This is a collection of high quality and free to use TrueType fonts created by Monotype and Microsoft Typography. It consists of the following families: Times New Roman, Courier New, Georgia, Trebuchet MS, Comic Sans MS Arial, Arial Black, Arial Unicode MS, Verdana, Andale Mono, Impact They contain all 652 glyphs defined in WGL4 and are available in the following encodings: ISO 8859-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 15 JIS X 0201-1976 (Arial Unicode MS only) KOI8-R and -RU The Arial Unicode MS family contains all the glyphs defined in the Unicode 2.1 standard and is optional because of its considerable size - 13.7MB compressed! WWW: -- K. Konstantinidis