#!/bin/sh if [ -z $2 ]; then exit 0 fi if [ $2 != "POST-DEINSTALL" ]; then echo "!!! This script is for post-deinstallation only."; \ exit 0 fi echo "==> Post-deinstallation cleanup:" if [ -d /etc/xbone ]; then /usr/bin/dialog --yesno "/etc/xbone found. Do you want to DELETE it?\ Warning: <YES> would DELETE ALL XBONE CONFIG/STATE\ files and ALL CERTIFICATES." 8 50 && rm -rf /etc/xbone || echo " - /etc/xbone is not deleted." fi if [ -d /usr/local/xbone ]; then /usr/bin/dialog --yesno "Do you want to DELETE all remaining XBone files\ under /usr/local/xbone?" 8 50 && rm -rf /usr/local/xbone || echo " - /usr/local/xbone not deleted." fi