To install GRUB as your boot-loader, use the following command: # grub-install /dev/ada0 (replace ada0 with your disk) # grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg This version of GRUB can be used traditionally or with PC-BSD style boot environments. Additionally, when using GPT, you must have a created a "bios-boot" partition at install time. This partition is used for GRUB's modules for GELI/ZFS and related bits. Traditional Setup -- When the "beadm" utility is not present, grub-mkconfig will use the standard GRUB detection scripts for setting up your /boot/grub/grub.cfg file. Boot Environment Setup -- If the "beadm" command is installed on the system, grub-mkconfig will use it to setup /boot/grub/grub.cfg For it to properly detect / populate your BE menus you must have your root zpool setup in the following manner: /ROOT/ Where is your zpool, and is your '/' mountpoint. The "beadm" utility must be installed and working before using GRUB utilities.