# New ports collection makefile for: dansguardian # Date created: March 26, 2002 # Whom: Freddie Cash # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= dansguardian PORTVERSION= PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES= # empty, see below DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION}.source MAINTAINER= fcash@sd73.bc.ca COMMENT= A fast, feature-rich web content filter for Squid proxy servers RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/sbin/squid:${PORTSDIR}/www/squid USE_RC_SUBR= yes RC_SCRIPTS_SUB= PREFIX=${PREFIX} RC_SUBR=${RC_SUBR} CONFLICTS= dansguardian-2.[67]* LATEST_LINK= dansguardian WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION} GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS= --bindir=/sbin/ \ --sysconfdir=/etc/dansguardian/ \ --sysvdir=/etc/rc.d/ \ --mandir=/man/ \ --logdir=/var/log/ \ --cgidir=/www/cgi-bin/ \ --piddir=/var/run/ MAN8= dansguardian.8 NOMANCOMPRESSED= yes OPTIONS= DG_APACHE "Enable Apache support." on \ DG_PHRASELISTS "Install new phraselists over the old ones." off DG_URL= http://dansguardian.org/index.php?page=copyright2 CONFDIR= ${PREFIX}/etc/dansguardian NO_CDROM= "Commercial download is restricted. Check ${DG_URL} for more info" NO_PACKAGE= "Redistribution is restricted. Check ${DG_URL} for more info" RESTRICTED= "${NO_PACKAGE}" .include # Set which version of GCC to compile the port with .if ${OSVERSION} > 500000 CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --gccver=3 .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --gccver=2 .endif .if !defined(WITHOUT_DG_APACHE) USE_APACHE= 1.3+ .endif # User needs to manually download the distfile .if !(exists(${DISTDIR}/${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX})) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) IGNORE="Commercial source download is restricted. Please visit and read ${DG_URL} and download ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} into ${DISTDIR} before running make" .endif post-extract: @${SED} ${RC_SCRIPTS_SUB:S/$/!g/:S/^/ -e s!%%/:S/=/%%!/} \ ${FILESDIR}/dansguardian.sh > ${WRKSRC}/dansguardian.sh pre-install: # Configure pkg-plist based on whether phraselists are to be installed or not .if defined(WITH_DG_PHRASELISTS) PLIST_SUB= PHRASELISTS="" .else PLIST_SUB= PHRASELISTS="@comment " .endif post-install: # Check whether to install default phraselists .if defined(WITH_DG_PHRASELISTS) @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Installing default phraselists into ${CONFDIR}/phraselists" @${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/phraselists ${CONFDIR} .else @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Skipping installation of phraselists." .endif # Install startup script @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Installing startup script into ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d" @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/dansguardian.sh ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/start-dg.sh # Display post-install message @${CAT} pkg-message .include