********************************************************************* 1) webcamd requires the cuse4bsd(3) or cuse(3) kernel module, depending on how webcamd was compiled. Please load this dependency by doing: # FreeBSD < 11.x, package from ports # kldload cuse4bsd or # FreeBSD >= 11.x, part of default kernel build # kldload cuse or by adding cuse4bsd_load="YES" or cuse_load="YES" to your /boot/loader.conf. 2) add webcamd_enable="YES" to your /etc/rc.conf 3) Please restart devd to start webcamd # service devd restart 4) Optionally add a user to the "webcamd" group # pw groupmod webcamd -m 5) If webcamd still did not start, consult the installed webcamd rc.d script for more help and instructions on how to start webcamd. *********************************************************************