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>SkipSet_h 1
-#include "<T>.Set.h"
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <MLCG.h>
-class <T>SkipSet;
-class <T>RealSkipSetNode;
-class <T>SkipSetNode
-friend class <T>SkipSet;
- private:
- <T>RealSkipSetNode * * forward;
- <T>SkipSetNode(int size);
-class <T>RealSkipSetNode : public <T>SkipSetNode
-friend class <T>SkipSet;
- private:
- <T> item;
- <T>RealSkipSetNode(<T&> h, int size);
-typedef <T>RealSkipSetNode* <T>SkipSetNodePtr;
-inline <T>SkipSetNode::<T>SkipSetNode(int size)
-: forward(new <T>SkipSetNodePtr[size+1])
-inline <T>RealSkipSetNode::<T>RealSkipSetNode(<T&> h, int size)
-: item(h),
- <T>SkipSetNode(size)
-class <T>SkipSet : public <T>Set
-friend class <T>SkipSetinit;
- protected:
- <T>SkipSetNode* header;
- int level;
- int max_levels;
- int randoms_left;
- long random_bits;
- static MLCG* gen;
- int random_level(void);
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr leftmost(void);
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr rightmost(void);
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr pred(<T>SkipSetNodePtr t);
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr succ(<T>SkipSetNodePtr t);
- void _kill(void);
- private:
- public:
- <T>SkipSet(<T>SkipSet& a);
- ~<T>SkipSet();
- Pix add(<T&> i);
- void del(<T&> i);
- int contains(<T&> i);
- void clear(void);
- Pix first(void);
- void next(Pix& i);
- <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> i);
- Pix last(void);
- void prev(Pix& i);
- void operator |= (<T>SkipSet& b);
- void operator -= (<T>SkipSet& b);
- void operator &= (<T>SkipSet& b);
- int operator == (<T>SkipSet& b);
- int operator != (<T>SkipSet& b);
- int operator <= (<T>SkipSet& b);
- int OK(void);
- * A little overkill on the inlines.
- *
- */
-inline <T>SkipSet::~<T>SkipSet(void)
- _kill();
- delete header;
-inline int <T>SkipSet::operator != (<T>SkipSet& b)
- return ! (*this == b);
-inline <T>SkipSetNodePtr <T>SkipSet::leftmost(void)
- return header->forward[0];
-inline <T>SkipSetNodePtr <T>SkipSet::succ(<T>SkipSetNodePtr t)
- <T>SkipSetNodePtr result = 0;
- if (t->forward[0]!=header) result = t->forward[0];
- return result;
-inline Pix <T>SkipSet::first(void)
- return Pix(leftmost());
-inline Pix <T>SkipSet::last(void)
- return Pix(rightmost());
-inline void <T>SkipSet::next(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(succ((<T>SkipSetNodePtr)i));
-inline void <T>SkipSet::prev(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(pred((<T>SkipSetNodePtr)i));
-inline <T>& <T>SkipSet::operator () (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T>SkipSetNodePtr)i)->item;
-inline int <T>SkipSet::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
-static class <T>SkipSetinit
- public:
- <T>SkipSetinit();
- ~<T>SkipSetinit();
- private:
- static int count;
-} <T>skipSetinit;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayBag.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayBag.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ff1421..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayBag.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include "<T>.SplayBag.h"
- struct to simulate the special `null' node in the Sleater & Tarjan JACM 1985
- splay tree algorithms
- All routines use a version of their `simple top-down' splay alg. (p 669)
-struct _dummySplayNode
- <T>SplayNode* lt;
- <T>SplayNode* rt;
- <T>SplayNode* par;
-} _dummy_null;
- traversal primitives
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplayBag::leftmost()
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->lt != 0) t = t->lt;
- return t;
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplayBag::rightmost()
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->rt != 0) t = t->rt;
- return t;
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplayBag::succ(<T>SplayNode* t)
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- if (t->rt != 0)
- {
- t = t->rt;
- while (t->lt != 0) t = t->lt;
- return t;
- }
- else
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t->par == 0 || t == t->par->lt)
- return t->par;
- else
- t = t->par;
- }
- }
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplayBag::pred(<T>SplayNode* t)
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- else if (t->lt != 0)
- {
- t = t->lt;
- while (t->rt != 0) t = t->rt;
- return t;
- }
- else
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t->par == 0 || t == t->par->rt)
- return t->par;
- else
- t = t->par;
- }
- }
-Pix <T>SplayBag::seek(<T&> key, Pix i)
- if (root == 0) return 0;
- <T>SplayNode* t = (<T>SplayNode*) i;
- if (t != 0)
- {
- int cmp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- t = succ(t);
- if (t != 0 && <T>EQ(key, t->item))
- return Pix(t);
- else
- return 0;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- return 0;
- }
- t = root;
- int comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- if (comp == 0)
- return Pix(t);
- <T>SplayNode* dummy = (<T>SplayNode*)(&_dummy_null);
- <T>SplayNode* l = dummy;
- <T>SplayNode* r = dummy;
- dummy->rt = dummy->lt = dummy->par = 0;
- while (comp != 0)
- {
- if (comp > 0)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tr = t->rt;
- if (tr == 0)
- break;
- else
- {
- comp = <T>CMP(key, tr->item);
- if (comp <= 0 || tr->rt == 0)
- {
- l->rt = t; t->par = l;
- l = t;
- t = tr;
- if (comp >= 0)
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((t->rt = tr->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- tr->lt = t; t->par = tr;
- l->rt = tr; tr->par = l;
- l = tr;
- t = tr->rt;
- comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tl = t->lt;
- if (tl == 0)
- break;
- else
- {
- comp = <T>CMP(key, tl->item);
- if (comp >= 0 || tl->lt == 0)
- {
- r->lt = t; t->par = r;
- r = t;
- t = tl;
- if (comp <= 0)
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((t->lt = tl->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- tl->rt = t; t->par = tl;
- r->lt = tl; tl->par = r;
- r = tl;
- t = tl->lt;
- comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ((r->lt = t->rt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- if ((l->rt = t->lt) != 0) l->rt->par = l;
- if ((t->lt = dummy->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- if ((t->rt = dummy->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- t->par = 0;
- root = t;
- if (comp != 0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- l = pred(t);
- while (l != 0 && <T>EQ(l->item, key)) { t = l; l = pred(l); }
- return Pix(t);
- }
-int <T>SplayBag::nof(<T&> item)
- int n = 0;
- <T>SplayNode* t = (<T>SplayNode*)(seek(item));
- if (t != 0)
- {
- do
- {
- ++n;
- t = succ(t);
- } while (t != 0 && <T>EQ(item, t->item));
- }
- return n;
-Pix <T>SplayBag::add(<T&> item)
- ++count;
- <T>SplayNode* newnode = new <T>SplayNode(item);
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t == 0)
- {
- root = newnode;
- return Pix(root);
- }
- int comp = <T>CMP(item, t->item);
- <T>SplayNode* dummy = (<T>SplayNode*)(&_dummy_null);
- <T>SplayNode* l = dummy;
- <T>SplayNode* r = dummy;
- dummy->rt = dummy->lt = dummy->par = 0;
- int done = 0;
- while (!done)
- {
- if (comp >= 0)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tr = t->rt;
- if (tr == 0)
- {
- tr = newnode;
- comp = 0; done = 1;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, tr->item);
- if (comp <= 0)
- {
- l->rt = t; t->par = l;
- l = t;
- t = tr;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* trr = tr->rt;
- if (trr == 0)
- {
- trr = newnode;
- comp = 0; done = 1;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, trr->item);
- if ((t->rt = tr->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- tr->lt = t; t->par = tr;
- l->rt = tr; tr->par = l;
- l = tr;
- t = trr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tl = t->lt;
- if (tl == 0)
- {
- tl = newnode;
- comp = 0; done = 1;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, tl->item);
- if (comp >= 0)
- {
- r->lt = t; t->par = r;
- r = t;
- t = tl;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tll = tl->lt;
- if (tll == 0)
- {
- tll = newnode;
- comp = 0; done = 1;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, tll->item);
- if ((t->lt = tl->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- tl->rt = t; t->par = tl;
- r->lt = tl; tl->par = r;
- r = tl;
- t = tll;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((r->lt = t->rt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- if ((l->rt = t->lt) != 0) l->rt->par = l;
- if ((t->lt = dummy->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- if ((t->rt = dummy->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- t->par = 0;
- root = t;
- return Pix(root);
-void <T>SplayBag::_del(<T>SplayNode* t)
- if (t == 0) return;
- <T>SplayNode* p = t->par;
- --count;
- if (t->rt == 0)
- {
- if (t == root)
- {
- if ((root = t->lt) != 0) root->par = 0;
- }
- else if (t == p->lt)
- {
- if ((p->lt = t->lt) != 0) p->lt->par = p;
- }
- else
- if ((p->rt = t->lt) != 0) p->rt->par = p;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* r = t->rt;
- <T>SplayNode* l = r->lt;
- for(;;)
- {
- if (l == 0)
- {
- if (t == root)
- {
- root = r;
- r->par = 0;
- }
- else if (t == p->lt)
- {
- p->lt = r;
- r->par = p;
- }
- else
- {
- p->rt = r;
- r->par = p;
- }
- if ((r->lt = t->lt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((r->lt = l->rt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- l->rt = r; r->par = l;
- r = l;
- l = l->lt;
- }
- }
- }
- delete t;
-void <T>SplayBag::remove(<T&> key)
- <T>SplayNode* t = (<T>SplayNode*)(seek(key));
- while (t != 0)
- {
- _del(t);
- t = (<T>SplayNode*)(seek(key));
- }
-void <T>SplayBag::_kill(<T>SplayNode* t)
- if (t != 0)
- {
- _kill(t->lt);
- _kill(t->rt);
- delete t;
- }
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplayBag::_copy(<T>SplayNode* t)
- if (t != 0)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* l = _copy(t->lt);
- <T>SplayNode* r = _copy(t->rt);
- <T>SplayNode* x = new <T>SplayNode(t->item, l, r);
- if (l != 0) l->par = x;
- if (r != 0) r->par = x;
- return x;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-int <T>SplayBag::OK()
- int v = 1;
- if (root == 0)
- v = count == 0;
- else
- {
- int n = 1;
- <T>SplayNode* trail = leftmost();
- <T>SplayNode* t = succ(trail);
- while (t != 0)
- {
- ++n;
- v &= <T>CMP(trail->item, t->item) <= 0;
- trail = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- v &= n == count;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayBag.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayBag.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 9059d45..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayBag.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1982 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>SplayBag_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>SplayBag_h 1
-#include "<T>.Bag.h"
-#include "<T>.SplayNode.h"
-class <T>SplayBag : public <T>Bag
- <T>SplayNode* root;
- <T>SplayNode* leftmost();
- <T>SplayNode* rightmost();
- <T>SplayNode* pred(<T>SplayNode* t);
- <T>SplayNode* succ(<T>SplayNode* t);
- void _kill(<T>SplayNode* t);
- <T>SplayNode* _copy(<T>SplayNode* t);
- void _del(<T>SplayNode* t);
- <T>SplayBag();
- <T>SplayBag(<T>SplayBag& a);
- inline ~<T>SplayBag();
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- inline void del(<T&> item);
- void remove(<T&>item);
- int nof(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item, Pix from = 0);
- Pix last();
- void prev(Pix& i);
- int OK();
-inline <T>SplayBag::~<T>SplayBag()
- _kill(root);
-inline <T>SplayBag::<T>SplayBag()
- root = 0;
- count = 0;
-inline <T>SplayBag::<T>SplayBag(<T>SplayBag& b)
- count = b.count;
- root = _copy(b.root);
-inline Pix <T>SplayBag::first()
- return Pix(leftmost());
-inline Pix <T>SplayBag::last()
- return Pix(rightmost());
-inline void <T>SplayBag::next(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(succ((<T>SplayNode*)i));
-inline void <T>SplayBag::prev(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(pred((<T>SplayNode*)i));
-inline <T>& <T>SplayBag::operator () (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T>SplayNode*)i)->item;
-inline void <T>SplayBag::clear()
- _kill(root);
- count = 0;
- root = 0;
-inline int <T>SplayBag::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
-inline void <T>SplayBag::del(<T&> key)
- _del((<T>SplayNode*)(seek(key)));
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayMap.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayMap.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b9ffe9..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayMap.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include "<T>.<C>.SplayMap.h"
- struct to simulate the special `null' node in the Sleater & Tarjan JACM 1985
- splay tree algorithms
- All routines use a version of their `simple top-down' splay alg. (p 669)
-struct _dummySplayNode
- <T><C>SplayNode* lt;
- <T><C>SplayNode* rt;
- <T><C>SplayNode* par;
-} _dummy_null;
- traversal primitives
-<T><C>SplayNode* <T><C>SplayMap::leftmost()
- <T><C>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->lt != 0) t = t->lt;
- return t;
-<T><C>SplayNode* <T><C>SplayMap::rightmost()
- <T><C>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->rt != 0) t = t->rt;
- return t;
-<T><C>SplayNode* <T><C>SplayMap::succ(<T><C>SplayNode* t)
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- if (t->rt != 0)
- {
- t = t->rt;
- while (t->lt != 0) t = t->lt;
- return t;
- }
- else
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t->par == 0 || t == t->par->lt)
- return t->par;
- else
- t = t->par;
- }
- }
-<T><C>SplayNode* <T><C>SplayMap::pred(<T><C>SplayNode* t)
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- else if (t->lt != 0)
- {
- t = t->lt;
- while (t->rt != 0) t = t->rt;
- return t;
- }
- else
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t->par == 0 || t == t->par->rt)
- return t->par;
- else
- t = t->par;
- }
- }
-Pix <T><C>SplayMap::seek(<T&> key)
- <T><C>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- int comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- if (comp == 0)
- return Pix(t);
- <T><C>SplayNode* dummy = (<T><C>SplayNode*)(&_dummy_null);
- <T><C>SplayNode* l = dummy;
- <T><C>SplayNode* r = dummy;
- dummy->rt = dummy->lt = dummy->par = 0;
- while (comp != 0)
- {
- if (comp > 0)
- {
- <T><C>SplayNode* tr = t->rt;
- if (tr == 0)
- break;
- else
- {
- comp = <T>CMP(key, tr->item);
- if (comp <= 0 || tr->rt == 0)
- {
- l->rt = t; t->par = l;
- l = t;
- t = tr;
- if (comp >= 0)
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((t->rt = tr->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- tr->lt = t; t->par = tr;
- l->rt = tr; tr->par = l;
- l = tr;
- t = tr->rt;
- comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- <T><C>SplayNode* tl = t->lt;
- if (tl == 0)
- break;
- else
- {
- comp = <T>CMP(key, tl->item);
- if (comp >= 0 || tl->lt == 0)
- {
- r->lt = t; t->par = r;
- r = t;
- t = tl;
- if (comp <= 0)
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((t->lt = tl->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- tl->rt = t; t->par = tl;
- r->lt = tl; tl->par = r;
- r = tl;
- t = tl->lt;
- comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ((r->lt = t->rt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- if ((l->rt = t->lt) != 0) l->rt->par = l;
- if ((t->lt = dummy->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- if ((t->rt = dummy->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- t->par = 0;
- root = t;
- return (comp == 0) ? Pix(t) : 0;
-<C>& <T><C>SplayMap::operator [] (<T&> item)
- <T><C>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- root = new <T><C>SplayNode(item, def);
- return root->cont;
- }
- int comp = <T>CMP(item, t->item);
- if (comp == 0)
- return t->cont;
- <T><C>SplayNode* dummy = (<T><C>SplayNode*)(&_dummy_null);
- <T><C>SplayNode* l = dummy;
- <T><C>SplayNode* r = dummy;
- dummy->rt = dummy->lt = dummy->par = 0;
- while (comp != 0)
- {
- if (comp > 0)
- {
- <T><C>SplayNode* tr = t->rt;
- if (tr == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- tr = new <T><C>SplayNode(item, def);
- comp = 0;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, tr->item);
- if (comp <= 0)
- {
- l->rt = t; t->par = l;
- l = t;
- t = tr;
- }
- else
- {
- <T><C>SplayNode* trr = tr->rt;
- if (trr == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- trr = new <T><C>SplayNode(item, def);
- comp = 0;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, trr->item);
- if ((t->rt = tr->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- tr->lt = t; t->par = tr;
- l->rt = tr; tr->par = l;
- l = tr;
- t = trr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- <T><C>SplayNode* tl = t->lt;
- if (tl == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- tl = new <T><C>SplayNode(item, def);
- comp = 0;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, tl->item);
- if (comp >= 0)
- {
- r->lt = t; t->par = r;
- r = t;
- t = tl;
- }
- else
- {
- <T><C>SplayNode* tll = tl->lt;
- if (tll == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- tll = new <T><C>SplayNode(item, def);
- comp = 0;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, tll->item);
- if ((t->lt = tl->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- tl->rt = t; t->par = tl;
- r->lt = tl; tl->par = r;
- r = tl;
- t = tll;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((r->lt = t->rt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- if ((l->rt = t->lt) != 0) l->rt->par = l;
- if ((t->lt = dummy->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- if ((t->rt = dummy->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- t->par = 0;
- root = t;
- return root->cont;
-void <T><C>SplayMap::del(<T&> key)
- <T><C>SplayNode* t = (<T><C>SplayNode*)(seek(key));
- if (t == 0) return;
- <T><C>SplayNode* p = t->par;
- --count;
- if (t->rt == 0)
- {
- if (t == root)
- {
- if ((root = t->lt) != 0) root->par = 0;
- }
- else if (t == p->lt)
- {
- if ((p->lt = t->lt) != 0) p->lt->par = p;
- }
- else
- if ((p->rt = t->lt) != 0) p->rt->par = p;
- }
- else
- {
- <T><C>SplayNode* r = t->rt;
- <T><C>SplayNode* l = r->lt;
- for(;;)
- {
- if (l == 0)
- {
- if (t == root)
- {
- root = r;
- r->par = 0;
- }
- else if (t == p->lt)
- {
- p->lt = r;
- r->par = p;
- }
- else
- {
- p->rt = r;
- r->par = p;
- }
- if ((r->lt = t->lt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((r->lt = l->rt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- l->rt = r; r->par = l;
- r = l;
- l = l->lt;
- }
- }
- }
- delete t;
-void <T><C>SplayMap::_kill(<T><C>SplayNode* t)
- if (t != 0)
- {
- _kill(t->lt);
- _kill(t->rt);
- delete t;
- }
-<T><C>SplayNode* <T><C>SplayMap::_copy(<T><C>SplayNode* t)
- if (t != 0)
- {
- <T><C>SplayNode* l = _copy(t->lt);
- <T><C>SplayNode* r = _copy(t->rt);
- <T><C>SplayNode* x = new <T><C>SplayNode(t->item, t->cont, l, r);
- if (l != 0) l->par = x;
- if (r != 0) r->par = x;
- return x;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-int <T><C>SplayMap::OK()
- int v = 1;
- if (root == 0)
- v = count == 0;
- else
- {
- int n = 1;
- <T><C>SplayNode* trail = leftmost();
- <T><C>SplayNode* t = succ(trail);
- while (t != 0)
- {
- ++n;
- v &= <T>CMP(trail->item, t->item) < 0;
- trail = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- v &= n == count;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayMap.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayMap.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 3acb1d4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayMap.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T><C>SplayMap_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T><C>SplayMap_h 1
-#include "<T>.<C>.Map.h"
-#ifndef _<T><C>SplayNode
-#define _<T><C>SplayNode 1
-struct <T><C>SplayNode
- <T><C>SplayNode* lt;
- <T><C>SplayNode* rt;
- <T><C>SplayNode* par;
- <T> item;
- <C> cont;
- <T><C>SplayNode(<T&> h, <C&> c,
- <T><C>SplayNode* l=0,
- <T><C>SplayNode* r=0);
- ~<T><C>SplayNode();
-inline <T><C>SplayNode::<T><C>SplayNode(<T&> h, <C&> c,
- <T><C>SplayNode* l,
- <T><C>SplayNode* r)
- :lt(l), rt(r), par(0), item(h), cont(c) {}
-inline <T><C>SplayNode::~<T><C>SplayNode() {}
-typedef <T><C>SplayNode* <T><C>SplayNodePtr;
-class <T><C>SplayMap : public <T><C>Map
- <T><C>SplayNode* root;
- <T><C>SplayNode* leftmost();
- <T><C>SplayNode* rightmost();
- <T><C>SplayNode* pred(<T><C>SplayNode* t);
- <T><C>SplayNode* succ(<T><C>SplayNode* t);
- void _kill(<T><C>SplayNode* t);
- <T><C>SplayNode* _copy(<T><C>SplayNode* t);
- <T><C>SplayMap(<C&> dflt);
- <T><C>SplayMap(<T><C>SplayMap& a);
- inline ~<T><C>SplayMap();
- <C>& operator [] (<T&> key);
- void del(<T&> key);
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& key(Pix i);
- inline <C>& contents(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> key);
- inline int contains(<T&> key);
- inline void clear();
- Pix last();
- void prev(Pix& i);
- int OK();
-inline <T><C>SplayMap::~<T><C>SplayMap()
- _kill(root);
-inline <T><C>SplayMap::<T><C>SplayMap(<C&> dflt) :<T><C>Map(dflt)
- root = 0;
-inline <T><C>SplayMap::<T><C>SplayMap(<T><C>SplayMap& b) :<T><C>Map(b.def)
- count = b.count;
- root = _copy(b.root);
-inline Pix <T><C>SplayMap::first()
- return Pix(leftmost());
-inline Pix <T><C>SplayMap::last()
- return Pix(rightmost());
-inline void <T><C>SplayMap::next(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(succ((<T><C>SplayNode*)i));
-inline void <T><C>SplayMap::prev(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(pred((<T><C>SplayNode*)i));
-inline <T>& <T><C>SplayMap::key (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T><C>SplayNode*)i)->item;
-inline <C>& <T><C>SplayMap::contents (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T><C>SplayNode*)i)->cont;
-inline void <T><C>SplayMap::clear()
- _kill(root);
- count = 0;
- root = 0;
-inline int <T><C>SplayMap::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayNode.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayNode.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 74f0711..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayNode.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1992 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.SplayNode.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayNode.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayNode.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index e50ced5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayNode.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1982 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>SplayNode
-#define _<T>SplayNode 1
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-struct <T>SplayNode
- <T>SplayNode* lt;
- <T>SplayNode* rt;
- <T>SplayNode* par;
- <T> item;
- <T>SplayNode(<T&> h, <T>SplayNode* l=0, <T>SplayNode* r=0);
- ~<T>SplayNode();
-inline <T>SplayNode::<T>SplayNode(<T&> h, <T>SplayNode* l, <T>SplayNode* r)
-:lt(l), rt(r), par(0), item(h) {}
-inline <T>SplayNode::~<T>SplayNode() {}
-typedef <T>SplayNode* <T>SplayNodePtr;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayPQ.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayPQ.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 890b958..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayPQ.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include "<T>.SplayPQ.h"
- struct to simulate the special `null' node in the Sleater & Tarjan JACM 1985
- splay tree algorithms
- All routines use a version of their `simple top-down' splay alg. (p 669)
-struct _dummySplayNode
- <T>SplayNode* lt;
- <T>SplayNode* rt;
- <T>SplayNode* par;
-} _dummy_null;
- traversal primitives
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplayPQ::leftmost()
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->lt != 0) t = t->lt;
- return t;
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplayPQ::rightmost()
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->rt != 0) t = t->rt;
- return t;
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplayPQ::succ(<T>SplayNode* t)
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- if (t->rt != 0)
- {
- t = t->rt;
- while (t->lt != 0) t = t->lt;
- return t;
- }
- else
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t->par == 0 || t == t->par->lt)
- return t->par;
- else
- t = t->par;
- }
- }
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplayPQ::pred(<T>SplayNode* t)
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- else if (t->lt != 0)
- {
- t = t->lt;
- while (t->rt != 0) t = t->rt;
- return t;
- }
- else
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t->par == 0 || t == t->par->rt)
- return t->par;
- else
- t = t->par;
- }
- }
-Pix <T>SplayPQ::seek(<T&> key)
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- int comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- if (comp == 0)
- return Pix(t);
- <T>SplayNode* dummy = (<T>SplayNode*)(&_dummy_null);
- <T>SplayNode* l = dummy;
- <T>SplayNode* r = dummy;
- dummy->rt = dummy->lt = dummy->par = 0;
- while (comp != 0)
- {
- if (comp > 0)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tr = t->rt;
- if (tr == 0)
- break;
- else
- {
- comp = <T>CMP(key, tr->item);
- if (comp <= 0 || tr->rt == 0)
- {
- l->rt = t; t->par = l;
- l = t;
- t = tr;
- if (comp >= 0)
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((t->rt = tr->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- tr->lt = t; t->par = tr;
- l->rt = tr; tr->par = l;
- l = tr;
- t = tr->rt;
- comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tl = t->lt;
- if (tl == 0)
- break;
- else
- {
- comp = <T>CMP(key, tl->item);
- if (comp >= 0 || tl->lt == 0)
- {
- r->lt = t; t->par = r;
- r = t;
- t = tl;
- if (comp <= 0)
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((t->lt = tl->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- tl->rt = t; t->par = tl;
- r->lt = tl; tl->par = r;
- r = tl;
- t = tl->lt;
- comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ((r->lt = t->rt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- if ((l->rt = t->lt) != 0) l->rt->par = l;
- if ((t->lt = dummy->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- if ((t->rt = dummy->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- t->par = 0;
- root = t;
- return (comp == 0) ? Pix(t) : 0;
-Pix <T>SplayPQ::enq(<T&> item)
- ++count;
- <T>SplayNode* newnode = new <T>SplayNode(item);
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t == 0)
- {
- root = newnode;
- return Pix(root);
- }
- int comp = <T>CMP(item, t->item);
- <T>SplayNode* dummy = (<T>SplayNode*)(&_dummy_null);
- <T>SplayNode* l = dummy;
- <T>SplayNode* r = dummy;
- dummy->rt = dummy->lt = dummy->par = 0;
- int done = 0;
- while (!done)
- {
- if (comp >= 0)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tr = t->rt;
- if (tr == 0)
- {
- tr = newnode;
- comp = 0; done = 1;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, tr->item);
- if (comp <= 0)
- {
- l->rt = t; t->par = l;
- l = t;
- t = tr;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* trr = tr->rt;
- if (trr == 0)
- {
- trr = newnode;
- comp = 0; done = 1;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, trr->item);
- if ((t->rt = tr->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- tr->lt = t; t->par = tr;
- l->rt = tr; tr->par = l;
- l = tr;
- t = trr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tl = t->lt;
- if (tl == 0)
- {
- tl = newnode;
- comp = 0; done = 1;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, tl->item);
- if (comp >= 0)
- {
- r->lt = t; t->par = r;
- r = t;
- t = tl;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tll = tl->lt;
- if (tll == 0)
- {
- tll = newnode;
- comp = 0; done = 1;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, tll->item);
- if ((t->lt = tl->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- tl->rt = t; t->par = tl;
- r->lt = tl; tl->par = r;
- r = tl;
- t = tll;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((r->lt = t->rt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- if ((l->rt = t->lt) != 0) l->rt->par = l;
- if ((t->lt = dummy->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- if ((t->rt = dummy->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- t->par = 0;
- root = t;
- return Pix(root);
-void <T>SplayPQ::del(Pix pix)
- <T>SplayNode* t = (<T>SplayNode*)pix;
- if (t == 0) return;
- <T>SplayNode* p = t->par;
- --count;
- if (t->rt == 0)
- {
- if (t == root)
- {
- if ((root = t->lt) != 0) root->par = 0;
- }
- else if (t == p->lt)
- {
- if ((p->lt = t->lt) != 0) p->lt->par = p;
- }
- else
- if ((p->rt = t->lt) != 0) p->rt->par = p;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* r = t->rt;
- <T>SplayNode* l = r->lt;
- for(;;)
- {
- if (l == 0)
- {
- if (t == root)
- {
- root = r;
- r->par = 0;
- }
- else if (t == p->lt)
- {
- p->lt = r;
- r->par = p;
- }
- else
- {
- p->rt = r;
- r->par = p;
- }
- if ((r->lt = t->lt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((r->lt = l->rt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- l->rt = r; r->par = l;
- r = l;
- l = l->lt;
- }
- }
- }
- delete t;
-<T>& <T>SplayPQ::front()
- if (root == 0)
- error ("min: empty tree\n");
-// else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- <T>SplayNode* l = root->lt;
- for(;;)
- {
- if (l == 0)
- {
- root = t;
- root->par = 0;
- return root->item;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((t->lt = l->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- l->rt = t; t->par = l;
- t = l;
- l = l->lt;
- }
- }
- }
-void <T>SplayPQ::del_front()
- if (root != 0)
- {
- --count;
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- <T>SplayNode* l = root->lt;
- if (l == 0)
- {
- if ((root = t->rt) != 0) root->par = 0;
- delete t;
- }
- else
- {
- for(;;)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* ll = l->lt;
- if (ll == 0)
- {
- if ((t->lt = l->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- delete l;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* lll = ll->lt;
- if (lll == 0)
- {
- if ((l->lt = ll->rt) != 0) l->lt->par = l;
- delete ll;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- t->lt = ll; ll->par = t;
- if ((l->lt = ll->rt) != 0) l->lt->par = l;
- ll->rt = l; l->par = ll;
- t = ll;
- l = lll;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-<T> <T>SplayPQ::deq()
- if (root == 0)
- error("deq: empty tree");
-// else
- {
- --count;
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- <T>SplayNode* l = root->lt;
- if (l == 0)
- {
- if ((root = t->rt) != 0) root->par = 0;
- <T> res = t->item;
- delete t;
- return res;
- }
- else
- {
- for(;;)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* ll = l->lt;
- if (ll == 0)
- {
- if ((t->lt = l->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- <T> res = l->item;
- delete l;
- return res;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* lll = ll->lt;
- if (lll == 0)
- {
- if ((l->lt = ll->rt) != 0) l->lt->par = l;
- <T> res = ll->item;
- delete ll;
- return res;
- }
- else
- {
- t->lt = ll; ll->par = t;
- if ((l->lt = ll->rt) != 0) l->lt->par = l;
- ll->rt = l; l->par = ll;
- t = ll;
- l = lll;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void <T>SplayPQ::_kill(<T>SplayNode* t)
- if (t != 0)
- {
- _kill(t->lt);
- _kill(t->rt);
- delete t;
- }
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplayPQ::_copy(<T>SplayNode* t)
- if (t != 0)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* l = _copy(t->lt);
- <T>SplayNode* r = _copy(t->rt);
- <T>SplayNode* x = new <T>SplayNode(t->item, l, r);
- if (l != 0) l->par = x;
- if (r != 0) r->par = x;
- return x;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-int <T>SplayPQ::OK()
- int v = 1;
- if (root == 0)
- v = count == 0;
- else
- {
- int n = 1;
- <T>SplayNode* trail = leftmost();
- <T>SplayNode* t = succ(trail);
- while (t != 0)
- {
- ++n;
- v &= <T>CMP(trail->item, t->item) < 0;
- trail = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- v &= n == count;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayPQ.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayPQ.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 1084892..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplayPQ.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>SplayPQ_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>SplayPQ_h 1
-#include "<T>.PQ.h"
-#include "<T>.SplayNode.h"
-class <T>SplayPQ : public <T>PQ
- <T>SplayNode* root;
- <T>SplayNode* leftmost();
- <T>SplayNode* rightmost();
- <T>SplayNode* pred(<T>SplayNode* t);
- <T>SplayNode* succ(<T>SplayNode* t);
- void _kill(<T>SplayNode* t);
- <T>SplayNode* _copy(<T>SplayNode* t);
- <T>SplayPQ();
- <T>SplayPQ(<T>SplayPQ& a);
- inline virtual ~<T>SplayPQ();
- Pix enq(<T&> item);
- <T> deq();
- <T>& front();
- void del_front();
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- Pix last();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- void prev(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- void del(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item);
- int OK(); // rep invariant
-inline <T>SplayPQ::~<T>SplayPQ()
- _kill(root);
-inline <T>SplayPQ::<T>SplayPQ()
- root = 0;
- count = 0;
-inline <T>SplayPQ::<T>SplayPQ(<T>SplayPQ& b)
- count = b.count;
- root = _copy(b.root);
-inline Pix <T>SplayPQ::first()
- return Pix(leftmost());
-inline Pix <T>SplayPQ::last()
- return Pix(rightmost());
-inline void <T>SplayPQ::next(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(succ((<T>SplayNode*)i));
-inline void <T>SplayPQ::prev(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(pred((<T>SplayNode*)i));
-inline <T>& <T>SplayPQ::operator () (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T>SplayNode*)i)->item;
-inline void <T>SplayPQ::clear()
- _kill(root);
- count = 0;
- root = 0;
-inline int <T>SplayPQ::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplaySet.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplaySet.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index ebee425..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplaySet.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include "<T>.SplaySet.h"
- struct to simulate the special `null' node in the Sleater & Tarjan JACM 1985
- splay tree algorithms
- All routines use a version of their `simple top-down' splay alg. (p 669)
-struct _dummySplayNode
- <T>SplayNode* lt;
- <T>SplayNode* rt;
- <T>SplayNode* par;
-} _dummy_null;
- traversal primitives
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplaySet::leftmost()
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->lt != 0) t = t->lt;
- return t;
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplaySet::rightmost()
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t != 0) while (t->rt != 0) t = t->rt;
- return t;
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplaySet::succ(<T>SplayNode* t)
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- if (t->rt != 0)
- {
- t = t->rt;
- while (t->lt != 0) t = t->lt;
- return t;
- }
- else
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t->par == 0 || t == t->par->lt)
- return t->par;
- else
- t = t->par;
- }
- }
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplaySet::pred(<T>SplayNode* t)
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- else if (t->lt != 0)
- {
- t = t->lt;
- while (t->rt != 0) t = t->rt;
- return t;
- }
- else
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t->par == 0 || t == t->par->rt)
- return t->par;
- else
- t = t->par;
- }
- }
-Pix <T>SplaySet::seek(<T&> key)
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t == 0)
- return 0;
- int comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- if (comp == 0)
- return Pix(t);
- <T>SplayNode* dummy = (<T>SplayNode*)(&_dummy_null);
- <T>SplayNode* l = dummy;
- <T>SplayNode* r = dummy;
- dummy->rt = dummy->lt = dummy->par = 0;
- while (comp != 0)
- {
- if (comp > 0)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tr = t->rt;
- if (tr == 0)
- break;
- else
- {
- comp = <T>CMP(key, tr->item);
- if (comp <= 0 || tr->rt == 0)
- {
- l->rt = t; t->par = l;
- l = t;
- t = tr;
- if (comp >= 0)
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((t->rt = tr->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- tr->lt = t; t->par = tr;
- l->rt = tr; tr->par = l;
- l = tr;
- t = tr->rt;
- comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tl = t->lt;
- if (tl == 0)
- break;
- else
- {
- comp = <T>CMP(key, tl->item);
- if (comp >= 0 || tl->lt == 0)
- {
- r->lt = t; t->par = r;
- r = t;
- t = tl;
- if (comp <= 0)
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((t->lt = tl->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- tl->rt = t; t->par = tl;
- r->lt = tl; tl->par = r;
- r = tl;
- t = tl->lt;
- comp = <T>CMP(key, t->item);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ((r->lt = t->rt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- if ((l->rt = t->lt) != 0) l->rt->par = l;
- if ((t->lt = dummy->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- if ((t->rt = dummy->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- t->par = 0;
- root = t;
- return (comp == 0) ? Pix(t) : 0;
-Pix <T>SplaySet::add(<T&> item)
- <T>SplayNode* t = root;
- if (t == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- root = new <T>SplayNode(item);
- return Pix(root);
- }
- int comp = <T>CMP(item, t->item);
- if (comp == 0)
- return Pix(t);
- <T>SplayNode* dummy = (<T>SplayNode*)(&_dummy_null);
- <T>SplayNode* l = dummy;
- <T>SplayNode* r = dummy;
- dummy->rt = dummy->lt = dummy->par = 0;
- while (comp != 0)
- {
- if (comp > 0)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tr = t->rt;
- if (tr == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- tr = new <T>SplayNode(item);
- comp = 0;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, tr->item);
- if (comp <= 0)
- {
- l->rt = t; t->par = l;
- l = t;
- t = tr;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* trr = tr->rt;
- if (trr == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- trr = new <T>SplayNode(item);
- comp = 0;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, trr->item);
- if ((t->rt = tr->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- tr->lt = t; t->par = tr;
- l->rt = tr; tr->par = l;
- l = tr;
- t = trr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tl = t->lt;
- if (tl == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- tl = new <T>SplayNode(item);
- comp = 0;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, tl->item);
- if (comp >= 0)
- {
- r->lt = t; t->par = r;
- r = t;
- t = tl;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* tll = tl->lt;
- if (tll == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- tll = new <T>SplayNode(item);
- comp = 0;
- }
- else
- comp = <T>CMP(item, tll->item);
- if ((t->lt = tl->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- tl->rt = t; t->par = tl;
- r->lt = tl; tl->par = r;
- r = tl;
- t = tll;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((r->lt = t->rt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- if ((l->rt = t->lt) != 0) l->rt->par = l;
- if ((t->lt = dummy->rt) != 0) t->lt->par = t;
- if ((t->rt = dummy->lt) != 0) t->rt->par = t;
- t->par = 0;
- root = t;
- return Pix(root);
-void <T>SplaySet::del(<T&> key)
- <T>SplayNode* t = (<T>SplayNode*)(seek(key));
- if (t == 0) return;
- <T>SplayNode* p = t->par;
- --count;
- if (t->rt == 0)
- {
- if (t == root)
- {
- if ((root = t->lt) != 0) root->par = 0;
- }
- else if (t == p->lt)
- {
- if ((p->lt = t->lt) != 0) p->lt->par = p;
- }
- else
- if ((p->rt = t->lt) != 0) p->rt->par = p;
- }
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* r = t->rt;
- <T>SplayNode* l = r->lt;
- for(;;)
- {
- if (l == 0)
- {
- if (t == root)
- {
- root = r;
- r->par = 0;
- }
- else if (t == p->lt)
- {
- p->lt = r;
- r->par = p;
- }
- else
- {
- p->rt = r;
- r->par = p;
- }
- if ((r->lt = t->lt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((r->lt = l->rt) != 0) r->lt->par = r;
- l->rt = r; r->par = l;
- r = l;
- l = l->lt;
- }
- }
- }
- delete t;
-void <T>SplaySet::_kill(<T>SplayNode* t)
- if (t != 0)
- {
- _kill(t->lt);
- _kill(t->rt);
- delete t;
- }
-<T>SplayNode* <T>SplaySet::_copy(<T>SplayNode* t)
- if (t != 0)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* l = _copy(t->lt);
- <T>SplayNode* r = _copy(t->rt);
- <T>SplayNode* x = new <T>SplayNode(t->item, l, r);
- if (l != 0) l->par = x;
- if (r != 0) r->par = x;
- return x;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-/* relationals */
-int <T>SplaySet::operator == (<T>SplaySet& y)
- if (count != y.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* t = leftmost();
- <T>SplayNode* u = y.leftmost();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == 0)
- return 1;
- else if (!<T>EQ(t->item, u->item))
- return 0;
- else
- {
- t = succ(t);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- }
- }
-int <T>SplaySet::operator <= (<T>SplaySet& y)
- if (count > y.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- <T>SplayNode* t = leftmost();
- <T>SplayNode* u = y.leftmost();
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == 0)
- return 1;
- else if (u == 0)
- return 0;
- int cmp = <T>CMP(t->item, u->item);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- t = succ(t);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
- }
-void <T>SplaySet::operator |=(<T>SplaySet& y)
- if (&y == this) return;
- <T>SplayNode* u = y.leftmost();
- while (u != 0)
- {
- add(u->item);
- u = y.succ(u);
- }
-void <T>SplaySet::operator &= (<T>SplaySet& y)
- if (y.count == 0)
- clear();
- else if (&y != this && count != 0)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* t = leftmost();
- while (t != 0)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* s = succ(t);
- if (>item) == 0) del(t->item);
- t = s;
- }
- }
-void <T>SplaySet::operator -=(<T>SplaySet& y)
- if (&y == this)
- clear();
- else if (y.count != 0)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* t = leftmost();
- while (t != 0)
- {
- <T>SplayNode* s = succ(t);
- if (>item) != 0) del(t->item);
- t = s;
- }
- }
-int <T>SplaySet::OK()
- int v = 1;
- if (root == 0)
- v = count == 0;
- else
- {
- int n = 1;
- <T>SplayNode* trail = leftmost();
- <T>SplayNode* t = succ(trail);
- while (t != 0)
- {
- ++n;
- v &= <T>CMP(trail->item, t->item) < 0;
- trail = t;
- t = succ(t);
- }
- v &= n == count;
- }
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplaySet.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplaySet.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index e693583..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/SplaySet.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>SplaySet_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>SplaySet_h 1
-#include "<T>.Set.h"
-#include "<T>.SplayNode.h"
-class <T>SplaySet : public <T>Set
- <T>SplayNode* root;
- <T>SplayNode* leftmost();
- <T>SplayNode* rightmost();
- <T>SplayNode* pred(<T>SplayNode* t);
- <T>SplayNode* succ(<T>SplayNode* t);
- void _kill(<T>SplayNode* t);
- <T>SplayNode* _copy(<T>SplayNode* t);
- <T>SplaySet();
- <T>SplaySet(<T>SplaySet& a);
- inline ~<T>SplaySet();
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item);
- Pix last();
- void prev(Pix& i);
- <T>SplaySet& operator = (const <T>SplaySet& b);
- void operator |= (<T>SplaySet& b);
- void operator -= (<T>SplaySet& b);
- void operator &= (<T>SplaySet& b);
- int operator == (<T>SplaySet& b);
- int operator != (<T>SplaySet& b);
- int operator <= (<T>SplaySet& b);
- int OK();
-inline <T>SplaySet::~<T>SplaySet()
- _kill(root);
-inline <T>SplaySet::<T>SplaySet()
- root = 0;
- count = 0;
-inline <T>SplaySet::<T>SplaySet(<T>SplaySet& b)
- count = b.count;
- root = _copy(b.root);
-inline <T>SplaySet& <T>SplaySet::operator = (const <T>SplaySet& b)
- if (this != &b)
- {
- _kill (root);
- count = b.count;
- root = _copy (b.root);
- }
- return *this;
-inline int <T>SplaySet::operator != (<T>SplaySet& b)
- return ! (*this == b);
-inline Pix <T>SplaySet::first()
- return Pix(leftmost());
-inline Pix <T>SplaySet::last()
- return Pix(rightmost());
-inline void <T>SplaySet::next(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(succ((<T>SplayNode*)i));
-inline void <T>SplaySet::prev(Pix& i)
- if (i != 0) i = Pix(pred((<T>SplayNode*)i));
-inline <T>& <T>SplaySet::operator () (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return ((<T>SplayNode*)i)->item;
-inline void <T>SplaySet::clear()
- _kill(root);
- count = 0;
- root = 0;
-inline int <T>SplaySet::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Stack.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Stack.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index efb6b8e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Stack.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.Stack.h"
-<T>Stack::~<T>Stack() {}
-void <T>Stack::error(const char* msg)
- (*lib_error_handler)("Stack", msg);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Stack.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Stack.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 0946768..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Stack.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>Stack_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>Stack_h
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-class <T>Stack
- <T>Stack() { }
- virtual ~<T>Stack();
- virtual void push(<T&> item) = 0;
- virtual <T> pop() = 0;
- virtual <T>& top() = 0;
- virtual void del_top() = 0;
- virtual int empty() = 0;
- virtual int full() = 0;
- virtual int length() = 0;
- virtual void clear() = 0;
- void error(const char*);
- virtual int OK() = 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHBag.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHBag.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index daa8313..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHBag.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.VHBag.h"
-/* codes for status fields */
-#define EMPTYCELL 0
-#define VALIDCELL 1
-#define DELETEDCELL 2
-<T>VHBag::<T>VHBag(unsigned int sz)
- tab = new <T>[size = sz];
- status = new char[size];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = 0;
-<T>VHBag::<T>VHBag(<T>VHBag& a)
- tab = new <T>[size = a.size];
- status = new char[size];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = 0;
- for (Pix p = a.first(); p; add(a(p));
- * hashing method: double hash based on high bits of hash fct,
- * followed by linear probe. Can't do too much better if table
- * sizes not constrained to be prime.
-static inline unsigned int doublehashinc(unsigned int h, unsigned int s)
- unsigned int dh = ((h / s) % s);
- return (dh > 1)? dh : 1;
-Pix <T>VHBag::seek(<T&> key, Pix p)
- <T>* t = (<T>*) p;
- if (t == 0 || !<T>EQ(*t, key))
- {
- unsigned int hashval = <T>HASH(key);
- unsigned int h = hashval % size;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- return 0;
- else if (status[h] == VALIDCELL && <T>EQ(key, tab[h]))
- return Pix(&tab[h]);
- if (i == 0)
- h = (h + doublehashinc(hashval, size)) % size;
- else if (++h >= size)
- h -= size;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- int seent = 0;
- unsigned int hashval = <T>HASH(key);
- unsigned int h = hashval % size;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- return 0;
- else if (&tab[h] == t)
- seent = 1;
- else if (seent && status[h] == VALIDCELL && <T>EQ(key, tab[h]))
- return Pix(&tab[h]);
- if (i == 0)
- h = (h + doublehashinc(hashval, size)) % size;
- else if (++h >= size)
- h -= size;
- }
- return 0;
- }
-int <T>VHBag::nof(<T&> item)
- int n = 0;
- unsigned int hashval = <T>HASH(item);
- unsigned int h = hashval % size;
- unsigned int firsth = size;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- return n;
- else if (h != firsth && status[h] == VALIDCELL && <T>EQ(item, tab[h]))
- {
- ++n;
- if (firsth >= size)
- firsth = h;
- }
- if (i == 0)
- h = (h + doublehashinc(hashval, size)) % size;
- else if (++h >= size)
- h -= size;
- }
- return n;
-Pix <T>VHBag::add(<T&> item)
- if (HASHTABLE_TOO_CROWDED(count, size))
- resize();
- unsigned int bestspot = size;
- unsigned int hashval = <T>HASH(item);
- unsigned int h = hashval % size;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- {
- if (bestspot >= size) bestspot = h;
- tab[bestspot] = item;
- status[bestspot] = VALIDCELL;
- ++count;
- return Pix(&tab[bestspot]);
- }
- else if (status[h] == DELETEDCELL)
- {
- if (bestspot >= size) bestspot = h;
- }
- if (i == 0)
- h = (h + doublehashinc(hashval, size)) % size;
- else if (++h >= size)
- h -= size;
- }
- tab[bestspot] = item;
- status[bestspot] = VALIDCELL;
- ++count;
- return Pix(&tab[bestspot]);
-void <T>VHBag::del(<T&> key)
- unsigned int hashval = <T>HASH(key);
- unsigned int h = hashval % size;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- return;
- else if (status[h] == VALIDCELL && <T>EQ(key, tab[h]))
- {
- status[h] = DELETEDCELL;
- --count;
- return;
- }
- if (i == 0)
- h = (h + doublehashinc(hashval, size)) % size;
- else if (++h >= size)
- h -= size;
- }
-void <T>VHBag::remove(<T&> key)
- unsigned int hashval = <T>HASH(key);
- unsigned int h = hashval % size;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- return;
- else if (status[h] == VALIDCELL && <T>EQ(key, tab[h]))
- {
- status[h] = DELETEDCELL;
- --count;
- }
- if (i == 0)
- h = (h + doublehashinc(hashval, size)) % size;
- else if (++h >= size)
- h -= size;
- }
-void <T>VHBag::clear()
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = 0;
-void <T>VHBag::resize(unsigned int newsize)
- if (newsize <= count)
- {
- while (HASHTABLE_TOO_CROWDED(count, newsize)) newsize <<= 1;
- }
- <T>* oldtab = tab;
- char* oldstatus = status;
- unsigned int oldsize = size;
- tab = new <T>[size = newsize];
- status = new char[size];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < oldsize; ++i) if (oldstatus[i] == VALIDCELL) add(oldtab[i]);
- delete [] oldtab;
- delete oldstatus;
-Pix <T>VHBag::first()
- for (unsigned int pos = 0; pos < size; ++pos)
- if (status[pos] == VALIDCELL) return Pix(&tab[pos]);
- return 0;
-void <T>VHBag::next(Pix& i)
- if (i == 0) return;
- unsigned int pos = ((unsigned)i - (unsigned)tab) / sizeof(<T>) + 1;
- for (; pos < size; ++pos)
- if (status[pos] == VALIDCELL)
- {
- i = Pix(&tab[pos]);
- return;
- }
- i = 0;
-int <T>VHBag::OK()
- int v = tab != 0;
- v &= status != 0;
- int n = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[i] == VALIDCELL) ++n;
- else if (status[i] != DELETEDCELL && status[i] != EMPTYCELL)
- v = 0;
- }
- v &= n == count;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHBag.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHBag.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a7cc32..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHBag.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>VHBag_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>VHBag_h 1
-#include "<T>.Bag.h"
-class <T>VHBag : public <T>Bag
- <T>* tab;
- char* status;
- unsigned int size;
- <T>VHBag(unsigned int sz = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T>VHBag(<T>VHBag& a);
- inline ~<T>VHBag();
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- void remove(<T&>item);
- int nof(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- void clear();
- Pix first();
- void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item, Pix from = 0);
- int capacity();
- void resize(unsigned int newsize = 0);
- int OK();
-inline <T>VHBag::~<T>VHBag()
- delete [] tab;
- delete status;
-inline int <T>VHBag::capacity()
- return size;
-inline int <T>VHBag::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
-inline <T>& <T>VHBag::operator () (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return *((<T>*)i);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHMap.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHMap.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index a24be1e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHMap.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.<C>.VHMap.h"
-/* codes for status fields */
-#define EMPTYCELL 0
-#define VALIDCELL 1
-#define DELETEDCELL 2
-<T><C>VHMap::<T><C>VHMap(<C&> dflt, unsigned int sz)
- :<T><C>Map(dflt)
- tab = new <T>[size = sz];
- cont = new <C>[size];
- status = new char[size];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
-<T><C>VHMap::<T><C>VHMap(<T><C>VHMap& a) : <T><C>Map(a.def)
- tab = new <T>[size = a.size];
- cont = new <C>[size];
- status = new char[size];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = 0;
- for (Pix p = a.first(); p; (*this)[a.key(p)] = a.contents(p);
- * hashing method: double hash based on high bits of hash fct,
- * followed by linear probe. Can't do too much better if table
- * sizes not constrained to be prime.
-static inline unsigned int doublehashinc(unsigned int h, unsigned int s)
- unsigned int dh = ((h / s) % s);
- return (dh > 1)? dh : 1;
-Pix <T><C>VHMap::seek(<T&> key)
- unsigned int hashval = <T>HASH(key);
- unsigned int h = hashval % size;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- return 0;
- else if (status[h] == VALIDCELL && <T>EQ(key, tab[h]))
- return Pix(&tab[h]);
- if (i == 0)
- h = (h + doublehashinc(hashval, size)) % size;
- else if (++h >= size)
- h -= size;
- }
- return 0;
-<C>& <T><C>VHMap::operator [](<T&> item)
- if (HASHTABLE_TOO_CROWDED(count, size))
- resize();
- unsigned int bestspot = size;
- unsigned int hashval = <T>HASH(item);
- unsigned int h = hashval % size;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- {
- ++count;
- if (bestspot >= size) bestspot = h;
- tab[bestspot] = item;
- status[bestspot] = VALIDCELL;
- cont[bestspot] = def;
- return cont[bestspot];
- }
- else if (status[h] == DELETEDCELL)
- {
- if (bestspot >= size) bestspot = h;
- }
- else if (<T>EQ(tab[h],item))
- return cont[h];
- if (i == 0)
- h = (h + doublehashinc(hashval, size)) % size;
- else if (++h >= size)
- h -= size;
- }
- ++count;
- status[bestspot] = VALIDCELL;
- tab[bestspot] = item;
- cont[bestspot] = def;
- return cont[bestspot];
-void <T><C>VHMap::del(<T&> key)
- unsigned int hashval = <T>HASH(key);
- unsigned int h = hashval % size;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- return;
- else if (status[h] == VALIDCELL && <T>EQ(key, tab[h]))
- {
- status[h] = DELETEDCELL;
- --count;
- return;
- }
- if (i == 0)
- h = (h + doublehashinc(hashval, size)) % size;
- else if (++h >= size)
- h -= size;
- }
-void <T><C>VHMap::clear()
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = 0;
-void <T><C>VHMap::resize(unsigned int newsize)
- if (newsize <= count)
- {
- while (HASHTABLE_TOO_CROWDED(count, newsize)) newsize <<= 1;
- }
- <T>* oldtab = tab;
- <C>* oldcont = cont;
- char* oldstatus = status;
- unsigned int oldsize = size;
- tab = new <T>[size = newsize];
- cont = new <C>[size];
- status = new char[size];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < oldsize; ++i)
- if (oldstatus[i] == VALIDCELL)
- (*this)[oldtab[i]] = oldcont[i];
- delete [] oldtab;
- delete [] oldcont;
- delete [] oldstatus;
-Pix <T><C>VHMap::first()
- for (unsigned int pos = 0; pos < size; ++pos)
- if (status[pos] == VALIDCELL) return Pix(&tab[pos]);
- return 0;
-void <T><C>VHMap::next(Pix& i)
- if (i == 0) return;
- unsigned int pos = ((unsigned)i - (unsigned)tab) / sizeof(<T>) + 1;
- for (; pos < size; ++pos)
- if (status[pos] == VALIDCELL)
- {
- i = Pix(&tab[pos]);
- return;
- }
- i = 0;
-int <T><C>VHMap::OK()
- int v = tab != 0;
- v &= status != 0;
- int n = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[i] == VALIDCELL) ++n;
- else if (status[i] != DELETEDCELL && status[i] != EMPTYCELL)
- v = 0;
- }
- v &= n == count;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHMap.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHMap.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index ccc9328..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHMap.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T><C>VHMap_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T><C>VHMap_h 1
-#include "<T>.<C>.Map.h"
-class <T><C>VHMap : public <T><C>Map
- <T>* tab;
- <C>* cont;
- char* status;
- unsigned int size;
- <T><C>VHMap(<C&> dflt,unsigned int sz=DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T><C>VHMap(<T><C>VHMap& a);
- inline ~<T><C>VHMap();
- <C>& operator [] (<T&> key);
- void del(<T&> key);
- Pix first();
- void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& key(Pix i);
- inline <C>& contents(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> key);
- inline int contains(<T&> key);
- void clear();
- void resize(unsigned int newsize = 0);
- int OK();
-inline <T><C>VHMap::~<T><C>VHMap()
- delete [] tab;
- delete [] cont;
- delete [] status;
-inline int <T><C>VHMap::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
-inline <T>& <T><C>VHMap::key(Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return *((<T>*)i);
-inline <C>& <T><C>VHMap::contents(Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return cont[((unsigned)(i) - (unsigned)(tab)) / sizeof(<T>)];
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHSet.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHSet.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 414a728..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHSet.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.VHSet.h"
-/* codes for status fields */
-#define EMPTYCELL 0
-#define VALIDCELL 1
-#define DELETEDCELL 2
-<T>VHSet::<T>VHSet(unsigned int sz)
- tab = new <T>[size = sz];
- status = new char[size];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = 0;
-<T>VHSet::<T>VHSet(<T>VHSet& a)
- tab = new <T>[size = a.size];
- status = new char[size];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = 0;
- for (Pix p = a.first(); p; add(a(p));
- * hashing method: double hash based on high bits of hash fct,
- * followed by linear probe. Can't do too much better if table
- * sizes not constrained to be prime.
-static inline unsigned int doublehashinc(unsigned int h, unsigned int s)
- unsigned int dh = ((h / s) % s);
- return (dh > 1)? dh : 1;
-Pix <T>VHSet::seek(<T&> key)
- unsigned int hashval = <T>HASH(key);
- unsigned int h = hashval % size;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- return 0;
- else if (status[h] == VALIDCELL && <T>EQ(key, tab[h]))
- return Pix(&tab[h]);
- if (i == 0)
- h = (h + doublehashinc(hashval, size)) % size;
- else if (++h >= size)
- h -= size;
- }
- return 0;
-Pix <T>VHSet::add(<T&> item)
- if (HASHTABLE_TOO_CROWDED(count, size))
- resize();
- unsigned int bestspot = size;
- unsigned int hashval = <T>HASH(item);
- unsigned int h = hashval % size;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- {
- if (bestspot >= size) bestspot = h;
- tab[bestspot] = item;
- status[bestspot] = VALIDCELL;
- ++count;
- return Pix(&tab[bestspot]);
- }
- else if (status[h] == DELETEDCELL)
- {
- if (bestspot >= size) bestspot = h;
- }
- else if (<T>EQ(tab[h],item))
- return Pix(&tab[h]);
- if (i == 0)
- h = (h + doublehashinc(hashval, size)) % size;
- else if (++h >= size)
- h -= size;
- }
- tab[bestspot] = item;
- status[bestspot] = VALIDCELL;
- ++count;
- return Pix(&tab[bestspot]);
-void <T>VHSet::del(<T&> key)
- unsigned int hashval = <T>HASH(key);
- unsigned int h = hashval % size;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- return;
- else if (status[h] == VALIDCELL && <T>EQ(key, tab[h]))
- {
- status[h] = DELETEDCELL;
- --count;
- return;
- }
- if (i == 0)
- h = (h + doublehashinc(hashval, size)) % size;
- else if (++h >= size)
- h -= size;
- }
-void <T>VHSet::clear()
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = 0;
-void <T>VHSet::resize(unsigned int newsize)
- if (newsize <= count)
- {
- while (HASHTABLE_TOO_CROWDED(count, newsize)) newsize <<= 1;
- }
- <T>* oldtab = tab;
- char* oldstatus = status;
- unsigned int oldsize = size;
- tab = new <T>[size = newsize];
- status = new char[size];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < oldsize; ++i) if (oldstatus[i] == VALIDCELL) add(oldtab[i]);
- delete [] oldtab;
- delete oldstatus;
-Pix <T>VHSet::first()
- for (unsigned int pos = 0; pos < size; ++pos)
- if (status[pos] == VALIDCELL) return Pix(&tab[pos]);
- return 0;
-void <T>VHSet::next(Pix& i)
- if (i == 0) return;
- unsigned int pos = ((unsigned)i - (unsigned)tab) / sizeof(<T>) + 1;
- for (; pos < size; ++pos)
- if (status[pos] == VALIDCELL)
- {
- i = Pix(&tab[pos]);
- return;
- }
- i = 0;
-int <T>VHSet:: operator == (<T>VHSet& b)
- if (count != b.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- if (status[i] == VALIDCELL &&[i]) == 0)
- return 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < b.size; ++i)
- if (b.status[i] == VALIDCELL && seek([i]) == 0)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
-int <T>VHSet::operator <= (<T>VHSet& b)
- if (count > b.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- if (status[i] == VALIDCELL &&[i]) == 0)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
-void <T>VHSet::operator |= (<T>VHSet& b)
- if (&b == this || b.count == 0)
- return;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < b.size; ++i)
- if (b.status[i] == VALIDCELL) add([i]);
-void <T>VHSet::operator &= (<T>VHSet& b)
- if (&b == this || count == 0)
- return;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[i] == VALIDCELL &&[i]) == 0)
- {
- status[i] = DELETEDCELL;
- --count;
- }
- }
-void <T>VHSet::operator -= (<T>VHSet& b)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[i] == VALIDCELL &&[i]) != 0)
- {
- status[i] = DELETEDCELL;
- --count;
- }
- }
-int <T>VHSet::OK()
- int v = tab != 0;
- v &= status != 0;
- int n = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[i] == VALIDCELL) ++n;
- else if (status[i] != DELETEDCELL && status[i] != EMPTYCELL)
- v = 0;
- }
- v &= n == count;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHSet.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHSet.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index e7180b3..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VHSet.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>VHSet_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>VHSet_h 1
-#include "<T>.Set.h"
-class <T>VHSet : public <T>Set
- <T>* tab;
- char* status;
- unsigned int size;
- <T>VHSet(unsigned int sz = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T>VHSet(<T>VHSet& a);
- inline ~<T>VHSet();
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- void clear();
- Pix first();
- void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item);
- void operator |= (<T>VHSet& b);
- void operator -= (<T>VHSet& b);
- void operator &= (<T>VHSet& b);
- int operator == (<T>VHSet& b);
- int operator != (<T>VHSet& b);
- int operator <= (<T>VHSet& b);
- int capacity();
- void resize(unsigned int newsize = 0);
- int OK();
-inline <T>VHSet::~<T>VHSet()
- delete [] tab;
- delete status;
-inline int <T>VHSet::capacity()
- return size;
-inline int <T>VHSet::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
-inline <T>& <T>VHSet::operator () (Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- return *((<T>*)i);
-inline int <T>VHSet::operator != (<T>VHSet& b)
- return ! ((*this) == b);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VOHSet.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VOHSet.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 252fdcb..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VOHSet.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Doug Schmidt
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include "<T>.VOHSet.h"
-/* codes for status fields */
-#define EMPTYCELL 0
-#define VALIDCELL 1
-#define DELETEDCELL 2
-<T>VOHSet::<T>VOHSet(int sz)
-// The size of the hash table is always the smallest power of 2 >= the size
-// indicated by the user. This allows several optimizations, including
-// the use of actual double hashing and elimination of the mod instruction.
- size = 1;
- while (size < sz) size <<= 1;
- tab = new <T>[size];
- status = new char[size];
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = cnt = 0;
-<T>VOHSet::<T>VOHSet(<T>VOHSet& a)
- tab = new <T>[size = a.size];
- status = new char[size];
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = cnt = 0;
- for (Pix p = a.first(); p; add(a(p));
-Pix <T>VOHSet::seek(<T&> key)
-// Uses ordered double hashing to perform a search of the table.
-// This greatly speeds up the average-case time for an unsuccessful search.
- unsigned hashval = <T>HASH(key);
- // We can avoid the mod operation since size is a power of 2.
- unsigned h = hashval & (size - 1);
- // The increment must be odd, since all odd numbers are relatively
- // prime to a power of 2!!
- unsigned inc = ((((hashval / size) << 1) + 1) & (size - 1));
- // There is always at least 1 empty cell, so this loop is guaranteed to halt!
- while (status[h] != EMPTYCELL)
- {
- int cmp = <T>CMP (key, tab[h]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- {
- if (status[h] == VALIDCELL)
- return Pix(&tab[h]);
- else
- return 0;
- }
- else if (cmp < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- h = ((h + inc) & (size - 1));
- }
- return 0;
-// This adds an item if it doesn't already exist. By performing the initial
-// comparison we assure that the table always contains at least 1 empty
-// spot. This speeds up later searching by a constant factor.
-// The insertion algorithm uses ordered double hashing. See Standish's
-// 1980 ``Data Structure's Techniques'' book for details.
-Pix <T>VOHSet::add(<T&> x)
- if (size <= cnt+1)
- resize();
- unsigned hashval = <T>HASH(x);
- unsigned h = hashval & (size - 1);
- if (status[h] != VALIDCELL) // save some work if possible
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- cnt++;
- count++;
- tab[h] = x;
- status[h] = VALIDCELL;
- return Pix(&tab[h]);
- }
- <T> item = x;
- Pix mypix = 0;
- unsigned inc = ((((hashval / size) << 1) + 1) & (size - 1));
- for (;;)
- {
- if (status[h] != VALIDCELL)
- {
- if (status[h] == EMPTYCELL)
- cnt++;
- count++;
- tab[h] = item;
- status[h] = VALIDCELL;
- return (mypix == 0)? Pix(&tab[h]) : mypix;
- }
- int cmp = <T>CMP(item, tab[h]);
- if (cmp == 0)
- return (mypix == 0)? Pix(&tab[h]) : mypix;
- else if (cmp < 0)
- {
- <T> temp = tab[h];
- tab[h] = item;
- item = temp;
- if (mypix == 0) mypix = Pix(&tab[h]);
- hashval = <T>HASH(item);
- h = hashval & (size - 1);
- inc = ((((hashval / size) << 1) + 1) & (size - 1));
- }
- else
- h = ((h + inc) & (size - 1));
- }
-void <T>VOHSet::del(<T&> key)
-// This performs a deletion by marking the item's status field.
-// Note that we only decrease the count, *not* the cnt, since this
-// would cause trouble for subsequent steps in the algorithm. See
-// Reingold and Hanson's ``Data Structure's'' book for a justification
-// of this approach.
- unsigned hashval = <T>HASH(key);
- unsigned h = hashval & (size - 1);
- unsigned inc = ((((hashval / size) << 1) + 1) & (size - 1));
- while (status[h] != EMPTYCELL)
- {
- int cmp = <T>CMP(key, tab[h]);
- if (cmp > 0)
- h = ((h + inc) & (size - 1));
- else if (status[h] == VALIDCELL && cmp == 0)
- {
- status[h] = DELETEDCELL;
- count--;
- return;
- }
- else
- return;
- }
-void <T>VOHSet::clear()
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = cnt = 0;
-void <T>VOHSet::resize(int newsize)
- if (newsize <= count)
- newsize = count;
- int s = 1;
- while (s <= newsize) s <<= 1;
- newsize = s;
- <T>* oldtab = tab;
- char* oldstatus = status;
- int oldsize = size;
- tab = new <T>[size = newsize];
- status = new char[size];
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) status[i] = EMPTYCELL;
- count = cnt = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < oldsize; ++i) if (oldstatus[i] == VALIDCELL) add(oldtab[i]);
- delete [] oldtab;
- delete oldstatus;
-Pix <T>VOHSet::first()
- for (int pos = 0; pos < size; ++pos)
- if (status[pos] == VALIDCELL) return Pix(&tab[pos]);
- return 0;
-void <T>VOHSet::next(Pix& i)
- if (i == 0) return;
- int pos = ((unsigned)i - (unsigned)tab) / sizeof(<T>) + 1;
- for (; pos < size; ++pos)
- if (status[pos] == VALIDCELL)
- {
- i = Pix(&tab[pos]);
- return;
- }
- i = 0;
-int <T>VOHSet:: operator == (<T>VOHSet& b)
- if (count != b.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- if (status[i] == VALIDCELL &&[i]) == 0)
- return 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < b.size; ++i)
- if (b.status[i] == VALIDCELL && seek([i]) == 0)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
-int <T>VOHSet:: operator != (<T>VOHSet& b)
- return !(*this == b);
-int <T>VOHSet::operator <= (<T>VOHSet& b)
- if (count > b.count)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- if (status[i] == VALIDCELL &&[i]) == 0)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
-void <T>VOHSet::operator |= (<T>VOHSet& b)
- if (&b == this || b.count == 0)
- return;
- for (int i = 0; i < b.size; ++i)
- if (b.status[i] == VALIDCELL) add([i]);
-void <T>VOHSet::operator &= (<T>VOHSet& b)
- if (&b == this || count == 0)
- return;
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[i] == VALIDCELL &&[i]) == 0)
- {
- status[i] = DELETEDCELL;
- --count;
- }
- }
-void <T>VOHSet::operator -= (<T>VOHSet& b)
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[i] == VALIDCELL &&[i]) != 0)
- {
- status[i] = DELETEDCELL;
- --count;
- }
- }
-int <T>VOHSet::OK()
- int v = tab != 0;
- v &= status != 0;
- int n = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- if (status[i] == VALIDCELL) ++n;
- else if (status[i] != DELETEDCELL && status[i] != EMPTYCELL)
- v = 0;
- }
- v &= n == count;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VOHSet.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VOHSet.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index a3ff2c8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VOHSet.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Doug Schmidt
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>VOHSet_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>VOHSet_h 1
-#include "<T>.Set.h"
-class <T>VOHSet : public <T>Set
- <T>* tab;
- char* status;
- int size;
- int cnt; // keeps track of VALIDCELLs and DELETEDCELLs
- <T>VOHSet(<T>VOHSet&);
- inline ~<T>VOHSet();
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- void clear();
- Pix first();
- void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item);
- void operator |= (<T>VOHSet& b);
- void operator -= (<T>VOHSet& b);
- void operator &= (<T>VOHSet& b);
- int operator == (<T>VOHSet& b);
- int operator != (<T>VOHSet& b);
- int operator <= (<T>VOHSet& b);
- int capacity();
- void resize(int newsize = 0);
- int OK();
-inline <T>VOHSet::~<T>VOHSet()
- delete [] tab;
- delete status;
-inline int <T>VOHSet::contains(<T&> key)
- return seek(key) != 0;
-inline <T>& <T>VOHSet::operator () (Pix p)
- if (p == 0) error("null Pix");
- return *((<T>*)p);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VQueue.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VQueue.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 8eca22d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VQueue.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include "<T>.VQueue.h"
-<T>VQueue::<T>VQueue(<T>VQueue& b)
-:size(b.size), cnt(b.cnt), inp(b.inp), outp(b.outp), s(new <T> [b.size])
- int j = outp;
- for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
- {
- s[j] = b.s[j];
- if (++j == size) j = 0;
- }
-void <T>VQueue::operator = (<T>VQueue& b)
- if (&b == this) return;
- if (size != b.size)
- {
- delete [] s;
- s = new <T> [b.size];
- size = b.size;
- }
- inp = b.inp; outp = b.outp; cnt = b.cnt;
- int j = outp;
- for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
- {
- s[j] = b.s[j];
- if (++j == size) j = 0;
- }
-void <T>VQueue::resize(int newsz)
- if (newsz < cnt)
- error("resize: new size too small");
- <T>* news = new <T> [newsz];
- int j = outp;
- for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
- {
- news[i] = s[j];
- if (++j == size) j = 0;
- }
- inp = cnt;
- outp = 0;
- delete [] s;
- s = news;
- size = newsz;
-int <T>VQueue::OK()
- int v = s != 0; // have space
- v &= size >= 0; // a legal size
- v &= inp >= 0 && inp <= size; // pointers with bounds
- v &= outp >= 0 && outp <= size;
- int c = (size + inp - outp) % size;
- v &= cnt == size || cnt == c; // correct count
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VQueue.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VQueue.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 287a781..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VQueue.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>VQueue_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>VQueue_h 1
-#include "<T>.Queue.h"
-class <T>VQueue : public <T>Queue
- int size;
- int cnt;
- int inp;
- int outp;
- <T>* s;
- <T>VQueue(<T>VQueue&);
- inline ~<T>VQueue();
- void operator = (<T>VQueue&);
- inline void enq(<T&> item);
- inline <T> deq();
- inline <T>& front();
- inline void del_front();
- inline int length();
- inline int empty();
- inline int full();
- int capacity();
- void resize(int sz);
- inline void clear();
- int OK();
-inline <T>VQueue::<T>VQueue(int sz)
- s = new <T> [size = sz];
- cnt = inp = outp = 0;
-inline <T>VQueue::~<T>VQueue()
- delete [] s;
-inline void <T>VQueue::clear()
- inp = outp = 0;
- cnt = 0;
-inline int <T>VQueue::empty()
- return cnt <= 0;
-inline int <T>VQueue::capacity()
- return size;
-inline int <T>VQueue::full()
- return cnt >= size;
-inline int <T>VQueue::length()
- return cnt;
-inline void <T>VQueue::enq(<T&> item)
- if (cnt >= size) error("enq to full Queue.");
- ++cnt;
- s[inp] = item;
- if (++inp == size) inp = 0;
-inline <T> <T>VQueue::deq()
- if (cnt <= 0) error("deq from empty Queue.");
- --cnt;
- int i = outp;
- if (++outp == size) outp = 0;
- return s[i];
-inline void <T>VQueue::del_front()
- if (cnt <= 0) error("delete from empty Queue.");
- --cnt;
- if (++outp == size) outp = 0;
-inline <T>& <T>VQueue::front()
- if (empty()) error("top from empty Queue.");
- return s[outp];
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VStack.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VStack.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index a5e8292..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VStack.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include "<T>.VStack.h"
-// error handling
-<T>VStack::<T>VStack(<T>VStack& b)
-:size(b.size), ptr(b.ptr), s(new <T> [b.size])
- for (int i = 0; i < ptr; ++i) s[i] = b.s[i];
-void <T>VStack::operator = (<T>VStack& b)
- if (&b == this) return;
- if (size < b.ptr)
- {
- delete [] s;
- s = new <T> [b.size];
- size = b.size;
- }
- ptr = b.ptr;
- for (int i = 0; i < ptr; ++i) s[i] = b.s[i];
-void <T>VStack::resize(int newsz)
- if (newsz < ptr) error("resize: new size too small");
- <T>* news = new <T> [newsz];
- for (int i = 0; i < ptr; ++i) news[i] = s[i];
- delete [] s;
- s = news;
- size = newsz;
-int <T>VStack::OK()
- int v = s != 0; // have space
- v &= size >= 0; // a legal size
- v &= ptr <= size; // ptr within bounds
- v &= ptr >= 0;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VStack.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VStack.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index c7f7631..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/VStack.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>VStack_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>VStack_h 1
-#include "<T>.Stack.h"
-class <T>VStack : public <T>Stack
- int size;
- int ptr;
- <T>* s;
- <T>VStack(<T>VStack&);
- inline ~<T>VStack();
- void operator = (<T>VStack&);
- inline void push(<T&> item);
- inline <T> pop();
- inline <T>& top();
- inline void del_top();
- inline int length();
- inline int empty();
- inline int full();
- inline void clear();
- void resize(int sz);
- int capacity();
- int OK();
-inline <T>VStack::<T>VStack(int sz)
- s = new <T> [size = sz];
- ptr = 0;
-inline <T>VStack::~<T>VStack()
- delete [] s;
-inline void <T>VStack::clear()
- ptr = 0;
-inline int <T>VStack::capacity()
- return size;
-inline int <T>VStack::empty()
- return ptr == 0;
-inline int <T>VStack::full()
- return ptr == size;
-inline int <T>VStack::length()
- return ptr;
-inline void <T>VStack::push(<T&> item)
- if (full()) error("push to full stack.");
- s[ptr++] = item;
-inline <T> <T>VStack::pop()
- if (empty()) error("pop from empty stack.");
- return s[--ptr];
-inline void <T>VStack::del_top()
- if (empty()) error("del_top from empty stack.");
- --ptr;
-inline <T>& <T>VStack::top()
- if (empty()) error("top from empty stack.");
- return s[ptr-1];
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Vec.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Vec.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index d03e0bb..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Vec.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.Vec.h"
-// error handling
-void default_<T>Vec_error_handler(const char* msg)
- cerr << "Fatal <T>Vec error. " << msg << "\n";
- exit(1);
-one_arg_error_handler_t <T>Vec_error_handler = default_<T>Vec_error_handler;
-one_arg_error_handler_t set_<T>Vec_error_handler(one_arg_error_handler_t f)
- one_arg_error_handler_t old = <T>Vec_error_handler;
- <T>Vec_error_handler = f;
- return old;
-void <T>Vec::error(const char* msg)
- (*<T>Vec_error_handler)(msg);
-void <T>Vec::range_error()
- (*<T>Vec_error_handler)("Index out of range.");
-<T>Vec::<T>Vec(const <T>Vec& v)
- s = new <T> [len = v.len];
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- const <T>* u = v.s;
- while (t < top) *t++ = *u++;
-<T>Vec::<T>Vec(int l, <T&> fill_value)
- s = new <T> [len = l];
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) *t++ = fill_value;
-<T>Vec& <T>Vec::operator = (const <T>Vec& v)
- if (this != &v)
- {
- delete [] s;
- s = new <T> [len = v.len];
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- const <T>* u = v.s;
- while (t < top) *t++ = *u++;
- }
- return *this;
-void <T>Vec::apply(<T>Procedure f)
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) (*f)(*t++);
-// can't just realloc since there may be need for constructors/destructors
-void <T>Vec::resize(int newl)
- <T>* news = new <T> [newl];
- <T>* p = news;
- int minl = (len < newl)? len : newl;
- <T>* top = &(s[minl]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) *p++ = *t++;
- delete [] s;
- s = news;
- len = newl;
-<T>Vec concat(<T>Vec & a, <T>Vec & b)
- int newl = a.len + b.len;
- <T>* news = new <T> [newl];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.s[a.len]);
- <T>* t = a.s;
- while (t < top) *p++ = *t++;
- top = &(b.s[b.len]);
- t = b.s;
- while (t < top) *p++ = *t++;
- return <T>Vec(newl, news);
-<T>Vec combine(<T>Combiner f, <T>Vec& a, <T>Vec& b)
- int newl = (a.len < b.len)? a.len : b.len;
- <T>* news = new <T> [newl];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.s[newl]);
- <T>* t = a.s;
- <T>* u = b.s;
- while (t < top) *p++ = (*f)(*t++, *u++);
- return <T>Vec(newl, news);
-<T> <T>Vec::reduce(<T>Combiner f, <T&> base)
- <T> r = base;
- <T>* top = &(s[len]);
- <T>* t = s;
- while (t < top) r = (*f)(r, *t++);
- return r;
-<T>Vec reverse(<T>Vec& a)
- <T>* news = new <T> [a.len];
- if (a.len != 0)
- {
- <T>* lo = news;
- <T>* hi = &(news[a.len - 1]);
- while (lo < hi)
- {
- <T> tmp = *lo;
- *lo++ = *hi;
- *hi-- = tmp;
- }
- }
- return <T>Vec(a.len, news);
-void <T>Vec::reverse()
- if (len != 0)
- {
- <T>* lo = s;
- <T>* hi = &(s[len - 1]);
- while (lo < hi)
- {
- <T> tmp = *lo;
- *lo++ = *hi;
- *hi-- = tmp;
- }
- }
-int <T>Vec::index(<T&> targ)
- for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (<T>EQ(targ, s[i])) return i;
- return -1;
-<T>Vec map(<T>Mapper f, <T>Vec& a)
- <T>* news = new <T> [a.len];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* top = &(a.s[a.len]);
- <T>* t = a.s;
- while(t < top) *p++ = (*f)(*t++);
- return <T>Vec(a.len, news);
-int operator == (<T>Vec& a, <T>Vec& b)
- if (a.len != b.len)
- return 0;
- <T>* top = &(a.s[a.len]);
- <T>* t = a.s;
- <T>* u = b.s;
- while (t < top) if (!(<T>EQ(*t++, *u++))) return 0;
- return 1;
-void <T>Vec::fill(<T&> val, int from, int n)
- int to;
- if (n < 0)
- to = len - 1;
- else
- to = from + n - 1;
- if ((unsigned)from > (unsigned)to)
- range_error();
- <T>* t = &(s[from]);
- <T>* top = &(s[to]);
- while (t <= top) *t++ = val;
-<T>Vec <T>Vec::at(int from, int n)
- int to;
- if (n < 0)
- {
- n = len - from;
- to = len - 1;
- }
- else
- to = from + n - 1;
- if ((unsigned)from > (unsigned)to)
- range_error();
- <T>* news = new <T> [n];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* t = &(s[from]);
- <T>* top = &(s[to]);
- while (t <= top) *p++ = *t++;
- return <T>Vec(n, news);
-<T>Vec merge(<T>Vec & a, <T>Vec & b, <T>Comparator f)
- int newl = a.len + b.len;
- <T>* news = new <T> [newl];
- <T>* p = news;
- <T>* topa = &(a.s[a.len]);
- <T>* as = a.s;
- <T>* topb = &(b.s[b.len]);
- <T>* bs = b.s;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (as >= topa)
- {
- while (bs < topb) *p++ = *bs++;
- break;
- }
- else if (bs >= topb)
- {
- while (as < topa) *p++ = *as++;
- break;
- }
- else if ((*f)(*as, *bs) <= 0)
- *p++ = *as++;
- else
- *p++ = *bs++;
- }
- return <T>Vec(newl, news);
-static int gsort(<T>*, int, <T>Comparator);
-void <T>Vec::sort (<T>Comparator compar)
- gsort(s, len, compar);
-// An adaptation of Schmidt's new quicksort
-static inline void SWAP(<T>* A, <T>* B)
- <T> tmp = *A; *A = *B; *B = tmp;
-/* This should be replaced by a standard ANSI macro. */
-#define BYTES_PER_WORD 8
-#define BYTES_PER_LONG 4
-/* The next 4 #defines implement a very fast in-line stack abstraction. */
-#define PUSH(LOW,HIGH) do {top->lo = LOW;top++->hi = HIGH;} while (0)
-#define POP(LOW,HIGH) do {LOW = (--top)->lo;HIGH = top->hi;} while (0)
-#define STACK_NOT_EMPTY (stack < top)
-/* Discontinue quicksort algorithm when partition gets below this size.
- This particular magic number was chosen to work best on a Sun 4/260. */
-#define MAX_THRESH 4
-/* Order size using quicksort. This implementation incorporates
- four optimizations discussed in Sedgewick:
- 1. Non-recursive, using an explicit stack of pointer that
- store the next array partition to sort. To save time, this
- maximum amount of space required to store an array of
- MAX_INT is allocated on the stack. Assuming a 32-bit integer,
- this needs only 32 * sizeof (stack_node) == 136 bits. Pretty
- cheap, actually.
- 2. Chose the pivot element using a median-of-three decision tree.
- This reduces the probability of selecting a bad pivot value and
- eliminates certain extraneous comparisons.
- 3. Only quicksorts TOTAL_ELEMS / MAX_THRESH partitions, leaving
- insertion sort to order the MAX_THRESH items within each partition.
- This is a big win, since insertion sort is faster for small, mostly
- sorted array segements.
- 4. The larger of the two sub-partitions is always pushed onto the
- stack first, with the algorithm then concentrating on the
- smaller partition. This *guarantees* no more than log (n)
- stack size is needed! */
-static int gsort (<T> *base_ptr, int total_elems, <T>Comparator cmp)
-/* Stack node declarations used to store unfulfilled partition obligations. */
- struct stack_node { <T> *lo; <T> *hi; };
- <T> pivot_buffer;
- int max_thresh = MAX_THRESH;
- if (total_elems > MAX_THRESH)
- {
- <T> *lo = base_ptr;
- <T> *hi = lo + (total_elems - 1);
- <T> *left_ptr;
- <T> *right_ptr;
- stack_node stack[STACK_SIZE]; /* Largest size needed for 32-bit int!!! */
- stack_node *top = stack;
- for (;;)
- {
- {
- <T> *pivot = &pivot_buffer;
- {
- /* Select median value from among LO, MID, and HI. Rearrange
- LO and HI so the three values are sorted. This lowers the
- probability of picking a pathological pivot value and
- skips a comparison for both the LEFT_PTR and RIGHT_PTR. */
- <T> *mid = lo + ((hi - lo) >> 1);
- if ((*cmp) (*mid, *lo) < 0)
- SWAP (mid, lo);
- if ((*cmp) (*hi, *mid) < 0)
- {
- SWAP (mid, hi);
- if ((*cmp) (*mid, *lo) < 0)
- SWAP (mid, lo);
- }
- *pivot = *mid;
- pivot = &pivot_buffer;
- }
- left_ptr = lo + 1;
- right_ptr = hi - 1;
- /* Here's the famous ``collapse the walls'' section of quicksort.
- Gotta like those tight inner loops! They are the main reason
- that this algorithm runs much faster than others.
- [Yeah, but there is a function call in the inner loop,
- which makes the speed claim rather dubious. --Per Bothner] */
- do
- {
- while ((*cmp) (*left_ptr, *pivot) < 0)
- left_ptr += 1;
- while ((*cmp) (*pivot, *right_ptr) < 0)
- right_ptr -= 1;
- if (left_ptr < right_ptr)
- {
- SWAP (left_ptr, right_ptr);
- left_ptr += 1;
- right_ptr -= 1;
- }
- else if (left_ptr == right_ptr)
- {
- left_ptr += 1;
- right_ptr -= 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- while (left_ptr <= right_ptr);
- }
- /* Set up pointers for next iteration. First determine whether
- left and right partitions are below the threshold size. If so,
- ignore one or both. Otherwise, push the larger partition's
- bounds on the stack and continue sorting the smaller one. */
- if ((right_ptr - lo) <= max_thresh)
- {
- if ((hi - left_ptr) <= max_thresh)
- { /* Ignore both small partitions. */
- POP (lo, hi);
- else
- break; /* No pending partitions - we're done. */
- }
- else /* Ignore small left partition. */
- lo = left_ptr;
- }
- else if ((hi - left_ptr) <= max_thresh) /* Ignore small right partition. */
- hi = right_ptr;
- else if ((right_ptr - lo) > (hi - left_ptr)) /* Push larger left partition indices. */
- {
- PUSH (lo, right_ptr);
- lo = left_ptr;
- }
- else /* Push larger right partition indices. */
- {
- PUSH (left_ptr, hi);
- hi = right_ptr;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Once the BASE_PTR array is partially sorted by quicksort the rest
- is completely sorted using insertion sort, since this is efficient
- for partitions below MAX_THRESH size. BASE_PTR points to the beginning
- of the array to sort, and END_PTR points at the very last element in
- the array (*not* one beyond it!). */
- {
- <T> *end_ptr = base_ptr + 1 * (total_elems - 1);
- <T> *run_ptr;
- <T> *tmp_ptr = base_ptr;
- <T> *thresh = (end_ptr < (base_ptr + max_thresh))?
- end_ptr : (base_ptr + max_thresh);
- /* Find smallest element in first threshold and place it at the
- array's beginning. This is the smallest array element,
- and the operation speeds up insertion sort's inner loop. */
- for (run_ptr = tmp_ptr + 1; run_ptr <= thresh; run_ptr += 1)
- if ((*cmp) (*run_ptr, *tmp_ptr) < 0)
- tmp_ptr = run_ptr;
- if (tmp_ptr != base_ptr)
- SWAP (tmp_ptr, base_ptr);
- /* Insertion sort, running from left-hand-side up to `right-hand-side.'
- Pretty much straight out of the original GNU qsort routine. */
- for (run_ptr = base_ptr + 1; (tmp_ptr = run_ptr += 1) <= end_ptr; )
- {
- while ((*cmp) (*run_ptr, *(tmp_ptr -= 1)) < 0)
- ;
- if ((tmp_ptr += 1) != run_ptr)
- {
- <T> *trav;
- for (trav = run_ptr + 1; --trav >= run_ptr;)
- {
- <T> c = *trav;
- <T> *hi, *lo;
- for (hi = lo = trav; (lo -= 1) >= tmp_ptr; hi = lo)
- *hi = *lo;
- *hi = c;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Vec.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Vec.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 91993d1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/Vec.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>Vec_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>Vec_h 1
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-#ifndef _<T>_typedefs
-#define _<T>_typedefs 1
-typedef void (*<T>Procedure)(<T&>);
-typedef <T> (*<T>Mapper)(<T&>);
-typedef <T> (*<T>Combiner)(<T&>, <T&>);
-typedef int (*<T>Predicate)(<T&>);
-typedef int (*<T>Comparator)(<T&>, <T&>);
-class <T>Vec
- int len;
- <T> *s;
- <T>Vec(int l, <T>* d);
- <T>Vec ();
- <T>Vec (int l);
- <T>Vec (int l, <T&> fill_value);
- <T>Vec (const <T>Vec&);
- ~<T>Vec ();
- <T>Vec & operator = (const <T>Vec & a);
- <T>Vec at(int from = 0, int n = -1);
- int capacity() const;
- void resize(int newlen);
- <T>& operator [] (int n);
- <T>& elem(int n);
- friend <T>Vec concat(<T>Vec & a, <T>Vec & b);
- friend <T>Vec map(<T>Mapper f, <T>Vec & a);
- friend <T>Vec merge(<T>Vec & a, <T>Vec & b, <T>Comparator f);
- friend <T>Vec combine(<T>Combiner f, <T>Vec & a, <T>Vec & b);
- friend <T>Vec reverse(<T>Vec & a);
- void reverse();
- void sort(<T>Comparator f);
- void fill(<T&> val, int from = 0, int n = -1);
- void apply(<T>Procedure f);
- <T> reduce(<T>Combiner f, <T&> base);
- int index(<T&> targ);
- friend int operator == (<T>Vec& a, <T>Vec& b);
- friend int operator != (<T>Vec& a, <T>Vec& b);
- void error(const char* msg);
- void range_error();
-extern void default_<T>Vec_error_handler(const char*);
-extern one_arg_error_handler_t <T>Vec_error_handler;
-extern one_arg_error_handler_t
- set_<T>Vec_error_handler(one_arg_error_handler_t f);
-inline <T>Vec::<T>Vec()
- len = 0; s = 0;
-inline <T>Vec::<T>Vec(int l)
- s = new <T> [len = l];
-inline <T>Vec::<T>Vec(int l, <T>* d) :len(l), s(d) {}
-inline <T>Vec::~<T>Vec()
- delete [] s;
-inline <T>& <T>Vec::operator [] (int n)
- if ((unsigned)n >= (unsigned)len)
- range_error();
- return s[n];
-inline <T>& <T>Vec::elem(int n)
- return s[n];
-inline int <T>Vec::capacity() const
- return len;
-inline int operator != (<T>Vec& a, <T>Vec& b)
- return !(a == b);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPBag.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPBag.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index e2a7834..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPBag.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.XPBag.h"
-int <T>XPBag::OK()
- int v = p.OK();
- v &= count == p.length();
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
-Pix <T>XPBag::seek(<T&> item, Pix i)
- if (i == 0) i = p.first(); else next(i);
- for (; i != 0; if (<T>EQ(p(i), item)) return i;
- return 0;
-int <T>XPBag::nof(<T&> item)
- int n = 0;
- for (int i = p.low(); i < p.fence(); if (<T>EQ(p[i], item)) ++n;
- return n;
-void <T>XPBag::del(<T&> item)
- for (int i = p.low(); i < p.fence();
- {
- if (<T>EQ(p[i], item))
- {
- --count;
- p[i] = p.low_element();
- p.del_low();
- return;
- }
- }
-void <T>XPBag::remove(<T&> item)
- for (int i = p.low(); i < p.fence();
- {
- if (<T>EQ(p[i], item))
- {
- --count;
- p[i] = p.low_element();
- p.del_low();
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPBag.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPBag.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index da8c199..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPBag.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>XPBag_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>XPBag_h 1
-#include "<T>.Bag.h"
-#include "<T>.XPlex.h"
-class <T>XPBag : public <T>Bag
- <T>XPlex p;
- <T>XPBag(int chunksize = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T>XPBag(const <T>XPBag&);
- inline Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
-#undef remove
- void remove(<T&>item);
- int nof(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- inline int owns(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item, Pix from = 0);
- int OK();
-inline <T>XPBag::<T>XPBag(int chunksize)
- : p(chunksize) { count = 0; }
-inline <T>XPBag::<T>XPBag(const <T>XPBag& s) : p(s.p) { count = s.count; }
-inline Pix <T>XPBag::first()
- return p.first();
-inline void <T>XPBag::next(Pix & idx)
-inline <T>& <T>XPBag::operator ()(Pix idx)
- return p(idx);
-inline void <T>XPBag::clear()
- count = 0; p.clear();
-inline int <T>XPBag::owns (Pix idx)
- return p.owns(idx);
-inline Pix <T>XPBag::add(<T&> item)
- ++count;
- return p.index_to_Pix(p.add_high(item));
-inline int <T>XPBag::contains(<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPDeque.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPDeque.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b363d9..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPDeque.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.XPDeque.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPDeque.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPDeque.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index a73d8fd..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPDeque.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>XPDeque_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>XPDeque_h
-#include "<T>.XPlex.h"
-#include "<T>.Deque.h"
-class <T>XPDeque : public <T>Deque
- <T>XPlex p;
- <T>XPDeque(int chunksize = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T>XPDeque(const <T>XPDeque& d);
- inline ~<T>XPDeque();
- void operator = (const <T>XPDeque&);
- inline void push(<T&> item); // insert at front
- inline void enq(<T&> item); // insert at rear
- inline <T>& front();
- inline <T>& rear();
- inline <T> deq();
- inline void del_front();
- inline void del_rear();
- inline void clear();
- inline int empty();
- inline int full();
- inline int length();
- inline int OK();
-inline <T>XPDeque::<T>XPDeque(int chunksize)
- : p(chunksize) {}
-inline <T>XPDeque::<T>XPDeque(const <T>XPDeque& d) : p(d.p) {}
-inline <T>XPDeque::~<T>XPDeque() {}
-inline void <T>XPDeque::push(<T&>item)
- p.add_low(item);
-inline void <T>XPDeque::enq(<T&>item)
- p.add_high(item);
-inline <T> <T>XPDeque::deq()
- <T> res = p.low_element();
- p.del_low();
- return res;
-inline <T>& <T>XPDeque::front()
- return p.low_element();
-inline <T>& <T>XPDeque::rear()
- return p.high_element();
-inline void <T>XPDeque::del_front()
- p.del_low();
-inline void <T>XPDeque::del_rear()
- p.del_high();
-inline void <T>XPDeque::operator =(const <T>XPDeque& s)
- p.operator = (s.p);
-inline int <T>XPDeque::empty()
- return p.empty();
-inline int <T>XPDeque::full()
- return p.full();
-inline int <T>XPDeque::length()
- return p.length();
-inline int <T>XPDeque::OK()
- return p.OK();
-inline void <T>XPDeque::clear()
- p.clear();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPPQ.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPPQ.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d7a864..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPPQ.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.XPPQ.h"
-int <T>XPPQ::OK()
- int v = p.OK();
- v &= p.low() == 1;
- v &= count == p.length();
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
-Pix <T>XPPQ::seek(<T&> item)
- for (int i = p.low(); i < p.fence();
- if (<T>EQ(p[i],item)) return p.index_to_Pix(i);
- return 0;
-// standard 2-ary heap ops
-// pointers are used a lot to avoid thrashing across chunks with plexes
-Pix <T>XPPQ::enq(<T&> item)
- p.add_high(item);
- <T>* pk = &(p.high_element());
- int par = ++count >> 1;
- while (par != 0)
- {
- <T>* ppar = &(p[par]);
- if (!(<T>LE(*ppar, item)))
- {
- *pk = *ppar;
- pk = ppar;
- par >>= 1;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- *pk = item;
- return Pix(pk);
-void <T>XPPQ::del_front()
- if (count == 0) error("empty PQ");
- --count;
- <T>* pk = &(p.low_element());
- <T>* ph = &(p.high_element());
- int child = 2;
- while (child <= count)
- {
- <T>* pchild = &(p[child]);
- if (child < count)
- {
- <T>* prchild = &(p[child+1]);
- if (!(<T>LE(*pchild, *prchild)))
- {
- pchild = prchild;
- ++child;
- }
- }
- if (!(<T>LE(*ph, *pchild)))
- {
- *pk = *pchild;
- pk = pchild;
- child <<= 1;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- *pk = *ph;
- p.del_high();
-void <T>XPPQ::del(Pix i)
- if (i == 0) error("null Pix");
- --count;
- int k = p.Pix_to_index(i);
- <T>* pk = &(p[k]);
- <T>* ph = &(p.high_element());
- int child = k << 1;
- while (child <= count)
- {
- <T>* pchild = &(p[child]);
- if (child < count)
- {
- <T>* prchild = &(p[child+1]);
- if (!(<T>LE(*pchild, *prchild)))
- {
- pchild = prchild;
- ++child;
- }
- }
- if (!(<T>LE(*ph, *pchild)))
- {
- *pk = *pchild;
- pk = pchild;
- child <<= 1;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- int par = child >> 2;
- while (par != 0)
- {
- <T>* ppar = &(p[par]);
- if (!(<T>LE(*ppar, *ph)))
- {
- *pk = *ppar;
- pk = ppar;
- par >>= 1;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- *pk = *ph;
- p.del_high();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPPQ.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPPQ.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 4726700..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPPQ.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>XPPQ_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>XPPQ_h 1
-#include "<T>.PQ.h"
-#include "<T>.XPlex.h"
-class <T>XPPQ : public <T>PQ
- <T>XPlex p;
- <T>XPPQ(const <T>XPPQ&);
- Pix enq(<T&> item);
- inline <T> deq();
- inline <T>& front();
- void del_front();
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- void del(Pix i);
- inline int owns(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item);
- int OK(); // rep invariant
-inline <T>XPPQ::<T>XPPQ(int chunksize)
- : p(1, chunksize) { count = 0; }
-inline <T>XPPQ::<T>XPPQ(const <T>XPPQ& s) : p(s.p) { count = s.count; }
-inline Pix <T>XPPQ::first()
- return p.first();
-inline void <T>XPPQ::next(Pix & idx)
-inline <T>& <T>XPPQ::operator ()(Pix idx)
- return p(idx);
-inline <T>& <T>XPPQ::front ()
- return p.low_element();
-inline <T> <T>XPPQ::deq ()
- <T> x = p.low_element();
- del_front();
- return x;
-inline void <T>XPPQ::clear()
- count = 0; p.clear();
-inline int <T>XPPQ::contains (<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
-inline int <T>XPPQ::owns (Pix idx)
- return p.owns(idx);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPQueue.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPQueue.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 77bfd1c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPQueue.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.XPQueue.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPQueue.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPQueue.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index a5baf7b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPQueue.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>XPQueue_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>XPQueue_h
-#include "<T>.XPlex.h"
-#include "<T>.Queue.h"
-class <T>XPQueue : public <T>Queue
- <T>XPlex p;
- <T>XPQueue(int chunksize = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T>XPQueue(const <T>XPQueue& q);
- inline ~<T>XPQueue();
- void operator = (const <T>XPQueue&);
- inline void enq(<T&> item);
- inline <T> deq();
- inline <T>& front();
- inline void del_front();
- inline void clear();
- inline int empty();
- inline int full();
- inline int length();
- inline int OK();
-inline <T>XPQueue::<T>XPQueue(int chunksize)
- : p(chunksize) {}
-inline <T>XPQueue::<T>XPQueue(const <T>XPQueue& q) : p(q.p) {}
-inline <T>XPQueue::~<T>XPQueue() {}
-inline void <T>XPQueue::enq(<T&>item)
- p.add_high(item);
-inline <T> <T>XPQueue::deq()
- <T> res = p.low_element();
- p.del_low();
- return res;
-inline <T>& <T>XPQueue::front()
- return p.low_element();
-inline void <T>XPQueue::del_front()
- p.del_low();
-inline void <T>XPQueue::operator =(const <T>XPQueue& s)
- p.operator = (s.p);
-inline int <T>XPQueue::empty()
- return p.empty();
-inline int <T>XPQueue::full()
- return p.full();
-inline int <T>XPQueue::length()
- return p.length();
-inline int <T>XPQueue::OK()
- return p.OK();
-inline void <T>XPQueue::clear()
- p.clear();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPSet.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPSet.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index 596fa88..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPSet.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.XPSet.h"
-int <T>XPSet::OK()
- int v = p.OK();
- v &= count == p.length();
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
-Pix <T>XPSet::seek(<T&> item)
- for (int i = p.low(); i < p.fence();
- if (<T>EQ(p[i],item)) return p.index_to_Pix(i);
- return 0;
-Pix <T>XPSet::add(<T&> item)
- Pix i = seek(item);
- if (i == 0)
- {
- ++count;
- i = p.index_to_Pix(p.add_high(item));
- }
- return i;
-void <T>XPSet::del(<T&> item)
- for (int i = p.low(); i < p.fence();
- {
- if (<T>EQ(p[i], item))
- {
- --count;
- p[i] = p.low_element();
- p.del_low();
- return;
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPSet.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPSet.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index a87d8eb..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPSet.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>XPSet_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>XPSet_h 1
-#include "<T>.Set.h"
-#include "<T>.XPlex.h"
-class <T>XPSet : public <T>Set
- <T>XPlex p;
- <T>XPSet(int chunksize = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T>XPSet(const <T>XPSet&);
- Pix add(<T&> item);
- void del(<T&> item);
- inline int contains(<T&> item);
- inline void clear();
- inline Pix first();
- inline void next(Pix& i);
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix i);
- inline int owns(Pix i);
- Pix seek(<T&> item);
- int OK();
-inline <T>XPSet::<T>XPSet(int chunksize)
- : p(chunksize) { count = 0; }
-inline <T>XPSet::<T>XPSet(const <T>XPSet& s) : p(s.p) { count = s.count; }
-inline Pix <T>XPSet::first()
- return p.first();
-inline void <T>XPSet::next(Pix & idx)
-inline <T>& <T>XPSet::operator ()(Pix idx)
- return p(idx);
-inline void <T>XPSet::clear()
- count = 0; p.clear();
-inline int <T>XPSet::contains (<T&> item)
- return seek(item) != 0;
-inline int <T>XPSet::owns (Pix idx)
- return p.owns(idx);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPStack.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPStack.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index fe24f0f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPStack.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.XPStack.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPStack.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPStack.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 41f78ad..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPStack.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>XPStack_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>XPStack_h
-#include "<T>.XPlex.h"
-#include "<T>.Stack.h"
-class <T>XPStack : public <T>Stack
- <T>XPlex p;
- <T>XPStack(int chunksize = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
- <T>XPStack(const <T>XPStack& s);
- inline ~<T>XPStack();
- void operator = (const <T>XPStack&);
- inline void push(<T&> item);
- inline <T> pop();
- inline <T>& top();
- inline void del_top();
- inline int empty();
- inline int full();
- inline int length();
- inline void clear();
- inline int OK();
-inline <T>XPStack::<T>XPStack(int chunksize)
- : p(chunksize) {}
-inline <T>XPStack::<T>XPStack(const <T>XPStack& s) : p(s.p) {}
-inline <T>XPStack::~<T>XPStack() {}
-inline void <T>XPStack::push(<T&>item)
- p.add_high(item);
-inline <T> <T>XPStack::pop()
- <T> res = p.high_element();
- p.del_high();
- return res;
-inline <T>& <T>XPStack::top()
- return p.high_element();
-inline void <T>XPStack::del_top()
- p.del_high();
-inline void <T>XPStack::operator =(const <T>XPStack& s)
- p.operator = (s.p);
-inline int <T>XPStack::empty()
- return p.empty();
-inline int <T>XPStack::full()
- return p.full();
-inline int <T>XPStack::length()
- return p.length();
-inline int <T>XPStack::OK()
- return p.OK();
-inline void <T>XPStack::clear()
- p.clear();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPlex.ccP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPlex.ccP
deleted file mode 100644
index f530422..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPlex.ccP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "<T>.XPlex.h"
-<T>XPlex:: <T>XPlex()
- lo = fnc = 0;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- set_cache(new <T>IChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, lo+csize));
- hd = ch;
-<T>XPlex:: <T>XPlex(int chunksize)
- if (chunksize == 0) error("invalid constructor specification");
- lo = fnc = 0;
- if (chunksize > 0)
- {
- csize = chunksize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- set_cache(new <T>IChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, csize));
- hd = ch;
- }
- else
- {
- csize = -chunksize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- set_cache(new <T>IChunk(data, chunksize, lo, fnc, fnc));
- hd = ch;
- }
-<T>XPlex:: <T>XPlex(int l, int chunksize)
- if (chunksize == 0) error("invalid constructor specification");
- lo = fnc = l;
- if (chunksize > 0)
- {
- csize = chunksize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- set_cache(new <T>IChunk(data, lo, lo, fnc, csize+lo));
- hd = ch;
- }
- else
- {
- csize = -chunksize;
- <T>* data = new <T>[csize];
- set_cache(new <T>IChunk(data, chunksize+lo, lo, fnc, fnc));
- hd = ch;
- }
-void <T>XPlex::make_initial_chunks(int up)
- int need = fnc - lo;
- hd = 0;
- if (up)
- {
- int l = lo;
- do
- {
- int sz;
- if (need >= csize)
- sz = csize;
- else
- sz = need;
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- <T>IChunk* h = new <T>IChunk(data, l, l, l+sz, l+csize);
- if (hd != 0)
- h->link_to_next(hd);
- else
- hd = h;
- l += sz;
- need -= sz;
- } while (need > 0);
- }
- else
- {
- int hi = fnc;
- do
- {
- int sz;
- if (need >= csize)
- sz = csize;
- else
- sz = need;
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- <T>IChunk* h = new <T>IChunk(data, hi-csize, hi-sz, hi, hi);
- if (hd != 0)
- h->link_to_next(hd);
- hd = h;
- hi -= sz;
- need -= sz;
- } while (need > 0);
- }
- set_cache(hd);
-<T>XPlex:: <T>XPlex(int l, int hi, const <T&> initval, int chunksize)
- lo = l;
- fnc = hi + 1;
- if (chunksize == 0)
- {
- csize = fnc - l;
- make_initial_chunks(1);
- }
- else if (chunksize < 0)
- {
- csize = -chunksize;
- make_initial_chunks(0);
- }
- else
- {
- csize = chunksize;
- make_initial_chunks(1);
- }
- fill(initval);
-<T>XPlex::<T>XPlex(const <T>XPlex& a)
- lo = a.lo;
- fnc = a.fnc;
- csize = a.csize;
- make_initial_chunks();
- for (int i = a.low(); i < a.fence(); (*this)[i] = a[i];
-void <T>XPlex::operator= (const <T>XPlex& a)
- if (&a != this)
- {
- invalidate();
- lo = a.lo;
- fnc = a.fnc;
- csize = a.csize;
- make_initial_chunks();
- for (int i = a.low(); i < a.fence(); (*this)[i] = a[i];
- }
-void <T>XPlex::cache(int idx) const
- const <T>IChunk* tail = tl();
- const <T>IChunk* t = ch;
- while (idx >= t->fence_index())
- {
- if (t == tail) index_error();
- t = (t->next());
- }
- while (idx < t->low_index())
- {
- if (t == hd) index_error();
- t = (t->prev());
- }
- set_cache(t);
-void <T>XPlex::cache(const <T>* p) const
- const <T>IChunk* old = ch;
- const <T>IChunk* t = ch;
- while (!t->actual_pointer(p))
- {
- t = (t->next());
- if (t == old) index_error();
- }
- set_cache(t);
-int <T>XPlex::owns(Pix px) const
- <T>* p = (<T>*)px;
- const <T>IChunk* old = ch;
- const <T>IChunk* t = ch;
- while (!t->actual_pointer(p))
- {
- t = (t->next());
- if (t == old) { set_cache(t); return 0; }
- }
- set_cache(t);
- return 1;
-<T>* <T>XPlex::dosucc(const <T>* p) const
- if (p == 0) return 0;
- const <T>IChunk* old = ch;
- const <T>IChunk* t = ch;
- while (!t->actual_pointer(p))
- {
- t = (t->next());
- if (t == old) return 0;
- }
- int i = t->index_of(p) + 1;
- if (i >= fnc) return 0;
- if (i >= t->fence_index()) t = (t->next());
- set_cache(t);
- return (t->pointer_to(i));
-<T>* <T>XPlex::dopred(const <T>* p) const
- if (p == 0) return 0;
- const <T>IChunk* old = ch;
- const <T>IChunk* t = ch;
- while (!t->actual_pointer(p))
- {
- t = (t->prev());
- if (t == old) return 0;
- }
- int i = t->index_of(p) - 1;
- if (i < lo) return 0;
- if (i < t->low_index()) t = (t->prev());
- set_cache(t);
- return (t->pointer_to(i));
-int <T>XPlex::add_high(const <T&> elem)
- <T>IChunk* t = tl();
- if (!t->can_grow_high())
- {
- if (t-><T>IChunk::empty() && one_chunk())
- t->clear(fnc);
- else
- {
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- t = (new <T>IChunk(data, fnc, fnc, fnc,fnc+csize));
- t->link_to_prev(tl());
- }
- }
- *((t-><T>IChunk::grow_high())) = elem;
- set_cache(t);
- return fnc++;
-int <T>XPlex::del_high ()
- if (empty()) empty_error();
- <T>IChunk* t = tl();
- t-><T>IChunk::shrink_high();
- if (t-><T>IChunk::empty() && !one_chunk())
- {
- <T>IChunk* pred = t->prev();
- del_chunk(t);
- t = pred;
- }
- set_cache(t);
- return --fnc - 1;
-int <T>XPlex::add_low (const <T&> elem)
- <T>IChunk* t = hd;
- if (!t->can_grow_low())
- {
- if (t-><T>IChunk::empty() && one_chunk())
- t->cleardown(lo);
- else
- {
- <T>* data = new <T> [csize];
- hd = new <T>IChunk(data, lo-csize, lo, lo, lo);
- hd->link_to_next(t);
- t = hd;
- }
- }
- *((t-><T>IChunk::grow_low())) = elem;
- set_cache(t);
- return --lo;
-int <T>XPlex::del_low ()
- if (empty()) empty_error();
- <T>IChunk* t = hd;
- t-><T>IChunk::shrink_low();
- if (t-><T>IChunk::empty() && !one_chunk())
- {
- hd = t->next();
- del_chunk(t);
- t = hd;
- }
- set_cache(t);
- return ++lo;
-void <T>XPlex::reverse()
- <T> tmp;
- int l = lo;
- int h = fnc - 1;
- <T>IChunk* loch = hd;
- <T>IChunk* hich = tl();
- while (l < h)
- {
- <T>* lptr = loch->pointer_to(l);
- <T>* hptr = hich->pointer_to(h);
- tmp = *lptr;
- *lptr = *hptr;
- *hptr = tmp;
- if (++l >= loch->fence_index()) loch = loch->next();
- if (--h < hich->low_index()) hich = hich->prev();
- }
-void <T>XPlex::fill(const <T&> x)
- for (int i = lo; i < fnc; ++i) (*this)[i] = x;
-void <T>XPlex::fill(const <T&> x, int l, int hi)
- for (int i = l; i <= hi; ++i) (*this)[i] = x;
-void <T>XPlex::clear()
- if (fnc != lo)
- {
- <T>IChunk* t = tl();
- while (t != hd)
- {
- <T>IChunk* prv = t->prev();
- del_chunk(t);
- t = prv;
- }
- t-><T>IChunk::clear(lo);
- set_cache(t);
- fnc = lo;
- }
-int <T>XPlex::OK () const
- int v = hd != 0 && ch != 0; // at least one chunk
- v &= fnc == tl()->fence_index();// last chunk fence == plex fence
- v &= lo == ((hd))-><T>IChunk::low_index(); // first lo == plex lo
-// loop for others:
- int found_ch = 0; // to make sure ch is in list;
- const <T>IChunk* t = (hd);
- for (;;)
- {
- if (t == ch) ++found_ch;
- v &= t-><T>IChunk::OK(); // each chunk is OK
- if (t == tl())
- break;
- else // and has indices contiguous to succ
- {
- v &= t->top_index() == t->next()->base_index();
- if (t != hd) // internal chunks full
- {
- v &= !t->empty();
- v &= !t->can_grow_low();
- v &= !t->can_grow_high();
- }
- t = t->next();
- }
- }
- v &= found_ch == 1;
- if (!v) error("invariant failure");
- return v;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPlex.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPlex.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 82445b3..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/XPlex.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- based on code by Marc Shapiro (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>XPlex_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _<T>XPlex_h 1
-#include "<T>.Plex.h"
-class <T>XPlex: public <T>Plex
- <T>IChunk* ch; // cached chunk
- void make_initial_chunks(int up = 1);
- void cache(int idx) const;
- void cache(const <T>* p) const;
- <T>* dopred(const <T>* p) const;
- <T>* dosucc(const <T>* p) const;
- inline void set_cache(const <T>IChunk* t) const; // logically,
- // not physically const
- <T>XPlex(); // set low = 0;
- // fence = 0;
- // csize = default
- <T>XPlex(int ch_size); // low = 0;
- // fence = 0;
- // csize = ch_size
- <T>XPlex(int lo, // low = lo;
- int ch_size); // fence=lo
- // csize = ch_size
- <T>XPlex(int lo, // low = lo
- int hi, // fence = hi+1
- const <T&> initval,// fill with initval,
- int ch_size = 0); // csize= ch_size
- // or fence-lo if 0
- <T>XPlex(const <T>XPlex&);
- void operator= (const <T>XPlex&);
-// virtuals
- inline <T>& high_element ();
- inline <T>& low_element ();
- inline const <T>& high_element () const;
- inline const <T>& low_element () const;
- inline Pix first() const;
- inline Pix last() const;
- inline void prev(Pix& ptr) const;
- inline void next(Pix& ptr) const;
- int owns(Pix p) const;
- inline <T>& operator () (Pix p);
- inline const <T>& operator () (Pix p) const;
- inline int low() const;
- inline int high() const;
- inline int valid(int idx) const;
- inline void prev(int& idx) const;
- inline void next(int& x) const;
- inline <T>& operator [] (int index);
- inline const <T>& operator [] (int index) const;
- inline int Pix_to_index(Pix p) const;
- inline Pix index_to_Pix(int idx) const;
- inline int can_add_high() const;
- inline int can_add_low() const;
- inline int full() const;
- int add_high(const <T&> elem);
- int del_high ();
- int add_low (const <T&> elem);
- int del_low ();
- void fill(const <T&> x);
- void fill(const <T&> x, int from, int to);
- void clear();
- void reverse();
- int OK () const;
-inline void <T>XPlex::prev(int& idx) const
- --idx;
-inline void <T>XPlex::next(int& idx) const
- ++idx;
-inline int <T>XPlex::full () const
- return 0;
-inline int <T>XPlex::can_add_high() const
- return 1;
-inline int <T>XPlex::can_add_low() const
- return 1;
-inline int <T>XPlex::valid (int idx) const
- return idx >= lo && idx < fnc;
-inline int <T>XPlex::low() const
- return lo;
-inline int <T>XPlex::high() const
- return fnc - 1;
-inline <T>& <T>XPlex:: operator [] (int idx)
- if (!ch->actual_index(idx)) cache(idx);
- return *(ch->pointer_to(idx));
-inline const <T>& <T>XPlex:: operator [] (int idx) const
- if (!ch->actual_index(idx)) cache(idx);
- return *((const <T>*)(ch->pointer_to(idx)));
-inline <T>& <T>XPlex::low_element ()
- if (empty()) index_error();
- return *(hd->pointer_to(lo));
-inline const <T>& <T>XPlex::low_element () const
- if (empty()) index_error();
- return *((const <T>*)(hd->pointer_to(lo)));
-inline <T>& <T>XPlex::high_element ()
- if (empty()) index_error();
- return *(tl()->pointer_to(fnc - 1));
-inline const <T>& <T>XPlex::high_element () const
- if (empty()) index_error();
- return *((const <T>*)(tl()->pointer_to(fnc - 1)));
-inline int <T>XPlex::Pix_to_index(Pix px) const
- <T>* p = (<T>*)px;
- if (!ch->actual_pointer(p)) cache(p);
- return ch->index_of(p);
-inline Pix <T>XPlex::index_to_Pix(int idx) const
- if (!ch->actual_index(idx)) cache(idx);
- return (Pix)(ch->pointer_to(idx));
-inline Pix <T>XPlex::first() const
- return Pix(hd-><T>IChunk::first_pointer());
-inline Pix <T>XPlex::last() const
- return Pix(tl()-><T>IChunk::last_pointer());
-inline void <T>XPlex::prev(Pix& p) const
- Pix q = Pix(ch-><T>IChunk::pred((<T>*) p));
- p = (q == 0)? Pix(dopred((const <T>*) p)) : q;
-inline void <T>XPlex::next(Pix& p) const
- Pix q = Pix(ch-><T>IChunk::succ((<T>*) p));
- p = (q == 0)? Pix(dosucc((const <T>*)p)) : q;
-inline <T>& <T>XPlex:: operator () (Pix p)
- return *((<T>*)p);
-inline const <T>& <T>XPlex:: operator () (Pix p) const
- return *((const <T>*)p);
-inline void <T>XPlex::set_cache(const <T>IChunk* t) const
- ((<T>XPlex*)(this))->ch = (<T>IChunk*)t;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/defs.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/defs.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index f036175..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/defs.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _<T>defs_h
-#define _<T>defs_h 1
-// equality operator
-#ifndef <T>EQ
-#define <T>EQ(a, b) ((a) == (b))
-// less-than-or-equal
-#ifndef <T>LE
-#define <T>LE(a, b) ((a) <= (b))
-// comparison : less-than -> < 0; equal -> 0; greater-than -> > 0
-#ifndef <T>CMP
-#define <T>CMP(a, b) ( ((a) <= (b))? (((a) == (b))? 0 : -1) : 1 )
-// hash function
-#ifndef <T>HASH
-extern unsigned int hash(<T&>);
-#define <T>HASH(x) hash(x)
-// initial capacity for structures requiring one
-// HASHTABLE_TOO_CROWDED(COUNT, SIZE) is true iff a hash table with COUNT
-// elements and SIZE slots is too full, and should be resized.
-// This is so if available space is less than 1/8.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/intSList.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/intSList.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index 24aa3b6..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/intSList.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* : Light weight List: This will simply reuse code from a int List, which
-was genclassed from the SLList libg++ class. The classes generated from this file
-will all be derived classes from class VoidSLList or intSLList. Note that class SLList does not
-offer all the functionality of List classes, such as sharing of sub-Lists.
-However, no additional code is needed at all and no .cc file is generated. So it costs nothing
-to use these type-safe Lists. Only member functions needing type casting are re-defined */
-#ifndef _<T>SList_h
-#define _<T>SList_h 1
-#include "int.SLList.h"
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-class <T>SList : public intSLList
- <T>SList() {}
- <T>SList(<T>SList& a) : (a) {}
- ~<T>SList() {}
- <T>SList& operator = (<T>SList& a) {
- return (<T>SList&) intSLList::operator= (a); }
- <T>& operator () (Pix p) { return (<T>&) (intSLList::operator() (p)); }
- <T>& front() { return (<T>&) intSLList::front(); }
- <T>& rear() { return (<T>&) intSLList::rear(); }
- <T> remove_front() { return (<T>) intSLList::remove_front(); }
-#endif /* conditional include */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/intVec.hP b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/intVec.hP
deleted file mode 100644
index e383870..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/gen/intVec.hP
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-/* : light weight Vector: This will simply reuse code from */
-/* a int Vec, which was genclassed from the Vec libg++ class. */
-/* The classes generated from this file will all be derived classes */
-/* from class VoidVec or intVec. No .cc file is generated. So */
-/* it costs nothing to use these type-safe Vectors. Only member */
-/* functions needing type casting are re-defined. */
-/* */
-#ifndef _<T>Vec_h
-#define _<T>Vec_h 1
-#include "int.Vec.h"
-#include "<T>.defs.h"
-#ifndef _<T>_typedefs
-#define _<T>_typedefs 1
-typedef void (*<T>Procedure)(<T> );
-typedef <T> (*<T>Mapper)(<T> );
-typedef <T> (*<T>Combiner)(<T> , <T> );
-typedef int (*<T>Predicate)(<T> );
-typedef int (*<T>Comparator)(<T> , <T> );
-class <T>Vec : public intVec
- <T>Vec(int l, <T>* d) : (l, (int*) d) {};
- <T>Vec() {};
- <T>Vec(int l) : (l) {};
- <T>Vec(int l, <T&> fill_value) : (l, fill_value) {};
- <T>Vec(<T>Vec& v) : (v) {};
- <T>Vec(intVec& v) {fake_copy(v, s, len);}
- ~<T>Vec() {};
- <T>Vec& operator = (<T>Vec& a)
- {return (<T>Vec&) intVec::operator= (a);}
- <T>Vec at(int from, int n) {return (<T>Vec) intVec::at(from, n);}
- <T>& operator [] (int n) {return (<T>&)intVec::operator[] (n);}
- <T>& elem(int n) {return (<T>&)intVec::elem(n);}
- friend <T>Vec concat(<T>Vec& a, <T>Vec& b);
- friend <T>Vec map(<T>Mapper f, <T>Vec & a);
- friend <T>Vec merge(<T>Vec & a, <T>Vec & b, <T>Comparator f);
- friend <T>Vec combine(<T>Combiner f, <T>Vec & a, <T>Vec & b);
- friend <T>Vec reverse(<T>Vec& a);
- void sort(<T>Comparator f);
- void apply(<T>Procedure f);
- <T> reduce(<T>Combiner f, <T> base);
-inline <T>Vec concat(<T>Vec& a, <T>Vec& b)
-{return (<T>Vec)concat((intVec&)a, (intVec&)b);}
-inline <T>Vec map(<T>Mapper f, <T>Vec & a) {
- return (<T>Vec)map((intMapper)f, (intVec&)a); }
-inline <T>Vec merge(<T>Vec & a, <T>Vec & b, <T>Comparator f) {
- return (<T>Vec)merge((intVec&)a, (intVec&)b, (intComparator)f); }
-inline <T>Vec combine(<T>Combiner f, <T>Vec & a, <T>Vec & b) {
- return (<T>Vec)combine((intCombiner)f, (intVec&)a, (intVec&)b); }
-inline <T>Vec reverse(<T>Vec& a) {
- return (<T>Vec)reverse((intVec&)a);}
-inline void <T>Vec::sort(<T>Comparator f) {
- intVec::sort((intComparator) f); }
-inline void <T>Vec::apply(<T>Procedure f) {
- intVec::apply((intProcedure) f); }
-inline <T> <T>Vec::reduce(<T>Combiner f, <T> base) {
- return (<T>)intVec::reduce((intCombiner)f, base);}
-#endif /* conditional include */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/generic.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/generic.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d49a924..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/generic.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef generic_h
-#define generic_h 1
- * See the CPP manual, argument prescan section for explanation
- */
-#define name2(a,b) gEnErIc2(a,b)
-#define gEnErIc2(a,b) a ## b
-#define name3(a,b,c) gEnErIc3(a,b,c)
-#define gEnErIc3(a,b,c) a ## b ## c
-#define name4(a,b,c,d) gEnErIc4(a,b,c,d)
-#define gEnErIc4(a,b,c,d) a ## b ## c ## d
-#define GENERIC_STRING(a) gEnErIcStRiNg(a)
-#define gEnErIcStRiNg(a) #a
-#define declare(clas,t) name2(clas,declare)(t)
-#define declare2(clas,t1,t2) name2(clas,declare2)(t1,t2)
-#define implement(clas,t) name2(clas,implement)(t)
-#define implement2(clas,t1,t2) name2(clas,implement2)(t1,t2)
-//extern genericerror(int,char*);
-typedef int (*GPT)(int,char*);
-#define set_handler(gen,type,x) name4(set_,type,gen,_handler)(x)
-#define errorhandler(gen,type) name3(type,gen,handler)
-#define callerror(gen,type,a,b) (*errorhandler(gen,type))(a,b)
-#endif /* generic_h */
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deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#if defined(BSD) || defined(DGUX)
-#ifndef BSD4_1
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#define getpagesize() EXEC_PAGESIZE
-#ifdef NBPG
-#define getpagesize() NBPG * CLSIZE
-#ifndef CLSIZE
-#define CLSIZE 1
-#endif /* no CLSIZE */
-#else /* no NBPG */
-#ifdef NBPC
-#define getpagesize() NBPC
-#endif /* NBPC */
-#endif /* no NBPG */
-#endif /* no EXEC_PAGESIZE */
-#endif /* not HAVE_GETPAGESIZE */
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deleted file mode 100644
index 670e53f..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
- some useful hash functions
-unsigned int hashpjw(const char* x) // From Dragon book, p436
- unsigned int h = 0;
- unsigned int g;
- while (*x != 0)
- {
- h = (h << 4) + *x++;
- if ((g = h & 0xf0000000) != 0)
- h = (h ^ (g >> 24)) ^ g;
- }
- return h;
-unsigned int multiplicativehash(int x)
- // uses a const close to golden ratio * pow(2,32)
- return ((unsigned)x) * 2654435767;
-unsigned int foldhash(double x)
- union { unsigned int i[2]; double d; } u;
- u.d = x;
- unsigned int u0 = u.i[0];
- unsigned int u1 = u.i[1];
- return u0 ^ u1;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 08409a5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of GNU CC.
-GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
-accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
-or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
-unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU CC General Public
-License for full details.
-Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
-GNU CC, but only under the conditions described in the
-GNU CC General Public License. A copy of this license is
-supposed to have been given to you along with GNU CC so you
-can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
-file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
-and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <Obstack.h>
-// Obstacks are used as an easy way to allocate enough space
-// for various builtin input operations
-Obstack _libgxx_io_ob;
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0397dd4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-long lg(unsigned long x)
- long l = 0;
- while (x > 1)
- {
- x = x >> 1;
- ++l;
- }
- return l;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/libc.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/libc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c8b49f2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/libc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
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index ff57096..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/malloc.c
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@@ -1,2690 +0,0 @@
-/* ---------- To make a malloc.h, start cutting here ------------ */
- A version of malloc/free/realloc written by Doug Lea and released to the
- public domain. Send questions/comments/complaints/performance data
- to
-* preliminary VERSION 2.6.2q Mon Jan 8 10:28:33 1996 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- Note: There may be an updated version of this malloc obtainable at
- Check before installing!
-* Synopsis of public routines
- (Much fuller descriptions are contained in the program documentation below.)
- malloc(size_t n);
- Return a pointer to a newly allocated chunk of at least n bytes, or null
- if no space is available.
- free(Void_t* p);
- Release the chunk of memory pointed to by p, or no effect if p is null.
- realloc(Void_t* p, size_t n);
- Return a pointer to a chunk of size n that contains the same data
- as does chunk p up to the minimum of (n, p's size) bytes, or null
- if no space is available. The returned pointer may or may not be
- the same as p. If p is null, equivalent to malloc. Unless the
- #define REALLOC_ZERO_BYTES_FREES below is set, realloc with a
- size argument of zero (re)allocates a minimum-sized chunk.
- memalign(size_t alignment, size_t n);
- Return a pointer to a newly allocated chunk of n bytes, aligned
- in accord with the alignment argument, which must be a power of
- two.
- valloc(size_t n);
- Equivalent to memalign(pagesize, n), where pagesize is the page
- size of the system (or as near to this as can be figured out from
- all the includes/defines below.)
- calloc(size_t unit, size_t quantity);
- Returns a pointer to quantity * unit bytes, with all locations
- set to zero.
- cfree(Void_t* p);
- Equivalent to free(p).
- malloc_trim(size_t pad);
- Release all but pad bytes of freed top-most memory back
- to the system. Return 1 if successful, else 0.
- malloc_usable_size(Void_t* p);
- Report the number usable allocated bytes associated with allocated
- chunk p. This may or may not report more bytes than were requested,
- due to alignment and minimum size constraints.
- malloc_stats();
- Prints brief summary statistics on stderr.
- mallinfo()
- Returns (by copy) a struct containing various summary statistics.
- mallopt(int parameter_number, int parameter_value)
- Changes one of the tunable parameters described below. Returns
- 1 if successful in changing the parameter, else 0.
-* Vital statistics:
- Alignment: 8-byte
- 8 byte alignment is currently hardwired into the design. This
- seems to suffice for all current machines and C compilers.
- Assumed pointer representation: 4 bytes
- Assumed size_t representation: 4 bytes
- Minimum overhead per allocated chunk: 4 bytes
- Each malloced chunk has a hidden overhead of 4 bytes holding size
- and status information.
- Minimum allocated size: 16 bytes (12 bytes usable, 4 overhead)
- When a chunk is freed, 12 additional bytes are needed; 4 for a
- trailing size field and 8 bytes for free list pointers. Thus,
- the minimum allocatable size is 16 bytes, of which 12 bytes are
- usable. Even a request for zero bytes (i.e., malloc(0)) returns
- a pointer to something of the minimum allocatable size.
- Maximum allocated size: 2147483640 (2^31 - 8) bytes
- It is assumed that (possibly signed) 32 bit values suffice to
- represent chunk sizes. `Possibly signed' is due to the fact
- that `size_t' may be defined on a system as either a signed or
- an unsigned type. To be conservative, values that would appear
- as negative numbers are avoided. The maximum size chunk is
- 2^31 - 8 bytes. Requests for negative sizes (when size_t is
- signed) or those greater than (2^31 - 8) bytes will return a
- minimum-sized chunk.
- Maximum overhead wastage per allocated chunk: normally 15 bytes
- Alignnment demands, plus the minimum allocatable size restriction
- make the normal worst-case wastage 15 bytes (i.e., up to 15
- more bytes will be allocated than were requested in malloc), with
- two exceptions:
- 1. Because requests for zero bytes allocate non-zero space,
- the worst case wastage for a request of zero bytes is 24 bytes.
- 2. For requests >= mmap_threshold that are serviced via
- mmap(), the worst case wastage is 8 bytes plus the remainder
- from a system page (the minimal mmap unit); typically 4096 bytes.
-* Synopsis of compile-time options:
- People have reported using previous versions of this malloc on all
- versions of Unix, sometimes by tweaking some of the defines
- below. It has been tested most extensively on Solaris and
- Linux. People have also reported adapting this malloc for use in
- stand-alone embedded systems.
- The implementation is in straight, hand-tuned ANSI C. Among other
- consequences, it uses a lot of macros. Because of this, to be at
- all usable, this code should be compiled using an optimizing compiler
- (for example gcc -O2) that can simplify expressions and control
- paths.
- __STD_C (default: derived from C compiler defines)
- Nonzero if using ANSI-standard C compiler, a C++ compiler, or
- a C compiler sufficiently close to ANSI to get away with it.
- DEBUG (default: NOT defined)
- Define to enable debugging. Adds fairly extensive assertion-based
- checking to help track down memory errors, but noticeably slows down
- execution.
- REALLOC_ZERO_BYTES_FREES (default: NOT defined)
- Define this if you think that realloc(p, 0) should be equivalent
- to free(p). Otherwise, since malloc returns a unique pointer for
- malloc(0), so does realloc(p, 0).
- HAVE_MEMCPY (default: defined)
- Define if you are not otherwise using ANSI STD C, but still
- have memcpy and memset in your C library and want to use them.
- Otherwise, simple internal versions are supplied.
- HAVE_MMAP (default: defined as 1)
- Define to non-zero to optionally make malloc() use mmap() to
- allocate very large blocks.
- malloc_getpagesize (default: derived from system #includes)
- Either a constant or routine call returning the system page size.
- HAVE_USR_INCLUDE_MALLOC_H (default: NOT defined)
- Optionally define if you are on a system with a /usr/include/malloc.h
- that declares struct mallinfo. It is not at all necessary to
- define this even if you do, but will ensure consistency.
- INTERNAL_LINUX_C_LIB (default: NOT defined)
- Defined only when compiled as part of Linux libc.
- Also note that there is some odd internal name-magling via defines
- (for example, internally, `malloc' is named `mALLOc') needed
- when compiling in this case. These look funny but don't otherwise
- affect anything.
- MORECORE (default: sbrk)
- The name of the routine to call to obtain more memory from the system.
- MORECORE_FAILURE (default: -1)
- The value returned upon failure of MORECORE.
- Default values of tunable parameters (described in detail below)
- controlling interaction with host system routines (sbrk, mmap, etc).
- These values may also be changed dynamically via mallopt(). The
- preset defaults are those that give best performance for typical
- programs/systems.
-/* Preliminaries */
-#ifndef __STD_C
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#define __STD_C 1
-#if __cplusplus
-#define __STD_C 1
-#define __STD_C 0
-#endif /*__cplusplus*/
-#endif /*__STDC__*/
-#endif /*__STD_C*/
-#ifndef Void_t
-#if __STD_C
-#define Void_t void
-#define Void_t char
-#endif /*Void_t*/
-#if __STD_C
-#include <stddef.h> /* for size_t */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <stdio.h> /* needed for malloc_stats */
- Compile-time options
- Debugging:
- Because freed chunks may be overwritten with link fields, this
- malloc will often die when freed memory is overwritten by user
- programs. This can be very effective (albeit in an annoying way)
- in helping track down dangling pointers.
- If you compile with -DDEBUG, a number of assertion checks are
- enabled that will catch more memory errors. You probably won't be
- able to make much sense of the actual assertion errors, but they
- should help you locate incorrectly overwritten memory. The
- checking is fairly extensive, and will slow down execution
- noticeably. Calling malloc_stats or mallinfo with DEBUG set will
- attempt to check every non-mmapped allocated and free chunk in the
- course of computing the summmaries. (By nature, mmapped regions
- cannot be checked very much automatically.)
- Setting DEBUG may also be helpful if you are trying to modify
- this code. The assertions in the check routines spell out in more
- detail the assumptions and invariants underlying the algorithms.
-#if DEBUG
-#include <assert.h>
-#define assert(x) ((void)0)
- REALLOC_ZERO_BYTES_FREES should be set if a call to
- realloc with zero bytes should be the same as a call to free.
- Some people think it should. Otherwise, since this malloc
- returns a unique pointer for malloc(0), so does realloc(p, 0).
- HAVE_MEMCPY should be defined if you are not otherwise using
- ANSI STD C, but still have memcpy and memset in your C library
- and want to use them in calloc and realloc. Otherwise simple
- macro versions are defined here.
-#define HAVE_MEMCPY
-#if __STD_C || defined(HAVE_MEMCPY)
-void* memset(void*, int, size_t);
-void* memcpy(void*, const void*, size_t);
-#define MALLOC_ZERO(charp, nbytes) memset(charp, 0, nbytes)
-#define MALLOC_COPY(dest,src,nbytes) memcpy((dest), (src), (nbytes))
-/* We only invoke with multiples of size_t units, with size_t alignment */
-#define MALLOC_ZERO(charp, nbytes) \
-{ \
- size_t* mzp = (size_t*)(charp); \
- size_t mzn = (nbytes) / sizeof(size_t); \
- while (mzn-- > 0) *mzp++ = 0; \
-#define MALLOC_COPY(dest,src,nbytes) \
-{ \
- size_t* mcsrc = (size_t*) src; \
- size_t* mcdst = (size_t*) dest; \
- long mcn = (nbytes) / sizeof(size_t); \
- while (mcn-- > 0) *mcdst++ = *mcsrc++; \
- Define HAVE_MMAP to optionally make malloc() use mmap() to
- allocate very large blocks. These will be returned to the
- operating system immediately after a free().
-#ifndef HAVE_MMAP
-#define HAVE_MMAP 1
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#if !defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS) && defined(MAP_ANON)
-#endif /* HAVE_MMAP */
- Access to system page size. To the extent possible, this malloc
- manages memory from the system in page-size units.
- The following mechanics for getpagesize were adapted from
- bsd/gnu getpagesize.h
-#ifndef malloc_getpagesize
-#if defined(BSD) || defined(DGUX) || defined(HAVE_GETPAGESIZE)
- extern size_t getpagesize();
-# define malloc_getpagesize getpagesize()
-# include <sys/param.h>
-# define malloc_getpagesize EXEC_PAGESIZE
-# else
-# ifdef NBPG
-# ifndef CLSIZE
-# define malloc_getpagesize NBPG
-# else
-# define malloc_getpagesize (NBPG * CLSIZE)
-# endif
-# else
-# ifdef NBPC
-# define malloc_getpagesize NBPC
-# else
-# ifdef PAGESIZE
-# define malloc_getpagesize PAGESIZE
-# else
-# define malloc_getpagesize (4096) /* just guess */
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
- This version of malloc supports the standard SVID/XPG mallinfo
- routine that returns a struct containing the same kind of
- information you can get from malloc_stats. It should work on
- any SVID/XPG compliant system that has a /usr/include/malloc.h
- defining struct mallinfo. (If you'd like to install such a thing
- yourself, cut out the preliminary declarations as described above
- and below and save them in a malloc.h file. But there's no
- compelling reason to bother to do this.)
- The main declaration needed is the mallinfo struct that is returned
- (by-copy) by mallinfo(). The SVID/XPG malloinfo struct contains a
- bunch of fields, most of which are not even meaningful in this
- version of malloc. Some of these fields are are instead filled by
- mallinfo() with other numbers that might possibly be of interest.
- HAVE_USR_INCLUDE_MALLOC_H should be set if you have a
- /usr/include/malloc.h file that includes a declaration of struct
- mallinfo. If so, it is included; else an SVID2/XPG2 compliant
- version is declared below. These must be precisely the same for
- mallinfo() to work.
-#include "/usr/include/malloc.h"
-/* SVID2/XPG mallinfo structure */
-struct mallinfo {
- int arena; /* total space allocated from system */
- int ordblks; /* number of non-inuse chunks */
- int smblks; /* unused -- always zero */
- int hblks; /* number of mmapped regions */
- int hblkhd; /* total space in mmapped regions */
- int usmblks; /* unused -- always zero */
- int fsmblks; /* unused -- always zero */
- int uordblks; /* total allocated space */
- int fordblks; /* total non-inuse space */
- int keepcost; /* top-most, releasable (via malloc_trim) space */
-/* SVID2/XPG mallopt options */
-#define M_MXFAST 1 /* UNUSED in this malloc */
-#define M_NLBLKS 2 /* UNUSED in this malloc */
-#define M_GRAIN 3 /* UNUSED in this malloc */
-#define M_KEEP 4 /* UNUSED in this malloc */
-/* mallopt options that actually do something */
-#define M_TRIM_THRESHOLD -1
-#define M_TOP_PAD -2
-#define M_MMAP_THRESHOLD -3
-#define M_MMAP_MAX -4
-#define DEFAULT_TRIM_THRESHOLD (1024 * 1024)
- M_TRIM_THRESHOLD is the maximum amount of unused top-most memory
- to keep before releasing via malloc_trim in free().
- Automatic trimming is mainly useful in long-lived programs.
- Because trimming via sbrk can be slow on some systems, and can
- sometimes be wasteful (in cases where programs immediately
- afterward allocate more large chunks) the value should be high
- enough so that your overall system performance would improve by
- releasing.
- The trim threshold and the mmap control parameters (see below)
- can be traded off with one another. Trimming and mmapping are
- two different ways of releasing unused memory back to the
- system. Between these two, it is often possible to keep
- system-level demands of a long-lived program down to a bare
- minimum. For example, in one test suite of sessions measuring
- the XF86 X server on Linux, using a trim threshold of 128K and a
- mmap threshold of 192K led to near-minimal long term resource
- consumption.
- If you are using this malloc in a long-lived program, it should
- pay to experiment with these values. As a rough guide, you
- might set to a value close to the average size of a process
- (program) running on your system. Releasing this much memory
- would allow such a process to run in memory. Generally, it's
- worth it to tune for trimming rather tham memory mapping when a
- program undergoes phases where several large chunks are
- allocated and released in ways that can reuse each other's
- storage, perhaps mixed with phases where there are no such
- chunks at all. And in well-behaved long-lived programs,
- controlling release of large blocks via trimming versus mapping
- is usually faster.
- However, in most programs, these parameters serve mainly as
- protection against the system-level effects of carrying around
- massive amounts of unneeded memory. Since frequent calls to
- sbrk, mmap, and munmap otherwise degrade performance, the default
- parameters are set to relatively high values that serve only as
- safeguards.
- The default trim value is high enough to cause trimming only in
- fairly extreme (by current memory consumption standards) cases.
- It must be greater than page size to have any useful effect. To
- disable trimming completely, you can set to (unsigned long)(-1);
-#define DEFAULT_TOP_PAD (0)
- M_TOP_PAD is the amount of extra `padding' space to allocate or
- retain whenever sbrk is called. It is used in two ways internally:
- * When sbrk is called to extend the top of the arena to satisfy
- a new malloc request, this much padding is added to the sbrk
- request.
- * When malloc_trim is called automatically from free(),
- it is used as the `pad' argument.
- In both cases, the actual amount of padding is rounded
- so that the end of the arena is always a system page boundary.
- The main reason for using padding is to avoid calling sbrk so
- often. Having even a small pad greatly reduces the likelihood
- that nearly every malloc request during program start-up (or
- after trimming) will invoke sbrk, which needlessly wastes
- time.
- Automatic rounding-up to page-size units is normally sufficient
- to avoid measurable overhead, so the default is 0. However, in
- systems where sbrk is relatively slow, it can pay to increase
- this value, at the expense of carrying around more memory than
- the program needs.
-#define DEFAULT_MMAP_THRESHOLD (128 * 1024)
- M_MMAP_THRESHOLD is the request size threshold for using mmap()
- to service a request. Requests of at least this size that cannot
- be allocated using already-existing space will be serviced via mmap.
- (If enough normal freed space already exists it is used instead.)
- Using mmap segregates relatively large chunks of memory so that
- they can be individually obtained and released from the host
- system. A request serviced through mmap is never reused by any
- other request (at least not directly; the system may just so
- happen to remap successive requests to the same locations).
- Segregating space in this way has the benefit that mmapped space
- can ALWAYS be individually released back to the system, which
- helps keep the system level memory demands of a long-lived
- program low. Mapped memory can never become `locked' between
- other chunks, as can happen with normally allocated chunks, which
- menas that even trimming via malloc_trim would not release them.
- However, it has the disadvantages that:
- 1. The space cannot be reclaimed, consolidated, and then
- used to service later requests, as happens with normal chunks.
- 2. It can lead to more wastage because of mmap page alignment
- requirements
- 3. It causes malloc performance to be more dependent on host
- system memory management support routines which may vary in
- implementation quality and may impose arbitrary
- limitations. Generally, servicing a request via normal
- malloc steps is faster than going through a system's mmap.
- All together, these considerations should lead you to use mmap
- only for relatively large requests.
-#define DEFAULT_MMAP_MAX (8)
-#define DEFAULT_MMAP_MAX (0)
- M_MMAP_MAX is the maximum number of requests to simultaneously
- service using mmap. This parameter exists because:
- 1. Some systems have a limited number of internal tables for
- use by mmap.
- 2. In most systems, overreliance on mmap can degrade overall
- performance.
- 3. If a program allocates many large regions, it is probably
- better off using normal sbrk-based allocation routines that
- can reclaim and reallocate normal heap memory. Using a
- small value allows transition into this mode after the
- first few allocations.
- Setting to 0 disables all use of mmap. If HAVE_MMAP is not set,
- the default value is 0, and attempts to set it to non-zero values
- in mallopt will fail.
- Special defines for linux libc
- Except when compiled using these special defines for Linux libc
- using weak aliases, this malloc is NOT designed to work in
- multithreaded applications. No semaphores or other concurrency
- control are provided to ensure that multiple malloc or free calls
- don't run at the same time, which could be disasterous. A single
- semaphore could be used across malloc, realloc, and free (which is
- essentially the effect of the linux weak alias approach). It would
- be hard to obtain finer granularity.
-#if __STD_C
-Void_t * __default_morecore_init (ptrdiff_t);
-Void_t *(*__morecore)(ptrdiff_t) = __default_morecore_init;
-Void_t * __default_morecore_init ();
-Void_t *(*__morecore)() = __default_morecore_init;
-#define MORECORE (*__morecore)
-#if __STD_C
-extern Void_t* sbrk(ptrdiff_t);
-extern Void_t* sbrk();
-#ifndef MORECORE
-#define MORECORE sbrk
-#endif /* INTERNAL_LINUX_C_LIB */
-#if defined(INTERNAL_LINUX_C_LIB) && defined(__ELF__)
-#define cALLOc __libc_calloc
-#define fREe __libc_free
-#define mALLOc __libc_malloc
-#define mEMALIGn __libc_memalign
-#define rEALLOc __libc_realloc
-#define vALLOc __libc_valloc
-#define mALLINFo __libc_mallinfo
-#define mALLOPt __libc_mallopt
-#pragma weak calloc = __libc_calloc
-#pragma weak free = __libc_free
-#pragma weak cfree = __libc_free
-#pragma weak malloc = __libc_malloc
-#pragma weak memalign = __libc_memalign
-#pragma weak realloc = __libc_realloc
-#pragma weak valloc = __libc_valloc
-#pragma weak mallinfo = __libc_mallinfo
-#pragma weak mallopt = __libc_mallopt
-#define cALLOc calloc
-#define fREe free
-#define mALLOc malloc
-#define mEMALIGn memalign
-#define rEALLOc realloc
-#define vALLOc valloc
-#define mALLINFo mallinfo
-#define mALLOPt mallopt
-/* Public routines */
-#if __STD_C
-Void_t* mALLOc(size_t);
-void fREe(Void_t*);
-Void_t* rEALLOc(Void_t*, size_t);
-Void_t* mEMALIGn(size_t, size_t);
-Void_t* vALLOc(size_t);
-Void_t* cALLOc(size_t, size_t);
-void cfree(Void_t*);
-int malloc_trim(size_t);
-size_t malloc_usable_size(Void_t*);
-void malloc_stats();
-int mALLOPt(int, int);
-struct mallinfo mALLINFo(void);
-Void_t* mALLOc();
-void fREe();
-Void_t* rEALLOc();
-Void_t* mEMALIGn();
-Void_t* vALLOc();
-Void_t* cALLOc();
-void cfree();
-int malloc_trim();
-size_t malloc_usable_size();
-void malloc_stats();
-int mALLOPt();
-struct mallinfo mALLINFo();
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-}; /* end of extern "C" */
-/* ---------- To make a malloc.h, end cutting here ------------ */
- Type declarations
-struct malloc_chunk
- size_t size; /* Size in bytes, including overhead. */
- struct malloc_chunk* fd; /* double links -- used only if free. */
- struct malloc_chunk* bk;
- size_t unused; /* to pad decl to min chunk size */
-typedef struct malloc_chunk* mchunkptr;
- malloc_chunk details:
- (The following includes lightly edited explanations by Colin Plumb.)
- Chunks of memory are maintained using a `boundary tag' method as
- described in e.g., Knuth or Standish. (See the paper by Paul
- Wilson for a
- survey of such techniques.) Sizes of free chunks are stored both
- in the front of each chunk and at the end. This makes
- consolidating fragmented chunks into bigger chunks very fast. The
- size fields also hold bits representing whether chunks are free or
- in use.
- An allocated chunk looks like this:
- chunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Size of chunk, in bytes |P|
- mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | User data starts here... .
- . .
- . (malloc_usable_space() bytes) .
- . |
-nextchunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Size of next chunk |1|
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- Where "chunk" is the front of the chunk for the purpose of most of
- the malloc code, but "mem" is the pointer that is returned to the
- user. "Nextchunk" is the beginning of the next contiguous chunk.
- Chunks always begin on odd-word boundries, so the mem portion
- (which is returned to the user) is on an even word boundary, and
- thus double-word aligned.
- Free chunks are stored in circular doubly-linked lists, and look like this:
- chunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- `head:' | Size of chunk, in bytes |P|
- mem-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Forward pointer to next chunk in list |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Back pointer to previous chunk in list |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Unused space (may be 0 bytes long) .
- . .
- . |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- `foot:' | Size of chunk, in bytes |
-nextchunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Size of next chunk |0|
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- The P (PREV_INUSE) bit, stored in the unused low-order bit of the
- chunk size (which is always a multiple of two words), is an in-use
- bit for the *previous* chunk. If that bit is *clear*, then the
- word before the current chunk size contains the previous chunk
- size, and can be used to find the front of the previous chunk.
- (The very first chunk allocated always has this bit set,
- preventing access to non-existent (or non-owned) memory.)
- The two exceptions to all this are
- 1. The special chunk `top', which doesn't bother using the
- trailing size field since there is no
- next contiguous chunk that would have to index off it. (After
- initialization, `top' is forced to always exist. If it would
- become less than MINSIZE bytes long, it is replenished via
- malloc_extend_top.)
- 2. Chunks allocated via mmap, which have the second-lowest-order
- bit (IS_MMAPPED) set in their size fields. Because they are
- never merged or traversed from any other chunk, they have no
- foot size or inuse information.
- Available chunks are kept in any of several places (all declared below):
- * `av': An array of chunks serving as bin headers for consolidated
- chunks. Each bin is doubly linked. The bins are approximately
- proportionally (log) spaced. There are a lot of these bins
- (128). This may look excessive, but works very well in
- practice. All procedures maintain the invariant that no
- consolidated chunk physically borders another one. Chunks in
- bins are kept in size order, with ties going to the
- approximately least recently used chunk.
- The chunks in each bin are maintained in decreasing sorted order by
- size. This is irrelevant for the small bins, which all contain
- the same-sized chunks, but facilitates best-fit allocation for
- larger chunks. (These lists are just sequential. Keeping them in
- order almost never requires enough traversal to warrant using
- fancier ordered data structures.) Chunks of the same size are
- linked with the most recently freed at the front, and allocations
- are taken from the back. This results in LRU or FIFO allocation
- order, which tends to give each chunk an equal opportunity to be
- consolidated with adjacent freed chunks, resulting in larger free
- chunks and less fragmentation.
- * `top': The top-most available chunk (i.e., the one bordering the
- end of available memory) is treated specially. It is never
- included in any bin, is used only if no other chunk is
- available, and is released back to the system if it is very
- large (see M_TRIM_THRESHOLD).
- * `last_remainder': A bin holding only the remainder of the
- most recently split (non-top) chunk. This bin is checked
- before other non-fitting chunks, so as to provide better
- locality for runs of sequentially allocated chunks.
- * Implicitly, through the host system's memory mapping tables.
- If supported, requests greater than a threshold are usually
- serviced via calls to mmap, and then later released via munmap.
-/* sizes, alignments */
-#define SIZE_SZ (sizeof(size_t))
-#define MINSIZE (sizeof(struct malloc_chunk))
-/* conversion from malloc headers to user pointers, and back */
-#define chunk2mem(p) ((Void_t*)((char*)(p) + SIZE_SZ))
-#define mem2chunk(mem) ((mchunkptr)((char*)(mem) - SIZE_SZ))
-/* pad request bytes into a usable size */
-#define request2size(req) \
- (((long)(req) < (long)(MINSIZE - SIZE_SZ)) ? MINSIZE : \
-/* Check if m has acceptable alignment */
-#define aligned_OK(m) (((size_t)((m)) & (MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK)) == 0)
- Physical chunk operations
-/* size field is or'ed with PREV_INUSE when previous adjacent chunk in use */
-#define PREV_INUSE 0x1
-/* size field is or'ed with IS_MMAPPED if the chunk was obtained with mmap() */
-#define IS_MMAPPED 0x2
-/* Bits to mask off when extracting size */
-/* Ptr to next physical malloc_chunk. */
-#define next_chunk(p) ((mchunkptr)( ((char*)(p)) + ((p)->size & ~PREV_INUSE) ))
-/* Ptr to previous physical malloc_chunk */
-#define prev_chunk(p)\
- ((mchunkptr)( ((char*)(p)) - *((size_t*)((char*)(p) - SIZE_SZ))))
-/* Treat space at ptr + offset as a chunk */
-#define chunk_at_offset(p, s) ((mchunkptr)(((char*)(p)) + (s)))
- Dealing with use bits
-/* extract p's inuse bit */
-#define inuse(p)\
-((((mchunkptr)(((char*)(p))+((p)->size & ~PREV_INUSE)))->size) & PREV_INUSE)
-/* extract inuse bit of previous chunk */
-#define prev_inuse(p) ((p)->size & PREV_INUSE)
-/* check for mmap()'ed chunk */
-#define chunk_is_mmapped(p) ((p)->size & IS_MMAPPED)
-/* set/clear chunk as in use without otherwise disturbing */
-#define set_inuse(p)\
-((mchunkptr)(((char*)(p)) + ((p)->size & ~PREV_INUSE)))->size |= PREV_INUSE
-#define clear_inuse(p)\
-((mchunkptr)(((char*)(p)) + ((p)->size & ~PREV_INUSE)))->size &= ~(PREV_INUSE)
-/* check/set/clear inuse bits in known places */
-#define inuse_bit_at_offset(p, s)\
- (((mchunkptr)(((char*)(p)) + (s)))->size & PREV_INUSE)
-#define set_inuse_bit_at_offset(p, s)\
- (((mchunkptr)(((char*)(p)) + (s)))->size |= PREV_INUSE)
-#define clear_inuse_bit_at_offset(p, s)\
- (((mchunkptr)(((char*)(p)) + (s)))->size &= ~(PREV_INUSE))
- Dealing with size fields
-/* Get size, ignoring use bits */
-#define chunksize(p) ((p)->size & ~(SIZE_BITS))
-/* Set size at head, without disturbing its use bit */
-#define set_head_size(p, s) ((p)->size = (((p)->size & PREV_INUSE) | (s)))
-/* Set size/use ignoring previous bits in header */
-#define set_head(p, s) ((p)->size = (s))
-/* Set size at footer (only when chunk is not in use) */
-#define set_foot(p, s) (*((size_t*)((char*)(p) + (s) - SIZE_SZ)) = (s))
-/* Get size of previous (but not inuse) chunk */
-#define prev_size(p) (*((size_t*)((char*)(p) - SIZE_SZ)))
- Bins
- The bins, `av_' are an array of pairs of pointers serving as the
- heads of (initially empty) doubly-linked lists of chunks, laid out
- in a way so that each pair can be treated as if it were in a
- malloc_chunk. (This way, the fd/bk offsets for linking bin heads
- and chunks are the same).
- Bins for sizes < 512 bytes contain chunks of all the same size, spaced
- 8 bytes apart. Larger bins are approximately logarithmically
- spaced. (See the table below.) The `av_' array is never mentioned
- directly in the code, but instead via bin access macros.
- Bin layout:
- 64 bins of size 8
- 32 bins of size 64
- 16 bins of size 512
- 8 bins of size 4096
- 4 bins of size 32768
- 2 bins of size 262144
- 1 bin of size what's left
- There is actually a little bit of slop in the numbers in bin_index
- for the sake of speed. This makes no difference elsewhere.
- The special chunks `top' and `last_remainder' get their own bins,
- (this is implemented via yet more trickery with the av_ array),
- although `top' is never properly linked to its bin since it is
- always handled specially.
-#define NAV 128 /* number of bins */
-typedef struct malloc_chunk* mbinptr;
-/* access macros */
-#define bin_at(i) ((mbinptr)(&(av_[2 * (i)])))
-#define next_bin(b) ((mbinptr)((char*)(b) + 2 * sizeof(mbinptr)))
- The first 2 bins are never indexed. The corresponding av_ cells are instead
- used for bookkeeping. This is not to save space, but to simplify
- indexing, maintain locality, and avoid some initialization tests.
-#define top (bin_at(0)->fd) /* The topmost chunk */
-#define last_remainder (bin_at(1)) /* remainder from last split */
- Because top initially points to its own bin with initial
- zero size, thus forcing extension on the first malloc request,
- we avoid having any special code in malloc to check whether
- it even exists yet. But we still need to in malloc_extend_top.
-#define initial_top ((mchunkptr)(av_))
-/* Helper macro to initialize bins */
-#define IAV(i) (mbinptr)(av_ + 2 * i), (mbinptr)(av_ + 2 * i)
-static mbinptr av_[NAV * 2 + 2] = {
- 0,
- IAV(0), IAV(1), IAV(2), IAV(3), IAV(4), IAV(5), IAV(6), IAV(7),
- IAV(8), IAV(9), IAV(10), IAV(11), IAV(12), IAV(13), IAV(14), IAV(15),
- IAV(16), IAV(17), IAV(18), IAV(19), IAV(20), IAV(21), IAV(22), IAV(23),
- IAV(24), IAV(25), IAV(26), IAV(27), IAV(28), IAV(29), IAV(30), IAV(31),
- IAV(32), IAV(33), IAV(34), IAV(35), IAV(36), IAV(37), IAV(38), IAV(39),
- IAV(40), IAV(41), IAV(42), IAV(43), IAV(44), IAV(45), IAV(46), IAV(47),
- IAV(48), IAV(49), IAV(50), IAV(51), IAV(52), IAV(53), IAV(54), IAV(55),
- IAV(56), IAV(57), IAV(58), IAV(59), IAV(60), IAV(61), IAV(62), IAV(63),
- IAV(64), IAV(65), IAV(66), IAV(67), IAV(68), IAV(69), IAV(70), IAV(71),
- IAV(72), IAV(73), IAV(74), IAV(75), IAV(76), IAV(77), IAV(78), IAV(79),
- IAV(80), IAV(81), IAV(82), IAV(83), IAV(84), IAV(85), IAV(86), IAV(87),
- IAV(88), IAV(89), IAV(90), IAV(91), IAV(92), IAV(93), IAV(94), IAV(95),
- IAV(96), IAV(97), IAV(98), IAV(99), IAV(100), IAV(101), IAV(102), IAV(103),
- IAV(104), IAV(105), IAV(106), IAV(107), IAV(108), IAV(109), IAV(110), IAV(111),
- IAV(112), IAV(113), IAV(114), IAV(115), IAV(116), IAV(117), IAV(118), IAV(119),
- IAV(120), IAV(121), IAV(122), IAV(123), IAV(124), IAV(125), IAV(126), IAV(127),
- 0
-/* field-extraction macros */
-#define first(b) ((b)->fd)
-#define last(b) ((b)->bk)
- Indexing into bins
-#define bin_index(sz) \
-(((((unsigned long)(sz)) >> 9) == 0) ? (((unsigned long)(sz)) >> 3): \
- ((((unsigned long)(sz)) >> 9) <= 4) ? 56 + (((unsigned long)(sz)) >> 6): \
- ((((unsigned long)(sz)) >> 9) <= 20) ? 91 + (((unsigned long)(sz)) >> 9): \
- ((((unsigned long)(sz)) >> 9) <= 84) ? 110 + (((unsigned long)(sz)) >> 12): \
- ((((unsigned long)(sz)) >> 9) <= 340) ? 119 + (((unsigned long)(sz)) >> 15): \
- ((((unsigned long)(sz)) >> 9) <= 1364) ? 124 + (((unsigned long)(sz)) >> 18): \
- 126)
- bins for chunks < 512 are all spaced 8 bytes apart, and hold
- identically sized chunks. This is exploited in malloc.
-#define MAX_SMALLBIN 63
-#define MAX_SMALLBIN_SIZE 512
-#define smallbin_index(sz) (((unsigned long)(sz)) >> 3)
- Requests are `small' if both the corresponding and the next bin are small
-#define is_small_request(nb) (nb < MAX_SMALLBIN_SIZE - SMALLBIN_WIDTH)
- To help compensate for the large number of bins, a one-level index
- structure is used for bin-by-bin searching. `binblocks' is a
- one-word bitvector recording whether groups of BINBLOCKWIDTH bins
- have any (possibly) non-empty bins, so they can be skipped over
- all at once during during traversals. The bits are NOT always
- cleared as soon as all bins in a block are empty, but instead only
- when all are noticed to be empty during traversal in malloc.
-#define BINBLOCKWIDTH 4 /* bins per block */
-#define binblocks (bin_at(0)->size) /* bitvector of nonempty blocks */
-/* bin<->block macros */
-#define idx2binblock(ix) (1 << (ix / BINBLOCKWIDTH))
-#define mark_binblock(ii) (binblocks |= idx2binblock(ii))
-#define clear_binblock(ii) (binblocks &= ~(idx2binblock(ii)))
-/* Other static bookkeeping data */
-/* variables holding tunable values */
-static unsigned long trim_threshold = DEFAULT_TRIM_THRESHOLD;
-static unsigned long top_pad = DEFAULT_TOP_PAD;
-static unsigned int n_mmaps_max = DEFAULT_MMAP_MAX;
-static unsigned long mmap_threshold = DEFAULT_MMAP_THRESHOLD;
-/* The first value returned from sbrk */
-static char* sbrk_base = (char*)(-1);
-/* The maximum memory obtained from system via sbrk */
-static unsigned long max_sbrked_mem = 0;
-/* The maximum via either sbrk or mmap */
-static unsigned long max_total_mem = 0;
-/* internal working copy of mallinfo */
-static struct mallinfo current_mallinfo = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-/* The total memory obtained from system via sbrk */
-#define sbrked_mem (current_mallinfo.arena)
-/* Tracking mmaps */
-static unsigned int n_mmaps = 0;
-static unsigned int max_n_mmaps = 0;
-static unsigned long mmapped_mem = 0;
-static unsigned long max_mmapped_mem = 0;
- Debugging support
-#if DEBUG
- These routines make a number of assertions about the states
- of data structures that should be true at all times. If any
- are not true, it's very likely that a user program has somehow
- trashed memory. (It's also possible that there is a coding error
- in malloc. In which case, please report it!)
-#if __STD_C
-static void do_check_chunk(mchunkptr p)
-static void do_check_chunk(p) mchunkptr p;
- size_t sz = p->size & ~PREV_INUSE;
- /* No checkable chunk is mmapped */
- assert(!chunk_is_mmapped(p));
- /* Check for legal address ... */
- assert((char*)p >= sbrk_base);
- if (p != top)
- assert((char*)p + sz <= (char*)top);
- else
- assert((char*)p + sz <= sbrk_base + sbrked_mem);
-#if __STD_C
-static void do_check_free_chunk(mchunkptr p)
-static void do_check_free_chunk(p) mchunkptr p;
- size_t sz = p->size & ~PREV_INUSE;
- mchunkptr next = chunk_at_offset(p, sz);
- do_check_chunk(p);
- /* Check whether it claims to be free ... */
- assert(!inuse(p));
- /* Unless a special marker, must have OK fields */
- if ((long)sz >= (long)MINSIZE)
- {
- assert((sz & MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK) == 0);
- assert((((size_t)((char*)(p) + SIZE_SZ)) & MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK) == 0);
- /* ... matching footer field */
- assert(*((size_t*)((char*)(p) + sz - SIZE_SZ)) == sz);
- /* ... and is fully consolidated */
- assert(prev_inuse(p));
- assert (next == top || inuse(next));
- /* ... and has minimally sane links */
- assert(p->fd->bk == p);
- assert(p->bk->fd == p);
- }
- else /* markers are always of size SIZE_SZ */
- assert(sz == SIZE_SZ);
-#if __STD_C
-static void do_check_inuse_chunk(mchunkptr p)
-static void do_check_inuse_chunk(p) mchunkptr p;
- mchunkptr next = next_chunk(p);
- do_check_chunk(p);
- /* Check whether it claims to be in use ... */
- assert(inuse(p));
- /* ... and is surrounded by OK chunks.
- Since more things can be checked with free chunks than inuse ones,
- if an inuse chunk borders them and debug is on, it's worth doing them.
- */
- if (!prev_inuse(p))
- {
- mchunkptr prv = prev_chunk(p);
- assert(next_chunk(prv) == p);
- do_check_free_chunk(prv);
- }
- if (next == top)
- assert(prev_inuse(next));
- else if (!inuse(next))
- do_check_free_chunk(next);
-#if __STD_C
-static void do_check_malloced_chunk(mchunkptr p, size_t s)
-static void do_check_malloced_chunk(p, s) mchunkptr p; size_t s;
- size_t sz = p->size & ~PREV_INUSE;
- long room = sz - s;
- do_check_inuse_chunk(p);
- /* Legal size ... */
- assert((long)sz >= (long)MINSIZE);
- assert((sz & MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK) == 0);
- assert(room >= 0);
- assert(room < (long)MINSIZE);
- /* ... and alignment */
- assert((((size_t)((char*)(p) + SIZE_SZ)) & MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK) == 0);
- /* ... and was allocated at front of an available chunk */
- assert(prev_inuse(p));
-#define check_free_chunk(P) do_check_free_chunk(P)
-#define check_inuse_chunk(P) do_check_inuse_chunk(P)
-#define check_chunk(P) do_check_chunk(P)
-#define check_malloced_chunk(P,N) do_check_malloced_chunk(P,N)
-#define check_free_chunk(P)
-#define check_inuse_chunk(P)
-#define check_chunk(P)
-#define check_malloced_chunk(P,N)
- Macro-based internal utilities
- Linking chunks in bin lists.
- Call these only with variables, not arbitrary expressions, as arguments.
- Place chunk p of size s in its bin, in size order,
- putting it ahead of others of same size.
-#define frontlink(P, S, IDX, BK, FD) \
-{ \
- { \
- IDX = smallbin_index(S); \
- mark_binblock(IDX); \
- BK = bin_at(IDX); \
- FD = BK->fd; \
- P->bk = BK; \
- P->fd = FD; \
- FD->bk = BK->fd = P; \
- } \
- else \
- { \
- IDX = bin_index(S); \
- BK = bin_at(IDX); \
- FD = BK->fd; \
- if (FD == BK) mark_binblock(IDX); \
- else \
- { \
- while (FD != BK && S < chunksize(FD)) FD = FD->fd; \
- BK = FD->bk; \
- } \
- P->bk = BK; \
- P->fd = FD; \
- FD->bk = BK->fd = P; \
- } \
-/* take a chunk off a list */
-#define unlink(P, BK, FD) \
-{ \
- BK = P->bk; \
- FD = P->fd; \
- FD->bk = BK; \
- BK->fd = FD; \
-} \
-/* Place p as the last remainder */
-#define link_last_remainder(P) \
-{ \
- last_remainder->fd = last_remainder->bk = P; \
- P->fd = P->bk = last_remainder; \
-/* Clear the last_remainder bin */
-#define clear_last_remainder \
- (last_remainder->fd = last_remainder->bk = last_remainder)
-/* Routines dealing with mmap(). */
-#if __STD_C
-static mchunkptr mmap_chunk(size_t size)
-static mchunkptr mmap_chunk(size) size_t size;
- size_t offset = (MALLOC_ALIGNMENT) - SIZE_SZ;
- size_t page_mask = malloc_getpagesize - 1;
- char *cp;
- mchunkptr p;
- static int fd = -1;
- if(n_mmaps >= n_mmaps_max) return 0; /* too many regions */
- /* The offset to the start of the mmapped region is stored
- * in a size_t field immediately before the chunk.
- */
- size = (size + offset + page_mask) & ~page_mask;
- cp = (char *)mmap(0, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
-#else /* !MAP_ANONYMOUS */
- if (fd < 0)
- {
- fd = open("/dev/zero", O_RDWR);
- if(fd < 0) return 0;
- }
- cp = (char *)mmap(0, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
- if(cp == (char *)-1) return 0;
- n_mmaps++;
- if (n_mmaps > max_n_mmaps) max_n_mmaps = n_mmaps;
- p = (mchunkptr)(cp + offset);
- /* We demand that eight bytes into a page must be 8-byte aligned. */
- assert(aligned_OK(chunk2mem(p)));
- *((size_t *)p - 1) = offset;
- set_head(p, (size - offset)|IS_MMAPPED);
- mmapped_mem += size;
- if ((unsigned long)mmapped_mem > (unsigned long)max_mmapped_mem)
- max_mmapped_mem = mmapped_mem;
- if ((unsigned long)(mmapped_mem + sbrked_mem) > (unsigned long)max_total_mem)
- max_total_mem = mmapped_mem + sbrked_mem;
- return p;
-#if __STD_C
-static void munmap_chunk(mchunkptr p)
-static void munmap_chunk(p) mchunkptr p;
- size_t offset = *((size_t *)p - 1);
- size_t size = chunksize(p);
- int ret;
- assert (chunk_is_mmapped(p));
- assert(! ((char*)p >= sbrk_base && (char*)p < sbrk_base + sbrked_mem));
- assert((n_mmaps > 0));
- assert(((size + offset) & (malloc_getpagesize-1)) == 0);
- ret = munmap((char *)p - offset, size + offset);
- /* munmap returns non-zero on failure */
- assert(ret == 0);
- n_mmaps--;
- mmapped_mem -= (size + offset);
-#endif /* HAVE_MMAP */
- Extend the top-most chunk by obtaining memory from system.
- Main interface to sbrk (but see also malloc_trim).
-#if __STD_C
-static void malloc_extend_top(size_t nb)
-static void malloc_extend_top(nb) size_t nb;
- char* brk; /* return value from sbrk */
- size_t front_misalign; /* unusable bytes at front of sbrked space */
- size_t correction; /* bytes for 2nd sbrk call */
- char* new_brk; /* return of 2nd sbrk call */
- size_t top_size; /* new size of top chunk */
- mchunkptr old_top = top; /* Record state of old top */
- size_t old_top_size = chunksize(old_top);
- char* old_end = (char*)(chunk_at_offset(old_top, old_top_size));
- /* Pad request with top_pad plus minimal overhead */
- size_t sbrk_size = nb + top_pad + MINSIZE;
- unsigned long pagesz = malloc_getpagesize;
- /* If not the first time through, round to preserve page boundary */
- /* Otherwise, we need to correct to a page size below anyway. */
- /* (We also correct below if an intervening foreign sbrk call.) */
- if (sbrk_base != (char*)(-1))
- sbrk_size = (sbrk_size + (pagesz - 1)) & ~(pagesz - 1);
- brk = (char*)(MORECORE (sbrk_size));
- /* Fail if sbrk failed or if a foreign sbrk call killed our space */
- if (brk == (char*)(MORECORE_FAILURE) ||
- (brk < old_end && old_top != initial_top))
- return;
- sbrked_mem += sbrk_size;
- if (brk == old_end) /* can just add bytes to current top */
- {
- top_size = sbrk_size + old_top_size;
- set_head(top, top_size | PREV_INUSE);
- }
- else
- {
- if (sbrk_base == (char*)(-1)) /* First time through. Record base */
- sbrk_base = brk;
- else /* Someone else called sbrk(). Count those bytes as sbrked_mem. */
- sbrked_mem += brk - (char*)old_end;
- /* Guarantee alignment of first new chunk made from this space */
- front_misalign = (size_t)chunk2mem(brk) & MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK;
- if (front_misalign > 0)
- {
- correction = (MALLOC_ALIGNMENT) - front_misalign;
- brk += correction;
- }
- else
- correction = 0;
- /* Guarantee the next brk will be at a page boundary */
- correction += pagesz - ((size_t)(brk + sbrk_size) & (pagesz - 1));
- /* Allocate correction */
- new_brk = (char*)(MORECORE (correction));
- if (new_brk == (char*)(MORECORE_FAILURE)) return;
- sbrked_mem += correction;
- top = (mchunkptr)brk;
- top_size = new_brk - brk + correction;
- set_head(top, top_size | PREV_INUSE);
- if (old_top != initial_top)
- {
- /* There must have been an intervening foreign sbrk call. */
- /* A double fencepost is necessary to prevent consolidation */
- chunk_at_offset(old_top, old_top_size - 2*SIZE_SZ)->size =
- chunk_at_offset(old_top, old_top_size - SIZE_SZ)->size =
- /* Also keep size a multiple of MINSIZE */
- old_top_size = (old_top_size - 2*SIZE_SZ) & MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK;
- chunk_at_offset(old_top, old_top_size )->size =
- chunk_at_offset(old_top, old_top_size + SIZE_SZ)->size =
- set_head_size(old_top, old_top_size);
- /* If possible, release the rest. */
- if (old_top_size >= MINSIZE)
- fREe(chunk2mem(old_top));
- }
- }
- if ((unsigned long)sbrked_mem > (unsigned long)max_sbrked_mem)
- max_sbrked_mem = sbrked_mem;
- if ((unsigned long)(mmapped_mem + sbrked_mem) > (unsigned long)max_total_mem)
- max_total_mem = mmapped_mem + sbrked_mem;
- /* We always land on a page boundary */
- assert(((size_t)((char*)top + top_size) & (pagesz - 1)) == 0);
-/* Main public routines */
- Malloc Algorthim:
- The requested size is first converted into a usable form, `nb'.
- This currently means to add 4 bytes overhead plus possibly more to
- obtain 8-byte alignment and/or to obtain a size of at least
- MINSIZE (currently 16 bytes), the smallest allocatable size.
- (All fits are considered `exact' if they are within MINSIZE bytes.)
- From there, the first successful of the following steps is taken:
- 1. The bin corresponding to the request size is scanned, and if
- a chunk of exactly the right size is found, it is taken.
- 2. The most recently remaindered chunk is used if it is big
- enough. This is a form of (roving) first fit, used only in
- the absence of exact fits. Runs of consecutive requests use
- the remainder of the chunk used for the previous such request
- whenever possible. This limited use of a first-fit style
- allocation strategy tends to give contiguous chunks
- coextensive lifetimes, which improves locality and can reduce
- fragmentation in the long run.
- 3. Other bins are scanned in increasing size order, using a
- chunk big enough to fulfill the request, and splitting off
- any remainder. This search is strictly by best-fit; i.e.,
- the smallest (with ties going to approximately the least
- recently used) chunk that fits is selected.
- 4. If large enough, the chunk bordering the end of memory
- (`top') is split off. (This use of `top' is in accord with
- the best-fit search rule. In effect, `top' is treated as
- larger (and thus less well fitting) than any other available
- chunk since it can be extended to be as large as necessary
- (up to system limitations).
- 5. If the request size meets the mmap threshold and the
- system supports mmap, and there are few enough currently
- allocated mmapped regions, and a call to mmap succeeds,
- the request is allocated via direct memory mapping.
- 6. Otherwise, the top of memory is extended by
- obtaining more space from the system (normally using sbrk,
- but definable to anything else via the MORECORE macro).
- Memory is gathered from the system (in system page-sized
- units) in a way that allows chunks obtained across different
- sbrk calls to be consolidated, but does not require
- contiguous memory. Thus, it should be safe to intersperse
- mallocs with other sbrk calls.
- All allocations are made from the the `lowest' part of any found
- chunk. (The implementation invariant is that prev_inuse is
- always true of any allocated chunk; i.e., that each allocated
- chunk borders either a previously allocated and still in-use chunk,
- or the base of its memory arena.)
-#if __STD_C
-Void_t* mALLOc(size_t bytes)
-Void_t* mALLOc(bytes) size_t bytes;
- mchunkptr victim; /* inspected/selected chunk */
- size_t victim_size; /* its size */
- int idx; /* index for bin traversal */
- mbinptr bin; /* associated bin */
- mchunkptr remainder; /* remainder from a split */
- long remainder_size; /* its size */
- int remainder_index; /* its bin index */
- unsigned long block; /* block traverser bit */
- int startidx; /* first bin of a traversed block */
- mchunkptr fwd; /* misc temp for linking */
- mchunkptr bck; /* misc temp for linking */
- size_t nb = request2size(bytes); /* padded request size; */
- /* Check for exact match in a bin */
- if (is_small_request(nb)) /* Faster version for small requests */
- {
- idx = smallbin_index(nb);
- /* No traversal or size check necessary for small bins. */
- /* Also scan the next one, since it would have a remainder < MINSIZE */
- if ( ((victim = last(bin_at(idx))) != bin_at(idx)) ||
- ((victim = last(bin_at(idx+1))) != bin_at(idx+1)))
- {
- victim_size = chunksize(victim);
- unlink(victim, bck, fwd);
- set_inuse_bit_at_offset(victim, victim_size);
- check_malloced_chunk(victim, nb);
- return chunk2mem(victim);
- }
- idx += 2; /* Set for bin scan below. We've already scanned 2 bins. */
- }
- else
- {
- idx = bin_index(nb);
- bin = bin_at(idx);
- for (victim = last(bin); victim != bin; victim = victim->bk)
- {
- victim_size = chunksize(victim);
- remainder_size = victim_size - nb;
- if (remainder_size >= (long)MINSIZE) /* too big */
- {
- --idx; /* adjust to rescan below after checking last remainder */
- break;
- }
- else if (remainder_size >= 0) /* exact fit */
- {
- unlink(victim, bck, fwd);
- set_inuse_bit_at_offset(victim, victim_size);
- check_malloced_chunk(victim, nb);
- return chunk2mem(victim);
- }
- }
- ++idx;
- }
- /* Try to use the last split-off remainder */
- if ( (victim = last_remainder->fd) != last_remainder)
- {
- victim_size = chunksize(victim);
- remainder_size = victim_size - nb;
- if (remainder_size >= (long)MINSIZE) /* re-split */
- {
- remainder = chunk_at_offset(victim, nb);
- set_head(victim, nb | PREV_INUSE);
- link_last_remainder(remainder);
- set_head(remainder, remainder_size | PREV_INUSE);
- set_foot(remainder, remainder_size);
- check_malloced_chunk(victim, nb);
- return chunk2mem(victim);
- }
- clear_last_remainder;
- if (remainder_size >= 0) /* exhaust */
- {
- set_inuse_bit_at_offset(victim, victim_size);
- check_malloced_chunk(victim, nb);
- return chunk2mem(victim);
- }
- /* Else place in bin */
- frontlink(victim, victim_size, remainder_index, bck, fwd);
- }
- /*
- If there are any possibly nonempty big-enough blocks,
- search for best fitting chunk by scanning bins in blockwidth units.
- */
- if ( (block = idx2binblock(idx)) <= binblocks)
- {
- /* Get to the first marked block */
- if ( (block & binblocks) == 0)
- {
- /* force to an even block boundary */
- idx = (idx & ~(BINBLOCKWIDTH - 1)) + BINBLOCKWIDTH;
- block <<= 1;
- while ((block & binblocks) == 0)
- {
- block <<= 1;
- }
- }
- /* For each possibly nonempty block ... */
- for (;;)
- {
- startidx = idx; /* (track incomplete blocks) */
- /* For each bin in this block ... */
- do
- {
- bin = bin_at(idx);
- /* Find and use first big enough chunk ... */
- for (victim = last(bin); victim != bin; victim = victim->bk)
- {
- victim_size = chunksize(victim);
- remainder_size = victim_size - nb;
- if (remainder_size >= (long)MINSIZE) /* split */
- {
- remainder = chunk_at_offset(victim, nb);
- set_head(victim, nb | PREV_INUSE);
- unlink(victim, bck, fwd);
- link_last_remainder(remainder);
- set_head(remainder, remainder_size | PREV_INUSE);
- set_foot(remainder, remainder_size);
- check_malloced_chunk(victim, nb);
- return chunk2mem(victim);
- }
- else if (remainder_size >= 0) /* take */
- {
- set_inuse_bit_at_offset(victim, victim_size);
- unlink(victim, bck, fwd);
- check_malloced_chunk(victim, nb);
- return chunk2mem(victim);
- }
- }
- } while ((++idx & (BINBLOCKWIDTH - 1)) != 0);
- /* Clear out the block bit. */
- do /* Possibly backtrack to try to clear a partial block */
- {
- if ((startidx & (BINBLOCKWIDTH - 1)) == 0)
- {
- binblocks &= ~block;
- break;
- }
- --startidx;
- } while (first(bin_at(startidx)) == bin_at(startidx));
- /* Get to the next possibly nonempty block */
- if ( (block <<= 1) <= binblocks && (block != 0) )
- {
- while ((block & binblocks) == 0)
- {
- block <<= 1;
- }
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Try to use top chunk */
- /* Require that there be a remainder, ensuring top always exists */
- if ( (remainder_size = chunksize(top) - nb) < (long)MINSIZE)
- {
- /* If big and would otherwise need to extend, try to use mmap instead */
- if ((unsigned long)nb >= (unsigned long)mmap_threshold &&
- (victim = mmap_chunk(nb)) != 0)
- return chunk2mem(victim);
- /* Try to extend */
- malloc_extend_top(nb);
- if ( (remainder_size = chunksize(top) - nb) < (long)MINSIZE)
- return 0; /* propagate failure */
- }
- victim = top;
- set_head(victim, nb | PREV_INUSE);
- top = chunk_at_offset(victim, nb);
- set_head(top, remainder_size | PREV_INUSE);
- check_malloced_chunk(victim, nb);
- return chunk2mem(victim);
- free() algorithm :
- cases:
- 1. free(0) has no effect.
- 2. If the chunk was allocated via mmap, it is release via munmap().
- 3. If a returned chunk borders the current high end of memory,
- it is consolidated into the top, and if the total unused
- topmost memory exceeds the trim threshold, malloc_trim is
- called.
- 4. Other chunks are consolidated as they arrive, and
- placed in corresponding bins. (This includes the case of
- consolidating with the current `last_remainder').
-#if __STD_C
-void fREe(Void_t* mem)
-void fREe(mem) Void_t* mem;
- mchunkptr p; /* chunk corresponding to mem */
- size_t hd; /* its head field */
- size_t sz; /* its size */
- int idx; /* its bin index */
- mchunkptr next; /* next contiguous chunk */
- size_t nextsz; /* its size */
- size_t prevsz; /* size of previous contiguous chunk */
- mchunkptr bck; /* misc temp for linking */
- mchunkptr fwd; /* misc temp for linking */
- int islr; /* track whther merging with last_remainder */
- if (mem == 0) /* free(0) has no effect */
- return;
- p = mem2chunk(mem);
- hd = p->size;
- if (hd & IS_MMAPPED) /* release mmapped memory. */
- {
- munmap_chunk(p);
- return;
- }
- check_inuse_chunk(p);
- sz = hd & ~PREV_INUSE;
- next = chunk_at_offset(p, sz);
- nextsz = chunksize(next);
- if (next == top) /* merge with top */
- {
- sz += nextsz;
- if (!(hd & PREV_INUSE)) /* consolidate backward */
- {
- prevsz = prev_size(p);
- p = chunk_at_offset(p, -prevsz);
- sz += prevsz;
- unlink(p, bck, fwd);
- }
- set_head(p, sz | PREV_INUSE);
- top = p;
- if ((unsigned long)(sz) >= (unsigned long)trim_threshold)
- malloc_trim(top_pad);
- return;
- }
- set_head(next, nextsz); /* clear inuse bit */
- islr = 0;
- if (!(hd & PREV_INUSE)) /* consolidate backward */
- {
- prevsz = prev_size(p);
- p = chunk_at_offset(p, -prevsz);
- sz += prevsz;
- if (p->fd == last_remainder) /* keep as last_remainder */
- islr = 1;
- else
- unlink(p, bck, fwd);
- }
- if (!(inuse_bit_at_offset(next, nextsz))) /* consolidate forward */
- {
- sz += nextsz;
- if (!islr && next->fd == last_remainder) /* re-insert last_remainder */
- {
- islr = 1;
- link_last_remainder(p);
- }
- else
- unlink(next, bck, fwd);
- }
- set_head(p, sz | PREV_INUSE);
- set_foot(p, sz);
- if (!islr)
- frontlink(p, sz, idx, bck, fwd);
- Realloc algorithm:
- If the reallocation is for additional space, and the chunk can be
- extended, it is, else a malloc-copy-free sequence is taken. There
- are several different ways that a chunk could be extended. All are
- tried:
- * Extending forward into following adjacent free chunk.
- * Shifting backwards, joining preceding adjacent space
- * Both shifting backwards and extending forward.
- * Extending into newly sbrked space
- If the reallocation is for less space, the trailing space is
- lopped off and freed. Unless the #define REALLOC_ZERO_BYTES_FREES
- is set, realloc with a size argument of zero (re)allocates a
- minimum-sized chunk.
- Chunks that were obtained via mmap cannot be extended or shrunk.
- If their reallocation is for additional space, they are copied.
- If for less, they are just left alone.
- The old unix realloc convention of allowing the last-free'd chunk
- to be used as an argument to realloc is no longer supported.
- I don't know of any programs still relying on this feature,
- and allowing it would also allow too many other incorrect
- usages of realloc to be sensible.
-#if __STD_C
-Void_t* rEALLOc(Void_t* oldmem, size_t bytes)
-Void_t* rEALLOc(oldmem, bytes) Void_t* oldmem; size_t bytes;
- size_t nb; /* padded request size */
- mchunkptr oldp; /* chunk corresponding to oldmem */
- size_t oldsize; /* its size */
- mchunkptr newp; /* chunk to return */
- size_t newsize; /* its size */
- Void_t* newmem; /* corresponding user mem */
- mchunkptr next; /* next contiguous chunk after oldp */
- size_t nextsize; /* its size */
- mchunkptr prev; /* previous contiguous chunk before oldp */
- size_t prevsize; /* its size */
- mchunkptr remainder; /* holds split off extra space from newp */
- size_t remainder_size; /* its size */
- mchunkptr bck; /* misc temp for linking */
- mchunkptr fwd; /* misc temp for linking */
- if (bytes == 0) { fREe(oldmem); return 0; }
- /* realloc of null is supposed to be same as malloc */
- if (oldmem == 0) return mALLOc(bytes);
- newp = oldp = mem2chunk(oldmem);
- newsize = oldsize = chunksize(oldp);
- nb = request2size(bytes);
- if (chunk_is_mmapped(oldp))
- {
- if(oldsize >= nb) return oldmem; /* do nothing */
- /* Must alloc, copy, free. */
- newmem = mALLOc(bytes);
- if (newmem == 0) return 0; /* propagate failure */
- MALLOC_COPY(newmem, oldmem, oldsize - SIZE_SZ);
- munmap_chunk(oldp);
- return newmem;
- }
- check_inuse_chunk(oldp);
- if ((long)(oldsize) < (long)(nb))
- {
- /* Try expanding forward */
- next = chunk_at_offset(oldp, oldsize);
- if (next == top || !inuse(next))
- {
- nextsize = chunksize(next);
- /* Forward into top only if a remainder */
- if (next == top)
- {
- if ((long)(nextsize + newsize) >= (long)(nb + MINSIZE))
- {
- newsize += nextsize;
- top = chunk_at_offset(oldp, nb);
- set_head(top, (newsize - nb) | PREV_INUSE);
- set_head_size(oldp, nb);
- return chunk2mem(oldp);
- }
- }
- /* Forward into next chunk */
- else if (((long)(nextsize + newsize) >= (long)(nb)))
- {
- unlink(next, bck, fwd);
- newsize += nextsize;
- goto split;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- next = 0;
- nextsize = 0;
- }
- /* Try shifting backwards. */
- if (!prev_inuse(oldp))
- {
- prev = prev_chunk(oldp);
- prevsize = chunksize(prev);
- /* try forward + backward first to save a later consolidation */
- if (next != 0)
- {
- /* into top */
- if (next == top)
- {
- if ((long)(nextsize + prevsize + newsize) >= (long)(nb + MINSIZE))
- {
- unlink(prev, bck, fwd);
- newp = prev;
- newsize += prevsize + nextsize;
- newmem = chunk2mem(newp);
- MALLOC_COPY(newmem, oldmem, oldsize - SIZE_SZ);
- top = chunk_at_offset(newp, nb);
- set_head(top, (newsize - nb) | PREV_INUSE);
- set_head_size(newp, nb);
- return chunk2mem(newp);
- }
- }
- /* into next chunk */
- else if (((long)(nextsize + prevsize + newsize) >= (long)(nb)))
- {
- unlink(next, bck, fwd);
- unlink(prev, bck, fwd);
- newp = prev;
- newsize += nextsize + prevsize;
- newmem = chunk2mem(newp);
- MALLOC_COPY(newmem, oldmem, oldsize - SIZE_SZ);
- goto split;
- }
- }
- /* backward only */
- if (prev != 0 && (long)(prevsize + newsize) >= (long)nb)
- {
- unlink(prev, bck, fwd);
- newp = prev;
- newsize += prevsize;
- newmem = chunk2mem(newp);
- MALLOC_COPY(newmem, oldmem, oldsize - SIZE_SZ);
- goto split;
- }
- }
- /* Must allocate */
- newmem = mALLOc (bytes);
- if (newmem == 0) /* propagate failure */
- return 0;
- /* Avoid copy if newp is next chunk after oldp. */
- /* (This can only happen when new chunk is sbrk'ed.) */
- if ( (newp = mem2chunk(newmem)) == next_chunk(oldp))
- {
- newsize += chunksize(newp);
- newp = oldp;
- goto split;
- }
- /* Otherwise copy, free, and exit */
- MALLOC_COPY(newmem, oldmem, oldsize - SIZE_SZ);
- fREe(oldmem);
- return newmem;
- }
- split: /* split off extra room in old or expanded chunk */
- if (newsize - nb >= MINSIZE) /* split off remainder */
- {
- remainder = chunk_at_offset(newp, nb);
- remainder_size = newsize - nb;
- set_head_size(newp, nb);
- set_head(remainder, remainder_size | PREV_INUSE);
- set_inuse_bit_at_offset(remainder, remainder_size);
- fREe(chunk2mem(remainder)); /* let free() deal with it */
- }
- else
- {
- set_head_size(newp, newsize);
- set_inuse_bit_at_offset(newp, newsize);
- }
- check_inuse_chunk(newp);
- return chunk2mem(newp);
- memalign algorithm:
- memalign requests more than enough space from malloc, finds a spot
- within that chunk that meets the alignment request, and then
- possibly frees the leading and trailing space.
- The alignment argument must be a power of two. This property is not
- checked by memalign, so misuse may result in random runtime errors.
- 8-byte alignment is guaranteed by normal malloc calls, so don't
- bother calling memalign with an argument of 8 or less.
- Overreliance on memalign is a sure way to fragment space.
-#if __STD_C
-Void_t* mEMALIGn(size_t alignment, size_t bytes)
-Void_t* mEMALIGn(alignment, bytes) size_t alignment; size_t bytes;
- size_t nb; /* padded request size */
- char* m; /* memory returned by malloc call */
- mchunkptr p; /* corresponding chunk */
- char* brk; /* alignment point within p */
- mchunkptr newp; /* chunk to return */
- size_t newsize; /* its size */
- size_t leadsize; /* leading space befor alignment point */
- mchunkptr remainder; /* spare room at end to split off */
- long remainder_size; /* its size */
- /* If need less alignment than we give anyway, just relay to malloc */
- if (alignment <= MALLOC_ALIGNMENT) return mALLOc(bytes);
- /* Otherwise, ensure that it is at least a minimum chunk size */
- if (alignment < MINSIZE) alignment = MINSIZE;
- /* Call malloc with worst case padding to hit alignment. */
- nb = request2size(bytes);
- m = (char*)(mALLOc(nb + alignment + MINSIZE));
- if (m == 0) return 0; /* propagate failure */
- p = mem2chunk(m);
- if ((((size_t)(m)) % alignment) == 0) /* aligned */
- {
- if(chunk_is_mmapped(p))
- return chunk2mem(p); /* nothing more to do */
- }
- else /* misaligned */
- {
- /*
- Find an aligned spot inside chunk.
- Since we need to give back leading space in a chunk of at
- least MINSIZE, if the first calculation places us at
- a spot with less than MINSIZE leader, we can move to the
- next aligned spot -- we've allocated enough total room so that
- this is always possible.
- */
- brk = (char*) ( (((size_t)(m + alignment - 1)) & -alignment) - SIZE_SZ );
- if ((long)(brk - (char*)(p)) < MINSIZE) brk = brk + alignment;
- newp = (mchunkptr)brk;
- leadsize = brk - (char*)(p);
- newsize = chunksize(p) - leadsize;
- if(chunk_is_mmapped(p))
- {
- *((size_t *)newp - 1) = *((size_t *)p - 1) + leadsize;
- set_head(newp, newsize|IS_MMAPPED);
- return chunk2mem(newp);
- }
- /* give back leader, use the rest */
- set_head(newp, newsize | PREV_INUSE);
- set_inuse_bit_at_offset(newp, newsize);
- set_head_size(p, leadsize);
- fREe(chunk2mem(p));
- p = newp;
- }
- /* Also give back spare room at the end */
- remainder_size = chunksize(p) - nb;
- if (remainder_size >= (long)MINSIZE)
- {
- remainder = chunk_at_offset(p, nb);
- set_head(remainder, remainder_size | PREV_INUSE);
- set_head_size(p, nb);
- fREe(chunk2mem(remainder));
- }
- check_inuse_chunk(p);
- return chunk2mem(p);
- valloc just invokes memalign with alignment argument equal
- to the page size of the system (or as near to this as can
- be figured out from all the includes/defines above.)
-#if __STD_C
-Void_t* vALLOc(size_t bytes)
-Void_t* vALLOc(bytes) size_t bytes;
- return mEMALIGn (malloc_getpagesize, bytes);
- calloc calls malloc, then zeroes out the allocated chunk.
-#if __STD_C
-Void_t* cALLOc(size_t n, size_t elem_size)
-Void_t* cALLOc(n, elem_size) size_t n; size_t elem_size;
- mchunkptr p;
- size_t csz;
- size_t sz = n * elem_size;
- Void_t* mem = mALLOc (sz);
- if (mem == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- p = mem2chunk(mem);
- if(chunk_is_mmapped(p)) /* no clearing is necessary */
- return mem;
- csz = chunksize(p);
- MALLOC_ZERO(mem, csz - SIZE_SZ);
- return mem;
- }
- cfree just calls free. It is needed/defined on some systems
- that pair it with calloc, presumably for odd historical reasons.
-#if !defined(INTERNAL_LINUX_C_LIB) || !defined(__ELF__)
-#if __STD_C
-void cfree(Void_t *mem)
-void cfree(mem) Void_t *mem;
- free(mem);
- Malloc_trim gives memory back to the system (via negative
- arguments to sbrk) if there is unused memory at the `high' end of
- the malloc pool. You can call this after freeing large blocks of
- memory to potentially reduce the system-level memory requirements
- of a program. However, it cannot guarantee to reduce memory. Under
- some allocation patterns, some large free blocks of memory will be
- locked between two used chunks, so they cannot be given back to
- the system.
- The `pad' argument to malloc_trim represents the amount of free
- trailing space to leave untrimmed. If this argument is zero,
- only the minimum amount of memory to maintain internal data
- structures will be left (one page or less). Non-zero arguments
- can be supplied to maintain enough trailing space to service
- future expected allocations without having to re-obtain memory
- from the system.
- Malloc_trim returns 1 if it actually released any memory, else 0.
-#if __STD_C
-int malloc_trim(size_t pad)
-int malloc_trim(pad) size_t pad;
- long top_size; /* Amount of top-most memory */
- long extra; /* Amount to release */
- char* current_brk; /* address returned by pre-check sbrk call */
- char* new_brk; /* address returned by negative sbrk call */
- unsigned long pagesz = malloc_getpagesize;
- top_size = chunksize(top);
- extra = ((top_size - pad - MINSIZE + (pagesz-1)) / pagesz - 1) * pagesz;
- if (extra < (long)pagesz) /* Not enough memory to release */
- return 0;
- else
- {
- /* Test to make sure no one else called sbrk */
- current_brk = (char*)(MORECORE (0));
- if (current_brk != (char*)(top) + top_size)
- return 0; /* Apparently we don't own memory; must fail */
- else
- {
- new_brk = (char*)(MORECORE (-extra));
- if (new_brk == (char*)(MORECORE_FAILURE)) /* sbrk failed? */
- {
- /* Try to figure out what we have */
- current_brk = (char*)(MORECORE (0));
- top_size = current_brk - (char*)top;
- if (top_size >= (long)MINSIZE) /* if not, we are very very dead! */
- {
- sbrked_mem = current_brk - sbrk_base;
- set_head(top, top_size | PREV_INUSE);
- }
- check_chunk(top);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Success. Adjust top accordingly. */
- set_head(top, (top_size - extra) | PREV_INUSE);
- sbrked_mem -= extra;
- check_chunk(top);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- malloc_usable_size:
- This routine tells you how many bytes you can actually use in an
- allocated chunk, which may be more than you requested (although
- often not). You can use this many bytes without worrying about
- overwriting other allocated objects. Not a particularly great
- programming practice, but still sometimes useful.
-#if __STD_C
-size_t malloc_usable_size(Void_t* mem)
-size_t malloc_usable_size(mem) Void_t* mem;
- mchunkptr p;
- if (mem == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- p = mem2chunk(mem);
- if(!chunk_is_mmapped(p))
- {
- if (!inuse(p)) return 0;
- check_inuse_chunk(p);
- }
- return chunksize(p) - SIZE_SZ;
- }
-/* Utility to update current_mallinfo for malloc_stats and mallinfo() */
-static void malloc_update_mallinfo()
- int i;
- mbinptr b;
- mchunkptr p;
-#if DEBUG
- mchunkptr q;
- size_t avail = chunksize(top);
- int navail = ((long)(avail) >= (long)MINSIZE)? 1 : 0;
- for (i = 1; i < NAV; ++i)
- {
- b = bin_at(i);
- for (p = last(b); p != b; p = p->bk)
- {
-#if DEBUG
- check_free_chunk(p);
- for (q = next_chunk(p);
- q < top && inuse(q) && (long)(chunksize(q)) >= (long)MINSIZE;
- q = next_chunk(q))
- check_inuse_chunk(q);
- avail += chunksize(p);
- navail++;
- }
- }
- current_mallinfo.ordblks = navail;
- current_mallinfo.uordblks = sbrked_mem - avail;
- current_mallinfo.fordblks = avail;
- current_mallinfo.hblks = n_mmaps;
- current_mallinfo.hblkhd = mmapped_mem;
- current_mallinfo.keepcost = chunksize(top);
- malloc_stats:
- Prints on stderr the amount of space obtain from the system (both
- via sbrk and mmap), the maximum amount (which may be more than
- current if malloc_trim and/or munmap got called), the maximum
- number of simultaneous mmap regions used, and the current number
- of bytes allocated via malloc (or realloc, etc) but not yet
- freed. (Note that this is the number of bytes allocated, not the
- number requested. It will be larger than the number requested
- because of alignment and bookkeeping overhead.)
-void malloc_stats()
- malloc_update_mallinfo();
- fprintf(stderr, "max system bytes = %10u\n",
- (unsigned int)(max_total_mem));
- fprintf(stderr, "system bytes = %10u\n",
- (unsigned int)(sbrked_mem + mmapped_mem));
- fprintf(stderr, "in use bytes = %10u\n",
- (unsigned int)(current_mallinfo.uordblks + mmapped_mem));
- fprintf(stderr, "max mmap regions = %10u\n",
- (unsigned int)max_n_mmaps);
- mallinfo returns a copy of updated current mallinfo.
-struct mallinfo mALLINFo()
- malloc_update_mallinfo();
- return current_mallinfo;
- mallopt:
- mallopt is the general SVID/XPG interface to tunable parameters.
- The format is to provide a (parameter-number, parameter-value) pair.
- mallopt then sets the corresponding parameter to the argument
- value if it can (i.e., so long as the value is meaningful),
- and returns 1 if successful else 0.
- See descriptions of tunable parameters above.
-#if __STD_C
-int mALLOPt(int param_number, int value)
-int mALLOPt(param_number, value) int param_number; int value;
- switch(param_number)
- {
- trim_threshold = value; return 1;
- case M_TOP_PAD:
- top_pad = value; return 1;
- mmap_threshold = value; return 1;
- case M_MMAP_MAX:
- n_mmaps_max = value; return 1;
- if (value != 0) return 0; else n_mmaps_max = value; return 1;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- V2.6.2 Tue Dec 5 06:52:55 1995 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Integrated most documentation with the code.
- * Add support for mmap, with help from
- Wolfram Gloger (
- * Use last_remainder in more cases.
- * Pack bins using idea from
- * Use ordered bins instead of best-fit threshhold
- * Eliminate block-local decls to simplify tracing and debugging.
- * Support another case of realloc via move into top
- * Fix error occuring when initial sbrk_base not word-aligned.
- * Rely on page size for units instead of SBRK_UNIT to
- avoid surprises about sbrk alignment conventions.
- * Add mallinfo, mallopt. Thanks to Raymond Nijssen
- ( for the suggestion.
- * Add `pad' argument to malloc_trim and top_pad mallopt parameter.
- * More precautions for cases where other routines call sbrk,
- courtesy of Wolfram Gloger (
- * Added macros etc., allowing use in linux libc from
- H.J. Lu (
- * Inverted this history list
- V2.6.1 Sat Dec 2 14:10:57 1995 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Re-tuned and fixed to behave more nicely with V2.6.0 changes.
- * Removed all preallocation code since under current scheme
- the work required to undo bad preallocations exceeds
- the work saved in good cases for most test programs.
- * No longer use return list or unconsolidated bins since
- no scheme using them consistently outperforms those that don't
- given above changes.
- * Use best fit for very large chunks to prevent some worst-cases.
- * Added some support for debugging
- V2.6.0 Sat Nov 4 07:05:23 1995 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Removed footers when chunks are in use. Thanks to
- Paul Wilson ( for the suggestion.
- V2.5.4 Wed Nov 1 07:54:51 1995 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
- * Added malloc_trim, with help from Wolfram Gloger
- (wmglo@Dent.MED.Uni-Muenchen.DE).
- V2.5.3 Tue Apr 26 10:16:01 1994 Doug Lea (dl at g)
- V2.5.2 Tue Apr 5 16:20:40 1994 Doug Lea (dl at g)
- * realloc: try to expand in both directions
- * malloc: swap order of clean-bin strategy;
- * realloc: only conditionally expand backwards
- * Try not to scavenge used bins
- * Use bin counts as a guide to preallocation
- * Occasionally bin return list chunks in first scan
- * Add a few optimizations from
- V2.5.1 Sat Aug 14 15:40:43 1993 Doug Lea (dl at g)
- * faster bin computation & slightly different binning
- * merged all consolidations to one part of malloc proper
- (eliminating old malloc_find_space & malloc_clean_bin)
- * Scan 2 returns chunks (not just 1)
- * Propagate failure in realloc if malloc returns 0
- * Add stuff to allow compilation on non-ANSI compilers
- from
- V2.5 Sat Aug 7 07:41:59 1993 Doug Lea (dl at
- * removed potential for odd address access in prev_chunk
- * removed dependency on getpagesize.h
- * misc cosmetics and a bit more internal documentation
- * anticosmetics: mangled names in macros to evade debugger strangeness
- * tested on sparc, hp-700, dec-mips, rs6000
- with gcc & native cc (hp, dec only) allowing
- Detlefs & Zorn comparison study (in SIGPLAN Notices.)
- Trial version Fri Aug 28 13:14:29 1992 Doug Lea (dl at
- * Based loosely on libg++-1.2X malloc. (It retains some of the overall
- structure of old version, but most details differ.)
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cbc7e4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef _GNUG_
-#pragma implementation
-#include <minmax.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/minmax.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/minmax.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ec2bfa3..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/minmax.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1992 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _minmax_h
-#ifdef _GNUG_
-#pragma interface
-#define _minmax_h 1
-#include <_G_config.h>
-inline char min(char a, char b) { return (a < b)?a:b;}
-inline signed char min(signed char a, signed char b) { return (a < b)?a:b;}
-inline unsigned char min(unsigned char a, unsigned char b) {return (a<b)?a:b;}
-inline short min(short a, short b) {return (a < b) ?a:b;}
-inline unsigned short min(unsigned short a, unsigned short b) {return (a < b)?a:b;}
-inline int min(int a, int b) {return (a < b)?a:b;}
-inline unsigned int min(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {return (a < b)?a:b;}
-inline long min(long a, long b) {return (a < b)?a:b;}
-inline unsigned long min(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) {return (a<b)?a:b;}
-inline float min(float a, float b) {return (a < b)?a:b;}
-inline double min(double a, double b) {return (a < b)?a:b;}
-inline char max(char a, char b) { return (a > b)?a:b;}
-inline signed char max(signed char a, signed char b) {return (a > b)?a:b;}
-inline unsigned char max(unsigned char a, unsigned char b) {return (a>b)?a:b;}
-inline short max(short a, short b) {return (a > b) ?a:b;}
-inline unsigned short max(unsigned short a, unsigned short b) {return (a > b)?a:b;}
-inline int max(int a, int b) {return (a > b)?a:b;}
-inline unsigned int max(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {return (a > b)?a:b;}
-inline long max(long a, long b) {return (a > b)?a:b;}
-inline unsigned long max(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) {return (a>b)?a:b;}
-inline float max(float a, float b) {return (a > b)?a:b;}
-inline double max(double a, double b) {return (a > b)?a:b;}
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/osfcn.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/osfcn.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 023b5c5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/osfcn.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef OSFCN_H
-#define OSFCN_H 1
-#include <std.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 497cb5b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <math.h>
-double pow(double x, long p)
- if (p == 0)
- return 1.0;
- else if (x == 0.0)
- return 0.0;
- else
- {
- if (p < 0)
- {
- p = -p;
- x = 1.0 / x;
- }
- double r = 1.0;
- for(;;)
- {
- if (p & 1)
- r *= x;
- if ((p >>= 1) == 0)
- return r;
- else
- x *= x;
- }
- }
-long pow(long x, long p)
- if (p == 0)
- return 1;
- else if (p < 0 || x == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- long r = 1;
- for(;;)
- {
- if (p & 1)
- r *= x;
- if ((p >>= 1) == 0)
- return r;
- else
- x *= x;
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 622895e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <math.h>
-long sqrt(long x)
- if (x <= 0)
- return 0; // no int error handler, so ...
- else if (x == 1)
- return 1;
- else
- {
- long r = x >> 1;
- long q;
- for(;;)
- {
- q = x / r;
- if (q >= r)
- return r;
- else
- r = (r + q) >> 1;
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/std.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/std.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cd73f2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/std.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1992 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef _std_h
-#define _std_h 1
-#include <_G_config.h>
-#include <stddef>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cerrno>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-extern "C" {
-int strcasecmp _G_ARGS((const char*, const char*));
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/strclass.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/strclass.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 57dbcc8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/strclass.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _strclass_h
-#define _strclass_h
-#include <String.h>
-typedef class String string;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/swap.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/swap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 005cb0e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/swap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-/* From Ron Guillmette; apparently needed for Hansen's code */
-#define swap(a,b) ({ typeof(a) temp = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = temp; })
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/sysent.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/sysent.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0535f38..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/sysent.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-/* Provided for compatibity with other C++ compilers ONLY! */
-#include <std.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/timer.c b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/timer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a7e2242..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/timer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1990, 1992, 1995 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-/* Timing functions from Doug Schmidt... */
-/* no such thing as "negative time"! */
-#define TIMER_ERROR_VALUE -1.0
-/* If this does not work on your system, change this to #if 0, and
- report the problem. */
-#if 1
-#include <_G_config.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#define USE_TIMES
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/times.h>
-#if !defined (HZ) && defined(CLK_TCK)
-#define HZ CLK_TCK
-static struct tms Old_Time;
-static struct tms New_Time;
-#else /* ! _G_HAVE_SYS_TIMES */
-#define USE_CLOCK
-#include <time.h>
-#define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1
-clock_t Old_Time;
-clock_t New_Time;
-#endif /* ! _G_HAVE_SYS_TIMES */
-#else /* _G_HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE && defined(RUSAGE_SELF) */
-static struct rusage Old_Time;
-static struct rusage New_Time;
-static int Timer_Set = 0;
- Timer_Set = 1;
-#ifdef USE_CLOCK
- Old_Time = clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
- return((double) Old_Time);
-#ifdef USE_TIMES
- times(&Old_Time);
- return((double) Old_Time.tms_utime / HZ);
- getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF,&Old_Time); /* set starting process time */
- return(Old_Time.ru_utime.tv_sec + (Old_Time.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000000.0));
-/* Returns process time since Last_Time.
- If parameter is 0.0, returns time since the Old_Time was set.
- Returns TIMER_ERROR_VALUE if `start_timer' is not called first. */
- double Last_Time;
- if (!Timer_Set) {
- }
- else {
- /* get process time */
-#ifdef USE_CLOCK
- New_Time = clock();
-#ifdef USE_TIMES
- times(&New_Time);
- getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF,&New_Time);
- if (Last_Time == 0.0) {
-#ifdef USE_CLOCK
- return((double) (New_Time - Old_Time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
-#ifdef USE_TIMES
- return((double) (New_Time.tms_utime - Old_Time.tms_utime) / HZ);
- return((New_Time.ru_utime.tv_sec - Old_Time.ru_utime.tv_sec) +
- ((New_Time.ru_utime.tv_usec - Old_Time.ru_utime.tv_usec)
- / 1000000.0));
- }
- else {
-#ifdef USE_CLOCK
- return((double) New_Time / CLOCKS_PER_SEC - Last_Time);
-#ifdef USE_TIMES
- return((double) New_Time.tms_utime / HZ - Last_Time);
- return((New_Time.ru_utime.tv_sec +
- (New_Time.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000000.0)) - Last_Time);
- }
- }
-#ifdef VMS
-void sys$gettim(unsigned int*) asm("sys$gettim");
-getrusage(int dummy,struct rusage* time){
- double rtime;
- unsigned int systime[2];
- int i;
- sys$gettim(&systime[0]);
- rtime=systime[1];
- for(i=0;i<4;i++) rtime *= 256;
- rtime+= systime[0];
-/* we subtract an offset to make sure that the number fits in a long int*/
- rtime=rtime/1.0e+7-4.144e+9;
- time->ru_utime.tv_sec= rtime;
- rtime=(rtime-time->ru_utime.tv_sec)*1.0e6;
- time->ru_utime.tv_usec= rtime;
-#else /* dummy them out */
-double start_timer()
- double Last_Time;
-#endif /* timing stuff */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/typemacros.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/typemacros.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f2bd787..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/src/typemacros.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#define _T(type) typeof(type)
-#define pointer_to(type) _T(_T(type)*)
-#define member_of(cls,type) _T(_T(type) cls::)
-#define function(res, args) _T(_T(res) args)
-#define _xq_yq(x,y) x ## _ ## y
-#define _x_y(x,y) _xq_yq(x,y)
-#define _gensym(stem) _x_y(stem, __LINE__)
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/ChangeLog b/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 45208ea..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-Thu Oct 19 21:39:12 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * Remove extraneous tabs from otherwise empty
- line. This confuses older non-GNU versions of "make".
-Fri Apr 15 13:25:09 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (COMPILE_FLAGS): Remove obsolete XTRAFLAGS.
-Tue Jun 1 16:54:46 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (do_main.diff): Prefix commands by '@' to avoid
- unnecessarily alarming users with what looks like error messages.
-Mon Apr 19 00:25:36 1993 Per Bothner (
- *, Re-vamped configure scheme.
- * (foo_main.diff): Print more expressive
- error message, and refer to libg++/README.
-Tue Nov 17 22:20:02 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Use different styles of initialization.
- * $#include <stdlib.h> (for exit()).
-Wed Aug 12 00:37:34 1992 Per Bothner (
- * da should be libked with libg++.a, but
- should not be (since it tests that
- constructors work *without* needing libg++.a).
-Thu May 14 15:13:31 1992 Per Bothner (
- *, Change the strings naming the
- two static static_foo variables to be the same, because
- the language does not specify construction order.
- * expected.out: Update accordingly.
- * Simplify, clean up. Now, if you 'make test-90S',
- it will test using ../libg++.a and local include files.
- But ../ when testing installation, overrides
- variables so as to use installed versions. Thus things
- are more consistent and more flexible - and you can
- do the test before installing, if you want to.
-Sat Mar 7 19:19:49 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * make test work when "." is not in PATH.
-Wed Feb 26 18:04:40 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- *, removed traces of namesubdir,
- -subdirs, $(subdir), $(unsubdir), some rcs triggers. Forced
- copyrights to '92, changed some from Cygnus to FSF.
-Mon Jan 6 00:39:54 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * Reverse previous change. should
- never see SunOS assert.h; it should get gcc's assert.h. When
- the compile fails, it means the wrong include files are in use!
-Mon Jan 6 00:21:13 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Include <stdio.h>, needed by broken SunOS assert.h.
-Fri Jan 3 09:17:17 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * Cope with broken Sun Make VPATH.
- * Expect that Foo:init_foo() will *not* be called.
- * Add comment about __init_start lossage.
- * expected.out: Remove ``expected'' __init_start call.
-Sat Dec 28 16:46:25 1991 Michael Tiemann (tiemann at
- * (CPP_FLAGS): Add $(srcdir).
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3133476..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// Class Foo
-//#pragma implementation
-// We don't use header files, since we only want to see, whether the
-// compiler is installed properly.
-#if (__GNUG__ == 2)
-typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
-typedef unsigned int size_t;
-extern "C" {
- char *strncpy (char* dest, const char* dest, size_t len);
- int printf (const char*, ...);
-#include "Foo.h"
-int Foo::foos = 0;
-void Foo::init_foo ()
- printf ("BROKENLY calling Foo::init_foo from __init_start; size_of(Foo) = %d\n", sizeof(Foo));
-Foo::Foo ()
- i = ++foos;
- strncpy (message, "default-foo", len);
-#ifdef WITH_ADDR
- printf ("Constructing Foo(%d) \"default-foo\" at %08x\n", i, this);
- printf ("Constructing Foo(%d) \"default-foo\"\n", i);
-Foo::Foo (char* msg)
- i = ++foos;
- strncpy( message, msg, len);
-#ifdef WITH_ADDR
- printf ( "Constructing Foo(%d) \"%s\" at %08x\n", i, message, this);
- printf ( "Constructing Foo(%d) \"%s\"\n", i, message);
-Foo::Foo (const Foo& foo)
- i = ++foos;
-#ifdef WITH_ADDR
- printf ("Initializing Foo(%d) \"%s\" at %08x with Foo(%d) %08x\n",
- i, foo.message, this, foo.i, &foo);
- printf ("Initializing Foo(%d) \"%s\" with Foo(%d)\n",i, foo.message, foo.i);
- for ( int k = 0; k < FOO_MSG_LEN; k++) message[k] = foo.message[k];
-Foo& Foo::operator= (const Foo& foo)
-#ifdef WITH_ADDR
- printf ("Copying Foo(%d) \"%s\" at %08x to Foo(%d) %08x\n",
- foo.i, foo.message, &foo, i, this);
- printf ("Copying Foo(%d) \"%s\" to Foo(%d)\n", foo.i, foo.message, i);
- for ( int k = 0; k < FOO_MSG_LEN; k++) message[k] = foo.message[k];
- return *this;
-Foo::~Foo ()
- foos--;
-#ifdef WITH_ADDR
- printf ("Destructing Foo(%d) \"%s\" at %08x (remaining foos: %d)\n",
- i, message, this, foos);
- printf ("Destructing Foo(%d) \"%s\" (remaining foos: %d)\n",
- i, message, foos);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/Foo.h b/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/Foo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ba2d37..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/Foo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// Class Foo
-#pragma interface
-#define FOOLISH_NUMBER -4711
-#ifndef FOO_MSG_LEN
-#define FOO_MSG_LEN 80
-class Foo {
- static int foos;
- int i;
- const len = FOO_MSG_LEN;
- char message[len];
- static void init_foo ();
- static int nb_foos() { return foos; }
- Foo();
- Foo( char* message);
- Foo(const Foo&);
- Foo & operator= (const Foo&);
- ~Foo ();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32befa2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile to test the installation of g++ and libg++
-# (by
-# Usage: make foo_main test-90S test-90D PREFIX=prefix [other macros]
-srcdir = .
-# Compilation macros
-PREFIX = $(prefix)
-CPP_FLAGS = #-I$(srcdir)/../g++-include
-DEBUG_FLAGS = -g -v #-Wall
-COMPILE_FLAGS=$(NOSTDINC) -I.. -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/../src -I$(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR) $(WRAP_C_INCLUDES)
-DEPEND_SOURCES = $(srcdir)/*.cc
-T90 = $(T90S) $(T90D)
-T90D = # dex_bar
-FLAGS_90 = \
- GXX="$(GXX)"\
-#### package, host, target, and site dependent Makefile fragments come in here.
-TEMP_FILES = *.o foo_main a b *foo_main.out *foo_main.diff *
- @echo Usage: make foo_main test-40 test-90S test-90D PREFIX=prefix [other macros]
-test-90S: foo_main a b
-test-90S-then-clean: test-90S
- rm -f ${TEMP_FILES}
-test-90D: dfoo_main da db
-test-90D-then-clean: test-90D
- rm -f ${TEMP_FILES}
-test: $(TEST)
- for P in $(TEST) ; do if [ $$P != foo_main ]; then eval ./$$P; fi; done
-a : a.o
- $(CXX) -o a a.o $(LIBS)
-da : a.o
- $(CXX) -o da -dynamic a.o $(LIBS)
-b : bf.o bm.o
- $(CXX) -o b bm.o bf.o $(LIBS)
-db : bf.o bm.o
- $(CXX) -o db -dynamic bm.o bf.o $(LIBS)
-foo_main: foo_main.diff
- @true
-dfoo_main: dfoo_main.diff
- @true
- foo_main.o foo_func.o Foo.o expected.out
- $(CXX) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) -o $@ foo_main.o foo_func.o Foo.o
- ./ > foo_main.out
-foo_main.diff: foo_main.out $(srcdir)/expected.out
- @echo "diff $(srcdir)/expected.out foo_main.out >foo_main.diff"
- @diff $(srcdir)/expected.out foo_main.out >foo_main.diff \
- || (echo "Static constructor test failed - see libg++/README"; false)
- foo_main.o foo_func.o Foo.o
- $(CXX) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) -o $@ -dynamic foo_main.o foo_func.o Foo.o $(LIBS)
- ./ > dfoo_main.out
-dfoo_main.diff: dfoo_main.out $(srcdir)/expected.out
- diff $(srcdir)/expected.out dfoo_main.out
- $(CXX) -fhandle-exceptions
-ex_bar: ex_bar.o
- $(CXX) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) -o $@ ex_bar.o
-dex_bar: ex_bar.o
- $(CXX) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) -o $@ -dynamic ex_bar.o
-# --- Generate depend rules ---
-# The sed script below attempts to make the depend output portable by
-# making the output use the same macros used elsewhere in the Makefile:
-# - It replaces double // by a single /.
-# - It replaces include files that match part of the GXX_INCLUDE_DIRS
-# by names defined in terms of the macros used to define GXX_INCLUDE_DIRS.
-# - It removes any absolute include file names that remain.
-# - then remove lines, which contain only `\'
-depend: depend.tmp
- if [ "x$(DEPEND_SOURCES)" != "x" ] ; then \
- sed < depend.tmp \
- -e 's|//|/|g' \
- -e 's|$(srcdir)|$$(srcdir)|g' \
- -e 's| /[^ ]*[.]h||g' \
- -e 's|: *\$$(srcdir)/\(.*\.[cC]*\)|: \1|' \
- -e '/^[ ]*\\$$/d' -e 's/^[ ]*$$//' \
- | awk 'BEGIN { prev = "" } \
- /^( )*$$/ { if (prev ~ /\\$$/) \
- { prev = substr(prev,1,length(prev)-1); next } \
- } \
- { print prev; prev = $$0 } \
- END { if (prev !~ /^( )*$$/) print prev }' \
- > $(srcdir)/depend ;\
- fi
-depend.tmp: $(DEPEND_SOURCES)
- if [ "x$(DEPEND_SOURCES)" = "x" ] ; then \
- echo "" > $(srcdir)/depend ;\
- else \
- echo "" >depend.tmp ; \
- $(SRCDIR)/utils/ -f depend.tmp $(GXX_INCLUDE_DIRS) \
- fi
-do_depend: depend
- if [ "$(SUBDIRS)" != "" ] ; then \
- for D in $(SUBDIRS) x ; do \
- if [ -d $$D ] ; then \
- echo "cd $$D; $(MAKE) do_depend" ; \
- (cd $$D ; $(MAKE) do_depend ); \
- fi ; \
- done ;\
- fi
-# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- g++dep uses it.
-Foo.o : \
- $(srcdir)/Foo.h
-a.o :
-bf.o :
-bm.o :
-ex_bar.o : \
- $(srcdir)/
-foo_func.o : \
- $(srcdir)/Foo.h
-foo_main.o : \
- $(srcdir)/Foo.h
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
deleted file mode 100644
index b704ee0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <String.h>
-String s1 = "Hello";
-String s2 = " world!\n";
- cout << s1 << s2 ;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a32b4c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <String.h>
-// gcc-2.3.2 is buggy, and can't deal with the following.
-// Take the wimpy way out for now until 2.3.3 is released.
-#if 0
-String s1 = String("Hello ");
-String s1("Hello ");
-String s2(" world!\n");
-int f()
- cout << s1 + s2;
- return cout.good();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
deleted file mode 100644
index bbca52a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-extern int f();
-int main()
- // We (mis-)use errno supposedly to check that we got a good errno.h
- // and libc. I don't quite buy it, but what the hell ... --Per
- errno = f();
- fprintf(stderr, "Return-code: %d (should be 1)\n", errno);
- exit(0);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
deleted file mode 100644
index ec8c851..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# This file is a shell script fragment that supplies the information
-# necessary to tailor a template configure script into the configure
-# script appropriate for this directory. For more information, check
-# any existing configure script.
-srcname="libg++ sanity checks"
-# per-host:
-# per-target:
-MOSTLYCLEAN='${TEMP_FILES} dfoo_main da db core '
-(. ${srcdir}/../config.shared) >${package_makefile_frag}
-# post-target:
-rm -f ${package_makefile_frag}
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29f5890..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// - test the runtime support for GNU C++ exception handling.
-// inspired by a PROLOG toplevel loop by Heinz Seidl (
-#define S(s) SS(s)
-#define SS(s) # s
-extern "C" {
- int printf (const char*, ...);
- void abort ();
- int exit (int);
-exception {
- int number;
- char * message;
-exception {
- TERM Term;
- char * message;
-exception {} EX_EOF;
-void pread (TERM & Term)
- // simulate an input buffer
- //
- static int p = 0;
- TERM buffer[] =
- { REF,
- };
- const int blen = sizeof (buffer) / sizeof (TERM);
- if ( p < blen)
- Term = buffer[p++];
- else
- Term = EOF;
-void call (const TERM & Term) raises EX_CALL, EX_EOF, EX_IMPL
- switch (Term)
- {
- case REF:
- raise EX_CALL (REF,
- "Sorry - dereferencing not implemented (REF).");
- break;
- case LIST:
- raise EX_CALL (LIST,
- "LISTs are not callable (LIST).");
- break;
- "Undefined predicate (STRUCTURE).");
- break;
- case DOUBLE:
- raise EX_CALL (DOUBLE,
- "DOUBLEs are not callable (DOUBLE).");
- break;
- case INTEGER:
- "INTEGERs are not callable (INTEGER).");
- case ATOM:
- raise EX_CALL (ATOM,
- "Undefined predicate (ATOM).");
- break;
- case EOF:
- raise EX_EOF ();
- break;
- default:
- raise EX_IMPL ( Term,
- "Implementation error in file " __FILE__
- " at line " S(__LINE__) " .");
- }
-void main()
- try {
- while (1) {
- try {
- while (1)
- {
- TERM Term;
- pread (Term);
- call (Term);
- }
- } except ep {
- printf ("EXCEPTION(%d) : %s\n", ep.Term, ep.message);
- }
- EX_EOF {
- printf ("EOF encountered.\n");
- raise ep;
- }
- default {
- raise ep;
- }
- }
- }
- } except ep {
- printf ("FATAL(%d): %s\n", ep.number, ep.message);
- abort();
- }
- EX_EOF {
- printf ("Good bye.\n");
- }
- default {
- raise ep;
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/expected.out b/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/expected.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 39be0db..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/expected.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Constructing Foo(1) "static_foo"
-Constructing Foo(2) "static_foo"
-Constructing Foo(3) "automatic_foo"
-Constructing Foo(4) "default-foo"
-Initializing Foo(5) "default-foo" with Foo(4)
-Destructing Foo(4) "default-foo" (remaining foos: 4)
-Constructing Foo(5) "other_foo1"
-Constructing Foo(6) "other_foo2"
-Copying Foo(5) "other_foo1" to Foo(6)
-Destructing Foo(6) "other_foo1" (remaining foos: 5)
-Destructing Foo(5) "other_foo1" (remaining foos: 4)
-Destructing Foo(5) "default-foo" (remaining foos: 3)
-Destructing Foo(3) "automatic_foo" (remaining foos: 2)
-Destructing Foo(2) "static_foo" (remaining foos: 1)
-Destructing Foo(1) "static_foo" (remaining foos: 0)
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
deleted file mode 100644
index ef941fb..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-// test program for Class Foo
-#include "Foo.h"
-static Foo static_foo( "static_foo");
-Foo f()
- Foo x;
- return x;
-void g()
- Foo other_foo1 = Foo( "other_foo1"), other_foo2 = Foo( "other_foo2");
- other_foo2 = other_foo1;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
deleted file mode 100644
index bd23540..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/test-install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// main program for Class Foo
-extern "C" {
-// Some <assert.h> implementations (e.g. SUNOS 4.1) are broken,
-// in that they require <stdio.h>. But, if gcc/g++ is installed
-// correctly, you should get gcc's assert.h.
