*** Makefile Sun Apr 18 16:07:07 1993 --- ../../Makefile.new Wed Nov 23 06:42:43 1994 *************** *** 36,43 **** # lptops program expects them to reside in files without a ".afm" # suffix. # ! DEPTH=.. ! include ${DEPTH}/defs AFMFILES=\ AvantGarde-Book.afm \ --- 36,43 ---- # lptops program expects them to reside in files without a ".afm" # suffix. # ! AFMDIR=${PREFIX}/lib/afm ! INSTALL=install AFMFILES=\ AvantGarde-Book.afm \ *************** *** 80,85 **** ${NULL} install: ${AFMFILES} for i in ${AFMFILES}; do \ ! ${INSTALL} -F ${AFMDIR} -m 444 -src $$i -O `basename $$i .afm`; \ done --- 80,86 ---- ${NULL} install: ${AFMFILES} + [ -d ${AFMDIR} ] || mkdir ${AFMDIR} for i in ${AFMFILES}; do \ ! ${INSTALL} -c -o bin -g bin -m 444 $$i ${AFMDIR}/`basename $$i .afm`; \ done