mozilla-fonts is a complete set of the three kingpin typefaces in
Httpland-- Times, Helvetica, and Courier-- each in two weights,
two slants, and seven sizes (for a grand total of 84). The sizes
range from 13- to 57-point (all @ 100dpi) and have been individually
selected to match the font display behavior of MS-Windows Netscape
as closely as possible.  Right down to the glaring scale disparity
between sizes 6 and 7.

Once installed, you'll have to add /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/mozilla to
your X font path by either:

$ xset fp+ /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/mozilla
$ xset fp rehash

or by adding it to your X server configuration file (usually
/etc/XF86Config) and restarting the X server.

You'll also need to configure netscape to use them.  See