# Created by: Wen Heping # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= liblas PORTVERSION= 1.8.1 PORTREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= devel MAINTAINER= wen@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Library For Reading And Writing LAS-Format Data LICENSE= BSD2CLAUSE LIB_DEPENDS= libboost_thread.so:devel/boost-libs \ libgeotiff.so:graphics/libgeotiff CONFLICTS= liblas12-1.2* PORTSCOUT= skipv:progress-20071229 USES= cmake compiler:c++11-lang libtool LDFLAGS+= -lpthread GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USE_LDCONFIG= yes USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= libLAS GH_PROJECT= ${GH_ACCOUNT} BROKEN_aarch64= Fails to compile: file liblas/detail/endian.hpp needs to be set up for your CPU type BROKEN_armv6= Fails to compile: file liblas/detail/endian.hpp needs to be set up for your CPU type .include