snooper - serial line snooping tool
	The tool is for snooping communication between two devices
	that communicate with RS232C serial line.

Machine configuration
	There are 3 machines/modems to take part in the configuration.
	We will denote those machines as follows:
		partyA		a computer 
		partyB		computer/modem/digi-cam/whatever
		console		The computer you are using to snoop
				the communication between A and B.

	Say, you would like to snoop the following configuration.
		partyA ---cableAB--- partyB
	In that case you should connect "console" between partyA and
	cableAB, as follows:
		partyA ---cableX--- console ---cableAB--- party B
	cableX must be cross-cable (a cable to connect two computers).

Command-line options
	% snooper [-options] dev0 dev1
		-bBAUD	specifies baud rate.
		-u	don't use uucp locking (questionable option)
		dev0	name of serial device 0.
		dev1	name of serial device 1.