-// If the compile fails, it means the wrong include files are in use!
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "Foo.h"
-extern "C" void __init_start();
-extern Foo f(void);
-extern void g(void);
-/* This function should *not* be called by the environment. There is
- no way in C++ to ``run something after the initializers but before main()''.
- The library that depends on this (NIHCL) is broken. -- John Gilmore
- We leave this here to test that future changes to the compiler
- do not re-introduce this losing ``feature''. */
- Foo::init_foo();
-static Foo static_foo( "static_foo");
- assert (Foo::nb_foos() == 2);
- Foo automatic_foo( "automatic_foo");
- Foo bla_foo = f();
- assert (Foo::nb_foos() == 4);
- g();
- assert (Foo::nb_foos() == 4);
- // `automatic_foo' and `bla_foo' are destructed here
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ChangeLog b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index de6d9d7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-Wed Feb 28 13:42:46 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * Remove tCurses rules.
-Wed Jan 24 18:27:16 1996 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * (TSRCS): Take out
- (TOUTS): Remove tCurses.
- (tests): Take off tCurses and the message about running tCurses.
-Wed Nov 15 20:27:22 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * (tCurses): New rule to only link dynamically if we
- have a shared curses library.
- (LIB_FOR_tCurses): Delete. Take tCurses out of the for loop.
-Fri Sep 1 16:56:27 1995 Per Bothner <>
- *, tBitString.exp: Added test for operator +=,
- from Curtis A. Snyder <>.
-Mon Aug 21 11:45:25 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (srctrigger): Use instead of
- * Forget tComplex.
- * tComplex.*: Remove.
-Sun Jun 11 12:22:21 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * Don't include <memory.h>.
-Fri May 5 13:04:17 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * Move `for' decl out of `for' statement.
-Fri Jan 20 00:19:57 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * No longer include complex.h.
-Wed Dec 14 18:49:12 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * (test_resize), tQueue.inp: New test case from
- Jocelyn Serot <>.
-Tue Dec 13 15:47:36 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * (main): Add explicit variable to avoid warning
- on passing non-lvalue by reference.
-Sat Nov 5 19:13:38 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * Don't display the 'echo' command.
- * (LIBS): Remove.
-Sat Nov 5 14:29:00 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * (M_PI): #define it if it isn't defined.
- * Added new test from Magnus Nordborg.
- * tiLList.exp: New file.
- * (check-tiLList): Merge with check-${TEST}.
-Mon Oct 24 16:03:14 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * Re-arrange so tFix* tCurses etc don't need LIBTEST.
-Thu Sep 29 03:23:24 1994 Philippe De Muyter (
- * do not include 3 times <fcntl.h>, some systems
- do not like that. Include <sys/wait.h> only if _G_HAVE_SYS_WAIT
-Mon Sep 5 13:07:01 1994 Per Bothner (
- * Remove #include <regex.h>.
-Thu Sep 1 17:35:33 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * (main): Make output independent of size of pointers.
- * tObstack.exp: Update accordingly.
-Fri Aug 12 17:36:44 1994 Brendan Kehoe (
- * (check): Add unsigned int version.
-Tue Jun 28 03:07:03 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * Adjust to new organization of Fix class (overflow
- handlers are now static members).
-Mon Jun 27 18:37:05 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * (print): Take parm by value.
- * (accumtest): Make parms const refs.
-Wed Jun 15 11:04:47 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (utiltest), tString.exp: Add a test to capitalize
- a string with a bunch of apostrophes and single quotes.
-Wed Jun 1 13:59:53 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * Explicitly instantiate [SD]L{Node,List}<int>.
-Wed May 25 15:42:21 1994 Per Bothner (
- * Fixes so that you don't need to build libtest.a
- for tests that don't need it.
-Fri May 13 16:49:13 1994 Per Bothner (
- * Check _G_HAVE_CURSES, so we can compile
- (though not do anything useful) if curses.h is missing.
-Wed May 11 00:40:43 1994 Jason Merrill (
- Make libg++ build with gcc -ansi -pedantic-errors
- * Wrap use of <? and >? in #ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__
- * Returns void.
-Thu Feb 10 16:44:04 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (test4), tBitSet.exp: Add a new test.
-Sat Dec 4 16:14:38 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Remove #include <sys/socket.h> and <sys/resource.h>.
- They're included by <osfcn.h>, and the multiple inclusion
- loses on some systems (e.g. Ultrix). Also, don't #include
- <sys/param.h>, as it's non-Posix.
-Wed Nov 24 12:41:07 1993 Jeffrey A. Law (
- * Include limits.h rather than values.h.
-Mon Oct 11 15:16:52 1993 Per Bothner (
- * tSet.exp: Change VOHSet output to match new code.
-Wed Sep 15 14:46:40 1993 Mike Stump (
- * (LIB_FOR_tInteger): Add -lm for tInteger.
-Thu Aug 26 18:05:20 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (iotest), tInteger.inp, tInteger.exp:
- Test a couple of more things.
-Thu Aug 19 21:41:40 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (CXXINCLUDES): Remove line - not needed.
-Thu Aug 19 12:44:14 1993 Mike Stump (
- * (CXXINCLUDES): Add -I../../libio so that make check
- works when srcdir != objdir.
-Sat Jul 24 17:50:52 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Add #include <builtin.h>, for abs(double).
-Tue Jun 1 17:02:12 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Take out tFile, since it depends on GNU iostream.
- * (main), tInteger.exp: Add test for setbit/clearbit.
- * (pitest): Only test >? and <? if g++.
- * (simpletest), tRational.exp: New test.
- * (splittest): Cast 0 to (char*), to avoid ambiguity.
- * (checkb), (check), (check):
- New overloaded functions, to avoid ambiguities.
- * (main): Explicitly call Integer::as_double().
- *,,,,,,
-,,, Make sure main() return 0.
- * Don't include GNU-iostream specific files unless
- we're using GNU iostream.
-Fri May 21 12:57:37 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Define TOLIBGXX.
- *, #include <iostream.h>, not old <stream.h>.
-Tue Apr 27 13:53:46 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Removed bogus re-definition of WRAP_C_INCLUDES/
- *,, tComplex, (main): Return 0.
-Mon Apr 19 01:30:01 1993 Per Bothner (
- *, Re-vamped configure scheme.
- * New shell scipt, used at configure time.
- This generates the repetitive rules of the Makefile.
- *, Prefer new "standardized"
- method names prev() instead of previous().
-Thu Jan 21 18:27:27 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Remove obsolete 'overload' declarations.
-Mon Jan 18 16:49:19 1993 Brendan Kehoe (
- * Include stream.h for dec(int) support.
-Sun Nov 1 14:44:13 1992 Per Bothner (
- * (modtest): New function, from a bug report.
- * tInteger.exp: New output.
-Fri Oct 16 15:33:11 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Remove some obsolete junk.
-Fri Sep 25 11:32:47 1992 Per Bothner (
- * New files (derived from to
- check template-based versions of SLList and DLList.
- * Use
-Mon Aug 10 15:11:42 1992 Per Bothner (
- * (make-tests): New rule to build all the
- tests without running them (useful when ross-compiling.)
- * (main): Rename argc <-> argv.
- * tSet.exp, tBag.exp, tMap.exp: Update to handle new hashing
- policy for <int>VH{Set,Bag,Map} classes.
-Mon Jul 20 15:45:29 1992 Mike Stump (
- * (main): Add cast from void * to char since it is
- not a standard conversion.
-Fri Jun 26 11:46:53 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Use the slightly more standard M_PI
- instead of plain PI.
-Wed Jun 17 16:50:45 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Fix *clean rules. Add $(LDFLAGS) when linking.
- Remove the '-' error suppressing prefix so that failing
- checks cause the make to fail.
- Clean out the remnants of the obsolete runtests rule.
- * out.iostream, out.old-stream: Removed - no longer used.
- * Don't #include <bstring.h> - it is non-standard.
-Thu May 14 15:08:37 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Only #include sys/socket.h and sys/resource.h
- if these are available (according to _G_config.h).
-Fri May 8 15:41:12 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Pass $(NOSTDINC) to compiler.
-Thu May 7 00:48:11 1992 Per Bothner (
- * (randseq): Evaluate 1st parameter of recursive
- call to randeq() first (separately). (Unspecified order of
- parameter evaluation was why the sun3 and sun4 versions
- gave different results.)
-Wed May 6 01:10:58 1992 Per Bothner (
- * For randseq(), use a dumb but portable
- "random" number generator. (For unknown reason, the
- old code gave different result on sun3 and sun4.)
- * tList.exp: New output.
- * Don't run 'check-tRandom' as part of
- 'check', because it isn't portable (byte-order problems?).
- * iostream.out: Split into multiple files, moving the
- tFile output into tFile.exp, etc.
- * Add lots of new rules for check-tFile,
- check-tObstack etc. THese run an individual test,
- and compare the output to the matching *.exp file.
- This makes it easier to track down problems, and
- adds flexibility by making it easier to add or remove tests.
- * Don't include bool.h, which is deprecated
- because it is likely to conflict with other header files.
-Fri Apr 17 14:48:26 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Update delete of array to modern syntax.
- * #include _G_config.h.
- Only #include <sys/resource.h> if not SYSV.
-Tue Mar 10 18:16:28 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Include sys/time.h before sys/resource.h,
- according to traditional requirement.
-Fri Mar 6 15:11:36 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Don't include malloc.h, since it is
- not a standard include file.
-Wed Feb 26 18:04:40 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- *, removed traces of namesubdir,
- -subdirs, $(subdir), $(unsubdir), some rcs triggers. Forced
- copyrights to '92, changed some from Cygnus to FSF.
-Fri Jan 31 17:07:30 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Add $(LSRCS) (the generated source files)
- to DEPEND_SOURCES. (Otherwise, make fails to generate
- some of the i*.h include files.)
- * Add i{CH,Splay}Node.{cc,h,o} (because
- CHNode and SplayNode have been moved into their own
- include files).
- * out.iostream: Change to match real output (now that
- all discrepancies from old output are explained).
-Sat Jan 25 00:32:45 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Replace libtest.a by LIBTEST macro.
- * out.iostream: "Fix".
- * New iostream class and classes derived from
- it allow us to support much more of the fucntionality
- of the old library.
-Thu Jan 16 18:00:04 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * expected.out, out_iostream, out.old_stream,
- Replace expected.out by two versions: One when using new
- iostreams, and one for old streams.
- * Some tweaks to 'make depend.'
- *, Replace check macro by overloaded
- inline functions. This forces side effects (including
- error messages) when evaluating the operands to happen
- before printing.
- * Comditionally compile depending on
- _OLD_STREAMS macro (defined by stream.h) so that most
- tests work for both new iostreams as well as old streams.
- * Remove obsolete include files.
-Sun Jan 5 00:03:06 1992 Per Bothner (bothner at
- *, Add 'make depend' support.
- *,,, #include <builtin.h>,
- because new iostream library doesn't automatically include it.
- *, #ifdef out code that won't work with new
- iostream library. Other tweaks for new library.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8faf112..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-srcdir = .
-#### package, host, target, and site dependent Makefile fragments come in here.
-GENCLASS = ../genclass/genclass
-PROTODIR = $(srcdir)/../src/gen
-# compilation notes:
-# The following g++ warnings are expected to appear:
-# 2. Several warnings from genclass about classes with only .h, no .cc files
-# 3. A few harmless reminder warnings that some classes have no data members.
-# 4. Many harmless warnings that arguments to vector-delete are unnecessary
-# when deleting arrays of builtin types.
-#--- NOTE: Lots of stuff gets added by ${srcdir}/
-Makefile: $(srcdir)/
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index 427ad01..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-cat <<'EOF'
-# test files
-TSRCS = \
- \
- \
- \
- \
-TESTS0="tObstack tString tInteger tRational tBitSet"\
-" tBitString tFix tFix16 tFix24 tRandom"
-TESTS1="tStack tQueue tDeque tPQ tSet tBag tMap tList tPlex tLList tVec"
-cat <<EOF
-# executables
-TOUTS = test_h ${TESTS0} ${TESTS1} tiLList tGetOpt
-cat <<'EOF'
-# files for archived prototype classes
-LOBJS = \
- iList.o iSLList.o iDLList.o iVec.o iAVec.o \
- iPlex.o iFPlex.o iXPlex.o iRPlex.o iMPlex.o \
- iSet.o iBag.o iMap.o iPQ.o \
- iXPSet.o iOXPSet.o iSLSet.o iOSLSet.o iBSTSet.o iCHNode.o \
- iAVLSet.o iSplayNode.o iSplaySet.o iVHSet.o iVOHSet.o iCHSet.o \
- iXPBag.o iOXPBag.o iSLBag.o iOSLBag.o iSplayBag.o iVHBag.o iCHBag.o \
- iVHMap.o iCHMap.o iSplayMap.o iAVLMap.o iRAVLMap.o \
- iSplayPQ.o iPHPQ.o iXPPQ.o \
- iVStack.o iVQueue.o iStack.o iQueue.o iDeque.o \
- iXPStack.o iSLStack.o iXPQueue.o iSLQueue.o iXPDeque.o iDLDeque.o
-LSRCS = \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
-DEPEND_SOURCES = $(srcdir)/*.cc $(LSRCS)
-LHDRS = idefs.h
-.PHONY: all
-.PHONY: info
-.PHONY: install-info
-.PHONY: clean-info
-.PHONY: check
-check: tests
-.PHONY: check-tGetOpt
-for TEST in ${TESTS0} ${TESTS1} tiLList ; do
- echo ".PHONY: check-${TEST}"
- if [ -f ${srcdir}/${TEST}.inp ] ; then
- echo "check-${TEST}: ${TEST}" '$(srcdir)'"/${TEST}.inp"
- echo " ./${TEST} < "'$(srcdir)'"/${TEST}.inp > ${TEST}.out 2>&1"
- else
- echo "check-${TEST}: ${TEST}"
- echo " ./${TEST} > ${TEST}.out 2>&1"
- fi
- echo ' diff -b $(srcdir)/'"${TEST}.exp ${TEST}.out"
-cat <<'EOF'
-check-tGetOpt: tGetOpt $(srcdir)/tGetOpt.inp
- ./tGetOpt -abc -de10 -2000 -h3i \
- <$(srcdir)/tGetOpt.inp >tGetOpt.out 2>&1
- diff -b $(srcdir)/tGetOpt.exp tGetOpt.out
-# We don't do check-tRandom, because it is not portable.
-# Comment this out if your compiler doesn't handle templates:
-tests checktests: clean_tests test_h \
- check-tObstack check-tString check-tInteger \
- check-tRational check-tBitSet check-tBitString \
- check-tFix check-tFix16 check-tFix24 check-tGetOpt \
- check-tList check-tPlex check-tLList check-tVec \
- check-tStack check-tQueue check-tDeque check-tPQ \
- check-tSet check-tBag check-tMap $(CHECK_TEMPLATES)
- ./test_h
-check-templates: check-tiLList
-# Build all the tests, but don't run them. (Useful when cross-compiling.)
-cat <<'EOF'
-make-tests: $(TOUTS)
-test_h: test_h.o
- $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) test_h.o -o $@ $(LIBS) -lm
- rm -f $(LIBTEST)
- $(AR) r $(LIBTEST) $(LOBJS)
-# other tests
-for TEST in $TESTS0 tiLList tGetOpt; do
- echo "${TEST}: ${TEST}.o"
- echo ' $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS)' "${TEST}.o" '-o $@ $(LIBS)' \
- `eval echo '$LIB_FOR_'$TEST`
- echo ""
-for TEST in twrapper tgwrapper $TESTS1; do
- echo "${TEST}: " '$(LIBTEST)' " ${TEST}.o"
- echo ' $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS)' "${TEST}.o" '-o $@ $(LIBTEST) $(LIBS)'
- echo ""
-cat <<'EOF'
- PROTODIR=$(PROTODIR); export PROTODIR; $(GENCLASS) int val defs i
-for TEST in Set XPSet OXPSet SLSet OSLSet BSTSet AVLSet SplayNode SplaySet VHSet VOHSet CHSet CHNode Bag XPBag OXPBag SLBag OSLBag SplayBag VHBag CHBag PQ PHPQ SplayPQ XPPQ Stack Queue Deque SLStack SLQueue DLDeque List Plex FPlex XPlex MPlex RPlex FPStack XPStack FPQueue XPQueue XPDeque SLList DLList Vec AVec; do
- echo "i$TEST.h i$"
- echo ' PROTODIR=$(PROTODIR); export PROTODIR; $(GENCLASS) int val' $TEST i
-for TEST in Map VHMap CHMap SplayMap AVLMap RAVLMap; do
- echo "i${TEST}.h i$"
- echo ' PROTODIR=$(PROTODIR); export PROTODIR; $(GENCLASS) -2 int val int val' $TEST i
-cat <<'EOF'
-iVStack.h iStack.h
- PROTODIR=$(PROTODIR); export PROTODIR; $(GENCLASS) int val VStack i
-iVQueue.h iQueue.h
- PROTODIR=$(PROTODIR); export PROTODIR; $(GENCLASS) int val VQueue i
-relink: force
- rm -f $(TOUTS)
-.PHONY: clean_tests
-clean_tests: force
- rm -f *.out
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5608fb7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# This file is a shell script fragment that supplies the information
-# necessary to tailor a template configure script into the configure
-# script appropriate for this directory. For more information, check
-# any existing configure script.
-srcname="tests for libg++"
-# per-host:
-# per-target:
-MOSTLYCLEAN='*.out *.o \#* core trie-gen ffile streamfile i*.cc i*.h CXX.hack* test.bye test.bye2 $(LIBTEST) $(TOUTS)'
-(. ${srcdir}/../config.shared) >${package_makefile_frag}
-# post-target:
-(. ${srcdir}/ >>Makefile
-rm -f ${package_makefile_frag}
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/depend b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/depend
deleted file mode 100644
index dbd33e1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/depend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- g++dep uses it.
-tBag.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h \
- iBag.h \
- iXPBag.h \
- iSLBag.h \
- iVHBag.h \
- iCHBag.h \
- iOXPBag.h \
- iOSLBag.h \
- iSplayBag.h
-tBitSet.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h
-tBitString.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h
-tComplex.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h
-tCurses.o :
-tDeque.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h \
- iDeque.h \
- iXPDeque.h \
- iDLDeque.h
-tFile.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/strstream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/SFile.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/fstream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/PlotFile.h
-tFix.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h
-tFix16.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h
-tFix24.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h
-tGetOpt.o :
-tInteger.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h
-tLList.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h \
- iSLList.h \
- iDLList.h
-tList.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h \
- iList.h
-tMap.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h \
- iMap.h \
- iSplayMap.h \
- iVHMap.h \
- iCHMap.h \
- iAVLMap.h \
- iRAVLMap.h
-tObstack.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h
-tPQ.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h \
- iPQ.h \
- iXPPQ.h \
- iPHPQ.h \
- iSplayPQ.h
-tPlex.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h \
- iPlex.h \
- iFPlex.h \
- iXPlex.h \
- iMPlex.h \
- iRPlex.h
-tQueue.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h \
- iQueue.h \
- iXPQueue.h \
- iVQueue.h \
- iSLQueue.h
-tRandom.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h
-tRational.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h
-tSet.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h \
- iSet.h \
- iXPSet.h \
- iSLSet.h \
- iVHSet.h \
- iVOHSet.h \
- iCHSet.h \
- iOXPSet.h \
- iOSLSet.h \
- iBSTSet.h \
- iAVLSet.h \
- iSplaySet.h
-tStack.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h \
- iStack.h \
- iXPStack.h \
- iVStack.h \
- iSLStack.h
-tString.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h
-tVec.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h \
- iVec.h \
- iAVec.h
-test_h.o : \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/stream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/istream.h \
- $(srcdir)/../$(IO_DIR)/ostream.h
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa99ec1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
- a test file for Bags
-#ifdef PTIMES
-const int ptimes = 1;
-const int ptimes = 0;
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#define tassert(ex) { cerr << #ex; \
- if ((ex)) cerr << " OK\n"; \
- else cerr << " Fail\n"; }
-#include "iBag.h"
-unsigned int hash(int x) { return multiplicativehash(x) ; }
-int SIZE;
-int *nums;
-int *odds;
-int *dups;
-void add(int x[], intBag& a)
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) a.add(x[i]);
-#include <MLCG.h>
-MLCG randgen;
-void permute(int x[])
- for (int i = 1; i < SIZE; ++i)
- {
- int j = randgen.asLong() % (i + 1);
- int tmp = x[i]; x[i] = x[j]; x[j] = tmp;
- }
-void makenums()
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) nums[i] = i + 1;
-void makeodds()
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) odds[i] = 2 * i + 1;
- permute(odds);
-void makedups()
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i += 2) dups[i] = dups[i+1] = i/2 + 1;
- permute(dups);
-void printBag(intBag& a)
- int maxprint = 20;
- cout << "[";
- int k = 0;
- Pix i;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0 && k < maxprint;,++k)
- cout << a(i) << " ";
- if (i != 0) cout << "...]\n";
- else cout << "]\n";
-void generictest(intBag& a, intBag& b, intBag& c)
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- Pix k;
- for (k = a.first(); k != 0; c.add(a(k));
- for (k = a.first(); k != 0; assert(c.contains(a(k)));
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (k = b.first(); k != 0; c.add(b(k));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (k = a.first(); k != 0; c.remove(a(k));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
-#include "iXPBag.h"
-void XPtest()
- intXPBag a(SIZE);
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- for (int j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intXPBag b(SIZE);
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intXPBag c(SIZE);
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- intXPBag d(a);
- add(nums, d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE*2);
- cout << "a: "; printBag(a);
- cout << "b: "; printBag(b);
- cout << "c: "; printBag(c);
- cout << "d: "; printBag(d);
- for (int j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(d.nof(j) == 2);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 1);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 0);
- d.remove(2);
- assert(!d.contains(2));
- for (Pix l = c.first(); l; d.remove(c(l));
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.add(a(k));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; assert(c.contains(a(k)));
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = b.first(); k != 0; c.add(b(k));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.remove(a(k));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iSLBag.h"
-void SLtest()
- intSLBag a;
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intSLBag b;
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intSLBag c;
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- intSLBag d(a);
- add(nums, d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE*2);
- cout << "a: "; printBag(a);
- cout << "b: "; printBag(b);
- cout << "c: "; printBag(c);
- cout << "d: "; printBag(d);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(d.nof(j) == 2);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 1);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 0);
- d.remove(2);
- assert(!d.contains(2));
- for (Pix l = c.first(); l; d.remove(c(l));
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.add(a(k));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; assert(c.contains(a(k)));
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = b.first(); k != 0; c.add(b(k));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.remove(a(k));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iVHBag.h"
-void VHtest()
- intVHBag a(SIZE);
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intVHBag b(SIZE);
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intVHBag c(SIZE);
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- intVHBag d(a);
- add(nums, d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE*2);
- cout << "a: "; printBag(a);
- cout << "b: "; printBag(b);
- cout << "c: "; printBag(c);
- cout << "d: "; printBag(d);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(d.nof(j) == 2);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 1);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 0);
- d.remove(2);
- assert(!d.contains(2));
- for (Pix l = c.first(); l; d.remove(c(l));
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.add(a(k));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; assert(c.contains(a(k)));
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = b.first(); k != 0; c.add(b(k));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.remove(a(k));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iCHBag.h"
-void CHtest()
- intCHBag a(SIZE);
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intCHBag b(SIZE);
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intCHBag c(SIZE);
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- intCHBag d(a);
- add(nums, d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE*2);
- cout << "a: "; printBag(a);
- cout << "b: "; printBag(b);
- cout << "c: "; printBag(c);
- cout << "d: "; printBag(d);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(d.nof(j) == 2);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 1);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 0);
- d.remove(2);
- assert(!d.contains(2));
- for (Pix l = c.first(); l; d.remove(c(l));
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.add(a(k));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; assert(c.contains(a(k)));
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = b.first(); k != 0; c.add(b(k));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.remove(a(k));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iOXPBag.h"
-void OXPtest()
- intOXPBag a(SIZE);
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intOXPBag b(SIZE);
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intOXPBag c(SIZE);
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- intOXPBag d(a);
- add(nums, d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE*2);
- cout << "a: "; printBag(a);
- cout << "b: "; printBag(b);
- cout << "c: "; printBag(c);
- cout << "d: "; printBag(d);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(d.nof(j) == 2);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 1);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 0);
- d.remove(2);
- assert(!d.contains(2));
- for (Pix l = c.first(); l; d.remove(c(l));
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.add(a(k));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; assert(c.contains(a(k)));
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = b.first(); k != 0; c.add(b(k));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.remove(a(k));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iOSLBag.h"
-void OSLtest()
- intOSLBag a;
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intOSLBag b;
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intOSLBag c;
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- intOSLBag d(a);
- add(nums, d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE*2);
- cout << "a: "; printBag(a);
- cout << "b: "; printBag(b);
- cout << "c: "; printBag(c);
- cout << "d: "; printBag(d);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(d.nof(j) == 2);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 1);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 0);
- d.remove(2);
- assert(!d.contains(2));
- for (Pix l = c.first(); l; d.remove(c(l));
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.add(a(k));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; assert(c.contains(a(k)));
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = b.first(); k != 0; c.add(b(k));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.remove(a(k));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iSplayBag.h"
-void Splaytest()
- intSplayBag a;
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intSplayBag b;
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intSplayBag c;
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- intSplayBag d(a);
- add(nums, d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE*2);
- cout << "a: "; printBag(a);
- cout << "b: "; printBag(b);
- cout << "c: "; printBag(c);
- cout << "d: "; printBag(d);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(d.nof(j) == 2);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 1);
- d.del(1);
- assert(d.nof(1) == 0);
- d.remove(2);
- assert(!d.contains(2));
- for (Pix l = c.first(); l; d.remove(c(l));
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.add(a(k));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; assert(c.contains(a(k)));
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = b.first(); k != 0; c.add(b(k));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- for (Pix k = a.first(); k != 0; c.remove(a(k));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-double return_elapsed_time ( double );
-double start_timer ( void );
-int main(int argv, char** argc)
- if (argv > 1)
- {
- SIZE = abs(atoi(argc[1]));
- SIZE &= ~1;
- }
- else
- SIZE = 100;
- nums = new int[SIZE];
- odds = new int[SIZE];
- dups = new int[SIZE];
- makenums();
- makeodds();
- makedups();
- start_timer();
- cout << "VHtest\n"; VHtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "CHtest\n"; CHtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "SLtest\n"; SLtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "XPtest\n"; XPtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "Splaytest\n"; Splaytest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "OSLtest\n"; OSLtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "OXPtest\n"; OXPtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBag.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBag.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index d86cf34..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBag.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-a: [72 77 13 3 26 16 39 29 52 42 65 55 78 91 9 22 35 48 61 74 ...]
-b: [167 77 13 3 193 39 139 29 93 47 65 55 155 109 91 9 117 171 35 143 ...]
-c: [13 31 3 26 16 39 11 29 47 42 42 27 12 9 22 43 35 28 48 8 ...]
-d: [85 3 26 29 52 21 61 17 55 78 13 57 22 48 74 70 30 74 26 15 ...]
-a: [72 36 85 49 13 3 98 62 26 16 75 39 29 88 52 42 6 65 55 19 ...]
-b: [167 49 85 121 13 3 157 193 111 39 75 147 29 183 137 65 101 173 55 19 ...]
-c: [36 36 49 13 13 49 3 3 26 26 16 16 39 39 29 29 6 42 6 42 ...]
-d: [72 36 36 72 85 49 13 13 49 85 3 3 98 62 26 26 62 98 16 16 ...]
-a: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-b: [3 197 151 161 81 69 27 37 189 147 13 75 181 117 173 11 191 185 101 105 ...]
-c: [33 2 48 18 37 5 35 49 1 12 50 9 31 26 10 42 37 17 13 11 ...]
-d: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-a: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-b: [3 197 151 161 81 69 27 37 189 147 13 75 181 117 173 11 191 185 101 105 ...]
-c: [33 2 48 18 37 5 35 49 1 12 50 9 31 26 10 42 37 17 13 11 ...]
-d: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-a: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-b: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-c: [1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 ...]
-d: [1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 ...]
-a: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-b: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-c: [1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 ...]
-d: [1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 ...]
-a: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-b: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-c: [1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 ...]
-d: [1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 ...]
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBag.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBag.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBag.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index d98d3d4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
- a test/demo of BitSets
-#include <assert.h>
-#define tassert(ex) { cerr << #ex; \
- if ((ex)) cerr << "OK\n"; \
- else cerr << "Fail\n"; }
-#include <BitSet.h>
-void test3S(BitSet a, BitSet b, BitSet c)
-// neg
- assert(~(~a) == a);
-// commutative
- assert((a | b) == (b | a));
- assert((a & b) == (b & a));
-// associative
- assert((a | (b | c)) == ((a | b) | c));
- assert((a & (b & c)) == ((a & b) & c));
-// distrib
- assert((a & (b | c)) == ((a & b) | (a & c)));
- assert((a | (b & c)) == ((a | b) & (a | c)));
-// absorption
- assert((a & (a | b)) == a);
- assert((a | (a & b)) == a);
-// demorgan
- assert((a | b) == ~(~a & ~b));
- assert((a & b) == ~(~a | ~b));
-// def of -
- assert((a - b) == (a & ~b));
- assert(((a - b) | b) == (a | b));
-// def of disjoint union
- assert((a ^ b) == ((a | b) & ~(a & b)));
- assert((a ^ b) == ((a - b) | (b - a)));
- BitSet x = a;
- x &= b;
- assert(x == (a & b));
- x |= c;
- assert(x == ((a & b) | c));
- x -= a;
- assert(x == (((a & b) | c) - a));
- x ^= b;
- assert(x == ((((a & b) | c) - a) ^ b));
- assert(x.OK());
-/* This regression test found a bug in BitSetresize.
- Based on a bug report from Joaquim Jorge <>.*/
- BitSet a; cout << "a: " << a << endl;
- a.set(1, 2); cout << "after set(1,2): " << a << endl;
- a = BitSet();cout << "after copy: " << a << endl;
- a.set(1); cout << "after set(1): " << a << endl;
-int main()
- cout << "BitSet tests:\n";
- BitSet a;
- cout << "a = " << a << "\n";
- assert(a.OK());
- BitSet b = longtoBitSet(1024);
- cout << "b = " << b << "\n";
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(b[10] == 1);
- assert(b.count() == 1);
- b[0] = b[10];
- assert(b[0] == 1);
- assert(b.count() == 2);
- BitSet c = atoBitSet("1010101010101010101010101010101010101010");
- cout << "c = " << c << "\n";
- assert(c.OK());
- assert(c.count() == 20);
- for (int i = 0; i < 40; i += 2)
- {
- assert(c[i] == 1);
- assert(c[i+1] == 0);
- }
- for (int p = 0; p < 5; ++p)
- cout << "c[" << p << "] =" << int(c[p]) << "\n";
- BitSet d = atoBitSet("0011001100110011001100110011001100110011");
- cout << "d = " << d << "\n";
- assert(d.OK());
- assert(d.count() == 20);
- assert(d.count(0) == -1);
- BitSet e = atoBitSet("1111000011110000111100001111000011110000");
- cout << "e = " << e << "\n";
- assert(e.OK());
- assert(e.count() == 20);
- BitSet u = ~a;
- cout << "u = ~a = " << u << "\n";
- assert(a == ~u);
- BitSet g = ~e;
- cout << "g = ~e = " << g << "\n";
- cout << "~c = " << (~c) << "\n";
- cout << "c & d = " << (c & d) << "\n";
- cout << "c | d = " << (c | d) << "\n";
- cout << "c - d = " << (c - d) << "\n";
- cout << "c ^ d = " << (c ^ d) << "\n";
- test3S(b, c, d);
- test3S(a, a, a);
- test3S(a, b, c);
- test3S(a, c, b);
- test3S(c, b, a);
- test3S(c, c, c);
- test3S(c, d, e);
- test3S(e, d, c);
- BitSet f = b;
- cout << "f = b = " << f << "\n";
- f &= c;
- cout << "f &= c = " << f << "\n";
- f |= d;
- cout << "f |= d = " << f << "\n";
- f -= e;
- cout << "f -= e = " << f << "\n";
- f ^= u;
- cout << "f ^= u = " << f << "\n";
- assert(f.OK());
- assert(c != d);
- assert(!(c == d));
- assert(!(c < d));
- assert(!(c > d));
- assert(!(c <= d));
- assert(!(c >= d));
- BitSet h = d;
- cout << "h = d\n:" << h << "\n";
- assert(d == h);
- assert(d <= h);
- assert(d >= h);
- assert(!(d != h));
- assert(!(d > h));
- assert(!(d < h));
- h.set(0);
- cout << "h.set(0):\n" << h << "\n";
- assert(!(d == h));
- assert(!(d >= h));
- assert(!(d > h));
- assert((d != h));
- assert(d <= h);
- assert((d < h));
- h.set(65);
- cout << "h.set(65):\n" << h << "\n";
- assert(h[65] == 1);
- assert(h[64] == 0);
- assert(h[66] == 0);
- h.clear(2);
- cout << "h.clear(2):\n" << h << "\n";
- assert(h[2] == 0);
- assert(h[3] == 1);
- assert(h[11] == 1);
- h.invert(11,20);
- cout << "h.invert(11,20):\n" << h << "\n";
- assert(h[11] == 0);
- h.set(21,30);
- cout << "h.set(21,30):\n" << h << "\n";
- assert(h[21] == 1);
- h.clear(31,40);
- cout << "h.clear(31, 40):\n" << h << "\n";
- assert(h[33] == 0);
- cout << "h.test(0,5) = " << h.test(0, 5) << "\n";
- cout << "h.test(31,40) = " << h.test(31, 40) << "\n";
- cout << "set bits in e:\n";
- for (int p = e.first(); p >= 0; p =
- {
- assert(e[p] == 1);
- cout << p << " ";
- }
- cout << "\n";
- cout << "clear bits in g (reverse order):\n";
- for (int p = g.last(0); p >= 0; p = g.prev(p, 0))
- {
- assert(g[p] == 0);
- cout << p << " ";
- }
- cout << "\n";
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- assert(d.OK());
- assert(e.OK());
- assert(f.OK());
- assert(g.OK());
- assert(h.OK());
- test4();
- cout << "\nEnd of test.\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBitSet.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBitSet.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 689874d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBitSet.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-BitSet tests:
-a = 0*
-b = 000000000010*
-c = 1010101010101010101010101010101010101010*
-c[0] =1
-c[1] =0
-c[2] =1
-c[3] =0
-c[4] =1
-d = 00110011001100110011001100110011001100110*
-e = 1111000011110000111100001111000011110*
-u = ~a = 1*
-g = ~e = 0000111100001111000011110000111100001*
-~c = 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101*
-c & d = 0010001000100010001000100010001000100010*
-c | d = 10111011101110111011101110111011101110110*
-c - d = 10001000100010001000100010001000100010*
-c ^ d = 10011001100110011001100110011001100110010*
-f = b = 100000000010*
-f &= c = 100000000010*
-f |= d = 10110011001100110011001100110011001100110*
-f -= e = 00000011000000110000001100000011000000110*
-f ^= u = 11111100111111001111110011111100111111001*
-h = d
-h.clear(31, 40):
-h.test(0,5) = 1
-h.test(31,40) = 0
-set bits in e:
-0 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 16 17 18 19 24 25 26 27 32 33 34 35
-clear bits in g (reverse order):
-35 34 33 32 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0
-a: 0*
-after set(1,2): 0110*
-after copy: 0*
-after set(1): 010*
-End of test.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBitSet.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBitSet.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBitSet.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index f397a21..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
- a test/demo of BitStrings
-#include <assert.h>
-#define tassert(ex) { cerr << #ex; \
- if ((ex)) cerr << " OK\n"; \
- else cerr << " Fail\n"; }
-#include <BitString.h>
-void doubletest(BitString a)
- BitString x;
- BitString y;
- x = a + reverse(a);
- for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
- {
- y = x;
- x += x;
- assert(x == reverse(x));
- assert(x.index(y) == 0);
- assert(x.index(y, -1) == x.length() / 2);
- assert(x.OK());
- }
-// identities for equal-length args
-void identitytest(BitString a, BitString b, BitString c)
-// neg
- assert(~(~a) == a);
-// commutative
- assert((a | b) == (b | a));
- assert((a & b) == (b & a));
-// associative
- assert((a | (b | c)) == ((a | b) | c));
- assert((a & (b & c)) == ((a & b) & c));
-// distrib
- assert((a & (b | c)) == ((a & b) | (a & c)));
- assert((a | (b & c)) == ((a | b) & (a | c)));
-// absorption
- assert((a & (a | b)) == a);
- assert((a | (a & b)) == a);
-// demorgan
- assert((a | b) == ~(~a & ~b));
- assert((a & b) == ~(~a | ~b));
-// def of -
- assert((a - b) == (a & ~b));
- assert(((a - b) | b) == (a | b));
-// def of disjoint union
- assert((a ^ b) == ((a | b) & ~(a & b)));
- assert((a ^ b) == ((a - b) | (b - a)));
-// shift
- assert(((a << 1) >> 1) == a);
-// concat
- assert((a + (b + c)) == ((a + b) + c));
- BitString x;
- x = a + b;
- assert(x.after(a) == b);
- assert(x.before(b, -1) == a);
- x = a;
- int l = x.length();
- x.set(l);
- assert(x == (a + 1));
- x.clear(l);
- assert(x == (a + 0));
-void accumtest(const BitString& a, const BitString& b, const BitString& c)
- BitString x = a;
- x &= b;
- assert(x == (a & b));
- x |= c;
- assert(x == ((a & b) | c));
- x -= a;
- assert(x == (((a & b) | c) - a));
- x ^= b;
- assert(x == ((((a & b) | c) - a) ^ b));
- x += c;
- assert(x == (((((a & b) | c) - a) ^ b) + c));
- x <<= 7;
- assert(x == ((((((a & b) | c) - a) ^ b) + c) << 7));
- x >>= 5;
- assert(x == (((((((a & b) | c) - a) ^ b) + c) << 7) >> 5));
- x += 0;
- assert(x == ((((((((a & b) | c) - a) ^ b) + c) << 7) >> 5) + 0));
- assert(x.OK());
-void cmptest(BitString& x)
- BitString a = x;
- a[0] = 0;
- BitString b = a;
- assert(a == b);
- assert(a <= b);
- assert(a >= b);
- assert(!(a != b));
- assert(!(a > b));
- assert(!(a < b));
- assert(lcompare(a, b) == 0);
- assert(a.matches(b));
- assert(a.contains(b));
- b[0] = 1;
- cout << "b.set(0) :" << b << "\n";
- assert(!(a == b));
- assert(!(a >= b));
- assert(!(a > b));
- assert((a != b));
- assert(a <= b);
- assert((a < b));
- assert(lcompare(a, b) < 0);
- assert(!a.matches(b));
- assert(!a.contains(b));
- assert(a.after(0) == b.after(0));
- b.set(65);
- cout << "b.set(65):\n" << b << "\n";
- assert(b[65] == 1);
- assert(b[64] == 0);
- assert(b.length() == 66);
- b.clear(2);
- cout << "b.clear(2):\n" << b << "\n";
- assert(b[2] == 0);
- b.set(11);
- b.invert(11,20);
- cout << "b.invert(11,20):\n" << b << "\n";
- assert(b[11] == 0);
- b.set(21,30);
- cout << "b.set(21,30):\n" << b << "\n";
- assert(b[21] == 1);
- b.clear(31,40);
- cout << "b.clear(31, 40):\n" << b << "\n";
- assert(b.test(33, 38) == 0);
-void subtest(BitString c)
- BitString k =, 4);
- cout << "k = " << k << "\n";
- assert(c.index(k) == 1);
- assert(c.index(k, -1) != -1);
- cout << "c.before(k) = " << c.before(k) << "\n";
- assert(c.before(k) == c.before(1));
- cout << " = " << << "\n";
- assert( == k);
- cout << "c.after(k) = " << c.after(k) << "\n";
- assert(c.after(k) == c.after(4));
- c.after(k) = k;
- cout << "c.after(k)=k :" << c << "\n";
- assert(c.after(4) == k);
- c.before(k) = k;
- cout << "c.before(k)=k:" << c << "\n";
- assert(c.after(c.after(k)) == k);
- assert(c.contains(k, 0));
- assert(common_prefix(c, k) == k);
- assert(common_suffix(c, k) == k);
- cout << "reverse(k) = " << reverse(k) << "\n";
- k.left_trim(0);
- assert(k[0] == 1);
- cout << "k.left_trim(0) : " << k << "\n";
- k.right_trim(1);
- assert(k[k.length() - 1] == 0);
- cout << "k.right_trim(1) : " << k << "\n";
-int main()
- BitString a;
- BitString b = atoBitString("1000000001");
- BitString c = atoBitString("10101010101010101010");
- BitString d = atoBitString("00110011001100110011");
- BitString e = atoBitString("11110000111100001111");
- BitString f = b;
- BitString g = ~e;
- BitString h = d;
- BitString zz;
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(a.empty());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(!b.empty());
- assert(c.OK());
- assert(c.count(1) == 10);
- assert(c.count(0) == 10);
- assert(d.OK());
- assert(c.count(1) == 10);
- assert(c.count(0) == 10);
- assert(e.OK());
- assert(e.count(1) == 12);
- assert(e.count(0) == 8);
- assert(f == b);
- assert(h == d);
- assert(g == ~e);
- assert(~g == e);
- assert(f.OK());
- assert(g.OK());
- assert(h.OK());
- cout << "a = " << a << "\n";
- cout << "b = " << b << "\n";
- cout << "c = " << c << "\n";
- cout << "d = " << d << "\n";
- cout << "e = " << e << "\n";
- cout << "f = b = " << f << "\n";
- cout << "g = ~e = " << g << "\n";
- cout << "h = d = " << h << "\n";
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
- {
- assert(h[i] == d[i]);
- assert(g[i] != e[i]);
- assert(c[i] == !(i % 2));
- }
- cout << "bits in e:\n";
- for (int p = e.first(); p >= 0; p =
- {
- assert(e[p] == 1);
- cout << p << " ";
- }
- cout << "\n";
- cout << "clear bits in g (reverse order):\n";
- for (int p = g.last(0); p >= 0; p = g.prev(p, 0))
- {
- assert(g[p] == 0);
- cout << p << " ";
- }
- cout << "\n";
- cout << "~c = " << (~c) << "\n";
- cout << "c & d = " << (c & d) << "\n";
- cout << "c | d = " << (c | d) << "\n";
- cout << "c - d = " << (c - d) << "\n";
- cout << "c ^ d = " << (c ^ d) << "\n";
- cout << "c + d = " << (c + d) << "\n";
- cout << "c <<2 = " << (c << 2) << "\n";
- cout << "c >>2 = " << (c >> 2) << "\n";
- f &= c;
- cout << "f &= c = " << f << "\n";
- f |= d;
- cout << "f |= d = " << f << "\n";
- f -= d;
- cout << "f -= e = " << f << "\n";
- f ^= c;
- cout << "f ^= c = " << f << "\n";
- f += b;
- cout << "f += b = " << f << "\n";
- f <<= 5;
- cout << "f <<=5 = " << f << "\n";
- f >>= 10;
- cout << "f >>=10= " << f << "\n";
- assert(c != d);
- assert(!(c == d));
- assert(!(c < d));
- assert(!(c > d));
- assert(!(c <= d));
- assert(!(c >= d));
- assert(lcompare(c, d) > 0);
- BitString l = c + d + c;
- cout << "l = " << l << "\n";
- BitPattern pat(d, e);
- assert(pat.OK());
- cout << "BitPattern pat = " << pat << "\n";
- cout << "pat.pattern = " << pat.pattern << "\n";
- cout << "pat.mask = " << pat.mask << "\n";
- assert(d.matches(pat));
- cout << "l.index(pat) = " << l.index(pat) << "\n";
- cout << "l.index(pat,-1)= " << l.index(pat, -1) << "\n";
- cout << "l.before(pat) = " << l.before(pat) << "\n";
- cout << " = " << << "\n";
- cout << "l.after(pat) = " << l.after(pat) << "\n";
- int eind = l.index(pat);
- = e;
- assert(l.index(e) == eind);
- identitytest(d, g, h);
- identitytest(a, a, a);
- identitytest(c, d, e);
- identitytest(e, d, c);
- identitytest(longtoBitString(0), longtoBitString((unsigned)(~(0L))),
- shorttoBitString(1025));
- identitytest(a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h, h+g+f+e+d+c+b+a, a+c+e+g+b+d+f+h);
- accumtest(d, g, h);
- accumtest(a, b, c);
- accumtest(c, d, e);
- accumtest(e, d, c);
- accumtest(a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+l, f+e+d+c+b+a+pat.mask, e+g+b+d+f+h+pat.pattern);
- doubletest(a);
- doubletest(b);
- doubletest(c);
- doubletest(a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h);
- cmptest(b);
- cmptest(d);
- subtest(c);
- subtest(d);
- for (int i=0; i<64; i++) {
- zz += 1;
- }
- cout << "zz = " << zz << "\n";
- cout << "\nEnd of test.\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBitString.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBitString.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 142187a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBitString.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-a =
-b = 1000000001
-c = 10101010101010101010
-d = 00110011001100110011
-e = 11110000111100001111
-f = b = 1000000001
-g = ~e = 00001111000011110000
-h = d = 00110011001100110011
-bits in e:
-0 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 16 17 18 19
-clear bits in g (reverse order):
-19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0
-~c = 01010101010101010101
-c & d = 00100010001000100010
-c | d = 10111011101110111011
-c - d = 10001000100010001000
-c ^ d = 10011001100110011001
-c + d = 1010101010101010101000110011001100110011
-c <<2 = 0010101010101010101010
-c >>2 = 101010101010101010
-f &= c = 1000000000
-f |= d = 10110011001100110011
-f -= e = 10000000000000000000
-f ^= c = 00101010101010101010
-f += b = 001010101010101010101000000001
-f <<=5 = 00000001010101010101010101000000001
-f >>=10= 0101010101010101000000001
-l = 101010101010101010100011001100110011001110101010101010101010
-BitPattern pat = 0011XXXX0011XXXX0011
-pat.pattern = 00110011001100110011
-pat.mask = 11110000111100001111
-l.index(pat) = 20
-l.index(pat,-1)= 20
-l.before(pat) = 10101010101010101010 = 00110011001100110011
-l.after(pat) = 10101010101010101010
-b.set(0) :1000000001
-b.clear(31, 40):
-b.set(0) :10110011001100110011
-b.clear(31, 40):
-k = 0101
-c.before(k) = 1 = 0101
-c.after(k) = 010101010101010
-c.after(k)=k :101010101
-reverse(k) = 1010
-k.left_trim(0) : 101
-k.right_trim(1) : 10
-k = 0110
-c.before(k) = 0 = 0110
-c.after(k) = 011001100110011
-c.after(k)=k :001100110
-reverse(k) = 0110
-k.left_trim(0) : 110
-k.right_trim(1) : 110
-zz = 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
-End of test.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBitString.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBitString.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tBitString.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index ae635dd..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#include <_G_config.h>
-#include <iostream.h>
-int main ()
- cerr << "(CursesWindow is not supported on this system)";
-#else /* _G_HAVE_CURSES */
-#include <CursesW.h>
-// a simple test/demo for CursesWindow
-int main()
- CursesWindow big(23, 79, 0, 0);
- CursesWindow corner(10, 10, 0, 0);
- CursesWindow small(10, 10, 5, 5);
- CursesWindow sub(big, 10, 10, (big.height()>>1)-5, (big.width()>>1)-5);
- CursesWindow sub2(big, 5, 5, big.height()-6, big.width()-6);
- CursesWindow subsub(sub, 5, 5, 1, 1, 'r');
- int i;
- char c='A';
- for (i=1;i<10;++i)
- sub.mvaddch(i, i, '*');
- for (i=1;i<10;++i)
- sub.mvaddch(10-i, i, '*');
- big.refresh();
- big.mvprintw(0,0,"begx=%d,maxx=%d,begy=%d,maxy=%d,height=%d,width=%d",
- big.begx(), big.maxx(), big.begy(), big.maxy(),
- big.height(), big.width());
- big.refresh();
-'2', '2');
-'s', 's');
- big.refresh();
- i=13;
- const char * cptr = "Cstar";
- long l = 0xffffffff;
- double d= 3.1415926;
- float f= 10.0/d;
- big.mvprintw(2,2,"printw test:%d, %c, %s, %ld, %lf, %f\n",i,c,cptr,l,d,f);
- big.refresh();
- big.mvprintw(5,20,"enter an int:");
- big.refresh();
- big.scanw("%d",&i);
- big.move(6,20);
- big.printw("number = %d\n",i);
- big.refresh();
- corner.refresh();
-'S','S'); small.refresh();
- big.mvprintw(20,20,"enter a char:");
- big.refresh();
- big.scanw("%c",&c);
- big.move(21,20);
- big.printw("char = %c\n",c);
-, c);
- big.refresh();
- small.refresh();
- corner.overlay(small);
- big.overwrite(corner);
- corner.refresh();
-#endif /* _G_HAVE_CURSES */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tCurses.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tCurses.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3624789..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tCurses.inp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c1f561..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
- test of Deques
-#ifdef PTIMES
-const int ptimes = 1;
-const int ptimes = 0;
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "iDeque.h"
-#define tassert(ex) {if ((ex)) cerr << #ex << "\n"; \
- else _assert(#ex, __FILE__,__LINE__); }
-int SIZE;
-void print(intDeque& a)
- int maxprint = 20;
- cout << "[";
- int k = 0;
- while (!a.empty() && k++ < maxprint)
- cout << a.deq() << " ";
- if (k == maxprint)
- cout << "]\n";
- else
- {
- while (!a.empty()) a.del_front();
- cout << "...]\n";
- }
- assert(a.empty());
-#include "iXPDeque.h"
-void XPtest ()
- intXPDeque d(SIZE);
- assert(d.OK());
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- {
- if (i % 2 == 0)
- d.enq(i);
- else
- d.push(i);
- }
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d.front() == (SIZE-1));
- assert(d.rear() == (SIZE-2));
- assert(!d.full());
- intXPDeque d1(SIZE/2);
- for (int i = (SIZE-1); i >= 0; --i)
- {
- int x;
- if (i % 2 == 0)
- {
- x = d.rear();
- d.del_rear();
- }
- else
- {
- x = d.front();
- d.del_front();
- }
- d1.enq(x);
- }
- assert(d.empty());
- assert(d1.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d1.front() == (SIZE-1));
- assert(d1.rear() == 0);
- assert(d.OK());
- assert(d1.OK());
- intXPDeque d2 (d1);
- assert(d2.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d2.front() == (SIZE-1));
- assert(d2.OK());
- d1.clear();
- assert(d1.empty());
- d1 = d2;
- assert(d1.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d1.front() == (SIZE-1));
- cout << "d1:"; print(d1);
- assert(d.OK());
- assert(d1.OK());
- assert(d2.OK());
-#include "iDLDeque.h"
-void DLtest ()
- intDLDeque d;
- assert(d.OK());
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- {
- if (i % 2 == 0)
- d.enq(i);
- else
- d.push(i);
- }
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d.front() == (SIZE-1));
- assert(d.rear() == (SIZE-2));
- assert(!d.full());
- intDLDeque d1;
- for (int i = (SIZE-1); i >= 0; --i)
- {
- int x;
- if (i % 2 == 0)
- {
- x = d.rear();
- d.del_rear();
- }
- else
- {
- x = d.front();
- d.del_front();
- }
- d1.enq(x);
- }
- assert(d.empty());
- assert(d1.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d1.front() == (SIZE-1));
- assert(d1.rear() == 0);
- assert(d.OK());
- assert(d1.OK());
- intDLDeque d2 (d1);
- assert(d2.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d2.front() == (SIZE-1));
- assert(d2.OK());
- d1.clear();
- assert(d1.empty());
- d1 = d2;
- assert(d1.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d1.front() == (SIZE-1));
- cout << "d1:"; print(d1);
- assert(d.OK());
- assert(d1.OK());
- assert(d2.OK());
-int main(int argv, char** argc)
- if (argv > 1)
- {
- SIZE = abs(atoi(argc[1]));
- SIZE &= ~1;
- }
- else
- SIZE = 100;
- start_timer();
- cout << "XP deques:\n"; XPtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "DL deques:\n"; DLtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- cout << "\nEnd of test\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tDeque.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tDeque.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d60c35..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tDeque.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-XP deques:
-d1:[99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 ...]
-DL deques:
-d1:[99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 ...]
-End of test
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tDeque.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tDeque.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tDeque.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index d846f87..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
- * a few tests for streams
- *
- */
-#include <stream.h>
-#ifndef _OLD_STREAMS
-#include <strstream.h>
-#include "unistd.h"
-#include <SFile.h>
-#include <PlotFile.h>
-#include <std.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-class record
- char c; int i; double d;
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, record& r)
- return(s << "(i = " << r.i << " c = " << r.c << " d = " << r.d << ")");
-void t1()
- char ch;
- assert(cout.good());
- assert(cout.writable());
- assert(cout.is_open());
- cout << "Hello, world via cout\n";
- assert(cerr.good());
- assert(cerr.writable());
- assert(cerr.is_open());
- cerr << "Hello, world via cerr\n";
- assert(cin.good());
- assert(cin.readable());
- assert(cin.is_open());
- cout << "enter a char:"; cin >> ch;
- cout.put('c'); cout.put(' '); cout.put('='); cout.put(' ');
- cout.put('"'); cout.put(ch); cout << '"'; cout << char('\n');
- assert(cin.good());
- assert(cout.good());
-void t2()
- int i;
- short h;
- long l;
- float f;
- double d;
- char s[100];
- cout << "enter three integers (short, int, long):";
- cin >> h; cin >> i;
- // cin.scan("%ld", &l);
- cin >> l;
- cout << "first = " << h << " via dec = " << dec(h, 8) << "\n";
- cout << "second = " << i << form(" via form = %d = 0%o", i, i);
- cout.form(" via cout.form = %d = 0x%x\n", i, i);
- cout << "third = " << l << " via hex = " << hex(l) << "\n";
- assert(cin.good());
- assert(cout.good());
- cout << "enter a float then a double:"; cin >> f; cin >> d;
- cout << "first = " << f << "\n";
- cout << "second = " << d << "\n";
- assert(cin.good());
- assert(cout.good());
- cout << "enter 5 characters separated with spaces:"; cin >> s;
- cout << "first = " << s << "\n";
- cin.get(s, 100);
- cout << "rest = " << s << "\n";
- assert(cin.good());
- assert(cout.good());
-void t3()
- char ch;
- cout << "\nMaking streams sout and sin...";
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- ostream sout("streamfile", io_writeonly, a_create);
- ofstream sout("streamfile");
- assert(sout.good());
- assert(sout.is_open());
- assert(sout.writable());
- assert(!sout.readable());
- sout << "This file has one line testing output streams.\n";
- sout.close();
- assert(!sout.is_open());
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- istream sin("streamfile", io_readonly, a_useonly);
- ifstream sin("streamfile");
- assert(sin.good());
- assert(sin.is_open());
- assert(!sin.writable());
- assert(sin.readable());
- cout << "contents of file:\n";
- while(sin >> ch) cout << ch;
- sin.close();
- assert(!sin.is_open());
-void t4()
- char s[100];
- char ch;
- int i;
- cout << "\nMaking File tf ... ";
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- File tf("tempfile", io_readwrite, a_create);
- fstream tf("tempfile", ios::in|ios::out|ios::trunc);
- assert(tf.good());
- assert(tf.is_open());
- assert(tf.writable());
- assert(tf.readable());
- strcpy(s, "This is the first and only line of this file.\n");
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- tf.put(s);
- tf << s;
- tf.rdbuf()->seekoff(0, ios::beg);
- tf.get(s, 100);
- assert(tf.good());
- cout << "first line of file:\n" << s << "\n";
- cout << "next char = ";
- tf.get(ch);
- cout << (int)ch;
- cout.put('\n');
- assert(ch == 10);
- strcpy(s, "Now there is a second line.\n");
- cout << "reopening tempfile, appending: " << s;
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
-, io_appendonly, a_use);
- tf.close();
-"tempfile", ios::app);
- assert(tf.good());
- assert(tf.is_open());
- assert(tf.writable());
- assert(!tf.readable());
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- tf.put(s);
- assert(tf.good());
-, io_readonly, a_use);
- tf << s;
- assert(tf.good());
- tf.close();
-"tempfile", ios::in);
- tf.raw();
- assert(tf.good());
- assert(tf.is_open());
- assert(!tf.writable());
- assert(tf.readable());
- cout << "First 10 chars via raw system read after reopen for input:\n";
- read(tf.filedesc(), s, 10);
- assert(tf.good());
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)
- cout.put(s[i]);
- lseek(tf.filedesc(), 5, 0);
- cout << "\nContents after raw lseek to pos 5:\n";
- while ( (tf.get(ch)) && (cout.put(ch)) );
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- tf.remove();
- tf.close();
- unlink("tempfile");
- assert(!tf.is_open());
-void t5()
- record r;
- int i;
- cout << "\nMaking SFile rf...";
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- SFile rf("recfile", sizeof(record), io_readwrite, a_create);
- SFile rf("recfile", sizeof(record), ios::in|ios::out|ios::trunc);
- assert(rf.good());
- assert(rf.is_open());
- assert(rf.writable());
- assert(rf.readable());
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- r.c = i + 'a';
- r.i = i;
- r.d = (double)(i) / 1000.0;
- rf.put(&r);
- }
- assert(rf.good());
- cout << "odd elements of file in reverse order:\n";
- for (i = 9; i >= 0; i -= 2)
- {
- rf[i].get(&r);
- assert(r.c == i + 'a');
- assert(r.i == i);
- cout << r << "\n";
- }
- assert(rf.good());
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- rf.remove();
- rf.close();
- unlink("recfile");
- assert(!rf.is_open());
-void t6()
- cout << "\nMaking PlotFile pf ...";
- static const char plot_name[] = "plot.out";
- PlotFile pf(plot_name);
- assert(pf.good());
- assert(pf.is_open());
- assert(pf.writable());
- assert(!pf.readable());
- pf.move(10,10);
- pf.label("Test");
- pf.line(100, 100, 500, 500);
- assert(pf.good());
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- cout << "(You may delete or attempt to plot " << << ")\n";
- cout << "(You may delete or attempt to plot " << plot_name << ")\n";
-void t7()
- char ch;
- char mybuf[1000];
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- cout << "creating string-based ostream...\n";
- ostream strout(1000, mybuf);
- cout << "creating ostrstream...\n";
- ostrstream strout(mybuf, 1000);
- assert(strout.good());
- assert(strout.writable());
- strout << "This is a string-based stream.\n";
- strout << "With two lines.\n";
- strout.put(char(0));
- assert(strout.good());
- cout << "with contents:\n";
- cout << mybuf;
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- cout << "using it to create string-based istream...\n";
- istream strin(strlen(mybuf), mybuf);
- cout << "using it to create istrstream...\n";
- istrstream strin(mybuf, strlen(mybuf));
- assert(strin.good());
- assert(strin.readable());
- cout << "with contents:\n";
- while (strin.get(ch)) cout.put(ch);
-void t8()
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- cout << "\nThe following file open should generate error message:";
- cout.flush();
- File ef("shouldnotexist", io_readonly, a_useonly);
- ifstream ef("shouldnotexist");
- assert(!ef.good());
- assert(!ef.is_open());
-void t9()
- char ch;
- static char ffile_name[] = "ffile";
- {
- cout << "\nMaking filebuf streams fout and fin...";
- filebuf foutbuf;
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
-, output);
-, ios::out);
- ostream fout(&foutbuf);
- assert(fout.good());
- assert(fout.is_open());
- assert(fout.writable());
- assert(!fout.readable());
- fout << "This file has one line testing output streams.\n";
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- fout.close();
- assert(!fout.is_open());
- }
- filebuf finbuf;
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
-, input);
-, ios::in);
- istream fin(&finbuf);
- assert(fin.good());
- assert(fin.is_open());
- assert(!fin.writable());
- assert(fin.readable());
- cout << "contents of file:\n";
- while(fin >> ch) cout << ch;
-#ifndef _OLD_STREAMS
- cout << '\n';
- fin.close();
- assert(!fin.is_open());
- t1();
- t2();
- t3();
- t4();
- t5();
- t6();
- t7();
- t9();
- t8();
- cout << "\nFinal names & states:\n";
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- cout << "cin: " << << "\t" << cin.rdstate() << "\n";
- cout << "cout: " << << "\t" << cout.rdstate() << "\n";
- cout << "cerr: " << << "\t" << cerr.rdstate() << "\n";
- cout << "cin: " << "(stdin)" << "\t" << cin.rdstate() << "\n";
- cout << "cout: " << "(stdout)" << "\t" << cout.rdstate() << "\n";
- cout << "cerr: " << "(stderr)" << "\t" << cerr.rdstate() << "\n";
- cout << "\nend of test.\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFile.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFile.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6827c5c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFile.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Hello, world via cout
-Hello, world via cerr
-enter a char:c = "a"
-enter three integers (short, int, long):first = 123 via dec = 123
-second = 4567 via form = 4567 = 010727 via cout.form = 4567 = 0x11d7
-third = 89012 via hex = 15bb4
-enter a float then a double:first = 123.456
-second = -0.012
-enter 5 characters separated with spaces:first = 1
-rest = 2 3 4 5
-Making streams sout and sin...contents of file:
-Making File tf ... first line of file:
-This is the first and only line of this file.
-next char = 10
-reopening tempfile, appending: Now there is a second line.
-First 10 chars via raw system read after reopen for input:
-This is th
-Contents after raw lseek to pos 5:
-is the first and only line of this file.
-Now there is a second line.
-Making SFile rf...odd elements of file in reverse order:
-(i = 9 c = j d = 0.009)
-(i = 7 c = h d = 0.007)
-(i = 5 c = f d = 0.005)
-(i = 3 c = d d = 0.003)
-(i = 1 c = b d = 0.001)
-Making PlotFile pf ...(You may delete or attempt to plot plot.out)
-creating ostrstream...
-with contents:
-This is a string-based stream.
-With two lines.
-using it to create istrstream...
-with contents:
-This is a string-based stream.
-With two lines.
-Making filebuf streams fout and fin...contents of file:
-Final names & states:
-cin: (stdin) 0
-cout: (stdout) 0
-cerr: (stderr) 0
-end of test.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFile.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFile.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index 436a521..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFile.inp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-123 4567 89012
-123.456 -1.2e-2
-1 2 3 4 5
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 96256f4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// : test Fix (variable length) classes
-#include <Fix.h>
-void check(const char* x, Fix y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-void check(const char* x, int y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-void check(const char* x, long y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-void check(const char* x, double y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-void checkb(const char* x, const Fix y)
- cout << x << " = " << (y) << " [" << length(y) << "]"<< "\n";
-int main() {
- cout << "Fix: identities should be displayed\n"
- << "[X] displays the precision of a given value\n"
- << "[*] indicates that the full precision is not used for coding reasons\n";
- Fix a; checkb("0 [16]",a);
- Fix b = .5; checkb(".5 [16]",b);
- Fix c(17,-.5); checkb("-.5 [17]",c);
- Fix d(33,.1); checkb(".1 [33]",d);
- Fix e = c; checkb("-.5 [17]",e);
- checkb(".3 [16]",a = .3);
- checkb(".5 [16]",a = b);
- checkb(".1 [16]",a = d);
- checkb(".1 [33*]",d = a);
- checkb("-.2 [17]",c = -.2);
- checkb("-.5 [17]",e);
- check(".1 [16] == .1 [33*]",a == d);
- d = .1;
- check(".1 [16] == .1 [33]",a == d);
- check(".1 [33] != .5 [16]",d != b);
- check(".1 [33] > .5 [16]",d > b);
- check(".1 [33] <= -.2 [17]",d <= c);
- e = .5;
- check("1073741824",mantissa(e).as_double());
- check(".5",value(e));
- checkb(".5 [17]",+e);
- checkb("-.5 [17]",-e);
- checkb(".1 [33] + .5 [16]",d+b);
- checkb(".1 [33] - .5 [16]",d-b);
- checkb(".1 [33] * .5 [16]",d*b);
- checkb(".1 [33] * 3",d*3);
- checkb(".1 [33] * -3",d*-3);
- checkb("-.1 [33] * 3",(-d)*3);
- checkb("-.1 [33] * -3",(-d)*-3);
- checkb(".5 [17] * -2",e*-2);
- checkb(".1 [33] % 25",d%25);
- checkb(".1 [33] % -25",d%-25);
- checkb(".1 [33] / .5 [16]",d/b);
- checkb(".1 [33] << 1",d<<1);
- checkb("-.1 [33] >> 2",(-d)>>2);
- checkb("abs(-.2)",abs(c));
- checkb("abs(.2)",abs(-c));
- check("sgn(-.2)",sgn(c));
- check("sgn(.2)",sgn(-c));
- cout << "\nshow .1 [33]\n";
- show(d);
- Fix g = .95;
- cout << "\nFix: range errors warned\n";
- Fix f = 1.1; checkb("1.1 [16]",f);
- checkb(".5 [16] / .1 [33]",b/d);
- checkb(".5 [16] / 0. [16]",b/Fix(0.));
- checkb(".5 [17] * 32768",e*32768);
- cout << "\nFix: overflows saturated\n";
- Fix::set_overflow_handler(Fix::overflow_saturate);
- checkb(".95 [16] + .1 [33]",g+d);
- checkb("-.1 [33] - .95 [16]",-d-g);
- checkb(".5 [17] * 2",e*2);
- cout << "\nFix: overflows generate warnings\n";
- Fix::set_overflow_handler(Fix::overflow_warning);
- checkb(".95 [16] + .1 [33]",g+d);
- checkb("-.1 [33] - .95 [16]",-d-g);
- checkb(".5 [17] * 2",e*2);
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ab0051..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Fix: identities should be displayed
-[X] displays the precision of a given value
-[*] indicates that the full precision is not used for coding reasons
-0 [16] = 0.00000 [16]
-.5 [16] = 0.50000 [16]
--.5 [17] = -0.50000 [17]
-.1 [33] = 0.10000 [33]
--.5 [17] = -0.50000 [17]
-.3 [16] = 0.29999 [16]
-.5 [16] = 0.50000 [16]
-.1 [16] = 0.09998 [16]
-.1 [33*] = 0.09998 [33]
--.2 [17] = -0.20001 [17]
--.5 [17] = -0.50000 [17]
-.1 [16] == .1 [33*] = 1
-.1 [16] == .1 [33] = 0
-.1 [33] != .5 [16] = 1
-.1 [33] > .5 [16] = 0
-.1 [33] <= -.2 [17] = 0
-1073741824 = 1.07374e+09
-.5 = 0.5
-.5 [17] = 0.50000 [17]
--.5 [17] = -0.50000 [17]
-.1 [33] + .5 [16] = 0.60000 [33]
-.1 [33] - .5 [16] = -0.40000 [33]
-.1 [33] * .5 [16] = 0.05000 [49]
-.1 [33] * 3 = 0.30000 [33]
-.1 [33] * -3 = -0.30000 [33]
--.1 [33] * 3 = -0.30000 [33]
--.1 [33] * -3 = 0.30000 [33]
-.5 [17] * -2 = -1.00000 [17]
-.1 [33] % 25 = 0.10000 [58]
-.1 [33] % -25 = 0.09375 [8]
-.1 [33] / .5 [16] = 0.20001 [33]
-.1 [33] << 1 = 0.20000 [33]
--.1 [33] >> 2 = 0.47500 [33]
-abs(-.2) = 0.20001 [17]
-abs(.2) = 0.20001 [17]
-sgn(-.2) = -1
-sgn(.2) = 1
-show .1 [33]
-len = 33
-siz = 3
-ref = 1
-man = ccccccc8000
-val = 0.1
-Fix: range errors warned
-Fix: range error in declaration
-1.1 [16] = 0.00000 [16]
-Fix: range error in division
-.5 [16] / .1 [33] = 0.00000 [16]
-Fix: range error in division -- division by zero
-.5 [16] / 0. [16] = 0.00000 [16]
-Fix: range error in multiply by int -- int too large
-.5 [17] * 32768 = -1.00000 [17]
-Fix: overflows saturated
-.95 [16] + .1 [33] = 1.00000 [33]
--.1 [33] - .95 [16] = -1.00000 [33]
-.5 [17] * 2 = 0.99998 [17]
-Fix: overflows generate warnings
-Fix: overflow warning
-.95 [16] + .1 [33] = -0.94999 [33]
-Fix: overflow warning
--.1 [33] - .95 [16] = 0.94999 [33]
-Fix: overflow warning
-.5 [17] * 2 = -0.49994 [17]
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index beedc46..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-// : test Fix16/32 classes
-#include <Fix16.h>
-// This set of inlines (instead of a macro) is to force the side effects
-// of evaluating y to happen before x is printed.
-inline void check(char *x, int y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-inline void check(char *x, long y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-inline void check(char *x, double y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-inline void check(char *x, Fix16 y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-inline void check(char *x, Fix32 y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-void test16() {
- cout << "Fix16: identities should be displayed\n";
- Fix16 a; check("0",a);
- Fix16 b = .5; check(".5",b);
- Fix16 c = -.5; check("-.5",c);
- Fix16 d = .1; check(".1",d);
- Fix16 e = b; check(".5",e);
- check(".5",a = b);
- check(".25",a = .25);
- check("8192",mantissa(a));
- mantissa(a)=8192;
- check(".25",a);
- check(".25",value(a));
- check(".25",+a);
- check("-.25",-a);
- check(".1 + .5",d+b);
- check(".1 - .5",d-b);
- check(".1 * .5",d*b);
- check(".1 * 3",d*3);
- check(".1 * -3",d*-3);
- check(".1 / .5",d/b);
- check(".1 << 1",d<<1);
- check("-.5 >> 2",c>>2);
- check(".1 == .5",d == b);
- check(".1 != .5",d != b);
- check(".1 > .5",d > b);
- check(".5 <= -.5",b <= c);
- cout << "Fix16: range errors ignored and overflows saturated\n";
- set_Fix16_overflow_handler(Fix16_overflow_saturate);
- set_Fix16_range_error_handler(Fix16_ignore);
- Fix16 f = 1.1; check("1.1",f);
- Fix16 g = .7;
- check(".7 + .5",g+b);
- check("-.5 - .7",c-g);
- check(".5 / .1",b/d);
-void test32() {
- cout << "Fix32: identities should be displayed\n";
- Fix32 a; check("0",a);
- Fix32 b = .5; check(".5",b);
- Fix32 c = -.5; check("-.5",c);
- Fix32 d = .1; check(".1",d);
- Fix32 e = b; check(".5",e);
- check(".5",a = b);
- check(".25",a = .25);
- check("536870912",mantissa(a));
- mantissa(a)=536870912;
- check(".25",a);
- check(".25",value(a));
- check(".25",+a);
- check("-.25",-a);
- check(".1 + .5",d+b);
- check(".1 - .5",d-b);
- check(".1 * .5",d*b);
- check(".1 * 3",d*3);
- check(".1 * -3",d*-3);
- check(".1 / .5",d/b);
- check(".1 << 1",d<<1);
- check("-.5 >> 2",c>>2);
- check(".1 == .5",d == b);
- check(".1 != .5",d != b);
- check(".1 > .5",d > b);
- check(".5 <= -.5",b <= c);
- cout << "Fix32: range errors reported and overflows reported\n";
- set_Fix32_overflow_handler(Fix32_warning);
- set_Fix32_range_error_handler(Fix32_warning);
- Fix32 f = 1.1; check("1.1",f);
- Fix32 g = .7;
- check(".7 + .5",g+b);
- check("-.5 - .7",c-g);
- check(".5 / .1",b/d);
-int main() {
- test16();
- test32();
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix16.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix16.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index be40a2a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix16.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-Fix16: identities should be displayed
-0 = 0
-.5 = 0.5
--.5 = -0.5
-.1 = 0.100006
-.5 = 0.5
-.5 = 0.5
-.25 = 0.25
-8192 = 8192
-.25 = 0.25
-.25 = 0.25
-.25 = 0.25
--.25 = -0.25
-.1 + .5 = 0.600006
-.1 - .5 = -0.399994
-.1 * .5 = 0.0500031
-.1 * 3 = 0.300018
-.1 * -3 = -0.300018
-.1 / .5 = 0.200012
-.1 << 1 = 0.200012
--.5 >> 2 = -0.125
-.1 == .5 = 0
-.1 != .5 = 1
-.1 > .5 = 0
-.5 <= -.5 = 0
-Fix16: range errors ignored and overflows saturated
-1.1 = 0.999969
-.7 + .5 = 0.999969
--.5 - .7 = -1
-.5 / .1 = 0.999969
-Fix32: identities should be displayed
-0 = 0
-.5 = 0.5
--.5 = -0.5
-.1 = 0.1
-.5 = 0.5
-.5 = 0.5
-.25 = 0.25
-536870912 = 536870912
-.25 = 0.25
-.25 = 0.25
-.25 = 0.25
--.25 = -0.25
-.1 + .5 = 0.6
-.1 - .5 = -0.4
-.1 * .5 = 0.05
-.1 * 3 = 0.3
-.1 * -3 = -0.3
-.1 / .5 = 0.2
-.1 << 1 = 0.2
--.5 >> 2 = -0.125
-.1 == .5 = 0
-.1 != .5 = 1
-.1 > .5 = 0
-.5 <= -.5 = 0
-Fix32: range errors reported and overflows reported
-warning: Fix32 result out of range
-1.1 = 1
-warning: Fix32 result out of range
-.7 + .5 = -0.8
-warning: Fix32 result out of range
--.5 - .7 = 0.8
-warning: Fix32 result out of range
-.5 / .1 = 1
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix16.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix16.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix16.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 08bd009..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-// : test Fix24/48 classes
-#include <Fix24.h>
-// This a set of inlines instead of a macro to force the side effects
-// of evaluating y to happen before x is printed.
-inline void check(char *x, int y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-inline void check(char *x, unsigned int y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-inline void check(char *x, long y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-inline void check(char *x, unsigned long y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-inline void check(char *x, double y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-inline void check(char *x, Fix24 y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-inline void check(char *x, Fix48 y) { cout << x << " = " << (y) << "\n"; }
-void test24() {
- cout << "Fix24: identities should be displayed\n";
- Fix24 a; check("0",a);
- Fix24 b = .5; check(".5",b);
- Fix24 c = -.5; check("-.5",c);
- Fix24 d = .1; check(".1",d);
- Fix24 e = b; check(".5",e);
- check(".5",a = b);
- check(".25",a = .25);
- check("536870912",mantissa(a));
- mantissa(a)=536870912;
- check(".25",a);
- check(".25",value(a));
- check(".25",+a);
- check("-.25",-a);
- check(".1 + .5",d+b);
- check(".1 - .5",d-b);
- check(".1 * .5",d*b);
- check(".1 * 3",d*3);
- check(".1 * -3",d*-3);
- check(".1 / .5",d/b);
- check(".1 << 1",d<<1);
- check("-.5 >> 2",c>>2);
- check(".1 == .5",d == b);
- check(".1 != .5",d != b);
- check(".1 > .5",d > b);
- check(".5 <= -.5",b <= c);
- cout << "Fix24: range errors ignored and overflows saturated\n";
- set_Fix24_overflow_handler(Fix24_overflow_saturate);
- set_Fix24_range_error_handler(Fix24_ignore);
- Fix24 f = 1.1; check("1.1",f);
- Fix24 g = .7;
- check(".7 + .5",g+b);
- check("-.5 - .7",c-g);
- check(".5 / .1",b/d);
-void test48() {
- cout << "Fix48: identities should be displayed\n";
- Fix48 a; check("0",a);
- Fix48 b = .5; check(".5",b);
- Fix48 c = -.5; check("-.5",c);
- Fix48 d = .1; check(".1",d);
- Fix48 e = b; check(".5",e);
- check(".5",a = b);
- check(".25",a = .25);
- twolongs t;
- t = mantissa(a);
- check("536870912",t.u);
- check("0",t.l);
- mantissa(a)=t;
- check(".25",a);
- check(".25",value(a));
- check(".25",+a);
- check("-.25",-a);
- check(".1 + .5",d+b);
- check(".1 - .5",d-b);
- check(".1 * 3",d*3);
- check(".1 * -3",d*-3);
- check(".1 << 1",d<<1);
- check("-.5 >> 2",c>>2);
- check(".1 == .5",d == b);
- check(".1 != .5",d != b);
- check(".1 > .5",d > b);
- check(".5 <= -.5",b <= c);
- cout << "Fix48: range errors reported and overflows reported\n";
- set_Fix48_overflow_handler(Fix48_warning);
- set_Fix48_range_error_handler(Fix48_warning);
- Fix48 f = 1.1; check("1.1",f);
- Fix48 g = .7;
- check(".7 + .5",g+b);
- check("-.5 - .7",c-g);
-int main() {
- test24();
- test48();
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix24.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix24.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 598f805..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix24.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-Fix24: identities should be displayed
-0 = 0
-.5 = 0.5
--.5 = -0.5
-.1 = 0.1
-.5 = 0.5
-.5 = 0.5
-.25 = 0.25
-536870912 = 536870912
-.25 = 0.25
-.25 = 0.25
-.25 = 0.25
--.25 = -0.25
-.1 + .5 = 0.6
-.1 - .5 = -0.4
-.1 * .5 = 0.05
-.1 * 3 = 0.3
-.1 * -3 = -0.3
-.1 / .5 = 0.2
-.1 << 1 = 0.2
--.5 >> 2 = -0.125
-.1 == .5 = 0
-.1 != .5 = 1
-.1 > .5 = 0
-.5 <= -.5 = 0
-Fix24: range errors ignored and overflows saturated
-1.1 = 1
-.7 + .5 = 1
--.5 - .7 = -1
-.5 / .1 = 1
-Fix48: identities should be displayed
-0 = 0
-.5 = 0.5
--.5 = -0.5
-.1 = 0.1
-.5 = 0.5
-.5 = 0.5
-.25 = 0.25
-536870912 = 536870912
-0 = 0
-.25 = 0.25
-.25 = 0.25
-.25 = 0.25
--.25 = -0.25
-.1 + .5 = 0.6
-.1 - .5 = -0.4
-.1 * 3 = 0.3
-.1 * -3 = -0.3
-.1 << 1 = 0.2
--.5 >> 2 = -0.125
-.1 == .5 = 0
-.1 != .5 = 1
-.1 > .5 = 0
-.5 <= -.5 = 0
-Fix48: range errors reported and overflows reported
-warning: Fix48 result out of range
-1.1 = 1
-warning: Fix48 result out of range
-.7 + .5 = -0.8
-warning: Fix48 result out of range
--.5 - .7 = 0.8
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix24.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix24.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tFix24.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index c9eb7e7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#include <GetOpt.h>
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- int digit_optind = 0;
- GetOpt getopt (argc, argv, "abc:d:0123456789");
- while (1)
- {
- int this_option_optind = getopt.optind;
- int ch;
- if ((ch = getopt ()) == EOF)
- break;
- char c = char(ch);
- switch (c)
- {
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- if (digit_optind != 0 && digit_optind != this_option_optind)
- printf ("digits occur in two different argv-elements.\n");
- digit_optind = this_option_optind;
- printf ("option %c\n", c);
- break;
- case 'a':
- printf ("option a\n");
- break;
- case 'b':
- printf ("option b\n");
- break;
- case 'c':
- printf ("option c with value `%s'\n", getopt.optarg);
- break;
- case '?':
- break;
- default:
- printf ("?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c);
- }
- }
- if (getopt.optind < argc)
- {
- printf ("non-option ARGV-elements: ");
- while (getopt.optind < argc)
- printf ("%s ", argv[getopt.optind++]);
- printf ("\n");
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tGetOpt.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tGetOpt.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 827bb56..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tGetOpt.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-./tGetOpt: unrecognized option `-h'
-./tGetOpt: unrecognized option `-i'
-option a
-option b
-option c with value `-de10'
-option 2
-option 0
-option 0
-option 0
-digits occur in two different argv-elements.
-option 3
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tGetOpt.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tGetOpt.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tGetOpt.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index f0c335e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
- a test file for Integer class
- */
-#include <Integer.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#define tassert(ex) { cerr << #ex; \
- if ((ex)) cerr << " OK\n"; \
- else cerr << " Fail\n"; }
-Integer factorial(Integer n)
- Integer f;
- if (n < 0)
- f = 0;
- else
- {
- f = 1;
- while (n > 0)
- {
- f *= n;
- --n;
- }
- }
- return f;
-Integer fibonacci(long n)
- Integer f;
- if (n <= 0)
- f = 0;
- else
- {
- f = 1;
- Integer prev = 0;
- Integer tmp;
- while (n > 1)
- {
- tmp = f;
- f += prev;
- prev = tmp;
- --n;
- }
- }
- return f;
-void identitytest(Integer& a, Integer& b, Integer& c)
- assert( -(-a) == a);
- assert( (a + b) == (b + a));
- assert( (a + (-b)) == (a - b));
- assert( (a * b) == (b * a));
- assert( (a * (-b)) == -(a * b));
- assert( (a / (-b)) == -(a / b));
- assert( (a - b) == -(b - a));
- assert( (a + (b + c)) == ((a + b) + c));
- assert( (a * (b * c)) == ((a * b) * c));
- assert( (a * (b + c)) == ((a * b) + (a * c)));
- assert( ((a - b) + b) == a);
- assert( ((a + b) - b) == a);
- assert( ((a * b) / b) == a);
- assert( ((a * b) % b) == 0);
- assert( (b * (a / b) + (a % b)) == a);
- assert( ((a + b) % c) == ((a % c) + (b % c)) % c);
-void utiltest(Integer& a)
- assert(sqrt(sqr(a)) == a);
- assert(sqr(sqrt(a)) <= a);
- Integer x = 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(pow(a, i) == x);
- x *= a;
- }
- setbit(x, 0);
- assert(testbit(x, 0));
- assert(odd(x));
- assert(!even(x));
- clearbit(x, 0);
- clearbit(x, 1);
- assert(even(x));
- assert(!odd(x));
- assert(x % 4 == 0);
-void bittest(Integer& a, Integer& b, Integer& c)
- assert( (a | b) == (b | a));
- assert( (a & b) == (b & a));
- assert( (a ^ b) == (b ^ a));
- assert( (a | (b | c)) == ((a | b) | c));
- assert( (a & (b & c)) == ((a & b) & c));
- assert( (a & (b | c)) == ((a & b) | (a & c)));
- assert( (a | (b & c)) == ((a | b) & (a | c)));
- assert( (a & (a | b)) == a);
- assert( (a | (a & b)) == a);
-void accumtest(Integer& a, Integer& b, Integer& c)
- Integer x = a;
- x *= b;
- assert(x == (a * b));
- x += c;
- assert(x == ((a * b) + c));
- x -= a;
- assert(x == (((a * b) + c) - a));
- x /= b;
- assert(x == ((((a * b) + c) - a) / b));
- x %= c;
- assert(x == (((((a * b) + c) - a) / b) % c));
- x &= a;
- assert(x == ((((((a * b) + c) - a) / b) % c) & a));
- x |= b;
- assert(x == (((((((a * b) + c) - a) / b) % c) & a) | b));
- x ^= c;
- assert(x == ((((((((a * b) + c) - a) / b) % c) & a) | b) ^ c));
- assert(x.OK());
-void longidentitytest(Integer& a, long b, long c)
- assert( (a + b) == (b + a));
- assert( (a + (-b)) == (a - b));
- assert( (a * b) == (b * a));
- assert( (a * (-b)) == -(a * b));
- assert( (a / (-b)) == -(a / b));
- assert( (a - b) == -(b - a));
- assert( (a + (b + c)) == ((a + b) + c));
- assert( (a * (b * c)) == ((a * b) * c));
- assert( (a * (b + c)) == ((a * b) + (a * c)));
- assert( ((a - b) + b) == a);
- assert( ((a + b) - b) == a);
- assert( ((a * b) / b) == a);
- assert( ((a * b) % b) == 0);
- assert( (b * (a / b) + (a % b)) == a);
- assert( ((a + b) % c) == ((a % c) + (b % c)) % c);
-void longbittest(Integer& a, long b, long c)
- assert( (a | b) == (b | a));
- assert( (a & b) == (b & a));
- assert( (a ^ b) == (b ^ a));
- assert( (a | (b | c)) == ((a | b) | c));
- assert( (a & (b & c)) == ((a & b) & c));
- assert( (a & (b | c)) == ((a & b) | (a & c)));
- assert( (a | (b & c)) == ((a | b) & (a | c)));
- assert( (a & (a | b)) == a);
- assert( (a | (a & b)) == a);
-void longaccumtest(Integer& a, long b, long c)
- Integer x = a;
- x *= b;
- assert(x == (a * b));
- x += c;
- assert(x == ((a * b) + c));
- x -= a;
- assert(x == (((a * b) + c) - a));
- x /= b;
- assert(x == ((((a * b) + c) - a) / b));
- x %= c;
- assert(x == (((((a * b) + c) - a) / b) % c));
- x &= a;
- assert(x == ((((((a * b) + c) - a) / b) % c) & a));
- x |= b;
- assert(x == (((((((a * b) + c) - a) / b) % c) & a) | b));
- x ^= c;
- assert(x == ((((((((a * b) + c) - a) / b) % c) & a) | b) ^ c));
- assert(x.OK());
-void anothertest()
- Integer pow64 = Ipow(2, 64);
- cout << "pow64 = Ipow(2, 64) = " << pow64 << "\n";
- assert(pow64.OK());
- cout << "lg(pow64) = " << lg(pow64) << "\n";
- assert(lg(pow64) == 64);
- int k;
- for (k = 0; k < 64; ++k) assert(testbit(pow64, k) == 0);
- assert(testbit(pow64, k) != 0);
- Integer s64 = 1;
- s64 <<= 64;
- cout << "s64 = 1 << 64 = " << s64 << "\n";
- assert(s64.OK());
- assert(s64 == pow64);
- assert(s64 >= pow64);
- assert(s64 <= pow64);
- assert(!(s64 != pow64));
- assert(!(s64 > pow64));
- assert(!(s64 < pow64));
- Integer s32 = s64 >> 32;
- cout << "s32 = s64 >> 32 = " << s32 << "\n";
- assert(s32.OK());
- assert(lg(s32) == 32);
- assert(!(pow64 == s32));
- assert(!(pow64 < s32));
- assert(!(pow64 <= s32));
- assert(pow64 != s32);
- assert(pow64 >= s32);
- assert(pow64 > s32);
- Integer comps64 = ~s64;
- cout << "comps64 = ~s64 = " << comps64 << "\n";
- for (k = 0; k < 64; ++k) assert(testbit(comps64, k) == !testbit(s64, k));
- Integer result = (comps64 & s32);
- cout << "comps64 & s32 = " << result << "\n";
- assert(result.OK());
- result = (comps64 | s32);
- cout << "comps64 | s32 = " << result << "\n";
- assert(result.OK());
- result = (comps64 ^ s32);
- cout << "comps64 ^ s32 = " << result << "\n";
- assert(result.OK());
- identitytest(s64, s32, comps64);
- bittest(s32, s64, comps64);
- accumtest(comps64, s32, pow64);
- utiltest(s32);
- longidentitytest(s64, 1000, 50);
- longbittest(s64, 12345, 67890);
- longaccumtest(s32, 100000, 1);
-void iotest()
- Integer result;
- cout << "\nenter an Integer: ";
- cin.setf(0, ios::basefield);
- cin >> result;
- cout << "number = " << hex << result << dec << "\n";
- assert(result.OK());
- cout << "enter another Integer: ";
- cin >> result;
- cout << "number = " << result << "\n";
- assert(result.OK());
- cout << "enter another Integer: ";
- cin >> dec >> result;
- cout << "number = " << result << "\n";
- assert(result.OK());
-void fibtest()
- Integer fib50 = fibonacci(50);
- cout << "fib50 = fibonacci(50) = " << fib50 << "\n";
- assert(fib50.OK());
- Integer fib48 = fibonacci(48);
- cout << "fib48 = fibonacci(48) = " << fib48 << "\n";
- assert(fib48.OK());
- Integer result = fib48 + fib50;
- cout << "fib48 + fib50 = " << result << "\n";
- result = fib48 - fib50;
- cout << "fib48 - fib50 = " << result << "\n";
- result = fib48 * fib50;
- cout << "fib48 * fib50 = " << result << "\n";
- result = fib48 / fib50;
- cout << "fib48 / fib50 = " << result << "\n";
- result = fib48 % fib50;
- cout << "fib48 % fib50 = " << result << "\n";
- result = gcd(fib50, fib48);
- cout << "gcd(fib50, fib48) = " << result << "\n";
- result = sqrt(fib50);
- cout << "sqrt(fib50) = " << result << "\n";
- identitytest(result, fib50, fib48);
- bittest(result, fib50, fib48);
- accumtest(result, fib50, fib48);
- utiltest(fib48);
- longidentitytest(fib50, 1000, 50);
- longaccumtest(fib48, 100000, 1);
-void facttest(Integer& one, Integer& two)
- Integer fact30(factorial(30));
- cout << "fact30 = factorial(30) = " << fact30 << "\n";
- assert(fact30.OK());
- Integer fact28(factorial(28));
- cout << "fact28 = factorial(28) = " << fact28 << "\n";
- assert(fact28.OK());
- assert(fact30 == fact28 * 870);
- Integer result = fact30 + fact28;
- cout << "fact30 + fact28 = " << result << "\n";
- result = fact30 - fact28;
- cout << "fact30 - fact28 = " << result << "\n";
- result = fact30 * fact28;
- cout << "fact30 * fact28 = " << result << "\n";
- result = fact30 / fact28;
- cout << "fact30 / fact28 = " << result << "\n";
- result = fact30 % fact28;
- cout << "fact30 % fact28 = " << result << "\n";
- result = -fact30;
- cout << "-fact30 = " << result << "\n";
- assert(abs(result) == fact30);
- cout << "lg(fact30) = " << lg(fact30) << "\n";
- assert(lg(fact30) == 107);
- result = gcd(fact30, fact28);
- cout << "gcd(fact30, fact28) = " << result << "\n";
- assert(result == fact28);
- result = sqrt(fact30);
- cout << "sqrt(fact30) = " << result << "\n";
- Integer negfact31 = fact30 * -31;
- Integer posfact31 = abs(negfact31);
- assert(negfact31.OK());
- assert(posfact31.OK());
- cout << "negfact31 = " << negfact31 << "\n";
- result = fact30 + negfact31;
- cout << "fact30 + negfact31 = " << result << "\n";
- result = fact30 - negfact31;
- cout << "fact30 - negfact31 = " << result << "\n";
- result = fact30 * negfact31;
- cout << "fact30 * negfact31 = " << result << "\n";
- result = fact30 / negfact31;
- cout << "fact30 / negfact31 = " << result << "\n";
- result = fact30 % negfact31;
- cout << "fact30 % negfact31 = " << result << "\n";
- result = gcd(fact30, negfact31);
- cout << "gcd(fact30, negfact31) = " << result << "\n";
- assert(result == fact30);
- identitytest(one, one, one);
- identitytest(one, one, one);
- identitytest(one, two, fact30);
- identitytest(fact30, posfact31, fact28);
- identitytest(fact30, negfact31, fact28);
- identitytest(negfact31, posfact31, fact28);
- bittest(one, one, one);
- bittest(one, one, one);
- bittest(one, two, fact30);
- bittest(fact30, posfact31, fact28);
- accumtest(one, one, one);
- accumtest(one, one, one);
- accumtest(one, two, fact30);
- accumtest(fact30, posfact31, fact28);
- utiltest(one);
- utiltest(fact30);
- utiltest(posfact31);
- longidentitytest(one, 1, 1);
- longidentitytest(one, 2, 3);
- longidentitytest(fact30, 3, -20);
- longidentitytest(fact30, 4, 20000);
- longidentitytest(negfact31, -100, 20000);
- longbittest(one, 1, 1);
- longbittest(one, 2, 3);
- longbittest(fact30, 4, 20000);
- longbittest(fact28, 1000, 50);
- longaccumtest(one, 1, 1);
- longaccumtest(one, 2, 3);
- longaccumtest(fact30, 4, 20000);
- longaccumtest(fact30, 1000, 50);
- longaccumtest(fact28, 10000000, 100000000);
-void modtest()
- Integer b, e, m;
- m = 1; m <<= 32;
- b = m + 1;
- e = Ipow( 2, 32 );
- b = Ipow( 2, 32 ); // use b as a comparison
- cout << "2^32 = " << e << "\n";
- e %= (e-1); // do same op two ways...
- b = b % (b - 1);
- cout << "2^32 % (2^32-1) = " << e << "\n"; // e is incorrect here
- cout << "2^32 % (2^32-1) = " << b << "\n"; // but b is ok
-int main()
- Integer one = 1;
- cout << "one = " << one << "\n";
- assert(one.OK());
- assert(one == 1);
- cout << "one + 1 = " << (one + 1) << "\n";
- Integer two = 2;
- cout << "two = " << two << "\n";
- assert(two.OK());
- assert(two == 2);
-/* inbox/1782 */
- Integer n (0);
- setbit (n, 8);
- clearbit (n, 16);
- cout << "twofiftysix = " << n << '\n';
- facttest(one, two);
- fibtest();
- anothertest();
- iotest();
- modtest();
- cout << "\nEnd of test\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tInteger.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tInteger.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a0d7e6..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tInteger.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-one = 1
-one + 1 = 2
-two = 2
-twofiftysix = 256
-fact30 = factorial(30) = 265252859812191058636308480000000
-fact28 = factorial(28) = 304888344611713860501504000000
-fact30 + fact28 = 265557748156802772496809984000000
-fact30 - fact28 = 264947971467579344775806976000000
-fact30 * fact28 = 80872505331661933764010628483512781121876047953920000000000000
-fact30 / fact28 = 870
-fact30 % fact28 = 0
--fact30 = -265252859812191058636308480000000
-lg(fact30) = 107
-gcd(fact30, fact28) = 304888344611713860501504000000
-sqrt(fact30) = 16286585271694955
-negfact31 = -8222838654177922817725562880000000
-fact30 + negfact31 = -7957585794365731759089254400000000
-fact30 - negfact31 = 8488091513990113876361871360000000
-fact30 * negfact31 = -2181131468794922353615366650200339706856997013317222400000000000000
-fact30 / negfact31 = 0
-fact30 % negfact31 = 265252859812191058636308480000000
-gcd(fact30, negfact31) = 265252859812191058636308480000000
-fib50 = fibonacci(50) = 12586269025
-fib48 = fibonacci(48) = 4807526976
-fib48 + fib50 = 17393796001
-fib48 - fib50 = -7778742049
-fib48 * fib50 = 60508827864880718400
-fib48 / fib50 = 0
-fib48 % fib50 = 4807526976
-gcd(fib50, fib48) = 1
-sqrt(fib50) = 112188
-pow64 = Ipow(2, 64) = 18446744073709551616
-lg(pow64) = 64
-s64 = 1 << 64 = 18446744073709551616
-s32 = s64 >> 32 = 4294967296
-comps64 = ~s64 = 18446744073709551615
-comps64 & s32 = 4294967296
-comps64 | s32 = 18446744073709551615
-comps64 ^ s32 = 18446744069414584319
-enter an Integer: number = 1234abdecf99fed123
-enter another Integer: number = 0
-enter another Integer: number = -12345678901234567890
-2^32 = 4294967296
-2^32 % (2^32-1) = 1
-2^32 % (2^32-1) = 1
-End of test
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tInteger.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tInteger.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dee0b8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tInteger.inp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index b491438..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
- test/demo of linked structures
-#include <assert.h>
-#define tassert(ex) {if ((ex)) cerr << #ex << "\n"; \
- else _assert(#ex, __FILE__,__LINE__); }
-#include <stream.h>
-#include "iSLList.h"
-void printlist(intSLList& l)
- for (Pix p = l.first(); p != 0; cout << l(p) << " ";
- cout << "\n";
-void SLtest()
- int i;
- intSLList a;
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(a.empty());
- cout << "prepending...\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(a.length() == i);
- a.prepend(i);
- assert(a.front() == i);
- }
- cout << "a: "; printlist(a);
- cout << "appending...\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(a.length() == 10 + i);
- a.append(i);
- assert(a.rear() == i);
- }
- cout << "a: "; printlist(a);
- intSLList b = a;
- cout << "b = a: " << "\n"; printlist(b);
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(b.length() == a.length());
- assert(b.front() == a.front());
- assert(b.rear() == a.rear());
- cout << "remove_front of first 10 elements:\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(b.length() == 20 - i);
- assert(b.front() == 9 - i);
- b.remove_front();
- }
- assert(b.length() == 10);
- cout << "b: "; printlist(b);
- cout << "inserting 100 after sixth element...\n";
- Pix bp = b.first();
- for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i);
- b.ins_after(bp, 100);
- assert(b.length() == 11);
- cout << "b: "; printlist(b);
- a.join(b);
- cout << "after a.join(b)\n"; printlist(a);
- assert(b.empty());
- assert(a.length() == 31);
- cout << "b: " << "\n"; printlist(b);
- b.prepend(999);
- cout << "b: " << "\n"; printlist(b);
- assert(b.length() == 1);
- assert(b.front() == 999);
- assert(b.rear() == 999);
- assert(b.OK());
- intSLList bb = b;
- cout << "bb: " << "\n"; printlist(bb);
- assert(bb.OK());
- assert(bb.length() == 1);
- assert(bb.front() == 999);
- assert(bb.rear() == 999);
- assert(bb.remove_front() == 999);
- b.prepend(1234);
- assert(b.length() == 2);
- b.del_after(b.first());
- assert(b.rear() == 1234);
- assert(b.length() == 1);
- b.del_after(0);
- assert(b.length() == 0);
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(bb.OK());
-#include "iDLList.h"
-void printDlist(intDLList& l)
- for (Pix p = l.first(); p != 0; cout << l(p) << " ";
- cout << "\n";
-void DLtest()
- int i;
- intDLList a;
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(a.empty());
- assert(a.length() == 0);
- cout << "prepending...\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(a.length() == i);
- a.prepend(i);
- assert(a.front() == i);
- }
- cout << "a: " << "\n"; printDlist(a);
- cout << "appending...\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(a.length() == 10 + i);
- a.append(i);
- assert(a.rear() == i);
- }
- cout << "a: "; printDlist(a);
- intDLList b = a;
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(b.length() == a.length());
- assert(b.front() == a.front());
- assert(b.rear() == a.rear());
- cout << "b = a: "; printDlist(b);
- cout << "remove_front of first 10 elements:\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(b.length() == 20 - i);
- assert(b.front() == 9 - i);
- b.remove_front();
- }
- assert(b.length() == 10);
- cout << "b: "; printDlist(b);
- cout << "inserting 100 after sixth element...\n";
- Pix bp = b.first();
- for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i);
- b.ins_after(bp, 100);
- assert(b.length() == 11);
- cout << "b: "; printDlist(b);
- intDLList aa = a;
- aa.join(b);
- cout << "after aa = a; aa.join(b)\n"; printDlist(aa);
- assert(aa.length() == 31);
- assert(b.empty());
- cout << "b: " << "\n"; printDlist(b);
- b.prepend(999);
- cout << "b: " << "\n"; printDlist(b);
- assert(b.length() == 1);
- assert(b.front() == 999);
- assert(b.rear() == 999);
- assert(b.OK());
- intDLList bb = b;
- cout << "bb: " << "\n"; printDlist(bb);
- assert(bb.OK());
- assert(bb.length() == 1);
- assert(bb.front() == 999);
- assert(bb.rear() == 999);
- assert(bb.remove_front() == 999);
- assert(bb.OK());
- b.prepend(1234);
- assert(b.length() == 2);
- bp = b.first();
- b.del(bp, -1);
- assert(b.rear() == 1234);
- assert(b.length() == 1);
- b.del(bp);
- assert(b.length() == 0);
- intDLList z = a;
- cout << "z = a: "; printDlist(z);
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z.length() == 20);
- cout << "remove_rear of last 10 elements:\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(z.length() == 20 - i);
- assert(z.rear() == 9 - i);
- z.remove_rear();
- }
- assert(z.length() == 10);
- cout << "z: "; printDlist(z);
- cout << "inserting 100 before alternate elements...\n";
- Pix zp;
- for (zp = z.first(); zp;
- {
- z.ins_before(zp, 100);
- }
- assert(z.length() == 20);
- cout << "z: "; printDlist(z);
- cout << "inserting 200 after sixth element...\n";
- zp = z.first();
- for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i);
- z.ins_after(zp, 200);
- assert(z.length() == 21);
- cout << "z: "; printDlist(z);
- cout << "deleting alternate elements of z...";
- for (zp = z.first(); zp;
- {
- cout << z(zp) << " ";
- z.del(zp);
- }
- cout << "\n";
- assert(z.length() == 10);
- cout << "z: "; printDlist(z);
- cout << "z in reverse order:\n";
- for (zp = z.last(); zp; z.prev(zp)) cout << z(zp) << " ";
- cout << "\n";
- z.clear();
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- SLtest();
- DLtest();
- cout << "\nEnd of test\n";
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tLList.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tLList.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 727f9b5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tLList.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-a: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-a: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-b = a:
-9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-remove_front of first 10 elements:
-b: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-inserting 100 after sixth element...
-b: 0 1 2 3 4 5 100 6 7 8 9
-after a.join(b)
-9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 100 6 7 8 9
-9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-a: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-b = a: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-remove_front of first 10 elements:
-b: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-inserting 100 after sixth element...
-b: 0 1 2 3 4 5 100 6 7 8 9
-after aa = a; aa.join(b)
-9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 100 6 7 8 9
-z = a: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-remove_rear of last 10 elements:
-z: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-inserting 100 before alternate elements...
-z: 100 9 100 8 100 7 100 6 100 5 100 4 100 3 100 2 100 1 100 0
-inserting 200 after sixth element...
-z: 100 9 100 8 100 7 200 100 6 100 5 100 4 100 3 100 2 100 1 100 0
-deleting alternate elements of z...100 100 100 200 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-z: 9 8 7 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
-z in reverse order:
-100 100 100 100 100 100 100 7 8 9
-End of test
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tLList.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tLList.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tLList.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index b508b55..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- test/demo of generic lists
-#include <assert.h>
-#define tassert(ex) {if ((ex)) cerr << #ex << "\n"; \
- else _assert(#ex, __FILE__,__LINE__); }
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include "iList.h"
-int int_compare(int a, int b)
- return a - b;
-int inc(int x)
- return x + 1;
-int plus(int x, int y)
- return x + y;
-void printint(int x)
- cout << x << " ";
-void print(intList& l)
- l.apply(printint);
- cout << "\n";
-int is_odd(int x)
- return x & 1;
-int is_even(int x)
- return (x & 1) == 0;
-intList sequence(int lo, int hi)
- if (lo > hi)
- return intList();
- else
- return intList(lo, sequence(lo+1, hi));
-int old_rand = 9999;
-int get_rand()
- old_rand = ((long)old_rand * (long)1243) % (long)971;
- return old_rand;
-intList randseq(int n)
- if (n <= 0)
- return intList();
- int value = get_rand() % 50;
- return intList(value, randseq(--n));
- intList a = sequence(1, 20);
- cout << "\nintList a = sequence(1, 20);\n"; print(a);
- assert(a.OK());
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) assert(a[i] == i + 1);
- assert(a.position(2) == 1);
- intList b = randseq(20);
- cout << "\nintList b = randseq(20);\n"; print(b);
- intList c = concat(a, b);
- cout << "\nintList c = concat(a, b);\n"; print(c);
- assert(c.contains(a));
- assert(c.contains(b));
- assert(!(c.find(a).null()));
- assert(c.find(b) == b);
- intList d = map(inc, a);
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) assert(d[i] == a[i] + 1);
- cout << "\nintList d = map(inc, a);\n"; print(d);
- intList e = reverse(a);
- cout << "\nintList e = reverse(a);\n"; print(e);
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) assert(e[i] == a[19 - i]);
- intList f = select(is_odd, a);
- cout << "\nintList f = select(is_odd, a);\n"; print(f);
- intList ff = select(is_even, f);
- assert(ff.null());
- int red = a.reduce(plus, 0);
- cout << "\nint red = a.reduce(plus, 0);\n"; cout << red;
- int second = a[2];
- cout << "\nint second = a[2];\n"; cout << second;
- intList g = combine(plus, a, b);
- cout << "\nintList g = combine(plus, a, b);\n"; print(g);
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) assert(g[i] == a[i] + b[i]);
- g.del((intPredicate)is_odd);
- cout << "\ng.del(is_odd);\n"; print(g);
- ff = select(is_odd, g);
- assert(ff.null());
- b.sort(int_compare);
- for (int i = 1; i < 20; ++i) assert(b[i] >= b[i-1]);
- cout << "\nb.sort(int_compare);\n"; print(b);
- intList h = merge(a, b, int_compare);
- cout << "\nintList h = merge(a, b, int_compare);\n"; print(h);
- for (int i = 1; i < 40; ++i) assert(h[i] >= h[i-1]);
- for (Pix p = a.first(); p; assert(h.contains(a(p)));
- for (Pix p = b.first(); p; assert(h.contains(b(p)));
- cout << "\nh via Pix:\n";
- for (Pix p = h.first(); p; cout << h(p) << ", ";
- cout << "\n";
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- assert(d.OK());
- assert(e.OK());
- assert(f.OK());
- assert(g.OK());
- assert(h.OK());
- cout << "\ndone\n";
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tList.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tList.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 989137f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tList.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-intList a = sequence(1, 20);
-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-intList b = randseq(20);
-28 27 5 17 44 6 9 40 15 26 49 35 15 48 13 27 25 25 9 6
-intList c = concat(a, b);
-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28 27 5 17 44 6 9 40 15 26 49 35 15 48 13 27 25 25 9 6
-intList d = map(inc, a);
-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
-intList e = reverse(a);
-20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
-intList f = select(is_odd, a);
-1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
-int red = a.reduce(plus, 0);
-int second = a[2];
-intList g = combine(plus, a, b);
-29 29 8 21 49 12 16 48 24 36 60 47 28 62 28 43 42 43 28 26
-8 12 16 48 24 36 60 28 62 28 42 28 26
-5 6 6 9 9 13 15 15 17 25 25 26 27 27 28 35 40 44 48 49
-intList h = merge(a, b, int_compare);
-1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 25 25 26 27 27 28 35 40 44 48 49
-h via Pix:
-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16, 17, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 25, 26, 27, 27, 28, 35, 40, 44, 48, 49,
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tList.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tList.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tList.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index ad03d4a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- a test file for Maps
-#ifdef PTIMES
-const int ptimes = 1;
-const int ptimes = 0;
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#define tassert(ex) { cerr << #ex; \
- if ((ex)) cerr << " OK\n"; \
- else cerr << " Fail\n"; }
-#include "iMap.h"
-unsigned int hash(int x) { return multiplicativehash(x) ; }
-int SIZE;
-int *nums;
-int *odds;
-int *perm;
-void add(int x[], int y[], intintMap& a)
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) a[x[i]] = y[i];
-#include <MLCG.h>
-MLCG randgen;
-void permute(int x[])
- for (int i = 1; i < SIZE; ++i)
- {
- int j = randgen.asLong() % (i + 1);
- int tmp = x[i]; x[i] = x[j]; x[j] = tmp;
- }
-void makenums()
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) nums[i] = i + 1;
-void makeodds()
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) odds[i] = 2 * i + 1;
- permute(odds);
-void makeperm()
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) perm[i] = i + 1;
- permute(perm);
-void printMap(intintMap& a)
- int maxprint = 20;
- cout << "[";
- int k = 0;
- Pix i;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0 && k < maxprint;,++k)
- cout << "(" << a.key(i) << ", " << a.contents(i) << ") ";
- if (i != 0) cout << "...]\n";
- else cout << "]\n";
-#include "iSplayMap.h"
-void Splaytest()
- intintSplayMap a(-1);
- add(nums, perm, a);
- intintSplayMap b(-1);
- add(perm, nums, b);
- intintSplayMap c(-1);
- add(perm, odds, c);
- intintSplayMap d(a);
- add(nums, nums, d);
- cout << "a: "; printMap(a);
- cout << "b: "; printMap(b);
- cout << "c: "; printMap(c);
- cout << "d: "; printMap(d);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- assert(a[SIZE+1] = -1);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(b.contains(j));
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(b[a[j]] == j);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a[b[j]] == j);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert((c[j] & 1) != 0);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(d[j] == j);
- d.del(1);
- assert(!d.contains(1));
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) d.del(j);
- assert(d.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- assert(d.OK());
-#include "iVHMap.h"
-void VHtest()
- intintVHMap a(-1, SIZE);
- add(nums, perm, a);
- intintVHMap b(-1, SIZE);
- add(perm, nums, b);
- intintVHMap c(-1, SIZE);
- add(perm, odds, c);
- intintVHMap d(a);
- add(nums, nums, d);
- cout << "a: "; printMap(a);
- cout << "b: "; printMap(b);
- cout << "c: "; printMap(c);
- cout << "d: "; printMap(d);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- assert(a[SIZE+1] = -1);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(b.contains(j));
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(b[a[j]] == j);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a[b[j]] == j);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert((c[j] & 1) != 0);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(d[j] == j);
- d.del(1);
- assert(!d.contains(1));
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) d.del(j);
- assert(d.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- assert(d.OK());
-#include "iCHMap.h"
-void CHtest()
- intintCHMap a(-1, SIZE);
- add(nums, perm, a);
- intintCHMap b(-1, SIZE);
- add(perm, nums, b);
- intintCHMap c(-1, SIZE);
- add(perm, odds, c);
- intintCHMap d(a);
- add(nums, nums, d);
- cout << "a: "; printMap(a);
- cout << "b: "; printMap(b);
- cout << "c: "; printMap(c);
- cout << "d: "; printMap(d);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- assert(a[SIZE+1] = -1);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(b.contains(j));
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(b[a[j]] == j);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a[b[j]] == j);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert((c[j] & 1) != 0);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(d[j] == j);
- d.del(1);
- assert(!d.contains(1));
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) d.del(j);
- assert(d.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- assert(d.OK());
-#include "iAVLMap.h"
-void AVLtest()
- intintAVLMap a(-1);
- add(nums, perm, a);
- intintAVLMap b(-1);
- add(perm, nums, b);
- intintAVLMap c(-1);
- add(perm, odds, c);
- intintAVLMap d(a);
- add(nums, nums, d);
- cout << "a: "; printMap(a);
- cout << "b: "; printMap(b);
- cout << "c: "; printMap(c);
- cout << "d: "; printMap(d);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- assert(a[SIZE+1] = -1);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(b.contains(j));
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(b[a[j]] == j);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a[b[j]] == j);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert((c[j] & 1) != 0);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(d[j] == j);
- d.del(1);
- assert(!d.contains(1));
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) d.del(j);
- assert(d.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- assert(d.OK());
-#include "iRAVLMap.h"
-void RAVLtest()
- intintRAVLMap a(-1);
- add(nums, perm, a);
- intintRAVLMap b(-1);
- add(perm, nums, b);
- intintRAVLMap c(-1);
- add(perm, odds, c);
- intintRAVLMap d(a);
- add(nums, nums, d);
- cout << "a: "; printMap(a);
- cout << "b: "; printMap(b);
- cout << "c: "; printMap(c);
- cout << "d: "; printMap(d);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- for (j = 1; j <= a.length(); ++j) assert(a.rankof(j) == j);
- for (j = 1; j <= a.length(); ++j) assert(a.key(a.ranktoPix(j)) == j);
- assert(a[SIZE+1] = -1);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(b.contains(j));
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(b[a[j]] == j);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a[b[j]] == j);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert((c[j] & 1) != 0);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(d[j] == j);
- d.del(1);
- assert(!d.contains(1));
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) d.del(j);
- assert(d.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- assert(d.OK());
-double return_elapsed_time ( double );
-double start_timer ( );
-int main(int argv, char** argc)
- if (argv > 1)
- {
- SIZE = abs(atoi(argc[1]));
- SIZE &= ~1;
- }
- else
- SIZE = 100;
- nums = new int[SIZE];
- odds = new int[SIZE];
- perm = new int[SIZE];
- makenums();
- makeodds();
- makeperm();
- start_timer();
- cout << "Splaytest\n"; Splaytest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "VHtest\n"; VHtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "CHtest\n"; CHtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "AVLtest\n"; AVLtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "RAVLtest\n"; RAVLtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tMap.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tMap.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d745ee..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tMap.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-a: [(1, 65) (2, 3) (3, 96) (4, 36) (5, 74) (6, 9) (7, 70) (8, 97) (9, 1) (10, 24) (11, 100) (12, 17) (13, 61) (14, 52) (15, 19) (16, 84) (17, 73) (18, 34) (19, 26) (20, 22) ...]
-b: [(1, 9) (2, 31) (3, 2) (4, 32) (5, 62) (6, 30) (7, 87) (8, 98) (9, 6) (10, 49) (11, 44) (12, 47) (13, 50) (14, 76) (15, 56) (16, 57) (17, 12) (18, 54) (19, 15) (20, 83) ...]
-c: [(1, 189) (2, 195) (3, 197) (4, 57) (5, 125) (6, 135) (7, 149) (8, 129) (9, 69) (10, 9) (11, 163) (12, 59) (13, 171) (14, 137) (15, 141) (16, 35) (17, 75) (18, 49) (19, 173) (20, 93) ...]
-d: [(1, 1) (2, 2) (3, 3) (4, 4) (5, 5) (6, 6) (7, 7) (8, 8) (9, 9) (10, 10) (11, 11) (12, 12) (13, 13) (14, 14) (15, 15) (16, 16) (17, 17) (18, 18) (19, 19) (20, 20) ...]
-a: [(72, 66) (77, 99) (13, 61) (3, 96) (26, 63) (16, 84) (39, 54) (29, 50) (52, 32) (42, 94) (65, 47) (55, 45) (78, 91) (91, 55) (9, 1) (22, 57) (35, 90) (48, 67) (61, 71) (74, 89) ...]
-b: [(72, 41) (77, 43) (85, 38) (3, 2) (26, 19) (16, 57) (39, 23) (29, 53) (52, 14) (42, 21) (65, 1) (55, 91) (78, 95) (91, 78) (9, 6) (22, 20) (35, 27) (48, 33) (61, 13) (13, 50) ...]
-c: [(72, 53) (77, 133) (85, 45) (3, 197) (26, 101) (16, 35) (39, 77) (29, 83) (52, 117) (42, 121) (65, 3) (55, 89) (78, 97) (91, 31) (9, 69) (22, 105) (35, 63) (48, 167) (61, 181) (13, 171) ...]
-d: [(72, 72) (13, 13) (3, 3) (26, 26) (16, 16) (39, 39) (29, 29) (52, 52) (42, 42) (65, 65) (55, 55) (78, 78) (91, 91) (12, 12) (9, 9) (22, 22) (35, 35) (48, 48) (61, 61) (74, 74) ...]
-a: [(72, 66) (36, 25) (85, 92) (49, 10) (13, 61) (3, 96) (98, 8) (62, 5) (26, 63) (16, 84) (75, 51) (39, 54) (29, 50) (88, 81) (52, 32) (42, 94) (6, 9) (65, 47) (55, 45) (19, 26) ...]
-b: [(72, 41) (36, 4) (49, 64) (13, 50) (85, 38) (3, 2) (62, 90) (98, 82) (26, 19) (16, 57) (75, 80) (39, 23) (29, 53) (88, 100) (52, 14) (6, 30) (42, 21) (65, 1) (55, 91) (19, 15) ...]
-c: [(72, 53) (36, 161) (49, 67) (13, 171) (85, 45) (3, 197) (62, 177) (98, 95) (26, 101) (16, 35) (75, 25) (39, 77) (29, 83) (88, 47) (52, 117) (6, 135) (42, 121) (65, 3) (55, 89) (19, 173) ...]
-d: [(36, 36) (72, 72) (13, 13) (49, 49) (85, 85) (3, 3) (26, 26) (62, 62) (98, 98) (16, 16) (39, 39) (75, 75) (29, 29) (52, 52) (88, 88) (6, 6) (42, 42) (65, 65) (19, 19) (55, 55) ...]
-a: [(1, 65) (2, 3) (3, 96) (4, 36) (5, 74) (6, 9) (7, 70) (8, 97) (9, 1) (10, 24) (11, 100) (12, 17) (13, 61) (14, 52) (15, 19) (16, 84) (17, 73) (18, 34) (19, 26) (20, 22) ...]
-b: [(1, 9) (2, 31) (3, 2) (4, 32) (5, 62) (6, 30) (7, 87) (8, 98) (9, 6) (10, 49) (11, 44) (12, 47) (13, 50) (14, 76) (15, 56) (16, 57) (17, 12) (18, 54) (19, 15) (20, 83) ...]
-c: [(1, 189) (2, 195) (3, 197) (4, 57) (5, 125) (6, 135) (7, 149) (8, 129) (9, 69) (10, 9) (11, 163) (12, 59) (13, 171) (14, 137) (15, 141) (16, 35) (17, 75) (18, 49) (19, 173) (20, 93) ...]
-d: [(1, 1) (2, 2) (3, 3) (4, 4) (5, 5) (6, 6) (7, 7) (8, 8) (9, 9) (10, 10) (11, 11) (12, 12) (13, 13) (14, 14) (15, 15) (16, 16) (17, 17) (18, 18) (19, 19) (20, 20) ...]
-a: [(1, 65) (2, 3) (3, 96) (4, 36) (5, 74) (6, 9) (7, 70) (8, 97) (9, 1) (10, 24) (11, 100) (12, 17) (13, 61) (14, 52) (15, 19) (16, 84) (17, 73) (18, 34) (19, 26) (20, 22) ...]
-b: [(1, 9) (2, 31) (3, 2) (4, 32) (5, 62) (6, 30) (7, 87) (8, 98) (9, 6) (10, 49) (11, 44) (12, 47) (13, 50) (14, 76) (15, 56) (16, 57) (17, 12) (18, 54) (19, 15) (20, 83) ...]
-c: [(1, 189) (2, 195) (3, 197) (4, 57) (5, 125) (6, 135) (7, 149) (8, 129) (9, 69) (10, 9) (11, 163) (12, 59) (13, 171) (14, 137) (15, 141) (16, 35) (17, 75) (18, 49) (19, 173) (20, 93) ...]
-d: [(1, 1) (2, 2) (3, 3) (4, 4) (5, 5) (6, 6) (7, 7) (8, 8) (9, 9) (10, 10) (11, 11) (12, 12) (13, 13) (14, 14) (15, 15) (16, 16) (17, 17) (18, 18) (19, 19) (20, 20) ...]
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tMap.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tMap.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tMap.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index f191402..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
- a little test of Obstacks
- Thu Feb 18 11:16:28 1988 Doug Lea (dl at
-#include <assert.h>
-#define tassert(ex) {if ((ex)) cerr << #ex << "\n"; \
- else _assert(#ex, __FILE__,__LINE__); }
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <Obstack.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
- char* s[10000];
- int n = 0;
- int got_one = 0;
- Obstack os;
- char c;
- s[n++] = (char *)os.copy("\nunique words:");
- assert(os.OK());
- assert(os.contains(s[0]));
- cout << "enter anything at all, end with an EOF(^D)\n";
- while (cin.good() && n < 10000)
- {
- if (cin.get(c) && isalnum(c))
- {
- got_one = 1;
- os.grow(c);
- }
- else if (got_one)
- {
- char* current = (char *)os.finish(0);
- for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) // stupid, but this is only a test.
- {
- if (strcmp(s[i], current) == 0)
- {
- current = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (current != 0)
- s[n++] = current;
- got_one = 0;
- }
- }
- assert(os.OK());
- cout << s[0] << "\n";
- for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; -- i)
- {
- assert(os.contains(s[i]));
- cout << s[i] << "\n";
- }
- assert(os.OK());
- assert(os.contains(s[0]));
- cout << "\n\nObstack vars:\n";
- cout << "alignment_mask = " << os.alignment_mask() << "\n";
- cout << "chunk_size = " << os.chunk_size() << "\n";
- cout << "size = " << os.size() << "\n";
- cout << "room + chunk overhead = " << + 2*sizeof (char*) << "\n";
- cout << "\nend of test\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tObstack.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tObstack.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 32114e8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tObstack.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-enter anything at all, end with an EOF(^D)
-unique words:
-Obstack vars:
-alignment_mask = 3
-chunk_size = 4080
-size = 0
-room + chunk overhead = 4064
-end of test
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tObstack.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tObstack.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index 32dea33..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tObstack.inp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-This is a simple test file for Obstacks The test program should
-simply list the words in this file with redundant words deleted
-This is a simple test file for Obstacks The test program should
-simply list the words in this file with redundant words deleted
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd1441..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
- a test file for PQs
-#ifdef PTIMES
-const int ptimes = 1;
-const int ptimes = 0;
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#define tassert(ex) { cerr << #ex; \
- if ((ex)) cerr << " OK\n"; \
- else cerr << " Fail\n"; }
-#include "iPQ.h"
-int SIZE;
-int *nums;
-int *odds;
-int *dups;
-void add(int x[], intPQ& a)
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) a.enq(x[i]);
-#include <MLCG.h>
-MLCG randgen;
-void permute(int x[])
- for (int i = 1; i < SIZE; ++i)
- {
- int j = randgen.asLong() % (i + 1);
- int tmp = x[i]; x[i] = x[j]; x[j] = tmp;
- }
-void makenums()
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) nums[i] = i + 1;
- permute(nums);
-void makeodds()
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) odds[i] = 2 * i + 1;
- permute(odds);
-void makedups()
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i += 2) dups[i] = dups[i+1] = i/2 + 1;
- permute(dups);
-void printPQ(intPQ& a)
- int maxprint = 20;
- cout << "[";
- int k = 0;
- Pix i;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0 && k < maxprint;,++k)
- cout << a(i) << " ";
- if (i != 0) cout << "...]\n";
- else cout << "]\n";
-#include "iXPPQ.h"
-void XPtest()
- intXPPQ a(SIZE);
- add(nums, a);
- intXPPQ b(SIZE);
- add(odds, b);
- intXPPQ c(SIZE);
- add(dups, c);
- intXPPQ d(a);
- add(nums, d);
- cout << "a: "; printPQ(a);
- cout << "b: "; printPQ(b);
- cout << "c: "; printPQ(c);
- cout << "d: "; printPQ(d);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE*2);
- assert(a.front() == 1);
- assert(b.front() == 1);
- assert(c.front() == 1);
- assert(d.front() == 1);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- d.del_front();
- assert(d.front() == 1);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.deq() == j);
- assert(a.empty());
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE*2; j+=2) assert(b.deq() == j);
- assert(b.empty());
- Pix* indices = new Pix [SIZE];
- int m = 0;
- for (Pix i = c.first(); i != 0;, indices[m++] = i;
- assert(m == SIZE/2);
- while (--m >= 0) c.del(indices[m]);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE/2);
- int last = -1;
- j = 0;
- while (!c.empty())
- {
- int current = c.deq();
- assert(last <= current);
- last = current;
- ++j;
- }
- assert(j == SIZE/2);
- delete [] indices;
- d.clear();
- assert(d.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- assert(d.OK());
-#include "iPHPQ.h"
-void PHtest()
- intPHPQ a(SIZE);
- add(nums, a);
- intPHPQ b(SIZE);
- add(odds, b);
- intPHPQ c(SIZE);
- add(dups, c);
- intPHPQ d(a);
- add(nums, d);
- cout << "a: "; printPQ(a);
- cout << "b: "; printPQ(b);
- cout << "c: "; printPQ(c);
- cout << "d: "; printPQ(d);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE*2);
- assert(a.front() == 1);
- assert(b.front() == 1);
- assert(c.front() == 1);
- assert(d.front() == 1);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- d.del_front();
- assert(d.front() == 1);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.deq() == j);
- assert(a.empty());
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE*2; j+=2) assert(b.deq() == j);
- assert(b.empty());
- Pix* indices = new Pix [SIZE];
- int m = 0;
- for (Pix i = c.first(); i != 0;, indices[m++] = i;
- assert(m == SIZE/2);
- while (--m >= 0) c.del(indices[m]);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE/2);
- int last = -1;
- j = 0;
- while (!c.empty())
- {
- int current = c.deq();
- assert(last <= current);
- last = current;
- ++j;
- }
- assert(j == SIZE/2);
- delete [] indices;
- d.clear();
- assert(d.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- assert(d.OK());
-#include "iSplayPQ.h"
-void Splaytest()
- intSplayPQ a;
- add(nums, a);
- intSplayPQ b;
- add(odds, b);
- intSplayPQ c;
- add(dups, c);
- intSplayPQ d(a);
- add(nums, d);
- cout << "a: "; printPQ(a);
- cout << "b: "; printPQ(b);
- cout << "c: "; printPQ(c);
- cout << "d: "; printPQ(d);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE*2);
- assert(a.front() == 1);
- assert(b.front() == 1);
- assert(c.front() == 1);
- assert(d.front() == 1);
- int j;
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- d.del_front();
- assert(d.front() == 1);
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.deq() == j);
- assert(a.empty());
- for (j = 1; j <= SIZE*2; j+=2) assert(b.deq() == j);
- assert(b.empty());
- Pix* indices = new Pix[SIZE];
- int m = 0;
- for (Pix i = c.first(); i != 0;, indices[m++] = i;
- assert(m == SIZE/2);
- while (--m >= 0) c.del(indices[m]);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE/2);
- int last = -1;
- j = 0;
- while (!c.empty())
- {
- int current = c.deq();
- assert(last <= current);
- last = current;
- ++j;
- }
- assert(j == SIZE/2);
- delete [] indices;
- d.clear();
- assert(d.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- assert(d.OK());
-int main(int argv, char** argc)
- if (argv > 1)
- {
- SIZE = abs(atoi(argc[1]));
- SIZE &= ~1;
- }
- else
- SIZE = 100;
- nums = new int[SIZE];
- odds = new int[SIZE];
- dups = new int[SIZE];
- makenums();
- makeodds();
- makedups();
- start_timer();
- cout << "Splaytest\n"; Splaytest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "PHtest\n"; PHtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "XPtest\n"; XPtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tPQ.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tPQ.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index f2d8e11..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tPQ.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-a: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-b: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-c: [1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 ...]
-d: [1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 ...]
-a: [2 99 76 81 41 35 14 19 95 74 7 38 91 59 87 6 96 93 51 53 ...]
-b: [129 5 191 71 147 17 139 193 1 47 199 33 121 103 37 167 145 67 51 43 ...]
-c: [47 27 20 28 31 15 50 46 39 29 1 1 4 43 11 8 2 7 9 26 ...]
-d: [2 99 76 81 41 35 14 19 95 74 7 38 91 59 87 6 96 93 51 53 ...]
-a: [1 3 2 7 4 5 18 29 12 6 10 8 17 21 26 34 36 15 16 19 ...]
-b: [1 5 3 7 13 15 9 41 27 21 23 19 35 29 11 85 51 65 49 47 ...]
-c: [1 2 1 3 5 2 8 4 5 6 14 3 9 11 10 7 15 12 6 28 ...]
-d: [1 1 2 3 3 2 6 9 5 6 4 5 7 18 8 29 15 7 16 19 ...]
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tPQ.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tPQ.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tPQ.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index cd3f90a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,719 +0,0 @@
- test of Plexes
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "iPlex.h"
-#define tassert(ex) {if ((ex)) cerr << #ex << "\n"; \
- else _assert(#ex, __FILE__,__LINE__); }
-void printplex(intPlex& a)
- cout << "[";
- int maxprint = 20;
- int k = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = a.low(); i < a.fence() && k < maxprint; ++i, ++k)
- cout << a[i] << " ";
- if (i < a.fence()) cout << "]\n";
- else cout << "...]\n";
-#include "iFPlex.h"
-void FPtest ()
- intFPlex p(50);
- assert(p.OK());
- assert (p.empty());
- p.add_high (1000);
- Pix px = p.index_to_Pix(0);
- assert (p.length() == 1);
- assert(p.owns(px));
- assert(p(px) == 1000);
- assert(p.Pix_to_index(px) == 0);
- p.reset_low (10);
- assert (p.length() == 1);
- assert (p.low() == 10);
- assert (p[10] == 1000);
- assert(p(px) == 1000);
- assert(p.Pix_to_index(px) == 10);
- assert(p.index_to_Pix(10) == px);
- assert(p.OK());
- int h = p.high_element();
- int l = p.low_element();
- assert ( (h==l) && (h==1000));
- p.fill(222);
- assert(p(px) == 222);
- p.del_high();
- assert(p.empty());
- assert(!p.owns(px));
- intFPlex q(10, -50);
- q.add_low (-1000);
- assert (q[9] == -1000);
- q[9] = 21;
- assert(!q.valid(10));
- assert(q.OK());
- q.del_low();
- assert (q.empty());
- p.reset_low (0);
- q.reset_low (0);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
- {
- if (i % 2 == 0)
- {
- p.add_high (i);
- assert (p.high() == i/2);
- p[i/2] = p[i/4];
- assert (p.high_element() == i/4);
- p[i/2] = i/2;
- }
- else
- {
- q.add_low (-i);
- int ii = - (i/2) -1;
- assert (q.low() == ii);
- q.low_element() = ii;
- assert (q[ii] == ii);
- }
- }
- cout << "q:"; printplex(q);
- assert (p.length() == 25);
- assert (q.length() == 25);
- assert(p.valid(0));
- assert(p.owns(px));
- px = p.first();
- i = 0;
- for (int it1 = p.low(); it1 < p.fence();
- {
- assert (p[it1] == it1);
- assert(p(px) == p[it1]);
- ++i;
- }
- assert(px == 0);
- px = q.last();
- for (int it1 = q.high(); it1 > q.ecnef(); q.prev(it1))
- {
- assert (q[it1] == it1);
- assert(p(px) == q[it1]);
- q.prev(px);
- ++i;
- }
- assert(i == 50);
- q.reset_low (0);
- assert (p.high() == q.high());
- assert(p.low() == 0);
- intFPlex p1 = p;
- intFPlex p2 (p);
- intFPlex p3 = p2;
- assert (p1.length() == 25);
- assert (p1.high() == 24);
- assert(p1.low() == 0);
- assert(p.OK());
- assert(p1.OK());
- assert(p2.OK());
- assert(p3.OK());
- i = 0;
- for (int it5 = p.low(); it5 < p.fence();
- {
- assert(p1.low() == it5);
- p1.del_low();
- assert(!p1.valid(it5));
- p2.del_high ();
- p3 [it5] = -it5;
- ++i;
- }
- assert(i == 25);
- assert(p.OK());
- assert(p1.OK());
- assert(p2.OK());
- assert(p3.OK());
- assert (p1.empty());
- assert (p2.empty());
- p3.append (p);
- assert(p3.OK());
- p1.prepend (p);
- p2.append (p);
- assert(p1.length() == p.length());
- assert(p1.length() == p2.length());
- assert(p1.OK());
- assert(p2.OK());
- p2.clear();
- assert(p2.OK());
- assert(p2.empty());
- p2 = p1;
- assert(p2.OK());
- p1 = p;
- assert(p1.OK());
- p1.reset_low (p1.low_element());
- for (int it6 = p1.low(); it6 < p1.fence(); it6++)
- {
- assert (p1[it6] == it6);
- }
- p1[13] = 1313;
- p1[7] = -7777;
- p1[24] = 24242424;
- assert(!p1.valid(25));
- assert(!p1.valid(-1));
- assert(p1.OK());
-#include "iXPlex.h"
-void XPtest ()
- intXPlex p(3);
- assert(p.OK());
- assert (p.empty());
- p.add_high (1000);
- Pix px = p.index_to_Pix(0);
- assert(p.Pix_to_index(px) == 0);
- assert (p.length() == 1);
- assert(p.owns(px));
- assert(p(px) == 1000);
- p.reset_low(10);
- assert (p.length() == 1);
- assert (p.low() == 10);
- assert (p[10] == 1000);
- assert(p(px) == 1000);
- assert(p.Pix_to_index(px) == 10);
- assert(p.index_to_Pix(10) == px);
- assert(p.OK());
- int h = p.high_element();
- int l = p.low_element();
- assert ( (h==l) && (h==1000));
- p.fill(222);
- assert(p(px) == 222);
- p.del_high();
- assert(p.empty());
- assert(!p.owns(px));
- p.add_low(-1000);
- assert (p[9] == -1000);
- p[9] = 21;
- assert(!p.valid(10));
- assert(p.OK());
- p.del_low();
- assert (p.empty());
- p.reset_low (0);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
- {
- if (i % 2 == 0)
- {
- p.add_high (i);
- assert (p.high() == i/2);
- p[i/2] = p[i/4];
- assert (p.high_element() == i/4);
- p[i/2] = i/2;
- }
- else
- {
- p.add_low (-i);
- int ii = - (i/2) -1;
- assert (p.low() == ii);
- p.low_element() = ii;
- assert (p[ii] == ii);
- }
- }
- assert (p.length() == 50);
- cout << "p:"; printplex(p);
- assert(p.valid(0));
- assert(p.owns(px));
- px = p.first();
- i = 0;
- for (int it1 = p.low(); it1 < p.fence();
- {
- assert (p[it1] == it1);
- assert(p(px) == p[it1]);
- ++i;
- }
- assert(i == 50);
- assert(px == 0);
- p.reset_low (0);
- assert (p.high() == 49);
- assert(p.low() == 0);
- i = 0;
- for (int it2 = p.high(); it2 > p.ecnef(); p.prev(it2))
- {
- assert ( p[it2] == it2-25 );
- ++i;
- }
- assert(i == 50);
- assert(p.OK());
- intXPlex p1 = p;
- intXPlex p2 (p);
- intXPlex p3 = p2;
- assert (p1.length() == 50);
- assert (p1.high() == 49);
- assert(p1.low() == 0);
- assert(p.OK());
- assert(p1.OK());
- assert(p2.OK());
- assert(p3.OK());
- i = 0;
- for (int it5 = p.low(); it5 < p.fence();
- {
- assert(p1.low() == it5);
- p1.del_low();
- assert(!p1.valid(it5));
- p2.del_high ();
- p3 [it5] = -it5;
- ++i;
- }
- assert(i == 50);
- assert(p.OK());
- assert(p1.OK());
- assert(p2.OK());
- assert(p3.OK());
- assert (p1.empty());
- assert (p2.empty());
- p3.append (p);
- assert(p3.OK());
- p1.prepend (p);
- p2.append (p);
- assert(p1.length() == p.length());
- assert(p1.length() == p2.length());
- assert(p1.OK());
- assert(p2.OK());
- p2.clear();
- assert(p2.OK());
- assert(p2.empty());
- p2 = p1;
- assert(p2.OK());
- p1 = p;
- assert(p1.OK());
- p1.reset_low(p1.low_element());
- p1 [13] = 1313;
- p1 [-7] = -7777;
- p1 [-25] = -252525;
- p1 [24] = 24242424;
- assert(!p1.valid(25));
- assert(!p1.valid(-26));
- assert(p1.OK());
- p1 = p;
- p1.reset_low (p1.low_element());
- for (int it6 = p1.low(); it6 < p1.fence(); it6++)
- {
- assert (p1[it6] == it6);
- }
- p1.reverse();
- i = p1.high();
- for (int it6 = p1.low(); it6 < p1.fence(); it6++)
- {
- assert (p1[it6] == i);
- --i;
- }
- assert(p1.OK());
-#include "iMPlex.h"
-void MPtest ()
- intMPlex p(3);
- assert(p.OK());
- assert (p.empty());
- p.add_high (1000);
- Pix px = p.index_to_Pix(0);
- assert (p.length() == 1);
- assert(p.owns(px));
- assert(p(px) == 1000);
- assert(p.Pix_to_index(px) == 0);
- p.reset_low (10);
- assert (p.length() == 1);
- assert (p.low() == 10);
- assert (p[10] == 1000);
- assert(p(px) == 1000);
- assert(p.Pix_to_index(px) == 10);
- assert(p.index_to_Pix(10) == px);
- assert(p.OK());
- int h = p.high_element();
- int l = p.low_element();
- assert ( (h==l) && (h==1000));
- p.fill(222);
- assert(p(px) == 222);
- p.del_high();
- assert(p.empty());
- assert(!p.owns(px));
- p.add_low (-1000);
- assert (p[9] == -1000);
- p[9] = 21;
- assert(!p.valid(10));
- assert(p.OK());
- p.del_low();
- assert (p.empty());
- p.reset_low (0);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
- {
- if (i % 2 == 0)
- {
- p.add_high (i);
- assert (p.high() == i/2);
- p[i/2] = p[i/4];
- assert (p.high_element() == i/4);
- p[i/2] = i/2;
- }
- else
- {
- p.add_low (-i);
- int ii = - (i/2) -1;
- assert (p.low() == ii);
- p.low_element() = ii;
- assert (p[ii] == ii);
- }
- }
- cout << "p:"; printplex(p);
- assert (p.length() == 50);
- assert (p.count() == 50);
- assert(p.available() == 0);
- assert(p.valid(0));
- px = &p[0];
- assert(p.owns(px));
- p.del_index(0);
- assert(p.count() == 49);
- assert(p.available() == 1);
- assert(p.unused_index() == 0);
- assert(!p.valid(0));
- assert(!p.owns(px));
- p.undel_index(0);
- p[0] = 0;
- assert(p.count() == 50);
- assert(p.available() == 0);
- assert(p.valid(0));
- assert(p.owns(px));
- assert(p.OK());
- p.del_index(0);
- px = p.first();
- i = 0;
- for (int it1 = p.low(); it1 < p.fence();
- {
- assert (p[it1] == it1);
- assert(p(px) == p[it1]);
- ++i;
- }
- assert(i == 49);
- assert(px == 0);
- p.reset_low (0);
- assert (p.high() == 49);
- assert(p.low() == 0);
- i = 0;
- for (int it2 = p.high(); it2 > p.ecnef(); p.prev(it2))
- {
- assert ( p[it2] == it2-25 );
- assert(px != &p[it2]);
- ++i;
- }
- assert(i == 49);
- assert(p.OK());
- p.del_index(1);
- p.del_index(2);
- assert (p.OK());
- assert (p.count() == 47);
- intMPlex p1 = p;
- intMPlex p2 (p);
- intMPlex p3 = p2;
- assert (p1.length() == 50);
- assert (p1.count() == 47);
- assert (p1.high() == 49);
- assert(p1.low() == 0);
- assert(p.OK());
- assert(p1.OK());
- assert(p2.OK());
- assert(p3.OK());
- i = 0;
- for (int it5 = p.low(); it5 < p.fence();
- {
- assert(p1.low() == it5);
- p1.del_low();
- assert(!p1.valid(it5));
- p2.del_high ();
- p3 [it5] = -it5;
- ++i;
- }
- assert(i == 47);
- assert(p.OK());
- assert(p1.OK());
- assert(p2.OK());
- assert(p3.OK());
- assert (p1.empty());
- assert (p2.empty());
- p3.append (p);
- assert(p3.OK());
- p1.prepend (p);
- p2.append (p);
- assert(p1.count() == p.count());
- assert(p1.count() == p2.count());
- assert(p1.OK());
- assert(p2.OK());
- p2.clear();
- assert(p2.OK());
- assert(p2.empty());
- p2 = p1;
- assert(p2.OK());
- p1 = p;
- p1.del_index(3);
- p1.del_index(4);
- p1.del_index(5);
- p1.del_index(6);
- p1.del_index(7);
- p1.del_index(8);
- p1.undel_index(6);
- p1[6] = 6666;
- p1[9] = 9999;
- p1[0] = 0;
- assert(p1[6] == 6666);
- assert(!p1.valid(5));
- assert(!p1.valid(7));
- p1.del_low();
- assert(p1.low() == 6);
- assert(p1.OK());
-#include "iRPlex.h"
-void RPtest ()
- intRPlex p(3);
- assert(p.OK());
- assert (p.empty());
- p.add_high (1000);
- Pix px = p.index_to_Pix(0);
- assert(p.Pix_to_index(px) == 0);
- assert (p.length() == 1);
- assert(p.owns(px));
- assert(p(px) == 1000);
- p.reset_low(10);
- assert (p.length() == 1);
- assert (p.low() == 10);
- assert (p[10] == 1000);
- assert(p(px) == 1000);
- assert(p.Pix_to_index(px) == 10);
- assert(p.index_to_Pix(10) == px);
- assert(p.OK());
- int h = p.high_element();
- int l = p.low_element();
- assert ( (h==l) && (h==1000));
- p.fill(222);
- assert(p(px) == 222);
- p.del_high();
- assert(p.empty());
- assert(!p.owns(px));
- p.add_low(-1000);
- assert (p[9] == -1000);
- p[9] = 21;
- assert(!p.valid(10));
- assert(p.OK());
- p.del_low();
- assert (p.empty());
- p.reset_low (0);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
- {
- if (i % 2 == 0)
- {
- p.add_high (i);
- assert (p.high() == i/2);
- p[i/2] = p[i/4];
- assert (p.high_element() == i/4);
- p[i/2] = i/2;
- }
- else
- {
- p.add_low (-i);
- int ii = - (i/2) -1;
- assert (p.low() == ii);
- p.low_element() = ii;
- assert (p[ii] == ii);
- }
- }
- assert (p.length() == 50);
- cout << "p:"; printplex(p);
- assert(p.valid(0));
- assert(p.owns(px));
- px = p.first();
- i = 0;
- for (int it1 = p.low(); it1 < p.fence();
- {
- assert (p[it1] == it1);
- assert(p(px) == p[it1]);
- ++i;
- }
- assert(i == 50);
- assert(px == 0);
- p.reset_low (0);
- assert (p.high() == 49);
- assert(p.low() == 0);
- i = 0;
- for (int it2 = p.high(); it2 > p.ecnef(); p.prev(it2))
- {
- assert ( p[it2] == it2-25 );
- ++i;
- }
- assert(i == 50);
- assert(p.OK());
- intRPlex p1 = p;
- intRPlex p2 (p);
- intRPlex p3 = p2;
- assert (p1.length() == 50);
- assert (p1.high() == 49);
- assert(p1.low() == 0);
- assert(p.OK());
- assert(p1.OK());
- assert(p2.OK());
- assert(p3.OK());
- i = 0;
- for (int it5 = p.low(); it5 < p.fence();
- {
- assert(p1.low() == it5);
- p1.del_low();
- assert(!p1.valid(it5));
- p2.del_high ();
- p3 [it5] = -it5;
- ++i;
- }
- assert(i == 50);
- assert(p.OK());
- assert(p1.OK());
- assert(p2.OK());
- assert(p3.OK());
- assert (p1.empty());
- assert (p2.empty());
- p3.append (p);
- assert(p3.OK());
- p1.prepend (p);
- p2.append (p);
- assert(p1.length() == p.length());
- assert(p1.length() == p2.length());
- assert(p1.OK());
- assert(p2.OK());
- p2.clear();
- assert(p2.OK());
- assert(p2.empty());
- p2 = p1;
- assert(p2.OK());
- p1 = p;
- assert(p1.OK());
- p1.reset_low(p1.low_element());
- p1 [13] = 1313;
- p1 [-7] = -7777;
- p1 [-25] = -252525;
- p1 [24] = 24242424;
- assert(!p1.valid(25));
- assert(!p1.valid(-26));
- assert(p1.OK());
- p1 = p;
- p1.reset_low (p1.low_element());
- for (int it6 = p1.low(); it6 < p1.fence(); it6++)
- {
- assert (p1[it6] == it6);
- }
- p1.reverse();
- i = p1.high();
- for (int it6 = p1.low(); it6 < p1.fence(); it6++)
- {
- assert (p1[it6] == i);
- --i;
- }
- assert(p1.OK());
- cout << "FPtest\n"; FPtest();
- cout << "XPtest\n"; XPtest();
- cout << "MPtest\n"; MPtest();
- cout << "RPtest\n"; RPtest();
- cout << "\nend of tests\n";
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tPlex.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tPlex.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 42f939f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tPlex.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-q:[-25 -24 -23 -22 -21 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 ]
-p:[-25 -24 -23 -22 -21 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 ]
-p:[-25 -24 -23 -22 -21 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 ]
-p:[-25 -24 -23 -22 -21 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 ]
-end of tests
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tPlex.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tPlex.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tPlex.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 51615da..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
- test of Queues
-#ifdef PTIMES
-const int ptimes = 1;
-const int ptimes = 0;
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "iQueue.h"
-#define tassert(ex) {if ((ex)) cerr << #ex << "\n"; \
- else _assert(#ex, __FILE__,__LINE__); }
-int SIZE;
-void print(intQueue& a)
- int maxprint = 20;
- cout << "[";
- int k = 0;
- while (!a.empty() && k++ < maxprint)
- cout << a.deq() << " ";
- if (k == maxprint)
- cout << "]\n";
- else
- {
- while (!a.empty()) a.del_front();
- cout << "...]\n";
- }
- assert(a.empty());
-#include "iXPQueue.h"
-void XPtest ()
- intXPQueue q(SIZE/2);
- assert(q.OK());
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- q.enq(i);
- assert(q.length() == SIZE);
- assert(q.front() == 0);
- assert(!q.full());
- intXPQueue q1(SIZE*2);
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- {
- int x = q.deq();
- assert(x == i);
- q1.enq(x);
- }
- assert(q.empty());
- assert(q1.length() == SIZE);
- assert(q1.front() == 0);
- assert(q.OK());
- assert(q1.OK());
- intXPQueue q2 (q1);
- assert(q2.length() == SIZE);
- assert(q2.front() == 0);
- assert(q2.OK());
- q1.clear();
- assert(q1.empty());
- q1 = q2;
- assert(q1.length() == SIZE);
- assert(q1.front() == 0);
- assert(q1.OK());
- q1.del_front();
- assert(q1.length() == (SIZE-1));
- assert(q1.front() == 1);
- cout << "q1:"; print(q1);
- assert(q.OK());
- assert(q1.OK());
- assert(q2.OK());
-#include "iVQueue.h"
-void Vtest ()
- intVQueue q(SIZE);
- assert(q.OK());
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- q.enq(i);
- assert(q.length() == SIZE);
- assert(q.front() == 0);
- assert(q.full());
- intVQueue q1(SIZE);
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- {
- int x = q.deq();
- assert(x == i);
- q1.enq(x);
- }
- assert(q.empty());
- assert(q1.length() == SIZE);
- assert(q1.front() == 0);
- assert(q.OK());
- assert(q1.OK());
- intVQueue q2 (q1);
- assert(q2.length() == SIZE);
- assert(q2.front() == 0);
- assert(q2.OK());
- q1.clear();
- assert(q1.empty());
- q1 = q2;
- assert(q1.length() == SIZE);
- assert(q1.front() == 0);
- assert(q1.OK());
- q1.del_front();
- assert(q1.length() == (SIZE-1));
- assert(q1.front() == 1);
- cout << "q1:"; print(q1);
- assert(q.OK());
- assert(q1.OK());
- assert(q2.OK());
-#include "iSLQueue.h"
-void SLtest ()
- intXPQueue q;
- assert(q.OK());
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- q.enq(i);
- assert(q.length() == SIZE);
- assert(q.front() == 0);
- assert(!q.full());
- intXPQueue q1;
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- {
- int x = q.deq();
- assert(x == i);
- q1.enq(x);
- }
- assert(q.empty());
- assert(q1.length() == SIZE);
- assert(q1.front() == 0);
- assert(q.OK());
- assert(q1.OK());
- intXPQueue q2 (q1);
- assert(q2.length() == SIZE);
- assert(q2.front() == 0);
- assert(q2.OK());
- q1.clear();
- assert(q1.empty());
- q1 = q2;
- assert(q1.length() == SIZE);
- assert(q1.front() == 0);
- assert(q1.OK());
- q1.del_front();
- assert(q1.length() == (SIZE-1));
- assert(q1.front() == 1);
- cout << "q1:"; print(q1);
- assert(q.OK());
- assert(q1.OK());
- assert(q2.OK());
-/* Test case from Jocelyn Serot <> */
-test_resize ()
- intVQueue Q(4);
- Q.enq(1);
- Q.enq(2);
- cout << Q.deq() << endl;
- Q.enq(3);
- Q.enq(4);
- cout << Q.deq() << endl;
- Q.enq(5);
- Q.enq(6);
- cout << Q.deq() << endl;
- Q.enq(7); // Q is now full
- Q.resize(8); // Lets grow it
- Q.enq(8); // *** bug manifest at this point
- cout << Q.deq() << endl;
- cout << Q.deq() << endl;
- cout << Q.deq() << endl;
- cout << Q.deq() << endl; // Q is now empty
-int main(int argv, char** argc)
- if (argv > 1)
- {
- SIZE = abs(atoi(argc[1]));
- SIZE &= ~1;
- }
- else
- SIZE = 100;
- start_timer();
- cout << "XP queues:\n"; XPtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "V queues:\n"; Vtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "SL queues:\n"; SLtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- test_resize ();
- cout << "\nEnd of test\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tQueue.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tQueue.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5571e75..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tQueue.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-XP queues:
-q1:[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-V queues:
-q1:[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-SL queues:
-q1:[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-End of test
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tQueue.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tQueue.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tQueue.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index e41e4bf..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- a test file for Random classes
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <ACG.h>
-#include <MLCG.h>
-#include <SmplStat.h>
-#include <SmplHist.h>
-#include <Binomial.h>
-#include <Erlang.h>
-#include <Geom.h>
-#include <HypGeom.h>
-#include <NegExp.h>
-#include <Normal.h>
-#include <LogNorm.h>
-#include <Poisson.h>
-#include <Uniform.h>
-#include <DiscUnif.h>
-#include <Weibull.h>
-void demo(Random& r)
- SampleStatistic s;
- cout << "five samples:\n";
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- {
- double x = r();
- cout << x << " ";
- s += x;
- }
- cout << "\nStatistics for 100 samples:\n";
- for (; i < 100; ++i)
- {
- double x = r();
- s += x;
- }
- cout << "samples: " << s.samples() << " ";
- cout << "min: " << s.min() << " ";
- cout << "max: " << s.max() << "\n";
- cout << "mean: " << s.mean() << " ";
- cout << "stdDev: " << s.stdDev() << " ";
- cout << "var: " << s.var() << " ";
- cout << "confidence(95): " << s.confidence(95) << "\n";
- int i;
- ACG gen1;
- cout << "five random ACG integers:\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- cout << gen1.asLong() << " ";
- cout << "\n";
- MLCG gen2;
- cout << "five random MLCG integers:\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
- cout << gen2.asLong() << " ";
- cout << "\n";
- Binomial r1( 100, 0.5, &gen1);
- cout << "Binomial r1( 100, 0.50, &gen1) ...\n";
- demo(r1);
- Erlang r2( 2.0, 0.5, &gen1);
- cout << "Erlang r2( 2.0, 0.5, &gen1) ...\n";
- demo(r2);
- Geometric r3( 0.5, &gen1);
- cout << "Geometric r3(&gen1, 0.5)...\n";
- demo(r3);
- HyperGeometric r4( 10.0, 150.0, &gen1);
- cout << "HyperGeometric r4( 10.0, 150.0, &gen1)...\n";
- demo(r4);
- NegativeExpntl r5( 1.0, &gen1);
- cout << "NegativeExpntl r5( 1.0, &gen1)...\n";
- demo(r5);
- Normal r6( 0.0, 1.0, &gen1);
- cout << "Normal r6( 0.0, 1.0, &gen1)...\n";
- demo(r6);
- LogNormal r7( 1.0, 1.0, &gen1);
- cout << "LogNormal r7( 1.0, 1.0, &gen1)...\n";
- demo(r7);
- Poisson r8( 2.0, &gen1);
- cout << "Poisson r8( 2.0, &gen1)...\n";
- demo(r8);
- DiscreteUniform r9( 0, 1, &gen1);
- cout << "DiscreteUniform r9( 0.0, 1.0, &gen1)...\n";
- demo(r9);
- Uniform r10( 0.0, 1.0, &gen1);
- cout << "Uniform r10( 0.0, 1.0, &gen1)...\n";
- demo(r10);
- Weibull r11( 0.5, 1.0, &gen1);
- cout << "Weibull r11( 0.5, 1.0, &gen1)...\n";
- demo(r11);
- cout << "SampleHistogram for 100 Normal samples\n";
- SampleHistogram h(-4.0, 4.0);
- for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- h += r6();
- h.printBuckets(cout);
- cout << "\nEnd of test\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tRandom.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tRandom.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9906721..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tRandom.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-five random ACG integers:
-1525072166 1954057046 3406008937 226879594 4107049426
-five random MLCG integers:
-1341853672 83475514 936613571 888739672 2097844081
-Binomial r1( 100, 0.50, &gen1) ...
-five samples:
-45 52 59 49 60
-Statistics for 100 samples:
-samples: 100 min: 40 max: 64
-mean: 50.78 stdDev: 4.42577 var: 19.5875 confidence(95): 0.878369
-Erlang r2( 2.0, 0.5, &gen1) ...
-five samples:
-1.79909 1.92989 2.50816 2.31409 1.48158
-Statistics for 100 samples:
-samples: 100 min: 0.592645 max: 3.81874
-mean: 1.96664 stdDev: 0.696406 var: 0.484981 confidence(95): 0.138213
-Geometric r3(&gen1, 0.5)...
-five samples:
-3 2 2 2 3
-Statistics for 100 samples:
-samples: 100 min: 1 max: 7
-mean: 1.9 stdDev: 1.28315 var: 1.64646 confidence(95): 0.254662
-HyperGeometric r4( 10.0, 150.0, &gen1)...
-five samples:
-15.0752 5.25802 7.82211 20.4995 7.08199
-Statistics for 100 samples:
-samples: 100 min: 0.0446068 max: 131.508
-mean: 12.6763 stdDev: 16.7567 var: 280.786 confidence(95): 3.32564
-NegativeExpntl r5( 1.0, &gen1)...
-five samples:
-1.90665 0.0921974 0.219318 1.79202 0.566202
-Statistics for 100 samples:
-samples: 100 min: 0.00794624 max: 4.23124
-mean: 0.927343 stdDev: 0.8869 var: 0.786592 confidence(95): 0.17602
-Normal r6( 0.0, 1.0, &gen1)...
-five samples:
--0.174892 0.148871 -0.479753 0.65432 -0.92688
-Statistics for 100 samples:
-samples: 100 min: -2.22325 max: 2.61771
-mean: 0.141292 stdDev: 0.972041 var: 0.944864 confidence(95): 0.192918
-LogNormal r7( 1.0, 1.0, &gen1)...
-five samples:
-2.15572 0.985688 0.340019 0.959144 1.06052
-Statistics for 100 samples:
-samples: 100 min: 0.0393323 max: 6.16358
-mean: 1.03547 stdDev: 0.963892 var: 0.929088 confidence(95): 0.191301
-Poisson r8( 2.0, &gen1)...
-five samples:
-0 2 1 2 1
-Statistics for 100 samples:
-samples: 100 min: 0 max: 5
-mean: 2 stdDev: 1.31041 var: 1.71717 confidence(95): 0.260073
-DiscreteUniform r9( 0.0, 1.0, &gen1)...
-five samples:
-1 1 0 0 0
-Statistics for 100 samples:
-samples: 100 min: 0 max: 1
-mean: 0.45 stdDev: 0.5 var: 0.25 confidence(95): 0.0992334
-Uniform r10( 0.0, 1.0, &gen1)...
-five samples:
-0.557314 0.529968 0.997197 0.25163 0.947497
-Statistics for 100 samples:
-samples: 100 min: 0.00205286 max: 0.997197
-mean: 0.518789 stdDev: 0.321429 var: 0.103317 confidence(95): 0.0637931
-Weibull r11( 0.5, 1.0, &gen1)...
-five samples:
-10.4918 0.295112 0.184577 2.14799 0.10053
-Statistics for 100 samples:
-samples: 100 min: 0.000236481 max: 15.4934
-mean: 1.96369 stdDev: 2.97642 var: 8.85906 confidence(95): 0.59072
-SampleHistogram for 100 Normal samples
-< -4 : 0
-< -3.2 : 0
-< -2.4 : 0
-< -1.6 : 7
-< -0.8 : 15
-< -2.22045e-16 : 36
-< 0.8 : 15
-< 1.6 : 19
-< 2.4 : 7
-< 3.2 : 1
-< 4 : 0
-< max : 0
-End of test
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tRandom.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tRandom.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tRandom.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c49a81..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
- a test file for Rational class
- */
-#include <Rational.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#define tassert(ex) {if ((ex)) cerr << #ex << "\n"; \
- else _assert(#ex, __FILE__,__LINE__); }
-void identtest(Rational& a, Rational& b, Rational& c)
- Rational one(1, 1);
- assert(-(-a) == a);
- assert((a + b) == (b + a));
- assert((a + (-b)) == (a - b));
- assert((a * b) == (b * a));
- assert((a * (-b)) == -(a * b));
- assert((a / (-b)) == -(a / b));
- assert((a / b) == (a * (one / b)));
- assert((a / b) == (one / (b / a)));
- assert((a - b) == -(b - a));
- assert((a + (b + c)) == ((a + b) + c));
- assert((a * (b * c)) == ((a * b) * c));
- assert((a * (b + c)) == ((a * b) + (a * c)));
- assert(((a - b) + b) == a);
- assert(((a + b) - b) == a);
- assert(((a * b) / b) == a);
- assert(((a / b) * b) == a);
- Rational x = a;
- x *= b;
- assert(x == (a * b));
- x += c;
- assert(x == ((a * b) + c));
- x -= a;
- assert(x == (((a * b) + c) - a));
- x /= b;
- assert(x == ((((a * b) + c) - a) / b));
- assert(x.OK());
-void simpletest()
- Rational one = 1;
- assert(one.OK());
- Rational third(1, 3);
- assert(third.OK());
- Rational half(1, 2);
- assert(half.OK());
- Rational two(2);
- Rational zero(0);
- Rational r;
- r = two+zero;
- cout << "one = " << one << "\n";
- cout << "two = " << r << "\n";
- cout << "third = " << third << "\n";
- cout << "half = " << half << "\n";
- cout << "third + half = " << third + half << "\n";
- cout << "third - half = " << third - half << "\n";
- cout << "third * half = " << third * half << "\n";
- cout << "third / half = " << third / half << "\n";
- Rational onePointTwo = 1.2;
- cout << "onePointTwo = " << onePointTwo << "\n";
- cout << "double(onePointTwo) = " << double(onePointTwo) << "\n";
- Rational a = one;
- cout << "a = " << a << "\n";
- assert(a.OK());
- a += half;
- cout << "a += half = " << a << "\n";
- assert(a == Rational(3, 2));
- a -= half;
- cout << "a -= half = " << a << "\n";
- assert(a == Rational(1));
- a *= half;
- cout << "a *= half = " << a << "\n";
- assert(a == half);
- a /= half;
- cout << "a /= half = " << a << "\n";
- assert(a == Rational(1));
- assert(a.OK());
- identtest(one, one, one);
- identtest(one, third, half);
- identtest(third, half, one);
- identtest(onePointTwo, half, a);
-void pitest()
- Rational half(1, 2);
- Rational approxpi(355, 113);
- assert(approxpi.OK());
- cout << "approxpi = " << approxpi << "\n";
- cout << "double(approxpi) = " << double(approxpi) << "\n";
-#ifndef M_PI
-#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
- Rational rpi = Rational(M_PI);
- cout << "rpi = Rational(PI) = " << rpi << "\n";
- assert(rpi.OK());
- cout << "double(rpi) = " << double(rpi) << "\n";
- cout << "approxpi + rpi = " << approxpi + rpi << "\n";
- cout << "approxpi - rpi = " << approxpi - rpi << "\n";
- cout << "approxpi * rpi = " << approxpi * rpi << "\n";
- cout << "approxpi / rpi = " << approxpi / rpi << "\n";
- Rational negapproxpi = -approxpi;
- cout << "-approxpi = " << negapproxpi << "\n";
- assert(sign(negapproxpi) < 0);
- cout << "abs(negapproxpi) = " << abs(negapproxpi) << "\n";
- assert(abs(negapproxpi) == approxpi);
- assert(approxpi != rpi);
- assert(approxpi >= rpi);
- assert(approxpi > rpi);
- assert(!(approxpi == rpi));
- assert(!(approxpi <= rpi));
- assert(!(approxpi < rpi));
-#if defined (__GNUC__) && ! defined (__STRICT_ANSI__)
- assert((approxpi >? rpi) == approxpi);
- assert((approxpi <? rpi) == rpi);
- assert(floor(approxpi) == 3);
- assert(ceil(approxpi) == 4);
- assert(trunc(approxpi) == 3);
- assert(round(approxpi) == 3);
- assert(floor(negapproxpi + half) == -3);
- assert(ceil(negapproxpi + half) == -2);
- assert(trunc(negapproxpi + half) == -2);
- assert(round(negapproxpi + half) == -3);
- identtest(approxpi, rpi, negapproxpi);
- identtest(rpi, approxpi, rpi);
- identtest(negapproxpi, half, rpi);
-void IOtest()
- Rational a;
- cout << "\nenter a Rational in form a/b or a: ";
- cin >> a;
- cout << "number = " << a << "\n";
- assert(a.OK());
-// as a fct just to test Rational fcts
-Rational estimate_e(long n)
- Rational x = Rational(n + 1, n);
- Rational e = pow(x, n);
- return e;
-void etest(long n)
- cout << "approximating e as pow(1+1/n),n) for n =" << n << "\n";
- Rational approxe = estimate_e(n);
- assert(approxe.OK());
- cout << "double(approxe) = " << double(approxe) << "\n";
- cout << "log(approxe) = " << log(approxe) << "\n";
- assert(log(approxe) <= 1.0);
- cout << "approxe = " << approxe << "\n";
-int main()
- simpletest();
- pitest();
- IOtest();
- etest(10);
- etest(100);
- etest(1000);
- cout << "\nEnd of test\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tRational.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tRational.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 743aadd..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tRational.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-one = 1
-two = 2
-third = 1/3
-half = 1/2
-third + half = 5/6
-third - half = -1/6
-third * half = 1/6
-third / half = 2/3
-onePointTwo = 5404319552844595/4503599627370496
-double(onePointTwo) = 1.2
-a = 1
-a += half = 3/2
-a -= half = 1
-a *= half = 1/2
-a /= half = 1
-approxpi = 355/113
-double(approxpi) = 3.14159
-rpi = Rational(PI) = 884279719003555/281474976710656
-double(rpi) = 3.14159
-approxpi + rpi = 199847224979684595/31806672368304128
-approxpi - rpi = 8484881165/31806672368304128
-approxpi * rpi = 313919300246262025/31806672368304128
-approxpi / rpi = 19984723346456576/19984721649480343
--approxpi = -355/113
-abs(negapproxpi) = 355/113
-enter a Rational in form a/b or a: number = 61727839/49382716
-approximating e as pow(1+1/n),n) for n =10
-double(approxe) = 2.59374
-log(approxe) = 0.953102
-approxe = 25937424601/10000000000
-approximating e as pow(1+1/n),n) for n =100
-double(approxe) = 2.70481
-log(approxe) = 0.995033
-approxe = 270481382942152609326719471080753083367793838278100277689020104911710151430673927943945601434674459097335651375483564268312519281766832427980496322329650055217977882315938008175933291885667484249510001/100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-approximating e as pow(1+1/n),n) for n =1000
-double(approxe) = 2.71692
-log(approxe) = 0.9995
-approxe = 2716923932235892457383088121947577188964315018836572803722354774868894945523768158997885697298661429053421034015406256924859461187617653889457753593083386399572063538500432650176144488046171044844121805479607648086607018742077798375087855857012278053105042704758822511824867218226931719410407150364389665913091822576819072281835735365786202176167228686198158460724641052407506305826211156964723064441295969498221919251479211700941935114755531972677360157561485144237786816579422141378066423317811515462669946309306263409027388915931082226854264858661420878279983534424128672461206356847463821364630504359665171573635397346037274752410368174877433941234543153511100471651472869116068528478976916600585383497180172395573924789047989563714318957536493108041591460911612078698461739084741934442448701416575483263891529095158013233115648534154086009312190489168546024398834243847135102411661996020129557921444666343641039137906807591342742464200991933722791531063202677650581946360422027765645970182463780273161113009717582155489902677095053354207944772439271656447869921825959042801322775729022491402012084605367784456090892987682547811360481731795980637847551788259384243997341190753089343387201753821360405430310320564488741142120089460368986590136324737459372963666586532443570474179352656517635333744783401695951969936296323256525034685525470426185224036844803487442831639483152362831735350269624668701702424450940840884555271325190876102665277858154695092765613639718577127438538649414492678358762110235621776218781360881010654696273264706319088453035858355052988808507775439561385232652305316287705653436727647681405618323757201022946801118770148072424021385261829594248369890171583993147934044232792517118743393217276416179842097554494269012251329134783596037733973478306188255291484352384699871420472711423079586319041837563678498472779422282261024744394844558738378027105699691260086532632930941478779680554645850778168703661423819000515895232903243738763481571999080702098369316199601942246247887808385073821861517636839926907458184604648942036355256683219218129910422822177336785268627274482037476294341444562207197209503659518266210432791078248321015453218019586608696207295299183111963158564162419152742807437346241667671688466998244424726765837682151606230638111654756595917019206453978024157097042546937345673337179165242325399648121877178987723999503839197328183925340949191821443698275476295245249466361817367207248089144718808572152781037112209285944844021186534832159964297181970584453756163204297111185823467744743465840230098261424789313315093951766314459027947176701489215746884363426961577348384651887153140609616362927338107686794499974902581579897076172716541504294334300741444106749994715713419630688719451362658288812132056854807330827050505064714442618243101018812153563795539024370219967801515099970721926240625418512417940854760415566229746248973756297569452302821563467574313259066016089521122779204844875998864114930516063910324359331903843040069467324167490917499501000001/1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-End of test
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tRational.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tRational.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index c6aff5c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tRational.inp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index f05ca34..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,744 +0,0 @@
- a test file for sets
-#ifdef PTIMES
-const int ptimes = 1;
-const int ptimes = 0;
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#define tassert(ex) { cerr << #ex; \
- if ((ex)) cerr << " OK\n"; \
- else cerr << " Fail\n"; }
-unsigned int hash(int x) { return multiplicativehash(x) ; }
-#include "iSet.h"
-int SIZE;
-int *nums;
-int *odds;
-int *dups;
-void printset(intSet& a)
- int maxprint = 20;
- cout << "[";
- int k = 0;
- Pix i;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0 && k < maxprint;,++k)
- cout << a(i) << " ";
- if (i != 0) cout << "...]\n";
- else cout << "]\n";
-void add(int x[], intSet& a)
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) a.add(x[i]);
-#include <MLCG.h>
-MLCG randgen;
-void permute(int x[])
- for (int i = 1; i < SIZE; ++i)
- {
- int j = randgen.asLong() % (i + 1);
- int tmp = x[i]; x[i] = x[j]; x[j] = tmp;
- }
-void makenums()
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) nums[i] = i + 1;
-void makeodds()
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) odds[i] = 2 * i + 1;
- permute(odds);
-void makedups()
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i += 2) dups[i] = dups[i+1] = i/2 + 1;
- permute(dups);
-void generictest(intSet& a, intSet& b, intSet& c)
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- c |= a;
- assert(c == a);
- assert(c <= a);
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- assert(c <= a);
- assert(c != a);
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c |= b;
- assert(b <= c);
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c &= a;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c -= a;
- assert(!(a <= c));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
-#include "iXPSet.h"
-void XPtest()
- intXPSet a(SIZE);
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- for (int j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intXPSet b(SIZE);
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intXPSet c(SIZE);
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE/2);
- assert(c <= a);
- intXPSet d(a);
- d &= b;
- cout << "a: "; printset(a);
- cout << "b: "; printset(b);
- cout << "c: "; printset(c);
- cout << "d: "; printset(d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE/2);
- for (Pix p = d.first(); p; assert((d(p) & 1) != 0);
- a.del(1);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE-1);
- assert(!a.contains(1));
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- c |= a;
- assert(c == a);
- assert(c <= a);
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- assert(c <= a);
- assert(c != a);
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c |= b;
- assert(b <= c);
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c &= a;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c -= a;
- assert(!(a <= c));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iSLSet.h"
-void SLtest()
- intSLSet a;
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- for (int j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intSLSet b;
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intSLSet c;
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE/2);
- assert(c <= a);
- intSLSet d(a);
- d &= b;
- cout << "a: "; printset(a);
- cout << "b: "; printset(b);
- cout << "c: "; printset(c);
- cout << "d: "; printset(d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE/2);
- for (Pix p = d.first(); p; assert((d(p) & 1) != 0);
- a.del(1);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE-1);
- assert(!a.contains(1));
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- c |= a;
- assert(c == a);
- assert(c <= a);
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- assert(c <= a);
- assert(c != a);
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c |= b;
- assert(b <= c);
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c &= a;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c -= a;
- assert(!(a <= c));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iVHSet.h"
-void VHtest()
- intVHSet a(SIZE);
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- for (int j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intVHSet b(SIZE);
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intVHSet c(SIZE);
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE/2);
- assert(c <= a);
- intVHSet d(a);
- d &= b;
- cout << "a: "; printset(a);
- cout << "b: "; printset(b);
- cout << "c: "; printset(c);
- cout << "d: "; printset(d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE/2);
- for (Pix p = d.first(); p; assert((d(p) & 1) != 0);
- a.del(1);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE-1);
- assert(!a.contains(1));
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- c |= a;
- assert(c == a);
- assert(c <= a);
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- assert(c <= a);
- assert(c != a);
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c |= b;
- assert(b <= c);
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c &= a;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c -= a;
- assert(!(a <= c));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iVOHSet.h"
-void VOHtest()
- intVOHSet a(SIZE);
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- for (int j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intVOHSet b(SIZE);
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intVOHSet c(SIZE);
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE/2);
- assert(c <= a);
- intVOHSet d(a);
- d &= b;
- cout << "a: "; printset(a);
- cout << "b: "; printset(b);
- cout << "c: "; printset(c);
- cout << "d: "; printset(d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE/2);
- for (Pix p = d.first(); p; assert((d(p) & 1) != 0);
- a.del(1);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE-1);
- assert(!a.contains(1));
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- c |= a;
- assert(c == a);
- assert(c <= a);
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- assert(c <= a);
- assert(c != a);
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c |= b;
- assert(b <= c);
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c &= a;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c -= a;
- assert(!(a <= c));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iCHSet.h"
-void CHtest()
- intCHSet a(SIZE);
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- for (int j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intCHSet b(SIZE);
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intCHSet c(SIZE);
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE/2);
- assert(c <= a);
- intCHSet d(a);
- d &= b;
- cout << "a: "; printset(a);
- cout << "b: "; printset(b);
- cout << "c: "; printset(c);
- cout << "d: "; printset(d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE/2);
- for (Pix p = d.first(); p; assert((d(p) & 1) != 0);
- a.del(1);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE-1);
- assert(!a.contains(1));
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- c |= a;
- assert(c == a);
- assert(c <= a);
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- assert(c <= a);
- assert(c != a);
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c |= b;
- assert(b <= c);
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c &= a;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c -= a;
- assert(!(a <= c));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iOXPSet.h"
-void OXPtest()
- intOXPSet a(SIZE);
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- for (int j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intOXPSet b(SIZE);
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intOXPSet c(SIZE);
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE/2);
- assert(c <= a);
- intOXPSet d(a);
- d &= b;
- cout << "a: "; printset(a);
- cout << "b: "; printset(b);
- cout << "c: "; printset(c);
- cout << "d: "; printset(d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE/2);
- for (Pix p = d.first(); p; assert((d(p) & 1) != 0);
- a.del(1);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE-1);
- assert(!a.contains(1));
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- c |= a;
- assert(c == a);
- assert(c <= a);
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- assert(c <= a);
- assert(c != a);
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c |= b;
- assert(b <= c);
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c &= a;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c -= a;
- assert(!(a <= c));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iOSLSet.h"
-void OSLtest()
- intOSLSet a;
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- for (int j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intOSLSet b;
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intOSLSet c;
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE/2);
- assert(c <= a);
- intOSLSet d(a);
- d &= b;
- cout << "a: "; printset(a);
- cout << "b: "; printset(b);
- cout << "c: "; printset(c);
- cout << "d: "; printset(d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE/2);
- for (Pix p = d.first(); p; assert((d(p) & 1) != 0);
- a.del(1);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE-1);
- assert(!a.contains(1));
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- c |= a;
- assert(c == a);
- assert(c <= a);
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- assert(c <= a);
- assert(c != a);
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c |= b;
- assert(b <= c);
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c &= a;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c -= a;
- assert(!(a <= c));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iBSTSet.h"
-void BSTtest()
- intBSTSet a;
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- for (int j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- a.balance();
- assert(a.OK());
- for (int j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intBSTSet b;
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intBSTSet c;
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE/2);
- assert(c <= a);
- intBSTSet d(a);
- d &= b;
- cout << "a: "; printset(a);
- cout << "b: "; printset(b);
- cout << "c: "; printset(c);
- cout << "d: "; printset(d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE/2);
- for (Pix p = d.first(); p; assert((d(p) & 1) != 0);
- a.del(1);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE-1);
- assert(!a.contains(1));
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- c |= a;
- assert(c == a);
- assert(c <= a);
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- assert(c <= a);
- assert(c != a);
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c |= b;
- assert(b <= c);
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c &= a;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c -= a;
- assert(!(a <= c));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iAVLSet.h"
-void AVLtest()
- intAVLSet a;
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- for (int j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intAVLSet b;
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intAVLSet c;
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE/2);
- assert(c <= a);
- intAVLSet d(a);
- d &= b;
- cout << "a: "; printset(a);
- cout << "b: "; printset(b);
- cout << "c: "; printset(c);
- cout << "d: "; printset(d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE/2);
- for (Pix p = d.first(); p; assert((d(p) & 1) != 0);
- a.del(1);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE-1);
- assert(!a.contains(1));
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- c |= a;
- assert(c == a);
- assert(c <= a);
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- assert(c <= a);
- assert(c != a);
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c |= b;
- assert(b <= c);
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c &= a;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c -= a;
- assert(!(a <= c));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-#include "iSplaySet.h"
-void Splaytest()
- intSplaySet a;
- add(nums, a);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE);
- for (int j = 1; j <= SIZE; ++j) assert(a.contains(j));
- intSplaySet b;
- add(odds, b);
- assert(b.length() == SIZE);
- intSplaySet c;
- add(dups, c);
- assert(c.length() == SIZE/2);
- assert(c <= a);
- intSplaySet d(a);
- d &= b;
- cout << "a: "; printset(a);
- cout << "b: "; printset(b);
- cout << "c: "; printset(c);
- cout << "d: "; printset(d);
- assert(d.length() == SIZE/2);
- for (Pix p = d.first(); p; assert((d(p) & 1) != 0);
- a.del(1);
- assert(a.length() == SIZE-1);
- assert(!a.contains(1));
- c.clear();
- assert(c.empty());
- c |= a;
- assert(c == a);
- assert(c <= a);
- c.del(a(a.first()));
- assert(c <= a);
- assert(c != a);
- Pix i = a.first();
- assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (; i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c.add(a(a.first()));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c |= b;
- assert(b <= c);
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(b(i)));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c &= a;
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(c.contains(a(i)));
- c -= a;
- assert(!(a <= c));
- for (i = a.first(); i != 0; assert(!c.contains(a(i)));
- for (i = b.first(); i != 0; c.del(b(i));
- assert(c.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(c.OK());
- generictest(a, b, c);
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
- if (argc > 1)
- {
- SIZE = abs(atoi(argv[1]));
- SIZE &= ~1;
- }
- else
- SIZE = 100;
- nums = new int[SIZE];
- odds = new int[SIZE];
- dups = new int[SIZE];
- makenums();
- makeodds();
- makedups();
- start_timer();
- cout << "VHtest\n"; VHtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "VOHtest\n"; VOHtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "CHtest\n"; CHtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "SLtest\n"; SLtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "XPtest\n"; XPtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "OXPtest\n"; OXPtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "OSLtest\n"; OSLtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "BSTtest\n"; BSTtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "AVLtest\n"; AVLtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "Splaytest\n"; Splaytest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tSet.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tSet.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index f014df4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tSet.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-a: [72 77 13 3 26 16 39 29 52 42 65 55 78 91 9 22 35 48 61 74 ...]
-b: [167 77 13 3 193 39 139 29 93 47 65 55 155 109 91 9 117 171 35 143 ...]
-c: [36 49 46 3 26 16 39 29 12 42 19 32 9 1 22 35 48 25 2 15 ...]
-d: [13 3 39 29 65 55 91 9 35 61 15 41 67 25 93 11 47 87 37 73 ...]
-a: [7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98 5 12 19 26 33 40 ...]
-b: [7 163 21 133 35 49 63 199 77 129 91 181 105 119 5 155 19 187 33 193 ...]
-c: [7 14 21 28 35 42 49 5 12 19 26 33 40 47 3 10 17 24 31 38 ...]
-d: [7 21 35 49 63 77 91 5 19 33 47 61 75 89 3 17 31 45 59 73 ...]
-a: [72 36 85 49 13 3 98 62 26 16 75 39 29 88 52 42 6 65 55 19 ...]
-b: [167 49 85 121 13 3 157 193 111 39 75 147 29 183 137 65 101 173 55 19 ...]
-c: [36 13 49 3 26 16 39 29 6 42 19 32 45 9 22 35 12 48 25 38 ...]
-d: [13 49 85 3 39 75 29 65 19 55 91 9 45 81 35 71 25 61 97 15 ...]
-a: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-b: [3 197 151 161 81 69 27 37 189 147 13 75 181 117 173 11 191 185 101 105 ...]
-c: [33 2 48 18 37 5 35 49 1 12 50 9 31 26 10 42 17 13 11 21 ...]
-d: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-a: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-b: [3 197 151 161 81 69 27 37 189 147 13 75 181 117 173 11 191 185 101 105 ...]
-c: [33 2 48 18 37 5 35 49 1 12 50 9 31 26 10 42 17 13 11 21 ...]
-d: [51 13 53 27 55 7 57 29 59 15 61 31 63 1 65 33 67 17 69 35 ...]
-a: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-b: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-c: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-d: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-a: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-b: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-c: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-d: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-a: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-b: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-c: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-d: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-a: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-b: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-c: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-d: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-a: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-b: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
-c: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-d: [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 ...]
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tSet.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tSet.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tSet.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7435ec1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
- test of stacks
-#ifdef PTIMES
-const int ptimes = 1;
-const int ptimes = 0;
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "iStack.h"
-#define tassert(ex) {if ((ex)) cerr << #ex << "\n"; \
- else _assert(#ex, __FILE__,__LINE__); }
-int SIZE;
-void print(intStack& a)
- int maxprint = 20;
- cout << "[";
- int k = 0;
- while (!a.empty() && k++ < maxprint)
- cout << a.pop() << " ";
- if (k == maxprint)
- cout << "]\n";
- else
- {
- while (!a.empty()) a.del_top();
- cout << "...]\n";
- }
- assert(a.empty());
-#include "iXPStack.h"
-void XPtest ()
- intXPStack s(SIZE/2);
- assert(s.OK());
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- s.push(i);
- assert(s.length() == SIZE);
- assert( == (SIZE-1));
- assert(!s.full());
- intXPStack s1(SIZE*2);
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- {
- int x = s.pop();
- assert(x == (SIZE-1) - i);
- s1.push(x);
- }
- assert(s.empty());
- assert(s1.length() == SIZE);
- assert( == 0);
- assert(s.OK());
- assert(s1.OK());
- intXPStack s2 (s1);
- assert(s2.length() == SIZE);
- assert( == 0);
- assert(s2.OK());
- s1.clear();
- assert(s1.empty());
- s1 = s2;
- assert(s1.length() == SIZE);
- assert( == 0);
- assert(s1.OK());
- s1.del_top();
- assert(s1.length() == (SIZE-1));
- assert( == 1);
- cout << "s1:"; print(s1);
- assert(s.OK());
- assert(s1.OK());
- assert(s2.OK());
-#include "iVStack.h"
-void Vtest ()
- intVStack s(SIZE);
- assert(s.OK());
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- s.push(i);
- assert(s.length() == SIZE);
- assert( == (SIZE-1));
- assert(s.full());
- intVStack s1(SIZE);
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- {
- int x = s.pop();
- assert(x == (SIZE-1) - i);
- s1.push(x);
- }
- assert(s.empty());
- assert(s1.length() == SIZE);
- assert( == 0);
- assert(s.OK());
- assert(s1.OK());
- intVStack s2 (s1);
- assert(s2.length() == SIZE);
- assert( == 0);
- assert(s2.OK());
- s1.clear();
- assert(s1.empty());
- s1 = s2;
- assert(s1.length() == SIZE);
- assert( == 0);
- assert(s1.OK());
- s1.del_top();
- assert(s1.length() == (SIZE-1));
- assert( == 1);
- cout << "s1:"; print(s1);
- assert(s.OK());
- assert(s1.OK());
- assert(s2.OK());
-#include "iSLStack.h"
-void SLtest ()
- intSLStack s;
- assert(s.OK());
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- s.push(i);
- assert(s.length() == SIZE);
- assert( == (SIZE-1));
- assert(!s.full());
- intSLStack s1;
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
- {
- int x = s.pop();
- assert(x == (SIZE-1) - i);
- s1.push(x);
- }
- assert(s.empty());
- assert(s1.length() == SIZE);
- assert( == 0);
- assert(s.OK());
- assert(s1.OK());
- intSLStack s2 (s1);
- assert(s2.length() == SIZE);
- assert( == 0);
- assert(s2.OK());
- s1.clear();
- assert(s1.empty());
- s1 = s2;
- assert(s1.length() == SIZE);
- assert( == 0);
- assert(s1.OK());
- s1.del_top();
- assert(s1.length() == (SIZE-1));
- assert( == 1);
- cout << "s1:"; print(s1);
- assert(s.OK());
- assert(s1.OK());
- assert(s2.OK());
-int main(int argv, char** argc)
- if (argv > 1)
- {
- SIZE = abs(atoi(argc[1]));
- SIZE &= ~1;
- }
- else
- SIZE = 100;
- start_timer();
- cout << "XP stacks:\n"; XPtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "V stacks:\n"; Vtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- start_timer();
- cout << "SL stacks:\n"; SLtest();
- if (ptimes) cout << "\ntime = " << return_elapsed_time(0.0) << "\n";
- cout << "\nEnd of test\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tStack.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tStack.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index a7a937a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tStack.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-XP stacks:
-s1:[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-V stacks:
-s1:[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-SL stacks:
-s1:[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...]
-End of test
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tStack.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tStack.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tStack.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index e3499bf..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
- A test file for Strings
-#include <String.h>
-#include <stream.h> // see note below on `dec(20)' about why this will go away
-#include <std.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-// can't nicely echo assertions because they contain quotes
-#define tassert(ex) {if (!(ex)) \
- { cerr << "failed assertion at " << __LINE__ << "\n"; \
- abort(); } }
- String X = "Hello";
- String Y = "world";
- String N = "123";
- String c;
- char* s = ",";
- Regex r = "e[a-z]*o";
-void decltest()
- String x;
- cout << "an empty String:" << x << "\n";
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(x == "");
- String y = "Hello";
- cout << "A string initialized to Hello:" << y << "\n";
- assert(y.OK());
- assert(y == "Hello");
- if (y[y.length()-1] == 'o')
- y = y + '\n';
- assert(y == "Hello\n");
- y = "Hello";
- String a = y;
- cout << "A string initialized to previous string:" << a << "\n";
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(a == "Hello");
- assert(a == y);
- String b (, 2));
- cout << "A string initialized to previous, 2):" << b << "\n";
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(b == "el");
- char ch = '@';
- String z(ch);
- cout << "A string initialized to @:" << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "@");
- // XXX: `dec' is obsolete. Since String.h includes iostream.h, and not
- // stream.h, we include stream.h in this file for the time being. This
- // test will be rewritten to be done the "right" way, but for now, let's
- // save some time and go the easy route.
- String n = dec(20);
- cout << "A string initialized to dec(20):" << n << "\n";
- assert(n.OK());
- assert(n == "20");
- int i = atoi(n);
- double f = atof(n);
- cout << "n = " << n << " atoi(n) = " << i << " atof(n) = " << f << "\n";
- assert(i == 20);
- assert(f == 20);
- assert(X.OK());
- assert(Y.OK());
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(y.OK());
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(n.OK());
- assert(r.OK());
-void cattest()
- String x = X;
- String y = Y;
- String z = x + y;
- cout << "z = x + y = " << z << "\n";
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(y.OK());
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "Helloworld");
- x += y;
- cout << "x += y; x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(y.OK());
- assert(x == "Helloworld");
- y = Y;
- x = X;
- y.prepend(x);
- cout << "y.prepend(x); y = " << y << "\n";
- assert(y == "Helloworld");
- y = Y;
- x = X;
- cat(x, y, x, x);
- cout << "cat(x, y, x, x); x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x == "HelloworldHello");
- y = Y;
- x = X;
- cat(y, x, x, x);
- cout << "cat(y, x, x, x); x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x == "worldHelloHello");
- x = X;
- y = Y;
- z = x + s + ' ' +"w") + y.after("w") + ".";
- cout << "z = x + s + + + y.after(w) + . = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "Hello, world.");
-void comparetest()
- String x = X;
- String y = Y;
- String n = N;
- String z = x + y;
- assert(x != y);
- assert(x == "Hello");
- assert(x !=, 4));
- assert (x < y);
- assert(!(x >=, 6)));
- assert(x.contains("He"));
- assert (z.contains(x));
- assert(x.contains(r));
- assert(!(x.matches(r)));
- assert(x.matches(RXalpha));
- assert(!(n.matches(RXalpha)));
- assert(n.matches(RXint));
- assert(n.matches(RXdouble));
- assert(x.index("lo") == 3);
- assert(x.index("l", 2) == 2);
- assert(x.index("l", -1) == 3);
- assert(x.index(r) == 1);
- assert(x.index(r, -2) == 1);
- assert(x.contains("el", 1));
- assert(x.contains("el"));
- assert(common_prefix(x, "Help") == "Hel");
- assert(common_suffix(x, "to") == "o");
- assert(fcompare(x, "hELlo") == 0);
- assert(fcompare(x, "hElp") < 0);
-void substrtest()
- String x = X;
- char ch = x[0];
- cout << "ch = x[0] = " << ch << "\n";
- assert(ch == 'H');
- String z =, 3);
- cout << "z =, 3) = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "llo");
-, 2) = "r";
- cout << ", 2) = r; x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(,2).OK());
- assert(x == "Hero");
- x = X;
-, 1) = "j";
- cout << ", 1) = j; x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(x == "jello");
- x = X;
-"He") = "je";
- cout << " = je; x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(x == "jello");
- x = X;
-"l", -1) = "i";
- cout << ", -1) = i; x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(x == "Helio");
- x = X;
- z =;
- cout << "z = = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "ello");
- z = x.before("o");
- cout << "z = x.before(o) = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "Hell");
- x.before("ll") = "Bri";
- cout << "x.before(ll) = Bri; x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(x == "Brillo");
- x = X;
- z = x.before(2);
- cout << "z = x.before(2) = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "He");
- z = x.after("Hel");
- cout << "z = x.after(Hel) = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "lo");
- x.after("Hel") = "p";
- cout << "x.after(Hel) = p; x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(x == "Help");
- x = X;
- z = x.after(3);
- cout << "z = x.after(3) = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "o");
- z = " a bc";
- z = z.after(RXwhite);
- cout << "z = a bc; z = z.after(RXwhite); z =" << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "a bc");
-void utiltest()
- String x = X;
- int matches = x.gsub("l", "ll");
- cout << "x.gsub(l, ll); x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(matches == 2);
- assert(x == "Hellllo");
- x = X;
- assert(x.OK());
- matches = x.gsub(r, "ello should have been replaced by this string");
- assert(x.OK());
- cout << "x.gsub(r, ...); x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(matches == 1);
- assert(x == "Hello should have been replaced by this string");
- matches = x.gsub(RXwhite, "#");
- cout << "x.gsub(RXwhite, #); x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(matches == 7);
- assert(x.OK());
- String z = X + Y;
- z.del("loworl");
- cout << "z = x+y; z.del(loworl); z = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "Held");
- x = X;
- z = reverse(x);
- cout << "reverse(x) = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "olleH");
- x.reverse();
- cout << "x.reverse() = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(x == z);
- x = X;
- z = upcase(x);
- cout << "upcase(x) = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "HELLO");
- z = downcase(x);
- cout << "downcase(x) = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "hello");
- z = capitalize(x);
- cout << "capitalize(x) = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "Hello");
- /* Let's see how apostrophe is handled. */
- z = "he asked:'this is nathan's book?'. 'no, it's not',i said.";
- cout << "capitalize(z) = " << capitalize (z) << "\n";
- z = replicate('*', 10);
- cout << "z = replicate(*, 10) = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "**********");
- assert(z.length() == 10);
-void splittest()
- String z = "This string\thas\nfive words";
- cout << "z = " << z << "\n";
- String w[10];
- int nw = split(z, w, 10, RXwhite);
- assert(nw == 5);
- cout << "from split(z, RXwhite, w, 10), n words = " << nw << ":\n";
- for (int i = 0; i < nw; ++i)
- {
- assert(w[i].OK());
- cout << w[i] << "\n";
- }
- assert(w[0] == "This");
- assert(w[1] == "string");
- assert(w[2] == "has");
- assert(w[3] == "five");
- assert(w[4] == "words");
- assert(w[5] == (char*)0);
- z = join(w, nw, "/");
- cout << "z = join(w, nw, /); z =" << z << "\n";
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z == "This/string/has/five/words");
-void iotest()
- String z;
- cout << "enter a word:";
- cin >> z;
- cout << "word =" << z << " ";
- cout << "length = " << z.length() << "\n";
-void identitytest(String a, String b)
- String x = a;
- String y = b;
- x += b;
- y.prepend(a);
- assert((a + b) == x);
- assert((a + b) == y);
- assert(x == y);
- assert(x.after(a) == b);
- assert(x.before(b, -1) == a);
- assert(x.from(a) == x);
- assert(x.through(b, -1) == x);
- assert( == a);
- assert( == b);
- assert(reverse(x) == reverse(b) + reverse(a));
- assert((a + b + a) == (a + (b + a)));
- x.del(b, -1);
- assert(x == a);
- y.before(b, -1) = b;
- assert(y == (b + b));
- = a;
- assert(y == (a + b));
- x = a + reverse(a);
- for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
- {
- y = x;
- x += x;
- assert(x.OK());
- assert(x == reverse(x));
- assert(x.index(y) == 0);
- assert(x.index(y, -1) == x.length() / 2);
- }
-void freqtest()
- String x = "Hello World";
- SubString y =,5);
- assert(x.freq('l') == 3); // char
- assert(x.freq("lo") == 1); // char*
- assert(x.freq(x) == 1); // String
- assert(x.freq(y) == 1); // SubString
-int main()
- decltest();
- cattest();
- comparetest();
- substrtest();
- utiltest();
- splittest();
- freqtest();
- identitytest(X, X);
- identitytest(X, Y);
- identitytest(X+Y+N+X+Y+N, "A string that will be used in identitytest but is otherwise just another useless string.");
- iotest();
- cout << "\nEnd of test\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tString.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tString.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f06ffa..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tString.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-an empty String:
-A string initialized to Hello:Hello
-A string initialized to previous string:Hello
-A string initialized to previous, 2):el
-A string initialized to @:@
-A string initialized to dec(20):20
-n = 20 atoi(n) = 20 atof(n) = 20
-z = x + y = Helloworld
-x += y; x = Helloworld
-y.prepend(x); y = Helloworld
-cat(x, y, x, x); x = HelloworldHello
-cat(y, x, x, x); x = worldHelloHello
-z = x + s + + + y.after(w) + . = Hello, world.
-ch = x[0] = H
-z =, 3) = llo, 2) = r; x = Hero, 1) = j; x = jello = je; x = jello, -1) = i; x = Helio
-z = = ello
-z = x.before(o) = Hell
-x.before(ll) = Bri; x = Brillo
-z = x.before(2) = He
-z = x.after(Hel) = lo
-x.after(Hel) = p; x = Help
-z = x.after(3) = o
-z = a bc; z = z.after(RXwhite); z =a bc
-x.gsub(l, ll); x = Hellllo
-x.gsub(r, ...); x = Hello should have been replaced by this string
-x.gsub(RXwhite, #); x = Hello#should#have#been#replaced#by#this#string
-z = x+y; z.del(loworl); z = Held
-reverse(x) = olleH
-x.reverse() = olleH
-upcase(x) = HELLO
-downcase(x) = hello
-capitalize(x) = Hello
-capitalize(z) = He Asked:'This Is Nathan's Book?'. 'No, It's Not',I Said.
-z = replicate(*, 10) = **********
-z = This string has
-five words
-from split(z, RXwhite, w, 10), n words = 5:
-z = join(w, nw, /); z =This/string/has/five/words
-enter a word:word =abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz length = 26
-End of test
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tString.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tString.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index b0883f3..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tString.inp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 54b2756..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- test/demo of Vecs, AVecs
-#include <stream.h>
-#include "iVec.h"
-#include "iAVec.h"
-int int_compare(int a, int b)
- return a - b;
-int plus(int a, int b)
- return a + b;
-int inc(int a)
- return a + 1;
-void printint(int a)
- cout << a << " ";
-void print(intVec a)
- a.apply(printint);
- cout << "\n";
-#include <MLCG.h>
-MLCG randgen;
-int main()
- intVec a(20);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < a.capacity(); ++i) a[i] = randgen.asLong() % 100;
- cout << "a: "; print(a);
- a.sort(int_compare);
- cout << "a.sort():"; print(a);
- intVec b = map(inc, a);
- cout << "b = map(inc, a): "; print(b);
- intVec c = merge(a, b, int_compare);
- cout << "c = merge(a, b): "; print(c);
- intVec d = concat(a, b);
- cout << "d = concat(a, b): "; print(d);
- d.resize(10);
- cout << "d.resize(10): "; print(d);
- d.reverse();
- cout << "d.reverse(): "; print(d);
- d.fill(0, 4, 4);
- cout << "d.fill(0, 4, 4): "; print(d);
- cout << "d.reduce(plus, 0) = " << d.reduce(plus, 0) << "\n";
- intVec e =, 5);
- cout << "e =, 5): "; print(e);
- intAVec x(20);
- for (i = 0; i < x.capacity(); ++i) x[i] = i;
- cout << "x: "; print(x);
- intAVec y(20);
- for (i = 0; i < y.capacity(); ++i) y[i] = randgen.asLong() % 100 + 1;
- cout << "y: "; print(y);
- cout << "x + y: "; print(x + y);
- cout << "x - y: "; print(x - y);
- cout << "product(x, y): "; print(product(x,y));
- cout << "quotient(x, y): "; print(quotient(x,y));
- cout << "x * y: " << (x * y) << "\n";
- cout << "x + 2: "; print(x + 2);
- cout << "x - 2: "; print(x - 2);
- cout << "x * 2: "; print(x * 2);
- cout << "x / 2: "; print(x / 2);
- intAVec z(20, 1);
- cout << "z(20, 1): "; print(z);
- cout << "z = -z: "; print(z = -z);
- cout << "z += x: "; print(z += x);
- cout << "z -= x: "; print(z -= x);
- cout << "x.sum(): " << x.sum() << "\n";
- cout << "x.sumsq(): " << x.sumsq() << "\n";
- cout << "x.min(): " << x.min() << "\n";
- cout << "x.max(): " << x.max() << "\n";
- cout << "x.min_index(): " << x.min_index() << "\n";
- cout << "x.max_index(): " << x.max_index() << "\n";
- cout << "\nEnd of test\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tVec.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tVec.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a65566..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tVec.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-a: 72 14 71 72 81 29 86 49 59 84 69 10 94 41 69 95 57 78 62 82
-a.sort():10 14 29 41 49 57 59 62 69 69 71 72 72 78 81 82 84 86 94 95
-b = map(inc, a): 11 15 30 42 50 58 60 63 70 70 72 73 73 79 82 83 85 87 95 96
-c = merge(a, b): 10 11 14 15 29 30 41 42 49 50 57 58 59 60 62 63 69 69 70 70 71 72 72 72 73 73 78 79 81 82 82 83 84 85 86 87 94 95 95 96
-d = concat(a, b): 10 14 29 41 49 57 59 62 69 69 71 72 72 78 81 82 84 86 94 95 11 15 30 42 50 58 60 63 70 70 72 73 73 79 82 83 85 87 95 96
-d.resize(10): 10 14 29 41 49 57 59 62 69 69
-d.reverse(): 69 69 62 59 57 49 41 29 14 10
-d.fill(0, 4, 4): 69 69 62 59 0 0 0 0 14 10
-d.reduce(plus, 0) = 283
-e =, 5): 62 59 0 0 0
-x: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
-y: 93 96 14 74 87 41 65 6 38 17 63 37 73 46 34 50 38 55 15 76
-x + y: 93 97 16 77 91 46 71 13 46 26 73 48 85 59 48 65 54 72 33 95
-x - y: -93 -95 -12 -71 -83 -36 -59 1 -30 -8 -53 -26 -61 -33 -20 -35 -22 -38 3 -57
-product(x, y): 0 96 28 222 348 205 390 42 304 153 630 407 876 598 476 750 608 935 270 1444
-quotient(x, y): 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
-x * y: 8782
-x + 2: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
-x - 2: -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
-x * 2: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
-x / 2: 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9
-z(20, 1): 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
-z = -z: -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
-z += x: -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
-z -= x: -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
-x.sum(): 190
-x.sumsq(): 2470
-x.min(): 0
-x.max(): 19
-x.min_index(): 0
-x.max_index(): 19
-End of test
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tVec.inp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tVec.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tVec.inp
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 10cac9b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-// Use all the g++ headerfiles
-// $Author: jason $
-// $Revision: 1.17 $
-// $Date: 1995/06/11 19:23:13 $
-#include <_G_config.h>
-// If we have the old iostream library, it defines _OLD_STREAMS
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <std.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <sys/signal.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/times.h>
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
-#include <PlotFile.h>
-#include <File.h>
-#include <Filebuf.h>
-#include <Fmodes.h>
-#include <filebuf.h>
-#include <SFile.h>
-#include <ACG.h>
-#include <Fix.h>
-#include <MLCG.h>
-#include <AllocRing.h>
-#include <Binomial.h>
-#include <BitSet.h>
-#include <BitString.h>
-#include <Complex.h>
-#include <DiscUnif.h>
-#include <Erlang.h>
-#include <GetOpt.h>
-#include <Fix16.h>
-#include <Fix24.h>
-#include <Geom.h>
-#include <Rational.h>
-#include <HypGeom.h>
-#include <Integer.h>
-#include <Incremental.h>
-#include <LogNorm.h>
-#include <NegExp.h>
-#include <Normal.h>
-#include <Obstack.h>
-#include <Pix.h>
-#include <SmplHist.h>
-#include <Poisson.h>
-#include <RNG.h>
-#include <Random.h>
-#include <SmplStat.h>
-#include <Regex.h>
-#include <RndInt.h>
-#include <builtin.h>
-#include <String.h>
-#include <Uniform.h>
-#include <Weibull.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <compare.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <generic.h>
-#include <grp.h>
-#include <getpagesize.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <minmax.h>
-#include <new.h>
-#include <osfcn.h>
-#include <pwd.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <strclass.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <swap.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#ifdef _IO_MAGIC
-#include <istream.h>
-#include <streambuf.h>
-#include <ostream.h>
- cout << "Could include all g++-include files\n";
- exit (0);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index d9f43ca..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-#include <_G_config.h>
- fprintf(stderr, "(template-based classes not available)\n");
- return 0;
- test/demo of linked structures
-#include <assert.h>
-#define tassert(ex) {if ((ex)) cerr << #ex << "\n"; \
- else _assert(#ex, __FILE__,__LINE__); }
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include "SLList.h"
-#include "DLList.h"
-void printlist(SLList<int>& l)
- for (Pix p = l.first(); p != 0; cout << l(p) << " ";
- cout << "\n";
-void SLtest()
- int i;
- SLList<int> a;
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(a.empty());
- cout << "prepending...\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(a.length() == i);
- a.prepend(i);
- assert(a.front() == i);
- }
- cout << "a: "; printlist(a);
- cout << "appending...\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(a.length() == 10 + i);
- a.append(i);
- assert(a.rear() == i);
- }
- cout << "a: "; printlist(a);
- SLList<int> b = a;
- cout << "b = a: " << "\n"; printlist(b);
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(b.length() == a.length());
- assert(b.front() == a.front());
- assert(b.rear() == a.rear());
- cout << "remove_front of first 10 elements:\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(b.length() == 20 - i);
- assert(b.front() == 9 - i);
- b.remove_front();
- }
- assert(b.length() == 10);
- cout << "b: "; printlist(b);
- cout << "inserting 100 after sixth element...\n";
- Pix bp = b.first();
- for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i);
- b.ins_after(bp, 100);
- assert(b.length() == 11);
- cout << "b: "; printlist(b);
- a.join(b);
- cout << "after a.join(b)\n"; printlist(a);
- assert(b.empty());
- assert(a.length() == 31);
- cout << "b: " << "\n"; printlist(b);
- b.prepend(999);
- cout << "b: " << "\n"; printlist(b);
- assert(b.length() == 1);
- assert(b.front() == 999);
- assert(b.rear() == 999);
- assert(b.OK());
- SLList<int> bb = b;
- cout << "bb: " << "\n"; printlist(bb);
- assert(bb.OK());
- assert(bb.length() == 1);
- assert(bb.front() == 999);
- assert(bb.rear() == 999);
- assert(bb.remove_front() == 999);
- b.prepend(1234);
- assert(b.length() == 2);
- b.del_after(b.first());
- assert(b.rear() == 1234);
- assert(b.length() == 1);
- b.del_after(0);
- assert(b.length() == 0);
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(bb.OK());
-void printDlist(DLList<int>& l)
- for (Pix p = l.first(); p != 0; cout << l(p) << " ";
- cout << "\n";
-void DLtest()
- int i;
- DLList<int> a;
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(a.empty());
- assert(a.length() == 0);
- cout << "prepending...\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(a.length() == i);
- a.prepend(i);
- assert(a.front() == i);
- }
- cout << "a: " << "\n"; printDlist(a);
- cout << "appending...\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(a.length() == 10 + i);
- a.append(i);
- assert(a.rear() == i);
- }
- cout << "a: "; printDlist(a);
- DLList<int> b = a;
- assert(b.OK());
- assert(b.length() == a.length());
- assert(b.front() == a.front());
- assert(b.rear() == a.rear());
- cout << "b = a: "; printDlist(b);
- cout << "remove_front of first 10 elements:\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(b.length() == 20 - i);
- assert(b.front() == 9 - i);
- b.remove_front();
- }
- assert(b.length() == 10);
- cout << "b: "; printDlist(b);
- cout << "inserting 100 after sixth element...\n";
- Pix bp = b.first();
- for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i);
- b.ins_after(bp, 100);
- assert(b.length() == 11);
- cout << "b: "; printDlist(b);
- DLList<int> aa = a;
- aa.join(b);
- cout << "after aa = a; aa.join(b)\n"; printDlist(aa);
- assert(aa.length() == 31);
- assert(b.empty());
- cout << "b: " << "\n"; printDlist(b);
- b.prepend(999);
- cout << "b: " << "\n"; printDlist(b);
- assert(b.length() == 1);
- assert(b.front() == 999);
- assert(b.rear() == 999);
- assert(b.OK());
- DLList<int> bb = b;
- cout << "bb: " << "\n"; printDlist(bb);
- assert(bb.OK());
- assert(bb.length() == 1);
- assert(bb.front() == 999);
- assert(bb.rear() == 999);
- assert(bb.remove_front() == 999);
- assert(bb.OK());
- b.prepend(1234);
- assert(b.length() == 2);
- bp = b.first();
- b.del(bp, -1);
- assert(b.rear() == 1234);
- assert(b.length() == 1);
- b.del(bp);
- assert(b.length() == 0);
- DLList<int> z = a;
- cout << "z = a: "; printDlist(z);
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z.length() == 20);
- cout << "remove_rear of last 10 elements:\n";
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- assert(z.length() == 20 - i);
- assert(z.rear() == 9 - i);
- z.remove_rear();
- }
- assert(z.length() == 10);
- cout << "z: "; printDlist(z);
- cout << "inserting 100 before alternate elements...\n";
- Pix zp;
- for (zp = z.first(); zp;
- {
- z.ins_before(zp, 100);
- }
- assert(z.length() == 20);
- cout << "z: "; printDlist(z);
- cout << "inserting 200 after sixth element...\n";
- zp = z.first();
- for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i);
- z.ins_after(zp, 200);
- assert(z.length() == 21);
- cout << "z: "; printDlist(z);
- cout << "deleting alternate elements of z...";
- for (zp = z.first(); zp;
- {
- cout << z(zp) << " ";
- z.del(zp);
- }
- cout << "\n";
- assert(z.length() == 10);
- cout << "z: "; printDlist(z);
- cout << "z in reverse order:\n";
- for (zp = z.last(); zp; z.prev(zp)) cout << z(zp) << " ";
- cout << "\n";
- z.clear();
- assert(z.OK());
- assert(z.empty());
- assert(a.OK());
- assert(b.OK());
-class X
- X() { cout << "default ctor called\n"; }
- X(const X&) { cout << "copy ctor called\n"; }
- ~X() { cout << "dtor called\n"; }
- SLtest();
- DLtest();
- cout << "\n";
- /* Test case from Magnus Nordborg <> */
- DLList<X> l;
- l.append(X());
- Pix f = l.first();
- l.del(f);
- cout << "\nEnd of test\n";
- return 0;
-template class SLNode<int>;
-template class SLList<int>;
-template class DLNode<int>;
-template class DLList<int>;
-template class DLNode<X>;
-template class DLList<X>;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tiLList.exp b/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tiLList.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e7646e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libg++/tests/tiLList.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-a: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-a: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-b = a:
-9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-remove_front of first 10 elements:
-b: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-inserting 100 after sixth element...
-b: 0 1 2 3 4 5 100 6 7 8 9
-after a.join(b)
-9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 100 6 7 8 9
-9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-a: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-b = a: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-remove_front of first 10 elements:
-b: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-inserting 100 after sixth element...
-b: 0 1 2 3 4 5 100 6 7 8 9
-after aa = a; aa.join(b)
-9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 100 6 7 8 9
-z = a: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-remove_rear of last 10 elements:
-z: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-inserting 100 before alternate elements...
-z: 100 9 100 8 100 7 100 6 100 5 100 4 100 3 100 2 100 1 100 0
-inserting 200 after sixth element...
-z: 100 9 100 8 100 7 200 100 6 100 5 100 4 100 3 100 2 100 1 100 0
-deleting alternate elements of z...100 100 100 200 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-z: 9 8 7 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
-z in reverse order:
-100 100 100 100 100 100 100 7 8 9
-default ctor called
-copy ctor called
-dtor called
-dtor called
-End of test
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libiberty/ChangeLog b/contrib/libg++/libiberty/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index ec50980..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libiberty/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1872 +0,0 @@
-Mon Jun 10 13:17:17 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * pexecute.c: New file.
-Wed Jun 5 16:57:45 1996 Richard Henderson <>
- * xmalloc.c: Declare sbrk.
-Sat May 4 05:08:45 1996 Peter Schauer (
- * alloca-norm.h: Add SPARCworks cc compatible __builtin_alloca
- declaration.
-Mon Apr 22 18:41:49 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * xstrerror.c: Include <stdio.h>.
-Sun Apr 21 11:55:12 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * (CFILES): Add atexit.c.
-Sun Apr 21 09:50:09 1996 Stephen L Moshier (
- * choose-temp.c: Include sys/types.h before sys/file.h for sco3.2v5.
-Wed Apr 17 11:17:55 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * choose-temp.c: Don't #include sys/file.h ifdef NO_SYS_FILE_H.
- #include <stdio.h>
- * config/mt-vxworks5 (HDEFINES): Define NO_SYS_FILE_H.
-Tue Apr 16 11:27:16 1996 Jeffrey A Law (
- * (lneeded-list): If alloca.o is needed, so is xmalloc.o.
- Reverts Feb 8, 1995 change.
-Mon Apr 15 12:53:26 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * choose-temp.c: New file.
- * (CFILES): Add choose-temp.c.
- (REQUIRED_OFILES): Add choose-temp.o.
-Sat Apr 13 14:19:30 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * floatformat.c (floatformat_to_double): Don't bias exponent when
- handling zero's, denorms or NaNs.
-Thu Apr 11 13:36:56 1996 Stu Grossman (
- * floatformat.c (floatformat_to_double): Fix bugs with handling
- numbers with fractions < 32 bits.
-Mon Apr 8 14:48:34 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * config.table: Permit --enable-shared to specify a list of
- directories.
-Tue Mar 19 22:02:07 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Fix for non-mangled pointer
- arguments.
-Fri Mar 8 17:24:18 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * If srcdir is `.' and with_target_subdir is not
- `.', then set MULTISRCTOP before calling
-Thu Mar 7 13:37:10 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw.c (mpw_open): Add debugging output option.
-Wed Mar 6 17:36:03 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Fix for address-of-extern arguments.
-Tue Feb 27 12:00:50 1996 Raymond Jou <>
- * mpw.c (mpwify_filename): Change 6 to 5 in
- strncmp (unixname, "/tmp/", 5).
-Tue Feb 20 10:55:53 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Initialize is_bool. Correctly
- handle 0 as a pointer value parameter.
-Mon Feb 5 16:41:44 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (all): Depend upon required-list.
- (required-list): New target.
- (clean): Remove required-list.
-Wed Jan 31 10:19:41 1996 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * win32.c: Deleted.
- * config.table (i386-*-win32): Deleted.
- * config/mh-i386win32: Deleted.
-Thu Jan 18 11:34:17 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * cplus-dem.c (cplus_demangle_opname): Change opname parameter to
- const char *.
- (cplus_mangle_opname): Change return type and opname parameter to
- const char *. Don't cast return value.
-Tue Jan 16 12:13:11 1996 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw.c: Include Timer.h, in order to get m68k Microseconds trap
- definition.
-Wed Jan 3 13:15:04 1996 Fred Fish <>
- * obstack.c: Update copyright to 1996.
- (_obstack_memory_used): Define new function. Called via
- obstack_memory_used macro.
-Thu Dec 28 11:39:40 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * xstrdup.c: New file.
- * (CFILES): Add xstrdup.c.
- (REQUIRED_OFILES): Add xstrdup.o.
- (xstrdup.o): New target.
-Mon Dec 11 18:18:52 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * atexit.c: New stub to provide atexit on systems that have
- on_exit, like SunOS 4.1.x systems.
- * functions.def (on_exit, atexit): Ditto.
-Mon Dec 11 15:42:14 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw.c (mpw_abort): Remove decl.
- (mpw_access): Move debugging printf.
-Sat Dec 2 01:25:23 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * config.table: Consistently use ${host} rather than ${xhost} or
- ${target}.
- * Don't bother to set ${xhost} before calling
- config.table.
-Tue Nov 28 14:16:57 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * (.c.o): Use test instead of the left bracket, to
- avoid problems with some versions of make.
-Tue Nov 28 11:45:17 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Fix INCDIR edit to work with Nov 14 change.
-Tue Nov 21 11:26:34 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * config/mh-hpux: Remove. It was only used to define EXTRA_OFILES,
- which was set to just alloca.o, which is now automatically marked
- as needed by the autoconfiguration process.
-Tue Nov 21 14:15:06 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * config.table: Check ${with_cross_host} rather than comparing
- ${host} and ${target}.
-Thu Nov 16 14:34:42 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * If with_target_subdir is empty, set xhost to
- ${host} rather than ${target} before calling config.table.
-Tue Nov 14 01:38:30 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * (MULTITOP): Deleted.
- (install_to_libdir): Add $(MULTISUBDIR). Call $(MULTIDO).
- * Delete call to Call
- instead of
- (cross-compile check): Change to test for with_target_subdir.
- (EXTRA_LINKS): Delete.
-Sun Nov 12 12:13:04 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Add getpagesize.c.o to needed-list.
- * mpw.c [USE_MW_HEADERS]: Conditionalize compiling of
- functions that are supplied by Metrowerks libraries.
- (fstat): Clean up descriptor->pointer conversion code.
- (InstallConsole, etc): Empty definitions, for when linking
- with SIOUX.
-Sun Nov 5 19:25:27 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (FLAGS_TO_PASS): Also pass PICFLAGS.
- (.c.o): Stylistic change.
-Thu Nov 2 12:06:29 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * strtol.c, strtoul.c: Don't include <stdlib.h>. From
- (Philippe De Muyter).
-Wed Nov 1 11:59:36 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Correct sed call.
-Mon Oct 30 13:03:45 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * Clean up / simplify for native.
- * Merge in stuff from ../xiberty/
- * (CC): Add definition (so it can be overrridden
- by ../configure).
-Tue Oct 24 17:57:27 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * mpw-make.sed: Leave strerror.c.o in standard list of functions.
- * mpw.c (R_OK, ENOENT, EACCESS, ENOSYS): Remove.
- (link): Remove useless definition with error return.
- (last_microseconds, warn_if_spin_delay, record_for_spin_delay):
- Use UnsignedWide type for microsecond counts.
-Thu Oct 19 10:52:07 1995 Michael Meissner <>
- * memcmp.c (memcmp): Argument types are const void *, not void
- *const.
- * strncasecmp.c (strncasecmp): Include ansidecl.h/stdarg.h, not
- sys/types.h.
- * strcasecmp.c (strcasecmp): Ditto.
-Tue Oct 10 11:03:24 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * (BISON): Remove macro.
-Tue Sep 26 15:06:46 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * (HFILES): Add default empty definition.
- * (config.h): Only update if changed.
- * Remove.
- * mpw-make.sed: New file, edits into MPW makefile.
- * mpw.c: Remove semi-clone of strerror code.
- (sys_nerr, sys_errlist): Define here.
- (Microseconds): Only define as A-line trap if m68k Mac.
-Wed Sep 20 12:53:32 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (maintainer-clean): New synonym for distclean.
-Mon Aug 28 19:47:52 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * config.table: For host, generalize rs6000-ibm-aix*
- to *-ibm-aix* so we also include powerpc.
-Tue Aug 22 03:18:05 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- Fri Jun 16 18:35:40 1995 Pat Rankin (
- * xstrerror.c: New file.
- *, Compile it.
-Mon Jul 31 12:16:32 1995 steve chamberlain <>
- * config.table (i386-*-win32): New.
-Fri Jul 21 11:35:52 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * (MULTITOP): New variable.
- (all): Add multilib support.
- (install_to_tooldir, *clean): Likewise.
-Mon Jul 10 11:47:27 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * makefile.dos (OBJS): Add hex.o. From DJ Delorie.
-Fri Jun 30 17:28:59 1995 Pat Rankin (
- * create "new-lib.olb", build libiberty under that
- name, and then make it become "liberty.olb" when done, so that an
- incomplete build attempt never leaves behind something which looks
- like a complete library.
-Thu Jun 29 00:22:02 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * config/mh-i386pe: New file for PE hosts.
- * config.table: Understand PE hosts.
-Wed Jun 28 19:13:23 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * cplus-dem.c: Update from gcc.
- * argv.c, dummy.c: If __STDC__, #include "alloca-conf.h" after
- <stddef.h>.
- * alloca-norm.h: If __STDC__, declare alloca with its parameter.
-Thu Jun 22 18:57:47 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- * (ALL_CFLAGS): Define NEED_basename.
- * mpw.c: Only test DebugPI once whenever printing debug info.
- (mpwify_filename): If filename is /tmp/foo, change it into :_foo,
- also fix to not write on input filename buffer.
- (mpw_access): Use stat() instead of open(), works for directories
- as well as files.
-Mon Jun 19 00:33:22 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * Massage broken shells that require 'else true'.
-Sat Jun 17 23:21:58 1995 Fred Fish <>
- * alloca-norm.h: Declare alloca as type "PTR" to match functions.def.
- Declare __builtin_alloca in the sparc case, as argv.c did.
- * argv.c: Replace inline version of alloca-norm.h at start of file with
- a #include of alloca-conf.h. Precede it with an include of ansidecl.h
- because alloca-norm.h needs to declare alloca as "PTR".
-Mon Jun 12 14:24:26 1995 Steve Chamberlain <>
- * win32.c: New file.
-Fri Jun 9 15:16:14 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * dummy.c: #include "alloca-conf.h".
-Wed Jun 7 11:46:23 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (mostlyclean): Remove stamp-picdir.
- (clean): Don't.
-Mon Jun 5 18:46:06 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config.table (frags): Use toplevel pic frags.
- * (PICFLAG): New macro.
- (all): Depend on stamp-picdir.
- (needed-list): Ditto.
- (.c.o): Also build pic object.
- (stamp-picdir): New rule.
- (mostlyclean): Remove pic.
- (clean): Remove stamp-picdir.
-Fri Mar 24 16:55:48 1995 Pat Rankin (
- * (config.h): Add `#define NEED_basename'.
-Tue May 23 10:12:46 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * clock.c, getopt.c, strtod.c, vsprintf.c: Change from using LGPL
- to libio-style copyright.
- * getpagesize.c: Remove FSF copyright.
-Sat May 20 12:30:23 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- Added improved VMS support from Pat Rankin:
- Fri Mar 17 18:40:36 1995 Pat Rankin (
- * new file.
- * getpagesize.c (getpagesize): implement for VMS;
- * strerror.c (strerror, strerrno, strtoerrno): add rudimentary
- support for EVMSERR.
-Thu May 18 17:01:42 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- Wed May 10 14:28:16 1995 Richard Earnshaw (
- * floatformat.c (floatformat_arm_ext): Define.
-Tue May 16 13:30:59 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * basename.c, bcmp.c, getcwd.c, insque.c, rename.c, sigsetmask.c,
- strerror.c, strsignal.c: Remove FSF copyright.
- * sigsetmask.c: #include <sys/types.h> - seems to be needed by ISC.
-Mon May 15 19:53:17 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * bcopy.c, bzero.c, memcmp.c, memcpy.c, memset.c, strchr.c,
- strrchr.c, strstr.c, vfork.c: Remove FSF Copyright, because this
- might contaminate libstdc++ with the LGPL. (OK'd by RMS 11 Oct 94.)
- * strchr.c, strrchr.c: Add cast to suppress const warning.
-Thu May 4 14:36:42 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * cplus-dem.c: Use const instead of CONST. Don't include
- ansidecl.h directly.
-Wed Apr 19 01:30:27 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * cplus-dem.c: Don't include libiberty.h. Do declare xmalloc and
- xrealloc.
- (-DMAIN): Don't rely on an externally-defined version number;
- instead, require the version number to be defined as a
- preprocessor macro. Handle the RS/6000 leading dot. Define
- xmalloc, xrealloc and fatal. Don't strip a leading underscore
- if we couldn't demangle the word.
-Tue Apr 4 13:03:51 1995 Stan Shebs <>
- (Old mpw.c change descriptions retained for informational value.)
- * mpw.c (warning_threshold): Default to .4 sec.
- (overflow_count, current_progress): New globals.
- (warn_if_spin_delay): Include current progress type,
- such as program name, in message.
- (mpw_start_progress): Set current_progress variable from arg.
- (mpw_end_progress): Report spin delays by power-of-two-size
- buckets instead of constant-size buckets.
- * mpw.c: Clean up formatting, types, returns, etc.
- (ENOSYS): Define.
- (mpw_fread, mpw_fwrite): Define.
- (sleep): Define correctly.
- * mpw.c: New code to implement cursor spinning support.
- (umask): New function.
- (mpw_fopen, mpw_fseek, stat, fstat): Call PROGRESS.
- * mpw.c (mpw_basename, mpw_mixed_basename): New functions, find
- basenames for MPW and MPW/Unix filenames.
- (mpw_special_init): New function, calls Macsbug if desired.
- * mpw.c: Add GPL notice.
- (mpwify_filename): Add more transformations.
- (mpw_fopen): Call mpwify_filename on file names.
- (rename): Remove.
- (chdir, getcwd): Add simple definitions.
- * mpw.c: Random cleanups, remove unused code bits.
- Added copy of strerror.c for gcc's use.
- (stat, fstat, _stat): New versions based on Guido van Rossum code.
- * mpw.c (mpw_fseek): Make it work correctly when doing SEEK_CUR.
- * mpw.c (stat): Remove hack definition, get from sys/stat.h.
- (fork, vfork, etc): Print error messages if called.
- (getrusage, sbrk, environ, isatty, link, utime, mkdir, rmdir,
- rename, chown): Define.
- * New file, MPW version of
- * New file, MPW version of
- * mpw.c: New file, MPW compatibility routines.
-Fri Mar 24 14:10:30 1995 Jim Kingdon (
- * basename.c: Include config.h before checking for NEED_basename.
-Thu Mar 23 19:09:54 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * functions.def: Add DEFFUNC for basename.
- * basename.c: Only define basename if NEED_basename.
-Thu Mar 16 13:36:05 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config.table: Fix --enable-shared logic for native builds.
-Mon Mar 13 11:05:11 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Demangle bool literals properly.
-Mon Mar 6 23:57:28 1995 Stu Grossman (
- * strtol.c strtoul.c: Replace these with less buggy versions from
- NetBSD. (strtoul in particular couldn't handle base 16.)
