************************************************************ NOTE THAT THIS VERSION IS A VERY DEVELOPMENT RELEASE. First of all, never forget to read the documents located in /usr/local/share/doc/esecanna carefully. When and if you meet with any problem or strange behavior, please refer to the debug log stored in /var/log/esecannaserver.log or output to stderr if run by hand, and report it immediately to the author of esecanna, or the maintainer of the port. Thank you for understanding. * Using VJE-Delta 3.0 trial, esecannaserver will fail to * connect to vjed before once you run vje. Quick Setup: Run /usr/local/etc/rc.d/vjeesecannaserver.sh as root. Each user may want to configure the behavior by editing `~/.esecannarc', copied after `/usr/local/etc/esecannarc'. ************************************************************