# New ports collection makefile for: treeline # Date created: Wed Jul 7 20:50:24 CEST 2004 # Whom: Tobias Roth # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= treeline PORTVERSION= 0.14.1 CATEGORIES= deskutils python MASTER_SITES= http://www.bellz.org/treeline/ \ http://depot.fsck.ch/mirror/distfiles/ EXTRACT_ONLY= ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} MAINTAINER= ports@fsck.ch COMMENT= TreeLine is a structured information storage program BUILD_DEPENDS= pyuic:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-qt RUN_DEPENDS= ${BUILD_DEPENDS} OPTIONS= ASPELL "install with aspell support" off \ ISPELL "install with ispell support" off \ PYXML "use pythons py-xml instead of textproc/expat2" on \ HTTPLOAD "install httpLoad plugin" off WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/TreeLine USE_QT_VER= 3 USE_PYTHON= 2.3+ NO_BUILD= yes .include .if defined(WITH_ASPELL) BUILD_DEPENDS+= aspell:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/aspell .endif .if defined(WITH_ISPELL) BUILD_DEPENDS+= ispell:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/ispell .endif .if defined(WITHOUT_PYXML) LIB_DEPENDS+= expat.6:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/expat2 .endif .if defined(WITH_HTTPLOAD) DISTFILES+= ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} httpload.py PLIST_SUB+= HTTPLOAD="" .else PLIST_SUB+= HTTPLOAD="@comment " .endif do-install: @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${PYTHON_CMD} install.py \ -p ${PREFIX} -d ${DOCSDIR} -i ${DATADIR}/icons -x .if defined(WITH_HTTPLOAD) @${INSTALL_DATA} ${DISTDIR}/httpload.py ${PREFIX}/lib/${PORTNAME}/plugins/ .endif post-install: ${RM} ${DOCSDIR}/INSTALL ${DOCSDIR}/LICENSE .if defined(NOPORTDOCS) ${RM} ${DOCSDIR}/* ${RMDIR} ${DOCSDIR} .endif .include