# New ports collection makefile for: drift # Date created: 13 August 2002 # Whom: Oliver Braun <obraun@informatik.unibw-muenchen.de> # # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= drift PORTVERSION= 2.0.r3 CATEGORIES= devel haskell MASTER_SITES= http://repetae.net/john/computer/haskell/DrIFT/ PKGNAMEPREFIX= hs- DISTNAME= DrIFT-${PORTVERSION:S/.r/rc/} MAINTAINER= obraun@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= A type sensitive preprocessor for Haskell .if !defined(WITH_GHC) BUILD_DEPENDS= nhc98:${PORTSDIR}/lang/nhc98 .else BUILD_DEPENDS= ghc:${PORTSDIR}/lang/ghc .endif HAS_CONFIGURE= yes .if !defined(WITH_GHC) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-hc=nhc98 .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-hc=ghc .endif .if !defined(WITH_GHC) pre-everything:: @${ECHO} "" @${ECHO} " DrIFT will be build with nhc98." @${ECHO} " Define WITH_GHC to build with ghc." @${ECHO} "" .endif .include <bsd.port.mk>