*** config.h.orig	Wed Apr  5 18:21:19 1995
--- config.h	Fri May 24 02:06:52 2002
*** 387,395 ****
--- 387,397 ----
  /* BSD uses bcopy() instead of memcpy() */
+ /*
  #if BSD && !hpux
  # define memcpy(dest, src, siz)	bcopy(src, dest, siz)
+ */
  /* BSD uses getwd() instead of getcwd().  The arguments are a little different,
   * but we'll ignore that and hope for the best; adding arguments to the macro
*** 417,423 ****
  /******************* Names of files and environment vars **********************/
! #ifdef __386BSD__
  # define PRSVDIR	"/var/preserve"
  # define PRSVINDEX	"/var/preserve/Index"
  # define TMPDIR		"/var/tmp"
--- 419,425 ----
  /******************* Names of files and environment vars **********************/
! #if defined(__386BSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
  # define PRSVDIR	"/var/preserve"
  # define PRSVINDEX	"/var/preserve/Index"
  # define TMPDIR		"/var/tmp"