This library is intended to simplify the development and use of Dockapps, ROX panel applets and Gnome 2 Panel Applets. With this library the programmer can focus on what the applet shall do, not on the interface. What this library provides: - Dockapp support. - Gnome 2 Panel support. - ROX panel support. - Handling of all sizes of the Gnome Panel. - Handle Gnome Panel rotation. - Simple image file handeling via gdk_pixbuf. - Loading and storing of configuration values and strings. - A simple structual way of making preferences window. - Generates images from ascii text based upon fonts. - Support for both Gnome 2 Panel Applets, ROX panel applets and Dockaps/wmapplets. - Support for OpenGL applets. - Simple interface to connect events, like mouse button clicks, joystick events and so on. - Easy to add support for other panels. - Nice configure and makefile scripts that generates the needed files for ROX and Gnome. WWW: