# Created by: Hung-Yi Chen # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= subtickets PORTVERSION= 0.2.0.${GITDATE} PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= www devel python MASTER_SITES= http://distfiles.cse.tw/ PKGNAMEPREFIX= trac- # Should not be setting DISTNAME, USE_GITHUB already sets a very nice and unique distname. DISTNAME= itota-trac-subtickets-plugin-a0fc153 MAINTAINER= gaod@hychen.org COMMENT= Offers sub-ticket feature for managing tickets LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE RUN_DEPENDS= tracd:${PORTSDIR}/www/trac USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= itota GH_PROJECT= trac-subtickets-plugin GH_TAGNAME= a0fc153 GITDATE= 20130328 USES= python:2 USE_PYTHON= distutils autoplist .include "${.CURDIR}/../../www/trac/plugin.mk" .include