GKrellM plugin which shows weather info from the US National Weather

- Choose the location nearest to you by 4-letter METAR station
  identifier code. (http://www.nws.noaa.gov/oso/siteloc.shtml)
- Monitor temperature, dew point, pressure, relative humidity, sky
  condition, wind direction and speed
- Display using imperial units (degrees Fareheight, inches of
  Mercury, miles per hour)
- Display using metric units (degrees Celsius, millimeters of
  Mercury, kilometers per hour)
- Display pressure in kPa, hPa and mmHg
- Display wind speeds in kmph, mps and beaufort scale

WWW: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~flam/programs/gkrellweather.html
Author: Franky Lam <franky@frankylam.com>

- Peter van Heusden <pvh@egenetics.com>
- Patrick Li <pat@FreeBSD.org>