-Wed Mar 1 15:59:01 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * config/mt-vxworks5 (HDEFINES): Define NO_SYS_PARAM_H.
- * clock.c: If NO_SYS_PARAM_H is defined, don't include
- <sys/param.h>.
- * getcwd.c, getpagesize.c, getruntime.c: Likewise.
-Fri Feb 17 15:40:55 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * getruntime.c (get_run_time): Don't assume that CLOCKS_PER_SEC is
- a number; ANSI appears to permit any expression, including a
- function call.
- * config.table (*-*-vxworks5*): Use mt-vxworks5 when configuring
- xiberty.
- * config/mt-vxworks5: New file.
-Thu Feb 9 14:19:45 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * basename.c (basename): Change argument to be const.
-Wed Feb 8 18:06:52 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (lneeded-list): Don't worry about xmalloc.
-Sun Jan 15 00:40:36 1995 Jeff Law (
- * (distclean): Delete xhost-mkfrag.
-Thu Jan 12 16:54:18 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (lneeded-list): If alloca.o is needed, so is xmalloc.o.
-Wed Jan 11 22:39:56 1995 Ken Raeburn <>
- * hex.c: New file.
- (hex.o): Add dependencies.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_prefix): For GNU style constructor and
- destructor names, try demangling the remainder of the string.
-Wed Dec 28 00:49:15 1994 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * vasprintf.c (int_vasprintf): New static function.
- (vasprintf): Use int_vasprintf. Removes assumption that va_list
- is assignment compatible.
-Sat Nov 5 19:29:12 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * (LIBCFLAGS): New variable.
- (FLAGS_TO_PASS): Pass it.
- (.c.o): Use it.
-Thu Nov 3 19:09:47 1994 Ken Raeburn <>
- * getopt.c, getopt1.c: Do compile these functions under Linux,
- since many native versions are based on glibc but are buggy.
-Mon Oct 24 15:16:46 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * vasprintf.c: Make 'format' arg be const, to avoid a mismatch
- with prototype in GNU libc. Support stdarg.h as well as varargs.h.
-Tue Oct 11 17:48:27 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * (REQUIRED_OFILES): Add vasprintf.o.
- * functions.def: Remove vasprintf.
-Wed Sep 14 17:04:55 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * xmalloc.c (first_break): New static variable.
- (xmalloc_set_program_name): Record sbrk (0) in first_break.
- (xmalloc): If memory allocation fails, try to report how much
- memory was allocated by the program up to this point.
- (xrealloc): Likewise.
-Sun Sep 04 17:58:10 1994 Richard Earnshaw (
- * (ERRORS_CC): New variable, defaulted to $(CC). Use it
- when linking dummy.
- * config.table: Add host RISCiX Makefile frag.
- * config/mh-riscix: New file.
-Thu Aug 25 17:29:44 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (FLAGS_TO_PASS): Define.
- ($(RULE1)): Use $(FLAGS_TO_PASS).
-Wed Aug 24 17:08:47 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * vasprintf.c: Include <string.h>.
- (vasprintf): Add casts to void for va_arg to avoid gcc warnings.
- * xatexit.c: Declare malloc.
-Fri Aug 19 15:29:12 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_args): Fix a bug in previous patch (the
- one below).
-Thu Aug 18 14:37:14 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle args): Handle ARM repeat encoding where
- the type index is greater than 9.
-Wed Aug 17 16:13:49 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_qualified): accept optional '_' between
- qualified name. This is baecause the template name may end with
- numeric and can mixed up with the length of next qualified name.
-Wed Aug 3 05:52:14 1994 D. V. Henkel-Wallace (
- * config/mt-sunos4: Use our standard location for cross-includes
- and cross-libs when the target is also a "host" environment (ie no
- newlib; includes and such don't belong to us). This is specific
- to the Cygnus Support environment.
-Tue Aug 2 15:25:12 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): demangle as xxx<'Q'> not
- xxx<ch=81>.
-Mon Aug 1 17:02:48 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (main): flush stdout to make pipe work.
-Sat Jul 16 12:56:32 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * config.table (*-*-cxux7*): Recognize.
- * floatformat.c (floatformat_m88110_ext) [HARRIS_FLOAT_FORMAT]:
- Harris-specific float format.
- * config/mh-cxux7: New file.
-Wed Jun 29 00:26:17 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Make sure that the result of
- consume_count doesn't index beyond the end of the string.
-Mon Jun 20 23:54:37 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * cplus-dem.c (gnu_special): Handle vtable mangling of gcc-2.4.5 and
- earlier. Improve test for new vtable mangling. Change output back
- to `virtual table'.
-Mon Jun 20 11:37:30 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * obstack.c: Always compile this code, even if using the GNU
- library. Avoids problems with relatively recent binary
- incompatibility.
-Thu Jun 16 17:54:01 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * cplus-dem.c: Include libiberty.h.
- (xmalloc, xrealloc, free): Don't declare.
- (strstr): Don't declare parameters.
- (xmalloc, xrealloc): Don't define.
- (long_options): Add no-strip-underscores.
- (main): Call xmalloc_set_program_name. Pass n in short options to
- getopt_long. Handle option 'n' to not strip underscores.
- (usage): Mention -n and --no-strip-underscores.
-Sun Jun 12 01:37:09 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Separate consecutive >'s with a
- space.
- (gnu_special): Demangle template and qualified names in a vtable name.
-Fri May 27 12:27:52 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- From gas-2.3 and binutils-2.4 net releases:
- Wed May 11 22:32:00 1994 DJ Delorie (
- * makefile.dos: [new] Makefile for dos/go32
- * configure.bat: update for latest files
- * msdos.c: remove some functions now in libc.a
-Fri May 20 18:53:32 1994 Per Bothner (
- * cplus-dem.c (gnu_special): Recognize thunks, as well as
- the new naming style for vtables (when -fvtable-thunks).
-Wed May 18 13:34:06 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (XTRAFLAGS): Don't define.
- (.c.o, dummy.o): Don't use XTRAFLAGS.
- ($(RULE1)): Don't pass XTRAFLAGS down in recursive call.
-Fri May 13 16:02:12 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * vasprintf.c: New file.
- *, functions.def: Add it.
-Fri May 13 16:20:28 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_fund_type): Grok bool.
-Fri May 6 14:44:21 1994 Steve Chamberlain (
- * config.table: Add go32
- * config/mh-go32: New template.
-Fri May 6 11:01:59 1994 D. V. Henkel-Wallace (
- * config.table, config/mt-sunos4: config for when sun4 is cross target.
-Mon Apr 11 00:54:33 1994 Richard Stallman (
- * getopt.c [not __GNU_LIBRARY__] [__GCC__] [not __STDC__]:
- Declare strlen to return int. Don't include stddef.h.
-Fri Apr 1 00:38:17 1994 Jim Wilson (
- * getopt.c: Delete use of IN_GCC to control whether
- stddef.h or gstddef.h is included.
-Thu Apr 14 14:00:56 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_signature): Fix a bug in template function
- type numbering.
-Wed Apr 13 17:23:03 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_signature): Fix template function with arm
- style argument type number, Tn.
-Wed Apr 13 17:11:15 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * cplus-dem.c (optable): Add new[] and delete[].
-Fri Apr 8 11:21:42 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * argv.c (buildargv): Don't produce empty argument just because
- there is trailing whitespace.
-Wed Apr 6 11:42:14 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): fix 'Q' qualified name bug.
- Handle 'p' same as 'P'.
- * cplus-dem.c (do_type): Handle 'p' same as 'P'.
-Sat Mar 26 12:00:13 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * floatformat.c (get_field, put_field): Fix off by one error in
- little endian case.
-Thu Mar 24 10:40:19 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * floatformat.c (floatformat_from_double): Pass unsigned char *,
- not char *, to put_field.
-Fri Mar 18 12:34:33 1994 Per Bothner (
- * memmove.c: Re-wrote; placed in public domain.
-Wed Mar 16 10:33:07 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_prefix): If ARM demangling, don't treat
- __Q* as a constructor.
-Mon Mar 14 12:26:02 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * ieee-float.c: Removed; no longer used.
- * Changed accordingly.
-Mon Mar 7 12:28:17 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * floatformat.c (get_field): Removed unused local variable i.
- (put_field): Removed unused local variable i.
-Sun Feb 27 21:50:11 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * floatformat.c: New file, intended to replace ieee-float.c.
- * Change accordingly.
-Thu Feb 24 11:51:12 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- * getopt.c: Remove #ifdef GETOPT_COMPAT and #if 0 code.
- (_getopt_initialize): New function, broken out of _getopt_internal.
- (_getopt_internal):
- If long_only and the ARGV-element has the form "-f", where f is
- a valid short option, don't consider it an abbreviated form of
- a long option that starts with f. Otherwise there would be no
- way to give the -f short option.
-Thu Feb 10 14:44:16 1994 Richard Stallman (
- * getopt.c [not __GNU_LIBRARY__] [__GNUC__] [not IN_GCC]:
- Test just __STDC__, not emacs.
-Wed Feb 9 00:14:00 1994 Richard Stallman (
- * getopt.c [not __GNU_LIBRARY__] [__GNUC__] [not IN_GCC]
- [emacs] [not __STDC__]: Don't include stddef.h. Don't declare strlen.
-Fri Dec 24 19:43:00 1993 Noah Friedman (
- * getopt.c (_NO_PROTO): Define before config.h is included.
-Mon Sep 20 15:59:03 1993 Roland McGrath (
- * getopt.c, getopt1.c [emacs || CONFIG_BROKETS]: Include
- <config.h> only under these, else "config.h".
-Thu Aug 12 18:16:49 1993 Roland McGrath (
- * getopt.c, getopt1.c [HAVE_CONFIG_H]: Include
- <config.h> instead of "config.h".
-Sun Feb 20 17:17:01 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * concat.c: Check ANSI_PROTOTYPES rather than __STDC__ to decide
- whether to use prototypes or not.
- * strerror.c (const): Never undefine; let ansidecl.h handle it.
- * strsignal.c (const): Likewise.
-Thu Feb 17 13:27:35 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * xatexit.c (_xexit_cleanup): Declare as extern; don't initialize.
- Merging common and initialized variables need not be supported by
- ANSI C compilers.
- (xatexit): Initialize _xexit_cleanup if not already set.
- * xexit.c: Comment fix.
-Wed Feb 16 01:15:36 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * xmalloc.c: Don't declare xexit; it's declared in libiberty.h.
- (xrealloc): If oldmem is NULL, allocate with malloc, rather than
- assuming that realloc works correctly.
-Tue Feb 15 09:26:16 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * concat.c, ieee-float.c: Replace inclusion of <string.h>
- with explicit function declarations, as recommended by Ian Taylor.
-Sat Feb 12 10:31:11 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- * xmalloc.c (xmalloc, xrealloc): Use PTR and size_t throughout.
- (malloc, realloc): Declare.
-Thu Feb 10 17:08:19 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * argv.c, basename.c: Include ansidecl.h and libiberty.h.
- * concat.c, fdmatch.c, getruntime.c, spaces.c: Likewise.
- * strerror.c, strsignal.c, xatexit.c, xexit.c: Likewise.
- * xmalloc.c: Likewise.
- * concat.c: Don't declare xmalloc. If __STDC__, use <stdarg.h>
- macros, not <varargs.h> macros.
- * spaces.c (spaces): Make return type const. Don't crash if
- malloc returns NULL.
- * strerror.c (struct error_info): Make name and msg fields const.
- (error_names): Make const.
- (strerrno): Make const.
- (strtoerrno): Make argument const.
- * strsignal.c (struct signal_info): Make name and msg fields
- const.
- (signal_names, sys_siglist): Make const.
- (strsignal, strsigno): Make const.
- (strtosigno): Make argument const.
- * xatexit.c: Declare parameter types.
- * xmalloc.c (name): Make const.
- (xmalloc_set_program_name): Make argument const.
- * (INCDIR): Define.
- (.c.o): Use $(INCDIR).
- (dummy.o): Likewise.
- (argv.o, basename.o): New targets; depend on libiberty.h.
- (concat.o, fdmatch.o, getruntime.o, spaces.o): Likewise.
- (strerror.o, strsignal.o, xatexit.o, xexit.o): Likewise.
- (xmalloc.o): Likewise.
- (cplus-dem.o): New target; depend on demangle.h.
- (getopt.o, getopt1.o): New targets; depend on getopt.h.
- (ieee-float.o): New target; depend on ieee-float.h.
- (obstack.o): New target; depend on obstack.h.
-Tue Feb 8 05:29:08 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- Handle obstack_chunk_alloc returning NULL. This allows
- obstacks to be used by libraries, without forcing them
- to call exit or longjmp.
- * obstack.c (_obstack_begin, _obstack_begin_1, _obstack_newchunk):
- If CALL_CHUNKFUN returns NULL, set alloc_failed, else clear it.
- (_obstack_begin, _obstack_begin_1): Return 1 if successful, 0 if not.
-Tue Feb 8 00:32:28 1994 Peter Schauer (
- * concat.c, ieee-float.c: Include <string.h>.
-Sun Feb 6 21:28:46 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- * xmalloc.c (xmalloc_set_program_name): New function.
- (xmalloc, xrealloc): Include the name in the error message, if set.
- * Replace atexit.c with xatexit.c.
- * (CFILES), functions.def: Change references.
-Sat Feb 5 14:02:32 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * getruntime.c (get_run_time): Use getrusage or times if
-Fri Feb 4 15:49:38 1994 David J. Mackenzie (
- * atexit.c: New file.
- * (CFILES), functions.def: Add it.
- * xexit.c: New file.
- * xmalloc.c (xmalloc, xrealloc): Call xexit instead of exit.
- Change request for 0 bytes into request for 1 byte.
-Wed Feb 2 11:36:49 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * xmalloc.c (xmalloc, xrealloc): Print size using %lu, and cast to
- unsigned long, to avoid warnings.
-Fri Jan 28 17:49:06 1994 Ken Raeburn (
- * dummy.c: Don't include time.h ever; always define clock_t as
- "unsigned long". Until gcc/fixincludes ensures that clock_t
- exists, __STDC__ isn't a sufficient test. And if clock() doesn't
- exist, clock_t probably doesn't either.
-Mon Jan 24 11:52:31 1994 Stan Shebs (
- * clock.c, getruntime.c: New files.
- * Add to file lists.
- * functions.def (clock): Add to list.
- * dummy.c (time.h): Add if __STDC__.
- (clock_t): #define as "unsigned long" if not __STDC__.
-Tue Jan 11 11:27:44 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * strtod.c: Declare atof. From (Jan
- Edler).
-Tue Dec 28 14:17:30 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (errors): Use CFLAGS as well as LDFLAGS when
- linking.
-Fri Dec 17 12:26:07 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_arm_pt): New function. Common code
- for ARM template demangling.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_class_name): Use demangle_arm_pt.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_prefix): Likewise.
-Tue Nov 30 15:47:48 1993 Jason Merrill (
- * cplus-dem.c (cplus_demangle_opname): Add CONST to please gcc.
-Sat Nov 27 11:05:50 1993 Fred Fish (
- Merge changes from (Tom R.Hageman)
- * strerror.c, strsignal.c: As a small space optimization, don't
- include messages when they aren't actually used.
- Merge changes from!joe (Josef Leherbauer)
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_prefix, demangle_function_name,
- cplus_demangle_opname): Fixes for systems where cplus_marker
- is something other than '$'.
-Fri Nov 26 13:51:11 1993 Per Bothner (
- * waitpid.c: Simple-minded approcimation to waitpid
- using vanilla wait.
- * functions.def, Update accordingly,
-Thu Nov 18 18:01:15 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c(demangle_template): fix bug template instantiation
- with value of user defined type.
-Wed Nov 17 18:30:21 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c(cplus_demangle_opname): add the subject new function
- to support unified search of operator in class.
-Wed Nov 10 09:47:22 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- gcc -Wall lint:
- * strtoul.c (strtoul): use "(digit = *s) != '\0'" not just
- "digit = *s" as condition in while loop.
-Tue Nov 9 15:52:22 1993 Mark Eichin (
- * pass SHELL to recursive make
-Thu Nov 4 12:09:26 1993 Per Bothner (
- * vfprintf.c, vprintf.c, vsprintf.c: Make format arg
- be (const char*), for ANSI (and gcc w/fixproto) consistency.
-Thu Nov 4 08:29:04 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config.table: Make *-*-hiux* use mh-hpux.
-Fri Oct 22 07:53:15 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * config.table: Add * to end of all OS names.
-Tue Oct 19 17:12:01 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * (lneeded-list): ensure that object file names are
- not duplicated, as multiple instances of the same object file in
- a library causes problems on some machines
-Mon Oct 18 21:59:28 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * strcasecmp.c, strncasecmp.c: Change u_char to unsigned char.
-Fri Oct 15 22:17:11 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * strncasecmp.c: new file, implements strncasecmp
- * strcasecmp.c: new file, implement strcasecmp
- * (CFILES): list these two new source files
- * functions.def: add strcasecmp and strncasecmp entries
-Fri Oct 15 14:53:05 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * strtoul.c (strtoul), strtol.c (strtol): Handle overflow
- according to ANSI C.
-Thu Oct 14 16:34:19 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c: add support of ARM global constructor/destructor,
- and 'G' for passing record or union in parameter.
-Wed Oct 13 13:36:19 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Fix comment to clarify that stuff in REQUIRED_OFILES
- should not be in functions.def.
-Wed Oct 13 13:13:38 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * functions.def: Removed xmalloc. Stuff in REQUIRED_OFILES should
- not be in functions.def.
-Mon Oct 4 18:26:39 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c: change globl constructor/destructor to proper name
-Tue Sep 28 18:11:07 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c: fix bug in constructor/destructor
-Tue Sep 28 16:20:49 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c: support both old and new _vt$... vtbl mangled names
-Fri Sep 24 19:07:16 1993 Jason Merrill (
- * cplus-dem.c: Fix demangle_template prototype
-Fri Sep 24 17:32:55 1993 Kung Hsu (
- * cplus-dem.c: fix template demangling
- * cplus-dem.c: fix const type demangling
- * cplus-dem.c: fix constructor/destructor, virtual table,
- qualifier, global constructor/destructor demangling
-Wed Sep 1 23:13:11 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * strsignal.c, strerror.c: Use fully-bracketed initializer to
- keep gcc -Wall happy.
-Fri Aug 27 10:30:09 1993 Jason Merrill (
- * cplus-dem.c (do_type): Add CONSTS to make gcc happy with last
- patch.
-Fri Aug 27 11:24:54 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- Patch from Paul Flinders:
- * cplus-dem.c (do_type): Deal with arrays.
-Tue Aug 24 14:23:50 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_qualified: Deal with GNU format for more
- than 9 classes.
-Wed Aug 18 19:50:29 1993 Jason Merrill (
- * (dummy.o): Redirect to /dev/null to avoid "variable
- not initialized" warnings under HP/UX
-Sun Aug 15 20:42:40 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * strerror.c: Move include of stdio.h after sys_errlist #define.
- Also remove NULL definition (stdio.h always defines NULL, so it
- never did anything but clutter up the code).
-Sat Aug 14 14:21:49 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- *, functions.def: handle xmalloc.c
- * xmalloc.c: provide xmalloc and xrealloc functions
-Thu Aug 12 17:38:57 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * cplus-dem.c: Fix a comment.
-Sat Aug 7 13:56:35 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * getopt1.c: Declare const the way getopt.c does.
-Fri Aug 6 17:03:13 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * obstack.c, alloca.c: Update from FSF.
- * getopt.c, getopt1.c: Update to current FSF version, which
- doesn't use alloca.
-Tue Jul 27 14:03:57 1993 Brendan Kehoe (
- * (demangle): Add the target with a message saying
- where demangle went.
-Mon Jul 26 15:49:54 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * Remove obsolete `demangle' target.
-Thu Jul 22 08:31:01 1993 Fred Fish (
- * cplus-dem.c (arm_special): Apply patch from to
- avoid infinite loop on vtbl symbols with disambiguating "junk"
- tacked on the end.
-Mon Jul 19 14:10:37 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * strsignal.c: work around some systems losing definitions of
- sys_siglist
- * config/mh-lynxos: this system has a losing definition of
- sys_siglist
- * config.table: use mh-lynxos for *-*-lynxos
-Mon Jul 19 17:08:52 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * config.table: Add support for HPPA BSD hosts.
- * config/mh-hpbsd: New file.
-Mon Jul 12 18:00:40 1993 K. Richard Pixley (
- * (TAGS): make work when srcdir != objdir.
-Sun Jun 27 15:35:31 1993 David J. Mackenzie (
- * cplus-dem.c (main): Add long options, including --help and
- --version.
- (usage): New function from code in main.
-Tue Jun 22 11:37:38 1993 Per Bothner (
- * config.table: New shell scipt, sourced by both ./configure,in
- and ../xiberty/, to avoid maintainance lossages.
- * and ../xiberty/ Use config.table.
- * Don't use mh-aix for AIX 3.2, only for 3.1.
- * Map *-*-irix* (except irix4) to mh-sysv.
- * ../xiberty/ Update from ./
-Tue Jun 15 17:05:31 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * remove parentdir support
-Wed May 26 12:59:09 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * cplus-dem.c (xrealloc): Match definition with prototype.
-Tue May 25 14:27:51 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_prefix): Demangle cfront
- local variables as an extension to ARM demangling.
-Fri May 21 09:53:57 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * ieee-float.c: Don't require pointers to double to be aligned.
-Tue May 18 17:12:10 1993 Fred Fish (
- (merge changes from
- * cplus-dem.c (consume_count): Simplify.
- * cplus-dem.c (arm_pt, demangle_class_name): New functions.
- * cplus-dem.c (various): Calls to arm_pt, demangle_class_name.
- * cplus-dem.c (xmalloc, xrealloc, strstr): Make extern decls into
- full prototypes.
- * cplus-dem.c (free): Add prototype.
- * cplus-dem.c (optable): Fully bracketize initializer.
-Fri May 14 17:13:05 1993 Per Bothner (
- * cplus-dem.c: Whether initial underscores are stripped
- depends on the external variable prepends_underscore
- (which is generated by the binutils Makefile).
-Fri May 14 07:32:20 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * cplus-dem.c (mop_up, arm_special): Remove some unused variables.
-Tue May 4 20:31:59 1993 Fred Fish (
- * cplus-dem.c (consume_count): Return zero if arg does not
- start with digit, and don't consume any input.
-Tue May 4 08:10:28 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * (demangle): Use ${srcdir} not $^.
- * strtod.c: New file, needed at least for BSD 4.3.
-Sun May 2 11:30:42 1993 Fred Fish (
- * strsignal.c (sys_siglist): For ANSI compilations, type is
- "const char *const". Also remove conditionalization on __STDC__
- since const is defined away for non-ANSI.
-Wed Apr 28 19:29:55 1993 Ken Raeburn (
- * Recognize *-*-hpux.
- * config/mh-hpux: New file.
-Tue Apr 27 15:22:19 1993 Per Bothner (
- * tmpnam.c: Added ANSI tmpnam() function.
- * functions.def, Update accordingly.
-Tue Apr 27 13:38:38 1993 Peter Schauer (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_function_name): Get the demangling of
- stop__1A right.
-Fri Apr 16 23:48:24 1993 Jim Kingdon (kingdon at calvin)
- * cplus-dem.c: Declare strstr return type.
-Fri Mar 26 12:01:26 1993 Jim Kingdon (
- * strsignal.c: Add some AIX signals.
-Thu Mar 25 15:17:23 1993 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (MAKEOVERRIDES): Define to be empty.
-Wed Mar 24 01:59:25 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * add installcheck & dvi targets
-Thu Mar 18 14:05:44 1993 Per Bothner (
- * ieee-float.c: New file, moved from ../gdb (since it is
- needed by ../opcode/m68k-dis.c).
-Tue Mar 2 17:47:31 1993 Fred Fish (
- * cplus-dem.c: Replace all references to cfront with ARM.
-Fri Feb 26 00:17:07 1993 Per Bothner (
- * cplus-dem.c: Fix main program (when compiled with -DMAIN)
- to be more useful as a filter.
-Sat Feb 20 21:41:39 1993 Brendan Kehoe (
- * (install_to_libdir, install_to_tooldir): Go into the
- destination directory before running $(RANLIB), in case that
- program tries to create a file in the current directory as part of
- its work.
-Thu Feb 18 23:00:19 1993 John Gilmore (
- * strsignal.c (sys_siglist): Remove yet another *%^&%&$# "const"
- because BSD 4.4 lacks one. Isn't this fun?
-Thu Feb 18 11:24:25 1993 Fred Fish (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_signature): Set func_done after
- demangling a template.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_template): Fix several small bugs
- in demangling GNU style templates.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_prefix): Fix for templates in GNU
- style constructors.
- * cplus-dem.c (gnu_special): Fix for templates in GNU style
- static data members.
-Tue Feb 16 17:28:35 1993 Fred Fish (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_signature): Modify to include type
- modifiers like static and const in remembered types.
-Thu Feb 11 22:20:47 1993 Fred Fish (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangled_qualified): Add new parameter that tells
- whether to prepend or append the qualifiers.
- * cplus-dem.c (string_prepends): Used now, remove #if 0.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_signature): Call demangle_qualified
- with prepending.
- * cplus_dem.c (gnu_special): Recognize static data members that
- use qualified names.
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_qualified): Accumulate qualifiers in a
- temporary buffer and the prepend or append them to the result,
- as specified by the new "append" flag.
- * cplus-dem.c (do_type): Call demangled_qualified with
- appending.
-Mon Dec 28 10:47:19 1992 Ken Raeburn (
- * strsignal.c (signal_table): Now const.
- (init_signal_tables): Variable eip now points to const.
- * strerror.c (error_table): Now const.
- (init_error_tables): Variable eip now points to const.
-Tue Dec 15 15:36:50 1992 Per Bothner (
- * memchr.c (memchr): New (ANSI standard) function.
- *, functions.def: Added memchr.
- * (AR_FLAGS): Use rc instad of non-standard cq.
-Wed Dec 2 22:49:10 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * getopt.c: remove use of USG around <alloca.h>, which never meant
- anything anyway
- * config/mh-{aix,apollo68,ncr3000,sysv,sysv4}: removed definitions
- of USG and USGr4
-Thu Nov 19 03:09:33 1992 Brendan Kehoe (
- * cplus-dem.c (demangle_fund_type): Recognize `w', a wide character;
- it's now a type according to the ANSI X3J16 working paper; output
- "wchar_t" for it.
- (demangle_template): Accept `w' as an integral type.
- (xmalloc, xrealloc): Use `char *', not `PTR'. Cast calls to their
- counterparts malloc and realloc to `char *'.
- (main): Exit with a 0 status.
- * (demangle): Don't expect the user to define
- DEMANGLE, instead force to be cplus-dem.c. Look in $(srcdir)/../include
- for demangle.h. Pass it any HDEFINES or XTRAFLAGS.
-Wed Nov 18 18:56:20 1992 John Gilmore (
- * (AR_FLAGS): Avoid verbosity.
- * config/mh-sysv4: Remove AR_FLAGS override, use INSTALL=cp,
- replace USGr4 with HAVE_SYSCONF.
- * config/mh-solaris: Remove; mh-sysv4 works now.
- * getpagesize.c: Replace USGr4 with HAVE_SYSCONF.
- * Simplify host matching table, remove separate
- solaris config file.
-Sun Nov 15 09:35:16 1992 Fred Fish (
- * (i[34]86-*-solaris2*): Add, use mh-sysv4.
-Tue Nov 3 21:27:03 1992 Brendan Kehoe (
- * cplus-dem.c (xmalloc, xrealloc): Add decls.
- (remember_type): Don't cast xmalloc.
- (string_need): Likewise; don't cast xrealloc either.
-Fri Oct 23 08:52:01 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- *, functions.defs, rename.c: added simple
- implementation of rename, since some binutils programs use it.
-Thu Oct 15 15:18:22 1992 Per Bothner (
- * strsignal.c: Add appropriate 'const' to sys_siglist
- extern declaration (if __STDC__). (Needed for Linux.)
- * strsignal.c (strsignal): Add cast to remove const-ness.
-Fri Oct 9 03:22:55 1992 John Gilmore (
- * (needed.awk, needed2.awk): Remove erroneous \'s
- before "'s, diagnosed by BSD 4.4 awk.
-Thu Oct 8 15:25:12 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * create config.h and needed-list through $(CONFIG_H)
- and $(NEEDED_LIST), to give some hooks for xiberty.
-Thu Oct 1 23:31:42 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * use cpu-vendor-triple instead of nested cases
-Wed Sep 30 11:26:59 1992 Per Bothner (
- *, argv.c, basename.c, bcmp.c, bcopy.c, bzero.c,
- concat.c, cplus-dem.c, fdmatch.c, getcwd.c, getopt.c, getopt1.c,
- getpagesize.c, insque.c, memcmp.c, memcpy.c, memmove.c, memset.c,
- obstack.c, sigsetmask.c, spaces.c, strchr.c, strerror.c,
- strrchr.c, strsignal.c, strstr.c, vfork.c, vsprintf.c:
- Convert from using GPL to LGPL.
-Sat Sep 26 04:01:30 1992 John Gilmore (
- * (errors): Leave dummy.o and dummy around so that
- we can see how the needed list was generated (it's sometimes wrong).
- (mostlyclean): Remove them.
-Mon Sep 21 14:50:42 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * getcwd.c: supply a default if MAXPATHLEN is not defined.
- * config/mh-irix4: set EXTRA_OFILES to alloca.o, from WRS.
-Wed Sep 9 12:41:48 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * Use XTRAFLAGS when compiling, so that xiberty works
- when cross-compiling.
-Thu Sep 3 13:29:39 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * cplus-dem.c: (demangle_prefix): reduction in strength of strstr
- as a time optimization.
- * cplus-dem.c (cplus_demangle): remove strpbrk test. Appears to
- be more expensive than simply demangling.
- * cplus-dem.c (cplus_match): new function.
-Tue Sep 1 15:24:04 1992 Per Bothner (
- * cplus-dem.c: #include <stdio.h>, to define NULL.
- Define current_demangling_style.
-Sun Aug 30 17:58:19 1992 Per Bothner (
- * cplus-dem.c: New file, moved from ../gdb.
- * cplus-dem.c (set_cplus_marker_for_demangling): New exported
- function, to avoid compiling in target-dependency for CPLUS_MARKER.
- * cplus-dem.c (cplus_demangle): Allow demangling style option
- to be passed as a parameter, but using the global variable
- current_demangling_style as a default.
- * Update for cplus-dem.c
-Sat Aug 29 10:44:09 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.c: Merge in comment changes from FSF version. Now
- matches the FSF version exactly.
-Fri Aug 28 18:39:08 1992 John Gilmore (
- * obstack.c (CALL_FREEFUN): Can't use ?: with void values (at
- least on losing DECstations!); use if-then-else instead.
-Wed Aug 19 14:40:34 1992 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * always create installation directories.
-Mon Aug 10 17:33:40 1992 david d `zoo' zuhn (zoo at
- * clean up definition of CFILES, more comments
-Sat Aug 8 23:10:59 1992 Fred Fish (
- * getopt.c (my_index): Make first arg const to match strchr,
- which it sometimes is remapped to.
-Sat Aug 1 13:48:50 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.c (DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT): Update to match FSF version.
- * obstack.c (_obstack_begin): Initialize use_extra_arg.
- * obstack.c (_obstack_begin_1): New, from FSF version.
-Mon Jul 20 21:07:58 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.c (CALL_CHECKFUN, CALL_FREEFUN): Use use_extra_arg and
- extra_arg.
- * obstack.c (_obstack_begin): Remove area_id and flags arguments
- (previously added for mmalloc support, interface has changed).
- Also convert flags usage to use use_extra_arg and maybe_empty_object.
-Fri Jul 10 00:41:53 1992 Fred Fish (
- * argv.c: Move expandargv inline and eliminate static variables.
- Rewrite to always allocate in powers of two. Fix to return an
- argv with a single null string arg if passed a null string.
-Fri Jul 3 20:27:29 1992 Fred Fish (
- * random.c, sigsetmask.c, strerror.c, strsignal.c: Remove
- "(void)" casts from function calls where the return value is
- ignored, in accordance with GNU coding standards.
-Mon Jun 29 10:54:19 1992 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * bcopy.c, strerror.c, strsignal.c: Lint.
-Thu Jun 25 09:18:41 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.c: merge changes from make.
-Thu Jun 25 04:43:22 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * alloca.c: Incorporate fixes from gdb/alloca.c.
- FIXME: Eventually move gdb's alloca configuration files here,
- and remove gdb/alloca.c and its support.
-Tue Jun 23 21:56:30 1992 Fred Fish (
- * dummy.c: Define NOTHING to /*nothing*/, change return type
- of main to int and return zero.
- * functions.def: Supply NOTHING as the fourth arg to macros
- that don't have an explicit arg, to satisfy picky preprocessors.
-Wed Jun 17 18:13:58 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Clean up *clean rules, as per standards.texi.
-Tue Jun 16 16:11:59 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.c, getopt1.c: merged largely gratuitous, mostly
- whitespace diffs from other prep distributions.
-Mon Jun 15 12:25:46 1992 Fred Fish (
- * config/mh-ncr3000 (INSTALL): Don't use /usr/ucb/install,
- it is broken on ncr 3000's.
-Mon Jun 15 01:03:26 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * sigsetmask.c: Rewrite. Old one was very confused about its
- arguments and result. New one can't do much, but at least knows
- what it can't do, and it's good enough for GDB's use.
-Sun Jun 14 15:17:40 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * functions.def: Use proper prototype for strtoul.
-Fri Jun 12 19:22:40 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * Add random.c.
- * config/mh-*: Use "true" rather than "echo >/dev/null" for ranlib.
- * update solaris2 config.
-Wed Jun 10 16:31:29 1992 Fred Fish (
- * random.c: Add for random() and srandom().
- * functions.def: Add random
-Tue Jun 9 17:27:18 1992 Fred Fish (
- * config/{mh-ncr3000, mh-sysv4}: Add definition for INSTALL
- using /usr/ucb/install.
-Mon Jun 1 13:20:17 1992 Per Bothner (
- * strerror.c: Kludge to guard against a conflict with
- possible declaration of sys_errlist in errno.h.
-Sun May 31 15:07:47 1992 Mark Eichin (eichin at
- *, config/mh-solaris: add solaris2 config support.
-Fri May 29 17:23:23 1992 Per Bothner (
- * sigsetmask.c: #ifdef out sigsetmask if SIG_SETMASK
- is not defined (should be defined in signal.h, says Posix.).
-Mon May 18 17:35:04 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.c: merged changes from make-3.62.11.
-Fri May 8 14:53:07 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * getopt.c: merged changes from bison-1.18.
-Tue May 5 11:51:40 1992 Per Bothner (
- * Don't have $(EXTRA_OFILES) depend on config.h,
- since that introduces a circular dependency.
- ($(EXTRA_OFILES) are used to build config.h.)
- * strtoul.c: Fixes to handle non-decimal bases better.
-Wed Apr 22 09:27:51 1992 Fred Fish (
- * config/mh-ncr3000: Replace MINUS_G with CFLAGS.
- * Makefile.dos: Finish MINUS_G eradication.
- * (CFILES): Add strsignal.c.
- * (REQUIRED_OFILES): Add strerror.o strsignal.o
- * (needed-list): Split creation of errors file to
- separate make target.
- * (config.h, needed2.awk, errors): New targets.
- * (clean): Split to multiple lines, add needed2.awk
- and config.h.
- * dummy.c (DEFFUNC, DEFVAR): Add defines and undefs.
- * functions.def (strerror): Remove from optional list.
- * functions.def (sys_nerr, sys_errlist, sys_siglist): DEFVAR's
- * functions.def (strerror, psignal): DEFFUNC's
- * strerror.c: Rewrite from scratch to use sys_errlist only if
- available, add errno_max(), add strerrno(), add strtoerrno(),
- add test driver.
- * strsignal.c: New file, signal equivalent to strerror.c.
- Uses sys_siglist if available, defines signo_max(), strsignal(),
- strsigno(), strtosigno(), psignal(), and test driver.
-Mon Apr 20 20:49:32 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * do not print recursion line.
- * allow CFLAGS to be passed in from command line.
- Removed MINUS_G. Default CFLAGS to -g.
-Mon Apr 20 12:57:46 1992 Per Bothner (
- * config/mh-aix: New. EXTRA_OFILES lists copysign.o,
- so libg++ users don't have to be inconvenienced by a
- libc.a bug (libc.a needs copysign, but doesn't define it!).
- * Use config/mh-aix.
- * strtoul.c: Handle '-' as required by ANSI.
- Clean up radix handling.
- * strstr.c: Fix buggy algorithm.
- * Change so that ${EXTRA_OFILES} is
- appended to needed-list (which is used by libg++).
-Fri Apr 10 22:51:41 1992 Fred Fish (
- * Recognize new ncr3000 config.
- * config/mh-ncr3000: New config file.
-Wed Apr 1 23:31:43 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * argv.c, dummy.c: Lint.
-Tue Mar 31 18:46:44 1992 Fred Fish (
- * config/mh-sysv4: New config file.
- * (host_makefile_frag): Set to config/mh-sysv4 for
- host_os == sysv4.
- * getpagesize.c: For SVR4, use sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) to get
- pagesize.
-Sun Mar 29 12:26:42 1992 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * getopt.c: Lint.
-Fri Mar 27 08:32:55 1992 Fred Fish (
- * functions.def (alloca): Fix return type and args to avoid
- type clash with gcc's builtin alloca.
-Tue Mar 24 23:33:42 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- *, config/mh-irix4: irix4 support.
- *, functions.def, alloca.c: added alloca.
-Tue Mar 24 17:34:46 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * obstack.c (CALL_FREEFUN): Make it compile on DECstations.
-Thu Mar 19 13:57:42 1992 Fred Fish (
- * argv.c: Fix various external function definitions to be
- correct in an ANSI compilation environment.
-Sat Mar 14 17:28:17 1992 Fred Fish (
- * obstack.c: Changes to support calling mmalloc functions,
- which take an additional argument over malloc functions.
-Fri Mar 6 22:01:10 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- * added check target.
-Thu Feb 27 22:19:39 1992 Per Bothner (
- * argv.c: #include alloca-conf.h (needed by AIX).
-Wed Feb 26 18:04:40 1992 K. Richard Pixley (
- *, removed traces of namesubdir,
- -subdirs, $(subdir), $(unsubdir), some rcs triggers. Forced
- copyrights to '92, changed some from Cygnus to FSF.
-Sat Feb 22 01:09:21 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * argv.c: Check in Fred's version which fixes problems with
- alloca().
-Fri Feb 7 21:46:08 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * makefile.dos: Remove NUL to keep patch from failing.
-Thu Jan 30 22:48:41 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * getopt.c (_getopt_internal): Fix usage of enum has_arg.
-Mon Jan 20 18:53:23 1992 Stu Grossman (grossman at
- * getopt.c, getopt1.c, ../include/getopt.h: Get latest versions.
-Sat Jan 18 16:53:01 1992 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * argv.c: New file to build and destroy standard argument
- vectors from a command string.
- * Add argv.c and argv.o to appropriate macros.
-Fri Dec 20 12:12:57 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * Change svr4 references to sysv4.
- * rindex.c: Declare return type of externally used function
- strrchr().
-Thu Dec 19 18:35:03 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * Remove "***" in normal output, since Make produces
- this on errors, and it's convenient to search for.
-Tue Dec 17 23:21:30 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * memcmp.c, memcpy.c, memmove.c, memset.c, strchr.c, strrchr.c:
- New ANSI functions. The old non-ANSI functions (such as bcopy)
- should be avoided.
- * bcopy.c: Fix to correctly handle overlapping regions.
- * index.c, rindex.c: Re-write in terms of strchr() and strrchr().
- * functions.def: Add the new functions.
- * functions.def: Add 4th parameter to DEF macro,
- an ansidecl.h-style prototype.
- * dummy.c: Use expanded DEF macro to create a dummy function
- call, with correct parameter types. (This avoids some
- complaints from gcc about predefined builtins.)
- Move the functionality of config/mh-default into
- This avoid duplication, and simplifies things slightly.
- * Tweak so we don't need config/mh-default.
- * README: Update.
- * No longer need config/mh-default.
- * config/mh-default: Deleted.
- * config/mh-sysv: Remove lines copied from old mh-default.
-Tue Dec 17 05:46:46 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * fdmatch.c (fdmatch): Don't compare st_rdev, which is for
- 'mknod' device numbers.
-Mon Dec 16 12:25:34 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * fdmatch.c, Add new function that takes two
- open file descriptors and returns nonzero if they refer to
- the same file, zero otherwise. (used in gdb)
-Wed Dec 11 17:40:39 1991 Steve Chamberlain (sac at
- From DJ:
- * msdos.c: stub functions for dos.
- * makefile.dos, configdj.bat: new.
- * getopt.c: Don't include alloca-conf.h in a GO32 world.
-Tue Dec 10 04:14:49 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
- * infodir belongs in datadir.
-Fri Dec 6 23:26:45 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
- * remove spaces following hyphens because bsd make
- can't cope. added standards.text support. install using
- * remove commontargets as it is no longer a
- recognized hook.
-Thu Dec 5 22:46:46 1991 K. Richard Pixley (rich at
- * idestdir and ddestdir go away. Added copyrights
- and shift gpl to v2. Added ChangeLog if it didn't exist. docdir
- and mandir now keyed off datadir by default.
-Fri Nov 22 19:15:29 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * find-needed.awk does not fit in 14 chars.
- * Suppress error checking when compiling the test
- program, because Ultrix make/sh aborts there due to a bug.
-Fri Nov 22 12:23:17 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * Re-did how EXTRA_OFILES is used to be more useful.
- * README: Explained how the auto-configuration works,
- and how to add new files and/or configurations.
-Fri Nov 22 09:45:23 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * strtoul.c: Avoid defining ULONG_MAX if already defined;
- cast a const char * to char * for pedants.
- * getopt.c: Only define "const" after local include files get to,
- and only if they haven't defined it.
-Thu Nov 21 16:58:53 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * getcwd.c (remove getwd.c): GNU code should call getcwd(). We
- emulate it with getwd() if available. This avoids callers having
- to find a MAXPATHLEN or PATH_MAX value from somewhere.
- *, functions.def: getwd->getcwd.
- * Use generic case for every system.
- * config/mh-{delta88,mach,rs6000,svr4}: Remove.
- * config/mh-sysv: Use default handling, just add -DUSG.
-Thu Nov 14 10:58:05 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- *, config/mh-default: Re-do make magic
- so that for the default ("automatic") mode we only
- compile the files we actually need. Do this using
- a recursive make: The top-level generates the list
- of needed files (loosely, the ones missing in libc),
- and then passes that list to the recursive make.
- * config/mh-mach: Remove obsolete STRERROR-{C,O} macros.
-Tue Nov 12 19:10:57 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- RS/6000 host support (grumble).
- * Build alloca-conf.h file from alloca-norm.h
- (everything else) or alloca-botch.h (rs/6000).
- * Include . on the include path.
- * getopt.c: Use alloca-conf.h.
- * alloca-norm.h: How to declare alloca on reasonable machines.
- * alloca-botch.h: How to declare alloca on braindead machines.
-Tue Nov 12 09:21:48 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * concat.c : New file, like concat() in gdb but can take a
- variable number of arguments rather than fixed at 3 args. For
- now, client applications must supply an xmalloc(), which is a
- front end function to malloc() that deals with out-of-memory
- conditions.
- * Add concat.c and concat.o to appropriate macros.
-Sat Nov 9 13:29:59 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * config/mh-svr4: Add sigsetmask to list of required functions.
-Sun Nov 3 11:57:56 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- * vsprintf.c: New file.
- * functions.def, Add vsprintf.
-Sun Oct 27 16:31:22 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- *, config/mh-rs6000: Add rs/6000 host support.
- * Compile with debug info.
-Fri Oct 25 17:01:12 1991 Per Bothner (bothner at
- *,, and new files: dummy.c, functions.def,
- config/mf-default: Added a default configuration mode,
- which includes into libiberty.a functions that are "missing" in libc.
- * strdup.c, vprintf.c, vfprintf.c: New files.
-Thu Oct 24 02:29:26 1991 Fred Fish (fnf at
- * config/hmake-svr4: New file.
- * config/hmake-sysv: Add HOST_CFILES and HOST_OFILES.
- * basename.c, bcmp.c, bcopy.c, bzero.c, getpagesize.c getwd.c,
- index.c, insque.c, rindex.c, spaces.c, strstr.c, vfork.c: New
- files containing either portable C versions or emulations using
- native library calls.
- * strerror.c: Add copyright, internal documentation, etc.
- * strtol.c: Replace hardwired hex constants with some more
- portable macros. Remove illegal (according to gcc) cast.
- * strtoul.c: Replace hardwired hex constant with more portable
- macro.
- * Move TARGETLIB and CFLAGS where makefile fragments
- can override them. Add new source and object file names to CFILES
- and OFILES respectively.
- * Add support for SVR4 makefile fragments.
-Tue Oct 22 19:00:23 1991 Steve Chamberlain (steve at
- * Move RANLIB, AR and AR_FLAGS to where they can be
- over-ridden by config/hmake-*
- * added m88kcvs to sysv list
-Fri Oct 4 01:29:08 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * Most hosts need strerror, but one or two don't,
- and they override these definitions in the host-dependent makefile
- fragment.
- * config/hmake-mach: The odd man out on strerror -- it's supplied.
- * strerror.c: New file.
- * strtol.c, strtoul.c: Add strtol to libiberty, since Mach lacks
- it and bfd uses it.
- *,, config/hmake-mach: Only configure
- strtol & strotoul in on Mach.
-Tue Sep 3 06:36:23 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at
- * obstack.c: Merge with latest FSF version.
-Local Variables:
-version-control: never
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libiberty/insque.c b/contrib/libg++/libiberty/insque.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 775019f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libiberty/insque.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* insque(3C) routines
- This file is in the public domain. */
- insque, remque -- insert, remove an element from a queue
- struct qelem {
- struct qelem *q_forw;
- struct qelem *q_back;
- char q_data[];
- };
- void insque (struct qelem *elem, struct qelem *pred)
- void remque (struct qelem *elem)
- Routines to manipulate queues built from doubly linked lists.
- The insque routine inserts ELEM in the queue immediately after
- PRED. The remque routine removes ELEM from its containing queue.
-struct qelem {
- struct qelem *q_forw;
- struct qelem *q_back;
-insque (elem, pred)
- struct qelem *elem;
- struct qelem *pred;
- elem -> q_forw = pred -> q_forw;
- pred -> q_forw -> q_back = elem;
- elem -> q_back = pred;
- pred -> q_forw = elem;
-remque (elem)
- struct qelem *elem;
- elem -> q_forw -> q_back = elem -> q_back;
- elem -> q_back -> q_forw = elem -> q_forw;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libiberty/strerror.c b/contrib/libg++/libiberty/strerror.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f3f92b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libiberty/strerror.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
-/* Extended support for using errno values.
- Written by Fred Fish.
- This file is in the public domain. --Per Bothner. */
-#include "ansidecl.h"
-#include "libiberty.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#ifndef NEED_sys_errlist
-/* Note that errno.h (not sure what OS) or stdio.h (BSD 4.4, at least)
- might declare sys_errlist in a way that the compiler might consider
- incompatible with our later declaration, perhaps by using const
- attributes. So we hide the declaration in errno.h (if any) using a
- macro. */
-#define sys_errlist sys_errlist__
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifndef NEED_sys_errlist
-#undef sys_errlist
-/* Routines imported from standard C runtime libraries. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stddef.h>
-extern void *malloc (size_t size); /* */
-extern void *memset (void *s, int c, size_t n); /* */
-#else /* !__STDC__ */
-extern char *malloc (); /* Standard memory allocater */
-extern char *memset ();
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-#ifndef MAX
-# define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-/* Translation table for errno values. See intro(2) in most UNIX systems
- Programmers Reference Manuals.
- Note that this table is generally only accessed when it is used at runtime
- to initialize errno name and message tables that are indexed by errno
- value.
- Not all of these errnos will exist on all systems. This table is the only
- thing that should have to be updated as new error numbers are introduced.
- It's sort of ugly, but at least its portable. */
-struct error_info
- int value; /* The numeric value from <errno.h> */
- const char *name; /* The equivalent symbolic value */
-#ifdef NEED_sys_errlist
- const char *msg; /* Short message about this value */
-#ifdef NEED_sys_errlist
-# define ENTRY(value, name, msg) {value, name, msg}
-# define ENTRY(value, name, msg) {value, name}
-static const struct error_info error_table[] =
-#if defined (EPERM)
- ENTRY(EPERM, "EPERM", "Not owner"),
-#if defined (ENOENT)
- ENTRY(ENOENT, "ENOENT", "No such file or directory"),
-#if defined (ESRCH)
- ENTRY(ESRCH, "ESRCH", "No such process"),
-#if defined (EINTR)
- ENTRY(EINTR, "EINTR", "Interrupted system call"),
-#if defined (EIO)
- ENTRY(EIO, "EIO", "I/O error"),
-#if defined (ENXIO)
- ENTRY(ENXIO, "ENXIO", "No such device or address"),
-#if defined (E2BIG)
- ENTRY(E2BIG, "E2BIG", "Arg list too long"),
-#if defined (ENOEXEC)
- ENTRY(ENOEXEC, "ENOEXEC", "Exec format error"),
-#if defined (EBADF)
- ENTRY(EBADF, "EBADF", "Bad file number"),
-#if defined (ECHILD)
- ENTRY(ECHILD, "ECHILD", "No child processes"),
-#if defined (EWOULDBLOCK) /* Put before EAGAIN, sometimes aliased */
- ENTRY(EWOULDBLOCK, "EWOULDBLOCK", "Operation would block"),
-#if defined (EAGAIN)
- ENTRY(EAGAIN, "EAGAIN", "No more processes"),
-#if defined (ENOMEM)
- ENTRY(ENOMEM, "ENOMEM", "Not enough space"),
-#if defined (EACCES)
- ENTRY(EACCES, "EACCES", "Permission denied"),
-#if defined (EFAULT)
- ENTRY(EFAULT, "EFAULT", "Bad address"),
-#if defined (ENOTBLK)
- ENTRY(ENOTBLK, "ENOTBLK", "Block device required"),
-#if defined (EBUSY)
- ENTRY(EBUSY, "EBUSY", "Device busy"),
-#if defined (EEXIST)
- ENTRY(EEXIST, "EEXIST", "File exists"),
-#if defined (EXDEV)
- ENTRY(EXDEV, "EXDEV", "Cross-device link"),
-#if defined (ENODEV)
- ENTRY(ENODEV, "ENODEV", "No such device"),
-#if defined (ENOTDIR)
- ENTRY(ENOTDIR, "ENOTDIR", "Not a directory"),
-#if defined (EISDIR)
- ENTRY(EISDIR, "EISDIR", "Is a directory"),
-#if defined (EINVAL)
- ENTRY(EINVAL, "EINVAL", "Invalid argument"),
-#if defined (ENFILE)
- ENTRY(ENFILE, "ENFILE", "File table overflow"),
-#if defined (EMFILE)
- ENTRY(EMFILE, "EMFILE", "Too many open files"),
-#if defined (ENOTTY)
- ENTRY(ENOTTY, "ENOTTY", "Not a typewriter"),
-#if defined (ETXTBSY)
- ENTRY(ETXTBSY, "ETXTBSY", "Text file busy"),
-#if defined (EFBIG)
- ENTRY(EFBIG, "EFBIG", "File too large"),
-#if defined (ENOSPC)
- ENTRY(ENOSPC, "ENOSPC", "No space left on device"),
-#if defined (ESPIPE)
- ENTRY(ESPIPE, "ESPIPE", "Illegal seek"),
-#if defined (EROFS)
- ENTRY(EROFS, "EROFS", "Read-only file system"),
-#if defined (EMLINK)
- ENTRY(EMLINK, "EMLINK", "Too many links"),
-#if defined (EPIPE)
- ENTRY(EPIPE, "EPIPE", "Broken pipe"),
-#if defined (EDOM)
- ENTRY(EDOM, "EDOM", "Math argument out of domain of func"),
-#if defined (ERANGE)
- ENTRY(ERANGE, "ERANGE", "Math result not representable"),
-#if defined (ENOMSG)
- ENTRY(ENOMSG, "ENOMSG", "No message of desired type"),
-#if defined (EIDRM)
- ENTRY(EIDRM, "EIDRM", "Identifier removed"),
-#if defined (ECHRNG)
- ENTRY(ECHRNG, "ECHRNG", "Channel number out of range"),
-#if defined (EL2NSYNC)
- ENTRY(EL2NSYNC, "EL2NSYNC", "Level 2 not synchronized"),
-#if defined (EL3HLT)
- ENTRY(EL3HLT, "EL3HLT", "Level 3 halted"),
-#if defined (EL3RST)
- ENTRY(EL3RST, "EL3RST", "Level 3 reset"),
-#if defined (ELNRNG)
- ENTRY(ELNRNG, "ELNRNG", "Link number out of range"),
-#if defined (EUNATCH)
- ENTRY(EUNATCH, "EUNATCH", "Protocol driver not attached"),
-#if defined (ENOCSI)
- ENTRY(ENOCSI, "ENOCSI", "No CSI structure available"),
-#if defined (EL2HLT)
- ENTRY(EL2HLT, "EL2HLT", "Level 2 halted"),
-#if defined (EDEADLK)
- ENTRY(EDEADLK, "EDEADLK", "Deadlock condition"),
-#if defined (ENOLCK)
- ENTRY(ENOLCK, "ENOLCK", "No record locks available"),
-#if defined (EBADE)
- ENTRY(EBADE, "EBADE", "Invalid exchange"),
-#if defined (EBADR)
- ENTRY(EBADR, "EBADR", "Invalid request descriptor"),
-#if defined (EXFULL)
- ENTRY(EXFULL, "EXFULL", "Exchange full"),
-#if defined (ENOANO)
- ENTRY(ENOANO, "ENOANO", "No anode"),
-#if defined (EBADRQC)
- ENTRY(EBADRQC, "EBADRQC", "Invalid request code"),
-#if defined (EBADSLT)
- ENTRY(EBADSLT, "EBADSLT", "Invalid slot"),
-#if defined (EDEADLOCK)
- ENTRY(EDEADLOCK, "EDEADLOCK", "File locking deadlock error"),
-#if defined (EBFONT)
- ENTRY(EBFONT, "EBFONT", "Bad font file format"),
-#if defined (ENOSTR)
- ENTRY(ENOSTR, "ENOSTR", "Device not a stream"),
-#if defined (ENODATA)
- ENTRY(ENODATA, "ENODATA", "No data available"),
-#if defined (ETIME)
- ENTRY(ETIME, "ETIME", "Timer expired"),
-#if defined (ENOSR)
- ENTRY(ENOSR, "ENOSR", "Out of streams resources"),
-#if defined (ENONET)
- ENTRY(ENONET, "ENONET", "Machine is not on the network"),
-#if defined (ENOPKG)
- ENTRY(ENOPKG, "ENOPKG", "Package not installed"),
-#if defined (EREMOTE)
- ENTRY(EREMOTE, "EREMOTE", "Object is remote"),
-#if defined (ENOLINK)
- ENTRY(ENOLINK, "ENOLINK", "Link has been severed"),
-#if defined (EADV)
- ENTRY(EADV, "EADV", "Advertise error"),
-#if defined (ESRMNT)
- ENTRY(ESRMNT, "ESRMNT", "Srmount error"),
-#if defined (ECOMM)
- ENTRY(ECOMM, "ECOMM", "Communication error on send"),
-#if defined (EPROTO)
- ENTRY(EPROTO, "EPROTO", "Protocol error"),
-#if defined (EMULTIHOP)
- ENTRY(EMULTIHOP, "EMULTIHOP", "Multihop attempted"),
-#if defined (EDOTDOT)
- ENTRY(EDOTDOT, "EDOTDOT", "RFS specific error"),
-#if defined (EBADMSG)
- ENTRY(EBADMSG, "EBADMSG", "Not a data message"),
-#if defined (ENAMETOOLONG)
- ENTRY(ENAMETOOLONG, "ENAMETOOLONG", "File name too long"),
-#if defined (EOVERFLOW)
- ENTRY(EOVERFLOW, "EOVERFLOW", "Value too large for defined data type"),
-#if defined (ENOTUNIQ)
- ENTRY(ENOTUNIQ, "ENOTUNIQ", "Name not unique on network"),
-#if defined (EBADFD)
- ENTRY(EBADFD, "EBADFD", "File descriptor in bad state"),
-#if defined (EREMCHG)
- ENTRY(EREMCHG, "EREMCHG", "Remote address changed"),
-#if defined (ELIBACC)
- ENTRY(ELIBACC, "ELIBACC", "Can not access a needed shared library"),
-#if defined (ELIBBAD)
- ENTRY(ELIBBAD, "ELIBBAD", "Accessing a corrupted shared library"),
-#if defined (ELIBSCN)
- ENTRY(ELIBSCN, "ELIBSCN", ".lib section in a.out corrupted"),
-#if defined (ELIBMAX)
- ENTRY(ELIBMAX, "ELIBMAX", "Attempting to link in too many shared libraries"),
-#if defined (ELIBEXEC)
- ENTRY(ELIBEXEC, "ELIBEXEC", "Cannot exec a shared library directly"),
-#if defined (EILSEQ)
- ENTRY(EILSEQ, "EILSEQ", "Illegal byte sequence"),
-#if defined (ENOSYS)
- ENTRY(ENOSYS, "ENOSYS", "Operation not applicable"),
-#if defined (ELOOP)
- ENTRY(ELOOP, "ELOOP", "Too many symbolic links encountered"),
-#if defined (ERESTART)
- ENTRY(ERESTART, "ERESTART", "Interrupted system call should be restarted"),
-#if defined (ESTRPIPE)
- ENTRY(ESTRPIPE, "ESTRPIPE", "Streams pipe error"),
-#if defined (ENOTEMPTY)
- ENTRY(ENOTEMPTY, "ENOTEMPTY", "Directory not empty"),
-#if defined (EUSERS)
- ENTRY(EUSERS, "EUSERS", "Too many users"),
-#if defined (ENOTSOCK)
- ENTRY(ENOTSOCK, "ENOTSOCK", "Socket operation on non-socket"),
-#if defined (EDESTADDRREQ)
- ENTRY(EDESTADDRREQ, "EDESTADDRREQ", "Destination address required"),
-#if defined (EMSGSIZE)
- ENTRY(EMSGSIZE, "EMSGSIZE", "Message too long"),
-#if defined (EPROTOTYPE)
- ENTRY(EPROTOTYPE, "EPROTOTYPE", "Protocol wrong type for socket"),
-#if defined (ENOPROTOOPT)
- ENTRY(ENOPROTOOPT, "ENOPROTOOPT", "Protocol not available"),
-#if defined (EPROTONOSUPPORT)
-#if defined (ESOCKTNOSUPPORT)
- ENTRY(ESOCKTNOSUPPORT, "ESOCKTNOSUPPORT", "Socket type not supported"),
-#if defined (EOPNOTSUPP)
- ENTRY(EOPNOTSUPP, "EOPNOTSUPP", "Operation not supported on transport endpoint"),
-#if defined (EPFNOSUPPORT)
- ENTRY(EPFNOSUPPORT, "EPFNOSUPPORT", "Protocol family not supported"),
-#if defined (EAFNOSUPPORT)
- ENTRY(EAFNOSUPPORT, "EAFNOSUPPORT", "Address family not supported by protocol"),
-#if defined (EADDRINUSE)
- ENTRY(EADDRINUSE, "EADDRINUSE", "Address already in use"),
-#if defined (EADDRNOTAVAIL)
- ENTRY(EADDRNOTAVAIL, "EADDRNOTAVAIL","Cannot assign requested address"),
-#if defined (ENETDOWN)
- ENTRY(ENETDOWN, "ENETDOWN", "Network is down"),
-#if defined (ENETUNREACH)
- ENTRY(ENETUNREACH, "ENETUNREACH", "Network is unreachable"),
-#if defined (ENETRESET)
- ENTRY(ENETRESET, "ENETRESET", "Network dropped connection because of reset"),
-#if defined (ECONNABORTED)
- ENTRY(ECONNABORTED, "ECONNABORTED", "Software caused connection abort"),
-#if defined (ECONNRESET)
- ENTRY(ECONNRESET, "ECONNRESET", "Connection reset by peer"),
-#if defined (ENOBUFS)
- ENTRY(ENOBUFS, "ENOBUFS", "No buffer space available"),
-#if defined (EISCONN)
- ENTRY(EISCONN, "EISCONN", "Transport endpoint is already connected"),
-#if defined (ENOTCONN)
- ENTRY(ENOTCONN, "ENOTCONN", "Transport endpoint is not connected"),
-#if defined (ESHUTDOWN)
- ENTRY(ESHUTDOWN, "ESHUTDOWN", "Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown"),
-#if defined (ETOOMANYREFS)
- ENTRY(ETOOMANYREFS, "ETOOMANYREFS", "Too many references: cannot splice"),
-#if defined (ETIMEDOUT)
- ENTRY(ETIMEDOUT, "ETIMEDOUT", "Connection timed out"),
-#if defined (ECONNREFUSED)
- ENTRY(ECONNREFUSED, "ECONNREFUSED", "Connection refused"),
-#if defined (EHOSTDOWN)
- ENTRY(EHOSTDOWN, "EHOSTDOWN", "Host is down"),
-#if defined (EHOSTUNREACH)
-#if defined (EALREADY)
- ENTRY(EALREADY, "EALREADY", "Operation already in progress"),
-#if defined (EINPROGRESS)
- ENTRY(EINPROGRESS, "EINPROGRESS", "Operation now in progress"),
-#if defined (ESTALE)
- ENTRY(ESTALE, "ESTALE", "Stale NFS file handle"),
-#if defined (EUCLEAN)
- ENTRY(EUCLEAN, "EUCLEAN", "Structure needs cleaning"),
-#if defined (ENOTNAM)
- ENTRY(ENOTNAM, "ENOTNAM", "Not a XENIX named type file"),
-#if defined (ENAVAIL)
- ENTRY(ENAVAIL, "ENAVAIL", "No XENIX semaphores available"),
-#if defined (EISNAM)
- ENTRY(EISNAM, "EISNAM", "Is a named type file"),
-#if defined (EREMOTEIO)
- ENTRY(EREMOTEIO, "EREMOTEIO", "Remote I/O error"),
-#ifdef EVMSERR
-/* This is not in the table, because the numeric value of EVMSERR (32767)
- lies outside the range of sys_errlist[]. */
-static struct { int value; const char *name, *msg; }
- evmserr = { EVMSERR, "EVMSERR", "VMS-specific error" };
-/* Translation table allocated and initialized at runtime. Indexed by the
- errno value to find the equivalent symbolic value. */
-static const char **error_names;
-static int num_error_names = 0;
-/* Translation table allocated and initialized at runtime, if it does not
- already exist in the host environment. Indexed by the errno value to find
- the descriptive string.
- We don't export it for use in other modules because even though it has the
- same name, it differs from other implementations in that it is dynamically
- initialized rather than statically initialized. */
-#ifdef NEED_sys_errlist
-static int sys_nerr;
-static const char **sys_errlist;
-extern int sys_nerr;
-extern char *sys_errlist[];
- init_error_tables -- initialize the name and message tables
- static void init_error_tables ();
- Using the error_table, which is initialized at compile time, generate
- the error_names and the sys_errlist (if needed) tables, which are
- indexed at runtime by a specific errno value.
- The initialization of the tables may fail under low memory conditions,
- in which case we don't do anything particularly useful, but we don't
- bomb either. Who knows, it might succeed at a later point if we free
- some memory in the meantime. In any case, the other routines know
- how to deal with lack of a table after trying to initialize it. This
- may or may not be considered to be a bug, that we don't specifically
- warn about this particular failure mode.
-static void
-init_error_tables ()
- const struct error_info *eip;
- int nbytes;
- /* If we haven't already scanned the error_table once to find the maximum
- errno value, then go find it now. */
- if (num_error_names == 0)
- {
- for (eip = error_table; eip -> name != NULL; eip++)
- {
- if (eip -> value >= num_error_names)
- {
- num_error_names = eip -> value + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Now attempt to allocate the error_names table, zero it out, and then
- initialize it from the statically initialized error_table. */
- if (error_names == NULL)
- {
- nbytes = num_error_names * sizeof (char *);
- if ((error_names = (const char **) malloc (nbytes)) != NULL)
- {
- memset (error_names, 0, nbytes);
- for (eip = error_table; eip -> name != NULL; eip++)
- {
- error_names[eip -> value] = eip -> name;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef NEED_sys_errlist
- /* Now attempt to allocate the sys_errlist table, zero it out, and then
- initialize it from the statically initialized error_table. */
- if (sys_errlist == NULL)
- {
- nbytes = num_error_names * sizeof (char *);
- if ((sys_errlist = (const char **) malloc (nbytes)) != NULL)
- {
- memset (sys_errlist, 0, nbytes);
- sys_nerr = num_error_names;
- for (eip = error_table; eip -> name != NULL; eip++)
- {
- sys_errlist[eip -> value] = eip -> msg;
- }
- }
- }
- errno_max -- return the max errno value
- int errno_max ();
- Returns the maximum errno value for which a corresponding symbolic
- name or message is available. Note that in the case where
- we use the sys_errlist supplied by the system, it is possible for
- there to be more symbolic names than messages, or vice versa.
- In fact, the manual page for perror(3C) explicitly warns that one
- should check the size of the table (sys_nerr) before indexing it,
- since new error codes may be added to the system before they are
- added to the table. Thus sys_nerr might be smaller than value
- implied by the largest errno value defined in <errno.h>.
- We return the maximum value that can be used to obtain a meaningful
- symbolic name or message.
-errno_max ()
- int maxsize;
- if (error_names == NULL)
- {
- init_error_tables ();
- }
- maxsize = MAX (sys_nerr, num_error_names);
- return (maxsize - 1);
-#ifdef NEED_strerror
- strerror -- map an error number to an error message string
- char *strerror (int errnoval)
- Maps an errno number to an error message string, the contents of
- which are implementation defined. On systems which have the external
- variables sys_nerr and sys_errlist, these strings will be the same
- as the ones used by perror().
- If the supplied error number is within the valid range of indices
- for the sys_errlist, but no message is available for the particular
- error number, then returns the string "Error NUM", where NUM is the
- error number.
- If the supplied error number is not a valid index into sys_errlist,
- returns NULL.
- The returned string is only guaranteed to be valid only until the
- next call to strerror.
-char *
-strerror (errnoval)
- int errnoval;
- char *msg;
- static char buf[32];
-#ifdef NEED_sys_errlist
- if (error_names == NULL)
- {
- init_error_tables ();
- }
- if ((errnoval < 0) || (errnoval >= sys_nerr))
- {
-#ifdef EVMSERR
- if (errnoval == evmserr.value)
- msg = evmserr.msg;
- else
- /* Out of range, just return NULL */
- msg = NULL;
- }
- else if ((sys_errlist == NULL) || (sys_errlist[errnoval] == NULL))
- {
- /* In range, but no sys_errlist or no entry at this index. */
- sprintf (buf, "Error %d", errnoval);
- msg = buf;
- }
- else
- {
- /* In range, and a valid message. Just return the message. */
- msg = (char *) sys_errlist[errnoval];
- }
- return (msg);
-#endif /* NEED_strerror */
- strerrno -- map an error number to a symbolic name string
- const char *strerrno (int errnoval)
- Given an error number returned from a system call (typically
- returned in errno), returns a pointer to a string containing the
- symbolic name of that error number, as found in <errno.h>.
- If the supplied error number is within the valid range of indices
- for symbolic names, but no name is available for the particular
- error number, then returns the string "Error NUM", where NUM is
- the error number.
- If the supplied error number is not within the range of valid
- indices, then returns NULL.
- The contents of the location pointed to are only guaranteed to be
- valid until the next call to strerrno.
-const char *
-strerrno (errnoval)
- int errnoval;
- const char *name;
- static char buf[32];
- if (error_names == NULL)
- {
- init_error_tables ();
- }
- if ((errnoval < 0) || (errnoval >= num_error_names))
- {
-#ifdef EVMSERR
- if (errnoval == evmserr.value)
- name =;
- else
- /* Out of range, just return NULL */
- name = NULL;
- }
- else if ((error_names == NULL) || (error_names[errnoval] == NULL))
- {
- /* In range, but no error_names or no entry at this index. */
- sprintf (buf, "Error %d", errnoval);
- name = (const char *) buf;
- }
- else
- {
- /* In range, and a valid name. Just return the name. */
- name = error_names[errnoval];
- }
- return (name);
- strtoerrno -- map a symbolic errno name to a numeric value
- int strtoerrno (char *name)
- Given the symbolic name of a error number, map it to an errno value.
- If no translation is found, returns 0.
-strtoerrno (name)
- const char *name;
- int errnoval = 0;
- if (name != NULL)
- {
- if (error_names == NULL)
- {
- init_error_tables ();
- }
- for (errnoval = 0; errnoval < num_error_names; errnoval++)
- {
- if ((error_names[errnoval] != NULL) &&
- (strcmp (name, error_names[errnoval]) == 0))
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (errnoval == num_error_names)
- {
-#ifdef EVMSERR
- if (strcmp (name, == 0)
- errnoval = evmserr.value;
- else
- errnoval = 0;
- }
- }
- return (errnoval);
-/* A simple little main that does nothing but print all the errno translations
- if MAIN is defined and this file is compiled and linked. */
-#ifdef MAIN
-#include <stdio.h>
-main ()
- int errn;
- int errnmax;
- const char *name;
- char *msg;
- char *strerror ();
- errnmax = errno_max ();
- printf ("%d entries in names table.\n", num_error_names);
- printf ("%d entries in messages table.\n", sys_nerr);
- printf ("%d is max useful index.\n", errnmax);
- /* Keep printing values until we get to the end of *both* tables, not
- *either* table. Note that knowing the maximum useful index does *not*
- relieve us of the responsibility of testing the return pointer for
- NULL. */
- for (errn = 0; errn <= errnmax; errn++)
- {
- name = strerrno (errn);
- name = (name == NULL) ? "<NULL>" : name;
- msg = strerror (errn);
- msg = (msg == NULL) ? "<NULL>" : msg;
- printf ("%-4d%-18s%s\n", errn, name, msg);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ChangeLog b/contrib/libg++/libio/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index d7d6f14..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1799 +0,0 @@
-Tue Jun 18 18:36:58 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * Version 2.7.2.
-Tue Jun 18 18:24:21 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * fstream.h (fstreambase): Make __my_fb mutable.
- From Joe Buck.
-Tue Jun 18 11:03:53 1996 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * dbz/fake.c (main): Set return type to int.
- * dbz/dbzmain.c (main): Likewise.
- * dbz/byteflip.c (main): Likewise.
-Mon Jun 17 14:05:36 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * gen-params: Check if clog conflicts with system libraries.
- * If it does, use __IO_clog.
- * iostream.h: Likewise.
-Tue Jun 11 13:39:31 1996 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * stdiostream.h (istdiostream (FILE*)): Put istream base
- initializer before init for __f.
- (ostdiostream (FILE*)): Likewise for ostream base init.
-Tue May 14 11:47:21 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * strfile.h (_IO_str_fields): Removed _len field.
- (_IO_STR_DYNAMIC, _IO_STR_FROZEN): new macros.
- * strstream.h (strstreambuf::is_static): Removed.
- (strstreambuf::frozen): Use _IO_STR_DYNAMIC instead of is_static.
- * strstream.h, Remove support for !_IO_NEW_STREAMS.
- * (strstreambuf::init_dynamic): Don't set _s._len.
- * strops.c (_IO_str_init_static): Better handling of the
- negative (== unbounded) size case.
- (_IO_str_overflow, _IO_str_underflow, _IO_str_count): Re-write
- to not use _s._len, and otherwise cleanup/fix.
- * strstream.h, (strstreambase::strstreambase()): Call
- ios::init here.
- (other constructors): Simplify - init already called.
-Tue May 14 10:55:21 1996 Per Bothner <>
- Change so that strstreambuf default constructor does no allocation.
- * strstream.h (strstreambuf::init_dynamic): Default initial size = 0.
- * (strstreambuf::init_dynamic): Don't allocate a
- buffer (yet) if initial_size is 0.
- * strops.c (_IO_str_overflow): Add 100 to size of re-allocated
- buffer, to handle case when initial size is 0.
- * iostdio.h (remove, rename, tmpfile, tempnam): Comment out.
-Mon May 13 23:19:39 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_close_it): Just call _IO_do_flush rather
- than _IO_file_sync, to avoid useless lseek.
-Tue May 14 10:48:48 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * floatconv.c (_IO_strtod): Force rv into the stack.
-Sat Apr 27 02:37:49 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * libioP.h (JUMP*): Implement for thunks.
- (_IO_jump_t): Add second dummy field for thunks.
-Thu Apr 25 13:20:00 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * config.shared (CXX): Use gcc, not g++.
-Wed Apr 24 10:29:50 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * config.shared ( Delete $(srcdir)/ from foo.{c,cc}
- for SunOS VPATH.
- * depend: Regenerated.
-Fri Apr 19 17:24:51 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * Version 2.8.0b3.
-Wed Apr 10 17:16:01 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * (ALL): Don't build iostream.a.
-Mon Apr 8 14:44:11 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * iosetvbuf.c (_IO_setvbuf): Clear _IO_UNBUFFERED unless _IONBF.
-Mon Apr 8 15:08:23 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Permit --enable-shared to specify a list of
- directories.
-Fri Apr 5 17:48:56 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * config.shared (MOSTLYCLEAN): Also remove ${EXTRA_MOSTLYCLEAN}.
-Fri Mar 22 23:25:00 1996 Ulrich Drepper <>
- * genops.c (_IO_sputbackc, _IO_sungetc): Clear EOF flag if putsh
- back was successful.
-Wed Mar 27 11:54:08 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * Version 2.8.0b2.
-Fri Mar 22 15:39:36 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * fileops.c (_IO_do_write): Revert previous fix. (It fails to
- handle the case that fp->_IO_read_end != fp->_IO_write_base.)
- (_IO_file_overflow): Instead, if _IO_read_ptr is at the end of
- the buffer, reset all the read pointers to _IO_buf_base.
-Tue Mar 12 12:03:17 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * fileops.c (_IO_do_write): Even if to_do==0, must re-set buffer
- pointers. Bug and solution from Luke Blanshard <>.
-Wed Feb 28 10:00:24 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * Version 2.8.0b1.
-Tue Feb 27 18:08:16 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * iopopen.c (_IO_proc_open): Use (char*)0 rather than imprecise NULL.
- * streambuf.h (ios): Add ios::binary; deprecate ios::bin.
- * (filebuf::open): Handle ios::binary.
-Fri Feb 9 12:40:19 1996 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * cleanup.c (_IO_cleanup_registration_needed) [!_G_HAVE_ATEXIT]: Init
- to NULL.
- * filedoalloc.c (_IO_cleanup_registration_needed): Remove decl.
-Thu Feb 8 08:12:50 1996 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * filedoalloc.c (_IO_cleanup_registration_needed): Revert previous
- change, since cleanup.c only defines it if _G_HAVE_ATEXIT.
-Wed Feb 7 15:10:17 1996 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * filedoalloc.c (_IO_cleanup_registration_needed): Declare as extern.
-Tue Dec 12 17:21:13 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * indstream.h, (indirectbuf::uflow): New method.
- * (indirectbuf::underflow): Fix to use sgetc, not sbumpc.
- Fixes bug reported by Kevin Beyer <>.
- * (indirectbuf::seekpos): Add paranoia test.
-Fri Dec 8 14:55:34 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * stream.h: Add warning to not use these functions.
- * (str, chr): Re-implement here (from libg++).
-Tue Nov 28 15:07:01 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * config.shared: Use test instead of [ to avoid DEC Unix lossage.
-Thu Nov 23 14:51:43 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * iopopen.c: Move #include <sys/types.h> ahead of #include <signal.h>
- to deal with BSDI's literal implementation of Posix.
-Sat Nov 25 11:21:55 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * (install): Set rootme.
- * config.shared (TOPDIR): Set with ${foo-...} rather than ${foo=...}.
- (INSTALL): Handle absolute, dot, relative-not-dot values of srcdir.
- (TEXIDIR): Likewise.
-Tue Nov 21 14:12:05 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Check ${with_cross_host} rather than comparing
- ${host} and ${target}.
-Mon Nov 20 13:55:29 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * Match *-sco3.2v[45]*.
-Wed Nov 15 20:19:31 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * config.shared (FLAGS_TO_PASS): Also pass SHLIB and SHCURSES.
-Tue Nov 14 01:41:08 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * config.shared (TO_REAL_TOPDIR): Define.
- (MULTITOP): Deleted.
- (INSTALL): Add with_multisrctop, TO_REAL_TOPDIR.
- (LIBS): Delete MULTITOP.
- ( Delete adding MULTITOP to ../ build tree references.
- Add MULTISRCTOP to ../ source tree references.
- * Delete call to Call
- instead of
-Sun Nov 12 16:30:48 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (VERSION): Set to 2.7.1.
- * Add warning for Linux.
- * config.shared (DISTCLEAN): Add EXTRA_DISTCLEAN.
- * editbuf.h (edit_mark::index_in_buffer): Avoid unused param warning.
- * (istream::operator>> (char*)): Improve ANSI compliance.
-Fri Nov 10 08:41:37 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * config.shared (check): Add missing semicolon.
-Thu Nov 9 17:27:22 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (ALL): Remove $(OSPRIM_OBJECTS).
- * config.shared (check): Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
- * NEWS: Fix typo.
- * iogetdelim.c (_IO_getdelim): Index *lineptr, rather than lineptr.
- From (Alan Modra).
-Mon Nov 6 15:03:33 1995 Per Bothner <>
- *,,,
- Fixes to avoid -Wall warnings.
-Fri Nov 3 16:41:41 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * gen-params [!__STDC__]: Include varargs.h instead of stdarg.h.
-Thu Nov 2 15:04:03 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * config.shared: Re-write if X then Y else true fi to (not X) || Y.
-Wed Nov 1 13:26:44 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * iostream.h (istream::ipfx): Add default argument value.
- Reported by Yotam Medini <>.
- * libioP.h (_IO_blen): Fix typo.
- Reported by Bryan T. Vold <>.
-Fri Oct 27 19:26:20 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (_G_config.h): Set CC to $(CC) rather than to $(CXX),
- now that CXX defaults to g++ and CC default to gcc (when found).
- * config.shared: Simplify CXX and CC, since they get overridden
- by ../configure anyway.
-Wed Oct 25 19:45:50 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * iostdio.h: Wrap including the file with #ifndef _IOSTDIO_H.
-Wed Oct 25 11:14:25 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * libio.h (_IO_seekoff, _IO_seekpos): New declarations.
- * libioP.h (_IO_seekoff, _IO_seekpos): Remove declarations.
- * libioP.h: Cleanup; remove old !_IO_UNIFIED_JUMPTABLES stuff.
- * (filebuf::~filebuf): Only call SYSYCLOSE if currently
- open. Bug found by Martin Gerbershagen <>.
- * streambuf.h (streambuf::pubseekoff, streambuf::pubseekpos):
- Added, from ANSI draft.
- * (filebuf::open), (variables places),
- Use pubseekoff/pubseekpos rather than sseekoff/sseekpos.
- * (install): Don't install libiostream.a.
- * filedoalloc.c: Also #include <unistd.h>.
-Mon Oct 9 18:09:54 1995 Jason Molenda <>
- * config.shared (SUFFIXES): add .c.
-Tue Sep 26 16:08:01 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * Move #pragma implementation to beginning.
-Wed Sep 20 17:53:33 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * procbuf.h, Add #pragma interface/implementation stuff.
-Wed Sep 20 18:59:00 1995 John Eaton <>
- * procbuf.h: Protect from being included multiple times.
-Wed Sep 20 15:47:14 1995 John Eaton <>
- * procbuf.h (procbuf): Add '_next' pointer field for compatibility
- with _IO_proc_file.
-Wed Sep 20 13:54:02 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * config.shared: Add support for maintainer-clean target as a
- synonym for realclean.
- * dbz/ Likewise.
-Mon Sep 11 12:11:19 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * iopopen.c: #include <sys/types.h> before <sys/wait.h>.
- This is in accordance with Posix, and needed for ISC.
-Fri Sep 8 00:11:55 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * gen-params: Use double quotes in the eval setting $TYPE to
- $VALUE, to preserve any single quotes in $VALUE.
-Mon Aug 21 11:39:09 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * gen-params: Test for an appropriate version of gcc before using
- mode attributes.
- * config.shared: Add $(PICDIR) to $ALL.
-Mon Aug 7 17:51:40 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * gen-params: Generate new macro _G_HAVE_SYS_CDEFS.
- * libio.h: If _G_HAVE_SYS_CDEFS, get __P from <sys/cdefs.h>.
-Fri Aug 4 23:21:17 1995 Paul Eggert <>
- * gen-params: When following typedef changes, allow typedefs
- that do not have a space before the defined type name,
- e.g. `typedef void *__gnuc_va_list;' as in Linux. Also,
- not require a space in the definiens, e.g. `typedef void*foo;'.
-Thu Aug 3 17:54:15 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * iostream.h, (istream::sync): Added missing method.
-Thu Aug 3 17:49:34 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * Remove netbsd special case.
- * config/ Removed; no longer used.
-Tue Jun 20 16:07:12 1995 Paul Eggert <>
- * gen-params: Take transitive closure of `typedef' relation.
- This is needed for BSD/OS 2.0, which has
- fpos_t -> off_t -> quad_t -> long long.
-Mon Jul 24 18:28:10 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * config.shared (TOPDIR): Delete extra '/', $rootme may be empty.
-Sat Jul 22 13:27:45 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * config.shared ( Fix quoting in DO NOT EDIT line.
- * (_G_config.h): Add multilib support.
- (install): Likewise.
- * config.shared: Likewise.
- * Likewise.
-Wed Jun 28 17:40:25 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * PlotFile.h, SFile.h, builtinbuf.h, editbuf.h, fstream.h,
- indstream.h, iomanip.h, iostream.h, parsestream.h, pfstream.h,
- procbuf.h, stdiostream.h, stream.h, streambuf.h, strstream.h: Wrap
- with extern "C++".
-Thu Jun 22 04:34:01 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * gen-params: Surround attributes with __.
-Mon Jun 19 00:33:22 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config.shared (SUBDIRS): Massage broken shells that require
- 'else true'.
-Sat Jun 17 11:25:38 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * streambuf.h: Declare inline members inline in class.
-Thu Jun 15 20:45:13 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (VERSION): Update to version 2.7.0.
-Wed Jun 14 21:41:11 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (STDIO_WRAP_OBJECTS): Remove stdfiles.o.
- (LIBIO_OBJECTS): Add stdfiles.o.
-Wed Jun 7 16:11:36 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config.shared (all): Appease bash.
-Wed Jun 7 11:16:38 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (MOSTLYCLEAN): Remove stamp-picdir.
- * config.shared (MOSTLYCLEAN): Ditto.
- (CLEAN): Don't.
-Mon Jun 5 18:29:39 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/mh-*pic: Removed.
- * (MOSTLYCLEAN): Remove pic objects.
- (frags): Use toplevel pic fragments.
- * config.shared (CXXFLAGS): Use -O3.
- (PICFLAG, PICDIR): New macros.
- (all): Depend on $(PICDIR).
- (.x.o): Also build pic object.
- (stamp-picdir): Create directory for pic objects.
- (MOSTLYCLEAN): Remove pic objects.
- (CLEAN): Remove stamp-picdir.
- * (iostream.list): Depend on stamp-picdir.
- (c++clean): Don't remove _G_config.h.
-Mon Jun 5 15:03:47 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * strstream.h, (strstream::strstream()): Re-implement to
- be like ostrstream::ostrestream(), and not leak memory.
- * streambuf.h: Use #if !_IO_UNIFIED_JUMPTABLES instead of #ifndef.
- * iolibio.h (_IO_rewind): Add missing flags when calling _IO_seekoff.
-Thu May 25 22:30:21 1995 J.T. Conklin <>
- * config/ (G_CONFIG_ARGS): Add defn for off_t. Another
- layer of typedefs has been added and the gen-params script can
- not handle it.
-Wed May 10 03:02:58 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * iolibio.h (_IO_rewind): Add new argument to _IO_seekoff.
- (LIBIOSTREAM_DEP): Include stdio.list.
- (LIBIOSTREAM_USE): Include `cat stdio.list`.
- * (LIBIOSTREAM_DEP): New variable.
- (libiostream.a): Use them.
- (iostream.list): Ditto.
- (stdio.list): New rule.
- (stdio/stdio.list): Ditto.
-Tue May 9 18:29:38 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * libioP.h (_IO_jump_t): Change TYPE for __dummy from int to
- _G_size_t.
-Sat May 6 13:50:37 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * libio.h (_IO_UNIFIED_JUMPTABLES): #define as true.
- (_IO_FILE): Remove _jumps field (#if _IO_UNIFIED_JUMPTABLES).
- * libioP.h (enum _IO_seekflags_): Removed.
- * libioP.h (_IO_setbuf_t): Change return value of setpos jumptable
- function to match C++ streambuf::setpos. (Return NULL on failure.)
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_setbuf), genops.c (_IO_default_setbuf),
-, iosetvbuf.c: Update to use new setbuf conventions.
- * streambuf.h (streambuf): Re-order virtual functions more logically.
- * (streambuf::uflow), streambuf.h: New virtual.
- * libioP.h (struct _IO_jump_t): Define using new JUMP_FIELD macro.
- And re-order in more logical order consistent with streambuf vtable.
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_jumps), iopopen.c (_IO_proc_jumps), iovfprintf.c
- (_IO_helper_jumps), (_IO_streambuf_jumps), strops.c
- (_IO_str_jumps): Update accordingly, using JUMP_INIT macro.
- * stdfiles.c: Set vtable to point to _IO_file_jumps.
- *, iopopen.c, iovfprintf.c (helper_vfprintf), iovsprintf.c,
- iovsscanf.c: Use macros and #if to set jumptables.
- * streambuf.c: _IO_streambuf_jumps and the _IO_sb_* methods are not
- * (filebuf::__new): Also no longer needed.
- * (fstreambase::__fb_init, fstreambase::fstreambase): Fix.
- * stdstrbufs.c: Use filebuf vtable instead of builtinbuf's.
- * builtinbuf.h, (builtinbuf): Commented out #if
- _IO_UNIFIED_JUMPTABLES - no longer needed.
- * (SET_STR_JUMPS): Does nothing now.
- *, fileops.c, genops.c, iofgetpos.c, iofsetpos.c,
- ioftell.c, iopopen.c, ioseekoff.c, ioseekpos.c, iosetvbuf.c,
- iovfprintf.c, iovfscanf.c, strops.c: Use DEFUN and DEFUN_VOID.
- *, fileops.c, genops.c, iopopen.c, ioseekoff.c, ioseekpos.c,
- iosetvbuf.c, iovfscanf.c: Use new JUMP_* and IO_OVERFLOW/... macros.
- * libioP.h (_IO_seekpos_t): Third arg is now an int (using _IOS_INPUT
- and _IOS_OUTPUT), not an enum _IO_seekflags_. Flags values are
- changed, and their sense inverted (to match streambuf::seekpos).
- * libioP.h (_IO_seekoff_t): Similarly match streambuf::seekoff.
- *, fileops.c (_IO_file_fopen, _IO_file_seekoff), genops.c
- (_IO_default_seekpos, _IO_default_seekpos), iofgetpos.c, iofsetpos.c,
- iolibio.h (_IO_fseek), ioftell.c, ioseekoff.c, ioseekpos.c,
-,, strops.c (_IO_str_seekoff),
- New seekpos/seekoff conventions.
- * iostreamP.h (convert_to_seekflags): Removed - no longer needed.
- * iolibio.h (_IO_fread): New declaration.
- * dbz/ Re-arrange for cleaner dependencies.
-Fri May 5 15:55:22 1995 Per Bothner <>
- in preparation for new unified jumptable/vtable implementation.
- * cleanup.c, filedoalloc.c, iofclose.c, iofflush.c, iofiledoalloc.c,
- ioprims.c, iosetbuffer.c, iostrerror.c, ioungetc.c: Use DEFUN.
- * filedoalloc.c, iofclose, iofflush, iosetbuffer.c: Use new macros.
- * iofopen.c, iofdopen.c: Use macros and #if for new jumptables.
- * gen-params: Do not #include <sys/types.h>.
- Add missing quote in 'eval'.
- Do add #include <sys/types.h> in test for <sys/resource.h>.
- * config/ New file, defining _G_CONFIG_ARGS (for fpos_t).
- * Use for NetBSD.
-Wed May 3 15:03:47 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * libioP.h (DEFUN, DEFUN_VOID, AND): New macros, from ansidecl.h.
- * iofdopen.c, iofgets.c, iofopen.c, iofputs.c, iofread.c, iofwrite.c,
- iogetdelim.c, iogetline.c, iogets.c, ioignore.c, iopadn.c, ioperror.c,
- ioputs.c, iovsprintf.c, iovsscanf.c, outfloat.c: Use DEFUN.
-Mon May 1 16:22:30 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * gen-params: #include <sys/types.h>. Don't use __WCHAR_TYPE__ in
- definition of _G_wchar_t. Use __attribute__ ((mode)) to get
- specific-sized ints under gcc, don't worry about int8 or int64
- otherwise. Provide defaults if deduction fails.
-Thu Apr 27 18:27:53 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * streambuf.h (ios::~ios): Delete _arrays.
- (_IO_NEW_STREAMS): Turn on.
- * libio.h (__adjust_column): Remove bogus declaration.
- * genops.c (_IO_set_column): Fix typo (in commented-out code).
-Tue Apr 25 17:14:29 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config.shared (CXXINCLUDES): Use a shell variable with a
- different name from the make variable.
- * Update accordingly.
-Mon Apr 17 17:19:40 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * streambuf.h (__adjust_column): Remove redundant declaration.
-Sat Apr 15 11:39:25 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * config.shared (do-clean-dvi): Also remove *.cps.
- * gen-params: Use ${SED} instead of sed.
- * libio.h: Remove #if'd out stuff (confuses makedepend).
- * (STD_STR): Standard streams start with ios::dec set.
-Fri Apr 14 23:46:31 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * iostream.h, (istream::read, ostream::write):
- Use streamsize for the length parameter.
- * streambuf.h: Removed redundant __overflow and __underflow.
- * fstream.h, Add void fstreambase::attach(int).
- * iosscanf.c (_IO_sscanf): Fix non-__STDC__ missing declaration.
-Mon Apr 3 15:40:55 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * indstream.*: Fix prototypes of xsputn and xsgetn.
- * fileops.c: Avoid ??? trigraph.
-Mon Mar 27 16:16:38 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * iomanip.h (operator<< (ostream&, const omanip<TP>&): Define
- separately.
- (operator>> (istream&, const imanip<TP>&): Ditto.
-Mon Mar 27 08:56:00 1995 Brendan Kehoe (
- * (builtinbuf::setbuf): Cast NULL to streambuf*, to
- avoid warning/error about conversion from void*.
- * (indirectbuf::seekoff): Likewise.
- (indirectbuf::seekpos): Likewise.
- * (filebuf::setbuf): Likewise.
- (filebuf::close): Cast NULL to filebuf*.
-Wed Mar 1 14:23:18 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (DISTCLEAN): Add, with target-mkfrag.
-Fri Feb 24 01:01:08 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (frags): Don't require so many dashes in the
- canonical target name.
-Sat Feb 18 13:18:30 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (streambuf::sync): Always return 0, even for
- non-flushed output. This is required by the ANSI/ISO draft.
- * genops.c (_IO_sync): Likewise always return 0.
-Fri Feb 17 16:33:28 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_close_it): Call _IO_file_sync, rather
- than _IO_do_flush, because we want to adjust the file pointer
- if reading and not at end (as in SVR4, and as in fflush).
- Also, make sure to return error indication if sync fails.
- (_IO_file_sync): Ignore seek error if it is ESPIPE.
- (_IO_file_seekoff): If not readable, do dumb lseek.
- * iofclose.c (_IO_fclose): If closing a non-filebuf, return -1
- if _IO_ERR_SEEN.
-Fri Feb 17 19:31:00 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * gen-params: Check for struct tms in <sys/times.h>, defining
- HAVE_SYS_TIMES accordingly.
-Wed Feb 15 21:05:11 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * strops.c (_IO_str_count): Use LEN macro.
- (_IO_str_seekoff): Update _len field.
-Mon Feb 6 19:29:00 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * gen-params: Default to short, long and long long for 16, 32 and
- 64 bit types, in case detection fails.
-Wed Jan 25 18:07:30 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * gen-params (_G_wint_t): Allow for broken promotions.
-Tue Jan 24 16:15:40 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (_IO_fake_stdiobufs): Add an extra layer of struct,
- to force correct alignment on i960s.
- (DEF_STDIOBUF, _IO_{stdin,stdout,stderr}_buf): Update accordingly.
-Thu Jan 19 18:30:53 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config.shared (CXXINCLUDES): Add libstdc++ to includes for
- building libg++.
- (LIBS): Also link with libstdc++ when building libg++ toys.
- Don't set EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES; users will have to set
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH themselves.
-Fri Dec 30 16:38:13 1994 Mike Stump <>
- * config/ Fix build problem on linux 1.0.8.
-Thu Dec 22 11:49:45 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * config/ Use gcc to pre-link iostream.nlm's objects
- instead of using nlmconv, so that references to functions in
- libgcc.a are resolved.
- * Append .mt to target makefile fragment file names.
- * floatconv.c (tens, tinytens, bigtens): Added const qualifier.
-Tue Dec 20 09:59:50 1994 Mike Stump <>
- * gen-params (VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX): Since some systems have GNU nm
- as nm, and they demangle by default, we have to notice this, and
- try --no-cplus (linux) or --no-demangle when running nm.
-Wed Dec 14 18:13:58 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * gen-params: To determine vt-name-mangling using dummy.C add
- #include and #prama interface/implementation to avoid problem with
- assemblers that don't emit local symbols. Reported under HPUX 8
- by Thomas Arend <arend@blasius.Chemietechnik.Uni-Dortmund.DE>.
- * streambuf.h (ios::ios): Move inline definition after
- that of ios::init (which ios::ios calls).
-Sun Dec 4 19:50:32 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_init, _IO_file_close_it, _IO_file_sync):
- Set _offset to _IO_pos_BAD, to support applications that follow
- POSIX.1 rules on mixing file handles.
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_overflow): Handle case that buffer was
- allocated (perhaps by setvbuf) but _IO_write_base is still 0.
- * iostdio.h (setbuffer): #define as _IO_setbuffer.
- * streambuf.h, Removed filebuf::do_write.
-Tue Nov 29 23:38:57 1994 Per Bothner (
- * floatconv.c (setword0, setword1): Fix typo.
-Tue Nov 29 15:37:29 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * config.shared: Move -fno-implicit-template from CXXFLAGS
- to LIBCXXFLAGS. Tests are better run without it.
- * floatconv.c (word0, word1): Re-place/re-implement using unions
- instead of casts to avoid optimizer problems.
- * dbz/dbzmain.c: Renamed dirname -> dir_name to avoid OSF
- header file braindamage.
-Sat Nov 5 19:44:00 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * config.shared (LIBCFLAGS): Define.
- (LIBCXXFLAGS): Define.
- (DOING_LIBGXX): Define TOLIBGXX. Change LIBS to use -lg++. Add
- (XC{,XX}FLAGS): Set to LIBCFLAGS or CFLAGS depending on $LIBDIR.
- (COMPILE.c): Define, use in .c.o rule.
- ( Define, use in .cc.o rule.
-Sat Nov 5 15:12:12 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * (VERSION): Update to 0.67.
- * streambuf.h (ios::dont_close): Is now set by default.
- * fstream.h, (__fb_init): New function. Clears
- ios::dont_close. Change fstreambase constructors to call it.
- * *strstream constructors must clear ios::dont_close.
- * Simplify - don't need to set ios::dont_close.
- * Simplify - assume ios::dont_close is always set.
- * fstream.h, If _IO_NEW_STREAMS, put the
- filebuf as a member __my_fb.
- * strstream.{h,cc}: Likewile use a strstreambuf member __my_sb.
- * streambuf.h,,
- Fix if _IO_NEW_STREAMS to not use ios::dont_close.
- * streambuf.h (class ios): Move rdbuf later, to avoid
- inability of g++ to inline.
- * (filebuf::~filebuf): Call _IO_do_flush.
- * config.shared: Emit rules to make depend.
- * depend: New file.
-Fri Nov 4 17:19:11 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * README: Fix typos.
- * libio.h: Add comment. Update Copyright notice.
-Fri Nov 4 21:46:30 1994 Paul Eggert <>
- * libio.h (__P): Change argument name spelling from
- `paramlist' to `protos' for compatibility with BSDI 1.1.
-Thu Nov 3 00:45:16 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * config.shared (CXXFLAGS): Add -fno-implicit-templates.
-Mon Oct 24 15:57:35 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * config.shared: Define NOSTDIC and use it for libio too.
-Thu Oct 20 19:45:35 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * iogetdelim.c: #include <stdlib.h>.
-Thu Oct 20 17:09:52 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * iostream.h: Add classes _IO_istream_withassign and
- _IO_ostream_withassign. Re-type cin, cout, cerr, clog.
- (class iostream): Don't add extra _gcount field.
- * New file. Implement operator= for cin etc.
- * streambuf.h (class ios): Change return type of operator=.
- * (IOSTREAM_OBJECTS): Add ioassign.o.
- * Re-arrange, so overrides can work.
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_seekoff): Optimize seeks within buffer.
-Wed Oct 19 14:25:47 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * gen-params (wint_t): Return to using __WCHAR_TYPE__ for
- compatibility with gcc versions prior to 2.6.1.
-Tue Oct 18 17:08:18 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * Define _G_CONFOG_H as _G_config.h for Linux. Use it.
- (IO_OBJECTS): Add iogetdelim.o.
- * config/ New file.
- * Select config/ if Linux.
- * iogetdelim.c: Verious cleanups, many from
- Ulrich Drepper <>.
- * libioP.h: Add _IO_getdelim. Use (void) for no-parameter functions.
-Thu Oct 13 16:30:56 1994 Per Bothner (
- * libio.h: Rename USE_DTOA to _IO_USE_DTOA for namespace reasons.
- *, iovfscanf.c, iovfprintf, floatconv.c:
- Update USE_DTOA -> _IO_USE_DTOA.
- * libio.h (_IO_feof, _IO_ferror): Move to here ...
- * iolibio: ... from here
- * (istream::get, istream::ignore, istream::read):
- Set _gcount to 0 if ipfx0 failed.
- * (flush): Do virtual function call, rather than
- going through jumptable. (To get correct method in derived class.)
- Bug and fix from John Wiegley <>.
- * iofdopen.c (O_ACCMODE): Define using O_RDWR, not O_RDWRITE.
- * streambuf.h (ios::rdbuf(streambuf*)): New.
- * streambuf.h (ios::operator=): Make private (i.e. dis-allow).
-Wed Oct 12 19:09:20 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * gen-params: Define _G_NO_NRV and _G_NO_EXTERN_TEMPLATES if not
- compiling with g++.
-Thu Oct 6 16:03:43 1994 Per Bothner (
- * iostream.texi (ostrstream::str): Note that NUL is not written
- automatically.
-Wed Oct 5 17:28:29 1994 Per Bothner (
- * iogetdelim.c (_IO_getdelim): New function.
-Wed Oct 5 15:40:22 1994 J.T. Conklin (
- * config/ New file, first cut at Netware NLM support.
- * (*-*-netware*): Use config/
- * config.shared (NLMCONV, LD): New definition.
- * gen-params: check for nm in ${binutils}/
- * config.shared: Likewise.
-Tue Oct 4 12:20:01 1994 Per Bothner (
- * iomanip.h (omanip::operator<<): Make 2nd arg be const.
- Bug and fix reported by Greg McGary <>.
- * (strstreambuf::pcount): Simplify, to match
- ANSI/ISO specification.
-Mon Sep 26 15:19:52 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * gen-params: Include <wchar.h> and <wctype.h> if they exist.
-Thu Sep 8 14:41:41 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * iostream.h (class istream): Declare operator>>(long double&).
- (class ostream): Define operator<<(long double).
- * (istream::operator>>(long double&)): Define.
-Wed Sep 7 14:42:29 1994 Per Bothner (
- * iostream.texi (Overflow): Fix bugs in example.
-Fri Sep 2 17:45:57 1994 Per Bothner (
- * iostream.tex: Document a little on how to write your
- own streambuf-derived class, with an example.
-Tue Aug 30 13:03:57 1994 Brendan Kehoe (
- * floatconv.c (s2b): Declare X and Y to be _G_int32_t.
- (diff, quorem): Declare BORROW, Y, and Z likewise.
- (ulp): Declare L likewise.
- (_IO_strtod): Declare L and AADJ likewise.
- (_IO_dtoa): Declare L and D likewise. Cast division of D by DS to
- _G_int32_t.
-Mon Aug 29 16:01:54 1994 Per Bothner (
- * iosetvbuf.c (_IO_setvbuf): If setting _IOFBF and no
- buffer was specified, call __doallocate.
- * fileops.c, floatconv.c: Add a bunch of parentheses to
- shut up gcc warnings. Patch from H.J.Lu.
- * (stdiobuf::sys_read): Inline call to getc
- for the normal case (size==1).
-Sat Aug 20 12:14:52 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (VERSION): Increase to 0.66.
-Fri Aug 19 17:28:41 1994 Per Bothner (
- * iolibio.h: Added _IO_printf prototype.
- Added extern "C" { ... } wrappers #ifdef __cplusplus.
- Bugs reported by Neal Becker <>.
-Wed Aug 17 18:17:15 1994 Per Bothner (
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_seekoff): For _IO_seek_cur, adjust for
- read-ahead before jumping to label dumb.
-Wed Aug 3 13:15:01 1994 H.J. Lu (
- * libioP.h (CHECK_FILE(FILE,RET)): new, which checks for
- with typo fixes.
- * iofread.c, iofwrite.c: add CHECK_FILE(fp, 0);
- * iofclose.c: add CHECK_FILE(fp, EOF); remove _IO_MAGIC_MASK check.
- * iofflush.c, iofgetpos.c, iofputs.c, iofscanf.c,
- iofsetpos.c, iofvbuf.c, ioungetc.c:
- Add CHECK_FILE(fp, EOF) and remove COERCE_FILE(fp).
- * iofgets.c: add CHECK_FILE(fp, NULL) and remove COERCE_FILE(fp).
- * iofprintf.c: add CHECK_FILE(fp, -1) and remove COERCE_FILE(fp).
- * ioftell.c: add CHECK_FILE(fp, -1L) and remove COERCE_FILE(fp).
- * iosetbuffer.c: add CHECK_FILE(fp, ) and remove COERCE_FILE(fp).
-Fri Aug 12 15:35:39 1994 Per Bothner (
- * iofdopen.c (_IO_fdopen): #define O_ACCMODE if it isn't.
- Still set O_APPEND if "a" is given, but don't unset it
- if it isn't. Added comment.
-Mon Aug 8 13:11:00 1994 Per Bothner (
- * gen-params (VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX): Changes in the implementation.
- For look for _*vt[$_.]7*filebuf in the nm output, because that
- matches what g++ produces and has produced. Thus it should be
- somewhat more robust.
-Sun Aug 7 22:52:49 1994 Per Bothner (
- * gen-params (CC): Remove no-longer-needed -I options
- passed to xgcc (now they are implied by the -B options).
-Wed Jul 20 16:41:13 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (tooldir): Added definition, so we can do
- 'make install' in this directory.
- Bug reported by Klamer Schutte <>.
-Mon Jul 18 18:02:34 1994 Per Bothner (
- * gen-params (VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX): Remove filename sppearing
- by itself. Add comment explaining what is going on.
-Tue Dec 21 13:02:48 1993 H.J. Lu (hjl@jalod)
- * libio.h: define _IO_uid_t and _IO_HAVE_ST_BLKSIZE
- as _G_xxxxxxxx.
-Tue Dec 21 13:02:48 1993 H.J. Lu (hjl@jalod)
- * iopopen.c: Don't include <errno.h>. It is included in "libioP.h".
- * iopopen.c (_IO_proc_close) : check if fp is on the list
- before close it.
-Thu Jul 14 16:38:47 1994 Per Bothner (
- * gen-params (CONFIG_NM): Make sed scripts to find vtable name
- mangling more robost for different forms of nm output.
-Tue Dec 21 13:02:48 1993 H.J. Lu (hjl@jalod)
- * iofopen.c (_IO_fopen): don't check [redundantly] fp == NULL after
- IO_file_init(&fp->_file).
- * iomanip.h (template<class TP> class iapp):
- change ostream to istream.
-Tue Jul 12 14:09:02 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (VERSION): Increase to 0.65.
- * libioP.h (builtinbuf_vtable): Only define #ifdef __cplusplus.
- * gen-params (_G_int8_t): Only define if defined(__STDC__),
- because K&R C compilers don't have signed char.
- (_G_int64_t, _G_uint64_t): Only define if defined(__GNUC__)
- because other compilers may not have long long.
-Sun Mar 06 13:10:21 1994 H.J. Lu (
- * floatconv.c (_IO_dtoa ()): fix a small memory leak, set the
- "on_stack" field to be 0 if "result" is not NULL.
-Sat Mar 05 13:18:20 1994 H.J. Lu (
- * floatconv.c (_IO_dtoa ()): if the number of digits of the
- floating point number is more than the previous one, free the
- old string and allocate a new one.
- [Minor optimization to avoid Bcopy. -PB]
-Mon Jul 11 10:53:41 1994 Per Bothner (
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_underflow): 'count' should be unsigned,
- since it contains the return value of read. Reported by
- Teemu Torma <>.
-Tue Dec 21 13:02:48 1993 H.J. Lu (
- * floatconv.c (_IO_strtod ()): make "+" and "-" as error.
-Sat Jul 9 15:09:21 1994 Per Bothner (
- Make sure _IO_FILE::_flags is always initialized correctly, for the
- C functions (fopen, fdopen, popen), and not just the C++ functions.
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_init): Set _flags to CLOSED_FILEBUF_FLAGS.
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_fopen): Remove bogus assignment.
- * (filebuf constructors): Don't pass CLOSED_FILEBUF_FLAGS
- to streambuf constructor - _IO_file_init does it instead.
- * iopopen.c (_IO_proc_open): Use _IO_mask_flags.
-Thu Jun 30 08:49:53 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * dbz/ (mostlyclean): Add target.
-Wed Jun 29 09:30:12 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * gen-params: Woops, can't run a C program to determine target
- characteristics. Sigh.
-Tue Jun 28 03:11:33 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * gen-params: Add _G_{,u}int{8,16,64}_t, use a short C program to
- determine what all these should be rather than trying to compare
- the MAX numbers in the shell.
-Sun Jun 26 21:04:24 1994 Per Bothner (
- * stdiostream.h, (stdiobuf::xsgetn): Removed.
- Too hairy. If we want to optimize it, we should do so in
- filebuf::xsgetn (or rather _IO_file_xsgetn).
- * stdiostream.h (class stdiobuf), Fix parameter
- and return types of virtual function to matcher base types (Oops!).
- * (stdiobuf::xsgetn, stdiobuf::xsputn):
- Optimize to call fread.fwrite directly if !buffered.
- * fileops.c: Fix comment.
-Fri Jun 24 11:28:18 1994 Per Bothner (
- * stdiostream.h (istdiostream, ostdiostream): New classes.
- More robust final cleanup.
- * cleanup.c (_IO_register_cleanup): Register _IO_cleanup,
- rather than _IO_flush_all.
- * filedoalloc.c: Update comment.
- * genops.c (_IO_unbuffer_all): New. Makes all files unbuffered.
- * genops.c (_IO_cleanup), libioP.h: New function. Call
- _IO_flush_all, and then _IO_unbuffer_all. This is in case C++
- destructors try to do output *after* _IO_cleanup is called.
- Construct standard stdiobufs statically (using type punning).
- * stdstrbufs.c; Unless _STDIO_USES_IOSTREAM declare standard
- stdiobufs (for stdin, stdout, and stderr), using type punning
- (struct _IO_fake_stdiobuf). This avoids constructor-time problems.
- * Remove the declarations of the stdiobufs.
- Instead use the new (fake) ones in We no longer
- have to call ios::sync_with_stdio at constructor time.
- Preliminary support for new ANSI streambuf::uflow virtual.
- * libioP.h (struct _IO_jump_t): Add __uflow field.
- * genops.c (_IO_default_uflow), libioP.h: New function.
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_jumps), iopopen.c (IO_proc_jumps),
- iovfprintf.c (_IO_helper_jumps), strops.c (_IO_str_jumps),
- (_IO_streambuf_jumps): Add _IO_default_uflow.
- * genops.c (__uflow): New function.
- (save_for_backup): New function. Some code shared by
- __underflow and __uflow, moved out from the former.
- (_IO_default_uflow): New function.
- * libio.h (_IO_getc): Call __uflow, not __underflow.
-Wed Jun 22 20:22:49 1994 Per Bothner (
- Make sure that the vtable of a streambuf is always valid,
- which makes ios::rdbuf simpler and faster.
- * gen-params: Add code to determine _G_VTABLE_LABEL_HAS_LENGTH,
- _G_USING_THUNKS, which describe how virtual function tables are named.
- * stdfiles.c (FILEBUF_LITERAL): Moved to libioP.h.
- * libioP.h (builtinbuf_vtable): New (complicated) declaration.
- * (filebuf::__new), (SET_STR_JUMPS):
- Initialize vtable to builtinbuf_vtable, not NULL.
- * New file. Same as stdfiles.c, except that
- vtable is initialized to builtinbuf_vtable, not NULL.
- * streambuf.h (ios::rdbuf): Can now simplify/optimize, due to
- above changes. Always, just return _strbuf.
- * builtinbuf.h, (builtinbuf::vtable,
- builtinbuf::get_builtin_vtable): Removed. No longer needed.
- * streambuf.h, (ios::_IO_fix_vtable): No longer needed.
- Only defined #ifdef _STREAM_COMPAT, for binary compatibility.
- * Move stdfiles.o from IO_OBJECTS to STDIO_WRAP_OBJECTS.
- (IOSTREAM_OBJECT): Add stdstrbufs.o.
- * (_G_config.h): Pass $(CXXFLAGS) as part of $(CXX).
-Fri Feb 11 11:08:01 1994 SBPM Marc GINGOLD (
- * iovfprintf.c (helper_vfprintf): add
- hp->_IO_file_flags = _IO_MAGIC|(_IO_IS_FILEBUF+_IO_NO_READS);
- [This is needed because _IO_vfprintf checks for _IO_UNBUFFERED. -PB]
- [Actually: don't set _IO_IS_FILEBUF. -PB]
-Wed Jun 22 13:49:22 1994 Per Bothner (
- *, stdiostream.h (stdiobuf::buffered): New methods.
- * iofdopen.c (_IO_fdopen): Various minor improvements.
- * iovfscanf.c: Don't return EOF on control_failure.
-Tue Dec 21 13:02:48 1993 H.J. Lu (
- * iovfscanf.c: Enforce the sequence of the conversion specifications.
-Fri Jun 17 20:57:22 1994 Per Bothner (
- * iofdopen.c: Use fcntl to check that requested access mode is
- compatible with existing access mode, and to change the
- O_APPEND file status flag if need be.
-Thu Jun 16 17:33:50 1994 Per Bothner (
- * streambuf.h (ios::init): Initialize all the fields.
- This may be overkill, but the current ANSI working paper requires it.
- * streambuf.h (ios::ios): Reimplement in terms of ios::init.
- * (Non-default constructors istream::istream,
- ostream::ostream, iostream::iostream): Cannot use a mem-initializer,
- because it is ignored if initializing a derived class. Instead,
- call ios::init.
-Wed Jun 15 13:35:37 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (ISTREAM_DEF): Fix typo (it's a _fake_istream, not
- a _fake_ostream). Reported by Jason Shirk <>.
- * stdiostream.h, (stdiobuf::~stdiobuf): New.
- Call _IO_do_flush.
- * (stdiobuf::sync): Call _IO_do_flush rather
- than filebuf::sync (to avoid bad seeks).
- * libioP.h (_IO_do_flush): Add missing parentheses.
-Fri Jun 3 19:16:57 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * config.shared (CXXFLAGS): Remove -fno-implicit-templates.
- * iomanip.h: Add explicit external instantiations.
-Wed Jun 1 14:14:44 1994 Per Bothner (
- * libio.h (struct _IO_FILE_plus): Move definition from here ...
- * libioP.h (struct _IO_FILE_plus): ... to here. Since this
- file is private to the implementation, we can rename the fields
- from the implementor's to the user's name anme space.
- (This avoids a lossage on SCO, whose stdio.h has a #define _file.)
- * iofdopen.c, iofopen.c, stdfiles.c: Fix field references accordingly.
- * iopopen.c (struct_IO_proc_file): Rename fields from
- implementor's name space to user's, and update usages.
- * streambuf.h (streambuf::_vtable): Re-implement to not need
- struct _IO_FILE_plus.
- * strfile.h (struct _IO_strfile_): Likewise.
-Wed Jun 1 13:57:48 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * config.shared (CXXFLAGS): Use -fno-implicit-templates instead of
- -fexternal-templates.
-Tue May 31 08:49:28 1994 Mike Stump (
- * genops.c, iofclose.c, iofdopen.c, iofopen.c, iopopen.c: Be
- consistent about protecting #include <stdlib.h>.
- * ioputs.c: Add #include <string.h>, to avoid warning on alpha.
- * iofdopen.c: Add #include <stdlib.h>, so that malloc works on
- machines where sizeof(int) != sizeof(void *).
-Mon May 30 17:26:49 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (ipfstream::ipfstream, opfstream::opfstream):
- Reverse sense of test of return value of procbuf::open.
- (It returns NULL on failure.)
- * filedoalloc.c (_IO_file_doallocate): Remove dead code for
- USE_MALLOC_BUF. Add code to return EOF if ALLOC_BUF fails.
-Sat May 28 13:47:47 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * Explicitly instantiate smanip<int> and
- smanip<ios::fmtflags>.
-Wed May 25 16:04:12 1994 Per Bothner (
- * strfile.h: Use __P instead of _PARAMS.
-Fri May 20 11:42:17 1994 Per Bothner (
- * libio.h: Rename _PARAMS macro to __P for better glibc and BSD
- compatibility. (Also define _PARAMS for backwards compatibility.)
- * cleanup.c, iolibio.h, ioperror.c, iovfprintf.c, iovfscanf.c,
- libioP.h: Use __P instead of _PARAMS.
- * iostdio.h: Use __P instead of _ARGS.
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_read): Minor stylistic tweak. (It is
- preferable to test errno *after* the error return.)
-Fri May 13 15:25:36 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * iostream.*: Add insertor and extractor for bool (just pretend
- it's an int).
-Fri May 13 14:12:03 1994 Mike Stump (
- * gen-params: Check for builtin bool support.
-Wed May 11 00:48:35 1994 Jason Merrill (
- Make libg++ build with gcc -ansi -pedantic-errors
- * gen-params: #ifdef __STRICT_ANSI__, #define _G_NO_NRV.
- * (ipfstream::ipfstream): Wrap use of variable-size
- array in #ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__.
-Fri May 6 12:42:21 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (VERSION): Increase to 0.64.
- * (istream::getline): The delimiter should *not*
- be included in the gcount().
- * filedoalloc.c: #include <stdlib.h> (If __STDC__) to get malloc.
- * iostream.h (ostream::put): Remove overloaded versions, to match
- new working paper. (Actually just put inside _STREAM_COMPAT, for now.)
-Tue May 3 14:14:57 1994 Per Bothner (
- * genops.c (_IO_default_finish): Make robust when called
- multiple times on the same _IO_FILE*. (One way this can
- happen is by the builtinbuf destructor being followed by the
- streambuf destructor.)
-Mon May 2 13:55:26 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * gen-params: Actually determine wint_t rather than depending on
- cpp to provide it or defaulting to the underlying type for
- wchar_t.
-Sat Apr 30 14:47:30 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * gen-params: Add _G_wint_t, allow __*_TYPE__ to override values
- at compile time, fix definition of _G_ARGS.
-Fri Apr 29 16:55:37 1994 Per Bothner (
- * libio.h: Remove #pragma interface. (There is no implementation.)
-Mon Mar 28 14:22:26 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (ostream::operator<<(double)): Add/fix support
- for printing '+' when ios::showpos is set.
- (Fixes bug reported by Doug Moore <>.)
- * (istream::read): Set eofbit as well as failbit on eof.
- * (ostream::operator<<(int)): Fix conversion
- to unsigned (used to lose on INT_MIN).
- * (ostream::operator<<(long)): Use (unsigned long),
- rather than (unsigned) for temporary.
- * config.shared, Remove definitions and uses
- of XTRAFLAGS. It is no longer needed, since it is
- now implied by the -B flag.
-Fri Mar 25 00:31:22 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * builtinbuf.h: Add put /**/ around comment on trailing #endif.
- * (c++clean): Make clean in tests subdir, too.
-Wed Mar 23 16:42:09 1994 Doug Evans (
- * Remove Makefile.tem before creating it.
- Needed when configuring from read-only source trees.
-Wed Mar 16 14:06:42 1994 Per Bothner (
- * Fix so that stdiobuf are used for cin/cout/cerr,
- unless _STDIO_USES_IOSTREAM is defined.
- * (filebuf::setbuf): Fix confusion about return
- value from _IO_file_setbuf.
-Sun Mar 13 00:54:12 1994 Paul Eggert (
- * config.shared: Ensure that `all' precedes `.PHONY';
- BSDI 1.1 needs this.
-Sat Mar 12 03:58:00 1994 Paul Eggert (
- * config.shared: Output a definition of INSTALL that uses
- $${rootme}, not ${rootme}. Most `make's don't care, but BSDI
- 1.1 `make' does.
-Fri Mar 4 17:33:01 1994 Per Bothner (
- * iopopen.c: #define _POSIX_SOURCE.
- * isgetline.c (istream::getline): Various fixes.
-Thu Mar 3 17:58:20 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (write_int): Fix test for when to add initial '0'
- when ios::oct and ios::showbase are set.
- For hex, showbase adds initial 0x (or 0X) regardless of val==0.
- Bugs reported by Phil Roth <>.
-Mon Feb 21 13:18:20 1994 H.J. Lu (
- * libio.h (_IO_PENDING_OUTPUT_COUNT(_fp)): return the
- pending output count in _fp.
-Fri Feb 25 09:26:57 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * gen-params: For HAVE_SYS_WAIT, compile dummy.c, not dummy.C.
-Tue Feb 22 11:19:09 1994 Per Bothner (
- * streambuf.h, genops.c, libioP.h: Rename references to
- _IO_FILE fields other_gbase => _IO_save_base,
- _aux_limit => _IO_backup_base, and _other_egptr => _IO_save_end.
- * libio.h: Remove no-longer needed macros _other_gbase,
- _aux_limit, and _other_egptr.
- * genops.c (__underflow, _IO_default_finishh, _IO_unsave_markers):
- Check _IO_save_base for NULL before FREEing it or calling
- _IO_free_backup_area.
-Thu Feb 17 15:26:59 1994 Per Bothner (
- * gen-params: Improve deduction of _G_uint32 and _G_int32.
- Should now work for 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit targets.
- * gen-params: Check for sys/wait.h using ${CC}, since it's
- now used in a C file, not a C++ file.
- * floatconv.c: Typedef _G_uint32_t as unsigned32, and use
- unsigned32 in place of unsigned long. (Needed for Alpha.)
-Tue Feb 8 13:40:15 1994 Per Bothner (
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_close_it): Simplify by using _IO_do_flush.
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_finish): Don't call _IO_file_close_it -
- do it inline. Call _IO_do_flush even if _IO_DELETE_DONT_CLOSE.
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_attach): Set _IO_DELETE_DONT_CLOSE.
- * genops.c (_IO_flush_all): Only call overflow if there is
- something to write.
- * iofclose.c (_IO_fclose): Check that magic number is correct,
- and clear it when done. Avoids crashing some buggy applications.
- * iogetline.c (_IO_getline): Don't gratuitously increment old_len.
- * iogets.c (_IO_gets): Take care to get required ANSi semantics.
-Sun Feb 6 19:50:39 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * Explicitly instantiate operator<< and >>.
-Fri Feb 4 12:28:22 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * config.shared (CXXFLAGS): Use -fexternal-templates.
- * iomanip.h: Uncomment #pragma interface.
-Thu Jan 20 13:48:40 1994 Per Bothner (
- If no characters are read by fgets, ANSI C doesn't allow '\0' to
- be written to the buffer, but it is required by ANSI C++
- for istream::get and istream::getline. Both use _IO_getline ...
- * iogetline.c (_IO_getline): Don't write a '\0' at the end
- of the read data. The input buffer length does not include
- space for a '\0'.
- * iofgets.c, iogets.c: Change appropriately.
- Also check for _IO_ERR_SEEN, as required by ANSI.
- * Update accordingly.
-Mon Jan 17 13:24:26 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * (c++clean): Added target for compiler testing
- (i.e. make c++clean all).
-Mon Jan 10 11:20:42 1994 Per Bothner (
- * libio.h (_IO_putc): Add parentheses.
- Patch from Rik Faith <>.
-Tue Jan 4 01:32:28 1993 Hongjiu Lu (
- * genops.c (_IO_default_xsputn):
- (_IO_default_xsgetn):
- * ioignore.c: change "_IO_size_t count" to
- "_IO_ssize_t count".
- * iogetline.c: change "_IO_size_t len" to
- "_IO_ssize_t len".
-Mon Dec 20 00:31:21 1993 Per Bothner (
- * config.shared (CXXINCLUDES): Fix quoting of $(NOSTDINC).
-Sun Dec 19 21:03:45 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (VERSION): Increase to 0.63.
-Fri Dec 17 13:02:44 1993 Per Bothner (
- * iofread.c (_IO_fread): Return 0 if either size or count is 0.
- * iofwrite.c (_IO_fwrite): Return 0 if either size or count is 0.
- (This is consistent with fread, and most implementations, but not
- with a literal reading of the ANSI spec.)
- * iovfscanf.c (_IO_vfscanf): If got EOF while skipping spaces,
- set seen_eof and break (instead of returning).
- * (streambuf::vscan): Set error state before returning.
- * streambuf.h: Add a forward declarations for class istream
- to work around a g++ vtable name mangling bug. (Patch from
- via Jeffrey A Law <>.)
- * NEWS: New file.
-Sat Dec 11 16:21:08 1993 Per Bothner (
- * iovfprintf.c (struct helper_file, _IO_helper_overflow,
- helper_vfprintf, _IO_helper_jumps): New structs and functions.
- (_IO_vfprintf): Use helper_vfprintf to make printing to
- unbuffered files more efficient.
- * genops.c (_IO_default_underflow), libioP.h: New function.
- * iovsscanf.c (_IO_vsscanf): The input string's length marks
- its logical end-of-file.
-Wed Dec 8 13:20:46 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (indirectbuf::sync()): Don't crash if get_stream()
- or put_stream() are NULL; sync() both streams even if error.
-Sun Dec 5 19:24:29 1993 Brendan Kehoe (
- * iostreamP.h (convert_to_seekflags): Use _IO_seek_set instead of
- 0 inside the conditial expressions.
- * iofsetpos.c (_IO_fsetpos): Delete unused var `pos'.
-Sat Dec 4 15:57:26 1993 Per Bothner (
- * filedoalloc.c (_IO_file_doallocate): Change type of couldbetty
- to int, and type of size to _IO_size_t, instead of size_t.
- (Change needed for Ultrix, which incorrectly deliberately doesn't
- define size_t in <sys/types.h> if _POSIX_SOURCE is defined.)
-Thu Dec 2 22:43:03 1993 Per Bothner (
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_finish): Remove redundant call to _IO_un_link.
- * iofclose.c (_IO_fclose): Don't call fp->_jumps->__close; it's
- too low-level. Instead call _IO_file_close_it.
- * dbz/ (rclean, distclean): Add some missing files.
-Wed Dec 1 13:19:14 1993 Per Bothner (
- * config/ (MATH_H_INLINES): No longer define.
- Patch from Jeffrey A Law <>.
-Fri Nov 26 13:28:36 1993 Per Bothner (
- * config.shared (CINCLUDES): Define default if libg++.
- * iofread.c: Use _IO_sgetn.c.
- * iolibio.h (_IO_clearerr): Fix typo.
- * genops.c (_IO_seekmark): Return 0 on success.
- * floactconv.c (Binit): Change to static.
- * iofclose.c (_IO_fclose): Check if file is _IO_stdin, _IO_stdout,
- or _IO_stderr; if so don't try to free it. Fix from
- * genops.c (_IO_default_sync), libioP.h: New function.
- * libioP.h (_IO_default_close): Use _IO_default_sync -same interface.
- * Increase version to 0.62.
- * iopopen.c (_IO_proc_close): Use waitpid (available in libibarty,
- if needed), rather than wait. Don't block/ignore SIGINT etc,
- as this is counter to Posix.2.
- * iopopen.c: Chain open proc_files, and have the child close
- the ones that are open (as required by Posix.2).
- * fstream.h (fstreambase::rdbuf), strstream.h (strstreambase
- ::rdbuf): Call ios::rdbuf() instead of getting _strbuf directly.
- * (streambuf::vscan): Comment out duplicate default arg.
- * floatconv.c: Recognize Alpha and i860 as little-endian.
- * Return two bogus value returns from void functions.
- * iolibio.h, iofwrite.c: Fix buffer type to (const void*).
- * libio.h: Predefine of struct _IO_FILE to help non-g++-compilers.
- * libioP.h,, stdfiles.c, iovfscanf.c: Cleanup syntax junk.
- * Minor simplification.
- * streambuf.h, Add non-const ios::_IO_fix_vtable()
- for temporary binary compatibility.
- * filedoalloc.c, fileops.c: Add _POSIX_SOURCE.
- * fileops.c, iofopen.c, iofputs.c,, strops.c,
-, genops.c: Add some missing #includes.
- * iofopen.c, iofdopen.c: Return NULL if malloc fails.
- * iovfscanf.c: Fix return type in strtol prototype.
- * fwrite.c: Remove bogus file.
-Wed Nov 17 14:09:42 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (ios::_IO_fix_vtable), streambuf.h: Make method
- const, to reduce problems with -Wcast-qual.
-Tue Nov 16 19:30:42 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * config.shared (CXXINCLUDE): use ${} instead of $() for NOSTDINC
-Tue Nov 16 14:15:45 1993 Per Bothner (
- * iopopen.c (_IO_proc_close): Re-structure to avoid
- declarations after statements.
- * floatconv.c: If not __STDC__, #define DBL_MANT_DIG.
- * config/ (G_CONFIG_ARGS): Remove bogus spaces.
- Patch from David A. Avery <>.
-Tue Nov 16 15:58:31 1993 Mark Eichin (
- * (_G_config.h): explicitly use $(SHELL) to run
- gen-params, since we know it is a script (we're explicitly looking
- in ${srcdir} for it) and /bin/sh might not be good enough.
-Mon Nov 15 13:26:22 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Don't depend on initialization of static
- variable builtinbuf::vtable, since that might happen after
- we need it (for a static constructor). Instead, initialize
- it when needed by inlining the code from get_builtin_vtable
- into ios::_IO_fix_vtable().
- * floatconv.c: Avoid using #elif, which some C compilers lack.
- * iogetline.c, libioP.h: Make char parameter be int, to avoid
- some default promotion anomalies.
-Fri Nov 5 11:49:46 1993 Per Bothner (
- * config.shared (do-clean-dvi): Remove TeX work files.
- * iopopen.c (extern _IO_fork): Don't use parameter type void.
- * strops.c (_IO_str_init_static): Clear the allocate_buffer
- function pointer, to mark the strfile as being static.
- Bug fix from Mike Raisbeck <mike@pudding.rtr.COM>.
-Thu Nov 4 10:44:24 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (filebuf:): Use sseekoff rather than seekoff
- (which loses if vtable pointer is NULL).
- * (ostream::operator<<(long long n)): Fix thinko.
- * (VERSION): Increase to 0.60.
- * (IO_OBJECTS): Added iopopen.o.
- * config.shared (DISTCLEAN): Also remove Make.pack.
- * config.shared (CXXINCLUDES): Add $(NOSTDINC).
- * config.shared (INSTALL): Fix so it ues the correct
- whether $srcdir is absolute or relative.
- * floatconv.c (DBL_MAX_10_EXP): Fix default value.
-Wed Nov 3 10:20:49 1993 Per Bothner (
- * gen-params: Make more robust to allow random junk (NeXT
- has spaces) before typedefs.
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_overflow): Reduce code duplication.
- * (IO_OBJECTS): Remove ioputs.o.
- * iovfscanf.c, libio.h: Extra parameter to _IO_vfscanf,
- for optionally setting an error indication..
- * iofscanf.c, ioscanf.c, iofscanf.c, iovsscanf.c: Fix calls to
- _IO_vfscanf to pass an extra NULL.
- * (streambuf::vscan): If passed an extra stream,
- set its error state (using new _IO_vfscanf parameter.
- * filedoalloc.c, fileops.c, genops.c, iogetline.c, ioignore.c,
- libio.h, libioP.h, streambuf.h, strfile.h, strops.c,
- Replace macros (_base, _ebuf, _eback, _gptr, _egptr,
- _pbase, _pptr, _epptr) by field names (_IO_buf_base, _IO_buf_end,
- _IO_read_base, _IO_read_pre, IO_read_end, _IO_write_base,
- _IO_write_ptr, _IO_write_end).
- * libio.h: Remove the old macros (which fixes a conflict.
-Mon Nov 1 15:22:12 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Use _IO_sputn instead of sputn. _IO_sputn does
- not require a vtable pointer, and is also slightly faster.
- * builtinbuf.{h,cc} (builtinbuf::setbuf): Fix return and
- parameter types.
-Mon Oct 25 12:56:33 1993 Per Bothner (
- Kludge to make sure _IO_FILE buffers get flushed before exit.
- * dbz/dbzmain.c, dbz/fake.c, dbz/byteflip.c:
- Invoke DBZ_FINISH macro (if defined) before (normal) exits.
- * dbz/ (CFLAGS): Define DBZ_FINISH to call _IO_flush_all.
-Sat Oct 23 22:10:53 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (VERSION): Set to 0.60 for libg++ release.
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_attach): Set _offset to _IO_pos_BAD.
- * (ostream::flush): Fix thinkp.
- *,,,,,
- Replace #include "ioprivate.h" by #include "libioP.h" (and
- sometimes stdarg.h, stdlib.h and/or string.h).
- * ioprivate.h: Removed.
-Thu Oct 21 19:24:02 1993 Per Bothner (
- * PlotFile.h, SFile.h,, editbuf.h,,
-, fstream.h,, indstream.h,,
- iomanip.h, ioprivate.h,, iostream.h,,
-,, parsestream.h,,
- pfstream.h,, procbuf.h,, stdiostream.h,
-,, streambuf.h,,
- strstream.h: Remove old (duplicate) copyright notices.
- * Fix calls to sync() to be safe in the presence
- of vtable-less streambufs.
-Wed Oct 20 15:22:04 1993 Per Bothner (
- * streambuf.h (streambuf::underflow, streambuf::overflow):
- Don't make virtual functions pure.
- * (streambuf::underflow, streambuf::overflow):
- Default definitions (return EOF).
- * fstream.h: Add new (int fd, char* buf, int len) constructors.
- These are deprecated, but added for AT&T compatibility.
- * fstreambase::fstreambase(int fd, char *p, int l): New.
-Thu Oct 14 14:57:01 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * use 'mv -f' instead of 'mv'
-Tue Oct 12 05:01:44 1993 Mike Stump (
- * floatconv.c: Fix typo, change __STDC to __STDC__.
-Mon Oct 11 17:03:12 1993 Per Bothner (
- * cleanup.c: It should be #if _G_HAVE_ATEXIT, not #ifdef.
- * floatconv.c, iostrerror.c, iovfprintf.c, iovfscanf.c, libioP.h:
- Bunch of fixes to allow use of non-ANSI (K&R) C compilers.
- * (iostream.list): Use CC=$(CXX) to force use of gcc.
- * README: New file.
-Fri Oct 8 16:19:58 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Move ioungetc.o from STDIO_WRAP_OBJECTS to
- IO_OBJECTS (since it is needed for iovfscanf.c).
- * iostrerror.c: Add declaration of strerror.
-Thu Oct 7 12:02:28 1993 Per Bothner (
- * cleanup.c: New file, to cause flushing at exit.
- * filedoalloc.c: Cause flushing on exit.
- * (OSPRIM_OBJECTS): Add cleanup.o.
- * gen-params: Check for atexit.
-Tue Oct 5 19:11:14 1993 Mike Stump (
- * ioperror.c (_IO_strerror): Add missing ()s in _PARAMS usage.
-Tue Oct 5 10:33:37 1993 Per Bothner (
- * iofprintf.c, iofscanf.c, ioprintf.c, ioscanf.c, iosprintf.c,
- iosscanf.c: Remove bogus semi-colon after va_dcl.
- * ioperror.c: Fix typos in declaration.
-Mon Oct 4 17:12:22 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (CLEAN): Define (as _G_config.h *.a).
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_read): Don't assume EINTR is defined.
- * iosetbuf.c: Replace by generalized ...
- * iosetbuffer.c: ... variant, derived from BSD.
- * (STDIO_WRAP_OBJECTS): Change correspondingly.
- * iosetvbuf.c (iosetvbuf): Minor ANSI tweak.
- * iostdio.h (setbuf, setlinebuf): New #defines.
- * iolibio.h (_IO_setbuf, _IO_setlinebuf): (Re-)define as macros.
- * (LIBIO_OBJECTS): New macro.
-Tue Sep 28 14:15:52 1993 Per Bothner (
- * libioP.h (_IO_proc_open, _IO_proc_close): Add missing return types.
- * Belated fixes.
-Mon Sep 27 14:04:47 1993 Per Bothner (
- * List new files. Add STDIO_WRAP_OBJECTS macro.
- * floatconv.c (d2b): Use Exp_msk11 instead of Exp_msk1.
- * iofgetpos.c (_IO_fgetpos), iofsetpos.c (_IO_fsetpos): Clean up.
- * iolibio.h: New file. Declarations of _IO_foo, for most foo
- where foo is a stdio function. (Remove these from libio.h.)
- * iostream.h (istream::istreambuf, ostream::ostreambuf): Move
- obsolete functions inside #ifdef _STREAM_COMPAT.
- * libio.h, libioP.h, streambuf.h, parsestream.h, stdiostream.h:
- Use _IO_fpos_t rather than _IO_pos_t.
- * iopopen.c: New file type, for pipe (popen-like) streams.
- * Now just a C++ wrapper for the files in iopopen.c.
- * streambuf.h (ios::unsetf): Return complete old value of flags.
- * iogets.c (_IO_gets(), ioungetc.c (_IO_ungetc), ioperror.c
- (_IO_perror), iostrerror.c (_IO_strerror): New files and
- functions, for stdio implementation.
- * iostdio.h: Add declarations for various recently-added functions.
-Sun Sep 12 14:24:55 1993 Per Bothner (
- * streambuf.h (ios::showpos):: Fix typo.
-Fri Aug 27 12:05:47 1993 Per Bothner (
- * iopadn.c (_IO_padn): Change to return count of chars written.
- * outfloat.c, iovfprintf.c: Change for new _IO_padn interface.
- * (ostream::operator<<): Make sure to set badbit
- on a failure (many places). Use _IO_padn more.
- * (ostream& ostream::operator<<(const void *p): Move to
- * ... here, to reduce linking-in-the-world syndrome.
- * Use rdbuf(), instead of _strbuf directly.
- * genops.c (_IO_sgetn), libio.h: New function.
- * streambuf.h (streambuf.h::sgetn): Use _IO_sgetn.
- * (SFile::operator[]): Use sseekoff, not seekoff.
-Thu Aug 26 10:16:31 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * config.shared (SUBDIRS): only recurse if the directory is configured
-Wed Aug 25 12:56:12 1993 Per Bothner (
- * config/{,,}:
- Moved from ../libg++/config (since they affect _G_config.h).
- * Set target_make_frag to one of the above files.
-Fri Aug 20 00:53:14 1993 Per Bothner (
- * iofopen.c (iofopen): Fix type passed to _IO_un_link().
- * (_G_config.h): Pass $CC (not $CXX) as CC.
- * (configdirs): Add dbz and stdio.
- * fileops.c (_IO_file_seekoff): Convert more old functionality.
- * iofdopen.c: Use mode parameter to set _flags.
- * iofscanf.c, ioputs.c, ioscanf.c, iosprintf.c: New files.
- * (IO_OBJECTS): Added new objects.
- * iostdio.h: Add feof. fscanf, puts, sprintf, vsprintf.
- * libio.h: Add _IO_vprintf macro.
- * iofopen.c: Invoke _IO_un_link if failure.
- * iovsprintf.c: Write terminating NUL.
- * libioP.h: Add COERCE_FILE macro (by default does nothing).
- * iofclose.c, iofflush.c, iofgets.c, iofprintf.c, iofputs.c,
- iofread.c, ioftell.c, iofwrite.c, iosetbuf.c, iosetvbuf.c:
- Invoke COERCE_FILE macro.
- * ioftell.c: Use _IO_seekoff.
-Wed Aug 18 22:49:56 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (streambuf::form), (streambuf::scan):
- Remove cast to _IO_va_list. (Loses if array type.)
- * libio.h: Handle _IO_va_list for systems that need <stdarg.h>.
- * floatconv.h: Fix typo (reported by H.J.Lu).
-Wed Aug 18 19:34:04 1993 david d `zoo' zuhn (
- * (INSTALLDIR): handle native vs. cross case
- * (install): don't use $TARGETLIB, set INSTALLDIR to
- $(libdir)
-Wed Aug 18 12:10:03 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Rename iostream-files to iostream.list.
- * Add iostream.list to MOSTLYCLEAN.
-Tue Aug 17 18:56:59 1993 Per Bothner (
- * Depend on _G_config.h where appropriate.
- * config.shared (CXXINCLUDES): If doing libg++, search ../libio.
-Tue Aug 17 17:34:24 1993 Per Bothner (
- New directory. Based on old libg++/iostream code,
- but extensively re-written.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index c78639a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 1993, 1995 Free Software Foundation
-# This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-# software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-# Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-srcdir = .
-VERSION = 2.7.2
-# The config file (overriden by Linux).
-tooldir = $(exec_prefix)/$(target)
-INSTALLDIR = $(libdir)
-IO_OBJECTS = filedoalloc.o floatconv.o genops.o fileops.o \
- iovfprintf.o \
- iovfscanf.o ioignore.o iopadn.o \
- iofgetpos.o iofread.o iofscanf.o \
- iofsetpos.o iogetdelim.o iogetline.o \
- ioprintf.o ioseekoff.o ioseekpos.o \
- outfloat.o strops.o iofclose.o iopopen.o ioungetc.o
-# These emulate stdio functionality, but with a different name (_IO_ungetc
-# instead of ungetc), and using _IO_FILE instead of FILE.
-# They are not needed for C++ iostream, nor stdio, though some stdio
-# files are build using the same source files (see stdio/
-# They are needed for iostdio.h. They are needed under Linux to avoid
-# version incompatibility problems with the C library.
-# iofclose.o is not here, because it is needed for stdio (by pclose).
-STDIO_WRAP_OBJECTS = iofdopen.o iofflush.o iofgets.o iofopen.o iofprintf.o iofputs.o iofwrite.o \
- iogets.o ioperror.o ioputs.o ioscanf.o iosetbuffer.o iosetvbuf.o \
- iosprintf.o iosscanf.o ioftell.o iovsprintf.o iovsscanf.o
-IOSTREAM_OBJECTS = builtinbuf.o filebuf.o fstream.o \
- indstream.o ioassign.o ioextend.o iomanip.o iostream.o \
- isgetline.o isgetsb.o isscan.o \
- osform.o procbuf.o sbform.o sbgetline.o sbscan.o \
- stdiostream.o stdstrbufs.o stdstreams.o stream.o streambuf.o strstream.o \
- PlotFile.o SFile.o parsestream.o pfstream.o editbuf.o
-# These files define _IO_read etc, which are just wrappers for read(2) etc.
-# They need to be changed to use name-space-clean (e.g. __read) versions
-# for each specific libc.
-OSPRIM_OBJECTS = ioprims.o iostrerror.o cleanup.o
-#### package, host, target, and site dependent Makefile fragments come in here.
-libio.a: $(_G_CONFIG_H) $(LIBIO_OBJECTS)
- -rm -rf libio.a
- $(AR) $(AR_FLAGS) libio.a $(LIBIO_OBJECTS)
- $(RANLIB) libio.a
-libiostream.a: $(_G_CONFIG_H) $(LIBIOSTREAM_DEP)
- -rm -rf libiostream.a
- $(AR) $(AR_FLAGS) libiostream.a $(LIBIOSTREAM_USE)
- $(RANLIB) libiostream.a
-test: test.o libio.a
- $(CC) -o test test.o libio.a
-tpipe: tpipe.o libio.a
- $(CC) -o tpipe tpipe.o libio.a
-iostream.list: stamp-picdir $(_G_CONFIG_H) $(LIBIOSTREAM_DEP)
- @echo "$(LIBIOSTREAM_USE)"> iostream.list
-stdio/stdio.list: force
- @rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme; cd stdio ; \
- $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) stdio.list
-stdio.list: stdio/stdio.list
- rm -f tstdio.list
- sed 's,\([a-z_]*\.o\),stdio/\1,g' stdio/stdio.list > tstdio.list
- mv tstdio.list stdio.list
-_G_config.h: ${srcdir}/gen-params
- rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme; \
- CC="$(CC)"; export CC; \
- CXX="$(CXX) $(NOSTDINC) $(CXXFLAGS)"; export CXX; \
- CONFIG_NM="$(NM)"; export CONFIG_NM; \
- $(SHELL) ${srcdir}/gen-params LIB_VERSION=$(VERSION) $(G_CONFIG_ARGS) >tmp-params.h
- mv tmp-params.h _G_config.h
- rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; \
- if [ -z "$(MULTISUBDIR)" ]; then \
- if [ "$(_G_CONFIG_H)" != "" ]; then \
- rm -f $(tooldir)/include/_G_config.h ; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) _G_config.h $(tooldir)/include/_G_config.h || exit 1; \
- else true; \
- fi ; \
- cd $(srcdir); \
- for FILE in $(USER_INCLUDES) ; do \
- rm -f $(gxx_includedir)/$$FILE ; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $$FILE $(gxx_includedir)/$$FILE ; \
- chmod a-x $(gxx_includedir)/$$FILE ; \
- done ; \
- else true; \
- fi
- @rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; \
- $(MULTIDO) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) multi-do DO=install
- @$(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) "DODIRS=tests" DO=clean subdir_do
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/NEWS b/contrib/libg++/libio/NEWS
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a4ade2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/NEWS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-*** Major changes in libio version 2.7.0:
-* The data representations of _IO_FILE and streambufs have been modified.
- The layout of the jump-table table _IO_jumps_t has been re-arranged
- to match that of a virtual function table of a streambuf. Therefore,
- we no longer need a separate _IO_FILE::_jumps pointer; instead it can
- be shared with the virtual function table pointer. In addition to
- saving space, this also removes the overhead when double indirection
- was needed, and there are many simplificatons (e.g. we no longer need
- the builtinbuf class.
-* The streambuf::uflow virtual has been added, to match the standard.
-* The ifstream, ofstream, and fstream classes now include the filebuf
- as a member, rather than being pointed to it. Various related changes.
-* Version number changed to generally follow libg++ (and gcc).
-*** Major changes in libio version 0.66 (released with libg++ 2.6.1):
-* Some documentation and an example in iostream.texi on how to derive
- your own class from streambuf.
-* New functions added to stdio: getline, detdelim, snprintf, vsnprintf.
- This is for compatibility with the GNU C library.
-*** Major changes in libio version 0.65 (released with libg++ 2.6):
-* _IO_getline and streambuf::sgetline no longer write a '\0' at the end.
-* A number of improvements to get closer to the ANSI/ISO C++ working
-paper, such as:
-- Added (preliminary support for) new ANSI streambuf::uflow virtual.
-- Added istdiostream and ostdiostream classes.
-- Added ostream::operator<<(bool) and istream::operator>>(bool&).
-* More robust (and faster) initialization and cleanup of standard streambufs.
-* Many small bug fixes, portability improvements, and random enhancements.
-*** Major changes in libio version 0.63 (released with libg++ 2.5.3):
-* There is a g++ bug that causes inconsistent name mangling for the
-assembler name of the virtual function table for the istream class.
-A work-around has been put into streambuf.h, which will make g++
-always do the right thing. Note that this may require you to
-recompile programs that were incorrectly compiled by g++.
-* Functions that do printf-style formatting to the unbuffered
-streams have been optimized to write to a temporary buffer.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 98b2d83..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
- converted to use iostream library by Per Bothner (
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with GCC to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <PlotFile.h>
- PlotFile implementation module
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: cmd(char c)
- ofstream::put(c);
- return *this;
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: operator<<(const int x)
-#if defined(convex)
- ofstream::put((char)(x>>8));
- ofstream::put((char)(x&0377));
- ofstream::put((char)(x&0377));
- ofstream::put((char)(x>>8));
- return *this;
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: operator<<(const char *s)
- *(ofstream*)this << s;
- return *this;
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: arc(const int xi, const int yi,
- const int x0, const int y0,
- const int x1, const int y1)
- return cmd('a') << xi << yi << x0 << y0 << x1 << y1;
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: box(const int x0, const int y0,
- const int x1, const int y1)
- line(x0, y0, x0, y1);
- line(x0, y1, x1, y1);
- line(x1, y1, x1, y0);
- return line(x1, y0, x0, y0);
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: circle(const int x, const int y, const int r)
- return cmd('c') << x << y << r;
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: cont(const int xi, const int yi)
- return cmd('n') << xi << yi;
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: dot(const int xi, const int yi, const int dx,
- int n, const int* pat)
- cmd('d') << xi << yi << dx << n;
- while (n-- > 0) *this << *pat++;
- return *this;
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: erase()
- return cmd('e');
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: label(const char* s)
- return cmd('t') << s << "\n";
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: line(const int x0, const int y0,
- const int x1, const int y1)
- return cmd('l') << x0 << y0 << x1 << y1;
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: linemod(const char* s)
- return cmd('f') << s << "\n";
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: move(const int xi, const int yi)
- return cmd('m') << xi << yi;
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: point(const int xi, const int yi)
- return cmd('p') << xi << yi;
-PlotFile& PlotFile:: space(const int x0, const int y0,
- const int x1, const int y1)
- return cmd('s') << x0 << y0 << x1 << y1;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/PlotFile.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/PlotFile.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 82b08bc..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/PlotFile.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
- a very simple implementation of a class to output unix "plot"
- format plotter files. See corresponding unix man pages for
- more details.
- written by Doug Lea (
- converted to use iostream library by Per Bothner (
-#ifndef _PlotFile_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _PlotFile_h
-#include <fstream.h>
- Some plot libraries have the `box' command to draw boxes. Some don't.
- `box' is included here via moves & lines to allow both possiblilties.
-extern "C++" {
-class PlotFile : public ofstream
- PlotFile& cmd(char c);
- PlotFile& operator << (const int x);
- PlotFile& operator << (const char *s);
- PlotFile() : ofstream() { }
- PlotFile(int fd) : ofstream(fd) { }
- PlotFile(const char *name, int mode=ios::out, int prot=0664)
- : ofstream(name, mode, prot) { }
-// PlotFile& remove() { ofstream::remove(); return *this; }
-// int filedesc() { return ofstream::filedesc(); }
-// const char* name() { return File::name(); }
-// void setname(const char* newname) { File::setname(newname); }
-// int iocount() { return File::iocount(); }
- PlotFile& arc(const int xi, const int yi,
- const int x0, const int y0,
- const int x1, const int y1);
- PlotFile& box(const int x0, const int y0,
- const int x1, const int y1);
- PlotFile& circle(const int x, const int y, const int r);
- PlotFile& cont(const int xi, const int yi);
- PlotFile& dot(const int xi, const int yi, const int dx,
- int n, const int* pat);
- PlotFile& erase();
- PlotFile& label(const char* s);
- PlotFile& line(const int x0, const int y0,
- const int x1, const int y1);
- PlotFile& linemod(const char* s);
- PlotFile& move(const int xi, const int yi);
- PlotFile& point(const int xi, const int yi);
- PlotFile& space(const int x0, const int y0,
- const int x1, const int y1);
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/README b/contrib/libg++/libio/README
deleted file mode 100644
index c2d5649..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-This is libio, the GNU C/C++ input/output library.
-By default, the library is configured to build the C++ iostream
-facility (in $libdir/libiostream.a).
-The library can be configured to build the C stdio facility
-that is part of a C run-time library.
-This library is distributed with libg++; see ../libg++/README
-for installation instructions, and where to send bug reports
-and questions.
-* Copyright restrictions
-The files in this directory are generally covered by the GNU Public
-License (which is in the file ../COPYING), but modified with the
- As a special exception, if you link this library with files
- compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
- the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
- This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
- the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-A few source files and subroutines are covered by other (but
-less restrictive) copyright conditions. E.g. some code (such
-as iovfprintf.c) is based on software that was developed by the
-University of California, Berkeley, for the Berkeley Software
-Distribution (BSD-4.4), and bears their copyright; and one
-file (floatconv.c) is derived from ("free") code copyrighted AT&T.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index e5daa64..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
-that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <SFile.h>
-SFile::SFile(const char *filename, int size, int mode, int prot)
-: fstream(filename, mode, prot)
- sz = size;
-SFile::SFile(int fd, int size)
-: fstream(fd)
- sz = size;
-void SFile::open(const char *name, int size, int mode, int prot)
- fstream::open(name, mode, prot);
- sz = size;
-SFile& SFile::get(void* x)
- read(x, sz);
- return *this;
-SFile& SFile::put(void* x)
- write(x, sz);
- return *this;
-SFile& SFile::operator[](long i)
- if (rdbuf()->pubseekoff(i * sz, ios::beg) == EOF)
- set(ios::badbit);
- return *this;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/SFile.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/SFile.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f07277c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/SFile.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1988, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#ifndef _SFile_h
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _SFile_h 1
-#include <fstream.h>
-extern "C++" {
-class SFile: public fstream
- protected:
- int sz; // unit size for structured binary IO
- SFile() : fstream() { }
- SFile(int fd, int size);
- SFile(const char *name, int size, int mode, int prot=0664);
- void open(const char *name, int size, int mode, int prot=0664);
- int size() { return sz; }
- int setsize(int s) { int old = sz; sz = s; return old; }
- SFile& get(void* x);
- SFile& put(void* x);
- SFile& operator[](long i);
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 05e65a5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "builtinbuf.h"
-#include "iostreamP.h"
-int builtinbuf::overflow(int ch) { return _IO_OVERFLOW (this, ch); }
-int builtinbuf::underflow() { return _IO_UNDERFLOW (this); }
-streamsize builtinbuf::xsgetn(char* buf, streamsize n)
-{ return _IO_XSGETN (this, buf, n); }
-streamsize builtinbuf::xsputn(const char* buf, streamsize n)
-{ return _IO_XSPUTN (this, buf, n); }
-int builtinbuf::doallocate() { return _IO_DOALLOCATE (this); }
-builtinbuf::~builtinbuf() { _IO_FINISH (this); }
-int builtinbuf::sync() { return _IO_SYNC (this); }
-streambuf* builtinbuf::setbuf(char *buf, int n)
-{ return (streambuf*)_IO_SETBUF (this, buf, n); }
-streampos builtinbuf::seekoff(streamoff off, _seek_dir dir, int mode)
- return _IO_SEEKOFF (this, off, dir, mode);
-streampos builtinbuf::seekpos(streampos pos, int mode)
- return _IO_SEEKPOS (this, pos, mode);
-int builtinbuf::pbackfail(int c)
-{ return _IO_PBACKFAIL (this, c); }
-streamsize builtinbuf::sys_read(char* buf, streamsize size)
-{ return _IO_SYSREAD (this, buf, size); }
-streampos builtinbuf::sys_seek(streamoff off, _seek_dir dir)
-{ return _IO_SYSSEEK (this, off, dir); }
-streamsize builtinbuf::sys_write(const char* buf, streamsize size)
-{ return _IO_SYSWRITE (this, buf, size); }
-int builtinbuf::sys_stat(void* buf) // Actually, a (struct stat*)
-{ return _IO_SYSSTAT (this, buf); }
-int builtinbuf::sys_close()
-{ return _IO_SYSCLOSE (this); }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/builtinbuf.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/builtinbuf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e0c6e8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/builtinbuf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#ifndef _BUILTINBUF_H
-#define _BUILTINBUF_H
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#pragma interface
-#include <streambuf.h>
-// A builtinbuf a a streambuf where all the virtual operations
-// call the _IO_jump_t table.
-extern "C++" {
-class builtinbuf : public streambuf {
- friend ios;
- virtual int overflow(int);
- virtual int underflow();
- virtual streamsize xsgetn(char *, streamsize);
- virtual streamsize xsputn(const char *, streamsize);
- virtual streambuf* setbuf(char*, int);
- virtual int doallocate();
- virtual ~builtinbuf();
- virtual int sync();
- virtual streampos seekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int mode=ios::in|ios::out);
- virtual streampos seekpos(streampos pos, int mode = ios::in|ios::out);
- virtual int pbackfail(int c);
- virtual streamsize sys_read(char* buf, streamsize size);
- virtual streampos sys_seek(streamoff, _seek_dir);
- virtual streamsize sys_write(const char*, streamsize);
- virtual int sys_stat(void*); // Actually, a (struct stat*)
- virtual int sys_close();
-#if 0
- virtual int get_column();
- virtual int set_column(int);
- private:
- builtinbuf() { }
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif /* _BUILTINBUF_H */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/cleanup.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/cleanup.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a0c5052..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/cleanup.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-typedef void (*voidfunc) __P((void));
-static void
- atexit ((voidfunc)_IO_cleanup);
- _IO_cleanup_registration_needed = 0;
-void (*_IO_cleanup_registration_needed)() = _IO_register_cleanup;
-void (*_IO_cleanup_registration_needed)() = NULL;
-#endif /* _G_HAVE_ATEXIT */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/depend b/contrib/libg++/libio/depend
deleted file mode 100644
index eb4a6fc..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/depend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-PlotFile.o: \
- $(srcdir)/PlotFile.h $(srcdir)/fstream.h \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-SFile.o: \
- $(srcdir)/SFile.h $(srcdir)/fstream.h \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-builtinbuf.o: \
- $(srcdir)/builtinbuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/streambuf.h $(srcdir)/libio.h \
- _G_config.h $(srcdir)/iostreamP.h \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h
-editbuf.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/editbuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/fstream.h \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h
-filebuf.o: \
- $(srcdir)/iostreamP.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/builtinbuf.h
-fstream.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/fstream.h $(srcdir)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/streambuf.h
-indstream.o: \
- $(srcdir)/indstream.h $(srcdir)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/streambuf.h $(srcdir)/libio.h \
- _G_config.h
-ioassign.o: \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h
-ioextend.o: \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iomanip.o: \
- $(srcdir)/iomanip.h $(srcdir)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/streambuf.h $(srcdir)/libio.h \
- _G_config.h
-iostream.o: \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/floatio.h
-isgetline.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h
-isgetsb.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h
-isscan.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h
-osform.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h
-parsestream.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/parsestream.h \
- $(srcdir)/streambuf.h
-pfstream.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/pfstream.h $(srcdir)/fstream.h \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/procbuf.h
-procbuf.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/procbuf.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h
-sbform.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/streambuf.h
-sbgetline.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/streambuf.h
-sbscan.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/streambuf.h
-stdiostream.o: \
- $(srcdir)/stdiostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h
-stdstrbufs.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/stdiostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h
-stdstreams.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/iostream.h
-stream.o: \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/stream.h $(srcdir)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/streambuf.h $(srcdir)/strstream.h \
- $(srcdir)/strfile.h
-streambuf.o: \
- $(srcdir)/iostreamP.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h
-strstream.o: \
- $(srcdir)/iostreamP.h $(srcdir)/streambuf.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/strstream.h $(srcdir)/iostream.h \
- $(srcdir)/strfile.h
-cleanup.o: cleanup.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-filedoalloc.o: filedoalloc.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-fileops.o: fileops.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-floatconv.o: floatconv.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-genops.o: genops.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iofclose.o: iofclose.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iofdopen.o: iofdopen.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iofflush.o: iofflush.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iofgetpos.o: iofgetpos.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iofgets.o: iofgets.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iofopen.o: iofopen.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iofprintf.o: iofprintf.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iofputs.o: iofputs.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iofread.o: iofread.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iofscanf.o: iofscanf.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iofsetpos.o: iofsetpos.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-ioftell.o: ioftell.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iofwrite.o: iofwrite.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iogetdelim.o: iogetdelim.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iogetline.o: iogetline.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iogets.o: iogets.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-ioignore.o: ioignore.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iopadn.o: iopadn.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-ioperror.o: ioperror.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iopopen.o: iopopen.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-ioprims.o: ioprims.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-ioprintf.o: ioprintf.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-ioputs.o: ioputs.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-ioscanf.o: ioscanf.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-ioseekoff.o: ioseekoff.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-ioseekpos.o: ioseekpos.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iosetbuffer.o: iosetbuffer.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iosetvbuf.o: iosetvbuf.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iosprintf.o: iosprintf.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iosscanf.o: iosscanf.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iostrerror.o: iostrerror.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-ioungetc.o: ioungetc.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-iovfprintf.o: iovfprintf.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/floatio.h
-iovfscanf.o: iovfscanf.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/floatio.h
-iovsprintf.o: iovsprintf.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/strfile.h
-iovsscanf.o: iovsscanf.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h \
- $(srcdir)/strfile.h
-outfloat.o: outfloat.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-stdfiles.o: stdfiles.c \
- $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h \
- $(srcdir)/libio.h _G_config.h
-strops.o: strops.c \
- $(srcdir)/strfile.h $(srcdir)/libio.h \
- _G_config.h $(srcdir)/libioP.h \
- $(srcdir)/iolibio.h
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2230482..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,717 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include "editbuf.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* NOTE: Some of the code here is taken from GNU emacs */
-/* Hence this file falls under the GNU License! */
-// Invariants for edit_streambuf:
-// An edit_streambuf is associated with a specific edit_string,
-// which again is a sub-string of a specific edit_buffer.
-// An edit_streambuf is always in either get mode or put mode, never both.
-// In get mode, gptr() is the current position,
-// and pbase(), pptr(), and epptr() are all NULL.
-// In put mode, pptr() is the current position,
-// and eback(), gptr(), and egptr() are all NULL.
-// Any edit_streambuf that is actively doing insertion (as opposed to
-// replacing) // must have its pptr() pointing to the start of the gap.
-// Only one edit_streambuf can be actively inserting into a specific
-// edit_buffer; the edit_buffer's _writer field points to that edit_streambuf.
-// That edit_streambuf "owns" the gap, and the actual start of the
-// gap is the pptr() of the edit_streambuf; the edit_buffer::_gap_start pointer
-// will only be updated on an edit_streambuf::overflow().
-int edit_streambuf::truncate()
- str->buffer->delete_range(str->buffer->tell((buf_char*)pptr()),
- str->buffer->tell(str->end));
- return 0;
-#ifdef OLD_STDIO
-inline void disconnect_gap_from_file(edit_buffer* buffer, FILE* fp)
- if (buffer->gap_start_ptr != &fp->__bufp)
- return;
- buffer->gap_start_normal = fp->__bufp;
- buffer->gap_start_ptr = &buffer->gap_start_normal;
-void edit_streambuf::flush_to_buffer(edit_buffer* buffer)
- if (pptr() > buffer->_gap_start && pptr() < buffer->gap_end())
- buffer->_gap_start = pptr();
-void edit_streambuf::disconnect_gap_from_file(edit_buffer* buffer)
- if (buffer->_writer != this) return;
- flush_to_buffer(buffer);
- setp(pptr(),pptr());
- buffer->_writer = NULL;
-buf_index edit_buffer::tell(buf_char *ptr)
- if (ptr <= gap_start())
- return ptr - data;
- else
- return ptr - gap_end() + size1();
-#if 0
-buf_index buf_cookie::tell()
- return str->buffer->tell(file->__bufp);
-buf_index edit_buffer::tell(edit_mark*mark)
- return tell(data + mark->index_in_buffer(this));
-// adjust the position of the gap
-void edit_buffer::move_gap(buf_offset pos)
- if (pos < size1())
- gap_left (pos);
- else if (pos > size1())
- gap_right (pos);
-void edit_buffer::gap_left (int pos)
- register buf_char *to, *from;
- register int i;
- int new_s1;
- i = size1();
- from = gap_start();
- to = from + gap_size();
- new_s1 = size1();
- /* Now copy the characters. To move the gap down,
- copy characters up. */
- for (;;)
- {
- /* I gets number of characters left to copy. */
- i = new_s1 - pos;
- if (i == 0)
- break;
-#if 0
- /* If a quit is requested, stop copying now.
- Change POS to be where we have actually moved the gap to. */
- if (QUITP)
- {
- pos = new_s1;
- break;
- }
- /* Move at most 32000 chars before checking again for a quit. */
- if (i > 32000)
- i = 32000;
- new_s1 -= i;
- while (--i >= 0)
- *--to = *--from;
- }
- /* Adjust markers, and buffer data structure, to put the gap at POS.
- POS is where the loop above stopped, which may be what was specified
- or may be where a quit was detected. */
- adjust_markers (pos << 1, size1() << 1, gap_size(), data);
-#ifndef OLD_STDIO
- _gap_start = data + pos;
- if (gap_start_ptr == &gap_start_normal)
- gap_start_normal = data + pos;
- __gap_end_pos = to - data;
-/* QUIT;*/
-void edit_buffer::gap_right (int pos)
- register buf_char *to, *from;
- register int i;
- int new_s1;
- i = size1();
- to = gap_start();
- from = i + gap_end();
- new_s1 = i;
- /* Now copy the characters. To move the gap up,
- copy characters down. */
- while (1)
- {
- /* I gets number of characters left to copy. */
- i = pos - new_s1;
- if (i == 0)
- break;
-#if 0
- /* If a quit is requested, stop copying now.
- Change POS to be where we have actually moved the gap to. */
- if (QUITP)
- {
- pos = new_s1;
- break;
- }
- /* Move at most 32000 chars before checking again for a quit. */
- if (i > 32000)
- i = 32000;
- new_s1 += i;
- while (--i >= 0)
- *to++ = *from++;
- }
- adjust_markers ((size1() + gap_size()) << 1, (pos + gap_size()) << 1,
- - gap_size(), data);
-#ifndef OLD_STDIO
- _gap_start = data+pos;
- if (gap_start_ptr == &gap_start_normal)
- gap_start_normal = data + pos;
- __gap_end_pos = from - data;
-/* QUIT;*/
-/* make sure that the gap in the current buffer is at least k
- characters wide */
-void edit_buffer::make_gap(buf_offset k)
- register buf_char *p1, *p2, *lim;
- buf_char *old_data = data;
- int s1 = size1();
- if (gap_size() >= k)
- return;
- /* Get more than just enough */
- if (buf_size > 1000) k += 2000;
- else k += /*200;*/ 20; // for testing!
- p1 = (buf_char *) realloc (data, s1 + size2() + k);
- if (p1 == 0)
- abort(); /*memory_full ();*/
- k -= gap_size(); /* Amount of increase. */
- /* Record new location of text */
- data = p1;
- /* Transfer the new free space from the end to the gap
- by shifting the second segment upward */
- p2 = data + buf_size;
- p1 = p2 + k;
- lim = p2 - size2();
- while (lim < p2)
- *--p1 = *--p2;
- /* Finish updating text location data */
- __gap_end_pos += k;
-#ifndef OLD_STDIO
- _gap_start = data + s1;
- if (gap_start_ptr == &gap_start_normal)
- gap_start_normal = data + s1;
- /* adjust markers */
- adjust_markers (s1 << 1, (buf_size << 1) + 1, k, old_data);
- buf_size += k;
-/* Add `amount' to the position of every marker in the current buffer
- whose current position is between `from' (exclusive) and `to' (inclusive).
- Also, any markers past the outside of that interval, in the direction
- of adjustment, are first moved back to the near end of the interval
- and then adjusted by `amount'. */
-void edit_buffer::adjust_markers(register mark_pointer low,
- register mark_pointer high,
- int amount, buf_char *old_data)
- register struct edit_mark *m;
- register mark_pointer mpos;
- /* convert to mark_pointer */
- amount <<= 1;
- if (_writer)
- _writer->disconnect_gap_from_file(this);
- for (m = mark_list(); m != NULL; m = m->chain)
- {
- mpos = m->_pos;
- if (amount > 0)
- {
- if (mpos > high && mpos < high + amount)
- mpos = high + amount;
- }
- else
- {
- if (mpos > low + amount && mpos <= low)
- mpos = low + amount;
- }
- if (mpos > low && mpos <= high)
- mpos += amount;
- m->_pos = mpos;
- }
- // Now adjust files
- edit_streambuf *file;
- for (file = files; file != NULL; file = file->next) {
- mpos = file->current() - old_data;
- if (amount > 0)
- {
- if (mpos > high && mpos < high + amount)
- mpos = high + amount;
- }
- else
- {
- if (mpos > low + amount && mpos <= low)
- mpos = low + amount;
- }
- if (mpos > low && mpos <= high)
- mpos += amount;
- char* new_pos = data + mpos;
- file->set_current(new_pos, file->is_reading());
- }
-#if 0
- __off == index at start of buffer (need only be valid after seek ? )
- __buf ==
-if read/read_delete/overwrite mode:
- __endp <= min(*gap_start_ptr, edit_string->end->ptr(buffer))
-if inserting:
- must have *gap_start_ptr == __bufp && *gap_start_ptr+gap == __endp
- file->edit_string->end->ptr(buffer) == *gap_start_ptr+end
-if write_mode:
- if before gap
-int edit_streambuf::underflow()
- if (!(_mode & ios::in))
- return EOF;
- struct edit_buffer *buffer = str->buffer;
- if (!is_reading()) { // Must switch from put to get mode.
- disconnect_gap_from_file(buffer);
- set_current(pptr(), 1);
- }
- buf_char *str_end = str->end->ptr(buffer);
- retry:
- if (gptr() < egptr()) {
- return *gptr();
- }
- if ((buf_char*)gptr() == str_end)
- return EOF;
- if (str_end <= buffer->gap_start()) {
- setg(eback(), gptr(), str_end);
- goto retry;
- }
- if (gptr() < buffer->gap_start()) {
- setg(eback(), gptr(), buffer->gap_start());
- goto retry;
- }
- if (gptr() == buffer->gap_start()) {
- disconnect_gap_from_file(buffer);
-// fp->__offset += fp->__bufp - fp->__buffer;
- setg(buffer->gap_end(), buffer->gap_end(), str_end);
- }
- else
- setg(eback(), gptr(), str_end);
- goto retry;
-int edit_streambuf::overflow(int ch)
- if (_mode == ios::in)
- return EOF;
- struct edit_buffer *buffer = str->buffer;
- flush_to_buffer(buffer);
- if (ch == EOF)
- return 0;
- if (is_reading()) { // Must switch from get to put mode.
- set_current(gptr(), 0);
- }
- buf_char *str_end = str->end->ptr(buffer);
- retry:
- if (pptr() < epptr()) {
- *pptr() = ch;
- pbump(1);
- return (unsigned char)ch;
- }
- if ((buf_char*)pptr() == str_end || inserting()) {
- /* insert instead */
- if (buffer->_writer)
- buffer->_writer->flush_to_buffer(); // Redundant?
- buffer->_writer = NULL;
- if (pptr() >= buffer->gap_end())
- buffer->move_gap(pptr() - buffer->gap_size());
- else
- buffer->move_gap(pptr());
- buffer->make_gap(1);
- setp(buffer->gap_start(), buffer->gap_end());
- buffer->_writer = this;
- *pptr() = ch;
- pbump(1);
- return (unsigned char)ch;
- }
- if (str_end <= buffer->gap_start()) {
- // Entire string is left of gap.
- setp(pptr(), str_end);
- }
- else if (pptr() < buffer->gap_start()) {
- // Current pos is left of gap.
- setp(pptr(), buffer->gap_start());
- goto retry;
- }
- else if (pptr() == buffer->gap_start()) {
- // Current pos is at start of gap; move to end of gap.
-// disconnect_gap_from_file(buffer);
- setp(buffer->gap_end(), str_end);
-// __offset += __bufp - __buffer;
- }
- else {
- // Otherwise, current pos is right of gap.
- setp(pptr(), str_end);
- }
- goto retry;
-void edit_streambuf::set_current(char *new_pos, int reading)
- if (reading) {
- setg(new_pos, new_pos, new_pos);
- setp(NULL, NULL);
- }
- else {
- setg(NULL, NULL, NULL);
- setp(new_pos, new_pos);
- }
-// Called by fseek(fp, pos, whence) if fp is bound to a edit_buffer.
-streampos edit_streambuf::seekoff(streamoff offset, _seek_dir dir,
- int /* =ios::in|ios::out*/)
- struct edit_buffer *buffer = str->buffer;
- disconnect_gap_from_file(buffer);
- buf_index cur_pos = buffer->tell((buf_char*)current());;
- buf_index start_pos = buffer->tell(str->start);
- buf_index end_pos = buffer->tell(str->end);
- switch (dir) {
- case ios::beg:
- offset += start_pos;
- break;
- case ios::cur:
- offset += cur_pos;
- break;
- case ios::end:
- offset += end_pos;
- break;
- }
- if (offset < start_pos || offset > end_pos)
- return EOF;
- buf_char *new_pos = buffer->data + offset;
- buf_char* gap_start = buffer->gap_start();
- if (new_pos > gap_start) {
- buf_char* gap_end = buffer->gap_end();
- new_pos += gap_end - gap_start;
- if (new_pos >= buffer->data + buffer->buf_size) abort(); // Paranoia.
- }
- set_current(new_pos, is_reading());
- return EOF;
-#if 0
-int buf_seek(void *arg_cookie, fpos_t * pos, int whence)
- struct buf_cookie *cookie = arg_cookie;
- FILE *file = cookie->file;
- struct edit_buffer *buffer = cookie->str->buffer;
- buf_char *str_start = cookie->str->start->ptr(buffer);
- disconnect_gap_from_file(buffer, cookie->file);
- fpos_t cur_pos, new_pos;
- if (file->__bufp <= *buffer->gap_start_ptr
- || str_start >= buffer->__gap_end)
- cur_pos = str_start - file->__bufp;
- else
- cur_pos =
- (*buffer->gap_start_ptr - str_start) + (file->__bufp - __gap_end);
- end_pos = ...;
- switch (whence) {
- case SEEK_SET:
- new_pos = *pos;
- break;
- case SEEK_CUR:
- new_pos = cur_pos + *pos;
- break;
- case SEEK_END:
- new_pos = end_pos + *pos;
- break;
- }
- if (new_pos > end_pos) {
- seek to end_pos;
- insert_nulls(new_pos - end_pos);
- return;
- }
- if (str_start + new_pos <= *gap_start_ptr &* *gap_start_ptr < end) {
- __buffer = str_start;
- __off = 0;
- __bufp = str_start + new_pos;
- file->__get_limit =
- *buffer->gap_start_ptr; /* what if gap_start_ptr == &bufp ??? */
- } else if () {
- }
- *pos = new_pos;
-/* Delete characters from `from' up to (but not incl) `to' */
-void edit_buffer::delete_range (buf_index from, buf_index to)
- register int numdel;
- if ((numdel = to - from) <= 0)
- return;
- /* Make sure the gap is somewhere in or next to what we are deleting */
- if (from > size1())
- gap_right (from);
- if (to < size1())
- gap_left (to);
- /* Relocate all markers pointing into the new, larger gap
- to point at the end of the text before the gap. */
- adjust_markers ((to + gap_size()) << 1, (to + gap_size()) << 1,
- - numdel - gap_size(), data);
- __gap_end_pos = to + gap_size();
- _gap_start = data + from;
-void edit_buffer::delete_range(struct edit_mark *start, struct edit_mark *end)
- delete_range(tell(start), tell(end));
-void buf_delete_chars(struct edit_buffer *, struct edit_mark *, size_t)
- abort();
-edit_streambuf::edit_streambuf(edit_string* bstr, int mode)
- _mode = mode;
- str = bstr;
- edit_buffer* buffer = bstr->buffer;
- next = buffer->files;
- buffer->files = this;
- char* buf_ptr = bstr->start->ptr(buffer);
- _inserting = 0;
-// setb(buf_ptr, buf_ptr, 0);
- set_current(buf_ptr, !(mode & ios::out+ios::trunc+ios::app));
- if (_mode & ios::trunc)
- truncate();
- if (_mode & ios::ate)
- seekoff(0, ios::end);
-// Called by fclose(fp) if fp is bound to a edit_buffer.
-#if 0
-static int buf_close(void *arg)
- register struct buf_cookie *cookie = arg;
- struct edit_buffer *buffer = cookie->str->buffer;
- struct buf_cookie **ptr;
- for (ptr = &buffer->files; *ptr != cookie; ptr = &(*ptr)->next) ;
- *ptr = cookie->next;
- disconnect_gap_from_file(buffer, cookie->file);
- free (cookie);
- return 0;
- if (_mode == ios::out)
- truncate();
- // Unlink this from list of files associated with bstr->buffer.
- edit_streambuf **ptr = &str->buffer->files;
- for (; *ptr != this; ptr = &(*ptr)->next) { }
- *ptr = next;
- disconnect_gap_from_file(str->buffer);
- buf_size = /*200;*/ 15; /* for testing! */
- data = (buf_char*)malloc(buf_size);
- files = NULL;
-#ifndef OLD_STDIO
- _gap_start = data;
- _writer = NULL;
- gap_start_normal = data;
- gap_start_ptr = &gap_start_normal;
- __gap_end_pos = buf_size;
- start_mark.chain = &end_mark;
- start_mark._pos = 0;
- end_mark.chain = NULL;
- end_mark._pos = 2 * buf_size + 1;
-// Allocate a new mark, which is adjusted by 'delta' bytes from 'this'.
-// Restrict new mark to lie within 'str'.
-edit_mark::edit_mark(struct edit_string *str, long delta)
- struct edit_buffer *buf = str->buffer;
- chain = buf->start_mark.chain;
- buf->start_mark.chain = this;
- mark_pointer size1 = buf->size1() << 1;
- int gap_size = buf->gap_size() << 1;
- delta <<= 1;
- // check if new and old marks are opposite sides of gap
- if (_pos <= size1 && _pos + delta > size1)
- delta += gap_size;
- else if (_pos >= size1 + gap_size && _pos + delta < size1 + gap_size)
- delta -= gap_size;
- _pos = _pos + delta;
- if (_pos < str->start->_pos & ~1)
- _pos = (str->start->_pos & ~ 1) + (_pos & 1);
- else if (_pos >= str->end->_pos)
- _pos = (str->end->_pos & ~ 1) + (_pos & 1);
-// A (slow) way to find the buffer a mark belongs to.
-edit_buffer * edit_mark::buffer()
- struct edit_mark *mark;
- for (mark = this; mark->chain != NULL; mark = mark->chain) ;
- // Assume that the last mark on the chain is the end_mark.
- return (edit_buffer *)((char*)mark - offsetof(edit_buffer, end_mark));
- // Must unlink mark from chain of owning buffer
- struct edit_buffer *buf = buffer();
- if (this == &buf->start_mark || this == &buf->end_mark) abort();
- edit_mark **ptr;
- for (ptr = &buf->start_mark.chain; *ptr != this; ptr = &(*ptr)->chain) ;
- *ptr = this->chain;
-int edit_string::length() const
- ptrdiff_t delta = end->ptr(buffer) - start->ptr(buffer);
- if (end->ptr(buffer) <= buffer->gap_start() ||
- start->ptr(buffer) >= buffer->gap_end())
- return delta;
- return delta - buffer->gap_size();
-buf_char * edit_string::copy_bytes(int *lenp) const
- char *new_str;
- int len1, len2;
- buf_char *start1, *start2;
- start1 = start->ptr(buffer);
- if (end->ptr(buffer) <= buffer->gap_start()
- || start->ptr(buffer) >= buffer->gap_end()) {
- len1 = end->ptr(buffer) - start1;
- len2 = 0;
- start2 = NULL; // To avoid a warning from g++.
- }
- else {
- len1 = buffer->gap_start() - start1;
- start2 = buffer->gap_end();
- len2 = end->ptr(buffer) - start2;
- }
- new_str = (char*)malloc(len1 + len2 + 1);
- memcpy(new_str, start1, len1);
- if (len2 > 0) memcpy(new_str + len1, start2, len2);
- new_str[len1+len2] = '\0';
- *lenp = len1+len2;
- return new_str;
-// Replace the buf_chars in 'this' with ones from 'src'.
-// Equivalent to deleting this, then inserting src, except tries
-// to leave marks in place: Marks whose offset from the start
-// of 'this' is less than 'src->length()' will still have the
-// same offset in 'this' when done.
-void edit_string::assign(struct edit_string *src)
- edit_streambuf dst_file(this, ios::out);
- if (buffer == src->buffer /*&& ???*/) { /* overly conservative */
- int src_len;
- buf_char *new_str;
- new_str = src->copy_bytes(&src_len);
- dst_file.sputn(new_str, src_len);
- free (new_str);
- } else {
- edit_streambuf src_file(src, ios::in);
- for ( ; ; ) {
- int ch = src_file.sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF) break;
- dst_file.sputc(ch);
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/editbuf.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/editbuf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d15758f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/editbuf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifndef _EDITBUF_H
-#define _EDITBUF_H
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fstream.h>
-extern "C++" {
-typedef unsigned long mark_pointer;
-// At some point, it might be nice to parameterize this code
-// in terms of buf_char.
-typedef /*unsigned*/ char buf_char;
-// Logical pos from start of buffer (does not count gap).
-typedef long buf_index;
-// Pos from start of buffer, possibly including gap_size.
-typedef long buf_offset;
-#if 0
-struct buf_cookie {
- FILE *file;
- struct edit_string *str;
- struct buf_cookie *next;
- buf_index tell();
-struct edit_buffer;
-struct edit_mark;
-// A edit_string is defined as the region between the 'start' and 'end' marks.
-// Normally (always?) 'start->insert_before()' should be false,
-// and 'end->insert_before()' should be true.
-struct edit_string {
- struct edit_buffer *buffer; // buffer that 'start' and 'end' belong to
- struct edit_mark *start, *end;
- int length() const; // count of buf_chars currently in string
- edit_string(struct edit_buffer *b,
- struct edit_mark *ms, struct edit_mark *me)
- { buffer = b; start = ms; end = me; }
-/* Make a fresh, contiguous copy of the data in STR.
- Assign length of STR to *LENP.
- (Output has extra NUL at out[*LENP].) */
- buf_char *copy_bytes(int *lenp) const;
-// FILE *open_file(char *mode);
- void assign(struct edit_string *src); // copy bytes from src to this
-struct edit_streambuf : public streambuf {
- friend edit_buffer;
- edit_string *str;
- edit_streambuf* next; // Chain of edit_streambuf's for a edit_buffer.
- short _mode;
- edit_streambuf(edit_string* bstr, int mode);
- ~edit_streambuf();
- virtual int underflow();
- virtual int overflow(int c = EOF);
- virtual streampos seekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int mode=ios::in|ios::out);
- void flush_to_buffer();
- void flush_to_buffer(edit_buffer* buffer);
- int _inserting;
- int inserting() { return _inserting; }
- void inserting(int i) { _inserting = i; }
-// int delete_chars(int count, char* cut_buf); Not implemented.
- int truncate();
- int is_reading() { return gptr() != NULL; }
- buf_char* current() { return is_reading() ? gptr() : pptr(); }
- void set_current(char *p, int is_reading);
- protected:
- void disconnect_gap_from_file(edit_buffer* buffer);
-// A 'edit_mark' indicates a position in a buffer.
-// It is "attached" the text (rather than the offset).
-// There are two kinds of mark, which have different behavior
-// when text is inserted at the mark:
-// If 'insert_before()' is true the mark will be adjusted to be
-// *after* the new text.
-struct edit_mark {
- struct edit_mark *chain;
- mark_pointer _pos;
- inline int insert_before() { return _pos & 1; }
- inline unsigned long index_in_buffer(struct edit_buffer *)
- { return _pos >> 1; }
- inline buf_char *ptr(struct edit_buffer *buf);
- buf_index tell();
- edit_mark() { }
- edit_mark(struct edit_string *str, long delta);
- edit_buffer *buffer();
- ~edit_mark();
-// A 'edit_buffer' consists of a sequence of buf_chars (the data),
-// a list of edit_marks pointing into the data, and a list of FILEs
-// also pointing into the data.
-// A 'edit_buffer' coerced to a edit_string is the string of
-// all the buf_chars in the buffer.
-// This implementation uses a conventional buffer gap (as in Emacs).
-// The gap start is defined by de-referencing a (buf_char**).
-// This is because sometimes a FILE is inserting into the buffer,
-// so rather than having each putc adjust the gap, we use indirection
-// to have the gap be defined as the write pointer of the FILE.
-// (This assumes that putc adjusts a pointer (as in GNU's libc), not an index.)
-struct edit_buffer {
- buf_char *data; /* == emacs buffer_text.p1+1 */
- buf_char *_gap_start;
- edit_streambuf* _writer; // If non-NULL, currently writing stream
- inline buf_char *gap_start()
- { return _writer ? _writer->pptr() : _gap_start; }
- buf_offset __gap_end_pos; // size of part 1 + size of gap
- /* int gap; implicit: buf_size - size1 - size2 */
- int buf_size;
- struct edit_streambuf *files;
- struct edit_mark start_mark;
- struct edit_mark end_mark;
- edit_buffer();
- inline buf_offset gap_end_pos() { return __gap_end_pos; }
- inline struct edit_mark *start_marker() { return &start_mark; }
- inline struct edit_mark *end_marker() { return &end_mark; }
-/* these should be protected, ultimately */
- buf_index tell(edit_mark*);
- buf_index tell(buf_char*);
- inline buf_char *gap_end() { return data + gap_end_pos(); }
- inline int gap_size() { return gap_end() - gap_start(); }
- inline int size1() { return gap_start() - data; }
- inline int size2() { return buf_size - gap_end_pos(); }
- inline struct edit_mark * mark_list() { return &start_mark; }
- void make_gap (buf_offset);
- void move_gap (buf_offset pos);
- void move_gap (buf_char *pos) { move_gap(pos - data); }
- void gap_left (int pos);
- void gap_right (int pos);
- void adjust_markers(mark_pointer low, mark_pointer high,
- int amount, buf_char *old_data);
- void delete_range(buf_index from, buf_index to);
- void delete_range(struct edit_mark *start, struct edit_mark *end);
-extern buf_char * bstr_copy(struct edit_string *str, int *lenp);
-// Convert a edit_mark to a (buf_char*)
-inline buf_char *edit_mark::ptr(struct edit_buffer *buf)
- { return buf->data + index_in_buffer(buf); }
-inline void edit_streambuf::flush_to_buffer()
- edit_buffer* buffer = str->buffer;
- if (buffer->_writer == this) flush_to_buffer(buffer);
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif /* !_EDITBUF_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e2682f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993, 1995 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#include "iostreamP.h"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "builtinbuf.h"
-void filebuf::init()
- _IO_file_init(this);
- _IO_file_init(this);
-/* This is like "new filebuf()", but it uses the _IO_file_jump jumptable,
- for eficiency. */
-filebuf* filebuf::__new()
- filebuf *fb = new filebuf;
- _IO_JUMPS(fb) = &_IO_file_jumps;
- fb->_vtable() = builtinbuf_vtable;
- return fb;
-filebuf::filebuf(int fd)
- _IO_file_init(this);
- _IO_file_attach(this, fd);
-filebuf::filebuf(int fd, char* p, int len)
- _IO_file_init(this);
- _IO_file_attach(this, fd);
- setbuf(p, len);
- if (_IO_file_is_open(this))
- {
- _IO_do_flush (this);
- if (!(xflags() & _IO_DELETE_DONT_CLOSE))
- _IO_SYSCLOSE (this);
- }
-filebuf* filebuf::open(const char *filename, ios::openmode mode, int prot)
- if (_IO_file_is_open (this))
- return NULL;
- int posix_mode;
- int read_write;
- if (mode & ios::app)
- mode |= ios::out;
- if ((mode & (ios::in|ios::out)) == (ios::in|ios::out)) {
- posix_mode = O_RDWR;
- read_write = 0;
- }
- else if (mode & ios::out)
- posix_mode = O_WRONLY, read_write = _IO_NO_READS;
- else if (mode & (int)ios::in)
- posix_mode = O_RDONLY, read_write = _IO_NO_WRITES;
- else
- posix_mode = 0, read_write = _IO_NO_READS+_IO_NO_WRITES;
- if (mode & ios::binary)
- {
- mode &= ~ios::binary;
-#ifdef O_BINARY
- /* This is a (mis-)feature of DOS/Windows C libraries. */
- posix_mode |= O_BINARY;
- }
- if ((mode & (int)ios::trunc) || mode == (int)ios::out)
- posix_mode |= O_TRUNC;
- if (mode & ios::app)
- posix_mode |= O_APPEND, read_write |= _IO_IS_APPENDING;
- if (!(mode & (int)ios::nocreate) && mode != ios::in)
- posix_mode |= O_CREAT;
- if (mode & (int)ios::noreplace)
- posix_mode |= O_EXCL;
- int fd = ::open(filename, posix_mode, prot);
- if (fd < 0)
- return NULL;
- _fileno = fd;
- xsetflags(read_write, _IO_NO_READS+_IO_NO_WRITES+_IO_IS_APPENDING);
- if (mode & (ios::ate|ios::app)) {
- if (pubseekoff(0, ios::end) == EOF)
- return NULL;
- }
- _IO_link_in(this);
- return this;
-filebuf* filebuf::open(const char *filename, const char *mode)
- return (filebuf*)_IO_file_fopen(this, filename, mode);
-filebuf* filebuf::attach(int fd)
- return (filebuf*)_IO_file_attach(this, fd);
-streambuf* filebuf::setbuf(char* p, int len)
- return (streambuf*)_IO_file_setbuf (this, p, len);
-int filebuf::doallocate() { return _IO_file_doallocate(this); }
-int filebuf::overflow(int c)
- return _IO_file_overflow(this, c);
-int filebuf::underflow()
- return _IO_file_underflow(this);
-int filebuf::sync()
- return _IO_file_sync(this);
-streampos filebuf::seekoff(streamoff offset, _seek_dir dir, int mode)
- return _IO_file_seekoff (this, offset, dir, mode);
-filebuf* filebuf::close()
- return (_IO_file_close_it(this) ? (filebuf*)NULL : this);
-streamsize filebuf::sys_read(char* buf, streamsize size)
- return _IO_file_read(this, buf, size);
-streampos filebuf::sys_seek(streamoff offset, _seek_dir dir)
- return _IO_file_seek(this, offset, dir);
-streamsize filebuf::sys_write(const char *buf, streamsize n)
- return _IO_file_write (this, buf, n);
-int filebuf::sys_stat(void* st)
- return _IO_file_stat (this, st);
-int filebuf::sys_close()
- return _IO_file_close (this);
-streamsize filebuf::xsputn(const char *s, streamsize n)
- return _IO_file_xsputn(this, s, n);
-streamsize filebuf::xsgetn(char *s, streamsize n)
- // FIXME: OPTIMIZE THIS (specifically, when unbuffered()).
- return streambuf::xsgetn(s, n);
-// Non-ANSI AT&T-ism: Default open protection.
-const int filebuf::openprot = 0644;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/filedoalloc.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/filedoalloc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f838bb3..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/filedoalloc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
- * Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
- * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
- * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
- * by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the
- * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific prior written permission.
- */
-/* Modified for GNU iostream by Per Bothner 1991, 1992. */
-#define _POSIX_SOURCE
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
- * Allocate a file buffer, or switch to unbuffered I/O.
- * Per the ANSI C standard, ALL tty devices default to line buffered.
- *
- * As a side effect, we set __SOPT or __SNPT (en/dis-able fseek
- * optimisation) right after the _fstat() that finds the buffer size.
- */
-DEFUN(_IO_file_doallocate, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- register _IO_size_t size;
- int couldbetty;
- register char *p;
- struct stat st;
- /* If _IO_cleanup_registration_needed is non-zero, we should call the
- function it points to. This is to make sure _IO_cleanup gets called
- on exit. We call it from _IO_file_doallocate, since that is likely
- to get called by any program that does buffered I/O. */
- if (_IO_cleanup_registration_needed)
- (*_IO_cleanup_registration_needed)();
- if (fp->_fileno < 0 || _IO_SYSSTAT (fp, &st) < 0)
- {
- couldbetty = 0;
- size = _IO_BUFSIZ;
-#if 0
- /* do not try to optimise fseek() */
- fp->_flags |= __SNPT;
- }
- else
- {
- couldbetty = S_ISCHR(st.st_mode);
- size = st.st_blksize <= 0 ? _IO_BUFSIZ : st.st_blksize;
- size = _IO_BUFSIZ;
- }
- p = ALLOC_BUF(size);
- if (p == NULL)
- return EOF;
- _IO_setb(fp, p, p+size, 1);
- if (couldbetty && isatty(fp->_fileno))
- fp->_flags |= _IO_LINE_BUF;
- return 1;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/fileops.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/fileops.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 812af94..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/fileops.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,755 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993, 1995 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* written by Per Bothner ( */
-#define _POSIX_SOURCE
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifndef errno
-extern int errno;
-/* An fstream can be in at most one of put mode, get mode, or putback mode.
- Putback mode is a variant of get mode.
- In a filebuf, there is only one current position, instead of two
- separate get and put pointers. In get mode, the current posistion
- is that of gptr(); in put mode that of pptr().
- The position in the buffer that corresponds to the position
- in external file system is normally _IO_read_end, except in putback
- mode, when it is _IO_save_end.
- If the field _fb._offset is >= 0, it gives the offset in
- the file as a whole corresponding to eGptr(). (?)
- If a filebuf is in put mode, then all of _IO_read_ptr, _IO_read_end,
- and _IO_read_base are equal to each other. These are usually equal
- to _IO_buf_base, though not necessarily if we have switched from
- get mode to put mode. (The reason is to maintain the invariant
- that _IO_read_end corresponds to the external file position.)
- _IO_write_base is non-NULL and usually equal to _IO_base_base.
- We also have _IO_write_end == _IO_buf_end, but only in fully buffered mode.
- The un-flushed character are those between _IO_write_base and _IO_write_ptr.
- If a filebuf is in get or putback mode, eback() != egptr().
- In get mode, the unread characters are between gptr() and egptr().
- The OS file position corresponds to that of egptr().
- Putback mode is used to remember "excess" characters that have
- been sputbackc'd in a separate putback buffer.
- In putback mode, the get buffer points to the special putback buffer.
- The unread characters are the characters between gptr() and egptr()
- in the putback buffer, as well as the area between save_gptr()
- and save_egptr(), which point into the original reserve buffer.
- (The pointers save_gptr() and save_egptr() are the values
- of gptr() and egptr() at the time putback mode was entered.)
- The OS position corresponds to that of save_egptr().
- During line buffered output, _IO_write_base==base() && epptr()==base().
- However, ptr() may be anywhere between base() and ebuf().
- This forces a call to filebuf::overflow(int C) on every put.
- If there is more space in the buffer, and C is not a '\n',
- then C is inserted, and pptr() incremented.
- If a filebuf is unbuffered(), the _shortbuf[1] is used as the buffer.
-DEFUN(_IO_file_init, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- /* POSIX.1 allows another file handle to be used to change the position
- of our file descriptor. Hence we actually don't know the actual
- position before we do the first fseek (and until a following fflush). */
- fp->_offset = _IO_pos_BAD;
- fp->_IO_file_flags |= CLOSED_FILEBUF_FLAGS;
- _IO_link_in(fp);
- fp->_fileno = -1;
-DEFUN(_IO_file_close_it, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE* fp)
- int write_status, close_status;
- if (!_IO_file_is_open(fp))
- return EOF;
- write_status = _IO_do_flush (fp);
- _IO_unsave_markers(fp);
- close_status = _IO_SYSCLOSE (fp);
- /* Free buffer. */
- _IO_setb(fp, NULL, NULL, 0);
- _IO_setg(fp, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- _IO_setp(fp, NULL, NULL);
- _IO_un_link(fp);
- fp->_fileno = EOF;
- fp->_offset = _IO_pos_BAD;
- return close_status ? close_status : write_status;
-DEFUN(_IO_file_finish, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE* fp)
- if (_IO_file_is_open(fp))
- {
- _IO_do_flush (fp);
- if (!(fp->_flags & _IO_DELETE_DONT_CLOSE))
- _IO_SYSCLOSE (fp);
- }
- _IO_default_finish(fp);
-DEFUN(_IO_file_fopen, (fp, filename, mode),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND const char *filename AND const char *mode)
- int oflags = 0, omode;
- int read_write, fdesc;
- int oprot = 0666;
- if (_IO_file_is_open (fp))
- return 0;
- switch (*mode++) {
- case 'r':
- omode = O_RDONLY;
- read_write = _IO_NO_WRITES;
- break;
- case 'w':
- omode = O_WRONLY;
- oflags = O_CREAT|O_TRUNC;
- read_write = _IO_NO_READS;
- break;
- case 'a':
- omode = O_WRONLY;
- oflags = O_CREAT|O_APPEND;
- read_write = _IO_NO_READS|_IO_IS_APPENDING;
- break;
- default:
- errno = EINVAL;
- return NULL;
- }
- if (mode[0] == '+' || (mode[0] == 'b' && mode[1] == '+')) {
- omode = O_RDWR;
- read_write &= _IO_IS_APPENDING;
- }
- fdesc = open(filename, omode|oflags, oprot);
- if (fdesc < 0)
- return NULL;
- fp->_fileno = fdesc;
- _IO_mask_flags(fp, read_write,_IO_NO_READS+_IO_NO_WRITES+_IO_IS_APPENDING);
- if (read_write & _IO_IS_APPENDING)
- if (_IO_SEEKOFF (fp, (_IO_off_t)0, _IO_seek_end, _IOS_INPUT|_IOS_OUTPUT)
- == _IO_pos_BAD)
- return NULL;
- _IO_link_in(fp);
- return fp;
-DEFUN(_IO_file_attach, (fp, fd),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND int fd)
- if (_IO_file_is_open(fp))
- return NULL;
- fp->_fileno = fd;
- fp->_flags &= ~(_IO_NO_READS+_IO_NO_WRITES);
- fp->_flags |= _IO_DELETE_DONT_CLOSE;
- fp->_offset = _IO_pos_BAD;
- return fp;
-DEFUN(_IO_file_setbuf, (fp, p, len),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND char* p AND _IO_ssize_t len)
- if (_IO_default_setbuf(fp, p, len) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- fp->_IO_write_base = fp->_IO_write_ptr = fp->_IO_write_end
- = fp->_IO_buf_base;
- _IO_setg(fp, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base);
- return fp;
-/* Write TO_DO bytes from DATA to FP.
- Then mark FP as having empty buffers. */
-DEFUN(_IO_do_write, (fp, data, to_do),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND const char* data AND _IO_size_t to_do)
- _IO_size_t count;
- if (to_do == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- if (fp->_flags & _IO_IS_APPENDING)
- /* On a system without a proper O_APPEND implementation,
- you would need to sys_seek(0, SEEK_END) here, but is
- is not needed nor desirable for Unix- or Posix-like systems.
- Instead, just indicate that offset (before and after) is
- unpredictable. */
- fp->_offset = _IO_pos_BAD;
- else if (fp->_IO_read_end != fp->_IO_write_base)
- {
- _IO_pos_t new_pos
- = _IO_SYSSEEK(fp, fp->_IO_write_base - fp->_IO_read_end, 1);
- if (new_pos == _IO_pos_BAD)
- return EOF;
- fp->_offset = new_pos;
- }
- count = _IO_SYSWRITE (fp, data, to_do);
- if (fp->_cur_column)
- fp->_cur_column
- = _IO_adjust_column (fp->_cur_column - 1, data, to_do) + 1;
- }
- _IO_setg(fp, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base);
- fp->_IO_write_base = fp->_IO_write_ptr = fp->_IO_buf_base;
- fp->_IO_write_end = (fp->_flags & (_IO_LINE_BUF+_IO_UNBUFFERED)) ? fp->_IO_buf_base
- : fp->_IO_buf_end;
- return count != to_do ? EOF : 0;
-DEFUN(_IO_file_underflow, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- _IO_ssize_t count;
-#if 0
- /* SysV does not make this test; take it out for compatibility */
- if (fp->_flags & _IO_EOF_SEEN)
- return (EOF);
- if (fp->_flags & _IO_NO_READS)
- return EOF;
- if (fp->_IO_read_ptr < fp->_IO_read_end)
- return *(unsigned char*)fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- if (fp->_IO_buf_base == NULL)
- _IO_doallocbuf(fp);
- /* Flush all line buffered files before reading. */
- /* FIXME This can/should be moved to genops ?? */
- if (fp->_flags & (_IO_LINE_BUF|_IO_UNBUFFERED))
- _IO_flush_all_linebuffered();
- _IO_switch_to_get_mode(fp);
- count = _IO_SYSREAD (fp, fp->_IO_buf_base,
- fp->_IO_buf_end - fp->_IO_buf_base);
- if (count <= 0)
- {
- if (count == 0)
- fp->_flags |= _IO_EOF_SEEN;
- else
- fp->_flags |= _IO_ERR_SEEN, count = 0;
- }
- fp->_IO_read_base = fp->_IO_read_ptr = fp->_IO_buf_base;
- fp->_IO_read_end = fp->_IO_buf_base + count;
- fp->_IO_write_base = fp->_IO_write_ptr = fp->_IO_write_end
- = fp->_IO_buf_base;
- if (count == 0)
- return EOF;
- if (fp->_offset != _IO_pos_BAD)
- _IO_pos_adjust(fp->_offset, count);
- return *(unsigned char*)fp->_IO_read_ptr;
-DEFUN(_IO_file_overflow, (f, ch),
- register _IO_FILE* f AND int ch)
- if (f->_flags & _IO_NO_WRITES) /* SET ERROR */
- return EOF;
- /* If currently reading or no buffer allocated. */
- if ((f->_flags & _IO_CURRENTLY_PUTTING) == 0)
- {
- /* Allocate a buffer if needed. */
- if (f->_IO_write_base == 0)
- {
- _IO_doallocbuf(f);
- _IO_setg (f, f->_IO_buf_base, f->_IO_buf_base, f->_IO_buf_base);
- }
- /* Otherwise must be currently reading.
- If _IO_read_ptr (and hence also _IO_read_end) is at the buffer end,
- logically slide the buffer forwards one block (by setting the
- read pointers to all point at the beginning of the block). This
- makes room for subsequent output.
- Otherwise, set the read pointers to _IO_read_end (leaving that
- alone, so it can continue to correspond to the external position). */
- if (f->_IO_read_ptr == f->_IO_buf_end)
- f->_IO_read_end = f->_IO_read_ptr = f->_IO_buf_base;
- f->_IO_write_ptr = f->_IO_read_ptr;
- f->_IO_write_base = f->_IO_write_ptr;
- f->_IO_write_end = f->_IO_buf_end;
- f->_IO_read_base = f->_IO_read_ptr = f->_IO_read_end;
- if (f->_flags & (_IO_LINE_BUF+_IO_UNBUFFERED))
- f->_IO_write_end = f->_IO_write_ptr;
- f->_flags |= _IO_CURRENTLY_PUTTING;
- }
- if (ch == EOF)
- return _IO_do_flush(f);
- if (f->_IO_write_ptr == f->_IO_buf_end ) /* Buffer is really full */
- if (_IO_do_flush(f) == EOF)
- return EOF;
- *f->_IO_write_ptr++ = ch;
- if ((f->_flags & _IO_UNBUFFERED)
- || ((f->_flags & _IO_LINE_BUF) && ch == '\n'))
- if (_IO_do_flush(f) == EOF)
- return EOF;
- return (unsigned char)ch;
-DEFUN(_IO_file_sync, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE* fp)
- _IO_size_t delta;
- /* char* ptr = cur_ptr(); */
- if (fp->_IO_write_ptr > fp->_IO_write_base)
- if (_IO_do_flush(fp)) return EOF;
- delta = fp->_IO_read_ptr - fp->_IO_read_end;
- if (delta != 0)
- {
-#ifdef TODO
- if (_IO_in_backup(fp))
- delta -= eGptr() - Gbase();
- _IO_off_t new_pos = _IO_SYSSEEK (fp, delta, 1);
- if (new_pos != (_IO_off_t)EOF)
- fp->_IO_read_end = fp->_IO_read_ptr;
-#ifdef ESPIPE
- else if (errno == ESPIPE)
- ; /* Ignore error from unseekable devices. */
- else
- return EOF;
- }
- fp->_offset = _IO_pos_BAD;
- /* FIXME: Cleanup - can this be shared? */
- /* setg(base(), ptr, ptr); */
- return 0;
-DEFUN(_IO_file_seekoff, (fp, offset, dir, mode),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND _IO_off_t offset AND int dir AND int mode)
- _IO_pos_t result;
- _IO_off_t delta, new_offset;
- long count;
- if (mode == 0)
- dir = _IO_seek_cur, offset = 0; /* Don't move any pointers. */
- /* Flush unwritten characters.
- (This may do an unneeded write if we seek within the buffer.
- But to be able to switch to reading, we would need to set
- egptr to ptr. That can't be done in the current design,
- which assumes file_ptr() is eGptr. Anyway, since we probably
- end up flushing when we close(), it doesn't make much difference.)
- FIXME: simulate mem-papped files. */
- if (fp->_IO_write_ptr > fp->_IO_write_base || _IO_in_put_mode(fp))
- if (_IO_switch_to_get_mode(fp)) return EOF;
- if (fp->_IO_buf_base == NULL)
- {
- _IO_doallocbuf(fp);
- _IO_setp(fp, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base);
- _IO_setg(fp, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base);
- }
- switch (dir)
- {
- case _IO_seek_cur:
- /* Adjust for read-ahead (bytes is buffer). */
- offset -= fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- if (fp->_offset == _IO_pos_BAD)
- goto dumb;
- /* Make offset absolute, assuming current pointer is file_ptr(). */
- offset += _IO_pos_as_off(fp->_offset);
- dir = _IO_seek_set;
- break;
- case _IO_seek_set:
- break;
- case _IO_seek_end:
- {
- struct stat st;
- if (_IO_SYSSTAT (fp, &st) == 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
- {
- offset += st.st_size;
- dir = _IO_seek_set;
- }
- else
- goto dumb;
- }
- }
- /* At this point, dir==_IO_seek_set. */
- /* If destination is within current buffer, optimize: */
- if (fp->_offset != _IO_pos_BAD && fp->_IO_read_base != NULL
- && !_IO_in_backup (fp))
- {
- /* Offset relative to start of main get area. */
- _IO_pos_t rel_offset = offset - fp->_offset
- + (fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_base);
- if (rel_offset >= 0)
- {
-#if 0
- if (_IO_in_backup(fp))
- _IO_switch_to_main_get_area(fp);
- if (rel_offset <= fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_base)
- {
- _IO_setg(fp, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base + rel_offset,
- fp->_IO_read_end);
- _IO_setp(fp, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base);
- return offset;
- }
-#ifdef TODO
- /* If we have streammarkers, seek forward by reading ahead. */
- if (_IO_have_markers(fp))
- {
- int to_skip = rel_offset
- - (fp->_IO_read_ptr - fp->_IO_read_base);
- if (ignore(to_skip) != to_skip)
- goto dumb;
- return offset;
- }
- }
-#ifdef TODO
- if (rel_offset < 0 && rel_offset >= Bbase() - Bptr())
- {
- if (!_IO_in_backup(fp))
- _IO_switch_to_backup_area(fp);
- gbump(fp->_IO_read_end + rel_offset - fp->_IO_read_ptr);
- return offset;
- }
- }
-#ifdef TODO
- _IO_unsave_markers(fp);
- if (fp->_flags & _IO_NO_READS)
- goto dumb;
- /* Try to seek to a block boundary, to improve kernel page management. */
- new_offset = offset & ~(fp->_IO_buf_end - fp->_IO_buf_base - 1);
- delta = offset - new_offset;
- if (delta > fp->_IO_buf_end - fp->_IO_buf_base)
- {
- new_offset = offset;
- delta = 0;
- }
- result = _IO_SYSSEEK (fp, new_offset, 0);
- if (result < 0)
- return EOF;
- if (delta == 0)
- count = 0;
- else
- {
- count = _IO_SYSREAD (fp, fp->_IO_buf_base,
- fp->_IO_buf_end - fp->_IO_buf_base);
- if (count < delta)
- {
- /* We weren't allowed to read, but try to seek the remainder. */
- offset = count == EOF ? delta : delta-count;
- dir = _IO_seek_cur;
- goto dumb;
- }
- }
- _IO_setg(fp, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base+delta, fp->_IO_buf_base+count);
- _IO_setp(fp, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base);
- fp->_offset = result + count;
- _IO_mask_flags(fp, 0, _IO_EOF_SEEN);
- return offset;
- dumb:
- _IO_unsave_markers(fp);
- result = _IO_SYSSEEK (fp, offset, dir);
- if (result != EOF)
- _IO_mask_flags(fp, 0, _IO_EOF_SEEN);
- fp->_offset = result;
- _IO_setg(fp, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base);
- _IO_setp(fp, fp->_IO_buf_base, fp->_IO_buf_base);
- return result;
-DEFUN(_IO_file_read, (fp, buf, size),
- register _IO_FILE* fp AND void* buf AND _IO_ssize_t size)
- for (;;)
- {
- _IO_ssize_t count = _IO_read(fp->_fileno, buf, size);
-#ifdef EINTR
- if (count == -1 && errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- return count;
- }
-DEFUN(_IO_file_seek, (fp, offset, dir),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND _IO_off_t offset AND int dir)
- return _IO_lseek(fp->_fileno, offset, dir);
-DEFUN(_IO_file_stat, (fp, st),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND void* st)
- return _IO_fstat(fp->_fileno, (struct stat*)st);
-DEFUN(_IO_file_close, (fp),
- _IO_FILE* fp)
- return _IO_close(fp->_fileno);
-DEFUN(_IO_file_write, (f, data, n),
- register _IO_FILE* f AND const void* data AND _IO_ssize_t n)
- _IO_ssize_t to_do = n;
- while (to_do > 0)
- {
- _IO_ssize_t count = _IO_write(f->_fileno, data, to_do);
- if (count == EOF)
- {
-#ifdef EINTR
- if (errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- else
- {
- f->_flags |= _IO_ERR_SEEN;
- break;
- }
- }
- to_do -= count;
- data = (void*)((char*)data + count);
- }
- n -= to_do;
- if (f->_offset >= 0)
- f->_offset += n;
- return n;
-DEFUN(_IO_file_xsputn, (f, data, n),
- _IO_FILE *f AND const void *data AND _IO_size_t n)
- register const char *s = (char*) data;
- _IO_size_t to_do = n;
- int must_flush = 0;
- _IO_size_t count;
- if (n <= 0)
- return 0;
- /* This is an optimized implementation.
- If the amount to be written straddles a block boundary
- (or the filebuf is unbuffered), use sys_write directly. */
- /* First figure out how much space is available in the buffer. */
- count = f->_IO_write_end - f->_IO_write_ptr; /* Space available. */
- if ((f->_flags & _IO_LINE_BUF) && (f->_flags & _IO_CURRENTLY_PUTTING))
- {
- count = f->_IO_buf_end - f->_IO_write_ptr;
- if (count >= n)
- { register const char *p;
- for (p = s + n; p > s; )
- {
- if (*--p == '\n') {
- count = p - s + 1;
- must_flush = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Then fill the buffer. */
- if (count > 0)
- {
- if (count > to_do)
- count = to_do;
- if (count > 20) {
- memcpy(f->_IO_write_ptr, s, count);
- s += count;
- }
- else
- {
- register char *p = f->_IO_write_ptr;
- register int i = (int)count;
- while (--i >= 0) *p++ = *s++;
- }
- f->_IO_write_ptr += count;
- to_do -= count;
- }
- if (to_do + must_flush > 0)
- { _IO_size_t block_size, dont_write;
- /* Next flush the (full) buffer. */
- if (__overflow(f, EOF) == EOF)
- return n - to_do;
- /* Try to maintain alignment: write a whole number of blocks.
- dont_write is what gets left over. */
- block_size = f->_IO_buf_end - f->_IO_buf_base;
- dont_write = block_size >= 128 ? to_do % block_size : 0;
- count = to_do - dont_write;
- if (_IO_do_write(f, s, count) == EOF)
- return n - to_do;
- to_do = dont_write;
- /* Now write out the remainder. Normally, this will fit in the
- buffer, but it's somewhat messier for line-buffered files,
- so we let _IO_default_xsputn handle the general case. */
- if (dont_write)
- to_do -= _IO_default_xsputn(f, s+count, dont_write);
- }
- return n - to_do;
-#if 0
-/* Work in progress */
-DEFUN(_IO_file_xsgetn, (fp, data, n),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND void *data AND _IO_size_t n)
- register _IO_size_t more = n;
- register char *s = data;
- for (;;)
- {
- _IO_ssize_t count = fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_ptr; /* Data available. */
- if (count > 0)
- {
- if (count > more)
- count = more;
- if (count > 20)
- {
- memcpy(s, fp->_IO_read_ptr, count);
- s += count;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr += count;
- }
- else if (count <= 0)
- count = 0;
- else
- {
- register char *p = fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- register int i = (int)count;
- while (--i >= 0) *s++ = *p++;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = p;
- }
- more -= count;
- }
-#if 0
- if (! _IO_in put_mode (fp)
- && ! _IO_have_markers (fp) && ! IO_have_backup (fp))
- {
- /* This is an optimization of _IO_file_underflow */
- if (fp->_flags & _IO_NO_READS)
- break;
- /* If we're reading a lot of data, don't bother allocating
- a buffer. But if we're only reading a bit, perhaps we should ??*/
- if (count <= 512 && fp->_IO_buf_base == NULL)
- _IO_doallocbuf(fp);
- if (fp->_flags & (_IO_LINE_BUF|_IO_UNBUFFERED))
- _IO_flush_all_linebuffered();
- _IO_switch_to_get_mode(fp); ???;
- count = _IO_SYSREAD (fp, s, more);
- if (count <= 0)
- {
- if (count == 0)
- fp->_flags |= _IO_EOF_SEEN;
- else
- fp->_flags |= _IO_ERR_SEEN, count = 0;
- }
- s += count;
- more -= count;
- }
- if (more == 0 || __underflow(fp) == EOF)
- break;
- }
- return n - more;
-struct _IO_jump_t _IO_file_jumps = {
- JUMP_INIT(finish, _IO_file_finish),
- JUMP_INIT(overflow, _IO_file_overflow),
- JUMP_INIT(underflow, _IO_file_underflow),
- JUMP_INIT(uflow, _IO_default_uflow),
- JUMP_INIT(pbackfail, _IO_default_pbackfail),
- JUMP_INIT(xsputn, _IO_file_xsputn),
- JUMP_INIT(xsgetn, _IO_default_xsgetn),
- JUMP_INIT(seekoff, _IO_file_seekoff),
- JUMP_INIT(seekpos, _IO_default_seekpos),
- JUMP_INIT(setbuf, _IO_file_setbuf),
- JUMP_INIT(sync, _IO_file_sync),
- JUMP_INIT(doallocate, _IO_file_doallocate),
- JUMP_INIT(read, _IO_file_read),
- JUMP_INIT(write, _IO_file_write),
- JUMP_INIT(seek, _IO_file_seek),
- JUMP_INIT(close, _IO_file_close),
- JUMP_INIT(stat, _IO_file_stat)
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/floatconv.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/floatconv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index def7269..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/floatconv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2350 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <libioP.h>
-#ifdef _IO_USE_DTOA
- *
- * The author of this software is David M. Gay.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1991 by AT&T.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
- * purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice
- * is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy
- * or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting
- * documentation for such software.
- *
- *
- ***************************************************************/
-/* Some cleaning up by Per Bothner,, 1992, 1993.
- Re-written to not need static variables
- (except result, result_k, HIWORD, LOWORD). */
-/* Please send bug reports to
- David M. Gay
- AT&T Bell Laboratories, Room 2C-463
- 600 Mountain Avenue
- Murray Hill, NJ 07974-2070
- U.S.A.
- or research!dmg
- */
-/* strtod for IEEE-, VAX-, and IBM-arithmetic machines.
- *
- * This strtod returns a nearest machine number to the input decimal
- * string (or sets errno to ERANGE). With IEEE arithmetic, ties are
- * broken by the IEEE round-even rule. Otherwise ties are broken by
- * biased rounding (add half and chop).
- *
- * Inspired loosely by William D. Clinger's paper "How to Read Floating
- * Point Numbers Accurately" [Proc. ACM SIGPLAN '90, pp. 92-101].
- *
- * Modifications:
- *
- * 1. We only require IEEE, IBM, or VAX double-precision
- * arithmetic (not IEEE double-extended).
- * 2. We get by with floating-point arithmetic in a case that
- * Clinger missed -- when we're computing d * 10^n
- * for a small integer d and the integer n is not too
- * much larger than 22 (the maximum integer k for which
- * we can represent 10^k exactly), we may be able to
- * compute (d*10^k) * 10^(e-k) with just one roundoff.
- * 3. Rather than a bit-at-a-time adjustment of the binary
- * result in the hard case, we use floating-point
- * arithmetic to determine the adjustment to within
- * one bit; only in really hard cases do we need to
- * compute a second residual.
- * 4. Because of 3., we don't need a large table of powers of 10
- * for ten-to-e (just some small tables, e.g. of 10^k
- * for 0 <= k <= 22).
- */
- * #define IEEE_8087 for IEEE-arithmetic machines where the least
- * significant byte has the lowest address.
- * #define IEEE_MC68k for IEEE-arithmetic machines where the most
- * significant byte has the lowest address.
- * #define Sudden_Underflow for IEEE-format machines without gradual
- * underflow (i.e., that flush to zero on underflow).
- * #define IBM for IBM mainframe-style floating-point arithmetic.
- * #define VAX for VAX-style floating-point arithmetic.
- * #define Unsigned_Shifts if >> does treats its left operand as unsigned.
- * #define No_leftright to omit left-right logic in fast floating-point
- * computation of dtoa.
- * #define Check_FLT_ROUNDS if FLT_ROUNDS can assume the values 2 or 3.
- * #define RND_PRODQUOT to use rnd_prod and rnd_quot (assembly routines
- * that use extended-precision instructions to compute rounded
- * products and quotients) with IBM.
- * #define ROUND_BIASED for IEEE-format with biased rounding.
- * #define Inaccurate_Divide for IEEE-format with correctly rounded
- * products but inaccurate quotients, e.g., for Intel i860.
- * #define KR_headers for old-style C function headers.
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define Bug(x) {fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", x); exit(1);}
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <float.h>
-#define CONST const
-#define CONST
-#define KR_headers
-/* In this case, we assume IEEE floats. */
-#define FLT_ROUNDS 1
-#define FLT_RADIX 2
-#define DBL_MANT_DIG 53
-#define DBL_DIG 15
-#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP 308
-#define DBL_MAX_EXP 1024
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifndef __MATH_H__
-#include <math.h>
-#ifdef Unsigned_Shifts
-#define Sign_Extend(a,b) if (b < 0) a |= 0xffff0000;
-#define Sign_Extend(a,b) /*no-op*/
-#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__i860__) || defined(clipper)
-#define IEEE_8087
-#if defined(MIPSEL) || defined(__alpha__)
-#define IEEE_8087
-#if defined(__sparc__) || defined(sparc) || defined(MIPSEB)
-#define IEEE_MC68k
-#if defined(IEEE_8087) + defined(IEEE_MC68k) + defined(VAX) + defined(IBM) != 1
-#if FLT_RADIX==16
-#define IBM
-#if DBL_MANT_DIG==56
-#define VAX
-#if DBL_MANT_DIG==53 && DBL_MAX_10_EXP==308
-#define IEEE_Unknown
-Exactly one of IEEE_8087, IEEE_MC68k, VAX, or IBM should be defined.
-typedef _G_uint32_t unsigned32;
-union doubleword {
- double d;
- unsigned32 u[2];
-#ifdef IEEE_8087
-#define HIWORD 1
-#define LOWORD 0
-#define TEST_ENDIANNESS /* nothing */
-#if defined(IEEE_MC68k)
-#define HIWORD 0
-#define LOWORD 1
-#define TEST_ENDIANNESS /* nothing */
-static int HIWORD = -1, LOWORD;
-static void test_endianness()
- union doubleword dw;
- dw.d = 10;
- if (dw.u[0] != 0) /* big-endian */
- else
-#define TEST_ENDIANNESS if (HIWORD<0) test_endianness();
-#if 0
-union doubleword _temp;
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define word0(x) ({ union doubleword _du; _du.d = (x); _du.u[HIWORD]; })
-#define word1(x) ({ union doubleword _du; _du.d = (x); _du.u[LOWORD]; })
-#define setword0(D,W) \
- ({ union doubleword _du; _du.d = (D); _du.u[HIWORD]=(W); (D)=_du.d; })
-#define setword1(D,W) \
- ({ union doubleword _du; _du.d = (D); _du.u[LOWORD]=(W); (D)=_du.d; })
-#define setwords(D,W0,W1) ({ union doubleword _du; \
- _du.u[HIWORD]=(W0); _du.u[LOWORD]=(W1); (D)=_du.d; })
-#define addword0(D,W) \
- ({ union doubleword _du; _du.d = (D); _du.u[HIWORD]+=(W); (D)=_du.d; })
-#define word0(x) ((unsigned32 *)&x)[HIWORD]
-#define word1(x) ((unsigned32 *)&x)[LOWORD]
-#define setword0(D,W) word0(D) = (W)
-#define setword1(D,W) word1(D) = (W)
-#define setwords(D,W0,W1) (setword0(D,W0),setword1(D,W1))
-#define addword0(D,X) (word0(D) += (X))
-/* The following definition of Storeinc is appropriate for MIPS processors. */
-#if defined(IEEE_8087) + defined(VAX)
-#define Storeinc(a,b,c) (((unsigned short *)a)[1] = (unsigned short)b, \
-((unsigned short *)a)[0] = (unsigned short)c, a++)
-#if defined(IEEE_MC68k)
-#define Storeinc(a,b,c) (((unsigned short *)a)[0] = (unsigned short)b, \
-((unsigned short *)a)[1] = (unsigned short)c, a++)
-#define Storeinc(a,b,c) (*a++ = b << 16 | c & 0xffff)
-/* #define P DBL_MANT_DIG */
-/* Ten_pmax = floor(P*log(2)/log(5)) */
-/* Bletch = (highest power of 2 < DBL_MAX_10_EXP) / 16 */
-/* Quick_max = floor((P-1)*log(FLT_RADIX)/log(10) - 1) */
-/* Int_max = floor(P*log(FLT_RADIX)/log(10) - 1) */
-#if defined(IEEE_8087) + defined(IEEE_MC68k) + defined(IEEE_Unknown)
-#define Exp_shift 20
-#define Exp_shift1 20
-#define Exp_msk1 0x100000
-#define Exp_msk11 0x100000
-#define Exp_mask 0x7ff00000
-#define P 53
-#define Bias 1023
-#define IEEE_Arith
-#define Emin (-1022)
-#define Exp_1 0x3ff00000
-#define Exp_11 0x3ff00000
-#define Ebits 11
-#define Frac_mask 0xfffff
-#define Frac_mask1 0xfffff
-#define Ten_pmax 22
-#define Bletch 0x10
-#define Bndry_mask 0xfffff
-#define Bndry_mask1 0xfffff
-#define LSB 1
-#define Sign_bit 0x80000000
-#define Log2P 1
-#define Tiny0 0
-#define Tiny1 1
-#define Quick_max 14
-#define Int_max 14
-#define Infinite(x) (word0(x) == 0x7ff00000) /* sufficient test for here */
-#undef Sudden_Underflow
-#define Sudden_Underflow
-#ifdef IBM
-#define Exp_shift 24
-#define Exp_shift1 24
-#define Exp_msk1 0x1000000
-#define Exp_msk11 0x1000000
-#define Exp_mask 0x7f000000
-#define P 14
-#define Bias 65
-#define Exp_1 0x41000000
-#define Exp_11 0x41000000
-#define Ebits 8 /* exponent has 7 bits, but 8 is the right value in b2d */
-#define Frac_mask 0xffffff
-#define Frac_mask1 0xffffff
-#define Bletch 4
-#define Ten_pmax 22
-#define Bndry_mask 0xefffff
-#define Bndry_mask1 0xffffff
-#define LSB 1
-#define Sign_bit 0x80000000
-#define Log2P 4
-#define Tiny0 0x100000
-#define Tiny1 0
-#define Quick_max 14
-#define Int_max 15
-#else /* VAX */
-#define Exp_shift 23
-#define Exp_shift1 7
-#define Exp_msk1 0x80
-#define Exp_msk11 0x800000
-#define Exp_mask 0x7f80
-#define P 56
-#define Bias 129
-#define Exp_1 0x40800000
-#define Exp_11 0x4080
-#define Ebits 8
-#define Frac_mask 0x7fffff
-#define Frac_mask1 0xffff007f
-#define Ten_pmax 24
-#define Bletch 2
-#define Bndry_mask 0xffff007f
-#define Bndry_mask1 0xffff007f
-#define LSB 0x10000
-#define Sign_bit 0x8000
-#define Log2P 1
-#define Tiny0 0x80
-#define Tiny1 0
-#define Quick_max 15
-#define Int_max 15
-#ifndef IEEE_Arith
-#define rounded_product(a,b) a = rnd_prod(a, b)
-#define rounded_quotient(a,b) a = rnd_quot(a, b)
-extern double rnd_prod(double, double), rnd_quot(double, double);
-#define rounded_product(a,b) a *= b
-#define rounded_quotient(a,b) a /= b
-#define Big0 (Frac_mask1 | Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-1))
-#define Big1 0xffffffff
-#define Kmax 15
-/* (1<<BIGINT_MINIMUM_K) is the minimum number of words to allocate
- in a Bigint. dtoa usually manages with 1<<2, and has not been
- known to need more than 1<<3. */
-struct Bigint {
- struct Bigint *next;
- int k; /* Parameter given to Balloc(k) */
- int maxwds; /* Allocated space: equals 1<<k. */
- short on_stack; /* 1 if stack-allocated. */
- short sign; /* 0 if value is positive or zero; 1 if negative. */
- int wds; /* Current length. */
- unsigned32 x[1<<BIGINT_MINIMUM_K]; /* Actually: x[maxwds] */
- (sizeof(Bigint) - (1<<BIGINT_MINIMUM_K) * sizeof(unsigned32))
-typedef struct Bigint Bigint;
-/* Initialize a stack-allocated Bigint. */
-static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (v) Bigint *v;
- (Bigint *v)
- v->on_stack = 1;
- v->maxwds = 1 << BIGINT_MINIMUM_K;
- v->sign = v->wds = 0;
- return v;
-/* Allocate a Bigint with '1<<k' big digits. */
-static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (k) int k;
- (int k)
- int x;
- Bigint *rv;
- x = 1 << k;
- rv = (Bigint *)
- malloc(BIGINT_HEADER_SIZE + x * sizeof(unsigned32));
- rv->k = k;
- rv->maxwds = x;
- rv->sign = rv->wds = 0;
- rv->on_stack = 0;
- return rv;
-static void
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (v) Bigint *v;
- (Bigint *v)
- if (v && !v->on_stack)
- free (v);
-static void
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (x, y) Bigint *x, *y;
- (Bigint *x, Bigint *y)
- register unsigned32 *xp, *yp;
- register int i = y->wds;
- x->sign = y->sign;
- x->wds = i;
- for (xp = x->x, yp = y->x; --i >= 0; )
- *xp++ = *yp++;
-/* Make sure b has room for at least 1<<k big digits. */
-static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (b, k) Bigint *b; int k;
- (Bigint * b, int k)
- if (b == NULL)
- return Balloc(k);
- if (b->k >= k)
- return b;
- else
- {
- Bigint *rv = Balloc (k);
- Bcopy(rv, b);
- Bfree(b);
- return rv;
- }
-/* Return b*m+a. b is modified.
