hTeXp, an implementation of TeX for hangul ========================================== hTeXp is a replacement of a TeX complier in the sense that hTeXp compiles a text file created by any text editor into a dvi file for further processing such as previewing or printing. There are many reasons using hTeXp but the most important one is that it handles hangul nicely. A non-localized version of TeX has serious problems in displaying hangul messages on a terminal screen and writing hangul textual information onto the auxiliary files such as log or index. hTeXp has solved such problems, therefore, the use of hTeXp is strongly recommanded when using hLaTeXp, a version of hangul LaTeX2e created by the same author. Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Jae Choon Cha. All Rights are reserved. -- Ports by CHOI Junho WWW: