# New ports collection makefile for: p5-Nginx-ReadBody # Date created: 2010-04-19 # Whom: jupengfei # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= Nginx-ReadBody PORTVERSION= 0.07 CATEGORIES= www perl5 MASTER_SITES= CPAN MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= CPAN:TPABA/Nginx PKGNAMEPREFIX= p5- MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Nginx embeded perl module to read and evaluate a request body OPTIONS_DEFINE= NGINX_DEVEL NGINX_DEVEL_DESC= Use nginx-devel .include .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MNGINX_DEVEL} RUN_DEPENDS+= nginx:${PORTSDIR}/www/nginx-devel .else RUN_DEPENDS+= nginx:${PORTSDIR}/www/nginx .endif PERL_CONFIGURE= YES pre-everything:: @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} MAN3= Nginx::ReadBody.3 \ Nginx::ReadBody::Russian.3 .include