- Assumption: 0xFFFF*m+a fits in 32 bits. */
-static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (b, m, a) Bigint *b; int m, a;
- (Bigint *b, int m, int a)
- int i, wds;
- unsigned32 *x, y;
- unsigned32 xi, z;
- wds = b->wds;
- x = b->x;
- i = 0;
- do {
- xi = *x;
- y = (xi & 0xffff) * m + a;
- z = (xi >> 16) * m + (y >> 16);
- a = (int)(z >> 16);
- *x++ = (z << 16) + (y & 0xffff);
- }
- while(++i < wds);
- if (a) {
- if (wds >= b->maxwds)
- b = Brealloc(b, b->k+1);
- b->x[wds++] = a;
- b->wds = wds;
- }
- return b;
- }
-static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (result, s, nd0, nd, y9)
- Bigint *result; CONST char *s; int nd0, nd; unsigned32 y9;
- (Bigint *result, CONST char *s, int nd0, int nd, unsigned32 y9)
- int i, k;
- _G_int32_t x, y;
- x = (nd + 8) / 9;
- for(k = 0, y = 1; x > y; y <<= 1, k++) ;
- result = Brealloc(result, k);
- result->x[0] = y9;
- result->wds = 1;
- i = 9;
- if (9 < nd0)
- {
- s += 9;
- do
- result = multadd(result, 10, *s++ - '0');
- while (++i < nd0);
- s++;
- }
- else
- s += 10;
- for(; i < nd; i++)
- result = multadd(result, 10, *s++ - '0');
- return result;
-static int
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (x) register unsigned32 x;
- (register unsigned32 x)
- register int k = 0;
- if (!(x & 0xffff0000)) {
- k = 16;
- x <<= 16;
- }
- if (!(x & 0xff000000)) {
- k += 8;
- x <<= 8;
- }
- if (!(x & 0xf0000000)) {
- k += 4;
- x <<= 4;
- }
- if (!(x & 0xc0000000)) {
- k += 2;
- x <<= 2;
- }
- if (!(x & 0x80000000)) {
- k++;
- if (!(x & 0x40000000))
- return 32;
- }
- return k;
- }
-static int
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (y) unsigned32 *y;
- (unsigned32 *y)
- register int k;
- register unsigned32 x = *y;
- if (x & 7) {
- if (x & 1)
- return 0;
- if (x & 2) {
- *y = x >> 1;
- return 1;
- }
- *y = x >> 2;
- return 2;
- }
- k = 0;
- if (!(x & 0xffff)) {
- k = 16;
- x >>= 16;
- }
- if (!(x & 0xff)) {
- k += 8;
- x >>= 8;
- }
- if (!(x & 0xf)) {
- k += 4;
- x >>= 4;
- }
- if (!(x & 0x3)) {
- k += 2;
- x >>= 2;
- }
- if (!(x & 1)) {
- k++;
- x >>= 1;
- if (!x & 1)
- return 32;
- }
- *y = x;
- return k;
- }
-static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (result, i) Bigint *result; int i;
- (Bigint* result, int i)
- result = Brealloc(result, 1);
- result->x[0] = i;
- result->wds = 1;
- return result;
-/* Do: c = a * b. */
-static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (c, a, b) Bigint *a, *b, *c;
- (Bigint *c, Bigint *a, Bigint *b)
- int k, wa, wb, wc;
- unsigned32 carry, y, z;
- unsigned32 *x, *xa, *xae, *xb, *xbe, *xc, *xc0;
- unsigned32 z2;
- if (a->wds < b->wds) {
- Bigint *tmp = a;
- a = b;
- b = tmp;
- }
- k = a->k;
- wa = a->wds;
- wb = b->wds;
- wc = wa + wb;
- if (wc > a->maxwds)
- k++;
- c = Brealloc(c, k);
- for(x = c->x, xa = x + wc; x < xa; x++)
- *x = 0;
- xa = a->x;
- xae = xa + wa;
- xb = b->x;
- xbe = xb + wb;
- xc0 = c->x;
- for(; xb < xbe; xb++, xc0++) {
- if ((y = *xb & 0xffff)) {
- x = xa;
- xc = xc0;
- carry = 0;
- do {
- z = (*x & 0xffff) * y + (*xc & 0xffff) + carry;
- carry = z >> 16;
- z2 = (*x++ >> 16) * y + (*xc >> 16) + carry;
- carry = z2 >> 16;
- Storeinc(xc, z2, z);
- }
- while(x < xae);
- *xc = carry;
- }
- if ((y = *xb >> 16)) {
- x = xa;
- xc = xc0;
- carry = 0;
- z2 = *xc;
- do {
- z = (*x & 0xffff) * y + (*xc >> 16) + carry;
- carry = z >> 16;
- Storeinc(xc, z, z2);
- z2 = (*x++ >> 16) * y + (*xc & 0xffff) + carry;
- carry = z2 >> 16;
- }
- while(x < xae);
- *xc = z2;
- }
- }
- for(xc0 = c->x, xc = xc0 + wc; wc > 0 && !*--xc; --wc) ;
- c->wds = wc;
- return c;
- }
-/* Returns b*(5**k). b is modified. */
-/* Re-written by Per Bothner to not need a static list. */
-static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (b, k) Bigint *b; int k;
- (Bigint *b, int k)
- static int p05[6] = { 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, 15625 };
- for (; k > 6; k -= 6)
- b = multadd(b, 15625, 0); /* b *= 5**6 */
- if (k == 0)
- return b;
- else
- return multadd(b, p05[k-1], 0);
-/* Re-written by Per Bothner so shift can be in place. */
-static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (b, k) Bigint *b; int k;
- (Bigint *b, int k)
- int i;
- unsigned32 *x, *x1, *xe;
- int old_wds = b->wds;
- int n = k >> 5;
- int k1 = b->k;
- int n1 = n + old_wds + 1;
- if (k == 0)
- return b;
- for(i = b->maxwds; n1 > i; i <<= 1)
- k1++;
- b = Brealloc(b, k1);
- xe = b->x; /* Source limit */
- x = xe + old_wds; /* Source pointer */
- x1 = x + n; /* Destination pointer */
- if (k &= 0x1f) {
- int k1 = 32 - k;
- unsigned32 z = *--x;
- if ((*x1 = (z >> k1)) != 0) {
- ++n1;
- }
- while (x > xe) {
- unsigned32 w = *--x;
- *--x1 = (z << k) | (w >> k1);
- z = w;
- }
- *--x1 = z << k;
- }
- else
- do {
- *--x1 = *--x;
- } while(x > xe);
- while (x1 > xe)
- *--x1 = 0;
- b->wds = n1 - 1;
- return b;
-static int
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (a, b) Bigint *a, *b;
- (Bigint *a, Bigint *b)
- unsigned32 *xa, *xa0, *xb, *xb0;
- int i, j;
- i = a->wds;
- j = b->wds;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if (i > 1 && !a->x[i-1])
- Bug("cmp called with a->x[a->wds-1] == 0");
- if (j > 1 && !b->x[j-1])
- Bug("cmp called with b->x[b->wds-1] == 0");
- if (i -= j)
- return i;
- xa0 = a->x;
- xa = xa0 + j;
- xb0 = b->x;
- xb = xb0 + j;
- for(;;) {
- if (*--xa != *--xb)
- return *xa < *xb ? -1 : 1;
- if (xa <= xa0)
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
-/* Do: c = a-b. */
-static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (c, a, b) Bigint *c, *a, *b;
- (Bigint *c, Bigint *a, Bigint *b)
- int i, wa, wb;
- _G_int32_t borrow, y; /* We need signed shifts here. */
- unsigned32 *xa, *xae, *xb, *xbe, *xc;
- _G_int32_t z;
- i = cmp(a,b);
- if (!i) {
- c = Brealloc(c, 0);
- c->wds = 1;
- c->x[0] = 0;
- return c;
- }
- if (i < 0) {
- Bigint *tmp = a;
- a = b;
- b = tmp;
- i = 1;
- }
- else
- i = 0;
- c = Brealloc(c, a->k);
- c->sign = i;
- wa = a->wds;
- xa = a->x;
- xae = xa + wa;
- wb = b->wds;
- xb = b->x;
- xbe = xb + wb;
- xc = c->x;
- borrow = 0;
- do {
- y = (*xa & 0xffff) - (*xb & 0xffff) + borrow;
- borrow = y >> 16;
- Sign_Extend(borrow, y);
- z = (*xa++ >> 16) - (*xb++ >> 16) + borrow;
- borrow = z >> 16;
- Sign_Extend(borrow, z);
- Storeinc(xc, z, y);
- }
- while(xb < xbe);
- while(xa < xae) {
- y = (*xa & 0xffff) + borrow;
- borrow = y >> 16;
- Sign_Extend(borrow, y);
- z = (*xa++ >> 16) + borrow;
- borrow = z >> 16;
- Sign_Extend(borrow, z);
- Storeinc(xc, z, y);
- }
- while(!*--xc)
- wa--;
- c->wds = wa;
- return c;
- }
-static double
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (x) double x;
- (double x)
- register _G_int32_t L;
- double a;
- L = (word0(x) & Exp_mask) - (P-1)*Exp_msk1;
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
- if (L > 0) {
-#ifdef IBM
- L |= Exp_msk1 >> 4;
- setwords(a, L, 0);
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
- }
- else {
- L = -L >> Exp_shift;
- if (L < Exp_shift)
- setwords(a, 0x80000 >> L, 0);
- else {
- L -= Exp_shift;
- setwords(a, 0, L >= 31 ? 1 : 1 << (31 - L));
- }
- }
- return a;
- }
-static double
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (a, e) Bigint *a; int *e;
- (Bigint *a, int *e)
- unsigned32 *xa, *xa0, w, y, z;
- int k;
- double d;
- unsigned32 d0, d1;
- xa0 = a->x;
- xa = xa0 + a->wds;
- y = *--xa;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if (!y) Bug("zero y in b2d");
- k = hi0bits(y);
- *e = 32 - k;
- if (k < Ebits) {
- d0 = Exp_1 | y >> (Ebits - k);
- w = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
- d1 = y << ((32-Ebits) + k) | w >> (Ebits - k);
- goto ret_d;
- }
- z = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
- if (k -= Ebits) {
- d0 = Exp_1 | y << k | z >> (32 - k);
- y = xa > xa0 ? *--xa : 0;
- d1 = z << k | y >> (32 - k);
- }
- else {
- d0 = Exp_1 | y;
- d1 = z;
- }
- ret_d:
-#ifdef VAX
- setwords(d, d0 >> 16 | d0 << 16, d1 >> 16 | d1 << 16);
- setwords (d, d0, d1);
- return d;
- }
-static Bigint *
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (result, d, e, bits) Bigint *result; double d; int *e, *bits;
- (Bigint *result, double d, int *e, int *bits)
- int de, i, k;
- unsigned32 *x, y, z;
- unsigned32 d0, d1;
-#ifdef VAX
- d0 = word0(d) >> 16 | word0(d) << 16;
- d1 = word1(d) >> 16 | word1(d) << 16;
- d0 = word0(d);
- d1 = word1(d);
- result = Brealloc(result, 1);
- x = result->x;
- z = d0 & Frac_mask;
- d0 &= 0x7fffffff; /* clear sign bit, which we ignore */
- de = (int)(d0 >> Exp_shift); /* The exponent part of d. */
- /* Put back the suppressed high-order bit, if normalized. */
-#ifndef IBM
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
- if (de)
- z |= Exp_msk11;
- if ((y = d1)) {
- if ((k = lo0bits(&y))) {
- x[0] = y | z << (32 - k);
- z >>= k;
- }
- else
- x[0] = y;
- i = result->wds = (x[1] = z) ? 2 : 1;
- }
- else {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if (!z)
- Bug("Zero passed to d2b");
- k = lo0bits(&z);
- x[0] = z;
- i = result->wds = 1;
- k += 32;
- }
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
- if (de) {
-#ifdef IBM
- *e = (de - Bias - (P-1) << 2) + k;
- *bits = 4*P + 8 - k - hi0bits(word0(d) & Frac_mask);
- *e = de - Bias - (P-1) + k;
- *bits = P - k;
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
- }
- else {
- *e = de - Bias - (P-1) + 1 + k;
- *bits = 32*i - hi0bits(x[i-1]);
- }
- return result;
- }
-static double
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (a, b) Bigint *a, *b;
- (Bigint *a, Bigint *b)
- double da, db;
- int k, ka, kb;
- da = b2d(a, &ka);
- db = b2d(b, &kb);
- k = ka - kb + 32*(a->wds - b->wds);
-#ifdef IBM
- if (k > 0) {
- addword0(da, (k >> 2)*Exp_msk1);
- if (k &= 3)
- da *= 1 << k;
- }
- else {
- k = -k;
- addword0(db,(k >> 2)*Exp_msk1);
- if (k &= 3)
- db *= 1 << k;
- }
- if (k > 0)
- addword0(da, k*Exp_msk1);
- else {
- k = -k;
- addword0(db, k*Exp_msk1);
- }
- return da / db;
- }
-static CONST double
-tens[] = {
- 1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9,
- 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19,
- 1e20, 1e21, 1e22
-#ifdef VAX
- , 1e23, 1e24
- };
-#ifdef IEEE_Arith
-static CONST double bigtens[] = { 1e16, 1e32, 1e64, 1e128, 1e256 };
-static CONST double tinytens[] = { 1e-16, 1e-32, 1e-64, 1e-128, 1e-256 };
-#define n_bigtens 5
-#ifdef IBM
-static CONST double bigtens[] = { 1e16, 1e32, 1e64 };
-static CONST double tinytens[] = { 1e-16, 1e-32, 1e-64 };
-#define n_bigtens 3
-static CONST double bigtens[] = { 1e16, 1e32 };
-static CONST double tinytens[] = { 1e-16, 1e-32 };
-#define n_bigtens 2
- double
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (s00, se) CONST char *s00; char **se;
- (CONST char *s00, char **se)
- int bb2, bb5, bbe, bd2, bd5, bbbits, bs2, c, dsign,
- e, e1, esign, i, j, k, nd, nd0, nf, nz, nz0, sign;
- CONST char *s, *s0, *s1;
- double aadj, aadj1, adj, rv, rv0;
- _G_int32_t L;
- unsigned32 y, z;
- Bigint _bb, _b_avail, _bd, _bd0, _bs, _delta;
- Bigint *bb = Binit(&_bb);
- Bigint *bd = Binit(&_bd);
- Bigint *bd0 = Binit(&_bd0);
- Bigint *bs = Binit(&_bs);
- Bigint *b_avail = Binit(&_b_avail);
- Bigint *delta = Binit(&_delta);
- sign = nz0 = nz = 0;
- rv = 0.;
- (void)&rv; /* Force rv into the stack */
- for(s = s00;;s++) switch(*s) {
- case '-':
- sign = 1;
- /* no break */
- case '+':
- if (*++s)
- goto break2;
- /* no break */
- case 0:
- /* "+" and "-" should be reported as an error? */
- sign = 0;
- s = s00;
- goto ret;
- case '\t':
- case '\n':
- case '\v':
- case '\f':
- case '\r':
- case ' ':
- continue;
- default:
- goto break2;
- }
- break2:
- if (*s == '0') {
- nz0 = 1;
- while(*++s == '0') ;
- if (!*s)
- goto ret;
- }
- s0 = s;
- y = z = 0;
- for(nd = nf = 0; (c = *s) >= '0' && c <= '9'; nd++, s++)
- if (nd < 9)
- y = 10*y + c - '0';
- else if (nd < 16)
- z = 10*z + c - '0';
- nd0 = nd;
- if (c == '.') {
- c = *++s;
- if (!nd) {
- for(; c == '0'; c = *++s)
- nz++;
- if (c > '0' && c <= '9') {
- s0 = s;
- nf += nz;
- nz = 0;
- goto have_dig;
- }
- goto dig_done;
- }
- for(; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = *++s) {
- have_dig:
- nz++;
- if (c -= '0') {
- nf += nz;
- for(i = 1; i < nz; i++)
- if (nd++ < 9)
- y *= 10;
- else if (nd <= DBL_DIG + 1)
- z *= 10;
- if (nd++ < 9)
- y = 10*y + c;
- else if (nd <= DBL_DIG + 1)
- z = 10*z + c;
- nz = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- dig_done:
- e = 0;
- if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
- if (!nd && !nz && !nz0) {
- s = s00;
- goto ret;
- }
- s00 = s;
- esign = 0;
- switch(c = *++s) {
- case '-':
- esign = 1;
- case '+':
- c = *++s;
- }
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
- while(c == '0')
- c = *++s;
- if (c > '0' && c <= '9') {
- e = c - '0';
- s1 = s;
- while((c = *++s) >= '0' && c <= '9')
- e = 10*e + c - '0';
- if (s - s1 > 8)
- /* Avoid confusion from exponents
- * so large that e might overflow.
- */
- e = 9999999;
- if (esign)
- e = -e;
- }
- else
- e = 0;
- }
- else
- s = s00;
- }
- if (!nd) {
- if (!nz && !nz0)
- s = s00;
- goto ret;
- }
- e1 = e -= nf;
- /* Now we have nd0 digits, starting at s0, followed by a
- * decimal point, followed by nd-nd0 digits. The number we're
- * after is the integer represented by those digits times
- * 10**e */
- if (!nd0)
- nd0 = nd;
- k = nd < DBL_DIG + 1 ? nd : DBL_DIG + 1;
- rv = y;
- if (k > 9)
- rv = tens[k - 9] * rv + z;
- if (nd <= DBL_DIG
- && FLT_ROUNDS == 1
- ) {
- if (!e)
- goto ret;
- if (e > 0) {
- if (e <= Ten_pmax) {
-#ifdef VAX
- goto vax_ovfl_check;
- /* rv = */ rounded_product(rv, tens[e]);
- goto ret;
- }
- i = DBL_DIG - nd;
- if (e <= Ten_pmax + i) {
- /* A fancier test would sometimes let us do
- * this for larger i values.
- */
- e -= i;
- rv *= tens[i];
-#ifdef VAX
- /* VAX exponent range is so narrow we must
- * worry about overflow here...
- */
- vax_ovfl_check:
- addword0(rv, - P*Exp_msk1);
- /* rv = */ rounded_product(rv, tens[e]);
- if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask)
- > Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-1-P))
- goto ovfl;
- addword0(rv, P*Exp_msk1);
- /* rv = */ rounded_product(rv, tens[e]);
- goto ret;
- }
- }
-#ifndef Inaccurate_Divide
- else if (e >= -Ten_pmax) {
- /* rv = */ rounded_quotient(rv, tens[-e]);
- goto ret;
- }
- }
- e1 += nd - k;
- /* Get starting approximation = rv * 10**e1 */
- if (e1 > 0) {
- if ((i = e1 & 15))
- rv *= tens[i];
- if (e1 &= ~15) {
- if (e1 > DBL_MAX_10_EXP) {
- ovfl:
- errno = ERANGE;
-#if defined(sun) && !defined(__svr4__)
-/* SunOS defines HUGE_VAL as __infinity(), which is in libm. */
-#undef HUGE_VAL
-#ifndef HUGE_VAL
-#define HUGE_VAL 1.7976931348623157E+308
- rv = HUGE_VAL;
- goto ret;
- }
- if (e1 >>= 4) {
- for(j = 0; e1 > 1; j++, e1 >>= 1)
- if (e1 & 1)
- rv *= bigtens[j];
- /* The last multiplication could overflow. */
- addword0(rv, -P*Exp_msk1);
- rv *= bigtens[j];
- if ((z = word0(rv) & Exp_mask)
- > Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-P))
- goto ovfl;
- if (z > Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-1-P)) {
- /* set to largest number */
- /* (Can't trust DBL_MAX) */
- setwords(rv, Big0, Big1);
- }
- else
- addword0(rv, P*Exp_msk1);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (e1 < 0) {
- e1 = -e1;
- if ((i = e1 & 15))
- rv /= tens[i];
- if (e1 &= ~15) {
- e1 >>= 4;
- for(j = 0; e1 > 1; j++, e1 >>= 1)
- if (e1 & 1)
- rv *= tinytens[j];
- /* The last multiplication could underflow. */
- rv0 = rv;
- rv *= tinytens[j];
- if (!rv) {
- rv = 2.*rv0;
- rv *= tinytens[j];
- if (!rv) {
- undfl:
- rv = 0.;
- errno = ERANGE;
- goto ret;
- }
- setwords(rv, Tiny0, Tiny1);
- /* The refinement below will clean
- * this approximation up.
- */
- }
- }
- }
- /* Now the hard part -- adjusting rv to the correct value.*/
- /* Put digits into bd: true value = bd * 10^e */
- bd0 = s2b(bd0, s0, nd0, nd, y);
- bd = Brealloc(bd, bd0->k);
- for(;;) {
- Bcopy(bd, bd0);
- bb = d2b(bb, rv, &bbe, &bbbits); /* rv = bb * 2^bbe */
- bs = i2b(bs, 1);
- if (e >= 0) {
- bb2 = bb5 = 0;
- bd2 = bd5 = e;
- }
- else {
- bb2 = bb5 = -e;
- bd2 = bd5 = 0;
- }
- if (bbe >= 0)
- bb2 += bbe;
- else
- bd2 -= bbe;
- bs2 = bb2;
-#ifdef Sudden_Underflow
-#ifdef IBM
- j = 1 + 4*P - 3 - bbbits + ((bbe + bbbits - 1) & 3);
- j = P + 1 - bbbits;
- i = bbe + bbbits - 1; /* logb(rv) */
- if (i < Emin) /* denormal */
- j = bbe + (P-Emin);
- else
- j = P + 1 - bbbits;
- bb2 += j;
- bd2 += j;
- i = bb2 < bd2 ? bb2 : bd2;
- if (i > bs2)
- i = bs2;
- if (i > 0) {
- bb2 -= i;
- bd2 -= i;
- bs2 -= i;
- }
- if (bb5 > 0) {
- Bigint *b_tmp;
- bs = pow5mult(bs, bb5);
- b_tmp = mult(b_avail, bs, bb);
- b_avail = bb;
- bb = b_tmp;
- }
- if (bb2 > 0)
- bb = lshift(bb, bb2);
- if (bd5 > 0)
- bd = pow5mult(bd, bd5);
- if (bd2 > 0)
- bd = lshift(bd, bd2);
- if (bs2 > 0)
- bs = lshift(bs, bs2);
- delta = diff(delta, bb, bd);
- dsign = delta->sign;
- delta->sign = 0;
- i = cmp(delta, bs);
- if (i < 0) {
- /* Error is less than half an ulp -- check for
- * special case of mantissa a power of two.
- */
- if (dsign || word1(rv) || word0(rv) & Bndry_mask)
- break;
- delta = lshift(delta,Log2P);
- if (cmp(delta, bs) > 0)
- goto drop_down;
- break;
- }
- if (i == 0) {
- /* exactly half-way between */
- if (dsign) {
- if ((word0(rv) & Bndry_mask1) == Bndry_mask1
- && word1(rv) == 0xffffffff) {
- /*boundary case -- increment exponent*/
- setword0(rv, (word0(rv) & Exp_mask)
- + Exp_msk1);
-#ifdef IBM
- setword0 (rv,
- word0(rv) | (Exp_msk1 >> 4));
- setword1(rv, 0);
- break;
- }
- }
- else if (!(word0(rv) & Bndry_mask) && !word1(rv)) {
- drop_down:
- /* boundary case -- decrement exponent */
-#ifdef Sudden_Underflow
- L = word0(rv) & Exp_mask;
-#ifdef IBM
- if (L < Exp_msk1)
- if (L <= Exp_msk1)
- goto undfl;
- L -= Exp_msk1;
- L = (word0(rv) & Exp_mask) - Exp_msk1;
- setwords(rv, L | Bndry_mask1, 0xffffffff);
-#ifdef IBM
- continue;
- break;
- }
- if (!(word1(rv) & LSB))
- break;
- if (dsign)
- rv += ulp(rv);
- else {
- rv -= ulp(rv);
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
- if (!rv)
- goto undfl;
- }
- break;
- }
- if ((aadj = ratio(delta, bs)) <= 2.) {
- if (dsign)
- aadj = aadj1 = 1.;
- else if (word1(rv) || word0(rv) & Bndry_mask) {
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
- if (word1(rv) == Tiny1 && !word0(rv))
- goto undfl;
- aadj = 1.;
- aadj1 = -1.;
- }
- else {
- /* special case -- power of FLT_RADIX to be */
- /* rounded down... */
- if (aadj < 2./FLT_RADIX)
- aadj = 1./FLT_RADIX;
- else
- aadj *= 0.5;
- aadj1 = -aadj;
- }
- }
- else {
- aadj *= 0.5;
- aadj1 = dsign ? aadj : -aadj;
-#ifdef Check_FLT_ROUNDS
- switch(FLT_ROUNDS) {
- case 2: /* towards +infinity */
- aadj1 -= 0.5;
- break;
- case 0: /* towards 0 */
- case 3: /* towards -infinity */
- aadj1 += 0.5;
- }
- if (FLT_ROUNDS == 0)
- aadj1 += 0.5;
- }
- y = word0(rv) & Exp_mask;
- /* Check for overflow */
- if (y == Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-1)) {
- rv0 = rv;
- addword0(rv, - P*Exp_msk1);
- adj = aadj1 * ulp(rv);
- rv += adj;
- if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) >=
- Exp_msk1*(DBL_MAX_EXP+Bias-P)) {
- if (word0(rv0) == Big0 && word1(rv0) == Big1)
- goto ovfl;
- setwords(rv, Big0, Big1);
- continue;
- }
- else
- addword0(rv, P*Exp_msk1);
- }
- else {
-#ifdef Sudden_Underflow
- if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= P*Exp_msk1) {
- rv0 = rv;
- addword0(rv, P*Exp_msk1);
- adj = aadj1 * ulp(rv);
- rv += adj;
-#ifdef IBM
- if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) < P*Exp_msk1)
- if ((word0(rv) & Exp_mask) <= P*Exp_msk1)
- {
- if (word0(rv0) == Tiny0
- && word1(rv0) == Tiny1)
- goto undfl;
- setwords(rv, Tiny0, Tiny1);
- continue;
- }
- else
- addword0(rv, -P*Exp_msk1);
- }
- else {
- adj = aadj1 * ulp(rv);
- rv += adj;
- }
- /* Compute adj so that the IEEE rounding rules will
- * correctly round rv + adj in some half-way cases.
- * If rv * ulp(rv) is denormalized (i.e.,
- * y <= (P-1)*Exp_msk1), we must adjust aadj to avoid
- * trouble from bits lost to denormalization;
- * example: 1.2e-307 .
- */
- if (y <= (P-1)*Exp_msk1 && aadj >= 1.) {
- aadj1 = (double)(int)(aadj + 0.5);
- if (!dsign)
- aadj1 = -aadj1;
- }
- adj = aadj1 * ulp(rv);
- rv += adj;
- }
- z = word0(rv) & Exp_mask;
- if (y == z) {
- /* Can we stop now? */
- L = (_G_int32_t)aadj;
- aadj -= L;
- /* The tolerances below are conservative. */
- if (dsign || word1(rv) || word0(rv) & Bndry_mask) {
- if (aadj < .4999999 || aadj > .5000001)
- break;
- }
- else if (aadj < .4999999/FLT_RADIX)
- break;
- }
- }
- Bfree(bb);
- Bfree(bd);
- Bfree(bs);
- Bfree(bd0);
- Bfree(delta);
- Bfree(b_avail);
- ret:
- if (se)
- *se = (char *)s;
- return sign ? -rv : rv;
- }
-static int
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (b, S) Bigint *b, *S;
- (Bigint *b, Bigint *S)
- int n;
- _G_int32_t borrow, y;
- unsigned32 carry, q, ys;
- unsigned32 *bx, *bxe, *sx, *sxe;
- _G_int32_t z;
- unsigned32 si, zs;
- n = S->wds;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- /*debug*/ if (b->wds > n)
- /*debug*/ Bug("oversize b in quorem");
- if (b->wds < n)
- return 0;
- sx = S->x;
- sxe = sx + --n;
- bx = b->x;
- bxe = bx + n;
- q = *bxe / (*sxe + 1); /* ensure q <= true quotient */
-#ifdef DEBUG
- /*debug*/ if (q > 9)
- /*debug*/ Bug("oversized quotient in quorem");
- if (q) {
- borrow = 0;
- carry = 0;
- do {
- si = *sx++;
- ys = (si & 0xffff) * q + carry;
- zs = (si >> 16) * q + (ys >> 16);
- carry = zs >> 16;
- y = (*bx & 0xffff) - (ys & 0xffff) + borrow;
- borrow = y >> 16;
- Sign_Extend(borrow, y);
- z = (*bx >> 16) - (zs & 0xffff) + borrow;
- borrow = z >> 16;
- Sign_Extend(borrow, z);
- Storeinc(bx, z, y);
- }
- while(sx <= sxe);
- if (!*bxe) {
- bx = b->x;
- while(--bxe > bx && !*bxe)
- --n;
- b->wds = n;
- }
- }
- if (cmp(b, S) >= 0) {
- q++;
- borrow = 0;
- carry = 0;
- bx = b->x;
- sx = S->x;
- do {
- si = *sx++;
- ys = (si & 0xffff) + carry;
- zs = (si >> 16) + (ys >> 16);
- carry = zs >> 16;
- y = (*bx & 0xffff) - (ys & 0xffff) + borrow;
- borrow = y >> 16;
- Sign_Extend(borrow, y);
- z = (*bx >> 16) - (zs & 0xffff) + borrow;
- borrow = z >> 16;
- Sign_Extend(borrow, z);
- Storeinc(bx, z, y);
- }
- while(sx <= sxe);
- bx = b->x;
- bxe = bx + n;
- if (!*bxe) {
- while(--bxe > bx && !*bxe)
- --n;
- b->wds = n;
- }
- }
- return q;
- }
-/* dtoa for IEEE arithmetic (dmg): convert double to ASCII string.
- *
- * Inspired by "How to Print Floating-Point Numbers Accurately" by
- * Guy L. Steele, Jr. and Jon L. White [Proc. ACM SIGPLAN '90, pp. 92-101].
- *
- * Modifications:
- * 1. Rather than iterating, we use a simple numeric overestimate
- * to determine k = floor(log10(d)). We scale relevant
- * quantities using O(log2(k)) rather than O(k) multiplications.
- * 2. For some modes > 2 (corresponding to ecvt and fcvt), we don't
- * try to generate digits strictly left to right. Instead, we
- * compute with fewer bits and propagate the carry if necessary
- * when rounding the final digit up. This is often faster.
- * 3. Under the assumption that input will be rounded nearest,
- * mode 0 renders 1e23 as 1e23 rather than 9.999999999999999e22.
- * That is, we allow equality in stopping tests when the
- * round-nearest rule will give the same floating-point value
- * as would satisfaction of the stopping test with strict
- * inequality.
- * 4. We remove common factors of powers of 2 from relevant
- * quantities.
- * 5. When converting floating-point integers less than 1e16,
- * we use floating-point arithmetic rather than resorting
- * to multiple-precision integers.
- * 6. When asked to produce fewer than 15 digits, we first try
- * to get by with floating-point arithmetic; we resort to
- * multiple-precision integer arithmetic only if we cannot
- * guarantee that the floating-point calculation has given
- * the correctly rounded result. For k requested digits and
- * "uniformly" distributed input, the probability is
- * something like 10^(k-15) that we must resort to the long
- * calculation.
- */
- char *
-#ifdef KR_headers
- (d, mode, ndigits, decpt, sign, rve)
- double d; int mode, ndigits, *decpt, *sign; char **rve;
- (double d, int mode, int ndigits, int *decpt, int *sign, char **rve)
- /* Arguments ndigits, decpt, sign are similar to those
- of ecvt and fcvt; trailing zeros are suppressed from
- the returned string. If not null, *rve is set to point
- to the end of the return value. If d is +-Infinity or NaN,
- then *decpt is set to 9999.
- mode:
- 0 ==> shortest string that yields d when read in
- and rounded to nearest.
- 1 ==> like 0, but with Steele & White stopping rule;
- e.g. with IEEE P754 arithmetic , mode 0 gives
- 1e23 whereas mode 1 gives 9.999999999999999e22.
- 2 ==> max(1,ndigits) significant digits. This gives a
- return value similar to that of ecvt, except
- that trailing zeros are suppressed.
- 3 ==> through ndigits past the decimal point. This
- gives a return value similar to that from fcvt,
- except that trailing zeros are suppressed, and
- ndigits can be negative.
- 4-9 should give the same return values as 2-3, i.e.,
- 4 <= mode <= 9 ==> same return as mode
- 2 + (mode & 1). These modes are mainly for
- debugging; often they run slower but sometimes
- faster than modes 2-3.
- 4,5,8,9 ==> left-to-right digit generation.
- 6-9 ==> don't try fast floating-point estimate
- (if applicable).
- Values of mode other than 0-9 are treated as mode 0.
- Sufficient space is allocated to the return value
- to hold the suppressed trailing zeros.
- */
- int bbits, b2, b5, be, dig, i, ieps, ilim, ilim0, ilim1,
- j, j1, k, k0, k_check, leftright, m2, m5, s2, s5,
- spec_case, try_quick;
- _G_int32_t L;
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
- int denorm;
- Bigint _b_avail, _b, _mhi, _mlo, _S;
- Bigint *b_avail = Binit(&_b_avail);
- Bigint *b = Binit(&_b);
- Bigint *S = Binit(&_S);
- /* mhi and mlo are only set and used if leftright. */
- Bigint *mhi = NULL, *mlo = NULL;
- double d2, ds, eps;
- char *s, *s0;
- static Bigint *result = NULL;
- static int result_k;
- if (result) {
- /* result is contains a string, so its fields (interpreted
- as a Bigint have been trashed. Restore them.
- This is a really ugly interface - result should
- not be static, since that is not thread-safe. FIXME. */
- result->k = result_k;
- result->maxwds = 1 << result_k;
- result->on_stack = 0;
- }
- if (word0(d) & Sign_bit) {
- /* set sign for everything, including 0's and NaNs */
- *sign = 1;
- setword0(d, word0(d) & ~Sign_bit); /* clear sign bit */
- }
- else
- *sign = 0;
-#if defined(IEEE_Arith) + defined(VAX)
-#ifdef IEEE_Arith
- if ((word0(d) & Exp_mask) == Exp_mask)
- if (word0(d) == 0x8000)
- {
- /* Infinity or NaN */
- *decpt = 9999;
-#ifdef IEEE_Arith
- if (!word1(d) && !(word0(d) & 0xfffff))
- {
- s = "Infinity";
- if (rve)
- *rve = s + 8;
- }
- else
- {
- s = "NaN";
- if (rve)
- *rve = s +3;
- }
- return s;
- }
-#ifdef IBM
- d += 0; /* normalize */
- if (!d) {
- *decpt = 1;
- s = "0";
- if (rve)
- *rve = s + 1;
- return s;
- }
- b = d2b(b, d, &be, &bbits);
- i = (int)(word0(d) >> Exp_shift1 & (Exp_mask>>Exp_shift1));
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
- if (i) {
- d2 = d;
- setword0(d2, (word0(d2) & Frac_mask1) | Exp_11);
-#ifdef IBM
- if (j = 11 - hi0bits(word0(d2) & Frac_mask))
- d2 /= 1 << j;
- i -= Bias;
-#ifdef IBM
- i <<= 2;
- i += j;
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
- denorm = 0;
- }
- else {
- /* d is denormalized */
- unsigned32 x;
- i = bbits + be + (Bias + (P-1) - 1);
- x = i > 32 ? word0(d) << (64 - i) | word1(d) >> (i - 32)
- : word1(d) << (32 - i);
- d2 = x;
- addword0(d2, - 31*Exp_msk1); /* adjust exponent */
- i -= (Bias + (P-1) - 1) + 1;
- denorm = 1;
- }
- /* Now i is the unbiased base-2 exponent. */
- /* log(x) ~=~ log(1.5) + (x-1.5)/1.5
- * log10(x) = log(x) / log(10)
- * ~=~ log(1.5)/log(10) + (x-1.5)/(1.5*log(10))
- * log10(d) = i*log(2)/log(10) + log10(d2)
- *
- * This suggests computing an approximation k to log10(d) by
- *
- * k = i*0.301029995663981
- * + ( (d2-1.5)*0.289529654602168 + 0.176091259055681 );
- *
- * We want k to be too large rather than too small.
- * The error in the first-order Taylor series approximation
- * is in our favor, so we just round up the constant enough
- * to compensate for any error in the multiplication of
- * (i) by 0.301029995663981; since |i| <= 1077,
- * and 1077 * 0.30103 * 2^-52 ~=~ 7.2e-14,
- * adding 1e-13 to the constant term more than suffices.
- * Hence we adjust the constant term to 0.1760912590558.
- * (We could get a more accurate k by invoking log10,
- * but this is probably not worthwhile.)
- */
- ds = (d2-1.5)*0.289529654602168 + 0.1760912590558 + i*0.301029995663981;
- k = (int)ds;
- if (ds < 0. && ds != k)
- k--; /* want k = floor(ds) */
- k_check = 1;
- if (k >= 0 && k <= Ten_pmax) {
- if (d < tens[k])
- k--;
- k_check = 0;
- }
- j = bbits - i - 1;
- if (j >= 0) {
- b2 = 0;
- s2 = j;
- }
- else {
- b2 = -j;
- s2 = 0;
- }
- if (k >= 0) {
- b5 = 0;
- s5 = k;
- s2 += k;
- }
- else {
- b2 -= k;
- b5 = -k;
- s5 = 0;
- }
- if (mode < 0 || mode > 9)
- mode = 0;
- try_quick = 1;
- if (mode > 5) {
- mode -= 4;
- try_quick = 0;
- }
- leftright = 1;
- switch(mode) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- ilim = ilim1 = -1;
- i = 18;
- ndigits = 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- leftright = 0;
- /* no break */
- case 4:
- if (ndigits <= 0)
- ndigits = 1;
- ilim = ilim1 = i = ndigits;
- break;
- case 3:
- leftright = 0;
- /* no break */
- case 5:
- i = ndigits + k + 1;
- ilim = i;
- ilim1 = i - 1;
- if (i <= 0)
- i = 1;
- }
- /* i is now an upper bound of the number of digits to generate. */
- j = sizeof(unsigned32) * (1<<BIGINT_MINIMUM_K);
- /* The test is <= so as to allow room for the final '\0'. */
- for(result_k = BIGINT_MINIMUM_K; BIGINT_HEADER_SIZE + j <= i;
- j <<= 1) result_k++;
- if (!result || result_k > result->k)
- {
- Bfree (result);
- result = Balloc(result_k);
- }
- s = s0 = (char *)result;
- if (ilim >= 0 && ilim <= Quick_max && try_quick) {
- /* Try to get by with floating-point arithmetic. */
- i = 0;
- d2 = d;
- k0 = k;
- ilim0 = ilim;
- ieps = 2; /* conservative */
- if (k > 0) {
- ds = tens[k&0xf];
- j = k >> 4;
- if (j & Bletch) {
- /* prevent overflows */
- j &= Bletch - 1;
- d /= bigtens[n_bigtens-1];
- ieps++;
- }
- for(; j; j >>= 1, i++)
- if (j & 1) {
- ieps++;
- ds *= bigtens[i];
- }
- d /= ds;
- }
- else if ((j1 = -k)) {
- d *= tens[j1 & 0xf];
- for(j = j1 >> 4; j; j >>= 1, i++)
- if (j & 1) {
- ieps++;
- d *= bigtens[i];
- }
- }
- if (k_check && d < 1. && ilim > 0) {
- if (ilim1 <= 0)
- goto fast_failed;
- ilim = ilim1;
- k--;
- d *= 10.;
- ieps++;
- }
- eps = ieps*d + 7.;
- addword0(eps, - (P-1)*Exp_msk1);
- if (ilim == 0) {
- d -= 5.;
- if (d > eps)
- goto one_digit;
- if (d < -eps)
- goto no_digits;
- goto fast_failed;
- }
-#ifndef No_leftright
- if (leftright) {
- /* Use Steele & White method of only
- * generating digits needed.
- */
- eps = 0.5/tens[ilim-1] - eps;
- for(i = 0;;) {
- L = (_G_int32_t)d;
- d -= L;
- *s++ = '0' + (int)L;
- if (d < eps)
- goto ret1;
- if (1. - d < eps)
- goto bump_up;
- if (++i >= ilim)
- break;
- eps *= 10.;
- d *= 10.;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Generate ilim digits, then fix them up. */
- eps *= tens[ilim-1];
- for(i = 1;; i++, d *= 10.) {
- L = (_G_int32_t)d;
- d -= L;
- *s++ = '0' + (int)L;
- if (i == ilim) {
- if (d > 0.5 + eps)
- goto bump_up;
- else if (d < 0.5 - eps) {
- while(*--s == '0');
- s++;
- goto ret1;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-#ifndef No_leftright
- }
- fast_failed:
- s = s0;
- d = d2;
- k = k0;
- ilim = ilim0;
- }
- /* Do we have a "small" integer? */
- if (be >= 0 && k <= Int_max) {
- /* Yes. */
- ds = tens[k];
- if (ndigits < 0 && ilim <= 0) {
- if (ilim < 0 || d <= 5*ds)
- goto no_digits;
- goto one_digit;
- }
- for(i = 1;; i++) {
- L = (_G_int32_t)(d / ds);
- d -= L*ds;
-#ifdef Check_FLT_ROUNDS
- /* If FLT_ROUNDS == 2, L will usually be high by 1 */
- if (d < 0) {
- L--;
- d += ds;
- }
- *s++ = '0' + (int)L;
- if (i == ilim) {
- d += d;
- if (d > ds || (d == ds && L & 1)) {
- bump_up:
- while(*--s == '9')
- if (s == s0) {
- k++;
- *s = '0';
- break;
- }
- ++*s++;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (!(d *= 10.))
- break;
- }
- goto ret1;
- }
- m2 = b2;
- m5 = b5;
- if (leftright) {
- if (mode < 2) {
- i =
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
- denorm ? be + (Bias + (P-1) - 1 + 1) :
-#ifdef IBM
- 1 + 4*P - 3 - bbits + ((bbits + be - 1) & 3);
- 1 + P - bbits;
- }
- else {
- j = ilim - 1;
- if (m5 >= j)
- m5 -= j;
- else {
- s5 += j -= m5;
- b5 += j;
- m5 = 0;
- }
- if ((i = ilim) < 0) {
- m2 -= i;
- i = 0;
- }
- }
- b2 += i;
- s2 += i;
- mhi = i2b(Binit(&_mhi), 1);
- }
- if (m2 > 0 && s2 > 0) {
- i = m2 < s2 ? m2 : s2;
- b2 -= i;
- m2 -= i;
- s2 -= i;
- }
- if (b5 > 0) {
- if (leftright) {
- if (m5 > 0) {
- Bigint *b_tmp;
- mhi = pow5mult(mhi, m5);
- b_tmp = mult(b_avail, mhi, b);
- b_avail = b;
- b = b_tmp;
- }
- if ((j = b5 - m5))
- b = pow5mult(b, j);
- }
- else
- b = pow5mult(b, b5);
- }
- S = i2b(S, 1);
- if (s5 > 0)
- S = pow5mult(S, s5);
- /* Check for special case that d is a normalized power of 2. */
- if (mode < 2) {
- if (!word1(d) && !(word0(d) & Bndry_mask)
-#ifndef Sudden_Underflow
- && word0(d) & Exp_mask
- ) {
- /* The special case */
- b2 += Log2P;
- s2 += Log2P;
- spec_case = 1;
- }
- else
- spec_case = 0;
- }
- /* Arrange for convenient computation of quotients:
- * shift left if necessary so divisor has 4 leading 0 bits.
- *
- * Perhaps we should just compute leading 28 bits of S once
- * and for all and pass them and a shift to quorem, so it
- * can do shifts and ors to compute the numerator for q.
- */
- if ((i = ((s5 ? 32 - hi0bits(S->x[S->wds-1]) : 1) + s2) & 0x1f))
- i = 32 - i;
- if (i > 4) {
- i -= 4;
- b2 += i;
- m2 += i;
- s2 += i;
- }
- else if (i < 4) {
- i += 28;
- b2 += i;
- m2 += i;
- s2 += i;
- }
- if (b2 > 0)
- b = lshift(b, b2);
- if (s2 > 0)
- S = lshift(S, s2);
- if (k_check) {
- if (cmp(b,S) < 0) {
- k--;
- b = multadd(b, 10, 0); /* we botched the k estimate */
- if (leftright)
- mhi = multadd(mhi, 10, 0);
- ilim = ilim1;
- }
- }
- if (ilim <= 0 && mode > 2) {
- if (ilim < 0 || cmp(b,S = multadd(S,5,0)) <= 0) {
- /* no digits, fcvt style */
- no_digits:
- k = -1 - ndigits;
- goto ret;
- }
- one_digit:
- *s++ = '1';
- k++;
- goto ret;
- }
- if (leftright) {
- if (m2 > 0)
- mhi = lshift(mhi, m2);
- /* Compute mlo -- check for special case
- * that d is a normalized power of 2.
- */
- if (spec_case) {
- mlo = Brealloc(Binit(&_mlo), mhi->k);
- Bcopy(mlo, mhi);
- mhi = lshift(mhi, Log2P);
- }
- else
- mlo = mhi;
- for(i = 1;;i++) {
- dig = quorem(b,S) + '0';
- /* Do we yet have the shortest decimal string
- * that will round to d?
- */
- j = cmp(b, mlo);
- b_avail = diff(b_avail, S, mhi); /* b_avail = S - mi */
- j1 = b_avail->sign ? 1 : cmp(b, b_avail);
- if (j1 == 0 && !mode && !(word1(d) & 1)) {
- if (dig == '9')
- goto round_9_up;
- if (j > 0)
- dig++;
- *s++ = dig;
- goto ret;
- }
- if (j < 0 || (j == 0 && !mode
- && !(word1(d) & 1)
- )) {
- if (j1 > 0) {
- b = lshift(b, 1);
- j1 = cmp(b, S);
- if ((j1 > 0 || (j1 == 0 && dig & 1))
- && dig++ == '9')
- goto round_9_up;
- }
- *s++ = dig;
- goto ret;
- }
- if (j1 > 0) {
- if (dig == '9') { /* possible if i == 1 */
- round_9_up:
- *s++ = '9';
- goto roundoff;
- }
- *s++ = dig + 1;
- goto ret;
- }
- *s++ = dig;
- if (i == ilim)
- break;
- b = multadd(b, 10, 0);
- if (mlo == mhi)
- mlo = mhi = multadd(mhi, 10, 0);
- else {
- mlo = multadd(mlo, 10, 0);
- mhi = multadd(mhi, 10, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- for(i = 1;; i++) {
- *s++ = dig = quorem(b,S) + '0';
- if (i >= ilim)
- break;
- b = multadd(b, 10, 0);
- }
- /* Round off last digit */
- b = lshift(b, 1);
- j = cmp(b, S);
- if (j > 0 || (j == 0 && dig & 1)) {
- roundoff:
- while(*--s == '9')
- if (s == s0) {
- k++;
- *s++ = '1';
- goto ret;
- }
- ++*s++;
- }
- else {
- while(*--s == '0');
- s++;
- }
- ret:
- Bfree(b_avail);
- Bfree(S);
- if (mhi) {
- if (mlo && mlo != mhi)
- Bfree(mlo);
- Bfree(mhi);
- }
- ret1:
- Bfree(b);
- *s = 0;
- *decpt = k + 1;
- if (rve)
- *rve = s;
- return s0;
- }
-#endif /* _IO_USE_DTOA */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/floatio.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/floatio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 827767b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/floatio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
- * Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
- * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
- * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
- * by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the
- * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- * %W% (Berkeley) %G%
- */
- * Floating point scanf/printf (input/output) definitions.
- */
-/* 11-bit exponent (VAX G floating point) is 308 decimal digits */
-#define MAXEXP 308
-/* 128 bit fraction takes up 39 decimal digits; max reasonable precision */
-#define MAXFRACT 39
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8930e0b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-extern "C" {
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <fstream.h>
-inline void
- /* Uses the _IO_file_jump jumptable, for eficiency. */
- __my_fb._jumps = &_IO_file_jumps;
- __my_fb._vtable() = builtinbuf_vtable;
- init (&__my_fb);
- init(filebuf::__new());
- _flags &= ~ios::dont_close;
- __fb_init ();
-fstreambase::fstreambase(int fd)
- __fb_init ();
- _IO_file_attach(rdbuf(), fd);
-fstreambase::fstreambase(const char *name, int mode, int prot)
- __fb_init ();
- if (!rdbuf()->open(name, mode, prot))
- set(ios::badbit);
-fstreambase::fstreambase(int fd, char *p, int l)
- __fb_init ();
- init(filebuf::__new());
- _IO_file_attach(rdbuf(), fd);
- _IO_file_setbuf(rdbuf(), p, l);
-void fstreambase::open(const char *name, int mode, int prot)
- clear();
- if (!rdbuf()->open(name, mode, prot))
- set(ios::badbit);
-void fstreambase::close()
- if (!rdbuf()->close())
- set(ios::failbit);
-void fstreambase::attach(int fd)
- if (!rdbuf()->attach(fd))
- set(ios::failbit);
-#if 0
-static int mode_to_sys(enum open_mode mode)
- return O_WRONLY;
-static char* fopen_cmd_arg(io_mode i)
- return "w";
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/fstream.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/fstream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ea98f5c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/fstream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#ifndef _FSTREAM_H
-#define _FSTREAM_H
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include <iostream.h>
-extern "C++" {
-class fstreambase : virtual public ios {
- mutable filebuf __my_fb; // mutable so rdbuf() can be const
- void __fb_init ();
- public:
- fstreambase();
- fstreambase(int fd);
- fstreambase(int fd, char *p, int l); /* Deprecated */
- fstreambase(const char *name, int mode, int prot=0664);
- void close();
- filebuf* rdbuf() const { return &__my_fb; }
- filebuf* rdbuf() const { return (filebuf*) ios::rdbuf(); }
- void open(const char *name, int mode, int prot=0664);
- int is_open() const { return rdbuf()->is_open(); }
- void setbuf(char *ptr, int len) { rdbuf()->setbuf(ptr, len); }
- void attach(int fd);
- int filedesc() { return rdbuf()->fd(); }
- fstreambase& raw() { rdbuf()->setbuf(NULL, 0); return *this; }
-class ifstream : public fstreambase, public istream {
- public:
- ifstream() : fstreambase() { }
- ifstream(int fd) : fstreambase(fd) { }
- ifstream(int fd, char *p, int l) : fstreambase(fd, p, l) { } /*Deprecated*/
- ifstream(const char *name, int mode=ios::in, int prot=0664)
- : fstreambase(name, mode, prot) { }
- void open(const char *name, int mode=ios::in, int prot=0664)
- { fstreambase::open(name, mode, prot); }
-class ofstream : public fstreambase, public ostream {
- public:
- ofstream() : fstreambase() { }
- ofstream(int fd) : fstreambase(fd) { }
- ofstream(int fd, char *p, int l) : fstreambase(fd, p, l) { } /*Deprecated*/
- ofstream(const char *name, int mode=ios::out, int prot=0664)
- : fstreambase(name, mode, prot) { }
- void open(const char *name, int mode=ios::out, int prot=0664)
- { fstreambase::open(name, mode, prot); }
-class fstream : public fstreambase, public iostream {
- public:
- fstream() : fstreambase() { }
- fstream(int fd) : fstreambase(fd) { }
- fstream(const char *name, int mode, int prot=0664)
- : fstreambase(name, mode, prot) { }
- fstream(int fd, char *p, int l) : fstreambase(fd, p, l) { } /*Deprecated*/
- void open(const char *name, int mode, int prot=0664)
- { fstreambase::open(name, mode, prot); }
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif /*!_FSTREAM_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/gen-params b/contrib/libg++/libio/gen-params
deleted file mode 100755
index b6e51b0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/gen-params
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,692 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation
-# This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-# software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-# Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Written by Per Bothner (
-# This is a shell-script that figures out various things about a
-# system, and writes (to stdout) a C-style include files with
-# suitable definitions, including all the standard Posix types.
-# It works by compiling various test programs -- some are run through
-# the C pre-processor, and the output examined.
-# The test programs are only compiled, not executed, so the script
-# should even if you're cross-compiling.
-# It uses $CC (which defaults to cc) to compile C programs (extension .c),
-# and $CXX (which defaults to gcc) to compile C++ programs (extension .C).
-# The shell-script is written for libg++.a.
-# Usage: gen-params [NAME1=name1 ...]
-# - where an assignment (such as size_t="unsigned int" means to
-# use that value, instead of trying to figure it out.
-# Uncomment following line for debugging
-# set -x
-# Evaluate the arguments (which should be assignments):
-for arg in "$@"; do
- # Quote arg (i.e. FOO=bar => FOO='bar'), then eval it.
- eval `echo "$arg" | ${SED} -e "s|^\(.*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'|"`
-CC=${CC-`if [ -f ${gccdir}/xgcc ] ; \
- then echo ${gccdir}/xgcc -B${gccdir}/ ; \
- else echo cc ; fi`}
-CXX=${CXX-`if [ -f ${gccdir}/xgcc ] ; \
- then echo ${gccdir}/xgcc -B${gccdir}/ ; \
- else echo gcc ; fi`}
-CPP=${CPP-`echo ${CC} -E`}
-CONFIG_NM=${CONFIG_NM-`if [ -f ${binutilsdir}/ ] ; \
- then echo ${binutilsdir}/ ; \
- else echo nm ; fi`}
-cat <<!EOF!
-#ifndef ${macro_prefix}config_h
-#define ${macro_prefix}config_h
-if [ x"${LIB_VERSION}" != "x" ] ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}LIB_VERSION" '"'${LIB_VERSION}'"'
-# This program is used to test if the compiler prepends '_' before identifiers.
-# It is also used to check the g++ uses '$' or '.' various places.
-if test -z "${NAMES_HAVE_UNDERSCORE}" -o -z "${DOLLAR_IN_LABEL}" \
- -o -z "${VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX}"; then
- cat >dummy.h <<!EOF!
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
- struct filebuf {
- virtual int foo();
- };
- cat >dummy.C <<!EOF!
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "dummy.h"
- int filebuf::foo() { return 0; }
- extern "C" int FUNC(int);
- int FUNC(int i) { return i+10; }
- if ${CXX} -O -c dummy.C ; then
- if test -z "${NAMES_HAVE_UNDERSCORE}" ; then
- if test "`${CONFIG_NM} dummy.o | grep _FUNC`" != ""; then
- elif test "`${CONFIG_NM} dummy.o | grep FUNC`" != ""; then
- else
- echo "${CONFIG_NM} failed to find FUNC in dummy.o!" 1>&2; exit -1;
- fi
- fi
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}NAMES_HAVE_UNDERSCORE ${NAMES_HAVE_UNDERSCORE}"
- if test -z "${VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX}" ; then
- # Determine how virtual function tables are named. This is fragile,
- # because different nm's produce output in different formats.
- ${CONFIG_NM} dummy.o >TMP
- if [ -n "`${SED} -n -e 's/ virtual table/nope/p' <TMP`" ] ; then
- ${CONFIG_NM} --no-cplus dummy.o >TMP 2>/dev/null ||
- ${CONFIG_NM} --no-demangle dummy.o >TMP 2>/dev/null ||
- ${CONFIG_NM} dummy.o >TMP 2>/dev/null
- fi
- # First we look for a pattern that matches historical output from g++.
- # We surround the actual label name by <> to separate it from
- # other nm junk.
- ${SED} -n -e 's/_*vt[$_.]7*filebuf/<&>/p' <TMP >dummy.out
- # For paranoia's sake (e.g. if we're using some other C++ compiler)
- # we try a more general pattern, and append the result.
- grep -v foo <TMP \
- | ${SED} -n -e 's/[a-zA-Z0-9_.$]*filebuf[a-zA-Z0-9_.$]*/<&>/p' \
- >>dummy.out
- # Now we get rid of the <>, and any other junk on the nm output line.
- # (We get rid of <filebuf> in case nm included debugging output for
- # class filebuf itself.) Finally, we select the first line of
- # the result, and hope that's what we wanted!
- vtab_name=`${SED} -n -e '/<filebuf>/d' -e 's/^.*<\(.*\)>.*$/\1/p' \
- <dummy.out | ${SED} -n -e '1p'`
- case "${vtab_name}" in
- *7filebuf) echo "#define ${macro_prefix}VTABLE_LABEL_HAS_LENGTH 1" ;;
- *) echo "#define ${macro_prefix}VTABLE_LABEL_HAS_LENGTH 0" ;;
- esac
- VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX=`echo $vtab_name | ${SED} -e 's/7*filebuf//'`
- fi
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX" '"'"${VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX}"'"'
- if [ "${VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX}" = "__vt_" -o \
- "${VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX}" = "___vt_" ] ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}USING_THUNKS"
- fi
- # but the former is a C identifier, while the latter is a quoted
- # st
- if [ -z ""`echo ${VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX} | ${SED} -e 's/[a-zA-Z0-9_]//g'` ] ; then
- if [ "${NAMES_HAVE_UNDERSCORE}" = "1" ] ; then
- fi
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX_ID ${VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX}"
- fi
-# if test -n "${DOLLAR_IN_LABEL}" ; then
-# echo "#define ${macro_prefix}DOLLAR_IN_LABEL ${DOLLAR_IN_LABEL}"
-# elif test "`${CONFIG_NM} dummy.o | grep 'vt[$$]7filebuf'`" != ""; then
-# echo "#define ${macro_prefix}DOLLAR_IN_LABEL 1"
-# elif test "`${CONFIG_NM} dummy.o | grep 'vt[.]7filebuf'`" != ""; then
-# echo "#define ${macro_prefix}DOLLAR_IN_LABEL 0"
-# elif test "`${CONFIG_NM} dummy.o | grep 'vtbl__7filebuf'`" != ""; then
-# echo "#define ${macro_prefix}DOLLAR_IN_LABEL 0"
-# else
-# echo "gen-params: ${CONFIG_NM} failed to find vt[.\$]filebuf in dummy.o!" 1>&2; exit 1
-# fi
- else
- # The compile failed for some reason (no C++?)
- echo "gen-params: could not compile dummy.C with ${CXX}" 1>&2; exit 1;
- fi
-# A little test program to check if struct stat has st_blksize.
-cat >dummy.c <<!EOF!
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-int BLKSIZE(struct stat *st)
- return st->st_blksize;
-if ${CC} -c dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_ST_BLKSIZE 1"
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_ST_BLKSIZE 0"
-# A little test program to check if the name 'clog' is defined in libm,
-# as it is under DEC UNIX.
-cat >dummy.c <<!EOF!
-int clog;
-main () {}
-if ${CC} dummy.c -lm 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep clog >/dev/null; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}CLOG_CONFLICT 1"
-# Next, generate definitions for the standard types (such as mode_t)
-# compatible with those in the standard C header files.
-# It works by a dummy program through the C pre-processor, and then
-# using sed to search for typedefs in the output.
-for hdr in wchar wctype; do
- eval $hdr=0
- cat >dummy.c <<EOF
-#include <${hdr}.h>
- if ${CPP} dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then eval $hdr=1; fi
-cat >dummy.c <<!EOF!
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#else /* !__STDC__ */
-#include <varargs.h>
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <limits.h>
-#if WCHAR == 1
-#include <wchar.h>
-#if WCTYPE == 1
-#include <wctype.h>
-#ifdef size_t
-typedef size_t Xsize_t;
-#elif defined(__SIZE_TYPE__)
-typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ Xsize_t;
-#ifdef ptrdiff_t
-typedef ptrdiff_t Xptrdiff_t;
-#elif defined(__PTRDIFF_TYPE__)
-typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ Xptrdiff_t;
-#ifdef wchar_t
-typedef wchar_t Xwchar_t;
-#elif defined(__WCHAR_TYPE__)
-typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ Xwchar_t;
-#ifdef va_list
-typedef va_list XXXva_list;
-#ifdef BUFSIZ
-#ifdef FOPEN_MAX
-#ifdef SHRT_MAX
-#ifdef INT_MAX
-#ifdef LONG_MAX
-if ${CPP} dummy.c -DWCHAR=$wchar -DWCTYPE=$wctype >TMP ; then true
- echo "gen-params: could not invoke ${CPP} on dummy.c" 1>&2 ; exit 1
-tr ' ' ' ' <TMP >dummy.out
-for TYPE in dev_t clock_t fpos_t gid_t ino_t mode_t nlink_t off_t pid_t ptrdiff_t sigset_t size_t ssize_t time_t uid_t va_list wchar_t wint_t int16_t uint16_t int32_t uint_32_t u_int16_t u_int32_t; do
- IMPORTED=`eval 'echo $'"$TYPE"`
- if [ -n "${IMPORTED}" ] ; then
- eval "$TYPE='$IMPORTED'"
- else
- t=$TYPE
- VALUE=''
- # Follow `typedef VALUE TYPE' chains, but don't loop indefinitely.
- for iteration in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20; do
- # Search dummy.out for a typedef for X*$t.
- sed_script="
- /.*typedef *\\(.*[^ ]\\) *X*$t *;.*/{s||\1|;p;q;}
- /.*typedef *\\(.*[^ a-zA-Z0-9_]\\)X*$t *;.*/{s||\1|;p;q;}
- "
- t=`${SED} -n "$sed_script" <dummy.out`
- case "$t" in
- '')
- break;;
- *)
- # Found a type $t; save it in VALUE.
- VALUE=$t
- # If it won't cause problems in matching,
- # look for a typedef for it in turn.
- case "$VALUE" in
- *.* | */* | *\ * | *\** | *\[* | *\\*) break;;
- esac;;
- esac
- done
- case "$VALUE" in
- ?*) eval "$TYPE=\"$VALUE\""
- esac
- fi
-cat <<!EOF!
-typedef ${clock_t-int /* default */} ${macro_prefix}clock_t;
-typedef ${dev_t-int /* default */} ${macro_prefix}dev_t;
-typedef ${fpos_t-long /* default */} ${macro_prefix}fpos_t;
-typedef ${gid_t-int /* default */} ${macro_prefix}gid_t;
-typedef ${ino_t-int /* default */} ${macro_prefix}ino_t;
-typedef ${mode_t-int /* default */} ${macro_prefix}mode_t;
-typedef ${nlink_t-int /* default */} ${macro_prefix}nlink_t;
-typedef ${off_t-long /* default */} ${macro_prefix}off_t;
-typedef ${pid_t-int /* default */} ${macro_prefix}pid_t;
-#ifndef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__
-#define __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ${ptrdiff_t-long int /* default */}
-typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ${macro_prefix}ptrdiff_t;
-typedef ${sigset_t-int /* default */} ${macro_prefix}sigset_t;
-#ifndef __SIZE_TYPE__
-#define __SIZE_TYPE__ ${size_t-unsigned long /* default */}
-typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ ${macro_prefix}size_t;
-typedef ${time_t-int /* default */} ${macro_prefix}time_t;
-typedef ${uid_t-int /* default */} ${macro_prefix}uid_t;
-typedef ${wchar_t-int /* default */} ${macro_prefix}wchar_t;
-# ssize_t is the signed version of size_t
-if [ -n "${ssize_t}" ] ; then
- echo "typedef ${ssize_t} ${macro_prefix}ssize_t;"
-elif [ -z "${size_t}" ] ; then
- echo "typedef long ${macro_prefix}ssize_t;"
- # Remove "unsigned" from ${size_t} to get ${ssize_t}.
- tmp="`echo ${size_t} | ${SED} -e 's|unsigned||g' -e 's| | |g'`"
- if [ -z "$tmp" ] ; then
- tmp=int
- else
- # check $tmp doesn't conflict with <unistd.h>
- echo "#include <unistd.h>
- extern $tmp read();" >dummy.c
- ${CC} -c dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 || tmp=int
- fi
- echo "typedef $tmp /* default */ ${macro_prefix}ssize_t;"
-# wint_t is often the integral type to which wchar_t promotes.
-if [ -z "${wint_t}" ] ; then
- for TYPE in int 'unsigned int' 'long int' 'long unsigned int'; do
- cat >dummy.C <<!EOF!
-#ifndef __WCHAR_TYPE__
-#define __WCHAR_TYPE__ ${wchar_t-int /* default */}
-typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ ${macro_prefix}wchar_t;
-void foo ($TYPE);
-void foo (double);
-void bar (${macro_prefix}wchar_t w)
- foo (w);
- if ${CXX} -c dummy.C >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- wint_t="$TYPE /* default */"
- break
- fi
- done
-echo "typedef ${wint_t-int /* wchar_t is broken */} ${macro_prefix}wint_t;"
-# va_list can cause problems (e.g. some systems have va_list as a struct).
-# Check to see if ${va_list-char*} really is compatible with stdarg.h.
-cat >dummy.C <<!EOF!
-#define X_va_list ${va_list-char* /* default */}
-extern long foo(X_va_list ap); /* Check that X_va_list compiles on its own */
-extern "C" {
-#include <stdarg.h>
-long foo(X_va_list ap) { return va_arg(ap, long); }
-long bar(int i, ...)
-{ va_list ap; long j; va_start(ap, i); j = foo(ap); va_end(ap); return j; }
-if ${CXX} -c dummy.C >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- # Ok: We have something that works.
- echo "typedef ${va_list-char* /* default */} ${macro_prefix}va_list;"
- # No, it breaks. Indicate that <stdarg.h> must be included.
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}NEED_STDARG_H
-#define ${macro_prefix}va_list va_list"
-cat >dummy.c <<!EOF!
-#include <signal.h>
-extern int (*signal())();
-extern int dummy (int);
- int (*oldsig)(int) = signal (1, dummy);
- (void) signal (2, oldsig);
- return 0;
-if ${CC} -c dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}signal_return_type int"
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}signal_return_type void"
-# check sprintf return type
-cat >dummy.c <<!EOF!
-#include <stdio.h>
-extern int sprintf(); char buf[100];
-int main() { return sprintf(buf, "%d", 34); }
-if ${CC} -c dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}sprintf_return_type int"
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}sprintf_return_type char*"
-# Look for some standard macros.
- IMPORTED=`eval 'echo $'"$NAME"`
- if [ -n "${IMPORTED}" ] ; then
- eval "$NAME='$IMPORTED /* specified */"
- else
- rm -f TMP
- ${SED} -n -e 's| *;|;|g' -e "s|long X${NAME}= *\(.*\);|\1|w TMP" \
- <dummy.out>/dev/null
- # Now select the first definition.
- if [ -s TMP ]; then
- eval "$NAME='"`${SED} -e '2,$d' <TMP`"'"
- fi
- fi
-# These macros must be numerical constants; strip any trailing 'L's.
- IMPORTED=`eval 'echo $'"$NAME"`
- if [ -n "${IMPORTED}" ] ; then
- eval "$NAME='$IMPORTED /* specified */"
- else
- rm -f TMP
- ${SED} -n -e 's| *;|;|g' -e "s|long X${NAME}= *\([0-9]*\)L* *;|\1|w TMP" \
- <dummy.out>/dev/null
- # Now select the first definition.
- if [ -s TMP ]; then
- eval "$NAME='"`${SED} -e '2,$d' <TMP`"'"
- fi
- fi
-# Figure out integral type sizes.
-default_int16='short /* deduction failed */'
-default_int32='long /* deduction failed */'
-if [ "${SHRT_MAX}" = $INT16 ] ; then
- default_int16='short /* deduced */'
- if [ "${LONG_MAX}" = $INT32 ] ; then
- default_int32='long /* deduced */'
- elif [ "${INT_MAX}" = $INT32 ] ; then
- default_int32='int /* deduced */'
- fi
-[ -n "$u_int16_t" ] && uint16_t="$u_int16_t"
-[ -n "$u_int32_t" ] && uint32_t="$u_int32_t"
-[ -z "$int16_t" ] && int16_t="$default_int16"
-[ -z "$uint16_t" ] && uint16_t="unsigned $int16_t"
-[ -z "$int32_t" ] && int32_t="$default_int32"
-[ -z "$uint32_t" ] && uint32_t="unsigned $int32_t"
-cat <<!EOF!
-#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)
-typedef int ${macro_prefix}int8_t __attribute__((__mode__(__QI__)));
-typedef unsigned int ${macro_prefix}uint8_t __attribute__((__mode__(__QI__)));
-typedef int ${macro_prefix}int16_t __attribute__((__mode__(__HI__)));
-typedef unsigned int ${macro_prefix}uint16_t __attribute__((__mode__(__HI__)));
-typedef int ${macro_prefix}int32_t __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__)));
-typedef unsigned int ${macro_prefix}uint32_t __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__)));
-typedef int ${macro_prefix}int64_t __attribute__((__mode__(__DI__)));
-typedef unsigned int ${macro_prefix}uint64_t __attribute__((__mode__(__DI__)));
-typedef $int16_t ${macro_prefix}int16_t;
-typedef $uint16_t ${macro_prefix}uint16_t;
-typedef $int32_t ${macro_prefix}int32_t;
-typedef $uint32_t ${macro_prefix}uint32_t;
-#define ${macro_prefix}BUFSIZ ${BUFSIZ-1024 /* default */}
-#define ${macro_prefix}FOPEN_MAX ${FOPEN_MAX-32 /* default */}
-#define ${macro_prefix}FILENAME_MAX ${FILENAME_MAX-1024 /* default */}
-#define ${macro_prefix}NULL ${NULL-0 /* default */}
-#if defined (__cplusplus) || defined (__STDC__)
-#define ${macro_prefix}ARGS(ARGLIST) ARGLIST
-#define ${macro_prefix}ARGS(ARGLIST) ()
-#if !defined (__GNUG__) || defined (__STRICT_ANSI__)
-#define ${macro_prefix}NO_NRV
-#if !defined (__GNUG__)
-rm -f dummy.c dummy.o dummy.h
-if test -n "${HAVE_ATEXIT}" ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_ATEXIT ${HAVE_ATEXIT}"
- cat >dummy.c <<!EOF!
-#include <stdlib.h>
-int main()
- atexit (0);
- if ${CC} dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_ATEXIT 1"
- else
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_ATEXIT 0"
- fi
-# *** Check for presence of certain include files ***
-# check for sys/resource.h
-if test -n "${HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE}" ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE ${HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE}"
- cat >dummy.c <<!EOF!
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
- int main()
- {
- struct rusage res;
- getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &res);
- return (int)(res.ru_utime.tv_sec + (res.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000000.0));
- }
- # Note: We link because some systems have sys/resource, but not getrusage().
- if ${CC} dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE 1"
- else
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE 0"
- fi
-# check for struct tms in sys/times.h
-if test -n "${HAVE_SYS_TIMES}" ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_TIMES ${HAVE_SYS_TIMES}"
- cat >dummy.c <<!EOF!
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/times.h>
- int main()
- {
- struct tms s;
- return s.tms_utime;
- }
- if ${CC} -c dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_TIMES 1"
- else
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_TIMES 0"
- fi
-# check for sys/socket.h
-if test -n "${HAVE_SYS_SOCKET}" ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_SOCKET ${HAVE_SYS_SOCKET}"
- echo '#include <sys/types.h>' >dummy.c
- echo '#include <sys/socket.h>' >>dummy.c
- if ${CC} -c dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_SOCKET 1"
- else
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_SOCKET 0"
- fi
-# check for sys/cdefs.h
-if test -n "${HAVE_SYS_CDEFS}" ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_CDEFS ${HAVE_SYS_CDEFS}"
- echo '#include <sys/cdefs.h>' >dummy.c
- echo 'extern int myfunc __P((int, int));' >>dummy.c
- if ${CC} -c dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_CDEFS 1"
- else
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_CDEFS 0"
- fi
-# Check for a (Posix-compatible) sys/wait.h */
-if test -n "${HAVE_SYS_WAIT}" ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_WAIT ${HAVE_SYS_WAIT}"
- cat >dummy.c <<!EOF!
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
- int f() { int i; wait(&i); return i; }
- if ${CC} -c dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_WAIT 1"
- else
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_SYS_WAIT 0"
- fi
-if test -n "${HAVE_UNISTD}" ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_UNISTD ${HAVE_UNISTD}"
- echo '#include <unistd.h>' >dummy.c
- if ${CC} -c dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_UNISTD 1"
- else
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_UNISTD 0"
- fi
-if test -n "${HAVE_DIRENT}" ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_DIRENT ${HAVE_DIRENT}"
- echo '#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>' >dummy.c
- if ${CC} -c dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_DIRENT 1"
- else
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_DIRENT 0"
- fi
-if test -n "${HAVE_CURSES}" ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_CURSES ${HAVE_CURSES}"
- echo '#include <curses.h>' >dummy.c
- if ${CC} -c dummy.c >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_CURSES 1"
- else
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_CURSES 0"
- fi
-# There is no test for this at the moment; it is just set by the
-# configuration files.
-if test -n "${MATH_H_INLINES}" ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}MATH_H_INLINES ${MATH_H_INLINES}"
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}MATH_H_INLINES 0"
-if test -n "${HAVE_BOOL}" ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_BOOL ${HAVE_BOOL}"
- echo 'bool i=true,j=false;' >dummy.C
- if ${CXX} -c dummy.C >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_BOOL 1"
- else
- echo "#define ${macro_prefix}HAVE_BOOL 0"
- fi
-# Uncomment the following line if you don't have working templates.
-# echo "#define ${macro_prefix}NO_TEMPLATES"
-rm -f dummy.C dummy.o dummy.c dummy.out TMP core a.out
-echo "#endif /* !${macro_prefix}config_h */"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/genops.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/genops.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 23a6fde..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/genops.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,852 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993, 1995 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Generic or default I/O operations. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-DEFUN(_IO_un_link, (fp),
- _IO_FILE *fp)
- if (fp->_flags & _IO_LINKED) {
- _IO_FILE **f;
- for (f = &_IO_list_all; *f != NULL; f = &(*f)->_chain) {
- if (*f == fp) {
- *f = fp->_chain;
- break;
- }
- }
- fp->_flags &= ~_IO_LINKED;
- }
-DEFUN(_IO_link_in, (fp),
- _IO_FILE *fp)
- if ((fp->_flags & _IO_LINKED) == 0) {
- fp->_flags |= _IO_LINKED;
- fp->_chain = _IO_list_all;
- _IO_list_all = fp;
- }
-/* Return minimum _pos markers
- Assumes the current get area is the main get area. */
-DEFUN(_IO_least_marker, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- _IO_ssize_t least_so_far = fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_base;
- register struct _IO_marker *mark;
- for (mark = fp->_markers; mark != NULL; mark = mark->_next)
- if (mark->_pos < least_so_far)
- least_so_far = mark->_pos;
- return least_so_far;
-/* Switch current get area from backup buffer to (start of) main get area. */
-DEFUN(_IO_switch_to_main_get_area, (fp),
- _IO_FILE *fp)
- char *tmp;
- fp->_flags &= ~_IO_IN_BACKUP;
- /* Swap _IO_read_end and _IO_save_end. */
- tmp = fp->_IO_read_end; fp->_IO_read_end= fp->_IO_save_end; fp->_IO_save_end= tmp;
- /* Swap _IO_read_base and _IO_save_base. */
- tmp = fp->_IO_read_base; fp->_IO_read_base = fp->_IO_save_base; fp->_IO_save_base = tmp;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = fp->_IO_read_base;
-/* Switch current get area from main get area to (end of) backup area. */
-DEFUN(_IO_switch_to_backup_area, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- char *tmp;
- fp->_flags |= _IO_IN_BACKUP;
- /* Swap _IO_read_end and _IO_save_end. */
- tmp = fp->_IO_read_end; fp->_IO_read_end = fp->_IO_save_end; fp->_IO_save_end = tmp;
- /* Swap _gbase and _IO_save_base. */
- tmp = fp->_IO_read_base; fp->_IO_read_base = fp->_IO_save_base; fp->_IO_save_base = tmp;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = fp->_IO_read_end;
-DEFUN(_IO_switch_to_get_mode, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- if (fp->_IO_write_ptr > fp->_IO_write_base)
- if (_IO_OVERFLOW (fp, EOF) == EOF)
- return EOF;
- if (_IO_in_backup(fp))
- fp->_IO_read_base = fp->_IO_backup_base;
- else
- {
- fp->_IO_read_base = fp->_IO_buf_base;
- if (fp->_IO_write_ptr > fp->_IO_read_end)
- fp->_IO_read_end = fp->_IO_write_ptr;
- }
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = fp->_IO_write_ptr;
- fp->_IO_write_base = fp->_IO_write_ptr = fp->_IO_write_end = fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- fp->_flags &= ~_IO_CURRENTLY_PUTTING;
- return 0;
-DEFUN(_IO_free_backup_area, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- if (_IO_in_backup (fp))
- _IO_switch_to_main_get_area(fp); /* Just in case. */
- free (fp->_IO_save_base);
- fp->_IO_save_base = NULL;
- fp->_IO_save_end = NULL;
- fp->_IO_backup_base = NULL;
-#if 0
-DEFUN(_IO_switch_to_put_mode, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- fp->_IO_write_base = fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- fp->_IO_write_ptr = fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- /* Following is wrong if line- or un-buffered? */
- fp->_IO_write_end = fp->_flags & _IO_IN_BACKUP ? fp->_IO_read_end : fp->_IO_buf_end;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = fp->_IO_read_end;
- fp->_IO_read_base = fp->_IO_read_end;
- fp->_flags |= _IO_CURRENTLY_PUTTING;
- return 0;
-DEFUN(__overflow, (f, ch),
- _IO_FILE *f AND int ch)
- return _IO_OVERFLOW (f, ch);
-static int
-DEFUN(save_for_backup, (fp),
- _IO_FILE *fp)
- /* Append [_IO_read_base.._IO_read_end] to backup area. */
- int least_mark = _IO_least_marker(fp);
- /* needed_size is how much space we need in the backup area. */
- int needed_size = (fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_base) - least_mark;
- int current_Bsize = fp->_IO_save_end - fp->_IO_save_base;
- int avail; /* Extra space available for future expansion. */
- int delta;
- struct _IO_marker *mark;
- if (needed_size > current_Bsize)
- {
- char *new_buffer;
- avail = 100;
- new_buffer = (char*)malloc(avail+needed_size);
- if (new_buffer == NULL)
- return EOF; /* FIXME */
- if (least_mark < 0)
- {
- memcpy(new_buffer + avail,
- fp->_IO_save_end + least_mark,
- -least_mark);
- memcpy(new_buffer +avail - least_mark,
- fp->_IO_read_base,
- fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_base);
- }
- else
- memcpy(new_buffer + avail,
- fp->_IO_read_base + least_mark,
- needed_size);
- if (fp->_IO_save_base)
- free (fp->_IO_save_base);
- fp->_IO_save_base = new_buffer;
- fp->_IO_save_end = new_buffer + avail + needed_size;
- }
- else
- {
- avail = current_Bsize - needed_size;
- if (least_mark < 0)
- {
- memmove(fp->_IO_save_base + avail,
- fp->_IO_save_end + least_mark,
- -least_mark);
- memcpy(fp->_IO_save_base + avail - least_mark,
- fp->_IO_read_base,
- fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_base);
- }
- else if (needed_size > 0)
- memcpy(fp->_IO_save_base + avail,
- fp->_IO_read_base + least_mark,
- needed_size);
- }
- /* FIXME: Dubious arithmetic if pointers are NULL */
- fp->_IO_backup_base = fp->_IO_save_base + avail;
- /* Adjust all the streammarkers. */
- delta = fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_base;
- for (mark = fp->_markers; mark != NULL; mark = mark->_next)
- mark->_pos -= delta;
- return 0;
-DEFUN(__underflow, (fp),
- _IO_FILE *fp)
- if (_IO_in_put_mode(fp))
- if (_IO_switch_to_get_mode(fp) == EOF) return EOF;
- if (fp->_IO_read_ptr < fp->_IO_read_end)
- return *(unsigned char*)fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- if (_IO_in_backup(fp))
- {
- _IO_switch_to_main_get_area(fp);
- if (fp->_IO_read_ptr < fp->_IO_read_end)
- return *fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- }
- if (_IO_have_markers(fp))
- {
- if (save_for_backup (fp))
- return EOF;
- }
- else if (_IO_have_backup(fp))
- _IO_free_backup_area(fp);
- return _IO_UNDERFLOW (fp);
-DEFUN(__uflow, (fp),
- _IO_FILE *fp)
- if (_IO_in_put_mode(fp))
- if (_IO_switch_to_get_mode(fp) == EOF) return EOF;
- if (fp->_IO_read_ptr < fp->_IO_read_end)
- return *(unsigned char*)fp->_IO_read_ptr++;
- if (_IO_in_backup(fp))
- {
- _IO_switch_to_main_get_area(fp);
- if (fp->_IO_read_ptr < fp->_IO_read_end)
- return *fp->_IO_read_ptr++;
- }
- if (_IO_have_markers(fp))
- {
- if (save_for_backup (fp))
- return EOF;
- }
- else if (_IO_have_backup(fp))
- _IO_free_backup_area(fp);
- return _IO_UFLOW (fp);
-DEFUN(_IO_setb, (f, b, eb, a),
- _IO_FILE *f AND char *b AND char *eb AND int a)
- if (f->_IO_buf_base && !(f->_flags & _IO_USER_BUF))
- FREE_BUF(f->_IO_buf_base);
- f->_IO_buf_base = b;
- f->_IO_buf_end = eb;
- if (a)
- f->_flags &= ~_IO_USER_BUF;
- else
- f->_flags |= _IO_USER_BUF;
-DEFUN(_IO_doallocbuf, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- if (fp->_IO_buf_base)
- return;
- if (!(fp->_flags & _IO_UNBUFFERED))
- if (_IO_DOALLOCATE (fp) != EOF)
- return;
- _IO_setb(fp, fp->_shortbuf, fp->_shortbuf+1, 0);
-DEFUN(_IO_default_underflow, (fp),
- _IO_FILE *fp)
- return EOF;
-DEFUN(_IO_default_uflow, (fp),
- _IO_FILE *fp)
- int ch = _IO_UNDERFLOW (fp);
- if (ch == EOF)
- return EOF;
- return *(unsigned char*)fp->_IO_read_ptr++;
-DEFUN(_IO_default_xsputn, (f, data, n),
- register _IO_FILE *f AND const void *data AND _IO_size_t n)
- register const char *s = (char*) data;
- register _IO_size_t more = n;
- if (more <= 0)
- return 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- _IO_ssize_t count = f->_IO_write_end - f->_IO_write_ptr; /* Space available. */
- if (count > 0)
- {
- if (count > more)
- count = more;
- if (count > 20)
- {
- memcpy(f->_IO_write_ptr, s, count);
- s += count;
- f->_IO_write_ptr += count;
- }
- else if (count <= 0)
- count = 0;
- else
- {
- register char *p = f->_IO_write_ptr;
- register _IO_ssize_t i;
- for (i = count; --i >= 0; ) *p++ = *s++;
- f->_IO_write_ptr = p;
- }
- more -= count;
- }
- if (more == 0 || __overflow(f, (unsigned char)*s++) == EOF)
- break;
- more--;
- }
- return n - more;
-DEFUN(_IO_sgetn, (fp, data, n),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND void *data AND _IO_size_t n)
- /* FIXME handle putback buffer here! */
- return _IO_XSGETN (fp, data, n);
-DEFUN(_IO_default_xsgetn, (fp, data, n),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND void *data AND _IO_size_t n)
- register _IO_size_t more = n;
- register char *s = (char*) data;
- for (;;)
- {
- _IO_ssize_t count = fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_ptr; /* Data available. */
- if (count > 0)
- {
- if (count > more)
- count = more;
- if (count > 20)
- {
- memcpy(s, fp->_IO_read_ptr, count);
- s += count;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr += count;
- }
- else if (count <= 0)
- count = 0;
- else
- {
- register char *p = fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- register int i = (int)count;
- while (--i >= 0) *s++ = *p++;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = p;
- }
- more -= count;
- }
- if (more == 0 || __underflow(fp) == EOF)
- break;
- }
- return n - more;
-DEFUN(_IO_sync, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- return 0;
-DEFUN(_IO_default_setbuf, (fp, p, len),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND char* p AND _IO_ssize_t len)
- if (_IO_SYNC (fp) == EOF)
- return NULL;
- if (p == NULL || len == 0)
- {
- fp->_flags |= _IO_UNBUFFERED;
- _IO_setb(fp, fp->_shortbuf, fp->_shortbuf+1, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- fp->_flags &= ~_IO_UNBUFFERED;
- _IO_setb(fp, p, p+len, 0);
- }
- fp->_IO_write_base = fp->_IO_write_ptr = fp->_IO_write_end = 0;
- fp->_IO_read_base = fp->_IO_read_ptr = fp->_IO_read_end = 0;
- return fp;
-DEFUN(_IO_default_seekpos, (fp, pos, mode),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND _IO_pos_t pos AND int mode)
- return _IO_SEEKOFF (fp, _IO_pos_as_off(pos), 0, mode);
-DEFUN(_IO_default_doallocate, (fp),
- _IO_FILE *fp)
- char *buf = ALLOC_BUF(_IO_BUFSIZ);
- if (buf == NULL)
- return EOF;
- _IO_setb(fp, buf, buf+_IO_BUFSIZ, 1);
- return 1;
-DEFUN(_IO_init, (fp, flags),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND int flags)
- fp->_flags = _IO_MAGIC|flags;
- fp->_IO_buf_base = NULL;
- fp->_IO_buf_end = NULL;
- fp->_IO_read_base = NULL;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = NULL;
- fp->_IO_read_end = NULL;
- fp->_IO_write_base = NULL;
- fp->_IO_write_ptr = NULL;
- fp->_IO_write_end = NULL;
- fp->_chain = NULL; /* Not necessary. */
- fp->_IO_save_base = NULL;
- fp->_IO_backup_base = NULL;
- fp->_IO_save_end = NULL;
- fp->_markers = NULL;
- fp->_cur_column = 0;
-DEFUN(_IO_default_sync, (fp),
- _IO_FILE *fp)
- return 0;
-/* The way the C++ classes are mapped into the C functions in the
- current implementation, this function can get called twice! */
-DEFUN(_IO_default_finish, (fp),
- _IO_FILE *fp)
- struct _IO_marker *mark;
- if (fp->_IO_buf_base && !(fp->_flags & _IO_USER_BUF))
- {
- FREE_BUF(fp->_IO_buf_base);
- fp->_IO_buf_base = fp->_IO_buf_end = NULL;
- }
- for (mark = fp->_markers; mark != NULL; mark = mark->_next)
- mark->_sbuf = NULL;
- if (fp->_IO_save_base)
- {
- free (fp->_IO_save_base);
- fp->_IO_save_base = NULL;
- }
- _IO_un_link(fp);
-DEFUN(_IO_default_seekoff, (fp, offset, dir, mode),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND _IO_off_t offset AND int dir AND int mode)
- return _IO_pos_BAD;
-DEFUN(_IO_sputbackc, (fp, c),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND int c)
- int result;
- if (fp->_IO_read_ptr > fp->_IO_read_base
- && (unsigned char)fp->_IO_read_ptr[-1] == (unsigned char)c)
- {
- fp->_IO_read_ptr--;
- result = (unsigned char)c;
- }
- else
- result = _IO_PBACKFAIL (fp, c);
- if (result != EOF)
- fp->_flags &= ~_IO_EOF_SEEN;
- return result;
-DEFUN(_IO_sungetc, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- int result;
- if (fp->_IO_read_ptr > fp->_IO_read_base)
- {
- fp->_IO_read_ptr--;
- result = (unsigned char)*fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- }
- else
- result = _IO_PBACKFAIL (fp, EOF);
- if (result != EOF)
- fp->_flags &= ~_IO_EOF_SEEN;
- return result;
-#if 0 /* Work in progress */
-DEFUN(_IO_set_column, (fp, c),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND int c)
- if (c == -1)
- fp->_column = -1;
- else
- fp->_column = c - (fp->_IO_write_ptr - fp->_IO_write_base);
-DEFUN(_IO_set_column, (fp, i),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND int i)
- fp->_cur_column = i+1;
- return 0;
-DEFUN(_IO_adjust_column, (start, line, count),
- unsigned start AND const char *line AND int count)
- register const char *ptr = line + count;
- while (ptr > line)
- if (*--ptr == '\n')
- return line + count - ptr - 1;
- return start + count;
-DEFUN(_IO_get_column, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- if (fp->_cur_column)
- return _IO_adjust_column(fp->_cur_column - 1,
- fp->_IO_write_base,
- fp->_IO_write_ptr - fp->_IO_write_base);
- return -1;
- int result = 0;
- _IO_FILE *fp;
- for (fp = _IO_list_all; fp != NULL; fp = fp->_chain)
- if (fp->_IO_write_ptr > fp->_IO_write_base
- && _IO_OVERFLOW (fp, EOF) == EOF)
- result = EOF;
- return result;
- _IO_FILE *fp;
- for (fp = _IO_list_all; fp != NULL; fp = fp->_chain)
- if (fp->_flags & _IO_LINE_BUF)
- _IO_FILE *fp;
- for (fp = _IO_list_all; fp != NULL; fp = fp->_chain)
- if (! (fp->_flags & _IO_UNBUFFERED))
- _IO_SETBUF (fp, NULL, 0);
- _IO_flush_all ();
- /* We currently don't have a reliable mechanism for making sure that
- C++ static destructors are executed in the correct order.
- So it is possible that other static destructord might want to
- write to cout - and they're supposed to be able to do so.
- The following will make the standard streambufs be unbuffered,
- which forces any output from late destructors to be written out. */
- _IO_unbuffer_all ();
-DEFUN(_IO_init_marker, (marker, fp),
- struct _IO_marker *marker AND _IO_FILE *fp)
- marker->_sbuf = fp;
- if (_IO_in_put_mode(fp))
- _IO_switch_to_get_mode(fp);
- if (_IO_in_backup(fp))
- marker->_pos = fp->_IO_read_ptr - fp->_IO_read_end;
- else
- marker->_pos = fp->_IO_read_ptr - fp->_IO_read_base;
- /* Should perhaps sort the chain? */
- marker->_next = fp->_markers;
- fp->_markers = marker;
-DEFUN(_IO_remove_marker, (marker),
- register struct _IO_marker *marker)
- /* Unlink from sb's chain. */
- register struct _IO_marker **ptr = &marker->_sbuf->_markers;
- for (; ; ptr = &(*ptr)->_next)
- {
- if (*ptr == NULL)
- break;
- else if (*ptr == marker)
- {
- *ptr = marker->_next;
- return;
- }
- }
-#if 0
- if _sbuf has a backup area that is no longer needed, should we delete
- it now, or wait until the next underflow?
-#define BAD_DELTA EOF
-DEFUN(_IO_marker_difference, (mark1, mark2),
- struct _IO_marker *mark1 AND struct _IO_marker *mark2)
- return mark1->_pos - mark2->_pos;
-/* Return difference between MARK and current posistion of MARK's stream. */
-DEFUN(_IO_marker_delta, (mark),
- struct _IO_marker *mark)
- int cur_pos;
- if (mark->_sbuf == NULL)
- return BAD_DELTA;
- if (_IO_in_backup(mark->_sbuf))
- cur_pos = mark->_sbuf->_IO_read_ptr - mark->_sbuf->_IO_read_end;
- else
- cur_pos = mark->_sbuf->_IO_read_ptr - mark->_sbuf->_IO_read_base;
- return mark->_pos - cur_pos;
-DEFUN(_IO_seekmark, (fp, mark, delta),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND struct _IO_marker *mark AND int delta)
- if (mark->_sbuf != fp)
- return EOF;
- if (mark->_pos >= 0)
- {
- if (_IO_in_backup(fp))
- _IO_switch_to_main_get_area(fp);
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = fp->_IO_read_base + mark->_pos;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!_IO_in_backup(fp))
- _IO_switch_to_backup_area(fp);
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = fp->_IO_read_end + mark->_pos;
- }
- return 0;
-DEFUN(_IO_unsave_markers, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- register struct _IO_marker *mark = fp->_markers;
- if (mark)
- {
-#ifdef TODO
- streampos offset = seekoff(0, ios::cur, ios::in);
- if (offset != EOF)
- {
- offset += eGptr() - Gbase();
- for ( ; mark != NULL; mark = mark->_next)
- mark->set_streampos(mark->_pos + offset);
- }
- else
- {
- for ( ; mark != NULL; mark = mark->_next)
- mark->set_streampos(EOF);
- }
- fp->_markers = 0;
- }
- if (_IO_have_backup(fp))
- _IO_free_backup_area(fp);
-DEFUN(_IO_nobackup_pbackfail, (fp, c),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND int c)
- if (fp->_IO_read_ptr > fp->_IO_read_base)
- fp->_IO_read_ptr--;
- if (c != EOF && *fp->_IO_read_ptr != c)
- *fp->_IO_read_ptr = c;
- return (unsigned char)c;
-DEFUN(_IO_default_pbackfail, (fp, c),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND int c)
- if (fp->_IO_read_ptr <= fp->_IO_read_base)
- {
- /* Need to handle a filebuf in write mode (switch to read mode). FIXME!*/
- if (_IO_have_backup(fp) && !_IO_in_backup(fp))
- _IO_switch_to_backup_area(fp);
- if (!_IO_have_backup(fp))
- {
- /* No backup buffer: allocate one. */
- /* Use nshort buffer, if unused? (probably not) FIXME */
- int backup_size = 128;
- char *bbuf = (char*)malloc(backup_size);
- if (bbuf == NULL)
- return EOF;
- fp->_IO_save_base = bbuf;
- fp->_IO_save_end = fp->_IO_save_base + backup_size;
- fp->_IO_backup_base = fp->_IO_save_end;
- _IO_switch_to_backup_area(fp);
- }
- else if (fp->_IO_read_ptr <= fp->_IO_read_base)
- {
- /* Increase size of existing backup buffer. */
- _IO_size_t new_size;
- _IO_size_t old_size = fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_base;
- char *new_buf;
- new_size = 2 * old_size;
- new_buf = (char*)malloc(new_size);
- if (new_buf == NULL)
- return EOF;
- memcpy(new_buf+(new_size-old_size), fp->_IO_read_base, old_size);
- free (fp->_IO_read_base);
- _IO_setg(fp,
- new_buf, new_buf+(new_size-old_size), new_buf+new_size);
- fp->_IO_backup_base = fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- }
- }
- fp->_IO_read_ptr--;
- if (c != EOF && *fp->_IO_read_ptr != c)
- *fp->_IO_read_ptr = c;
- return (unsigned char)*fp->_IO_read_ptr;
-DEFUN(_IO_default_seek, (fp, offset, dir),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND _IO_off_t offset AND int dir)
- return _IO_pos_BAD;
-DEFUN(_IO_default_stat, (fp, st),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND void* st)
- return EOF;
-DEFUN(_IO_default_read, (fp, data, n),
- register _IO_FILE* fp AND void* data AND _IO_ssize_t n)
- return -1;
-DEFUN(_IO_default_write, (fp, data, n),
- register _IO_FILE* fp AND const void* data AND _IO_ssize_t n)
- return 0;
-#ifdef TODO
-#if defined(linux)
-#define IO_CLEANUP ;
-#ifdef IO_CLEANUP
-struct __io_defs {
- __io_defs() { }
- ~__io_defs() { _IO_cleanup(); }
-__io_defs io_defs__;
-#endif /* TODO */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 15a1bb2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <indstream.h>
-indirectbuf::indirectbuf(streambuf *get, streambuf *put, int delete_mode)
-: streambuf()
- _get_stream = get;
- _put_stream = put == NULL ? get : put;
- _delete_flags = delete_mode;
- if (_delete_flags & ios::in) delete get_stream();
- if (_delete_flags & ios::out) delete put_stream();
-streamsize indirectbuf::xsputn(const char* s, streamsize n)
- return put_stream()->sputn(s, n);
-streamsize indirectbuf::xsgetn(char* s, streamsize n)
- return get_stream()->sgetn(s, n);
-int indirectbuf::overflow(int c /* = EOF */)
- if (c == EOF)
- return put_stream()->overflow(c);
- else
- return put_stream()->sputc(c);
-int indirectbuf::underflow()
- return get_stream()->sgetc();
-int indirectbuf::uflow()
- return get_stream()->sbumpc();
-streampos indirectbuf::seekoff(streamoff off, _seek_dir dir, int mode)
- int ret_val = 0;
- int select = mode == 0 ? (ios::in|ios::out) : mode;
- streambuf *gbuf = (select & ios::in) ? get_stream() : (streambuf*)NULL;
- streambuf *pbuf = (select & ios::out) ? put_stream() : (streambuf*)NULL;
- if (gbuf == pbuf)
- ret_val = gbuf->seekoff(off, dir, mode);
- else {
- if (gbuf)
- ret_val = gbuf->seekoff(off, dir, ios::in);
- if (pbuf && ret_val != EOF)
- ret_val = pbuf->seekoff(off, dir, ios::out);
- }
- return ret_val;
-streampos indirectbuf::seekpos(streampos pos, int mode)
- int ret_val = EOF;
- int select = mode == 0 ? (ios::in|ios::out) : mode;
- streambuf *gbuf = (select & ios::in) ? get_stream() : (streambuf*)NULL;
- streambuf *pbuf = (select & ios::out) ? put_stream() : (streambuf*)NULL;
- if (gbuf == pbuf && gbuf != NULL)
- ret_val = gbuf->seekpos(pos, mode);
- else {
- if (gbuf)
- ret_val = gbuf->seekpos(pos, ios::in);
- if (pbuf && ret_val != EOF)
- ret_val = pbuf->seekpos(pos, ios::out);
- }
- return ret_val;
-int indirectbuf::sync()
- streambuf *gbuf = get_stream();
- int get_ret_val = gbuf ? gbuf->sync() : 0;
- streambuf *pbuf = put_stream();
- int put_ret_val = (pbuf && pbuf != gbuf) ? pbuf->sync() : 0;
- return get_ret_val || put_ret_val;
-int indirectbuf::pbackfail(int c)
- return get_stream()->sputbackc(c);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/indstream.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/indstream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c455862..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/indstream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifndef _INDSTREAM_H
-#define _INDSTREAM_H
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include <iostream.h>
-extern "C++" {
-// An indirectbuf is one that forwards all of its I/O requests
-// to another streambuf.
-// All get-related requests are sent to get_stream().
-// All put-related requests are sent to put_stream().
-// An indirectbuf can be used to implement Common Lisp
-// synonym-streams and two-way-streams.
-// class synonymbuf : public indirectbuf {
-// Symbol *sym;
-// synonymbuf(Symbol *s) { sym = s; }
-// virtual streambuf *lookup_stream(int mode) {
-// return coerce_to_streambuf(lookup_value(sym)); }
-// };
-class indirectbuf : public streambuf {
- protected:
- streambuf *_get_stream; // Optional cache for get_stream().
- streambuf *_put_stream; // Optional cache for put_stream().
- int _delete_flags;
- public:
- streambuf *get_stream()
- { return _get_stream ? _get_stream : lookup_stream(ios::in); }
- streambuf *put_stream()
- { return _put_stream ? _put_stream : lookup_stream(ios::out); }
- virtual streambuf *lookup_stream(int/*mode*/) { return NULL; } // ERROR!
- indirectbuf(streambuf *get=NULL, streambuf *put=NULL, int delete_mode=0);
- virtual ~indirectbuf();
- virtual streamsize xsputn(const char* s, streamsize n);
- virtual streamsize xsgetn(char* s, streamsize n);
- virtual int underflow();
- virtual int uflow();
- virtual int overflow(int c = EOF);
- virtual streampos seekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int mode=ios::in|ios::out);
- virtual streampos seekpos(streampos pos, int mode = ios::in|ios::out);
- virtual int sync();
- virtual int pbackfail(int c);
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif /* !_INDSTREAM_H */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b8e68b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include "libioP.h"
-// These method are provided for backward compatibility reasons.
-// It's generally poor style to use them.
-// They are not supported by the ANSI/ISO working paper.
-_IO_istream_withassign& _IO_istream_withassign::operator=(istream& rhs)
- if (&rhs != (istream*)this)
- {
- init (rhs.rdbuf ());
- _gcount = 0;
- }
- return *this;
-_IO_ostream_withassign& _IO_ostream_withassign::operator=(ostream& rhs)
- if (&rhs != (ostream*)this)
- init (rhs.rdbuf ());
- return *this;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index e0ec0cb..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <iostream.h>
-static int __xalloc = 0;
-int ios::xalloc()
- return __xalloc++;
-static ios::fmtflags __used_fmt_flags
-= ios::skipws | ios::left | ios::right | ios::internal
-| ios::dec | ios::oct | ios::hex | ios::showbase | ios::showpoint
-| ios::uppercase | ios::showpos | ios::scientific | ios::fixed
-#ifndef _IO_NEW_STREAMS
-| ios::dont_close
-| ios::unitbuf | ios::stdio;
-ios::fmtflags ios::bitalloc()
- fmtflags bit_to_try = (fmtflags)1;
- for (; bit_to_try; bit_to_try <<= 1)
- {
- if ((__used_fmt_flags & bit_to_try) == 0)
- {
- __used_fmt_flags |= bit_to_try;
- return bit_to_try;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-// NOTE: This implementation of ios::iword and ios::pword assumes
-// that these methods are seldom used, so we want to minimize
-// the space and time overhead when NOT using these methods.
-// ANSI specifies two conceptually-infinite arrays, one whose
-// elements are longs, and one whose elements are (void*)s.
-// We implement this as a single array, each of whose element is
-// a (struct ptr_and_long), which has space for both a long and a void*.
-// We also specify that (the i field of) the 0'th element of the array
-// contains the allocated length of the array (not counting that
-// initial element).
-struct ptr_and_long {
- void *p;
- long i;
-static struct ptr_and_long&
-get_array_element(ios& io, int index)
- if (index < 0)
- io._throw_failure();
- register struct ptr_and_long *array = (ptr_and_long*)io._arrays;
- int old_length = array == NULL ? 0 : array[0].i;
- if (index >= old_length)
- {
- register int i;
- int new_length = index + 10;
- register struct ptr_and_long *new_array
- = new ptr_and_long[1 + new_length];
- if (array != NULL)
- {
- for (i = 1; i <= old_length; i++)
- new_array[i] = array[i];
- delete [] array;
- }
- for (i = old_length + 1; i <= new_length; i++)
- {
- new_array[i].i = 0;
- new_array[i].p = (void*)0;
- }
- new_array[0].i = new_length;
- new_array[0].p = (void*)0;
- io._arrays = (void*)new_array;
- array = new_array;
- }
- return array[index+1];
-long& ios::iword(int index)
- return get_array_element(*this, index).i;
-void*& ios::pword(int index)
- return get_array_element(*this, index).p;
-long ios::iword(int index) const
- if (index < 0)
- _throw_failure();
- register struct ptr_and_long *pl_array = (ptr_and_long*)_arrays;
- int len = pl_array == NULL ? 0 : pl_array[0].i;
- return index >= len ? 0 : pl_array[index+1].i;
-void* ios::pword(int index) const
- if (index < 0)
- _throw_failure();
- register struct ptr_and_long *pl_array = (ptr_and_long*)_arrays;
- int len = pl_array == NULL ? 0 : pl_array[0].i;
- return index >= len ? 0 : pl_array[index+1].p;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofclose.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iofclose.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f3ae096..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofclose.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-DEFUN(_IO_fclose, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- int status;
- if (fp->_IO_file_flags & _IO_IS_FILEBUF)
- status = _IO_file_close_it(fp);
- else
- status = fp->_flags & _IO_ERR_SEEN ? -1 : 0;
- _IO_FINISH (fp);
- if (fp != _IO_stdin && fp != _IO_stdout && fp != _IO_stderr)
- {
- fp->_IO_file_flags = 0;
- free(fp);
- }
- return status;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofdopen.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iofdopen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f8bc768..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofdopen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#ifndef _IO_fcntl
-#define _IO_fcntl fcntl
-DEFUN(_IO_fdopen, (fd, mode),
- int fd AND const char *mode)
- int read_write;
- int posix_mode = 0;
- struct _IO_FILE_plus *fp;
- int fd_flags;
- switch (*mode++)
- {
- case 'r':
- read_write = _IO_NO_WRITES;
- break;
- case 'w':
- read_write = _IO_NO_READS;
- break;
- case 'a':
- posix_mode = O_APPEND;
- read_write = _IO_NO_READS|_IO_IS_APPENDING;
- break;
- default:
-#ifdef EINVAL
- errno = EINVAL;
- return NULL;
- }
- if (mode[0] == '+' || (mode[0] == 'b' && mode[1] == '+'))
- read_write &= _IO_IS_APPENDING;
-#ifdef F_GETFL
- fd_flags = _IO_fcntl (fd, F_GETFL);
-#ifndef O_ACCMODE
- if (fd_flags == -1
- || ((fd_flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY && !(read_write & _IO_NO_WRITES))
- || ((fd_flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_WRONLY && !(read_write & _IO_NO_READS)))
- return NULL;
- /* The May 93 draft of P1003.4/D14.1 (redesignated as 1003.1b)
- [System Application Program Interface (API) Amendment 1:
- Realtime Extensions], Rationale B.8.3.3
- Open a Stream on a File Descriptor says:
- Although not explicitly required by POSIX.1, a good
- implementation of append ("a") mode would cause the
- O_APPEND flag to be set.
- (Historical implementations [such as Solaris2] do a one-time
- seek in fdopen.)
- However, we do not turn O_APPEND off if the mode is "w" (even
- though that would seem consistent) because that would be more
- likely to break historical programs.
- */
- if ((posix_mode & O_APPEND) && !(fd_flags & O_APPEND))
- {
-#ifdef F_SETFL
- if (_IO_fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, fd_flags | O_APPEND) == -1)
- return NULL;
- }
- fp = (struct _IO_FILE_plus*)malloc(sizeof(struct _IO_FILE_plus));
- if (fp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- _IO_init(&fp->file, 0);
- _IO_JUMPS(&fp->file) = &_IO_file_jumps;
- _IO_file_init(&fp->file);
- fp->vtable = NULL;
- if (_IO_file_attach(&fp->file, fd) == NULL)
- {
- _IO_un_link(&fp->file);
- free (fp);
- return NULL;
- }
- fp->file._flags &= ~_IO_DELETE_DONT_CLOSE;
- fp->file._IO_file_flags =
- _IO_mask_flags(&fp->file, read_write,
- return (_IO_FILE*)fp;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofflush.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iofflush.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ecb816d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofflush.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-DEFUN(_IO_fflush, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- if (fp == NULL)
- return _IO_flush_all();
- else
- {
- return _IO_SYNC (fp) ? EOF : 0;
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofgetpos.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iofgetpos.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e7a863..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofgetpos.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-/* ANSI explicily requires setting errno to a positive value on failure. */
-DEFUN(_IO_fgetpos, (fp, posp),
- _IO_FILE* fp AND _IO_fpos_t *posp)
- _IO_fpos_t pos;
- pos = _IO_seekoff(fp, 0, _IO_seek_cur, 0);
- if (pos == _IO_pos_BAD)
- {
-#ifdef EIO
- if (errno == 0)
- errno = EIO;
- return EOF;
- }
- *posp = pos;
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofgets.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iofgets.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b0b708..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofgets.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-DEFUN(_IO_fgets, (buf, n, fp),
- char* buf AND int n AND _IO_FILE* fp)
- _IO_size_t count;
- if (n <= 0)
- return NULL;
- count = _IO_getline(fp, buf, n - 1, '\n', 1);
- if (count == 0 || (fp->_IO_file_flags & _IO_ERR_SEEN))
- return NULL;
- buf[count] = 0;
- return buf;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofopen.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iofopen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9691052..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofopen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-DEFUN(_IO_fopen, (filename, mode),
- const char *filename AND const char *mode)
- struct _IO_FILE_plus *fp =
- (struct _IO_FILE_plus*)malloc(sizeof(struct _IO_FILE_plus));
- if (fp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- _IO_init(&fp->file, 0);
- _IO_JUMPS(&fp->file) = &_IO_file_jumps;
- _IO_file_init(&fp->file);
- fp->vtable = NULL;
- if (_IO_file_fopen(&fp->file, filename, mode) != NULL)
- return (_IO_FILE*)fp;
- _IO_un_link(&fp->file);
- free (fp);
- return NULL;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofprintf.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iofprintf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 11c7642..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofprintf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
- (_IO_FILE *fp, const char* format, ...)
-(fp, format, va_alist) _IO_FILE *fp; char *format; va_dcl
- int ret;
- va_list args;
- CHECK_FILE(fp, -1);
- _IO_va_start(args, format);
- ret = _IO_vfprintf(fp, format, args);
- va_end(args);
- return ret;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofputs.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iofputs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a2580f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofputs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <string.h>
-DEFUN(_IO_fputs, (str, fp),
- const char *str AND _IO_FILE *fp)
- _IO_size_t len = strlen(str);
- if (_IO_sputn(fp, str, len) != len)
- return EOF;
- return 1;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofread.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iofread.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8516cf3..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofread.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-DEFUN(_IO_fread, (buf, size, count, fp),
- void *buf AND _IO_size_t size AND _IO_size_t count AND _IO_FILE* fp)
- _IO_size_t bytes_requested = size*count;
- _IO_size_t bytes_read;
- CHECK_FILE(fp, 0);
- if (bytes_requested == 0)
- return 0;
- bytes_read = _IO_sgetn(fp, (char *)buf, bytes_requested);
- return bytes_requested == bytes_read ? count : bytes_read / size;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofscanf.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iofscanf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e12d9b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofscanf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
- (_IO_FILE *fp, const char* format, ...)
-(fp, format, va_alist) _IO_FILE *fp; char *format; va_dcl
- int ret;
- va_list args;
- _IO_va_start(args, format);
- ret = _IO_vfscanf(fp, format, args, NULL);
- va_end(args);
- return ret;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofsetpos.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iofsetpos.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ac8a3de..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofsetpos.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <libioP.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-DEFUN(_IO_fsetpos, (fp, posp),
- _IO_FILE* fp AND const _IO_fpos_t *posp)
- if (_IO_seekpos(fp, *posp, _IOS_INPUT|_IOS_OUTPUT) == _IO_pos_BAD)
- {
- /*ANSI explicily requires setting errno to a positive value on failure.*/
-#ifdef EIO
- if (errno == 0)
- errno = EIO;
- return EOF;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioftell.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/ioftell.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d49ddaa..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioftell.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-/* ANSI explicily requires setting errno to a positive value on failure. */
-long int
-DEFUN(_IO_ftell, (fp),
- _IO_FILE* fp)
- _IO_pos_t pos;
- CHECK_FILE(fp, -1L);
- pos = _IO_seekoff(fp, 0, _IO_seek_cur, 0);
- if (pos == _IO_pos_BAD)
- {
-#ifdef EIO
- if (errno == 0)
- errno = EIO;
- return -1L;
- }
- return _IO_pos_as_off(pos);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofwrite.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iofwrite.c
deleted file mode 100644
index eb3cd32b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iofwrite.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-DEFUN(_IO_fwrite, (buf, size, count, fp),
- const void* buf AND _IO_size_t size AND _IO_size_t count
- AND _IO_FILE *fp)
- _IO_size_t request = size*count;
- _IO_size_t written;
- CHECK_FILE(fp, 0);
- if (request == 0)
- return 0;
- written = _IO_sputn(fp, (const char *)buf, request);
- /* Many traditional implementations return 0 if size==0 && count > 0,
- but ANSI seems to require us to return count in this case. */
- if (written == request)
- return count;
- else
- return written/size;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iogetdelim.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iogetdelim.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ee6c0bf..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iogetdelim.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-/* Read up to (and including) a TERMINATOR from FP into *LINEPTR
- (and null-terminate it). *LINEPTR is a pointer returned from malloc (or
- NULL), pointing to *N characters of space. It is realloc'ed as
- necessary. Returns the number of characters read (not including the
- null terminator), or -1 on error or EOF. */
-DEFUN(_IO_getdelim, (lineptr, n, delimiter, fp),
- char **lineptr AND _IO_size_t *n AND int delimiter AND _IO_FILE *fp)
- register _IO_ssize_t cur_len = 0;
- _IO_ssize_t len;
- if (lineptr == NULL || n == NULL)
- {
-#ifdef EINVAL
- errno = EINVAL;
- return -1;
- }
- CHECK_FILE (fp, -1);
- if (_IO_ferror (fp))
- return -1;
- if (*lineptr == NULL || *n == 0)
- {
- *n = 120;
- *lineptr = (char *) malloc (*n);
- if (*lineptr == NULL)
- return -1;
- }
- len = fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- if (len <= 0)
- {
- if (__underflow (fp) == EOF)
- return -1;
- len = fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- _IO_size_t needed;
- char *t;
- t = (char *) memchr ((void *) fp->_IO_read_ptr, delimiter, len);
- if (t != NULL)
- len = (t - fp->_IO_read_ptr) + 1;
- /* make enough space for len+1 (for final NUL) bytes. */
- needed = cur_len + len + 1;
- if (needed > *n)
- {
- if (t == NULL && needed < 2 * *n)
- needed = 2 * *n; /* Be generous. */
- *n = needed;
- *lineptr = (char *) realloc (*lineptr, needed);
- if (*lineptr == NULL)
- return -1;
- }
- memcpy (*lineptr + cur_len, (void *) fp->_IO_read_ptr, len);
- fp->_IO_read_ptr += len;
- cur_len += len;
- if (t != NULL || __underflow (fp) == EOF)
- break;
- len = fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- }
- (*lineptr)[cur_len] = '\0';
- return cur_len;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iogetline.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iogetline.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 278905d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iogetline.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <string.h>
-/* Algorithm based on that used by Berkeley pre-4.4 fgets implementation.
- Read chars into buf (of size n), until delim is seen.
- Return number of chars read (at most n).
- Does not put a terminating '\0' in buf.
- If extract_delim < 0, leave delimiter unread.
- If extract_delim > 0, insert delim in output. */
-DEFUN(_IO_getline, (fp, buf, n, delim, extract_delim),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND char* buf AND _IO_size_t n
- AND int delim AND int extract_delim)
- register char *ptr = buf;
- do
- {
- _IO_ssize_t len = fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- char *t;
- if (len <= 0)
- if (__underflow(fp) == EOF)
- break;
- else
- len = fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- if (len >= n)
- len = n;
- t = (char*)memchr((void*)fp->_IO_read_ptr, delim, len);
- if (t != NULL)
- {
- _IO_size_t old_len = ptr-buf;
- len = t - fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- if (extract_delim >= 0)
- {
- t++;
- if (extract_delim > 0)
- len++;
- }
- memcpy((void*)ptr, (void*)fp->_IO_read_ptr, len);
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = t;
- return old_len + len;
- }
- memcpy((void*)ptr, (void*)fp->_IO_read_ptr, len);
- fp->_IO_read_ptr += len;
- ptr += len;
- n -= len;
- } while (n != 0);
- return ptr - buf;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iogets.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iogets.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f45d9c1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iogets.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <limits.h>
-DEFUN(_IO_gets, (buf),
- char* buf)
- _IO_size_t count;
- int ch = _IO_getc (_IO_stdin);
- if (ch == EOF)
- return NULL;
- if (ch == '\n')
- count = 0;
- else
- {
- buf[0] = (char)ch;
- count = _IO_getline(_IO_stdin, buf + 1, INT_MAX, '\n', 0) + 1;
- if (_IO_stdin->_IO_file_flags & _IO_ERR_SEEN)
- return NULL;
- }
- buf[count] = 0;
- return buf;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioignore.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/ioignore.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a7c2f28..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioignore.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-DEFUN(_IO_ignore, (fp, n),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND _IO_size_t n)
- register _IO_size_t more = n;
- for (;;)
- {
- _IO_ssize_t count = fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- if (count > 0)
- {
- if (count > more)
- count = more;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr += count;
- more -= count;
- }
- if (more == 0 || __underflow(fp) == EOF)
- break;
- }
- return n - more;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iolibio.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/iolibio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e5de77e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iolibio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#include "libio.h"
-/* These emulate stdio functionality, but with a different name
- (_IO_ungetc instead of ungetc), and using _IO_FILE instead of FILE. */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-extern int _IO_fclose __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern _IO_FILE *_IO_fdopen __P((int, const char*));
-extern int _IO_fflush __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern int _IO_fgetpos __P((_IO_FILE*, _IO_fpos_t*));
-extern char* _IO_fgets __P((char*, int, _IO_FILE*));
-extern _IO_FILE *_IO_fopen __P((const char*, const char*));
-extern int _IO_fprintf __P((_IO_FILE*, const char*, ...));
-extern int _IO_fputs __P((const char*, _IO_FILE*));
-extern int _IO_fsetpos __P((_IO_FILE*, const _IO_fpos_t *));
-extern long int _IO_ftell __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern _IO_size_t _IO_fread __P((void*, _IO_size_t, _IO_size_t, _IO_FILE*));
-extern _IO_size_t _IO_fwrite __P((const void*,
- _IO_size_t, _IO_size_t, _IO_FILE*));
-extern char* _IO_gets __P((char*));
-extern void _IO_perror __P((const char*));
-extern int _IO_printf __P((const char*, ...));
-extern int _IO_puts __P((const char*));
-extern int _IO_scanf __P((const char*, ...));
-extern void _IO_setbuffer __P((_IO_FILE *, char*, _IO_size_t));
-extern int _IO_setvbuf __P((_IO_FILE*, char*, int, _IO_size_t));
-extern int _IO_sscanf __P((const char*, const char*, ...));
-extern int _IO_sprintf __P((char *, const char*, ...));
-extern int _IO_ungetc __P((int, _IO_FILE*));
-extern int _IO_vsscanf __P((const char *, const char *, _IO_va_list));
-extern int _IO_vsprintf __P((char*, const char*, _IO_va_list));
-#ifndef _IO_pos_BAD
-#define _IO_pos_BAD ((_IO_fpos_t)(-1))
-#define _IO_clearerr(FP) ((FP)->_flags &= ~(_IO_ERR_SEEN|_IO_EOF_SEEN))
-#define _IO_fseek(__fp, __offset, __whence) \
- (_IO_seekoff(__fp, __offset, __whence, _IOS_INPUT|_IOS_OUTPUT) == _IO_pos_BAD ? EOF : 0)
-#define _IO_rewind(FILE) (void)_IO_seekoff(FILE, 0, 0, _IOS_INPUT|_IOS_OUTPUT)
-#define _IO_vprintf(FORMAT, ARGS) _IO_vfprintf(_IO_stdout, FORMAT, ARGS)
-#define _IO_freopen(FILENAME, MODE, FP) \
- (_IO_file_close_it(FP), _IO_file_fopen(FP, FILENAME, MODE))
-#define _IO_fileno(FP) ((FP)->_fileno)
-extern _IO_FILE* _IO_popen __P((const char*, const char*));
-#define _IO_pclose _IO_fclose
-#define _IO_setbuf(_FP, _BUF) _IO_setbuffer(_FP, _BUF, _IO_BUFSIZ)
-#define _IO_setlinebuf(_FP) _IO_setvbuf(_FP, NULL, 1, 0)
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index fddba55..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "iomanip.h"
-// Those functions are called through a pointer,
-// thus it does not make sense, to inline them.
-ios & __iomanip_setbase (ios& i, int n)
- ios::fmtflags b;
- switch (n)
- {
- case 8:
- b = ios::oct; break;
- case 10:
- b = ios::dec; break;
- case 16:
- b = ios::hex; break;
- default:
- b = 0;
- }
- i.setf(b, ios::basefield);
- return i;
-ios & __iomanip_setfill (ios& i, int n)
- //FIXME if ( i.flags() & ios::widechar )
- i.fill( (char) n);
- //FIXME else
- //FIXME i.fill( (wchar) n);
- return i;
-ios & __iomanip_setprecision (ios& i, int n)
- i.precision(n);
- return i;
-ios & __iomanip_setw (ios& i, int n)
- i.width(n);
- return i;
-ios & __iomanip_setiosflags (ios& i, ios::fmtflags n)
- i.setf(n,n);
- return i;
-ios & __iomanip_resetiosflags (ios& i, ios::fmtflags n)
- i.setf(0,n);
- return i;
-template class smanip<int>;
-template class smanip<ios::fmtflags>;
-template istream& operator>>(istream&, const smanip<int>&);
-template istream& operator>>(istream&, const smanip<ios::fmtflags>&);
-template ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const smanip<int>&);
-template ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const smanip<ios::fmtflags>&);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iomanip.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/iomanip.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fe11565..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iomanip.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#ifndef _IOMANIP_H
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _IOMANIP_H
-#include <iostream.h>
-extern "C++" {
-// Parametrized Manipulators as specified by ANSI draft
-// Stream Manipulators
-template<class TP> class smanip; // TP = Type Param
-template<class TP> class sapp {
- ios& (*_f)(ios&, TP);
- sapp(ios& (*f)(ios&, TP)) : _f(f) {}
- //
- smanip<TP> operator()(TP a)
- { return smanip<TP>(_f, a); }
-template <class TP> class smanip {
- ios& (*_f)(ios&, TP);
- TP _a;
- smanip(ios& (*f)(ios&, TP), TP a) : _f(f), _a(a) {}
- //
- friend
- istream& operator>>(istream& i, const smanip<TP>& m);
- friend
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const smanip<TP>& m);
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-extern template class smanip<int>;
-extern template class smanip<ios::fmtflags>;
-template<class TP>
-inline istream& operator>>(istream& i, const smanip<TP>& m)
-{ (*m._f)(i, m._a); return i; }
-template<class TP>
-inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const smanip<TP>& m)
-{ (*m._f)(o, m._a); return o;}
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-extern template istream& operator>>(istream&, const smanip<int>&);
-extern template istream& operator>>(istream&, const smanip<ios::fmtflags>&);
-extern template ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const smanip<int>&);
-extern template ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const smanip<ios::fmtflags>&);
-// Input-Stream Manipulators
-template<class TP> class imanip;
-template<class TP> class iapp {
- istream& (*_f)(istream&, TP);
- iapp(istream& (*f)(istream&,TP)) : _f(f) {}
- //
- imanip<TP> operator()(TP a)
- { return imanip<TP>(_f, a); }
-template <class TP> class imanip {
- istream& (*_f)(istream&, TP);
- TP _a;
- imanip(istream& (*f)(istream&, TP), TP a) : _f(f), _a(a) {}
- //
- friend
- istream& operator>>(istream& i, const imanip<TP>& m);
-template <class TP>
-inline istream& operator>>(istream& i, const imanip<TP>& m)
-{ return (*m._f)( i, m._a); }
-// Output-Stream Manipulators
-template<class TP> class omanip;
-template<class TP> class oapp {
- ostream& (*_f)(ostream&, TP);
- oapp(ostream& (*f)(ostream&,TP)) : _f(f) {}
- //
- omanip<TP> operator()(TP a)
- { return omanip<TP>(_f, a); }
-template <class TP> class omanip {
- ostream& (*_f)(ostream&, TP);
- TP _a;
- omanip(ostream& (*f)(ostream&, TP), TP a) : _f(f), _a(a) {}
- //
- friend
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const omanip<TP>& m);
-template <class TP>
-inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const omanip<TP>& m)
-{ return (*m._f)(o, m._a); }
-// Available Manipulators
-// Macro to define an iomanip function, with one argument
-// The underlying function is `__iomanip_<name>'
-#define __DEFINE_IOMANIP_FN1(type,param,function) \
- extern ios& __iomanip_##function (ios&, param); \
- inline type<param> function (param n) \
- { return type<param> (__iomanip_##function, n); }
-__DEFINE_IOMANIP_FN1( smanip, int, setbase)
-__DEFINE_IOMANIP_FN1( smanip, int, setfill)
-__DEFINE_IOMANIP_FN1( smanip, int, setprecision)
-__DEFINE_IOMANIP_FN1( smanip, int, setw)
-__DEFINE_IOMANIP_FN1( smanip, ios::fmtflags, resetiosflags)
-__DEFINE_IOMANIP_FN1( smanip, ios::fmtflags, setiosflags)
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif /*!_IOMANIP_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iopadn.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iopadn.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e502b7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iopadn.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#define PADSIZE 16
-static char const blanks[PADSIZE] =
-{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '};
-static char const zeroes[PADSIZE] =
-DEFUN(_IO_padn, (fp, pad, count),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND int pad AND _IO_ssize_t count)
- char padbuf[PADSIZE];
- const char *padptr;
- register int i;
- _IO_size_t written = 0, w;
- if (pad == ' ')
- padptr = blanks;
- else if (pad == '0')
- padptr = zeroes;
- else
- {
- for (i = PADSIZE; --i >= 0; ) padbuf[i] = pad;
- padptr = padbuf;
- }
- for (i = count; i >= PADSIZE; i -= PADSIZE)
- {
- w = _IO_sputn(fp, padptr, PADSIZE);
- written += w;
- if (w != PADSIZE)
- return written;
- }
- if (i > 0)
- {
- w = _IO_sputn(fp, padptr, i);
- written += w;
- }
- return written;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioperror.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/ioperror.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 55d822b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioperror.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#ifndef errno
-extern int errno;
-#ifndef _IO_strerror
-extern char* _IO_strerror __P((int));
-DEFUN(_IO_perror, (s),
- const char *s)
- char *error = _IO_strerror (errno);
- if (s != NULL && *s != '\0')
- _IO_fprintf (_IO_stderr, "%s:", s);
- _IO_fprintf (_IO_stderr, "%s\n", error ? error : "");
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iopopen.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iopopen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ef6ad12..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iopopen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* written by Per Bothner ( */
-#define _POSIX_SOURCE
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#ifndef _IO_fork
-#define _IO_fork vfork /* defined in libiberty, if needed */
-_IO_pid_t _IO_fork();
-#endif /* _IO_HAVE_SYS_WAIT */
-#ifndef _IO_pipe
-#define _IO_pipe pipe
-extern int _IO_pipe();
-#ifndef _IO_dup2
-#define _IO_dup2 dup2
-extern int _IO_dup2();
-#ifndef _IO_waitpid
-#define _IO_waitpid waitpid
-#ifndef _IO_execl
-#define _IO_execl execl
-#ifndef _IO__exit
-#define _IO__exit _exit
-struct _IO_proc_file
- struct _IO_FILE_plus file;
- /* Following fields must match those in class procbuf (procbuf.h) */
- _IO_pid_t pid;
- struct _IO_proc_file *next;
-typedef struct _IO_proc_file _IO_proc_file;
-static struct _IO_proc_file *proc_file_chain = NULL;
-DEFUN(_IO_proc_open, (fp, command, mode),
- _IO_FILE* fp AND const char *command AND const char *mode)
- int read_or_write;
- int pipe_fds[2];
- int parent_end, child_end;
- _IO_pid_t child_pid;
- if (_IO_file_is_open(fp))
- return NULL;
- if (_IO_pipe(pipe_fds) < 0)
- return NULL;
- if (mode[0] == 'r')
- {
- parent_end = pipe_fds[0];
- child_end = pipe_fds[1];
- read_or_write = _IO_NO_WRITES;
- }
- else
- {
- parent_end = pipe_fds[1];
- child_end = pipe_fds[0];
- read_or_write = _IO_NO_READS;
- }
- ((_IO_proc_file*)fp)->pid = child_pid = _IO_fork();
- if (child_pid == 0)
- {
- int child_std_end = mode[0] == 'r' ? 1 : 0;
- _IO_close(parent_end);
- if (child_end != child_std_end)
- {
- _IO_dup2(child_end, child_std_end);
- _IO_close(child_end);
- }
- /* Posix.2: "popen() shall ensure that any streams from previous
- popen() calls that remain open in the parent process are closed
- in the new child process." */
- while (proc_file_chain)
- {
- _IO_close (_IO_fileno ((_IO_FILE *) proc_file_chain));
- proc_file_chain = proc_file_chain->next;
- }
- _IO_execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", command, (char *)0);
- _IO__exit(127);
- }
- _IO_close(child_end);
- if (child_pid < 0)
- {
- _IO_close(parent_end);
- return NULL;
- }
- _IO_fileno(fp) = parent_end;
- /* Link into proc_file_chain. */
- ((_IO_proc_file*)fp)->next = proc_file_chain;
- proc_file_chain = (_IO_proc_file*)fp;
- _IO_mask_flags (fp, read_or_write, _IO_NO_READS|_IO_NO_WRITES);
- return fp;
-#else /* !_IO_HAVE_SYS_WAIT */
- return NULL;
-DEFUN(_IO_popen, (command, mode),
- const char *command AND const char *mode)
- _IO_proc_file *fpx = (_IO_proc_file*)malloc(sizeof(_IO_proc_file));
- _IO_FILE *fp = (_IO_FILE*)fpx;
- if (fp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- _IO_init(fp, 0);
- _IO_JUMPS(fp) = &_IO_proc_jumps;
- _IO_file_init(fp);
- ((struct _IO_FILE_plus*)fp)->vtable = NULL;
- if (_IO_proc_open (fp, command, mode) != NULL)
- return fp;
- free (fpx);
- return NULL;
-DEFUN(_IO_proc_close, (fp),
- _IO_FILE *fp)
- /* This is not name-space clean. FIXME! */
- int wstatus;
- _IO_proc_file **ptr = &proc_file_chain;
- _IO_pid_t wait_pid;
- int status = -1;
- /* Unlink from proc_file_chain. */
- for ( ; *ptr != NULL; ptr = &(*ptr)->next)
- {
- if (*ptr == (_IO_proc_file*)fp)
- {
- *ptr = (*ptr)->next;
- status = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (status < 0 || _IO_close(_IO_fileno(fp)) < 0)
- return -1;
- /* POSIX.2 Rationale: "Some historical implementations either block
- or ignore the signals SIGINT, SIGQUIT, and SIGHUP while waiting
- for the child process to terminate. Since this behavior is not
- described in POSIX.2, such implementations are not conforming." */
- do
- {
- wait_pid = _IO_waitpid (((_IO_proc_file*)fp)->pid, &wstatus, 0);
- } while (wait_pid == -1 && errno == EINTR);
- if (wait_pid == -1)
- return -1;
- return wstatus;
-#else /* !_IO_HAVE_SYS_WAIT */
- return -1;
-struct _IO_jump_t _IO_proc_jumps = {
- JUMP_INIT(finish, _IO_file_finish),
- JUMP_INIT(overflow, _IO_file_overflow),
- JUMP_INIT(underflow, _IO_file_underflow),
- JUMP_INIT(uflow, _IO_default_uflow),
- JUMP_INIT(pbackfail, _IO_default_pbackfail),
- JUMP_INIT(xsputn, _IO_file_xsputn),
- JUMP_INIT(xsgetn, _IO_default_xsgetn),
- JUMP_INIT(seekoff, _IO_file_seekoff),
- JUMP_INIT(seekpos, _IO_default_seekpos),
- JUMP_INIT(setbuf, _IO_file_setbuf),
- JUMP_INIT(sync, _IO_file_sync),
- JUMP_INIT(doallocate, _IO_file_doallocate),
- JUMP_INIT(read, _IO_file_read),
- JUMP_INIT(write, _IO_file_write),
- JUMP_INIT(seek, _IO_file_seek),
- JUMP_INIT(close, _IO_proc_close),
- JUMP_INIT(stat, _IO_file_stat)
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioprims.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/ioprims.c
deleted file mode 100644
index faa69e0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioprims.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* I/O OS-level primitives.
- Needs to be replaced if not using Unix.
- Also needs to be replaced if avoiding name-space pollution
- (in which case read would be defined in terms of _IO_read,
- rather than vice versa). */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#ifdef TODO
-/* Add open, isatty */
-DEFUN(_IO_read, (fildes, buf, nbyte),
- int fildes AND void *buf AND _IO_size_t nbyte)
- return read (fildes, buf, nbyte);
-DEFUN(_IO_write, (fildes, buf, nbyte),
- int fildes AND const void *buf AND _IO_size_t nbyte)
- return write (fildes, buf, nbyte);
-DEFUN(_IO_lseek, (fildes, offset, whence),
- int fildes AND _IO_off_t offset AND int whence)
- return lseek (fildes, offset, whence);
-DEFUN(_IO_close, (fildes),
- int fildes)
- return close (fildes);
-DEFUN(_IO_fstat, (fildes, buf),
- int fildes AND struct stat *buf)
- return fstat (fildes, buf);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioprintf.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/ioprintf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b99c2a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioprintf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
- (const char* format, ...)
-(format, va_alist) char *format; va_dcl
- int ret;
- va_list args;
- _IO_va_start(args, format);
- ret = _IO_vfprintf(_IO_stdout, format, args);
- va_end(args);
- return ret;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioputs.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/ioputs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f0a8164..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioputs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <string.h>
-DEFUN(_IO_puts, (str),
- const char *str)
- _IO_size_t len = strlen(str);
- if (_IO_sputn(_IO_stdout, str, len) != len)
- return EOF;
- if (_IO_putc('\n', _IO_stdout) == EOF)
- return EOF;
- return len+1;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioscanf.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/ioscanf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 405d1e2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioscanf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
- (const char* format, ...)
-(format, va_alist) char *format; va_dcl
- int ret;
- va_list args;
- _IO_va_start(args, format);
- ret = _IO_vfscanf(_IO_stdin, format, args, NULL);
- va_end(args);
- return ret;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioseekoff.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/ioseekoff.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 06f4b9d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioseekoff.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <libioP.h>
-DEFUN(_IO_seekoff, (fp, offset, dir, mode),
- _IO_FILE* fp AND _IO_off_t offset AND int dir AND int mode)
- /* If we have a backup buffer, get rid of it, since the __seekoff
- callback may not know to do the right thing about it.
- This may be over-kill, but it'll do for now. TODO */
- if (_IO_have_backup (fp))
- {
- if (dir == _IO_seek_cur && _IO_in_backup (fp))
- offset -= fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- _IO_free_backup_area (fp);
- }
- return _IO_SEEKOFF (fp, offset, dir, mode);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioseekpos.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/ioseekpos.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1884f9d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioseekpos.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <libioP.h>
-DEFUN(_IO_seekpos, (fp, pos, mode),
- _IO_FILE* fp AND _IO_pos_t pos AND int mode)
- /* If we have a backup buffer, get rid of it, since the __seekoff
- callback may not know to do the right thing about it.
- This may be over-kill, but it'll do for now. TODO */
- if (_IO_have_backup (fp))
- _IO_free_backup_area (fp);
- return _IO_SEEKPOS (fp, pos, mode);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iosetbuffer.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iosetbuffer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index eb78d75..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iosetbuffer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-DEFUN(_IO_setbuffer, (fp, buf, size),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND char *buf AND _IO_size_t size)
- CHECK_FILE(fp, );
- fp->_flags &= ~_IO_LINE_BUF;
- if (!buf)
- size = 0;
- (void) _IO_SETBUF (fp, buf, size);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iosetvbuf.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iosetvbuf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b2da4f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iosetvbuf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#define _IOFBF 0 /* Fully buffered. */
-#define _IOLBF 1 /* Line buffered. */
-#define _IONBF 2 /* No buffering. */
-DEFUN(_IO_setvbuf, (fp, buf, mode, size),
- _IO_FILE* fp AND char* buf AND int mode AND _IO_size_t size)
- switch (mode)
- {
- case _IOFBF:
- fp->_IO_file_flags &= ~_IO_LINE_BUF|_IO_UNBUFFERED;
- if (buf == NULL)
- {
- if (fp->_IO_buf_base == NULL)
- {
- /* There is no flag to distinguish between "fully buffered
- mode has been explicitly set" as opposed to "line
- buffering has not been explicitly set". In both
- cases, _IO_LINE_BUF is off. If this is a tty, and
- _IO_filedoalloc later gets called, it cannot know if
- it should set the _IO_LINE_BUF flag (because that is
- the default), or not (because we have explicitly asked
- for fully buffered mode). So we make sure a buffer
- gets allocated now, and explicitly turn off line
- buffering.
- A possibly cleaner alternative would be to add an
- extra flag, but then flags are a finite resource. */
- if (_IO_DOALLOCATE (fp) < 0)
- return EOF;
- fp->_IO_file_flags &= ~_IO_LINE_BUF;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case _IOLBF:
- fp->_IO_file_flags &= ~_IO_UNBUFFERED;
- fp->_IO_file_flags |= _IO_LINE_BUF;
- if (buf == NULL)
- return 0;
- break;
- case _IONBF:
- buf = NULL;
- size = 0;
- break;
- default:
- return EOF;
- }
- return _IO_SETBUF (fp, buf, size) == NULL ? EOF : 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iosprintf.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iosprintf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b873eb4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iosprintf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
- (char *string, const char* format, ...)
-(string, format, va_alist) char *string; char *format; va_dcl
- int ret;
- va_list args;
- _IO_va_start(args, format);
- ret = _IO_vsprintf(string, format, args);
- va_end(args);
- return ret;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iosscanf.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iosscanf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5886877..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iosscanf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
- (const char * string, const char* format, ...)
-(string, format, va_alist) char *string; char *format; va_dcl
- int ret;
- va_list args;
- _IO_va_start(args, format);
- ret = _IO_vsscanf(string, format, args);
- va_end(args);
- return ret;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iostdio.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/iostdio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ed47a4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iostdio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* This file defines a stdio-like environment, except that it avoid
- link-time name clashes with an existing stdio.
- It allows for testing the libio using stdio-using programs
- with an incompatible libc.a.
- It is not predantically correct - e.g. some macros are used
- that may evaluate a stream argument more than once. */
-#ifndef _IOSTDIO_H
-#define _IOSTDIO_H
-#include "iolibio.h"
-typedef _IO_FILE FILE;
-#ifndef EOF
-#define EOF (-1)
-#ifndef BUFSIZ
-#define BUFSIZ 1024
-/* #define size_t, fpos_t L_tmpname TMP_MAX */
-#define _IOFBF 0 /* Fully buffered. */
-#define _IOLBF 1 /* Line buffered. */
-#define _IONBF 2 /* No buffering. */
-#define SEEK_SET 0
-#define SEEK_CUR 1
-#define SEEK_END 2
-#define stdin _IO_stdin
-#define stdout _IO_stdout
-#define stderr _IO_stderr
-#define getc(_fp) _IO_getc(_fp)
-#define putc(_ch, _fp) _IO_putc(_ch, _fp)
-#define clearerr _IO_clearerr
-#define fclose _IO_fclose
-#define feof _IO_feof
-#define ferror _IO_ferror
-#define fflush _IO_fflush
-#define fgetc(__fp) _IO_getc(_fp)
-#define fgetpos _IO_fgetpos
-#define fgets _IO_fgets
-#define fopen _IO_fopen
-#define fprintf _IO_fprintf
-#define fputc(_ch, _fp) _IO_putc(_ch, _fp)
-#define fputs _IO_fputs
-#define fread _IO_fread
-#define freopen _IO_freopen
-#define fscanf _IO_fscanf
-#define fseek _IO_fseek
-#define fsetpos _IO_fsetpos
-#define ftell _IO_ftell
-#define fwrite _IO_fwrite
-#define gets _IO_gets
-#define perror _IO_perror
-#define printf _IO_printf
-#define puts _IO_puts
-#define rewind _IO_rewind
-#define scanf _IO_scanf
-#define setbuf _IO_setbuf
-#define setbuffer _IO_setbuffer
-#define setvbuf _IO_setvbuf
-#define sprintf _IO_sprintf
-#define sscanf _IO_sscanf
-#define ungetc _IO_ungetc
-#define vfprintf _IO_vfprintf
-#define vprintf(__fmt, __args) vfprintf(stdout, __fmt, __args)
-#define vsprintf _IO_vsprintf
-#if 0
-/* We can use the libc versions of these, since they don't pass FILE*s. */
-#define remove ??? __P((const char*))
-#define rename ??? __P((const char* _old, const char* _new))
-#define tmpfile ??? __P((void))
-#define tmpnam ??? __P((char*))
-#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)
-#define fdopen _IO_fdopen
-#define fileno _IO_fileno
-#define popen _IO_popen
-#define pclose _IO_pclose
-#define setbuf _IO_setbuf
-#define setlinebuf _IO_setlinebuf
-#endif /* _IOSTDIO_H */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bdfd59..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,821 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <stdio.h> /* Needed for sprintf */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include "floatio.h"
-#define BUF (MAXEXP+MAXFRACT+1) /* + decimal point */
-//#define isspace(ch) ((ch)==' ' || (ch)=='\t' || (ch)=='\n')
-istream::istream(streambuf *sb, ostream* tied)
- init (sb, tied);
- _gcount = 0;
-int skip_ws(streambuf* sb)
- int ch;
- for (;;) {
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF || !isspace(ch))
- return ch;
- }
-istream& istream::get(char& c)
- if (ipfx1()) {
- int ch = _strbuf->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF) {
- set(ios::eofbit|ios::failbit);
- _gcount = 0;
- }
- else {
- c = (char)ch;
- _gcount = 1;
- }
- }
- else
- _gcount = 0;
- return *this;
-int istream::peek()
- if (!good())
- return EOF;
- if (_tie && rdbuf()->in_avail() == 0)
- _tie->flush();
- int ch = _strbuf->sgetc();
- if (ch == EOF)
- set(ios::eofbit);
- return ch;
-istream& istream::ignore(int n /* = 1 */, int delim /* = EOF */)
- _gcount = 0;
- if (ipfx1()) {
- register streambuf* sb = _strbuf;
- if (delim == EOF) {
- _gcount = sb->ignore(n);
- return *this;
- }
- for (;;) {
-#if 0
- if (n != MAXINT) // FIXME
- if (--n < 0)
- break;
- int ch = sb->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF) {
- set(ios::eofbit|ios::failbit);
- break;
- }
- _gcount++;
- if (ch == delim)
- break;
- }
- }
- return *this;
-istream& istream::read(char *s, streamsize n)
- if (ipfx1()) {
- _gcount = _strbuf->sgetn(s, n);
- if (_gcount != n)
- set(ios::failbit|ios::eofbit);
- }
- else
- _gcount = 0;
- return *this;
-istream::sync ()
- streambuf *sb = rdbuf ();
- if (sb == NULL)
- return EOF;
- if (sb->sync ()) // Later: pubsync
- {
- setstate (ios::badbit);
- return EOF;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-istream& istream::seekg(streampos pos)
- pos = _strbuf->pubseekpos(pos, ios::in);
- if (pos == streampos(EOF))
- set(ios::badbit);
- return *this;
-istream& istream::seekg(streamoff off, _seek_dir dir)
- streampos pos = _IO_seekoff (_strbuf, off, (int) dir, _IOS_INPUT);
- if (pos == streampos(EOF))
- set(ios::badbit);
- return *this;
-streampos istream::tellg()
-#if 0
- streampos pos = _strbuf->pubseekoff(0, ios::cur, ios::in);
- streampos pos = _IO_seekoff (_strbuf, 0, _IO_seek_cur, _IOS_INPUT);
- if (pos == streampos(EOF))
- set(ios::badbit);
- return pos;
-istream& istream::operator>>(char& c)
- if (ipfx0()) {
- int ch = _strbuf->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF)
- set(ios::eofbit|ios::failbit);
- else
- c = (char)ch;
- }
- return *this;
-istream::operator>> (char* ptr)
- register char *p = ptr;
- int w = width(0);
- if (ipfx0())
- {
- register streambuf* sb = _strbuf;
- for (;;)
- {
- int ch = sb->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF)
- {
- set(ios::eofbit);
- break;
- }
- else if (isspace(ch) || w == 1)
- {
- sb->sputbackc(ch);
- break;
- }
- else *p++ = ch;
- w--;
- }
- if (p == ptr)
- set(ios::failbit);
- }
- *p = '\0';
- return *this;
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
-#define LONGEST long long
-#define LONGEST long
-static int read_int(istream& stream, unsigned LONGEST& val, int& neg)
- if (!stream.ipfx0())
- return 0;
- register streambuf* sb = stream.rdbuf();
- int base = 10;
- int ndigits = 0;
- register int ch = skip_ws(sb);
- if (ch == EOF)
- goto eof_fail;
- neg = 0;
- if (ch == '+') {
- ch = skip_ws(sb);
- }
- else if (ch == '-') {
- neg = 1;
- ch = skip_ws(sb);
- }
- if (ch == EOF) goto eof_fail;
- if (!(stream.flags() & ios::basefield)) {
- if (ch == '0') {
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF) {
- val = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- if (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X') {
- base = 16;
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF) goto eof_fail;
- }
- else {
- sb->sputbackc(ch);
- base = 8;
- ch = '0';
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((stream.flags() & ios::basefield) == ios::hex)
- base = 16;
- else if ((stream.flags() & ios::basefield) == ios::oct)
- base = 8;
- val = 0;
- for (;;) {
- if (ch == EOF)
- break;
- int digit;
- if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
- digit = ch - '0';
- else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
- digit = ch - 'A' + 10;
- else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
- digit = ch - 'a' + 10;
- else
- digit = 999;
- if (digit >= base) {
- sb->sputbackc(ch);
- if (ndigits == 0)
- goto fail;
- else
- return 1;
- }
- ndigits++;
- val = base * val + digit;
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- }
- return 1;
- fail:
- stream.set(ios::failbit);
- return 0;
- eof_fail:
- stream.set(ios::failbit|ios::eofbit);
- return 0;
-#define READ_INT(TYPE) \
-istream& istream::operator>>(TYPE& i)\
- unsigned LONGEST val; int neg;\
- if (read_int(*this, val, neg)) {\
- if (neg) val = -val;\
- i = (TYPE)val;\
- }\
- return *this;\
-READ_INT(unsigned short)
-READ_INT(unsigned int)
-READ_INT(unsigned long)
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
-READ_INT(long long)
-READ_INT(unsigned long long)
-istream& istream::operator>>(long double& x)
- if (ipfx0())
- scan("%lg", &x);
- return *this;
-istream& istream::operator>>(double& x)
- if (ipfx0())
- scan("%lg", &x);
- return *this;
-istream& istream::operator>>(float& x)
- if (ipfx0())
- scan("%g", &x);
- return *this;
-istream& istream::operator>>(register streambuf* sbuf)
- if (ipfx0()) {
- register streambuf* inbuf = rdbuf();
- // FIXME: Should optimize!
- for (;;) {
- register int ch = inbuf->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF) {
- set(ios::eofbit);
- break;
- }
- if (sbuf->sputc(ch) == EOF) {
- set(ios::failbit);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return *this;
-ostream& ostream::operator<<(char c)
- if (opfx()) {
-#if 1
- // This is what the cfront implementation does.
- if (_strbuf->sputc(c) == EOF)
- goto failed;
- // This is what cfront documentation and current ANSI drafts say.
- int w = width(0);
- char fill_char = fill();
- register int padding = w > 0 ? w - 1 : 0;
- register streambuf *sb = _strbuf;
- if (!(flags() & ios::left) && padding) // Default adjustment.
- if (_IO_padn(sb, fill_char, padding) < padding)
- goto failed;
- if (sb->sputc(c) == EOF)
- goto failed;
- if (flags() & ios::left && padding) // Left adjustment.
- if (_IO_padn(sb, fill_char, padding) < padding)
- goto failed;
- osfx();
- }
- return *this;
- failed:
- set(ios::badbit);
- osfx();
- return *this;
-/* Write VAL on STREAM.
- If SIGN<0, val is the absolute value of a negative number.
- If SIGN>0, val is a signed non-negative number.
- If SIGN==0, val is unsigned. */
-static void write_int(ostream& stream, unsigned LONGEST val, int sign)
-#define WRITE_BUF_SIZE (10 + sizeof(unsigned LONGEST) * 3)
- char buf[WRITE_BUF_SIZE];
- register char *buf_ptr = buf+WRITE_BUF_SIZE; // End of buf.
- char *show_base = "";
- int show_base_len = 0;
- int show_pos = 0; // If 1, print a '+'.
- // Now do the actual conversion, placing the result at the *end* of buf.
- // Note that we use separate code for decimal, octal, and hex,
- // so we can divide by optimizable constants.
- if ((stream.flags() & ios::basefield) == ios::oct) { // Octal
- do {
- *--buf_ptr = (val & 7) + '0';
- val = val >> 3;
- } while (val != 0);
- if ((stream.flags() & ios::showbase) && (*buf_ptr != '0'))
- *--buf_ptr = '0';
- }
- else if ((stream.flags() & ios::basefield) == ios::hex) { // Hex
- char *xdigs = (stream.flags() & ios::uppercase) ? "0123456789ABCDEF0X"
- : "0123456789abcdef0x";
- do {
- *--buf_ptr = xdigs[val & 15];
- val = val >> 4;
- } while (val != 0);
- if ((stream.flags() & ios::showbase)) {
- show_base = xdigs + 16; // Either "0X" or "0x".
- show_base_len = 2;
- }
- }
- else { // Decimal
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
- // Optimization: Only use long long when we need to.
- while (val > UINT_MAX) {
- *--buf_ptr = (val % 10) + '0';
- val /= 10;
- }
- // Use more efficient (int) arithmetic for the rest.
- register unsigned int ival = (unsigned int)val;
- register unsigned LONGEST ival = val;
- do {
- *--buf_ptr = (ival % 10) + '0';
- ival /= 10;
- } while (ival != 0);
- if (sign > 0 && (stream.flags() & ios::showpos))
- show_pos=1;
- }
- int buf_len = buf+WRITE_BUF_SIZE - buf_ptr;
- int w = stream.width(0);
- // Calculate padding.
- int len = buf_len+show_pos;
- if (sign < 0) len++;
- len += show_base_len;
- int padding = len > w ? 0 : w - len;
- // Do actual output.
- register streambuf* sbuf = stream.rdbuf();
- ios::fmtflags pad_kind =
- stream.flags() & (ios::left|ios::right|ios::internal);
- char fill_char = stream.fill();
- if (padding > 0
- && pad_kind != (ios::fmtflags)ios::left
- && pad_kind != (ios::fmtflags)ios::internal) // Default (right) adjust.
- if (_IO_padn(sbuf, fill_char, padding) < padding)
- goto failed;
- if (sign < 0 || show_pos)
- {
- char ch = sign < 0 ? '-' : '+';
- if (sbuf->sputc(ch) < 0)
- goto failed;
- }
- if (show_base_len)
- if (_IO_sputn(sbuf, show_base, show_base_len) <= 0)
- goto failed;
- if (pad_kind == (ios::fmtflags)ios::internal && padding > 0)
- if (_IO_padn(sbuf, fill_char, padding) < padding)
- goto failed;
- if (_IO_sputn (sbuf, buf_ptr, buf_len) != buf_len)
- goto failed;
- if (pad_kind == (ios::fmtflags)ios::left && padding > 0) // Left adjustment
- if (_IO_padn(sbuf, fill_char, padding) < padding)
- goto failed;
- stream.osfx();
- return;
- failed:
- stream.set(ios::badbit);
- stream.osfx();
-ostream& ostream::operator<<(int n)
- if (opfx()) {
- int sign = 1;
- unsigned int abs_n = (unsigned)n;
- if (n < 0 && (flags() & (ios::oct|ios::hex)) == 0)
- abs_n = -((unsigned)n), sign = -1;
- write_int(*this, abs_n, sign);
- }
- return *this;
-ostream& ostream::operator<<(unsigned int n)
- if (opfx())
- write_int(*this, n, 0);
- return *this;
-ostream& ostream::operator<<(long n)
- if (opfx()) {
- int sign = 1;
- unsigned long abs_n = (unsigned long)n;
- if (n < 0 && (flags() & (ios::oct|ios::hex)) == 0)
- abs_n = -((unsigned long)n), sign = -1;
- write_int(*this, abs_n, sign);
- }
- return *this;
-ostream& ostream::operator<<(unsigned long n)
- if (opfx())
- write_int(*this, n, 0);
- return *this;
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
-ostream& ostream::operator<<(long long n)
- if (opfx()) {
- int sign = 1;
- unsigned long long abs_n = (unsigned long long)n;
- if (n < 0 && (flags() & (ios::oct|ios::hex)) == 0)
- abs_n = -((unsigned long long)n), sign = -1;
- write_int(*this, abs_n, sign);
- }
- return *this;
-ostream& ostream::operator<<(unsigned long long n)
- if (opfx())
- write_int(*this, n, 0);
- return *this;
-#endif /*__GNUC__*/
-ostream& ostream::operator<<(double n)
- if (opfx()) {
- // Uses __cvt_double (renamed from static cvt), in Chris Torek's
- // stdio implementation. The setup code uses the same logic
- // as in __vsbprintf.C (also based on Torek's code).
- int format_char;
- if ((flags() & ios::floatfield) == ios::fixed)
- format_char = 'f';
- else if ((flags() & ios::floatfield) == ios::scientific)
- format_char = flags() & ios::uppercase ? 'E' : 'e';
- else
- format_char = flags() & ios::uppercase ? 'G' : 'g';
- int prec = precision();
- if (prec <= 0 && !(flags() & ios::fixed))
- prec = 6; /* default */
- // Do actual conversion.
-#ifdef _IO_USE_DTOA
- if (_IO_outfloat(n, rdbuf(), format_char, width(0),
- prec, flags(),
- flags() & ios::showpos ? '+' : 0,
- fill()) < 0)
- set(ios::badbit|ios::failbit); // ??
- int fpprec = 0; // 'Extra' (suppressed) floating precision.
- if (prec > MAXFRACT) {
- if (flags() & (ios::fixed|ios::scientific) & ios::showpos)
- fpprec = prec - MAXFRACT;
- prec = MAXFRACT;
- }
- int negative;
- char buf[BUF];
- int sign = '\0';
- char *cp = buf;
- *cp = 0;
- int size = __cvt_double(n, prec,
- flags() & ios::showpoint ? 0x80 : 0,
- &negative,
- format_char, cp, buf + sizeof(buf));
- if (negative) sign = '-';
- else if (flags() & ios::showpos) sign = '+';
- if (*cp == 0)
- cp++;
- // Calculate padding.
- int fieldsize = size + fpprec;
- if (sign) fieldsize++;
- int padding = 0;
- int w = width(0);
- if (fieldsize < w)
- padding = w - fieldsize;
- // Do actual output.
- register streambuf* sbuf = rdbuf();
- register i;
- char fill_char = fill();
- ios::fmtflags pad_kind =
- flags() & (ios::left|ios::right|ios::internal);
- if (pad_kind != (ios::fmtflags)ios::left // Default (right) adjust.
- && pad_kind != (ios::fmtflags)ios::internal)
- for (i = padding; --i >= 0; ) sbuf->sputc(fill_char);
- if (sign)
- sbuf->sputc(sign);
- if (pad_kind == (ios::fmtflags)ios::internal)
- for (i = padding; --i >= 0; ) sbuf->sputc(fill_char);
- // Emit the actual concented field, followed by extra zeros.
- _IO_sputn (sbuf, cp, size);
- for (i = fpprec; --i >= 0; ) sbuf->sputc('0');
- if (pad_kind == (ios::fmtflags)ios::left) // Left adjustment
- for (i = padding; --i >= 0; ) sbuf->sputc(fill_char);
- osfx();
- }
- return *this;
-ostream& ostream::operator<<(const char *s)
- if (opfx())
- {
- if (s == NULL)
- s = "(null)";
- int len = strlen(s);
- int w = width(0);
-// FIXME: Should we: if (w && len>w) len = w;
- char fill_char = fill();
- register streambuf *sbuf = rdbuf();
- register int padding = w > len ? w - len : 0;
- if (!(flags() & ios::left) && padding > 0) // Default adjustment.
- if (_IO_padn(sbuf, fill_char, padding) != padding)
- goto failed;
- if (_IO_sputn (sbuf, s, len) != len)
- goto failed;
- if (flags() & ios::left && padding > 0) // Left adjustment.
- if (_IO_padn(sbuf, fill_char, padding) != padding)
- goto failed;
- osfx();
- }
- return *this;
- failed:
- set(ios::badbit);
- osfx();
- return *this;
-#if 0
-ostream& ostream::operator<<(const void *p)
-{ Is in, to avoid pulling in all of _IO_vfprintf by this file. */ }
-ostream& ostream::operator<<(register streambuf* sbuf)
- if (opfx())
- {
- char buffer[_IO_BUFSIZ];
- register streambuf* outbuf = _strbuf;
- for (;;)
- {
- _IO_size_t count = _IO_sgetn(sbuf, buffer, _IO_BUFSIZ);
- if (count <= 0)
- break;
- if (_IO_sputn(outbuf, buffer, count) != count)
- {
- set(ios::badbit);
- break;
- }
- }
- osfx();
- }
- return *this;
-ostream::ostream(streambuf* sb, ostream* tied)
- init (sb, tied);
-ostream& ostream::seekp(streampos pos)
- pos = _strbuf->pubseekpos(pos, ios::out);
- if (pos == streampos(EOF))
- set(ios::badbit);
- return *this;
-ostream& ostream::seekp(streamoff off, _seek_dir dir)
- streampos pos = _IO_seekoff (_strbuf, off, (int) dir, _IOS_OUTPUT);
- if (pos == streampos(EOF))
- set(ios::badbit);
- return *this;
-streampos ostream::tellp()
-#if 1
- streampos pos = _IO_seekoff (_strbuf, 0, _IO_seek_cur, _IOS_OUTPUT);
- streampos pos = _strbuf->pubseekoff(0, ios::cur, ios::out);
- if (pos == streampos(EOF))
- set(ios::badbit);
- return pos;
-ostream& ostream::flush()
- if (_strbuf->sync())
- set(ios::badbit);
- return *this;
-ostream& flush(ostream& outs)
- return outs.flush();
-istream& ws(istream& ins)
- if (ins.ipfx1()) {
- int ch = skip_ws(ins._strbuf);
- if (ch == EOF)
- ins.set(ios::eofbit);
- else
- ins._strbuf->sputbackc(ch);
- }
- return ins;
-// Skip white-space. Return 0 on failure (EOF), or 1 on success.
-// Differs from ws() manipulator in that failbit is set on EOF.
-// Called by ipfx() and ipfx0() if needed.
-int istream::_skip_ws()
- int ch = skip_ws(_strbuf);
- if (ch == EOF) {
- set(ios::eofbit|ios::failbit);
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- _strbuf->sputbackc(ch);
- return 1;
- }
-ostream& ends(ostream& outs)
- outs.put('\0');
- return outs;
-ostream& endl(ostream& outs)
- return flush(outs.put('\n'));
-ostream& ostream::write(const char *s, streamsize n)
- if (opfx()) {
- if (_IO_sputn(_strbuf, s, n) != n)
- set(ios::failbit);
- }
- return *this;
-void ostream::do_osfx()
- if (flags() & ios::unitbuf)
- flush();
- if (flags() & ios::stdio) {
- fflush(stdout);
- fflush(stderr);
- }
-iostream::iostream(streambuf* sb, ostream* tied)
- init (sb, tied);
-// NOTE: extension for compatibility with old libg++.
-// Not really compatible with fistream::close().
-void ios::close()
- if (_strbuf->_flags & _IO_IS_FILEBUF)
- ((struct filebuf*)rdbuf())->close();
- else if (_strbuf != NULL)
- rdbuf()->sync();
- _strbuf = NULL;
- _state = badbit;
-int istream::skip(int i)
- int old = (_flags & ios::skipws) != 0;
- if (i)
- _flags |= ios::skipws;
- else
- _flags &= ~ios::skipws;
- return old;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iostream.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/iostream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c20aa5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iostream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#ifndef _IOSTREAM_H
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#define _IOSTREAM_H
-#include <streambuf.h>
-extern "C++" {
-class istream; class ostream;
-typedef ios& (*__manip)(ios&);
-typedef istream& (*__imanip)(istream&);
-typedef ostream& (*__omanip)(ostream&);
-extern istream& ws(istream& ins);
-extern ostream& flush(ostream& outs);
-extern ostream& endl(ostream& outs);
-extern ostream& ends(ostream& outs);
-class ostream : virtual public ios
- // NOTE: If fields are changed, you must fix _fake_ostream in stdstreams.C!
- void do_osfx();
- public:
- ostream() { }
- ostream(streambuf* sb, ostream* tied=NULL);
- int opfx() {
- if (!good()) return 0; else { if (_tie) _tie->flush(); return 1;} }
- void osfx() { if (flags() & (ios::unitbuf|ios::stdio))
- do_osfx(); }
- ostream& flush();
- ostream& put(char c) { _strbuf->sputc(c); return *this; }
- /* Temporary binary compatibility. REMOVE IN NEXT RELEASE. */
- ostream& put(unsigned char c) { return put((char)c); }
- ostream& put(signed char c) { return put((char)c); }
- ostream& write(const char *s, streamsize n);
- ostream& write(const unsigned char *s, streamsize n)
- { return write((const char*)s, n);}
- ostream& write(const signed char *s, streamsize n)
- { return write((const char*)s, n);}
- ostream& write(const void *s, streamsize n)
- { return write((const char*)s, n);}
- ostream& seekp(streampos);
- ostream& seekp(streamoff, _seek_dir);
- streampos tellp();
- ostream& form(const char *format ...);
- ostream& vform(const char *format, _IO_va_list args);
- ostream& operator<<(char c);
- ostream& operator<<(unsigned char c) { return (*this) << (char)c; }
- ostream& operator<<(signed char c) { return (*this) << (char)c; }
- ostream& operator<<(const char *s);
- ostream& operator<<(const unsigned char *s)
- { return (*this) << (const char*)s; }
- ostream& operator<<(const signed char *s)
- { return (*this) << (const char*)s; }
- ostream& operator<<(const void *p);
- ostream& operator<<(int n);
- ostream& operator<<(unsigned int n);
- ostream& operator<<(long n);
- ostream& operator<<(unsigned long n);
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
- ostream& operator<<(long long n);
- ostream& operator<<(unsigned long long n);
- ostream& operator<<(short n) {return operator<<((int)n);}
- ostream& operator<<(unsigned short n) {return operator<<((unsigned int)n);}
- ostream& operator<<(bool b) { return operator<<((int)b); }
- ostream& operator<<(double n);
- ostream& operator<<(float n) { return operator<<((double)n); }
- ostream& operator<<(long double n) { return operator<<((double)n); }
- ostream& operator<<(__omanip func) { return (*func)(*this); }
- ostream& operator<<(__manip func) {(*func)(*this); return *this;}
- ostream& operator<<(streambuf*);
- streambuf* ostreambuf() const { return _strbuf; }
-class istream : virtual public ios
- // NOTE: If fields are changed, you must fix _fake_istream in stdstreams.C!
- _IO_size_t _gcount;
- int _skip_ws();
- public:
- istream() { _gcount = 0; }
- istream(streambuf* sb, ostream*tied=NULL);
- istream& get(char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n');
- istream& get(unsigned char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n')
- { return get((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
- istream& get(char& c);
- istream& get(unsigned char& c) { return get((char&)c); }
- istream& getline(char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n');
- istream& getline(unsigned char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n')
- { return getline((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
- istream& get(signed char& c) { return get((char&)c); }
- istream& get(signed char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n')
- { return get((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
- istream& getline(signed char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n')
- { return getline((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
- istream& read(char *ptr, streamsize n);
- istream& read(unsigned char *ptr, streamsize n)
- { return read((char*)ptr, n); }
- istream& read(signed char *ptr, streamsize n)
- { return read((char*)ptr, n); }
- istream& read(void *ptr, streamsize n)
- { return read((char*)ptr, n); }
- istream& get(streambuf& sb, char delim = '\n');
- istream& gets(char **s, char delim = '\n');
- int ipfx(int need = 0) {
- if (!good()) { set(ios::failbit); return 0; }
- else {
- if (_tie && (need == 0 || rdbuf()->in_avail() < need)) _tie->flush();
- if (!need && (flags() & ios::skipws)) return _skip_ws();
- else return 1;
- }
- }
- int ipfx0() { // Optimized version of ipfx(0).
- if (!good()) { set(ios::failbit); return 0; }
- else {
- if (_tie) _tie->flush();
- if (flags() & ios::skipws) return _skip_ws();
- else return 1;
- }
- }
- int ipfx1() { // Optimized version of ipfx(1).
- if (!good()) { set(ios::failbit); return 0; }
- else {
- if (_tie && rdbuf()->in_avail() == 0) _tie->flush();
- return 1;
- }
- }
- void isfx() { }
- int get() { if (!ipfx1()) return EOF;
- else { int ch = _strbuf->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF) set(ios::eofbit);
- return ch;
- } }
- int peek();
- _IO_size_t gcount() { return _gcount; }
- istream& ignore(int n=1, int delim = EOF);
- int sync ();
- istream& seekg(streampos);
- istream& seekg(streamoff, _seek_dir);
- streampos tellg();
- istream& putback(char ch) {
- if (good() && _strbuf->sputbackc(ch) == EOF) clear(ios::badbit);
- return *this;}
- istream& unget() {
- if (good() && _strbuf->sungetc() == EOF) clear(ios::badbit);
- return *this;}
- istream& scan(const char *format ...);
- istream& vscan(const char *format, _IO_va_list args);
- istream& unget(char ch) { return putback(ch); }
- int skip(int i);
- streambuf* istreambuf() const { return _strbuf; }
- istream& operator>>(char*);
- istream& operator>>(unsigned char* p) { return operator>>((char*)p); }
- istream& operator>>(signed char*p) { return operator>>((char*)p); }
- istream& operator>>(char& c);
- istream& operator>>(unsigned char& c) {return operator>>((char&)c);}
- istream& operator>>(signed char& c) {return operator>>((char&)c);}
- istream& operator>>(int&);
- istream& operator>>(long&);
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
- istream& operator>>(long long&);
- istream& operator>>(unsigned long long&);
- istream& operator>>(short&);
- istream& operator>>(unsigned int&);
- istream& operator>>(unsigned long&);
- istream& operator>>(unsigned short&);
- istream& operator>>(bool&);
- istream& operator>>(float&);
- istream& operator>>(double&);
- istream& operator>>(long double&);
- istream& operator>>( __manip func) {(*func)(*this); return *this;}
- istream& operator>>(__imanip func) { return (*func)(*this); }
- istream& operator>>(streambuf*);
-class iostream : public istream, public ostream
- public:
- iostream() { }
- iostream(streambuf* sb, ostream*tied=NULL);
-class _IO_istream_withassign : public istream {
- _IO_istream_withassign& operator=(istream&);
-class _IO_ostream_withassign : public ostream {
- _IO_ostream_withassign& operator=(ostream&);
-extern _IO_istream_withassign cin;
-// clog->rdbuf() == cerr->rdbuf()
-extern _IO_ostream_withassign cout, cerr;
-extern _IO_ostream_withassign clog
-__asm__ ("__IO_clog")
-struct Iostream_init { } ; // Compatibility hack for AT&T library.
-inline ios& dec(ios& i)
-{ i.setf(ios::dec, ios::dec|ios::hex|ios::oct); return i; }
-inline ios& hex(ios& i)
-{ i.setf(ios::hex, ios::dec|ios::hex|ios::oct); return i; }
-inline ios& oct(ios& i)
-{ i.setf(ios::oct, ios::dec|ios::hex|ios::oct); return i; }
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif /*!_IOSTREAM_H*/
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index 6a93567..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1971 +0,0 @@
-\input texinfo @c -*-Texinfo-*-
-@c Copyright (c) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-@c %**start of header
-@settitle The GNU C++ Iostream Library
-@setchapternewpage odd
-@c %**end of header
-* iostream: (iostream). The C++ input/output facility.
-@end format
-This file describes libio, the GNU library for C++ iostreams and C stdio.
-libio includes software developed by the University of California,
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the
-results, provided the printed document carries copying permission
-notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph
-(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
-@end ignore
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
-entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
-@end ifinfo
-@syncodeindex fn cp
-@syncodeindex vr cp
-@title The GNU C++ Iostream Library
-@subtitle Reference Manual for @code{libio} Version 0.64
-@sp 3
-@author Per Bothner @hfill @code{}
-@author Cygnus Support @hfill @code{}
-@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-Copyright @copyright{} 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-@code{libio} includes software developed by the University of
-California, Berkeley.
-@code{libio} uses floating-point software written by David M. Gay, which
-includes the following notice:
-The author of this software is David M. Gay.
-Copyright (c) 1991 by AT&T.
-Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
-purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice
-is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy
-or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting
-documentation for such software.
-@end quotation
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
-this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
-entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
-into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
-@end titlepage
-@node Top
-@top The GNU C++ Iostream Library
-This file provides reference information on the GNU C++ iostream library
-(@code{libio}), version 0.64.
-* Introduction::
-* Operators:: Operators and default streams.
-* Streams:: Stream classes.
-* Files and Strings:: Classes for files and strings.
-* Streambuf:: Using the streambuf layer.
-* Stdio:: C input and output.
-* Index::
-@end menu
-@end ifinfo
-@node Introduction
-@chapter Introduction
-The iostream classes implement most of the features of AT&T version 2.0
-iostream library classes, and most of the features of the ANSI X3J16
-library draft (which is based on the AT&T design).
-This manual is meant as a reference; for tutorial material on iostreams,
-see the corresponding section of any recent popular introduction to C++.
-* Copying:: Special GNU licensing terms for libio.
-* Acknowledgements:: Contributors to GNU iostream.
-@end menu
-@node Copying
-@section Licensing terms for @code{libio}
-Since the @code{iostream} classes are so fundamental to standard C++,
-the Free Software Foundation has agreed to a special exception to its
-standard license, when you link programs with @code{libio.a}:
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-@end quotation
-The code is under the @sc{gnu} General Public License (version 2) for
-all other purposes than linking with this library; that means that you
-can modify and redistribute the code as usual, but remember that if you
-do, your modifications, and anything you link with the modified code,
-must be available to others on the same terms.
-These functions are also available as part of the @code{libg++}
-library; if you link with that library instead of @code{libio}, the
-@sc{gnu} Library General Public License applies.
-@node Acknowledgements
-@section Acknowledgements
-Per Bothner wrote most of the @code{iostream} library, but some portions
-have their origins elsewhere in the free software community. Heinz
-Seidl wrote the IO manipulators. The floating-point conversion software
-is by David M. Gay of AT&T. Some code was derived from parts of BSD
-4.4, which was written at the University of California, Berkeley.
-The iostream classes are found in the @code{libio} library. An early
-version was originally distributed in @code{libg++}, and they are still
-included there as well, for convenience if you need other @code{libg++}
-classes. Doug Lea was the original author of @code{libg++}, and some of
-the file-management code still in @code{libio} is his.
-Various people found bugs or offered suggestions. Hongjiu Lu worked
-hard to use the library as the default stdio implementation for Linux,
-and has provided much stress-testing of the library.
-@node Operators
-@chapter Operators and Default Streams
-The @sc{gnu} iostream library, @file{libio}, implements the standard
-input and output facilities for C++. These facilities are roughly
-analogous (in their purpose and ubiquity, at least) with those defined
-by the C @file{stdio} functions.
-Although these definitions come from a library, rather than being part
-of the ``core language'', they are sufficiently central to be specified
-in the latest working papers for C++.
-You can use two operators defined in this library for basic input and
-output operations. They are familiar from any C++ introductory
-textbook: @code{<<} for output, and @code{>>} for input. (Think of data
-flowing in the direction of the ``arrows''.)
-These operators are often used in conjunction with three streams that
-are open by default:
-@deftypevar ostream cout
-The standard output stream, analogous to the C @code{stdout}.
-@end deftypevar
-@deftypevar istream cin
-The standard input stream, analogous to the C @code{stdin}.
-@end deftypevar
-@deftypevar ostream cerr
-An alternative output stream for errors, analogous to the C
-@end deftypevar
-For example, this bare-bones C++ version of the traditional ``hello''
-program uses @code{<<} and @code{cout}:
-#include <iostream.h>
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- cout << "Well, hi there.\n";
- return 0;
-@end example
-Casual use of these operators may be seductive, but---other than in
-writing throwaway code for your own use---it is not necessarily simpler
-than managing input and output in any other language. For example,
-robust code should check the state of the input and output streams
-between operations (for example, using the method @code{good}).
-@xref{States,,Checking the state of a stream}. You may also need to
-adjust maximum input or output field widths, using manipulators like
-@code{setw} or @code{setprecision}.
-@defop Operator ostream <<
-Write output to an open output stream of class @code{ostream}.
-Defined by this library on any @var{object} of a C++ primitive type, and
-on other classes of the library. You can overload the definition for any
-of your own applications' classes.
-Returns a reference to the implied argument @code{*this} (the open stream it
-writes on), permitting statements like
-cout << "The value of i is " << i << "\n";
-@end example
-@end defop
-@defop Operator istream >>
-Read input from an open input stream of class @code{istream}. Defined
-by this library on primitive numeric, pointer, and string types; you can
-extend the definition for any of your own applications' classes.
-Returns a reference to the implied argument @code{*this} (the open stream
-it reads), permitting multiple inputs in one statement.
-@end defop
-@node Streams
-@chapter Stream Classes
-The previous chapter referred in passing to the classes @code{ostream}
-and @code{istream}, for output and input respectively. These classes
-share certain properties, captured in their base class @code{ios}.
-* Ios:: Shared properties.
-* Ostream:: Managing output streams.
-* Istream:: Managing input streams.
-* Iostream:: Input and output together.
-@end menu
-@node Ios
-@section Shared properties: class @code{ios}
-The base class @code{ios} provides methods to test and manage the state
-of input or output streams.
-@code{ios} delegates the job of actually reading and writing bytes to
-the abstract class @code{streambuf}, which is designed to provide
-buffered streams (compatible with C, in the @sc{gnu} implementation).
-@xref{Streambuf,,Using the @code{streambuf} layer}, for information on
-the facilities available at the @code{streambuf} level.
-@deftypefn Constructor {} ios::ios ([streambuf* @var{sb} @w{[, ostream*} @var{tie}])
-The @code{ios} constructor by default initializes a new @code{ios}, and
-if you supply a @code{streambuf} @var{sb} to associate with it, sets the
-state @code{good} in the new @code{ios} object. It also sets the
-default properties of the new object.
-@c FIXME--future: this (a) doesn't work, (b) is controversial at ANSI
-An @code{ios} without a @code{streambuf} has the state @code{bad} until
-you supply a @code{streambuf}; you can do that by assigning a new value
-to the @code{ios} with @samp{=}.
-@end ignore
-You can also supply an optional second argument @var{tie} to the
-constructor: if present, it is an initial value for @code{ios::tie}, to
-associate the new @code{ios} object with another stream.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Destructor {} ios::~ios ()
-The @code{ios} destructor is virtual, permitting application-specific
-behavior when a stream is closed---typically, the destructor frees any
-storage associated with the stream and releases any other associated
-@end deftypefn
-@c FIXME-future: Is @deftypefn really the best way of displaying these?
-@c FIXME-future: Undocumented: ios::_throw_failure, ios::exceptions; things
-@c controlled by _STREAM_COMPAT; ios::Init; ios::_IO_fix_vtable.
-* States:: Checking the state of a stream.
-* Format Control:: Choices in formatting.
-* Manipulators:: Convenient ways of changing stream properties.
-* Extending:: Extended data fields.
-* Synchronization:: Synchronizing related streams.
-* Streambuf from Ios:: Reaching the underlying streambuf.
-@end menu
-@node States
-@subsection Checking the state of a stream
-Use this collection of methods to test for (or signal) errors and other
-exceptional conditions of streams:
-@deftypefn Method {ios::operator void*} () const
-You can do a quick check on the state of the most recent operation on a
-stream by examining a pointer to the stream itself. The pointer is
-arbitrary except for its truth value; it is true if no failures have
-occurred (@code{ios::fail} is not true). For example, you might ask for
-input on @code{cin} only if all prior output operations succeeded:
-if (cout)
- // Everything OK so far
- cin >> new_value;
- @dots{}
-@end example
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method {ios::operator !} () const
-In case it is more convenient to check whether something has failed, the
-operator @code{!} returns true if @code{ios::fail} is true (an operation
-has failed). For example,
-you might issue an error message if input failed:
-if (!cin)
- // Oops
- cerr << "Eh?\n";
-@end example
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method iostate ios::rdstate () const
-Return the state flags for this stream. The value is from the
-enumeration @code{iostate}. You can test for any combination of
-@vtable @code
-@item goodbit
-There are no indications of exceptional states on this stream.
-@item eofbit
-End of file.
-@item failbit
-An operation has failed on this stream; this usually indicates bad
-format of input.
-@item badbit
-The stream is unusable.
-@end vtable
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void ios::setstate (iostate @var{state})
-@findex ios::set
-Set the state flag for this stream to @var{state} @emph{in addition to}
-any state flags already set. Synonym (for upward compatibility):
-See @code{ios::clear} to set the stream state without regard to existing
-state flags. See @code{ios::good}, @code{ios::eof}, @code{ios::fail},
-and @code{ios::bad}, to test the state.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int ios::good () const
-Test the state flags associated with this stream; true if no error
-indicators are set.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int ios::bad () const
-Test whether a stream is marked as unusable. (Whether
-@code{ios::badbit} is set.)
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int ios::eof () const
-True if end of file was reached on this stream. (If @code{ios::eofbit}
-is set.)
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int ios::fail () const
-Test for any kind of failure on this stream: @emph{either} some
-operation failed, @emph{or} the stream is marked as bad. (If either
-@code{ios::failbit} or @code{ios::badbit} is set.)
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void ios::clear (iostate @var{state})
-@c FIXME-future: There is some complication to do with buffering and _throw_failure
-Set the state indication for this stream to the argument @var{state}.
-You may call @code{ios::clear} with no argument, in which case the state
-is set to @code{good} (no errors pending).
-See @code{ios::good}, @code{ios::eof}, @code{ios::fail}, and
-@code{ios::bad}, to test the state; see @code{ios::set} or
-@code{ios::setstate} for an alternative way of setting the state.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Format Control
-@subsection Choices in formatting
-These methods control (or report on) settings for some details of
-controlling streams, primarily to do with formatting output:
-@deftypefn Method char ios::fill () const
-Report on the padding character in use.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char ios::fill (char @var{padding})
-Set the padding character. You can also use the manipulator
-@code{setfill}. @xref{Manipulators,,Changing stream properties in
-Default: blank.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int ios::precision () const
-Report the number of significant digits currently in use for output of
-floating point numbers.
-Default: @code{6}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int ios::precision (int @var{signif})
-Set the number of significant digits (for input and output numeric
-conversions) to @var{signif}.
-@findex setprecision
-@cindex setting @code{ios::precision}
-You can also use the manipulator @code{setprecision} for this purpose.
-@xref{Manipulators,,Changing stream properties using manipulators}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int ios::width () const
-Report the current output field width setting (the number of
-characters to write on the next @samp{<<} output operation).
-Default: @code{0}, which means to use as many characters as necessary.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int ios::width (int @var{num})
-Set the input field width setting to @var{num}. Return the
-@emph{previous} value for this stream.
-@findex setw
-@cindex setting @code{ios::width}
-This value resets to zero (the default) every time you use @samp{<<}; it is
-essentially an additional implicit argument to that operator. You can
-also use the manipulator @code{setw} for this purpose.
-@xref{Manipulators,,Changing stream properties using manipulators}.
-@end deftypefn
-@need 2000
-@deftypefn Method fmtflags ios::flags () const
-Return the current value of the complete collection of flags controlling
-the format state. These are the flags and their meanings when set:
-@vtable @code
-@item ios::dec
-@itemx ios::oct
-@itemx ios::hex
-What numeric base to use in converting integers from internal to display
-representation, or vice versa: decimal, octal, or hexadecimal,
-respectively. (You can change the base using the manipulator
-@code{setbase}, or any of the manipulators @code{dec}, @code{oct}, or
-@code{hex}; @pxref{Manipulators,,Changing stream properties in
-On input, if none of these flags is set, read numeric constants
-according to the prefix: decimal if no prefix (or a @samp{.} suffix),
-octal if a @samp{0} prefix is present, hexadecimal if a @samp{0x} prefix
-is present.
-Default: @code{dec}.
-@item ios::fixed
-Avoid scientific notation, and always show a fixed number of digits after
-the decimal point, according to the output precision in effect.
-Use @code{ios::precision} to set precision.
-@item ios::left
-@itemx ios::right
-@itemx ios::internal
-Where output is to appear in a fixed-width field; left-justified,
-right-justified, or with padding in the middle (e.g. between a numeric
-sign and the associated value), respectively.
-@item ios::scientific
-Use scientific (exponential) notation to display numbers.
-@item ios::showbase
-Display the conventional prefix as a visual indicator of the conversion
-base: no prefix for decimal, @samp{0} for octal, @samp{0x} for hexadecimal.
-@item ios::showpoint
-Display a decimal point and trailing zeros after it to fill out numeric
-fields, even when redundant.
-@item ios::showpos
-Display a positive sign on display of positive numbers.
-@item ios::skipws
-Skip white space. (On by default).
-@item ios::stdio
-Flush the C @code{stdio} streams @code{stdout} and @code{stderr} after
-each output operation (for programs that mix C and C++ output conventions).
-@item ios::unitbuf
-Flush after each output operation.
-@item ios::uppercase
-Use upper-case characters for the non-numeral elements in numeric
-displays; for instance, @samp{0X7A} rather than @samp{0x7a}, or
-@samp{3.14E+09} rather than @samp{3.14e+09}.
-@end vtable
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method fmtflags ios::flags (fmtflags @var{value})
-Set @var{value} as the complete collection of flags controlling the
-format state. The flag values are described under @samp{ios::flags ()}.
-Use @code{ios::setf} or @code{ios::unsetf} to change one property at a
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method fmtflags ios::setf (fmtflags @var{flag})
-Set one particular flag (of those described for @samp{ios::flags ()};
-return the complete collection of flags @emph{previously} in effect.
-(Use @code{ios::unsetf} to cancel.)
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method fmtflags ios::setf (fmtflags @var{flag}, fmtflags @var{mask})
-Clear the flag values indicated by @var{mask}, then set any of them that
-are also in @var{flag}. (Flag values are described for @samp{ios::flags
-()}.) Return the complete collection of flags @emph{previously} in
-effect. (See @code{ios::unsetf} for another way of clearing flags.)
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method fmtflags ios::unsetf (fmtflags @var{flag})
-Make certain @var{flag} (a combination of flag values described for
-@samp{ios::flags ()}) is not set for this stream; converse of
-@code{ios::setf}. Returns the old values of those flags.
-@c FIXME-future: should probably be fixed to give same result as setf.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Manipulators
-@subsection Changing stream properties using manipulators
-For convenience, @var{manipulators} provide a way to change certain
-properties of streams, or otherwise affect them, in the middle of
-expressions involving @samp{<<} or @samp{>>}. For example, you might
-cout << "|" << setfill('*') << setw(5) << 234 << "|";
-@end example
-to produce @samp{|**234|} as output.
-@deftypefn Manipulator {} ws
-Skip whitespace.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Manipulator {} flush
-Flush an output stream. For example, @samp{cout << @dots{} <<flush;}
-has the same effect as @samp{cout << @dots{}; cout.flush();}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Manipulator {} endl
-Write an end of line character @samp{\n}, then flushes the output stream.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Manipulator {} ends
-Write @samp{\0} (the string terminator character).
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Manipulator {} setprecision (int @var{signif})
-You can change the value of @code{ios::precision} in @samp{<<}
-expressions with the manipulator @samp{setprecision(@var{signif})}; for
-cout << setprecision(2) << 4.567;
-@end example
-prints @samp{4.6}. Requires @file{#include <iomanip.h>}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Manipulator {} setw (int @var{n})
-You can change the value of @code{ios::width} in @samp{<<} expressions
-with the manipulator @samp{setw(@var{n})}; for example,
-cout << setw(5) << 234;
-@end example
-prints @w{@samp{ 234}} with two leading blanks. Requires @file{#include
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Manipulator {} setbase (int @var{base})
-Where @var{base} is one of @code{10} (decimal), @code{8} (octal), or
-@code{16} (hexadecimal), change the base value for numeric
-representations. Requires @file{#include <iomanip.h>}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Manipulator {} dec
-Select decimal base; equivalent to @samp{setbase(10)}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Manipulator {} hex
-Select hexadecimal base; equivalent to @samp{setbase(16)}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Manipulator {} oct
-Select octal base; equivalent to @samp{setbase(8)}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Manipulator {} setfill (char @var{padding})
-Set the padding character, in the same way as @code{ios::fill}.
-Requires @file{#include <iomanip.h>}.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Extending
-@subsection Extended data fields
-A related collection of methods allows you to extend this collection of
-flags and parameters for your own applications, without risk of conflict
-between them:
-@deftypefn Method {static fmtflags} ios::bitalloc ()
-Reserve a bit (the single bit on in the result) to use as a flag. Using
-@code{bitalloc} guards against conflict between two packages that use
-@code{ios} objects for different purposes.
-This method is available for upward compatibility, but is not in the
-@sc{ansi} working paper. The number of bits available is limited; a
-return value of @code{0} means no bit is available.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method {static int} ios::xalloc ()
-Reserve space for a long integer or pointer parameter. The result is a
-unique nonnegative integer. You can use it as an index to
-@code{ios::iword} or @code{ios::pword}. Use @code{xalloc} to arrange
-for arbitrary special-purpose data in your @code{ios} objects, without
-risk of conflict between packages designed for different purposes.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method long& ios::iword (int @var{index})
-Return a reference to arbitrary data, of long integer type, stored in an
-@code{ios} instance. @var{index}, conventionally returned from
-@code{ios::xalloc}, identifies what particular data you need.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method long ios::iword (int @var{index}) const
-Return the actual value of a long integer stored in an @code{ios}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void*& ios::pword (int @var{index})
-Return a reference to an arbitrary pointer, stored in an @code{ios}
-instance. @var{index}, originally returned from @code{ios::xalloc},
-identifies what particular pointer you need.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void* ios::pword (int @var{index}) const
-Return the actual value of a pointer stored in an @code{ios}.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Synchronization
-@subsection Synchronizing related streams
-You can use these methods to synchronize related streams with
-one another:
-@deftypefn Method ostream* ios::tie () const
-Report on what output stream, if any, is to be flushed before accessing
-this one. A pointer value of @code{0} means no stream is tied.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method ostream* ios::tie (ostream* @var{assoc})
-Declare that output stream @var{assoc} must be flushed before accessing
-this stream.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int ios::sync_with_stdio ([int @var{switch}])
-Unless iostreams and C @code{stdio} are designed to work together, you
-may have to choose between efficient C++ streams output and output
-compatible with C @code{stdio}. Use @samp{ios::sync_with_stdio()} to
-select C compatibility.
-The argument @var{switch} is a @sc{gnu} extension; use @code{0} as the
-argument to choose output that is not necessarily compatible with C
-@code{stdio}. The default value for @var{switch} is @code{1}.
-If you install the @code{stdio} implementation that comes with @sc{gnu}
-@code{libio}, there are compatible input/output facilities for both C
-and C++. In that situation, this method is unnecessary---but you may
-still want to write programs that call it, for portability.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Streambuf from Ios
-@subsection Reaching the underlying @code{streambuf}
-Finally, you can use this method to access the underlying object:
-@deftypefn Method streambuf* ios::rdbuf () const
-Return a pointer to the @code{streambuf} object that underlies this
-@end deftypefn
-@node Ostream
-@section Managing output streams: class @code{ostream}
-Objects of class @code{ostream} inherit the generic methods from
-@code{ios}, and in addition have the following methods available.
-Declarations for this class come from @file{iostream.h}.
-@deftypefn Constructor {} ostream::ostream ()
-The simplest form of the constructor for an @code{ostream} simply
-allocates a new @code{ios} object.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Constructor {} ostream::ostream (streambuf* @var{sb} @w{[, ostream} @var{tie}])
-This alternative constructor requires a first argument @var{sb} of type
-@code{streambuf*}, to use an existing open stream for output. It also
-accepts an optional second argument @var{tie}, to specify a related
-@code{ostream*} as the initial value for @code{ios::tie}.
-If you give the @code{ostream} a @code{streambuf} explicitly, using
-this constructor, the @var{sb} is @emph{not} destroyed (or deleted or
-closed) when the @code{ostream} is destroyed.
-@end deftypefn
-* Writing:: Writing on an ostream.
-* Output Position:: Repositioning an ostream.
-* Ostream Housekeeping:: Miscellaneous ostream utilities.
-@end menu
-@node Writing
-@subsection Writing on an @code{ostream}
-These methods write on an @code{ostream} (you may also use the operator
-@code{<<}; @pxref{Operators,,Operators and Default Streams}).
-@deftypefn Method ostream& ostream::put (char @var{c})
-Write the single character @var{c}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method ostream& ostream::write (@var{string}, int @var{length})
-Write @var{length} characters of a string to this @code{ostream},
-beginning at the pointer @var{string}.
-@var{string} may have any of these types: @code{char*}, @code{unsigned
-char*}, @code{signed char*}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method ostream& ostream::form (const char *@var{format}, ...)
-A @sc{gnu} extension, similar to @code{fprintf(@var{file},
-@var{format}, ...)}.
-@var{format} is a @code{printf}-style format control string, which is used
-to format the (variable number of) arguments, printing the result on
-this @code{ostream}. See @code{ostream::vform} for a version that uses
-an argument list rather than a variable number of arguments.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method ostream& ostream::vform (const char *@var{format}, va_list @var{args})
-A @sc{gnu} extension, similar to @code{vfprintf(@var{file},
-@var{format}, @var{args})}.
-@var{format} is a @code{printf}-style format control string, which is used
-to format the argument list @var{args}, printing the result on
-this @code{ostream}. See @code{ostream::form} for a version that uses a
-variable number of arguments rather than an argument list.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Output Position
-@subsection Repositioning an @code{ostream}
-You can control the output position (on output streams that actually
-support positions, typically files) with these methods:
-@c FIXME-future: sort out which classes support this and which
-@c don't; fstream, filebuf? And what is failure condition when not supported?
-@deftypefn Method streampos ostream::tellp ()
-Return the current write position in the stream.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method ostream& ostream::seekp (streampos @var{loc})
-Reset the output position to @var{loc} (which is usually the result of a
-previous call to @code{ostream::tellp}). @var{loc} specifies an
-absolute position in the output stream.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method ostream& ostream::seekp (streamoff @var{loc}, @var{rel})
-@findex ios::seekdir
-Reset the output position to @var{loc}, relative to the beginning, end,
-or current output position in the stream, as indicated by @var{rel} (a
-value from the enumeration @code{ios::seekdir}):
-@vtable @code
-@item beg
-Interpret @var{loc} as an absolute offset from the beginning of the
-@item cur
-Interpret @var{loc} as an offset relative to the current output
-@item end
-Interpret @var{loc} as an offset from the current end of the output
-@end vtable
-@end deftypefn
-@node Ostream Housekeeping
-@subsection Miscellaneous @code{ostream} utilities
-You may need to use these @code{ostream} methods for housekeeping:
-@deftypefn Method ostream& flush ()
-Deliver any pending buffered output for this @code{ostream}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int ostream::opfx ()
-@code{opfx} is a @dfn{prefix} method for operations on @code{ostream}
-objects; it is designed to be called before any further processing. See
-@code{ostream::osfx} for the converse.
-@c FIXME-future: specify sometime which methods start with opfx.
-@code{opfx} tests that the stream is in state @code{good}, and if so
-flushes any stream tied to this one.
-The result is @code{1} when @code{opfx} succeeds; else (if the stream state is
-not @code{good}), the result is @code{0}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void ostream::osfx ()
-@code{osfx} is a @dfn{suffix} method for operations on @code{ostream}
-objects; it is designed to be called at the conclusion of any processing. All
-the @code{ostream} methods end by calling @code{osfx}. See
-@code{ostream::opfx} for the converse.
-If the @code{unitbuf} flag is set for this stream, @code{osfx} flushes
-any buffered output for it.
-If the @code{stdio} flag is set for this stream, @code{osfx} flushes any
-output buffered for the C output streams @file{stdout} and @file{stderr}.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Istream
-@section Managing input streams: class @code{istream}
-Class @code{istream} objects are specialized for input; as for
-@code{ostream}, they are derived from @code{ios}, so you can use any of
-the general-purpose methods from that base class. Declarations for this
-class also come from @file{iostream.h}.
-@deftypefn Constructor {} istream::istream ()
-When used without arguments, the @code{istream} constructor simply
-allocates a new @code{ios} object and initializes the input counter (the
-value reported by @code{istream::gcount}) to @code{0}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Constructor {} istream::istream (streambuf *@var{sb} @w{[, ostream} @var{tie}])
-You can also call the constructor with one or two arguments. The first
-argument @var{sb} is a @code{streambuf*}; if you supply this pointer,
-the constructor uses that @code{streambuf} for input.
-You can use the second optional argument @var{tie} to specify a related
-output stream as the initial value for @code{ios::tie}.
-If you give the @code{istream} a @code{streambuf} explicitly, using
-this constructor, the @var{sb} is @emph{not} destroyed (or deleted or
-closed) when the @code{ostream} is destroyed.
-@end deftypefn
-* Char Input:: Reading one character.
-* String Input:: Reading strings.
-* Input Position:: Repositioning an istream.
-* Istream Housekeeping:: Miscellaneous istream utilities.
-@end menu
-@node Char Input
-@subsection Reading one character
-Use these methods to read a single character from the input stream:
-@deftypefn Method int istream::get ()
-Read a single character (or @code{EOF}) from the input stream, returning
-it (coerced to an unsigned char) as the result.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method istream& istream::get (char& @var{c})
-Read a single character from the input stream, into @code{&@var{c}}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int istream::peek ()
-Return the next available input character, but @emph{without} changing
-the current input position.
-@end deftypefn
-@node String Input
-@subsection Reading strings
-Use these methods to read strings (for example, a line at a time) from
-the input stream:
-@deftypefn Method istream& istream::get (char* @var{c}, int @var{len} @w{[, char} @var{delim}])
-Read a string from the input stream, into the array at @var{c}.
-The remaining arguments limit how much to read: up to @samp{len-1}
-characters, or up to (but not including) the first occurrence in the
-input of a particular delimiter character @var{delim}---newline
-(@code{\n}) by default. (Naturally, if the stream reaches end of file
-first, that too will terminate reading.)
-If @var{delim} was present in the input, it remains available as if
-unread; to discard it instead, see @code{iostream::getline}.
-@code{get} writes @samp{\0} at the end of the string, regardless
-of which condition terminates the read.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method istream& istream::get (streambuf& @var{sb} @w{[, char} @var{delim}])
-Read characters from the input stream and copy them on the
-@code{streambuf} object @var{sb}. Copying ends either just before the
-next instance of the delimiter character @var{delim} (newline @code{\n}
-by default), or when either stream ends. If @var{delim} was present in
-the input, it remains available as if unread.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method istream& istream::getline (@var{charptr}, int @var{len} @w{[, char} @var{delim}])
-Read a line from the input stream, into the array at @var{charptr}.
-@var{charptr} may be any of three kinds of pointer: @code{char*},
-@code{unsigned char*}, or @code{signed char*}.
-The remaining arguments limit how much to read: up to (but not
-including) the first occurrence in the input of a line delimiter
-character @var{delim}---newline (@code{\n}) by default, or up to
-@samp{len-1} characters (or to end of file, if that happens sooner).
-If @code{getline} succeeds in reading a ``full line'', it also discards
-the trailing delimiter character from the input stream. (To preserve it
-as available input, see the similar form of @code{iostream::get}.)
-If @var{delim} was @emph{not} found before @var{len} characters or end
-of file, @code{getline} sets the @code{ios::fail} flag, as well as the
-@code{ios::eof} flag if appropriate.
-@code{getline} writes a null character at the end of the string, regardless
-of which condition terminates the read.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method istream& istream::read (@var{pointer}, int @var{len})
-Read @var{len} bytes into the location at @var{pointer}, unless the
-input ends first.
-@var{pointer} may be of type @code{char*}, @code{void*}, @code{unsigned
-char*}, or @code{signed char*}.
-If the @code{istream} ends before reading @var{len} bytes, @code{read}
-sets the @code{ios::fail} flag.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method istream& istream::gets (char **@var{s} @w{[, char} @var{delim}])
-A @sc{gnu} extension, to read an arbitrarily long string
-from the current input position to the next instance of the @var{delim}
-character (newline @code{\n} by default).
-To permit reading a string of arbitrary length, @code{gets} allocates
-whatever memory is required. Notice that the first argument @var{s} is
-an address to record a character pointer, rather than the pointer
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method istream& istream::scan (const char *format ...)
-A @sc{gnu} extension, similar to @code{fscanf(@var{file},
-@var{format}, ...)}. The @var{format} is a @code{scanf}-style format
-control string, which is used to read the variables in the remainder of
-the argument list from the @code{istream}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method istream& istream::vscan (const char *format, va_list args)
-Like @code{istream::scan}, but takes a single @code{va_list} argument.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Input Position
-@subsection Repositioning an @code{istream}
-Use these methods to control the current input position:
-@deftypefn Method streampos istream::tellg ()
-Return the current read position, so that you can save it and return to
-it later with @code{istream::seekg}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method istream& istream::seekg (streampos @var{p})
-Reset the input pointer (if the input device permits it) to @var{p},
-usually the result of an earlier call to @code{istream::tellg}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method istream& istream::seekg (streamoff @var{offset}, ios::seek_dir @var{ref})
-Reset the input pointer (if the input device permits it) to @var{offset}
-characters from the beginning of the input, the current position, or the
-end of input. Specify how to interpret @var{offset} with one of these
-values for the second argument:
-@vtable @code
-@item ios::beg
-Interpret @var{loc} as an absolute offset from the beginning of the
-@item ios::cur
-Interpret @var{loc} as an offset relative to the current output
-@item ios::end
-Interpret @var{loc} as an offset from the current end of the output
-@end vtable
-@end deftypefn
-@node Istream Housekeeping
-@subsection Miscellaneous @code{istream} utilities
-Use these methods for housekeeping on @code{istream} objects:
-@deftypefn Method int istream::gcount ()
-Report how many characters were read from this @code{istream} in the
-last unformatted input operation.
-@c FIXME! Define "unformatted input" somewhere...
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int istream::ipfx (int @var{keepwhite})
-Ensure that the @code{istream} object is ready for reading; check for
-errors and end of file and flush any tied stream. @code{ipfx} skips
-whitespace if you specify @code{0} as the @var{keepwhite}
-argument, @emph{and} @code{ios::skipws} is set for this stream.
-To avoid skipping whitespace (regardless of the @code{skipws} setting on
-the stream), use @code{1} as the argument.
-Call @code{istream::ipfx} to simplify writing your own methods for reading
-@code{istream} objects.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void istream::isfx ()
-A placeholder for compliance with the draft @sc{ansi} standard; this
-method does nothing whatever.
-If you wish to write portable standard-conforming code on @code{istream}
-objects, call @code{isfx} after any operation that reads from an
-@code{istream}; if @code{istream::ipfx} has any special effects that
-must be cancelled when done, @code{istream::isfx} will cancel them.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method istream& istream::ignore ([int @var{n}] @w{[, int} @var{delim}])
-Discard some number of characters pending input. The first optional
-argument @var{n} specifies how many characters to skip. The second
-optional argument @var{delim} specifies a ``boundary'' character:
-@code{ignore} returns immediately if this character appears in the
-By default, @var{delim} is @code{EOF}; that is, if you do not specify a
-second argument, only the count @var{n} restricts how much to ignore
-(while input is still available).
-If you do not specify how many characters to ignore, @code{ignore}
-returns after discarding only one character.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method istream& istream::putback (char @var{ch})
-Attempts to back up one character, replacing the character backed-up
-over by @var{ch}. Returns @code{EOF} if this is not allowed. Putting
-back the most recently read character is always allowed. (This method
-corresponds to the C function @code{ungetc}.)
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method istream& istream::unget ()
-Attempt to back up one character.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Iostream
-@section Input and output together: class @code{iostream}
-If you need to use the same stream for input and output, you can use an
-object of the class @code{iostream}, which is derived from @emph{both}
-@code{istream} and @code{ostream}.
-The constructors for @code{iostream} behave just like the constructors
-for @code{istream}.
-@deftypefn Constructor {} iostream::iostream ()
-When used without arguments, the @code{iostream} constructor simply
-allocates a new @code{ios} object, and initializes the input counter
-(the value reported by @code{istream::gcount}) to @code{0}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Constructor {} iostream::iostream (streambuf* @var{sb} @w{[, ostream*} @var{tie}])
-You can also call a constructor with one or two arguments. The first
-argument @var{sb} is a @code{streambuf*}; if you supply this pointer,
-the constructor uses that @code{streambuf} for input and output.
-You can use the optional second argument @var{tie} (an @code{ostream*})
-to specify a related output stream as the initial value for
-@end deftypefn
-@cindex @code{iostream} destructor
-@cindex destructor for @code{iostream}
-As for @code{ostream} and @code{istream}, @code{iostream} simply uses
-the @code{ios} destructor. However, an @code{iostream} is not deleted by
-its destructor.
-You can use all the @code{istream}, @code{ostream}, and @code{ios}
-methods with an @code{iostream} object.
-@node Files and Strings
-@chapter Classes for Files and Strings
-There are two very common special cases of input and output: using files,
-and using strings in memory.
-@code{libio} defines four specialized classes for these cases:
-@ftable @code
-@item ifstream
-Methods for reading files.
-@item ofstream
-Methods for writing files.
-@item istrstream
-Methods for reading strings from memory.
-@item ostrstream
-Methods for writing strings in memory.
-@end ftable
-* Files:: Reading and writing files.
-* Strings:: Reading and writing strings in memory.
-@end menu
-@node Files
-@section Reading and writing files
-These methods are declared in @file{fstream.h}.
-@findex ifstream
-@cindex class @code{ifstream}
-You can read data from class @code{ifstream} with any operation from class
-@code{istream}. There are also a few specialized facilities:
-@deftypefn Constructor {} ifstream::ifstream ()
-Make an @code{ifstream} associated with a new file for input. (If you
-use this version of the constructor, you need to call
-@code{ifstream::open} before actually reading anything)
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Constructor {} ifstream::ifstream (int @var{fd})
-Make an @code{ifstream} for reading from a file that was already open,
-using file descriptor @var{fd}. (This constructor is compatible with
-other versions of iostreams for @sc{posix} systems, but is not part of
-the @sc{ansi} working paper.)
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Constructor {} ifstream::ifstream (const char* @var{fname} @w{[, int} @var{mode} @w{[, int} @var{prot}]])
-Open a file @code{*@var{fname}} for this @code{ifstream} object.
-By default, the file is opened for input (with @code{ios::in} as
-@var{mode}). If you use this constructor, the file will be closed when
-the @code{ifstream} is destroyed.
-You can use the optional argument @var{mode} to specify how to open the
-file, by combining these enumerated values (with @samp{|} bitwise or).
-(These values are actually defined in class @code{ios}, so that all
-file-related streams may inherit them.) Only some of these modes are
-defined in the latest draft @sc{ansi} specification; if portability is
-important, you may wish to avoid the others.
-@vtable @code
-@item ios::in
-Open for input. (Included in @sc{ansi} draft.)
-@item ios::out
-Open for output. (Included in @sc{ansi} draft.)
-@item ios::ate
-Set the initial input (or output) position to the end of the file.
-@item ios::app
-Seek to end of file before each write. (Included in @sc{ansi} draft.)
-@item ios::trunc
-Guarantee a fresh file; discard any contents that were previously
-associated with it.
-@item ios::nocreate
-Guarantee an existing file; fail if the specified file did not already
-@item ios::noreplace
-Guarantee a new file; fail if the specified file already existed.
-@item ios::bin
-Open as a binary file (on systems where binary and text files have different
-properties, typically how @samp{\n} is mapped; included in @sc{ansi} draft).
-@end vtable
-The last optional argument @var{prot} is specific to Unix-like systems;
-it specifies the file protection (by default @samp{644}).
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void ifstream::open (const char* @var{fname} @w{[, int} @var{mode} @w{[, int} @var{prot}]])
-Open a file explicitly after the associated @code{ifstream} object
-already exists (for instance, after using the default constructor). The
-arguments, options and defaults all have the same meanings as in the
-fully specified @code{ifstream} constructor.
-@end deftypefn
-@findex ostream
-@cindex class @code{ostream}
-You can write data to class @code{ofstream} with any operation from class
-@code{ostream}. There are also a few specialized facilities:
-@deftypefn Constructor {} ofstream::ofstream ()
-Make an @code{ofstream} associated with a new file for output.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Constructor {} ofstream::ofstream (int @var{fd})
-Make an @code{ofstream} for writing to a file that was already open,
-using file descriptor @var{fd}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Constructor {} ofstream::ofstream (const char* @var{fname} @w{[, int} @var{mode} @w{[, int} @var{prot}]])
-Open a file @code{*@var{fname}} for this @code{ofstream} object.
-By default, the file is opened for output (with @code{ios::out} as @var{mode}).
-You can use the optional argument @var{mode} to specify how to open the
-file, just as described for @code{ifstream::ifstream}.
-The last optional argument @var{prot} specifies the file protection (by
-default @samp{644}).
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Destructor {} ofstream::~ofstream ()
-The files associated with @code{ofstream} objects are closed when the
-corresponding object is destroyed.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void ofstream::open (const char* @var{fname} @w{[, int} @var{mode} @w{[, int} @var{prot}]])
-Open a file explicitly after the associated @code{ofstream} object
-already exists (for instance, after using the default constructor). The
-arguments, options and defaults all have the same meanings as in the
-fully specified @code{ofstream} constructor.
-@end deftypefn
-@findex fstream
-@cindex class @code{fstream}
-The class @code{fstream} combines the facilities of @code{ifstream} and
-@code{ofstream}, just as @code{iostream} combines @code{istream} and
-@c FIXME-future: say something about fstream constructor, maybe.
-@findex fstreambase
-@cindex class @code{fstreambase}
-The class @code{fstreambase} underlies both @code{ifstream} and
-@code{ofstream}. They both inherit this additional method:
-@deftypefn Method void fstreambase::close ()
-Close the file associated with this object, and set @code{ios::fail} in
-this object to mark the event.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Strings
-@section Reading and writing in memory
-@c FIXME!! Per, there's a lot of guesswork here---please check carefully!
-@findex istrstream
-@cindex class @code{istrstream}
-@findex ostrstream
-@cindex class @code{ostrstream}
-@findex strstream
-@cindex class @code{strstream}
-@findex strstreambase
-@cindex class @code{strstreambase}
-@findex strstreambuf
-@cindex class @code{strstreambuf}
-The classes @code{istrstream}, @code{ostrstream}, and @code{strstream}
-provide some additional features for reading and writing strings in
-memory---both static strings, and dynamically allocated strings. The
-underlying class @code{strstreambase} provides some features common to
-all three; @code{strstreambuf} underlies that in turn.
-@c FIXME-future: Document strstreambuf methods one day, when we document
-@c streambuf more fully.
-@deftypefn Constructor {} istrstream::istrstream (const char* @var{str} @w{[, int} @var{size}])
-Associate the new input string class @code{istrstream} with an existing
-static string starting at @var{str}, of size @var{size}. If you do not
-specify @var{size}, the string is treated as a @code{NUL} terminated string.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Constructor {} ostrstream::ostrstream ()
-Create a new stream for output to a dynamically managed string, which
-will grow as needed.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Constructor {} ostrstream::ostrstream (char* @var{str}, int @var{size} [,int @var{mode}])
-A new stream for output to a statically defined string of length
-@var{size}, starting at @var{str}. You may optionally specify one of
-the modes described for @code{ifstream::ifstream}; if you do not specify
-one, the new stream is simply open for output, with mode @code{ios::out}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int ostrstream::pcount ()
-Report the current length of the string associated with this @code{ostrstream}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* ostrstream::str ()
-A pointer to the string managed by this @code{ostrstream}. Implies
-Note that if you want the string to be nul-terminated,
-you must do that yourself (perhaps by writing ends to the stream).
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void ostrstream::freeze ([int @var{n}])
-If @var{n} is nonzero (the default), declare that the string associated
-with this @code{ostrstream} is not to change dynamically; while frozen,
-it will not be reallocated if it needs more space, and it will not be
-deallocated when the @code{ostrstream} is destroyed. Use
-@samp{freeze(1)} if you refer to the string as a pointer after creating
-it via @code{ostrstream} facilities.
-@samp{freeze(0)} cancels this declaration, allowing a dynamically
-allocated string to be freed when its @code{ostrstream} is destroyed.
-If this @code{ostrstream} is already static---that is, if it was created
-to manage an existing statically allocated string---@code{freeze} is
-unnecessary, and has no effect.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int ostrstream::frozen ()
-Test whether @code{freeze(1)} is in effect for this string.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method strstreambuf* strstreambase::rdbuf ()
-A pointer to the underlying @code{strstreambuf}.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Streambuf
-@chapter Using the @code{streambuf} Layer
-The @code{istream} and @code{ostream} classes are meant to handle
-conversion between objects in your program and their textual representation.
-By contrast, the underlying @code{streambuf} class is for transferring
-raw bytes between your program, and input sources or output sinks.
-Different @code{streambuf} subclasses connect to different kinds of
-sources and sinks.
-The @sc{gnu} implementation of @code{streambuf} is still evolving; we
-describe only some of the highlights.
-* Areas:: Areas in a streambuf.
-* Overflow:: Simple output re-direction
-* Formatting:: C-style formatting for streambuf objects.
-* Stdiobuf:: Wrappers for C stdio.
-* Procbuf:: Reading/writing from/to a pipe
-* Backing Up:: Marking and returning to a position.
-* Indirectbuf:: Forwarding I/O activity.
-@end menu
-@node Areas
-@section Areas of a @code{streambuf}
-Streambuf buffer management is fairly sophisticated (this is a
-nice way to say ``complicated''). The standard protocol
-has the following ``areas'':
-@itemize @bullet
-@cindex put area
-The @dfn{put area} contains characters waiting for output.
-@cindex get area
-The @dfn{get area} contains characters available for reading.
-@end itemize
-The @sc{gnu} @code{streambuf} design extends this, but the details are
-still evolving.
-The following methods are used to manipulate these areas.
-These are all protected methods, which are intended to be
-used by virtual function in classes derived from @code{streambuf}.
-They are also all ANSI/ISO-standard, and the ugly names
-are traditional.
-(Note that if a pointer points to the 'end' of an area,
-it means that it points to the character after the area.)
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::pbase () const
-Returns a pointer to the start of the put area.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::epptr () const
-Returns a pointer to the end of the put area.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::pptr () const
-If @code{pptr() < epptr ()}, the @code{pptr()}
-returns a pointer to the current put position.
-(In that case, the next write will
-overwrite @code{*pptr()}, and increment @code{pptr()}.)
-Otherwise, there is no put position available
-(and the next character written will cause @code{streambuf::overflow}
-to be called).
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void streambuf::pbump (int @var{N})
-Add @var{N} to the current put pointer.
-No error checking is done.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void streambuf::setp (char* @var{P}, char* @var{E})
-Sets the start of the put area to @var{P}, the end of the put area to @var{E},
-and the current put pointer to @var{P} (also).
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::eback () const
-Returns a pointer to the start of the get area.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::egptr () const
-Returns a pointer to the end of the get area.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::gptr () const
-If @code{gptr() < egptr ()}, then @code{gptr()}
-returns a pointer to the current get position.
-(In that case the next read will read @code{*gptr()},
-and possibly increment @code{gptr()}.)
-Otherwise, there is no read position available
-(and the next read will cause @code{streambuf::underflow}
-to be called).
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void streambuf:gbump (int @var{N})
-Add @var{N} to the current get pointer.
-No error checking is done.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void streambuf::setg (char* @var{B}, char* @var{P}, char* @var{E})
-Sets the start of the get area to @var{B}, the end of the get area to @var{E},
-and the current put pointer to @var{P}.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Overflow
-@section Simple output re-direction by redefining @code{overflow}
-Suppose you have a function @code{write_to_window} that
-writes characters to a @code{window} object. If you want to use the
-ostream function to write to it, here is one (portable) way to do it.
-This depends on the default buffering (if any).
-#include <iostream.h>
-/* Returns number of characters successfully written to @var{win}. */
-extern int write_to_window (window* win, char* text, int length);
-class windowbuf : public streambuf @{
- window* win;
- public:
- windowbuf (window* w) @{ win = w; @}
- int sync ();
- int overflow (int ch);
- // Defining xsputn is an optional optimization.
- // (streamsize was recently added to ANSI C++, not portable yet.)
- streamsize xsputn (char* text, streamsize n);
-int windowbuf::sync ()
-@{ streamsize n = pptr () - pbase ();
- return (n && write_to_window (win, pbase (), n) != n) ? EOF : 0;
-int windowbuf::overflow (int ch)
-@{ streamsize n = pptr () - pbase ();
- if (n && sync ())
- return EOF;
- if (ch != EOF)
- @{
- char cbuf[1];
- cbuf[0] = ch;
- if (write_to_window (win, cbuf, 1) != 1)
- return EOF;
- @}
- pbump (-n); // Reset pptr().
- return 0;
-streamsize windowbuf::xsputn (char* text, streamsize n)
-@{ return sync () == EOF ? 0 : write_to_window (win, text, n); @}
-main (int argc, char**argv)
- window *win = ...;
- windowbuf wbuf(win);
- ostream wstr(&wbuf);
- wstr << "Hello world!\n";
-@end smallexample
-@end cartouche
-@node Formatting
-@section C-style formatting for @code{streambuf} objects
-The @sc{gnu} @code{streambuf} class supports @code{printf}-like
-formatting and scanning.
-@deftypefn Method int streambuf::form (const char *@var{format}, ...)
-Similar to @code{fprintf(@var{file}, @var{format}, ...)}.
-The @var{format} is a @code{printf}-style format control string, which is used
-to format the (variable number of) arguments, printing the result on
-the @code{this} streambuf. The result is the number of characters printed.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int streambuf::vform (const char *@var{format}, va_list @var{args})
-Similar to @code{vfprintf(@var{file}, @var{format}, @var{args})}.
-The @var{format} is a @code{printf}-style format control string, which is used
-to format the argument list @var{args}, printing the result on
-the @code{this} streambuf. The result is the number of characters printed.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int streambuf::scan (const char *@var{format}, ...)
-Similar to @code{fscanf(@var{file}, @var{format}, ...)}.
-The @var{format} is a @code{scanf}-style format control string, which is used
-to read the (variable number of) arguments from the @code{this} streambuf.
-The result is the number of items assigned, or @code{EOF} in case of
-input failure before any conversion.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int streambuf::vscan (const char *@var{format}, va_list @var{args})
-Like @code{streambuf::scan}, but takes a single @code{va_list} argument.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Stdiobuf
-@section Wrappers for C @code{stdio}
-A @dfn{stdiobuf} is a @code{streambuf} object that points to
-a @code{FILE} object (as defined by @code{stdio.h}).
-All @code{streambuf} operations on the @code{stdiobuf} are forwarded
-to the @code{FILE}. Thus the @code{stdiobuf} object provides a
-wrapper around a @code{FILE}, allowing use of @code{streambuf}
-operations on a @code{FILE}. This can be useful when mixing
-C code with C++ code.
-The pre-defined streams @code{cin}, @code{cout}, and @code{cerr} are
-normally implemented as @code{stdiobuf} objects that point to
-respectively @code{stdin}, @code{stdout}, and @code{stderr}. This is
-convenient, but it does cost some extra overhead.
-If you set things up to use the implementation of @code{stdio} provided
-with this library, then @code{cin}, @code{cout}, and @code{cerr} will be
-set up to to use @code{stdiobuf} objects, since you get their benefits
-for free. @xref{Stdio,,C Input and Output}.
-@c FIXME-future: setbuf is not yet documented, hence this para is not useful.
-Note that if you use @code{setbuf} to give a buffer to a @code{stdiobuf},
-that buffer will provide intermediate buffering in addition that
-whatever is done by the @code{FILE}.
-@end ignore
-@node Procbuf
-@section Reading/writing from/to a pipe
-The @dfn{procbuf} class is a @sc{gnu} extension. It is derived from
-@code{streambuf}. A @code{procbuf} can be @dfn{closed} (in which case
-it does nothing), or @dfn{open} (in which case it allows communicating
-through a pipe with some other program).
-@deftypefn Constructor {} procbuf::procbuf ()
-Creates a @code{procbuf} in a @dfn{closed} state.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method procbuf* procbuf::open (const char *@var{command}, int @var{mode})
-Uses the shell (@file{/bin/sh}) to run a program specified by @var{command}.
-If @var{mode} is @samp{ios::in}, standard output from the program is sent
-to a pipe; you can read from the pipe by reading from the
-@code{procbuf}. (This is similar to @w{@samp{popen(@var{command}, "r")}}.)
-If @var{mode} is @samp{ios::out}, output written written to the
-@code{procbuf} is written to a pipe; the program is set up to read its
-standard input from (the other end of) the pipe. (This is similar to
-@w{@samp{popen(@var{command}, "w")}}.)
-The @code{procbuf} must start out in the @dfn{closed} state.
-Returns @samp{*this} on success, and @samp{NULL} on failure.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Constructor {} procbuf::procbuf (const char *@var{command}, int @var{mode})
-Calls @samp{procbuf::open (@var{command}, @var{mode})}.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method procbuf* procbuf::close ()
-Waits for the program to finish executing,
-and then cleans up the resources used.
-Returns @samp{*this} on success, and @samp{NULL} on failure.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Destructor {} procbuf::~procbuf ()
-Calls @samp{procbuf::close}.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Backing Up
-@section Backing up
-The @sc{gnu} iostream library allows you to ask a @code{streambuf} to
-remember the current position. This allows you to go back to this
-position later, after reading further. You can back up arbitrary
-amounts, even on unbuffered files or multiple buffers' worth, as long as
-you tell the library in advance. This unbounded backup is very useful
-for scanning and parsing applications. This example shows a typical
-// Read either "dog", "hound", or "hounddog".
-// If "dog" is found, return 1.
-// If "hound" is found, return 2.
-// If "hounddog" is found, return 3.
-// If none of these are found, return -1.
-int my_scan(streambuf* sb)
- streammarker fence(sb);
- char buffer[20];
- // Try reading "hounddog":
- if (sb->sgetn(buffer, 8) == 8
- && strncmp(buffer, "hounddog", 8) == 0)
- return 3;
- // No, no "hounddog": Back up to 'fence'
- sb->seekmark(fence); //
- // ... and try reading "dog":
- if (sb->sgetn(buffer, 3) == 3
- && strncmp(buffer, "dog", 3) == 0)
- return 1;
- // No, no "dog" either: Back up to 'fence'
- sb->seekmark(fence); //
- // ... and try reading "hound":
- if (sb->sgetn(buffer, 5) == 5
- && strncmp(buffer, "hound", 5) == 0)
- return 2;
- // No, no "hound" either: Back up and signal failure.
- sb->seekmark(fence); // Backup to 'fence'
- return -1;
-@end smallexample
-@end cartouche
-@deftypefn Constructor {} streammarker::streammarker (streambuf* @var{sbuf})
-Create a @code{streammarker} associated with @var{sbuf}
-that remembers the current position of the get pointer.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int streammarker::delta (streammarker& @var{mark2})
-Return the difference between the get positions corresponding
-to @code{*this} and @var{mark2} (which must point into the same
-@code{streambuffer} as @code{this}).
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int streammarker::delta ()
-Return the position relative to the streambuffer's current get position.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int streambuf::seekmark (streammarker& @var{mark})
-Move the get pointer to where it (logically) was when @var{mark}
-was constructed.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Indirectbuf
-@section Forwarding I/O activity
-An @dfn{indirectbuf} is one that forwards all of its I/O requests
-to another streambuf.
-@c FIXME-future: get_stream and put_stream are so far undocumented.
-All get-related requests are sent to get_stream().
-All put-related requests are sent to put_stream().
-@end ignore
-An @code{indirectbuf} can be used to implement Common Lisp
-synonym-streams and two-way-streams:
-class synonymbuf : public indirectbuf @{
- Symbol *sym;
- synonymbuf(Symbol *s) @{ sym = s; @}
- virtual streambuf *lookup_stream(int mode) @{
- return coerce_to_streambuf(lookup_value(sym)); @}
-@end example
-@node Stdio
-@chapter C Input and Output
-@code{libio} is distributed with a complete implementation of the ANSI C
-@code{stdio} facility. It is implemented using @code{streambuf}
-objects. @xref{Stdiobuf,,Wrappers for C @code{stdio}}.
