# This is jwhois.conf - an example configuration file for jwhois # # Due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, the configuration file # released with Jwhois quickly gets outdated. You can find the latest version # in the Jwhois CVS repository, which is accessible via the web from # http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/jwhois/jwhois/example/jwhois.conf # # Local domain registries and pointers to cidr-blocks and handles. # This is where jwhois begins the search for a Whois server to query # whois-servers { # # The type can be either cidr or regex, the former matches using CIDR # blocks and the later using regular expressions. # type = regex; # # You can use the special value `struct' to redirect the query # to another block which optionally can use another type of matching. # Here we use it to have IPv4 numbers matched using CIDR blocks instead # of regular expressions. See below for the definition of cidr-blocks. # "\\([0-9]+\\.\\)+[0-9]+" = "struct cidr-blocks"; "^CORE-[0-9]+$" = "struct handles"; "^CO[CH]O-[0-9]+$" = "struct handles"; ".*-[A-Z]+$" = "struct handles"; # # Catch AS numbers # "^[0-9]+$" = "whois.arin.net"; "^ASN-.+" = "whois.arin.net"; "^AS[0-9]+$" = "whois.radb.net"; # # Catch ARIN nameserver records # "^NS[0-9]+-HST$" = "whois.arin.net"; # # Catch ARIN netblock records # "^!?NET\\(BLK\\)?\\(-[A-Z0-9]+\\)+$" = "whois.arin.net"; # # Catch Verio netblock records # "^!?NET\\(BLK\\)?-VRIO\\(-[A-Z0-9]+\\)+$" = "rwhois.verio.net"; # # Catch Registro .BR ownerid records # "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+/[0-9]+-[0-9]+$" = "whois.nic.br"; # # Sub-TLA Assignments # see http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-tla-assignments # "^2001:0?[01][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.iana.org"; "^2001:0?[23][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.apnic.net"; "^2001:0?[45][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.arin.net"; "^2001:0?[67][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; "^2001:0?[89][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; "^2001:0?[AB][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; "^2001:0?[CD][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.apnic.net"; "^2001:0?[EF][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.apnic.net"; "^2001:1[23][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.lacnic.net"; "^2001:1[45][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; "^2001:1[67][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; "^2001:1[89][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.arin.net"; "^2001:1[AB][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; "^2001:1[CD][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; "^2001:1[EF][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; "^2001:2[A-F0-9][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; "^2001:3[A-B0-9][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; "^2001:4[01][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; "^2001:4[23][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.arin.net"; "^2001:4[45][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.apnic.net"; "^2001:4[67][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; "^2001:4[89][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.arin.net"; "^2001:4[AB][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; "^2001:4[CD][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; # ... "^2001:5[A-F0-9][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.ripe.net"; # ... "^2001:[89A][A-F0-9][A-F0-9][A-F0-9]:.+" = "whois.apnic.net"; # # Historical IPv6 catch-all # ".*:.*" = "whois.6bone.net"; # # If your host and network supports it, you can also specify IPv6 # addresses in the server field. # # ".*:.