# Ports collection makefile for: hspell # Date created: 03 Feb 2003 # Whom: Yonatan # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= hspell PORTVERSION= 0.5 CATEGORIES= hebrew MASTER_SITES= http://www.ivrix.org.il/projects/spell-checker/ MAINTAINER= yonatan@xpert.com COMMENT= Hebrew spellchecker and morphology engine USE_PERL5= yes MAN1= hspell.1 .if defined(NO_VERBOSE) ALL_TARGET=install_compressed PLIST_SUB+= NOVERB="" PLIST_SUB+= VERB="@comment " .else PLIST_SUB+= NOVERB="@comment " PLIST_SUB+= VERB="" pre-everything:: @${ECHO_CMD} "If you want a smaller, faster version where the -v" @${ECHO_CMD} "option is dysfunctional, stop now and use NO_VERBOSE." @sleep 3 .endif post-install: @${SED} -e "s:%%PORTSDIR%%:${PORTSDIR}:g" ${PKGMESSAGE} .include