-The @code{stdio} package is intended as a replacement for the whatever
-@code{stdio} is in your C library.
-@c FIXME-future: This is not useful unless we specify what problems.
-It can co-exist with C libraries that have alternate implementations of
-stdio, but there may be some problems.
-@end ignore
-Since @code{stdio} works best when you build @code{libc} to contain it, and
-that may be inconvenient, it is not installed by default.
-Extensions beyond @sc{ansi}:
-@itemize @bullet
-A stdio @code{FILE} is identical to a streambuf.
-Hence there is no need to worry about synchronizing C and C++
-input/output---they are by definition always synchronized.
-If you create a new streambuf sub-class (in C++), you can use it as a
-@code{FILE} from C. Thus the system is extensible using the standard
-@code{streambuf} protocol.
-You can arbitrarily mix reading and writing, without having to seek
-in between.
-Unbounded @code{ungetc()} buffer.
-@end itemize
-@c FIXME-future: Per says this is not ready to go public at v0.5
-@node Libio buffer management
-@chapter Libio buffer management
-The libio user functions present an abstract sequence of characters,
-that they read and write from. A number of buffers are used to go
-between the user program and the abstract sequence. These buffers are
-concrete arrays of characters that contain some sub-sequence of the
-abstract sequence.
-The libio buffer management protocol is fairly complex. Its design is
-based on the C++ @code{streambuf} protocol, so that the C++
-@code{streambuf} classes can be trivially implemented on top of the
-libio protocol.
-The @dfn{write area} contains characters waiting for output.
-The @dfn{read area} contains characters available for reading.
-The @dfn{reserve area} is available to virtual methods.
-Usually, the get and/or put areas are part of the reserve area.
-The @dfn{main get area} contains characters that have
-been read in from the character source, but not yet
-read by the application.
-The @dfn{backup area} contains previously read data that is being saved
-because of a user request, or that have been "unread" (put back).
-@end ignore
-@c Per says this design is not finished
-@node Streambuf internals
-@chapter Streambuf internals
-* Buffer management::
-* Filebuf internals::
-@end menu
-@node Buffer management
-@section Buffer management
-@subsection Areas
-NOTE: This chapter is due for an update.
-Streambuf buffer management is fairly sophisticated (this is a
-nice way to say "complicated"). The standard protocol
-has the following "areas":
-@itemize @bullet
-@cindex put area
-The @dfn{put area} contains characters waiting for output.
-@cindex get area
-The @dfn{get area} contains characters available for reading.
-@cindex reserve area
-The @dfn{reserve area} is available to virtual methods.
-Usually, the get and/or put areas are part of the reserve area.
-@end itemize
-The @sc{gnu} @code{streambuf} design extends this by supporting two
-get areas:
-@itemize @bullet
-@cindex main get area
-The @dfn{main get area} contains characters that have
-been read in from the character source, but not yet
-read by the application.
-@cindex backup area
-The @dfn{backup area} contains previously read data that is being
-saved because of a user request, or that have been "unread" (putback).
-@end itemize
-The backup and the main get area are logically contiguous: That is,
-the first character of the main get area follows the last character
-of the backup area.
-The @dfn{current get area} is whichever one of the backup or
-main get areas that is currently being read from.
-The other of the two is the @dfn{non-current get area}.
-@subsection Pointers
-The following @code{char*} pointers define the various areas.
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::base ()
-The start of the reserve area.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::ebuf ()
-The end of the reserve area.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::Gbase ()
-The start of the main get area.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::eGptr ()
-The end of the main get area.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::Bbase ()
-The start of the backup area.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::Bptr ()
-The start of the used part of the backup area.
-The area (@code{Bptr()} .. @code{eBptr()}) contains data that has been
-pushed back, while (@code{Bbase()} .. @code{eBptr()}) contains unused
-space available for future putbacks.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::eBptr ()
-The end of the backup area.
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::Nbase ()
-The start of the non-current get area (either @code{main_gbase} or @code{backup_gbase}).
-@end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method char* streambuf::eNptr ()
-The end of the non-current get area.
-@end deftypefn
-@node Filebuf internals
-@section Filebuf internals
-The @code{filebuf} is used a lot, so it is importamt that it be
-efficient. It is also supports rather complex semantics.
-so let us examine its implementation.
-@subsection Tied read and write pointers
-The streambuf model allows completely independent read and write pointers.
-However, a @code{filebuf} has only a single logical pointer used
-for both reads and writes. Since the @code{streambuf} protocol
-uses @code{gptr()} for reading and @code{pptr()} for writing,
-we map the logical file pointer into either @code{gptr()} or @code{pptr()}
-at different times.
-@itemize @bullet
-Reading is allowed when @code{gptr() < egptr()}, which we call get mode.
-Writing is allowed when @code{pptr() < epptr()}, which we call put mode.
-@end itemize
-A @code{filebuf} cannot be in get mode and put mode at the same time.
-We have up to two buffers:
-@itemize @bullet
-The backup area, defined by @code{Bbase()}, @code{Bptr()}, and @code{eBptr()}.
-This can be empty.
-The reserve area, which also contains the main get area.
-For an unbuffered file, the (@code{shortbuf()}..@code{shortbuf()+1}) is used,
-where @code{shortbuf()} points to a 1-byte buffer that is part of
-the @code{filebuf}.
-@end itemize
-The file system's idea of the current position is @code{eGptr()}.
-Characters that have been written into a buffer but not yet written
-out (flushed) to the file systems are those between @code{pbase()}
-and @code{pptr()}.
-The end of the valid data bytes is:
-@code{pptr() > eGptr() && pptr() < ebuf() ? pptr() : eGptr()}.
-If the @code{filebuf} is unbuffered or line buffered,
-the @code{eptr()} is @code{pbase()}. This forces a call
-to @code{overflow()} on each put of a character.
-The logical @code{epptr()} is @code{epptr() ? ebuf() : NULL}.
-(If the buffer is read-only, set @code{pbase()}, @code{pptr()},
-and @code{epptr()} to @code{NULL}. NOT!)
-@end ignore
-@node Index
-@unnumbered Index
-@printindex cp
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iostreamP.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/iostreamP.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c9c40cb..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iostreamP.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "streambuf.h"
-#include "libioP.h"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iostrerror.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iostrerror.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 65aa25d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iostrerror.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-/* This should be replaced by whatever namespace-clean
- version of strerror you have available. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-extern char *strerror __P ((int));
-char *
-DEFUN(_IO_strerror, (errnum),
- int errnum)
- return strerror(errnum);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioungetc.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/ioungetc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 033f652..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/ioungetc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-DEFUN(_IO_ungetc, (c, fp),
- int c AND _IO_FILE *fp)
- if (c == EOF)
- return EOF;
- return _IO_sputbackc(fp, (unsigned char)c);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iovfprintf.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iovfprintf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c6ba795..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iovfprintf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,881 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
- * Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
- * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
- * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
- * by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the
- * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific prior written permission.
- */
-#if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
-static char sccsid[] = "%W% (Berkeley) %G%";
-#endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
- * Actual printf innards.
- *
- * This code is large and complicated...
- */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
- * Define FLOATING_POINT to get floating point.
- */
-/* end of configuration stuff */
- * Helper "class" for `fprintf to unbuffered': creates a
- * temporary buffer. */
-struct helper_file
- struct _IO_FILE_plus _f;
- _IO_FILE *_put_stream;
-static int
-DEFUN(_IO_helper_overflow, (fp, c),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND int c)
- _IO_FILE *target = ((struct helper_file*)fp)->_put_stream;
- int used = fp->_IO_write_ptr - fp->_IO_write_base;
- if (used)
- {
- _IO_sputn(target, fp->_IO_write_base, used);
- fp->_IO_write_ptr -= used;
- }
- return _IO_putc (c, fp);
-static struct _IO_jump_t _IO_helper_jumps = {
- JUMP_INIT(finish, _IO_default_finish),
- JUMP_INIT(overflow, _IO_helper_overflow),
- JUMP_INIT(underflow, _IO_default_underflow),
- JUMP_INIT(uflow, _IO_default_uflow),
- JUMP_INIT(pbackfail, _IO_default_pbackfail),
- JUMP_INIT(xsputn, _IO_default_xsputn),
- JUMP_INIT(xsgetn, _IO_default_xsgetn),
- JUMP_INIT(seekoff, _IO_default_seekoff),
- JUMP_INIT(seekpos, _IO_default_seekpos),
- JUMP_INIT(setbuf, _IO_default_setbuf),
- JUMP_INIT(sync, _IO_default_sync),
- JUMP_INIT(doallocate, _IO_default_doallocate),
- JUMP_INIT(read, _IO_default_read),
- JUMP_INIT(write, _IO_default_write),
- JUMP_INIT(seek, _IO_default_seek),
- JUMP_INIT(close, _IO_default_close),
- JUMP_INIT(stat, _IO_default_stat)
-static int
-DEFUN(helper_vfprintf, (fp, fmt0, ap),
- register _IO_FILE* fp AND char const *fmt0 AND _IO_va_list ap)
- char buf[_IO_BUFSIZ];
- struct helper_file helper;
- register _IO_FILE *hp = (_IO_FILE*)&helper;
- int result, to_flush;
- /* initialize helper */
- helper._put_stream = fp;
- hp->_IO_write_base = buf;
- hp->_IO_write_ptr = buf;
- hp->_IO_write_end = buf+_IO_BUFSIZ;
- hp->_IO_file_flags = _IO_MAGIC|_IO_NO_READS;
- _IO_JUMPS(hp) = &_IO_helper_jumps;
- /* Now print to helper instead. */
- result = _IO_vfprintf(hp, fmt0, ap);
- /* Now flush anything from the helper to the fp. */
- if ((to_flush = hp->_IO_write_ptr - hp->_IO_write_base) > 0)
- {
- if (_IO_sputn(fp, hp->_IO_write_base, to_flush) != to_flush)
- return EOF;
- }
- return result;
-#include "floatio.h"
-#define BUF (MAXEXP+MAXFRACT+1) /* + decimal point */
-#define DEFPREC 6
-extern double modf __P((double, double*));
-#else /* no FLOATING_POINT */
-#define BUF 40
-#endif /* FLOATING_POINT */
- * Macros for converting digits to letters and vice versa
- */
-#define to_digit(c) ((c) - '0')
-#define is_digit(c) ((unsigned)to_digit(c) <= 9)
-#define to_char(n) ((n) + '0')
- * Flags used during conversion.
- */
-#define LONGINT 0x01 /* long integer */
-#define LONGDBL 0x02 /* long double; unimplemented */
-#define SHORTINT 0x04 /* short integer */
-#define ALT 0x08 /* alternate form */
-#define LADJUST 0x10 /* left adjustment */
-#define ZEROPAD 0x20 /* zero (as opposed to blank) pad */
-#define HEXPREFIX 0x40 /* add 0x or 0X prefix */
-DEFUN(_IO_vfprintf, (fp, fmt0, ap),
- register _IO_FILE* fp AND char const *fmt0 AND _IO_va_list ap)
- register const char *fmt; /* format string */
- register int ch; /* character from fmt */
- register int n; /* handy integer (short term usage) */
- register char *cp; /* handy char pointer (short term usage) */
- const char *fmark; /* for remembering a place in fmt */
- register int flags; /* flags as above */
- int ret; /* return value accumulator */
- int width; /* width from format (%8d), or 0 */
- int prec; /* precision from format (%.3d), or -1 */
- char sign; /* sign prefix (' ', '+', '-', or \0) */
- int softsign; /* temporary negative sign for floats */
- double _double; /* double precision arguments %[eEfgG] */
-#ifndef _IO_USE_DTOA
- int fpprec; /* `extra' floating precision in [eEfgG] */
- unsigned long _ulong; /* integer arguments %[diouxX] */
- enum { OCT, DEC, HEX } base;/* base for [diouxX] conversion */
- int dprec; /* a copy of prec if [diouxX], 0 otherwise */
- int dpad; /* extra 0 padding needed for integers */
- int fieldsz; /* field size expanded by sign, dpad etc */
- /* The initialization of 'size' is to suppress a warning that
- 'size' might be used unitialized. It seems gcc can't
- quite grok this spaghetti code ... */
- int size = 0; /* size of converted field or string */
- char buf[BUF]; /* space for %c, %[diouxX], %[eEfgG] */
- char ox[2]; /* space for 0x hex-prefix */
- /*
- * BEWARE, these `goto error' on error, and PAD uses `n'.
- */
-#define PRINT(ptr, len) \
- do { if (_IO_sputn(fp,ptr, len) != len) goto error; } while (0)
-#define PAD_SP(howmany) if (_IO_padn(fp, ' ', howmany) < (howmany)) goto error;
-#define PAD_0(howmany) if (_IO_padn(fp, '0', howmany) < (howmany)) goto error;
- /*
- * To extend shorts properly, we need both signed and unsigned
- * argument extraction methods.
- */
-#define SARG() \
- (flags&LONGINT ? va_arg(ap, long) : \
- flags&SHORTINT ? (long)(short)va_arg(ap, int) : \
- (long)va_arg(ap, int))
-#define UARG() \
- (flags&LONGINT ? va_arg(ap, unsigned long) : \
- flags&SHORTINT ? (unsigned long)(unsigned short)va_arg(ap, int) : \
- (unsigned long)va_arg(ap, unsigned int))
- /* optimise stderr (and other unbuffered Unix files) */
- if (fp->_IO_file_flags & _IO_UNBUFFERED)
- return helper_vfprintf(fp, fmt0, ap);
- fmt = fmt0;
- ret = 0;
- /*
- * Scan the format for conversions (`%' character).
- */
- for (;;) {
- for (fmark = fmt; (ch = *fmt) != '\0' && ch != '%'; fmt++)
- /* void */;
- if ((n = fmt - fmark) != 0) {
- PRINT(fmark, n);
- ret += n;
- }
- if (ch == '\0')
- goto done;
- fmt++; /* skip over '%' */
- flags = 0;
- dprec = 0;
-#if defined(FLOATING_POINT) && !defined (_IO_USE_DTOA)
- fpprec = 0;
- width = 0;
- prec = -1;
- sign = '\0';
-rflag: ch = *fmt++;
-reswitch: switch (ch) {
- case ' ':
- /*
- * ``If the space and + flags both appear, the space
- * flag will be ignored.''
- * -- ANSI X3J11
- */
- if (!sign)
- sign = ' ';
- goto rflag;
- case '#':
- flags |= ALT;
- goto rflag;
- case '*':
- /*
- * ``A negative field width argument is taken as a
- * - flag followed by a positive field width.''
- * -- ANSI X3J11
- * They don't exclude field widths read from args.
- */
- if ((width = va_arg(ap, int)) >= 0)
- goto rflag;
- width = -width;
- case '-':
- flags |= LADJUST;
- flags &= ~ZEROPAD; /* '-' disables '0' */
- goto rflag;
- case '+':
- sign = '+';
- goto rflag;
- case '.':
- if ((ch = *fmt++) == '*') {
- n = va_arg(ap, int);
- prec = n < 0 ? -1 : n;
- goto rflag;
- }
- n = 0;
- while (is_digit(ch)) {
- n = 10 * n + to_digit(ch);
- ch = *fmt++;
- }
- prec = n < 0 ? -1 : n;
- goto reswitch;
- case '0':
- /*
- * ``Note that 0 is taken as a flag, not as the
- * beginning of a field width.''
- * -- ANSI X3J11
- */
- if (!(flags & LADJUST))
- flags |= ZEROPAD; /* '-' disables '0' */
- goto rflag;
- case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
- case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- n = 0;
- do {
- n = 10 * n + to_digit(ch);
- ch = *fmt++;
- } while (is_digit(ch));
- width = n;
- goto reswitch;
- case 'L':
- flags |= LONGDBL;
- goto rflag;
- case 'h':
- flags |= SHORTINT;
- goto rflag;
- case 'l':
- flags |= LONGINT;
- goto rflag;
- case 'c':
- *(cp = buf) = va_arg(ap, int);
- size = 1;
- sign = '\0';
- break;
- case 'D':
- flags |= LONGINT;
- case 'd':
- case 'i':
- _ulong = SARG();
- if ((long)_ulong < 0) {
- _ulong = -_ulong;
- sign = '-';
- }
- base = DEC;
- goto number;
- case 'e':
- case 'E':
- case 'f':
- case 'F':
- case 'g':
- case 'G':
- _double = va_arg(ap, double);
-#ifdef _IO_USE_DTOA
- {
- int fmt_flags = 0;
- int fill = ' ';
- if (flags & ALT)
- fmt_flags |= _IO_SHOWPOINT;
- if (flags & LADJUST)
- fmt_flags |= _IO_LEFT;
- else if (flags & ZEROPAD)
- fmt_flags |= _IO_INTERNAL, fill = '0';
- n = _IO_outfloat(_double, fp, ch, width,
- prec < 0 ? DEFPREC : prec,
- fmt_flags, sign, fill);
- if (n < 0)
- goto error;
- ret += n;
- }
- /* CHECK ERROR! */
- continue;
- /*
- * don't do unrealistic precision; just pad it with
- * zeroes later, so buffer size stays rational.
- */
- if (prec > MAXFRACT) {
- if ((ch != 'g' && ch != 'G') || (flags&ALT))
- fpprec = prec - MAXFRACT;
- prec = MAXFRACT;
- } else if (prec == -1)
- prec = DEFPREC;
- /* __cvt_double may have to round up before the
- "start" of its buffer, i.e.
- ``intf("%.2f", (double)9.999);'';
- if the first character is still NUL, it did.
- softsign avoids negative 0 if _double < 0 but
- no significant digits will be shown. */
- cp = buf;
- *cp = '\0';
- size = __cvt_double(_double, prec, flags, &softsign,
- ch, cp, buf + sizeof(buf));
- if (softsign)
- sign = '-';
- if (*cp == '\0')
- cp++;
- break;
-#endif /* FLOATING_POINT */
- case 'n':
- if (flags & LONGINT)
- *va_arg(ap, long *) = ret;
- else if (flags & SHORTINT)
- *va_arg(ap, short *) = ret;
- else
- *va_arg(ap, int *) = ret;
- continue; /* no output */
- case 'O':
- flags |= LONGINT;
- case 'o':
- _ulong = UARG();
- base = OCT;
- goto nosign;
- case 'p':
- /*
- * ``The argument shall be a pointer to void. The
- * value of the pointer is converted to a sequence
- * of printable characters, in an implementation-
- * defined manner.''
- * -- ANSI X3J11
- */
- /* NOSTRICT */
- _ulong = (unsigned long)va_arg(ap, void *);
- base = HEX;
- flags |= HEXPREFIX;
- ch = 'x';
- goto nosign;
- case 's':
- if ((cp = va_arg(ap, char *)) == NULL)
- cp = "(null)";
- if (prec >= 0) {
- /*
- * can't use strlen; can only look for the
- * NUL in the first `prec' characters, and
- * strlen() will go further.
- */
- char *p = (char*)memchr(cp, 0, prec);
- if (p != NULL) {
- size = p - cp;
- if (size > prec)
- size = prec;
- } else
- size = prec;
- } else
- size = strlen(cp);
- sign = '\0';
- break;
- case 'U':
- flags |= LONGINT;
- case 'u':
- _ulong = UARG();
- base = DEC;
- goto nosign;
- case 'X':
- case 'x':
- _ulong = UARG();
- base = HEX;
- /* leading 0x/X only if non-zero */
- if (flags & ALT && _ulong != 0)
- flags |= HEXPREFIX;
- /* unsigned conversions */
-nosign: sign = '\0';
- /*
- * ``... diouXx conversions ... if a precision is
- * specified, the 0 flag will be ignored.''
- * -- ANSI X3J11
- */
-number: if ((dprec = prec) >= 0)
- flags &= ~ZEROPAD;
- /*
- * ``The result of converting a zero value with an
- * explicit precision of zero is no characters.''
- * -- ANSI X3J11
- */
- cp = buf + BUF;
- if (_ulong != 0 || prec != 0) {
- char *xdigs; /* digits for [xX] conversion */
- /*
- * unsigned mod is hard, and unsigned mod
- * by a constant is easier than that by
- * a variable; hence this switch.
- */
- switch (base) {
- case OCT:
- do {
- *--cp = to_char(_ulong & 7);
- _ulong >>= 3;
- } while (_ulong);
- /* handle octal leading 0 */
- if (flags & ALT && *cp != '0')
- *--cp = '0';
- break;
- case DEC:
- /* many numbers are 1 digit */
- while (_ulong >= 10) {
- *--cp = to_char(_ulong % 10);
- _ulong /= 10;
- }
- *--cp = to_char(_ulong);
- break;
- case HEX:
- if (ch == 'X')
- xdigs = "0123456789ABCDEF";
- else /* ch == 'x' || ch == 'p' */
- xdigs = "0123456789abcdef";
- do {
- *--cp = xdigs[_ulong & 15];
- _ulong >>= 4;
- } while (_ulong);
- break;
- default:
- cp = "bug in vform: bad base";
- goto skipsize;
- }
- }
- size = buf + BUF - cp;
- skipsize:
- break;
- default: /* "%?" prints ?, unless ? is NUL */
- if (ch == '\0')
- goto done;
- /* pretend it was %c with argument ch */
- cp = buf;
- *cp = ch;
- size = 1;
- sign = '\0';
- break;
- }
- /*
- * All reasonable formats wind up here. At this point,
- * `cp' points to a string which (if not flags&LADJUST)
- * should be padded out to `width' places. If
- * flags&ZEROPAD, it should first be prefixed by any
- * sign or other prefix; otherwise, it should be blank
- * padded before the prefix is emitted. After any
- * left-hand padding and prefixing, emit zeroes
- * required by a decimal [diouxX] precision, then print
- * the string proper, then emit zeroes required by any
- * leftover floating precision; finally, if LADJUST,
- * pad with blanks.
- */
- /*
- * compute actual size, so we know how much to pad.
- */
-#if defined(FLOATING_POINT) && !defined (_IO_USE_DTOA)
- fieldsz = size + fpprec;
- fieldsz = size;
- dpad = dprec - size;
- if (dpad < 0)
- dpad = 0;
- if (sign)
- fieldsz++;
- else if (flags & HEXPREFIX)
- fieldsz += 2;
- fieldsz += dpad;
- /* right-adjusting blank padding */
- if ((flags & (LADJUST|ZEROPAD)) == 0)
- PAD_SP(width - fieldsz);
- /* prefix */
- if (sign) {
- PRINT(&sign, 1);
- } else if (flags & HEXPREFIX) {
- ox[0] = '0';
- ox[1] = ch;
- PRINT(ox, 2);
- }
- /* right-adjusting zero padding */
- if ((flags & (LADJUST|ZEROPAD)) == ZEROPAD)
- PAD_0(width - fieldsz);
- /* leading zeroes from decimal precision */
- PAD_0(dpad);
- /* the string or number proper */
- PRINT(cp, size);
-#if defined(FLOATING_POINT) && !defined (_IO_USE_DTOA)
- /* trailing f.p. zeroes */
- PAD_0(fpprec);
- /* left-adjusting padding (always blank) */
- if (flags & LADJUST)
- PAD_SP(width - fieldsz);
- /* finally, adjust ret */
- ret += width > fieldsz ? width : fieldsz;
- }
- return ret;
- return EOF;
-#if defined(FLOATING_POINT) && !defined(_IO_USE_DTOA)
-static char *exponent(register char *p, register int exp, int fmtch)
- register char *t;
- char expbuf[MAXEXP];
- *p++ = fmtch;
- if (exp < 0) {
- exp = -exp;
- *p++ = '-';
- }
- else
- *p++ = '+';
- t = expbuf + MAXEXP;
- if (exp > 9) {
- do {
- *--t = to_char(exp % 10);
- } while ((exp /= 10) > 9);
- *--t = to_char(exp);
- for (; t < expbuf + MAXEXP; *p++ = *t++);
- }
- else {
- *p++ = '0';
- *p++ = to_char(exp);
- }
- return (p);
-static char * round(double fract, int *exp,
- register char *start, register char *end,
- char ch, int *signp)
- double tmp;
- if (fract)
- (void)modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
- else
- tmp = to_digit(ch);
- if (tmp > 4)
- for (;; --end) {
- if (*end == '.')
- --end;
- if (++*end <= '9')
- break;
- *end = '0';
- if (end == start) {
- if (exp) { /* e/E; increment exponent */
- *end = '1';
- ++*exp;
- }
- else { /* f; add extra digit */
- *--end = '1';
- --start;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /* ``"%.3f", (double)-0.0004'' gives you a negative 0. */
- else if (*signp == '-')
- for (;; --end) {
- if (*end == '.')
- --end;
- if (*end != '0')
- break;
- if (end == start)
- *signp = 0;
- }
- return (start);
-int __cvt_double(double number, register int prec, int flags, int *signp,
- int fmtch, char *startp, char *endp)
- register char *p, *t;
- register double fract;
- int dotrim = 0, expcnt, gformat = 0;
- double integer, tmp;
- expcnt = 0;
- if (number < 0) {
- number = -number;
- *signp = '-';
- } else
- *signp = 0;
- fract = modf(number, &integer);
- /* get an extra slot for rounding. */
- t = ++startp;
- /*
- * get integer portion of number; put into the end of the buffer; the
- * .01 is added for modf(356.0 / 10, &integer) returning .59999999...
- */
- for (p = endp - 1; integer; ++expcnt) {
- tmp = modf(integer / 10, &integer);
- *p-- = to_char((int)((tmp + .01) * 10));
- }
- switch (fmtch) {
- case 'f':
- case 'F':
- /* reverse integer into beginning of buffer */
- if (expcnt)
- for (; ++p < endp; *t++ = *p);
- else
- *t++ = '0';
- /*
- * if precision required or alternate flag set, add in a
- * decimal point.
- */
- if (prec || flags&ALT)
- *t++ = '.';
- /* if requires more precision and some fraction left */
- if (fract) {
- if (prec)
- do {
- fract = modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
- *t++ = to_char((int)tmp);
- } while (--prec && fract);
- if (fract)
- startp = round(fract, (int *)NULL, startp,
- t - 1, (char)0, signp);
- }
- for (; prec--; *t++ = '0');
- break;
- case 'e':
- case 'E':
-eformat: if (expcnt) {
- *t++ = *++p;
- if (prec || flags&ALT)
- *t++ = '.';
- /* if requires more precision and some integer left */
- for (; prec && ++p < endp; --prec)
- *t++ = *p;
- /*
- * if done precision and more of the integer component,
- * round using it; adjust fract so we don't re-round
- * later.
- */
- if (!prec && ++p < endp) {
- fract = 0;
- startp = round((double)0, &expcnt, startp,
- t - 1, *p, signp);
- }
- /* adjust expcnt for digit in front of decimal */
- --expcnt;
- }
- /* until first fractional digit, decrement exponent */
- else if (fract) {
- /* adjust expcnt for digit in front of decimal */
- for (expcnt = -1;; --expcnt) {
- fract = modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
- if (tmp)
- break;
- }
- *t++ = to_char((int)tmp);
- if (prec || flags&ALT)
- *t++ = '.';
- }
- else {
- *t++ = '0';
- if (prec || flags&ALT)
- *t++ = '.';
- }
- /* if requires more precision and some fraction left */
- if (fract) {
- if (prec)
- do {
- fract = modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
- *t++ = to_char((int)tmp);
- } while (--prec && fract);
- if (fract)
- startp = round(fract, &expcnt, startp,
- t - 1, (char)0, signp);
- }
- /* if requires more precision */
- for (; prec--; *t++ = '0');
- /* unless alternate flag, trim any g/G format trailing 0's */
- if (gformat && !(flags&ALT)) {
- while (t > startp && *--t == '0');
- if (*t == '.')
- --t;
- ++t;
- }
- t = exponent(t, expcnt, fmtch);
- break;
- case 'g':
- case 'G':
- /* a precision of 0 is treated as a precision of 1. */
- if (!prec)
- ++prec;
- /*
- * ``The style used depends on the value converted; style e
- * will be used only if the exponent resulting from the
- * conversion is less than -4 or greater than the precision.''
- * -- ANSI X3J11
- */
- if (expcnt > prec || (!expcnt && fract && fract < .0001)) {
- /*
- * g/G format counts "significant digits, not digits of
- * precision; for the e/E format, this just causes an
- * off-by-one problem, i.e. g/G considers the digit
- * before the decimal point significant and e/E doesn't
- * count it as precision.
- */
- --prec;
- fmtch -= 2; /* G->E, g->e */
- gformat = 1;
- goto eformat;
- }
- /*
- * reverse integer into beginning of buffer,
- * note, decrement precision
- */
- if (expcnt)
- for (; ++p < endp; *t++ = *p, --prec);
- else
- *t++ = '0';
- /*
- * if precision required or alternate flag set, add in a
- * decimal point. If no digits yet, add in leading 0.
- */
- if (prec || flags&ALT) {
- dotrim = 1;
- *t++ = '.';
- }
- else
- dotrim = 0;
- /* if requires more precision and some fraction left */
- if (fract) {
- if (prec) {
- /* If no integer part, don't count initial
- * zeros as significant digits. */
- do {
- fract = modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
- *t++ = to_char((int)tmp);
- } while(!tmp && !expcnt);
- while (--prec && fract) {
- fract = modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
- *t++ = to_char((int)tmp);
- }
- }
- if (fract)
- startp = round(fract, (int *)NULL, startp,
- t - 1, (char)0, signp);
- }
- /* alternate format, adds 0's for precision, else trim 0's */
- if (flags&ALT)
- for (; prec--; *t++ = '0');
- else if (dotrim) {
- while (t > startp && *--t == '0');
- if (*t != '.')
- ++t;
- }
- }
- return (t - startp);
-#endif /* defined(FLOATING_POINT) && !defined(_IO_USE_DTOA) */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iovfscanf.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iovfscanf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1220e07..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iovfscanf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,787 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
- * Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
- * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
- * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
- * by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the
- * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific prior written permission.
- */
-/* Extensively hacked for GNU iostream by Per Bothner 1991, 1992, 1993.
- Changes copyright Free Software Foundation 1992, 1993. */
-#if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
-static char sccsid[] = "%W% (Berkeley) %G%";
-#endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
-#include <libioP.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#include "floatio.h"
-#define BUF (MAXEXP+MAXFRACT+3) /* 3 = sign + decimal point + NUL */
-#define BUF 40
- * Flags used during conversion.
- */
-#define LONG 0x01 /* l: long or double */
-#define LONGDBL 0x02 /* L: long double; unimplemented */
-#define SHORT 0x04 /* h: short */
-#define SUPPRESS 0x08 /* suppress assignment */
-#define POINTER 0x10 /* weird %p pointer (`fake hex') */
-#define NOSKIP 0x20 /* do not skip blanks */
-#define WIDTH 0x40 /* width */
- * The following are used in numeric conversions only:
- * SIGNOK, NDIGITS, DPTOK, and EXPOK are for floating point;
- * SIGNOK, NDIGITS, PFXOK, and NZDIGITS are for integral.
- */
-#define SIGNOK 0x40 /* +/- is (still) legal */
-#define NDIGITS 0x80 /* no digits detected */
-#define DPTOK 0x100 /* (float) decimal point is still legal */
-#define EXPOK 0x200 /* (float) exponent (e+3, etc) still legal */
-#define PFXOK 0x100 /* 0x prefix is (still) legal */
-#define NZDIGITS 0x200 /* no zero digits detected */
- * Conversion types.
- */
-#define CT_CHAR 0 /* %c conversion */
-#define CT_CCL 1 /* %[...] conversion */
-#define CT_STRING 2 /* %s conversion */
-#define CT_INT 3 /* integer, i.e., strtol or strtoul */
-#define CT_FLOAT 4 /* floating, i.e., strtod */
-#define u_char unsigned char
-#define u_long unsigned long
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-extern u_long strtoul __P((const char*, char**, int));
-extern long strtol __P((const char*, char**, int));
-static const u_char *__sccl __P((char *tab, const u_char *fmt));
-#ifndef _IO_USE_DTOA
-extern double atof();
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-/* If errp != NULL, *errp|=1 if we see a premature EOF;
- *errp|=2 if we an invalid character. */
-DEFUN(_IO_vfscanf, (fp, fmt0, ap, errp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND char const *fmt0
- AND _IO_va_list ap AND int *errp)
- register const u_char *fmt = (const u_char *)fmt0;
- register int c; /* character from format, or conversion */
- register _IO_ssize_t width; /* field width, or 0 */
- register char *p; /* points into all kinds of strings */
- register int n; /* handy integer */
- register int flags = 0; /* flags as defined above */
- register char *p0; /* saves original value of p when necessary */
- int nassigned; /* number of fields assigned */
- int nread; /* number of characters consumed from fp */
- /* Assignments to base and ccfn are just to suppress warnings from gcc.*/
- int base = 0; /* base argument to strtol/strtoul */
- typedef u_long (*strtoulfn) __P((const char*, char**, int));
- strtoulfn ccfn = 0;
- /* conversion function (strtol/strtoul) */
- char ccltab[256]; /* character class table for %[...] */
- char buf[BUF]; /* buffer for numeric conversions */
- int seen_eof = 0;
- /* `basefix' is used to avoid `if' tests in the integer scanner */
- static short basefix[17] =
- { 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 };
- nassigned = 0;
- nread = 0;
- for (;;) {
- c = *fmt++;
- if (c == 0)
- goto done;
- if (isspace(c)) {
- for (;;) {
- c = _IO_getc(fp);
- if (c == EOF) {
- seen_eof++;
- break;
- }
- if (!isspace(c)) {
- _IO_ungetc (c, fp);
- break;
- }
- nread++;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (c != '%')
- goto literal;
- width = 0;
- flags = 0;
- /*
- * switch on the format. continue if done;
- * break once format type is derived.
- */
-again: c = *fmt++;
- switch (c) {
- case '%':
- n = _IO_getc(fp);
- if (n == EOF)
- goto eof_failure;
- if (n != c) {
- _IO_ungetc (n, fp);
- goto match_failure;
- }
- nread++;
- continue;
- case '*':
- if (flags) goto control_failure;
- flags = SUPPRESS;
- goto again;
- case 'l':
- if (flags & ~(SUPPRESS | WIDTH)) goto control_failure;
- flags |= LONG;
- goto again;
- case 'L':
- if (flags & ~(SUPPRESS | WIDTH)) goto control_failure;
- flags |= LONGDBL;
- goto again;
- case 'h':
- if (flags & ~(SUPPRESS | WIDTH)) goto control_failure;
- flags |= SHORT;
- goto again;
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
- case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- if (flags & ~(SUPPRESS | WIDTH)) goto control_failure;
- flags |= WIDTH;
- width = width * 10 + c - '0';
- goto again;
- /*
- * Conversions.
- * Those marked `compat' are for 4.[123]BSD compatibility.
- *
- * (According to ANSI, E and X formats are supposed
- * to the same as e and x. Sorry about that.)
- */
- case 'D': /* compat */
- flags |= LONG;
- case 'd':
- c = CT_INT;
- ccfn = (strtoulfn)strtol;
- base = 10;
- break;
- case 'i':
- c = CT_INT;
- ccfn = (strtoulfn)strtol;
- base = 0;
- break;
- case 'O': /* compat */
- flags |= LONG;
- case 'o':
- c = CT_INT;
- ccfn = strtoul;
- base = 8;
- break;
- case 'u':
- c = CT_INT;
- ccfn = strtoul;
- base = 10;
- break;
- case 'X':
- case 'x':
- flags |= PFXOK; /* enable 0x prefixing */
- c = CT_INT;
- ccfn = strtoul;
- base = 16;
- break;
- case 'E': case 'F':
- case 'e': case 'f': case 'g':
- c = CT_FLOAT;
- break;
- case 's':
- c = CT_STRING;
- break;
- case '[':
- fmt = __sccl(ccltab, fmt);
- flags |= NOSKIP;
- c = CT_CCL;
- break;
- case 'c':
- flags |= NOSKIP;
- c = CT_CHAR;
- break;
- case 'p': /* pointer format is like hex */
- flags |= POINTER | PFXOK;
- c = CT_INT;
- ccfn = strtoul;
- base = 16;
- break;
- case 'n':
- if (flags & SUPPRESS) /* ??? */
- continue;
- if (flags & SHORT)
- *va_arg(ap, short *) = nread;
- else if (flags & LONG)
- *va_arg(ap, long *) = nread;
- else
- *va_arg(ap, int *) = nread;
- continue;
- /*
- * Disgusting backwards compatibility hacks. XXX
- */
- case '\0': /* compat */
- nassigned = EOF;
- goto done;
- default: /* compat */
- if (isupper(c))
- flags |= LONG;
- c = CT_INT;
- ccfn = (strtoulfn)strtol;
- base = 10;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * We have a conversion that requires input.
- */
- if (_IO_peekc(fp) == EOF)
- goto eof_failure;
- /*
- * Consume leading white space, except for formats
- * that suppress this.
- */
- if ((flags & NOSKIP) == 0) {
- n = (unsigned char)*fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- while (isspace(n)) {
- fp->_IO_read_ptr++;
- nread++;
- n = _IO_peekc(fp);
- if (n == EOF)
- goto eof_failure;
- }
- /* Note that there is at least one character in
- the buffer, so conversions that do not set NOSKIP
- can no longer result in an input failure. */
- }
- /*
- * Do the conversion.
- */
- switch (c) {
- case CT_CHAR:
- /* scan arbitrary characters (sets NOSKIP) */
- if (width == 0) /* FIXME! */
- width = 1;
- if (flags & SUPPRESS) {
- _IO_size_t sum = 0;
- for (;;) {
- n = fp->_IO_read_end - fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- if (n < (int)width) {
- sum += n;
- width -= n;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr += n;
- if (__underflow(fp) == EOF)
- if (sum == 0)
- goto eof_failure;
- else {
- seen_eof++;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- sum += width;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr += width;
- break;
- }
- }
- nread += sum;
- } else {
- _IO_size_t r =
- _IO_XSGETN (fp, (char*)va_arg(ap, char*), width);
- if (r != width)
- goto eof_failure;
- nread += r;
- nassigned++;
- }
- break;
- case CT_CCL:
- /* scan a (nonempty) character class (sets NOSKIP) */
- if (width == 0)
- width = ~0; /* `infinity' */
- /* take only those things in the class */
- if (flags & SUPPRESS) {
- n = 0;
- while (ccltab[(unsigned char)*fp->_IO_read_ptr]) {
- n++, fp->_IO_read_ptr++;
- if (--width == 0)
- break;
- if (_IO_peekc(fp) == EOF) {
- if (n == 0)
- goto eof_failure;
- seen_eof++;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (n == 0)
- goto match_failure;
- } else {
- p0 = p = va_arg(ap, char *);
- while (ccltab[(unsigned char)*fp->_IO_read_ptr]) {
- *p++ = *fp->_IO_read_ptr++;
- if (--width == 0)
- break;
- if (_IO_peekc(fp) == EOF) {
- if (p == p0)
- goto eof_failure;
- seen_eof++;
- break;
- }
- }
- n = p - p0;
- if (n == 0)
- goto match_failure;
- *p = 0;
- nassigned++;
- }
- nread += n;
- break;
- case CT_STRING:
- /* like CCL, but zero-length string OK, & no NOSKIP */
- if (width == 0)
- width = ~0;
- if (flags & SUPPRESS) {
- n = 0;
- while (!isspace((unsigned char)*fp->_IO_read_ptr)) {
- n++, fp->_IO_read_ptr++;
- if (--width == 0)
- break;
- if (_IO_peekc(fp) == EOF) {
- seen_eof++;
- break;
- }
- }
- nread += n;
- } else {
- p0 = p = va_arg(ap, char *);
- while (!isspace((unsigned char)*fp->_IO_read_ptr)) {
- *p++ = *fp->_IO_read_ptr++;
- if (--width == 0)
- break;
- if (_IO_peekc(fp) == EOF) {
- seen_eof++;
- break;
- }
- }
- *p = 0;
- nread += p - p0;
- nassigned++;
- }
- continue;
- case CT_INT:
- /* scan an integer as if by strtol/strtoul */
- if (width == 0 || width > sizeof(buf) - 1)
- width = sizeof(buf) - 1;
- for (p = buf; width; width--) {
- c = (unsigned char)*fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- /*
- * Switch on the character; `goto ok'
- * if we accept it as a part of number.
- */
- switch (c) {
- /*
- * The digit 0 is always legal, but is
- * special. For %i conversions, if no
- * digits (zero or nonzero) have been
- * scanned (only signs), we will have
- * base==0. In that case, we should set
- * it to 8 and enable 0x prefixing.
- * Also, if we have not scanned zero digits
- * before this, do not turn off prefixing
- * (someone else will turn it off if we
- * have scanned any nonzero digits).
- */
- case '0':
- if (base == 0) {
- base = 8;
- flags |= PFXOK;
- }
- if (flags & NZDIGITS)
- else
- goto ok;
- /* 1 through 7 always legal */
- case '1': case '2': case '3':
- case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- base = basefix[base];
- flags &= ~(SIGNOK | PFXOK | NDIGITS);
- goto ok;
- /* digits 8 and 9 ok iff decimal or hex */
- case '8': case '9':
- base = basefix[base];
- if (base <= 8)
- break; /* not legal here */
- flags &= ~(SIGNOK | PFXOK | NDIGITS);
- goto ok;
- /* letters ok iff hex */
- case 'A': case 'B': case 'C':
- case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
- case 'a': case 'b': case 'c':
- case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
- /* no need to fix base here */
- if (base <= 10)
- break; /* not legal here */
- flags &= ~(SIGNOK | PFXOK | NDIGITS);
- goto ok;
- /* sign ok only as first character */
- case '+': case '-':
- if (flags & SIGNOK) {
- flags &= ~SIGNOK;
- goto ok;
- }
- break;
- /* x ok iff flag still set & 2nd char */
- case 'x': case 'X':
- if (flags & PFXOK && p == buf + 1) {
- base = 16; /* if %i */
- flags &= ~PFXOK;
- goto ok;
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * If we got here, c is not a legal character
- * for a number. Stop accumulating digits.
- */
- break;
- ok:
- /*
- * c is legal: store it and look at the next.
- */
- *p++ = c;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr++;
- if (_IO_peekc(fp) == EOF) {
- seen_eof++;
- break; /* EOF */
- }
- }
- /*
- * If we had only a sign, it is no good; push
- * back the sign. If the number ends in `x',
- * it was [sign] '0' 'x', so push back the x
- * and treat it as [sign] '0'.
- */
- if (flags & NDIGITS) {
- if (p > buf)
- (void) _IO_ungetc(*(u_char *)--p, fp);
- goto match_failure;
- }
- c = ((u_char *)p)[-1];
- if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') {
- --p;
- (void) _IO_ungetc (c, fp);
- }
- if ((flags & SUPPRESS) == 0) {
- u_long res;
- *p = 0;
- res = (*ccfn)(buf, (char **)NULL, base);
- if (flags & POINTER)
- *va_arg(ap, void **) = (void *)res;
- else if (flags & SHORT)
- *va_arg(ap, short *) = res;
- else if (flags & LONG)
- *va_arg(ap, long *) = res;
- else
- *va_arg(ap, int *) = res;
- nassigned++;
- }
- nread += p - buf;
- break;
- case CT_FLOAT:
- /* scan a floating point number as if by strtod */
- if (width == 0 || width > sizeof(buf) - 1)
- width = sizeof(buf) - 1;
- for (p = buf; width; width--) {
- c = (unsigned char)*fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- /*
- * This code mimicks the integer conversion
- * code, but is much simpler.
- */
- switch (c) {
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- case '8': case '9':
- flags &= ~(SIGNOK | NDIGITS);
- goto fok;
- case '+': case '-':
- if (flags & SIGNOK) {
- flags &= ~SIGNOK;
- goto fok;
- }
- break;
- case '.':
- if (flags & DPTOK) {
- flags &= ~(SIGNOK | DPTOK);
- goto fok;
- }
- break;
- case 'e': case 'E':
- /* no exponent without some digits */
- if ((flags&(NDIGITS|EXPOK)) == EXPOK) {
- flags =
- (flags & ~(EXPOK|DPTOK)) |
- goto fok;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- fok:
- *p++ = c;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr++;
- if (_IO_peekc(fp) == EOF) {
- seen_eof++;
- break; /* EOF */
- }
- }
- /*
- * If no digits, might be missing exponent digits
- * (just give back the exponent) or might be missing
- * regular digits, but had sign and/or decimal point.
- */
- if (flags & NDIGITS) {
- if (flags & EXPOK) {
- /* no digits at all */
- while (p > buf)
- _IO_ungetc (*(u_char *)--p, fp);
- goto match_failure;
- }
- /* just a bad exponent (e and maybe sign) */
- c = *(u_char *)--p;
- if (c != 'e' && c != 'E') {
- (void) _IO_ungetc (c, fp);/* sign */
- c = *(u_char *)--p;
- }
- (void) _IO_ungetc (c, fp);
- }
- if ((flags & SUPPRESS) == 0) {
- double res;
- *p = 0;
-#ifdef _IO_USE_DTOA
- res = _IO_strtod(buf, NULL);
- res = atof(buf);
- if (flags & LONG)
- *va_arg(ap, double *) = res;
- else
- *va_arg(ap, float *) = res;
- nassigned++;
- }
- nread += p - buf;
- break;
-#endif /* FLOATING_POINT */
- }
- }
- seen_eof++;
- if (nassigned == 0)
- nassigned = -1;
- if (errp)
- *errp |= 2;
- if (errp && seen_eof)
- *errp |= 1;
- return (nassigned);
- * Fill in the given table from the scanset at the given format
- * (just after `['). Return a pointer to the character past the
- * closing `]'. The table has a 1 wherever characters should be
- * considered part of the scanset.
- */
-static const u_char *
-DEFUN(__sccl, (tab, fmt),
- register char *tab AND register const u_char *fmt)
- register int c, n, v;
- /* first `clear' the whole table */
- c = *fmt++; /* first char hat => negated scanset */
- if (c == '^') {
- v = 1; /* default => accept */
- c = *fmt++; /* get new first char */
- } else
- v = 0; /* default => reject */
- /* should probably use memset here */
- for (n = 0; n < 256; n++)
- tab[n] = v;
- if (c == 0)
- return (fmt - 1);/* format ended before closing ] */
- /*
- * Now set the entries corresponding to the actual scanset
- * to the opposite of the above.
- *
- * The first character may be ']' (or '-') without being special;
- * the last character may be '-'.
- */
- v = 1 - v;
- for (;;) {
- tab[c] = v; /* take character c */
- n = *fmt++; /* and examine the next */
- switch (n) {
- case 0: /* format ended too soon */
- return (fmt - 1);
- case '-':
- /*
- * A scanset of the form
- * [01+-]
- * is defined as `the digit 0, the digit 1,
- * the character +, the character -', but
- * the effect of a scanset such as
- * [a-zA-Z0-9]
- * is implementation defined. The V7 Unix
- * scanf treats `a-z' as `the letters a through
- * z', but treats `a-a' as `the letter a, the
- * character -, and the letter a'.
- *
- * For compatibility, the `-' is not considerd
- * to define a range if the character following
- * it is either a close bracket (required by ANSI)
- * or is not numerically greater than the character
- * we just stored in the table (c).
- */
- n = *fmt;
- if (n == ']' || n < c) {
- c = '-';
- break; /* resume the for(;;) */
- }
- fmt++;
- do { /* fill in the range */
- tab[++c] = v;
- } while (c < n);
-#if 1 /* XXX another disgusting compatibility hack */
- /*
- * Alas, the V7 Unix scanf also treats formats
- * such as [a-c-e] as `the letters a through e'.
- * This too is permitted by the standard....
- */
- goto doswitch;
- c = *fmt++;
- if (c == 0)
- return (fmt - 1);
- if (c == ']')
- return (fmt);
- break;
- case ']': /* end of scanset */
- return (fmt);
- default: /* just another character */
- c = n;
- break;
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iovsprintf.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iovsprintf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 06d926d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iovsprintf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include "strfile.h"
-DEFUN(_IO_vsprintf, (string, format, args),
- char *string AND const char *format AND _IO_va_list args)
- _IO_strfile sf;
- int ret;
- _IO_init((_IO_FILE*)&sf, 0);
- _IO_JUMPS((_IO_FILE*)&sf) = &_IO_str_jumps;
- _IO_str_init_static ((_IO_FILE*)&sf, string, -1, string);
- ret = _IO_vfprintf((_IO_FILE*)&sf, format, args);
- _IO_putc('\0', (_IO_FILE*)&sf);
- return ret;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/iovsscanf.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/iovsscanf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5297780..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/iovsscanf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include "strfile.h"
-DEFUN(_IO_vsscanf, (string, format, args),
- const char *string AND const char *format AND _IO_va_list args)
- _IO_strfile sf;
- _IO_init((_IO_FILE*)&sf, 0);
- _IO_JUMPS((_IO_FILE*)&sf) = &_IO_str_jumps;
- _IO_str_init_static ((_IO_FILE*)&sf, (char*)string, 0, NULL);
- return _IO_vfscanf((_IO_FILE*)&sf, format, args, NULL);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index add2663..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <libioP.h>
-#include "iostream.h"
-#include <string.h>
-istream& istream::getline(char* buf, int len, char delim)
- _gcount = 0;
- if (len <= 0)
- {
- set(ios::failbit);
- return *this;
- }
- int ch;
- if (ipfx1())
- {
- streambuf *sb = rdbuf();
- _gcount = _IO_getline(sb, buf, len - 1, delim, -1);
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF)
- set (_gcount == 0 ? (ios::failbit|ios::eofbit) : ios::eofbit);
- else if (ch != (unsigned char) delim)
- {
- set(ios::failbit);
- sb->sungetc(); // Leave delimiter unread.
- }
- }
- else
- ch = EOF;
- buf[_gcount] = '\0';
- if (ch == (unsigned char)delim)
- _gcount++; // The delimiter is counted in the gcount().
- return *this;
-istream& istream::get(char* buf, int len, char delim)
- _gcount = 0;
- if (len <= 0)
- {
- set(ios::failbit);
- return *this;
- }
- if (ipfx1())
- {
- streambuf *sbuf = rdbuf();
- long count = _IO_getline(sbuf, buf, len - 1, delim, -1);
- if (count == 0 && sbuf->sgetc() == EOF)
- set(ios::failbit|ios::eofbit);
- else
- _gcount = count;
- }
- buf[_gcount] = '\0';
- return *this;
-// from Doug Schmidt
-#define CHUNK_SIZE 512
-/* Reads an arbitrarily long input line terminated by a user-specified
- TERMINATOR. Super-nifty trick using recursion avoids unnecessary calls
- to NEW! */
-char *_sb_readline (streambuf *sb, long& total, char terminator)
- char buf[CHUNK_SIZE];
- char *ptr;
- int ch;
- _IO_size_t count = _IO_getline(sb, buf, CHUNK_SIZE, terminator, -1);
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- long old_total = total;
- total += count;
- if (ch != EOF && ch != terminator) {
- total++; // Include ch in total.
- ptr = _sb_readline(sb, total, terminator);
- if (ptr) {
- memcpy(ptr + old_total, buf, count);
- ptr[old_total+count] = ch;
- }
- return ptr;
- }
- ptr = new char[total+1];
- if (ptr != NULL) {
- ptr[total] = '\0';
- memcpy(ptr + total - count, buf, count);
- }
- return ptr;
-/* Reads an arbitrarily long input line terminated by TERMINATOR.
- This routine allocates its own memory, so the user should
- only supply the address of a (char *). */
-istream& istream::gets(char **s, char delim /* = '\n' */)
- if (ipfx1()) {
- long size = 0;
- streambuf *sb = rdbuf();
- *s = _sb_readline (sb, size, delim);
- _gcount = *s ? size : 0;
- if (sb->_flags & _IO_EOF_SEEN) {
- set(ios::eofbit);
- if (_gcount == 0)
- set(ios::failbit);
- }
- }
- else {
- _gcount = 0;
- *s = NULL;
- }
- return *this;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 55617e6..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include "iostream.h"
-#include <string.h>
-istream& istream::get(streambuf& sb, char delim /* = '\n' */)
- _gcount = 0;
- if (ipfx1())
- {
- register streambuf* isb = rdbuf();
- for (;;)
- {
- streamsize len = isb->_IO_read_end - isb->_IO_read_ptr;
- if (len <= 0)
- if (__underflow(isb) == EOF)
- break;
- else
- len = isb->_IO_read_end - isb->_IO_read_ptr;
- char *delimp = (char*)memchr((void*)isb->_IO_read_ptr, delim, len);
- if (delimp != NULL)
- len = delimp - isb->_IO_read_ptr;
- int written = sb.sputn(isb->_IO_read_ptr, len);
- isb->_IO_read_ptr += written;
- _gcount += written;
- if (written != len)
- {
- set(ios::failbit);
- break;
- }
- if (delimp != NULL)
- break;
- }
- }
- return *this;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 64d4bc6..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-istream& istream::scan(const char *format ...)
- if (ipfx0()) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, format);
- _strbuf->vscan(format, ap, this);
- va_end(ap);
- }
- return *this;
-istream& istream::vscan(const char *format, _IO_va_list args)
- if (ipfx0())
- _strbuf->vscan(format, args, this);
- return *this;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/istream.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/istream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f54ec1d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/istream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <stream.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/libio.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/libio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 84a8217..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/libio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* This is part of the iostream library. Written by Per Bothner. */
-#ifndef _IO_STDIO_H
-#define _IO_STDIO_H
-#include <_G_config.h>
-#define _IO_pos_t _G_fpos_t /* obsolete */
-#define _IO_fpos_t _G_fpos_t
-#define _IO_size_t _G_size_t
-#define _IO_ssize_t _G_ssize_t
-#define _IO_off_t _G_off_t
-#define _IO_pid_t _G_pid_t
-#define _IO_uid_t _G_uid_t
-#define _IO_va_list _G_va_list
-#ifdef _G_NEED_STDARG_H
-/* This define avoids name pollution if we're using GNU stdarg.h */
-#define __need___va_list
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#ifdef __GNUC_VA_LIST
-#undef _IO_va_list
-#define _IO_va_list __gnuc_va_list
-#endif /* __GNUC_VA_LIST */
-#ifndef __P
-#include <sys/cdefs.h>
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#define __P(protos) protos
-#define __P(protos) ()
-#endif /*!__P*/
-/* For backward compatibility */
-#ifndef _PARAMS
-#define _PARAMS(protos) __P(protos)
-#endif /*!_PARAMS*/
-#ifndef __STDC__
-#define const
-#define _IO_USE_DTOA
-#if 0
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#ifndef EOF
-#define EOF (-1)
-#ifndef NULL
-#if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__GNUC__)
-#define NULL ((void*)0)
-#define NULL (0)
-#define _IOS_INPUT 1
-#define _IOS_OUTPUT 2
-#define _IOS_ATEND 4
-#define _IOS_APPEND 8
-#define _IOS_TRUNC 16
-#define _IOS_NOCREATE 32
-#define _IOS_NOREPLACE 64
-#define _IOS_BIN 128
-/* Magic numbers and bits for the _flags field.
- The magic numbers use the high-order bits of _flags;
- the remaining bits are abailable for variable flags.
- Note: The magic numbers must all be negative if stdio
- emulation is desired. */
-#define _IO_MAGIC 0xFBAD0000 /* Magic number */
-#define _OLD_STDIO_MAGIC 0xFABC0000 /* Emulate old stdio. */
-#define _IO_MAGIC_MASK 0xFFFF0000
-#define _IO_USER_BUF 1 /* User owns buffer; don't delete it on close. */
-#define _IO_UNBUFFERED 2
-#define _IO_NO_READS 4 /* Reading not allowed */
-#define _IO_NO_WRITES 8 /* Writing not allowd */
-#define _IO_EOF_SEEN 0x10
-#define _IO_ERR_SEEN 0x20
-#define _IO_DELETE_DONT_CLOSE 0x40 /* Don't call close(_fileno) on cleanup. */
-#define _IO_LINKED 0x80 /* Set if linked (using _chain) to streambuf::_list_all.*/
-#define _IO_IN_BACKUP 0x100
-#define _IO_LINE_BUF 0x200
-#define _IO_TIED_PUT_GET 0x400 /* Set if put and get pointer logicly tied. */
-#define _IO_CURRENTLY_PUTTING 0x800
-#define _IO_IS_APPENDING 0x1000
-#define _IO_IS_FILEBUF 0x2000
-/* These are "formatting flags" matching the iostream fmtflags enum values. */
-#define _IO_SKIPWS 01
-#define _IO_LEFT 02
-#define _IO_RIGHT 04
-#define _IO_INTERNAL 010
-#define _IO_DEC 020
-#define _IO_OCT 040
-#define _IO_HEX 0100
-#define _IO_SHOWBASE 0200
-#define _IO_SHOWPOINT 0400
-#define _IO_UPPERCASE 01000
-#define _IO_SHOWPOS 02000
-#define _IO_SCIENTIFIC 04000
-#define _IO_FIXED 010000
-#define _IO_UNITBUF 020000
-#define _IO_STDIO 040000
-#define _IO_DONT_CLOSE 0100000
-/* A streammarker remembers a position in a buffer. */
-struct _IO_jump_t; struct _IO_FILE;
-struct _IO_marker {
- struct _IO_marker *_next;
- struct _IO_FILE *_sbuf;
- /* If _pos >= 0
- it points to _buf->Gbase()+_pos. FIXME comment */
- /* if _pos < 0, it points to _buf->eBptr()+_pos. FIXME comment */
- int _pos;
-#if 0
- void set_streampos(streampos sp) { _spos = sp; }
- void set_offset(int offset) { _pos = offset; _spos = (streampos)(-2); }
- public:
- streammarker(streambuf *sb);
- ~streammarker();
- int saving() { return _spos == -2; }
- int delta(streammarker&);
- int delta();
-struct _IO_FILE {
- int _flags; /* High-order word is _IO_MAGIC; rest is flags. */
-#define _IO_file_flags _flags
- /* The following pointers correspond to the C++ streambuf protocol. */
- /* Note: Tk uses the _IO_read_ptr and _IO_read_end fields directly. */
- char* _IO_read_ptr; /* Current read pointer */
- char* _IO_read_end; /* End of get area. */
- char* _IO_read_base; /* Start of putback+get area. */
- char* _IO_write_base; /* Start of put area. */
- char* _IO_write_ptr; /* Current put pointer. */
- char* _IO_write_end; /* End of put area. */
- char* _IO_buf_base; /* Start of reserve area. */
- char* _IO_buf_end; /* End of reserve area. */
- /* The following fields are used to support backing up and undo. */
- char *_IO_save_base; /* Pointer to start of non-current get area. */
- char *_IO_backup_base; /* Pointer to first valid character of backup area */
- char *_IO_save_end; /* Pointer to end of non-current get area. */
- struct _IO_marker *_markers;
- struct _IO_FILE *_chain;
- int _fileno;
- int _blksize;
- _IO_off_t _offset;
-#define __HAVE_COLUMN /* temporary */
- /* 1+column number of pbase(); 0 is unknown. */
- unsigned short _cur_column;
- char _unused;
- char _shortbuf[1];
- /* char* _save_gptr; char* _save_egptr; */
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-typedef struct _IO_FILE _IO_FILE;
-struct _IO_FILE_plus;
-extern struct _IO_FILE_plus _IO_stdin_, _IO_stdout_, _IO_stderr_;
-#define _IO_stdin ((_IO_FILE*)(&_IO_stdin_))
-#define _IO_stdout ((_IO_FILE*)(&_IO_stdout_))
-#define _IO_stderr ((_IO_FILE*)(&_IO_stderr_))
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-extern int __underflow __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern int __uflow __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern int __overflow __P((_IO_FILE*, int));
-#define _IO_getc(_fp) \
- ((_fp)->_IO_read_ptr >= (_fp)->_IO_read_end ? __uflow(_fp) \
- : *(unsigned char*)(_fp)->_IO_read_ptr++)
-#define _IO_peekc(_fp) \
- ((_fp)->_IO_read_ptr >= (_fp)->_IO_read_end \
- && __underflow(_fp) == EOF ? EOF \
- : *(unsigned char*)(_fp)->_IO_read_ptr)
-#define _IO_putc(_ch, _fp) \
- (((_fp)->_IO_write_ptr >= (_fp)->_IO_write_end) \
- ? __overflow(_fp, (unsigned char)(_ch)) \
- : (unsigned char)(*(_fp)->_IO_write_ptr++ = (_ch)))
-#define _IO_feof(__fp) (((__fp)->_flags & _IO_EOF_SEEN) != 0)
-#define _IO_ferror(__fp) (((__fp)->_flags & _IO_ERR_SEEN) != 0)
-/* This one is for Emacs. */
-#define _IO_PENDING_OUTPUT_COUNT(_fp) \
- ((_fp)->_IO_write_ptr - (_fp)->_IO_write_base)
-extern int _IO_vfscanf __P((_IO_FILE*, const char*, _IO_va_list, int*));
-extern int _IO_vfprintf __P((_IO_FILE*, const char*, _IO_va_list));
-extern _IO_ssize_t _IO_padn __P((_IO_FILE *, int, _IO_ssize_t));
-extern _IO_size_t _IO_sgetn __P((_IO_FILE *, void*, _IO_size_t));
-extern _IO_fpos_t _IO_seekoff __P((_IO_FILE*, _IO_off_t, int, int));
-extern _IO_fpos_t _IO_seekpos __P((_IO_FILE*, _IO_fpos_t, int));
-extern void _IO_free_backup_area __P((_IO_FILE*));
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _IO_STDIO_H */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/libioP.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/libioP.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c7bc522..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/libioP.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifndef errno
-extern int errno;
-#include "iolibio.h"
-#if defined (__STDC__) || defined (_AIX) || (defined (__mips) && defined (_SYSTYPE_SVR4)) || defined(__cplusplus)
-/* All known AIX compilers implement these things (but don't always
- define __STDC__). The RISC/OS MIPS compiler defines these things
- in SVR4 mode, but does not define __STDC__. */
-#define AND ,
-#define DEFUN(name, arglist, args) name(args)
-#define DEFUN_VOID(name) name(void)
-#else /* Not ANSI C. */
-#define AND ;
-#ifndef const /* some systems define it in header files for non-ansi mode */
-#define const
-#define DEFUN(name, arglist, args) name arglist args;
-#define DEFUN_VOID(name) name()
-#endif /* ANSI C. */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#define _IO_seek_set 0
-#define _IO_seek_cur 1
-#define _IO_seek_end 2
- * The _IO_FILE type is used to implement the FILE type in GNU libc,
- * as well as the streambuf class in GNU iostreams for C++.
- * These are all the same, just used differently.
- * An _IO_FILE (or FILE) object is allows followed by a pointer to
- * a jump table (of pointers to functions). The pointer is accessed
- * with the _IO_JUMPS macro. The jump table has a eccentric format,
- * so as to be compatible with the layout of a C++ virtual function table.
- * (as implemented by g++). When a pointer to a steambuf object is
- * coerced to an (_IO_FILE*), then _IO_JUMPS on the result just
- * happens to point to the virtual function table of the streambuf.
- * Thus the _IO_JUMPS function table used for C stdio/libio does
- * double duty as the virtual functiuon table for C++ streambuf.
- *
- * The entries in the _IO_JUMPS function table (and hence also the
- * virtual functions of a streambuf) are described below.
- * The first parameter of each function entry is the _IO_FILE/streambuf
- * object being acted on (i.e. the 'this' parameter).
- */
-#define _IO_JUMPS(THIS) ((struct _IO_FILE_plus*)(THIS))->vtable
-#define JUMP2(FUNC, THIS, X1, X2) _IO_JUMPS(THIS)->FUNC(THIS, X1, X2)
-#define JUMP3(FUNC, THIS, X1,X2,X3) _IO_JUMPS(THIS)->FUNC(THIS, X1,X2, X3)
-#define JUMP_INIT_DUMMY JUMP_INIT(dummy, 0), JUMP_INIT(dummy2, 0)
-/* These macros will change when we re-implement vtables to use "thunks"! */
-#define JUMP_FIELD(TYPE, NAME) struct { short delta1, delta2; TYPE pfn; } NAME
-#define JUMP1(FUNC, THIS, X1) _IO_JUMPS(THIS)->FUNC.pfn(THIS, X1)
-#define JUMP2(FUNC, THIS, X1, X2) _IO_JUMPS(THIS)->FUNC.pfn(THIS, X1, X2)
-#define JUMP3(FUNC, THIS, X1,X2,X3) _IO_JUMPS(THIS)->FUNC.pfn(THIS, X1,X2, X3)
-#define JUMP_INIT(NAME, VALUE) {0, 0, VALUE}
-#define JUMP_INIT_DUMMY JUMP_INIT(dummy, 0)
-/* The 'finish' function does any final cleaning up of an _IO_FILE object.
- It does not delete (free) it, but does everything else to finalize it/
- It matches the streambuf::~streambuf virtual destructor. */
-typedef void (*_IO_finish_t) __P((_IO_FILE*)); /* finalize */
-#define _IO_FINISH(FP) JUMP0(__finish, FP)
-/* The 'overflow' hook flushes the buffer.
- The second argument is a character, or EOF.
- It matches the streambuf::overflow virtual function. */
-typedef int (*_IO_overflow_t) __P((_IO_FILE*, int));
-#define _IO_OVERFLOW(FP, CH) JUMP1(__overflow, FP, CH)
-/* The 'underflow' hook tries to fills the get buffer.
- It returns the next character (as an unsigned char) or EOF. The next
- character remains in the get buffer, and the get postion is not changed.
- It matches the streambuf::underflow virtual function. */
-typedef int (*_IO_underflow_t) __P((_IO_FILE*));
-#define _IO_UNDERFLOW(FP) JUMP0(__underflow, FP)
-/* The 'uflow' hook returns the next character in the input stream
- (cast to unsigned char), and increments the read position;
- EOF is returned on failure.
- It matches the streambuf::uflow virtual function, which is not in the
- cfront implementation, but was added to C++ by the ANSI/ISO committee. */
-#define _IO_UFLOW(FP) JUMP0(__uflow, FP)
-/* The 'pbackfail' hook handles backing up.
- It matches the streambuf::pbackfail virtual function. */
-typedef int (*_IO_pbackfail_t) __P((_IO_FILE*, int));
-#define _IO_PBACKFAIL(FP, CH) JUMP1(__pbackfail, FP, CH)
-/* The 'xsputn' hook writes upto N characters from buffer DATA.
- Returns the number of character actually written.
- It matches the streambuf::xsputn virtual function. */
-typedef _IO_size_t (*_IO_xsputn_t)
- __P((_IO_FILE *FP, const void *DATA, _IO_size_t N));
-#define _IO_XSPUTN(FP, DATA, N) JUMP2(__xsputn, FP, DATA, N)
-/* The 'xsgetn' hook reads upto N characters into buffer DATA.
- Returns the number of character actually read.
- It matches the streambuf::xsgetn virtual function. */
-typedef _IO_size_t (*_IO_xsgetn_t) __P((_IO_FILE*FP, void*DATA, _IO_size_t N));
-#define _IO_XSGETN(FP, DATA, N) JUMP2(__xsgetn, FP, DATA, N)
-/* The 'seekoff' hook moves the stream position to a new position
- relative to the start of the file (if DIR==0), the current position
- (MODE==1), or the end of the file (MODE==2).
- It matches the streambuf::seekoff virtual function.
- It is also used for the ANSI fseek function. */
-typedef _IO_fpos_t (*_IO_seekoff_t)
- __P((_IO_FILE* FP, _IO_off_t OFF, int DIR, int MODE));
-#define _IO_SEEKOFF(FP, OFF, DIR, MODE) JUMP3(__seekoff, FP, OFF, DIR, MODE)
-/* The 'seekpos' hook also moves the stream position,
- but to an absolute position given by a fpos_t (seekpos).
- It matches the streambuf::seekpos virtual function.
- It is also used for the ANSI fgetpos and fsetpos functions. */
-/* The _IO_seek_cur and _IO_seek_end options are not allowed. */
-typedef _IO_fpos_t (*_IO_seekpos_t) __P((_IO_FILE*, _IO_fpos_t, int));
-#define _IO_SEEKPOS(FP, POS, FLAGS) JUMP2(__seekpos, FP, POS, FLAGS)
-/* The 'setbuf' hook gives a buffer to the file.
- It matches the streambuf::setbuf virtual function. */
-typedef _IO_FILE* (*_IO_setbuf_t) __P((_IO_FILE*, char *, _IO_ssize_t));
-/* The 'sync' hook attempts to synchronize the internal data structures
- of the file with the external state.
- It matches the streambuf::sync virtual function. */
-typedef int (*_IO_sync_t) __P((_IO_FILE*));
-#define _IO_SYNC(FP) JUMP0(__sync, FP)
-/* The 'doallocate' hook is used to tell the file to allocate a buffer.
- It matches the streambuf::doallocate virtual function, which is not
- in the ANSI/ISO C++ standard, but is part traditional implementations. */
-typedef int (*_IO_doallocate_t) __P((_IO_FILE*));
-#define _IO_DOALLOCATE(FP) JUMP0(__doallocate, FP)
-/* The following four hooks (sysread, syswrite, sysclose, sysseek, and
- sysstat) are low-level hooks specific to this implementation.
- There is no correspondance in the ANSI/ISO C++ standard library.
- The hooks basically correspond to the Unix system functions
- (read, write, close, lseek, and stat) except that a _IO_FILE*
- parameter is used instead of a integer file descriptor; the default
- implementation used for normal files just calls those functions.
- The advantage of overriding these functions instead of the higher-level
- ones (underflow, overflow etc) is that you can leave all the buffering
- higher-level functions. */
-/* The 'sysread' hook is used to read data from the external file into
- an existing buffer. It generalizes the Unix read(2) function.
- It matches the streambuf::sys_read virtual function, which is
- specific to this implementaion. */
-typedef _IO_ssize_t (*_IO_read_t) __P((_IO_FILE*, void*, _IO_ssize_t));
-#define _IO_SYSREAD(FP, DATA, LEN) JUMP2(__read, FP, DATA, LEN)
-/* The 'syswrite' hook is used to write data from an existing buffer
- to an external file. It generalizes the Unix write(2) function.
- It matches the streambuf::sys_write virtual function, which is
- specific to this implementaion. */
-typedef _IO_ssize_t (*_IO_write_t) __P((_IO_FILE*,const void*,_IO_ssize_t));
-#define _IO_SYSWRITE(FP, DATA, LEN) JUMP2(__write, FP, DATA, LEN)
-/* The 'sysseek' hook is used to re-position an external file.
- It generalizes the Unix lseek(2) function.
- It matches the streambuf::sys_seek virtual function, which is
- specific to this implementaion. */
-typedef _IO_fpos_t (*_IO_seek_t) __P((_IO_FILE*, _IO_off_t, int));
-/* The 'sysclose' hook is used to finalize (close, finish up) an
- external file. It generalizes the Unix close(2) function.
- It matches the streambuf::sys_close virtual function, which is
- specific to this implementation. */
-typedef int (*_IO_close_t) __P((_IO_FILE*)); /* finalize */
-#define _IO_SYSCLOSE(FP) JUMP0(__close, FP)
-/* The 'sysstat' hook is used to get information about an external file
- into a struct stat buffer. It generalizes the Unix fstat(2) call.
- It matches the streambuf::sys_stat virtual function, which is
- specific to this implementaion. */
-typedef int (*_IO_stat_t) __P((_IO_FILE*, void*));
-#define _IO_SYSSTAT(FP, BUF) JUMP1(__stat, FP, BUF)
-#define _IO_CHAR_TYPE char /* unsigned char ? */
-#define _IO_INT_TYPE int
-struct _IO_jump_t {
- JUMP_FIELD(_G_size_t, __dummy);
- JUMP_FIELD(_G_size_t, __dummy2);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_finish_t, __finish);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_overflow_t, __overflow);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_underflow_t, __underflow);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_underflow_t, __uflow);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_pbackfail_t, __pbackfail);
- /* showmany */
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_xsputn_t, __xsputn);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_xsgetn_t, __xsgetn);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_seekoff_t, __seekoff);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_seekpos_t, __seekpos);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_setbuf_t, __setbuf);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_sync_t, __sync);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_doallocate_t, __doallocate);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_read_t, __read);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_write_t, __write);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_seek_t, __seek);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_close_t, __close);
- JUMP_FIELD(_IO_stat_t, __stat);
-#if 0
- get_column;
- set_column;
-/* We always allocate an extra word following an _IO_FILE.
- This contains a pointer to the function jump table used.
- This is for compatibility with C++ streambuf; the word can
- be used to smash to a pointer to a virtual function table. */
-struct _IO_FILE_plus {
- _IO_FILE file;
- const struct _IO_jump_t *vtable;
-/* Generic functions */
-extern int _IO_switch_to_get_mode __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern void _IO_init __P((_IO_FILE*, int));
-extern int _IO_sputbackc __P((_IO_FILE*, int));
-extern int _IO_sungetc __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern void _IO_un_link __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern void _IO_link_in __P((_IO_FILE *));
-extern void _IO_doallocbuf __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern void _IO_unsave_markers __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern void _IO_setb __P((_IO_FILE*, char*, char*, int));
-extern unsigned _IO_adjust_column __P((unsigned, const char *, int));
-#define _IO_sputn(__fp, __s, __n) _IO_XSPUTN(__fp, __s, __n)
-/* Marker-related function. */
-extern void _IO_init_marker __P((struct _IO_marker *, _IO_FILE *));
-extern void _IO_remove_marker __P((struct _IO_marker*));
-extern int _IO_marker_difference __P((struct _IO_marker *, struct _IO_marker *));
-extern int _IO_marker_delta __P((struct _IO_marker *));
-extern int _IO_seekmark __P((_IO_FILE *, struct _IO_marker *, int));
-/* Default jumptable functions. */
-extern int _IO_default_underflow __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern int _IO_default_uflow __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern int _IO_default_doallocate __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern void _IO_default_finish __P((_IO_FILE *));
-extern int _IO_default_pbackfail __P((_IO_FILE*, int));
-extern _IO_FILE* _IO_default_setbuf __P((_IO_FILE *, char*, _IO_ssize_t));
-extern _IO_size_t _IO_default_xsputn __P((_IO_FILE *, const void*, _IO_size_t));
-extern _IO_size_t _IO_default_xsgetn __P((_IO_FILE *, void*, _IO_size_t));
-extern _IO_fpos_t _IO_default_seekoff __P((_IO_FILE*, _IO_off_t, int, int));
-extern _IO_fpos_t _IO_default_seekpos __P((_IO_FILE*, _IO_fpos_t, int));
-extern _IO_ssize_t _IO_default_write __P((_IO_FILE*,const void*,_IO_ssize_t));
-extern _IO_ssize_t _IO_default_read __P((_IO_FILE*, void*, _IO_ssize_t));
-extern int _IO_default_stat __P((_IO_FILE*, void*));
-extern _IO_fpos_t _IO_default_seek __P((_IO_FILE*, _IO_off_t, int));
-extern int _IO_default_sync __P((_IO_FILE*));
-#define _IO_default_close ((_IO_close_t)_IO_default_sync)
-extern struct _IO_jump_t _IO_file_jumps;
-extern struct _IO_jump_t _IO_streambuf_jumps;
-extern struct _IO_jump_t _IO_proc_jumps;
-extern struct _IO_jump_t _IO_str_jumps;
-extern int _IO_do_write __P((_IO_FILE*, const char*, _IO_size_t));
-extern int _IO_flush_all __P((void));
-extern void _IO_cleanup __P((void));
-extern void _IO_flush_all_linebuffered __P((void));
-#define _IO_do_flush(_f) \
- _IO_do_write(_f, (_f)->_IO_write_base, \
- (_f)->_IO_write_ptr-(_f)->_IO_write_base)
-#define _IO_in_put_mode(_fp) ((_fp)->_flags & _IO_CURRENTLY_PUTTING)
-#define _IO_mask_flags(fp, f, mask) \
- ((fp)->_flags = ((fp)->_flags & ~(mask)) | ((f) & (mask)))
-#define _IO_setg(fp, eb, g, eg) ((fp)->_IO_read_base = (eb),\
- (fp)->_IO_read_ptr = (g), (fp)->_IO_read_end = (eg))
-#define _IO_setp(__fp, __p, __ep) \
- ((__fp)->_IO_write_base = (__fp)->_IO_write_ptr = __p, (__fp)->_IO_write_end = (__ep))
-#define _IO_have_backup(fp) ((fp)->_IO_save_base != NULL)
-#define _IO_in_backup(fp) ((fp)->_flags & _IO_IN_BACKUP)
-#define _IO_have_markers(fp) ((fp)->_markers != NULL)
-#define _IO_blen(fp) ((fp)->_IO_buf_end - (fp)->_IO_buf_base)
-/* Jumptable functions for files. */
-extern int _IO_file_doallocate __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern _IO_FILE* _IO_file_setbuf __P((_IO_FILE *, char*, _IO_ssize_t));
-extern _IO_fpos_t _IO_file_seekoff __P((_IO_FILE*, _IO_off_t, int, int));
-extern _IO_size_t _IO_file_xsputn __P((_IO_FILE*,const void*,_IO_size_t));
-extern int _IO_file_stat __P((_IO_FILE*, void*));
-extern int _IO_file_close __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern int _IO_file_underflow __P((_IO_FILE *));
-extern int _IO_file_overflow __P((_IO_FILE *, int));
-#define _IO_file_is_open(__fp) ((__fp)->_fileno >= 0)
-extern void _IO_file_init __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern _IO_FILE* _IO_file_attach __P((_IO_FILE*, int));
-extern _IO_FILE* _IO_file_fopen __P((_IO_FILE*, const char*, const char*));
-extern _IO_ssize_t _IO_file_write __P((_IO_FILE*,const void*,_IO_ssize_t));
-extern _IO_ssize_t _IO_file_read __P((_IO_FILE*, void*, _IO_ssize_t));
-extern int _IO_file_sync __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern int _IO_file_close_it __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern _IO_fpos_t _IO_file_seek __P((_IO_FILE *, _IO_off_t, int));
-extern void _IO_file_finish __P((_IO_FILE*));
-/* Other file functions. */
-extern _IO_FILE* _IO_file_attach __P((_IO_FILE *, int));
-/* Jumptable functions for proc_files. */
-extern _IO_FILE* _IO_proc_open __P((_IO_FILE*, const char*, const char *));
-extern int _IO_proc_close __P((_IO_FILE*));
-/* Jumptable functions for strfiles. */
-extern int _IO_str_underflow __P((_IO_FILE*));
-extern int _IO_str_overflow __P((_IO_FILE *, int));
-extern int _IO_str_pbackfail __P((_IO_FILE*, int));
-extern _IO_fpos_t _IO_str_seekoff __P((_IO_FILE*,_IO_off_t,int,int));
-/* Other strfile functions */
-extern void _IO_str_init_static __P((_IO_FILE *, char*, int, char*));
-extern void _IO_str_init_readonly __P((_IO_FILE *, const char*, int));
-extern _IO_ssize_t _IO_str_count __P ((_IO_FILE*));
-extern _IO_size_t _IO_getline __P((_IO_FILE*,char*,_IO_size_t,int,int));
-extern _IO_ssize_t _IO_getdelim __P((char**, _IO_size_t*, int, _IO_FILE*));
-extern double _IO_strtod __P((const char *, char **));
-extern char * _IO_dtoa __P((double __d, int __mode, int __ndigits,
- int *__decpt, int *__sign, char **__rve));
-extern int _IO_outfloat __P((double __value, _IO_FILE *__sb, int __type,
- int __width, int __precision, int __flags,
- int __sign_mode, int __fill));
-extern _IO_FILE *_IO_list_all;
-extern void (*_IO_cleanup_registration_needed) __P ((void));
-#ifndef EOF
-#define EOF (-1)
-#ifndef NULL
-#if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__GNUC__)
-#define NULL ((void*)0)
-#define NULL (0)
-#define FREE_BUF(_B) free(_B)
-#define ALLOC_BUF(_S) (char*)malloc(_S)
-#ifndef OS_FSTAT
-#define OS_FSTAT fstat
-struct stat;
-extern _IO_ssize_t _IO_read __P((int, void*, _IO_size_t));
-extern _IO_ssize_t _IO_write __P((int, const void*, _IO_size_t));
-extern _IO_off_t _IO_lseek __P((int, _IO_off_t, int));
-extern int _IO_close __P((int));
-extern int _IO_fstat __P((int, struct stat *));
-/* Operations on _IO_fpos_t.
- Normally, these are trivial, but we provide hooks for configurations
- where an _IO_fpos_t is a struct.
- Note that _IO_off_t must be an integral type. */
-/* _IO_pos_BAD is an _IO_fpos_t value indicating error, unknown, or EOF. */
-#ifndef _IO_pos_BAD
-#define _IO_pos_BAD ((_IO_fpos_t)(-1))
-/* _IO_pos_as_off converts an _IO_fpos_t value to an _IO_off_t value. */
-#ifndef _IO_pos_as_off
-#define _IO_pos_as_off(__pos) ((_IO_off_t)(__pos))
-/* _IO_pos_adjust adjust an _IO_fpos_t by some number of bytes. */
-#ifndef _IO_pos_adjust
-#define _IO_pos_adjust(__pos, __delta) ((__pos) += (__delta))
-/* _IO_pos_0 is an _IO_fpos_t value indicating beginning of file. */
-#ifndef _IO_pos_0
-#define _IO_pos_0 ((_IO_fpos_t)0)
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-/* check following! */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, CHAIN, FD}
-/* VTABLE_LABEL defines NAME as of the CLASS class.
- CNLENGTH is strlen(#CLASS). */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- extern char NAME[] asm (_G_VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX #CLASS);
-#endif /* __GNUC__ */
-#if !defined(builtinbuf_vtable) && defined(__cplusplus)
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-VTABLE_LABEL(builtinbuf_vtable, builtinbuf, 10)
-#define builtinbuf_vtable _G_VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX_ID##10builtinbuf
-#define builtinbuf_vtable _G_VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX_ID##builtinbuf
-#endif /* !defined(builtinbuf_vtable) && defined(__cplusplus) */
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-#define _IO_va_start(args, last) va_start(args, last)
-#define _IO_va_start(args, last) va_start(args)
-extern struct _IO_fake_stdiobuf _IO_stdin_buf, _IO_stdout_buf, _IO_stderr_buf;
-#if 1
-#define COERCE_FILE(FILE) /* Nothing */
-/* This is part of the kludge for binary compatibility with old stdio. */
-#define COERCE_FILE(FILE) \
- (((FILE)->_IO_file_flags & _IO_MAGIC_MASK) == _OLD_MAGIC_MASK \
- && (FILE) = *(FILE**)&((int*)fp)[1])
-#ifdef EINVAL
-#define MAYBE_SET_EINVAL errno = EINVAL
-#define MAYBE_SET_EINVAL /* nothing */
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if ((FILE) == NULL) { MAYBE_SET_EINVAL; return RET; } \
- else { COERCE_FILE(FILE); \
- if (((FILE)->_IO_file_flags & _IO_MAGIC_MASK) != _IO_MAGIC) \
- { errno = EINVAL; return RET; }}
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c00117..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-ostream& ostream::form(const char *format ...)
- if (opfx()) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, format);
- _IO_vfprintf(rdbuf(), format, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- }
- return *this;
-ostream& ostream::vform(const char *format, _IO_va_list args)
- if (opfx())
- _IO_vfprintf(rdbuf(), format, args);
- return *this;
-ostream& ostream::operator<<(const void *p)
- if (opfx()) {
- form("%p", p);
- osfx();
- }
- return *this;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ostream.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/ostream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f54ec1d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/ostream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <stream.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/outfloat.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/outfloat.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a74b1a2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/outfloat.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-/* Format floating-point number and print them.
- Return number of chars printed, or EOF on error.
- sign_mode == '+' : print "-" or "+"
- sign_mode == ' ' : print "-" or " "
- sign_mode == '\0' : print "-' or ""
-DEFUN(_IO_outfloat, (value, sb, type, width, precision, flags,
- sign_mode, fill),
- double value AND _IO_FILE *sb AND int type AND int width
- AND int precision AND int flags AND int sign_mode AND int fill)
- int count = 0;
-#define PUT(x) do {if (_IO_putc(x, sb) < 0) goto error; count++;} while (0)
-#define PUTN(p, n) \
- do {int _n=n; count+=_n; if (_IO_sputn(sb, p,_n) != _n) goto error;} while(0)
-#define PADN(fill, n) \
- do {int _n = n; count+=_n; if (_IO_padn(sb, fill, _n) != _n) goto error;} while (0)
- int pad_kind = flags & (_IO_LEFT|_IO_RIGHT|_IO_INTERNAL);
- int skip_zeroes = 0;
- int show_dot = (flags & _IO_SHOWPOINT) != 0;
- int decpt;
- int sign;
- int mode;
- int exponent_size;
- int print_sign;
- int trailing_zeroes, useful_digits;
- int padding, unpadded_width;
- char *p;
- char *exponent_start;
- register int i;
-#define EBUF_SIZE 12
-#define EBUF_END &ebuf[EBUF_SIZE]
- char ebuf[EBUF_SIZE];
- char *end;
- int exp = 0;
- switch (type)
- {
- case 'f':
- mode = 3;
- break;
- case 'e':
- case 'E':
- exp = type;
- mode = 2;
- if (precision != 999)
- precision++; /* Add one to include digit before decimal point. */
- break;
- case 'g':
- case 'G':
- exp = type == 'g' ? 'e' : 'E';
- if (precision == 0) precision = 1;
- if (!(flags & _IO_SHOWPOINT))
- skip_zeroes = 1;
- type = 'g';
- mode = 2;
- break;
- }
- /* Do the actual convension */
- if (precision == 999 && mode != 3)
- mode = 0;
- p = _IO_dtoa(value, mode, precision, &decpt, &sign, &end);
- useful_digits = end-p;
- exponent_start = EBUF_END;
- if (mode == 0)
- precision = useful_digits;
- /* Check if we need to emit an exponent. */
- if (mode != 3 && decpt != 9999)
- {
- i = decpt - 1;
- if ((type != 'g' && type != 'F') || i < -4 || i >= precision)
- {
- /* Print the exponent into ebuf.
- We write ebuf in reverse order (right-to-left). */
- char sign;
- if (i >= 0)
- sign = '+';
- else
- sign = '-', i = -i;
- /* Note: ANSI requires at least 2 exponent digits. */
- do {
- *--exponent_start = (i % 10) + '0';
- i /= 10;
- } while (i >= 10);
- *--exponent_start = i + '0';
- *--exponent_start = sign;
- *--exponent_start = exp;
- }
- }
- exponent_size = EBUF_END - exponent_start;
- if (mode == 1)
- precision = 1;
- /* If we print an exponent, always show just one digit before point. */
- if (exponent_size)
- decpt = 1;
- if (decpt == 9999)
- { /* Infinity or NaN */
- decpt = useful_digits;
- precision = 0;
- show_dot = 0;
- }
- /* dtoa truncates trailing zeroes. Set the variable trailing_zeroes to
- the number of 0's we have to add (after the decimal point). */
- if (skip_zeroes)
- trailing_zeroes = 0;
- else if (type == 'f')
- trailing_zeroes = useful_digits <= decpt ? precision
- : precision-(useful_digits-decpt);
- else if (exponent_size) /* 'e' 'E' or 'g' format using exponential notation*/
- trailing_zeroes = precision - useful_digits;
- else /* 'g' format not using exponential notation. */
- trailing_zeroes = useful_digits <= decpt ? precision - decpt
- : precision-useful_digits;
- if (trailing_zeroes < 0) trailing_zeroes = 0;
- if (trailing_zeroes != 0 || useful_digits > decpt)
- show_dot = 1;
- if (sign_mode == 0)
- print_sign = sign ? '-' : 0;
- else if (sign_mode == '+')
- print_sign = sign ? '-' : '+';
- else /* if (sign_mode == ' ') */
- print_sign = sign ? '-' : ' ';
- /* Calculate the width (before padding). */
- unpadded_width =
- (print_sign != 0) + trailing_zeroes + exponent_size + show_dot
- + useful_digits
- + (decpt > useful_digits ? decpt - useful_digits
- : decpt > 0 ? 0 : 1 - decpt);
- padding = width > unpadded_width ? width - unpadded_width : 0;
- if (padding > 0 && pad_kind != _IO_LEFT && pad_kind != _IO_INTERNAL)
- PADN(fill, padding); /* Default (right) adjust */
- if (print_sign)
- PUT(print_sign);
- if (pad_kind == _IO_INTERNAL && padding > 0)
- PADN(fill, padding);
- if (decpt > 0)
- {
- if (useful_digits >= decpt)
- PUTN(p, decpt);
- else
- {
- PUTN(p, useful_digits);
- PADN('0', decpt-useful_digits);
- }
- if (show_dot)
- {
- PUT('.');
- /* Print digits after the decimal point. */
- if (useful_digits > decpt)
- PUTN(p + decpt, useful_digits-decpt);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- PUT('0');
- if (show_dot)
- {
- PUT('.');
- PADN('0', -decpt);
- /* Print digits after the decimal point. */
- PUTN(p, useful_digits);
- }
- }
- PADN('0', trailing_zeroes);
- if (exponent_size)
- PUTN(exponent_start, exponent_size);
- if (pad_kind == _IO_LEFT && padding > 0) /* Left adjustment*/
- PADN(fill, padding);
- return count;
- error:
- return EOF;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 320afd0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include "parsestream.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-streambuf* parsebuf::setbuf(char*, int)
- return NULL;
-int parsebuf::tell_in_line()
- return 0;
-int parsebuf::pbackfail(int c)
- if (c == EOF)
- return 0;
- if (seekoff(-1, ios::cur) == EOF)
- return EOF;
- return (unsigned char)c;
-char* parsebuf::current_line() { return NULL; }
-streampos parsebuf::seekoff(streamoff offset, _seek_dir dir, int)
- // Make offset relative to line start.
- switch (dir) {
- case ios::beg:
- offset -= pos_at_line_start;
- break;
- case ios::cur:
- offset += tell_in_line();
- break;
- default:
- return EOF;
- }
- if (offset < -1)
- return EOF;
- if (offset > _line_length + 1)
- return EOF;
- return seek_in_line(offset) + pos_at_line_start;
-// string_parsebuf invariants:
-// The reserve ares (base() .. ebuf()) is always the entire string.
-// The get area (eback() .. egptr()) is the extended current line
-// (i.e. with the '\n' at either end, if these exist).
-string_parsebuf::string_parsebuf(char *buf, int len,
- int delete_at_close /* = 0*/)
-: parsebuf()
- setb(buf, buf+len, delete_at_close);
- register char *ptr = buf;
- while (ptr < ebuf() && *ptr != '\n') ptr++;
- _line_length = ptr - buf;
- setg(buf, buf, ptr);
-int string_parsebuf::underflow()
- register char* ptr = egptr(); // Point to end of current_line
- do {
- int i = right() - ptr;
- if (i <= 0)
- return EOF;
- ptr++; i--; // Skip '\n'.
- char *line_start = ptr;
- while (ptr < right() && *ptr == '\n') ptr++;
- setg(line_start-1, line_start, ptr + (ptr < right()));
- pos_at_line_start = line_start - left();
- _line_length = ptr - line_start;
- __line_number++;
- } while (gptr() == ptr);
- return *gptr();
-char* string_parsebuf::current_line()
- char *ptr = eback();
- if (__line_number > 0)
- ptr++; // Skip '\n' at end of previous line.
- return ptr;
-int string_parsebuf::tell_in_line()
- int offset = gptr() - eback();
- if (__line_number > 0)
- offset--;
- return offset;
-int string_parsebuf::seek_in_line(int i)
- int delta = i - tell_in_line();
- gbump(delta); // FIXME: Needs error (bounds) checking!
- return i;
-static const char NewLine[1] = { '\n' };
-general_parsebuf::general_parsebuf(streambuf *buf, int delete_arg_buf)
- : parsebuf()
- delete_buf = delete_arg_buf;
- sbuf = buf;
- int buf_size = 128;
- char* buffer = ALLOC_BUF(buf_size);
- setb(buffer, buffer+buf_size, 1);
-// setg(buffer, buffer, buffer);
- if (delete_buf)
- delete sbuf;
-int general_parsebuf::underflow()
- register char *ptr = base();
- int has_newline = eback() < gptr() && gptr()[-1] == '\n';
- if (has_newline)
- *ptr++ = '\n';
- register streambuf *sb = sbuf;
- register int ch;
- for (;;) {
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF)
- break;
- if (ptr == ebuf()) {
- int old_size = ebuf() - base();
- char *new_buffer = new char[old_size * 2];
- memcpy(new_buffer, base(), old_size);
- setb(new_buffer, new_buffer + 2 * old_size, 1);
- ptr = new_buffer + old_size;
- }
- *ptr++ = ch;
- if (ch == '\n')
- break;
- }
- char *cur_pos = base() + has_newline;
- pos_at_line_start += _line_length + 1;
- _line_length = ptr - cur_pos;
- if (ch != EOF || _line_length > 0)
- __line_number++;
- setg(base(), cur_pos, ptr);
- return ptr == cur_pos ? EOF : cur_pos[0];
-char* general_parsebuf::current_line()
- char* ret = base();
- if (__line_number > 1)
- ret++; // Move past '\n' from end of previous line.
- return ret;
-int general_parsebuf::tell_in_line()
- int off = gptr() - base();
- if (__line_number > 1)
- off--; // Subtract 1 for '\n' from end of previous line.
- return off;
-int general_parsebuf::seek_in_line(int i)
- if (__line_number == 0)
- (void)general_parsebuf::underflow();
- if (__line_number > 1)
- i++; // Add 1 for '\n' from end of previous line.
- if (i < 0) i = 0;
- int len = egptr() - eback();
- if (i > len) i = len;
- setg(base(), base() + i, egptr());
- return i;
-func_parsebuf::func_parsebuf(CharReader func, void *argm) : parsebuf()
- read_func = func;
- arg = argm;
- buf_start = NULL;
- buf_end = NULL;
- setb((char*)NewLine, (char*)NewLine+1, 0);
- setg((char*)NewLine, (char*)NewLine+1, (char*)NewLine+1);
- backed_up_to_newline = 0;
-int func_parsebuf::tell_in_line()
- if (buf_start == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (egptr() != (char*)NewLine+1)
- // Get buffer was line buffer.
- return gptr() - buf_start;
- if (backed_up_to_newline)
- return -1; // Get buffer is '\n' preceding current line.
- // Get buffer is '\n' following current line.
- return (buf_end - buf_start) + (gptr() - (char*)NewLine);
-char* func_parsebuf::current_line()
- return buf_start;
-int func_parsebuf::seek_in_line(int i)
- if (i < 0) {
- // Back up to preceding '\n'.
- if (i < -1) i = -1;
- backed_up_to_newline = 1;
- setg((char*)NewLine, (char*)NewLine+(i+1), (char*)NewLine+1);
- return i;
- }
- backed_up_to_newline = 0;
- int line_length = buf_end-buf_start;
- if (i <= line_length) {
- setg(buf_start, buf_start+i, buf_end);
- return i;
- }
- i -= line_length;
- if (i > 0) i = 1;
- setg((char*)NewLine, (char*)NewLine+i, (char*)NewLine+1);
- return line_length + i;
-int func_parsebuf::underflow()
- retry:
- if (gptr() < egptr())
- return *gptr();
- if (gptr() != (char*)NewLine+1) {
- // Get buffer was line buffer. Move to following '\n'.
- setg((char*)NewLine, (char*)NewLine, (char*)NewLine+1);
- return *gptr();
- }
- if (backed_up_to_newline)
- // Get buffer was '\n' preceding current line. Move to current line.
- backed_up_to_newline = 0;
- else {
- // Get buffer was '\n' following current line. Read new line.
- if (buf_start) free(buf_start);
- char *str = (*read_func)(arg);
- buf_start = str;
- if (str == NULL)
- return EOF;
- // Initially, _line_length == -1, so pos_at_line_start becomes 0.
- pos_at_line_start += _line_length + 1;
- _line_length = strlen(str);
- buf_end = str + _line_length;
- __line_number++;
- }
- setg(buf_start, buf_start, buf_end);
- goto retry;
-#if 0
-size_t parsebuf::line_length()
- if (current_line_length == (size_t)(-1)) // Initial value;
- (void)sgetc();
- return current_line_length;
-int parsebuf::seek_in_line(int i)
-#if 1
- abort();
- return i; // Suppress warnings.
- if (i > 0) {
- size_t len = line_length();
- if ((unsigned)i > len) i = len;
- }
- else if (i < -1) i = -1;
- int new_pos = seekoff(pos_at_line_start + i, ios::beg);
- if (new_pos == EOF)
- return tell_in_line();
- else return new_pos - pos_at_line_start;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/parsestream.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/parsestream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 326ab87..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/parsestream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include "streambuf.h"
-extern "C++" {
-// A parsebuf is a streambuf optimized for scanning text files.
-// It keeps track of line and column numbers.
-// It is guaranteed to remember the entire current line,
-// as well the '\n'-s on either side of it (if they exist).
-// You can arbitrarily seek (or unget) within this extended line.
-// Other backward seeks are not supported.
-// Normal read semantics are supported (and hence istream operators like >>).
-class parsebuf : public streambuf {
- protected:
- _IO_fpos_t pos_at_line_start;
- long _line_length;
- unsigned long __line_number;
- char *buf_start;
- char *buf_end;
- public:
- parsebuf *chain;
- // Return column number (raw - don't handle tabs etc).
- // Retult can be -1, meaning: at '\n' before current line.
- virtual int tell_in_line();
- // seek to (raw) column I in current line.
- // Result is new (raw) column position - differs from I if unable to seek.
- // Seek to -1 tries to seek to before previous LF.
- virtual int seek_in_line(int i);
- // Note: there is no "current line" initially, until something is read.
- // Current line number, starting with 0.
- // If tell_in_line()==-1, then line number of next line.
- int line_number() { return __line_number; }
- // Length of current line, not counting either '\n'.
- int line_length() { return _line_length; }
- // Current line - not a copy, so file ops may trash it.
- virtual char* current_line();
- virtual streampos seekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int mode=ios::in|ios::out);
- virtual streambuf* setbuf(char* p, int len);
- protected:
- parsebuf() { chain= NULL;
- __line_number = 0; pos_at_line_start = 0; _line_length = -1; }
- virtual int pbackfail(int c);
-// A string_parsebuf is a parsebuf whose source is a fixed string.
-class string_parsebuf : public parsebuf {
- public:
- int do_delete;
- string_parsebuf(char *str, int len, int delete_at_close=0);
- virtual int underflow();
- virtual char* current_line();
- virtual int seek_in_line(int i);
- virtual int tell_in_line();
- char *left() const { return base(); }
- char *right() const { return ebuf(); }
-// streampos seekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int);
-// A func_parsebuf calls a given function to get new input.
-// Each call returns an entire NUL-terminated line (without the '\n').
-// That line has been allocated with malloc(), not new.
-// The interface is tailored to the GNU readline library.
-// Example:
-// char* DoReadLine(void* arg)
-// {
-// char *line = readline((char*)arg); /* 'arg' is used as prompt. */
-// if line == NULL) { putc('\n', stderr); return NULL; }
-// if (line[0] != '\0') add_history(line);
-// return line;
-// }
-// char PromptBuffer[100] = "> ";
-// func_parsebuf my_stream(DoReadLine, PromptBuffer);
-typedef char *(*CharReader)(void *arg);
-class istream;
-class func_parsebuf : public parsebuf {
- public:
- void *arg;
- CharReader read_func;
- int backed_up_to_newline;
- func_parsebuf(CharReader func, void *argm = NULL);
- int underflow();
- virtual int tell_in_line();
- virtual int seek_in_line(int i);
- virtual char* current_line();
-// A general_parsebuf is a parsebuf which gets its input from some
-// other streambuf. It explicitly buffers up an entire line.
-class general_parsebuf : public parsebuf {
- public:
- streambuf *sbuf;
- int delete_buf; // Delete sbuf when destroying this.
- general_parsebuf(streambuf *buf, int delete_arg_buf = 0);
- int underflow();
- virtual int tell_in_line();
- virtual int seek_in_line(int i);
- ~general_parsebuf();
- virtual char* current_line();
-#if 0
-class parsestream : public istream {
- streammarker marks[2];
- short _first; // of the two marks; either 0 or 1
- int _lineno;
- int first() { return _first; }
- int second() { return 1-_first; }
- int line_length() { marks[second].delta(marks[first]); }
- int line_length() { marks[second].delta(marks[first]); }
- int seek_in_line(int i);
- int tell_in_line();
- int line_number();
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif /*!defined(PARSESTREAM_H)*/
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3fa93c9..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <pfstream.h>
-#include <procbuf.h>
-ipfstream::ipfstream(const char *name, int mode, int prot)
- const char* p;
- // Look for '| command' (as used by ftp).
- for (p = name; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t'; p++) ;
- if (*p == '|') {
- procbuf *pbuf = new procbuf();
- init(pbuf);
- if (!pbuf->open(p+1, mode))
- set(ios::badbit);
- return;
- }
- // Look for 'command |'
- while (*p) p++; // Point to last
- while (p[-1] == ' ' || p[-1] == '\t' || p[-1] == '\n') p--;
- if (p[-1] == '|') {
- // Must remove the final '|'.
- p--;
-#if !defined (__GNUC__) || defined (__STRICT_ANSI__)
- char *command = new char[p-name+1];
- char command[p-name+1];
- memcpy(command, name, p-name);
- command[p-name] = '\0';
- procbuf *pbuf = new procbuf();
- if (pbuf->open(command, mode))
- set(ios::badbit);
-#if !defined (__GNUC__) || defined (__STRICT_ANSI__)
- delete command;
- return;
- }
- init(new filebuf());
- if (!rdbuf()->open(name, mode, prot))
- set(ios::badbit);
-opfstream::opfstream(const char *name, int mode, int prot)
- const char *p;
- // Look for '| command'.
- for (p = name; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t'; p++) ;
- if (*p == '|') {
- procbuf *pbuf = new procbuf();
- init(pbuf);
- if (!pbuf->open(p+1, mode))
- set(ios::badbit);
- }
- else {
- init(new filebuf());
- if (!rdbuf()->open(name, mode, prot))
- set(ios::badbit);
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/pfstream.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/pfstream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c5458b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/pfstream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifndef _PFSTREAM_H
-#define _PFSTREAM_H
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include <fstream.h>
-extern "C++" {
-// ipfstream foo("NAME") is like: ifstream foo("NAME"). However,
-// if NAME starts *or ends* with a '|', the remainder of NAME is
-// evaluated as a shell command (using a procbuf), and all input
-// read from foo is whatever that shell writes to its standard output.
-// E.g. ipfstream foo("|zcat foo.Z") or ipfstream foo("zcat foo.Z|")
-// (These two forms are equivalent.)
-class ipfstream : public ifstream {
- public:
- ipfstream(const char *name, int mode=ios::in, int prot=0664);
-// opfstream foo("NAME") is like: ofstream foo("NAME").
-// However, if NAME starts with a '|', the remainder of NAME is
-// evaluated as a shell command (using a procbuf), and all output
-// written to foo is piped to the standard input of that shell.
-// E.g. opfstream foo("|more");
-class opfstream : public ofstream {
- public:
- opfstream(const char *name, int mode=ios::out, int prot=0664);
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif /*!_PFSTREAM_H*/
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1c79ce4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#define _POSIX_SOURCE
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include "procbuf.h"
-procbuf::procbuf(const char *command, int mode) : filebuf()
- _IO_proc_open(this, command, (mode & ios::in) ? "r" : "w");
-procbuf *procbuf::open(const char *command, int mode)
- return (procbuf*)_IO_proc_open(this, command, (mode & ios::in) ? "r" : "w");
-/* #define USE_SIGMASK */
-int procbuf::sys_close()
- return _IO_proc_close(this);
- close();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/procbuf.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/procbuf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b361a6a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/procbuf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifndef _PROCBUF_H
-#define _PROCBUF_H
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include <streambuf.h>
-extern "C++" {
-class procbuf : public filebuf {
- /* Following fields must match those in struct _IO_proc_file */
- _IO_pid_t _pid;
- procbuf *_next;
- public:
- procbuf() : filebuf() { }
- procbuf(const char *command, int mode);
- procbuf* open(const char *command, int mode);
- procbuf *close() { return (procbuf*)filebuf::close(); }
- virtual int sys_close();
- ~procbuf();
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif /* !_PROCBUF_H */
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deleted file mode 100644
index c17bd08..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include "streambuf.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-int streambuf::vform(char const *fmt0, _IO_va_list ap)
- return _IO_vfprintf(this, fmt0, ap);
-int streambuf::form(char const *format ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, format);
- int count = _IO_vfprintf(this, format, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- return count;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 700e2ec..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include "streambuf.h"
-long streambuf::sgetline(char* buf, _IO_size_t n, char delim, int extract_delim)
- return _IO_getline(this, buf, n, delim, extract_delim);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index c0ec35c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include "streambuf.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-int streambuf::vscan(char const *fmt0, _IO_va_list ap, ios* stream /* = NULL*/)
- int errcode = 0;
- int count = _IO_vfscanf(this, fmt0, ap, &errcode);
- if (stream)
- stream->setstate((ios::iostate)errcode);
- return count;
-int streambuf::scan(char const *format ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, format);
- int count = _IO_vfscanf(this, format, ap, NULL);
- va_end(ap);
- return count;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/stdfiles.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/stdfiles.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d0ef85..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/stdfiles.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* This file provides definitions of _IO_stdin, _IO_stdout, and _IO_stderr
- for C code. Compare
- (The difference is that here the vtable field is set to 0,
- so the objects defined are not valid C++ objects. On the other
- hand, we don't need a C++ compiler to build this file.) */
-#include "libioP.h"
- struct _IO_FILE_plus NAME \
- = {FILEBUF_LITERAL(CHAIN, FLAGS, FD), &_IO_file_jumps}
-DEF_STDFILE(_IO_stdin_, 0, 0, _IO_NO_WRITES);
-DEF_STDFILE(_IO_stdout_, 1, &_IO_stdin_.file, _IO_NO_READS);
-DEF_STDFILE(_IO_stderr_, 2, &_IO_stdout_.file,
-_IO_FILE *_IO_list_all = &_IO_stderr_.file;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 80db5e5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stdiostream.h>
-#include "libioP.h"
-// A stdiobuf is "tied" to a FILE object (as used by the stdio package).
-// Thus a stdiobuf is always synchronized with the corresponding FILE,
-// though at the cost of some overhead. (If you use the implementation
-// of stdio supplied with this library, you don't need stdiobufs.)
-// This implementation inherits from filebuf, but implement the virtual
-// functions sys_read/..., using the stdio functions fread/... instead
-// of the low-level read/... system calls. This has the advantage that
-// we get all of the nice filebuf semantics automatically, though
-// with some overhead.
-#ifndef SEEK_SET
-#define SEEK_SET 0
-#ifndef SEEK_CUR
-#define SEEK_CUR 1
-#ifndef SEEK_END
-#define SEEK_END 2
-stdiobuf::stdiobuf(FILE *f) : filebuf(fileno(f))
- _file = f;
- // Turn off buffer in stdiobuf. Instead, rely on buffering in (FILE).
- // Thus the stdiobuf will be synchronized with the FILE.
- setbuf(NULL, 0);
- /* Only needed if we're buffered. Not buffered is the default. */
- _IO_do_flush((_IO_FILE*)this);
-streamsize stdiobuf::sys_read(char* buf, streamsize size)
- // A minor optimization, but it makes a noticable difference.
- // A bigger optimization would be to write stdiobuf::underflow,
- // but that has some modularity disadvantages. Re-evaluate that
- // after we have gotten rid of the double indirection. FIXME
- if (size == 1)
- {
- register ch = getc(_file);
- if (ch == EOF)
- return 0;
- *buf = (char)ch;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return fread(buf, 1, size, _file);
-streamsize stdiobuf::sys_write(const char *buf, streamsize n)
- _IO_ssize_t count = fwrite(buf, 1, n, _file);
- if (_offset >= 0)
- _offset += n;
- return count;
-streampos stdiobuf::sys_seek(streamoff offset, _seek_dir dir)
- // Normally, equivalent to: fdir=dir
- int fdir =
- (dir == ios::beg) ? SEEK_SET :
- (dir == ios::cur) ? SEEK_CUR :
- (dir == ios::end) ? SEEK_END :
- dir;
- return fseek(_file, offset, fdir);
-int stdiobuf::sys_close()
- int status = fclose(_file);
- _file = NULL;
- return status;
-int stdiobuf::sync()
- if (_IO_do_flush((_IO_FILE*)this))
- return EOF;
- if (!(xflags() & _IO_NO_WRITES))
- if (fflush(_file))
- return EOF;
- return 0;
-int stdiobuf::overflow(int c /* = EOF*/)
- if (filebuf::overflow(c) == EOF)
- return EOF;
- if (c != EOF)
- return c;
- return fflush(_file);
-streamsize stdiobuf::xsputn(const char* s, streamsize n)
- if (buffered ())
- {
- // The filebuf implementation of sputn loses.
- return streambuf::xsputn(s, n);
- }
- else
- return fwrite (s, 1, n, _file);
-void stdiobuf::buffered (int b)
- if (b)
- {
- if (_flags & _IO_UNBUFFERED)
- { /* Was unbuffered, make it buffered. */
- _flags &= ~_IO_UNBUFFERED;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(_flags & _IO_UNBUFFERED))
- { /* Was buffered, make it unbuffered. */
- setbuf(NULL, 0);
- }
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/stdiostream.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/stdiostream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b973d7a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/stdiostream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-extern "C++" {
-class stdiobuf : public filebuf {
- protected:
- FILE *_file;
- public:
- FILE* stdiofile() const { return _file; }
- stdiobuf(FILE *);
- ~stdiobuf();
- int buffered () const { return _flags & _IO_UNBUFFERED ? 0 : 1; }
- void buffered (int);
- virtual streamsize sys_read(char*, streamsize);
- virtual streampos sys_seek(streamoff, _seek_dir);
- virtual streamsize sys_write(const char*, streamsize);
- virtual int sys_close();
- virtual int sync();
- virtual int overflow(int c = EOF);
- streamsize xsputn(const char* s, streamsize n);
-class istdiostream : public istream
- stdiobuf _file;
- istdiostream (FILE* __f) : istream(), _file(__f) { init(&_file); }
- stdiobuf* rdbuf()/* const */ { return &_file; }
- int buffered () const { return _file.buffered (); }
- void buffered (int _i) { _file.buffered (_i); }
-class ostdiostream : public ostream
- stdiobuf _file;
- ostdiostream (FILE* __f) : ostream(), _file(__f) { init(&_file); }
- stdiobuf* rdbuf() /* const */ { return &_file; }
- int buffered () const { return _file.buffered (); }
- void buffered (int _i) { _file.buffered (_i); }
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif /* !_STDIOSTREAM_H */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8af2599..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* This file provides definitions of _IO_stdin, _IO_stdout, and _IO_stderr
- for C++ code. Compare stdfiles.c.
- (The difference is that here the vtable field is set to
- point to builtinbuf's vtable, so the objects are effectively
- of class builtinbuf.) */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#if !defined(filebuf_vtable) && defined(__cplusplus)
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-extern char filebuf_vtable[]
- "7"
- "filebuf");
-#else /* !__GNUC__ */
-#define filebuf_vtable _G_VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX_ID##7filebuf
-#define filebuf_vtable _G_VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX_ID##filebuf
-extern char filebuf_vtable[];
-#endif /* !__GNUC__ */
-#endif /* !defined(filebuf_vtable) && defined(__cplusplus) */
-#ifndef STD_VTABLE
-#define STD_VTABLE (const struct _IO_jump_t *)filebuf_vtable
-DEF_STDFILE(_IO_stdin_, 0, 0, _IO_NO_WRITES);
-DEF_STDFILE(_IO_stdout_, 1, &_IO_stdin_.file, _IO_NO_READS);
-DEF_STDFILE(_IO_stderr_, 2, &_IO_stdout_.file,
-_IO_FILE *_IO_list_all = &_IO_stderr_.file;
-#else /* !_STDIO_USES_IOSTREAM */
-#include "stdiostream.h"
-struct _IO_fake_stdiobuf {
- struct {
- _IO_FILE file;
- const void *vtable;
- } s;
- FILE *stdio_file;
-/* Define stdiobuf_vtable as a name for the virtual function table
- of the stdiobuf class. */
-#ifndef stdiobuf_vtable
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-extern struct _IO_jump_t stdiobuf_vtable
- "8"
- "stdiobuf");
-#else /* !__GNUC__ */
-#define stdiobuf_vtable _G_VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX_ID##8stdiobuf
-#define stdiobuf_vtable _G_VTABLE_LABEL_PREFIX_ID##stdiobuf
-extern struct _IO_jump_t stdiobuf_vtable;
-#endif /* !__GNUC__ */
-#endif /* !stdiobuf_vtable */
-#define JUMP_PTR /* Nothing */
-#define JUMP_PTR &_IO_streambuf_jumps,
- struct _IO_fake_stdiobuf NAME = \
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, CHAIN, JUMP_PTR FD},\
- &stdiobuf_vtable}, FILE}
-DEF_STDIOFILE(_IO_stdin_buf, 0, stdin, _IO_NO_WRITES, &_IO_stderr_.file);
-DEF_STDIOFILE(_IO_stdout_buf, 1, stdout, _IO_NO_READS, &_IO_stdin_buf.s.file);
-DEF_STDIOFILE(_IO_stderr_buf, 2, stderr, _IO_NO_READS, &_IO_stdout_buf.s.file);
-_IO_FILE *_IO_list_all = &_IO_stderr_buf.s.file;
-#endif /* !_STDIO_USES_IOSTREAM */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index a5889d7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include "streambuf.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-// The ANSI draft requires that operations on cin/cout/cerr can be
-// mixed with operations on stdin/stdout/stderr on a character by
-// character basis. This normally requires that the streambuf's
-// used by cin/cout/cerr be stdiostreams. However, if the stdio
-// implementation is the one that is built using this library,
-// then we don't need to, since in that case stdin/stdout/stderr
-// are identical to _IO_stdin/_IO_stdout/_IO_stderr.
-#include "libio.h"
-#define CIN_SBUF _IO_stdin_
-#define COUT_SBUF _IO_stdout_
-#define CERR_SBUF _IO_stderr_
-static int use_stdiobuf = 0;
-#define CIN_SBUF _IO_stdin_buf
-#define COUT_SBUF _IO_stdout_buf
-#define CERR_SBUF _IO_stderr_buf
-static int use_stdiobuf = 1;
-#define cin CIN
-#define cout COUT
-#define cerr CERR
-#define clog CLOG
-#include "iostream.h"
-#undef cin
-#undef cout
-#undef cerr
-#undef clog
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#define PAD 0 /* g++ allows 0-length arrays. */
-#define PAD 1
-struct _fake_istream {
- struct myfields {
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- _ios_fields *vb; /* pointer to virtual base class ios */
- _IO_ssize_t _gcount;
- /* This is supposedly correct for cfront. */
- _IO_ssize_t _gcount;
- void *vptr;
- _ios_fields *vb; /* pointer to virtual base class ios */
- } mine;
- _ios_fields base;
- char filler[sizeof(struct istream)-sizeof(struct _ios_fields)+PAD];
-struct _fake_ostream {
- struct myfields {
-#ifndef __GNUC__
- void *vptr;
- _ios_fields *vb; /* pointer to virtual base class ios */
- } mine;
- _ios_fields base;
- char filler[sizeof(struct ostream)-sizeof(struct _ios_fields)+PAD];
- (streambuf*)&SBUF, TIE, 0, ios::skipws|ios::dec|EXTRA_FLAGS, ' ',0,0,6
- (streambuf*)&SBUF, TIE, 0, ios::dont_close|ios::dec|ios::skipws|EXTRA_FLAGS, ' ',0,0,6
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- _fake_ostream NAME ASM = { {&NAME.base}, {STD_STR(SBUF, TIE, EXTRA_FLAGS) }};
- _fake_istream NAME = { {&NAME.base}, {STD_STR(SBUF, TIE, EXTRA_FLAGS) }};
- _fake_ostream NAME = { {0, &NAME.base}, {STD_STR(SBUF, TIE, EXTRA_FLAGS) }};
- _fake_istream NAME = {{0, 0, &NAME.base}, {STD_STR(SBUF, TIE, EXTRA_FLAGS)}};
-OSTREAM_DEF(cerr, CERR_SBUF,(ostream*)&cout, ios::unitbuf, )
-ISTREAM_DEF(cin, CIN_SBUF, (ostream*)&cout, 0)
-/* Only for (partial) compatibility with AT&T's library. */
-OSTREAM_DEF(clog, CERR_SBUF, (ostream*)&cout, 0, __asm__ ("__IO_clog"))
-OSTREAM_DEF(clog, CERR_SBUF, (ostream*)&cout, 0, )
-// Switches between using _IO_std{in,out,err} and __std{in,out,err}_buf
-// for standard streams. This does not normally need to be called
-// explicitly, but is provided for AT&T compatibility.
-int ios::sync_with_stdio(int new_state)
- // It is always synced.
- return 0;
- if (new_state == use_stdiobuf) // The usual case now.
- return use_stdiobuf;
- if (new_state) {
- cin.base._strbuf = (streambuf*)&_IO_stdin_buf;
- cout.base._strbuf = (streambuf*)&_IO_stdout_buf;
- cerr.base._strbuf = (streambuf*)&_IO_stderr_buf;
- clog.base._strbuf = (streambuf*)&_IO_stderr_buf;
- } else {
- cin.base._strbuf = (streambuf*)_IO_stdin;
- cout.base._strbuf = (streambuf*)_IO_stdout;
- cerr.base._strbuf = (streambuf*)_IO_stderr;
- clog.base._strbuf = (streambuf*)_IO_stderr;
- }
- int old_state = use_stdiobuf;
- use_stdiobuf = new_state;
- return old_state;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3440a0c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include "stream.h"
-#include "strstream.h"
-static char Buffer[_IO_BUFSIZ];
-#define EndBuffer (Buffer+_IO_BUFSIZ)
-static char* next_chunk = Buffer; // Start of available part of Buffer.
-char* form(const char* format, ...)
- int space_left = EndBuffer - next_chunk;
- // If less that 25% of the space is available start over.
- if (space_left < (_IO_BUFSIZ>>2))
- next_chunk = Buffer;
- char* buf = next_chunk;
- strstreambuf stream(buf, EndBuffer-buf-1, buf);
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, format);
- int count = stream.vform(format, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- stream.sputc(0);
- next_chunk = buf + stream.pcount();
- return buf;
-#define u_long unsigned long
-static char* itoa(unsigned long i, int size, int neg, int base)
- // Conservative estimate: If base==2, might need 8 characters
- // for each input byte, but normally 3 is plenty.
- int needed = size ? size
- : (base >= 8 ? 3 : 8) * sizeof(unsigned long) + 2;
- int space_left = EndBuffer - next_chunk;
- if (space_left <= needed)
- next_chunk = Buffer; // start over.
- char* buf = next_chunk;
- register char* ptr = buf+needed+1;
- next_chunk = ptr;
- if (needed < (2+neg) || ptr > EndBuffer)
- return NULL;
- *--ptr = 0;
- if (i == 0)
- *--ptr = '0';
- while (i != 0 && ptr > buf) {
- int ch = i % base;
- i = i / base;
- if (ch >= 10)
- ch += 'a' - 10;
- else
- ch += '0';
- *--ptr = ch;
- }
- if (neg)
- *--ptr = '-';
- if (size == 0)
- return ptr;
- while (ptr > buf)
- *--ptr = ' ';
- return buf;
-char* dec(long i, int len /* = 0 */)
- if (i >= 0) return itoa((unsigned long)i, len, 0, 10);
- else return itoa((unsigned long)(-i), len, 1, 10);
-char* dec(int i, int len /* = 0 */)
- if (i >= 0) return itoa((unsigned long)i, len, 0, 10);
- else return itoa((unsigned long)(-i), len, 1, 10);
-char* dec(unsigned long i, int len /* = 0 */)
- return itoa(i, len, 0, 10);
-char* dec(unsigned int i, int len /* = 0 */)
- return itoa(i, len, 0, 10);
-char* hex(long i, int len /* = 0 */)
- return itoa((unsigned long)i, len, 0, 16);
-char* hex(int i, int len /* = 0 */)
- return itoa((unsigned long)i, len, 0, 16);
-char* hex(unsigned long i, int len /* = 0 */)
- return itoa(i, len, 0, 16);
-char* hex(unsigned int i, int len /* = 0 */)
- return itoa(i, len, 0, 16);
-char* oct(long i, int len /* = 0 */)
- return itoa((unsigned long)i, len, 0, 8);
-char* oct(int i, int len /* = 0 */)
- return itoa((unsigned long)i, len, 0, 8);
-char* oct(unsigned long i, int len /* = 0 */)
- return itoa(i, len, 0, 8);
-char* oct(unsigned int i, int len /* = 0 */)
- return itoa(i, len, 0, 8);
-static char *str(const char* s, int len, int width)
- if (width < len)
- width = len;
- int space_left = EndBuffer - next_chunk;
- if (space_left <= width + 1)
- next_chunk = Buffer; // start over.
- char* buf = next_chunk;
- memset (buf, ' ', width - len);
- memcpy (buf + width - len, s, len);
- buf[width] = 0;
- return buf;
-char* str(const char* s, int width)
- return str (s, strlen (s), width);
-char* chr(char ch, int width)
- char c = ch;
- return str (&c, 1, width);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/stream.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/stream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0859802..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/stream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-// Compatibility with old library.
-// They are obsolete, non-standard, and non-reentrant.
-#include <iostream.h>
-extern "C++" {
-extern char* form(const char*, ...);
-extern char* dec(long, int=0);
-extern char* dec(int, int=0);
-extern char* dec(unsigned long, int=0);
-extern char* dec(unsigned int, int=0);
-extern char* hex(long, int=0);
-extern char* hex(int, int=0);
-extern char* hex(unsigned long, int=0);
-extern char* hex(unsigned int, int=0);
-extern char* oct(long, int=0);
-extern char* oct(int, int=0);
-extern char* oct(unsigned long, int=0);
-extern char* oct(unsigned int, int=0);
-char* chr(char ch, int width = 0);
-char* str(const char* s, int width = 0);
-inline istream& WS(istream& str) { return ws(str); }
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif /* !_COMPAT_STREAM_H */
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deleted file mode 100644
index d66af09..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "iostreamP.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifndef errno
-extern int errno;
-void streambuf::_un_link() { _IO_un_link(this); }
-void streambuf::_link_in() { _IO_link_in(this); }
-int streambuf::switch_to_get_mode()
-{ return _IO_switch_to_get_mode(this); }
-void streambuf::free_backup_area()
-{ _IO_free_backup_area(this); }
-#if 0
-int streambuf::switch_to_put_mode()
-{ return _IO_:switch_to_put_mode(this); }
-int __overflow(streambuf* sb, int c)
- return sb->overflow(c);
-int streambuf::underflow()
-{ return EOF; }
-int streambuf::uflow()
-{ return _IO_default_uflow (this); }
-int streambuf::overflow(int /* = EOF */)
-{ return EOF; }
-streamsize streambuf::xsputn(register const char* s, streamsize n)
-{ return _IO_default_xsputn(this, s, n); }
-streamsize streambuf::xsgetn(char* s, streamsize n)
-{ return _IO_default_xsgetn(this, s, n); }
-int streambuf::ignore(int n)
- register int more = n;
- for (;;) {
- int count = _IO_read_end - _IO_read_ptr; // Data available.
- if (count > 0) {
- if (count > more)
- count = more;
- _IO_read_ptr += count;
- more -= count;
- }
- if (more == 0 || __underflow(this) == EOF)
- break;
- }
- return n - more;
-int streambuf::sync()
- return 0;
-int streambuf::pbackfail(int c)
- return _IO_default_pbackfail(this, c);
-streambuf* streambuf::setbuf(char* p, int len)
- if (sync() == EOF)
- return NULL;
- if (p == NULL || len == 0) {
- unbuffered(1);
- setb(_shortbuf, _shortbuf+1, 0);
- }
- else {
- unbuffered(0);
- setb(p, p+len, 0);
- }
- setp(0, 0);
- setg(0, 0, 0);
- return this;
-streampos streambuf::seekpos(streampos pos, int mode)
- return seekoff(pos, ios::beg, mode);
-streampos streambuf::sseekpos(streampos pos, int mode)
- return _IO_seekpos (this, pos, mode);
-void streambuf::setb(char* b, char* eb, int a)
-{ _IO_setb(this, b, eb, a); }
-int streambuf::doallocate() { return _IO_default_doallocate(this); }
-void streambuf::doallocbuf() { _IO_doallocbuf(this); }
-/* The following are jump table entries that just call the virtual method */
-static int _IO_sb_overflow(_IO_FILE *fp, int c)
-{ return ((streambuf*)fp)->overflow(c); }
-static int _IO_sb_underflow(_IO_FILE *fp)
-{ return ((streambuf*)fp)->underflow(); }
-static _IO_size_t _IO_sb_xsputn(_IO_FILE *fp, const void *s, _IO_size_t n)
-{ return ((streambuf*)fp)->xsputn((const char*)s, n); }
-static _IO_size_t _IO_sb_xsgetn(_IO_FILE *fp, void *s, _IO_size_t n)
-{ return ((streambuf*)fp)->xsgetn((char*)s, n); }
-static int _IO_sb_close(_IO_FILE *fp)
-{ return ((streambuf*)fp)->sys_close(); }
-static int _IO_sb_stat(_IO_FILE *fp, void *b)
-{ return ((streambuf*)fp)->sys_stat(b); }
-static int _IO_sb_doallocate(_IO_FILE *fp)
-{ return ((streambuf*)fp)->doallocate(); }
-static _IO_pos_t _IO_sb_seekoff(_IO_FILE *fp, _IO_off_t pos, int dir, int mode)
- return ((streambuf*)fp)->seekoff(pos, (ios::seek_dir)dir, mode);
-static _IO_pos_t _IO_sb_seekpos(_IO_FILE *fp, _IO_pos_t pos, int mode)
- return ((streambuf*)fp)->seekpos(pos, mode);
-static int _IO_sb_pbackfail(_IO_FILE *fp, int ch)
-{ return ((streambuf*)fp)->pbackfail(ch); }
-static void _IO_sb_finish(_IO_FILE *fp)
-{ ((streambuf*)fp)->~streambuf(); }
-static _IO_ssize_t _IO_sb_read(_IO_FILE *fp, void *buf, _IO_ssize_t n)
-{ return ((streambuf*)fp)->sys_read((char*)buf, n); }
-static _IO_ssize_t _IO_sb_write(_IO_FILE *fp, const void *buf, _IO_ssize_t n)
-{ return ((streambuf*)fp)->sys_write((const char*)buf, n); }
-static int _IO_sb_sync(_IO_FILE *fp)
-{ return ((streambuf*)fp)->sync(); }
-static _IO_pos_t _IO_sb_seek(_IO_FILE *fp, _IO_off_t off, int dir)
-{ return ((streambuf*)fp)->sys_seek(off, (_seek_dir)dir); }
-static _IO_FILE* _IO_sb_setbuf(_IO_FILE *fp, char *buf, _IO_ssize_t n)
-{ return ((streambuf*)fp)->setbuf(buf, n); }
-/* This callbacks in this jumptable just call the corresponding
- virtual function, so that C functions can access (potentially user-defined)
- streambuf-derived objects.
- Contrast the builtinbuf class, which does the converse: Allow
- C++ virtual calls to to be used on _IO_FILE objects that are builtin
- (or defined by C code). */
-struct _IO_jump_t _IO_streambuf_jumps = {
- JUMP_INIT(finish, _IO_sb_finish),
- JUMP_INIT(overflow, _IO_sb_overflow),
- JUMP_INIT(underflow, _IO_sb_underflow),
- JUMP_INIT(uflow, _IO_default_uflow),
- JUMP_INIT(pbackfail, _IO_sb_pbackfail),
- JUMP_INIT(xsputn, _IO_sb_xsputn),
- JUMP_INIT(xsgetn, _IO_sb_xsgetn),
- JUMP_INIT(seekoff, _IO_sb_seekoff),
- JUMP_INIT(seekpos, _IO_sb_seekpos),
- JUMP_INIT(setbuf, _IO_sb_setbuf),
- JUMP_INIT(sync, _IO_sb_sync),
- JUMP_INIT(doallocate, _IO_sb_doallocate),
- JUMP_INIT(read, _IO_sb_read),
- JUMP_INIT(write, _IO_sb_write),
- JUMP_INIT(seek, _IO_sb_seek),
- JUMP_INIT(close, _IO_sb_close),
- JUMP_INIT(stat, _IO_sb_stat)
-streambuf::streambuf(int flags)
- _IO_init(this, flags);
- _jumps = &_IO_streambuf_jumps;
-streambuf::~streambuf() { _IO_default_finish(this); }
-streambuf::seekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int /*=ios::in|ios::out*/)
- return EOF;
-streambuf::sseekoff(streamoff o , _seek_dir d, int m /*=ios::in|ios::out*/)
- return _IO_seekoff (this, o, d, m);
-int streambuf::sputbackc(char c)
- return _IO_sputbackc(this, c);
-int streambuf::sungetc()
- return _IO_sungetc(this);
-#if 0 /* Work in progress */
-void streambuf::collumn(int c)
- if (c == -1)
- _collumn = -1;
- else
- _collumn = c - (_IO_write_ptr - _IO_write_base);
-int streambuf::get_column()
- if (_cur_column)
- return _IO_adjust_column(_cur_column - 1, pbase(), pptr() - pbase());
- return -1;
-int streambuf::set_column(int i)
- _cur_column = i+1;
- return 0;
-int streambuf::flush_all() { return _IO_flush_all (); }
-void streambuf::flush_all_linebuffered()
-{ _IO_flush_all_linebuffered(); }
-int streambuf::sys_stat(void *)
-#ifdef EIO
- errno = EIO;
- return -1;
-streamsize streambuf::sys_read(char* /*buf*/, streamsize /*size*/)
- return 0;
-streamsize streambuf::sys_write(const char* /*buf*/, streamsize /*size*/)
- return 0;
-streampos streambuf::sys_seek(streamoff, _seek_dir)
- return EOF;
-int streambuf::sys_close() { return 0; /* Suceess; do nothing */ }
-streammarker::streammarker(streambuf *sb)
- _IO_init_marker(this, sb);
- _IO_remove_marker(this);
-#define BAD_DELTA EOF
-int streammarker::delta(streammarker& other_mark)
- return _IO_marker_difference(this, &other_mark);
-int streammarker::delta()
- return _IO_marker_delta(this);
-int streambuf::seekmark(streammarker& mark, int delta /* = 0 */)
- return _IO_seekmark(this, &mark, delta);
-void streambuf::unsave_markers()
- _IO_unsave_markers(this);
-int ios::readable() { return !(rdbuf()->_flags & _IO_NO_READS); }
-int ios::writable() { return !(rdbuf()->_flags & _IO_NO_WRITES); }
-int ios::is_open() { return rdbuf()
- && (rdbuf()->_flags & _IO_NO_READS+_IO_NO_WRITES)
-#if defined(linux)
-#define IO_CLEANUP
-#ifdef IO_CLEANUP
-struct __io_defs {
- ~__io_defs() { _IO_cleanup (); }
-__io_defs io_defs__;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/streambuf.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/streambuf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 688c891..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/streambuf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#ifndef _STREAMBUF_H
-#define _STREAMBUF_H
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-/* #define _G_IO_THROW */ /* Not implemented: ios::failure */
-#define _IO_NEW_STREAMS // new optimizated stream representation
-extern "C" {
-#include <libio.h>
-//#include <_G_config.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#ifndef _IO_va_list
-#define _IO_va_list char *
-#ifndef EOF
-#define EOF (-1)
-#ifndef NULL
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define NULL ((void*)0)
-#define NULL (0)
-#ifndef _IO_wchar_t
-#define _IO_wchar_t short
-extern "C++" {
-class istream; /* Work-around for a g++ name mangling bug. Fixed in 2.6. */
-class ostream; class streambuf;
-// In case some header files defines these as macros.
-#undef open
-#undef close
-typedef _IO_off_t streamoff;
-typedef _IO_fpos_t streampos;
-typedef _IO_ssize_t streamsize;
-typedef unsigned long __fmtflags;
-typedef unsigned char __iostate;
-struct _ios_fields
-{ // The data members of an ios.
- streambuf *_strbuf;
- ostream* _tie;
- int _width;
- __fmtflags _flags;
- _IO_wchar_t _fill;
- __iostate _state;
- __iostate _exceptions;
- int _precision;
- void *_arrays; /* Support for ios::iword and ios::pword. */
-#define _IOS_GOOD 0
-#define _IOS_EOF 1
-#define _IOS_FAIL 2
-#define _IOS_BAD 4
-#define _IO_INPUT 1
-#define _IO_OUTPUT 2
-#define _IO_ATEND 4
-#define _IO_APPEND 8
-#define _IO_TRUNC 16
-#define _IO_NOCREATE 32
-#define _IO_NOREPLACE 64
-#define _IO_BIN 128
-enum state_value {
- _good = _IOS_GOOD,
- _eof = _IOS_EOF,
- _fail = _IOS_FAIL,
- _bad = _IOS_BAD };
-enum open_mode {
- input = _IO_INPUT,
- output = _IO_OUTPUT,
- atend = _IO_ATEND,
- append = _IO_APPEND };
-class ios : public _ios_fields {
- ios& operator=(ios&); /* Not allowed! */
- ios (const ios&); /* Not allowed! */
- public:
- typedef __fmtflags fmtflags;
- typedef int iostate;
- typedef int openmode;
- typedef int streamsize;
- enum io_state {
- goodbit = _IOS_GOOD,
- eofbit = _IOS_EOF,
- failbit = _IOS_FAIL,
- badbit = _IOS_BAD };
- enum open_mode {
- in = _IO_INPUT,
- out = _IO_OUTPUT,
- ate = _IO_ATEND,
- app = _IO_APPEND,
- trunc = _IO_TRUNC,
- nocreate = _IO_NOCREATE,
- noreplace = _IO_NOREPLACE,
- bin = _IOS_BIN, // Deprecated - ANSI uses ios::binary.
- binary = _IOS_BIN };
- enum seek_dir { beg, cur, end};
- // ANSI: typedef enum seek_dir seekdir; etc
- // NOTE: If adding flags here, before to update ios::bitalloc().
- enum { skipws=_IO_SKIPWS,
- left=_IO_LEFT, right=_IO_RIGHT, internal=_IO_INTERNAL,
- dec=_IO_DEC, oct=_IO_OCT, hex=_IO_HEX,
- showbase=_IO_SHOWBASE, showpoint=_IO_SHOWPOINT,
- uppercase=_IO_UPPERCASE, showpos=_IO_SHOWPOS,
- scientific=_IO_SCIENTIFIC, fixed=_IO_FIXED,
- unitbuf=_IO_UNITBUF, stdio=_IO_STDIO
-#ifndef _IO_NEW_STREAMS
- , dont_close=_IO_DONT_CLOSE // Don't delete streambuf on stream destruction
- };
- enum { // Masks.
- basefield=dec+oct+hex,
- floatfield = scientific+fixed,
- adjustfield = left+right+internal
- };
-#ifdef _IO_THROW
- class failure : public xmsg {
- ios* _stream;
- public:
- failure(ios* stream) { _stream = stream; }
- failure(string cause, ios* stream) { _stream = stream; }
- ios* rdios() const { return _stream; }
- };
- ostream* tie() const { return _tie; }
- ostream* tie(ostream* val) { ostream* save=_tie; _tie=val; return save; }
- // Methods to change the format state.
- _IO_wchar_t fill() const { return (_IO_wchar_t)_fill; }
- _IO_wchar_t fill(_IO_wchar_t newf)
- {_IO_wchar_t oldf = (_IO_wchar_t)_fill; _fill = (char)newf; return oldf;}
- fmtflags flags() const { return _flags; }
- fmtflags flags(fmtflags new_val) {
- fmtflags old_val = _flags; _flags = new_val; return old_val; }
- int precision() const { return _precision; }
- int precision(int newp) {
- unsigned short oldp = _precision; _precision = (unsigned short)newp;
- return oldp; }
- fmtflags setf(fmtflags val) {
- fmtflags oldbits = _flags;
- _flags |= val; return oldbits; }
- fmtflags setf(fmtflags val, fmtflags mask) {
- fmtflags oldbits = _flags;
- _flags = (_flags & ~mask) | (val & mask); return oldbits; }
- fmtflags unsetf(fmtflags mask) {
- fmtflags oldbits = _flags;
- _flags &= ~mask; return oldbits; }
- int width() const { return _width; }
- int width(int val) { int save = _width; _width = val; return save; }
-#ifdef _IO_THROW
- void _throw_failure() const { throw new ios::failure(this); }
- void _throw_failure() const { }
- void clear(iostate state = 0) {
- _state = _strbuf ? state : state|badbit;
- if (_state & _exceptions) _throw_failure(); }
- void set(iostate flag) { _state |= flag;
- if (_state & _exceptions) _throw_failure(); }
- void setstate(iostate flag) { _state |= flag; // ANSI
- if (_state & _exceptions) _throw_failure(); }
- int good() const { return _state == 0; }
- int eof() const { return _state & ios::eofbit; }
- int fail() const { return _state & (ios::badbit|ios::failbit); }
- int bad() const { return _state & ios::badbit; }
- iostate rdstate() const { return _state; }
- operator void*() const { return fail() ? (void*)0 : (void*)(-1); }
- int operator!() const { return fail(); }
- iostate exceptions() const { return _exceptions; }
- void exceptions(iostate enable) {
- _exceptions = enable;
- if (_state & _exceptions) _throw_failure(); }
- streambuf* rdbuf() const { return _strbuf; }
- streambuf* rdbuf(streambuf *_s) {
- streambuf *_old = _strbuf; _strbuf = _s; clear (); return _old; }
- static int sync_with_stdio(int on);
- static void sync_with_stdio() { sync_with_stdio(1); }
- static fmtflags bitalloc();
- static int xalloc();
- void*& pword(int);
- void* pword(int) const;
- long& iword(int);
- long iword(int) const;
- void unset(state_value flag) { _state &= ~flag; }
- void close();
- int is_open();
- int readable();
- int writable();
- // Used to initialize standard streams. Not needed in this implementation.
- class Init {
- public:
- Init () { }
- };
- protected:
- inline ios(streambuf* sb = 0, ostream* tie_to = 0);
- inline virtual ~ios();
- inline void init(streambuf* sb, ostream* tie = 0);
-#if __GNUG__==1
-typedef int _seek_dir;
-typedef ios::seek_dir _seek_dir;
-// Magic numbers and bits for the _flags field.
-// The magic numbers use the high-order bits of _flags;
-// the remaining bits are abailable for variable flags.
-// Note: The magic numbers must all be negative if stdio
-// emulation is desired.
-// A streammarker remembers a position in a buffer.
-// You are guaranteed to be able to seek back to it if it is saving().
-class streammarker : private _IO_marker {
- friend class streambuf;
- void set_offset(int offset) { _pos = offset; }
- public:
- streammarker(streambuf *sb);
- ~streammarker();
- int saving() { return 1; }
- int delta(streammarker&);
- int delta();
-struct streambuf : public _IO_FILE { // protected??
- friend class ios;
- friend class istream;
- friend class ostream;
- friend class streammarker;
- const void *&_vtable() { return *(const void**)((_IO_FILE*)this + 1); }
- protected:
- static streambuf* _list_all; /* List of open streambufs. */
- _IO_FILE*& xchain() { return _chain; }
- void _un_link();
- void _link_in();
- char* gptr() const
- { return _IO_file_flags & _IO_IN_BACKUP ? _IO_save_base : _IO_read_ptr; }
- char* pptr() const { return _IO_write_ptr; }
- char* egptr() const
- { return _IO_file_flags & _IO_IN_BACKUP ? _IO_save_end : _IO_read_end; }
- char* epptr() const { return _IO_write_end; }
- char* pbase() const { return _IO_write_base; }
- char* eback() const
- { return _IO_file_flags & _IO_IN_BACKUP ? _IO_save_base : _IO_read_base;}
- char* base() const { return _IO_buf_base; }
- char* ebuf() const { return _IO_buf_end; }
- int blen() const { return _IO_buf_end - _IO_buf_base; }
- void xput_char(char c) { *_IO_write_ptr++ = c; }
- int xflags() { return _IO_file_flags; }
- int xflags(int f) {int fl = _IO_file_flags; _IO_file_flags = f; return fl;}
- void xsetflags(int f) { _IO_file_flags |= f; }
- void xsetflags(int f, int mask)
- { _IO_file_flags = (_IO_file_flags & ~mask) | (f & mask); }
- void gbump(int n)
- { _IO_file_flags & _IO_IN_BACKUP ? (_IO_save_base+=n):(_IO_read_ptr+=n);}
- void pbump(int n) { _IO_write_ptr += n; }
- void setb(char* b, char* eb, int a=0);
- void setp(char* p, char* ep)
- { _IO_write_base=_IO_write_ptr=p; _IO_write_end=ep; }
- void setg(char* eb, char* g, char *eg) {
- if (_IO_file_flags & _IO_IN_BACKUP) _IO_free_backup_area(this);
- _IO_read_base = eb; _IO_read_ptr = g; _IO_read_end = eg; }
- char *shortbuf() { return _shortbuf; }
- int in_backup() { return _flags & _IO_IN_BACKUP; }
- // The start of the main get area: FIXME: wrong for write-mode filebuf?
- char *Gbase() { return in_backup() ? _IO_save_base : _IO_read_base; }
- // The end of the main get area:
- char *eGptr() { return in_backup() ? _IO_save_end : _IO_read_end; }
- // The start of the backup area:
- char *Bbase() { return in_backup() ? _IO_read_base : _IO_save_base; }
- char *Bptr() { return _IO_backup_base; }
- // The end of the backup area:
- char *eBptr() { return in_backup() ? _IO_read_end : _IO_save_end; }
- char *Nbase() { return _IO_save_base; }
- char *eNptr() { return _IO_save_end; }
- int have_backup() { return _IO_save_base != NULL; }
- int have_markers() { return _markers != NULL; }
- void free_backup_area();
- void unsave_markers(); // Make all streammarkers !saving().
- int put_mode() { return _flags & _IO_CURRENTLY_PUTTING; }
- int switch_to_get_mode();
- streambuf(int flags=0);
- public:
- static int flush_all();
- static void flush_all_linebuffered(); // Flush all line buffered files.
- virtual ~streambuf();
- virtual int overflow(int c = EOF); // Leave public for now
- virtual int underflow(); // Leave public for now
- virtual int uflow(); // Leave public for now
- virtual int pbackfail(int c);
-// virtual int showmany ();
- virtual streamsize xsputn(const char* s, streamsize n);
- virtual streamsize xsgetn(char* s, streamsize n);
- virtual streampos seekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int mode=ios::in|ios::out);
- virtual streampos seekpos(streampos pos, int mode = ios::in|ios::out);
- streampos pubseekoff(streamoff o, _seek_dir d, int mode=ios::in|ios::out)
- { return _IO_seekoff (this, o, d, mode); }
- streampos pubseekpos(streampos pos, int mode = ios::in|ios::out)
- { return _IO_seekpos (this, pos, mode); }
- streampos sseekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int mode=ios::in|ios::out);
- streampos sseekpos(streampos pos, int mode = ios::in|ios::out);
- virtual streambuf* setbuf(char* p, int len);
- virtual int sync();
- virtual int doallocate();
- int seekmark(streammarker& mark, int delta = 0);
- int sputbackc(char c);
- int sungetc();
- int unbuffered() { return _flags & _IO_UNBUFFERED ? 1 : 0; }
- int linebuffered() { return _flags & _IO_LINE_BUF ? 1 : 0; }
- void unbuffered(int i)
- { if (i) _flags |= _IO_UNBUFFERED; else _flags &= ~_IO_UNBUFFERED; }
- void linebuffered(int i)
- { if (i) _flags |= _IO_LINE_BUF; else _flags &= ~_IO_LINE_BUF; }
- int allocate() { // For AT&T compatibility
- if (base() || unbuffered()) return 0;
- else return doallocate(); }
- // Allocate a buffer if needed; use _shortbuf if appropriate.
- void allocbuf() { if (base() == NULL) doallocbuf(); }
- void doallocbuf();
- int in_avail() { return _IO_read_end - _IO_read_ptr; }
- int out_waiting() { return _IO_write_ptr - _IO_write_base; }
- streamsize sputn(const char* s, streamsize n) { return xsputn(s, n); }
- streamsize padn(char pad, streamsize n) { return _IO_padn(this, pad, n); }
- streamsize sgetn(char* s, streamsize n) { return _IO_sgetn(this, s, n); }
- int ignore(int);
- int get_column();
- int set_column(int);
- long sgetline(char* buf, _IO_size_t n, char delim, int putback_delim);
- int sputc(int c) { return _IO_putc(c, this); }
- int sbumpc() { return _IO_getc(this); }
- int sgetc() { return _IO_peekc(this); }
- int snextc() {
- if (_IO_read_ptr >= _IO_read_end && __underflow(this) == EOF)
- return EOF;
- else return _IO_read_ptr++, sgetc(); }
- void stossc() { if (_IO_read_ptr < _IO_read_end) _IO_read_ptr++; }
- int vscan(char const *fmt0, _IO_va_list ap, ios* stream = NULL);
- int scan(char const *fmt0 ...);
- int vform(char const *fmt0, _IO_va_list ap);
- int form(char const *fmt0 ...);
-#if 0 /* Work in progress */
- int column(); // Current column number (of put pointer). -1 is unknown.
- void column(int c); // Set column number of put pointer to c.
- virtual streamsize sys_read(char* buf, streamsize size);
- virtual streamsize sys_write(const char*, streamsize);
- virtual streampos sys_seek(streamoff, _seek_dir);
- virtual int sys_close();
- virtual int sys_stat(void*); // Actually, a (struct stat*)
-// A backupbuf is a streambuf with full backup and savepoints on reading.
-// All standard streambufs in the GNU iostream library are backupbufs.
-class filebuf : public streambuf {
- protected:
- void init();
- public:
- static const int openprot; // Non-ANSI AT&T-ism: Default open protection.
- filebuf();
- filebuf(int fd);
- filebuf(int fd, char* p, int len);
- static filebuf *__new();
- ~filebuf();
- filebuf* attach(int fd);
- filebuf* open(const char *filename, const char *mode);
- filebuf* open(const char *filename, ios::openmode mode, int prot = 0664);
- virtual int underflow();
- virtual int overflow(int c = EOF);
- int is_open() const { return _fileno >= 0; }
- int fd() const { return is_open() ? _fileno : EOF; }
- filebuf* close();
- virtual int doallocate();
- virtual streampos seekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int mode=ios::in|ios::out);
- virtual streambuf* setbuf(char* p, int len);
- streamsize xsputn(const char* s, streamsize n);
- streamsize xsgetn(char* s, streamsize n);
- virtual int sync();
- protected: // See documentation in filebuf.C.
-// virtual int pbackfail(int c);
- int is_reading() { return eback() != egptr(); }
- char* cur_ptr() { return is_reading() ? gptr() : pptr(); }
- /* System's idea of pointer */
- char* file_ptr() { return eGptr(); }
- // Low-level operations (Usually invoke system calls.)
- virtual streamsize sys_read(char* buf, streamsize size);
- virtual streampos sys_seek(streamoff, _seek_dir);
- virtual streamsize sys_write(const char*, streamsize);
- virtual int sys_stat(void*); // Actually, a (struct stat*)
- virtual int sys_close();
-#if 0
- virtual uflow;
- virtual showmany;
-inline void ios::init(streambuf* sb, ostream* tie_to) {
- _state = sb ? ios::goodbit : ios::badbit; _exceptions=0;
- _strbuf=sb; _tie = tie_to; _width=0; _fill=' ';
- _flags=ios::skipws|ios::dec;
- _flags=ios::skipws|ios::dec|ios::dont_close;
- _precision=6; _arrays = 0; }
-inline ios::ios(streambuf* sb, ostream* tie_to) { init(sb, tie_to); }
-inline ios::~ios() {
-#ifndef _IO_NEW_STREAMS
- if (!(_flags & (unsigned int)ios::dont_close)) delete rdbuf();
- if (_arrays) delete [] _arrays;
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif /* _STREAMBUF_H */
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deleted file mode 100644
index d2ae4c0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/strfile.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <libio.h>
-#ifdef TODO
-Merge into libio.h ?
-typedef void *(*_IO_alloc_type) __P((_IO_size_t));
-typedef void (*_IO_free_type) __P((void*));
-struct _IO_str_fields
- _IO_alloc_type _allocate_buffer;
- _IO_free_type _free_buffer;
-typedef struct _IO_strfile_
- struct _IO_FILE _f;
- const void *_vtable;
- struct _IO_str_fields _s;
-} _IO_strfile;
-/* dynamic: set when the array object is allocated (or reallocated) as
- necessary to hold a character sequence that can change in length. */
-#define _IO_STR_DYNAMIC(FP) ((FP)->_s._allocate_buffer != (_IO_alloc_type)0)
-/* frozen: set when the program has requested that the array object not
- be altered, reallocated, or freed. */
-#define _IO_STR_FROZEN(FP) ((FP)->_f._IO_file_flags & _IO_USER_BUF)
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/strops.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/strops.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c88a133..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/strops.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include "strfile.h"
-#include "libioP.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#if 0
-/* The following definitions are for exposition only.
- They map the terminlogy used in the ANSI/ISO C++ draft standard
- to the implementation. */
-/* allocated: set when a dynamic array object has been allocated, and
- hence should be freed by the destructor for the strstreambuf object. */
-#define ALLOCATED(FP) ((FP)->_f._IO_buf_base && DYNAMIC(FP))
-/* constant: set when the array object has const elements,
- so the output sequence cannot be written. */
-#define CONSTANT(FP) ((FP)->_f._IO_file_flags & _IO_NO_WRITES)
-/* alsize: the suggested minimum size for a dynamic array object. */
-#define ALSIZE(FP) ??? /* not stored */
-/* palloc: points to the function to call to allocate a dynamic array object.*/
-#define PALLOC(FP) \
- ((FP)->_s._allocate_buffer == default_alloc ? 0 : (FP)->_s._allocate_buffer)
-/* pfree: points to the function to call to free a dynamic array object. */
-#define PFREE(FP) \
- ((FP)->_s._free_buffer == default_free ? 0 : (FP)->_s._free_buffer)
-#ifdef TODO
-/* An "unbounded buffer" is when a buffer is supplied, but with no
- specified length. An example is the buffer argument to sprintf.
- */
-DEFUN(_IO_str_init_static, (fp, ptr, size, pstart),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND char *ptr AND int size AND char *pstart)
- if (size == 0)
- size = strlen(ptr);
- else if (size < 0)
- {
- /* If size is negative 'the characters are assumed to
- continue indefinitely.' This is kind of messy ... */
- int s;
- size = 512;
- /* Try increasing powers of 2, as long as we don't wrap around. */
- for (; s = 2*size, s > 0 && ptr + s > ptr && s < 0x4000000L; )
- size = s;
- /* Try increasing size as much as we can without wrapping around. */
- for (s = size >> 1; s > 0; s >>= 1)
- {
- if (ptr + size + s > ptr)
- size += s;
- }
- }
- _IO_setb(fp, ptr, ptr+size, 0);
- fp->_IO_write_base = ptr;
- fp->_IO_read_base = ptr;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = ptr;
- if (pstart)
- {
- fp->_IO_write_ptr = pstart;
- fp->_IO_write_end = ptr+size;
- fp->_IO_read_end = pstart;
- }
- else
- {
- fp->_IO_write_ptr = ptr;
- fp->_IO_write_end = ptr;
- fp->_IO_read_end = ptr+size;
- }
- /* A null _allocate_buffer function flags the strfile as being static. */
- (((_IO_strfile*)(fp))->_s._allocate_buffer) = (_IO_alloc_type)0;
-DEFUN(_IO_str_init_readonly, (fp, ptr, size),
- _IO_FILE *fp AND const char *ptr AND int size)
- _IO_str_init_static (fp, (char*)ptr, size, NULL);
- fp->_IO_file_flags |= _IO_NO_WRITES;
-DEFUN(_IO_str_overflow, (fp, c),
- register _IO_FILE* fp AND int c)
- int flush_only = c == EOF;
- _IO_size_t pos;
- if (fp->_flags & _IO_NO_WRITES)
- return flush_only ? 0 : EOF;
- if ((fp->_flags & _IO_TIED_PUT_GET) && !(fp->_flags & _IO_CURRENTLY_PUTTING))
- {
- fp->_flags |= _IO_CURRENTLY_PUTTING;
- fp->_IO_write_ptr = fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = fp->_IO_read_end;
- }
- pos = fp->_IO_write_ptr - fp->_IO_write_base;
- if (pos >= _IO_blen(fp) + flush_only)
- {
- if (fp->_flags & _IO_USER_BUF) /* not allowed to enlarge */
- return EOF;
- else
- {
- char *new_buf;
- char *old_buf = fp->_IO_buf_base;
- _IO_size_t new_size = 2 * _IO_blen(fp) + 100;
- new_buf
- = (char*)(*((_IO_strfile*)fp)->_s._allocate_buffer)(new_size);
- if (new_buf == NULL)
- {
- /* __ferror(fp) = 1; */
- return EOF;
- }
- if (fp->_IO_buf_base)
- {
- memcpy(new_buf, old_buf, _IO_blen(fp));
- (*((_IO_strfile*)fp)->_s._free_buffer)(fp->_IO_buf_base);
- /* Make sure _IO_setb won't try to delete _IO_buf_base. */
- fp->_IO_buf_base = NULL;
- }
-#if 0
- if (lenp == &LEN(fp)) /* use '\0'-filling */
- memset(new_buf + pos, 0, blen() - pos);
- _IO_setb(fp, new_buf, new_buf + new_size, 1);
- fp->_IO_read_base = new_buf + (fp->_IO_read_base - old_buf);
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = new_buf + (fp->_IO_read_ptr - old_buf);
- fp->_IO_read_end = new_buf + (fp->_IO_read_end - old_buf);
- fp->_IO_write_ptr = new_buf + (fp->_IO_write_ptr - old_buf);
- fp->_IO_write_base = new_buf;
- fp->_IO_write_end = fp->_IO_buf_end;
- }
- }
- if (!flush_only)
- *fp->_IO_write_ptr++ = (unsigned char) c;
- if (fp->_IO_write_ptr > fp->_IO_read_end)
- fp->_IO_read_end = fp->_IO_write_ptr;
- return c;
-DEFUN(_IO_str_underflow, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE* fp)
- if (fp->_IO_write_ptr > fp->_IO_read_end)
- fp->_IO_read_end = fp->_IO_write_ptr;
- if ((fp->_flags & _IO_TIED_PUT_GET) && (fp->_flags & _IO_CURRENTLY_PUTTING))
- {
- fp->_flags &= ~_IO_CURRENTLY_PUTTING;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = fp->_IO_write_ptr;
- fp->_IO_write_ptr = fp->_IO_write_end;
- }
- if (fp->_IO_read_ptr < fp->_IO_read_end)
- return *fp->_IO_read_ptr;
- else
- return EOF;
-/* The size of the valid part of the buffer. */
-DEFUN(_IO_str_count, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE *fp)
- return (fp->_IO_write_ptr > fp->_IO_read_end ? fp->_IO_write_ptr
- : fp->_IO_read_end)
- - fp->_IO_read_base;
-DEFUN(_IO_str_seekoff, (fp, offset, dir, mode),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND _IO_off_t offset AND int dir AND int mode)
- _IO_ssize_t cur_size = _IO_str_count(fp);
- _IO_pos_t new_pos = EOF;
- /* Move the get pointer, if requested. */
- if (mode & _IOS_INPUT)
- {
- switch (dir)
- {
- case _IO_seek_end:
- offset += cur_size;
- break;
- case _IO_seek_cur:
- offset += fp->_IO_read_ptr - fp->_IO_read_base;
- break;
- default: /* case _IO_seek_set: */
- break;
- }
- if (offset < 0 || (_IO_size_t)offset > cur_size)
- return EOF;
- fp->_IO_read_ptr = fp->_IO_read_base + offset;
- fp->_IO_read_end = fp->_IO_read_base + cur_size;
- new_pos = offset;
- }
- /* Move the put pointer, if requested. */
- if (mode & _IOS_OUTPUT)
- {
- switch (dir)
- {
- case _IO_seek_end:
- offset += cur_size;
- break;
- case _IO_seek_cur:
- offset += fp->_IO_write_ptr - fp->_IO_write_base;
- break;
- default: /* case _IO_seek_set: */
- break;
- }
- if (offset < 0 || (_IO_size_t)offset > cur_size)
- return EOF;
- fp->_IO_write_ptr = fp->_IO_write_base + offset;
- new_pos = offset;
- }
- return new_pos;
-DEFUN(_IO_str_pbackfail, (fp, c),
- register _IO_FILE *fp AND int c)
- if ((fp->_flags & _IO_NO_WRITES) && c != EOF)
- return EOF;
- return _IO_default_pbackfail(fp, c);
-DEFUN (_IO_str_finish, (fp),
- register _IO_FILE* fp)
- if (fp->_IO_buf_base && !(fp->_flags & _IO_USER_BUF))
- (((_IO_strfile*)fp)->_s._free_buffer)(fp->_IO_buf_base);
- fp->_IO_buf_base = NULL;
- _IO_default_finish(fp);
-struct _IO_jump_t _IO_str_jumps = {
- JUMP_INIT(finish, _IO_str_finish),
- JUMP_INIT(overflow, _IO_str_overflow),
- JUMP_INIT(underflow, _IO_str_underflow),
- JUMP_INIT(uflow, _IO_default_uflow),
- JUMP_INIT(pbackfail, _IO_str_pbackfail),
- JUMP_INIT(xsputn, _IO_default_xsputn),
- JUMP_INIT(xsgetn, _IO_default_xsgetn),
- JUMP_INIT(seekoff, _IO_str_seekoff),
- JUMP_INIT(seekpos, _IO_default_seekpos),
- JUMP_INIT(setbuf, _IO_default_setbuf),
- JUMP_INIT(sync, _IO_default_sync),
- JUMP_INIT(doallocate, _IO_default_doallocate),
- JUMP_INIT(read, _IO_default_read),
- JUMP_INIT(write, _IO_default_write),
- JUMP_INIT(seek, _IO_default_seek),
- JUMP_INIT(close, _IO_default_close),
- JUMP_INIT(stat, _IO_default_stat)
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/
deleted file mode 100644
index a32e811..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation
-#include "iostreamP.h"
-#include "strstream.h"
-#include <string.h>
-static void* default_alloc(_IO_size_t size)
- return (void*)new char[size];
-static void default_free(void* ptr)
- delete [] (char*)ptr;
-istrstream::istrstream(const char *cp, int n)
- __my_sb.init_readonly (cp, n);
-strstreambase::strstreambase(char *cp, int n, int mode)
-: __my_sb (cp, n,
- (mode == ios::app || mode == ios::ate) ? cp + strlen(cp) : cp)
- init (&__my_sb);
-char *strstreambuf::str()
- freeze(1);
- return base();
-_IO_ssize_t strstreambuf::pcount () { return _IO_write_ptr - _IO_write_base; }
-int strstreambuf::overflow(int c /* = EOF */)
- return _IO_str_overflow (this, c);
-int strstreambuf::underflow()
- return _IO_str_underflow(this);
-void strstreambuf::init_dynamic(_IO_alloc_type alloc, _IO_free_type free,
- int initial_size)
- _s._allocate_buffer = alloc ? alloc : default_alloc;
- _s._free_buffer = free ? free : default_free;
- if (initial_size > 0)
- {
- char * buf = (char*)(*_s._allocate_buffer)(initial_size);
- setb(buf, buf + initial_size, 1);
- setp(buf, buf + initial_size);
- setg(buf, buf, buf);
- }
-void strstreambuf::init_static(char *ptr, int size, char *pstart)
- _IO_str_init_static (this, ptr, size, pstart);
-void strstreambuf::init_readonly (const char *ptr, int size)
- _IO_str_init_readonly (this, ptr, size);
- if (_IO_buf_base && !(_flags & _IO_USER_BUF))
- (_s._free_buffer)(_IO_buf_base);
- _IO_buf_base = NULL;
-streampos strstreambuf::seekoff(streamoff off, _seek_dir dir,
- int mode /*=ios::in|ios::out*/)
- return _IO_str_seekoff (this, off, dir, mode);
-int strstreambuf::pbackfail(int c)
- return _IO_str_pbackfail (this, c);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/strstream.h b/contrib/libg++/libio/strstream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d549b45..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/strstream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-/* Written by Per Bothner ( */
-#ifndef __STRSTREAM_H
-#define __STRSTREAM_H
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <strfile.h>
-extern "C++" {
-class strstreambuf : public streambuf
- struct _IO_str_fields _s;
- friend class istrstream;
- void init_dynamic(_IO_alloc_type alloc, _IO_free_type free,
- int initial_size = 0);
- void init_static(char *ptr, int size, char *pstart);
- void init_readonly(const char *ptr, int size);
- protected:
- virtual int overflow(int = EOF);
- virtual int underflow();
- virtual int pbackfail(int c);
- public:
- virtual ~strstreambuf();
- strstreambuf() { init_dynamic(0, 0); }
- strstreambuf(int initial_size) { init_dynamic(0, 0, initial_size); }
- strstreambuf(void *(*alloc)(_IO_size_t), void (*free)(void*))
- { init_dynamic(alloc, free); }
- strstreambuf(char *ptr, int size, char *pstart = NULL)
- { init_static(ptr, size, pstart); }
- strstreambuf(unsigned char *ptr, int size, unsigned char *pstart = NULL)
- { init_static((char*)ptr, size, (char*)pstart); }
- strstreambuf(const char *ptr, int size)
- { init_readonly(ptr, size); }
- strstreambuf(const unsigned char *ptr, int size)
- { init_readonly((const char*)ptr, size); }
- strstreambuf(signed char *ptr, int size, signed char *pstart = NULL)
- { init_static((char*)ptr, size, (char*)pstart); }
- strstreambuf(const signed char *ptr, int size)
- { init_readonly((const char*)ptr, size); }
- // Note: frozen() is always true if !_IO_STR_DYNAMIC(this).
- int frozen() { return _flags & _IO_USER_BUF ? 1 : 0; }
- void freeze(int n=1)
- { if (_IO_STR_DYNAMIC(this))
- { if (n) _flags |= _IO_USER_BUF; else _flags &= ~_IO_USER_BUF; } }
- _IO_ssize_t pcount();
- char *str();
- virtual streampos seekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int mode=ios::in|ios::out);
-class strstreambase : virtual public ios {
- protected:
- strstreambuf __my_sb;
- public:
- strstreambuf* rdbuf() { return &__my_sb; }
- protected:
- strstreambase() { init (&__my_sb); }
- strstreambase(char *cp, int n, int mode=ios::out);
-class istrstream : public strstreambase, public istream {
- public:
- istrstream(const char*, int=0);
-class ostrstream : public strstreambase, public ostream {
- public:
- ostrstream() { }
- ostrstream(char *cp, int n, int mode=ios::out) :strstreambase(cp,n,mode){}
- _IO_ssize_t pcount() { return ((strstreambuf*)_strbuf)->pcount(); }
- char *str() { return ((strstreambuf*)_strbuf)->str(); }
- void freeze(int n = 1) { ((strstreambuf*)_strbuf)->freeze(n); }
- int frozen() { return ((strstreambuf*)_strbuf)->frozen(); }
-class strstream : public strstreambase, public iostream {
- public:
- strstream() { }
- strstream(char *cp, int n, int mode=ios::out) :strstreambase(cp,n,mode){}
- _IO_ssize_t pcount() { return ((strstreambuf*)_strbuf)->pcount(); }
- char *str() { return ((strstreambuf*)_strbuf)->str(); }
- void freeze(int n = 1) { ((strstreambuf*)_strbuf)->freeze(n); }
- int frozen() { return ((strstreambuf*)_strbuf)->frozen(); }
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif /*!__STRSTREAM_H*/
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/ChangeLog b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index bfd607b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-Wed Apr 10 17:15:47 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * (IOLIBS): Link with libstdc++.
-Tue Mar 12 11:45:14 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * (test_read_write_flush): New test for read/write/seek
- on block end. From Luke Blanshard <>.
-Thu Jul 6 17:51:30 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (getline_test3): New function. Test reading long lines.
- * tiomisc.exp: Update for output from getline_test3.
-Wed May 10 03:06:51 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (X*INCLUDES): Renamed.
-Thu Apr 27 21:05:00 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (test_destroy), tiomisc.exp: Add support for
-Tue Apr 25 15:15:01 1995 Jim Wilson <>
- * tstdiomisc.c (t2): Use N not n in last SCAN macro call.
-Sun Feb 12 21:23:24 1995 Brendan Kehoe (
- * (JUNK_TO_CLEAN): Also delete foo.dat from tiomisc.
-Sat Nov 5 14:37:36 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * (test_destroy): New test case from Jason Merrill.
- * tiomisc.exp: Update.
- * (JUNK_TO_CLEAN): Add tstdiomisc.
-Thu Oct 13 16:47:30 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (reread_test): Remove bogus istream assignment.
-Wed Aug 31 13:59:56 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (CXX_FLAGS): Not used. Removed.
-Wed Aug 17 18:27:37 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (getline_test1, getline_test2, flush1_test): New tests,
- * (reread_test): New tests,
-Wed Jun 22 13:44:19 1994 Per Bothner (
- * tstdiomisc.c: Add some sscanf tests.
- * (check-tstdiomisc): Run diff with expected output.
- * tstdiomisc.exp: New file. Expected output from tstdiomisc.
- * (foo): New rule, for quick one-off tests.
-Fri May 6 14:10:24 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (t7): Revert Mar 4 change - I was confused.
-Sat Apr 2 04:41:41 1994 Andreas Schwab (
- * (tfformat): Fix dependency.
-Fri Mar 4 17:40:14 1994 Per Bothner (
- * (t7): gcount after getline shouldn't include delimiter.
- * (show_int, t12), tFile.exp: More integer formatting tests.
-Tue Feb 8 18:39:09 1994 Per Bothner (
- *, tiomisc.exp: New test case (for filebuf::attach)
- from Joe Buck.
-Mon Jan 31 13:24:58 1994 Per Bothner (
- * tfformat.c (main): Fix fprintf format string (%s -> %d).
- Bug reported by Jochen Voss <>.
-Sun Dec 19 15:29:00 1993 Per Bothner (
- * tstdiomisc.c, New tests.
-Thu Dec 2 22:56:21 1993 Per Bothner (
- Added, to cleanup after tests.
-Fri Nov 26 16:05:43 1993 Per Bothner (
- *, tiomisc.exp: A (hopefully growing) collection
- of small, random tests (mainly regression tests).
- * (test1 and test2): Tests from Wilco van Hoogstraeten
- <> to check for (now-fixed) bugs.
-Mon Oct 4 17:38:27 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (IOSTDIOLIB): New macro.
-Fri Aug 27 12:22:10 1993 Per Bothner (
- * (t7): Add test for buffer overflow.
-Fri Aug 20 00:23:53 1993 Per Bothner (
- Moved various tests over from old libg++/iostream/test.
- * Edit appropriately.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 230ab68..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-# This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-# software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-# Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-srcdir = .
-CFLAGS = -g
-C_FLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -I. -I.. -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/..
-CC = gcc
-CXX = gcc
-#### package, host, target, and site dependent Makefile fragments come in here.
-STDIO_LD_FLAGS = -u __cleanup
-#LIBS = ../../libg++.a
-#LIBSTDIO = ../stdio/libstdio++.a
-#LIBIO = ../libio.a
-IOLIBS = -L../../libstdc++ -lstdc++
-IOSTDIOLIB = ../libio.a ../../libiberty/libiberty.a
-DEPEND_SOURCES = $(srcdir)/*.C
-.PHONY: check check-iostream check-stdio
-check: check-iostream check-iostdio
-# These are tests written in C++, that test the iostream facility.
-check-iostream: check-tFile check-tiomisc \
- check-hounddog check-putbackdog check-tiomanip
-# These are tests written in C, that don't need C++.
-# They test libio's emulation of stdio.
-check-iostdio: check-tiformat check-tfformat check-tstdiomisc
-# check-stdio runs test programs that use stdio.
-# These aren't run by default because there may be linker tricks needed
-# to build them (if libc.a contains a competing stdio implementation).
-check-stdio: check-tfseek check-twrseek check-trdseek check-tpopen
-# See ${MOSTLYCLEAN} in
-JUNK_TO_CLEAN = tFile tiomisc hounddog putbackdog tiomanip \
- t?format *.out streamfile ftmp* tstdiomisc foo.dat
-.PHONY: info
-.PHONY: clean-info
-.PHONY: install-info
-tst: tst.o
- gcc -v -o tst tst.o $(STDIOLIBS)
-tgetl: tgetl.o
- $(CXX) -o tgetl tgetl.o $(IOLIBS)
-tFile: tFile.o
- $(CXX) -o tFile tFile.o $(IOLIBS)
-tiomisc: tiomisc.o
- $(CXX) -o tiomisc tiomisc.o $(IOLIBS)
-hounddog: hounddog.o
- $(CXX) -o hounddog hounddog.o $(IOLIBS)
-check-hounddog: hounddog
- ./hounddog <$(srcdir)/hounddog.inp > hounddog.out 2>&1
- diff -c hounddog.out $(srcdir)/hounddog.exp
- ./hounddog -b0 <$(srcdir)/hounddog.inp > hound-b0.out 2>&1
- diff -c hound-b0.out $(srcdir)/hounddog.exp
- ./hounddog -b2 <$(srcdir)/hounddog.inp > hound-b2.out 2>&1
- diff -c hound-b2.out $(srcdir)/hounddog.exp
-putbackdog: putbackdog.o
- $(CXX) -o putbackdog putbackdog.o $(IOLIBS)
-check-putbackdog-regular: putbackdog
- ./putbackdog <$(srcdir)/hounddog.inp > putback.out 2>&1
- diff -c putback.out $(srcdir)/hounddog.exp
-check-putbackdog-nobuf: putbackdog
- ./putbackdog -b0 <$(srcdir)/hounddog.inp > putback-b0.out 2>&1
- diff -c putback-b0.out $(srcdir)/hounddog.exp
-check-putbackdog-buf2: putbackdog
- ./putbackdog -b2 <$(srcdir)/hounddog.inp > putback-b2.out 2>&1
- diff -c putback-b2.out $(srcdir)/hounddog.exp
-check-putbackdog: \
- check-putbackdog-regular check-putbackdog-nobuf check-putbackdog-buf2
-tfseek: tfseek.o
- $(CC) -o tfseek tfseek.o $(STDIOLIBS)
-check-tfseek: tfseek
- ./tfseek SEEK_SET fopen > tfseek-set-fopen.out 2>&1
- diff -c tfseek-set-fopen.out $(srcdir)/tfseek-set.exp
- ./tfseek SEEK_SET freopen > tfseek-set-freopen.out 2>&1
- diff -c tfseek-set-freopen.out $(srcdir)/tfseek-set.exp
- ./tfseek SEEK_CUR fopen > tfseek-cur-fopen.out 2>&1
- diff -c tfseek-cur-fopen.out $(srcdir)/tfseek-cur.exp
- ./tfseek SEEK_CUR freopen > tfseek-cur-freopen.out 2>&1
- diff -c tfseek-cur-freopen.out $(srcdir)/tfseek-cur.exp
-twrseek: twrseek.o
- $(CC) -o twrseek twrseek.o $(STDIOLIBS)
-check-twrseek: twrseek
- ./twrseek > twrseek.out 2>&1
- diff -c twrseek.out $(srcdir)/twrseek.exp
-trdseek: trdseek.o
- $(CC) -o trdseek -v trdseek.o $(STDIOLIBS)
-check-trdseek: trdseek
- ./trdseek
-check-tFile-regular: tFile
- ./tFile < $(srcdir)/tFile.inp > tFile.out 2>&1
- diff -c tFile.out $(srcdir)/tFile.exp
-# Run tFile with cout.rdbuf() unbuffered.
-check-tFile-nobuf: tFile
- ./tFile -b0 < $(srcdir)/tFile.inp > tFile-buf0.out 2>&1
- diff -c tFile-buf0.out $(srcdir)/tFile.exp
-# Run tFile with a 3-byte buffer for cout.rdbuf().
-check-tFile-buf3: tFile
- ./tFile -b3 < $(srcdir)/tFile.inp > tFile-buf3.out 2>&1
- diff -c tFile-buf3.out $(srcdir)/tFile.exp
-check-tFile: check-tFile-regular check-tFile-nobuf check-tFile-buf3
-check-tiomisc: tiomisc
- ./tiomisc >tiomisc.out 2>&1
- diff -c tiomisc.out $(srcdir)/tiomisc.exp
-tiomanip: tiomanip.o
- $(CXX) -o tiomanip tiomanip.o $(IOLIBS)
-check-tiomanip: tiomanip
- ./tiomanip >tiomanip.out 2>&1
- diff -c tiomanip.out $(srcdir)/tiomanip.exp
-tfformat: $(srcdir)/tfformat.c
- -o tfformat $(srcdir)/tfformat.c $(IOSTDIOLIB)
-check-tfformat: tfformat
- ./tfformat
-tiformat: $(srcdir)/tiformat.c
- $(CC) $(C_FLAGS) -DTEST_LIBIO -o tiformat $(srcdir)/tiformat.c $(IOSTDIOLIB)
-check-tiformat: tiformat
- ./tiformat
-tstdiomisc: tstdiomisc.o
- $(CC) -o tstdiomisc tstdiomisc.o $(IOSTDIOLIB)
-check-tstdiomisc: tstdiomisc
- ./tstdiomisc >tstdiomisc.out 2>&1
- diff -c tstdiomisc.out $(srcdir)/tstdiomisc.exp
-tpopen: tpopen.o
- $(CC) -o tpopen tpopen.o $(STDIOLIBS)
-check-tpopen: tpopen
- ./tpopen > tpopen.out 2>&1
- diff -c tpopen.out $(srcdir)/tpopen.exp
-trwseek: trwseek.o
- $(CC) -o trwseek trwseek.o $(STDIOLIBS)
-check-trwseek: trwseek
- ./trwsseek TMP r+ k w o
-foo: foo.o
- $(CXX) -o foo foo.o $(STDIOLIBS)
-foo+: foo+.o
- $(CXX) -o foo+ foo+.o $(IOLIBS)
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index f832adf..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# This file is a shell script fragment that supplies the information
-# necessary for a configure script to process the program in
-# this directory. For more information, look at ../../configure.
-srcname="test C++ input/output library"
-# per-host:
-# per-target:
-ALL=' '
-XCINCLUDES='-I. -I.. -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/..'
-XCXXINCLUDES='-I. -I.. -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/..'
-(. ${srcdir}/../config.shared) >${package_makefile_frag}
-# post-target:
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29a9238..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-// Read either "dog", "hound", or "hounddog".
-// If "dog" is found, return 1.
-// If "hound" is found, return 2.
-// If "hounddog" is found, return 3.
-// If non of these are found, return -1.
-int my_scan(streambuf* sb)
- streammarker fence(sb);
- char buffer[20];
- // Try reading "hounddog":
- if (sb->sgetn(buffer, 8) == 8 && strncmp(buffer, "hounddog", 8) == 0)
- return 3;
- // No, no "hounddog": Backup to 'fence' ...
- sb->seekmark(fence);
- // ... and try reading "dog":
- if (sb->sgetn(buffer, 3) == 3 && strncmp(buffer, "dog", 3) == 0)
- return 1;
- // No, no "dog" either: Backup to 'fence' ...
- sb->seekmark(fence);
- // ... and try reading "hound":
- if (sb->sgetn(buffer, 5) == 5 && strncmp(buffer, "hound", 5) == 0)
- return 2;
- // No, no "hound" either: Backup to 'fence' and signal failure.
- sb->seekmark(fence); // Backup to 'fence'..
- return -1;
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- streambuf *sb = cin.rdbuf();
- if (argc > 1 && strncmp(argv[1], "-b", 2) == 0) {
- streambuf *ret;
- int buffer_size = atoi(&argv[1][2]);
- if (buffer_size == 0)
- ret = sb->setbuf(NULL, 0);
- else
- ret = sb->setbuf(new char[buffer_size], buffer_size);
- if (ret != sb)
- cerr << "Warning: cin.rdbuf()->setbuf failed!\n";
- }
- for (;;) {
- int code = my_scan(sb);
- int ch = sb->sbumpc();
- if (code == -1 && ch == EOF)
- break;
- int n = 0;
- while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n') {
- n++;
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- };
- if (ch == EOF) {
- cout << "[Unexpected EOF]\n";
- break;
- }
- cout << "Code: " << code << " followed by " << n << " chars\n";
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/hounddog.exp b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/hounddog.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2060807..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/hounddog.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Code: -1 followed by 6 chars
-Code: 1 followed by 3 chars
-Code: 2 followed by 0 chars
-Code: -1 followed by 3 chars
-Code: 3 followed by 4 chars
-Code: 1 followed by 0 chars
-Code: -1 followed by 3 chars
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/hounddog.inp b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/hounddog.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index 370371b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/hounddog.inp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-hounddog rat
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e1ed61..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-// Test streambuf::sputbackc
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-// Read either "dog", "hound", or "hounddog".
-// If "dog" is found, return 1.
-// If "hound" is found, return 2.
-// If "hounddog" is found, return 3.
-// If non of these are found, return -1.
-void unget_string(streambuf *sb, char *str, int count)
- for (str += count; -- count >= 0; )
- sb->sputbackc(*--str);
-int my_scan(streambuf* sb)
- char buffer[20];
- // Try reading "hounddog":
- int count;
- count = sb->sgetn(buffer, 8);
- if (count == 8 && strncmp(buffer, "hounddog", 8) == 0)
- return 3;
- // No, no "hounddog": Backup to 'fence' ...
- unget_string(sb, buffer, count);
- // ... and try reading "dog":
- count = sb->sgetn(buffer, 3);
- if (count == 3 && strncmp(buffer, "dog", 3) == 0)
- return 1;
- // No, no "dog" either: Backup to 'fence' ...
- unget_string(sb, buffer, count);
- // ... and try reading "hound":
- count = sb->sgetn(buffer, 5);
- if (count == 5 && strncmp(buffer, "hound", 5) == 0)
- return 2;
- // No, no "hound" either: Backup to 'fence' and signal failure.
- unget_string(sb, buffer, count);
- return -1;
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- streambuf *sb = cin.rdbuf();
- if (argc > 1 && strncmp(argv[1], "-b", 2) == 0) {
- streambuf *ret;
- int buffer_size = atoi(&argv[1][2]);
- if (buffer_size == 0)
- ret = sb->setbuf(NULL, 0);
- else
- ret = sb->setbuf(new char[buffer_size], buffer_size);
- if (ret != sb)
- cerr << "Warning: cin.rdbuf()->setbuf failed!\n";
- }
- for (;;) {
- int code = my_scan(sb);
- int ch = sb->sbumpc();
- if (code == -1 && ch == EOF)
- break;
- int n = 0;
- while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n') {
- n++;
- ch = sb->sbumpc();
- };
- if (ch == EOF) {
- cout << "[Unexpected EOF]\n";
- break;
- }
- cout << "Code: " << code << " followed by " << n << " chars\n";
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index d8a1ee3..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
-This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
-// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
- * a few tests for streams
- *
- */
-#include <stream.h>
-#include <fstream.h>
-#ifndef _OLD_STREAMS
-#include <strstream.h>
-#include "unistd.h"
-#include <SFile.h>
-#include <PlotFile.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-class record
- char c; int i; double d;
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, record& r)
- return(s << "(i = " << r.i << " c = " << r.c << " d = " << r.d << ")");
-void t1()
- char ch;
- assert(cout.good());
- assert(cout.writable());
- assert(cout.is_open());
- cout << "Hello, world via cout\n";
- assert(cerr.good());
- assert(cerr.writable());
- assert(cerr.is_open());
- cerr << "Hello, world via cerr\n";
- assert(cin.good());
- assert(cin.readable());
- assert(cin.is_open());
- cout << "enter a char:"; cin >> ch;
- cout.put('c'); cout.put(' '); cout.put('='); cout.put(' ');
- cout.put('"'); cout.put(ch); cout << '"'; cout << char('\n');
- assert(cin.good());
- assert(cout.good());
-void t2()
- int i;
- short h;
- long l;
- float f;
- double d;
- char s[100];
- cout << "enter three integers (short, int, long):";
- cin >> h; cin >> i;
- // cin.scan("%ld", &l);
- cin >> l;
- cout << "first = " << h << " via dec = " << dec(h, 8) << "\n";
- cout << "second = " << i << form(" via form = %d = 0%o", i, i);
- cout.form(" via cout.form = %d = 0x%x\n", i, i);
- cout << "third = " << l << " via hex = " << hex(l) << "\n";
- assert(cin.good());
- assert(cout.good());
- cout << "enter a float then a double:"; cin >> f; cin >> d;
- cout << "first = " << f << "\n";
- cout << "second = " << d << "\n";
- assert(cin.good());
- assert(cout.good());
- cout << "enter 5 characters separated with spaces:"; cin >> s;
- cout << "first = " << s << "\n";
- cin.get(s, 100);
- cout << "rest = " << s << "\n";
- assert(cin.good());
- cin.width(10);
- cin >> s;
- cin.clear();
- cout << "A 10-character buffer: " << s << endl;
- assert(cout.good());
-void t3()
- char ch;
- cout << "\nMaking streams sout and sin...";
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- ostream sout("streamfile", io_writeonly, a_create);
- ofstream sout("streamfile");
- assert(sout.good());
- assert(sout.is_open());
- assert(sout.writable());
- assert(!sout.readable());
- sout << "This file has one line testing output streams.\n";
- sout.close();
- assert(!sout.is_open());
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- istream sin("streamfile", io_readonly, a_useonly);
- ifstream sin("streamfile");
- assert(sin.good());
- assert(sin.is_open());
- assert(!sin.writable());
- assert(sin.readable());
- cout << "contents of file:\n";
- while(sin >> ch) cout << ch;
- sin.close();
- assert(!sin.is_open());
-void t4()
- char s[100];
- char ch;
- int i;
- cout << "\nMaking File tf ... ";
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- File tf("tempfile", io_readwrite, a_create);
- fstream tf("tempfile", ios::in|ios::out|ios::trunc);
- assert(tf.good());
- assert(tf.is_open());
- assert(tf.writable());
- assert(tf.readable());
- strcpy(s, "This is the first and only line of this file.\n");
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- tf.put(s);
- tf << s;
- tf.rdbuf()->seekoff(0, ios::beg);
- tf.get(s, 100);
- assert(tf.good());
- cout << "first line of file:\n" << s << "\n";
- cout << "next char = ";
- tf.get(ch);
- cout << (int)ch;
- cout.put('\n');
- assert(ch == 10);
- strcpy(s, "Now there is a second line.\n");
- cout << "reopening tempfile, appending: " << s;
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
-, io_appendonly, a_use);
- tf.close();
-"tempfile", ios::app);
- assert(tf.good());
- assert(tf.is_open());
- assert(tf.writable());
- assert(!tf.readable());
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- tf.put(s);
- assert(tf.good());
-, io_readonly, a_use);
- tf << s;
- assert(tf.good());
- tf.close();
-"tempfile", ios::in);
- tf.raw();
- assert(tf.good());
- assert(tf.is_open());
- assert(!tf.writable());
- assert(tf.readable());
- cout << "First 10 chars via raw system read after reopen for input:\n";
- read(tf.filedesc(), s, 10);
- assert(tf.good());
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)
- cout.put(s[i]);
- lseek(tf.filedesc(), 5, 0);
- cout << "\nContents after raw lseek to pos 5:\n";
- while ( (tf.get(ch)) && (cout.put(ch)) );
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- tf.remove();
- tf.close();
- unlink("tempfile");
- assert(!tf.is_open());
-void t5()
- record r;
- int i;
- cout << "\nMaking SFile rf...";
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- SFile rf("recfile", sizeof(record), io_readwrite, a_create);
- SFile rf("recfile", sizeof(record), ios::in|ios::out|ios::trunc);
- assert(rf.good());
- assert(rf.is_open());
- assert(rf.writable());
- assert(rf.readable());
- for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- {
- r.c = i + 'a';
- r.i = i;
- r.d = (double)(i) / 1000.0;
- rf.put(&r);
- }
- assert(rf.good());
- cout << "odd elements of file in reverse order:\n";
- for (i = 9; i >= 0; i -= 2)
- {
- rf[i].get(&r);
- assert(r.c == i + 'a');
- assert(r.i == i);
- cout << r << "\n";
- }
- assert(rf.good());
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- rf.remove();
- rf.close();
- unlink("recfile");
- assert(!rf.is_open());
-void t6()
- cout << "\nMaking PlotFile pf ...";
- static const char plot_name[] = "plot.out";
- PlotFile pf(plot_name);
- assert(pf.good());
- assert(pf.is_open());
- assert(pf.writable());
- assert(!pf.readable());
- pf.move(10,10);
- pf.label("Test");
- pf.line(100, 100, 500, 500);
- assert(pf.good());
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- cout << "(You may delete or attempt to plot " << << ")\n";
- cout << "(You may delete or attempt to plot " << plot_name << ")\n";
-void t7()
- char ch;
- static char t7_line1[] = "This is a string-based stream.\n";
- static char t7_line2[] = "With two lines.\n";
- char mybuf[60];
- char *bufp;
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- cout << "creating string-based ostream...\n";
- ostream strout(60, mybuf);
- cout << "creating ostrstream...\n";
- ostrstream strout(mybuf, 60);
- assert(strout.good());
- assert(strout.writable());
- strout << t7_line1 << t7_line2 << ends;
- assert(strout.good());
- cout << "with contents:\n";
- bufp = strout.str();
- assert(bufp == mybuf);
- strout.rdbuf()->freeze(0); /* Should be a no-op */
- cout << mybuf;
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- cout << "using it to create string-based istream...\n";
- istream strin(strlen(mybuf), mybuf);
- cout << "using it to create istrstream...\n";
- istrstream strin(mybuf, strlen(mybuf));
- assert(strin.good());
- assert(strin.readable());
- cout << "with contents:\n";
-#ifndef _OLD_STREAMS
- char line[100];
- strin.getline(line, 100);
- int line1_len = strlen(t7_line1);
- assert(strin.tellg() == line1_len);
- int line_len = strin.gcount();
- assert(line_len == line1_len);
- cout.write(line, line1_len - 1);
- cout << endl;
- while (strin.get(ch)) cout.put(ch);
- strstream str1;
- strstream str2;
- str1 << "Testing string-based stream using strstream.\n";
- str1.seekg(0);
- for (;;) {
- int i = str1.get();
- if (i == EOF)
- break;
- str2 << (char)i;
- }
- str2 << ends;
- cout << str2.str();
- // This should make it overflow.
- strout << t7_line1;
- assert (strout.bad());
-void t8()
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- cout << "\nThe following file open should generate error message:";
- cout.flush();
- File ef("shouldnotexist", io_readonly, a_useonly);
- ifstream ef("shouldnotexist");
- assert(!ef.good());
- assert(!ef.is_open());
-void t9()
- char ch;
- static char ffile_name[] = "ftmp";
- {
- cout << "\nMaking filebuf streams fout and fin...";
- filebuf foutbuf;
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
-, output);
-, ios::out);
- ostream fout(&foutbuf);
- assert(fout.good());
- assert(fout.is_open());
- assert(fout.writable());
- assert(!fout.readable());
- fout << "This file has one line testing output streams.\n";
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- fout.close();
- assert(!fout.is_open());
- }
- filebuf finbuf;
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
-, input);
-, ios::in);
- istream fin(&finbuf);
- assert(fin.good());
- assert(fin.is_open());
- assert(!fin.writable());
- assert(fin.readable());
- cout << "contents of file:\n";
- while(fin >> ch) cout << ch;
-#ifndef _OLD_STREAMS
- cout << '\n';
- fin.close();
- assert(!fin.is_open());
-void t10()
- int fileCnt = 3;
- char *file_name_pattern = "ftmp%d";
- char current_file_name[50];
- ifstream inFile;
- ofstream outFile;
- char c;
- int i;
- cout << '\n';
- // Write some files.
- for (i=0; i < fileCnt; i++) {
- sprintf(current_file_name, file_name_pattern, i);
-, ios::out);
- if ( )
- cerr << "File " << current_file_name
- << " can't be opened for output" << endl;
- else {
- outFile << "This is line 1 of " << current_file_name << '\n';
- outFile << "This is line 2 of " << current_file_name << endl;
- outFile.close();
- }
- }
- // Now read the files back in, and write then out to cout.
- for (i=0; i < fileCnt; i++) {
- sprintf(current_file_name, file_name_pattern, i);
-, ios::in);
- if ( )
- cerr << "File " << current_file_name
- << " can't be opened for input" << endl;
- else {
- while ( inFile.get (c))
- cout << c;
- cout << endl;
- inFile.close();
- }
- }
-// Test form
-void t11()
- int count1, count2;
- cout.form("%.2f+%.2f = %4.3e\n%n", 5.5, 6.25, 5.5+6.25, &count1);
- char *text = "Previous line has12345";
- char text_length_to_use = strlen(text) - 5;
- count2 = cout.rdbuf()->form("%-*.*s%3g characters\n",
- text_length_to_use + 1,
- text_length_to_use,
- text,
- (double)(count1-1));
- cout.form("%-*.*s%+d characters\n%n",
- text_length_to_use + 1, text_length_to_use, text,
- count2-1, &count1);
- assert(count1 == 33);
-static void
-show_int (long val)
- cout.setf(ios::showbase);
- cout << dec; cout.width (8); cout << val << "(dec) = ";
- cout << hex; cout.width (8); cout << (0xFFFF & val) << "(hex) = ";
- cout << oct; cout.width (8);
- cout << (0xFFFF & val) << "(oct) [showbase on]\n";
- cout.unsetf(ios::showbase);
- cout << dec; cout.width (8); cout << val << "(dec) = ";
- cout << hex; cout.width (8); cout << (0xFFFF & val) << "(hex) = ";
- cout << oct; cout.width (8);
- cout << (0xFFFF & val) << "(oct) [showbase off]\n";
-t12 ()
- ios::fmtflags old_flags = cout.setf(ios::showpos);
- int fill = cout.fill('_');
- cout.unsetf(ios::uppercase);
- cout.setf(ios::internal, ios::adjustfield);
- show_int(34567);
- show_int(-34567);
- cout.setf(ios::right, ios::adjustfield);
- show_int(0);
- cout.setf(ios::uppercase);
- cout.unsetf(ios::showpos);
- show_int(34567);
- cout.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield);
- show_int(-34567);
- cout.fill(fill);
- show_int(0);
- cout.setf(old_flags,
- ios::adjustfield|ios::basefield
- |ios::showbase|ios::showpos|ios::uppercase);
-main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (argc > 1 && strncmp(argv[1], "-b", 2) == 0) {
- streambuf *sb = cout.rdbuf();
- streambuf *ret;
- int buffer_size = atoi(&argv[1][2]);
- if (buffer_size == 0)
- ret = sb->setbuf(NULL, 0);
- else
- ret = sb->setbuf(new char[buffer_size], buffer_size);
- if (ret != sb)
- cerr << "Warning: cout.rdbuf()->setbuf failed!\n";
- }
- t1();
- t2();
- t3();
- t4();
- t5();
- t6();
- t7();
- t9();
- t8();
- t10();
- t11();
- t12();
- cout << "Final names & states:\n";
-#ifdef _OLD_STREAMS
- cout << "cin: " << << "\t" << cin.rdstate() << "\n";
- cout << "cout: " << << "\t" << cout.rdstate() << "\n";
- cout << "cerr: " << << "\t" << cerr.rdstate() << "\n";
- cout << "cin: " << "(stdin)" << "\t" << cin.rdstate() << "\n";
- cout << "cout: " << "(stdout)" << "\t" << cout.rdstate() << "\n";
- cout << "cerr: " << "(stderr)" << "\t" << cerr.rdstate() << "\n";
- cout << "\nend of test.\n";
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tFile.exp b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tFile.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 154cd24..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tFile.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-Hello, world via cout
-Hello, world via cerr
-enter a char:c = "a"
-enter three integers (short, int, long):first = 123 via dec = 123
-second = 4567 via form = 4567 = 010727 via cout.form = 4567 = 0x11d7
-third = 89012 via hex = 15bb4
-enter a float then a double:first = 123.456
-second = -0.012
-enter 5 characters separated with spaces:first = 1
-rest = 2 3 4 5
-A 10-character buffer: abcdefghi
-Making streams sout and sin...contents of file:
-Making File tf ... first line of file:
-This is the first and only line of this file.
-next char = 10
-reopening tempfile, appending: Now there is a second line.
-First 10 chars via raw system read after reopen for input:
-This is th
-Contents after raw lseek to pos 5:
-is the first and only line of this file.
-Now there is a second line.
-Making SFile rf...odd elements of file in reverse order:
-(i = 9 c = j d = 0.009)
-(i = 7 c = h d = 0.007)
-(i = 5 c = f d = 0.005)
-(i = 3 c = d d = 0.003)
-(i = 1 c = b d = 0.001)
-Making PlotFile pf ...(You may delete or attempt to plot plot.out)
-creating ostrstream...
-with contents:
-This is a string-based stream.
-With two lines.
-using it to create istrstream...
-with contents:
-This is a string-based stream.
-With two lines.
-Testing string-based stream using strstream.
-Making filebuf streams fout and fin...contents of file:
-This is line 1 of ftmp0
-This is line 2 of ftmp0
-This is line 1 of ftmp1
-This is line 2 of ftmp1
-This is line 1 of ftmp2
-This is line 2 of ftmp2
-5.50+6.25 = 1.175e+01
-Previous line has 21 characters
-Previous line has +32 characters
-+__34567(dec) = 0x__8707(hex) = _0103407(oct) [showbase on]
-+__34567(dec) = ____8707(hex) = __103407(oct) [showbase off]
--__34567(dec) = 0x__78f9(hex) = __074371(oct) [showbase on]
--__34567(dec) = ____78f9(hex) = ___74371(oct) [showbase off]
-______+0(dec) = _____0x0(hex) = _______0(oct) [showbase on]
-______+0(dec) = _______0(hex) = _______0(oct) [showbase off]
-___34567(dec) = __0X8707(hex) = _0103407(oct) [showbase on]
-___34567(dec) = ____8707(hex) = __103407(oct) [showbase off]
--34567__(dec) = 0X78F9__(hex) = 074371__(oct) [showbase on]
--34567__(dec) = 78F9____(hex) = 74371___(oct) [showbase off]
-0 (dec) = 0X0 (hex) = 0 (oct) [showbase on]
-0 (dec) = 0 (hex) = 0 (oct) [showbase off]
-Final names & states:
-cin: (stdin) 0
-cout: (stdout) 0
-cerr: (stderr) 0
-end of test.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tFile.inp b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tFile.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b821ef..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tFile.inp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-123 4567 89012
-123.456 -1.2e-2
-1 2 3 4 5
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tfformat.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tfformat.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f0f5ccf..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tfformat.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4145 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef TEST_LIBIO
-#include <iostdio.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#include <strstream.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#endif /* !TEST_LIBIO */
-/* Tests taken from Cygnus C library. */
-typedef struct
- int line;
- double value;
- char *result;
- char *format_string;
-} sprint_double_type;
-sprint_double_type sprint_doubles[] =
-__LINE__, 30.3, "< +30.3>", "<%+15.10g>",
-__LINE__, 10.0, "<10.00>", "<%5.2f>",
-__LINE__, 1.002121970718271e+05, "100212.19707 ", "%0-15.5f",
-__LINE__, -1.002121970718271e+05, "-100212.19707 ", "%0-15.5f",
-__LINE__, 1.002121970718271e+05, "000100212.19707", "%015.5f",
-__LINE__, -1.002121970718271e+05, "-00100212.19707", "%015.5f",
-__LINE__, 1.002121970718271e+05, "+00100212.19707", "%+015.5f",
-__LINE__, -1.002121970718271e+05, "-00100212.19707", "%+015.5f",
-__LINE__, 1.002121970718271e+05, " 00100212.19707", "% 015.5f",
-__LINE__, -1.002121970718271e+05, "-00100212.19707", "% 015.5f",
-__LINE__, 1.002121970718271e+05, "+100212.19707 ", "%+-15.5f",
-__LINE__, -1.002121970718271e+05, "-100212.19707 ", "%+-15.5f",
-__LINE__, -1.002121970718271e+29, "-1.0E+29", "%.1E",
-__LINE__, -1.002126048612756e-02, "-1.002126E-02", "%+#E",
-__LINE__, -1.002653755271637e+00, "-1.00265", "%G",
-__LINE__, -1.003238744365917e-23, "-0.00", "%4.2f",
-__LINE__, -1.005084840877781e-29, " -0", "%4.f",
-__LINE__, -1.005362549674427e+01, "-10.0536", "%#g",
-__LINE__, -1.005915042991691e-17, "-1.00592E-17", "%G",
-__LINE__, -1.007829874228503e-18, "-1.00783e-18", "%.7g",
-__LINE__, -1.007829874228503e-18, "-1.007830e-18", "%#.7g",
-__LINE__, -1.009390937771849e+15, "-1009390937771848.628657", "%+f",
-__LINE__, -1.010679382726182e-29, "-0.0000000", "%.7f",
-__LINE__, -1.010691853346650e+13, "-10106918533466.497934", "%+f",
-__LINE__, -1.013412912122286e-22, "-1.01E-22", "%.2E",
-__LINE__, -1.019269582113858e-25, " -0", "%4.0f",
-__LINE__, -1.019886033368556e+24, "-1.019886E+24", "%+.7G",
-__LINE__, -1.021037413548719e+02, "-102.103741", "%f",
-__LINE__, -1.023833576089065e+26, "-1.023834E+26", "%+E",
-__LINE__, -1.024736652408627e+10, "-10247366524.086265", "%+f",
-__LINE__, -1.025439198495476e+09, "-1.02544e+09", "%+g",
-__LINE__, -1.027080247585776e-04, "-0.0001027", "%6.7f",
-__LINE__, -1.028096307262016e+18, "-1.0281E+18", "%3G",
-__LINE__, -1.029604290697901e-02, "-0.010296", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.034347730570491e+16, "-10343477305704908.975059", "%+f",
-__LINE__, -1.034663325049286e+22, "-1.0E+22", "%#.1E",
-__LINE__, -1.034843152721857e-14, " -0", "%6.f",
-__LINE__, -1.036082122299529e-29, "-1.04e-29", "%4.3g",
-__LINE__, -1.037213662365954e-09, "-1e-09", "%3.e",
-__LINE__, -1.038563976775690e-12, "-0.000000", "%f",
-__LINE__, -1.040910158681323e-02, "-0.0104091", "%+G",
-__LINE__, -1.044680094714482e-20, "-1.04468E-20", "%G",
-__LINE__, -1.044990054091126e+24, "-1.044990E+24", "%+E",
-__LINE__, -1.045693871096982e+11, "-1.045694e+11", "%+e",
-__LINE__, -1.045714133591312e-04, "-0.000104571", "%+#3g",
-__LINE__, -1.046215079103016e-15, "-1.04622e-15", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.046285293993789e-18, "-1.04629E-18", "%+4G",
-__LINE__, -1.046306092899333e-06, "-0.00", "%0.2f",
-__LINE__, -1.047308973649206e-22, "-1.05E-22", "%+1.3G",
-__LINE__, -1.047369032507755e+01, "-1.047369E+01", "%E",
-__LINE__, -1.048986365562919e-21, "-1.05E-21", "%+.2E",
-__LINE__, -1.049530193156793e-17, "-1.04953E-17", "%+G",
-__LINE__, -1.050073419263768e+25, "-1.05007e+25", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.051739652002504e-28, "-0.000000", "%+f",
-__LINE__, -1.054493420082636e+21, "-1.0545e+21", "%#5.4e",
-__LINE__, -1.055867291029098e+18, "-1.05587e+18", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.056514389757866e-16, "-1.05651E-16", "%5.6G",
-__LINE__, -1.057180924868704e+15, "-1057180924868704", "%4.f",
-__LINE__, -1.058455468395683e-23, "-1.05846e-23", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.062560982393212e+08, "-1.06256e+08", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.063365829241138e-10, "-1.063366e-10", "%+e",
-__LINE__, -1.063568908667280e-19, "-1.06357E-19", "%+G",
-__LINE__, -1.063734263253492e-13, "-0.000000", "%0f",
-__LINE__, -1.064472689765495e-13, "-1E-13", "%4.0G",
-__LINE__, -1.067192610000129e-25, "-1.06719E-25", "%G",
-__LINE__, -1.068401334996592e-12, "-0.0000000", "%+.7f",
-__LINE__, -1.069012628653724e-13, "-1.069013E-13", "%+.7G",
-__LINE__, -1.069451976810790e+16, "-10694519768107904.056365", "%f",
-__LINE__, -1.069568935323556e+17, "-1.06957e+17", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.071351044854107e-29, "-1.07135e-29", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.072274197526185e-21, "-1E-21", "%1.G",
-__LINE__, -1.073875921752995e+23, "-1E+23", "%5.E",
-__LINE__, -1.074835151152265e-12, "-1.0748e-12", "%1.5g",
-__LINE__, -1.075171047088241e-19, "-1.07517E-19", "%#G",
-__LINE__, -1.076258826412760e+22, "-1.076259e+22", "%+e",
-__LINE__, -1.076365103160401e+06, "-1.07637E+06", "%+4.6G",
-__LINE__, -1.076817750454633e+08, "-1e+08", "%4.g",
-__LINE__, -1.078615405755685e-30, "-1e-30", "%4.g",
-__LINE__, -1.078629622917468e-25, "-1.078630e-25", "%e",
-__LINE__, -1.079352432833170e+11, "-107935243283", "%+2.f",
-__LINE__, -1.081431147440215e+16, "-10814311474402147.439378", "%+f",
-__LINE__, -1.083042116905339e-16, "-1.083e-16", "%.5g",
-__LINE__, -1.085351710708553e-10, "-1.085e-10", "%1.4g",
-__LINE__, -1.085796045618276e+07, "-1.085796e+07", "%e",
-__LINE__, -1.087398259981007e+22, "-1.0874e+22", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.087986044402224e-11, "-1.087986e-11", "%e",
-__LINE__, -1.090451848762709e-02, "-1.090452e-02", "%e",
-__LINE__, -1.091463236899737e+11, "-1.091463E+11", "%#E",
-__LINE__, -1.091617921737384e-29, "-1.09162e-29", "%3g",
-__LINE__, -1.092049328579047e-17, "-1.092049E-17", "%E",
-__LINE__, -1.093647615472090e+06, "-1093647.61547", "%6.5f",
-__LINE__, -1.094133175602384e-08, "-1.1E-08", "%0.1E",
-__LINE__, -1.095397916728214e-23, "-1e-23", "%6.e",
-__LINE__, -1.098958790437321e+02, "-109.895879", "%+#f",
-__LINE__, -1.100194638181594e-20, "-1.100195e-20", "%e",
-__LINE__, -1.102174253534260e+05, "-1.1e+05", "%2.3g",
-__LINE__, -1.102890180316350e-12, "-1.10289e-12", "%+g",
-__LINE__, -1.105582337418378e+00, "-1.11", "%3.3g",
-__LINE__, -1.110515122647056e+04, "-1.E+04", "%#0.G",
-__LINE__, -1.111365895262625e-18, "-1e-18", "%0.g",
-__LINE__, -1.112010622677495e+04, "-11120.1", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.112580043156699e-23, "-1.11258e-23", "%1g",
-__LINE__, -1.112829057091303e+08, "-1.11283e+08", "%+2g",
-__LINE__, -1.115019046200472e+18, "-1.1150190e+18", "%+#.7e",
-__LINE__, -1.118078332268016e-13, "-1.12E-13", "%1.3G",
-__LINE__, -1.119113571963886e+08, "-1.119114e+08", "%e",
-__LINE__, -1.120102397563448e-15, "-1.12e-15", "%.4g",
-__LINE__, -1.120707480791434e-19, "-1.12071e-19", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.124243676139007e-07, "-0.000000", "%f",
-__LINE__, -1.125025214608798e+15, "-1.12503E+15", "%0G",
-__LINE__, -1.126074395136447e+06, "-1E+06", "%+.0G",
-__LINE__, -1.127203019940870e-06, "-0.000001", "%+#7f",
-__LINE__, -1.130577648480677e+01, "-1.130578e+01", "%e",
-__LINE__, -1.131469694425240e-11, "-1.13147e-11", "%#0.6g",
-__LINE__, -1.132225023239752e+02, "-113.223", "%G",
-__LINE__, -1.133702113050128e+20, "-1E+20", "%+3.E",
-__LINE__, -1.135529466224404e-13, "-1.13553e-13", "%#g",
-__LINE__, -1.137587210063004e+21, "-1e+21", "%.1g",
-__LINE__, -1.140765637106361e-21, "-1.1e-21", "%+.1e",
-__LINE__, -1.141182595083699e-18, "-0.000000", "%f",
-__LINE__, -1.141695709120972e+00, "-1.1417", "%3G",
-__LINE__, -1.143199141708028e+18, "-1143199141708027833", "%2.f",
-__LINE__, -1.146712902056139e+21, "-1146712902056139071760.298975", "%f",
-__LINE__, -1.146837903839073e-02, " -0.0", "%+5.1f",
-__LINE__, -1.147363016107446e+10, "-1.14736e+10", "%+7g",
-__LINE__, -1.149575523465052e+20, "-114957552346505220697.28140", "%+.5f",
-__LINE__, -1.152748955392589e+13, "-1.15275E+13", "%G",
-__LINE__, -1.152751106015483e-17, "-1E-17", "%+3.E",
-__LINE__, -1.155539139258226e-18, "-1.2e-18", "%+.2g",
-__LINE__, -1.157089280563492e+20, "-1.15709e+20", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.161217745859779e+19, "-1.161218E+19", "%E",
-__LINE__, -1.162293536734798e+10, "-11622935367.347980", "%f",
-__LINE__, -1.162629909468603e+20, "-1.16E+20", "%.3G",
-__LINE__, -1.164979155838631e+24, "-1.16498E+24", "%G",
-__LINE__, -1.165103052644816e-20, " -1e-20", "%+7.g",
-__LINE__, -1.166448459023264e-08, "-0.000000", "%f",
-__LINE__, -1.167694506705309e+28, "-1e+28", "%.1g",
-__LINE__, -1.169901754818745e-28, "-0.000000", "%+f",
-__LINE__, -1.170330336216446e+08, " -1e+08", "%7.g",
-__LINE__, -1.170946623214213e-17, "-1.17095E-17", "%G",
-__LINE__, -1.174581596799302e+27, "-1.174582e+27", "%+e",
-__LINE__, -1.174763473995155e-28, "-1E-28", "%.1G",
-__LINE__, -1.175885640508038e-23, "-1E-23", "%+.0E",
-__LINE__, -1.177268411775439e-05, "-0.000012", "%#2.6f",
-__LINE__, -1.177739669428001e-30, "-1.17774E-30", "%G",
-__LINE__, -1.178059639880544e-02, "-0.0117806", "%+.7G",
-__LINE__, -1.178793300854446e-13, "-1.2E-13", "%+#0.2G",
-__LINE__, -1.179629345138058e-04, "-0.000118", "%0.3g",
-__LINE__, -1.180730292213358e-25, "-1.18073e-25", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.180766261654697e+02, "-118.077", "%3g",
-__LINE__, -1.181880261069391e-29, "-1.181880e-29", "%+#e",
-__LINE__, -1.183752810063514e-09, "-1.18375e-09", "%#g",
-__LINE__, -1.184191742443406e-21, "-1.184192e-21", "%e",
-__LINE__, -1.184859760488406e-26, "-1.18486E-26", "%G",
-__LINE__, -1.187276828720072e-29, "-1.18728E-29", "%G",
-__LINE__, -1.187992907205195e-04, "-1.187993E-04", "%E",
-__LINE__, -1.190586192763405e-28, "-1.E-28", "%#1.E",
-__LINE__, -1.192104053032086e+02, "-119.21", "%G",
-__LINE__, -1.192917884333569e+26, "-1.192918E+26", "%E",
-__LINE__, -1.195900753509801e+22, "-1.1959e+22", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.196559413116537e-28, "-0.000000", "%6.6f",
-__LINE__, -1.197534588732952e+12, "-1.19753e+12", "%#g",
-__LINE__, -1.200279514790649e-25, "-0.0000", "%0.4f",
-__LINE__, -1.203806667944635e+10, "-1.2038067E+10", "%5.7E",
-__LINE__, -1.204344885974736e+07, "-1.204E+07", "%#2.4G",
-__LINE__, -1.205668007693083e+00, "-1.20567", "%g",
-__LINE__, -1.205898515218947e-11, "-1.2059e-11", "%+g",
-__LINE__, -1.206787414909373e-05, "-1.2e-05", "%2.2g",
-__LINE__, -1.207905830366447e+15, "-1.207906e+15", "%6.7g",
-__LINE__, -1.208067010597729e-17, "-1.208067e-17", "%5e",
-__LINE__, -1.210189135822574e+01, "-12", "%+2.0f",
-__LINE__, -1.211560695948122e+10, "-1.21156e+10", "%+g",
-__LINE__, -1.214003025273234e-18, "-1.214e-18", "%+g",
-__LINE__, -1.214096815259005e+17, "-121409681525900459.142520", "%f",
-__LINE__, -1.214699041716797e-14, "-1.2147E-14", "%G",
-__LINE__, -1.215061611919443e+14, "-121506161191944.306310", "%+#f",
-__LINE__, -1.217491221065185e+27, "-1.21749e+27", "%g",
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-#ifndef __PCCNECV70__
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-__LINE__, 7.942700358097138e+17, "794270035809713803.587329", "%2f",
-__LINE__, 7.945451569935757e-16, "7.94545E-16", "%#4.6G",
-__LINE__, 7.948277588625241e-04, "0", "%.0f",
-__LINE__, 7.952265062569124e+21, "+7.95227e+21", "%+#g",
-__LINE__, 7.959953534668040e+11, "8e+11", "%2.e",
-__LINE__, 7.962059154424500e-22, "7.96206E-22", "%G",
-__LINE__, 7.962856142535673e-26, "7.9629E-26", "%#.5G",
-__LINE__, 7.966528574505771e+12, "7.96653e+12", "%g",
-__LINE__, 8.006496880305429e-21, "8.0065E-21", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.023374861440542e+06, "+8023375", "%+6.f",
-__LINE__, 8.041139717082990e-20, "8.04114e-20", "%g",
-__LINE__, 8.044201752824126e+15, "8.04420E+15", "%.5E",
-__LINE__, 8.044262927409321e-10, "+8E-10", "%+2.2G",
-__LINE__, 8.058285708061202e+02, "+8.058286e+02", "%+e",
-__LINE__, 8.104422320765144e+10, "8.10442e+10", "%#4g",
-__LINE__, 8.104572628022330e-11, "0.000000", "%f",
-__LINE__, 8.112156369917432e+15, "+8.11216E+15", "%+G",
-__LINE__, 8.114566569709531e-18, "8.11457E-18", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.114795069552519e+13, "8.114795E+13", "%E",
-__LINE__, 8.121382719830660e+03, "8121.382720", "%f",
-__LINE__, 8.125179335533733e-12, "+8.125179e-12", "%+e",
-__LINE__, 8.126383949107055e+19, "81263839491070548604.056967", "%f",
-__LINE__, 8.129961701307842e-04, "+0.00081", "%+5.2g",
-__LINE__, 8.143780077390936e+15, "8.14378E+15", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.149891507777399e+16, "+8E+16", "%+1.G",
-__LINE__, 8.167395708830107e+03, "8167", "%3.f",
-__LINE__, 8.167703619221975e+01, "81.677", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.178463030771759e+06, "+8.17846E+06", "%+G",
-__LINE__, 8.188188531273697e+12, "8.18819E+12", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.189094866416537e+11, "+8E+11", "%+.1G",
-__LINE__, 8.205086844365809e-18, "+8.205087E-18", "%+#E",
-__LINE__, 8.205762333408320e-26, "0.000000", "%f",
-__LINE__, 8.212370598174696e-10, "8.2124E-10", "%.5G",
-__LINE__, 8.228054316085489e-14, "0.000000", "%3f",
-__LINE__, 8.244313484402404e-16, "8.24431e-16", "%g",
-__LINE__, 8.244472235472472e+19, "8.24447E+19", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.245421473302411e-09, "+8.2454e-09", "%+1.5g",
-__LINE__, 8.252286626634840e-22, "8E-22", "%3.G",
-__LINE__, 8.259969177912707e-19, "0.000000", "%f",
-__LINE__, 8.265769991725211e+18, "8.26577e+18", "%.5e",
-__LINE__, 8.293986939496488e+25, "8.3E+25", "%.1E",
-__LINE__, 8.310348813512608e-23, "+8.31035e-23", "%+g",
-__LINE__, 8.316951996533247e-20, "0.000000", "%f",
-__LINE__, 8.318818016883803e+05, " 8e+05", "%6.1g",
-__LINE__, 8.324896920131877e-13, "+8.324897e-13", "%+e",
-__LINE__, 8.325228630004624e-03, "0.0083252", "%5.7f",
-__LINE__, 8.332538660129034e+14, "8.3e+14", "%5.2g",
-__LINE__, 8.343325212751775e+07, "8.34333e+07", "%#4g",
-__LINE__, 8.363117398136236e+20, "+8.36e+20", "%+.3g",
-__LINE__, 8.364181324448165e+27, "8.36418e+27", "%#g",
-__LINE__, 8.372159259848738e+10, "8.37216e+10", "%4g",
-__LINE__, 8.379252006152759e-26, "8.37925e-26", "%g",
-__LINE__, 8.392670395720252e+09, "8392670395.720252", "%f",
-__LINE__, 8.423360059147756e+05, "+842336.", "%+#G",
-__LINE__, 8.425921213167943e+09, "8.425921e+09", "%1.7g",
-__LINE__, 8.431664412515776e-16, "8.43166E-16", "%#G",
-__LINE__, 8.448608859842500e+02, "844.861", "%1.3f",
-__LINE__, 8.456292247478771e-14, "8.45629E-14", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.460077225296853e-04, "0.000846008", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.478635925746218e-10, "0.000000", "%f",
-__LINE__, 8.492455774427448e+06, "8.49246e+06", "%g",
-__LINE__, 8.494450528380746e-07, "8.494451e-07", "%e",
-__LINE__, 8.516435842947605e-23, "+0.000000", "%+1f",
-__LINE__, 8.519057789029134e-18, "0.000000", "%0f",
-__LINE__, 8.522602111109066e+18, " 9.e+18", "%#7.g",
-__LINE__, 8.529176788022152e-24, "8.529E-24", "%0.4G",
-__LINE__, 8.534979605642793e-07, "0.000001", "%f",
-__LINE__, 8.546859563634342e-07, "8.546860E-07", "%E",
-__LINE__, 8.552370027054106e+12, "9e+12", "%.0g",
-__LINE__, 8.561781328234041e+10, "8.56178e+10", "%4g",
-__LINE__, 8.562688793145107e-20, "8.562689e-20", "%1.7g",
-__LINE__, 8.573130147270046e-07, " 9E-07", "%7.G",
-__LINE__, 8.584571984387802e-18, "8.5846e-18", "%.5g",
-__LINE__, 8.596407996491291e+11, "8.596408E+11", "%#E",
-__LINE__, 8.604843726850381e+10, " 9E+10", "%6.G",
-__LINE__, 8.626884271938994e-23, "8.62688e-23", "%g",
-__LINE__, 8.631140282429168e+24, "8631140282429168308908629.", "%#.0f",
-__LINE__, 8.635194331917948e-16, "8.63519E-16", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.641417311588688e-24, "+0.000000", "%+f",
-__LINE__, 8.649120264278466e+26, "8.65E+26", "%1.3G",
-__LINE__, 8.649745523383894e+06, "8.649746e+06", "%e",
-__LINE__, 8.654720740091021e+16, "8.65472e+16", "%g",
-__LINE__, 8.655445556834509e-08, "9e-08", "%4.g",
-__LINE__, 8.658954696751902e+06, "8.65895E+06", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.665712368800818e-10, "+8.66571E-10", "%+G",
-__LINE__, 8.666937057116442e-10, "8.666937e-10", "%e",
-__LINE__, 8.670981239765155e+05, "867098", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.679631934294932e-25, "+9.E-25", "%+#0.G",
-__LINE__, 8.683595173050962e-21, "8.68360E-21", "%#G",
-__LINE__, 8.684938704958039e+25, "8.684939E+25", "%E",
-__LINE__, 8.686745463281227e-12, "8.686745E-12", "%5.7G",
-__LINE__, 8.700227628706534e-12, "8.700228e-12", "%#e",
-__LINE__, 8.705101179577200e+04, "87051.011796", "%#2f",
-__LINE__, 8.707824829984700e-24, "9e-24", "%.1g",
-__LINE__, 8.717654041009233e+21, "+9E+21", "%+6.0E",
-__LINE__, 8.741736299906572e-11, "8.74174E-11", "%#0G",
-__LINE__, 8.742228350419966e+18, "+8742228350419965821.060941", "%+f",
-__LINE__, 8.743045146087558e-17, "+8.74305E-17", "%+2G",
-__LINE__, 8.747820269457588e+18, "8.74782E+18", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.756274717008537e-28, "8.756275E-28", "%E",
-__LINE__, 8.769782309254687e-24, "+8.769782E-24", "%+2.6E",
-__LINE__, 8.788151659193398e-16, " 9E-16", "%6.E",
-__LINE__, 8.789514812202340e-07, "9E-07", "%0.G",
-__LINE__, 8.792657843164822e-07, "8.79266e-07", "%0g",
-__LINE__, 8.810976223440985e+05, "881097.622344", "%f",
-__LINE__, 8.822553973113614e+10, "8.82255E+10", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.839440421530611e-04, "0.000883944", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.842539073558434e-12, "0", "%1.f",
-__LINE__, 8.882818021261782e-13, "+8.9e-13", "%+4.2g",
-__LINE__, 8.899833909201039e+05, "8.8998E+05", "%.5G",
-__LINE__, 8.903167498000181e-13, "9e-13", "%0.g",
-__LINE__, 8.933727737932164e+09, "+8933727738", "%+4.f",
-__LINE__, 8.946226267100711e+06, "8.946E+06", "%1.4G",
-__LINE__, 8.953203780849794e-21, "8.9532E-21", "%G",
-__LINE__, 8.959934262635649e+28, "+8.959934e+28", "%+e",
-__LINE__, 8.969485341781558e-25, "0.000000", "%#f",
-__LINE__, 8.970058187654221e+02, "897.005819", "%f",
-__LINE__, 8.979846508565979e+02, "8.979847E+02", "%E",
-__LINE__, 8.984561117901212e+01, "8.984561E+01", "%E",
-__LINE__, 8.992157765875611e-12, "8.99216e-12", "%g",
-__LINE__, 9.004487016708012e+01, "9.004487e+01", "%#e",
-__LINE__, 9.007306978283218e-24, "9.007307e-24", "%e",
-__LINE__, 9.014546375043562e+17, "901454637504356171.007203", "%#3f",
-__LINE__, 9.028177786002161e-12, "9.02818E-12", "%G",
-__LINE__, 9.029635986381795e-02, "0.09", "%.1g",
-__LINE__, 9.032389962233431e-07, "+0.000001", "%+f",
-__LINE__, 9.038466945070887e+10, "+9.038467E+10", "%+E",
-__LINE__, 9.040166964322772e-27, "9.04017e-27", "%g",
-__LINE__, 9.044627673694681e-11, "9.04463E-11", "%G",
-__LINE__, 9.045906217628948e+17, "904590621762894819.823941", "%1f",
-__LINE__, 9.051764975661710e+11, "9.05176e+11", "%#g",
-__LINE__, 9.053142913711405e+29, "9.053143e+29", "%#e",
-__LINE__, 9.073185209160657e-19, "+9.07319e-19", "%+g",
-__LINE__, 9.074372574441451e+02, "907.437", "%g",
-__LINE__, 9.084624602048136e+08, "9.084625E+08", "%E",
-__LINE__, 9.088839346363631e+18, "9.09e+18", "%.2e",
-__LINE__, 9.091945159170871e-15, "9.09195e-15", "%5g",
-__LINE__, 9.115304318083716e+10, "9.115304e+10", "%e",
-__LINE__, 9.115978352902710e+28, "9.11598E+28", "%G",
-__LINE__, 9.121415008221017e-17, "9.E-17", "%#6.G",
-__LINE__, 9.127270978060388e+18, "9.E+18", "%#5.G",
-__LINE__, 9.143941729069086e+08, "9.143942E+08", "%#E",
-__LINE__, 9.162740105978580e-19, " 9.E-19", "%#7.G",
-__LINE__, 9.221509957559626e-18, "9.22151e-18", "%g",
-__LINE__, 9.227419774250317e-28, " 0.", "%#3.f",
-__LINE__, 9.230846660807540e-21, "0.000000", "%f",
-__LINE__, 9.238091727277130e-06, "+0.00001", "%+.5f",
-__LINE__, 9.244337357684406e+10, "9E+10", "%5.G",
-__LINE__, 9.259179793993285e-19, " 9E-19", "%7.0G",
-__LINE__, 9.274068541525759e-17, "9.274069e-17", "%e",
-__LINE__, 9.283833535882367e+16, "9.28383e+16", "%#g",
-__LINE__, 9.295693096364605e+11, "+9.295693E+11", "%+E",
-__LINE__, 9.301820438602407e+05, "930182", "%G",
-__LINE__, 9.322805251555376e-29, "9e-29", "%1.e",
-__LINE__, 9.358443042421307e-27, "9.35844e-27", "%g",
-__LINE__, 9.372658444745124e-23, "9.372658e-23", "%e",
-__LINE__, 9.380302971355292e+05, "938030.3", "%.7g",
-__LINE__, 9.381976354968076e-26, "+9.382E-26", "%+5.4G",
-__LINE__, 9.391072061980585e-15, "9.391072E-15", "%E",
-__LINE__, 9.403554117166546e-06, "0.000009", "%f",
-__LINE__, 9.403712900426614e-28, "9.40371e-28", "%g",
-__LINE__, 9.419046629820578e+03, "9419.046630", "%f",
-__LINE__, 9.422344695378412e+22, "94223446953784115720509.362291", "%f",
-__LINE__, 9.433327680467576e+01, "9.433328e+01", "%e",
-__LINE__, 9.443975205260596e+20, "9.44398e+20", "%g",
-__LINE__, 9.445134851965593e-04, "+9.445135E-04", "%+E",
-__LINE__, 9.448403585149890e+24, "9e+24", "%0.g",
-__LINE__, 9.463149430113036e+18, "9.46315e+18", "%g",
-__LINE__, 9.465735160722534e+27, "+9465735160722534402566452627.070248", "%+f",
-__LINE__, 9.495210794344892e-04, "0.000950", "%f",
-__LINE__, 9.501916506373814e-25, "9.50192E-25", "%#G",
-__LINE__, 9.514641335897739e+29, "9.51464E+29", "%G",
-__LINE__, 9.524633436992819e-04, " 0.001", "%6.G",
-__LINE__, 9.530925101873022e-18, "9.530925e-18", "%2e",
-__LINE__, 9.557903833216979e-22, "9.557904E-22", "%E",
-__LINE__, 9.587709102390903e-01, " 1", "%2.f",
-__LINE__, 9.592723000828453e-02, "9.592723E-02", "%5E",
-__LINE__, 9.603430008794172e+27, "9.60343e+27", "%g",
-__LINE__, 9.622648414989433e-18, "9.622648e-18", "%1e",
-__LINE__, 9.633326171289319e-23, "9.633326e-23", "%e",
-__LINE__, 9.662064616152408e+19, "96620646161524081918.5146393", "%1.7f",
-__LINE__, 9.668544846563163e-23, "9.668545e-23", "%e",
-__LINE__, 9.691014191346685e+28, "9.69101E+28", "%G",
-__LINE__, 9.693075414840598e+02, "+969.308", "%+G",
-__LINE__, 9.695013453291907e-30, "9.695013e-30", "%5e",
-__LINE__, 9.705983477801926e-24, "9.70598e-24", "%g",
-__LINE__, 9.709022568030226e-17, "0.000000", "%f",
-__LINE__, 9.715194901854826e+20, "9.715195e+20", "%e",
-__LINE__, 9.721011821337717e+16, "1E+17", "%0.G",
-__LINE__, 9.734895542899672e+14, "9.734896e+14", "%e",
-__LINE__, 9.741486438769710e-29, " 1e-28", "%6.g",
-__LINE__, 9.766657482315475e-24, "9.76666E-24", "%7G",
-__LINE__, 9.767283293054552e-02, "0.09767", "%5.5f",
-__LINE__, 9.769553159146005e-20, "9.76955E-20", "%G",
-__LINE__, 9.777220880605434e-10, "0.00", "%4.2f",
-__LINE__, 9.790290569034575e+20, "979029056903457473027.", "%#6.f",
-__LINE__, 9.793128245822718e-01, "0.979313", "%G",
-__LINE__, 9.804758536498200e+08, "980475853.650", "%.3f",
-__LINE__, 9.816883664191066e-02, "0.1", "%.0g",
-__LINE__, 9.836109821010300e+25, "9.83611e+25", "%g",
-__LINE__, 9.846197559631225e+03, "1E+04", "%2.G",
-__LINE__, 9.863289416819924e+12, "9.86329e+12", "%g",
-__LINE__, 9.865893798657353e+12, "9.866e+12", "%0.4g",
-__LINE__, 9.868248446640862e-15, "0.000000", "%#f",
-__LINE__, 9.869973080775134e+04, "98699.7", "%G",
-__LINE__, 9.899444006312953e+20, "1E+21", "%.1G",
-__LINE__, 9.904083146074285e-08, "9.904083e-08", "%6e",
-__LINE__, 9.909790408255471e+15, "9909790408255471.305665", "%f",
-__LINE__, 9.930297455798394e-13, "+9.930297E-13", "%+5.6E",
-__LINE__, 9.933314448709083e-15, "9.93331E-15", "%#.6G",
-__LINE__, 9.938714530509870e+29, "9.938715e+29", "%e",
-__LINE__, 9.953892603540162e+07, "9.95389E+07", "%G",
-__LINE__, 9.962084643867200e+14, "+996208464386720.038419", "%+f",
-__LINE__, 9.977706708809947e-09, "9.9777E-09", "%#.4E",
-__LINE__, 9.978034352999867e+15, "9.978034e+15", "%2.6e",
-__LINE__, 9.998315286730175e-30, "9.998315e-30", "%6e",
-/* matches(s1, s2) is true if s1 is "approximately" equal to s2.