*" = "::1" # # # This is a special construct designed with the whois-servers.net # service in mind. If you use this, jwhois will query whois-servers.net # for which whois server to use for each domain query. # # default = "whois-servers"; # # Pseudo-ccTLDs must be listed above gTLDs # "\\.br\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.cn\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.de\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.eu\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.eu\\.org$" = "whois.eu.org"; "\\.gb\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.gb\\.net$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.hu\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.jpn\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.no\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.qc\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.ru\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.sa\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.se\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.se\\.net$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.uk\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.uk\\.net$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.us\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.uy\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.web\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.za\\.com$" = "whois.centralnic.net"; "\\.ac$" = "whois.nic.ac"; "\\.ae$" = "whois.uaenic.ae"; "\\.ag$" = "whois.nic.ag"; "\\.ai$" = "whois.offshore.ai"; "\\.al$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.am$" = "whois.amnic.net"; "\\.ar$" = "www.nic.ar"; "\\.as$" = "whois.nic.as"; "\\.at$" = "whois.nic.at"; "\\.asn\\.au$" = "whois.ausregistry.net.au"; "\\.com\\.au$" = "whois.ausregistry.net.au"; "\\.id\\.au$" = "whois.ausregistry.net.au"; "\\.net\\.au$" = "whois.ausregistry.net.au"; "\\.org\\.au$" = "whois.ausregistry.net.au"; "\\.au$" = "whois.aunic.net"; "\\.az$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.ba$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.be$" = "whois.dns.be"; "\\.bg$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.bi$" = "www.nic.bi"; "\\.biz$" = "whois.neulevel.biz"; "\\.bm$" = "rwhois.ibl.bm 4321"; "\\.br$" = "whois.nic.br"; "\\.bv$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.by$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.bz$" = "whois.belizenic.bz"; "\\.ca$" = "whois.cira.ca"; "\\.cc$" = "whois.nic.cc"; "\\.cg$" = "www.nic.cg"; "\\.ch$" = "whois.nic.ch"; "\\.ck$" = "whois.nic.ck"; "\\.cl$" = "whois.nic.cl"; "\\.edu\\.cn$" = "whois.edu.cn"; "\\.cn$" = "whois.cnnic.net.cn"; "\\.com$" { whois-server = "whois.internic.net"; query-format = "domain $*"; } "\\.coop$" = "whois.nic.coop"; "\\.cx$" = "whois.nic.cx"; "\\.cy$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.cz$" = "whois.nic.cz"; "\\.de$" = "www.denic.de"; "\\.dk$" = "whois.dk-hostmaster.dk"; "\\.do$" = "whois.nic.do"; "\\.dz$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.ec$" = "www.nic.ec"; "\\.edu$" = "whois.educause.net"; "\\.ee$" = "whois.eenet.ee"; "\\.eg$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.es$" = "www.nic.es"; "\\.fi$" = "whois.ficora.fi"; "\\.fj$" = "whois.usp.ac.fj"; "\\.fm$" = "www.dot.fm"; "\\.fo$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.fr$" = "whois.nic.fr"; "\\.gi$" = "whois.gibnet.gi"; "\\.gov$" = "whois.nic.gov"; "\\.gg$" = "whois.isles.net"; "\\.gm$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.gr$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.gs$" = "whois.adamsnames.tc"; "\\.gt$" = "www.gt"; "\\.hk$" = "whois.hkdnr.net.hk"; "\\.hm$" = "whois.registry.hm"; "\\.hr$" = "www.dns.hr"; "\\.hu$" = "whois.nic.hu"; "\\.id$" = "whois.idnic.net.id"; "\\.ie$" = "whois.domainregistry.ie"; "\\.il$" = "whois.isoc.org.il"; "\\.in$" = "whois.ncst.ernet.in"; "\\.info$" = "whois.afilias.info"; "\\.int$" = "whois.iana.org"; "\\.io$" = "www.io.io"; "\\.ir$" = "whois.nic.ir"; "\\.im$" = "www.nic.im"; "\\.is$" = "whois.isnic.is"; "\\.it$" = "whois.nic.it"; "\\.je$" = "whois.isles.net"; "\\.jp$" { whois-server = "whois.jprs.jp"; query-format = "$* /e"; } "\\.kg$" = "whois.domain.kg"; "\\.kr$" = "whois.krnic.net"; "\\.kz$" = "whois.nic.kz"; "\\.la$" = "whois.nic.la"; "\\.lb$" = "cgi.aub.edu.lb"; "\\.li$" = "whois.nic.li"; "\\.lk$" = "whois.nic.lk"; "\\.lt$" = "whois.domreg.lt"; "\\.lu$" = "whois.dns.lu"; "\\.lv$" = "whois.nic.lv"; "\\.ma$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.mil$" = "whois.nic.mil"; "\\.mk$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.mm$" = "whois.nic.mm"; "\\.ms$" = "whois.adamsnames.tc"; "\\.mt$" = "www.um.edu.mt"; "\\.museum$" = "whois.museum"; "\\.mw$" = "www.tarsus.net"; "\\.mx$" = "whois.nic.mx"; "\\.my$" = "whois.mynic.net"; "\\.na$" = "whois.na-nic.com.na"; "\\.name$" = "whois.nic.name"; "\\.net$" { whois-server = "whois.internic.net"; query-format = "domain $*"; } "\\.ng$" = "whois.rg.net"; "\\.nl$" = "whois.domain-registry.nl"; "\\.no$" = "whois.norid.no"; "\\.nu$" = "whois.nic.nu"; "\\.nz$" = "whois.srs.net.nz"; "\\.org$" = "whois.publicinterestregistry.net"; "\\.pe$" = "whois.nic.pe"; "\\.pk$" = "pknic.net.pk"; "\\.pl$" = "whois.dns.pl"; "\\.pro$" = "whois.nic.pro"; "\\.pt$" = "whois.dns.pt"; "\\.pw$" = "whois.nic.pw"; "\\.ro$" = "whois.rotld.ro"; "\\.ru$" = "whois.ripn.net"; "\\.rw$" = "www.nic.rw"; "\\.sa$" = "saudinic.net.sa"; "\\.se$" = "www.nic-se.se"; # "whois.nic-se.se"; "\\.sg$" = "whois.nic.net.sg"; "\\.sh$" = "whois.nic.sh"; "\\.si$" = "whois.arnes.si"; "\\.sj$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.sk$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.sm$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.sr$" = "whois.register.sr"; "\\.st$" = "whois.nic.st"; "\\.su$" = "whois.ripn.net"; "\\.tc$" = "whois.adamsnames.tc"; "\\.tf$" = "whois.adamsnames.tc"; "\\.tg$" = "www.nic.tg"; "\\.th$" = "whois.thnic.net"; "\\.tj$" = "whois.nic.tj"; "\\.tk$" = "whois.dot.tk"; "\\.tm$" = "whois.nic.tm"; "\\.tn$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.to$" = "whois.tonic.to"; "\\.tr$" = "whois.metu.edu.tr"; "\\.tt$" = "www.nic.tt"; "\\.tv$" = "whois.tv"; "\\.tw$" = "whois.twnic.net"; "\\.ua$" = "whois.com.ua"; "\\.ug$" = "whois.co.ug"; "\\.ac\\.uk$" = "whois.ja.net"; "\\.gov\\.uk$" = "whois.ja.net"; "\\.uk$" = "whois.nic.uk"; "\\.fed\\.us$" = "whois.nic.gov"; "\\.us$" = "whois.nic.us"; "\\.com\\.uy$" = "dns.antel.net.uy"; "\\.uy$" = "www.rau.edu.uy"; # is a whois server "\\.uz$" = "www.noc.uz"; "\\.va$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.ve$" = "rwhois.nic.ve 4321"; "\\.vi$" = "www.nic.vi"; "\\.vg$" = "whois.adamsnames.tc"; "\\.vn$" = "www.vnnic.net.vn"; "\\.vu$" = "www.vunic.vu"; "\\.ws$" = "whois.worldsite.ws"; "\\.yu$" = "whois.ripe.net"; "\\.ac\\.za$" = "whois.ac.za"; "\\.org\\.za$" = "rwhois.org.za 4321"; "\\.co\\.za$" = "whois.co.za"; # "\\.za$" = "whois.frd.ac.za"; # # Specify different port numbers to connect to by postfixing the IP # number or host with a space and the designated port. Default is to # use the whois port from /etc/services. # # ".*" = "whois.internic.net 666"; default { whois-server = "whois.internic.net"; # Make sure we only match on domain names query-format = "domain $*"; } } # # cidr-blocks contains a list of all known CIDR blocks assigned to # RIPE or APNIC. Default all queries to ARIN which has most other blocks. # # see http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space # cidr-blocks { type = cidr; # Note: JPNIC doesn't appear to publish lists of netblocks on their # website - this data was derived by searching for "Japan Network # Information Center" in the ARIN and APNIC databases. It may # not be complete. "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPANB-INET "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN2 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN2 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN2 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN2 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN2 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN2 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN2 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN2 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN2 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN-NET-1 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN-NET-1 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN-NET-1 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN-NET-1 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN-NET "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN-NET "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN-NET "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN-NET "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN-NET "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPANC-INET-BLOCK1 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPAN-INET-C "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NET-UTOKYO-CON1 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-KIT-BLOCK "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-KIT-BLOCK "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN ITC-JP2 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-KIT-BLOCK "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-KIT-BLOCK "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-KIT-BLOCK "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPANC-INET4 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPANC-INET4 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPANC-INET4 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # ARIN NETBLK-JAPANC-INET4 "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.or.kr"; "" = "whois.nic.or.kr"; "" = "whois.nic.or.kr"; "" = "whois.nic.or.kr"; "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; # APNIC JPNIC-NET-JP "" = "whois.nic.or.kr"; "" = "whois.nic.or.kr"; "" = "whois.nic.or.kr"; "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; "" = "whois.nic.ad.jp"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.lacnic.net"; "" = "whois.v6nic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.nic.br"; "" = "whois.nic.br"; "" = "whois.lacnic.net"; "" = "whois.lacnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.ripe.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; "" = "whois.apnic.net"; default = "whois.arin.net"; } # # Handles for the various registries. # handles { type = regex; "^!?NET\\(BLK\\)?\\(-[A-Z0-9]+\\)+$" = "whois.arin.net"; "^COCO-[0-9]+$" = "whois.corenic.net"; "^CORE-[0-9]+$" = "whois.corenic.net"; "^COHO-[0-9]+$" = "whois.corenic.net"; ".*-RIPE$" = "whois.ripe.net"; ".*-MNT$" = "whois.ripe.net"; ".*-ARIN$" = "whois.arin.net"; ".*-AP$" = "whois.apnic.net"; ".*-ORG$" = "whois.internic.net"; ".*-DOM$" = "whois.internic.net"; ".*-NORID$" = "whois.norid.no"; ".*-GANDI$" = "whois.gandi.net"; ".*-AU$" = "whois.aunic.net"; ".*-CKNIC" = "whois.nic.ck"; ".*-IDNIC$" = "whois.idnic.net.id"; ".*-KG$" = "whois.domain.kg"; ".*-NICAT$" = "whois.nic.at"; ".*-CZ$" = "whois.nic.cz"; ".*-NICIR$" = "whois.nic.ir"; ".*-UYNIC$" = "www.rau.edu.uy"; ".*-ITNIC$" = "whois.nic.it"; ".*-FRNIC$" = "whois.nic.fr"; ".*-LACNIC$" = "whois.lacnic.net"; ".*-DK$" = "whois.dk-hostmaster.dk"; ".*-SA$" { whois-server = "saudinic.net.sa"; query-format = "PERSON $*"; } } # # The server-options block defines a number of options specific for # each host. # server-options { "rwhois\\.nic\\.ve" { rwhois = true; rwhois-display = "dump"; rwhois-limit = 10; } "rwhois\\.exodus\\.net" { rwhois = true; } "whois\\.publicinterestregistry\\.net" { whois-redirect = ".*Whois Server:\\(.*\\)"; } ".*\\.internic\\.net" { # # This will match output from whois.internic.net. The # parenteses must be escaped and should enclose the hostname # to which to redirect the search. # whois-redirect = ".*Whois Server: \\(.*\\)"; } "whois\\.crsnic\\.net" { whois-redirect = ".*Whois Server: \\(.*\\)"; } "whois\\.apnic\\.net" { whois-redirect = ".*http://\\(whois\\.nic\\.or\\.kr\\)/"; whois-redirect = ".*at \\([Ww][Hh][Oo][Ii][Ss]\\.[A-Za-z]*\\.[Nn][Ee][Tt]\\)"; } "whois\\.arin\\.net" { # # Content redirection for whois.arin.net - allows redirection # of European and Asia-Pacific addresses to the appropriate # servers. # whois-redirect = ".*at \\([Ww][Hh][Oo][Ii][Ss]\\.[A-Za-z]*\\.[Nn][Ee][Tt]\\)"; whois-redirect = ".* \\([Rr]+[Ww][Hh][Oo][Ii][Ss]\\.[A-Za-z]*\\.[Nn][Ee][Tt]\\) \\([0-9]*\\)"; whois-redirect = ".* rwhois://\\(.*\\):\\([0-9]*\\)/"; } "whois\\.ncst\\.ernet\\.in" { # query-format defines how to format a whois query. # The special variable $* will be replaced by # the query as specified by the user. query-format = "domain $*"; } ".*\\.connect\\.com\\.au" { # # Referals from the net.au whois server. # whois-redirect = ".*referto: whois -h \\([^ ]*\\) -p \\([0-9]*\\)"; } "whois\\.co\\.za" { http = "true"; http-method = "GET"; http-action = "/cgi-bin/whois.sh"; form-element = "Domain"; # element } "www\\.nic-se\\.se" { http = "true"; http-method = "GET"; http-action = "/cgi-bin/whois/www-to-whois"; form-element = "domain"; } "www\\.nic\\.es" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/cgi-bin/consulta.whois"; form-element = "key"; form-extra = "list=Dominios&tipo=procesar"; # Other elements } "www\\.nic\\.tt" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/cgi-bin/search.pl"; form-element = "name"; } "www\\.um\\.edu\\.mt" { http = "true"; http-method = "GET"; http-action = "/cgi-bin/nic/whois"; form-element = "domain"; } "www\\.gt" { http = "true"; http-method = "GET"; http-action = "/cgi-bin/whois.cgi"; form-element = "domain"; } # This uses an advanced query using the query-format syntax. # query-format cannot be combined with form-element or form-extra. "www\\.dns\\.hr" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/asp/trazidomenu.asp"; query-format = "Upit=${+2}"; # All but last domain segment } "whois\\.offshore\\.ai" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/cgi-bin/whois.pl"; form-element = "domain-name"; } "www\\.io\\.io" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/cgi-bin/whois"; form-element = "W1"; } "www\\.nic\\.ec" { http = "true"; http-method = "GET"; http-action = "/consulta/whois.asp"; form-element = "dominio"; } "whois\\.gibnet\\.gi" { http = "true"; # At least, I can't connect on port 43 http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/"; form-element = "lookup"; } "www\\.nic\\.kz" { # whois.nic.kz exists but wasn't checkable http = "true"; http-method = "GET"; http-action = "/cgi-bin/whois"; form-element = "query"; } "www\\.nic\\.bi" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/cgi-bin/whoisbi.pl"; # Formatting problems in Lynx form-element = "DOMAINWHOIS"; } "www\\.nic\\.cg" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/cgi-bin/whoiscg.pl"; # Formatting problems in Lynx form-element = "DOMAINWHOIS"; } "www\\.nic\\.rw" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/cgi-bin/whoisrw.pl"; # Formatting problems in Lynx form-element = "DOMAINWHOIS"; } "www\\.tarsus\\.net" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/whois/NameSearch.asp"; form-element = "searchfor"; } "pknic\\.net\\.pk" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = ":443/cgi-bin/pknic-db/display.html"; form-element = "name"; } "www\\.noc\\.uz" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/whois.php4"; form-element = "dname"; } "www\\.nic\\.vi" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/whois.asp"; form-element = "text1"; } "www\\.vnnic\\.net\\.vn" { http = "true"; http-method = "GET"; http-action = "/dk_tenmien/jsp/whois/whoisdomain_detail.jsp"; form-element = "type"; } "dns\\.antel\\.net\\.uy" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/public-servlets/buscarDominio"; form-element = "nomReg"; } "www\\.nic\\.tg" { http = "true"; http-method = "GET"; http-action = "/moteur/info_dom.php"; form-element = "domaine"; } "cgi\\.aub\\.edu\\.lb" { http = "true"; http-method = "GET"; http-action = "/cgi-bin/lbdr.pl"; form-element = "cn"; } "www\\.vunic\\.vu" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/whois"; form-element = "whois"; } "whois\\.lacnic\\.net" { whois-redirect = ".*\\(whois.nic.br\\)"; whois-redirect = ".*\\(whois.registro.br\\)"; whois-redirect = ".* \\([Rr]+[Ww][Hh][Oo][Ii][Ss]\\.[A-Za-z]*\\.[Nn][Ee][Tt]\\) port \\([0-9]*\\)"; } "www\\.nic\\.im" { http = "true"; http-method = "GET"; http-action = "/scripts/imreg/domenq.asp"; form-element = "domain"; } "www\\.nic\\.ar" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/consultas/consdom.html"; form-element = "nombre"; } "www\\.denic\\.de" { http = "true"; http-method = "POST"; http-action = "/en/whois/data.jsp"; form-element = "domainname"; form-extra = "service=WhoisData&lang=en&submit=Accept"; } } # # The cache feature is used to provide a local cache with Whois information. # By default, the location of the database is /usr/local/var/jwhois.db and the # default expire time is 7 days, but you can change those below. # #cachefile = "/var/lib/jwhois.db"; # # This is the time after which an entry expires from the cache in hours. # #cacheexpire = 168; # # If you're using the whois-servers support, you can specify this option # to override the compiled in domain for that service. # #whois-servers-domain = "whois-servers.net"; # # Path to the browser to use for HTTP servers. # browser-pathname = "/usr/bin/lynx"; # # Command line argument to browser to get output on stdout. # browser-stdarg = "-dump"; # # Command line argument to browser to perform a POST operation. # Jwhois currently supports the format used by Lynx and W3M. # browser-postarg = "-post_data"; # # Select the method for which Jwhois sends POST data to the browser. # If post-as-file is false, Jwhois will send the data on stdin # terminated with three dashes on an empty line, i.e the format that # Lynx expects. # If post-as-file is true, Jwhois will create a temporary file with # the post data and send the file name after the browser-postarg # parameter, i.e the format that W3M expects. # post-as-file = "false"; # # To use w3m instead of Lynx, use this configuration: # # browser-pathname = "/usr/bin/w3m"; # browser-stdarg = "-dump"; # browser-postarg = "-post"; # post-as-file = "true"; #