/* sndio backend for FluidSynth - A Software Synthesizer * * Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Meuser * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* fluid_sndio.c * * Driver for the sndio audio access library */ #include "fluid_synth.h" #include "fluid_adriver.h" #include "fluid_midi.h" #include "fluid_mdriver.h" #include "fluid_settings.h" #if SNDIO_SUPPORT #include #include #include #include #include /** fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t * * This structure should not be accessed directly. Use audio port * functions instead. */ typedef struct { fluid_audio_driver_t driver; fluid_synth_t* synth; fluid_audio_callback_t read; void* buffer; pthread_t thread; int cont; struct sio_hdl *hdl; struct sio_par par; int buffer_size; int buffer_byte_size; fluid_audio_func_t callback; void* data; float* buffers[2]; } fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t; typedef struct { fluid_midi_driver_t driver; struct mio_hdl *hdl; pthread_t thread; int status; fluid_midi_parser_t *parser; } fluid_sndio_midi_driver_t; int delete_fluid_sndio_audio_driver(fluid_audio_driver_t* p); /* local utilities */ static void* fluid_sndio_audio_run(void* d); static void* fluid_sndio_audio_run2(void* d); void fluid_sndio_audio_driver_settings(fluid_settings_t* settings) { fluid_settings_register_str(settings, "audio.sndio.device", "default", 0, NULL, NULL); } /* * new_fluid_sndio_audio_driver */ fluid_audio_driver_t* new_fluid_sndio_audio_driver(fluid_settings_t* settings, fluid_synth_t* synth) { fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t* dev = NULL; double sample_rate; int periods, period_size; char* devname; pthread_attr_t attr; int err; dev = FLUID_NEW(fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t); if (dev == NULL) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Out of memory"); return NULL; } FLUID_MEMSET(dev, 0, sizeof(fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t)); fluid_settings_getint(settings, "audio.periods", &periods); fluid_settings_getint(settings, "audio.period-size", &period_size); fluid_settings_getnum(settings, "synth.sample-rate", &sample_rate); dev->hdl = NULL; dev->synth = synth; dev->callback = NULL; dev->data = NULL; dev->cont = 1; if (!fluid_settings_getstr(settings, "audio.sndio.device", &devname)) { devname = NULL; } dev->hdl = sio_open(devname, SIO_PLAY, 0); if (dev->hdl == NULL) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "sndio could not be opened for writing"); goto error_recovery; } sio_initpar(&dev->par); if (fluid_settings_str_equal(settings, "audio.sample-format", "16bits")) { dev->par.bits = 16; dev->par.le = SIO_LE_NATIVE; dev->read = fluid_synth_write_s16; } else { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Unknown sample format"); goto error_recovery; } dev->par.appbufsz = period_size * periods; dev->par.round = period_size; dev->par.pchan = 2; dev->par.rate = sample_rate; if (!sio_setpar(dev->hdl, &dev->par)) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Couldn't set sndio audio parameters"); goto error_recovery; } if (!sio_getpar(dev->hdl, &dev->par)) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Couldn't get sndio audio parameters"); goto error_recovery; } else if (dev->par.pchan != 2 || dev->par.rate != sample_rate || dev->par.bits != 16) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Couldn't set sndio audio parameters as desired"); goto error_recovery; } dev->buffer_size = dev->par.round; dev->buffer_byte_size = dev->par.round * dev->par.bps * dev->par.pchan; dev->buffer = FLUID_MALLOC(dev->buffer_byte_size); if (dev->buffer == NULL) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Out of memory"); goto error_recovery; } if (!sio_start(dev->hdl)) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Couldn't start sndio"); goto error_recovery; } if (pthread_attr_init(&attr)) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Couldn't initialize audio thread attributes"); goto error_recovery; } err = pthread_create(&dev->thread, &attr, fluid_sndio_audio_run, (void*) dev); if (err) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Couldn't create audio thread"); goto error_recovery; } return (fluid_audio_driver_t*) dev; error_recovery: delete_fluid_sndio_audio_driver((fluid_audio_driver_t*) dev); return NULL; } fluid_audio_driver_t* new_fluid_sndio_audio_driver2(fluid_settings_t* settings, fluid_audio_func_t