#!/bin/sh AKEYS=${HOME}/.safesh # Use username as supplied on the command line if user@host syntax is used, # otherwise use the presently active username USER=`whoami` USER=`echo $1 | sed -e "/^[^@]*\$/s/.*/$USER/" -e "/@/s/\\(.*\\)@.*/\\1/"` # Use hostname as supplied on commandline, without username HOST=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/.*@//' | tr A-Z a-z` # MY eXit myx() { echo $1 1>&2 exit 1 } # Normalize host name if necessary normalizehost() { cat ${AKEYS}/map 2> /dev/null | awk "(\$1 == \"$1\" && !gotit) {gotit = 1; print tolower(\$2)} END {if(!gotit) {print tolower(\"$1\")}}" } HOST=`normalizehost $HOST` # # Check that the user are using the right parameters # # XXX This should check for --, but it is unclear how to do that. # if ! shift; then myx "Usage: $0 [-- ]" fi # # Lose the -- from the parameters - it is there for future extensibility # using getopt() # shift 2> /dev/null; HOSTDIR=$AKEYS/$USER@${HOST}-22 if [ ! -d $HOSTDIR ]; then mkdir -p $HOSTDIR || myx "$0: Unable to create $HOSTDIR" fi if [ ! -e $HOSTDIR/id_dsa ]; then if [ "$DISPLAY" != "" ] && (which ssh-askpass > /dev/null 2>&1); then (ssh-keygen -t dsa -f $HOSTDIR/id_dsa >/dev/null < /dev/null 2>&1) || myx "$0: Unable to create $HOSTDIR/id_dsa" else ssh-keygen -t dsa -f $HOSTDIR/id_dsa || myx "Unable to create $HOSTDIR/id_dsa" fi fi # We now have a key in $HOSTDIR/id_dsa ACTIVEAGENT=$HOSTDIR/activeagent-`hostname` if [ -e $ACTIVEAGENT.sh ]; then . $ACTIVEAGENT.sh || myx "$0: Unable to read $ACTIVEAGENT.sh" fi if ! ssh-add -l > /dev/null 2>& 1; then ssh-agent -s > $ACTIVEAGENT.tmp || myx "Unable to start ssh-agent" sed '/^echo/d' < $ACTIVEAGENT.tmp > $ACTIVEAGENT.sh rm -f $ACTIVEAGENT.tmp . $ACTIVEAGENT.sh || myx "$0: Unable to read $ACTIVEAGENT.sh after creating it" (echo setenv SSH_AUTH_SOCK $SSH_AUTH_SOCK\; echo setenv SSH_AGENT_PID $SSH_AGENT_PID\;) > $ACTIVEAGENT.csh #echo "Started agent with PID $SSH_AGENT_PID, socket $SSH_AUTH_SOCK" 1>&2 fi # We now have a live agent, possibly without any keys in it for i in $USER@${HOST}-22 `cat $HOSTDIR/extra_keys 2> /dev/null`; do tmpuser=`echo $i | sed -e "/^[^@]*\$/s/.*/$USER/" -e "/@/s/\\(.*\\)@.*/\\1/"` tmpport=`echo $i | sed -e '/-\([0-9][0-9]*\)/!s/$/-22/' -e 's/.*-\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\1/'` tmphost=`echo $i | sed -e 's/.*@\(.*\)/\1/' -e 's/-[0-9][0-9]*$//' | tr A-Z a-z` tmp=$USER@`normalizehost $tmphost`-$tmpport if [ -f $HOSTDIR/$tmp ]; then IDENTITY=$HOSTDIR/$tmp elif [ -d $AKEYS/$tmp/ ]; then if ! [ -f $AKEYS/$tmp/id_dsa ]; then myx "Missing key $AKEYS/$tmp/id_dsa" elif ! [ -r $AKEYS/$tmp/id_dsa ]; then myx "$AKEYS/$tmp/id_dsa is not readable" fi IDENTITY=$AKEYS/$tmp/id_dsa elif [ -f "/$i" ]; then IDENTITY="/$i" elif [ -f "$HOME/$i" ]; then IDENTITY="$HOME/$i" else myx "Unable to find key for \"$i\"" fi # Only add it to the list if it isn't already in the agent. This is a # workaround for a bug in ssh-add, which asks for the password FIRST, # and checks for the existence of the the key in the agent AFTERWARDS if [ "`(ssh-add -l && ssh-keygen -l -f "$IDENTITY") | awk '{print $1, $2}' | sort | uniq -d)`" = "" ]; then KEYLIST="$KEYLIST $IDENTITY" fi done if [ "${KEYLIST}" != "" ]; then if [ "$DISPLAY" != "" ] && (which ssh-askpass > /dev/null 2>&1); then ssh-add $KEYLIST < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 else ssh-add $KEYLIST fi fi if [ "$1" = "" ]; then exec ssh -A $USER@$HOST else exec ssh "$@" fi