- Any digits after the first required_precision digits do not have to match.
- */
-int required_precision = 13;
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-int matches(register char *result, register char *desired)
-int matches(result, desired)
- register char *result; register char *desired;
- int digits_seen = 0;
- for (;; result++, desired++) {
- if (*result == *desired) {
- if (*result == 0)
- return 1;
- else if (*result >= '0' && *result <= '9')
- digits_seen++;
- }
- else if (digits_seen >= required_precision
- && *result >= '0' && *result <= '9'
- && *desired >= '0' && *desired <= '9')
- continue;
- else
- return 0;
- }
-extern void dump_stats();
-int main()
- int errcount = 0;
- int testcount = 0;
- double d;
-#define BSIZE 1024
- char buffer[BSIZE];
- sprint_double_type *dptr;
-#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(TEST_LIBIO)
- strstream sstr(buffer, BSIZE, ios::in|ios::out);
- for (dptr = sprint_doubles; dptr->line; dptr++)
- {
- sstr.seekp(0);
- sstr.form(dptr->format_string, dptr->value);
- sstr << ends;
- if (!matches(buffer, dptr->result))
- {
- errcount++;
- cerr << "Error in line " << dptr->line;
- cerr << " using \"" << dptr->format_string;
- cerr << "\". Result is \"" << buffer << "\"; should be: \"";
- cerr << dptr->result << "\".\n";
- }
- sstr.seekp(0);
- sstr.form("%.999g", dptr->value);
- sstr << ends;
- sstr.seekg(0);
- sstr.scan("%lg", &d);
- if (dptr->value != d)
- {
- errcount++;
- cerr << "Error in line " << dptr->line;
- cerr << ". String is \"" << buffer << "\", value is " << d << ".\n";
- }
- testcount++;
- }
- if (errcount == 0)
- {
- cerr << "Encountered no errors in " << testcount << " tests.\n";
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- cerr << "Encountered " << errcount << " errors in "
- << testcount << " tests.\n";
- return 1;
- }
- for (dptr = sprint_doubles; dptr->line; dptr++)
- {
- sprintf (buffer, dptr->format_string, dptr->value);
- if (!matches(buffer, dptr->result))
- {
- errcount++;
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Error in line %d using \"%s\". Result is \"%s\"; should be: \"%s\".\n",
- dptr->line, dptr->format_string, buffer, dptr->result);
- }
- sprintf (buffer, "%.999g", dptr->value);
- sscanf (buffer, "%lg", &d);
- if (dptr->value != d)
- {
- errcount++;
- fprintf (stderr,
- "Error in line %d. String is \"%s\", value is %g.\n",
- dptr->line, buffer, d);
- }
- testcount++;
- }
- if (errcount == 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Encountered no errors in %d tests.\n", testcount);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Encountered %d errors in %d tests.\n",
- errcount, testcount);
- return 1;
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tiformat.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tiformat.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f28d646..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tiformat.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5093 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef TEST_LIBIO
-#include <iostdio.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#include <strstream.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#endif /* !TEST_LIBIO */
-#include <string.h>
-/* Tests taken from Cygnus C library. */
-typedef struct {
- int line;
- long value;
- char *result;
- char *format_string;
-} sprint_int_type;
-sprint_int_type sprint_ints[] =
-__LINE__, 0x000838d2, "838d2", "%.4x",
-__LINE__, 0x0063be46, "63BE46", "%-6X",
-__LINE__, -0x1b236c0, "-28456640", "%#0.d",
-__LINE__, -0x0000003, "-3", "% 0d",
-__LINE__, 0x0000ed51, "ed51", "%2.x",
-__LINE__, -0x00001f2, "-498", "%1ld",
-__LINE__, 0x0ea3e927, "EA3E927", "%+X",
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-__LINE__, 0xffd58cce, "FFD58CCE", "%X",
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-__LINE__, -0x0014989, "-84361", "%-#0.3ld",
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-__LINE__, -0x0000003, "-000003", "%4.6ld",
-__LINE__, 0x00000000, "", "%.0x",
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-__LINE__, -0x00a3efa, "-671482", "%4d",
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-__LINE__, 0x00003eb6, "3EB6", "% X",
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-__LINE__, 0xf9d9dd07, "F9D9DD07", "%0X",
-#ifndef __PCCNECV70__
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-__LINE__, 0xffdb3e96, "ffdb3e96", "%+.5x",
-__LINE__, 0xffffffef, "FFFFFFEF", "% 04.X",
-__LINE__, 0xffffffff, "FFFFFFFF", "%5X",
-__LINE__, 0x000c08cd, "C08CD", "%-X",
-__LINE__, 0x18de71ee, "18de71ee", "%x",
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-__LINE__, -0x00025bd, "-009661", "%#.6d",
-__LINE__, 0x2f05de14, " 788913684", "% 6.4ld",
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-__LINE__, -0xef9e3cc, "-251257804", "%-7.0d",
-__LINE__, 0x0000000c, "+12", "%+00ld",
-__LINE__, 0xffffffe2, "ffffffe2", "%x",
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-__LINE__, -0x0005c55, "-23637", "%d",
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-__LINE__, 0x00000004, "4", "%+X",
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-__LINE__, -0x2afbcc3c, "-721144892", "%4.6ld",
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-__LINE__, 0xffffffc8, "FFFFFFC8", "%0X",
-__LINE__, 0x007ed9d1, "8313297", "%-3d",
-__LINE__, 0x00000000, "0", "%-X",
-__LINE__, 0x001e122d, "1970733", "%01.d",
-__LINE__, -0x000029b, "-667", "%ld",
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-__LINE__, 0x00000080, "80", "%X",
-__LINE__, 0x0000078f, " 1935", "% 6ld",
-__LINE__, 0xfffffffb, "FFFFFFFB", "% X",
-__LINE__, 0x000000ae, " AE", "%7.X",
-__LINE__, -0x000d6aa, "-54954", "%-ld",
-__LINE__, 0xfffffffe, "FFFFFFFE", "%6.X",
-__LINE__, 0x000003bf, "+959", "%+d",
-__LINE__, -0x7242d04b, "-1916981323", "% ld",
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-__LINE__, 0x047e196a, "75372906", "%ld",
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-__LINE__, -0x0000006, "-006", "%.3ld",
-__LINE__, 0x00068aac, "428716", "%#ld",
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-__LINE__, -0x00000ae, "-0000174", "%7.7ld",
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-__LINE__, 0xfee229bc, "fee229bc", "%x",
-__LINE__, -0x275b8455, "-660309077", "%.2ld",
-__LINE__, -0xca4b2a5, "-212120229", "%d",
-__LINE__, 0x000000b5, " 181", "%04.d",
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-__LINE__, 0x00000003, "3", "%-X",
-__LINE__, 0x0ebb978b, "247175051", "%.6ld",
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-__LINE__, -0x0000003, "-03", "%+0.2d",
-__LINE__, -0x178ff86, "-24706950", "%+d",
-__LINE__, 0x0000003c, " 60", "%7.ld",
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-__LINE__, 0x2d610907, "2d610907", "%x",
-__LINE__, -0x00002de, "-734", "%04d",
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-__LINE__, 0x081542a3, "135611043", "%0d",
-__LINE__, 0xfffb4ce6, "fffb4ce6", "%4.6x",
-__LINE__, 0x00002ab2, "2ab2", "%-1x",
-__LINE__, 0x00000000, " 0", "% 2x",
-__LINE__, 0xfffffa59, "FFFFFA59", "%2.X",
-__LINE__, 0xffffe22b, "ffffe22b", "%-x",
-__LINE__, 0xfffffd52, "FFFFFD52", "%+.2X",
-__LINE__, 0x0000039f, "927", "%-d",
-__LINE__, 0x0002dea6, "2dea6", "%0x",
-__LINE__, 0x000216db, "136923", "%ld",
-__LINE__, 0x00000013, "19", "%0d",
-__LINE__, 0x000047cc, "18380", "%2.2ld",
-__LINE__, -0x0007d10, "-32016", "%d",
-__LINE__, 0xff9af906, "FF9AF906", "%0X",
-__LINE__, 0x02cfa224, "+47161892", "%+0.7d",
-__LINE__, -0x0000022, "-34", "%1.d",
-__LINE__, 0xfffffff0, "FFFFFFF0", "%-4X",
-__LINE__, 0x00000029, " 41", "%6.ld",
-__LINE__, 0xffffff76, "ffffff76", "%x",
-__LINE__, 0x00000000, "0", "%+X",
-__LINE__, 0x00000001, "1", "%d",
-__LINE__, 0xfff6de5a, "FFF6DE5A", "%X",
-__LINE__, 0x00000002, "2", "%ld",
-__LINE__, 0x00000025, "25", "%+x",
-__LINE__, 0xfffffffb, "FFFFFFFB", "%5.0X",
-__LINE__, 0x0011bbb5, "1162165", "%0.0ld",
-__LINE__, 0xfffcdc96, "0XFFFCDC96", "%#X",
-__LINE__, 0x00008f5f, "8f5f", "%3.1x",
-__LINE__, 0xffa0fa5d, "0XFFA0FA5D", "%#X",
-__LINE__, 0x00004534, "4534", "% 0X",
-__LINE__, 0xfffffff9, "fffffff9", "%.2x",
-__LINE__, 0xffeeae50, "ffeeae50", "%-x",
-__LINE__, 0x00002964, " 0010596", "% 0.7d",
-__LINE__, 0x000021c9, " 21c9", "%6x",
-__LINE__, 0x00000001, " 1", "% d",
-__LINE__, 0x0002abd8, "+175064", "%+d",
-__LINE__, 0xffffffad, "FFFFFFAD", "%+0X",
-__LINE__, 0x00000003, "3", "%ld",
-__LINE__, 0x0c036da3, " 201551267", "% .3d",
-__LINE__, -0x004343c, "-275516", "%+ld",
-__LINE__, 0x00000003, "003", "% .3x",
-__LINE__, 0xffffe34e, "ffffe34e", "%x",
-__LINE__, 0x0000e118, "e118", "%x",
-__LINE__, -0x007d945, "-514373", "%+#0ld",
-__LINE__, 0x277f1cc5, "277f1cc5", "% x",
-__LINE__, 0x00003bef, "03bef", "% 0.5x",
-__LINE__, 0xfffffcb9, "fffffcb9", "%x",
-__LINE__, 0x0003311a, "209178", "%ld",
-__LINE__, 0x00000000, " ", "%3.ld",
-__LINE__, 0x05942225, "5942225", "%x",
-__LINE__, 0xfffceb4c, "FFFCEB4C", "%-X",
-__LINE__, 0xffd08633, "ffd08633", "%2.x",
-__LINE__, -0x0000001, " -1", "%6d",
-__LINE__, 0x000fdb12, "1039122", "%d",
-__LINE__, 0x00000003, "3", "% 0X",
-__LINE__, -0x2fd5bf1, "-50158577", "% 5.ld",
-__LINE__, -0x0089a03, "-563715", "%-d",
-__LINE__, 0xfffffffe, "FFFFFFFE", "% X",
-__LINE__, 0x29fdb2ba, "29fdb2ba", "% 0x",
-__LINE__, 0x0000008f, "8F", "% X",
-__LINE__, 0x00000003, "3", "%ld",
-__LINE__, 0xffc58445, "FFC58445", "%.2X",
-__LINE__, -0x00023f6, "-9206", "%+d",
-__LINE__, 0x00000011, "11", "%X",
-__LINE__, -0x0000003, "-0000003", "%-.7d",
-__LINE__, -0x0000003, "-3", "%#ld",
-__LINE__, 0x001242d9, "1242D9", "%X",
-__LINE__, -0x48d0c81, "-76352641", "%7.d",
-__LINE__, -0x001b675, "-112245", "%#ld",
-__LINE__, 0x00000003, "3", "%-d",
-__LINE__, 0xfff93fdf, "0XFFF93FDF", "% #X",
-__LINE__, 0x001a9414, "1741844", "%#ld",
-__LINE__, 0x0001fd86, "130438", "%ld",
-__LINE__, 0x010f37a8, "17774504", "%4.7d",
-__LINE__, 0x00382838, "0382838", "%3.7X",
-__LINE__, -0x47fd56c2, "-1207785154", "%ld",
-__LINE__, 0x001981dd, "1981dd", "%x",
-__LINE__, 0xffffefba, "ffffefba", "% 06.x",
-__LINE__, -0x3f402b29, "-1061169961", "%+#ld",
-__LINE__, -0x395aae44, "-962244164", "%-1d",
-__LINE__, 0x1fa39f42, "530816834", "%#d",
-__LINE__, -0x000358d, "-13709", "%d",
-__LINE__, -0xdc17b8f, "-230783887", "%ld",
-__LINE__, -0x23c41583, "-600053123", "%+3.d",
-__LINE__, 0xfffffc16, "fffffc16", "%x",
-__LINE__, 0x003f1364, "4133732", "%7.ld",
-__LINE__, 0xffffe691, "FFFFE691", "%07X",
-__LINE__, 0x07b31d71, "129178993", "%.7d",
-__LINE__, -0x0019732, "-104242", "% ld",
-__LINE__, 0x02428167, "0x2428167", "%#x",
-__LINE__, -0x06c1ecd, "-7085773", "%.7ld",
-__LINE__, 0xfb01cb4e, "fb01cb4e", "%x",
-__LINE__, 0x00005a41, "+23105", "%+ld",
-__LINE__, 0xfffffff4, "FFFFFFF4", "%-5.X",
-__LINE__, 0x00000005, " 5", "%4.ld",
-__LINE__, 0xf4ab4b2d, "F4AB4B2D", "%0.X",
-__LINE__, -0x000fce3, "-64739", "%+#3.ld",
-__LINE__, 0x000076ea, " 30442", "%6.2ld",
-__LINE__, 0x00000cb9, " cb9", "%4.x",
-__LINE__, 0x002f43ef, "3097583", "%1.1ld",
-__LINE__, 0xf5bd0105, "F5BD0105", "%+X",
-__LINE__, 0x0037954a, "3642698", "%d",
-__LINE__, 0xfffffff7, "0XFFFFFFF7", "%-#X",
-__LINE__, 0xffffcedf, "0xffffcedf", "%#6.7x",
-__LINE__, 0xfffffde4, "FFFFFDE4", "%2.4X",
-__LINE__, 0x01a6f103, "1a6f103", "%5.x",
-__LINE__, 0x00000191, " 191", "%7.0X",
-__LINE__, 0x00000003, "03", "% .2X",
-__LINE__, -0xd4e3219, "-223228441", "%6.ld",
-__LINE__, 0x00b0efbd, "11595709", "%d",
-__LINE__, -0x00000ea, "-234", "%#3d",
-__LINE__, 0x00000be8, "BE8 ", "%-5X",
-__LINE__, 0xffffffff, "ffffffff", "%5.3x",
-__LINE__, -0x267f8c6, "-40368326", "%d",
-__LINE__, 0x000006ed, "6ED", "%X",
-__LINE__, 0xfdd6c9b6, "FDD6C9B6", "%X",
-__LINE__, 0x0007ac29, "7ac29", "%-x",
-__LINE__, 0x00000014, "14", "%2x",
-__LINE__, 0x123ca563, "+305964387", "%+ld",
-__LINE__, 0x00000004, " 4", "%5.d",
-__LINE__, 0xffff877a, "ffff877a", "%x",
-__LINE__, -0x00003e7, "-999", "%+0.3d",
-__LINE__, 0x0a68ba6e, "a68ba6e", "%3.1x",
-__LINE__, 0xfe29c810, "FE29C810", "%+X",
-__LINE__, 0x00000000, "0", "%o",
-__LINE__, 0000000123, "123", "%o",
-__LINE__, 0000123456, "0123456", "%#o",
-__LINE__, 0000123456, "00123456", "%#.8o",
-__LINE__, 0000123456, " 00123456", "%#10.8o",
-__LINE__, 0x00000123, "0x00123", "%#07x",
-int main()
- int errcount = 0;
- int testcount = 0;
-#define BSIZE 1024
- char buffer[BSIZE];
- sprint_int_type *iptr;
-#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(TEST_LIBIO)
- ostrstream sstr(buffer, BSIZE);
- for (iptr = sprint_ints; iptr->line; iptr++) {
- sstr.seekp(0);
- sstr.form(iptr->format_string, iptr->value);
- sstr << ends;
- if (strcmp(buffer, iptr->result) != 0) {
- errcount++;
- cerr << "Error in line " << iptr->line;
- cerr << " using \"" << iptr->format_string;
- cerr << "\". Result is \"" << buffer << "\"; should be: \"";
- cerr << iptr->result << "\".\n";
- }
- testcount++;
- }
- if (errcount == 0) {
- cerr << "Encountered no errors in " << testcount << " tests.\n";
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- cerr << "Encountered " << errcount << " errors in "
- << testcount << " tests.\n";
- return 1;
- }
- for (iptr = sprint_ints; iptr->line; iptr++) {
- sprintf(buffer, iptr->format_string, iptr->value);
- if (strcmp(buffer, iptr->result) != 0) {
- errcount++;
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Error in line %d using \"%s\". Result is \"%s\"; should be: \"%s\".\n",
- iptr->line, iptr->format_string, buffer, iptr->result);
- }
- testcount++;
- }
- if (errcount == 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Encountered no errors in %d tests.\n", testcount);
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- fprintf(stderr, "Encountered %d errors in %d tests.\n",
- errcount, testcount);
- return 1;
- }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index b7dd08a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// test the parametrized manipulators
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iomanip.h>
- cerr << "(IO manipulators are not supported with this compiler)\n");
- exit(-1);
- cout << dec << 1234 << ' '
- << hex << 1234 << ' '
- << oct << 1234 << endl;
- //SMANIP<int> x = setw(4);
- //operator<<(cout, x);
- cout
- << "("
- << dec << setw(4) << setfill('*')
- << 12 << ")\n";
- cout << "(" << 12 << ")\n";
- cout << setiosflags(ios::internal);
- cout << "(" << setw(6) << -12 << ")\n";
- exit(0);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tiomanip.exp b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tiomanip.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a0a7ea5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tiomanip.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-1234 4d2 2322
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3351e4d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-/* Random regression tests etc. */
-#include <fstream.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <strstream.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#define BUF_SIZE 4096
-test1 ()
- fstream f;
- char buf[BUF_SIZE];
- f.setbuf( buf, BUF_SIZE );
-test2 ( )
- char string[BUF_SIZE];
- ostrstream s( string, BUF_SIZE );
- s << "Bla bla bla " << 55 << ' ' << 3.23 << '\0' << endl;
- cout << "Test2: " << string << endl;
-/* Test case from Joe Buck <jbuck@Synopsys.COM>. */
-class special_ofstream : public ofstream {
- special_ofstream() : ofstream() {}
- special_ofstream(int fd) : ofstream(fd) {}
- special_ofstream(const char *name, int mode=ios::out, int prot=0664) {
- open(name,mode,prot);
- }
- void open(const char *name, int mode=ios::out, int prot=0664);
-void special_ofstream::open(const char* name, int mode, int prot) {
- if (strcmp(name, "<cout>") == 0) {
- rdbuf()->attach(1);
- }
- else if (strcmp(name, "<cerr>") == 0) {
- rdbuf()->attach(2);
- setf(unitbuf);
- }
- else ofstream::open(name,mode,prot);
-test3 ()
- {
- special_ofstream o("<cout>");
- o << "Hello\n";
- // o is destructed now. This should not close cout
- }
- {
- special_ofstream o("<cout>");
- o << "Line 2\n";
- }
-getline_test1 ()
- char buf[1000];
- char data[] = "#include <iostream.h>\n#include <fstream.h>\n";
- istrstream infile(data, strlen(data));
- infile.getline(buf,1000);
- infile.getline(buf,1000);
- cout << buf << '\n';
-// test istream::getline on readng overlong lines.
-getline_test2 ()
- char data[] = "Line one.\nline 2.\n";
- char line[100];
- istrstream strin(data, strlen(data));
- strin.getline(line, 10);
- cout << "line: " << line << ", count: " << strin.gcount () << "\n";
-getline_test3 ()
- char data[] = "123456789\nabcdefghijkl.\n";
- char line[10];
- istrstream strin(data, strlen(data));
- strin.getline(line, 10);
- cout << "line: " << line << ", count: " << strin.gcount () << "\n";
- strin.getline(line, 10);
- cout << "line: " << line << ", count: " << strin.gcount () << "\n";
- assert (!strin.good());
- strin.clear ();
- strin.getline(line, 10);
- cout << "line: " << line << ", count: " << strin.gcount () << "\n";
-class A : private ostream
- A(streambuf* s);
- ostream::flush;
-A::A(streambuf* s)
-: ostream(s)
- A os(cout.rdbuf());
- os.flush();
-reread_test ()
-{ // This is PR 5486.
- int tag_char;
- char *fname = "Makefile";
- int mode = O_RDONLY;
- filebuf file_p;
- int fd = ::open(fname, mode, 0666);
- file_p.attach(fd);
- istream d_istream(&file_p);
- // Read a character from the stream, save it and put it back.
- tag_char = d_istream.get();
- int save_char = tag_char;
- d_istream.putback((char) tag_char);
- // Uncomment then next statement and the next get will be EOF.
- streampos pos = d_istream.tellg();
- // Re-read the first character
- tag_char = d_istream.get();
- cout << "reread_test: " << (char)save_char << " " << (char)tag_char << "\n";
- cout.flush();
-void *danger_pointer;
-void operator delete (void *p)
- if (p)
- {
- if (p == danger_pointer)
- fprintf (stderr, "maybe deleted\n");
- free (p);
- }
-struct my_ostream: virtual public ios, public ostream
- my_ostream (ostream &s): ios (s.rdbuf()) { }
-test_destroy ()
- ofstream fstr ("foo.dat");
- my_ostream wa (fstr);
- /* Check that sure wa.rdbuf() is only freed once. */
- danger_pointer = wa.rdbuf ();
- wa << "Hi there" << endl;
- fprintf (stderr, "maybe deleted\n");
-/* Submitted by Luke Blanshard <>.
- In certain circumstances, the library will write past the end of the
- buffer it has allocated for a file: You must read from the file,
- exactly enough bytes that the read pointer is at the end of the
- buffer. Then you must write to the file, at the same place you just
- finished reading from.
- "Your patch looks great, and you're welcome to use the test code for any
- purpose whatever. I hereby renounce my implicit copyright on it." */
-test_read_write_flush ()
- fstream f;
- char buf[8192];
- for ( int index=0; index < sizeof buf; ++index )
- buf[index] = (index+1)&63? 'x' : '\n';
- "foo.dat", ios::in|ios::out|ios::trunc );
- f.write( buf, sizeof buf );
- f.seekg( 0, ios::beg );
- buf, sizeof buf );
-// f.seekp( sizeof buf, ios::beg ); // Present or absent, bug still happens.
- f.write( "a", 1 );
- if ( f.rdbuf()->_IO_write_ptr > f.rdbuf()->_IO_buf_end )
- cerr << "test_read_write_flush: it's broken.\n";
- else
- cout << "test_read_write_flush: the problem isn't showing itself.\n";
-int main( )
- test1 ();
- test2 ();
- test3 ();
- getline_test1 ();
- getline_test2 ();
- getline_test3 ();
- flush1_test ();
- reread_test ();
- test_destroy ();
- test_read_write_flush ();
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tiomisc.exp b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tiomisc.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 26a3acd..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tiomisc.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Test2: Bla bla bla 55 3.23
-Line 2
-#include <fstream.h>
-line: Line one., count: 10
-line: 123456789, count: 10
-line: abcdefghi, count: 9
-line: jkl., count: 5
-reread_test: # #
-maybe deleted
-test_read_write_flush: the problem isn't showing itself.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tstdiomisc.c b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tstdiomisc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c15b75..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tstdiomisc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef STDIO_H
-#define STDIO_H <iostdio.h>
-#include STDIO_H
-t1 ()
- int n = -1;
- sscanf ("abc ", "abc %n", &n);
- printf ("t1: count=%d\n", n);
-t2 ()
- int n;
- long N;
- int retval;
- VAR = -1; \
- retval = sscanf (INPUT, FORMAT, &VAR); \
- printf ("sscanf (\"%s\", \"%s\", &x) => %d, x = %ld\n", \
- INPUT, FORMAT, retval, VAR);
- SCAN ("12345", "%ld", N);
- SCAN ("12345", "%llllld", N);
- SCAN ("12345", "%LLLLLd", N);
- SCAN ("test ", "%*s%n", n);
- SCAN ("test ", "%2*s%n", n);
- SCAN ("12 ", "%l2d", n);
- SCAN ("12 ", "%2ld", N);
-main ()
- t1 ();
- t2 ();
- fflush (stdout);
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tstdiomisc.exp b/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tstdiomisc.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index b8ee02d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libio/tests/tstdiomisc.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-t1: count=5
-sscanf ("12345", "%ld", &x) => 1, x = 12345
-sscanf ("12345", "%llllld", &x) => 0, x = -1
-sscanf ("12345", "%LLLLLd", &x) => 0, x = -1
-sscanf ("test ", "%*s%n", &x) => 0, x = 4
-sscanf ("test ", "%2*s%n", &x) => 0, x = -1
-sscanf ("12 ", "%l2d", &x) => 0, x = -1
-sscanf ("12 ", "%2ld", &x) => 1, x = 12
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/librx/ChangeLog b/contrib/libg++/librx/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index dbeccf8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/librx/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-Mon Apr 8 15:17:13 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Add AC_ARG_ENABLE for --enable-shared. Permit it
- to specify a list of directories.
- * configure: Rebuild with autoconf 2.8.
-Tue Nov 14 01:49:21 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * (AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR): Define.
- (AC_OUTPUT): Call
- * configure: Regenerated.
-Mon Nov 13 13:40:15 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Use AC_MSG_CHECKING and AC_MSG_RESULT, rather than
- pre-expanding them.
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Wed Oct 4 12:10:39 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * If using GCC, assume we always have alloca. This
- works around problems with broken cross setups. Use
- * configure: Rebuild.
-Wed Sep 20 13:55:42 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * (maintainer-clean): New synonym for realclean.
-Mon Jun 19 00:33:22 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * Massage broken shells that require 'else true'.
-Sun Jun 18 23:24:00 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (distclean): Also remove config.cache and config.log.
-Thu Jun 8 22:42:58 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * Add support for PIC flag configuration.
- * configure: Regenerate.
- * Adjust accordingly.
-Mon Jun 5 18:46:06 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (PICFLAG): New macro.
- (rx.o): Depend on stamp-picdir.
- (.c.o): Also build pic object.
- (stamp-picdir): New rule.
- (clean): Remove pic and stamp-picdir.
-Tue May 23 12:11:28 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * rx.c (regcomp and other POSX.2 functions): Leave them out for
- now, because they conflict with Motif on HPUX.
- * rx.c (re_syntax_table): Only declare #ifndef RX_WANT_RX_DEFS;
- otherwise we duplicate the declaration in rx.h.
- * rx.c (re_search_2_fetch_char): Add missing cast.
-Sun Apr 2 23:24:52 1995 Tom Lord <>
- * rx.h (rx_search): check for and propogate internal
- errors correctly (bogus check sometimes mistook ok returns
- for internal errors).
-Sun Feb 12 19:28:22 1995 Tom Lord (
- * rx.h (rx_search):
- From: (Darrel Hankerson)
- 2. I have some problems understanding the code which sets
- search_state.free_chunks=0. It appears to me that since this is used
- to track alloca'd mem, that it should be done once at the top of
- rx_search(). Indeed, this also fixes the problem in the tests I'm
- running, but I don't have confidence in this "solution".
- [looks right to me. -tl]
- * rx.c: Two reported by kwzh.
- (re_search_2_get_burst): in the two string case,
- when computing `inset', add in pos->offset.
- (re_search_2_fetch_char): watch for the case when
- pos is just to the left of the second string, pos refers
- to the second string, but the first string is provided.
- This can happen at the very beginning of a match when the
- first thing after matching the priming character is a side
- effect like re_se_wordend.
- * rx.h (rx_search): patches (marked by /*|*/)
- from From: (H.J. Lu). One fixes a clear
- bug in a loop termination test. The other i'm not sure about
- yet, but it doesn't break the sed tests.
- * rx.c (re_compile_pattern):
- Initialize buf.rx.cset_size.
- (Fixes problem report from Kayvan Sylvan <kayvan@satyr.Sylvan.COM>)
- * rx.c (#define RX_DECL): cleaned up handling of this macro.
- * rx.c (re_comp):
- From
- Define _GNU_SOURCE.
- Test for USE_BSD_REGEX around teh BSD entry points.
- Under BSD, treat the empty-string pattern like the NULL pattern.
- Also under BSD, rx_syntax_options --> re_syntax_options.
- Also, rx_exec --> re_exec and rx_registers --> re_registers.
- * rx.c (rx_compile):
- From: (Karl Heuer)
- The `\sX' handler ends with `goto append_node' but without setting
- the `append' variable first. This patch should fix it.
- * rx.c (regcomp): explicitly zero the field syntax_parens.
- Reported/fix suggested by Morten Holmqvist <>.
- * rx.h (changes under and around ifdef emacs):
- From: (Karl Heuer)
- Here's a patch (for 0.06) to fix most of the other problems I
- mentioned. Some of the cpp conditionals in rx.h were ending at
- the wrong place and/or were incorrectly commented; fixing these
- took care of some of the missing declarations.
- (fastmap_search): unnecessary defaults to switch statements
- to shut-up "gcc -Wall".
-Thu Nov 24 18:39:42 1994 Tom Lord (
- These fixes let's rx pass the spencer.tests from grep.
- * rx.h (rx_search): moved slightly out of date debugging
- code from RX_DEBUG to RX_DEBUG_0.
- * rx.h (rx_search): in the outer loop, if get_burst returns
- that there are no more characters, consider the possibility
- of an empty match before failing.
- * rx.h (rx_search): when computing search_end, don't waste
- time computing MIN and MAX of values already forced into range.
- * rx.h (rx_search): when making RANGE fit within TOTAL_SIZE,
- don't forget to allow the possible empty match at the end of
- string.
- * rx.c (is_anchored): the equations solving side-effect
- anchoring were wrong for the r_alternate case. The interesting
- thing about this bug is that it disguises itself as a precedent
- bug between | and ^ because of an optimization in the search
- function that checks rxb->begbuf_only (a return value of is_anchored).
- * rx.c: Fix the print-name rx_se_win (missing comma).
- Fix the function print_cset to print non-printable characters
- as octal.
-Sat Nov 5 20:01:46 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * (LIBCFLAGS): New variable.
- (.c.o): Use it.
-Thu Sep 1 16:23:21 1994 Tom Lord (
- * rx.c: applied patches from H J Lu to unrot BSD compatibility
- code.
-Mon Aug 29 16:48:57 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * (AR_FLAGS): Define.
- (librx.a): Use $(AR) and $(AR_FLAGS).
-Fri Aug 26 11:37:36 1994 Ian Lance Taylor (
- * Call AC_PROG_CPP explicitly.
- * configure: Rebuilt.
-Thu Aug 25 18:19:47 1994 Tom Lord (
- * rx.[ch], use __const__ instead of
- AC_CONST. Only include stdio once. Don't check
- for memory.h.
-Tue Aug 16 12:12:01 1994 Tom Lord (
- * rx.[ch]: LGPL instead of GPL
-Mon Aug 15 16:24:16 1994 Per Bothner (
- * rx.h (rx_search): When checking if we've gotten to the end,
- handle the case that we're searching backwards.
-Tue Jun 21 12:40:50 1994 Jim Kingdon (
- * rx.c (re_rx_search): New function, exports rx_search.
- * (clean): Also remove librx.a.
-Fri Jun 3 12:16:45 1994 Tom Lord (
- * rx.c(re_search_2_fetch_char): fixed a bug that caused it to
- ignore OFFSET.
-Thu May 26 14:05:17 1994 Tom Lord (
- * rx.[ch]: From: Michael Rendell <>
- ``The problem seems to lie in the casting between pointers and
- integers (pointers on the alpha are 64 bits, ints 32 bits, longs
- 64 bits). The core dump happens in rx_compactify_nfa(), in the
- first for loop in the while(eclose) loop -- rx_hash_find() returns
- 0, which is dereferenced.''
- The patch changed the type of rx_hash_masks to long and
- also a use of `int' to hold a side effect in rx_search.
-Sat May 14 00:45:14 1994 Tom Lord (
- * rx.c, rx.h: rearranged all the code
- so that all the rx functions can be exported
- or hidden (define RX_WANT_RX_DEFS when compiling
- and when including rx.h).
-Wed May 11 01:15:56 1994 Tom Lord (
- * rx.c, rx.h: added rx_search -- searching in
- arbitrarily fragmented strings, continuation support.
-Wed May 4 13:56:55 1994 Tom Lord (
- * rx.c, rx.h: Started independent maintainence
- of these.
------- version 0.04 ------
-Fri May 13 02:31:13 1994 Tom Lord (
- * rx.c: eliminated the weirdo custom allocators.
- Fixed some bugs (but lost the ChangeLog entries).
-Wed May 11 06:09:31 1994 Chip Salzenberg (chip@fin.uucp)
- * rx.c (rx_superstate_eclosure_union): Always return a value.
------- version 0.03 ------
-Fri Aug 6 01:57:28 1993 Tom Lord (
- * rx.c (re_search_2): sped up the fastmap search a little
- to as to not be slower than regex.c on simple patterns.
- Rx will still lose by a couple instructions in some degenerate
- cases but mostly will win.
-Thu Aug 5 11:39:57 1993 Tom Lord (
- * rx.c (re_search_2 & compilation front-ends): cache the starting
- superset of super-nfa's so that it isn't necessary to do an
- eclosure union for every call to re_search_2.
- * rx.c (re_search_2): (from Eric Backus) arrange to call
- alloca(0) from a shallower stack frame than re_search_2
- if callling it at all.
- This could use a better cpp test. Right now, an extra function
- call is added to re_search_2 unles __GNUC__ is defined. If
- there were something like _HAVE_LOSER_ALLOCA_....
- * rx.c (rx_compile, re_search_2, several new fns):
- changed the order of side effect lists so that possible
- futures that begin with complex effects more to the right
- are explored after futures more to the left. Added
- a noop complex effect to alts and stars to guarantee
- they are explored in the right order. An optimization
- after the parse removes some from the alts (and not all
- stars get them in the first place). Changed the `best
- match' criterea -- now that possible futures are ordered
- posixly, we only want to check the length of the match.
- For a given length, the best subexpression partitioning
- is the first one found.
- A side effect of this is that Rx will always return the
- same register assignements for a given regexp/input text.
- Bummer :-) / 2.
------- version 0.02 ------
-ed Jul 21 13:10:56 1993 Tom Lord (
- * rx.c (re_search_2): elaborated on the rule for picking the
- best match so that the lengths of subexpressions are taken
- into account. This is for Posix compatability.
------- version 0.01 ------
-Sun Jun 13 17:20:35 1993 Tom Lord (
- * This is the first release of rx.c. Although some of the code
- is derived from regex.c, there is not much continuity between
- the two implementations.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/librx/DOC b/contrib/libg++/librx/DOC
deleted file mode 100644
index dce6e2e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/librx/DOC
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-Most of the interfaces are covered by the documentation for GNU regex.
-This file will accumulate factoids about other interfaces until
-somebody writes a manual.
-* Don't Pass Registers Gratuitously
-Search and match functions take an optional parameter which is a
-pointer to "registers" or "match positions". This parameter points
-to a structure which during the match is filled in with the offset locations
-of parenthesized subexpressions.
-Unless you specificly need the values that would be stored in that
-structure, you should pass NULL for this parameter. Usually Rx will
-do less backtracking (and so run much faster) if subexpression
-positions are not being measured.
-* Use syntax_parens
-Sometimes you need to know the positions of *some* parenthesized
-subexpressions, but not others. You can still help Rx to avoid
-backtracking by telling it specificly which subexpressions you are interested
-in. You do this by filling in the rxb.syntax_parens field of
-a pattern buffer.
- /* If this is a valid pointer, it tells rx not to store the extents of
- * certain subexpressions (those corresponding to non-zero entries).
- * Passing 0x1 is the same as passing an array of all ones. Passing 0x0
- * is the same as passing an array of all zeros.
- * The array should contain as many entries as their are subexps in the
- * regexp.
- */
- char * syntax_parens;
-For an example of how to use rx_search, you can look at how
-re_search_2 is defined (in rx.c). Basicly you need to define three
-functions. These are GET_BURST, FETCH_CHAR, and BACK_REF. They each
-operate on `struct rx_string_position' and a closure of your design
-passed as void *.
- struct rx_string_position
- {
- const unsigned char * pos; /* The current pos. */
- const unsigned char * string; /* The current string burst. */
- const unsigned char * end; /* First invalid position >= POS. */
- int offset; /* Integer address of current burst */
- int size; /* Current string's size. */
- int search_direction; /* 1 or -1 */
- int search_end; /* First position to not try. */
- };
-On entry to GET_BURST, all these fields are set, but POS may be >=
-END. In fact, STRING and END might both be 0.
-The function of GET_BURST is to make all the fields valid without
-changing the logical position in the string. SEARCH_DIRECTION is a
-hint about which way the matcher will move next. It is usually 1, and
-is -1 only when fastmapping during a reverse search. SEARCH_END
-terminates the burst.
- typedef enum rx_get_burst_return
- (*rx_get_burst_fn) (struct rx_string_position * pos,
- void * app_closure,
- int stop);
-The closure is whatever you pass to rx_search. STOP is an argument to
-rx_search that bounds the search. You should never return a string
-position from with SEARCH_END set beyond the position indicated by
- enum rx_get_burst_return
- {
- rx_get_burst_continuation,
- rx_get_burst_error,
- rx_get_burst_ok,
- rx_get_burst_no_more
- };
-Those are the possible return values of get_burst. Normally, you only
-ever care about the last two. An error return indicates something
-like trouble reading a file. A continuation return means suspend the
-search and resume by retrying GET_BURST if the search is restarted.
-GET_BURST is not quite as trivial as you might hope. If you have a
-fragmented string, you really have to keep two adjacent fragments at
-all times, even though the GET_BURST interface looks like you only
-need one. This is because of operators like `word-boundary' that try
-to look at two adjacent characters. Such operators are implemented
- typedef int (*rx_fetch_char_fn) (struct rx_string_position * pos,
- int offset,
- void * app_closure,
- int stop);
-That takes the same closure passed to GET_BURST. It returns the
-character at POS or at one past POS according to whether OFFSET is 0
-or 1.
-It is guaranteed that POS + OFFSET is within the string being searched.
-The last function compares characters at one position with characters
-previously matched by a parenthesized subexpression.
- enum rx_back_check_return
- {
- rx_back_check_continuation,
- rx_back_check_error,
- rx_back_check_pass,
- rx_back_check_fail
- };
- typedef enum rx_back_check_return
- (*rx_back_check_fn) (struct rx_string_position * pos,
- int lparen,
- int rparen,
- unsigned char * translate,
- void * app_closure,
- int stop);
-LPAREN and RPAREN are the integer indexes of the previously matched
-characters. The comparison should translate both characters being
-compared by mapping them through TRANSLATE. POS is the point at which
-to begin comparing. It should be advanced to the last character
-matched during backreferencing.
-* Compilation Stages
-In rx_compile, a string is compiled into a pattern buffer.
-Compilation proceeds in these stages:
- 1. Make a syntax tree for the regexp.
- 2. Duplicate the syntax tree and make both trees nodes
- in a single unifying tree.
- 3. In one of the two trees, remove all side effects that
- aren't needed to test for the possibility of a match.
- Such side effects include the filling in of output registers
- for subexpressions that are not backreferenced.
- 4. Optimize the unifying tree.
- 5. Translate the tree to an NFA.
- 6. Analyze and optimize the NFA.
- 7. Copy the NFA into a contiguous region of memory.
-* Cache Size
-During a search or match, the NFA is translated into a "super NFA".
-A super NFA can match the patterns of the corresponding NFA in no more
-and often fewer steps.
-The catch is that the super NFA may be costly to construct in its entirety;
-it may not even fit in memory. So, states of the NFA are constructed
-on demand and discarded after a period of non-use. They are kept in a cache
-so that time is not wasted constructing existing nodes twice.
-The size of the super state NFA cache is a contributing factor the performance
-of Rx. The larger the cache (to a point) the faster Rx can run. The
-variable rx_cache_bound is an upper limit on the number of superstates
-that can exist in the cache.
-The defaulting setting is 128. GNU sed uses 4096. Neither setting
-has much justification although sed's is after a small number of quick
-and dirty experiments. The memory consumed by one superstate is
-between 4k and 8k. The cache only grows to its bounded size if there
-is actual demand for that many states. Sed's setting, for example,
-may appear quite high but in practice that much memory is hardly ever
-used. The default setting was chosen based on the heuristic that a
-megabyte is the upper limit on what a good citizen library can
-allocate without special arrangement.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/librx/rx.c b/contrib/libg++/librx/rx.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e2c13f5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/librx/rx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7224 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the librx library.
-Librx is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-Librx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this software; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not,
-write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
-02139, USA. */
-/* NOTE!!! AIX is so losing it requires this to be the first thing in the
- * file.
- * Do not put ANYTHING before it!
- */
-#if !defined (__GNUC__) && defined (_AIX)
- #pragma alloca
-/* To make linux happy? */
-#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-char rx_version_string[] = "GNU Rx version 0.07.2";
- /* ``Too hard!''
- * -- anon.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#ifndef isgraph
-#define isgraph(c) (isprint (c) && !isspace (c))
-#ifndef isblank
-#define isblank(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t')
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#undef MAX
-#undef MIN
-#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
-typedef char boolean;
-#define false 0
-#define true 1
-#ifndef __GCC__
-#undef __inline__
-#define __inline__
-/* Emacs already defines alloca, sometimes. */
-#ifndef alloca
-/* Make alloca work the best possible way. */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define alloca __builtin_alloca
-#else /* not __GNUC__ */
-#include <alloca.h>
-#else /* not __GNUC__ or HAVE_ALLOCA_H */
-#ifndef _AIX /* Already did AIX, up at the top. */
-char *alloca ();
-#endif /* not _AIX */
-#endif /* not HAVE_ALLOCA_H */
-#endif /* not __GNUC__ */
-#endif /* not alloca */
-/* Memory management and stuff for emacs. */
-#define CHARBITS 8
-#define remalloc(M, S) (M ? realloc (M, S) : malloc (S))
-/* Should we use malloc or alloca? If REGEX_MALLOC is not defined, we
- * use `alloca' instead of `malloc' for the backtracking stack.
- *
- * Emacs will die miserably if we don't do this.
- */
-#define REGEX_ALLOCATE malloc
-#else /* not REGEX_MALLOC */
-#define REGEX_ALLOCATE alloca
-#endif /* not REGEX_MALLOC */
-#define RX_DECL extern
-#define RX_DEF_QUAL
-#define RX_WANT_RX_DEFS
-#define RX_DECL static
-#define RX_DEF_QUAL static
-#include "rx.h"
-#undef RX_DECL
-#ifndef emacs
-extern char *re_syntax_table;
-#else /* not SYNTAX_TABLE */
-#ifndef RX_WANT_RX_DEFS
-RX_DECL char re_syntax_table[CHAR_SET_SIZE];
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-init_syntax_once (void)
-static void
-init_syntax_once ()
- register int c;
- static int done = 0;
- if (done)
- return;
- bzero (re_syntax_table, sizeof re_syntax_table);
- for (c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
- re_syntax_table[c] = Sword;
- for (c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++)
- re_syntax_table[c] = Sword;
- for (c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++)
- re_syntax_table[c] = Sword;
- re_syntax_table['_'] = Sword;
- done = 1;
-#endif /* not SYNTAX_TABLE */
-#endif /* not emacs */
-/* Compile with `-DRX_DEBUG' and use the following flags.
- *
- * Debugging flags:
- * rx_debug - print information as a regexp is compiled
- * rx_debug_trace - print information as a regexp is executed
- */
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG
-int rx_debug_compile = 0;
-int rx_debug_trace = 0;
-static struct re_pattern_buffer * dbug_rxb = 0;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-typedef void (*side_effect_printer) (struct rx *, void *, FILE *);
-typedef void (*side_effect_printer) ();
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void print_cset (struct rx *rx, rx_Bitset cset, FILE * fp);
-static void print_cset ();
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-print_rexp (struct rx *rx,
- struct rexp_node *node, int depth,
- side_effect_printer seprint, FILE * fp)
-static void
-print_rexp (rx, node, depth, seprint, fp)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rexp_node *node;
- int depth;
- side_effect_printer seprint;
- FILE * fp;
- if (!node)
- return;
- else
- {
- switch (node->type)
- {
- case r_cset:
- {
- fprintf (fp, "%*s", depth, "");
- print_cset (rx, node->params.cset, fp);
- fputc ('\n', fp);
- break;
- }
- case r_opt:
- case r_star:
- fprintf (fp, "%*s%s\n", depth, "",
- node->type == r_opt ? "opt" : "star");
- print_rexp (rx, node->params.pair.left, depth + 3, seprint, fp);
- break;
- case r_2phase_star:
- fprintf (fp, "%*s2phase star\n", depth, "");
- print_rexp (rx, node->params.pair.right, depth + 3, seprint, fp);
- print_rexp (rx, node->params.pair.left, depth + 3, seprint, fp);
- break;
- case r_alternate:
- case r_concat:
- fprintf (fp, "%*s%s\n", depth, "",
- node->type == r_alternate ? "alt" : "concat");
- print_rexp (rx, node->params.pair.left, depth + 3, seprint, fp);
- print_rexp (rx, node->params.pair.right, depth + 3, seprint, fp);
- break;
- case r_side_effect:
- fprintf (fp, "%*sSide effect: ", depth, "");
- seprint (rx, node->params.side_effect, fp);
- fputc ('\n', fp);
- }
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-print_nfa (struct rx * rx,
- struct rx_nfa_state * n,
- side_effect_printer seprint, FILE * fp)
-static void
-print_nfa (rx, n, seprint, fp)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rx_nfa_state * n;
- side_effect_printer seprint;
- FILE * fp;
- while (n)
- {
- struct rx_nfa_edge *e = n->edges;
- struct rx_possible_future *ec = n->futures;
- fprintf (fp, "node %d %s\n", n->id,
- n->is_final ? "final" : (n->is_start ? "start" : ""));
- while (e)
- {
- fprintf (fp, " edge to %d, ", e->dest->id);
- switch (e->type)
- {
- case ne_epsilon:
- fprintf (fp, "epsilon\n");
- break;
- case ne_side_effect:
- fprintf (fp, "side effect ");
- seprint (rx, e->params.side_effect, fp);
- fputc ('\n', fp);
- break;
- case ne_cset:
- fprintf (fp, "cset ");
- print_cset (rx, e->params.cset, fp);
- fputc ('\n', fp);
- break;
- }
- e = e->next;
- }
- while (ec)
- {
- int x;
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * s;
- struct rx_se_list * l;
- fprintf (fp, " eclosure to {");
- for (s = ec->destset; s; s = s->cdr)
- fprintf (fp, "%d ", s->car->id);
- fprintf (fp, "} (");
- for (l = ec->effects; l; l = l->cdr)
- {
- seprint (rx, l->car, fp);
- fputc (' ', fp);
- }
- fprintf (fp, ")\n");
- ec = ec->next;
- }
- n = n->next;
- }
-static char * efnames [] =
- "bogon",
- "re_se_try",
- "re_se_pushback",
- "re_se_push0",
- "re_se_pushpos",
- "re_se_chkpos",
- "re_se_poppos",
- "re_se_at_dot",
- "re_se_syntax",
- "re_se_not_syntax",
- "re_se_begbuf",
- "re_se_hat",
- "re_se_wordbeg",
- "re_se_wordbound",
- "re_se_notwordbound",
- "re_se_wordend",
- "re_se_endbuf",
- "re_se_dollar",
- "re_se_fail",
-static char * efnames2[] =
- "re_se_win",
- "re_se_lparen",
- "re_se_rparen",
- "re_se_backref",
- "re_se_iter",
- "re_se_end_iter",
- "re_se_tv"
-static char * inx_names[] =
- "rx_backtrack_point",
- "rx_do_side_effects",
- "rx_cache_miss",
- "rx_next_char",
- "rx_backtrack",
- "rx_error_inx",
- "rx_num_instructions"
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-re_seprint (struct rx * rx, void * effect, FILE * fp)
-static void
-re_seprint (rx, effect, fp)
- struct rx * rx;
- void * effect;
- FILE * fp;
- if ((int)effect < 0)
- fputs (efnames[-(int)effect], fp);
- else if (dbug_rxb)
- {
- struct re_se_params * p = &dbug_rxb->se_params[(int)effect];
- fprintf (fp, "%s(%d,%d)", efnames2[p->se], p->op1, p->op2);
- }
- else
- fprintf (fp, "[complex op # %d]", (int)effect);
-/* These are so the regex.c regression tests will compile. */
-print_compiled_pattern (rxb)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
-print_fastmap (fm)
- char * fm;
-#endif /* RX_DEBUG */
-/* This page: Bitsets. Completely unintersting. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL int
-rx_bitset_is_equal (int size, rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b)
-RX_DECL int
-rx_bitset_is_equal (size, a, b)
- int size;
- rx_Bitset a;
- rx_Bitset b;
- int x;
- RX_subset s = b[0];
- b[0] = ~a[0];
- for (x = rx_bitset_numb_subsets(size) - 1; a[x] == b[x]; --x)
- ;
- b[0] = s;
- return !x && s == a[0];
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL int
-rx_bitset_is_subset (int size, rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b)
-RX_DECL int
-rx_bitset_is_subset (size, a, b)
- int size;
- rx_Bitset a;
- rx_Bitset b;
- int x = rx_bitset_numb_subsets(size) - 1;
- while (x-- && (a[x] & b[x]) == a[x]);
- return x == -1;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL int
-rx_bitset_empty (int size, rx_Bitset set)
-RX_DECL int
-rx_bitset_empty (size, set)
- int size;
- rx_Bitset set;
- int x;
- RX_subset s = set[0];
- set[0] = 1;
- for (x = rx_bitset_numb_subsets(size) - 1; !set[x]; --x)
- ;
- set[0] = s;
- return !s;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_null (int size, rx_Bitset b)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_null (size, b)
- int size;
- rx_Bitset b;
- bzero (b, rx_sizeof_bitset(size));
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_universe (int size, rx_Bitset b)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_universe (size, b)
- int size;
- rx_Bitset b;
- int x = rx_bitset_numb_subsets (size);
- while (x--)
- *b++ = ~(RX_subset)0;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_complement (int size, rx_Bitset b)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_complement (size, b)
- int size;
- rx_Bitset b;
- int x = rx_bitset_numb_subsets (size);
- while (x--)
- {
- *b = ~*b;
- ++b;
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_assign (int size, rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_assign (size, a, b)
- int size;
- rx_Bitset a;
- rx_Bitset b;
- int x;
- for (x = rx_bitset_numb_subsets(size) - 1; x >=0; --x)
- a[x] = b[x];
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_union (int size, rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_union (size, a, b)
- int size;
- rx_Bitset a;
- rx_Bitset b;
- int x;
- for (x = rx_bitset_numb_subsets(size) - 1; x >=0; --x)
- a[x] |= b[x];
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_intersection (int size,
- rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_intersection (size, a, b)
- int size;
- rx_Bitset a;
- rx_Bitset b;
- int x;
- for (x = rx_bitset_numb_subsets(size) - 1; x >=0; --x)
- a[x] &= b[x];
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_difference (int size, rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_difference (size, a, b)
- int size;
- rx_Bitset a;
- rx_Bitset b;
- int x;
- for (x = rx_bitset_numb_subsets(size) - 1; x >=0; --x)
- a[x] &= ~ b[x];
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_revdifference (int size,
- rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_revdifference (size, a, b)
- int size;
- rx_Bitset a;
- rx_Bitset b;
- int x;
- for (x = rx_bitset_numb_subsets(size) - 1; x >=0; --x)
- a[x] = ~a[x] & b[x];
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_xor (int size, rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_bitset_xor (size, a, b)
- int size;
- rx_Bitset a;
- rx_Bitset b;
- int x;
- for (x = rx_bitset_numb_subsets(size) - 1; x >=0; --x)
- a[x] ^= b[x];
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL unsigned long
-rx_bitset_hash (int size, rx_Bitset b)
-RX_DECL unsigned long
-rx_bitset_hash (size, b)
- int size;
- rx_Bitset b;
- int x;
- unsigned long hash = (unsigned long)rx_bitset_hash;
- for (x = rx_bitset_numb_subsets(size) - 1; x >= 0; --x)
- hash ^= rx_bitset_subset_val(b, x);
- return hash;
-RX_DECL RX_subset rx_subset_singletons [RX_subset_bits] =
- 0x1,
- 0x2,
- 0x4,
- 0x8,
- 0x10,
- 0x20,
- 0x40,
- 0x80,
- 0x100,
- 0x200,
- 0x400,
- 0x800,
- 0x1000,
- 0x2000,
- 0x4000,
- 0x8000,
- 0x10000,
- 0x20000,
- 0x40000,
- 0x80000,
- 0x100000,
- 0x200000,
- 0x400000,
- 0x800000,
- 0x1000000,
- 0x2000000,
- 0x4000000,
- 0x8000000,
- 0x10000000,
- 0x20000000,
- 0x40000000,
- 0x80000000
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-print_cset (struct rx *rx, rx_Bitset cset, FILE * fp)
-static void
-print_cset (rx, cset, fp)
- struct rx *rx;
- rx_Bitset cset;
- FILE * fp;
- int x;
- fputc ('[', fp);
- for (x = 0; x < rx->local_cset_size; ++x)
- if (RX_bitset_member (cset, x))
- {
- if (isprint(x))
- fputc (x, fp);
- else
- fprintf (fp, "\\0%o ", x);
- }
- fputc (']', fp);
-#endif /* RX_DEBUG */
-static unsigned long rx_hash_masks[4] =
- 0x12488421,
- 0x96699669,
- 0xbe7dd7eb,
- 0xffffffff
-/* Hash tables */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rx_hash_item *
-rx_hash_find (struct rx_hash * table,
- unsigned long hash,
- void * value,
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules)
-RX_DECL struct rx_hash_item *
-rx_hash_find (table, hash, value, rules)
- struct rx_hash * table;
- unsigned long hash;
- void * value;
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules;
- rx_hash_eq eq = rules->eq;
- int maskc = 0;
- long mask = rx_hash_masks [0];
- int bucket = (hash & mask) % 13;
- while (table->children [bucket])
- {
- table = table->children [bucket];
- ++maskc;
- mask = rx_hash_masks[maskc];
- bucket = (hash & mask) % 13;
- }
- {
- struct rx_hash_item * it = table->buckets[bucket];
- while (it)
- if (eq (it->data, value))
- return it;
- else
- it = it->next_same_hash;
- }
- return 0;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rx_hash_item *
-rx_hash_store (struct rx_hash * table,
- unsigned long hash,
- void * value,
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules)
-RX_DECL struct rx_hash_item *
-rx_hash_store (table, hash, value, rules)
- struct rx_hash * table;
- unsigned long hash;
- void * value;
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules;
- rx_hash_eq eq = rules->eq;
- int maskc = 0;
- long mask = rx_hash_masks[0];
- int bucket = (hash & mask) % 13;
- int depth = 0;
- while (table->children [bucket])
- {
- table = table->children [bucket];
- ++maskc;
- mask = rx_hash_masks[maskc];
- bucket = (hash & mask) % 13;
- ++depth;
- }
- {
- struct rx_hash_item * it = table->buckets[bucket];
- while (it)
- if (eq (it->data, value))
- return it;
- else
- it = it->next_same_hash;
- }
- {
- if ( (depth < 3)
- && (table->bucket_size [bucket] >= 4))
- {
- struct rx_hash * newtab = ((struct rx_hash *)
- rules->hash_alloc (rules));
- if (!newtab)
- goto add_to_bucket;
- bzero (newtab, sizeof (*newtab));
- newtab->parent = table;
- {
- struct rx_hash_item * them = table->buckets[bucket];
- unsigned long newmask = rx_hash_masks[maskc + 1];
- while (them)
- {
- struct rx_hash_item * save = them->next_same_hash;
- int new_buck = (them->hash & newmask) % 13;
- them->next_same_hash = newtab->buckets[new_buck];
- newtab->buckets[new_buck] = them;
- them->table = newtab;
- them = save;
- ++newtab->bucket_size[new_buck];
- ++newtab->refs;
- }
- table->refs = (table->refs - table->bucket_size[bucket] + 1);
- table->bucket_size[bucket] = 0;
- table->buckets[bucket] = 0;
- table->children[bucket] = newtab;
- table = newtab;
- bucket = (hash & newmask) % 13;
- }
- }
- }
- add_to_bucket:
- {
- struct rx_hash_item * it = ((struct rx_hash_item *)
- rules->hash_item_alloc (rules, value));
- if (!it)
- return 0;
- it->hash = hash;
- it->table = table;
- /* DATA and BINDING are to be set in hash_item_alloc */
- it->next_same_hash = table->buckets [bucket];
- table->buckets[bucket] = it;
- ++table->bucket_size [bucket];
- ++table->refs;
- return it;
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_hash_free (struct rx_hash_item * it, struct rx_hash_rules * rules)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_hash_free (it, rules)
- struct rx_hash_item * it;
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules;
- if (it)
- {
- struct rx_hash * table = it->table;
- unsigned long hash = it->hash;
- int depth = (table->parent
- ? (table->parent->parent
- ? (table->parent->parent->parent
- ? 3
- : 2)
- : 1)
- : 0);
- int bucket = (hash & rx_hash_masks [depth]) % 13;
- struct rx_hash_item ** pos = &table->buckets [bucket];
- while (*pos != it)
- pos = &(*pos)->next_same_hash;
- *pos = it->next_same_hash;
- rules->free_hash_item (it, rules);
- --table->bucket_size[bucket];
- --table->refs;
- while (!table->refs && depth)
- {
- struct rx_hash * save = table;
- table = table->parent;
- --depth;
- bucket = (hash & rx_hash_masks [depth]) % 13;
- --table->refs;
- table->children[bucket] = 0;
- rules->free_hash (save, rules);
- }
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_free_hash_table (struct rx_hash * tab, rx_hash_freefn freefn,
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_free_hash_table (tab, freefn, rules)
- struct rx_hash * tab;
- rx_hash_freefn freefn;
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules;
- int x;
- for (x = 0; x < 13; ++x)
- if (tab->children[x])
- {
- rx_free_hash_table (tab->children[x], freefn, rules);
- rules->free_hash (tab->children[x], rules);
- }
- else
- {
- struct rx_hash_item * them = tab->buckets[x];
- while (them)
- {
- struct rx_hash_item * that = them;
- them = that->next_same_hash;
- freefn (that);
- rules->free_hash_item (that, rules);
- }
- }
-/* Utilities for manipulating bitset represntations of characters sets. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL rx_Bitset
-rx_cset (struct rx *rx)
-RX_DECL rx_Bitset
-rx_cset (rx)
- struct rx *rx;
- rx_Bitset b = (rx_Bitset) malloc (rx_sizeof_bitset (rx->local_cset_size));
- if (b)
- rx_bitset_null (rx->local_cset_size, b);
- return b;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL rx_Bitset
-rx_copy_cset (struct rx *rx, rx_Bitset a)
-RX_DECL rx_Bitset
-rx_copy_cset (rx, a)
- struct rx *rx;
- rx_Bitset a;
- rx_Bitset cs = rx_cset (rx);
- if (cs)
- rx_bitset_union (rx->local_cset_size, cs, a);
- return cs;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_free_cset (struct rx * rx, rx_Bitset c)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_free_cset (rx, c)
- struct rx * rx;
- rx_Bitset c;
- if (c)
- free ((char *)c);
-/* Hash table memory allocation policy for the regexp compiler */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static struct rx_hash *
-compiler_hash_alloc (struct rx_hash_rules * rules)
-static struct rx_hash *
-compiler_hash_alloc (rules)
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules;
- return (struct rx_hash *)malloc (sizeof (struct rx_hash));
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static struct rx_hash_item *
-compiler_hash_item_alloc (struct rx_hash_rules * rules, void * value)
-static struct rx_hash_item *
-compiler_hash_item_alloc (rules, value)
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules;
- void * value;
- struct rx_hash_item * it;
- it = (struct rx_hash_item *)malloc (sizeof (*it));
- if (it)
- {
- it->data = value;
- it->binding = 0;
- }
- return it;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-compiler_free_hash (struct rx_hash * tab,
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules)
-static void
-compiler_free_hash (tab, rules)
- struct rx_hash * tab;
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules;
- free ((char *)tab);
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-compiler_free_hash_item (struct rx_hash_item * item,
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules)
-static void
-compiler_free_hash_item (item, rules)
- struct rx_hash_item * item;
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules;
- free ((char *)item);
-/* This page: REXP_NODE (expression tree) structures. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rexp_node (struct rx *rx,
- enum rexp_node_type type)
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rexp_node (rx, type)
- struct rx *rx;
- enum rexp_node_type type;
- struct rexp_node *n;
- n = (struct rexp_node *)malloc (sizeof (*n));
- bzero (n, sizeof (*n));
- if (n)
- n->type = type;
- return n;
-/* free_rexp_node assumes that the bitset passed to rx_mk_r_cset
- * can be freed using rx_free_cset.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_cset (struct rx * rx,
- rx_Bitset b)
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_cset (rx, b)
- struct rx * rx;
- rx_Bitset b;
- struct rexp_node * n = rexp_node (rx, r_cset);
- if (n)
- n->params.cset = b;
- return n;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_concat (struct rx * rx,
- struct rexp_node * a,
- struct rexp_node * b)
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_concat (rx, a, b)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rexp_node * a;
- struct rexp_node * b;
- struct rexp_node * n = rexp_node (rx, r_concat);
- if (n)
- {
- n->params.pair.left = a;
- n->params.pair.right = b;
- }
- return n;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_alternate (struct rx * rx,
- struct rexp_node * a,
- struct rexp_node * b)
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_alternate (rx, a, b)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rexp_node * a;
- struct rexp_node * b;
- struct rexp_node * n = rexp_node (rx, r_alternate);
- if (n)
- {
- n->params.pair.left = a;
- n->params.pair.right = b;
- }
- return n;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_opt (struct rx * rx,
- struct rexp_node * a)
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_opt (rx, a)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rexp_node * a;
- struct rexp_node * n = rexp_node (rx, r_opt);
- if (n)
- {
- n->params.pair.left = a;
- n->params.pair.right = 0;
- }
- return n;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_star (struct rx * rx,
- struct rexp_node * a)
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_star (rx, a)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rexp_node * a;
- struct rexp_node * n = rexp_node (rx, r_star);
- if (n)
- {
- n->params.pair.left = a;
- n->params.pair.right = 0;
- }
- return n;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_2phase_star (struct rx * rx,
- struct rexp_node * a,
- struct rexp_node * b)
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_2phase_star (rx, a, b)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rexp_node * a;
- struct rexp_node * b;
- struct rexp_node * n = rexp_node (rx, r_2phase_star);
- if (n)
- {
- n->params.pair.left = a;
- n->params.pair.right = b;
- }
- return n;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_side_effect (struct rx * rx,
- rx_side_effect a)
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_side_effect (rx, a)
- struct rx * rx;
- rx_side_effect a;
- struct rexp_node * n = rexp_node (rx, r_side_effect);
- if (n)
- {
- n->params.side_effect = a;
- n->params.pair.right = 0;
- }
- return n;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_data (struct rx * rx,
- void * a)
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_mk_r_data (rx, a)
- struct rx * rx;
- void * a;
- struct rexp_node * n = rexp_node (rx, r_data);
- if (n)
- {
- n->params.pair.left = a;
- n->params.pair.right = 0;
- }
- return n;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_free_rexp (struct rx * rx, struct rexp_node * node)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_free_rexp (rx, node)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rexp_node * node;
- if (node)
- {
- switch (node->type)
- {
- case r_cset:
- if (node->params.cset)
- rx_free_cset (rx, node->params.cset);
- case r_side_effect:
- break;
- case r_concat:
- case r_alternate:
- case r_2phase_star:
- case r_opt:
- case r_star:
- rx_free_rexp (rx, node->params.pair.left);
- rx_free_rexp (rx, node->params.pair.right);
- break;
- case r_data:
- /* This shouldn't occur. */
- break;
- }
- free ((char *)node);
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_copy_rexp (struct rx *rx,
- struct rexp_node *node)
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node *
-rx_copy_rexp (rx, node)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rexp_node *node;
- if (!node)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- struct rexp_node *n = rexp_node (rx, node->type);
- if (!n)
- return 0;
- switch (node->type)
- {
- case r_cset:
- n->params.cset = rx_copy_cset (rx, node->params.cset);
- if (!n->params.cset)
- {
- rx_free_rexp (rx, n);
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case r_side_effect:
- n->params.side_effect = node->params.side_effect;
- break;
- case r_concat:
- case r_alternate:
- case r_opt:
- case r_2phase_star:
- case r_star:
- n->params.pair.left =
- rx_copy_rexp (rx, node->params.pair.left);
- n->params.pair.right =
- rx_copy_rexp (rx, node->params.pair.right);
- if ( (node->params.pair.left && !n->params.pair.left)
- || (node->params.pair.right && !n->params.pair.right))
- {
- rx_free_rexp (rx, n);
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case r_data:
- /* shouldn't happen */
- break;
- }
- return n;
- }
-/* This page: functions to build and destroy graphs that describe nfa's */
-/* Constructs a new nfa node. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rx_nfa_state *
-rx_nfa_state (struct rx *rx)
-RX_DECL struct rx_nfa_state *
-rx_nfa_state (rx)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rx_nfa_state * n = (struct rx_nfa_state *)malloc (sizeof (*n));
- if (!n)
- return 0;
- bzero (n, sizeof (*n));
- n->next = rx->nfa_states;
- rx->nfa_states = n;
- return n;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_free_nfa_state (struct rx_nfa_state * n)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_free_nfa_state (n)
- struct rx_nfa_state * n;
- free ((char *)n);
-/* This looks up an nfa node, given a numeric id. Numeric id's are
- * assigned after the nfa has been built.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rx_nfa_state *
-rx_id_to_nfa_state (struct rx * rx,
- int id)
-RX_DECL struct rx_nfa_state *
-rx_id_to_nfa_state (rx, id)
- struct rx * rx;
- int id;
- struct rx_nfa_state * n;
- for (n = rx->nfa_states; n; n = n->next)
- if (n->id == id)
- return n;
- return 0;
-/* This adds an edge between two nodes, but doesn't initialize the
- * edge label.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rx_nfa_edge *
-rx_nfa_edge (struct rx *rx,
- enum rx_nfa_etype type,
- struct rx_nfa_state *start,
- struct rx_nfa_state *dest)
-RX_DECL struct rx_nfa_edge *
-rx_nfa_edge (rx, type, start, dest)
- struct rx *rx;
- enum rx_nfa_etype type;
- struct rx_nfa_state *start;
- struct rx_nfa_state *dest;
- struct rx_nfa_edge *e;
- e = (struct rx_nfa_edge *)malloc (sizeof (*e));
- if (!e)
- return 0;
- e->next = start->edges;
- start->edges = e;
- e->type = type;
- e->dest = dest;
- return e;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_free_nfa_edge (struct rx_nfa_edge * e)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_free_nfa_edge (e)
- struct rx_nfa_edge * e;
- free ((char *)e);
-/* This constructs a POSSIBLE_FUTURE, which is a kind epsilon-closure
- * of an NFA. These are added to an nfa automaticly by eclose_nfa.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static struct rx_possible_future *
-rx_possible_future (struct rx * rx,
- struct rx_se_list * effects)
-static struct rx_possible_future *
-rx_possible_future (rx, effects)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rx_se_list * effects;
- struct rx_possible_future *ec;
- ec = (struct rx_possible_future *) malloc (sizeof (*ec));
- if (!ec)
- return 0;
- ec->destset = 0;
- ec->next = 0;
- ec->effects = effects;
- return ec;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-rx_free_possible_future (struct rx_possible_future * pf)
-static void
-rx_free_possible_future (pf)
- struct rx_possible_future * pf;
- free ((char *)pf);
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_free_nfa (struct rx *rx)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_free_nfa (rx)
- struct rx *rx;
- while (rx->nfa_states)
- {
- while (rx->nfa_states->edges)
- {
- switch (rx->nfa_states->edges->type)
- {
- case ne_cset:
- rx_free_cset (rx, rx->nfa_states->edges->params.cset);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- {
- struct rx_nfa_edge * e;
- e = rx->nfa_states->edges;
- rx->nfa_states->edges = rx->nfa_states->edges->next;
- rx_free_nfa_edge (e);
- }
- } /* while (rx->nfa_states->edges) */
- {
- /* Iterate over the partial epsilon closures of rx->nfa_states */
- struct rx_possible_future * pf = rx->nfa_states->futures;
- while (pf)
- {
- struct rx_possible_future * pft = pf;
- pf = pf->next;
- rx_free_possible_future (pft);
- }
- }
- {
- struct rx_nfa_state *n;
- n = rx->nfa_states;
- rx->nfa_states = rx->nfa_states->next;
- rx_free_nfa_state (n);
- }
- }
-/* This page: translating a pattern expression into an nfa and doing the
- * static part of the nfa->super-nfa translation.
- */
-/* This is the thompson regexp->nfa algorithm.
- * It is modified to allow for `side-effect epsilons.' Those are
- * edges that are taken whenever a similar epsilon edge would be,
- * but which imply that some side effect occurs when the edge
- * is taken.
- *
- * Side effects are used to model parts of the pattern langauge
- * that are not regular (in the formal sense).
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL int
-rx_build_nfa (struct rx *rx,
- struct rexp_node *rexp,
- struct rx_nfa_state **start,
- struct rx_nfa_state **end)
-RX_DECL int
-rx_build_nfa (rx, rexp, start, end)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rexp_node *rexp;
- struct rx_nfa_state **start;
- struct rx_nfa_state **end;
- struct rx_nfa_edge *edge;
- /* Start & end nodes may have been allocated by the caller. */
- *start = *start ? *start : rx_nfa_state (rx);
- if (!*start)
- return 0;
- if (!rexp)
- {
- *end = *start;
- return 1;
- }
- *end = *end ? *end : rx_nfa_state (rx);
- if (!*end)
- {
- rx_free_nfa_state (*start);
- return 0;
- }
- switch (rexp->type)
- {
- case r_data:
- return 0;
- case r_cset:
- edge = rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_cset, *start, *end);
- if (!edge)
- return 0;
- edge->params.cset = rx_copy_cset (rx, rexp->params.cset);
- if (!edge->params.cset)
- {
- rx_free_nfa_edge (edge);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- case r_opt:
- return (rx_build_nfa (rx, rexp->params.pair.left, start, end)
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, *start, *end));
- case r_star:
- {
- struct rx_nfa_state * star_start = 0;
- struct rx_nfa_state * star_end = 0;
- return (rx_build_nfa (rx, rexp->params.pair.left,
- &star_start, &star_end)
- && star_start
- && star_end
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, star_start, star_end)
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, *start, star_start)
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, star_end, *end)
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, star_end, star_start));
- }
- case r_2phase_star:
- {
- struct rx_nfa_state * star_start = 0;
- struct rx_nfa_state * star_end = 0;
- struct rx_nfa_state * loop_exp_start = 0;
- struct rx_nfa_state * loop_exp_end = 0;
- return (rx_build_nfa (rx, rexp->params.pair.left,
- &star_start, &star_end)
- && rx_build_nfa (rx, rexp->params.pair.right,
- &loop_exp_start, &loop_exp_end)
- && star_start
- && star_end
- && loop_exp_end
- && loop_exp_start
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, star_start, *end)
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, *start, star_start)
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, star_end, *end)
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, star_end, loop_exp_start)
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, loop_exp_end, star_start));
- }
- case r_concat:
- {
- struct rx_nfa_state *shared = 0;
- return
- (rx_build_nfa (rx, rexp->params.pair.left, start, &shared)
- && rx_build_nfa (rx, rexp->params.pair.right, &shared, end));
- }
- case r_alternate:
- {
- struct rx_nfa_state *ls = 0;
- struct rx_nfa_state *le = 0;
- struct rx_nfa_state *rs = 0;
- struct rx_nfa_state *re = 0;
- return (rx_build_nfa (rx, rexp->params.pair.left, &ls, &le)
- && rx_build_nfa (rx, rexp->params.pair.right, &rs, &re)
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, *start, ls)
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, *start, rs)
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, le, *end)
- && rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_epsilon, re, *end));
- }
- case r_side_effect:
- edge = rx_nfa_edge (rx, ne_side_effect, *start, *end);
- if (!edge)
- return 0;
- edge->params.side_effect = rexp->params.side_effect;
- return 1;
- }
- /* this should never happen */
- return 0;
-/* RX_NAME_NFA_STATES identifies all nodes with outgoing non-epsilon
- * transitions. Only these nodes can occur in super-states.
- * All nodes are given an integer id.
- * The id is non-negative if the node has non-epsilon out-transitions, negative
- * otherwise (this is because we want the non-negative ids to be used as
- * array indexes in a few places).
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_name_nfa_states (struct rx *rx)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_name_nfa_states (rx)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rx_nfa_state *n = rx->nfa_states;
- rx->nodec = 0;
- rx->epsnodec = -1;
- while (n)
- {
- struct rx_nfa_edge *e = n->edges;
- if (n->is_start)
- n->eclosure_needed = 1;
- while (e)
- {
- switch (e->type)
- {
- case ne_epsilon:
- case ne_side_effect:
- break;
- case ne_cset:
- n->id = rx->nodec++;
- {
- struct rx_nfa_edge *from_n = n->edges;
- while (from_n)
- {
- from_n->dest->eclosure_needed = 1;
- from_n = from_n->next;
- }
- }
- goto cont;
- }
- e = e->next;
- }
- n->id = rx->epsnodec--;
- cont:
- n = n->next;
- }
- rx->epsnodec = -rx->epsnodec;
-/* This page: data structures for the static part of the nfa->supernfa
- * translation.
- *
- * There are side effect lists -- lists of side effects occuring
- * along an uninterrupted, acyclic path of side-effect epsilon edges.
- * Such paths are collapsed to single edges in the course of computing
- * epsilon closures. Such single edges are labled with a list of all
- * the side effects entailed in crossing them. Like lists of side
- * effects are made == by the constructors below.
- *
- * There are also nfa state sets. These are used to hold a list of all
- * states reachable from a starting state for a given type of transition
- * and side effect list. These are also hash-consed.
- */
-/* The next several functions compare, construct, etc. lists of side
- * effects. See ECLOSE_NFA (below) for details.
- */
-/* Ordering of rx_se_list
- * (-1, 0, 1 return value convention).
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-se_list_cmp (void * va, void * vb)
-static int
-se_list_cmp (va, vb)
- void * va;
- void * vb;
- struct rx_se_list * a = (struct rx_se_list *)va;
- struct rx_se_list * b = (struct rx_se_list *)vb;
- return ((va == vb)
- ? 0
- : (!va
- ? -1
- : (!vb
- ? 1
- : ((long)a->car < (long)b->car
- ? 1
- : ((long)a->car > (long)b->car
- ? -1
- : se_list_cmp ((void *)a->cdr, (void *)b->cdr))))));
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-se_list_equal (void * va, void * vb)
-static int
-se_list_equal (va, vb)
- void * va;
- void * vb;
- return !(se_list_cmp (va, vb));
-static struct rx_hash_rules se_list_hash_rules =
- se_list_equal,
- compiler_hash_alloc,
- compiler_free_hash,
- compiler_hash_item_alloc,
- compiler_free_hash_item
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static struct rx_se_list *
-side_effect_cons (struct rx * rx,
- void * se, struct rx_se_list * list)
-static struct rx_se_list *
-side_effect_cons (rx, se, list)
- struct rx * rx;
- void * se;
- struct rx_se_list * list;
- struct rx_se_list * l;
- l = ((struct rx_se_list *) malloc (sizeof (*l)));
- if (!l)
- return 0;
- l->car = se;
- l->cdr = list;
- return l;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static struct rx_se_list *
-hash_cons_se_prog (struct rx * rx,
- struct rx_hash * memo,
- void * car, struct rx_se_list * cdr)
-static struct rx_se_list *
-hash_cons_se_prog (rx, memo, car, cdr)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rx_hash * memo;
- void * car;
- struct rx_se_list * cdr;
- long hash = (long)car ^ (long)cdr;
- struct rx_se_list template;
- = car;
- template.cdr = cdr;
- {
- struct rx_hash_item * it = rx_hash_store (memo, hash,
- (void *)&template,
- &se_list_hash_rules);
- if (!it)
- return 0;
- if (it->data == (void *)&template)
- {
- struct rx_se_list * consed;
- consed = (struct rx_se_list *) malloc (sizeof (*consed));
- *consed = template;
- it->data = (void *)consed;
- }
- return (struct rx_se_list *)it->data;
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static struct rx_se_list *
-hash_se_prog (struct rx * rx, struct rx_hash * memo, struct rx_se_list * prog)
-static struct rx_se_list *
-hash_se_prog (rx, memo, prog)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rx_hash * memo;
- struct rx_se_list * prog;
- struct rx_se_list * answer = 0;
- while (prog)
- {
- answer = hash_cons_se_prog (rx, memo, prog->car, answer);
- if (!answer)
- return 0;
- prog = prog->cdr;
- }
- return answer;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-nfa_set_cmp (void * va, void * vb)
-static int
-nfa_set_cmp (va, vb)
- void * va;
- void * vb;
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * a = (struct rx_nfa_state_set *)va;
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * b = (struct rx_nfa_state_set *)vb;
- return ((va == vb)
- ? 0
- : (!va
- ? -1
- : (!vb
- ? 1
- : (a->car->id < b->car->id
- ? 1
- : (a->car->id > b->car->id
- ? -1
- : nfa_set_cmp ((void *)a->cdr, (void *)b->cdr))))));
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-nfa_set_equal (void * va, void * vb)
-static int
-nfa_set_equal (va, vb)
- void * va;
- void * vb;
- return !nfa_set_cmp (va, vb);
-static struct rx_hash_rules nfa_set_hash_rules =
- nfa_set_equal,
- compiler_hash_alloc,
- compiler_free_hash,
- compiler_hash_item_alloc,
- compiler_free_hash_item
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static struct rx_nfa_state_set *
-nfa_set_cons (struct rx * rx,
- struct rx_hash * memo, struct rx_nfa_state * state,
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * set)
-static struct rx_nfa_state_set *
-nfa_set_cons (rx, memo, state, set)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rx_hash * memo;
- struct rx_nfa_state * state;
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * set;
- struct rx_nfa_state_set template;
- struct rx_hash_item * node;
- = state;
- template.cdr = set;
- node = rx_hash_store (memo,
- (((long)state) >> 8) ^ (long)set,
- &template, &nfa_set_hash_rules);
- if (!node)
- return 0;
- if (node->data == &template)
- {
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * l;
- l = (struct rx_nfa_state_set *) malloc (sizeof (*l));
- node->data = (void *) l;
- if (!l)
- return 0;
- *l = template;
- }
- return (struct rx_nfa_state_set *)node->data;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static struct rx_nfa_state_set *
-nfa_set_enjoin (struct rx * rx,
- struct rx_hash * memo, struct rx_nfa_state * state,
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * set)
-static struct rx_nfa_state_set *
-nfa_set_enjoin (rx, memo, state, set)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rx_hash * memo;
- struct rx_nfa_state * state;
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * set;
- if (!set || state->id < set->car->id)
- return nfa_set_cons (rx, memo, state, set);
- if (state->id == set->car->id)
- return set;
- else
- {
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * newcdr
- = nfa_set_enjoin (rx, memo, state, set->cdr);
- if (newcdr != set->cdr)
- set = nfa_set_cons (rx, memo, set->car, newcdr);
- return set;
- }
-/* This page: computing epsilon closures. The closures aren't total.
- * Each node's closures are partitioned according to the side effects entailed
- * along the epsilon edges. Return true on success.
- */
-struct eclose_frame
- struct rx_se_list *prog_backwards;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-eclose_node (struct rx *rx, struct rx_nfa_state *outnode,
- struct rx_nfa_state *node, struct eclose_frame *frame)
-static int
-eclose_node (rx, outnode, node, frame)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rx_nfa_state *outnode;
- struct rx_nfa_state *node;
- struct eclose_frame *frame;
- struct rx_nfa_edge *e = node->edges;
- /* For each node, we follow all epsilon paths to build the closure.
- * The closure omits nodes that have only epsilon edges.
- * The closure is split into partial closures -- all the states in
- * a partial closure are reached by crossing the same list of
- * of side effects (though not necessarily the same path).
- */
- if (node->mark)
- return 1;
- node->mark = 1;
- if (node->id >= 0 || node->is_final)
- {
- struct rx_possible_future **ec;
- struct rx_se_list * prog_in_order
- = ((struct rx_se_list *)hash_se_prog (rx,
- &rx->se_list_memo,
- frame->prog_backwards));
- int cmp;
- ec = &outnode->futures;
- while (*ec)
- {
- cmp = se_list_cmp ((void *)(*ec)->effects, (void *)prog_in_order);
- if (cmp <= 0)
- break;
- ec = &(*ec)->next;
- }
- if (!*ec || (cmp < 0))
- {
- struct rx_possible_future * saved = *ec;
- *ec = rx_possible_future (rx, prog_in_order);
- (*ec)->next = saved;
- if (!*ec)
- return 0;
- }
- if (node->id >= 0)
- {
- (*ec)->destset = nfa_set_enjoin (rx, &rx->set_list_memo,
- node, (*ec)->destset);
- if (!(*ec)->destset)
- return 0;
- }
- }
- while (e)
- {
- switch (e->type)
- {
- case ne_epsilon:
- if (!eclose_node (rx, outnode, e->dest, frame))
- return 0;
- break;
- case ne_side_effect:
- {
- frame->prog_backwards = side_effect_cons (rx,
- e->params.side_effect,
- frame->prog_backwards);
- if (!frame->prog_backwards)
- return 0;
- if (!eclose_node (rx, outnode, e->dest, frame))
- return 0;
- {
- struct rx_se_list * dying = frame->prog_backwards;
- frame->prog_backwards = frame->prog_backwards->cdr;
- free ((char *)dying);
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- e = e->next;
- }
- node->mark = 0;
- return 1;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL int
-rx_eclose_nfa (struct rx *rx)
-RX_DECL int
-rx_eclose_nfa (rx)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rx_nfa_state *n = rx->nfa_states;
- struct eclose_frame frame;
- static int rx_id = 0;
- frame.prog_backwards = 0;
- rx->rx_id = rx_id++;
- bzero (&rx->se_list_memo, sizeof (rx->se_list_memo));
- bzero (&rx->set_list_memo, sizeof (rx->set_list_memo));
- while (n)
- {
- n->futures = 0;
- if (n->eclosure_needed && !eclose_node (rx, n, n, &frame))
- return 0;
- /* clear_marks (rx); */
- n = n->next;
- }
- return 1;
-/* This deletes epsilon edges from an NFA. After running eclose_node,
- * we have no more need for these edges. They are removed to simplify
- * further operations on the NFA.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_delete_epsilon_transitions (struct rx *rx)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_delete_epsilon_transitions (rx)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rx_nfa_state *n = rx->nfa_states;
- struct rx_nfa_edge **e;
- while (n)
- {
- e = &n->edges;
- while (*e)
- {
- struct rx_nfa_edge *t;
- switch ((*e)->type)
- {
- case ne_epsilon:
- case ne_side_effect:
- t = *e;
- *e = t->next;
- rx_free_nfa_edge (t);
- break;
- default:
- e = &(*e)->next;
- break;
- }
- }
- n = n->next;
- }
-/* This page: storing the nfa in a contiguous region of memory for
- * subsequent conversion to a super-nfa.
- */
-/* This is for qsort on an array of nfa_states. The order
- * is based on state ids and goes
- * [0...MAX][MIN..-1] where (MAX>=0) and (MIN<0)
- * This way, positive ids double as array indices.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-nfacmp (void * va, void * vb)
-static int
-nfacmp (va, vb)
- void * va;
- void * vb;
- struct rx_nfa_state **a = (struct rx_nfa_state **)va;
- struct rx_nfa_state **b = (struct rx_nfa_state **)vb;
- return (*a == *b /* &&&& 3.18 */
- ? 0
- : (((*a)->id < 0) == ((*b)->id < 0)
- ? (((*a)->id < (*b)->id) ? -1 : 1)
- : (((*a)->id < 0)
- ? 1 : -1)));
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-count_hash_nodes (struct rx_hash * st)
-static int
-count_hash_nodes (st)
- struct rx_hash * st;
- int x;
- int count = 0;
- for (x = 0; x < 13; ++x)
- count += ((st->children[x])
- ? count_hash_nodes (st->children[x])
- : st->bucket_size[x]);
- return count;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-se_memo_freer (struct rx_hash_item * node)
-static void
-se_memo_freer (node)
- struct rx_hash_item * node;
- free ((char *)node->data);
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-nfa_set_freer (struct rx_hash_item * node)
-static void
-nfa_set_freer (node)
- struct rx_hash_item * node;
- free ((char *)node->data);
-/* This copies an entire NFA into a single malloced block of memory.
- * Mostly this is for compatability with regex.c, though it is convenient
- * to have the nfa nodes in an array.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL int
-rx_compactify_nfa (struct rx *rx,
- void **mem, unsigned long *size)
-RX_DECL int
-rx_compactify_nfa (rx, mem, size)
- struct rx *rx;
- void **mem;
- unsigned long *size;
- int total_nodec;
- struct rx_nfa_state *n;
- int edgec = 0;
- int eclosec = 0;
- int se_list_consc = count_hash_nodes (&rx->se_list_memo);
- int nfa_setc = count_hash_nodes (&rx->set_list_memo);
- unsigned long total_size;
- /* This takes place in two stages. First, the total size of the
- * nfa is computed, then structures are copied.
- */
- n = rx->nfa_states;
- total_nodec = 0;
- while (n)
- {
- struct rx_nfa_edge *e = n->edges;
- struct rx_possible_future *ec = n->futures;
- ++total_nodec;
- while (e)
- {
- ++edgec;
- e = e->next;
- }
- while (ec)
- {
- ++eclosec;
- ec = ec->next;
- }
- n = n->next;
- }
- total_size = (total_nodec * sizeof (struct rx_nfa_state)
- + edgec * rx_sizeof_bitset (rx->local_cset_size)
- + edgec * sizeof (struct rx_nfa_edge)
- + nfa_setc * sizeof (struct rx_nfa_state_set)
- + eclosec * sizeof (struct rx_possible_future)
- + se_list_consc * sizeof (struct rx_se_list)
- + rx->reserved);
- if (total_size > *size)
- {
- *mem = remalloc (*mem, total_size);
- if (*mem)
- *size = total_size;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- /* Now we've allocated the memory; this copies the NFA. */
- {
- static struct rx_nfa_state **scratch = 0;
- static int scratch_alloc = 0;
- struct rx_nfa_state *state_base = (struct rx_nfa_state *) * mem;
- struct rx_nfa_state *new_state = state_base;
- struct rx_nfa_edge *new_edge =
- (struct rx_nfa_edge *)
- ((char *) state_base + total_nodec * sizeof (struct rx_nfa_state));
- struct rx_se_list * new_se_list =
- (struct rx_se_list *)
- ((char *)new_edge + edgec * sizeof (struct rx_nfa_edge));
- struct rx_possible_future *new_close =
- ((struct rx_possible_future *)
- ((char *) new_se_list
- + se_list_consc * sizeof (struct rx_se_list)));
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * new_nfa_set =
- ((struct rx_nfa_state_set *)
- ((char *)new_close + eclosec * sizeof (struct rx_possible_future)));
- char *new_bitset =
- ((char *) new_nfa_set + nfa_setc * sizeof (struct rx_nfa_state_set));
- int x;
- struct rx_nfa_state *n;
- if (scratch_alloc < total_nodec)
- {
- scratch = ((struct rx_nfa_state **)
- remalloc (scratch, total_nodec * sizeof (*scratch)));
- if (scratch)
- scratch_alloc = total_nodec;
- else
- {
- scratch_alloc = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- for (x = 0, n = rx->nfa_states; n; n = n->next)
- scratch[x++] = n;
- qsort (scratch, total_nodec,
- sizeof (struct rx_nfa_state *), (int (*)())nfacmp);
- for (x = 0; x < total_nodec; ++x)
- {
- struct rx_possible_future *eclose = scratch[x]->futures;
- struct rx_nfa_edge *edge = scratch[x]->edges;
- struct rx_nfa_state *cn = new_state++;
- cn->futures = 0;
- cn->edges = 0;
- cn->next = (x == total_nodec - 1) ? 0 : (cn + 1);
- cn->id = scratch[x]->id;
- cn->is_final = scratch[x]->is_final;
- cn->is_start = scratch[x]->is_start;
- cn->mark = 0;
- while (edge)
- {
- int indx = (edge->dest->id < 0
- ? (total_nodec + edge->dest->id)
- : edge->dest->id);
- struct rx_nfa_edge *e = new_edge++;
- rx_Bitset cset = (rx_Bitset) new_bitset;
- new_bitset += rx_sizeof_bitset (rx->local_cset_size);
- rx_bitset_null (rx->local_cset_size, cset);
- rx_bitset_union (rx->local_cset_size, cset, edge->params.cset);
- e->next = cn->edges;
- cn->edges = e;
- e->type = edge->type;
- e->dest = state_base + indx;
- e->params.cset = cset;
- edge = edge->next;
- }
- while (eclose)
- {
- struct rx_possible_future *ec = new_close++;
- struct rx_hash_item * sp;
- struct rx_se_list ** sepos;
- struct rx_se_list * sesrc;
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * destlst;
- struct rx_nfa_state_set ** destpos;
- ec->next = cn->futures;
- cn->futures = ec;
- for (sepos = &ec->effects, sesrc = eclose->effects;
- sesrc;
- sesrc = sesrc->cdr, sepos = &(*sepos)->cdr)
- {
- sp = rx_hash_find (&rx->se_list_memo,
- (long)sesrc->car ^ (long)sesrc->cdr,
- sesrc, &se_list_hash_rules);
- if (sp->binding)
- {
- sesrc = (struct rx_se_list *)sp->binding;
- break;
- }
- *new_se_list = *sesrc;
- sp->binding = (void *)new_se_list;
- *sepos = new_se_list;
- ++new_se_list;
- }
- *sepos = sesrc;
- for (destpos = &ec->destset, destlst = eclose->destset;
- destlst;
- destpos = &(*destpos)->cdr, destlst = destlst->cdr)
- {
- sp = rx_hash_find (&rx->set_list_memo,
- ((((long)destlst->car) >> 8)
- ^ (long)destlst->cdr),
- destlst, &nfa_set_hash_rules);
- if (sp->binding)
- {
- destlst = (struct rx_nfa_state_set *)sp->binding;
- break;
- }
- *new_nfa_set = *destlst;
- new_nfa_set->car = state_base + destlst->car->id;
- sp->binding = (void *)new_nfa_set;
- *destpos = new_nfa_set;
- ++new_nfa_set;
- }
- *destpos = destlst;
- eclose = eclose->next;
- }
- }
- }
- rx_free_hash_table (&rx->se_list_memo, se_memo_freer, &se_list_hash_rules);
- bzero (&rx->se_list_memo, sizeof (rx->se_list_memo));
- rx_free_hash_table (&rx->set_list_memo, nfa_set_freer, &nfa_set_hash_rules);
- bzero (&rx->set_list_memo, sizeof (rx->set_list_memo));
- rx_free_nfa (rx);
- rx->nfa_states = (struct rx_nfa_state *)*mem;
- return 1;
-/* The functions in the next several pages define the lazy-NFA-conversion used
- * by matchers. The input to this construction is an NFA such as
- * is built by compactify_nfa (rx.c). The output is the superNFA.
- */
-/* Match engines can use arbitrary values for opcodes. So, the parse tree
- * is built using instructions names (enum rx_opcode), but the superstate
- * nfa is populated with mystery opcodes (void *).
- *
- * For convenience, here is an id table. The opcodes are == to their inxs
- *
- * The lables in re_search_2 would make good values for instructions.
- */
-void * rx_id_instruction_table[rx_num_instructions] =
- (void *) rx_backtrack_point,
- (void *) rx_do_side_effects,
- (void *) rx_cache_miss,
- (void *) rx_next_char,
- (void *) rx_backtrack,
- (void *) rx_error_inx
-/* Memory mgt. for superstate graphs. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static char *
-rx_cache_malloc (struct rx_cache * cache, int bytes)
-static char *
-rx_cache_malloc (cache, bytes)
- struct rx_cache * cache;
- int bytes;
- while (cache->bytes_left < bytes)
- {
- if (cache->memory_pos)
- cache->memory_pos = cache->memory_pos->next;
- if (!cache->memory_pos)
- {
- cache->morecore (cache);
- if (!cache->memory_pos)
- return 0;
- }
- cache->bytes_left = cache->memory_pos->bytes;
- cache->memory_addr = ((char *)cache->memory_pos
- + sizeof (struct rx_blocklist));
- }
- cache->bytes_left -= bytes;
- {
- char * addr = cache->memory_addr;
- cache->memory_addr += bytes;
- return addr;
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-rx_cache_free (struct rx_cache * cache,
- struct rx_freelist ** freelist, char * mem)
-static void
-rx_cache_free (cache, freelist, mem)
- struct rx_cache * cache;
- struct rx_freelist ** freelist;
- char * mem;
- struct rx_freelist * it = (struct rx_freelist *)mem;
- it->next = *freelist;
- *freelist = it;
-/* The partially instantiated superstate graph has a transition
- * table at every node. There is one entry for every character.
- * This fills in the transition for a set.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-install_transition (struct rx_superstate *super,
- struct rx_inx *answer, rx_Bitset trcset)
-static void
-install_transition (super, answer, trcset)
- struct rx_superstate *super;
- struct rx_inx *answer;
- rx_Bitset trcset;
- struct rx_inx * transitions = super->transitions;
- int chr;
- for (chr = 0; chr < 256; )
- if (!*trcset)
- {
- ++trcset;
- chr += 32;
- }
- else
- {
- RX_subset sub = *trcset;
- RX_subset mask = 1;
- int bound = chr + 32;
- while (chr < bound)
- {
- if (sub & mask)
- transitions [chr] = *answer;
- ++chr;
- mask <<= 1;
- }
- ++trcset;
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-qlen (struct rx_superstate * q)
-static int
-qlen (q)
- struct rx_superstate * q;
- int count = 1;
- struct rx_superstate * it;
- if (!q)
- return 0;
- for (it = q->next_recyclable; it != q; it = it->next_recyclable)
- ++count;
- return count;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-check_cache (struct rx_cache * cache)
-static void
-check_cache (cache)
- struct rx_cache * cache;
- struct rx_cache * you_fucked_up = 0;
- int total = cache->superstates;
- int semi = cache->semifree_superstates;
- if (semi != qlen (cache->semifree_superstate))
- check_cache (you_fucked_up);
- if ((total - semi) != qlen (cache->lru_superstate))
- check_cache (you_fucked_up);
-/* When a superstate is old and neglected, it can enter a
- * semi-free state. A semi-free state is slated to die.
- * Incoming transitions to a semi-free state are re-written
- * to cause an (interpreted) fault when they are taken.
- * The fault handler revives the semi-free state, patches
- * incoming transitions back to normal, and continues.
- *
- * The idea is basicly to free in two stages, aborting
- * between the two if the state turns out to be useful again.
- * When a free is aborted, the rescued superstate is placed
- * in the most-favored slot to maximize the time until it
- * is next semi-freed.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-semifree_superstate (struct rx_cache * cache)
-static void
-semifree_superstate (cache)
- struct rx_cache * cache;
- int disqualified = cache->semifree_superstates;
- if (disqualified == cache->superstates)
- return;
- while (cache->lru_superstate->locks)
- {
- cache->lru_superstate = cache->lru_superstate->next_recyclable;
- ++disqualified;
- if (disqualified == cache->superstates)
- return;
- }
- {
- struct rx_superstate * it = cache->lru_superstate;
- it->next_recyclable->prev_recyclable = it->prev_recyclable;
- it->prev_recyclable->next_recyclable = it->next_recyclable;
- cache->lru_superstate = (it == it->next_recyclable
- ? 0
- : it->next_recyclable);
- if (!cache->semifree_superstate)
- {
- cache->semifree_superstate = it;
- it->next_recyclable = it;
- it->prev_recyclable = it;
- }
- else
- {
- it->prev_recyclable = cache->semifree_superstate->prev_recyclable;
- it->next_recyclable = cache->semifree_superstate;
- it->prev_recyclable->next_recyclable = it;
- it->next_recyclable->prev_recyclable = it;
- }
- {
- struct rx_distinct_future *df;
- it->is_semifree = 1;
- ++cache->semifree_superstates;
- df = it->transition_refs;
- if (df)
- {
- df->prev_same_dest->next_same_dest = 0;
- for (df = it->transition_refs; df; df = df->next_same_dest)
- {
- df->future_frame.inx = cache->instruction_table[rx_cache_miss];
- df-> = 0;
- df->future_frame.data_2 = (void *) df;
- /* If there are any NEXT-CHAR instruction frames that
- * refer to this state, we convert them to CACHE-MISS frames.
- */
- if (!df->effects
- && (df->edge->options->next_same_super_edge[0]
- == df->edge->options))
- install_transition (df->present, &df->future_frame,
- df->edge->cset);
- }
- df = it->transition_refs;
- df->prev_same_dest->next_same_dest = df;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-refresh_semifree_superstate (struct rx_cache * cache,
- struct rx_superstate * super)
-static void
-refresh_semifree_superstate (cache, super)
- struct rx_cache * cache;
- struct rx_superstate * super;
- struct rx_distinct_future *df;
- if (super->transition_refs)
- {
- super->transition_refs->prev_same_dest->next_same_dest = 0;
- for (df = super->transition_refs; df; df = df->next_same_dest)
- {
- df->future_frame.inx = cache->instruction_table[rx_next_char];
- df-> = (void *) super->transitions;
- /* CACHE-MISS instruction frames that refer to this state,
- * must be converted to NEXT-CHAR frames.
- */
- if (!df->effects
- && (df->edge->options->next_same_super_edge[0]
- == df->edge->options))
- install_transition (df->present, &df->future_frame,
- df->edge->cset);
- }
- super->transition_refs->prev_same_dest->next_same_dest
- = super->transition_refs;
- }
- if (cache->semifree_superstate == super)
- cache->semifree_superstate = (super->prev_recyclable == super
- ? 0
- : super->prev_recyclable);
- super->next_recyclable->prev_recyclable = super->prev_recyclable;
- super->prev_recyclable->next_recyclable = super->next_recyclable;
- if (!cache->lru_superstate)
- (cache->lru_superstate
- = super->next_recyclable
- = super->prev_recyclable
- = super);
- else
- {
- super->next_recyclable = cache->lru_superstate;
- super->prev_recyclable = cache->lru_superstate->prev_recyclable;
- super->next_recyclable->prev_recyclable = super;
- super->prev_recyclable->next_recyclable = super;
- }
- super->is_semifree = 0;
- --cache->semifree_superstates;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-rx_refresh_this_superstate (struct rx_cache * cache, struct rx_superstate * superstate)
-static void
-rx_refresh_this_superstate (cache, superstate)
- struct rx_cache * cache;
- struct rx_superstate * superstate;
- if (superstate->is_semifree)
- refresh_semifree_superstate (cache, superstate);
- else if (cache->lru_superstate == superstate)
- cache->lru_superstate = superstate->next_recyclable;
- else if (superstate != cache->lru_superstate->prev_recyclable)
- {
- superstate->next_recyclable->prev_recyclable
- = superstate->prev_recyclable;
- superstate->prev_recyclable->next_recyclable
- = superstate->next_recyclable;
- superstate->next_recyclable = cache->lru_superstate;
- superstate->prev_recyclable = cache->lru_superstate->prev_recyclable;
- superstate->next_recyclable->prev_recyclable = superstate;
- superstate->prev_recyclable->next_recyclable = superstate;
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-release_superset_low (struct rx_cache * cache,
- struct rx_superset *set)
-static void
-release_superset_low (cache, set)
- struct rx_cache * cache;
- struct rx_superset *set;
- if (!--set->refs)
- {
- if (set->cdr)
- release_superset_low (cache, set->cdr);
- set->starts_for = 0;
- rx_hash_free
- (rx_hash_find
- (&cache->superset_table,
- (unsigned long)set->car ^ set->id ^ (unsigned long)set->cdr,
- (void *)set,
- &cache->superset_hash_rules),
- &cache->superset_hash_rules);
- rx_cache_free (cache, &cache->free_supersets, (char *)set);
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_release_superset (struct rx *rx,
- struct rx_superset *set)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_release_superset (rx, set)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rx_superset *set;
- release_superset_low (rx->cache, set);
-/* This tries to add a new superstate to the superstate freelist.
- * It might, as a result, free some edge pieces or hash tables.
- * If nothing can be freed because too many locks are being held, fail.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-rx_really_free_superstate (struct rx_cache * cache)
-static int
-rx_really_free_superstate (cache)
- struct rx_cache * cache;
- int locked_superstates = 0;
- struct rx_superstate * it;
- if (!cache->superstates)
- return 0;
- {
- /* This is a total guess. The idea is that we should expect as
- * many misses as we've recently experienced. I.e., cache->misses
- * should be the same as cache->semifree_superstates.
- */
- while ((cache->hits + cache->misses) > cache->superstates_allowed)
- {
- cache->hits >>= 1;
- cache->misses >>= 1;
- }
- if ( ((cache->hits + cache->misses) * cache->semifree_superstates)
- < (cache->superstates * cache->misses))
- {
- semifree_superstate (cache);
- semifree_superstate (cache);
- }
- }
- while (cache->semifree_superstate && cache->semifree_superstate->locks)
- {
- refresh_semifree_superstate (cache, cache->semifree_superstate);
- ++locked_superstates;
- if (locked_superstates == cache->superstates)
- return 0;
- }
- if (cache->semifree_superstate)
- {
- it = cache->semifree_superstate;
- it->next_recyclable->prev_recyclable = it->prev_recyclable;
- it->prev_recyclable->next_recyclable = it->next_recyclable;
- cache->semifree_superstate = ((it == it->next_recyclable)
- ? 0
- : it->next_recyclable);
- --cache->semifree_superstates;
- }
- else
- {
- while (cache->lru_superstate->locks)
- {
- cache->lru_superstate = cache->lru_superstate->next_recyclable;
- ++locked_superstates;
- if (locked_superstates == cache->superstates)
- return 0;
- }
- it = cache->lru_superstate;
- it->next_recyclable->prev_recyclable = it->prev_recyclable;
- it->prev_recyclable->next_recyclable = it->next_recyclable;
- cache->lru_superstate = ((it == it->next_recyclable)
- ? 0
- : it->next_recyclable);
- }
- if (it->transition_refs)
- {
- struct rx_distinct_future *df;
- for (df = it->transition_refs,
- df->prev_same_dest->next_same_dest = 0;
- df;
- df = df->next_same_dest)
- {
- df->future_frame.inx = cache->instruction_table[rx_cache_miss];
- df-> = 0;
- df->future_frame.data_2 = (void *) df;
- df->future = 0;
- }
- it->transition_refs->prev_same_dest->next_same_dest =
- it->transition_refs;
- }
- {
- struct rx_super_edge *tc = it->edges;
- while (tc)
- {
- struct rx_distinct_future * df;
- struct rx_super_edge *tct = tc->next;
- df = tc->options;
- df->next_same_super_edge[1]->next_same_super_edge[0] = 0;
- while (df)
- {
- struct rx_distinct_future *dft = df;
- df = df->next_same_super_edge[0];
- if (dft->future && dft->future->transition_refs == dft)
- {
- dft->future->transition_refs = dft->next_same_dest;
- if (dft->future->transition_refs == dft)
- dft->future->transition_refs = 0;
- }
- dft->next_same_dest->prev_same_dest = dft->prev_same_dest;
- dft->prev_same_dest->next_same_dest = dft->next_same_dest;
- rx_cache_free (cache, &cache->free_discernable_futures,
- (char *)dft);
- }
- rx_cache_free (cache, &cache->free_transition_classes, (char *)tc);
- tc = tct;
- }
- }
- if (it->contents->superstate == it)
- it->contents->superstate = 0;
- release_superset_low (cache, it->contents);
- rx_cache_free (cache, &cache->free_superstates, (char *)it);
- --cache->superstates;
- return 1;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static char *
-rx_cache_get (struct rx_cache * cache,
- struct rx_freelist ** freelist)
-static char *
-rx_cache_get (cache, freelist)
- struct rx_cache * cache;
- struct rx_freelist ** freelist;
- while (!*freelist && rx_really_free_superstate (cache))
- ;
- if (!*freelist)
- return 0;
- {
- struct rx_freelist * it = *freelist;
- *freelist = it->next;
- return (char *)it;
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static char *
-rx_cache_malloc_or_get (struct rx_cache * cache,
- struct rx_freelist ** freelist, int bytes)
-static char *
-rx_cache_malloc_or_get (cache, freelist, bytes)
- struct rx_cache * cache;
- struct rx_freelist ** freelist;
- int bytes;
- if (!*freelist)
- {
- char * answer = rx_cache_malloc (cache, bytes);
- if (answer)
- return answer;
- }
- return rx_cache_get (cache, freelist);
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static char *
-rx_cache_get_superstate (struct rx_cache * cache)
-static char *
-rx_cache_get_superstate (cache)
- struct rx_cache * cache;
- char * answer;
- int bytes = ( sizeof (struct rx_superstate)
- + cache->local_cset_size * sizeof (struct rx_inx));
- if (!cache->free_superstates
- && (cache->superstates < cache->superstates_allowed))
- {
- answer = rx_cache_malloc (cache, bytes);
- if (answer)
- {
- ++cache->superstates;
- return answer;
- }
- }
- answer = rx_cache_get (cache, &cache->free_superstates);
- if (!answer)
- {
- answer = rx_cache_malloc (cache, bytes);
- if (answer)
- ++cache->superstates_allowed;
- }
- ++cache->superstates;
- return answer;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-supersetcmp (void * va, void * vb)
-static int
-supersetcmp (va, vb)
- void * va;
- void * vb;
- struct rx_superset * a = (struct rx_superset *)va;
- struct rx_superset * b = (struct rx_superset *)vb;
- return ( (a == b)
- || (a && b && (a->car == b->car) && (a->cdr == b->cdr)));
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static struct rx_hash_item *
-superset_allocator (struct rx_hash_rules * rules, void * val)
-static struct rx_hash_item *
-superset_allocator (rules, val)
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules;
- void * val;
- struct rx_cache * cache
- = ((struct rx_cache *)
- ((char *)rules
- - (unsigned long)(&((struct rx_cache *)0)->superset_hash_rules)));
- struct rx_superset * template = (struct rx_superset *)val;
- struct rx_superset * newset
- = ((struct rx_superset *)
- rx_cache_malloc_or_get (cache,
- &cache->free_supersets,
- sizeof (*template)));
- if (!newset)
- return 0;
- newset->refs = 0;
- newset->car = template->car;
- newset->id = template->car->id;
- newset->cdr = template->cdr;
- newset->superstate = 0;
- rx_protect_superset (rx, template->cdr);
- newset-> = (void *)newset;
- newset->hash_item.binding = 0;
- return &newset->hash_item;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static struct rx_hash *
-super_hash_allocator (struct rx_hash_rules * rules)
-static struct rx_hash *
-super_hash_allocator (rules)
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules;
- struct rx_cache * cache
- = ((struct rx_cache *)
- ((char *)rules
- - (unsigned long)(&((struct rx_cache *)0)->superset_hash_rules)));
- return ((struct rx_hash *)
- rx_cache_malloc_or_get (cache,
- &cache->free_hash, sizeof (struct rx_hash)));
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-super_hash_liberator (struct rx_hash * hash, struct rx_hash_rules * rules)
-static void
-super_hash_liberator (hash, rules)
- struct rx_hash * hash;
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules;
- struct rx_cache * cache
- = ((struct rx_cache *)
- (char *)rules - (long)(&((struct rx_cache *)0)->superset_hash_rules));
- rx_cache_free (cache, &cache->free_hash, (char *)hash);
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-superset_hash_item_liberator (struct rx_hash_item * it,
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules)
-static void
-superset_hash_item_liberator (it, rules) /* Well, it does ya know. */
- struct rx_hash_item * it;
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules;
-int rx_cache_bound = 128;
-static int rx_default_cache_got = 0;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-bytes_for_cache_size (int supers, int cset_size)
-static int
-bytes_for_cache_size (supers, cset_size)
- int supers;
- int cset_size;
- /* What the hell is this? !!!*/
- return (int)
- ((float)supers *
- ( (1.03 * (float) ( rx_sizeof_bitset (cset_size)
- + sizeof (struct rx_super_edge)))
- + (1.80 * (float) sizeof (struct rx_possible_future))
- + (float) ( sizeof (struct rx_superstate)
- + cset_size * sizeof (struct rx_inx))));
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-rx_morecore (struct rx_cache * cache)
-static void
-rx_morecore (cache)
- struct rx_cache * cache;
- if (rx_default_cache_got >= rx_cache_bound)
- return;
- rx_default_cache_got += 16;
- cache->superstates_allowed = rx_cache_bound;
- {
- struct rx_blocklist ** pos = &cache->memory;
- int size = bytes_for_cache_size (16, cache->local_cset_size);
- while (*pos)
- pos = &(*pos)->next;
- *pos = ((struct rx_blocklist *)
- malloc (size + sizeof (struct rx_blocklist)));
- if (!*pos)
- return;
- (*pos)->next = 0;
- (*pos)->bytes = size;
- cache->memory_pos = *pos;
- cache->memory_addr = (char *)*pos + sizeof (**pos);
- cache->bytes_left = size;
- }
-static struct rx_cache default_cache =
- {
- supersetcmp,
- super_hash_allocator,
- super_hash_liberator,
- superset_allocator,
- superset_hash_item_liberator,
- },
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- rx_morecore,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 128,
- 256,
- rx_id_instruction_table,
- {
- 0,
- 0,
- {0},
- {0},
- {0}
- }
-/* This adds an element to a superstate set. These sets are lists, such
- * that lists with == elements are ==. The empty set is returned by
- * superset_cons (rx, 0, 0) and is NOT equivelent to
- * (struct rx_superset)0.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rx_superset *
-rx_superset_cons (struct rx * rx,
- struct rx_nfa_state *car, struct rx_superset *cdr)
-RX_DECL struct rx_superset *
-rx_superset_cons (rx, car, cdr)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rx_nfa_state *car;
- struct rx_superset *cdr;
- struct rx_cache * cache = rx->cache;
- if (!car && !cdr)
- {
- if (!cache->empty_superset)
- {
- cache->empty_superset
- = ((struct rx_superset *)
- rx_cache_malloc_or_get (cache, &cache->free_supersets,
- sizeof (struct rx_superset)));
- if (!cache->empty_superset)
- return 0;
- bzero (cache->empty_superset, sizeof (struct rx_superset));
- cache->empty_superset->refs = 1000;
- }
- return cache->empty_superset;
- }
- {
- struct rx_superset template;
- struct rx_hash_item * hit;
- = car;
- template.cdr = cdr;
- = car->id;
- hit = rx_hash_store (&cache->superset_table,
- (unsigned long)car ^ car->id ^ (unsigned long)cdr,
- (void *)&template,
- &cache->superset_hash_rules);
- return (hit
- ? (struct rx_superset *)hit->data
- : 0);
- }
-/* This computes a union of two NFA state sets. The sets do not have the
- * same representation though. One is a RX_SUPERSET structure (part
- * of the superstate NFA) and the other is an NFA_STATE_SET (part of the NFA).
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rx_superset *
- (struct rx * rx, struct rx_superset *set, struct rx_nfa_state_set *ecl)
-RX_DECL struct rx_superset *
-rx_superstate_eclosure_union (rx, set, ecl)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rx_superset *set;
- struct rx_nfa_state_set *ecl;
- if (!ecl)
- return set;
- if (!set->car)
- return rx_superset_cons (rx, ecl->car,
- rx_superstate_eclosure_union (rx, set, ecl->cdr));
- if (set->car == ecl->car)
- return rx_superstate_eclosure_union (rx, set, ecl->cdr);
- {
- struct rx_superset * tail;
- struct rx_nfa_state * first;
- if (set->car > ecl->car)
- {
- tail = rx_superstate_eclosure_union (rx, set->cdr, ecl);
- first = set->car;
- }
- else
- {
- tail = rx_superstate_eclosure_union (rx, set, ecl->cdr);
- first = ecl->car;
- }
- if (!tail)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- struct rx_superset * answer;
- answer = rx_superset_cons (rx, first, tail);
- if (!answer)
- {
- rx_protect_superset (rx, tail);
- rx_release_superset (rx, tail);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- return answer;
- }
- }
- * This makes sure that a list of rx_distinct_futures contains
- * a future for each possible set of side effects in the eclosure
- * of a given state. This is some of the work of filling in a
- * superstate transition.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static struct rx_distinct_future *
-include_futures (struct rx *rx,
- struct rx_distinct_future *df, struct rx_nfa_state
- *state, struct rx_superstate *superstate)
-static struct rx_distinct_future *
-include_futures (rx, df, state, superstate)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rx_distinct_future *df;
- struct rx_nfa_state *state;
- struct rx_superstate *superstate;
- struct rx_possible_future *future;
- struct rx_cache * cache = rx->cache;
- for (future = state->futures; future; future = future->next)
- {
- struct rx_distinct_future *dfp;
- struct rx_distinct_future *insert_before = 0;
- if (df)
- df->next_same_super_edge[1]->next_same_super_edge[0] = 0;
- for (dfp = df; dfp; dfp = dfp->next_same_super_edge[0])
- if (dfp->effects == future->effects)
- break;
- else
- {
- int order = rx->se_list_cmp (rx, dfp->effects, future->effects);
- if (order > 0)
- {
- insert_before = dfp;
- dfp = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (df)
- df->next_same_super_edge[1]->next_same_super_edge[0] = df;
- if (!dfp)
- {
- dfp
- = ((struct rx_distinct_future *)
- rx_cache_malloc_or_get (cache, &cache->free_discernable_futures,
- sizeof (struct rx_distinct_future)));
- if (!dfp)
- return 0;
- if (!df)
- {
- df = insert_before = dfp;
- df->next_same_super_edge[0] = df->next_same_super_edge[1] = df;
- }
- else if (!insert_before)
- insert_before = df;
- else if (insert_before == df)
- df = dfp;
- dfp->next_same_super_edge[0] = insert_before;
- dfp->next_same_super_edge[1]
- = insert_before->next_same_super_edge[1];
- dfp->next_same_super_edge[1]->next_same_super_edge[0] = dfp;
- dfp->next_same_super_edge[0]->next_same_super_edge[1] = dfp;
- dfp->next_same_dest = dfp->prev_same_dest = dfp;
- dfp->future = 0;
- dfp->present = superstate;
- dfp->future_frame.inx = rx->instruction_table[rx_cache_miss];
- dfp-> = 0;
- dfp->future_frame.data_2 = (void *) dfp;
- dfp->side_effects_frame.inx
- = rx->instruction_table[rx_do_side_effects];
- dfp-> = 0;
- dfp->side_effects_frame.data_2 = (void *) dfp;
- dfp->effects = future->effects;
- }
- }
- return df;
-/* This constructs a new superstate from its state set. The only
- * complexity here is memory management.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rx_superstate *
-rx_superstate (struct rx *rx,
- struct rx_superset *set)
-RX_DECL struct rx_superstate *
-rx_superstate (rx, set)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rx_superset *set;
- struct rx_cache * cache = rx->cache;
- struct rx_superstate * superstate = 0;
- /* Does the superstate already exist in the cache? */
- if (set->superstate)
- {
- if (set->superstate->rx_id != rx->rx_id)
- {
- /* Aha. It is in the cache, but belongs to a superstate
- * that refers to an NFA that no longer exists.
- * (We know it no longer exists because it was evidently
- * stored in the same region of memory as the current nfa
- * yet it has a different id.)
- */
- superstate = set->superstate;
- if (!superstate->is_semifree)
- {
- if (cache->lru_superstate == superstate)
- {
- cache->lru_superstate = superstate->next_recyclable;
- if (cache->lru_superstate == superstate)
- cache->lru_superstate = 0;
- }
- {
- superstate->next_recyclable->prev_recyclable
- = superstate->prev_recyclable;
- superstate->prev_recyclable->next_recyclable
- = superstate->next_recyclable;
- if (!cache->semifree_superstate)
- {
- (cache->semifree_superstate
- = superstate->next_recyclable
- = superstate->prev_recyclable
- = superstate);
- }
- else
- {
- superstate->next_recyclable = cache->semifree_superstate;
- superstate->prev_recyclable
- = cache->semifree_superstate->prev_recyclable;
- superstate->next_recyclable->prev_recyclable
- = superstate;
- superstate->prev_recyclable->next_recyclable
- = superstate;
- cache->semifree_superstate = superstate;
- }
- ++cache->semifree_superstates;
- }
- }
- set->superstate = 0;
- goto handle_cache_miss;
- }
- ++cache->hits;
- superstate = set->superstate;
- rx_refresh_this_superstate (cache, superstate);
- return superstate;
- }
- handle_cache_miss:
- /* This point reached only for cache misses. */
- ++cache->misses;
- if (rx_debug_trace > 1)
- {
- struct rx_superset * setp = set;
- fprintf (stderr, "Building a superstet %d(%d): ", rx->rx_id, set);
- while (setp)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%d ", setp->id);
- setp = setp->cdr;
- }
- fprintf (stderr, "(%d)\n", set);
- }
- superstate = (struct rx_superstate *)rx_cache_get_superstate (cache);
- if (!superstate)
- return 0;
- if (!cache->lru_superstate)
- (cache->lru_superstate
- = superstate->next_recyclable
- = superstate->prev_recyclable
- = superstate);
- else
- {
- superstate->next_recyclable = cache->lru_superstate;
- superstate->prev_recyclable = cache->lru_superstate->prev_recyclable;
- ( superstate->prev_recyclable->next_recyclable
- = superstate->next_recyclable->prev_recyclable
- = superstate);
- }
- superstate->rx_id = rx->rx_id;
- superstate->transition_refs = 0;
- superstate->locks = 0;
- superstate->is_semifree = 0;
- set->superstate = superstate;
- superstate->contents = set;
- rx_protect_superset (rx, set);
- superstate->edges = 0;
- {
- int x;
- /* None of the transitions from this superstate are known yet. */
- for (x = 0; x < rx->local_cset_size; ++x) /* &&&&& 3.8 % */
- {
- struct rx_inx * ifr = &superstate->transitions[x];
- ifr->inx = rx->instruction_table [rx_cache_miss];
- ifr->data = ifr->data_2 = 0;
- }
- }
- return superstate;
-/* This computes the destination set of one edge of the superstate NFA.
- * Note that a RX_DISTINCT_FUTURE is a superstate edge.
- * Returns 0 on an allocation failure.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-solve_destination (struct rx *rx, struct rx_distinct_future *df)
-static int
-solve_destination (rx, df)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rx_distinct_future *df;
- struct rx_super_edge *tc = df->edge;
- struct rx_superset *nfa_state;
- struct rx_superset *nil_set = rx_superset_cons (rx, 0, 0);
- struct rx_superset *solution = nil_set;
- struct rx_superstate *dest;
- rx_protect_superset (rx, solution);
- /* Iterate over all NFA states in the state set of this superstate. */
- for (nfa_state = df->present->contents;
- nfa_state->car;
- nfa_state = nfa_state->cdr)
- {
- struct rx_nfa_edge *e;
- /* Iterate over all edges of each NFA state. */
- for (e = nfa_state->car->edges; e; e = e->next)
- /* If we find an edge that is labeled with
- * the characters we are solving for.....
- */
- if (rx_bitset_is_subset (rx->local_cset_size,
- tc->cset, e->params.cset))
- {
- struct rx_nfa_state *n = e->dest;
- struct rx_possible_future *pf;
- /* the partial epsilon closures of the destination
- * of that edge for a path that involves the same set of
- * side effects we are solving for.
- * If we find such a RX_POSSIBLE_FUTURE, we add members to the
- * stateset we are computing.
- */
- for (pf = n->futures; pf; pf = pf->next)
- if (pf->effects == df->effects)
- {
- struct rx_superset * old_sol;
- old_sol = solution;
- solution = rx_superstate_eclosure_union (rx, solution,
- pf->destset);
- if (!solution)
- return 0;
- rx_protect_superset (rx, solution);
- rx_release_superset (rx, old_sol);
- }
- }
- }
- /* It is possible that the RX_DISTINCT_FUTURE we are working on has
- * the empty set of NFA states as its definition. In that case, this
- * is a failure point.
- */
- if (solution == nil_set)
- {
- df->future_frame.inx = (void *) rx_backtrack;
- df-> = 0;
- df->future_frame.data_2 = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- dest = rx_superstate (rx, solution);
- rx_release_superset (rx, solution);
- if (!dest)
- return 0;
- {
- struct rx_distinct_future *dft;
- dft = df;
- df->prev_same_dest->next_same_dest = 0;
- while (dft)
- {
- dft->future = dest;
- dft->future_frame.inx = rx->instruction_table[rx_next_char];
- dft-> = (void *) dest->transitions;
- dft = dft->next_same_dest;
- }
- df->prev_same_dest->next_same_dest = df;
- }
- if (!dest->transition_refs)
- dest->transition_refs = df;
- else
- {
- struct rx_distinct_future *dft = dest->transition_refs->next_same_dest;
- dest->transition_refs->next_same_dest = df->next_same_dest;
- df->next_same_dest->prev_same_dest = dest->transition_refs;
- df->next_same_dest = dft;
- dft->prev_same_dest = df;
- }
- return 1;
-/* This takes a superstate and a character, and computes some edges
- * from the superstate NFA. In particular, this computes all edges
- * that lead from SUPERSTATE given CHR. This function also
- * computes the set of characters that share this edge set.
- * This returns 0 on allocation error.
- * The character set and list of edges are returned through
- * the paramters CSETOUT and DFOUT.
-} */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-compute_super_edge (struct rx *rx, struct rx_distinct_future **dfout,
- rx_Bitset csetout, struct rx_superstate *superstate,
- unsigned char chr)
-static int
-compute_super_edge (rx, dfout, csetout, superstate, chr)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rx_distinct_future **dfout;
- rx_Bitset csetout;
- struct rx_superstate *superstate;
- unsigned char chr;
- struct rx_superset *stateset = superstate->contents;
- /* To compute the set of characters that share edges with CHR,
- * we start with the full character set, and subtract.
- */
- rx_bitset_universe (rx->local_cset_size, csetout);
- *dfout = 0;
- /* Iterate over the NFA states in the superstate state-set. */
- while (stateset->car)
- {
- struct rx_nfa_edge *e;
- for (e = stateset->car->edges; e; e = e->next)
- if (RX_bitset_member (e->params.cset, chr))
- {
- /* If we find an NFA edge that applies, we make sure there
- * are corresponding edges in the superstate NFA.
- */
- {
- struct rx_distinct_future * saved;
- saved = *dfout;
- *dfout = include_futures (rx, *dfout, e->dest, superstate);
- if (!*dfout)
- {
- struct rx_distinct_future * df;
- df = saved;
- if (df)
- df->next_same_super_edge[1]->next_same_super_edge[0] = 0;
- while (df)
- {
- struct rx_distinct_future *dft;
- dft = df;
- df = df->next_same_super_edge[0];
- if (dft->future && dft->future->transition_refs == dft)
- {
- dft->future->transition_refs = dft->next_same_dest;
- if (dft->future->transition_refs == dft)
- dft->future->transition_refs = 0;
- }
- dft->next_same_dest->prev_same_dest = dft->prev_same_dest;
- dft->prev_same_dest->next_same_dest = dft->next_same_dest;
- rx_cache_free (rx->cache,
- &rx->cache->free_discernable_futures,
- (char *)dft);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* We also trim the character set a bit. */
- rx_bitset_intersection (rx->local_cset_size,
- csetout, e->params.cset);
- }
- else
- /* An edge that doesn't apply at least tells us some characters
- * that don't share the same edge set as CHR.
- */
- rx_bitset_difference (rx->local_cset_size, csetout, e->params.cset);
- stateset = stateset->cdr;
- }
- return 1;
-/* This is a constructor for RX_SUPER_EDGE structures. These are
- * wrappers for lists of superstate NFA edges that share character sets labels.
- * If a transition class contains more than one rx_distinct_future (superstate
- * edge), then it represents a non-determinism in the superstate NFA.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static struct rx_super_edge *
-rx_super_edge (struct rx *rx,
- struct rx_superstate *super, rx_Bitset cset,
- struct rx_distinct_future *df)
-static struct rx_super_edge *
-rx_super_edge (rx, super, cset, df)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rx_superstate *super;
- rx_Bitset cset;
- struct rx_distinct_future *df;
- struct rx_super_edge *tc =
- (struct rx_super_edge *)rx_cache_malloc_or_get
- (rx->cache, &rx->cache->free_transition_classes,
- sizeof (struct rx_super_edge) + rx_sizeof_bitset (rx->local_cset_size));
- if (!tc)
- return 0;
- tc->next = super->edges;
- super->edges = tc;
- tc->rx_backtrack_frame.inx = rx->instruction_table[rx_backtrack_point];
- tc-> = 0;
- tc->rx_backtrack_frame.data_2 = (void *) tc;
- tc->options = df;
- tc->cset = (rx_Bitset) ((char *) tc + sizeof (*tc));
- rx_bitset_assign (rx->local_cset_size, tc->cset, cset);
- if (df)
- {
- struct rx_distinct_future * dfp = df;
- df->next_same_super_edge[1]->next_same_super_edge[0] = 0;
- while (dfp)
- {
- dfp->edge = tc;
- dfp = dfp->next_same_super_edge[0];
- }
- df->next_same_super_edge[1]->next_same_super_edge[0] = df;
- }
- return tc;
-/* There are three kinds of cache miss. The first occurs when a
- * transition is taken that has never been computed during the
- * lifetime of the source superstate. That cache miss is handled by
- * calling COMPUTE_SUPER_EDGE. The second kind of cache miss
- * occurs when the destination superstate of a transition doesn't
- * exist. SOLVE_DESTINATION is used to construct the destination superstate.
- * Finally, the third kind of cache miss occurs when the destination
- * superstate of a transition is in a `semi-free state'. That case is
- * handled by UNFREE_SUPERSTATE.
- *
- * The function of HANDLE_CACHE_MISS is to figure out which of these
- * cases applies.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-install_partial_transition (struct rx_superstate *super,
- struct rx_inx *answer,
- RX_subset set, int offset)
-static void
-install_partial_transition (super, answer, set, offset)
- struct rx_superstate *super;
- struct rx_inx *answer;
- RX_subset set;
- int offset;
- int start = offset;
- int end = start + 32;
- RX_subset pos = 1;
- struct rx_inx * transitions = super->transitions;
- while (start < end)
- {
- if (set & pos)
- transitions[start] = *answer;
- pos <<= 1;
- ++start;
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL struct rx_inx *
- (struct rx *rx, struct rx_superstate *super, unsigned char chr, void *data)
-RX_DECL struct rx_inx *
-rx_handle_cache_miss (rx, super, chr, data)
- struct rx *rx;
- struct rx_superstate *super;
- unsigned char chr;
- void *data;
- int offset = chr / RX_subset_bits;
- struct rx_distinct_future *df = data;
- if (!df) /* must be the shared_cache_miss_frame */
- {
- /* Perhaps this is just a transition waiting to be filled. */
- struct rx_super_edge *tc;
- RX_subset mask = rx_subset_singletons [chr % RX_subset_bits];
- for (tc = super->edges; tc; tc = tc->next)
- if (tc->cset[offset] & mask)
- {
- struct rx_inx * answer;
- df = tc->options;
- answer = ((tc->options->next_same_super_edge[0] != tc->options)
- ? &tc->rx_backtrack_frame
- : (df->effects
- ? &df->side_effects_frame
- : &df->future_frame));
- install_partial_transition (super, answer,
- tc->cset [offset], offset * 32);
- return answer;
- }
- /* Otherwise, it's a flushed or newly encountered edge. */
- {
- char cset_space[1024]; /* this limit is far from unreasonable */
- rx_Bitset trcset;
- struct rx_inx *answer;
- if (rx_sizeof_bitset (rx->local_cset_size) > sizeof (cset_space))
- return 0; /* If the arbitrary limit is hit, always fail */
- /* cleanly. */
- trcset = (rx_Bitset)cset_space;
- rx_lock_superstate (rx, super);
- if (!compute_super_edge (rx, &df, trcset, super, chr))
- {
- rx_unlock_superstate (rx, super);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!df) /* We just computed the fail transition. */
- {
- static struct rx_inx
- shared_fail_frame = { 0, 0, (void *)rx_backtrack, 0 };
- answer = &shared_fail_frame;
- }
- else
- {
- tc = rx_super_edge (rx, super, trcset, df);
- if (!tc)
- {
- rx_unlock_superstate (rx, super);
- return 0;
- }
- answer = ((tc->options->next_same_super_edge[0] != tc->options)
- ? &tc->rx_backtrack_frame
- : (df->effects
- ? &df->side_effects_frame
- : &df->future_frame));
- }
- install_partial_transition (super, answer,
- trcset[offset], offset * 32);
- rx_unlock_superstate (rx, super);
- return answer;
- }
- }
- else if (df->future) /* A cache miss on an edge with a future? Must be
- * a semi-free destination. */
- {
- if (df->future->is_semifree)
- refresh_semifree_superstate (rx->cache, df->future);
- return &df->future_frame;
- }
- else
- /* no future superstate on an existing edge */
- {
- rx_lock_superstate (rx, super);
- if (!solve_destination (rx, df))
- {
- rx_unlock_superstate (rx, super);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!df->effects
- && (df->edge->options->next_same_super_edge[0] == df->edge->options))
- install_partial_transition (super, &df->future_frame,
- df->edge->cset[offset], offset * 32);
- rx_unlock_superstate (rx, super);
- return &df->future_frame;
- }
-/* The rest of the code provides a regex.c compatable interface. */
-__const__ char *re_error_msg[] =
- 0, /* REG_NOUT */
- "No match", /* REG_NOMATCH */
- "Invalid regular expression", /* REG_BADPAT */
- "Invalid collation character", /* REG_ECOLLATE */
- "Invalid character class name", /* REG_ECTYPE */
- "Trailing backslash", /* REG_EESCAPE */
- "Invalid back reference", /* REG_ESUBREG */
- "Unmatched [ or [^", /* REG_EBRACK */
- "Unmatched ( or \\(", /* REG_EPAREN */
- "Unmatched \\{", /* REG_EBRACE */
- "Invalid content of \\{\\}", /* REG_BADBR */
- "Invalid range end", /* REG_ERANGE */
- "Memory exhausted", /* REG_ESPACE */
- "Invalid preceding regular expression", /* REG_BADRPT */
- "Premature end of regular expression", /* REG_EEND */
- "Regular expression too big", /* REG_ESIZE */
- "Unmatched ) or \\)", /* REG_ERPAREN */
- * Macros used while compiling patterns.
- *
- * By convention, PEND points just past the end of the uncompiled pattern,
- * P points to the read position in the pattern. `translate' is the name
- * of the translation table (`TRANSLATE' is the name of a macro that looks
- * things up in `translate').
- */
- * Fetch the next character in the uncompiled pattern---translating it
- * if necessary. *Also cast from a signed character in the constant
- * string passed to us by the user to an unsigned char that we can use
- * as an array index (in, e.g., `translate').
- */
-#define PATFETCH(c) \
- do {if (p == pend) return REG_EEND; \
- c = (unsigned char) *p++; \
- c = translate[c]; \
- } while (0)
- * Fetch the next character in the uncompiled pattern, with no
- * translation.
- */
-#define PATFETCH_RAW(c) \
- do {if (p == pend) return REG_EEND; \
- c = (unsigned char) *p++; \
- } while (0)
-/* Go backwards one character in the pattern. */
-#define PATUNFETCH p--
-#define TRANSLATE(d) translate[(unsigned char) (d)]
-typedef unsigned regnum_t;
-/* Since offsets can go either forwards or backwards, this type needs to
- * be able to hold values from -(MAX_BUF_SIZE - 1) to MAX_BUF_SIZE - 1.
- */
-typedef int pattern_offset_t;
-typedef struct
- struct rexp_node ** top_expression; /* was begalt */
- struct rexp_node ** last_expression; /* was laststart */
- pattern_offset_t inner_group_offset;
- regnum_t regnum;
-} compile_stack_elt_t;
-typedef struct
- compile_stack_elt_t *stack;
- unsigned size;
- unsigned avail; /* Offset of next open position. */
-} compile_stack_type;
-#define COMPILE_STACK_EMPTY (compile_stack.avail == 0)
-#define COMPILE_STACK_FULL (compile_stack.avail == compile_stack.size)
-/* The next available element. */
-#define COMPILE_STACK_TOP (compile_stack.stack[compile_stack.avail])
-/* Set the bit for character C in a list. */
-#define SET_LIST_BIT(c) \
- (b[((unsigned char) (c)) / CHARBITS] \
- |= 1 << (((unsigned char) c) % CHARBITS))
-/* Get the next unsigned number in the uncompiled pattern. */
-#define GET_UNSIGNED_NUMBER(num) \
- { if (p != pend) \
- { \
- PATFETCH (c); \
- while (isdigit (c)) \
- { \
- if (num < 0) \
- num = 0; \
- num = num * 10 + c - '0'; \
- if (p == pend) \
- break; \
- PATFETCH (c); \
- } \
- } \
- }
-#define CHAR_CLASS_MAX_LENGTH 6 /* Namely, `xdigit'. */
-#define IS_CHAR_CLASS(string) \
- (!strcmp (string, "alpha") || !strcmp (string, "upper") \
- || !strcmp (string, "lower") || !strcmp (string, "digit") \
- || !strcmp (string, "alnum") || !strcmp (string, "xdigit") \
- || !strcmp (string, "space") || !strcmp (string, "print") \
- || !strcmp (string, "punct") || !strcmp (string, "graph") \
- || !strcmp (string, "cntrl") || !strcmp (string, "blank"))
-/* These predicates are used in regex_compile. */
-/* P points to just after a ^ in PATTERN. Return true if that ^ comes
- * after an alternative or a begin-subexpression. We assume there is at
- * least one character before the ^.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static boolean
-at_begline_loc_p (__const__ char *pattern, __const__ char * p, reg_syntax_t syntax)
-static boolean
-at_begline_loc_p (pattern, p, syntax)
- __const__ char *pattern;
- __const__ char * p;
- reg_syntax_t syntax;
- __const__ char *prev = p - 2;
- boolean prev_prev_backslash = ((prev > pattern) && (prev[-1] == '\\'));
- return
- (/* After a subexpression? */
- ((*prev == '(') && ((syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS) || prev_prev_backslash))
- ||
- /* After an alternative? */
- ((*prev == '|') && ((syntax & RE_NO_BK_VBAR) || prev_prev_backslash))
- );
-/* The dual of at_begline_loc_p. This one is for $. We assume there is
- * at least one character after the $, i.e., `P < PEND'.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static boolean
-at_endline_loc_p (__const__ char *p, __const__ char *pend, int syntax)
-static boolean
-at_endline_loc_p (p, pend, syntax)
- __const__ char *p;
- __const__ char *pend;
- int syntax;
- __const__ char *next = p;
- boolean next_backslash = (*next == '\\');
- __const__ char *next_next = (p + 1 < pend) ? (p + 1) : 0;
- return
- (
- /* Before a subexpression? */
- ((syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS)
- ? (*next == ')')
- : (next_backslash && next_next && (*next_next == ')')))
- ||
- /* Before an alternative? */
- ((syntax & RE_NO_BK_VBAR)
- ? (*next == '|')
- : (next_backslash && next_next && (*next_next == '|')))
- );
-unsigned char rx_id_translation[256] =
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
- 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
- 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
- 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
- 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
- 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
- 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69,
- 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79,
- 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,
- 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,
- 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
- 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119,
- 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129,
- 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139,
- 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149,
- 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159,
- 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169,
- 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179,
- 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189,
- 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199,
- 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209,
- 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219,
- 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229,
- 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239,
- 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249,
- 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255
-/* The compiler keeps an inverted translation table.
- * This looks up/inititalize elements.
- * VALID is an array of booleans that validate CACHE.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static rx_Bitset
-inverse_translation (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb,
- char * valid, rx_Bitset cache,
- unsigned char * translate, int c)
-static rx_Bitset
-inverse_translation (rxb, valid, cache, translate, c)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- char * valid;
- rx_Bitset cache;
- unsigned char * translate;
- int c;
- rx_Bitset cs
- = cache + c * rx_bitset_numb_subsets (rxb->rx.local_cset_size);
- if (!valid[c])
- {
- int x;
- int c_tr = TRANSLATE(c);
- rx_bitset_null (rxb->rx.local_cset_size, cs);
- for (x = 0; x < 256; ++x) /* &&&& 13.37 */
- if (TRANSLATE(x) == c_tr)
- RX_bitset_enjoin (cs, x);
- valid[c] = 1;
- }
- return cs;
-/* More subroutine declarations and macros for regex_compile. */
-/* Returns true if REGNUM is in one of COMPILE_STACK's elements and
- false if it's not. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static boolean
-group_in_compile_stack (compile_stack_type compile_stack, regnum_t regnum)
-static boolean
-group_in_compile_stack (compile_stack, regnum)
- compile_stack_type compile_stack;
- regnum_t regnum;
- int this_element;
- for (this_element = compile_stack.avail - 1;
- this_element >= 0;
- this_element--)
- if (compile_stack.stack[this_element].regnum == regnum)
- return true;
- return false;
-#ifdef __FreeBSD__
-static int collate_range_cmp (a, b)
- int a, b;
- int r;
- static char s[2][2];
- if ((unsigned char)a == (unsigned char)b)
- return 0;
- s[0][0] = a;
- s[1][0] = b;
- if ((r = strcoll(s[0], s[1])) == 0)
- r = (unsigned char)a - (unsigned char)b;
- return r;
- * Read the ending character of a range (in a bracket expression) from the
- * uncompiled pattern *P_PTR (which ends at PEND). We assume the
- * starting character is in `P[-2]'. (`P[-1]' is the character `-'.)
- * Then we set the translation of all bits between the starting and
- * ending characters (inclusive) in the compiled pattern B.
- *
- * Return an error code.
- *
- * We use these short variable names so we can use the same macros as
- * `regex_compile' itself.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static reg_errcode_t
-compile_range (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb, rx_Bitset cs,
- __const__ char ** p_ptr, __const__ char * pend,
- unsigned char * translate, reg_syntax_t syntax,
- rx_Bitset inv_tr, char * valid_inv_tr)
-static reg_errcode_t
-compile_range (rxb, cs, p_ptr, pend, translate, syntax, inv_tr, valid_inv_tr)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- rx_Bitset cs;
- __const__ char ** p_ptr;
- __const__ char * pend;
- unsigned char * translate;
- reg_syntax_t syntax;
- rx_Bitset inv_tr;
- char * valid_inv_tr;
- unsigned this_char;
- __const__ char *p = *p_ptr;
- unsigned char range_end;
- unsigned char range_start = TRANSLATE(p[-2]);
- if (p == pend)
- return REG_ERANGE;
- PATFETCH (range_end);
- (*p_ptr)++;
-#ifdef __FreeBSD__
- if (collate_range_cmp (range_start, range_end) > 0)
- if (range_start > range_end)
-#ifdef __FreeBSD__
- for (this_char = 0; this_char < CHAR_SET_SIZE; this_char++)
- if ( collate_range_cmp (range_start, this_char) <= 0
- && collate_range_cmp (this_char, range_end) <= 0
- ) {
- rx_Bitset it =
- inverse_translation (rxb, valid_inv_tr, inv_tr, translate, this_char);
- rx_bitset_union (rxb->rx.local_cset_size, cs, it);
- }
- for (this_char = range_start; this_char <= range_end; this_char++)
- {
- rx_Bitset it =
- inverse_translation (rxb, valid_inv_tr, inv_tr, translate, this_char);
- rx_bitset_union (rxb->rx.local_cset_size, cs, it);
- }
- return REG_NOERROR;
-/* This searches a regexp for backreference side effects.
- * It fills in the array OUT with 1 at the index of every register pair
- * referenced by a backreference.
- *
- * This is used to help optimize patterns for searching. The information is
- * useful because, if the caller doesn't want register values, backreferenced
- * registers are the only registers for which we need rx_backtrack.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-find_backrefs (char * out, struct rexp_node * rexp,
- struct re_se_params * params)
-static void
-find_backrefs (out, rexp, params)
- char * out;
- struct rexp_node * rexp;
- struct re_se_params * params;
- if (rexp)
- switch (rexp->type)
- {
- case r_cset:
- case r_data:
- return;
- case r_alternate:
- case r_concat:
- case r_opt:
- case r_star:
- case r_2phase_star:
- find_backrefs (out, rexp->params.pair.left, params);
- find_backrefs (out, rexp->params.pair.right, params);
- return;
- case r_side_effect:
- if ( ((long)rexp->params.side_effect >= 0)
- && (params [(long)rexp->params.side_effect].se == re_se_backref))
- out[ params [(long)rexp->params.side_effect].op1] = 1;
- return;
- }
-/* Returns 0 unless the pattern can match the empty string. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-compute_fastset (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb, struct rexp_node * rexp)
-static int
-compute_fastset (rxb, rexp)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- struct rexp_node * rexp;
- if (!rexp)
- return 1;
- switch (rexp->type)
- {
- case r_data:
- return 1;
- case r_cset:
- {
- rx_bitset_union (rxb->rx.local_cset_size,
- rxb->fastset, rexp->params.cset);
- }
- return 0;
- case r_concat:
- return (compute_fastset (rxb, rexp->params.pair.left)
- && compute_fastset (rxb, rexp->params.pair.right));
- case r_2phase_star:
- compute_fastset (rxb, rexp->params.pair.left);
- /* compute_fastset (rxb, rexp->params.pair.right); nope... */
- return 1;
- case r_alternate:
- return !!(compute_fastset (rxb, rexp->params.pair.left)
- + compute_fastset (rxb, rexp->params.pair.right));
- case r_opt:
- case r_star:
- compute_fastset (rxb, rexp->params.pair.left);
- return 1;
- case r_side_effect:
- return 1;
- }
- /* this should never happen */
- return 0;
-/* returns
- * 1 -- yes, definately anchored by the given side effect.
- * 2 -- maybe anchored, maybe the empty string.
- * 0 -- definately not anchored
- * There is simply no other possibility.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-is_anchored (struct rexp_node * rexp, rx_side_effect se)
-static int
-is_anchored (rexp, se)
- struct rexp_node * rexp;
- rx_side_effect se;
- if (!rexp)
- return 2;
- switch (rexp->type)
- {
- case r_cset:
- case r_data:
- return 0;
- case r_concat:
- case r_2phase_star:
- {
- int l = is_anchored (rexp->params.pair.left, se);
- return (l == 2 ? is_anchored (rexp->params.pair.right, se) : l);
- }
- case r_alternate:
- {
- int l = is_anchored (rexp->params.pair.left, se);
- int r = l ? is_anchored (rexp->params.pair.right, se) : 0;
- if (l == r)
- return l;
- else if ((l == 0) || (r == 0))
- return 0;
- else
- return 2;
- }
- case r_opt:
- case r_star:
- return is_anchored (rexp->params.pair.left, se) ? 2 : 0;
- case r_side_effect:
- return ((rexp->params.side_effect == se)
- ? 1 : 2);
- }
- /* this should never happen */
- return 0;
-/* This removes register assignments that aren't required by backreferencing.
- * This can speed up explore_future, especially if it eliminates
- * non-determinism in the superstate NFA.
- *
- * NEEDED is an array of characters, presumably filled in by FIND_BACKREFS.
- * The non-zero elements of the array indicate which register assignments
- * can NOT be removed from the expression.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static struct rexp_node *
-remove_unecessary_side_effects (struct rx * rx, char * needed,
- struct rexp_node * rexp,
- struct re_se_params * params)
-static struct rexp_node *
-remove_unecessary_side_effects (rx, needed, rexp, params)
- struct rx * rx;
- char * needed;
- struct rexp_node * rexp;
- struct re_se_params * params;
- struct rexp_node * l;
- struct rexp_node * r;
- if (!rexp)
- return 0;
- else
- switch (rexp->type)
- {
- case r_cset:
- case r_data:
- return rexp;
- case r_alternate:
- case r_concat:
- case r_2phase_star:
- l = remove_unecessary_side_effects (rx, needed,
- rexp->params.pair.left, params);
- r = remove_unecessary_side_effects (rx, needed,
- rexp->params.pair.right, params);
- if ((l && r) || (rexp->type != r_concat))
- {
- rexp->params.pair.left = l;
- rexp->params.pair.right = r;
- return rexp;
- }
- else
- {
- rexp->params.pair.left = rexp->params.pair.right = 0;
- rx_free_rexp (rx, rexp);
- return l ? l : r;
- }
- case r_opt:
- case r_star:
- l = remove_unecessary_side_effects (rx, needed,
- rexp->params.pair.left, params);
- if (l)
- {
- rexp->params.pair.left = l;
- return rexp;
- }
- else
- {
- rexp->params.pair.left = 0;
- rx_free_rexp (rx, rexp);
- return 0;
- }
- case r_side_effect:
- {
- int se = (long)rexp->params.side_effect;
- if ( (se >= 0)
- && ( ((enum re_side_effects)params[se].se == re_se_lparen)
- || ((enum re_side_effects)params[se].se == re_se_rparen))
- && (params [se].op1 > 0)
- && (!needed [params [se].op1]))
- {
- rx_free_rexp (rx, rexp);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- return rexp;
- }
- }
- /* this should never happen */
- return 0;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-pointless_if_repeated (struct rexp_node * node, struct re_se_params * params)
-static int
-pointless_if_repeated (node, params)
- struct rexp_node * node;
- struct re_se_params * params;
- if (!node)
- return 1;
- switch (node->type)
- {
- case r_cset:
- return 0;
- case r_alternate:
- case r_concat:
- case r_2phase_star:
- return (pointless_if_repeated (node->params.pair.left, params)
- && pointless_if_repeated (node->params.pair.right, params));
- case r_opt:
- case r_star:
- return pointless_if_repeated (node->params.pair.left, params);
- case r_side_effect:
- switch (((long)node->params.side_effect < 0)
- ? (enum re_side_effects)node->params.side_effect
- : (enum re_side_effects)params[(long)node->params.side_effect].se)
- {
- case re_se_try:
- case re_se_at_dot:
- case re_se_begbuf:
- case re_se_hat:
- case re_se_wordbeg:
- case re_se_wordbound:
- case re_se_notwordbound:
- case re_se_wordend:
- case re_se_endbuf:
- case re_se_dollar:
- case re_se_fail:
- case re_se_win:
- return 1;
- case re_se_lparen:
- case re_se_rparen:
- case re_se_iter:
- case re_se_end_iter:
- case re_se_syntax:
- case re_se_not_syntax:
- case re_se_backref:
- return 0;
- }
- case r_data:
- default:
- return 0;
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-registers_on_stack (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb,
- struct rexp_node * rexp, int in_danger,
- struct re_se_params * params)
-static int
-registers_on_stack (rxb, rexp, in_danger, params)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- struct rexp_node * rexp;
- int in_danger;
- struct re_se_params * params;
- if (!rexp)
- return 0;
- else
- switch (rexp->type)
- {
- case r_cset:
- case r_data:
- return 0;
- case r_alternate:
- case r_concat:
- return ( registers_on_stack (rxb, rexp->params.pair.left,
- in_danger, params)
- || (registers_on_stack
- (rxb, rexp->params.pair.right,
- in_danger, params)));
- case r_opt:
- return registers_on_stack (rxb, rexp->params.pair.left, 0, params);
- case r_star:
- return registers_on_stack (rxb, rexp->params.pair.left, 1, params);
- case r_2phase_star:
- return
- ( registers_on_stack (rxb, rexp->params.pair.left, 1, params)
- || registers_on_stack (rxb, rexp->params.pair.right, 1, params));
- case r_side_effect:
- {
- int se = (long)rexp->params.side_effect;
- if ( in_danger
- && (se >= 0)
- && (params [se].op1 > 0)
- && ( ((enum re_side_effects)params[se].se == re_se_lparen)
- || ((enum re_side_effects)params[se].se == re_se_rparen)))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* this should never happen */
- return 0;
-static char idempotent_complex_se[] =
-#define RX_WANT_SE_DEFS 1
-#undef RX_DEF_SE
-#undef RX_DEF_CPLX_SE
-#include "rx.h"
-#undef RX_DEF_SE
-#undef RX_DEF_CPLX_SE
- 23
-static char idempotent_se[] =
- 13,
-#define RX_WANT_SE_DEFS 1
-#undef RX_DEF_SE
-#undef RX_DEF_CPLX_SE
-#include "rx.h"
-#undef RX_DEF_SE
-#undef RX_DEF_CPLX_SE
- 42
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-has_any_se (struct rx * rx,
- struct rexp_node * rexp)
-static int
-has_any_se (rx, rexp)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rexp_node * rexp;
- if (!rexp)
- return 0;
- switch (rexp->type)
- {
- case r_cset:
- case r_data:
- return 0;
- case r_side_effect:
- return 1;
- case r_2phase_star:
- case r_concat:
- case r_alternate:
- return
- ( has_any_se (rx, rexp->params.pair.left)
- || has_any_se (rx, rexp->params.pair.right));
- case r_opt:
- case r_star:
- return has_any_se (rx, rexp->params.pair.left);
- }
- /* this should never happen */
- return 0;
-/* This must be called AFTER `convert_hard_loops' for a given REXP. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-has_non_idempotent_epsilon_path (struct rx * rx,
- struct rexp_node * rexp,
- struct re_se_params * params)
-static int
-has_non_idempotent_epsilon_path (rx, rexp, params)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rexp_node * rexp;
- struct re_se_params * params;
- if (!rexp)
- return 0;
- switch (rexp->type)
- {
- case r_cset:
- case r_data:
- case r_star:
- return 0;
- case r_side_effect:
- return
- !((long)rexp->params.side_effect > 0
- ? idempotent_complex_se [ params [(long)rexp->params.side_effect].se ]
- : idempotent_se [-(long)rexp->params.side_effect]);
- case r_alternate:
- return
- ( has_non_idempotent_epsilon_path (rx,
- rexp->params.pair.left, params)
- || has_non_idempotent_epsilon_path (rx,
- rexp->params.pair.right, params));
- case r_2phase_star:
- case r_concat:
- return
- ( has_non_idempotent_epsilon_path (rx,
- rexp->params.pair.left, params)
- && has_non_idempotent_epsilon_path (rx,
- rexp->params.pair.right, params));
- case r_opt:
- return has_non_idempotent_epsilon_path (rx,
- rexp->params.pair.left, params);
- }
- /* this should never happen */
- return 0;
-/* This computes rougly what it's name suggests. It can (and does) go wrong
- * in the direction of returning spurious 0 without causing disasters.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-begins_with_complex_se (struct rx * rx, struct rexp_node * rexp)
-static int
-begins_with_complex_se (rx, rexp)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rexp_node * rexp;
- if (!rexp)
- return 0;
- switch (rexp->type)
- {
- case r_cset:
- case r_data:
- return 0;
- case r_side_effect:
- return ((long)rexp->params.side_effect >= 0);
- case r_alternate:
- return
- ( begins_with_complex_se (rx, rexp->params.pair.left)
- && begins_with_complex_se (rx, rexp->params.pair.right));
- case r_concat:
- return has_any_se (rx, rexp->params.pair.left);
- case r_opt:
- case r_star:
- case r_2phase_star:
- return 0;
- }
- /* this should never happen */
- return 0;
-/* This destructively removes some of the re_se_tv side effects from
- * a rexp tree. In particular, during parsing re_se_tv was inserted on the
- * right half of every | to guarantee that posix path preference could be
- * honored. This function removes some which it can be determined aren't
- * needed.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static void
-speed_up_alt (struct rx * rx,
- struct rexp_node * rexp,
- int unposix)
-static void
-speed_up_alt (rx, rexp, unposix)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rexp_node * rexp;
- int unposix;
- if (!rexp)
- return;
- switch (rexp->type)
- {
- case r_cset:
- case r_data:
- case r_side_effect:
- return;
- case r_opt:
- case r_star:
- speed_up_alt (rx, rexp->params.pair.left, unposix);
- return;
- case r_2phase_star:
- case r_concat:
- speed_up_alt (rx, rexp->params.pair.left, unposix);
- speed_up_alt (rx, rexp->params.pair.right, unposix);
- return;
- case r_alternate:
- /* the right child is guaranteed to be (concat re_se_tv <subexp>) */
- speed_up_alt (rx, rexp->params.pair.left, unposix);
- speed_up_alt (rx, rexp->params.pair.right->params.pair.right, unposix);
- if ( unposix
- || (begins_with_complex_se
- (rx, rexp->params.pair.right->params.pair.right))
- || !( has_any_se (rx, rexp->params.pair.right->params.pair.right)
- || has_any_se (rx, rexp->params.pair.left)))
- {
- struct rexp_node * conc = rexp->params.pair.right;
- rexp->params.pair.right = conc->params.pair.right;
- conc->params.pair.right = 0;
- rx_free_rexp (rx, conc);
- }
- }
-/* `regex_compile' compiles PATTERN (of length SIZE) according to SYNTAX.
- Returns one of error codes defined in `regex.h', or zero for success.
- Assumes the `allocated' (and perhaps `buffer') and `translate'
- fields are set in BUFP on entry.
- If it succeeds, results are put in BUFP (if it returns an error, the
- contents of BUFP are undefined):
- `buffer' is the compiled pattern;
- `syntax' is set to SYNTAX;
- `used' is set to the length of the compiled pattern;
- `fastmap_accurate' is set to zero;
- `re_nsub' is set to the number of groups in PATTERN;
- `not_bol' and `not_eol' are set to zero.
- The `fastmap' and `newline_anchor' fields are neither
- examined nor set. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL reg_errcode_t
-rx_compile (__const__ char *pattern, int size,
- reg_syntax_t syntax,
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb)
-RX_DECL reg_errcode_t
-rx_compile (pattern, size, syntax, rxb)
- __const__ char *pattern;
- int size;
- reg_syntax_t syntax;
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- RX_subset
- inverse_translate [CHAR_SET_SIZE * rx_bitset_numb_subsets(CHAR_SET_SIZE)];
- char
- validate_inv_tr [CHAR_SET_SIZE * rx_bitset_numb_subsets(CHAR_SET_SIZE)];
- /* We fetch characters from PATTERN here. Even though PATTERN is
- `char *' (i.e., signed), we declare these variables as unsigned, so
- they can be reliably used as array indices. */
- register unsigned char c, c1;
- /* A random tempory spot in PATTERN. */
- __const__ char *p1;
- /* Keeps track of unclosed groups. */
- compile_stack_type compile_stack;
- /* Points to the current (ending) position in the pattern. */
- __const__ char *p = pattern;
- __const__ char *pend = pattern + size;
- /* How to translate the characters in the pattern. */
- unsigned char *translate = (rxb->translate
- ? rxb->translate
- : rx_id_translation);
- /* When parsing is done, this will hold the expression tree. */
- struct rexp_node * rexp = 0;
- /* In the midst of compilation, this holds onto the regexp
- * first parst while rexp goes on to aquire additional constructs.
- */
- struct rexp_node * orig_rexp = 0;
- struct rexp_node * fewer_side_effects = 0;
- /* This and top_expression are saved on the compile stack. */
- struct rexp_node ** top_expression = &rexp;
- struct rexp_node ** last_expression = top_expression;
- /* Parameter to `goto append_node' */
- struct rexp_node * append;
- /* Counts open-groups as they are encountered. This is the index of the
- * innermost group being compiled.
- */
- regnum_t regnum = 0;
- /* Place in the uncompiled pattern (i.e., the {) to
- * which to go back if the interval is invalid.
- */
- __const__ char *beg_interval;
- struct re_se_params * params = 0;
- int paramc = 0; /* How many complex side effects so far? */
- rx_side_effect side; /* param to `goto add_side_effect' */
- bzero (validate_inv_tr, sizeof (validate_inv_tr));
- rxb->rx.instruction_table = rx_id_instruction_table;
- /* Initialize the compile stack. */
- compile_stack.stack = (( compile_stack_elt_t *) malloc ((INIT_COMPILE_STACK_SIZE) * sizeof ( compile_stack_elt_t)));
- if (compile_stack.stack == 0)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- compile_stack.size = INIT_COMPILE_STACK_SIZE;
- compile_stack.avail = 0;
- /* Initialize the pattern buffer. */
- rxb->rx.cache = &default_cache;
- rxb->syntax = syntax;
- rxb->fastmap_accurate = 0;
- rxb->not_bol = rxb->not_eol = 0;
- rxb->least_subs = 0;
- /* Always count groups, whether or not rxb->no_sub is set.
- * The whole pattern is implicitly group 0, so counting begins
- * with 1.
- */
- rxb->re_nsub = 0;
-#if !defined (emacs) && !defined (SYNTAX_TABLE)
- /* Initialize the syntax table. */
- init_syntax_once ();
- /* Loop through the uncompiled pattern until we're at the end. */
- while (p != pend)
- {
- switch (c)
- {
- case '^':
- {
- if ( /* If at start of pattern, it's an operator. */
- p == pattern + 1
- /* If context independent, it's an operator. */
- /* Otherwise, depends on what's come before. */
- || at_begline_loc_p (pattern, p, syntax))
- {
- struct rexp_node * n
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx, (rx_side_effect)re_se_hat);
- if (!n)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- append = n;
- goto append_node;
- }
- else
- goto normal_char;
- }
- break;
- case '$':
- {
- if ( /* If at end of pattern, it's an operator. */
- p == pend
- /* If context independent, it's an operator. */
- /* Otherwise, depends on what's next. */
- || at_endline_loc_p (p, pend, syntax))
- {
- struct rexp_node * n
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx, (rx_side_effect)re_se_dollar);
- if (!n)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- append = n;
- goto append_node;
- }
- else
- goto normal_char;
- }
- break;
- case '+':
- case '?':
- if ((syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM)
- || (syntax & RE_LIMITED_OPS))
- goto normal_char;
- handle_plus:
- case '*':
- /* If there is no previous pattern... */
- if (pointless_if_repeated (*last_expression, params))
- {
- if (syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INVALID_OPS)
- return REG_BADRPT;
- else if (!(syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INDEP_OPS))
- goto normal_char;
- }
- {
- /* 1 means zero (many) matches is allowed. */
- char zero_times_ok = 0, many_times_ok = 0;
- /* If there is a sequence of repetition chars, collapse it
- down to just one (the right one). We can't combine
- interval operators with these because of, e.g., `a{2}*',
- which should only match an even number of `a's. */
- for (;;)
- {
- zero_times_ok |= c != '+';
- many_times_ok |= c != '?';
- if (p == pend)
- break;
- if (c == '*'
- || (!(syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM) && (c == '+' || c == '?')))
- ;
- else if (syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM && c == '\\')
- {
- if (p == pend) return REG_EESCAPE;
- PATFETCH (c1);
- if (!(c1 == '+' || c1 == '?'))
- {
- break;
- }
- c = c1;
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- /* If we get here, we found another repeat character. */
- }
- /* Star, etc. applied to an empty pattern is equivalent
- to an empty pattern. */
- if (!last_expression)
- break;
- /* Now we know whether or not zero matches is allowed
- * and also whether or not two or more matches is allowed.
- */
- {
- struct rexp_node * inner_exp = *last_expression;
- int need_sync = 0;
- if (many_times_ok
- && has_non_idempotent_epsilon_path (&rxb->rx,
- inner_exp, params))
- {
- struct rexp_node * pusher
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx,
- (rx_side_effect)re_se_pushpos);
- struct rexp_node * checker
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx,
- (rx_side_effect)re_se_chkpos);
- struct rexp_node * pushback
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx,
- (rx_side_effect)re_se_pushback);
- rx_Bitset cs = rx_cset (&rxb->rx);
- struct rexp_node * lit_t = rx_mk_r_cset (&rxb->rx, cs);
- struct rexp_node * fake_state
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, pushback, lit_t);
- struct rexp_node * phase2
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, checker, fake_state);
- struct rexp_node * popper
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx,
- (rx_side_effect)re_se_poppos);
- struct rexp_node * star
- = rx_mk_r_2phase_star (&rxb->rx, inner_exp, phase2);
- struct rexp_node * a
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, pusher, star);
- struct rexp_node * whole_thing
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, a, popper);
- if (!(pusher && star && pushback && lit_t && fake_state
- && lit_t && phase2 && checker && popper
- && a && whole_thing))
- return REG_ESPACE;
- RX_bitset_enjoin (cs, 't');
- *last_expression = whole_thing;
- }
- else
- {
- struct rexp_node * star =
- (many_times_ok ? rx_mk_r_star : rx_mk_r_opt)
- (&rxb->rx, *last_expression);
- if (!star)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- *last_expression = star;
- need_sync = has_any_se (&rxb->rx, *last_expression);
- }
- if (!zero_times_ok)
- {
- struct rexp_node * concat
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx,
- rx_copy_rexp (&rxb->rx,
- inner_exp),
- *last_expression);
- if (!concat)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- *last_expression = concat;
- }
- if (need_sync)
- {
- int sync_se = paramc;
- params = (params
- ? ((struct re_se_params *)
- realloc (params,
- sizeof (*params) * (1 + paramc)))
- : ((struct re_se_params *)
- malloc (sizeof (*params))));
- if (!params)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- ++paramc;
- params [sync_se].se = re_se_tv;
- side = (rx_side_effect)sync_se;
- goto add_side_effect;
- }
- }
- /* The old regex.c used to optimize `.*\n'.
- * Maybe rx should too?
- */
- }
- break;
- case '.':
- {
- rx_Bitset cs = rx_cset (&rxb->rx);
- struct rexp_node * n = rx_mk_r_cset (&rxb->rx, cs);
- if (!(cs && n))
- return REG_ESPACE;
- rx_bitset_universe (rxb->rx.local_cset_size, cs);
- if (!(rxb->syntax & RE_DOT_NEWLINE))
- RX_bitset_remove (cs, '\n');
- if (!(rxb->syntax & RE_DOT_NOT_NULL))
- RX_bitset_remove (cs, 0);
- append = n;
- goto append_node;
- break;
- }
- case '[':
- if (p == pend) return REG_EBRACK;
- {
- boolean had_char_class = false;
- rx_Bitset cs = rx_cset (&rxb->rx);
- struct rexp_node * node = rx_mk_r_cset (&rxb->rx, cs);
- int is_inverted = *p == '^';
- if (!(node && cs))
- return REG_ESPACE;
- /* This branch of the switch is normally exited with
- *`goto append_node'
- */
- append = node;
- if (is_inverted)
- p++;
- /* Remember the first position in the bracket expression. */
- p1 = p;
- /* Read in characters and ranges, setting map bits. */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (p == pend) return REG_EBRACK;
- /* \ might escape characters inside [...] and [^...]. */
- if ((syntax & RE_BACKSLASH_ESCAPE_IN_LISTS) && c == '\\')
- {
- if (p == pend) return REG_EESCAPE;
- PATFETCH (c1);
- {
- rx_Bitset it = inverse_translation (rxb,
- validate_inv_tr,
- inverse_translate,
- translate,
- c1);
- rx_bitset_union (rxb->rx.local_cset_size, cs, it);
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* Could be the end of the bracket expression. If it's
- not (i.e., when the bracket expression is `[]' so
- far), the ']' character bit gets set way below. */
- if (c == ']' && p != p1 + 1)
- goto finalize_class_and_append;
- /* Look ahead to see if it's a range when the last thing
- was a character class. */
- if (had_char_class && c == '-' && *p != ']')
- return REG_ERANGE;
- /* Look ahead to see if it's a range when the last thing
- was a character: if this is a hyphen not at the
- beginning or the end of a list, then it's the range
- operator. */
- if (c == '-'
- && !(p - 2 >= pattern && p[-2] == '[')
- && !(p - 3 >= pattern && p[-3] == '[' && p[-2] == '^')
- && *p != ']')
- {
- reg_errcode_t ret
- = compile_range (rxb, cs, &p, pend, translate, syntax,
- inverse_translate, validate_inv_tr);
- if (ret != REG_NOERROR) return ret;
- }
- else if (p[0] == '-' && p[1] != ']')
- { /* This handles ranges made up of characters only. */
- reg_errcode_t ret;
- /* Move past the `-'. */
- PATFETCH (c1);
- ret = compile_range (rxb, cs, &p, pend, translate, syntax,
- inverse_translate, validate_inv_tr);
- if (ret != REG_NOERROR) return ret;
- }
- /* See if we're at the beginning of a possible character
- class. */
- else if ((syntax & RE_CHAR_CLASSES)
- && (c == '[') && (*p == ':'))
- {
- char str[CHAR_CLASS_MAX_LENGTH + 1];
- c1 = 0;
- /* If pattern is `[[:'. */
- if (p == pend) return REG_EBRACK;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (c == ':' || c == ']' || p == pend
- break;
- str[c1++] = c;
- }
- str[c1] = '\0';
- /* If isn't a word bracketed by `[:' and:`]':
- undo the ending character, the letters, and leave
- the leading `:' and `[' (but set bits for them). */
- if (c == ':' && *p == ']')
- {
- int ch;
- boolean is_alnum = !strcmp (str, "alnum");
- boolean is_alpha = !strcmp (str, "alpha");
- boolean is_blank = !strcmp (str, "blank");
- boolean is_cntrl = !strcmp (str, "cntrl");
- boolean is_digit = !strcmp (str, "digit");
- boolean is_graph = !strcmp (str, "graph");
- boolean is_lower = !strcmp (str, "lower");
- boolean is_print = !strcmp (str, "print");
- boolean is_punct = !strcmp (str, "punct");
- boolean is_space = !strcmp (str, "space");
- boolean is_upper = !strcmp (str, "upper");
- boolean is_xdigit = !strcmp (str, "xdigit");
- if (!IS_CHAR_CLASS (str)) return REG_ECTYPE;
- /* Throw away the ] at the end of the character
- class. */
- if (p == pend) return REG_EBRACK;
- for (ch = 0; ch < 1 << CHARBITS; ch++)
- {
- if ( (is_alnum && isalnum (ch))
- || (is_alpha && isalpha (ch))
- || (is_blank && isblank (ch))
- || (is_cntrl && iscntrl (ch))
- || (is_digit && isdigit (ch))
- || (is_graph && isgraph (ch))
- || (is_lower && islower (ch))
- || (is_print && isprint (ch))
- || (is_punct && ispunct (ch))
- || (is_space && isspace (ch))
- || (is_upper && isupper (ch))
- || (is_xdigit && isxdigit (ch)))
- {
- rx_Bitset it =
- inverse_translation (rxb,
- validate_inv_tr,
- inverse_translate,
- translate,
- ch);
- rx_bitset_union (rxb->rx.local_cset_size,
- cs, it);
- }
- }
- had_char_class = true;
- }
- else
- {
- c1++;
- while (c1--)
- {
- rx_Bitset it =
- inverse_translation (rxb,
- validate_inv_tr,
- inverse_translate,
- translate,
- '[');
- rx_bitset_union (rxb->rx.local_cset_size,
- cs, it);
- }
- {
- rx_Bitset it =
- inverse_translation (rxb,
- validate_inv_tr,
- inverse_translate,
- translate,
- ':');
- rx_bitset_union (rxb->rx.local_cset_size,
- cs, it);
- }
- had_char_class = false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- had_char_class = false;
- {
- rx_Bitset it = inverse_translation (rxb,
- validate_inv_tr,
- inverse_translate,
- translate,
- c);
- rx_bitset_union (rxb->rx.local_cset_size, cs, it);
- }
- }
- }
- finalize_class_and_append:
- if (is_inverted)
- {
- rx_bitset_complement (rxb->rx.local_cset_size, cs);
- if (syntax & RE_HAT_LISTS_NOT_NEWLINE)
- RX_bitset_remove (cs, '\n');
- }
- goto append_node;
- }
- break;
- case '(':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS)
- goto handle_open;
- else
- goto normal_char;
- case ')':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS)
- goto handle_close;
- else
- goto normal_char;
- case '\n':
- if (syntax & RE_NEWLINE_ALT)
- goto handle_alt;
- else
- goto normal_char;
- case '|':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_VBAR)
- goto handle_alt;
- else
- goto normal_char;
- case '{':
- if ((syntax & RE_INTERVALS) && (syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES))
- goto handle_interval;
- else
- goto normal_char;
- case '\\':
- if (p == pend) return REG_EESCAPE;
- /* Do not translate the character after the \, so that we can
- distinguish, e.g., \B from \b, even if we normally would
- translate, e.g., B to b. */
- switch (c)
- {
- case '(':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS)
- goto normal_backslash;
- handle_open:
- rxb->re_nsub++;
- regnum++;
- {
- ((compile_stack.stack) =
- (compile_stack_elt_t *) realloc (compile_stack.stack, ( compile_stack.size << 1) * sizeof (
- compile_stack_elt_t)));
- if (compile_stack.stack == 0) return REG_ESPACE;
- compile_stack.size <<= 1;
- }
- if (*last_expression)
- {
- struct rexp_node * concat
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, *last_expression, 0);
- if (!concat)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- *last_expression = concat;
- last_expression = &concat->params.pair.right;
- }
- /*
- * These are the values to restore when we hit end of this
- * group.
- */
- COMPILE_STACK_TOP.top_expression = top_expression;
- COMPILE_STACK_TOP.last_expression = last_expression;
- COMPILE_STACK_TOP.regnum = regnum;
- compile_stack.avail++;
- top_expression = last_expression;
- break;
- case ')':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS) goto normal_backslash;
- handle_close:
- /* See similar code for backslashed left paren above. */
- goto normal_char;
- else
- return REG_ERPAREN;
- /* Since we just checked for an empty stack above, this
- ``can't happen''. */
- {
- /* We don't just want to restore into `regnum', because
- later groups should continue to be numbered higher,
- as in `(ab)c(de)' -- the second group is #2. */
- regnum_t this_group_regnum;
- struct rexp_node ** inner = top_expression;
- compile_stack.avail--;
- top_expression = COMPILE_STACK_TOP.top_expression;
- last_expression = COMPILE_STACK_TOP.last_expression;
- this_group_regnum = COMPILE_STACK_TOP.regnum;
- {
- int left_se = paramc;
- int right_se = paramc + 1;
- params = (params
- ? ((struct re_se_params *)
- realloc (params,
- (paramc + 2) * sizeof (params[0])))
- : ((struct re_se_params *)
- malloc (2 * sizeof (params[0]))));
- if (!params)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- paramc += 2;
- params[left_se].se = re_se_lparen;
- params[left_se].op1 = this_group_regnum;
- params[right_se].se = re_se_rparen;
- params[right_se].op1 = this_group_regnum;
- {
- struct rexp_node * left
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx,
- (rx_side_effect)left_se);
- struct rexp_node * right
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx,
- (rx_side_effect)right_se);
- struct rexp_node * c1
- = (*inner
- ? rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, left, *inner) : left);
- struct rexp_node * c2
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, c1, right);
- if (!(left && right && c1 && c2))
- return REG_ESPACE;
- *inner = c2;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case '|': /* `\|'. */
- if ((syntax & RE_LIMITED_OPS) || (syntax & RE_NO_BK_VBAR))
- goto normal_backslash;
- handle_alt:
- if (syntax & RE_LIMITED_OPS)
- goto normal_char;
- {
- struct rexp_node * alt
- = rx_mk_r_alternate (&rxb->rx, *top_expression, 0);
- if (!alt)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- *top_expression = alt;
- last_expression = &alt->params.pair.right;
- {
- int sync_se = paramc;
- params = (params
- ? ((struct re_se_params *)
- realloc (params,
- (paramc + 1) * sizeof (params[0])))
- : ((struct re_se_params *)
- malloc (sizeof (params[0]))));
- if (!params)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- ++paramc;
- params[sync_se].se = re_se_tv;
- {
- struct rexp_node * sync
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx,
- (rx_side_effect)sync_se);
- struct rexp_node * conc
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, sync, 0);
- if (!sync || !conc)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- *last_expression = conc;
- last_expression = &conc->params.pair.right;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case '{':
- /* If \{ is a literal. */
- if (!(syntax & RE_INTERVALS)
- /* If we're at `\{' and it's not the open-interval
- operator. */
- || ((syntax & RE_INTERVALS) && (syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES))
- || (p - 2 == pattern && p == pend))
- goto normal_backslash;
- handle_interval:
- {
- /* If got here, then the syntax allows intervals. */
- /* At least (most) this many matches must be made. */
- int lower_bound = -1, upper_bound = -1;
- beg_interval = p - 1;
- if (p == pend)
- {
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES)
- goto unfetch_interval;
- else
- return REG_EBRACE;
- }
- GET_UNSIGNED_NUMBER (lower_bound);
- if (c == ',')
- {
- GET_UNSIGNED_NUMBER (upper_bound);
- if (upper_bound < 0) upper_bound = RE_DUP_MAX;
- }
- else
- /* Interval such as `{1}' => match exactly once. */
- upper_bound = lower_bound;
- if (lower_bound < 0 || upper_bound > RE_DUP_MAX
- || lower_bound > upper_bound)
- {
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES)
- goto unfetch_interval;
- else
- return REG_BADBR;
- }
- if (!(syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES))
- {
- if (c != '\\') return REG_EBRACE;
- }
- if (c != '}')
- {
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES)
- goto unfetch_interval;
- else
- return REG_BADBR;
- }
- /* We just parsed a valid interval. */
- /* If it's invalid to have no preceding re. */
- if (pointless_if_repeated (*last_expression, params))
- {
- if (syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INVALID_OPS)
- return REG_BADRPT;
- else if (!(syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INDEP_OPS))
- goto unfetch_interval;
- /* was: else laststart = b; */
- }
- /* If the upper bound is zero, don't want to iterate
- * at all.
- */
- if (upper_bound == 0)
- {
- if (*last_expression)
- {
- rx_free_rexp (&rxb->rx, *last_expression);
- *last_expression = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- /* Otherwise, we have a nontrivial interval. */
- {
- int iter_se = paramc;
- int end_se = paramc + 1;
- params = (params
- ? ((struct re_se_params *)
- realloc (params,
- sizeof (*params) * (2 + paramc)))
- : ((struct re_se_params *)
- malloc (2 * sizeof (*params))));
- if (!params)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- paramc += 2;
- params [iter_se].se = re_se_iter;
- params [iter_se].op1 = lower_bound;
- params[iter_se].op2 = upper_bound;
- params[end_se].se = re_se_end_iter;
- params[end_se].op1 = lower_bound;
- params[end_se].op2 = upper_bound;
- {
- struct rexp_node * push0
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx,
- (rx_side_effect)re_se_push0);
- struct rexp_node * start_one_iter
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx,
- (rx_side_effect)iter_se);
- struct rexp_node * phase1
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, start_one_iter,
- *last_expression);
- struct rexp_node * pushback
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx,
- (rx_side_effect)re_se_pushback);
- rx_Bitset cs = rx_cset (&rxb->rx);
- struct rexp_node * lit_t
- = rx_mk_r_cset (&rxb->rx, cs);
- struct rexp_node * phase2
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, pushback, lit_t);
- struct rexp_node * loop
- = rx_mk_r_2phase_star (&rxb->rx, phase1, phase2);
- struct rexp_node * push_n_loop
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, push0, loop);
- struct rexp_node * final_test
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx,
- (rx_side_effect)end_se);
- struct rexp_node * full_exp
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, push_n_loop, final_test);
- if (!(push0 && start_one_iter && phase1
- && pushback && lit_t && phase2
- && loop && push_n_loop && final_test && full_exp))
- return REG_ESPACE;
- RX_bitset_enjoin(cs, 't');
- *last_expression = full_exp;
- }
- }
- beg_interval = 0;
- }
- break;
- unfetch_interval:
- /* If an invalid interval, match the characters as literals. */
- p = beg_interval;
- beg_interval = 0;
- /* normal_char and normal_backslash need `c'. */
- if (!(syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES))
- {
- if (p > pattern && p[-1] == '\\')
- goto normal_backslash;
- }
- goto normal_char;
-#ifdef emacs
- /* There is no way to specify the before_dot and after_dot
- operators. rms says this is ok. --karl */
- case '=':
- side = (rx_side_effect)rx_se_at_dot;
- goto add_side_effect;
- break;
- case 's':
- case 'S':
- {
- rx_Bitset cs = rx_cset (&rxb->rx);
- struct rexp_node * set = rx_mk_r_cset (&rxb->rx, cs);
- if (!(cs && set))
- return REG_ESPACE;
- if (c == 'S')
- rx_bitset_universe (rxb->rx.local_cset_size, cs);
- {
- int x;
- enum syntaxcode code = syntax_spec_code [c];
- for (x = 0; x < 256; ++x)
- {
- if (SYNTAX (x) == code)
- {
- rx_Bitset it =
- inverse_translation (rxb, validate_inv_tr,
- inverse_translate,
- translate, x);
- rx_bitset_xor (rxb->rx.local_cset_size, cs, it);
- }
- }
- }
- append = set;
- goto append_node;
- }
- break;
-#endif /* emacs */
- case 'w':
- case 'W':
- {
- rx_Bitset cs = rx_cset (&rxb->rx);
- struct rexp_node * n = (cs ? rx_mk_r_cset (&rxb->rx, cs) : 0);
- if (!(cs && n))
- return REG_ESPACE;
- if (c == 'W')
- rx_bitset_universe (rxb->rx.local_cset_size ,cs);
- {
- int x;
- for (x = rxb->rx.local_cset_size - 1; x > 0; --x)
- if (SYNTAX(x) & Sword)
- RX_bitset_toggle (cs, x);
- }
- append = n;
- goto append_node;
- }
- break;
-/* With a little extra work, some of these side effects could be optimized
- * away (basicly by looking at what we already know about the surrounding
- * chars).
- */
- case '<':
- side = (rx_side_effect)re_se_wordbeg;
- goto add_side_effect;
- break;
- case '>':
- side = (rx_side_effect)re_se_wordend;
- goto add_side_effect;
- break;
- case 'b':
- side = (rx_side_effect)re_se_wordbound;
- goto add_side_effect;
- break;
- case 'B':
- side = (rx_side_effect)re_se_notwordbound;
- goto add_side_effect;
- break;
- case '`':
- side = (rx_side_effect)re_se_begbuf;
- goto add_side_effect;
- break;
- case '\'':
- side = (rx_side_effect)re_se_endbuf;
- goto add_side_effect;
- break;
- add_side_effect:
- {
- struct rexp_node * se
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx, side);
- if (!se)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- append = se;
- goto append_node;
- }
- break;
- case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
- case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_REFS)
- goto normal_char;
- c1 = c - '0';
- if (c1 > regnum)
- return REG_ESUBREG;
- /* Can't back reference to a subexpression if inside of it. */
- if (group_in_compile_stack (compile_stack, c1))
- return REG_ESUBREG;
- {
- int backref_se = paramc;
- params = (params
- ? ((struct re_se_params *)
- realloc (params,
- sizeof (*params) * (1 + paramc)))
- : ((struct re_se_params *)
- malloc (sizeof (*params))));
- if (!params)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- ++paramc;
- params[backref_se].se = re_se_backref;
- params[backref_se].op1 = c1;
- side = (rx_side_effect)backref_se;
- goto add_side_effect;
- }
- break;
- case '+':
- case '?':
- if (syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM)
- goto handle_plus;
- else
- goto normal_backslash;
- default:
- normal_backslash:
- /* You might think it would be useful for \ to mean
- not to translate; but if we don't translate it
- it will never match anything. */
- c = TRANSLATE (c);
- goto normal_char;
- }
- break;
- default:
- /* Expects the character in `c'. */
- normal_char:
- {
- rx_Bitset cs = rx_cset(&rxb->rx);
- struct rexp_node * match = rx_mk_r_cset (&rxb->rx, cs);
- rx_Bitset it;
- if (!(cs && match))
- return REG_ESPACE;
- it = inverse_translation (rxb, validate_inv_tr,
- inverse_translate, translate, c);
- rx_bitset_union (CHAR_SET_SIZE, cs, it);
- append = match;
- append_node:
- /* This genericly appends the rexp APPEND to *LAST_EXPRESSION
- * and then parses the next character normally.
- */
- if (*last_expression)
- {
- struct rexp_node * concat
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, *last_expression, append);
- if (!concat)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- *last_expression = concat;
- last_expression = &concat->params.pair.right;
- }
- else
- *last_expression = append;
- }
- } /* switch (c) */
- } /* while p != pend */
- {
- int win_se = paramc;
- params = (params
- ? ((struct re_se_params *)
- realloc (params,
- sizeof (*params) * (1 + paramc)))
- : ((struct re_se_params *)
- malloc (sizeof (*params))));
- if (!params)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- ++paramc;
- params[win_se].se = re_se_win;
- {
- struct rexp_node * se
- = rx_mk_r_side_effect (&rxb->rx, (rx_side_effect)win_se);
- struct rexp_node * concat
- = rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, rexp, se);
- if (!(se && concat))
- return REG_ESPACE;
- rexp = concat;
- }
- }
- /* Through the pattern now. */
- return REG_EPAREN;
- free (compile_stack.stack);
- orig_rexp = rexp;
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG
- if (rx_debug_compile)
- {
- dbug_rxb = rxb;
- fputs ("\n\nCompiling ", stdout);
- fwrite (pattern, 1, size, stdout);
- fputs (":\n", stdout);
- rxb->se_params = params;
- print_rexp (&rxb->rx, orig_rexp, 2, re_seprint, stdout);
- }
- {
- rx_Bitset cs = rx_cset(&rxb->rx);
- rx_Bitset cs2 = rx_cset(&rxb->rx);
- char * se_map = (char *) alloca (paramc);
- struct rexp_node * new_rexp = 0;
- bzero (se_map, paramc);
- find_backrefs (se_map, rexp, params);
- fewer_side_effects =
- remove_unecessary_side_effects (&rxb->rx, se_map,
- rx_copy_rexp (&rxb->rx, rexp), params);
- speed_up_alt (&rxb->rx, rexp, 0);
- speed_up_alt (&rxb->rx, fewer_side_effects, 1);
- {
- char * syntax_parens = rxb->syntax_parens;
- if (syntax_parens == (char *)0x1)
- rexp = remove_unecessary_side_effects
- (&rxb->rx, se_map, rexp, params);
- else if (syntax_parens)
- {
- int x;
- for (x = 0; x < paramc; ++x)
- if (( (params[x].se == re_se_lparen)
- || (params[x].se == re_se_rparen))
- && (!syntax_parens [params[x].op1]))
- se_map [x] = 1;
- rexp = remove_unecessary_side_effects
- (&rxb->rx, se_map, rexp, params);
- }
- }
- /* At least one more optimization would be nice to have here but i ran out
- * of time. The idea would be to delay side effects.
- * For examle, `(abc)' is the same thing as `abc()' except that the
- * left paren is offset by 3 (which we know at compile time).
- * (In this comment, write that second pattern `abc(:3:)'
- * where `(:3:' is a syntactic unit.)
- *
- * Trickier: `(abc|defg)' is the same as `(abc(:3:|defg(:4:))'
- * (The paren nesting may be hard to follow -- that's an alternation
- * of `abc(:3:' and `defg(:4:' inside (purely syntactic) parens
- * followed by the closing paren from the original expression.)
- *
- * Neither the expression tree representation nor the the nfa make
- * this very easy to write. :(
- */
- /* What we compile is different than what the parser returns.
- * Suppose the parser returns expression R.
- * Let R' be R with unnecessary register assignments removed
- *
- * What we will compile is the expression:
- *
- * m{try}R{win}\|s{try}R'{win}
- *
- * {try} and {win} denote side effect epsilons (see EXPLORE_FUTURE).
- *
- * When trying a match, we insert an `m' at the beginning of the
- * string if the user wants registers to be filled, `s' if not.
- */
- new_rexp =
- rx_mk_r_alternate
- (&rxb->rx,
- rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx, rx_mk_r_cset (&rxb->rx, cs2), rexp),
- rx_mk_r_concat (&rxb->rx,
- rx_mk_r_cset (&rxb->rx, cs), fewer_side_effects));
- if (!(new_rexp && cs && cs2))
- return REG_ESPACE;
- RX_bitset_enjoin (cs2, '\0'); /* prefixed to the rexp used for matching. */
- RX_bitset_enjoin (cs, '\1'); /* prefixed to the rexp used for searching. */
- rexp = new_rexp;
- }
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG
- if (rx_debug_compile)
- {
- fputs ("\n...which is compiled as:\n", stdout);
- print_rexp (&rxb->rx, rexp, 2, re_seprint, stdout);
- }
- {
- struct rx_nfa_state *start = 0;
- struct rx_nfa_state *end = 0;
- if (!rx_build_nfa (&rxb->rx, rexp, &start, &end))
- return REG_ESPACE; /* */
- else
- {
- void * mem = (void *)rxb->buffer;
- unsigned long size = rxb->allocated;
- int start_id;
- char * perm_mem;
- int iterator_size = paramc * sizeof (params[0]);
- end->is_final = 1;
- start->is_start = 1;
- rx_name_nfa_states (&rxb->rx);
- start_id = start->id;
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG
- if (rx_debug_compile)
- {
- fputs (" the NFA: \n", stdout);
- dbug_rxb = rxb;
- print_nfa (&rxb->rx, rxb->rx.nfa_states, re_seprint, stdout);
- }
- if (!rx_eclose_nfa (&rxb->rx))
- return REG_ESPACE;
- else
- {
- rx_delete_epsilon_transitions (&rxb->rx);
- /* For compatability reasons, we need to shove the
- * compiled nfa into one chunk of malloced memory.
- */
- rxb->rx.reserved = ( sizeof (params[0]) * paramc
- + rx_sizeof_bitset (rxb->rx.local_cset_size));
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG
- if (rx_debug_compile)
- {
- dbug_rxb = rxb;
- fputs ("...which cooks down (uncompactified) to: \n", stdout);
- print_nfa (&rxb->rx, rxb->rx.nfa_states, re_seprint, stdout);
- }
- if (!rx_compactify_nfa (&rxb->rx, &mem, &size))
- return REG_ESPACE;
- rxb->buffer = mem;
- rxb->allocated = size;
- rxb->rx.buffer = mem;
- rxb->rx.allocated = size;
- perm_mem = ((char *)rxb->rx.buffer
- + rxb->rx.allocated - rxb->rx.reserved);
- rxb->se_params = ((struct re_se_params *)perm_mem);
- bcopy (params, rxb->se_params, iterator_size);
- perm_mem += iterator_size;
- rxb->fastset = (rx_Bitset) perm_mem;
- rxb->start = rx_id_to_nfa_state (&rxb->rx, start_id);
- }
- rx_bitset_null (rxb->rx.local_cset_size, rxb->fastset);
- rxb->can_match_empty = compute_fastset (rxb, orig_rexp);
- rxb->match_regs_on_stack =
- registers_on_stack (rxb, orig_rexp, 0, params);
- rxb->search_regs_on_stack =
- registers_on_stack (rxb, fewer_side_effects, 0, params);
- if (rxb->can_match_empty)
- rx_bitset_universe (rxb->rx.local_cset_size, rxb->fastset);
- rxb->is_anchored = is_anchored (orig_rexp, (rx_side_effect) re_se_hat);
- rxb->begbuf_only = is_anchored (orig_rexp,
- (rx_side_effect) re_se_begbuf);
- }
- rx_free_rexp (&rxb->rx, rexp);
- if (params)
- free (params);
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG
- if (rx_debug_compile)
- {
- dbug_rxb = rxb;
- fputs ("...which cooks down to: \n", stdout);
- print_nfa (&rxb->rx, rxb->rx.nfa_states, re_seprint, stdout);
- }
- }
- return REG_NOERROR;
-/* This table gives an error message for each of the error codes listed
- in regex.h. Obviously the order here has to be same as there. */
-__const__ char * rx_error_msg[] =
-{ 0, /* REG_NOERROR */
- "No match", /* REG_NOMATCH */
- "Invalid regular expression", /* REG_BADPAT */
- "Invalid collation character", /* REG_ECOLLATE */
- "Invalid character class name", /* REG_ECTYPE */
- "Trailing backslash", /* REG_EESCAPE */
- "Invalid back reference", /* REG_ESUBREG */
- "Unmatched [ or [^", /* REG_EBRACK */
- "Unmatched ( or \\(", /* REG_EPAREN */
- "Unmatched \\{", /* REG_EBRACE */
- "Invalid content of \\{\\}", /* REG_BADBR */
- "Invalid range end", /* REG_ERANGE */
- "Memory exhausted", /* REG_ESPACE */
- "Invalid preceding regular expression", /* REG_BADRPT */
- "Premature end of regular expression", /* REG_EEND */
- "Regular expression too big", /* REG_ESIZE */
- "Unmatched ) or \\)", /* REG_ERPAREN */
-char rx_slowmap [256] =
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL void
-rx_blow_up_fastmap (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb)
-RX_DECL void
-rx_blow_up_fastmap (rxb)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- int x;
- for (x = 0; x < 256; ++x) /* &&&& 3.6 % */
- rxb->fastmap [x] = !!RX_bitset_member (rxb->fastset, x);
- rxb->fastmap_accurate = 1;
-#if !defined(REGEX_MALLOC) && !defined(__GNUC__)
-#define RE_SEARCH_2_FN inner_re_search_2
-#define RE_S2_QUAL static
-#define RE_SEARCH_2_FN re_search_2
-#define RE_S2_QUAL
-struct re_search_2_closure
- __const__ char * string1;
- int size1;
- __const__ char * string2;
- int size2;
-static __inline__ enum rx_get_burst_return
-re_search_2_get_burst (pos, vclosure, stop)
- struct rx_string_position * pos;
- void * vclosure;
- int stop;
- struct re_search_2_closure * closure;
- closure = (struct re_search_2_closure *)vclosure;
- if (!closure->string2)
- {
- int inset;
- inset = pos->pos - pos->string;
- if ((inset < -1) || (inset > closure->size1))
- return rx_get_burst_no_more;
- else
- {
- pos->pos = (__const__ unsigned char *) closure->string1 + inset;
- pos->string = (__const__ unsigned char *) closure->string1;
- pos->size = closure->size1;
- pos->end = ((__const__ unsigned char *)
- MIN(closure->string1 + closure->size1,
- closure->string1 + stop));
- pos->offset = 0;
- return ((pos->pos < pos->end)
- ? rx_get_burst_ok
- : rx_get_burst_no_more);
- }
- }
- else if (!closure->string1)
- {
- int inset;
- inset = pos->pos - pos->string;
- pos->pos = (__const__ unsigned char *) closure->string2 + inset;
- pos->string = (__const__ unsigned char *) closure->string2;
- pos->size = closure->size2;
- pos->end = ((__const__ unsigned char *)
- MIN(closure->string2 + closure->size2,
- closure->string2 + stop));
- pos->offset = 0;
- return ((pos->pos < pos->end)
- ? rx_get_burst_ok
- : rx_get_burst_no_more);
- }
- else
- {
- int inset;
- inset = pos->pos - pos->string + pos->offset;
- if (inset < closure->size1)
- {
- pos->pos = (__const__ unsigned char *) closure->string1 + inset;
- pos->string = (__const__ unsigned char *) closure->string1;
- pos->size = closure->size1;
- pos->end = ((__const__ unsigned char *)
- MIN(closure->string1 + closure->size1,
- closure->string1 + stop));
- pos->offset = 0;
- return rx_get_burst_ok;
- }
- else
- {
- pos->pos = ((__const__ unsigned char *)
- closure->string2 + inset - closure->size1);
- pos->string = (__const__ unsigned char *) closure->string2;
- pos->size = closure->size2;
- pos->end = ((__const__ unsigned char *)
- MIN(closure->string2 + closure->size2,
- closure->string2 + stop - closure->size1));
- pos->offset = closure->size1;
- return ((pos->pos < pos->end)
- ? rx_get_burst_ok
- : rx_get_burst_no_more);
- }
- }
-static __inline__ enum rx_back_check_return
-re_search_2_back_check (pos, lparen, rparen, translate, vclosure, stop)
- struct rx_string_position * pos;
- int lparen;
- int rparen;
- unsigned char * translate;
- void * vclosure;
- int stop;
- struct rx_string_position there;
- struct rx_string_position past;
- there = *pos;
- there.pos = there.string + lparen - there.offset;
- re_search_2_get_burst (&there, vclosure, stop);
- past = *pos;
- past.pos = past.string + rparen - there.offset;
- re_search_2_get_burst (&past, vclosure, stop);
- ++pos->pos;
- re_search_2_get_burst (pos, vclosure, stop);
- while ( (there.pos != past.pos)
- && (pos->pos != pos->end))
- if (TRANSLATE(*there.pos) != TRANSLATE(*pos->pos))
- return rx_back_check_fail;
- else
- {
- ++there.pos;
- ++pos->pos;
- if (there.pos == there.end)
- re_search_2_get_burst (&there, vclosure, stop);
- if (pos->pos == pos->end)
- re_search_2_get_burst (pos, vclosure, stop);
- }
- if (there.pos != past.pos)
- return rx_back_check_fail;
- --pos->pos;
- re_search_2_get_burst (pos, vclosure, stop);
- return rx_back_check_pass;
-static __inline__ int
-re_search_2_fetch_char (pos, offset, app_closure, stop)
- struct rx_string_position * pos;
- int offset;
- void * app_closure;
- int stop;
- struct re_search_2_closure * closure;
- closure = (struct re_search_2_closure *)app_closure;
- if (offset == 0)
- {
- if (pos->pos >= pos->string)
- return *pos->pos;
- else
- {
- if ( (pos->string == (__const__ unsigned char *) closure->string2)
- && (closure->string1)
- && (closure->size1))
- return closure->string1[closure->size1 - 1];
- else
- return 0; /* sure, why not. */
- }
- }
- if (pos->pos == pos->end)
- return *closure->string2;
- else
- return pos->pos[1];
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RE_S2_QUAL int
-RE_SEARCH_2_FN (struct re_pattern_buffer *rxb,
- __const__ char * string1, int size1,
- __const__ char * string2, int size2,
- int startpos, int range,
- struct re_registers *regs,
- int stop)
-RE_S2_QUAL int
-RE_SEARCH_2_FN (rxb,
- string1, size1, string2, size2, startpos, range, regs, stop)
- struct re_pattern_buffer *rxb;
- __const__ char * string1;
- int size1;
- __const__ char * string2;
- int size2;
- int startpos;
- int range;
- struct re_registers *regs;
- int stop;
- int answer;
- struct re_search_2_closure closure;
- closure.string1 = string1;
- closure.size1 = size1;
- closure.string2 = string2;
- closure.size2 = size2;
- answer = rx_search (rxb, startpos, range, stop, size1 + size2,
- re_search_2_get_burst,
- re_search_2_back_check,
- re_search_2_fetch_char,
- (void *)&closure,
- regs,
- 0,
- 0);
- switch (answer)
- {
- case rx_search_continuation:
- abort ();
- case rx_search_error:
- return -2;
- case rx_search_soft_fail:
- case rx_search_fail:
- return -1;
- default:
- return answer;
- }
-/* Export rx_search to callers outside this file. */
-re_rx_search (rxb, startpos, range, stop, total_size,
- get_burst, back_check, fetch_char,
- app_closure, regs, resume_state, save_state)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- int startpos;
- int range;
- int stop;
- int total_size;
- rx_get_burst_fn get_burst;
- rx_back_check_fn back_check;
- rx_fetch_char_fn fetch_char;
- void * app_closure;
- struct re_registers * regs;
- struct rx_search_state * resume_state;
- struct rx_search_state * save_state;
- return rx_search (rxb, startpos, range, stop, total_size,
- get_burst, back_check, fetch_char, app_closure,
- regs, resume_state, save_state);
-#if !defined(REGEX_MALLOC) && !defined(__GNUC__)
-#ifdef __STDC__
-re_search_2 (struct re_pattern_buffer *rxb,
- __const__ char * string1, int size1,
- __const__ char * string2, int size2,
- int startpos, int range,
- struct re_registers *regs,
- int stop)
-re_search_2 (rxb, string1, size1, string2, size2, startpos, range, regs, stop)
- struct re_pattern_buffer *rxb;
- __const__ char * string1;
- int size1;
- __const__ char * string2;
- int size2;
- int startpos;
- int range;
- struct re_registers *regs;
- int stop;
- int ret;
- ret = inner_re_search_2 (rxb, string1, size1, string2, size2, startpos,
- range, regs, stop);
- alloca (0);
- return ret;
-/* Like re_search_2, above, but only one string is specified, and
- * doesn't let you say where to stop matching.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-re_search (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb, __const__ char *string,
- int size, int startpos, int range,
- struct re_registers *regs)
-re_search (rxb, string, size, startpos, range, regs)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- __const__ char * string;
- int size;
- int startpos;
- int range;
- struct re_registers *regs;
- return re_search_2 (rxb, 0, 0, string, size, startpos, range, regs, size);
-#ifdef __STDC__
-re_match_2 (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb,
- __const__ char * string1, int size1,
- __const__ char * string2, int size2,
- int pos, struct re_registers *regs, int stop)
-re_match_2 (rxb, string1, size1, string2, size2, pos, regs, stop)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- __const__ char * string1;
- int size1;
- __const__ char * string2;
- int size2;
- int pos;
- struct re_registers *regs;
- int stop;
- struct re_registers some_regs;
- regoff_t start;
- regoff_t end;
- int srch;
- int save = rxb->regs_allocated;
- struct re_registers * regs_to_pass = regs;
- if (!regs)
- {
- some_regs.start = &start;
- some_regs.end = &end;
- some_regs.num_regs = 1;
- regs_to_pass = &some_regs;
- rxb->regs_allocated = REGS_FIXED;
- }
- srch = re_search_2 (rxb, string1, size1, string2, size2,
- pos, 1, regs_to_pass, stop);
- if (regs_to_pass != regs)
- rxb->regs_allocated = save;
- if (srch < 0)
- return srch;
- return regs_to_pass->end[0] - regs_to_pass->start[0];
-/* re_match is like re_match_2 except it takes only a single string. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-re_match (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb,
- __const__ char * string,
- int size, int pos,
- struct re_registers *regs)
-re_match (rxb, string, size, pos, regs)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- __const__ char *string;
- int size;
- int pos;
- struct re_registers *regs;
- return re_match_2 (rxb, string, size, 0, 0, pos, regs, size);
-/* Set by `re_set_syntax' to the current regexp syntax to recognize. Can
- also be assigned to arbitrarily: each pattern buffer stores its own
- syntax, so it can be changed between regex compilations. */
-reg_syntax_t re_syntax_options = RE_SYNTAX_EMACS;
-/* Specify the precise syntax of regexps for compilation. This provides
- for compatibility for various utilities which historically have
- different, incompatible syntaxes.
- The argument SYNTAX is a bit mask comprised of the various bits
- defined in regex.h. We return the old syntax. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-re_set_syntax (reg_syntax_t syntax)
-re_set_syntax (syntax)
- reg_syntax_t syntax;
- reg_syntax_t ret = re_syntax_options;
- re_syntax_options = syntax;
- return ret;
-/* Set REGS to hold NUM_REGS registers, storing them in STARTS and
- ENDS. Subsequent matches using PATTERN_BUFFER and REGS will use
- this memory for recording register information. STARTS and ENDS
- must be allocated using the malloc library routine, and must each
- be at least NUM_REGS * sizeof (regoff_t) bytes long.
- If NUM_REGS == 0, then subsequent matches should allocate their own
- register data.
- Unless this function is called, the first search or match using
- PATTERN_BUFFER will allocate its own register data, without
- freeing the old data. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-re_set_registers (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp,
- struct re_registers *regs,
- unsigned num_regs,
- regoff_t * starts, regoff_t * ends)
-re_set_registers (bufp, regs, num_regs, starts, ends)
- struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp;
- struct re_registers *regs;
- unsigned num_regs;
- regoff_t * starts;
- regoff_t * ends;
- if (num_regs)
- {
- bufp->regs_allocated = REGS_REALLOCATE;
- regs->num_regs = num_regs;
- regs->start = starts;
- regs->end = ends;
- }
- else
- {
- bufp->regs_allocated = REGS_UNALLOCATED;
- regs->num_regs = 0;
- regs->start = regs->end = (regoff_t) 0;
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-cplx_se_sublist_len (struct rx_se_list * list)
-static int
-cplx_se_sublist_len (list)
- struct rx_se_list * list;
- int x = 0;
- while (list)
- {
- if ((long)list->car >= 0)
- ++x;
- list = list->cdr;
- }
- return x;
-/* For rx->se_list_cmp */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-static int
-posix_se_list_order (struct rx * rx,
- struct rx_se_list * a, struct rx_se_list * b)
-static int
-posix_se_list_order (rx, a, b)
- struct rx * rx;
- struct rx_se_list * a;
- struct rx_se_list * b;
- int al = cplx_se_sublist_len (a);
- int bl = cplx_se_sublist_len (b);
- if (!al && !bl)
- return ((a == b)
- ? 0
- : ((a < b) ? -1 : 1));
- else if (!al)
- return -1;
- else if (!bl)
- return 1;
- else
- {
- rx_side_effect * av = ((rx_side_effect *)
- alloca (sizeof (rx_side_effect) * (al + 1)));
- rx_side_effect * bv = ((rx_side_effect *)
- alloca (sizeof (rx_side_effect) * (bl + 1)));
- struct rx_se_list * ap = a;
- struct rx_se_list * bp = b;
- int ai, bi;
- for (ai = al - 1; ai >= 0; --ai)
- {
- while ((long)ap->car < 0)
- ap = ap->cdr;
- av[ai] = ap->car;
- ap = ap->cdr;
- }
- av[al] = (rx_side_effect)-2;
- for (bi = bl - 1; bi >= 0; --bi)
- {
- while ((long)bp->car < 0)
- bp = bp->cdr;
- bv[bi] = bp->car;
- bp = bp->cdr;
- }
- bv[bl] = (rx_side_effect)-1;
- {
- int ret;
- int x = 0;
- while (av[x] == bv[x])
- ++x;
- ret = (((unsigned *)(av[x]) < (unsigned *)(bv[x])) ? -1 : 1);
- return ret;
- }
- }
-/* re_compile_pattern is the GNU regular expression compiler: it
- compiles PATTERN (of length SIZE) and puts the result in RXB.
- Returns 0 if the pattern was valid, otherwise an error string.
- Assumes the `allocated' (and perhaps `buffer') and `translate' fields
- are set in RXB on entry.
- We call rx_compile to do the actual compilation. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-__const__ char *
-re_compile_pattern (__const__ char *pattern,
- int length,
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb)
-__const__ char *
-re_compile_pattern (pattern, length, rxb)
- __const__ char *pattern;
- int length;
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- reg_errcode_t ret;
- /* GNU code is written to assume at least RE_NREGS registers will be set
- (and at least one extra will be -1). */
- rxb->regs_allocated = REGS_UNALLOCATED;
- /* And GNU code determines whether or not to get register information
- by passing null for the REGS argument to re_match, etc., not by
- setting no_sub. */
- rxb->no_sub = 0;
- rxb->rx.local_cset_size = 256;
- /* Match anchors at newline. */
- rxb->newline_anchor = 1;
- rxb->re_nsub = 0;
- rxb->start = 0;
- rxb->se_params = 0;
- rxb->rx.nodec = 0;
- rxb->rx.epsnodec = 0;
- rxb->rx.instruction_table = 0;
- rxb->rx.nfa_states = 0;
- rxb->rx.se_list_cmp = posix_se_list_order;
- rxb->rx.start_set = 0;
- ret = rx_compile (pattern, length, re_syntax_options, rxb);
- alloca (0);
- return rx_error_msg[(int) ret];
-#ifdef __STDC__
-re_compile_fastmap (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb)
-re_compile_fastmap (rxb)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- rx_blow_up_fastmap (rxb);
- return 0;
-/* Entry points compatible with 4.2 BSD regex library. We don't define
- them if this is an Emacs or POSIX compilation. */
-/* Don't build them for libg++ either. This is a temporary measure
- * until the functions are moved to another file and reconditionalized.
- */
-#if 0
-/* #if (!defined (emacs) && !defined (_POSIX_SOURCE)) || defined(USE_BSD_REGEX) */
-/* BSD has one and only one pattern buffer. */
-static struct re_pattern_buffer rx_comp_buf;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-char *
-re_comp (__const__ char *s)
-char *
-re_comp (s)
- __const__ char *s;
- reg_errcode_t ret;
- if (!s || (*s == '\0'))
- {
- if (!rx_comp_buf.buffer)
- return "No previous regular expression";
- return 0;
- }
- if (!rx_comp_buf.fastmap)
- {
- rx_comp_buf.fastmap = (char *) malloc (1 << CHARBITS);
- if (!rx_comp_buf.fastmap)
- return "Memory exhausted";
- }
- /* Since `rx_exec' always passes NULL for the `regs' argument, we
- don't need to initialize the pattern buffer fields which affect it. */
- /* Match anchors at newlines. */
- rx_comp_buf.newline_anchor = 1;
- rx_comp_buf.fastmap_accurate = 0;
- rx_comp_buf.re_nsub = 0;
- rx_comp_buf.start = 0;
- rx_comp_buf.se_params = 0;
- rx_comp_buf.rx.nodec = 0;
- rx_comp_buf.rx.epsnodec = 0;
- rx_comp_buf.rx.instruction_table = 0;
- rx_comp_buf.rx.nfa_states = 0;
- rx_comp_buf.rx.start = 0;
- rx_comp_buf.rx.se_list_cmp = posix_se_list_order;
- rx_comp_buf.rx.start_set = 0;
- rx_comp_buf.rx.local_cset_size = 256;
- ret = rx_compile (s, strlen (s), re_syntax_options, &rx_comp_buf);
- alloca (0);
- /* Yes, we're discarding `__const__' here. */
- return (char *) rx_error_msg[(int) ret];
-#ifdef __STDC__
-re_exec (__const__ char *s)
-re_exec (s)
- __const__ char *s;
- __const__ int len = strlen (s);
- return
- 0 <= re_search (&rx_comp_buf, s, len, 0, len, (struct re_registers *) 0);
-#endif /* not emacs and not _POSIX_SOURCE */
-/* POSIX.2 functions. Don't define these for Emacs. */
-/* For now we leave these out, because regex_t is not binary
- compatible with the implementation in other systems. */
-#if 0 /*!defined(emacs)*/
-/* regcomp takes a regular expression as a string and compiles it.
- PREG is a regex_t *. We do not expect any fields to be initialized,
- since POSIX says we shouldn't. Thus, we set
- `buffer' to the compiled pattern;
- `used' to the length of the compiled pattern;
- `syntax' to RE_SYNTAX_POSIX_EXTENDED if the
- REG_EXTENDED bit in CFLAGS is set; otherwise, to
- `newline_anchor' to REG_NEWLINE being set in CFLAGS;
- `fastmap' and `fastmap_accurate' to zero;
- `re_nsub' to the number of subexpressions in PATTERN.
- PATTERN is the address of the pattern string.
- CFLAGS is a series of bits which affect compilation.
- If REG_EXTENDED is set, we use POSIX extended syntax; otherwise, we
- use POSIX basic syntax.
- If REG_NEWLINE is set, then . and [^...] don't match newline.
- Also, regexec will try a match beginning after every newline.
- If REG_ICASE is set, then we considers upper- and lowercase
- versions of letters to be equivalent when matching.
- If REG_NOSUB is set, then when PREG is passed to regexec, that
- routine will report only success or failure, and nothing about the
- registers.
- It returns 0 if it succeeds, nonzero if it doesn't. (See regex.h for
- the return codes and their meanings.) */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-regcomp (regex_t * preg, __const__ char * pattern, int cflags)
-regcomp (preg, pattern, cflags)
- regex_t * preg;
- __const__ char * pattern;
- int cflags;
- reg_errcode_t ret;
- unsigned syntax
- /* regex_compile will allocate the space for the compiled pattern. */
- preg->buffer = 0;
- preg->allocated = 0;
- preg->fastmap = malloc (256);
- if (!preg->fastmap)
- return REG_ESPACE;
- preg->fastmap_accurate = 0;
- if (cflags & REG_ICASE)
- {
- unsigned i;
- preg->translate = (unsigned char *) malloc (256);
- if (!preg->translate)
- return (int) REG_ESPACE;
- /* Map uppercase characters to corresponding lowercase ones. */
- for (i = 0; i < CHAR_SET_SIZE; i++)
- preg->translate[i] = isupper (i) ? tolower (i) : i;
- }
- else
- preg->translate = 0;
- /* If REG_NEWLINE is set, newlines are treated differently. */
- if (cflags & REG_NEWLINE)
- { /* REG_NEWLINE implies neither . nor [^...] match newline. */
- syntax &= ~RE_DOT_NEWLINE;
- /* It also changes the matching behavior. */
- preg->newline_anchor = 1;
- }
- else
- preg->newline_anchor = 0;
- preg->no_sub = !!(cflags & REG_NOSUB);
- /* POSIX says a null character in the pattern terminates it, so we
- can use strlen here in compiling the pattern. */
- preg->re_nsub = 0;
- preg->start = 0;
- preg->se_params = 0;
- preg->syntax_parens = 0;
- preg->rx.nodec = 0;
- preg->rx.epsnodec = 0;
- preg->rx.instruction_table = 0;
- preg->rx.nfa_states = 0;
- preg->rx.local_cset_size = 256;
- preg->rx.start = 0;
- preg->rx.se_list_cmp = posix_se_list_order;
- preg->rx.start_set = 0;
- ret = rx_compile (pattern, strlen (pattern), syntax, preg);
- alloca (0);
- /* POSIX doesn't distinguish between an unmatched open-group and an
- unmatched close-group: both are REG_EPAREN. */
- if (ret == REG_ERPAREN) ret = REG_EPAREN;
- return (int) ret;
-/* regexec searches for a given pattern, specified by PREG, in the
- string STRING.
- If NMATCH is zero or REG_NOSUB was set in the cflags argument to
- `regcomp', we ignore PMATCH. Otherwise, we assume PMATCH has at
- least NMATCH elements, and we set them to the offsets of the
- corresponding matched substrings.
- EFLAGS specifies `execution flags' which affect matching: if
- REG_NOTBOL is set, then ^ does not match at the beginning of the
- string; if REG_NOTEOL is set, then $ does not match at the end.
- We return 0 if we find a match and REG_NOMATCH if not. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-regexec (__const__ regex_t *preg, __const__ char *string,
- size_t nmatch, regmatch_t pmatch[],
- int eflags)
-regexec (preg, string, nmatch, pmatch, eflags)
- __const__ regex_t *preg;
- __const__ char *string;
- size_t nmatch;
- regmatch_t pmatch[];
- int eflags;
- int ret;
- struct re_registers regs;
- regex_t private_preg;
- int len = strlen (string);
- boolean want_reg_info = !preg->no_sub && nmatch > 0;
- private_preg = *preg;
- private_preg.not_bol = !!(eflags & REG_NOTBOL);
- private_preg.not_eol = !!(eflags & REG_NOTEOL);
- /* The user has told us exactly how many registers to return
- * information about, via `nmatch'. We have to pass that on to the
- * matching routines.
- */
- private_preg.regs_allocated = REGS_FIXED;
- if (want_reg_info)
- {
- regs.num_regs = nmatch;
- regs.start = (( regoff_t *) malloc ((nmatch) * sizeof ( regoff_t)));
- regs.end = (( regoff_t *) malloc ((nmatch) * sizeof ( regoff_t)));
- if (regs.start == 0 || regs.end == 0)
- return (int) REG_NOMATCH;
- }
- /* Perform the searching operation. */
- ret = re_search (&private_preg,
- string, len,
- /* start: */ 0,
- /* range: */ len,
- want_reg_info ? &regs : (struct re_registers *) 0);
- /* Copy the register information to the POSIX structure. */
- if (want_reg_info)
- {
- if (ret >= 0)
- {
- unsigned r;
- for (r = 0; r < nmatch; r++)
- {
- pmatch[r].rm_so = regs.start[r];
- pmatch[r].rm_eo = regs.end[r];
- }
- }
- /* If we needed the temporary register info, free the space now. */
- free (regs.start);
- free (regs.end);
- }
- /* We want zero return to mean success, unlike `re_search'. */
- return ret >= 0 ? (int) REG_NOERROR : (int) REG_NOMATCH;
-/* Returns a message corresponding to an error code, ERRCODE, returned
- from either regcomp or regexec. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-regerror (int errcode, __const__ regex_t *preg,
- char *errbuf, size_t errbuf_size)
-regerror (errcode, preg, errbuf, errbuf_size)
- int errcode;
- __const__ regex_t *preg;
- char *errbuf;
- size_t errbuf_size;
- __const__ char *msg
- = rx_error_msg[errcode] == 0 ? "Success" : rx_error_msg[errcode];
- size_t msg_size = strlen (msg) + 1; /* Includes the 0. */
- if (errbuf_size != 0)
- {
- if (msg_size > errbuf_size)
- {
- strncpy (errbuf, msg, errbuf_size - 1);
- errbuf[errbuf_size - 1] = 0;
- }
- else
- strcpy (errbuf, msg);
- }
- return msg_size;
-/* Free dynamically allocated space used by PREG. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-regfree (regex_t *preg)
-regfree (preg)
- regex_t *preg;
- if (preg->buffer != 0)
- free (preg->buffer);
- preg->buffer = 0;
- preg->allocated = 0;
- if (preg->fastmap != 0)
- free (preg->fastmap);
- preg->fastmap = 0;
- preg->fastmap_accurate = 0;
- if (preg->translate != 0)
- free (preg->translate);
- preg->translate = 0;
-#endif /* not emacs */
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/librx/rx.h b/contrib/libg++/librx/rx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 60f99e1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/librx/rx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3732 +0,0 @@
-#if !defined(RXH) || defined(RX_WANT_SE_DEFS)
-#define RXH
-/* Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of the librx library.
-Librx is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-Librx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-License along with this software; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not,
-write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
-02139, USA. */
-/* t. lord Wed Sep 23 18:20:57 1992 */
-#ifndef RX_WANT_SE_DEFS
-/* This page: Bitsets */
-#ifndef RX_subset
-typedef unsigned int RX_subset;
-#define RX_subset_bits (32)
-#define RX_subset_mask (RX_subset_bits - 1)
-typedef RX_subset * rx_Bitset;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-typedef void (*rx_bitset_iterator) (void *, int member_index);
-typedef void (*rx_bitset_iterator) ();
-#define rx_bitset_subset(N) ((N) / RX_subset_bits)
-#define rx_bitset_subset_val(B,N) ((B)[rx_bitset_subset(N)])
-#define RX_bitset_access(B,N,OP) \
- ((B)[rx_bitset_subset(N)] OP rx_subset_singletons[(N) & RX_subset_mask])
-#define RX_bitset_member(B,N) RX_bitset_access(B, N, &)
-#define RX_bitset_enjoin(B,N) RX_bitset_access(B, N, |=)
-#define RX_bitset_remove(B,N) RX_bitset_access(B, N, &= ~)
-#define RX_bitset_toggle(B,N) RX_bitset_access(B, N, ^= )
-#define rx_bitset_numb_subsets(N) (((N) + RX_subset_bits - 1) / RX_subset_bits)
-#define rx_sizeof_bitset(N) (rx_bitset_numb_subsets(N) * sizeof(RX_subset))
-/* This page: Splay trees. */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-typedef int (*rx_sp_comparer) (void * a, void * b);
-typedef int (*rx_sp_comparer) ();
-struct rx_sp_node
- void * key;
- void * data;
- struct rx_sp_node * kids[2];
-#ifdef __STDC__
-typedef void (*rx_sp_key_data_freer) (struct rx_sp_node *);
-typedef void (*rx_sp_key_data_freer) ();
-/* giant inflatable hash trees */
-struct rx_hash_item
- struct rx_hash_item * next_same_hash;
- struct rx_hash * table;
- unsigned long hash;
- void * data;
- void * binding;
-struct rx_hash
- struct rx_hash * parent;
- int refs;
- struct rx_hash * children[13];
- struct rx_hash_item * buckets [13];
- int bucket_size [13];
-struct rx_hash_rules;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-/* should return like == */
-typedef int (*rx_hash_eq)(void *, void *);
-typedef struct rx_hash * (*rx_alloc_hash)(struct rx_hash_rules *);
-typedef void (*rx_free_hash)(struct rx_hash *,
- struct rx_hash_rules *);
-typedef struct rx_hash_item * (*rx_alloc_hash_item)(struct rx_hash_rules *,
- void *);
-typedef void (*rx_free_hash_item)(struct rx_hash_item *,
- struct rx_hash_rules *);
-typedef int (*rx_hash_eq)();
-typedef struct rx_hash * (*rx_alloc_hash)();
-typedef void (*rx_free_hash)();
-typedef struct rx_hash_item * (*rx_alloc_hash_item)();
-typedef void (*rx_free_hash_item)();
-struct rx_hash_rules
- rx_hash_eq eq;
- rx_alloc_hash hash_alloc;
- rx_free_hash free_hash;
- rx_alloc_hash_item hash_item_alloc;
- rx_free_hash_item free_hash_item;
-/* Forward declarations */
-struct rx_cache;
-struct rx_superset;
-struct rx;
-struct rx_se_list;
- *
- * regexp
- * regular expression
- * expression
- * pattern - a `regular' expression. The expression
- * need not be formally regular -- it can contain
- * constructs that don't correspond to purely regular
- * expressions.
