.TH assplog 8 "May 16, 2005" "" "ASSP" .SH NAME assplog \- display colorized ASSP log .SH SYNOPSIS assplog .SH DESCRIPTION .I assplog uses .B "tail -f" to monitor the ASSP Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy log and then displays logged messages using ANSI color sequences for easy reading. .PP The colors have the following meaning: .PP 1. Messages that were delivered .RS .TP White Sender was on whitelist (or was added to whitelist) .TP Green Message passed all checks and was delivered .RE .PP 2. Messages that were blocked .RS .TP Blue Recipient unknown (failed flat list or LDAP check) .TP Magenta Message failed any of the other checks .TP Red Message failed Bayesian spam check .RE .PP 3. Administrative messages .RS .TP Cyan Message to assp-{notspam,spam,white}@ address .TP Yellow Admin change from web interface .RE .PP Entries from the log are reformatted to a consistent format and classified with one of the following tags: .TP BA Bad attachement rejected .TP BL DNSBL check failed .TP BS Bayesian spam check failed .TP DL Message from unknown sender delayed, sender requested to retry later .TP HL Bad HELO greeting .TP IR Invalid recipient, failed LDAP or flat list test .TP LW Local or Whitelisted emails .TP MA Malformed RFC822 recipient address .TP NS assp-notspam@ report submission .TP Ok Email that fully passed all tests .TP RB Blocked Relay attempt .TP SP SPF check failed .TP WA+ Whitelist addition by local user .TP WL+ Whitelist addition of address CC'd in whitelisted email .TP SR assp-spam@ report submission .SH BUGS Note that .I assplog does not display anywhere near all the log messages; for a complete view of the log, use .B "tail -f" directly on the log file. .SH FILES .IP %%ASSP_HOME%%/maillog.txt location of ASSP log file .SH "SEE ALSO" .IR assp (8), .IR tail (1)