func, void* data) { fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t* dev = NULL; double sample_rate; int periods, period_size; char* devname; pthread_attr_t attr; int err; dev = FLUID_NEW(fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t); if (dev == NULL) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Out of memory"); return NULL; } FLUID_MEMSET(dev, 0, sizeof(fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t)); fluid_settings_getint(settings, "audio.periods", &periods); fluid_settings_getint(settings, "audio.period-size", &period_size); fluid_settings_getnum(settings, "synth.sample-rate", &sample_rate); dev->hdl = NULL; dev->synth = NULL; dev->read = NULL; dev->callback = func; dev->data = data; dev->cont = 1; if (!fluid_settings_getstr(settings, "audio.sndio.device", &devname)) { devname = NULL; } dev->hdl = sio_open(devname, SIO_PLAY, 0); if (dev->hdl == NULL) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "sndio could not be opened for writing"); goto error_recovery; } sio_initpar(&dev->par); dev->par.appbufsz = period_size * periods; dev->par.round = period_size; dev->par.bits = 16; dev->par.le = SIO_LE_NATIVE; dev->par.pchan = 2; dev->par.rate = sample_rate; if (!sio_setpar(dev->hdl, &dev->par)){ FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Can't configure sndio parameters"); goto error_recovery; } if (!sio_getpar(dev->hdl, &dev->par)) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Couldn't get sndio audio parameters"); goto error_recovery; } else if (dev->par.pchan != 2 || dev->par.rate != sample_rate || dev->par.bits != 16) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Couldn't set sndio audio parameters as desired"); goto error_recovery; } dev->buffer_size = dev->par.round; dev->buffer_byte_size = dev->par.round * dev->par.bps * dev->par.pchan; /* allocate the buffers. FIXME!!! don't use interleaved samples */ dev->buffer = FLUID_MALLOC(dev->buffer_byte_size); if (dev->buffer == NULL) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Out of memory"); goto error_recovery; } dev->buffers[0] = FLUID_ARRAY(float, dev->buffer_size); dev->buffers[1] = FLUID_ARRAY(float, dev->buffer_size); if ((dev->buffer == NULL) || (dev->buffers[0] == NULL) || (dev->buffers[1] == NULL)) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Out of memory"); goto error_recovery; } if (!sio_start(dev->hdl)) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Couldn't start sndio"); goto error_recovery; } if (pthread_attr_init(&attr)) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Couldn't initialize audio thread attributes"); goto error_recovery; } err = pthread_create(&dev->thread, &attr, fluid_sndio_audio_run2, (void*) dev); if (err) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Couldn't create audio2 thread"); goto error_recovery; } return (fluid_audio_driver_t*) dev; error_recovery: delete_fluid_sndio_audio_driver((fluid_audio_driver_t*) dev); return NULL; } /* * delete_fluid_sndio_audio_driver */ int delete_fluid_sndio_audio_driver(fluid_audio_driver_t* p) { fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t* dev = (fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t*) p; if (dev == NULL) { return FLUID_OK; } dev->cont = 0; if (dev->thread) { if (pthread_join(dev->thread, NULL)) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Failed to join the audio thread"); return FLUID_FAILED; } } if (dev->hdl) { sio_close(dev->hdl); } if (dev->buffer != NULL) { FLUID_FREE(dev->buffer); } FLUID_FREE(dev); return FLUID_OK; } /* * fluid_sndio_audio_run */ void* fluid_sndio_audio_run(void* d) { fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t* dev = (fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t*) d; fluid_synth_t* synth = dev->synth; void* buffer = dev->buffer; int len = dev->buffer_size; /* it's as simple as that: */ while (dev->cont) { dev->read (synth, len, buffer, 0, 2, buffer, 1, 2); sio_write (dev->hdl, buffer, dev->buffer_byte_size); } FLUID_LOG(FLUID_DBG, "Audio thread finished"); pthread_exit(NULL); return 0; /* not reached */ } /* * fluid_sndio_audio_run */ void* fluid_sndio_audio_run2(void* d) { fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t* dev = (fluid_sndio_audio_driver_t*) d; short* buffer = (short*) dev->buffer; float* left = dev->buffers[0]; float* right = dev->buffers[1]; int buffer_size = dev->buffer_size; int dither_index = 0; FLUID_LOG(FLUID_DBG, "Audio thread running"); /* it's as simple as that: */ while (dev->cont) { (*dev->callback)(dev->data, buffer_size, 0, NULL, 2, dev->buffers); fluid_synth_dither_s16 (&dither_index, buffer_size, left, right, buffer, 0, 2, buffer, 1, 2); sio_write (dev->hdl, buffer, dev->buffer_byte_size); } FLUID_LOG(FLUID_DBG, "Audio thread finished"); pthread_exit(NULL); return 0; /* not reached */ } void fluid_sndio_midi_driver_settings(fluid_settings_t* settings) { fluid_settings_register_str(settings, "midi.sndio.device", "default", 0, NULL, NULL); } int delete_fluid_sndio_midi_driver(fluid_midi_driver_t *addr) { int err; fluid_sndio_midi_driver_t *dev = (fluid_sndio_midi_driver_t *)addr; if (dev == NULL) { return FLUID_OK; } dev->status = FLUID_MIDI_DONE; /* cancel the thread and wait for it before cleaning up */ if (dev->thread) { err = pthread_cancel(dev->thread); if (err) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Failed to cancel the midi thread"); return FLUID_FAILED; } if (pthread_join(dev->thread, NULL)) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Failed to join the midi thread"); return FLUID_FAILED; } } if (dev->hdl != NULL) { mio_close(dev->hdl); } if (dev->parser != NULL) { delete_fluid_midi_parser(dev->parser); } FLUID_FREE(dev); return FLUID_OK; } void * fluid_sndio_midi_run(void *addr) { int n, i; fluid_midi_event_t* evt; fluid_sndio_midi_driver_t *dev = (fluid_sndio_midi_driver_t *)addr; #define MIDI_BUFLEN (3125 / 10) unsigned char buffer[MIDI_BUFLEN]; /* make sure the other threads can cancel this thread any time */ if (pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL)) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Failed to set the cancel state of the midi thread"); pthread_exit(NULL); } if (pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL)) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Failed to set the cancel state of the midi thread"); pthread_exit(NULL); } /* go into a loop until someone tells us to stop */ dev->status = FLUID_MIDI_LISTENING; while (dev->status == FLUID_MIDI_LISTENING) { /* read new data */ n = mio_read(dev->hdl, buffer, MIDI_BUFLEN); if (n == 0 && mio_eof(dev->hdl)) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Failed to read the midi input"); dev->status = FLUID_MIDI_DONE; } /* let the parser convert the data into events */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { evt = fluid_midi_parser_parse(dev->parser, buffer[i]); if (evt != NULL) { /* send the event to the next link in the chain */ (*dev->driver.handler)(dev->driver.data, evt); } } } pthread_exit(NULL); } int fluid_sndio_midi_driver_status(fluid_midi_driver_t *addr) { fluid_sndio_midi_driver_t *dev = (fluid_sndio_midi_driver_t *)addr; return dev->status; } fluid_midi_driver_t * new_fluid_sndio_midi_driver(fluid_settings_t *settings, handle_midi_event_func_t handler, void *data) { int err; fluid_sndio_midi_driver_t *dev; char *device; /* not much use doing anything */ if (handler == NULL) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Invalid argument"); return NULL; } /* allocate the device */ dev = FLUID_NEW(fluid_sndio_midi_driver_t); if (dev == NULL) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Out of memory"); return NULL; } FLUID_MEMSET(dev, 0, sizeof(fluid_sndio_midi_driver_t)); dev->hdl = NULL; dev->driver.handler = handler; dev->driver.data = data; /* allocate one event to store the input data */ dev->parser = new_fluid_midi_parser(); if (dev->parser == NULL) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Out of memory"); goto error_recovery; } /* get the device name. if none is specified, use the default device. */ if (!fluid_settings_getstr(settings, "midi.sndio.device", &device)) { device = NULL; } /* open the default hardware device. only use midi in. */ dev->hdl = mio_open(device, MIO_IN, 0); if (dev->hdl == NULL) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Couldn't open sndio midi device"); goto error_recovery; } dev->status = FLUID_MIDI_READY; err = pthread_create(&dev->thread, NULL, fluid_sndio_midi_run, (void *)dev); if (err) { FLUID_LOG(FLUID_PANIC, "Couldn't create the midi thread."); goto error_recovery; } return (fluid_midi_driver_t *) dev; error_recovery: delete_fluid_sndio_midi_driver((fluid_midi_driver_t *)dev); return NULL; } #endif /*#if SNDIO_SUPPORT */