the Z Object Publishing Environment. Squishdot is somewhat modelled on
slashdot; it's a 'weblog'. It powers things like http://technocrat.net/
and http://news.gnome.org/.
This is the first Zope product in a port, so this might be interesting.
There are 214 Zope products listed on http://zope.org/Products
Recipe for 'Instant Squishdot':
Simply type 'make install' in the squishdot port, and put 'Include
etc/apache/httpd.conf.Zope-Change' at the end of your httpd.conf,
restart apache, start zope from rc.d/zope.sh, and go to
http://localhost/Zope/manage, add a user, then log in as that user, and
add a Squishdot page. Click on the 'view' button at the top.
Instant Squishdot.