- *
- * buffer
- * string - the string (or strings) being searched or matched.
- *
- * pattern buffer - a structure of type `struct re_pattern_buffer'
- * This in turn contains a `struct rx', which holds the
- * NFA compiled from a pattern, as well as some of the state
- * of a matcher using the pattern.
- *
- * NFA - nondeterministic finite automata. Some people
- * use this term to a member of the class of
- * regular automata (those corresponding to a regular
- * language). However, in this code, the meaning is
- * more general. The automata used by Rx are comperable
- * in power to what are usually called `push down automata'.
- *
- * Two NFA are built by rx for every pattern. One is built
- * by the compiler. The other is built from the first, on
- * the fly, by the matcher. The latter is called the `superstate
- * NFA' because its states correspond to sets of states from
- * the first NFA. (Joe Keane gets credit for the name
- * `superstate NFA').
- *
- * NFA edges
- * epsilon edges
- * side-effect edges - The NFA compiled from a pattern can have three
- * kinds of edges. Epsilon edges can be taken freely anytime
- * their source state is reached. Character set edges can be
- * taken when their source state is reached and when the next
- * character in the buffer is a member of the set. Side effect
- * edges imply a transition that can only be taken after the
- * indicated side effect has been successfully accomplished.
- * Some examples of side effects are:
- *
- * Storing the current match position to record the
- * location of a parentesized subexpression.
- *
- * Advancing the matcher over N characters if they
- * match the N characters previously matched by a
- * parentesized subexpression.
- *
- * Both of those kinds of edges occur in the NFA generated
- * by the pattern: \(.\)\1
- *
- * Epsilon and side effect edges are similar. Unfortunately,
- * some of the code uses the name `epsilon edge' to mean
- * both epsilon and side effect edges. For example, the
- * function has_non_idempotent_epsilon_path computes the existance
- * of a non-trivial path containing only a mix of epsilon and
- * side effect edges. In that case `nonidempotent epsilon' is being
- * used to mean `side effect'.
- */
-/* Suppose that from some NFA state, more than one path through
- * side-effect edges is possible. In what order should the paths
- * be tried? A function of type rx_se_list_order answers that
- * question. It compares two lists of side effects, and says
- * which list comes first.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-typedef int (*rx_se_list_order) (struct rx *,
- struct rx_se_list *,
- struct rx_se_list *);
-typedef int (*rx_se_list_order) ();
-/* Struct RX holds a compiled regular expression - that is, an nfa
- * ready to be converted on demand to a more efficient superstate nfa.
- * This is for the low level interface. The high-level interfaces enclose
- * this in a `struct re_pattern_buffer'.
- */
-struct rx
- /* The compiler assigns a unique id to every pattern.
- * Like sequence numbers in X, there is a subtle bug here
- * if you use Rx in a system that runs for a long time.
- * But, because of the way the caches work out, it is almost
- * impossible to trigger the Rx version of this bug.
- *
- * The id is used to validate superstates found in a cache
- * of superstates. It isn't sufficient to let a superstate
- * point back to the rx for which it was compiled -- the caller
- * may be re-using a `struct rx' in which case the superstate
- * is not really valid. So instead, superstates are validated
- * by checking the sequence number of the pattern for which
- * they were built.
- */
- int rx_id;
- /* This is memory mgt. state for superstates. This may be
- * shared by more than one struct rx.
- */
- struct rx_cache * cache;
- /* Every regex defines the size of its own character set.
- * A superstate has an array of this size, with each element
- * a `struct rx_inx'. So, don't make this number too large.
- * In particular, don't make it 2^16.
- */
- int local_cset_size;
- /* After the NFA is built, it is copied into a contiguous region
- * of memory (mostly for compatability with GNU regex).
- * Here is that region, and it's size:
- */
- void * buffer;
- unsigned long allocated;
- /* Clients of RX can ask for some extra storage in the space pointed
- * to by BUFFER. The field RESERVED is an input parameter to the
- * compiler. After compilation, this much space will be available
- * at (buffer + allocated - reserved)
- */
- unsigned long reserved;
- /* --------- The remaining fields are for internal use only. --------- */
- /* --------- But! they must be initialized to 0. --------- */
- /* NODEC is the number of nodes in the NFA with non-epsilon
- * transitions.
- */
- int nodec;
- /* EPSNODEC is the number of nodes with only epsilon transitions. */
- int epsnodec;
- /* The sum (NODEC + EPSNODEC) is the total number of states in the
- * compiled NFA.
- */
- /* Lists of side effects as stored in the NFA are `hash consed'..meaning
- * that lists with the same elements are ==. During compilation,
- * this table facilitates hash-consing.
- */
- struct rx_hash se_list_memo;
- /* Lists of NFA states are also hashed.
- */
- struct rx_hash set_list_memo;
- /* The compiler and matcher must build a number of instruction frames.
- * The format of these frames is fixed (c.f. struct rx_inx). The values
- * of the instructions is not fixed.
- *
- * An enumerated type (enum rx_opcode) defines the set of instructions
- * that the compiler or matcher might generate. When filling an instruction
- * frame, the INX field is found by indexing this instruction table
- * with an opcode:
- */
- void ** instruction_table;
- /* The list of all states in an NFA.
- * During compilation, the NEXT field of NFA states links this list.
- * After compilation, all the states are compacted into an array,
- * ordered by state id numbers. At that time, this points to the base
- * of that array.
- */
- struct rx_nfa_state *nfa_states;
- /* Every nfa begins with one distinguished starting state:
- */
- struct rx_nfa_state *start;
- /* This orders the search through super-nfa paths.
- * See the comment near the typedef of rx_se_list_order.
- */
- rx_se_list_order se_list_cmp;
- struct rx_superset * start_set;
-/* Compilation is in stages.
- *
- * In the first stage, a pattern specified by a string is
- * translated into a syntax tree. Later stages will convert
- * the syntax tree into an NFA optimized for conversion to a
- * superstate-NFA.
- *
- * This page is about syntax trees.
- */
-enum rexp_node_type
- r_cset, /* Match from a character set. `a' or `[a-z]'*/
- r_concat, /* Concat two subexpressions. `ab' */
- r_alternate, /* Choose one of two subexpressions. `a\|b' */
- r_opt, /* Optional subexpression. `a?' */
- r_star, /* Repeated subexpression. `a*' */
- /* A 2phase-star is a variation on a repeated subexpression.
- * In this case, there are two subexpressions. The first, if matched,
- * begins a repitition (otherwise, the whole expression is matches the
- * empth string).
- *
- * After matching the first subexpression, a 2phase star either finishes,
- * or matches the second subexpression. If the second subexpression is
- * matched, then the whole construct repeats.
- *
- * 2phase stars are used in two circumstances. First, they
- * are used as part of the implementation of POSIX intervals (counted
- * repititions). Second, they are used to implement proper star
- * semantics when the repeated subexpression contains paths of
- * only side effects. See rx_compile for more information.
- */
- r_2phase_star,
- /* c.f. "typedef void * rx_side_effect" */
- r_side_effect,
- /* This is an extension type: It is for transient use in source->source
- * transformations (implemented over syntax trees).
- */
- r_data
-/* A side effect is a matcher-specific action associated with
- * transitions in the NFA. The details of side effects are up
- * to the matcher. To the compiler and superstate constructors
- * side effects are opaque:
- */
-typedef void * rx_side_effect;
-/* Nodes in a syntax tree are of this type:
- */
-struct rexp_node
- enum rexp_node_type type;
- union
- {
- rx_Bitset cset;
- rx_side_effect side_effect;
- struct
- {
- struct rexp_node *left;
- struct rexp_node *right;
- } pair;
- void * data;
- } params;
-/* NFA
- *
- * A syntax tree is compiled into an NFA. This page defines the structure
- * of that NFA.
- */
-struct rx_nfa_state
- /* These are kept in a list as the NFA is being built. */
- struct rx_nfa_state *next;
- /* After the NFA is built, states are given integer id's.
- * States whose outgoing transitions are all either epsilon or
- * side effect edges are given ids less than 0. Other states
- * are given successive non-negative ids starting from 0.
- */
- int id;
- /* The list of NFA edges that go from this state to some other. */
- struct rx_nfa_edge *edges;
- /* If you land in this state, then you implicitly land
- * in all other states reachable by only epsilon translations.
- * Call the set of maximal paths to such states the epsilon closure
- * of this state.
- *
- * There may be other states that are reachable by a mixture of
- * epsilon and side effect edges. Consider the set of maximal paths
- * of that sort from this state. Call it the epsilon-side-effect
- * closure of the state.
- *
- * The epsilon closure of the state is a subset of the epsilon-side-
- * effect closure. It consists of all the paths that contain
- * no side effects -- only epsilon edges.
- *
- * The paths in the epsilon-side-effect closure can be partitioned
- * into equivalance sets. Two paths are equivalant if they have the
- * same set of side effects, in the same order. The epsilon-closure
- * is one of these equivalance sets. Let's call these equivalance
- * sets: observably equivalant path sets. That name is chosen
- * because equivalance of two paths means they cause the same side
- * effects -- so they lead to the same subsequent observations other
- * than that they may wind up in different target states.
- *
- * The superstate nfa, which is derived from this nfa, is based on
- * the observation that all of the paths in an observably equivalant
- * path set can be explored at the same time, provided that the
- * matcher keeps track not of a single nfa state, but of a set of
- * states. In particular, after following all the paths in an
- * observably equivalant set, you wind up at a set of target states.
- * That set of target states corresponds to one state in the
- * superstate NFA.
- *
- * Staticly, before matching begins, it is convenient to analyze the
- * nfa. Each state is labeled with a list of the observably
- * equivalant path sets who's union covers all the
- * epsilon-side-effect paths beginning in this state. This list is
- * called the possible futures of the state.
- *
- * A trivial example is this NFA:
- * s1
- * A ---> B
- *
- * s2
- * ---> C
- *
- * epsilon s1
- * ---------> D ------> E
- *
- *
- * In this example, A has two possible futures.
- * One invokes the side effect `s1' and contains two paths,
- * one ending in state B, the other in state E.
- * The other invokes the side effect `s2' and contains only
- * one path, landing in state C.
- */
- struct rx_possible_future *futures;
- /* There are exactly two distinguished states in every NFA: */
- unsigned int is_final:1;
- unsigned int is_start:1;
- /* These are used during NFA construction... */
- unsigned int eclosure_needed:1;
- unsigned int mark:1;
-/* An edge in an NFA is typed: */
-enum rx_nfa_etype
- /* A cset edge is labled with a set of characters one of which
- * must be matched for the edge to be taken.
- */
- ne_cset,
- /* An epsilon edge is taken whenever its starting state is
- * reached.
- */
- ne_epsilon,
- /* A side effect edge is taken whenever its starting state is
- * reached. Side effects may cause the match to fail or the
- * position of the matcher to advance.
- */
- ne_side_effect /* A special kind of epsilon. */
-struct rx_nfa_edge
- struct rx_nfa_edge *next;
- enum rx_nfa_etype type;
- struct rx_nfa_state *dest;
- union
- {
- rx_Bitset cset;
- rx_side_effect side_effect;
- } params;
-/* A possible future consists of a list of side effects
- * and a set of destination states. Below are their
- * representations. These structures are hash-consed which
- * means that lists with the same elements share a representation
- * (their addresses are ==).
- */
-struct rx_nfa_state_set
- struct rx_nfa_state * car;
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * cdr;
-struct rx_se_list
- rx_side_effect car;
- struct rx_se_list * cdr;
-struct rx_possible_future
- struct rx_possible_future *next;
- struct rx_se_list * effects;
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * destset;
-/* This begins the description of the superstate NFA.
- *
- * The superstate NFA corresponds to the NFA in these ways:
- *
- * Every superstate NFA states SUPER correspond to sets of NFA states,
- * nfa_states(SUPER).
- *
- * Superstate edges correspond to NFA paths.
- *
- * The superstate has no epsilon transitions;
- * every edge has a character label, and a (possibly empty) side
- * effect label. The side effect label corresponds to a list of
- * side effects that occur in the NFA. These parts are referred
- * to as: superedge_character(EDGE) and superedge_sides(EDGE).
- *
- * For a superstate edge EDGE starting in some superstate SUPER,
- * the following is true (in pseudo-notation :-):
- *
- * exists DEST in nfa_states s.t.
- * exists nfaEDGE in nfa_edges s.t.
- * origin (nfaEDGE) == DEST
- * && origin (nfaEDGE) is a member of nfa_states(SUPER)
- * && exists PF in possible_futures(dest(nfaEDGE)) s.t.
- * sides_of_possible_future (PF) == superedge_sides (EDGE)
- *
- * also:
- *
- * let SUPER2 := superedge_destination(EDGE)
- * nfa_states(SUPER2)
- * == union of all nfa state sets S s.t.
- * exists PF in possible_futures(dest(nfaEDGE)) s.t.
- * sides_of_possible_future (PF) == superedge_sides (EDGE)
- * && S == dests_of_possible_future (PF) }
- *
- * Or in english, every superstate is a set of nfa states. A given
- * character and a superstate implies many transitions in the NFA --
- * those that begin with an edge labeled with that character from a
- * state in the set corresponding to the superstate.
- *
- * The destinations of those transitions each have a set of possible
- * futures. A possible future is a list of side effects and a set of
- * destination NFA states. Two sets of possible futures can be
- * `merged' by combining all pairs of possible futures that have the
- * same side effects. A pair is combined by creating a new future
- * with the same side effect but the union of the two destination sets.
- * In this way, all the possible futures suggested by a superstate
- * and a character can be merged into a set of possible futures where
- * no two elements of the set have the same set of side effects.
- *
- * The destination of a possible future, being a set of NFA states,
- * corresponds to a supernfa state. So, the merged set of possible
- * futures we just created can serve as a set of edges in the
- * supernfa.
- *
- * The representation of the superstate nfa and the nfa is critical.
- * The nfa has to be compact, but has to facilitate the rapid
- * computation of missing superstates. The superstate nfa has to
- * be fast to interpret, lazilly constructed, and bounded in space.
- *
- * To facilitate interpretation, the superstate data structures are
- * peppered with `instruction frames'. There is an instruction set
- * defined below which matchers using the supernfa must be able to
- * interpret.
- *
- * We'd like to make it possible but not mandatory to use code
- * addresses to represent instructions (c.f. gcc's computed goto).
- * Therefore, we define an enumerated type of opcodes, and when
- * writing one of these instructions into a data structure, use
- * the opcode as an index into a table of instruction values.
- *
- * Here are the opcodes that occur in the superstate nfa:
- */
-/* Every superstate contains a table of instruction frames indexed
- * by characters. A normal `move' in a matcher is to fetch the next
- * character and use it as an index into a superstates transition
- * table.
- *
- * In the fasted case, only one edge follows from that character.
- * In other cases there is more work to do.
- *
- * The descriptions of the opcodes refer to data structures that are
- * described further below.
- */
-enum rx_opcode
- /*
- * BACKTRACK_POINT is invoked when a character transition in
- * a superstate leads to more than one edge. In that case,
- * the edges have to be explored independently using a backtracking
- * strategy.
- *
- * A BACKTRACK_POINT instruction is stored in a superstate's
- * transition table for some character when it is known that that
- * character crosses more than one edge. On encountering this
- * instruction, the matcher saves enough state to backtrack to this
- * point in the match later.
- */
- rx_backtrack_point = 0, /* data is (struct transition_class *) */
- /*
- * RX_DO_SIDE_EFFECTS evaluates the side effects of an epsilon path.
- * There is one occurence of this instruction per rx_distinct_future.
- * This instruction is skipped if a rx_distinct_future has no side effects.
- */
- rx_do_side_effects = rx_backtrack_point + 1,
- /* data is (struct rx_distinct_future *) */
- /*
- * RX_CACHE_MISS instructions are stored in rx_distinct_futures whose
- * destination superstate has been reclaimed (or was never built).
- * It recomputes the destination superstate.
- * RX_CACHE_MISS is also stored in a superstate transition table before
- * any of its edges have been built.
- */
- rx_cache_miss = rx_do_side_effects + 1,
- /* data is (struct rx_distinct_future *) */
- /*
- * RX_NEXT_CHAR is called to consume the next character and take the
- * corresponding transition. This is the only instruction that uses
- * the DATA field of the instruction frame instead of DATA_2.
- * (see EXPLORE_FUTURE in regex.c).
- */
- rx_next_char = rx_cache_miss + 1, /* data is (struct superstate *) */
- /* RX_BACKTRACK indicates that a transition fails.
- */
- rx_backtrack = rx_next_char + 1, /* no data */
- /*
- * RX_ERROR_INX is stored only in places that should never be executed.
- */
- rx_error_inx = rx_backtrack + 1, /* Not supposed to occur. */
- rx_num_instructions = rx_error_inx + 1
-/* An id_instruction_table holds the values stored in instruction
- * frames. The table is indexed by the enums declared above.
- */
-extern void * rx_id_instruction_table[rx_num_instructions];
-/* The heart of the matcher is a `word-code-interpreter'
- * (like a byte-code interpreter, except that instructions
- * are a full word wide).
- *
- * Instructions are not stored in a vector of code, instead,
- * they are scattered throughout the data structures built
- * by the regexp compiler and the matcher. One word-code instruction,
- * together with the arguments to that instruction, constitute
- * an instruction frame (struct rx_inx).
- *
- * This structure type is padded by hand to a power of 2 because
- * in one of the dominant cases, we dispatch by indexing a table
- * of instruction frames. If that indexing can be accomplished
- * by just a shift of the index, we're happy.
- *
- * Instructions take at most one argument, but there are two
- * slots in an instruction frame that might hold that argument.
- * These are called data and data_2. The data slot is only
- * used for one instruction (RX_NEXT_CHAR). For all other
- * instructions, data should be set to 0.
- *
- * RX_NEXT_CHAR is the most important instruction by far.
- * By reserving the data field for its exclusive use,
- * instruction dispatch is sped up in that case. There is
- * no need to fetch both the instruction and the data,
- * only the data is needed. In other words, a `cycle' begins
- * by fetching the field data. If that is non-0, then it must
- * be the destination state of a next_char transition, so
- * make that value the current state, advance the match position
- * by one character, and start a new cycle. On the other hand,
- * if data is 0, fetch the instruction and do a more complicated
- * dispatch on that.
- */
-struct rx_inx
- void * data;
- void * data_2;
- void * inx;
- void * fnord;
-#ifndef RX_TAIL_ARRAY
-#define RX_TAIL_ARRAY 1
-/* A superstate corresponds to a set of nfa states. Those sets are
- * represented by STRUCT RX_SUPERSET. The constructors
- * guarantee that only one (shared) structure is created for a given set.
- */
-struct rx_superset
- int refs; /* This is a reference counted structure. */
- /* We keep these sets in a cache because (in an unpredictable way),
- * the same set is often created again and again. But that is also
- * problematic -- compatibility with POSIX and GNU regex requires
- * that we not be able to tell when a program discards a particular
- * NFA (thus invalidating the supersets created from it).
- *
- * But when a cache hit appears to occur, we will have in hand the
- * nfa for which it may have happened. That is why every nfa is given
- * its own sequence number. On a cache hit, the cache is validated
- * by comparing the nfa sequence number to this field:
- */
- int id;
- struct rx_nfa_state * car; /* May or may not be a valid addr. */
- struct rx_superset * cdr;
- /* If the corresponding superstate exists: */
- struct rx_superstate * superstate;
- /* There is another bookkeeping problem. It is expensive to
- * compute the starting nfa state set for an nfa. So, once computed,
- * it is cached in the `struct rx'.
- *
- * But, the state set can be flushed from the superstate cache.
- * When that happens, we can't know if the corresponding `struct rx'
- * is still alive or if it has been freed or re-used by the program.
- * So, the cached pointer to this set in a struct rx might be invalid
- * and we need a way to validate it.
- *
- * Fortunately, even if this set is flushed from the cache, it is
- * not freed. It just goes on the free-list of supersets.
- * So we can still examine it.
- *
- * So to validate a starting set memo, check to see if the
- * starts_for field still points back to the struct rx in question,
- * and if the ID matches the rx sequence number.
- */
- struct rx * starts_for;
- /* This is used to link into a hash bucket so these objects can
- * be `hash-consed'.
- */
- struct rx_hash_item hash_item;
-#define rx_protect_superset(RX,CON) (++(CON)->refs)
-/* The terminology may be confusing (rename this structure?).
- * Every character occurs in at most one rx_super_edge per super-state.
- * But, that structure might have more than one option, indicating a point
- * of non-determinism.
- *
- * In other words, this structure holds a list of superstate edges
- * sharing a common starting state and character label. The edges
- * are in the field OPTIONS. All superstate edges sharing the same
- * starting state and character are in this list.
- */
-struct rx_super_edge
- struct rx_super_edge *next;
- struct rx_inx rx_backtrack_frame;
- int cset_size;
- rx_Bitset cset;
- struct rx_distinct_future *options;
-/* A superstate is a set of nfa states (RX_SUPERSET) along
- * with a transition table. Superstates are built on demand and reclaimed
- * without warning. To protect a superstate from this ghastly fate,
- */
-struct rx_superstate
- int rx_id; /* c.f. the id field of rx_superset */
- int locks; /* protection from reclamation */
- /* Within a superstate cache, all the superstates are kept in a big
- * queue. The tail of the queue is the state most likely to be
- * reclaimed. The *recyclable fields hold the queue position of
- * this state.
- */
- struct rx_superstate * next_recyclable;
- struct rx_superstate * prev_recyclable;
- /* The supernfa edges that exist in the cache and that have
- * this state as their destination are kept in this list:
- */
- struct rx_distinct_future * transition_refs;
- /* The list of nfa states corresponding to this superstate: */
- struct rx_superset * contents;
- /* The list of edges in the cache beginning from this state. */
- struct rx_super_edge * edges;
- /* A tail of the recyclable queue is marked as semifree. A semifree
- * state has no incoming next_char transitions -- any transition
- * into a semifree state causes a complex dispatch with the side
- * effect of rescuing the state from its semifree state.
- *
- * An alternative to this might be to make next_char more expensive,
- * and to move a state to the head of the recyclable queue whenever
- * it is entered. That way, popular states would never be recycled.
- *
- * But unilaterally making next_char more expensive actually loses.
- * So, incoming transitions are only made expensive for states near
- * the tail of the recyclable queue. The more cache contention
- * there is, the more frequently a state will have to prove itself
- * and be moved back to the front of the queue. If there is less
- * contention, then popular states just aggregate in the front of
- * the queue and stay there.
- */
- int is_semifree;
- /* This keeps track of the size of the transition table for this
- * state. There is a half-hearted attempt to support variable sized
- * superstates.
- */
- int trans_size;
- /* Indexed by characters... */
- struct rx_inx transitions[RX_TAIL_ARRAY];
-/* A list of distinct futures define the edges that leave from a
- * given superstate on a given character. c.f. rx_super_edge.
- */
-struct rx_distinct_future
- struct rx_distinct_future * next_same_super_edge[2];
- struct rx_distinct_future * next_same_dest;
- struct rx_distinct_future * prev_same_dest;
- struct rx_superstate * present; /* source state */
- struct rx_superstate * future; /* destination state */
- struct rx_super_edge * edge;
- /* The future_frame holds the instruction that should be executed
- * after all the side effects are done, when it is time to complete
- * the transition to the next state.
- *
- * Normally this is a next_char instruction, but it may be a
- * cache_miss instruction as well, depending on whether or not
- * the superstate is in the cache and semifree.
- *
- * If this is the only future for a given superstate/char, and
- * if there are no side effects to be performed, this frame is
- * not used (directly) at all. Instead, its contents are copied
- * into the transition table of the starting state of this dist. future.
- */
- struct rx_inx future_frame;
- struct rx_inx side_effects_frame;
- struct rx_se_list * effects;
-#define rx_lock_superstate(R,S) ((S)->locks++)
-#define rx_unlock_superstate(R,S) (--(S)->locks)
-/* This page destined for rx.h */
-struct rx_blocklist
- struct rx_blocklist * next;
- int bytes;
-struct rx_freelist
- struct rx_freelist * next;
-struct rx_cache;
-#ifdef __STDC__
-typedef void (*rx_morecore_fn)(struct rx_cache *);
-typedef void (*rx_morecore_fn)();
-/* You use this to control the allocation of superstate data
- * during matching. Most of it should be initialized to 0.
- *
- * A MORECORE function is necessary. It should allocate
- * a new block of memory or return 0.
- * A default that uses malloc is called `rx_morecore'.
- *
- * The number of SUPERSTATES_ALLOWED indirectly limits how much memory
- * the system will try to allocate. The default is 128. Batch style
- * applications that are very regexp intensive should use as high a number
- * as possible without thrashing.
- *
- * The LOCAL_CSET_SIZE is the number of characters in a character set.
- * It is therefore the number of entries in a superstate transition table.
- * Generally, it should be 256. If your character set has 16 bits,
- * it is better to translate your regexps into equivalent 8 bit patterns.
- */
-struct rx_cache
- struct rx_hash_rules superset_hash_rules;
- /* Objects are allocated by incrementing a pointer that
- * scans across rx_blocklists.
- */
- struct rx_blocklist * memory;
- struct rx_blocklist * memory_pos;
- int bytes_left;
- char * memory_addr;
- rx_morecore_fn morecore;
- /* Freelists. */
- struct rx_freelist * free_superstates;
- struct rx_freelist * free_transition_classes;
- struct rx_freelist * free_discernable_futures;
- struct rx_freelist * free_supersets;
- struct rx_freelist * free_hash;
- /* Two sets of superstates -- those that are semifreed, and those
- * that are being used.
- */
- struct rx_superstate * lru_superstate;
- struct rx_superstate * semifree_superstate;
- struct rx_superset * empty_superset;
- int superstates;
- int semifree_superstates;
- int hits;
- int misses;
- int superstates_allowed;
- int local_cset_size;
- void ** instruction_table;
- struct rx_hash superset_table;
-/* The lowest-level search function supports arbitrarily fragmented
- * strings and (optionally) suspendable/resumable searches.
- *
- * Callers have to provide a few hooks.
- */
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#define __const__ const
-#define __const__
-/* This holds a matcher position */
-struct rx_string_position
- __const__ unsigned char * pos; /* The current pos. */
- __const__ unsigned char * string; /* The current string burst. */
- __const__ unsigned char * end; /* First invalid position >= POS. */
- int offset; /* Integer address of the current burst. */
- int size; /* Current string's size. */
- int search_direction; /* 1 or -1 */
- int search_end; /* First position to not try. */
-enum rx_get_burst_return
- rx_get_burst_continuation,
- rx_get_burst_error,
- rx_get_burst_ok,
- rx_get_burst_no_more
-/* A call to get burst should make POS valid. It might be invalid
- * if the STRING field doesn't point to a burst that actually
- * contains POS.
- *
- * GET_BURST should take a clue from SEARCH_DIRECTION (1 or -1) as to
- * whether or not to pad to the left. Padding to the right is always
- * appropriate, but need not go past the point indicated by STOP.
- *
- * If a continuation is returned, then the reentering call to
- * a search function will retry the get_burst.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-typedef enum rx_get_burst_return
- (*rx_get_burst_fn) (struct rx_string_position * pos,
- void * app_closure,
- int stop);
-typedef enum rx_get_burst_return (*rx_get_burst_fn) ();
-enum rx_back_check_return
- rx_back_check_continuation,
- rx_back_check_error,
- rx_back_check_pass,
- rx_back_check_fail
-/* Back_check should advance the position it is passed
- * over rparen - lparen characters and return pass iff
- * the characters starting at POS match those indexed
- * by [LPAREN..RPAREN].
- *
- * If a continuation is returned, then the reentering call to
- * a search function will retry the back_check.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-typedef enum rx_back_check_return
- (*rx_back_check_fn) (struct rx_string_position * pos,
- int lparen,
- int rparen,
- unsigned char * translate,
- void * app_closure,
- int stop);
-typedef enum rx_back_check_return (*rx_back_check_fn) ();
-/* A call to fetch_char should return the character at POS or POS + 1.
- * Returning continuations here isn't supported. OFFSET is either 0 or 1
- * and indicates which characters is desired.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-typedef int (*rx_fetch_char_fn) (struct rx_string_position * pos,
- int offset,
- void * app_closure,
- int stop);
-typedef int (*rx_fetch_char_fn) ();
-enum rx_search_return
- rx_search_continuation = -4,
- rx_search_error = -3,
- rx_search_soft_fail = -2, /* failed by running out of string */
- rx_search_fail = -1 /* failed only by reaching failure states */
- /* return values >= 0 indicate the position of a successful match */
-/* regex.h
- *
- * The remaining declarations replace regex.h.
- */
-/* This is an array of error messages corresponding to the error codes.
- */
-extern __const__ char *re_error_msg[];
-/* If any error codes are removed, changed, or added, update the
- `re_error_msg' table in regex.c. */
-typedef enum
- REG_NOERROR = 0, /* Success. */
- REG_NOMATCH, /* Didn't find a match (for regexec). */
- /* POSIX regcomp return error codes. (In the order listed in the
- standard.) */
- REG_BADPAT, /* Invalid pattern. */
- REG_ECOLLATE, /* Not implemented. */
- REG_ECTYPE, /* Invalid character class name. */
- REG_EESCAPE, /* Trailing backslash. */
- REG_ESUBREG, /* Invalid back reference. */
- REG_EBRACK, /* Unmatched left bracket. */
- REG_EPAREN, /* Parenthesis imbalance. */
- REG_EBRACE, /* Unmatched \{. */
- REG_BADBR, /* Invalid contents of \{\}. */
- REG_ERANGE, /* Invalid range end. */
- REG_ESPACE, /* Ran out of memory. */
- REG_BADRPT, /* No preceding re for repetition op. */
- /* Error codes we've added. */
- REG_EEND, /* Premature end. */
- REG_ESIZE, /* Compiled pattern bigger than 2^16 bytes. */
- REG_ERPAREN /* Unmatched ) or \); not returned from regcomp. */
-} reg_errcode_t;
-/* The regex.c support, as a client of rx, defines a set of possible
- * side effects that can be added to the edge lables of nfa edges.
- * Here is the list of sidef effects in use.
- */
-enum re_side_effects
-#define RX_WANT_SE_DEFS 1
-#undef RX_DEF_SE
-#undef RX_DEF_CPLX_SE
-#include "rx.h"
-#undef RX_DEF_SE
-#undef RX_DEF_CPLX_SE
- re_floogle_flap = 65533
-/* These hold paramaters for the kinds of side effects that are possible
- * in the supported pattern languages. These include things like the
- * numeric bounds of {} operators and the index of paren registers for
- * subexpression measurement or backreferencing.
- */
-struct re_se_params
- enum re_side_effects se;
- int op1;
- int op2;
-typedef unsigned reg_syntax_t;
-struct re_pattern_buffer
- struct rx rx;
- reg_syntax_t syntax; /* See below for syntax bit definitions. */
- unsigned int no_sub:1; /* If set, don't return register offsets. */
- unsigned int not_bol:1; /* If set, the anchors ('^' and '$') don't */
- unsigned int not_eol:1; /* match at the ends of the string. */
- unsigned int newline_anchor:1;/* If true, an anchor at a newline matches.*/
- unsigned int least_subs:1; /* If set, and returning registers, return
- * as few values as possible. Only
- * backreferenced groups and group 0 (the whole
- * match) will be returned.
- */
- /* If true, this says that the matcher should keep registers on its
- * backtracking stack. For many patterns, we can easily determine that
- * this isn't necessary.
- */
- unsigned int match_regs_on_stack:1;
- unsigned int search_regs_on_stack:1;
- /* is_anchored and begbuf_only are filled in by rx_compile. */
- unsigned int is_anchored:1; /* Anchorded by ^? */
- unsigned int begbuf_only:1; /* Anchored to char position 0? */
- /* If REGS_UNALLOCATED, allocate space in the `regs' structure
- * for `max (RE_NREGS, re_nsub + 1)' groups.
- * If REGS_REALLOCATE, reallocate space if necessary.
- * If REGS_FIXED, use what's there.
- */
-#define REGS_FIXED 2
- unsigned int regs_allocated:2;
- /* Either a translate table to apply to all characters before
- * comparing them, or zero for no translation. The translation
- * is applied to a pattern when it is compiled and to a string
- * when it is matched.
- */
- unsigned char * translate;
- /* If this is a valid pointer, it tells rx not to store the extents of
- * certain subexpressions (those corresponding to non-zero entries).
- * Passing 0x1 is the same as passing an array of all ones. Passing 0x0
- * is the same as passing an array of all zeros.
- * The array should contain as many entries as their are subexps in the
- * regexp.
- *
- * For POSIX compatability, when using regcomp and regexec this field
- * is zeroed and ignored.
- */
- char * syntax_parens;
- /* Number of subexpressions found by the compiler. */
- size_t re_nsub;
- void * buffer; /* Malloced memory for the nfa. */
- unsigned long allocated; /* Size of that memory. */
- /* Pointer to a fastmap, if any, otherwise zero. re_search uses
- * the fastmap, if there is one, to skip over impossible
- * starting points for matches. */
- char *fastmap;
- unsigned int fastmap_accurate:1; /* These three are internal. */
- unsigned int can_match_empty:1;
- struct rx_nfa_state * start; /* The nfa starting state. */
- /* This is the list of iterator bounds for {lo,hi} constructs.
- * The memory pointed to is part of the rx->buffer.
- */
- struct re_se_params *se_params;
- /* This is a bitset representation of the fastmap.
- * This is a true fastmap that already takes the translate
- * table into account.
- */
- rx_Bitset fastset;
-/* Type for byte offsets within the string. POSIX mandates this. */
-typedef int regoff_t;
-/* This is the structure we store register match data in. See
- regex.texinfo for a full description of what registers match. */
-struct re_registers
- unsigned num_regs;
- regoff_t *start;
- regoff_t *end;
-typedef struct re_pattern_buffer regex_t;
-/* POSIX specification for registers. Aside from the different names than
- `re_registers', POSIX uses an array of structures, instead of a
- structure of arrays. */
-typedef struct
- regoff_t rm_so; /* Byte offset from string's start to substring's start. */
- regoff_t rm_eo; /* Byte offset from string's start to substring's end. */
-} regmatch_t;
-/* The following bits are used to determine the regexp syntax we
- recognize. The set/not-set meanings are chosen so that Emacs syntax
- remains the value 0. The bits are given in alphabetical order, and
- the definitions shifted by one from the previous bit; thus, when we
- add or remove a bit, only one other definition need change. */
-/* If this bit is not set, then \ inside a bracket expression is literal.
- If set, then such a \ quotes the following character. */
-/* If this bit is not set, then + and ? are operators, and \+ and \? are
- literals.
- If set, then \+ and \? are operators and + and ? are literals. */
-/* If this bit is set, then character classes are supported. They are:
- [:alpha:], [:upper:], [:lower:], [:digit:], [:alnum:], [:xdigit:],
- [:space:], [:print:], [:punct:], [:graph:], and [:cntrl:].
- If not set, then character classes are not supported. */
-/* If this bit is set, then ^ and $ are always anchors (outside bracket
- expressions, of course).
- If this bit is not set, then it depends:
- ^ is an anchor if it is at the beginning of a regular
- expression or after an open-group or an alternation operator;
- $ is an anchor if it is at the end of a regular expression, or
- before a close-group or an alternation operator.
- This bit could be (re)combined with RE_CONTEXT_INDEP_OPS, because
- POSIX draft 11.2 says that * etc. in leading positions is undefined.
- We already implemented a previous draft which made those constructs
- invalid, though, so we haven't changed the code back. */
-/* If this bit is set, then special characters are always special
- regardless of where they are in the pattern.
- If this bit is not set, then special characters are special only in
- some contexts; otherwise they are ordinary. Specifically,
- * + ? and intervals are only special when not after the beginning,
- open-group, or alternation operator. */
-/* If this bit is set, then *, +, ?, and { cannot be first in an re or
- immediately after an alternation or begin-group operator. */
-/* If this bit is set, then . matches newline.
- If not set, then it doesn't. */
-/* If this bit is set, then . doesn't match NUL.
- If not set, then it does. */
-/* If this bit is set, nonmatching lists [^...] do not match newline.
- If not set, they do. */
-/* If this bit is set, either \{...\} or {...} defines an
- interval, depending on RE_NO_BK_BRACES.
- If not set, \{, \}, {, and } are literals. */
-/* If this bit is set, +, ? and | aren't recognized as operators.
- If not set, they are. */
-/* If this bit is set, newline is an alternation operator.
- If not set, newline is literal. */
-/* If this bit is set, then `{...}' defines an interval, and \{ and \}
- are literals.
- If not set, then `\{...\}' defines an interval. */
-/* If this bit is set, (...) defines a group, and \( and \) are literals.
- If not set, \(...\) defines a group, and ( and ) are literals. */
-/* If this bit is set, then \<digit> matches <digit>.
- If not set, then \<digit> is a back-reference. */
-#define RE_NO_BK_REFS (RE_NO_BK_PARENS << 1)
-/* If this bit is set, then | is an alternation operator, and \| is literal.
- If not set, then \| is an alternation operator, and | is literal. */
-#define RE_NO_BK_VBAR (RE_NO_BK_REFS << 1)
-/* If this bit is set, then an ending range point collating higher
- than the starting range point, as in [z-a], is invalid.
- If not set, then when ending range point collates higher than the
- starting range point, the range is ignored. */
-/* If this bit is set, then an unmatched ) is ordinary.
- If not set, then an unmatched ) is invalid. */
-/* This global variable defines the particular regexp syntax to use (for
- some interfaces). When a regexp is compiled, the syntax used is
- stored in the pattern buffer, so changing this does not affect
- already-compiled regexps. */
-extern reg_syntax_t re_syntax_options;
-/* Define combinations of the above bits for the standard possibilities.
- (The [[[ comments delimit what gets put into the Texinfo file, so
- don't delete them!) */
-/* [[[begin syntaxes]]] */
-#define RE_SYNTAX_EMACS 0
-#define RE_SYNTAX_AWK \
-#define RE_SYNTAX_GREP \
-#define RE_SYNTAX_EGREP \
-/* Syntax bits common to both basic and extended POSIX regex syntax. */
-/* Differs from ..._POSIX_BASIC only in that RE_BK_PLUS_QM becomes
- RE_LIMITED_OPS, i.e., \? \+ \| are not recognized. Actually, this
- isn't minimal, since other operators, such as \`, aren't disabled. */
-/* Differs from ..._POSIX_EXTENDED in that RE_CONTEXT_INVALID_OPS
- replaces RE_CONTEXT_INDEP_OPS and RE_NO_BK_REFS is added. */
-/* [[[end syntaxes]]] */
-/* Maximum number of duplicates an interval can allow. Some systems
- (erroneously) define this in other header files, but we want our
- value, so remove any previous define. */
-#ifdef RE_DUP_MAX
-#undef RE_DUP_MAX
-#define RE_DUP_MAX ((1 << 15) - 1)
-/* POSIX `cflags' bits (i.e., information for `regcomp'). */
-/* If this bit is set, then use extended regular expression syntax.
- If not set, then use basic regular expression syntax. */
-#define REG_EXTENDED 1
-/* If this bit is set, then ignore case when matching.
- If not set, then case is significant. */
-#define REG_ICASE (REG_EXTENDED << 1)
-/* If this bit is set, then anchors do not match at newline
- characters in the string.
- If not set, then anchors do match at newlines. */
-#define REG_NEWLINE (REG_ICASE << 1)
-/* If this bit is set, then report only success or fail in regexec.
- If not set, then returns differ between not matching and errors. */
-#define REG_NOSUB (REG_NEWLINE << 1)
-/* POSIX `eflags' bits (i.e., information for regexec). */
-/* If this bit is set, then the beginning-of-line operator doesn't match
- the beginning of the string (presumably because it's not the
- beginning of a line).
- If not set, then the beginning-of-line operator does match the
- beginning of the string. */
-#define REG_NOTBOL 1
-/* Like REG_NOTBOL, except for the end-of-line. */
-#define REG_NOTEOL (1 << 1)
-/* If `regs_allocated' is REGS_UNALLOCATED in the pattern buffer,
- * `re_match_2' returns information about at least this many registers
- * the first time a `regs' structure is passed.
- *
- * Also, this is the greatest number of backreferenced subexpressions
- * allowed in a pattern being matched without caller-supplied registers.
- */
-#ifndef RE_NREGS
-#define RE_NREGS 30
-extern int rx_cache_bound;
-extern char rx_version_string[];
-/* This is decls to the interesting subsystems and lower layers
- * of rx. Everything which doesn't have a public counterpart in
- * regex.c is declared here.
- */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-typedef void (*rx_hash_freefn) (struct rx_hash_item * it);
-#else /* ndef __STDC__ */
-typedef void (*rx_hash_freefn) ();
-#endif /* ndef __STDC__ */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL int rx_bitset_is_equal (int size, rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b);
-RX_DECL int rx_bitset_is_subset (int size, rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b);
-RX_DECL int rx_bitset_empty (int size, rx_Bitset set);
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_null (int size, rx_Bitset b);
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_universe (int size, rx_Bitset b);
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_complement (int size, rx_Bitset b);
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_assign (int size, rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b);
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_union (int size, rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b);
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_intersection (int size,
- rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b);
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_difference (int size, rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b);
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_revdifference (int size,
- rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b);
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_xor (int size, rx_Bitset a, rx_Bitset b);
-RX_DECL unsigned long rx_bitset_hash (int size, rx_Bitset b);
-RX_DECL struct rx_hash_item * rx_hash_find (struct rx_hash * table,
- unsigned long hash,
- void * value,
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules);
-RX_DECL struct rx_hash_item * rx_hash_store (struct rx_hash * table,
- unsigned long hash,
- void * value,
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules);
-RX_DECL void rx_hash_free (struct rx_hash_item * it, struct rx_hash_rules * rules);
-RX_DECL void rx_free_hash_table (struct rx_hash * tab, rx_hash_freefn freefn,
- struct rx_hash_rules * rules);
-RX_DECL rx_Bitset rx_cset (struct rx *rx);
-RX_DECL rx_Bitset rx_copy_cset (struct rx *rx, rx_Bitset a);
-RX_DECL void rx_free_cset (struct rx * rx, rx_Bitset c);
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rexp_node (struct rx *rx,
- enum rexp_node_type type);
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_cset (struct rx * rx,
- rx_Bitset b);
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_concat (struct rx * rx,
- struct rexp_node * a,
- struct rexp_node * b);
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_alternate (struct rx * rx,
- struct rexp_node * a,
- struct rexp_node * b);
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_opt (struct rx * rx,
- struct rexp_node * a);
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_star (struct rx * rx,
- struct rexp_node * a);
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_2phase_star (struct rx * rx,
- struct rexp_node * a,
- struct rexp_node * b);
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_side_effect (struct rx * rx,
- rx_side_effect a);
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_data (struct rx * rx,
- void * a);
-RX_DECL void rx_free_rexp (struct rx * rx, struct rexp_node * node);
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_copy_rexp (struct rx *rx,
- struct rexp_node *node);
-RX_DECL struct rx_nfa_state * rx_nfa_state (struct rx *rx);
-RX_DECL void rx_free_nfa_state (struct rx_nfa_state * n);
-RX_DECL struct rx_nfa_state * rx_id_to_nfa_state (struct rx * rx,
- int id);
-RX_DECL struct rx_nfa_edge * rx_nfa_edge (struct rx *rx,
- enum rx_nfa_etype type,
- struct rx_nfa_state *start,
- struct rx_nfa_state *dest);
-RX_DECL void rx_free_nfa_edge (struct rx_nfa_edge * e);
-RX_DECL void rx_free_nfa (struct rx *rx);
-RX_DECL int rx_build_nfa (struct rx *rx,
- struct rexp_node *rexp,
- struct rx_nfa_state **start,
- struct rx_nfa_state **end);
-RX_DECL void rx_name_nfa_states (struct rx *rx);
-RX_DECL int rx_eclose_nfa (struct rx *rx);
-RX_DECL void rx_delete_epsilon_transitions (struct rx *rx);
-RX_DECL int rx_compactify_nfa (struct rx *rx,
- void **mem, unsigned long *size);
-RX_DECL void rx_release_superset (struct rx *rx,
- struct rx_superset *set);
-RX_DECL struct rx_superset * rx_superset_cons (struct rx * rx,
- struct rx_nfa_state *car, struct rx_superset *cdr);
-RX_DECL struct rx_superset * rx_superstate_eclosure_union
- (struct rx * rx, struct rx_superset *set, struct rx_nfa_state_set *ecl);
-RX_DECL struct rx_superstate * rx_superstate (struct rx *rx,
- struct rx_superset *set);
-RX_DECL struct rx_inx * rx_handle_cache_miss
- (struct rx *rx, struct rx_superstate *super, unsigned char chr, void *data);
-RX_DECL reg_errcode_t rx_compile (__const__ char *pattern, int size,
- reg_syntax_t syntax,
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb);
-RX_DECL void rx_blow_up_fastmap (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb);
-#else /* STDC */
-RX_DECL int rx_bitset_is_equal ();
-RX_DECL int rx_bitset_is_subset ();
-RX_DECL int rx_bitset_empty ();
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_null ();
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_universe ();
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_complement ();
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_assign ();
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_union ();
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_intersection ();
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_difference ();
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_revdifference ();
-RX_DECL void rx_bitset_xor ();
-RX_DECL unsigned long rx_bitset_hash ();
-RX_DECL struct rx_hash_item * rx_hash_find ();
-RX_DECL struct rx_hash_item * rx_hash_store ();
-RX_DECL void rx_hash_free ();
-RX_DECL void rx_free_hash_table ();
-RX_DECL rx_Bitset rx_cset ();
-RX_DECL rx_Bitset rx_copy_cset ();
-RX_DECL void rx_free_cset ();
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rexp_node ();
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_cset ();
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_concat ();
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_alternate ();
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_opt ();
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_star ();
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_2phase_star ();
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_side_effect ();
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_mk_r_data ();
-RX_DECL void rx_free_rexp ();
-RX_DECL struct rexp_node * rx_copy_rexp ();
-RX_DECL struct rx_nfa_state * rx_nfa_state ();
-RX_DECL void rx_free_nfa_state ();
-RX_DECL struct rx_nfa_state * rx_id_to_nfa_state ();
-RX_DECL struct rx_nfa_edge * rx_nfa_edge ();
-RX_DECL void rx_free_nfa_edge ();
-RX_DECL void rx_free_nfa ();
-RX_DECL int rx_build_nfa ();
-RX_DECL void rx_name_nfa_states ();
-RX_DECL int rx_eclose_nfa ();
-RX_DECL void rx_delete_epsilon_transitions ();
-RX_DECL int rx_compactify_nfa ();
-RX_DECL void rx_release_superset ();
-RX_DECL struct rx_superset * rx_superset_cons ();
-RX_DECL struct rx_superset * rx_superstate_eclosure_union ();
-RX_DECL struct rx_superstate * rx_superstate ();
-RX_DECL struct rx_inx * rx_handle_cache_miss ();
-RX_DECL reg_errcode_t rx_compile ();
-RX_DECL void rx_blow_up_fastmap ();
-#endif /* STDC */
-#endif /* RX_WANT_RX_DEFS */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-extern int re_search_2 (struct re_pattern_buffer *rxb,
- __const__ char * string1, int size1,
- __const__ char * string2, int size2,
- int startpos, int range,
- struct re_registers *regs,
- int stop);
-extern int re_search (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb, __const__ char *string,
- int size, int startpos, int range,
- struct re_registers *regs);
-extern int re_match_2 (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb,
- __const__ char * string1, int size1,
- __const__ char * string2, int size2,
- int pos, struct re_registers *regs, int stop);
-extern int re_match (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb,
- __const__ char * string,
- int size, int pos,
- struct re_registers *regs);
-extern reg_syntax_t re_set_syntax (reg_syntax_t syntax);
-extern void re_set_registers (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp,
- struct re_registers *regs,
- unsigned num_regs,
- regoff_t * starts, regoff_t * ends);
-extern __const__ char * re_compile_pattern (__const__ char *pattern,
- int length,
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb);
-extern int re_compile_fastmap (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb);
-extern char * re_comp (__const__ char *s);
-extern int re_exec (__const__ char *s);
-extern int regcomp (regex_t * preg, __const__ char * pattern, int cflags);
-extern int regexec (__const__ regex_t *preg, __const__ char *string,
- size_t nmatch, regmatch_t pmatch[],
- int eflags);
-extern size_t regerror (int errcode, __const__ regex_t *preg,
- char *errbuf, size_t errbuf_size);
-extern void regfree (regex_t *preg);
-#else /* STDC */
-extern int re_search_2 ();
-extern int re_search ();
-extern int re_match_2 ();
-extern int re_match ();
-extern reg_syntax_t re_set_syntax ();
-extern void re_set_registers ();
-extern __const__ char * re_compile_pattern ();
-extern int re_compile_fastmap ();
-extern char * re_comp ();
-extern int re_exec ();
-extern int regcomp ();
-extern int regexec ();
-extern size_t regerror ();
-extern void regfree ();
-#endif /* STDC */
-struct rx_counter_frame
- int tag;
- int val;
- struct rx_counter_frame * inherited_from; /* If this is a copy. */
- struct rx_counter_frame * cdr;
-struct rx_backtrack_frame
- char * counter_stack_sp;
- /* A frame is used to save the matchers state when it crosses a
- * backtracking point. The `stk_' fields correspond to variables
- * in re_search_2 (just strip off thes `stk_'). They are documented
- * tere.
- */
- struct rx_superstate * stk_super;
- unsigned int stk_c;
- struct rx_string_position stk_test_pos;
- int stk_last_l;
- int stk_last_r;
- int stk_test_ret;
- /* This is the list of options left to explore at the backtrack
- * point for which this frame was created.
- */
- struct rx_distinct_future * df;
- struct rx_distinct_future * first_df;
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG
- int stk_line_no;
-struct rx_stack_chunk
- struct rx_stack_chunk * next_chunk;
- int bytes_left;
- char * sp;
-enum rx_outer_entry
- rx_outer_start,
- rx_outer_fastmap,
- rx_outer_test,
- rx_outer_restore_pos
-enum rx_fastmap_return
- rx_fastmap_continuation,
- rx_fastmap_error,
- rx_fastmap_ok,
- rx_fastmap_fail
-enum rx_fastmap_entry
- rx_fastmap_start,
- rx_fastmap_string_break
-enum rx_test_return
- rx_test_continuation,
- rx_test_error,
- rx_test_fail,
- rx_test_ok
-enum rx_test_internal_return
- rx_test_internal_error,
- rx_test_found_first,
- rx_test_line_finished
-enum rx_test_match_entry
- rx_test_start,
- rx_test_cache_hit_loop,
- rx_test_backreference_check,
- rx_test_backtrack_return
-struct rx_search_state
- /* Two groups of registers are kept. The group with the register state
- * of the current test match, and the group that holds the state at the end
- * of the best known match, if any.
- *
- * For some patterns, there may also be registers saved on the stack.
- */
- unsigned num_regs; /* Includes an element for register zero. */
- regoff_t * lparen; /* scratch space for register returns */
- regoff_t * rparen;
- regoff_t * best_lpspace; /* in case the user doesn't want these */
- regoff_t * best_rpspace; /* values, we still need space to store
- * them. Normally, this memoryis unused
- * and the space pointed to by REGS is
- * used instead.
- */
- int last_l; /* Highest index of a valid lparen. */
- int last_r; /* It's dual. */
- int * best_lparen; /* This contains the best known register */
- int * best_rparen; /* assignments.
- * This may point to the same mem as
- * best_lpspace, or it might point to memory
- * passed by the caller.
- */
- int best_last_l; /* best_last_l:best_lparen::last_l:lparen */
- int best_last_r;
- unsigned char * translate;
- struct rx_string_position outer_pos;
- struct rx_superstate * start_super;
- int nfa_choice;
- int first_found; /* If true, return after finding any match. */
- int ret_val;
- /* For continuations... */
- enum rx_outer_entry outer_search_resume_pt;
- struct re_pattern_buffer * saved_rxb;
- int saved_startpos;
- int saved_range;
- int saved_stop;
- int saved_total_size;
- rx_get_burst_fn saved_get_burst;
- rx_back_check_fn saved_back_check;
- struct re_registers * saved_regs;
- /**
- ** state for fastmap
- **/
- char * fastmap;
- int fastmap_chr;
- int fastmap_val;
- /* for continuations in the fastmap procedure: */
- enum rx_fastmap_entry fastmap_resume_pt;
- /**
- ** state for test_match
- **/
- /* The current superNFA position of the matcher. */
- struct rx_superstate * super;
- /* The matcher interprets a series of instruction frames.
- * This is the `instruction counter' for the interpretation.
- */
- struct rx_inx * ifr;
- /* We insert a ghost character in the string to prime
- * the nfa. test_pos.pos, test_pos.str_half, and test_pos.end_half
- * keep track of the test-match position and string-half.
- */
- unsigned char c;
- /* Position within the string. */
- struct rx_string_position test_pos;
- struct rx_stack_chunk * counter_stack;
- struct rx_stack_chunk * backtrack_stack;
- int backtrack_frame_bytes;
- int chunk_bytes;
- struct rx_stack_chunk * free_chunks;
- /* To return from this function, set test_ret and
- * `goto test_do_return'.
- *
- * Possible return values are:
- * 1 --- end of string while the superNFA is still going
- * 0 --- internal error (out of memory)
- * -1 --- search completed by reaching the superNFA fail state
- * -2 --- a match was found, maybe not the longest.
- *
- * When the search is complete (-1), best_last_r indicates whether
- * a match was found.
- *
- * -2 is return only if search_state.first_found is non-zero.
- *
- * if search_state.first_found is non-zero, a return of -1 indicates no match,
- * otherwise, best_last_r has to be checked.
- */
- int test_ret;
- int could_have_continued;
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG
- int backtrack_depth;
- /* There is a search tree with every node as set of deterministic
- * transitions in the super nfa. For every branch of a
- * backtrack point is an edge in the tree.
- * This counts up a pre-order of nodes in that tree.
- * It's saved on the search stack and printed when debugging.
- */
- int line_no;
- int lines_found;
- /* For continuations within the match tester */
- enum rx_test_match_entry test_match_resume_pt;
- struct rx_inx * saved_next_tr_table;
- struct rx_inx * saved_this_tr_table;
- int saved_reg;
- struct rx_backtrack_frame * saved_bf;
-extern char rx_slowmap[];
-extern unsigned char rx_id_translation[];
-static __inline__ void
-init_fastmap (rxb, search_state)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- struct rx_search_state * search_state;
- search_state->fastmap = (rxb->fastmap
- ? (char *)rxb->fastmap
- : (char *)rx_slowmap);
- /* Update the fastmap now if not correct already.
- * When the regexp was compiled, the fastmap was computed
- * and stored in a bitset. This expands the bitset into a
- * character array containing 1s and 0s.
- */
- if ((search_state->fastmap == rxb->fastmap) && !rxb->fastmap_accurate)
- rx_blow_up_fastmap (rxb);
- search_state->fastmap_chr = -1;
- search_state->fastmap_val = 0;
- search_state->fastmap_resume_pt = rx_fastmap_start;
-static __inline__ void
-uninit_fastmap (rxb, search_state)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- struct rx_search_state * search_state;
- /* Unset the fastmap sentinel */
- if (search_state->fastmap_chr >= 0)
- search_state->fastmap[search_state->fastmap_chr]
- = search_state->fastmap_val;
-static __inline__ int
-fastmap_search (rxb, stop, get_burst, app_closure, search_state)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- int stop;
- rx_get_burst_fn get_burst;
- void * app_closure;
- struct rx_search_state * search_state;
- enum rx_fastmap_entry pc;
- if (0)
- {
- return_continuation:
- search_state->fastmap_resume_pt = pc;
- return rx_fastmap_continuation;
- }
- pc = search_state->fastmap_resume_pt;
- switch (pc)
- {
- default:
- return rx_fastmap_error;
- case rx_fastmap_start:
- init_fastmap_sentinal:
- /* For the sake of fast fastmapping, set a sentinal in the fastmap.
- * This sentinal will trap the fastmap loop when it reaches the last
- * valid character in a string half.
- *
- * This must be reset when the fastmap/search loop crosses a string
- * boundry, and before returning to the caller. So sometimes,
- * the fastmap loop is restarted with `continue', othertimes by
- * `goto init_fastmap_sentinal'.
- */
- if (search_state->outer_pos.size)
- {
- search_state->fastmap_chr = ((search_state->outer_pos.search_direction == 1)
- ? *(search_state->outer_pos.end - 1)
- : *search_state->outer_pos.string);
- search_state->fastmap_val
- = search_state->fastmap[search_state->fastmap_chr];
- search_state->fastmap[search_state->fastmap_chr] = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- search_state->fastmap_chr = -1;
- search_state->fastmap_val = 0;
- }
- if (search_state->outer_pos.pos >= search_state->outer_pos.end)
- goto fastmap_hit_bound;
- else
- {
- if (search_state->outer_pos.search_direction == 1)
- {
- if (search_state->fastmap_val)
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- while (!search_state->fastmap[*search_state->outer_pos.pos])
- ++search_state->outer_pos.pos;
- return rx_fastmap_ok;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- while (!search_state->fastmap[*search_state->outer_pos.pos])
- ++search_state->outer_pos.pos;
- if (*search_state->outer_pos.pos != search_state->fastmap_chr)
- return rx_fastmap_ok;
- else
- {
- ++search_state->outer_pos.pos;
- if (search_state->outer_pos.pos == search_state->outer_pos.end)
- goto fastmap_hit_bound;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- __const__ unsigned char * bound;
- bound = search_state->outer_pos.string - 1;
- if (search_state->fastmap_val)
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- while (!search_state->fastmap[*search_state->outer_pos.pos])
- --search_state->outer_pos.pos;
- return rx_fastmap_ok;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- while (!search_state->fastmap[*search_state->outer_pos.pos])
- --search_state->outer_pos.pos;
- if ((*search_state->outer_pos.pos != search_state->fastmap_chr) || search_state->fastmap_val)
- return rx_fastmap_ok;
- else
- {
- --search_state->outer_pos.pos;
- if (search_state->outer_pos.pos == bound)
- goto fastmap_hit_bound;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- case rx_fastmap_string_break:
- fastmap_hit_bound:
- {
- /* If we hit a bound, it may be time to fetch another burst
- * of string, or it may be time to return a continuation to
- * the caller, or it might be time to fail.
- */
- int burst_state;
- burst_state = get_burst (&search_state->outer_pos, app_closure, stop);
- switch (burst_state)
- {
- default:
- case rx_get_burst_error:
- return rx_fastmap_error;
- case rx_get_burst_continuation:
- {
- pc = rx_fastmap_string_break;
- goto return_continuation;
- }
- case rx_get_burst_ok:
- goto init_fastmap_sentinal;
- case rx_get_burst_no_more:
- /* ...not a string split, simply no more string.
- *
- * When searching backward, running out of string
- * is reason to quit.
- *
- * When searching forward, we allow the possibility
- * of an (empty) match after the last character in the
- * virtual string. So, fall through to the matcher
- */
- return ( (search_state->outer_pos.search_direction == 1)
- ? rx_fastmap_ok
- : rx_fastmap_fail);
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef emacs
-/* The `emacs' switch turns on certain matching commands
- * that make sense only in Emacs.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "lisp.h"
-#include "buffer.h"
-#include "syntax.h"
-#endif /* emacs */
-/* Setting RX_MEMDBUG is useful if you have dbmalloc. Maybe with similar
- * packages too.
- */
-#ifdef RX_MEMDBUG
-#include <malloc.h>
-#endif /* RX_RX_MEMDBUG */
-/* We used to test for `BSTRING' here, but only GCC and Emacs define
- * `BSTRING', as far as I know, and neither of them use this code.
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#ifndef bcmp
-#define bcmp(s1, s2, n) memcmp ((s1), (s2), (n))
-#ifndef bcopy
-#define bcopy(s, d, n) memcpy ((d), (s), (n))
-#ifndef bzero
-#define bzero(s, n) memset ((s), 0, (n))
-#include <strings.h>
-#endif /* not (HAVE_STRING_H || STDC_HEADERS) */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#else /* not STDC_HEADERS */
-char *malloc ();
-char *realloc ();
-#endif /* not STDC_HEADERS */
-/* How many characters in the character set. */
-#define CHAR_SET_SIZE (1 << CHARBITS)
-#ifndef emacs
-/* Define the syntax basics for \<, \>, etc.
- * This must be nonzero for the wordchar and notwordchar pattern
- * commands in re_match_2.
- */
-#ifndef Sword
-#define Sword 1
-#define SYNTAX(c) re_syntax_table[c]
-RX_DECL char re_syntax_table[CHAR_SET_SIZE];
-#endif /* not emacs */
-/* Test if at very beginning or at very end of the virtual concatenation
- * of `string1' and `string2'. If only one string, it's `string2'.
- */
-#define AT_STRINGS_BEG() \
- ( -1 \
- == ((search_state.test_pos.pos - search_state.test_pos.string) \
- + search_state.test_pos.offset))
-#define AT_STRINGS_END() \
- ( (total_size - 1) \
- == ((search_state.test_pos.pos - search_state.test_pos.string) \
- + search_state.test_pos.offset))
-/* Test if POS + 1 points to a character which is word-constituent. We have
- * two special cases to check for: if past the end of string1, look at
- * the first character in string2; and if before the beginning of
- * string2, look at the last character in string1.
- *
- * Assumes `string1' exists, so use in conjunction with AT_STRINGS_BEG ().
- */
-#define LETTER_P(POS,OFF) \
- ( SYNTAX (fetch_char(POS, OFF, app_closure, stop)) \
- == Sword)
-/* Test if the character at D and the one after D differ with respect
- * to being word-constituent.
- */
-#define AT_WORD_BOUNDARY(d) \
- (AT_STRINGS_BEG () || AT_STRINGS_END () || LETTER_P (d,0) != LETTER_P (d, 1))
-#define RX_STACK_ALLOC(BYTES) malloc(BYTES)
-#define RX_STACK_FREE(MEM) free(MEM)
-#define RX_STACK_ALLOC(BYTES) alloca(BYTES)
-#define RX_STACK_FREE(MEM) \
- ((struct rx_stack_chunk *)MEM)->next_chunk = search_state.free_chunks; \
- search_state.free_chunks = ((struct rx_stack_chunk *)MEM);
- if (!CHUNK_VAR || (CHUNK_VAR->bytes_left < (BYTES))) \
- { \
- struct rx_stack_chunk * new_chunk; \
- if (search_state.free_chunks) \
- { \
- new_chunk = search_state.free_chunks; \
- search_state.free_chunks = search_state.free_chunks->next_chunk; \
- } \
- else \
- { \
- new_chunk = (struct rx_stack_chunk *)RX_STACK_ALLOC(search_state.chunk_bytes); \
- if (!new_chunk) \
- { \
- search_state.ret_val = 0; \
- goto test_do_return; \
- } \
- } \
- new_chunk->sp = (char *)new_chunk + sizeof (struct rx_stack_chunk); \
- new_chunk->bytes_left = (search_state.chunk_bytes \
- - (BYTES) \
- - sizeof (struct rx_stack_chunk)); \
- new_chunk->next_chunk = CHUNK_VAR; \
- CHUNK_VAR = new_chunk; \
- } \
- else \
- (CHUNK_VAR->sp += (BYTES)), (CHUNK_VAR->bytes_left -= (BYTES))
- if (CHUNK_VAR->sp == ((char *)CHUNK_VAR + sizeof(*CHUNK_VAR))) \
- { \
- struct rx_stack_chunk * new_chunk = CHUNK_VAR->next_chunk; \
- CHUNK_VAR = new_chunk; \
- } \
- else \
- (CHUNK_VAR->sp -= BYTES), (CHUNK_VAR->bytes_left += BYTES)
-#define SRCH_TRANSLATE(C) search_state.translate[(unsigned char) (C)]
-#ifdef __STDC__
-RX_DECL __inline__ int
-rx_search (struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb,
- int startpos,
- int range,
- int stop,
- int total_size,
- rx_get_burst_fn get_burst,
- rx_back_check_fn back_check,
- rx_fetch_char_fn fetch_char,
- void * app_closure,
- struct re_registers * regs,
- struct rx_search_state * resume_state,
- struct rx_search_state * save_state)
-RX_DECL __inline__ int
-rx_search (rxb, startpos, range, stop, total_size,
- get_burst, back_check, fetch_char,
- app_closure, regs, resume_state, save_state)
- struct re_pattern_buffer * rxb;
- int startpos;
- int range;
- int stop;
- int total_size;
- rx_get_burst_fn get_burst;
- rx_back_check_fn back_check;
- rx_fetch_char_fn fetch_char;
- void * app_closure;
- struct re_registers * regs;
- struct rx_search_state * resume_state;
- struct rx_search_state * save_state;
- int pc;
- int test_state;
- struct rx_search_state search_state;
- search_state.free_chunks = 0;
- if (!resume_state)
- pc = rx_outer_start;
- else
- {
- search_state = *resume_state;
- regs = search_state.saved_regs;
- rxb = search_state.saved_rxb;
- startpos = search_state.saved_startpos;
- range = search_state.saved_range;
- stop = search_state.saved_stop;
- total_size = search_state.saved_total_size;
- get_burst = search_state.saved_get_burst;
- back_check = search_state.saved_back_check;
- pc = search_state.outer_search_resume_pt;
- if (0)
- {
- return_continuation:
- if (save_state)
- {
- *save_state = search_state;
- save_state->saved_regs = regs;
- save_state->saved_rxb = rxb;
- save_state->saved_startpos = startpos;
- save_state->saved_range = range;
- save_state->saved_stop = stop;
- save_state->saved_total_size = total_size;
- save_state->saved_get_burst = get_burst;
- save_state->saved_back_check = back_check;
- save_state->outer_search_resume_pt = pc;
- }
- return rx_search_continuation;
- }
- }
- switch (pc)
- {
- case rx_outer_start:
- search_state.ret_val = rx_search_fail;
- ( search_state.lparen
- = search_state.rparen
- = search_state.best_lpspace
- = search_state.best_rpspace
- = 0);
- /* figure the number of registers we may need for use in backreferences.
- * the number here includes an element for register zero.
- */
- search_state.num_regs = rxb->re_nsub + 1;
- /* check for out-of-range startpos. */
- if ((startpos < 0) || (startpos > total_size))
- return rx_search_fail;
- /* fix up range if it might eventually take us outside the string. */
- {
- int endpos;
- endpos = startpos + range;
- if (endpos < -1)
- range = (-1 - startpos);
- else if (endpos > (total_size + 1))
- range = total_size - startpos;
- }
- /* if the search isn't to be a backwards one, don't waste time in a
- * long search for a pattern that says it is anchored.
- */
- if (rxb->begbuf_only && (range > 0))
- {
- if (startpos > 0)
- return rx_search_fail;
- else
- range = 1;
- }
- /* decide whether to use internal or user-provided reg buffers. */
- if (!regs || rxb->no_sub)
- {
- search_state.best_lpspace =
- (regoff_t *)REGEX_ALLOCATE (search_state.num_regs * sizeof(regoff_t));
- search_state.best_rpspace =
- (regoff_t *)REGEX_ALLOCATE (search_state.num_regs * sizeof(regoff_t));
- search_state.best_lparen = search_state.best_lpspace;
- search_state.best_rparen = search_state.best_rpspace;
- }
- else
- {
- /* have the register data arrays been allocated? */
- if (rxb->regs_allocated == REGS_UNALLOCATED)
- { /* no. so allocate them with malloc. we need one
- extra element beyond `search_state.num_regs' for the `-1' marker
- gnu code uses. */
- regs->num_regs = MAX (RE_NREGS, rxb->re_nsub + 1);
- regs->start = ((regoff_t *)
- malloc (regs->num_regs * sizeof ( regoff_t)));
- regs->end = ((regoff_t *)
- malloc (regs->num_regs * sizeof ( regoff_t)));
- if (regs->start == 0 || regs->end == 0)
- return rx_search_error;
- rxb->regs_allocated = REGS_REALLOCATE;
- }
- else if (rxb->regs_allocated == REGS_REALLOCATE)
- { /* yes. if we need more elements than were already
- allocated, reallocate them. if we need fewer, just
- leave it alone. */
- if (regs->num_regs < search_state.num_regs + 1)
- {
- regs->num_regs = search_state.num_regs + 1;
- regs->start = ((regoff_t *)
- realloc (regs->start,
- regs->num_regs * sizeof (regoff_t)));
- regs->end = ((regoff_t *)
- realloc (regs->end,
- regs->num_regs * sizeof ( regoff_t)));
- if (regs->start == 0 || regs->end == 0)
- return rx_search_error;
- }
- }
- else if (rxb->regs_allocated != REGS_FIXED)
- return rx_search_error;
- if (regs->num_regs < search_state.num_regs + 1)
- {
- search_state.best_lpspace =
- ((regoff_t *)
- REGEX_ALLOCATE (search_state.num_regs * sizeof(regoff_t)));
- search_state.best_rpspace =
- ((regoff_t *)
- REGEX_ALLOCATE (search_state.num_regs * sizeof(regoff_t)));
- search_state.best_lparen = search_state.best_lpspace;
- search_state.best_rparen = search_state.best_rpspace;
- }
- else
- {
- search_state.best_lparen = regs->start;
- search_state.best_rparen = regs->end;
- }
- }
- search_state.lparen =
- (regoff_t *) REGEX_ALLOCATE (search_state.num_regs * sizeof(regoff_t));
- search_state.rparen =
- (regoff_t *) REGEX_ALLOCATE (search_state.num_regs * sizeof(regoff_t));
- if (! ( search_state.best_rparen
- && search_state.best_lparen
- && search_state.lparen && search_state.rparen))
- return rx_search_error;
- search_state.best_last_l = search_state.best_last_r = -1;
- search_state.translate = (rxb->translate
- ? rxb->translate
- : rx_id_translation);
- /*
- * two nfa's were compiled.
- * `0' is complete.
- * `1' faster but gets registers wrong and ends too soon.
- */
- search_state.nfa_choice = (regs && !rxb->least_subs) ? '\0' : '\1';
- /* we have the option to look for the best match or the first
- * one we can find. if the user isn't asking for register information,
- * we don't need to find the best match.
- */
- search_state.first_found = !regs;
- if (range >= 0)
- {
- search_state.outer_pos.search_end = startpos + range;
- search_state.outer_pos.search_direction = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- search_state.outer_pos.search_end = startpos + range;
- search_state.outer_pos.search_direction = -1;
- }
- /* the vacuous search always turns up nothing. */
- if ((search_state.outer_pos.search_direction == 1)
- ? (startpos > search_state.outer_pos.search_end)
- : (startpos < search_state.outer_pos.search_end))
- return rx_search_fail;
- /* now we build the starting state of the supernfa. */
- {
- struct rx_superset * start_contents;
- struct rx_nfa_state_set * start_nfa_set;
- /* we presume here that the nfa start state has only one
- * possible future with no side effects.
- */
- start_nfa_set = rxb->start->futures->destset;
- if ( rxb->rx.start_set
- && (rxb->rx.start_set->starts_for == &rxb->rx))
- start_contents = rxb->rx.start_set;
- else
- {
- start_contents =
- rx_superstate_eclosure_union (&rxb->rx,
- rx_superset_cons (&rxb->rx, 0, 0),
- start_nfa_set);
- if (!start_contents)
- return rx_search_fail;
- start_contents->starts_for = &rxb->rx;
- rxb->rx.start_set = start_contents;
- }
- if ( start_contents->superstate
- && (start_contents->superstate->rx_id == rxb->rx.rx_id))
- {
- search_state.start_super = start_contents->superstate;
- rx_lock_superstate (&rxb->rx, search_state.start_super);
- }
- else
- {
- rx_protect_superset (&rxb->rx, start_contents);
- search_state.start_super = rx_superstate (&rxb->rx, start_contents);
- if (!search_state.start_super)
- return rx_search_fail;
- rx_lock_superstate (&rxb->rx, search_state.start_super);
- rx_release_superset (&rxb->rx, start_contents);
- }
- }
- /* The outer_pos tracks the position within the strings
- * as seen by loop that calls fastmap_search.
- *
- * The caller supplied get_burst function actually
- * gives us pointers to chars.
- *
- * Communication with the get_burst function is through an
- * rx_string_position structure. Here, the structure for
- * outer_pos is initialized. It is set to point to the
- * NULL string, at an offset of STARTPOS. STARTPOS is out
- * of range of the NULL string, so the first call to
- * getburst will patch up the rx_string_position to point
- * to valid characters.
- */
- ( search_state.outer_pos.string
- = search_state.outer_pos.end
- = 0);
- search_state.outer_pos.offset = 0;
- search_state.outer_pos.size = 0;
- search_state.outer_pos.pos = (unsigned char *)startpos;
- init_fastmap (rxb, &search_state);
- search_state.fastmap_resume_pt = rx_fastmap_start;
- case rx_outer_fastmap:
- /* do { */
- pseudo_do:
- {
- {
- int fastmap_state;
- fastmap_state = fastmap_search (rxb, stop, get_burst, app_closure,
- &search_state);
- switch (fastmap_state)
- {
- case rx_fastmap_continuation:
- pc = rx_outer_fastmap;
- goto return_continuation;
- case rx_fastmap_fail:
- goto finish;
- case rx_fastmap_ok:
- break;
- }
- }
- /* now the fastmap loop has brought us to a plausible
- * starting point for a match. so, it's time to run the
- * nfa and see if a match occured.
- */
- startpos = ( search_state.outer_pos.pos
- - search_state.outer_pos.string
- + search_state.outer_pos.offset);
-#if 0
-/*|*/ if ((range > 0) && (startpos == search_state.outer_pos.search_end))
-/*|*/ goto finish;
- }
- search_state.test_match_resume_pt = rx_test_start;
- /* do interrupted for entry point... */
- case rx_outer_test:
- /* continued */
- {
- goto test_match;
- test_returns_to_search:
- switch (test_state)
- {
- case rx_test_continuation:
- pc = rx_outer_test;
- goto return_continuation;
- case rx_test_error:
- search_state.ret_val = rx_search_error;
- goto finish;
- case rx_test_fail:
- break;
- case rx_test_ok:
- goto finish;
- }
- search_state.outer_pos.pos += search_state.outer_pos.search_direction;
- startpos += search_state.outer_pos.search_direction;
-#if 0
-/*|*/ if (search_state.test_pos.pos < search_state.test_pos.end)
-/*|*/ break;
- }
- /* do interrupted for entry point... */
- case rx_outer_restore_pos:
- {
- int x;
- x = get_burst (&search_state.outer_pos, app_closure, stop);
- switch (x)
- {
- case rx_get_burst_continuation:
- pc = rx_outer_restore_pos;
- goto return_continuation;
- case rx_get_burst_error:
- search_state.ret_val = rx_search_error;
- goto finish;
- case rx_get_burst_no_more:
- if (rxb->can_match_empty)
- break;
- goto finish;
- case rx_get_burst_ok:
- break;
- }
- } /* } while (...see below...) */
- if ((search_state.outer_pos.search_direction == 1)
- ? (startpos <= search_state.outer_pos.search_end)
- : (startpos > search_state.outer_pos.search_end))
- goto pseudo_do;
- finish:
- uninit_fastmap (rxb, &search_state);
- if (search_state.start_super)
- rx_unlock_superstate (&rxb->rx, search_state.start_super);
-#ifdef regex_malloc
- if (search_state.lparen) free (search_state.lparen);
- if (search_state.rparen) free (search_state.rparen);
- if (search_state.best_lpspace) free (search_state.best_lpspace);
- if (search_state.best_rpspace) free (search_state.best_rpspace);
- return search_state.ret_val;
- }
- test_match:
- {
- enum rx_test_match_entry test_pc;
- int inx;
- test_pc = search_state.test_match_resume_pt;
- if (test_pc == rx_test_start)
- {
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG
- search_state.backtrack_depth = 0;
- search_state.last_l = search_state.last_r = 0;
- search_state.lparen[0] = startpos;
- search_state.super = search_state.start_super;
- search_state.c = search_state.nfa_choice;
- search_state.test_pos.pos = search_state.outer_pos.pos - 1;
- search_state.test_pos.string = search_state.outer_pos.string;
- search_state.test_pos.end = search_state.outer_pos.end;
- search_state.test_pos.offset = search_state.outer_pos.offset;
- search_state.test_pos.size = search_state.outer_pos.size;
- search_state.test_pos.search_direction = 1;
- search_state.counter_stack = 0;
- search_state.backtrack_stack = 0;
- search_state.backtrack_frame_bytes =
- (sizeof (struct rx_backtrack_frame)
- + (rxb->match_regs_on_stack
- ? sizeof (regoff_t) * (search_state.num_regs + 1) * 2
- : 0));
- search_state.chunk_bytes = search_state.backtrack_frame_bytes * 64;
- search_state.test_ret = rx_test_line_finished;
- search_state.could_have_continued = 0;
- }
- /* This is while (1)...except that the body of the loop is interrupted
- * by some alternative entry points.
- */
- pseudo_while_1:
- switch (test_pc)
- {
- case rx_test_cache_hit_loop:
- goto resume_continuation_1;
- case rx_test_backreference_check:
- goto resume_continuation_2;
- case rx_test_backtrack_return:
- goto resume_continuation_3;
- case rx_test_start:
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG
- /* There is a search tree with every node as set of deterministic
- * transitions in the super nfa. For every branch of a
- * backtrack point is an edge in the tree.
- * This counts up a pre-order of nodes in that tree.
- * It's saved on the search stack and printed when debugging.
- */
- search_state.line_no = 0;
- search_state.lines_found = 0;
- top_of_cycle:
- /* A superstate is basicly a transition table, indexed by
- * characters from the string being tested, and containing
- * RX_INX (`instruction frame') structures.
- */
- search_state.ifr = &search_state.super->transitions [search_state.c];
- recurse_test_match:
- /* This is the point to which control is sent when the
- * test matcher `recurses'. Before jumping here, some variables
- * need to be saved on the stack and the next instruction frame
- * has to be computed.
- */
- restart:
- /* Some instructions don't advance the matcher, but just
- * carry out some side effects and fetch a new instruction.
- * To dispatch that new instruction, `goto restart'.
- */
- {
- struct rx_inx * next_tr_table;
- struct rx_inx * this_tr_table;
- /* The fastest route through the loop is when the instruction
- * is RX_NEXT_CHAR. This case is detected when SEARCH_STATE.IFR->DATA
- * is non-zero. In that case, it points to the next
- * superstate.
- *
- * This allows us to not bother fetching the bytecode.
- */
- next_tr_table = (struct rx_inx *)search_state.ifr->data;
- this_tr_table = search_state.super->transitions;
- while (next_tr_table)
- {
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG_0
- if (rx_debug_trace)
- {
- struct rx_superset * setp;
- fprintf (stderr, "%d %d>> re_next_char @ %d (%d)",
- search_state.line_no,
- search_state.backtrack_depth,
- (search_state.test_pos.pos - search_state.test_pos.string
- + search_state.test_pos.offset), search_state.c);
- search_state.super =
- ((struct rx_superstate *)
- ((char *)this_tr_table
- - ((unsigned long)
- ((struct rx_superstate *)0)->transitions)));
- setp = search_state.super->contents;
- fprintf (stderr, " superstet (rx=%d, &=%x: ",
- rxb->rx.rx_id, setp);
- while (setp)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%d ", setp->id);
- setp = setp->cdr;
- }
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- this_tr_table = next_tr_table;
- ++search_state.test_pos.pos;
- if (search_state.test_pos.pos == search_state.test_pos.end)
- {
- int burst_state;
- try_burst_1:
- burst_state = get_burst (&search_state.test_pos,
- app_closure, stop);
- switch (burst_state)
- {
- case rx_get_burst_continuation:
- search_state.saved_this_tr_table = this_tr_table;
- search_state.saved_next_tr_table = next_tr_table;
- test_pc = rx_test_cache_hit_loop;
- goto test_return_continuation;
- resume_continuation_1:
- /* Continuation one jumps here to do its work: */
- search_state.saved_this_tr_table = this_tr_table;
- search_state.saved_next_tr_table = next_tr_table;
- goto try_burst_1;
- case rx_get_burst_ok:
- /* get_burst succeeded...keep going */
- break;
- case rx_get_burst_no_more:
- search_state.test_ret = rx_test_line_finished;
- search_state.could_have_continued = 1;
- goto test_do_return;
- case rx_get_burst_error:
- /* An error... */
- search_state.test_ret = rx_test_internal_error;
- goto test_do_return;
- }
- }
- search_state.c = *search_state.test_pos.pos;
- search_state.ifr = this_tr_table + search_state.c;
- next_tr_table = (struct rx_inx *)search_state.ifr->data;
- } /* Fast loop through cached transition tables */
- /* Here when we ran out of cached next-char transitions.
- * So, it will be necessary to do a more expensive
- * dispatch on the current instruction. The superstate
- * pointer is allowed to become invalid during next-char
- * transitions -- now we must bring it up to date.
- */
- search_state.super =
- ((struct rx_superstate *)
- ((char *)this_tr_table
- - ((unsigned long)
- ((struct rx_superstate *)0)->transitions)));
- }
- /* We've encountered an instruction other than next-char.
- * Dispatch that instruction:
- */
- inx = (int)search_state.ifr->inx;
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG_0
- if (rx_debug_trace)
- {
- struct rx_superset * setp = search_state.super->contents;
- fprintf (stderr, "%d %d>> %s @ %d (%d)", search_state.line_no,
- search_state.backtrack_depth,
- inx_names[inx],
- (search_state.test_pos.pos - search_state.test_pos.string
- + (test_pos.half == 0 ? 0 : size1)), search_state.c);
- fprintf (stderr, " superstet (rx=%d, &=%x: ",
- rxb->rx.rx_id, setp);
- while (setp)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%d ", setp->id);
- setp = setp->cdr;
- }
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- switch ((enum rx_opcode)inx)
- {
- case rx_do_side_effects:
- /* RX_DO_SIDE_EFFECTS occurs when we cross epsilon
- * edges associated with parentheses, backreferencing, etc.
- */
- {
- struct rx_distinct_future * df =
- (struct rx_distinct_future *)search_state.ifr->data_2;
- struct rx_se_list * el = df->effects;
- /* Side effects come in lists. This walks down
- * a list, dispatching.
- */
- while (el)
- {
- long effect;
- effect = (long)el->car;
- if (effect < 0)
- {
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG_0
- if (rx_debug_trace)
- {
- struct rx_superset * setp = search_state.super->contents;
- fprintf (stderr, "....%d %d>> %s\n", search_state.line_no,
- search_state.backtrack_depth,
- efnames[-effect]);
- }
- switch ((enum re_side_effects) effect)
- {
- case re_se_pushback:
- search_state.ifr = &df->future_frame;
- if (!search_state.ifr->data)
- {
- struct rx_superstate * sup;
- sup = search_state.super;
- rx_lock_superstate (rx, sup);
- if (!rx_handle_cache_miss (&rxb->rx,
- search_state.super,
- search_state.c,
- (search_state.ifr
- ->data_2)))
- {
- rx_unlock_superstate (rx, sup);
- search_state.test_ret = rx_test_internal_error;
- goto test_do_return;
- }
- rx_unlock_superstate (rx, sup);
- }
- /* --search_state.test_pos.pos; */
- search_state.c = 't';
- search_state.super
- = ((struct rx_superstate *)
- ((char *)search_state.ifr->data
- - (long)(((struct rx_superstate *)0)
- ->transitions)));
- goto top_of_cycle;
- break;
- case re_se_push0:
- {
- struct rx_counter_frame * old_cf
- = (search_state.counter_stack
- ? ((struct rx_counter_frame *)
- search_state.counter_stack->sp)
- : 0);
- struct rx_counter_frame * cf;
- PUSH (search_state.counter_stack,
- sizeof (struct rx_counter_frame));
- cf = ((struct rx_counter_frame *)
- search_state.counter_stack->sp);
- cf->tag = re_se_iter;
- cf->val = 0;
- cf->inherited_from = 0;
- cf->cdr = old_cf;
- break;
- }
- case re_se_fail:
- goto test_do_return;
- case re_se_begbuf:
- if (!AT_STRINGS_BEG ())
- goto test_do_return;
- break;
- case re_se_endbuf:
- if (!AT_STRINGS_END ())
- goto test_do_return;
- break;
- case re_se_wordbeg:
- if ( LETTER_P (&search_state.test_pos, 1)
- || !LETTER_P (&search_state.test_pos, 0)))
- break;
- else
- goto test_do_return;
- case re_se_wordend:
- if ( !AT_STRINGS_BEG ()
- && LETTER_P (&search_state.test_pos, 0)
- || !LETTER_P (&search_state.test_pos, 1)))
- break;
- else
- goto test_do_return;
- case re_se_wordbound:
- if (AT_WORD_BOUNDARY (&search_state.test_pos))
- break;
- else
- goto test_do_return;
- case re_se_notwordbound:
- if (!AT_WORD_BOUNDARY (&search_state.test_pos))
- break;
- else
- goto test_do_return;
- case re_se_hat:
- if (AT_STRINGS_BEG ())
- {
- if (rxb->not_bol)
- goto test_do_return;
- else
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- char pos_c = *search_state.test_pos.pos;
- if ( (SRCH_TRANSLATE (pos_c)
- == SRCH_TRANSLATE('\n'))
- && rxb->newline_anchor)
- break;
- else
- goto test_do_return;
- }
- case re_se_dollar:
- if (AT_STRINGS_END ())
- {
- if (rxb->not_eol)
- goto test_do_return;
- else
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ( ( SRCH_TRANSLATE (fetch_char
- (&search_state.test_pos, 1,
- app_closure, stop))
- == SRCH_TRANSLATE ('\n'))
- && rxb->newline_anchor)
- break;
- else
- goto test_do_return;
- }
- case re_se_try:
- /* This is the first side effect in every
- * expression.
- *
- * FOR NO GOOD REASON...get rid of it...
- */
- break;
- case re_se_pushpos:
- {
- int urhere =
- ((int)(search_state.test_pos.pos
- - search_state.test_pos.string)
- + search_state.test_pos.offset);
- struct rx_counter_frame * old_cf
- = (search_state.counter_stack
- ? ((struct rx_counter_frame *)
- search_state.counter_stack->sp)
- : 0);
- struct rx_counter_frame * cf;
- PUSH(search_state.counter_stack,
- sizeof (struct rx_counter_frame));
- cf = ((struct rx_counter_frame *)
- search_state.counter_stack->sp);
- cf->tag = re_se_pushpos;
- cf->val = urhere;
- cf->inherited_from = 0;
- cf->cdr = old_cf;
- break;
- }
- case re_se_chkpos:
- {
- int urhere =
- ((int)(search_state.test_pos.pos
- - search_state.test_pos.string)
- + search_state.test_pos.offset);
- struct rx_counter_frame * cf
- = ((struct rx_counter_frame *)
- search_state.counter_stack->sp);
- if (cf->val == urhere)
- goto test_do_return;
- cf->val = urhere;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case re_se_poppos:
- POP(search_state.counter_stack,
- sizeof (struct rx_counter_frame));
- break;
- case re_se_at_dot:
- case re_se_syntax:
- case re_se_not_syntax:
-#ifdef emacs
- /*
- * this release lacks emacs support
- */
- break;
- case re_se_win:
- case re_se_lparen:
- case re_se_rparen:
- case re_se_backref:
- case re_se_iter:
- case re_se_end_iter:
- case re_se_tv:
- case re_floogle_flap:
- search_state.ret_val = 0;
- goto test_do_return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG_0
- if (rx_debug_trace)
- fprintf (stderr, "....%d %d>> %s %d %d\n", search_state.line_no,
- search_state.backtrack_depth,
- efnames2[rxb->se_params [effect].se],
- rxb->se_params [effect].op1,
- rxb->se_params [effect].op2);
- switch (rxb->se_params [effect].se)
- {
- case re_se_win:
- /* This side effect indicates that we've
- * found a match, though not necessarily the
- * best match. This is a fancy assignment to
- * register 0 unless the caller didn't
- * care about registers. In which case,
- * this stops the match.
- */
- {
- int urhere =
- ((int)(search_state.test_pos.pos
- - search_state.test_pos.string)
- + search_state.test_pos.offset);
- if ( (search_state.best_last_r < 0)
- || (urhere + 1 > search_state.best_rparen[0]))
- {
- /* Record the best known and keep
- * looking.
- */
- int x;
- for (x = 0; x <= search_state.last_l; ++x)
- search_state.best_lparen[x] = search_state.lparen[x];
- search_state.best_last_l = search_state.last_l;
- for (x = 0; x <= search_state.last_r; ++x)
- search_state.best_rparen[x] = search_state.rparen[x];
- search_state.best_rparen[0] = urhere + 1;
- search_state.best_last_r = search_state.last_r;
- }
- /* If we're not reporting the match-length
- * or other register info, we need look no
- * further.
- */
- if (search_state.first_found)
- {
- search_state.test_ret = rx_test_found_first;
- goto test_do_return;
- }
- }
- break;
- case re_se_lparen:
- {
- int urhere =
- ((int)(search_state.test_pos.pos
- - search_state.test_pos.string)
- + search_state.test_pos.offset);
- int reg = rxb->se_params [effect].op1;
-#if 0
- if (reg > search_state.last_l)
- {
- search_state.lparen[reg] = urhere + 1;
- /* In addition to making this assignment,
- * we now know that lower numbered regs
- * that haven't already been assigned,
- * won't be. We make sure they're
- * filled with -1, so they can be
- * recognized as unassigned.
- */
- if (search_state.last_l < reg)
- while (++search_state.last_l < reg)
- search_state.lparen[search_state.last_l] = -1;
- }
- break;
- }
- case re_se_rparen:
- {
- int urhere =
- ((int)(search_state.test_pos.pos
- - search_state.test_pos.string)
- + search_state.test_pos.offset);
- int reg = rxb->se_params [effect].op1;
- search_state.rparen[reg] = urhere + 1;
- if (search_state.last_r < reg)
- {
- while (++search_state.last_r < reg)
- search_state.rparen[search_state.last_r]
- = -1;
- }
- break;
- }
- case re_se_backref:
- {
- int reg = rxb->se_params [effect].op1;
- if ( reg > search_state.last_r
- || search_state.rparen[reg] < 0)
- goto test_do_return;
- {
- int backref_status;
- check_backreference:
- backref_status
- = back_check (&search_state.test_pos,
- search_state.lparen[reg],
- search_state.rparen[reg],
- search_state.translate,
- app_closure,
- stop);
- switch (backref_status)
- {
- case rx_back_check_continuation:
- search_state.saved_reg = reg;
- test_pc = rx_test_backreference_check;
- goto test_return_continuation;
- resume_continuation_2:
- reg = search_state.saved_reg;
- goto check_backreference;
- case rx_back_check_fail:
- /* Fail */
- goto test_do_return;
- case rx_back_check_pass:
- /* pass --
- * test_pos now advanced to last
- * char matched by backref
- */
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case re_se_iter:
- {
- struct rx_counter_frame * csp
- = ((struct rx_counter_frame *)
- search_state.counter_stack->sp);
- if (csp->val == rxb->se_params[effect].op2)
- goto test_do_return;
- else
- ++csp->val;
- break;
- }
- case re_se_end_iter:
- {
- struct rx_counter_frame * csp
- = ((struct rx_counter_frame *)
- search_state.counter_stack->sp);
- if (csp->val < rxb->se_params[effect].op1)
- goto test_do_return;
- else
- {
- struct rx_counter_frame * source = csp;
- while (source->inherited_from)
- source = source->inherited_from;
- if (!source || !source->cdr)
- {
- POP(search_state.counter_stack,
- sizeof(struct rx_counter_frame));
- }
- else
- {
- source = source->cdr;
- csp->val = source->val;
- csp->tag = source->tag;
- csp->cdr = 0;
- csp->inherited_from = source;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case re_se_tv:
- /* is a noop */
- break;
- case re_se_try:
- case re_se_pushback:
- case re_se_push0:
- case re_se_pushpos:
- case re_se_chkpos:
- case re_se_poppos:
- case re_se_at_dot:
- case re_se_syntax:
- case re_se_not_syntax:
- case re_se_begbuf:
- case re_se_hat:
- case re_se_wordbeg:
- case re_se_wordbound:
- case re_se_notwordbound:
- case re_se_wordend:
- case re_se_endbuf:
- case re_se_dollar:
- case re_se_fail:
- case re_floogle_flap:
- search_state.ret_val = 0;
- goto test_do_return;
- }
- }
- el = el->cdr;
- }
- /* Now the side effects are done,
- * so get the next instruction.
- * and move on.
- */
- search_state.ifr = &df->future_frame;
- goto restart;
- }
- case rx_backtrack_point:
- {
- /* A backtrack point indicates that we've reached a
- * non-determinism in the superstate NFA. This is a
- * loop that exhaustively searches the possibilities.
- *
- * A backtracking strategy is used. We keep track of what
- * registers are valid so we can erase side effects.
- *
- * First, make sure there is some stack space to hold
- * our state.
- */
- struct rx_backtrack_frame * bf;
- PUSH(search_state.backtrack_stack,
- search_state.backtrack_frame_bytes);
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG_0
- ++search_state.backtrack_depth;
- bf = ((struct rx_backtrack_frame *)
- search_state.backtrack_stack->sp);
- {
- bf->stk_super = search_state.super;
- /* We prevent the current superstate from being
- * deleted from the superstate cache.
- */
- rx_lock_superstate (&rxb->rx, search_state.super);
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG_0
- bf->stk_search_state.line_no = search_state.line_no;
- bf->stk_c = search_state.c;
- bf->stk_test_pos = search_state.test_pos;
- bf->stk_last_l = search_state.last_l;
- bf->stk_last_r = search_state.last_r;
- bf->df = ((struct rx_super_edge *)
- search_state.ifr->data_2)->options;
- bf->first_df = bf->df;
- bf->counter_stack_sp = (search_state.counter_stack
- ? search_state.counter_stack->sp
- : 0);
- bf->stk_test_ret = search_state.test_ret;
- if (rxb->match_regs_on_stack)
- {
- int x;
- regoff_t * stk =
- (regoff_t *)((char *)bf + sizeof (*bf));
- for (x = 0; x <= search_state.last_l; ++x)
- stk[x] = search_state.lparen[x];
- stk += x;
- for (x = 0; x <= search_state.last_r; ++x)
- stk[x] = search_state.rparen[x];
- }
- }
- /* Here is a while loop whose body is mainly a function
- * call and some code to handle a return from that
- * function.
- *
- * From here on for the rest of `case backtrack_point' it
- * is unsafe to assume that the search_state copies of
- * variables saved on the backtracking stack are valid
- * -- so read their values from the backtracking stack.
- *
- * This lets us use one generation fewer stack saves in
- * the call-graph of a search.
- */
- while_non_det_options:
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG_0
- ++search_state.lines_found;
- if (rx_debug_trace)
- fprintf (stderr, "@@@ %d calls %d @@@\n",
- search_state.line_no, search_state.lines_found);
- search_state.line_no = search_state.lines_found;
- if (bf->df->next_same_super_edge[0] == bf->first_df)
- {
- /* This is a tail-call optimization -- we don't recurse
- * for the last of the possible futures.
- */
- search_state.ifr = (bf->df->effects
- ? &bf->df->side_effects_frame
- : &bf->df->future_frame);
- rx_unlock_superstate (&rxb->rx, search_state.super);
- POP(search_state.backtrack_stack,
- search_state.backtrack_frame_bytes);
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG
- --search_state.backtrack_depth;
- goto restart;
- }
- else
- {
- if (search_state.counter_stack)
- {
- struct rx_counter_frame * old_cf
- = ((struct rx_counter_frame *)search_state.counter_stack->sp);
- struct rx_counter_frame * cf;
- PUSH(search_state.counter_stack, sizeof (struct rx_counter_frame));
- cf = ((struct rx_counter_frame *)search_state.counter_stack->sp);
- cf->tag = old_cf->tag;
- cf->val = old_cf->val;
- cf->inherited_from = old_cf;
- cf->cdr = 0;
- }
- /* `Call' this test-match block */
- search_state.ifr = (bf->df->effects
- ? &bf->df->side_effects_frame
- : &bf->df->future_frame);
- goto recurse_test_match;
- }
- /* Returns in this block are accomplished by
- * goto test_do_return. There are two cases.
- * If there is some search-stack left,
- * then it is a return from a `recursive' call.
- * If there is no search-stack left, then
- * we should return to the fastmap/search loop.
- */
- test_do_return:
- if (!search_state.backtrack_stack)
- {
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG_0
- if (rx_debug_trace)
- fprintf (stderr, "!!! %d bails returning %d !!!\n",
- search_state.line_no, search_state.test_ret);
- /* No more search-stack -- this test is done. */
- if (search_state.test_ret != rx_test_internal_error)
- goto return_from_test_match;
- else
- goto error_in_testing_match;
- }
- /* Returning from a recursive call to
- * the test match block:
- */
- bf = ((struct rx_backtrack_frame *)
- search_state.backtrack_stack->sp);
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG_0
- if (rx_debug_trace)
- fprintf (stderr, "+++ %d returns %d (to %d)+++\n",
- search_state.line_no,
- search_state.test_ret,
- bf->stk_search_state.line_no);
- while (search_state.counter_stack
- && (!bf->counter_stack_sp
- || (bf->counter_stack_sp
- != search_state.counter_stack->sp)))
- {
- POP(search_state.counter_stack,
- sizeof (struct rx_counter_frame));
- }
- if (search_state.test_ret == rx_test_internal_error)
- {
- POP (search_state.backtrack_stack,
- search_state.backtrack_frame_bytes);
- search_state.test_ret = rx_test_internal_error;
- goto test_do_return;
- }
- /* If a non-longest match was found and that is good
- * enough, return immediately.
- */
- if ( (search_state.test_ret == rx_test_found_first)
- && search_state.first_found)
- {
- rx_unlock_superstate (&rxb->rx, bf->stk_super);
- POP (search_state.backtrack_stack,
- search_state.backtrack_frame_bytes);
- goto test_do_return;
- }
- search_state.test_ret = bf->stk_test_ret;
- search_state.last_l = bf->stk_last_l;
- search_state.last_r = bf->stk_last_r;
- bf->df = bf->df->next_same_super_edge[0];
- search_state.super = bf->stk_super;
- search_state.c = bf->stk_c;
-#ifdef RX_DEBUG_0
- search_state.line_no = bf->stk_search_state.line_no;
- if (rxb->match_regs_on_stack)
- {
- int x;
- regoff_t * stk =
- (regoff_t *)((char *)bf + sizeof (*bf));
- for (x = 0; x <= search_state.last_l; ++x)
- search_state.lparen[x] = stk[x];
- stk += x;
- for (x = 0; x <= search_state.last_r; ++x)
- search_state.rparen[x] = stk[x];
- }
- {
- int x;
- try_burst_2:
- x = get_burst (&bf->stk_test_pos, app_closure, stop);
- switch (x)
- {
- case rx_get_burst_continuation:
- search_state.saved_bf = bf;
- test_pc = rx_test_backtrack_return;
- goto test_return_continuation;
- resume_continuation_3:
- bf = search_state.saved_bf;
- goto try_burst_2;
- case rx_get_burst_no_more:
- /* Since we've been here before, it is some kind of
- * error that we can't return.
- */
- case rx_get_burst_error:
- search_state.test_ret = rx_test_internal_error;
- goto test_do_return;
- case rx_get_burst_ok:
- break;
- }
- }
- search_state.test_pos = bf->stk_test_pos;
- goto while_non_det_options;
- }
- case rx_cache_miss:
- /* Because the superstate NFA is lazily constructed,
- * and in fact may erode from underneath us, we sometimes
- * have to construct the next instruction from the hard way.
- * This invokes one step in the lazy-conversion.
- */
- search_state.ifr = rx_handle_cache_miss (&rxb->rx,
- search_state.super,
- search_state.c,
- search_state.ifr->data_2);
- if (!search_state.ifr)
- {
- search_state.test_ret = rx_test_internal_error;
- goto test_do_return;
- }
- goto restart;
- case rx_backtrack:
- /* RX_BACKTRACK means that we've reached the empty
- * superstate, indicating that match can't succeed
- * from this point.
- */
- goto test_do_return;
- case rx_next_char:
- case rx_error_inx:
- case rx_num_instructions:
- search_state.ret_val = 0;
- goto test_do_return;
- }
- goto pseudo_while_1;
- }
- /* Healthy exits from the test-match loop do a
- * `goto return_from_test_match' On the other hand,
- * we might end up here.
- */
- error_in_testing_match:
- test_state = rx_test_error;
- goto test_returns_to_search;
- /***** fastmap/search loop body
- * considering the results testing for a match
- */
- return_from_test_match:
- if (search_state.best_last_l >= 0)
- {
- if (regs && (regs->start != search_state.best_lparen))
- {
- bcopy (search_state.best_lparen, regs->start,
- regs->num_regs * sizeof (int));
- bcopy (search_state.best_rparen, regs->end,
- regs->num_regs * sizeof (int));
- }
- if (regs && !rxb->no_sub)
- {
- int q;
- int bound = (regs->num_regs > search_state.num_regs
- ? regs->num_regs
- : search_state.num_regs);
- regoff_t * s = regs->start;
- regoff_t * e = regs->end;
- for (q = search_state.best_last_l + 1; q < bound; ++q)
- s[q] = e[q] = -1;
- }
- search_state.ret_val = search_state.best_lparen[0];
- test_state = rx_test_ok;
- goto test_returns_to_search;
- }
- else
- {
- test_state = rx_test_fail;
- goto test_returns_to_search;
- }
- test_return_continuation:
- search_state.test_match_resume_pt = test_pc;
- test_state = rx_test_continuation;
- goto test_returns_to_search;
- }
-#endif /* RX_WANT_RX_DEFS */
-#else /* RX_WANT_SE_DEFS */
- /* Integers are used to represent side effects.
- *
- * Simple side effects are given negative integer names by these enums.
- *
- * Non-negative names are reserved for complex effects.
- *
- * Complex effects are those that take arguments. For example,
- * a register assignment associated with a group is complex because
- * it requires an argument to tell which group is being matched.
- *
- * The integer name of a complex effect is an index into rxb->se_params.
- */
- RX_DEF_SE(1, re_se_try, = -1) /* Epsilon from start state */
- RX_DEF_SE(0, re_se_pushback, = re_se_try - 1)
- RX_DEF_SE(0, re_se_push0, = re_se_pushback -1)
- RX_DEF_SE(0, re_se_pushpos, = re_se_push0 - 1)
- RX_DEF_SE(0, re_se_chkpos, = re_se_pushpos -1)
- RX_DEF_SE(0, re_se_poppos, = re_se_chkpos - 1)
- RX_DEF_SE(1, re_se_at_dot, = re_se_poppos - 1) /* Emacs only */
- RX_DEF_SE(0, re_se_syntax, = re_se_at_dot - 1) /* Emacs only */
- RX_DEF_SE(0, re_se_not_syntax, = re_se_syntax - 1) /* Emacs only */
- RX_DEF_SE(1, re_se_begbuf, = re_se_not_syntax - 1) /* match beginning of buffer */
- RX_DEF_SE(1, re_se_hat, = re_se_begbuf - 1) /* match beginning of line */
- RX_DEF_SE(1, re_se_wordbeg, = re_se_hat - 1)
- RX_DEF_SE(1, re_se_wordbound, = re_se_wordbeg - 1)
- RX_DEF_SE(1, re_se_notwordbound, = re_se_wordbound - 1)
- RX_DEF_SE(1, re_se_wordend, = re_se_notwordbound - 1)
- RX_DEF_SE(1, re_se_endbuf, = re_se_wordend - 1)
- /* This fails except at the end of a line.
- * It deserves to go here since it is typicly one of the last steps
- * in a match.
- */
- RX_DEF_SE(1, re_se_dollar, = re_se_endbuf - 1)
- /* Simple effects: */
- RX_DEF_SE(1, re_se_fail, = re_se_dollar - 1)
- /* Complex effects. These are used in the 'se' field of
- * a struct re_se_params. Indexes into the se array
- * are stored as instructions on nfa edges.
- */
- RX_DEF_CPLX_SE(1, re_se_win, = 0)
- RX_DEF_CPLX_SE(1, re_se_lparen, = re_se_win + 1)
- RX_DEF_CPLX_SE(1, re_se_rparen, = re_se_lparen + 1)
- RX_DEF_CPLX_SE(0, re_se_backref, = re_se_rparen + 1)
- RX_DEF_CPLX_SE(0, re_se_iter, = re_se_backref + 1)
- RX_DEF_CPLX_SE(0, re_se_end_iter, = re_se_iter + 1)
- RX_DEF_CPLX_SE(0, re_se_tv, = re_se_end_iter + 1)
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ChangeLog b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index fc08f0d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
-Tue Jun 18 18:36:58 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * Version 2.7.2.
-Mon Jun 17 13:57:24 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * std/bastring.h (class basic_string::remove): Add casts.
-Wed Apr 24 10:43:07 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * (newi.o,cstringi.o,stddefi.o,cstdlibi.o,cmathi.o): Add
- rules for SunOS VPATH.
-Mon Apr 8 15:20:32 1996 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Permit --enable-shared to specify a list of
- directories.
-Thu Mar 7 07:29:00 1996 Lee Iverson <leei@Canada.AI.SRI.COM>
- * (install): Restore deleted chdir to stl subdir.
-Tue Feb 20 18:29:30 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * (CXXFLAGS): Remove -pedantic -ansi.
- (CFLAGS): Ditto.
-Wed Feb 14 14:39:07 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/ (check_realloc): Fix for sizeof (charT) > 1.
- From John Hickin <>.
-Wed Jan 10 11:05:04 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/bastring.h (insert): Fix iterator handling.
- From Joe Buck <>.
-Mon Jan 8 11:48:03 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/bastring.h (max_size): Fix for sizeof (charT) > 1.
- * std/ (replace): Use it.
- * std/ (rfind): Fix for n > length ().
-Tue Dec 19 15:13:08 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/ (SHFLAGS): Add -Wl,-unix.
-Mon Dec 18 12:48:25 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * (exceptioni.o): Compile with -fhandle-exceptions, so
- we can unwind through unexpected on machines that don't have a
- working __unwind_function.
-Sun Dec 17 00:28:31 1995 Jeffrey A Law (
- * (install): Make sure shared libraries
- are installed with mode 555.
-Mon Nov 27 15:01:56 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (install): Make shared library links relative.
- (install): Break up -sf into -s -f.
- ({M,}SHLINK): Ditto.
-Sun Nov 26 22:48:06 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * queue: Include <stack.h> instead of <queue.h>.
-Sat Nov 25 11:33:13 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * (install): Fix setting of rootme.
-Tue Nov 21 14:20:34 1995 Ian Lance Taylor <>
- * Check ${with_cross_host} rather than comparing
- ${host} and ${target}.
-Tue Nov 14 01:50:52 1995 Doug Evans <>
- (LIBIBERTY_DIR): Likewise.
- * Delete call to Call
- instead of
- ( Call instead of
-Sun Nov 12 16:44:25 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (VERSION): Set to 2.7.1.
-Thu Nov 9 17:39:28 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/{aix,dec-osf,irix5,linux,sol2shm}.ml: Remove LDLIBS defn;
- no longer needed now that make check sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
-Wed Nov 8 19:46:35 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * std/bastring.h: Wrap with #ifndef/#define/#endif.
- * std/cassert.h: Likewise.
- * std/cinst.h: Likewise.
- * std/complext.h: Likewise.
- * std/dcomplex.h: Likewise.
- * std/fcomplex.h: Likewise.
- * std/ldcomplex.h: Likewise.
- * std/sinst.h: Likewise.
-Wed Nov 8 16:15:48 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/ (getline): Update to September 95 WP. Now we
- don't set failbit when reading an empty line.
-Tue Nov 7 16:09:04 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/ (new): Fix for sizeof (charT) != 1.
-Sat Nov 4 17:37:16 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/ (operator / (FLOAT, const complex<FLOAT>&)):
- Reimplement along the lines of the other operator / templates.
- From John Eaton <>.
-Sat Nov 4 13:33:50 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * (DISTCLEAN): New, to add target-mkfrag.
-Tue Oct 31 13:59:32 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/bastring.h: Use size_t for the reference count.
- * std/ (create): Set selfish.
- From Joe Buck (
-Mon Oct 30 23:09:48 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * Don't bother changing LIBIBERTY for cross,
- now that we are using target-libiberty instead.
- * (LIBIBERTY_DIR): Simplify.
- (LIBIBERTY): Remove.
-Wed Oct 11 14:56:49 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * config/ New files with -rpath.
- * configure (*-*-solaris*): Use
-Thu Sep 28 09:26:52 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/straits.h (compare, copy, move, set): Fix for non-char charT's.
- * std/bastring.h (basic_string::remove): Fix for non-char charT's.
-Tue Sep 26 15:22:56 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/ Pass -rpath to links.
-Fri Sep 15 00:17:47 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/ Conform to Linux shared library numbering
- scheme.
- * Ditto.
-Tue Sep 12 00:28:56 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * (__pointer_type_info::__rtti_match): Moved from
- the headerfile, include all sorts of pointer conversions from 15.3
- para 2.
- * std/typeinfo.h (__pointer_type_info::__rtti_match): Moved from here.
-Mon Sep 11 23:27:59 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * std/typeinfo.h (__pointer_type_info::__rtti_match): We no longer
- have to dereference the object pointer, as the pointer is always
- passed directly.
-Mon Sep 11 19:29:51 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * std/typeinfo.h (__pointer_type_info::__rtti_match): Define so
- that pointer conversions can happen on catch type matching.
- * (__throw_type_match_rtti): Arrange for __rtti_match
- to be used on pointers.
-Tue Sep 5 14:49:19 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * string.h: Remove for now.
-Thu Aug 31 14:14:01 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/ (operator>>): Simplify and fix.
- (resize): Fix order of arguments to append.
- (getline): Simplify and fix.
-Thu Aug 24 17:44:09 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/cstdlib.h (abs): Provide default implementation for peons
- without labs.
-Tue Aug 22 08:43:07 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/cstdlib.h: Comment out definition of div(long,long) for now,
- since not all targets have ldiv.
-Mon Aug 21 11:46:03 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/cmath.h: Wrap abs(double) with #if ! _G_MATH_H_INLINES.
- * stl.h: Add, for compatibility with ObjectSpace STL.
- * std/ (operator /): Use abs instead of fabs.
- * std/bastring.h (replace): Update single-character replace method
- as per my proposal.
- * std/cmath.h: Add abs(float), abs(double) and abs(long double).
- Add commented-out declarations for other float and long double
- math functions.
- * std/cstdlib.h: Add abs(long) and div(long,long).
- * (install): Make shared library executable and
- non-writable. Tidy.
- (OBJS): Add cstdlibi.o and cmathi.o.
- * Rename implementation files to have different basenames.
-Mon Aug 21 00:57:03 1995 Jeffrey A. Law <>
- * (install): Use "cd stl"; no need for $(srcdir)
- prefix because we're already in $(srcdir).
-Tue Jul 25 18:41:29 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * std/stddef.h: Remove obsolete definition of enum capacity.
-Sat Jul 22 13:37:01 1995 Doug Evans <>
- * (IO_DIR): Add multilib support.
- (libiberty.a, install): Likewise.
- * Likewise.
- (XCXXINCLUDES): Likewise.
- * stl/ Likewise.
- (XCXXINCLUDES): Likewise.
-Mon Jul 17 09:29:31 1995 Brendan Kehoe <>
- * (typeinfo.o, stdexcept.o): Put an else for the if
- stmt checking PICFLAG.
- (stmp-string, bigstmp-string, stmp-complex, bigstmp-complex): Likewise.
-Wed Jun 28 17:05:29 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/*.h: Wrap with extern "C++".
- * std/ciso646.h: Don't worry about #undefing the keywords.
-Mon Jun 26 19:05:38 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/bastring.h (operator!=): If they've included the STL
- function.h, don't overload the operator templates that it defines.
-Fri Jun 23 16:54:17 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (SHLINK): Force link.
- (install): Ditto.
- * std/bastring.h (terminate): Never reallocate.
- (alloc): No longer const.
- * std/ (create): Always allocate an extra byte.
- (check_realloc): Always leave room for an extra byte.
- (*find*): Add missing 'const'.
- * (SHARLIB): Provide a default value.
-Tue Jun 20 16:29:52 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/cstring.h: Don't bother tweaking prototypes for now. When
- we do, we will use new-style casts.
-Fri Jun 16 13:57:53 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (VERSION): Update to 2.7.0.
- * config/ Build both shared and archive libraries.
-Wed Jun 14 21:44:21 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (frags): Use for Linux/ELF.
- * config/ New file.
-Wed Jun 14 17:56:23 1995 Niclas Andersson <>
- * Use xiberty when building cross-compiler.
-Wed Jun 14 12:57:47 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/*complex*, std/cinst.h, Pass by reference to const
- rather than by value.
- * std/*complex*: Add member functions real() and imag().
-Sat Jun 10 12:14:38 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (bigstmp-string): Call main string object cstrmain.o
- instead of cstring.o.
-Wed Jun 7 11:15:15 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/cstring.h: Use #include_next to pick up <string.h>.
- * string.h: New file.
- * (MOSTLYCLEAN_JUNK): Remove piclist.
- * (MOSTLYCLEAN): Remove stamp-picdir.
-Mon Jun 5 18:36:39 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/*.ml: Build both shared and archive libraries.
- * (MOSTLYCLEAN): Remove pic.
- (frags): Use toplevel pic frags.
- * (piclist): New rule.
- (SHLIB): Use it.
- (stl.list): Removed.
- (typeinfo.o): Also build pic version.
- (stdexcept.o): Ditto.
- (*stmp-*): Ditto.
-Tue May 30 12:01:14 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/{complext,{f,d,ld}complex}.h: To declare specializations,
- use friend declarations in the class body...
- * std/cinst.h: ...rather than macro hackery.
- * (stdlist): Renamed from list.
- * cstdarg: Don't define __CSTDARG__.
- * complex.h: Similarly.
-Tue May 9 19:31:20 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/ (operator>>): Use an int to store the return value
- of streambuf::sbumpc.
- (getline): Ditto.
- * std/bastring.* (replace): Reverse size_t and charT arguments.
- * (enable_shared): Support enable_shared under AIX.
- * (SHARLIB): New variable and rule for building an
- archive library containing a single shared object (for AIX).
-Mon May 8 01:43:19 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/bastring.h (remove): Forgot one.
- (empty): And this.
- Disable copy-on-write if someone takes an iterator.
- * std/ (getline): Avoid resizing down if unnecessary.
- (operator>>): Don't use private methods.
-Sun May 7 02:39:56 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/bastring.h (insert, replace): Fix.
- * std/ (find_*_of): Fix.
-Fri May 5 01:45:10 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/bastring.h: Add iterator remove fn. Remove evil default
- arguments.
- * std/*complex*, std/cinst.h, s/__complex/complex/g.
- complex<float> is now specialized. Lose _*_complex in favor of
- 'explicit' constructors.
- * std/complex.h: Lose typedef of complex.
- * std/fcomplex.h: New file.
- * std/ (operator<<): Accept more input forms.
- * std/bastring.h: Add iterator insert fns.
-Thu May 4 02:30:04 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/bastring.*: Update to current draft.
- * std/bastring.*: Reorganize so that the pointer in a string
- object points to the data rather than the bsrep object, for
- debugging.
-Tue Apr 25 17:15:09 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * Update to stay in sync with config.shared.
-Mon Apr 24 13:08:46 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/complext.h: Declare hypot. Declare appropriate functions const.
-Wed Apr 12 15:26:25 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (typeinfo.o): Don't use $<.
- (stdexcept.o): Ditto.
-Sat Apr 8 15:35:00 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * std/typeinfo.h: Move bad_cast, bad_typeid and __bad_cast_object
- from here to stdexcept.
- * std/stdexcept.h: Ditto.
- * (stdexcept.o): Added rule to build typeinfo.o with
- -frtti to support matching of thrown objects with rtti info for
- bad_cast.
-Mon Apr 3 18:13:14 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * typeinfo: New file.
- * (HEADERS): Add typeinfo.
-Mon Apr 3 15:06:58 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * (typeinfo.o): Added rule to build typeinfo.o with
- -frtti to support matching of thrown objects with rtti info for
- bad_cast.
-Wed Mar 29 15:56:06 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * (__throw_type_match_rtti): Added to support
- matching of thrown objects with rtti info.
-Thu Mar 23 18:42:30 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (HEADERS): Add stdexcept.
-Sun Mar 12 01:25:27 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/typeinfo.h: Add return statements to dummy methods.
-Wed Mar 8 16:09:50 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * config/ Use -rpath flag.
-Fri Feb 17 18:16:46 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/typeinfo.h: Add copyright header.
- * (CXXFLAGS): Add a bunch of warning options to keep
- me honest.
-Thu Feb 16 00:04:49 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- *, config/*.ml: Generate shared library on most hosts
- as$(VERSION), with a symlink to, so that
- multiple versions can coexist.
-Fri Feb 10 02:59:39 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/exception.h: {set_,}{terminate,unexpected} have C++ linkage.
- * Allow string and complex to be split up either by
- individual function or into I/O and non-I/O. Default to the
- latter.
-Wed Feb 8 02:39:47 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/bastring.h: Start thinking about throwing exceptions.
- * Remove private functions; defining them to call
- abort () just delays errors until runtime. Define
- __bad_cast_object.
- * std/exception.h: Standard exceptions are now defined in
- stdexcept.h. This header now contains declarations of terminate()
- et al.
- * Move code from libg++/src/except.c here.
- * std/typeinfo.h: Define RTTI-related exceptions here.
- * stdexcept{,.cc},std/stdexcept.h: New files.
-Mon Feb 6 18:51:31 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (HEADERS): Resurrect, add new STL header names.
- (install): Install extensionless headers again.
- * extensionless headers: Resurrect, add new STL headers.
- Currently only forward to std/whatever or stl/whatever.
-Mon Jan 30 13:53:22 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/bastring.h (basic_string (charT, size_t)): Mark explicit.
- * (install): Set rootme when installing stl headers.
- Only install *.* from std.
-Wed Jan 25 02:29:30 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * std/bastring.h (operator=): grab before releasing.
-Mon Jan 23 19:54:02 1995 Ronald F. Guilmette <>
- * (install): Also install STL headers.
-Mon Jan 23 04:09:35 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (list): Set $rootme before calling make.
-Wed Jan 11 19:24:47 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (__rtti_match): Don't try to do pointer arithmetic
- with a void *.
- * move all headers into std subdirectory and update files accordingly.
-Thu Jan 5 01:51:49 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * bastring.ccI (basic_string (size_t, capacity)): s/reserve/::reserve/.
-Wed Jan 4 17:27:32 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * exception: s/string/__string/g.
- * (MOSTLYCLEAN): Add so_locations.
- * bastring.ccI (basic_string (size_t, capacity)): Fix thinko.
- (various find functions): Ditto.
-Fri Dec 30 18:04:00 1994 Mike Stump <>
- * typeinfo.h: Add support for the built-in type bool.
-Fri Dec 30 14:57:02 1994 Mike Stump <>
- * typeinfo.{cc, h}: Guard against multiple inclusions, and add #p i/i.
-Fri Dec 2 17:56:05 1994 Mike Stump <>
- * libg++ 2.6.2 released.
- * typeinfo.{cc, h} (__rtti_match): Change interface to compiler
- for dynamic_casting to gear up for exception handling's use of
- rtti for argument matching.
-Tue Nov 29 16:49:32 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * (configdirs): Add stl.
- * Build stl, and merge .o files from it.
-Thu Nov 17 15:30:57 1994 Jason Merrill <>
- * bastring.hI: Add iterator, const_iterator, begin() and end() to
- basic_string.
-Mon Nov 7 16:50:33 1994 Jason Merrill <>
- *,, config/*.ml, tests/,
- tests/ Various changes to handle --enable-shared.
-Fri Nov 4 19:13:33 1994 Mike Stump (
- * exception{,.cc}: Added to support catching bad_cast's.
-Thu Nov 3 17:42:13 1994 Mike Stump (
- * typeinfo.h (type_info::{name, before}): Add to match draft.
-Thu Nov 3 00:56:34 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * (LIBIBERTY_OBJS): Add strerror.o.
-Mon Oct 31 15:33:06 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * Fix a bug in the final return.
- * Fix the ANSI header version number.
- * typeinfo.h: ditto.
-Fri Oct 28 14:23:12 1994 Mike Stump <>
- * type_info.{cc,h}: Rename to typeinfo to better match current draft.
-Wed Oct 26 11:13:53 1994 Kung Hsu (
- * type_info.h: new header file for rtti.
- * new code file for rtti.
- * change to include type_info.o in libstdc++ for rtti.
-Sat Oct 15 16:09:51 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * libg++ 2.6.1 released.
- * cinst.hI: Also declare instantiations of out-of-line functions.
-Fri Oct 14 15:00:09 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * (CXXINCLUDES): Use {} to wrap variable name.
- * tests/ (CXXINCLUDES): Ditto.
- * cinst.hI: Declare instantiations of two-argument functions so
- overload resolution will work.
- * complext.hI: Always include cinst.hI.
- * bastring.ccI (operator>>): Tweak.
-Tue Oct 11 17:07:49 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * stddef*: Do the #pragma i/i thang.
- * bastring.hI (basic_string::put_at): Use operator[].
- (basic_string::terminate): Don't necessarily copy the rep.
- * bastring.ccI (operator>>): Avoid shrinking and then re-expanding
- the string.
- * bastring.*I, Only allow allocation policy control if
- _G_ALLOC_CONTROL is defined.
- * (libstdc++.a): Depend on iostream.list and libiberty.a.
- (../libio/iostream.list): New rule.
- (../libiberty/libiberty.a): New rule.
- (OBJS): Add stddef.o.
-Sat Oct 8 23:59:45 1994 Jason Merrill (
- * *: First checkin.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
deleted file mode 100644
index a4bdc4f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation
-# This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-# software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-# the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-VERSION = 2.7.2
-OBJS = newi.o cstringi.o stddefi.o typeinfoi.o exceptioni.o stdexcepti.o \
- cstdlibi.o cmathi.o
-SUBLIBS = $(STAMP)-string $(STAMP)-complex
-# C++ headers with no extension
-HEADERS= cassert cctype cerrno cfloat ciso646 climits clocale cmath complex \
- csetjmp csignal cstdarg cstddef cstdio cstdlib cstring ctime \
- cwchar cwctype new stddef string exception stdexcept typeinfo \
- algorithm deque list map queue set stack vector utility functional \
- iterator memory numeric
-ARLIB = libstdc++.a
-SHARLIB = libstdc++-sh.a
-MSHLINK = foo
-STAMP = bigstmp
-#### package, host, target, and site dependent Makefile fragments come in here.
-IO_DIR = ../libio
-LIBIBERTY_DIR = ../libiberty
-LIBIBERTY_OBJS = `cat $(LIBIBERTY_DIR)/needed-list` strerror.o
-tooldir = $(exec_prefix)/$(target)
-INSTALLDIR = $(libdir)
-MOSTLYCLEAN_JUNK = *stmp-* tlib*.a *.s *.ii stdlist piclist
-# Remove these for public releases.
-CXXFLAGS = -g -O3 -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wnested-externs -Woverloaded-virtual -Wbad-function-cast -Winline
-CFLAGS = -g -O3 -Wpointer-arith -Wnested-externs
-.PHONY: libs
-libs: $(LIBS)
-stdlist: $(IO_DIR)/iostream.list $(OBJS) $(SUBLIBS) $(LIBIBERTY_DIR)/libiberty.a
- -rm -f tlist
- touch tlist
- echo *.o >> tlist
- for f in `cat $(IO_DIR)/iostream.list` ; do \
- echo "$(IO_DIR)/$$f" >> tlist ; \
- done
- for f in $(LIBIBERTY_OBJS) ; do \
- echo "$(LIBIBERTY_DIR)/$$f" >> tlist ; \
- done
- mv tlist stdlist
-piclist: stdlist stl/stl.list
- -rm -f tlist
- cp stdlist tlist
- sed 's,\([A-Za-z_]*\.o\),stl/\1,g' stl/stl.list >> tlist
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- sed 's,\([A-Za-z_]*\.o\),pic/\1,g' tlist > tlist2 ; \
- mv tlist2 tlist ; \
- else true ; fi
- mv tlist piclist
-$(ARLIB): stdlist stl/stl.list
- -rm -f t$(ARLIB)
- $(AR) $(AR_FLAGS) t$(ARLIB) `cat stdlist`
- cd stl; $(AR) $(AR_FLAGS) ../t$(ARLIB) `cat stl.list`
- mv t$(ARLIB) $(ARLIB)
-$(SHLIB): piclist
- $(CXX) $(SHFLAGS) -shared -o $(SHLIB) `cat piclist` $(SHDEPS)
- -rm -f t$(SHARLIB)
- ln -s -f $(SHLIB) $(SHLINK)
- ln -s -f $(SHLIB) $(MSHLINK)
-$(IO_DIR)/iostream.list: force
- cd $(IO_DIR) ; $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) iostream.list
-stl/stl.list: force
- @rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme; cd stl ; \
- $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) stl.list
-typeinfoi.o: ${srcdir}/ ${srcdir}/std/typeinfo.h
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) ${srcdir}/ -frtti -o pic/typeinfoi.o; \
- else true ; fi
- $( ${srcdir}/ -frtti
-stdexcepti.o: ${srcdir}/ ${srcdir}/std/stdexcept.h
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) ${srcdir}/ -frtti -o pic/stdexcepti.o; \
- else true ; fi
- $( ${srcdir}/ -frtti
-exceptioni.o: ${srcdir}/
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) ${srcdir}/ -O0 -fhandle-exceptions -frtti -o pic/exceptioni.o; \
- else true ; fi
- $( ${srcdir}/ -O0 -fhandle-exceptions -frtti
-# These are here for SunOS VPATH.
-# Later do wide strings, too.
-stmp-string: ${srcdir}/ ${srcdir}/std/bastring.h \
- ${srcdir}/std/ ${srcdir}/std/straits.h
- for name in $(STRFUNCS) $(STRIO); do \
- echo c$${name}; \
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) -DC -D$${name} ${srcdir}/ \
- -o pic/c$${name}.o; \
- else true ; fi; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then true; else exit 1; fi; \
- $( -DC -D$${name} ${srcdir}/ -o c$${name}.o; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then true; else exit 1; fi; \
- done
- touch stmp-string
-bigstmp-string: ${srcdir}/ ${srcdir}/std/bastring.h \
- ${srcdir}/std/ ${srcdir}/std/straits.h
- echo cstring
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) -DC \
- `for N in $(STRFUNCS); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o pic/cstrmain.o; \
- else true ; fi
- $( -DC `for N in $(STRFUNCS); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o cstrmain.o
- echo cstrio
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) -DC \
- `for N in $(STRIO); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o pic/cstrio.o; \
- else true ; fi
- $( -DC `for N in $(STRIO); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o cstrio.o
- touch bigstmp-string
-stmp-complex: ${srcdir}/ ${srcdir}/std/complext.h \
- ${srcdir}/std/ ${srcdir}/std/dcomplex.h \
- ${srcdir}/std/ldcomplex.h
- for N in $(COMFUNCS) $(COMIO); do \
- echo f$${N}; \
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) -DF -D$${N} $(srcdir)/ \
- -o pic/f$${N}.o; \
- else true ; fi; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then true; else exit 1; fi; \
- $( -DF -D$${N} ${srcdir}/ -o f$${N}.o; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then true; else exit 1; fi; \
- echo d$${N}; \
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) -DD -D$${N} $(srcdir)/ \
- -o pic/d$${N}.o; \
- else true ; fi; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then true; else exit 1; fi; \
- $( -DD -D$${N} ${srcdir}/ -o d$${N}.o; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then true; else exit 1; fi; \
- echo ld$${N}; \
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) -DLD -D$${N} $(srcdir)/ \
- -o pic/ld$${N}.o; \
- else true ; fi; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then true; else exit 1; fi; \
- $( -DLD -D$${N} ${srcdir}/ -o ld$${N}.o; \
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then true; else exit 1; fi; \
- done
- touch stmp-complex
-bigstmp-complex: ${srcdir}/ ${srcdir}/std/complext.h \
- ${srcdir}/std/ ${srcdir}/std/dcomplex.h \
- ${srcdir}/std/ldcomplex.h
- echo fcomplex
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) -DF \
- `for N in $(COMFUNCS); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o pic/fcomplex.o; \
- else true ; fi
- $( -DF `for N in $(COMFUNCS); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o fcomplex.o
- echo fcomio
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) -DF \
- `for N in $(COMIO); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o pic/fcomio.o; \
- else true ; fi
- $( -DF `for N in $(COMIO); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o fcomio.o
- echo dcomplex
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) -DD \
- `for N in $(COMFUNCS); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o pic/dcomplex.o; \
- else true ; fi
- $( -DD `for N in $(COMFUNCS); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o dcomplex.o
- echo dcomio
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) -DD \
- `for N in $(COMIO); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o pic/dcomio.o; \
- else true ; fi
- $( -DD `for N in $(COMIO); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o dcomio.o
- echo ldcomplex
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) -DLD \
- `for N in $(COMFUNCS); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o pic/ldcomplex.o; \
- else true ; fi
- $( -DLD `for N in $(COMFUNCS); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o ldcomplex.o
- echo ldcomio
- if [ -n "$(PICFLAG)" ]; then \
- $( $(PICFLAG) -DLD \
- `for N in $(COMIO); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o pic/ldcomio.o; \
- else true ; fi
- $( -DLD `for N in $(COMIO); do echo " -D$${N}"; done` \
- $(srcdir)/ -o ldcomio.o
- touch bigstmp-complex
-.PHONY: install
- rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; \
- if [ -z "$(MULTISUBDIR)" ]; then \
- cd $(srcdir); \
- for FILE in $(HEADERS) *.h std/*.*; do \
- rm -f $(gxx_includedir)/$$FILE ; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $$FILE $(gxx_includedir)/$$FILE ; \
- chmod a-x $(gxx_includedir)/$$FILE ; \
- done ; \
- cd stl; \
- for FILE in *.h; do \
- rm -f $(gxx_includedir)/$$FILE ; \
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $$FILE $(gxx_includedir)/$$FILE ; \
- chmod a-x $(gxx_includedir)/$$FILE ; \
- done ; \
- else true ; \
- fi
- rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; \
- for FILE in $(LIBS) ; do \
- if [ $$FILE = $(SHLINK) ] || [ $$FILE = $(MSHLINK) ]; then \
- elif [ $$FILE = $(SHLIB) ]; then \
- : On the HP, shared libraries must be mode 555. ;\
- chmod 555 $(INSTALLDIR)$(MULTISUBDIR)/$$FILE ; \
- else \
- chmod a-x $(INSTALLDIR)$(MULTISUBDIR)/$$FILE ; \
- fi ; \
- done
- @rootme=`pwd`/ ; export rootme ; \
- $(MULTIDO) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) multi-do DO=install
-.PHONY: force
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/algorithm b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/algorithm
deleted file mode 100644
index 472d241..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/algorithm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __ALGORITHM__
-#define __ALGORITHM__
-#include <algo.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cassert b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cassert
deleted file mode 100644
index 848087f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cassert
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CASSERT__
-#include <std/cassert.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cctype b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cctype
deleted file mode 100644
index 12d96d7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cctype
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CCTYPE__
-#include <std/cctype.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cerrno b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cerrno
deleted file mode 100644
index bbd93f7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cerrno
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CERRNO__
-#include <std/cerrno.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cfloat b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cfloat
deleted file mode 100644
index bd7497a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cfloat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CFLOAT__
-#include <std/cfloat.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
deleted file mode 100644
index 92236c4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-// Instantiation file for the -*- C++ -*- complex number classes.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-#ifdef F
-typedef float f;
-#ifdef D
-typedef double f;
-#ifdef LD
-typedef long double f;
-#if defined (MAIN) && defined (__GNUG__)
-#ifdef F
-#pragma implementation "fcomplex"
-#ifdef D
-#pragma implementation "dcomplex"
-#ifdef LD
-#pragma implementation "ldcomplex"
-#if 0
-#include <std/>
-typedef complex<f> c;
-typedef const c& ccr;
-#ifdef MAIN
-template class complex<f>;
-#ifdef ADDCC
-template c operator+ (ccr, ccr);
-#ifdef ADDCF
-template c operator+ (ccr, f);
-#ifdef ADDFC
-template c operator+ (f, ccr);
-#ifdef SUBCC
-template c operator- (ccr, ccr);
-#ifdef SUBCF
-template c operator- (ccr, f);
-#ifdef SUBFC
-template c operator- (f, ccr);
-#ifdef MULCC
-template c operator* (ccr, ccr);
-#ifdef MULCF
-template c operator* (ccr, f);
-#ifdef MULFC
-template c operator* (f, ccr);
-#ifdef DIVCC
-template c operator/ (ccr, ccr);
-#ifdef DIVCF
-template c operator/ (ccr, f);
-#ifdef DIVFC
-template c operator/ (f, ccr);
-#ifdef PLUS
-template c operator+ (ccr);
-#ifdef MINUS
-template c operator- (ccr);
-#ifdef EQCC
-template bool operator== (ccr, ccr);
-#ifdef EQCF
-template bool operator== (ccr, f);
-#ifdef EQFC
-template bool operator== (f, ccr);
-#ifdef NECC
-template bool operator!= (ccr, ccr);
-#ifdef NECF
-template bool operator!= (ccr, f);
-#ifdef NEFC
-template bool operator!= (f, ccr);
-#ifdef ABS
-template f abs (ccr);
-#ifdef ARG
-template f arg (ccr);
-#ifdef POLAR
-template c polar (f, f);
-#ifdef CONJ
-template c conj (ccr);
-#ifdef NORM
-template f norm (ccr);
-#ifdef COS
-template c cos (ccr);
-#ifdef COSH
-template c cosh (ccr);
-#ifdef EXP
-template c exp (ccr);
-#ifdef LOG
-template c log (ccr);
-#ifdef POWCC
-template c pow (ccr, ccr);
-#ifdef POWCF
-template c pow (ccr, f);
-#ifdef POWCI
-template c pow (ccr, int);
-#ifdef POWFC
-template c pow (f, ccr);
-#ifdef SIN
-template c sin (ccr);
-#ifdef SINH
-template c sinh (ccr);
-#ifdef SQRT
-template c sqrt (ccr);
-#ifdef EXTRACT
-template istream& operator>> (istream&, complex<f>&);
-#ifdef INSERT
-template ostream& operator<< (ostream&, complex<f>);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ciso646 b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ciso646
deleted file mode 100644
index 5120908..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ciso646
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CISO646__
-#include <std/ciso646.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/climits b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/climits
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b7b81d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/climits
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CLIMITS__
-#include <std/climits.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/clocale b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/clocale
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e20a88..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/clocale
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CLOCALE__
-#include <std/clocale.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cmath b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cmath
deleted file mode 100644
index da5bce9..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cmath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CMATH__
-#include <std/cmath.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
deleted file mode 100644
index e9fa060..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// Implementation file for the -*- C++ -*- math functions header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation "std/cmath.h"
-#include <std/cmath.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/complex b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/complex
deleted file mode 100644
index 17e2fe4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/complex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __COMPLEX__
-#include <std/complex.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/complex.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/complex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 554210d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/complex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- backward compatiblity header.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-#ifndef __COMPLEX_H__
-#include <std/complex.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/csetjmp b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/csetjmp
deleted file mode 100644
index b635d73..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/csetjmp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSETJMP__
-#include <std/csetjmp.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/csignal b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/csignal
deleted file mode 100644
index 21ed90c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/csignal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSIGNAL__
-#include <std/csignal.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstdarg b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstdarg
deleted file mode 100644
index c8ca3ea..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstdarg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSTDARG__
-#include <std/cstdarg.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstddef b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstddef
deleted file mode 100644
index 1813438..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstddef
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSTDDEF__
-#include <std/cstddef.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstdio b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstdio
deleted file mode 100644
index ac85178..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstdio
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSTDIO__
-#include <std/cstdio.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstdlib b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstdlib
deleted file mode 100644
index fa4dac4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstdlib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSTDLIB__
-#include <std/cstdlib.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
deleted file mode 100644
index bd94aa5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// Implementation file for the -*- C++ -*- standard library header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation "std/cstdlib.h"
-#include <std/cstdlib.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstring b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstring
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d18cf..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cstring
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSTRING__
-#include <std/cstring.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
deleted file mode 100644
index e981ab7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// Implementation file for the -*- C++ -*- null-terminated string header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation "std/cstring.h"
-#include <std/cstring.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ctime b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ctime
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b68715..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ctime
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CTIME__
-#include <std/ctime.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cwchar b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cwchar
deleted file mode 100644
index be96cc8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cwchar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CWCHAR__
-#include <std/cwchar.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cwctype b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cwctype
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eaa0ca..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/cwctype
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CWCTYPE__
-#include <std/cwctype.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/deque b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/deque
deleted file mode 100644
index bdc1429..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/deque
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __DEQUE__
-#define __DEQUE__
-#include <deque.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/exception b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/exception
deleted file mode 100644
index a843d4b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/exception
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __EXCEPTION__
-#include <std/exception.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
deleted file mode 100644
index 115c6d6..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Functions for Exception Support for -*- C++ -*-
-// Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-#include <exception>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* terminate (), unexpected (), set_terminate (), set_unexpected () as
- well as the default terminate func and default unexpected func */
-#if 0
-extern "C" int printf(const char *, ...);
-__default_terminate ()
- abort ();
-__default_unexpected ()
- __default_terminate ();
-static terminate_handler __terminate_func = __default_terminate;
-static unexpected_handler __unexpected_func = __default_unexpected;
-set_terminate (terminate_handler func)
- terminate_handler old = __terminate_func;
- __terminate_func = func;
- return old;
-set_unexpected (unexpected_handler func)
- unexpected_handler old = __unexpected_func;
- __unexpected_func = func;
- return old;
-terminate ()
- __terminate_func ();
-unexpected ()
- __unexpected_func ();
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/functional b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/functional
deleted file mode 100644
index ee8b7f2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/functional
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __FUNCTIONAL__
-#define __FUNCTIONAL__
-#include <function.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/iterator b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/iterator
deleted file mode 100644
index a0fa054..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/iterator
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __ITERATOR__
-#define __ITERATOR__
-#include <iterator.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/list b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/list
deleted file mode 100644
index 475d844..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/list
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __LIST__
-#define __LIST__
-#include <list.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/map b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/map
deleted file mode 100644
index 0127b9d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/map
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __MAP__
-#define __MAP__
-#include <map.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/memory b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/memory
deleted file mode 100644
index 8328720..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/memory
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __MEMORY__
-#define __MEMORY__
-#include <defalloc.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/new b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/new
deleted file mode 100644
index 47944fc..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/new
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __NEW__
-#include <std/new.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/new.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/new.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 02bba45..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/new.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- backward compatiblity header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __NEW_H__
-#define __NEW_H__
-#include <std/new.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
deleted file mode 100644
index b4a5b6a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// Implementation file for the -*- C++ -*- dynamic memory management header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation "std/new.h"
-#include <std/new.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/numeric b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/numeric
deleted file mode 100644
index dcb8873..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/numeric
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __NUMERIC__
-#define __NUMERIC__
-#include <algo.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/queue b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/queue
deleted file mode 100644
index e71ce34..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/queue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __QUEUE__
-#define __QUEUE__
-#include <stack.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/set b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/set
deleted file mode 100644
index 0353285..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/set
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __SET__
-#define __SET__
-#include <set.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
deleted file mode 100644
index 136a05e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-// Instantiation file for the -*- C++ -*- string classes.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Jason Merrill based upon the specification by Takanori Adachi
-// in ANSI X3J16/94-0013R2.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#ifdef TRAITS
-#ifdef C
-#pragma implementation "std/straits.h"
-#if 0
-#include <std/>
-#ifdef C
-typedef char c;
-#ifdef W
-typedef wchar_t c;
-#ifdef TRAITS
-template class string_char_traits <c>;
-#define STRING basic_string <c, string_char_traits <c> >
-typedef class STRING s;
-#define BSREP __bsrep <c, string_char_traits <c> >
-typedef class BSREP r;
-#ifdef REP
-template class BSREP;
-r s::nilRep = { 0, 0, 1 };
-bool (*r::excess_slop) (size_t, size_t) = r::default_excess;
-size_t (*r::frob_size) (size_t) = r::default_frob;
-#ifdef MAIN
-template class STRING;
-#ifdef ADDSS
-template s operator+ (const s&, const s&);
-#ifdef ADDPS
-template s operator+ (const c*, const s&);
-#ifdef ADDCS
-template s operator+ (c, const s&);
-#ifdef ADDSP
-template s operator+ (const s&, const c*);
-#ifdef ADDSC
-template s operator+ (const s&, c);
-#ifdef EQSS
-template bool operator== (const s&, const s&);
-#ifdef EQPS
-template bool operator== (const c*, const s&);
-#ifdef EQSP
-template bool operator== (const s&, const c*);
-#ifdef NESS
-template bool operator!= (const s&, const s&);
-#ifdef NEPS
-template bool operator!= (const c*, const s&);
-#ifdef NESP
-template bool operator!= (const s&, const c*);
-#ifdef LTSS
-template bool operator< (const s&, const s&);
-#ifdef LTPS
-template bool operator< (const c*, const s&);
-#ifdef LTSP
-template bool operator< (const s&, const c*);
-#ifdef GTSS
-template bool operator> (const s&, const s&);
-#ifdef GTPS
-template bool operator> (const c*, const s&);
-#ifdef GTSP
-template bool operator> (const s&, const c*);
-#ifdef LESS
-template bool operator<= (const s&, const s&);
-#ifdef LEPS
-template bool operator<= (const c*, const s&);
-#ifdef LESP
-template bool operator<= (const s&, const c*);
-#ifdef GESS
-template bool operator>= (const s&, const s&);
-#ifdef GEPS
-template bool operator>= (const c*, const s&);
-#ifdef GESP
-template bool operator>= (const s&, const c*);
-#ifdef EXTRACT
-template istream& operator>> (istream&, s&);
-#endif // EXTRACT
-#ifdef INSERT
-template ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const s&);
-#endif // INSERT
-#ifdef GETLINE
-template istream& getline (istream&, s&);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stack b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stack
deleted file mode 100644
index dfe0c51..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __STACK__
-#define __STACK__
-#include <stack.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/
deleted file mode 100644
index 92c69d8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-// Member templates for the -*- C++ -*- string classes.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Jason Merrill based upon the specification by Takanori Adachi
-// in ANSI X3J16/94-0013R2.
-#include <std/stddef.h>
-#include <std/bastring.h>
-extern "C++" {
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline void * __bsrep <charT, traits>::
-operator new (size_t s, size_t extra)
- return ::operator new (s + extra * sizeof (charT));
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline size_t __bsrep <charT, traits>::
-default_frob (size_t s)
-frob_size (size_t s)
- size_t i = 16;
- while (i < s) i *= 2;
- return i;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline __bsrep <charT, traits> * __bsrep <charT, traits>::
-create (size_t extra)
- extra = frob_size (extra + 1);
- Rep *p = new (extra) Rep;
- p->res = extra;
- p->ref = 1;
- p->selfish = false;
- return p;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-charT * __bsrep <charT, traits>::
-clone ()
- Rep *p = Rep::create (len);
- p->copy (0, data (), len);
- p->len = len;
- return p->data ();
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool __bsrep <charT, traits>::
-default_excess (size_t s, size_t r)
-excess_slop (size_t s, size_t r)
- return 2 * (s <= 16 ? 16 : s) < r;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool basic_string <charT, traits>::
-check_realloc (size_t s) const
- s += sizeof (charT);
- return (rep ()->ref > 1
- || s > capacity ()
- || Rep::excess_slop (s, capacity ()));
-template <class charT, class traits>
-void basic_string <charT, traits>::
-alloc (size_t size, bool save)
- if (! check_realloc (size))
- return;
- Rep *p = Rep::create (size);
- if (save)
- {
- p->copy (0, data (), length ());
- p->len = length ();
- }
- else
- p->len = 0;
- repup (p);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-basic_string <charT, traits>& basic_string <charT, traits>::
-replace (size_t pos1, size_t n1,
- const basic_string& str, size_t pos2, size_t n2)
- const size_t len2 = str.length ();
- if (pos1 == 0 && n1 >= length () && pos2 == 0 && n2 >= len2)
- return operator= (str);
- OUTOFRANGE (pos2 > len2);
- if (n2 > len2 - pos2)
- n2 = len2 - pos2;
- return replace (pos1, n1, () + pos2, n2);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline void __bsrep <charT, traits>::
-copy (size_t pos, const charT *s, size_t n)
- if (n)
- traits::copy (data () + pos, s, n);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline void __bsrep <charT, traits>::
-move (size_t pos, const charT *s, size_t n)
- if (n)
- traits::move (data () + pos, s, n);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-basic_string <charT, traits>& basic_string <charT, traits>::
-replace (size_t pos, size_t n1, const charT* s, size_t n2)
- const size_t len = length ();
- OUTOFRANGE (pos > len);
- if (n1 > len - pos)
- n1 = len - pos;
- LENGTHERROR (len - n1 > max_size () - n2);
- size_t newlen = len - n1 + n2;
- if (check_realloc (newlen))
- {
- Rep *p = Rep::create (newlen);
- p->copy (0, data (), pos);
- p->copy (pos + n2, data () + pos + n1, len - (pos + n1));
- p->copy (pos, s, n2);
- repup (p);
- }
- else
- {
- rep ()->move (pos + n2, data () + pos + n1, len - (pos + n1));
- rep ()->copy (pos, s, n2);
- }
- rep ()->len = newlen;
- return *this;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline void __bsrep <charT, traits>::
-set (size_t pos, const charT c, size_t n)
- traits::set (data () + pos, c, n);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-basic_string <charT, traits>& basic_string <charT, traits>::
-replace (size_t pos, size_t n1, size_t n2, charT c)
- const size_t len = length ();
- OUTOFRANGE (pos > len);
- if (n1 > len - pos)
- n1 = len - pos;
- LENGTHERROR (len - n1 > max_size () - n2);
- size_t newlen = len - n1 + n2;
- if (check_realloc (newlen))
- {
- Rep *p = Rep::create (newlen);
- p->copy (0, data (), pos);
- p->copy (pos + n2, data () + pos + n1, len - (pos + n1));
- p->set (pos, c, n2);
- repup (p);
- }
- else
- {
- rep ()->move (pos + n2, data () + pos + n1, len - (pos + n1));
- rep ()->set (pos, c, n2);
- }
- rep ()->len = newlen;
- return *this;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-void basic_string <charT, traits>::
-resize (size_t n, charT c)
- LENGTHERROR (n > max_size ());
- if (n > length ())
- append (n - length (), c);
- else
- remove (n);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-size_t basic_string <charT, traits>::
-copy (charT* s, size_t n, size_t pos)
- OUTOFRANGE (pos > length ());
- if (n > length () - pos)
- n = length () - pos;
- traits::copy (s, data () + pos, n);
- return n;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-size_t basic_string <charT, traits>::
-find (const charT* s, size_t pos, size_t n) const
- size_t xpos = pos;
- for (; xpos + n <= length (); ++xpos)
- if (traits::eq (data () [xpos], *s)
- && traits::compare (data () + xpos, s, n) == 0)
- return xpos;
- return npos;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline size_t basic_string <charT, traits>::
-_find (const charT* ptr, charT c, size_t xpos, size_t len)
- for (; xpos < len; ++xpos)
- if (traits::eq (ptr [xpos], c))
- return xpos;
- return npos;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-size_t basic_string <charT, traits>::
-find (charT c, size_t pos) const
- return _find (data (), c, pos, length ());
-template <class charT, class traits>
-size_t basic_string <charT, traits>::
-rfind (const charT* s, size_t pos, size_t n) const
- if (n > length ())
- return npos;
- size_t xpos = length () - n;
- if (xpos > pos)
- xpos = pos;
- for (++xpos; xpos-- > 0; )
- if (traits::eq (data () [xpos], *s)
- && traits::compare (data () + xpos, s, n) == 0)
- return xpos;
- return npos;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-size_t basic_string <charT, traits>::
-rfind (charT c, size_t pos) const
- if (1 > length ())
- return npos;
- size_t xpos = length () - 1;
- if (xpos > pos)
- xpos = pos;
- for (++xpos; xpos-- > 0; )
- if (traits::eq (data () [xpos], c))
- return xpos;
- return npos;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-size_t basic_string <charT, traits>::
-find_first_of (const charT* s, size_t pos, size_t n) const
- size_t xpos = pos;
- for (; xpos < length (); ++xpos)
- if (_find (s, data () [xpos], 0, n) != npos)
- return xpos;
- return npos;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-size_t basic_string <charT, traits>::
-find_last_of (const charT* s, size_t pos, size_t n) const
- size_t xpos = length ();
- for (; xpos-- > pos; )
- if (_find (s, data () [xpos], 0, n) != npos)
- return xpos;
- return npos;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-size_t basic_string <charT, traits>::
-find_first_not_of (const charT* s, size_t pos, size_t n) const
- size_t xpos = pos;
- for (; xpos < length (); ++xpos)
- if (_find (s, data () [xpos], 0, n) == npos)
- return xpos;
- return npos;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-size_t basic_string <charT, traits>::
-find_first_not_of (charT c, size_t pos) const
- size_t xpos = pos;
- for (; xpos < length (); ++xpos)
- if (traits::ne (data () [xpos], c))
- return xpos;
- return npos;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-size_t basic_string <charT, traits>::
-find_last_not_of (const charT* s, size_t pos, size_t n) const
- size_t xpos = length ();
- for (; xpos-- > pos; )
- if (_find (s, data () [xpos], 0, n) == npos)
- return xpos;
- return npos;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-size_t basic_string <charT, traits>::
-find_last_not_of (charT c, size_t pos) const
- size_t xpos = length ();
- for (; xpos-- > pos; )
- if (traits::ne (data () [xpos], c))
- return xpos;
- return npos;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-int basic_string <charT, traits>::
-compare (const basic_string& str, size_t pos, size_t n) const
- OUTOFRANGE (pos > length ());
- size_t rlen = length () - pos;
- if (rlen > n)
- rlen = n;
- if (rlen > str.length ())
- rlen = str.length ();
- int r = traits::compare (data () + pos, (), rlen);
- if (r != 0)
- return r;
- if (rlen == n)
- return 0;
- return (length () - pos) - str.length ();
-template <class charT, class traits>
-int basic_string <charT, traits>::
-compare (const charT* s, size_t pos, size_t n) const
- OUTOFRANGE (pos > length ());
- size_t rlen = length () - pos;
- if (rlen > n)
- rlen = n;
- int r = traits::compare (data () + pos, s, rlen);
- if (r != 0)
- return r;
- return (length () - pos) - n;
-#include <iostream.h>
-template <class charT, class traits>
-istream &
-operator>> (istream &is, basic_string <charT, traits> &s)
- int w = is.width (0);
- if (is.ipfx0 ())
- {
- register streambuf *sb = is.rdbuf ();
- s.resize (0);
- while (1)
- {
- int ch = sb->sbumpc ();
- if (ch == EOF)
- {
- is.setstate (ios::eofbit);
- break;
- }
- else if (traits::is_del (ch))
- {
- sb->sungetc ();
- break;
- }
- s += ch;
- if (--w == 1)
- break;
- }
- }
- is.isfx ();
- if (s.length () == 0)
- is.setstate (ios::failbit);
- return is;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-ostream &
-operator<< (ostream &o, const basic_string <charT, traits>& s)
- return o.write ( (), s.length ());
-template <class charT, class traits>
-getline (istream &is, basic_string <charT, traits>& s, charT delim)
- if (is.ipfx1 ())
- {
- _IO_size_t count = 0;
- streambuf *sb = is.rdbuf ();
- s.resize (0);
- while (1)
- {
- int ch = sb->sbumpc ();
- if (ch == EOF)
- {
- is.setstate (count == 0
- ? (ios::failbit|ios::eofbit)
- : ios::eofbit);
- break;
- }
- ++count;
- if (ch == delim)
- break;
- s += ch;
- if (s.length () == s.npos - 1)
- {
- is.setstate (ios::failbit);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // We need to be friends with istream to do this.
- // is._gcount = count;
- is.isfx ();
- return is;
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/bastring.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/bastring.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d6174a2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/bastring.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
-// Main templates for the -*- C++ -*- string classes.
-// Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Jason Merrill based upon the specification by Takanori Adachi
-// in ANSI X3J16/94-0013R2.
-#ifndef __BASTRING__
-#define __BASTRING__
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include <std/stddef.h>
-#include <std/straits.h>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#define OUTOFRANGE(cond) \
- do { if (!(cond)) throw out_of_range (#cond); } while (0)
-#define LENGTHERROR(cond) \
- do { if (!(cond)) throw length_error (#cond); } while (0)
-#include <cassert>
-#define OUTOFRANGE(cond) assert (!(cond))
-#define LENGTHERROR(cond) assert (!(cond))
-extern "C++" {
-class istream; class ostream;
-// Should be a nested class basic_string<charT, traits>::Rep, but nested
-// classes don't work well with templates in g++.
-template <class charT, class traits = string_char_traits<charT> >
-struct __bsrep {
- typedef __bsrep Rep;
- size_t len, res, ref;
- bool selfish;
- charT* data () { return reinterpret_cast<charT *>(this + 1); }
- charT& operator[] (size_t s) { return data () [s]; }
- charT* grab () { if (selfish) return clone (); ++ref; return data (); }
- void release () { if (--ref == 0) delete this; }
- inline static void * operator new (size_t, size_t);
- inline static Rep* create (size_t);
- charT* clone ();
- inline void copy (size_t, const charT *, size_t);
- inline void move (size_t, const charT *, size_t);
- inline void set (size_t, const charT, size_t);
- // These function pointers allow you to modify the allocation policy used
- // by the string classes. By default they expand by powers of two, but
- // this may be excessive for space-critical applications.
- // Returns true if ALLOCATED is too much larger than LENGTH
- static bool (*excess_slop) (size_t length, size_t allocated);
- inline static bool default_excess (size_t, size_t);
- // Returns a good amount of space to allocate for a string of length LENGTH
- static size_t (*frob_size) (size_t length);
- inline static size_t default_frob (size_t);
- inline static bool excess_slop (size_t, size_t);
- inline static size_t frob_size (size_t);
- Rep &operator= (const Rep &);
-// #include <iterator.h>
-template <class charT, class traits = string_char_traits<charT> >
-class basic_string
- typedef __bsrep<charT, traits> Rep;
-// types:
- typedef traits traits_type;
- typedef charT value_type;
- typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- typedef charT& reference;
- typedef const charT& const_reference;
- typedef charT* pointer;
- typedef const charT* const_pointer;
- typedef pointer iterator;
- typedef const_pointer const_iterator;
-#if 0
- typedef reverse_iterator<iterator, value_type,
- reference, difference_type> reverse_iterator;
- typedef reverse_iterator<const_iterator, value_type, const_reference,
- difference_type> const_reverse_iterator;
- static const size_type npos = static_cast<size_type>(-1);
- Rep *rep () const { return reinterpret_cast<Rep *>(dat) - 1; }
- void repup (Rep *p) { rep ()->release (); dat = p->data (); }
- const charT* data () const
- { return rep ()->data(); }
- size_type length () const
- { return rep ()->len; }
- size_type size () const
- { return rep ()->len; }
- size_type capacity () const
- { return rep ()->res; }
- size_type max_size () const
- { return (npos - 1)/sizeof (charT); } // XXX
- bool empty () const
- { return size () == 0; }
-// _lib.string.cons_ construct/copy/destroy:
- basic_string& operator= (const basic_string& str)
- {
- if (&str != this) { rep ()->release (); dat = str.rep ()->grab (); }
- return *this;
- }
- explicit basic_string (): dat (nilRep.grab ()) { }
- basic_string (const basic_string& str): dat (str.rep ()->grab ()) { }
- basic_string (const basic_string& str, size_type pos, size_type n = npos)
- : dat (nilRep.grab ()) { assign (str, pos, n); }
- basic_string (const charT* s, size_type n)
- : dat (nilRep.grab ()) { assign (s, n); }
- basic_string (const charT* s)
- : dat (nilRep.grab ()) { assign (s); }
- basic_string (size_type n, charT c)
- : dat (nilRep.grab ()) { assign (n, c); }
-#if 0
- template<class InputIterator>
- basic_string(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end,
- Allocator& = Allocator());
- ~basic_string ()
- { rep ()->release (); }
- void swap (basic_string &s) { charT *d = dat; dat = s.dat; s.dat = d; }
- basic_string& append (const basic_string& str, size_type pos = 0,
- size_type n = npos)
- { return replace (length (), 0, str, pos, n); }
- basic_string& append (const charT* s, size_type n)
- { return replace (length (), 0, s, n); }
- basic_string& append (const charT* s)
- { return append (s, traits::length (s)); }
- basic_string& append (size_type n, charT c)
- { return replace (length (), 0, n, c); }
-#if 0
- template<class InputIterator>
- basic_string& append(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
- basic_string& assign (const basic_string& str, size_type pos = 0,
- size_type n = npos)
- { return replace (0, npos, str, pos, n); }
- basic_string& assign (const charT* s, size_type n)
- { return replace (0, npos, s, n); }
- basic_string& assign (const charT* s)
- { return assign (s, traits::length (s)); }
- basic_string& assign (size_type n, charT c)
- { return replace (0, npos, n, c); }
-#if 0
- template<class InputIterator>
- basic_string& assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
- basic_string& operator= (const charT* s)
- { return assign (s); }
- basic_string& operator= (charT c)
- { return assign (1, c); }
- basic_string& operator+= (const basic_string& rhs)
- { return append (rhs); }
- basic_string& operator+= (const charT* s)
- { return append (s); }
- basic_string& operator+= (charT c)
- { return append (1, c); }
- basic_string& insert (size_type pos1, const basic_string& str,
- size_type pos2 = 0, size_type n = npos)
- { return replace (pos1, 0, str, pos2, n); }
- basic_string& insert (size_type pos, const charT* s, size_type n)
- { return replace (pos, 0, s, n); }
- basic_string& insert (size_type pos, const charT* s)
- { return insert (pos, s, traits::length (s)); }
- basic_string& insert (size_type pos, size_type n, charT c)
- { return replace (pos, 0, n, c); }
- iterator insert(iterator p, charT c)
- { size_type pos = p - begin (); insert (pos, 1, c); return pos +begin (); }
- iterator insert(iterator p, size_type n, charT c)
- { size_type pos = p - begin (); insert (pos, n, c); return pos +begin (); }
-#if 0
- template<class InputIterator>
- void insert(iterator p, InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
- basic_string& remove (size_type pos = 0, size_type n = npos)
- { return replace (pos, n, (size_type)0, (charT)0); }
- basic_string& remove (iterator pos)
- { return replace (pos - begin (), 1, (size_type)0, (charT)0); }
- basic_string& remove (iterator first, iterator last)
- { return replace (first - begin (), last - first, (size_type)0, (charT)0);}
- basic_string& replace (size_type pos1, size_type n1, const basic_string& str,
- size_type pos2 = 0, size_type n2 = npos);
- basic_string& replace (size_type pos, size_type n1, const charT* s,
- size_type n2);
- basic_string& replace (size_type pos, size_type n1, const charT* s)
- { return replace (pos, n1, s, traits::length (s)); }
- basic_string& replace (size_type pos, size_type n1, size_type n2, charT c);
- basic_string& replace (size_type pos, size_type n, charT c)
- { return replace (pos, n, 1, c); }
- basic_string& replace (iterator i1, iterator i2, const basic_string& str)
- { return replace (i1 - begin (), i2 - i1, str); }
- basic_string& replace (iterator i1, iterator i2, const charT* s, size_type n)
- { return replace (i1 - begin (), i2 - i1, s, n); }
- basic_string& replace (iterator i1, iterator i2, const charT* s)
- { return replace (i1 - begin (), i2 - i1, s); }
- basic_string& replace (iterator i1, iterator i2, size_type n, charT c)
- { return replace (i1 - begin (), i2 - i1, n, c); }
-#if 0
- template<class InputIterator>
- basic_string& replace(iterator i1, iterator i2,
- InputIterator j1, InputIterator j2);
- static charT eos () { return traits::eos (); }
- void unique () { if (rep ()->ref > 1) alloc (capacity (), true); }
- void selfish () { unique (); rep ()->selfish = true; }
- charT operator[] (size_type pos) const
- {
- if (pos == length ())
- return eos ();
- return data ()[pos];
- }
- reference operator[] (size_type pos)
- { unique (); return (*rep ())[pos]; }
- reference at (size_type pos)
- {
- OUTOFRANGE (pos >= length ());
- return (*this)[pos];
- }
- const_reference at (size_type pos) const
- {
- OUTOFRANGE (pos >= length ());
- return data ()[pos];
- }
- void terminate () const
- { traits::assign ((*rep ())[length ()], eos ()); }
- const charT* c_str () const
- { terminate (); return data (); }
- void resize (size_type n, charT c);
- void resize (size_type n)
- { resize (n, eos ()); }
- void reserve (size_type) { }
- size_type copy (charT* s, size_type n, size_type pos = 0);
- size_type find (const basic_string& str, size_type pos = 0) const
- { return find (, pos, str.length()); }
- size_type find (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
- size_type find (const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const
- { return find (s, pos, traits::length (s)); }
- size_type find (charT c, size_type pos = 0) const;
- size_type rfind (const basic_string& str, size_type pos = npos) const
- { return rfind (, pos, str.length()); }
- size_type rfind (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
- size_type rfind (const charT* s, size_type pos = npos) const
- { return rfind (s, pos, traits::length (s)); }
- size_type rfind (charT c, size_type pos = npos) const;
- size_type find_first_of (const basic_string& str, size_type pos = 0) const
- { return find_first_of (, pos, str.length()); }
- size_type find_first_of (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
- size_type find_first_of (const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const
- { return find_first_of (s, pos, traits::length (s)); }
- size_type find_first_of (charT c, size_type pos = 0) const
- { return find (c, pos); }
- size_type find_last_of (const basic_string& str, size_type pos = npos) const
- { return find_last_of (, pos, str.length()); }
- size_type find_last_of (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
- size_type find_last_of (const charT* s, size_type pos = npos) const
- { return find_last_of (s, pos, traits::length (s)); }
- size_type find_last_of (charT c, size_type pos = npos) const
- { return rfind (c, pos); }
- size_type find_first_not_of (const basic_string& str, size_type pos = 0) const
- { return find_first_not_of (, pos, str.length()); }
- size_type find_first_not_of (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
- size_type find_first_not_of (const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const
- { return find_first_not_of (s, pos, traits::length (s)); }
- size_type find_first_not_of (charT c, size_type pos = 0) const;
- size_type find_last_not_of (const basic_string& str, size_type pos = npos) const
- { return find_last_not_of (, pos, str.length()); }
- size_type find_last_not_of (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
- size_type find_last_not_of (const charT* s, size_type pos = npos) const
- { return find_last_not_of (s, pos, traits::length (s)); }
- size_type find_last_not_of (charT c, size_type pos = npos) const;
- basic_string substr (size_type pos = 0, size_type n = npos) const
- { return basic_string (*this, pos, n); }
- int compare (const basic_string& str, size_type pos = 0, size_type n = npos) const;
- // There is no 'strncmp' equivalent for charT pointers.
- int compare (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
- int compare (const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const
- { return compare (s, pos, traits::length (s)); }
- iterator begin () { selfish (); return &(*this)[0]; }
- iterator end () { selfish (); return &(*this)[length ()]; }
- const_iterator begin () const { return &(*rep ())[0]; }
- const_iterator end () const { return &(*rep ())[length ()]; }
-#if 0
- reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator (end ()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
- { return const_reverse_iterator (end ()); }
- reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator (begin ()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const
- { return const reverse_iterator (begin ()); }
- void alloc (size_type size, bool save);
- static size_type _find (const charT* ptr, charT c, size_type xpos, size_type len);
- inline bool check_realloc (size_type s) const;
- static Rep nilRep;
- charT *dat;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline basic_string <charT, traits>
-operator+ (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs,
- const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- basic_string <charT, traits> str (lhs);
- str.append (rhs);
- return str;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline basic_string <charT, traits>
-operator+ (const charT* lhs, const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- basic_string <charT, traits> str (lhs);
- str.append (rhs);
- return str;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline basic_string <charT, traits>
-operator+ (charT lhs, const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- basic_string <charT, traits> str (1, lhs);
- str.append (rhs);
- return str;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline basic_string <charT, traits>
-operator+ (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs, const charT* rhs)
- basic_string <charT, traits> str (lhs);
- str.append (rhs);
- return str;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline basic_string <charT, traits>
-operator+ (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs, charT rhs)
- basic_string <charT, traits> str (lhs);
- str.append (1, rhs);
- return str;
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator== (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs,
- const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- return ( (rhs) == 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator== (const charT* lhs, const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- return ( (lhs) == 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator== (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs, const charT* rhs)
- return ( (rhs) == 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator!= (const charT* lhs, const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- return ( (lhs) != 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator!= (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs, const charT* rhs)
- return ( (rhs) != 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator< (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs,
- const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- return ( (rhs) < 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator< (const charT* lhs, const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- return ( (lhs) > 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator< (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs, const charT* rhs)
- return ( (rhs) < 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator> (const charT* lhs, const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- return ( (lhs) < 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator> (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs, const charT* rhs)
- return ( (rhs) > 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator<= (const charT* lhs, const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- return ( (lhs) >= 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator<= (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs, const charT* rhs)
- return ( (rhs) <= 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator>= (const charT* lhs, const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- return ( (lhs) <= 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator>= (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs, const charT* rhs)
- return ( (rhs) >= 0);
-// Kludge this until g++ supports the new template overloading semantics.
-#if !defined(FUNCTION_H)
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator!= (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs,
- const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- return ( (rhs) != 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator> (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs,
- const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- return ( (rhs) > 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator<= (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs,
- const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- return ( (rhs) <= 0);
-template <class charT, class traits>
-inline bool
-operator>= (const basic_string <charT, traits>& lhs,
- const basic_string <charT, traits>& rhs)
- return ( (rhs) >= 0);
-class istream; class ostream;
-template <class charT, class traits> istream&
-operator>> (istream&, basic_string <charT, traits>&);
-template <class charT, class traits> ostream&
-operator<< (ostream&, const basic_string <charT, traits>&);
-template <class charT, class traits> istream&
-getline (istream&, basic_string <charT, traits>&, charT delim = '\n');
-} // extern "C++"
-#if !defined (_G_NO_EXTERN_TEMPLATES)
-#include <std/sinst.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cassert.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cassert.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 83f9f40..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cassert.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- assertions header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __ASSERT__
-#define __ASSERT__
-#include <assert.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cctype.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cctype.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e2765ae..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cctype.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- character type header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CCTYPE__
-#define __CCTYPE__
-#include <ctype.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cerrno.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cerrno.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ce49346..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cerrno.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- error number header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CERRNO__
-#define __CERRNO__
-#include <errno.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cfloat.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cfloat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 05a6338..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cfloat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- floating point header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CFLOAT__
-#define __CFLOAT__
-#include <float.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cinst.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cinst.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e41a2ba..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cinst.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-// Forward declarations of -*- C++ -*- complex number instantiations.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Jason Merrill based upon the specification in the 27 May 1994
-// C++ working paper, ANSI document X3J16/94-0098.
-#ifndef __CINST__
-#define __CINST__
-extern "C++" {
-extern template class complex<float>;
-extern template class complex<double>;
-extern template class complex<long double>;
-#define __B(type) bool
-#define __C(type) complex<type>
-#define __F(type) type
-#define __I(type) int
-#define __IS(type) istream&
-#define __OS(type) ostream&
-#define __CR(type) complex<type>&
-#define __CCR(type) const complex<type>&
-#define __D2(name,type,ret,arg1,arg2) ret(type) name (arg1(type), arg2(type));
-#define __S1(name,type,ret,arg1) \
- extern template ret(type) name (arg1(type));
-#define __S2(name,type,ret,arg1,arg2) \
- extern template __D2 (name,type,ret,arg1,arg2)
-#define __DO1(name,ret,arg1) \
- __S1(name,float,ret,arg1) \
- __S1(name,double,ret,arg1) \
- __S1(name,long double,ret,arg1)
-#define __DO2(name,ret,arg1,arg2) \
- __S2(name,float,ret,arg1,arg2) \
- __S2(name,double,ret,arg1,arg2) \
- __S2(name,long double,ret,arg1,arg2)
-#define __DOCCC(name) __DO2(name,__C,__CCR,__CCR)
-#define __DOCCF(name) __DO2(name,__C,__CCR,__F)
-#define __DOCFC(name) __DO2(name,__C,__F,__CCR)
-#define __DOCFF(name) __DO2(name,__C,__F,__F)
-#define __DOBCC(name) __DO2(name,__B,__CCR,__CCR)
-#define __DOBCF(name) __DO2(name,__B,__CCR,__F)
-#define __DOBFC(name) __DO2(name,__B,__F,__CCR)
-#define __DOFC(name) __DO1(name,__F,__CCR)
-#define __DOCC(name) __DO1(name,__C,__CCR)
-#undef __DO1
-#undef __DO2
-#undef __S1
-#undef __S2
-#undef __D2
-#undef __B
-#undef __C
-#undef __F
-#undef __I
-#undef __IS
-#undef __OS
-#undef __CR
-#undef __CCR
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/ciso646.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/ciso646.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 974d15b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/ciso646.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- ISO 646 header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CISO646__
-#define __CISO646__
-#include <iso646.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/climits.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/climits.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 45e3d62..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/climits.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- integral type limits header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CLIMITS__
-#define __CLIMITS__
-#include <limits.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/clocale.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/clocale.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b67cf31..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/clocale.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- locale support header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CLOCALE__
-#define __CLOCALE__
-#include <locale.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cmath.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cmath.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c6628e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cmath.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- math functions header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CMATH__
-#define __CMATH__
-#include <_G_config.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface "std/cmath.h"
-extern "C++" {
-#if 0
-float acos (float);
-float asin (float);
-float atan (float);
-float atan2(float, float);
-float ceil (float);
-float cos (float);
-float cosh (float);
-float exp (float);
-float fabs (float);
-float floor(float);
-float fmod (float, float);
-float frexp(float, int*);
-float modf (float, float*);
-float ldexp(float, int);
-float log (float);
-float log10(float);
-float pow (float, float);
-float pow (float, int);
-float sin (float);
-float sinh (float);
-float sqrt (float);
-float tan (float);
-float tanh (float);
-inline float abs (float x) { return fabs (x); }
-#if ! _G_MATH_H_INLINES /* hpux and SCO define this in math.h */
-inline double abs (double x) { return fabs (x); }
-#if 0
-double pow(double, int);
-long double acos (long double);
-long double asin (long double);
-long double atan (long double);
-long double atan2(long double, long double);
-long double ceil (long double);
-long double cos (long double);
-long double cosh (long double);
-long double exp (long double);
-long double fabs (long double);
-long double floor(long double);
-long double frexp(long double, int*);
-long double fmod (long double, long double);
-long double frexp(long double, int*);
-long double log (long double);
-long double log10(long double);
-long double modf (long double, long double*);
-long double pow (long double, long double);
-long double pow (long double, int);
-long double sin (long double);
-long double sinh (long double);
-long double sqrt (long double);
-long double tan (long double);
-long double tanh (long double);
-inline long double abs (long double x) { return fabs (x); }
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/complex.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/complex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bfdd352..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/complex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// Main header for the -*- C++ -*- complex number classes.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __COMPLEX__
-#define __COMPLEX__
-#include <std/complext.h>
-extern "C++" {
-#define __STD_COMPLEX
-// ANSI complex types
-typedef complex<float> float_complex;
-typedef complex<double> double_complex;
-typedef complex<long double> long_double_complex;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b63125..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-// Member templates for the -*- C++ -*- complex number classes.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Jason Merrill based upon the specification in the 27 May 1994
-// C++ working paper, ANSI document X3J16/94-0098.
-#include <std/complex.h>
-extern "C++" {
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-cos (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- return complex<FLOAT> (cos (real (x)) * cosh (imag (x)),
- - sin (real (x)) * sinh (imag (x)));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-cosh (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- return complex<FLOAT> (cosh (real (x)) * cos (imag (x)),
- sinh (real (x)) * sin (imag (x)));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-exp (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- return polar (FLOAT (exp (real (x))), imag (x));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-log (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- return complex<FLOAT> (log (abs (x)), arg (x));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-pow (const complex<FLOAT>& x, const complex<FLOAT>& y)
- FLOAT logr = log (abs (x));
- FLOAT t = arg (x);
- return polar (FLOAT (exp (logr * real (y) - imag (y) * t)),
- FLOAT (imag (y) * logr + real (y) * t));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-pow (const complex<FLOAT>& x, FLOAT y)
- return exp (FLOAT (y) * log (x));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-pow (FLOAT x, const complex<FLOAT>& y)
- return exp (y * FLOAT (log (x)));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-sin (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- return complex<FLOAT> (sin (real (x)) * cosh (imag (x)),
- cos (real (x)) * sinh (imag (x)));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-sinh (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- return complex<FLOAT> (sinh (real (x)) * cos (imag (x)),
- cosh (real (x)) * sin (imag (x)));
-#include <iostream.h>
-template <class FLOAT> istream&
-operator >> (istream& is, complex<FLOAT>& x)
- FLOAT re, im = 0;
- char ch = 0;
- if (is.ipfx0 ())
- {
- if (is.peek () == '(')
- is >> ch;
- is >> re;
- if (ch == '(')
- {
- is >> ch;
- if (ch == ',')
- is >> im >> ch;
- }
- }
- is.isfx ();
- if (ch != 0 && ch != ')')
- is.setstate (ios::failbit);
- else if (is.good ())
- x = complex<FLOAT> (re, im);
- return is;
-template <class FLOAT> ostream&
-operator << (ostream& os, const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- return os << '(' << real (x) << ',' << imag (x) << ')';
-// The code below is adapted from f2c's libF77, and is subject to this
-// copyright:
-Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 by AT&T Bell Laboratories and Bellcore.
-Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
-and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
-granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
-copies and that both that the copyright notice and this
-permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting
-documentation, and that the names of AT&T Bell Laboratories or
-Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in advertising or
-publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without
-specific, written prior permission.
-AT&T and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to this
-software, including all implied warranties of merchantability
-and fitness. In no event shall AT&T or Bellcore be liable for
-any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages
-whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether
-in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action,
-arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of
-this software.
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>& complex<FLOAT>::
-operator /= (const complex& y)
- FLOAT ar = abs (;
- FLOAT ai = abs (;
- FLOAT nr, ni;
- FLOAT t, d;
- if (ar <= ai)
- {
- t = /;
- d = * (1 + t*t);
- nr = (re * t + im) / d;
- ni = (im * t - re) / d;
- }
- else
- {
- t = /;
- d = * (1 + t*t);
- nr = (re + im * t) / d;
- ni = (im - re * t) / d;
- }
- re = nr;
- im = ni;
- return *this;
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-operator / (const complex<FLOAT>& x, const complex<FLOAT>& y)
- FLOAT ar = abs (real (y));
- FLOAT ai = abs (imag (y));
- FLOAT nr, ni;
- FLOAT t, d;
- if (ar <= ai)
- {
- t = real (y) / imag (y);
- d = imag (y) * (1 + t*t);
- nr = (real (x) * t + imag (x)) / d;
- ni = (imag (x) * t - real (x)) / d;
- }
- else
- {
- t = imag (y) / real (y);
- d = real (y) * (1 + t*t);
- nr = (real (x) + imag (x) * t) / d;
- ni = (imag (x) - real (x) * t) / d;
- }
- return complex<FLOAT> (nr, ni);
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-operator / (FLOAT x, const complex<FLOAT>& y)
- FLOAT ar = abs (real (y));
- FLOAT ai = abs (imag (y));
- FLOAT nr, ni;
- FLOAT t, d;
- if (ar <= ai)
- {
- t = real (y) / imag (y);
- d = imag (y) * (1 + t*t);
- nr = x * t / d;
- ni = -x / d;
- }
- else
- {
- t = imag (y) / real (y);
- d = real (y) * (1 + t*t);
- nr = x / d;
- ni = -x * t / d;
- }
- return complex<FLOAT> (nr, ni);
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-pow (const complex<FLOAT>& xin, int y)
- if (y == 0)
- return complex<FLOAT> (1.0);
- complex<FLOAT> r (1.0);
- complex<FLOAT> x (xin);
- if (y < 0)
- {
- y = -y;
- x = 1/x;
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- if (y & 1)
- r *= x;
- if (y >>= 1)
- x *= x;
- else
- return r;
- }
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-sqrt (const complex<FLOAT>& x)
- FLOAT r = abs (x);
- FLOAT nr, ni;
- if (r == 0.0)
- nr = ni = r;
- else if (real (x) > 0)
- {
- nr = sqrt (0.5 * (r + real (x)));
- ni = imag (x) / nr / 2;
- }
- else
- {
- ni = sqrt (0.5 * (r - real (x)));
- if (imag (x) < 0)
- ni = - ni;
- nr = imag (x) / ni / 2;
- }
- return complex<FLOAT> (nr, ni);
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/complext.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/complext.h
deleted file mode 100644
index db87dd0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/complext.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-// The template and inlines for the -*- C++ -*- complex number classes.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-// Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files compiled
-// with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause the
-// resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
-// executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Jason Merrill based upon the specification in the 27 May 1994
-// C++ working paper, ANSI document X3J16/94-0098.
-#ifndef __COMPLEXT__
-#define __COMPLEXT__
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface
-#include <std/cmath.h>
-#if ! defined (__GNUG__) && ! defined (__attribute__)
-#define __attribute__ (foo) /* Ignore. */
-extern "C++" {
-template <class FLOAT>
-class complex
- complex (FLOAT r = 0, FLOAT i = 0): re (r), im (i) { }
- complex& operator += (const complex&);
- complex& operator -= (const complex&);
- complex& operator *= (const complex&);
- complex& operator /= (const complex&);
- FLOAT real () const { return re; }
- FLOAT imag () const { return im; }
- FLOAT re, im;
- // These functions are specified as friends for purposes of name injection;
- // they do not actually reference private members.
- friend FLOAT real (const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend FLOAT imag (const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator + (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator + (const complex&, FLOAT) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator + (FLOAT, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator - (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator - (const complex&, FLOAT) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator - (FLOAT, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator * (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator * (const complex&, FLOAT) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator * (FLOAT, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator / (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator / (const complex&, FLOAT) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator / (FLOAT, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator == (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator == (const complex&, FLOAT) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator == (FLOAT, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator != (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator != (const complex&, FLOAT) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator != (FLOAT, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex polar (FLOAT, FLOAT) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (const complex&, FLOAT) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (const complex&, int) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (FLOAT, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend istream& operator>> (istream&, complex&);
- friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const complex&);
-// Declare specializations.
-class complex<float>;
-class complex<double>;
-class complex<long double>;
-template <class FLOAT>
-inline complex<FLOAT>&
-complex<FLOAT>::operator += (const complex<FLOAT>& r)
- re +=;
- im +=;
- return *this;
-template <class FLOAT>
-inline complex<FLOAT>&
-complex<FLOAT>::operator -= (const complex<FLOAT>& r)
- re -=;
- im -=;
- return *this;
-template <class FLOAT>
-inline complex<FLOAT>&
-complex<FLOAT>::operator *= (const complex<FLOAT>& r)
- FLOAT f = re * - im *;
- im = re * + im *;
- re = f;
- return *this;
-template <class FLOAT> inline FLOAT
-imag (const complex<FLOAT>& x) __attribute__ ((const))
- return x.imag ();
-template <class FLOAT> inline FLOAT
-real (const complex<FLOAT>& x) __attribute__ ((const))
- return x.real ();
-template <class FLOAT> inline complex<FLOAT>
-operator + (const complex<FLOAT>& x, const complex<FLOAT>& y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return complex<FLOAT> (real (x) + real (y), imag (x) + imag (y));
-template <class FLOAT> inline complex<FLOAT>
-operator + (const complex<FLOAT>& x, FLOAT y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return complex<FLOAT> (real (x) + y, imag (x));
-template <class FLOAT> inline complex<FLOAT>
-operator + (FLOAT x, const complex<FLOAT>& y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return complex<FLOAT> (x + real (y), imag (y));
-template <class FLOAT> inline complex<FLOAT>
-operator - (const complex<FLOAT>& x, const complex<FLOAT>& y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return complex<FLOAT> (real (x) - real (y), imag (x) - imag (y));
-template <class FLOAT> inline complex<FLOAT>
-operator - (const complex<FLOAT>& x, FLOAT y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return complex<FLOAT> (real (x) - y, imag (x));
-template <class FLOAT> inline complex<FLOAT>
-operator - (FLOAT x, const complex<FLOAT>& y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return complex<FLOAT> (x - real (y), - imag (y));
-template <class FLOAT> inline complex<FLOAT>
-operator * (const complex<FLOAT>& x, const complex<FLOAT>& y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return complex<FLOAT> (real (x) * real (y) - imag (x) * imag (y),
- real (x) * imag (y) + imag (x) * real (y));
-template <class FLOAT> inline complex<FLOAT>
-operator * (const complex<FLOAT>& x, FLOAT y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return complex<FLOAT> (real (x) * y, imag (x) * y);
-template <class FLOAT> inline complex<FLOAT>
-operator * (FLOAT x, const complex<FLOAT>& y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return complex<FLOAT> (x * real (y), x * imag (y));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
-operator / (const complex<FLOAT>& x, FLOAT y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return complex<FLOAT> (real (x) / y, imag (x) / y);
-template <class FLOAT> inline complex<FLOAT>
-operator + (const complex<FLOAT>& x) __attribute__ ((const))
- return x;
-template <class FLOAT> inline complex<FLOAT>
-operator - (const complex<FLOAT>& x) __attribute__ ((const))
- return complex<FLOAT> (-real (x), -imag (x));
-template <class FLOAT> inline bool
-operator == (const complex<FLOAT>& x, const complex<FLOAT>& y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return real (x) == real (y) && imag (x) == imag (y);
-template <class FLOAT> inline bool
-operator == (const complex<FLOAT>& x, FLOAT y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return real (x) == y && imag (x) == 0;
-template <class FLOAT> inline bool
-operator == (FLOAT x, const complex<FLOAT>& y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return x == real (y) && imag (y) == 0;
-template <class FLOAT> inline bool
-operator != (const complex<FLOAT>& x, const complex<FLOAT>& y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return real (x) != real (y) || imag (x) != imag (y);
-template <class FLOAT> inline bool
-operator != (const complex<FLOAT>& x, FLOAT y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return real (x) != y || imag (x) != 0;
-template <class FLOAT> inline bool
-operator != (FLOAT x, const complex<FLOAT>& y) __attribute__ ((const))
- return x != real (y) || imag (y) != 0;
-// Some targets don't provide a prototype for hypot when -ansi.
-extern "C" double hypot (double, double) __attribute__ ((const));
-template <class FLOAT> inline FLOAT
-abs (const complex<FLOAT>& x) __attribute__ ((const))
- return hypot (real (x), imag (x));
-template <class FLOAT> inline FLOAT
-arg (const complex<FLOAT>& x) __attribute__ ((const))
- return atan2 (imag (x), real (x));
-template <class FLOAT> inline complex<FLOAT>
-polar (FLOAT r, FLOAT t) __attribute__ ((const))
- return complex<FLOAT> (r * cos (t), r * sin (t));
-template <class FLOAT> inline complex<FLOAT>
-conj (const complex<FLOAT>& x) __attribute__ ((const))
- return complex<FLOAT> (real (x), -imag (x));
-template <class FLOAT> inline FLOAT
-norm (const complex<FLOAT>& x) __attribute__ ((const))
- return real (x) * real (x) + imag (x) * imag (x);
-// Declarations of templates in complext.ccI
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- operator / (const complex<FLOAT>&, const complex<FLOAT>&) __attribute__ ((const));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- operator / (FLOAT, const complex<FLOAT>&) __attribute__ ((const));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- cos (const complex<FLOAT>&) __attribute__ ((const));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- cosh (const complex<FLOAT>&) __attribute__ ((const));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- exp (const complex<FLOAT>&) __attribute__ ((const));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- log (const complex<FLOAT>&) __attribute__ ((const));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- pow (const complex<FLOAT>&, const complex<FLOAT>&) __attribute__ ((const));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- pow (const complex<FLOAT>&, FLOAT) __attribute__ ((const));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- pow (const complex<FLOAT>&, int) __attribute__ ((const));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- pow (FLOAT, const complex<FLOAT>&) __attribute__ ((const));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- sin (const complex<FLOAT>&) __attribute__ ((const));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- sinh (const complex<FLOAT>&) __attribute__ ((const));
-template <class FLOAT> complex<FLOAT>
- sqrt (const complex<FLOAT>&) __attribute__ ((const));
-class istream;
-class ostream;
-template <class FLOAT> istream& operator >> (istream&, complex<FLOAT>&);
-template <class FLOAT> ostream& operator << (ostream&, const complex<FLOAT>&);
-} // extern "C++"
-// Specializations and such
-#include <std/fcomplex.h>
-#include <std/dcomplex.h>
-#include <std/ldcomplex.h>
-// Declare the instantiations.
-#include <std/cinst.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/csetjmp.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/csetjmp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bba048..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/csetjmp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- setjmp/longjmp header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSETJMP__
-#define __CSETJMP__
-#include <setjmp.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/csignal.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/csignal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6febfb7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/csignal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- signal handling header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSIGNAL__
-#define __CSIGNAL__
-#include <signal.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstdarg.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstdarg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 24c57f0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstdarg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- variable argument handling header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSTDARG__
-#define __CSTDARG__
-#include <stdarg.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstddef.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstddef.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e025e3..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstddef.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- wrapper for the C standard definitions header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSTDDEF__
-#define __CSTDDEF__
-#include <stddef.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstdio.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstdio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fe1456..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstdio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- standard I/O header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSTDIO__
-#define __CSTDIO__
-#include <stdio.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 51dc00a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstdlib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- standard library header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSTDLIB__
-#define __CSTDLIB__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface "std/cstdlib.h"
-extern "C++" {
-#if _G_HAS_LABS
-inline long abs(long x) { return labs (x); }
-inline long abs(long x) { return x >= 0 ? x : -x; }
-//inline ldiv_t div(long x, long y) { return ldiv (x, y); }
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstring.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstring.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f0e914b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cstring.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- null-terminated string header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CSTRING__
-#define __CSTRING__
-#if 0 // Let's not bother with this just yet.
-// The ANSI C prototypes for these functions have a const argument type and
-// non-const return type, so we can't use them.
-#define strchr __hide_strchr
-#define strpbrk __hide_strpbrk
-#define strrchr __hide_strrchr
-#define strstr __hide_strstr
-#define memchr __hide_memchr
-#endif // 0
-#include <string.h>
-#if 0 // Let's not bother with this just yet.
-#undef strchr
-#undef strpbrk
-#undef strrchr
-#undef strstr
-#undef memchr
-#include <std/cstddef.h>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface "std/cstring.h"
-extern "C++" {
-extern "C" const char *strchr (const char *, int);
-inline char *
-strchr (char *s, int c)
- return const_cast<char *> (strchr (static_cast<const char *> (s), c));
-extern "C" const char *strpbrk (const char *, const char *);
-inline char *
-strpbrk (char *s1, const char *s2)
- return const_cast<char *> (strpbrk (static_cast<const char *> (s1), s2));
-extern "C" const char *strrchr (const char *, int);
-inline char *
-strrchr (char *s, int c)
- return const_cast<char *> (strrchr (static_cast<const char *> (s), c));
-extern "C" const char *strstr (const char *, const char *);
-inline char *
-strstr (char *s1, const char *s2)
- return const_cast<char *> (strstr (static_cast<const char *> (s1), s2));
-extern "C" const void *memchr (const void *, int, size_t);
-inline void *
-memchr (void *s, int c, size_t n)
- return const_cast<void *> (memchr (static_cast<const void *> (s), c, n));
-} // extern "C++"
-#endif // 0
-#endif // !defined (__CSTRING__)
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/ctime.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/ctime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0184da5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/ctime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- time header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CTIME__
-#define __CTIME__
-#include <time.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cwchar.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cwchar.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1674c12..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cwchar.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- wide character header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CWCHAR__
-#define __CWCHAR__
-#include <wchar.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cwctype.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cwctype.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8112201..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/cwctype.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- wide character type header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __CWCTYPE__
-#define __CWCTYPE__
-#include <wctype.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/dcomplex.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/dcomplex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d3e5d31..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/dcomplex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- double_complex class.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Jason Merrill based upon the specification in the 27 May 1994
-// C++ working paper, ANSI document X3J16/94-0098.
-#ifndef __DCOMPLEX__
-#define __DCOMPLEX__
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface "dcomplex"
-extern "C++" {
-class complex<double>
- complex (double r = 0, double i = 0): re (r), im (i) { }
- complex (const complex<float>& r): re (r.real ()), im (r.imag ()) { }
- explicit complex (const complex<long double>& r);
- complex& operator+= (const complex&);
- complex& operator-= (const complex&);
- complex& operator*= (const complex&);
- complex& operator/= (const complex&);
- double real () const { return re; }
- double imag () const { return im; }
- double re, im;
- // These functions are specified as friends for purposes of name injection;
- // they do not actually reference private members.
- friend double real (const complex& x) { return x.real (); }
- friend double imag (const complex& x) { return x.imag (); }
- friend complex operator + (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator + (const complex&, double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator + (double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator - (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator - (const complex&, double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator - (double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator * (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator * (const complex&, double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator * (double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator / (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator / (const complex&, double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator / (double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator == (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator == (const complex&, double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator == (double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator != (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator != (const complex&, double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator != (double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex polar (double, double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (const complex&, double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (const complex&, int) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend istream& operator>> (istream&, complex&);
- friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const complex&);
-inline complex<float>::complex (const complex<double>& r)
-: re (r.real ()), im (r.imag ())
-{ }
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/exception.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/exception.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de65d8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/exception.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-// Exception Handling header for -*- C++ -*-
-// Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-#ifndef __EXCEPTION__
-#define __EXCEPTION__
-extern "C++" {
-// class XUNEXPECTED { to be specified };
-typedef void (*terminate_handler) ();
-typedef void (*unexpected_handler) ();
-terminate_handler set_terminate (terminate_handler);
-void terminate (void);
-unexpected_handler set_unexpected (unexpected_handler);
-void unexpected (void);
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/fcomplex.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/fcomplex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 27f3be7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/fcomplex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- float_complex class.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Jason Merrill based upon the specification in the 27 May 1994
-// C++ working paper, ANSI document X3J16/94-0098.
-#ifndef __FCOMPLEX__
-#define __FCOMPLEX__
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface "fcomplex"
-extern "C++" {
-class complex<float>
- complex (float r = 0, float i = 0): re (r), im (i) { }
- explicit complex (const complex<double>& r);
- explicit complex (const complex<long double>& r);
- complex& operator+= (const complex&);
- complex& operator-= (const complex&);
- complex& operator*= (const complex&);
- complex& operator/= (const complex&);
- float real () const { return re; }
- float imag () const { return im; }
- float re, im;
- // These functions are specified as friends for purposes of name injection;
- // they do not actually reference private members.
- friend float real (const complex& x) { return x.real (); }
- friend float imag (const complex& x) { return x.imag (); }
- friend complex operator + (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator + (const complex&, float) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator + (float, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator - (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator - (const complex&, float) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator - (float, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator * (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator * (const complex&, float) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator * (float, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator / (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator / (const complex&, float) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator / (float, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator == (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator == (const complex&, float) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator == (float, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator != (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator != (const complex&, float) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator != (float, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex polar (float, float) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (const complex&, float) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (const complex&, int) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (float, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend istream& operator>> (istream&, complex&);
- friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const complex&);
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/ldcomplex.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/ldcomplex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 95f90ae..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/ldcomplex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- long_double_complex class.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Jason Merrill based upon the specification in the 27 May 1994
-// C++ working paper, ANSI document X3J16/94-0098.
-#ifndef __LDCOMPLEX__
-#define __LDCOMPLEX__
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface "ldcomplex"
-extern "C++" {
-class complex<long double>
- complex (long double r = 0, long double i = 0): re (r), im (i) { }
- complex (const complex<float>& r): re (r.real ()), im (r.imag ()) { }
- complex (const complex<double>& r): re (r.real ()), im (r.imag ()) { }
- complex& operator+= (const complex&);
- complex& operator-= (const complex&);
- complex& operator*= (const complex&);
- complex& operator/= (const complex&);
- long double real () const { return re; }
- long double imag () const { return im; }
- long double re, im;
- // These functions are specified as friends for purposes of name injection;
- // they do not actually reference private members.
- friend long double real (const complex& x) { return x.real (); }
- friend long double imag (const complex& x) { return x.imag (); }
- friend complex operator + (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator + (const complex&, long double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator + (long double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator - (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator - (const complex&, long double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator - (long double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator * (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator * (const complex&, long double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator * (long double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator / (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator / (const complex&, long double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex operator / (long double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator == (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator == (const complex&, long double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator == (long double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator != (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator != (const complex&, long double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend bool operator != (long double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex polar (long double, long double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (const complex&, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (const complex&, long double) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (const complex&, int) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend complex pow (long double, const complex&) __attribute__ ((const));
- friend istream& operator>> (istream&, complex&);
- friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const complex&);
-inline complex<float>::complex (const complex<long double>& r)
-: re (r.real ()), im (r.imag ())
-{ }
-inline complex<double>::complex (const complex<long double>& r)
-: re (r.real ()), im (r.imag ())
-{ }
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/new.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/new.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cfdfbeb..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/new.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- dynamic memory management header.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-#ifndef __NEW__
-#define __NEW__
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface "std/new.h"
-#include <std/cstddef.h>
-extern "C++" {
-typedef void (*new_handler)();
-extern "C" new_handler set_new_handler (new_handler);
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined (__STRICT_ANSI__)
-// G++ implementation internals
-extern new_handler __new_handler;
-extern "C" void __default_new_handler (void);
-// replaceable signatures
-void *operator new (size_t);
-void *operator new[] (size_t);
-void operator delete (void *);
-void operator delete[] (void *);
-// default placement versions of operator new
-inline void *operator new(size_t, void *place) { return place; }
-inline void *operator new[](size_t, void *place) { return place; }
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/sinst.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/sinst.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bd9bfc..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/sinst.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Forward declarations of -*- C++ -*- string instantiations.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Jason Merrill based upon the specification by Takanori Adachi
-// in ANSI X3J16/94-0013R2.
-#ifndef __SINST__
-#define __SINST__
-extern "C++" {
-#define __S basic_string<char,string_char_traits<char> >
-//#define __W basic_string<wchar_t,string_char_traits<wchar_t> >
-extern template class __bsrep<char, string_char_traits<char> >;
-extern template class __S;
-// extern template class __W;
-// extern template class __bsrep<wchar_t, string_char_traits<wchar_t> >;
-#define __DOPR(op, ret, c, s) \
- extern template ret operator op (const s&, const s&); \
- extern template ret operator op (const c*, const s&); \
- extern template ret operator op (const s&, const c*); \
-#define __DO(op, ret, c, s) \
- extern template ret operator op (const s&, const s&); \
- extern template ret operator op (const c*, const s&); \
- extern template ret operator op (const s&, const c*); \
- extern template ret operator op (c, const s&); \
- extern template ret operator op (const s&, c);
-__DO (+, __S, char, __S)
-// __DO (+, __W, wchar_t, __W) */
-#define __DOB(op) \
- __DOPR (op, bool, char, __S)
-// __DOPR (op, bool, wchar_t, __W)
-__DOB (==)
-__DOB (!=)
-__DOB (<)
-__DOB (>)
-__DOB (<=)
-__DOB (>=)
-#undef __S
-//#undef __W
-#undef __DO
-#undef __DOB
-#undef __DOPR
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/stddef.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/stddef.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 00cf47e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/stddef.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// The -*- C++ -*- standard definitions header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __STDDEF__
-#define __STDDEF__
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface "std/stddef.h"
-#include <_G_config.h>
-#include <std/cstddef.h>
-extern "C++" {
-const size_t NPOS = (size_t)(-1);
-typedef void fvoid_t();
-#ifndef _WINT_T
-#define _WINT_T
-typedef _G_wint_t wint_t;
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/stdexcept.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/stdexcept.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 785bb6a..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/stdexcept.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// Methods for Exception Support for -*- C++ -*-
-// Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Mike Stump based upon the specification in the 20 September 1994
-// C++ working paper, ANSI document X3J16/94-0158.
-#ifndef __STDEXCEPT__
-#define __STDEXCEPT__
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface "std/stdexcept.h"
-#include <typeinfo>
-extern "C++" {
-#if 0
-#include <string>
-typedef string __string;
-typedef const char * __string;
-class exception {
- typedef void (*raise_handler)(exception&);
- static raise_handler set_raise_handler(raise_handler handler_arg);
- exception (const __string& what_arg): desc (what_arg) { }
- virtual ~exception() { }
- void raise();
- virtual __string what() const { return desc; }
- exception() { }
- virtual void do_raise() { }
- __string desc;
-class logic_error : public exception {
- logic_error(const __string& what_arg): exception (what_arg) { }
- virtual ~logic_error() { }
-class domain_error : public logic_error {
- domain_error (const __string& what_arg): logic_error (what_arg) { }
- virtual ~domain_error () { }
-class invalid_argument : public logic_error {
- invalid_argument (const __string& what_arg): logic_error (what_arg) { }
- virtual ~invalid_argument () { }
-class length_error : public logic_error {
- length_error (const __string& what_arg): logic_error (what_arg) { }
- virtual ~length_error () { }
-class out_of_range : public logic_error {
- out_of_range (const __string& what_arg): logic_error (what_arg) { }
- virtual ~out_of_range () { }
-class runtime_error : public exception {
- runtime_error(const __string& what_arg): exception (what_arg) { }
- virtual ~runtime_error() { }
- runtime_error(): exception () { }
-class range_error : public runtime_error {
- range_error (const __string& what_arg): runtime_error (what_arg) { }
- virtual ~range_error () { }
-class overflow_error : public runtime_error {
- overflow_error (const __string& what_arg): runtime_error (what_arg) { }
- virtual ~overflow_error () { }
-// These are moved here from typeinfo so that we can compile with -frtti
-class bad_cast : public logic_error {
- bad_cast(const __string& what_arg): logic_error (what_arg) { }
- virtual ~bad_cast() { }
-extern bad_cast __bad_cast_object;
-class bad_typeid : public logic_error {
- public:
- bad_typeid (): logic_error ("bad_typeid") { }
- virtual ~bad_typeid () { }
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/straits.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/straits.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 42fbad37..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/straits.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-// Character traits template for the -*- C++ -*- string classes.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Jason Merrill based upon the specification by Takanori Adachi
-// in ANSI X3J16/94-0013R2.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-// For string_char_traits <char>
-#pragma interface "std/straits.h"
-#include <std/stddef.h>
-extern "C++" {
-template <class charT>
-struct string_char_traits {
- typedef charT char_type; // for users to acquire the basic character type
- // constraints
- static void assign (char_type& c1, const char_type& c2)
- { c1 = c2; }
- static bool eq (const char_type& c1, const char_type& c2)
- { return (c1 == c2); }
- static bool ne (const char_type& c1, const char_type& c2)
- { return !(c1 == c2); }
- static bool lt (const char_type& c1, const char_type& c2)
- { return (c1 < c2); }
- static char_type eos () { return char_type(); } // the null character
- static bool is_del(char_type a) { return 0; }
- // characteristic function for delimiters of charT
- // speed-up functions
- static int compare (const char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n)
- {
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- if (ne (s1[i], s2[i]))
- return lt (s1[i], s2[i]) ? -1 : 1;
- return 0;
- }
- static size_t length (const char_type* s)
- {
- size_t l = 0;
- while (ne (*s++, eos ()))
- ++l;
- return l;
- }
- static char_type* copy (char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n)
- {
- for (; n--; )
- assign (s1[n], s2[n]);
- return s1;
- }
- static char_type* move (char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n)
- {
- char_type a[n];
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- assign (a[i], s2[i]);
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- assign (s1[i], a[i]);
- return s1;
- }
- static char_type* set (char_type* s1, const char_type& c, size_t n)
- {
- for (; n--; )
- assign (s1[n], c);
- return s1;
- }
-class istream;
-class ostream;
-#include <std/cctype.h>
-#include <std/cstring.h>
-struct string_char_traits <char> {
- typedef char char_type;
- static void assign (char_type& c1, const char_type& c2)
- { c1 = c2; }
- static bool eq (const char_type & c1, const char_type& c2)
- { return (c1 == c2); }
- static bool ne (const char_type& c1, const char_type& c2)
- { return (c1 != c2); }
- static bool lt (const char_type& c1, const char_type& c2)
- { return (c1 < c2); }
- static char_type eos () { return 0; }
- static bool is_del(char_type a) { return isspace(a); }
- static int compare (const char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n)
- { return memcmp (s1, s2, n); }
- static size_t length (const char_type* s)
- { return strlen (s); }
- static char_type* copy (char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n)
- { return (char_type*) memcpy (s1, s2, n); }
- static char_type* move (char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n)
- { return (char_type*) memmove (s1, s2, n); }
- static char_type* set (char_type* s1, const char_type& c, size_t n)
- { return (char_type*) memset (s1, c, n); }
-#if 0
-#include <std/cwctype.h>
-struct string_char_traits <wchar_t> {
- typedef wchar_t char_type;
- static void assign (char_type& c1, const char_type& c2)
- { c1 = c2; }
- static bool eq (const char_type & c1, const char_type& c2)
- { return (c1 == c2); }
- static bool ne (const char_type& c1, const char_type& c2)
- { return (c1 != c2); }
- static bool lt (const char_type& c1, const char_type& c2)
- { return (c1 < c2); }
- static char_type eos () { return 0; }
- static bool is_del(char_type a) { return iswspace(a); }
- static int compare (const char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n)
- { return wmemcmp (s1, s2, n); }
- static size_t length (const char_type* s)
- { return wcslen (s); }
- static char_type* copy (char_type* s1, const char_type* s2, size_t n)
- { return wmemcpy (s1, s2, n); }
- static char_type* set (char_type* s1, const char_type& c, size_t n)
- { return wmemset (s1, c, n); }
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/string.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/string.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 77cc801..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/string.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// Main header for the -*- C++ -*- string classes.
-#ifndef __STRING__
-#define __STRING__
-#include <std/bastring.h>
-extern "C++" {
-typedef basic_string <char, string_char_traits <char> > string;
-// typedef basic_string <wchar_t, string_char_traits <wchar_t> > wstring;
-} // extern "C++"
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/typeinfo.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/typeinfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 44f833c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/std/typeinfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-// RTTI support for -*- C++ -*-
-// Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Kung Hsu based upon the specification in the 20 September 1994
-// C++ working paper, ANSI document X3J16/94-0158.
-#ifndef __TYPEINFO__
-#define __TYPEINFO__
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma interface "std/typeinfo.h"
-extern "C" void* __throw_type_match_rtti (void *, void *, void *);
-extern "C++" {
-class type_info {
- // assigning type_info is not supported. made private.
- type_info& operator=(const type_info&);
- type_info(const type_info&);
- enum node_type {
- _RTTI_BUILTIN_TYPE, // builtin type
- _RTTI_USER_TYPE, // user defined type
- _RTTI_CLASS_TYPE, // class type
- _RTTI_POINTER_TYPE, // pointer type
- _RTTI_ATTR_TYPE, // attribute type for const and volatile
- _RTTI_FUNC_TYPE, // function type
- _RTTI_PTMF_TYPE, // pointer to member function type
- _RTTI_PTMD_TYPE // pointer to member data type
- };
- // return node type of the object
- virtual node_type __rtti_get_node_type() const { return _RTTI_BUILTIN_TYPE; }
- // get_name will return the name of the type, NULL if no name (like builtin)
- virtual const char * __rtti_get_name() const { return 0; }
- // compare if type represented by the type_info are the same type
- virtual int __rtti_compare(const type_info&) const { return 0; }
- // argument passed is the desired type,
- // for class type, if the type can be converted to the desired type,
- // it will be, and returned, else 0 is returned. If the match
- // succeeds, the return value will be adjusted to point to the sub-object.
- virtual void* __rtti_match(const type_info&, int, void *) const {
- // This should never be called.
- return 0;
- };
- // destructor
- virtual ~type_info() {}
- type_info() {}
- bool before(const type_info& arg);
- const char* name() const
- { return __rtti_get_name(); }
- bool operator==(const type_info& arg) const
- { return __rtti_compare(arg) == 0; }
- bool operator!=(const type_info& arg) const
- { return __rtti_compare(arg) != 0; }
-// type_info for builtin type
-class __builtin_type_info : public type_info {
- enum builtin_type_val {
- };
- builtin_type_val b_type;
- __builtin_type_info (builtin_type_val bt) : b_type (bt) {}
- node_type __rtti_get_node_type () const
- { return _RTTI_BUILTIN_TYPE; }
- const char *__rtti_get_name () const
- { return (const char *)0; }
- int __rtti_compare (const type_info& arg) const
- { return (arg.__rtti_get_node_type () == _RTTI_BUILTIN_TYPE &&
- ((__builtin_type_info&)arg).b_type == b_type) ? 0 : -1; }
-// serice function for comparing types by name.
-inline int __fast_compare (const char *n1, const char *n2) {
- int c;
- if (n1 == n2) return 0;
- if (n1 == 0) return *n2;
- else if (n2 == 0) return *n1;
- c = (int)*n1++ - (int)*n2++;
- return c == 0 ? strcmp (n1, n2) : c;
-// type_info for user type.
-class __user_type_info : public type_info {
- private:
- const char *_name;
- __user_type_info (const char *nm) : _name (nm) {}
- node_type __rtti_get_node_type () const
- { return _RTTI_USER_TYPE; }
- const char *__rtti_get_name () const
- { return _name; }
- int __rtti_compare (const type_info& arg) const
- { return (arg.__rtti_get_node_type () == __rtti_get_node_type() &&
- __fast_compare (_name, arg.__rtti_get_name ()) == 0) ? 0 : -1; }
-// type_info for a class.
-class __class_type_info : public __user_type_info {
- enum access_mode {
- };
- type_info **base_list;
- int *offset_list;
- int *is_virtual_list;
- access_mode *access_list;
- int n_bases;
- __class_type_info (const char *name, type_info **bl, int *off,
- int *is_vir, access_mode *acc, int bn)
- : __user_type_info (name), base_list (bl), offset_list(off),
- is_virtual_list(is_vir), access_list(acc), n_bases (bn) {}
- node_type __rtti_get_node_type () const
- { return _RTTI_CLASS_TYPE; }
- // inherit __rtti_compare from __user_type_info
- // This is a little complex defined in
- void* __rtti_match(const type_info&, int, void *) const;
-// type info for pointer type.
-class __pointer_type_info : public type_info {
- type_info& type;
- __pointer_type_info (type_info& ti) : type (ti) {}
- node_type __rtti_get_node_type () const
- { return _RTTI_POINTER_TYPE; }
- const char *__rtti_get_name () const
- { return (const char *)0; }
- int __rtti_compare (const type_info& arg) const
- { return (arg.__rtti_get_node_type () == __rtti_get_node_type() &&
- type.__rtti_compare ( ((__pointer_type_info&)arg).type) == 0) ? 0 : -1; }
- void* __rtti_match(const type_info& catch_type, int, void *objptr) const;
-// type info for attributes
-class __attr_type_info : public type_info {
- enum attr_val {
- };
- attr_val attr;
- type_info& type;
- __attr_type_info (attr_val a, type_info& t) : attr (a), type(t) {}
- node_type __rtti_get_node_type () const
- { return _RTTI_ATTR_TYPE; }
- const char *__rtti_get_name () const
- { return (const char *)0; }
- int __rtti_compare (const type_info& arg) const
- { return (arg.__rtti_get_node_type () == _RTTI_ATTR_TYPE &&
- attr == ((__attr_type_info&)arg).attr &&
- type.__rtti_compare ( ((__attr_type_info&)arg).type ) == 0)
- ? 0 : -1; }
-// type info for function.
-class __func_type_info : public __user_type_info {
- __func_type_info (const char *name) : __user_type_info (name) {}
- node_type __rtti_get_node_type () const
- { return _RTTI_FUNC_TYPE; }
-// type info for pointer to member function.
-class __ptmf_type_info : public __user_type_info {
- __ptmf_type_info (const char *name) : __user_type_info (name) {}
- node_type __rtti_get_node_type () const
- { return _RTTI_PTMF_TYPE; }
-// type info for pointer to data member.
-class __ptmd_type_info : public type_info {
- type_info& classtype;
- type_info& type;
- __ptmd_type_info (type_info& tc, type_info& t) : classtype (tc), type (t) {}
- node_type __rtti_get_node_type () const
- { return _RTTI_PTMD_TYPE; }
- int __rtti_compare (const type_info& arg) const
- { return (arg.__rtti_get_node_type () == _RTTI_PTMD_TYPE &&
- classtype.__rtti_compare ( ((__ptmd_type_info&)arg).classtype ) == 0 &&
- type.__rtti_compare ( ((__ptmd_type_info&)arg).type ) == 0)
- ? 0 : -1; }
-} // extern "C++"
-#include <stdexcept>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stddef b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stddef
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bfd4a9..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stddef
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __STDDEF__
-#include <std/stddef.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
deleted file mode 100644
index b49c42c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// Implementation file for the -*- C++ -*- standard definitions header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation "std/stddef.h"
-#include <std/stddef.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stdexcept b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stdexcept
deleted file mode 100644
index 560c53d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stdexcept
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __STDEXCEPT__
-#include <std/stdexcept.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4025f5b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// Implementation file for Exception Support for -*- C++ -*-
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation "std/stdexcept.h"
-#include <stdexcept>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b27074..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- compatibility header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <deque>
-#include <functional>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <numeric>
-#include <set>
-#include <stack>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/ChangeLog b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 786989d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-Wed Apr 24 10:45:22 1996 Doug Evans <>
- * (tempbuf.o,random.o): Add rules for SunOS VPATH.
-Fri Apr 5 17:52:31 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * (EXTRA_MOSTLYCLEAN): New, to remove stl.list.
-Sun Mar 10 07:49:03 1996 Jason Merrill <>
- * deque.h (distance_type): Add overload for g++.
- From Joe Buck.
-Thu Nov 9 17:05:23 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * algo.h algobase.h bvector.h defalloc.h deque.h function.h heap.h
- iterator.h list.h map.h multimap.h multiset.h pair.h projectn.h
- set.h stack.h tempbuf.h tree.h vector.h: Wrap #include <bool.h>
- with #ifndef __GNUG__.
-Thu Nov 2 17:05:44 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * deque.h (deque<T>::insert): Fix merge typo.
- * vector.h (value_type): Lose.
-Thu Nov 2 14:33:47 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * algo.h, algobase.h, deque.h, function.h, list.h, pair.h,
- Merge in Oct 31 1995 release from HP.
-Fri Aug 11 17:11:12 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * list.h: Avoid duplicate construction and destruction of list_nodes.
- Patch from Klamer Schutte <>.
-Fri Aug 11 16:45:18 1995 Per Bothner <>
- * algo.h, algobase.h, deque.h: Merged in Jul 12 1995 release from HP.
-Mon Jun 5 18:38:56 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (stl.list): Depend on stamp-picdir.
-Wed May 17 02:30:47 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * tree.h: Rearrange member initializers in rb_tree constructors.
- * Update to HP's February 7, 1995 release.
-Fri May 5 10:45:31 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * (seed): Move `for' decl out of `for' statement.
-Wed Apr 26 13:09:16 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (XCXXINCLUDES): Rename.
-Wed Mar 29 19:24:56 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * tree.h (insert): Return a value.
- * vector.h (insert): Cast iterator difference to size_type to
- avoid warning.
-Sun Feb 12 09:12:17 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * tree.h (rb_tree::max_size): Add definition when using GNU
- workaround.
-Thu Jan 12 01:37:42 1995 deanm@medulla.LABS.TEK.COM (Dean Messing)
- * (LIBDIR): Set to yes.
-Fri Dec 30 18:26:20 1994 Mike Stump <>
- * iterator.h: Add default template parameters where possible.
-Fri Dec 30 16:29:39 1994 Mike Stump <>
- * algo.h: Change rand to __rand to fix make check on linux systems.
-Tue Nov 29 15:30:30 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * Initial check-in, based on HP's October 21, 1994.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 438d81d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#### package, host, target, and site dependent Makefile fragments come in here.
-STL_OBJECTS = tempbuf.o tree.o random.o
-stl.list: stamp-picdir $(STL_OBJECTS)
- @echo "$(STL_OBJECTS)" >stl.list
-# These are here for SunOS VPATH.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/README b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/README
deleted file mode 100644
index fad26de..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains Hewlett-Packard's implementation of
-the C++ Standard Template Library.
-It is the October 31, 1995 version.
-It has been extensively modified so it can be compiled by g++.
-(Version 2.6.1 or newer is recommended.)
-Some of these hacks are pretty ugly, but are needed to work around
-bugs in g++ (which we are working on).
-Thanks to Carsten Bormann <> for
-coming up with many of these work-arounds. However, I have
-come up with alternate (possibly inferior!) work-arounds in some cases.
-Note that this is based on a pre-Draft Standard for C++.
-Things are likely to change. For example, the header file names
-are very likely to change. The Allocator interface will change. Etc, etc.
-For examples if things that should work, look in the ../tests directory.
-See on the World-Wide Web,
-or anonymous ftp to, directory stl, file sharfile.Z.
- --Per Bothner
-Cygnus Support
-Here is Carsten Bormann's notes on his changes:
-This is a set of seriously bletcherous hacks to HP's wonderful STL
-library. The objective is to hammer STL through GCC 2.6.1 (2.6.0
-seems to work, too, until you run into one of its bugs) so that us
-academic types can play with STL, not to make STL better in any way.
-Many of these changes make the library much less efficient. All
-changes (except vector<bool> -- see below) are due to bugs (or
-non-features) in GCC, not due to any problems in STL. Do not judge
-the performance of STL (code space, data space, compile time
-complexity, run time complexity) from these hacks -- they will be much
-better when GCC implements more of Standard C++. May the authors of
-STL forgive me.
-The class templates generally have been hacked in the following ways:
-1) Static data members have been eliminated, generally by making them
-non-static members or member functions (both of which generally
-seriously impairs performance -- e.g., each rb_tree iterator now
-carries a copy of NIL since there is no other place to put it). The
-template list<> has suffered most.
-Allocators are still static members, since I changed defalloc.h to
-have static members only. (This makes allocators less useful, but
-still useable.) (Note that a static member without data need not be
-2) For member functions defined outside the class template, parameters
-of type tmpl<T>::something have been changed. In some cases, a class
-derived from the type has been used; in some cases the function simply
-has been made inline (again causing code bloat).
-3) A number of function templates in iterator.h have been declared
-again for derived classes defined by templates, usually by making them
-friend functions and using the name injection feature of GCC. I don't
-understand the relevant sections of the WP, so I don't know if this
-hack will cease to work in more conforming versions of GCC or become
-unneccessary or simply STL won't work with standard C++. Some of
-the necessary friends may still be missing...
-defalloc.h has lost much of its functionality: see above.
-bool.h has been made ineffective, since GCC supports bool.
-Finally, bit_vector has been changed into a proper specialization of
-[Not in this libstdc++ release. -PB]
- and Makefile build a small demo program for a number of
-features of STL. This is not a test suite, so I certainly have not
-found all my mistakes (could anyone in possession of such a test suite
-please run it over these hacks?). Send bug reports (that follow GNU
-bug reporting conventions) to
-Note that I generally do not have time to answer questions about STL.
