# ex:ts=8 # New ports collection makefile for: motif # Date created: 5 December 1994 # Whom: asami # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= open-motif-devel PORTVERSION= 2.1.30 CATEGORIES= x11-toolkits MASTER_SITES= ftp://openmotif.opengroup.org/pub/openmotif/R2.1.30/binaries/metrolink/ \ ftp://ftp.opengroup.org/pub/openmotif/R2.1.30/binaries/metrolink/ \ ftp://ftp.isca.uiowa.edu/pub/mirrors/openmotif/binaries/metrolink/ \ ftp://ftp.kddlabs.co.jp:/X11/openmotif/binaries/metrolink/ DISTNAME= openmotif-devel-${PORTVERSION}-4_MLI EXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz MAINTAINER= obrien@FreeBSD.org ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 PREFIX?= / # will install into ${PREFIX}/usr/X11R6 NO_MTREE= yes USE_X_PREFIX= yes NO_WRKSUBDIR= yes EXTRACT_ONLY= # don't exact the tarball NO_BUILD= binary distribution NO_PKG_REGISTER=do-install: target will take care of this do-install: @pkg_add -f -p ${PREFIX} ${DISTDIR}/${DISTFILES} @${MV} -v ${PKG_DBDIR}/${DISTNAME} ${PKG_DBDIR}/${PKGNAME} # shouldn't this be covered by "NO_PKG_REGISTER" ?? generate-plist: @${DO_NADA} do-package: @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Building package for ${PKGNAME}" @if [ -d ${PACKAGES} ]; then \ if [ ! -d ${PKGREPOSITORY} ]; then \ if ! ${MKDIR} ${PKGREPOSITORY}; then \ ${ECHO_MSG} ">> Can't create directory ${PKGREPOSITORY}."; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ fi; \ fi @${CP} -p ${DISTDIR}/${DISTFILES} ${PKGFILE} .include <bsd.port.mk>