| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
| |
port will be used.
| |
| |
| |
Abbreviate paths in MASTER_SITES, to improve readability. Remove
ftp.rediris.es because many files are missing from it.
| |
| |
Obtained from: http://www.alltheweb.com/search?advanced=1&cat=ftp
| |
PR: 38196
Submitted by: hrs
| |
Greymagic's Mozilla Disk Explorer (http://sec.greymagic.com/adv/gm001-ns/)
which demonstrates a security bug. The demo does not work with
6.2.3. I am assuming that the zlib double free() bug, if it existed,
may have been addressed, so I am removing the FORBIDDEN line.
I didn't bother to update the generated files for this release,
since the old ones seem to work fine.
Add hitherto forgotten PKGNAMEPREFIX so the English, French, German
and Japanese versions may all be installed without conflicting.
| |
(the English port was already updated, because Netscape released
that binary before releasing the others).
Install Netscape in a different directory for each different language.
The startup command is now called netscape6english, netscape6french,
and so on, rather than just netscape6. Because of this, I set
PORTREVISION for the English version.
| |
earlier JREs.
Reported by: Kris Anderson <tempest@12-225-141-159.client.attbi.com>
Approved by: Tumbling Duke applet
| |
| |
There has been no announcement regarding zlib in Netscape 6.
| |
German and Japanese ones remain at 6.2.1.
Bump PORTREVISION for those, because of change to startup script.
| |
Submitted by: nhibma
PR: 36280
| |
| |
fenner's survey and checked manually).
| |
| |
can have different maintainers.
| |
- introduce NETSCAPE6_LANG
- only set CATEGORIES and DISTFILES if they are not yet defined
Submitted by: Thomas E. Zander <riggs@hadiko.de>
| |
Install the psm and xpcom components if and only if the browser
component is to be installed.
Describe the talkback component.
| |
| |
Allow batch builds, with all components selected by default (myself).
Respect WRKDIRPREFIX and set IS_INTERACTIVE (Simon Schubert
Allow packages to be built, but warn that they should not be
Add checksum target, copied from bsd.port.mk. I modified it to
only check files which exist.
PR: 34518 and 35239
| |
Submitted by: Trevor Johnson <trevor@jpj.net>
| |
the ECHO macro is set to "echo" by default, but it is set to "true" if
make(1) is invoked with the -s option while ECHO_CMD is always set to
the echo command.
| |
exist yet.
Submitted by: distfile survey
| |
the Java plugin was installed in the wrong directory. Bump
PORTREVISION in case this bit anyone else.
Noticed and tested by: Mike Harding <mvh@ix.netcom.com>
| |
mod_php4 ports.
| |
| |
| |
Submitted by: pat
| |
| |
Update description. Note restrictions caused by presence of Sun
Java plugin. Bump PORTREVISION.
Approved by: Duke
| |
# Date created: 8 April 2000
# Whom: sada@FreeBSD.org
# $FreeBSD: ports/www/linux-netscape6/Makefile,v 1.37 2001/11/13 21:52:15 trevor Exp $
PORTNAME= linux-netscape
CATEGORIES= www linux
MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.bu.edu/pub/mirrors/ftp.netscape.com/pub/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.cica.es/pub6/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.ciril.fr/pub2/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/net/www/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.cuhk.edu.hk/.3/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.darenet.dk/mirrors/ftp2.netscape.com/pub/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.dei.uc.pt/.raid0/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.fh-brandenburg.de/pub/Infosystems/Netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/unix/network/www/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.hu-berlin.de/pub/www/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/pub/soft/infosystems/www/clients/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/net/Netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.kmitl.ac.th/pub/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.loxinfo.co.th/netscape/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.nsysu.edu.tw/Netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/mirrors/ftp.netscape.com/pub/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.spin.ad.jp/pub/WWW/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/www/Netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.uit.no/pub/www/Netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.uni-bielefeld.de/pub/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.uni-c.dk/mirrors/ftp2.netscape.com/pub/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.uni-magdeburg.de/pub/mirror/ftp.netscape.com/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.uni-tuebingen.de/pub/mirrors/ftp.netscape.com/pub/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.uniovi.es/pub/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.unipi.it/pub/mirror/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.uniroma2.it/%7bC/Netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.upc.es/mirror/Netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.upc.es/pub/Netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.ut.ee/pub/WWW/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://sunsite.sut.ac.jp/pub/archives/WWW/netscape/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
ftp://ftp.mirror.ac.uk/sites/ftp.netscape.com/pub/netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}/unix/linux22/xpi/ \
DISTFILES= browser.xpi \
deflenus.xpi \
langenus.xpi \
flash.xpi \
jre.xpi \
langenus.xpi \
mail.xpi \
psm.xpi \
regca.xpi \
reges.xpi \
reggb.xpi \
regus.xpi \
spellchecker.xpi \
talkback.xpi \
DIST_SUBDIR= netscape6/english/${PORTVERSION}
PATCHFILES= linux-netscape6-${PORTVERSION}-generated-files-v2.tar.gz
MAINTAINER= trevor@FreeBSD.org
BUILD_DEPENDS= unzip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unzip
RUN_DEPENDS= ${LINUX_BASE}/lib/ld.so:${PORTSDIR}/emulators/linux_base \
${LINUX_BASE}/usr/lib/libgtk-1.2.so.0.5.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/linux-gtk \
LATEST_LINK= linux-netscape6
LINUX_BASE= /compat/linux
RESTRICTED= "license for Java plugin allows `internal use only'"
WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/netscape-installer/xpi
INSTALL_DIR= ${PREFIX}/lib/linux-netscape6
PLIST= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-plist
STARTUP_CMD= netscape6
.for i in ${DISTFILES}
unzip -qo ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${i} -d ${WRKSRC}
${MV} ${WRKSRC}/jre-image-i386 ${WRKSRC}/bin/plugins/java2
cd ${WRKSRC}/bin/plugins && ${LN} -s java2/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so;
${TOUCH} ${TOUCH_FLAGS} ${WRKSRC}/bin/chrome/user-skins.rdf ${WRKSRC}/bin/chrome/user-locales.rdf
${CP} -p ${FILESDIR}/*rdf ${WRKSRC}/bin/chrome
# - kldload linux
# ${SETENV} $DISPLAY="NONE" ${WRKSRC}/bin/netscape file:///dev/null
# @${ECHO} \"Factory not found\" and \"cannot open display\" errors here are normal.
${SED} -e "s;%%INSTALL_DIR%%;${INSTALL_DIR};g" \
cd ${WRKSRC}/bin; for i in `find * \! -type d | sort`; do \
${ECHO} lib/linux-netscape6/$${i} >> ${PLIST}; \
cd ${WRKSRC}/plugins; for i in `find * \! -type d | sort`; do \
${ECHO} lib/linux-netscape6/plugins/$${i} >> ${PLIST}; \
cd ${WRKSRC}/bin; \
for i in `find -d * -type d`; do \
${ECHO} @dirrm lib/linux-netscape6/$${i} >> ${PLIST}; \
${ECHO} @dirrm lib/linux-netscape6 >> ${PLIST}
${CP} -Rp ${WRKSRC}/bin/* ${WRKSRC}/plugins ${INSTALL_DIR}
.include <bsd.port.mk>
| |
| |
Submitted by: knu
| |
| |
| |
| |
According to Bennett Samowich <brs@ben-tech.com> on the Bugtraq
list, this version "does not allow access to privileged ports"
whereas the earlier ones do. I have not tested this claim. If
true, the change should lessen harm from the HTML form protocol
attack described at http://www.remote.org/jochen/sec/hfpa/ .
Mark broken, because the menus no longer display correctly.
Mention the AIM port. Don't mention the release notes, since they
seem to be unmaintained.
Touch up FTP list.
| |
| |
plugins do not work.
reported by: Thiago Lucas <thiago@matrix.com.br>,
Georges Chenard <gc@mail.dotcom.fr>,
Jonathan Belson <jon@witchspace.com>
| |
Submitted by: ben
| |
| |
and xpti.dat files, use pre-generated copies of those files. This
should make the build more reliable.
| |
download or try to set up the JRE.
Since linux.ko may not be loaded (reported by Brian Dean,
<bsd@bsdhome.com>), try to load it.
Change master sites to ones with the .xpi files (obtained from FAST
FTP Search).
| |
dependency on archivers/unzip. Thanks to Kevin Lo for reporting
both problems. Also, reassure users about a harmless error.
| |
distfile indicates neither the revision nor the language (there
are French and Japanese versions too, and all the distfiles have
the same name). Take out a debugging echo.
| |
| |
| |
Submitted by: Mohit Aron <aron@cs.rice.edu>