-Carsten Bormann
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/algo.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/algo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e038d71..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/algo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2386 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef ALGO_H
-#define ALGO_H
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-#include <bool.h>
-#include <pair.h>
-#include <iterator.h>
-#include <algobase.h>
-#include <heap.h>
-#include <tempbuf.h>
-template <class T>
-inline const T& __median(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c) {
- if (a < b)
- if (b < c)
- return b;
- else if (a < c)
- return c;
- else
- return a;
- else if (a < c)
- return a;
- else if (b < c)
- return c;
- else
- return b;
-template <class T, class Compare>
-inline const T& __median(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c, Compare comp) {
- if (comp(a, b))
- if (comp(b, c))
- return b;
- else if (comp(a, c))
- return c;
- else
- return a;
- else if (comp(a, c))
- return a;
- else if (comp(b, c))
- return c;
- else
- return b;
-template <class InputIterator, class Function>
-Function for_each(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Function f) {
- while (first != last) f(*first++);
- return f;
-template <class InputIterator, class T>
-InputIterator find(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const T& value) {
- while (first != last && *first != value) ++first;
- return first;
-template <class InputIterator, class Predicate>
-InputIterator find_if(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- Predicate pred) {
- while (first != last && !pred(*first)) ++first;
- return first;
-template <class ForwardIterator>
-ForwardIterator adjacent_find(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) {
- if (first == last) return last;
- ForwardIterator next = first;
- while(++next != last) {
- if (*first == *next) return first;
- first = next;
- }
- return last;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
-ForwardIterator adjacent_find(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- BinaryPredicate binary_pred) {
- if (first == last) return last;
- ForwardIterator next = first;
- while(++next != last) {
- if (binary_pred(*first, *next)) return first;
- first = next;
- }
- return last;
-template <class InputIterator, class T, class Size>
-void count(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const T& value,
- Size& n) {
- while (first != last)
- if (*first++ == value) ++n;
-template <class InputIterator, class Predicate, class Size>
-void count_if(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred,
- Size& n) {
- while (first != last)
- if (pred(*first++)) ++n;
-template <class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2, class Distance1,
- class Distance2>
-ForwardIterator1 __search(ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1,
- ForwardIterator2 first2, ForwardIterator2 last2,
- Distance1*, Distance2*) {
- Distance1 d1 = 0;
- distance(first1, last1, d1);
- Distance2 d2 = 0;
- distance(first2, last2, d2);
- if (d1 < d2) return last1;
- ForwardIterator1 current1 = first1;
- ForwardIterator2 current2 = first2;
- while (current2 != last2)
- if (*current1++ != *current2++)
- if (d1-- == d2)
- return last1;
- else {
- current1 = ++first1;
- current2 = first2;
- }
- return (current2 == last2) ? first1 : last1;
-template <class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
-inline ForwardIterator1 search(ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1,
- ForwardIterator2 first2, ForwardIterator2 last2)
- return __search(first1, last1, first2, last2, distance_type(first1),
- distance_type(first2));
-template <class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2,
- class BinaryPredicate, class Distance1, class Distance2>
-ForwardIterator1 __search(ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1,
- ForwardIterator2 first2, ForwardIterator2 last2,
- BinaryPredicate binary_pred, Distance1*, Distance2*) {
- Distance1 d1 = 0;
- distance(first1, last1, d1);
- Distance2 d2 = 0;
- distance(first2, last2, d2);
- if (d1 < d2) return last1;
- ForwardIterator1 current1 = first1;
- ForwardIterator2 current2 = first2;
- while (current2 != last2)
- if (!binary_pred(*current1++, *current2++))
- if (d1-- == d2)
- return last1;
- else {
- current1 = ++first1;
- current2 = first2;
- }
- return (current2 == last2) ? first1 : last1;
-template <class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2,
- class BinaryPredicate>
-inline ForwardIterator1 search(ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1,
- ForwardIterator2 first2, ForwardIterator2 last2,
- BinaryPredicate binary_pred) {
- return __search(first1, last1, first2, last2, binary_pred,
- distance_type(first1), distance_type(first2));
-template <class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
-ForwardIterator2 swap_ranges(ForwardIterator1 first1, ForwardIterator1 last1,
- ForwardIterator2 first2) {
- while (first1 != last1) iter_swap(first1++, first2++);
- return first2;
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class UnaryOperation>
-OutputIterator transform(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result, UnaryOperation op) {
- while (first != last) *result++ = op(*first++);
- return result;
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator,
- class BinaryOperation>
-OutputIterator transform(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, OutputIterator result,
- BinaryOperation binary_op) {
- while (first1 != last1) *result++ = binary_op(*first1++, *first2++);
- return result;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
-void replace(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& old_value,
- const T& new_value) {
- while (first != last) {
- if (*first == old_value) *first = new_value;
- ++first;
- }
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Predicate, class T>
-void replace_if(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Predicate pred,
- const T& new_value) {
- while (first != last) {
- if (pred(*first)) *first = new_value;
- ++first;
- }
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T>
-OutputIterator replace_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result, const T& old_value,
- const T& new_value) {
- while (first != last) {
- *result++ = *first == old_value ? new_value : *first;
- ++first;
- }
- return result;
-template <class Iterator, class OutputIterator, class Predicate, class T>
-OutputIterator replace_copy_if(Iterator first, Iterator last,
- OutputIterator result, Predicate pred,
- const T& new_value) {
- while (first != last) {
- *result++ = pred(*first) ? new_value : *first;
- ++first;
- }
- return result;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Generator>
-void generate(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Generator gen) {
- while (first != last) *first++ = gen();
-template <class OutputIterator, class Size, class Generator>
-OutputIterator generate_n(OutputIterator first, Size n, Generator gen) {
- while (n-- > 0) *first++ = gen();
- return first;
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T>
-OutputIterator remove_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result, const T& value) {
- while (first != last) {
- if (*first != value) *result++ = *first;
- ++first;
- }
- return result;
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class Predicate>
-OutputIterator remove_copy_if(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result, Predicate pred) {
- while (first != last) {
- if (!pred(*first)) *result++ = *first;
- ++first;
- }
- return result;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
-ForwardIterator remove(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value) {
- first = find(first, last, value);
- ForwardIterator next = first;
- return first == last ? first : remove_copy(++next, last, first, value);
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Predicate>
-ForwardIterator remove_if(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- Predicate pred) {
- first = find_if(first, last, pred);
- ForwardIterator next = first;
- return first == last ? first : remove_copy_if(++next, last, first, pred);
-template <class InputIterator, class ForwardIterator>
-ForwardIterator __unique_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- ForwardIterator result, forward_iterator_tag) {
- *result = *first;
- while (++first != last)
- if (*result != *first) *++result = *first;
- return ++result;
-template <class InputIterator, class BidirectionalIterator>
-inline BidirectionalIterator __unique_copy(InputIterator first,
- InputIterator last,
- BidirectionalIterator result,
- bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
- return __unique_copy(first, last, result, forward_iterator_tag());
-template <class InputIterator, class RandomAccessIterator>
-inline RandomAccessIterator __unique_copy(InputIterator first,
- InputIterator last,
- RandomAccessIterator result,
- random_access_iterator_tag) {
- return __unique_copy(first, last, result, forward_iterator_tag());
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T>
-OutputIterator __unique_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result, T*) {
- T value = *first;
- *result = value;
- while (++first != last)
- if (value != *first) {
- value = *first;
- *++result = value;
- }
- return ++result;
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
-inline OutputIterator __unique_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result,
- output_iterator_tag) {
- return __unique_copy(first, last, result, value_type(first));
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
-inline OutputIterator unique_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result) {
- if (first == last) return result;
- return __unique_copy(first, last, result, iterator_category(result));
-template <class InputIterator, class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
-ForwardIterator __unique_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- ForwardIterator result,
- BinaryPredicate binary_pred,
- forward_iterator_tag) {
- *result = *first;
- while (++first != last)
- if (!binary_pred(*result, *first)) *++result = *first;
- return ++result;
-template <class InputIterator, class BidirectionalIterator,
- class BinaryPredicate>
-inline BidirectionalIterator __unique_copy(InputIterator first,
- InputIterator last,
- BidirectionalIterator result,
- BinaryPredicate binary_pred,
- bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
- return __unique_copy(first, last, result, binary_pred,
- forward_iterator_tag());
-template <class InputIterator, class RandomAccessIterator,
- class BinaryPredicate>
-inline RandomAccessIterator __unique_copy(InputIterator first,
- InputIterator last,
- RandomAccessIterator result,
- BinaryPredicate binary_pred,
- random_access_iterator_tag) {
- return __unique_copy(first, last, result, binary_pred,
- forward_iterator_tag());
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryPredicate,
- class T>
-OutputIterator __unique_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result,
- BinaryPredicate binary_pred, T*) {
- T value = *first;
- *result = value;
- while (++first != last)
- if (!binary_pred(value, *first)) {
- value = *first;
- *++result = value;
- }
- return ++result;
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
-inline OutputIterator __unique_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result,
- BinaryPredicate binary_pred,
- output_iterator_tag) {
- return __unique_copy(first, last, result, binary_pred, value_type(first));
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
-inline OutputIterator unique_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result,
- BinaryPredicate binary_pred) {
- if (first == last) return result;
- return __unique_copy(first, last, result, binary_pred,
- iterator_category(result));
-template <class ForwardIterator>
-ForwardIterator unique(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) {
- first = adjacent_find(first, last);
- return unique_copy(first, last, first);
-template <class ForwardIterator, class BinaryPredicate>
-ForwardIterator unique(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- BinaryPredicate binary_pred) {
- first = adjacent_find(first, last, binary_pred);
- return unique_copy(first, last, first, binary_pred);
-template <class BidirectionalIterator>
-void __reverse(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last,
- bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
- while (true)
- if (first == last || first == --last)
- return;
- else
- iter_swap(first++, last);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-void __reverse(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- random_access_iterator_tag) {
- while (first < last) iter_swap(first++, --last);
-template <class BidirectionalIterator>
-inline void reverse(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last) {
- __reverse(first, last, iterator_category(first));
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator reverse_copy(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator last,
- OutputIterator result) {
- while (first != last) *result++ = *--last;
- return result;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Distance>
-void __rotate(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator middle,
- ForwardIterator last, Distance*, forward_iterator_tag) {
- for (ForwardIterator i = middle; ;) {
- iter_swap(first++, i++);
- if (first == middle) {
- if (i == last) return;
- middle = i;
- } else if (i == last)
- i = middle;
- }
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Distance>
-void __rotate(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator middle,
- BidirectionalIterator last, Distance*,
- bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
- reverse(first, middle);
- reverse(middle, last);
- reverse(first, last);
-template <class EuclideanRingElement>
-EuclideanRingElement __gcd(EuclideanRingElement m, EuclideanRingElement n)
- while (n != 0) {
- EuclideanRingElement t = m % n;
- m = n;
- n = t;
- }
- return m;
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance, class T>
-void __rotate_cycle(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- RandomAccessIterator initial, Distance shift, T*) {
- T value = *initial;
- RandomAccessIterator ptr1 = initial;
- RandomAccessIterator ptr2 = ptr1 + shift;
- while (ptr2 != initial) {
- *ptr1 = *ptr2;
- ptr1 = ptr2;
- if (last - ptr2 > shift)
- ptr2 += shift;
- else
- ptr2 = first + (shift - (last - ptr2));
- }
- *ptr1 = value;
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance>
-void __rotate(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator middle,
- RandomAccessIterator last, Distance*,
- random_access_iterator_tag) {
- Distance n = __gcd(last - first, middle - first);
- while (n--)
- __rotate_cycle(first, last, first + n, middle - first,
- value_type(first));
-template <class ForwardIterator>
-inline void rotate(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator middle,
- ForwardIterator last) {
- if (first == middle || middle == last) return;
- __rotate(first, middle, last, distance_type(first),
- iterator_category(first));
-template <class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator rotate_copy(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator middle,
- ForwardIterator last, OutputIterator result) {
- return copy(first, middle, copy(middle, last, result));
-unsigned long __long_random(unsigned long);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance>
-void __random_shuffle(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- Distance*) {
- if (first == last) return;
- for (RandomAccessIterator i = first + 1; i != last; ++i)
- iter_swap(i, first + Distance(__long_random((i - first) + 1)));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-inline void random_shuffle(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last) {
- __random_shuffle(first, last, distance_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class RandomNumberGenerator>
-void random_shuffle(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- RandomNumberGenerator& __rand) {
- if (first == last) return;
- for (RandomAccessIterator i = first + 1; i != last; ++i)
- iter_swap(i, first + __rand((i - first) + 1));
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Predicate>
-BidirectionalIterator partition(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator last, Predicate pred) {
- while (true) {
- while (true)
- if (first == last)
- return first;
- else if (pred(*first))
- ++first;
- else
- break;
- --last;
- while (true)
- if (first == last)
- return first;
- else if (!pred(*last))
- --last;
- else
- break;
- iter_swap(first, last);
- ++first;
- }
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Predicate, class Distance>
-ForwardIterator __inplace_stable_partition(ForwardIterator first,
- ForwardIterator last,
- Predicate pred, Distance len) {
- if (len == 1) return pred(*first) ? last : first;
- ForwardIterator middle = first;
- advance(middle, len / 2);
- ForwardIterator
- first_cut = __inplace_stable_partition(first, middle, pred, len / 2);
- ForwardIterator
- second_cut = __inplace_stable_partition(middle, last, pred,
- len - len / 2);
- rotate(first_cut, middle, second_cut);
- len = 0;
- distance(middle, second_cut, len);
- advance(first_cut, len);
- return first_cut;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Pointer, class Predicate,
- class Distance, class T>
-ForwardIterator __stable_partition_adaptive(ForwardIterator first,
- ForwardIterator last,
- Predicate pred, Distance len,
- Pointer buffer,
- Distance buffer_size,
- Distance& fill_pointer, T*) {
- if (len <= buffer_size) {
- len = 0;
- ForwardIterator result1 = first;
- Pointer result2 = buffer;
- while (first != last && len < fill_pointer)
- if (pred(*first))
- *result1++ = *first++;
- else {
- *result2++ = *first++;
- ++len;
- }
- if (first != last) {
- raw_storage_iterator<Pointer, T> result3 = result2;
- while (first != last)
- if (pred(*first))
- *result1++ = *first++;
- else {
- *result3++ = *first++;
- ++len;
- }
- fill_pointer = len;
- }
- copy(buffer, buffer + len, result1);
- return result1;
- }
- ForwardIterator middle = first;
- advance(middle, len / 2);
- ForwardIterator first_cut = __stable_partition_adaptive
- (first, middle, pred, len / 2, buffer, buffer_size, fill_pointer,
- (T*)0);
- ForwardIterator second_cut = __stable_partition_adaptive
- (middle, last, pred, len - len / 2, buffer, buffer_size,
- fill_pointer, (T*)0);
- rotate(first_cut, middle, second_cut);
- len = 0;
- distance(middle, second_cut, len);
- advance(first_cut, len);
- return first_cut;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Predicate, class Pointer,
- class Distance>
-ForwardIterator __stable_partition(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- Predicate pred, Distance len,
- pair<Pointer, Distance> p) {
- if (p.first == 0)
- return __inplace_stable_partition(first, last, pred, len);
- Distance fill_pointer = 0;
- ForwardIterator result =
- __stable_partition_adaptive(first, last, pred, len, p.first, p.second,
- fill_pointer, value_type(first));
- destroy(p.first, p.first + fill_pointer);
- return_temporary_buffer(p.first);
- return result;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Predicate, class Distance>
-inline ForwardIterator __stable_partition_aux(ForwardIterator first,
- ForwardIterator last,
- Predicate pred, Distance*) {
- Distance len = 0;
- distance(first, last, len);
- return __stable_partition(first, last, pred, len,
- get_temporary_buffer(len, value_type(first)));
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Predicate>
-inline ForwardIterator stable_partition(ForwardIterator first,
- ForwardIterator last,
- Predicate pred) {
- return __stable_partition_aux(first, last, pred, distance_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
-RandomAccessIterator __unguarded_partition(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last,
- T pivot) {
- while (1) {
- while (*first < pivot) ++first;
- --last;
- while (pivot < *last) --last;
- if (!(first < last)) return first;
- iter_swap(first, last);
- ++first;
- }
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Compare>
-RandomAccessIterator __unguarded_partition(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last,
- T pivot, Compare comp) {
- while (1) {
- while (comp(*first, pivot)) ++first;
- --last;
- while (comp(pivot, *last)) --last;
- if (!(first < last)) return first;
- iter_swap(first, last);
- ++first;
- }
-const int __stl_threshold = 16;
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
-void __quick_sort_loop_aux(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*) {
- while (last - first > __stl_threshold) {
- RandomAccessIterator cut = __unguarded_partition
- (first, last, T(__median(*first, *(first + (last - first)/2),
- *(last - 1))));
- if (cut - first >= last - cut) {
- __quick_sort_loop(cut, last);
- last = cut;
- } else {
- __quick_sort_loop(first, cut);
- first = cut;
- }
- }
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-inline void __quick_sort_loop(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last) {
- __quick_sort_loop_aux(first, last, value_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Compare>
-void __quick_sort_loop_aux(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*, Compare comp) {
- while (last - first > __stl_threshold) {
- RandomAccessIterator cut = __unguarded_partition
- (first, last, T(__median(*first, *(first + (last - first)/2),
- *(last - 1), comp)), comp);
- if (cut - first >= last - cut) {
- __quick_sort_loop(cut, last, comp);
- last = cut;
- } else {
- __quick_sort_loop(first, cut, comp);
- first = cut;
- }
- }
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-inline void __quick_sort_loop(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) {
- __quick_sort_loop_aux(first, last, value_type(first), comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
-void __unguarded_linear_insert(RandomAccessIterator last, T value) {
- RandomAccessIterator next = last;
- --next;
- while (value < *next) {
- *last = *next;
- last = next--;
- }
- *last = value;
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Compare>
-void __unguarded_linear_insert(RandomAccessIterator last, T value,
- Compare comp) {
- RandomAccessIterator next = last;
- --next;
- while (comp(value , *next)) {
- *last = *next;
- last = next--;
- }
- *last = value;
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
-inline void __linear_insert(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*) {
- T value = *last;
- if (value < *first) {
- copy_backward(first, last, last + 1);
- *first = value;
- } else
- __unguarded_linear_insert(last, value);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Compare>
-inline void __linear_insert(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*, Compare comp) {
- T value = *last;
- if (comp(value, *first)) {
- copy_backward(first, last, last + 1);
- *first = value;
- } else
- __unguarded_linear_insert(last, value, comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-void __insertion_sort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last) {
- if (first == last) return;
- for (RandomAccessIterator i = first + 1; i != last; ++i)
- __linear_insert(first, i, value_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-void __insertion_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) {
- if (first == last) return;
- for (RandomAccessIterator i = first + 1; i != last; ++i)
- __linear_insert(first, i, value_type(first), comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
-void __unguarded_insertion_sort_aux(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*) {
- for (RandomAccessIterator i = first; i != last; ++i)
- __unguarded_linear_insert(i, T(*i));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-inline void __unguarded_insertion_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last) {
- __unguarded_insertion_sort_aux(first, last, value_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Compare>
-void __unguarded_insertion_sort_aux(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last,
- T*, Compare comp) {
- for (RandomAccessIterator i = first; i != last; ++i)
- __unguarded_linear_insert(i, T(*i), comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-inline void __unguarded_insertion_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last,
- Compare comp) {
- __unguarded_insertion_sort_aux(first, last, value_type(first), comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-void __final_insertion_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last) {
- if (last - first > __stl_threshold) {
- __insertion_sort(first, first + __stl_threshold);
- __unguarded_insertion_sort(first + __stl_threshold, last);
- } else
- __insertion_sort(first, last);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-void __final_insertion_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) {
- if (last - first > __stl_threshold) {
- __insertion_sort(first, first + __stl_threshold, comp);
- __unguarded_insertion_sort(first + __stl_threshold, last, comp);
- } else
- __insertion_sort(first, last, comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-void sort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last) {
- __quick_sort_loop(first, last);
- __final_insertion_sort(first, last);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-void sort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- Compare comp) {
- __quick_sort_loop(first, last, comp);
- __final_insertion_sort(first, last, comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-void __inplace_stable_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last) {
- if (last - first < 15) {
- __insertion_sort(first, last);
- return;
- }
- RandomAccessIterator middle = first + (last - first) / 2;
- __inplace_stable_sort(first, middle);
- __inplace_stable_sort(middle, last);
- __merge_without_buffer(first, middle, last, middle - first, last - middle);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-void __inplace_stable_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) {
- if (last - first < 15) {
- __insertion_sort(first, last, comp);
- return;
- }
- RandomAccessIterator middle = first + (last - first) / 2;
- __inplace_stable_sort(first, middle, comp);
- __inplace_stable_sort(middle, last, comp);
- __merge_without_buffer(first, middle, last, middle - first,
- last - middle, comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator1, class RandomAccessIterator2,
- class Distance>
-void __merge_sort_loop(RandomAccessIterator1 first,
- RandomAccessIterator1 last,
- RandomAccessIterator2 result, Distance step_size) {
- Distance two_step = 2 * step_size;
- while (last - first >= two_step) {
- result = merge(first, first + step_size,
- first + step_size, first + two_step, result);
- first += two_step;
- }
- step_size = min(Distance(last - first), step_size);
- merge(first, first + step_size, first + step_size, last, result);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator1, class RandomAccessIterator2,
- class Distance, class Compare>
-void __merge_sort_loop(RandomAccessIterator1 first,
- RandomAccessIterator1 last,
- RandomAccessIterator2 result, Distance step_size,
- Compare comp) {
- Distance two_step = 2 * step_size;
- while (last - first >= two_step) {
- result = merge(first, first + step_size,
- first + step_size, first + two_step, result, comp);
- first += two_step;
- }
- step_size = min(Distance(last - first), step_size);
- merge(first, first + step_size, first + step_size, last, result, comp);
-const int __stl_chunk_size = 7;
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance>
-void __chunk_insertion_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, Distance chunk_size) {
- while (last - first >= chunk_size) {
- __insertion_sort(first, first + chunk_size);
- first += chunk_size;
- }
- __insertion_sort(first, last);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance, class Compare>
-void __chunk_insertion_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last,
- Distance chunk_size, Compare comp) {
- while (last - first >= chunk_size) {
- __insertion_sort(first, first + chunk_size, comp);
- first += chunk_size;
- }
- __insertion_sort(first, last, comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Pointer, class Distance, class T>
-void __merge_sort_with_buffer(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last,
- Pointer buffer, Distance*, T*) {
- Distance len = last - first;
- Pointer buffer_last = buffer + len;
- Distance step_size = __stl_chunk_size;
- __chunk_insertion_sort(first, last, step_size);
- while (step_size < len) {
- __merge_sort_loop(first, last, buffer, step_size);
- step_size *= 2;
- __merge_sort_loop(buffer, buffer_last, first, step_size);
- step_size *= 2;
- }
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Pointer, class Distance, class T,
- class Compare>
-void __merge_sort_with_buffer(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, Pointer buffer,
- Distance*, T*, Compare comp) {
- Distance len = last - first;
- Pointer buffer_last = buffer + len;
- Distance step_size = __stl_chunk_size;
- __chunk_insertion_sort(first, last, step_size, comp);
- while (step_size < len) {
- __merge_sort_loop(first, last, buffer, step_size, comp);
- step_size *= 2;
- __merge_sort_loop(buffer, buffer_last, first, step_size, comp);
- step_size *= 2;
- }
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Pointer, class Distance, class T>
-void __stable_sort_adaptive(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, Pointer buffer,
- Distance buffer_size, T*) {
- Distance len = (last - first + 1) / 2;
- RandomAccessIterator middle = first + len;
- if (len > buffer_size) {
- __stable_sort_adaptive(first, middle, buffer, buffer_size, (T*)0);
- __stable_sort_adaptive(middle, last, buffer, buffer_size, (T*)0);
- } else {
- __merge_sort_with_buffer(first, middle, buffer, (Distance*)0, (T*)0);
- __merge_sort_with_buffer(middle, last, buffer, (Distance*)0, (T*)0);
- }
- __merge_adaptive(first, middle, last, Distance(middle - first),
- Distance(last - middle), buffer, buffer_size, (T*)0);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Pointer, class Distance, class T,
- class Compare>
-void __stable_sort_adaptive(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, Pointer buffer,
- Distance buffer_size, T*, Compare comp) {
- Distance len = (last - first + 1) / 2;
- RandomAccessIterator middle = first + len;
- if (len > buffer_size) {
- __stable_sort_adaptive(first, middle, buffer, buffer_size, (T*)0, comp);
- __stable_sort_adaptive(middle, last, buffer, buffer_size, (T*)0, comp);
- } else {
- __merge_sort_with_buffer(first, middle, buffer, (Distance*)0, (T*)0,
- comp);
- __merge_sort_with_buffer(middle, last, buffer, (Distance*)0, (T*)0,
- comp);
- }
- __merge_adaptive(first, middle, last, Distance(middle - first),
- Distance(last - middle), buffer, buffer_size, (T*)0, comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Pointer, class Distance, class T>
-inline void __stable_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last,
- pair<Pointer, Distance> p, T*) {
- if (p.first == 0) {
- __inplace_stable_sort(first, last);
- return;
- }
- Distance len = min(p.second, last - first);
- copy(first, first + len, raw_storage_iterator<Pointer, T>(p.first));
- __stable_sort_adaptive(first, last, p.first, p.second, (T*)0);
- destroy(p.first, p.first + len);
- return_temporary_buffer(p.first);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Pointer, class Distance, class T,
- class Compare>
-inline void __stable_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last,
- pair<Pointer, Distance> p, T*, Compare comp) {
- if (p.first == 0) {
- __inplace_stable_sort(first, last, comp);
- return;
- }
- Distance len = min(p.second, last - first);
- copy(first, first + len, raw_storage_iterator<Pointer, T>(p.first));
- __stable_sort_adaptive(first, last, p.first, p.second, (T*)0, comp);
- destroy(p.first, p.first + len);
- return_temporary_buffer(p.first);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Distance>
-inline void __stable_sort_aux(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*, Distance*) {
- __stable_sort(first, last, get_temporary_buffer(Distance(last - first),
- (T*)0), (T*)0);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Distance, class Compare>
-inline void __stable_sort_aux(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*, Distance*,
- Compare comp) {
- __stable_sort(first, last, get_temporary_buffer(Distance(last - first),
- (T*)0), (T*)0, comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-inline void stable_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last) {
- __stable_sort_aux(first, last, value_type(first), distance_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-inline void stable_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) {
- __stable_sort_aux(first, last, value_type(first), distance_type(first),
- comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
-void __partial_sort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator middle,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*) {
- make_heap(first, middle);
- for (RandomAccessIterator i = middle; i < last; ++i)
- if (*i < *first)
- __pop_heap(first, middle, i, T(*i), distance_type(first));
- sort_heap(first, middle);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-inline void partial_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator middle,
- RandomAccessIterator last) {
- __partial_sort(first, middle, last, value_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Compare>
-void __partial_sort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator middle,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*, Compare comp) {
- make_heap(first, middle, comp);
- for (RandomAccessIterator i = middle; i < last; ++i)
- if (comp(*i, *first))
- __pop_heap(first, middle, i, T(*i), comp, distance_type(first));
- sort_heap(first, middle, comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-inline void partial_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator middle,
- RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) {
- __partial_sort(first, middle, last, value_type(first), comp);
-template <class InputIterator, class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance,
- class T>
-RandomAccessIterator __partial_sort_copy(InputIterator first,
- InputIterator last,
- RandomAccessIterator result_first,
- RandomAccessIterator result_last,
- Distance*, T*) {
- if (result_first == result_last) return result_last;
- RandomAccessIterator result_real_last = result_first;
- while(first != last && result_real_last != result_last)
- *result_real_last++ = *first++;
- make_heap(result_first, result_real_last);
- while (first != last) {
- if (*first < *result_first)
- __adjust_heap(result_first, Distance(0),
- Distance(result_real_last - result_first), T(*first));
- ++first;
- }
- sort_heap(result_first, result_real_last);
- return result_real_last;
-template <class InputIterator, class RandomAccessIterator>
-inline RandomAccessIterator
-partial_sort_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- RandomAccessIterator result_first,
- RandomAccessIterator result_last) {
- return __partial_sort_copy(first, last, result_first, result_last,
- distance_type(result_first), value_type(first));
-template <class InputIterator, class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare,
- class Distance, class T>
-RandomAccessIterator __partial_sort_copy(InputIterator first,
- InputIterator last,
- RandomAccessIterator result_first,
- RandomAccessIterator result_last,
- Compare comp, Distance*, T*) {
- if (result_first == result_last) return result_last;
- RandomAccessIterator result_real_last = result_first;
- while(first != last && result_real_last != result_last)
- *result_real_last++ = *first++;
- make_heap(result_first, result_real_last, comp);
- while (first != last) {
- if (comp(*first, *result_first))
- __adjust_heap(result_first, Distance(0),
- Distance(result_real_last - result_first), T(*first),
- comp);
- ++first;
- }
- sort_heap(result_first, result_real_last, comp);
- return result_real_last;
-template <class InputIterator, class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-inline RandomAccessIterator
-partial_sort_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- RandomAccessIterator result_first,
- RandomAccessIterator result_last, Compare comp) {
- return __partial_sort_copy(first, last, result_first, result_last, comp,
- distance_type(result_first), value_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
-void __nth_element(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator nth,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*) {
- while (last - first > 3) {
- RandomAccessIterator cut = __unguarded_partition
- (first, last, T(__median(*first, *(first + (last - first)/2),
- *(last - 1))));
- if (cut <= nth)
- first = cut;
- else
- last = cut;
- }
- __insertion_sort(first, last);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-inline void nth_element(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator nth,
- RandomAccessIterator last) {
- __nth_element(first, nth, last, value_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Compare>
-void __nth_element(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator nth,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*, Compare comp) {
- while (last - first > 3) {
- RandomAccessIterator cut = __unguarded_partition
- (first, last, T(__median(*first, *(first + (last - first)/2),
- *(last - 1), comp)), comp);
- if (cut <= nth)
- first = cut;
- else
- last = cut;
- }
- __insertion_sort(first, last, comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-inline void nth_element(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator nth,
- RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp) {
- __nth_element(first, nth, last, value_type(first), comp);
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Distance>
-ForwardIterator __lower_bound(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value, Distance*,
- forward_iterator_tag) {
- Distance len = 0;
- distance(first, last, len);
- Distance half;
- ForwardIterator middle;
- while (len > 0) {
- half = len / 2;
- middle = first;
- advance(middle, half);
- if (*middle < value) {
- first = middle;
- ++first;
- len = len - half - 1;
- } else
- len = half;
- }
- return first;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Distance>
-inline ForwardIterator __lower_bound(ForwardIterator first,
- ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value, Distance*,
- bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
- return __lower_bound(first, last, value, (Distance*)0,
- forward_iterator_tag());
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Distance>
-RandomAccessIterator __lower_bound(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, const T& value,
- Distance*, random_access_iterator_tag) {
- Distance len = last - first;
- Distance half;
- RandomAccessIterator middle;
- while (len > 0) {
- half = len / 2;
- middle = first + half;
- if (*middle < value) {
- first = middle + 1;
- len = len - half - 1;
- } else
- len = half;
- }
- return first;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
-inline ForwardIterator lower_bound(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value) {
- return __lower_bound(first, last, value, distance_type(first),
- iterator_category(first));
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare, class Distance>
-ForwardIterator __lower_bound(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value, Compare comp, Distance*,
- forward_iterator_tag) {
- Distance len = 0;
- distance(first, last, len);
- Distance half;
- ForwardIterator middle;
- while (len > 0) {
- half = len / 2;
- middle = first;
- advance(middle, half);
- if (comp(*middle, value)) {
- first = middle;
- ++first;
- len = len - half - 1;
- } else
- len = half;
- }
- return first;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare, class Distance>
-inline ForwardIterator __lower_bound(ForwardIterator first,
- ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value, Compare comp, Distance*,
- bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
- return __lower_bound(first, last, value, comp, (Distance*)0,
- forward_iterator_tag());
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Compare, class Distance>
-RandomAccessIterator __lower_bound(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last,
- const T& value, Compare comp, Distance*,
- random_access_iterator_tag) {
- Distance len = last - first;
- Distance half;
- RandomAccessIterator middle;
- while (len > 0) {
- half = len / 2;
- middle = first + half;
- if (comp(*middle, value)) {
- first = middle + 1;
- len = len - half - 1;
- } else
- len = half;
- }
- return first;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare>
-inline ForwardIterator lower_bound(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value, Compare comp) {
- return __lower_bound(first, last, value, comp, distance_type(first),
- iterator_category(first));
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Distance>
-ForwardIterator __upper_bound(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value, Distance*,
- forward_iterator_tag) {
- Distance len = 0;
- distance(first, last, len);
- Distance half;
- ForwardIterator middle;
- while (len > 0) {
- half = len / 2;
- middle = first;
- advance(middle, half);
- if (value < *middle)
- len = half;
- else {
- first = middle;
- ++first;
- len = len - half - 1;
- }
- }
- return first;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Distance>
-inline ForwardIterator __upper_bound(ForwardIterator first,
- ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value, Distance*,
- bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
- return __upper_bound(first, last, value, (Distance*)0,
- forward_iterator_tag());
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Distance>
-RandomAccessIterator __upper_bound(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, const T& value,
- Distance*, random_access_iterator_tag) {
- Distance len = last - first;
- Distance half;
- RandomAccessIterator middle;
- while (len > 0) {
- half = len / 2;
- middle = first + half;
- if (value < *middle)
- len = half;
- else {
- first = middle + 1;
- len = len - half - 1;
- }
- }
- return first;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
-inline ForwardIterator upper_bound(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value) {
- return __upper_bound(first, last, value, distance_type(first),
- iterator_category(first));
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare, class Distance>
-ForwardIterator __upper_bound(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value, Compare comp, Distance*,
- forward_iterator_tag) {
- Distance len = 0;
- distance(first, last, len);
- Distance half;
- ForwardIterator middle;
- while (len > 0) {
- half = len / 2;
- middle = first;
- advance(middle, half);
- if (comp(value, *middle))
- len = half;
- else {
- first = middle;
- ++first;
- len = len - half - 1;
- }
- }
- return first;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare, class Distance>
-inline ForwardIterator __upper_bound(ForwardIterator first,
- ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value, Compare comp, Distance*,
- bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
- return __upper_bound(first, last, value, comp, (Distance*)0,
- forward_iterator_tag());
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Compare, class Distance>
-RandomAccessIterator __upper_bound(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last,
- const T& value, Compare comp, Distance*,
- random_access_iterator_tag) {
- Distance len = last - first;
- Distance half;
- RandomAccessIterator middle;
- while (len > 0) {
- half = len / 2;
- middle = first + half;
- if (comp(value, *middle))
- len = half;
- else {
- first = middle + 1;
- len = len - half - 1;
- }
- }
- return first;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare>
-inline ForwardIterator upper_bound(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value, Compare comp) {
- return __upper_bound(first, last, value, comp, distance_type(first),
- iterator_category(first));
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Distance>
-pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>
-__equal_range(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& value,
- Distance*, forward_iterator_tag) {
- Distance len = 0;
- distance(first, last, len);
- Distance half;
- ForwardIterator middle, left, right;
- while (len > 0) {
- half = len / 2;
- middle = first;
- advance(middle, half);
- if (*middle < value) {
- first = middle;
- ++first;
- len = len - half - 1;
- } else if (value < *middle)
- len = half;
- else {
- left = lower_bound(first, middle, value);
- advance(first, len);
- right = upper_bound(++middle, first, value);
- return pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>(left, right);
- }
- }
- return pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>(first, first);
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Distance>
-inline pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>
-__equal_range(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& value,
- Distance*, bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
- return __equal_range(first, last, value, (Distance*)0,
- forward_iterator_tag());
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Distance>
-pair<RandomAccessIterator, RandomAccessIterator>
-__equal_range(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- const T& value, Distance*, random_access_iterator_tag) {
- Distance len = last - first;
- Distance half;
- RandomAccessIterator middle, left, right;
- while (len > 0) {
- half = len / 2;
- middle = first + half;
- if (*middle < value) {
- first = middle + 1;
- len = len - half - 1;
- } else if (value < *middle)
- len = half;
- else {
- left = lower_bound(first, middle, value);
- right = upper_bound(++middle, first + len, value);
- return pair<RandomAccessIterator, RandomAccessIterator>(left,
- right);
- }
- }
- return pair<RandomAccessIterator, RandomAccessIterator>(first, first);
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
-inline pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>
-equal_range(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& value) {
- return __equal_range(first, last, value, distance_type(first),
- iterator_category(first));
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare, class Distance>
-pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>
-__equal_range(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& value,
- Compare comp, Distance*, forward_iterator_tag) {
- Distance len = 0;
- distance(first, last, len);
- Distance half;
- ForwardIterator middle, left, right;
- while (len > 0) {
- half = len / 2;
- middle = first;
- advance(middle, half);
- if (comp(*middle, value)) {
- first = middle;
- ++first;
- len = len - half - 1;
- } else if (comp(value, *middle))
- len = half;
- else {
- left = lower_bound(first, middle, value, comp);
- advance(first, len);
- right = upper_bound(++middle, first, value, comp);
- return pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>(left, right);
- }
- }
- return pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>(first, first);
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare, class Distance>
-inline pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>
-__equal_range(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& value,
- Compare comp, Distance*, bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
- return __equal_range(first, last, value, comp, (Distance*)0,
- forward_iterator_tag());
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Compare, class Distance>
-pair<RandomAccessIterator, RandomAccessIterator>
-__equal_range(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- const T& value, Compare comp, Distance*,
- random_access_iterator_tag) {
- Distance len = last - first;
- Distance half;
- RandomAccessIterator middle, left, right;
- while (len > 0) {
- half = len / 2;
- middle = first + half;
- if (comp(*middle, value)) {
- first = middle + 1;
- len = len - half - 1;
- } else if (comp(value, *middle))
- len = half;
- else {
- left = lower_bound(first, middle, value, comp);
- right = upper_bound(++middle, first + len, value, comp);
- return pair<RandomAccessIterator, RandomAccessIterator>(left,
- right);
- }
- }
- return pair<RandomAccessIterator, RandomAccessIterator>(first, first);
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare>
-inline pair<ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator>
-equal_range(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& value,
- Compare comp) {
- return __equal_range(first, last, value, comp, distance_type(first),
- iterator_category(first));
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
-bool binary_search(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- const T& value) {
- ForwardIterator i = lower_bound(first, last, value);
- return i != last && !(value < *i);
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T, class Compare>
-bool binary_search(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& value,
- Compare comp) {
- ForwardIterator i = lower_bound(first, last, value, comp);
- return i != last && !comp(value, *i);
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator merge(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
- OutputIterator result) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
- if (*first2 < *first1)
- *result++ = *first2++;
- else
- *result++ = *first1++;
- return copy(first2, last2, copy(first1, last1, result));
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator,
- class Compare>
-OutputIterator merge(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
- OutputIterator result, Compare comp) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
- if (comp(*first2, *first1))
- *result++ = *first2++;
- else
- *result++ = *first1++;
- return copy(first2, last2, copy(first1, last1, result));
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Distance>
-void __merge_without_buffer(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator middle,
- BidirectionalIterator last,
- Distance len1, Distance len2) {
- if (len1 == 0 || len2 == 0) return;
- if (len1 + len2 == 2) {
- if (*middle < *first) iter_swap(first, middle);
- return;
- }
- BidirectionalIterator first_cut = first;
- BidirectionalIterator second_cut = middle;
- Distance len11 = 0;
- Distance len22 = 0;
- if (len1 > len2) {
- len11 = len1 / 2;
- advance(first_cut, len11);
- second_cut = lower_bound(middle, last, *first_cut);
- distance(middle, second_cut, len22);
- } else {
- len22 = len2 / 2;
- advance(second_cut, len22);
- first_cut = upper_bound(first, middle, *second_cut);
- distance(first, first_cut, len11);
- }
- rotate(first_cut, middle, second_cut);
- BidirectionalIterator new_middle = first_cut;
- advance(new_middle, len22);
- __merge_without_buffer(first, first_cut, new_middle, len11, len22);
- __merge_without_buffer(new_middle, second_cut, last, len1 - len11,
- len2 - len22);
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Distance, class Compare>
-void __merge_without_buffer(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator middle,
- BidirectionalIterator last,
- Distance len1, Distance len2, Compare comp) {
- if (len1 == 0 || len2 == 0) return;
- if (len1 + len2 == 2) {
- if (comp(*middle, *first)) iter_swap(first, middle);
- return;
- }
- BidirectionalIterator first_cut = first;
- BidirectionalIterator second_cut = middle;
- Distance len11 = 0;
- Distance len22 = 0;
- if (len1 > len2) {
- len11 = len1 / 2;
- advance(first_cut, len11);
- second_cut = lower_bound(middle, last, *first_cut, comp);
- distance(middle, second_cut, len22);
- } else {
- len22 = len2 / 2;
- advance(second_cut, len22);
- first_cut = upper_bound(first, middle, *second_cut, comp);
- distance(first, first_cut, len11);
- }
- rotate(first_cut, middle, second_cut);
- BidirectionalIterator new_middle = first_cut;
- advance(new_middle, len22);
- __merge_without_buffer(first, first_cut, new_middle, len11, len22, comp);
- __merge_without_buffer(new_middle, second_cut, last, len1 - len11,
- len2 - len22, comp);
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator __borland_bugfix_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result) {
-// this is used in __rotate_adaptive to work around some obscure Borland
-// bug. It is the same as copy, but with a different (and appropriate) name.
- while (first != last) *result++ = *first++;
- return result;
-template <class BidirectionalIterator1, class BidirectionalIterator2,
- class Distance>
-BidirectionalIterator1 __rotate_adaptive(BidirectionalIterator1 first,
- BidirectionalIterator1 middle,
- BidirectionalIterator1 last,
- Distance len1, Distance len2,
- BidirectionalIterator2 buffer,
- Distance buffer_size) {
- BidirectionalIterator2 buffer_end;
- if (len1 > len2 && len2 <= buffer_size) {
- buffer_end = __borland_bugfix_copy(middle, last, buffer);
- copy_backward(first, middle, last);
- return copy(buffer, buffer_end, first);
- } else if (len1 <= buffer_size) {
- buffer_end = __borland_bugfix_copy(first, middle, buffer);
- copy(middle, last, first);
- return copy_backward(buffer, buffer_end, last);
- } else {
- rotate(first, middle, last);
- advance(first, len2);
- return first;
- }
-template <class BidirectionalIterator1, class BidirectionalIterator2,
- class BidirectionalIterator3>
-BidirectionalIterator3 __merge_backward(BidirectionalIterator1 first1,
- BidirectionalIterator1 last1,
- BidirectionalIterator2 first2,
- BidirectionalIterator2 last2,
- BidirectionalIterator3 result) {
- if (first1 == last1) return copy_backward(first2, last2, result);
- if (first2 == last2) return copy_backward(first1, last1, result);
- --last1;
- --last2;
- while (true) {
- if (*last2 < *last1) {
- *--result = *last1;
- if (first1 == last1) return copy_backward(first2, ++last2, result);
- --last1;
- } else {
- *--result = *last2;
- if (first2 == last2) return copy_backward(first1, ++last1, result);
- --last2;
- }
- }
-template <class BidirectionalIterator1, class BidirectionalIterator2,
- class BidirectionalIterator3, class Compare>
-BidirectionalIterator3 __merge_backward(BidirectionalIterator1 first1,
- BidirectionalIterator1 last1,
- BidirectionalIterator2 first2,
- BidirectionalIterator2 last2,
- BidirectionalIterator3 result,
- Compare comp) {
- if (first1 == last1) return copy_backward(first2, last2, result);
- if (first2 == last2) return copy_backward(first1, last1, result);
- --last1;
- --last2;
- while (true) {
- if (comp(*last2, *last1)) {
- *--result = *last1;
- if (first1 == last1) return copy_backward(first2, ++last2, result);
- --last1;
- } else {
- *--result = *last2;
- if (first2 == last2) return copy_backward(first1, ++last1, result);
- --last2;
- }
- }
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Distance, class Pointer, class T>
-void __merge_adaptive(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator middle,
- BidirectionalIterator last, Distance len1, Distance len2,
- Pointer buffer, Distance buffer_size, T*) {
- if (len1 <= len2 && len1 <= buffer_size) {
- Pointer end_buffer = copy(first, middle, buffer);
- merge(buffer, end_buffer, middle, last, first);
- } else if (len2 <= buffer_size) {
- Pointer end_buffer = copy(middle, last, buffer);
- __merge_backward(first, middle, buffer, end_buffer, last);
- } else {
- BidirectionalIterator first_cut = first;
- BidirectionalIterator second_cut = middle;
- Distance len11 = 0;
- Distance len22 = 0;
- if (len1 > len2) {
- len11 = len1 / 2;
- advance(first_cut, len11);
- second_cut = lower_bound(middle, last, *first_cut);
- distance(middle, second_cut, len22);
- } else {
- len22 = len2 / 2;
- advance(second_cut, len22);
- first_cut = upper_bound(first, middle, *second_cut);
- distance(first, first_cut, len11);
- }
- BidirectionalIterator new_middle =
- __rotate_adaptive(first_cut, middle, second_cut, len1 - len11,
- len22, buffer, buffer_size);
- __merge_adaptive(first, first_cut, new_middle, len11, len22, buffer,
- buffer_size, (T*)0);
- __merge_adaptive(new_middle, second_cut, last, len1 - len11,
- len2 - len22, buffer, buffer_size, (T*)0);
- }
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Distance, class Pointer, class T,
- class Compare>
-void __merge_adaptive(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator middle,
- BidirectionalIterator last, Distance len1, Distance len2,
- Pointer buffer, Distance buffer_size, T*, Compare comp) {
- if (len1 <= len2 && len1 <= buffer_size) {
- Pointer end_buffer = copy(first, middle, buffer);
- merge(buffer, end_buffer, middle, last, first, comp);
- } else if (len2 <= buffer_size) {
- Pointer end_buffer = copy(middle, last, buffer);
- __merge_backward(first, middle, buffer, end_buffer, last, comp);
- } else {
- BidirectionalIterator first_cut = first;
- BidirectionalIterator second_cut = middle;
- Distance len11 = 0;
- Distance len22 = 0;
- if (len1 > len2) {
- len11 = len1 / 2;
- advance(first_cut, len11);
- second_cut = lower_bound(middle, last, *first_cut, comp);
- distance(middle, second_cut, len22);
- } else {
- len22 = len2 / 2;
- advance(second_cut, len22);
- first_cut = upper_bound(first, middle, *second_cut, comp);
- distance(first, first_cut, len11);
- }
- BidirectionalIterator new_middle =
- __rotate_adaptive(first_cut, middle, second_cut, len1 - len11,
- len22, buffer, buffer_size);
- __merge_adaptive(first, first_cut, new_middle, len11, len22, buffer,
- buffer_size, (T*)0, comp);
- __merge_adaptive(new_middle, second_cut, last, len1 - len11,
- len2 - len22, buffer, buffer_size, (T*)0, comp);
- }
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Distance, class Pointer, class T>
-void __inplace_merge(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator middle,
- BidirectionalIterator last, Distance len1, Distance len2,
- pair<Pointer, Distance> p, T*) {
- if (p.first == 0) {
- __merge_without_buffer(first, middle, last, len1, len2);
- return;
- }
- Distance len = min(p.second, len1 + len2);
- fill_n(raw_storage_iterator<Pointer, T>(p.first), len, *first);
- __merge_adaptive(first, middle, last, len1, len2, p.first, p.second, (T*)0);
- destroy(p.first, p.first + len);
- return_temporary_buffer(p.first);
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Distance, class Pointer, class T,
- class Compare>
-void __inplace_merge(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator middle,
- BidirectionalIterator last, Distance len1, Distance len2,
- pair<Pointer, Distance> p, T*, Compare comp) {
- if (p.first == 0) {
- __merge_without_buffer(first, middle, last, len1, len2, comp);
- return;
- }
- Distance len = min(p.second, len1 + len2);
- fill_n(raw_storage_iterator<Pointer, T>(p.first), len, *first);
- __merge_adaptive(first, middle, last, len1, len2, p.first, p.second, (T*)0,
- comp);
- destroy(p.first, p.first + len);
- return_temporary_buffer(p.first);
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class T, class Distance>
-inline void __inplace_merge_aux(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator middle,
- BidirectionalIterator last, T*, Distance*) {
- Distance len1 = 0;
- distance(first, middle, len1);
- Distance len2 = 0;
- distance(middle, last, len2);
- __inplace_merge(first, middle, last, len1, len2,
- get_temporary_buffer(len1 + len2, (T*)0), (T*)0);
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class T, class Distance, class Compare>
-inline void __inplace_merge_aux(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator middle,
- BidirectionalIterator last, T*, Distance*,
- Compare comp) {
- Distance len1 = 0;
- distance(first, middle, len1);
- Distance len2 = 0;
- distance(middle, last, len2);
- __inplace_merge(first, middle, last, len1, len2,
- get_temporary_buffer(len1 + len2, (T*)0), (T*)0,
- comp);
-template <class BidirectionalIterator>
-inline void inplace_merge(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator middle,
- BidirectionalIterator last) {
- if (first == middle || middle == last) return;
- __inplace_merge_aux(first, middle, last, value_type(first),
- distance_type(first));
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Compare>
-inline void inplace_merge(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator middle,
- BidirectionalIterator last, Compare comp) {
- if (first == middle || middle == last) return;
- __inplace_merge_aux(first, middle, last, value_type(first),
- distance_type(first), comp);
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
-bool includes(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
- if (*first2 < *first1)
- return false;
- else if(*first1 < *first2)
- ++first1;
- else
- ++first1, ++first2;
- return first2 == last2;
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class Compare>
-bool includes(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, Compare comp) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
- if (comp(*first2, *first1))
- return false;
- else if(comp(*first1, *first2))
- ++first1;
- else
- ++first1, ++first2;
- return first2 == last2;
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator set_union(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
- OutputIterator result) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
- if (*first1 < *first2)
- *result++ = *first1++;
- else if (*first2 < *first1)
- *result++ = *first2++;
- else {
- *result++ = *first1++;
- first2++;
- }
- return copy(first2, last2, copy(first1, last1, result));
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator,
- class Compare>
-OutputIterator set_union(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
- OutputIterator result, Compare comp) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
- if (comp(*first1, *first2))
- *result++ = *first1++;
- else if (comp(*first2, *first1))
- *result++ = *first2++;
- else {
- *result++ = *first1++;
- ++first2;
- }
- return copy(first2, last2, copy(first1, last1, result));
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator set_intersection(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
- OutputIterator result) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
- if (*first1 < *first2)
- ++first1;
- else if (*first2 < *first1)
- ++first2;
- else {
- *result++ = *first1++;
- ++first2;
- }
- return result;
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator,
- class Compare>
-OutputIterator set_intersection(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
- OutputIterator result, Compare comp) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
- if (comp(*first1, *first2))
- ++first1;
- else if (comp(*first2, *first1))
- ++first2;
- else {
- *result++ = *first1++;
- ++first2;
- }
- return result;
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator set_difference(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
- OutputIterator result) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
- if (*first1 < *first2)
- *result++ = *first1++;
- else if (*first2 < *first1)
- ++first2;
- else {
- ++first1;
- ++first2;
- }
- return copy(first1, last1, result);
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator,
- class Compare>
-OutputIterator set_difference(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
- OutputIterator result, Compare comp) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
- if (comp(*first1, *first2))
- *result++ = *first1++;
- else if (comp(*first2, *first1))
- ++first2;
- else {
- ++first1;
- ++first2;
- }
- return copy(first1, last1, result);
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator set_symmetric_difference(InputIterator1 first1,
- InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2,
- InputIterator2 last2,
- OutputIterator result) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
- if (*first1 < *first2)
- *result++ = *first1++;
- else if (*first2 < *first1)
- *result++ = *first2++;
- else {
- ++first1;
- ++first2;
- }
- return copy(first2, last2, copy(first1, last1, result));
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator,
- class Compare>
-OutputIterator set_symmetric_difference(InputIterator1 first1,
- InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2,
- InputIterator2 last2,
- OutputIterator result, Compare comp) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
- if (comp(*first1, *first2))
- *result++ = *first1++;
- else if (comp(*first2, *first1))
- *result++ = *first2++;
- else {
- ++first1;
- ++first2;
- }
- return copy(first2, last2, copy(first1, last1, result));
-template <class ForwardIterator>
-ForwardIterator max_element(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) {
- if (first == last) return first;
- ForwardIterator result = first;
- while (++first != last)
- if (*result < *first) result = first;
- return result;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Compare>
-ForwardIterator max_element(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- Compare comp) {
- if (first == last) return first;
- ForwardIterator result = first;
- while (++first != last)
- if (comp(*result, *first)) result = first;
- return result;
-template <class ForwardIterator>
-ForwardIterator min_element(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) {
- if (first == last) return first;
- ForwardIterator result = first;
- while (++first != last)
- if (*first < *result) result = first;
- return result;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Compare>
-ForwardIterator min_element(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- Compare comp) {
- if (first == last) return first;
- ForwardIterator result = first;
- while (++first != last)
- if (comp(*first, *result)) result = first;
- return result;
-template <class BidirectionalIterator>
-bool next_permutation(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator last) {
- if (first == last) return false;
- BidirectionalIterator i = first;
- ++i;
- if (i == last) return false;
- i = last;
- --i;
- for(;;) {
- BidirectionalIterator ii = i--;
- if (*i < *ii) {
- BidirectionalIterator j = last;
- while (!(*i < *--j));
- iter_swap(i, j);
- reverse(ii, last);
- return true;
- }
- if (i == first) {
- reverse(first, last);
- return false;
- }
- }
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Compare>
-bool next_permutation(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last,
- Compare comp) {
- if (first == last) return false;
- BidirectionalIterator i = first;
- ++i;
- if (i == last) return false;
- i = last;
- --i;
- for(;;) {
- BidirectionalIterator ii = i--;
- if (comp(*i, *ii)) {
- BidirectionalIterator j = last;
- while (!comp(*i, *--j));
- iter_swap(i, j);
- reverse(ii, last);
- return true;
- }
- if (i == first) {
- reverse(first, last);
- return false;
- }
- }
-template <class BidirectionalIterator>
-bool prev_permutation(BidirectionalIterator first,
- BidirectionalIterator last) {
- if (first == last) return false;
- BidirectionalIterator i = first;
- ++i;
- if (i == last) return false;
- i = last;
- --i;
- for(;;) {
- BidirectionalIterator ii = i--;
- if (*ii < *i) {
- BidirectionalIterator j = last;
- while (!(*--j < *i));
- iter_swap(i, j);
- reverse(ii, last);
- return true;
- }
- if (i == first) {
- reverse(first, last);
- return false;
- }
- }
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Compare>
-bool prev_permutation(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last,
- Compare comp) {
- if (first == last) return false;
- BidirectionalIterator i = first;
- ++i;
- if (i == last) return false;
- i = last;
- --i;
- for(;;) {
- BidirectionalIterator ii = i--;
- if (comp(*ii, *i)) {
- BidirectionalIterator j = last;
- while (!comp(*--j, *i));
- iter_swap(i, j);
- reverse(ii, last);
- return true;
- }
- if (i == first) {
- reverse(first, last);
- return false;
- }
- }
-template <class InputIterator, class T>
-T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init) {
- while (first != last)
- init = init + *first++;
- return init;
-template <class InputIterator, class T, class BinaryOperation>
-T accumulate(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init,
- BinaryOperation binary_op) {
- while (first != last)
- init = binary_op(init, *first++);
- return init;
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class T>
-T inner_product(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, T init) {
- while (first1 != last1)
- init = init + (*first1++ * *first2++);
- return init;
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class T,
- class BinaryOperation1, class BinaryOperation2>
-T inner_product(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, T init, BinaryOperation1 binary_op1,
- BinaryOperation2 binary_op2) {
- while (first1 != last1)
- init = binary_op1(init, binary_op2(*first1++, *first2++));
- return init;
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T>
-OutputIterator __partial_sum(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result, T*) {
- T value = *first;
- while (++first != last) {
- value = value + *first;
- *++result = value;
- }
- return ++result;
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator partial_sum(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result) {
- if (first == last) return result;
- *result = *first;
- return __partial_sum(first, last, result, value_type(first));
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T,
- class BinaryOperation>
-OutputIterator __partial_sum(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result, T*,
- BinaryOperation binary_op) {
- T value = *first;
- while (++first != last) {
- value = binary_op(value, *first);
- *++result = value;
- }
- return ++result;
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryOperation>
-OutputIterator partial_sum(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result, BinaryOperation binary_op) {
- if (first == last) return result;
- *result = *first;
- return __partial_sum(first, last, result, value_type(first), binary_op);
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T>
-OutputIterator __adjacent_difference(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result, T*) {
- T value = *first;
- while (++first != last) {
- T tmp = *first;
- *++result = tmp - value;
- value = tmp;
- }
- return ++result;
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator adjacent_difference(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result) {
- if (first == last) return result;
- *result = *first;
- return __adjacent_difference(first, last, result, value_type(first));
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class T,
- class BinaryOperation>
-OutputIterator __adjacent_difference(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result, T*,
- BinaryOperation binary_op) {
- T value = *first;
- while (++first != last) {
- T tmp = *first;
- *++result = binary_op(tmp, value);
- value = tmp;
- }
- return ++result;
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator, class BinaryOperation>
-OutputIterator adjacent_difference(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result,
- BinaryOperation binary_op) {
- if (first == last) return result;
- *result = *first;
- return __adjacent_difference(first, last, result, value_type(first),
- binary_op);
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
-void iota(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, T value) {
- while (first != last) *first++ = value++;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/algobase.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/algobase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 21cea93..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/algobase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef ALGOBASE_H
-#define ALGOBASE_H
-#include <pair.h>
-#include <iterator.h>
-template <class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2, class T>
-inline void __iter_swap(ForwardIterator1 a, ForwardIterator2 b, T*) {
- T tmp = *a;
- *a = *b;
- *b = tmp;
-template <class ForwardIterator1, class ForwardIterator2>
-inline void iter_swap(ForwardIterator1 a, ForwardIterator2 b) {
- __iter_swap(a, b, value_type(a));
-template <class T>
-inline void swap(T& a, T& b) {
- T tmp = a;
- a = b;
- b = tmp;
-template <class T>
-inline const T& min(const T& a, const T& b) {
- return b < a ? b : a;
-template <class T, class Compare>
-inline const T& min(const T& a, const T& b, Compare comp) {
- return comp(b, a) ? b : a;
-template <class T>
-inline const T& max(const T& a, const T& b) {
- return a < b ? b : a;
-template <class T, class Compare>
-inline const T& max(const T& a, const T& b, Compare comp) {
- return comp(a, b) ? b : a;
-template <class InputIterator, class Distance>
-void __distance(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Distance& n,
- input_iterator_tag) {
- while (first != last) { ++first; ++n; }
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Distance>
-void __distance(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Distance& n,
- forward_iterator_tag) {
- while (first != last) { ++first; ++n; }
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Distance>
-void __distance(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last,
- Distance& n, bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
- while (first != last) { ++first; ++n; }
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance>
-inline void __distance(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- Distance& n, random_access_iterator_tag) {
- n += last - first;
-template <class InputIterator, class Distance>
-inline void distance(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Distance& n) {
- __distance(first, last, n, iterator_category(first));
-template <class InputIterator, class Distance>
-void __advance(InputIterator& i, Distance n, input_iterator_tag) {
- while (n--) ++i;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Distance>
-void __advance(ForwardIterator& i, Distance n, forward_iterator_tag) {
- while (n--) ++i;
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Distance>
-void __advance(BidirectionalIterator& i, Distance n,
- bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
- if (n >= 0)
- while (n--) ++i;
- else
- while (n++) --i;
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance>
-inline void __advance(RandomAccessIterator& i, Distance n,
- random_access_iterator_tag) {
- i += n;
-template <class InputIterator, class Distance>
-inline void advance(InputIterator& i, Distance n) {
- __advance(i, n, iterator_category(i));
-template <class ForwardIterator>
-void destroy(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) {
- while (first != last) {
- /* Borland bug */
- destroy(&*first);
- ++first;
- //destroy(&*first++);
- }
-template <class InputIterator, class ForwardIterator>
-ForwardIterator uninitialized_copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- ForwardIterator result) {
- while (first != last) construct(&*result++, *first++);
- return result;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
-void uninitialized_fill(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- const T& x) {
- while (first != last) construct(&*first++, x);
-template <class ForwardIterator, class Size, class T>
-ForwardIterator uninitialized_fill_n(ForwardIterator first, Size n,
- const T& x) {
- while (n--) construct(&*first++, x);
- return first;
-template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator>
-OutputIterator copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- OutputIterator result) {
- while (first != last) *result++ = *first++;
- return result;
-template <class BidirectionalIterator1, class BidirectionalIterator2>
-BidirectionalIterator2 copy_backward(BidirectionalIterator1 first,
- BidirectionalIterator1 last,
- BidirectionalIterator2 result) {
- while (first != last) *--result = *--last;
- return result;
-template <class ForwardIterator, class T>
-void fill(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& value) {
- while (first != last) *first++ = value;
-template <class OutputIterator, class Size, class T>
-OutputIterator fill_n(OutputIterator first, Size n, const T& value) {
- while (n-- > 0) *first++ = value;
- return first;
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
-pair<InputIterator1, InputIterator2> mismatch(InputIterator1 first1,
- InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2) {
- while (first1 != last1 && *first1 == *first2) {
- ++first1;
- ++first2;
- }
- return pair<InputIterator1, InputIterator2>(first1, first2);
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class BinaryPredicate>
-pair<InputIterator1, InputIterator2> mismatch(InputIterator1 first1,
- InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2,
- BinaryPredicate binary_pred) {
- while (first1 != last1 && binary_pred(*first1, *first2)) {
- ++first1;
- ++first2;
- }
- return pair<InputIterator1, InputIterator2>(first1, first2);
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
-inline bool equal(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2) {
- return mismatch(first1, last1, first2).first == last1;
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class BinaryPredicate>
-inline bool equal(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, BinaryPredicate binary_pred) {
- return mismatch(first1, last1, first2, binary_pred).first == last1;
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
-bool lexicographical_compare(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) {
- if (*first1 < *first2) return true;
- if (*first2++ < *first1++) return false;
- }
- return first1 == last1 && first2 != last2;
-template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class Compare>
-bool lexicographical_compare(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
- InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
- Compare comp) {
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) {
- if (comp(*first1, *first2)) return true;
- if (comp(*first2++, *first1++)) return false;
- }
- return first1 == last1 && first2 != last2;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/bool.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/bool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d86aac..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/bool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __GNUC__
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#define bool int
-#define true 1
-#define false 0
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/bvector.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/bvector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f9fe106..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/bvector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-// vector<bool> is replaced by bit_vector at present because bool is not
-// implemented.
-#ifndef BVECTOR_H
-#define BVECTOR_H
-#include <function.h>
-#include <algobase.h>
-#include <iterator.h>
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-#include <bool.h>
-#ifndef Allocator
-#define Allocator allocator
-#include <defalloc.h>
-#define __WORD_BIT (int(CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned int)))
-class bit_vector {
- typedef Allocator<unsigned int> vector_allocator;
- typedef bool value_type;
- typedef vector_allocator::size_type size_type;
- typedef vector_allocator::difference_type difference_type;
- class iterator;
- class const_iterator;
- class reference {
- friend class iterator;
- friend class const_iterator;
- protected:
- unsigned int* p;
- unsigned int mask;
- reference(unsigned int* x, unsigned int y) : p(x), mask(y) {}
- public:
- reference() : p(0), mask(0) {}
- operator bool() const { return !(!(*p & mask)); }
- reference& operator=(bool x) {
- if (x)
- *p |= mask;
- else
- *p &= ~mask;
- return *this;
- }
- reference& operator=(const reference& x) { return *this = bool(x); }
- bool operator==(const reference& x) const {
- return bool(*this) == bool(x);
- }
- bool operator<(const reference& x) const {
- return bool(*this) < bool(x);
- }
- void flip() { *p ^= mask; }
- };
- typedef bool const_reference;
- class iterator : public random_access_iterator<bool, difference_type> {
- friend class bit_vector;
- friend class const_iterator;
- protected:
- unsigned int* p;
- unsigned int offset;
- void bump_up() {
- if (offset++ == __WORD_BIT - 1) {
- offset = 0;
- ++p;
- }
- }
- void bump_down() {
- if (offset-- == 0) {
- offset = __WORD_BIT - 1;
- --p;
- }
- }
- public:
- iterator() : p(0), offset(0) {}
- iterator(unsigned int* x, unsigned int y) : p(x), offset(y) {}
- reference operator*() const { return reference(p, 1U << offset); }
- iterator& operator++() {
- bump_up();
- return *this;
- }
- iterator operator++(int) {
- iterator tmp = *this;
- bump_up();
- return tmp;
- }
- iterator& operator--() {
- bump_down();
- return *this;
- }
- iterator operator--(int) {
- iterator tmp = *this;
- bump_down();
- return tmp;
- }
- iterator& operator+=(difference_type i) {
- difference_type n = i + offset;
- p += n / __WORD_BIT;
- n = n % __WORD_BIT;
- if (n < 0) {
- offset = n + __WORD_BIT;
- --p;
- } else
- offset = n;
- return *this;
- }
- iterator& operator-=(difference_type i) {
- *this += -i;
- return *this;
- }
- iterator operator+(difference_type i) const {
- iterator tmp = *this;
- return tmp += i;
- }
- iterator operator-(difference_type i) const {
- iterator tmp = *this;
- return tmp -= i;
- }
- difference_type operator-(iterator x) const {
- return __WORD_BIT * (p - x.p) + offset - x.offset;
- }
- reference operator[](difference_type i) { return *(*this + i); }
- bool operator==(const iterator& x) const {
- return p == x.p && offset == x.offset;
- }
- bool operator<(iterator x) const {
- return p < x.p || (p == x.p && offset < x.offset);
- }
- };
- class const_iterator
- : public random_access_iterator<bool, difference_type> {
- friend class bit_vector;
- protected:
- unsigned int* p;
- unsigned int offset;
- void bump_up() {
- if (offset++ == __WORD_BIT - 1) {
- offset = 0;
- ++p;
- }
- }
- void bump_down() {
- if (offset-- == 0) {
- offset = __WORD_BIT - 1;
- --p;
- }
- }
- public:
- const_iterator() : p(0), offset(0) {}
- const_iterator(unsigned int* x, unsigned int y) : p(x), offset(y) {}
- const_iterator(const iterator& x) : p(x.p), offset(x.offset) {}
- const_reference operator*() const {
- return reference(p, 1U << offset);
- }
- const_iterator& operator++() {
- bump_up();
- return *this;
- }
- const_iterator operator++(int) {
- const_iterator tmp = *this;
- bump_up();
- return tmp;
- }
- const_iterator& operator--() {
- bump_down();
- return *this;
- }
- const_iterator operator--(int) {
- const_iterator tmp = *this;
- bump_down();
- return tmp;
- }
- const_iterator& operator+=(difference_type i) {
- difference_type n = i + offset;
- p += n / __WORD_BIT;
- n = n % __WORD_BIT;
- if (n < 0) {
- offset = n + __WORD_BIT;
- --p;
- } else
- offset = n;
- return *this;
- }
- const_iterator& operator-=(difference_type i) {
- *this += -i;
- return *this;
- }
- const_iterator operator+(difference_type i) const {
- const_iterator tmp = *this;
- return tmp += i;
- }
- const_iterator operator-(difference_type i) const {
- const_iterator tmp = *this;
- return tmp -= i;
- }
- difference_type operator-(const_iterator x) const {
- return __WORD_BIT * (p - x.p) + offset - x.offset;
- }
- const_reference operator[](difference_type i) {
- return *(*this + i);
- }
- bool operator==(const const_iterator& x) const {
- return p == x.p && offset == x.offset;
- }
- bool operator<(const_iterator x) const {
- return p < x.p || (p == x.p && offset < x.offset);
- }
- };
- typedef reverse_iterator<const_iterator, value_type, const_reference,
- difference_type> const_reverse_iterator;
- typedef reverse_iterator<iterator, value_type, reference, difference_type>
- reverse_iterator;
- static Allocator<unsigned int> static_allocator;
- iterator start;
- iterator finish;
- unsigned int* end_of_storage;
- unsigned int* bit_alloc(size_type n) {
- return static_allocator.allocate((n + __WORD_BIT - 1)/__WORD_BIT);
- }
- void initialize(size_type n) {
- unsigned int* q = bit_alloc(n);
- end_of_storage = q + (n + __WORD_BIT - 1)/__WORD_BIT;
- start = iterator(q, 0);
- finish = start + n;
- }
- void insert_aux(iterator position, bool x);
- typedef bit_vector self;
- iterator begin() { return start; }
- const_iterator begin() const { return start; }
- iterator end() { return finish; }
- const_iterator end() const { return finish; }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(end());
- }
- reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
- }
- size_type size() const { return size_type(end() - begin()); }
- size_type max_size() const { return static_allocator.max_size(); }
- size_type capacity() const {
- return size_type(const_iterator(end_of_storage, 0) - begin());
- }
- bool empty() const { return begin() == end(); }
- reference operator[](size_type n) { return *(begin() + n); }
- const_reference operator[](size_type n) const { return *(begin() + n); }
- bit_vector() : start(iterator()), finish(iterator()), end_of_storage(0) {}
- bit_vector(size_type n, bool value = bool()) {
- initialize(n);
- fill(start.p, end_of_storage, value ? ~0 : 0);
- }
- bit_vector(const self& x) {
- initialize(x.size());
- copy(x.begin(), x.end(), start);
- }
- bit_vector(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
- size_type n = 0;
- distance(first, last, n);
- initialize(n);
- copy(first, last, start);
- }
- ~bit_vector() { static_allocator.deallocate(start.p); }
- self& operator=(const self& x) {
- if (&x == this) return *this;
- if (x.size() > capacity()) {
- static_allocator.deallocate(start.p);
- initialize(x.size());
- }
- copy(x.begin(), x.end(), begin());
- finish = begin() + x.size();
- return *this;
- }
- void reserve(size_type n) {
- if (capacity() < n) {
- unsigned int* q = bit_alloc(n);
- finish = copy(begin(), end(), iterator(q, 0));
- static_allocator.deallocate(start.p);
- start = iterator(q, 0);
- end_of_storage = q + (n + __WORD_BIT - 1)/__WORD_BIT;
- }
- }
- reference front() { return *begin(); }
- const_reference front() const { return *begin(); }
- reference back() { return *(end() - 1); }
- const_reference back() const { return *(end() - 1); }
- void push_back(bool x) {
- if (finish.p != end_of_storage)
- *finish++ = x;
- else
- insert_aux(end(), x);
- }
- void swap(bit_vector& x) {
- ::swap(start, x.start);
- ::swap(finish, x.finish);
- ::swap(end_of_storage, x.end_of_storage);
- }
- iterator insert(iterator position, bool x) {
- size_type n = position - begin();
- if (finish.p != end_of_storage && position == end())
- *finish++ = x;
- else
- insert_aux(position, x);
- return begin() + n;
- }
- void insert(iterator position, const_iterator first,
- const_iterator last);
- void insert(iterator position, size_type n, bool x);
- void pop_back() { --finish; }
- void erase(iterator position) {
- if (position + 1 != end())
- copy(position + 1, end(), position);
- --finish;
- }
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
- finish = copy(last, end(), first);
- }
-Allocator<unsigned int> bit_vector::static_allocator;
-inline bool operator==(const bit_vector& x, const bit_vector& y) {
- return x.size() == y.size() && equal(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
-inline bool operator<(const bit_vector& x, const bit_vector& y) {
- return lexicographical_compare(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
-void swap(bit_vector::reference x, bit_vector::reference y) {
- bool tmp = x;
- x = y;
- y = tmp;
-void bit_vector::insert_aux(iterator position, bool x) {
- if (finish.p != end_of_storage) {
- copy_backward(position, finish - 1, finish);
- *position = x;
- ++finish;
- } else {
- size_type len = size() ? 2 * size() : __WORD_BIT;
- unsigned int* q = bit_alloc(len);
- iterator i = copy(begin(), position, iterator(q, 0));
- *i++ = x;
- finish = copy(position, end(), i);
- static_allocator.deallocate(start.p);
- end_of_storage = q + (len + __WORD_BIT - 1)/__WORD_BIT;
- start = iterator(q, 0);
- }
-void bit_vector::insert(iterator position, size_type n, bool x) {
- if (n == 0) return;
- if (capacity() - size() >= n) {
- copy_backward(position, end(), finish + n);
- fill(position, position + n, x);
- finish += n;
- } else {
- size_type len = size() + max(size(), n);
- unsigned int* q = bit_alloc(len);
- iterator i = copy(begin(), position, iterator(q, 0));
- fill_n(i, n, x);
- finish = copy(position, end(), i + n);
- static_allocator.deallocate(start.p);
- end_of_storage = q + (n + __WORD_BIT - 1)/__WORD_BIT;
- start = iterator(q, 0);
- }
-void bit_vector::insert(iterator position, const_iterator first,
- const_iterator last) {
- if (first == last) return;
- size_type n = 0;
- distance(first, last, n);
- if (capacity() - size() >= n) {
- copy_backward(position, end(), finish + n);
- copy(first, last, position);
- finish += n;
- } else {
- size_type len = size() + max(size(), n);
- unsigned int* q = bit_alloc(len);
- iterator i = copy(begin(), position, iterator(q, 0));
- i = copy(first, last, i);
- finish = copy(position, end(), i);
- static_allocator.deallocate(start.p);
- end_of_storage = q + (len + __WORD_BIT - 1)/__WORD_BIT;
- start = iterator(q, 0);
- }
-#undef Allocator
-#undef __WORD_BIT
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/
deleted file mode 100644
index d452935..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# This file is a shell script fragment that supplies the information
-# necessary for a configure script to process the program in
-# this directory. For more information, look at ../../configure.
-srcname="Standard Template Library"
-# per-host:
-# per-target:
-XCXXINCLUDES="-I${srcdir} -I${srcdir}/.. -I${TO_TOPDIR}libio -I${srcdir}/${TO_TOPDIR}libio"
-(. ${srcdir}/${TO_TOPDIR}libio/config.shared) >${package_makefile_frag}
-# post-target:
-# We need multilib support.
-case ${srcdir} in
- if [ "${with_target_subdir}" != "." ] ; then
- . ${srcdir}/${with_multisrctop}../../../
- else
- . ${srcdir}/${with_multisrctop}../../
- fi
- ;;
- . ${srcdir}/../../
- ;;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/defalloc.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/defalloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 388e58f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/defalloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef DEFALLOC_H
-#define DEFALLOC_H
-#include <new.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <algobase.h>
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-inline void* operator new(size_t, void* p) {return p;}
- * the following template function is replaced by the following two functions
- * due to the fact that the Borland compiler doesn't change prediff_t type
- * to type long when compile with -ml or -mh.
-template <class T>
-inline T* allocate(ptrdiff_t size, T*) {
- set_new_handler(0);
- T* tmp = (T*)(::operator new((size_t)(size * sizeof(T))));
- if (tmp == 0) {
- cerr << "out of memory" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- return tmp;
-template <class T>
-inline T* allocate(int size, T*) {
- set_new_handler(0);
- T* tmp = (T*)(::operator new((unsigned int)(size * sizeof(T))));
- if (tmp == 0) {
- cerr << "out of memory" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- return tmp;
-template <class T>
-inline T* allocate(long size, T*) {
- set_new_handler(0);
- T* tmp = (T*)(::operator new((unsigned long)(size * sizeof(T))));
- if (tmp == 0) {
- cerr << "out of memory" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- return tmp;
-template <class T>
-inline void deallocate(T* buffer) {
- ::operator delete(buffer);
-template <class T>
-inline void destroy(T* pointer) {
- pointer->~T();
-inline void destroy(char*) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned char*) {}
-inline void destroy(short*) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned short*) {}
-inline void destroy(int*) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned int*) {}
-inline void destroy(long*) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned long*) {}
-inline void destroy(float*) {}
-inline void destroy(double*) {}
-inline void destroy(char**) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned char**) {}
-inline void destroy(short**) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned short**) {}
-inline void destroy(int**) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned int**) {}
-inline void destroy(long**) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned long**) {}
-inline void destroy(float**) {}
-inline void destroy(double**) {}
-inline void destroy(char*, char*) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned char*, unsigned char*) {}
-inline void destroy(short*, short*) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned short*, unsigned short*) {}
-inline void destroy(int*, int*) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned int*, unsigned int*) {}
-inline void destroy(long*, long*) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned long*, unsigned long*) {}
-inline void destroy(float*, float*) {}
-inline void destroy(double*, double*) {}
-inline void destroy(char**, char**) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned char**, unsigned char**) {}
-inline void destroy(short**, short**) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned short**, unsigned short**) {}
-inline void destroy(int**, int**) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned int**, unsigned int**) {}
-inline void destroy(long**, long**) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned long**, unsigned long**) {}
-inline void destroy(float**, float**) {}
-inline void destroy(double**, double**) {}
-template <class T1, class T2>
-inline void construct(T1* p, const T2& value) {
- new (p) T1(value);
-template <class T>
-class allocator {
- typedef T value_type;
- typedef T* pointer;
- typedef const T* const_pointer;
- typedef T& reference;
- typedef const T& const_reference;
- typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- static pointer allocate(size_type n) {
- return ::allocate((difference_type)n, (pointer)0);
- }
- static void deallocate(pointer p) { ::deallocate(p); }
- static pointer address(reference x) { return (pointer)&x; }
- static const_pointer const_address(const_reference x) {
- return (const_pointer)&x;
- }
- static size_type init_page_size() {
- return max(size_type(1), size_type(4096/sizeof(T)));
- }
- static size_type max_size() {
- return max(size_type(1), size_type(UINT_MAX/sizeof(T)));
- }
- pointer allocate(size_type n) {
- return ::allocate((difference_type)n, (pointer)0);
- }
- void deallocate(pointer p) { ::deallocate(p); }
- pointer address(reference x) { return (pointer)&x; }
- const_pointer const_address(const_reference x) {
- return (const_pointer)&x;
- }
- size_type init_page_size() {
- return max(size_type(1), size_type(4096/sizeof(T)));
- }
- size_type max_size() const {
- return max(size_type(1), size_type(UINT_MAX/sizeof(T)));
- }
-class allocator<void> {
- typedef void* pointer;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/deque.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/deque.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dc622e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/deque.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef DEQUE_H
-#define DEQUE_H
-#include <function.h>
-#include <algobase.h>
-#include <iterator.h>
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-#include <bool.h>
-#ifndef Allocator
-#define Allocator allocator
-#include <defalloc.h>
-#ifndef deque
-#define deque deque
-template <class T>
-class deque {
- class iterator;
- class const_iterator;
- friend class iterator;
- friend class const_iterator;
- typedef T value_type;
- typedef Allocator<T> data_allocator_type;
- typedef Allocator<T>::pointer pointer;
- typedef Allocator<T>::reference reference;
- typedef Allocator<T>::const_reference const_reference;
- typedef Allocator<T>::size_type size_type;
- typedef Allocator<T>::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef Allocator<pointer> map_allocator_type;
- static data_allocator_type data_allocator;
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- // static // Too bad -- I don't like this hack very much...
- static size_type buffer_size() {
- return data_allocator.init_page_size();
- }
-#define __dq_buffer_size buffer_size()
- static size_type buffer_size;
-#define __dq_buffer_size buffer_size
- static map_allocator_type map_allocator;
- typedef Allocator<pointer>::pointer map_pointer;
- class iterator : public random_access_iterator<T, difference_type> {
- friend class deque<T>;
- friend class const_iterator;
- protected:
- pointer current;
- pointer first;
- pointer last;
- map_pointer node;
- iterator(pointer x, map_pointer y)
- : current(x), first(*y), last(*y + __dq_buffer_size), node(y) {}
- public:
- iterator() : current(0), first(0), last(0), node(0) {}
- reference operator*() const { return *current; }
- difference_type operator-(const iterator& x) const {
- return node == x.node
- ? current - x.current
- : difference_type(__dq_buffer_size * (node - x.node - 1) +
- (current - first) + (x.last - x.current));
- }
- iterator& operator++() {
- if (++current == last) {
- first = *(++node);
- current = first;
- last = first + __dq_buffer_size;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- iterator operator++(int) {
- iterator tmp = *this;
- ++*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- iterator& operator--() {
- if (current == first) {
- first = *(--node);
- last = first + __dq_buffer_size;
- current = last;
- }
- --current;
- return *this;
- }
- iterator operator--(int) {
- iterator tmp = *this;
- --*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- iterator& operator+=(difference_type n) {
- difference_type offset = n + (current - first);
- difference_type num_node_to_jump = offset >= 0
- ? offset / __dq_buffer_size
- : -((-offset + __dq_buffer_size - 1) / __dq_buffer_size);
- if (num_node_to_jump == 0)
- current += n;
- else {
- node = node + num_node_to_jump;
- first = *node;
- last = first + __dq_buffer_size;
- current = first + (offset - num_node_to_jump * __dq_buffer_size);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- iterator& operator-=(difference_type n) { return *this += -n; }
- iterator operator+(difference_type n) const {
- iterator tmp = *this;
- return tmp += n;
- }
- iterator operator-(difference_type n) const {
- iterator tmp = *this;
- return tmp -= n;
- }
- reference operator[](difference_type n) { return *(*this + n); }
- bool operator==(const iterator& x) const {
- return current == x.current ||
- ((current == first || x.current == x.first) &&
- *this - x == 0);
- }
- bool operator<(const iterator& x) const {
- return (node == x.node) ? (current < x.current) : (node < x.node);
- }
- };
- class const_iterator : public random_access_iterator<T, difference_type> {
- friend class deque<T>;
- protected:
- pointer current;
- pointer first;
- pointer last;
- map_pointer node;
- const_iterator(pointer x, map_pointer y)
- : current(x), first(*y), last(*y + __dq_buffer_size), node(y) {}
- public:
- const_iterator() : current(0), first(0), last(0), node(0) {}
- const_iterator(const iterator& x)
- : current(x.current), first(x.first), last(x.last), node(x.node) {}
- const_reference operator*() const { return *current; }
- difference_type operator-(const const_iterator& x) const {
- return node == x.node
- ? current - x.current
- : difference_type(__dq_buffer_size * (node - x.node - 1) +
- (current - first) + (x.last - x.current));
- }
- const_iterator& operator++() {
- if (++current == last) {
- first = *(++node);
- current = first;
- last = first + __dq_buffer_size;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- const_iterator operator++(int) {
- const_iterator tmp = *this;
- ++*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- const_iterator& operator--() {
- if (current == first) {
- first = *(--node);
- last = first + __dq_buffer_size;
- current = last;
- }
- --current;
- return *this;
- }
- const_iterator operator--(int) {
- const_iterator tmp = *this;
- --*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- const_iterator& operator+=(difference_type n) {
- difference_type offset = n + (current - first);
- difference_type num_node_to_jump = offset >= 0
- ? offset / __dq_buffer_size
- : -((-offset + __dq_buffer_size - 1) / __dq_buffer_size);
- if (num_node_to_jump == 0)
- current += n;
- else {
- node = node + num_node_to_jump;
- first = *node;
- last = first + __dq_buffer_size;
- current = first + (offset - num_node_to_jump * __dq_buffer_size);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- const_iterator& operator-=(difference_type n) { return *this += -n; }
- const_iterator operator+(difference_type n) const {
- const_iterator tmp = *this;
- return tmp += n;
- }
- const_iterator operator-(difference_type n) const {
- const_iterator tmp = *this;
- return tmp -= n;
- }
- const_reference operator[](difference_type n) {
- return *(*this + n);
- }
- bool operator==(const const_iterator& x) const {
- return current == x.current ||
- ((current == first || x.current == x.first) &&
- *this - x == 0);
- }
- bool operator<(const const_iterator& x) const {
- return (node == x.node) ? (current < x.current) : (node < x.node);
- }
- };
- typedef reverse_iterator<const_iterator, value_type, const_reference,
- difference_type> const_reverse_iterator;
- typedef reverse_iterator<iterator, value_type, reference, difference_type>
- reverse_iterator;
- iterator start;
- iterator finish;
- size_type length;
- map_pointer map;
- size_type map_size;
- void allocate_at_begin();
- void allocate_at_end();
- void deallocate_at_begin();
- void deallocate_at_end();
- deque() : start(), finish(), length(0), map(0), map_size(0) {
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- __dq_buffer_size = data_allocator.init_page_size();
- }
- iterator begin() { return start; }
- const_iterator begin() const { return start; }
- iterator end() { return finish; }
- const_iterator end() const { return finish; }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(end());
- }
- reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
- }
- bool empty() const { return length == 0; }
- size_type size() const { return length; }
- size_type max_size() const { return data_allocator.max_size(); }
- reference operator[](size_type n) { return *(begin() + n); }
- const_reference operator[](size_type n) const { return *(begin() + n); }
- reference front() { return *begin(); }
- const_reference front() const { return *begin(); }
- reference back() { return *(end() - 1); }
- const_reference back() const { return *(end() - 1); }
- void push_front(const T& x) {
- if (empty() || begin().current == begin().first)
- allocate_at_begin();
- --start.current;
- construct(start.current, x);
- ++length;
- if (end().current == end().last) allocate_at_end();
- }
- void push_back(const T& x) {
- if (empty()) allocate_at_end();
- construct(finish.current, x);
- ++finish.current;
- ++length;
- if (end().current == end().last) allocate_at_end();
- }
- void pop_front() {
- destroy(start.current);
- ++start.current;
- --length;
- if (empty() || begin().current == begin().last)
- deallocate_at_begin();
- }
- void pop_back() {
- if (end().current == end().first) deallocate_at_end();
- --finish.current;
- destroy(finish.current);
- --length;
- if (empty()) deallocate_at_end();
- }
- void swap(deque<T>& x) {
- ::swap(start, x.start);
- ::swap(finish, x.finish);
- ::swap(length, x.length);
- ::swap(map,;
- ::swap(map_size, x.map_size);
- }
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- iterator insert(iterator position, const T& x) {
- return insert(deque_iterator<T>(position), x);
- }
- deque_iterator<T> insert(deque_iterator<T> position, const T& x);
- void insert(iterator position, size_type n, const T& x) {
- insert(deque_iterator<T>(position), n, x);
- }
- void insert(deque_iterator<T>(position), size_type n, const T& x);
-// template <class Iterator> void insert(iterator position,
-// Iterator first, Iterator last);
- void insert(iterator position, const T* first, const T* last) {
- insert(deque_iterator<T>(position), first, last);
- }
- void insert(deque_iterator<T> position, const T* first, const T* last);
- void erase(iterator position) {
- erase(deque_iterator<T>(position));
- }
- void erase(deque_iterator<T> position);
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
- erase(deque_iterator<T>(first), deque_iterator<T>(last));
- }
- void erase(deque_iterator<T> first, deque_iterator<T> last);
- iterator insert(iterator position, const T& x);
- void insert(iterator position, size_type n, const T& x);
-// template <class Iterator> void insert(iterator position,
-// Iterator first, Iterator last);
- void insert(iterator position, const T* first, const T* last);
- void erase(iterator position);
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last);
- deque(size_type n, const T& value = T())
- : start(), finish(), length(0), map(0), map_size(0) {
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- __dq_buffer_size = data_allocator.init_page_size();
- insert(begin(), n, value);
- }
-// template <class Iterator> deque(Iterator first, Iterator last);
- deque(const T* first, const T* last)
- : start(), finish(), length(0), map(0), map_size(0) {
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- __dq_buffer_size = data_allocator.init_page_size();
- copy(first, last, back_inserter(*this));
- }
- deque(const deque<T>& x)
- : start(), finish(), length(0), map(0), map_size(0) {
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- __dq_buffer_size = data_allocator.init_page_size();
- copy(x.begin(), x.end(), back_inserter(*this));
- }
- deque<T>& operator=(const deque<T>& x) {
- if (this != &x)
- if (size() >= x.size())
- erase(copy(x.begin(), x.end(), begin()), end());
- else
- copy(x.begin() + size(), x.end(),
- inserter(*this, copy(x.begin(), x.begin() + size(),
- begin())));
- return *this;
- }
- ~deque();
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- friend T* value_type(const iterator&) {
- return (T*)(0);
- }
- friend inline difference_type* distance_type(const iterator&) {
- return (difference_type*)(0);
- }
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-template <class T>
-struct deque_iterator: deque<T>::iterator {
- deque_iterator(deque<T>::iterator i) : deque<T>::iterator(i) {}
-template <class T>
-inline T* value_type(const deque_iterator<T>&) {
- return (T*)(0);
-template <class T>
-deque<T>::data_allocator_type deque<T>::data_allocator;
-template <class T>
-deque<T>::map_allocator_type deque<T>::map_allocator;
-template <class T>
-deque<T>::size_type deque<T>::__dq_buffer_size = 0;
-// should be data_allocator.init_page_size(); // Borland bug
-template <class T>
-bool operator==(const deque<T>& x, const deque<T>& y) {
- return x.size() == y.size() && equal(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
-template <class T>
-bool operator<(const deque<T>& x, const deque<T>& y) {
- return lexicographical_compare(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
-template <class T>
-deque<T>::~deque() { while (!empty()) pop_front(); }
-template <class T>
-void deque<T>::allocate_at_begin() {
- pointer p = data_allocator.allocate(__dq_buffer_size);
- if (!empty()) {
- if (start.node == map) {
- difference_type i = finish.node - start.node;
- map_size = (i + 1) * 2;
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- map_pointer tmp = map_allocator_type::allocate(map_size);
- copy(start.node, finish.node + 1, tmp + map_size / 4 + 1);
- map_allocator_type::deallocate(map);
- map_pointer tmp = map_allocator.allocate(map_size);
- copy(start.node, finish.node + 1, tmp + map_size / 4 + 1);
- map_allocator.deallocate(map);
- map = tmp;
- map[map_size / 4] = p;
- start = iterator(p + __dq_buffer_size, map + map_size / 4);
- finish = iterator(finish.current, map + map_size / 4 + i + 1);
- } else {
-#ifdef __GNU_G__typo /* source depends on this being broken */
- map_size = map_allocator_type::init_page_size();
- map = map_allocator_type::allocate(map_size);
- *--start.node = p;
- start = iterator(p + __dq_buffer_size, start.node);
- }
- } else {
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- map_size = map_allocator_type::init_page_size();
- map = map_allocator_type::allocate(map_size);
- map_size = map_allocator.init_page_size();
- map = map_allocator.allocate(map_size);
- map[map_size / 2] = p;
- start = iterator(p + __dq_buffer_size / 2 + 1, map + map_size / 2);
- finish = start;
- }
-template <class T>
-void deque<T>::allocate_at_end() {
- pointer p = data_allocator.allocate(__dq_buffer_size);
- if (!empty()) {
- if (finish.node == map + map_size - 1) {
- difference_type i = finish.node - start.node;
- map_size = (i + 1) * 2;
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- map_pointer tmp = map_allocator_type::allocate(map_size);
- copy(start.node, finish.node + 1, tmp + map_size / 4);
- map_allocator_type::deallocate(map);
- map_pointer tmp = map_allocator.allocate(map_size);
- copy(start.node, finish.node + 1, tmp + map_size / 4);
- map_allocator.deallocate(map);
- map = tmp;
- map[map_size / 4 + i + 1] = p;
- start = iterator(start.current, map + map_size / 4);
- finish = iterator(p, map + map_size / 4 + i + 1);
- } else {
- *++finish.node = p;
- finish = iterator(p, finish.node);
- }
- } else {
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- map_size = map_allocator_type::init_page_size();
- map = map_allocator_type::allocate(map_size);
- map_size = map_allocator.init_page_size();
- map = map_allocator.allocate(map_size);
- map[map_size / 2] = p;
- start = iterator(p + __dq_buffer_size / 2, map + map_size / 2);
- finish = start;
- }
-template <class T>
-void deque<T>::deallocate_at_begin() {
- data_allocator.deallocate(*start.node++);
- if (empty()) {
- if (finish.current == finish.first)
- data_allocator.deallocate(*start.node);
- start = iterator();
- finish = start;
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- map_allocator.deallocate(map);
- map_allocator.deallocate(map);
- } else
- start = iterator(*start.node, start.node);
-template <class T>
-void deque<T>::deallocate_at_end() {
- data_allocator.deallocate(*finish.node--);
- if (empty()) {
- start = iterator();
- finish = start;
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- map_allocator.deallocate(map);
- map_allocator.deallocate(map);
- } else
- finish = iterator(*finish.node + __dq_buffer_size, finish.node);
-template <class T>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-deque<T>::insert(deque_iterator<T> posn, const T& x) {
- iterator position = posn;
-deque<T>::iterator deque<T>::insert(iterator position, const T& x) {
- if (position == begin()) {
- push_front(x);
- return begin();
- } else if (position == end()) {
- push_back(x);
- return end() - 1;
- } else {
- difference_type index = position - begin();
- if (index < length) {
- push_front(*begin());
- copy(begin() + 2, begin() + index + 1, begin() + 1);
- } else {
- push_back(*(end() - 1));
- copy_backward(begin() + index, end() - 2, end() - 1);
- }
- *(begin() + index) = x;
- return begin() + index;
- }
-template <class T>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-void deque<T>::insert(deque_iterator<T> posn,
- size_t n, // BAD HACK
- const T& x) {
- iterator position = posn;
-void deque<T>::insert(iterator position, size_type n, const T& x) {
- difference_type index = position - begin();
- difference_type remainder = length - index;
- if (remainder > index) {
- if (n > index) {
- difference_type m = n - index;
- while (m-- > 0) push_front(x);
- difference_type i = index;
- while (i--) push_front(*(begin() + n - 1));
- fill(begin() + n, begin() + n + index, x);
- } else {
- difference_type i = n;
- while (i--) push_front(*(begin() + n - 1));
- copy(begin() + n + n, begin() + n + index, begin() + n);
- fill(begin() + index, begin() + n + index, x);
- }
- } else {
- difference_type orig_len = index + remainder;
- if (n > remainder) {
- difference_type m = n - remainder;
- while (m-- > 0) push_back(x);
- difference_type i = 0;
- while (i < remainder) push_back(*(begin() + index + i++));
- fill(begin() + index, begin() + orig_len, x);
- } else {
- difference_type i = 0;
- while (i < n) push_back(*(begin() + orig_len - n + i++));
- copy_backward(begin() + index, begin() + orig_len - n,
- begin() + orig_len);
- fill(begin() + index, begin() + index + n, x);
- }
- }
-template <class T>
-void deque<T>::insert
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-(deque_iterator<T> posn, const T* first, const T* last)
- iterator position = posn;
-(iterator position, const T* first, const T* last)
- difference_type index = position - begin();
- difference_type remainder = length - index;
- size_type n = 0;
- distance(first, last, n);
- if (remainder > index) {
- if (n > index) {
- const T* m = last - index;
- while (m != first) push_front(*--m);
- difference_type i = index;
- while (i--) push_front(*(begin() + n - 1));
- copy(last - index, last, begin() + n);
- } else {
- difference_type i = n;
- while (i--) push_front(*(begin() + n - 1));
- copy(begin() + n + n, begin() + n + index, begin() + n);
- copy(first, last, begin() + index);
- }
- } else {
- difference_type orig_len = index + remainder;
- if (n > remainder) {
- const T* m = first + remainder;
- while (m != last) push_back(*m++);
- difference_type i = 0;
- while (i < remainder) push_back(*(begin() + index + i++));
- copy(first, first + remainder, begin() + index);
- } else {
- difference_type i = 0;
- while (i < n) push_back(*(begin() + orig_len - n + i++));
- copy_backward(begin() + index, begin() + orig_len - n,
- begin() + orig_len);
- copy(first, last, begin() + index);
- }
- }
-template <class T>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-void deque<T>::erase(deque_iterator<T> posn) {
- iterator position = posn;
-void deque<T>::erase(iterator position) {
- if (end() - position > position - begin()) {
- copy_backward(begin(), position, position + 1);
- pop_front();
- } else {
- copy(position + 1, end(), position);
- pop_back();
- }
-template <class T>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-void deque<T>::erase(deque_iterator<T> fi, deque_iterator<T> la) {
- iterator first = fi;
- iterator last = la;
- difference_type n = last - first;
-void deque<T>::erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
- difference_type n = last - first;
- if (end() - last > first - begin()) {
- copy_backward(begin(), first, last);
- while(n-- > 0) pop_front();
- } else {
- copy(last, end(), first);
- while(n-- > 0) pop_back();
- }
-#undef Allocator
-#undef deque
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/faralloc.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/faralloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b29602c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/faralloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef FARALLOC_H
-#define FARALLOC_H
-#include <new.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <algobase.h>
-template <class T>
-inline random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category(const T __far *) {
- return random_access_iterator_tag();
-template <class T>
-inline T* value_type(const T __far *) { return (T*)(0); }
-template <class T>
-inline long* distance_type(const T __far*) { return (long*)(0); }
-inline void destroy(char __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned char __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(short __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned short __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(int __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned int __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(long __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned long __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(float __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(double __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(char __far *, char __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned char __far *, unsigned char __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(short __far *, short __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned short __far *, unsigned short __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(int __far *, int __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned int __far *, unsigned int __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(long __far *, long __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(unsigned long __far *, unsigned long __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(float __far *, float __far *) {}
-inline void destroy(double __far *, double __far *) {}
-inline void __far * operator new(size_t, void __far *p) { return p; }
-template <class T>
-inline T __far * allocate(long size, T __far * p) {
- set_new_handler(0);
- T __far * tmp =
- (T __far *)(::operator new((unsigned long)(size * sizeof(T))));
- if (tmp == 0) {
- cerr << "out of memory" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- return tmp;
-template <class T>
-inline void deallocate(T __far * buffer) {
- ::operator delete(buffer);
-template <class T1, class T2>
-inline void construct( T1 __far *p, const T2& value )
- new(p)T1(value);
-template <class T>
-inline void destroy( T __far * pointer ) {
- pointer->~T();
-template <class T>
-class far_allocator {
- typedef T value_type;
- typedef T __far * pointer;
- typedef const T __far * const_pointer;
- typedef T __far & reference;
- typedef const T __far & const_reference;
- typedef unsigned long size_type;
- typedef long difference_type;
- pointer allocate(size_type n) {
- return ::allocate((difference_type)n, (pointer)0);
- }
- void deallocate(pointer p) { ::deallocate(p); }
- pointer address(reference x) { return (pointer)&x; }
- const_pointer const_address(const_reference x) {
- return (const_pointer)&x;
- }
- size_type init_page_size() {
- return max(size_type(1), size_type(4096/sizeof(T)));
- }
- size_type max_size() const {
- return max(size_type(1), size_type(ULONG_MAX/sizeof(T)));
- }
-class far_allocator<void> {
- typedef void __far * pointer;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fdeque.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fdeque.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b512b6..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fdeque.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef FDEQUE_H
-#define FDEQUE_H
-#ifdef DEQUE_H
-#undef DEQUE_H
-#define Allocator far_allocator
-#define deque far_deque
-#include <faralloc.h>
-#include <deque.h>
-#undef DEQUE_H
-#define DEQUE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef deque
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/flist.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/flist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 35fe9bf..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/flist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef FLIST_H
-#define FLIST_H
-#ifdef LIST_H
-#undef LIST_H
-#define Allocator far_allocator
-#define list far_list
-#include <faralloc.h>
-#include <list.h>
-#undef LIST_H
-#define LIST_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef list
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fmap.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fmap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 65aa209..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fmap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef FMAP_H
-#define FMAP_H
-#ifdef MAP_H
-#undef MAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define __MAP_WAS_DEFINED
-#define Allocator far_allocator
-#define map far_map
-#define rb_tree far_rb_tree
-#include <faralloc.h>
-#include <map.h>
-#undef MAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define MAP_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef map
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fmultmap.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fmultmap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ecb5cd4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fmultmap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef FMULTIMAP_H
-#define FMULTIMAP_H
-#ifdef MULTIMAP_H
-#undef MULTIMAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define Allocator far_allocator
-#define multimap far_multimap
-#define rb_tree far_rb_tree
-#include <faralloc.h>
-#include <multimap.h>
-#undef MULTIMAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define MULTIMAP_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef multimap
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fmultset.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fmultset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ca98876..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fmultset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef FMULTISET_H
-#define FMULTISET_H
-#ifdef MULTISET_H
-#undef MULTISET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define Allocator far_allocator
-#define multiset far_multiset
-#define rb_tree far_rb_tree
-#include <faralloc.h>
-#include <multiset.h>
-#undef MULTISET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define MULTISET_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef multiset
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fset.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b374bc4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/fset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef FSET_H
-#define FSET_H
-#ifdef SET_H
-#undef SET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define __SET_WAS_DEFINED
-#define Allocator far_allocator
-#define set far_set
-#define rb_tree far_rb_tree
-#include <faralloc.h>
-#include <set.h>
-#undef SET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define SET_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef set
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/function.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/function.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 46fe555..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/function.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef FUNCTION_H
-#define FUNCTION_H
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-#include <bool.h>
-template <class T1, class T2>
-inline bool operator!=(const T1& x, const T2& y) {
- return !(x == y);
-template <class T1, class T2>
-inline bool operator>(const T1& x, const T2& y) {
- return y < x;
-template <class T1, class T2>
-inline bool operator<=(const T1& x, const T2& y) {
- return !(y < x);
-template <class T1, class T2>
-inline bool operator>=(const T1& x, const T2& y) {
- return !(x < y);
-template <class Arg, class Result>
-struct unary_function {
- typedef Arg argument_type;
- typedef Result result_type;
-template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result>
-struct binary_function {
- typedef Arg1 first_argument_type;
- typedef Arg2 second_argument_type;
- typedef Result result_type;
-template <class T>
-struct plus : binary_function<T, T, T> {
- T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x + y; }
-template <class T>
-struct minus : binary_function<T, T, T> {
- T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x - y; }
-template <class T>
-struct times : binary_function<T, T, T> {
- T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x * y; }
-template <class T>
-struct divides : binary_function<T, T, T> {
- T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x / y; }
-template <class T>
-#ifdef __GNU__
-struct modulus {
- typedef T first_argument_type;
- typedef T second_argument_type;
- typedef T result_type;
- T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x % y; }
-struct modulus : binary_function<T, T, T> {
- T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x % y; }
-template <class T>
-struct negate : unary_function<T, T> {
- T operator()(const T& x) const { return -x; }
-template <class T>
-struct equal_to : binary_function<T, T, bool> {
- bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x == y; }
-template <class T>
-struct not_equal_to : binary_function<T, T, bool> {
- bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x != y; }
-template <class T>
-struct greater : binary_function<T, T, bool> {
- bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x > y; }
-template <class T>
-struct less : binary_function<T, T, bool> {
- bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x < y; }
-template <class T>
-struct greater_equal : binary_function<T, T, bool> {
- bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x >= y; }
-template <class T>
-struct less_equal : binary_function<T, T, bool> {
- bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x <= y; }
-template <class T>
-struct logical_and : binary_function<T, T, bool> {
- bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x && y; }
-template <class T>
-struct logical_or : binary_function<T, T, bool> {
- bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x || y; }
-template <class T>
-struct logical_not : unary_function<T, bool> {
- bool operator()(const T& x) const { return !x; }
-template <class Predicate>
-class unary_negate : public unary_function<Predicate::argument_type, bool> {
- Predicate pred;
- unary_negate(const Predicate& x) : pred(x) {}
- bool operator()(const argument_type& x) const { return !pred(x); }
-template <class Predicate>
-unary_negate<Predicate> not1(const Predicate& pred) {
- return unary_negate<Predicate>(pred);
-template <class Predicate>
-class binary_negate
- : public binary_function<Predicate::first_argument_type,
- Predicate::second_argument_type, bool> {
- Predicate pred;
- binary_negate(const Predicate& x) : pred(x) {}
- bool operator()(const first_argument_type& x,
- const second_argument_type& y) const {
- return !pred(x, y);
- }
-template <class Predicate>
-binary_negate<Predicate> not2(const Predicate& pred) {
- return binary_negate<Predicate>(pred);
-template <class Operation>
-class binder1st : public unary_function<Operation::second_argument_type,
- Operation::result_type> {
- Operation op;
- Operation::first_argument_type value;
- binder1st(const Operation& x, const Operation::first_argument_type& y)
- : op(x), value(y) {}
- result_type operator()(const argument_type& x) const {
- return op(value, x);
- }
-template <class Operation, class T>
-binder1st<Operation> bind1st(const Operation& op, const T& x) {
- return binder1st<Operation>(op, Operation::first_argument_type(x));
-template <class Operation>
-class binder2nd : public unary_function<Operation::first_argument_type,
- Operation::result_type> {
- Operation op;
- Operation::second_argument_type value;
- binder2nd(const Operation& x, const Operation::second_argument_type& y)
- : op(x), value(y) {}
- result_type operator()(const argument_type& x) const {
- return op(x, value);
- }
-template <class Operation, class T>
-binder2nd<Operation> bind2nd(const Operation& op, const T& x) {
- return binder2nd<Operation>(op, Operation::second_argument_type(x));
-template <class Operation1, class Operation2>
-class unary_compose : public unary_function<Operation2::argument_type,
- Operation1::result_type> {
- Operation1 op1;
- Operation2 op2;
- unary_compose(const Operation1& x, const Operation2& y) : op1(x), op2(y) {}
- result_type operator()(const argument_type& x) const {
- return op1(op2(x));
- }
-template <class Operation1, class Operation2>
-unary_compose<Operation1, Operation2> compose1(const Operation1& op1,
- const Operation2& op2) {
- return unary_compose<Operation1, Operation2>(op1, op2);
-template <class Operation1, class Operation2, class Operation3>
-class binary_compose : public unary_function<Operation2::argument_type,
- Operation1::result_type> {
- Operation1 op1;
- Operation2 op2;
- Operation3 op3;
- binary_compose(const Operation1& x, const Operation2& y,
- const Operation3& z) : op1(x), op2(y), op3(z) { }
- result_type operator()(const argument_type& x) const {
- return op1(op2(x), op3(x));
- }
-template <class Operation1, class Operation2, class Operation3>
-binary_compose<Operation1, Operation2, Operation3>
-compose2(const Operation1& op1, const Operation2& op2, const Operation3& op3) {
- return binary_compose<Operation1, Operation2, Operation3>(op1, op2, op3);
-template <class Arg, class Result>
-class pointer_to_unary_function : public unary_function<Arg, Result> {
- Result (*ptr)(Arg);
- pointer_to_unary_function() {}
- pointer_to_unary_function(Result (*x)(Arg)) : ptr(x) {}
- Result operator()(Arg x) const { return ptr(x); }
-template <class Arg, class Result>
-pointer_to_unary_function<Arg, Result> ptr_fun(Result (*x)(Arg)) {
- return pointer_to_unary_function<Arg, Result>(x);
-template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result>
-class pointer_to_binary_function : public binary_function<Arg1, Arg2, Result> {
- Result (*ptr)(Arg1, Arg2);
- pointer_to_binary_function() {}
- pointer_to_binary_function(Result (*x)(Arg1, Arg2)) : ptr(x) {}
- Result operator()(Arg1 x, Arg2 y) const { return ptr(x, y); }
-template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result>
-pointer_to_binary_function<Arg1, Arg2, Result>
-ptr_fun(Result (*x)(Arg1, Arg2)) {
- return pointer_to_binary_function<Arg1, Arg2, Result>(x);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hdeque.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hdeque.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d47098..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hdeque.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef HDEQUE_H
-#define HDEQUE_H
-#ifdef DEQUE_H
-#undef DEQUE_H
-#define Allocator huge_allocator
-#define deque huge_deque
-#include <hugalloc.h>
-#include <deque.h>
-#undef DEQUE_H
-#define DEQUE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef deque
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/heap.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/heap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f2747f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/heap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef HEAP_H
-#define HEAP_H
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance, class T>
-void __push_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, Distance holeIndex,
- Distance topIndex, T value) {
- Distance parent = (holeIndex - 1) / 2;
- while (holeIndex > topIndex && *(first + parent) < value) {
- *(first + holeIndex) = *(first + parent);
- holeIndex = parent;
- parent = (holeIndex - 1) / 2;
- }
- *(first + holeIndex) = value;
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
-inline void __push_heap_aux(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*) {
- __push_heap(first, (last - first) - 1, 0, T(*(last - 1)));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-inline void push_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last) {
- __push_heap_aux(first, last, value_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance, class T, class Compare>
-void __push_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, Distance holeIndex,
- Distance topIndex, T value, Compare comp) {
- Distance parent = (holeIndex - 1) / 2;
- while (holeIndex > topIndex && comp(*(first + parent), value)) {
- *(first + holeIndex) = *(first + parent);
- holeIndex = parent;
- parent = (holeIndex - 1) / 2;
- }
- *(first + holeIndex) = value;
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare, class T>
-inline void __push_heap_aux(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp, T*) {
- __push_heap(first, (last - first) - 1, 0, T(*(last - 1)), comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-inline void push_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- Compare comp) {
- __push_heap_aux(first, last, comp, value_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance, class T>
-void __adjust_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, Distance holeIndex,
- Distance len, T value) {
- Distance topIndex = holeIndex;
- Distance secondChild = 2 * holeIndex + 2;
- while (secondChild < len) {
- if (*(first + secondChild) < *(first + (secondChild - 1)))
- secondChild--;
- *(first + holeIndex) = *(first + secondChild);
- holeIndex = secondChild;
- secondChild = 2 * (secondChild + 1);
- }
- if (secondChild == len) {
- *(first + holeIndex) = *(first + (secondChild - 1));
- holeIndex = secondChild - 1;
- }
- __push_heap(first, holeIndex, topIndex, value);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Distance>
-inline void __pop_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- RandomAccessIterator result, T value, Distance*) {
- *result = *first;
- __adjust_heap(first, Distance(0), Distance(last - first), value);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
-inline void __pop_heap_aux(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*) {
- __pop_heap(first, last - 1, last - 1, T(*(last - 1)), distance_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-inline void pop_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last) {
- __pop_heap_aux(first, last, value_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Distance, class T, class Compare>
-void __adjust_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, Distance holeIndex,
- Distance len, T value, Compare comp) {
- Distance topIndex = holeIndex;
- Distance secondChild = 2 * holeIndex + 2;
- while (secondChild < len) {
- if (comp(*(first + secondChild), *(first + (secondChild - 1))))
- secondChild--;
- *(first + holeIndex) = *(first + secondChild);
- holeIndex = secondChild;
- secondChild = 2 * (secondChild + 1);
- }
- if (secondChild == len) {
- *(first + holeIndex) = *(first + (secondChild - 1));
- holeIndex = secondChild - 1;
- }
- __push_heap(first, holeIndex, topIndex, value, comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Compare, class Distance>
-inline void __pop_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- RandomAccessIterator result, T value, Compare comp,
- Distance*) {
- *result = *first;
- __adjust_heap(first, Distance(0), Distance(last - first), value, comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Compare>
-inline void __pop_heap_aux(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*, Compare comp) {
- __pop_heap(first, last - 1, last - 1, T(*(last - 1)), comp,
- distance_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-inline void pop_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- Compare comp) {
- __pop_heap_aux(first, last, value_type(first), comp);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Distance>
-void __make_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, T*,
- Distance*) {
- if (last - first < 2) return;
- Distance len = last - first;
- Distance parent = (len - 2)/2;
- while (true) {
- __adjust_heap(first, parent, len, T(*(first + parent)));
- if (parent == 0) return;
- parent--;
- }
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-inline void make_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last) {
- __make_heap(first, last, value_type(first), distance_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare, class T, class Distance>
-void __make_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- Compare comp, T*, Distance*) {
- if (last - first < 2) return;
- Distance len = last - first;
- Distance parent = (len - 2)/2;
- while (true) {
- __adjust_heap(first, parent, len, T(*(first + parent)), comp);
- if (parent == 0) return;
- parent--;
- }
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-inline void make_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- Compare comp) {
- __make_heap(first, last, comp, value_type(first), distance_type(first));
-template <class RandomAccessIterator>
-void sort_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last) {
- while (last - first > 1) pop_heap(first, last--);
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
-void sort_heap(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
- Compare comp) {
- while (last - first > 1) pop_heap(first, last--, comp);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hlist.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hlist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 543ffa7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hlist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef HLIST_H
-#define HLIST_H
-#ifdef LIST_H
-#undef LIST_H
-#define Allocator huge_allocator
-#define list huge_list
-#include <hugalloc.h>
-#include <list.h>
-#undef LIST_H
-#define LIST_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef list
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hmap.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hmap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f40abc0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hmap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef HMAP_H
-#define HMAP_H
-#ifdef MAP_H
-#undef MAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define __MAP_WAS_DEFINED
-#define Allocator huge_allocator
-#define map huge_map
-#define rb_tree huge_rb_tree
-#include <hugalloc.h>
-#include <map.h>
-#undef MAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define MAP_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef map
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hmultmap.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hmultmap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a8551e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hmultmap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef HMULTIMAP_H
-#define HMULTIMAP_H
-#ifdef MULTIMAP_H
-#undef MULTIMAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define Allocator huge_allocator
-#define multimap huge_multimap
-#define rb_tree huge_rb_tree
-#include <hugalloc.h>
-#include <multimap.h>
-#undef MULTIMAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define MULTIMAP_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef multimap
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hmultset.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hmultset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e207299..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hmultset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef HMULTISET_H
-#define HMULTISET_H
-#ifdef MULTISET_H
-#undef MULTISET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define Allocator huge_allocator
-#define multiset huge_multiset
-#define rb_tree huge_rb_tree
-#include <hugalloc.h>
-#include <multiset.h>
-#undef MULTISET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define MULTISET_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef multiset
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hset.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 11a1576..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef HSET_H
-#define HSET_H
-#ifdef SET_H
-#undef SET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define __SET_WAS_DEFINED
-#define Allocator huge_allocator
-#define set huge_set
-#define rb_tree huge_rb_tree
-#include <hugalloc.h>
-#include <set.h>
-#undef SET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define SET_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef set
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hugalloc.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hugalloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a793ab2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hugalloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef HUGALLOC_H
-#define HUGALLOC_H
-#ifdef FARALLOC_H
-#undef FARALLOC_H
-#define __far __huge
-#define far_allocator huge_allocator
-#include <faralloc.h>
-#undef __far
-#undef far_allocator
-#undef FARALLOC_H
-#define FARALLOC_H
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hvector.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hvector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e7fb415..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/hvector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef HVECTOR_H
-#define HVECTOR_H
-#ifdef VECTOR_H
-#undef VECTOR_H
-#define Allocator huge_allocator
-#define vector huge_vector
-#include <hugalloc.h>
-#include <vector.h>
-#undef VECTOR_H
-#define VECTOR_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef vector
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/iterator.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/iterator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e51598..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/iterator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef ITERATOR_H
-#define ITERATOR_H
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <iostream.h>
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-#include <bool.h>
-#include <function.h>
-struct input_iterator_tag {};
-struct output_iterator_tag {};
-struct forward_iterator_tag {};
-struct bidirectional_iterator_tag {};
-struct random_access_iterator_tag {};
-template <class T, class Distance> struct input_iterator {};
-struct output_iterator {};
-template <class T, class Distance> struct forward_iterator {};
-template <class T, class Distance> struct bidirectional_iterator {};
-template <class T, class Distance> struct random_access_iterator {};
-template <class T, class Distance>
-inline input_iterator_tag
-iterator_category(const input_iterator<T, Distance>&) {
- return input_iterator_tag();
-inline output_iterator_tag iterator_category(const output_iterator&) {
- return output_iterator_tag();
-template <class T, class Distance>
-inline forward_iterator_tag
-iterator_category(const forward_iterator<T, Distance>&) {
- return forward_iterator_tag();
-template <class T, class Distance>
-inline bidirectional_iterator_tag
-iterator_category(const bidirectional_iterator<T, Distance>&) {
- return bidirectional_iterator_tag();
-template <class T, class Distance>
-inline random_access_iterator_tag
-iterator_category(const random_access_iterator<T, Distance>&) {
- return random_access_iterator_tag();
-template <class T>
-inline random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category(const T*) {
- return random_access_iterator_tag();
-template <class T, class Distance>
-inline T* value_type(const input_iterator<T, Distance>&) {
- return (T*)(0);
-template <class T, class Distance>
-inline T* value_type(const forward_iterator<T, Distance>&) {
- return (T*)(0);
-template <class T, class Distance>
-inline T* value_type(const bidirectional_iterator<T, Distance>&) {
- return (T*)(0);
-template <class T, class Distance>
-inline T* value_type(const random_access_iterator<T, Distance>&) {
- return (T*)(0);
-template <class T>
-inline T* value_type(const T*) { return (T*)(0); }
-template <class T, class Distance>
-inline Distance* distance_type(const input_iterator<T, Distance>&) {
- return (Distance*)(0);
-template <class T, class Distance>
-inline Distance* distance_type(const forward_iterator<T, Distance>&) {
- return (Distance*)(0);
-template <class T, class Distance>
-inline Distance*
-distance_type(const bidirectional_iterator<T, Distance>&) {
- return (Distance*)(0);
-template <class T, class Distance>
-inline Distance*
-distance_type(const random_access_iterator<T, Distance>&) {
- return (Distance*)(0);
-template <class T>
-inline ptrdiff_t* distance_type(const T*) { return (ptrdiff_t*)(0); }
-template <class Container>
-class back_insert_iterator : public output_iterator {
- Container& container;
- back_insert_iterator(Container& x) : container(x) {}
- back_insert_iterator<Container>&
- operator=(const Container::value_type& value) {
- container.push_back(value);
- return *this;
- }
- back_insert_iterator<Container>& operator*() { return *this; }
- back_insert_iterator<Container>& operator++() { return *this; }
- back_insert_iterator<Container>& operator++(int) { return *this; }
-template <class Container>
-back_insert_iterator<Container> back_inserter(Container& x) {
- return back_insert_iterator<Container>(x);
-template <class Container>
-class front_insert_iterator : public output_iterator {
- Container& container;
- front_insert_iterator(Container& x) : container(x) {}
- front_insert_iterator<Container>&
- operator=(const Container::value_type& value) {
- container.push_front(value);
- return *this;
- }
- front_insert_iterator<Container>& operator*() { return *this; }
- front_insert_iterator<Container>& operator++() { return *this; }
- front_insert_iterator<Container>& operator++(int) { return *this; }
-template <class Container>
-front_insert_iterator<Container> front_inserter(Container& x) {
- return front_insert_iterator<Container>(x);
-template <class Container>
-class insert_iterator : public output_iterator {
- Container& container;
- Container::iterator iter;
- insert_iterator(Container& x, Container::iterator i)
- : container(x), iter(i) {}
- insert_iterator<Container>&
- operator=(const Container::value_type& value) {
- iter = container.insert(iter, value);
- ++iter;
- return *this;
- }
- insert_iterator<Container>& operator*() { return *this; }
- insert_iterator<Container>& operator++() { return *this; }
- insert_iterator<Container>& operator++(int) { return *this; }
-template <class Container, class Iterator>
-insert_iterator<Container> inserter(Container& x, Iterator i) {
- return insert_iterator<Container>(x, Container::iterator(i));
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class T, class Reference,
- class Distance = ptrdiff_t>
-// Reference = T&
-class reverse_bidirectional_iterator
- : public bidirectional_iterator<T, Distance> {
- typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator<BidirectionalIterator, T, Reference,
- Distance> self;
- friend bool operator==(const self& x, const self& y);
- BidirectionalIterator current;
- reverse_bidirectional_iterator() {}
- reverse_bidirectional_iterator(BidirectionalIterator x) : current(x) {}
- BidirectionalIterator base() { return current; }
- Reference operator*() const {
- BidirectionalIterator tmp = current;
- return *--tmp;
- }
- self& operator++() {
- --current;
- return *this;
- }
- self operator++(int) {
- self tmp = *this;
- --current;
- return tmp;
- }
- self& operator--() {
- ++current;
- return *this;
- }
- self operator--(int) {
- self tmp = *this;
- ++current;
- return tmp;
- }
-template <class BidirectionalIterator, class T, class Reference,
- class Distance>
-inline bool operator==(
- const reverse_bidirectional_iterator<BidirectionalIterator, T, Reference,
- Distance>& x,
- const reverse_bidirectional_iterator<BidirectionalIterator, T, Reference,
- Distance>& y) {
- return x.current == y.current;
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Reference,
- class Distance = ptrdiff_t>
-// Reference = T&
-class reverse_iterator : public random_access_iterator<T, Distance> {
- typedef reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T, Reference, Distance>
- self;
- friend bool operator==(const self& x, const self& y);
- friend bool operator<(const self& x, const self& y);
- friend Distance operator-(const self& x, const self& y);
- friend self operator+(Distance n, const self& x);
- RandomAccessIterator current;
- reverse_iterator() {}
- reverse_iterator(RandomAccessIterator x) : current(x) {}
- RandomAccessIterator base() { return current; }
- Reference operator*() const { return *(current - 1); }
- self& operator++() {
- --current;
- return *this;
- }
- self operator++(int) {
- self tmp = *this;
- --current;
- return tmp;
- }
- self& operator--() {
- ++current;
- return *this;
- }
- self operator--(int) {
- self tmp = *this;
- ++current;
- return tmp;
- }
- self operator+(Distance n) const {
- return self(current - n);
- }
- self& operator+=(Distance n) {
- current -= n;
- return *this;
- }
- self operator-(Distance n) const {
- return self(current + n);
- }
- self& operator-=(Distance n) {
- current += n;
- return *this;
- }
- Reference operator[](Distance n) { return *(*this + n); }
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Reference, class Distance>
-inline bool operator==(const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
- Reference, Distance>& x,
- const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
- Reference, Distance>& y) {
- return x.current == y.current;
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Reference, class Distance>
-inline bool operator<(const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
- Reference, Distance>& x,
- const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
- Reference, Distance>& y) {
- return y.current < x.current;
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Reference, class Distance>
-inline Distance operator-(const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
- Reference, Distance>& x,
- const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T,
- Reference, Distance>& y) {
- return y.current - x.current;
-template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Reference, class Distance>
-inline reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T, Reference, Distance>
-operator+(Distance n,
- const reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T, Reference,
- Distance>& x) {
- return reverse_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T, Reference, Distance>
- (x.current - n);
-template <class OutputIterator, class T>
-class raw_storage_iterator : public output_iterator {
- OutputIterator iter;
- raw_storage_iterator(OutputIterator x) : iter(x) {}
- raw_storage_iterator<OutputIterator, T>& operator*() { return *this; }
- raw_storage_iterator<OutputIterator, T>& operator=(const T& element) {
- construct(iter, element);
- return *this;
- }
- raw_storage_iterator<OutputIterator, T>& operator++() {
- ++iter;
- return *this;
- }
- raw_storage_iterator<OutputIterator, T> operator++(int) {
- raw_storage_iterator<OutputIterator, T> tmp = *this;
- ++iter;
- return tmp;
- }
-template <class T, class Distance = ptrdiff_t>
-class istream_iterator : public input_iterator<T, Distance> {
-friend bool operator==(const istream_iterator<T, Distance>& x,
- const istream_iterator<T, Distance>& y);
- istream* stream;
- T value;
- bool end_marker;
- void read() {
- end_marker = (*stream) ? true : false;
- if (end_marker) *stream >> value;
- end_marker = (*stream) ? true : false;
- }
- istream_iterator() : stream(&cin), end_marker(false) {}
- istream_iterator(istream& s) : stream(&s) { read(); }
- const T& operator*() const { return value; }
- istream_iterator<T, Distance>& operator++() {
- read();
- return *this;
- }
- istream_iterator<T, Distance> operator++(int) {
- istream_iterator<T, Distance> tmp = *this;
- read();
- return tmp;
- }
-template <class T, class Distance>
-bool operator==(const istream_iterator<T, Distance>& x,
- const istream_iterator<T, Distance>& y) {
- return == && x.end_marker == y.end_marker ||
- x.end_marker == false && y.end_marker == false;
-template <class T>
-class ostream_iterator : public output_iterator {
- ostream* stream;
- char* string;
- ostream_iterator(ostream& s) : stream(&s), string(0) {}
- ostream_iterator(ostream& s, char* c) : stream(&s), string(c) {}
- ostream_iterator<T>& operator=(const T& value) {
- *stream << value;
- if (string) *stream << string;
- return *this;
- }
- ostream_iterator<T>& operator*() { return *this; }
- ostream_iterator<T>& operator++() { return *this; }
- ostream_iterator<T>& operator++(int) { return *this; }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lbvector.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lbvector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 763666c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lbvector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef LBVECTOR_H
-#define LBVECTOR_H
-#ifdef BVECTOR_H
-#undef BVECTOR_H
-#define Allocator long_allocator
-#define bit_vector long_bit_vector
-#include <lngalloc.h>
-#include <bvector.h>
-#undef BVECTOR_H
-#define BVECTOR_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef bit_vector
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/ldeque.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/ldeque.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c8761c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/ldeque.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef LDEQUE_H
-#define LDEQUE_H
-#ifdef DEQUE_H
-#undef DEQUE_H
-#define Allocator long_allocator
-#define deque long_deque
-#include <lngalloc.h>
-#include <deque.h>
-#undef DEQUE_H
-#define DEQUE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef deque
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/list.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/list.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 42b5d0f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/list.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef LIST_H
-#define LIST_H
-#include <function.h>
-#include <algobase.h>
-#include <iterator.h>
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-#include <bool.h>
-#ifndef Allocator
-#define Allocator allocator
-#include <defalloc.h>
-#ifndef list
-#define list list
-template <class T>
-class list {
- typedef Allocator<void>::pointer void_pointer;
- struct list_node;
- friend list_node;
- struct list_node {
- void_pointer next;
- void_pointer prev;
- T data;
- };
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- static Allocator<list_node> list_node_allocator;
- static Allocator<T> value_allocator;
- typedef T value_type;
- typedef Allocator<T> value_allocator_type;
- typedef Allocator<T>::pointer pointer;
- typedef Allocator<T>::reference reference;
- typedef Allocator<T>::const_reference const_reference;
- typedef Allocator<list_node> list_node_allocator_type;
- typedef Allocator<list_node>::pointer link_type;
- typedef Allocator<list_node>::size_type size_type;
- typedef Allocator<list_node>::difference_type difference_type;
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- link_type get_node() { return (link_type)(::operator new(sizeof(list_node))); }
- void put_node(link_type p) { ::operator delete(p); }
- size_type buffer_size() {
- return list_node_allocator.init_page_size();
- }
- struct list_node_buffer;
- friend list_node_buffer;
- struct list_node_buffer {
- void_pointer next_buffer;
- link_type buffer;
- };
- typedef Allocator<list_node_buffer> buffer_allocator_type;
- typedef Allocator<list_node_buffer>::pointer buffer_pointer;
- static Allocator<list_node_buffer> buffer_allocator;
- static buffer_pointer buffer_list;
- static link_type free_list;
- static link_type next_avail;
- static link_type last;
- void add_new_buffer() {
- buffer_pointer tmp = buffer_allocator.allocate((size_type)1);
- tmp->buffer = list_node_allocator.allocate(buffer_size());
- tmp->next_buffer = buffer_list;
- buffer_list = tmp;
- next_avail = buffer_list->buffer;
- last = next_avail + buffer_size();
- }
- static size_type number_of_lists;
- void deallocate_buffers();
- link_type get_node() {
- link_type tmp = free_list;
- return free_list ? (free_list = (link_type)(free_list->next), tmp)
- : (next_avail == last ? (add_new_buffer(), next_avail++)
- : next_avail++);
- // ugly code for inlining - avoids multiple returns
- }
- void put_node(link_type p) {
- p->next = free_list;
- free_list = p;
- }
- link_type node;
- size_type length;
- class iterator;
- class const_iterator;
- class iterator : public bidirectional_iterator<T, difference_type> {
- friend class list<T>;
- friend class const_iterator;
-// friend bool operator==(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);
- protected:
- link_type node;
- iterator(link_type x) : node(x) {}
- public:
- iterator() {}
- bool operator==(const iterator& x) const { return node == x.node; }
- reference operator*() const { return (*node).data; }
- iterator& operator++() {
- node = (link_type)((*node).next);
- return *this;
- }
- iterator operator++(int) {
- iterator tmp = *this;
- ++*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- iterator& operator--() {
- node = (link_type)((*node).prev);
- return *this;
- }
- iterator operator--(int) {
- iterator tmp = *this;
- --*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- };
- class const_iterator : public bidirectional_iterator<T, difference_type> {
- friend class list<T>;
- protected:
- link_type node;
- const_iterator(link_type x) : node(x) {}
- public:
- const_iterator() {}
- const_iterator(const iterator& x) : node(x.node) {}
- bool operator==(const const_iterator& x) const { return node == x.node; }
- const_reference operator*() const { return (*node).data; }
- const_iterator& operator++() {
- node = (link_type)((*node).next);
- return *this;
- }
- const_iterator operator++(int) {
- const_iterator tmp = *this;
- ++*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- const_iterator& operator--() {
- node = (link_type)((*node).prev);
- return *this;
- }
- const_iterator operator--(int) {
- const_iterator tmp = *this;
- --*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- };
- typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator<const_iterator, value_type,
- const_reference, difference_type>
- const_reverse_iterator;
- typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator<iterator, value_type, reference,
- difference_type>
- reverse_iterator;
- list() : length(0) {
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- ++number_of_lists;
- node = get_node();
- (*node).next = node;
- (*node).prev = node;
- }
- iterator begin() { return (link_type)((*node).next); }
- const_iterator begin() const { return (link_type)((*node).next); }
- iterator end() { return node; }
- const_iterator end() const { return node; }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(end());
- }
- reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
- }
- bool empty() const { return length == 0; }
- size_type size() const { return length; }
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- size_type max_size() const { return list_node_allocator.max_size(); }
- reference front() { return *begin(); }
- const_reference front() const { return *begin(); }
- reference back() { return *(--end()); }
- const_reference back() const { return *(--end()); }
- void swap(list<T>& x) {
- ::swap(node, x.node);
- ::swap(length, x.length);
- }
- iterator insert(iterator position, const T& x) {
- link_type tmp = get_node();
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- construct(&(*tmp).data, x);
- construct(value_allocator.address((*tmp).data), x);
- (*tmp).next = position.node;
- (*tmp).prev = (*position.node).prev;
- (*(link_type((*position.node).prev))).next = tmp;
- (*position.node).prev = tmp;
- ++length;
- return tmp;
- }
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- void insert(iterator position, const T* first, const T* last) {
- while (first != last) insert(position, *first++);
- }
- void insert(iterator position, const_iterator first,
- const_iterator last) {
- while (first != last) insert(position, *first++);
- }
- void insert(iterator position, size_type n, const T& x) {
- while (n--) insert(position, x);
- }
- void insert(iterator position, const T* first, const T* last);
- void insert(iterator position, const_iterator first,
- const_iterator last);
- void insert(iterator position, size_type n, const T& x);
- void push_front(const T& x) { insert(begin(), x); }
- void push_back(const T& x) { insert(end(), x); }
- void erase(iterator position) {
- (*(link_type((*position.node).prev))).next = (*position.node).next;
- (*(link_type((*position.node).next))).prev = (*position.node).prev;
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- destroy(&(*position.node).data);
- destroy(value_allocator.address((*position.node).data));
- put_node(position.node);
- --length;
- }
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
- while (first != last) erase(first++);
- }
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last);
- void pop_front() { erase(begin()); }
- void pop_back() {
- iterator tmp = end();
- erase(--tmp);
- }
- list(size_type n, const T& value = T()) : length(0) {
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- ++number_of_lists;
- node = get_node();
- (*node).next = node;
- (*node).prev = node;
- insert(begin(), n, value);
- }
- list(const T* first, const T* last) : length(0) {
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- ++number_of_lists;
- node = get_node();
- (*node).next = node;
- (*node).prev = node;
- insert(begin(), first, last);
- }
- list(const list<T>& x) : length(0) {
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- ++number_of_lists;
- node = get_node();
- (*node).next = node;
- (*node).prev = node;
- insert(begin(), x.begin(), x.end());
- }
- ~list() {
- erase(begin(), end());
- put_node(node);
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- if (--number_of_lists == 0) deallocate_buffers();
- }
- list<T>& operator=(const list<T>& x);
- void transfer(iterator position, iterator first, iterator last) {
- (*(link_type((*last.node).prev))).next = position.node;
- (*(link_type((*first.node).prev))).next = last.node;
- (*(link_type((*position.node).prev))).next = first.node;
- link_type tmp = link_type((*position.node).prev);
- (*position.node).prev = (*last.node).prev;
- (*last.node).prev = (*first.node).prev;
- (*first.node).prev = tmp;
- }
- void splice(iterator position, list<T>& x) {
- if (!x.empty()) {
- transfer(position, x.begin(), x.end());
- length += x.length;
- x.length = 0;
- }
- }
- void splice(iterator position, list<T>& x, iterator i) {
- iterator j = i;
- if (position == i || position == ++j) return;
- transfer(position, i, j);
- ++length;
- --x.length;
- }
- void splice(iterator position, list<T>& x, iterator first, iterator last) {
- if (first != last) {
- if (&x != this) {
- difference_type n = 0;
- distance(first, last, n);
- x.length -= n;
- length += n;
- }
- transfer(position, first, last);
- }
- }
- void remove(const T& value);
- void unique();
- void merge(list<T>& x);
- void reverse();
- void sort();
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- friend difference_type* distance_type(const iterator&) {
- return (difference_type*)(0);
- }
- friend T* value_type(const iterator&) {
- return (T*)(0);
- }
- friend bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category(iterator) {
- return bidirectional_iterator_tag();
- }
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-template <class T>
-list<T>::buffer_pointer list<T>::buffer_list = 0;
-template <class T>
-list<T>::link_type list<T>::free_list = 0;
-template <class T>
-list<T>::link_type list<T>::next_avail = 0;
-template <class T>
-list<T>::link_type list<T>::last = 0;
-template <class T>
-list<T>::size_type list<T>::number_of_lists = 0;
-template <class T>
-list<T>::list_node_allocator_type list<T>::list_node_allocator;
-template <class T>
-list<T>::value_allocator_type list<T>::value_allocator;
-template <class T>
-list<T>::buffer_allocator_type list<T>::buffer_allocator;
- * currently the following does not work - made into a member function
-template <class T>
-inline bool operator==(const list<T>::iterator& x, const list<T>::iterator& y) {
- return x.node == y.node;
-template <class T>
-inline bool operator==(const list<T>& x, const list<T>& y) {
- return x.size() == y.size() && equal(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
-template <class T>
-inline bool operator<(const list<T>& x, const list<T>& y) {
- return lexicographical_compare(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-template <class T>
-void list<T>::deallocate_buffers() {
- while (buffer_list) {
- buffer_pointer tmp = buffer_list;
- buffer_list = (buffer_pointer)(buffer_list->next_buffer);
- list_node_allocator.deallocate(tmp->buffer);
- buffer_allocator.deallocate(tmp);
- }
- free_list = 0;
- next_avail = 0;
- last = 0;
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-template <class T>
-void list<T>::insert(iterator position, const T* first, const T* last) {
- while (first != last) insert(position, *first++);
-template <class T>
-void list<T>::insert(iterator position, const_iterator first,
- const_iterator last) {
- while (first != last) insert(position, *first++);
-template <class T>
-void list<T>::insert(iterator position, size_type n, const T& x) {
- while (n--) insert(position, x);
-template <class T>
-void list<T>::erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
- while (first != last) erase(first++);
-template <class T>
-list<T>& list<T>::operator=(const list<T>& x) {
- if (this != &x) {
- iterator first1 = begin();
- iterator last1 = end();
- const_iterator first2 = x.begin();
- const_iterator last2 = x.end();
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2) *first1++ = *first2++;
- if (first2 == last2)
- erase(first1, last1);
- else
- insert(last1, first2, last2);
- }
- return *this;
-template <class T>
-void list<T>::remove(const T& value) {
- iterator first = begin();
- iterator last = end();
- while (first != last) {
- iterator next = first;
- ++next;
- if (*first == value) erase(first);
- first = next;
- }
-template <class T>
-void list<T>::unique() {
- iterator first = begin();
- iterator last = end();
- if (first == last) return;
- iterator next = first;
- while (++next != last) {
- if (*first == *next)
- erase(next);
- else
- first = next;
- next = first;
- }
-template <class T>
-void list<T>::merge(list<T>& x) {
- iterator first1 = begin();
- iterator last1 = end();
- iterator first2 = x.begin();
- iterator last2 = x.end();
- while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
- if (*first2 < *first1) {
- iterator next = first2;
- transfer(first1, first2, ++next);
- first2 = next;
- } else
- ++first1;
- if (first2 != last2) transfer(last1, first2, last2);
- length += x.length;
- x.length= 0;
-template <class T>
-void list<T>::reverse() {
- if (size() < 2) return;
- for (iterator first = ++begin(); first != end();) {
- iterator old = first++;
- transfer(begin(), old, first);
- }
-template <class T>
-void list<T>::sort() {
- if (size() < 2) return;
- list<T> carry;
- list<T> counter[64];
- int fill = 0;
- while (!empty()) {
- carry.splice(carry.begin(), *this, begin());
- int i = 0;
- while(i < fill && !counter[i].empty()) {
- counter[i].merge(carry);
- carry.swap(counter[i++]);
- }
- carry.swap(counter[i]);
- if (i == fill) ++fill;
- }
- for (int i = 1; i < fill; ++i) counter[i].merge(counter[i-1]);
- swap(counter[fill-1]);
-#undef Allocator
-#undef list
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/llist.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/llist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ee611..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/llist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef LLIST_H
-#define LLIST_H
-#ifdef LIST_H
-#undef LIST_H
-#define Allocator long_allocator
-#define list long_list
-#include <lngalloc.h>
-#include <list.h>
-#undef LIST_H
-#define LIST_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef list
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lmap.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lmap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index da1eeba..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lmap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef LMAP_H
-#define LMAP_H
-#ifdef MAP_H
-#undef MAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define __MAP_WAS_DEFINED
-#define Allocator long_allocator
-#define map long_map
-#define rb_tree long_rb_tree
-#include <lngalloc.h>
-#include <map.h>
-#undef MAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define MAP_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef map
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lmultmap.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lmultmap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a87e33..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lmultmap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef LMULTIMAP_H
-#define LMULTIMAP_H
-#ifdef MULTIMAP_H
-#undef MULTIMAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define Allocator long_allocator
-#define multimap long_multimap
-#define rb_tree long_rb_tree
-#include <lngalloc.h>
-#include <multimap.h>
-#undef MULTIMAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define MULTIMAP_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef multimap
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lmultset.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lmultset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bb1571f..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lmultset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef LMULTISET_H
-#define LMULTISET_H
-#ifdef MULTISET_H
-#undef MULTISET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define Allocator long_allocator
-#define multiset long_multiset
-#define rb_tree long_rb_tree
-#include <lngalloc.h>
-#include <multiset.h>
-#undef MULTISET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define MULTISET_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef multiset
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lngalloc.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lngalloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6685ea5..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lngalloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef LNGALLOC_H
-#define LNGALLOC_H
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <algobase.h>
-#include <defalloc.h>
-template <class T>
-class long_allocator {
- typedef T value_type;
- typedef T* pointer;
- typedef const T* const_pointer;
- typedef T& reference;
- typedef const T& const_reference;
- typedef unsigned long size_type;
- typedef long difference_type;
- pointer allocate(size_type n) {
- return ::allocate((difference_type)n, (pointer)0);
- }
- void deallocate(pointer p) { ::deallocate(p); }
- pointer address(reference x) { return (pointer)&x; }
- const_pointer const_address(const_reference x) {
- return (const_pointer)&x;
- }
- size_type init_page_size() {
- return max(size_type(1), size_type(4096/sizeof(T)));
- }
- size_type max_size() const {
- return max(size_type(1), size_type(ULONG_MAX/sizeof(T)));
- }
-class long_allocator<void> {
- typedef void* pointer;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lset.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e4d52f7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/lset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef LSET_H
-#define LSET_H
-#ifdef SET_H
-#undef SET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define __SET_WAS_DEFINED
-#define Allocator long_allocator
-#define set long_set
-#define rb_tree long_rb_tree
-#include <lngalloc.h>
-#include <set.h>
-#undef SET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define SET_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef set
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/map.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/map.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c1c30d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/map.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef MAP_H
-#define MAP_H
-#ifndef Allocator
-#define Allocator allocator
-#include <defalloc.h>
-#include <tree.h>
-template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
-class map {
-// typedefs:
- typedef Key key_type;
- typedef pair<const Key, T> value_type;
- typedef Compare key_compare;
- class value_compare
- : public binary_function<value_type, value_type, bool> {
- friend class map<Key, T, Compare>;
- protected :
- Compare comp;
- value_compare(Compare c) : comp(c) {}
- public:
- bool operator()(const value_type& x, const value_type& y) const {
- return comp(x.first, y.first);
- }
- };
- typedef rb_tree<key_type, value_type,
- select1st<value_type, key_type>, key_compare> rep_type;
- rep_type t; // red-black tree representing map
- typedef rep_type::pointer pointer;
- typedef rep_type::reference reference;
- typedef rep_type::const_reference const_reference;
- typedef rep_type::iterator iterator;
- typedef rep_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
- typedef rep_type::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
- typedef rep_type::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
- typedef rep_type::size_type size_type;
- typedef rep_type::difference_type difference_type;
-// allocation/deallocation
- map(const Compare& comp = Compare()) : t(comp, false) {}
- map(const value_type* first, const value_type* last,
- const Compare& comp = Compare()) : t(first, last, comp, false) {}
- map(const map<Key, T, Compare>& x) : t(x.t, false) {}
- map<Key, T, Compare>& operator=(const map<Key, T, Compare>& x) {
- t = x.t;
- return *this;
- }
-// accessors:
- key_compare key_comp() const { return t.key_comp(); }
- value_compare value_comp() const { return value_compare(t.key_comp()); }
- iterator begin() { return t.begin(); }
- const_iterator begin() const { return t.begin(); }
- iterator end() { return t.end(); }
- const_iterator end() const { return t.end(); }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() { return t.rbegin(); }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return t.rbegin(); }
- reverse_iterator rend() { return t.rend(); }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return t.rend(); }
- bool empty() const { return t.empty(); }
- size_type size() const { return t.size(); }
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- size_type max_size() const { return t.max_size(); }
- Allocator<T>::reference operator[](const key_type& k) {
- return (*((insert(value_type(k, T()))).first)).second;
- }
- void swap(map<Key, T, Compare>& x) { t.swap(x.t); }
-// insert/erase
- typedef pair<iterator, bool> pair_iterator_bool;
- // typedef done to get around compiler bug
- pair_iterator_bool insert(const value_type& x) { return t.insert(x); }
- iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type& x) {
- return t.insert(position, x);
- }
- void insert(const value_type* first, const value_type* last) {
- t.insert(first, last);
- }
- void erase(iterator position) { t.erase(position); }
- size_type erase(const key_type& x) { return t.erase(x); }
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last) { t.erase(first, last); }
-// map operations:
- iterator find(const key_type& x) { return t.find(x); }
- const_iterator find(const key_type& x) const { return t.find(x); }
- size_type count(const key_type& x) const { return t.count(x); }
- iterator lower_bound(const key_type& x) {return t.lower_bound(x); }
- const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& x) const {
- return t.lower_bound(x);
- }
- iterator upper_bound(const key_type& x) {return t.upper_bound(x); }
- const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& x) const {
- return t.upper_bound(x);
- }
- typedef pair<iterator, iterator> pair_iterator_iterator;
- // typedef done to get around compiler bug
- pair_iterator_iterator equal_range(const key_type& x) {
- return t.equal_range(x);
- }
- typedef pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> pair_citerator_citerator;
- // typedef done to get around compiler bug
- pair_citerator_citerator equal_range(const key_type& x) const {
- return t.equal_range(x);
- }
-template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
-inline bool operator==(const map<Key, T, Compare>& x,
- const map<Key, T, Compare>& y) {
- return x.size() == y.size() && equal(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
-template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
-inline bool operator<(const map<Key, T, Compare>& x,
- const map<Key, T, Compare>& y) {
- return lexicographical_compare(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
-#undef Allocator
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/multimap.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/multimap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2478e24..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/multimap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef MULTIMAP_H
-#define MULTIMAP_H
-#ifndef Allocator
-#define Allocator allocator
-#include <defalloc.h>
-#include <tree.h>
-template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
-class multimap {
-// typedefs:
- typedef Key key_type;
- typedef pair<const Key, T> value_type;
- typedef Compare key_compare;
- class value_compare
- : public binary_function<value_type, value_type, bool> {
- friend class multimap<Key, T, Compare>;
- protected:
- Compare comp;
- value_compare(Compare c) : comp(c) {}
- public:
- bool operator()(const value_type& x, const value_type& y) const {
- return comp(x.first, y.first);
- }
- };
- typedef rb_tree<key_type, value_type,
- select1st<value_type, key_type>, key_compare> rep_type;
- rep_type t; // red-black tree representing multimap
- typedef rep_type::reference reference;
- typedef rep_type::const_reference const_reference;
- typedef rep_type::iterator iterator;
- typedef rep_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
- typedef rep_type::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
- typedef rep_type::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
- typedef rep_type::size_type size_type;
- typedef rep_type::difference_type difference_type;
-// allocation/deallocation
- multimap(const Compare& comp = Compare()) : t(comp, true) { }
- multimap(const value_type* first, const value_type* last,
- const Compare& comp = Compare()) : t(first, last, comp, true) { }
- multimap(const multimap<Key, T, Compare>& x) : t(x.t, true) { }
- multimap<Key, T, Compare>& operator=(const multimap<Key, T, Compare>& x) {
- t = x.t;
- return *this;
- }
-// accessors:
- key_compare key_comp() const { return t.key_comp(); }
- value_compare value_comp() const { return value_compare(t.key_comp()); }
- iterator begin() { return t.begin(); }
- const_iterator begin() const { return t.begin(); }
- iterator end() { return t.end(); }
- const_iterator end() const { return t.end(); }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() { return t.rbegin(); }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return t.rbegin(); }
- reverse_iterator rend() { return t.rend(); }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return t.rend(); }
- bool empty() const { return t.empty(); }
- size_type size() const { return t.size(); }
- size_type max_size() const { return t.max_size(); }
- void swap(multimap<Key, T, Compare>& x) { t.swap(x.t); }
-// insert/erase
- iterator insert(const value_type& x) { return t.insert(x).first; }
- iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type& x) {
- return t.insert(position, x);
- }
- void insert(const value_type* first, const value_type* last) {
- t.insert(first, last);
- }
- void erase(iterator position) { t.erase(position); }
- size_type erase(const key_type& x) { return t.erase(x); }
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last) { t.erase(first, last); }
-// multimap operations:
- iterator find(const key_type& x) { return t.find(x); }
- const_iterator find(const key_type& x) const { return t.find(x); }
- size_type count(const key_type& x) const { return t.count(x); }
- iterator lower_bound(const key_type& x) {return t.lower_bound(x); }
- const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& x) const {
- return t.lower_bound(x);
- }
- iterator upper_bound(const key_type& x) {return t.upper_bound(x); }
- const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& x) const {
- return t.upper_bound(x);
- }
- typedef pair<iterator, iterator> pair_iterator_iterator;
- // typedef done to get around compiler bug
- pair_iterator_iterator equal_range(const key_type& x) {
- return t.equal_range(x);
- }
- typedef pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> pair_citerator_citerator;
- // typedef done to get around compiler bug
- pair_citerator_citerator equal_range(const key_type& x) const {
- return t.equal_range(x);
- }
-template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
-inline bool operator==(const multimap<Key, T, Compare>& x,
- const multimap<Key, T, Compare>& y) {
- return x.size() == y.size() && equal(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
-template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
-inline bool operator<(const multimap<Key, T, Compare>& x,
- const multimap<Key, T, Compare>& y) {
- return lexicographical_compare(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
-#undef Allocator
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/multiset.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/multiset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ee6d93..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/multiset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef MULTISET_H
-#define MULTISET_H
-#ifndef Allocator
-#define Allocator allocator
-#include <defalloc.h>
-#include <tree.h>
-template <class Key, class Compare>
-class multiset {
-// typedefs:
- typedef Key key_type;
- typedef Key value_type;
- typedef Compare key_compare;
- typedef Compare value_compare;
- typedef rb_tree<key_type, value_type,
- ident<value_type, key_type>, key_compare> rep_type;
- rep_type t; // red-black tree representing multiset
- typedef rep_type::const_reference reference;
- typedef rep_type::const_reference const_reference;
- typedef rep_type::const_iterator iterator;
- typedef rep_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
- typedef rep_type::const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
- typedef rep_type::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
- typedef rep_type::size_type size_type;
- typedef rep_type::difference_type difference_type;
-// allocation/deallocation
- multiset(const Compare& comp = Compare()) : t(comp, true) {}
- multiset(const value_type* first, const value_type* last,
- const Compare& comp = Compare()) : t(comp, true) {
- for (const value_type* i = first; i != last; ++i)
- t.insert(*i);
- }
- multiset(const multiset<Key, Compare>& x) : t(x.t, true) {}
- multiset<Key, Compare>& operator=(const multiset<Key, Compare>& x) {
- t = x.t;
- return *this;
- }
-// accessors:
- key_compare key_comp() const { return t.key_comp(); }
- value_compare value_comp() const { return t.key_comp(); }
- iterator begin() const { return t.begin(); }
- iterator end() const { return t.end(); }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return t.rbegin(); }
- reverse_iterator rend() const { return t.rend(); }
- bool empty() const { return t.empty(); }
- size_type size() const { return t.size(); }
- size_type max_size() const { return t.max_size(); }
- void swap(multiset<Key, Compare>& x) { t.swap(x.t); }
-// insert/erase
- iterator insert(const value_type& x) {
- return t.insert(x).first;
- }
- iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type& x) {
- return t.insert((rep_type::iterator&)position, x);
- }
- void insert(const value_type* first, const value_type* last) {
- for (const value_type* i = first; i != last; ++i)
- t.insert(*i);
- }
- void erase(iterator position) {
- t.erase((rep_type::iterator&)position);
- }
- size_type erase(const key_type& x) {
- return t.erase(x);
- }
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
- t.erase((rep_type::iterator&)first,
- (rep_type::iterator&)last);
- }
-// multiset operations:
- iterator find(const key_type& x) const { return t.find(x); }
- size_type count(const key_type& x) const { return t.count(x); }
- iterator lower_bound(const key_type& x) const {
- return t.lower_bound(x);
- }
- iterator upper_bound(const key_type& x) const {
- return t.upper_bound(x);
- }
- typedef pair<iterator, iterator> pair_iterator_iterator;
- // typedef done to get around compiler bug
- pair_iterator_iterator equal_range(const key_type& x) const {
- return t.equal_range(x);
- }
-template <class Key, class Compare>
-inline bool operator==(const multiset<Key, Compare>& x,
- const multiset<Key, Compare>& y) {
- return x.size() == y.size() && equal(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
-template <class Key, class Compare>
-inline bool operator<(const multiset<Key, Compare>& x,
- const multiset<Key, Compare>& y) {
- return lexicographical_compare(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
-#undef Allocator
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/neralloc.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/neralloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c66e9b3..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/neralloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef NEARALLOC_H
-#define NEARALLOC_H
-#ifdef FARALLOC_H
-#undef FARALLOC_H
-#define __far __near
-#define far_allocator near_allocator
-#include <faralloc.h>
-#undef __far
-#undef far_allocator
-#undef FARALLOC_H
-#define FARALLOC_H
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/nmap.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/nmap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 99754c7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/nmap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef NMAP_H
-#define NMAP_H
-#ifdef MAP_H
-#undef MAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define __MAP_WAS_DEFINED
-#define Allocator near_allocator
-#define map near_map
-#define rb_tree near_rb_tree
-#include <neralloc.h>
-#include <map.h>
-#undef MAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define MAP_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef map
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/nmultmap.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/nmultmap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a6ad67c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/nmultmap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef NMULTIMAP_H
-#define NMULTIMAP_H
-#ifdef MULTIMAP_H
-#undef MULTIMAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define Allocator near_allocator
-#define multimap near_multimap
-#define rb_tree near_rb_tree
-#include <neralloc.h>
-#include <multimap.h>
-#undef MULTIMAP_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define MULTIMAP_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef multimap
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/nmultset.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/nmultset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a0ad30..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/nmultset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef NMULTISET_H
-#define NMULTISET_H
-#ifdef MULTISET_H
-#undef MULTISET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define Allocator near_allocator
-#define multiset near_multiset
-#define rb_tree near_rb_tree
-#include <neralloc.h>
-#include <multiset.h>
-#undef MULTISET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define MULTISET_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef multiset
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/nset.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/nset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 325d6b9..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/nset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef NSET_H
-#define NSET_H
-#ifdef SET_H
-#undef SET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define __SET_WAS_DEFINED
-#define Allocator near_allocator
-#define set near_set
-#define rb_tree near_rb_tree
-#include <neralloc.h>
-#include <set.h>
-#undef SET_H
-#undef TREE_H
-#define SET_H
-#define TREE_H
-#undef Allocator
-#undef set
-#undef rb_tree
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/pair.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/pair.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 817d9a4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/pair.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef PAIR_H
-#define PAIR_H
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-#include <bool.h>
-template <class T1, class T2>
-struct pair {
- T1 first;
- T2 second;
- pair() {}
- pair(const T1& a, const T2& b) : first(a), second(b) {}
-template <class T1, class T2>
-inline bool operator==(const pair<T1, T2>& x, const pair<T1, T2>& y) {
- return x.first == y.first && x.second == y.second;
-template <class T1, class T2>
-inline bool operator<(const pair<T1, T2>& x, const pair<T1, T2>& y) {
- return x.first < y.first || (!(y.first < x.first) && x.second < y.second);
-template <class T1, class T2>
-inline pair<T1, T2> make_pair(const T1& x, const T2& y) {
- return pair<T1, T2>(x, y);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/projectn.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/projectn.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 766796e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/projectn.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef PROJECTN_H
-#define PROJECTN_H
-#include <function.h>
-template <class T, class U>
-struct select1st : public unary_function<T, U> {
- const U& operator()(const T& x) const { return x.first; }
-template <class T, class U>
-struct ident : public unary_function<T, U> {
- const U& operator()(const T& x) const { return x; }
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/
deleted file mode 100644
index e79872c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#include <stddef.h>
-#define __SEED 161803398
-class __random_generator {
- unsigned long table[55];
- size_t index1;
- size_t index2;
- unsigned long operator()(unsigned long limit) {
- index1 = (index1 + 1) % 55;
- index2 = (index2 + 1) % 55;
- table[index1] = table[index1] - table[index2];
- return table[index1] % limit;
- }
- void seed(unsigned long j);
- __random_generator(unsigned long j) { seed(j); }
-void __random_generator::seed(unsigned long j) {
- unsigned long k = 1;
- table[54] = j;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 54; i++) {
- size_t ii = 21 * i % 55;
- table[ii] = k;
- k = j - k;
- j = table[ii];
- }
- for (int loop = 0; loop < 4; loop++) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 55; i++)
- table[i] = table[i] - table[(1 + i + 30) % 55];
- }
- index1 = 0;
- index2 = 31;
-static __random_generator rd(__SEED);
-unsigned long __long_random(unsigned long limit) {
- return rd(limit);
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/set.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/set.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d108e42..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/set.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef SET_H
-#define SET_H
-#ifndef Allocator
-#define Allocator allocator
-#include <defalloc.h>
-#include <tree.h>
-template <class Key, class Compare>
-class set {
-// typedefs:
- typedef Key key_type;
- typedef Key value_type;
- typedef Compare key_compare;
- typedef Compare value_compare;
- typedef rb_tree<key_type, value_type,
- ident<value_type, key_type>, key_compare> rep_type;
- rep_type t; // red-black tree representing set
- typedef rep_type::const_reference reference;
- typedef rep_type::const_reference const_reference;
- typedef rep_type::const_iterator iterator;
- typedef rep_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
- typedef rep_type::const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
- typedef rep_type::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
- typedef rep_type::size_type size_type;
- typedef rep_type::difference_type difference_type;
-// allocation/deallocation
- set(const Compare& comp = Compare()) : t(comp, false) {}
- set(const value_type* first, const value_type* last,
- const Compare& comp = Compare()) : t(comp, false) {
- for (const value_type* i = first; i != last; ++i)
- t.insert(*i);
- }
- set(const set<Key, Compare>& x) : t(x.t, false) {}
- set<Key, Compare>& operator=(const set<Key, Compare>& x) {
- t = x.t;
- return *this;
- }
-// accessors:
- key_compare key_comp() const { return t.key_comp(); }
- value_compare value_comp() const { return t.key_comp(); }
- iterator begin() const { return t.begin(); }
- iterator end() const { return t.end(); }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return t.rbegin(); }
- reverse_iterator rend() const { return t.rend(); }
- bool empty() const { return t.empty(); }
- size_type size() const { return t.size(); }
- size_type max_size() const { return t.max_size(); }
- void swap(set<Key, Compare>& x) { t.swap(x.t); }
-// insert/erase
- typedef pair<iterator, bool> pair_iterator_bool;
- // typedef done to get around compiler bug
- pair_iterator_bool insert(const value_type& x) {
- pair<rep_type::iterator, bool> p = t.insert(x);
- return pair<iterator, bool>(p.first, p.second);
- }
- iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type& x) {
- return t.insert((rep_type::iterator&)position, x);
- }
- void insert(const value_type* first, const value_type* last) {
- for (const value_type* i = first; i != last; ++i)
- t.insert(*i);
- }
- void erase(iterator position) {
- t.erase((rep_type::iterator&)position);
- }
- size_type erase(const key_type& x) {
- return t.erase(x);
- }
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
- t.erase((rep_type::iterator&)first,
- (rep_type::iterator&)last);
- }
-// set operations:
- iterator find(const key_type& x) const { return t.find(x); }
- size_type count(const key_type& x) const { return t.count(x); }
- iterator lower_bound(const key_type& x) const {
- return t.lower_bound(x);
- }
- iterator upper_bound(const key_type& x) const {
- return t.upper_bound(x);
- }
- typedef pair<iterator, iterator> pair_iterator_iterator;
- // typedef done to get around compiler bug
- pair_iterator_iterator equal_range(const key_type& x) const {
- return t.equal_range(x);
- }
-template <class Key, class Compare>
-inline bool operator==(const set<Key, Compare>& x,
- const set<Key, Compare>& y) {
- return x.size() == y.size() && equal(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
-template <class Key, class Compare>
-inline bool operator<(const set<Key, Compare>& x,
- const set<Key, Compare>& y) {
- return lexicographical_compare(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
-#undef Allocator
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/stack.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/stack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 83a59a4..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/stack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef STACK_H
-#define STACK_H
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-#include <bool.h>
-#include <heap.h>
-template <class Container>
-class stack {
-friend bool operator==(const stack<Container>& x, const stack<Container>& y);
-friend bool operator<(const stack<Container>& x, const stack<Container>& y);
- typedef Container::value_type value_type;
- typedef Container::size_type size_type;
- Container c;
- bool empty() const { return c.empty(); }
- size_type size() const { return c.size(); }
- value_type& top() { return c.back(); }
- const value_type& top() const { return c.back(); }
- void push(const value_type& x) { c.push_back(x); }
- void pop() { c.pop_back(); }
-template <class Container>
-bool operator==(const stack<Container>& x, const stack<Container>& y) {
- return x.c == y.c;
-template <class Container>
-bool operator<(const stack<Container>& x, const stack<Container>& y) {
- return x.c < y.c;
-template <class Container>
-class queue {
-friend bool operator==(const queue<Container>& x, const queue<Container>& y);
-friend bool operator<(const queue<Container>& x, const queue<Container>& y);
- typedef Container::value_type value_type;
- typedef Container::size_type size_type;
- Container c;
- bool empty() const { return c.empty(); }
- size_type size() const { return c.size(); }
- value_type& front() { return c.front(); }
- const value_type& front() const { return c.front(); }
- value_type& back() { return c.back(); }
- const value_type& back() const { return c.back(); }
- void push(const value_type& x) { c.push_back(x); }
- void pop() { c.pop_front(); }
-template <class Container>
-bool operator==(const queue<Container>& x, const queue<Container>& y) {
- return x.c == y.c;
-template <class Container>
-bool operator<(const queue<Container>& x, const queue<Container>& y) {
- return x.c < y.c;
-template <class Container, class Compare>
-// Compare = less<Container::value_type> >
-class priority_queue {
- typedef Container::value_type value_type;
- typedef Container::size_type size_type;
- Container c;
- Compare comp;
- priority_queue(const Compare& x = Compare()) : c(), comp(x) {}
- priority_queue(const value_type* first, const value_type* last,
- const Compare& x = Compare()) : c(first, last), comp(x) {
- make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);
- }
- template <class InputIterator>
- priority_queue(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- const Compare& x = Compare()) : c(first, last), comp(x) {
- make_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);
- }
- bool empty() const { return c.empty(); }
- size_type size() const { return c.size(); }
- value_type& top() { return c.front(); }
- const value_type& top() const { return c.front(); }
- void push(const value_type& x) {
- c.push_back(x);
- push_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);
- }
- void pop() {
- pop_heap(c.begin(), c.end(), comp);
- c.pop_back();
- }
-// no equality is provided
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e7408e..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#include <tempbuf.h>
-char __stl_temp_buffer[__stl_buffer_size];
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/tempbuf.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/tempbuf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 238b6ac..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/tempbuf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef TEMPBUF_H
-#define TEMPBUF_H
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <pair.h>
-#ifndef __stl_buffer_size
-#define __stl_buffer_size 16384 // 16k
-extern char __stl_temp_buffer[__stl_buffer_size];
-//not reentrant code
-template <class T>
-pair<T*, int> get_temporary_buffer(int len, T*) {
- while (len > __stl_buffer_size / sizeof(T)) {
- set_new_handler(0);
- T* tmp = (T*)(::operator new((unsigned int)len * sizeof(T)));
- if (tmp) return pair<T*, int>(tmp, len);
- len = len / 2;
- }
- return pair<T*, int>((T*)__stl_temp_buffer,
- (int)(__stl_buffer_size / sizeof(T)));
-template <class T>
-void return_temporary_buffer(T* p) {
- if ((char*)(p) != __stl_temp_buffer) deallocate(p);
-template <class T>
-pair<T*, long> get_temporary_buffer(long len, T* p) {
- if (len > INT_MAX/sizeof(T))
- len = INT_MAX/sizeof(T);
- pair<T*, int> tmp = get_temporary_buffer((int)len, p);
- return pair<T*, long>(tmp.first, (long)(tmp.second));
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/
deleted file mode 100644
index e4a9cfe..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#include "tree.h"
-__rb_tree_node_base __rb_NIL = { black, 0, 0, 0 };
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/tree.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/tree.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ae5da0..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/tree.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1246 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef TREE_H
-#define TREE_H
-Red-black tree class, designed for use in implementing STL
-associative containers (set, multiset, map, and multimap). The
-insertion and deletion algorithms are based on those in Cormen,
-Leiserson, and Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms (MIT Press, 1990),
-except that
-(1) the header cell is maintained with links not only to the root
-but also to the leftmost node of the tree, to enable constant time
-begin(), and to the rightmost node of the tree, to enable linear time
-performance when used with the generic set algorithms (set_union,
-(2) when a node being deleted has two children its successor node is
-relinked into its place, rather than copied, so that the only
-iterators invalidated are those referring to the deleted node.
-#include <algobase.h>
-#include <iterator.h>
-#include <function.h>
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-#include <bool.h>
-#include <projectn.h>
-#ifndef rb_tree
-#define rb_tree rb_tree
-enum __rb_color_type {red, black};
-struct __rb_tree_node_base {
- enum __rb_color_type color_field;
- void* parent_link;
- void* left_link;
- void* right_link;
-extern __rb_tree_node_base __rb_NIL;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-class rb_tree {
- typedef enum __rb_color_type color_type;
- typedef Allocator<void>::pointer void_pointer;
- struct rb_tree_node;
- friend rb_tree_node;
- struct rb_tree_node : public __rb_tree_node_base {
- Value value_field;
- };
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- static Allocator<rb_tree_node> rb_tree_node_allocator;
- static Allocator<Value> value_allocator;
- typedef Key key_type;
- typedef Value value_type;
- typedef Allocator<Value>::pointer pointer;
- typedef Allocator<Value>::reference reference;
- typedef Allocator<Value>::const_reference const_reference;
- typedef Allocator<rb_tree_node> rb_tree_node_allocator_type;
- typedef Allocator<rb_tree_node>::pointer link_type;
- typedef Allocator<rb_tree_node>::size_type size_type;
- typedef Allocator<rb_tree_node>::difference_type difference_type;
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- size_type buffer_size() {
- return rb_tree_node_allocator.init_page_size();
- }
- struct rb_tree_node_buffer;
- friend rb_tree_node_buffer;
- struct rb_tree_node_buffer {
- void_pointer next_buffer;
- link_type buffer;
- };
- typedef Allocator<rb_tree_node_buffer> buffer_allocator_type;
- typedef Allocator<rb_tree_node_buffer>::pointer buffer_pointer;
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- static Allocator<rb_tree_node_buffer> buffer_allocator;
- static buffer_pointer buffer_list;
- static link_type free_list;
- static link_type next_avail;
- static link_type last;
- link_type get_node() { return (link_type) operator new (sizeof (rb_tree_node)); }
- void put_node(link_type p) { operator delete (p); }
- void add_new_buffer() {
- buffer_pointer tmp = buffer_allocator.allocate((size_type)1);
- tmp->buffer = rb_tree_node_allocator.allocate(buffer_size());
- tmp->next_buffer = buffer_list;
- buffer_list = tmp;
- next_avail = buffer_list->buffer;
- last = next_avail + buffer_size();
- }
- static size_type number_of_trees;
- void deallocate_buffers();
- link_type get_node() {
- link_type tmp = free_list;
- return free_list ?
- (free_list = (link_type)(free_list->right_link), tmp)
- : (next_avail == last ? (add_new_buffer(), next_avail++)
- : next_avail++);
- // ugly code for inlining - avoids multiple returns
- }
- void put_node(link_type p) {
- p->right_link = free_list;
- free_list = p;
- }
- link_type header;
- link_type& root() { return parent(header); }
- link_type& root() const { return parent(header); }
- link_type& leftmost() { return left(header); }
- link_type& leftmost() const { return left(header); }
- link_type& rightmost() { return right(header); }
- link_type& rightmost() const { return right(header); }
- size_type node_count; // keeps track of size of tree
- bool insert_always; // controls whether an element already in the
- // tree is inserted again
- Compare key_compare;
- static link_type& left(link_type x) {
- return (link_type&)((*x).left_link);
- }
- static link_type& right(link_type x) {
- return (link_type&)((*x).right_link);
- }
- static link_type& parent(link_type x) {
- return (link_type&)((*x).parent_link);
- }
- static reference value(link_type x) { return (*x).value_field; }
- static Allocator<Key>::const_reference key(link_type x) {
- return KeyOfValue()(value(x));
- }
- static color_type& color(link_type x) {
- return (color_type&)(*x).color_field; }
- static link_type minimum(link_type x) {
- while (left(x) != &__rb_NIL)
- x = left(x);
- return x;
- }
- static link_type maximum(link_type x) {
- while (right(x) != &__rb_NIL)
- x = right(x);
- return x;
- }
- class iterator;
- friend iterator;
- class const_iterator;
- friend const_iterator;
- class iterator : public bidirectional_iterator<Value, difference_type> {
- friend class rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>;
- friend class const_iterator;
- friend bool operator==(const iterator& x, const iterator& y) {
- return x.node == y.node;
- }
- protected:
- link_type node;
- iterator(link_type x) : node(x) {}
- public:
- iterator() {}
- bool operator==(const iterator& y) const { return node == y.node; }
- reference operator*() const { return value(node); }
- iterator& operator++() {
- if (right(node) != &__rb_NIL) {
- node = right(node);
- while (left(node) != &__rb_NIL)
- node = left(node);
- } else {
- link_type y = parent(node);
- while (node == right(y)) {
- node = y;
- y = parent(y);
- }
- if (right(node) != y) // necessary because of rightmost
- node = y;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- iterator operator++(int) {
- iterator tmp = *this;
- ++*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- iterator& operator--() {
- if (color(node) == red && parent(parent(node)) == node)
- // check for header
- node = right(node); // return rightmost
- else if (left(node) != &__rb_NIL) {
- link_type y = left(node);
- while (right(y) != &__rb_NIL)
- y = right(y);
- node = y;
- } else {
- link_type y = parent(node);
- while (node == left(y)) {
- node = y;
- y = parent(y);
- }
- node = y;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- iterator operator--(int) {
- iterator tmp = *this;
- --*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- };
- class const_iterator
- : public bidirectional_iterator<Value,difference_type> {
- friend class rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>;
- friend class iterator;
- friend bool operator==(const const_iterator& x, const const_iterator& y) {
- return x.node == y.node;
- }
- protected:
- link_type node;
- const_iterator(link_type x) : node(x) {}
- public:
- const_iterator() {}
- const_iterator(const iterator& x) : node(x.node) {}
- bool operator==(const const_iterator& y) const {
- return node == y.node;
- }
- bool operator!=(const const_iterator& y) const {
- return node != y.node;
- }
- const_reference operator*() const { return value(node); }
- const_iterator& operator++() {
- if (right(node) != &__rb_NIL) {
- node = right(node);
- while (left(node) != &__rb_NIL)
- node = left(node);
- } else {
- link_type y = parent(node);
- while (node == right(y)) {
- node = y;
- y = parent(y);
- }
- if (right(node) != y) // necessary because of rightmost
- node = y;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- const_iterator operator++(int) {
- const_iterator tmp = *this;
- ++*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- const_iterator& operator--() {
- if (color(node) == red && parent(parent(node)) == node)
- // check for header
- node = right(node); // return rightmost
- else if (left(node) != &__rb_NIL) {
- link_type y = left(node);
- while (right(y) != &__rb_NIL)
- y = right(y);
- node = y;
- } else {
- link_type y = parent(node);
- while (node == left(y)) {
- node = y;
- y = parent(y);
- }
- node = y;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- const_iterator operator--(int) {
- const_iterator tmp = *this;
- --*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- };
- typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator<iterator, value_type, reference,
- difference_type>
- reverse_iterator;
- typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator<const_iterator, value_type,
- const_reference, difference_type>
- const_reverse_iterator;
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare> __insert(void* x, void* y, const value_type& v);
- link_type __copy(link_type x, link_type p) {
- return (link_type) __copy_hack (x, p);
- }
- void * __copy_hack (void *, void *);
- void __erase(void* x);
- iterator __insert(link_type x, link_type y, const value_type& v);
- link_type __copy(link_type x, link_type p);
- void __erase(link_type x);
- void init() {
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- ++number_of_trees;
- header = get_node();
- color(header) = red; // used to distinguish header from root,
- // in iterator.operator++
- header->parent_link = &__rb_NIL;
- leftmost() = header;
- rightmost() = header;
- }
-// allocation/deallocation
- rb_tree(const Compare& comp = Compare(), bool always = true)
- : node_count(0), insert_always(always), key_compare(comp) {
- init();
- }
- rb_tree(const value_type* first, const value_type* last,
- const Compare& comp = Compare(), bool always = true)
- : node_count(0), insert_always(always), key_compare(comp) {
- init();
- insert(first, last);
- }
- rb_tree(const rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>& x,
- bool always = true) : node_count(x.node_count),
- insert_always(always), key_compare(x.key_compare) {
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- ++number_of_trees;
- header = get_node();
- color(header) = red;
- root() = __copy(x.root(), header);
- if (root() == &__rb_NIL) {
- leftmost() = header;
- rightmost() = header;
- } else {
- leftmost() = minimum(root());
- rightmost() = maximum(root());
- }
- }
- ~rb_tree() {
- erase(begin(), end());
- put_node(header);
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- if (--number_of_trees == 0) {
- deallocate_buffers();
- free_list = 0;
- next_avail = 0;
- last = 0;
- }
- }
- rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>&
- operator=(const rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>& x);
-// accessors:
- Compare key_comp() const { return key_compare; }
- iterator begin() { return leftmost(); }
- const_iterator begin() const { return leftmost(); }
- iterator end() { return header; }
- const_iterator end() const { return header; }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(end());
- }
- reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
- }
- bool empty() const { return node_count == 0; }
- size_type size() const { return node_count; }
-#ifndef __GNUG__
- size_type max_size() const {
- return rb_tree_node_allocator.max_size();
- }
- size_type max_size() const {
- return rb_tree_node_allocator_type::max_size();
- }
- void swap(rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>& t) {
- ::swap(header, t.header);
- ::swap(node_count, t.node_count);
- ::swap(insert_always, t.insert_always);
- ::swap(key_compare, t.key_compare);
- }
-// insert/erase
- typedef pair<iterator, bool> pair_iterator_bool;
- // typedef done to get around compiler bug
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- pair_iterator_bool insert(const value_type& x) {
- return insert_hack(x);
- }
- rb_tree_pair_iterator_bool<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
- insert_hack(const Value& v);
- iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type& x) {
- return insert_hack(position, x);
- }
- rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
- insert_hack(rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare> posn,
- const Value& v);
- void insert(iterator first, iterator last) {
- while (first != last) insert(*first++);
- }
- void insert(const value_type* first, const value_type* last){
- while (first != last) insert(*first++);
- }
- void erase(iterator position) {
- erase_hack(position);
- }
- void erase_hack(rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare> position);
- size_type erase(const key_type& x);
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
- while (first != last) erase(first++);
- }
- pair_iterator_bool insert(const value_type& x);
- iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type& x);
- void insert(iterator first, iterator last);
- void insert(const value_type* first, const value_type* last);
- void erase(iterator position);
- size_type erase(const key_type& x);
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last);
- void erase(const key_type* first, const key_type* last);
-// set operations:
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- iterator find(const key_type& x) {
- return find_hack(x);
- }
- const_iterator find(const key_type& x) const {
- return find_hack(x);
- }
- rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
- find_hack(const key_type& x);
- rb_tree_const_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
- find_hack(const Key& k) const;
- size_type count(const key_type& x) const;
- iterator lower_bound(const key_type& x) {
- return lower_bound_hack(x);
- }
- const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& x) const {
- return lower_bound_hack(x);
- }
- iterator upper_bound(const key_type& x) {
- return upper_bound_hack(x);
- }
- const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& x) const {
- return upper_bound_hack(x);
- }
- rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
- lower_bound_hack(const key_type& x);
- rb_tree_const_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
- lower_bound_hack(const Key& k) const;
- rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
- upper_bound_hack(const key_type& x);
- rb_tree_const_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
- upper_bound_hack(const Key& k) const;
- typedef pair<iterator, iterator> pair_iterator_iterator;
- // typedef done to get around compiler bug
- pair_iterator_iterator equal_range(const key_type& x) {
- return pair_iterator_iterator(lower_bound(x), upper_bound(x));
- }
- typedef pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> pair_citerator_citerator;
- // typedef done to get around compiler bug
- pair_citerator_citerator equal_range(const key_type& x) const {
- return pair_citerator_citerator(lower_bound(x), upper_bound(x));
- }
- inline void rotate_left(link_type x) {
- link_type y = right(x);
- right(x) = left(y);
- if (left(y) != &__rb_NIL)
- parent(left(y)) = x;
- parent(y) = parent(x);
- if (x == root())
- root() = y;
- else if (x == left(parent(x)))
- left(parent(x)) = y;
- else
- right(parent(x)) = y;
- left(y) = x;
- parent(x) = y;
- }
- inline void rotate_right(link_type x) {
- link_type y = left(x);
- left(x) = right(y);
- if (right(y) != &__rb_NIL)
- parent(right(y)) = x;
- parent(y) = parent(x);
- if (x == root())
- root() = y;
- else if (x == right(parent(x)))
- right(parent(x)) = y;
- else
- left(parent(x)) = y;
- right(y) = x;
- parent(x) = y;
- }
- friend bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category(iterator) {
- return bidirectional_iterator_tag();
- }
- friend bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category(const_iterator) {
- return bidirectional_iterator_tag();
- }
- iterator find(const key_type& x);
- const_iterator find(const key_type& x) const;
- size_type count(const key_type& x) const;
- iterator lower_bound(const key_type& x);
- const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& x) const;
- iterator upper_bound(const key_type& x);
- const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& x) const;
- typedef pair<iterator, iterator> pair_iterator_iterator;
- // typedef done to get around compiler bug
- pair_iterator_iterator equal_range(const key_type& x);
- typedef pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> pair_citerator_citerator;
- // typedef done to get around compiler bug
- pair_citerator_citerator equal_range(const key_type& x) const;
- inline void rotate_left(link_type x);
- inline void rotate_right(link_type x);
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::buffer_pointer
- rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::buffer_list = 0;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::link_type
- rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::free_list = 0;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::link_type
- rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::next_avail = 0;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::link_type
- rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::last = 0;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::size_type
- rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::number_of_trees = 0;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::rb_tree_node_allocator_type
- rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::rb_tree_node_allocator;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-Allocator<Value> rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::value_allocator;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::buffer_allocator_type
- rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::buffer_allocator;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-void rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::deallocate_buffers() {
- while (buffer_list) {
- buffer_pointer tmp = buffer_list;
- buffer_list = (buffer_pointer)(buffer_list->next_buffer);
- rb_tree_node_allocator.deallocate(tmp->buffer);
- buffer_allocator.deallocate(tmp);
- }
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-struct rb_tree_iterator {
- rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::iterator it;
- rb_tree_iterator(rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::iterator i) : it(i) {}
- operator rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::iterator() {
- return it;
- }
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-inline Value* value_type(const rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>&) {
- return (Value*)(0);
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-struct rb_tree_const_iterator {
- rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::const_iterator it;
- rb_tree_const_iterator(rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::const_iterator i) : it(i) {}
- operator rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::const_iterator() {
- return it;
- }
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-inline Value* value_type(const rb_tree_const_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>&) {
- return (Value*)(0);
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-struct rb_tree_pair_iterator_bool {
- rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::pair_iterator_bool it;
- rb_tree_pair_iterator_bool(rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::pair_iterator_bool i) : it(i) {}
- operator rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::pair_iterator_bool() {
- return it;
- }
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-inline Value* value_type(rb_tree_pair_iterator_bool<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>&) {
- return (Value*)(0);
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-inline bool operator==(const rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>& x,
- const rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>& y) {
- return x.size() == y.size() && equal(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-inline bool operator<(const rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>& x,
- const rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>& y) {
- return lexicographical_compare(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>&
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::
-operator=(const rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>& x) {
- if (this != &x) {
- // can't be done as in list because Key may be a constant type
- erase(begin(), end());
- root() = __copy(x.root(), header);
- if (root() == &__rb_NIL) {
- leftmost() = header;
- rightmost() = header;
- } else {
- leftmost() = minimum(root());
- rightmost() = maximum(root());
- }
- node_count = x.node_count;
- }
- return *this;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::__insert
-(void* xa, void* ya, const Value& v) {
- link_type x = (link_type)xa;
- link_type y = (link_type)ya;
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::iterator
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::
-__insert(link_type x, link_type y, const Value& v) {
- ++node_count;
- link_type z = get_node();
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- construct(&(value(z)), v);
- construct(value_allocator.address(value(z)), v);
- if (y == header || x != &__rb_NIL || key_compare(KeyOfValue()(v), key(y))) {
- left(y) = z; // also makes leftmost() = z when y == header
- if (y == header) {
- root() = z;
- rightmost() = z;
- } else if (y == leftmost())
- leftmost() = z; // maintain leftmost() pointing to minimum node
- } else {
- right(y) = z;
- if (y == rightmost())
- rightmost() = z; // maintain rightmost() pointing to maximum node
- }
- parent(z) = y;
- z->left_link = &__rb_NIL;
- z->right_link = &__rb_NIL;
- x = z; // recolor and rebalance the tree
- color(x) = red;
- while (x != root() && color(parent(x)) == red)
- if (parent(x) == left(parent(parent(x)))) {
- y = right(parent(parent(x)));
- if (color(y) == red) {
- color(parent(x)) = black;
- color(y) = black;
- color(parent(parent(x))) = red;
- x = parent(parent(x));
- } else {
- if (x == right(parent(x))) {
- x = parent(x);
- rotate_left(x);
- }
- color(parent(x)) = black;
- color(parent(parent(x))) = red;
- rotate_right(parent(parent(x)));
- }
- } else {
- y = left(parent(parent(x)));
- if (color(y) == red) {
- color(parent(x)) = black;
- color(y) = black;
- color(parent(parent(x))) = red;
- x = parent(parent(x));
- } else {
- if (x == left(parent(x))) {
- x = parent(x);
- rotate_right(x);
- }
- color(parent(x)) = black;
- color(parent(parent(x))) = red;
- rotate_left(parent(parent(x)));
- }
- }
- color(root()) = black;
- return iterator(z);
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-rb_tree_pair_iterator_bool<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::insert_hack(const Value& v) {
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::pair_iterator_bool
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::insert(const Value& v) {
- link_type y = header;
- link_type x = root();
- bool comp = true;
- while (x != &__rb_NIL) {
- y = x;
- comp = key_compare(KeyOfValue()(v), key(x));
- x = comp ? left(x) : right(x);
- }
- if (insert_always)
- return pair_iterator_bool(__insert(x, y, v), true);
- iterator j = iterator(y);
- if (comp)
- if (j == begin())
- return pair_iterator_bool(__insert(x, y, v), true);
- else
- --j;
- if (key_compare(key(j.node), KeyOfValue()(v)))
- return pair_iterator_bool(__insert(x, y, v), true);
- return pair_iterator_bool(j, false);
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::insert_hack(rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare> posn,
- const Value& v) {
- iterator position = posn;
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::iterator
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::insert(iterator position,
- const Value& v) {
- if (position == iterator(begin()))
- if (size() > 0 && key_compare(KeyOfValue()(v), key(position.node)))
- return __insert(position.node, position.node, v);
- // first argument just needs to be non-&__rb_NIL
- else
- return insert(v).first;
- else if (position == iterator(end()))
- if (key_compare(key(rightmost()), KeyOfValue()(v)))
- return __insert(&__rb_NIL, rightmost(), v);
- else
- return insert(v).first;
- else {
- iterator before = --position;
- if (key_compare(key(before.node), KeyOfValue()(v))
- && key_compare(KeyOfValue()(v), key(position.node)))
- if (right(before.node) == &__rb_NIL)
- return __insert(&__rb_NIL, before.node, v);
- else
- return __insert(position.node, position.node, v);
- // first argument just needs to be non-&__rb_NIL
- else
- return insert(v).first;
- }
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-void rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::insert(iterator first,
- iterator last) {
- while (first != last) insert(*first++);
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-void rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::insert(const Value* first,
- const Value* last) {
- while (first != last) insert(*first++);
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-void rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::erase_hack(
- rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare> posn) {
- iterator position = posn;
-void rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::erase(iterator position) {
- link_type z = position.node;
- link_type y = z;
- link_type x;
- if (left(y) == &__rb_NIL)
- x = right(y);
- else
- if (right(y) == &__rb_NIL)
- x = left(y);
- else {
- y = right(y);
- while (left(y) != &__rb_NIL)
- y = left(y);
- x = right(y);
- }
- if (y != z) { // relink y in place of z
- parent(left(z)) = y;
- left(y) = left(z);
- if (y != right(z)) {
- parent(x) = parent(y); // possibly x == &__rb_NIL
- left(parent(y)) = x; // y must be a left child
- right(y) = right(z);
- parent(right(z)) = y;
- } else
- parent(x) = y; // needed in case x == &__rb_NIL
- if (root() == z)
- root() = y;
- else if (left(parent(z)) == z)
- left(parent(z)) = y;
- else
- right(parent(z)) = y;
- parent(y) = parent(z);
- ::swap(color(y), color(z));
- ::swap(y, z);
- // y points to node to be actually deleted,
- // z points to old z's former successor
- } else { // y == z
- parent(x) = parent(y); // possibly x == &__rb_NIL
- if (root() == z)
- root() = x;
- else
- if (left(parent(z)) == z)
- left(parent(z)) = x;
- else
- right(parent(z)) = x;
- if (leftmost() == z)
- if (right(z) == &__rb_NIL) // left(z) must be &__rb_NIL also
- leftmost() = parent(z);
- // makes leftmost() == header if z == root()
- else
- leftmost() = minimum(x);
- if (rightmost() == z)
- if (left(z) == &__rb_NIL) // right(z) must be &__rb_NIL also
- rightmost() = parent(z);
- // makes rightmost() == header if z == root()
- else // x == left(z)
- rightmost() = maximum(x);
- }
- if (color(y) != red) {
- while (x != root() && color(x) == black)
- if (x == left(parent(x))) {
- link_type w = right(parent(x));
- if (color(w) == red) {
- color(w) = black;
- color(parent(x)) = red;
- rotate_left(parent(x));
- w = right(parent(x));
- }
- if (color(left(w)) == black && color(right(w)) == black) {
- color(w) = red;
- x = parent(x);
- } else {
- if (color(right(w)) == black) {
- color(left(w)) = black;
- color(w) = red;
- rotate_right(w);
- w = right(parent(x));
- }
- color(w) = color(parent(x));
- color(parent(x)) = black;
- color(right(w)) = black;
- rotate_left(parent(x));
- break;
- }
- } else { // same as then clause with "right" and "left" exchanged
- link_type w = left(parent(x));
- if (color(w) == red) {
- color(w) = black;
- color(parent(x)) = red;
- rotate_right(parent(x));
- w = left(parent(x));
- }
- if (color(right(w)) == black && color(left(w)) == black) {
- color(w) = red;
- x = parent(x);
- } else {
- if (color(left(w)) == black) {
- color(right(w)) = black;
- color(w) = red;
- rotate_left(w);
- w = left(parent(x));
- }
- color(w) = color(parent(x));
- color(parent(x)) = black;
- color(left(w)) = black;
- rotate_right(parent(x));
- break;
- }
- }
- color(x) = black;
- }
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- delete y;
- destroy(value_allocator.address(value(y)));
- put_node(y);
- --node_count;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#ifndef __SIZE_TYPE__
-#define __SIZE_TYPE__ long unsigned int
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::size_type
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::erase(const Key& x) {
- pair_iterator_iterator p = equal_range(x);
- size_type n = 0;
- distance(p.first, p.second, n);
- erase(p.first, p.second);
- return n;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-void *
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::__copy_hack(void* xa, void* pa) {
- link_type x = (link_type)xa;
- link_type p = (link_type)pa;
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::link_type
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::__copy(link_type x, link_type p) {
- // structural copy
- link_type r = x;
- while (x != &__rb_NIL) {
- link_type y = get_node();
- if (r == x) r = y; // save for return value
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- construct(&(value(y)), value(x));
- construct(value_allocator.address(value(y)), value(x));
- left(p) = y;
- parent(y) = p;
- color(y) = color(x);
- right(y) = __copy(right(x), y);
- p = y;
- x = left(x);
- }
- left(p) = (link_type)&__rb_NIL;
- return r;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-void rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::__erase(void* xa) {
- link_type x = (link_type)xa;
-void rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::__erase(link_type x) {
- // erase without rebalancing
- while (x != &__rb_NIL) {
- __erase(right(x));
- link_type y = left(x);
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- delete x;
- destroy(value_allocator.address(value(x)));
- put_node(x);
- x = y;
- }
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-void rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::erase(iterator first,
- iterator last) {
- if (first == begin() && last == end() && node_count != 0) {
- __erase(root());
- leftmost() = header;
- root() = NIL;
- rightmost() = header;
- node_count = 0;
- } else
- while (first != last) erase(first++);
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-void rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::erase(const Key* first,
- const Key* last) {
- while (first != last) erase(*first++);
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::find_hack(const Key& k) {
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::iterator
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::find(const Key& k) {
- link_type y = header;
- link_type x = root();
- bool comp = false;
- while (x != &__rb_NIL) {
- y = x;
- comp = key_compare(key(x), k);
- x = comp ? right(x) : left(x);
- }
- iterator j = iterator(y);
- if (comp) ++j;
- return (j == end() || key_compare(k, key(j.node))) ? end() : j;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-rb_tree_const_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::find_hack(const Key& k) const {
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::const_iterator
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::find(const Key& k) const {
- link_type y = header;
- link_type x = root();
- bool comp = false;
- while (x != &__rb_NIL) {
- y = x;
- comp = key_compare(key(x), k);
- x = comp ? right(x) : left(x);
- }
- const_iterator j = const_iterator(y);
- if (comp) ++j;
- return (j == end() || key_compare(k, key(j.node))) ? end() : j;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::size_type
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::count(const Key& k) const {
- pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> p = equal_range(k);
- size_type n = 0;
- distance(p.first, p.second, n);
- return n;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::lower_bound_hack(const Key& k) {
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::iterator
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::lower_bound(const Key& k) {
- link_type y = header;
- link_type x = root();
- bool comp = false;
- while (x != &__rb_NIL) {
- y = x;
- comp = key_compare(key(x), k);
- x = comp ? right(x) : left(x);
- }
- iterator j = iterator(y);
- return comp ? ++j : j;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-rb_tree_const_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::lower_bound_hack(const Key& k) const {
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::const_iterator
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::lower_bound(const Key& k) const {
- link_type y = header;
- link_type x = root();
- bool comp = false;
- while (x != &__rb_NIL) {
- y = x;
- comp = key_compare(key(x), k);
- x = comp ? right(x) : left(x);
- }
- const_iterator j = const_iterator(y);
- return comp ? ++j : j;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-rb_tree_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::upper_bound_hack(const Key& k) {
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::iterator
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::upper_bound(const Key& k) {
- link_type y = header;
- link_type x = root();
- bool comp = true;
- while (x != &__rb_NIL) {
- y = x;
- comp = key_compare(k, key(x));
- x = comp ? left(x) : right(x);
- }
- iterator j = iterator(y);
- return comp ? j : ++j;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-rb_tree_const_iterator<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::upper_bound_hack(const Key& k) const {
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::const_iterator
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::upper_bound(const Key& k) const {
- link_type y = header;
- link_type x = root();
- bool comp = true;
- while (x != &__rb_NIL) {
- y = x;
- comp = key_compare(k, key(x));
- x = comp ? left(x) : right(x);
- }
- const_iterator j = const_iterator(y);
- return comp ? j : ++j;
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::pair_iterator_iterator
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::equal_range(const Key& k) {
- return pair_iterator_iterator(lower_bound(k), upper_bound(k));
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::pair_citerator_citerator
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::equal_range(const Key& k) const {
- return pair_citerator_citerator(lower_bound(k), upper_bound(k));
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-inline void
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::rotate_left(link_type x) {
- link_type y = right(x);
- right(x) = left(y);
- if (left(y) != &__rb_NIL)
- parent(left(y)) = x;
- parent(y) = parent(x);
- if (x == root())
- root() = y;
- else if (x == left(parent(x)))
- left(parent(x)) = y;
- else
- right(parent(x)) = y;
- left(y) = x;
- parent(x) = y;
-template <class Key, class Value, class KeyOfValue, class Compare>
-inline void
-rb_tree<Key, Value, KeyOfValue, Compare>::rotate_right(link_type x) {
- link_type y = left(x);
- left(x) = right(y);
- if (right(y) != &__rb_NIL)
- parent(right(y)) = x;
- parent(y) = parent(x);
- if (x == root())
- root() = y;
- else if (x == right(parent(x)))
- right(parent(x)) = y;
- else
- left(parent(x)) = y;
- right(y) = x;
- parent(x) = y;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/vector.h b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/vector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e609aa1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/stl/vector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef VECTOR_H
-#define VECTOR_H
-#include <function.h>
-#include <algobase.h>
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-#include <bool.h>
-#ifndef Allocator
-#define Allocator allocator
-#include <defalloc.h>
-#ifndef vector
-#define vector vector
-template <class T>
-class vector {
- typedef Allocator<T> vector_allocator;
- typedef T value_type;
- typedef vector_allocator::pointer pointer;
- typedef vector_allocator::pointer iterator;
- typedef vector_allocator::const_pointer const_iterator;
- typedef vector_allocator::reference reference;
- typedef vector_allocator::const_reference const_reference;
- typedef vector_allocator::size_type size_type;
- typedef vector_allocator::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef reverse_iterator<const_iterator, value_type, const_reference,
- difference_type> const_reverse_iterator;
- typedef reverse_iterator<iterator, value_type, reference, difference_type>
- reverse_iterator;
- static Allocator<T> static_allocator;
- iterator start;
- iterator finish;
- iterator end_of_storage;
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- void insert_aux(iterator position, const T& x) {
- insert_aux(vector_iterator<T>(position), x);
- }
- void insert_aux(vector_iterator<T> position, const T& x);
- void insert_aux(iterator position, const T& x);
- iterator begin() { return start; }
- const_iterator begin() const { return start; }
- iterator end() { return finish; }
- const_iterator end() const { return finish; }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(end());
- }
- reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
- }
- size_type size() const { return size_type(end() - begin()); }
- size_type max_size() const { return static_allocator.max_size(); }
- size_type capacity() const { return size_type(end_of_storage - begin()); }
- bool empty() const { return begin() == end(); }
- reference operator[](size_type n) { return *(begin() + n); }
- const_reference operator[](size_type n) const { return *(begin() + n); }
- vector() : start(0), finish(0), end_of_storage(0) {}
- vector(size_type n, const T& value = T()) {
- start = static_allocator.allocate(n);
- uninitialized_fill_n(start, n, value);
- finish = start + n;
- end_of_storage = finish;
- }
- vector(const vector<T>& x) {
- start = static_allocator.allocate(x.end() - x.begin());
- finish = uninitialized_copy(x.begin(), x.end(), start);
- end_of_storage = finish;
- }
- vector(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
- size_type n = 0;
- distance(first, last, n);
- start = static_allocator.allocate(n);
- finish = uninitialized_copy(first, last, start);
- end_of_storage = finish;
- }
- ~vector() {
- destroy(start, finish);
- static_allocator.deallocate(start);
- }
- vector<T>& operator=(const vector<T>& x);
- void reserve(size_type n) {
- if (capacity() < n) {
- iterator tmp = static_allocator.allocate(n);
- uninitialized_copy(begin(), end(), tmp);
- destroy(start, finish);
- static_allocator.deallocate(start);
- finish = tmp + size();
- start = tmp;
- end_of_storage = begin() + n;
- }
- }
- reference front() { return *begin(); }
- const_reference front() const { return *begin(); }
- reference back() { return *(end() - 1); }
- const_reference back() const { return *(end() - 1); }
- void push_back(const T& x) {
- if (finish != end_of_storage) {
- /* Borland bug */
- construct(finish, x);
- finish++;
- } else
- insert_aux(end(), x);
- }
- void swap(vector<T>& x) {
- ::swap(start, x.start);
- ::swap(finish, x.finish);
- ::swap(end_of_storage, x.end_of_storage);
- }
- iterator insert(iterator position, const T& x) {
- size_type n = position - begin();
- if (finish != end_of_storage && position == end()) {
- /* Borland bug */
- construct(finish, x);
- finish++;
- } else
- insert_aux(position, x);
- return begin() + n;
- }
-#ifdef __GNUG__
- void insert (iterator position, const_iterator first,
- const_iterator last) {
- insert(vector_iterator<T>(position),
- vector_const_iterator<T>(first),
- vector_const_iterator<T>(last));
- }
- void insert (vector_iterator<T> position, vector_const_iterator<T> first,
- vector_const_iterator<T> last);
- void insert (iterator position, size_type n, const T& x) {
- insert(vector_iterator<T>(position), n, x);
- }
- void insert (vector_iterator<T> position, size_type n, const T& x);
- void insert (iterator position, const_iterator first,
- const_iterator last);
- void insert (iterator position, size_type n, const T& x);
- void pop_back() {
- /* Borland bug */
- --finish;
- destroy(finish);
- }
- void erase(iterator position) {
- if (position + 1 != end())
- copy(position + 1, end(), position);
- /* Borland bug */
- --finish;
- destroy(finish);
- }
- void erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
- vector<T>::iterator i = copy(last, end(), first);
- destroy(i, finish);
- // work around for destroy(copy(last, end(), first), finish);
- finish = finish - (last - first);
- }
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-template <class T>
-struct vector_iterator {
- vector<T>::iterator it;
- vector_iterator(vector<T>::iterator i) : it(i) {}
- operator vector<T>::iterator() {
- return it;
- }
-template <class T>
-inline T* value_type(const vector_iterator<T>&) {
- return (T*)(0);
-template <class T>
-struct vector_const_iterator {
- vector<T>::const_iterator it;
- vector_const_iterator(vector<T>::const_iterator i) : it(i) {}
- operator vector<T>::const_iterator() {
- return it;
- }
-template <class T>
-inline bool operator==(const vector<T>& x, const vector<T>& y) {
- return x.size() == y.size() && equal(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
-template <class T>
-inline bool operator<(const vector<T>& x, const vector<T>& y) {
- return lexicographical_compare(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
-#ifndef __GNUG__
-template <class T>
-vector<T>::vector_allocator vector<T>::static_allocator;
-template <class T>
-vector<T>& vector<T>::operator=(const vector<T>& x) {
- if (&x == this) return *this;
- if (x.size() > capacity()) {
- destroy(start, finish);
- static_allocator.deallocate(start);
- start = static_allocator.allocate(x.end() - x.begin());
- end_of_storage = uninitialized_copy(x.begin(), x.end(), start);
- } else if (size() >= x.size()) {
- vector<T>::iterator i = copy(x.begin(), x.end(), begin());
- destroy(i, finish);
- // work around for destroy(copy(x.begin(), x.end(), begin()), finish);
- } else {
- copy(x.begin(), x.begin() + size(), begin());
- uninitialized_copy(x.begin() + size(), x.end(), begin() + size());
- }
- finish = begin() + x.size();
- return *this;
-template <class T>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-void vector<T>::insert_aux(vector_iterator<T> posn, const T& x) {
- iterator position = posn;
-void vector<T>::insert_aux(iterator position, const T& x) {
- if (finish != end_of_storage) {
- construct(finish, *(finish - 1));
- copy_backward(position, finish - 1, finish);
- *position = x;
- ++finish;
- } else {
- size_type len = size() ? 2 * size()
- : static_allocator.init_page_size();
- iterator tmp = static_allocator.allocate(len);
- uninitialized_copy(begin(), position, tmp);
- construct(tmp + (position - begin()), x);
- uninitialized_copy(position, end(), tmp + (position - begin()) + 1);
- destroy(begin(), end());
- static_allocator.deallocate(begin());
- end_of_storage = tmp + len;
- finish = tmp + size() + 1;
- start = tmp;
- }
-template <class T>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-void vector<T>::insert(vector_iterator<T> posn,
- size_t n,
- const T& x) {
- iterator position = posn;
-void vector<T>::insert(iterator position, size_type n, const T& x) {
- if (n == 0) return;
- if ((size_type) (end_of_storage - finish) >= n) {
- if ((size_type) (end() - position) > n) {
- uninitialized_copy(end() - n, end(), end());
- copy_backward(position, end() - n, end());
- fill(position, position + n, x);
- } else {
- uninitialized_copy(position, end(), position + n);
- fill(position, end(), x);
- uninitialized_fill_n(end(), n - (end() - position), x);
- }
- finish += n;
- } else {
- size_type len = size() + max(size(), n);
- iterator tmp = static_allocator.allocate(len);
- uninitialized_copy(begin(), position, tmp);
- uninitialized_fill_n(tmp + (position - begin()), n, x);
- uninitialized_copy(position, end(), tmp + (position - begin() + n));
- destroy(begin(), end());
- static_allocator.deallocate(begin());
- end_of_storage = tmp + len;
- finish = tmp + size() + n;
- start = tmp;
- }
-template <class T>
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-void vector<T>::insert(vector_iterator<T> posn,
- vector_const_iterator<T> fi,
- vector_const_iterator<T> la) {
- iterator position = posn;
- const_iterator first = fi;
- const_iterator last = la;
-void vector<T>::insert(iterator position,
- const_iterator first,
- const_iterator last) {
- if (first == last) return;
- size_type n = 0;
- distance(first, last, n);
- if ((size_type) (end_of_storage - finish) >= n) {
- if ((size_type) (end() - position) > n) {
- uninitialized_copy(end() - n, end(), end());
- copy_backward(position, end() - n, end());
- copy(first, last, position);
- } else {
- uninitialized_copy(position, end(), position + n);
- copy(first, first + (end() - position), position);
- uninitialized_copy(first + (end() - position), last, end());
- }
- finish += n;
- } else {
- size_type len = size() + max(size(), n);
- iterator tmp = static_allocator.allocate(len);
- uninitialized_copy(begin(), position, tmp);
- uninitialized_copy(first, last, tmp + (position - begin()));
- uninitialized_copy(position, end(), tmp + (position - begin() + n));
- destroy(begin(), end());
- static_allocator.deallocate(begin());
- end_of_storage = tmp + len;
- finish = tmp + size() + n;
- start = tmp;
- }
-#undef Allocator
-#undef vector
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/string b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/string
deleted file mode 100644
index 467a2fd..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/string
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __STRING__
-#include <std/string.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/ChangeLog b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index c089bfb..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Mon Jun 17 14:05:50 1996 Per Bothner <>
- * (test_splice): New test.
-Sat Nov 18 19:52:26 1995 Mike Stump <>
- * Update version to 2.7.1.
-Tue May 9 19:36:54 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (decltest): Adjust single-character test.
-Fri May 5 14:35:19 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * tcomplex.*: Update to reflect that operator<< now
- accepts more forms of input.
-Thu Apr 27 15:34:58 1995 Brendan Kehoe (
- * Update to stay in sync with config.shared.
-Thu Feb 16 00:08:28 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (VERSION, SHLIB): Define.
-Tue Jan 24 02:36:24 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (CXXFLAGS): Don't set.
-Mon Jan 23 04:12:10 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * (plus): Remove.
-Thu Jan 19 19:41:07 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * Don't set LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Users will have to set
- it themselves.
-Mon Jan 16 13:57:34 1995 Jason Merrill <>
- * Update to reflect header movement.
-Wed Dec 14 19:55:45 1994 Per Bothner <>
- * Fix quoting problem. Reported nu H.J.Lu.
-Tue Nov 29 16:46:56 1994 Per Bothner <>
- *, Re-write to avoid duplication.
- * {tvector,tmap,tlist}.{cc,exp}, New tests for STL.
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index a068ec1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-# This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-# software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-# the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-VERSION = 2.7.2
-DEPLIBS = ../libstdc++.a
-LDLIBS = -L.. -lstdc++
-#### package, host, target, and site dependent Makefile fragments come in here.
-tcomplex.o: ${srcdir}/../std/complext.h ${srcdir}/../std/dcomplex.h
-tcomplex: tcomplex.o $(MDEPLIBS)
- $(CXX) -o tcomplex tcomplex.o $(MLDLIBS)
-tstring.o: ${srcdir}/../std/bastring.h
-# NOTE: Rules for following tests are generated by $(srcdir)/ !!!
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index a32d049..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# This file is a shell script fragment that supplies the information
-# necessary for a configure script to process the program in
-# this directory. For more information, look at ../../configure.
-srcname="tests for ANSI C++ library"
-# per-host:
-# per-target:
-ALL=' '
-XCXXINCLUDES="-I${srcdir}/.. -I${srcdir}/../stl -I${TO_TOPDIR}libio -I${srcdir}/${TO_TOPDIR}libio"
-SIMPLE_TESTS='tstring tlist tmap tvector'
-TESTS="tcomplex ${SIMPLE_TESTS}"
-MOSTLYCLEAN="*.o core ${TESTS} *.out"
-(. ${srcdir}/${TO_TOPDIR}libio/config.shared) >${package_makefile_frag}
-# post-target:
-for TEST in ${SIMPLE_TESTS} ; do
- echo "${TEST}: ${TEST}.o" '$(DEPLIBS)
- $(CXX) -o' "${TEST} ${TEST}.o" '$(LDLIBS)
-' >> Makefile
-for TEST in ${TESTS} ; do
- echo ".PHONY: check-${TEST}" >>Makefile
- if [ -f ${srcdir}/${TEST}.inp ] ; then
- echo "check-${TEST}: ${TEST}" '$(srcdir)'"/${TEST}.inp
- ./${TEST} < "'$(srcdir)'"/${TEST}.inp > ${TEST}.out 2>&1" >>Makefile
- else
- echo "check-${TEST}: ${TEST}
- ./${TEST} > ${TEST}.out 2>&1" >>Makefile
- fi
- echo ' diff -c $(srcdir)/'"${TEST}.exp ${TEST}.out" >>Makefile
- CHECK="${CHECK} check-${TEST}"
-echo "
-check: ${CHECK}" >>Makefile
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index c9d2736..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-// Tests for the -*- C++ -*- complex number classes.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-// Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include <std/cassert.h>
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <std/complex.h>
-// to test near-equality
-const double eps = 0.000001;
-static void close_enough(const double_complex& a, const double_complex& b)
- assert(fabs(real(a) - real(b)) < eps &&
- fabs(imag(a) - imag(b)) < eps);
-void test3(double_complex& a, double_complex& b, double_complex& c)
- close_enough(-(-a) , a);
- close_enough((a + b) , (b + a));
- close_enough((a + (-b)) , (a - b));
- close_enough((a * b) , (b * a));
- close_enough((a * (-b)) , -(a * b));
- close_enough((a / (-b)) , -(a / b));
- close_enough((a - b) , -(b - a));
- close_enough((a + (b + c)) , ((a + b) + c));
- close_enough((a * (b * c)) , ((a * b) * c));
- close_enough((a * (b + c)) , ((a * b) + (a * c)));
- close_enough(((a - b) + b) , a);
- close_enough(((a + b) - b) , a);
- close_enough(((a * b) / b) , a);
- close_enough(((a / b) * b) , a);
- double_complex x = a;
- x *= b;
- close_enough(x , (a * b));
- x += c;
- close_enough(x , ((a * b) + c));
- x -= a;
- close_enough(x , (((a * b) + c) - a));
- x /= b;
- close_enough(x , ((((a * b) + c) - a) / b));
- double_complex one = 1.0;
- double_complex i (0.0, 1.0);
- double_complex neg_one = -1.0;
- cout << "double_complex one = " << one << "\n";
- cout << "i = " << i << "\n";
- cout << "neg_one = " << neg_one << "\n";
- cout << "sqrt(neg_one) = " << sqrt(neg_one) << "\n";
- double_complex a (2.0, 3.0);
- double_complex b (4.0, 5.0);
- cout << "a = " << a << "\n";
- cout << "b = " << b << "\n";
- cout << "a + one = " << (a + one) << "\n";
- (close_enough((a+one), double_complex(3.0, 3.0)));
- cout << "a - one = " << (a - one) << "\n";
- (close_enough((a-one), double_complex(1.0, 3.0)));
- cout << "a * one = " << (a * one) << "\n";
- (close_enough((a*one), a));
- cout << "a / one = " << (a / one) << "\n";
- (close_enough((a/one), a));
- cout << "a + b = " << (a + b) << "\n";
- (close_enough((a+b), double_complex(6.0, 8.0)));
- cout << "a - b = " << (a - b) << "\n";
- (close_enough((a-b), double_complex(-2.0, -2.0)));
- cout << "a * b = " << (a * b) << "\n";
- (close_enough((a*b), double_complex(-7.0, 22.0)));
- cout << "a / b = " << (a / b) << "\n";
- (close_enough((a/b), double_complex(0.5609760976, 0.0487804878)));
- double_complex c;
- c = a; cout << "c = a; c += b = " << (c += b) << "\n";
- c = a; cout << "c = a; c -= b = " << (c -= b) << "\n";
- c = a; cout << "c = a; c *= b = " << (c *= b) << "\n";
- c = a; cout << "c = a; c /= b = " << (c /= b) << "\n";
- cout << "-a = " << (-a) << "\n";
- cout << "real(a) = " << real(a) << "\n";
- assert(real(a) == 2.0);
- cout << "imag(a) = " << imag(a) << "\n";
- assert(imag(a) == 3.0);
- cout << "conj(a) = " << conj(a) << "\n";
- assert(conj(a) == double_complex(2.0, -3.0));
- cout << "norm(a) = " << norm(a) << "\n";
- assert(norm(a) == 13.0);
- cout << "abs(a) = " << abs(a) << "\n";
- cout << "arg(a) = " << arg(a) << "\n";
- cout << "cos(a) = " << cos(a) << "\n";
- cout << "sin(a) = " << sin(a) << "\n";
- cout << "cosh(a) = " << cosh(a) << "\n";
- cout << "sinh(a) = " << sinh(a) << "\n";
- cout << "log(a) = " << log(a) << "\n";
- cout << "exp(a) = " << exp(a) << "\n";
- cout << "sqrt(a) = " << sqrt(a) << "\n";
- cout << "pow(a, 2) = " << pow(a, 2) << "\n";
- cout << "pow(a, b) = " << pow(a, b) << "\n";
- double_complex d (10, 20);
- double_complex e = pow(a, 2);
- test3(one, one, one);
- test3(a, a, a);
- test3(a, b, d);
- test3(e, i, b);
- test3(d, d, i);
- cout << "enter a complex number in form a or (a) or (a, b): ";
- cin >> c;
- cout << "number = " << c << "\n";
- cout << "\nEnd of test\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tcomplex.exp b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tcomplex.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bef15c..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tcomplex.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-double_complex one = (1,0)
-i = (0,1)
-neg_one = (-1,0)
-sqrt(neg_one) = (0,1)
-a = (2,3)
-b = (4,5)
-a + one = (3,3)
-a - one = (1,3)
-a * one = (2,3)
-a / one = (2,3)
-a + b = (6,8)
-a - b = (-2,-2)
-a * b = (-7,22)
-a / b = (0.560976,0.0487805)
-c = a; c += b = (6,8)
-c = a; c -= b = (-2,-2)
-c = a; c *= b = (-7,22)
-c = a; c /= b = (0.560976,0.0487805)
--a = (-2,-3)
-real(a) = 2
-imag(a) = 3
-conj(a) = (2,-3)
-norm(a) = 13
-abs(a) = 3.60555
-arg(a) = 0.982794
-cos(a) = (-4.18963,-9.10923)
-sin(a) = (9.1545,-4.16891)
-cosh(a) = (-3.72455,0.511823)
-sinh(a) = (-3.59056,0.530921)
-log(a) = (1.28247,0.982794)
-exp(a) = (-7.31511,1.04274)
-sqrt(a) = (1.67415,0.895977)
-pow(a, 2) = (-5,12)
-pow(a, b) = (-0.753046,-0.986429)
-enter a complex number in form a or (a) or (a, b): number = (1.2,-34)
-End of test
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tcomplex.inp b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tcomplex.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index c4e1d84..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tcomplex.inp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-(1.2, -34)
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index aaf5671..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- test/demo of generic lists
-#include <assert.h>
-#define tassert(ex) {if ((ex)) cerr << #ex << "\n"; \
- else _assert(#ex, __FILE__,__LINE__); }
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include "list.h"
-#include "algo.h"
-bool int_compare(int a, int b)
- return a < b;
-int inc(int x)
- return x + 1;
-void print(list<int>& l)
- for (list<int>::iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); it++)
- cout << *it << " ";
- cout << "\n";
-int is_odd(int x)
- return x & 1;
-int is_even(int x)
- return (x & 1) == 0;
-void sequence(list<int>& a, int lo, int hi)
- back_insert_iterator<list<int> > it(a);
- while (lo <= hi)
- *it++ = lo++;
-int old_rand = 9999;
-int get_rand()
- old_rand = ((long)old_rand * (long)1243) % (long)971;
- return old_rand;
-void randseq(list<int>& a, int n)
- back_insert_iterator<list<int> > it(a);
- while (--n >= 0)
- *it++ = get_rand() % 50;
-int array1 [] = { 9, 16, 36 };
-int array2 [] = { 1, 4 };
-int test_splice ()
- list<int> l1 (array1, array1 + 3);
- list<int> l2 (array2, array2 + 2);
- list<int>::iterator i1 = l1.begin ();
- l1.splice (i1, l2);
- list<int>::iterator i2 = l1.begin ();
- while (i2 != l1.end ())
- cout << *i2++ << endl;
- return 0;
- list<int> a; int i;
- list<int>::iterator it, bit;
- sequence(a, 1, 20);
- cout << "\nlist<int> a = sequence(1, 20);\n"; print(a);
- for (it = a.begin (), i = 0; it != a.end (); it++, i++)
- assert (*it == i + 1);
- list<int> b;
- randseq(b, 20);
- cout << "\nlist<int> b = randseq(20);\n"; print(b);
- list<int> c;
- c.insert (c.end(), a.begin(), a.end());
- c.insert (c.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
- cout << "\nlist<int> c = a and b;\n"; print(c);
- list<int> d;
- for (it = a.begin(); it != a.end(); it++)
- d.insert(d.end (), inc(*it));
- cout << "\nlist<int> d = map(inc, a);\n"; print(d);
- list<int> e;
- back_insert_iterator<list<int> > e_insertor (e);
- reverse_copy (a.begin(), a.end (), e_insertor);
- cout << "\nlist<int> e = reverse(a);\n"; print(e);
- list<int> f;
- for (it = a.begin(); it != a.end(); it++)
- if (is_odd (*it))
- f.insert(f.end (), *it);
- cout << "\nlist<int> f = select(is_odd, a);\n"; print(f);
- list<int> ff;
- for (it = f.begin(); it != f.end(); it++)
- if (is_even (*it))
- ff.insert(ff.end (), *it);
- assert(ff.empty());
- int red = 0;
- for (it = a.begin(); it != a.end(); it++)
- red += *it;
- cout << "\nint red = a.reduce(plus, 0);\n"; cout << red;
- it = a.begin(); ++it; ++it;
- int second = *it;
- cout << "\nint second = a[2];\n"; cout << second;
- list<int> g;
- for (it = a.begin(), bit = b.begin(); it != a.end () && bit != b.end (); )
- g.insert (g.end (), *it++ + *bit++);
- cout << "\nlist<int> g = combine(plus, a, b);\n"; print(g);
-#if 1
- for (it = g.begin(); it != g.end(); )
- {
- bit = it++;
- if (is_odd (*bit))
- g.erase (bit);
- }
- g.remove_if (is_odd);
- cout << "\ng.del(is_odd);\n"; print(g);
- ff.erase (ff.begin (), ff.end());
- for (it = g.begin(); it != g.end(); it++)
- if (is_odd (*it))
- ff.insert (ff.end (), *it);
- assert(ff.empty());
- b.sort();
- for (it = b.begin(); bit = it++, it != b.end (); ) assert (*it >= *bit);
- cout << "\nb.sort(int_compare);\n"; print(b);
- list<int> h;
- back_insert_iterator<list<int> > h_insertor (h);
- merge (a.begin (), a.end (), b.begin (), b.end (), h_insertor, int_compare);
- cout << "\nlist<int> h = merge(a, b, int_compare);\n"; print(h);
- for (it = h.begin(); bit = it++, it != h.end (); ) assert (*it >= *bit);
- cout << "\nh via iterator:\n";
- for (it = h.begin(); it != h.end (); it++)
- cout << *it << ", ";
- cout << "\n";
- test_splice ();
- cout << "\ndone\n";
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tlist.exp b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tlist.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 65f7806..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tlist.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-list<int> a = sequence(1, 20);
-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-list<int> b = randseq(20);
-28 27 5 17 44 6 9 40 15 26 49 35 15 48 13 27 25 25 9 6
-list<int> c = a and b;
-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 28 27 5 17 44 6 9 40 15 26 49 35 15 48 13 27 25 25 9 6
-list<int> d = map(inc, a);
-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
-list<int> e = reverse(a);
-20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
-list<int> f = select(is_odd, a);
-1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
-int red = a.reduce(plus, 0);
-int second = a[2];
-list<int> g = combine(plus, a, b);
-29 29 8 21 49 12 16 48 24 36 60 47 28 62 28 43 42 43 28 26
-8 12 16 48 24 36 60 28 62 28 42 28 26
-5 6 6 9 9 13 15 15 17 25 25 26 27 27 28 35 40 44 48 49
-list<int> h = merge(a, b, int_compare);
-1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 25 25 26 27 27 28 35 40 44 48 49
-h via iterator:
-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16, 17, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 25, 26, 27, 27, 28, 35, 40, 44, 48, 49,
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7169f9d..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#include <map.h>
-#include <algo.h>
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <function.h>
-int SIZE;
-#if 0
-/* Crashes compiler */
-#define int_less less<int>
-struct int_less {
- bool operator() (int x, int y) const { return x < y; }
-struct str_less {
- bool operator() (char* x, char* y) const { return strcmp(x,y) < 0; }
-#if 0
-void add(int x[], int y[], map<int,int, int_less>& a)
- for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) a[x[i]] = y[i];
-main(int argv, char** argc)
-#if 0
- if (argv > 1)
- {
- SIZE = abs(atoi(argc[1]));
- SIZE &= ~1;
- }
- else
- SIZE = 100;
- nums = new int[SIZE];
- odds = new int[SIZE];
- perm = new int[SIZE];
- map<int, int, int_less> my_map;
- map<char*, int, str_less> phones;
- my_map[4] = 40;
- my_map[2] = 20;
- // The (char*) is needed because g++ doesn't
- // convert char[] to char* in this context.
- phones[(char*)"tom"] = 2345;
- phones[(char*)"dick"] = 5678;
- phones[(char*)"harry"] = 7654;
- cout << "2 -> " << my_map[2] << endl;
- cout << "4 -> " << my_map[4] << endl;
- map<int, int, int_less>::iterator it = my_map.begin();
- for ( ; it != my_map.end(); it++)
- cout << "my_map[" << (*it).first << "] = " << (*it).second << endl;
- map<char*, int, str_less>::iterator pit = phones.begin();
- for ( ; pit != phones.end(); pit++)
- cout << "phones[" << (*pit).first << "] = " << (*pit).second << endl;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tmap.exp b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tmap.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index b7b5df2..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tmap.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-2 -> 20
-4 -> 40
-my_map[2] = 20
-my_map[4] = 40
-phones[dick] = 5678
-phones[harry] = 7654
-phones[tom] = 2345
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 490f2c8..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-// Tests for the -*- C++ -*- string classes.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-// Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include <std/string.h>
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <std/cstdlib.h>
-#include <std/cassert.h>
-string X = "Hello";
-string Y = "world";
-string N = "123";
-string c;
-char* s = ",";
-void decltest()
- string x;
- cout << "an empty string:" << x << "\n";
- assert(x == "");
- string y = "Hello";
- cout << "A string initialized to Hello:" << y << "\n";
- assert(y == "Hello");
- if (y[y.length()-1] == 'o')
- y = y + '\n';
- assert(y == "Hello\n");
- y = "Hello";
- string a = y;
- cout << "A string initialized to previous string:" << a << "\n";
- assert(a == "Hello");
- assert(a == y);
- string b (a, 1, 2);
- cout << "A string initialized to (previous string, 1, 2):" << b << "\n";
- assert(b == "el");
- char ch = '@';
- string z (1, ch);
- cout << "A string initialized to @:" << z << "\n";
- assert (z == "@");
- string n ("20");
- cout << "A string initialized to 20:" << n << "\n";
- assert(n == "20");
- int i = atoi(n.c_str ());
- double f = atof(n.c_str ());
- cout << "n = " << n << " atoi(n) = " << i << " atof(n) = " << f << "\n";
- assert(i == 20);
- assert(f == 20);
-void cattest()
- string x = X;
- string y = Y;
- string z = x + y;
- cout << "z = x + y = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z == "Helloworld");
- x += y;
- cout << "x += y; x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x == "Helloworld");
- y = Y;
- x = X;
- y.insert (0, x);
- cout << "y.insert (0, x); y = " << y << "\n";
- assert(y == "Helloworld");
- y = Y;
- x = X;
- x = x + y + x;
- cout << "x = x + y + x; x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x == "HelloworldHello");
- y = Y;
- x = X;
- x = y + x + x;
- cout << "x = y + x + x; x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x == "worldHelloHello");
- x = X;
- y = Y;
- z = x + s + ' ' + y.substr (y.find ('w'), 1) + y.substr (y.find ('w') + 1) + ".";
- cout << "z = x + s + + y.substr (y.find (w), 1) + y.substr (y.find (w) + 1) + . = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z == "Hello, world.");
-void comparetest()
- string x = X;
- string y = Y;
- string n = N;
- string z = x + y;
- assert(x != y);
- assert(x == "Hello");
- assert(x != z.substr (0, 4));
- assert( (y) < 0);
- assert( (z.substr (0, 6)) < 0);
- assert(x.find ("lo") == 3);
- assert(x.find ("l", 2) == 2);
- assert(x.rfind ("l") == 3);
-void substrtest()
- string x = X;
- char ch = x[0];
- cout << "ch = x[0] = " << ch << "\n";
- assert(ch == 'H');
- string z = x.substr (2, 3);
- cout << "z = x.substr (2, 3) = " << z << "\n";
- assert(z == "llo");
- x.replace (2, 2, "r");
- cout << "x.replace (2, 2, r); x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x == "Hero");
- x = X;
- x.replace (0, 1, 'j');
- cout << "x.replace (0, 1, 'j'); x = " << x << "\n";
- assert(x == "jello");
-void iotest()
- string z;
- cout << "enter a word:";
- cin >> z;
- cout << "word =" << z << " ";
- cout << "length = " << z.length() << "\n";
-void identitytest(string a, string b)
- string x = a;
- string y = b;
- x += b;
- y.insert (0, a);
- assert((a + b) == x);
- assert((a + b) == y);
- assert(x == y);
- assert((a + b + a) == (a + (b + a)));
- x.remove (x.rfind (b));
- assert(x == a);
- y.replace (0, y.rfind (b), b);
- assert(y == (b + b));
- y.replace (y.find (b), b.length (), a);
- assert(y == (a + b));
-int main()
- decltest();
- cattest();
- comparetest();
- substrtest();
- identitytest(X, X);
- identitytest(X, Y);
- identitytest(X+Y+N+X+Y+N, "A string that will be used in identitytest but is otherwise just another useless string.");
- iotest();
- cout << "\nEnd of test\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tstring.exp b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tstring.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3333ab1..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tstring.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-an empty string:
-A string initialized to Hello:Hello
-A string initialized to previous string:Hello
-A string initialized to (previous string, 1, 2):el
-A string initialized to @:@
-A string initialized to 20:20
-n = 20 atoi(n) = 20 atof(n) = 20
-z = x + y = Helloworld
-x += y; x = Helloworld
-y.insert (0, x); y = Helloworld
-x = x + y + x; x = HelloworldHello
-x = y + x + x; x = worldHelloHello
-z = x + s + + y.substr (y.find (w), 1) + y.substr (y.find (w) + 1) + . = Hello, world.
-ch = x[0] = H
-z = x.substr (2, 3) = llo
-x.replace (2, 2, r); x = Hero
-x.replace (0, 1, 'j'); x = jello
-enter a word:word =abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz length = 26
-End of test
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tstring.inp b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tstring.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index b0883f3..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tstring.inp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index ef238ef..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#include <vector.h>
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <algo.h>
-main ()
- cout << "Fill of C array:\n";
- char x[50];
- fill (x, x+50, '/');
- fill (x+1, x+49, '*');
- copy (x, x+50, ostream_iterator<char>(cout));
- cout << "\nFill of vector<char>:\n";
- vector<char> cvec;
- cvec.insert (cvec.begin(), 50, '/');
- fill (cvec.begin()+1, cvec.end()-1, '-');
- copy (cvec.begin(), cvec.end(), ostream_iterator<char>(cout));
- cout << endl;
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tvector.exp b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tvector.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index 84a9d1b..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/tests/tvector.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Fill of C array:
-Fill of vector<char>:
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/typeinfo b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/typeinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 93524ed..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/typeinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __TYPEINFO__
-#include <std/typeinfo.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/ b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8daa177..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-// Methods for type_info for the -*- C++ -*- Run Time Type Identification.
-// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free
-// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// As a special exception, if you link this library with files
-// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
-// the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-// Written by Kung Hsu based upon the specification in the 20 September 1994
-// C++ working paper, ANSI document X3J16/94-0158.
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation "std/typeinfo.h"
-#include <std/cstdlib.h>
-#include <std/typeinfo.h>
-// Offset functions for the class type.
-// 0 is returned if the cast is invalid, otherwise the converted
-// object pointer that points to the sub-object that is matched is
-// returned.
-__class_type_info::__rtti_match (const type_info& desired, int is_public,
- void *objptr) const
- if (__rtti_compare (desired) == 0)
- return objptr;
- void *match_found = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < n_bases; i++) {
- if (is_public && access_list[i] != _RTTI_ACCESS_PUBLIC)
- continue;
- void *p = (char *)objptr + offset_list[i];
- if (is_virtual_list[i])
- p = *(void **)p;
- if ((p=base_list[i]->__rtti_match (desired, is_public, p))
- != 0)
- if (match_found == 0)
- match_found = p;
- else if (match_found != p) {
- // base found at two different pointers,
- // conversion is not unique
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return match_found;
-__pointer_type_info::__rtti_match (const type_info& catch_type, int,
- void *objptr) const
- if (catch_type.__rtti_get_node_type () == __rtti_get_node_type())
- {
- type_info &sub_catch_type = ((__pointer_type_info&)catch_type).type;
- type_info &sub_throw_type = ((__pointer_type_info*)this)->type;
- if (sub_catch_type.__rtti_get_node_type () == _RTTI_BUILTIN_TYPE
- && ((__builtin_type_info&)sub_catch_type).b_type == __builtin_type_info::_RTTI_BI_VOID)
- {
- return objptr;
- }
- if (sub_catch_type.__rtti_get_node_type () == _RTTI_ATTR_TYPE
- && ((__attr_type_info&)sub_catch_type).attr == __attr_type_info::_RTTI_ATTR_CONST)
- {
- /* We have to allow a catch of const int* on a int * throw. */
- type_info &sub_sub_catch_type = ((__attr_type_info&)sub_catch_type).type;
- return __throw_type_match_rtti (&sub_sub_catch_type, &sub_throw_type, objptr);
- }
- return __throw_type_match_rtti (&sub_catch_type, &sub_throw_type, objptr);
- }
- return 0;
-/* Low level match routine used by compiler to match types of catch variables and thrown
- objects. */
-extern "C"
-__throw_type_match_rtti (void *catch_type_r, void *throw_type_r, void *objptr)
- type_info &catch_type = *(type_info*)catch_type_r;
- type_info &throw_type = *(type_info*)throw_type_r;
- void *new_objptr;
- if (catch_type == throw_type)
- return objptr;
- /* Ensure we can call __rtti_match. */
- if ((throw_type.__rtti_get_node_type () != type_info::_RTTI_CLASS_TYPE
- && throw_type.__rtti_get_node_type () != type_info::_RTTI_USER_TYPE
- && throw_type.__rtti_get_node_type () != type_info::_RTTI_POINTER_TYPE)
- || ((catch_type.__rtti_get_node_type () != type_info::_RTTI_CLASS_TYPE
- && catch_type.__rtti_get_node_type () != type_info::_RTTI_USER_TYPE
- && catch_type.__rtti_get_node_type () != type_info::_RTTI_POINTER_TYPE)))
- return 0;
-#if 0
- printf ("We want to match a %s against a %s!\n",
- (), ());
- /* The 1 skips conversions to private bases. */
- new_objptr = throw_type.__rtti_match (catch_type, 1, objptr);
-#if 0
- if (new_objptr)
- printf ("It converts, delta is %d\n", new_objptr-objptr);
- return new_objptr;
-bad_cast __bad_cast_object ("bad_cast");
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/utility b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/utility
deleted file mode 100644
index fb79aa7..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/utility
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __UTILITY__
-#define __UTILITY__
-#include <function.h>
-#include <pair.h>
diff --git a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/vector b/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/vector
deleted file mode 100644
index 79f7359..0000000
--- a/contrib/libg++/libstdc++/vector
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
-// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library.
-#ifndef __VECTOR__
-#define __VECTOR__
-#include <vector.h>
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud